PRG0019-15 Requirements For Labels
PRG0019-15 Requirements For Labels
PRG0019-15 Requirements For Labels
Implementation of changes
Changes in this specification, version number 24237-15, shall be implemented in production of the IKEA
sales item, at the latest from the production date 2036 (year 2020 week 36).
Stock priority
Stock not compliant with the requirements in this specification shall be shipped to IKEA before shipping
stock compliant with this version.
Table of contents
1 General requirements ........................................................................................................................ 3
2 Requirements for registration of labels in DWP ............................................................................. 3
3 Label material requirements ............................................................................................................ 4
3.1 Paper label material .................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Pasted paper label ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 Plastic label material ................................................................................................................. 4
4 Requirements for application of labels ............................................................................................ 5
4.1 Adhesive label ............................................................................................................................ 5
4.1.1 Labels on packaging ........................................................................................................................... 5
4.1.2 Labels on products ............................................................................................................................. 5
4.2 Sewn-on label ............................................................................................................................. 6
4.3 Hung-on label ............................................................................................................................. 6
5 Label content requirements ............................................................................................................. 6
5.1 General label ............................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Bar code....................................................................................................................................... 6
6 Colour dot requirements ....................................................................................................................7
7 Unit load label (ULL) requirements .................................................................................................. 8
7.1 Printer and scanner for ULL ...................................................................................................... 8
7.2 ULL material ............................................................................................................................... 8
7.3 ULL areas ..................................................................................................................................... 8
7.3.1 IKEA area content ..............................................................................................................................10
7.3.2 Bar code area content ....................................................................................................................... 11
7.4 Data elements ........................................................................................................................... 13
7.5 Quality on ULL grade (B) ..........................................................................................................13
7.6 Additional requirements ..........................................................................................................13
8 Top filling solution label requirements ..........................................................................................14
9 Label placement requirements ........................................................................................................14
9.1 Placement of identification labels on consumer packaging ................................................14
9.2 Products consisting of multiple packages .............................................................................16
9.3 Minimum Delivery Quantity label placement........................................................................ 17
9.4 Colour identification die cut .................................................................................................... 17
9.5 Main Product Illustration (ILA) label placement ...................................................................18
9.6 ULL placement ...........................................................................................................................18
9.7 Top filling label placement....................................................................................................... 21
10 Requirements for verification ..........................................................................................................22
11 Definitions ..........................................................................................................................................22
12 References ......................................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix A: Information about self declaration for pasted paper labels on products .................... 25
1 General requirements
The relevant marking shall be printed on the label, product, or packaging according to the original
provided in the IKEA Product Documentation, without decreasing the size or changing the font or content.
The above requirements shall apply unless otherwise stated in the IKEA Product Documentation.
All parts in black of the printed original and labels that are printed on a package shall be printed in 100%
black (greyscale). If the labels are printed on a transparent plastic with dark inside content, the following
solution is allowed:
All information (except the barcode) shall be printed in 100% white.
The barcode shall be printed in process black over a 100% white background square.
Note: It is allowed to remove the label ID from the following label types: care instruction labels, material
labels, and weight labels.
Note: Requirements regarding registration of labels in DWP are applicable for all labels on the product or
on the packaging.
For pasted labels on the product, compliance shall be documented according to the self declaration in
Appendix A.
A self declaration is not required for pasted labels on the packaging or if the IKEA Product Documentation
states that the label shall be permanent.
For the product materials in Table 2, the following requirements shall be fulfilled:
Test values shall be fulfilled.
The test shall be performed according to FINAT1 standard test methods, using glass as the test
surface material.
Féderation Internationale des fabricants et transformateurs d’Adhésifs et Thermocollants sur papier et autres supports.
If several identification labels are used, each label shall be marked with the same colour dot. Table 3
describes the requirements for the colour dot.
The separate colour dot label shall be placed on the identification label (see Figure 2 and Figure 3).
Note: Colour dots can be printed directly on the identification label (see Figure 2 and Figure 3) as long as
the colour match the original. For identification labels printed on white paper, a circle can be printed on
the label instead of a white colour dot.
The supplier can choose one of the following two ULL sizes:
ULL with width 148mm, which includes the optional supplier area in the template (see Figure 4).
ULL with width 105mm, which does not include the optional supplier area (see Figure 5).
o An optional supplier area can be added on the 105 mm label, with the same height as
presented on the 148 mm label (see Figure 6).
Figure 5: Example of ULL 105 without the supplier area Figure 6: Example of ULL 105 with the supplier area
Each area is intended for specific data and shall comply with the following requirements:
Data content shall not exceed the limits of the stated area.
No other data shall be printed in these areas.
Each area shall be separated by lines with a thickness of 2 point (that is 0.5 mm).
At the top part of the IKEA area, there shall be a centred vertical separation line of a thickness of
6 point (that is 1.5 mm).
Note: In the optional supplier area it is not allowed to print a Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) in
linear bar code.
ULL barcodes shall comply with CEN grade 3/ANSI grade B as stated in the specification and according to
ISO 15416. Self declarations and test reports are not required unless specifically requested by IKEA.
Table 8: Requirements for marking of filling solutions from standard unit loads
Property Requirements
Self-adhesive material Hot melt adhesive is recommended. The label shall not be removable after 12 hours
Application Pasted label
Size Dimension 150x105 mm
Figure 10: Horizontal identification label on consumer packaging Figure 11: Vertical identification
label on consumer packaging
Table 9 describes the number and placement of identification labels on consumer packaging.
For products consisting of more than one package, number labels shall be used if indicated in the IKEA
Product Documentation. If possible, the number labels shall be placed on the right-hand side of the
identification label on the consumer packaging (see Figure 13). If this is not possible, the number label shall
be attached as close as possible to the identification label on the consumer packaging.
Note: The number labels illustrated in Figure 13 is presented in yellow colour and may not be visible after
printing this document.
Note: The consumer packaging identification label may be extended on the right-hand side to include the
number label.
Figure 14: Figure 15: Figure 16: Figure 17: Figure 18:
Example of the Example of the Example of Minimum Example of the Example of label
Minimum Minimum Delivery Delivery Quantity Minimum Delivery placement on
Delivery Quantity Quantity label label placement on Quantity label stretch film, full
label placement placement on multi- RTS packaging placement on RTS pallet ( AL, DL)
on multi-packs packs lower than solution on half pallet packaging solution on
75 mm (BL) full pallet (AL, DL)
When a die cut will be used, then the following requirements shall be fulfilled:
The die cut shall make a true part of the product’s colour visible.
The die cut shall only be used on the horizontal surface of the consumer package and be located 35
mm from both edges (see Figure 19).
o If the true part of the product colour is not visible at this location, it is allowed to place the
die cut up to 100 mm from both edges. If the product colour is still not visible within this
range, a colour dot shall be used instead.
When an ILA label is required and the consumer package has a die cut, the ILA label shall be placed on the
right-hand side of the die cut, located 35 mm from the die cut and 35 mm from the edge, see Figure 21.
Figure 21: Example of ILA label placement together with die cut
The labels shall be attached to the unit load according to measurement on the goods without any
handling material.
The labels shall be placed on the length side and on the width side, to the right of the centre of the
goods, at least 50 mm from the edge.
The labels shall be placed as high as possible, but not more than 550 mm from the bottom of the
goods and not less than 50 mm from the bottom, see Figure 22 and Figure 23. Consistency of
placement is critical to successful scanning.
Figure 22: Example ULL placement on a half pallet Figure 23: Example ULL placement on a full pallet
(BL) (AL and DL)
Because the height of the unit load can vary, there are alternative ULL placements applicable that are valid
for lower unit loads and modules, see Figure 24, Figure 25, and Figure 26. All other requirements shall still
Normal placement of ULL is valid as long as a minimum of 50 mm is left empty from the top of the ULL to
the top surface of the unit load (see Figure 24). The requirement is valid for both ULL.
Placement of ULL when the height of the unit load is too low for compliance (see Figure 25):
Turn the ULL 90° counter-clockwise. Placement when 1 is not possible. The same logic applies to both ULL.
ULL placement when 1 and 2 are not possible: Placement is on the top of the unit load. The same logic
applies to both ULL. The ULL on top shall be placed in such a way that it is avoiding the interference with
the paper pallet feet etc. from the unit load stacked on top etc. (see Figure 26).
In addition to the above-mentioned placement rules, the following requirements regarding ULL placement
shall be fulfilled:
The ULL shall be placed so that the Minimum Delivery Quantity labels and/or consumer packaging
identification labels are not hidden.
Transparent packaging, shrink-wrap, or stretch film shall not make the ULL unreadable. Tape, seal,
welding, or flaps shall not hide the barcode.
The ULL shall be applied parallel to the adjacent vertical edge. This is very important since the
barcodes will be scanned by automated scanners, which only scan in one direction.
The ULL shall not wrap around the corner of a box, as this will prevent scanning.
Creased labels, peeling labels, or labels applied to an uneven surface (box joint) shall be replaced
before being dispatched to IKEA since they cannot be scanned.
The label shall be visible for the loader and un-loader.
If there are additional ULLs, apart from the two required, all labels shall comply with the
placement rules.
It is not acceptable to place the labels directly on the boxes if the unit load consists of only
consumer packages or is an RTS packaging solution. The unit load then requires some protection
before label application.
Unit loads consisting of multi-pack packaging do not require any protection before label
Example: The top filling solution described in Figure 27, is the second unit load that shall be rebuilt at the
goods receiving unit. If for example, 15 unit loads have been split, the serial number should follow from 1-
15 in a sequence. This info can be manually written on the label.
Note: If a unit load is divided horizontally into more parts than shown in Figure 27, the labelling
requirements are the same as described in the figure, only with one additionally upper part labelled.
It is not acceptable to place the labels directly on the boxes if the unit load consists of only consumer
packages or is an RTS packaging solution. The top filling label then requires protection before label
application. The top filling label shall be placed so that the Minimum Delivery Quantity labels and/or
consumer packaging identification labels are not hidden.
11 Definitions
Table 11: Definitions
Term Definition
CEN grade 3/ANSI grade B Bar code print quality standard set in Europe by CEN, the Committee for European
Normalization. Bar code print quality standard in the USA set by ANSI, the
American National Standard Institute.
Dimension Weights and The dimension, weights and packaging information is a fundamental part of the
Packaging (DWP) IKEA information infrastructure and is used within many different functions within
Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) No chlorine gas, but other chemicals containing chlorine are used in the bleaching
FINAT The European association for the self-adhesive label industry.
FTM FINAT test method.
Identification label A label that has a bar code.
Minimum Delivery Quantity A label for multipacks and modules. It is identifying the containing article and
label quantity within a multipack-packaging.
Multi-pack packaging Refers to a package designed to contain several consumer packages.
Picked goods A consumer pack that is picked from the unit load and is co-loaded with other
goods. Example: Minimum Delivery Quantity = 1.
Product Documentation An IT application through which product requirements are distributed to the IKEA
(PDOC) suppliers.
Quiet zone The blank margin on either side of a bar code that is used to tell the barcode
reader where a barcode's symbology starts and stops. The purpose of a quiet zone
is to prevent the reader from picking up information that does not pertain to the
bar code that is being scanned.
Ready-To-Sell packaging A product that can be sold without any single-item handling just by removing the
solution (RTS) transport packaging.
Totally Chlorine Free (TCF) No chlorine or chlorine derivatives used for the bleaching.
Unit load A manageable unit consisting of one or more consumer packages or several multi-
packages fixated to a handling material, designed to fit supply chain and storage
Unit Load Foot Print area The area on top of the Unit Load Label which indicates the length and width of a
unit load.
Unit load label (ULL) A label used to track goods in the supply chain.
Unit Load Stacking Capacity The maximum weight (in kg) that can be stacked on top of the unit load.
12 References
Table 12: References
Reference Name
ANSI MH10.8.2: 2006 Data Application Identifier Standard
ISO 15416: 2016 Automatic identification and data capture techniques — Bar code print quality test
specification — Linear symbols
ISO 2470-1:2016 Paper, board and pulps — Measurement of diffuse blue reflectance factor — Part
1: Indoor daylight conditions (ISO brightness)
ISO 2471: 2008 Paper and board — Determination of opacity (paper backing) — Diffuse
reflectance method
ISO 8791-4: 2007 Paper and board — Determination of roughness/smoothness (air leak methods) —
Part 4: Print-surf method
ISO/IEC 15418: 2009 Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques —
GS1 Application Identifiers and ASC MH10 Data Identifiers and maintenance
ISO/IEC 15419: 2009 Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques —
Bar code digital imaging and printing performance testing
ISO/IEC 15423: 2009 Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques —
Bar code scanner and decoder performance testing
ISO/IEC 15459-1: 2014 Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques —
Unique identification — Part 1: Individual transport units
ISO/IEC 15459-2: 2015 Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques —
Unique identification — Part 2: Registration procedures
IOS-M-0002 IKEA Specification: Manufacturing identification
Changes to requirements are marked with a line in the left-hand margin. A double line to the left of a
heading means that a new section has been added or that the vast majority of the content in the section
has been changed.
The test shall always be carried out whenever there is a change of condition (for example, change of label
material supplier or failed test on material) or change in process parameters (for example, new
equipment). As a minimum, all self declarations shall always be renewed within 12 months.
The data, normally from the product data sheet, for self declaration shall be provided by the producer of
the pasted paper labels and does not require any involvement of an IKEA approved laboratory.