(Subject Code 064) (Paper Code 37)

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Strictly Confidential: (For Internal and Restricted use only)

Secondary School Examination-2020

Marking Scheme
SUBJECT NAME -Home Science
General Instructions: -

1.You are aware that evaluation is the most important process in the actual and correct
assessment of the candidates. A small mistake in evaluation may lead to serious problems
which may affect the future of the candidates, education system and teaching profession. To
avoid mistakes, it is requested that before starting evaluation, you must read and
understand the spot evaluation guidelines carefully.Evaluation is a 10-12 days mission for
all of us. Hence, it is necessary that you put in your best efforts in this process.

2.Evaluation is to be done as per instructions provided in the Marking Scheme. It should not
be done according to one’s own interpretation or any other consideration. Marking Scheme
should be strictly adhered to and religiously followed. However, while evaluating, answers
which are based on latest information or knowledge and/or are innovative, they may
be assessed for their correctness otherwise and marks be awarded to them. In class-
X, while evaluating two competency based questions, please try to understand given
answer and even if reply is not from marking scheme but correct competency is
enumerated by the candidate, marks should be awarded.

3.The Head-Examiner must go through the first five answer books evaluated by each
evaluator on the first day, to ensure that evaluation has been carried out as per the
instructions given in the Marking Scheme. The remaining answer books meant for
evaluation shall be given only after ensuring that there is no significant variation in the
marking of individual evaluators.

4.Evaluators will mark( √ ) wherever answer is correct. For wrong answer ‘X”be marked.
Evaluators will not put right kind of mark while evaluating which gives an impression that
answer is correct and no marks are awarded. This is most common mistake which
evaluators are committing.

5.If a question has parts, please award marks on the right-hand side for each part. Marks
awarded for different parts of the question should then be totaled up and written in the left-
hand margin and encircled. This may be followed strictly.

6.If a question does not have any parts, marks must be awarded in the left-hand margin and
encircled. This may also be followed strictly.

7.If a student has attempted an extra question, answer of the question deserving more
marks should be retained and the other answer scored out.

8.No marks to be deducted for the cumulative effect of an error. It should be penalized only

9.A full scale of marks 70 has to be used. Please do not hesitate to award full marks if the
answer deserves it.

10.Every examiner has to necessarily do evaluation work for full working hours i.e. 8 hours
every day and evaluate 20 answer books per day in main subjects and 25 answer books per
day in other subjects (Details are given in Spot Guidelines

11.Ensure that you do not make the following common types of errors committed by the
Examiner in the past:-
•Leaving answer or part thereof unassessed in an answer book.
•Giving more marks for an answer than assigned to it.
•Wrong totaling of marks awarded on a reply
•Wrong transfer of marks from the inside pages of the answer book to the title page.
•Wrong question wise totaling on the title page.
•Wrong totaling of marks of the two columns on the title page.
•Wrong grand total.
•Marks in words and figures not tallying.
•Wrong transfer of marks from the answer book to online award list.
•Answers marked as correct, but marks not awarded. (Ensure that the right tick mark is
correctly and clearly indicated. It should merely be a line. Same is with the X for incorrect
•Half or a part of answer marked correct and the rest as wrong, but no marks awarded.

12While evaluating the answer books if the answer is found to be totally incorrect, it
should be marked as cross (X) and awarded zero (0)Marks.

•13Any unassessed portion, non-carrying over of marks to the title page, or totaling error
detected by the candidate shall damage the prestige of all the personnel engaged in the
evaluation work as also of the Board. Hence, in order to uphold the prestige of all
concerned, it is again reiterated that the instructions be followed meticulously and

14.The Examiners should acquaint themselves with the guidelines given in the
Guidelines for spot Evaluation before starting the actual evaluation.

15 Every Examiner shall also ensure that all the answers are evaluated, marks carried
over to the title page, correctly totaled and written in figures and words.

16 The Board permits candidates to obtain photocopy of Answer Book on request in an

RTI application and also separately as a part of the re-evaluation process on payment of
the processing charges

Section A

Ans1(A) Unable to see view points of others 1

Ans2(C) Provident Fund 1

Ans 3(A) Biscuits 1

(B) Agmark

Ans 4 (D) 1
Ans 5 (B) Exploratory 1

Ans 6 (C) save his energy 1

Ans 7( A) direct real income 1

Ans 8 (D) sugar and nuts 1

Ans 9 (B) kesari dal 1

Ans10 (B) rattle 1


(C) 3 years


Ans 11 mental /psychological 1

Ans 12 protein, calcium 1

Ans 13 CUTS/CAG/CosumerVoice/any other 1

Ans 14 acetic acid / oxalic acid 1

Ans 15 kadhi/dhokla/any other 1

Ans 16 imaginary audience 1

Ans 17 4ºC to 60ºC (any temp.) 1

Ans 18 fruits and vegetables /milk and milk products 1


Ans 19 ½ X 4=2
1 Fulfilment of nutritional needs
2 variety in meals
3 helps to save time, energy and fuel
4 helps to make food attractive and balanced
5 Any other
Ans 20

1 Do not store soiled clothes ½ X 4=2

2 air the clothes in sun before storing
3 use naphthalene balls or neem leaves
4 wrap in newspapers
5 Any other

1 Clothes were damp before storing

2 clothes had starch
3 naphthalene balls or neem leaves were not used while storage
4 safety pins were not removed
5 Any other

Ans 21. ½ X 4=2

1 Take help from other family members

2 sleep on time at night and get up early in the morning
3 organise everything at night a day before
4 dove tailing
5 Any other

Ans 22. ½ X 4=2

1 Cereal -parantha
2 Pulses -add besan/soyabeen
3 Fruits and vegetables -add methi, palak etc
4 Milk and milk products - milk, curd paneer etc


1 age
2 gender
3 activity
4 physiological conditions
5 Any other

Ans 23 ½ X 4=2

1 Fixed timings for certain activities

2 dove tailing
3 size of the family
4 use of labour saving devices
5 Any other

Ans 24. ½ X 6=3

1 Not washing hands before cooking

2 nails are not cut
3.cuts and boils on the hands
4 dirty clothes
5 coughing and sneezing while cooking
6 untied /loose or uncovered hair
7Any other


1 Washing of dustbin with disinfectants

2 cleaning of tiles
3 removing cobwebs
4 cleaning of cupboards and shelves
5 spray insecticides
6 cleaning of chimneys and wire mesh
7 Any other

Ans 25. ½ X 6=3

1 Say no firmly as drinking alcohol is injurious to health 1/2+1/2=1

2 take parents and teachers in confidence as they can guide us in right direction 1/2+1/2=1
3 change the peer group as it is better to leave bad company 1/2+1/2=1
4 Any other

Section D

Ans 26 1/2x8=4


1 Adulteration
2 inferior quality products.
3 faulty weights and measures
4 incomplete labels
5 Any other


1 Buy sealed products

2 buy from reputed shops
3. heck standard marks before buying
4 check for standard weights and decimal system of measurement
5 Any Other


1 Adultration
2 fake products
3 duplicate products in original packing
4 inferior quality products sold as high quality
5 Any other


1 right to information
2 right to choose
3 Any other

1 Check standard marks before buying
2 buy products with complete labels
3 Any other

Ans 27 1/2x8=4

1 wash the stain while fresh

2 check the nature of fabric
3 check the reaction of the reagent in the hidden corner of the garment
4 start with dilute and then concentrated application of reagent
5 work from outward to inward in circular motion while removing the stains
6 use mild bleach
7 neutralise acidic reagents with alkaline and vice versa
8 wash with detergent and water after removing the stains
9 Any other


1 The stain was not washed properly when fresh

2 The reagent was not tested in the hidden corner
3 The nature of fabric was not checked
4 Correct reagents were not used.
5 The reagent was not worked from outward to inward on the stain.
6 Concentrated reagent was used.
7 The reagents were not neutralized after removing the stains
8 The garment was not rinsed or washed with soap and water after removing the stains
9 Any other

Ans 28 1/2x8=4


1 Working for long hours.

2 Not having cerrect posture while working.
3 No rest period between working hours
4 Not skilled in work
5 Any other


1 dove tailing
2 correct posture
3 use of labour saving devices
4 take short break (rest) in between work.
5 Any other

Ans 29 (1+1+2=4)

Degrading the quality of food by adding an inferior food of close resemblance or removal of a valuable
substance. 1


1 chana dal or any other yellow dal

2 turmeric
3 Any other


1 cancer
2 mental retardation
3 degeneration of reproductive organs
4 anemia
5 Any other


Ans 30 1/2x10=5


1 The colour of fabric of piping bleeds

2 The thread used is not strong
3 Puckering in the piping
4 Any other


1 The seam is not strong and is uneven

2. Broad stitches of the seams
3. Missing interlocking
4 Any other


1 The colour of the thread does not matches with the fabric
2 The stitches are uneven
3 The stitches spaced widely
4 Any other


1 The neckline is not cut evenly

2 The piping /facing is not neatly stitched / loosely stitched
3 Any other

1 The colour of lining does not match with the main garment.
2 The quality of the fabric used for lining is not good
3 Lining not properly stitched with the main garment
4 Any other



1 colour should be fast.

2 quality should be good
3 Any other


1 Should be appropriate according to season fashion and age.

2 Use of accessories, frills etc should be balanced.
3 Any other


1 should be absorbent
2 should not pinch
3 Any other


1 easy to wash and dry.

2 wrinkle free
3 Any other


1 The cutting should not be off grain.

2 The print in all the pieces should be in same direction
3 Any other

Ans 31 1x5=5

1 Availability of food items

2 cost of food items
3 climate
4 family tradition
5 Likes and dislikes of family members
6 Any other


Ans32 (1+1+1+1+1=5)

(a) within 2 years 1

(b) state level Court /consumer court 1

(c) (i) bill /receipt of payment. 1/4x4=1

(ii) allotment letter /possession letter

(iii) affidavit from the court

(iv) duly filled prescribed application form

(d) 3 months 1

(e) 1 repair of the house 1

2 replacement
3 compensation
4 Any other

Ans 33 1x5=5


1 Broadening of shoulder Broadening of hips

2 Facial hair Development of breasts

3 Voice becomes heavy Voice becomes sweet

4 Noctural emissions Start of menstrual cycle

5 Strengthening of muscles Curvaceous figure



1 go for regular walk

2 regular exercise/ yoga

3 NUTRITIOUS and easily digestable food

4 Timely medicine and visit to the doctor

5 uncluttered floor and not too much pieces of furniture in the room

6 Any other


1 spend time with them

2 take their advice in decisions making.

3 take them out for family outings

4 involve them in household activities and social activities

5 listen to their life experiences

6 Any other

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