Ce Correl Theory of Structures 2 Situation 1
Ce Correl Theory of Structures 2 Situation 1
Ce Correl Theory of Structures 2 Situation 1
Situation 1
A given frame shown is subjected to lateral loads of 30 kN and 50 kN acting at joints C and B respectively. Using Portal Method of analysis.
Situation 2
From the given frame shown and using Cantilever Method of analysis.
4. Which of the following gives the location of the centroid from the right most column.
a. 6.33 m b. 7.33 m c. 8.33 m d. 9.33 m
5. Which of the following gives the axial force at column CF.
a. 1.79 kN b. 2.29 kN c. 2.79 kN d. 3.29 kN
6. Which of the following gives the moment AD at joint D.
a. 4.59 kN-m b. 5.59 kN-m c. 6.59 kN-m d. 7.59 kN-m
Situation 3
A building frame shown has a horizontal span of 10 m and a total height of 8 m. The frame has a fixed support at A and B. The girders CD and EF
carries a uniform load of 10 kN/m.
Situation 5
From the figure shown, each steel member has a cross sectional area of 300 mm 2, and E = 200,000 MPa.
Situation 6
From the beam shown, EI is constant: Using MDM Method
Situation 8
From the beam shown, EI is constant. Using Slope Deflection Method
Situation 9
From the beam shown, EI is constant. Using Slope Deflection Method
Situation 10
From the beam shown: Using Double Integration Method
Situation 11
From the beam shown: Using Double Integration Method
30. What is the value of the deflection “y”
a. 104.71/EI b. 221.71/EI c. 193.71/EI d. 156.71/EI
31. What is the value of slope at B?
a. 329.22/EI b. 421.22/EI c. 298.22/EI d. 271.22/EI
Situation 11
From the beam shown, Take E = 29x103 ksi, and I = 600 in4. Using Moment Area Theorem
34. Determine the slope at point C of the beam in figure: E = 200 GPa, and I = 6x10 6 mm4
35. Determine the deflection at C of the beam shown. Take E = 29x10 3 ksi, and I = 21 in4.
36. Determine the deflection at point C of the beam shown in figure: E = 200 GPa, and I = 250x10 6 mm4.
Situation 12
A cantilever beam carries a vertical downward load of 150 kN at point B and a uniform load of 30 kN/m from C to D. Assume EI to be constant.
37. What is the slope at B?
a. -8810/EI b. -9810/EI c. -8713/EI d. -8122/EI
38. What is the deflection at B?
a. -20280/EI b. -19220/EI c. -17420/EI d. -15510/EI
39. What is the slope at D?
a. -17211/EI b. -12211/EI c. -13155/EI d. -15515/EI
40. What is the deflection at D?
a. -172979/EI b. -145221/EI c. -189111/EI d. -201005/EI
Situation 13
The beam shown is supporting a uniform load of 1.5 kN/m on the overhanging BC.