Art. 1319. Consent is manifested by the meeting Art. 1324. When the offerer has allowed the
of the offer and the acceptance upon the thing offeree certain period to accept, the offer may
and the case which are to constitute the be withdrawn at any time before acceptance by
contract. The offer must be certain and the communicating such withdrawal, except when
acceptance absolute. A qualified acceptance the option is founded upon a consideration, as
constitutes a counter-offer. something paid or promised.
When Offer Becomes Ineffective 2. A offered to sell his house and lot for P10M to B,
who was interested in buying the same. In his
Other instances letter to B, A stated that he was giving B a
There are other instances when the offer period of one month within which to raise the
becomes ineffective, namely: amount, and that as soon as B is ready, they
will sign the deed of sale. One week before
a. When the offeree expressly or impliedly rejects expiration of the one-month period, A went to
the offer. B, and told him that he is no longer willing to
sell the property unless the price is increased to Art. 1459. The thing must be licit and the
P15M. May B compel A to accept the P10M first vendor must have a right to transfer the
offered, and execute the sale? ownership thereof at the time it is delivered.
The object or subject matter of the sale should
Seller and Buyer orally entered into a contract
be determinate or at least determinable without
whereby Seller sold his one year production of
a need for executing another contract.
eggs in his poultry farm to Buyer for P150,000
Moreover, the thing or goods sold should also
which amount immediately gave in cash to
be under the power or authority of the seller or
Seller. The contract between Seller and Buyer
vendor to convey/alienate it.
*requisite of
Not personally liable for the
form for validity
obligation created by the sale
AGENT Not obliged to pay the price /COMMUTATIVE *pure liberality