Are Streamed Audio,: Advantages

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A new direction for audio is the ability to use your com-

Source: Mish Mash Music puter and the Internet to obtain audio files. MP3
Michael Mish based this series of songs on his many visits to (MPEG Audio Layer 3) is an audio compression format
schools in southern California to talk to children about the envi- that makes large audio files available by shrinking them
ronment. He found them to be more aware and concerned into smaller files that can quickly and easily be captured
about environmental problems than he expected. Mish took the
topics that the children were most concerned about (e.g., recy-
on the Internet. These files are streamed audio, which
cling, water and air pollution, and the greenhouse effect) and put means they are sent in packets to the user, giving the
them to music The songs are engaging, with sing-along cho- user an opportunity to listen to portions of the file while
ruses. The messages should get primary-age children talking waiting for additional portions to download. MP3 is an
about making this a safer, deaner world. "open" standard, which means it is available to anyone
who has access to the Internet. Several computer pro-
grams that access and play MP3 audio files are free to
the user; many others are available for purchase. Many
any desired sequence. Information can be selectively re- of the audio files are also free. Programs also are avail-
trieved by learners or programmed by the instructor. A able that will convert audio CD tracks to MP3 (a
major advantage of the CD is its resistance to damage. process known as ripping). Many portable MP3 players
Stains can be washed off, and ordinary scratches do not are now on the market as well.
affect playback. And, if there is a scratch that can affect MP3 is a way for audiophiles to enjoy their favorite
the quality of the audio signal, a resin is now available to music. It is also a way to obtain the newest versions of a
repair the disc. particular artist's songs. Some Internet sites let users
Compact disc technology has been accepted rapidly customize their selections so they can create unique "al-
for use in the home. But the cost of a CD player as well bums." On the downside, a word of caution related to
as individual CDs originally slowed its acceptance in the copyright: Not all Internet sites make legal copies of
education market. Today, the CD's advantages, espe- music available. It is the responsibility of the user to re-
cially its resistance to damage, have made it a standard spect the copyright laws related to audio (see "Copy-
format in education. right Concerns" on p. 178).
When talking about audio CD, we are in essence talk-
ing about the same technology used in CD-ROM. CD- Advantages
ROM utilizes more of the capacity of the optical
technology by adding text and graphics to the disc. We dis- • Inexpensive. In the case of audiotape, once the tapes
cuss CD-ROM in more depth in Chapter 10. A similar and equipment have been purchased, there is no
technology, DVD, provides more storage capacity than additional cost because the tape is erasable and
does CD-ROM. This means that large files, such as audio reusable. Individual audiocassettes are inexpensive.
files, can be stored with little concern for space, while en- In the case of MP3 files, many are available on the
Internet for free.

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