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Effect of CKD On BC Soil

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International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 1074

Volume-3, Issue-5, May-2020

www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil by Cement

Kiln Dust
H. N. Sridhar1, M. S. Darshan2*, G. A. Abhilash3, R. Karthik4, G. S. Jagadeesh Chandra Bose5
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract: Presently, disposal of industrial waste products have is the alteration of one or more soil properties by mechanical or
been a global problem. Their disposal are costly as well as they are chemical means, to create an improved soil material possessing
harmful to environment. Owing to these problems some the desired engineering properties. Soils may be stabilized to
researchers are being conducted to utilise these waste products in
ground construction and modification. Cement kiln dust (CKD) is prevent erosion and dust generation. Regardless of the purpose
the one of these industrial waste products, which is a by-product for stabilization, the desired result is the creation of a soil
of Portland cement manufacturing process. Cement is a most material or soil system that will remain in place under the
widely used construction material, which is result in a huge desired conditions for the design life of the project. Engineers
collection of cement kiln dust from cement plants. Soil are responsible for selecting or specifying the correct stabilizing
stabilization, waste product stabilization, agriculture and cement method, technique, and quantity of material required.
products, etc. are some of the application in which cement kiln
dust can be utilised effectively. Many research works have been carried out to evaluate the
Poor soil conditions can result in inadequate strength and effects of stabilizers such as cement, lime, chemical admixtures
bearing capacity of soil. Soil stabilization may be broadly defined on improving the strength and reduce the settlement and swell-
as the alteration or preservation of one or more soil properties to shrink nature of soils. Very little studies have been conducted
improve the engineering characteristics and performance of a soil. and published on utilising cement Kiln Dust for stabilising
In this project work, Soil stabilization is done with the addition of soils.
CKD which is added from 0% to 15% by dry weight of soil. First
of all, native soil properties like compaction characteristics, B. Brief history of area under investigation
Atterberg’s limits and compressive strength has been checked and
Dharwad is the district of Karnataka state, The Republic of
then compared after addition of CKD from 0% to 15%. The
optimum moisture content decreases and maximum dry density India, lying between Arabian Season the West, Bay of Bengal
increases with increased CKD content. Liquid limit decreases and on the East and Indian Ocean on the South. The Expansive
Plastic limit of soil increases as the percentage of CKD increases. Black Cotton soil exists in and around the Dharwad district. The
With increases of CKD percentage compressive strength of soil expansive black cotton soil plays a major geotechnical role in
increases. the construction of canals, dams, residential and commercial
structures in Northern part of KKarnataka.
Keywords: Atterberg’s limits, Black cotton soil, Cement Kiln
dust (CKD), Compaction, Compressive strength, Soil C. Cement Kiln Dust (CKD)
Stabilization, Water content.
Cement kiln dust is an industrial waste from cement
1. Introduction production. The quantities and characteristics of CKD
generated depend upon a number of operational factors and
A. General characteristics of the inputs to the manufacturing process.
The growing metropolitan cities needs more and number of Although the relative constituent's concentrations in CKD can
good lands for both construction activities and road vary significantly, CKD has certain physical characteristics that
development. This is the major limitation for the construction are relatively consistent. When managed on site in a waste pile,
industry since most of the good lands have already been built CKD can retain these characteristics within the pile while
upon. Most of the Central part of India is covered with developing an externally weathered crust, due to absorption of
expansive black cotton soil in the nation. Black cotton soil moisture and subsequent cementation of dust particles on the
poses serious construction problems both to structures and surface of the pile. The ability of the CKD to absorb water stems
highways. Expansive soils show swell-shrink behaviour with from its chemically dehydrated nature, which results from the
the variation in moisture content. thermal treatments it receives in the system. The action of
Soil stabilization is a very useful technique for major civil absorbing water releases a significant amount of heat from non-
engineering works. To utilize the full advantage of the weathered crust phenomenon that can be exploited in beneficial
technique, quality control must be adequate. Soil stabilization re-use in order to improve the inadequacy of some avoidable
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 1075
Volume-3, Issue-5, May-2020
www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

extensive clay material for use waste A phenomenon that can by most environmental regulatory agencies for the construction
be exploited in the stabilization of poor engineering material. of barrier systems in waste containment structures, the resulting
values showed substantial compliance. Besides developing an
D. Use Cement Kiln Dust (CKD)
economically sustainable liner material, the present study
Strength and stiffness were improved and plasticity and demonstrated effective utilization of an industrial by-product
swell potential were substantially reduced. It is recommended otherwise considered as waste by the producers, in addition to
based on the results of this research that cement kiln dust be a systematic expansion in the use of the lateritic soil for
Considered a feasible option for the stabilization of sub grade geotechnical works.
soils. As with all additives, it is recommended that a mix design Applications of soil stabilization:
be conducted prior to selection to confirm the CKD selected and The process of soil stabilization is useful in the following
the amount specified will provide suitable stabilization to the applications:
black cotton soil.  Reducing the permeability of soils
 Increasing the bearing capacity of foundation soils
2. Soil Stabilization
 Increasing the shear strength of soils
Presently, disposal of industrial waste products has been a  Improving the durability under adverse moisture and
global problem. Their disposal is costly as well as they are stress conditions.
harmful to environment. Owing to these problems some  Improving the natural soils for the construction of
researchers are being conducted to utilize these waste products highways and airfields
in ground construction and modification. Cement kiln dust  Controlling the grading of soils and aggregates in the
(CKD) is the one of these industrial waste products, which is a construction of bases and sub-bases of the highway and
by-product of Portland cement manufacturing process. Cement airfields.
is a most widely used construction material, which is result in a
 It is also used to provide more stability to the soil in
huge collection of cement kiln dust from cement plants. Soil
slopes or other such places.
stabilization, waste product stabilization, agriculture and
 Sometimes soil stabilization is also used to prevent soil
cement products, etc. are some of the application in which
erosion or formation of dust, which is very useful
cement kiln dust can be utilized effectively. Poor soil conditions
especially in dry and arid weather.
can result in inadequate strength and bearing capacity of soil.
 Stabilization is also done for soil water-proofing; this
Soil stabilization may be broadly defined as the alteration or
prevents water from entering into the soil and hence
preservation of one or more soil properties to improve the
helps the soil from losing its strength.
engineering characteristics and performance of a soil. In this
project work, Soil stabilization is done with the addition of  It helps in reducing the soil volume change due to change
CKD which is added from 0% to 30% by dry weight of soil. in temperature or moisture content.
First of all, native soil properties like compaction  Stabilization improves the workability and the durability
characteristics, Atterberg’s limits, compressive strength, of the soil.
permeability has been checked and then compared after The soil which contains the silt and clay particles show
addition of CKD from 0% to 30%. considerable sign of distress accompanied by loss of strength of
the soil during rainy seasons and shrinkage during summer.
A. Applications of Soil Stabilization Black cotton soil is one such type of soil which loses its strength
This study evaluates the applicability of residually derived during rainy season due to their expansive behaviour. The
lateritic soil stabilized with cement kiln dust (CKD), a waste problems of expansive behaviour of soil are as follows,
product from the cement manufacturing process as liner in  Expansive soils have high plasticity and compressible
waste repositories. Lateritic soil sample mixed with 0–16 % when they are saturated.
CKD (by dry weight of the soil) was compacted with the British  These types of soil have high strength in dry state,
Standard Light, West African Standard and British Standard becomes soft after saturation. Filling up water into
Heavy compaction efforts at water contents ranging from the fissures and cracks, accentuates the process of softening
dry to wet of optimum moistures. Geotechnical parameters such causing reduction of shear strength and leading to low
as Atterberg limits, compaction characteristics, hydraulic bearing capacity.
conductivity, unconfined compressive strength and volumetric  Structure built in a dry season show differential heaving
shrinkage strain were determined. Results indicate that the as a result of swelling of soils during subsequent wet
plasticity index, the maximum dry unit weight and hydraulic season. Restriction on swelling causes swelling pressure,
conductivity together with the volumetric shrinkage decreased making the structure unstable. This causes structure
with increased amount of CKD while the optimum moisture supported on soils to lift up with the development of
content and unconfined compressive strength increased with cracks.
higher CKD content for all the efforts. When measured  Structure built at the end of wet season when the natural
properties were compared with standard specifications adopted
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 1076
Volume-3, Issue-5, May-2020
www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

water content is high show shrinkage crack and recommended application rate is 0.15 to 0.30 gallons per square
settlement, during dry season. Shrinking cause, a yard.
downward thrust on the foundation through skin friction
C. Methodology
thus increasing the foundation load.
1) Methods of testing
B. Methods of Stabilization The test procedures for various experiments conducted in the
1) Cement Stabilization of Soil for Pavements present investigation are briefly explained below.
Those factors which are most important for a quality control 2) Specific Gravity
standpoint in cement stabilization. The specific gravity test was conducted according to IS: 2720
2) Pulverization (Part 4/sec-I) 1980(reaffirmed 1987) for fine grained soil.
Pulverization is generally not a problem in cement 3) Grain Size Analysis
construction unless clayey or silty soils are being stabilized. A The particle distribution of black cotton soil is carried out by
sieve analysis is performed on the soil during the pulverization mechanical sieve analysis and hydrometer analysis as per IS:
process with sieve used as a control. The percent pulverization 2720 (Part 4)-1985 method.
can then be determined by calculation. Proper moisture control 4) Atterberg Limits
is also essential in achieving the required pulverization. The Atterberg limits test for untreated soils are conducted as
3) Cement content per IS: 2720 (Part 5)-1985. The treatment to the soils was done
Cement content is normally expressed on a volume or dry taking TerraZyme in different dosages.
weight basis. Field personnel should be aware of quantities of 5) Liquid limit
cement required per linear foot or per square yard of pavement. The liquid limit device is based on the principle of
Spot check can be used to assure that the proper quantity of casagrande method, IS: 2720 (Part 5)-1985 specifies a
cement is being applied, by using a canvas of known area or, as casagrande method for the determination of liquid limit. Liquid
an overall check, the area over which a known tonnage has been limit tests were carried out to secure a minimum of five points
spread. for plotting the flow curve.
4) Moisture content  Plastic limit
The optimum moisture content determined in the laboratory The plastic limit of the various samples was determined as
is used as an initial guide when construction begins. Allowance per IS: 2720 (Part 5)- 1985. The plastic limits reported are the
must be made for the in situ moisture content of the soil when average of three determinations. The plastic limit shall be
construction starts. The optimum moisture content and expressed to nearest whole number.
maximum density can then be established for field control 6) Compaction
purposes. Mixing water requirements can be determined on the The compaction test was conducted using Light Compaction
raw soil or on the soil-cement mix before addition of the mixing test apparatus, according to IS: 2720 (Part 7)-1980 (Reaffirmed
water. Nuclear methods can be used to determine moisture 1997). About 2.5 kg of soil was used for each trial. Waste
content at the time construction starts and during processing. plastic was directly mixed with the soil and then water is added
5) Uniformity of mixing to the soil and mixed thoroughly. The remaining procedure is
A visual inspection is made to assure the uniformity of the same as that of the code.
mixture throughout the treated depth. Uniformity must be 7) Differential Free Swell Test
checked across the width of the pavement and to the desired Differential free swell test is conducted according to IS: 2720
depth of treatment. Trenches can be dug and then visually (Part (Reaffirmed 1997) to determine Free Swell Index of the
inspected. A satisfactory mix will exhibit a uniform colour expansive black cotton Swell Index shall be expressed in
throughout; whereas, a streaked appearance indicates a no percentage.
uniform mix. Special attention should be given to the edges of
the pavement. 3. Results and Discussion
6) Compaction Table 1
Equipment used for compaction is the same that would be Physical properties of BC soil
used if no cement were present in the soil, and is therefore Tests BC soil Reference
Specific gravity 2.68 IS:2720(Part 3)-1980
dependent upon soil type. Several methods can be used to Liquid limit % 53.0 IS:2720(Part 5)-1985
determine h of compaction and special attention should be Plastic limit % 30.0
given to compaction at the edges. Shrinkage limit % 23.0
7) Curing % Gravel 0 IS:2720(Part 4)-1985
% sand 14
To assure proper curing a bituminous membrane is % silt & clay 86
frequently applied over large areas. The surface of the soil OMC % 24.0 IS:2720(Part 7)-1980
cement should be free of dry loose material and in a moist MDD (Mg/m3) 1.51
condition. It is important that the soil-cement mixture be kept DFS % 41.17 IS:2720(Part40)-1977
pH 7.6 IS:2720(Part 26)-1987
continuously moist until the membrane is applied. The IS soil classification CH-MH IS:2720 (Part 4)-1985
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 1077
Volume-3, Issue-5, May-2020
www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792
Unconfined Compressive 29.13 IS: 2720 (Part X)-1973
Strength (kPa)
California Bearing Ratio 0.55

A. Sieve analysis of B C soil

Sample Gravel, % Sand Silt & Reference
No. % Clay %
B.C Soil 0 14 86 IS:2720
(Part 4)-1985

B. Effect of liquid limit, plasticity index and differential free

swell values of expansive soils
The liquid limit of Black cotton soil alone is 53%.

Sample Liquid Plastic Plasticity Classification

Limit, % Limit,% Index, %
BC Soil 53 30 23 CH-MH

From the results of liquid limit tests, if you treat the soil with
CKD there is a decrease in Liquid limit of black cotton soil.
The plastic limit is the minimum water content at which the
plasticity of the soil particles must be able to move or slide past
one another to take up a new position and retain the new
equilibrium position. The cohesion between the particles must
be sufficiently high to allow the particles to maintain the
moulded positions (Yong and Warkentin). However, the
physical mechanisms controlling the plastic limit of the soil are
not well understood.

C. Compaction Characteristics
Compaction is the process of increasing the density of the
soil by packing the particles closer together with reduction in
the volume of air. Densification of soil improves their
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 1078
Volume-3, Issue-5, May-2020
www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

engineering properties. The dry density of a given soil after

compaction depends on (i) water content, (ii) compactive effort,
(iii) soil type and (iv) admixtures (Bowles, 1984).
The tests have been carried out by adding various mixtures
of CKD with BC soil to the water to be mixed with the soil
during compaction depending on the mixture calculations. The
compaction test was conducted immediately after mixing the
soil and water to avoid time lag for the reaction to occur.
The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of
black cotton soil is 1.51 g/cc and 24% respectively. On addition
of various mixtures of CKD, the maximum dry density
increases rapidly for 5% CKD treated soil with 0 days curing D. Effect of CKD on Unconfined Compressive Strength of
with decrease in Optimum moisture content. For 10% CKD Black Cotton Soil
treated soil with 0 days curing there is a decrease in MDD but
The strength variations of CKD added Black cotton soil have
there is a little variation in OMC.
been explained based on the unconfined compressive strength
values. The strength of black cotton soil alone is 29.13 kPa. On
Soil type OMC, % MDD g/cc
B C SOIL 24.0 1.51 addition of CKD to black cotton soil, the strength has increased
BCS+0.05%WASTE PLASTIC 20.2 1.68 to 45.12 kPa 5% addition of CKD, 49.17 kpa for 10% addition
of CKD and 58.16kpa for 15% addition of CKD. Nearly 200%
more than strength gained by untreated soil.

4. Conclusion
Based on the obtained results and discussion the following
conclusions can be made:
 The compaction characteristics of soils vary
significantly with CKD content. The optimum
moisture content decreases and maximum dry
density increases with increased CKD content.
 As compared to untreated soil, for 5% addition of
CKD = 5% + BC soil curing = 0day
CKD the percentage decrease in OMC nearly 3%
Sample LL Reduction PI reduction DFS Reduction
BC SOIL 10.76% 36.65% 19% and percentage increase in MDD is 0.16 g/cc.
 Liquid limit decreases and Plastic limit of soil
CKD = 10% + BC soil curing = 0day increases as the percentage of CKD increases. The
Sample LL Reduction PI reduction DFS Reduction
BC SOIL 8.68% 19.22% 8.9%
Plasticity index of soil reduces with increased CKD
CKD = 10% + BC soil curing = 3days content. Reduction in Plasticity index is 60.58%.
Sample LL Reduction PI reduction DFS Reduction Hence the soil samples become less plastic and
BC SOIL 8.5% 13.61% 8.9% compressible.
 With increases of CKD percentage compressive
CKD = 5% + BC soil curing = 3days
Sample LL Reduction PI reduction DFS Reduction
strength of soil increases.
BC SOIL 10.95% 41.52% 19%  There is significant decrease in swelling
characteristics of the soil. The DFS values are
reduced from 18% to 7%, indicating that the degree
of expansiveness has reduced from high to low.
 Liquid limit of samples are decreasing with the
inclusion of cement kiln dust into the black cotton
soil. It has been found that the liquid limit decreased
from the 52% to 48% for 5% addition of CKD to
BC soil.
 Plastic limit decreased from 20.8 to 14.4.
This project work concluded that CKD is potentially useful
in stabilizing of soil. However, the stabilizing effect is primarily
a function of the chemical composition, fineness, and addition
level of the CKD as well as the type of parent soil. CKD is an
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 1079
Volume-3, Issue-5, May-2020
www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

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