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Topic: Website Resources Topic: Prophecy Topic: Sanctuary

1. Amazing Yearly Bible Plan (MS-ABRP) 5. Hell: Eternal Life or Eternal Destruction? (MS-H) 9. Log on & Learn More (MS-LOLM)
2. Seven Facts About Your Afterlife! (MS-ALM) 6. When the Past Tells the Future! (MS-DRM) 10. Ancient Prophecies That Reveal
3. 8 Amazing Steps to Optimize Your Health (MS-AHF) 7. The Best Day of Your Life! (MS-RYL) the Future! (MS-KIT)
4. Your Future Foretold (MS-FE) 8. The Day of the Lord (MS-DOTL) 11. God’s Divine Temple and You! (MS-DDJT)
Inside Report 2 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 2 3/16/20 10:43 AM

Table of
17 AFCOE Returns This Summer
With Phase 1 of the W.O.R.D. Center now open, the Amazing
Facts Center of Evangelism’s dynamic training program is
back. Classes begin June 1. Learn more and apply today!


6 How to Pray for Healing

In His mission to heal spiritually hurting
hearts, Jesus often first healed the physical
ailments of seekers—and He still wants to
heal people today! Pastor Doug Batchelor
explores God’s concern for your physical
well-being and how He desires to work with
you through a faith-building prayer life. 6

11 Bible Answers
Is it necessary to say “in Jesus’ name” at the end of every prayer?
Are health laws in the Bible really that important? Isn’t it enough
to just love God?

4 The President’s Perspective

Are you worried? Pastor Doug offers a practical solution for people
who are knee-deep in anxiety about their future.

4 21 21 Freed in Prison
Amazing Facts resources are reaching souls even in their
darkest moments. Discover how your compassionate support
is changing hundreds of inmates’ lives every year!

22 Overcoming Osteoporosis
If you know someone struggling with osteoporosis, you’ll love
22 these easy steps to developing stronger bones!

5 Connect with AF 12 Christian Resources 16 Prophecy Seminars

10 Broadcast Schedule 14 News to Note 23 Special Recognition

Want Bible answers in your inbox? Inspiring articles? Latest ministry news? Testimonies showing how
your support is making a difference? Or how about exclusive deals on our best products? Then sign
up for our email specials and the Inside Report e-newsletter at!

Inside Report 3 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 3 3/16/20 10:43 AM

the president’s
Pastor Doug Batchelor

ave you ever heard the expression “worried can also increase the risk of heartburn and ulcers,
sick”? There may be more truth to this saying and it can keep you awake at night—when having
than you think. adequate rest is one of the most important factors
Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart does good, like in good health.
medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” Helen “Okay, okay,” you might be thinking. “We
Steiner Rice, the poet, put it this way: “Why worry? shouldn’t worry. But what about those of us who
What can worry do? It never keeps a trouble from are already sick?” Well, I want you to know that
overtaking you. It gives you indigestion and sleepless God has a solution for you. Sick or healthy, I want
hours at night and fills with gloom the days however you to find peace by using the method that God
fair and bright.” has provided for His people to
It’s true. Worry has a very real— experience lasting healing.
and, yes, potentially deadly—impact God said, “If My people who
on your health. Nearly half of all are called by My name will humble
adults, including Bible-believing themselves, and pray and seek My
Christians, suffer serious health face, and turn from their wicked
effects due to worry. It has even ways, then I will hear from heaven,
been estimated that as much as 90 and will forgive their sin and heal
percent of all doctor visits are due to their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). He
stress-related complaints or disorders. still means it, friend, and that’s
Additionally, the majority of our what the theme of this Inside
pharmacy prescriptions treat anxiety Report is about: healing prayer.
and depression. (Are you worried Are you worried sick and sick
about worrying too much now?) of worry? You don’t have to be anymore. Jesus said,
Anxiety can cause a vast range of physical “Do not worry about your life. … But seek first the
symptoms, such as twitching, itching, trembling, kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these
headaches, sweating, dry mouth, abdominal pain, things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry
dizziness, vision problems, irregular heart rate, rapid about tomorrow” (Matthew 6:25, 33, 34).
breathing, fatigue, irritability, nightmares, decreased I now invite you to stop worrying for a few
concentration, and more. minutes by focusing on this magazine. You’ll see what
But worse, increased anxiety is a known factor God has done through your support—and learn how
in many heart attacks, and it has a detrimental effect to have a better, more effective prayer life.
on planning, decision-making, and reasoning. Worry You look more peaceful already. Shalom!

Inside Report 4 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 4 3/16/20 10:43 AM

Connect with Amazing Facts
From the Mail Bag FIND US ON
And a Child
Shall Lead Them
Here is a picture of a young
man at our church, Landon, who
attends public school. The teacher
gave the class an assignment to
tell about someone they admire.
Landon chose Pastor Doug! He
watched Pastor Doug’s testimony
to get a better understanding
of his life, and even wore some
glasses and dressed up to
resemble him. Landon was recently baptized along with his
mom, Darcy. He sings for special music sometimes and has even
led the congregational prayer for our church. I wanted Pastor
Doug to see this picture his teacher took of him, and even the
poster he made of Amazing Facts! Susan FREE BIBLE STUDIES
To enroll in our free 27-lesson Bible
School, visit Or to take
the course by mail, send us your name
Back from the Brink and address and specify that you would
I wanted to write you a letter and tell you how, a few days ago, after seeing like to begin the course.
your video about spiritual warfare, Amazing Facts has brought me back from
the brink! Let me say THANK GOD FOR YOU. I am a 56-year-old woman, and
Visit to discover all
you have helped me through things I thought I’d never understand. Retha the great Christian resources available
through Amazing Facts, including books,
Bible Answers Live Makes a Difference DVDs, and other products to help you in
I love listening to Bible Answers Live. I have had many of my beliefs your walk with Christ and to share the
confirmed by listening. It always seems that when I have a Bible question good news with others.
or concern, someone calling in on your program has the same question or
concern. Thank you very much! Rhonda
If Amazing Facts
has helped change your
life for Christ, please write us at 
INSIDE REPORT Inside Report is a publication of
Amazing Facts International. Contributors
[email protected].
VOL. 38, NO. 1
to the ministry receive the Inside Report for a
year from the date of their most recent gift.
Amazing Facts President
Doug Batchelor Amazing Facts, a nonprofit ministry, shares Sign up for our email
P.O. Box 1058 Managing Editor Writer the saving truths of Jesus Christ around the specials, The Facts
Anthony Lester Curtis Rittenour world through literature, radio, television, e-newsletter, and more at 
Roseville, CA 95678-8058 [email protected] the Internet, public evangelism, and more.
Copy Editor!
916-434-3880 Assistant Editor Laurie Lyon For operation, we depend on the gifts and Michelle Kiss prayers of caring Christians who believe
Art Design/Layout in our mission.
Haley Trimmer
Unless otherwise noted, Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Inside Report 5 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 5 3/16/20 10:43 AM

How to Pray
By Pastor Doug Batchelor

An Amazing Fact:
Australian James Christopher Harrison,
known as the “Man with the Golden
Arm,” has an unusual plasma
composition that has been used to
make a treatment for Rhesus disease.
He has made 1,173 blood donations
throughout his lifetime, and these
donations are estimated to have
saved more than 2.4 million unborn
babies from the condition!
Of course, the blood of Jesus has
healed many more ...

Inside Report 6 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 6 3/16/20 10:43 AM

S ickness is a huge problem in our world today,
touching virtually everyone on the planet. It’s
estimated that 6 out of 10 adults have a chronic illness.
That’s why it should be no surprise that one of Jesus’
The Priority of Healing
Throughout His ministry, Jesus spent as much time
healing as He did preaching. Why? For one, God is
compassionate! Another reason is that, as physical beings,
we experience everything in our bodies. If we are sick, it’s
primary activities during His ministry was healing the difficult for us to concentrate on anything else—including
sick. But one might ask, “Does Jesus still heal today? our relationship with Him.
And if so, how do I experience that healing?”
Today, we need many kinds of healing—in our homes,
our minds, our bodies, our families. And eternal healing
can come only from God, the Great Physician.
Take note of this comprehensive passage that
summarizes the ministry of Jesus. Right after His baptism
and temptation, when He is filled with the Holy Spirit:

Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their

synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom,
and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of
disease among the people (Matthew 4:23).

I especially like this verse because it says that Jesus

taught, preached, and healed. All the facets of His ministry
are encompassed in this one sentence.
The passage goes on:

His fame went throughout all Syria; and

they brought to Him all sick people who were But I believe the most important reason Jesus healed
afflicted with various diseases and torments, people was so that He could point them to the kind of
and those who were demon-possessed, healing that would last forever. Indeed, all of Christ’s
epileptics, and paralytics; and He healed miracles of healing did not prevent people from eventually
them (v. 24). dying, no—but He healed in order that they and those who
experienced it would seek after the ultimate healing He
Isn’t that encouraging? There is no record offers to us all: an eternal life with Him in a new body that
of a medical case brought to Jesus that He was will never weaken, age, or die.
unable to handle. When the paralytic was brought to Jesus, the first thing
But how important is our physical He said to the man was, “Son, be of good cheer; your sins
prosperity to the Lord? His Word says, are forgiven you” (Matthew 9:2). The scribes were quick to
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in accuse Him of blasphemy. He responded,
all things and be in health, just as your
soul prospers” (3 John 1:2). God regards “That you may know that the Son of Man has power
your physical health as important as on earth to forgive sins”—then He said to the paralytic,
your spiritual prosperity. He does “Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” And he
care, and He does want us to be arose and departed to his house (vv. 6, 7).
physically well. In fact, good
health was always part of The multitude saw it and were amazed. Why did He
God’s perfect plan. do it? As a trick to impress? No! He did it so that they

Inside Report 7 1Q 2020

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would know He had the power to forgive sin—to bring Sometimes sickness is acquired. You can catch
spiritual healing. communicable diseases and infections from others or
It’s a sad fact that many people want physical healing from the environment.
but don’t appreciate spiritual healing. They feel a little bad As strange as it may sound, sickness can have an
about being bad but feel very bad about feeling bad. What angelic (supernatural) cause. The devil can make people
their behavior really says is, “Lord, help me to feel better ill. When Jesus healed a woman who had suffered for
so that I can enjoy sin more.” many years, He stated that Satan had bound her. (See
Luke 13:11–16.) In another example, “Satan went out
The Causes of Our Sickness from the presence of the LORD, and struck Job with
Let’s identify the seven primary reasons that account for painful boils” (Job 2:7).
the physical sickness in our lives. And, finally, aging brings illness. While the human
First, you can become sick because of your ancestors. body does have an incredible ability to automatically heal,
We all inherit various genetic weaknesses, which can affect a miracle in itself, the recovery process weakens as time
goes by. Additionally, cells and body
systems inevitably succumb to old age.
That’s not to say that God doesn’t heal
the elderly, but at some point, aging
will lead to some catastrophic failure.
The ideal would be to go out as Moses
did. The Bible says Moses lived 120
years, had clear vision, and was still
able to climb a mountain on his final
day (Deuteronomy 34:1–7). But it
doesn’t usually happen that way.

A Passage to Healing
When we seek healing from the
Lord, we should consider six biblical
First, ask God for healing.
But along with that, repent. Ask
forgiveness for your sins and be
willing to forgive others. Some think
that repentance is a simple confession,
but true repentance involves not only
longevity and overall health. Indeed, certain people groups a confession but also a turning away from sin.
are predisposed to particular diseases. Doctors often tease,
“Choose your ancestors very carefully.” He who covers his sins will not prosper, but
Your actions can cause you to become ill. Do you whoever confesses and forsakes them will have
exercise? Do you get enough water and sunlight and rest? mercy (Proverbs 28:13).
Do you eat healthy food? The lack of these things can invite
disease and weaken the body’s defenses. If My people who are called by My name will
Accidents happen, and sometimes when one part of humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,
the body is injured, it can begin a chain reaction of other and turn from their wicked ways, then I will
internal problems that may lead to illness. hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin
Attitudes are another major factor. Some people are sick and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).
not because of what they eat but because of what’s eating
them. Many people become physically sick because of mental If they turn, God says, then I will. That’s a conditional
stress, negativity, bitterness, or a spirit of unforgiveness. promise. When Jesus healed a person, He often urged,

Inside Report 8 1Q 2020

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“Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you”
(John 5:14).
Another important element in healing, one people often
struggle with, is belief. Remember the leper who came to
Jesus, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me
clean” (Matthew 8:2)? He had full assurance that Jesus was
capable of healing him. And Jesus did, saying, “I am willing;
be cleansed” (v. 3).
Moreover, the Bible says that God is “not willing
that any should perish” (2 Peter 3:9). I think
that because sometimes God does not
immediately heal us, we’re often afraid
to believe and to keep asking. But
more times than not, Jesus did
heal those who came and asked.
I wonder how many have not
been healed because they didn’t
ask and believe.
Do you know somebody—a
friend or family member—who is
ill? You should also be interceding
for them. When the centurion went A true servant will trust God regardless
to meet Jesus, he said, of whether he gets what he wants. If we’re
only in it for the loaves and fishes, we have the
Lord, I am not worthy that You should wrong attitude. We need unconditional faith.
come under my roof. But only speak a word, It’s also important to cooperate. God often heals through
and my servant will be healed (Matthew 8:8). modern medicine. Have you known of people who were
praying for healing but wouldn’t use the practical means
Jesus was so amazed by this man’s attitude, He stated, available? I’m sorry to tell you that I know of people not with
“I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel” (v. 10). us today who, if they had used proven medical methods, I’m
The centurion was a Gentile, not a church member, which quite certain would still be alive. But their attitude was “I’m
brings up another point. Does God just going to pray” while they neglect
miraculously heal only those on the proven medical treatment.
church books? No, our merciful Lord sends While there is a place for natural
the sunshine and the rain on everyone. treatments, God is also the one who
All the same, faith is a crucial element gives doctors their skill and wisdom and
in prayer and healing. “The prayer of faith helps scientists discover medical cures.
will save the sick, and the Lord will raise Remember Jesus’ statement that “those
him up. And if he has committed sins, who are well have no need of a physician,
he will be forgiven” (James 5:15). When but those who are sick” (Mark 2:17)? It
Jesus was on the cross, two thieves spoke means that those who are sick sometimes
to Him. Only one was saved. One said, “If need a physician. “Their fruit will be
You are the Christ, save Yourself and us” for food, and their leaves for medicine”
(Luke 23:39, emphasis mine). The other (Ezekiel 47:12).
one said, “Lord, remember me” (v. 42). The one who said It’s also important to cooperate with the laws of health
“if” did not have faith in Jesus as his Savior and will likely and healing. Instead of going back to the things that made
not be in the kingdom. you ill, cooperate with God. If you pray for healing from high
We need the kind of faith displayed by Job when he
said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him” (Job 13:15). (Continued on page 18.)

Inside Report 9 1Q 2020

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Television and Radio

Broadcast Schedule
AFTV Sunday, 10:30 AM; Thursday, 12:00 PM;
Friday, 7:00 PM; Saturday, 9:00 AM PT
A&E Sunday, 6:30 AM ET & PT — Beginning May 2020!
Daystar Network Wednesday, 6:00 PM ET
Hope Channel Sunday, 10:00 AM, 7:00 PM; Thursday, 6:00 AM;

Impact Network
Lifetime Network
Friday, 12:30 PM PT
Sunday, 5:00 PM ET
Sunday, 8:00 AM (All Time Zones)
Bible Answers Live
Safe TV Monday, 9:30 AM; Wednesday, 9:00 AM CT Airs weekly on Sunday at 7:00 PM PT.
TCT Network Sunday, 8:00 AM ET A live call-in radio program during
TBN Thursday, 10:00 PM PT which you can ask Pastor Doug any
The Word Network Sunday, 1:00 PM ET Bible question and get a biblical answer
3ABN Tuesday, 10:00 PM; Wednesday, 9:00 PM; Thursday, 1:30 PM CT in return. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during
program hours to participate.
AFTV Monday, 6:00 AM; Tuesday, 9:00 AM; Thursday, 10:00 AM;

Hope Channel
Friday, 3:00 PM; Saturday, 7:00 AM PT
Thursday, 1:00 PM; Friday, 6:00 AM PT
Safe TV Friday, 9:00 PM; Saturday, 7:00 AM CT Watch Bible programming you can
3ABN Thursday, 7:00 PM; Friday, 5:00 AM; Saturday, 12:00 PM CT trust at Streaming online
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on
your computer, iPhone, iPad, and
more! You can even watch on ROKU!

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Inside Report 10 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 10 3/16/20 10:43 AM

Q Is it necessary to say “in Jesus’
name” at the end of every prayer? Q Are health laws in the Bible really that
important? Isn’t it enough to just love God?

Jesus said, “Whatever you ask the Father Imagine that a man who is courting a woman sends her
in My name He will give you” (John 16:23). flowers, takes her on dates, communicates with her heart-
This doesn’t mean, however, that saying to-heart, and listens and cares about her needs. He goes
His name has some kind of magical power. out of his way to be attentive because he is in love.
Suppose I go to a stranger asking for a favor. But what would happen if, after they got married, he
He’s not likely to listen to my request, right? But watched TV all day, every day? What if he never tried to get a
what if I bring him a letter signed by his best job, assisted around the house, took her on dates, nor listened
friend—someone he values deeply and respects? to her heart? What would you think if he explained, “I love my
I say, “Look, I’ve come in the name of Henry, and wife; isn’t that enough?” What kind of love is that?
here’s a letter signed by him. Can you help me Salvation cannot be earned by obedience, but obedience
with this problem?” Wouldn’t the chances of him is exercising your faith in and love for Christ (John 14:15).
helping me increase dramatically? Furthermore, we should see God’s laws of health not as
Jesus explained, “I am the way, the truth, and restrictions that take away our fun, but as guidelines that protect
the life. No one comes to the Father except through us and lead us into a happier life. Some say that faith makes such
Me” (John 14:6). When we come to God, we come laws meaningless, but the Bible says, “Do we then make void the
in the name of Jesus, saying essentially, “Please, law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the
hear my prayer—not because I deserve it. I’ve been law” (Romans 3:31). My faith in Jesus will lead me to ask, “How
alienated from you by sin. But because you love can I show love for a Savior who gave His life for me?”
your Son, please honor my request for His sake.” Following health laws out of a legalistic duty will never
That’s what it means to pray in Jesus’ name. work. That attitude is based on self, not on others. But a faith
However, it can also mean to pray with the that accepts God’s offer of salvation will lead us to care for our
mind and spirit of Christ and with His same bodies, because it is through our minds that we study the Bible
selfless attitude. Because, of course, the Father and listen to the Holy Spirit speak to our hearts.
loves you too; He wants you to go directly to Him.
That’s why He sent Jesus—to bridge the gap. “In
that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say Tune in to Bible Answers Live, Amazing Facts’
to you that I shall pray the Father for you; for the live, nationwide call-in radio program, and listen
Father Himself loves you, because you have loved
Me, and have believed that I came forth from
to Pastor Doug give biblical, straightforward
God” (John 16:26, 27). answers to difficult Bible questions. To get times
and stations in your area or to listen to answers
online, visit

Inside Report 11 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 11 3/16/20 10:43 AM

Kingdoms in Time Magazine
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Heading for the Hills?

A Beginner’s Guide to Country Living
Doug Batchelor. Millions sense that Planet Earth is on the verge of
the Apocalypse. As “preppers” store up food and stockpile weapons,
how should Christians respond—in light of Bible prophecy and
the Great Commission? Has the time come for believers to desert
the cities? With a biblical perspective, Pastor Doug addresses the
when, how, and why (and why not) to head for the hills; identifies
practical things to look for when buying land; and covers what you
really need to live semi-independent from civilization, all while
maintaining a mission to the lost.
BK-HFH … $10.98

Inside Report 12 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 12 3/16/20 10:43 AM

Triumphant Truth: 28 Essential Beliefs
of the Remnant | Daily Devotional
Amazing Facts’ sweeping, year-long devotional gives you and your
loved ones the opportunity each day to reflect deeply on the 28
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Amazing Adventure DVD
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Inside Report 13 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 13 3/16/20 10:43 AM

Amazing Facts Bible School Brings Baptisms
In 2019, our Bible School
mailed 243,240 Bible lessons
across North America and provided Amazing Facts Going to Cuba!
personal responses to thousands In what can only be called miraculous, thousands of
of Bible questions. More than Cubans will have the chance to learn last-day Bible truths
1,400 students were connected personally from Pastor Doug Batchelor and our Amazing
with a local church—and more Facts International ministry team
than 2,000 requested baptism! when they visit the communist
Troy from Tennessee wrote, Caribbean island in April.
“I appreciate the opportunity to study these lessons. They Current U.S. policy limits the
have given me a clear mind to restart life.” Thanks to you, number of flights into Havana, and
his testimony is multiplied daily in letters from many other there’s a lot of competition to get
seekers like him, who take our free lessons online and by in. While it will be a challenge for
mail. By supporting this important work, you’re proving our team to get to Cuba, we’ll be
that this outreach still works! able to share the full three angels’
messages during our visit. Many are eager to hear the
America in Prophecy Magazine in Development everlasting gospel!
The Bible talks about many empires that are no longer We ask you to pray for this trip, and we thank you for
prominent on the world scene: Libya, Tyre, Babylon, and financially supporting this special outreach. Only eternity
Persia. But does the Bible say anything about America, the will fully reveal the impact of this visit!
greatest power in the world today?
It does. Amazing Facts is now Coming Soon: W.O.R.D. Center Phase Two
producing America in Prophecy, Phase 2 of the World
a 32-page sharing magazine Outreach, Revival, and
revealing the powers that will Discipleship Center—or
send shockwaves around the W.O.R.D. Center—will formally
world and place the United States open this summer at the
at the center of end-time events. Amazing Facts International
Revelation’s mysterious beasts campus in Granite Bay, Calif.
from the earth and the sea will be This state-of-the-art
clearly identified, as will the mark multimedia church will
of the beast. Readers will also learn about the crucial role welcome hundreds of Sabbath worshippers each week
of religious liberty in final events and how to prepare for and will also host our flagship programs, Amazing Facts
what is soon to come upon the earth. with Doug Batchelor and Sabbath School Study Hour.
Amazing Facts’ publishing director Brandon Tygret And for the first time in two years, the Amazing Facts
says, “With the 2020 elections and much talk about Center of Evangelism (AFCOE) classes will resume, now on
America’s role in the world, the Bible-based information the new campus. Because of your support, students from
in America in Prophecy will find many eager readers and all parts of the world will participate in this two-month
reach them for Christ.” on-site evangelism course. Thank you!
Inside Report 14 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 14 3/16/20 10:43 AM

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You are invited to meet the members of our dynamic evangelism team
at our many seminars and revivals—and please invite a friend!

Doug Batchelor Dakota Day Martin Kim

SPEAKERS April 9 – 11 March 27 – April 18 April 12 – May 2
AFCOE to Go Training Church Auditorium Council of Churches Malaysia
La ViBora Church 2703 W. Beebe Capps Expressway Jalan University
Havana, Cuba Searcy, Arkansas
September 25 – October 24
April 17, 18 April 24 – May 15 Church Auditorium
Church Auditorium Church Auditorium 1121 Main Avenue
Batchelor 1100 37th Street NW 4877 AR-392 Morton, Washington
Rochester, Minnesota Harrison, Arkansas
Jordan Moore
May 15 Lowell Hargreaves March 13 – April 4
Church Auditorium March 6 – April 4 Church Auditorium
4201 Wilson Road Church Auditorium 3744 W US 62
Bakersfield, California 9696 Paschal Drive Mountain Home, Arkansas
Wyatt Dakota
Allen Day Louisville, Colorado
May 16 September 18 – October 10
Harvey Auditorium July 3 – August 4 Church Auditorium
1241 G Street Church Auditorium 172 23rd Street NW
Bakersfield, California 2844 West Ponkan Road Hickory, North Carolina
Apopka, Florida For details, call 828-327-0816.
Wyatt Allen
Lowell Daniel April 10 – May 9 Daniel Hudgens
Hargreaves Hudgens Church Auditorium March 5 – 22
1564 U.S. Hwy 271 S. Church Auditorium
Paris, Texas 2015 Ellis Street Times and locations
For details, call 573-260-5505. Magnolia, Arkansas are subject to change.
July 31 – August 29 March 27 – 29 Please confirm at
Church Auditorium AFCOE to Go Training
Martin Jordan
Kim Moore 5302 Mitchell Avenue Church Auditorium prior to attending.
St. Joseph, Missouri 12191 Firestone Boulevard
Norwalk, California
September 11 – October 10
Irvington, Indiana
For details, call 573-260-5505.

This is a great time to book an Amazing Facts evangelist and grow your church! Our Bible prophecy seminars feature
can’t-beat price breaks and a marketing team that will help you advertise your event. Call today for more details.
For more information or to schedule a seminar, visit our website at, call 916-209-7286, or email [email protected].
Inside Report 16 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 16 3/16/20 10:43 AM

This Summer
Classes Begin June 1, 2020 — Apply Now

ith the construction of its new headquarters And that’s
now complete, the Amazing Facts Center of just the tip
Evangelism (AFCOE) is thrilled to announce the of the iceberg.
return of its comprehensive on-site evangelism training Students will
course this summer! also learn to assess
If you’re looking to become a better soul-winner— the emotional needs
whether through personal outreach, as a Bible worker, or of contacts, answer difficult
even as an international evangelist—AFCOE is designed Bible questions, persuasively present the prophecies of
for you. Carlos Muñoz, AFCOE director, says, “We want to Daniel and Revelation, point people to God’s work in the
train anyone and everyone who desires to become a soul- heavenly sanctuary, and much more.
winner. When students finish this course, they leave as “When they graduate, each student will have
empowered, confident evangelists.” a clear idea of his or her next step in service,” adds
Classes will be held at the beautiful W.O.R.D. Center Carlos. “There are so many different ways to witness for
in Granite Bay, California, and students will be housed Christ. As a multifaceted ministry, Amazing Facts is well
at the nearby Weimar Institute, nestled in the foothills of acquainted with these methods,
the Sierra Nevada mountains. At the conclusion of the and we’ll help our students
program, students will travel to Panama for a two-week discover all the doors God
evangelistic effort during which they will preach their wants to open to them.” Weimar Institute is
own prophecy series and win souls for Christ! offering 12 college
“AFCOE is about learning while doing,” shares New, Leaner Course credits to those
Pastor Doug Batchelor. “Students do real work in real Teaches More to
communities and with real people, bringing real results who complete the
Reach More course. For more
for the Master.”
Our new, leaner two-month
program is aimed at training
information, go to
Dynamic, Professional Training young and old from all walks
At AFCOE, students receive training in a range of Bible
of life. “Whether graduates
evangelism topics, studying with Pastor Doug and other
serve overseas or in their local
Amazing Facts International teachers, each a proven and
church,” explains Carlos, “they will be mission-minded
compassionate soul-winner. Guest speakers for this course
and focused to not only present God’s truth but even train
include Ivor Myers, director of Power of the Lamb Ministries,
others in their local church to witness for Christ.”
and Scott Ritsema, founder of Belt of Truth Ministries.
Want to learn more about AFCOE training and fees, or
Carlos says, “The W.O.R.D. Center’s new church facility,
are you ready to apply now? Don’t wait—the deadline for
classrooms, sanctuary, and equipment will expand our
applications is May 26, 2020. Visit today to see
training to new heights and bring even more empowering
what God has in store for you!
resources to our students—all for God’s glory.”
Inside Report 17 1Q 2020

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(Continued from page 9.)

blood pressure but are still eating donuts every day, you Let me be clear that God is never the One who causes
may be subverting God’s desire to heal you. suffering (James 1:13), but you can be sure that He will use
any trial that comes to reach us or others or both. During any
God’s Timing kind of struggle, we might ask, “Well, Lord, what do You
Another point is persistence. Whatever you want me to learn from this?” or “How is this trial
do, don’t give up quickly. Persist in using every affecting my or other people’s salvation?”
reasonable avenue to work on the problem. Yes, even dedicated, praying Christians
When the paralytic’s friends couldn’t reach can die prematurely from some terminal
Jesus because of the large crowd, they disease. But their prayers for healing will
didn’t give up; they kept on trying until they be answered in the most profound way
found a way to get their friend into the during the first resurrection.
presence of Christ. Their persistence paid off. Jesus healed all manner of affliction.
If you’re praying for yourself or others, He healed hands because God wants to
you may wonder why the answer is slow heal our works. He healed feet because God
in coming. That’s God’s domain. Your job is to wants to heal our walk. Jesus healed eyes
keep praying. While you’re praying, remember that because God wants us to see where we’re going.
there is strong medical evidence that people who pray Jesus healed tongues because He wants us to speak His
experience a higher percentage of healing than those who words. Jesus healed backs because He wants us to stand for
don’t. In fact, some studies show that people who are prayed Him. But, most important, Christ said He was sent “to heal
for—even if they don’t know they’re being prayed for—get the brokenhearted” (Luke 4:18). Jesus heals hearts because
better results than those who aren’t prayed for. He wants to give us new hearts, ones like His.
Finally, accept God’s response to your prayer. Maybe your heart is sick, broken because
Elisha was a great prophet filled with a someone or something has hurt you. Or maybe
double portion of Elijah’s spirit, yet unlike your heart has been broken by your own sins.
Elijah, who was translated to heaven, he Whatever your circumstance or problem,
eventually got sick and died. Paul was an Jesus has the answer. The Bible says, “By
apostle who healed others, yet he had a His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).
physical malady. He wrote, Because Jesus died for us, we can be
healed from anything. I love the verse
Concerning this thing I pleaded that says, “Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be
with the Lord three times that it healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for
might depart from me. And He said You are my praise” (Jeremiah 17:14).
to me, “My grace is sufficient for Heal, save—that’s what Jesus
you, for My strength is made perfect in wants to do for you. Most
weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:8, 9). of all, He longs to
give you healing
God’s purpose in healing you that lasts for
forever might mean that you eternity.
need to accept less-than-
perfect health in this life.
Is it possible that God
might be using physical
affliction as a way of
saving you? Could He
be using it to get your
attention or to minister to
others through you as you
bear your illness patiently?

Inside Report 18 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 18 3/16/20 10:43 AM

Need Guidance on Developing
a Better Prayer Life?
Teach Us to Pray
Prayer is your most valuable spiritual asset, but do you know
what it really means to pray? In Pastor Doug’s study on “the
breath of the soul,” you’ll learn powerful insights about
communicating with God!
• Look closely at each phrase contained in the Lord’s Prayer
• What is the right spirit to have when praying?
• Understand what to avoid while in prayer
BK-TUTP … $1.25

Are You Sick of Being in Debt?

Deliverance from Debt
Many Christians are living far beyond their means and are
saddled with debilitating debt. Are you one of them? Pastor
Doug provides a biblical perspective on the dangers of debt
and practical steps to free yourself from financial bondage.
• Discover why debt can destroy a Christian’s witness
• Develop a plan to get out of debt as soon as possible
• Is all debt bad?
BK-DFD … $1.25

Inside Report 19 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 19 3/16/20 10:43 AM

Will Your
Lead Them
Many ministry friends have joined Impact Hundreds for Years to Come
the Amazing Facts Legacy Circle, demonstrating their
“We felt passionate about honoring the hopes and
love for souls by remembering our gospel work in their
wishes of our parents, Wallace and Dolphus Lighthall
will or trust. You can also make a generous gift for
and Floyd Kemph, and with the opportunity to make a
Christ that shows where your heart and treasure truly
generous gift for the Lord’s work, we knew we had to
are. Let us help you build a godly legacy that will have
remember Amazing Facts in our estate giving plans.”
an eternal impact!
Bill and Susan Lighthall
Benefits of Making a Charitable Bequest Bill and Susan’s lifetime gifts
One benefit of a charitable bequest to Amazing Facts
helped build the W.O.R.D.
is that it enables you to win souls for Christ for years
(World Outreach, Revival,
to come. You can even set up a named fund—in your
and Discipleship) Center and
name or in honor of a loved one—during your lifetime
reach more than 316,000
toward an area of the ministry that is dear to your heart
seekers with the everlasting
and continue to fund it through your will or trust.
gospel through Amazing Facts outreach. And through
their estate giving plans, they will more than double the
impact they have already made—helping hundreds of
Amazing Facts International thousands more know the hope we have in Jesus!
Estate and Gift Planning
800-436-2695 What’s Your Legacy?
[email protected] Let us help you design a legacy for Christ. Contact us today!

Inside Report 20 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 20 3/16/20 10:43 AM

in Prison
Pseudonyms have been used to protect
the ministry described in this story. drugs and imprisoned for thirty years. Slowly but surely,
God softened his heart, and he began attending chapel,
Chaplain Smith was in a pinch. reading the Bible, and praying. Later, he volunteered to
The inmates he served desperately needed Bible help Smith and was quickly offered the clerk position. At
studies, but state law forbids him from distributing his nearly sixty years old, he went through the Amazing Facts
own materials. So he prayed, and we’re thrilled to let you Bible Study Guides and has been born again in Christ.
know that God used loving people like you to provide an “That’s a power greater than myself at work,” he shares.
answer—one beyond his wildest dreams!
As one of several chaplains, Smith helps minister to Paying It Forward
about two thousand inmates. He preaches about God’s Some prisoners stay at the chaplain’s facility for the
love and counsels both inmates and staff, calling all to duration of their sentence, but the majority are transferred
repentance. However, because of the law, he must rely on to other prisons after a few months. In that short time,
the generosity of others to supply soul-winning studies. Smith does his utmost to equip them to study the Bible.
So when Smith found a donor who pledged an Aside from our lessons, he also hands out Amazing Facts
amount every month to correspondence cards so
provide inmates with that even after they leave
Christian literature, he the facility, inmates have a
was ecstatic! He quickly direct line to us and can even
called several ministries request four free books per
for studies, but strangely, month, delivered directly to
none responded—except their prison cells.
Amazing Facts. We Through your support of
immediately sent him a Amazing Facts, many inmates,
big supply of Bible lessons, imprisoned by sin but freed
devotionals, and other by our Savior, now serve
literature, including the living God. And in 2019,
The Afterlife Mystery Smith baptized more than
sharing magazine. 315 souls for the kingdom!
The chaplain couldn’t “I praise the Lord that
give them out fast enough! Every month, inmates came Amazing Facts has opened this door to help all inmates,
to him in droves, desperate for salvation. Each filled out not only [those in] my facility,” says Chaplain Smith. “I
a form to receive baptismal studies, and Smith gave them just hope that more people will come to know the truth
an Amazing Facts study pack. Each inmate completed while I still have this opportunity.”
the lessons on his own time and submitted them for You can help this chaplain and others like him continue
review. Smith, along with his inmate clerks, corrected to spread the Word of God through Amazing Facts. Did you
the studies and further counseled inmates. know your gift today will provide our Bible Study Guides
Recently, Smith had the privilege of baptizing one of to those who might never otherwise learn the truths of the
his clerks who had been a hardened criminal, addicted to Bible? Thank you for your faithful support!

Inside Report 21 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 21 3/16/20 10:43 AM


Osteoporosis by Laurie Lyon

C an you imagine being afraid to cough or sneeze

because it might break a bone in your body? It may
sound far-fetched, but this is a reality for many
people with severe osteoporosis.
Here are five things you can do to help ensure your bones
stay strong as long as possible:

1. Avoid tobacco smoke, including second-hand smoke.

One study showed that a woman who lives with a
While this represents the most extreme cases of this
bone-thinning disease, most of us have good reason to be heavy smoker can have over five times the risk for
concerned. Indeed, the majority of Americans age 50 or osteoporosis.1
older are affected by either low bone mass or full-blown 2. Stay away from alcohol and caffeine. Along with
osteoporosis. other negative impacts, alcohol can interfere with
Typically, our bone strength increases up to age 30, with vitamin D production and calcium balance in the body,
density declining by 40. In general, the stronger your bones leading to a calcium shortage in the bones.2 Caffeine
when you’re young, also robs the body of calcium.3
the less chance you’ll
3. Include calcium and supporting nutrients—such as
have of developing
vitamin D—in your diet. You don’t need dairy products
osteoporosis later
to accomplish this.4 Dark, leafy greens; beans and
in life.
other legumes; and many seeds and nuts are excellent
Because women
sources of calcium for those eating a plant-based diet.
tend to have less
bone density than 4. Exercise! Regular weight-bearing exercises can slow
men, they’re at bone loss. Even if a person already has osteoporosis,
greater risk and a doctor can steer them to the right exercises to help
make up about 80 maintain bone density. Bulking up on muscle helps
percent of the more reinforce bones that have weakened. Plus, more strength
than 200 million translates to fewer falls and less chance of a fracture.
people worldwide 5. Minimize stress. Studies have linked osteoporosis
with the condition. with stress5—but that should come as no surprise to
By some estimates, Bible students who have read, “A merry heart does
about one out of every two women will break a bone due good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the
to osteoporosis at some point during her lifetime. But men bones” (Proverbs 17:22).
need to be on guard as well; about half of men over 50
have osteopenia—a significant lessening of bone density When it comes to osteoporosis, taking action today can
and precursor to osteoporosis. mean stronger bones tomorrow! And remember that regardless
Despite these startling statistics, there’s good news. of the condition of our physical framework, God promises us
Although some factors contributing to the loss of bone great spiritual strength and hope: “The everlasting God, the
density are beyond our control—certain medical conditions LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is
and heredity, for example—many risk factors can be weary. … He gives power to the weak, and to those who have
minimized by simple lifestyle changes. no might He increases strength” (Isaiah 40:28, 29).


Inside Report 22 1Q 2020

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Larry Dickerson by Yvonne Dickerson, his aunt Edna MacCox by James and Judith Culpepper
Julie Dorris by Stephen and Mei Walls Ganell Malcuit by Stan and Martha Detweiler
J. W. Dunning by Roy and Celia Dunning Linnie Maxwell by Jamie Tuggle
Myron Durham by Anita Lowe, his sister Alphretta McMaster by Jack Watkins
Warren and Edith Durham by Anita Lowe, their Samuel Millar by Althea Millar, his wife
daughter; by Shelly Lowe, their granddaughter Carol Myers by Bonnie Ensminger

John Ellis by Daniel Greeley; by Robert Salamy Clark Nory by Bonnie Ensminger
Ruth Elmer by Bud Elmer’s sisters and children;
by Rebecca Kruger, her stepdaughter Dr. William Palmer by Don Park
Ed Ensminger by Bonnie Ensminger, his wife; Charles Porter Jr. by Jim and Judy Culpepper
by Don Park Norm Prusia by Jim and Judy Culpepper

Buddy Fisher by James and Harry and Irma Rushold by Udene Allen,
Judy Culpepper their daughter
Donald Fleeth by Joyce Constantine
Fred and Eva Flemmer by Olga, Dawn Sackmann by Thomas Sackmann,
their daughter her husband; by Brenda Owen
Jewel and Ruth Foutch by Gayle Tyroff, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Scheffield by Art and
their daughter Carol Frazier
Arlene Squier by Charlene Leno
John Gepford by Marilyn Gepford, his wife Kenneth Steele by Verna Dinkmeier Steele,
Ona Lee Glidden by Arnold Glidden, his wife
her husband Eugene Stienbarger by Rebecca and
Engel Yoder
Virginia Harless by Geraldine Hollis;
In Memory of by Charles and Edna Myers Esther Wegener by Werner Wegner,
Dallas and Leena Allgood by AJ Clithero, Joseph and Thelma Herzberg by Debra Fechik, her husband
their daughter their daughter Arlene Wiggins by Al Wiggins, her husband
Ivas Holmes by Leonard and Karen Atkins
Jeffrey Barbieri by Diane Barbieri David Hood Sr. by Randi and Pam Suckut Ray and Ethel Zeiner by Don and
Micah Batchelor by Don Park Joyce Fortner
Bill Battle by Jim and Judy Culpepper Michael Ikeda by Jutta Ikeda-Mackay, Marcene Zurmuhlen by Phil Zurmuhlen,
John and Helen Behnke by Don and his mother her husband
Joyce Fortner
Celia Black by Freida Harrell Lillian Johnson by the Amazing Facts staff Happy Birthday
Dennis and Elem Jones by Bonnie Ensminger William Froelich by Bruce and Mary McClay
Jay Chandler by Jim and Judy Culpepper
William Clark by Fred and Dorothy Galbraith Elaine Kelley by Frank and Marilyn McCalment
Joe Crews by Don Park In Honor of
Brenda Learning by Pete Learning, her husband Cora Calvetti by Olga Haines, her sister
Julie Darris by Michele Mingus; by Daryl Steen William Lowe by Anita Lowe, his wife; Julie Dorris by Stephen and Mei Walls
Everett Dickerson by Yvonne Dickerson, by Shelly Lowe, his daughter David and Ethel Meyer by Cindy Read,
his wife their daughter

Amazing Facts recognizes contributions made as a tribute to those who have passed away or as an
honorarium celebrating significant milestones in the lives of loved ones. Please type or print legibly
to ensure correct spelling; we are unable to verify spellings due to volume.

Inside Report 23 1Q 2020

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 23 3/16/20 10:43 AM

YOU Shine Like Stars

Winning Souls for Christ!
Champions of Truth are …
Committed partners who play a winning role in
the worldwide evangelism work of Amazing Facts
through generous monthly support
Spiritual warriors who pray regularly for the
ministry and for Christ’s truth to penetrate hearts
“Our world needs consistent,
valiant light bearers for Jesus. Active defenders of the faith, equipped with
As millions around the world exclusive access to Amazing Facts magazines,
are held captive in sin and books, and more that help them share their faith
darkness, you carry the light of
truth that can set them free.”
—Pastor Doug Batchelor Learn how you can become a Champion!

_JanFebMar20_Edit.indd 24 3/16/20 10:43 AM

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