ISTAfrica2020 Paper Ref 124

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IST-Africa 2020 Conference Proceedings

Miriam Cunningham and Paul Cunningham (Eds)

IST-Africa Institute and IIMC, 2020
ISBN: 978-1-905824-64-9

A Real-Time Location Based Prototype for

Notification of Crime Hotspots Using
Bernard Shibwabo KASAMANI , Bernard ALAKA and Maryline CHEPNGETICH
Strathmore University, P.O. BOX 59857, Nairobi, 00200, Kenya
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract: Security of the people has always been the number one objective of many
governments in the world today. Despite heavy investments by local and National
Government in Kenya on security measures, crime continues to remain a serious
problem in the society; as a result, there are cases of lives being lost, loss of
property, stress, among other issues. Gathering relevant and up to date operational
information on crime intelligence across several sources has always been one of the
challenging issues faced by security practitioners and citizens. The ability to identify
crime hotspot areas in timely manner can be useful for proper allocation of Police
resources. The aim of this research is to develop a real-time location based prototype
for notification of crime hotspots using crowdsourcing. By having data gathered
about the different criminal activities and represented in an information gathering
interface, the solution is a concise and effective tool to efficiently guide in crime
prevention. User requirements were gathered via questionnaires to ensure that there
was ample understanding of the participants’ interaction with crowdsourcing
platforms and their experience and willingness to use a crowd-based crime hotspot
reporting platform. The study thus found significant justification for the design of the
criminal hotspot system to leverage data about crime incidents in order to classify
crime hotspots. The developed prototype was tested against the requirements and the
overall feedback was positive.
Keywords: Crowdsourcing, Crime, Intelligence, Public portal, Crime hotspot.

1. Introduction
Intelligence gathering is the purview of any government that seeks to ensure the safety of
its citizens. According to [1], every government has the interests of the citizen within the
realm of responsibilities that cannot be avoided. Regardless, many governments find it very
challenging to promise, guarantee or even control the security in the nation. Criminal
activities around the world can be in two forms; local crime and international crime [2, 3].
Local criminal activities intend to cause harm, loss of property and unfair gain in wealth
or resources through corrupt or illegal means. International crimes are initiated and
executed by organized crime syndicates. They often include; prostitution rings, illegal
firearms trade, drug peddling, ivory and exotic wildlife trade, human trafficking and other
commercial crimes such as fraud. The constitution of Kenya is very clear about the actions
that need to be taken once a criminal or suspect is apprehended in connection to any of
these crimes. However, the constitution does not prescribe investigation methods.
Based on the assertion by [4], as criminal activities continue to increase, they become
more sophisticated and difficult to detect. There are modern technologies such as social
media and cloud technologies that have motivated cybercrime as well. As technology
advances, it is important to take advantage of the same technologies to combat crime. Most
criminal activities are repeat patterns of fraud and con schemes that can be detected if the

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public is made aware. However, most governments do not have the prior intelligence with
which to notify the public and keep them ware of criminals.
Data gathering can only be efficient if all citizens take part in the process and aid others
who may not be aware of impending crimes of the existing dangers and how to handle
them. According to [5], crowdsourcing technology has existed for almost a decade now.
Leveraging on crowd sourcing has enabled many advancements in technology across the
world. The potential of crowd sourcing can be well explored in crime reporting and
awareness projects as well [6, 7].
These next sections of the document are Objectives, Methodology, Technology
description, Results, Business Benefits and Conclusion.

2. Objectives
The aim of this research is to develop a model for Real-Time Location based Prototype for
Notification of Crime Hotspots Using Crowdsourcing so as to aid in intelligence and in
combating criminal activity. By having data gathered about the different criminal activities
and represented in an information gathering interface, the solution is a concise and effective
tool to efficiently guide in crime prevention.
1. To investigate factors relating to crime hotspots identification.
2. To review the existing techniques and solutions used in the identification of crime
hotspot areas.
3. To develop a crowd-based prototype for gathering criminal-related information and
analyse it in order to identify crime hotspot areas in Nairobi.
4. To validate the proposed solution.

3. Methodology
This research incorporated both qualitative and quantitative methods of research. The
qualitative research objective was to get an enhanced understanding through truthful
reporting, first-hand experience, and citations of actual conversations. This was used to
understand the current platforms and process being used in crowdsourcing of data by the
different organizations applying the technology. The quantitative research was used to see
the number of people who would like to participate in crowdsourcing for the purpose of
reporting criminal hotspots.
Agile Development Methodology was applied since it allowed for faster iteration and
more frequent release with subsequent user feedback and it also enabled the researchers to
better define the system requirements as the process is done incrementally [8]. The steps
followed in this study to achieve the set objectives are as follows: The first step was
requirements, which involved the collection of the intended product specification, or
features and specifying what it should do or how it should do it. The second step was the
architecture and design, which includes defining the architecture and design of the system.
Development of the system is the third step, which involved implementation of the system.
Test and feedback is the fourth step, which allowed for the product improvement [9]. The
developed prototype was tested independently during every development iteration. The data
flow between the different components was also tested. Testing the prototype was for
purposes of making sure that the needed functionalities are working as required.
The target population was majorly persons actively involved on Twitter as a
crowdsourcing platform. Since the population is greater than 50,000, a sample size for
infinite population was determined appropriately. According to [10], the sample size for
such a population can be determined using the formula shown in Formula 3.1


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Where SS= Sample size
P=Percentage of population likely to respond
C= confidence interval.
Once sample data collected and the sample mean x is calculated, the sample mean is
different from the population u. The difference between the sample and population mean is
the error E.

This can be resolved for n (the sample), used to determine the minimum sample size to
be used in order to assure a given level of confidence and maximum error allowed.

Taking the following for this study,

95%confidence level (z-value-1.96)
Confidence interval of 0.05
Using the formula therefore, a sample size of 100 was chosen.
Object-oriented analysis design (OOD) techniques were used to refine the object
requirements definition identified during system analysis and to define design specific
objects. Design class diagram was used for general conceptual representation of the
software. Design class diagram also entails comprehensive modelling to translate the
models into programming code and for data modelling.
The research adopted design class diagram to embrace classes that comprise the main
methods, objects and interactions of the system. The relationship between the methods and
the objects was to be represented in the class diagram, the sequence diagram and the
component diagrams.

4. Technology Description
In order to develop the solution, requirements were obtained from a survey conducted via a
questionnaire. The target population was majorly persons actively involved on Twitter as a
crowdsourcing platform. The research had a sample of 100 participants, of which 90 were
successfully reached to fill out questionnaires by the means of Google forms. The
questionnaires were appropriately distributed to the respondents relatively at the same time.
Out of the 90 questionnaires sent out, a total of 74 forms were filled by the respondents.
This is in congruent to the provisions of [11] who argue that; as long as the response rate
from a questionnaire is more than half of the submitted lot, the response rate is valid to
make conclusions about the research. Figure 1 shows the questionnaire return rate.

Figure 1: Questionnaire Return Rate

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The ratio of male to female participants was generally fair and reasonably unbiased. The
results of the gender analysis are as represented in Table 1.
Table 1: Gender of the Participants
Gender No. of Respondents Rate (%)
Male 48 64.86
Female 26 35.14
74 100.0

For purposes of this study, three major age brackets were considered; below 30 years,
between 31-45 years and above 45 years. The goal was not to estimate the exact age of the
respondents but to get an estimate of the feeling of the respondents from the different age
brackets. The responses from the participants concerning their age estimates is as indicated
in Table 2.
Table 2: Age Bracket of the Respondents
BELOW 30 YEARS 42 56.8
31-45 YEARS 22 29.7
ABOVE 45 YEARS 10 13.5
TOTAL 74 100.0
Table 3 on the other hand shows the participant’s exposure to crowdsourcing platforms.
Table 3: Participants’ Exposure to Crowdsourcing Platforms
Exposure Level Number of Respondents Rate (%)
Very Exposed (5) 25 33.8
Exposed (4) 24 32.4
Moderately exposed (3) 11 14.9
Less Exposed (2) 9 12.2
Unexposed (1) 5 6.7
Total 74 100

The participants’ willingness to participate in the use and testing of a prototype in any
way was asked. The answered sought were either ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ Figure 2 indicates the
willingness of the participants to participate in the use of the prototype.

Figure 2: Willingness to Support Crime-sourcing Platform

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The findings of the data collection process indicate very positive reviews on the nature
of the participants with regard to their demographics. The respondents also showed an
inherent willingness to participate in the testing and use of the prototype if one were
developed. The respondents would be very influential to the use of the platform.
Figure 3 represents the system architecture of the crowd-sourcing prototype for
identifying crime hotspots. The users are expected to interact with the system’s dashboard
and only report or publish data that is of relevance to the system. As a validation measure,
users are restricted to only acceptable input types and thus, most of the information from
the system is pre-anticipated. New users are met with prompts for different information and
dialog boxes with options. Radio buttons and dropdown lists are employed in the system as
well. The frontend and backend are connected through a series of servers that implements
data-mining algorithms. The effective result of the users’ input is generation of statistics on
criminal hotspots. Each input thus alters the existing database and change the analytical
perspective of the system on criminal hotspots.

Figure 3: System Architecture

The use case diagram models all system use cases as anticipated in the actual design
and development of the system. From the use case, there are clear representations of the
actors, the functions and the relationships modelled by the prototypes. The different system
access cases (use cases) are also represented in the diagram. All actors and the methods
they interact with are clearly represented in Figure 4.
A sequence is a series of steps from the initial input to the output the system gives out.
Alongside the information is a series of methods (functions) that aid in system processes.
The sequence diagram for this particular system is important as it contains the relevant
information on the methods required for proper system functioning. It is thus necessary for
the development of the amicable crowdsourcing algorithms to be applied in the system
design at the end of the research. Generally, the sequence diagram in Figure 5 depicts the
processes that entail using the system to achieve the desired outcome of representing the
crime hotspots in the city.

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Figure 4: Use Case Diagram

Figure 5: Sequence Diagram

5. Results
An integrated development environment was utilized for the development of the prototype.
This encompassed the use of technologies necessary for developing of PHP web
applications with other development languages namely; JavaScript, SQL, CSS and HTML.
Generally, the prototype was based on effective control of data about certain phenomenon
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and the ability to get the right respondents to test the system. A web-based design was
incorporated to capture data and allow respondents offer information concerning their
location and witnessed crimes.
The developed prototype consists of the following modules:
1. A user module for reporting crime incidents.
2. A crime information module that analyses crimes as they are reported. This module
presents statistics about criminal activities in the city.
3. A general information module that is consistently updated as users continue updating
the system. It contains information about general crime update about the city.
In order to ensure that the posts are legitimate, a user registration and login feature is
provided. To log into the system, the user has to input their username and password in the
login prompt and press the return key (Enter) or [Login] button indicated, to ensure that
only authorized users are granted access. Upon Keying in the user details, the system is be
able to verify the credentials and then direct the user to the appropriate page. The login
prompt is as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: User Login Page

Upon a successful login, a reporting dashboard page showing the different main
processes appears. This dashboard gives the user access to various functionalities including
the ability to report a crime, view crime hotspot areas, view common crimes in various
regions. A snapshot of the interface that shows common crimes is shown Figure 7.

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Figure 7: Main System Dashboard
Other core modules developed as part of the system include:
1. A user module for reporting crime incidents.
2. A crime information module, which analyzes crimes as they are reported. This module
presents statistics about criminal activities.
3. A general information module that is consistently updated as users continue updating
the system. It contains information about general crime updates.
Tests on the Crime Reporting Module were done by a section of the sample (Twitter
users) that provided the requirements. Of the ten users involved in the testing, three of the
respondents thought that the prototype did not achieve all functional requirements and was
thus unsatisfactory. The rest of the respondents however affirmed that the prototype was
satisfactory and would use it where necessary. This is as represented in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Test Results of the Crime Reporting Module

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6. Business Benefits
The greatest threats to life in Nairobi, Kenya continue to be road safety and crime.
Particularly in Nairobi, Violent, and sometimes fatal, criminal attacks, including home
invasions, burglaries, armed carjacking, and kidnappings can occur at any time and in any
location. This particular research focuses on major threats to security in the Nairobi region
One of the National crime prevention strategies is Community Policing. Community
Policing is an approach to policing that recognizes the independence and shared
responsibility of the Police and the Community in ensuring a safe and secure environment
for all citizens. It aims at establishing an active and equal partnership between the Police
and the public through which crime and community safety issues can jointly be discussed
and solutions determined and implemented [1].
This research proposes an approach of crowd sourcing, by collecting crime information
from public data on major crime types and analysing them. This can assist in identifying
crime hotspot areas, and therefore facilitating the police in allocating their resources more
This research is highly recommended so as to address the gaps existing with the
identification, mapping and analysis of crime hotspots. The development and deployment
of this platform would require to conform to the ethical and legal concerns. It is important
that the legal framework at the local/country level is fully developed to address privacy and
data protection issues. At the moment of developing this platform, that had not been
concluded. Additionally, in as much as the addition of geolocation features to the
application was a key consideration, it raised additional privacy concerns.

7. Conclusions
The research proved that indeed, a crowd-based system can be used for crime hotpots
reporting and criminal activity description. This system was designed using the parameters
used in a police crime incident reporting system from the literature and Twitter users. These
parameters were then used to develop the system and improve on its functionalities. Since
the input parameters on the system were similar to the expected inputs by users of the
system, the design of the system was quite flexible and appealing. It did not require too
many improvements on the crime hotspot network interface, and neither did it require an
overhaul of existing criminal database systems.
In relation to user acceptance, from the literature studied, many city dwellers are
resistant to technological change of such a nature, especially reporting crimes, as they
feared victimization. It is therefore important to formulate strategies to encourage crime
reporting beyond just the usual indication of anonymization.
A key weakness of the proposed solution is that, in as much as the targeted users were
very active on Twitter, pushing them to use a separate platform to report crimes can be
cumbersome. Therefore, integrating the developed platform with Twitter may provide
additional value. Additionally, the test results also showed divergent views about the need
for a login interface for such purposes. This is an aspect that may be explored further on
how to improve. Additionally, more direct engagements need to be done with other key
stakeholders including the local government and the police. In as much as their
representation had been considered via the sampling technique used, there is need for a
more dedicated engagement through various data collection channels. Moreover, there is
more that can be improved through integration of geolocation capabilities that have had
significant developments over the past few years.

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