Manual of Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools 2013 PDF
Manual of Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools 2013 PDF
Manual of Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools 2013 PDF
under Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology. It functions independently, and has a
eleven member board with representatives from government sector, industry sector and non-
governmental organizations. National Rural & Renewable Energy Programme (NRREP) of AEPC
is promoting Nepali hydropower schemes up to 1000kW.
Version 2013.08
Hydropower Project in 1990 and as a design engineer in 60MW Khimti Hydropower Project in
1992, Mr. Pushpa Chitrakar has been providing his professional services to bigger, small and
micro hydropower project implementation phases from policy formulation to implementation
and operation in Nepal and abroad.
He has served for about one decade in Butwal Power Company, half a decade for Small
Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP/GTZ), about four years in the United Nations (UNHABITAT)
in Afghanistan, about two years in JICA/Afghanistan, three years in Hydro Solutions P Ltd. Apart
from his responsibilities as a hydropower consultant and developer, he has been involved in
sharing his valuable time in enhancing micro hydropower sector.
He had graduated his Bachelors’ Degree in Civil Engineering from the Institute of Engineering
Pulchowk Campus (1990), his Masters’ Degree in Hydropower Development from Institute
of Science and Technology (NTNU) Norway (1999) and his Masters’ Degree in Business
Administration from Tribhuban University (1999).
In contrast to the well-known hydropower specialists, Mr. Chitrakar is differently known as the
specialist equipped with skills and knowledge of ground reality in hydropower sector.
Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools is the first of its own kind shareware software for
designing micro and mini hydropower projects in Nepal and abroad.
His other famous works include “Micro Hydropower Design Aids” (2006, SHPP/GTZ Nepal)”,
“Engineering Surveying and Discharge Measurement Tools (2008, UNHABITAT Afghanistan),
“Gravity Water Supply Design Tools (2009, UNHABITAT Afghanistan), etc.
He is currently serving as the Board Member and CEO of the under construction 18MW upper
Solu Hydropower project, the CEO of Angel Engineering Consultancy P. Ltd., the GM of Hydro
Solutions Engineering Consultancy P. Ltd. and part time internation consultant for JICA/Tokyo
and GiZ/Germany.
Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC)
Nepal Micro Hydropower Development Association (NMHDA)
Kathmandu, Nepal
January 2014
9 789937 275446
AEPC/NMHDA Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Version 2013.08
Pushpa Chitrakar
Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Published by:
Nepal Micro Hydropower Development Association (NMHDA)
31 Shahid Shukra Marg (way to FNCCI) Teku, Kathmandu, Nepal
GPO Box: 8975 EPC 5155
Tel: (977 01) 4230678; 01 4231024
Fax: (977 01) 01 4231024
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Mr. Pushpa Chitrakar
Water Resources Expert
Email: [email protected]
Printed at:
Hisi Offset Printers P. Ltd.
Jamal, Kathmandu, Nepal
This Edition:
January 2014
1000 copies
NRs. 500.00 (for Nepal and SAARC countries)
US$ 25 (for other countries)
ISBN: 978-9937-2-7544-6
Copy right:
All right of Updated Micro/Mini Hydropower Design Tools reserved to Micro Hydropower Development
Association (NMHDA) and the Author. Reproduction, adaptation or translation of those programs and
drawings without prior written permission of NMHDA or the Author is prohibited.
Updated Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) is a shareware and can also be
downloaded from Permission is granted to any individual or institution
to use, copy, or redistribute this Design Tools so long as it is not sold for profit.
Nepal Micro Hydropower Development Association (NMHDA) and/or the Author shall not be liable for
any errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance,
or use of this manual or the examples herein.
AEPC/NMHDA Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
AEPC/NMHDA Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
AEPC/NMHDA Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
AEPC/NMHDA Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
AEPC/NMHDA Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
List of Figures
Figure 1.1: A typical Micro Hydro Settling Basin Figure 4.6: Discharge calculations by salt dilution
Drawing ..................................................................... 5 method .................................................................... 37
Figure 1.2: A typical Small Hydro Settling Basin Figure 5.1: Area velocity method............................. 38
Drawing ..................................................................... 5 Figure 5.2: An example of discharge calculation by
Figure 1.3: Iterative process ...................................... 7 revolution based current meter .............................. 40
Figure 1.4: Activation of iteration in Excel 2013 (MS Figure 5.3: An example of discharge calculation by
or File => Excel Option =>Formulas) ......................... 8 velocity based current meter ................................... 41
Figure 1.5: Enabling macros in MS Excel (MS Office Figure 6.1: Stadia tacheometry concept .................. 43
or File =>Excel Options=> Trust Centre=>Trust Figure 6.2: Stadia method ....................................... 43
Center Settings..=>Macro Settings) .......................... 8
Figure 6.3: Recommended vertical plane ................ 44
Figure 1.6: Cell formula incorporated in a cell note. . 8
Figure 6.4: Electronic Tacheometry method ........... 44
Figure 1.7: A cell for Manning’s n for different
surfaces ..................................................................... 9 Figure 6.5: Cartesian coordinates system ............... 45
Figure 1.8: Colour coding of cell texts ....................... 9 Figure 6.6: Polar coordinate system ........................ 45
Figure 1.9: Different categories of inputs ................. 9 Figure 7.1: Waypoints, tracks & routes ................... 46
Figure 1.10: Different categories of inputs. ............ 10 Figure 7.2: Segments of GPS ................................... 47
Figure 1.11: Typical interactive diagram of Bottom Figure 7.3: Satellite Segment .................................. 47
Intake ..................................................................... 10 Figure 7.4: GPS receivers ......................................... 47
Figure 1.12: Design Tools Menu and Toolbar .......... 11 Figure 7.5: GPS working principles ......................... 48
Figure 2.1: Hydrological Data and MHP .................. 19 Figure 7.6: GPS map projection: Space Oblique
Figure 2.2: MIP Regions .......................................... 20 Mercator Projection ................................................ 49
Figure 2.3: MIP model ............................................. 21 Figure 7.7: GPS signal errors ................................... 49
Figure 2.4: Need of interpolation for calculating Figure 7.8: Kay Functions of Etrex Vista Cx ............ 51
mean monthly coefficient ........................................ 21 Figure 7.9: Main Pages of ETrex Vista Cx ................ 51
Figure 2.5: Effect of interpolation on mean monthly Figure 7.10: Interfacing Software main page screen
flows ........................................................................ 22 for Etrex vista Cx receiver (Yakawlang, Bamyan,
Figure 2.6: Monsoon Wetness Index Isolines Afghanistan) ........................................................... 52
of Nepal ................................................................... 22 Figure 7.11: Garmin GPS data of 20MW Lower Modi
Figure 2.7: Catchment Areas and Isohydel lines ..... 23 HEP inserted into Google Earth. ............................. 53
Figure 2.8: Hydest Model ........................................ 24 Figure 7.12: GPS Data processing spreadsheet ....... 54
Figure 2.9: Flow chart of Hydrology spreadsheet.... 25 Figure 7.13: AutoCAD Plot of GPS points................ 54
Figure 2.10: Hydrological estimation by Figure 8.1: Schematic illustration of a basic level ... 55
“Hydrology” ............................................................. 28 Figure 8.2: Leveling at site ...................................... 55
Figure 4.1: Hach sensION 5 and HANNA HI 933000 Figure 8.3: Level Data reduction spreadsheet ......... 57
conductivity meters ................................................ 31 Figure 8.4: Script commands ................................... 57
Figure 4.2: Flow measurement using conductivity Figure 8.5: Plotting for level reduction results by
meter ....................................................................... 32 scrip commands....................................................... 58
Figure 4.3: Effective Area under Curve.................... 33 Figure 9.1: Traversing by angle & distances ............ 59
Figure 4.4: Graph of conductivity over time (Based Figure 9.2: Open and Closed Traverses ................... 59
on data from Table 4.3) ........................................... 34
Figure 9.3: Securing traverse stations .................... 61
Figure 4.5: Graph of conductivity over time (Based
on data from Table 4.4) ........................................... 35 Figure 9.4: A cited closed traverse ........................... 61
AEPC/NMHDA Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Figure 9.5: Exterior and Interior angles .................. 61 Figure 14.1: Optimization of Penstock Diameter for
Figure 9.6: Distribution of vertical mis-closure ...... 62 the highest NPV ...................................................... 98
Figure 9.7: Included angle and bearing ................... 62 Figure 14.2: “Penstock optimization”
Spreadsheet ........................................................... 100
Figure 9.8: Angular and linear mis-closures ............ 64
Figure 15.1: Flow diagram of penstock design ...... 102
Figure 9.9: Open traverse main sheet ..................... 65
Figure 15.2: Penstock and power calculations ...... 103
Figure 9.10: Open traverse AutoCAD scrip file........ 66
Figure 16.1: Output of anchor block force calculation
Figure 9.11: Open traverse AutoCAD drawing ........ 66 spreadsheet. .......................................................... 108
Figure 9.12: Closed traverse main sheet ................. 67 Figure 17.1: Typical Anchor Block ......................... 109
Figure 9.13: Closed traverse script file .................... 67 Figure 17.2: Anchor Block force diagram .............. 110
Figure 9.14: Closed traverse AutoCAD drawing ...... 67 Figure 17.3: Anchor Block force diagram .............. 111
Figure 9.15: Summary of manual calculations of Figure 18.1: Typical mini hydropower turbines .... 112
closed traverse......................................................... 68
Figure 18.2: Typical Pelton turbines ..................... 113
Figure 9.16: Main page of Traverse Point
spreadsheet ............................................................. 69 Figure 18.3: Typical Crossflow turbines ................ 113
Figure 9.17: Script file of TraversePoint Figure 18.4: Typical Francis Turbine dimensions . 114
spreadsheet ............................................................. 70 Figure 18.5: A typical Pelton turbine example using
Figure 9.18: Plot of TraversePoint spreadsheet ...... 70 Power based standard specific formula. ................ 116
Figure 10.1: Trashrack parameters ......................... 74 Figure 18.6: A typical Crossflow turbine example. 117
Figure 10.2: Flow chart for trashrack calculations .. 75 Figure 18.7: A typical Francis turbine example ..... 118
Figure 10.3: Side intake parameters ....................... 75 Figure 19.1: Load governing system...................... 119
Figure 10.4: Flow chart for side intake calculations 76 Figure 19.2: Electrical components of a
60kW MHP ............................................................ 123
Figure 10.5: An example of side intake calculations 77
Figure 19.3: Electrical components of a 20kW MHP
Figure 10.6: Parameters and flow chart of drop with induction generator ...................................... 124
intake design ........................................................... 78
Figure 20.1: Layout of MachineFoundation
Figure 10.7: An example of drop intake .................. 80 Spreadsheet ........................................................... 127
Figure 11.1: Loading at Normal and Flood Figure 21.1: Flow chart of transmission and
Conditions .............................................................. 81 distribution line computation. .............................. 129
Figure 11.2: Resultant (R) location at base ............ 82 Figure 21.2: Transmission line and load used for the
Figure 11.3: Sliding Stability ................................... 82 example ................................................................. 129
Figure 11.4: Bearing Stability.................................. 82 Figure 21.3: Typical example of a low voltage
Figure 11.5: Weir Stability Calculation Procedures. 83 transmission line................................................... 131
Figure 11.6: Concrete dam considered in Figure 22.1: Flow chart of the load and benefits
the Example............................................................. 83 calculation spreadsheet. ........................................ 132
Figure 11.7: “Weir” Spreadsheet ............................. 85 Figure 22.2: Load duration charts ........................ 133
Figure 12.1: Flow chart for canal design ................. 88 Figure 22.3: An example of load and benefits
calculation ............................................................. 134
Figure 12.2: An example of canal design. ................ 89
Figure 23.1: Flow chart for Project costing and
Figure 12.3: Flow chart for pipe design ................... 90 financial analyses .................................................. 136
Figure 12.4: An example of headrace pipe design ... 91 Figure 23.2: A typical example of project costing and
Figure 13.1: Typical section of a settling basin ....... 92 financial analyses .................................................. 138
Figure 13.2: An ideal setting basin .......................... 93 Figure 24.1: A typical example of uniform depth
Figure 13.3: Flushing pipe details .......................... 94 calculation of a Rectangular section ...................... 139
Figure 13.4: Typical example of a settling basin with Figure 24.2: A typical example EMI calculation .... 140
spilling and gated flushing ...................................... 97 Figure 24.3: Generated Schedule of EMI
calculation ............................................................. 140
Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Figure 24.4: Spillway Length Calculation .............. 141 Figure 24.8: Critical Depth calculation.................. 143
Figure 24.5: Friction Factor and Net Head Figure 24.9: Submergence Head calculation ......... 144
Calculation ............................................................ 141 Figure 24.10: Surge Height calculation ................. 144
Figure 24.6: Voltage Drop Calculation .................. 142 Figure 24.11: Trashrack Sizing .............................. 145
Figure 24.7: Generated Schedule of Figure 24.12: Headloss in a Pressurized Box
EMI calculation ..................................................... 143 Culvert................................................................... 145
List of Tables
Table 1.1: Summary of Micro Hydropower Table 8.1: Distribution of Errors ............................. 56
Drawings ................................................................... 3 Table 8.2: Level field data of an open loop .............. 56
Table 1.2: Summary of 100kW Midim Mini Table 9.1: Summary of internal angles .................... 62
Hydropower Drawings .............................................. 4
Table 9.2: Precision in Engineering Surveying ........ 64
Table 1.3: Summary of Small Hydropower Drawings 4
Table 10.1: Drop intake and upstream flow ............ 78
Table 1.4: Summary of Spreadsheets ........................ 6
Table 11.1: Stability Criteria for a Gravity Dam...... 81
Table 2.1: MIP regional monthly coefficients .......... 20
Table 13.1: Settling diameter, trap efficiency and
Table 2.2: Mean monsoon precipitation computation gross head ............................................................... 93
at Intake ................................................................. 23
Table 16.1: Summary of forces .............................. 106
Table 2.3: Prediction coefficients for long term
average monthly flows ............................................ 24 Table 18.1: Turbine Selection Criteria .................. 112
Table 2.4: Standard normal variants for floods ...... 24 Table 18.2: Turbine specifications (for micro and
mini hydropower turbines) ................................... 114
Table 4.1: Typical Conductivity Graphs................... 33
Table 18.3: Turbine type vs. Power based Specific
Table 4.2: Input parameters for Salt speed ns (metric Hp units) ranges ........................ 115
Dilution Method ...................................................... 34
Table 18.4: Turbine type vs. Flow based Specific
Table 4.3: First set conductivity reading for Salt speed ns ranges adeopted by AEPC ........................ 115
Dilution Method (Example) .................................... 34
Table 19.1: Selection of Generator Type ............... 120
Table 4.4: Conductivity readings for calibrating ..... 34
Table 19.2: Generator rating factors ..................... 120
Table 6.1: Linear distance, relative accuracy
and Uses .................................................................. 42 Table 21.1: ASCR specifications............................. 128
Table 6.2: Summary of formulae used in Stadia ...... 43 Table 21.2: Rated current and voltage drop
calculation ............................................................. 128
Table 6.3: Summary of formulae used in electronic
tacheometry ............................................................ 43 Table 23.1: Summary of Subsidy as per AEPC
Renewable Energy Subsidy Policy, 2069................ 135
Table 6.4: Equipment and markings for site survey 45
Table 7.1: AutoCAD Scrip File (copied from
spreadsheet) ............................................................ 54
AEPC/NMHDA Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
1. Introduction
1.1 General
This set of Micro/Mini-hydropower1 Survey and Design The Design Tools consist of a set of typical drawings, a
Tools is the updated version of the Mini-hydropower workbook with thirty typical spreadsheets and a users’
Design Tools published in August 2006. It consists of a manual for procedural guidance. This set of design Tools
complete set typical AutoCAD drawings, typical Microsoft also covers all aspects recommended by AEPC’s prevailing
Excel spreadsheets and a users’ manual recommended guidelines for its subsidized micro and mini hydropower
adequate for micro and mini hydropower feasibility levels. schemes. The Design Tools provide guidelines for users
Although the earlier version was especially prepared for to estimate engineering surveying and hydrological
Nepal and officially recommended by the Alternative parameters; design civil, mechanical and electrical
Energy promotion Centre (AEPC) of the Government of components and analyze financial robustness of the
Nepal2 for its subsidized micro-hydropower schemes in prospective micro and mini hydropower schemes in
Nepal up to 100kW, these design tools were also used in Nepal. Procedural guidelines, detailed step by step
micro, mini and small hydropower projects in more than calculations and guidelines for using the presented
two dozen countries. This version of the design tools spreadsheets are presented in this users’ manual. A copy
are expected to be used by more stakeholders in more of this manual in Acrobat PDF file format is included
countries and in bigger hydropower project designs. in the bundled CD. The Design Tools are distributed in
template/read-only formats so that the original copy is
The Micro/Mini-hydropower Survey and Design Tools always preserved even when the users modify them.
are prepared to provide a basis for consultants to
undertake calculations and prepare drawings as per The Design Tools were originally prepared for micro
the requirements set aside by the procedural guidelines hydropower schemes up to 100kW. Since there are many
of AEPC-NRREP of the Government of Nepal. Since common approaches and features in all hydropower
most of the stakeholders are familiar with Autodesk projects, these spreadsheets are modified to suit mini
AutoCAD (2006 or later) and Microsoft Excel (2010 and small hydropower design requirements as well. The
or later) application software, the Design Tools were spreadsheet on Hydrology is intended for Nepali micro
prepared based on these software to make them simple hydropower schemes only. Other spreadsheets are
and user friendly. During the preparation of these intended to serve micro and mini-hydropower schemes
Design Tools, special efforts were made so that the outside Nepal too (refer to Table 1.3).
skills and knowledge of practicing stakeholders such as
consultants, manufacturers and inspectors are further Preparation and use of the Design Tools is a continuous
enhanced by the use of these Design Tools. process. AEPC/NRREP, NMHDA and, of course, the
Author, have been continuously assisting in enhancing
This set of the Design Tools is an updated version of the Design Tools and this update (version 2013.08) is
the previous design Tools and suitable for designing the outcome of their integrated efforts in hydropower
micro, mini and small hydropower schemes. Update, sector development in Nepal and abroad. As always,
addition and publication of the design tools are the valuable suggestions and feedbacks are expected from all
symbols of continuous assistance and support to the the stakeholders/users so that the overall quality of the
Nepali hydropower sector by AEPC and Nepal Micro hydro sector is enhanced. Any suggestion and feedback
Hydropower Development Association (NMHDA)3. can directly be sent to [email protected].
1. In Nepal, hydropower projects up to 100kW are termed as micro hydropower projects. Projects 100kW to 1000kW are termed as mini
hydropower projects. 1000kW to 10,000kW are termed as small hydropower projects. Beyond this, they are termed as large hydro-
power projects.
2. Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) is a Nepal Government organization established to promote alternative sources of
energy in Nepali rural areas. National Rural & Renewable Energy Programme (NRREP) of AEPC is promoting Nepali hydropower
schemes up to 1000kW.
3. Nepal Micro Hydropower Development Association was established, in 1992, and has been providing its services in promoting micro
hydropower projects mainly in Nepal. This organization dedicated to serve the nation with micro hydropower technology, skill and
expertise, has been providing its supports formulating policies, plans and programmes to concerned agencies.
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
1.2 Objectives of the Design Tools 1.4 Design Tools: Typical Micro
and mini hydro Drawings
The main objective of the Survey and Design Tools is to
enhance the quality of the micro and mini hydropower As stated earlier, seventeen micro-hydropower related
sector in Nepal. Use of these Design Tools helps fulfilling AutoCad drawings were prepared and incorporated in the
the main objective because: Design Tools in AEPC format. The presented drawings
cover from intake to transmission line. Since they are
1. The Design Tools function as a set of “Time Saver Kit” only typical drawings, additions of drawings and the level
for precision and speed (e.g. hydrological calculations of details may be changed to fulfill specific needs of a
based on exact flow measurement date, Q flood off- particular project. The level of consistency, compatibility
take, friction factor of penstock pipes, etc.). and the extent of information in the drawings are
2. They provide relevant references to micro and mini complete and appropriate for micro hydropower plants
hydro sector stakeholders for using and upgrading and all the concerned stakeholders should be able to
their skills and creativities. Useful information is understand and implement the presented content. The
incorporated within the design Tools so that external main features of the presented drawings are:
references are minimized. Cell notes, tables, figures,
etc., in the spreadsheets and information in this 1. These drawings are recommended only for micro-
manual are some of the examples that will greatly hydro schemes.
reduce external references. 2. Minimum required details such as plans and adequate
3. The depth of the study and presented reports by cross sections are provided.
different consultants are uniform and their data 3. Recommended values of elements such as the
presentations are consistent and to the required minimum thickness of a stone masonry wall,
depth. the longitudinal slope of a settling basin, etc, are
4. The Design Tools serve as templates so that presented in the drawings.
there is sufficient room for further creativity and 4. Standard line types and symbols are presented.
improvement and tailoring to include specific needs 5. Basic drawing elements such as a title box with
of particular projects. adequate information and controlling signatories;
5. In addition, the Design Tools are handy and user scale; etc are presented.
friendly. The user familiar AutoCad and MS Excel 6. All drawings with standard layouts for printing.
software platforms have been used to develop the
Design Tools. The dimensions and geometries of the presented
drawings should be amended according to the project
1.3 Sources of the Design Tools details. A set of all the drawings are presented in the
appendix. For an example, a typical drawing of a settling
The Design Tools were prepared aiming to enhance basin is presented in Figure 1.1. The MHP drawings that
the overall quality of the micro and mini hydro sector. are presented are listed in Table 1.1.
Reviews of following sources were carried out during the
preparation of the Design Tools: A total of 13 selected typical drawings of 100kW Midim
Khola Mini Hydropower Project Detailed Feasibility
1. Updated AEPC micro hydropower guidelines Study carried out by Universal Consultancy Services
and standards for Peltric and micro-hydropower P Ltd, as presented in Table 1.3, are also presented for
schemes. references.
2. Review, assessment and appraisal of more than 500
feasibility study reports in Nepal and more than 500 1.5 Design Tools: Typical Mini/
reports elsewhere like in Afghanistan. small hydro Drawings
6. Feedbacks from all stakeholders such as Independent
power producers (IPPs), lending agencies, GiZ A total of fifteen selected typical drawings of an actual
(formally GTZ), AEPC, NMHDA, Consultants, feasibility study of a 1500kW Lipin Small Hydropower
Manufacturers and Installers. Project, Sindhupalchowk District, Central Nepal are
7. Experience from other micro, small and large enclosed in the CD. The difference between the levels of
hydropower projects within Nepal and abroad. details of micro and small hydropower drawings are quite
8. Standard textbooks, guidelines and other standards. noticeable. A typical settling basin drawing is presented
in Figure 1.2. All the presented drawings listed in Table
1.3 are recommended for mini and small hydropower
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
1.6 Design Tools: Spreadsheets Background information and main features of the
presented spreadsheets are:
As stated earlier, MS Excel 2010 has been used to
develop the presented thirty spreadsheets. General as 1.6.1 Flow chart notations
well as special features of Excel have been utilized while
developing the spreadsheets. There are sixteen main Standard flow chart notations are used to describe
spreadsheets each covering a tool required for covering program execution flows. Following notations are mostly
computations for an element of hydropower schemes. used:
The “Utility” spreadsheets presented at the end of the
workbook covers minor calculations such as uniform
depth of water in a canal, loan payback calculations, etc. Start and End
The list of the presented spreadsheets and their areas of
coverage are presented in Table 1.4.
The MS Excel workbook containing all the stated
worksheets have been saved in the new Macro Enabled
MS Excel file (Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Processing formulas and output
Tools.xlsm). Saving this file in ordinary .xls file in Excel
2010 or later will remove all macros and Visual Basic
for Application procedures and functions leading the Processing and output from other sub routine
spreadsheet mal-functioning.
Design of anchor blocks and saddles are site and project Conditional branching
specific. The presented anchor block spreadsheets are
based on two-dimensional calculations and are useful for
penstock aligned in straight lines without any horizontal Flow direction
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
To make to the best use of these spreadsheets, minimum spreadsheet “Conductivity”. The objective of linking
knowledge of background information and main features such common inputs is to have consistent input with
of Microsoft Excel is mandatory. Although excel has minimal user effort. Some of the other processed data
many salient features, some of the basic features that such as the design discharge or flood discharge are also
were mostly used while preparing and using them are: linked by default. However, the users may change these
values for specific calculations i.e., the spreadsheets can
1.6.2 Iterative Processes also be used as individual spreadsheets for independent
calculations that are not linked to a single project. It is
The spreadsheets are designed to save tedious and long
recommended to save an extra copy of the workbook
iterative/repetitive calculations. Manual repetitive
before manipulating such linked cell so that the saved
processes are the main source errors and are also
copy can be used as a workbook with linked spreadsheets
time consuming factors. A typical repetitive process is
for a single project.
presented in Figure 1.3.
1.6.6 User specific inputs
1.6.5 Individual vs. linked spreadsheets A REF# error in transmission line computation occurs
due to the deletion of unnecessary rows in a branch. In
By default, common inputs such as the project name, such an instance, copy the second cell from the second
etc., in all the spreadsheets are linked to the first design line of any branch.
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Figure 1.4: Activation of iteration in Excel 2013 (MS or File => Excel Option =>Formulas)
Figure 1.5: Enabling macros in MS Excel (MS Office or File =>Excel Options=> Trust Centre=>Trust
Center Settings..=>Macro Settings)
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
1.6.10 Cell Text Conventions Figure 1.8: Colour coding of cell texts
Three different colour codes are used to distinguish three 1.6.11 Types of inputs
different cell categories. A typical example of colour
coding of cells is presented in Figure 1.8. The colours and According to the nature of inputs, the inputs are further
categories of these cells are: categorized into the following three groups:
1. User or project specific inputs: The input variables
Blue cells: These cells represent mandatory input cells. that totally depend on the user and or the project are
These cells are project dependant cells and project categorized as the user or project specific inputs. The
related actual inputs are expected in these cells for programs do not restrict on or validate the values of
correct outputs. The mandatory input includes the name such inputs. The name and gross head of the project
of project, head, discharge, etc. Some of these cells are are some of the examples that fall on this category.
linked. The velocity through orifice (Vo) in the example
presented in Figure 1.9 can have any value hence it is
Red cells: These cells are optional input cells. Standard a user specific input.
values are presented in these cells. Values in this type of
cells can be amended provided that there are adequate
sufficient grounds to do so. It is worth noting that care
should be taken while changing these values. Typical
optional values / inputs are the density of sediment,
sediment swelling factor, temperature of water, etc.
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
2. Prescribed Input: Some of the inputs have some Some inputs such as the name of the month, MIP
standard values for standard conditions. The hydrological region and dates in Hydrology spreadsheet
programs list using such values and give choices for can have specific values in their respective cells. Since
the user to select. However, the programs do not the outcome of the computation will be erroneous if
restrict on or validate such variables. These inputs are the input data does not match with the desired values,
termed as prescribed inputs. For example in Figure the spreadsheets are designed to reject such an invalid
1.9, with the help of a pull-down menu, Manning’s value and flag an error message with suggestions. This
coefficients for different types of surfaces are listed example is demonstrated in Figure 1.10.
for selection. This will greatly reduce the need for
referring external references. However, any specific 1.6.13 Interactive Diagrams
values for specific need can be entered into this type
of cells. Most of the design spreadsheets are equipped with
dynamically linked interactive diagrams which change
Mandatory Input: Some inputs can only have specific according to the changes in the design parameters. A
values and the programs need to validate such values typical example of an interactive diagram for a side
for proper computations. These values are termed as intake is presented in Figure 1.11. Interactive diagrams
mandatory inputs. Since Nepal is divided into seven MIP are provided for the following designs:
regions, the value for a MIP region can have an integer
ranging from 1 to 7 only. In the example presented in 1. Side Intake.
Figure 1.10, the MIP region can have values from 1 to 7. 2. Bottom Intake.
In case the user enters different values (for example 8 as 3. Settling Basin.
presented in the figure), the program generates an error 4. Anchor Block.
prompting for the correct input of 1 to 7. The proper 5. Machine Foundation and
value between 1 and 7 can be entered after clicking 6. Headrace Canals, etc.,
“Retry” button.
HFL = 2358.05
Trashrack 2.532
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Salient features
Salient Features: Upper Mai C Hydroelectric Project
Name of the Project Upper Mai C Hydroelectric Project
Category of the Project New
Developer Mai Valley HP P Ltd
Name of the River Mai Khola
Type of Scheme Run-of-the-river
Project Location Mabu VDC, & Sulubung VDC
District Ilam
Zone Mechi
Development Region Eastern
Project Boundary Latitutes 270 31’ 17” N to 270 32’ 55” N
Project Boundary Longitudes 860 35’ 19” E to 860 34’ 27” E
Intake Coordinates 270 31’ 17” N, to 860 35’ 19” N, 1900 m
Powerhouse Coordinates 270 31’ 17” N, to 860 35’ 19” N, 1840 m
Main Load Center Coordinates 270 31’ 17” N, to 860 35’ 19” N, 1900 m
Nearest Town Mabu
Access Earthen Road and Foot Trails
Gross Head (m) 161.8
Net Head @ Q = 12 m /s (m) 156.006
Design Discharge (l/s) 600
Installed Capacity (kW) 521
Consultant EHS
Area Class A
Households 3000
Households (disadvantaged category) 200
Catchment Area (km2) 80.000
Catchment Area below 5000m (km2) 70.000
Catchment Area below 3000m (km2) 5.000
Catchment Area below 2000m (km2) 2.000
Basin Perimeter (m) 36.000
Highest Elevation (Number) (m) 5200.000
Monsoon Wetness Index (MWI) 1600
Average Annual Precipitation (mm) 1400
Design 100 yrs Flood Discharge (DHM/UP) (m3/s) 54.521
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Gravel Trap
Type Surface
Settling Criteria 90% >=2mm
Number of Basin 1
Gravel Trap Size (L x W x D) 18m x 4.5m x 1.401m
Spillway Length (m) 7.38
Size of Flushing canal (WxD) 1m x 0.401m @ 1:25
Settling Basin
Type Conventional
Settling Criteria 90% >=0.2mm
Number of Units 2
Settling Basins Size (L x W x D) 18.2m x 2.5m x 2.061m
Spillway Length (m) 6.109
Size of Flushing canal (W x D) 1m x 0.299m @ 1:50
Headrace Canal
Type of lining Stone masonry
Dimension (W x D) 2m x 2.5m
Length (m) 974
Type Conventional
Settling Criteria 90% >=0.5mm
Number of Units 1
Forebay Size (L x W x D) 11.6m x 2.5m x 1.853m
Spillway Length (m) 7.376
Size of Flushing canal (W x D) 1m x 0.299m @ 1:50
Live Storage capacity (sec) 54
Type Subsurface ad Surface
Material Mild Steel
Length (m) 111.5
Diameters (mm) 500
No of Branches near Turbine 3
Thicknesses (mm) 6 mm - 3 mm
Number of Anchor / Thrust blocks 9
Number of Expansion joints 7
Location Loding Dobhan, Tamakhani V.D.C
Type Semi-Surface
Dimension (L x W x H) 13 m x 8 m x 5 m
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Tailrace Canal
Type Rectangular
Size (W x D) 1.0 m x 1.0 m
Length (m) 15
Type Pelton
Number of Units 3
Efficiency 90.00%
Speed rpm 600
Rated output (kW) 3 x 260.179
Power Factor 0.8
Speed rpm 1200
Efficiency 95.00%
Rating (kVA) 3 x 200
Number of Poles 4
Frequency (Hz) 50
Rated Voltage (V) 400
Type 3-Phase, ONAN Cooled
Efficiency 99.00%
Rating (kVA) 600
Frequency (Hz) 50
Transmission Line
Transmission Voltage (kV) 11
Length (km) 2
Connection Point Ramite substation
Distribution Line
Distribution Voltage (V) 400/230
Length (km) 4/3.5
Financial Indicators
Project Life (years) 30
Project Cost w/o financing 143,719,564
Project Cost w/ financing 147,349,498
Construction Period (Yr) 2
Annual Operation, Maintenance and other Costs (Rs) 545,000
Annual Income without probable business loads (Rs) 4,140,000
Annual Income with probable business loads (Rs) 5,458,800
Subsidy (Rs) 115,120,000
Total Capitalized Loan (Rs) 28,329,498
Equity (Rs) 3,900,000
Total Capitalized Project Cost (Rs) 147,349,498
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Return on Equity
EIRR 16.88%
NPV 12,094,907
B/C Ratio / Profitability Index 4.29
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AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
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AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Figure 2.3 represents a flow chart of the MIP model for These mean monthly flows are calculated as:
calculating mean monthly flows based on a set of low Mean Coefficient for this month by interpolation if the
flow measurement. As shown in the figure, this model date is not on 15th
takes low flow measurement, its date and MIP region April coeff = 1/coeff this month (interpolated)
number as inputs and processes them for estimating April flow = April coeff * Q
mean monthly flows for that point on the catchment Monthly flows = April flow * coeffs (Qi = QApril * Ci)
area. As stated earlier, the actual measurement date
plays an important role in computing more realistic The importance of considering actual date of
mean monthly flows. This critical factor is often ignored measurement and the need of calculating actual mean
by micro-hydropower Consultants resulting in highly monthly flows are further explained in Figure 2.4. The
unlikely flow estimation. measured flow is 54 l/s and the project lies in region 3.
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
The corrected flows for April are 45.38 l/s, 54 l/s and 2.4 WECS/DHM (Hydest) Method:
37.5 l/s corresponding to the measurement dates as Hydrological Estimatation
April 1, 15 and 30 respectively. This important factor is
incorporated in the spreadsheet. The WECS/DHM (Hydest) Method, which is also
known as “Methodologies for estimating hydrologic
The fact that the mean monthly coefficient calculation characteristics of un-gauged locations in Nepal”, was
plays a major role in AEPC acceptance criteria is developed by WECS/DHM in 1990. Long term flow
illustrated further by the following example. records of DHM stations (33 for floods and 44 for
low flows) were used to derive various hydrological
Measured flow (m3/s): 1 parameters such as the monsoon wetness index (June-
MIP region (1 -7): 3 September precipitation in mm). The entire country is
Area of basin below 3000m elevation A3000 (km ): 65 considered as a single homogenous region. This method
Turbine discharge (m3/s): 1.173 generally estimates reliable results if the basin area is
Water losses due to evaporation/flushing (%): 15% more than 100 km2 or if the project does not lie within
Siwalik or Tarai regions.
Figure 2.5 is the graphical representation of the
outcome of the MIP method. Interpolated MIP flows Mean monthly flows, annual, 20-year and 100-year
corresponding to the measurement dates of April 1, 15 floods and flow duration curve based on Hydest method
and 30 are presented. The design flow exceeds 11 months are presented in the spreadsheet. It is recommended to
and fulfils AEPC criteria if it is measured on April 15th. use instantaneous floods of 20-year return period while
However, the design flow exceeds only 10 months and designing Nepali micro hydro intake structures up to
does not meet AEPC criteria if it is measured on either 20kW. In case of bigger hydropower projects more than
1st or 30th of April. 20kW, it is recommended that the headworks structures
should be able to bypass 100-year instantaneous flood.
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
1-A pr
15-A pr
30-A pr
Q diverted
Discharge (m 3/s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Following input parameters are required for estimating 2. Catchment Areas: From available topographic
hydrological parameters in Hydest method: maps, find out total (ATotal), below 5000m (A5000A)
and below 3000m (A3000A for flood flows) catchment
1. Monsoon Wetness Index (MWI): Estimate areas in square kilometers. A typical figure for
average monsoon wetness index (MWI) using Figure catchment area calculations is presented in Figure
2.6 or similar figures or data. Average monsoon 2.7. Alternatively, these areas can easily be found out
wetness index for a particular headworks point is by using GIS software and GIS data of Nepal.
the summation of average monsoon contour indices
times the catchment area within these contour
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Menchel Khola 1850
Ankhu Khola 1950
Lapa khola
Area below 3000m 2250
Hahan khola
Intake 2350
Gaseli Khola
Aphal khola 2550
Power house 2600
2.4.1 Estimation of long term mean above snowline. The 2-year and 100-year flood can be
monthly flows calculated using the following equations:
1. Long term mean monthly flows: By inserting input Q2 daily = 0.8154 x (A3000A +1) 0.9527
coefficients from Table 2.3 and other inputs in the Q2 inst = 1.8767 x (A3000A +1)0.8783
following equation, long term mean monthly flows Q100 daily =4.144 x (A3000A +1)0.8448
of the specific months in m3/s can be estimated: Q100 inst = 14.630 x (A3000A +1)0.7342
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Table 2.3: Prediction coefficients for long term average monthly flows
Power, Area of basin Power, Area of basin below Power of Monsoon
Month Constant coefficient, C
(km2), A1 5000 m +1 (km2), A2 Wetness Index, A3
January 0.01423 0 0.9777 0
February 0.01219 0 0.9766 0
March 0.009988 0 0.9948 0
April 0.007974 0 1.0435 0
May 0.008434 0 1.0898 0
June 0.006943 0.9968 0 0.2610
July 0.02123 0 1.0093 0.2523
August 0.02548 0 0.9963 0.2620
September 0.01677 0 0.9894 0.2878
October 0.009724 0 0.9880 0.2508
November 0.001760 0.9605 0 0.3910
December 0.001485 0.9536 0 0.3607
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
2.5 General Recommendations project with an installed capacity of more than 2MW,
the design flows should not exceed 40% probability
General recommendations on estimating hydrological of exceedance. For projects less than or equal to
parameters for hydropower projects in Nepal are 1MW, the design flows are estimated by optimizing
summarised as: project installed capacities.
1. Discharge measurement at the proposed intake site 6. Construction of flood wall against annual flood is
should be between November and April. recommended if the design flow exceeds 100 l/s.
2. The recommended discharge measurement methods 2.6 Program Briefing & Examples
for different discharges are:
As per the standards and guidelines, the presented
Method Discharge (l/s) spreadsheet is designed to compute MIP mean monthly
flows and exceedance of the design flow, Hydest floods
Bucket collection <10
and design discharges for different components of
Weir 10-30
a hydropower scheme. For simplicity, the program
Salt dilution >30
considers 30 days a month for all the months. The
Current Meter >100 flow chart for the proposed hydrological calculations is
presented in Figure 2.9.
3. Since MIP method utilizes actual measured flow data,
mean monthly flows should be computed by using 2.6.1 Example 2.1: Estimation of
this method. Alternatively, HYDEST method may be Hydrological Parameters
used for catchment area equal to or more than 100
km2. A typical example of the spreadsheet including
inputs and outputs are presented in Figure 2.10. The
4. The design flow for AEPC subsidized micro considered project is 55kW Chhotya Khola Micro-
hydropower projects should be available at least 11 Hydropower Project in Dhading. The information
months in a year (i.e., the probability of exceedance required for computations such as the MIP regions
should be 11 months or more). The design flow and the corresponding coefficients are presented in
corresponding to the installed capacity (Qd) should the spreadsheet. The project lies in MIP region 3. The
not be more than 85% of the 11-month exceedance measured discharge of 80 l/s on March 23 shows that the
flow. Loses and environmental releases should also project is proposed to utilize a small stream. Although
be considered if it exceeds 15% of the 11-month the floods are not critical to the project, they are
exceedance. There is a provision of ±10% tolerance calculated for sizing floodwall and other structures. The
on Qd at the time of commissioning a scheme. design discharge of 80 l/s has a probability of exceedance
of 10 months only and hence does not qualify AEPC
5. The design flow for other projects should be based on acceptance criteria. For AEPC to qualify this project, the
the prudent practices of the stakeholders and project turbine design discharge should not exceed 73.389 l/s.
optimization. For example for a small hydropower The detailed calculations are:
Start Q designed
Q diverted
Project name, location, Q losses
river, Qd, % losses Q release
Q available
Q measured, MIP Q exceedance
date measured, Q monthly of selected Q
MIP region
Hydest Monthly
Catchment areas Monthly flows Hdrograph Q
MWI Flow duration curve FDC
Flood flows Floods
Measured flows
Figure 2.9: Flow chart of Hydrology spreadsheet
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Since the measured date of March 23 lies in between March 15th and April 15th,
K March = 1.38
K April = 1.00
Other mean monthly discharges are calculated similar to the discharge calculation for the month of May.
Hydest flows:
Long term mean monthly flow for the month of January is calculated using the following equation:
Hydest method gives flow exceedance corresponding to 0%, 5%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 95% and 100% calculated
using the equations above. For example Q 5% is calculated by using following equation:
Flood Flows
Q2 daily = 0.8154 x (A3000 +1) 0.9527 = 0.8154 * (1.5+1) 0.9527 = 1.952 m3/s
Q100 daily =4.144 x (A3000 +1)0.8448 =4.144 x (1.5 +1)0.8448 = 8.987 m3/s
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Peak discharges for other return periods are calculated by using these formulas:
⎛ Q 100 ⎞
ln ⎜⎜
⎝ Q2 ⎠
QF = e
(lnQ 2 + S σ lnQF )
σ l nQF =
Qturbine = 85% of the 11 month flow exceedance from the MIP flow if the designed flow is higher or the design
= 73.389 l/s (since the design flow is higher and has 10 months exceedance only)
Mean monthly flows estimated by Hydest, 2 sets of MIP and measured/derived are presented in the spreadsheet.
MIP 1 is chosen for further computations. A hydrograph including the design flow, exceedance of the proposed
design flow and the flow acceptable for AEPC is presented in Figure 2.10. Flow duration curves along with
corresponding data at different probability of exceedances and floods corresponding to different return periods
ranging from 2 to 100 years of return periods are also presented in the spreadsheet.
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
3. Discharge Measurement
1. Conductivity Method or Salt Dilution Method For projects greater than 50 kW, minimum of two sets
2. Current meter of flow measurements should be taken at a time span of
one month minimum.
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
4.1 General • The salt type / brand should be identical to the one
that is used for calibrating the instrument.
Conductivity of water increases with its salt contents
and temperature. Flow measurement using conductivity 4.2 Measurement Procedure
meter, also known as the “salt dilution method”, involves
pouring a known quantity of salt solution some distance 4.2.1 List of equipment and accessories
upstream of gauging location (usually 30 to 100m) and
measuring the change in conductivity as the salt wave 1. A conductivity meter covering a range of 0 – 10,000
approaches. The salt solution changes the conductivity micro-Siemens (μS) and spare batteries. HANNA HI
of the river (as the salt wave travels downstream) and 933000 is the mostly used meter although HACH
this change in conductivity can be related to the river Sension5 is better with respect to the performance
flow if base line conductivity of the river, the type and and cost.
amount of salt added and water temperature are known.
2. A thermometer to measure the water temperature.
As the salt wave passes the measurement location, the
Hach SensION 5 has a built in temperature probe
conductivity of the river returns to its original level (i.e.
and has the capability of adjusting salt constant for
base line conductivity).
different temperature.
The salt dilution method is quick (generally less than 10 3. Salt (according to estimated discharge and in sealed
minutes per set of measurement), easier to accomplish, plastic bags of 200, 500 and 1000 grams). The same
reliable and its accuracy level is relatively higher (less brand of powdered salt that was used for calculating
than 7% error) than other methods. This method the salt constant k should be used. Aayonoon is the
suitable for smaller fast flowing streams (up to 1500 l/s). recommended brand of salt available in Nepal.
The instrument and accessories are easier for carrying in
remote places. In this method, the change of conductivity 4. A weighing machine for weighing salt. The standard
levels of the stream due to pouring of known quantity packets of salt have to be weighed and the actual
of predefined diluted salt (50-300gm per 100 l/s) are weight should be marked/tagged on the individual
measured with a standardized conductivity meter (with bags. Any digital weighing machine with 20 grams or
known salt constant, k) at a regular interval (e.g., 5 less sensitivity is recommended.
5. A stop watch. Experiences shows that a wrist watch
with a second hand is more convenient for stating
For accurate results, following conditions have to be
digital reading of conductivity meter.
6. A 20 liter plastic bucket for mixing salt and water
• The salt solution poured upstream must be completely and pouring. A stirring rod and a one liter plastic jug
mixed throughout the river cross section before it are also recommended for better mixing.
arrives at the measurement location.
• Stream should be as turbulent as possible. 7. Graph papers (mm type) for plotting conductivity
• The stream section should not have large stagnant meter reading versus time graph.
• There should not be any inflows into or outflows 8. Recording and Calculating forms as presented in
from the stream between the points where the salt the spreadsheets.
solution is poured and the measurement location. 9. A pocket calculator for flow calculation at site. A
Use of conductivity meter is not recommended to scientific calculator (such as CASIO FX 78) can be
use during heavy raining and flood season. used for calculating the discharge quickly.
• The conductivity meter probe should be submerged
in fairly fast flowing section of the river. 10. Pencils and erasers.
• The amount of salt stated in the packets is verified.
The salt should also be dry and free flowing. 11. Cloth to clean and dry conductivity meter probe.
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
4.2.2 Discharge measurement and The entire solution should be poured quickly and
Computation in one go. Slow pouring may cause fluctuations in
the conductivity readings and hence less accurate
1. Stream Reach: Find a section of the stream with results.
no inflows, no outflows and no stagnant pools in
between the salt pouring point and the gauging 6. Reading and Recording: Start the stopwatch and
point. This section should preferably be turbulent. note down the readings on the conductivity meter as
The length of this reach should be between 30m for soon as there is an increase in the values from the
very turbulent to over 100m for tranquil water. base line conductivity. The common practice is to
note down the readings in five seconds intervals. It
2. Baseline Conductivity: Turn on the conductivity is useful to have two persons to take the readings at
meter and submerge the probe in a fast flowing the measurement site. One person to read aloud the
section of the stream. Record the baseline conductivity values every 5 seconds intervals and the
conductivity (i.e. natural conductivity of the river other to record these values in standard recording
before the addition of the salt solution). Based on the and calculation form.
baseline conductivity, adjust the probable recording
setting in mili-Siemens (mS) or micro-Siemens (μS) The conductivity readings should be taken
in case HANNA HI 933000 is used. No record setting continuously until the value diminishes back to
is needed for Hach SensION 5. the baseline conductivity of the stream. Note that
sometimes, the conductivity values will remain
3. Stream Temperature: Measure and record stream above the baseline value by a few μS for a long time.
temperature for adjusting conductivity coefficient. If this is the case, then the conductivity readings
No adjustment of conductivity constant is necessary can be stopped since the difference of a few percent
for Hach SensION 5 because it is capable of adjusting in conductivity does not contribute significant
conductivity reading with respect to any temperature additional flows.
Record other data such as weather, date, time etc. as
4. Salt Solution: Estimate (visual) the stream flow. shown in the presented data sheet.
Prepare the first salt water solution at the rate of 100
gram of salt for every 100 l/s of stream flow. Stir the 7. Plotting: Plot the reading on the graph paper with
solution with a clean stick until the salt is completely time in seconds in the horizontal axis and conductivity
dissolved. The amount of salt to be poured depends in mili or micro Siemens (mS or μS) in vertical axis
on the baseline conductivity of the flow and it ranges as shown Figure 4.3. Repeat the measurement with
from 50 to 300 gm of salt for each 100 l/s of stream more or less amount of salt, changing stream stretch
flow. Care must be taken in mixing known quantity or both unless the satisfactory results as presented
of salt and the solution should not be spilled. in Table 4.1 are obtained. Inaccurate graphs and their
probable reasons as well as remedial measures are also
5. Pouring of Salt: Signal the person at the pouring presented in the Table. As presented in condition (a)
point to pour the salt-water solution into the stream. of the Table, the perfect condition graph has smooth
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
rise and fall limb with distinct peak. Generally, the of conductivity in μΣ in the vertical axis and time in
results are perfect with the peak ranging from two to seconds in the horizontal axis excluding the baseline
three times the base conductivity. conductivity (i.e., conductivity measure before pouring
the salt solution upstream). Hence, the units of "Area"
8. Calculation of Discharge: Once a satisfactory graph under the graph are μS sec. nr is the number of
is obtained, the flow can be calculated as follows: readings taken at an interval of dt. μbaseline is the baseline
conductivity of the stream.
Stream Flow, Q (l/s) = M (mg) x k(μS /(mg/lit))/A(sec x μS)
9. Second Set Measurement: After satisfactory results
Where, are obtained, take a second set of measurement to
Q = flow in liter/sec verify the first. Note that this will only require about
half an hour of additional work at site and will be cost
M = mass of dry salt in mg (i.e.10-6 kg) effective compared to coming back to site the second
time for flow measurements.
k = salt constant in (μS)/(mg/litre) and is dependent on
the nature of salt and water temperature (if conductivity 4.2.3 Example 4.1: Flow calculation
meter is not of temperature adjustment type). The units using conductivity meter
of k are (μS)/(mg/litre) or micro Siemens per milligram
per liter. Note that conductivity is the reciprocal of The input parameters required for the discharge
resistivity and, 1micro Seamen (1 μS) = 1 ohm-1 x 10-6 calculation are presented in Table 4.2. Discharge
and 1 Siemen = 1 ohm-1. For determination of k –value, measurement carried out in a small river is considered as
refer to section 4.2. an example. The typical input parameters considered in
the example are presented in the adjacent column. The
A = effective area under the graph of conductivity versus first set of field readings are presented in Table 4.3.
time, after excluding the area due to base conductivity.
The units for the area under the graph is sec x μS. The The calculation procedures for the first set of
area is determined as follows: measurement (Set 3) are:
Area (A) = (Σμ– nr x μbaseline) * dt
Area (A) = (Σμ– nr x μbaseline) * dt = (3997-106*24)*5
= 7265 sec x μS
Note that the "Area" here is the area under the graph
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Discharge (Q) = M x k/A conductivity and it is multiplied by 106 since there are
= 1795000*1.8/7265 106 readings. Finally, (3997 – 106 x 24) is multiplied by 5,
= 444.735 l/s = 445 l/s since the readings are taken in 5 seconds intervals. Thus,
the area under the curve above the baseline conductivity
The calculated net area of 7265 is the sum of the net is calculated. The graph of the above reading is also
increased total conductivity readings. 24 is the baseline presented in Figure 4.4. Note that the shape of the graph
is similar to that of the ideal case (Table 4.1a).
Table 4.1: Typical Conductivity Graphs
Condition Graph Remarks
Perfect: The rise and fall of conductivity are smooth. It is not too
steep or stepping and has a distinct peak.
Background conductivity
30 60 90 120 150 180
Time (seconds)
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Table 4.3: First set conductivity reading for Salt Dilution Method (Example)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Sum
24 25 25 26 27 29 30 32 33 37 39 42 369
45 48 49 51 52 54 55 56 58 58 58 58 642
59 58 58 57 57 56 56 55 54 53 52 52 667
51 50 49 48 48 47 46 45 44 44 43 42 557
Water Conductivity in μS 42 41 40 39 39 38 37 37 36 36 35 35 455
34 34 34 33 33 32 32 32 31 31 31 30 387
30 30 30 29 29 29 29 28 28 28 28 27 345
27 27 27 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 319
26 26 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 25 256
Total (μΣ) = Σμ 3997
Table 4.4: Conductivity readings for calibrating
Incremental amount of Cumulative amount of
Salt concentration Conductivity Slope
calibration solution added calibration solution
in Bucket (mg/l) readings (μs)
Volume (ml) Wt. (mg) Volume (ml) Wt. (mg)
0.00 0 0.00 0 0 20.35 --
10.25 205.00 10.25 205.00 20.48 67.30 2.293
11.50 230.00 21.75 435.00 43.41 115.00 2.081
22.75 455.00 44.50 890.00 88.61 205.00 1.991
10.00 200.00 54.50 1090.00 108.41 238.00 1.666
10.25 205.00 64.75 1295.00 128.67 290.00 2.567
Slope based on average slope 2.120
Slope based on trend line (using k=INDEX(LINEST(Conductivity, Salt concentration),1) 2.014
Slope based on trend line graph reading(150/74) 2.027
Figure 4.4: Graph of conductivity over time (Based on data from Table 4.3)
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Figure 4.5: Graph of conductivity over time (Based on data from Table 4.4)
4.3 Determination of K-value 3. Measure the temperature and the base conductivity
of the water in the bucket and note them.
The accuracy of flow measurement depends on the
calibration of the conductivity meter. The conductivity 1. Inject 10 ml of the above-calibrated solution into
meter is calibrated by carefully determining the salt the bucket. Stir the salt-water solution to ensure
constant (k value) for the type of salt used under proper mixing and then note the conductivity
controlled laboratory conditions. reading when the reading does not fluctuate.
4.3.1 List of equipment and accessories Weight of salt added = 10ml*20mg/ml = 200mg
for determining the value of k Volume of water in the bucket = 1.0 liter + 20 ml =
1000 ml + 20 ml = 1020 ml.
1. Conductivity meter
2. Thermometer 2. Repeat step 4 about five times so that there are
3. Weighing machine adequate data to calculate the salt constant.
4. Plastic Bucket (10 – 20 liter)
5. Graduated cylinder (1 liter) made of glass or plastic 3. Now plot the conductivity values (μS) in the
6. Pipette (100ml syringe as an alternative if pipette is vertical axis and the cumulative salt concentration
not available) (mg/liter) in the horizontal axis. Then draw a
7. Stirring rod made of glass or plastic best-fit straight line joining the five data points.
8. Salt (of the type that will be used for flow Determine the slope of this line, i.e., rise in
measurement) conductivity over rise in salt concentration which
is the value for the salt constant (k value).
4.3.2 Procedures
Note that if the conductivity meter is not of temperature
The value of k for the chosen conductivity meter and salt compensating type then the calibration method presented
for specified temperature is determined using following above should be repeated at various temperatures and
procedures: then the change in k value with change in temperature
can be determined. If the procedure is repeated 3
1. Pour 10 liters of tap water in the bucket. Use the – 4 times for temperatures between 5oC to 20oC, the
graduated cylinder to measure the exact volume of calculated values cover most of the cases at site.
An example is presented below to further illustrate the
2. Using the weighing machine weigh 20 gm of salt. calibration of the conductivity meter.
Pour 1.0 liter (1000 ml) of tap water in the graduated
cylinder. Pour the salt in water and stir with a 4.3.3 Example 4.2: Conductivity meter
stirring rod until it is completely dissolved. Now the calibration
concentration of salt in the calibration solution is
20gm/1000 ml = 20mg/ml. Concentration of calibration solution = 20 mg/ml
Volume of water in the bucket = 5 liter
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
4.4 Program Briefing & Examples INV MODE => starts standard deviation mode (STD)
“Hydrology” spreadsheet presented in the tools can INV SAC => standard deviation all memory clear
handle up to four sets of data. The input parameters
required for the discharge calculation are presented 25x, 26x….=> input data (conductivity meter readings)
in Table 4.4. The third set of conductivity readings are
presented in Table 4.3. Conductivity readings of other Σx-n* (xbase) = *(dt) = (Area) =>2062-70*25=*5=1560
sets are presented in the Tools. The typical spreadsheet => gives area (A)
is presented in Figure 4.6.
For calculating and calibrating a conductivity meter for
1/x* (M)* (K)=Q => 15601/x *400000*1.8=461.54 (Q in
a particular salt, the “Condcalibration” spreadsheet is
presented in the tools.
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Considering the second strip, Discharges for other strips are calculated in similar
Depth d2 = 0.04m manner and they are summed to get the total discharge.
The total discharge is 0.447 m3/s as shown in Fig 5.2.
Depth d3 = 0.09m
5.2 Program Briefing and Example
Width w2 = Chainage 3 – Chainage 2
5.2.1 Program Briefing and Example for
= 1-0.5 = 0.5m Revolution based Current Meter
Velocity, v1 = 0 m/s (from strip 1 calculations) The Tools for estimating gauged discharge using a
current meter consists of two main parts namely the
Time taken T= 46 seconds calculations and the interactive chart of the river cross
section profile. Note that the instrument coefficients
Number of revolutions (N) = 20 (a, b, c and d) are taken from the given input of string
Solution: formulae. These formulae should be entered properly so
Strip area, a2 = (d1 + d2)/2 *w2 that the coefficients do not result in errors.
= (0.04+0.09)/2*0.5
= 0.0325 m2 The spreadsheet is designed to accommodate, format
and copy the necessary rows based on the user input.
Since the number of revolution is less than 40, the Any insertion or deletion of rows is also possible
velocity v2 is given by: manually. However, it should also be noted that the
first and last depth rows should not be deleted. The
v2= VN=<40 example presented in 5.1.1 is utilized in the presented
spreadsheet “CurrentMeterRev” in Figure 5.2.
= 0.6598N/T+0.011500
= 0.6598*20/46 + 0.01150 5.2.2 Program Briefing and Example for
= 0.2984 m/s Velocity based Current Meter
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6. Engineering Surveying
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reduced formula for calculating the distance (D) in 2. Electronic Tacheometry: Uses a total station which
Figure 6.1 is: contains an EDM, able to read distance by reflecting
off a prism placed at a target.
D= ks+C, where k and C are constants with a standard
value of 100 and 0 respectively. “s” is the staff Although electronic tacheometry is widely used
interception (T-B) which is equal to the difference elsewhere at present, the stadia method is still used
between top and bottom readings. in most of the Afghan engineering surveys.
In case the line of sight is not horizontal, the distance Modern total stations are capable of reducing the
SD is the slope distance (SD) as presented in Figure surveyed data into three dimensional coordinates
6.2 and can be calculated as: enabling to produce plans of large areas in a matter
SD = 100x s x cos (θ), of days that previously would have taken weeks. The
stadia formulae are replaced by slope distance and
This equation is used in most of the surveying text vertical angles and stored in electronic format.
books. However, modern surveying equipment uses
zero on vertical axis (zero at top as presented in Formulae for reducing different data used in
Figure 6.3) and hence the formula reduces to: electronic tacheometry are presented in Table 6.3.
SD = 100x s x sin (θ),
Table 6.3: Summary of formulae used in electronic
The equations based on the second assumption tacheometry
is recommended and used in all illustrations, electronic tacheometry
calculations and programs throughout this book. Particular
Horizontal Distance (HD) HD = SD * sin (θ)
Formulae for reducing different data using Vertical Distance (VD) VD = SD * cos (θ)
conventional textbooks are compared with that used Reduced Level of target RL = RLstn + VD-HT+HI
in modern equipment in Table 6.2.
HT and HI are reflector height and height of instrument
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Figure 6.3: Recommended vertical plane Figure 6.4: Electronic Tacheometry method
Coordinates are unique identifiers which locate points of are mostly used in Engineering surveying.
interest in space with respect to a reference frame. The
point of interest may be a survey instrument station or Whole circle bearing is as an angle measured from a
a point of detail such as a land parcel corner on a map reference meridian, generally north, commencing from
or a building feature in a CAD model. Once a point has 0 degrees (0°) and increasing clockwise to 360 degrees
coordinates associated with it, the location can always (359°59'60").
be recovered with respect to the reference frame.
Although there are a number of standard and advanced
There are two basic coordinate systems used in surveying, engineering surveying methods, use of one or more of
namely the Rectangular or Cartesian System and the the following methods are considered adequate and
Polar System. recommended for AEPC subsidized hydropower projects
in Nepal:
The Cartesian system uses orthogonal axes (a right angle
or 90o between the axis and the coordinate lines), to 1. GPS surveying for transmission line and location of
uniquely define the location of each point. project components
The Polar system uses only one axis such as the North. 2. Levelling for small micro hydropower and head
Each point can be described in terms of its distance or measurement for all projects
radius from the datum origin and the angle between the
radius and the North axis. 3. Theodolite or total station for all kind of surveying.
6.4 Angular Units The equipment recommended for use during the site
survey are presented in Table 6.4. Since there can be a
An angle is the arithmetic difference between two significant time gap between the detailed survey and
directions or bearings. Angle measurement is a construction of the scheme, permanent markings should
fundamental part of surveying field observations, as the be made and photographs should be taken at locations of
combination of a direction and a distance gives a polar key structures so that the contractor can determine the
vector to a point and hence a unique location of that site locations and alignment with ease. Depending on the
point in space. The instruments that have been developed ground conditions, wooden pegs driven to ground with
to facilitate angle (or direction) measurement are the exposed end painted or paint marks on nearby boulders/
magnetic compasses, the sextants and the theodolites. rock outcrops are appropriate. Paints, such as enamel,
that do not easily wear off due to adverse weather
Angles can be measured in radians, gradians and degrees conditions should be used. Guidelines for marking at
(π radian = 200g = 180o). Angles in gradians and degrees site and photographs are also presented in Table 6.4.
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Figure 6.5: Cartesian coordinates system Figure 6.6: Polar coordinate system
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7. GPS Surveying
7.1 General
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E67.1234567o, Z1830.346m) and rectangular 2. Control segment: The control segment is the ground
coordinates (N3860708m, E5841481m, 1830 m) are station which controls the GPS satellites by tracking
recommended for Global Information System (GIS) them and then providing them with corrected orbital
and engineering surveying respectively. GPS units and time information. There are 5 control stations, 4
and the bundled software are capable of calibrating unmanned and 1 manned master control stations.
and interchanging formats.
GPS consists of a space, a control and a user segments. 7.1.3 GPS Working Principles
1. Space segment: The space segment consists of:
A GPS receiver compares the time signal transmitted by
• 24 solar powered satellites (21 operating and 3 the satellites with its time. Based on the time difference,
spare) travelling at 7,000 miles per hour with the receiver calculates the position (distance) of the
a period of orbit of 12 hours (two orbits in 24 satellites as:
hours) and transmitting low power radio signals.
Distance = velocity of radio wave * travel time
• 6 elliptical orbital planes (4 satellites in each
plane) at an altitude of 12,000 miles. With the help of illustration presented in Figure 7.5,
the working principle of GPS can be demonstrated. If
the receiver calculates that it is X miles away from one
satellite, it knows that it must be somewhere on an
imaginary sphere, with the satellite as the centre and a
radius of X.
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7.1.5 GPS and Maps • Ionosphere and troposphere delays: The satellite
signal slows as it passes through the atmosphere. The
A paper map is the projection of earth’s spherical (3- GPS receiver uses a built-in model that calculates an
D) shape to a flat paper map with minimal distortion. average amount of delay to partially correct for this
Mercator Projection and Universal Transverse Mercator type of error.
Projection (UTM) are mostly used cylindrical projections
• Signal multipath: This occurs when the GPS signal
for creating paper maps. As presented in Figure 7.6, GPS
is reflected off objects such as tall buildings or large
maps are Space Oblique Mercator Projection which lines
rock surfaces before it reaches the receiver. This
the cylinder up with the orbital path of a satellite in
increase the travel time of the signal, thereby causing
order to accurately map the Earth from satellites with
little or no distortion.
• Receiver clock errors: A receiver’s built-in clock is
Orbital Path of a NAVSTAR GPS Satellite not as accurate as the atomic clocks on board the GPS
satellites. Therefore, it may have very slight timing
• Orbital errors: Also known as ephemeris errors,
these are inaccuracies of the satellite’s reported
• Number of visible satellites: The more satellites
a GPS receiver can “see”, the better the accuracy.
Buildings, terrain, electronic interference, of
Figure 7.6: GPS map projection: Space Oblique
sometimes even dense foliage can block signal
Mercator Projection
reception, causing position errors or possibly no
position reading at all. GPS units typically will not
In addition to using for talking relative measurements
work indoors, underwater or underground.
of waypoints, distance, tracks and routes, GPS receivers
with maps can be used for performing following map • Satellite geometry / shading: This refers to the
related activities: relative positing of the satellites at any given time.
1. Measuring distance from map locations. Ideal satellite geometry exists when the satellites are
located at wide angles relatives to each other. Poor
2. Automatic bearing features (GoTo function).
geometry results when the satellites are located in a
3. Automatic plotting (marking waypoints). line or in a tight grouping.
4. Auto navigation.
• Intentional degradation of the satellite
5. Marking current location.
signal: Selective Availability (SA) is an intentional
6. Creating a route out of waypoints. degradation of the signal once imposed by the US
7. Automatic calculations (trip computers). Department of Defence. SA was intended to prevent
military adversaries from using the highly accurate
Maps can be either base maps or highly detailed maps. GPS signals.
Modern receivers are generally loaded/bundled with
base maps. Base maps consist of states, metro, roads,
lakes, rivers, airports, cities and other major data.
Relatively detailed maps can also be purchased and
loaded into modern GPSs. Highly detailed maps include
streets, restaurants, public utilities, banks, gas stations,
tourist information, topographical details, etc. For
infrastructure projects in Afghanistan, a GPS with the
base map of world is considered adequate (for example,
Garmin, Etrex Vista Cx with world map).
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7.1.7 Settling up and using a GPS For Nepal infrastructure development engineering
Receiver projects, following advanced set ups are recommended
for horizontal datum and scale factor so that they can
Although every type of GPS receiver is unique in terms directly be plotted on Finmap:
of operational procedures, the common basic principles
of operating a GPS receiver are: Finmap Horizontal Datum:
1. Install batteries.
Spheroid: Everest 1830
2. Power on. Projection: Modified Universal Transverse Mercator
3. Adjust screen contrast and backlighting. Origin: Longitude 84o East, Latitude 0oNorth
4. Set up location, local time, desired output format. False co-ordinates of origin: 500,000m Easting, 0m
5. Move to a required page (such as the main, satellite,
map, trip, etc.). Scale Factor at Central Meridian: 0.9999
6. Perform required GPS action such as positioning,
navigation, find, data transfer, play games, calendar, δa = 860.655, δf = 0.28391368, δX = 289, δY = 734, δZ =
etc. 257 (these are required only for plotting GPS data into
7. Power off. existing Finmaps)
Since Garmin Etrex Vista Cx is one of the recommended 7.2 Set up and using etrex vista cx
GPS receiver, a detailed illustration of setting of and receiver
using this model for positioning and navigation are
presented in section 7.2. 7.2.1 Features of Etrex Vista Cx
7.1.8 Importing GPS data in Google Etrex Vista Cx receiver is capable of storing 500
Earth waypoints and maps, has 176 x 220 pixel display, 32-
hour battery life, automatic routing capabilities, colour
Advanced set up of a GPS receiver can be used for screen, microSD card slot. It also has built-in barometer.
transferring GPS data to tailored local paper maps or The features and button functions are presented in Figure
AutoCAD. The local tailored paper maps are prepared 7.8. Features and procedures related to positioning and
using: navigation are presented in this section.
• Horizontal datum: This consists of project name and 7.2.2 Main Pages of Etrex Vista Cx
system, origin and false coordinates of origin.
Etrex Vista Cx has six main Pages namely Main, Satellite,
7.1.9 Advanced Set up of a GPS Compass, Altimeter, Trip and Map. These pages are
presented in Figure 7.9. Page sequence can also be
Advanced set up of a GPS receiver can be used for amended. Additional user specific pages can also be
transferring GPS data to tailored local paper maps or added in this receiver.
AutoCAD. The local tailored paper maps are prepared
using: Satellite page is used for positioning purpose whereas
compass page is used for navigational purpose. Map
• Horizontal datum: This consists of project name and page can be used for both positioning and navigational
system, origin and false coordinates of origin. purposes.
• Scale factor at Central Meridian: such as δa, δf, δX, Main page is used for setting up the instrument and
δY and δZ. additional features.
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7.2.3 Positioning using Etrex Vista Cx Source software is presented in Figure 7.10. Detailed
software operational procedures is beyond the scope of
Display the Satellite or Map page. After required number this manual and hence not presented.
of satellites is visible, proceed as:
1. Press “enter” for a while (about 2 seconds). GPS data can directly be downloaded into Google Earth
and plotted the same with Google Features. Waypoints,
2. Change the default waypoint symbol (optional) tracks and routes recorded by GPS can be downloaded
3. Change the default waypoint name (optional) by activating Tools => GPS => Import as shown in Figure
4. Replace the GPS elevation with the actual elevation if 7.11. As can be seen in the figure, the data contained
known to refine a 3D position (optional) in Garmin and other GPS or digital files can be inserted
into Google Earth.
5. Press OK (delete, Goto and map options are also
7.3 Program Briefing and
6. Proceed further (walk/drive) to record tracks/ Examples
The presented spreadsheet on GPS can be used for
7.2.4 Interfacing with computers (Map calculating different lengths along a set of continuous
Source and Google Earth) lines, bearings and deflection angles. The spreadsheet
can also be used for plotting the GPS points on to
Etrex Vista Cx receiver can be used and interfaced with a AutoCAD using scrip language.
computer as a USB flash drive or as a GPS receiver. It can
only be used as a GPS receiver if Map Source software An example of the main page of the spreadsheet is
is installed in the computer. As a GPS receiver, it can presented in Figure 7.12. Click the Input Rows button
be used to exchange waypoints, routes, track logs and for inputting and copying required number of rows along
Map Source Data to and from the computer in specified with formulas and formats.
formats. An example of the interface screen using Map
Figure 7.10: Interfacing Software main page screen for Etrex vista Cx receiver (Yakawlang, Bamyan,
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Figure 7.11: Garmin GPS data of 20MW Lower Modi HEP inserted into Google Earth.
Slope distance, L (m) = √(H12 + dRL2) An example of AutoCAD a plan using script file is
= √(16.1252 + 12) presented in Figure 7.13. There are five AutoCAD scrip
= 16.155 m command line sets for plotting 3D poly line, points,
station names with reduced levels, Northing and Easting
Since both dN and dE are positive, the bearing line is in respectively. As described in Chapter one, text files with.
the first quadrant and bearing of line 1-2 is scr extension should be created and run in AutoCAD
φ1= tan-1(dE/dN) environment. The scrip file commands are presented in
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Table 7.1. It is worth noting that the tabulated data is a and hidden data formatting such as spaces and carriage
single scrip file containing all the five sets of commands return.
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8. Levelling
a (RL = 100m)
2. dH = ΣBS – ΣFS = RLlast – RL first: The total difference
backsight foresight in height H between the starting point and the end
1.85 0.95
point is equal to the difference of the sums of all back
point sight and fore sight readings. This arithmetical check
is also applicable for both the open and closed type
La-b Lb-c
3. ΣBS = ΣFS: If the loop is closed, dH becomes zero
Figure 8.2: Leveling at site and the sums of back sight and foresight readings
must be equal to each other.
From Figure 8.2:
In case there is an error, it is equally distributed over
Reduced level of the first staff station (station a) is the back sights (or foresights). An example of error
assumed to be known (RL=100). correction is presented in Table 8.1. As can be seen in
the table, the total error is 0.243m and distributed to
Collimation height of the first instrument station,
the three foresight readings arithmetically so that the
Cola = RLa + Back sight (BSa)
last known reading is 104.000m.
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A summary of all the calculations are presented in If closed is chosen, the spreadsheet uses the first
Figure 8.3. Since the loop is an open type the first two reduced as the last reduced level and make necessary
arithmetical checks are applicable and are: corrections.
1. nBS = nFS:
Arithmetic checks in all the three cases are carried out
3 = 3, hence ok. and presented in the spreadsheet. For proper error
2. dH = ΣBS – ΣFS = RLlast – RLfirst: trapping and distribution, the last row should be not
7.505-3.262=104.243-100 deleted. The script command sets and the AutoCAD
Or, 4.243 = 4.243, hence ok. plotting using these script commands are presented in
Figures 8.4 and 8.5 respectively.
8.3 Program Briefing and
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9. Traversing
9.1 General
In case the legs form a closed polygon, it is called a closed For three dimensional controls, either of the following
traverse. An open traverse does not form a polygon. A criteria should be met:
closed traverse is recommended because it allows the 1. Two known coordinates of a reference and the first
correction of the inevitable random errors. instrument stations, or
2. Coordinates of the first instrument station and the
bearing of instrument to reference line.
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Theodolites are normally used for measuring angles and 4. Angular Measurement – Set reference point as zero
staff interceptions or reflector heights. Coordinates of degree horizontal. Measure and record horizontal
the subsequent points and stations are calculated using and vertical angles of targets.
standard methods. In case a total station is used, no data
5. Linear Distance – Measure height of instrument.
reduction is required.
Measure staff interceptions of targets.
Traversing using theodolites is recommended for 6. Computations – Office works for checks and data
all the engineering reconstruction sub-projects in reduction include:
Afghanistan. a. Reduction of field data: Calculation of linear
distances (slope, horizontal and vertical
9.2 Measurement Procedures distances), reduced levels, bearings, coordinates
computations, etc.
9.2.1 List of equipment and accessories
b. Traverse table and drawings: Calculations of mis-
1. A theodolite set (with 20” accuracy) along with a closures including reduced level mis-closures,
tripod and plumb a bob. A theodolite with electronic distribution of these mis-closures, Calculations
distance measurement (EDM) or a total station can of accuracy and precision levels. It also includes
be a better alternative option although they are rarely preparation of final traverse table and preparation
used by the facilitating partners of the sub-projects of a plan.
at present.
2. Two sets of 4m staff. Two sets of reflector in case Detailed descriptions of reconnaissance and laying out,
EDM or total station is used. station marking, angular and linear measurements and
computations are presented in the subsequent sections.
3. A 2m tape for measuring instrument height.
4. Pegs, a hammer and accessories for establishing 9.2.3 Reconnaissance and Laying out
benchmarks and stations.
Reconnaissance and laying-out consists of the following
5. A pocket calculator.
6. Surveying formats for recording readings.
1. Go over the route to be followed before commencing
7. Note pads and pens. work to know any special difficulties if any, the
number of pegs required, accessibility, etc.
8. Two sets of walky-talky (radio) for communication
(optional). 2. Locate approximate points on topographical maps if
they are available.
9. A color spray for marking stations.
3. As far as practical, the individual legs should be as
10. Permanent marker for marking pegs.
long as possible, as equal in length as possible, not
11. A camera. very short and are inter-visible to previous and next
stations. They should avoid grazing rays and heavy
9.2.2 Traversing and data reduction clearing or damage to crops, forest or property. The
1. Planning - Establish requirements for accuracy, maximum distance of reading using a 4m staff is
density and location of control points. Time and 400.
resources available should also be determined. 4. At least two stations should be visible from the future
Prepare a layout of the traverse. Tolerances should major construction sites.
be known to get the degree of precision, to select
the suitable equipment and materials needed and 9.2.4 Station marking
method of surveying.
2. Reconnaissance and laying out – Reconnaissance Station should preferably be marked on hard ground
survey of the traversing area to find out nature of with suitable markings. For minor constructions such as
terrain, access, location of points, etc. earth excavation, river training etc. temporary station
marks made of bamboo or wooden pegs can be used
3. Station marking – Decide and establish type of satisfactorily. For major and important construction,
mark, reference and protection. Write down special permanent station marks made of concrete should be
remarks if any. used.
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9.2.5 Angular and linear measurements 6. Shift the instrument to E & target the point A as the
reference point (000.0000g or o).
Angles are mostly measured in gradians and distances
7. Repeat steps to steps (3) to (6) for other stations.
in metres. Although EDM (electronic distance
measurement) is widely used for quicker and reliable
linear measurements, theodolite with stadia method is
recommended for Afghanistan (because of availability of
theodolite, scarcity of electricity for charging batteries,
skill and knowledge of surveyors and equipment
costs). Therefore, stadia method for angular and linear
measurements is described in this section.
1. For quick processes, two staff-men along with two
staffs are recommended one at the preceding station
and the other at succeeding station simultaneously.
For example, referring to Figure 9.4, if the instrument
is at A, one staff man with a staff should be at B and
the other at E. Figure 9.4: A cited closed traverse
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The value of π is 200 or 180 if the angles measured 9.2.8 Calculation of reduced levels.
are in gradians or degrees respectively. If the error is
permissible within the range for the specified work, the Generally calculations and corrections of reduced levels
main work of computing coordinates is to be proceeded. are not carried out in traverse computations. It is worth
noting that stadia surveying may produce considerable
Consider the closed traverse presented in Figure 9.4, the error in reduced levels. Therefore, a separate level
sum of interial angles is presented in Table 9.1. surveying is recommended if possible.
Table 9.1: Summary of internal angles In case the reduced levels are calculated using stadia
Angles Degrees Minutes Second Remarks method, the linear mis-closure on vertical plane is
A 98° 54' 10" Sum of internal distributed to all stations based on the cumulative leg
B 107° 32' 30" angles should be lengths from the beginning.
C 141° 27' 10" equal to (n - 2)π =
D 87° 15' 40" 540° in this case. mis-closure
E 106° 49' 40" Therefore the 1:x
A’ E D C B A
Total 539° 59' 10" angular mis-closure perimeter
= 50" which is
10"/angle and is Figure 9.6: Distribution of vertical mis-closure
• STAFF= (T+B)/4 + M/2 = Middle reading of staff, this
Computation and data reduction consists of following formula distributes errors of reading T, M and B.
four parts:
• Vertical height difference, dV= VD –STAFF+ Height
1. Calculation of linear distances. of instrument (HI)
2. Calculations of reduced levels. • RLpoint = RLstn + dV
3. Calculation of bearings.
9.2.9 Calculation of bearings
4. Sum of internal/external angles check
5. Calculations of coordinates of new stations. In case bearing of the first reference line (line 2-1) is not
available, it should be calculated using station and RO
6. Calculations of mis-closures and levels of accuracies. coordinates as:
7. Distribution of mis-closures. • Bearing (θSTN-RO) of Reference point (RO) to Station
As stated earlier in Chapter 4, the modern equipment
having zeroed upward on vertical plane and North • dN = NRO-NSTN
up on horizontal plane is assumed in the subsequent
N 1 (RO)
calculations. This is in contrast with most of the academic
literatures on surveying.
9.2.7 Calculation of linear distances.
a 3 (SOP)
Calculations of linear distance for stadia surveying are
carried out using the formulas and methods as briefed
2 (INST)
in Chapter 6. Slope, horizontal and vertical distances are
calculated. Figure 9.7: Included angle and bearing
• Slope Distance, SD=Abs(k*s*sin(VA))
• Horizontal Distance, HD=Abs(SD.sin(VA))
• θSTN-RO = tan-1(dE/dN) which should be within zero and
• Vertical Distance, VD= SD.cos(VA) =ks.sin(VA). the whole circle. Correct using following conditions:
cos(VA) = ks/2*sin(2*VA)
• If dN is negative, add π
• k = 100
• If dN>0 and dE<0, add 2*π
• s = (T-B)
• Where, π is 180o or 200g or 22/7 radians
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Bearing of the other legs are calculated using following understanding of the measurement process, and an
expression: acknowledgement that a line measured in extra-ordinary
conditions such as through dense bush in steep country,
Bearing = fore bearing of previous line + clockwise rainy day, etc. The Surveyor would perhaps add a few
included angles of that station centimetres or so to one of these 'suspect' lines and re-
compute the mis-closure.
For example, bearing of line 2-3 in Figure 9.7 is:
Although rarely performed, a graphical traverse
θ2-3 = θSTN-RO + a = θ21+ a, which should satisfy 0 < θ2-3 < adjustment is a good illustration of the principles of
2*π the Bowditch adjustment. A graphical traverse could be
done where graphical data only had been obtained, for
If θ2-3 < 0 then θ2-3 = θ2-3 + 2* π example when using a plane table. Mis-closure vectors
for each leg is calculated and adjusted vectorically.
If θ2-3 > 2* π then θ2-3 = θ2-3 -2* π
Bowditch method is the recommended method of
For example, if the angles are measured in gradian, calculating and distributing linear mis-closures. The
then other methods are not recommended for use in Afghani
Calculated bearing (g) Corrected Bearings (g) engineering sub-projects because they require higher
θ = 360 θ = 360 levels of understanding of measurement process and they
θ = -30 θ = -30+400 = 370 may produce relatively higher errors while distributing
θ = 504 θ = 504-400 = 104 the mis-closures.
9.2.10 Calculation of mis-closures The Bowditch adjustment assumes that the mis-closure
of a traverse is proportional to the total length of the
Mis-closure is characterized by the fact that the perimeter (which when using tapes or chains is a valid
calculated coordinates of the first station point are not assumption). The correction applied to each side is
equal to the actual coordinates. The mis-closures errors proportional to the length of that side as a ratio of the
may be generated due to errors in bearings or coordinates perimeter, and can be expressed as:
Correction to DE (or DN) = mis-closure of DE (or DN) *
Calculation and distribution of angular mis-closure are Cumulative leg length up to present leg / perimeter
carried out as:
After calculating the corrected bearings of all the
Calculated bearing of the first line/leg is compared to the traverse legs, coordinates of all the traverse stations are
actual bearing and the bearing error if any is calculated calculated and corrected as:
1. Coordinates calculations
eB = θcalculated - θactual
Northing difference, dN=HD.cos(θ)
Correction factor CB = eB/ No. of stations
Easting difference, dE=HD.sin(θ)
The corrections are applied from the first bearing to the
final bearings are calculated. Northing of new point, Npoint= Nstn+dN
The observed linear mis-closures are distributed by the After completing the calculation of coordinates of all
following methods: the stations, linear errors in Northing (dN), Easting
(dE) and reduced level (dRL) are calculated as:
1. Bowditch Method
dN =Ncalculated-Nactual = Nlast - Nfirst
2. Intuitive Method
dE =Ecalculated-Eactual = Elast - Efirst
3. Graphical Method
dRL =RLcalculated-RLactual = RLlast - RLfirst
Intuitive method is purely based on the Surveyor's
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Similar procedures are applied for the calculations of Table 9.2: Precision in Engineering Surveying
Northings and reduced levels. Precision Linear Accuracy Uses
9.3 Closing Error and Accuracy 1st Order 1:25000 Traversing for the control
of Arial mapping, extensive
The degree of accuracy depends upon the accuracy in engineering project.
linear and angular measurements of the traverse. For the 2nd Order 1:10000 Engineering survey.
same effect of error in angular and linear measurements, 3rd Order 1:5000 Setting out of points.
the degrees of precision used for both of them are 4th Order 1:2000 Small scale survey.
desirable to be the same. Compass 1:300 to 1:600 Compass survey.
For example consider Fig 9.8. Let C' be the calculated
position of actual position C. eθ be the linear mis-closure Closing Error and Accuracy
due to angular error dθ. Let eL be the linear error.
Closing linear error is the shortest distance between the
Now, calculated and actual first starting point. If this error is
eθ = L*tan (dθ) and within permissible range, Bowditch method is used to
correct the mis-closure.
eL = L'-L
Linear closing error (dL) is given by
For the same degree of precision in angular and linear
measurements, dL = (dN2+dE2+dRL2)1/2
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
as well as electronic distance measurement surveying. The main part of the spreadsheet is presented in Figure
The possible angular measurements are either in degrees 9.9. The AutoCAD script file for all five sets of commands
and gradians. Detailed procedures along with examples is presented in Figure 9.10. Finally the AutoCAD drawing
are presented in subsequent sub-sections. The presented thus plotted by using scrip commands is presented in
spreadsheets and their uses are: Figure 9.11.
1. Open Traverse: This spreadsheet is prepared for As presented in Figure 9.9, the method of surveying
calculating and plotting coordinates of an open was Stadia open traversing with degrees as angular
traverse coordinates. measurement. Since coordinates of reference and first
station stations are given as inputs, the bearing of this
2. Closed Traverse: This spreadsheet is prepared for line is calculated first.
calculating and plotting coordinates of a closed
Bearing of Line STN1-RO (θ STN1-RO):
traverse coordinates.
3. Coordinates: This spreadsheet is prepared for = (3850374-3850388) = -14m
calculating and plotting individual independent
points taken from known points. These points may dE = ERO-ESTN1
not belong to any traverse system and hence polygons = (725640 - 725663) = -23m
are not plotted. More than one set of data with
instrument being at different stations are possible. dRL = RLRO-RLSTN1
= 2576-2593 = -17m
Input of the required rows, copying and formatting of
Bearing of line STN1-RO (θ STN1-RO)
them are included in all three spreadsheets.
θSTN1-RO = tan-1(dE/dN)
9.4.1 Open Traverse = tan-1 (-23/-14) = 58.6713o
“Open Traverse” spreadsheet is capable of calculating Since dN is negative, add π (or 180 degrees)
three dimensional coordinates of an open traverse. θSTN1-RO = θSTN1-RO + 180 o
This spreadsheet is capable of reducing surveyed field
data either in degrees or in gradians using either stadia = 58.6713o + 180 o
or EDM method. This traverse does not calculate and = 238.6713o
correct any mis-closures. This traverse is recommended
for most of the engineering sub-project surveying. Using this bearing and the first station coordinates,
coordinates of the second station (STN2) are calculated
The second part of the spreadsheet includes five sets of by stadia method.
AutoCAD scrip commands for plotting a 3D poly line, Stadia inputs from traverse:
points, station name with reduced levels, northing and
Horizontal angle, HAN = 106o02’40” = 106.0444o
easting points respectively.
Vertical angle, VAN = 92o13’00” = 92.2167o
Height of Instrument, HI = 1.500m
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Staff readings, T = 3.59m, M = 2.88m, B = 2.17m Traverse reductions for points STN3 and PTN6 are
carried out in similar fashion.
Bearing of line connecting the first and second stations (θ
θ STN1- STN2 = θ STN1-RO + HAN
= 238.6713o + 106.0444o
Staff Height
STAFF= (T+B)/4 + M/2
= (3.59+2.17)/4 + 2.88/2
= 2.88m
Slope Distance (SD) = Abs(100(T-B).sin(VAN))
= Abs(100(3.59-2.17).sin(92.2167))
= 141.8937m
Horizontal Distance, HD=Abs(SD.sin(VAN))
= Abs(141.8937.sin(92.2167))
= 141.7876m
Vertical Distance, VD= SD.cos(VAN) Figure 9.10: Open traverse AutoCAD scrip file
= 141.8937.cos(92.2167)
= -5.4883m
Vertical height difference, dV= VD–STAFF+HI
= -5.4883-2.88+1.5
= -6.8683m
Northing difference, dN=HD.cos(θ STN1- STN2)
= 141.7876.cos(344.7157)
= 136.7724m
Easting difference, dE=HD.sin(θ STN1- STN2)
= 141.7876.sin(344.7157)
= -37.3767 m
Northing of STN2 (NSTN2)= NSTN1+dN
= 3850388+136.7724
= 3850524.7724m
Easting of STN2 (ESTN2) = ESTN1+ dE
=725663+ (-37.3767)
Reduced level of STAN2 (RLSTN2)= RLSTN1 + dV
= 2593+ (-6.8683)
= 2586.1317m
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9.4.2 Closed Traverse The second part of the spreadsheet includes five sets of
AutoCAD scrip commands for plotting a 3D poly line,
“ClosedTraverse” spreadsheet is capable of calculating
points, station name with reduced levels, Northing and
three dimensional coordinates of a closed traverse. This
Easting coordinates respectively.
spreadsheet is capable of reducing surveyed field data
either in degrees or in gradians using either stadia or
The main part of the spreadsheet is presented in Figure
EDM method. This spreadsheet calculates and corrects
9.12. Press Calculate Traverse bottom after inputting
mis-closures. This spreadsheet is recommended for
all the blue cells. Make scrip file/files by copying and
engineering sub-project surveying that needs higher
arranging the command scripts as in Figure 9.13 in order
precision (e.g., road surveying).
to get the drawings presented in Figure 9.14.
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A summary of the manual calculations of the example Similarly bearing corrections and corrected bearings of
is presented in Figure 9.15. The procedures for manual all the legs are calculated.
calculations are:
Calculation of linear mis-closure: Using the corrected
Bearing calculation: Calculations of bearings of bearing, the deviations dN and dE are calculated to
traverse legs are similar to open traverse. The bearing is calculated the Easting and Northing of subsequent
calculated and distributed as: traverse stations (as described in section 10.4.1). The
linear mis-closures are:
eB = θcalculated - θactual
dN = Nlast – Nfirst
= 221.3750 – 219.1698
= 3106010.966 - 3106014.874
= 2.2052 g
= -3.9084m
Correction factor CB = eB/ No. of stations
dE = Elast – Efirst
= 2.2052 / 5
= 382452.310 - 382451.043
= 0.44104 g
= 1.267m
The corrections are applied to the first bearing is:
dRL = RLlast – RLfirst
The first bearing correction = - 1 * CB
= 999.970 – 1000.000
= -0.44104 g
= 0.030m
The first corrected bearing = 129.0614 – 0.44104.
= 128.6204g
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Correction factor of dN, CN = dN/Perimeter Slope distance: Based on the final corrected coordinates,
actual leg lengths are calculated.
= 3.9084/535.412
= 0.007299799 9.4.3 Coordinates
First correction N’1 = -CN*∑L1
“Traverse Points” spreadsheet calculates coordinates of
= 0.007299799 * 95.713 new point observed either in stadia or EDM method. The
= 0.69869m spreadsheet has two parts, namely, the main output area
and AutoCAD script commands for plotting points and
First corrected coordinate N1 = N1+N’1 their levels on plan as shown respectively in Figure 9.16
= 3105973.412+0.69869 to 9.18.
= 3105974.109m
Unlike other traverse spreadsheet and as presented
Similar procedures are followed to calculate the in Figure 9.16, the first input row of each station has
corrected remaining coordinates. The linear mis-closure different input. This spreadsheet can handle more than
is calculated as: one traverse stations. A “NEW” command terminates
dL = (dN2+dE2+dRL2)1/2 the present station and commences the new station. An
“END” command terminates the computations.
= (3.9082+-1.2672+0.0302)1/2
= 4.1087m out of 536.709m i.e., accuracy level of
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10. Headworks
10.1 General water from the bed of a river and drops it directly in to
a headrace is known as a bottom intake. They are mainly
10.1.1 Headworks useful for areas having less sediment movement, steeper
gradient, and surplus flow for continual flushing.
A headworks consists of all structural components Inaccessibility of trashrack throughout the monsoon
required for safe withdrawal of desired water from a season and exposure of the system to all the bed load
source river into a canal/conduit. Intake, weir, protection even though only a small part of the water is drawn are
works, etc., are the main structural components. the common drawbacks of drop intakes.
Indicators of an ideal headworks can be summarized as:
10.1.5 Weir
1. Withdrawal of desired flows (i.e., Qdiverted and spilling
in case of flood).
A weir is a structure built across a river to raise the river
2. Sediment bypass of diversion structure (Continued water and store it for diverting a required flow towards
sediment transportation along the river). the intake.
3. Debris bypass (Continued debris bypass without any
10.1.6 Protection Works
4. Hazard flood bypass with minimum detrimental Protection works are the river protection and river
effects. training works to safeguard the headworks against
5. Sediment control at intake by blocking/reducing floods, debris and sediments.
sediment intake into the system.
10.1.7 Trashrack
6. Settling basin control (settling and flushing of finer
sediments entered into the system through intakes A trashrack is a structure placed at an intake mouth to
or open canals). prevent floating logs and boulders entering into headrace.
Coarse trashracks and fine trashracks are provided at the
10.1.2 Intake river intake and penstock intake respectively.
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sinking, overturning and sliding even during the Since most of the program and flow chart in this section
designed floods. are self-explanatory, only critical points are explained.
10.2.2 Intake Figures 10.1 present the assumptions, flow charts and
typical examples for calculating trashrack parameters,
• Type: Side intakes are suitable for all types of river
side intake and drop intake dimensioning.
categories whereas the drop intake is recommended
for rivers having longitudinal slopes more than 10%
with relatively less sediment and excess flushing
discharge. The side intake is generally is of rectangular
orifice type with a minimum submergence of 50mm.
The side intake should be at:
o Straight river u/s & d/s of the intake.
o Alternatively, on the outer side of the bend to
minimize sediment problems and maximize the
assured supply of water.
o Relatively permanent river course.
o By the side of rock outcrops or large boulders for
stability and strength.
• Capacity: According to the flushing requirement and
tentative losses the intake has to be oversized to
allocate an excess flow of 10% to 20% (or Qdiverted).
• A coarse trashrack should be provided to prevent big
boulders and floating logs from entering into the
headrace system.
• A gate/stop log should be provided to regulate flow
(adjust/ close) during operation and maintenance.
• To optimize downstream canal and other structures,
a spillway should be provided close to the intake.
The recommended intake coarse trashrack is made of The trashrack coefficients for different cross section of
vertical mild steel strips of 5mm*40mm to 5mm*75mm the bars are presented in the pull down menu. Typical
with a clear spacing not exceeding 75mm. The approach bar thickness, clear spacing and approach velocity are
velocity should be less than 1.0m/s. For transportation by suggested in the respective cell notes.
porters in remote areas, the weight of a piece of trashrack
should not exceed 60 kg. Placing of trashrack at 3V:1H According to the flow chart presented in Figure 10.2,
is considered to be the optimum option considering the the trashrack losses consist of frictional and bend
combined effect of racking and hydraulic purposes. losses. The frictional losses depend on the geometry of
trashrack such as the trashrack coefficient, thickness
10.3 Program Briefings and and clear spacing of bars, inclination of the trashrack
Examples and the approach velocity. The bend loss depends on the
hydraulics of the approaching flow such as the approach
There are two spreadsheets for designing intake velocity and its deviated direction with respect to the
structures namely, “side Intake” and “Bottom Intake” normal of the trashrack surface.
for designing side and bottom intakes respectively.
The first part of the side intake calculates trashrack The trashrack surface area coefficient K1 for automatic
parameters while the second part of it calculates side raking is 0.8 whereas it is 0.3 for manual raking
intake parameters including spillways for load rejection suggesting that the raking area for manual operation
and flood discharge off-take. The second spreadsheet to recommended surface area is 3.33 times more than
calculates all the design parameters for a drop intake. the theoretical area. Manual racking is recommended
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
for Nepali micro and mini hydropower. Since the 10.3.1 Side Intake calculations
consequence of temporary reduced trashrack area in
micro and mini hydro is not severe and the trashrack Trashrack Design:
sites are generally accessible to operators all the year,
hfriction = kt * (t/b) (4/3) * (Vo 2/2g)* sin φ
the average of automatic and manual racking coefficient
of 0.55 (i.e., 80% more than the theoretical area) is = 2.4*(4/25) (4/3)*(0. 5 2/2/9.81)* sin 60o
recommended for practical and economic reason. = 0.0023m
Typical side intake parameters considered in the hbend = (Vo 2/2g)* sin β
spreadsheet are presented in Figure 10.3. The procedures = (0. 5 2/2/9.81)* sin 20o
for designing a side intake parameters are presented in
Figure 10.4. An example is presented in Figure 10.5. The = 0.0044m
calculation processes for designing a typical side intake htotal = hfriction + hbend
are also presented in the following section.
= 0.00232 + 0.0044
= 0.0067m
Asurface (S)= 1/k1*(t+b)/b * Q/Vo * 1/ sin φ
= 1/0.55*(4+25)/25*0.077*1/ sin 60o
= 0.3763 m2
Width B = S/(h/ sin φ) = 0.3763/(.3/ sin 60o)
= 1.09 m
Normal condition:
Depth @ canal (hc)= hsubmergence + height of orifice + height
of orifice sill from bottom of the canal
= 0.05+0.2+0.2 = 0.45m
Figure 10.3: Side intake parameters
Driving head (dh) = (Vo/c)2/2/g
= (1.2/0.8)2/2/9.81 = 0.115 m
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Head at river (hr) = hc+dh (this value can be provided) cell generates VALUE# error, select the cell, press F2 and
press Enter. Increase provided water depth in the river
= 0.45+0.115 = 0.565
hr, if #NUM error occurs. The final canal depth is
Height of weir (hw)= hr +0.1
(hcf ) = 0.490m
= 0.565+0.1 = 0.665 m
Q intake (Qf ) = 0.218 m3/s
Orifice area (A) = Q/V
Spillway overtopping height (hovertop)
= 0.77/1.2 = 0.064 m2
= 50%(Free board –hnwl)
Orifice width (B) = A/H
= 0.5*(.3-.05) = 0.125 m
= 0.064/.2 = 0.322 m
Spillway length 100% (Ls for Qf )
= Qf/C/(2*hovertop)1.5
2 2 1/3
Critical depth at crest (yc) = (Qf /L /g)
= 0.218/1.6/(2*0.125)1.5= 1.525 m
= (102/52/9.81)1/3 = 0.742 m
Spillway length 50% = Qf/C/(hovertop)1.5
Head at river (hfr) = hw+yc
= 0.218/1.6/(0.125)1.5 = 3.078 m
= 0.665+0.742 = 1.407 m
Care should be taken while designing spillway lengths,
Water depth at canal during flood is calculated by Ls1 for Qf (d/s Obs & 100% hovertop -50) is only applicable
equating and iterating flow coming from orifice to that when full downstream obstruction for flood off-take is
of canal flow. Since this iterative process is tedious and provided with the help of stop logs or gates. Otherwise,
erroneous, most of the micro-hydropower consultants the gradually varying water profile at the spillway has to
do not calculate it precisely. This iterative process is be considered.
introduced in the presented spreadsheet. In case this
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10.3.2 Drop Intake calculations 10.1. In the presented spreadsheet, critical depth of
upstream flow of the intake is calculated and presented
The example presented in Figure 10.7 follows the if normal flow (sub-critical) is considered.
procedures presented in Figure 10.6. This example is
taken from a 4500kW Sarbari Small Hydropower Project, Table 10.1: Drop intake and upstream flow
Kullu, India. Although the calculation procedures for the Parameters Normal flow Critical Depth
drop intake are relatively straightforward and simple, considered
it has more restrictions and limitations regarding the Velocity head (h) 2/3 * c * he ¾ * Yc
stream geometry and operational conditions. Qo u/s of intake Br * ho * Vo √(9.81*ho3 * Br 2)
(m /s) normal
Based on the flow conditions and the slope of rack, Qo u/s of intake Br * hof * Vo √(9.81 * hof3 * Br 2)
flow immediately upstream of the rack may be either (m3/s) flood
critical or sub-critical. Critical depth at the entrance of
the rack has to be considered if the rack is steeper (more The calculations presented in Figure 10.7 are verified in
than 15o). For more details, please refer to EWI UNIDO the following section. In this example the flow upstream
Standard. of the intake is considered to be of critical.
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⎛ ∑M ⎞
d= ⎜ ⎟ μ∑ V
⎝∑V⎠ FS = ≥ 1 .5
The eccentricity of the resultant (e) is:
The sliding FS is defined as the ratio of the maximum
L b a se resisting shear (TF = μΣV) and the applied shear (T=
e= −d
2 ΣH) along the slip plane at service conditions it should
not be less than 1.5, where μ is the frictional coefficient
The calculated eccentricity shall be within the allowable
between two surfaces of the considered plant.
eccentricity (e allowable) given by the following
11.1.4 Bearing Stability
e allow able = b a se For the dam to be in static equilibrium, the resultant of
all horizontal and vertical forces including uplift must
be balanced by an equal and opposite reaction of the
foundation consisting of the total normal reaction and
the total tangential shear. The location of this force is
such that the summation of moments is equal to zero.
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Weir Stability
ΣV= 52+82.5+55+132-165 = 156.5kN
ΣH= 101.25+1.98-5 = 98.23kN
ΣMo = 52.5*5.25+82.5*3.75+132*3+55*2.333-
= 362.845 kN-m
= (82.5*3.75+132*3+55*2.333)/269.5 = 3.0934m
Stability against Uplifting:
Water Loads
Or, 321.5 > 198, true, hence okay.
W1= 10*1.5*3.5*1=52.5kN
Stability against sliding (μ=0.5 of stiff soil)
0.5*156.5/98.23 = 0.7966 <1.5 not okay.
Incorporate a shear key (e.g., 1m deep by 0.75m thick)
and or increase self-weight by replacing W1 with stone
masonry or gabions.
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3. Two parts of calculations for canals are provided for: Critical Velocity (Vcrit) = √(A*g/T)
㻝㻕㻌 Evaluation of the design parameters based on = √(0.15*9.81/.5) = 1.72 m/s
user specified inputs.
Velocity (V) = Q/A
㻞㻕㻌 Optimum canal parameters based on MHP
= 0.185/0.15 = 1.233 m (Okay since it is less than
Sourcebook by Allen R Iversin.
80% of Vcrit (1.376 m/s))
4. Two spreadsheets are included in the Design Tools
Headloss (hl) = S*L + di (drops)
= 0.01299*20+0 = 0.260m
㻝㻕㻌 Canal calculations: Calculations procedures
are presented in Figure 12.1 with the help of a Critical dia of sediment (dcrit)
flow chart and a typical spreadsheet with an = 11000*r*S = 11000*0.136*0.01299
illustration is presented in Figure 12.2.
= 19.48mm (i.e., the canal can transport sediments
㻞㻕㻌 Pipe calculations: Pipe calculation flow chart of diameter 19.48mm or less during its normal
is presented in Figure 12.3. The calculation operation)
procedures are further illustrated in Figure 12.4.
Optimum Canal:
12.3.2 Canal
Area (A) = Q/v desired
Calculations for a rectangular stone masonry headrace = 0.185/1 = 0.185 m2
canal for 185 l/s flow presented in Figure 12.2 (Intake
Canal in second column) are briefly described in the Hydraulic Radius (ro )= 0.35*√(A)
following section. This example is taken from a 750kW = 0.35*S√(0.185) = 0.1505 m
Sisne Small Hydropower Project, Palpa, Nepal.
Depth (Do ) = 2*ro
Present Canal: = 2*0.1505 = 0.301m
Area (A) = D*B = 0.3*0.5 = 0.15 m2 Top Width (Bo ) = 4*ro
Top Width (T) = B+2*H*N = 4*0.1505 = 0.602m
= 0.5+2*0.3*0 = 0.5m Critical Velocity (Vcrit) = √(A*g/T)
Wetted Perimeter (P) = 2*D+B = √(0.185*9.81/.602) = 1.74 m/s (Okay since the
desired velocity of 1m/s is less than 80% of Vcrit)
= 2*0.3+.5 = 1.1m
Headloss (hl ) = S*L + di (drops)
Hydraulic Radius (R) = A/P
= 0.0050*20+0 = 0.100m
= 0.15/1.1 = 0.136 m
Critical dia of sediment (dcrit)
Calculated flow (Q c) = A*r2/3*S0.5/n
= 11000*r*S=11000*0.136*0.0050
= 0.15*0.1362/3*0.012990.5/n
= 8.271mm (i.e., the canal can tranport (self clean)
= 0.226 m3/s
sediments of diameter 8.271mm or less during its
normal operation)
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12.3.3 Pipe
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13.1 General Micro hydro settling basins are generally made of stone
masonry or concrete with spillways, flushing gates,
A settling basin traps sediment (gravel/sand/silt) from trashracks, and other accessories as and when necessary.
water and settles down in the basin for periodical flushing Most of the mini and small hydropower settling basins are
back to natural rivers. Since sediment is detrimental to of concrete (M20 or higher). However, for functionality,
civil and mechanical structures and elements, the specific all settling basins should have following components:
size of specified percentage sediment has to be trapped, 1. Inlet Zone: An inlet zone upstream of the main
settled, stored and flushed. This can only be achieved settling zone is provided for gradual expansion of
by reducing turbulence of the sediment carrying water. cross section from turbulent flow to smooth/laminar
The turbulence can be reduced by constructing settling flow.
basins along the conveyance system. Since the settling
basins are straight and have bigger flow areas, the 2. Settling Zone: A settling zone is the main part of
transit velocity and turbulence are significantly reduced a settling basin for settling, deposition, spilling
allowing the desired sediments to settle. The sediment flushing and trash removal.
thus settled has to be properly flushed back to the 3. Outlet Zone: An outlet zone facilitates gradual
natural rivers. contraction of flow to normal condition.
Thus a settling basin:
A typical section of a settling basin with all the
1. Prevents blocking of headrace system assuring components (inlet, transition, settling and outlet zones)
desired capacity of the system. and accessories (spillway, gate) is presented in Figure
2. Prevents severe wearing of turbine runner and other 13.1.
3. Reduces the failure rate and O&M costs.
13.2 Settling basin theory
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3. Spilling: Sufficient spillway/vertical flushing pipe. 7. Sediment storage zone: Adequate storage for 12
hours (flushing interval)
4. Spilling and flushing: back to the river.
8. Drawdown: Drawdown discharge capacity should be
5. Material: 1:4 cement stone masonry with 12mm at least 150% of the design discharge.
thick 1:2 cement plastering on the waterside or
structural concrete. 9. Aspect ratio (straight length to width ratio): 4 to 10.
8. Drawdown: Drawdown discharge capacity should be 1. Dimensions and functions: Similar to settling basin
at least 150% of the design discharge. if upstream system is of open type or the forebay
functions as a combined settling basin cum forebay.
9. Aspect ratio (straight length to width ratio): 1.5 to 2
for micro-hydropower gravel trap. The recommended 2. Submergence: Sufficient to prevent vortex (i.e. 1.5 *
aspect ratio of mini and small hydropower gravel v2/2g).
trap is 4.
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13.4.1 Features of the spreadsheets Vertical flushing pipes (used in micro hydropower
projects) are used for spilling of excess water and flushing
The spreadsheets are designed to cater for all types of of the basin. The diameter of vertical flushing pipe is
settling basins and with all possible spilling and flushing estimated based on the critical parameter of these two
mechanisms. Some of the main features are listed functions.
1. Overflow: Acts as a sharp crested weir. Discharge
1. Three spreadsheets for: through the flushing pipe having a diameter d1 is:
a. Gravel Trap Qf =π*d1*Cw*hf 2/3 for Cw = 1.6
b. Settling Basin (Desilting) d1 = Q f/(1.6*π*hf2/3)
c. Forebay-cum-Settling Basin 2. Drawdown / Dewatering through the vertical flushing
2. Settling of sediment using: pipe:
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
d21=(6*Qd/( π *C *( hb+fflush)0.5 )0.5 @ full Max section width for hydraulic flushing
d22=(4*Qd/( π *C *( fflush)0.5 )0.5 @ empty = 4.83*Q0.5 = 4.83*0.4550.5
3. Design diameter: Maximum of above (d1, d21,d22) = 3.258m
Provided Width (B) = 2.5m
13.4.3 Spillway at intake
Length of basin (L)= Asi/B = 25/2.5
Length of a spillway is the function of spilling discharge, = 10m, which is 4 times the width hence, satisfies
freeboard and downstream obstruction. In case there the requirement.
is not downstream obstruction such as a gate the Basin transit velocity (Vt) = 0.44* √(d)
cross section area of flow is of a triangular shape. For a
downstream obstructed condition, the flow is rectangular = 0.44*√(0.2) = 0.241m/s
in section across the spillway. According the conditions, Water depth Hi= Qi/B/Vt
the spillway length is calculated as:
= 0.455/2.5/0.241 = 0.755m
hovertop = 50% of (FB – spillway crest height above NWL)
Sediment storage volume assuming 100% trap
Ls1 =Qf/C/h overtop
: for downstream obstruction and efficiency (conservative side)
constant hovertop. V = (Qtotal)*(Flushing intensity in sec)*Concentration
Ls2 =2*Abs(Qf-Qd)/C/ hovertop ) for no downstream max in kg/Bulk Sed. Density in kg/m3/Sed
obstruction and average hovertop Swelling factor
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
3. Flushing of deposited sediment through the flushing considered here. The recommended minimum diameter
pipe: The pipe diameter will be the biggest of : of the flushing pipe diameter is 0.4 m. Use of flushing
pipe should be restricted to micro-hydropower projects.
a. For incoming flow and draw down:
For larger projects, use of gates is recommended.
D1 = (Qflushing%*4*Qi/π*Cd*√(hNWL+hflush)))0.5
= (100%*4*0.455/π**2.76*√(1.36+1.7)))0.5 The gate curve in the example presented in Figure 13.4
includes the gate dimensions, forces and the rating
= 0.35m curve. The rating curve of the gate versus different gate
c. For incoming flow only: opening can be computed by entering allowable gate
opening at the lowest input cell and clicking “Calculate
D2 = (4*Qi/(π*Cd*√(hflush)))0.5 Gate Rating Curve” button.
= (4*0.455/(π*2.76*√(1.7)))0.5
The last part of the spreadsheet can be used if the
= 0.4m
considered basin is a settling basin cum forebay. The basic
penstock inlet geometry is computed in this section. An
In the second case, the depth of water during flushing
example is presented in Figure 13.4.
(yfi) may be added to hflush for higher precision. This is not
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Figure 13.4: Typical example of a settling basin with spilling and gated flushing
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A penstock is designed to carry water to a turbine Optimization of penstock diameter shall be carried
with the least loss of head, consistent with the overall out first. It considers the maximum thickness as the
economy of the installation. An economic study to thickness of the whole penstock stretch. Fine tuning of
determine the penstock size generally requires that the the penstock thickness shall be carried out at later stage.
annual penstock cost plus the value of power lost in In large hydropower project, optimization of penstock
friction be minimal. The annual penstock cost includes thickness as well as its diameters shall be carried out in
amortization of all related construction costs, operation a single process.
and maintenance costs, and replacement reserve. A
precise analytical evaluation, taking all factors into 14.3 Program Briefing and
account, may be neither justified nor practical, since Examples
all variables entering into the problem are subject to
varying degrees of uncertainty. 14.3.1 Features of the Spreadsheets
The diameter of penstock pipe is generally optimized by Based on the technical and economical input parameters,
calculating marginal costs and benefit method. In this net present values (NPV) for different diameters within
method, the incremental benefit of annual energy by the given range of penstock diameters. The net present
increasing the pipe diameters and corresponding increase values are compared and the diameter corresponding to
of costs are plotted. The intersecting point represents the highest NPV is selected as the optimum penstock
the cost of optimum diameter. Alternatively, net present diameter in the presented spreadsheet “Penstock
values of these cash/cost flow can be calculated and the Optimisation”. Since the calculated optimum diameter
net present value (NPV) of marginal benefit from energy may not be practical for various reasons, user preferred
gain should be higher than that of the marginal cost of diameter can be selected for further uses. As presented
that diameter. The graphical plot of the final result is in Figure 14.2, 500mm diameter penstock is selected
shown in figure 14.1.
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
although the optimum diameter is 453.191mm. The Total energy (Etotal) = 8760*Ps
designer shall also note that the velocity for the selected
= 8760*285.585/1000000GWh
pipe does not exceed the limiting value.
= 2.502GWh
Based on the generated annual energies and associated Annual Reveue (R) = c*Etotal
costs, net present values are calculated for the given
diameters. The cost of penstock is calculated based on = 4*2.502
the minimum thickness required for the pipe exceeding = Rs. 10.007 Million
the minimum factor of safety. A sample calculation is
presented as an example in the following section: Present value of annual revenue for 15 years of life
= PV (Discount Factor, Life,- Revenue,0,0)
Calculation of NPV for 500mm diameter penstock pipe:
= PV(10%,15,- 10.007,0,0)
Velocity (v) = Q/a = 4*Q/π/d^2
= Rs. 61.464 Million
= 4*0.421/π/0.5^2 = 2.114m/s, ok since it is within
Thickness and factor of safety of the pipe is calculated as
in section 15.3.2 and are estimated as
Headloss (hl) = (f*L/D+Σk)*v^2/2/9.81
Maximum thickness tcal, mm = 8mm
= (0.0136*550/0.5+2.807)*2.114^2/2/9.81
Factor of safety for 8mm thick pipe FS = 3.696 which is
= 4.157m more than 2.5, hence ok.
Net head (Hn) = Hg – hl = 161.8 – 4.157 PV of cost
= 157.643m PV = π*(D+J23)/1000*J23/1000*L* Unit cost/1000000*7.85
Installed capacity (Pi) = 9.81*n*Q*Hn = π*(500+8)/1000*8/1000*550*200000/1000000*7.85
= 9.81*0.855*0.421*157.643 = Rs. 11.025 million
= 556.644kW Net Present Value NPV, M Rs.
Sellable Power (Ps) = Pi * PF = PV Income – PV Cost
= 556.644*51.30% = 285.585kW = 61.464 – 11.025 = Rs. 50.439 million
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Total frictional force for 8 piers (F2u ) 8. Dynamic pressure at the bend due to the vector
difference of momentum (F8):
= ± 1.95 x 8 = ± 15.653 kN
P8 (kN) = F8 = Q*ρ ∗v= 0.45*1*2.829 = 1.273 kN
Note that F2d is zero since an expansion joint is located
immediately downstream of the anchor block.
⎛ Q 2 ⎞ ⎛ β − α⎞
3. Hydrostatic pressure at bend due to the vector F8=2.5 ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ sin ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠
⎝d ⎠
difference of static pressure and acting towards IP
(F3) and total force along the pipe (P). Since upstream ⎛ 0.450 2 ⎞ ⎛ 25° − 13° ⎞
and downstream penstock diameter are the same. = 2.5 ⎜⎜ ⎟ sin⎜
2 ⎟
⎟ = 0.261 kN
⎝ 0.450 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
Pu (kN) = π/4*d2*Ht*γ
9. No reducer is provided in this case. Therefore axial
= π/4*.452*108*9.81 = 168.50
force on reduce (F9 = 0). In case there is a reducer, total
F3 = 2*P*sin((β-α)/2) head at the specified reducer location is calculated for
⎛ 25° − 13° ⎞ calculating F9.
= 2x168.50 x sin ⎜ ⎟ =35.227 kN
⎝ 2 ⎠
10. Axial drag of flowing water (friction of flowing
4. Component of weight of pipe along the pipe (L4u =
water) is generally not considered in micro and mini
34/cos α – 4 = 30.894)
hydropower scheme penstock design. Therefore
F4u = WpL4u sin α F10 = 0 is considered in this example.
= 0.448 x 30.894 x sin 13° = 3.112 kN 11. Force due to soil pressure (F11):
F4d = WpL4d sin β 2
γ soil h 1
= 0.448 x 4.0 x sin 25° = 0.757 kN F11= cos i x Ka x w
5. Since expansion joints both upstream and For γsoil = 20 kN/m3, φ = 30° and Ka
downstream are provided, F5 = 0. Typical temperature
ranges are presented in the example. Since the cos i − cos 2 i − cos 2 φ
= =0.371
temperatures (dt) are different for expansion and
cos i + cos 2 i − cos 2 φ
contraction, F5 for both the cases are presented.
2 0 × 1.8 2
6. Axial friction within expansion joint seal due to the F11 = cos 13° x 0.371 x 2
movement against the circumferential pressure (F6)
= 23.455 kN
can be calculated using either of the formulas:
This force acts at 1/3 of the buried depth at upstream
F6 = ±100 x d or F6 = ±π*D*W*H*γ*μ
face of anchor block, which is (1/3 x 1.8) = 0.6 m.
Since the second formula is based on analytical method,
12. Vertical force due to the weight of the block (F12)
it is recommended to use it. H is the total head at the
(Volume of the block 16.19086m3, γblock =22kN/
considered expansion joint. For a seal width (W) of
0.16m and a friction factor (m) of 0.25, F6 is
F12 = γblock*Vol of block = 22*16.191
F6u= ±π*0.454*0.16*98.512*9.81*0.25 = 55.666 kN
= 356.199 kN
F6d= ±π*0.454*0.16*109.888*9.81∗0.25 = 60.959 kN
7. Axial hydrostatic pressure on exposed end of pipe in Summary of forces are presented in Figure 16.1. The
expansion joint (F7): forces calculated above are further resolved in mutually
perpendicular directions to get the summary. A typical
F7= π*(d + t)*t*H*g
calculation is presented in Table 16.1. Forces acting at
F7u = π* 0.454*0.004*98.512*9.81= 5.518 kN the bend and the total forces for both the expansion and
F7d = π* 0.454*0.004*109.888*9.81= 6.042 kN contraction are presented in the table. The total forces
will further be utilized in anchor block design.
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
F3 = 35.227 ⎛ β + α⎞ ⎛ β + α⎞
= F3 sin ⎜ ⎟ = 11.469 = - F3 cos ⎜⎝ ⎟
2 ⎠ = - 33.308
⎝ 2 ⎠
F4u = 3.112 = F4u cos α = 3.033 = F4u sin α = 0.700
F4d = 0.757 = F4u cos β = 0.686 = F4u sin β = 0.320
F5u = 0.000 = F5u cos α = 0.000 = F5u sin α = 0.000
F5d = 0.000 = - F5d cos β = 0.000 = - F5d sin β = 0.000
F6u = 55.666 = F6u cos α = 54.239 = F6u sin α = 12.522
F6d = 60.959 = - F6d cos β = - 55.248 = -F6d sin β = -25.763
F7u = 5.518 = F7u cos α = 5.377 = F7u sin α = 1.241
F7d = 6.042 = - F7d cos β = - 5.476 = - F7d sin β = - 2.553
⎛ β + α⎞ ⎛ β + α⎞
F8 = 0.261 = F8 sin ⎜⎝ ⎟
2 ⎠ = 0.085 = - F8 cos ⎜⎝ ⎟
2 ⎠ = - 0.247
F9u = 0.000 = F9u cos α = 0.000 = F9u sin α = 0.000
F9d = 0.000 = - F9d cos β = 0.000 = - F9d sin β = 0.000
F10u = 0.000 = F10u cos α = 0.000 = F10u sin α = 0.000
F10d = 0.000 = - F10d cos β = 0.000 = - F10d sin β = 0.000
F11 = 23.455 = F11 cos i = 22.853 = F11 sin i = 5.276
F12 = 356.199 0 = F12 = 354.640
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2 0 × 1.8 2
= cos 13° x 0.3715 x 2
= 23.455 kN
This force acts at 1/3 of the buried depth at upstream face
of anchor block from point O as shown in Figure 17.2,
which is (1/3 x 1.8) = 0.6 m. Perpendicular components
of this forces are:
F11X= F11 *cos i
= 23.455*cos 13° = 22.853 kN
F11Y= F11 *sin i
= 23.455*sin 13° = 5.276 kN
Figure 17.1: Typical Anchor Block
Stability (refer to Figure 17.3)
The spreadsheet is also designed to accommodate forces
due to the dead weight of anchor block and upstream
earth pressure. In case forces at the pipe bend calculated Expansion case
as per section 17.1 are used, dead weight of anchor block Sum of moments about point O with clockwise moments
and upstream earth pressure for a different anchor block as positive:
(not similar to defined in “Anchor Loads”) can be used in
this spreadsheet. ∑M @ O = 30.327 x 2.15 + 22.853 x 0.6 + 356.199 x
1.405 – 16.215 x 1.0 = 563.303 kN-m
17.2 Program Example
⎛∑M ⎞ 563.303
d=⎜ ⎟= = 1.632 m
Concrete Block ⎝ ∑V ⎠ 345.26
Centre of gravity of the block from the upstream face of
the block taking the moment of mass. e = 3 − 1.632 = 0.132 m
{(3 x 2.25)3/2 + (1/2 x 3 x 1.05)1/3 x 3} x 2
{(3 x 2.25) + (1 / 2 x 3 x 1.05)} x 2 L base 3
eallowable = = = 0 .5 m
6 6
= 1.405m
∴ the weight of the block WB acts 1.41 m from point O. ∴ e < eallowable OK
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Note that for stiff clay allowable bearing pressure is 200 Expansion case
kN/m2. FS*∑ H < μ ∑ V
Expansion case: μ = 0.5 for concrete/masonry on soil
∑V ⎛ 6e ⎞
⎜1 + ⎟ FS= factor of safety (1.5)
A base ⎜ L base ⎟
Pbase max = ⎝ ⎠ 1.5*53.18 kN < 0.5 x 345.26 kN
79.77 kN < 172.63 kN OK.
345.26 ⎛ 6 × 0.132 ⎞
= ⎜1 + ⎟ = 72.681 N/m2 Contraction case
3× 2 ⎝ 3 ⎠
FS*∑ H < μ ∑ V
∑V ⎛ 6e ⎞
⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟ 1.5*16.66 kN < 0.5 x 320.44 kN
A Lbase
Pbase min = base ⎝ ⎠ 24.99 kN < 160.22 kN OK.
Since FS*∑ H < μ ∑ V in both cases the structure is safe
345.26 ⎛ 6 × 0.132 ⎞ against sliding.
= ⎜1 + ⎟ = 42.406 N/m2
3× 2 ⎝ 3 ⎠ ∴The anchor block is stable.
1 1 E xpansion
2 Contraction
1.488 2
F 11V 1.00 m
5.276 1.41 m P enstock
centre line
F 11 H
w b = 356.199
0. 6 0 m
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Pelton turbine are the preferred turbine for hydro- The Turbine consisits of a cylindrical runner with
power, when the available water source has relatively a horizontal shaft, composed of numerous blades,
high hydraulic head at low flow rates. Pelton turbine arranged radially and tangentially. The blade’s edges
are made in all sizes. A Pelton turbine has one or more are sharpened to reduce resistance to the flow of water.
nozzles discharging jets of water which hit series of A blade is made in a part-circular cross-section. A
buckets mounted on the periphery of a circular disc. rectangular adaptor directs the jet to the full length of
the runner in this kind of turbine.
• High efficiency
• Simple structure
• Easy to fabricate
• Easy to shut down with jet deflector
• Easy to maintain
• Good part flow efficiency
Disadvantages Disadvantages
• Nozzle can be clogged • Low rotational speed so needs drive system
• High surge pressure
• Bucket profile difficult to fabricate Sizing of T14 Crossflow Turbines
• Turbine rpm
H net
rpm Cross Flow = 40 × ,
Available Drunner = 300 mm
Q max
• Inlet width bomm = ,
Qss × Dssm H netm
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AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Alternatively, the specific speed of the turbine can be A crossflow turbine example is presented in Figure 18.6.
determined by using the following discharged based
equation: Standard values of the specific ranges are considered in
Sp Speed (ns) = 3.65*Turbine rpm*√(Q/Nturbines)/Hn3/4 these examples. User specific (AEPC) ranges of specific
are also possible to use for the selection of turbines
Table 18.4: Turbine type vs. Flow based Specific although it is not generally recommended for use unless
speed ns ranges adeopted by AEPC there are some special reasons for using them.
Turbine Min ns Max ns
Kaplan 270 1000
Francis 60 350
Pelton 8 72
Crossflow 42 200
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Figure 18.5: A typical Pelton turbine example using Power based standard specific formula.
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AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
19.1 General of the proposed loads and costs and benefits of the
scheme. As stated earlier, a generator type can be either
A generator converts mechanical energy to electrical synchronous or induction of either single or three phase.
energy. There are two types of generators; namely, Some of the main features of all types of generator are
synchronous and asynchronous (induction). outlined in the following sections:
Generally, induction generators are inexpensive and 19.2.1 Single Phase versus Three Phase
appropriate for Nepali pico-hydro schemes up to System
10kW. Both synchronous and asynchronous generators Advantages of a Three - Phase System
are available in single and three phases. Brushless
synchronous generators are recommended for micro and • Considerable saving of conductor and machine
mini hydropower projects. costs.
• Cheaper above 5 kW.
Load controllers are the equipment which maintains
the frequency of a generated electricity. It senses the • Less weight by size ratio.
frequency variation which occur due to the variation in Advantage of a Single – Phase System
the main load. This frequency is maintained by diverting
• Simple wiring.
surplus power to the dump load. Load controllers are
generally used as the governing system in Nepali micro • Cheaper ELC.
hydro schemes. An Electronic Load Controller (ELC)
• No problem due to unbalanced load.
is used for controlling power output of a synchronous
generator. To control power output of an induction
19.2.2 Induction versus Synchronous
generator, an Induction Generator Controller (IGC) is
used. For bigger hydropower projects other than micro
hydropower projects, brushless synchronous generators Induction Generators
with electronic load controller coupled with flow control Advantages of Induction Generators:
governing systems called Electronic Load Governor • Easily available
(ELG) are used mainly because of economic grounds.
• Cheap, rugged and simple in construction
Electronic Load Controller • Minimum Maintenance
Drawbacks of Induction Generators:
Selection of generator size mainly depends up on the • The cost is higher than induction generator for small
loads of a proposed site. Selection of generator type sizes.
depends on the size of the selected generator, nature • Higher losses due to unbalanced load.
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
0.945 1750
0.915 2250
0.845 3250
0.815 3750
0.785 4250
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Single phase and three phase ELCs are used mainly in 1000 * Pe * sin(cos −1 ( pf )
Nepali Micro Hydropower Projects. Generally the ballast 3 * V 2 * pf * 2P * f *H m
rating of ELC is increased by 20 % of installed capacity
of the plant. Where,
Xc = V / Im in Ohm (Ω)
In order to compensate for the losses due to harmonics
generated by working principle of ELC, ELC Extension V = Rated Voltage of the motor in Volt (V) and phase
(ELC-X) is used in projects with capacities exceeding to phase voltage is 380/400/415 V
50kW. In an ELC-X system, loads are controlled by having Im = Magnetizing Current in ampere (A)
60% Thyristor load combined with 40% fixed load.
= Rated full load current (Irated) * sin (cos-1 (pf))
19.4.3 Induction Generator Controllers Irated at full load current
= Rated power (kW) * 1000/(V*pf)
Similar to ELC, an IGC senses operating voltages and
thus controls the voltage by diverting varying amount ηm = rated efficiency of motor at full load
of power to the ballast. They are limited to smaller
For star connected capacitors, the excitation
generating units where the inductive loads are negligible
capacitance is three times that for the Delta
and frequency sensitive loads are not used. AEPC limits
the use of IGC to 10kW although 1-Phase [1-10 kW] & 3
phase [10kW-30 kW] are available in the market. 2. Sizing of MCCB/MCB = 1.25*Pe* 1000/(V*pf) A
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Force due to htotal, (FH) = (Pipe area) x 101 m x unit weight ∴The structure is safe against overturning.
of water Bearing pressure:
0 .3 2
m 2 × 101 m × 9.8 kN / m3 = 70.036 kN Pbase max = ∑ V ⎛
⎜1 +
6e ⎞
A b a se ⎝ L b a se ⎠
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
ΣH = FH = 70.036 kN
260.477 ⎛ 6 × 0.516 ⎞ = 64.038 kN/m2 μ ΣV = 0.5 x 260.5 = 130.2 kN
= ⎜1 + ⎟
3.2 × 2.5 ⎝ 3.2 ⎠
Factor of safety against sliding:
Pbase min = ∑ V ⎛⎜1 − 6e ⎞
A base ⎜⎝ L base ⎠ µ∑ V 130.238
= = = 1.86 > 1.5 OK
260.477 ⎛ 6 × 0.516 ⎞ = 1.081 kN/m2
∑H 70.036
= ⎜1 − ⎟ ∴ The structure is safe against sliding.
3.2 × 2.5 ⎝ 3.2 ⎠
Since both pressures are within zero and 180 kN/m2
Stability along YY is analyzed in similar manner. It is
(max. allowed for soil) the structure is safe against
worth noting that the machine foundation is not stable
(for the stated factor of safety) against overturning and
Sliding: bearing along YY axis and this is the real critical case for
Assume that the friction coefficient between block and the presented example in the guidelines.
soil, μ = 0.5
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Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
21.1 General and 400V and single phase 230V transmission and
distribution lines.
Power generated at a powerhouse is evacuated to load 2. Balanced load is assumed, i.e., neutral conductor
centers or grids with the help of transmission and does not carry any current.
distribution lines. According to the Nepal Standards,
400/230V is the standard minimum voltage. 400/11000V 3. With a power factor of 0.8, the rated current and
system is used in micro-hydropower transmission voltage drop are calculated as:
system where as 11 kV/33 kV is used in mini and small
hydropower transmission system. 11 kV and 33 kV Table 21.2: Rated current and voltage drop
are also considered to be distribution voltage by Nepal calculation
Electricity Authority (NEA). Use of standard voltages in Voltage drop
Phase Current (A)
micro hydropower projects is recommended so that the (dV)
power can be easily synchronized and evacuated to grid 3-phase Pe*1000/(√3*V* pf) √3*I*Z*length
in future. 1-phase Pe*1000/(V*pf) 2*I*Z*length
21.3 Program Briefing and The grid and load presented in Figure 21.2 are used for
Examples the calculations presented in Figure 21.3.
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Transformer # 2 Legends
Figure 21.2: Transmission line and load used for the example
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22.1 General uses can be defined in five different time slots in the
24-hour load duration curve.
By optimizing the use of available energy by allocating it 2. Probable business load after three years of operation
in different time slots, benefit from a micro hydro scheme can defined based on the AEPC requirements. A
can be maximized. Based on the AEPC guidelines, a certainty percentage is used to calculate the level of
spreadsheet on loads and benefits is presented for assurance of installing and utilizing these business
concerned stakeholders to arrive to the most optimum loads.
pre-construction decision.
3. Annual available energy, annual load, productive end
use load factor and annual total income are calculated
22.2 General Recommendations
and subsequently used in the financial analyses.
1. Average subscription wattage should not exceed
4. Load duration chart for the first three years of
200W per household.
operation and after three years of operation are
2. Minimum of 10% of total energy output as productive presented at the end of the spreadsheet. The load
end use is mandatory. duration chart till the first three years of operation
3. Multipurpose scheme is preferable. is very helpful in planning and allocating different
loads so that the benefits are maximized.
22.3 Program Briefing and 5. Yearly end use loads, productive end use load factors,
Example total plant load factors and annual total incomes for
the first three years and after three years of operation
22.3.1 Program Briefing are summarized for use in subsequent financial
A flow chart of loads and benefits analyses used in the
spreadsheet is presented in Figure 22.1. Based on this Loads and Benefits calculations
flow chart, an example is presented in Figure 22.2. The Loads and benefits calculation in the presented
main features and assumptions are: spreadsheet are divided into two main parts. The first
1. In case the guidelines are similar to that set by part covers existing or committed business loads while
AEPC, this spreadsheet can also be used to all micro the second part covers probable business load after this
hydropower project. For the first three years of period. This spreadsheet is prepared to mimic AEPC
operation, one set of domestic and five different end subsidy calculation format. A 150 kW Gaddigadh MHP,
Figure 22.1: Flow chart of the load and benefits calculation spreadsheet.
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Doti is used as an example in the spreadsheet. The end use and productive end use load factor are 101,580
stepwise calculations for the first three years of load and kWh and 8.50% respectively. Similarly the total plant
benefit calculations are presented. factor and annual income are 42.16% and Rs 1,074,000
Domestic Loads
Annual available energy, Ey = operating days * installed Since the committed end use is less than 10%, this
capacity * 24 project needs to increase its end uses in order to qualify
= 330*150*24 = 1,188,000 kWh for AEPC subsidy.
Load P (kW) =Beneficiary households (HH) *Average The presented load duration chart in Figure 22.2 suggests
HH load /(1-loss)/1000 that the scheme is mainly dominated by domestic load.
= 700 * 85 /(1-0.1)/1000 = 66.111 kW Other end uses can be incorporated even at subsidized
rate during 5:00 to 17:00 and 20:00 to 24:00 hours. The
Yearly load P y = operating days * daily load (D) = 330 loads varies from 20 to 140kW during these periods. In
*((5-0)*100+(8-5)*20+(18-8)*25+(20-18)*140+(24- case the scheme has to share water with other existing
20)*30) water utilities such as irrigation systems, this can be
= 399,300 kWh arranged during the non-operating hours or during
partial load hours. Thus, this load duration curve can
Average daily operating hours = Py/ Do/P
also be used to maximize benefits even at lower tariff
= 399300 /330/66.111 = 18.303 hours/day during such hours.
Load factor = Py / Ey * 100
The second chart shows load duration chart for
= 399300 /1,188,000 *100 = 33.61% the project after three years of operation. The total
Annual Income By =tariff * HH * load*12 productive end use after three years of operation is
36.83%. The certain end loads by factorizing the second
= Rs 1*700*85*12 = Rs 714,000 load by 50% is 17.69%. As presented in the figure, the
Existing/ Committed business loads annual end use and productive end use load factor are
200,180 kWh and 17.69% respectively. Similarly the
Existing or committed business loads are calculated in
total plant factor and annual income are 51.30% and Rs
similar manner. The calculated values are presented
1,778,400 respectively.
in Figure 22.3. As presented in the figure, the annual
Load 6 Load 5
Bakery Agro-processing
Domestic Installed Capacity
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Time (hrs)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Time (hrs)
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Table 23.1: Summary of Subsidy as per AEPC Renewable Energy Subsidy Policy, 2069
Type (New/ Class A (Ka) Class B (Kha) Class C (Ga) Additional
Subsidy /HH
Subsidy /HH
Subsidy /HH
Subsidy /HH
Subsidy /kW
Subsidy /kW
Subsidy /kW
Mini with Grid (101- 20,000 120,000 220,000 18,000 100,000 190,000 16,000 70,000 150,000 2,500
Mini without Grid 15,000 120,000 195,000 15,000 100,000 175,000 15,000 70,000 145,000 2,500
Micro (11-100kW) 25,000 130,000 255,000 25,000 100,000 225,000 25,000 70,000 195,000 2,500
Pico (up to 10kW) 15,000 90,000 165,000 15,000 80,000 155,000 15,000 60,000 135,000 2,500
The maximum subsidy per kW along with households for ‘Ka’ ‘Kha’ and ‘Ga’ (A, B and C) areas are Rest. 255,000; Rest.
225,000; Rest. 195,000 respectively. Taking into mind that the power could use for end uses in future, 1 kW of power
should be used by at least 5 households.
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
discount rate are applied to make them more sustainable. Project costs and benefit related are presented in Figure
It is worth noting that the only loans and cash equity 23.2. The summary of costs and benefits are:
are considered as investments in the financial analyses.
Total project cost including interest during construction
The loans shall be paid back within the stated payback
(IDC) P = Rs 38,752,717.50
Total capitalized loan L = Rs 3,527,500. Bank loan and
23.2.2 Typical example of costing and other loans will be paid back in 15 years at interest rates
financial analyses of 12% and 6% respectively.
Cash and kind equity = Rs 3,100,217.50
A typical example of costing and financial analyses of
a micro-hydro scheme based on projected cash flow is Operation and maintenance cost = Rs 545,000
presented in Figure 23.2. Since the economic life span of
mini and small hydropower is more than 15 years, use of Annual Revenues of Rs. 1,074,000 and 1,778,400 up
the spreadsheet should be limited to micro-hydropower to three years of operation and after three years of
projects only. However, financial analyses of mini and operation are considered in the financial analyses.
small hydropower projects can be carried out using
the stepwise calculations presented in the subsequent Annual installment of bank loan (annuity) were
section. calculated using an Excel built-in function PMT (interest
rate, payback year, -loan. If the installment mode is
Financial Analyses other than annual (such as monthly and quarterly), it
Subsidy Calculations: is recommended to use Loan Payment module of the
presented Utility spreadsheet.
Total Subsidy = subsidyHH * HH + SubsidykW*kW+ Other
Based on the projected annual cash flows (CFs), NPVs
= 20,000*700 + 120,000*150 + 50*2500 of the project are calculated by using an Excel built-in
function NPV(Discount Factor, Cash Flows)*(1+Discount
=Rs. 32,125,000
Factor). NPV, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Benefit
Subsidy ceiling per kW = Rs. 220,000 Cost Ratio (BCR) of total project cost without subsidy
Actual subsidy per kW = 32,125,000/150 for 15 years of project life is:
= 213,333, which is within the ceiling. NPVC-S = NPV(Discount Factor, Cash Flows)*(1+Discount
Sources of investment
Project Payback of loan
Name Discount factor
Location, Breakdown of investment cost
Annual operating cost
Figure 23.1: Flow chart for Project costing and financial analyses
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
= NPV(6%, - 6627718, 1074000, …., 1778400,…) * NPV, IRR and BCR for return on equity and total project
(1+6%) costs are also presented in Figure 23.2. As can be seen
= Rs. 2,563,539 OK since it is positive. in the Figure, the financial parameters for the total costs
IRR C-S= IRR (Cash Flows) are not financially attractive meaning there has to be
= 11.12%, ok since it is more than 6% subsidy component.
BCR C-S= Net Present Benefit/Net Present Costs
= NPV(Discount Factor, Benefit Cash Flows / Since most of the mini and small hydropower projects
NPV(Discount Factor, Cost Cash Flows) last more than 15 years, financial parameters for 30 years
= 1.410 of economic life span are also calculated and presented
in the spreadsheet.
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Figure 23.2: A typical example of project costing and financial analyses
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
24. Utilities
24.1 General calculating uniform depth. VBA for Excel is used for this
iterative process. A typical calculation for a rectangular
Minor and repetitive calculations are presented in the section is presented in Figure 24.1.
spreadsheet “Utility”. These tools are especially helpful
in case quick and handy independent computations are 24.3 Payment of Loan for Different
required. Some of the presented tools are: Periods (monthly, quarterly
and yearly)
24.2 Uniform Depth of a
Rectangular or Trapezoidal The tool presented in Figure 24.2 is useful for calculating
Channel equal installment payback (EMI) for a given loan at a
specific interest rate and terms. Three modes namely
Calculation of uniform depths of an open channel is monthly, quarterly and yearly payments are available in
an iterative process. Manning’s equation is used for this tool.
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
Payment Schedule of Upper Mai C Hydroelectric Project with Loan(1311189226) & Interest(10%)
Month Pmt No. Pmt Principal Interest Balance
38718.000 1.000 93352936.596 82426359.712 10926576.883 1228762866.288
38749.000 2.000 93352936.596 83113246.043 10239690.552 1145649620.244
38777.000 3.000 93352936.596 83805856.427 9547080.169 1061843763.817
38808.000 4.000 93352936.596 84504238.564 8848698.032 977339525.254
38838.000 5.000 93352936.596 85208440.552 8144496.044 892131084.702
38869.000 6.000 93352936.596 85918510.890 7434425.706 806212573.812
38899.000 7.000 93352936.596 86634498.481 6718438.115 719578075.331
38930.000 8.000 93352936.596 87356452.635 5996483.961 632221622.697
38961.000 9.000 93352936.596 88084423.073 5268513.522 544137199.624
38991.000 10.000 93352936.596 88818459.932 4534476.664 455318739.691
39022.000 11.000 93352936.596 89558613.765 3794322.831 365760125.927
39052.000 12.000 93352936.596 90304935.546 3048001.049 275455190.380
39083.000 13.000 93352936.596 91057476.676 2295459.920 184397713.704
39114.000 14.000 93352936.596 91816288.981 1536647.614 92581424.723
39142.000 15.000 93352936.596 92581424.723 771511.873 0.000
Figure 24.3: Generated Schedule of EMI calculation
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25. References
1. Adam Harvey (1993), Micro-Hydro Design 14. HMG of Nepal, Ministry of Water Resources, Water
Manual, A guide to small-scale water power and Energy Commission Secretariat, Department
schemes, Intermediate Technology Publications, of Hydrology and Meteorology, Methodologies for
ISBN 1 85339 103 4. estimating hydrologic characteristics of un-gauged
locations in Nepal (1990).
2. Allen R. Inversin (1986), Micro-Hydropower
Sourcebook, A Practical Guide to Design and 15. HMG/N, Medium Irrigation Project, Design
Implementation in Developing Countries, NRECA Manuals, 1982.
International Foundation, 1800 Massachusetts
16. ICIMOD, Manual for Survey and Layout Design of
Avenue N. W., Washington, DC 20036.
Private Micro Hydropower Plants.
3. American Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE),
17. IT Nepal Publications, Management Guidelines For
Sediment Transportation.
Isolated MH Plant In Nepal, 1999.
4. Badri Ram & DN Vishwakarma, Tata McGraw-Hill
18. ITDG, Electrical Guideline For Micro-Hydro Electric
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi 1995,
Power System Protection and Switchgear, 1995.
19. ITDG, IT Nepal Publications, Financial Guidelines
5. BPC Hydroconsult, Intermediate Technology
for Micro-hydro Projects, 1997.
Development Group (ITDG), Kathmandu,
Nepal (2002), Civil Works Guidelines for Micro- 20. ITDG/ESAP, Guidelines relating to quality
Hydropower in Nepal. improvement of MH plants, 1999.
6. Entec AG, Switzerland, 240 kW Dewata Tea State 21. ITECO, DEH/SATA Salleri Chialsa Small Hydel
Mini Hydropower Scheme Feasibility Study, West Project (1983), Technical Report.
Java, Indonesia, 2000. 22. KB Raina & SK Bhattacharya, New Age International
7. Entec AG, Switzerland, 585 kW Jegu Village Mini (P) Ltd (1999), Electrical Design Estimating and
Hydropower Plant Feasibility Study, East Java, Costing.
Indonesia, 2000. 23. MHP Training Programme GTZ Papua New
8. European Small Hydropower Association (1998), Guinea,
Layman's Guidebook on How to Develop a Small 24. Mini-Grid Support Programme, Alternative Energy
Hydro Site. Promotion Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal(2001),
9. GTZ/Department of Energy Development, Energy Technical Details and Cost Estimate.
Division, Papua New Guinea, Micro Hydropower 25. Mini-Grid Support Programme, Alternative Energy
Training Modules (1994), Modules 1-7, 10, 13, 14 Promotion Centre , Kathmandu, Nepal(2003),
& 18B. Guidelines for Detailed Feasibility Study of Micro-
10. Hanoi Construction Company, 3MW Sao Va Hydro Projects.
Hydropower Project Feasibility Report, Nghe An 26. Mini-Grid Support Programme, Alternative Energy
Province, Vietnam, 2005. Promotion Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal (2002),
11. Helmut Lauterjung/Gangolf Schmidt (1989), Peltric Standards.
Planning of Intake Structures, GATE/GTZ, Vieweg. 27. Mini-Grid Support Programme, Alternative Energy
12. High Head Power Plants, Volume IIA/IIB, Emil Promotion Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal (2003),
Mosonyi, Academiai Kiado, Budapest, 1991. Preliminary Feasibility Studies of Prospective
Micro-hydro Projects.
13. His Majesty's Government of Nepal, Ministry
of Water Resources, Department of Irrigation, 28. Norwegian Water Resources and Energy
Planning and Design Strengthening Project Administration, The Norwegian Regulations for
(PDSP), United Nations Development Programme Planning, Construction and Operation of Dams,
(NEP/85/013) / World Bank, Design Manuals for Norwegian University Press, Oslo, Norway, 1994.
Irrigation Projects in Nepal, 1990.
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
29. P.N. Khanna (1996), Indian Practical Civil Engineer's 34. Standards / Manuals / Guidelines for Small
Handbook, 15th Edition, Engineer's Publishers, Hydro Development, Ministry of New and
Post Box 725, New Delhi - 110001. Renewable Energy, Govt. of India, STANDARDS /
30. REDP, REDP Publications, Environment
DEVELOPMENT, Alternate Hydro Energy Centre,
Management Guidelines, 1997.
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.
31. Small Hydro Engineers Consultants P Ltd, Detailed
35. United Nations Industrial Development
Project Report (DPR) of 5MW Soldan Small
Organization (UNIDO), Report on Standardization
Hydropower Project, Himachal Pradesh, India,
of Civil Works for Small Hydropower Plants.
36. US Army Corps & USBR Manuals
32. Small Hydro Engineers Consultants P Ltd, Detailed
Project Report (DPR) of 4.5MW Sarbari Small 37. Various Consultants, AEPC subsidized Nepali
Hydropower Project, Himachal Pradesh, India, micro-hydropower (up to 100kW) Pre-feasibility
2001. and Feasibility Study Reports (about 400 projects),
33. Son Vu Energy Development Joint Stock Company,
3.2MW Nhap A Hydropower Project Final Feasibility 38. Various Consultants, SHPP/GTZ assisted Nepali
Report, Hoa Binh, Vietnam, 2005. small hydropower (up to 10MW) study reports at
various levels (about 65 projects), 2001-2006.
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
AEPC/NMHDA Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08)
Birendranagar-6, Buddha Path Line, Surkhet, Nepal Butwal – 6, Rupandehi, Nepal
Phone: 083-521428 Phone: 071- 542522, 541022
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
LTD. Palpasa Road, Hetauda, Makwanpur, Nepal
BhumiprashasanChowk 13, Biratnagar ,Morang, Nepal Phone:057-691955, 057-210833
GPO Box No : 150 Email: [email protected]
Phone: 021-525492, 01-450919 Fax: 021-531162
Email: [email protected] NEPAL YANTRA SHALA ENERGY
Patan Industrial Estate, Lagankhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
LUMBINI ENGINEERING & HYDROPOWER Phone: 01-5522167, 5527857 Fax: 01-5530600
Swoyambhu, KMC-15, Kathmandu, Nepal Email: [email protected]
Phone:01-4287818Fax: 01-2180144
Kalika Path, Mainanagar, PO Box 54, Butwal, Nepal
MALIKA ENGINEERING & MECHANICAL WORKS Phone: 071-550181 Fax: 071-546622
PVT. LTD. Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Dhangadhi, Kailali, Nepal Web:
Phone: 091-522730, 091-525330
Email: [email protected] OSHIN POWER SERVICES PVT. LTD
B.T.I. Complex, Butwal, Rupandehi
MANASALU ENERGY PVT. LTD. Phone: 071-545217 Fax: 071-551525
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal Email:
Phone: 01-4823015, 4823016
Email: [email protected] POWER TECH NEPAL PVT. LTD
Patan Industrial Estate, Lagankhel, Lalitpur
MEC CONSULTANCY PVT. LTD. Phone: 01-5522263, 5543067 Fax: 01- 4288886
Dhapasi, Kathmandu, Nepal Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01-6915612 Fax: 01-4650387
(Technology Upliftment Engineering Centre)
Balaju-16, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: 057-522880
Phone: 01-4350580, 4385585 Fax: 01- 4352495 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
MULTI POWER CONSTRUCTION PVT. LTD. Main Road, DamauliChowk, Tanhun
Alok Nagar, NayaBaneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: 065-560573, 01-4388604 Fax: 065-560899
Phone: 01-4106650, 4106651 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Banasthali-15, Kathmandu, Nepal Purano Cinema Road, Rupandehi, Nepal
Phone: 01-6208789, 01-4890593 Phone: 071-520822 Fax: 086-520822
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Micro/Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools (v 2013.08) AEPC/NMHDA
COMPANY PVT. LTD. NamunaMarg, Pepsicola-35, Kathmandu
Birendra Nagar-3, Kalagaun, Surkhet, Nepal Phone:01- 4992942 Fax: 01- 4992942
Phone: 083-521230, 521953 Fax: 083-520424 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected], Web:
[email protected]
TECHNICAL DESIGN ENGINEERING Butwal Industrial Estate, Rupandehi, Nepal
CONSULTANCY & CONSTRUCTION Pvt. Ltd. Phone: 071- 543658, 551560 Fax: 071-551559
Mayalbari, Teku, Kathmandu, Nepal Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01-4230013
Balaju-16, Kathmandu, Nepal
TECHNO VILLAGE PVT. LTD Phone: 01-4350580, 4385585 Fax: 01-4352495
Banasthali, Kathmandu, Nepal Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01-4390229, 9851092494
Email: [email protected] Butwal Industrial Estate, Rupandehi, Nepal
Phone: 071-540074 Fax: 071-540271
Email: [email protected]
Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC)
Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) is a Government institution established on
November 3, 1996 under the then Ministry of Science and Technology with the objective of
developing and promoting renewable/alternative energy technologies in Nepal. Currently, it is
under Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology. It functions independently, and has a
eleven member board with representatives from government sector, industry sector and non-
governmental organizations. National Rural & Renewable Energy Programme (NRREP) of AEPC
is promoting Nepali hydropower schemes up to 1000kW.
Jhimruk Hydropower Project in 1990 and as a design engineer in 60MW Khimti Hydropower
Project in 1992, Mr. Pushpa Chitrakar has been providing his professional services to micro,
mini, small and bigger hydropower project implementation phases from policy formulation to
implementation and operation phases in Nepal and abroad.
His professional career includes the services of one decade in Butwal Power Company, half a
decade in Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP/GTZ), four years in the United Nations
(UNHABITAT) in Afghanistan, two years in JICA/Afghanistan, three years in Hydro Solutions P Ltd
and one year in Beni Hydropower Project P Ltd.
He had graduated his Bachelors’ Degree in Civil Engineering from the Institute of
Engineering Pulchowk Campus (1990), his Masters’ Degree in Hydropower Development from
the Institute of Science and Technology (NTNU) Norway (1999) and his Masters’ Degree in
Business Administration from Tribhuban University (1999).
Mr. Chitrakar is differently known as the specialist equipped with technical, financial and
managerial skills and knowledge of ground reality in hydropower as well as other water
resources sectors.
Mini Hydropower Survey and Design Tools is the first of its own kind shareware for designing
micro and mini hydropower projects in Nepal and abroad. His other famous works include
“Micro Hydropower Design Aids”(2006, SHPP/GTZ Nepal),“Engineering Surveying and Discharge
Measurement Tools” (2008, UNHABITAT Afghanistan), “Gravity Water Supply Design Tools” (2009,
UNHABITAT Afghanistan), etc.
He is currently serving as the Board Member and CEO of the under construction 18MW
Upper Solu Hydropower Project, the CEO of Angel Engineering Consultancy P. Ltd., the GM
of Hydro Solutions Engineering Consultancy P. Ltd. and part time international consultant for
JICA/Tokyo and GiZ/Germany.