Ordinances, Rules and Regulations
Ordinances, Rules and Regulations
Ordinances, Rules and Regulations
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How Ordinances of UIET, CSJM University are made
2. All ordinances made by the ordinance committee shall have effect from such date as it
may direct, but every ordinance so made shall be submitted, as soon as may be, to the
Academic Council of the CSJM University and shall be considered next by the
Executive Council of CSJM University at the next meeting.
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1. The degree of Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) of CSJM University, Kanpur shall be
conferred on the candidates who have pursued the prescribed course of study for not less
than eight semesters spread over four academic years and have passed the examinations
as prescribed under the relevant ordinances. The course will be conducted on full time
2. Total number of students to the B. Tech. course shall be restricted to numbers decided
by the University from time to time in the following branches, viz., Computer Science
and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Information Technology and Materials Science and
Metallurgical Engineering. The number of students in each branch shall also be limited
to the student strength decided by the University.
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3. The admission to B. Tech. program will be done once a year, usually, in the month of July
strictly on the basis of merit earned, normally, through an entrance examination conducted by
UPTU, Lucknow / CSJM University / any other competent examination body. The minimum
academic qualification for appearing in the Entrance Examination will be a pass in the final
examination of 10+2 system or its equivalent with Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics or as
notified. The candidate should be domiciled in U.P.
4. Up to 5% of the seats may be filled by NRI / direct / sponsored admission. These shall be
supernumerary seats. They shall be admitted without any entrance examination on the basis of
past academic record as notified. The fee structure for such students will be as notified.
5. In all cases, the admission of an applicant to the B. Tech. program requires that the applicant
b. Fulfilled the prescribed admission procedure and paid the prescribed fees.
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6. The academic session shall normally begin in the third week of July every year and will
end in the middle of July next year.
Second Semester : From the first week of January to the second week of May;
Each of the two semesters will consist of about 20 weeks including one week of mid
semester recess. The last two weeks of each semester will be scheduled for end semester
examination and one week during the semester will be used for mid semester
examination. Thus, there will be about 16 teaching weeks in each semester. The summer
term will consist of about 8 working weeks.
7. An Academic Calendar will be prepared every year mentioning the proposed dates of all
the academic events during the academic session. The Academic Calendar shall contain
dates for the following items: Registration, Late Registration, Commencement of
Classes, Last day of classes, Semester Recess, Mid-Semester and End-Semester
Examinations, etc..
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10. If for any compelling reason such as illness, a student is unable to register on the day of
registration, he/she will be allowed to register on late registration dates. The exact dates
for late registration will be mentioned in the Academic Calendar. Students who seek
prior permission to register late on valid grounds may be granted permission by
theChairperson, APEC, to register without paying the late registration fees. Any student
registering late without prior permission for late registration will be required to pay the
late registration fee as notified. However, no registration will be done four weeks after
the first day of registration except under exceptional circumstances with valid evidence
to support the case.
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11. A student will be normally expected to register for five courses in every semester
(except in Summer Term). Each course has a certain number of contact hours (lectures
and tutorials) and may contain a certain number of laboratory hours per week.
Depending upon the number of contact hours and laboratory hours, the weightage of the
course is decided.
12. Each department may introduce additional requirements during the professional
13. Normally the Students are not allowed to withdraw temporarily from the Institute. In
exceptional circumstances, a student may be allowed to withdraw from the academic
program for a period not exceeding two regular semesters. Unless a student is on
sanctioned leave, failure to register in any semester will automatically result in
termination from the program. However, the student may appeal to the director for
reinstatement into the program explaining the circumstances under which he/she failed
to do academic registration within the stipulated time. If reinstated, he/she will be
allowed to register only in the subsequent semester.
14. A student is required to have minimum of 75% attendance for each of the courses in
every semester. 15% relaxation in attendance on medical grounds or any other genuine
reason may be granted by the Director, UIET, on the recommendation of the concerned
Head of the Department, failing which he/she will be awarded zero mark for attendance.
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15. The examination system at this Institute will be a continuous process of evaluation
normally based on quizzes, one mid-semester examination and one end-semester
examination in addition to performances in homework, laboratory assignments, course
project(s), course presentation(s), etc. Based on a weighted average of the marks
obtained in examinations, quizzes and other assignments during the semester, a letter
grade will be awarded in each course in which a student has registered.
16. The following guidelines for assessment in each subject shall be followed:
17. The maximum time allowed to a student for completing the B. Tech program shall be
seven years, failing which he/she shall not be allowed to continue for his/her B. Tech
degree. Special permission for extension of this time limit may be given to a student
under exceptional circumstances by the Vice Chancellor.
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18. Institute shall follow a relative grading system. There are five regular letter grades. The
following table gives the correspondence between letter grades and the grade points
assigned to them:
A 10
B 08
C 06
D 04
F 02
19. F grade in a course means a ‘fail’ in that course and the student shall have to repeat the
same course. Once a course has been repeated by the student, the letter R will be
associated with the new grade obtained in the Grade Sheet to indicate that the course
was repeated.
20. A student may be awarded a grade "I" (Incomplete) if he/she has missed the End
Semester Examination (Theory and/or Practical) with prior permission (granted only for
unavoidable situations) but has otherwise been regular. Not appearing in the final
examination does not entitle a student to an automatic I grade.
21. All "I" grades awarded by instructors must be converted by them to appropriate letter
grades (A, B, C, D, F) and communicated to the APEC office whenever the course is
offered again. Students will have to appear in the missing component(s) and his/her
marks in other components will be carried forward for the purpose of awarding a grade.
22. For any course, all the answer scripts including but not restricted to quizzes, mid
semester and end semester examinations should be shown to the students normally
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within a period of two weeks after the exam for the course. All the queries made by a
student concerning the evaluation of his/her answer-script should be clarified by the
23. Any change of grade, if found necessary, must be sent together with proper justification
by the Instructor-in-charge to the APEC office within one week from the announcement
of the grades by APEC on the prescribed form. In all such cases, approval is needed
from the Director or his/her nominee.
24. The project grades of the graduating students must be submitted before the last date for
the submission of grades of the end semester examination. An "I" grade for a project
may be given only under exceptional circumstances with valid evidence to support the
25. If a graduating student has only one pending F grade at the end of eight semesters and
has a CPI ≥ 5.00, a special End Semester Examination may be conducted in the month
of July/August. The students of previous batches can also avail this opportunity to
graduate if they have only one pending F grade.
Improvement Provision
26. A student will be allowed to improve his/her grades after 8 semesters only if he/she has
a CPI < 5.00. Improvement shall be allowed only when the student registers for a
regular course.
27. The Semester Performance Index (SPI) will be the weighted average of the grade points.
If the grade points of the letter grades awarded to a student in five courses are denoted
by g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, and the weights of the courses by w1, w2, w3, w4, w5,
respectively, the SPI will be computed as follows:
The index describes the performance of the student in the courses of a particular
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Cumulative Performance Index
28. The Cumulative Performance Index (CPI) will be used to describe the overall
performance of a student up to and including the latest semester. It will be computed in a
similar manner from the grade points of all the grades the student has received since the
beginning of the degree.
29. A student’s grades shall be recorded on a permanent Academic Record Chart. A copy of
the Academic Record Chart will be issued to the students as Intermediate Grade Sheet
after each semester. The SPI and CPI are recorded on this grade sheet.
30. Division shall be awarded to a student on the basis of his/her final result, i.e., after the
completion of eight semesters or later whenever the student has fulfilled the criteria for
graduation. The division is awarded on the following basis:
CPI greater than or equal to 5.00 but less than6.50 - Second division
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31. (a) In the first year, after the last date of admission to B. Tech. First Semester, shifting of
students to other branches is done on the basis of the Entrance Examination merit list
against vacant seats in those branches while respecting any affirmative action policy that
is enforced at the time.
(b) In the second year, change of branch may be allowed to a limited number of students
on the basis of their academic performance in the first year subject to the departmental
strength constraints. No department shall exceed the maximum sanctioned strength or
fall below 60% of the sanctioned strength in a particular branch of that year as a result
of branch changes. Branch change is a privilege and not a right and will be considered
for meritorious students subject to the constraints mentioned above. Requests for
change of branch should be made to the Chairperson, APEC, at the end of the second
semester. The students seeking branch change must not have any backlog and must
have a CPI equal to or greater than 8.00 at the end of the first two semesters.
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32. A student will not be promoted to the next year, if the number of ‘F’ grades is equal to
or greater than 7 at the end of first year, i.e., second semester. The same rule is
applicable for second year students. The student will not be promoted to the third year if
the number of ‘F’ grades obtained by him/her in the second year is equal to or greater
than 7.
33. A student who has not been promoted twice in the first year or the second year will not
be allowed to continue his/her academic program.
34. A student may also be terminated or suspended for reasons other than academic (e.g., on
disciplinary grounds) on the recommendations of the Proctorial Board/ Institute
Disciplinary Committee.
35. Result shall be withheld if the student fails to pay his/her dues or if there is a case of
discipline pending against him.
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36. A student will be deemed to have completed the requirements for graduation if he/she
b. Cleared minimum credit requirement for graduation. The minimum credit requirement for
graduation in B.Tech programme is 170 credits.
c. a CPI ≥ 5.00;
A B. Tech. student with a CPI below 5.00 OR having any pending F grades will not
be deemed to have graduated.
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Fee Structure:
37. Fees shall be charged from regular students as per the decision of the university from
time to time.
38. For repeating a year, Full Fees will also be charged as per University/State Govt. rules.
39. After the eighth semester, students are required to pay the fee as notified for each course
he/she registers in. These courses shall be the ones in which they had obtained an F
A student trying to improve his/her CPI for graduation will also be required to pay the
above mentioned fee in which he/she registers.
40. Students who are suspended for disciplinary reasons for one semester or fail to register
in a semester within the stipulated time, will be required to clear their semester courses
by paying a per course fee as notified after eight semesters. In such cases the award of
degree shall be delayed by the period of suspension.
Students who are suspended for one year due to disciplinary reasons will have to pay the
fee for the entire year and only then can continue in the program.
41. Institute shall follow the rules of the University in cases of indiscipline by the students.
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