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Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 170 (2018) 220–225

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Original research article

Cardinality improvement of Zero Cross Correlation (ZCC) code for

OCDMA visible light communication system utilizing catenated-
OFDM modulation scheme

N.M. Nawawi , M.S. Anuar, M.N. Junita
School of Computer & Communication Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia


Keywords: In this paper, we proposed a new OCDMA-VLC system design utilizing new modulation scheme
Visible light communication (VLC) known as catenated-OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) technique. The cate-
Optical Code Division Multiple Access nated-OFDM-OCDMA-VLC system is demonstrated by implementing Zero Cross Correlation
(OCDMA) (ZCC) code. ZCC code is the preferred code generation in OCDMA system as the effect of multiple
Zero Cross Correlation (ZCC) code
access interference (MAI) can be cancelled out due to reduction in Phase Intensity Induced Noise
(PIIN). In particular, the use of catenated-OFDM and its application in intensity modulation and
direct detection fiber optic visible light communication link is theoretically investigated by
taking into account all the noises contribute in the visible light spectrum. The theoretical results
demonstrated that cardinality enhancement with doublefold, triplefold and fourfold increase in
number of user for (Band = 2), (Band = 5) and (Band = 8) respectively compared to previous
ZCC-VLC system designs. The results also indicates a good performance with high data rate up
10Gbps using proposed system which is predicted to be new considerable for upcoming OCDMA-
VLC mobile communication system design.

1. Introduction

Optical wireless especially visible light communication (VLC) can be a potential candidate solution for 5G networks. The VLC
system has been investigated for about one and half decade and received a lot of interest [1]. VLC systems have more flexibility and
integrity compare to other communication forms in many regards. Since the transmission medium in VLC systems is through visible
light spectrum and not radio waves that can penetrate walls, the security issue is essentially elucidated because the light only travel in
the same room, which means the data and information transmitting and receiving process happened in one location. Therefore, the
information cannot be retrieve and access by outsider. Only a user that is in a direct path of the light being used to transmit the data
can received the data.
VLC technology encounters several challenges in the implementation level. One of the major challenge in VLC systems has been in
improving transmission speed with high spectral efficiency. Similar to other broadband wireless access network, VLC is aimed to
allow high data rate communication between users. Unfortunately, the VLC with OOK data formatting approaches still leads to poor
efficiency of optical wireless communication for future broadband access network [2]. Nonlinear frequency response of VLC only
occurred in single-carrier modulation because in this scheme the inter-symbol interference (ISI) did not handle properly [3]. Hence, a
suitable and good modulation technique may lead to increase the speed (> 1Gbps) of the overall system. Compared with NRZ-OOK

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (N.M. Nawawi).

Received 12 April 2018; Accepted 26 May 2018
0030-4026/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier GmbH.
N.M. Nawawi et al. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 170 (2018) 220–225

Fig. 1. Catenated OFDM ZCC-VLC architecture based on IM-DD.

modulation, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation attracts much attention due to its advantage of high
spectral efficiency, reduced the complexity in equalizers [4] and might be a promising alternative for high-speed VLC systems [5].
Hence, there are still rooms of improvement in modulation scheme that could improve bandwidth efficiencies of the existing
modulation scheme while maintaining the high data rates system. Catenated-OFDM scheme is a multiband modulation technique
which exclusively utilized the available electrical bandwidth and offers higher spectral efficiency. Conventional OFDM only transmit
one band at time while catenated-OFDM tranmits more than one band simultaneously.
Another issue to enable VLC system suited for future 5G networks is an access control in this multiuser environment [6].
Therefore, merging OCDMA with VLC system is useful to envision the most promising candidate for future mobile communication
which offers multiple access control based on optical encoding technique. The maximum channel capacity can be improved using the
proposed combination OCDMA-VLC with catenated-OFDM modulation by increasing the OCDMA codewords and/or by transmittting
multiple OFDM bands. Zero Cross Correlation (ZCC) code generation is preferred in OCDMA system because limitation due to Phase
Intensity Induced Noise (PIIN) can be reduced and consequently suppressed the MAI effect [7]. In this paper, we assumed PIIN is
totally suppressed due to no correlation between users. Hence, the total noise variance only affected by shot noise and thermal noise.

2. Catenated-OFDM ZCC-VLC system architecture

The architecture of catenated-OFDM ZCC-VLC system illustrates in Fig. 1. Catenated-OFDM is a method for multiband modulation
generated by concatenation of several basic OFDMs modulation so that they can be transmitted to the receiver at the same time. The
most advantage of this scheme is it is fully utilized the available electrical bandwidth so more data can be sent through the medium
compared to traditional OFDM scheme. As a ZCC code encoder has been adapted into this proposed design, n-band of catenated-
OFDM are spread by ZCC codes simultaneously over visible light medium based on several sub-channels. Each user has specific
spreading code refer to different wavelength which means the generated catenated-OFDM signal band is modulated and carried out
through the communication medium in code domain. At the receiver, the catenated-OFDM data is demultiplexed to individual user
by applying specific code. Photodiode is used to detect the optical signal of each channel and pass through to the splitter to separate
and extract back each catenated-OFDM signal band by filtering at their respective frequency band. Each OFDM band is then de-
modulated through OFDM demodulator to recover the original transmitted data.

3. Theoretical analysis of catenated-OFDM ZCC-VLC system

The theoretical analysis was carried out based on some assumptions. There are n bands of catenated-OFDM signal for each optical
channel. It means that for each optical channel has similar n bands and the number of users is equal to number of optical channels
multiplies by n bands. The number of optical channels are labelled with K transmitters and K receivers. The spectrum of light source is
Δv Δv
flat for a given bandwidth ⎡v0 − 2 , v0 + 2 ⎤ where vo and Δv is the center frequency and bandwidth (in hertz) of optical source. Each
⎣ ⎦
power spectral component has identical spectral width, thus each user has equal power at the receiver. Each bit stream from each user
is synchronized.

N.M. Nawawi et al. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 170 (2018) 220–225

The optical signal of k-th transmitter can be written as

bk (t ) = P0 sk (t ) z (t ) 0 ≤ t ≤ T (1)
where P0 is the input pulse power, sk (t) is the catenated electrical signal, Z(t) is the ZCC code waveform assigned to k user with code
length L.
The catenated electrical signal can be written as
Nsc − 1 Nsb
sk (t ) = ∑ ck exp(2πfk t ) ∑ mn exp(2πfn t )
k=0 n=1 (2)
where ck is the information symbol, mn is the modulation index, n is number of band and fm is the subband/center frequency. The fn is
calculated using fn = nfm . The modulation index is assumed to be identical between sub-bands [8], hence it is defined as
0 < mn ≤ N .
After combiner in Fig. 1, the transmitted optical signal can be written as
b (t ) = ∑ bk (t )
k=1 (3)
From methodology in [9], the ZCC code is the code set that satisfied the correlation functions in Eq. (4).
w K = l auto correlation
∑ zK (i) z l (i) = ⎧⎨ 0 K ≠ l cross correlation
i=1 ⎩ (4)
where ZK(i) and Zl(i) denote the ith elements of Kth and lth ZCC code sequences respectively, w denotes the code weight which equal
to number of ‘1’ in the code. For K = l, the process is called autocorrelation which compared the same code. If K≠l, the correlator is
going through cross correlation process. In other word, autocorrelation is the cross-correlation of a signal with itself and cross-
correlation is a measure of similarity of two waveforms.
The power spectral density of received optical signals at the photodiode can be written as
Nsc N
r (v ) =
∑ sk ∑ zK (i) z l (i) Π (i)
k=1 i=1 (5)
where Pr is the effective power of the broadband source at the photodiode and П(i) denotes the unit step function as given below:
Δv Δv
Π (i) = u ⎡v − vo − (−L + 2i)⎤ − u ⎡v − vo − (−L + 2i + 2)⎤
⎣ 2L ⎦ ⎣ 2L ⎦ (6)

Δv Δv
= u ⎡− (−L + 2i) + (−L + 2i + 2)⎤
⎣ 2L 2L ⎦ (7)

= u⎡ ⎤
⎣ L⎦ (8)
Now, let G(v) is the integrating function of r(v) can be written as
Nsc Nsc
∞ Pr Δv P Δv
∫0 G (v ) dv =
∑ sk ⎡w.1.
⎣ L⎦
⎤+ r
∑ sk ⎡0.1.
⎣ L⎦

k=1 k=1 (9)
Pr w
∑ sk
k=1 (10)
The intensity of optical signal is encoded by ZCC code varies the photocurrent by the catenated OFDM data Sk and properties of w
and L. Thus, the photocurrent incident at the receiver can be computed as
Pr w
Ir = R
∑ sk
k=1 (11)
Substituting Eq. (2) into Eq. (11), the photocurrent can be written as
Nsc Nsb
Pr w
Ir = R
∑ ck exp(2πfk t ) ∑ mn exp(2πfn t )
k=1 n=1 (12)
In an indoor VLC system, the first noise source is ambient light noise either it is radiation from background solar through windows
or radiation from incandescent and fluorescent lamps. The second noise sources are from signal and ambient light induced the shot
noise in the photodetector and the third noise source is from thermal noise or electrical preamplifier noise. However, the ambient
light noise induced by background solar radiation and incandescent lamps represents essentially a DC interference that could be
easily eliminated using an electrical highpass filter. The noise induced by fluorescent lamps needs to be determined in different

N.M. Nawawi et al. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 170 (2018) 220–225

application scenarios based on what kind of driving circuit is used [10–12].

Mathematically, the signal and ambient light induced quantum shot noise in visible spectrum can be expressed as
σshot = 2eIr B + 2e (Ir ambient I2) B (13)

where e is the electron charge which equal to 1.6x10−19C ,

Ir and Ir_ambient are the generated signal and ambient currents in the
photodetector, and I2 is the noise bandwidth factor. Usually the induced shot noise can be preserved as additive white Gaussiian noise
(AWGN) if the ambient currents is much greater than generated signal current [13]. However, in this paper the ambient current is
defined as 0.124 mA and noise bandwidth factor is defined as 0.562 [11].
While the thermal noise is defined as a function of Botzman constant (k), the absolute temperature (T), photodetector electrical
bandwidth (B) and load resistor at the receiver (RL). Note that, the thermal noise can be reduced by using large value or load resistor
but still consistence with the receiver bandwidth requirement.
Therefore, the mean square of the random current or thermal noise can be expressed as

2 4kTB
σthermal =
RL (14)

Thus, the total noise can be expressed as the sum of the variance of the shot noise and the thermal noise which can be written as

2 4kTB
σTotal = 2eIr B + 2e (Ir ambient I2) B +
RL (15)
The average signal to noise ratio (SNR) of combination OCDMA based on ZCC code with catenated OFDM technique can therefore
be written as
SNR = 2

P w2 2
sc − 1 | c |2 cos ω t ∑Nsb | m |2 cos ω t
R2 r 2 ∑kN= 0 k k n=1 n n
SNR = 4kTB
2eIr B + 2e (Ir ambient I2) B +
RL (16)

The BER can be obtained from SNR and can be written as

M −1 3 log 2M
BER = erfc SNR
M log 2 M 2(M − 1) (17)
where M is the value of M-ary QAM in each subchannel.
Table 1 shows the parameters used in the theoretical analysis.

4. Results and discussions

Fig. 2 shows the cardinality performance comparison of cat-ZCC-VLC with conventional ZCC-VLC and OZCZ-VLC systems. A
comparison is made with OZCZ-VLC based on similar code n platform. Therefore, in this result the parameters setting are based on
OZCZ-VLC system design in [14]. Here, the bit rate is fixed to 622Mbps to ensure a fair comparison with OZCZ-VLC [14] and
conventional ZCC-VLC. In the Fig. 2, it is seen that for BER less than 1.0E-9, the cat-ZCC-VLC system with 8, 5 and 2 bands achieved
approximately 206, 152 and 92 number of active users, respectively. While for conventional ZCC-VLC only 42 active users are
allowed and 45 active users for OZCZ-VLC at Pr =-9 dBm and number of weight of 4. According to the graph, there is doublefold
increase in number of user for Band = 2, triplefold increase for Band = 5 and more than fourfold increase for Band = 8 compared to
OZCZ-VLC system. Each optical channel brings more than one of OFDM band concurrently, therefore its increase the capacity of the
system, hence improved the number of permissible users. On the other hand, the performance of signal to noise ratio is better because
power of the signal increases due to many subcarriers used for each band. It is also observed from this result, the new combination
method is not only an effective approach to expand the capacity of optical channel but also improved the electrical spectral efficiency
by transmitting more bands at an available electrical bandwidth.

Table 1
Typical parameters used in the analysis.
Parameter Value

Responsivity, R 0.6
Operating wavelength, λ 0 480 nm
Electrical bandwidth, B 311 MHz/2.5 GHz/5 GHz
Data rate, 622Mbps/5Gbps/10Gbps
Receiver noise temperature, T 300K
Receiver load resistor, RL 1030Ω
Electron charge, e 1.6 × 10−19 C
Boltzmann’s constant, k 1.38 × 10 −23 J/K

N.M. Nawawi et al. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 170 (2018) 220–225

Fig. 2. Comparison of cat-ZCC-VLC with conventional ZCC-VLC and OZCZ-VLC system.

Fig. 3 illustrates the effect when varies the data rate at 622Mbps, 5Gbps and 10Gbps to the number of active users and BER
performance. It is shown that the performance of cat-ZCC-VLC at higher data rate is degraded compared to cat-ZCC-VLC at lower bit
rate. The maximum acceptable BER is achieved for 622Mbps with 92 active users compared to 61 active users for 10Gbps and 42
active users for 5 Gbps. However, the number of active user is almost similar for cat-ZCC-VLC at high data rate 10Gbps with OZCZ-
VLC performance at lower data rate 622Mbps. This graph proves the proposed system can achieved higher data rate at similar
cardinality performance compared OZCZ-VLC. Noted that in this analysis, number of band is set to 2.
Fig. 4 indicates the effects of effective power level on the number of users for cat-ZCC-VLC system for 622Mbps data rate. As
expected, the lower the effective power the worse BER performance. Hence, it is worth noting that, for proposed combination scheme
at large number of bands (5 bands), the number of users at Pr = −9 dBm has high cardinality than the system with Pr=−15 dB m.
The maximum accommodated number of users for Pr=−15 dB m is 30, while for high effective power −12 dBm system could
accommodate up to 78 number of users and −9 dBm system could accommodate up to 153 number of users for BER = 1E-9. It is also
observed that there is trade off between number of users and BER performance as BER performance decreases when there are many
users in the system.
In the following analysis the data rate is increased to 10Gbps to scrutinize the relationship between effective power and the BER at
higher data rate. Also, the impact of cat-OFDM bands that used to increase the electrical channel capacity are investigated in OCDMA
ZCC-VLC system as shown in Fig. 5. In this case, the optical codes are set to be four optical channels. At BER value of 1E-9, the
effective power for Band = 3, Band = 5 and Band = 8 are −16.5 dB m, −15.5 dB m and −14.5 dB m respectively. As expected, an
increasing the number of bands need higher effective power for similar BER level.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, the performance of OCDMA based on ZCC code has been investigated in VLC environment using catenated-OFDM
modulation scheme. Together this work provides important insights into designing process of OCDMA-VLC system. The number of
users can be improved by transmitting more catenated bands simultaneously with similar number of optical channel and ZCC-
OCDMA code length. One unanticipated finding was that, our work can be operated at higher data rate compared to previous study in
this ZCC-VLC field for a similar number of user. It is because the data rate in catenated-OFDM-OCDMA has been divided among the
subbands, thus each band has lower date rate which is not affected by other lossed and impairments. As ZCC code has been used in
this system, with zero cross correlation between users, the proposed system totally eliminated the PIIN noise thus significanlt im-
proved the system performance. Thus, with a larger capacity, the catenated-OFDM-ZCC OCDMA visible light spectrum is the next best
thing for the purpose of high speed data transmission.


This work has been funded and supported by the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia under
Fundamenal Research Grant Scheme, FRGS (9003-00609) leads by Prof. Madya Ir. Dr. Anuar Mat Safar, Universiti Malaysia Perlis.

Fig. 3. Performance comparison at various data rate.

N.M. Nawawi et al. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 170 (2018) 220–225

Fig. 4. Effect of effective power received on number of users.

Fig. 5. BER performance of cat-ZCC-VLC versus effective power for W = 3 and K = 12.


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