11. Which of the following are cardinal features of granulation 25. Amphetamines will:
tissue? A. Induced fetal malformation and withdrawal symoptoms
A. Abundant collagen in the neonate
B. Proliferating fibroblasts B. Stimulate the CNS
C. Proliferating capillaries and fibroblasts C. Increase the risk of liver cancer
D. Abundant inflammatory cells and collagen D. A & B only
12. Turbulence contributes to artenal and cardiac thrombosis by: 26. Carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke has which effect?
A. dilution by fresh flowing blood by activated clotting A. Greater affinity for hemoglobin and cytochrome oxidase
factors B. Acute pharmacologic effects associated with tobacco
B. enhancing inflow of clotting factor inhibitors smoke
C. causing endothelial injury and dysfunction C. Responsible for tobacco addiction
D. a & b only D. Induce endocarditis, more on the left side
13. On contact with extracellular matrix, platelets undergo the 27. Hypervitaminosis D in adults carry a risk of:
following changes EXCEPT: A. Papilledema
A. Secretion (release reaction) C. growth
B. Adhesion and shape change B. renal calculi D. Xeropthalmia
C. Aggregation
D. Proliferation 28. Viruses will kill host cells and caused tissue damage by:
A. Inhibiting host cell DNA, RNA or protein synthesis
14. Which of the following best describes shock? B. Replicating inside host cell followed by cell lypsis
A. Results from loss blood and plasma volume C. Viral proteins on host cell surface lead to immune cells
B. Caused by intrinsic myocardial damage attack of the virus infected cell
C. Systemic hypoperfusion due to reduced cardiac output D. A, B & C
or ineffective circulation
D. Results from severe peripheral vasodilation 29. Damage to host cells by bacteria depends on adherence &
entrance into the cell by presence of:
15. Complement-antibody-mediated lysis involves A. Protein C C. Flagella
A. Mast cells C. Leukotrienes B. Pili D. A, B & C
B. Transfusion reactions D. Prostaglandins
30. Which infective organism produces necrotizing inflammation?
16. Antireceptor inhibitory ligand mechanism is associated with: A. H. influenza C. perfringens
A. Transplant rejection C. Complement activation B. N. gonnorhae D. V. cholerae
B. Myasthenia Gravis D. Goodpasture disease
31. Most common neoplastic lesion of the colon would be?
17. Acute graft rejection involves: A. Hyperplastic polyp C. Lipoma
A. CD8 interaction B. Adenomatous polyp D. Carcinoid
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32. Which of the following can cause toxic megacolon? 47. The following are true of hypothyroidism EXCEPT:
A. Hirschsprungs dis. C. Ulcerative colitis A. most common causes is Graves disease.
B. Chagas dis. D. cancer of the rectum B. increased T3 and T4 levels in the serum.
C. increased TSH level in the serum.
33. Most common location of carcinoid tumor is? D. None of the above
A. Appendix
48. The most common cause of hypoparathyroidism is:
B. Cecum A. latrogenic (postathyroidectomy)
B. congenital.
C. radiation, ionizing.
34. Persistence of vitelline duct causes which anomaly? D. Hyperthyroidism.
A. Congenital aganglionic megacolon
B. Imperforate anus 49. The following is true of hyperaldosteremia EXCEPT
C. Meckel’s diverticulum A. increased plasma renin.
D. Intussusception B. overproduction of aldosterone with suppression of
renin-angiotensin system.
35. The most common type of epithelial polyp is? C. associated with decreased renal perfussion.
A. Villous C. Tubular D. pregnancy.
B. Tubulovillous D. Pseudopolyp
50. Nephritic syndrome is associated with:
36. Primary Osteosarcoma is characretized by which feature(s)? A. lipoid nephrosis. C.
A. Most common type both
B. RB gene mutation B. Goodpasture disease. D. neither
C. Usually arise in the metaphysis of the long bones
D. A,B,C 51. Renal cell carcinoma is associated with which characteristic(s)?
A. invades renal vein C. both
37. The pathogenesis of Osteogenesis Imperfecta is: B. clear cell type D. neither
A. Mutation resulting to inadequate production of
collagen 52. Acute post-strepto. GN. Is characterized by:
B. Clustering of chondrocytes in zone 2 A. tubulorrhexis C. both
C. Both A & B B. thick basement membrane D. neither
D. Neither
53. Nephrotic syndrome is found in which disease(s)?
38. Morphologic findings of mosaic pattern of lamellar bone is A. diabetes mellitus C. both
associated with which of the following? B. membranous GN D. neither
A. Osteitis deformans C. Fibrous dysplasia
B. Osteopetrosis D. Achondroplasia 54. Chronic PN has gross change(s) as
A. coarse irregular scars
39. Acute hepatitis B infection is associated with B. necrotic renal papilla
A. Sanded nuclei C. fine surface nodularity
B. PAS (+), Diastase (-) intracytoplasmic globules D. A & B only
C. (+) HA IgM
D. Councilman bodies 55. The most common cause(s) of acute pyelonephritis is (are)
A. Endamoeba coli
40. Extrahepatic cholestasis C. both
A. is sometimes termed as “medical jaundice”. B. Staphylococcus aureus D. neither
B. is caused by Criggler Najar type II.
C. is directly associated with portal HPN. 56. Linear fluorescence on immunofluorescent stain is characterizing
D. Shows bile lakes in section in:
A. Goodpasture’s disease C. Membranous GN
41. Hepatocellular intrahepatic cholestasis is associated with B. B. Acute proliferative GN D. Lipoid nephrosis
A. a predominance of serum ALP
B. a decreased serum ALP 57. Wilm’s tumor is associated with
C. obstruction of the common bile duct A. originated from prox. Tubules
D. Bile plugs, bile stained hepatocytes, & increased of B. abortive glomerulus and tubules
bile ducts C. clear and solid cells
D. paraneoplastic syndrome
42. Criggler Najar type I:
A. causes jaundice due to decrease bilirubin conjugation. CASE:
B. is a hemolytic cause of kernicterus. A 25 year old female consulted a physician for gradual
C. is caused by extrahepatic biliaryobstruction. enlargement of the abdomen and both legs. The condition started
D. leads to increased serum bile acids about 3 weeks ago as dyspnea with ankle swelling, followed by
abdominal heaviness. She later noticed abdominal enlargement, which
43. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia: shifted when she lies in bed on her side. Past history showed that she
A. leads to bilirubinuria. had RHD and was hospitalized twice in the last 4 years but was sent
B. causes jaundice with a predominant indirect home improved.
C. is associated with decreased urobilin in the urine. 58. The significance of the abdominal enlargement shifting when
D. is associated with Gilbert’s syndrome. she lies on her side would be:
A. ascites
44. Window period of Acute Hepatitis B infection would present: B. hepatomegaly
A. ballooning degeneration, lobular disarray, councilman C. splenomegaly
bodies. D. A,B,C
B. elevated transaminase levels.
C. (+) HbsAg. 59. Correlating the history with the complaints, what would be the
D. A and B only. significance of leg edema?
A. pure right sided heart failure
45. Portal vein occlusion is associated with: B. pure left sided heart failure
A. Pyelephlebitis C. left sided failure progressive to right sided failure
D. pneumonia
B. Caused by abnormal sepsis
C. Budd Chlari syndrome 60. If you were to examine the patient’s lungs, what finding(s) do
D. A and B you expect to discover to explain dyspnea?
A. lifting up of the diaphragm
46. Hemolytic jaundice B. pulmonary edema
A. predominantly elevated polar bilirubin. C. pleural effusion
B. primarily manifested as bilirubinuria. D. lung abscess
C. is due to biliary obstruction.
D. is due to increased bilirubin production.
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61. If you could visualize the heart, what change(s) would be D. is confined within the tunica adventitia
expected to give rise to the complication shown?
A. fusion of the tricuspid commissures 74. The clincial significance of arteriovenous fistula is:
B. thick and short mitral chord tendinae A. aneurysmal dilatation.
C. verrccae on the valve leaflets B. chronic hemodialysis.
D. A,B, C C. malignant transformation.
D. mycotic aneurysm.
62. Complication(s) of left ventricular MI would be:
A. Left to right shunt with ventricular septal rupture 75. This chemical substance is implicated in the development of
B. Embolization of thrombus of pulmonary artery hepatic hemangiosarcoma:
C. Arrythimia A. aflatoxin C. CCI4
D. A and C only B. barium D. polyvinyl chloride
63. Small, warty friable vegetations underneath the mitral valve is 76. A 60 years old nursing home resident complained of severe
seen in: headache. She has been irritable for the past 2 days and later
A. RHD during the day developed clouding of consciousness. P. E
B. acute infective endocarditis showed rigidity and a temperature of 39 degrees Celsius. Spinal
C. endocarditis tap yielded a cloudy CSF with neutrophile, elevated protein, and
D. libman sacks markedly reduced glucose content. The patient is suffering from:
E. carcinoid HD A. acute viral meningitis
B. epidural hemorhage
64. Diastolic murmur is heard in: C. acute bacterial meningitis
A. mitral insufficiency D. chronic bacterial meningoencephalitis
B. aortic insufficiency
C. mitral valve prolapse 77. The most likely etiologic agent is:
D. Roger’s disease A. Mycobacterium TB C. E. coli
B. Strep. pneumonia D. enterovirus
65. Mitral midsystolic click is associated with:
A. myxomatous degeneration of aortic valve 78. This glial cell responsible for repair and scar formation of CNS
B. fusion of chorda tendinae tissue is:
C. syphylitic heart disease A. Astrocyte C. Oligodendrocyte
D. None of the above B. Microglia D. Ependymal cell
66. Stable angina chest pain is explained by: 79. This congenital malformation of the neural tube is not compatible
A. the atherosclerotic coronaries cannot cope with with life
increased demand A. Meningocoele C. Encephalocoele
B. chest pain relieved by rest B. Anencephaly D. Meningmyelocoele
C. transmural ischemia
D. pericardial friction rub 80. This CNS tumor is characterized by laminated psammoma
67. Characteristic histopathologic change associated with HPV A. Meningcoma C. Ependymoma
uterine cervix infection is: B. Astrocymoma D. Schwanomma
A. thickening of stratum corneum with production of
qualitatively abnormal keratin. 81. Associated with alpha/antitrypsin deficiency is:
B. retention of nuclei in the cells of the stratum corneum. A. Centro-acinar emphysema
C. kollocytic atypia. B. Paraseptal emphysema
D. epidermal thickening C. Panlobular emphysema
D. Senile emphysema
68. The most common gene mutated in patients with ovarian
carcinoma is: 82. Factors for the development of chronic bronchitis include the
A. Tp53 C. ERBB following, EXCEPT:
B. BRCA D. K-RAS A. Microbiologic infection
B. Chronic irritation by inhaled substance
69. An obese female sought consultation because of C. Cigarette smoke
oligomenorrhea. Physical examination showed increased body D. Surfactant deficiency
hair and masculine features. Ultrasound showed the presence
of numerous cysts in the ovaries. True of this conditionwould 83. The lung tumor most sensitive to chemotherapy and radiation
be: it is therapy is:
A. is associated with anovulation A. Small cell cancer C. La
B. an estrogen-responsive B. Squamous cell Ca D. Ad
C. both
D. neither 84. Primary mediators of asthma are the following, EXCEPT:
A. Histamine C. Prostaglandines
70. The genetic mutation implicated in cases of lelomyoma involve B. Leucotrienes D. Acetylcholine
A. over-expression of KRAS. 85. Viral pneumonias differ histologically from bacterial pneumonia
B. mutation of PTEN gene. because of:
C. t (12:14) rearrangement. A. presence of alveolar exudates
D. microsatellite instability. B. lack of alveolar exudate
C. low levels of cold agglutinin
71. A 40 y/o G3P3 came to your office complaining of increased D. high HCT. Level
amount of “bleeding” during her menstrual period. Her previous
mestruation occurred on a 30-day cycle for which she 86. Macrophages are alternative sources of injury in patients with
consumed 3 napkins/day. However, for the past few months, ARDS by:
she noted her menses to occur every 3 weeks for which she A. generating toxic oxygen products and proteases
consumes 6 napkins/day. Probable cause of the abnormal B. extra pulmonary activation of complement via
bleeding could include: alternative pathway
A. an organic lesion in the uterus C. mediator release leading to vasoconstriction
B. hormonal imbalance D. A and B
C. failure of ovulation
D. all of the above 87. Which of the following is/are seen in patients with severe
72. The most important feared complication of atheroma is: A. blood gas value is relatively normal
A. calcification C. superimposed thrombosis B. alveolar overdistention is severe
B. rupture D. ulceration C. diffusing capacity is low
D. A,B&C
73. The lesion in Monckeberg sclerosis:
A. causes narrowing of lumen 88. Histologic findings of asthma include the following, EXCEPT:
B. destroys tunica intima A. thickening of basement membrane of the bronchial
C. has unclear etiology epithelium
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B. edema and inflammatory infiltrate in the bronchial wall
C. hyperplasia of submucosal glands
D. hypertrophy of bronchial wall muscle
94. 64. The following statements are all true of carcinoma of the
pancreas EXCEPT:
A. 60 to 70% of pancreatic cancer arise in the tail of the
B. Almost all of pancreatic cancers are
C. Carcinomas of the body and tail of the pancreas
remain silent for some time.
D. Histologically, there is no difference between
pancreatitic carcinomaof the head and those of the
body and tail.