Study of Water Salinity Effect On Geotechnical Behavior of Soil Structure Using Response Surface Method (RSM), (Case Study: Gotvand Dam)

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Ciência eNatura, Santa Maria, v. 37 Part 1 2014, p. 350−359

ISSN impressa: 0100-8307 ISSN on-line: 2179-460X

Study of water salinity effect on geotechnical behavior of soil

structure using response surface method (RSM), (Case study: Gotvand

Mohammad Ajam1, Mohammad Reza Sabour2 , Gorban Ali Dezvareh3

M.Sc. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, K.N.Toosi University of Technology,


Tehran, Iran
2Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering Faculty, K.N.Toosi University of

Technology, Tehran, Iran

3 Ph. D. Candidate of Civil & Environmental Engineering, K.N.Toosi University of Technology,

Tehran, Iran


Specifying the mechanical characteristics of soil is as one of the major steps in designing the foundation for
civil projects, particularly hydraulic structures. This study examines the water salinity effect on engineering
characteristics of fine-grained soil in clayey core of Gotvand dam which it is located on the Karun River in
Khuzestan province, Iran. For this purpose, three types of salt; sodium chloride, magnesium chloride and
calcium sulfate is considered that the last one has the highest concentration in the water of reservoir behind the
dam, and then their effect on the mechanical characteristics of clay including density, Atterberg limits, angel of
internal friction, adhesion and open inflation have examined. Therefore, treatments required for testing were
provided by combining the mentioned salts considering the weight percentage of salt in the water behind the dam
and designing a test using response surface methodology (RSM). The results were statistically analyzed by
RSM. Results showed that type and amount of soil salinity has no significant impact on the compaction
characteristics of soil namely optimum moisture content and the maximum dry density. Results of changes in
Atterberg limits showed that presence of salt ions reduces the plasticity of the soil and it was seen a certain
decrease in the liquid limit and subsequently a dramatic drop in soil plasticity by increasing the percentage of
soil; while the plastic limit remained almost unchanged. Eventually, results of open inflation showed that
whatever the salt concentration be higher, the rate of sample's open inflation will be lower.

Kew words: Gotvand dam, Water salinity and soil open inflation, Density characteristics, Plasticity properties,

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distance of 380 km from the outfall of the Karun

river, at the distance of 25 km from north of
1 Introduction
Shushtar city and at the distance of 10 km from
Engineering characteristics of fine-grained soils northeast of Gotvand city in Khuzestan province.
especially clayey soils are subject to several It is the last dam which can be constructed on the
factors including density, porosity, structure, Karun River. This dam's lake has a reservoir of
history of tension, granulation, amount and type 4.5 billion cubic meters which makes it the
of clayey minerals, plastic property and amount second largest artificial lake in Iran after karkhe
and kind of minerals in the pore water [1]. Any dam. The Gotvand dam is a rock fill dam with
change in each of these characteristics will clay core and a height of 182 meters which
change the physical and mechanical makes it the largest earthen dam of the country.
characteristics of soil, and consequently Executive operations of this project have begun
structures which are built on soil will exposed to in 1976. This dam is located more downstream
change or threat. Density, shear strength and among the built dams and dams that are
plasticity are considered as characteristics of soil currently under construction on the Karun River.
engineering which play an important role in
The salt domes and veins around the inundation
designing foundation of most civil structures [2].
area of dam is one of the major challenges about
Basically, theories of soil mechanic are based on
the dam which it goes under water after
the concept of effective stresses. In these theories
inundation and leads to excessive salinity of
the pore water and solid particles are both
water in downstream of this dam. Experts of
assumed to be chemically inert, so no chemical
environment and engineering council believe
interaction takes place between the different
that closeness of salt mine and Gachsaran's salt
phases. While, due to the negative charge on the
formation to the site of the Upper Gotvand dam
surface of clayey mineral particles, electro-
is not considered in this research project. This
chemical forces exist between the solid, liquid
mine is located 5 km away from the dam and its
and dissolved phases that they can mainly
salt has been estimated hundreds of million tons.
change the mechanical behavior of clayey soil
During inundation and formation of the lake
[3]. The quantity and nature of electro-chemical
behind the dam, this mine has gone completely
forces and consequently changes in properties of
under water and caused that the salinity of
soil depends on the amount and type of anion
Karun River's water reaches to the highest
and cation in exchange phase and their impact
possible extent. The passage of time proved that
on the cation exchange capacity [4].
inundation of this dam has led to the salinity of
Any change in soil engineering properties can Karun River about 10 times. After the
cause changes in the parameters used in construction operation and before beginning the
designing soil structures, civil and water related inundation, constructors proceed to build a clay
constructions and other structures' foundations. blanket on the salt formations. But, signs of
So, determining the behavior and reaction of soil cracking were observed on clay blanket just three
under the influence of solutions and different days after the edges of these blankets went
materials can be effective in designing and under water. Investigating the water behind the
making the correct decisions. Type of chemicals dam showed that the blankets had no effect on
that are combined with clayey soil and also its reducing the amount of water salinity. Figure 1
constituents are considered as one of the shows an overview of the dam.
important issues to understand changes in soil
Considering the current situation, it seems that
engineering properties [5].
the following problems are predictable in this
This study has examined Gotvnd dam as the case dam:
study. Upper Gotvand dam is one of Iran's
1. Extreme ruin and change in the quality
largest dams which it is built on Karun River,
of water in the dam's lake
southwest of Iran. This dam is located at the

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2. The instability of Gachsaran's formation strongly change against the sea water [10]. Rao
and creating large landslides in the and Thyagaraj (2007) investigated the effect of
dam's reservoir sodium chloride solution on inflation behavior of
3. The damaging effects of water salinity on compacted clayey soil by using consolidation test
the dam's body in long-term [11]. Baumgartner et al. (2008) suggested that
calcium chloride reduces the potential for
inflation [12]. Olson and Mitronovas (1960)
figured out that the electrolyte concentration has
little effect on the Atterberg limits by examining
the consolidation characteristics and shear
strength of calcium and magnesium illites[13].
The study results from Kenny (1967) and Moore
(1991) suggest that the resistance of remaining
clays depends on the type of minerals and the
chemical properties of pore water [14]. Chatopad
haya (1972) measured the shear strength
remaining from samples of Montmorillonite
Figure 1: a view of Gotvand clays that had been affected by salt water and he
showed that the remaining shear strength will
This study investigates the damaging effects of
rise by increasing the concentration of water [15].
water salinity on the dam's body and the clayey
D Maio (1994) also finds similar results. D Maio
lands around the lake, to investigate the
conducted some tests on the liquid limit of
possibility of slippage, by studying the impact of
disturbed samples of Bentonite with NaC1 and
pore water salinity on the mechanical properties
he observed that liquid limit will decrease
of clayey soil.
rapidly by increasing the salt concentration [16].
Various researches have conducted scattered and Mashkouh (2011) examined the impact of salt
diverse researches on investigating and and moisture on mechanical properties of clayey
determining the effect of different salts and soil [17]. Abbasi (2013) also investigated the
solutions on the engineering properties of clayey effect of pore water salinity on the consolidation
soils. Lambe (1985) states that in a certain porous and compaction properties of clayey soil [18].
ratio, any change in the water-soil system that
This study also investigates the effect of pore
inflates the dual layer will reduce the resistance
water salinity on some geotechnical
[6]. Mitchell (1993) believes that in addition to
characteristics of clayey soil by considering the
the type and amount of clay in the soil, its
abundant use of clayey soils in the foundations'
chemical characteristics such as the amount and
structures, due to the high compressibility, and
type of anion and the existing cations have a
also the main body of embankment dams and
substantial impact on the physical and
high level of water salinity in the vast areas of
mechanical behavior of soil such as construction,
the world, including Iran.
aggregate instability, consolidation and
especially inflation [7]. Abdullah et al. (1997) 2 Materials and Methods
have investigated the impact of sodium, calcium
and potassium on the consolidation This study is used samples with different salinity
characteristics of clayey soils [8]. Van Paassen et level to investigate the effect of pore water
al. (2004) have examined the impact of pore salinity on geotechnical characteristics of clayey
water salinity on the clayey soil compaction [8]. soil. For this purpose, at first a sample of clayey
Yilmaz (2006) showed that there is an soil with the physical properties in table 1 is
appropriate relationship between cation prepared from Emam –zadeh Zeid borrow
exchange capacity and mechanical properties source near the Gotvand dam. Then, the
such as inflation and liquid limit [9]. Yukselen et experimental treatments were made by adding
al. (2008) claim that soils engineering behavior different amounts of salt, sodium chloride,
varies depending on the type of clay minerals. So magnesium chloride and calcium sulfate. After
that, properties of Montmorillonite clays preparing the sample of natural soil, different

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amounts of ionic composition containing the Finally, the results of measurements were
mentioned salts was added to the samples in the analyzed statistically using RSM and final
ratio of zero to eleven percent by weight in order versions and graphs were extracted from this
to obtain a sample with the desired chemical software. Table 1 shows the characteristics of
characteristics. Then, the test designed by using salts used in this project.
Table 1: characteristics of salts used in this project

Salt Molecular appearance Molar Density Melting Solubility in

formula mass temperature (0C) 200 water
Sodium NaCl Colorless or 58.44 2.16 801 35.9
chloride white crystal
Magnesium MgCl2 Colorless or 95.211 2.32 714 54.3
chloride white crystal
Calcium CaSo4 White solid 136.14 2.96 1460 0.21

At first, the percentage of salt used in the new Table 2 gives the characteristics of percentage of
salt composition was determined according to salts used in samples according to renewed
the water behind the dam in order to build the designing the software.
samples. Salts were combined according to the
specified weight percentage. The new salt The ratio of sodium chloride, magnesium
composition was combined with the dry soil chloride and calcium sulfate percentage to the
completely homogenous by using the software total salt is considered with a little overlook,
according to the specified weight percentage; respectively 50, 30 and 20.
then, the necessity moisture content was added
to the samples.

Table 2: Characteristics of percentage of salts used in samples according to renewed designing the

Designed Weight percentage of ionic Weight percentage Weight percentage of Weight percentage of
tests composition to the soil of Nacl to the soil Mgcl2 to the soil Caso4 to the soil
1 5.5 2.75 1.65 1.1
2 8.25 4.125 2.475 1.65
3 0 0 0 0
4 2.75 1.375 0.825 0.55
5 11 5.5 3.3 2.2
6 0 0 0 0
7 11 5.5 3.3 2.2

Diagnostic Tests physical characteristics of used natural soil.

Table 3 shows the physical and chemical
Initial tests including granulation, determining characteristics of used soil.
Atterberge limits, dry density and also extracting
chemical properties of soil were done according
to ASTM in order to identify and determine the
Table 3: Characteristics of Initial Soil
of 4.76 mm



Soil type



of 0.076

of 0.002








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CL 100 95 25 1.29 4.55 55 18 37 7.4

Open inflation test Designing the Test

Inflation test was carried out based on Designing the test was done with regard to the
ASTMD4546 standard and through method (A). two factors, moisture content and salt, to test the
In this method, the amount of soil sample open inflation by using RSM. Figure 4 shows
inflation under the initial overload of apparatus, designing the test by software for Open Inflation
1kPa, was measured over time. Parameters Test.
measured in this test have a high percentage.

Density Testing

Compaction characteristics of soils including dry

unit weight and optimum moisture are as the
important characteristics of soil in engineering
issues such as the constructing embankments
related to the paths of channels, roads, bodies of
dams and other similar cases. These
characteristics can be determined by testing
density of sample. This research is used standard
proctor test provided in ASTM for determining
the characteristics. So that, sample was
compacted in three layers and each layer with 25
Figure 4: Designing the test with regard to the two
beats with various moisture content.
factors of salt concentration and moisture Also,

Atterberge Limits Testing figure 5 shows designing the software to test

Atterberge Limits and density considering the
Atterberge limit is a defined criterion for the factor of increasing concentration.
moisture content of soil.The test was conducted
on samples according to the ASTMD4318
standard which noted above. Figure 2 shows
Casagrande cup in order to get the liquid limit
and figure 3 shows plasticity test to get the
plastic limit.

Figure 2: Casagrande cup Figure 5: Redesigning the test based on the one factor

3 Results and Discussions

After running the relevant tests on the samples

in question, characteristics of each treatment was
determined, then the role of chemical quality of
samples on the noted characteristics was
analyzed. Designing the test for open inflation
Figure 3: plasticity test

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was done with regard to the two factors of occurs when the percent of moisture and salt is
moisture and salt, and this test's results were at the highest level and the highest percent of
analyzed. open inflation occurs when the percent of
moisture and salt concentration is at the lowest
Open Inflation Test level.

The results of this test are presented in the

column Sw of figure 4. Data analysis was done
by RSM. Figure 6 shows the simultaneous effect
of increasing the percentage of salt and moisture.

Figure 7: The lowest percent of open inflation

Figure 6: The simultaneous effect of increasing the

percentage of salt and moisture on open inflation

As it can be seen in figure 6, whatever the salt

concentration is higher, the rate of sample's open
inflation will be lower. This reduction in open
inflation percentage applies in all points of the
curve with different moistures percentage.

The percent of open inflation is reduced by

increasing the percent of moisture. According to
the preliminary tests, the optimum soil moisture
content is about 12 percent. According to the
level of response presented in figure 10, it can be Figure 8: The highest percent of open inflation
seen that samples with dryer moisture content
from optimum moisture have more inflation Atterberge Limits Test
than more wet points from optimum point, and
this matter is apart from the percent of salt. Figure 9 shows the relationship between the
percent of salt and the plastic limit. As it can be
Also the samples which were exposed to the seen, the plastic limit will increase slightly by
higher salinity shows less sensitivity to increasing the salt.
increasing the moisture content.

Inflationary behavior of the soil in contact with

salt waters is mainly analyzed with regard to
factors: disseminating saline minerals into the
soil and reducing the double layer thickness of
soil. Figure 7 and 8 shows the minimum and
maximum open inflation mode, respectively.
According to the figures, the lowest inflation

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Figure 11: The curve diagram of changes in the plastic

index against the percent of salt

Figure 9: The curve diagram of changes in the plastic

RSM model is given in the following to predict
limit against the percent of salt the amount of plastic index.

RSM model is given in the following to predict PI=36.036-1.622*A (3)

the amount of plastic limit.
Results showed a significant reduction in the
PL=18.23+o.09292*A (1) liquid limit and consequently in the plastic index
due to the presence of clayey minerals in the
Also, figure 10 shows the relationship between samples while the plastic limit is nearly constant.
increasing the percentage of salt and liquid limit. It can be said that whatever the concentration
As it can be seen, the liquid limit will decrease and percent of salt be higher, the repulsive forces
by increasing the salt. between particles and consequently the dual
layer thickness also decreases, and thus the
liquid limit goes down. In these conditions, pure
repulsive stress resulted from full inflation of
dual layer decreases, and consequently the liquid
limit changes mainly with the area of clayey
plates and cavity fluid chemistry. While, the
plastic limit is not sensitive to the change in
cavity fluid chemistry and area of clayey plates
and also to the chemical-physical effects. The
reason for this matter could be that soil adhesion
strength expands through the negative cavity
pressure in the open cavity fluid and increasing
the amount of salt in samples effects on the
plastic limit just when it changes the size and
distribution of caves and it leads to the
development of negative cavity pressure. So, in
many cases a gradual increase in the plastic limit
is observed along with the increase in
Figure 10: The curve diagram of changes in the concentration. In general, any increase in fluid
liquid limit against the percent of salt cavity concentration will lead to the decrease in
the liquid level, little change or gradual
RSM model is given in the following to predict increasing in plastic limit and consequently
the amount of liquid limit. decrease in plastic index.
LL=54.26-1.52*A (2)
Density Test

Density curve was drawn for each sample by

implementing density standard proctor test on

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different treatments and the compaction

characteristics means the maximum dry unit
weight and the optimum moisture of all tested
sample were determined by using these curves.
Results shows that the optimum moisture varies
between 11.5 to 12.5 percent for all amounts of
used concentrations. While, the tolerance of 2%
are permitted in all projects related to the
optimum moisture content. So, it can be
conclude that the impact of various types and
accounts of salts used in the optimum moisture
content is low and negligible. Also, the scope of
changes in the maximum dry unit weight
obtained for all types of samples was between
1.3 to 1.5 g/cm3. It means that the difference
between the highest and lowest is less than 5
percent. This amount is also less than the
tolerance amount allowed for the maximum dry
unit weight. Therefore, it can be concluded that Figure 13: Diagram for changes in dry density by
the impact of noted salts on the maximum dry increasing the percentage of salt
unit weight is also not remarkable. In general, it
can be said that the amount and type of soil 4 Conclusion
salinity has no significant impact on the
compaction characteristics of soil. Figures 12 and This study has investigated the effect of pore
13 show the outputs related to the software. water salinity with percentage and types of salt
in the reservoir's water behind the Gotvand dam
on the soil used in the clayey core of the dam.

The following conclusions can be inferred and

expressed based on the investigations and
laboratory tests carried out in this study:

The effect of different concentrations of salt on

the optimum moisture content and maximum
dry density is very slight and within the allowed
tolerance. It means that the amount and type of
soil salinity has no significant impact on the
compaction characteristics of soils.

Contact of soil with salt waters reduces the

plasticity of soil along with decisive reduction in
the liquid limit, but there was no difference in
the plastic limit of soil.

In the open inflation test, whatever the

Figure 12: Diagram for changes in optimum moisture concentration of salt is higher, the rate of
by increasing the percentage of salt sample's open inflation will be lower. This
reduction in the percent of open inflation applies
in all points of curve with different percent of

The percent of open inflation decreases by

increasing the percent of moisture.

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