V1 Individual Assignment Brief HRMT 621 Summer 2020
V1 Individual Assignment Brief HRMT 621 Summer 2020
V1 Individual Assignment Brief HRMT 621 Summer 2020
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this assignment the student will be able:
1. To develop efficient and effective individual working skills.
2. To develop abilities to gather, analyse, interpret and evaluate information on an
International Human Resource Management (IHRM) related topic(s).
3. To strengthen conceptual and analytical skills in the study of IHRM.
4. To build tangible links between the theory and practice of IHRM.
5. To heighten awareness and understanding of IHRM in action and gain greater
self-awareness of oneself as a learning individual and as a professional.
6. To develop and present thoughts, arguments and informed opinions in a logical
and coherent way.
7. To demonstrate academic and management research, report writing and
composition skills with academic integrity.
8. To consistently apply the APA style of academic citation and referencing.
9. To demonstrate word processing and IT skills
10. To develop project and time management skills.
11. To develop healthy and functional work habits in progressing confidently and
consistently towards a defined submission deadline date.
Step 1. Choose one of the areas below and research the topic of IHRM using
academic and business resources and sources
Select any two MNEs (Multinational Enterprises) and evaluate their approach to any
one aspect of their International HRM Cycle as listed below:
HRMT 621 IHRM – Individual Assignment Brief 2
5. International Resourcing – Recruitment, Selection and Talent and Succession
Management OR 2. International Learning and Development OR
3. International Performance Management OR 4. International Reward
This is not rigid and is only a suggested layout, but the assignment should include the
Section 1: Introduction (a short introduction about the aim and purpose of the
assignment and what you hope to achieve. Signpost what you are going to do in the
assignment and so lead the reader
Section 4: The Two Chosen Multinational Enterprise (MNEs) and The Industry
Section 5: The IHRM Policies, Practices and Systems of the 2 Chosen MNEs.
Step 3: Follow and Double Check Your Final Work Against the Assessment and
Rubrics and Marking Scheme For This Assignment :
Assessment Rubrics:
To check your critical thinking, following dimensions will be considered: clarity, relevance, depth of
discussion, breadth of discussion, integration and internal consistency.
Assessment Rubrics:
Exceptional: Normally achieved by a small
minority of students who have 90-100% A+
consistently exceeded performance (4.33)
expectations in all evaluation criteria.
Excellent: Demonstrates a comprehensive
knowledge and understanding of subject
matter and achievement of learning 85-89% A (4.00)
outcomes at high levels of performance in
almost all of the evaluation criteria.
Exceptionally good: Demonstrates a
comprehensive knowledge and
understanding of the subject matter and
80-84% A- (3.67)
achievement of learning outcomes at well
above average levels of performance in
most of the course evaluation criteria.
Good: Demonstrates substantial
knowledge and understanding of the
76-79% B+ (3.33)
subject matter and achievement of
learning outcomes at average to above
72-75% B (3.00)
average performance levels in most of the
course evaluation criteria
Satisfactory: Demonstrates sufficient
knowledge and understanding of the
subject matter and achievement of
68-71% B- (2.67)
learning outcomes at average levels of
performance in most of the course
evaluation criteria.
Given the nature of “relative grading” (competition), your grades will normally follow
a normal distribution curve which means Grade A and A+ will be very rare and few as
will Fail Grades.
Step 4. Complete and Sign the One Academic Integrity Declaration Form.
Please fully complete the Assignment Cover Sheet including the Academic Integrity
Form. (a copy is on the last page of this brief.) An electronic signature is acceptable, or
you may physically sign and scan. Attach a signed copy of this cover sheet to the final
document before final submission. Please make a screen shot of the cover sheet as if
you include it as a Word document into the main document it will drive up the Turnitin
similarity score.
Step 5. Put the Assignment Through Turnitin With a Similarity Score of 20%
Or Less.
This course requires you to submit your assignment in electronic form. The electronic
material will be submitted to a service to which UCW subscribes, called Turnitin. This
is a service that checks textual material for originality. Turnitin.com is used increasingly
in North American universities. For additional information please visit:
Having competed the Academic Integrity Certificate previously and you are still unsure
what plagiarism means, then please visit www. Plagiarism.org
On the Moodle page for this course part and assignment you will find the location where
you upload the assignment to Turnitin.
Troubleshooting Turnitin:
If you encounter difficulties with your Turnitin submission, try one of these two
strategies (solves it 99% of the time)
1. Wait an hour or two or three and try submitting again
2. Try using a different web browser or computer.
Important: Please note the Instructor has no control or authority over the Turnitin system
so they are unable to help you if you have trouble with submission. You must contact
the IT department. So, allow sufficient time for any obstacles or delays. It is wise to
submit your assignment couple days before the due date, so you still have time to fix it
if you experience submission problems. If you submit your assignment at the last
moment and experience submission problems, there is nothing the instructor can do, and
you will incur a penalty for a late submission. If you email an Instructor on the weekends
with problems, they will not be able to reply to you until Monday. So, resolve issues in
a timely manner before the weekend and during the office hours of the Instructor and
UCW IT Department.
Step 6. Submit the Final Assignment Online Via Student Portal on Moodle
by the Stipulated Deadline.
The stipulated deadline for this assignment is on the cover page of this brief. Please
double check the date and submit on time.
HRMT 621 IHRM – Individual Assignment Brief 10
Put the date in your cell phone calendar. Please build sufficient time into your planning
to allow for Turnitin submission time. Do not rely on JIT !!!
Submit on the Moodle page for this course section, on the Turnitin link.
Late Assignments will be penalized at a rate of 10% of the final assignment grade, per
Be pro-active in your planning and not to rely on JIT (Just in Time) or last-minute
syndrome which is often part of the deadline-procrastination doom loop. Please read
these articles below to gain more insight into the psychology of procrastination and the
negatives of a last-minute approach to work. So avoid the stress and start NOW !
1. Thompson, Derek (2014) The Procrastination Doom Loop—and How to Break It?
Delaying Hard Work is All about Your Mood. In the Atlantic August 26th Access full
article at:
2. Jaffe, Eric (2014) Why Wait? The Science Behind Procrastination: After a Long
Delay, Psychological Science is beginning to Understand the Complexities of
Procrastination in Observer-Association for Psychological Science Access full article
If you wish discuss any issue with the Instructor please speak to them before or after
class. Please do NOT e mail the Instructor if at all possible as face to face
communication is easier, quicker and clearer. If you need to set up an appointment to
meet in person with the Instructor please give adequate notice and indicate at least two
suitable times. Please use the e mail message facility in Moodle if you have to
communicate in writing with the Instructor.
E-Mail Etiquette:
If as a last resort, you choose to contact the Instructor by e mail, please ensure that the e
mail is written in a professional, courteous and business-like manner with proper
business English and format, such as Dear Pauric and Best regards etc. Cell phone Text
English/Slang is not acceptable. Failure to do so, will mean that you will not receive a
reply. Sending of any inappropriate or disrespectful communication, attachments or
commentary via e-mail or any form of social media, such as Twitter etc, will be
automatically reported to the University authorities for further action and possible
discipline and sanction.
When the Instructor answers your e mail and addresses your issue, it is considered
professional courtesy and basic good manners to reply with an e mail of thanks and
NB: Incorporate a screen shot of the signed cover sheet and declaration t into your completed document. Do not
put in as a word document as it will drive up the Turnitin similarity score.