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Comparative Seismic Study Between Algerian Code (Rpa99), European Code (Ec8) and American Code (Ubc97)

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Amina CHEBIHI1 and Nasser LAOUAMI2


Earthquake codes have been performed on the design spectra. In this paper, the design spectra
recommended by Algerian Code, Uniform Building Code 97, and Eurocode 8, are considered for
comparison. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the differences caused by the use of
different codes in the dynamic analysis and seismic verification of a 10 story building located at code
defined different sites. The differences in expressions and some important points for elastic and
inelastic spectra defined by the codes are briefly illustrated in tables and figures. Base shears, lateral
displacements of floors for the analyzed building located at code defined ground type are
comparatively presented.


The first version of the Algerian seismic code which calls “Algerian earthquake resistant regulations”,
was RPA 81, it was modified to RPA88, and then to RPA99. Unfortunately, the May 21st 2003
destructive Boumerdes earthquake (Mw = 6.8) occurred in Algeria, and resulted in more than 2.000
caused deaths and 11.000 injuries. More than 100.000 buildings were heavily damaged and some
13.300 others totally collapsed. All these results led to a partial revision of the RPA99 which became
RPA99 version 2003.
It has become recognized that the local site conditions have a very important role on the
response of structures. The soil and rock at a site have specific characteristics that can significantly
amplify the incoming earthquake motions traveling from the earthquake source. The importance of
local site conditions was recognized in the 1960s by the influence of ground motions on midheight
buildings in the Caracas, Venezuela earthquake. For buildings of about the same height with similar
construction, it was observed that such buildings founded on deep soils were more damaged than the
similar buildings founded on rock. The seismic codes take into account site effects by introducing
different categories of sites. The Uniform Building Code (UBC) acknowledged the importance of local
site effects and the concept of a “Soil Factor” was added to the lateral force design procedure in the
1976 edition of the UBC, and after many changes were made in defining soil factor and soil types, the
last version defines six soil types.
The Eurocode8 defines five main types of soil and two special types with a soil factor “S” for
each type, whereas RPA99/2003 considers four types S1, S2, S3 and S4 without soil factor. The site
classification system is based on definitions of mean shear waves velocity, standard penetration test,

Assistant, Laboratoire du bâti dans l’environnement FGC. USTHB, Algiers, [email protected]
Research director, Centre national de recherches appliquées en génie parasismique, Algiers, nlaouami@cgs-
unconfined compression test, and relative density. Borcherdt (1994), recommended shear wave
velocity VS−30 as a mean of classifying sites for building codes. Boore et al. (1994) indicate that the
ideal parameter would be the average shear-wave velocity to a depth of one-quarter wavelength for the
period of interest, as was used by Joyner and Fumal (1984). By the quarter-wavelength rule, 30m is
the appropriate depth for period of 0.16 s for stiff soil and period values tend to increase as the soil
gets softer (Boore et al., 1994). It should be noted that code defined spectra depending on ground types
are provided only for cases where the 30m of soil immediately below the site dominates the frequency
content of the design motions.
Table 1 shows the different soil types with shear wave velocity defined in the three codes and
the values of site factor “S” for spectra type 1 and type 2 of EC8.

Table 1. Ground types defined in EC8, UBC97 and RPA99/2003

Eurocode 8 UBC 97 RPA 99/2003

Type 1 Type 2 Soil type A : Soil type 1 :

Soil type A: Vs,30≥1500 m/s Vs≥800 m/s
Vs,30>800 m/s S=1 S=1

Soil type B: Soil type 2 :

Soil type B : 760 ≤Vs,30<1500m/s 400 ≤Vs<800m/s
S=1.2 S=1.35
360<Vs,30<800 m/s

Soil type C : Soil type C: Soil type 3 :

180<Vs,30<360 m/s S=1.15 S=1.5 360 ≤Vs,30<760m/s 200≤Vs<400 m/s

Soil type D : Soil type D: Soil type 4 :

Vs,30< 180 m/s S=1.35 S=1.8 180 ≤Vs,30<360m/s 100≤Vs<200 m/s

Soil type E: Soil type E:

A soil profile Vs,30<180m/s
consisting of a surface
alluvium layer with
Vs,30 values of class C Soil type F:
S=1.4 S=1.6
or D and thick-ness Soils Requiring Site-
varying between about Specific Evaluation
5 and 20 m, underlain
by stiffer material with
Vs,30 >800 m/s

As seen from Table 1, shear wave velocities for EC8 and UBC97 are taken for a depth of 30 m,
whereas for RPA, the depth is 10 to 20 first meters.
Soil types of UBC used in this study are B-C-D-E because these sites are characterized by shear
wave velocities close to those of RPA(S1-S2-S3-S4) and EC8(A-B-C-D).

Elastic and inelastic response and design spectra

The response spectrum is an important parameter in the seismic code. The earthquake induced ground
shaking is generally represented in the form of acceleration response spectra or displacement response
spectra. Earthquake parameters such as soil condition, epicentral distance, magnitude, duration, and
source characteristics influence the shape and amplitudes of response spectra. While the effects of
some parameters may be studied independently, the influences of several factors are interrelated and
cannot be discussed individually. Ambraseys et al. (1996) and Bommer and Acevedo (2004) presented
and discussed the effects of earthquake magnitude, source-to-site distance, site classification, and
style-of faulting on the strong-motion accelerograms and consequently response spectra. As known,
the damping ratio and structural vibration period are other parameters affecting the response spectra.
In all current seismic codes, the earthquake actions are represented in the form of a spectrum of
absolute acceleration.

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