Subject: Applied Mechanics: Assignment No: 03 (Final Term)
Subject: Applied Mechanics: Assignment No: 03 (Final Term)
Subject: Applied Mechanics: Assignment No: 03 (Final Term)
Technology: Mechanical
Applied mechanics in robotics refers to the modeling and simulation of the
geometry, kinematics, elastokinematics, dynamics, and electrodynamics of the rigid or
elastic structures of robots.
This analysis is performed on robots characterized by serial and parallel structures, as
well as on mobile robots. The study of geometry and kinematics is based on the forward
and inverse (control) model, respectively. New formulations in geometry and kinematics
are based, on the one hand, on homogeneous transformations and, on the other hand, on
the use of matrix exponentials and of quaternions. In the case of fast movements,
impulsive movements, and the movements in transient regimes, the study of advanced
kinematics and elastokinematics involves the use of higher-order accelerations and
polynomial interpolation functions of a higher order.
New formulations in dynamic and electrodynamic modeling are based on the differential
principle from analytical mechanics, which is specific to rigid structures (Lagrange
equations of the second kind, Hamilton equations, Appall equations, and the Gauss
principle), as well as on principles from the elasticity theorem. As robots are
characterized by rapid movements, the study of advanced dynamics will be extended,
using as central functions the acceleration energies of a higher order, which will lead to a
generalization of the Alembert–Lagrange differential principle. As a consequence, the
determination of the differential equations of a higher order that are defining will also
pose a problem; from the dynamic point of view, these comprise the fast and transient
movements of robot structures. A relevant aspect of this study is the dynamic inverse
modeling by which the time variation laws of the driving moments (torques)
corresponding to each driving joint from the robot structure are determined. This
dynamic and electrodynamic study will be carried out by taking into account different
types of friction that can develop within the mechanical structure of the robot. Other
important issues that will be dealt with in this Special Issue are represented by problems
regarding the optimization of motion trajectories for different robot structures, and by
problems related to the accuracy and modeling of trajectory errors.
The main purpose of this Special Issue is to encourage researchers to share the latest
developments in the field of advanced dynamics of robotic systems; higher-order dynamic
equations; analytical dynamics of complex systems; and mathematical modelling of serial,
parallel, and mobile robot structures (e.g., the use of matrix exponential or of polynomial
interpolation functions and the establishment of dynamic equations of motion based on
the acceleration energies).
Crane Hook:
In this topic the design of the hook is done by analytical method and
design is done for the different materials like forged steel, wrought iron and high tensile
steel. Crane hook is very significant component used for lifting the load with the help of
chain or wire ropes. Crane hooks are highly liable components and are always subjected
to bending stresses which leads to the failure of crane hook. To minimize the failure of
crane hook, the stress induced in it must be studied. A crane is subjected to continuous
loading and unloading. This may cause structural failure of the crane hook. After the
analytical method design and modeling of hook is done in modeling soft-ware. The
modeling is done using the design calculation from the modeling the analysis of hook is
done in FEA software. This result lead us to the determination of stress in existing model.
By predicting the stress concentration area, the hook working life increase and reduce the
failure stress.
Crane hooks are highly liable components and are always subjected to failure due to
accumulation of large amount of stresses which can eventually lead to its failure. Crane
hooks are the components which are generally used to elevate the heavy load in
industries and constructional sites. A crane is a machine, equipped with a hoist. A crane
hook is a device used for grabbing and lifting up the loads by means of a crane. It is
basically a hoisting fixture designed to engage a ring or link of a lifting chain or the pin of
a shackle or cable socket. Crane hooks with trapezoidal, circular, rectangular and
triangular cross section are commonly used. So, it must be designed and manufactured to
deliver maximum performance without failure. Crane hooks mostly employed in
transport, construction and manufacturing industry. Overhead crane, mobile crane,
tower crane, telescopic crane, gantry crane, deck crane, jib crane, loader crane are some
of the commonly used cranes. A crane hook is a device used for grabbing and lifting up
the loads by means of a crane. It is basically a hoisting fixture designed to engage a ring or
link of a lifting chain or the pin of a shackle or cable socket. Crane hooks with
trapezoidal, circular, rectangular and triangular cross section are commonly used. So, it
must be designed and manufactured to deliver maximum performance without failure.
Thus the aim of this research is to study stress distribution pattern within a crane hook of
various cross sections using analytical, numerical and experimental methods.
Truss structure:
A truss is an assembly of beams or other elements that creates a
rigid structure. In engineering, a truss is a structure that "consists of two-force members
only, where the members are organized so that the assemblage as a whole behaves as a
single object". A "two-force member" is a structural component where force is applied to
only two points. Although this rigorous definition allows the members to have any shape
connected in any stable configuration, trusses typically comprise five or more triangular
units constructed with straight members whose ends are connected at joints referred to
as nodes.
In this typical context, external forces and reactions to those forces are considered to act
only at the nodes and result in forces in the members that are
either tensile or compressive. For straight members, moments (torques) are explicitly
excluded because, and only because, all the joints in a truss are treated as revolutes, as is
necessary for the links to be two-force members.
A planar truss is one where all members and nodes lie within a two-dimensional plane,
while a space truss has members and nodes that extend into three dimensions. The top
beams in a truss are called top chords and are typically in compression, the bottom beams
are called bottom chords, and are typically in tension. The interior beams are called webs,
and the areas inside the webs are called panels, or from graphic statics (see Cremona
diagram) polygons.
Elbow joint:
The elbow is the visible joint between the upper and lower parts of the arm. It
includes prominent landmarks such as the olecranon, the elbow pit,
the lateral and medial epicondyles, and the elbow joint. The elbow joint is
the synovial hinge joint between the humerus in the upper arm and
the radius and ulna in the forearm which allows the forearm and hand to be moved
towards and away from the body.
Medical Subject Headings defines the elbow specifically for humans and other primates,
though the term is frequently used for the anterior joints of other mammals, such as dogs.
The elbow joint has three different portions surrounded by a common joint capsule.
These are joints between the three bones of the elbow, the humerus of the upper arm,
and the radius and the ulna of the forearm. When in anatomical position there are four
main bony landmarks of the elbow. At the lower part of the humerus are
the medial and lateral epicondyles, on the side closest to the body (medial) and on the
side away from the body (lateral) surfaces. The third landmark is the olecranon found at
the head of the ulna. These lie on a horizontal line called the Hueter line. When the elbow
is flexed, they form a triangle called the Hueter triangle, which resembles an equilateral
triangle. At the surface of the humerus where it faces the joint is the trochlea. In most
people, the groove running across the trochlea is vertical on the anterior side but it spirals
off on the posterior side. This results in the forearm being aligned to the upper arm
during flexion, but forming an angle to the upper arm during extension an angle known
as the carrying angle. The superior radioulnar joint shares the joint capsule with the
elbow joint but plays no functional role at the elbow.