Effect of High Pressure Treatment On Thermal and Rheological Properties of Lentil
Effect of High Pressure Treatment On Thermal and Rheological Properties of Lentil
Effect of High Pressure Treatment On Thermal and Rheological Properties of Lentil
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Thermal characteristics of high pressure (HP) treated lentil flour dispersions were studied as function of
Received 16 August 2008 pressure level (350–650 MPa) and moisture content (14–58 g per 100 g of flour). Differential scanning
Received in revised form calorimeteric (DSC) measurement of pressure treated lentil dispersions indicated incomplete denatur-
1 May 2009
ation of lentil proteins. The protein dentauration temperature (Td) shifted with applied pressure and
Accepted 4 May 2009
moisture content non-systematically. No starch gelatinization peak was detected during thermal scan-
ning of lentil slurries (untreated or treated) irrespective of moisture content or heating rate. High
pressure treatment of lentil dispersion significantly reduced the retrogradation behavior compared with
High pressure
Protein denaturation that obtained from the thermally gelatinized sample. Dynamic rheological measurement indicated
Retrogradation pressure treated lentil slurries exhibited a true viscoelastic fluid. Slurries gradually transformed from
Viscoelastic fluid solid-like behavior to liquid-like behavior as function of moisture content and pressure level. Fourier
Elastic modulus transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy confirmed insignificant change in amide band of pressure treated
Viscous modulas slurry. This study has provided complementary information of pressure-induced structural changes on
Enthalpy both the molecular and the sub-molecular level of lentil protein.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0023-6438/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Ahmed et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 42 (2009) 1538–1544 1539
changes of proteins upon pressurization, Fourier transform infrared influenced by high pressure treatment. Measurements were made
(FTIR) spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (high in triplicate.
sensitive micro-DSC) are commonly used tools. The information
obtained by DSC is on a macroscopic level, it enables to assess the 2.3. High-pressure treatment
overall structure of the protein molecule. Fourier transform
infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy – a vibrational spectroscopic tech- Lentil dispersions (approx. 20–25 g) were packed in low-density
nique has provided better understanding of secondary structure polyethylene bags (Whirl-PakÒ, USA) and heat sealed. The head-
change of plant proteins after the influence of high pressure. FTIR space in the sealed pack was kept to a minimum. Samples were
measurement has considered a complementary approach to DSC then transferred to a 5 L pressure reactor unit (ACIP 6500/5/12VB;
because it provides direct structural information about the protein ACB Pressure Systems, Nantes, France) equipped with temperature
at a sub-molecular level (Brandes, Welzel, Werner, & Kroh, 2006). and pressure regulator device. Water was used as the pressure
The technique has recently been used for conformational study of transmitting medium. Samples were pressure treated at specified
globular protein on the amide I region (Ahmed, Ramaswamy, Ayad, pressure level (350, 450, 550 and 650 MPa) for a holding time of
Alli, & Alvarez, 2007; Brandes et al., 2006; Carbonaro, Maselli, Dore, 15 min. The pressurization rate was about 4.4 MPa/s and released at
& Nucara, 2008; Ellepola, Choi, & Ma, 2005). 26 MPa/s. The initial temperature of pressure medium was 18 C
Starch is semi-crystalline biopolymer and contains both crys- which was sharply increased to 24.8 and 28.5 C due to the adia-
talline and amorphous components. Starch is known to absorb batic effect during pressurization of 350 and 650 MPa however,
considerable amounts of water. During heating in presence of temperature became steady at 22 and 26 C during holding period
water, starch undergoes thermal transition known as gelatiniza- at those pressure levels. At 450 and 550 MPa, the increases in
tion, causing disruption of the starch granule structure. The semi- temperatures were 26 and 27.5 C and equilibrated at 23.5 and
crystalline structure gradually transforms to amorphous state 25 C respectively at similar condition. All experiments were
which shows some physical change with time (Slade & Levine carried out in duplicate. Pressure treated samples were stored in
1993). On cooling, an amorphous polymer undergoes glassy state refrigerator for further use.
from rubbery phase which is known as glass transition temperature In a separate experiment, lentil flour dispersion (58 g water/
(Tg). Because of their relevance in foods, starch–water systems have 100 g sample) was isothermally heated in a temperature controlled
been extensively investigated (Slade & Levine, 1993; Tananuwong & bath at 85 C for 30 min, cooled and stored in refrigerator.
Reid, 2004). Pressure could also delay starch gel retrogradation
(Douzals, Marechal, Coquile, & Gervais, 1996). Due to increase
demand of pressure treated food products it is relevant to study 2.4. Differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) measurement
high pressure effect on completely gelatinized legume starch in
excess water. A differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) (TA Q100, TA Instru-
The objectives of this work were to study thermal and rheo- ments, New Castle, DE, USA) was employed to measure the thermal
logical characteristics of lentil flour slurry (at various moisture analysis for control and pressure treated lentil slurries. The DSC was
level) after high pressure treatment and to understand the pressure calibrated with indium and sapphire for temperature and heat
susceptibility of major lentil components (starch and protein) with capacity calibration (TA Instruments, 2002). The samples (10–
the results obtained by the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) 12 mg) were run at a 10 C/min heating/cooling ramp in heating–
measurements, and the change of the protein secondary structure cooling cycles in a nitrogen atmosphere (flow rate 50 mL/min). The
by FTIR measurements. samples were heated from 0 to 150 C to detect thermal gelatini-
zation of starch and protein denaturation in flour. An empty pan
was used as a reference. The DSC measurements were done more
2. Materials and methods than 5 times. Thermal transitions of lentil slurries were measured
for the peak gelatinization (Tm) and the denaturation temperature
2.1. Materials (Td). The enthalpy (dH) of the transition (associated with starch
gelatinization and protein denaturation) was calculated from the
Canadian grown lentil flour was obtained locally and used for area of the peak endotherm using the Universal Analysis Software
high pressure treatments. Mean values for proximate analysis (g/ (version 3.6C, TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA). One set of DSC
100 g) of lentil flour samples (as per analyzed by AOAC method, run was carried out for both thermally treated control and pressure
1996) are: moisture, 6.47 0.21, ash, 2.31 0.03, protein (N 6.25), treated lentil slurry after one week to locate recrystallization of
26.25 0.23, and crude fat 1.01 0.10. The starch content was starch during retrogradation.
estimated as per method described by Dubois, Gilles, Hamilton,
Rebers, and Smith (1956) and found to be about 52 g per 100 g
2.5. Rheological measurements
lentil flour. The lentil samples were ground with a coffee grinder
(Model KSM 2, type 4041, Braun Canada), to obtain flour and 80% of
Rheological measurements of control and pressure treated lentil
the particles went through #100 mesh screen aperture (0.15 mm
flour dispersions were performed on a controlled-stress rheometer
sieve opening as per ASTME II).
(AR 2000, TA Instruments, New Castle, DE) with parallel plate
geometry (60-mm diameter). The width of the gap between two
2.2. Preparation of sample plates was 1000 mm. The sample temperature was internally
controlled by peltier system (20 to 200 C with an accuracy of
A calculated amount of distilled water was added to lentil flour 0.1 C) attached with a water circulation unit. A platinum resis-
to achieve desired levels of moisture content (14.9, 24.6, 29.1, 37.2, tance thermometer sensor positioned at the centre of the plate
46.7 and 57.6 g water per 100 g ground flour). The dispersions were ensured temperature control and measurement. For each test,
kept for an hour at room temperature (20 1 C) for hydration. All a measured volume of thoroughly mixed sample (approximately
measurements were conducted with the same lot of the product 2 mL) was placed at the centre of the rheometer plate for 5 min for
obtained at one time. The moisture content has been varied to stress relaxation and temperature equilibration before the actual
evaluate changes in thermal and rheological properties as measurements. It is worth to mention that sample with moisture
1540 J. Ahmed et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 42 (2009) 1538–1544
Table 1
Effect of high pressure on protein denaturation temperature as function of moisture content.
Sample ID Moisture content Td ( C) control Td ( C) 350 MPa Td ( C) 450 MPa Td ( C) 550 MPa Td ( C) 650 MPa
(g/100 g)
Dried flour 6.5 135.5 0.60 – – – –
S1 14.9 125.9 0.55 115.2 0.53 118.2 0.48 117.4 0.50 137.2 69
S2 24.6 125.0 0.71 124.3 0.67 121.0 0.34 117.0 0.66 124.0 57
S3 29.1 119.0 0.56 126.0 0.76 129.5 0.48 130.8 39 133.0 77
S4 37.2 126.8 0.58 115.0 0.38 131.0 0.38 126.0 61 137.0 89
S5 46.7 125.0 0.77 125.0 0.77 117.0 0.56 111.0 39 126.0 88
S6 57.6 111.0 0.47 118.0 0.52 110.0 0.56 113.0 81 120.0 44
significantly different (P > 0.05) from stored samples (data not exhibited higher heat of fusion (1.60 J/g) with a sharp melting point
shown). This observation is duly supported by our previous study at 54 C. Similar observation was reported by Doona, Feeherry, and
on pressure treated rice flour dispersion (Ahmed, Ramaswamy, Baik (2006) for retrogradation of ultra high pressurized wheat
et al., 2007). Distinct endothermal protein peaks were detected starch. Authors have explained the observation on the basis of
after treatments under different pressure and moisture conditions. Avrami exponents. Generally, the Avrami exponents of starch gels
It clearly indicates that the native structure of lentil protein had not are approximately 1.0. Contrary, the Avrami exponent for pressur-
been lost and the protein (globulin) fraction had not been dena- ized starch gel was significantly lower than 1.0. This infers that
tured completely under high pressure, although change in physical pressure treated starch gel could follow different mechanism of
state was evident (discussed in rheology section). Similar incom- recrystallization which was attributed by residual crystallinity
plete denaturaion of protein has been observed earlier for pressure remained after high pressure treatment. However, retrogradation
treated rice flour dispersion (Ahmed, Ramaswamy, et al., 2007). On of pressure treated rice starch was different and it showed a higher
the other hand, commercial soy protein isolate was completely amylopectin recrystallization compared to thermally treated rice
denatured at similar pressure level (Ahmed, Ayad, Ramaswamy, starch (Cheon et al., 1997).
Alli, & Shao, 2007). It infers that pressure requirement for dena-
turation of protein obtained from various plant proteins is different. 3.3. Mechanical spectra of lentil dispersion
A reduction of the denaturation enthalpy of lentil protein was
observed after pressure treatment from 350 to 550 MPa with The mechanical spectra of lentil dispersions (37 g water/100 g
respect to untreated lentil sample although the reduction was sample) before and after pressure treatment (450 MPa for 15 min)
insignificant (P > 0.05) (data not shown). A significant (P < 0.05) at 20 C are presented in Fig. 3. Fig 3 shows changes in elastic
decrease in peak area corresponding to 32% drop in enthalpy was modulus (G0 ), viscous modulus (G00 ), and complex viscosity (h*) as
observed after a 650 MPa treatment (Table 1). The change in a function of angular frequency (u). The elastic modulus (G0 )
denaturation temperature at higher pressure is a thermodynamic predominates over viscous component (G00 ) in the frequency range
phenomenon which is attributed by specific volume change (DV). It of 0.1–10 Hz for both control and pressure treated samples. The
is also possible that these changes which are not gross and are rheological characteristics of the pressure treated sample varied
influenced by partial ‘annealing’ of starch, protein and lipid significantly over the untreated sample. Pressurized dispersion
(Marchant & Blanshard, 1978). formed a firm pressure-induced gel having characteristics of high
The residual denaturation enthalpy provides a net value from G0 and G" values. Over the frequency range measured, the G0 and G00
a combination of endothermic reactions like the disruption of were relatively frequency independent, due to extensive molecular
hydrogen bonds, and exothermic processes, including the break-up entanglement. A minimal change of G0 with frequency indicates the
of hydrophobic interactions and protein aggregation (Ma & Har- elastic nature of the gel network (Ferry, 1970; Ross-Murphy, 1984).
walkar, 1991; Privalov & Khechinashvili, 1974). Thus, DSC thermo-
grams of the pressure treated lentil slurry exhibit the subsequent
thermal denaturation of the proteins remaining in a native-like
conformation. A reduction in residual enthalpy could be an indi-
cation for a partial loss of protein structure during high pressure
and the observation is close in agreement with earlier researchers
(Hayakawa, Linko, & Linko, 1996; Taniguchi, Taked, & Kato, 1994;
Van der Planchen, Van Loey, & Hendrickx, 2007) where rear-
Heat flow (W/g)
1000 1000
G', G'' (Pa)
η* (Pa.s)
η * (Pa.s)
100 100
10 10
0.1 1 10 1
ω (Hz) 0.1 1 10
ω (Hz)
Fig. 3. Effect of high pressure on lentil flour dispersion (37 g water/100 g flour) after
450 MPa (B: control G0 ; C: HP G0 ; 6: control G00 ; :: HP G00 ; >: control h*; A: HP h*). Fig. 4. Effect of pressure on complex viscosity of lentil flour slurry (58 g water/100 g)
(B: control; 6: 350 MPa; ,: 650 MPa).
The complex viscosity increased with increasing pressure and
supporting more viscoelastic characteristics of pressurized gel.
observation inferred that pressure treatment shifted lentil flour
dispersion from viscoelastic solid to viscoelastic fluid. This
3.4. Pressure and moisture effect on viscoelasticity of lentil conclusion confirms with earlier report (Janssen, van Vliet, & Ver-
dispersion eijken, 1996).
Table 2
Slope of power-type relationship ln G0 ¼ ln K þ nln u of lentil slurry at selected
pressure and moisture levels. 1163
M.C. (g/100 g) Pressure (MPa) ln G0 ¼ ln K þ n ln u ln G00 ¼ ln K þ n ln u 1550
2 2 1
Slope R S.E. Slope R S.E. 1408
37 0.101 0.09 0.99 0.00 0.11 0.94 0.06
450 0.12 0.99 0.01 0.15 0.98 0.05
Fig 6. FTIR spectra for pressure treated and control lentil flour samples (6.5 g water/100 g sample) (blue line: control; green line: 350 MPa; red line: 650 MPa) (For interpretation of
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