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The Kamusi Project English-Swahili Dictionary

abandon (verb), -acha. They abandoned their homes after the storm..
Waliacha nyumba zao baada ya dharuba..
abandon (verb), -achilia mbali (applicative). Forget completely about
these issues of yours.. Achilia mbali mambo yako hayo [Chacha, Masomo
abandon (verb), -ata.
abandon (verb), -gea.
abandon (verb), -tupa.
abandon hope (verb), -ruzu.
abandon religion (verb), -kufuru.
cause to abandon (verb), -achisha (causative).
abandoned (adjective), kiwa.
abandoned (adjective), pooza. Since he is gone we feel abandoned..
tangu ameondoka tumepooza.
abandoned person (noun), mfaraka, pl wafaraka.
abandoned person, one who separates himself from his home and relatives;
refugee,dislocated person (noun), mfariki, pl wafariki.
abandonment (noun), ukatavu.
abandonment (noun), ukiwa (14).
abandonment (noun), ukiwa.
abase (verb), -tusha.
abase oneself (verb), -inika.
abased (noun), mpujufu (1/2), pl wapujufu.
abasement (noun), udhalifu.
abasement (noun), udhalilifu.
abasement (noun), udhilifu.
abash (verb), -aibisha (causative).
be abashed (verb), -aibika.
abate (verb), -punguka.
abate (verb), -pusa. The rain has abated.. mvua imepusa.
abattoir (noun), madhabahu (9/10), pl madhabahu.
abbreviate (verb), -kata.
abbreviation (noun), kifupisho (7/8), pl vifupisho.
abbreviation (noun), ufupisho (11/6), pl mafupisho.
abdicate (verb), -bihi.
abdicate (verb), -jiuzulu.
abdication (noun), uzua, pl mauzua.
abdication (noun), uzulu (11/6), pl mauzulu.
abdication (noun), uzuru, pl mazuru.
abdomen (noun), tumbo.
abduct (verb), -nyang'anya.
abduct (verb), -nyara.
Abdullah (noun), Abdallah.
mental aberation (noun), mbasua.
abhor (verb), -beua.
abhor (verb), -bughudhi.
abhor (verb), -bughudhu.
abhor (verb), -chukia.
abhor (verb), -jefua.
abhor (verb), -kirihi.
abhor (verb), -zia.
abhorrence (noun), bughudha.
abhorrence (noun), chukio (5/6), pl machukio.
abhorrence (noun), karaha (9/10), pl karaha.
abhorrence (noun), karaha.
abhorrence (noun), kirahi (9/10).
feel abhorrence for (verb), -wenga.
abide by (verb), -fuata.
ability (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
ability (noun), kipawa (7/8), pl vipawa.
ability (noun), mzungu, pl mizungu.
ability (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu.
ability (noun), uhodari.
ability (noun), ustadi.
ability (noun), uweza.
ability (noun), uwezo.
ability (noun), weledi.
ability (technical) (noun), ufundi (14), pl ufundi.
fig. ability (noun), kipaji, pl vipaji.
abject (adjective), dhila.
abject (adjective), dhili.
abject (adjective), dhilifu.
abject person (noun), anzali (9/10), pl anzali.
abjectness (noun), udhalifu.
abjectness (noun), udhalilifu.
abjectness (noun), udhilifu.
(in conj w other verbs) be able (verb), -pata. He was able to do work..
pata kufanya kazi.
be able (verb), -diriki.
be able (verb), -mudu.
be able (verb), -tadaraki.
be able (verb), -weza.
child that develops abnormally (regarded as unlucky) (noun), kigego, pl
abode (noun), makao (6).
abode of the dead (spirits of ancestors) (noun), pepo (9/10), pl pepo.
abolish (verb), -futa.
abolish (verb), -komesha.
abolish (verb), -ondoa. abolish the burial ceremony.. ondoa matanga.
abolish (verb), -tangua.
be abolished (verb), -tanguka.
abolishment (noun), pl abolishment, mtanguo (3/4), pl mitanguo.
abolishment (noun), tanguko (5/6), pl matanguko.
abolishment (noun), tanguo (5/6), pl matanguo.
abolition (noun), kitanguo (7/8), pl vitanguo.
abolition (noun), kufutwa (15).
abolition (noun), mbanduko (3/4), pl mibanduko.
abolition (noun), mfuto (3/4), pl mifuto.
abolition (noun), tanguko (5/6), pl matanguko.
abolition (noun), tanguo (5/6), pl matanguo.
abolition (noun), ufutaji (14).
abolition (noun), ukomeshaji (14).
abolition (noun), uvunjaji.
abolition (noun), uvunjifu.
abolition (noun), uvunjo.
abominable (adjective), makeruhi.
abominable (adjective), makuruhi.
aboriginal (from the interior) (noun), msheni, pl washenzi.
about (adjective), kadiri ya.
about (adverb), kama.
about (adverb), kuhusu.
about (adverb), nusra.
about (adverb), nusura.
about (adverb), si kiasi yake.
about (adverb), wastani.
about (adverb), yapata.
about (conjunction), kadiri.
about (conjunction), kama.
about (preposition), hivi.
about (preposition), juu ya.
at about (adverb), mnamo.
be about to (verb), -taka.
go about (verb), -zunguka.
above (adverb), juu.
above (adverb), juu ya.
above (adverb), kijuujuu, pl vijuujuu.
above (adverb), kindakindaki.
as mentioned above (noun), huko nyuma, pl huko nyuma.
place above (verb), -inua.
abrade (verb), -chubua.
abrade (verb), -kereza.
abrasion (noun), athari, pl athari.
abrasion (noun), chubuko (5/6), pl machubuko.
abrasion (noun), mkwaruzo, pl mikwaruzo.
abrasion (noun), mtai, pl mitai.
abroad (noun), ng'ambo (9/10), pl ngambi.
abroad (noun), ugenini (14).
abrogation (noun), tanguko (5/6), pl matanguko.
abrogation (noun), tanguo (5/6), pl matanguo.
abrupt (adjective), parua.
abrupt (adjective), parura.
be abrupt (verb), -paruza.
abruptly (adverb), ghafla.
abruptly (adverb), ghafula.
abruptness (noun), usukumizi.
abscess (noun), halula.
abscess (noun), jipu (5/6), pl majipu.
abscess (noun), jipu, pl majipu.
abscess (noun), tumbasi.
abscess (large) (noun), bandguzi, pl mabanguzi.
absence (noun), ghaibu (9/10), pl ghaibu.
absence (noun), kipunguo, pl vipunguo.
absence (noun), kutokuwepo (15).
absence (noun), ughaibu.
absence (noun), ukosa.
absence (noun), ukosefu.
absence (noun), ukosekanaji.
absence (noun), ukosekano.
absence (noun), utovu.
be absent (verb), -ghibu.
be absent (verb), -toweka.
state of being absent (noun), ughaibu.
absent-minded (adjective), sahaulifu.
absent-minded person (noun), msahau, pl wasahau.
absent-minded person (noun), msahaulifu, pl wasahaulifu.
absent-minded person (noun), msahaulizi, pl wasahaulifu.
absent-mindedness (noun), mghafala, pl mighafala.
absentminded (verb), -ghafilika.
absentmindedness (adjective), chechele.
absentmindedness (noun), usahaulifu.
be absentminded (verb), -pumbaa. The old man was absentminded after
sleeping. Mzee alipumbaa baada ya kulala.
be absentminded (verb), -sinzia.
be absentminded (verb), -taghafali.
feigning absentmindedness (noun), ufifi.
feigning absentmindedness (noun), ufifilizi.
absolutely (adjective), kabisa.
absolutely (adverb), fofofo.
absolutely (adverb), kabisa.
absolutely (adverb), kenyekenye.
absolutely not (at the end of neg. sentences) (adverb), kamwe.
absolution (noun), ghofira (9/10), pl ghofira.
absolution (noun), maondoleo.
absolve (verb), -feleti.
absolve (verb), -ghofiri.
absolve (from obligations) (verb), -burai.
absorb (verb), -nwa.
absorb (verb), -nywa.
absorb (verb), -sharabu.
be absorbed in (verb), -shiba. be absorbed in studies. shiba masomo..
absorbing (act of) (noun), unywaji.
be absorbing (verb), -tamanika.
abstain (verb), -jihini (reflexive).
abstain from (verb), -epuka (potential).
abstain from (verb), -jihini.
abstain from certain foods as taboo (verb), -gunga.
abstain from something (verb), -zia.
person who must abstain from something (noun), mgunga, pl wagunga.
thing abstained from (noun), mwiko, pl miiko.
abstemious (adjective), kadirifu.
abstention (act of) (noun), mwiko, pl miiko. food taboo. mwiko wa
abstinence (noun), tawasufi.
practice abstinence (verb), -jihinisha ( caus-refl).
abstract (noun), pl abstracts, muhtasari (3/4), pl mihtasari.
absurd (adjective), muhali.
abundance (noun), chasi, pl viasi.
abundance (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
abundance (noun), konyo, pl makonyo.
abundance (noun), mbobo.
abundance (noun), neema.
abundance (noun), ujazi (14).
abundance (noun), uneemefu.
abundance (noun), uneemevu.
abundance (noun), uwingi (14).
abundance (noun), wingi (14).
great abundance (noun), kivo, pl vivo.
great abundance (noun), kizo, pl vizo.
in abundance (adjective), maridhawa.
in abundance (adjective), -pukupuku. The water was in abundance at the
ocean. Maji yalijaa pukupuku baharini.
in abundance (adverb), kipuku.
in abundance (adverb), vingi.
in great abundance (adverb), kochokochoko.
abundant (adjective), maridhawa.
abundant (adjective), neemefu.
abundant (adjective), neemevu.
abundant (adjective), nyakanyaka.
abundant (adjective), tele.
be abundant (verb), -jaa.
abundantly (adverb), fori.
abuse (noun), matukano, pl matukano.
abuse (noun), shutumu (5/6), pl mashutumu.
abuse (noun), tukano (5/6), pl matukano.
abuse (noun), tushi (5/6), pl matushi.
abuse (noun), tusi (5/6), pl matusi.
abuse (noun), tusu, pl matushi.
abuse (noun), usafihi.
abuse (verb), -atibu.
abuse (verb), -hakirisha.
abuse (verb), -hizi.
abuse (verb), -hizi.
abuse (verb), -kebehi.
abuse (verb), -kebehi.
abuse (verb), -poteza. It is not usual for him/her to waste food.
Sikawaida yeye kupoteza vyakula.
abuse (verb), -rumbiza (causative).
abuse (verb), -safihi. (s)he abuses children. Yeye anasafihi watoto.
abuse (verb), -safii.
abuse (verb), -sengenya.
abuse (verb), -shutumu. (s)he was abused that (s)he is a thief.
Alishutuma kuwa yeye ni mwizi.
abuse (verb), -sibabi.
abuse (verb), -sibu.
abuse (verb), -stihizai.
abuse (verb), -stihizaya.
abuse (verb), -subu.
abuse (verb), -taadi.
abuse (verb), -tadi.
abuse (verb), -tapisha (causative). don't abuse and boast to me.
usin'tapishe na kunitambiatambia [Ma].
abuse (verb), -tukana.
abuse each other (verb), -raruana. This cloth will not rip.. kitambaa
hiki hakiraruki.
abuse each other (verb), -semana. they abused each other after they were
caught by police. Walisemana wao kwa wao baada ya kukamatwa na polisi.
term of abuse (pronoun), nyoko!.
term of abuse (scavenger?) (noun), kazoakazoa.
terms of abuse (noun), matushi, pl matushi.
terms of abuse (noun), matusi, pl matusi.
use abusive language (verb), -fioa.
use abusive language (verb), -fyoa.
use abusive language to each other (verb), -tukanana.
vile abuse (noun), tusi (5/6), pl matusi.
be abused (verb), -tukanwa.
abusive (adjective), kishenzi.
abusive expressions (noun), matukano (6).
abusive language (noun), kilimi (7/8), pl vilimi.
abusive language (noun), tapishi (5/6), pl matapishi.
abusive language (noun), tapisho (5/6), pl matapisho.
abusive speech (noun), kilimilimi (7/8), pl vilimilimi.
abusive speech or remark (noun), mzomeo, pl mizomeo.
abyss (noun), uketo.
Abyssinia (noun), Uhabeshi.
Abyssinian (noun), Habeshi (5/6an), pl Mahabeshi (Wahabeshi).
Abyssinian person (noun), Habeshi (1/2), pl wahabeshi, mahabeshi.
Abyssinian person (noun), Mhabeshi (1/2), pl wahabeshi, mahabeshi.
acacia (species of) (noun), mgunga, pl migunga.
acacia (species of) (noun), mkambaa, pl mikambaa.
acacia (species of) (noun), mkambala, pl mikambala.
acacia mimosa (species of) (noun), mgunguti, pl migunguti.
academic matter (noun), jambo la taaluma (5/6), pl mambo ya taaluma.
academy (noun), madarasa, pl madarasa.
academy (noun), shule (9/10), pl shule.
accelerate (verb), -chapuka.
accelerate (verb), -chapuza.
accent (noun), kiimbo (7/8), pl viimbo.
accent (noun), kikazo, pl vikazo.
accent (noun), lafdhi (9/10), pl lafdhi.
accent (noun), lafidhi.
accent (noun), lafudhi (9/10), pl lafudhi.
accent (noun), lafuzi.
accent (noun), matamko, pl matamko.
accent (noun), matamshi, pl matamshi.
accent (noun), mkazo (3/4), pl mikazo.
accent (noun), tamko (5/6), pl matamko.
accent (noun), tamshi (5/6), pl matamshi.
accent (verb), -tamka.
accept (verb), -kabidhi.
accept (verb), -kiri.
accept (verb), -kubali.
accept (verb), -pokea. accept a letter.. pokea barua.
accept (verb), -ridhia.
accept (verb), -sidukia.
accept (verb), -sudukia.
accept (verb), -suduku.
accept (verb), -takabadhi.
accept (verb), -takabali.
accept (verb), -twaa.
be accepted (verb), -pokelewa.
acceptability (noun), mwafaka (3/4), pl miafaka.
acceptable thing (noun), kinyemi (7).
be acceptable (verb), -kubalika.
be acceptable (verb), -onekana (potential).
be acceptable (verb), -sihi. his/her work was acceptable. Kazi yake
acceptance (noun), itikio (5/6), pl maitikio.
acceptance (noun), kabuli (9/10), pl kubali.
acceptance (noun), kibali (7/8), pl vibali.
acceptance (noun), pokeo (5/6), pl mapokeo.
acceptance (noun), pokezi (5/6), pl mapokezi.
acceptance (noun), ridhaa (9/10), pl ridhaa.
acceptance (noun), ukiri.
be accepted (verb), -kubaliwa.
acceptence (noun), itikio, pl maitikio.
means of access (noun), penyenye (5/6), pl mapenyenye.
be accessable (verb), -jika.
be accessible (verb), -fifika.
accessory (noun), valio (5/6), pl mavalio.
accident (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
accident (noun), ajali (9/10), pl ajali. An accident occurred there
today.. hapa leo pana ~..
accident (noun), aksidenti (9/10), pl aksidenti.
accident (noun), bahati, pl bahati.
accident (noun), bakhti, pl bakhti.
accident (noun), dafrao, pl dafrao. two automobiles collided. motokaa
mbili ziligongona (pigana) dafrao. [Rec].
accident (noun), dafurao, pl dafurao.
accident (noun), dhara, pl madhara.
accident (noun), eksident.
accident (noun), fursa.
accident (noun), maangamizo, pl maangamizo.
accident (noun), mauja.
accident (noun), miuha.
accident (noun), msiba, pl misiba.
accident (noun), muuya.
accident (noun), mwuja, pl miuja.
accident (noun), pigo (5/6), pl mapigo.
accident (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani.
accident (noun), tukio, pl matukio.
by accident (preposition), pasipo nia.
accidentally (adverb), kwa nasibu.
become acclimatized (verb), -zolea.
accommodate (verb), -linga.
accommodate (verb), -selehi.
accommodate (verb), -suluhi.
accommodate (verb), -suluhu.
accommodate (verb), -zatiti.
accommodation (noun), malazi (6). accommodation tax. kodi ya malazi
[Masomo 363].
accommodation (noun), ulinganisho.
sleeping accommodation (noun), ulalo (11/6), pl malalo.
provide accommodations (verb), -laza. So as to reduce the expense of
providing accomodations for athletes when they come to Dar es Salaam ....
Ili kupunguza gharama za kulaza wanamichezo wajapo Dar es Salaam
...[Masomo 363].
one who accompanies someone (noun), mwandamizi, pl wandamizi.
accompaniment (noun), pl mus. melody, mafuatano.
accompaniment (noun), mshindikizo, pl mishindikizo.
accompaniment (noun), ufuasi (14).
accompaniment (of a departing guest) (noun), sindikizo (5/6), pl
mus. accompaniment (noun), kipokeo, pl vipokeo.
accompany (verb), -adi.
accompany (verb), -andama.
accompany (verb), -chanjari.
accompany (verb), -fuata.
accompany (verb), -chanjari.
accompany (verb), -sanjari.
accompany (verb), -shanjari.
accompany (verb), -unga.
accompany (a parting guest) (verb), -sindikiza. let us go I escort you.
twende nikusindikize [Muk].
accompany one another (verb), -fuatana (reciprocal). her mother gave
permission that she could accompany Jazume. mamaake amruhusu afuatane na
Jazume [Moh].
accompanying (a departing guest) (noun), shindikizo (5/6), pl
accompanying (act of) (noun), mwandamo, pl miandamo.
accompanying a departing guest (act of) (noun), msindikizo, pl
accomplice (noun), msaidia, pl wasaidia.
accomplice (noun), msaidizi, pl wasaidizi.
accomplice (noun), msiri, pl wasiri.
accomplice (noun), mwamali, pl waamali.
accomplice (noun), mwenzi, pl wenzi.
accomplish (verb), -amili.
accomplish (verb), -pa.
accomplish (verb), -tekeleza.
accomplish (verb), -tenda.
accomplish (verb), -timia.
accomplish (verb), -timiza.
accomplish for (verb), -timizia.
be accomplished (verb), -timu.
be accomplished (verb), -tekelezwa.
be accomplished (verb), -tendeka.
accomplishing (noun), mtendo, pl mitendo.
accomplishment (noun), ukamili.
accomplishment (noun), ukamilifu.
accomplishment (noun), utendaji.
accomplishment (noun), utendi.
accomplishment (noun), utengevu.
accomplishment (noun), utenzi.
accomplishment (noun), utimilifu.
accord (noun), azimio (5/6), pl maazimio.
accord (noun), mwafaka, pl miafaka.
accord (verb), -wafiki.
be in accordance with (verb), -husu.
in accordance with (adverb), kwa kadiri.
in accordance with (adverb), mujibu. in accordance with the law..
mujibu wa sheria.
in accordance with (adverb), muujibu. in accordance with the law..
mujibu wa sheria.
in accordance with (conjunction), kadiri.
in accordance with (conjunction), kwa mujibu wa.
according to (adverb), kadiri ya.
according to (adverb), kufuatana na. My heirs, according to Kimara
customs and traditions, who are they?. Warithi wangu, kufuatana na ada na
desturi za Kimara, ni akina nani? My heirs, according to Kimara customs
and traditions, who are they?81].
according to (adverb), mujibu. according to the law.. mujibu wa sheria.
according to (adverb), kwa mujibu wa.
according to (adverb), muujibu. according to the law.. mujibu wa
according to (conjunction), kulingana na. According to those stories.
Kulingana na hadithi hizo.
according to (preposition), kwa.
according to (preposition), maadam ya.
according to (verb), -tokana.
according to ... (adverb), husiana.
accordingly (conjunction), alimradhi.
accordingly (conjunction), alimradi.
accordingly (conjunction), almuradi.
accordingly (conjunction), mradi, pl miradi, muradi.
accost (verb), -salimia.
accost someone (verb), -sozana (associative).
account (noun), ajili (9/10), pl ajili.
account (noun), kisa (7/8), pl visa.
account (noun), stashahada (9/10), pl stashahada.
give an account of (verb), -simulia.
take into account (verb), -zingatia.
account book (noun), deftari. account book. daftari ya hesabu.
make someone accountable for another's offense or debt (verb), -koleza.
accounts (noun), hesabu (9/10), pl hesabu.
accouterment (noun), valio (5/6), pl mavalio.
accretion (noun), ukoga (11).
accumulate (verb), -kusanya.
accumulate (verb), -lundika.
accumulate (verb), -rundika.
accumulate (verb), -rundika.
accumulate (verb), -tundama.
accumulation (noun), mkusanyiko, pl mikusanyiko.
accumulation (noun), mshikano, pl mishikano.
accumulation (verb), -jamhuri.
accuracy (noun), hakika.
accuracy (noun), siasa (9/10), pl siasa. an accurate person. mtu mwenye
accuracy (noun), uamini.
accuracy (noun), uaminifu.
accuracy (noun), usahihi (14).
accurate (adjective), halisi.
accurate (adjective), madhubuti.
accurately (adverb), kikamilifu.
accursed (adjective), laanifu.
accursed (adjective), maleuni.
accursed (adjective), maluuni.
accursed person (noun), maleuni.
accursed person (noun), maluuni.
accursed person (noun), mlaanifu (1/2), pl walaanifu.
accursed person (noun), mlaanizi (1/2), pl walaanizi.
the accursed (noun), maleuni (6an).
the accursed (noun), maluuni (6an).
accusation (noun), lawama (9/10), pl malawama.
accusation (noun), mapatilizo.
accusation (noun), mashitaka. procure charges.. fanya mashitaka.
accusation (noun), mashitakiano. procure charges.. fanya mashitakiano.
accusation (noun), mashtaka (6).
accusation (noun), mashtaka. procure charges.. fanya mashtaka.
accusation (noun), mashtakiano. procure charges.. fanya mashtakiano.
accusation (noun), masuto, pl masuto.
accusation (noun), pl accusations, msuto (3/4), pl misuto.
accusation (noun), patilizo (5/6), pl mapatilizo.
accusation (noun), pl accusations, shtaka (5/6), pl mashtaka.
accusation (noun), tuhuma (9/10), pl tuhuma.
accusation (noun), uaili.
accusation (noun), upatilivu, pl mapatilivu.
accusation (noun), upatilizo (11/6), pl mapatilizo.
accusation (noun), ushtaki (11).
accusation (noun), zulio, pl mazulio.
false accusation (noun), singizio (5/6), pl masingizio.
false accusation (noun), uzushi (14).
mutual accusations (noun), masutano (6).
one who makes a false accusation (noun), msalata, pl wasalata.
one who makes a false accusation (noun), msaliti, pl wasaliti.
public accusation (noun), suto (5/6), pl masuto.
accuse (verb), -janga.
accuse (verb), -kengemeke.
accuse (verb), -laumu.
accuse (verb), -shitaki.
accuse (verb), -shtaki. to have left the girl would have given him/her
the strength to prosecute him/her. [kumwacha] kungempa msichana nguvu ya
kumshtaki [Muk].
accuse (verb), -staki.
accuse (verb), -suta.
accuse (verb), -tuhumu.
accuse each other (verb), -sutana.
accuse falsely (verb), -singiza. they accused me falsely.
accuse falsely (verb), -singizia.
accuse oneself (verb), -jishtaki (reflexive).
accuse oneself (verb), -jishitaki.
accuse oneself (verb), -jishtaki.
accuse publicly (verb), -songamiza (stative).
accuse publicly (verb), -suta.
be accused (verb), -shtakiwa. (s)he was accused of stealing.
Alishtakiwa kwa kuiba.
accused (noun), mdaiwa, pl wadaiwa.
be accused (verb), -sutwa.
jur.accused (noun), mshitakiwa, pl washitakiwa.
jur.accused (noun), mshtakiwa, pl washtakiwa.
accuser (noun), pl accusers, mshtaka (9/10), pl washtaka.
accuser (noun), pl accusers, mshtaki (1/2), pl washtaki.
accustom (verb), -zoeza.
accustom to (adjective), -zoelefu.
accustomed to (noun), zoevu.
become accustomed to (verb), -zoea.
become accustomed to something (verb), -tabii.
one who is accustomed to something (noun), mzoea, pl wazoea. experienced
seafarer. mzoea wa bahari.
one who is accustomed to something (noun), mzoevu, pl wazoevu.
experienced seafarer. mzoea wa bahari.
ace (noun), re (5/6), pl mare.
ace (noun), ree (5/6), pl maree.
ace of hearts (noun), kopa, pl makopa.
acetylene (c2h2) (noun), pl acetylene, asetilini (c2h2) (9/10), pl
ache (noun), umivu, pl maumivu.
ache (noun), umo, pl maumo.
ache (verb), -pekecha. my bones ache.. mifupa yangu inanipekecha.
ache (verb), -peketa. my bones ache.. mifupa yangu inanipekecha.
fig. persistent ache (noun), upekecho (11/10), pl pekecho.
commendable acheivement (noun), suna (9/10), pl suna.
commendable acheivement (noun), suni (9/10), pl suni.
commendable achievement (noun), sina (9/10), pl sina.
achieve (verb), -diriki.
achieve (verb), -pata. become strong.. pata nguvu.
achieve (verb), -tadaraki.
achieve (verb), -tekeleza (causative).
achieve by practice (verb), -tendekeza.
be achieved (verb), -tekelea.
not achieve one's purpose (verb), -kosa. the knife cuts on both edges..
achievement (noun), majilio (6).
achievement (noun), mapato.
achievement (noun), pato (5/6), pl mapato.
achievement (noun), upato, pl pato.
commendable achievement (noun), sini (9/10), pl sini.
acid (noun), kiunguza (7/8), pl viunguza.
acidity (noun), ukali.
acidity (noun), ukalifu.
one lacking in some respect (noun), mpungufu, pl wapungufu. This person
is foolish/stupid/mentally defective.. mtu huyu mpungufu wa akili.
acknowledge (verb), -kiri.
acknowledge (verb), -kubali.
acknowledge (verb), -ona.
acknowledge (verb), -pokea. acknowledge statements.. pokea maneno.
acknowledge (verb), -takabali.
acknowledge (verb), -ungama.
acknowledgement(of an obligation, etc.) (noun), muungamo, pl miungamo.
acknowledged (adjective), maalum.
acknowleged (adjective), maalumu.
acknowledgement (noun), uungamaji.
acknowledgement of receipt (noun), ukiri.
acknowledgement(of an obligation, etc.) (noun), mwungamo, pl miungamo.
acne (noun), chunusi (9/10), pl chunusi.
acne (noun), mba (9/10), pl mba.
acne (noun), ukuruti.
acne (noun), ukurutu.
acne (noun), vijiwe.
acne (noun), vipele.
account book (noun), daftari, pl madaftari. account book. daftari ya
hesabu [Rec].
acquaint (verb), -zoesha.
make acquaintance with each other (verb), -tangazana.
be acquainted with (verb), -fahamu.
be acquainted with (verb), -maizi.
get acquainted (verb), -gusana (associative).
acquire (verb), -hozi.
acquire (verb), -hozi.
acquire (verb), -jipatia.
acquire wealth (verb), -chuma.
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (noun), ukosefu wa kinga mwilini
acquisition (noun), mapato.
acquisition (noun), mpato (3/4), pl mipato.
acquisition (noun), pato (5/6), pl mapato.
acquisition (noun), upato, pl pato.
acquit (verb), -acha.
acquit (verb), -ata.
acquit (verb), -burai.
acquaintance (us.w. possessive suffix) (noun), mwenzi, pl wenzi. your
friend.. mwenzio.
be acquitted (verb), -hongea.
acre (noun), eka (9/10), pl eka.
acre (noun), ekari (9/10), pl ekari.
acrid (adjective), chungu.
acrid odor (e.g. of game or fish) (noun), kidusi.
cut across (verb), -kingama.
lie across (verb), -pandana.
act (noun), amali (9/10), pl amali.
act (noun), feli (9/10), pl feli.
act (noun), kichinjo (7/8), pl vichinjo.
act (noun), kichocheo (7/8), pl vichocheo.
act (noun), kichomo (7/8), pl vichomo.
act (noun), kielezo (7/8), pl vielezo.
act (noun), kifo (7/8), pl vifo.
act (noun), kitendo (7/8), pl vitendo.
act (noun), tendo (5/6), pl matendo.
act (verb), -amili.
act (verb), -enda. yawn. enda miayo.
act (verb), -singiza.
act (verb), -singizia.
act (verb), -tenda.
act as if (verb), -aka.
act as if (verb), -jipa.
act imprudently (verb), -taghafali.
act in common (verb), -shariki.
act strongly (verb), -teta.
act thoughtlessly (verb), -taghafali.
act together with (verb), -shiriki. the village women acted together in
the construction of the school. Wanawake wa kijiji walishiriki katika
ujenzi wa shule.
act upon (something) (verb), -tekeleza.
acting (adjective), makamu.
acting (noun), mtendo, pl mitendo.
acting allowance (noun), posho ya ukaimu (9/10), pl posho za ukaimu. The
vice president is paid acting allowance. Makamu wa Raisi analipwa posho
la ukaimu.
be in an acting capacity (verb), -kushikilia.
action (noun), amali (9/10), pl amali.
action (noun), feli (9/10), pl feli.
action (noun), hatua (9/10), pl hatua.
action (noun), husuma.
action (noun), kitendo (7/8), pl vitendo.
action (noun), mwamali, pl miamali.
action (noun), pl accusations, shtaka (5/6), pl mashtaka.
action (noun), tendo (5/6), pl matendo.
action (noun), utendaji (14).
bring action against (verb), -shitaki.
bring action against (verb), -shtaki.
bring action against (verb), -staki.
jur. action (noun), mashitaka. procure charges..
jur. action (noun), mashitakiano. procure charges..
jur. action (noun), mashtaka. procure charges..
jur. action (noun), mashtakiano. procure charges..
legal action (noun), daawa, pl madaawa.
legal action (noun), mdaawa (3/4), pl midaawa.
legal action (noun), ushindani.
legal action (noun), ushtaki.
repeated action (noun), utondoti, pl tondoti.
someone who performs an action or engages in an activity (noun), mfanya,
pl wafanya. worker. mfanyakazi.
someone who performs an action or engages in an activity (noun), mfanyi,
pl wafanyi. worker. mfanyakazi.
take action (verb), -tekeleza.
take energentic action (verb), -teta.
actions (noun), matendo (6).
active (adjective), -epesi.
active (adjective), hodari.
active child (noun), mtukutu, pl watukutu.
active person (noun), pl active people, mtendaji (1/2), pl watendaji.
be active (verb), -shughulika.
activist (noun), kada (5/6an), pl makada (wa chama).
activist (noun), mtendaji, pl watendaji.
activist (noun), mwanaharakati (1/2), pl wanaharakati.
activities (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
activity (noun), amali, pl amali.
activity (noun), bidii.
activity (noun), harakati (9/10), pl harakati.
activity (noun), makazi.
activity (noun), matendo, pl matendo.
activity (noun), mwamali, pl miamali.
activity (noun), nyendo (9/10), pl nyendo.
activity (noun), utendaji (14).
activity (noun), utendi.
activity (noun), utenzi.
actor (noun), mchezaji wa michezo ya kuiga (1/2), pl wachezaji wa michezo
ya kuiga.
actor (noun), mchezi wa michezo ya kuiga (1/2), pl wachezi wa michezo ya
actor (noun), mwiga, pl waiga.
actor (noun), mwigaji, pl waigaji.
actor (noun), mwigishaji, pl waigishaji.
actress (noun), mchezaji (1/2), pl wachezaji.
actual (adjective), yakini.
actually (adverb), tokea hapo.
acumen (noun), uwekevu.
acute angle (noun), pembekali (9/10), pl pembekali.
acuteness (noun), werevu.
Adam (noun), Adamu (1). "according to the Bible, Adam was the first
person".. kutokana na biblia, Adamu alikuwa mtu wa kwanza..
Adam's apple (noun), dundumio, pl madudumio.
Adam's apple (noun), kikoromeo, pl vikoromeo.
Adam's apple (noun), kongomeo, pl makongomeo.
Adam's apple (noun), koo (9/10), pl makoo. "gutter, eaves, rain-spout"..
Matata alisafisha koo [Muk].
Adam's apple (noun), zoloto.
adapt (verb), -endekeza.
adapt (verb), -linga.
adapt (verb), -selehi.
adapt (verb), -suluhi.
adapt (verb), -suluhu.
adapt oneself (verb), -jirakibisha (reflexive).
adapt oneself (verb), -jirekebisha (reflexive).
be ready (to) adapt oneself (verb), -tengenea.
adaptability (noun), werevu.
be adaptable (verb), -suluhika (intransitive).
adaptation (noun), ulinganisho.
add (verb), -hesabu.
add (verb), -jumlisha.
add (verb), -ongezea (applicative). I was looking for a helper from
rearing, not one to add on to it. nikitafuta wa kunipokea ulezi, siyo wa
kuniongezea [Sul].
add (verb), -unga hesabu.
add more (verb), -zidisha.
add to (verb), -ongeza.
add to (verb), -towea.
add up (verb), -jumlisha.
add up (verb), -unga.
addendum (noun), nyongeza.
adder (kind of) (noun), pili (9/10), pl pili.
adder (kind of) (noun), piri (9/10), pl piri.
be addicted (verb), -lemaa.
be addicted to (verb), -shariki. be addicted to drunkardness. shiriki
ulevi [Rec].
be addicted to (verb), -shiriki. be addicted to drinking/alcohol.
shiriki ulevi.
adding (noun), utilaji.
addition (noun), jumla (9/10), pl jumla.
addition (noun), jumlisho (5/6), pl majumlisho.
addition (noun), nyongeza (9/10), pl nyongeza.
addition (noun), ongezeko (5/6), pl maongezeko.
addition (noun), ongezo (5/6), pl maongezo.
addition (noun), ziada, pl maziada.
addition (noun), zidi, pl mazidi.
addition (noun), ziyada, pl maziyada.
addition to a house (noun), upenu, pl penu.
in addition (adjective), zaidana.
in addition (adjective), zaidi.
in addition (adverb), tena.
address (noun), andiko, pl maandiko.
address (noun), anwani (9/10), pl awani. address a letter. andika ~ ya
barua; anwani ya mwandikiwa huandikwa juu ya bahasha [Masomo, 73].
address (noun), hotuba (9/10), pl hotuba.
address (noun), hutuba.
address (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
address (noun), mwandiko, pl miandiko.
address (noun), usemi.
address (verb), -hutubia.
address (verb), -semea (applicative). Sidi addressed him/her near the
ear by mumbling.. Idi alimsemea karibu na sikio kwa sauti ya kunong'ona
[Sul], unanisemea mambo ya magari [Ma].
address (said to women) (noun), dada, pl madada.
give an address (verb), -hutubu.
polite term of address for older people (noun), mjomba, pl wajomba.
term of address used between brother and sister (noun), dumbu.
term of address used between brother and sister (noun), umbu.
addressee (noun), mwandikiwa (1/2), pl waandikiwa.
person to whom something is written (noun), mwandikiwa (1/2), pl
waandikiwa. We are always very happy when a relative or someone to whom
we've written has received a letter and has understood what we meant..
Kila mara tunafurahi sana tunaposikia kuwa ndugu au mwandikiwa amepata
barua na kuwa ameelewa vema mambo yote tuliyokusudia [Masomo 71].
Aden (city of) (noun), Edeni.
Aden (city) (noun), Aden.
adept (adjective), weledi.
adequacy (noun), utoshelevu (14).
adequacy (noun), utoshelezi (14), pl utoshelezi.
adequate (adjective), basi.
be adequate (verb), -ghushi.
be adequate (verb), -tosha.
be adequate for (verb), -kubaliana na.
adequately (adverb), kikamilifu.
adhere (verb), -amba.
adhere (verb), -ambata.
adhere (verb), pl r, -ambatana. Its many cornered style of construction
adhered to the laws of military defense [Masomo 142]. Umbo lake la pembe
pembe liliambatana na sheria za ulinzi wa kijeshi [Masomo 142].
adhere (verb), pl How can this be intransitive, -ambika.
adhere (verb), -nata.
adhere to (verb), -gandamia.
adhere to (verb), -tabiki.
cause to adhere (verb), -ambatisha.
adherence (adjective), wambiso.
adherent (noun), mfuasi, pl wafuasi.
adherent (noun), mfuataji, pl wafuataji.
condition of an adherent (noun), ufuasi.
adherents (noun), umati.
adhesion (noun), mng'ang'anio (3/4), pl ming'ang'anio.
adhesion (noun), ushikamano (14).
adhesive (noun), wambiso (11), pl sing..
adhesive gum (noun), gundi (9/10), pl gundi.
be adjacent (verb), -pakana.
adjective (noun), sifa (9/10), pl sifa. a good adjective. sifa nzuri.
adjective (noun), sifu (9/10), pl sifu.
adjoin (verb), -changamana.
adjoin (verb), -paka. our countries adjoin. nchi zetu zinapakana.
adjoin (verb), -tangamana.
adjourn (verb), -kawisha.
adjourn (verb), -ngojeza.
adjudge (verb), -amua.
cause to be adjudged (verb), -amuliza.
less important part or adjunct of a thing (noun), mtoto, pl watoto.
less important part or adjunct of a thing (noun), mtoto, pl watoto.
adjust (verb), -endekeza.
adjust (verb), -rakibisha (causative).
adjust (verb), -rekibisha (causative).
adjust (verb), -selehi.
adjust (verb), -suluhi.
adjust (verb), -suluhu.
adjust oneself (verb), -jirakibisha (reflexive).
adjust oneself (verb), -jirekebisha (reflexive).
become adjusted to each other (verb), -suluhiana ( appl-assoc).
adjustment (noun), urekebisho.
adjutant (noun), akida (5/6an), pl maakida.
administer (verb), -amuru.
be administered (verb), -amriwa.
administration (noun), maongozi.
administration (noun), serikali (9/10), pl serikali. an administration
order. amri ya serikali..
administration (noun), uendeshaji (14).
administration (noun), usimamizi.
administration (noun), utawala.
administration (noun), utwala.
administration (noun), uwakala.
administration (noun), uwakili.
administrator (noun), balozi, pl mabalozi.
administrator (noun), makabidhi (1/2), pl wakabidhi.
administrator (noun), meneja. movie director.. meneja wa cinema.
administrator (noun), mkabidhi (1/2), pl wakabidhi.
administrator (noun), pl adminstrators, mtengenezaji, pl watengenezaji.
adminstrator (noun), msimamizi, pl wasimamizi.
be admirable (verb), -husudika (potential).
admiral (noun), admeli (9/10an), pl admeli.
admiral (noun), admirali (9/10an), pl admirali.
admiration (noun), husuda (9/10), pl husuda.
exclamation of admiration (interjection), abos.
admire (verb), -ajabia (applicative).
admire (verb), -husudu.
admire (verb), -sangaa.
admire (verb), -shangaa.
be admissible (verb), -juzu.
admissibility (noun), uhusiano.
admission (noun), ukiri.
admission (noun), ungamo, pl maungamo.
admission (noun), uungamaji.
admission (of an obligation etc.) (noun), muungamo, pl miungamo.
admission (of an obligation etc.) (noun), mwungamo, pl miungamo.
admission fee (noun), ada ya kuingilia (9/10), pl ada za kuingilia.
admission fee (noun), kiingilio, pl viingilio.
ask admission (verb), -piga hodi.
ask admission (verb), -piga hodi.
admit (verb), -ingiza.
admit (verb), -kiri.
admit (verb), -kiri.
admit (verb), -pokea. admit statements.. pokea maneno.
admit (verb), -sabili.
admit (verb), -sidukia.
admit (verb), -sudukia.
admit (verb), -suduku.
admit (verb), -takabali.
admit (verb), -ungama.
make someone admit something (verb), -nyenya.
be admitted to the hospital (verb), -lazwa.
admonish (verb), -asa.
admonish (verb), -onya.
admonition (noun), maowidha.
admonition (noun), maowidha.
admonition (noun), mauidha.
admonition (noun), mawaidha.
admonition (noun), uzindusho.
adolescence (noun), ujana (14).
adolescent girl (noun), kigoli (7/8), pl vigoli.
adolescent girl (noun), kigori (7/8), pl vigori.
adopt (verb), -chukua. His trousers had been cut to adopt a "beach-
comber"style.. Suruali yake ilikuwa imekatwa kuchukua mtindo wa "bichi
koma"[Balisidya, Masomo 343].
adopt (verb), -siliki.
adoption (noun), upokeaji (14).
be adored (verb), -sujudiwa.
adorn (verb), -pamba. What I want now is a person of your status to
adorn my house. ninachotaka sasa ni mtu wa hulka yako kuipamba nyumba
yangu [Mun].
adorn (verb), -remba. To adorn oneself with cosmetics of the cheek and
mouth. kujiremba marangi ya mashavu na midomo [Abd].
adorn (with carving etc.) (verb), -nakshi.
adornment (noun), mavalio, pl mavalio.
adornment (noun), pamba (5/6), pl mapamba. A beautiful woman is the
adornment of the house.. mke mzuri ni pambo la nyumba.
adornment (noun), pl adornments, pambo (5/6), pl mapambo.
adornment (noun), urembo (5/6), pl marembo.
remove adornment (decoration or ornament) (verb), -pambua (converse).
adroit (adjective), mahiri.
adroitness (noun), tabasuri (9/10), pl tabasuri.
adroitness (noun), werevu.
adulation (noun), urai.
adult (adjective), -a kijituuzima.
adult (adjective), -pevu.
adult (adjective), -zima.
adult (noun), mpevu (1/2), pl wapevu.
adult (noun), mtu mzima, pl watu wazima.
adult (noun), ngumbaru (9/10an), pl ngumbaru.
adulterate (verb), -ghoshi.
adulterate (verb), -saliti.
adulterate (verb), -tabangatabanga.
be adulterated (verb), -salitiwa.
adulteration (noun), ughoshi.
adulteration (noun), ughushi.
adulterer (noun), mgoni, pl wagoni.
adulterer (noun), mzinifu, pl wazinifu.
adulterer (noun), mzinzi, pl wazinzi.
adulterer (one who violates the Islamic code of marriage morals) (noun),
mwasherati, pl waasherati.
adulterous (adjective), zinifu.
adultery (noun), asharati.
adultery (noun), asherati (9/10an), pl asherati.
adultery (noun), uasherati.
adultery (noun), ufasiki.
adultery (noun), ugoni (14).
adultery (noun), ugono.
adultery (noun), uzini.
adultery (noun), uzinzi (14).
adultery (noun), washerati.
adultery (noun), washerati.
adultery (noun), zani.
adultery (noun), zina.
adultery (noun), zinaa.
commit adultery (of either man or woman) (verb), -zini.
adulthood (noun), uzima.
advance (noun), kiendeleo, pl viendeleo.
advance (noun), uendeshaji.
advance (noun), ukopaji.
advance (noun), ukopi (14), pl ukopi.
advance (verb), -ongoza. give a good turn to a conversation.. ongoza
advance (verb), -tangulia.
advance guard (noun), doria.
advance of money (noun), kishika mkono.
salary advance (noun), karadha ya mishahara (9/10), pl karadha za
send in advance (verb), -kadamisha.
advancement (noun), maendeleo (6).
advancement (noun), maondokeo.
advancement (noun), mwendeleo, pl maendeleo.
advancement (noun), ondokeo (5/6), pl maondokeo.
advancement (noun), ubele.
advancement (noun), umbele.
advancing (act of) (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
advancing (act of) (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
advancing (act of) (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
advantage (noun), baraka.
advantage (noun), faida (9/10), pl faida.
advantage (noun), ghanima.
advantage (noun), heri.
advantage (noun), mafaa, pl mafaa.
advantage (noun), mafao, pl mafao.
advantage (noun), manufaa.
advantage (noun), nafuu.
advantage (noun), ubora.
cause to have an advantage (verb), -nufaishana.
derive an advantage (verb), -funa.
derive an advantage (verb), -vuna.
have an advantage (adjective), nafaika.
have an advantage (adjective), nufaika.
have an advantage (verb), -nufaika.
be advantageous (verb), -faidika.
advent (noun), jilio.
advent (noun), majilio.
adventure (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani.
adventurer (noun), mzizimizi, pl wazizimizi.
adventurer (noun), mzizimizi, pl wazizimizi.
adventurism (noun), bahatisho.
adventurism (noun), ujasiri.
adverb (noun), kielelezi (7/8), pl vielezi.
adverb (noun), kielezo (7/8), pl vielezo.
adverb (noun), kisifa, pl visifa. matters relating to war.
adversary (noun), mkindani, pl wakinzani.
adversary (noun), mkinzani, pl wakinzani.
adversary (noun), mpingaji, pl wapingaji.
adversary (noun), mpingani, pl wapingani.
adversary (noun), mpinzani, pl wapingani.
adversary (noun), mshindani, pl washindani.
adversary (noun), mshindanizi, pl washindanizi.
adversary (noun), mtetea, pl watetea.
adversary (noun), mteteaji, pl wateteaji.
adversary (noun), mtetezi, pl watetezi.
adversity (noun), pl adversities, shari (9/10), pl shari.
adversity (noun), teso, pl mateso.
advertise (merchandise) (verb), -tembeza.
advertisement (noun), pl advertisements, tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo.
advertisement (noun), tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo. business
advertisement. tangazo la biashara.
advertisement (noun), utembezi, pl matembezi.
advertising (noun), utembezi, pl matembezi.
advice (noun), bamba, pl bamba.
advice (noun), kauli.
advice (noun), kidokezo, pl vidokezo.
advice (noun), maonyo (6).
advice (noun), mwongozo, pl miongozo.
advice (noun), nasaha, pl nasaha.
advice (noun), onyo (5/6), pl maonyo.
advice (noun), rai (9/10), pl rai.
advice (noun), pl advice, shauri (9/10), pl shauri. (s)he wanted his/her
mother to accept the advice of being taken to the hospital. alitaka
mamaake aridhi shauri la kupelekwa hospitali [Moh], mpeleke huyu mwanamke
kwa wazee wa 'Mashauri' [Ng].
advice (noun), ushauri (14).
advice (noun), zulio, pl mazulio.
ask for advice (verb), -taka shauri.
give advice (verb), -taradhia.
give each other good advice (verb), -sisitizana (associative).
give good advice (verb), -nasihi.
good advice (noun), maowidha.
good advice (noun), maowidha.
good advice (noun), mauidha.
good advice (noun), mawaidha.
good advice (noun), suna (9/10), pl suna.
good advice (noun), suni (9/10), pl suni.
good advice (piece of) (noun), sina (9/10), pl sina.
good advice (piece of) (noun), sini (9/10), pl sini.
one who can be relied on to give good advice (noun), mhenga, pl wahenga.
advise (verb), -sisitiza.
give a piece of advice (verb), -pa shauri.
adviser (noun), diwani, pl madiwani.
confidential female adviser (older woman friend who makes arrangements
for marriage) (noun), mkunga, pl wakunga.
reliable adviser (noun), nasiha.
advisor (noun), pl advisors, mshauri (1/2), pl washauri.
legal advisor (noun), kaimu, pl makaimu.
older person (not necessarily a clergyman) who gives advice on religious
matters (noun), shamasi (5/6an), pl mashamasi.
older person (not necessarily a clergyman) who gives advice on religious
matters (noun), shemasi (5/6an), pl mashemasi.
wise advisor (noun), nasiha, pl nasiha.
advocacy (noun), utetezi.
advocacy (noun), uwakili (14).
advocate (noun), mnenea (1/2), pl wanenea.
advocate (noun), msimamizi, pl wasimamizi.
advocate (noun), mwombezi (1/2), pl waombezi.
advocate (noun), wakili (5/6), pl mawakili.
adze (noun), senezo (9/10), pl senezo.
adze (noun), sezo (5/6), pl masezo.
adze (noun), tezo, pl matezo.
aerial (noun), erieli.
affable (verb), -ambilika.
affable person (noun), mcheshi, pl wacheshi.
affable person (noun), mjibu (1/2), pl wajibu.
affair (noun), bamba, pl bamba.
affair (noun), hoja, pl hoja; mahoja.
affair (noun), jambo (5/6), pl mambo.
affair (noun), jambo.
affair (noun), jawabu, pl majawabu.
affair (noun), kadhia.
affair (noun), kigambo (7/8), pl vigambo.
affair (noun), kisa, pl visa.
affair (noun), mambo.
affair (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno.
affair (noun), pl affairs, shauri (9/10), pl shauri. that affair is not
bad. shauri hilo si baya.
affair (important) (noun), maneno. secret affairs. maneno ya siri.
actual state of affairs (noun), jambo.
actual state of affairs (noun), mambo. This is an obvious fact. Hii ni
mambo wazi.
affairs (noun), kadhia (9/10), pl kadhia.
affairs (noun), kazi.
affairs (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
fig. personal affairs (noun), kirago, pl virago.
military affairs (noun), uanajeshi.
public affairs (adverb), kwa nchi.
secret affairs (noun), penyenye (5/6), pl mapenyenye.
affect (verb), -athiri.
affect (verb), -husu.
affect (verb), -pasa.
affect (verb), -wea.
affect deeply (verb), -saki.
be affected (verb), -athiriwa.
affectation (noun), maringo (6).
affectation (noun), umaridadi (14).
affection (noun), ashiki, pl ashiki. evoke affection. -tia ~.
affection (noun), ashki, pl ashiki. evoke affection. -tia ~.
affection (noun), haba, pl mahaba, (mahuba), (mahubba).
affection (noun), huruma.
affection (noun), kipendo, pl vipendo.
affection (noun), mahaba (9/10), pl mahaba.
affection (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahaba.
affection (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahuba.
affection (noun), pendeleo (5/6), pl mapendeleo.
affection (noun), pendo (5/6), pl mapendo.
affection (noun), ufadili.
affection (noun), upendezi, pl mapendezi.
affection (noun), upendo, pl mapendo.
affection (noun), upenzi, pl mapenzi.
affection (reciprocal) (noun), mapendano.
mutual affection (noun), upendano, pl mapendano.
overwhelm someone with affection (verb), -engaenga.
treat with affection (verb), -shaufu.
affectionate (adverb), pendevu.
affirm (verb), -hakikisha (causative).
affirm (verb), -shupaa maneno.
affirm (verb), -thibitisha.
affix (verb), -bandika. affix a stamp, put on a bandage. ~ stempu, ~
cause to affix (verb), -bandikisha.
cause to affix (verb), -bandikiza.
afflict (verb), -dhiki.
afflict (verb), -saki.
afflict (verb), -sibu.
afflict (verb), -tesa.
be afflicted (verb), -sibiwa (passive). it was then that Asumini was
afflicted with a lot of sadness. ndipo Asumini aliposibiwa na huzuni
zaidi [Moh].
be afflicted (verb), -teseka.
affliction (noun), jitimai (9/10), pl jitimai.
affliction (noun), masaibu (9/10), pl masaibu.
affliction (noun), msiba, pl misiba.
rel. affliction (noun), masaibu.
affluent (of a river) (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee. the affluence
of the river. pengee cha mto.
be affluent (verb), -kwasi.
inability to afford something (noun), waya.
affront (noun), usafihi.
be afraid (verb), -hofu.
be afraid (verb), -ogopa.
be afraid (verb), -shikwa na hofu.
be afraid for (verb), -hofia.
be afraid of (verb), -cha.
be afraid of someone (verb), -hofia.
be afraid of something (verb), -hofia.
make afraid (verb), -ogofisha.
make afraid (verb), -ogofya.
afresh (adverb), upya.
Africa (noun), Afrika (9).
African (adjective), Kiafrika.
African manner (adverb), Kiafrika.
African person (noun), Mwafrika, pl waafrika.
African way (adverb), Kiafrika.
Africanization (noun), afrikanaizesheni (9).
after (adverb), baada ya.
after (adverb), nyuma ya....
after (conjunction), hatima.
after (preposition), baada. after many years, after work. ~ ya miaka
mingi, ~ ya kazi.
after that (adverb), thama.
afterbirth (noun), kondo ya nyuma.
afterbirth (noun), mji (3/4), pl miji.
afterlife (noun), pl the punishment that awaits them in the future next
life, ahera (9/10), pl ahera.
afterlife (noun), akhera (9).
afterlife (noun), jongomeo.
afternoon (noun), alasiri (9/10), pl alasiri.
afternoon (noun), mchana (3).
afterwards (adjective), pale.
afterwards (adverb), alafu.
afterwards (adverb), baadae. The Portuguese arrived in Mombasa and
afterwards proceeded to Malindi.. Wareno walifika Mombasa, baadae
walielekea Malindi [Masomo 143].
afterwards (adverb), baadaye.
afterwards (adverb), halafu.
afterwards (adverb), hatima.
afterwards (adverb), kiisha.
afterwards (adverb), kisha.
afterwards (adverb), tena.
afterwards (conjunction), baadaye.
afterwards (conjunction), waama.
afterworld (noun), pepo (9/10), pl pepo.
again (adverb), bidhalika.
again (adverb), dhalika.
again (adverb), kadhalika.
again (adverb), kikariri.
again (adverb), tena.
again (adverb), upya.
begin again (verb), -rejea.
begin something over again (verb), -charuka.
I won't do it again (phrase), nimekoma. forgive me father, I will not
repeat it again, I have surrendered. baba nihurumie, sitarudia tena,
nimekoma [Kez].
say again (verb), -kariri.
against (adverb), dhidi.
be against (verb), -pinga.
have something against someone (verb), -wa na ugomvi na mtu.
age (noun), herimu.
age (noun), dahari, pl dahari.
age (noun), hirimu.
age (noun), makamo (6). I don't want to make you said at this age..
"Sitaraji kukutia huzuni katika makamo hayo"[Balisidya, Masomo 349].
age (noun), tarikhi (9/10), pl tarikhi.
age (noun), zama.
age (noun), zamani.
age (verb), -zeeka (potential).
age (of a person) (noun), umri.
age-class (of a person) (noun), makamo.
age-class (of a person) (noun), makamu.
age-group (noun), herimu.
be of the same age (verb), -ridhia (applicative).
our age (noun), zamani zetu.
person of the same age or belonging to the same age-group (noun), marika.
These people are my contemporaries. hawa ni marika yangu.
age-group (noun), hirimu. This man belongs to my age-group. huyu hirimu
age-group (noun), pl age-groups, rika (5/6), pl marika. But among this
age-group, the obligations of the youthful age have not stopped
vascillating. lakini katika rika hili [] ahadi za ujana pia haziwachi
kuyumbayumba [Moh].
aged (adjective), -zee.
aged (adjective), zefe.
agency (noun), chombo (7/8), pl vyombo. In consideration of the concerns
of young people the Ministry cooperates with other agencies of the
Nation.. Kuhusu shughuli za vijana Wizara inashirikiana na vyombo vingine
vya Taifa [Masomo 364].
agency (noun), mawakili, pl mawakili.
agency (noun), uwakala.
agency (noun), uwakili (14).
agency (noun), wakala (9/10), pl wakala.
agency (noun), wakili, pl mawakili.
agenda (noun), ajenda (9/10), pl ajenda.
act as agent (verb), -wakili.
agent (noun), ajenti (9/10an), pl ajenti.
agent (noun), dalali, pl madalali.
agent (noun), kaimu (5/6), pl makaimu.
agent (noun), kaimu, pl makaimu.
agent (noun), kidalali, pl vidalali.
agent (noun), pl agents, mshenga (1/2), pl washenga.
agent (noun), mtumwaji, pl watumwaji.
agent (noun), tume.
agent (noun), wakala (11/6), pl makala.
agent (work of) (noun), uajenti.
agent (work of) (noun), ukaimu.
secret agent (noun), jasusi (5/6), pl majasusi.
secret agent (noun), mpenyezi (1/2), pl wapenyezi.
secret agent (noun), mtunduizi, pl watunduizi.
agglomerate (verb), -kongomana.
aggression (noun), uchokozi (14).
aggression (noun), udhalimu.
aggression (noun), ushambulizi.
aggression (noun), utadi.
aggressor (noun), foadi (5/6an), pl mafoadi.
aggressor (noun), fowadi (5/6an), pl mafowadi.
aggressor (noun), mchokozi (1/2), pl wachokozi.
aggressor (noun), mkatili (1/2), pl wakatili.
aggrevate (verb), -nung'unisha.
aggrevate (verb), -teteleza.
agile (adjective), mahiri.
agility (noun), kinamu (7).
agility (noun), usafidi.
agility (of movements etc.) (noun), wepesi.
agitate (verb), -asisha.
agitate (verb), -fanya fitina.
agitate (verb), -leta fitina.
agitate (verb), -tia fitina.
agitate (verb), -fitini.
agitate (verb), -fanya fitna.
agitate (verb), -leta fitna.
agitate (verb), -tia fitna.
agitate (verb), -koroga.
agitate (verb), -shaushi.
agitate (verb), -shawishi.
agitate (verb), -tikisa.
agitate (verb), -vuruga.
agitate (verb), -vurugavuruga.
agitate (verb), -vuruma.
be agitated (verb), -jishughulisha (reflexive).
be agitated (verb), -jishughulisha.
be agitated (verb), -tukutika.
become agitated (verb), -potea akili.
agitation (noun), fadhaa (9/10), pl fadhaa.
agitation (noun), harakati (9/10), pl harakati.
agitation (noun), masuko (6).
agitation (noun), mkorogo (3/4), pl mikorogo.
agitation (noun), mpekecho, pl mipekecho.
agitation (noun), mpeketo, pl mipeketo.
agitation (noun), pl agitations, msukosuko (3/4), pl misukosuko.
agitation (noun), mtafaruku (3/4), pl mitafaruku.
agitation (noun), muuya (3/4), pl miuya.
agitation (noun), pirikapirika (9/10), pl pirikapirika.
agitation (noun), tafrani (9/10), pl tafrani. today there is wholeness
(of life) and health, tomorrow discomfort and agitation, and even death.
leo kuna uzima na afya, kesho adha na tafrani, na hata kifo [Muk].
agitation (noun), uchochezi.
agitation (noun), ufatani.
agitation (noun), ufitina.
agitation (noun), ushawishi.
agitation (noun), usumbufu.
agitation (noun), utesaji.
agitation (noun), utesi.
agitator (noun), fitina (5/6an), pl mafitina.
agitator (noun), fitna (5/6an), pl mafitna.
agitator (noun), mchochezi (1/2), pl wachochezi.
agitator (noun), mchochezi, pl wachochezi. warmonger.. mchochezi wa
vita [Rec].
agitator (noun), mfitini (1/2), pl wafitini.
agitator (noun), mkoroga, pl wakoroga.
agitator (noun), mkorogai, pl wakorogai.
agitator (noun), mpinduzi, pl wapinduzi.
agitator (noun), mvuruga, pl wavuruga.
agitator (noun), mvurugaji, pl wavurugaji.
pol.agitator (noun), mshawishi, pl mishawishi.
a long time ago (adjective), -a zamani.
ago (preposition), kabla ya.
long ago (adverb), mbele.
long ago (adverb), tokeapo.
long ago (adverb), ubele.
long ago (adverb), umbele.
long ago (noun), kale (9/10), pl kale.
long ago (noun), zama (9).
long ago (noun), zamani (9).
not long ago (adverb), karibuni.
not long ago (adverb), majuzi.
agree (verb), -afiki.
agree (verb), pl Yes, -aga.
agree (verb), pl Yes, -agana.
agree (verb), -ahidi.
agree (verb), -elekeana.
agree (verb), -fikiana.
agree (verb), -fikiliana.
agree (verb), -itika.
agree (verb), -kiri.
agree (verb), -kubali.
agree (verb), -lingana (associative).
agree (verb), -patana.
agree (verb), -pokea. agree to the statements.. pokea maneno.
agree (verb), -sidukia.
agree (verb), -sikilizana (causative).
agree (verb), -sudukia.
agree (verb), -suduku.
agree (verb), -suluhu.
agree (verb), -takabali.
agree (verb), -takabali.
agree (verb), -wafiki.
agree (with) (verb), -afiki. They are shaking their heads in agreement..
wanatikisa vichwa vyao katika kuafiki [Muk].
agree on price (verb), -patana bei.
agree together (verb), -afikana (associative).
agree together (verb), -afikiana (associative).
agree together (verb), -chukuana.
agree together (verb), -sikilizana.
agree with (verb), -aga.
agree with (verb), -kubaliana.
agree with someone (verb), -itikia ( appl-intr).
come an agreement (verb), -fikiana.
come to an agreement (verb), pl Yes, -aga.
reach an agreement (verb), -elekezana.
agreeable (adjective), tamu.
agreeableness (noun), upendezi, pl mapendezi.
agreed (conjunction), bas.
agreed (conjunction), basi.
agreed (conjunction), bassi.
agreeing (adjective), linganifu.
agreeing (adjective), linganyifu.
agreement (noun), afikiano (5/6), pl maafikiano.
agreement (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano. New Testament, Old Testament.
~ Jipya, ~ la Kale.
agreement (noun), ahadi (9/10), pl ahadi.
agreement (noun), itifaki (9/10), pl itifaki.
agreement (noun), itifaki.
agreement (noun), kiaga.
agreement (noun), kiaga (7/8), pl viaga.
agreement (noun), kipatanisho (7/8), pl vipatanisho.
agreement (noun), kiva (9/10), pl kiva.
agreement (noun), maafikano, pl maafikano.
agreement (noun), maafikiano, pl maafikiano.
agreement (noun), mapatano.
agreement (noun), masilaha.
agreement (noun), masilahi.
agreement (noun), masuluhu.
agreement (noun), mkataba (3/4), pl mikataba.
agreement (noun), pl agreements, muafaka (3/4), pl miafaka.
agreement (noun), mwafaka (3/4), pl miafaka.
agreement (noun), isilahi.
agreement (noun), patanisho (5/6), pl mapatanisho.
agreement (noun), pl agreements, patano (5/6), pl mapatano.
agreement (noun), pl agreements, ridhaa (9/10), pl ridhaa. His agreement
to his boss. ile ridhaa yake kwa tajiri wake [Moh].
agreement (noun), sikizano (5/6), pl masikizano. come to an agreement.
pata masikizano.
agreement (noun), suluhu (9/10), pl suluhu.
agreement (noun), tajamala (9/10), pl tajamala.
agreement (noun), tangamano (5/6), pl matangamano.
agreement (noun), ukubali.
agreement (noun), ulinganifu.
agreement (noun), ulinganyifu.
agreement (noun), umoja.
agreement (noun), upatano.
agreement (noun), usikilizano (11/6), pl masikilizano.
agreement (noun), usikizano.
agreement (noun), usuluhi.
agreement (noun), usuluhifu.
agreement (noun), wahadi.
agreement (after a discussion) (noun), masikilizano (6).
agreement to act together for common good (noun), ngambi (9/10), pl
binding agreement (noun), sharti (5/6), pl masharti.
binding agreement (noun), sherti (5/6), pl masherti. by a binding
agreement. kwa sharti..
binding agreement (noun), shurti (5/6), pl mashurti.
binding agreement (noun), shuruti (5/6), pl mashuruti.
by agreement (adverb), kwa sharti.
come to an agreement (verb), -afikana (associative).
come to an agreement (verb), -afikiana (associative).
have an agreement with (verb), -kubaliana na.
make an agreement (verb), -agana.
make an agreement (verb), -peana.
make an agreement (verb), -fanya sharti.
reach a satisfactory agreement (verb), -tuliliana.
reach an agreement (verb), -selehi.
reach an agreement (verb), -suluhi.
reach an agreement (verb), -suluhu.
reach an agreement (verb), -tuana.
agricultural worker (noun), mlimaji, pl walimaji.
agriculture (noun), kilimo (7/8), pl vilimo.
agriculture (noun), makulima.
agriculture (noun), malimo.
agriculture (noun), mlimo (3/4), pl milimo.
agriculture (noun), ukulima (14), pl ukulima.
agriculture (noun), zaraa.
agriculture (methods of) (noun), ulimaji.
agriculture (work of) (noun), ulimaji.
implements of agriculture (noun), makulima (6).
run aground (verb), -kwama.
run aground (verb), -panda pwani. coast and interior.. pwani na bara.
run aground (verb), -panda pwani.
run aground (verb), -pwelea. Mashua run aground in town. Mashua
ilipwelea majini.
run aground (verb), -pweleza. the apparatus was run aground. Chombo
ague (noun), kitapo (7/8), pl vitapo.
med. ague (noun), kipapa, pl vipapa.
be ahead (verb), -tangulia.
move ahead (verb), -endelea.
what is ahead (noun), usoni.
aid (noun), amara (9/10), pl amara.
aid (noun), huduma (9/10), pl huduma.
aid (noun), kinga.
aid (noun), maliwazo.
aid (noun), msaada (3/4), pl misaada. financial aid. msaada wa fedha.
aid (noun), neema.
aid (noun), nusra (9/10), pl nusra.
aid (noun), nusura (9/10), pl nusura.
aid (noun), saada (9/10), pl saada.
aid (noun), usimamizi.
aid (verb), -fadhili.
aid (verb), -hudumia.
aid (verb), -saidia.
aid growth (verb), -komaza.
be aided (verb), -saidiwa. the student was aided to pay school fees.
Mwanafunzi alisadiwa kulipa ada za shule.
come to the aid of (verb), -futusha.
give aid to (verb), -starehesha.
mutual aid (noun), ujima.
AIDS (noun), ukimwi (14).
ail (verb), -ugua.
be ailing (verb), -sakimu.
ailment (noun), ugonjwa (11/6), pl magonjwa.
aim (noun), dhamiri (9/10), pl dhamiri.
aim (noun), dhati.
aim (noun), gharadi.
aim (noun), kasidi.
aim (noun), kusudi.
aim (noun), lengo (5/6), pl malengo.
aim (noun), maazimio, pl maazimio.
aim (noun), madhumuni (9/10), pl madhumuni.
aim (noun), madhumuni, pl madhumuni.
aim (noun), matilaba, pl matilaba.
aim (noun), nia (9/10), pl nia.
aim (noun), nuio (9/10), pl nuio.
aim (noun), pl aims, shabaha (9/10), pl shabaha. his/her aim was to
arrive early. Shabaha yake ilikuwa afike mapema.
aim (verb), -dhamiria.
aim (verb), -elekeza (causative).
aim (verb), -linga.
aim (verb), -lenga.
aim (verb), pl aims, -piga shabaha.
aim (verb), pl aims, -shika shabaha.
aim (verb), pl aims, -twaa shabaha.
aim (at an object eg. with rifle or spear) (verb), -lenga.
aim (especially in respect of a visit to a witchdoctor or the use of
charm) (noun), manuwio.
aim (especially in respect of a visit to a witchdoctor or the use of
charm) (noun), manuwiyo.
aim at (verb), -kusudia.
take aim (verb), pl aims, -piga shabaha.
take aim (verb), pl aims, -shika shabaha.
take aim (verb), pl aims, -twaa shabaha. take an aim of the birds on top
of the tree. Twaa shabaha ya ndege juu ya mti.
aimlessly (adverb), ovyo. do one's work aimlessly. fanya kazi ovyoovyo
air (noun), anga (5).
air (noun), baridi.
air (noun), hewa (9/10), pl hewa.
air in a compressed space (noun), mvugulio (3).
be in the air (verb), -vuma.
damp cool air of the morning or evening (noun), umande (11).
get a change of air (verb), -punga hewa. "fan the arms, give a signal"..
punga mikono.
get a change of air (verb), -punga upepo. "fan the arms, give a
signal".. punga mikono.
put on airs (verb), -jivuna.
put out to air (verb), -anika.
airplane (noun), dege. seaplane. dege yenye kutua majini.
airplane (noun), eropleni (9/10), pl eropleni. airline. njia ya
airplane (noun), dege. seaplane.. ndege yenye kutua majini.
airplane (noun), ndege, pl ndege.
jet airplane (noun), ndege ya kireaktive (7/8), pl ndege za kireaktive.
airport (noun), uwanja wa ndege (11/10), pl nyanja za ndege.
airs (noun), madaha (6).
airs (noun), maringo (6).
airs (noun), matao (6).
airs (noun), tao (5/6), pl matao. I am walking gracefully and with the
airs of a modern child. natembea kwa kudundika na matao ya mtoto wa kileo
giving oneself airs (noun), mapyoro.
put on airs (verb), -deka.
put on airs (verb), -jipa mali.
put on airs (verb), -jipevua.
put on airs (verb), -piga makuu.
put on airs (verb), -piga makuu.
put on airs (verb), -ringa. When Tegemea was married by Kabenga, (s)he
put on airs a few days at the beginning. Tegemea alipoolewa na Kabenga
aliringa sana siku chache za mwanzoni [Kez].
put on airs (verb), -tuna.
leave ajar (a door) (verb), -vugaza.
set ajar (a door) (verb), -shindika (mlango).
alacrity (noun), bidii.
alacrity (noun), uwahi.
alarm (noun), dukuduku.
alarm (noun), kamsa (9/10), pl kamsa.
alarm (noun), kamsa.
alarm (noun), kituko (7/8), pl vituko.
alarm (noun), mauja.
alarm (noun), muuya.
alarm (noun), mwuja, pl miuja.
alarm (noun), paipu (9/10), pl paipu.
alarm (noun), peipu (9/10), pl peipu.
alarm (verb), -stusha (causative). there is nothing threatening to alarm
Diana. hakuna linaloelekea kumstusha Diana [Muk].
be alarmed (verb), -stuka (intransitive).
be alarmed (verb), -shtuka (intransitive).
be alarmed (verb), -tukuta.
albino (noun), kimazeru (7/8an), pl vimazeru.
albino (noun), zeru, pl mazeru.
albino (noun), zeruzeru (5/6), pl mazeruzeru.
alcohol (noun), malevi.
alcohol (noun), ulevi.
alcohol (strong), distilled in Africa and usually illegal (noun),
chang'aa (9/10), pl chang'aa. She picks up the glass. She sniffs it and
smells the strong alcohol smell of home-brewed grain alcohol..
"Anaichukua bilauri. Anainusa na kusikia harufu ya pombe kali ya chang'aa
[Chacha, Masomo 375]"..
alcohol distilled from palm wine (noun), zarambo.
alcoholic beverage (noun), shuarub (5/6), pl mashuarub.
alcoholic beverage (noun), shuarubu (5/6), pl mashuarubu.
alcoholic (noun), mlevi (1/2), pl walevi.
alcoholic beverage (noun), pombe (9/10), pl pombe.
alcoholic beverage (noun), sharabu (9/10), pl sharabu. after working,
the elders took alcoholic refreshments. Baada ya kazi, wazee waliburudika
kwa sharabu.
alcoholic beverage (kind of) (noun), mnywo, pl minywo.
alcove (noun), kataa (9/10), pl kataa.
alert (adverb), kimacho.
be alert (verb), -angalia.
be alert (verb), -hamu.
be alert (verb), -kalamka.
be alert (verb), -nabihika (potential).
be alert (verb), -tanabahi.
be alert (verb), -wa macho.
alertness (noun), utunduzi.
alertness (to meet a danger) (noun), dhiaka, pl madhiaka.
algae (noun), ugozi (11).
alien (adjective), ajinabi.
alienate (verb), -saliti. the visitor is the one who alienated us.
mgeni ndiye aliyetusaliti..
alight (verb), -shuka.
alight (of birds or insects) (verb), -tenga.
align (verb), -oanisha.
alignment (noun), usawanisho.
alike (adjective), sawa. these children look alike. Watoto hawa
wanafanana sawa.
alike (adverb), sare.
all alike (adverb), mamoja.
be alike (verb), -fanana (reciprocal).
be alike (verb), -lingana.
alive (adjective), hai.
alive (adjective), -zima.
alive (noun), uhai (14).
all (adjective), kila.
all (adjective), mote. in all the houses.. nyumbani mote.
all (adjective), mwote. in all the houses.. nyumbani mote.
all (adjective), ote. all the people. watu wote.
all (adjective), vyote.
all (adjective), yote.
all (pronoun), chote. all of it. cho chote.
all people (adjective), wote.
at all (adverb), hata.
at all (adverb), kamwe.
all right (adjective), vema.
all right (adjective), vyema.
all right (adverb), fahuwa.
all right (adverb), haidhuru.
all right (adverb), haya.
all right (adverb), sawasawa. it is alright to beat a thief. Ni
sawasawa kumpiga mwivi.
all right! (interjection), fauwa.
by Allah! (interjection), bilahi.
by Allah! (interjection), billahi.
in the name of Allah! (interjection), bismillahi!.
allay (verb), -tuliza.
alleviation (noun), kitulizo (7/8), pl vitulizo.
alleviation (noun), maburudisho, pl maburudisho.
alleviation (of pain) (noun), kiburudisho, pl viburudisho.
alley (noun), kichochoro (7/8), pl vichochoro.
alley (noun), mchochoro (3/4), pl michochoro.
alley (between houses) (noun), chochoro, pl machochoro.
alley (between two houses) (noun), ujia.
alliance (noun), fungamano (5/6), pl mafungamano.
alliance (noun), jumuiya.
alliance (noun), kombaini, pl makombaini. beg pardon.
alliance (noun), mapatano. conclude an alliance. fanya mapatano.
alliance (noun), muungano, pl miungano.
alliance (noun), mwunganisho, pl miunganisho.
alliance (noun), mwungano, pl miungano.
alliance (noun), patano (5/6), pl mapatano.
alliance (noun), umoja (14), pl wingi.
alliance (noun), upatano.
allot (verb), -awadha.
allot (verb), -awaza.
allow (verb), -acha.
allow (verb), -ata.
allow (verb), -hulu.
allow (verb), -idhini.
allow (verb), -ruhsa.
allow (verb), -pa ruhusa. allow him/her to go home. Mpe ruhusa ya
kuenda nyumbani.
allow (verb), -ruhusa.
allow (verb), -ruhusu. (s)he is in a state of sleep that cannot allow
him/her to perceive anything. yu katika usingizi ambao hautamruhusu
kuhisi lolote [Muk].
allow (verb), -rukhsa.
allow (verb), -sabili.
allow (verb), -ungama.
allow to go bad (verb), -tapanya.
allow to marry (verb), -oza (causative).
allowance (noun), alowensi, pl alowensi.
allowance (noun), posho (9/10), pl posho. Give him/her his/her
allowance. mpe posho yake.
disturbance allowance (noun), posho ya usumbufu (9/10), pl posho za
housekeeping allowance (noun), masarifu.
mileage allowance (noun), posho ya maili (9/10), pl posho za mali. The
driver was paid the mileage allowance after the journey. Dereva alilipwa
posho ya maili baada ya safari.
subsistence allowance (noun), posho ya kujikimu (9/10), pl posho za
kujikimu. The yearly harvests have been used as the subsistence
allowance. Mavuno ya mwaka yamatumiwa kama posho ya kujikimu.
allowed (adjective), halali.
be allowed (verb), -kubaliwa.
alloy (steel ...) (noun), aloi (... ya chuma cha pua) (9/10), pl aloi.
steel alloy (noun), aloi ya chuma cha pua (9).
allure (verb), -shawishi.
allure (verb), -vutia.
allurement (noun), kishawishi, pl vishawisihi.
allurement (noun), kishushi, pl vishawisihi.
allurement (noun), ubembe.
allurement (noun), ubembelezi.
allurement (noun), ushawishi.
be alluring (verb), -tamanisha.
allusion (noun), fumbo (5/6), pl mafumbo.
allusion (noun), kidokezo, pl vidokezo.
allusion (noun), kionyo, pl vionyo.
allusion (noun), ukonyezo, pl konyezo.
ally (noun), mwandani, pl wandani.
almanac (noun), takwimu (9/10), pl takwimu.
proper noun (masculine) (noun), almasi.
Almighty (noun), mwawadhi, pl waawadhi.
Almighty (noun), mwawazi, pl waawazi.
almighty (a title of Allah) (noun), jabari.
Almighty (God) (noun), Mwenyezi (1).
almond (noun), jozi.
almond (noun), lozi (5/6), pl malozi.
almond tree (noun), mlozi (3/4), pl milozi.
almond tree (Terminalia catappa) (noun), mkungu, pl mikungu.
mkunguni (species of almond tree, Terminalia Fatraea) (noun), mkunguni,
pl mikunguni.
almost (adjective), -auwali.
almost (adjective), -awali.
almost (adverb), karibu.
almost (adverb), kosakosa.
almost (adverb), nusra. He was so sick he almost died.. aliugua nusura
afe [kufa].
almost (adverb), nusura. He was so sick he almost died.. aliugua nusura
afe [kufa].
almost (adverb), takriban.
alms (noun), bahkshishi, pl bahkshishi.
alms (noun), bakshishi, pl bakshishi.
alms (noun), sadaka (9/10), pl sadaka. the woman gave alms to the poor.
Mama alitoa sadaka kwa maskini.
aloe (noun), kisimaleo, pl visimaleo.
aloe (species of) (noun), subili (9/10), pl subili.
aloe plant (noun), mshubiri, pl mishubiri.
aloe plant (noun), msubili, pl misubili.
aromatic aloe wood (noun), udi (14).
aloft (adverb), juujuu.
aloft (adverb), kindakindaki.
alone (adjective), peke y-.
alone (adjective), gumba.
alone (adjective), a pekee.
be by oneself (verb), -baidi.
let alone (adverb), sembuse.
aloneness (noun), akali (9/10), pl akali.
along (adverb), bavuni.
along (adverb), kando.
along (adverb), kandokando.
along (adverb), ukando.
along the way (adverb), njiani.
get along well (verb), -patana (reciprocal).
get along well (verb), -sikilizana (causative). (s)he will study as much
as you and without doubt you will get along well in terms of language.
kasoma kiasi kama wewe, na bila shaka mtasikilizana lugha vizuri [Abd].
alongside (adverb), bavuni.
alongside (adverb), kando ya.
alongside (adverb), sambamba. father and brother walked alongside each
other. Baba na ndugu walitembea sambamba.
aloof (adverb), mbali. far from. mbali ya...[Rec].
aloofness (noun), unyanya.
alphabet (noun), alfabeti (9/10), pl alfabeti.
already (adverb), zamani.
already (noun), zama.
also (adjective), vilevile.
also (adverb), pia.
also (adverb), thama.
also (adverb), vile.
also (conjunction), na.
altar (noun), altare (9/10), pl altare.
altar (noun), madhabahu (9/10), pl madhabahu.
altar (noun), madhabahu, pl madhabahu.
alter (verb), -geuza.
alteration (noun), badili, pl mabadili.
alteration (noun), badiliko, pl mabadiliko.
alteration (noun), badilisho, pl mabadilisho.
alteration (noun), geuzi (5/6), pl mageuzi.
alteration (noun), geuzo, pl mageuzo. democratic reform.. mgeuzo wa
alteration (noun), mgeuzo, pl mageuzo. democratic reform.. mgeuzo wa
alteration (noun), pinduo (5/6), pl mapinduo.
alteration (noun), ugeufu.
alteration (noun), ugeuko.
alteration (noun), ugeuzaji.
alteration (noun), ugeuzi.
alteration (noun), ugeuzo.
altercation (noun), mabishano, pl mabishano.
altercation (noun), ushindani.
alternate (verb), -pokezana.
alternate (verb), -pokezanya.
alternately (adverb), kipokee.
alternation (noun), pangilio (5/6), pl mapangilio. alternation
(rotation) of crops. mapangilio ya mazao.
alternative (noun), abudi (9/10), pl abudi. There is no alternative.
One must.... hapana abudi..
alternative (noun), buddi. there is no way out [usually in neg.
expressions.. hapana buddi.
alternative (used in negative) (noun), budi (9/10), pl budi.
you have no alternative (phrase), huna budi.
although (conjunction), alau.
although (conjunction), -angalao.
although (conjunction), angao.
although (conjunction), ijapo.
although (conjunction), ijapo.
although (conjunction), ijapokuwa.
although (conjunction), ingawa.
although (conjunction), ingawa.
although (conjunction), iwapo.
although (conjunction), japo.
although (conjunction), japo.
although (conjunction), pindi.
although (conjunction), walau.
altitude (noun), kimo (7/8), pl vimo.
altitude (noun), urefu, pl marefu.
altogether (adjective), pamoja. together with.... pamoja na.
altogether (adverb), kwa jumla.
altogether (adverb), koro.
aluminium (noun), aluminiamu (9/10), pl aluminiamu.
aluminum (noun), pl aluminium, shabu (9/10), pl shabu.
always (adverb), abadi. He is always stealing.. kazi yake ni kuiba
always (adverb), abidi. He is always stealing.. kazi yake ni kuiba
always (adverb), dahari.
always (adverb), daima.
always (adverb), dawama.
always (adverb), dawamu.
always (adverb), kote.
always (adverb), milele. forever.. milele na milele.
am (verb), ni (conjugated), pl ni.
amaze (verb), -ghafilika.
amaze (verb), -shangaza. don't wear those clothes, you might amaze the
child. Usivae nguo hizo, unaweza kumshangaza mtoto.
amaze (verb), -staajabisha (causative).
be amazed (verb), -loja.
be amazed (verb), -roja.
be amazed (verb), -sangaa. (s)he was amazed on seeing the lion in the
forest. alisangaa alipomwona simba msituni.
be amazed (verb), -shangaa. (s)he was amaze to see him/her without
clothes. Alishangaa kumwona bila nguo.
be amazed (verb), -ajabu.
be amazed (verb), -maka.
be amazed (verb), -staajabika (intransitive).
be amazed (verb), -staajabu.
be amazed (verb), -taajabu.
be amazed (verb), -taghafali.
amazement (noun), ajabu (9/10), pl ajabu.
amazement (noun), ajibu (9/10), pl ajibu.
amazement (noun), bumbuazi (9/10), pl bumbuazi.
amazement (noun), butaa.
amazement (noun), dukuduku.
amazement (noun), kimako. be evasive, make excuses, pretend.
amazement (noun), pl amazement, msangao (3/4), pl misangao.
amazement (noun), pl amazement, mshangao (3/4), pl mishangao. Here she
is showing amazement,. Huku akionyesha mshangao [Chacha, Masomo 374].
amazement (noun), mzubao, pl mizubao.
amazement (noun), mzumbao, pl mizumbao.
amazement (noun), staajabu (5/6), pl mastaajabu.
amazement (noun), taajabu (5/6), pl mataajabu.
amazement (noun), ushango.
goodness! (interjection of amazement) (interjection), masalala.
helpless amazement (noun), bumbuwazi (9/10), pl bumbuwazi.
amazing (adjective), ajabu.
amazing thing (noun), ajabu (9/10), pl ajabu.
an amazing thing (noun), staajabu (5/6), pl mastaajabu.
something amazing (noun), mzungu (3/4), pl mizungu. His surprises and
amazements, He is the greatest artist.. Shani zake na mizungu, ni Bwana
wa wasanifu [Shaaban Robert, Masomo 425].
ambassador (noun), balozi (5/6), pl mabalozi.
ambassadorship (noun), ubalozi (14).
amber (noun), kaharabu (9/10), pl kaharabu.
amber (noun), kaharabu.
ambergris (noun), ambari, pl ambari.
ambition (adjective), makuu.
ambition (noun), makuu.
ambition (noun), mradi, pl miradi, muradi.
ambition (noun), pl ambitions, shabaha (9/10), pl shabaha.
ambition (noun), pl ambitions, tamaa (9/10), pl tamaa.
ambition (noun), tamanio (5/6), pl matamanio.
be overcome by a particular ambition (verb), -filisiwa.
ambitious (adjective), pasi.
ambitious person (noun), mpasi, pl wapasi.
ambitious person (noun), mtamani, pl watamani.
amble (of horses) (adverb), dalji. walk gracefully. kuenda dalji [Rec].
ambush (noun), kioteo (7/8), pl vioteo.
ambush (noun), maoteo.
ambush (noun), kioteo, pl vioteo.
ambush (noun), oteo (5/6), pl maoteo.
ambush (verb), -otea.
lie in ambush for someone (verb), -ota.
place (noun), maficho.
set an ambush for (verb), -vizia.
amen (interjection), amina.
America (USA) (noun), Marekani (17).
American (adjective), marekani.
American (adjective), marikani.
American (adjective), kiamerika.
American (adjective), kimarekani.
American person (noun), Mmarekani (1/2), pl Wamarekani.
American person (noun), Mwamerika (1/2), pl Waamerika.
amiability (noun), upendezi, pl mapendezi.
amiability (noun), upole.
amiable (adjective), changamfu.
amiable (adjective), jamili.
amiable (adjective), murua.
amiable (adjective), muruwa.
amiable (adjective), -pole.
almighty (title of Allah) (noun), jalali.
amiss (adjective), benibeni.
round of ammunition (noun), kiasi.
amnesty (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
amnesty (noun), makombo.
among (adverb), pl layout OK?, baina ya. among the people. ~ ya watu.
among (adverb), kati ya.
among (adverb), miongoni. He, along with many others, was not fortunate
enough to enter Form One of secondary school.. Yeye, miongoni mwa vijana
wengine wengi, alikuwa amekosa bahati ya kuingia kidato cha kwanza cha
shule za sekondari [Balisidya Masomo 344].
among (noun), baadhi (9/10), pl baadhi.
among countries (adverb), kati ya mataifa.
amortization (of a loan or debt) (noun), majilipio.
amortization (of a loan or debt) (noun), majilipizi.
amortization (of a loan or debt) (noun), majilipo.
amount (noun), idadi (9/10), pl idadi.
amount (noun), idadi.
amount (noun), kadiri (9/10), pl kadiri.
amount (noun), kadiri.
amount (noun), kiasi.
amount (small) (noun), baadhi, pl baadhi.
amount of (adverb), kiasi cha.
great amount (noun), mzo, pl mizo.
small amount (adjective), kidogo.
small amount (noun), choto (5/6), pl machoto.
small amount (noun), mchoto (3/4), pl michoto.
what amount? (adverb), kem.
ampere (noun), ampea (9/10), pl ampea.
amplification (noun), ukuzaji (14).
amplification (process) (noun), mkuzo (3/4), pl mikuzo.
amputate (verb), -butua.
have a leg amputated (verb), -katika mguu.
med.amputation (noun), mkato, pl mikato.
amulet (noun), hirizi.
amulet (noun), kafara, pl makafara.
amulet (noun), talasimu (5/6), pl matalasimu.
amulet (against evil spirits or dangers) (noun), pagao (5/6), pl mapagao.
amulet (against evil spirits or dangers) (noun), pagaro (5/6), pl
amulet (small leather case containing a sentence from the Koran used as
medicine wear on the person) (noun), hirizi (9/10), pl hirizi.
mdundugo ( an amulet supposed to make the wearer invincible) (noun),
mdundugo, pl midundugo.
amuse (verb), -chekesha.
amuse (verb), -tumbuiza.
amuse (oneself) (verb), -laabu.
amuse oneself (verb), -cheza.
amuse oneself (verb), -jizungumza.
amuse oneself (verb), -pumbaa kazi.
amuse oneself (verb), -ramisi.
amuse oneself (verb), -tafaraji.
amuse oneself (verb), -tafaruji.
amuse oneself (verb), -zungumza.
amusement (noun), asharati.
amusement (noun), asherati.
amusement (noun), changamko, pl machangamko.
amusement (noun), kichekesho, pl vichekesho.
amusement (noun), maongezi.
amusement (noun), mazungumzo, pl mazungumzo.
amusement (noun), mchezo, pl michezo. he does this only for the fun of
it.. anafanya haya kwa mchezo tu [Rec].
amusement (noun), mteremo, pl miteremo.
amusement (noun), nderemo, pl minderemo.
amusement (noun), pl amusements, tafrija (9/10), pl tafrija.
amusement (noun), pl amusements, tafriji (9/10), pl tafriji.
amusement (noun), zungumzo, pl mazungumzo.
amusing (adjective), chekeshaji. he is an amusing person. ni mtu
amusing (adjective), -cheshi.
amusing (adjective), cheshi.
amusing person (noun), mchekeshaji, pl wachekeshaji.
amusing person (noun), mchekeshi, pl wachekeshi.
amusing person (noun), mzungumzaji, pl wazungumzaji.
something amusing (noun), kiroja, pl viroja.
analogy (noun), tamthili (9/10), pl tamthili.
analogy (noun), ufananaji.
analogy (noun), ufanani.
analysis (noun), mchanganuo (3/4), pl michanganuo.
analysis (noun), uchambuzi (14).
analysis (noun), uchanganuo.
analysis (noun), uhakiki (14).
analyst (noun), mchambuzi (1/2), pl wachambuzi.
analyze (verb), -changanua.
anatta plant (from which an orange dye is prepared) (noun), msingefuri,
pl mizingefuri.
anatta plant (from which an orange dye is prepared) (noun), mzingefuri,
pl mizingefuri.
ancestor (noun), asili, pl asili.
ancestor (noun), baba, pl baba.
ancestor (noun), babu, pl babu.
ancestor (noun), jadi (9/10), pl jadi.
ancestor (noun), jadi.
ancestor (noun), mkale (1/2), pl wakale.
ancestor (noun), mzee, pl wazee.
ancestor (noun), mzimu (3/4an), pl mizimu. Every clan had a god and
their ancestor whom the worshiped.. Kila ukoo ulikuwa na mungu na mzimu
wao waliyemwabudu [Masomo 311].
spirit of an ancestor (noun), mahoka. ancestor worship. ibaada ya
mahoka (or mizimu).
ancestral (adverb), -a kiasili.
meeting place of ancestral spirits (noun), mzimu (3/4an), pl mizimu.
ancestry (noun), asili, pl asili.
ancestry (noun), jadi (9/10), pl jadi.
anchor (noun), nanga, pl nanga.
anchor (verb), -nanga. cast anchor.. tia nanga.
anchor (small) (noun), kinanga, pl vinanga.
anchor (with two flukes) (noun), baura.
anchor chain (noun), ayari, pl ayari.
anchor-chain (noun), amari, pl amari.
weigh anchor (verb), -ondosha nanga.
anchorage (noun), bandari, pl bandari.
anchorage (noun), bendari.
anchorage (noun), maelezi, pl maelezi.
anchorage (noun), utako.
anchorchain (noun), salasila (9/10), pl salasila. the convicts were
bound with anchorchain. Wafungwa walifungwa na salasila.
anchorchain (noun), silasila (9/10), pl silasila.
anchorchain (noun), silisila (9/10), pl silisila.
anchovy (noun), daga, pl daga.
anchovy (noun), dagaa, pl dagaa.
kind of anchovy (noun), kabwiri.
ancient (adjective), kikale.
ancient (adjective), -kongwe.
ancient (noun), kale (9/10), pl kale.
ancient (noun), mkale (1/2), pl wakale.
ancient times (noun), zamani za kale.
ancient times (history of) (noun), uhenga.
in ancient times (noun), siku za kale (9/10), pl siku.
and (adverb), tena.
and (conjunction), aidha.
and (conjunction), na.
and (conjunction), wa.
and so on (abbreviation), n.k. (na kadhalika).
and so on (adverb), kadha ya kadha.
red ant (noun), sangara (9/10an), pl sangara.
and here (conjunction), nako.
and l (adjective), nami.
and so on (conjunction), na kadhalika.
anecdote (noun), hekaya.
anemia (noun), safura (9). lack of blood is anemia. Ukosefu wa damu ni
anesthetize (verb), -usingizisha.
anew (adverb), upya.
start anew (verb), -charuka.
angel (noun), malaika (9/10an), pl malaika.
angel of death (noun), Izraili.
angel of death (noun), nduli (9/10), pl nduli.
rel.angel of death (noun), nduli (9/10).
angel of death (noun), Ziraili (1).
anger (noun), chuki (9/10), pl chuki.
anger (noun), ghadhabu (9/10), pl ghadhabu.
anger (noun), gubu.
anger (noun), hamaki (9/10), pl hamaki.
anger (noun), hasira (9/10), pl hasira.
anger (noun), hasira.
anger (noun), kani (9/10), pl kani.
anger (noun), kani.
anger (noun), kasirani.
anger (noun), kekee.
anger (noun), kiruhu.
anger (noun), kiruu (7/8), pl viruu.
anger (noun), kiruu.
anger (noun), kisirani (9/10), pl kisirani.
anger (noun), mafutu.
anger (noun), mori (9/10), pl mori.
anger (noun), ufurufuru (14).
anger (noun), virugu.
anger (verb), -chusha.
anger (verb), -ghadhabisha.
anger (verb), -kasirika.
anger (verb), -kereketa.
anger (sudden fit of) (noun), ghaidhi (9/10), pl ghaidhi.
anger someone (verb), -tunisha.
make angry (verb), -kasiri.
sudden anger (noun), usukumizi.
sudden fit of anger (noun), kano, pl makano.
acute angle (noun), pl nonagons, pembekali (9/10), pl pembekali.
angle (noun), pembe (9/10), pl pembe. right angle.. pembemraba.
angle iron (noun), filifili.
obtuse angle (noun), pl nonagons, pembebutu (9/10), pl pembebutu.
right angle (noun), pembemraba (9/10), pl pembemraba.
right angle (noun), pl nonagons, pemberamba (9/10), pl pemberamba.
angry (adjective), chungu.
be angry (verb), -chacha.
be angry (verb), -chukia.
be angry (verb), -fyeruka.
be angry (verb), -ghadhabika.
be angry (verb), -kasirika.
be angry (verb), -kasirika.
be angry (verb), -udhika.
be angry (at someone) (verb), -ifya.
be angry at someone (verb), -kasirika.
be angry with someone (verb), -karipia.
be angry with someone (verb), -udhikia ( appl-poten).
be made angry (verb), -chukizwa. All of the people of Tanzania were very
much angered by this action.. Wananchi wote wa Tanzania walichukizwa sana
na kitendo hicho [Nyerere, Masomo 274].
become angry (verb), hasira kupanda.
become angry (verb), -tutuka.
become angry (verb), -tutuma.
become angry (verb), -tutumka.
fig. be angry (verb), -waka.
get angry (verb), -panda mori. Anger overwhelmed me and I ran to the
telephone.. Mori ulinipanda nikakimbilia simu [Ganzel Masomo 167].
get angry suddenly (verb), -hamaki.
make angry (verb), -kasirisha.
make each other angry (verb), -kasirishana.
one who is angry (noun), msumbufu, pl wasumbufu.
anguish (noun), uchungu, pl machungu.
anguish (noun), utungu.
angular (adjective), kipembe.
animal (noun), pl animals, hayawani.
animal (noun), mnyama (1/2), pl wanyama.
animal (like wild cat or weasel) (noun), kanu (9/10), pl kanu.
animal (minute) (noun), kijidudu (7/8), pl vijidudu.
animal (small that steals fowl) (noun), karasa (9/10), pl karasa.
behavior of an animal (noun), unyama.
breeding female animal (noun), koo (5/6an), pl makoo.
dead animal (noun), nyamafu (9/10), pl nyamafu.
fierce animal (noun), pl fierce animals, nunda (9/10an), pl nunda.
like an animal (adjective), kinyama.
small animal (noun), kinyama, pl vinyama.
wild animal (noun), nunda (9/10an), pl nunda.
young (of some animals) (noun), ndama. kid.. ndama ya mbuzi.
young animal (noun), mori. "calf, heifer".. mori ya ng'ombe.
young animal (lamb, calf ) (noun), mfarika, pl wafarika.
animate (adjective), hai.
animating (adjective), changamfu.
animation (noun), ramsa (9/10), pl ramsa.
animation (joyful) (noun), pirikapirika (9/10), pl pirikapirika. Those
animations of the European night. zile pirikapirika za usiku wa Ulaya
Anjouan (island in the Comoros) (noun), Anzwani.
ankle (noun), fundo la mguu, pl mafundo.
ankle (noun), kifundo cha mguu (7/8), pl vifundo vya mguu.
ankle (noun), kiwiko (7/8), pl viwiko.
ankle bone (noun), nguyu (9/10), pl nguyu.
anklet (noun), furungu (5/6), pl mafurungu.
anklet (noun), kigesi (7/8), pl vigesi.
anklet (noun), kugesi (15), pl kugesi.
anklet (noun), pl anklets, njuga (9/10), pl njuga.
silver anklet (noun), mtali, pl mitali.
anna (one sixteenth of a rupee) (noun), anna, pl anna.
annals (noun), bohari, pl mabohari.
annals (noun), bokhari, pl mabokhari.
annex (verb), -nyang'anya.
annihilate (verb), -ponda.
annihilate (verb), -tangua.
annihilate (verb), -tokomeza.
one who annihilates (noun), muumbuzi, pl wauumbuzi.
annihilation (noun), kumbo, pl makumbo.
announce (verb), -bashiri. Listen to the cry that is spreading out/in
sadness announcing/ the dange that is spreading itself.. Pulikeni kilio
kilotawanyika/kwa huzuni kikibashiri/hatari ilojisambika [Alamin Mazrui
"Kilio cha Afrika" 30].
announce (verb), -hadhiri.
announce (verb), -hubiri.
announce (verb), -hubiri.
announce (verb), -julisha.
announce (verb), -komanza.
announce (verb), -nadi.
announce (verb), -taja.
announce (verb), -tamka.
announce (verb), -tangaza.
announce arrival (at a threshold) (verb), -piga hodi.
announcement (noun), kibirikizi, pl vibirikizi.
be announced (verb), -bashiriwa.
be announced (verb), -tangazwa.
be announced (by someone) (verb), -tangaziwa.
announcement (noun), ilani.
announcement (noun), mafafanusi.
announcement (noun), mbiu.
announcement (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza.
announcement (noun), tamko (5/6), pl matamko.
announcement (noun), tamshi (5/6), pl matamshi.
announcement (noun), pl announcements, tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo.
announcement (noun), tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo.
announcement (noun), ubashiri.
announcement (noun), ufafanusi.
announcement (noun), ufafanuzi, pl mafafanuzi.
announcement (noun), utabiri.
announcement (noun), utangazaji.
official announcement (noun), mgambo, pl migambo.
announcer (noun), mnadi, pl wanadi. "one who calls to prayer, muezzin"..
mnadi sala.
one who publicly announces (noun), mtangazaji, pl watangazaji.
one who publicly announces (noun), mtangazi, pl watangazi.
annoy (verb), pl Check verb form translations, -adhibisha.
annoy (verb), -adhibu.
annoy (verb), -bemba.
annoy (verb), -chagiza.
annoy (verb), -chokoza.
annoy (verb), -ghasi.
annoy (verb), -kasiri.
annoy (verb), -kefyakefya.
annoy (verb), -kera.
annoy (verb), -kereketa.
annoy (verb), -nyanyasa.
annoy (verb), -nyonga.
annoy (verb), -nyonyoa.
annoy (verb), -onza.
annoy (verb), -pekecha.
annoy (verb), -peketa.
annoy (verb), -saliti.
annoy (verb), -sonoa.
annoy (verb), -sumbua.
annoy (verb), -sunza.
annoy (verb), -tashtiti.
annoy (verb), -tasliti.
annoy (verb), -tukusha.
annoy (verb), -tusha.
annoy someone (verb), -sononesha (causative).
annoy someone (constantly or intentionally) (verb), -sumbusha
annoying thing (noun), chukizi (5/6), pl machukizi.
annoying thing (noun), chukizo (5/6), pl machukizo.
be annoyed (verb), -chukia.
be annoyed (verb), -sumbuka (intransitive). (s)he began to be annoyed by
the many ropes that had tied it. kaanza kusumbuka na kamba nyingi
zilizokifunga [kifurushi] [Muk].
be annoyed (verb), -udhikia ( appl-poten).
be annoyed at somebody's remarks (verb), -futuka.
be annoyed with someone (verb), -kasirika.
annoyance (noun), changamko, pl machangamko.
annoyance (noun), chokochoko (9/10), pl chokochoko.
annoyance (noun), gubu.
annoyance (noun), janga, pl majanga.
annoyance (noun), kasirani.
annoyance (noun), kerezo, pl makerezo.
annoyance (noun), kero (9/10), pl kero.
annoyance (noun), kisirani.
annoyance (noun), makeke.
annoyance (noun), masubuko, pl masubuko.
annoyance (noun), masumbufo, pl masumbufo.
annoyance (noun), masumbulizi, pl masumbulizi.
annoyance (noun), masumbuo, pl masumbuo.
annoyance (noun), maudhiko, pl maudhiko.
annoyance (noun), mchokocho (3/4), pl michokocho.
annoyance (noun), nongwa (9/10), pl nongwa.
annoyance (noun), sumbuko (5/6), pl masumbuko.
annoyance (noun), sumbuo (5/6), pl masumbuo.
annoyance (noun), taabu (9/10), pl taabu.
annoyance (noun), tafrani (9/10), pl tafrani.
annoyance (noun), tata, pl matata.
annoyance (noun), uchokozi, pl machokozi.
annoyance (noun), uchungu, pl machungu.
annoyance (noun), udhi (5/6), pl maudhi.
annoyance (noun), udhia (14).
annoyance (noun), udhiko.
annoyance (noun), upasi.
annoyance (noun), upekecho.
annoyance (noun), usumbufu.
annoyance (noun), utesaji.
annoyance (noun), utesi.
annoyance (noun), utungu.
annoyance (noun), zahama.
annoyance (noun), zahimu.
expression of annoyance (interjection), aka.
be annoyed (verb), -kasirika.
be annoyed (verb), -tuna.
be annoyed (verb), -udhika.
annoying (adjective), chovu.
annoying (adjective), peketevu.
annoying (adjective), pekutevu.
annoying (adjective), sumbufu.
annoying (adjective), tukutu.
annoying (adverb), -chokozi.
annoying person (noun), mchokozi (1/2), pl wachokozi.
annoying person (noun), mchoshi, pl wachoshi.
annoying person (noun), mchovu, pl wachovu.
annoying person (noun), mchovu, pl wachovu.
annoying person (noun), msumbufu, pl wasumbufu.
be annoying (verb), -elemea.
be annoying (verb), -elemea.
be annoying (verb), -lemea.
annul (verb), -batili.
annul (verb), -batilisha.
annul (verb), -tangua. annul the law. tangua sheria.
annul a marriage (verb), -taliki.
be annulled (verb), -batilika.
annulment (noun), kitanguo (7/8), pl vitanguo.
annulment (noun), mbanduko (3/4), pl mibanduko.
annulment (noun), pl annulments, mtanguo (3/4), pl mitanguo.
annulment (noun), tanguko (5/6), pl matanguko.
annulment (noun), tanguo (5/6), pl matanguo.
annulment (noun), uvunjaji.
annulment (noun), uvunjifu.
annulment (noun), uvunjo.
anodyne (noun), tulizo, pl matulizo.
anomalous (adjective), ajabu.
another (adjective), -ingine.
another (adjective), kingine, pl vingine.
another person (pronoun), pl other people, mwingine, pl wengine.
at another place (adjective), pengine. "in any event, perhaps"..
pengine na pengine.
at another time (adjective), pengine. "in any event, perhaps".. pengine
na pengine.
in another way (adverb), vingine.
answer (noun), itikio, pl maitikio.
answer (noun), itiko, pl maitiko.
answer (noun), jawabu (5/6), pl majawabu.
answer (noun), jawabu, pl majawabu.
answer (noun), jibu (5/6), pl majibu.
answer (noun), jibu, pl majibu.
answer (noun), utambulifu.
answer (noun), utambulizi.
answer (noun), utambuzi.
answer (verb), -jibu.
answer (verb), -jibu.
answer a call (verb), -itika.
answer a call (verb), -itikia.
answer in the negative (verb), -jibu kwa kukataa.
answer someone (verb), -itikia ( appl-intr).
answer someone (verb), -jibia.
be answered (verb), -jibiwa.
ant (noun), chungu (9/10), pl chungu.
ant (noun), pl ants, siafu (9/10an), pl siafu. the ants climbed the
tree. Siafu walitembea juu ya mti.
ant (large black kind) (noun), sungusungu (9/10an), pl sungusungu.
ant (small black harmless kind) (noun), pl ants, sisimizi (9/10an), pl
ant (winged white kind) (noun), ngumbi (9/10an), pl ngumbi.
drive away ants with firebrands (verb), -zira.
edible white ant (noun), kumbikumbi.
red ant (kind of) (noun), samesame (9/10an), pl samesame.
white ant (noun), mchwa (9/10an), pl mchwa.
ant-bear (noun), loma.
ant-heap (noun), chuguu (5/6), pl machuguu.
active antagonism (noun), upingamishi.
antagonism (noun), husuma.
antagonism (noun), magombezi.
antagonism (noun), magombezo.
antagonism (noun), uhasama (14).
antagonism (noun), uhasama.
antagonism (noun), uhusuma.
antagonize (verb), -tesanya.
antagonize (verb), -teteleza.
antechamber (noun), sabule (9/10), pl sabule.
antechamber (noun), pl living rooms, sebule (9/10), pl sebule.
antelope (noun), mbaa.
antelope (noun), mbala.
antelope (noun), mbawara.
antelope (noun), mbugnu.
antelope (noun), mbwara.
antelope (noun), swala (9/10an), pl swala.
antelope (kind of) (noun), dondoo.
antelope (kind of) (noun), dondoro.
antelope (species of) (noun), kongoni (9/10).
antelope (species of) (noun), kuguni (9/10).
antelope (species of) (noun), kulungu.
antelope (species of) (noun), kungu.
antelope (species of) (noun), kuro.
antelope (species of) (noun), kuungu.
antelope (various species of) (noun), nyumbu (9/10an), pl nyumbu.
antelope species (Abbott's duiker (noun), mindi.
kasia (species of antelope, oribi) (noun), kasia, pl makasia.
kind of antelope (noun), funo.
sable antelope (noun), mbarapi (9/10an), pl mparapi.
sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) (noun), palahala (9/10an), pl
species of antelope, Strepsiceros strepsiceros (noun), malu.
zool. species of antelope (waterbuck) (noun), ndogoro.
antenna (noun), erieli.
antenna (noun), udevu, pl ndevu/madevu.
antenna (of an insect) (noun), devu, pl madevu.
antenna (of an insect) (noun), mkia, pl mikia.
antenna (of insects) (noun), kikono, pl vikono.
anteroom (noun), ukumbi, pl kumbi.
anthem (noun), kwaya.
anthem (noun), uimbo.
anthem (noun), wimbo, pl nyimbo.
anthill (noun), chuguu.
anthill (noun), kichuguu (7/8), pl vichuguu.
anti- (adverb), dhidi.
anticipate (verb), -tangulia.
be anticipated (verb), -tazamiwa.
snakebite antidote (noun), punju (9/10), pl punju.
snakebite antidote (noun), punyu (9/10), pl punyu.
antimony (used as a cosmetic) (noun), wanja (11).
min. antimony (for application to the eye as a cosmetic (noun), kohl, pl
antipathy (noun), husuma.
antipathy (noun), karaha.
antipathy (noun), kirahi (9/10).
antipathy (noun), uhasama.
antipathy (noun), uhusuma.
antiquity (noun), kale.
antiquity (noun), uhenga.
antiquity (noun), zamani za kale.
antithesis (noun), kinyume (7).
antithesis (noun), tabaini (9/10), pl tabaini.
anus (noun), kinyo, pl vinyo.
anus (noun), kundu, pl makundu.
anus (noun), mkundu (3/4), pl mikundu.
anvil (noun), fuawe (9/10), pl fuawe.
anxiety (noun), hamkani (9/10), pl hamkani.
anxiety (noun), hamu.
anxiety (noun), hangaiko (5/6), pl mahangaiko.
anxiety (noun), kicho, pl vicho.
anxiety (noun), kiherehere (7/8), pl viherehere.
anxiety (noun), kukuru (9/10), pl kukuru.
anxiety (noun), macheleo, pl macheleo.
anxiety (noun), mhangaiko (3/4), pl mihangaiko.
anxiety (noun), mtafaruku (3/4), pl mitafaruku.
anxiety (noun), shakawa (9/10), pl shakawa.
anxiety (noun), sumbuko (5/6), pl masumbuko.
anxiety (noun), sumbulio (5/6), pl masumbulio.
anxiety (noun), sumbuo (5/6), pl masumbuo.
anxiety (noun), tafrani (9/10), pl tafrani.
anxiety (noun), teso, pl mateso.
anxiety (noun), ubabaifu (14).
anxiety (noun), wahka (14).
anxiety (noun), wasiwasi (14), pl wasiwasi.
anxious (adjective), kadirifu.
be anxious (verb), -hangaika.
be anxious (verb), -jituka.
be anxious (verb), -paparika. Rehema got hold of the new Kanzu and was
anxious to put it on.. Rehema aliivamia kanzu mpya akapaparika kuitia
mwilini [Sul], alipaparika pale kwenye kiti alichokuwa kakaa [Moh].
make anxious (verb), -hangaisha.
any (adjective), -o-ote.
any old way (adverb), hobela.
any old way (adverb), baghala.
any old way (adverb), shaghala.
at any rate (adverb), alau.
anybody (pronoun), yeyote, pl wowote.
anyhow (adverb), alau.
anyhow (adverb), ovyo.
anyhow (adverb), ovyoovyo.
anyhow (conjunction), ala kulli hali.
anyhow (conjunction), walau.
anyone (adjective), ote. anyone. mtu ye yote.
anyone (pronoun), yeyote, pl wowote.
anyway (conjunction), ala kulli hali.
anywhere (adjective), popote.
anywhere (adjective), popote. (s)he visits anywhere. Yeye anatembea
apart (adjective), mbalimbali.
apart (adverb), chemba, pl chemba.
apart (conjunction), minghairi.
apart (preposition), ghairi ya-.
apart from (conjunction), bighairi.
apart from (conjunction), ela.
apart from (conjunction), ila.
apart from (preposition), minajili.
apart from ... (conjunction), sembuse. apart from a shilling, I will not
even give you a cent. senti moja sikupi sembuse shilingi..
be apart (verb), -baidi.
come apart (verb), -kongoka.
one who is set apart (noun), mtengwa, pl watengwa.
take apart (verb), -banua. spread the legs. ~ miguu.
take apart (verb), -changua.
apart from (conjunction), baghairi.
apartment house (noun), nyumba ya ghorofa (9/10), pl nyumba za ghorofa.
apathetic (adjective), kulifu.
apathetic (adjective), kulivu.
apathetic (adjective), -vivu.
apathy (noun), sugu (9/10), pl sugu.
apathy (noun), ubaridi.
apathy (noun), ukulifu.
apathy (noun), ukulivu.
apathy (noun), utepetevu.
ape (noun), nyani (9/10an), pl nyani. big ape.. nyani mkubwa.
ape (verb), -iga.
ape (kind of) (noun), belewasi.
aperture (noun), kipenyo (7/8), pl vipenyo.
aperture (noun), kipenyo, pl vipenyo.
aperture (noun), tundu.
small aperture (noun), mwanya, pl mianya.
apex (noun), kipeo, pl vipeo.
apex (noun), upeo (11/10), pl peo.
aphorism (noun), methali (9/10), pl methali.
aphrodisiac (noun), mkuyati (3/4), pl mikuyati.
apology (noun), pl apologies, radhi (9/10), pl radhi.
apoplexy (noun), kiharusi, pl viharusi.
apostacize (verb), -ritadi.
apostasy (noun), ukengefu.
apostasy (noun), utoro.
turn apostate (verb), -kufuru.
apostle (noun), pl apostles, mtume (3/4an), pl mitume.
apostle (noun), pl apostles, rasuli (9/10an), pl rasuli.
apostle Mohammed (noun), tume.
rel. apostle (Christ), prophet (Isl.) (noun), mtume, pl mitume.
apparatus (noun), ala (9/10), pl ala (nyala, maala).
apparatus (noun), aparati, pl aparati.
apparatus (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
apparatus (noun), kifaa, pl vifaa.
apparatus (noun), zana (9/10), pl zana.
apparatus for removing a spell (noun), aguzi (5/6), pl maaguzi.
apparel (noun), vazi, pl mavazi.
apparent (adjective), -bainifu.
apparent (adjective), dhihirifu.
apparent (adjective), mbayana.
be apparent (verb), -dhihiri.
be apparent (verb), -onekana (potential).
make apparent ( someone) (verb), -pasulia.
apparition (noun), kizuka (7/8), pl vizuka.
apparition (noun), masuka, pl masuka.
apparition (noun), njozi (9/10), pl njozi.
apparition (noun), zuka (5/6), pl mazuka.
appartition (noun), tokeo, pl matokeo.
appeal (noun), lalamiko, pl malalamiko.
appeal (noun), maombezi.
appeal (noun), maombi.
appeal (noun), maombo.
appeal (noun), maomvi.
appeal (noun), mwito (3/4), pl miito.
appeal (noun), ulalamishi.
appeal (noun), ulalamizi.
appeal (legal) (noun), pl appeals, rufaa (9/10), pl rufaa.
appeal (legal) (noun), pl appeals, rufaani (9/10), pl rufaani. their
case has been take up for appeal (legal). Kesi yao ametiwa rufaani.
appeal (legal) (noun), pl appeals, rufani (9/10), pl rufani. file an
appeal (legal). tia rufani.
appeal for mercy (noun), lalamiko (5/6), pl malalamiko.
appeals (noun), kibirikizi, pl vibirikizi.
appeals (noun), marufaa (6).
appear (verb), -chimbuka.
appear (verb), -chomoza.
appear (verb), -elekea.
appear (verb), -fumbuka ( conv-poten).
appear (verb), -ogelea (applicative).
appear (verb), -tokea (applicative).
appear (verb), -tokea.
appear (verb), -tokeza (causative).
appear (verb), -tokezea ( appl-caus).
appear (verb), -tukia.
appear (verb), -wajihi.
appear (verb), -wasili.
appear (of new moon) (verb), -andama.
appear (to be) (verb), -onekana.
appear suddenly (adjective), zulika.
appear suddenly (verb), -zuka.
appear through the clouds (sun) (verb), -chimbuza.
appear unexpectedly (verb), -fumania.
make its appearance (verb), -chimbuza.
(external) appearance (adjective), wajihi.
appearance (noun), dutu (5/6), pl dutu, madutu.
appearance (noun), haiba (9/10), pl haiba.
appearance (noun), heba (9/10), pl heba.
appearance (noun), pl appearances, ono (5/6), pl maono.
appearance (noun), sura (9/10), pl sura.
appearance (noun), tokeo, pl matokeo.
appearance (noun), umbo (5/6), pl maumbo.
appearance (noun), uso, pl nyuso.
appearance (noun), utokezo, pl matokezo.
appearance (noun), uzushi.
appearance (noun), uzuzi.
appearance (external) (noun), mandhari.
appearance (external) (noun), shabihi (9/10), pl shabihi. (s)he has a
flaggarant appearance. Yeye ana shabihi malidadi.
appearance (of the face) (noun), sini (9/10), pl sini.
excessive attention to one's appearance (noun), umalidadi.
excessive attention to one's appearance (noun), umaridadi.
external appearance (noun), jisima, pl majisima.
sudden appearance (noun), uchomozi.
appease (verb), -afikanisha (causative).
appease (verb), -afiki.
appease (verb), -burudisha.
appease (verb), -gonea.
appease (verb), -gonia (applicative).
appease (verb), -patanisha.
appease (verb), -pendeza.
appease (verb), -sakiti.
appease (verb), -tumbuiza.
appease (hunger) (verb), -kuta.
be appeased (verb), -burudika.
be appeased (of desires) (verb), -tamauka.
be appeased (verb), -shiba. will you be appeased by this food?.
utashiba chakula hiki?.
appeasement (of hunger or thirst) (noun), shibe (9/10), pl shibe.
appeasement is the abode of evil.. Shibe ni nyumba ya baa.
appelation (noun), jina, pl majina.
appendix (noun), kibole, pl vibole.
appendix (noun), nyongeza (9/10), pl nyongeza.
appetite (noun), njaa (9/10), pl njaa.
tremendous appetite (noun), kikomba cha njaa, pl vikomba vya njaa.
appetizer (noun), ajari (9/10), pl ajari.
pickled appetizer (noun), achali (9/10), pl achali.
pickled appetizer (noun), achari (9/10), pl achari.
appetizing (adjective), tamu. appetizing food. chakula kitamu.
be appetizing (verb), -chapukia.
applaud (verb), -shangilia. the youth applauded their team after it won.
Vijana walishangilia timu yao baada ya kushinda.
applause (noun), kifijo, pl vifijo.
applause (noun), kigelegele (7/8), pl vigelegele.
applause (noun), sifa (9/10), pl sifa. applause of happiness. sifa za
applause (noun), sifu (9/10), pl sifu.
applause (noun), vifijo (8).
apple (kind of) (noun), tofaa (5/6), pl matofaa.
apple (kind of) (noun), tufaha (5/6), pl matufaha.
custard apple (fruit of the mtomoko or mtopetope) (noun), tomoko, pl
custard-apple tree (noun), mtopetope (3/4), pl mitopetope.
custard-apple tree, Annona squamosa (noun), mtomoko, pl mitomoko.
Malay apple tree (Eugenia malaccensis) (noun), mtomondo, pl mitomondo.
mjoho (velvet apple tree) (noun), mjoho, pl mijoho.
rose apple (noun), darabi, pl madarabi.
rose apple(Malay apple tree) (noun), mtofaa, pl mitofaa.
rose apple(Malay apple tree) (noun), mtofaha, pl mitofaha.
appliance (noun), ala (9/10), pl ala (nyala, maala).
applicant (noun), mgombea, pl wagombea. candidate in an election..
mgombea uchaguzi.
applicant (noun), mgombeaji, pl wagombeaji. candidate in an election..
mgombea uchaguzi.
applicant (noun), mhitaji, pl wahitaji.
applicant (noun), mtaka, pl wataka.
applicant (noun), mtakaji, pl watakaji.
application (noun), mbandiko (3/4), pl mibandiko.
application (noun), mtumo, pl mitumo.
application (noun), uombezi.
application (noun), uombi.
applied thing (noun), mpakato (3/4), pl mipakato.
one who applies something (noun), mpaka, pl wapaka.
one who applies something (noun), mpakaji, pl wapakaji.
one who applies something (noun), mpaki, pl wapaki.
one who applies something (noun), mtia, pl watia. painter. mtia rangi.
one who applies something (noun), mtiaji, pl watiaji. painter. mtia
apply (verb), -paka. whitewash.. pake chokaa.
apply (verb), -pakaa. whitewash.. pake chokaa.
apply (verb), -tia.
apply (a bandage or splint) (verb), -pakaza.
apply by stretching (verb), -wamba.
apply to (verb), -husika.
rub (the body) with oil (verb), -paka mafuta. whitewash.. pake chokaa.
applying (noun), utilaji.
appoint (verb), -asisiwa.
appoint (verb), -simamika (intransitive).
appoint (verb), -simika.
appoint (verb), -simika (intransitive).
appoint as agent (verb), -wakilisha.
appoint as deputy (verb), -wakilisha.
appoint as representative (verb), -wakilisha.
be appointed (verb), -asiswa.
be appointed (verb), -teuliwa.
appointment (noun), daraka (5/6), pl madaraka.
appointment (noun), uteuzi (14).
appointment (noun), wakala (11).
appointments (of a house) (noun), kipambo, pl vipambo.
apportionment (noun), gawio (5/6), pl magawio.
appraisal (noun), ukadiri.
appraisal (noun), ukadirifu.
appraise (verb), -hesabu.
appraise (verb), -thamini.
appreciate (verb), -thamini.
show appreciation (verb), -tuza.
apprehension (noun), dukuduku.
be apprehensive about (verb), -chelea (applicative).
apprentice (noun), mwanafunzi, pl wanafunzi.
apprentice (noun), mwanagenzi (1/2), pl wanagenzi.
apprentice (noun), tarajali (5/6an), pl matarajali.
apprenticeship (noun), uanafunzi (14).
approach (noun), jilio, pl majilio.
approach (noun), jio, pl majio.
approach (noun), maingilio. armed intervention. maingilio ya kivita.
approach (noun), majilio.
approach (noun), msogeo (3/4), pl misogeo.
approach (verb), -chegama.
approach (verb), -egama.
approach (verb), -egemea. Boke approaches Chahe.. Boke anamwegemea
Chahe [Chacha, Masomo 376].
approach (verb), -gusisha.
approach (verb), -jia.
approach (verb), -jongea.
approach (verb), -jongea.
approach (verb), -kabili.
approach (verb), -karibia.
approach (verb), -karibia.
approach (verb), -kurubia.
approach (verb), -sogea.
approach (verb), -sogea karibu.
approach (verb), -sogelea (applicative).
approach someone (verb), -sozana (associative).
approach someone with deceit and deception (verb), -rambaza.
approach something (verb), -jongelea (applicative).
approach stealthily (verb), -gundulia.
approach stealthily (verb), -nyemelea.
approaching each other (verb), -karibiana.
be approaching (verb), -elekewa (passive).
cause to come near without touching (verb), -ambaza.
come near to without touching (verb), -ambaa. They went past the town
without entering it.. waliambaa mji bila ya kuingia.
be approachable (verb), -ambilika.
approaching (adjective), karibia.
appropriate (adjective), muafaka. Truly being in bed is the appropriate
place for a person with problems.. Kweli kitandani ni mahali muafaka kwa
mtu mwenye matatizo [Chacha, Masomo 374].
appropriate (by force) (verb), -poka.
appropriate (usually in reference to actions or behavior) (adjective),
laiki. The Honored One of wonders, appropriate for every praise..
Mtukufu wa mizungu, laiki wa kila sifa [Shaaban Robert, Masomo 426].
appropriate to (adverb), kwa kiasi.
as is appropriate (phrase), kiasi cha ada tu.
be appropriate (verb), -sadifu.
be appropriate (verb), -sihi.
be appropriate (verb), -wafiki.
appropriately (adverb), barabara. To prepare children so that they will
be able to participate appropriately in national life.. Kuwatayarisha
watoto waweze kushiriki barabara katika maisha ya taifa [Masomo 256].
appropriately (adverb), kwa kadiri.
approval (noun), idhini.
approval (noun), kibali (7/8), pl vibali.
approval (noun), kiva (9/10), pl kiva.
approval (noun), radhi (9/10), pl radhi. This arrangement does not meet
with my approval.. mpango huu mimi si radhi nao.
approval (noun), ridhaa (9/10), pl ridhaa.
approval (noun), tajamala (9/10), pl tajamala.
approval (noun), ukiri.
approval (noun), ukubali.
approval (noun), uradhi.
approval (noun), uvumi.
joyful approval (noun), kifijo (7/8), pl vifijo.
approve (verb), -idhini.
approve (verb), -kiri.
approve (verb), -noa meno.
approve (verb), -pokea. approve statements.. pokea maneno.
approve (verb), -ridhi.
approve (verb), -ridhia.
approve (verb), -saidia.
approve (verb), -takabali.
approve (verb), -wa radhi.
be approved (verb), -kubaliwa.
be approved (by a government) (verb), -barikiwa.
approving (adjective), radhi.
approximate (verb), -karibisha.
approximately (adverb), hivi.
approximately (adverb), kama.
approximately (adverb), kiasi.
approximately (adverb), mnamo.
approximately (adverb), nusra.
approximately (adverb), nusura.
approximately (adverb), si kiasi yake. read amount approximately like
yours. kasoma kiasi kama wewe.
approximately (adverb), takriban.
approximately (adverb), wastani.
approximately (adverb), yapata.
approximation (noun), makisi.
approximation (noun), makisio.
appurtenances (noun), vikorokoro.
April (noun), Aprili (9). April is the fourth month. Aprili ni mwezi wa
apron (noun), aproni (9/10), pl aproni.
apron (noun), eproni.
mbwende (apron of beads worn by women beneath their normal clothing)
(noun), mbwende.
small apron of beads worn by women (noun), malindi.
apt (adjective), -elekevu.
aptitude (noun), uelekevu.
aptitude (noun), uhodari.
power of aptitude (noun), wekevu.
power of aptitude (noun), welekevu.
be acquainted with (verb), -jua.
adopt Arab ways (verb), -staarabika.
adopt Arab ways (verb), -staarabu.
Arab (adjective), -a Kiarabu.
Arab from Muscat (noun), mshemali, pl washemali.
Arab from Sheher (South Arabia) (noun), mshihiri, pl washihiri.
Arab person (noun), Mwarabu, pl Waarabu.
Arab trader from the Persian Gulf (noun), msuli, pl wasuli.
in the Arab manner (adverb), Kiarabu.
live according to Arab ways (verb), -staarabika.
live according to Arab ways (verb), -staarabu.
object of Arabian origin (noun), Arabuni, pl Arabuni.
arabesque (noun), mchorochoro, pl michorochoro.
Arabia (noun), Arabu.
Arabia (noun), Arabuni (17).
Arabia (noun), Manga.
Arabia (noun), Uarabu.
Arabia (noun), Umanga.
Arabian Peninsula (noun), Umanga.
Arabian (adjective), -a Kiarabu.
object of Arabian origin (noun), Manga.
Arabic (adjective), Kiarabu.
Arabic (adjective), Kimanga.
make arable (verb), -fieka.
arbitrarily (adverb), kwa jeuri.
arbitrariness (noun), jeuri (9/10), pl jeuri.
arbitrary (adjective), jeuri.
arbitrary (adjective), ujeuri.
arbitrate (verb), -amua.
arbitration (noun), uamuzi (11/6), pl maamuzi.
arbitration (noun), upatanisho.
send to arbitration (verb), pl Trans OK?, -amuliza.
arbitrator (noun), mpatanishi, pl wapatanishi.
arbitrator (noun), pl arbitrator, msuluhisha (1/2), pl wasuluhisha.
arbitrator (noun), pl n, msuluhishi (1/2), pl wasuluhishi. arbitrators.
arbitrator (noun), pl arbitrators, msuluhivu (1/2), pl wasuhulivu.
arbitrator (noun), mwamua, pl waamua.
arbitrator (noun), mwamuzi, pl waamuzi.
cause to act as an arbitrator (verb), -amuliza.
arc (noun), pl arcs, aki (mtiririko wa elektroni hewani) (9/10), pl aki.
arc (noun), pl arcs, tao (5/6), pl matao.
arch (noun), kivimba, pl vivimba.
arch (noun), kivimba, pl vivimba.
arch (noun), kivimbo, pl vivimbo.
arch (noun), pl archs, tao (5/6), pl matao.
archaic (adjective), -kale.
archaic (adjective), kikale.
archbishop (noun), askafu mkuu, pl maaskafu wakuu.
archdiocese (noun), jimbo kuu (5/6), pl majimbo makuu.
be arched (verb), -titia.
architect (noun), mjenga, pl wajenga.
architect (noun), mjengaji, pl wajengaji.
architect (noun), mjenzi, pl wajenzi.
architecture (noun), majenzi.
architecture (noun), ujengaji, pl majengaji.
architecture (noun), ujenzi (14).
architecture (noun), ujenzi, pl majenzi.
National Archives (noun), Jumba la Nyaraka za Taifa (5/6), pl majumba ya
Arctic Ocean (noun), Bahari ya Artiki.
ardor (noun), hashiki.
ardor (noun), mwako, pl miako.
ardor (noun), uharara.
are (verb), ni (auxiliary), pl ni.
there are (verb), kuna (conjugated).
there are not (verb), hakuna.
they are (verb), ziko.
area (noun), cheneo (7/8), pl vyeneo.
area (noun), eneo (5/6), pl maeneo. How many cities have buses to serve
all areas of these cities?. Ni miji mingapi yenye mabasi ya kuhudumia
maeneo yote ya miji hiyo? [Masomo 215].
area (noun), eria.
area (noun), mahala. everywhere. kila mahala.
area (noun), mahali. everywhere. kila mahali.
area (noun), upande (11/10), pl pande.
area (noun), uwanja (11/10), pl nyanja.
enclosed area (noun), uwanja, pl wanja.
open area (noun), uwanda.
open area (noun), wanda.
areca nut (noun), bobo.
areca nut (noun), popoo (9/10), pl popoo. He bought areca nut. alinunua
arena (noun), bigili (9/10), pl bigili.
argue (verb), -babaka.
argue (verb), -bisha.
argue (verb), -gomba.
argue (verb), -hoja.
argue (verb), -hojiana.
argue (verb), -jadili.
argue (verb), -jadili.
argue (verb), -shindua maneno.
argue (verb), -teta.
argue (about something) (verb), -gombea.
argue (with each other) (verb), -bishana.
argue with (verb), -bishia.
argue with (verb), -gombana na.
argument (noun), bishano, pl mabishano.
argument (noun), hoja (9/10), pl hoja.
argument (noun), jadiliano, pl majadiliano.
argument (noun), jadiliano (5/6), pl majadiliano.
argument (noun), mateto, pl mateto.
argument (noun), mjadala (3/4), pl mijadala.
argument (noun), mzozo, pl mizozo.
argument (noun), teto (5/6), pl mateto.
argument (noun), ubishi (14).
argument (noun), ushindani.
argument (for or against) (noun), utetezi (11/6), pl matetezi.
have an argument with someone (verb), -paramia.
an argumentative person (noun), ugomvi, pl gomvi, magomvi.
argumentative (adjective), katavu.
argumentative person (noun), mbishi (1/2), pl wabishi.
argumentative person (noun), mkaidi (1/2), pl wakaidi.
argumentative person (noun), mtetea, pl watetea.
argumentative person (noun), mteteaji, pl wateteaji.
argumentative person (noun), mtetezi, pl watetezi.
argumentativeness (noun), ubishi, pl mabishi.
arid region (noun), mkuranga (3/4), pl mikuranga.
arise (verb), -amka.
arise (verb), -zuka.
arise (a question) (verb), -ogelea (applicative).
aristocratic (adverb), kindakindaki.
arithmetic (verb), -hesabu, pl hesabu.
Noah's Ark (noun), safina (9/10), pl safina.
arm (noun), mkono (3/4), pl mikono.
arm (noun), pl arms, papatiko (5/6), pl mapapatiko.
arm (of a cuttlefish) (noun), mnyiri, pl minyiri.
upper arm (above elbow) (noun), kilimbili (7/8), pl vilimbili.
arm-twisting (noun), mbinu.
kakakuona (animal resembling an armadillo; it is believed that burning
its scales will ward off wild animals) (noun), kakakaka.
armament (noun), darii.
armament (noun), deraya.
armament (noun), dirii.
armament (noun), durui.
armband (iron) (noun), uzinge, pl mazinge.
armchair (noun), kochi (5/6), pl makochi.
armed forces (noun), majeshi.
armhole (of a garment) (noun), kikwapa, pl vikwapa.
armlet (noun), kikuku (7/8), pl vikuku.
armlet (of ivory or beads) (noun), uvoo (14).
armor (noun), darii.
armor (noun), deraya.
armor (noun), dirii.
armor (noun), durui.
armor (noun), galili (5/6), pl magalili.
armor (noun), gamba (5/6), pl magamba.
iron armor (noun), dirizi.
armored (adjective), kifaru, pl vifaru.
armpit (noun), kikwapa (7/8), pl vikwapa.
armpit (noun), kwapa (5/6), pl makwapa.
in the armpit (noun), kwapani, pl makwapani. The dress that was her
school uniform she wrapped in her head scarf and carried it under her
arm.. Gauni ambalo lilikuwa vazi rasmi la shule alilifunga katika
kitambaa chake cha kichwa na kulifutika kwapani [Balisidya, Masomo 350].
army (noun), cheshi, pl macheshi. People's Liberation Army. cheshi la
ukombozi la umma.
army (noun), jeshi, pl majeshi.
army (noun), jeshi (5/6), pl majeshi.
aroma (noun), arufu, pl harufu.
aroma (noun), harufu.
aroma (noun), ladha (9/10), pl ladha.
aroma (noun), riha (9/10), pl riha. I don't like his/her aroma. Sipendi
riha yake.
aromatic substance (noun), mnukio, pl minukio.
around (adverb), karibu.
around (conjunction), kama.
go around (verb), -zingira.
go around (verb), -zungua.
go around (verb), -zunguka.
go around something (verb), -zunguka.
turn around (verb), -petua.
turn around (verb), -pindua (converse).
arouse (verb), -sisimsha (causative).
arouse (verb), -sisimusha (causative).
arouse (verb), -zindua.
arouse (unsatisfied) desire (verb), -shau.
arouse (unsatisfied) desire (verb), -shaua.
arouse desire (verb), -tamanisha.
arouse desire (sexual) (verb), -nyega.
arouse strong desire (verb), -rambitia.
be aroused (verb), -nyewa.
arrack (noun), pl arrack could use some elaboration, araka, pl araka.
arraignment (noun), ushtaki.
arrange (verb), -andika.
arrange (verb), -awadha.
arrange (verb), -awaza.
arrange (verb), -buni.
arrange (verb), -nadhifisha.
arrange (verb), -pamba.
arrange (verb), -panga. (s)he swept, arranged items and prepared the
bedroom of the visitor. akafagia, akapanga vyombo na kutandika chumba cha
mgeni [Moh].
arrange (verb), -ratibu.
arrange (verb), -safidi.
arrange (verb), -sarifu. arrange your writing properly. sarifu maneno
[mwandiko] kwa uzuri..
arrange (verb), -serifu. arrange the words well. sarifu maneno
[mwandiko] kwa uzuri..
arrange (verb), -tasifida.
arrange (verb), -tasifida.
arrange (verb), -tengeneza (causative).
arrange (verb), -tunga.
arrange (verb), -zatiti.
arrange (a debt) (verb), -sabidi.
be arranged (verb), -pangika (potential).
be arranged (verb), -tengenea.
arrangement (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
arrangement (noun), andao, pl maandao.
arrangement (noun), daraka, pl madaraka.
arrangement (noun), makataa.
arrangement (noun), maongozi.
arrangement (noun), matengenezo, pl matengenezo.
arrangement (noun), mpango (3/4), pl mipango.
arrangement (noun), mwandao, pl miandao.
arrangement (noun), tengenezo (5/6), pl matengenezo.
arrangement (noun), upangaji (14).
arrangement (geom or polit) (noun), mpangilio (3/4), pl mipangilio.
arrangement (in a row or line) (noun), usawanisho.
take care of the arrangement (of guests at the table, etc.) (verb), -
arranger (noun), mpanga, pl wapanga. typesetter.. mpangaji herufi.
arranger (noun), mpangaji, pl wapangaji. typesetter.. mpangaji herufi.
arranger (noun), pl arrangers, mtengenezaji (1/2), pl watengenezaji.
arranger (noun), mtengezaji, pl watengenezaji.
one who arranges (noun), mtunga, pl watunga. poet.. mtunga mashairi.
one who arranges (noun), mtungaji, pl watungaji. poet.. mtunga
one who arranges something (sets the table, etc.) (noun), mwandaji, pl
one who arranges something (sets the table, etc.) (noun), mwandaliaji, pl
arranging (noun), utungaji.
arranging (noun), utungo.
arrears (noun), kisicholipwa, pl vishicholipwa.
arrears (noun), kisichotendwa, pl vishicholipwa.
be in arrears (verb), -kawa.
get in arrears (verb), -kawisha.
arrest (noun), rimende (9/10), pl rimende. put under arrest.. weka
arrest (noun), rumande (9/10), pl rumande. put under arrest.. weka
arrest (noun), rumenda (9/10), pl rumenda. put under arrest.. weka
arrest (verb), -bamba.
arrest (verb), -tia nguvuni.
arrest (verb), -tia nguvu.
arrest (verb), -weka rimende.
arrest (verb), -weka rumande. put under arrest.. weka rumande.
arrest (verb), -weka rumenda. put under arrest.. weka rumande.
be arrested (verb), -bambwa.
be arrested (verb), -usirika.
arrival (noun), jilio, pl majilio.
arrival (noun), jio, pl majio.
arrival (noun), majilio (6).
arrival (noun), majilio.
arrival (noun), marudi.
arrival (noun), marudio.
arrival (noun), mfiko (3/4), pl mifiko.
arrival (noun), mjio (3/4), pl mijio.
arrival (noun), mjio, pl mijio.
arrival (noun), ujaji.
arrival (point or time) (noun), kifiko (7/8), pl vifiko.
arrive (verb), -cha.
arrive (verb), -fika.
arrive (verb), -fikiana.
arrive (verb), -ja.
arrive (verb), -soza.
arrive (verb), -tokomea.
arrive (verb), -wadia.
arrive (verb), -wasili.
arrive (time) (verb), -timia.
arrive at (verb), -tekelea.
arrive in a country (verb), -pata nchi.
arrive with much noise and confusion (verb), -yoyomea.
cause to arrive (verb), -fikisha.
arrive at (verb), -fikia.
arriving (noun), ujio, pl majio.
arrogance (noun), ghururi (5/6), pl maghururi.
arrogance (noun), kiburi.
arrogance (noun), kimene. the size/stature/height of a person.
arrogance (noun), kinaa.
arrogance (noun), kinaya.
arrogance (noun), kitambi (7/8), pl vitambi.
arrogance (noun), kogo, pl kogo.
arrogance (noun), madaha, pl madaha.
arrogance (noun), majisifu.
arrogance (noun), majivuno. The way he walks shows that he is arrogant.
anapotembea ana majivuno sana.
arrogance (noun), makuu.
arrogance (noun), maringo.
arrogance (noun), ndweo, pl ndweo.
arrogance (noun), takua (9/10), pl takua.
arrogance (noun), ubwana.
arrogance (noun), ufedhuli.
arrogance (noun), ufidhuli (14).
arrogance (noun), ujuba (14).
arrogance (noun), ukinaifu.
arrogance (noun), unyanya.
arrogance (noun), unyeti.
arrogance (noun), upeketevu.
arrogance (noun), usafihi (14).
arrogance (noun), usafihi.
arrogance (noun), usodai.
arrogance (noun), usodawi.
arrogance (noun), uvuvio.
intellectual arrogance (noun), kiburi cha weledi (7).
arrogant (adjective), fidhuli.
arrogant (adjective), kinaifu.
arrogant (adjective), peketevu.
arrogant (adjective), pekutevu.
arrogant (adjective), shashimamishi.
arrogant (adjective), sodawi.
arrogant (adverb), juujuu.
arrogant person (noun), mbezi, pl wabezi.
arrogant person (noun), mfidhuli, pl wafidhuli.
arrogant person (noun), mpeketevu (1/2), pl wapeketevu.
arrogant person (noun), lodi.
arrogant person (noun), rodi (9/10an), pl rodi.
be arrogant (verb), -deka.
be arrogant (verb), -fedhulika.
be arrogant (verb), -fidhulika.
be arrogant (verb), -jetea.
be arrogant (verb), -jiona.
be arrogant (verb), -piga makuu.
be arrogant (verb), -piga makuu.
be arrogant (verb), -nyeta.
be arrogant (verb), -nyetea.
be arrogant (verb), -piga pande.
be arrogant (verb), -pekecheka.
be arrogant (verb), -peketeka.
be arrogant (verb), -safihi.
be arrogant (verb), -safii.
be arrogant (verb), -takabari.
be arrogant (verb), -twaza.
feel arrogant (verb), -ingiwa na kiburi.
arrow (noun), mshale, pl mishale. They grabbed bows and arrows to drive
out the strangers; poisoned arrow.. Walishika pinde na mishale kuwafukuza
wageni [Masomo 205]; mshale wa sumu.
arrow (noun), mvi.
arrow head (noun), chembe (7/8), pl vyembe.
arrowhead (noun), kigumba (7/8), pl vigumba.
arrowroot (noun), uwanga.
arrowroot (noun), wanga.
species of arrowroot, Tacca pinnatifida (noun), mwanga, pl mianga.
arson (noun), uchomaji.
arsonist (noun), mchomaji, pl wachomaji.
arsonist (noun), mtiaji, pl watiaji.
art (noun), kazi.
art (noun), usanifu.
art (noun), usasi (11).
art (noun), weledi.
artwork (noun), pl art works, sanaa (9/10), pl sanaa. artwork. sanaa za
produce a work of art (verb), -sanii. (s)he produced a work of art.
Alisanii choro.
artery (noun), arteri.
artery (noun), ateri.
artery (noun), mshipa, pl mishipa.
carotid artery (noun), halkumu.
artful (adjective), janja.
do an artful job (verb), -sanifu. an artful job. kazi sanifu.
have arthritis (verb), -ugua mifupa.
article (noun), kijitabu, pl vijitabu.
article (noun), makala (9/10), pl makala.
article (noun), makara.
article (in a periodical) (noun), nakala (9/10).
article (in a periodical) (noun), nakili (9/10).
article (in a periodical) (noun), nuku (9/10).
article (of law or constitution) (noun), kifungu, pl vifungu.
the five articles of Moslem faith (noun), nguzo za uislamu (9/10). five
articles of Muslim faith. nguzo za Uislamu.
articulate (verb), -nena. "articulate clearly, don't talk through the
nose".. nena vizuri, usiseme puani.
articulate (verb), -tamka.
articulation (noun), matamko (6).
articulation (noun), matamko, pl matamko.
articulation (noun), matamshi, pl matamshi.
articulation (noun), tamko (5/6), pl matamko.
articulation (noun), tamshi (5/6), pl matamshi.
med. articulation (noun), kiungo (7/8), pl viungo.
artificial (adjective), -a bandia. artificial arm. mkono wa bandia
[Masomo 240].
artificial (noun), bandia (9/10), pl bandia.
artist (noun), pl artists, msanifu (1/2), pl wasanifu. His surprises and
amazements, He is the greatest artist.. Shani zake na mizungu, ni Bwana
wa wasanifu [Shaaban Robert, Masomo 425].
artist (noun), pl artists, msanii (1/2), pl wasanii.
artist (esp. verbal artist) (noun), pl artists, msanifu (1/2), pl
wasanifu. In addition to being a verbal artists a Swahili poet is a
protector of Swahili culture.. Zaidi ya kuwa msanifu wa lugha, mshairi wa
Kiswahili ni mlinzi wa utamaduni wa Kiswahili [Khan, Masomo 394-5].
artlessness (noun), mghafala, pl mighafala.
Arusha Declaration (noun), Azimio la Arusha (5).
as (conjunction), kama.
as (conjunction), kama.
as (conjunction), maadamu. We have done this to save you from failure,
as now you don't have work or anything.. "Tunafanya hivi kukuoka na
janga, maadamu sasa huna kazi wala cho chote"[Balisidya, Masomo 348].
as far as (conjunction), haddi.
as far as (preposition), hata.
as if (conjunction), kana kwamba.
as to (conjunction), kuliko.
as if (conjunction), eti.
asbestos (noun), asbestosi (9/10), pl asbestosi.
ascend (verb), -paa.
ascend (verb), -panda.
ascending (noun), upandaji.
ascending (act of) (noun), kipao, pl vipao.
ascent (noun), kipao (7/8), pl vipao.
ascent (noun), mkweo (3/4), pl mikweo.
ascertain (noun), maizi.
ascertain (verb), -hakiki.
ascertain (verb), -hakikisha.
ascertain (verb), -shuhudisha.
ascertain (verb), -ziua.
ascertain (verb), -zua.
ash (noun), jivu (5/6), pl majivu.
ash-colored (adjective), ifuifu.
ash-colored (adjective), jivujivu.
ash-colored (adjective), kijivu.
ashen (adverb), kijivu.
be ashamed (verb), -aibika.
be ashamed (verb), -fedheheka.
be ashamed (verb), -juta.
be ashamed (verb), -nyara.
be ashamed (verb), -tahayari.
ashen (adjective), jivujivu.
ashes (noun), ifu, pl (--, maifu).
ashes (noun), jivu, pl majifu.
ashes (noun), majivu (6).
ashes (noun), majivu.
pile of ashes (noun), chuguu.
be run ashore (verb), -sozeka (intransitive).
Asian person (noun), Mwasia, pl Waasia.
act of putting aside (noun), weko, pl maweko.
aside (adverb), chemba, pl chemba.
aside (adverb), kando.
aside (adverb), kando.
aside (adverb), ukando.
aside (adverb), upande, pl pande.
lay aside (verb), -dodoa.
put aside (verb), -tenga.
put aside (for someone) (verb), -tengea (applicative).
put aside for (verb), -wekea.
putting aside (noun), uwekaji, pl mawekaji.
putting aside savings (act of) (noun), mweko, pl mieko.
ask (verb), -saili. father asked mother a question. Baba alimsaili mama
ask (about) (verb), -uliza.
ask after someone (verb), -hakikia.
ask for (verb), -omba.
ask for (verb), -ombea.
ask for (verb), -taka. ask for advice/suggestion. taka shauri.
ask for (verb), -takia.
ask for advice (verb), -uliza shauri. ask father for an advice. Mulize
baba shauri.
ask insistently (verb), -sisitiza. (s)he asked insistently again while
looking at that girl. alisisitiza tena akimtazama msichana huyo [Mt],
"Nipe mwalimu", msichana alisisitiza kwa shauku bila kujua alikuwa
akisisitiza jambo gani [Muk].
ask something of someone (verb), -ombea.
ask to marry (a woman) (verb), -posa. money for wedding preparations..
mali ya kuposea.
be asked (verb), -sailiwa (passive). all the workers who were called to
be asked by mrs. Tamima looked at each other. watumishi wote walioitwa
kusailiwa na Bi Tamima walitazamana [Moh].
one who asks for something (noun), mwombi, pl waombi.
be asked (verb), -ulizwa.
askew (adjective), benibeni.
askew (adjective), potoe.
askew (adjective), potovu.
askew (adjective), tanitani.
askew (adverb), tani.
keep on asking questions (verb), -hojihoji.
one who asks for something (noun), mtaka, pl wataka. He who asks for
everything receives nothing.. prov. mtaka wote hukosa yote.
one who asks for something (noun), mtakaji, pl watakaji. He who asks for
everything receives nothing.. prov. mtaka wote hukosa yote.
one who asks for something (noun), muombaji, pl waombaji.
one who asks for something (noun), mwomba, pl waomba.
one who asks for something (noun), mwombaji, pl waombaji.
be sound asleep (verb), -chapa usingizi.
asphalt (noun), bereu, pl maberu.
asphalt (noun), lami (9/10), pl lami.
aspirin (noun), aspirini, pl aspirini.
ass (noun), kitako (7/8), pl vitako.
ass (noun), mkundu (3/4), pl mikundu.
ass (noun), punda. pack ass.. punda kihongwe.
assail (verb), -hujumu.
assail (with words) (verb), -husuru.
assail someone (with words) (verb), -paramia.
underhand assailant (noun), msengenyaji, pl wasengenyaji.
assault (noun), hujuma (9/10), pl hujuma.
assault (noun), hujuuma (9/10), pl hujumaa.
assault (noun), ugoni.
assault (noun), ugono.
assault (verb), -hujumu.
sexual assault (noun), ugoni (14).
assegai (noun), sagai (9/10), pl sagai.
assemblage (noun), kusanyiko (5/6), pl makusanyiko.
assemblage (noun), kusanyo (5/6), pl makusanyo.
assemblage (noun), kutano, pl makutano.
assemblage (noun), makutano.
assemble (verb), -changanya.
assemble (verb), -huduru.
assemble (verb), -jamii.
assemble (verb), -jumuika.
assemble (verb), -kongomana.
assemble (verb), -kusanya. We have assembled these people..
Tumewakusanya watu hawa [Masomo 227].
assemble (verb), -kusanyika. Thousands of Muslims assembled in mosques
all over the city of Mombasa.. Maelfu ya Waislamu walikusanyika katika
misikiti kote mjini Mombasa [Masomo 335]..
assemble (verb), -lundika.
assemble (verb), -rundika.
assemble (verb), -rakibisha.
assemble (verb), -rekibisha.
assemble (verb), -rundika.
assemble (verb), -unda.
one who assembles (noun), mkusanyi, pl wakusanyi.
assembly (noun), baraza. legislative assembly. baraza la kufanya
assembly (noun), mkusanyiko (3/4), pl mikusanyiko. in the evening at the
assembly of people. jioni kwenye mkusanyiko wa watu [Muk].
assembly (noun), mkusanyo (3/4), pl mikusanyo.
assembly (noun), mtaguso, pl mitaguso. general council. mtaguso mkuu.
assembly (noun), umati (14), pl umati.
assembly (verb), -jamhuri.
assembly drawing (noun), mchoro naganaga, pl michoro naganaga.
assembly shop (noun), flotile la kurekebisha.
assembly shop (noun), furutile la kurekebisha.
assent (noun), kibali (7/8), pl vibali.
assent (noun), ukiri.
assent (noun), ukubali.
assent (noun), uradhi.
assent (verb), -afiki.
assent (verb), -idhini.
assent (verb), -itikia.
assent (verb), -kiri.
assent (verb), -kubali.
yes (interjection of assent or approval) (interjection), ewaa!.
assert (verb), -dopoa.
assert (verb), -toboa.
assert dogmatically (verb), -pindana.
assert strongly (verb), -teta.
assertion (noun), maneno.
assertion (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno.
assertion and contradiction (noun), majibizano.
assess (verb), -kadiri.
assess (verb), -thamini.
assessment (noun), ukadirifu (14).
assessment (noun), upimaji.
asset (noun), miliki.
asset (noun), milki.
assets (noun), rasilimali (9/10), pl rasilimali.
assets (noun), rasilmali (9/10), pl rasilmali.
assets (noun), rasilmalii (9/10), pl rasilmalii.
assets (noun), raslimali (9/10), pl raslimali.
assets (noun), raslimali (9/10), pl raslimali.
assiduously (adverb), kwa bidii.
assign (verb), -awadha.
assign (verb), -awaza.
assimilate (verb), -siliki. you can teach him/her, and a child
assimilates quickly. utaweza kumfunza, na mtoto husiliki upesi [Sul].
assist (verb), -auni.
assist (verb), -awini.
assist (verb), -awuni.
assist (verb), -fadhili.
assist (verb), -hudumia.
assist (verb), -nusuru.
assist (verb), -saidia. the Pope assisted poor people. Pope alisaidia
watu maskini.
assist (verb), -tajamali.
assist (for or on behalf of) (verb), -aunia.
assist each other (verb), -saidiana. the farmers assisted each other in
their farm work. Wakulima walisaidiana katika kazi za shamba.
be assisted (verb), -saidiwa. the patient was assisted to walk. Mgonjwa
alisaidiwa kutembea.
assistance (noun), amara (9/10), pl amara.
assistance (noun), egemeo, pl maegemeo.
assistance (noun), huduma.
assistance (noun), humuda.
assistance (noun), kiguzo, pl viguzo.
assistance (noun), msaada (3/4), pl misaada.
assistance (noun), muawana.
assistance (noun), saada (9/10), pl saada.
assistance (noun), usimamizi.
mutual assistance (organized by a group of people living together)
(noun), ngambi (9/10), pl ngambi.
assistant (noun), makamu (9/10an), pl makamu.
assistant (noun), msaidia, pl wasaidia. nurse's aid.. msaidizi wa
assistant (noun), pl assistants, msaidizi (1/2), pl wasaidizi.
assistant (at initiation rites) (noun), kungwi (5/6), pl makungwi.
assistant (on a plantation) (noun), nokoa (5/6an), pl manokoa.
assistant at initiation rites (noun), somo (5/6an), pl masomo.
assistant of the driver (noun), utingo (11/6), pl matingo.
assistant of the mganga (in exorcising spirits) (noun), mteja, pl wateja.
assistant of the mganga (in exorcising spirits) (noun), mteji, pl wateji.
work of a assistant (noun), utaniboi.
associate (noun), mshirika (1/2), pl washirika.
associate (in a business) (noun), mwenzi, pl wenzi.
be associated with (verb), -andamana na.
be associated (verb), -shariki. be associated with a business. shiriki
katika biashara [Rec].
be associated (verb), -shiriki. be associated in business/trade.
shiriki katika biashara.
association (noun), chama, pl vyama.
association (noun), changamano, pl machangamano.
association (noun), jumuiya (9/10), pl jumuiya.
association (noun), ligi.
association (noun), ligu.
association (noun), shirikisho (9/10), pl mashirikisho. language
teachers' association. Shirikisho la Waalimu wa lugha.
association (noun), tangamano (5/6), pl matangamano.
association (noun), umoja (14), pl wingi.
association (noun), unganisho, pl maunganisho.
association (noun), ushirika.
association (noun), ushirikiano.
association (noun), ushirikisho.
be in association with each other (verb), -pitiana.
unregistered association or political party (noun), kundi, pl makundi.
assorted (adjective), mbalimbali.
assortment (noun), baadhi (9/10), pl baadhi.
assume (verb), -aza.
assume (verb), -dhani. A poet usually is born with a special poetic
ability but it shouldn't be assumed that another person may not be an
excellent poet.. Mshairi aghalabu huzaliwa na kipawa maalum cha ushairi
lakini isidhaniwe kuwa mtu mwengine hawezi kuwa mshairi mzuri [Masomo
assume (verb), -nuia.
assume (verb), -waza.
assumption (noun), udhani.
assumption (noun), udhanifu.
assumption (noun), wazo, pl mawazo.
assurance (noun), nguzo (9/10), pl nguzo.
assurance (noun), thibitisho, pl mathibitisho.
assure (verb), -hakikisha (causative).
asthma (noun), pumu (5/6), pl mapumu. asthma is a disease of hold up in
air pressure. Pumu ni ugonjwa wa wakubana pumzi.
astonish (verb), -bumbuaza.
astonish (verb), -bwaga.
astonish (verb), -ghafalisha.
astonish (verb), -shangaza.
astonish (verb), -staajabisha (causative).
be astonished (verb), -ajabu.
be astonished (verb), -sangaa.
be astonished (verb), -shangaa.
be astonished with wonder or admiration etc. (verb), -bloo.
be astonished (verb), -maka.
be astonished (verb), -loja.
be astonished (verb), -roja.
be astonished (verb), -staajabu.
be astonished (verb), -taajabu.
astonishing (adjective), ajabu.
astonishing (adjective), ajibu.
astonishingly (adverb), -a ajabu.
be astonishing (verb), -staajabisha.
something astonishing (noun), kiroja, pl viroja.
astonishment (noun), kimako. be evasive, make excuses, pretend.
astonishment (noun), kiwewe (7/8), pl viwewe.
astonishment (noun), mgutusho, pl migutusho.
astonishment (noun), pl astonishment, msangao (3/4), pl misangao.
astonishment (noun), pl astonishment, mshangao (3/4), pl mishangao.
astonishment (noun), mzubao (3/4), pl mizubao.
astonishment (noun), mzumbao (3/4), pl mizumbao.
astonishment (noun), taajabu (5/6), pl mataajabu.
astonishment (noun), ushango.
exclamation of astonishment (interjection), assalala.
exclamation of astonishment (interjection), salale.
exclamation of astonishment (God forbid!) (interjection), salala.
Salala! dangerous! Subira crushed the teeth. Salala! Hatari! Subira
alibana meno [Sul].
expression of astonishment (interjection), aka.
utter exclamation of astonishment or surprise (verb), -maka.
astonishment (noun), staajabu (5/6), pl mastaajabu.
astound (verb), -gutusha (causative).
astound (verb), -pagaza.
astound (verb), -pumbaza. astound the mind. Pumbaza akili.
astound (verb), -shangaza.
astound (verb), -stusha (causative).
astound (verb), -tatiza.
astound someone (verb), -tatanisha.
be astounded for (verb), -staajabiwa. that is why so and so was
astounded to like so and so. ndiyo maana fulani hustaajabiwa kumpenda
fulani [Sul].
be astounding (verb), -staajabisha.
go astray (verb), -kosa.
lead astray (verb), -kosesha.
lead astray (verb), -ongopa.
lead astray (verb), -potosha.
lead astray (verb), -rubuni.
lead astray (verb), -tasliti.
lead astray (verb), -tongoza.
lead astray (verb), -zaini.
sit astride of something (verb), -jipachika.
astrologer (noun), majusi (5/6an), pl mamajusi.
astrologer (noun), majusi.
astrologer (noun), mjusi, pl wajusi.
astrologer (noun), mnajimu (1/2), pl wanajimu.
astrology (noun), unajimu (14).
astronomer (noun), mnajimu, pl wanajimu.
astronomer (noun), mnajimuu, pl wanajimu.
astronomy (noun), falaki.
astronomy (noun), unajimu.
astuteness (noun), tabasuri (9/10), pl tabasuri.
asylum (noun), stara (9/10), pl stara.
asymmetry (noun), pogo (5/6), pl mapogo. squinting.. mapogo ya macho.
at (preposition), katika.
at (preposition), pa. on the scene of the crime.. mahali pa uhalifu.
be at a loss (verb), -zuzuka.
at last (adverb), alau.
at least (adverb), angalau.
at least (adverb), walau.
at night (adverb), usku.
at the feet (adverb), chini.
at your service (interjection), abee.
atheism (noun), kufuru.
rel. atheism (noun), makufuru.
atheist (noun), kafiri (5/6), pl makafiri.
athiest (noun), kafiri, pl makafiri.
athlete (noun), kakawana, pl makakawana.
athlete (noun), mcheza, pl wacheza.
athlete (noun), mchezaji, pl wacheza.
athlete (noun), mchezaji (1/2), pl wachezaji.
athlete (noun), mchezi, pl wacheza.
athlete (noun), mwanamchezo (1/2), pl wanamichezo. So as to reduce the
expense of providing accomodations for athletes when they come to Dar es
Salaam .... Ili kupunguza gharama za kulaza wanamichezo wajapo Dar es
Salaam ...[Masomo 363].
athlete (noun), mwanariadha (1/2), pl wanariadha.
athletic build (of a man) (noun), ubeja.
athletics (noun), mbio za riadha (10).
Atlantic Ocean (noun), Atlantiki, pl (sing).
Atlantic Ocean (noun), Bahari ya Atlantiki.
atmosphere (noun), anga, pl maanga.
atmosphere (noun), angakewa (9/10), pl angakewa.
atmosphere (noun), hewa (9/10), pl hewa.
upper atmosphere (noun), wangafu (14), pl wangafu.
upper atmosphere (noun), wangavu (14), pl wangavu.
atom (noun), atomi (9/10), pl atomi.
atomic (adjective), atomiki. atomic bomb. bomu la ~.
atomic (adjective), kiatomiki.
atomic energy (noun), nguvu za atom. atomic energy. nguvu ya umeme.
atonement (noun), kafara, pl makafara.
atonement (noun), kitubio (7/8), pl vitubio.
atonement (noun), lipizi, pl malipizi.
atonement (noun), upatanisho (14).
atonement (for homicide) (noun), dia.
rel. atonement (noun), malipizi.
atrocity (noun), ukatili.
atrophied (adjective), dumaa.
atrophied (used of anything which has not reached the state normally
expected) (adjective), via.
attach (verb), -aliki.
attach (verb), -bandika.
cause to attach (verb), -bandikisha.
cause to attach (verb), -bandikiza.
be attached to (verb), -tabiki.
be attached to something (verb), -selea.
be attached to something. (verb), -sehelea.
become attached to (verb), -tabiki.
attachment (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahaba.
attachment (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahuba.
attachment (noun), pendeleo (5/6), pl mapendeleo.
attachment (noun), wambiso (11), pl sing..
attack (noun), hujuma (9/10), pl hujuma.
attack (noun), hujuuma (9/10), pl hujumaa.
attack (noun), taadi (9/10), pl taadi.
attack (noun), tadi (9/10), pl tadi.
attack (noun), utadi.
attack (verb), -fusa.
attack (verb), -hujuma.
attack (verb), -imamia.
attack (verb), -kumba.
attack (verb), -taadi.
attack (verb), -tadi.
attack (verb), -tetea.
attack (each other) (verb), -ramuka.
attack (sudden) (noun), shambulio (5/6), pl mashambulio.
attack (suddenly) (verb), -shambulia. attack each other. shambuliana..
attack each other (verb), -shambuliana. the soldiers attacked each other
in the Gulf war. Wanajeshi walishambuliana kwenye vita vya Gulf.
attack someone (in conversation) (verb), -rukia.
be attacked (verb), -shambuliwa. the cattle keepers were attacked by
thieves. Wafugaji ng'ombe walishambuliwa na wevi.
med. attack (noun), kipindi, pl vipindi.
attacker (noun), foadi (5/6an), pl mafoadi.
attacker (noun), fowadi (5/6an), pl mafowadi.
attacker (noun), pl attackers, mshambulizi (1/2), pl washambulizi.
attacker (noun), shambulizi (5/6an), pl mashambulizi. the attacker was
cut. Mshambulizi alikatwa.
attain (verb), -diriki.
attain (verb), -pata. attain strength.. pata nguvu.
attain (verb), -tadaraki.
attain one's aim (verb), -pata muradi. Follow the commands of God and
you will achieve your aims.. tekeleza amri za bwana upate muradi wako
be attained (verb), -tekelea.
attar (noun), uturi.
attar of roses (noun), alwaridi, pl alwaridi.
attar of roses (noun), halwaridi.
attempt (noun), jaribio (5/6), pl majaribio.
attempt (noun), jaribio, pl majaribio.
attempt (verb), -jaribu.
attend (verb), -hudhuria.
attend (verb), -hudhuria.
attend (verb), -hudumu.
attend a school (verb), -durusi.
attend to (verb), -hudumia.
attendance (noun), hudhurio (5/6), pl mahudhurio.
attendant (noun), mngoja, pl wangoja. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
attendant (noun), mngojaji, pl wangojaji. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
attendant (noun), mngoje, pl wangoje. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
medical attendant (noun), mwuguzi, pl wauguzi.
medical attendant (noun), mwaguzi, pl waaguzi.
attendence (noun), hudhurio, pl mahudhurio.
attention (noun), huduma.
attention (noun), maangalizi, pl maangalizi.
attention (noun), makini (6).
attention (noun), matumishi, pl matumishi.
attention (noun), nadhari, pl nadhari.
attention (noun), takabadhi (9/10), pl takabadhi.
attention (noun), tunza, pl tunza, matunza.
attention (noun), tunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
attention (noun), uangalifu (14).
attention (noun), uangalizi.
attention (noun), usikilivu.
attention (noun), usikivu.
attention (noun), usikizi.
attention (noun), ustahifu.
attention (noun), ustahivu.
attention (noun), utulivu.
attention (noun), utunzaji.
attention (noun), utunzi.
attention (noun), utunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
attention (noun), utunzo.
attention (verb), -kabidhi.
attract attention (verb), -pendekeza.
attract attention (verb), -tazamisha (causative).
draw attention to (verb), -bainisha (causative).
give attention to (verb), -tanabahi. without anybody giving attention.
bila mtu yeyote kutanabahi [Muk].
pay attention (verb), -angalia.
pay attention (verb), -endekeza. pay no attention to his words.
usimwendekeze maneno yake.
pay attention (verb), -jihadhari.
pay attention (verb), -sikia. are you paying attention to the cry.
Unasikia kilio.
pay attention (verb), -tanabahi.
pay attention to (verb), -jali.
pay attention to (verb), -jali.
attentive (adjective), -angalifu.
attentive (adjective), sikilivu.
attentive (adjective), sikivu.
attentive person (noun), mkimu, pl wakimu.
attentive person (noun), msikilizaji, pl wasikilizaji.
attentive person (noun), pl attentive people, msikivu (1/2), pl wasikivu.
attentive person (noun), msikizi, pl wasikizi.
attentive person (noun), mwangalifu, pl waangalifu.
attentive person (noun), mwangalizi, pl waangalizi.
be attentive (verb), -wa macho.
attentiveness (noun), maangalizi, pl maangalizi.
attentiveness (noun), siasa (9/10), pl siasa. an attentive person. mtu
mwenye siasa.
attentiveness (noun), usikilivu.
attentiveness (noun), usikivu.
attentiveness (noun), usikizi.
attentiveness (noun), ustahifu.
attentiveness (noun), ustahivu.
atttentiveness (noun), makini.
attest (verb), -hakikisha.
attest (verb), -sahihi.
attest (verb), -sahihisha.
attest (verb), -shahidi. that plate that they ordered for, has remained
and has attested to the rice. ile sahani waliyoagiza, inabaki imeushahidi
wali, ikiwashtaki [Ma].
attest (verb), -shuhudu.
attestation (noun), sahihi (9/10), pl sahihi.
attestation (noun), sahihisho (5/6), pl masahihisho.
attested (adjective), jarabati.
attic (noun), dari.
attire (noun), vazi, pl mavazi.
attitude (noun), kikao, pl vikao.
attitude (noun), mwelekeo, pl mielekeo.
attitude (on a matter) (noun), usemi.
act as attorney or solicitor (verb), -daha.
act as attorney or solicitor (verb), -dai.
attorney (noun), msimamizi, pl wasimamizi.
attorney (noun), mwanasheria, pl wanasheria.
attorney (noun), wakili, pl mawakili.
power of attorney (noun), wakala.
attract (verb), -pendeza.
attract (verb), -tamanisha.
attract (verb), -teka.
attract (verb), -tekeza.
attract (verb), -vuta.
attract (verb), -vutia.
attract (verb), -vutia (applicative).
be attracted to (verb), -vutiwa ( appl-pass).
be attracted to somethin (verb), -sehelea.
be attracted to somethin (verb), -selea.
attraction (noun), hawa.
attraction (noun), kishawishi (7/8), pl vishawishi.
attraction (noun), kishawishi, pl vishawisihi.
attraction (noun), kishushi, pl vishawisihi.
attraction (noun), mvuto (3/4), pl mivuto.
attraction (noun), uvuto.
mutual attraction (noun), uvutano (14).
attractive (adjective), jamili.
attractive (adjective), marini.
attractive person (noun), mtoto shoo (1). attractive children, their
mother should have called them. watoto shoo, mama yake angeliwaita [Ya].
be attractive (verb), -koa.
be attractive (verb), -pendeza.
be attractive (verb), -pendeza (causative).
be attractive (verb), -tamanika.
be attractive (verb), -tamanisha.
be attractive (verb), -tazamika.
be attractive (verb), -tazamisha.
fig. make something appear attractive (by arts of persuasion) (verb), -
look attractive (verb), -nawiri.
make attractive (verb), -remba.
attractiveness (noun), mvuto (3/4), pl mivuto. Her/his poems please
everyone who reads them because of their attractiveness [Khan, Masomo
395]. Mashairi yake humpendeza kila ayasomaye kwa ule mvuto wake [Khan,
Masomo 395].
attractiveness (noun), upendelevu, pl mapendelevu.
attribute (noun), sifa (9/10), pl sifa. (s)he was given a lot of
attributes for his/her work. Alipewa sifa nyingi kwa kazi yake.
aubergine (noun), biringani (5/6), pl mabiringani.
aubergine (noun), mbilingani (3/4), pl mibilingani.
auction (noun), lilam.
auction (noun), lilamu.
auction (noun), mnada, pl minada. auction off.. piga (uza kwa) mnada
auction off (verb), -nadi.
auctioneer (noun), dalali (5/6), pl madalali.
auctioneer (noun), mnadi (1/2), pl wanadi.
auctioneering (business of) (noun), udalali.
audacious (adjective), chagina.
audacious (adjective), -jasiri.
audacity (noun), ujasiri (14).
have the audacity to do something (verb), -thubutu.
audibility (noun), msikilizano, pl misikilizano.
be audible (verb), -sikika. the voice of the radio is audible. Sauti ya
radio inasikika.
be audible (verb), -sikiwa.
audience (noun), hadhira (9/10), pl hadhira.
audience member (noun), pl audience members, mtazamaji (1/2), pl
watazamaji. Chache looks at the audience members.. Chahe anawaangalia
watazamaji [Chacha, Masomo 383].
give an audience (verb), -barizi.
audio cassette (noun), kanda (9/10), pl kanda.
audit (noun), mkaguo (3/4), pl mikaguo.
audit (verb), -kagua.
auditor (noun), mfunga (1/2), pl wafunga.
auditor (noun), mkaguzi (1/2), pl wakaguzi.
auditor (noun), msikiaji, pl wasikiaji.
auditor (noun), msikilizaji, pl wasikilizaji.
auditor (noun), msikizi, pl wasikizi.
auger (noun), mfuo (3/4), pl mifuo.
augment (verb), -ongeza.
augmentation (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
augury of good luck (noun), fali (9/10), pl fali.
rare (kind of) augur (noun), mfuo, pl mifuo.
August (noun), Agosti (9).
aunt (affectionate term for any middle-aged woman) (noun), shangazi
(9/10an), pl mashangazi. n aunt is the sister of the parents. Shangazi
ni dada ya wazazi.
aunt (father's sister) (noun), shangazi (9/10an), pl mashangazi. an aunt
is the father's sister. Shangazi ni dada ya baba.
maternal aunt (same as shangazi) (noun), mbiomba (9/10an), pl mbiomba.
austerity (noun), ukali.
austerity (noun), ukalifu.
authenticate (verb), -sahihi.
authenticate (verb), -sahihisha.
authentication (noun), sahihi (9/10), pl sahihi.
authentication (noun), sahihisho (5/6), pl masahihisho.
authenticity (noun), uthabiti.
authenticity (noun), uthubutu.
author (noun), pl authors, mtungaji (1/2), pl watungaji.
author (noun), pl authors, mtunzi, pl watunzi.
author (noun), mwandikaji, pl waandikaji.
author (noun), mwandishi, pl waandishi.
author (noun), mwanzilishi, pl waanzilishi.
author (noun), mwanzilizi, pl waanzilizi.
author (noun), mwanzishaji, pl waanzilishaji.
inventor; author (noun), mbuni, pl mibuni.
authorities (noun), dola (9/10), pl dola.
(recognized) authority on poetry or literature (noun), karii, pl makarii.
authority (noun), adhama (9/10), pl adhama.
authority (noun), adhima (9/10), pl adhima.
authority (noun), amri (9/10), pl amri.
authority (noun), hukumu.
authority (noun), mamlaka (9/10), pl mamlaka.
authority (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu.
authority (noun), ukubwa.
authority (noun), usimamizi.
have authority (verb), -miliki.
person in position of authority (noun), pl people in position of
authority, mtawala (1/2), pl watawala. We wrote letters to people in
positions of authority. Tuliandikia barua kwa watawala..
public authority (noun), serikali (9/10), pl serikali. interim
authority. serikali ya mseto..
with authority (adverb), kwa nguvu. with authority. kwa nguvu.
authorization (noun), idhini (9/10), pl idhini.
authorization (noun), idhini.
authorize (verb), -idhini.
authorize (verb), -idhini.
authorize (verb), -idhinisha.
authorize (verb), -wakilisha.
authorize (verb), -wezesha.
automatic (adjective), -a kujiendesha.
be automatic (verb), -jiendesha.
automobile (noun), motakaa. "bus, taxi".. motakaa ya abiria.
automobile (noun), motakari. "bus, taxi".. motakaa ya abiria.
automobile (noun), motokaa. "bus, taxi".. motakaa ya abiria.
automobile (noun), motokari. "bus, taxi".. motakaa ya abiria.
autonomy (noun), daraka, pl madaraka.
autonomy (noun), kujitawala.
autonomy (noun), ujitawala.
autumn (noun), demani.
auxiliaries (noun), dhiba.
avail oneself of an opportunity (verb), -taamamu.
to what avail? (pronoun), wapi.
be available (verb), -patikana.
make available (verb), -weka tayari.
something available (noun), maujudi.
avalanche (noun), poromoko (5/6), pl maporomoko. an avalanche. poromoko
ya barafu.
avarice (noun), choyo (9/10), pl choyo.
avarice (noun), papio (5/6), pl mapapio.
avarice (noun), riba (9), pl riba.
avarice (noun), roho (9/10), pl roho.
avarice (noun), tamaa (9/10), pl tamaa.
avarice (noun), tamanio (5/6), pl matamanio.
avarice (noun), ubahili.
avarice (noun), uchoyo (11).
avarice (noun), uroho (14).
avaricious (adjective), kabidhi.
avaricious (adjective), pasi.
avaricious (adjective), takabadhi.
average (adjective), wastani.
average (adverb), -a kadiri.
in average (adverb), kwa kadiri.
on average (conjunction), kwa wastani.
on the average (adverb), wastani.
on the average (conjunction), kadiri.
aversion (noun), bughudha.
aversion (noun), chuki.
aversion (noun), karaha (9/10), pl karaha.
aversion (noun), karaha.
aversion (noun), kinyongo.
aversion (noun), kirahi (9/10).
aversion (noun), uchukivu.
aversion (noun), uchukizo.
aversion (noun), utakalifu.
feel an aversion for (verb), -zia.
feel aversion (verb), -kirihi.
feel aversion (verb), -nyarafu.
have an aversion for (noun), -zira.
inspire aversion (verb), -chukiza.
avert (verb), -tenga.
aviation (noun), uanahewa.
aviator (noun), mwanahewa, pl wanahewa.
avidity (noun), pupa (9/10), pl pupa. have the avidity to do something..
fanya pupa ya.
avocado (noun), pl avocados, parachichi (5/6), pl maparachichi.
avocado tree (noun), mpea (3/4), pl mipea.
avoid (verb), -ambaa.
avoid (verb), pl layout OK?, -baidisha.
avoid (verb), -piga chenga.
avoid (verb), -epa.
avoid (verb), -epuka.
avoid (verb), -epusha. Let's avoid this storm my child; avoiding the
eyes and mouths of peope from oneself.. tuepushe na kimbunga hiki,
mwanangu [Kez], kujiepusha na macho na midomo ya watu [Sul].
avoid (verb), -geua.
avoid (verb), -hadhari.
avoid (verb), -kwepa.
avoid (verb), -piga pande.
avoid (verb), -tahadhari.
avoid (verb), -zungua.
avoid each other (verb), -epukana.
avoid each other's company (verb), -enda mbago.
avoid someone's company (verb), -tukanisha.
be avoided (verb), -epukwa.
cause to avoid (verb), -ambaza.
avoidance (of something unlawful) (noun), haramu.
awake (verb), -amka.
be awake (verb), -changamuka.
be awake (verb), -kesha.
be awake (verb), -nabihika (potential).
be awake (verb), -tanabahi.
be half awake (verb), -ota.
stay awake (verb), -kesha.
wide awake (adjective), kimacho. yellow pigment (dye, paint). lala
awaken (someone) (verb), -amsha (causative). Wake them up, I want to see
them.. waamshe nataka kuwaona [Kez].
awaken suddenly (verb), -zindua usingizi.
be awakened (verb), -amshwa (passive).
be awakened (verb), -zinduliwa (passive).
be awakened suddenly (verb), -zinduka.
awakening (noun), mwamko (3/4), pl miamko.
sudden awakening (noun), mzinduko, pl mizinduko.
sudden awakening (noun), mzinduo, pl mizinduo.
award (noun), tunza, pl tunza, matunza.
award (noun), tunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
award (noun), tuza, pl matuza.
award (noun), tuzo (9/10), pl tuzo.
award (noun), ukoka.
award (noun), utunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
award (noun), utunzo.
make an award (verb), -tunza.
be awarded (verb), -tunukiwa.
be aware (of what one is worth) (verb), -jitambua (reflexive).
be fully aware (verb), -nabihi.
become aware of (verb), -tanabahi.
away from (preposition), kutoka.
away from (preposition), toka.
away from (preposition), tokea.
do away with (verb), -katiza.
do away with (verb), -kumba.
do away with (verb), -tangua. do away with friendship. tangua urafiki.
go away (verb), -awa.
go away (verb), -ondoka (potential). Once (s)he leaves for the
workplace. anapoondoka kwenda kazini [Sul].
go away quickly (verb), -rufai.
take away (verb), -ondoa. These ones take away sleep. haya ondoeni
usingizi [Kez].
awe (noun), fazaa (9/10), pl fazaa.
awe (noun), haya.
awe (noun), kicho (7/8), pl vicho.
awe (noun), tahayari (9).
awe (noun), ucha.
awe (noun), uchaji (14).
awe (noun), uchaji.
awkwardly (adverb), shoto. (s)he is working awkwardly. anafanya kazi
awkwardly (adverb), shotoshoto. (s)he is working awkwardly. anafanya
kazi shoto.
awkwardness (noun), machachari, pl machachari.
awkwardness (noun), makeke (6).
awl (noun), gude.
awl (noun), maharazi.
awl (noun), msharasi, pl misharasi.
awn (of grain) (noun), ndevu, pl ndevu.
awning (noun), chandarua, pl vyandarua.
awning (noun), tandarua (9/10), pl tandarua.
awning (noun), ukingo (11/10), pl kingo.
awry (adjective), benibeni.
awry (adverb), upande, pl pande.
ax (noun), choka, pl machoka.
ax (noun), choka, pl machoka.
ax stroke (noun), keu (5/6), pl makeu.
axe (noun), pl axes, shoka (5/6), pl mashoka. (s)he cut the tree with an
ax. Aliukata mti na shoka.
axis (noun), mhimili (3/4), pl mihimili.
axis (of a globe etc.) (noun), kipenyo, pl vipenyo.
azure (color) (noun), samawati (9/10), pl samawati. (s)he has azure
(color) eyes. Ana macho rangi ya samawati.
azure (color) (noun), samawi (9/10), pl samawati.


babble (noun), kijineno, pl vijineno.

babble (verb), -babaika.
babble (verb), -bwata.
babble (verb), -tatarika.
babbling (noun), mropoko (3/4), pl miropoko.
baboon (noun), pl baboons, nyani (9/10an), pl nyani.
baby (noun), malaika (9/10an), pl malaika.
baby (noun), mchanga (1/2), pl wachanga.
baby-sitter (noun), mlei, pl walei.
babysitter (noun), yaya (5/6an), pl mayaya.
bachelor (noun), kapera (5/6), pl makapera.
bachelor (noun), pl bachelors, mseja (1/2), pl waseja.
bachelor (unmarried man) (noun), mjane, pl wajane.
bachelorhood (noun), uvulana.
bachelorhood (noun), ujane.
bachelorhood (noun), useja.
back (adverb), nyuma. go back. rudi nyuma.
back (noun), beki, pl mabeki.
back (noun), mgongano (3/4), pl migongano.
back (noun), mgongo (3/4), pl migongo.
back (noun), ungo, pl maungo.
back (noun), ungu, pl maungu.
back (large and high) (noun), jongo (5/6), pl majongo.
back down (verb), -susuika.
back part (noun), kinyume.
back someone into a corner (verb), -teka.
back up (verb), -unga mkono.
forced turning back (noun), mzungusho, pl mizungusho.
go back (verb), -rejea.
go back (verb), -rejesha.
go back (verb), -rejeza.
go back and forth (verb), -vinjari.
keep back (verb), -hini.
keep back (verb), -kawilisha.
lie on one's back (adverb), -lala kingalingali.
on the back (adjective), tanitani. on the back. kwa tanitani.
on the back (adverb), chali. lie on one's back. lala chali.
on the back (adverb), chani. lie on one's back. lala chani.
on the back (adverb), kichali.
on the back (adverb), tani. on the back. kwa tani.
on the back (face upwards) (adverb), kingalingali.
back stitch (noun), ponta (9/10), pl ponta.
backbite (verb), -sengenya. they backbite Ali because he was not there.
Walimsengenya Ali kwa vile hakuwapo.
backbite (verb), -teta.
backbiting (noun), msengenyano, pl misengenyano.
backbiting (noun), uchongezi.
backbiting (noun), uchongezo.
backbiting (noun), uchongolezi.
backbiting (noun), utetaji.
backbiting (noun), uteto.
backbone (noun), mgongo (3/4), pl migongo.
backbone (noun), ungo, pl maungo.
backbone (noun), ungu, pl maungu.
backbone (noun), uti wa mgongo (11/10), pl nyuti za maungo.
background (noun), kinyume.
background of a cloth (noun), mji wa kitambaa.
backslide (verb), -ritadi.
backsliding (noun), ukengefu.
backstitch (noun), shulu (5/6), pl mashulu.
backstitch (noun), shuru (5/6), pl mashuru.
be backward (verb), -dumaa.
backwards (adjective), tanitani.
backwards (adverb), kichali.
backwards (adverb), kingalingali.
backwards (adverb), kinyume.
backwards (adverb), nyuma. go backwards.. rudi nyuma.
backwards (adverb), shoto. (s)he is working backwards. anafanya kazi
backwards (adverb), shotoshoto. (s)he is working backwards. anafanya
kazi shoto.
backwards (adverb), tani.
backwards (noun), kimangalingali.
backyard (noun), ua, pl nyua.
backyard (noun), ua, pl nyua.
backyard (of a house) (noun), uani (9/10), pl nyuani.
bacteria (noun), vijimea.
bacterium (noun), pl bacteria, kidudu (7/8), pl vidudu.
bacterium (noun), kijimea, pl vijimea.
bad (adjective), -baya.
bad (adjective), -bovu.
bad (adjective), kibaya, pl vibaya.
bad (adjective), makeruhi.
bad (adjective), makuruhi.
bad (adjective), mbaya.
bad (adjective), -ovu.
bad (adjective), wi.
bad (of character) (adjective), shari.
in a bad state (adjective), hoi.
one who does his work badly (noun), mfujaji, pl wafujaji.
something badly made (noun), dungudungu, pl madungudungu.
turn bad (verb), -oza. the fruits have turned bad.. matunda yameoza.
bad humor (noun), chuki.
bad luck (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
cause bad luck (to someone) (verb), -chira.
bad mood (noun), chuki.
in bad taste (adjective), dufu.
bad temper (noun), chuki (9/10), pl chuki.
bad-tempered (adjective), dhaifu.
badge (noun), pl badges, nishani (9/10), pl nishani.
badly (adverb), hobela.
badly (adverb), vibya.
do badly (verb), -gurugusha.
one who does something badly (noun), mchorachora, pl wachorachora.
badness (noun), kioza.
badness (noun), mabaya, pl mabaya.
badness (noun), ovu (5/6), pl maovu. there are both bad and good in the
world.. mema na maovu ndio ulimwengu.
badness (noun), ubaya (14).
badness (noun), ubovu (14).
badness (noun), uovu, pl maovu.
badness (noun), viza (5).
(applic. of mgomgo) (noun), jongo, pl majongo.
(ass.) (verb), -ingiliana.
(caus.-assoc.) (verb), -ingiana.
(pass.) (verb), -ingiliwa.
(stat.) (verb), -ingika.
appl. (verb), -haribia.
appl. (verb), -harimia.
appl. (verb), -hasiria.
appl. (verb), -hemea.
appl. (verb), -himilia.
appl. (verb), -hinia (applicative).
appl. (verb), -hitajia.
appl. (verb), -hitilafia.
appl. (verb), -hitimia.
appl. (verb), -hizia.
appl. (verb), -hojia.
appl. (verb), -hongera.
appl. (verb), -husudia.
appl. (verb), -idhinia.
appl. (verb), -ishia.
appl. (verb), -jadilia.
appl. (verb), -jalia.
appl. (verb), -jaribia.
appl. (verb), -jasiria.
appl. (verb), -jasisia.
appl. (verb), -jazia.
appl. (verb), -jia.
appl. (verb), -jongelea.
appl. (verb), -juia.
appl. (verb), -kabidhia.
appl. (verb), -kabilia.
appl. (verb), -kadiria.
appl. (verb), -kagulia.
appl. (verb), -kaidia.
appl. (verb), -kakatulia.
appl. (verb), -kalafatia.
appl. (verb), -kamatia.
appl. (verb), -kamilia.
appl. (verb), -kandia.
appl. (verb), -kania (applicative).
appl. (verb), -karidhia.
appl. (verb), -kariria.
appl. (verb), -kashifia.
appl. (verb), -kasiria.
appl. (verb), -katalia.
appl. (verb), -katia.
appl. (verb), -katibia.
appl. (verb), -katulia.
appl. (verb), -kengea.
appl. (verb), -kereketea.
appl. (verb), -ketia.
appl. of bomoa (verb), -bomolea.
appl. of burai (verb), -buraia.
appl. of cha (verb), -chea.
appl. of chafua (verb), -chafulia.
appl. of chagua (verb), -chagulia.
appl. of chambua (verb), -chambulia.
appl. of chokoa (verb), -chokolea.
appl. of timu (verb), -timia.
appl. of zuzua (verb), zuzulia.
appl.-assoc. (verb), -kamiana.
appl.-caus. (verb), -kagulika.
assoc. (verb), -husiana.
augment. of kiboko (noun), boko, pl maboko.
augment. of kitovu (noun), tovu, pl matovu.
augment. of mtungi (noun), tungi, pl matungi.
augment. of mtungo (noun), tungo, pl matungo.
augment. of mtwana (noun), twana, pl matwana.
bado (noun), masubutu.
bado (noun), lambitia.
bado (noun), patu (5/6), pl mapatu.
bado (verb), -ajizika (intransitive).
bado (verb), -finyangia.
bado (verb), -finyangiza.
bado (verb), -fokea.
bado (verb), -fukilia.
bado (verb), -fulia.
bado (verb), -fulisha.
bado (verb), -fumanika.
bado (verb), -fumaniza.
bado (verb), -fumuka.
bado (verb), -fumulia.
bado (verb), -ingizana.
bado (verb), -neneza.
bado (verb), -nolea.
bado (verb), -nolesha.
bado (verb), -nung'unikia.
bado (verb), -nyamalia.
bado (verb), -nyambulia.
bado (verb), -nyanyua.
bado (verb), -nyarafia.
bado (verb), -nyatua.
bado (verb), -nyea.
bado (verb), -nyegeresha.
bado (verb), -nyegesha.
bado (verb), -nyelea.
bado (verb), -nyengeresha.
bado (verb), -nyenyea.
bado (verb), -nyenywa.
bado (verb), -nyetea.
bado (verb), -nyongea.
bado (verb), -nyongeka.
bado (verb), -nyongesha.
bado (verb), -nyonyoka.
bado (verb), -nyonyolea.
bado (verb), -ogea.
bado (verb), -okelea.
bado (verb), -okesha.
bado (verb), -okeza.
bado (verb), -okotea.
bado (verb), -okotesha.
bado (verb), -olea.
bado (verb), -ombeka.
bado (verb), -omekea.
bado (verb), -omolea.
bado (verb), -ongofya.
bado (verb), -ongolea.
bado (verb), -onjea.
bado (verb), -onjesha.
bado (verb), -opoka.
bado (verb), -oposha.
bado (verb), -opoza.
bado (verb), -oshea.
bado (verb), -osheza.
bado (verb), -oteka.
bado (verb), -ozeka.
bado (verb), -paana (associative).
bado (verb), -pachikia.
bado (verb), -pachikika.
bado (verb), -pakatika.
bado (verb), -palika.
bado (verb), -pambanuka.
bado (verb), -pambanulia.
bado (verb), -pambanya.
bado (verb), -pambika.
bado (verb), -pambisha.
bado (verb), -pambulia.
bado (verb), -pambulika.
bado (verb), -pandia.
bado (verb), -pandika.
bado (verb), -pangia.
bado (verb), -panulia.
bado (verb), -papata.
bado (verb), -papatulia.
bado (verb), -papayuka.
bado (verb), -pasuliwa.
bado (verb), -patika.
bado (verb), -patilia.
bado (verb), -payukapayuka.
bado (verb), -pekulika.
bado (verb), -pelea.
bado (verb), -petuka.
bado (verb), -petulia.
bado (verb), -petusha.
bado (verb), -pigia.
bado (verb), -pigika.
bado (verb), -pigisha.
bado (verb), -pindulia.
bado (verb), -pinduza.
bado (verb), -pinza.
bado (verb), -pitilia.
bado (verb), -pofulia.
bado (verb), -pogolea.
bado (verb), -pogosha.
bado (verb), -pokelea.
bado (verb), -pokeleza.
bado (verb), -poshea.
bado (verb), -posheza.
bado (verb), -potelea.
bado (verb), -potolea.
bado (verb), -pujuka.
bado (verb), -pujulia.
bado (verb), -pujuliwa.
bado (verb), -pukuchua.
bado (verb), -pukutua.
bado (verb), -pulizia.
bado (verb), -pulizika.
bado (verb), -pumzikia.
bado (verb), -puzia.
bado (verb), -puzika.
bado (verb), -raiwa.
bado (verb), -rakibia.
bado (verb), -rakibika.
bado (verb), -rakibishika.
bado (verb), -rarulia.
bado (verb), -rasisia.
bado (verb), -rasisika.
bado (verb), -rasisisha.
bado (verb), -ratibia.
bado (verb), -rehemia.
bado (verb), -rehemika.
bado (verb), -rejeka.
bado (verb), -rekebia.
bado (verb), -rekebika.
bado (verb), -rekebishika.
bado (verb), -rekibia.
bado (verb), -rekibika.
bado (verb), -rekibishika.
bado (verb), -rembea.
bado (verb), -rembeka.
bado (verb), -rembesha.
bado (verb), -rembulia.
bado (verb), -rembusha.
bado (verb), -rithia.
bado (verb), -rudufisha.
bado (verb), -rudufika.
bado (verb), -rudufya.
bado (verb), -rufukia.
bado (verb), -rufukisha.
bado (verb), -ruhsia.
bado (verb), -rukhsia.
bado (verb), -ruhsika.
bado (verb), -ruhsisha.
bado (verb), -ruhusia.
bado (verb), -ruhusika.
bado (verb), -ruhusisha.
bado (verb), -rujumia.
bado (verb), -rujumisha.
bado (verb), -rujumika.
bado (verb), -rukhsika.
bado (verb), -rukhsisha.
bado (verb), -sabilika.
bado (verb), -sadikia.
bado (verb), -safidia.
bado (verb), -safidisha.
bado (verb), -sagia.
bado (verb), -sahaulia.
bado (verb), -sahaulika.
bado (verb), -sahihia.
bado (verb), -sahihika.
bado (verb), -saidika.
bado (verb), -saidiza.
bado (verb), -sailia.
bado (verb), -sailisha.
bado (verb), -sakia.
bado (verb), -sakifia.
bado (verb), -sakifika.
bado (verb), -sakifisha.
bado (verb), -sakika.
bado (verb), -sakisha.
bado (verb), -sakiwa.
bado (verb), -sakiza.
bado (verb), -saliana.
bado (verb), -salimika.
bado (verb), -salitia.
bado (verb), -sambalia.
bado (verb), -sambalika.
bado (verb), -sambalisha.
bado (verb), -sanalia.
bado (verb), -selehia.
bado (verb), -selehiana.
bado (verb), -selehika.
bado (verb), -selehisha.
bado (verb), -semeza.
bado (verb), -setea.
bado (verb), -setesha.
bado (verb), -shamulia.
bado (verb), -sharikia.
bado (verb), -sharikika.
bado (verb), -sharikisha.
bado (verb), -sharikiza.
bado (verb), -shauka.
bado (verb), -shaulia.
bado (verb), -shauria.
bado (verb), -shaurisha.
bado (verb), -shauriza.
bado (verb), -shausha.
bado (verb), -shawishika.
bado (verb), -shawishisha.
bado (verb), -shawishia.
bado (verb), -shibia.
bado (verb), -shikama.
bado (verb), -shikia.
bado (verb), -shikika.
bado (verb), -shindia.
bado (verb), -shinduka.
bado (verb), -shindulia.
bado (verb), -shirikia.
bado (verb), -shirikika.
bado (verb), -shitakia.
bado (verb), -shitakika.
bado (verb), -shitakisha.
bado (verb), -shitakiza.
bado (verb), -shoneka.
bado (verb), -shonoka.
bado (verb), -shonolea.
bado (verb), -shonosha.
bado (verb), -shtakika.
bado (verb), -shtakisha.
bado (verb), -shtakiza.
bado (verb), -shtulia.
bado (verb), -shuhudika.
bado (verb), -shulia.
bado (verb), -shupana.
bado (verb), -shurutia.
bado (verb), -shushia.
bado (verb), -shutumia.
bado (verb), -shutumika.
bado (verb), -shutumisha.
bado (verb), -sifisha.
bado (verb), -silimika.
bado (verb), -silimisha.
bado (verb), -simulika ( intr-inver).
bado (verb), -simulisha (causative).
bado (verb), -sinuka ( appl-intr).
bado (verb), -sinzilia.
bado (verb), -sismuka (intransitive).
bado (verb), -sokotea (applicative).
bado (verb), -sokoteka (intransitive).
bado (verb), -sokotesha (causative).
bado (verb), -songama (stative).
bado (verb), -songeka (applicative).
bado (verb), -songesha (applicative).
bado (verb), -songoka ( intr-inver).
bado (verb), -songolea ( appl-inver).
bado (verb), -songona ( assoc-inver).
bado (verb), -sononea.
bado (verb), -sozea (applicative).
bado (verb), -staajabia (applicative).
bado (verb), -stahiana (associative).
bado (verb), -stahilia.
bado (verb), -stahilika.
bado (verb), -stahimilia (applicative).
bado (verb), -stihizayisha (causative).
bado (verb), -stihizaia (applicative).
bado (verb), -stihizaisha (causative).
bado (verb), -stihizayia (applicative).
bado (verb), -stiria (applicative).
bado (verb), -subia (applicative).
bado (verb), -subika.
bado (verb), -subilia (applicative).
bado (verb), -subisha.
bado (verb), -sugulia (applicative).
bado (verb), -sugulisha (causative).
bado (verb), -sukia (applicative).
bado (verb), -sukumia (applicative).
bado (verb), -sukumika (intransitive).
bado (verb), -suluhia (applicative).
bado (verb), -sumbulia (applicative).
bado (verb), -sumia (applicative).
bado (verb), -sumika (intransitive).
bado (verb), -sumisha (causative).
bado (verb), -tabanya (causative).
bado (verb), -tabikia (applicative).
bado (verb), -tabiria (applicative).
bado (verb), -tabirika (intransitive).
bado (verb), -tabirisha (causative).
bado (verb), -tabulia (applicative).
bado (verb), -tadia (applicative).
bado (verb), -tafutisha (causative).
bado (verb), -taghafalisha (causative).
bado (verb), -taghafalishwa (passive).
bado (verb), -tagisha (causative).
bado (verb), -taharisha (causative).
bado (verb), -taharukia (applicative).
bado (verb), -taharukisha (causative).
bado (verb), -tajiria (applicative).
bado (verb), -takatika (intransitive).
bado (verb), -takika (intransitive).
bado (verb), -tambulia (applicative).
bado (verb), -tanduka ( intr-inver).
bado (verb), -tandulia ( appl-inver).
bado (verb), -tanduza ( caus-inver).
bado (verb), -tasa.
caus. (verb), -himilisha.
caus. (verb), -hitimisha.
caus. (verb), -hizisha.
caus. (verb), -hukumiza.
caus. (verb), -husisha.
caus. (verb), -ibisha.
caus. (verb), -idhinisha.
caus. (verb), -igiza.
caus. (verb), -jamiisha.
caus. (verb), -jaribisha.
caus. (verb), -jasirisha.
caus. (verb), -jasisisha.
caus. (verb), -jazisha.
caus. (verb), -jengesha.
caus. (verb), -jibiza.
caus. (verb), -jongeza.
caus. (verb), -kaanza.
caus. (verb), -kabidhisha.
caus. (verb), -kabilisha (causative).
caus. (verb), -kadirisha.
caus. (verb), -kalisha.
caus. (verb), -kamilisha.
caus. (verb), -kamisha.
caus. (verb), -karirisha.
caus. (verb), -kemesha.
caus. (verb), -kengeusha.
caus. (verb), -kengeza.
caus. (verb), -keshesha.
caus. of benua (verb), -benusha.
caus. of bopa (verb), -bofya.
caus. of cha (verb), -chesha.
caus. of chagua (verb), -chaguza.
caus. of cheua (verb), -cheusha.
caus. of chuchumaa (verb), -chuchumaza.
caus. of doya (verb), -doyeza.
caus. of enda (verb), -enza.
caus. of toboa (verb), -tobosha.
cf. -ote (adjective), zote.
cf. -pi (adjective), zipi.
cf. chimvi (noun), timbi, pl matimbi.
cf. chora (noun), tora.
cf. chua (verb), -tua.
cf. dodi (noun), udodi, pl dodi.
cf. kala (noun), kola. freedom for the colonial peoples..
cf. kiambaza (noun), kiwambaza, pl viwambaza.
cf. kiambaza (noun), kiyambazi, pl viyambazi. she is childless..
cf. kichochoro (noun), uchochoro, pl machochoro.
cf. kigelegele (noun), ugelegele.
cf. kilabu (noun), klabu, pl vilabu.
cf. kimanda (noun), kiwanda, pl viwanda.
cf. kisibau (noun), kizibau, pl vizibau. whirlpool.
cf. kisuli (noun), kizuli, pl vizuli.
cf. kitoweo (noun), toweo, pl matoweo.
cf. kivivu (adverb), kivivuvivu.
cf. kivo (noun), kizo, pl vizo.
cf. kiwambo (noun), kiwambamoyo, pl viwambamoyo.
cf. kizao (noun), kivyao, pl vivyao.
cf. kizao (noun), kivyazi, pl vivyazi.
cf. kizimba (noun), kizimbi, pl vizimbi.
cf. kizio (noun), zio, pl vizio.
cf. kohozi (noun), kohoo, pl makohoo.
cf. kokwa (noun), koko, pl makoko.
cf. kororo (noun), kololo, pl makolo.
cf. kumbati (noun), kombati, pl makombati.
cf. mafusho (noun), ufusho.
cf. masilaha (noun), masuluhu.
cf. masumbuko (noun), masumbufu, pl masumbufu.
cf. mgando (noun), ugando.
cf. mtoki (noun), toki.
cf. Mturuki (noun), Turuki, pl maturuki.
cf. mzunguko (noun), kizunguko, pl vizunguko.
cf. tajiri (noun), tijara.
cf. tega (verb), -dega.
cf. teke (adjective), teketeke.
cf. teke (adjective), tikitiki.
cf. tekenywa (noun), tekenya, pl matekenya.
cf. telemko (noun), telemuko, pl matelemuko.
cf. telemko (noun), teremko, pl materemko.
cf. telemua (verb), -teremua.
cf. telemuko (noun), teremuko, pl materemuko.
cf. tepe (adjective), tepetepe.
cf. tepete (adjective), tepetevu.
cf. tepetea (adjective), tepeta.
cf. tetekuwanga (noun), tetemaji.
cf. tetekuwanga (noun), tetewanga.
cf. thumu (noun), tumu.
cf. tikiti (noun), tikti.
cf. toa (verb), -towa.
cf. toasi (noun), tuwazi, pl matuwazi.
cf. tonosha (verb), -tonesha.
cf. tuhumu (verb), -tehemu.
cf. tunzo (noun), tunza, pl matunza.
cf. turubali (noun), turbali.
cf. turubali (noun), turubai.
cf. twaana (verb), -twazana.
cf. twaliwa (verb), -twawa.
cf. tweka (verb), -twika.
cf. tweza and twisha (verb), -twesha.
cf. uahizi (noun), uajazi.
cf. uaminifu (noun), uamini.
cf. uangalifu (noun), uangalizi.
cf. uangavu (noun), uangafu.
cf. ubadhirifu (noun), ubadhiri.
cf. ubinadamu (noun), uanaadamu.
cf. ubinadamu (noun), uanadamu.
cf. ucheo (noun), uchoo.
cf. uke (noun), uanauke.
cf. ukombozi (noun), kombozi, pl makombozi. water shortage..
cf. uuaji (noun), uaji.
cf. uume (noun), uanaume.
cf. uwanda (noun), uanda.
cf. uwati (noun), uati, pl mbati.
cf. uyoga (noun), kiyoga, pl viyoga. the present (living) generation..
cf. vivuko (noun), kivusho, pl vivusho.
cf. waa (noun), kiwaa, pl viwaa.
cf. wayo (noun), uayo, pl nyayo.
cf. yowe (noun), kiyowe, pl viyowe.
cf.kifukizo (noun), kivukizo, pl vivukizo.
cf.teremsho (verb), -teremusha.
det. ki cl. (pronoun), cho. anything whatsoever. kitu cho chote.
double appl. and caus. (verb), -ishiliza.
double appl. and int (verb), -ishilia.
imper. see enda (verb), -enenda. go about your business. nendeni zenu.
int. of churura (noun), -chururiza.
intr. (verb), -himilika.
intr. (verb), -hitajika.
intr. (verb), -hofika.
intr. (verb), -husika.
intr. (verb), -idhinika.
intr. (verb), -jaribika.
intr. (verb), -jasirika.
intr. (verb), -jengeka.
intr. (verb), -jibika.
intr. (verb), -julika.
intr. (verb), -kabidhika.
intr. (verb), -kabilika (intransitive).
intr. (verb), -kaguka.
intr. (verb), -kakatuka.
intr. (verb), -kalia.
intr. (verb), -kalika.
intr. (verb), -kamika.
intr. (verb), -kashifika.
intr. (verb), -katalika.
intr. (verb), -katika.
intr. (verb), -katuka.
intr. (verb), -kengeka.
intr. (verb), -kengeuka.
intr. of cha (verb), -cheka.
intr. of chafua (verb), -chafuka. the sea was very rough.. bahari
ilichafuka sana.
intr. of kokomoa (verb), -kokomoka.
intr.of cheua (verb), -cheuka.
inv. (verb), -kakamua.
inv. -appl. of chana (verb), -chanulia.
inv. of chimba (verb), -chimbua.
inv.-appl. (verb), -jengulia.
inv.-appl. (verb), -kamulia ( appl-inver).
inv.-caus. (verb), -jengusha.
inv.-caus. (verb), -kamulisha ( caus-inver).
inv.-intr. (verb), -jenguka.
inv.-intr. (verb), -kamulika ( intr-inver).
inv.-intr. of chacha (verb), -chachuka.
inv.-intr. of umika (verb), -umuka.
inv.-pass. (verb), -kamuliwa ( caus-inver).
pass. (verb), -hilikiwa.
pass. (verb), -hofiwa.
pass. (verb), -hojiwa.
pass. (verb), -husudiwa.
pass. (verb), -idhiniwa.
pass. (verb), -jaliwa.
pass. (verb), -jeruhiwa.
pass. (verb), -jumlishwa.
pass. (verb), -kalfatiwa.
pass. (verb), -kaliwa.
pass. (verb), -karibiwa.
pass. (verb), -karidhiwa.
pass. (verb), -karipiwa.
pass. (verb), -kaririwa.
pass. (verb), -kashifiwa.
pass. (verb), -kasiriwa.
pass. (verb), -kataliwa.
pass. (verb), -kengeuliwa.
pass. (verb), -ketiwa.
pass. of cheka (verb), -chekwa.
pass. of chovya (verb), -chovya.
pass. of toga (adjective), togwa.
pl. of utete (noun), tete.
pr. n. masc. (pronoun), uledi.
pronoun (masculine) (pronoun), pl usage?, almazi.
stat. of unga (verb), -ungama.
stat.-caus. (verb), -kandamisha ( caus-stat).
usually eneo, q.v. (noun), cheneo, pl vieneo.
baffle (verb), -koroweza. break one's neck..
baffling thing (noun), mzungu, pl mizungu.
that which baffles (noun), kishinda (7/8), pl vishinda.
bag (noun), bahasha, pl bahasha, mabahasha.
bag (noun), begi.
bag (noun), kipindo, pl vipindo.
bag (noun), mfuko (3/4), pl mifuko.
bag (noun), mkoba (3/4), pl mikoba.
bag (noun), mkwiji (3/4), pl mikwiji.
bag (noun), mzigo, pl mizigo.
bag (noun), uwindo, pl mawindo.
bag (noun), windo, pl mawindo.
bag (broad-bottomed and woven for grain) (noun), kanda (9/10), pl kanda.
bag (in hunting) (noun), mawindo, pl mawindo.
bag (large) (noun), fuko (5/6), pl mafuko.
bag (made of matting) (noun), peto (5/6), pl mapeto.
bag (of hunting) (noun), mavungu, pl mavungu.
bag (woven) (noun), kishupi (7/8), pl vishupi.
bag made of matting (noun), fumba (9/10), pl fumba.
bag made of matting (for transporting dates) (noun), guni (5/6), pl
bag with cover flap (noun), kipeto (7/8), pl vipeto.
leather bag (small for misc. articles) (noun), kibogoshi (7/8), pl
small bag of matting (noun), kigumi, pl vigumi.
small bag of matting (noun), kiguni, pl viguni.
small traveling-bag (noun), chondo, pl vyondo.
Baganda (people of Uganda) (noun), Kiganda.
baggage (noun), makolokolo.
baggy (adjective), bombo. short, baggy trousers. suruali bombo.
bail (noun), dhamana (9/10), pl dhamana.
bail (noun), dhamini.
bail (noun), fidia, pl mafidia.
bail (noun), kafala.
bail (noun), kudhamini.
bail (of a bucket or pot) (noun), utambo.
bail (water out of a boat) (verb), -kumba.
bail (water out of a boat) (verb), -vua.
put up bail (verb), -fidi.
bailer (noun), dila.
bailer (noun), ndoo.
bailer (noun), sila (9/10), pl sila.
bailer (used for bailing out boats) (noun), ndau.
bait (noun), chambo (7/8), pl vyambo.
bait (noun), dhiaka, pl madhiaka.
bait (noun), kishawishi, pl vishawisihi.
bait (verb), -amba.
bait (verb), pl How can this be intransitive, -ambika.
bait (of fishing) (noun), jambo.
bait a trap (verb), -ambika.
tebait (noun), kishushi, pl vishawisihi.
member of the Bajuni ethnic group (coast N of Mombasa) (noun), Bajini, pl
member of the Bajuni ethnic group (coast N of Mombasa) (noun), Bajun, pl
bake (verb), -kaanga.
bake (verb), -oka. bake bread. oka mkate.
bake (verb), -ungulia.
bake (potatoes etc.) (verb), -vumbika.
baker (noun), mwoka (1/2), pl waoka.
baker (noun), mwokaji (1/2), pl waokaji.
baking (noun), mwoko, pl mioko.
baking (noun), uokaji.
baking (act of) (noun), unguzo.
baking powder (noun), hamira (9/10), pl hamira.
balance (noun), baki, pl mabaki.
balance (noun), kapani (9/10), pl kapani.
balance (noun), kapani.
balance (noun), minzani. balance of forces. mizani ya nguvu.
balance (noun), mizani (9/10), pl mizani.
balance (noun), pl balances, tarafu (9/10), pl tarafu.
balance (noun), taraju (9/10), pl taraju.
balance (noun), urari.
balance (noun), usawa.
balance (verb), -wiana.
balance (of a clock or watch) (noun), minzani.
balance (of a clock or watch) (noun), mizani.
balance oneself (verb), -jisuka.
balancing-pole (used in dugout canoes) (noun), parago (5/6), pl maparago.
strike a balance (verb), -katiana.
balcony (noun), roshani (9/10), pl roshani. the children are playing
near the balcony. Watoto wanacheza karibu na roshani.
bald (adjective), tupu.
bald (adverb), kichele.
bald head (noun), kipara, pl vipara.
bald patch (on head) (noun), kidazi (7/8), pl vidazi.
bald patch on head (noun), para (9/10), pl para.
bald spot (noun), kipara, pl vipara.
bald spot (noun), para (9/10), pl para.
baldness (noun), para (9/10), pl para.
baldness (noun), upaa.
baldness (noun), upara (11).
bale (noun), bunda (5/6), pl mabunda.
bale (noun), robota (5/6), pl marobota. a bale of cotton.. robota la
bale (noun), tumba (9/10), pl tumba.
bale (noun), vunga, pl mavunga.
bale (noun), vunge, pl mavunge.
bale (of cloth) (noun), mtumba, pl mitumba.
bale of cloth (about 30 yards) (noun), jora (5/6), pl majora.
ball (noun), donge, pl madonge. ball of yarn. donge la uzi.
ball (noun), kibumba, pl vibumba.
ball (noun), kitonge (7/8), pl vitonge.
ball (noun), kiviringo, pl miviringo, viviringo.
ball (noun), mviringo, pl miviringo, viviringo.
ball (noun), tufe (9/10), pl tufe.
ball (of ugali or rice etc.) (noun), tonge.
ball (of yarn) (noun), bonge, pl mabonge.
ball (small) (noun), pumba (9/10), pl pumba.
ball of glass (noun), gololi (5/6), pl magololi.
ball of iron or steel (noun), popoo (9/10), pl popoo.
bite-sized deep-fried ball of flour and beans and spices (noun), bajia,
pl bajia.
rubber ball (noun), mpira, pl mipira.
small ball (noun), kipira (7/8), pl vipira.
small rounded ball (of bread or ugali) (noun), donge (5/6), pl madonge.
ball-bearing (noun), gololi (5/6), pl magololi.
ballast (noun), farumi.
ballast (noun), farumu.
ballgame (noun), tufe.
balloon (noun), bofu, pl mabofu.
ballot (noun), kivoteo, pl vivoteo. there was a great hubbub in the
ballot (noun), kura.
balm (noun), zeri.
balsam (noun), zeri.
balustrade (noun), ukingo, pl kingo.
bamboo (noun), henzarani.
bamboo (noun), mwanzi (3/4), pl mianzi. The small bat lives in the
bamboo.. Popo mdogo anaishi katika mianzi [Masomo 30].
mwanzi (kind of bamboo) (noun), mwanzi, pl mianzi.
bamboozle (verb), -kenga.
ban (noun), maharimisho. disarmament. maharimisho ya silaha.
ban (for medical or magical reasons) (noun), mzio (3/4), pl mizio.
banality (noun), ubichi.
banana (noun), dole, pl madole.
banana (noun), ndizi (9/10).
banana (kind of) (noun), mchinjadamu, pl michinjadamu.
banana (kind of) (noun), mfichachani, pl mifichachani.
banana (kind of) (noun), mkalimana, pl mikalimana.
banana (kind of) (noun), pukusa (9/10), pl pukusa. The mother bought a
full bundle of bananas. Mama alinunua mkungu mzima wa ndizi pukasa.
banana (type of) (noun), kikondo (7/8), pl vikondo.
banana (type of) (noun), matoke (6), pl matoke.
banana (variety of) (noun), bokoboko.
banana (variety of) (noun), kichaazi, pl vichaazi.
banana (variety of) (noun), mazu, pl mazu.
banana (variety of) (noun), mkono, pl mikono. fig. variety of bananas..
mkono wa tembo.
banana (variety of) (noun), mpanje, pl mipanje.
banana (variety of) (noun), tongo, pl matongo.
banana plant (noun), mgomba (3/4), pl migomba.
banana tree (noun), mdizi (3/4), pl midizi.
bunch of bananas (noun), tana (5/6), pl matana.
fiber of the banana leaf (noun), gomba (5/6), pl magomba.
fiber of the banana plant (noun), ugomba, pl magomba.
kind of banana (noun), kipukusa (7/8), pl vipukusa.
kind of banana which is cooked when unripe (noun), mzuzu, pl mizuzu.
species of banana with diuretic effect (noun), kojozi, pl kojozi.
stem of the banana plant (with the entire bunch of fruit) (noun), mkungu,
pl mikungu.
variety of banana (noun), kipukute, pl vikupute.
young banana plant (noun), kigomba, pl vigomba.
bananas that have grown together (noun), ndizi pacha.
band (noun), beni (9/10), pl beni. Band instruments are used.. Vyombo
vya beni hutumiwa [Masomo 131].
band (noun), gwaride (5/6), pl magwaride.
band (noun), kikosi (7/8), pl vikosi.
band (noun), kundi, pl makundi.
band (noun), mshipi, pl mishipi.
band (jazz) (noun), bendi.
band (jazz) (noun), beni.
musical band (kind of) (noun), dukuduku (5/6), pl madukuduku.
bandage (noun), gango (5/6), pl magango.
bandage (noun), mkumbuu (3/4), pl mikumbuu.
bandage (noun), ukumbuo.
bandage (noun), ukumbuu.
bandage (noun), utambaa, pl tambaa.
mkowa (bandage worn by women during pregnancy) (noun), mkowa, pl mikowa.
bandaid (noun), mpakato (3/4), pl mipakato.
bandit (noun), gaidi (5/6), pl magaidi.
bandit (noun), haramia (5/6), pl maharamia.
bandit (noun), haramia (5/6), pl maharamia.
bandit (noun), mkora (1/2), pl wakora.
bang (noun), mgoto, pl migoto.
bang (noun), mlio, pl milio. rifle shot.. mlio wa bunduki.
bang (noun), pl bangs, mshindo (3/4), pl mishindo.
bang (verb), -gonga.
bang on each other (verb), -gongana.
bang the door (verb), -bana mlango.
banging sound (noun), mgongo (3/4), pl migongo. The banging of the
pestle and the clapping is very pleasing msichana anayefikia hali ya kuwa
mtu mzima [Masomo 130]. Mgongo wa mchi na makofi huwa wa kupendeza mno
msichana anayefikia hali ya kuwa mtu mzima [Masomo 130].
cause to bang (verb), -banza (causative).
go bang (verb), -lia.
bangle (noun), bangili (5/6), pl bangili.
chain bangle worn on wrist by women (noun), pochi (5/6), pl mapochi.
banish (verb), -fukuza.
banish (verb), -hamisha.
banish from a country (verb), -fukuza katika nchi.
one who banishes (noun), mfukuzi, pl wafukuzi.
banishment (noun), fukuzano (5/6), pl mafukuzano.
banishment (noun), uhamisho (14).
banister (noun), egemeo, pl maegemeo.
banister (noun), ukingo, pl kingo.
banjo (kind of) (noun), zeze (9/10), pl zeze.
banjo (type of) (noun), ugombo (11), pl magombo.
musical instrument similar to a banjo (noun), gambusi.
native banjo (noun), gambusi (9/10), pl gambusi.
bank (noun), banki, pl benki. cooperative bank, postal savings bank,
bank of issue. ~ ya shirika, ~ ya abika kwa njia ya posta, ~ ya ugawaji.
bank (of river) (noun), kando (9/10), pl kando.
bank (savings) (noun), bengi. cooperative bank. bengi ya shirika.
banknote (noun), chapa (9/10), pl chapa.
banknote (noun), noti (9/10), pl noti. (s)he rejoiced on receiving the
note in his/her hands. akapachika noti mkononi mwa Shangwe [Muk].
bankrupt a person (adverb), filisisha.
bankrupt person (noun), mfilisika, pl wafilisika.
bankrupt person (noun), suta (9/10an), pl suta.
go bankrupt (verb), -filisi.
go bankrupt (verb), -filisika.
bankruptcy (noun), mpambanisho, pl mipambanisho.
bankruptcy (noun), taflisi (9/10), pl taflisi.
bankruptcy (noun), ufilisi.
sing., jur. bankruptcy (noun), muflisi.
banner (noun), alamu (9/10), pl alamu.
banner (noun), bandera, pl bandera.
banner (noun), bendera.
banner (noun), bendera (9/10), pl bendera.
banquet (noun), karamu.
banquet (noun), mlo, pl milo.
bantum (noun), kibeti, pl vibeti.
Banyan (noun), baniani, pl baniani.
Banyan (noun), banyani, pl baniani.
language of the Banyani (noun), Kibanyani.
fruit of the baobab (noun), buyu, pl mabuyu.
gum (of the baobab) (noun), emboe.
gum (of the baobab) (noun), embwe.
kernel or the powdered pith of the baobab nut (noun), ubuyu.
calabash tree (Adansonia digitata) (noun), mbuyu, pl mibuyu.
baptism (noun), batiza.
baptism (noun), ubatizo.
baptize (verb), -batiza.
one who baptizes (noun), mbatizaji, pl wabatizaji. St. John the
Baptist.. Mtakatifu Johana Mbatizaji.
bar (noun), kantini.
bar (noun), kilabu, pl vilabu.
bar (noun), kipingo, pl vipingo.
bar (noun), kizingiti (7/8), pl vizingiti.
bar (noun), komeo (5/6), pl makomeo.
bar (noun), mti, pl miti.
bar (noun), ufito (11/10), pl fito.
bar (of gold or silver) (noun), mkando, pl mikando.
bar (of gold) (noun), mkuo, pl mikuo.
bar (on a door) (noun), kipingwa, pl vipingwa.
bar (pub) (noun), baa (5/6), pl mabaa.
bar a door (verb), -komeo.
door bar (noun), kia (7/8), pl via.
iron bar (noun), pao (9/10), pl pao. Iron bar. pao la chuma.
iron bar (noun), pau (5/6), pl mapau. Iron bar. pao la chuma.
barb (noun), mwiba (3/4), pl miiba. barbed wire.. seng'enge yenye
barbarian (noun), kisonoko (7/8an), pl visonoko.
barbarian (noun), mshenzi.
barbarism (noun), ushenzi.
barbarity (noun), kishenzi.
barbarous (adjective), shenzi. (s)he was a barbarous person. Alikuwa
mtu mshenzi.
in a barabarous way (adverb), kishenzi.
barbed wire (noun), pl iron wires, seng'enge yenye miiba (9/10), pl
seng'enge zenye miiba. it was the vehicle of the prisoners which was
ringed with barbed wire. lilikuwa gari la wafungwa lililozungushwa
seng'enge [Ng].
barbel (noun), kambare, pl (-), makambare.
barber (noun), kinyozi (7/8), pl vinyozi.
barber (Indian) (noun), baniani, pl baniani.
barber (Indian) (noun), banyani, pl baniani.
barber (methods of) (noun), unyozi.
work of a barber (noun), unyozi.
bare (adjective), -tupu.
bare (adverb), kichele.
bare ground (noun), wangwa (11/10), pl nyangwa.
bare the teeth (verb), -gwafua.
bareness (noun), utupu.
bargain (noun), mwafaka (3/4), pl miafaka.
bargain (noun), urahisi.
bargain (verb), -patana bei.
bargain (verb), -shika bei.
bargain (verb), -taradhia.
bargain over (verb), -nunua.
bargain with each other (verb), -peana.
drive a hard bargain (verb), -twanga.
strike a bargain (verb), -patana.
barge (noun), tishali, pl matishali.
barge (noun), tishari, pl matishari.
bark (noun), gamba (5/6), pl magamba.
bark (noun), gofi.
bark (of a tree) (noun), chamba, pl vyamba.
bark (of dog) (noun), mgumio (3/4), pl migumio.
bark (of dogs) (noun), bweka.
bark (of tree) (noun), gome (5/6), pl magome.
bark at (verb), -bwekea.
bark cloth (noun), kiyombo, pl viyomba.
barking (noun), gumio (5/6), pl magumio.
the barking of dogs (noun), mbweko, pl mibweko.
barley (noun), shayiri (9/10), pl shayiri.
barn (noun), banda (5/6), pl mabanda.
barometer (noun), barometa (9/10), pl barometa.
barometer (noun), kipimahewa (7/8), pl vipimahewa.
barracuda (noun), sansuri (9/10an), pl sansuri.
barracuda fish (noun), mzira, pl mizira.
be barred (verb), -komewa.
barrel (noun), pipa (5/6), pl mapipa. fuel barrel.. pipa la mafuta ya
barrel (of a gun) (noun), mdomo. double-barrelled gun.. bunduki ya
midomo miwili..
barrel (of a gun) .(=kasiba, mwanzi) (noun), mtutu, pl mitutu.
barrel of gun (noun), kasiba (9/10), pl kasiba.
barren (verb), -karema.
barren (of a land) (adjective), kame.
barren (of all living female creatures) (adjective), tasa.
barren ear of grain (noun), pepe (5/6), pl mapepe.
be barren (esp of trees) (verb), -palama.
be barren (esp of trees) (verb), -parama.
barren land (noun), pl barren lands, nyika (5/6), pl manyika.
uninhibited (noun), pl barren lands, nyika (5/6), pl manyika.
wasteland (noun), pl barren lands, nyika (5/6), pl manyika.
barrenness (noun), utasa (14).
barrenness (of land) (noun), ukame.
barrier (noun), kipingo, pl vipingo.
barrier (noun), mkinga (3/4), pl mikinga.
barrier (noun), mpaka, pl mipaka.
barrier (noun), pingo (5/6), pl mapingo.
barring of one's way (noun), upingaji.
barter (noun), uguzi.
barter (verb), -badili.
base (adjective), nyonge.
base (noun), kianzio (7/8), pl vianzo.
base (noun), kiweko, pl viweko.
base (noun), makao (6).
base (noun), pl bases, msingi (3/4), pl misingi.
base (noun), tako (5/6), pl matako. baseline. mstari wa [ki]tako.
base (noun), utako.
Basedow's disease (noun), kororo, pl makororo.
baseness (noun), matule, pl matule.
baseness (noun), uchafu.
baseness (noun), udhaifu.
baseness (noun), uhiana.
baseness (noun), unyonge.
be bashful (verb), -tahayari.
bashfulness (noun), haya (9/10), pl haya.
bashfulness (noun), tahayari (9).
basil (noun), mrehani (1/2), pl warehani.
basil (noun), rihani (9/10), pl rihani.
sweet basil (noun), mrihani (3/4), pl mirihani.
sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) (noun), mrehani, pl mirehani.
sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) (noun), mrihani, pl mirehani.
basin (noun), bakuli, pl bakuli. saltcellar. kibakuli cha chumvi.
basin (noun), beseni (5/6), pl mabeseni.
basin (noun), bia, pl mabia.
basin (noun), karai (5/6), pl makarai.
metal bowl or basin used for washing the hands before and after meals
(noun), tasa (9/10), pl tasa.
basis (noun), asili, pl asili.
basis (noun), chanzo, pl vyanzo.
basis (noun), nguzo (9/10), pl nguzo.
basis (of a thing) (noun), msingi, pl misingi.
basis (of a thing) (noun), msinji, pl misinji.
basis (of a thing) (noun), mzingi, pl mizingi.
fig. basis (noun), kiweko, pl viweko.
bask (verb), -ota.
bask in the sun (verb), -ota jua.
basket (noun), chafu.
basket (noun), kikapu, pl vikapu.
basket (noun), tonga (5/6), pl matonga.
basket (for carrying) (noun), tenga, pl matenga.
basket (large) (noun), kapu (5/6), pl makapu.
basket (of matting) (noun), kishupi (7/8), pl vishupi.
basket (round with cover) (noun), chamanda.
covered basket (noun), dunga, pl madunga.
fruit basket (woven) (noun), pl fruit baskets, pakacha (5/6), pl
long basket (for carrying fruit) (noun), dohani.
narrow basket (for carrying fruit) (noun), dokhani.
plaited basket or tray used for sifting grain (noun), uteo, pl teo.
round basket of woven grass (noun), jamanda (5/6), pl majamanda.
round covered basket (noun), jamanda.
weir-basket (noun), ema.
basketwork (noun), chanja, pl vichanja.
basking (noun), woto.
bastard (noun), mwanaharamu (1/2), pl wanaharamu.
basting together (act of) (in dressmaking) (noun), mshikilizo, pl
basting together (act of) (in dressmaking) (noun), mshikizo, pl
bat (animal) (noun), popo (5/6an), pl mapopo.
bath (noun), bafu (9/10), pl bafu.
public baths (noun), hamamu (9/10), pl hamamu.
take a bath or shower (verb), -oga.
bathe (verb), -oga. It is not possible to bathe in this sea.. baharini
hapa hapaogeleki.
bathe someone (verb), -ogesha.
be bathed (verb), -ogeshwa ( caus-pass). A child washes and is bathed.
mtoto anavua na kuogeshwa [Muk].
bather (noun), mwoga, pl waoga.
bather (noun), mwogaji, pl waogaji.
bathing (noun), mogo, pl miogo. day on which boys bathe for the first
time after circumcision.. siku ya mwogo.
bathing (noun), mwogo, pl miogo. day on which boys bathe for the first
time after circumcision.. siku ya mwogo.
bathing (noun), uogeleaji.
place for bathing (noun), chosho, pl machosho.
place for bathing (noun), josho, pl majosho.
bathroom (noun), bafu (9/10), pl bafu.
bathroom (noun), choo (7/8), pl vyoo.
bathroom (noun), msala (3/4), pl misala. He went, wherever he went, even
to the bathroom, in his bare feet.. alikwenda aendako , hata msalani , na
miguu yake uchi [Abd].
bathroom (noun), pl bathrooms, msalani (3/4), pl misalani.
bathroom (noun), pakogea (9/10), pl pakogea. bathroom. mahali pa
bathroom (noun), pakuogea (9/10), pl pakuogea. bathroom. mahali pa
bathroom (inside a house) (noun), maliwato.
bathtub (noun), bafu, pl bafu.
bathtub (noun), chakogea.
bathtub (noun), chakugea, pl vyakugea.
battalion (noun), kikundi, pl vikundi.
battery (noun), bateri.
battery (noun), beteri.
battery (noun), pl battery, betri (9/10), pl betri.
battery (noun), kibatari (7/8), pl vibatari.
battle (noun), kondo.
battle (noun), mapigano (6).
battle (noun), mapigano. class struggle. mapigano ya kitabaka.
battle (noun), mapigiano. class struggle. mapigiano ya kitabaka.
battle (noun), pigano (5/6), pl mapigano.
battle (noun), upiganaji.
battle (noun), upigano, pl mapigano.
battle (noun), vita.
battlement (noun), buruji.
bauble (noun), kipuzi, pl vipuzi.
bawl (verb), -foka.
bawling (noun), ulizi (11/6), pl maulizi.
bay (noun), ghuba (5/6), pl maghuba.
bay (noun), guba, pl guba, maguba.
bay (noun), hori.
bay (noun), guba, pl kuba, makuba.
bay (noun), kuba, pl kuba.
bay (noun), kubba, pl kuba, makuba.
bay (noun), kubla, pl kuba, makuba.
bay (noun), lango (5/6), pl malango.
bay (small) (noun), kihori, pl vihori.
bayonet (noun), beneti.
bayonet (noun), singe (9/10), pl singe.
be (verb), iko (conjugated).
be (verb), ipo (conjugated).
be (verb), -kaa.
be (verb), -kuwa.
be (verb), ni. S(h)e is sick. yeye ni mgonjwa.
be (verb), -wa.
be for (verb), -wia (applicative).
be in something (verb), imo (conjugated).
be to (verb), -wia (applicative).
present tense conjugated root of "be" (verb), -na (conjugated).
to be (verb), kua.
be plowed (verb), -limwa.
be warned (verb), -onyeka.
beach (noun), makupwa.
beach (noun), mapwa.
beach (noun), mapwaji.
beach (noun), ufuko (11/10), pl fuko.
beach (noun), ufukwe (11/10), pl fukwe.
beach (noun), ufuo (11), pl fuo.
beach boy (who assists passengers in the harbor) (noun), bichboi.
beachcomber (noun), bichi koma (5/6), pl mabichikoma. His trousers had
been cut to adopt the style of a beachcomber.. Suruali yake ilikuwa
imekatwa kuchuka mtindo wa bichi koma [Balisidya, Masomo 343].
be beached (verb), -sozeka (intransitive).
bead (noun), ushanga (11/10), pl shanga.
bead (hollow and colored) (noun), kashabu (9/10), pl kashabu.
bead (hollow thin glass) (noun), pl beads, siniguse (9/10), pl siniguse.
bead (of red glass) (noun), pl beads (of red glass), samesame (9/10), pl
bead apron worn by some F under dress (noun), mbwende (9/10), pl mbwende.
hollow bead (of gold or silver or glass) (noun), kashabu, pl kashabu.
red glass bead. (noun), selea (9/10), pl selea.
red glass bead. (noun), seleha (9/10), pl seleha.
string of beads worn around the loins by women (noun), kondavi, pl
string of beads worn around the loins by women (noun), kondawi, pl
string of beads worn by women around the loins (noun), kogo, pl kogo.
beading (noun), upapi, pl papi.
beads (string of) (noun), ushanga, pl shanga, mashanga.
string of beads (noun), makete (6).
string of beads (noun), tinda, pl matinda.
beak (large) (noun), domo, pl madomo.
beak (of a bird) (noun), mdomo.
beam (adjective), mulika. who gives you light by day will burn you by
night.. prov.anayekumulika mchana usiku atakuunguza.
beam (noun), boriti (5/6), pl maboriti.
beam (noun), mhimili (3/4), pl mihimili.
beam (noun), mwale (3/4), pl miale.
beam (noun), mwali (3/4), pl miali.
beam (noun), nguzo (9/10), pl nguzo.
beam (noun), ubao.
beam (noun), ubau.
beam (of scales) (noun), mtange, pl mitange.
beam (roof) (noun), kombamoyo (5/6), pl makombamoyo.
naut.(longitudinal beam supporting the mast of a native vessel) (noun),
mwashiri (3/4), pl miashiri.
strong beam to which boat's mast is secured (noun), mhashiri (3/4), pl
bean (noun), haragwe (5/6), pl maharagwe.
bean (Cyamopsis psoralloides) (noun), gwaru (5/6).
bean (Phasealis communis) (noun), haragi (5/6), pl maharagi.
bean (Phasealis communis) (noun), maharagwe.
bean (Phaseolus mungo) (noun), pojo (9/10), pl pojo.
bean plant (noun), mgwaru, pl migwaru.
bean plant (noun), mharage, pl miharage.
bean plant (noun), mharagwe, pl miharagwe.
bean plant (Phaseolus vulgaris) (noun), mkunde, pl mikunde.
bean plant (variety of) (noun), mharaji, pl miharaji.
brown bean (noun), ukunde (11/10), pl kunde.
kind of bean, Canavalia ensiformis (noun), mbwanda, pl miingasiafu.
kind of bean, Canavalia ensiformis (noun), mwingasiafu, pl miingasiafu.
small green bean (noun), chiroko.
small green bean (noun), chooko.
small green bean (noun), choroko.
species of bean plant, Mucuna pruriens or Canavalia ensiformis (noun),
mpupu, pl mipupu.
variety of bean (noun), kobwe.
dish of cooked beans (noun), borohoa.
bear (noun), dubu (5/6), pl madubu.
bear (verb), -chukua.
bear (verb), -himili.
bear (verb), -himili.
bear (verb), -shinda. bear pain. kushinda maumivu.
bear (verb), -stahamili. try, bearing, is the greatness. jikaze,
stahamili, ndio ukubwa [Moh], hapo sikustahimili tena [Abd].
bear (verb), -stahimili.
bear (verb), -tikiza.
bear (verb), -vumilia.
bear (verb), -weza.
bear for (verb), -zalia.
bear in mind (verb), -zingatia.
bear offspring (verb), -zaa.
bear patiently (verb), -vumilia.
bear with one another (verb), -chukuliana.
bring to bear (verb), -tia.
beard (noun), kidevu (7/8), pl videvu.
beard (long and flowing) (noun), sharafa la ndevu (5/6), pl masharafa ya
ndevu. long and/or flowing beards. sharafa la ndevu or ndevu za
beard hair (noun), udevu (11/10), pl ndevu.
hair of the beard (noun), devu, pl madevu.
long flowing beard (noun), sarafa la ndevu (5/6), pl masharafa ya ndevu.
long flowing beard. sharafa la ndevu or ndevu za sharafa..
pl.beard (noun), ndevu, pl ndevu.
small beard below the lip (noun), kionja mchuzi, pl vionja mchuzi.
bearer (noun), mchukuzi, pl wachukuzi.
bearer (noun), mletaji, pl waletaji.
bearer (noun), mpagazi (1/2), pl wapagazi.
employ someone as a bearer (verb), -pagaza.
hire as a bearer (verb), -chukuza.
bearing (noun), tambo (5/6), pl matambiko.
beast (noun), hayawani (9/10), pl hayawani.
beast (noun), mnyama, pl wanyama.
beast of prey (noun), nunda (9/10an), pl nunda.
beastliness (noun), uhayawani (14).
beastliness (noun), unyama.
be beaten (verb), -pigwa (passive). (s)he feared being beaten. aliogopa
kupigwa [Kez].
beat (verb), -babatika. beat with the wings. ~ mbawa.
beat (verb), -chapa. Yeah, I should pick up a stick and beat you [pl]..
Ebu, nichukue fimbo niwachape [Masomo 416].
beat (verb), -dodosa.
beat (verb), -dunda.
beat (verb), -ezeka.
beat (verb), -fua.
beat (verb), -fusa.
beat (verb), -gogota.
beat (verb), -gonga.
beat (verb), -gong'ota.
beat (verb), -gota.
beat (verb), -jalidi.
beat (verb), -menya.
beat (verb), -buta. beat a rug.. puta zulia.
beat (verb), -nesa.
beat (verb), -nyuka.
beat (verb), -piga.
beat (verb), -pua. wash clothes.. pua nguo.
beat (verb), -pura. wash clothes.. pura nguo.
beat (verb), -purura. wash clothes.. pura nguo.
beat (verb), -puta. beat a rug.. puta zulia.
beat (verb), -pwita.
beat (verb), -sakata. In the wedding parade, Hamisi beat the drum well.
Kwenye gwaride la harusi, Hamisi alisakata ngoma vizuri.
beat (verb), -tanda.
beat (verb), -titiga.
beat (verb), -twanga.
beat (hides in preparing leather) (verb), -gong'ota.
beat (hides in preparing leather) (verb), -kong'ota.
beat (of heart or pulse) (verb), -papa.
beat (of the heart) (verb), -puma. The heart-beat went first on hearing
that his/her mother had died. Puma ya moyo ilimwenda mbio kusikia mama
yake alifariki.
beat (pillows or rugs) (verb), -ng'ota.
beat (pillows or rugs) (verb), -ng'uta.
beat a drum (verb), -gotagota.
beat around the bush (verb), -diradira.
beat of a drum (noun), pl blows, pigo la ngoma (5/6), pl mapigo ya ngoma.
one who beats (noun), mpigaji (1/2), pl wapigaji.
beat time (verb), -charaza.
one who is beaten (noun), mshinde, pl washinde.
one who is beaten (noun), mshindwa, pl washindwa.
beating (noun), mfua, pl mifua. "surf, breakers".. mfua wa mawimbi.
beating (noun), mfuo (3/4), pl mifuo.
beating (noun), mpapatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
beating (noun), mpigo (3/4), pl mipigo.
beating (noun), papatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
beating (noun), papatiko (5/6), pl mapapatiko.
beating (noun), papo (5/6), pl mapapo. heartbeat. papo la moyo.
beating (noun), pl beatings, pigo (5/6), pl mapigo.
beating (noun), upigaji.
beating (noun), upigiaji.
beating (noun), upuraji.
beating (act of) (noun), ufuaji (14).
be beautiful (verb), -umbika (potential).
beautiful (adjective), hidaya.
beautiful (adjective), zuri.
beautiful (adjective), -zuri.
beautiful person (noun), pl beautiful people, mrembo (1/2), pl warembo.
beautiful woman (noun), hurul-ayni (9/10an), pl hurul-ayni.
make beautiful (verb), -remba.
beautifully (adverb), vizuri.
beautify (verb), -remba.
beautify the eyes (verb), -remba macho. (s)he lives with beautiful
people. amekaa na watu warembo, [] macho yakimrembuka maziwa yakitikisika
beauty (adjective), sheshe. a beautiful thing. kitu cha sheshe.
beauty (noun), heba (9/10), pl heba.
beauty (noun), jamala (9/10), pl jamala.
beauty (noun), ushairi.
beauty (noun), utamu (14), pl utamu.
beauty (noun), uzuri (14).
beauty (of character or countenance or appearance) (noun), haiba (9/10),
pl haiba.
heavenly beauty (noun), hurul-ayni (9/10an), pl hurul-ayni.
because (conjunction), kwa kuwa. Because every one of us knows the
importance of this work .... Kwa kuwa kila mmoja wetu anajua umuhimu wa
kazi hii ... [Masomo 72].
because (conjunction), kwani.
because (conjunction), maadam.
because (conjunction), maana.
because (conjunction), maana.
because (conjunction), madhali.
because (conjunction), mradi, pl miradi, muradi. because s/he is
sleeping you shouldn't wake him/her.. mradi amelala msimwamshe.
because (conjunction), muradi. Because all of us are studying, we should
both be childcare providers.. Muradi sote twasoma, soteni tuwe walezi
[Amana, Masomo 408].
because (conjunction), kwa sababu.
because (conjunction), kwa kuwa.
because (conjunction), kwa vile.
because (conjunction), kwa sababu.
because of (adverb), kwa mujibu wa.
because of (conjunction), pl Yes, kwa ajili.
because of (preposition), kwa.
because of (preposition), minajili.
beche-de-mer (noun), kojojo, pl makojojo.
beckon (verb), -alika.
beckon (verb), -pungia mkono.
become (verb), -ingia.
become (verb), -siri.
become (verb), -wa.
it has become (poetic for imeshakuwa) (verb), -ishakuwa.
what is becoming (noun), laiki (9/10), pl laiki.
bed (noun), kilalio, pl vilalio.
bed (noun), kitanda (7/8), pl vitanda.
bed (noun), malalo (6).
bed (noun), malalo.
bed (noun), malazi (6).
bed (noun), malazi.
bed (noun), malazo.
bed (noun), mede (9/10).
bed (noun), mpando, pl mipando, mapando.
bed (noun), pando, pl mipando, mapando.
bed (noun), pando (5/6), pl mapando.
bed (for planting) (noun), tuta, pl matuta.
bed of a torrent (noun), mfo (3/4), pl mifo. dry torrent bed.. mfo
bed of plants (noun), ngwe (9/10), pl ngwe.
bed wetter (noun), kikojozi, pl vikojozi.
kind of wooden bed (commonly Indian) (noun), samadari (9/10), pl
samadari. (s)he quickly climbed into the wooden bed. aliparamia kitanda
cha samadari [Sul].
plaited strip (of grass or palm-leaf fiber) used for lacing beds (noun),
shupatu (5/6), pl mashupatu.
raised bed for planting (noun), tuta (5/6), pl matuta.
woven strip for bed (noun), shupatu (5/6), pl mashupatu.
bedbug (noun), kunguni (9/10), pl kunguni. We were bitten by bedbugs
while we slept.. Tuliumwa na kunguni tulipolala..
bedclothes (noun), nguo za kitanda. put on clothes. vaa [vua] nguo.
bedding (noun), kilalio (7/8), pl vilalio.
bedding (noun), malalo.
bedding (noun), malazi.
bedding (noun), malazo.
bedding (noun), pl beddings, tandiko (5/6), pl matandiko.
side-piece of bedframe (noun), mfumbati (3/4), pl mifumbati.
bedouin (noun), bedui, pl mabedui.
bedsheet (noun), shiti (5/6), pl mashiti.
bedspread (noun), firashi (9/10), pl firashi.
bedstead (non-African) (noun), samadari (9/10), pl samadari.
bedstead with turned legs (noun), ulili (11/6), pl malili?.
head end of a bedstead (noun), uchago (11/10), pl chago.
bedtime (noun), ngono (9/10), pl ngono.
bee (noun), nyuki (9/10an), pl nyuki. honey.. asali ya nyuki.
wild bee (noun), wembembe.
beef (noun), nyama ya ng'ombe (9/10), pl nyama nguruwe.
beefwood tree (Casuarina equisetifolia) (noun), mvinje, pl mivinje.
beehive (noun), mzinga, pl mizinga.
Arab beer made of barley and millet (noun), busa.
beer (noun), bia (9/10), pl bia.
beer (noun), boza.
beer (noun), pl beers, mtindi (3/4), pl mitindi.
beer (noun), pombe (9/10), pl pombe.
beer (noun), ugimbi (11/10), pl ngimbi.
beer (kind of) (noun), dokua.
beer (made from fermented maize) (noun), kangara (9/10), pl kangara.
beer in sweet unintoxicating stage (noun), togwa (9/10), pl togwa.
beer made from corn-husks and sweetened with honey (noun), kangara.
new beer (noun), boji.
sprouted grain seeds used for making beer (noun), kimea (7/8), pl vimea.
unfermented beer (noun), malenga, pl walenga.
unfermented beer (noun), rongera (9/10), pl rongera.
beeswax (noun), nta ya nyuki (9/10), pl nta za nyuki.
beeswax (noun), pl beeswax, sera (9/10), pl sera.
beetle (kind that destroys coconut palms) (noun), sururu (9/10an), pl
scavenger beetle (noun), dundu.
wood-boring beetle (noun), kipukusa (7/8an), pl vipukusa.
befit (verb), -agia (applicative).
befit (verb), -husu.
more befitting (adjective), aula.
as before (adverb), vivyo.
before (adverb), kabla ya.
before (adverb), kadamu.
before (adverb), mbele.
before (adverb), ubele.
before (adverb), umbele.
before (adverb), zamani.
before (conjunction), kabla.
before (conjunction), kabla.
before (noun), zama.
before (preposition), kabla ya.
cause to go before (verb), -tanguliza.
go before (verb), -tangulia. Now, you go before with that box. sasa
nyie tangulieni na hilo boksi [Muk], mpaka hapa, mshamba huyu kanitangulia
kwa kunichuja [Abd].
go before (verb), -tangulia.
beg (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
beg (verb), -omba.
beg (verb), -sihi.
beg for (verb), -ombea.
cause to beg (verb), -ombesha.
cause to beg (verb), -ombeza.
beget (verb), -vyaa.
beget (verb), -zaa.
beget (verb), -zalisha.
one who begets (noun), mzaa, pl wazaa.
one who begets (noun), mzazi, pl wazazi.
be a beggar (verb), -omba.
beggar (noun), fakiri.
beggar (noun), fukara (9/10), pl fukara.
beggar (noun), kibapara, pl vibapara.
beggar (noun), maskini.
beggar (noun), mkiwa, pl wakiwa.
beggar (noun), muombaji, pl waombaji.
beggar (noun), mwomba, pl waomba.
beggar (noun), mwombaji, pl waombaji.
beggar (noun), mwombi, pl waombi.
begger (noun), jambazi, pl majambazi.
habitual begging (noun), uombaji.
professional begging (noun), uombaji.
begin (verb), -anza. begin to work. ~ kazi.
begin (verb), -anzisha.
begin (verb), -zua.
begin for (verb), pl Trans OK?, -anzia.
begin something (verb), -amiri. lay out a new field (village). ~ shamba
begin something (verb), -maliki.
begin something (work) (verb), -chaga.
cause to begin (verb), -anzisha. When they began that school they hired
two teachers.. Walipoanzisha shule hiyo waliwaajiri walimu wawili..
to begin with (conjunction), kuanzia.
beginner (noun), mwanagenzi (1/2), pl wanagenzi.
beginning (noun), asili, pl asili.
beginning (noun), auwali, pl auwali. from beginnning to end; take the
first or nothing (proverb). tangu ~ hata aheri; ~ ni ~, hakuna ~ mbovu.
beginning (noun), awali, pl auwali. from beginnning to end; take the
first or nothing (proverb). tangu ~ hata aheri; ~ ni ~, hakuna ~ mbovu.
beginning (noun), chanzo (7/8), pl vyanzo.
beginning (noun), chimbuko, pl machimbuko.
beginning (noun), kianzio (7/8), pl vianzo.
beginning (noun), mwanzo (3/4), pl mianzo.
beginning (noun), uanzishaji.
beginning (noun), ufuo.
from the beginning (adverb), asili.
from the beginning of time (phrase), tangu na tangu.
in the beginning (adjective), -auwali.
in the beginning (adjective), awali.
in the beginning (adverb), kwanza.
without beginning (adjective), azali.
beginnning (noun), amirisho, pl maamirisho.
something newly begun (noun), bikira.
on behalf (conjunction), mintaraf.
on behalf of (adverb), kwa niaba ya.
on behalf of (preposition), kwa niaba ya.
on behalf of (preposition), kwa niabu ya.
behave towards (verb), -tendea (applicative).
behave unconsciously (verb), -jiona.
Behave yourself! (interjection), taadabu!.
Behave yourself! (phrase), adibu nafsi yako.
behavior (noun), amali, pl amali.
behavior (noun), kikao, pl vikao.
behavior (noun), mazoea, pl mazoea.
behavior (noun), mwendo (3/10), pl nyendo.
behavior (noun), mwendo, pl miendo. He learns well but his behavior is
bad.. anajifunza sana lakini mwendo wake si mzuri.
behavior (noun), mwenendo (3/4), pl mienendo.
behavior (noun), mwenendo, pl mienendo. He learns well but his behavior
is bad.. anajifunza sana lakini mwendo wake si mzuri.
behavior (noun), nidhamu (9/10), pl nidhamu.
behavior (noun), shabihi (9/10), pl shabihi.
behavior (noun), siyara (9/10), pl siyara.
behavior (noun), tabia (9/10), pl tabia.
behavior (noun), tani (5/6), pl matani.
good behavior (noun), adabu (9/10), pl adabu.
relaxed behavior; fig. bad behavior (noun), kizembe, pl vizembe.
preserve virginity..
good behaviour (noun), mrua.
good behaviour (noun), murua.
behind (adverb), kinyume.
behind (adverb), nyuma ya....
behind (preposition), baada.
Behold! (interjection), tahamaki.
behoove (verb), -juzu.
behoove (verb), -pasa.
behoove (verb), -wajibisha.
being (noun), huluki.
belated (adjective), tuili.
belch (noun), mbweu (9/10), pl mbweu. to belch.. piga mbweu.
belch (verb), -cheua.
belch (verb), -teuka.
belch(ing) (noun), cheu.
belching (noun), kiungulia, pl viungulia.
Belgian (adjective), Birigiji. Belgian Congo. Birigiji Kongo.
Belgian person (noun), Mbelgiji, pl Wabelgiji.
belief (noun), imani.
belief (noun), imani (9/10), pl imani.
belief (noun), itikadi.
belief (noun), tumai, pl matumaini.
belief (noun), tumaini, pl matumaini.
be believable (verb), -sadikika. His information is believable. Maneno
yake yanaweza kusadikika.
be believable (verb), -sadikiwa. the preached was believed a lot by the
faithfuls. Mhubiri alisadikiwa sana na wafuasi wake.
be believed (verb), -aminiwa.
believe (verb), -amini.
believe (verb), -dhani.
believe (verb), -gisi.
believe (verb), -itakadi.
believe (verb), -nuia.
believe (verb), -ona. I believe you will be amazed.. naona utaona
believe (verb), -sadiki. (s)he was ready to believe that that grief was
useless. alikuwa ni tayari kusadiki kwamba majonzi yale yalikuwa ni ya
bure [Ya].
believe (verb), -staamani.
believe (verb), -tumai.
believe (verb), -tumaini.
believe firmly (verb), -sadikisha.
believe in (verb), -amania.
believe strongly (verb), -kazana.
believer (noun), pl believers, muumini (1/2), pl waumini.
true believer (noun), pl true believers, muminina (1/2), pl waminina.
true believer (noun), mwamini, pl waamini.
true believer (noun), mwaminifu, pl waaminifu.
true believer (noun), mwumini, pl waamini.
belittle (verb), -rahisi.
bell (noun), kengele (9/10), pl kengele.
bell (noun), kengele (5/6), pl makengele.
electric bell (noun), kengele ya umeme (9/10), pl kengele za umeme.
small bell worn as ornament at dances (noun), pl bells, njuga (9/10), pl
bellow (noun), mlio, pl milio. lowing of cattle.. mlio wa ng'ombe.
bellow (verb), -nguruma.
bellow (of bulls) (noun), uga.
bellowing (noun), kingurumo, pl vingurumo.
bellowing (noun), ngurumo (9/10), pl ngurumo.
bellowing (of various animals, usually wild ) (noun), mvuma, pl mivuma.
bellowing (of various animals, usually wild ) (noun), mvumo, pl mivumo.
bellows (noun), mfuo, pl mifuo.
bellows (noun), mivuo (4).
bellows (noun), mvua, pl mivua. blow/work bellows.. vukuta mivua.
bellows (noun), mvukuto, pl mivua. blow/work bellows.. vukuta mivua.
bellows (noun), mvukuto (3/4), pl mivukuto.
bellows (noun), mvuo, pl mivua. blow/work bellows.. vukuta mivua.
blow bellows (verb), fukuta.
one who bellows (noun), mngurumizi, pl wangurumizi.
work a bellows (verb), -figuta.
work bellows (verb), fukuta.
work bellows (verb), -vuguta.
work bellows (verb), -vukuta.
small bells (fastened to child's leg for watch) (noun), mbugi (9/10), pl
belly (noun), tumbo.
belly (noun), tumbo (5/6), pl matumbo.
belly out (of a sale) (verb), -koba.
bellybutton (noun), kitovu (7/8), pl vitovu.
belong to (verb), -husu.
fig. belongings (noun), kirago, pl virago.
other people's (property etc.) (adjective), -a watu.
belongings (noun), vifaa.
belongings (noun), vikorokoro.
personal belongings (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
beloved (adjective), habibu.
beloved (noun), halili.
beloved (noun), mpenzi (1/2), pl wapenzi.
below (adjective), chini ya.
below (adverb), chini.
bead belt worn by children around loins (noun), pl belts, segele (9/10),
pl segele.
belt (noun), koa (5/6), pl makoa.
belt (noun), mahazamu.
belt (noun), masombo, pl masoka.
belt (noun), mkanda (3/4), pl mikanda.
belt (noun), mkumbuu (3/4), pl mikumbuu.
belt (noun), pl belts, mshipi (3/4), pl mishipi.
belt (noun), ukanda (11/10), pl kanda.
belt (noun), ukoa.
belt (embroidered) (noun), zinara.
belt of beads worn by women (noun), tunda.
patterned bead belt worn by women under outer dress (noun), kondavi
(5/6), pl makondavi.
plaited belt (noun), henzarani.
small belt (noun), kivumanzi, pl vivumanzi.
bench (noun), bao (5/6), pl mabao.
bench (stone or masonry seat against house wall for visitors) (noun),
ufunga (11/10), pl funga.
bend (adverb), kombo.
bend (noun), hangue.
bend (noun), jinamizi, pl majinamizi.
bend (noun), kigosho, pl vigosho.
bend (noun), kikombo, pl vikombo.
bend (noun), kizunguko, pl vizunguko. "roundabout way, detour".. njia
ya mzunguko.
bend (noun), kota, pl makota.
bend (noun), kuruba (9/10), pl kuruba.
bend (noun), makombo.
bend (noun), mkuto (3/4), pl mikuto.
bend (noun), mshadhari.
bend (noun), mshazari.
bend (noun), mzingo, pl mizingo.
bend (noun), mzunguko, pl mizunguko. "roundabout way, detour".. njia ya
bend (noun), pindi (5/6), pl mapindi. bend of a river.. pindi ya mto.
bend (noun), tao (5/6), pl matao. a bend of a river. tao la mto.
bend (noun), ukombo, pl kombo.
bend (noun), upinde, pl pinde.
bend (noun), upindi, pl pindi.
bend (noun), zingo (5/6), pl mazingo.
bend (verb), -inama.
bend (verb), -inika.
bend (verb), -kunja. One leg did not have a shoe and she had bent the
other.. Mguu mmoja haukuwa na kiatu na mwingine aliukunja [Ganzel Masomo
bend (verb), -nemesha.
bend (verb), -nesa.
bend (verb), -peta.
bend (verb), -pinda. He pronounced the syllable of those words slowly,
bending his mouth with pride. alizitamka silabi za maneno hayo taratibu
akipinda midomo yake kwa kiburi [Mun].
bend (verb), -pinduka ( inver-poten-trans). Tamima bent downwards.
Tamima alipinduka chini [Moh].
bend (of a river etc.) (noun), zunguko, pl mazunguko.
bend (of a road or river) (noun), kizingo, pl vizingo.
bend (something elastic without breaking) (verb), -nyumbua.
bend about (verb), -zonga.
bend down (verb), -inama.
bend down (verb), -inamia (applicative).
bend down (verb), -inika.
bend down (verb), -nepa.
bend down (verb), -nepesha.
bend over (verb), -datama.
bend over (verb), -inama.
bend over something (e.g. a fire) (adverb), wama.
bend over something (e.g. a fire) (adverb), wamia.
bend round (verb), -petemanisha.
bend round (verb), -petesha.
bending over (act of) (noun), jinamizi, pl majinamizi.
make bend down (verb), -inamisha.
one who forces others to bend (noun), mwinamshi, pl wainamshi.
rare bend (noun), nema (9/10).
bend down (verb), -bong'oa.
bending (noun), mwinamo, pl miinamo.
bending (noun), upinde (11/10), pl pinde.
bending (noun), upindi, pl pindi.
bending down (as for work) (noun), kiinamizi (7/8), pl viinamizi.
bending over (act of) (noun), ujinamizi, pl majinamizi.
one who bends something; folder (noun), mkunjaji, pl wakunjaji. "one who
makes faces, clown".. mkunjaji uso.
benefaction (noun), baraka.
benefaction (noun), ehsani.
benefaction (noun), hisani.
rel.(divine) benefaction (noun), neema.
benefactor (noun), mhisani (1/2), pl wahisani.
benefactor (noun), mpaji, pl wapaji. God is the giver.. mpaji Mungu.
benefactor (noun), muhisani (1/2), pl wahisani.
benefactor (to a collection of money) (noun), mfadhili (1/2), pl
rel. Benefactor (noun), manani.
beneficence (noun), ukarimu.
rel. the Beneficent (a title of God). (noun), manani.
benefit (noun), fanaka.
benefit (noun), mafaa, pl mafaa.
benefit (noun), mafao, pl mafao.
benefit (noun), manufaa.
benefit (noun), masilahi (6).
benefit (noun), maslahi (6).
benefit (noun), mfao (3/4), pl mifao.
benefit (noun), nafuu. "If something falls out of the (heavy) basket,
that is a benefit to the carrier".. kuvuja pakacha nafuu ya mchukuzi.
benefit (noun), rupu (5/6), pl marupurupu.
benefit (verb), -ambua. "He has studied for a long time, but hasn't
benefited from it".. alisoma miaka mingi lakini hana alichoambua.
benefit (verb), -ambuka.
benefit (verb), -faa.
benefit (verb), -faidia.
benefit (verb), -faidisha. to want to benefit those who do not have a
great knowledge of Kiswahili [Masomo 394]. kutaka kuwafaidisha wale
wasiokuwa na ujuzi mkubwa wa Kiswahili [Masomo 394].
benefit (verb), -nufaika.
benefit (verb), -wa na faida.
benefit (verb), -tumikia.
benefit from (verb), -nufaishwa. Many more benefit from the trade in
these trees.. Wengi zaidi hunufaishwa kutokana na biashara ya miti hii
[Masomo 154].
benefit from something (verb), -faidi.
benefit oneself (verb), -jifaidia ( appl-refl).
first benefits (noun), limbuko, pl malimbuko, milimbuko.
first benefits (noun), mlimbuko, pl malimbuko, milimbuko.
make benefit (verb), -nufaishana.
receive benefits (verb), -nufaishwa.
benefiting from the effects of ... (adjective), naizesheni.
Bengal (noun), Bungala. "Bengal rice, manioc".. mpunga [muhogo] wa
be bent (verb), -pindika.
be bent in a circle (verb), -petana.
be bent in a circle (verb), -petemana.
bent (adjective), kipembe.
bent (adjective), kombo.
bent (adjective), potoe. (s)he bent the hand of the child. Aliupotoe
mkono wa mtoto.
bent (adjective), potovu.
bent (adverb), kikombo.
person bent and feeble from old age (noun), kikongwe, pl vikongwe.
person bent by age or infirmity (noun), kibiongo (7/8an), pl vibiongo.
something bent (noun), upinde, pl pinde.
something bent (noun), upindi, pl pindi.
bequeath (verb), -achia (applicative). bequeath property to s.o.. achia
mtu mali.
bequeath (verb), -halifu.
bequeath something (verb), -rithisha. His/her greatgrandfather
bequeathed him the throne. Babu mkuu alimrithisha ufalme wake.
bequeath something to someone (noun), wosia.
bequeath something to someone (verb), -usia.
bequest (noun), mirathi. rare: law of inheritance.. masala ya mirathi.
bequest (noun), urithi.
be bereaved (verb), -fiwa.
bereaved person (noun), mfaruku, pl wafaruku.
bereaved person (noun), mfiwa (1/2), pl wafiwa. If a death occurs, for
example, s/he will compose a poem for the bereaved to comfort them..
Pakitukia kifo, mathalan, atawatungia shairi wafiwa kuwaliwaza [Khan,
Masomo 391].
bereaved person (noun), mjane (1/2), pl wajane.
bereavement (noun), ukiwa.
tree (kind with small edible berries) (noun), mfufu, pl mifufu.
tree (kind with small edible berries) (noun), mfuu, pl mifufu.
kind of small berry (noun), fuu.
beseech (verb), -omba.
beseech (verb), -omboleza.
beseech (verb), -rongaronga.
beseech (verb), -sihi. (s)he beseeched his/her child not to smoke bhang.
Alimsihi mwanawe asivute bangi.
beseige (verb), -husuru.
be beside oneself (verb), -toweka.
be beside oneself (with fear) (verb), -rukwa na roho. (s)he was beside
him(her)self. alikuwa karukwa na roho [Moh].
beside (adverb), kando ya.
beside (preposition), upande, pl pande.
besides (adjective), zaidana.
besides (adjective), zaidi.
besides (conjunction), aidha.
besiege (verb), -teka.
be besieged (verb), -zingiwa.
besieged (verb), -zungukwa.
besmirch (verb), -sawidi.
best (adjective), bora. the best thing is good health. afya bora.
best quality (noun), ubora (14).
bestiality (noun), unyama.
bestow (verb), -kidhi.
bestow upon (verb), -jazi.
one who bestows (often=God) (noun), mweneza, pl waeneza. publicity-man;
public-relations man.. mweneza habari.
one who bestows (often=God) (noun), mwenezaji, pl waenezaji. publicity-
man; public-relations man.. mweneza habari.
one who bestows (often=God) (noun), mwenezi, pl waenezi. publicity-man;
public-relations man.. mweneza habari.
bet (noun), sharti (5/6), pl masharti.
bet (noun), sherti (5/6), pl masherti.
bet (noun), shurti (5/6), pl mashurti.
bet (noun), shuruti (5/6), pl mashuruti.
bet (verb), -pinga.
make a bet (verb), -shurutiana.
make a bet with each other (verb), -pingana.
betel (noun), dhambu. betel leaf. jani la dhambu.
betel (noun), tambuu (9/10), pl tambuu. a green betel. jani la tambuu.
betel (noun), uraibu.
betel nut (noun), bobo.
betel nut (noun), popoo (9/10), pl popoo. Grandmother chewed betel nut
with tobacco. Nyanya alikula popoo kama uraibu.
betel plant (noun), mtambuu, pl mitambuu.
expectorated remains of the chewed betel mixture (noun), utembe.
bethink (verb), -tanabahi.
betray (verb), -haini.
betray (verb), -saliti. the betray his manhood. kuusaliti uanaume wake
betray (verb), -tasliti.
betrayal (noun), hiana.
betrayal (noun), uchongelezi (14).
betrayal (noun), uhaini (14).
betrayal (noun), usaliti (14).
betrayal (noun), utoro.
be betrayed (verb), -salitiwa.
betrayer (noun), hiana, pl mahiana, mahiyana.
betrayer (noun), mchongelezi (1/2), pl wachongelezi.
be better than (verb), -pita. This book is better than that one..
kitabu hiki ni kizuri kupita kile.
be better than (verb), -shinda.
better (adjective), -aula. This matter is better (more important), it is
unimportant (inconsequential). jambo hili ni aula, si ~.
better (adjective), bora.
better (adverb), afadhali. It is better to travel than to stay.. ni
afadhali kusafiri kuliko kukaa..
better (adverb), afdhali. It is better to travel than to stay.. ni ~
kusafiri kuliko kukaa..
better (adverb), afudhali. It is better to travel than to stay.. ni ~
kusafiri kuliko kukaa..
better (adverb), akhuyari.
better (adverb), heri.
better (adverb), ikhiari.
better (after an illness) (adjective), ashekali.
get better (verb), -inukia.
get better (from an illness) (verb), -pona.
get the better of (verb), -ghilibu.
get the better of (verb), -kalamkia.
get the better of (verb), -tinga.
it would be better (+ subjunctive) (phrase), ni afadhali.
betting (noun), ubahatishaji (14).
be between (verb), -kingama.
between (adverb), baina.
between (adverb), pl layout OK?, baina ya. between Tanga and Dar es
Salaam. ~ ya Tanga na Daressalam.
between (adverb), kati.
between (adverb), kati ya.
between (adverb), kati.
between (preposition), katikati.
in between (adjective), katikati.
bevel (noun), hanamu.
beverage (noun), kinywaji (7/8), pl vinywaji.
beverage (noun), unywaji.
intoxicating beverage (noun), shuarub (5/6), pl mashuarub.
intoxicating beverage (noun), shuarubu (5/6), pl mashuarubu.
intoxicating beverage (noun), ugimbi (11/10), pl ngimbi.
unfermented beverage made of various grains with water and sugar. (noun),
bewail (verb), -lilia (applicative).
bewail (verb), -omboleza. That old and feeble man wailed. yule kikongwe
aliomboleza [Sul].
beware (verb), -chunga.
beware (verb), -jitahadhari.
beware (verb), -tanadhari.
bewilder someone (verb), -puuzisha.
bewilder someone (verb), -puzisha.
be bewildered (verb), -taataa.
be bewildered (verb), -tekewa.
be bewildered (verb), -zula.
bewilderment (noun), mauzauza.
bewilderment (noun), pl bewilderment, msangao (3/4), pl misangao.
bewilderment (noun), pl bewilderment, mshangao (3/4), pl mishangao.
bewilderment (noun), mzubao (3/4), pl mizubao.
bewilderment (noun), mzumbao (3/4), pl mizumbao.
bewitch (verb), -anga.
bewitch (verb), -loga.
bewitch (verb), -roga. something else that could bewitch any man. kitu
kingine ambacho [] kingeweza kumroga mwanamume ye yote [Mt].
bewitch (verb), -sihiri. the witch bewitched the child. Mganga
alimsihiri mtoto.
bewitch (verb), -tekeza.
be bewitched (verb), -logwa.
beyond (adverb), mbele.
beyond (adverb), ubele.
beyond (adverb), umbele.
beyond measure (adverb), hadi.
go beyond (verb), -pita. This book goes beyond that one.. kitabu hiki
ni kizuri kupita kile.
go beyond bounds (verb), -ruka mpaka. go beyond bounds.. ruka mpaka.
it is beyond his strength (phrase), si tani yake. (s)he confirmed again
that Mrs Kocho, even though she was a woman, was beyond his/her strength.
alihakikisha tena kuwa Biti Kocho ingawa ni mwanamke hakuwa tani yake
bhang (noun), bangi (9/10), pl bangi.
be biased (verb), -onea (applicative). Others sympathized with him/her.
wengine walimwonea huruma [Kez].
bias (noun), upendeleo, pl mapendeleo.
bias (noun), upendelevu, pl mapendelevu.
biased (adverb), pendelevu.
Bible (noun), biblia (9/10), pl Biblia.
Bible (noun), furkani.
Bible (noun), pl Bibles, Msahafu (3/4), pl misahafu.
rare Bible (noun), msafu, pl misafu.
rare Bible (noun), msahafu, pl misahafu.
biceps (noun), chafu, pl machafu.
biceps (noun), chavu, pl machavu. biceps. chavu la mkono.
biceps (noun), pl biceps, shavu la mkono (5/6), pl mashavu ya mkono.
bicycle (noun), baisikeli, pl baisikeli.
accept a final bid (verb), -barikia.
bid (noun), ununuzi.
bid (at an auction) (verb), -zabuni.
make a bid on (verb), -nunua.
make an opening bid (at an auction) (verb), -rasimu.
make the final (successful) bid (at an auction) (verb), -shtiri.
make the highest bid (at an auction) (verb), -filisi.
bidder (at auction) (noun), mzabuni, pl wazabuni.
bier (noun), jeneza (9/10), pl jeneza.
bier (noun), jeneza.
bifurcation (noun), mpanda, pl mapanda ; mipanda. bifurcation of trees.
panda ya mti.
bifurcation (noun), panda (9/10), pl panda. bifurcation of trees. panda
ya mti.
bifurcation (noun), taga (5/6), pl mataga.
bifurcation (noun), tagaa (5/6), pl matagaa.
act big (verb), -randa.
act big (verb), -randaranda.
big (adjective), -kubwa.
big (of people) (adjective), ronjo.
big (of persons) (adjective), lonjo.
big (of persons) (adjective), ronjo.
cause to get bigger (verb), -kuza.
of things big (adjective), ume.
bigger (adjective), -kuu.
bigness (noun), ukubwa (14).
bigotry (noun), ushupavu.
get on a bicycle (verb), -panda baisikeli.
bile (noun), nyongo (9/10), pl nyongo.
bilge (noun), banduru, pl banduru.
bilge (noun), ngama (9/10), pl ngama.
bilharzia (noun), kichocho (7/8), pl vichocho.
med (rare) bilharzia (the two diseases are believed to be the same
because their symptoms ar similar.) (noun), kisalisali (7/8).
bilhook (noun), mundu, pl miundu.
bill (noun), ankra (9/10), pl ankra.
bill (noun), bili (9/10), pl bili. There were receipts of payments and
bills of debts. Zilikuwapo stakabadhi za malip na bili za madeni [Masomo
bill (noun), hoja (9/10), pl hoja.
bill (noun), hundi.
bill (noun), makadirio.
bill (noun), noti (9/10), pl noti.
bill (noun), orodha (9/10), pl orodha.
bill (noun), oroza (9/10), pl oroza.
bill (noun), stashahada (9/10), pl stashahada.
bill (noun), worodha.
bill (verb), -hesabu.
bill of exchange (noun), hawala.
billion (noun), bilioni, pl mabilioni.
bind (verb), -binda.
bind (verb), -boba.
bind (verb), -ganga.
bind (a book in leather) (verb), -gilidi.
bind (a book) (verb), -jalidi.
bind a book (verb), -jalidi.
binding up (noun), mgango, pl migango.
binoculars (noun), darbini.
binoculars (noun), darubini.
binoculars (noun), durubini.
biography (noun), wasifu (14), pl wasifu.
bird (noun), kata dole (9/10), pl kata dole.
bird (noun), dege.
bird (noun), ndege (9/10), pl ndege.
bird (noun), nyuni (9/10an), pl nyuni.
bird (kind of) (noun), chimbule.
bird (kind of) (noun), chole (9/10an), pl chole.
bird (kind of) (noun), chosi.
bird (kind of) (noun), dira.
bird (kind of) (noun), luanga.
bird (kind of) (noun), mbizi.
bird (kind regarded as a bringer of misfortune) (noun), nguo (9/10an), pl
bird (large) (noun), dege (5/6), pl madege.
bird (small yellow kind) (noun), chigi (9/10), pl chigi.
bird (small) (noun), kidege (7/8), pl videge.
bird (type of) (noun), chekehukwa (9/10an), pl chakehukwa.
bird (young) (noun), kifaranga (7/8), pl vifaranga.
bird (Zesterops vaughani) (noun), manja (9/10), pl manja.
bird of prey (Falco Dickensoni) (noun), kipanga, pl vipanga.
bird species (Colivus leuatis) (noun), kuzumburu.
bird species said to bring bad luck (noun), korofi.
bird variety (Merops) (noun), keremkerem.
bishop bird (noun), kwechi.
honey bird (indicator indicator) (noun), mlembe, pl milembe.
jore (kind of bird, Eurystomus afer) (noun), jore.
kind of bird (noun), gaugau.
kind of bird (crab-plover) (noun), ndoero.
large bird of prey (eagle or vulture) (noun), tai (9/10an), pl tai.
large bird of prey similar to a condor (noun), nderi (9/10).
large bird resembling a bittern (noun), mwumbi, pl miumbi.
Pemba white-eye (noun), manja.
type of bird (noun), kipasuasanda, pl vipasuasanda.
young bird (noun), faranga, pl mafaranga.
birdcage (noun), kizimba, pl vizimba.
birdcage (noun), kizimbi, pl vizimbi.
birdlime (noun), ulimbo (11).
birth (noun), kizazi, pl vizazi.
birth (noun), kuzaliwa.
birth (noun), mzao, pl mizao.
birth (noun), uzaliwa (14).
birth pangs (noun), utungu (14).
give birth (verb), -fungasa.
give birth (verb), -jifungua (reflexive).
give birth (verb), -vyaa.
give birth (to) (verb), -zaa.
birthday (noun), bathdei.
birthday (noun), uvyazi.
birthday (noun), uzalishaji.
birthday (noun), siku ya uzalishi.
birthday (noun), siku ya kuzaliwa.
birthday (noun), sikukuu ya kuzaliwa.
birthmark (noun), baka, pl mabaka.
birthmark (noun), ndugu.
birthplace (noun), kwao, pl makwao.
birthplace (noun), watani.
biscuit (noun), biskiti.
biscuit (noun), biskuti (9/10), pl biskuti.
biscuit (thin and hard-baked) (noun), kaki (9/10), pl kaki.
bisect (verb), -gawakati.
bisector (noun), kigawakati (7/8), pl vigawa-kati.
auxiliary bishop (noun), askafu msaidizi, pl maaskafu wasaidizi.
bishop (noun), askafu, pl maakafu. archbishop, auxiliary bishop. ~
mkuu, ~ msaidizi.
bishop (noun), askofu (5/6), pl maaskofu.
bishop-bird (Euplectes hordacea) (noun), chekechea.
bishopric (noun), uaskofu.
bit (noun), choto, pl machoto.
bit (of horse) (noun), lijamu (9/10), pl lijamu.
bit of hard dried stuff (noun), kikoko (7/8), pl vikoko.
brace and bit (noun), kekee.
fall into bits (verb), -nyambuka (potential). He goes barefooted and the
hut is falling into bits.. anakwenda miguu chini na kofia imenyambuka
bite (noun), kumbwe, pl makumbwe.
bite (noun), lukuma.
bite (noun), mdono (3/4), pl midono.
bite (noun), uma.
bite (verb), -donoa.
bite (verb), -tafuna.
bite (fish at bait) (verb), -dona. the fish are biting now [it is a good
time for fishing]. samaki wanadona sasa.
bite (of bread) (noun), mego, pl mamego.
bite off (verb), -bwakia.
bite off a small amount of something (verb), -dokoa.
something that bites (noun), kiuma, pl viuma.
bite off (verb), -bugia.
biting (noun), mmego (3/4), pl mimego.
biting thing (noun), kiuma (7/8), pl viuma.
small bits (noun), chengachenga (9/10), pl chengachenga.
be bitten (verb), -umwa (passive).
ornith.( a large bird resembling the bittern (noun), mumbi, pl miumbi.
bitter (adjective), -chungu.
bitter (adjective), -kali.
bitter (e.g. teeth after eating unripe banana) (adjective), kakasi.
bitter taste (noun), utungu.
bitterly (adverb), kichungu.
bittern (bird of evil omen) (noun), mumbi (9/10), pl mumbi.
bitterness (noun), chuki (9/10), pl chuki.
bitterness (noun), duku duku (9/10), pl dukuduku.
bitterness (noun), kinyongo (7/8), pl vinyongo.
bitterness (noun), mabaya, pl mabaya.
bitterness (noun), nyongo (9/10), pl nyongo.
bitterness (noun), uchungu, pl machungu.
bitterness (noun), uchungu, pl machungu.
bitterness (noun), utungu.
bitterness (to the taste) (noun), ukali.
bitterness (to the taste) (noun), ukalifu.
blab (verb), -huruju.
blab (verb), -paya.
blab (verb), -payapaya.
blab (verb), -payuka.
blabber (verb), -boboka.
blabber (verb), -bobokwa. Now you seem to have been blabbered at with
completely nonsensical words.. Sasa waonekana unabobokwa na maneno
yasiyokuwa na mbele wala nyuma [Chacha, Masomo 379].
blabberer (noun), pl blabberers, mtafitafi (1/2), pl watafitafi.
blabbing (noun), payo (5/6), pl mapayo.
black (adjective), -ausi.
black (adjective), -eusi.
black (used by Arabs of Africans) (noun), gozi (5/6), pl magozi.
black color (noun), weusi.
black market (noun), magendo (6).
Black Sea (noun), Bahari ya Nyeusi.
blackboard (noun), ubao (11/10), pl mbao.
blacken (verb), -chafua.
blacken (verb), -sawidi.
blackmail (noun), hongo, pl mahongo.
blackmail (noun), lipizi, pl malipizi.
blackmail (noun), magengo.
blackmail (noun), malipizi.
blackmail (noun), mlungula (3/4), pl milungula.
blackmail (noun), mrungura (3/4), pl mirungura.
blackmail (verb), -hongeza.
blackmail (verb), -lungula.
blackness (noun), weusi (14).
blacksmith (noun), mbini, pl wabini.
blacksmith (noun), mfuachuma (1/2), pl wafuachuma.
blacksmith (noun), mhunzi (1/2), pl wahunzi.
bladder (noun), bofu, pl mabofu.
bladder (urinary) (noun), kibofu (7/8), pl vibofu.
back of a knife blade (as opp. to the cutting edge) (noun), manoleo.
blade (noun), bapa (5/6), pl mabapa.
blade (noun), makali (6).
blade (of a knife or sword) (noun), kengee.
blade (of a knife or sword) (noun), ukengee.
blame (noun), kosa, pl makosa. "High court, Court of Appeal; Supreme
Court".. tia kosani.
blame (noun), lawama (9/10), pl lawama. It's useless for you to blame
us.. Bure mwatupa lawama [Amana, Masomo 405].
blame (noun), mapatilizo.
blame (noun), patilizo (5/6), pl mapatilizo.
blame (noun), uaili (11), pl uaili.
blame (noun), upatilivu, pl mapatilivu.
blame (noun), upatilizo (11/6), pl mapatilizo.
blame (verb), -aili.
blame (verb), -ailisha.
blame (verb), -atibu.
blame (verb), -janga.
blame (verb), -kosoa (converse).
blame (verb), -laumu.
blame (verb), -shitaki.
blame (verb), -shtaki.
blame (verb), -staki.
blame (verb), pl rebukes, -taya.
blame (verb), -taya.
blame each other (verb), -simangana (associative).
blame oneself (verb), -jishtaki (reflexive).
blame oneself (verb), -jishitaki.
blame oneself (verb), -jishtaki. (s)he blamed him/her. Alimshtaki.
reproach (verb), -taya.
worthiness of blame for lack of respect to someone (noun), kudu (9/10),
pl kudu.
be blamed (verb), -laumiwa.
blamer (noun), pl blamers, msukumizi (1/2), pl wasukumizi.
blank (noun), fomu (9/10), pl fomu.
blank (noun), hati.
blanket (noun), blanketi (5/6), pl mablanketi.
blanket (noun), bulangeti, pl mabulangeti.
blanket (noun), kitandiko (7/8), pl vitandiko.
blanket (noun), mansuli.
blaspheme (verb), -kufuru.
blasphemy (noun), lahaula (9/10), pl lahaula.
blasphemy (noun), makufuru (6).
blasphemy (noun), ukafiri.
blasphemy (noun), ukufuru (14).
rel. blasphemy (noun), makufuru.
blather (noun), mropoko (3/4), pl miropoko.
blather (verb), -ropoka. possibly things would have gone well had Stella
not blathered. labda mambo yote yangalikwenda sawasawa kama Stella
asingaliropoka [Kez].
blaze (noun), mwako, pl miako.
blaze (verb), -meka.
blaze (verb), -waa.
blaze (verb), -waka.
bleach (noun), bluu.
bleach (noun), buluu.
bleed (verb), -tokwa (na) (passive).
bleed (a person) by cupping (verb), -umika.
bleeding from a head wound (adjective), ngeu.
bleeding of the gums (noun), kiseyeye.
blemish (noun), athari, pl athari.
blemish (noun), dosari (9/10), pl dosari.
blemish (noun), dutu, pl dutu, madutu.
blemish (noun), hitilafu (9/10), pl hitilafu.
blemish (noun), ila (9/10), pl ila.
blemish (noun), kasoro (9/10), pl kasoro.
blemish (noun), lemaa (9/10), pl lemaa.
blemish (noun), nakisi, pl nakisi.
blemish (noun), tua.
blemish (noun), waa (5/6), pl mawaa.
blemish (noun), waa, pl mawaa.
blend (noun), changamano.
blend (noun), tangamano (5/6), pl matangamano.
blend (verb), -changanya (causative).
be blessed (verb), -barikiwa.
bless (verb), -bariki.
bless someone (verb), -barikia.
God bless (interjection), Mungubariki.
grant blessings to (verb), -barikie.
blessedness (noun), heri (9/10), pl heri.
blessing (noun), baraka (9/10), pl baraka.
blessing (noun), mbaraka (3/4), pl mibaraka.
blessing (noun), radhi (9/10), pl radhi. He has been disowned by his
father (does not have his father's blessing). amekosa radhi ya baba yake.
give one's blessing (verb), -pa radhi.
rel.(divine) blessing (noun), neema.
blight (noun), kawa.
blight (noun), kizimwe (7/8), pl vizimwe.
blight (noun), koga (9/10), pl koga.
blight (noun), kuvu (9/10), pl kuvu.
blight (noun), ukoga.
blight (of plants) (noun), kutu.
become blind (verb), -pofuka.
blind (adjective), -pofu.
blind (verb), -pofua.
blind (verb), -pofua macho.
blind person (noun), kipofu, pl vipofu. the people perished in great
numbers from an epidemic.
blind person (noun), kipofu (7/8an), pl vipofu.
make blind (verb), -pofusha.
wilfully blind person (noun), msimacho, pl wasimacho.
blind hole (noun), tobwe (5/6), pl matobwe.
condition of being blinded (by strong light) (noun), ukiwi.
blinder (fastened over a camel's eyes) (noun), kidoto, pl vidoto.
blinder (of basketwork fastened over the eyes of a camels). (noun),
kijamanda, pl vijamanda.
blinding (noun), kiwi (7).
blindness (noun), upofu (14).
zool. blindworm (which is popularly believed to have a mouth at either
end) (noun), ndumakuwili (9/10).
blink (verb), -kopesa macho.
blink (verb), -kupia.
blink (verb), -pesa.
blink (the eyes) (verb), -pepesa macho.
blinking (adjective), kupekupe.
bliss (noun), pl bliss, raha (9/10), pl raha.
blister (noun), lengelenge (5/6), pl malengelenge.
be bloated (verb), -vimba.
be bloated (verb), -vimbia.
bloating (noun), rehe (9/10), pl rehe.
bloating (noun), riahi (9/10), pl riahi.
bloating (noun), rihi (9/10), pl rihi.
bloc (noun), kambi.
block (noun), ayari, pl ayari.
block (noun), gabi.
block (noun), pande (5/6), pl mapande.
block (noun), pandekizi (5/6), pl mapandekizi.
block (noun), pandikizi (5/6), pl mapandikizi.
block (verb), -pinga. So as to block the aim of Idi's plans. ili
kuipinga nia ya uroho wa Idi [Sul].
block (verb), -ziba.
block (verb), -zuilia.
block (used on dhows) (noun), abedari (9/10), pl abedari.
block of wood (noun), kisiki, pl visiki.
concrete block (noun), tofali la zege, pl matofali ya zege.
stumbling block (noun), kwazo (5/6), pl makwazo.
wooden block (noun), kishiku, pl vishiku.
blockade (noun), mazingiwa (6).
blockade (noun), mazingiwa, pl mazingiwa.
blockade (noun), mazingo, pl mazingo.
blockade (noun), mfungizo, pl mifungizo.
blocking of one's way (noun), upingaji.
blood (noun), damu (9/10), pl damu. bleed. toa damu [Rec].
blood (from nose) (noun), muhina (9/10), pl muhina.
blood-brotherhood (noun), usare (11).
blood-friendship ceremony (noun), dumilizo, pl madumilizo.
blood-letting (act of) (noun), uumikaji.
blood-letting (act of) (noun), uumizi.
conclude a blood-friendship (verb), -dumisha.
go through the ceremony of blood-friendship (verb), -dumiliza.
make the blood race (verb), -sisimka (intransitive).
bloodshed (noun), chinjo, pl machinjo.
bloodsucker (noun), mnyonywaji, pl wanyonywaji.
bloodthirstiness (noun), ukatili.
bloodthirsty (adjective), katili.
bloodthirsty person (noun), katili (5/6), pl makatili.
bloodthirsty person (noun), nunda (9/10an), pl nunda.
bloodthirsty person (noun), simba (9/10an), pl simba.
bloom (verb), -bariki.
bloom (verb), -sitawi.
bloom (verb), -stawi.
blossom (noun), ua, pl maua.
blossom (verb), -chanua.
blot (noun), doa, pl madoa.
blot (noun), ibura.
blot (noun), madoadoa, pl madoadoa.
blot (noun), waa, pl mawaa.
blotting paper (noun), kikausho cha wino, pl vikausho vya wino.
blotch (noun), doa (5/6), pl madoa.
blotch (noun), waa (5/6), pl mawaa.
blouse (noun), blausi (9/10), pl blausi.
blouse (noun), kishati (7/8), pl vishati.
blouse (noun), shati (5/6), pl mashati. put on a blouse. vaa shati.
blow (noun), chapa.
blow (noun), chomeo, pl machomeo.
blow (noun), dharba.
blow (noun), dharuba (9/10), pl dharuba.
blow (noun), kipigo, pl vipigo.
blow (noun), mchapo (3/4), pl michapo.
blow (noun), mkupuo (3/4), pl mikupuo.
blow (noun), mpasuko (3/4), pl mipasuko.
blow (noun), mpigo (3/4), pl mipigo.
blow (noun), mshindo (3/4), pl mishindo.
blow (noun), pigo (5/6), pl mapigo.
blow (verb), -puliza.
blow (verb), -puza.
blow (verb), -vuma.
blow (on the door) (noun), bisho.
blow (with mouth or bellows) (verb), -vuvia.
blow (with the mouth) (verb), -vivia.
blow away (verb), -peperusha (causative). As (s)he caused laughter and
blew sweet words. akiangusha vicheko na kupeperusha maneno matamu [Ya].
blow bellows (verb), -vuguta.
blow bellows (verb), -vukuta.
blow on the ear (noun), mdukuo, pl midukuo.
blow out (verb), -zima.
blow the nose (verb), -penga.
blow the nose (verb), -piga pua. wash clothes.. pura nguo.
blow up (verb), -puliza.
blow up (verb), -vuvia.
blow with the hand (noun), konzi, pl konzi.
blow with the wind (verb), -pepea.
blow up (verb), -pasuka (potential).
blow up (verb), -puza.
blow up (verb), -tunisha.
blow up (something) (verb), -ripusha.
blowing (noun), uvuvio.
blowing (act of) (noun), uvuvio.
be blown away (verb), -peperuka.
be blown up (verb), -ripushwa.
blows (noun), upigaji.
blows (noun), upigiaji.
bludgeon (noun), gongo (5/6), pl magongo.
bludgeon (noun), kigongo (7/8), pl vigongo.
blue (adjective), bluu.
blue (adjective), buluu.
blue vitriol (noun), mrututi.
blue vitriol (noun), mrututu.
blueprint (noun), rahamani (9/10), pl rahamani.
blueprint (noun), ramani (9/10), pl ramani.
bluestone (noun), mrututu (9/10), pl mrututu.
bluing (noun), bluu.
bluing (noun), buluu.
blunderer (noun), mparuzi, pl waparuzi. "scribbler, poor writer"..
mparuzi wa karatasi.
be blunt (verb), -dugika.
be blunt (of a knife) (verb), -senea.
be blunted (verb), -shindikiza.
be blunted (verb), -shindizika.
blunt (adjective), dugi. a blunt knife. kisu kidugi.
blunt (adjective), gutu.
blunt (adjective), -vivu.
blunt (of a knife) (adjective), butu.
blunt place or gap in a knife or axe (noun), pelezi (5/6), pl mapelezi.
bluntness (noun), ubutu (14).
fig. blurt out (verb), -kokomoa.
blurt out (verb), -boboka.
boa constrictor (noun), chatu.
wild boar (noun), ngiri (9/10an), pl ngiri.
board (noun), bao, pl mabao. diving board, trampoline. ~ la kuruka.
board (noun), bau, pl mibau. "diving board, trampoline".. bau la
board (noun), bodi. national board. bodi ya taifa.
board (noun), mbao (9/10), pl mbao.
board (noun), messi.
board (noun), ubao (11/10), pl mbao.
board (noun), ubau.
board (small) (noun), kibao (7/8), pl vibao.
board (used in house-building) (noun), munda, pl miunda.
board for carrying mortar (noun), chano, pl vyano.
board placed in a grave to protect the corpse from contact with earth and
stones (noun), kiunza, pl viunza.
divining board (noun), kisango (7/8), pl visango.
divining board (sanded) (noun), kibunzi (7/8), pl vibunzi.
go on board a ship (verb), -jipakiza.
on board (noun), chomboni. spaceship. chombo cha angani.
put on board (verb), -pakia.
putting on board (a ship) (noun), upakiaji.
putting on board (a ship) (noun), upakio.
putting on board (a ship) (noun), upakizi.
boast (verb), -belenga.
boast (verb), -bodoa.
boast (verb), -chamba.
boast (verb), -fahari.
boast (verb), -faragua.
boast (verb), -fedhulika.
boast (verb), -fezulika.
boast (verb), -fidhulika.
boast (verb), -gamba.
boast (verb), -jidai (reflexive).
boast (verb), -jigamba.
boast (verb), -jinaki.
boast (verb), -jisifu.
boast (verb), -jitapa.
boast (verb), -jivuna.
boast (verb), -jivuna.
boast (verb), -jinata.
boast (verb), -jisifu.
boast (verb), -pyora.
boast (verb), -randa.
boast (verb), -randaranda.
boast (verb), -tamba. Mary was first in our class and she boasts alot
these days. Mariamu alikuwa wa kwanza darasani mwetu, na sikuhizi
anatamba ajabu.
boast (verb), -tambia (applicative). don't make me vomit by boasting
about to me. usin'tapishe na kunitambiatambia [Ma].
boast (verb), -tutumua.
boast (verb), -twaza.
boast (of something) (verb), -jivunia.
boaster (noun), mjivuni (1/2), pl wajivuni.
boaster (noun), mkata (1/2), pl wakata.
boaster (noun), mlimi, pl walimi.
boaster (noun), mpyoro, pl wapyoro.
be boastful (verb), -nyeta.
boastful (adjective), pyoro.
boastful (adjective), pyororo.
boasting (noun), domo, pl madomo. boast, brag. piga domo.
boasting (noun), madaha, pl madaha.
boasting (noun), majisifu (6).
boasting (noun), majivuno (6).
boasting (noun), majivuno.
boasting (noun), makeke.
boasting (noun), mapyoro.
boasting (noun), maringo.
boasting (noun), ndaro (9/10). make boastful statements.. sema manenao
ya ndaro.
boasting (noun), tutuo, pl matutuo.
Arab sailing vessel with cut-water and sharp stern. (noun), bedeni, pl
boat (noun), chombo (7/8), pl vyombo.
boat (noun), safina (9/10), pl safina. the boat reached the port.
Safini ilifika bandarini.
boat made of planks (noun), mashua (9/10), pl mashua.
by boat (adjective), kwa mashua.
interior framework of a (native) ship (noun), darumeti.
sailing-vessel (of various kinds) (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
small boat (noun), batela.
small boat (noun), betela.
small boat similar to a canoe (noun), mjoja, pl mijoja.
small boat similar to a canoe (noun), mjoo, pl mijoo.
steam-powered boat (noun), sitima (9/10), pl stima.
wooden boat with outriggers (noun), galawa.
wooden boat with outriggers (noun), ngalawa (9/10), pl ngalawa.
boat-hook (noun), pondo (5/6), pl mapondo.
boathook (noun), upondo.
boat (noun), mashua.
boatswain (noun), serahangi (5/6an), pl maserahangi.
boatswain (noun), serangi (5/6an), pl serangi.
boatswain (noun), serehangi (5/6an), pl maserehangi.
bob up and down (verb), -tinga.
bodkin (noun), shasira (5/6), pl mashasira.
bodkin (used in making mats) (noun), shazia (5/6), pl mashazia.
body (noun), jamii.
body (noun), kiwiliwili (7/8), pl viwiliwili.
body (noun), maungo (6).
body (noun), ungo, pl maungo.
body (noun), ungu, pl maungu.
body (human or animal) (noun), mwili (3/4), pl miili. Bats have light
bodies.. Popo wana miili myepesi [Masomo 29].
body (of an automobile) (noun), bodi.
dead body (noun), maiti (5/6), pl maiti.
part of the body (noun), kiungo (7/8), pl viungo.
trunk (noun), kiwiliwili (7/8), pl viwiliwili.
body hair (noun), laika (5/6), pl malaika.
Boer (noun), kaburu (5/6), pl makaburu.
Boers (noun), kaburu, pl makaburu.
bog (noun), bwawa, pl mabwawa.
bogy-man (noun), mduma (1/2), pl waduma.
member of the Bohora (sect of Indian Moslems) (noun), bohara, pl
member of the Bohora (sect of Indian Moslems) (noun), bohora, pl
boil (noun), jipu (5/6), pl majipu.
boil (noun), jipu, pl majipu.
boil (noun), uwati (11/10), pl mbati.
boil (verb), -chemka.
boil (verb), -chemsha.
boil (verb), -chemuka.
boil (verb), -cheuka.
boil (verb), -pika.
boil (verb), -teleka.
boil (verb), -tokosa.
boil over (verb), -foka.
boil over (verb), -fufurika.
boil something (verb), -chemusha.
boil up (verb), -tutuka.
boil up (verb), -tutuma.
boil up (verb), -tutumka.
bring (liquid) a boil (verb), -chemsha.
make boil (verb), -chemshia (applicative).
start to boil (water) (verb), -wia.
be boiled (verb), -tokota.
boiler (noun), hodhi.
boiling (noun), chemko.
boiling (noun), mtokoso, pl mitokoso.
by boiling (adverb), mteo. "bring to a boil, parboil".. pika mteo.
boisterous person (noun), mjuba, pl wajuba.
be bold (verb), -jasiri.
be bold (verb), -thibiti.
bold (adjective), chagina.
bold (adjective), jahina.
boldness (noun), ujogoo.
boldness (noun), ujuba.
bolster (noun), godoro (5/6), pl magodoro.
bolt (noun), esi.
bolt (noun), hesi.
bolt (noun), kia, pl via.
bolt (noun), kipingo, pl vipingo.
bolt (noun), komeo (5/6), pl makomeo.
bolt (noun), kufuli (9/10), pl kufuli.
bolt (noun), skrubu (9/10), pl skrubu.
bolt (noun), skurubu (9/10), pl skurubu.
bolt (verb), -bumburuka.
bolt (a door) (verb), -komea.
bolt (door) (noun), kiwi (7/8), pl viwi.
bolt (of cloth) (noun), mtumba, pl mitumba.
bolt (on a door) (noun), kipingwa, pl vipingwa.
bolt (on a door) (noun), kivi, pl vivi.
bolt (on a door) (noun), kiwi, pl viwi.
bolt (on a door) (noun), kiwiwi, pl viwiwi.
bolt (on a door) (noun), mzibo, pl mizibo.
bolt (on a door) (noun), pingo (5/6), pl mapingo.
bolt of cloth (about 30 yards) (noun), taka (9/10), pl taka.
bomb (noun), bombom.
bomb (noun), bomu (5/6), pl mabomu. atomic bomb. bomb la atomiki.
bomb (noun), kombora (5/6), pl makombora.
bombard (verb), -shambulia. bombard each other. shambuliana..
bon-bon (noun), pipi (9/10), pl pipi. If you tell him/her you want bon-
bon, (s)he says yes. ukimwambia "Unataka pipi?" hujibu "Ndiyo" [Kez].
bond (noun), fidia, pl mafidia.
bond (noun), mfungo (3/4), pl mifungo.
bond (noun), mfungo, pl mifungo.
bond (noun), pl bonds, shahada (9/10), pl shahada.
form a bond (verb), -shikamana.
post bond (verb), -fidi.
bondage (noun), uja.
bone (noun), mfupa (3/4), pl mifupa.
bone (large) (noun), fupa (5/6), pl mafupa.
cuttlefish bone (noun), mafuu.
fish-bone (noun), mwiba (3/4), pl miiba.
boner (noun), ubaramaki.
bonus (noun), bahashishi (9/10), pl bahashishi.
bonus (noun), bahkshishi, pl bahkshishi.
bonus (noun), bakshishi (9/10), pl bakshishi.
bonus (noun), bonas.
bonus (noun), donge, pl madonge.
bonus (noun), mukafaa.
bonus (noun), mukofu.
bonus (noun), turuhani (9/10), pl turuhani.
bonus (noun), uhondo.
bonus (for heavy work) (noun), kiinua, pl viinua.
boo (verb), -zomea.
book (noun), andiko, pl maandiko.
book (noun), pl books, chuo (7/8), pl vyuo. prayer-book. chuo cha sala.
book (noun), kitabu (7/8), pl vitabu.
book (large) (noun), buku.
book (us. the Qur'an) (noun), msafu, pl misafu.
book (us. the Qur'an) (noun), msahafu, pl misahafu.
book (usually holy) (noun), msahafu (3/4), pl misahafu.
bookbinding (noun), jalada.
bookkeeper (noun), karani, pl makarani.
bookrest (used for reading the Qur'an) (noun), marufaa.
boom (noun), pl booms, msondo (3/4), pl misondo.
boom (verb), -rindima.
boor (noun), mfidhuli, pl wafidhuli.
boor (noun), mshamba (1/2), pl washamba.
boor (noun), safihi (9/10an), pl safihi.
boor (noun), safii (9/10an), pl safii. this is a boor child in front of
her parents. Huyu ni mtoto safii mbele ya wazazi wake.
boorishness (noun), ujuvi.
boot (of car) (noun), buti (5/6), pl mabuti.
booth (noun), kijumba, pl vijumba. telephone booth. kijumba cha simu.
bootlicker (noun), kibaraka (7/8), pl vibaraka.
booty (noun), mateka, pl mateka.
booty (noun), pl booty, nyara (9/10), pl nyara.
booty (noun), teka, pl mateka.
booty (noun), uwindo, pl mawindo.
booty (noun), windo, pl mawindo.
border (noun), aheri (9/10), pl aheri.
border (noun), akheri (9/10), pl akheri.
border (noun), auwali ya nchi, pl auwali ya nchi.
border (noun), awali ya nchi, pl awali ya nchi.
border (noun), mialamu (9/10), pl mialamu.
border (noun), mpaka (3/4), pl mipaka. Amin announced completely
arbitrarily that he had changed the borders; With respect to fishing the
place that is most highly regarded is that between Kipini and the border
of Kenya and Somalia.. Amin alitangaza kwa jeuri kabisa kuwa amebadili
mipaka [Nyerere, Masomo 274]; Kwa upande wa uvuvi, sehemu inayosifika sana
ni ile kati ya Kipini na mpaka wa Kenya na Somalia [Masomo 155].
border (noun), mwalamu, pl miwalamu.
border (noun), rinda (5/6), pl marinda.
border (noun), ukingo (11/10), pl kingo.
border (noun), upindo (11/10), pl pindo.
border (of a cloth) (noun), pindo (5/6), pl mapindo. He held the lower
border of the kanzu he wore. alilishika pindo la chini la kanzu aliyovaa
border (of a skirt etc.) (noun), marinda.
border on (verb), -changamana.
border on (verb), -paka. our countries border on each other.. nchi zetu
border on (verb), -tangamana.
border on each other (verb), -pakana.
lie side by side (verb), -pakana.
ornamental border woven on (noun), taraza (9/10), pl taraza.
bore (verb), -didimikia.
bore (verb), -dunga.
bore (verb), -sonoa.
bore (verb), -udhi.
bore (of insects which bore holes in wood) (noun), bungua.
bore someone (verb), -nonga.
bore someone (verb), -pekecha.
bore someone (verb), -peketa.
bore through (verb), -ziua.
bore through (verb), -zua.
be bored (verb), -hinikiza.
be bored or dug (verb), -tobolewa.
in a bored manner (adverb), kivivu.
boredom (noun), uchokezi.
boredom (noun), uchovu.
boring (adjective), chovu.
boring (adjective), kulivu.
boring (noun), pekecho (5/6), pl mapekecho.
boring (act of) (noun), upekecho.
boring person (noun), mchoshi, pl wachoshi.
boring person (noun), mchovu, pl wachovu.
boring person (noun), mchovu, pl wachovu.
boring person (noun), mkulivu, pl wakulivu.
be born (verb), -zaliwa.
be born (verb), -zawa.
person born in a particular place (noun), mzalia, pl wazalia. first
born.. mzaliwa mbele.
person born in a particular place (noun), mzawa (1/2), pl wazawa.
person born in a particular place (noun), mzaliwa, pl wazaliwa. first
born.. mzaliwa mbele.
someone who was born in a particular place (noun), kizalia, pl vizalia.
borrow (verb), -azima.
borrow (verb), -chomoa. borrow money. chomoa pesa.
borrow (verb), -kopa.
borrow (for) (verb), -azimia.
something borrowed (noun), azimo, pl maazimo.
borrower (noun), mkopi (1/2), pl wakopi.
borrowing (noun), kikopo (7/8), pl vikopo.
borrowing (act of) (noun), mwazimo, pl mizimo.
boss (noun), bosi (5/6), pl mabosi. The bosses don't reject you..
Mabosi hawawaizi [Amana, Masomo 407].
boss (noun), mkugenzi, pl wakugenzi.
boss (noun), mkurugenzi, pl wakurugenzi.
boss (noun), tajiri (5/6an), pl matajiri.
fern variety (Polypodium phymtodes) (noun), madole, pl madole.
botch (verb), -boronga.
botcher (noun), mchorachora, pl wachorachora.
botchwork (noun), makorowezo.
botchwork (noun), mparuzo, pl miparuzo.
bother (verb), -kera.
bother (verb), -nyanyasa.
bother (verb), -sumbua.
baby's bottle (noun), chupa ya kunyonyea mtoto (9/10), pl chupa za
kunyonyea mtoto.
bottle (noun), chupa (9/10), pl chupa. Alinunua chupa ya maziwa.
Alinunua chupa ya maziwa..
bottle (noun), chupa (7/8), pl vyupa ?.
bottle (small) (noun), kichupa (7/8), pl vichupa.
small bottle (noun), mkebe (3/4), pl mikebe.
bottleneck (noun), mlango, pl milango.
bottom (preposition), chini.
bou-bou (species of) (noun), tiva.
bough (noun), tanzu (5/6), pl matanzu.
bough (noun), kitawi, pl vitawi.
bough (noun), tawi, pl matawi.
bough (noun), utawi, pl tawi/matawi.
bough (noun), utawi, pl tawi, matawi.
bounce back (a ball) (verb), -duta.
be bound (verb), -petana.
boundary (noun), auwali ya nchi, pl auwali ya nchi.
boundary (noun), awali ya nchi, pl awali ya nchi.
boundary (noun), haddi.
boundary (noun), kikomo, pl vikomo.
boundary (noun), mpaka (3/4), pl mipaka.
rare boundary (noun), mkomo, pl mikomo.
set boundries (verb), -pakanisha.
fix the bounds of (verb), -pakia. fix the bounds of a field for
tilling.. pakia ngwe.
bouquet (noun), fumbu (5/6), pl mafumbu.
bouquet (noun), kikuba (7/8), pl vikuba.
bouquet (noun), shada la maua (5/6), pl mashada ya maua. the President
was presented with a bouquet of flowers on his arrival at the airport.
Raisi alivishwa shada la maua alipowasili kwa uwanja wa ndege.
bourgeois (noun), mbepari, pl wabepari. bourgeois hangers-on.. wadoezi
wa wabepari.
bourgeoisie (noun), bwanyenye (5/6), pl mabwanyenye.
bourgeoisie (noun), ubepari.
petty bourgeoisie (noun), kibepari, pl vibepari.
petty bourgeoisie (noun), kibwanyenye, pl vibwanyenye.
bow (noun), gubeti (5/6), pl magubeti.
bow (noun), hanamu.
bow (noun), jinamizi, pl majinamizi.
bow (noun), kidamu.
bow (noun), maamkio, pl maamkio.
bow (noun), maamkizi, pl maamkizi.
bow (noun), salaam (9/10), pl salaam. bow in greetings. toa [pa]
bow (noun), salamu (9/10), pl salamu.
bow (verb), -bong'oa.
bow (verb), -inama.
bow (verb), -inama.
bow (verb), -peta.
bow (verb), -salimu.
bow (during prayers) (verb), -enda rakaa.
bow (of a ship) (noun), omo (5/6), pl maomo.
bow (of boat) (noun), gubeti (5/6), pl mgubi.
bow (weapon) (noun), upinde (11/10), pl pinde.
bow (weapon) (noun), upindi, pl pindi.
bow (weapon) (noun), uta, pl nyuta.
bow and arrow set (noun), mata (6).
bow down (to) (verb), -sujudia (applicative). if what is insulting your
age is the lack of any sign of bowing down. kama yanayokebehi umri kwa
kutokuwepo kwa dalili yo yote ya kuusujudia [Mt].
bow of a small ship (noun), kikomo, pl vikomo.
bow of small ship (noun), kiomo, pl viomo.
bow to someone (verb), -inamia.
bow with the hands on the knees (in prayer) (verb), -rukuu.
bow-shaped (noun), upinde (11/10), pl pinde.
cause someone to bow down (verb), -sujudisha (causative).
joining of bow of sailing vessel (noun), kasama (9/10), pl kasama.
bow down in worship (verb), -sujudu.
bow-leg (noun), chege (5/6), pl machege.
bow-legged person (noun), matege (6an), pl matege.
lower bowel (noun), mjiko (3/4), pl mijiko.
bowels (noun), matumbo, pl matumbo.
worm (in the bowels) (noun), nangonango.
bowing (noun), jinamizi, pl majinamizi.
bowing (act of) (noun), ujinamizi, pl majinamizi.
bowing down during Moslem prayer (act of) (noun), rakaa (9/10), pl rakaa.
bowl (noun), bakuli (9/10), pl bakuli.
bowl (of tobacco pipe) (noun), toza (5/6), pl matoza.
wooden bowl (noun), fua (9/10), pl fua.
bowsprit (noun), dasturi.
bowstring (noun), upote, pl pote.
box (noun), kasha (5/6), pl makasha.
box (noun), kasha, pl makasha.
box (noun), kebe, pl makebe.
box (noun), mandusi.
box (noun), mdumu, pl midumu.
box (noun), mkebe, pl mikebe.
box (noun), sanduku (5/6), pl masanduku. ballot box. sanduku la kupiga
box (phrase), -pigana ngumi.
box (eg for jewelry) (noun), kibweta (7/8), pl vibweta.
box (ornamental metal for chewing-mixture) (noun), jaluba (9/10), pl
box (small and metal) (noun), kitasa (7/8), pl vitasa.
box (small tin for lime for chewing mixture) (noun), ufuraha (11).
box (small) (noun), bweta (5/6), pl mabweta.
box (us. covered with rawhide and used by women for clothing or personal
ornaments etc) (noun), ndusi (9/10).
box on the ear (noun), kofi, pl makofi.
box on the ear (noun), mdukuo, pl midukuo.
box the ears (verb), -zaba vibao.
cylindrical box made of bark (noun), lindo, pl malindo.
metal box (usually for betel) (noun), jaluba, pl (-), (-), vijaluba.
metal box (usually for betel) (noun), kijaruba, pl vijaruba.
paper box (noun), kibumba, pl vibumba.
round metal box with a lid (for perfumes or cosmetics etc.) (noun),
mkakasi, pl mikakasi.
small box (noun), bueta, pl mabueta.
small box (noun), kikasha (7/8), pl vikasha.
small box (noun), kisanduku, pl visanduku.
small ornamental box used for chewing-mixture (noun), kijaluba (7/8), pl
boxer (noun), kiamba, pl viamba.
boxer (noun), mwamba, pl miamba.
boxer (noun), mpiga ngumi (1/2), pl wapiga ngumi. box. piga ngumi.
boxer (noun), mpiga ngumi (5/6an), pl mangumi.
boxing (noun), ndondi, pl ndondi.
boy (noun), boi, pl maboi.
boy (noun), kivulana, pl vivulana. long, thick hair.
boy (noun), pl boys, mvulana (1/2), pl wavulana.
little boy (noun), kijanadume (7/8), pl vijanadume.
office boy (noun), ofisiboi (5/6an), pl maofisiboi.
young boy (noun), mchanga (1/2), pl wachanga.
boycott (noun), ugomaji.
boycott (noun), ugomeaji.
boycott (noun), ususaji.
boycott (noun), ususiaji.
boycott (verb), -gomea.
boycott (verb), -susa. boycott a regulation. susa amri.
boycott (verb), -susia.
boyfriend (noun), mpenzi (1/2), pl wapenzi.
brace (noun), gango (5/6), pl magango.
brace (noun), jahabu, pl majahabu.
brace (noun), magadi.
bracelet (noun), jangili (9/10), pl jangili.
bracelet (noun), kikuku (7/8), pl vikuku.
bracelet (broad flat silver clasped) (noun), kekee (9/10), pl kekee.
bracelet (made of wire--iron or brass) (noun), dodi, pl madodi.
bracelet (of beads) (noun), kipingo, pl vipingo.
bracelet (of chased silver) (noun), banagiri, pl banagiri. ankle
bracelet. ~ za mguu.
bracelet (of chased silver) (noun), banajili, pl banajili. ankle
bracelet. ~ za mguu.
bracelet (of chased silver) (noun), bangili, pl bangili. ankle bracelet.
~ za mguu.
bracelet (of grains or seeds or beads) (noun), kingaja (7/8), pl vingaja.
bracelet (of ivory or beads) (noun), uvoo (14).
bracelet (of silver globules) (noun), timbi (9/10), pl timbi.
bracelet of beads (noun), kilinzi, pl vilinzi.
bracelet of brass or cooper (noun), pl bracelets, nyerere (9/10), pl
broad silver bracelet (noun), kekee.
iron bracelet (noun), uzinge (11/6), pl mazinge.
ivory bracelets (noun), makoza.
braces (noun), mshipi, pl mishipi.
bracken (noun), jimbi (5/6), pl majimbi.
bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) (noun), jimbi, pl vijimbi.
bracket (noun), kifungo, pl vifungo.
bradawl (noun), maharazi.
brag (verb), -belenga.
brag (verb), -faragua.
brag (verb), -jigamba.
brag (verb), -jitapa.
brag (verb), -jivuna.
brag (verb), -jisifu.
brag (of something) (verb), -jivunia.
braggart (noun), mjisifu, pl wajisifu.
braggart (noun), mkata (1/2), pl wakata.
braggart (noun), mlimi, pl walimi.
braggart (noun), pl braggarts, mtambatamba (1/2), pl watambatamba.
braggart (noun), pl braggarts, rodi (9/10an), pl rodi.
bragging (noun), lonyo.
bragging (noun), madaha, pl madaha. show off. fanya/piga madaha.
bragging (noun), majisifu.
bragging (noun), majivuno (6).
bragging (noun), ndaro. make bragging statements.. sema manenao ya
braid (noun), kigwe, pl vigwe.
braid (noun), mshadhari.
braid (noun), mshazari.
braid (noun), msokoto, pl misokoto.
braid (noun), msuko, pl misuko.
braid (noun), msukosuko, pl misukosuko.
braid (noun), pl braids, shungi (5/6), pl mashungi.
braid (noun), songo (5/6), pl masongo. braid of hair. songo la nywele.
braid (noun), tepe (5/6), pl matepe.
braid (noun), toli.
braid (noun), utepe, pl matepe.
braid (noun), utepe, pl matepe.
braid (verb), -almaria, pl almaria.
braid (verb), -fuma.
braid (verb), -songa. braid hair. songa nywele.
braid (verb), -suka.
braid (verb), -suka. braid the hair. suka nywele.
braid (eg rope or thread) (verb), -sokota.
braid of hair (noun), kikoto (7/8), pl vikoto.
braid of hair (noun), shore (5/6), pl mashore. (s)he splits his/her
braid of hair in an attractive manner. nywele zake [...] akizipasua shore
la kuvutia [Sul].
gold braid (noun), mapurendi.
gold braid (noun), purendi (5/6), pl mapurendi.
small braid (noun), kigwe (7/8), pl vigwe.
braider (noun), pl braiders, msukaji (1/2), pl wasukaji.
braiding (act of) (noun), mpoto, pl mipoto.
braiding (act of) (noun), msuko, pl misuko.
braiding (act of) (noun), msukosuko, pl misukosuko.
braiding (hair or mats) (noun), usuki.
braids (noun), almaria, pl almaria.
one who braids (noun), msuka, pl misuka. mat-weaver. msuka mikeka.
one who braids (noun), msuka, pl wasusi. (women's) hairdresser.. msusi
wa nywele..
one who braids (noun), msuki, pl wasuki. (women's) hairdresser.. msusi
wa nywele..
one who braids (noun), msusi, pl wasusi. (women's) hairdresser.. msusi
wa nywele..
brain (noun), bongo (5/6), pl mabongo. In his brain Mark heard a voice.
Katika bongo lake Marko alisikia sauti [Masomo 241].
brain (noun), ubongo (14), pl ubongo.
brain substance (noun), ubongo (11/10), pl bongo.
brainstorm (noun), fikira.
apply the brakes (verb), -piga breki.
apply the brakes (verb), -funga breki.
brake (of automobile, etc.) (noun), breki (9/10), pl breki. put on the
brake. tia [piga] breki.
bran (noun), ukumvi (11/10), pl kumvi.
bran (noun), ushwa.
bran (noun), wishwa (11), pl wishwa.
bran (noun), wiswa.
branch (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee. Branch of the river.. pengee
cha mto.
branch (noun), tanzu (5/6), pl matanzu.
branch (noun), kitawi, pl vitawi.
branch (noun), tawi, pl matawi.
branch (noun), utawi, pl tawi/matawi.
branch (noun), utawi, pl tawi, matawi.
branch (long tree branch) (noun), ujiti (11/10), pl njiti.
branch (of a river) (noun), mkono, pl mikono.
branch (of coconut palm) (noun), kole (5/6), pl makole.
branch (of tree) (noun), utanzu (11/10), pl tanzu.
branch bearing fruit (noun), kaanga, pl makaanga.
branch cut off a tree (noun), pogoo (5/6), pl mapogoo.
branches of a tree (noun), panda ya mti (9/10), pl panda za mti.
branching (of a tree or road) (noun), taga (5/6), pl mataga.
branching (of a tree or road) (noun), tagaa (5/6), pl matagaa.
branching (of a tree or road) (noun), utagaa (11/10), pl tagaa.
brand (noun), chapa.
brass (noun), brasi (9/10), pl brasi.
brass (noun), pl brass, shaba nyeupe (9/10), pl shaba.
brass wire (noun), usoka (11).
brassiere (noun), kanchiri.
brassière (noun), pl brassieres, sidiria (9/10), pl sidiria. she stands
around here after finishing putting on the brassiere. anasimama huku
akimalizia kuvaa sidiria [Muk].
brat (noun), kitwana, pl vitwana.
bravado (noun), ujasiri.
bravado (noun), ujogoo.
be brave (verb), -jasiri.
be brave (verb), -kabili.
be brave (verb), -wa na moyo.
be brave (verb), -thibiti.
brave (adjective), chagina.
brave (adjective), gumu.
brave (adjective), hodari.
brave (adjective), jahina.
brave (adjective), jasiri.
brave (adjective), jasiri.
brave (adjective), juba.
brave (adjective), shujaa.
brave (adjective), shupavu.
brave (noun), jabari (5/6), pl majabari.
brave person (noun), mjasiri, pl wajasiri.
brave person (noun), pl brave people, mshupavu (1/2), pl washupavu.
brave person (noun), shujaa (5/6an), pl mashujaa.
brave person (noun), simba (9/10an), pl simba.
bravery (noun), makali.
bravery (noun), mori (9/10), pl mori.
bravery (noun), uhodari (14), pl uhodari.
bravery (noun), uhodari.
bravery (noun), ujabari (14).
bravery (noun), ujanadume.
bravery (noun), ujasiri (14).
bravery (noun), ukali.
bravery (noun), ukalifu.
bravery (noun), ushujaa.
bravo! (interjection), heko.
brawl (noun), pl brawls, rabsha (9/10), pl rabsha.
be brawny (verb), -shupaa.
brazier (charcoal) (noun), seredani (9/10), pl seredani.
breach of faith (noun), ujasusi.
bread (European type) (noun), bofulo.
bread (flat fried in oil) (noun), chapati (9/10), pl chapati.
bread (type made of whole wheat flour) (noun), mofa (9/10), pl mofa. The
people are the same whether they eat flatbread or wholewheat bread.. Ni
wamoja walimwengu, wa chapati na wa mofa [Shaaban Robert, Masomo 425].
breadfruit (noun), fenesi, pl mafenesi.
breadfruit (noun), finesi, pl mafinesi.
breadfruit tree (Durio zibethinus) (noun), mduriani.
breadfruit tree (species of) (noun), mshelisheli, pl mishelisheli.
durian tree (Durio zibethinus) (noun), mduriani.
breadth (noun), mapana.
breadth (noun), upana, pl mapana.
break (noun), kipenyo, pl vipenyo.
break (noun), mapumziko.
break (noun), mkatizo, pl mikatizo.
break (noun), muhula.
break (noun), pumuzi (9/10), pl pumuzi. work the entire day without a
break.. fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
break (noun), pumzi (9/10), pl pumzi. work the entire day without a
break.. fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
break (noun), ufa, pl nyufa.
break (noun), upumuo.
break (noun), upumzi.
break (verb), -banja.
break (verb), -goboa.
break (verb), -kakatua.
break (down) (verb), -ekua.
break (down) (verb), -wekua.
break (in pieces) (verb), -vunja.
break (wounds, abscesses) (verb), -chamka.
break apart (verb), -mamanua.
break down (verb), -tekua.
break down (under a burden) (verb), -titia.
break for (verb), -vunjilia.
break for rest (noun), livu (9/10), pl livu.
break in (verb), -ingiliza.
break in (verb), -zolesha.
break into small pieces (verb), -fikicha.
break into small pieces (verb), -finyafinya.
break into small pieces (verb), -nyonyotoa.
break into small pieces (verb), -vungavunga.
break off (verb), -hinikiza.
break off (verb), -kakatua.
break off (verb), -katiza (causative).
break off (verb), -momonyoa.
break off (verb), -momonyoka.
break off (verb), -monyoa.
break off (verb), -tabua.
break off (fruit or branches) (verb), -kwamua.
break off (fruit or branches) (verb), -kwamyua.
break off (fruit or branches) (verb), -kwanua.
break off (fruit or branches) (verb), -kwanyua.
break through (verb), -bomoa.
break through (verb), -toboa.
break up (verb), -funda.
break up (verb), -mwaga. After the meeting the people broke up. baada
ya mkutano watu walimwagika..
break up (verb), -pangua (converse). But (s)he found it necessary to
break up with them on realizing that their ways were headed for
transgressions.. lakini ilimpasa aupangue alipowaona nyendo zao zikiishia
katika uharabu [Sul].
break up (verb), -tawanyatawanya.
break up (verb), -tekua.
break up (verb), -umbua.
break up (soil) (verb), -omoa.
break up soil (verb), -vungavunga.
break wind loudly (verb), -jamba.
breaking up (of a meeting) (noun), fumukano, pl mafumukano.
without a break (adverb), mfululizo.
break down (verb), -bomoa.
break in (verb), -bokoa.
break off (verb), -achilia mbali (applicative).
break off (verb), -mega.
break off (a small amount of something) (verb), -dokoa.
break open (verb), -banja.
break through (verb), -dopoa. he got into the house by breaking through
the wall. ameingia nyumbani kwa kudopoa ukuta.
break up (verb), -achana na. Our opinion is that fiance is unsuitable
for you. Break up with hi.m. Maoni yetu ni kwamba mchumba huyu hakufai.
Achana naye [Masomo 40]..
breakdown (noun), kivunjo (7/8), pl vivunjo.
breakdown (car) (noun), mbanjo (3/4), pl mibanjo.
breakers (noun), mawimbi, pl mawimbi.
breakers (noun), papo (5/6), pl mapapo.
breakfast (noun), chamshakinywa (7/8), pl vyamshakinywa.
breakfast (noun), kiamshakinywa, pl (vi); (vy).
breakfast (verb), -choma uchango.
breakfast (on) (verb), -fungua kinywa (kwa).
eat breakfast (verb), -sebeha.
breaking (noun), mmego (3/4), pl mimego.
breaking (noun), mpasuka, pl mipasuka.
breaking (noun), mpasuko, pl mipasuko.
breaking (noun), mpasuo, pl mipasuo.
breaking (act of) (noun), kivunjo (7/8), pl vivunjo.
breaking (act of) (noun), mvunjo, pl mivunjo.
breaking (act of) (noun), uvunjaji.
breaking (act of) (noun), uvunjifu.
breaking (act of) (noun), uvunjo.
breaking (manner of) (noun), uvunjaji.
breaking (manner of) (noun), uvunjifu.
breaking (manner of) (noun), uvunjo.
breaking in (of animals) (noun), fugo (5/6), pl mafugo.
breaking off (noun), mmomonyoko (3/4), pl mimomonyoko.
breaking up (act of) (noun), mbanjo (3/4), pl mibanjo.
breaking up (act of) (noun), mbanjo, pl mibanjo.
breaking wind (noun), ushuzi.
breaking wind (noun), shuzi (5/6), pl mashuzi. the gratitude of a donkey
is breaking wind. shukrani za punda ni mashuzi.
one who breaks something (noun), mvunja, pl wavunja. Stonemason..
mvunja mawe.
one who breaks something (noun), mvunjaji, pl wavunjaji. Lawbreaker..
mvunja wa sheria.
(woman's) breast (noun), ziwa (5/6), pl maziwa.
breast (noun), dodo (5/6), pl madodo.
breast (noun), titi (5/6), pl matiti.
breast inflammation (noun), kititi (7).
cloth worn by women to support the breasts (noun), pl brassieres, sidiria
(9/10), pl sidiria.
breastbone (usually of animals or birds) (noun), kidari, pl vidari.
breastfeed (verb), -nyonyesha.
mother's breasts (in the speech of small children) (noun), nyonye (9/10),
pl nyonye.
mother's breasts (in the speech of small children) (noun), nyonyo (9/10),
pl nyonyo.
breath (noun), nafsi.
breath (noun), pumuzi (9/10), pl pumuzi. breathe out. toa (shusha)
breath (noun), pumzi (9/10), pl pumzi. breathe out. toa (shusha) pumzi.
breath (noun), roho (9/10), pl roho. (s)he gave out the last breath.
Alitoa roho ya mwisho.
breath (noun), upumzi.
breath heavily (verb), -hema.
breath heavily (verb), -tweta.
breathe heavily (verb), -penga.
catch one's breath (verb), -tanafusi.
catch one's breath (verb), -tutuzika.
catch one's breath (after strenuous effort) (verb), -pumua. Now I can
catch a breath/take a rest.. sasa naweza kupumua.
take a deep breath (verb), -pumua. Now I can catch a breath/take a
rest.. sasa naweza kupumua.
breathe (verb), -pumua. The old man breathed after a long time. Mzee
alipumua baada ya mwendo mrefu.
breathe (verb), -tanafusi.
breathe heavily (verb), -koroma.
breathe in (verb), -pandisha pumuzi.
breathe in (verb), -pandisha pumzi. work the entire day without a rest..
fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
breathe in (verb), -pandisha pumzi.
breathe in (verb), -vuta pumzi.
breathe in (verb), -vuta pumuzi. work the entire day without a rest..
fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
breathe in (verb), -vuta pumzi. work the entire day without a rest..
fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
breathe out (verb), -shusha pumzi.
breathe out (verb), -shusha pumuzi. work the entire day without a rest..
fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
breathe out (verb), -shusha pumzi. the woman is breathing out and
coughing. mwanamke anashusha pumzi na kukohoa [Muk].
breathe out (verb), -toa pumzi.
breathe out (verb), -toa pumuzi. work the entire day without a rest..
fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
breathe out (verb), -toa pumzi. work the entire day without a rest..
fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
breathe with difficulty (verb), -kukuta.
cause to breathe (verb), -pumuza. We now need to cause grandfather to
breathe. Tunahitaji kumpumuza babu sasa.
breathing (noun), pumuzi (9/10), pl pumuzi. Breathe when you are
running. Vuta pumzi wakati unapokimbia.
breathing (noun), pumzi (9/10), pl pumzi. (s)he made the last breath
before gasping for the spirit. Alitoa pumzi za mwisho kabla ya kukuta
breathing (noun), upumuo.
breathing (noun), upumzi.
breathing of a sleeping person (noun), nyono (9/10), pl nyono.
difficult breathing (noun), makororo.
difficulty in breathing (noun), mitweto, pl mitweto.
difficulty in breathing (noun), pumu (5/6), pl mapumu. (s)he caught
asthma until (s)he could not breath. Alibanwa na pumu, mpaka hakuweza
kuvuta pumzi.
heavy breathing (noun), makororo.
heavy breathing (sound of) (noun), kororo (5/6), pl makororo.
be out of breath (verb), -hema.
breed (noun), mbegu.
breed (livestock) (verb), -fuga.
breed (of cattle etc.) (noun), aina (9/10), pl aina.
breeding of animals (noun), fugo (5/6), pl mafugo.
livestock breeder (noun), mkuzaji, pl wakuzaji.
breeding (of animals) (noun), ufugaji.
breeding of animals (noun), mfugo, pl mifugo.
good breeding (noun), ungwana.
good breeding (noun), uungwana.
show breeding (verb), -staarabika.
show breeding (verb), -staarabu.
show good breeding (verb), -staarabika.
show good breeding (verb), -staarabu.
stock breeding (noun), ukuzaji.
one who breeds and raises animals or poultry,cattle-breeder,poultry-
raiser,etc. (noun), mfuga, pl wafuga.
one who breeds and raises animals or poultry,cattle-breeder,poultry-
raiser,etc. (noun), mfugaji, pl wafugaji.
breeze (noun), mpepea (3/4), pl mipepea.
gentle breeeze (noun), kipepo, pl vipepo.
gentle breeze (noun), upepeaji, pl mapepeaji.
gentle breeze (noun), upepezi.
brevity (noun), ufupi.
accept a bribe (verb), pl bribes, -la rushwa.
ask for a bribe (verb), -hongeza.
bribe (noun), chai (9/10), pl chai.
bribe (noun), chichiri (9/10), pl chichiri.
bribe (noun), hongo, pl mahongo.
bribe (noun), kiinikizo, pl viinikizo.
bribe (noun), kijiri, pl vijiri.
bribe (noun), mlungula, pl milungula.
bribe (noun), mlungura, pl milungura.
bribe (noun), mpenyezo (3/4), pl mipenyezo.
bribe (noun), mrungura (3/4), pl mirungura.
bribe (noun), mvugulio (3/4), pl mivugulio.
bribe (noun), pl bribes, rushwa (9/10), pl rushwa. the police received a
bribe. police walipokea rushwa.
bribe (verb), -honga.
bribe (verb), -honga.
bribe (verb), -penyeza. The driver bribed the police. Dereva
alimpenyezea pesa polisi.
bribe (verb), pl bribes, -toa rushwa. (s)he bribed the police. Alitoa
rushwa kwa polisi.
bribery (noun), kiinikizo, pl viinikizo.
bribery (noun), mlungula, pl milungula.
bribery (noun), mlungura, pl milungura.
bribery (noun), mpenyezo (3/4), pl mipenyezo.
bribery (noun), penyaji (5/6), pl mapenyaji.
bribery (noun), penyezi (5/6), pl mapenyezi.
bribery (noun), upenyaji, pl mapenyaji, penyaji.
bribery (noun), upenyezi (14).
brick (noun), tofali (5/6), pl matofali.
brick (noun), tofali, pl matofali.
brick (noun), tufali, pl matufali.
brick wall (noun), ukuta (11/10), pl kuta.
bridal couple (noun), maarusi (6).
bride (noun), biarusi (5/6), pl biarusi.
bride (noun), bibiarusi (9/10an), pl bibiarusi.
bride and bridegroom (noun), maarusi, pl maarusi. Hurry up! (lit.
Don't walk like a bride and bridegroom). coll. msiende kama maarusi.
girl who attends to the bride at a wedding (noun), mpambe, pl wapambe.
girl who attends to the bride at a wedding (noun), mpambi, pl wapambi.
bridegroom (noun), bwanaarusi (5/6), pl mabwanaarusi.
bridewealth (noun), mahari. ""They have brought the bridewealth, the
clan of Mbukwasemwali, and we have decided to accept this bridewealth"..
"Wanaleta mahari ukoo wa Mbukwasemwali, nasi tumeamua kupokea hahari
hiyo"[Balisidya, Masomo 347].
bridge (noun), daraja (5/6), pl madaraja. railroad bridge. daraja ya
reli [Rec].
bridge (noun), kantara.
bridge (noun), tingetinge (9/10), pl tingetinge.
bridge (noun), tingitingi.
bridge (arched) (noun), zege.
bridge (small) (noun), ulalo (5/6), pl malalo.
small bridge (usually consisting of a tree trunk) (noun), mtatago, pl
vibrating bridge (noun), tingetinge (9/10), pl tingetinge.
vibrating bridge (noun), tingitingi (9/10), pl tingitingi.
bridle (noun), hatamu (9/10), pl hatamu.
be brief (verb), -fupika.
brief (adjective), -fupi.
in brief (adverb), kifupi.
briefly (adverb), kifupi.
brig (noun), barakinya.
brigand (noun), haramia (5/6), pl maharamia.
brigand (noun), mnyang'anyi, pl wanyang'anyi.
brigandage (noun), uharamia.
brigandage (noun), unyakuzi.
brigandage (noun), unyang'anyi.
be bright (verb), -angaa.
be bright (verb), -koza.
be bright (verb), -papatuka.
be bright (verb), -takata.
be made bright (verb), -takasika.
bright (adjective), -anga.
bright (adjective), -angavu.
bright (adjective), safi.
bright (adjective), swafi.
make bright (verb), -takasa.
brighten (verb), -nurisha.
brighten (verb), -tia nuru.
brightening (of the weather) (noun), ucheachea.
brightening (of the weather) (noun), uteatea.
brightness (adjective), nuru. bright/cheerful/friendly face.. uso wa
brightness (noun), anga, pl maanga. sunlight, moonlight. ~ la jua, ~ la
brightness (noun), kichea (7/8), pl vichea.
brightness (noun), kimeta, pl vimeta.
brightness (noun), kweu.
brightness (noun), kweupe.
brightness (noun), mng'ao (3/4), pl ming'ao.
brightness (noun), mng'arizo (3/4), pl ming'arizo.
brightness (noun), mng'aro (3/4), pl ming'aro.
brightness (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza.
brightness (noun), uangafu.
brightness (noun), uangavu.
brightness (noun), ung'aro.
brightness (noun), wangafu.
brightness (noun), wangafu.
brightness (noun), wangavu.
brightness (noun), wangavu.
brightness (noun), weupe.
brilliance (noun), anga, pl maanga.
brilliant (adjective), pl an adjective - but they're listed together,
brilliant (noun), pl an adjective - but they're listed together, almasi,
pl almaria.
brimful (adjective), fara.
brimful (adverb), nomi.
brimming over (adverb), kifurifuri.
bring (verb), -leta.
bring about (verb), -fikiliza.
bring about (verb), -leta.
bring about (verb), -ukilia.
bring down (verb), -dengua. behead, decapitate. dengua kichwa.
bring to (verb), -letea.
bring up a child (verb), -latamia.
bring upon (verb), -fikilisha.
bringing up a child (noun), malezi (6).
bringing up a child (noun), ulezi (11/6), pl malezi.
close by bringing things or parts together (verb), -fumba.
bring down (verb), -angua.
bring down (verb), -angusha.
bring down (verb), -dekua. behead, decapitate. dekua kichwa.
bring up (verb), -adibu.
bring up (verb), -taadabu.
bring up (a child) (verb), -lea.
brink (noun), genge (5/6), pl magenge.
brink (noun), ombwe (9/10), pl ombwe.
brink (noun), ukingo (11/10), pl kingo.
brink (noun), ushi (11/10), pl nyushi.
briskly (adverb), chapuchapu.
Briton (noun), Mwingereza (1/2), pl Waingereza.
be broad (verb), -tanuka. their lips are broad. pua zao zimetanuka
[Ya], alipofumbua kokochi za kifua na kutanuka kiuno [Moh].
broad (adjective), nene.
broad (adjective), pana. the open sea. bahari panapana.
broad (adjective), panapana.
broadcast (verb), -tangaza.
radio broadcast (noun), idhaa (9/10), pl idhaa.
broaden (verb), -panua. broaden one's mind. panua akili.
broaden one's mind (verb), -panua akili.
broadening (noun), upanuzi.
broadside (noun), kikaratasi, pl vikaratasi.
brocade (noun), kasabu.
brocade (white) (noun), jamdani.
brocade (white) (noun), jamdani (9/10), pl jamdani.
brochure (noun), kijitabu, pl vijitabu.
be broke (verb), -luzu.
broke (noun), chai ya rangi (9/10), pl chai za rangi.
go broke (verb), -enda kapa. he owns nothing. amekwenda kapa.
be broken (verb), -pomoka.
be broken (verb), -vunjika.
be broken down (verb), -bomolewa (passive).
be broken off (verb), -katizwa.
be broken up (plaster, etc.). (verb), -mumunyika.
broken (adjective), vunjifi.
broken down thing (noun), gofu (5/6), pl magofu.
broken off (adjective), gutu.
piece of broken earthenware pot (noun), kigae (7/8), pl vigae.
broker (noun), dalali (5/6), pl madalali.
bronchitis (noun), pl He has a bad cold, mafua.
brooch (noun), bizimu (9/10), pl bizimu.
brood (verb), pl good trans?, -atamia.
brood (verb), -otamia.
brood (verb), -tamia.
cause to brood (verb), -atamisha.
cause to brood (verb), -atamiza.
brook (noun), fumbi (5/6), pl mafumbi.
brook (noun), kijito (7/8), pl vijito.
brook (noun), kijuto, pl vijuto.
broom (big) (noun), fagio (5/6), pl mafagio.
broom (small) (noun), kipeo (7/8), pl vipeo.
twig broom (small) (noun), ufagio (11/10).
broth (noun), mchuzi (3/4), pl michuzi.
brothel (noun), dangro, pl madangro.
brothel (noun), danguro (5/6), pl madanguro.
blood brother (noun), amini, pl amini. this man is my blood brother.
huyu ni amini yangu.
brother (noun), ahi (9/10an), pl ahi.
brother (noun), aki (9/10an), pl aki.
brother (noun), bradha, pl wabradha.
brother (noun), bruda, pl wabruda.
brother (noun), kaka (1/2), pl makaka.
brother (noun), kaka.
brother (noun), ndugu, pl ndugu.
brother (noun), yahe.
brother (name a sister uses for her brother) (noun), harimu (5/6), pl
elder brother (noun), kaka.
elder brother (noun), kaka (9/10), pl kaka.
foster brother (noun), ndugu wa kunyonya (9/10an), pl ndugu wa kunyonya.
her brother (noun), umbu (5/6), pl maumbu.
brother-in-law (noun), mlamu (1/2), pl walamu.
brother-in-law (noun), mwamu, pl waamu.
brother-in-law (noun), shemeji (9/10an), pl shemeji. his brother-in-law
is the (elder) brother to his wife. Shemaji yake ni kaka ya mke wake.
blood-brotherhood (noun), soga (9/10), pl soga.
brotherhood (noun), udugu (14).
brotherhood (noun), ujamaa (14), pl ujamaa.
brotherhood (noun), ujamii.
in a brotherly manner (adverb), kidugu, pl vidugu.
be brought (verb), -letwa.
be brought to (verb), -letewa.
cause to be brought up (verb), -adibisha (causative).
brow (noun), kipaji cha uso, pl vipaji vya uso.
wrinkle the brow (verb), -peta uso.
browbeat (verb), -pambanya.
brown (adjective), hadharani.
brown (adjective), rangi ya damu ya mzee.
brown (adjective), rangi ya udongo.
brown pigment (adjective), maji ya kunde.
light brown (adjective), hudhurungi.
light brown (adjective), kikahawia kikavu.
light-brown (adjective), hudhurungi.
be bruised (verb), -bonyea.
bruise (noun), chubuko (5/6), pl machubuko.
bruise (noun), vilio la damu (5/6), pl mavilio ya damu.
bruise (made by beating) (noun), moto (3/4), pl moto.
bruise badly (verb), -chubua.
brush (noun), brashi (9/10). to brush. piga brashi.
brush (noun), burashi. to brush. piga burashi.
brush (noun), gugu (5/6), pl magugu.
brush (verb), -piga burashi.
brush (verb), -piga burashi.
brush (verb), -sua. brush teeth. sua meno.
brush (big) (noun), fagio (5/6), pl mafagio.
brush (for sweeping) (noun), kipeo (7/8), pl vipeo.
brush (large) (noun), ufagio.
brutal (adjective), harabu.
brutal (adjective), korofi.
brutal (adjective), mbuai.
brutal person (noun), mkorofi (1/2), pl wakorofi.
brutal person (noun), nduli (9/10an).
brutality (noun), jefule.
brutality (noun), jeuri (9/10), pl jeuri.
brutality (noun), jeuri.
brutality (noun), jeuri (9/10), pl jeuri.
brutality (noun), uhayawani (14).
brutality (noun), ujeuri.
brutality (noun), ukorofi (14).
brutality (noun), unyama.
brute (noun), hayawani (9/10), pl hayawani.
brute (noun), katili (5/6), pl makatili.
in a brutish way (adjective), kinyama, pl vinyama.
brutishness (noun), uhayawani.
brutishness (noun), unyama.
bubble (noun), povu (5/6), pl mapovu. bubble. fanya mapovu.
bubble (verb), -chemka.
bubble (verb), -chemuka.
bubble (verb), -cheuka.
bubble (verb), -fanya povu.
bubble (verb), -teuka.
bubble up (verb), -tutuka.
bubble up (verb), -tutuma.
bubble up (verb), -tutumka.
bubble out (verb), -bubujika.
bubbling (noun), chemko.
bubbling-up (noun), bubujiko (5/6), pl mabubujiko.
bucket (noun), ndoo, pl ndoo.
bucket (noun), pl buckets, sila (9/10), pl sila.
buckle (noun), bizimu (9/10), pl bizimu.
buckle (noun), kitasa (7/8), pl vitasa.
bud (noun), fundo la ua, pl mafundo.
bud (noun), mbegu.
bud (noun), tumba (9/10), pl tumba.
bud (verb), -chipua.
bud (for planting) (noun), mtembo, pl mitembo.
unopened bud of a flower (noun), tumba (9/10), pl tumba.
buffalo (noun), mbogo (9/10an), pl mbogo.
buffalo (noun), pl buffaloes (water), nyati (9/10an), pl nyati.
buffoon (noun), majinuni.
buffoon (noun), majununi.
bug (noun), kunguni.
bug (noun), mbu (9/10an), pl mbu.
bugaboo (noun), mduma (1/2), pl waduma.
bugbear (noun), mduma (1/2), pl waduma.
bugle (noun), buruji.
bugler (noun), mazeka, pl mizeka.
build (noun), umbo (5/6), pl maumbo.
build (verb), -aka.
build (verb), -jenga.
build (verb), -jenga.
build (verb), -unda.
build for (verb), -jengea (applicative).
cause to be built (verb), -akisha.
one who builds something (usually of wood) (noun), muunda, pl waunda.
shipbuilder. mwunda chombo.
one who builds something (usually of wood) (noun), mwunda, pl waunda.
shipbuilder. mwunda chombo.
powerful build (noun), tambo (5/6), pl matambo.
builder (noun), mjenga, pl wajenga.
builder (noun), mjengaji (1/2), pl wajengaji.
builder (noun), mjengaji, pl wajengaji.
builder (noun), mjenzi, pl wajenzi.
building (noun), bumani.
building (noun), jengo (5/6), pl majengo.
building (noun), jengo, pl majengo.
building (noun), jumba (5/6), pl majumba.
building (noun), majengo.
building (noun), maunzi, pl maunzi.
building (noun), mjengo, pl mijengo.
building (noun), mwundo, pl miundo.
building (noun), nyumba (9/10), pl nyumba. "drugstore, pharmacy"..
nyumba ya dawa.
building (noun), ujengaji, pl majengaji.
building (noun), utengenezaji (14), pl utengenezaji.
building (noun), uunzi, pl maunzi.
building (act of) (noun), mjengo, pl mijengo.
building (act of) (noun), ujenzi (14).
building installation (noun), majenzi.
building material (noun), majengo.
building plot (noun), ramu (9/10), pl ramu.
demolished building (noun), bomoko (5/6), pl mabomoko.
method of building (noun), jenzi, pl majenzi.
style of building (noun), majenzi.
style of building (noun), mjengo, pl mijengo.
style of building (noun), mjengo, pl mijengo.
style of building (noun), ujengaji, pl majengaji.
style of building (noun), ujenzi, pl majenzi.
one who builds something (usually of wood) (noun), muundi, pl waundi.
shipbuilder. mwunda chombo.
be built (verb), -jengwa (passive).
cause to be built (verb), -asha.
get built (verb), -jengeka (potential).
bulb (noun), balbu (9/10), pl balbu.
bulbul (species of bird) (noun), shore (9/10an), pl shore.
bulge (noun), mbenuko (3/4), pl mibenuko.
bulge (verb), -benuka.
by bulgy (verb), -koba.
bull (noun), fahali (9/10), pl fahali.
bull (noun), gombe dume, pl magombe dume. bull. gombe dume.
bull (noun), ng'ombe dume (9/10an), pl ng'ombe dume.
bull (old) (noun), kongoro (9/10), pl kongoro.
male cow (noun), ng'ombe dume (9/10an), pl ng'ombe dume.
undersized bull (noun), njeku (9/10an), pl njeku.
bullet (noun), lisasi. load a rifle.. tia risasi.
bullet (noun), popoo (9/10), pl popoo.
bullet (noun), ramia (9/10), pl ramia.
bullet (noun), pl bullets, risasi (9/10), pl risasi.
bullock (noun), gombe maksai, pl magombe maksai. bullock. gombe dume.
bullock (noun), ng'ombe maksai (9/10an), pl ng'ombe maksai. bull.
ng'ombe dume.
bully (noun), mwonevu, pl waonevu.
bully (verb), -chokoza (causative).
bully (verb), -taadi.
bully (verb), -tadi.
bullying (noun), maonevu.
bullying (noun), oneo (5/6), pl maoneo.
bullying (noun), uonevu, pl maonevu.
bullying (noun), uonezi, pl maonezi.
bullying (noun), uono, pl maono.
bullying (noun), uonyo, pl maonyo.
bump (verb), -kwaa.
bump (of cattle) (noun), nundu (9/10), pl nundu.
bump against each other (verb), -sozana (associative).
bump into (verb), -kumbana.
be bumpy (verb), -kwaruza.
bumpy (adjective), kinundu.
bun (noun), butu (5/6), pl mabutu.
bunch (noun), fumbu (5/6), pl mafumbu.
bunch (noun), kicha, pl vicha.
bunch (noun), kichala (7/8), pl vichala.
bunch (noun), mkole, pl mikole. a bunch of coconuts.. mkole wa nuzi.
bunch (noun), shada (5/6), pl mashada. bunch of flowers. shada la
bunch (noun), kitawi, pl vitawi.
bunch (noun), tawi, pl matawi.
bunch (noun), utawi, pl tawi/matawi.
bunch (noun), utawi, pl tawi, matawi.
bunch (noun), vunga (5/6), pl mavunga.
bunch (noun), vunge, pl mavunge.
bunch (of fruit etc.) (noun), mshikano, pl mishikano.
bunch (of fruit) (noun), kichane, pl vichane.
bunch (of fruit) (noun), kishazi, pl mashazi, vishazi.
bunch (of fruit) (noun), shazi (5/6), pl mashazi. the fisher bought the
entire bunch of bananas. Mvuvi alinunua shazi lote la ndizi.
bunch (of grain) (noun), mganda, pl miganda.
bunch (of large fruits) (noun), chana (9/10), pl chana.
bunch of palm-leaf strips (noun), kicha (7/8), pl vicha.
small bunch (noun), kivunga, pl vivunga.
bundle (noun), bahasha, pl bahasha, mabahasha.
bundle (noun), bunda, pl mabunda. a bundle of banknotes. bunda la noti.
bundle (noun), chana.
bundle (noun), chane.
bundle (noun), fundo (5/6), pl mafundo.
bundle (noun), furushi (5/6), pl mafurushi.
bundle (noun), makolokolo.
bundle (noun), mfundo, pl mifundo.
bundle (noun), mkole, pl mikole. a bunch of coconuts.. mkole wa nuzi.
bundle (noun), pumba (9/10), pl pumba. (s)he bought a bundle of food.
Alinunua pumba ya vykula.
bundle (noun), robota (5/6), pl marobota. a bundle of cotton.. robota
la pamba.
bundle (noun), vunga, pl mavunga.
bundle (noun), vunge, pl mavunge.
bundle (of cloth) (noun), mtumba, pl mitumba.
bundle (of firewood) (noun), chopa, pl machopa.
bundle (of grain) (noun), mganda, pl miganda.
bundle (of grass or firewood) (noun), tita (5/6), pl matita.
bundle (small) (noun), kichopa (7/8), pl vichopo.
bundle (usually of palm-leaf strips used for plaiting mats) (noun),
kicha, pl vicha.
folded bundle (noun), upeto, pl peto.
small bundle (noun), kivunga, pl vivunga.
bung (noun), mzibo, pl mizibo.
bung (noun), plagi (9/10), pl plagi.
bungle (verb), -boronga.
bungle (verb), -fuja.
bungle (verb), -gurugusha.
bungle (verb), -rabishia.
bungler (noun), mchorachora, pl wachorachora.
bungler (noun), mfujaji, pl wafujaji.
bungler (noun), mparuzi (1/2), pl waparuzi.
buoy (noun), boya (5/6), pl maboya.
buoy (noun), chelezo (7/8), pl vyelezo.
burden (noun), hamali (5/6), pl mahamali.
burden (noun), himila.
burden (noun), mzigo (3/4), pl mizigo.
burden (for one man) (noun), mtumba, pl mitumba.
heavy burden (noun), kiinikizo, pl viinikizo.
be burdened (verb), -lemewa.
be burdensome (verb), -elemea.
be burdensome (verb), -elemea.
be burdensome (verb), -lemea.
burdensome (adjective), kulifu.
burdensome (adjective), kulivu.
bureau (noun), afisi (9/10), pl afisi.
bureau (noun), hafisi.
bureau (government) (noun), pl offices, ofisi (5/6), pl maofisa.
bureaucracy (noun), urasimu (14).
burglar (noun), mnyang'anyi, pl wanyang'anyi.
burglary (noun), uwivi.
burglary (noun), uwizi.
burglary (noun), wivi.
burglary (noun), wizi.
articles used in a burial (noun), mazishi, pl mazishi.
burial (noun), kuzika.
burial (noun), kuzikani.
burial (noun), kuzikwa.
burial (noun), maziko (6).
burial (noun), mziko (3/4), pl miziko.
burial (act of) (noun), uzishi, pl mazishi.
burial (methods of) (noun), uzishi, pl mazishi.
burial ceremony for a child (noun), pl Yes, akika (9/10), pl akika.
burial ceremony for a child (noun), pl Yes, akiki (9/10), pl akiki. hold
the burial ceremony for a child.. -soma ~..
burial cloth (noun), saanda (9/10), pl saanda. the corpse was covered
with the burial cloth. Maiti ilifinikwa saanda.
burial cloth (noun), pl burial cloths, sanda (9/10), pl sanda. the
corpse was covered with the burial cloth after it was washed. Maiti
alifunikwa sanda baada ya kuoshwa.
burial cloth (noun), shanda (9/10), pl shanda. (s)he was covered with
the burial cloth. Alifunikwa na shanda.
burial place (noun), mafa, pl mafa.
cost of burial (noun), uzishi, pl mazishi.
one who attends to a burial (either a friend who looks after the details
of the ceremony or a professional undertaker, grave-digger, etc.) (noun),
mzishi, pl wazishi.
preparation of a corpse for burial (noun), uoshaji.
burial-place (noun), makaburini.
be buried (verb), -zikwa (passive).
burlap (noun), gunia (5/6), pl magunia.
burn (noun), chomo, pl machomo.
burn (verb), -choma.
burn (verb), -chomewa ( appl-pass).
burn (verb), -chonyota. the pepper that burns on the tongue. pilipilii
inachonyota ulimini.
burn (verb), -meka.
burn (verb), -ungulia.
burn (verb), -unguza.
burn (verb), -waa.
burn (verb), -waka.
burn (verb), -waka.
burn (verb), -wawa.
burn oneself (verb), -chochota.
burn out (verb), -zia.
burn up (verb), -teketeza.
cause to burn (verb), -washa (causative).
process of burning (noun), kichomo, pl vichomo.
charcoal burner (noun), jiko (5/6), pl meko.
burning (noun), moto. burning coals. makaa ya moto.
burning (noun), mwako, pl miako.
burning (noun), uteketezo.
burning (act of) (noun), mchomo (3/4), pl michomo.
burning (act of) (noun), unguzo.
burning thing (noun), kiunguza (7/8), pl viunguza.
thing for burning aromatics (noun), fukizo (5/6), pl mafukizo.
be burnt (verb), -chomwa.
be burnt by fire (verb), -ungua.
be burnt up (verb), -teketea.
hard-burnt food at bottom of pot (noun), ukoko (11).
item to be burnt as a charm or medicine (noun), mafusho (6).
something burnt (noun), fusho (5/6), pl mafusho.
burp (noun), mbweu (9/10), pl mbweu.
burp (verb), -teuka.
burrow (noun), kishimo (7/8), pl vishimo.
burst (verb), -buyuka.
burst (verb), -pasua. operate on (someone).. pasulia.
burst (verb), -pasuka (potential). By then Mama Ndomba was about to
burst. Mama Ndomba muda huo alikaribia kupasuka [Muk].
burst forth (verb), -chomoza.
burst into flames (verb), -ripuka. The house burst into flames after
catching fire. Nyumba iliripuka baada kushika moto.
burst out (verb), -bubujika. burst out with a flood of words. bubujika
burst out (verb), -buguika. burst out with a flood of words. buguika
burst out (verb), -foka.
bursting (noun), mpasuka, pl mipasuka.
bursting (noun), mpasuko, pl mipasuko.
bursting (noun), mpasuo, pl mipasuo.
bursting forth (noun), bubujiko (5/6), pl mabubujiko.
bury (verb), -enzika (potential).
bury (verb), -fukia.
bury (verb), -zika.
bury fruit for ripening (verb), -vumbika.
burying (act of) (noun), uzishi, pl mazishi.
burying (methods of) (noun), uzishi, pl mazishi.
cost of burying (noun), uzishi, pl mazishi.
bus (noun), motokaa ya abiria (9/10), pl motokaa za abiria.
bus (noun), matwana.
long-distance bus line (noun), Safina (9/10), pl safina.
motor bus (noun), katara.
motorbus (noun), basi, pl mabasi.
bus stop (noun), standi (9/10), pl standi.
bus stop (noun), stendi (9/10), pl stendi.
bush (noun), jani, pl majani.
bush (noun), koko (5/6), pl makoko. paving stones..
bush (noun), magugu.
bush (noun), pl bushes, msitu (3/4), pl misitu.
bush (noun), msitu, pl misitu.
bush (noun), njiti (9/10), pl njiti.
bush (noun), pori (9/10), pl pori.
bush (kind bearing pods which are used as rattles) (noun), msewe, pl
bush species with poisonous roots (Plumbago zeylanica) (noun), mwambula,
pl miambula.
kind of thorny bush, Caesalpinia cristata (noun), msolo, pl misolo.
mlimbolimbo (a thorn bush, Euphorbia cuneata) (noun), mlimbolimbo, pl
small bush (noun), kichaka (7/8), pl vichaka.
bush-baby (noun), komba (9/10), pl komba.
bushbuck (noun), kulungu (9/10), pl kulungu.
bushbuck (noun), mbaa.
bushbuck (noun), mbala.
bushbuck (noun), mbawala (9/10an), pl mbawala.
bushbuck (noun), mbawara.
bushes (noun), chaka, pl machaka.
business (noun), amali (9/10), pl amali.
business (noun), bia.
business (noun), biashara (9/10), pl biashara. carry on business. fanya
business (noun), duka, pl maduka. open up a business. weka [anza] duka.
business (noun), hoja (9/10), pl hoja.
business (noun), kazi.
business (noun), kiduka, pl viduka.
business (noun), kisa, pl visa.
business (noun), maishilio (6).
business (noun), matatizo, pl matatizo.
business (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli. (s)he has important
business(es). ana shughuli muhimu.
business (noun), tarafa (9/10), pl tarafa.
business (noun), tarafu (9/10), pl tarafu.
business (noun), tume.
business (noun), ubiashara.
business enterprise (noun), utajiri.
engage in business in a small way (verb), -chuuza.
engage in business on a small scale (verb), -chopa.
in the line of business (adverb), kwa shughuli.
urgent and unexpected business (noun), dharura (9/10), pl dharura.
urgent business (noun), amara (9/10), pl amara.
bustle (noun), fadhaa (9/10), pl fadhaa.
bustle (noun), ghasia (9/10), pl ghasia.
bustle (noun), mtafaruku (3/4), pl mitafaruku.
bustle (noun), pitapita (9/10), pl pitapita. chaos of vehicles and the
bustling of people. ghasia za gari na pitapita za watu [Sul].
bustle (noun), zogo (9/10), pl zogo.
bustle about (verb), -sumbuka.
bustle about uselessly (verb), -sota. we are the men mister, we bustle
about uselessly and fight for life. wanaume ni sisi bwana, tunaosota, na
kupigania maisha [Ma].
bustle about uselessly (verb), -sowera.
be busy (verb), -hamanika.
be busy (verb), -jishughulisha (reflexive).
be busy (verb), -jishughulisha.
be busy (verb), -shughulika.
be busy (verb), -taharaki.
be busy (verb), -taharuki.
be busy (with affairs) (verb), -hangaika.
be very busy (verb), -hemewa.
be very busy (verb), -mahanika.
be very busy (verb), -shikwa na kazi.
busy (adjective), bizi.
busy oneself (verb), -jishugulisha.
busy oneself (verb), -kazana (reciprocal).
busybody (noun), dunzi, pl madunzi.
busybody (noun), dunzi, pl wadunzidunzi.
busybody (noun), pl busybodies, mdunzidunzi, pl wadunzidunzi.
but (adverb), kasoro.
but (adverb), kumbe.
but (conjunction), bali.
but (conjunction), ela. But you (pl.) are fortunate.. Ela nyi muna
bahati [Amana, Masomo 407].
but (conjunction), ila.
but (conjunction), ila.
but (conjunction), lakini.
but (conjunction), na. He took a trip to Tanga but did not find his
friend.. alisafiri kufika Tanga hakukutana na mwenziwe.
but (conjunction), walakini.
butcher (noun), mchinja, pl wachinja.
butcher (noun), mchinjaji, pl wachinjaji.
butt (noun), kikumbo, pl vikumbo.
butt (verb), -kumba.
butt (verb), -piga pembe.
butt end of something (i.e. the part put on the ground) (noun), liwado
(5/6), pl maliwado.
butt end of something (i.e. the part put on the ground) (noun), liwato
(5/6), pl maliwato.
butt in on a conversation (verb), -varangavaranga.
butt joint (noun), liwato (5/6), pl maliwato.
butt-end (of something) (noun), utako.
butt-end (of something) (noun), tako (5/6), pl matako. butt-end of an
arrow. tako la mkuki.
butter (noun), siagi (9/10), pl siagi. (s)he applied butter on the
bread. Alipaka mkate siagi.
clarified butter (noun), samli (9/10), pl samli. clarified butter is
forty cents. samli ni senti arobaini [Ya].
clarified butter (noun), samuli (9/10), pl sampuli.
butterfly (noun), kipepeo (7/8an), pl vipepeo.
butterfly (noun), kipopo, pl vipopo.
butterfly (noun), nzigunzigu (9/10an), pl nzigunzigu.
butterfly (noun), pepeo (5/6an), pl mapepeo.
butterfly (noun), popo (5/6an), pl mapopo.
kind of butterlfy (noun), kipolepole, pl vipolepole.
buttermilk (noun), mtindi (3/4), pl mitindi.
buttermilk (noun), tindi, pl mitindi, matindi.
buttermilk (noun), tindi, pl matindi.
buttock (noun), tako (5/6), pl matako. the one with a small chest and
protruding buttock. mwenye kifua kidogo na matako yaliyotuna [Muk],
walifundishwa vipi kuangusha kitu na kukiokota lionekane paja sio tako
buttocks (noun), chuno, pl viuno.
buttocks (noun), kiuno, pl viuno. exorcising of an evil spirit..
buttocks (noun), matako, pl matako.
buttocks (noun), utako.
part of body between buttocks (noun), kitako (7/8), pl vitako.
person with extra-large buttocks (noun), shuri (9/10an), pl shuri.
someone whose buttocks stick out more than usual (noun), kigundu (7/8),
pl vigundu.
button (noun), kifungo (7/8), pl vifungo.
buttonhole (noun), kiua (7/8), pl viua.
bado (verb), -nunulika.
be bought (verb), -nunuliwa.
buy (verb), -kata.
buy (verb), -nunua.
buy for (verb), -nunulia.
buy for cash (verb), -nunua taslimu.
buy off (verb), -komboa.
buy on behalf of (verb), -nunulia.
cause to buy (verb), -nunuza.
buyer (noun), mnunuzi (1/2), pl wanunuzi.
buyer (at auction) (noun), mzabuni, pl wazabuni.
buyer (usually at auction) (noun), mshitiri, pl washitiri.
buyer (usually at auction) (noun), mshtiri, pl washtiri.
buyer (usually at auction) (noun), mstiri, pl wastiri.
buying (noun), ununuzi.
buzz (noun), fumi.
buzz (noun), vumi.
buzz (noun), vumo, pl mavumo.
buzz (verb), -chata.
buzz (verb), -ng'ong'a.
buzz (insects) (verb), -vuma.
buzzing noise (noun), uvumi.
buzzing noise (noun), uvumo, pl mavumo.
by (adjective), ya.
by (adverb), kando.
by (adverb), kwa.
by (adverb), mnamo.
by (adverb), ukando.
by (conjunction), na.
by (preposition), bi.
by (preposition), fi.
by (preposition), kwa.
by (preposition), pl prep, ni.
by (preposition), upande, pl pande.
by no means (at the end of neg. sentences) (adverb), kamwe.
bye (interjection), haya.
bypass (noun), kipengele (7/8), pl vipengele.
bypass (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee.
byway (noun), kipengele (7/8), pl vipengele.
byway (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee.


c.v. (noun), wasifu (14), pl wasifu.

cab (noun), kichumba, pl vichumba.
cab (noun), teksi (5/6), pl mateksi.
cabbage (noun), kabichu.
side cabin (of a ship) (noun), kipenu, pl vipenu.
cabin boy (noun), uledi.
cabinet (noun), kabati, pl (-, makabati).
members of cabinet (noun), baraza.
cabinetmaker (noun), seremala (5/6an), pl maseremala.
cabinetmaker (noun), sermala (5/6an), pl maseremala.
cabinetmaking (noun), useremala.
cable (noun), kabe.
cable (of an anchor) (noun), amari (9/10), pl amari.
cackle (verb), -gogoreka.
cackle (of hens) (noun), tetea.
cackle (of hens) (noun), tora.
onom. cackle (verb), -kokoleka.
onom. cackle (verb), -kokoreka.
species of cactus, Opunita ficus (noun), mpungate, pl mipungate.
species of cactus, Opunita ficus (noun), mpungati, pl mipungate.
cadaver (noun), maiti.
cadaver (noun), mayiti.
cadaver (noun), pinda (5/6), pl mapinda.
cadaver (noun), pindi (5/6), pl mapindi.
cadaver (of an animal that has died a natural death) (noun), kipinda, pl
cadence (noun), mwanguko (3/4), pl mianguko.
cadge (noun), buga.
cadre (noun), kada.
cadre (noun), mkuru, pl wakuru.
cadre (noun), mkuu, pl wakuu.
cadre (of the party) (noun), pl cadres, kada (wa chama) (5/6an), pl
makada (wa chama).
cafe (noun), mgahawa, pl migahawa.
cafe (noun), mkahawa (3/4), pl mikahawa.
caftan (outer garment of Arabs) (noun), kaftani.
cage (noun), kitundu (7/8), pl vitundu.
cage (noun), kizimba (7/8), pl vizimba.
cage (for a bird or animal) (noun), kirimba, pl virimba.
be cajoled (verb), -raika.
cajole (verb), -bemba.
cajole (verb), -pembeja.
cajole (verb), -rai.
cajole (verb), -rairai.
cajolery (noun), mabembelezo, pl mabembelezo.
cajolery (noun), mapembelezo, pl mabembelezo.
cake (noun), pl cakes, keki (9/10), pl keki.
cake (noun), keki.
cake (noun), pl cakes, mkate (3/4), pl mikate.
cake (flat and round of wheat or rice flour) (noun), kileji (7/8), pl
cake (kind flavored with red pepper) (noun), hoho.
cake (kind of) (noun), para (9/10), pl para.
cake (made of flour and bananas) (noun), kibama (7/8), pl vibama.
cake (piece of) (noun), kinyunya (7/8), pl vinyunya.
sesame seed cake (noun), pl sesame seeds, para (5/6), pl mapara.
baobob (Adansonia digitata) (noun), mbuyu, pl mibuyu.
beer calabash (noun), mbokora (9/10), pl mbokora.
calabash (noun), dundu, pl madundu.
calabash (noun), kibuyu (7/8), pl vibuyu.
calabash (noun), mumunya, pl mamumunya.
calabash (noun), mumunye, pl mamumunye.
calabash (noun), mung'unye, pl mamung'unye.
calabash (for storing milk or palm-wine) (noun), kasi, pl (-), makasi.
calabash (large species) (noun), tungu, pl matungu.
calabash (made from the shell of the fruit) (noun), buyu (5/6), pl
calabash (used for churning butter (noun), buru, pl maburu.
calabash containing magic potion (noun), tumba, pl matumba.
calamity (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
calamity (noun), baa (5/6), pl mabaa.
calamity (noun), balaa, pl baa.
calamity (noun), balia, pl baa.
calamity (noun), mdhana (9/10), pl mdhana.
calamity (noun), pl calamities, msiba (3/4), pl misiba.
sudden calamity (noun), dharuba (9/10), pl dharuba.
calculate (verb), -kadiri.
calculate (verb), -kisi.
calculate (verb), -kissi.
calculate (verb), -wanga.
calculating (noun), kiwango, pl viwango. be lame, limp.
calculation (noun), kadiri.
calculation (noun), kisi (7/8), pl makisi.
calculation (noun), ukadiri.
calculation (noun), ukadirifu.
calculation (verb), -hesabu.
calendar (noun), kalenda (9/10), pl kalenda.
calendar (noun), kalenda.
calendar (noun), pl calenders, takwimu (9/10), pl takwimu.
calf (noun), chavu, pl machavu. calf [of the leg]. chavu la mguu.
calf (noun), kinda la ng'ombe (5/6an), pl makinda ya ng'ombe.
calf (noun), mashavu. calf of the leg. mashavu ya mguu.
calf (noun), ndama, pl ndama.
calf (noun), ndama ya ng'ombe.
calf (noun), ndama ya ng'ombe (9/10an), pl ng'ombe.
calf (of the leg) (noun), chafu, pl machafu.
calf of leg (noun), pl calves of leg, shavu la mguu (5/6), pl mashavu ya
mguu. (s)he has the calf of the legs. Ana mashavu makubwa ya miguu.
calico (noun), gora.
calico (noun), jora.
calico (dark blue used for mourning) (noun), kaniki (9/10), pl kaniki.
length of calico (noun), taka (9/10), pl taka.
piece of calico about 30 yards long (noun), jora.
piece of calico worn by F to carry child (noun), ubeleko (11/10), pl
piece of cotton cloth (calico) (noun), tambaa (5/6), pl matambaa.
piece of cotton cloth (calico) (noun), tambara (5/6), pl matambara. an
old cooking pot that was covered with a dirty piece of cotton cloth.
chungu kikuukuu kilichofunikwa tambara chafu [Mun].
thin calico used for lining garments (noun), bafta (9/10), pl bafta.
calipers (noun), kalipa (9/10), pl kalipa.
caliph (noun), halifa.
call (noun), pl Plural form?, aliko (5/6), pl maaliko.
call (noun), keme (9/10), pl keme.
call (noun), keme.
call (noun), mwaliko, pl mialiko [also jaliko, maliko].
call (noun), mwito, pl miito, wito. respond to a call.. itikia mwito.
call (noun), ukemi.
call (noun), unyeme (11).
call (noun), unyende.
call (verb), -alika.
call (verb), -guta.
call (verb), -ita.
call (verb), -ita.
call (verb), -sihi. (s)he called on the students to learn. Aliwasihi
wanafunzi kusoma.
call "hodi" (when knocking at someone's door) (verb), -bisha hodi.
call (by telephone) (verb), -piga simu.
call each other (verb), -itana.
call for someone (verb), -pitia (applicative). His/her lover will call
on him/her for them to go and have fun. mpenzi wake mpya atampitia na
gari waende kustarehe [Muk].
call on someone (verb), -tembelea.
call out for (someone) (verb), -gutia (applicative).
call someone up (verb), -pigia simu.
call to prayer (verb), -piga adana.
call to prayer of the muezzin (noun), adhama (9/10), pl adhama.
call to prayer of the muezzin (noun), adhana (9/10), pl adhana.
call upon (verb), -ita.
pay a morning call on someone. (verb), -sabihi. "Every morning, the
teacher pays a call to his wife before leaving".. Kila asubuhi, mwalimu
humsabihi mama yake kabla ya kwenda shule.
be called (verb), -itika.
be called (verb), -itwa.
be called (verb), -itwa.
be called (verb), -itwa.
be called up (verb), -pigiwa simu.
have someone called (verb), -itisha.
callosity (noun), sugu (9/10), pl sugu.
callous (noun), sugu (9/10), pl sugu.
callousness (noun), sugu (9/10), pl sugu.
callousness (noun), suguru (5/6), pl masuguo. I have even acted
callously by ridding on a bicycle. hata nimefanya masuguru ya chini kwa
kupanda baiskeli [Ya].
callousness (noun), usugu (14).
one who calls (noun), mwita, pl waitaji.
one who calls (noun), mwitaji, pl waitaji.
be calm (verb), -poa. He calmed on looking at his wife. kapoa katika
kumtazama mke mwenziwe [Abd].
be calm (verb), -saburi.
be calm (verb), -subira.
be calm (verb), -subiri.
be calm (verb), -zizima.
be calmed down (verb), -legezwa ( caus-pass).
calm (adjective), mustarehe.
calm (adjective), -pole.
calm (adjective), salaam. calm ending. mwisho salama..
calm (adjective), salama. calm ending. mwisho salama..
calm (adjective), starehe.
calm (adjective), taratibu.
calm (adjective), tulivu.
calm (noun), kimya. great calm is followed by a great storm. kimya
kingi kina mshinda mkuu.
calm (verb), -burudisha.
calm (verb), -liwaza.
calm (verb), -poa. He calmed on looking at his wife. kapoa katika
kumtazama mke mwenziwe [Abd].
calm (verb), -polepole.
calm (verb), -poza.
calm (verb), -saburisha.
calm (verb), -subirisha.
calm (verb), -tumbuiza.
calm (weather) (adjective), shwari. the water was neap tide and the wind
calm. maji yalikuwa mafu na upepo shwari [Moh], nyumba ilikuwa kimya na
shwari [Sul].
calm down (verb), -poa.
calm down (verb), -tua.
calm down (verb), -tulia (applicative).
calm down (verb), -tuliza.
calm each other (verb), -tulizana.
calm someone (verb), -pumzisha. calm these chidren. Wapumzishe hawa
condition of calm (noun), mustarehe. The fort now sits in the sun in a
condition of calm.. Ngome yenyewe sasa imekaa mustarehe juani [Masomo
be calmed (verb), -tumbukia.
calming down (noun), matengemano, pl matengemano.
calmly (adjective), makini.
calmly (adverb), kinyerenyere.
calmly (adverb), tuli.
calmly (adverb), tulii.
calmness (noun), makini (9).
calmness (noun), makini.
calmness (noun), utulivu (14), pl utulivu.
caluminate (verb), -sawidi.
caluminate (verb), -singiza. they caluminated me. walinisingizia.
caluminate (verb), -singizia.
calumniate (verb), -sengenya. (s)he was found guilty of calumniating the
boss. alipatikana na hatia ya kumsengenya 'Bwana mkubwa' [Ng].
calumniator (noun), msengenyaji, pl wasengenyaji.
calumny (noun), bughudha.
calumny (noun), chongelezo, pl machongelezo.
calumny (noun), idhara.
calumny (noun), masengenyo.
calumny (noun), masingizo.
calumny (noun), msengenyo, pl misengenyo.
calumny (noun), singizio (5/6), pl masingizio.
calumny (noun), tua.
camel (noun), ngamia (9/10an), pl ngamia.
camera (noun), kamera.
camouflage (verb), -nyerereza.
camp (noun), chengo, pl vyengo.
camp (noun), kambi.
camp (noun), kambi (9/10), pl kambi.
camp (noun), kambi.
camp (noun), kigono, pl vigono.
camp (noun), pl camps, rago (5/6), pl marago.
camping site (noun), dago (9/10), pl dago.
pitch camp (verb), pl camps, -piga rago.
set up camp (verb), -panga kambi.
campaign (noun), kampeni (9/10), pl kampeni.
election campaign (noun), uvoteshaji.
camphor (noun), kafuri (9/10), pl kafuri.
camphor (noun), kafuri.
camphor tree (noun), mkarafuu maiti (3/4), pl mikarafuu maiti.
camping place (noun), ulalo (11/6), pl malalo.
camping-place (noun), kambi.
(in conj w other verbs) can (verb), -pata.
can (noun), debe (5/6), pl madebe.
can (noun), dumu, pl madumu.
can (noun), kebe, pl makebe.
can (noun), kopo (5/6), pl makopo.
can (noun), mdumu (3/4), pl midumu.
can (noun), mdumu, pl midumu.
can (noun), mkebe, pl mikebe.
can (verb), -weza.
tin can (noun), daba, pl madaba.
canal (noun), felegi.
canal (noun), feleji, pl mafeleji.
canal (noun), fereji, pl mafereji.
canal (noun), mfeleji, pl mifeleji. Panama Canal.. mfereji wa Panama.
canal (noun), mfereji (3/4), pl mifereji.
canal (noun), mfereji, pl mifereji. Panama Canal.. mfereji wa Panama.
canal (noun), mkondo (3/4), pl mikondo.
canalization (noun), mfereji (3/4), pl mifereji.
canary (noun), chiku.
canary (noun), chiriku.
be cancelled (verb), -batilika.
cancel (verb), -batili.
cancel (verb), -batilisha (causative).
cancel (verb), -futa.
cancel (verb), -tangua.
cancellation (noun), kitanguo (7/8), pl vitanguo.
cancellation (noun), tanguko (5/6), pl matanguko.
cancellation (noun), tanguo (5/6), pl matanguo.
be cancelled (verb), -tanguka.
candelabrum (noun), tawafa, pl tawafa.
candid (adjective), safi.
candid (adjective), swafi.
candid (adjective), wazi.
candid (adjective), waziwazi.
candidate (noun), mgombea, pl wagombea. candidate in an election..
mgombea uchaguzi.
candidate (noun), mgombeaji, pl wagombeaji. candidate in an election..
mgombea uchaguzi.
candidate (noun), mhitaji, pl wahitaji.
pol. candidate (for election to public office) (noun), mtajaji, pl
successful candidate (noun), mkilemba, pl wakilemba.
candle (noun), mshumaa, pl mishumaa. light (extinguish) a candle..
washa [zima] mshumaa.
candle (noun), pl candles, tawafa (9/10), pl tawafa.
candlenut tree (noun), mkaa (5/6), pl mikaa.
candlestick (noun), kinara (7/8), pl vinara.
candlestick (noun), marufaa.
candlestick (noun), siraji (9/10), pl siraji.
candlestick (noun), tawafa, pl tawafa.
candor (noun), kweli (9/10), pl kweli.
candy (noun), kinyunya, pl vinyunya.
candy (noun), pipi (9/10), pl pipi. If you tell him/her you want candy,
(s)he says yes. ukimwambia "Unataka pipi?" hujibu "Ndiyo" [Kez].
candy (noun), tamu (9/10), pl tamu.
candy (noun), tamutamu (9/10), pl tamutamu.
candy (noun), utamu.
candy (hard) (noun), peremende (5/6), pl maperemende.
candy (hard) (noun), perementi (5/6), pl maperementi.
candy (kind of) (noun), lawalawa.
candy (kind of) (noun), lovulovu.
candy (type of) (noun), kashata (9/10), pl kashata.
hard candy (noun), paramende (5/6), pl maperemende.
kind of candy (noun), halua.
stick of sugar candy (noun), gubiti.
cane (noun), bakora, pl bakora.
cane (noun), fimbo (9/10), pl fimbo.
cane (noun), henzarani.
cane (noun), henzirani (9/10), pl henzirani.
cane (noun), mkongojo (3/4), pl mikongojo.
cane (noun), ukongojo, pl kongojo.
cane (noun), ukongojo, pl kongojo.
canister (noun), mkebe (3/4), pl mikebe.
canoe (noun), ngalawa (9/10), pl ngalawa.
canoe (kind of) (noun), hori.
canoe (small) (noun), kihori, pl vihori.
canoe (type) (noun), hori (5/6), pl mahori.
hole in canoe in which mast is placed (noun), kidu (7/8), pl vidu.
log canoe (dugout, without outriggers) (noun), mtumbwi, pl mitumbwi.
small canoe (for two people) (noun), kipera, pl vipera.
canon (noun), kanuni (9/10), pl kanuni.
mil.canon (barrel) (noun), mzinga (3/4), pl mizinga. fire a canon..
piga mzinga.
canopy (noun), chandarua, pl vyandarua.
canopy (noun), tandarua (9/10), pl tandarua.
canteen (noun), kantini.
canvas (noun), chandalua (7/8), pl vyandalua.
cap (noun), heti.
cap (noun), kofia (9/10), pl kofia.
cap (noun), kofia, pl kofia.
cap (of child) (noun), kidotia (7/8), pl vidotia.
cap (type of) (noun), kibapara (7/8), pl vibapara.
child's cap (noun), kilotia, pl vilotia.
red cap (noun), kofia ya kindoro, pl kofia za kindoro.
set one's cap for someone (verb), -ringa.
capability (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
capability (noun), ubingwa.
capability (noun), ufarisi.
capability (noun), ustadi (14).
capability (noun), uweza.
capability (noun), uwezo (14).
be capable (verb), -mudu.
be capable (verb), -tasawari.
be capable of being picked up (verb), -okoteka.
capable (adjective), bingwa.
capable (adjective), erevu.
capable (adjective), hodari.
capable (adjective), mahiri.
capable (adjective), stadi.
capable person (noun), pl experts, stadi (5/6an), pl mastadi.
capable person (worker) (noun), bingwa, pl mabingwa.
capacity (noun), kadiri (9/10), pl kadiri.
capacity (noun), ujazo (14).
capacity (noun), ukubwa.
capacity (noun), uweza.
capacity (noun), uwezo (14).
capacity (official) (noun), mamlaka.
cape (noun), domo, pl madomo.
Cape (of Good Hope) (noun), Kepi.
cape (of land) (noun), pl capes, ras (9/10), pl ras.
cape (of land) (noun), pl capes, rasi (9/10), pl rasi.
capillary (vessel) (noun), kapilari.
capillary action (noun), kapilari.
capital (noun), pl capitals, mtaji (3/4), pl mitaji.
capital (noun), rasilimali (9/10), pl rasilimali.
capital (noun), rasilmali (9/10), pl rasilmali.
capital (noun), rasilmalii (9/10), pl rasilmalii.
capital (noun), raslimali (9/10), pl raslimali.
capital (noun), utajiri.
bureaucratic capitalism (noun), ubepari wa kirasimu.
capitalism (noun), ubepari (14).
capitalism (noun), ukapitalisti.
commercial capitalism (noun), ubepari wa kibiashara.
industrial capitalism (noun), ubepari wa viwanda.
capitalist (noun), bepari (5/6), pl mabepari.
capitalist (noun), kabaila (5/6), pl makabaila.
capitalist (noun), mkapitalisti, pl wakapitalisti.
capitalist (noun), tajiri (5/6an), pl matajiri.
capitulate (verb), -salimu.
capitulate (verb), -shindwa (passive).
caprice (noun), potoe (9/10), pl potoe.
caprice (noun), potovu (9/10), pl potovu.
capricious person (noun), mpotoe, pl wapotoe.
capricious person (noun), mpotofu, pl wapotofu.
capricious person (noun), mpotovu, pl wapotovu.
capricious person (noun), mpotwe, pl wapotwe.
capriciousness (noun), upotoe.
capriciousness (noun), upotovu.
capriciousness (noun), utundu.
capricorn (noun), chadi.
capricorn (noun), chudi.
Capricorn (noun), jadi.
capsule (noun), kibonge, pl vibonge.
captain (noun), kapteni, pl makapteni. captain of a warship. kapteni wa
naut. captain (noun), nahodha (5/6an). Prov. A ship with many captains
is likely to sink (=Many cooks spoil the broth).. chombo cha manahodha
wengi huzama.
captive (noun), mfungwa, pl wafungwa.
captive (noun), teka, pl mateka.
take captive (verb), -kamata mateka.
captives (noun), mateka (9/10an), pl mateka.
captivity (noun), uja.
keep in captivity (verb), -fuga.
take into captivity (verb), -nyara.
capture (verb), -teka.
capture (verb), -twaa.
armored car (noun), pl armored cars, faru (9/10), pl faru.
car (noun), pl cars, gari (5/6), pl magari.
enter a car (verb), -panda motokaa.
front part of a car (noun), domo (9/10), pl domo.
worthless car (noun), katara (9/10), pl katara.
caravan (noun), charo (7/8), pl vyaro.
caravan (noun), kafila.
caravan (noun), pl caravans, msafara (3/4), pl misafara.
caravan (noun), safari (9/10), pl safari.
caraway (noun), jamda.
caraway (noun), jira.
caraway seed (noun), kisibiti (7/8), pl visibiti.
carbon (noun), kaboni (9/10), pl kaboni.
carbon paper (noun), kinakilo.
caracass (of an animal that has died a natural death) (noun), kipinda, pl
carcass (noun), mzoga, pl mizoga.
carcass (of an animal that has died a natural death) (noun), pindi (5/6),
pl mapindi.
card (noun), cheti (7/8), pl vyeti.
card (noun), kadi (9/10), pl kadi.
card (noun), kadi.
card (playing card) (noun), karata (9/10), pl karata.
card on which the daily work of a laborer is recorded (noun), kipande, pl
greeting card (noun), kadi ya salaam (9/10), pl kadi za salaam.
playing card (noun), karata.
cardamom (noun), iliki (9/10), pl iliki.
cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) (noun), eliki.
cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) (noun), elki.
wild cardamom (Aframamum angustifolium) (noun), matinguu, pl matinguu.
cardboard (noun), bamba, pl mabamba.
cardigan (noun), flana (9/10), pl flana.
cardigan (noun), fulana (9/10), pl fulana.
cardinal (noun), kadinali, pl makadilnali.
be a confirmed cardplayer (verb), -shiriki karata.
lose at cards (verb), -vuma.
playing cards king (noun), basha.
win (at cards) (noun), pl wins, mvumo (3/4), pl mivumo.
win a game of cards (verb), -paa karata.
be taken care (verb), -angaliwa.
be taken care of (verb), -chungwa (passive).
care (noun), beluwa.
care (noun), buka.
care (noun), kabidhi (9/10), pl kabidhi.
care (noun), kibuhuti, pl vibuhuti.
care (noun), maangalizi, pl maangalizi.
care (noun), matumishi, pl matumishi.
care (noun), nadhari (9/10), pl nadhari.
care (noun), sononeko (5/6), pl masononeko.
care (noun), stakabadhi (9/10), pl stakabadhi.
care (noun), takabadhi (9/10), pl takabadhi.
care (noun), tunza (9/10), pl tunza.
care (noun), tunza, pl tunza, matunza.
care (noun), tunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
care (noun), uangaliaji.
care (noun), umalidadi.
care (noun), umaridadi (14).
care (noun), usononi.
care (noun), usununo.
care (noun), utunzaji.
care (noun), utunzi.
care (noun), utunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
care (noun), utunzo.
care (verb), -jali.
care (verb), -kabidhi.
care for (verb), -lea.
care for (verb), -tunza.
do not care at all (verb), -shiti. I got the job of working at the port
and then did not care. kazi ya ubaharia nikaipata halafu nikaishiti [Ma].
medical care (noun), tiba (9/10), pl tiba.
medical care (noun), utibabu (5/6), pl matibabu.
take care (verb), -angalia.
take care (verb), -busuri.
take care (verb), -jihadhari.
take care (verb), -jitahadhari.
take care (verb), -tanadhari.
take care of (verb), -chunga.
take care of (verb), -hudumu.
take care of (verb), -tunza.
take care of someone (verb), -hudumia (applicative).
Take care! (interjection), abedari.
Take care! (interjection), habedari.
what do you care? (informal) (phrase), kinakuuma nini?.
career (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
be carefree (verb), -terema.
be careful (verb), -angalia.
be careful (verb), -busuri.
be careful (verb), -jihadhari (reflexive).
be careful of (verb), -uguza.
be careful! (verb), tahadhari (imperative). be cautious in front of the
lion. tahadhari mbele ya simba!.
careful (adjective), -angalifu.
careful (adjective), kadirifu.
careful (adjective), -pole. speak carefully.. sema pole[pole]!.
careful (adjective), tulivu.
careful (adverb), polepole. speak carefully.. sema pole[pole]!.
careful (adverb), siasa.
careful person (noun), mkimu, pl wakimu.
careful person (noun), pl careful people, mtaratibu (1/2), pl wataratibu.
careful person (noun), mwangalifu (1/2), pl waangalifu.
carefully (adverb), hidima.
carefully (adverb), kiada.
carefully (adverb), madhubuti.
carefully (adverb), kwa makini. Chahe listened to that bird very
carefully.. Chahe anamsikiliza ndege huyu kwa makini sana [Chacha, Masomo
carefully (adverb), taratibu.
carefulness (noun), siasa (9/10), pl siasa. a careful person. mtu
mwenye siasa.
carefulness (noun), takato (5/6), pl matakato.
carefulness (noun), uangalifu (14).
carefulness (noun), uangalizi.
carefulness (noun), utulivu.
carelesness (noun), mghafala, pl mighafala.
be careless (verb), -kukusa.
be careless (verb), -lega.
be careless (verb), -legarega.
be careless (verb), -rega.
be careless (verb), -rega.
be careless (verb), -regarega.
be careless (verb), -pumbaa. do one's work carelessly.. pumba kazi.
be careless (verb), -pumbaa.
be careless (verb), -sahau.
behave in a careless way (verb), -hafifisha.
careless (adjective), ovyo.
careless (adjective), -vivu.
careless person (noun), mlegevu (1/2), pl walegevu.
careless person (noun), mpurukushani (1/2), pl wapurukushani.
careless person (noun), mzembe (3/4), pl wazembe.
do one's work carelessly (verb), -pumbaa kazi. Juma did his work
carelessly because of tiredness. John alipumbaa kazi kwa sababu ya
act carelessly (verb), -fanya purukushani. superficially. kwa
behave carelessly (verb), -purukusa. talk (listen)
heedlessly/inattentively.. zungumza kwa purukusa.
behave carelessly (verb), -purukusha. talk (listen)
heedlessly/inattentively.. purukusha maneno [sikio].
carelessly (adverb), kwa purukushani.
carelessly (adverb), ovyo. do one's work carelessly. fanya kazi
ovyoovyo tu.
do something carelessly (verb), -rasha.
do something carelessly (verb), -rasharasha.
carelessness (noun), mapuuza (6).
carelessness (noun), mghafala (3/4), pl mighafala.
carelessness (noun), ukulifu.
carelessness (noun), ukulivu.
carelessness (noun), ulegeo.
carelessness (noun), ulegevu.
carelessness (noun), upurukushaji.
carelessness (noun), upurukushani (11).
carelessness (noun), upurukusho.
carelessness (noun), utepetevu.
carelessness (noun), uvivu.
carelessness (noun), uzembe.
carelessness (noun), uzito.
willful carelessness (noun), purukushani (5/6), pl mapurukushani. The
driver drove the car carelessly. dereva ameiendesha motokaa kwa
caress (a child) (verb), -bembeleza.
caressing (noun), mabembelezo, pl mabembelezo.
caressing (noun), mapembelezo, pl mabembelezo.
caretaker (noun), maangalizi (1/2), pl waangalizi.
caretaker (noun), mlinda, pl walinda.
caretaker (noun), mlindaji, pl walindaji.
caretaker (noun), mlisha (1/2), pl walisha.
caretaker (noun), mngojezi, pl wangojezi.
caretaker (in schools ) (noun), mwangalizi, pl waangalizi.
cargo (noun), himila.
cargo (noun), mapakio.
cargo (noun), mapakizi (6).
cargo (noun), mapakizi.
cargo (noun), meli.
cargo (noun), pakio (5/6), pl mapakio.
cargo (noun), rufaa (9/10), pl rufaa.
cargo (noun), rufaani (9/10), pl rufaani.
cargo (noun), rufani (9/10), pl rufani.
cargo (noun), pl cargoes, shehena (9/10), pl shehena.
cargo (noun), upakiaji.
cargo (noun), upakio.
cargo (noun), upakizi.
discharging cargo (noun), upakuzi.
have cargo (on board) (verb), -sheheni.
ship's cargo (noun), forodhani (9/10), pl forodhani.
caricature (verb), -iga.
caries (noun), susa (9).
caring for (act of) (noun), utunzaji (14).
caring for (act of) (noun), utunzi.
caring for children (methods of) (noun), ulezi, pl malezi.
caring for children (work of) (noun), ulezi, pl malezi.
caring for the sick (noun), uuguzaji.
caring for the sick (noun), uuguzi.
carnage (noun), chinjo, pl machinjo.
carnally (adverb), kimwili.
carnelian (noun), fedhaluka.
carnelian (noun), fethaluka.
carpenter (noun), mwundaji, pl waundaji.
carpenter (noun), mwundi, pl waundaji.
carpenter (noun), mwunzi, pl waundaji.
carpenter (noun), pl carpenters, seremala (5/6an), pl maseremala. the
table is being made by the carpenter. Meza inatengenezwa na seremala.
carpenter (noun), pl carpenters, sermala (5/6an), pl maseremala. the
table was made by the carpenter. Meza inatengenezwa na seremala.
carpenter (Indian) (noun), baniani, pl baniani.
carpenter (Indian) (noun), banyani, pl baniani.
carpenter's adze (noun), tezo (5/6), pl matezo.
carpenter's plane (noun), randa (9/10), pl randa.
line used by carpenters for marking work (noun), ngeu (9/10), pl ngeu.
carpentry (noun), useremala (14).
carpentry (noun), uunzi, pl maunzi.
craft of carpentry (noun), useremala.
carper (noun), mgombezi, pl wagombezi.
carpet (noun), tandiko (5/6), pl matandiko.
carpet (noun), zulia (5/6), pl mazulia.
carriage (noun), upakiaji.
carriage (noun), upakio.
carriage (noun), upakizi.
train carriage (noun), behewa (5/6), pl mabehewa.
be carried away (verb), -peperuka.
be carried off (verb), -tekwa.
be carried out (verb), -tekelea.
carrier (noun), hamali (5/6), pl mahamali.
carrier (noun), mchukuzi, pl wachukuzi.
carrier (noun), mpagazi (1/2), pl wapagazi.
one who carries off (noun), mtwaa, pl watwaa.
one who carries off (noun), mtwaaji, pl watwaaji.
carrion (noun), mzoga, pl mizoga.
carrion (noun), nyamafu (9/10), pl nyamafu.
carrot (noun), karoti.
be carried (verb), -chukuliwa.
be carried on someone's back (verb), -yongoa.
be carried on someone's back (verb), -yongoya.
carry (verb), -beba.
carry (verb), -chukua.
carry (verb), -chukwa.
carry (verb), -pakata. carry a child. pakata mtoto.
carry (verb), -somba.
carry (verb), -tuta.
carry (a burden on heard or shoulders) (verb), -pagaa.
carry (a child on one's back) (adverb), weleka.
carry (a child on one's back) (verb), -eleka.
carry away (verb), -pingua.
carry loads on head (verb), -tutika.
carry off (verb), -teka.
carry on (verb), -shika. carry on the conversation. shika mazungumzo..
carry out (verb), -jirisha.
carry out (verb), -pa.
carry out (verb), -tekeleza.
carry out (verb), -tekeleza (causative).
carry out (verb), -tenda.
carry out (verb), -timiza.
carry out (a contract or judgement) (verb), -timiliza.
carry to someone (verb), -chukulia.
carry under one's arm (verb), -futika kwapani.
carry with great care (something fragile or damaged) (verb), -rongaronga.
employ someone to carry something (verb), -chukuza.
make carry (verb), -bebesha.
be carried on vigorously (verb), -ongozeka (potential).
carry out (a plan) (verb), -endesha.
carrying-pole (carried on the shoulders of two men with the load hung in
the middle) (noun), mtenga (3/4), pl mitenga.
cart (noun), gari (5/6), pl magari.
cartilaginous state (noun), ufupa.
cartilage (noun), ufupa mwororo.
cartridge (noun), beti (5/6), pl mabeti.
cartridge (noun), chiazi.
cartridge (noun), katriji (9/10), pl katriji.
cartridge (noun), kiasi.
cartwheel (noun), pindu (5/6), pl mapindu.
carve (verb), -chonga. carve a statue. chonga sanamu.
carve (verb), -chora.
carver (noun), mjume (1/2), pl wajume.
carver (noun), pl carvers, mtema (1/2), pl watema.
carver (noun), mtema, pl watema.
carver (noun), pl carvers, mtemi (1/2), pl watemi.
carving (noun), mchoro (3/4), pl michoro.
carving (act of) (noun), mtemo, pl mitemo.
case (noun), bueta, pl mabueta.
case (noun), kasha (5/6), pl makasha.
case (noun), kasha, pl makasha.
case (noun), kifuko (7/8), pl vifuko.
case (noun), kipeto (7/8), pl vipeto.
case (noun), kebe, pl makebe.
case (noun), mfuniko (3/4), pl mifuniko.
case (noun), mkebe, pl mikebe.
case (noun), pl cases, sanduku (5/6), pl masanduku. suitcase. sanduku
ya nguo.
case (noun), tumba (9/10), pl tumba.
case (noun), uo, pl nyuo.
case (at law) (noun), kesi.
case (criminal or civil) (noun), kesi (9/10), pl kesi.
case (for arrows) (noun), podo (5/6), pl mapodo.
case (for knife or sword) (noun), ala (9/10), pl ala (nyala, maala).
case (for knife or sword) (noun), maala, pl maala.
case (for knife or sword) (noun), nyala, pl nyala.
case (small) (noun), bweta (5/6), pl mabweta.
in any case (adverb), kulihali.
in case (conjunction), ijapo.
in case (conjunction), iwapo.
in case that (conjunction), madhali.
cash (noun), fulusi (9/10), pl fulusi.
cash (noun), kitita (7/8), pl vitita.
cash payment (noun), taslimu.
in cash (adverb), taslimu.
cashew apple tree (anacardium occidentale) (noun), mbibo, pl mibibo.
cashew apple tree (Anacardium occidentale) (noun), mkanju, pl mikanju.
cashew fruit (noun), kanju (5/6), pl makanju.
cashew nut (noun), korosho (9/10), pl korosho.
cashew-nut tree (noun), mkorosho (3/4), pl mikorosho.
fruit of the cashew tree (noun), kanju, pl makunja.
mkorosho (cashew apple tree, Anacardium occidentale) (noun), mkorosho, pl
green cashew apple (noun), dunge, pl madunge.
cashew fruit (noun), bibo.
cask (noun), pipa (5/6), pl mapipa.
casket (noun), jeneza (9/10), pl jeneza.
casket (noun), kisanduku, pl visanduku.
cassava (noun), pl cassava, muhogo (3/4), pl mihogo.
cassava (cooked) (noun), kichelema (7/8), pl vichelema.
cassava (kind of) (noun), kajayeye (9/10), pl kajayeye.
cassava (kind of) (noun), kifumufumu (7/8), pl vifumufumu.
cassava (kind of) (noun), mbio.
cassava (type of) (noun), kibuluu (7/8), pl vibuluu.
cassava (variety of) (noun), binti ali.
cassava (variety of) (noun), binti athmani.
cassava plant (noun), hogo (5/6), pl mahogo.
cassava plant (noun), mhogo (3/4), pl mihogo.
dried cassava (raw or cooked) (noun), kopa (5/6), pl makopa.
slices of dried cassava or banana (usu. pl.) (noun), makopa (6).
cassette (noun), kaseti (9/10), pl kaseti.
cassowary tree (Casuarina equisetifolia) (noun), mvinje, pl mivinje.
cast (verb), -tupa.
cast a ballot (verb), -piga kura.
cast lots (verb), -piga kura.
cast metal (verb), -subu.
something cast off (noun), vulio, pl mavulio.
cast spells (verb), -azimu.
casting (noun), miminiko (5/6), pl mamiminiko.
casting (noun), wito (11).
casting (rough) (noun), timbe.
castle (noun), boma (5/6), pl maboma.
castle (noun), husuni.
castor-oil plant (noun), mbono (3/4), pl mibono. caster-oil. mafuta ya
castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis) (noun), mbarika, pl mibarika.
mbono/kokwa ya mbarika. seed of the castor-oil plant..
seed of the castor-oil plant (noun), ubono.
seed of the castor-oil plant (noun), pl seeds of castor oil, nyonyo
(9/10), pl nyonyo.
castrate (verb), -hasi.
castrated animal (noun), mahsai. gelding. farasi mahsai.
castrated animal (noun), maksai.
castrated man or animal (noun), hasa.
castrated person or animal (noun), mhasi, pl wahasi.
one who castrates (noun), mhasi, pl wahasi.
castration (noun), uhasi.
casualty (noun), maangamizo, pl maangamizo.
rare casualty (noun), mpigwa, pl wapigwa.
cat (noun), pl cats, paka (9/10an), pl paka. wild cat.. paka mwitu.
cat (wild type of) (noun), kala (9/10), pl kala.
cat (wild type of) (noun), kalakonje (9/10), pl kalakonje.
civet cat (noun), ngawa (9/10an), pl ngawa.
half-wild cat (noun), kimburu, pl vimburu.
half-wild domestic cat (noun), pl fierce animals, nunda (9/10an), pl
kalakonje (kind of wild cat) (noun), kalakonje.
wild cat (noun), kanu, pl makanu.
wild cat (kind of) (noun), gala (5/6), pl magala.
catalog (noun), orodha (9/10), pl orodha. schedule of studies.. orodha
ya masomo.
catalog (noun), oroza (9/10), pl oroza.
catalogue (noun), daftari, pl madaftari. account book. daftari ya
hesabu [Rec].
catalogue (noun), deftari.
catalyst (for radical change) (noun), pinduli (5/6), pl mapinduli.
catamite (noun), shoga (5/6an), pl mashoga.
catapult (noun), kombeo (5/6), pl makombeo.
catapult (noun), manati (9/10), pl manati.
catapult (noun), manati.
catapult (noun), mpanda, pl mapanda ; mipanda.
catapult (noun), panda (9/10), pl panda.
catapult (noun), topito.
cataract (noun), kingo.
cataract (noun), poromoko (5/6), pl maporomoko.
catastrophe (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
catastrophe (noun), baa, pl baa. this rain has led to a great
catastrophe. mvua hii imetuletea baa na balaa.
catastrophe (noun), balaa, pl baa. this rain has led to a great
catastrophe. mvua hii imetuletea baa na balaa.
catastrophe (noun), balia, pl baa. this rain has led to a great
catastrophe. mvua hii imtuleta baa na balaa.
catastrophe (noun), king'irimoto (7/8), pl ving'irimoto.
catastrophe (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani.
be caught (verb), -naswa.
catch (noun), stichi (9/10), pl stichi.
catch (verb), -bamba.
catch (verb), -bana.
catch (verb), -daka. catch a ball; the careful ears of the detective
caught the voice of a young woman in pain. kudaka mpira [Rec]; masikio
matulivu ya mpelelezi yalidaka sauti ya msichana anayeugua [Masomo 164].
catch (verb), -feli.
catch (verb), -gundua.
catch (verb), -kamata.
catch (verb), -kamata.
catch (verb), -kinga.
catch (verb), -nasa. The animal has been caught in the trap.. mnyama
amenaswa katika mtego.
catch (verb), -tega.
catch (a ball or thief) (verb), -koroweza. bend in a road..
catch (in a trap) (verb), -saka. the cat caught the rat. Paka alimsaka
catch (in hunting) (noun), mawindo, pl mawindo.
catch (of fish) (noun), numbi (9/10), pl numbi.
catch (of fish) (noun), vuo (5/6), pl mavuo.
catch (of hunting) (noun), mavungu, pl mavungu.
catch hold of (verb), -ng'ang'ama.
catch one another (verb), -kamatana.
catch unawares (verb), -fumania.
catch unawares (verb), -gundua.
catch unawares (verb), -nyemelea.
try to catch (verb), -fukuza.
catching (act of) (noun), mnaso, pl minaso.
catchment (noun), koongo, pl makoongo.
catchment (noun), korongo, pl makorongo.
categorically (adverb), makataa.
category (noun), babu, pl babu.
caterpillar (noun), bungu (5/6), pl mabungu.
caterpillar (noun), funza.
caterpillar (noun), kiwavi, pl viwavi.
caterpillar-like insect (noun), chechele (9/10an), pl chechele.
catfish (fresh-water) (noun), kambare (9/10an), pl kambare.
kind of catfish (noun), kambare, pl (-), makambare.
cathead device for securing a cable on boats (noun), mangili.
cathead device for securing an anchor (noun), mangili.
Catholic (adjective), katoliki.
Catholic (adjective), kikatoliki.
Catholic (noun), Mkatoliki (1/2), pl Wakatoliki.
Roman Catholic (adjective), kikatoliki.
cattle (noun), gombe, pl magombe. a calf. ndama ya ng'ombe.
cattle (noun), ng'ombe (9/10an), pl ng'ombe. young of a cow. ndama ya
disease of cattle especially prevalent on the east coast of Africa (east-
coast fever) (noun), ndigano (9/10). The east-coast fever has appeared in
these districts.. katika wilaya hiyo iko ndigano.
fight (cattle) (verb), -guta.
cattle-pen (noun), chaa.
cattle tick (noun), utitiri.
be caught (verb), -patikana.
be caught (verb), -sagama.
be caught (of an animal in a trap). (verb), -sakama. the fish trap
caught it at the throat. mwiba wa samaki umemsakama kooni..
be caught doing (verb), -fumaniwa.
be caught off guard (verb), -gutuka.
be caught on (verb), -angama.
be caught up in something (verb), -lingwa.
caul (membrane covering infant at birth) (noun), pl cauls, tandabui
(9/10), pl tandabui.
caulk (noun), kalafati.
caulk with deheni (verb), -deheni.
waterproof mixture for caulking boats (noun), deheni.
caulking material (noun), kalafati (9/10), pl kalafati.
caulking material (noun), kalafati.
mixture of oil and lime for caulking boats (noun), bereu, pl maberu.
be caused by (verb), -sababishwa na.
be caused by (verb), -tokana.
cause (noun), ajili (9/10), pl ajili.
cause (noun), chanzi (9/10), pl chanzi. Women are the cause. Wake ndiyo
chanzi [Amana, Masomo 405].
cause (noun), chanzo (7/8), pl vyanzo.
cause (noun), kisa, pl visa.
cause (noun), maana (9/10), pl maana.
cause (noun), pl causes, sababu (9/10), pl sababu. what caused you to
beat him/her. Sababu gani ulimpiga?.
cause (noun), pl causes, sabiki (9/10), pl sabiki.
cause (noun), tendo, pl matendo.
cause (noun), udhuru.
cause (verb), -ingiza.
cause (verb), -sababisha. John caused the house to catch fire. John
alisababisha nyumba kuwasha moto.
cause (verb), -sabibisha. John caused the house to catch fire. John
alisabibisha nyumba kuwasha moto.
cause (verb), -tia.
cause (of change) (noun), pinduli (5/6), pl mapinduli.
cause of a dispute (noun), ushindi.
cause pain (verb), -changa.
caustically (adverb), kichungu.
cauterization (noun), kichomo, pl vichomo.
cauterizing (act of or the mark left by) (noun), pisho (5/6), pl mapisho.
caution (noun), hadhari (9/10), pl hadhari.
caution (verb), -hadhirisha.
be cautious (verb), -angalia.
be cautious (verb), -hadhari.
be cautious (verb), -jitahadhari.
be cautious (verb), -tahadhari. his/her tall friend tries to be very
cautious not to hit that table with his/her hands. mwenzake mrefu
hutahadhari sana asije igusa meza ile kwa mikono yake [Ma].
be cautious (verb), -tanadhari.
cautious (adjective), -angalifu.
cautious (adjective), -pole. speak cautiously.. sema pole[pole]!.
cautious (adverb), polepole. speak cautiously.. sema pole[pole]!.
cave (noun), genge (5/6), pl magenge.
cave (noun), pl caves, pango (5/6), pl mapango.
cave (noun), shimo (5/6), pl mashimo.
cavern (noun), pango (5/6), pl mapango.
caviar (noun), huliwa.
cavilling person (noun), mbishi, pl wabishi.
cavities (noun), ubovu wa meno.
cavity (noun), fukuo (5/6), pl mafukuo.
cavity (noun), pl cavities, mvungu (3/4), pl mivungu.
cavity (noun), mwina (3/4), pl miina.
cavity (noun), sahani (9/10), pl sahani.
cavity (noun), shimo (5/6), pl mashimo.
cavity (noun), uvungu.
cavity (noun), uvurungu.
cease (verb), -acha.
cease (verb), -achilia mbali (applicative).
cease (verb), -ata.
cease (verb), -hulu.
cease (verb), -isha.
cease (verb), -koma.
gradually cease (verb), -pusa. The rain has gradually ceased.. mvua
cedar tree (Pygeum africanum) (noun), mwerezi, pl mierezi.
ceiling (noun), dari (5/6), pl madari.
celebrate (verb), -adhimisha (causative). celebrate a holiday.
adhimisha sikukuu.
celebrate (verb), -adhimu. celebrate a holiday. adhimisha sikukuu.
celebrate (verb), -shangilia. the entire town celebrated its team. Mji
mzima ulishangilia timu yao.
celebrate (verb), -sherehekea. I have no right to celebrate and be given
awards this time.. sina haki ya kusherehekea na kupewa zawadi muda huu
celebrate (verb), -sherekea. everybody celebrated the festival of the
birthday of Prophet Muhammad. Watu wote walisherekea Idi/Idd.
be celebrated (verb), -shangiliwa.
celebration (noun), adhimisho (5/6), pl maadhimisho. celebration of the
mass. adhimisho la misa takatifu.
celebration (noun), karamu.
celebration (noun), pl celebrations, sherehe (9/10), pl sherehe.
celestial phenomenon (noun), badiri, pl badiri.
celibacy (noun), ubikira.
cell (noun), kijumba (7/8), pl vijumba.
cellulose (noun), mirabaraba, pl mirabaraba.
be cemented (i.e. a floor or pavement or roof) (verb), -sakifiwa.
cement (noun), saruji (9/10), pl saruji. the mason is mixing concrete
for construction. Fundi anakoroga saruji ya kujengea.
cement (noun), seruji (5/6), pl maseruji. put cement. tia saruji..
cement (noun), zege.
cemetary (noun), maziko, pl maziko.
cemetery (noun), makaburini.
cemetery (noun), mafa, pl mafa.
cemetery (noun), makaburi.
cemetery (noun), makaburini (6).
cemetery (noun), mava (6).
cemetery (noun), shamba la Mungu (5/6), pl mashamba.
censer (noun), chetezo (7/8), pl vyetezo.
censer (noun), maziga, pl maziga.
censorship (noun), udhibiti (14).
censure (noun), kosa, pl makosa. "High court, Court of Appeal; Supreme
Court".. tia kosani.
censure (verb), -kanya.
50-cent piece (noun), nusushilingi (9/10), pl nusushilingi.
cent (noun), senti (9/10), pl senti. today I don't have a cent (i.e. I
don't have money). leo sina senti..
center (adjective), katikati.
center (noun), kati.
center (noun), moyo.
center (football player) (noun), senta (9/10an), pl senta.
center of a triangle (noun), senta ya pembetatu (9/10), pl senta za
pembeni. center of a triangle. senta ya pembetatu..
hard center or heart of tree (noun), ng'arange (9/10), pl ng'arange.
centipede (noun), pl centipedes, tandu (9/10an), pl tandu.
central (adverb), kati.
Central Africa (noun), Afrika ya Kati (9).
century (noun), dahari, pl dahari.
century (noun), karne (9/10), pl karne.
century (noun), karne.
cereal (in gen.). (noun), nafaka.
ceremony (noun), adhimisho (5/6), pl maadhimisho.
ceremony (noun), hafla (5/6), pl mahafla.
ceremony (noun), sherehe (9/10), pl sherehe.
ceremony (noun), uadhimishaji.
perform a ceremony (verb), -piga fatiha.
a certain person (noun), mmoja, pl wamoja. each (and every) one.. kila
be certain (verb), -yakini.
certain (thing) (adjective), fulani.
certain person (noun), fulani (1).
certain thing (noun), fulani (9).
certainty (noun), yakini.
for certain (adverb), hakika.
certainity (noun), uthubutifu.
certainly (adverb), ina.
certainly (adverb), maalum.
certainly (adverb), maalumu.
Certainly (adverb), ngema.
certainly (pronoun), naam.
Certainly! (adjective), njema.
certainly! (interjection), ee!.
certainty (noun), pl layout OK?, baina.
certainty (noun), bayana (9/10), pl bayana.
certainty (noun), hakika (9/10), pl hakika.
certainty (noun), mafafanusi.
certainty (noun), uamini.
certainty (noun), uaminifu.
certainty (noun), ubaini.
certainty (noun), ubaini.
certainty (noun), ubainifu.
certainty (noun), ubayana.
certainty (noun), ubayana.
certainty (noun), udhahiri.
certainty (noun), udhahirifu.
certainty (noun), udhihirifu.
certainty (noun), ufafanusi.
certainty (noun), ufafanuzi, pl mafafanuzi.
certainty (noun), uhakika (14).
give certainty (verb), -aminisha.
give certainty (verb), -staamanisha.
with certainty (adjective), kwa yakini.
certificate (noun), barua.
certificate (noun), cheti (7/8), pl vyeti. certificate of completion of
seven years of study. cheti ya kumaliza masomo ya miaka saba [Balisidya,
Masomo 344].
certificate (noun), hati (9/10), pl hati.
certificate (noun), pl certificates, shahada (5/6), pl mashahada. to
receive his/her first degree. kupata shahada yake ya mwanzo [Moh].
certificate (noun), stashahada (9/10), pl stashahada.
certificate (noun), waraka (11/10), pl nyaraka.
certified (adjective), jarabati.
certify (verb), -hakikisha.
certify (verb), -shuhudu.
cessation (noun), mavilio, pl mavilio.
cessation (of work) (noun), mapumziko.
cessation of pain (noun), faraja (9/10), pl faraja.
cesspit (noun), choo (7/8), pl vyoo.
cesspool (noun), dindi, pl madindi. cesspool. dindi la choo.
cesspool (noun), dindi, pl malindi.
cesspool (noun), lindi, pl malindi.
cesspool (noun), malindi.
Ceylon (noun), selani (9).
cf lawa (verb), -lauka.
one sixth (fraction) (noun), sudusi (9/10), pl sudusi.
chaff (noun), fumbi (5/6), pl mafumbi.
chaff (noun), kapi (9/10), pl kapi.
chaff (noun), kapi, pl makapi.
chaff (noun), kumbi (5/6), pl makumbi.
chaff (noun), kumvi (5/6), pl makumvi.
chaff (noun), makapo.
chaff (noun), mapepe.
chaff (noun), ukumvi (11/10), pl kumvi.
chaff (noun), ushwa.
chaff (noun), vumbi, pl mavumbi.
chaff (noun), wishwa (9/10), pl wishwa.
chaff (noun), wiswa.
chaff (verb), -tania.
chaff of grain (noun), pumba (9/10), pl pumba.
Chaga region (noun), Uchaga (17).
chain (noun), mnyoo, pl minyoo. bicycle-chain.. mnyororo wa baisikeli.
chain (noun), mnyororo, pl minyororo. bicycle-chain.. mnyororo wa
chain (noun), salasila (9/10), pl salasila.
chain (noun), silasila (9/10), pl silasila.
chain (noun), silisila (9/10), pl silisila.
chain (noun), tumbuu (9/10), pl tumbuu.
door chain (noun), liza.
door chain (noun), pl door chains, riza (9/10), pl riza.
chains (noun), peto (5/6), pl mapeto.
chair (noun), kiti (7/8), pl viti.
chairman (noun), cheyaman, pl vyeaman.
chairman (noun), chifu, pl machifu.
chairman (noun), mkuru, pl wakuru. party leader.. mkuu wa chama (kiti)
chairman (noun), mkuu, pl wakuu. party leader.. mkuu wa chama (kiti)
chairman (noun), mrajis, pl marajis.
chairman (noun), rais (5/6an), pl marais.
chairman (noun), rais (5/6an), pl rais.
chairmanship (noun), uenyekiti.
assistant chairperson (noun), makamu mwenyekiti (1/2), pl makamu
chairperson (noun), kinara (7/8an), pl vinara.
chairperson (noun), mwenyekiti (1/2), pl wenyekiti/wenyeviti. S/he has
been chosen as the new chairperson.. Amechagulia kama mwenyekiti mpya
...[Masomo 325).
vice-chairperson (noun), makamu mwenyekiti (1/2), pl makamu wenyekiti.
chairpersonship (noun), uenyekiti (14), pl uenyekiti.
chalice (noun), kasiki, pl makasiki.
chalk (noun), chaki (9/10), pl chaki.
chalk (noun), choki.
chalk stone (noun), gange (5/6), pl magange.
red chalky earth (noun), ngeu (9/10), pl ngeu.
chalk and sand (noun), saruji (9/10), pl saruji.
chalkboard (noun), ubao (11/10), pl mbao.
challenge (noun), pl Plural form?, aliko (5/6), pl maaliko.
challenge (noun), mwaliko, pl mialiko [also jaliko, maliko].
challenge (verb), -alika.
challenge (verb), -chachisha.
challenge (verb), -chocheleza.
challenge (verb), -taka shari. challenge. taka shari..
challenge (verb), -taka shari.
challenge each other (verb), -pingana.
chameleon (noun), kigeugeu (7/8), pl vigeugeu.
chameleon (noun), kinyonga (7/8an), pl vinyonga.
chameleon (noun), lumbui (9/10an), pl lumbui.
chameleon (noun), lumbwi (9/10an), pl lumbwi.
chameleon (kind of) (noun), kimbaombao, pl vimbaombao.
champion (noun), championi, pl machampioni.
champion (noun), pl champions, shujaa (5/6an), pl mashujaa.
by chance (adverb), kwa nasibu.
chance (noun), ajali (9/10), pl ajali.
chance (noun), bahati, pl bahati. fortunate, adventuristic. -a ~.
chance (noun), bakhti, pl bakhti. fortunate, adventuristic. -a ~.
chance (noun), fursa (9/10), pl fursa.
chance (noun), jumu.
chance (noun), kikuti, pl vikuti.
chance (noun), kura (9/10), pl kura.
chance (noun), nafasi, pl nafasi.
chance (noun), nasibu. "by chance, perhaps".. kwa nasibu.
chance (noun), nujumu (9/10), pl nujumu.
chance (noun), satua (9/10), pl satua.
chance (noun), uwezo (14).
chance (noun), wakati.
come upon by chance (verb), -okota.
have a chance (verb), -wahi.
take a chance (verb), -bahatisha.
take a chance (verb), -taamamu.
chancery (of an embassy) (noun), kanseli.
chandelier (noun), thurea (9/10), pl thurea.
chanel (noun), mfeleji, pl mifeleji. irrigation channels.. mifereji ya
kutilia maji.
chanel (noun), mfereji, pl mifereji. irrigation channels.. mifereji ya
kutilia maji.
(small) change (noun), sarafu (9/10), pl sarafu.
(small) change (noun), sarifa (9/10), pl sarifa.
(small) change (noun), sarifu (9/10), pl sarifu.
(small) change (noun), sarufu (9/10), pl sarufu.
be changed (verb), -badilika. When she returned Matika was not like
before. She had changed greatly.. Matika aliporudi hakuwa yule yule wa
zamani. Alikuwa amebadilika vikubwa [Balisidya, Masomo 353]; na sasa
kabadilika kabisa [Muk].
be changed (verb), -badilishwa (passive).
be changed (verb), -badiliwa.
cause someone to change his views (verb), -ongoa.
change (noun), chenji. [small] change. fedha ya chenji.
change (noun), geuzi (5/6), pl mageuzi.
change (noun), geuzo (5/6), pl mageuzo.
change (noun), geuzo, pl mageuzo. democratic reform.. mgeuzo wa
change (noun), mageuko.
change (noun), mageuzi.
change (noun), mageuzo.
change (noun), mgeuzo, pl mageuzo. democratic reform.. mgeuzo wa
change (noun), ugeufu.
change (noun), ugeuko.
change (noun), ugeuzaji.
change (noun), ugeuzi (11/6), pl mageuzi.
change (noun), ugeuzo.
change (verb), -badili. change one's mind; have a change of air (rest,
recuperation); change money; change clothes. ~ shauri; ~ hewa; ~ fedha;
change (verb), -badilisha.
change (verb), -geua.
change (verb), -geuza.
change (verb), -ghairisha.
change (verb), -hawili.
change (verb), -zinga.
change (into) (verb), -geuka.
change (of conditions or customs or practices) (noun), badiliko, pl
change (of conditions or customs or practices) (noun), badilisho, pl
change (of guard etc) (noun), zamu.
change (small) (noun), serifu (9/10), pl serifu.
change about (e.g. from one political party to another) (verb), -huni.
change direction (verb), -pindua (converse).
change into (verb), -siri.
change one's mind (verb), -ghairi.
change one's mind (verb), -jipindua.
change one's mind (verb), -rajua.
change one's residence (verb), -tama.
change one's ways (verb), -ongoka nafsi.
change severely (verb), -badilibadili.
change somewhat (verb), -geukageuka.
drastic change (noun), pinduo (5/6), pl mapinduo.
radical change (noun), mapinduzi.
something which produces a change of direction (noun), pinduli (5/6), pl
change for (verb), -badilia.
changeability (noun), ubadili (14).
changeable (adjective), -badilifu. We know God Alimighty, through what
is changeable. Twajua Mwenyezi Mungu, kwa mambo mabadilifu [Shaaban
Robert, "Rangi Zetu" 4 I].
changeable (adjective), -geugeu.
changeable (noun), kigeugeu (7/8), pl vigeugeu.
changeable person (noun), mbadilishaji, pl wabadilishaji.
changeableness (noun), ubadili (14), pl mabadili.
changeableness (noun), ubadilifu (14), pl mabadilifu.
changeableness (noun), ubadiliko (14), pl mabadiliko.
changeableness (noun), ubadilishaji.
be changed (verb), -pinduka ( inver-poten-trans). Tamima changed
downwards. Tamima alipinduka chini [Moh].
channel (noun), felegi.
channel (noun), feleji, pl mafeleji.
channel (noun), handaki.
channel (noun), kilango, pl vilango.
channel (noun), korongo (5/6), pl makorongo.
channel (noun), mchirizi (3/4), pl michirizi.
channel (noun), mlizabu, pl mirizabu.
channel (noun), pl channels, mrizabu (3/4), pl mirizabu.
channel (noun), mtiririko, pl mitiririko.
channel (water) (noun), kilindi, pl vilindi.
channel of a torrent (noun), mfo (3/4), pl mifo. dry torrent bed.. mfo
channel of a torrent (noun), mvo (3/4), pl mivo. dry torrent bed.. mfo
water-channel (noun), mfumbi (3/4), pl mifumbi.
chaos (noun), fujo (5/6), pl mafujo.
chaos (noun), matata (6).
chaos (noun), vurumai (9/10), pl vurumai.
chapel (Christian) (noun), kanisa, pl (-); makanisa.
chapter (noun), mlango, pl milango.
chapter (of a book) (noun), sura (9/10), pl sura.
chapter (of the Koran) (noun), juzuu, pl majuzuu.
char (verb), -unguza.
bad character (noun), kisimbo, pl visimbo.
bad character (noun), msimbo, pl wasimbo.
be of strong character (verb), -thibiti.
character (noun), babu, pl babu.
character (noun), dhati.
character (noun), haiba (5/6), pl mahaiba.
character (noun), isimu.
character (noun), kiumbo, pl viumbo.
character (noun), moyo.
character (noun), roho (9/10), pl roho. (s)he has a good character.
roho yake nzuri.
character (noun), sifa (9/10), pl sifa. her/his character is good. sifa
zake njema.
character (noun), sifu (9/10), pl sifu. her/his good character. sifa
zake njema [Rec].
character (noun), pl characters, silika (9/10), pl silika.
character (noun), sirika (9/10), pl sirika. He has bad character. ana
silika mbaya.
character (noun), siyara (9/10), pl siyara.
character (noun), tabia (9/10), pl tabia. her/his whole character
changed. tabia yake nzima iligeuka [Moh], tabia mbaya sana, lazima
ikomeshwe [Muk].
character (noun), uasherati (14).
of good character (adjective), salihi.
strength of character (noun), makini (9).
strength of character (noun), makini.
without character (adjective), teke.
characteristic (adjective), maalum.
characteristic (adjective), maalumu.
characteristic (noun), hulka.
characteristic (noun), ibura.
characteristic (noun), kionyo, pl vionyo.
characteristic (noun), kipengee (7/8), pl vipengee.
characteristic (noun), kipengele (7/8), pl vipengele.
characteristic (noun), sifa (9/10), pl sifa.
characteristic (noun), utambulisho.
characteristic (noun), waa, pl mawaa.
characteristic (noun), hulka (9/10), pl hulka.
characteristics (noun), ibada (9/10), pl ibada.
characterize (verb), -thamini.
be characterized (verb), -sifika. the teacher was characterized for
his/her research work. Mwalimu alisifika kwa kazi yake ya utafiti.
charcoal (noun), kaa (5/6), pl makaa.
charcoal (noun), kaa, pl makaa.
charcoal (noun), makaa.
charcoal (noun), mkaa (5/6), pl mikaa.
charcoal (piece of) (noun), sizi (5/6), pl masizi.
be charged (verb), -shtakiwa. he was charged for beating his wife.
Kushtakiwa kwa kumpiga mkewe.
be in charge (verb), -shika hatamu. Mother is in charge of the
household. Mama ameshika hatamu ya nyumba.
bring false charges (against someone) (verb), -susuika.
charge (noun), kabidhi (9/10), pl kabidhi.
charge (noun), kisa, pl visa.
charge (noun), mashtaka (6).
charge (noun), pl charges, msuto (3/4), pl misuto.
charge (noun), pl accusations, shtaka (5/6), pl mashtaka.
charge (verb), pl Yes, -agiza (causative). Do as I have instructed you.
fanya kama nilivyokuagiza.
charge (verb), -daha.
charge (verb), -shitaki.
charge (verb), -shtaki.
charge (verb), -staki.
charge (of a gun) (noun), kiasi (7/8), pl viasi.
charge oneself (verb), -jitwika (reflexive).
charge with something (verb), -tuhumu.
jur. charge (noun), mashitaka. procure charges..
jur. charge (noun), mashitakiano. procure charges..
jur. charge (noun), mashtaka. procure charges..
jur. charge (noun), mashtakiano. procure charges..
make open charges against a person (verb), -suta.
solemn charge (noun), usia (11/6), pl mausia.
be charged (verb), -tozwa.
charges (noun), chaji.
be charitable (verb), -neemeka.
charitable (adjective), neemefu.
charitable (adjective), neemevu.
charity (noun), sadaka (9/10), pl sadaka. The President offers charity
to poor people. Rais alitowa sadaka kwa maskini.
charity (noun), ukarimu.
charm (noun), azima, pl azima.
charm (noun), haiba (5/6), pl mahaiba.
charm (noun), hirizi (9/10), pl hirizi.
charm (noun), kafara, pl makafara.
charm (noun), kata (9/10), pl kata.
charm (noun), madahiro, pl madahiro.
charm (noun), matuko.
charm (noun), sihiri (9/10), pl sihiri. doctors believe in charms.
Waganga wanaamini dawa za sihiri.
charm (noun), pl charms, talasimu (5/6), pl matalasimu.
charm (noun), uganga.
charm (noun), uganguzi.
charm (noun), upendelevu, pl mapendelevu.
charm (noun), upendezi, pl mapendezi.
charm (noun), utamu.
charm (noun), zinguo, pl mazinguo.
charm (noun), zunguo, pl mazunguo.
charm (verb), -vuta.
charm (against evil spirits or dangers) (noun), pagao (5/6), pl mapagao.
charm (against evil spirits or dangers) (noun), pagaro (5/6), pl
charm (kind of) (noun), amali, pl amali.
charm (to prevent thieves from entering a house) (noun), fingo (5/6), pl
charm for protection (noun), kago (5/6), pl makago.
charm made from the 36th sura of the Qur'an (noun), yasini.
charm protecting against evil spirits (noun), pingu (5/6), pl mapingu.
charm that renders one invisible and invulnerable from bullets (noun),
mdundugo (3/4), pl midundugo.
dangerous charm (noun), tego, pl matego.
ilizi (charm against lions) (noun), ilizi.
make a charm ineffective (verb), -tegua uchawi.
mdundugo ( a charm supposed to make the wearer invincible) (noun),
mdundugo, pl midundugo.
powerful charm capable of causing disease and death i.e. one used to
ensure wife's fidelity (noun), tego (5/6), pl matego.
protect with a charm (verb), -zindika.
charming person (noun), maridhia, pl wamaridhia. my wife is unassuming.
mke wangu maridhia.
prepare magical charms (against the evil eye) (verb), -adua.
chart (noun), chati.
chart (noun), pl charts, ramani (9/10), pl ramani.
charter (noun), mkataba (3/4), pl mikataba. After the first World War
the British ruled our country by a special charter.. Baada ya Vita Kuu ya
Kwanza, Waingereza walitawala nchi yetu kwa mkataba maalum [Masomo 3].
charwoman (noun), mfagiaji, pl wafagiaji.
charwoman (noun), msafishaji, pl wasafishaji.
be chased away (verb), -fukuzwa.
chase (verb), -winda.
chase (wild animals by driving) (verb), -saka.
chase away (verb), -fukuza.
chase away (verb), -shunga.
chase away (verb), -winga.
chase one another (verb), -fukuzana.
chasm (noun), uketo.
chastise (verb), -tia adhabu.
chastise (verb), -pa adhabu.
chastise (verb), -patisha adhabu.
chastise (verb), pl Check verb form translations, -adhibisha.
chastise (verb), -adhibu.
chastity (noun), takato (5/6), pl matakato.
chat (noun), maongezi. begin a conversation. weka maongezi.
chat (noun), mazungumzo, pl mazungumzo.
chat (noun), soga (5/6), pl masoga.
chat (verb), -piga masoga.
chat (verb), -ongea.
chat (verb), -zungumza.
chattel (noun), makolokolo.
chattels (noun), vikorokoro.
chatter (noun), payo (5/6), pl mapayo.
chatter (noun), uzushi (14).
chatter (verb), -ambika.
chatter (verb), -piga domo.
chatter (verb), -gogoreka.
chatter (verb), -huruju.
chatter (verb), paya.
chatter (verb), -payapaya.
chatter (verb), -piga soga. they were used to meeting at night to
chatter. walizoea kukutana usiku kupiga soga [Sul].
chatter (verb), -tatarika.
idle chatter (noun), porojo (5/6), pl maporojo. They have stopped iddle
chattering. Waacha mazungumzo ya porojo.
chatterbox (noun), chiku.
chatterbox (noun), chiriku.
chatterbox (noun), mbukulia, pl wabukulia.
chatterbox (noun), mbukuzi, pl wabukuzi.
chatterbox (noun), mpuzi, pl wapuzi.
chatterbox (noun), mwongeza, pl waongeza.
chatterbox (noun), mwongezi, pl waongezi.
chatterer (noun), mlimi, pl walimi.
chatterer (noun), mmbea, pl wambea.
chatterer (noun), mpayukaji (1/2), pl wapayukaji.
chattering (noun), domo (5/6), pl madomo.
chauffeur (noun), dereva, pl madereva. pilot. dereva wa ndege.
chauffeur (noun), dreva, pl madreva. pilot. dreva wa ndege.
be cheap (verb), -rahisi.
cheap (adjective), rahisi. cheap goods.. bidhaa rahisi.
cheap (in price) (adjective), -bahasa.
get cheaper (verb), -rahisika.
make cheap (verb), -rahisisha.
cheapen (verb), -rahisisha.
cheaply (adverb), urahisi.
cheapness (noun), mbobo.
cheapness (noun), udohusohu.
cheapness (noun), urahisi (14).
cheat (noun), ajari (9/10an), pl ajari. Watch out for the scoundrel who
is in the tree (proverb).. mwangalie ~ huyu aliyeko mtini..
cheat (noun), ayari, pl ayari. Watch out for the scoundrel who is in the
tree (proverb).. mwangalie ~ huyu aliyeko mtini..
cheat (noun), bazazi (5/6an), pl mabazazi.
cheat (noun), dhalimu (5/6an), pl madhalimu.
cheat (noun), jambazi, pl majambazi.
cheat (noun), kenge (9/10), pl kenge.
cheat (noun), mtoto kikopo, pl watoto vikopo.
cheat (noun), kidhabidhabina, pl vidhabidhabina.
cheat (noun), laghai (9/10an), pl laghai.
cheat (noun), mbadhiri, pl wabadhiri.
cheat (noun), mbadhirifu, pl wabadhirifu.
cheat (noun), mdanganyi, pl wadanganyi.
cheat (noun), mdanganyifu, pl wadanganyi.
cheat (noun), mdhabidhabina, pl wadhabidhabina.
cheat (noun), mjanja (1/2), pl wajanja.
cheat (noun), mlaghai, pl walaghai.
cheat (noun), mwerevu, pl waerevu.
cheat (noun), ragai (9/10an), pl ragai.
cheat (noun), raghai (9/10an), pl raghai.
cheat (noun), ujambazi (14).
cheat (verb), -babaisha.
cheat (verb), -chokoza.
cheat (verb), -danganya.
cheat (verb), -ghilibu.
cheat (verb), -ghoshi.
cheat (verb), -ghosubu.
cheat (verb), -kalamkia.
cheat (verb), -kenga.
cheat (verb), -kopa.
cheat (verb), -laghai. Don't you even feel shame at cheating on me
completely openly?. Wala huoni haya kuja nilaghai mie wazi wazi?
[Chacha, Masomo 382].
cheat (verb), -lebu.
cheat (verb), -nyang'anya.
cheat (verb), -nyerereza.
cheat (verb), -pemba.
cheat (verb), -punja. The merchant cheated on the price of fish.
Mchuruzi alipunja bei ya samaki.
cheat (verb), -ragai.
cheat (verb), -raghai.
cheat (verb), -renga.
cheat (verb), -rubuni.
cheat (verb), -saliti.
cheat (verb), -sema uwongo. it is not good to cheat. Si vizuri kusema
cheat (verb), -vivia.
cheat (verb), -vuvia.
cheat (verb), -zaini.
cheat (at cards) (verb), -piku.
be cheated (verb), -hadaiwa.
be cheated (verb), -kalamkiwa.
be cheated (verb), -pumbazika.
cheating (noun), danganyo (5/6), pl madanganyo.
cheating (noun), ghiliba.
cheating (noun), hadaa (9/10), pl hadaa.
cheating (noun), ubazazi (14).
cheating (at cards) (noun), piku (5/6), pl mapiku.
cheating (in games) (noun), mazingaombwe, pl mazingaombwe.
cheating (in games) (noun), mazingaumbo, pl mazingaumbo.
cause to check on (verb), -auza.
check (noun), cheki.
check (noun), hawala.
check (noun), hundi.
check (noun), kinga (9/10), pl kinga.
check (noun), nepi (9/10), pl nepi. check for rescuing (from
difficulties) tourists. nepi za kuopoa toka kwa watalii [Ma].
check (noun), uzuio.
check (noun), uzuwiaji.
check (verb), -angalia.
check (verb), -chungua.
check (verb), -kagua.
check (verb), -kinza.
check (verb), -pinga. check someone's plans.. pinga nia ya fulani.
check (verb), -ziwia.
check (verb), -zuia.
check (verb), -zuwia.
check carefully (verb), -kumunta.
check carefully (verb), -kung'uta.
check on (verb), -aua.
check on (verb), -hakiki.
check on (verb), -tazamia.
check the development of something (verb), -viza.
one who checks figures (noun), mfunga, pl wafunga.
cause to check on (verb), -ausha.
checked (adjective), marakaraka.
checked (adjective), mirabaraba.
checkered (adjective), mirabaraba.
checking (noun), ukaguzi.
checking (noun), uzuio.
checking (act of) (noun), uzuiaji.
checking (act of) (noun), uzuio.
checking (act of) (noun), uzuwiaji.
cheek (noun), chafu, pl machafu.
cheek (noun), chavu, pl machavu. cheek. chavu la uso.
cheek (noun), mashavu. cheek. mashavu ya uso.
cheek (noun), shavu la uso (5/6), pl mashavu ya uso. cheek. shavu la
cheek (noun), tama (9/10), pl tama.
cheekbone (noun), kitefute (7/8), pl vitefute.
cheekbone (noun), kituguta (7/8), pl vituguta.
cheer (verb), -shangilia. the girls are cheerring ther male counter
parts. Wasichana wanawashangilia vijana wenzao.
cheer up (verb), -changamsha.
cheer up (verb), -kalamsha.
cheer up (verb), -teremesha.
be cheerful (verb), -changamka.
be cheerful (verb), -chanjamka.
be cheerful (verb), -chanjanuka.
be cheerful (verb), -terema.
cheerful (adjective), bashasha.
cheerful (adjective), -changamfu.
cheerful (adjective), damisi.
cheerful (adjective), kunjufu.
cheerful person (noun), mteremeshi, pl wateremeshi.
cheerful person (noun), mteremezi, pl wateremezi.
cheerfulness (noun), mteremo (3/4), pl miteremo.
cheerfulness (noun), mteremo, pl miteremo.
cheerfulness (noun), nderemo, pl minderemo.
cheerfulness (noun), nderemo.
cheerfulness (noun), ramsa (9/10), pl ramsa. Those who were cheerful did
not have the intention of inciting enemity. wao waliokuwamo katika ramsa
hawakuwa na nadhari ya kuchochea uhasama [Sul].
cheerfulness (noun), uchangamfu (14).
cheerfulness (noun), ukunjufu (14).
cheering (noun), hekaheka.
cheers (noun), hekaheka.
cheese (noun), chibene.
cheese (noun), chisi.
cheese (noun), chizi (9/10), pl chizi.
cheese (noun), jibini (9/10), pl jibini.
cheese (noun), jibini.
cheetah (noun), duma (9/10), pl duma.
chemistry (noun), kemia (9/10), pl kemia.
chess (noun), sataranji (9/10), pl sataranji.
chest (noun), bweta (5/6), pl mabweta.
chest (noun), kasha (5/6), pl makasha.
chest (noun), kasha, pl makasha.
chest (noun), kidari, pl vidari.
chest (noun), kifua (7/8), pl vifua.
chest (noun), mandusi.
chest (noun), pl chest, sanduku (5/6), pl masanduku. (s)he turned to the
chest and removed the cloth of Luciana. analigeukia sanduku na kutoa nguo
ya Luciana [Muk].
chest of drawers (noun), almari, pl almari.
pains in the chest (noun), pl He has a bad cold, mafua.
chevrons (noun), tepe, pl matepe.
chevrons (noun), utepe, pl matepe.
chevrons (on uniforms) (noun), utepe, pl matepe.
addictive chew (made with tobacco and lime and cloves and areca nut)
(noun), uraibu (11).
chew (verb), -chakua.
chew (verb), -mumunya.
chew (verb), -mung'unya.
chew (verb), -munya.
chew (verb), -munyamunya.
chew (verb), -tafuna. (s)he tried to chew it but his/her father squeezed
his/her throat. alijaribu kuitafuna lakini babake alimkaba koo [Kez].
chew (thoroughly) (verb), -tikita.
chew the cud (cattle) (verb), -cheua.
chew tobacco (verb), -vuata.
chewing mixture prepared of areca nut and tobacco with lime and cloves
and a red gum (noun), uraibu.
chewing the cud (noun), cheu.
be chewed (verb), -mumunyika.
be chewed (verb), -tafunwa.
something chewed (noun), matafuni, pl matafuni.
something chewed (noun), matafuno, pl matafuno.
chewing (act of) (noun), matafuni, pl matafuni.
chewing (act of) (noun), matafuno, pl matafuno.
chewing (act of) (noun), mtafuno, pl mitafuno.
chewing-gum (noun), pipi mpira (9/10), pl pipi mpira. (s)he bought them
a bag of chewing-gum, bread and chocolate. akawanunulia mfuko wa pipi
mpira, mikate na chokoleti [Muk].
one who chews (noun), mtafuni, pl watafuni.
chic (informal) (adjective), mbwe-mbwe.
chic (of clothes) (adjective), lonyo.
chick (noun), kifaranga (7/8), pl vifaranga.
chick (noun), kinda la ndege (5/6an), pl makinda ya ndege.
chicken (noun), kuku (9/10), pl kuku.
chicken (noun), tembe.
chicken (young) (noun), kikuku, pl vikuku.
chicken with ruffled feathers or a bare neck (noun), kidimu, pl vidimu.
chicken louse (noun), utitiri.
chicken-fleas (noun), utitiri (14).
chickenpox (noun), tetekuwanga.
chickenpox (noun), tetemaji.
chickenpox (noun), tetewanga.
chickenpox (noun), tetewanga (9/10), pl tetewanga.
chide (noun), karipio (5/6), pl makaripio.
chief (adverb), -kuu.
chief (noun), akida (5/6an), pl maakida.
chief (noun), chifu (5/6), pl machifu.
chief (noun), hakimu (5/6), pl mahakimu.
chief (noun), jumbe (1/2), pl majumbe.
chief (noun), jumbe, pl majumbe.
chief (noun), mfalme (1/2), pl wafalme.
chief (noun), pl chiefs, ras (9/10an), pl ras.
chief (noun), pl chiefs, rasi (9/10an), pl rasi.
chief (noun), shaha (5/6an), pl mashaha.
chief (noun), sheha (5/6an), pl masheha.
chief (noun), shehe (5/6an), pl mashehe. I saw the chief at the Mosque.
Nilimwona shehe msikitini.
chief (noun), sheikh (5/6an), pl masheikh.
chief (noun), shekhe (5/6an), pl mashekhe.
chief (noun), sheki (5/6an), pl masheki.
chief of the kungwi (noun), nyakanga (9/10an), pl nyakanga.
office of a chief (noun), umwene.
office of a chief (noun), umwinyi.
position of a chief (noun), usheha.
status of a chief (noun), umwene.
status of a chief (noun), umwinyi.
title of a chief (noun), fumbo (5/6), pl mafumbo.
title of a chief (noun), fumo (5/6an), pl mafumo.
title of a chief in colonial Tanganyika (noun), mtemi, pl watemi.
chiefly (adverb), aghalabu.
chiefly (adverb), aghlabu.
chieftainship (noun), uchifu (14).
chieftainship (noun), ufalme (11/10), pl falme.
chigger (noun), funza.
chigger (noun), tekenya, pl matekenywa.
chigger (noun), tekenywa, pl matekenywa.
adopted child (noun), mamwana.
big child (noun), toto (5/6), pl matoto.
bring up a child (verb), -tamia.
child (noun), pl children, mtoto (1/2), pl watoto.
child (of a human being or an animal) (noun), mzao (1/2), pl wazao.
child of a concubine (noun), suriama (5/6an), pl masuriama.
child with upper teeth grown 1st (noun), kigego (7/8), pl vigezo.
fine child (noun), jana (5/6), pl majana.
large child (noun), jana, pl majana.
last child (that a woman is capable of bearing (noun), mziwanda, pl
last child (that a woman is capable of bearing (noun), mzuwanda, pl
my child (pronoun), mwanangu, pl wanangu.
only child (as precious as the eye of a one-eyed person) (noun), chongo
(9/10), pl chongo.
small child (fig.) (noun), malaika (9/10an), pl malaika.
young child (noun), malaika (9/10an), pl malaika.
child-care worker (noun), ulezi (14).
assist in childbirth (verb), -zalisha.
childbirth (noun), uvyazi.
childbirth (noun), uzalishaji.
childbirth (noun), uzalishi.
childbirth (noun), uzazi (14).
pain of childbirth (noun), utungu (14).
pains after childbirth (noun), zingizi.
childcare provider (noun), mlezi (1/2), pl walezi. Because we are both
studying, we both should be childcare providers.. Muradi sote twasoma,
soteni tuwe walezi [Amana, Masomo 408].
childhood (noun), uana (14).
childhood (noun), udogo (14).
childhood (noun), utoto (14).
childishness (noun), utoto (14).
childless person (noun), msiwana, pl wasiwana.
children's game (noun), aiyosa (9/10), pl aiyosa.
chill (noun), baridi (9/10), pl baridi.
chill (noun), baridi nyembamba (9/10), pl baridi nyembamba.
chill (noun), kitapo (7/8), pl vitapo.
chill (verb), -poa.
med. chill (noun), kipapa, pl vipapa.
take chill off (verb), -zizimua.
chimney (noun), bomba, pl mabomba.
chimney (noun), dohani.
chimney (noun), dokhani.
chimney (noun), faneli.
chimney (of a lamp) (noun), chemne.
chimney (of a lamp) (noun), chemni (9/10), pl machemni.
chimpanzee (noun), sokwe (9/10an), pl sokwe. their bodies were like a
chimpanzee. viwiliwili vyao vilikuwa kama sokwe [Ng].
chin (noun), kidevu (7/8), pl videvu.
china (noun), kaule.
China (noun), Sina (14). this person is (comes) from China. mtu huyu
anatoka Sina.
China (noun), Sini (14).
piece of china (noun), sahani ya kaule (9/10), pl sahani za kaule.
chinaware (noun), kauri (9/10), pl kauri.
chine (noun), salala (9/10), pl salala.
chine (noun), sarara (9/10), pl sarara.
Chinese (noun), Kichina (7).
chip (noun), chenga.
chip (noun), kibanzi, pl vibanzi.
chip (noun), kigereng'enza, pl vigereng'enza.
chip (noun), shenga (9/10), pl shenga.
chip (noun), uti, pl nyuti.
chips (noun), chengachenga (9/10), pl chengachenga.
make chirping sound with lips (of contempt or disgust) (verb), -fyonya.
chisel (noun), bobari.
chisel (noun), churusi, pl vyurusi.
chisel (noun), juba.
chisel (noun), kiteku (7/8), pl viteku.
chisel (noun), ngabu (9/10), pl ngabu.
chisel (noun), patasi (9/10), pl patasi.
chisel (blunt kind used for caulking) (noun), chembeu (9/10), pl chembeu.
chisel (kind of) (noun), balari, pl balari.
cold chisel for cutting metal (noun), tindo (9/10), pl tindo.
chit (noun), cheti (7/8), pl vyeti.
chit (noun), hati (9/10), pl hati.
chitchat (noun), porojo (5/6), pl maporojo. They were chitchatting.
Walikuwa wanapiga porojo.
chock-full (adverb), pomoni.
chocolate (noun), chakeleti.
chocolate (noun), chakleti.
chocolate (noun), chokoleti.
by choice (adverb), kwa hiari.
choice (adjective), teule.
choice (adjective), tolatola.
choice (noun), hiari (9/10), pl hiari.
choice (noun), mchaguo, pl michaguo.
choice (noun), mteuo, pl miteuo.
choice (noun), nadhari (9/10). he has no choice.. wa na [hana] nadhari.
choice (noun), uchaguo.
choice (noun), uchaguzi (14).
choice (noun), uteuzi (14).
choice (used in negative) (noun), budi (9/10), pl budi.
have no choice (verb), -lazimika.
something choice (noun), tunu (9/10), pl tunu.
choir (noun), kwaya (9/10), pl kwaya.
choir (noun), kwaya.
choir (noun), mwimbaji, pl waimbaji.
choir (noun), mwimbaji, pl waimbaji.
choir (church) (noun), waimbajia wa kanisa (2).
choke (verb), -kaba koo.
choke (verb), -nyonga.
choke (verb), -sama.
choke (verb), -songa. strangle. songa roho.
choke (in vomiting) (verb), -goka.
choking (noun), mpalio (3/4), pl mipalio.
cholera (noun), pindupindu (9).
cholera (noun), tauni.
cholera (noun), waba (9).
med. cholera (noun), kipindupindu, pl vipindupindu. the chair is there
on the veranda.
choose (verb), -chagua. choose by ballot. chagua kwa kura.
choose (verb), -hiari.
choose (verb), -penda.
choose (verb), -teua.
one who chooses (noun), mteua, pl wateua.
one who chooses (noun), mteuzi, pl wateuzi.
choosiness (noun), uteuzi.
choosy (adjective), teuzi.
choosy person (noun), pl choosy people, mteuzi (1/2), pl wateuzi.
chop (verb), -chonga.
chop (verb), -kata.
chop (verb), -shenga, pl shenga.
chop (verb), -tema.
chop (wood) (verb), -atua.
chop up (verb), -tengua.
chop up (wood) (verb), -bandua.
chop off (verb), -chenga.
chop up (verb), -changa.
chop up (firewood, etc.) (verb), -changa.
chopped off (adjective), gutu.
chops (noun), mataya, pl mataya.
choral music (noun), kwaya.
chorus (noun), kiitikio (7/8), pl viitikio.
chorus (noun), kipokeo (7/8), pl vipokeo.
chorus (noun), kwaya.
chorus (noun), mwimbaji, pl waimbaji.
chorus (noun), mwimbaji, pl waimbaji.
conductor (of a chorus) (noun), mwimbishi, pl waimbishi.
direct a chorus (verb), -imbisha.
director (of a chorus) (noun), mwimbishi, pl waimbishi.
in chorus (verb), -imbiana.
be chosen (verb), -chaguliwa.
chosen (adjective), -teule.
chosen (adjective), -teuli.
one who is chosen (for some quality or skill) (noun), mteule, pl wateule.
Christ (noun), Kristo. the older brother.
Christ (noun), Kristu. the older brother.
Christ (noun), masihiya.
Christ (noun), masiya.
Christian (adjective), kikristo.
Christian (noun), masihiya.
Christian (noun), masiya.
Christian (noun), mkiristo, pl wakristo.
Christian (noun), mkristo, pl wakristo.
Christian (noun), mkristu, pl wakristu.
Christian (noun), mmasihiya, pl wamasihiya.
Christian (noun), mmasiya, pl wamasiya.
Christianity (noun), Ukristo (14).
Christianity (noun), umasihiya.
Christmas (noun), Krismas (9/10), pl Krismas.
Christmas (noun), Noeli.
chronicle (noun), bohari, pl mabohari.
chronicle (noun), bokhari, pl mabokhari.
chronicle (noun), tarehe (9/10), pl tarehe.
chronicle (noun), tarihi (9/10), pl tarihi.
chronicle (noun), tarikhi (9/10), pl tarikhi.
chronology (noun), tarehe (9/10), pl tarehe.
chronology (noun), tarihi (9/10), pl tarihi.
chrysalis (noun), kiwavi (7/8an), pl viwavi.
chunk (noun), pande (5/6), pl mapande. a chunk of metal. pande la
chunk (noun), pandepande (5/6), pl mapandepande.
chunk of wood (noun), kisiki, pl visiki.
church (noun), kanisa (5/6), pl makanisa.
church (Christian) (noun), kanisa, pl (-); makanisa.
chutney (noun), achali (9/10), pl achali.
chutney (noun), achari (9/10), pl achari.
chutney (noun), ajari (9/10), pl ajari.
cigar (noun), sigara (9/10), pl sigara. grandfather is smoking. Babu
anavuta sigara.
cigar (noun), sigareti (9/10), pl sigareti. (s)he smokes. Alivuta
cigar (noun), sigereti (9/10), pl sigareti. I don't like smoking.
Sipendi kuvuta sigareti.
cigarette (noun), pl cigarettes, sigara (9/10), pl sigara. give me one
cigarette. Nipatie sigara moja.
cigarette (noun), sigareti (9/10), pl sigareti. give me one cigarette.
Nipatie sigareti moja.
cigarette (noun), sigereti (9/10), pl sigareti.
cigarette paper (noun), waraka.
pack of cigarettes (noun), pumba la sigara (5/6), pl mapumba ya sigara.
Usually, (s)he smoke a packet of cigarettes every day. Kawaida anavuta
pumba la sigara kila siku.
cinders (noun), makaa.
cinema (noun), sinema (9/10), pl sinema.
cinnabar (noun), singafuri (9/10), pl singafuri.
cinnabar (noun), singefuri (9/10), pl singefuri.
cinnabar (noun), zangefuri.
cinnabar (noun), zingefuri.
cinnamon (noun), dalasini (9/10), pl dalasini.
cinnamon (noun), dallasini.
cinnamon (noun), stafeli (5/6), pl mastafeli.
cinnamon tree (noun), mdalasini (3/4), pl midalasini.
cipher (noun), mwandiko wa fumbo.
circle (noun), duara (9/10), pl duara.
circle (noun), duwara, pl maduwara.
circle (noun), kiviringo, pl miviringo, viviringo.
circle (noun), mviringo, pl miviringo, viviringo.
circle (noun), mzingo, pl mizingo.
circle (noun), pl circles, pete (5/6), pl mapete.
circle (verb), -zunguka.
move in a circle (verb), -zinga.
concentric circles (noun), duara zenye senta moja (10).
circuit (noun), mzingo, pl mizingo.
circuit (noun), mzungusho, pl mizungusho.
circuit (noun), zunguko (5/6), pl mazunguko.
electric circuit (noun), saketi ya umeme.
circular (adjective), duara.
circular (adjective), duwara, pl maduwara.
circular (adjective), kiviringo. A ball is circular. mpira una umbo la
circular (adjective), mduara.
circular (adjective), mviringo. A ball is circular. mpira una umbo la
circular (noun), kikaratasi, pl vikaratasi.
circular movement (noun), kizunguko, pl vizunguko.
circular movement (noun), mzunguko, pl mizunguko.
something circular (noun), mviringano, pl miviringano. A ball is
circulate (verb), -eneza.
circulate (of money) (verb), -jiri.
be circulated (verb), -tangaa.
circulation (noun), kaka, pl makaka.
circulation (noun), mzunguko (1/2), pl mizunguko.
circumcise (verb), -tahiri. this child is circumcised. mtoto huyu
professional circumciser (noun), ngariba (9/10an), pl ngariba.
be circumcised (verb), -tahiriwa (passive).
ISL. circumcised person (noun), mtohara, pl watohara.
circumciser (noun), ngariba (9/10an), pl ngariba.
circumcision (noun), jando, pl majando.
circumcision (noun), kumbi, pl makumbi.
circumcision (noun), tahiri (9/10), pl tahiri.
circumcision (noun), tohara (9/10), pl tohara.
circumcision (noun), utohara.
circumcision hut (where boys stay before and after being circumcised)
(noun), kumbi, pl makumbi.
circumcision rite (boys) (noun), jando (5/6), pl majando.
dambwa (secret place where preparations are made for circumcision
ceremonies (noun), dambwa, pl madambwa.
wash after circumcision (verb), -fidua.
wash after circumcision (verb), -fudua.
circumference (noun), kiviringo, pl miviringo, viviringo.
circumference (noun), mduara (3/4), pl miduara.
circumference (noun), mviringo, pl miviringo, viviringo.
circumference (noun), mzingo (3/4), pl mizingo.
circumfrence (noun), kivimba, pl vivimba.
circumfrence (noun), kivimbo, pl vivimbo.
circumfrence (noun), uvimbe.
circumspection (noun), uangalifu.
circumspection (noun), uangalizi.
circumstance (noun), hali (9/10), pl hali.
circumstance (noun), jambo.
circumstance (noun), mambo. under the present circumstances/conditions.
katika mambo ya sasa.
be in very good cicrumstances (verb), -kaa raha nustarehe.
circumstances (noun), mazingo, pl mazingo.
in comfortable circumstances (adjective), neemefu.
in comfortable circumstances (adjective), neemevu.
circus (noun), sarakasi (9/10), pl sarakasi. the children went to see
the circus and to be happy. Watoto walikwenda kuona sarakasi na kufurahi.
cistern (noun), birika, pl mabirika.
cite (verb), -taja.
as a citizen (adverb), kiraia.
citizen (noun), binadamu (9/10an).
citizen (noun), mwananchi (1/2), pl wananchi.
citizen (noun), ndugu.
citizen (noun), raia (5/6an), pl maraia.
like a citizen (adverb), kiraia.
citizenry (noun), umma (14), pl umma.
citizenship (noun), raia (9/10), pl raia.
citizenship (noun), uananchi.
citizenship (noun), ukabila.
citizenship (noun), uraia (14), pl uraia.
citizenship (noun), uwananchi.
citron (noun), mfurungu, pl mifurungu.
shaddock (noun), mfurungu, pl mifurungu.
city (noun), jiji (5/6), pl majiji.
city (noun), jiji, pl majiji.
city (noun), mji (3/4), pl miji.
city-dweller (noun), mwanamji, pl wanamji.
civet cat (noun), fungo.
civil (adjective), -a kiraia.
civil servant (noun), mtumi, pl watumi.
civil servant (noun), mtumishi, pl watumishi. The projects that are
completed are the construction of civil servants' housing.. Miradi
inayotekelezwa ni ya ujenzi wa nyumba za watumishi [Masomo 363].
civil leader (noun), diwani, pl madiwani.
civility (noun), utuvu.
civilization (noun), ungwana.
civilization (noun), ustaarabu (14), pl ustaarabu.
civilization (noun), utamaduni (11/10), pl tamaduni.
civilization (noun), uungwana (14).
civilize (verb), -staarabikisha.
civilize (verb), -staarabisha.
be civilized (verb), -staarabika.
be civilized (verb), -staarabu.
become civilized (verb), -tamaduni.
civilized (adjective), kiungwana.
civilized (adjective), -staarabu.
civilized person (noun), pl civilized people, mstaarabu (1/2), pl
civilized person (noun), mtamaduni (1/2), pl watamaduni.
civet (used in making perfumes) (noun), zabadi.
take civet (from the civet cat) (verb), -zabidi.
claim (noun), daawa, pl madaawa.
claim (noun), daha, pl madaha.
claim (noun), dai, pl madai. claim for money, amount due, debt. madai
ya fedha [Rec].
claim (noun), haki.
claim (noun), mdaawa (3/4), pl midaawa.
claim (noun), takia (5/6), pl matakia.
claim (verb), -daha.
claim (verb), -dai. The strangers claimed that their intention in coming
to these parts was to bring civilization; he claimed a divorce.. Wageni
walidai kuwa shabaha yao ya kuja pande hizi ilikuwa kuleta ustaarabu
[Masomo 205]; akadai talaka [Moh].
claim (falsely) (verb), -jidai (reflexive).
claim (legal) (noun), haki.
false claim (noun), kisingizio (7/8), pl visingizio.
have a claim on (verb), -wea.
have a claim on someone (for money owed) (verb), -wia.
claimant (noun), mdaawa, pl wadaawa.
claimant (noun), mdai (1/2), pl wadai.
press claims (verb), -daha.
press claims (verb), -dai.
clamber up something (quickly) (verb), -paramia.
clamor (noun), hoihoi (9/10), pl hoihoi.
clamp (noun), bano, pl mabano.
clamp (noun), fanguru.
clamp (noun), gango (5/6), pl magango.
clamp (noun), kikaza, pl vikaza.
clamp (noun), kalubu.
clamp (noun), kulabu.
clamp (verb), -bana.
kind of clamp used for smoothing rope after it has been twisted (noun),
tafi (9/10), pl tafi.
kind of clamp used for smoothing rope after it has been twisted (noun),
tasi (9/10), pl tasi.
clan (noun), mbari.
clan (noun), ukoo (11/10), pl koo.
member of clan (noun), mtani, pl watani.
membership in a clan (noun), utani.
clandestine bargain (noun), magengo.
clap (noun), mgoto, pl migoto.
clap (verb), -piga kofi.
clap (verb), -piga makofi.
clap (of thunder or lightening) (noun), radi (9/10), pl radi.
clapping (noun), aliko (5/6), pl maaliko.
clapping (noun), mwaliko, pl mialiko.
clapping (with cupped hands) (noun), kobwe (5/6), pl makobwe.
clarification (noun), matambuzi, pl matambuzi.
clarification (noun), ueleano.
clarify (verb), -fafanua.
clarify (verb), -falanua.
clarify (verb), -onyesha.
clarify (verb), -safi. develop the film. safisha picha [filmu]..
clarify (verb), -safisha.
clarify (verb), -tasua.
clarify with impertinence (verb), -safii.
clarity (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza. The book brought a new clarity
and helped to open the eyes of Europeans concerning Africa.. Kitabu
kilileta mwangaza mpya na kikasaidia kufungua macho ya watu wa Ulaya juu
ya Afrika [Kenyatta Masomo 115].
clarity (noun), pl layout OK?, baina.
clarity (noun), bayana.
clarity (noun), mngago, pl mingago.
clarity (noun), mng'ao, pl ming'aro.
clarity (noun), mng'aro, pl ming'aro.
clarity (noun), mwanga, pl miwanga.
clarity (noun), uangafu.
clarity (noun), uangavu.
clarity (noun), udhahiri.
clarity (noun), udhahirifu.
clarity (noun), udhihirifu.
clarity (noun), uwazi.
clarity (noun), wangafu.
clarity (noun), wangafu.
clarity (noun), wangavu.
clarity (noun), wangavu.
clarity (of pronounciation) (noun), ufasaha.
clarity (of pronounciation) (noun), ufasihi.
clash (noun), dafrao, pl dafrao. two automobiles collided. motokaa
mbili ziligongona (pigana) dafrao. [Rec].
clash (noun), dafurao, pl dafurao.
clash (noun), mapambano (6).
clash (verb), -hasamiana (reciprocal).
clash (verb), -pambana.
clasp (noun), bizimu (9/10), pl bizimu.
clasp (noun), tungu.
clasp (verb), -ambata.
clasp (verb), -ganda.
clasp (verb), -pambaja.
clasp (each other) (verb), -ambatana. The cloth has adhered to the
wound. nguo imeambatana na kidonda.
clasp in the arms (verb), -kumbatia.
clasping (noun), wambiso (11), pl sing..
class (noun), aina (9/10), pl aina.
class (noun), darasa (5/6), pl madarasa.
class (noun), jinsi.
class (of society) (noun), tabaka (5/6), pl matabaka. class struggle.
mapigiano ya kitabaka.
class (railway) (noun), cheo, pl vyeo. first-class passenger. ambiria
wa cheo cha kwanza.
rare class (=masomo) (noun), msomo, pl misomo.
with class (adverb), kiungwana.
classification (noun), mpango, pl mipango.
classify (verb), -aini.
classify (verb), -ainisha.
classify (verb), -panga. seat guests at a feast.. pangisha watu
classroom (noun), darasa (5/6), pl madarasa.
clatter (verb), -titima.
clause (noun), ibara.
anat.clavicle (noun), mtulinga, pl mitulinga.
claw (noun), kucha (5/6), pl makucha.
claw (noun), makucha.
claw (noun), ukomba.
claw (noun), ukombe.
claw (noun), ukucha (11/10), pl kucha.
claw (verb), -papura.
claw (of a crab etc.) (noun), gondi (5/6), pl magondi.
claw (of an animal) (noun), udole, pl ndole.
claw (of animals) (verb), -papua.
rend with the claws (verb), -papura kwa makucha.
clay (noun), dongo. potter's clay. udongo wa kinamo.
clay (noun), udongo.
clay coating (on the walls of a house) (noun), kandiko, pl makandiko.
clay for plastering (noun), kandiko (5/6), pl makandiko.
knead clay (verb), -finyanga.
lump of clay (noun), gadi.
make balls of earth or clay (verb), -burunga.
potter's clay (noun), udongo wa kinamo.
potter's clay (noun), towe.
whitish clay (kind of) (noun), ngama (9/10), pl ngama.
clay utensil (noun), bia (5/6), pl mabia.
be clean (verb), -papatuka.
be clean (verb), -safika.
be clean (verb), -takasika.
be clean (verb), -takata. my cloth has become clean because I washed it
with good soap. nguo yangu imetakata kwa sababu nimeifua na sabuni bora.
become clean (verb), -takata.
ceremonially clean person (noun), tahiri (9/10an), pl tahiri.
clean (adjective), eupe.
clean (adjective), nadhifu.
clean (adjective), nakawa.
clean (adjective), safi. His/her house was clean. Nyumba yake ilikuwa
clean (adjective), swafi.
clean (adjective), takatifu.
clean (adjective), -tanashati.
clean (verb), -babua.
clean (verb), -chua.
clean (verb), -futa.
clean (verb), -jambua.
clean (verb), -katua.
clean (verb), -kumba.
clean (verb), -kwangua.
clean (verb), -kwatua.
clean (verb), -safi.
clean (verb), -safidi.
clean (verb), -safisha. clean the cup. safisha kikombe.
clean (verb), -sua.
clean (verb), -suza.
clean (verb), -takasa.
clean (verb), -tasifida.
clean (verb), -tasifida.
clean (fruits or meat) (verb), -chambua.
clean (fruits or meat) (verb), -chamvua.
clean by rubbing (verb), -sugua.
clean grain (in a mortar) (verb), -twanga.
clean out (verb), -komba.
clean person (noun), mtakatifu, pl watakatifu.
clean person (noun), mtohara, pl watohara.
clean up (verb), -pangusa.
clean up (verb), -nadhifisha.
be cleaned by rubbing (verb), -suguliwa.
cleaner (noun), msafishaji, pl wasafishaji. latrine cleaner..
msafishaji choo.
cleaning (noun), takato (5/6), pl matakato.
cleaning (noun), usafishaji.
cleaning (act of) (noun), mfuto, pl mifuto.
cleaning (act of) (noun), mfuto (3/4), pl mifuto.
ceremonial cleanliness (noun), tohara (9/10), pl tohara.
cleanliness (noun), faseha.
cleanliness (noun), nadhafa, pl nadhafa.
cleanliness (noun), unadhifu.
cleanliness (noun), usafi (14).
cleanliness (noun), usafidi.
cleanliness (noun), utakatifu.
cleanliness (noun), utohara.
cleanness (noun), takato (5/6), pl matakato.
cleanness (noun), utanashati (14).
one who cleans up (noun), mkumbizi, pl wakumbizi.
cleanse (verb), -chuja.
cleanse (verb), -eua.
cleanse (verb), -futa.
cleanse (verb), -jambua.
cleanse (verb), -takasa.
cleanse (verb), -tawazisha (causative).
cleansing (noun), mtakaso, pl mitakaso.
cleansing (noun), utakaso.
be clear (verb), -baini.
be clear (verb), -bainika.
be clear (verb), -bainikana.
be clear (verb), -bainikia (potential).
be clear (verb), -dhihiri.
be clear (verb), -elea.
be clear (verb), -fafanuka.
be clear (verb), -safidika.
be clear (verb), -takata. it is now clear. kumetakata.
be clear (verb), -tanzuka. it has become clear. kumetanzuka.
be made clear (verb), pl , preface to Swahili edition of Facing Mt.
Kenya, -bainishwa. I realized that our complaints and demands needed to
be strengthened and to be better explained. Jomo Kenyatta. Nilionelea
kwamba malalamiko na madai yetu yalihitaji kutiwa nguvu na kubainishwa
zaidi [Masomo 113].
become clear (verb), -dhihirika.
become clear to someone (verb), -dhihirikia (applicative).
clear (adjective), -anga.
clear (adjective), -angavu.
clear (adjective), -bainifu.
clear (adjective), bayana.
clear (adjective), dhahiri. It was clear that that girl hadn't eaten..
ilikuwa dhahiri kuwa msichana huyo hajala [Mt].
clear (adjective), dhihirifu.
clear (adjective), ekevu.
clear (adjective), elekevu.
clear (adjective), -eupe.
clear (adjective), kiada.
clear (adjective), safi.
clear (adjective), swafi.
clear (adjective), takatifu.
clear (adjective), thabiti.
clear (adjective), wazi.
clear (adjective), waziwazi.
clear (adverb), kichele.
clear (noun), jua, pl majua.
clear (land) (verb), -fieka.
clear (land) (verb), -fyeka.
clear away (verb), -epua.
clear away (verb), -feka.
clear away (verb), -kumba.
clear away (verb), -ondoa.
clear away (verb), -sabili.
clear evidence (noun), ubainisho (11/6), pl mabainisho.
clear land (verb), -feka.
clear land (verb), -fyeka.
clear off (verb), -futa.
clear off (verb), -jipapatua (reflexive).
clear off from (verb), -ondolea.
clear out (verb), -chokoa.
clear out (verb), -chokocha.
clear out (verb), -chokora.
clear out (verb), -kumba.
clear up (verb), -takasa.
clear up (weather) (verb), -anuka.
cleared space for cultivation (noun), fyeko (5/6), pl mafyeko.
it is clear (phrase), ni dhahiri.
make clear (verb), -bayini.
make clear (verb), -eleza.
make clear (verb), -fafanisha.
make clear (verb), -fafanusha.
make clear (verb), -pambazua.
make clear (verb), -takasa.
make clear (to someone) (verb), -fafanulia. Wait and let me make this
clear to you.. Ngoja nikufafanulie [Chacha, Masomo 380].
clear up (a misunderstanding or disagreement) (verb), -tatanua.
clearance (noun), pambizo (5/6), pl mapambizo.
clearance (noun), pembizo (5/6), pl mapembizo.
be cleared of a charge (verb), -hongea.
clearing (in a forest) (noun), weu, pl nyeu.
clearing land (noun), mafieko.
clearing land (noun), mafyeko.
clearing the field (verb), -katua.
clearing up (noun), ufumbulio.
clearing up (noun), ufumbuo.
clearing up (noun), ufumbuzi.
clearing up (after a rain) (noun), kichea.
clearing up (after a rain) (noun), mkesha, pl mikesha.
clearing up (of the weather after rain) (noun), kianga, pl vianga.
clearing up (of the weather) (noun), ucheachea.
clearing up (of the weather) (noun), uteatea.
clearly (adverb), wazi wazi.
clearly (fig.) (adjective), wazi.
clearness (noun), uangafu.
clearness (noun), uangavu.
clearness (noun), ubaini (14).
clearness (noun), wangafu.
clearness (noun), wangafu.
clearness (noun), wangavu.
clearness (noun), wangavu.
one who clears up obscurities (noun), mfumbua, pl wafumbua.
one who clears up obscurities (noun), mfumbuaji, pl wafumbuaji.
cleat (for fastening a robe etc.) (noun), makiri.
cleavage (noun), halafa.
be cleaved (verb), -chanuka.
cleave (verb), -chana.
cleave (verb), -tana.
cleave together (verb), -shikamana. the fish cleaved together in the
ice. Samaki walishikamana kwa barafu.
mus.key,clef (noun), msingi, pl misingi.
mus.key,clef (noun), msinji, pl misinji.
mus.key,clef (noun), mzingi, pl mizingi.
cleft (noun), mwanya, pl mianya. gap between the teeth.. mwanya wa
clench one's teeth (verb), -uma meno.
clergyman (noun), padiri (5/6an), pl mapadiri.
clergyman (noun), pl clergymen, padre (5/6an), pl mapadre.
clerk (noun), karani (1/2), pl makarani.
clerk (noun), karani, pl makarani.
clerk (noun), katibu (1/2), pl makatibu.
clerk (noun), katibu, pl makatibu.
clerk (noun), mwandikaji, pl waandikaji.
clerk (noun), mwandiki, pl waandiki.
clerk (position of) (noun), ukatibu.
clerk (work of) (noun), ukarani (14).
duties of a clerk (noun), ukatibu.
duties of a clerk or secretary (noun), ukarani.
work of a clerk (noun), ukarani (14).
clever (adjective), -anga.
clever (adjective), -angavu.
clever (adjective), -erevu.
clever (adjective), hodari.
clever (adjective), -janja.
clever (adjective), janja.
clever (adjective), kipilpili.
clever (adjective), mahiri.
clever (adjective), tambuzi.
clever (adjective), weledi.
clever person (noun), mjanja (1/2), pl wajanja.
clever person (noun), mwerevu, pl waerevu.
cleverness (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
cleverness (noun), uerevu (14).
cleverness (noun), uhodari (14), pl uhodari.
cleverness (noun), umahiri.
cleverness (noun), ushabaki.
cleverness (noun), ustadi.
cleverness (noun), utambuzi (14).
cleverness (noun), weredi (14).
cleverness (noun), werevu (14).
click (noun), pl clicks, kidokezi (7/8), pl vidokezi.
click (verb), -alika.
click (verb), -alisha.
click (of the tongue) (noun), kidoko, pl vidoko.
jur.client (noun), mshitiri, pl washitiri.
jur.client (noun), mshtiri, pl washtiri.
jur.client (noun), mstiri, pl wastiri.
cliff (noun), gebali (5/6), pl magebali.
cliff (noun), genge (5/6), pl magenge.
cliff (noun), jabali, pl majabali.
cliff (noun), mwamba (3/4), pl miamba.
cliff (noun), poromoko (5/6), pl maporomoko. (s)he climbed that cliff by
foot. Alipanda poromoko lile kwa miguu.
climate (noun), hewa.
hot climate (noun), uyabisi.
reach a climax (verb), -pevuka.
climb (verb), -kwea.
climb (verb), -panda.
climb (a tree etc) (verb), -sombea.
climb (a tree etc) (verb), -sombera.
climb (a tree using arms and legs) (verb), -paraga.
climb down (verb), -teremka.
climb on (verb), -paramia. (s)he climbed onto the bed of Samadari.
aliparamia kitanda cha samadari [Sul].
climb over something (verb), -pindukia ( appl-poten). things accelerated
if I did not climb over something. mambo yalizidi kama si kupindukia
climb up something (quickly) (verb), -paramia.
steep climb (noun), mlima (3/4), pl milima. volcano. mlima wa moto.
methods of a climber (noun), ukwezi.
mountain climber (noun), mpanda, pl wapanda. bicycle rider.. mpanda
mountain climber (noun), mpandaji, pl wapandaji. bicycle rider.. mpanda
pay of a climber (noun), ukwezi.
work of a climber (noun), ukwezi.
climbing (adjective), kwezi.
climbing (noun), upandaji.
climbing (act of) (noun), mkweo, pl mikweo.
climbing plant variety (Flagellaria guineensis (noun), mteba, pl miteba.
means of climbing (noun), pandio (5/6), pl mapandio.
mountain climbing (act of) (noun), mpando, pl mipando.
climbing plant variety (Abrus precatorius) (noun), mtipitipi, pl
climbing plant variety (Abrus precatorius) (noun), mturituri, pl
cling (verb), -ambata.
cling (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
cling to (each other) (verb), -ambatana.
cling together (verb), -ambatana (reciprocal).
clinic (noun), hospitali.
clinic (noun), kiliniki. how much is it worth?.
clinic (noun), kiliniki.
clinic (noun), kliniki.
clinic (noun), zahanati (9/10), pl zahanati.
clip (noun), kikaza, pl vikaza.
clip (verb), -chega.
clip (verb), -lenga.
clip off (plants) (verb), -tindika.
clique (noun), kikundi, pl vikundi.
clitoris (noun), kikunazi (7/8), pl vikunazi.
clitoris (noun), kinembe, pl vinembe.
clitoris (noun), kisimi, pl visimi.
Arab cloak (noun), bushti, pl mabushti.
Arab cloak (noun), bushuti, pl mabushuti.
kind of Arab cloak (noun), joho.
clock (noun), majira. my watch is not keeping good time.
clock (noun), saa (9/10), pl saa. wall clock.. saa ya ukuta.
clod (of earth) (noun), bonge, pl mabonge.
wooden clog (noun), mtalawanda, pl mitalawanda.
cloister (verb), -tawa.
be closed (verb), -zibika.
be partly closed (verb), -shindikwa. the door was partly closed. mlango
ulikuwa umeshindikwa [Sul].
bring up close (verb), -egesha.
close (noun), karibu (9/10), pl karibu.
close (verb), -finika.
close (verb), -fumba.
close (verb), -funga.
close (verb), -fungwa.
close (verb), -funika.
close (verb), -kunja.
close (verb), -umana.
close (a door) (verb), -komea.
close (but not fasten) the door (verb), -shindika (mlango). close (not
fasten) the door before sleeping. Shindika mlango kabla hujalala.
close (by exerting pressure) (verb), -songa. strangle. songo roho.
close (in the sense of becoming a mass) (verb), -fungana.
close by (adverb), jirani.
close in (verb), -zungusha.
close the eyes (verb), -fumba macho.
close the mouth (verb), -fumba kinywa.
close to (adverb), chini.
close to (adverb), kando.
close to (adverb), karibu na.
close to (preposition), karibu.
close together (adverb), tabaka moja.
close together (adverb), unyo.
close together (adverb), unyounyo.
close up (verb), -ziba.
close up (verb), -zibia (applicative).
come close (verb), -karibia.
come close (verb), -karibu.
get close (verb), -karibia.
in close order (adverb), unyo.
in close order (adverb), unyounyo.
closeness (noun), fukuto (5/6), pl mafukuto.
closeness (noun), uvuguvugu.
closeness (of a room) (noun), vukuto, pl mavukuto.
bring closer (verb), -karibisha.
closing (noun), kifungo (7/8), pl vifungo.
closing (noun), mafungia.
closing (act of) (noun), mfungo, pl mifungo.
closing (act of) (noun), mzibo, pl mizibo.
clot (noun), donge (5/6), pl madonge.
clot (verb), -vilia.
a piece of cloth (noun), tambara (5/6), pl matambara.
a piece of cloth (cotton) (noun), tambaa (5/6), pl matambaa.
bleached cotton cloth (noun), chagernati.
blue and white checked cotton cloth (noun), kunguru, pl makunguru.
bolt of cloth (noun), bandia, pl bandia. doll. mtoto wa ~.
bolt of cloth (noun), mdala, pl midala.
cloth (noun), mfumo, pl mifumo.
cloth (noun), nguo (9/10), pl nguo. beddings. nguo za kitanda.
cloth (noun), utambaa, pl tambaa.
cloth (cotton usually with a printed saying) (noun), kanga (9/10), pl
cloth (heavy printed cotton wrap) (noun), kitenge (7/8), pl vitenge.
cloth (kind of) (noun), beresati.
cloth (kind of) (noun), satini (9/10), pl satini.
cloth (piece of) (noun), kibacha (7/8), pl vibacha.
cloth (spread on bed on wedding night to prove virginity) (noun),
kisarawanda (7/8), pl visarawanda.
cloth (type of) (noun), maradufu (9).
cloth (worn by women to support breasts) (noun), kanchiri (9/10), pl
cloth (worn soft and threadbare) (noun), kichepe (7/8), pl vichepe.
cloth for covering a bier (noun), deuli.
cloth generally worn by women over the head or wrapped around the chest
or waist and sometimes worn by men around the waist in hot weather.
(noun), khanga (9/10), pl khanga.
cloth kind of a light brownish yellow color. (noun), Birigiji.
cloth of gold (noun), kasabu.
cloth worn after circumcision to protect the wound (noun), alfala (9/10),
pl alfala.
cloth worn by women (noun), kanga (9/10), pl kanga. She doesn't have
even one cotton wrapper.. hana khanga hata moja [Moh].
cloth worn by women around head (noun), ukaya (11/10), pl kaya.
cloth worn by women round the body (esp. after childbirth) (noun), mkaja
(3/4), pl mikaja.
cloth worn by women to support the breasts (noun), kanchiri.
cotton cloth (with designs in several colors) worn by women (noun),
dark blue cotton cloth (noun), kaniki.
fine Madagascar cloth made of woven grass with stripes (noun), ramba
(9/10), pl ramba.
gold cloth (noun), kasabu (9/10), pl kasabu.
inferior kind of unbleached cotton cloth (noun), gamti.
kaki (kind of cloth) (noun), kaki.
kind of cloth used for weddings and as a partition screen (noun), kisutu
(7/8), pl visutu.
kind of woollen cloth (noun), mansuli.
light-brown cotton cloth (for making kanzu) (noun), hudhurungi.
lining (of clothing) (noun), bitana.
multicolored woven fabric (noun), barasati.
piece of cloth (noun), kitambaa (7/8), pl vitambaa.
piece of cloth round the loins (noun), kidemu (7/8), pl videmu.
printed cotton cloth (noun), pl printed cloths, shiti (5/6), pl mashiti.
rough unbleached cotton cloth (noun), amerikani.
rough unbleached cotton sheeting cloth (noun), amerekani.
rough unbleached cotton sheeting cloth (noun), merkani.
rough unbleached cotton sheeting cloth (noun), mrekani.
silk cloth (noun), atlasi, pl atlasi. satin. nguo ya ~.
small piece of cloth (noun), kinguo, pl vinguo.
striped cloth made of finely plaited grass (noun), ramba (9/10), pl
thin bleached cloth used for lining clothes (noun), bafta, pl bafta.
thin bleached cloth used for lining clothes (noun), bafuta, pl bafuta.
thin fabric (noun), bitana.
unbleached cotton cloth (noun), mrekani, pl mirekani.
unbleached cotton cloth of European manufacture (noun), ulayiti.
clothe (with) (verb), -vika (potential).
clothe someone (verb), -vika nguo.
clothe someone (verb), -vika nguo. put on clothes. vaa [vua] nguo.
be clothed (verb), -vikwa.
bed clothes (noun), tandiko (5/6), pl matandiko.
clothes (noun), lebasi (9/10), pl lebasi.
clothes (noun), libasi (9/10), pl lebasi.
clothes (noun), vazi (5/6), pl us. pl..
clothes worn by Muslims during pilgrimage (noun), ihramu (9/10), pl
front or back piece of a kanzu (noun), bidani.
have clothes made (verb), -shonesha.
nice modern clothes (noun), kidudu (7/8), pl vidudu.
with fine clothes (adverb), kirembo, pl virembo.
work clothes (for field work) (noun), demu, pl mademu.
clothes-rack (noun), susu (9/10), pl susu.
an old article of clothing (noun), tambaa (5/6), pl matambaa.
an old article of clothing (noun), tambara (5/6), pl matambara.
cast-off clothing (noun), vulio, pl mavulio.
clothing (noun), lebasi (9/10), pl lebasi.
clothing (noun), mashono. modern dresses. mashono mapya.
clothing (noun), mavazi, pl mavazi.
clothing (noun), mviko, pl miviko.
clothing (noun), nguo (9/10), pl nguo. put on clothes. vaa [vua] nguo.
clothing (noun), vao (5/6), pl mavao.
clothing (noun), vazi (5/6), pl mavazi.
clothing (of dress) (noun), kivazi, pl vivazi.
clothing worn on the pilgrimage to Mecca (noun), ihramu.
fashionable clothing (noun), umaridadi (14).
kaniki (article of women's clothing) (noun), kaniki.
man's clothing (long robe) (noun), kanzu (9/10), pl kanzu.
old article of clothing (noun), kibapara, pl vibapara.
ready-made clothing (noun), mshono, pl mishono.
worn-out clothing (noun), kibapara (7/8), pl vibapara.
cloud (noun), wingu (5/6), pl mawingu.
cloud of rain (noun), ghubari (5/6), pl maghubari.
heavy black cloud (noun), gubari.
scattered clouds (noun), mavundevunde, pl mavundevunde.
cloudburst (noun), maporomoko ya mvua.
cloudiness (noun), uchusichusi.
cloudiness (noun), utusitusi (11).
cloudiness (noun), uwingu, pl mbingu.
clouding (noun), uwingu, pl mbingu.
clouding (of the mind) (noun), kivinyovinyo, pl vivinyovinyo.
clouds (noun), mawingu, pl mawingu.
clouds (noun), mbingu, pl mbingu.
clouds (scattered) (noun), mafunde.
scattered clouds (noun), mavunde, pl mavunde.
be cloudy (adjective), wamba.
cloudy (adjective), vundevunde.
clove (noun), karafuu (9/10), pl karafuu.
clove tree (noun), mkarafuu, pl mikarafuu. camphor tree.. mkarafu
cloves just beginning to form (noun), thamra.
species of clove (noun), mwangao, pl miangao.
cloves (in the first stage of growth) (noun), thamra (9/10), pl thamra.
clown (noun), kinyago (7/8an), pl vinyago.
clown (noun), majinuni.
clown (noun), majununi.
clown (noun), mchekeshaji, pl wachekeshaji.
clown (noun), mchekeshi, pl wachekeshi.
club (noun), chama, pl vyama.
club (noun), gongo (5/6), pl magongo.
club (noun), kigongo (7/8), pl vigongo.
club (noun), kilabu, pl vilabu.
club (noun), kombaini, pl makombaini. beg pardon.
club (noun), ligi.
club (noun), ligu.
club (noun), mbarango (3/4), pl mibarango.
club (cards) (noun), pao (9/10), pl pao.
clubfoot (noun), kibwiko (7/8), pl vibwiko.
clubfoot (noun), kiguu (7/8), pl viguu.
cluck (verb), -gogoreka.
clump (of trees) (noun), chaka (5/6), pl machaka.
clumsiness (noun), machachari, pl machachari.
clumsy person (noun), dole, pl madole.
cluster (noun), shada (5/6), pl mashada. a cluster of flowers. shada la
cluster (noun), kitawi, pl vitawi.
cluster (noun), tawi, pl matawi. cluster of bananas+M163. tawi la
cluster (noun), utawi, pl tawi/matawi.
cluster (noun), utawi, pl tawi, matawi.
cluster (of fruit etc) (noun), mshikano, pl mishikano.
cluster (of fruit) (noun), kishazi, pl mashazi, vishazi.
cluster (of fruit) (noun), shazi (5/6), pl mashazi. give me one cluster
of bananas. Nipe shazi moja la ndizi.
cluster (of large fruits) (noun), chana (9/10), pl chana.
growing in clusters (adjective), pachapacha.
growing in clusters (adjective), pachipachi.
grow in clusters (verb), -pachana.
grow in clusters (bananas, etc) (verb), -pacha.
clutch (noun), klachi (9/10), pl klachi.
clutch (verb), -fumbata.
clutter up (verb), -zagaazagaa.
co-habit (verb), -panga.
co-operation (noun), bia (9/10), pl bia.
coach (noun), kocha (5/6), pl makocha.
coachman (noun), saisi (5/6an), pl masaisi.
coagulate (verb), -gandama.
coagulate (blood or milk) (verb), -ganda.
coagulation (of milk or blood) (noun), mgandisho, pl migandisho.
coagulation (of milk or blood) (noun), mgando, pl migando.
coagulation (process of) (noun), ugandamano.
coal (noun), kaa (5/6), pl makaa.
coal (noun), kaa, pl makaa.
coal (noun), kaa la mawe, pl makaa ya mawe.
coal (noun), makaa.
coal (noun), mkaa (5/6), pl mikaa.
coalition (noun), muungano, pl miungano.
coalition (noun), mwunganisho, pl miunganisho.
coalition (noun), mwungano, pl miungano.
coalition government (noun), mseto, pl miseto. a coalition government..
serikali ya mseto..
be coarse (verb), -kacha.
coarse (adjective), chepe.
coarse (adjective), paruparu.
coarse person (noun), mnyama, pl wanyama.
in a coarse way (adjective), kinyama, pl vinyama.
coarseness (noun), ukorofi.
coarseness (noun), unyama.
coarseness (noun), ushamba (14).
area along the coast (noun), mwambao (3/4), pl miambao. In the region
along the coast of Kenya and Tanzania .... Katika mwambao wa Kenya na
Tanzania ...[Masomo 227].
coast (noun), mapwa (6).
coast (noun), mapwa.
coast (noun), mapwaji.
coast (noun), pwani (9/10), pl pwani. coast and interior.. pwani na
coast (noun), ufuko (11/10), pl fuko.
coast dweller (noun), mmrima, pl wamrima.
coast dweller (noun), mmwambao (1/2), pl wamwambao.
coast language (noun), Kimrima.
one who lives on the coast (noun), mmwambao, pl wamwambao.
rare coast (noun), mwambao, pl miambao. coastal shipping. safari ya
the Swahili coast (noun), Swahili.
coastal area of East Africa where Swahili is spoken as a native language.
(noun), Uswahili.
coastal region (noun), pl coastal regions, mrima (3/4), pl mirima.
cloth coat (decorated with ornaments) (noun), dagla, pl madagla.
coat (noun), juba, pl (-, majuba).
coat (noun), koti (5/6), pl makoti. S/he opens the cupboard and takes
out a coat. anafungua kabati, anatoa koti [Muk].
coat (type without sleeves) (noun), kapa (9/10), pl kapa.
coat (with wide sleeves open in front) (noun), juba (5/6), pl majuba.
sleeveless loose Arab coat (noun), mfuria (3/4), pl mifuria.
coat of arms (noun), nembo, pl nembo.
coating (noun), gaga (5/6), pl magaga.
coattail (noun), skati (9/10), pl skati.
coattail (noun), sketa (9/10), pl sketa.
be coaxed (verb), -bembelezwa (passive).
be coaxed (verb), -shawishiwa.
coax (verb), -bemba.
coax (verb), -bembeleza.
coax (verb), -dekeza (causative).
coax (verb), -gunga.
coax (verb), -shawishi.
obtain by coaxing (verb), -bembejea.
coaxing (noun), mabembelezo, pl mabembelezo.
coaxing (noun), mapembelezo, pl mabembelezo.
coaxing (noun), ubembe (14).
coaxing (noun), ubembelezi.
cobalt (noun), kobati. clap, applaud.
cobra (noun), fira (9/10an), pl fira.
spitting cobra (noun), swila (9/10an), pl swila.
cobweb (noun), tandabui (9/10), pl tandabui.
cobweb (noun), utando (11/10), pl tando.
cobwebs (noun), nyuzinyuzi (9/10), pl nyuzinyuzi. electric bulbs are
sorrounded by cobwebs. taa za umeme zimezongwa na nyuzinyuzi [Ya].
coccyx (noun), kifandugu (7/8), pl vifandugu.
coccyx (noun), kitokono (7/8), pl vitokono.
coccyx (noun), tokoni, pl matokoni.
coccyx (noun), tokono, pl matokono.
cock (noun), jimbi, pl majimbi.
cock (noun), jogoo, pl majogoo.
cock (noun), jogoo (5/6an), pl majogoo.
cock (male fowl) (noun), jimbi (5/6), pl majimbi.
cock's spur (noun), kikwaru, pl vikwaru.
fighting cock (noun), kuchi.
like cocks (adverb), kijogoo.
young cock (noun), pora (5/6an), pl mapora.
cockcrow (noun), wiko, pl mawiko.
cockeyed condition (noun), upogo, pl pogo.
cockroach (noun), kombamwiko (9/10), pl kombamwiko.
cockroach (noun), kombamwiko.
zool. cockroach (noun), mende (9/10), pl mende.
cockscomb (noun), fungu (5/6), pl mafungu.
cocoa (noun), kakao (9/10), pl kakao.
cocoa (noun), koko, pl koko. eyeball..
cocoa tree (noun), mkoko, pl mikoko.
braided coconut leaf used for fencing (noun), kumba (9/10), pl kumba.
break open a coconut (verb), -fua nazi.
central rib or stem of coconut leaf or similar. (noun), upongoo (11/10),
pl pongoo.
central stem of the coconut palm leaf (noun), ujukuti, pl njukuti.
central vein of the coconut palm leaf (noun), unjukuti.
central vein or stem of the coconut palm leaf (noun), uchukuti, pl
central vein or stem of the coconut-palm leaf (noun), chukuti, pl
coconut (noun), nazi (9/10). A bad coconut destroys the good one.. nazi
mbovu harabu ya nzima.
coconut (almost ripe) (noun), kikoromeo, pl vikoromeo.
coconut (almost ripe) (noun), koroma (5/6), pl makoroma.
coconut (grated) ?? (noun), chicha (5/6), pl machicha.
coconut (in the first stages of growth) (noun), kidaka, pl vidaka.
coconut (unripe with much milk) (noun), dafu (5/6), pl dafu. coconut
milk. maji ya dafu [Rec].
coconut (when full of milk and in late stage) (noun), tonga (5/6), pl
coconut cream (noun), kasimile (9/10), pl kasimile.
coconut disease (noun), mkwachuro (3/4), pl mikwachuro.
coconut grater (noun), mbuzi.
coconut husk (noun), kifuu (7/8), pl vifuu.
coconut juice (noun), tuwi (9/10), pl tuwi.
coconut leaf (whole used for thatching) (noun), kuti (5/6), pl makuti.
coconut meat residue (noun), takizi (9/10), pl takizi.
coconut milk (from grating nutty part) (noun), tui (9/10), pl tui.
coconut mixed in a mortar (noun), kipondwe (7/8), pl vipondwe.
coconut palm (noun), mnazi (3/4), pl minazi.
coconut palm (Cocos mucifera) (noun), mkitamli, pl mikitamli.
coconut solids (after boiling to produce oil) (noun), shata (5/6), pl
mashata. (s)he squeezed (milked) the coconut solids to produce oil.
Alikamua shata la nazi kupata mafuta.
coconut that has dried up inside (noun), kiziwi, pl viziwi.
cocunut-palm branch (noun), kole, pl makole.
cream squeezed from coconut (noun), tuwi (9/10), pl tuwi.
disease of coconuts (noun), mkwachuro, pl mikwachuro.
early stage in the growth of the coconut when the meat is still quite
soft or the meat itself at this stage. (noun), ulambilambi.
early stage in the growth of the coconut when the meat is still quite
soft. (noun), urambirambi.
empty coconut (noun), bunde.
empty shell (coconut) (noun), kifuu (7/8), pl vifuu.
empty shell of a coconut (noun), kifufu, pl vifufu.
fiber (of young coconut leaves) (noun), difu, pl madifu.
fiber from inner skin of coconut leaf stalk (noun), ununu (11).
flesh of a grated ripe coconut after the oil has been pressed out (noun),
chicha, pl chicha. to sell what remains after grating and squeezing the
liquid out of the flesh of a coconut. kuuza chicha za nazi [Amana, Masomo
fully ripe coconut (noun), mbata.
hard inner shell of a coconut (noun), ufuu.
instrument for grating coco-nut (noun), mbuzi (9/10), pl mbuzi.
joya (coconut with spongy shell) (noun), joya, pl majoya.
juice squeezed from coconut (noun), tui (9/10), pl tui.
leaf-stem of the coconut palm (noun), gubi (5/6), pl magubi.
leathery sheath of coconut flower-stem (noun), kalala (5/6), pl makalala.
male flowers of the coconut palm (noun), upunga, pl punga.
one who makes a business of climbing coconut trees to pick nuts (noun),
mkwezi, pl wakwezi.
pointed stake fixed in ground for dehusking coconuts (noun), kifuo (7/8),
pl vifuo.
processed fibres of the coconut husk (noun), usumba (11).
residue of coconut left after the white part has been scraped out of the
shell (noun), panza (9/10), pl panza.
round basket for squeezing coconut for tui (noun), kifumbu (7/8), pl
single frond of a coconut-palm leaf (noun), ukuti, pl kuta.
small leaf (of the coconut palm) (noun), kikuti, pl vikuti.
spongy substance (inside coconut shell) (noun), joya (5/6), pl majoya.
strip of coconut-palm leaf (used for weaving mats) (noun), ukili, pl
very young coconut bud (noun), kokochi (9/10), pl kokochi.
woody covering of the flower-stem of the coconut (used as firewood)
(noun), kalala, pl makalala.
young coconut in the stage of milk-formation (noun), tale (5/6), pl
young coconut palm (noun), mnazi mkinda (3/4), pl minazi mikinda.
pull down coconuts (verb), -pemba minazi.
cocoon (of an insect) (noun), kifukofuko, pl vifukofuko.
rock-cod species with very large mouth (noun), chewa. very large mouth
[of a person]. kinywa kama chewa.
code (noun), mwandiko wa fumbo.
code of conduct (noun), pl codes of conduct, sheria (9/10), pl sheria.
coerce (verb), -ghusubu.
coerce someone (verb), -pasisha.
coercion (noun), jefule.
rel.confessor (noun), mwungamishi, pl waungamishi.
coffee (noun), kahawa (9/10), pl kahawa.
coffee (noun), kahawa.
coffee berries (noun), buni (9/10), pl buni.
coffee plant (noun), mbuni (3/4), pl mibuni.
coffee-colored (adjective), kahawia.
coffee-urn (noun), pl coffee-urns, samawari (9/10), pl samawari.
coffee-pot (made of metal) (noun), dele.
coffee-pot (made of metal) (noun), deli.
coffeepot (noun), buli (9/10), pl buli.
coffeepot (noun), mdila (3/4), pl midila.
coffer (noun), bweta (5/6), pl mabweta.
coffin (noun), jeneza (9/10), pl jeneza.
coffin (noun), mkakasi (3/4), pl mikakasi.
cogency (noun), uwazi.
coglike (noun), jino.
cohabit (verb), -ingilia.
cohabitation (of unmarried persons) (noun), uhawara.
cohere (verb), -amba.
cohere (verb), pl How can this be intransitive, -ambika.
be coherent (verb), -ungamana.
cohesion (noun), mshikamano (3/4), pl mishikamano.
cohesive (adjective), ungamana.
coiffure (noun), mchano wa nywele (3/4), pl michano ya nywele.
coiffure (style of) (noun), unyozi.
be coiled up (verb), -zongamana.
coil (noun), pl coils, pindi (5/6), pl mapindi.
coil (noun), songo (5/6), pl masongo.
coil (verb), -finginyika.
coil (verb), -nyonga.
coil (verb), -songomeza ( intr-inver-stat). The snake is coiling itself
up. nyoka anajisongomeza.
coil (verb), -vinginyika.
coil (verb), -vivinyuka.
coil (verb), -zonga.
coil round (verb), -zongamea.
coiling (of cord or thread) (noun), mtatio, pl mitatio.
coin (noun), fedha.
coin (noun), sarafu (9/10), pl sarafu.
coin (noun), sarifa (9/10), pl sarifa.
coin (noun), sarifu (9/10), pl sarifu.
coin (noun), sarufu (9/10), pl sarufu.
coin (noun), pl coins, senti (9/10), pl senti. give me twenty dollars.
Nipe senti ishirini.
coin (noun), serifu (9/10), pl serifu.
coincide (verb), -sadifu.
be cold (verb), -burudi.
be cold (verb), -tabaradi.
be cold (verb), -zizima.
become cold (of foods) (verb), -doda.
cold (noun), baridi. The cold from Mount Kenya is entering; cold war.
Baridi kutoka mlima wa Kenya inaingia [Alamin Mazrui "Bega kwa Bega"4];
vita baridi.
cold (illness) (noun), mafua (6).
cold in the head (noun), kamasi, pl makamasi.
make cold (of the body) (verb), -zizimisha mwili, pl zizimisha miili.
suffer a cold (verb), -pata baridi.
coldness (noun), ubaridi (14).
colic (noun), msokoto, pl misokoto.
colic (noun), sokoto (5/6), pl masokoto.
colic (noun), tumbo.
have colic pains (verb), -sokota.
collaboration (noun), ushirika.
collaboration (noun), ushirikiano.
collaboration (noun), ushirikisho.
collapse (noun), anguko, pl maanguko.
collapse (noun), bomoko, pl mabomoko.
collapse (noun), mbomoko, pl mibomoko.
collapse (noun), mbwago (3/4), pl mibwago.
collapse (noun), uangamio.
collapse (noun), uangamizi (11/6), pl maangamizi.
collapse (verb), -bomoka.
collapse (verb), -gofua.
collapse (verb), -lala.
collapse (verb), -poromoka (potential). As (s)he saw his/her life
collapse. akiyaona maisha yake yakiporomoka [Sul].
collapse (verb), -shuka.
collapse (verb), -titia.
collapsed (adjective), gofu.
collapsing (act of) (noun), mtitio, pl mititio.
collar (noun), kaba.
collar (noun), kala (9/10), pl kala.
collar (noun), shingo (ya kanzu) (9/10), pl shingo. to secure notes in
the neck of the kanzu. kuzipachika noti katika shingo ya kanzu aliyovaa
collar (noun), ukosi (11/10), pl kosi.
collar of beads (noun), useja.
white embroidered collar (of a kanzu) (noun), ziki.
anat.collarbone (noun), mtulinga, pl mitulinga.
colleague (noun), mwenzi, pl wenzi.
collect (verb), -buga.
collect (verb), -chamia.
collect (verb), -changa. "collect [voluntary contributions of] money,
take up a collection".. changa fedha.
collect (verb), -chuma.
collect (verb), -jamii.
collect (verb), -kinga. collect rainwater. kinga mvua.
collect (verb), -kusanya.
collect (verb), -runga.
collect (verb), -sanya.
collect (verb), -toza.
collect for someone (verb), -changia (applicative).
collect in small quantities (verb), -pambanya.
collect oneself (verb), -jizatiti (reflexive).
be collected (verb), -kusanywa (passive).
be collected (verb), -zizima.
collectedness (noun), taratibu (9/10), pl taratibu.
collecting (noun), upokeaji.
collecting (noun), upokezi.
collection (noun), mkusanyiko, pl mikusanyiko.
collection (of money) (noun), kichango, pl vichango.
collection (of money) (noun), mchango, pl michango.
collection made for newly married couple (noun), kikoa (7/8), pl vikoa.
collection of unimportant things or people (noun), uchekechea (14).
collective (adjective), a pamoja.
collective (noun), ujima.
collectivization (noun), kuuganisha.
collectivization (noun), ufanyaji.
collector (noun), mkusanya (1/2), pl wakusanya.
collector (of taxes) (noun), mtozaji, pl watozi.
collector (of taxes) (noun), mtozi, pl watozi.
one who collects (noun), mkusanyi, pl wakusanyi.
one who collects (noun), mpokea, pl wapokea. tax collector. mpokea
one who collects (noun), mpokeaji, pl wapokeaji. tax collector. mpokea
one who collects (noun), mpokezi, pl wapokezi. tax collector. mpokea
one who collects (noun), mtoza, pl watoza. tax-collector.. mtoza kodi
college (noun), pl colleges, chuo (7/8), pl vyuo.
collide (noun), mgongano (3/4), pl migongano.
collide (verb), -gonga.
collide (verb), -pambana.
collide (verb), -sozana (associative).
collide (automobiles or ships etc.) (verb), -gongana.
colliding (noun), mbumburisho (3/4), pl mibumburisho.
collision (noun), dafrao, pl dafrao. two automobiles collided.. motokaa
mbili ziligongona (pigana) dafrao. [Rec].
collision (noun), dafurao, pl dafurao.
collision (noun), mapambano (6).
collision (noun), mapambano.
collision (noun), mpambano (3/4), pl mipambano.
collision (noun), mpiganisho (3/4), pl mipiganisho.
collision (noun), upambano.
rare collision (of vehicles) (noun), mpambano, pl mipambano.
colon (noun), pl dots, nukta mbili (9/10), pl nukta.
colonel (noun), amiri, pl maamiri.
colonial (adjective), -a kibeberu.
colonial (adjective), kikoloni.
colonialism (noun), istiimari.
colonialism (noun), ukoloni.
colonialist (noun), kaburu, pl makaburu.
colonialist (noun), kibeberu (7/8an), pl vibeberu.
colonialist (noun), mkoloni, pl wakoloni.
colony (noun), koloni (5/6), pl makoloni.
bright color (noun), nuru (9/10), pl nuru.
change color (verb), -geuka rangi. red (black) pigment/dye.. rangi
nyekundu (nyeusi).
color (noun), rangi (9/10), pl rangi. red (black) pigment/dye.. rangi
nyekundu (nyeusi).
color (verb), -paka rangi. red (black) pigment/dye.. rangi nyekundu
color (verb), -tia rangi. red (black) pigment/dye.. rangi nyekundu
color (verb), -weka rangi. red (black) pigment/dye.. rangi nyekundu
have the right amount of color (verb), -koza.
have the right amount of seasonings (verb), -koza.
colored (adjective), -a rangi. red (black) pigment/dye.. rangi nyekundu
colored (adjective), -enye rangi. red (black) pigment/dye.. rangi
nyekundu (nyeusi).
colored (adjective), painti.
coloring matter (noun), rangi (9/10), pl rangi. To apply cosmetics on
the cheek and mouth. kujiremba marangi ya mashavu na midomo [Muk].
colt (noun), kinda la farasi (5/6an), pl makinda ya farasi.
column (noun), nguzo (9/10), pl nguzo.
column formation (adverb), chanjari.
in column formation. (adverb), chanjari.
in column formation. (adverb), sanjari.
in column formation. (adverb), shanjari.
cock's comb (noun), undu (11).
cock's comb (noun), ushungi, pl shungi.
comb (noun), chania.
comb (noun), chanuo (5/6), pl machanuo.
comb (noun), kitana (7/8), pl vitana.
comb (noun), shanuo (9/10), pl shanuo.
comb (verb), -chanua.
comb (of a cock) (noun), shungi (5/6), pl mashungi.
comb (small) (noun), kichanio (7/8), pl vichanio.
comb (small) (noun), kichanuo (7/8), pl vichanuo.
comb hair (verb), -chana.
comb-like instrument for keeping threads apart (noun), mfariki (3/4), pl
wooden comb (with long teeth) (noun), shanuo (9/10), pl shanuo. (s)he is
combing his/her hair with a wooden comb. Anachana nywele zake na shanuo.
wool-comb (noun), faraka.
combat (noun), kakara.
combat (noun), kondo.
combat (noun), mpiganisho, pl mipiganisho.
rare person killed in combat (noun), mpigwa, pl wapigwa.
combination (noun), miungano, pl miungano. combination of numbers..
miungano ya namba mbalimbali [Rec].
combination (noun), muungano, pl miungano.
combination (noun), mwunganisho, pl miunganisho.
combination (noun), mwungano, pl miungano.
combine (verb), -shariki. combine in business. shiriki katika biashara
combine (verb), -shiriki.
combine (verb), -ungana.
combine (verb), -ungana.
combine (verb), -unganisha.
be combined (verb), -unganika.
product of combustion (noun), chomo, pl machomo.
be come upon unexpectedly (verb), -gunduliwa.
come (verb), -cha. come running. cha mbio.
come (verb), -ingia.
come (verb), -ja.
come (verb), -jia.
come (verb), njoo (imperative).
come back (verb), -rejea.
come back (verb), -uya.
come down (verb), -telea.
come from (verb), -toka (potential).
come in (interjection), karibu!.
Come in! (in response to the query Hodi?) (interjection), karibu!, pl
(pl.) karibuni.
come near (verb), -jongea.
come near (verb), -jongelea.
come near (verb), -sogea.
come near (verb), -sogea karibu.
come now! (interjection), ebu!.
come now! (interjection), hebu!.
come off (verb), -ambuka.
come off (button etc.) (verb), -bokoka.
Come on! (interjection), haya!.
come out (verb), -jitokeza.
come out (verb), -toka (potential).
come out (verb), -tokea (applicative).
come out (verb), -tokeza (causative).
come out (of bleeding, shedding tears, perspiring, etc.) (verb), -tokwa
(na) (passive).
come out (sun) (verb), -chomoza (causative).
come out of a spell or trance (verb), -zinduka.
come to (verb), -jia.
come up (verb), -chimbuka.
come upon (verb), -gundua.
come upon (verb), -kuta. He came upon that bedbug as it continued to
suck blood.. Alimkuta kunguni yule akiendelea kufyonza damu [Masomo 240].
come upon (verb), -vumbua.
come upon (verb), -zumbua.
May I come in? (before entering a house or room) (interjection), hodi!.
You all come here! (phrase), njooni.
come back (verb), -rudi. come back from a journey.. rudi kutoka safari.
come back to (verb), -rudia.
cause to come down (verb), -poromosha. The ice brought the roof of the
house down. Theluji iliporomosha paa la nyumba.
come out (verb), -ng'oka.
comedian (noun), kinyago (7/8an), pl vinyago.
comedy (noun), kinyago (7/8), pl vinyago.
one who comes (noun), mja (1/2), pl waja.
be comforted (verb), -burudika.
be comforted (verb), -farijika.
be comforted (verb), -liwazika (potential).
comfort (noun), anasa (9/10), pl anasa. a life in easy circumstances.
maisha ya ~.
comfort (noun), buraha.
comfort (noun), faraja (9/10), pl faraja.
comfort (noun), jiguzo.
comfort (noun), kiguzo, pl viguzo.
comfort (noun), liwazo, pl maliwazo.
comfort (noun), maburudisho, pl maburudisho.
comfort (noun), maliwazo.
comfort (noun), mteremo, pl miteremo.
comfort (noun), nderemo, pl minderemo.
comfort (noun), nderemo (10), pl nderemo.
comfort (noun), neema.
comfort (noun), nguzo (9/10), pl nguzo.
comfort (noun), raha (9/10), pl raha. be in comfort.. kaa raha
comfort (noun), starehe (9/10), pl starehe. (s)he was at home in the
world of comfort and consumption. alikuwa mwenyeji sana katika dunia ya
starehe na matumizi [Mt].
comfort (noun), tulizo, pl matulizo.
comfort (noun), ukwasi.
comfort (noun), unono (14).
comfort (noun), utulivu (14), pl utulivu.
comfort (verb), -bembeleza.
comfort (verb), -faraji.
comfort (verb), -fariji.
comfort (verb), -hani.
comfort (verb), -liwaza. If a death occurs, for example, s/he will
compose a poem for the bereaved to comfort them.. Pakitukia kifo,
mathalan, atawatungia shairi wafiwa kuwaliwaza [Khan, Masomo 391].
comfort (verb), -poza (causative). As (s)he comforted and flattered
him/her. akimpoza moyo na kumbembeleza [Sul].
comfort (verb), -tuliza.
comfort each other (verb), -tulizana.
be in comfortable circumstances (verb), -neemeka.
be in comfortable circumstances (verb), -starehe. At present he is
living in comfortable circumstances. siku hizi amestarehe.
comfortable (adjective), mustarehe.
comfortable (adjective), starehefu.
comfortable (adjective), starehevu.
make comfortable (verb), -starehesha.
make comfortable (verb), -starehesha.
make oneself comfortable (verb), -burahi.
comforter (noun), mfariji, pl wafariji.
comical (adjective), cheshi.
something comical (noun), kiroja, pl viroja.
coming (noun), majilio (6).
coming (noun), mjio (3/4), pl mijio.
coming (noun), ujaji.
coming (act of) (noun), ujio, pl majio.
coming (manner of) (noun), ujio, pl majio.
coming (time of) (noun), ujio, pl majio.
coming and going (noun), pitapita (9/10), pl pitapita.
comma (noun), kituo (7/8), pl vituo.
comma (noun), koma.
command (noun), amri (9/10), pl amri. "S/he wasn't able to prevent
his/her tears, s/he had no control over them".. hakuweza kuyazuia machozi
yake, kwani hakuwa na amri nayo [Sul].
command (verb), -amrisha.
command (verb), -amuru.
have a good command of a language (verb), -sarifu. have a good command
of words. sarifu maneno [mwandiko] kwa uzuri..
have a good command of a language. (verb), -serifu.
be commanded (verb), -amriwa. Soldiers go whenever and where ever they
are commanded to go.. Askari wanakwenda wakati wo wote na mahali po pote
wanapoamriwa kwenda [Nyerere, Masomo 277].
commander (noun), amiri, pl maamiri. leader of an army. ~ jeshi.
commander (military) (noun), jemadari (1/2), pl majemadari.
mil. commander (noun), mkuru, pl wakuru.
mil. commander (noun), mkuu, pl wakuu.
ceremony in commemoration of the dead (noun), malimati.
commendable (adjective), suna.
commendation (noun), pl commendations, sifa (9/10), pl sifa.
commendation (noun), sifu (9/10), pl sifu.
comment on (verb), -tafsiri.
commentary (noun), elezo, pl maelezo.
commentary (noun), mwongozo, pl miongozo.
commentary (noun), tafsiri (5/6), pl matafsiri.
commentary (noun), uaguzi.
commentator (noun), mfasiri, pl wafasiri.
commentator (noun), msema, pl wasema.
commentator (noun), msemaji, pl wasemaji.
commentator (noun), mtabiri, pl watabiri.
commentator (noun), mtambua, pl watambua.
commentator (noun), mtambuzi, pl watambuzi.
commentator (radio) (noun), mtangazaji, pl watangazaji.
commentator (radio) (noun), mtangazi, pl watangazi.
chamber of commerce (noun), mnada, pl minada.
commerce (noun), biashara (9/10), pl biashara. advertise. tangaza
commerce (noun), ubiashara.
engage in commerce (verb), -tajiri.
by commission (adjective), rejareja.
commision business (noun), mregaa. commission business.. biashara ya
commision business (noun), mrejaa. commission business.. biashara ya
commission (adjective), rejareja. commission business.. biashara ya
commission (noun), agizo (5/6), pl maagizo.
commission (noun), kameshini, pl kameshini.
commission (noun), komisheni, pl komisheni.
commission (noun), tume (9/10), pl tume.
commission (noun), uagizaji.
commission (noun), udalali.
commission (noun), wosia.
commission (verb), -agiza (causative). and he arrive and commissioned
his friends to help him look for work in another place.. akafika kuagiza
wenzake wamsaidie kutafuta kazi pahala pengine [Sul].
commission (verb), -usia.
commission (verb), -wakilisha.
on commission (adjective), rejareja.
commissioner (noun), komeshena, pl komishena.
commissioner (noun), komishena, pl komishena.
high commissioner (noun), balozi (5/6), pl mabalozi.
commit a sin (verb), -kosa.
commitment (noun), uazimaji.
central committee (noun), halmashauri kuu (9/10), pl Halmashauri kuu.
committee (noun), baraza.
committee (noun), halmashauri (9/10), pl halmashauri.
committee (noun), kamati (9/10), pl kamati.
committee (noun), kamiti.
committee (noun), komiti.
committee (noun), komitii.
committee member (kwaya) (noun), mjumbe (1/2), pl wajumbe.
Public Relations Committee (kwaya) (noun), Kamati ya Uhusiano.
commodities (noun), bidhaa (9/10), pl bidhaa.
commodities (noun), vifaa.
act in common (verb), -shiriki.
common article of any kind (noun), mfuto, pl mifuto. a plain door
(without carving or ornamentation). mlango wa mfuto.
common people (noun), yahe.
for common use (adverb), shambiro.
in common (adverb), sharika.
in common (adverb), shirika. the common money was all utilized. Pesa za
shirika zilitumiwa zote.
common man (noun), pl common men, raia (5/6an), pl maraia.
common people (noun), ahi (9/10an), pl ahi.
common people (noun), pl Plural?, aki (9/10an), pl aki.
common sense (noun), busara (9/10), pl busara.
cause commotion (verb), -vumisha.
commotion (noun), dharura.
commotion (noun), hangaiko (5/6), pl mahangaiko.
commotion (noun), kivumbi (7/8), pl vivumbi.
commotion (noun), matata, pl matata.
commotion (noun), pl commotions, rabsha (9/10), pl rabsha. stop the
commotion. Waacha rabsha.
commotion (noun), shangwe (9/10), pl shangwe.
communal work (noun), ngambi (9/10), pl ngambi.
communalism (noun), ujima (14).
communicant (noun), pl communicant, mshiriki (1/2), pl washiriki.
communicate (verb), -alika.
communicate (verb), -ingiliana ( appl-recip).
communicate (verb), -tangaza.
communicate (verb), -wasiliana.
communication (noun), hubiri, pl mahubiri.
communication (noun), mawasiliano (6).
communication (noun), njama (9/10), pl njama.
communication (noun), usafiri (14).
communication (noun), usafirisha.
communications (noun), usafirishaji.
communion cup (noun), kasiki, pl makasiki.
communiqué (noun), andiko, pl maandiko.
communique (noun), maandiko, pl maandiko.
communique (noun), taarifa (9/10), pl taarifa. joint communique.
taarifa ya pamoja.
communique (noun), taarifu (9/10), pl taarifu. joint communique.
taarifa ya pamoja.
joint communique (noun), taarifa ya pamoja (9/10), pl taarifa za pamoja.
communism (noun), ukoministi (14).
communism (noun), ukomunisti (14).
communist (adjective), kikomunisti.
communist (noun), mkomunisti (1/2), pl wakomunisti.
community (noun), jamii (9/10), pl jamii.
community (noun), jamii.
community (noun), jumuia (9/10), pl jumuiya.
community (noun), jumuiya (9/10), pl jumuiya.
community (noun), usharika (14).
community (noun), ushirika (14).
community of interests (noun), sharika (5/6), pl mashirika. our
interests are communal. mali yetu ni shirika [Rec].
community of interests (noun), shirika (5/6), pl mashirika.
community of interests (noun), ushirika.
community of interests (noun), ushirikiano.
community of interests (noun), ushirikisho.
community of people (noun), jamii (9/10), pl jamii.
eth. community (noun), kiwili, pl viwili.
t (noun), matatu (9/10), pl matatu. The people of Nairobi travel by
commuter vehicles.. Watu wa Nairobi wanasafiri kwa matatu..
orinth. mnandi (comorant, Phalacrocorax) (noun), mnandi, pl wanandi.
language of the Comoro Islands (noun), Kingazija.
inhabitant of the Comoro Islands (noun), mngazija, pl wangazija.
be compact (verb), -shindama.
be compact (verb), -shindamana.
be compact (verb), -shupaa.
compact (noun), mkate, pl mikate. pressed/plug tobacco.. mkate wa
compactness (noun), ufupi.
companion (noun), jamaa.
companion (noun), mwandani (1/2), pl wandani.
companion (noun), mwenzi, pl wenzi. his friend.. mwenziwe..
his or her companion (noun), mwenzake (1/2), pl wenzake.
my companion (noun), mwenzangu (1/2), pl wenzangu.
companions of Prophet Muhammad (noun), masahaba (6).
commercial company (noun), kampuni ya biashara (5/6), pl makampuni ya
company (noun), bia.
company (noun), biashara.
company (noun), jamaa.
company (noun), jamii.
company (noun), kampuni, pl (-), makampuni.
company (noun), kampuni, pl (-), makampuni.
company (noun), kampuni (5/6), pl makampuni.
company (noun), kikosi (7/8), pl vikosi.
company (noun), rubaa (9/10), pl rubaa.
company (noun), shirika (5/6), pl mashirika. airline company. shirika
la ndege.
company (noun), wenzi.
company (military) (noun), kompania.
go in a company (verb), -andamana.
trading company (noun), kampuni (5/6), pl makampuni.
comparability (noun), ulinganifu (14), pl ulinganifu.
be comparable (verb), -lingana.
be compared (verb), -linganishwa ( caus-pass).
compare (verb), -enenza.
compare (verb), -eneza.
compare (verb), -enza.
compare (verb), -eza.
compare (verb), -fafanisha.
compare (verb), -fananisha (causative).
compare (verb), -lingana.
compare (verb), -linganisha (causative).
compare (verb), -mithilisha.
compare (verb), -pambanua.
compare (verb), -sawanyisha.
compare (verb), -sawazisha.
comparison (noun), linganisho, pl malinganisho.
comparison (noun), mashindano. football competition. mashindano ya
comparison (noun), mshindano, pl mishindano. ball competition. shindano
ya mpira [Rec].
comparison (noun), shindano (5/6), pl mashindano.
comparison (noun), ufananaji.
comparison (noun), ufanani.
comparison (noun), ulinganisho.
comparison (noun), upambano (11/6), pl mapambano.
compartment (noun), kichumba, pl vichumba.
compartment (noun), kijumba (7/8), pl vijumba.
compartment (noun), mkato (3/4), pl mikato.
compass (noun), dira (9/10), pl dira.
compass (for drawing) (noun), bikari (9/10), pl bikari.
compassion (noun), huruma (9/10), pl huruma.
compassion (noun), huruma.
compassion (noun), imani (9/10), pl imani.
compassion (noun), rehema (9/10), pl rehema.
compassion (noun), shafaka (9/10), pl shufaka.
compassion (noun), shufaka (9/10), pl shufaka.
compassion (noun), uraufu.
expression of compassion (interjection), pole.
with compassion (adverb), kwa matao ya chini.
compatriot (noun), pl compatriots, mtani (3/4), pl watani.
compel (noun), hoja.
compel (noun), masharti.
compel (noun), mashurti.
compel (noun), mashuruti.
compel (noun), usulubu.
compel (verb), -bidi. I am compelled to study. Inabidi nisome.
compel (verb), -ghusubu.
compel (verb), -gogoroda.
compel (verb), -juburu.
compel (verb), -juburu.
compel (verb), -lazimisha (causative).
compel (verb), -lazimu.
compel (verb), -shuruti.
compel (verb), -shurutisha.
compel (verb), -shurutiza (causative).
compel (verb), -sulibi.
compel (verb), -sulubu.
compel (verb), -wajibisha.
compensate (verb), -jazi.
compensate (verb), -lipa.
compensation (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
compensation (noun), jazua.
compensation (noun), lipo, pl malipo.
compensation (noun), malipo.
compensation (noun), pl compensations, ridhaa (9/10), pl ridhaa.
compenstaion (noun), kisase, pl visasi.
compenstaion (noun), kisasi, pl visasi.
extra compensation (noun), marupurupu.
extra compensation (noun), rupu (5/6), pl marupurupu.
make compensation for (verb), -komboa.
money or present given as compensation to end quarrel (noun), pl
compensations, pakanya (5/6), pl mapakanya.
compete (verb), -ghilibu.
compete (verb), -husumu.
compete (verb), -pambana. Ali and Juma are contesting for the Mombase
seat. Ali na Juma wanapambania kiti cha Mombasa.
compete (verb), -shindana. to settle a footbll match. kushindana mpira.
compete for (verb), -gombea.
compete for something (verb), -pambania.
competence (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
competence (noun), tasawari (9/10), pl tasawari.
competence (noun), ufarisi.
competence (noun), uhodari.
competence (noun), uhusiano.
competence (noun), ujuizi.
competence (noun), ujuzi.
competence (noun), ustadi.
competence (noun), uweza.
competence (noun), uwezo.
competent (adjective), bingwa.
commercial competition (noun), mghalaba (3/4), pl mghalaba.
competition (noun), mashindano (6).
competition (noun), mashindano. football competition. mashindano ya
competition (noun), pl competitions, mshindano (3/4), pl mishindano. the
competitions themselves are not yet. mashindano yenyewe bado [Muk].
competition (noun), pl competitions, shindano (5/6), pl mashindano. the
competition themselves are not yet. mashindano yenyewe bado [Muk].
competition (noun), upiganaji.
competition (noun), ushindani.
competitive (adjective), shindani.
competitor (noun), mgombea, pl wagombea. candidate in an election..
mgombea uchaguzi.
competitor (noun), mgombeaji, pl wagombeaji. candidate in an election..
mgombea uchaguzi.
competitor (noun), mshindaji, pl washindaji.
competitor (noun), pl competitors, mshindani (1/2), pl washindani.
competitor (noun), mshindi, pl washindi.
competitor (in a sport) (noun), mwanamchezo (1/2), pl wanamichezo.
compilation (noun), mtungo, pl mitungo. easy. mtungo wa habari.
compiler (noun), mtengenezaji, pl watengenezaji.
compiler (noun), mtengezaji, pl watengezaji.
one who compiles (noun), mtunga, pl watunga. poet.. mtunga mashairi.
one who compiles (noun), mtungaji, pl watungaji. poet.. mtunga
compiling (noun), utungaji.
compiling (noun), utungo.
complacency (noun), kinaa.
complacency (noun), kinaya.
complacency (noun), madaha, pl madaha.
complacency (noun), ukinaifu.
complacency (noun), uradhi (14).
be complacent (verb), -twaza.
complacent (adjective), kinaifu.
complain (verb), -guna.
complain (verb), -janga.
complain (verb), -lalama.
complain (verb), -lalamika (potential).
complain (verb), -nuna.
complain (verb), -nung'unika.
complain (verb), -shtakia.
complain (verb), -zoza.
complain (from hunger or pain) (verb), -lalaika.
complain about each other (verb), -nuniana.
complain about someone (verb), -jishtakia ( appl-refl).
complain about someone (verb), -jishitakia.
complain about someone (verb), -jishtakia.
complain about something (verb), -nunia.
complaining (noun), guno (3/4), pl miguno, maguno.
complaining (noun), mguno (3/4), pl miguno, maguno.
complaining (noun), mnuno (3/4), pl minuno.
complaining (noun), ununaji.
complaining (noun), ununo.
complaint (noun), kinyonga (7/8), pl vinyonga.
complaint (noun), kisa, pl visa.
complaint (noun), lalamiko (5/6), pl malalamiko.
complaint (noun), mashtaka (6).
complaint (noun), pl complaints, mshtaka (9/10), pl shtaka.
complaint (noun), pl complaints, nung'uniko (5/6), pl manung'uniko.
complaint (noun), ugonjwa, pl [rare gonjwa] magonjwa.
make a complaint (verb), -shitaki.
make a complaint (verb), -shtaki.
make a complaint (verb), -staki.
complaints (noun), malalamiko (6).
complaisance (noun), ehsani.
complaisance (noun), hisani.
complaisance (noun), jamala.
be complete (verb), -kamilika.
be complete (verb), -takamali.
be complete (verb), -timu.
be completed (verb), -malizika. Usually voting begins at 8 am and is
completed at 6 pm.. Kwa kawaida upigaji kura huanzia saa mbili za asubuhi
na humalizika saa kumi na mbili za jioni [Masomo 99].
be completed (verb), -timia.
complete (adjective), kamili.
complete (adjective), -kamilifu.
complete (adjective), kesha kazi.
complete (adjective), timamu.
complete (adjective), -timilifu.
complete (adjective), -zima.
complete (adverb), kamili.
complete (adverb), kenyekenye.
complete (adverb), nene.
complete (verb), -amili.
complete (verb), -hitimu.
complete (verb), -hitimu.
complete (verb), -isha.
complete (verb), -kamili.
complete (verb), -kamilika (intransitive).
complete (verb), -kamilisha.
complete (verb), -maliza.
complete (verb), -maliza. pay/settle a debt. maliza deni.
complete (verb), -timiza.
complete for (verb), -timizia.
completely (adverb), fofofo.
completely (adverb), hasa.
completely (adverb), hususa.
completely (adverb), kabisa.
completely (adverb), kamili.
completely (adverb), kesha kazi.
completely (adverb), kikamilifu.
completely (adverb), mbali. Because Kiswahili has more than enough words
completely one its own .... Kwa kuwa Kiswahili kina maneno mengi mno ya
kujitosheleza chenyewe mbali ... [Khan, Masomo 393].
completely (adverb), pia.
completely (adverb), tu.
completeness (noun), ukamili.
completeness (noun), ukamilifu (14).
completeness (noun), uzima.
completion (noun), mwisho, pl miisho.
completion (noun), tekelezo, pl matekelezo.
completion (noun), utekelezaji (14).
completion (noun), utimilifu.
completion (noun), utimizo (14).
complexity (noun), tatanisho, pl matatanisho.
complexity (noun), tatizo, pl matatizo.
compliant (adjective), teke.
complicate (verb), -ghasi.
complicate (verb), -tata.
complicate (verb), -tatia.
complicate (verb), -tatiza.
complicate (affairs) (verb), -buruga.
complicated (verb), -chachia.
be complicated (verb), -tatika.
complicated (verb), -tatanisha.
complication (noun), fundo (5/6), pl mafundo.
complication (noun), matata, pl matata.
complication (noun), tata, pl matata.
complication (noun), pl complications, tatizo (5/6), pl matatizo.
compliments (noun), heko.
comply with (verb), -fuata.
comply with (verb), -shika. comply with the law. shika sheria
comply with (verb), -timiliza ( appl-caus).
complying (act of) (noun), ufuataji.
be composed (verb), -buniwa.
be properly composed (verb), -sanifiwa.
compose (verb), -buni.
compose (verb), -sanifisha.
compose (verb), -sanifu.
compose (verb), -tunga.
compose (verb), -tunga.
compose (a book or poem) (verb), -panga.
compose for each other (verb), -tungiana.
be composed (verb), -tulizana.
be composed (verb), -zizima.
composed (adjective), taratibu. speak in a composed way. sema taratibu.
composer (noun), pl composers, msanifu (1/2), pl wasanifu.
composer (noun), pl composers, mtungaji (1/2), pl watungaji.
composer of ballads (noun), shaha (5/6an), pl mashaha.
composer of ballads (noun), sheha (5/6an), pl masheha.
composer of ballads (noun), shehe (5/6an), pl mashehe.
composing (noun), utungaji.
composition (noun), insha.
composition (noun), pl compositions, mtungo (3/4), pl mitungo. its
skillful composition. mtungo wake stadi [Masomo 415].
composition (noun), uandishi (14).
composition (noun), utungaji (11), pl utungaji.
literary composition (noun), utungo.
composure (noun), makini.
composure (noun), taratibu (9/10), pl taratibu.
composure (noun), utulivu.
compound (noun), mji (3/4), pl miji. Tegemea's compound was finished.
mji wa Tegemea ulikwisha [Kez].
one who compounds something (noun), mchanganyaji, pl wachanganyaji.
comprehension (noun), fahamu (9/10), pl fahamu.
comprehension (noun), usikivu (14), pl usikivu.
power of comprehension (noun), uelekevu.
power of comprehension (noun), uwekevu.
power of comprehension (noun), wekevu.
power of comprehension (noun), welekevu.
apply a compress (verb), -kanda.
compress (verb), -gandamiza.
compress (verb), -kamua.
compress (verb), -kandamiza.
compress (verb), -songa.
compressing (noun), kazo (5/6), pl makazo.
compressing (noun), kazo, pl makazo.
compressing (noun), mkazo, pl mikazo.
compressing (act of) (noun), msongo, pl misongo.
compromise (noun), afikiano (5/6), pl maafikiano.
compromise (noun), masilaha.
compromise (noun), masilahi.
compromise (noun), masuluhu.
compromise (noun), isilahi.
compromise (noun), patano la kuridhiana (5/6), pl mapatano.
compromise (noun), suluhu (9/10), pl suluhu.
compromise (verb), -afikana (associative).
compromise (verb), -afikiana (associative).
reach a compromise (verb), -selehi.
reach a compromise (verb), -suluhi.
reach a compromise (verb), -suluhu.
compulsion (noun), mshurutisho, pl mishurutisho.
compulsion (noun), pl compulsions, shurutisho (5/6), pl mashurutisho.
under compulsion (adverb), kwa nguvu. under compulsion. kwa nguvu.
computation (noun), kiwango, pl viwango. be lame, limp.
computation (noun), ukadiri.
computation (noun), ukadirifu.
computation (verb), -hesabu.
compute (verb), -anga.
computing (noun), idadi.
computing (noun), kiwango, pl viwango. be lame, limp.
comrade (noun), jamaa.
comrade (noun), mjoli (1/2), pl wajoli.
comrade (noun), mwenzi, pl wenzi.
comrade (noun), ndugu, pl ndugu.
comrade (noun), rafiki (5/6an), pl marafiki.
comrade (noun), rafiki (9/10an), pl rafiki.
as comrades (adverb), kindugu.
con (verb), -punja. The tourist conned his/her colleagues. Mtalii
alipunja wenzake.
conational (noun), mtani, pl watani.
conational (noun), ndugu.
concave (noun), vungu.
conceal (verb), -ficha. Rendo concealed completely the information about
the glasses.. Rendo alificha kabisa habari ya miwani [Ganzel, Masomo
conceal (verb), -finika.
conceal (verb), -fita.
conceal (verb), -funika.
conceal (verb), -futika.
conceal (verb), -nyerereza.
conceal (verb), -setiri.
conceal (verb), -sitiri. God to conceal us, the preacher thought. Mola
atusitiri, Hatibu alifikiri [Ya].
conceal (verb), -stiri.
conceal (verb), -vumbika.
conceal someone (verb), -sitirisha.
conceal someone (verb), -stirisha.
be concealed (verb), -sitirika.
be concealed (verb), -stirika.
concealment (noun), ficho, pl maficho.
concealment (noun), kificho (7/8), pl vificho.
concealment (noun), kifuniko, pl vifuniko.
concealment (noun), sitara (9/10), pl sitara.
concealment (noun), stara (9/10), pl stara.
one who conceals something (noun), msetiri, pl wasetiri.
one who conceals something (noun), msitiri, pl wasitiri.
one who conceals something (noun), mstiri, pl wastiri.
person who conceals his true motives (who claims to need something which
he really does not need etc.) (noun), Kabwela, pl makabwela.
someone who conceals his activities (noun), mfumba, pl wafumba.
someone who conceals his activities (noun), mfumbaji, pl wafumbaji.
concede (verb), -ungama.
concede the championship to someone (verb), -pasia.
concede the championship to someone (verb), -pasira.
conceit (noun), ghururi (5/6), pl maghururi.
conceit (noun), kiburi (9/10), pl kiburi.
conceit (noun), kinaa.
conceit (noun), kinaya.
conceit (noun), kitambi (7/8), pl vitambi.
conceit (noun), kogo, pl kogo.
conceit (noun), majisifu.
conceit (noun), majivuno.
conceit (noun), makuu.
conceit (noun), ukinaifu.
conceit (noun), unyeti.
conceit (noun), usafihi (14).
conceit (noun), uvuvio.
be conceited (phrase), -wa kichwa kikubwa, pl -wa na vichwa vikubwa.
be conceited (verb), -deka.
be conceited (verb), -jiona.
be conceited (verb), -jiona.
be conceited (verb), -jipevua.
be conceited (verb), -ringa. That girl is conceited for she thinks she
is very beautiful.. Msichana yule anajiringa kwa kujiona ni mzuri sana.
conceited (adjective), malidadi.
conceited (adjective), mardadi.
conceited (adjective), maridadi.
conceited (adjective), mmalidadi.
conceited (adjective), shashimamishi.
conceited (verb), -jijetea.
conceited person (noun), mbezi, pl wabezi.
conceited person (noun), mjisifu, pl wajisifu.
conceive (verb), -tunga mimba.
be concentrated on (fig.) (verb), -nata.
concentrate one's thoughts on something (verb), -nuika.
concentrate one's thoughts on something (verb), -nuiza.
concentric (adjective), -enye senta moja. three-side concentric. senta
ya pembetatu..
conception (noun), mimba (9/10), pl mimba.
be concerned (verb), -husika (potential).
be concerned (verb), -jali.
be concerned with (verb), -husiana.
be of concern to (verb), -husu.
concern (noun), biashara.
concern (noun), shaka (5/6), pl mashaka. (s)he has met with concern.
amekutana na mashaka..
concern (verb), -husu.
concern (verb), -husu.
concern (verb), -pasa.
concern (verb), -pasa.
concern (verb), -wea.
concern (matter for) (noun), maneno.
concern (matter for) (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno.
concern oneself with (a matter) (verb), -taaradhi.
concern oneself with (a matter) (verb), -taaradhia.
It is no concern of mine (phrase), simo.
not concern someone at all (phrase), -tomhusu ndewe wala sikio.
be concerned (verb), -bali.
be concerned with (verb), -shughulikia.
concerning (adverb), juu ya.
concerning (adverb), juu ya.
concerning (conjunction), mintaraf.
concerning (conjunction), mintarafu.
concerning (preposition), katika. concerning those reports.. katika
habari zile.
concerning (preposition), kuhusu.
concerning (verb), -husu.
concert (noun), tafrija (9/10), pl tafrija.
concert (noun), tafriji (9/10), pl tafriji.
conciliate (verb), -afikanisha (causative).
conciliate (verb), -suluhisha (causative).
conciliator (noun), pl conciliators, msuluhisha (1/2), pl wasuluhisha.
conciliator (noun), pl conciliators, msuluhishi (1/2), pl wasuluhishi.
conciliator (noun), pl conciliators, msuluhivu (1/2), pl wasuhulivu.
conciliatory (adjective), suluhivu.
concise (adjective), fupi.
conclude (verb), -akidi.
conclude (verb), -dhamisa.
conclude (verb), -funga.
conclude (verb), -goba.
conclude (verb), -isha.
conclude (verb), -maliza. pay/settle a debt. maliza deni.
conclude (verb), -ondoa. conclude the burial ceremony.. ondoa matanga.
conclude (verb), -panga. conclude a friendship (which implies a relation
of kinship). panga udugu.
conclude (verb), -sikilizana.
conclude (verb), -tindika.
conclude (apprenticeship or education) (verb), -ihtinsa.
conclude (esp. school or courses etc.) (verb), -hitimu.
be concluded (verb), -timu.
be brought to a conclusion (verb), -tekelea.
bring something difficult to a conclusion (verb), -pongea.
bring to a conclusion (verb), -tekeleza.
conclusion (noun), hatima (9/10), pl hatima.
conclusion (noun), kikomo, pl vikomo.
conclusion (noun), mfungo (3/4), pl mifungo.
conclusion (noun), mshuko, pl mishuko.
conclusion (noun), tama (9/10), pl tama.
conclusion (noun), timamu.
conclusion (noun), umalizaji (14).
conclusion (noun), utimilifu.
conclusion (verb), -fikiliana.
conclusion (final) (noun), makataa.
rare conclusion (noun), mtindo, pl mitindo.
conclusive (adverb), tama.
conclusively (adverb), mwisho.
conclusively (adverb), mwishowe.
concord (noun), itifaki.
concord (noun), masilaha.
concord (noun), masilahi.
concord (noun), masuluhu.
concord (noun), pl concords, tangamano (5/6), pl matangamano.
concord (noun), ukubali.
concord (noun), umoja.
concord (noun), usuluhi.
concord (noun), usuluhifu.
be made of concrete or cement (a floor) (verb), -sakafiwa.
concrete (noun), seruji (5/6), pl maseruji. put concrete. tia saruji..
concrete (noun), zege.
mixture of concrete (noun), saruji (9/10), pl saruji. the house was put
a mixture of concrete to make it ash-colored. [nyumba ya Idi] ilitiwa
saruji ya kumichia ya kijivu [Sul].
concubinage (noun), usuria.
concubine (noun), hawa, pl mahawa.
concubine (noun), hawara, pl mahawara.
concubine (noun), kinyumba (7/8an), pl vinyumba.
concubine (noun), mbuya.
concubine (slave) (noun), pl concubines, suria (5/6an), pl masuria.
concur (verb), -idhini.
concur (verb), -sidukia.
concur (verb), -sudukia.
concur (verb), -suduku.
concurrence (noun), idhini.
concurrence (noun), ukubali.
concussion (noun), mleo, pl mileo.
concussion (noun), mtikiso, pl mitikiso.
condemn (verb), -laani.
be condemned (verb), -laaniwa.
condemned person (noun), mahabusi.
condemned person (noun), mahabusu.
condescension (noun), uradhi (14).
condiment (noun), kitoweo (7/8), pl vitoweo.
condiment (noun), kiungo, pl viungo.
be in good condition (verb), -sitawi.
be in good condition (verb), -stawi.
condition (noun), hali (9/10), pl hali.
condition (noun), jambo.
condition (noun), kanuni (9/10), pl kanuni.
condition (noun), makazi.
condition (noun), mambo.
condition (noun), pl conditions, tabia (9/10), pl tabia.
condition (noun), uhali.
essential condition (noun), kanuni.
in good condition (adjective), salihi.
natural condition (noun), umbile, pl maumbile.
natural condition (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
original condition (noun), umbile, pl maumbile.
original condition (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
climactic conditions (noun), tabia (9/10), pl tabia.
conditions (noun), mazingo, pl mazingo.
conditions (noun), sharti (5/6), pl masharti.
conditions (noun), sherti (5/6), pl masherti.
conditions (noun), shurti (5/6), pl mashurti.
conditions (noun), shuruti (5/6), pl mashuruti.
survive harsh conditions (verb), -dumu.
condole (verb), -hani.
condolence (noun), liwazo, pl maliwazo.
condolence (noun), makiwa.
condolences (noun), pl condolences, rambirambi (9/10), pl rambirambi.
condolences (phrase), pole!.
Condolences! (formula of greeting when one enters a house where a death
has recently occurred) (interjection), makiwani.
condom (noun), soksi (9/10), pl soksi.
conduct (noun), kikao, pl vikao.
conduct (noun), mazoea, pl mazoea.
conduct (noun), mwendo, pl miendo. He learns well but his behavior is
bad.. anajifunza sana lakini mwendo wake si mzuri.
conduct (noun), mwenendo (3/4), pl mienendo.
conduct (noun), mwenendo, pl mienendo. He learns well but his behavior
is bad.. anajifunza sana lakini mwendo wake si mzuri.
conduct (noun), siyara (9/10), pl siyara.
conduct (verb), -endesha.
conduct (verb), -miliki.
conduct (verb), -mudu.
conduct (verb), -tamalaki.
conduct (verb), -tamalaki.
conduct (verb), -peleka.
conduct (verb), -pisha (causative).
conduct (verb), -pitisha (causative). The will of good fortune had been
released to conduct the devotions of Idi. moyo wa Bahati [] ulikwisha
fumbuka kuyapisha mahaba ya Idi [Sul].
conduct (verb), -shika hatamu.
conduct (verb), -tamalaki.
conduct (verb), -tamaleki.
conduct oneself well (verb), -adili.
honorable conduct (noun), adili (5/6), pl maadili.
lead (verb), -tamalaki.
learn good conduct (verb), -idili.
conductor (noun), konda (5/6an), pl makonda.
conductor (noun), kipitisho (7/8), pl vipitisho.
conductor (noun), kondakta, pl makondakta.
conductor (of a band or orchestra) (noun), kiongozi, pl viongozi.
conductor (on a motorbus) (noun), utingo (5/6), pl matingo.
confection (noun), kinyunya (7/8), pl vinyunya.
confection (served before the main part of a meal) (noun), kichangamsha
kinywa, pl vichangamsha.
confection made of arrowroot (noun), nyang'amba (9/10), pl nyang'amba.
confection made of peanuts and sugar or meal and syrup (noun), lasu.
confection made of sugar and opium (noun), paru (5/6), pl maparu.
kashata (a confection made of burnt sugar and grated coconut) (noun),
confectionery (noun), andazi, pl maandazi.
confectionery (noun), tamu (9/10), pl tamu.
confectionery (noun), tamutamu (9/10), pl tamutamu.
confer (verb), -kidhi.
confer (verb), -shauri. confer with father first. Mshauri baba kwanza.
conference (noun), mkutano, pl mikutano. press conference.. mkutano wa
waandishi/wanagazeti [Rec].
cause to confess (verb), -ungamisha.
confess (verb), -ungama.
one who confesses that he has done wrong (noun), mwungamaji, pl
raconfess (verb), -kiri.
rel.one who confesses (noun), mwungama, pl waungama.
rel.one who confesses (noun), mwungamaji, pl waungamaji.
confession (noun), kitubio (7/8), pl vitubio.
confession (noun), toba.
confession (noun), ukiri.
confession (noun), ungamo, pl maungamo.
confession (noun), uungamaji.
confession of faith (Islamic) (noun), shahada (9/10), pl shahada. for a
warning is not like the Islamic confession of faith, it is not issued
twice. kwani "onyo" si kama shahada, halitolewi mara tatu [Sul].
hear a confession (verb), -ungamisha.
one who elicits a confession (noun), mwungamishi (3/4), pl waungamishi.
one who receives a confession (noun), mwungamishi, pl waungamishi.
rel.confession (noun), muungamo, pl miungamo.
rel.confession (noun), mwungamo, pl miungamo.
confidant (noun), pl confidants, mshenga (1/2), pl washenga.
confidant (noun), pl confidants, msiri (1/2), pl wasiri.
confidant (noun), mwamini, pl waamini.
confidant (noun), mwaminifu, pl waaminifu.
confidant (noun), mwumini, pl waamini.
confide in someone (verb), -tegemea.
confide something in someone (verb), -nyenyeleza.
confidence (noun), imani.
confidence (noun), imani (9/10), pl imani.
confidence (noun), ithibati.
confidence (noun), tumai, pl matumaini.
confidence (noun), tumaini (5/6), pl (us. pl.).
confidence (noun), uamini.
confidence (noun), uaminifu.
confidence (noun), ushupavu (14).
confidence man (noun), mzizimizi, pl wazizimizi.
confidence man (noun), mzizimizi, pl wazizimizi.
have confidence (verb), -sadiki. the judge/magistrate had confidence
(believed) the thief. Hakimu alimsadiki mwivi.
have confidence in (verb), -tawakali.
have confidence in (verb), -tumai.
inspire confidence (verb), -aminisha.
inspire confidence (verb), -staamanisha.
person in whom one can have no confidence (noun), mtiriri, pl watiriri.
person in whom one has confidence (noun), mwamini, pl waamini.
person in whom one has confidence (noun), mwaminifu, pl waaminifu.
person in whom one has confidence (noun), mwumini, pl waamini.
take someone into one's confidence (verb), -tegemea.
win confidence (verb), -sadikisha.
be confident (verb), -taraji.
confident (adjective), tumai.
confident (adjective), tumaini.
confident (adjective), tumainifu.
confidential (noun), msiri (1/2), pl wasiri.
confidential agent (noun), mwamini, pl waamini.
confidential agent (noun), mwaminifu, pl waaminifu.
confidential agent (noun), mwumini, pl waamini.
confidentially (adverb), mang'ungumu.
be confined (verb), -fungika (potential).
confine (a sick person etc. to a house or room) (verb), -alika.
confine to the house (verb), -vumbika.
confinement (noun), kifungo, pl vifungo.
confinement (noun), mnyoo, pl minyoo.
confinement (noun), mnyororo, pl minyororo.
confinement (noun), uvyazi.
confinement (noun), uzalishaji.
confinement (noun), uzalishi.
confinement (noun), uzazi.
confirm (verb), -egamesha.
confirm (verb), -egameza.
confirm (verb), -egamisha.
confirm (verb), -egemiza.
confirm (verb), -idhini.
confirm (verb), -imarisha.
confirm (verb), -kiri.
confirm (verb), -sadikisha. we confirmed that the woman (or mother) will
arrive tommorrow.. Tulisadikisha kwamba mama atafika kesho.
confirm (verb), -shuhudu.
confirm (verb), shupaza.
confirm (verb), -sidukia.
confirm (verb), -sudukia.
confirm (verb), -suduku.
confirm (verb), -thibitisha (causative).
confirm to someone (verb), -hakikishia (applicative).
confirmation (noun), idhini.
confirmation (noun), ithibati.
confirmation (noun), sahihisho (5/6), pl masahihisho.
confirmation (noun), uhakikisho.
confirmation (noun), undani (11).
confirmation (noun), ushahidi.
confirmation (noun), ushuhuda.
confirmation (noun), uthibitishaji (14).
confirmed (adjective), kubwa.
confiscate (verb), -tenga.
confiscate (verb), -umua.
confiscation (noun), upokonyaji.
confiscation (noun), upokonyo.
be in conflict (verb), pl translation for intransitive?, -bagulika.
cause conflict (verb), -teteleza.
conflict (noun), mapigano. class struggle. mapigano ya kitabaka.
conflict (noun), mapigiano. class struggle. mapigiano ya kitabaka.
conflict (noun), mgongano (3/4), pl migongano. It's essential that we
act in accordance with what is wanted by the family, whether it's good or
bad so that we can live without conflicts and disturbances.. Inabidi
tufuate pendekezo la jamii, na liwe jema au baya ili tupate kuishi bila ya
migongano na misukosuko [Chacha, Masomo 379].
conflict (noun), mpiganisho, pl mipiganisho.
conflict (noun), upambano.
conflict (noun), upigano, pl mapigano.
conflict (verb), -pambana.
conform (verb), -chukuana.
conformity (noun), ulinganifu.
conformity (noun), ulinganyifu.
in conformity with (adverb), kwa mujibu wa.
confront (verb), -kabili.
confront (verb), -suta.
confront each other (verb), -elekeana.
confront one another (verb), -kabiliana.
confront someone (verb), -simamia (applicative).
be confused (verb), -babaika.
be confused (verb), -changanyika.
be confused (verb), -hangaika.
be confused (verb), -kikisa.
become confused (verb), -duala.
become confused (verb), -lingwa.
confuse (verb), -boronga.
confuse (verb), -bumbuaza.
confuse (verb), -chachia.
confuse (verb), -changanya.
confuse (verb), -fuja.
confuse (verb), -ghasi.
confuse (verb), -hangaisha.
confuse (verb), -kanganya.
confuse (verb), -koroweza. break one's neck..
confuse (verb), -laghai.
confuse (verb), -ragai.
confuse (verb), -raghai.
confuse (verb), -pekecha.
confuse (verb), -peketa.
confuse (verb), -rabishi.
confuse (verb), -ragai.
confuse (verb), -raghai.
confuse (verb), -saliti.
confuse (verb), -tata.
confuse (verb), -tatia.
confuse (verb), -vungavunga.
confuse (verb), -zonga.
confuse (affairs) (verb), -buruga.
confuse someone (verb), -puuzisha.
confuse someone (verb), -puzisha.
confuse someone (verb), -tatanisha.
confuse someone (verb), -zulia.
be confused (verb), -bahashika.
be confused (verb), -chugachuga.
be confused (verb), -fadhaika.
be confused (verb), -hamanika.
be confused (verb), -meguka.
be confused (verb), -megukameguka.
be confused (verb), -paparika.
be confused (verb), -taataa.
be confused (verb), -tata.
be confused (verb), -zula.
be confused (verb), -zuzuka.
become confused (verb), -dawaa.
become confused (verb), -duwaa.
confused (adjective), msonge.
confused (verb), -jituka.
confused comment (noun), tata la maneno.
speak confusedly (like a feeble-minded or senile person) (verb), -piswa.
talk confusedly (verb), -tapa.
talk confusedly (verb), -tapatapa.
something confusing (noun), mtatio, pl mitatio.
be in a state of confusion (verb), -fumbama.
be in a state of confusion (verb), -pekecheka.
be in a state of confusion (verb), -peketeka.
be in confusion (verb), -rabishika (potential). the bed that was in
confusion. kitanda kilichorabishika [Muk].
be in confusion (verb), -sinukia ( appl-intr).
be in confusion (verb), -tata.
bring into confusion (verb), -fuja.
confusion (noun), borongo, pl maborongo.
confusion (noun), bumbuazi, pl mabumbuazi.
confusion (noun), dharura.
confusion (noun), dukuduku.
confusion (noun), fadhaa (9/10), pl fadhaa.
confusion (noun), fazaa.
confusion (noun), fujo (5/6), pl mafujo.
confusion (noun), fundo (5/6), pl mafundo.
confusion (noun), furufuru (9/10), pl furufuru.
confusion (noun), ghasia (9/10), pl ghasia.
confusion (noun), hekaheka (9/10), pl hekaheka.
confusion (noun), kiherehere, pl viherehere.
confusion (noun), kikaka, pl vikaka.
confusion (noun), kiwewe (7/8), pl viwewe.
confusion (noun), machafuko (6).
confusion (noun), machafuko, pl machafuko.
confusion (noun), madhilifu, pl madhilifu.
confusion (noun), makorowezo (6).
confusion (noun), makorowezo.
confusion (noun), mang'amung'amu.
confusion (noun), mang'ang'amu.
confusion (noun), matata, pl matata.
confusion (noun), mauzauza.
confusion (noun), mavurugano, pl mavurugano.
confusion (noun), mavurugo, pl mavurugo.
confusion (noun), mburugo (3/4), pl miburugo.
confusion (noun), mchanganyo, pl michanganyo.
confusion (noun), mgaragazo, pl migaragazo.
confusion (noun), mkorogo (3/4), pl mikorogo.
confusion (noun), msongo, pl misongo.
confusion (noun), mtafaruku (3/4), pl mitafaruku.
confusion (noun), mvurugo, pl mivurugo.
confusion (noun), mzumbao (3/4).
confusion (noun), pl confusion, rabsha (9/10), pl rabsha. (s)he is a
confused person. Yeye ni mtu wa rabsha.
confusion (noun), shamrashamra (5/6), pl mashamrashamra.
confusion (noun), shamsham (5/6), pl mashamsham.
confusion (noun), tafrani (9/10), pl tafrani.
confusion (noun), tahayuri (9/10), pl tahayuri.
confusion (noun), tashwishi (9/10), pl tashwishi.
confusion (noun), tata, pl matata.
confusion (noun), tatanisho, pl matatanisho.
confusion (noun), tatizo, pl matatizo.
confusion (noun), uchafuko.
confusion (noun), uchafuzi.
confusion (noun), udhia.
confusion (noun), udhiko.
confusion (noun), ukorogefu.
confusion (noun), ukorogo.
confusion (noun), ushango.
confusion (noun), uvuguvugu.
confusion (noun), vuguvugu (5).
confusion (noun), vurumai (9/10), pl vurumai.
confusion (noun), wasiwasi.
confusion (noun), zahama (9/10), pl zahama.
confusion (noun), zahimu.
confusion (noun), zogo (9/10), pl zogo.
confusion (noun), zulizuli.
confusion (of ideas) (noun), basua.
confusion (of mind) (noun), daghadagha.
confusion (of the mind) (noun), kivinyovinyo, pl vivinyovinyo.
confusion of mind (noun), dungudungu, pl madungudungu.
confusion of mind (noun), mang'amung'amu (6).
fig. confusion (noun), kishindo, pl vishindo.
fig., coll. confusion (noun), kivumbi, pl vivumbi.
in confusion (adjective), vuruguvurugu.
in confusion (adverb), kigugu.
one who causes confusion (noun), mvuruga, pl wavuruga.
one who causes confusion (noun), mvurugaji, pl wavurugaji.
person who creates confusion (noun), mchafuzi, pl wachafuzi.
throw into confusion (verb), -rabishi.
total confusion (noun), fujofujo (5/6), pl mafujofujo.
confusions (noun), matata (6).
congeal (verb), -ganda.
congeal (verb), -tungama.
congeal (verb), -via.
congeal (verb), -vilia.
congeniality (noun), upendano, pl mapendano.
congestion of people in hustle and bustle (adjective), nyakanyaka. the
house became congested with people. nyumba ikajaa nyakanyaka ya watu
[Sul], majumba na majia yaliyojaa nyakanyaka za watu asiowajua [Sul].
congestion of the upper respiratory tract (noun), pl He has a bad cold,
Congo Swahili (noun), Kingwana.
Congolese (adjective), kikongo.
congratulate (verb), -honga.
congratulate (verb), -hongeza.
congratulate (verb), -pa heko.
congratulate (verb), -pongeza. full breasts made her congratulate
herself. matiti yaliyoshiba [] yakamfanya ajipongeze [Mt].
congratulate (verb), -pukusa. The visitors congratulated the husband
after the wedding. Wageni walimpukusa Bwana baada ya harusi.
congratulate (verb), -salimia. Ali congratulated his grandfather. Ali
alimsalimia babu yake.
congratulate (verb), -salimu.
congratulate (verb), -shangalia. they congratulated him/her.
congratulate (verb), -shangilia. Ali congratulated his child for winning
an award. Ali alimshangilia mwanawe kwa kupata zawadi.
congratulations (interjection), heko.
congratulations (interjection), hongera.
congratulations (noun), heko.
congratulations (noun), hongera.
congratulations (noun), hongera (9/10), pl hongera.
congratulations (noun), pongezi (9/10), pl pongezi.
congratulations (noun), shangilio (5/6), pl mashangilio. the first
congratulations came from the capital city. Shangilio la kwanza lilitoka
mji mkuu.
congregation (noun), usharika (14).
congregation (noun), ushirika (14).
congress (noun), bunge (5/6), pl mabunge.
conjecture (noun), dhana.
conjecture (noun), makisi.
conjecture (noun), makisio.
conjecture (noun), wazo, pl mawazo.
conjecture (verb), -aza.
conjecture (verb), -dhani.
conjecture (usually pl.) (noun), kisio, pl makisio. lie in the shade.
conjugate (verb), -nyambua.
conjugation (noun), mnyambuliko (3/4), pl minyambuliko.
gramm. conjunction (noun), kiungo, pl viungo.
conjunctivitis (noun), kikope, pl vikope.
conjuncture (verb), -waza.
conjure (verb), -wanga.
conjurer (noun), kiini macho (7/8), pl viini macho.
conjuring (noun), mizungu (9/10), pl mizungu.
connect (verb), -ambata.
connect (verb), -ambatana.
connect (verb), -bandika.
connect (verb), -egeshana.
connect (verb), -unga.
connect (verb), -ungana.
be connected (verb), -ungamana.
connectedness of things (noun), mfumo (3/4), pl mifumo.
connecting (act of) (noun), muungo, pl miuungo.
connecting (act of) (noun), mwungo, pl miungo.
connection (noun), changamano, pl machangamano.
connection (noun), husuniano, pl mahusuniano.
connection (noun), kiungo, pl viungo.
connection (noun), kongomeo (5/6), pl makongomeo.
connection (noun), muungano, pl miungano.
connection (noun), muungo, pl miuungo.
connection (noun), mwunganisho, pl miunganisho.
connection (noun), mwungano, pl miungano.
connection (noun), mwungo, pl miungo.
connection (noun), tangamano (5/6), pl matangamano.
connection (noun), ufungu.
connection (noun), uhusiano.
connector (noun), kiunga (7/8), pl viunga.
conquer (verb), -shinda. conquer the enemy. kushinda adui.
help conquer (verb), -shindisha.
help conquer (verb), -shindiza.
one who is conquered (noun), mshinde, pl washinde.
one who is conquered (noun), mshindwa, pl washindwa.
conquerer (noun), mnyang'anyi, pl wanyang'anyi.
conqueror (noun), mshindaji, pl washindaji.
conqueror (noun), mshindi, pl washindi.
conquest (noun), ushindi (14).
conquest (noun), ushindi.
consanguinity (noun), ujamaa.
consanguinity (noun), ujamii.
conscience (noun), dhamira.
conscience (noun), dhamiri (9/10), pl dhamiri.
conscience (noun), imani (9/10), pl imani.
conscience (noun), moyo.
conscience (noun), nia (9/10), pl nia.
pangs of conscience (noun), juto, pl majuto.
conscientiousness (noun), nidhamu (9/10), pl nidhamu.
be conscious (verb), -jifahamu (reflexive).
be conscious (of what one is worth) (verb), -jitambua (reflexive).
consciousness (noun), fahamu (9/10), pl fahamu. I fell and lost
consciousness for a time. Nilianguka na kupoteza fahamu kwa muda [Masomo
167];kurishai ndani ya fahamu yake [Moh].
lose consciousness (verb), -ghumia.
lose consciousness (verb), -zirai.
state of half-consciousness (noun), uleoleo.
universal conscription (noun), shogoa (9/10), pl shogoa.
universal conscription (noun), shokoa (9/10), pl shokoa.
be consecrated (verb), -takata.
consecration (noun), uwakfu.
consecration (noun), wakef (9/10).
consecration (noun), wakf (9/10).
consecration (noun), wakfu (11/10), pl wakfu.
consecration (noun), wakifu (9/10).
consecutive (adjective), -andamo.
consecutively (adverb), mtawalia.
consecutively (adverb), mtawalio.
consent (noun), itikio, pl maitikio.
consent (noun), mapatano (6).
consent (verb), -kubali.
consent (verb), -kubaliana.
consent (verb), -pokea. consent to statements.. pokea maneno.
consent (verb), -ridhi. Tamima was ever since willing to consent to her
husband. Tamima daima alikuwa radhi kumridhi mumewe [Moh].
consent (verb), -takabali.
consequence (noun), kinyume.
consequence (noun), matokeo (6).
consequence (noun), mazao, pl mazao.
consequence (noun), tokeo (5/6), pl matokeo.
in consequence of (preposition), maadam ya.
consequently (adverb), alhasil.
consequently (adverb), alhasir.
consequently (conjunction), almuradi.
consequently (conjunction), ndiposa.
conserve (verb), -hifadhi.
be considered (verb), -fikiriwa.
consider (verb), -fanya akili.
consider (verb), -aza.
consider (verb), -chukulia. In some places this school is the first
years of university education but in other states it is considered to be
part of secondary school.. Mahali pengine chuo huwa ni miaka ya mwanzo ya
chuo kikuu walakini majimbo mengine hukichukulia kama sehemu ya elimu ya
sekondari [Masomo 263].
consider (verb), -dhani. The fools of the world, consider color a
stigma.. Wajinga wa ulimwengu, rangi hudhani kashifa [Shaaban Robert,
"Rangi Zetu" 3 iii].
consider (verb), -dhukuru, pl hata sijamdhukuru [Ya].
consider (verb), -fikiri.
consider (verb), -fikiria.
consider (verb), -ghairi.
consider (verb), -hesabia.
consider (verb), -hesabu.
consider (verb), -nia.
consider (verb), -tafakari.
consider (verb), -waza.
consider carefully (verb), -kissi.
consider carefully (verb), -tanabahi.
consider critically (verb), -pima. I have weighed his words and found
that they are untrue.. nimeyapima maneno yake nimeyaona si kweli.
consider something (verb), -wazia.
considerate (adjective), -angalifu.
consideration (noun), adabu (9/10), pl adabu.
consideration (noun), kumbuko, pl makumbuko.
consideration (noun), nadhari (9/10), pl nadhari.
consideration (noun), pl considerations, shauri (9/10), pl shauri.
consideration (noun), upendeleo, pl mapendeleo.
consideration (noun), upendelevu, pl mapendelevu.
consideration (noun), ustahifu.
consideration (noun), ustahivu.
take into consideration (verb), -zingatia.
want of consideration (noun), salata (9).
lose consiousness (verb), -zimia.
consolation (noun), faraja (9/10), pl faraja.
consolation (noun), kitulizo (7/8), pl vitulizo.
console (verb), -fariji.
console (verb), -liwaza.
console (verb), -liwaza.
console (verb), -poza. All the people consoled Ali and his sorrows..
Watu wote walimpoza Ali na huzuni zake.
console oneself (verb), -shukuru.
be consoled (verb), -tumbukia.
consoler (noun), mfariji, pl wafariji.
consolidate (verb), -unga.
phon. consonant (noun), konsonanti (9/10), pl konsonanti.
conspectus (noun), muhtasari. conspectus (of study).. muhtasari ya
conspectus (noun), mutasari. conspectus (of study).. muhtasari ya
conspiracy (noun), mapatano.
conspiracy (noun), mwafaka, pl miafaka.
conspiracy (noun), njama (9/10), pl njama.
conspiracy (noun), patano (5/6), pl mapatano.
conspiracy (noun), upatano.
constancy (noun), mkazo, pl mikazo.
constant (adjective), -a daima.
constant (adjective), dawama.
constantly (adverb), abadi.
constantly (adverb), abidi.
constantly (adverb), dahari.
constantly (adverb), daima.
constantly (adverb), dawama.
constantly (adverb), dawamu.
constantly (adverb), milele. forever.. milele na milele.
consternation (noun), bumbuazi, pl mabumbuazi.
consternation (noun), uvuguvugu.
constitution (noun), dutu, pl dutu, madutu.
constitution (noun), hulka (9/10), pl hulka.
constitution (noun), katiba (9/10), pl katiba.
constitution (noun), katiba.
constitution (noun), maumbile, pl maumbile.
constitution (noun), sharia (9/10), pl sharia. constitution of the land.
sheria ya jamhuri..
constitution (noun), sheria (9/10), pl sheria. laws of the land. sheria
ya jamhuri..
good constitution (noun), siha (9/10), pl siha.
pol. constitution (noun), mpango, pl mipango.
strong constitution (noun), sulubu (9/10), pl sulubu.
constraint (noun), uzuizi (11/6), pl mazuizi.
constrict (verb), -finya.
construct (verb), -buni.
construct (verb), -jenga.
construct (verb), -jenga.
construct (verb), -sanaa.
construct (verb), -sanii.
construct (verb), -tunga.
construct (verb), -unda.
one who constructs something (usually of wood) (noun), mwunda, pl waunda.
shipbuilder. mwunda chombo.
be constructed (verb), -undwa.
construction (noun), jengo, pl majengo.
construction (noun), majengo.
construction (noun), majenzi.
construction (noun), maunzi, pl maunzi.
construction (noun), mtungo, pl mitungo.
construction (noun), ujengaji, pl majengaji.
construction (noun), ujenzi (14), pl ujenzi.
construction (noun), ulinzi (14).
construction (noun), uundaji.
construction (noun), uunzi, pl maunzi.
construction laborer (noun), mchimbuzi, pl wachimbaji. "miner, mine
worker".. mchimbaji wa madini , mchimbaji dhahabu.
construction laborer (who digs) (noun), mchimbaji (1/2), pl wachimbaji.
one who constructs (noun), mtunga, pl watunga. poet.. mtunga mashairi.
one who constructs (noun), mtungaji, pl watungaji. poet.. mtunga
one who constructs something (usually of wood) (noun), muunda, pl waunda.
shipbuilder. mwunda chombo.
one who constructs something (usually of wood) (noun), muundi, pl waundi.
shipbuilder. mwunda chombo.
consul (noun), balozi (5/6), pl mabalozi.
consulate (noun), kanseli.
consulate (noun), ubalozi.
consult a divining board (verb), -tazamia.
consult with (verb), -shauri. consult with the woman (mother). Mshauri
na mama.
consultant (noun), pl consultants, mshauri (1/2), pl washauri.
consultation (noun), mkutano, pl mikutano. press conference.. mkutano
wa waandishi/wanagazeti [Rec].
consume (verb), -chakaza.
consume (verb), -la.
consume (verb), -maliza. completely consume a meal. malisha chakula.
be consumed (verb), -lika.
be consumed (verb), -teketea.
consumer (noun), mla, pl wala. usurer. mla riba.
consumer (noun), mlaji (1/2), pl walaji.
consuming (noun), matumizi (6).
consummate (adjective), -timilifu.
consummation (noun), ukamili.
consummation (noun), ukamilifu.
consummation (noun), utimilifu.
consumption (noun), haraja.
be in contact (verb), -amba.
bring into contact with (verb), -egesha.
contact (noun), changamano.
contact (noun), kishiko, pl vishiko.
contact (noun), kiungo, pl viungo.
contact (noun), mapambano.
contact (noun), mgusano (3/4), pl migusano.
contact (noun), pambano (5/6), pl mapambano.
contact (noun), tangamano (5/6), pl matangamano.
contacting (act of) (noun), mguso, pl miguso.
contagion (noun), ambukizo, pl maambukizo.
contagion (noun), uambukizo, pl maambukizo.
contagion (noun), wito.
be contagious (verb), -ambukiza. contagious disease. ugonjwa wa
contain (verb), -shikilia (applicative).
contain (verb), -timu.
container (noun), tumba (9/10), pl tumba.
container (bag or box or case) (noun), kipeto, pl vipeto.
container (large tin) (noun), debe (5/6), pl madebe.
container for storing grain (on a raised platform) (noun), kichaga, pl
container for storing grain (on a raised platform) (noun), uchaga.
container for storing grain (on a raised platform) (noun), uchala.
water container made of hid, waterskin (noun), kiriba, pl viriba.
wide-mouthed cylindrical container (noun), pl containers, mtungi (3/4),
pl mitungi.
containing (adjective), enye.
containing (adjective), enyi.
contaminate (verb), -ambukiza.
contaminate (verb), -najisi.
contemplate (verb), -dhamiria.
contemporaries (noun), marika. These people are my contemporaries. hawa
ni marika yangu.
contemporary (noun), hirimu (9/10), pl hirimu.
contemporary (noun), hirimu.
contemporary (noun), herimu.
contemporary (noun), rika (5/6an), pl marika.
contempt (noun), chuki.
contempt (noun), darau.
contempt (noun), dharau (9/10), pl dharau. You just show contempt..
Unaonyesha dharau tu [Chacha, Masomo 376]; alisema kwa bezo, jeuri na
dharau [Moh].
contempt (noun), kimene. the size/stature/height of a person.
contempt (noun), mapuuza (6).
contempt (noun), purukushani (5/6), pl mapurukushani. contemptuously.
kwa purukushani.
contempt (noun), ufyozi (14).
contempt (noun), unyanya.
contempt (noun), upeketevu.
contempt (noun), usodai.
contempt (noun), usodawi.
contempt (noun), uvivu.
contempt (noun), uzembe.
contempt (usually of words or admonitions) (noun), bezo, pl mabezo.
contemptuous sound (noun), guno (5/6), pl maguno.
exclamation of contempt (interjection), nobe.
expression of contempt (interjection), ng'o.
expression of contempt (interjection), ng'oo.
interj of contempt (interjection), nyoo!.
show contempt by protruding the lower lip (verb), -bibidia.
treat someone with contempt (verb), -pekechekea.
treat someone with contempt (verb), -peketekea.
treat someone with the greatest contempt (verb), -tukanisha.
treat with contempt (verb), -beja.
treat with contempt (verb), -bekua.
treat with contempt (verb), -fyoza.
treat with contempt (verb), -hakiri.
treat with contempt (verb), -purukusa.
treat with contempt (verb), -purukusha. (s)he felt contemptuous of
her(him)self on realizing that (s)he had erred.. Alijipurukusha, alipoona
amefanya kosa.
treat with contempt (verb), -safihi.
treat with contempt (verb), -safii.
treat with contempt (verb), -tusha.
contemptuous (adjective), fyozi.
contemptuous (adjective), peketevu.
contemptuous (adjective), pekutevu.
contemptuous (adjective), shashimamishi.
contemptuously (verb), -bera.
talk contemptuously (verb), -jugumu.
contend (verb), -shindana. to settle a football match. kushindana
be content (verb), -habu.
be content (verb), -hebu.
be content (verb), -ridhi.
content (adjective), radhi. Tamima was forever contented with inheriting
her husband. Tamima daima alikuwa radhi kumridhi mumewe [Moh].
content (noun), maandishi, pl maandishi.
be contented (verb), -koya.
be contented (verb), -ridhika.
be contented (verb), -shukuru.
be contented (verb), -taibika (intransitive).
bone of contention (noun), ushindi.
contention (noun), bishano, pl mabishano.
contentious (adjective), shindani.
contentious person (noun), mbishi, pl wabishi.
contentious person (noun), mshindani, pl washindani.
contentious person (noun), mshindanizi, pl washindanizi.
contentious person (noun), mtesa, pl watesa.
contentious person (noun), mtesaji, pl watesaji.
contentious person (noun), mtesi, pl watesi.
contentiousness (noun), ukindani.
contentiousness (noun), ukinzani, pl makinzani.
contentiousness (noun), upindani.
contentment (noun), mteremo, pl miteremo.
contentment (noun), nderemo, pl minderemo.
contentment (noun), radhi (9/10), pl radhi. Because of his/her choice,
not because of his/her contentment. kwa hiari yake, lakini si kwa radhi
yake [Sul].
contentment (noun), raha (9/10), pl raha. find contentment. ona raha.
contentment (noun), ridhaa (9/10), pl ridhaa.
contentment (noun), ukinaifu.
contentment (noun), uradhi.
find contentment (verb), -ona raha. be quiet.. kaa raha mustarehe.
contents (table of) (noun), yaliomo.
contents (table of) (noun), yaliyomo.
table of contents (noun), fahirisi (9/10), pl faharisi.
table of contents (noun), muhtasari.
table of contents (noun), mutasari.
contest (noun), mashindano. football competition. mashindano ya mpira.
contest (noun), mpambanisho, pl mipambanisho.
contest (noun), mshindano, pl mishindano. ball contest. shindano ya
mpira [Rec].
contest (noun), mshindano (3/4), pl mishindano. ball contest. shindano
ya mpira [Rec].
contest (noun), pambano (5/6), pl mapambano.
contest (noun), shindano (5/6), pl mashindano. a ball competition.
shindano ya mpira [Rec].
contest (noun), upiganaji.
contest (noun), upigano.
contest (noun), ushindani.
contest (noun), vita.
contest (the possession of something) (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
participant in a contest (noun), mshindani, pl washindani.
participant in a contest (noun), mshindanizi, pl washindanizi.
sport contest (noun), mapambano. In the contest between the two teams
Brazil will defeat Chile. katika mapambano ya timu mbili hizi, Brazil
watashida Chile.
contingency (something that will happen if...) (noun), magengo.
be contiguous (verb), -paka. our countries are contiguous.. nchi zetu
continent (adjective), kadirifu.
continent (noun), bara. continent of Africa. bara ya Afrika [Ulaya].
continent (as opposed to islands) (noun), mrima, pl mirima.
geogr. continent (noun), konteninti (5/6), pl konteninti.
continually (adverb), daima.
continually (adverb), dawama.
continually (adverb), dawamu.
continually (adverb), mfululizo.
continuation (noun), uandamizi, pl maandamizi.
continuation (noun), uendelezo.
continuation (noun), wendelezo.
continue (noun), dumu.
continue (verb), -endelea. the story will be continued. habari
continue (verb), -kaa.
continue (verb), -zidi.
continue (something) (verb), -endeleza. They continued with their
agricultural work and that of providing essential services.. Waliendelea
na kazi zao za kilimo na za kuendeleza huduma za lazima [Nyerere, Masomo
continue (to do something) (verb), -endesha.
continue to live in (a place that one visits and finds attractive)
(verb), -sehelea.
continue to live in (a place that one visits and finds attractive)
(verb), -selea.
do continuously (verb), fufuliza.
do continuously (verb), -fululiza.
do continuously (verb), fuuliza.
do continuously (verb), -fuuza.
continuity (noun), mwendelezo (3/4), pl miendelezo.
continuously (adverb), msago.
continuously (adverb), mtawalia.
continuously (adverb), mtawalio.
continuously (adverb), mtindo mmoja.
continuously (adverb), msago.
continuously (adverb), sago.
do continuously (verb), -fufuliza.
do continuously (verb), -fuliza.
contour (noun), kizunguko, pl vizunguko.
contour (noun), mzunguko, pl mizunguko.
contour bund (noun), kingamaji, pl makingamaji.
contraband (noun), magendo (6).
contraband trade or sidetracking of officialdom in transactions (noun),
contraceptive pills (noun), vidonge vya kuzuia mimba.
conclude a contract (verb), -fanya sharti.
contract (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
contract (noun), kiaga.
contract (noun), maafikano, pl maafikano.
contract (noun), maafikiano, pl maafikiano.
contract (noun), mapatano (6).
contract (noun), mapatano.
contract (noun), mkataba (3/4), pl mikataba.
contract (noun), mwafaka (3/4), pl miafaka.
contract (noun), patano (5/6), pl mapatano. conclude a contract.. fanya
contract (noun), sharti (5/6), pl masharti.
contract (noun), sherti (5/6), pl masherti.
contract (noun), shurti (5/6), pl mashurti.
contract (noun), shuruti (5/6), pl mashuruti.
contract (noun), upatano.
contract (verb), -nywea.
establish friendly contracts (verb), -tabikisha (causative).
make a contract (verb), -afikana (associative).
make a contract (verb), -afikiana (associative).
make a contract (verb), pl Yes, -aga.
make a contract (verb), pl Yes, -agana.
make a contract (verb), -katibiana.
contractor (noun), akidu (5/6an), pl maakidu.
contractor (noun), kontrakta (9/10an), pl kontrakta.
contradict (verb), -checha.
contradict (verb), -dakiza.
contradict (verb), -gomba.
contradict (verb), -hitilafiana ( appl-assoc).
contradict (verb), -kaidi.
contradict (verb), -kaidi.
contradict (verb), -kinga.
contradict (verb), -pinga.
contradict (verb), -rudia neno.
contradict (verb), -teta.
contradict (verb), -tetea.
contradict (verb), -zuma.
contradict each other (verb), -pingana.
dare someone to contradict (verb), -kaidisha (causative).
contradiction (noun), dakizo (5/6), pl madakizo.
contradiction (noun), hitilafu.
contradiction (noun), kinzano, pl makinzano.
contradiction (noun), mabishano, pl mabishano.
contradiction (noun), magombezi.
contradiction (noun), magombezo.
contradiction (noun), ubishi (14).
contradiction (noun), ukindani.
contradiction (noun), ukinzani, pl makinzani.
spirit of contradiction (noun), upinzani.
someone who habitually contradicts (noun), mdakulizi, pl midakulizi.
act contrary to (verb), -halifu.
be contrary (verb), -dinda.
contrary (noun), kinyume (7).
contrary (of people) (adjective), pingani.
contrary report (noun), habari ya kinyume.
on the contrary (adverb), mbele.
on the contrary (adverb), mkabala. "facing, opposite, contrasting"..
mkabala wa....
on the contrary (adverb), ubele.
on the contrary (adverb), umbele.
on the contrary (conjunction), bali.
compare (verb), -pambanisha.
contrast (verb), -pambanisha.
oppose (verb), -pambanisha.
put side by side (verb), -pambanisha.
contravention (noun), uhalifu, pl mahalifu.
contribute (verb), -changa. They contributed cows, corn, beans, money.
Walichanga ng'ombe, mahindi, maharage, fedha [Nyerere, Masomo 275].
contribute to (verb), -hariji.
contribution (noun), ada (5/6), pl maada.
contribution (noun), mchango (3/4), pl michango.
contribution (of money or food etc.) (noun), chango (9/10), pl machango.
make a contribution (verb), -changia (applicative).
contributor (to a collection of money) (noun), mfadhili (1/2), pl
countrified (adjective), kishamba.
contrition (noun), juto, pl majuto.
contrition (noun), majuto.
contrition (noun), toba.
be controlled (verb), -amuliwa (passive). His/her heart was full of
feelings that could not be controlled.. moyo wake ulikuwa umejaa hisia
zisizoweza kuamuliwa [Sul].
beyond someone's control (phrase), bila ya hiari yake.
control (noun), udhibiti.
control (noun), ulinzi.
control (noun), usimamizi.
control (verb), -dhibiti.
control your tongue (verb), -fyata ulimi.
controversy (noun), kigambo, pl vigambo.
contusion (noun), vilio la damu (5/6), pl mavilio ya damu.
convalescence (noun), nafuu, pl nafuu.
convalescent leave (noun), likizo ya afueni.
convene (verb), -hudhurisha.
be convenient (verb), -faa.
convenient time (noun), fursa.
girl who enters a convent (noun), mtaawa, pl wataawa.
girl who enters a convent (noun), mtawa, pl watawa.
convention (noun), kanuni (9/10), pl kanuni.
converge (verb), -karibiana.
convergence (noun), kengeza, pl makengeza.
carry on a conversation (verb), -simuliana (associative).
carry on a conversation (verb), -zungumza.
carry on a coversation (verb), -shika mazungumzo.
conversation (noun), maongezi (6).
conversation (noun), maongezi. begin a conversation; We must end this
conversation of ours.. weka maongezi; Sharti tumalize maongezi yetu haya
[Chacha, Masomo 373].
conversation (noun), mazungumzo (6).
conversation (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
conversation (noun), semezano (5/6), pl masemezano.
conversation (noun), soga (5/6), pl masoga.
conversation (noun), usemi.
conversation (noun), zumgumzo (5/6), pl mazumgunzo.
conversation (noun), zungumzo, pl mazungumzo.
conversation (telephone) (noun), shauri (9/10), pl shauri.
good conversationalist (noun), mwongeza, pl waongeza.
good conversationalist (noun), mwongezi, pl waongezi.
good conversationalist (noun), mzungumzaji, pl wazungumzaji.
light conversation (noun), porojo (5/6), pl maporojo. The children had a
light conversation. Watoto walikuwa wakitoa porojo.
telephone conversation (noun), simu (9/10), pl simu. speak by telephone.
piga/sema kwa simu.
converse (verb), -piga masoga.
converse (verb), -ongea.
converse (verb), -sema. be conversed. semekana.
converse (verb), -simuliana (associative).
converse (verb), -zumgumza.
converse (verb), -zungumza.
conversion (noun), uongofu.
conversion (noun), wongofu.
be converted (verb), -hidiwa.
be converted (verb), -ongoka.
be converted (verb), -ongolewa.
convert (noun), mwongofu (1/2), pl waongofu.
convert (verb), -hawili.
convert (verb), -hidi.
convert (verb), -ongoa.
convert (to Islam) (verb), -sujudisha (causative).
convert someone to Christianity (verb), -tanasarisha.
be converted to Christianity (verb), -tanasara.
be convex (verb), -koba.
convex (noun), mbonyeo (3/4), pl mibonyeo.
convey (verb), -hawilisha.
convey (verb), -peleka.
convey (verb), -somba.
convey (a report or news) (verb), -bashiri.
convey (as passenger) (verb), -abirisha.
convey across (verb), -vusha.
convey goods or passengers (verb), -safirisha. the mother (woman) will
transport the children to their grandparents. Mama atasafirisha watoto
kwa nyanya yao.
convey to each other (verb), -pashana.
conveyance (noun), uhawilishaji, pl mahawilishaji.
conveyance (noun), upelekaji.
conveyance (noun), usafirisha.
conveyance (noun), usafirishaji.
be convicted (verb), -hukumiwa.
convict (noun), mahabusi (9/10an), pl mahabusi.
conviction (noun), imani (9/10), pl imani.
conviction (noun), mvuto, pl mivuto.
conviction (noun), uthubutifu.
innermost conviction (noun), dhamira.
innermost conviction (noun), dhamiri.
be convinced (verb), -nyenyeka.
convince (verb), -babaka.
convince (verb), -hakikisha.
convince (verb), -sadikisha. The old man Ali, was convinced that these
children are the ones who stole his money. Mzee Ali alisadikisha kuwa
hawa watoto ndio waliiba pesa zake.
be convincing (verb), -sadikika.
convoke (verb), -hudhurisha.
move convulsively (verb), -papatika (potential). Idi made his heart move
convulsively with fear. Idi iliufanya moyo wake upapatike kwa hofu [Sul].
be convulsed (verb), -pindamana.
convulsion (noun), jansi.
convulsion (noun), masuko (6).
convulsion (noun), masukosuko, pl masukosuko.
convulsion (noun), mshtuko, pl mishtuko.
convulsion (noun), mstuko, pl mistuko.
convulsion (noun), pindupindu (9/10), pl pindupindu.
convulsion (noun), tetemeko (5/6), pl matetemeko.
convulsion (noun), tetemeko, pl matetemeko.
convulsion (noun), tetemo, pl matetemeko.
convulsions (of children) (noun), vumatiti.
med.convulsion (noun), mpapatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
med.convulsion (noun), papatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
convulsion (noun), kifafa (7/8), pl vifafa.
convulsions (esp. of small children) (noun), dege.
be cooked (verb), -pikwa.
be cooked (verb), -wiva.
become cooked (verb), -iva.
become cooked (verb), -ivisha.
cause to cook (verb), -ivisha.
cook (noun), chimbi, pl machimbi.
cook (verb), -pika.
cook (verb), -teleka.
cook (verb), -tokosa.
cook (food) (verb), -andaa.
cook . (=rarempikaji) (noun), mpishi, pl wapishi.
cook something (verb), -chemsha.
cook something (verb), -chemusha.
cooking place (noun), jiko (5/6), pl meko.
rare cook (noun), mwandaji, pl waandaliaji.
rare cook (noun), mwandaliaji, pl wandaliaji.
rare cook cf. mpishi (noun), mpikaji, pl wapikaji.
be coocked (verb), -tokota.
be cooked (verb), -iva.
cooked (adjective), bivu.
cooker (noun), jiko (5/6), pl meko.
cookery (noun), mapishi. "There is only one rice, but there are various
ways of cooking it".. prov. mchele mmoja, mapishi mabalimbali.
cookery (noun), upikaji.
cookery (noun), upishi (14).
cookie (noun), biskuti (9/10), pl biskuti.
cooking (noun), chemko.
cooking (noun), mapishi. "There is only one rice, but there are various
ways of cooking it".. prov. mchele mmoja, mapishi mabalimbali.
cooking (noun), mchomo (3/4), pl michomo.
cooking (noun), upikaji.
cooking (noun), upishi (11/6), pl mapishi.
cooking (act of) (noun), mpiko (3/4), pl mipiko.
cooking (act of) (noun), ukaango.
cooking (by boiling) (noun), mtokoso, pl mitokoso.
cooking (of food) (noun), andao, pl maandao.
cooking (profession or act of) (noun), mapishi (6).
cooking place (noun), pahala pa kupikia (9/10), pl pahala.
cooking place (noun), pahali pa kupikia (9/10), pl pahali.
cooking pot (noun), ungu, pl nyungu.
cooking-stone (usually one of three supporting a pot) (noun), figa, pl
cooking-place (noun), jiko.
cooking-pot (usually round and shallow) (noun), chungu (7/8), pl vyungu.
large cooking-pot (noun), jungu (5/6), pl majungu.
cooking-stone (three of these stones form the cooking place) (noun),
be cool (verb), -burudi.
be cool (verb), -tabaradi.
be cooled (verb), -burudika.
become cool (verb), -zizima.
cool (adjective), kikavu.
cool (adjective), poa.
cool (adjective), tulivu.
cool (verb), -burudisha.
cool (verb), -poa.
cool by fanning (verb), -pepelea. Cool the food before eating.
Ukipepelee chakula kabla kula.
cool down (verb), -zimua.
cool off (verb), -poa.
cool season (June-August) (noun), kipupwe, pl vipupwe.
cool something off (verb), -poza. The mother cooled off the child's
milk. Mama alipoza maziwa ya mtoto.
cool off (adjective), zizima.
cooling (noun), ubaridi.
coolness (noun), baridi (9/10), pl baridi.
coolness (noun), mzizimo (3/4), pl mizizimo.
coolness (noun), uburudisho.
coop (noun), kizimba (7/8), pl vizimba.
cooperate (verb), -shirikiana. we are cooperating in helping poor
children. Sisi tunashirikiana kusaidia watoto maskini.
cooperation (noun), jamaa.
cooperation (noun), kikoa (7/8), pl vikoa.
cooperation (noun), sharika (5/6), pl mashirika. our property is
cooperative. mali yetu ni shirika [Rec].
cooperation (noun), shirika (5/6), pl mashirika.
cooperation (noun), ujima (14).
cooperation (noun), usharika (14).
cooperation (noun), ushirika.
cooperation (noun), ushirikiano (14), pl ushirikiano.
cooperation (noun), ushirikisho.
neighborhood cooperation (in field work or house-building) (noun), ujima.
cooperative (noun), pl cooperatives, shirika (5/6), pl mashirika.
farmers co-operative. shirika la wakulima.
cooperative (noun), ushirika (11), pl ushirika.
cooperative society (noun), chama cha ushirika (7/8), pl vyama vya
cooperative society (in Kenya) (noun), harambee. this is a test entry
for the edit engine. please edit this entry further!!!.
coordinate (verb), -ratibisha.
coordinate (verb), -ratibu.
coordinate (verb), -shirikisha. the teacher cordinated the voting
procedures. Mwalimu alishirikisha utaratibu wa upigaji kura.
coordination (noun), uratibu (14), pl uratibu.
gum-copal tree (noun), msandarusi, pl misandarusi.
copier (noun), mwiga (1/2), pl waiga.
copper (noun), pl copper, shaba nyekundu (9/10), pl shaba. the metal
fastener of the door had the color of copper. Tumbuu ya mlango ilikuwa ya
shaba nyekundu.
copper-colored (adjective), maji ya kunde.
copper sulphate (noun), mrututi.
copper sulphate (noun), mrututu.
copse (noun), kituka (7/8), pl vituka.
copulate (verb), -jamii.
copulate (verb), -tomba.
copulate (of a male bird) (verb), -kanyaga.
copulate (specifically the male portion of the activity) (verb), -panda.
copulate with (of male animal) (verb), -kwea.
(extremely vulgar term for) copulation (verb), -tombana.
copy (noun), manuku.
copy (noun), manukuu.
copy (noun), mwigo (3/4), pl miigo.
copy (noun), nakala, pl nakala.
copy (noun), nakili. duplicate.. nakala ya pili.
copy (noun), nuku. duplicate.. nakala ya pili.
copy (verb), -eleleza.
copy (verb), -fuasa.
copy (verb), -fuata.
copy (verb), -fuatisha.
copy (verb), -fuatiza.
copy (verb), -iga.
copy (verb), -igiza.
copy (verb), -nakili.
copy (verb), -nakulu.
copy (verb), -nuku.
copy (verb), -nukulu.
copy (verb), -nukuu.
copy (verb), -oleleza.
copy (verb), -oleza.
copy (verb), -rasimu.
copyist (noun), mwandiki, pl waandikaji.
copyist (noun), mwandiki, pl waandiki.
coquetry (noun), maringo (6).
coquette (noun), mbembe, pl wabembe.
coquette (noun), mbembelezi, pl wabembelezi.
coquette (noun), mbembezi, pl wabembezi.
coral (noun), genge (5/6), pl magenge.
coral (noun), marijani (9/10), pl marijani.
coral (noun), marijani. red coral. marijani ya fedhaluka.
coral (in the stage before complete fossilization) (noun), matumbawe, pl
coral rag (i.e. coral in the state before complete petrification that is
light and used for lime burning) (noun), tumbawe, pl matumbawe.
coral stone (used for massage) (noun), pl coral stones, msio (3/4), pl
red coral (noun), marijani ya fedhaluka.
red coral (noun), marijani ya fethaluka.
cord (noun), kamba (9/10), pl kamba.
cord (noun), kamba.
cord (noun), kigwe (7/8), pl vigwe.
cord (noun), mchinjiko (3/4), pl michinjiko.
cord (noun), mshadhari.
cord (noun), mshazari.
cord (noun), mshipi, pl mishipi.
cord (noun), toli.
cord (noun), ugwe (11/10), pl nyugwe.
cord (noun), utari, pl tari.
cord (noun), uzi, pl nyuzi.
cord (made of plaited strips of leaves) (noun), ukambaa.
cord (small for fastening sail to yard in boat) (noun), kajekaje (9/10),
pl kajekaje.
cordial (adjective), kunjufu.
cordiality (noun), bashasha (9/10), pl bashasha.
cording (of a handcrafted bedstead) (noun), uwambo, pl mambo.
cording (of a handmade bed) (noun), mambo.
plaited cording to support a bed (noun), sapatu (5/6), pl masapatu.
corduroy (noun), bahameli, pl bahameli.
corduroy (noun), mahameli.
core (noun), kiini (7/8), pl viini.
core (of tree) (noun), kunge (9/10), pl kunge.
coriander plant (noun), mgiligilani (3/4), pl migiligani.
coriander seed (Coriandrum sativum) (noun), giligilani (9/10), pl
be corked (verb), -zibika.
cork (noun), kizibo (7/8), pl vizibo.
cork (verb), -ziba.
corkscrew (noun), kizibuo (7/8), pl vizibuo.
corkscrew (noun), skrubu (9/10), pl skrubu.
corkscrew (noun), skurubu (9/10), pl skurubu.
zool. cormorant (noun), nahodha (5/6an).
corn (noun), hindi (5/6), pl mahindi.
corn (noun), mahindi.
corn (noun), mahindi (6).
corn (noun), nafaka, pl nafaka.
corn (noun), suguru (5/6), pl masuguo.
corn (on the foot) (noun), sugu (9/10), pl sugu.
parched corn (noun), bisi.
roasted corn (noun), bisi.
single grain of corn (noun), hindi, pl mahindi.
corncob (noun), pl corncobs, bunzi (5/6), pl mabunzi.
corncob (noun), pl corncobs, gunzi (5/6), pl magunzi.
corncob (noun), pl corncobs, kibunzi (7/8), pl vibunzi.
corncob (noun), pl corncobs, pepe (5/6), pl mapepe.
corncob (small) (noun), pl corncobs, kigunzi (7/8), pl vigunzi.
cornea (noun), chamba, pl vyamba.
characterized by corners (adjective), -a pembe pembe.
corner (noun), kando.
corner (noun), kona (9/10), pl kona.
corner (noun), pembe (9/10), pl pembe. the four corners of the room
(house). pembe inne za chumba [nyumba].
corner (noun), ukando.
drive a person into a corner (verb), -bumbuaza.
in the corner (noun), pembeni.
throw a corner (in football) (noun), konesha.
upper corner of triangular sail (noun), upembe (11), pl pembe.
corner-post (noun), pembe (9/10), pl pembe.
cornice (noun), zinara.
coronet (noun), taji (9/10), pl taji.
corporal (noun), koplo, pl wakoplo.
corporal (noun), ombasha (5/6an), pl maombasha.
corporal (noun), shaushi (5/6an), pl mashaushi.
corporation (noun), kampuni (5/6), pl makampuni.
clothes used for washing a corpse (noun), mashambizo.
corpse (noun), kimba (5/6), pl vimba.
corpse (noun), maiti (5/6), pl maiti.
corpse (noun), maiti.
corpse (noun), masaa.
corpse (noun), masalia.
corpse (noun), masalio.
corpse (noun), masao.
corpse (noun), masazo.
corpse (noun), mayiti.
corpse (noun), mfu (1/2), pl wafu.
corpse (noun), msazo, pl misazo.
corpse (noun), salio (5/6), pl masalio.
corpse (noun), sao (5/6), pl masao.
corpse (noun), sazo (5/6), pl masazo.
corpse (usually that of the victim of an accident found outside the home)
(noun), mzoga, pl mizoga.
one who holds corpse while it's being washed (noun), mwegamo (1/2), pl
place for washing corpses (noun), chosho, pl machosho.
place for washing corpses (noun), josho, pl majosho.
prepare a corpse for burial (verb), -pamba maiti.
person who makes a business of washing corpses (noun), mwosha, pl waosha.
person who makes a business of washing corpses (noun), mwoshaji, pl
corpulence (adjective), maki. He is heavy (and strong). ana maki.
corpulence (noun), ujalifu.
corpulence (noun), ujalivu.
corpulence (noun), ujazi.
corpulence (noun), unene.
become corpulent (verb), -nenepa.
corpulent (adjective), nene.
correct (adjective), adili.
correct (adjective), adilifu.
correct (adjective), baraba.
correct (adjective), barabara.
correct (adjective), fasaha.
correct (adjective), fasihi.
correct (adjective), kimada.
correct (adjective), sadifu.
correct (adjective), sahihi.
correct (adjective), sahihifu.
correct (verb), -dubu.
correct (verb), -kosoa.
correct (verb), -noa.
correct (verb), -ongoa.
correct (verb), -rakibisha (causative).
correct (verb), -rekibisha (causative).
correct (verb), -rudi. the father corrected his child because of a
mistake. Baba alimrudi mwanawe kwa kosa.
correct (verb), -sadifu.
correct (verb), -safi.
correct (verb), -sahihi. the teacher corrected the work of the students.
Mwalimu alisahihisha kazi za wanafunzi.
correct (verb), -sahihisha.
correct (verb), -tengeneza.
correct each other (verb), -rudiana.
correct someone (verb), -rejesha.
correct someone (verb), -rejeza.
corrected (adjective), ongofu.
correcting (noun), utengenezaji.
correction (noun), sahihi (9/10), pl sahihi.
correction (noun), sahihisho (5/6), pl masahihisho. the students made a
correction of their mistakes. Wanafunzi walifanya sahihisho la kosa lao.
correction (noun), ukosoaji (14).
correctly (adjective), vema.
correctly (adverb), sawasawa. (s)he works correctly. Anafanya kazi
correctly (adverb), vizuri.
correctly (adverb), vyema.
correctness (noun), hakika.
correctness (noun), uongofu.
correctness (noun), usahihi (14).
correctness (noun), wongofu.
correspond (verb), -afiki.
correspond (verb), -andikiana.
correspond (verb), -elekeana.
correspond (verb), -wafiki.
correspond (with each other) (verb), -katibiana.
correspondence (noun), uhusiano.
correspondent (noun), pl correspondents, msimulizi (1/2), pl wasimulizi.
correspondent (noun), muhariri, pl wahariri.
correspondent (noun), mwandishi, pl waandishi.
corresponding duty (noun), kiwango (7/8), pl viwango.
corridor (noun), korido (5/6), pl makorido.
corridor (noun), msana, pl misana.
corridor (noun), ukumbi, pl kumbi.
corridor (noun), ususu (11).
corroborate (verb), -shuhudu.
corroboration (noun), nguzo (9/10), pl nguzo.
corroboration (noun), uhakikisho.
corrosion (noun), kilaji (7/8), pl vilaji.
corrugated iron (noun), bati, pl mabati. corrugated-iron hut. nyumba ya
bati [mabati].
be corrupted (verb), -fisidika (potential).
corrupt (verb), -fisidi.
corrupt (verb), -honga.
corrupt (verb), -pevua.
corrupt (verb), -pevusha.
corrupt (verb), -poteza.
corrupt (verb), -umbua.
corrupt person (noun), fisadi (5/6an), pl mafisadi.
be corrupted (verb), -athiriwa.
be corrupted (verb), -tumburujika.
corrupter of morals (noun), mpevushi (1/2), pl wapevushi.
corruption (noun), mlungula, pl milungula.
corruption (noun), mlungura, pl milungura.
corruption (noun), pl bribes, rushwa (9/10), pl rushwa.
corruption (noun), ubovu.
corruption (noun), ufisadi (14).
corruption (noun), uharabu (14).
corruption (noun), uharibifu (14).
corruption (noun), uovu, pl maovu.
corruption (noun), upotoe.
corruption (noun), upotovu.
corruption (noun), wozo.
corruptness (noun), utalaleshi.
cosmetic (noun), uzuri.
cosmetic or beauty patch applied to the forehead or temple (noun),
kipaji, pl vipaji.
yellow powder used as a cosmetic (noun), yasi.
cosmetics (use of) (noun), upaa.
cosmetics (use of) (noun), upara.
use cosmetics (verb), -pura.
cosmonaut (noun), mwanaanga, pl wanaanga.
be cosmopolitan (verb), -staarabika.
be cosmopolitan (verb), -staarabu.
be modern (verb), -staarabika.
be modern (verb), -staarabu.
cosmopolitan (noun), mwasikwao (1/2), pl wasikwao.
cost (noun), chaji.
cost (noun), gharama (9/10), pl gharama.
cost (noun), kikunja jamvi, pl vikunja jamvi.
cost (verb), -gharimu.
cost of living (noun), masarifu.
cost of living (noun), masarifu, pl masarifu.
costly (adjective), ghali.
costume (noun), vazi, pl mavazi.
cot (child's) (noun), susu (9/10), pl susu.
cloth worn after circumcision to protect the wound (noun), alfafa (9/10),
pl alfafa.
cottage (noun), kijibanda, pl vijibanda.
cotton (noun), gora.
cotton (noun), jora.
cotton (noun), pamba (5/6), pl mapamba. cotton cloth. kitambaa cha
cotton ball (noun), kipamba (7/8), pl vipamba.
cotton gin (noun), kinu cha kuchambulia pamba, pl vinu vya kuchambulia
cotton plant (Gossypium sp.) (noun), mpamba, pl mipamba.
species of wild cotton plant (noun), mwere, pl miere.
cotton-wool (noun), upamba.
courageous person (noun), mwamba, pl miamba. President Nyerere is among
those who stood up for freedom and the leaders who began the OAU in 1963..
Rais Nyerere ni miongoni mwa miamba ya uhuru na viongozi walioanzisha OAU
mnamo 1963 [Masomo 325].
coucal (kind of bird) (noun), dudumizi, pl madudumizi.
coucal (kind of bird) (noun), shundi (9/10an), pl shundi.
coucal (species of) (noun), tipitipi.
gude (kind of bird, coucal) (noun), gude.
couch (noun), kochi (5/6), pl makochi.
couch (noun), sofa (9/10), pl sofa.
small couch (also used as a seat for guests) (noun), mede (9/10).
cough (noun), kikohozi, pl vikohozi. he has a cough.. aumwa kikohozi.
cough (noun), kohoo, pl makohoo.
cough (noun), kohozi, pl makohozi.
cough (noun), makohoo.
cough (noun), makohozi.
cough (verb), -kohoa.
cough medicine (noun), urukususu.
rare matter coughed up (noun), mtemo, pl mitemo.
children's cough medicine (noun), pl medicines, ruzuna (9/10), pl ruzuna.
coughing (noun), ukohozi, pl makohozi.
coughing up (act of) (noun), mtemo, pl mitemo.
one who coughs up blood (noun), mtema, pl watema.
one who coughs up blood (noun), mtemi, pl watemi.
attend a council (verb), -barizi.
convene a council (verb), -barizi.
council (noun), baraza. World Peace Council. baraza la Amani la Dunia.
council (noun), halmashauri (9/10), pl halmashauri.
council (noun), kikundi, pl vikundi.
council (noun), mtaguso, pl mitaguso. general council. mtaguso mkuu.
council of kings (noun), diwani, pl madiwani.
secret council (noun), mzengwe, pl mizengwe.
secret council (noun), pl secret councils, njama (9/10), pl njama.
councillor (noun), diwani (5/6), pl madiwani.
status of a councillor (noun), usheha.
counsel (noun), shauri (9/10), pl shauri. (s)he counselled me well.
Alinipa shauri jema.
counsel (verb), -asa.
take counsel (verb), -shauri. take counsel with the child before
travelling. Mshauri mtoto kabla ya kusafiri.
counsellor (noun), mshauri, pl washauri. legal counsel. mshauri wa
mambo ya sheria.
be countable (verb), -hesabika.
be counted (verb), -hesabiwa.
count (noun), kipindi, pl vipindi.
count (verb), -anga.
count (verb), -hesabu.
count (verb), -kwea.
count (verb), -wanga.
count (verb), -unga.
count for (verb), -hesabia.
count on (verb), -nyetea.
count on someone (verb), -jetea.
count on something (verb), -jetea.
count up (verb), -jumlisha.
measure of countable items (noun), idadi (9/10), pl idadi.
counter (noun), dirisha (5/6), pl madirisha.
counter (small object used in teaching arithmetic) (noun), kifaa, pl
service counter (noun), meza.
counteract (verb), -pinga. counteract someone's plans.. pinga nia ya
counteract (verb), -topoa.
counterfeit (verb), -bini.
counterfeiter (noun), mbini, pl wabini.
counterfeiting (noun), mwigo, pl miigo.
counterfeiting (noun), ubini.
counterpart (noun), pacha (5/6), pl mapacha.
counting (noun), idadi.
countless number (noun), kikwi.
countrified (adjective), -a mashamba.
country (noun), dola (9/10), pl dola.
country (noun), inchi (9/10). our country.. nchi yetu [or ya kwetu].
country (noun), nchi, pl nchi.
country (as opp. to town) (noun), shamba (5/6), pl mashamba. I live in
the countyside. nakaa shamba [or mashamba]..
open country (noun), uwanda.
peculiar to a country (noun), -a kienyeji.
countryman (noun), kishamba, pl vishamba.
fellow countryman (noun), mkwao, pl wakwao.
fellow countryman (noun), mtani, pl watani.
county (noun), jimbo (5/6), pl majimbo.
coupling (noun), kikaza, pl vikaza.
coupon (noun), kuponi.
courage (noun), moyo. "Without courage and this response, we would not
have been able to fight and win this war; pluck up courage".. Bila ya
moyo na mwitikio huo, tusingeweza kupigana na kushinda vita [Nyerere,
Masomo 275]; tia [kuza] moyo.
courage (noun), uhodari.
courage (noun), ujabari (14).
courage (noun), ujanadume.
courage (noun), ujuba.
courage (noun), ushakii (11).
courage (noun), ushujaa.
courage (noun), uthabiti.
courage (noun), uthubutu.
have courage to (verb), -thubutu.
lack of courage (noun), ukulifu.
lack of courage (noun), ukulivu.
summon courage (verb), -piga moyo konde.
courageous (adjective), gumu.
courageous (adjective), jahina.
courageous (adjective), jasiri.
courageous (adjective), shujaa.
courageous (adjective), ume.
courageous (adjective), -vumilivu.
courageous person (noun), chagina.
courageous person (noun), kiamba, pl viamba.
courageous person (noun), mjuba, pl wajuba.
courageous person (noun), mshupavu, pl washupavu.
courier (noun), mpelekwa, pl wapelekwa.
courier (noun), mtume, pl mitume. diplomatic courier.. mtume wa
courier (noun), pl couriers, tarishi (5/6an), pl matarishi.
courier service (noun), utarishi.
course (noun), kozi (9/10), pl kozi.
course (noun), mkondo, pl mikondo. bed of a river.. mkondo wa mto.
course (noun), mwendo, pl miendo.
course (noun), mwenendo, pl mienendo.
course (of a planet) (noun), kizunguko, pl vizunguko.
course (of a planet) (noun), mzunguko, pl mizunguko.
course (of time) (noun), pindi (5/6), pl mapindi. We will see each other
sometime next year. tutaonana pindi mwakani (Uhuru wa Watumwa).
hold to an established course (verb), -shika njia.
naut. change course (verb), -kisi.
naut. change course (verb), -kissi.
naut. course (noun), majira.
of course (pronoun), naam.
be courted (verb), -poswa. The girl was courted by her lover. Msichana
aliposwa na mpenzi wake.
court (noun), diwani, pl madiwani.
court (noun), mahakma.
court (a lover) (verb), -chumbia.
court (of law) (noun), korti, pl makorti.
court (of law) (noun), korti (5/6), pl makorti.
court (of law) (noun), sheriani.
court fees (noun), kikunja jamvi, pl vikunja jamvi.
court(yard) (noun), kiwanja, pl viwanja.
law-court (noun), mahakama (9/10), pl mahakama.
open court (behind a house) (noun), ua, pl nyua.
rare (law-)court (noun), hakama (5/6), pl mahakama (mahakma).
courtcase (noun), kesi (9/10), pl kesi.
courteous (adjective), adibu.
courteous (adjective), taadabu.
courteous (noun), murua, pl warua.
courtesy (noun), adabu (9/10), pl adabu.
courtesy (noun), heshima.
courtesy (noun), jamala (9/10), pl jamala.
courtesy (noun), jamala.
courtesy (noun), pl courtesies, mrua (3/4), pl mirua.
courtesy (noun), murua.
courtesy (noun), ustahifu.
courtesy (noun), ustahivu.
courtship (noun), maposo.
courtship (noun), mposo, pl miposo.
courtship (noun), uchumba.
courtyard (noun), ua (11/10), pl nyua.
courtyard (noun), uwanja, pl wanja.
courtyard (inner) (noun), behewa (5/6), pl mabehewa.
cousin (noun), bin-ami (9/10), pl bin-ami.
cousin (noun), ndugu (9/10an), pl ndugu.
cousin (female) (noun), bintiamu (9/10), pl bintiamu.
cousin (male) (noun), binamu (9/10), pl binamu.
covenant (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
covenant (noun), ahadi (9/10), pl ahadi.
covenant (noun), shahada (9/10), pl shahada.
be covered (verb), -finikwa.
be covered (verb), -funikwa.
be covered (verb), -gubikwa.
be covered (verb), -vumbikwa (passive).
be covered (of a roof) (verb), -ezekwa (passive).
be covered by water (verb), -finikwa na maji.
be covered up (verb), -sitirika. we have not been covered slightly.
tumesitirika si haba.
be covered with (verb), -miminiwa ( appl-pass).
book cover (noun), jalada (9/10), pl jalada.
canvas cover (noun), durufu.
cover (noun), gamba (5/6), pl magamba.
cover (noun), jalada (5/6), pl majalada.
cover (noun), jalada.
cover (noun), kifuniko, pl vifuniko.
cover (noun), kingilizi (5/6), pl makingilizi.
cover (noun), kingo (5/6), pl makingilizi.
cover (noun), kisetiri (7/8), pl visetiri.
cover (noun), kitandiko (7/8), pl vitandiko.
cover (noun), mfuniko (3/4), pl mifuniko.
cover (noun), stara (9/10), pl stara.
cover (noun), pl covers, tabaka (9/10), pl tabaka.
cover (noun), tumba (9/10), pl tumba.
cover (verb), -ezeka. cover a roof [with grass, straw]. ezeka nyumba.
cover (verb), -finika.
cover (verb), -funika.
cover (verb), -kafini.
cover (verb), -kinga.
cover (verb), -kwea.
cover (verb), -panda.
cover (verb), -tabiki.
cover (verb), -tabikisha (causative).
cover (verb), -tanda. to cover him/her. kumetanda.
cover (verb), -vaa.
cover (verb), -visha.
cover (verb), -wamba.
cover (of a book etc.) (noun), uo, pl nyuo.
cover (up) (verb), -setiri.
cover (up) (verb), -stiri.
cover oneself (verb), -jifinika.
cover oneself (verb), -jifunika.
cover oneself from head to foot (verb), -gubigubi, pl gubigubi.
cover oneself with a garment (verb), -jitanda.
cover over (verb), -gubika.
cover up (verb), -sitiri.
cover up to ripen (verb), -vumbika.
cover with soil (verb), -fukia.
have something covered (verb), -finikisha. the water has flooded the
land. maji yameifinikisha nchi.
have something covered (verb), -finikiza.
have something covered (verb), -funikisha. the water has flooded the
land. maji yameifunikisha nchi.
have something covered (verb), -funikiza.
plaited cover (for covering foods) (noun), kawa, pl (-); makawa.
take cover (verb), -ficha.
be covered up (verb), -stirika.
bed covering (noun), tandiko (5/6), pl matandiko.
cloth covering a bier (noun), subahiya (9/10), pl subahiya.
cloth covering a bier (noun), subaya (9/10), pl subaya.
cover(ing) (noun), tandiko (5/6), pl matandiko. beddings. matandiko ya
covering (noun), kiambo, pl viambo.
covering (noun), kiwamba, pl viwamba.
covering (noun), kiwambo, pl viwambo.
covering (noun), mambo.
covering (noun), stara (9/10), pl stara.
covering (noun), utando.
covering (noun), utandu.
covering (noun), uwambo, pl mambo.
covering (of private parts) (noun), sitara (9/10), pl sitara.
head covering (noun), utaji (11/10), pl taji.
outer covering (noun), gamba (5/6), pl magamba.
proper covering (of the genitals) (noun), stara (9/10), pl stara.
protective covering (noun), chandalua, pl vyandalua.
protective covering (noun), tandarua (9/10), pl tandarua.
covet (verb), -tamani.
coveted object (noun), pl coveted objects, tamaa (9/10), pl tamaa.
covetousness (noun), uchoyo.
covetousness (noun), utamani.
covetousness (noun), utamanifu.
cow (noun), gombe, pl magombe. cow (female). ng'ombe jike.
cow (noun), ng'ombe (9/10an), pl ng'ombe.
cow (female) (noun), gombe jike, pl magombe jike. cow(female). gombe
cow (female) (noun), ng'ombe jike (9/10an), pl ng'ombe jike.
cow that has calved (noun), mbuguma.
cowage (noun), upupu.
coward (noun), mwoga (1/2), pl waoga.
cowardice (noun), uoga (14).
cowardice (noun), woga (14).
cowardly (adjective), oga.
cowbell (noun), kivumanzi, pl vivumanzi.
cowpea plant (noun), mkunde (3/4), pl mikunde.
cowrie (large) (noun), kululu (5/6), pl makululu.
cowrie shell (noun), kaure (9/10), pl kaure.
cowrie shell (noun), kauri.
cowrie shell (noun), kauri (9/10), pl kauri.
cowrie shell (large) (noun), dondo, pl madondo.
cowrie-shell(s) (used in playing games) (noun), chumi.
large kind of cowrie shell of very small value (noun), kululu, pl
small cowrie shell (noun), kete.
small kind of cowrie (noun), kete (9/10), pl kete.
variety of cowrie shell (noun), kiwango, pl viwango.
cowry shell (small) (noun), simbi (9/10), pl simbi.
cowshed (noun), zizi (5/6), pl mazizi.
crab (noun), kaa (5/6an), pl makaa.
crab (noun), kaa.
crab (noun), kamba, pl (-); mikamba.
crab (kind of) (noun), ngadu (9/10an), pl ngadu.
crab (variety of) (noun), chanje.
crab's claw or tooth (noun), gando (5/6), pl magando.
kind of crab hiding in the sand (noun), fukulile (9/10an), pl fukulile.
land-crab (noun), chago.
small crab of the beach (noun), chanje (9/10), pl chanje.
species of crab (noun), kisagaunga, pl visagaunga.
white crab (noun), kururu.
weir-basket (for crabs) (noun), jafu.
be cracked (verb), -atuka.
cause to crack (verb), -alisha.
crack (noun), mpasuko (3/4), pl mipasuko.
crack (noun), mwanya, pl mianya.
crack (verb), -alika.
crack (verb), -atua.
crack (in the ground) (noun), mwatuko, pl miatuko.
crack (nuts etc.) (verb), -banja.
crack (of noise of twigs breaking) (noun), data.
crack on wall or surface (noun), ufa (11/10), pl nyufa.
cracking (noise) (noun), aliko (5/6), pl maaliko.
cracker (noun), biskiti.
cracking (noise) (noun), mwaliko, pl mialiko.
one who makes a cracking noise (noun), mwalishi, pl walishi.
crackle (verb), -alika.
crackle (verb), -chakacha, pl chakacha. gnash the teeth. chakacha
crackle (verb), -tatarika.
crackle (of noise of twigs breaking) (noun), data.
crackling (noun), malizi (6).
crackling (noun), malizi.
crackling (noun), uchakacho (14).
rustling (noun), mchakacho, pl michakacho.
cradle (noun), mlazi, pl milazi.
be properly crafted (verb), -sanifiwa.
craft (noun), usanifu.
craft (verb), -sanifu.
craft (verb), -sanii.
craftily (noun), kipunjo, pl vipunjo.
craftiness (noun), limuko, pl malimuko.
craftiness (noun), ujanja (14).
craftiness (noun), ustadi.
craftiness (noun), werevu (14).
craftsman (Indian) (noun), baniani, pl baniani.
craftsman (Indian) (noun), banyani, pl baniani.
craftsman who works in metal (noun), muhunzi, pl wahunzi. blacksmith..
mhunzi wa chuma.
craftsman who works in stone (noun), muhunzi, pl wahunzi. blacksmith..
mhunzi wa chuma.
skilled craftsman (noun), pl skilled craftsmen, msanii (1/2), pl wasanii.
skillful craftsman (noun), msanaa, pl wasanaa.
skillful craftsman (noun), msani, pl wasani.
skillful craftsman (noun), msanii, pl wasanii.
craftsmanship (noun), ufundi (14).
skilled craftsmanship (work of) (noun), sanaa (9/10), pl sanaa.
craftsmen (noun), fundi, pl mafundi.
craftsperson (usually male) (noun), fundi (5/6), pl mafundi.
crafty (adjective), -danganyifu.
crafty (adjective), erevu.
crafty (adjective), hila.
crafty (adjective), janja.
crafty (adjective), kakamavu.
crafty (adjective), mahiri.
crafty person (noun), mfichifichi, pl wafichifichi.
crafty person (noun), mtundu, pl watundu.
crafty person (noun), mfichaji, pl wafichaji.
crag (noun), domo, pl madomo.
crag (noun), gebali (5/6), pl magebali.
crag (noun), genge (5/6), pl magenge.
crag (noun), jabali, pl majabali.
crag (noun), kiamba, pl viamba.
crag (noun), mwamba, pl miamba.
cramp (noun), jansi.
cramp (of swimmers) (noun), chinusi, pl machinusi.
cramp (of swimmers) (noun), chunusi, pl machunusi.
have a cramp (verb), -pindana.
med.cramp (noun), mpindano, pl mipindano.
cramps (noun), dege.
cramps (at the beginning of menstruation) (noun), zingizi.
crane (noun), korongo (5/6), pl makorongo.
crane (noun), silingi (9/10), pl silingi.
crane (noun), slingi (9/10), pl slingi.
crane (noun), winchi (9/10).
crane (noun), winji (9/10).
loading crane (noun), upakiaji.
loading crane (noun), upakio.
loading crane (noun), upakizi.
naut. loading-crane (noun), mapakio.
naut. loading-crane (noun), mapakizi.
cranium (noun), pl cranium, skull, mafuu.
crank (adjective), kombo.
crank (verb), -komboa.
crankshaft (noun), fitokombo (9/10), pl fitokombo.
crap (noun), kinyesi (7/8), pl vinyesi.
crap (noun), kinyezi (7/8), pl vinyesi.
crapping (noun), mnyo (3/4), pl minyo.
crapping (noun), unyesi (11).
crash (noun), anguko, pl maanguko.
crash (noun), mshindo, pl mishindo.
crash (noun), poromoko (5/6), pl maporomoko. cloudburst.. maporomoko ya
crash (of an airplane) (verb), -anguka.
crashing sound (noun), mchakacho (3/4), pl michakacho.
crate (noun), tenga (5/6), pl matenga.
craving (noun), mnyeo, pl minyeo.
craving (noun), uchu (14).
craving (for meat) (noun), kwiu.
craw (noun), gole (5/6), pl magole.
craw (noun), koo (9/10), pl makoo. "gutter, eaves, rain-spout".. Matata
alisafisha koo [Muk].
craw (of birds) (noun), firigisi (9/10), pl firigisi.
crawl (noun), -gorong'ondwa.
crawl (verb), -tambaa. The child is crawling. mtoto anatambaa.
crawler (noun), mtambaa, pl watambaa. snake. mtambaa chini.
crawling (adjective), tambazi.
crawling (of insects or reptiles) (noun), utambazi.
crayfish (noun), kamba, pl (-); mikamba.
be crazy (verb), -fumbama akili.
crazy (adjective), majinuni.
crazy (adjective), majununi.
crazy person (noun), kichaa (7/8an), pl vichaa.
crazy person (noun), mkichaa (1/2), pl wakichaa.
crazy person (noun), mwendawazimu (1/2), pl wendawazimu.
drive crazy (verb), -zulika.
drive crazy (verb), -zulisha.
drive someone crazy (verb), -zulia.
cream (noun), kirimu.
cream (noun), krimu. a weighty utterance.
cream (noun), mtindi (3/4), pl mitindi.
cream (noun), siagi (9/10), pl siagi.
crease (noun), kikunje, pl kikunjo.
crease (noun), kikunjo, pl kikunjo.
crease (noun), kunjo (5/6), pl makunjo.
crease (noun), kunyanzi (5/6), pl makunyanzi.
crease (noun), mkunjo (3/4), pl mikunjo.
crease (noun), tabaka (5/6), pl matabaka. creases in pantlegs. tabaka
ya suruali.
be creased (verb), -kunjamana.
be creased (verb), -tabiki.
be created for (verb), -umbiwa ( appl-pass).
be created with (verb), -umbiwa ( appl-pass).
create (verb), -hui.
create (verb), -huluku.
create (verb), -huluku.
create (verb), -umba.
create (verb), -umba.
create (verb), -unda.
create (verb), -zua.
create for (verb), -umbia.
be created (verb), -umbwa (passive).
creation (noun), huluki.
creation (noun), maumbile (6).
creation (noun), umbile, pl maumbile.
creation (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
creative forces (noun), nguvu za kubuni. creative force. nguvu ya
creative person (noun), mwaza, pl waaza.
creative person (noun), mwazaji, pl waazaji.
creative person (noun), mwazi, pl waazi.
rel.Creator (=God; us. muumba yote (noun), pl creators, muumba, pl
rel.Creator (=God; us. muumba yote (noun), pl creators, mwumba, pl
rel.Creator (=God; us. muumba yote (noun), pl creators, mwumbaji, pl
creature (noun), chumbe, pl vyumbe.
creature (noun), huluki.
creature (noun), kiumbe (7/8), pl viumbe.
creature (noun), kumbe, pl viumbe.
credentials (noun), wasifu (14), pl wasifu.
credibility (noun), uamini.
credibility (noun), uaminifu.
be credible (verb), -sadikika.
credible (adjective), sadikifu.
make credible (verb), -sadikisha.
credit (noun), kope, pl makope.
credit (noun), kopo, pl makopo.
credit (noun), mkopo (3/4), pl mikopo.
credit (noun), ukopaji.
credit (noun), ukopi (14), pl ukopi.
credit (verb), -hesabu.
credit (without interest) (noun), karadha.
take on credit (verb), -kopa.
creditable (adjective), suna.
be a creditor (verb), -wia.
be a creditor of (verb), -wea.
creditor (noun), mdai (1/2), pl wadai.
creditor (noun), mkopeshi (1/2), pl wakopeshi.
creditor (noun), mkopeshi, pl wakopeshi.
creditor (noun), mwia (1/2), pl wawia.
credits (noun), wasili.
credulous (adjective), sadikifu.
trusting (adjective), sadikifu.
creed (noun), dini.
creed (noun), imani.
rel. creed (noun), madhehebu, pl madhehebu.
creek (noun), hori (5/6), pl mahori.
creek (noun), komeo (5/6), pl makomeo.
creep (verb), -tambaa. it creepped with the ebb tide collecting this and
that. kilitambaa na upwa kuokota hiki na kile [Moh], hofu ya chini kwa
chini ikimtambaa [Sul].
creep up on (verb), -nyendea.
creep up on a person (verb), -nyata mtu.
creep up to (verb), -nyatia.
creep up to (verb), -tambalia (applicative).
creep upon (verb), -nyemelea.
creeper (noun), mkwezi, pl mikwezi.
creeping (adjective), tambazi.
creeping plant (noun), mmelea, pl mimelea.
crescent (noun), hilali.
cress (Barbarea vulgaris) (noun), bumbi.
salad herb species (barbarea vulgaris) (noun), bumbi.
crest (noun), mgongo, pl migongo.
crest (noun), shore (5/6), pl mashore.
crest (of a cock) (noun), shungi (5/6), pl mashungi.
crevice (noun), mwanya, pl mianya.
crevice (noun), mwatuko (3/4), pl miatuko.
crib (noun), kihero, pl vihero.
cricket (large) (noun), chenene (9/10), pl chenene.
cricket (species of) (noun), nyenje (9/10an), pl nyenje.
cricket (species of) (noun), nyenze (9/10an), pl nyenze.
cricket stump (noun), kiguzo, pl viguzo.
cricket stump (noun), mti, pl miti. wooden boat.. merikebu ya mti.
crier (noun), mlizi (1/2), pl walizi.
one who cries (noun), mlizi, pl walizi.
one who cries (eg. child) (noun), mlia (1/2), pl walia.
crime (noun), atia.
crime (noun), dhambi, pl madhambi.
crime (noun), hatia (9/10), pl hatia.
crime (noun), jinai (9/10), pl jinai.
crime (noun), jinai.
crime (noun), manza.
crime (noun), taksiri (9/10), pl taksiri.
crime (noun), uasi (14).
crime (noun), uhalifu (14).
crime (noun), ujambazi (14).
crime of violence (noun), ujuhula.
crime story (noun), riwaya ya ujambazi (9/10), pl riwaya za ujambazi. "I
also like reading stories of all sorts: from those of gangsters to
espionage and war and horror, from those of love to devilish ones"..
kusoma riwaya za kila aina: toka za ujambazi na upelelezi hadi za vita na
maafa [Muk].
criminal (noun), jambazi (1/2), pl majambazi.
criminal (noun), mkosaji, pl wakosaji.
criminal (noun), mkosefu, pl wakosefu.
criminal (noun), mkosi, pl wakosi.
criminality (noun), uhalifu (14).
cripple (noun), kiguu (7/8an), pl viguu.
cripple (noun), kilema (7/8), pl vilema.
cripple (noun), kiwete (7/8an), pl viwete.
cripple (noun), mwele, pl waele.
cripple (verb), -lemaza.
cripple (verb), -poozesha.
like a cripple (adjective), pecha. "limp, be lame".. enda pecha.
like a cripple (adverb), kiwete.
be crippled (verb), -lemaa.
be crippled (verb), -pooza. the arm is crippled.. mkono umepooza.
be crippled (verb), -runda.
be crippled (verb), -saujika.
be crippled (verb), -sawajika.
crippled (adjective), -a kiwete.
crisis (noun), chafuko, pl machafuko. international crisis. chafuko wa
crisis (noun), mchafuko, pl michafuko. international crisis.. mchafuko
wa kilimwengu..
crisis (noun), sumbivi (9/10), pl sumbivi.
crisis (noun), tatanisho, pl matatanisho.
crisis (noun), tatizo, pl matatizo.
crisis (noun), wasiwasi.
criterion (noun), kigezo (7/8), pl vigezo.
criterion (noun), waa.
critic (noun), mhakiki (1/2), pl wahakiki.
critic (noun), mnenea (1/2), pl wanenea.
literary critic (noun), karii, pl makarii.
be critical (verb), -tafiti.
be critical (verb), -teua.
critical (adverb), -chaguzi.
critical (condition in an illness) (adjective), mahututi.
critical person (noun), pl critical people, mteuzi (1/2), pl wateuzi.
critical situation (noun), wasiwasi.
criticism (noun), kamio, pl makamio.
criticism (noun), lawama (9/10), pl malawama. The work of human beings
is criticism and slander. N kazi ya mliwengu, ni lawama na kashifa
[Shaaban Robert, Masomo 426]; lawama na hujuma kwa mwili wake mwenyewe
criticism (noun), masuto, pl masuto.
criticism (noun), kutowana makosa.
criticism (noun), tayo, pl matayo.
criticism (noun), uhakiki (14).
criticism (noun), ukosoaji (14).
criticism (noun), upekuzi.
criticism (noun), upimaji.
risk of criticism (noun), lawama, pl malawama. We are not running the
risk of writing on those matters.. hatutajitia lawama kuandika mambo
hayo. [Rec].
criticize (verb), -adhiri.
criticize (verb), -aili.
criticize (verb), -ailisha.
criticize (verb), -atibu.
criticize (verb), -aziri.
criticize (verb), -chambua.
criticize (verb), -chamvua.
criticize (verb), -checha.
criticize (verb), -guna.
criticize (verb), -hakiki.
criticize (verb), -kosoa.
criticize (verb), -laumu.
criticize (verb), -nyambua.
criticize (verb), -nyonyoa.
criticize (verb), -onya.
criticize (verb), -pima. I have weighed his/her words and found that
they are untrue. nimeyapima maneno yake nimeyaona si kweli.
criticize each other (verb), -pimana (reciprocal). Aziza and I achieved
nothing for criticizing each other. mimi na Aziza tulikwenda sare kwa
kupimana [Abd].
criticize someone obliquely (verb), -piga vijembe mtu.
crockery (noun), dishi, pl madishi.
crocodile (noun), mamba.
crocodile (noun), mamba (9/10an).
crocodile (noun), ngwena (9/10an), pl ngwena.
crook (noun), chizi (9/10), pl chizi.
crook (noun), kota (5/6), pl makota.
crook (bend) (noun), kigosho (7/8), pl vigosho.
be crooked (verb), -potoka. His/her limb is crooked. ubavu wake
crooked (adjective), chopi.
crooked (adjective), kipembe.
crooked (adjective), matemo.
crooked (adjective), pogo. walk in a crooked way.. enda pogo.
crooked (adjective), potoe. Ali is walking in a crooked way because of
his bad leg. Ali anatembea kwa upotoe, kwa ajili ya mguu wake mbaya.
crooked (adjective), potovu.
crooked (adverb), kikombo.
crooked (adverb), mshadhari. His affairs are not in order at present
(have not gone well, turned out badly). fig.mambo yake siku hizi
yanakwenda mshazari.
crooked (adverb), mshazari. His affairs are not in order at present
(have not gone well, turned out badly). fig.mambo yake siku hizi
yanakwenda mshazari.
crookedness (noun), chege, pl machege.
crookedness (adverb), kombo.
crookedness (noun), makombo.
crookedness (noun), pezi (5/6), pl mapezi.
crookedness (noun), chege, pl machege.
crookedness (noun), tege, pl matege.
crookedness (noun), tenge (9/10), pl tenge.
crop (noun), gole (5/6), pl magole.
crop (noun), mavuno, pl mavuno.
crop (noun), zao (5/6), pl mazao.
crop (verb), -lenga.
crop (of birds) (noun), firigisi (9/10), pl firigisi.
crop(s) (noun), kilimo, pl vilimo.
be cross (verb), -guna.
be cross with someone (verb), -nunia.
be crossed (i.e. a river) (verb), -abiriwa.
cause to cross (verb), -vukisha.
cross (verb), -dupa.
cross (verb), -kia.
cross (verb), -ruka. cross boundary.. ruka mpaka.
cross (a street or river) (verb), -tataga.
cross (river or lake or sea) (verb), -abiri.
cross each other (verb), -pandana.
cross one's mind (verb), -pitia rohoni. the idea of working did not
cross through his/her mind.. jambo la kufanya kazi [] halikupitii rohoni
mwako [Abd].
cross over (verb), -vuka.
get cross (verb), -kimua.
get cross (verb), -kimwa.
hist.,rel.cross (noun), msalaba, pl misalaba. sign of the Cross..
ishara ya msalaba.
cross-beam (noun), chango, pl vichango.
cross the legs (verb), -tekanya miguu.
cross-beam (noun), mkingiko (3/4), pl mikingiko.
cross-beam (noun), pl crossbeams, taruma (5/6), pl mataruma.
cross-examine (verb), -dodosa.
cross-examine (verb), -hojihoji.
cross-examine (verb), -jadili.
cross-eyed (adjective), kengeza.
cross-eyed condition (noun), kengeza, pl makengeza.
crossing (noun), mkingamo (3/4), pl mikingamo.
crossing (noun), mpito, pl mipito.
crossing (noun), pl crossings, mvuko (3/4), pl mivuko.
crossing (noun), uvuko.
crossing (noun), uvushi.
crossing (noun), uvusho.
crossing (act of) (noun), mtatago, pl mitatago.
crossing (of road) (noun), panda (9/10), pl panda.
crossing place (noun), kivuko, pl vivuko.
crossing place (noun), uvuko.
crossing place (noun), uvushi.
crossing place (noun), uvusho.
crossroads (noun), ndia panda (9/10), pl ndia.
crossroads (noun), pl crossroads, njia panda (9/10), pl njia panda.
place crossways (verb), -ikiza.
crotchet (verb), -fuma.
crouch (verb), -chuchumaa.
crouch (verb), -chutama.
crouch (verb), -inama.
crouch (in order to warm oneself) (verb), -ota. He warmed himself at the
fire. Aliota moto.
crouch down (verb), -datama.
be crouched (verb), -otama.
crow (a cock) (verb), -wika.
crow species (Corvus albus) (noun), kunguru.
onom. crow (verb), -kokoleka.
onom. crow (verb), -kokoreka.
crowbar (noun), pl crowbars, msaha (3/4), pl misaha.
crowbar (noun), mshamo, pl mishamo.
crowbar (noun), mtaimbo, pl mitaimbo.
crowbar (noun), mtalimbo, pl mitalimbo.
crowbar (noun), pl crowbars, mtambo (3/4), pl mitambo.
cause to crowd or jostle around (verb), -sukumiza.
come in crowds (verb), -miminika. There were crowds of people at the
assembly.. watu walimiminika katika mkutano.
crowd (noun), akhtari (9/10), pl akhtari. crowd of people. ~ ya watu.
crowd (noun), aktari (9/10), pl aktari. crowd of people. ~ ya watu.
crowd (noun), cheshi, pl macheshi.
crowd (noun), chungu, pl crowd.
crowd (noun), halaiki (9/10), pl halaiki.
crowd (noun), jeshi, pl majeshi.
crowd (noun), kauma.
crowd (noun), kaumu (9/10), pl kaumu.
crowd (noun), kikwi.
crowd (noun), kundi (5/6), pl makundi.
crowd (noun), kusanyiko (5/6), pl makusanyiko.
crowd (noun), kusanyo (5/6), pl makusanyo.
crowd (noun), kutano (5/6), pl makutano.
crowd (noun), makutano.
crowd (noun), mkusanyiko (3/4), pl mikusanyiko.
crowd (noun), pl crowds, msongamano (3/4), pl misongamano.
crowd (noun), msongo, pl misongo.
crowd (noun), msukumano, pl misukumano.
crowd (noun), tope (5/6an), pl matope.
crowd (noun), umati.
crowd (noun), utope.
crowd (verb), -seta.
crowd (verb), -songa.
crowd (verb), -sukuma.
crowd (of people or things) (noun), msongano, pl misongano. The wanted
to reduce the crowd of passengers,. Walitaka kupunguza msongamano wa
abiria [Masomo 218].
crowd (of people or things) (noun), msonge, pl misonge.
crowd (of people) (noun), manamba.
crowd (of people) (noun), msafara, pl misafara. I met a big crowd of
people coming from the football game.. nimekutana na msafara wa watu
wakitoka mpirani.
crowd (one another) (verb), jazana.
crowd each other (verb), -sukumana (associative).
crowd of people (noun), kichungu, pl vichungu. I met a tremendous crowd
of people. niliwakuta watu chungu.
crowd of people (noun), safari (9/10), pl safari.
crowd of people (noun), tapo (5/6), pl matapo.
crowd together (verb), -kongomana.
fig., coll. crowd (noun), kivumbi, pl vivumbi.
crowded (adverb), pomoni.
crowding (noun), kikiri.
crowding (act of) (noun), msongano, pl misongano.
crowding (act of) (noun), msonge, pl misonge.
with much crowding (adverb), kwa sukumana.
crown (noun), kirauni.
crown (noun), taji (9/10), pl taji.
crown of the head (noun), upaa.
crown of the head (noun), upara (11).
crown of the head (noun), utosi (11).
crown of thorns (noun), kofia ya miba.
be crucified (verb), -sulibiwa.
crucify (noun), usulubu.
crucify (verb), -sulibi.
crucify (verb), -sulibisha (causative).
crucify (verb), -sulubu.
crude (adjective), -a kimashamba.
cruel (adjective), dhalimu.
cruel (adjective), jahili.
cruel (adjective), kali.
cruel (adjective), katili.
cruel (adjective), -a kikatili.
cruel (adjective), korofi.
cruel (adjective), onevu.
cruel person (noun), katili (5/6), pl makatili.
cruel person (noun), mdhalimu, pl wadhalimu.
cruel person (noun), mkatili, pl wakatili. The cruel people drove them
away.. Wakatili waliwafukuza [Masomo 88].
cruel person (noun), mkorofi, pl wakorofi.
cruel person (noun), nduli.
cruel person (noun), nunda (9/10an), pl nunda.
cruel person (noun), simba (9/10an), pl simba.
be treated cruelly (verb), -teswa.
cruelty (noun), habithi.
cruelty (noun), makali.
cruelty (noun), oneo (5/6), pl maoneo.
cruelty (noun), ujuhula.
cruelty (noun), ukali.
cruelty (noun), ukalifu.
cruelty (noun), ukatili (14).
cruise (verb), -vinjari.
cruise about (verb), -vinjari.
cruise around (in search of fish) (verb), -rambaza.
crumb (noun), chembe (9/10), pl chembe. Lulu was playing with bread
crumbs. Lulu alikuwa akichezea chembe za mkate [Ya].
be crumbled away (plaster etc.). (verb), -mumunyika.
crumble (verb), -fikicha.
crumble (verb), -finyafinya.
crumble (verb), -nyambua.
crumble (verb), -nyonyotoa.
crumble (verb), -vungavunga.
crumble something (verb), -pukutisha.
crumbly (adjective), tifu.
crumbs (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
crumbs (noun), makombo. I don't eat another person's crumbs. sili
makombo ya mtu mwingine.
crunch (verb), -teketa.
crunching sound (noun), uchakacho.
crupper (leather loop passing under the horse's tail and buckled to the
saddle) (noun), mtafara, pl mitafara.
crupper (leather loop passing under the horse's tail and buckled to the
saddle) (noun), mtafura, pl mitafura.
be crushed (verb), -bonyea.
be crushed (verb), -chachachika.
be crushed (verb), -pondwa.
cause to crush (verb), -banza.
crush (verb), -bana.
crush (verb), -chakacha, pl chakacha.
crush (verb), -elemea.
crush (verb), -fianda.
crush (verb), -funda.
crush (verb), -fyanda.
crush (verb), -gandamiza.
crush (verb), -kamua.
crush (verb), -kashabi.
crush (verb), -elemea.
crush (verb), -lemea.
crush (verb), -minya.
crush (verb), -ponda. legs that go wayward crush what and what.. miguu
inayokwenda wapi na wapi, inaponda nini na nini [Abd].
crush (verb), -saga.
crush (verb), -seta. the mill is crushing the maize. kinu kinaseta
crush (verb), -shinikiza.
crush (verb), -sindikiza.
crush (verb), -sinikiza.
crush (verb), -vinya.
crush (verb), -vinyavinya.
crush (verb), -vyoga.
one who crusehes (noun), mponda, pl waponda. stonemason.. mponda mawa.
crushing (act of) (noun), mpondo, pl mipondo.
crushing (act of) (noun), shinikizo (5/6), pl mashinikizo.
crushing (act of) (noun), sinikizo (5/6), pl masinikizo.
crust (noun), gaga (5/6), pl magaga.
crust (noun), ganda (5/6), pl maganda.
crust (noun), kigaga (7/8), pl vigaga.
crust (noun), utando.
crust (noun), utandu.
crust (esp. on cooked rice) (noun), makoko.
hard crust (noun), ukoko.
crutch (noun), mkongojo (3/4), pl mikongojo.
crutch (noun), ukongojo, pl kongojo.
crutch (noun), ukongojo, pl kongojo.
be ready to cry (verb), -sinasina.
cry (noun), kilio (7/8), pl vilio.
cry (noun), ukelele (11/10), pl kelele.
cry (noun), ukemi.
cry (noun), unyende (11), pl nyende.
cry (noun), unyenje.
cry (verb), -lia. Matika returned to her mother in the kitchen and here
she cried by sobbing.. Matika alirejea jikoni kwa mama yake huku akilia
kwa kwikwi [Balisidya, Masomo 348]..
cry (verb), -sihi.
cry (human or animal) (noun), mkuro (3/4), pl mikuro.
cry (of a person or animal) (noun), mlio, pl milio. lowing of cattle..
mlio wa ng'ombe.
cry (of pain) (noun), kite (7).
cry for mercy (verb), -lalamika.
cry of disapproval (noun), zomeo, pl mazomeo.
cry out (verb), -lalama.
cry piteously (verb), -lia kinyonge.
cry to get something (verb), -lilia (applicative).
loud cry (noun), kiyowe (7/8), pl viyowe.
loud cry (noun), pl loud cries, siaha (9/10), pl siaha.
loud cry (noun), yowe (5/6), pl mayowe.
make cry (verb), -lizia ( appl-caus).
war cry (noun), zimeo, pl mazimeo.
be on the point of crying (verb), -lengalenga.
crying (of a child) (noun), ulizi, pl malizi.
crystal (noun), bilauli.
cube (noun), maraba, pl miraba. perpendicular lines. mistari ya mraba.
cube (noun), maraba.
cube (noun), mchemraba (3/4), pl michemraba.
cube (noun), mchemrabasawa (3/4), pl michemrabasawa.
cube (noun), mraba, pl miraba. perpendicular lines. mistari ya mraba.
cubit (unit of measure of about 18 inches or half a yard) (noun), dhiraa.
cuckoo (species of) (noun), tama (9/10an), pl tama. a female cuckoo
(species of). tama [or mtama] la bibi.
ornith.cuckoo (noun), mtombo, pl mitomboro.
ornith.cuckoo (noun), mtomboro, pl mitomboro.
cucumber (noun), pl cucumbers, tango (5/6), pl matango.
cucumber (kind of) (noun), tango (5/6), pl matango.
cucumber plant (noun), pl cucumber plants, mtango (3/4), pl mitango.
cud (noun), keu (5/6), pl makeu.
cud (verb), -keu.
cud (of ruminants) (noun), cheuo.
cudgel (noun), gongo (5/6), pl magongo.
cue (noun), uponyi.
cuff (of a coat etc) (noun), sijafu (9/10), pl sijafu.
culinary art (noun), uokaji.
culinary art (noun), upikaji.
culinary art (noun), upishi (11/6), pl mapishi.
cull (verb), -pembua.
reach culmination (verb), -pevuka.
cult (noun), ibada.
cult (noun), uabudiwaji.
cultivate (verb), -kulia (applicative). speak in a loud voice..
cultivate (verb), -lima.
group of people who cultivate land in common (noun), chaa.
be cultivated (verb), -staarabika.
be cultivated (verb), -staarabu.
cultivated person (noun), mwanga, pl waanga.
cultivated plot of land (noun), konde, pl makonde.
cultivation (noun), kilimo, pl vilimo.
cultivation (noun), mlimo (3/4), pl milimo.
cultivation (noun), ulimaji (11).
cultivation (methods of) (noun), ulimaji.
cultivation (of plants) (noun), ukuzaji.
cultivation (work of) (noun), ulimaji.
preparing ground for cultivating (noun), mafieko.
preparing ground for cultivating (noun), mafyeko.
cultivator (noun), kaltiveta.
cultivator (noun), mkulima (1/2), pl wakulima.
cultivator (noun), mlimaji (1/2), pl walimaji.
culture (noun), mila (9/10), pl mila.
culture (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza.
culture (noun), taalimu (9/10), pl taalimu.
culture (noun), taaluma (9/10), pl taaluma.
culture (noun), utamaduni (11/10), pl tamaduni.
culture (noun), uungwana (14).
national culture (noun), utamaduni wa taifa (11/10), pl tamaduni za
cumin (noun), jamda.
cumin (noun), jira.
cumin (noun), kisibiti (7/8), pl visibiti.
cumin seed (noun), jira (9/10), pl jira.
be cunning (verb), -limuka.
cunning (adjective), -erevu.
cunning (adjective), -janja.
cunning (adjective), janja.
cunning (adjective), kakamavu.
cunning (adjective), kavu.
cunning (adjective), tatai.
cunning (noun), ghilba (9/10), pl ghilba.
cunning (noun), hila.
cunning (noun), limuko, pl malimuko.
cunning (noun), udanganyifu (14).
cunning (noun), uerevu (14).
cunning (noun), uhiana.
cunning (noun), ujanja.
cunning (noun), ujini.
cunning (noun), ukakamavu.
cunning (noun), urai.
cunning (noun), ushabaki.
cunning (noun), ustadi.
cunning (noun), uzandiki.
cunning (noun), werevu (14).
cunning person (noun), mjanja (1/2), pl wajanja.
cunning person (noun), mwerevu, pl waerevu.
cunning person (noun), sungura (9/10an), pl sungura.
cup (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
cup (noun), kikombe, pl vikombe.
cup (for blood) (noun), umika.
cup (large) (noun), kombe (5/6), pl makombe.
metal cup (noun), kopo (5/6), pl makopo.
small drinking cup (noun), kidoto, pl vidoto.
cupboard (noun), daka, pl madaka.
cupboard (noun), kabati (5/6), pl makabati.
cupboard (noun), kabati, pl (-, makabati).
cupboard (small) (noun), kikabati (7/8), pl vikabati.
cupola (noun), guba, pl guba, maguba.
cupola (noun), kuba (5/6), pl makuba.
cupola (noun), zege.
cupping (act of) (noun), uumikaji.
cupping (act of) (noun), uumizi.
cupping-glass (noun), chuku. cup, bleed. piga chuku.
curator (in a museum etc.) (noun), mtunza, pl watunza. treasurer..
mtunza hazina/fedha.
curb (noun), kizuio, pl vizuio.
curb (noun), kizuizi, pl vizuizi.
curb (verb), -akifu.
curb (prices etc.) (verb), -wakifu.
curds (noun), robu (9/10), pl robu. curdled milk.. maziwa ya robu.
be curable (verb), -ponyeka.
cure (noun), dawa (5/6), pl madawa.
cure (noun), maponyea.
cure (noun), maponyo.
cure (noun), matibabu (6).
cure (noun), mgango, pl migango.
cure (noun), tiba (9/10), pl tiba.
cure (verb), -afu.
cure (verb), -afua.
cure (verb), -inua.
cure (verb), -ponya.
cure (verb), -ponyesha (causative). Jesus with his power was able to
heal the blind. Yesu mwenye nguvu uliyeponyesha vipofu [Kez].
cure (verb), -poza. The medic cured the patient. Mganga alimpoza
cure (verb), -tabibia.
cure (verb), -tibu.
cure effected by magic (noun), zinguo, pl mazinguo.
cure effected by magic (noun), zunguo, pl mazunguo.
curer (noun), mponyi (1/2), pl waponyi.
one who cures (noun), mponyeshaji, pl waponyeshaji.
one who cures (noun), mpozi, pl wapozi.
curing (noun), uganga.
curing (noun), uganguzi.
curiosity (noun), kituko (7/8), pl vituko.
curiosity (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani. the girls' association with
the soldiers was received with curiosity. Ilionekana shani wasichana
kujiunga na jeshi.
curiosity (noun), uchunguzi.
curiosity (noun), udadisi (14).
curiosity (noun), ujasusi.
curiosity (noun), umbeya (14).
curiosity (noun), upekuzi.
curiosity (noun), utafiti.
be curious (verb), -fatiisha.
be curious about (verb), -peleleza.
curious (adjective), pekuzi.
curious (verb), -juvi.
curious person (noun), mmbea, pl wambea.
curl (noun), msokoto, pl misokoto.
curl (verb), -sokotana (reciprocal). Subira was curling with truth.
Subira akisokotana na ukweli [Sul].
curl up (verb), -nywea.
curl up (verb), -nywea (applicative).
curlew (noun), sululu (9/10), pl sululu.
orinth. curlew (noun), kipila, pl vipila.
orinth. species of curlew (Numenius phaeopus) (noun), membe.
stone curlew (noun), chekeamwezi.
currency (noun), fedha (9/10), pl fedha.
be current (verb), -tangaa.
current (noun), mkondo (3/4), pl mikondo.
current (noun), moto. without current.. isiyo na moto.
current (of air) (noun), maburuzo, pl maburuzo.
current (of air) (noun), stimu (9/10), pl stimu.
current (of air) (noun), upepo, pl pepo.
electric current (noun), mkondo wa stimu. electric current.. mkondo wa
electric current (noun), mwendo, pl miendo.
curriculum (noun), pl curricula, mtaala (3/4), pl mitaala.
curry (noun), mchuzi, pl michuzi.
curry favor (verb), -tambaa.
curry powder (noun), bizari (9/10), pl bizari.
be cursed (verb), -apizwa.
bring a curse upon oneself (verb), -itatubwaga.
curse (noun), apizo (5/6), pl maapizo.
curse (noun), dua (9/10), pl dua.
curse (noun), hizaya.
curse (noun), laana. S/he has the curse of his/her parents.. ana laana
la wazazi wake [Rec].
curse (noun), lana.
curse (verb), -apiza. Her father cursed himself, "If my daughter
returns, truly I will not force her to get married nor will I arrange a
husband for her [Balisidya, Masomo 353]. Baba yake alianza kujiapiza,
"Kama akirudi binti yangu, haki tena sitamlazimisha kuolewa, wala
sitampangia mume"[Balisidya, Masomo 353].
curse (verb), -bagawa.
curse (verb), -hizi.
curse (verb), -laani. He cursed and fought with his wife.. Alilaani na
kugombana na mkewe [Balisidya, Masomo 352].
curse (verb), -lani.
curse (verb), -stihizai.
curse (verb), -stihizaya.
curse (verb), -tukana.
be cursed (verb), -laaniwa.
cursed (adjective), maluuni.
one who curses (noun), mlaanifu, pl walaanifu.
one who curses (noun), mlaanizi, pl walaanizi.
one who habitually curses (noun), mwapizi, pl waapizi.
cursing (noun), matukano, pl matukano.
cursing (noun), matushi, pl matushi.
cursing (noun), matusi, pl matusi.
cursing (noun), ulaanifu.
cursing (noun), ulaanizi.
curtail (verb), -nakisi.
curtailment (noun), ukomeshaji.
curtain (noun), pl curtains, pazia (5/6), pl mapazia. Long curtains of
heavy colored clothes. mapazia marefu ya kitambaa kizito cha maua maua
curtain (noun), ukingo (11/10), pl kingo.
curvature (noun), chege, pl machege. he is bowlegged. ana chege la
curvature (noun), mbinu. well-shaped arm (leg).. mbinu ya mkono (mguu).
curvature (noun), chege, pl machege.
curvature (noun), tege, pl matege.
curvature (noun), uviringo.
be curved (verb), -biringa.
be curved (verb), -viringa.
curve (adverb), kombo.
curve (noun), gurufa.
curve (noun), jinamizi, pl majinamizi.
curve (noun), kavu.
curve (noun), kota, pl makota.
curve (noun), kuruba.
curve (noun), makombo.
curve (noun), mbenuko, pl mibenuko.
curve (noun), mkuto (3/4), pl mikuto.
curve (noun), mshadhari.
curve (noun), mshazari.
curve (noun), mzingo, pl mizingo.
curve (noun), pl curves, pindi (5/6), pl mapindi.
curve (noun), pl curves, tao (5/6), pl matao.
curve (noun), tenge.
curve (noun), ujinamizi, pl majinamizi.
curve (noun), ukombo (11/10), pl kombo.
curve (verb), -peta. bend the leg. peta mguu.
curve (verb), -pinda.
give a curve to something (verb), -petemanisha.
curved end (noun), upembo (11/10), pl pembe.
flat curved surface (noun), ubapa, pl mabapa.
curving (noun), bombwe (5/6), pl mabombwe.
cushion (noun), godoro (5/6), pl magodoro.
cushion (noun), pl cushions, mto (3/4), pl mito.
cushion (large) (noun), pl cushions, takia (5/6), pl matakia.
place in custody (verb), -tia nguvuni.
place in custody (verb), -tia nguvu.
custom (noun), ada (9/10), pl ada.
custom (noun), dasturi. according to custom. kama dasturi.
custom (noun), desturi (9/10), pl desturi. according to custom. kama
custom (noun), katiba (9/10), pl katiba.
custom (noun), kawaida (9/10), pl kawaida.
custom (noun), kawaida.
custom (noun), kienyeji (7/8), pl vienyeji.
custom (noun), kitiba (7/8), pl vitiba.
custom (noun), madhehebu, pl madhehebu.
custom (noun), mazoea, pl mazoea.
custom (noun), mila (9/10), pl mila.
custom (noun), pokeo (5/6), pl mapokeo.
custom (noun), pokezi (5/6), pl mapokezi.
custom (noun), zoezi, pl mazoezi.
customarily (adverb), kiada.
customarily (adverb), kwa kawaida.
be customary (verb), -semeka.
be customary (verb), -semekana.
be customary (verb), -zoleka.
become customary (verb), -zoeleka.
customary payment (noun), ada (9/10), pl ada.
customer (noun), mnunuzi, pl wanunuzi.
customer (noun), pl customers, mteja (1/2), pl wateja.
customer (noun), mwenyeji (1/2), pl wenyeji.
customhouse (noun), fordha (9/10), pl fordha.
customhouse (noun), forodha (9/10), pl forodha.
customhouse (noun), furdha (9/10), pl furdha.
customs (noun), madhehebu (6). Thus I have explained in brief some of
our customs.. Vivle vile nimeeleza kwa ufupi madhehebu mengine
yetu...[Kenyatta Masomo 116].
customs (noun), usafirisha.
customs (noun), usafirishaji.
customs (at international border) (noun), fordha (9/10), pl fordha.
customs (at international border) (noun), forodha (9/10), pl forodha.
customs (at international border) (noun), furdha (9/10), pl forodha.
act of cutting (noun), ukataji (14).
be cut (verb), -katika (potential).
be cut (verb), -katwa.
be cut off from each other (verb), -tindikana.
be cut up (verb), -chanuka.
cut (noun), chale (9/10), pl chale.
cut (noun), chanjo, pl machanjo.
cut (noun), chomeo, pl machomeo.
cut (noun), chongo.
cut (noun), kilingo, pl vilingo.
cut (noun), chongo, pl michongo.
cut (noun), mchanjo (3/4), pl michanjo.
cut (noun), mchapo (3/4), pl michapo.
cut (noun), mchongo (3/4), pl michongo.
cut (noun), pengo (5/6), pl mapengo.
cut (noun), tojo, pl matojo.
cut (noun), uchale.
cut (verb), -chongea.
cut (verb), -fasili.
cut (verb), -kata.
cut (verb), -keketa.
cut (verb), -shenga, pl shenga.
cut (verb), -tema.
cut (a little of the top of something ) (verb), -buabua.
cut (as with a dull knife) (verb), -chikicha.
cut (in pay) (noun), nakisi.
cut (off) (verb), -kata.
cut (only of grain) (verb), -fioa.
cut (only of grain) (verb), -fyoa.
cut (open) (verb), -wanga.
cut (the bark of trees to obtain resin) (verb), -gema.
cut (with an instrument) (verb), -chonga.
cut a notch (in a pole in order to straighten it and make it serviceable
for building after a wedge has been inserted) (verb), -keua.
cut a point (verb), -chongoa.
cut down (verb), -jengua.
cut in pieces (verb), -chanja. chop up firewood. chanja kuni.
cut in pieces (verb), -katakata.
cut in small pieces (verb), -checha.
cut in stone (verb), -chora.
cut into (e.g. of a tight cord) (verb), -vama.
cut into (e.g. of a tight cord) (verb), -vamia.
cut into small pieces (verb), -katakata.
cut made with an ax (in order to straighten a pole) (verb), -keu.
cut notches (verb), -tiringa.
cut off (verb), -katisha (causative).
cut off (branches ) (verb), -pagua. slashing knife.. kisu cha
cut off (branches ) (verb), -pogoa. slashing knife.. kisu cha
cut off (branches ) (verb), -pokoa. slashing knife.. kisu cha
cut off someone's speech (verb), -kata kauli.
cut oneself (verb), -kunyua.
cut short (verb), -katiza.
cut someone short (verb), -katia (applicative).
cut the hair (verb), -dira.
cut the throat (verb), -tinda.
cut thing (noun), mkate (3/4), pl mikate.
cut up (verb), -kata.
cut up (verb), -pingua.
cut up (e.g. manioc) (verb), -enga.
cut up (fruits) (verb), -chanyata.
cut up (into pieces) (verb), -lenga.
feel cut to the quick (verb), -panda ari. Maksudi felt cut to the quick.
Maksuudi alipanda ari [Moh].
make a cut (verb), -vuaza.
cut off (verb), -chega.
cut off (verb), -chenga.
cut off (the end of something) (verb), -butua.
cut open (verb), -pasua. cut open a tree.. pasua mti.
be cut up (verb), -chanika.
cut up (verb), -chana.
cut up (verb), -tana.
one who cuts (noun), mtema, pl watema.
one who cuts down trees or clears land (noun), mfyeka, pl wafyeka.
cutter (noun), pl cutters, mtema (1/2), pl watema.
cutter (noun), pl cutters, mtemi (1/2), pl watemi.
cutter (tailor etc) (noun), mkataji, pl wakataji.
cutter (tailor etc) (noun), mkati, pl wakati.
cutting (noun), kataa (9/10), pl kataa.
cutting (noun), mbegu.
cutting (noun), mbiya.
cutting (noun), mche, pl miche.
cutting (act of) (noun), chongo.
cutting (act of) (noun), chongo, pl michongo.
cutting (trees) (noun), mchengo, pl michengo.
cutting down (noun), mkato, pl mikato. shortcut.. njia ya mkato.
cutting language (noun), kijembe, pl vijembe.
cutting of something with a dull knife (noun), mchikicho (3/4), pl
cutting off (act of) (noun), mtemo, pl mitemo.
cutting trees (act of) (noun), mkato, pl mikato.
cutting up (act of) (noun), mtemo, pl mitemo.
cuttle-fish (noun), pweza (9/10an), pl pweza. It cruised into the stones
searching for cuttle-fish. kilirambaza maweni kuvua pweza [Moh].
cuttlefish (noun), mkizi, pl mikizi. If I resembled a cuttle fish..
Nikishabihi mkizi [Amana, Masomo 408].
cuttlefish (noun), ngisi (9/10an), pl ngisi. cuttlefish ink. wino wa
cuttlefish bone (noun), fuu (5/6), pl mafuu.
cutwater (noun), hanamu.
cyclone (noun), chamchela.
cylinder (noun), silinda (9/10), pl silinda.
cylinder (solid object) (noun), kuru (9/10), pl kuru.
cylindrical (adverb), mshadhari.
cylindrical (adverb), mshazari.
cylindrical object (hollow) (noun), mzinga, pl mizinga. beehive..
mzinga wa nyuki.
cymbal (noun), toasi (5/6), pl matoasi.
cypress tree (noun), pl cypress trees, muhuhu (3/4), pl mihuhu. There
are cypress trees in Lungi forest.. Kuna mihuhu katika msitu wa Lungi
[Masomo 154].


dabchick (noun), kibisi (7/8), pl vibisi.

species of grebe or dabchick (noun), kibisi, pl vibisi.
dad (noun), baba (9/10), pl baba.
dagaa (noun), daga, pl daga.
curved broad-bladed dagger (noun), jambia (9/10), pl jambia.
dagger (noun), gambia.
dagger (noun), hanjari.
dagger (ornamented with curved broad blade) (noun), jambia (9/10), pl
daily (noun), kila siku (9/10), pl siku.
daintiness (with respect to food) (noun), kidomo, pl vidomo.
dainty (adjective), teuzi.
dainty person (noun), pl dainty people, mteuzi (1/2), pl wateuzi.
dairy products (noun), maziwa, pl maziwa.
dally (verb), -chezacheza.
dam (noun), bwawa (5/6), pl mabwawa.
dam (noun), fuko (5/6), pl mafuko.
dam (noun), kizingiti (7/8), pl vizingiti.
dam (noun), lambo, pl malambo.
be damaged (verb), -dhurika (potential).
be damaged (verb), -haribiwa.
be damaged (verb), -hasiriwa.
damage (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
damage (noun), balaa (9/10), pl balaa.
damage (noun), dhara, pl madhara.
damage (noun), hasara (9/10), pl hasara.
damage (noun), hasara.
damage (noun), madhara (6).
damage (noun), mbanjo (3/4), pl mibanjo.
damage (noun), uharabu.
damage (noun), uharibifu.
damage (verb), -athiri.
damage (verb), -changa.
damage (verb), -chimba.
damage (verb), -dhurisha.
damage (verb), -dhuru. it does no harm. it does not matter. all right,
OK. haidhuru.
damage (verb), -haribu.
damage (verb), -haribu.
damage (verb), -hasiri.
damage (verb), -onza.
damage (verb), -pekecha.
damage (verb), -peketa.
damage (verb), -pofua. damage the eyes.. pofua macho.
damage (verb), -tofoa.
damage (verb), -tofua.
damage (verb), -vunja.
damage by fire (noun), uteketezo.
demoralize (verb), -haribu.
do damage (verb), -fitini.
do wilfull damage (verb), -huni.
person who does damage (noun), baa, pl baa.
person who does damage (noun), balaa, pl baa.
person who does damage (noun), balia, pl baa.
tendency to cause damage (noun), kisirani.
be a little damaged (verb), -tetereka.
be damaged (verb), -pekecheka.
be damaged (verb), -peketeka.
be damaged by fire (verb), -ungua.
damn (noun), mavi, pl mavi.
damn (verb), -laani.
damn (verb), -lani.
damnation (noun), laana. So as to remove oneself from sin and damnation.
Ili kujiondoa katika dhambi na laana ...[Masomo 311].
damnation (noun), lana.
damnation (noun), ulaanifu.
damnation (noun), ulaanizi.
damned (adjective), laanifu.
damned (adjective), maleuni.
damned (adjective), maluuni.
damned (adjective), maluuni.
damned person (noun), maleuni.
damned person (noun), maluuni.
be damp (verb), -lowa.
be damp (verb), -lowana. cover with a damp cloth. funika kwa kitambaa
kilicholowana [Masomo 15].
be damp (verb), -rishai.
be damp (verb), -rutubika.
damp (adjective), chege.
damp (adjective), chepechepe.
damp (adjective), kimaji.
damp (adjective), lowefu.
damp (adjective), majimaji.
damp (adjective), mnyevunyevu.
damp (adjective), nyevu.
damp (noun), baridi.
damp (noun), ukungu (11/6), pl makungu.
damp (noun), umaji.
damp (noun), umajimaji.
dampen (verb), -fifia.
dampen (verb), -fifiza.
dampness (noun), kinyenyevu.
dampness (noun), kinyevu (7/8), pl vinyevu.
dampness (noun), kinyevunyevu.
dampness (noun), mnyevu (3/4), pl minyevu.
dampness (noun), mvuke.
dampness (noun), rutuba (9/10), pl rutuba. to dream strongly in the
dampness of love. kuota imara kwenye rutuba ya mapenzi [Moh].
dampness (noun), thari.
dampness (noun), uchepechepe.
dampness (noun), unyefu.
dampness (noun), unyenyevu.
dampness (noun), unyevu (11).
dampness (noun), unywaji.
dampness (noun), uvuke.
a dance of young people (noun), umeta (11).
dance (noun), densi.
dance (noun), mandari.
dance (noun), mchezo, pl michezo.
dance (noun), ngoma (9/10), pl ngoma.
dance (verb), -charaza.
dance (verb), -cheza densi.
dance (verb), -tamba.
dance (European) (noun), dansi (9/10), pl dansi.
dance (kind of) (noun), bomu, pl mabomu.
dance (kind of) (noun), kumbwaya.
dance (kind of) (noun), kungwia (9/10), pl kungwia.
dance (kind of) (noun), minenguo.
dance (kind of) (noun), msapata, pl misapata.
dance (kind of) (noun), pl dances, msoma (9/10), pl msoma.
dance (name of) (noun), kishina (7/8), pl vishina.
dance (symbolizing courage or strength) (noun), randa (9/10), pl randa.
dance (symbolizing courage or strength) (noun), randaranda (9/10), pl
dance (type in which partners meet in center of ring) (noun), chando
(9/10), pl chando.
dance (type of) (noun), chakacha (9/10), pl chakacha.
dance (type of) (noun), lelemama (9/10), pl lelemama.
dance (used for exorcism of spirits) (noun), kaputa (9/10), pl kaputa.
dance (with stick-fights) (noun), kirumbizi (7/8), pl virumbizi.
dance and sing (verb), -cheza ngoma.
dance for exocising spirits (noun), tari (9/10), pl tari.
dance performed at the initiation rites for girls (noun), msondo, pl
dance used in exorcism of spirits (noun), kisokoto (7/8), pl visokoto.
dance used in young girls' initiation ceremony (noun), mkinda (9/10), pl
dancing (type of) (noun), gungu (9/10), pl gungu.
dancing place (noun), alisa, pl alisa.
dandalo (kind of dance) (noun), dandalo.
gungu (kind of dance) (noun), gungu.
kind of dance (performed at the initiation rites of children) (noun),
kinyago (7/8), pl vinyago.
kind of dance performed in exorcising spirits (noun), kaputa.
kind of dance used in exorcism of spirits (noun), kibwengo (7/8), pl
kirumbizi (kind of dance or mock fight with sticks) (noun), kirumbizi, pl
line dance with couple solos in center (noun), pl dances, tarazia (9/10),
pl tarazia.
movement (in certain dances) (noun), chamvi (9/10), pl chamvi.
sword dance (noun), hanzua.
take part in a dance (verb), -cheza ngoma.
take part in a dance (verb), -ingia ngoma.
take part in a dance (verb), -cheza ngoma.
well-known Zanzibari dance (called also beni) (noun), mbwakachoka (9/10),
pl mbwakachoka.
dance-step (noun), chambi.
dancer (noun), mcheza ngoma, pl wacheza. dancer. mcheza ngoma.
dancer (noun), mchezaji ngoma, pl wacheza. dancer. mcheza ngoma.
dancer (noun), pl dancers, mchezi ngoma (1/2), pl wachezi ngoma.
dancing game (noun), tinge (9/10), pl tinge.
dancing place (noun), batobato, pl mabatobato.
dandruff (noun), mba (9/10), pl mba.
dandy (noun), baradhuli, pl mabaradhuli.
dandy (noun), bardhuli, pl mabardhuli.
dandy (noun), malidadi.
dandy (noun), mardadi.
dandy (noun), maridadi.
dandy (noun), mmalidadi.
dandyism (noun), ulimbwende (11).
danger (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
danger (noun), hatari (9/10), pl hatari.
danger (noun), janga (5/6), pl majanga.
danger (noun), kamsa.
danger (noun), kicho, pl vicho.
danger (noun), mauja.
danger (noun), miuha.
danger (noun), miuja (9/10), pl miuja.
danger (noun), muuya.
danger (noun), muuya (3/4), pl miuya.
danger (noun), mwuja, pl miuja.
danger (noun), ogofyo (5/6), pl maogofyo.
danger (noun), tisho, pl matisho.
danger signal (noun), tarumbeta (5/6), pl matarumbeta.
dangle (verb), -ning'inia.
dangle (verb), -pwaya. the coat/suit is too big for him.. koti hili
dapper person (noun), mbeja (1/2), pl wabeja.
dappled (adjective), madoadoa.
Dar es Salaam (noun), Dar es Salaam (9).
dare (verb), -chasiri.
dare (verb), -diriki.
dare (verb), -jasiri.
dare (verb), -thubutu.
dare someone to disagree (verb), -kanusha.
daring (adjective), -jasiri.
daring (noun), makali.
daring (noun), makali (6).
daring (noun), ujasiri.
daring (noun), ujogoo.
daring (noun), ukali.
daring (noun), ukalifu.
daring person (noun), chagina.
daring person (noun), mjasiri, pl wajasiri.
dark (complexion) (adjective), hadharani.
dark (in color) (adjective), -ausi.
dark (in color) (adjective), -eusi.
be overtaken by darkness (verb), -chwelewa.
darken (verb), -sawijika.
darkness (noun), giza (9/10), pl giza.
darkness (noun), kiza (7).
darkness (noun), kucha.
darkness (noun), mazimbwezimbwe, pl mazimbwezimbwe.
darkness (noun), mbingu, pl mbingu.
darkness (noun), uchusichusi.
darkness (noun), utusitusi (11).
darkness (noun), weusi (14).
darling (noun), kipenzi (7/8), pl vipenzi.
darling (noun), mpenzi (1/2), pl wapenzi.
dash (verb), -elemea.
dash (verb), -timka (potential).
date (noun), miadi (9/10), pl miadi.
date (noun), mihadi (9/10), pl mihadi.
date (noun), tarehe (9/10), pl tarehe. dated. bitarehe.
date (noun), tarihi (9/10), pl tarihi. dated. bitarehe.
date (fruit of the mtende date palm) (noun), tende, pl matende.
date palm leaf strip used for making mats (noun), ung'ongo (11/10), pl
dated (in letters) (noun), bitarehe.
wild date palm (Phoenix reclinata) (noun), mkindu, pl mikindu.
daub on (verb), -rasha.
daub on (verb), -rasharasha.
daub on something (verb), -rashia.
daughter (noun), binti (5/6), pl mabinti.
daughter (his or hers) (noun), bintiye (9/10), pl bintize. Her father
had arranged with a family that he would marry his daughter to any youth
from that family [Masomo 347]. Babaye alikwisha panga na familia moja
kuwa angemuoza bintiye kwa kijana ye yote wa familia hiyo [Balisidya,
Masomo 347].
eldest daughter (noun), kibibi, pl vibibi.
dawdle (verb), -sita.
dawdle (verb), -sitasita.
dawdle (verb), -tangatanga.
be dawn (verb), -cha.
become dawn (verb), -amkia.
become dawn (verb), -amkua.
dawn (noun), alfajiri (9/10), pl alfajiri.
dawn (noun), kichea.
dawn (noun), kucha (9/10), pl usiku kucha.
dawn (noun), macheo, pl macheo.
dawn (noun), pambauko (5/6), pl mapambauko.
dawn (noun), pambazuko (5/6), pl mapambazuko.
dawn (noun), uchao.
dawn (noun), uche.
dawn (noun), ucheachea.
dawn (verb), -pambauka.
dawn (verb), -pambazuka.
a few days ago (adverb), majuzi.
all day (adjective), -twa.
all day (adverb), kutwa.
all day (phrase), mchana kutwa.
day (period of 24 hours) (noun), siku (9/10), pl siku. all days. siku
day after day (phrase), siku hata siku.
day after tomorrow (noun), kesho kutwa (9/10), pl kesho kutwa.
day before yesterday (noun), juzi, pl majuzi.
day before yesterday (noun), juzi (5/6), pl majuzi.
day following the day after tomorrow (noun), mtondo, pl mitondo. the
fourth day from today.. kushinda mtondo.
every day (noun), kila siku (9/10), pl siku.
four days from today (noun), mtondo goo (3/4), pl mitondo goo.
from day to day (phrase), siku kwa siku.
the fourth day from today (noun), mtondo goo.
the fourth day from today (noun), kushinda mtondo.
the next day (adverb), kesho yake. she was admitted to the hospital on
Friday, and she died the next day. alilazwa kwenye hospitali Ijumaa,
akafariki kesho yake.
the next day (adverb), keshoye. she was admitted to the hospital on
Friday, and she died the next day. alilazwa kwenye hospitali Ijumaa,
akafariki keshoye.
the whole day (adjective), -twa.
three days ago (adverb), juzijuzi.
three days from today (noun), mtondo (3/4), pl mitondo.
two days ago (noun), juzi (5/6), pl majuzi.
daybreak (noun), alfajiri (9/10), pl alfajiri.
daybreak (noun), pambauko (5/6), pl mapambauko.
daybreak (noun), pambazuko (5/6), pl mapambazuko.
daybreak (noun), uchao.
daybreak (noun), uche.
daybreak (noun), ucheachea.
daydream (verb), -sinzia.
these days (phrase), siku hizi.
be daytime (verb), -pambazuka.
daytime (from 6.00 a.m. 6.00 p.m.) (noun), mchana (3).
condition of being dazzled (noun), ukiwi.
dazzling (noun), kiwi (7).
deacon (noun), shamasi (5/6an), pl mashamasi.
deacon (noun), pl deacon, shemasi (5/6an), pl mashemasi.
abode of the dead (noun), pepo (9/10), pl pepo.
as if dead (adverb), kifu, pl vifu.
be dead as a doornail (verb), -fa fofofo.
bring someone back from the dead (verb), -fufua mtu.
dead (adjective), -fu. Moslems do not eat the meat of animals found
dead. Waislamu hawali nyamafu..
dead (the dead) (noun), mfu (1/2), pl wafu.
dead body (noun), maiti.
dead body (noun), mayiti.
dead body (usually that of the victim of an accident found outside the
home) (noun), mzoga (3/4), pl mizoga.
dead person (noun), mzimu (3/4an), pl mizimu.
dead thing (noun), kifu (7/8), pl vifu.
one who brings back from the dead (noun), mfufuaji, pl wafufuaji.
one who brings back from the dead (noun), mfufuzi, pl wafufuzi.
realm of the dead (noun), kuzimu.
the dead (noun), marehemu. All Soul's Day. sikukuu ya marehemu Wote.
deadly thing (noun), kiuaji (7/8), pl viuaji.
deadness (noun), ufo.
deadness (noun), ufu, pl nyufu.
deaf (noun), ziwi.
deaf person (noun), kiziwi, pl viziwi.
playing deaf (noun), ufifi.
playing deaf (noun), ufifilizi.
deafness (noun), ukiziwi.
deafness (noun), uziwi.
deal (noun), dharura.
deal (noun), pl deals, sunobari (9/10), pl sunobari.
deal with (verb), -shughulika.
deal with (something) (verb), -kabili.
deal with severely (verb), -pambana.
dealer (noun), bazazi (5/6an), pl mabazazi.
underhand dealings (noun), mafamba.
dear (adjective), habibu.
dear (noun), mpenzi (1/2), pl wapenzi.
dear (noun), tunu.
dear (a term of endearment) (noun), tiba.
dear (persons) (adjective), -azizi.
My Dear (in salutation of letter) (noun), mpenzi (1/2), pl wapenzi.
Dear Sir (interjection), Bwana Mpendwa.
cause of death (noun), maulisho (9/10), pl maulisho.
death (noun), kifa, pl vifa.
death (noun), kifo (7/8), pl vifo.
death (noun), kufa.
death (noun), mauko.
death (noun), mauti (9/10), pl mauti. death overtook him on the way..
mauti yalimfika njiani.
death (noun), mwisho, pl miisho.
death (noun), ufo.
death (noun), ukomo.
death-notice (noun), tanzia (9/10), pl tanzia. (s)he has received a
death notice. amepata tanzia.
debase (verb), -dhili.
debase (verb), -rahisi.
debase (verb), -stihizai.
debase (verb), -stihizaya.
debase (verb), -tengura.
debase (verb), -tweza.
debased (adjective), nyonge.
debased person (noun), mnyonge (1/2), pl wanyonge.
debate (noun), jadiliano (5/6), pl majadiliano.
debate (noun), jadiliano, pl majadiliano.
debate (noun), majadiliano (6). After long debate between the elders of
these families it seemed as if Matika would be suitable for marriage to
Njasulu.. Baada ya majadiliano marefu ya wakuu wa familia hizo ilionekana
kuwa Matika angefaa kuolewa na Njasulu [Balisidya, Masomo 347].
debate (noun), maneno.
debate (noun), mdahalo (3/4), pl midahalo.
debate (noun), mdakhalo (3/4), pl midakhalo.
debate (noun), mtaguso, pl mitaguso.
debate (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno.
debate (noun), shauri (9/10), pl shauri. they talked about your debate.
Wao walizungumza kuhusu shauri lako.
debate (noun), utetaji.
debate (noun), uteto.
debate (verb), -dahili.
debate (verb), -jadili.
debate (verb), -jadili.
debate (verb), -jadiliana.
debate with (verb), -hojiana na.
debater (noun), mjadili (1/2), pl wajadili.
debauchery (noun), asharati.
debauchery (noun), asherati.
debauchery (noun), uasherati.
debauchery (noun), uchimvi (14).
debauchery (noun), ufasiki (14).
debauchery (noun), uhawara.
debauchery (noun), washerati.
debauchery (noun), washerati.
debauchery (noun), zani (9).
be debilitated (verb), -tehemu.
debilitate (verb), -hafifisha.
be debilitated (verb), -sakara.
be debilitated (verb), -sakarika.
be debilitated (verb), -saujika.
be debilitated (verb), -sawajika.
debt (noun), maazimo, pl maazimo.
debris (noun), fusi (5/6), pl mafusi.
debris (noun), kifusi (7/8), pl vifusi.
debt (noun), azimo, pl maazimo.
debt (noun), deni (5/6), pl madeni.
debt (noun), kisicholipwa, pl vishicholipwa.
debt (noun), kisichotendwa, pl vishicholipwa.
debtor (noun), maduyuni, pl wadeni.
debtor (noun), mdaiwa (1/2), pl wadaiwa.
debtor (noun), mdeni, pl wadeni.
debtor (noun), mdeni (1/2), pl wadeni.
debtor (noun), mkopaji, pl wakopaji.
debtor (noun), mkopi, pl wakopi.
debtor (noun), mwiwa, pl waiiwa.
decade (noun), kumi, pl makumi.
decade (noun), mlongo, pl miongo. first decade.. mwongo wa kwanza.
decade (noun), mwongo, pl miongo. first decade.. mwongo wa kwanza.
decadence (noun), uhuni (14), pl uhuni.
decagon (noun), pl decagons, pembekumi (9/10), pl pembekumi.
decant (a liquid leaving the sediment) (verb), -gida.
be decayed (verb), -vurugika.
decay (noun), kioza.
decay (noun), maangamizi, pl maangamizi.
decay (noun), magangao.
decay (noun), magaogao.
decay (noun), wozo.
decay (verb), -hasirika.
decay (verb), -oza. the fruits are decayed. matunda yameoza.
decay (figurative) (noun), anguko, pl maanguko.
decay (of teeth) (noun), susa (9), pl susa. pig fur in the mouth causes
tooth decay. manyoya ya nguruwe kinywani [] yanatia susa [Abd].
decay (of teeth) (noun), ubovu wa meno.
be decayed (verb), -tumburujika.
decayed (adjective), bovu.
decease (noun), mauko.
deceased (one who has found mercy) (noun), marehemu (9/10), pl marehemu.
deceased person (noun), marehemu. All Soul's Day. sikukuu ya marehemu
deceased person (respectful term) (noun), hayati (9/10), pl hayati.
deceit (noun), bakunja (5/6), pl mabakunja.
deceit (noun), danganyo, pl madanganyo.
deceit (noun), ghashi.
deceit (noun), ghilba (9/10), pl ghilba.
deceit (noun), hiana.
deceit (noun), hila.
deceit (noun), kitimbi (7/8), pl vitimbi.
deceit (noun), limuko, pl malimuko.
deceit (noun), uhaini.
deceit (noun), ujanja.
deceit (noun), ukakamavu.
deceit (noun), unafki.
deceit (noun), uzandiki.
deceit (noun), werevu.
deceitful (adjective), batili.
deceitful (adjective), batilifu.
deceitful (adjective), janja.
deceitful (adjective), kakamavu.
deceitful (adjective), -kavu.
deceitful (adjective), kavu.
deceitful (adjective), mahiri.
deceitful (adjective), pyoro.
deceitful (adjective), pyororo.
deceitful (adjective), tatai.
deceitful (adjective), wongo.
deceitful (adverb), danganyifu. a deceitful person. mtu mdanganyifu
deceitful person (noun), kauleni, pl makauleni.
deceitful person (noun), mwerevu, pl waerevu.
deceitful person (noun), shabaki (9/10an), pl shabaki.
deceitful person (noun), shabuka (9/10an), pl shabuka.
deceitfully (noun), kipunjo, pl vipunjo.
deceitfulness (noun), mapyoro (6).
deceitfulness (noun), udanganyifu (14).
be deceived (verb), -danganyika.
be deceived (verb), -danganywa.
deceive (verb), -babaisha.
deceive (verb), -chenga.
deceive (verb), -chokoza.
deceive (verb), -chua.
deceive (verb), -danganya.
deceive (verb), -dhalimu.
deceive (verb), -dhulumu.
deceive (verb), -ghoshi.
deceive (verb), -ghuri.
deceive (verb), -hadaa.
deceive (verb), -haini.
deceive (verb), -kenga.
deceive (verb), -laghai.
deceive (verb), -nyerereza.
deceive (verb), -ongopa.
deceive (verb), -pemba.
deceive (verb), -pumbaza. (s)he decived him/her fraudulently.
Alimpumbaza kwa ulaghai.
deceive (verb), -punja. he deceived me by a whole pound.. alinipunja
ratli nzima.
deceive (verb), -ragai.
deceive (verb), -raghai.
deceive (verb), -rubuni.
deceive (verb), -saliti.
deceive (verb), -shau.
deceive (verb), -shaua.
deceive (verb), -tasliti.
deceive (verb), -tega.
deceive (verb), -twaza.
deceive (verb), -zaini.
deceive (verb), -zandiki.
deceive oneself (verb), -jipumbaza (reflexive).
deceive oneself (verb), -laghaika (potential).
be deceived (verb), -bahashika.
be deceived (verb), -pumbazika.
be deceived (verb), -zuzuka.
deceiver (noun), Kabwela, pl makabwela.
deceiver (noun), kiberenge, pl viberenge.
deceiver (noun), kidhabidhabina, pl vidhabidhabina.
deceiver (noun), mdanganyi, pl wadanganyi.
deceiver (noun), mdanganyifu, pl wadanganyi.
deceiver (noun), mdhabidhabina, pl wadhabidhabina.
deceiver (noun), mjanja, pl wajanja.
deceiver (noun), mlaghai, pl walaghai.
deceiver (noun), mlongo, pl waongo, wawongo.
deceiver (noun), mnafiki, pl wanafiki.
deceiver (noun), mwongo, pl waongo, wawongo.
deceiver (noun), mzandiki, pl wazandiki, mazandiki.
deceiver (noun), zandiki, pl wazandiki, mazandiki.
one who deceives (noun), mtega, pl watega.
one who deceives (noun), mtegaji, pl wategaji.
December (noun), Desemba (9/10), pl Desemba.
decency (noun), huruma (9/10), pl huruma.
decent (adjective), -a maana.
decent (noun), asili, pl asili.
deception (noun), danganyo (5/6), pl madanganyo.
deception (noun), ghiliba.
deception (noun), leba.
deception (noun), mauzauza.
deception (noun), mazingazinga, pl mazingazinga.
deception (noun), ukopaji.
deception (noun), ukopi (14), pl ukopi.
deception (noun), ulaghai.
deception (noun), uongo.
deception (noun), uragai.
deception (noun), urongo.
deception (noun), ushaufu (14).
deception (noun), uwongo.
deception (noun), wongo.
be decided (verb), -amuliwa (passive).
cause to reach a decision (verb), -amuliza.
decide (verb), -amua. Marko decided to look for that motorboat so as to
escape from that place; before he had decided correctly he had received
that letter. Marko aliamua kuitafuta motaboti hiyo ili atoroke mahali
pale[Masomo 245] kabla hajaamua vyema alikuwa keshaipokea ile barua [Sul].
decide (verb), -amuru. He decided that my younger sibling should be
called "Furaha.. Aliamuru mdogo wangu aitwe "Furaha" [Masomo 303].
decide (verb), -hirimia.
decide (verb), -hukumu.
decide (verb), -kata shauri.
decide (verb), -nia.
decide (verb), -shauri. decide yourself whether you will go with us.
Shauri mwenyewe kama utakwenda na sisi.
decide (verb), -yakinia.
decide for (verb), pl Translation of applicative, -amria.
decide for (verb), pl Translation of applicative, -amulia (causative).
decide on (verb), -funga.
decide on (verb), -ukilia.
be decided (verb), -amriwa.
decieve (verb), -lebu.
decieve (verb), -lebu.
decieve (verb), -lebu.
decimal (noun), mlongo, pl miongo. decimal arithmetic.. hesabu za
decimal (noun), mwongo, pl miongo. decimal arithmetic.. hesabu za
decipher (verb), -tambulisha.
be decipherable (verb), -someka.
decision (noun), hukumu.
decision (noun), katiba.
decision (noun), maamuzi, pl maamuzi.
decision (noun), maazimio, pl maazimio.
decision (noun), mkataa.
decision (noun), mradi, pl miradi, muradi.
decision (noun), nadhari (9/10).
decision (noun), pendekezo (5/6), pl mapendekezo.
decision (noun), uamuzi (11/6), pl maamuzi.
decision (noun), uimarisho.
decision (final) (noun), makataa.
final decision (noun), tama (9/10), pl tama.
make a decision (verb), -kata shauri.
make a legal decision (verb), -fetwa.
official decision (noun), uamuzi rasmi (11/6), pl maamuzi rasmi.
reach a decision (on something) (verb), -tengeneza.
decisive (adverb), tama.
decisive (noun), kataa (9/10), pl kataa.
decisiveness (noun), mkato, pl mikato. resolute words.. maneno ya
deck (noun), staha (9/10), pl staha.
deck (of a vessel) (noun), pl decks, sitiha (9/10), pl sitiha.
deck of a boat (noun), dari.
declaration (noun), ilani.
declaration (noun), katiba.
declaration (noun), tamko (5/6), pl matamko.
declaration (noun), tamshi (5/6), pl matamshi.
declare (verb), -nena.
declare (verb), -tamka.
declare oneself free (verb), -jinyakulia uhuru.
decline (noun), maangamizi, pl maangamizi.
decline (noun), mshuko, pl mishuko.
decline (noun), nakama, pl nakama. The beginning of this decline.
Chanzo cha hii nakama [Amana, Masomo 405].
decline (noun), wozo.
decline (verb), -inama.
decline (verb), -iza.
decline (verb), -kataa.
decline (verb), -kataa.
moral decline (noun), uhuni (14), pl uhuni.
declivity (noun), genge (5/6), pl magenge.
declivity (noun), mtelemko, pl mitelemko.
declivity (noun), mteremko, pl mitelemko.
declivity (noun), mwinamo, pl miinamo.
declivity (noun), telemko, pl matelemko.
declivity (noun), telemuko, pl matelemuko.
declivity (noun), teremko, pl materemko.
declivity (noun), teremuko, pl materemuko.
be decomposed (verb), -vurugika.
decompose (verb), -bokoa.
decompose (verb), -oza.
decompose (verb), -vunda.
decompose (from natural decay or applied chemical action) (verb), -
decomposed thing (noun), vunde (5/6), pl mavunde.
cause decomposition (verb), -vundikiza.
decomposition (noun), wozo.
be decorated (verb), -pambwa.
decorate (verb), -pamba.
decorate (verb), -remba.
decorate (with carving or embroidery etc.) (verb), -nakishi.
decorate (with carving or embroidery etc.) (verb), -nakshi.
decorate for something or someone (verb), -pambia.
decorate oneself (verb), -jipamba.
decorated (adjective), pambe.
decoration (noun), daraza.
decoration (noun), darizi. a kanzu decorated with embroidery.. kanzu ya
decoration (noun), kazi.
decoration (noun), kipambo, pl vipambo.
decoration (noun), kirembo (7/8), pl virembo.
decoration (noun), madoido, pl madoido.
decoration (noun), mavalio, pl mavalio.
decoration (noun), mrembo, pl mirembo.
decoration (noun), nakshi (9/10), pl nakshi.
decoration (noun), nishani (9/10), pl nishani.
decoration (noun), tarazo (9/10), pl tarazo.
decoration (noun), udibaji.
decoration (noun), upambo, pl mapambo.
decoration (noun), urembo, pl marembo.
decoration (noun), uzuri.
decoration (of a room or house) (noun), pamba (5/6), pl mapamba.
decoration (of a room or house) (noun), pambo (5/6), pl mapambo.
decorator (noun), mpamba (1/2), pl wapamba.
decorator (noun), mpambaji (1/2), pl wapambaji.
decorator (noun), mpambi, pl wapambi.
decorator (noun), mpambi (1/2), pl wapambi.
decorum (noun), jamala.
decoy (verb), -tega.
decrease (noun), kipunguo, pl vipunguo.
decrease (noun), mbanduko (3/4), pl mibanduko.
decrease (noun), punguo (5/6), pl mapunguo.
decrease (noun), upunguaji.
decrease (noun), upungufu, pl mapungufu.
decrease (noun), upunguo, pl mapunguo.
decrease (verb), -hafifisha.
decrease (verb), -punga. the heat of the sun is decreasing (toward
sunset).. jua limepunga.
decrease (verb), -punga (converse).
decrease (verb), -pungua.
decrease (verb), -punguza. Nowadays (s)he has decreased the body. Siku
hizi amepunguza mwili.
decrease (verb), -tilifika.
decree (noun), hukumu.
decree (noun), katiba.
decree (verb), -amuru.
be decreed (verb), -amriwa.
be decrepit (verb), -tambarajika.
decrepit (adjective), nyonge.
decrepitude (noun), ukongwe.
dedicate (verb), -tabaruki. dedicate a church. tabaruki kanisa.
dedicate (verb), -tabaruku. dedicate a church. tabaruki kanisa.
dedication (noun), uwakfu.
deduction (noun), kipunguzi, pl vipunguzi. "pack one's bags,close out
one's affairs"..
deduction (noun), mkato (3/4), pl mikato.
deed (noun), feli (9/10), pl feli.
deed (noun), kitendo (7/8), pl vitendo.
deed (noun), mkataba (3/4), pl mikataba.
deed (noun), tendo, pl matendo.
good deeds (noun), jamala (9/10), pl jamala.
manly deed (noun), maume, pl maume.
deeds (noun), matendo (6).
deem worthy (verb), -stahilisha.
deep (adjective), nene. fig. a deep voice.. sauti nene.
deep (adjective), -refu.
deep (adjective), -zito.
deep (noun), kina, pl vina.
deep (male) voice (phrase), sauti ya kiume, pl sauti za kiume.
deep water (noun), kilindi (7/8), pl vilindi.
go in deep (verb), -vama.
go in deep (verb), -vamia.
deep water (noun), shumbi (9/10), pl shumbi.
deface (verb), -athiri.
deface (verb), -pambua.
deface (verb), -rembua.
defalcate (verb), -badhiri.
defalcate (verb), -badiri.
defamation (noun), uchongezi.
defamation (noun), uchongezo.
defamation (noun), uchongolezi.
defamation (noun), ukashifu.
defame (verb), -adhiri.
defame (verb), -aziri.
be defeated (verb), -shindika. (s)he was defeated in boxing.
Alimshindika ngumi za uso.
be defeated (verb), -shindwa (passive). I, I was not unable to cook.
Mimi sikushindwa na kupika.
defeat (noun), ushinde (14).
defeat (verb), -bwakia. The Wanderers defeated [the] Brazil [team] by
three goals..
defeat (verb), -tinga.
defeat (verb), -twanga.
defeat (verb), -weza.
defeat someone (in a game) (verb), -fora.
try to defeat each other (verb), -shindana.
be defeated (verb), -shindika.
be defeated (verb), -sindika.
defeated person (noun), pl defeated people, mshindwa (1/2), pl washindwa.
one who is defeated (noun), mshinde, pl washinde.
one who is defeated (noun), mshindwa, pl washindwa.
defeatism (noun), ushindwaji.
defecate (verb), -nya. defecate. nya mavi.
defecate (verb), -safi.
defecate (informal children's speech) (verb), -shii.
defect (noun), athari, pl athari.
defect (noun), dosari (9/10), pl dosari.
defect (noun), hitilafu.
defect (noun), hitilafu (9/10), pl hitilafu.
defect (noun), ila.
defect (noun), ila (9/10), pl ila.
defect (noun), kasoro (9/10), pl kasoro.
defect (noun), kasoro.
defect (noun), kilema, pl vilema.
defect (noun), lemaa (9/10), pl lemaa.
defect (noun), makombo.
defect (noun), makosekano.
defect (noun), pengo (5/6), pl mapengo.
defect (noun), pungufu (5/6), pl mapungufu.
defect (noun), punguo (5/6), pl mapunguo.
defect (noun), tafauti (9/10), pl tafauti.
defect (noun), taksiri (9/10), pl taksiri.
defect (noun), toa.
defect (noun), tofauti.
defect (noun), ukosa.
defect (noun), ukosefu.
defect (noun), ukosekanaji.
defect (noun), ukosekano.
defect (noun), upunguaji.
defect (noun), upungufu, pl mapungufu.
defect (noun), upunguo, pl mapunguo.
defect (verb), -towesha.
fig. defect (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
person with a defect (noun), mpungufu, pl wapungufu. This person is
foolish/stupid/mentally defective.. mtu huyu mpungufu wa akili.
defective (adjective), kosefu.
defective (adjective), pungufu.
defend (verb), -afu.
defend (verb), -afua.
defend (verb), -ania.
defend (verb), -dhibiti.
defend (verb), -hami.
defend (verb), -kingiza.
defend (verb), -nusuru.
defend (verb), -saidia.
defend (verb), -tetea (applicative).
defend (in a dispute) (verb), -tetea.
defend oneself (verb), -jikingiza.
defend oneself (verb), -jilinda (reflexive).
defendant (noun), mdaiwa (1/2), pl wadaiwa.
defendant (noun), mshitakiwa, pl washtakiwa.
jur.defendant (noun), mshitakiwa, pl washitakiwa.
jur.defendant (noun), mshtakiwa, pl washtakiwa.
defender (noun), mkingaji, pl wakingaji.
defender (noun), mlinda (1/2), pl walinda.
defender (noun), mlinzi, pl walinzi.
defender (noun), mnenea (1/2), pl wanenea.
defender (noun), msimamizi, pl wasimamizi.
defender (noun), mtetea, pl watetea.
defender (noun), mteteaji, pl wateteaji.
defender (noun), mtetezi, pl watetezi.
defense (noun), afu (9/10), pl afu.
defense (noun), afua (9/10), pl afua.
defense (noun), difensi.
defense (noun), himaya (9/10), pl himaya.
defense (noun), kinga (9/10), pl kinga.
defense (noun), ukingo (11/10), pl kingo.
defense (noun), ulinzi (14), pl ulinzi.
defense (noun), utetezi.
defense attorney (noun), wakili (5/6an), pl mawakili.
defense force (noun), jeshi la ulinzi (5/6), pl majeshi ya ulinzi.
defer (verb), -tuilisha.
defer (verb), -tuiliza.
defer (verb), -weka.
deference (noun), mnyenyekeo (3/4), pl minyenyekeo.
deference (noun), pl deference, mrua (3/4), pl mirua.
deference (noun), murua.
deference (noun), pl decks, sitaha (9/10), pl sitaha.
deference (noun), staha (9/10), pl staha.
deference (noun), unyenyekeo.
deference (noun), unyenyekevu.
deference (noun), ustahifu.
deference (noun), ustahivu.
deferment (noun), kukawiwa (15).
defiant (adjective), fidhulika.
defiant (adjective), peketevu.
defiant (adjective), pekutevu.
deficiency (noun), athari, pl athari.
deficiency (noun), ghaibu (9/10), pl ghaibu.
deficiency (noun), hitilafu (9/10), pl hitilafu.
deficiency (noun), kipunguo (7/8), pl vipunguo.
deficiency (noun), kosa, pl makosa. "High court, Court of Appeal;
Supreme Court".. tia kosani.
deficiency (noun), pungufu (5/6), pl mapungufu. Health deficiency.
upungufu wa afya.
deficiency (noun), punguo (5/6), pl mapunguo.
deficiency (noun), uchache.
deficiency (noun), uchechefu.
deficiency (noun), uhaba.
deficiency (noun), uhafifu.
deficiency (noun), ukosa.
deficiency (noun), ukosefu.
deficiency (noun), ukosekanaji.
deficiency (noun), ukosekano.
deficiency (noun), upunguaji.
deficiency (noun), upungufu (14), pl upungufu.
deficiency (noun), upunguo, pl mapunguo.
be deficient (verb), -kosa.
be deficient (verb), -palama. fail to get enough sleep. parama
be deficient (verb), -parama. fail to get enough sleep. parama
be deficient (verb), -tindikia.
be deficient (us. neg.) (verb), -kasiri.
be deficient (us. negative) (verb), -fanya kasoro.
deficient (adjective), adimu.
deficient (adjective), pungufu.
deficit (noun), nakisi, pl nakisi.
deficit (noun), taksiri (9/10), pl taksiri.
deficit (noun), ukosa.
deficit (noun), ukosefu.
deficit (noun), ukosekanaji.
deficit (noun), ukosekano.
defile (noun), mlango, pl milango.
defile (verb), -najisi.
defile (verb), -wadi.
defilement (noun), unajisi (14).
defilement (act of) (noun), kijusi (7/8), pl vijusi.
define (verb), -aini.
definite (adjective), halisi.
definite (adjective), yakini.
definite period of time (noun), kipindi, pl vipindi. lower arm..
definitely (adverb), dhati.
definitely (adverb), kabisa.
definitely (adverb), maalum. Is Saidi coming today? Definitely. Leo
atakuja Said? Maalum.
definitely (adverb), maalumu. Is Saidi coming today? Definitely. Leo
atakuja Saidi? Maalumu.
definitely (adverb), makataa.
definitely (adverb), mkataa.
definitely (adverb), yakini.
definiteness (noun), mafafanusi.
definiteness (noun), ufafanusi.
definiteness (noun), ufafanuzi, pl mafafanuzi.
definiteness (noun), yakini.
definitive (adjective), kataa.
deflower (verb), -bikiri.
deflower ( a virgin ) (verb), -tomoa.
remove foam (verb), -engua.
be deformed (verb), -atilika.
be deformed (verb), -dundua.
be deformed (verb), -sawijika.
be deformed (as a result of illness or accident) (verb), -duduka.
be deformed (as a result of illness or accident) (verb), -dudulika.
deform (verb), -chagua.
deform (verb), -poozesha.
deform (verb), -umbua.
be deformed (verb), -lemaa.
deformed (adjective), matemo.
deformed (adjective), potoe.
deformed (adjective), potovu.
deformed arm (noun), kikono, pl vikono.
deformed foot (noun), kibwiko, pl vibwiko.
deformed foot (noun), kiguu, pl viguu.
deformed person (noun), mshadhari, pl washadhari.
deformed person (noun), mshazari, pl washazari.
person deformed by disease (noun), mpindani, pl wapindani.
deformity (noun), dungudungu, pl madungudungu.
deformity (noun), kigosho (7/8), pl vigosho.
deformity (noun), kilema (7/8), pl vilema.
deformity (noun), lemaa (9/10), pl lemaa.
deformity (noun), lemaa (9/10), pl lemaa.
defraud (verb), -dhulumu.
defraud (verb), -kopa.
defraud (verb), -punja.
deftness (noun), umahiri.
defunct (adjective), marehemu.
defy (verb), -kabili.
defy (verb), -taka shari. defy. taka shari..
defy (verb), -taka shari.
defy each other (verb), -pingana.
degeneracy (noun), upotoe.
degeneracy (noun), upotovu.
degeneration (noun), kutota.
degradation (noun), udhilifu (14).
degrade (verb), -adhiri.
degrade (verb), -aziri.
degrade (verb), -dhila.
degrade (verb), -dhili.
degrade (verb), -tungua.
degrade (verb), -tusha.
degrade (verb), -tweza.
degraded (adjective), dhili.
degraded (adjective), dhilifu.
degraded (adjective), nyonge.
degree (noun), cheo, pl vyeo.
degree (noun), daraja, pl madaraja.
degree (noun), digrii (5/6), pl madigrii.
degree (noun), uzi (11/10), pl nyuzi.
degree (academic) (noun), pl degrees, shahada (5/6), pl mashahada. (s)he
received a degree in economics. Alipata shahada ya uchumi.
degree (rank) (noun), ngazi (9/10), pl ngazi. Given his(her) rank, he
was unable to recognize the habits that had become prevalant. na mazoea
yale yalivyokithiri, yeye hakuweza kuyamaizi katika ukweli na ngazi zake
to a high degree (adverb), top.
dehydrate (foods) (verb), -pukuchulia.
deity (noun), umungu.
deity (noun), uungu.
be dejected (verb), -angema.
dejected (verb), -juta.
dejected person (noun), mlegevu, pl walegevu.
someone who is dejected (noun), mzuzu, pl wazuzu.
dejection (noun), soda (9/10), pl soda.
dejection (noun), uchungu, pl machungu.
dejection (noun), utungu.
cause to remain (for a long time) (verb), -cheleza.
delay (noun), ajiza (9/10), pl ajiza. Indecision is the horse of hunger
(proverb).. ~ nyumba ya njaa.
delay (noun), ajizi (9/10), pl ajizi. Indecision is the horse of hunger
(proverb).. ~ nyumba ya njaa.
delay (noun), chachawizo, pl machachawizo.
delay (noun), cheleo, pl macheleo.
delay (noun), chelezo, pl machelezo.
delay (noun), kukawiwa (15).
delay (noun), taahira (9/10), pl taahira.
delay (noun), uajazi.
delay (noun), uajizi (11), pl uajizi.
delay (noun), uchelewaji.
delay (noun), ukawa.
delay (noun), ukawiaji.
delay (noun), ukawio.
delay (noun), zohali (9/10), pl zohali.
delay (verb), -ahiri.
delay (verb), -ahirisha (causative).
delay (verb), -akhiri.
delay (verb), -chelewesha (causative).
delay (verb), -cheleza.
delay (verb), -faiti.
delay (verb), -kawa.
delay (verb), -kawia.
delay (verb), -kawilisha.
delay (verb), -limatia.
delay (verb), -rajua.
delay (verb), -taahari.
delay (verb), -tenga.
delay (verb), -tuilisha.
delay (verb), -tuiliza.
delay (verb), -usiri.
delay (verb), -usirisha.
delay (verb), -vunja.
delay (verb), -weka.
delay (verb), -zohalika.
delay (in returning) (verb), -kawia.
delay of payment (noun), cheleo, pl macheleo.
without delay (adverb), bila kukawia.
be delayed (verb), -china.
be delayed (verb), -kawa.
be delayed (verb), -tuili.
be delayed (verb), -usirika.
delegate (noun), kaumu.
delegate (noun), mpelekwa, pl wapelekwa.
delegate (noun), naibu, pl naibu.
delegate (noun), niaba (5/6an). "in the place of, on behalf of, in the
name of".. kwa niabu ya naibu.
delegate (noun), niabu (5/6an). "in the place of, on behalf of, in the
name of".. kwa niabu ya naibu.
delegate (noun), wakili, pl mawakili.
pol. delegate (noun), mjumbe, pl wajumbe. government representative..
mjumbe wa serikali.
pol.delegate (noun), mshauri, pl washauri. government delegate..
mshauri wa upande wa serikali.
delegation (noun), ujumbe (14).
delegation (noun), utuma.
delegation (noun), utume (14).
deliberately (adjective), makini.
deliberately (adverb), kwa kujua.
deliberately (adverb), makusudi.
delicacy (noun), uzuhali.
delicacy (noun), wembamba.
be delicate (verb), -lainika.
delicate (adjective), embamba. fine grain. nafaka nyembamba.
delicate (adjective), lainifu.
delicate (adjective), leini.
delicate (adjective), ororo.
be delicious (verb), -chapukia.
delicious (adjective), tamu.
delicious (adjective), zuri.
delict (noun), manza.
delict (noun), jinai.
be delighted (verb), -chachawa.
delight (noun), ufurahi.
delight (noun), upendezi (14).
delight (verb), -anisi.
delight (verb), -furahisha.
delight (verb), -taanisi.
delight (verb), -tumbuiza.
delight (someone) (verb), -hibia.
delightful (adjective), taanisi.
delimit (verb), -pakanisha.
delimit (verb), -pakia. delimit a field for tilling.. pakia ngwe.
delimiting (noun), usawanisho.
tendency to cause delinquency (noun), kisirani.
be delirious (verb), -paya.
be delirious (verb), -payapaya.
be delirious (verb), -payuka.
talk deliriously (adverb), wewedeka.
talk deliriously (adverb), weweseka.
delirium (noun), mapayo.
delirium (noun), payo (5/6), pl mapayo.
be delivered out of a difficulty (verb), -nusurika (potential). (s)he
will be relieved to meet him/her face to face. atanusurika kukutana naye
uso kwa uso [Sul].
deliver (verb), -kabidhi.
deliver (verb), -kabidhi.
deliver (verb), -kai.
deliver (verb), -okoa.
deliver (verb), -peleka.
deliver (verb), -salimu. give up the ghost or spirit (die). salimu
deliver (verb), -takabadhi.
deliver (a report or news) (verb), -bashiri.
deliver (for safekeeping or deposit) (verb), -stakabadhi.
deliver a sermon (verb), -hubiria.
deliver a speech (verb), -hutubia.
deliver from calamity (verb), -afua.
deliverer (noun), mwokozi, pl wakozi.
one who delivers (noun), mtoaji (1/2), pl watoaji.
deliver from calamity (verb), -afu.
deliverance (noun), makombozi.
deliverance (noun), masamaha.
deliverance (noun), masameho.
deliverance (noun), msamaha, pl misamaha, masamaha.
deliverance (noun), msamehe, pl misameha, masameha.
deliverance (noun), samaha (5/6), pl masamaha.
deliverance (noun), ufidio.
deliverance (noun), ufidiwa.
deliverance (noun), ukomboleo.
deliverance (noun), ukomboo.
deliverance (noun), ukombozi.
deliverance (noun), uokozi.
deliverance (noun), uponyi.
deliverance (noun), wokofu.
deliverance (noun), wokovu.
deliverance (noun), wokozi.
deliverance (from a personal difficulty) (noun), maokozi.
deliverance from calamity (noun), afu (9/10), pl afu.
that which is delivered (noun), toleo, pl matoleo.
deliverer (noun), mletaji, pl waletaji.
delivery (noun), matamko (6).
delivery (noun), mzao, pl mizao.
delivery (noun), uletaji.
delivery (noun), upatikanaji.
delivery (noun), upelekaji.
delivery (noun), utolewaji.
delivery (noun), uvyazi.
delivery (noun), uzalishaji.
delivery (noun), uzalishi.
delivery (noun), uzazi (14).
direct delivery (noun), taslimu (9/10), pl taslimu.
be deluded (verb), -pumbazika.
delude (verb), -shau.
delude (verb), -shaua.
delude oneself (verb), -jidanganya (reflexive).
delude oneself (verb), -jipumbaza (reflexive).
delude oneself (verb), -laghaika (potential).
delude someone (verb), -pumbaza. The mother deluded the child so that it
could not sleep early. Mama alimpumbaza mtoto asilale mapema.
deluge (noun), mkaragazo (3/4), pl mikaragazo.
delusion (noun), mahoka.
delusion (noun), masoka.
delusion (noun), uongo.
delusion (noun), urongo.
delusion (noun), ushaufu.
delusion (noun), uwongo.
delusion (noun), wazimu.
delusion (noun), wongo.
fig. delusion (noun), kiwi (9/10), pl viwi.
delusive (adjective), shau.
delusive (adjective), shaufu.
demand (noun), daha, pl madaha.
demand (noun), dai (5/6), pl madai. claim for money, amount due, debt.
madai ya fedha [Rec]; Nilionelea kwamba malalamiko na madai yetu
yalihitaji kutiwa nguvu [Masomo 113].
demand (noun), kamio, pl makamio.
demand (noun), takia (5/6), pl matakia.
demand (noun), utashi (14).
demand (verb), -chadi.
demand (verb), -dai.
demand (verb), -haja.
demand (verb), -jadi.
demand (verb), -omba.
demand (verb), -shurutisha. the doctor demanded that the patients take
medicine. Mganga alishurutisha wagonjwa kunywa dawa.
demand (verb), -shurutiza (causative).
demand in someone else's name (verb), -daha.
demand insistently (verb), -kamia.
demand rights or justice (verb), -dai haki.
demand something of someone (verb), -ombea.
threatening demands (noun), kamio (9/10), pl makamio.
demarcation (noun), usawanisho.
democracy (noun), demokrasi (9/10), pl demokrasi. comm. democratic
centralism. demokrasi yenye kiini kimoja.
democratic (adjective), kidemokrasi.
demolish (verb), -bomoa. demolish the wall. bomoa ukuta; bomoeni
milango na madirisha yote [Mun].
demolish (verb), -vunja.
demolish (buildings) (verb), -chengua.
demolishing (act of) (noun), bomoko, pl mabomoko.
demolition (act of) (noun), mvunjo, pl mivunjo.
demon (noun), shaitani (5/6), pl mashaitani.
demon (noun), sheitani (5/6an), pl masheitani.
demon (noun), shetani (5/6an), pl mashetani. the demon is not visible.
Shetani haonekani.
demon (noun), zimwi, pl mazimwi.
demonstrate (verb), -aridhia.
demonstrate (verb), -koga.
demonstrate something to each other (verb), -jadiliana.
demonstration (noun), andamano, pl maandamano.
demonstration (noun), andamizi, pl maandamizi.
demonstration (noun), lonyo.
demonstration (noun), maandamano (9/10), pl maandamano.
demonstration (noun), maonyesho. farming demonstrations. maonyesho ya
demonstration (noun), mkogo, pl mikogo.
demonstration (noun), onyesho (5/6), pl maonyesho.
demonstration (noun), udhahiri.
demonstration (noun), udhahirifu.
demonstration (noun), udhihirifu.
demonstration (noun), uonyesho, pl maonyesho.
demonstration (noun), wonyeshano.
demonstrator (noun), mwonyeshaji, pl waonyeshaji.
demoralize (verb), -komaza.
demoralize (verb), -umbua.
demoralized (adjective), potoe.
demoralized (adjective), potovu.
demote (verb), -uzua.
demote (verb), -uzulu.
demote (verb), -uzuru.
den (noun), malalo (6).
den (noun), malazi (6).
den (of animals) (noun), malalo.
den (of animals) (noun), malazi.
den (of animals) (noun), malazo.
den (of animals) (noun), pango (5/6), pl mapango.
dengue fever (tropical intermittent fever ) (noun), kidingapopo (7/8), pl
be deniable (verb), -kanikana.
denial (noun), kano (5/6), pl makano.
denial (noun), kano, pl makano.
denial (noun), katao, pl makatao.
denial (noun), katazo, pl makatazo.
denial (noun), mardudi.
denial (noun), mkano (3/4), pl mikano.
denial (noun), ukano (11/10), pl kano.
denial (noun), ukatazaji.
one who denies (noun), mkana, pl wakana. atheist.. mkana mungu.
denigrate (verb), -kebehi.
rel. denomination (noun), madhehebu, pl madhehebu.
denominations (noun), madhehebu (6).
denominator (mathematics) (noun), asili, pl asili.
denote (verb), -maanisha.
dense (adjective), -kuza.
dense (adjective), zito.
be dented (verb), -bonyeka.
dent (noun), bopo, pl mabopo.
dent (noun), kibonyeo (7/8), pl vibonyeo.
dent (noun), mbonyeo (3/4), pl mibonyeo.
denunciation (noun), mbea, pl mibea.
be denied (verb), -hiniwa.
deny (verb), -kadhibisha.
deny (verb), -kana.
deny (verb), -kana.
deny (verb), -kanusha.
deny (verb), -kataa.
deny (verb), -nyima.
deny oneself (verb), -jihinisha ( caus-refl).
deny oneself (verb), -jinyima.
deny something vehemently (verb), -ukiri.
depart (verb), -ondoka.
depart (verb), -pishana ( caus-recip).
depart (verb), -uka.
depart without taking leave (verb), -yoyoma.
departed (noun), marehemu (9/10an), pl marehemu.
department (noun), afisi (9/10), pl afisi.
department (noun), chamkano, pl machamkano.
department (noun), hafisi.
department (noun), idara (9/10), pl idara.
department (noun), idara.
department (noun), kikao, pl vikao.
departure (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
departure (noun), kiago, pl viago.
departure (noun), maondokeo.
departure (noun), mauko, pl mauko.
departure (noun), ondokeo (5/6), pl maondokeo.
departure (noun), safari (9/10), pl safari. the departure of his/her
airplane is today in the morning. Safari ya ndege yake ni leo asubuhi.
unpleasant departure (noun), farakano (5/6), pl mafarakano.
depend on (verb), -amania.
depend on (verb), -egemea.
depend on (verb), -nyetea.
depend on (verb), -tegemea.
depend on each other (verb), -tegemeana.
depend on someone (verb), -inamia.
dependability (noun), uamini.
dependability (noun), uaminifu.
dependable (adjective), mathubuti.
dependable (adjective), mathubutu.
dependable (adjective), sadikifu. a dependable worker. mfanyakazi
dependable person (noun), mtumainifu, pl watumainifu.
be dependant on something for one's livelihood (verb), -ponea.
dependence (noun), uandamizi, pl maandamizi.
dependence (noun), utoto.
be dependent (verb), -tegemea.
dependent (noun), mamwana.
dependent (noun), mwana.
dependent children (noun), watoto wategemea (2).
deplorable (adjective), dhalili.
deplore (verb), -juta.
depopulation (noun), kumbo, pl makumbo.
deport (verb), -hajirisha.
depose (verb), -uzua.
depose (verb), -uzulu.
depose (verb), -uzuru.
bank deposit (noun), weko, pl maweko.
deposit (noun), arabuni (9/10), pl arabuni.
deposit (noun), mchango (3/4), pl michango.
deposit (noun), stakabadhi (9/10), pl stakabadhi.
deposit (noun), ukoga.
deposit (noun), uwekaji, pl mawekaji.
deposit (verb), -weka.
deposit money (verb), -stakabadhi pesa.
deposition (noun), hakikisho (5/6), pl mahakikisho.
deposition (noun), stashahada (9/10), pl stashahada.
deposition (noun), uzua, pl mauzua.
deposition (noun), uzulu (11/6), pl mauzulu.
deposition (noun), uzuru, pl mazuru.
depraved (adjective), potoe.
depraved (adjective), potovu.
depraved (adjective), shari.
depraved (noun), ovu (5/6), pl maovu.
depraved person (noun), anzali, pl anzali.
depravity (noun), kinyonge, pl vinyonge.
depravity (noun), ubaya, pl mabaya.
depravity (noun), uharabu (14).
depravity (noun), upotoe (14).
depravity (noun), upotovu (14).
deprecate (verb), -hakiri.
deprecate (verb), -rahisi.
deprecate (verb), -umbua.
depredation (noun), unyakuzi.
depredation (noun), unyang'anyi.
lawless depredation (noun), unyang'anyi (14).
depress (verb), -kefyakefya.
depress (verb), -tungua.
be depressed (verb), -jikunyata (reflexive).
be depressed (verb), -kukurika.
be depressed (verb), -nyong'onyea.
be depressed (verb), -shuka.
be depressed (verb), -sononeka (intransitive).
depressed person (noun), mlegevu, pl walegevu.
depression (noun), bopo, pl mabopo.
depression (noun), kukuru.
depression (noun), mfuo, pl mifuo.
depression (noun), sahani (9/10), pl sahani.
depression (noun), shimo (5/6), pl mashimo.
depression (noun), unyonge (14).
depression (noun), uzito (14).
depression (geological) (noun), matengemano, pl matengemano.
depression between hills (noun), ufumbi (11/6), pl mafumbi.
depression in the earth (noun), koongo, pl makoongo.
depression in the earth (noun), korongo, pl makorongo.
deprive (verb), -nyima.
deprive of (verb), -umua.
deprive oneself (verb), -jinyima.
depth (noun), kilindi (7/8), pl vilindi.
depth (noun), kina (7/8), pl vina.
depth (noun), marefu. It is not long enough. haina marefu ya kutosha.
depth (noun), uketo (14).
depth (noun), urefu, pl marefu.
depth of the sea (noun), kititi cha bahari (7).
deputation (noun), ujumbe.
deputation (noun), utuma.
deputy (adjective), dogo. deputy minister. waziri mdogo.
deputy (adjective), makamu.
deputy (noun), kaimu, pl makaimu.
deputy (noun), makamo.
deputy (noun), makamu.
deputy (noun), naibu (9/10an), pl manaibu.
deputy (noun), niaba. "in the place of, on behalf of, in the name of "..
kwa niabu ya naibu.
deputy (noun), niabu. "in the place of, on behalf of, in the name of "..
kwa niabu ya naibu.
deputy (noun), niaba (9/10an), pl niaba.
deputy (noun), niabu (9/10an), pl niabu.
deputy (noun), wakili, pl mawakili.
deputy (position of) (noun), ukaimu.
pol. deputy (noun), mjumbe, pl wajumbe. government representative..
mjumbe wa serikali.
pol.deputy (noun), mshauri, pl washauri.
deputyship (noun), unaibu.
derelict (noun), lofa (5/6), pl malofa.
deride (verb), -cheka.
deride (verb), -chekelea.
deride (verb), -chekerea.
deride (verb), -darau.
deride (verb), -dharau.
deride (verb), -dhihaki.
deride (verb), -fyoza.
deride (verb), -kejeli.
deride (verb), -kejeli.
deride (verb), -sagua.
deride (verb), -sengenya.
deride (verb), -cheza shere.
deride (verb), -fanya shere.
deride (verb), -simanga.
deride (verb), -zomea.
deriding someone (act of) (noun), mzaha (3/4), pl mizaha. deride
someone. fanyizia mzaha.
call of derision (noun), zimeo, pl mazimeo.
call of derision (noun), zomeo, pl mazomeo.
derision (noun), dhihaka (9/10), pl dhihaka.
derision (noun), kichekesho (7/8), pl vichekesho.
derision (noun), mashkara.
derision (noun), masihara.
derision (noun), mzaha (3/4), pl mizaha.
derision (noun), saguo (9).
derision (noun), shere (9/10), pl shere. make a derision. cheza/fanya
derision (noun), sheri (9/10), pl sheri. make a derision. cheza/fanya
derision (noun), simango (5/6), pl masimango.
derision (noun), ubishi, pl mabishi.
derision (noun), usimango, pl masimango.
derision (noun), zomeo (5/6), pl mazomeo.
expression of derision (interjection), ng'o.
expression of derision (interjection), ng'oo.
interj of derision (interjection), nyoo!.
treat with derision (verb), -safihi.
treat with derision (verb), -safii.
derisive (adjective), fyozi.
derisively (verb), -jugumu.
derive from (verb), -tokana.
derrick (noun), silingi (9/10), pl silingi.
derrick (noun), slingi (9/10), pl slingi.
character of a dervish (noun), usufii.
cause to descend (verb), -telemusha.
cause to descend (verb), -teremsha.
descend (verb), -shuka. as he ascends down or descends up. akipanda juu
au akishuka chini [Moh].
descend (verb), -telea.
descend (verb), -telemka.
descend (verb), -teremka.
descend (verb), -teremuka.
descend (of birds or insects) (verb), -tenga.
descendant (noun), fasili.
descendant (noun), mche, pl miche.
descendant (noun), mtoto, pl watoto.
descendant (of a human being or an animal) (noun), mzao, pl wazao.
descendants (noun), dhuria.
descending (act of) (noun), mtelemko, pl mitelemko.
descending (act of) (noun), mteremko, pl mitelemko.
abrupt descent (noun), telemko, pl matelemko.
abrupt descent (noun), telemuko, pl matelemuko.
abrupt descent (noun), teremko, pl materemko.
abrupt descent (noun), teremuko, pl materemuko.
descent (noun), pl Yes, akina (9/10), pl akina.
descent (noun), jadi (9/10), pl jadi.
descent (noun), kina.
descent (noun), pl descent, mshuko (3/4), pl mishuko.
descent (noun), mtelemko (3/4), pl mitelemko.
descent (noun), mteremko (3/4), pl miteremko.
descent (noun), nasaba.
descent (noun), ukoo (11/10), pl koo.
descent (noun), uvyazi.
descent (noun), uzalishaji.
descent (noun), uzalishi.
descent (noun), uzazi.
descent (noun), wakina.
descent (through 5 or 6 generations) (noun), uzao, pl mazao.
describe (verb), -falanua.
describe (verb), -hadithi.
describe (verb), -wasifu.
description (noun), aridhio (5).
description (noun), elezo, pl maelezo.
description (noun), maelezo, pl maelezo.
description (noun), wasifu (14), pl wasifu.
desecrate (a woman) (verb), -najisi.
desecration (noun), unajisi.
be deserted (verb), -hamwa (passive).
desert (noun), changua.
desert (noun), jangwa (5/6), pl majangwa.
desert (noun), jangwa, pl majangwa.
desert (noun), lawalawa.
desert (noun), mkuranga (3/4), pl mikuranga.
desert (noun), ukame.
desert (noun), wangwa.
desert (verb), -acha.
desert (verb), -ata.
desert (verb), -toroka.
desert (verb), -tupa.
desert (kind of) (noun), lovulovu.
deserted village or town (noun), ganjo (5/6), pl maganjo.
dessert (presented as a gift during Ramadhan and on visits) (noun),
bembe, pl mabembe.
turkish delight (noun), halua.
deserted place (noun), kihame (7/8), pl vihame.
deserted place (noun), mahame (6).
deserted place (noun), mahame.
deserted place (noun), mahamo.
deserted place (village) (noun), hame (5/6), pl mahame.
deserter (noun), haini (1/2), pl wahaini.
deserter (noun), mkimbizi, pl wakimbizi.
deserter (noun), mtoro, pl watoro.
desertion (noun), maasi, pl maasi.
desertion (noun), ukengefu.
desertion (noun), utoro.
deserve (verb), -stahili. Juma, you have become very disobedient
nowadays; you deserve to be beaten. Juma, wee mkaidi sana siku hizi,
wastahili kupigwa.
deserve (verb), -stahilisha.
he deserves it (phrase), hastaili yake.
more deserving (adjective), aula.
be deserving of (verb), -stahiki.
deserving (adjective), stahiki.
deserving (adjective), stahili.
deserving respect (adjective), stahivu.
deservingness (noun), ustahili.
design (noun), pl designs, rasimu (9/10), pl rasimu.
design (noun), rembo (5/6), pl marembo.
design (noun), shauri (9/10), pl shauri. the building design is not bad.
Shauri la kujenga sibaya.
design (noun), tarakibu (9/10), pl tarakibu.
designate (verb), -nena.
designate (verb), -ota.
designation (noun), jina, pl majina.
designer (noun), mtunga, pl watunga.
designer (noun), mtungaji, pl watungaji.
designer in charge of projects (noun), mbunifu wa miradi (1/2), pl
wabunifu wa miradi.
have designs on (verb), -ukilia.
one who designs (noun), mtunga, pl watunga.
one who designs (noun), mtungaji, pl watungaji.
be desirable (verb), -takikana ( assoc-intr).
be desirable (verb), -tamanika.
desirable (adjective), hidaya.
arouse desire (verb), -penya. he has a desire for bananas. ndizi
be obsessed by a particular desire (verb), -filisiwa.
desire (noun), chadi, pl machadi.
desire (noun), gharadi.
desire (noun), haja.
desire (noun), hawa.
desire (noun), jadi, pl majadi.
desire (noun), kifu.
desire (noun), kijoyo, pl vijoyo.
desire (noun), mahitaji.
desire (noun), mapenzi (6).
desire (noun), mapenzi.
desire (noun), mataka, pl mataka.
desire (noun), matakwa, pl matakwa.
desire (noun), matilaba, pl matilaba.
desire (noun), mori (9/10), pl mori.
desire (noun), mradi, pl miradi, muradi.
desire (noun), ngoa (9/10), pl ngoa. satisfy desire. timiza ngoa.
desire (noun), pendekezo (5/6), pl mapendekezo.
desire (noun), pl desires, penzi (5/6), pl mapenzi. (s)he has a desire
to study. Anapenzi la kusoma.
desire (noun), tamaa (9/10), pl tamaa. they have desire. wana [fanya]
desire (noun), tamani (9/10), pl tamani.
desire (noun), tamanio (5/6), pl matamanio. but that was the desire of
his/her soul only. lakini hayo yalikuwa matamanio ya nafsi yake tu [Sul].
desire (noun), tumai, pl matumaini.
desire (noun), tumaini, pl matumaini.
desire (noun), uhitaji (11/6), pl mahitaji.
desire (noun), utamani.
desire (noun), utamanifu.
desire (verb), -ania.
desire (verb), -hamu, pl hamu.
desire (verb), -hitaji.
desire (verb), -tamani.
desire (verb), -taraji.
desire (verb), -wa na hamu.
desire (verb), -tumai.
desire (verb), -tumaini.
desire (verb), -tunuka.
desire (verb), -wania.
desire (strong) (noun), majadi.
desire (strongly) (verb), -chadi.
desire (strongly) (verb), -jadi.
desire (us sexual) (noun), nyege (9/10), pl nyege.
desire (us sexual) (noun), unyege.
desire (us. sexual) (noun), unyege.
desire each other (sexually) (verb), -takana.
desire urgently (verb), -dhamiria.
passionate desire (noun), ashki, pl ashiki.
satisfy desire (verb), -timiza ngoa.
satisfy desire (verb), -timiza ngoa. satisfy desire. timiza ngoa.
sexual desire (noun), tamaa (9/10), pl tamaa.
sexual desire (noun), uchu.
strong desire (noun), ashiki (14).
strong desire (noun), hawaa (9/10), pl hawaa.
strong desire (noun), shauku (9/10), pl shauku. (s)he waited with a lot
of excitement and strong desire. alisubiri kwa ghamidha na shauku kuu
strong desire (noun), uchu (14).
strong desire (noun), utashi (14).
with great desire (adjective), kwa shauku.
be desired (verb), -takikana ( assoc-intr).
desist (verb), -hulu.
desk (noun), dawati (5/6), pl madawati.
desk (school) (noun), deski.
writing desk (noun), dauati.
writing desk (noun), kidawati (7/8), pl vidawati.
desolate (adjective), kame.
desolate person (noun), fasiki (9/10), pl fasiki.
desolate place (noun), jangwa, pl majangwa.
desolate place (noun), pululu (5/6), pl mapululu.
desolation (noun), ganjo (5/6), pl maganjo.
desolation (noun), ukiwa (14).
desolation (noun), ukiwa.
despair (verb), -fa moyo.
despair (verb), -kata tamaa.
despair (verb), -kata tamani.
despair (verb), -lia.
despise (verb), -bera.
despise (verb), -beua.
despise (verb), -beza.
despise (verb), -chukia.
despise (verb), -darau.
despise (verb), -dharau.
despise (verb), -dhila.
despise (verb), -dhili.
despise (verb), -dunisha.
despise (verb), -hakiri.
despise (verb), -mena.
despise (verb), -shiti.
despise (verb), -susa.
despise (verb), -susia.
despise (verb), -turufu.
be despised (verb), -dharauliwa.
despised person (noun), anzali (9/10), pl anzali.
despised person (noun), anzali, pl anzali.
despondant person (noun), mwenye ole (1/2), pl wenye ole.
be despondent (verb), -angema.
despot (noun), mdhalimu, pl wadhalimu.
despot (noun), msalata, pl wasalata.
despot (noun), msaliti, pl wasaliti.
despot (noun), mwonevu, pl waonevu.
rule despotically (verb), -taraba.
despotism (noun), jefule.
dessert (noun), tamu (9/10), pl tamu.
dessert (noun), tamutamu (9/10), pl tamutamu.
dessert (noun), utamu.
dessicate (verb), -nyausha.
destination (noun), ajali (9/10), pl ajali.
destination (noun), kifiko (7/8), pl vifiko.
destiny (noun), ajali (9/10), pl ajali. The physician does not delay
fate. tabibu hazuii ~..
destiny (noun), bahati, pl bahati.
destiny (noun), bakhti, pl bakhti.
destiny (noun), kura.
destiny (noun), mungu.
destiny (noun), muungu.
destiny (noun), nasibu (9/10).
destiny (noun), ole (9/10), pl ole.
destiny (noun), riziki (9/10), pl riziki. To secure a job has never been
destiny. kazi haijawa riziki kuipata [Abd].
destiny (noun), tua.
be utterly destitute (phrase), asiye (kuwa na) mbele wala nyuma.
destitute (adjective), hohehahe.
destitute (adjective), hoi.
destitute (adjective), maskini.
destitute person (noun), fukara (5/6), pl mafukara.
destitute person (noun), mkiwa, pl wakiwa.
destitute person (noun), mtule, pl watule.
abject destitution (noun), unyonge (14).
destitution (noun), upotevu.
be destroyed (verb), -fisidika (potential).
be destroyed (verb), -haribika.
destroy (noun), harabu, pl harabu, maharabu; waharabu.
destroy (verb), -aga.
destroy (verb), -angamiza.
destroy (verb), -athiri.
destroy (verb), -avya.
destroy (verb), -bomoa.
destroy (verb), -chafua.
destroy (verb), -ekua.
destroy (verb), -fisidi.
destroy (verb), -haribu.
destroy (verb), -haribu.
destroy (verb), -hilikisha (causative).
destroy (verb), -jengua.
destroy (verb), -kumba.
destroy (verb), -la.
destroy (verb), -maliza. many people have fallen victim to the disease.
ugonjwa huu umewamaliza watu wengi.
destroy (verb), -pofua. destroy the eyes.. pofua macho.
destroy (verb), -ponda.
destroy (verb), -teketeza.
destroy (verb), -tekua.
destroy (verb), -tilifu.
destroy (verb), -tofoa.
destroy (verb), -tofua.
destroy (verb), -tokomeza.
destroy (verb), -towesha.
destroy (verb), -ua.
destroy (verb), -ulia.
destroy (verb), -umbua.
destroy (verb), -viza.
destroy (verb), -vunja.
destroy (verb), -wekua.
destroy (verb), -ziza.
destroy the beauty of something (verb), -rembua.
destroyed (adjective), vunjifi.
one who destroys (noun), muumbuzi, pl wauumbuzi.
be completely destroyed (verb), -tokomea.
be destroyed (verb), -angamia.
be destroyed (verb), -hiliki.
be destroyed (verb), -teketea.
destroyed (adjective), gofu.
destroyer (noun), fisadi (5/6an), pl mafisadi.
destroyer (noun), pl destroyers, mvunja (1/2), pl wavunja.
destroyer (noun), mwangamizi (1/2), pl waangamizi.
destroying (act of) (noun), bomoko, pl mabomoko.
destroying (act of) (noun), uvunjaji.
destroying (act of) (noun), uvunjifu.
destroying (act of) (noun), uvunjo.
destroying (manner of) (noun), uvunjaji.
destroying (manner of) (noun), uvunjifu.
destroying (manner of) (noun), uvunjo.
destroying each other (noun), malizano.
one who destroys (noun), mbomoshi, pl wabomoshi.
one who destroys (noun), mpomoshi, pl wapomoshi.
one who destroys (noun), mwangamizi, pl waangamizi.
one who destroys something (noun), mwangushi, pl waangushi.
one who destroys something (noun), mwanguzi, pl waanguzi.
destruction (noun), angamizi, pl maangamizi.
destruction (noun), angusho (5/6), pl maangusho.
destruction (noun), kumbo, pl makumbo.
destruction (noun), maangamizi, pl maangamizi.
destruction (noun), magangao.
destruction (noun), magaogao.
destruction (noun), mkumbo (3/4), pl mikumbo.
destruction (noun), mteketeo, pl miteketeo.
destruction (noun), mteketezo, pl miteketezo.
destruction (noun), mwisho, pl miisho.
destruction (noun), uangamizi (11/6), pl maangamizi.
destruction (noun), uharabu.
destruction (noun), uharibifu (14).
destruction (noun), ukiwa.
destruction (noun), uteketezo.
destruction (noun), vurumai, pl mavurumai.
destruction (act of) (noun), mvunjo, pl mivunjo.
destruction (by fire) (noun), uteketevu.
one who causes destruction (noun), mvuruga, pl wavuruga.
one who causes destruction (noun), mvurugaji, pl wavurugaji.
destructive (adjective), harabu.
destructive (adjective), haribifu.
destructive (adjective), vunjifu.
destructive (adverb), -haribifu.
destructive person (noun), mkorofi (1/2), pl wakorofi.
destructive person (noun), mpotevu (1/2), pl wapotevu.
destructiveness (noun), machachari, pl machachari.
destructiveness (noun), upotevu (11).
destructiveness (noun), uvunjaji.
destructiveness (noun), uvunjifu.
destructiveness (noun), uvunjo.
tendency to cause destructiveness (noun), kisirani.
detach (verb), -ambua.
detach (verb), -bagua.
detach (verb), -bandua.
detach (verb), -chanua.
detach (verb), -ungua.
get detached from (verb), -banduka.
be detachable (verb), -ungulika.
be detached (verb), -bokoka.
detachment (noun), sehemu (9/10), pl sehemu.
detail (noun), kipengele (7/8), pl vipengele.
detailed drawing (noun), mchoro naganaga, pl michoro naganaga.
in detail (adverb), kinaganaga.
detain (verb), -bamba.
detain (verb), -kamata.
detain (verb), -kawilisha.
detain (verb), -ziwia.
detain (verb), -zuia.
detain (verb), -zuwia.
detain someone (verb), -usirisha.
detect (verb), -feli.
detect (verb), -shufu.
detect (verb), -sikia. I am detecting a smell. nasikia harufu.
detect (verb), -tanzua.
detective (noun), dunzi, pl madunzi.
detective (noun), kachero (1/2), pl makachero.
detective (noun), dunzi, pl wadunzidunzi.
detective (noun), jasusi, pl wajasusi.
detective (noun), mdunzidunzi, pl wadunzidunzi.
detective (noun), mjasusi, pl wajasusi.
detective (noun), mjasusu, pl wajasusu.
detective (noun), mpelelezi (1/2), pl wapelelezi. His eyes didn't see
anyone nor a car nearby. Thus the detective knew that Othman Omari had
not returned.. Macho yake hayakuona mtu ye yote, ama gari lo lote hapo
karibu. Hivyo mpelelezi alifahamu kuwa Othman Omari hakuwa amerejea ...
[Ganzel Masomo 163].
detective work (noun), upelelezi (14), pl upelelezi.
detention (noun), usiri (11).
detention (noun), zuio, pl mazuio.
detention (noun), zuizi, pl mazuizi.
detention (by police as in Mau Mau Camps) (noun), kizuizini, pl
deter (verb), -onya.
deter (verb), -rufuku.
deter (verb), -ziwia.
deter (verb), -zuia.
deter (verb), -zuwia.
deteriorate (verb), -hasirika.
deteriorate (verb), -kwajuka.
deterioration (noun), wozo.
determination (noun), ghaidhi (9/10), pl ghaidhi.
determination (noun), mkato, pl mikato. resolute words.. maneno ya
determination (noun), mkazo (3/4), pl mikazo.
determination (noun), moyo. revolutionary fervor. tia [kuza] moyo.
determination (noun), uimarisho.
determine (noun), maizi.
determine (verb), -azimu.
determine (verb), -tambulisha.
determine the truth (verb), -hakiki.
be determined to (verb), -jifunga (reflexive).
determined person (noun), pinduani (5/6an), pl mapinduani.
determinedly (adverb), tanda.
detest (verb), -beua.
detest (verb), -zia.
detestable (adjective), -kirihifu.
dethrone (verb), -uzulu.
detonation (noun), mlipuko, pl milipuko.
detonation (noun), mpasuka, pl mipasuka.
detonation (noun), mpasuko, pl mipasuko.
detonation (noun), mpasuo, pl mipasuo.
detonator (noun), kifa, pl vifa.
detour (noun), kipengele (7/8), pl vipengele.
detour (noun), ndia ya kuzunguka (9/10), pl ndia.
detour (noun), njia ya kuzunguka (9/10), pl njia za kuzunguka.
detour (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee.
make a detour (verb), -epa.
devastate (verb), -teketea.
devastation (noun), kumbo, pl makumbo.
devastation (noun), magangao.
devastation (noun), magaogao.
devastation (noun), mkumbo (3/4), pl mikumbo.
devastation (noun), mteketeo, pl miteketeo.
devastation (noun), mteketezo, pl miteketezo.
devastation (noun), nakama (9/10), pl nakama.
devastation (noun), tawanyiko, pl matawanyiko.
devastation (noun), uharabu.
devastation (noun), uharibifu.
devastation (noun), ukiwa.
develop (verb), -auka.
develop (verb), -endelea.
develop (verb), -endeleza.
develop (verb), -kuza. to respect and develop the culture. kuheshimu na
kukuza utamaduni [Masomo 256].
develop (verb), -linganisha kuza.
develop (verb), -ondokea.
develop (verb), -ota.
develop (verb), -sitawi.
develop (verb), -stawisha.
develop (something) (verb), -sitawisha (causative).
develop film (verb), -safisha picha. develop a photo film. safisha
develop fully (verb), -pevua. It is difficult to develop him/her fully
so that (s)he can grow in line with custom. ni muhali kuweza kumpevua ili
aive kidesturi [Abd].
develop quickly (verb), -vuvumka.
develop well (verb), -vuvumka.
be fully developed (verb), -pea.
be fully developed (verb), -pevuka.
be well developed (verb), -pirikana.
development (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
development (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
development (noun), hatua.
development (noun), maendeleo (6). Economic development is important for
the strength of a country.. Maendeleo ya kiuchumi ni muhimu kwa uthabiti
wa nchi [Masomo 327]..
development (noun), maendelezo (6).
development (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
development (noun), ukuaji (14).
development (noun), usitawi.
development (noun), usitawishaji.
development (noun), usitawishi.
development (noun), ustawishaji (14).
development (noun), woto.
development (geom and tech) (noun), mkunjuo (3/4), pl mikunjuo.
encourage development (verb), -komaza.
promote development (verb), -komaza.
deviant (noun), kombo (5/6), pl makombo.
deviate (verb), -epa.
deviate (verb), -kengeua.
deviate (verb), -kosa.
deviate (verb), -ritadi. (s)he deviated from Islam. Yeye aliritadi
deviation (from a proper course) (noun), ukengefu.
clever device (noun), mzungu, pl mizungu.
device (noun), kidude, pl vidude.
device (noun), kipengele (7/8), pl vipengele.
device (noun), kipinga, pl vipinga.
device (noun), mbinu (9/10), pl mbinu.
device (noun), zana.
devil (noun), afriti (9/10an), pl afriti.
devil (noun), bilisi (9/10), pl bilisi.
Devil (noun), Ibilisi (1/2), pl Ibilisi.
devil (noun), ibilisi.
devil (noun), msengenyaji, pl wasengenyaji.
devil (noun), shaitani (5/6), pl mashaitani. (s)he has wild tough eyes
like those of the devil.. Yeye ana macho makali kama ya shetani.
devil (noun), sheitani (5/6an), pl masheitani.
devil (noun), pl devils, shetani (5/6an), pl mashetani. childhood has no
danger of feminine of masculine, devil or jins. utoto hauna hatari ya uke
wala uume, shetani wala jini [Moh].
devilish (adjective), -a kishetani.
devilry (noun), ushetani (14).
be devised (verb), -buniwa.
devote oneself (verb), -jifunga (reflexive).
be devoted to (verb), -shariki. be devoted to drunkardness. shiriki
ulevi [Rec].
be devoted to (verb), -shiriki.
devoted (adjective), -amini.
devoted (adjective), -aminifu.
devoted (adjective), staamani.
one who is devoted to something (his work, a cause) (noun), mtengwa, pl
devotion (noun), amini, pl amini.
devotion (noun), haba, pl mahaba, (mahuba), (mahubba).
devotion (noun), kipendo, pl vipendo.
devotion (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahaba.
devotion (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahuba.
devotion (noun), mnyenyekeo, pl minyenyekeo.
devotion (noun), staamani (9/10), pl staamani.
devotion (noun), taa (9/10), pl taa.
religious devotion (noun), utawa (14).
devour (verb), -akia.
devour (verb), -la.
devour (verb), -sakata.
devout (adjective), tawa.
devout person (noun), msalihina, pl wasalihina.
devout person (noun), msalikhina, pl wasalikhina.
devout person (noun), mwaminifu, pl waaminifu.
devout person (noun), mwumini, pl waamini.
devout person (noun), salihina (9/10an), pl salahina.
devout person (of any faith) (noun), msalimina, pl wasalimina.
devout person (of any faith) (noun), msalimu, pl wasalimu.
dew (noun), ukungu (14).
dew (noun), umande (14).
dexterity (noun), mzungu (3/4), pl mizungu.
dexterity (noun), ufundi.
dexterity (noun), usafidi.
dexterity (noun), ustadi.
dexterous (adjective), mahiri.
boards in the bottom of a dhow (protecting the cargo from the bilge)
(noun), mwao, pl miao.
dhow (noun), chombo (7/8), pl vyombo.
dhow (kind of) (noun), awesia, pl awesia.
dhow (sailing canoe) (noun), dau (5/6), pl madau.
dhow (small) (noun), kidau (7/8), pl vidau.
dhow (type of boat) (noun), jahazi (5/6), pl majahazi.
two colored dhow (noun), burangeni.
two-colored dhow (noun), barangeni.
diabolical (adjective), -a kishetani.
diabolical art (noun), ujini.
diaconate (noun), ushamasi.
diacritical mark (Arabic) (noun), nukta (9/10), pl nukta.
diadem (noun), taji (9/10), pl taji.
diagnosis (noun), uaguzi.
diagonal (adjective), hanamu.
diagonal (noun), hanamu.
diagonal (noun), ulalo (11/10), pl ndalo.
diagram (noun), rahamani (9/10), pl rahamani.
diagram (noun), ramani (9/10), pl ramani.
diagram (noun), sanamu (9/10), pl sanamu.
dial a telephone number (verb), -zungusha.
dial a telephone number (verb), -zungusha (namba za simu).
dialect (noun), kilugha (7/8), pl vilugha.
dialect (noun), lafudhi. People who speak all languages or all dialects
...; Whe s/he composes s/he uses the dialect that is spoken where s/he
lives.. Watu wanaosema ndimi zote au lafudhi zote ...[Masomo 232];
Anapotunga mashairi yake hutumia lafudhi ya Kiswahili kinachosemwa
anapoishi [Khan, Masomo 394].
dialect (noun), lahaja (9/10), pl lahaja. People who speak all languages
or dialects .... Watu wanaosema ndimi zote au lahaja zote ... [Masomo
dialect (noun), lugha.
dialect (noun), maneno.
dialect (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
dialect (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno.
dialect of Kiswahili in coastal Tanzania (noun), Kimrima (7).
dialect of Kiswahili in Mombasa (noun), Kimvita (7).
Kiswahili dialect of the island of Pate (noun), Kipate.
Swahili dialect of Zanzibar (noun), Kiunguja.
diameter (noun), kipenyo, pl vipenyo.
diameter (noun), mapana.
diameter (noun), upana, pl mapana.
diamond (noun), pl "Ah, teacher, o.k. give me that present now". "Oh,
you teen-ager, Do you think that it is a diamond?", almasi (9/10), pl
diamond (noun), pl diamond is a noun, but brilliant is, almazi, pl
diamonds (in cards) (noun), uru (11).
diaper (noun), winda (9/10), pl winda.
diaphragm (noun), chembeu.
diaphragm (noun), kiambo, pl viambo.
diaphragm (noun), kiwamba, pl viwamba.
diaphragm (noun), kiwambo, pl viwambo.
diaphragm (noun), pl curtains, pazia la tumbo (5/6), pl mapazia. Long
curtains of heavy colored clothes. mapazia marefu ya kitambaa kizito cha
maua maua [Muk].
diappearance (noun), utokomeaji.
diarrhea (noun), harisho (5/6), pl maharisho.
have diarrhea (verb), -hara.
medicine for diarrhea (noun), zimda.
cause diarrhoea (verb), -harisha.
have diarrhoea (verb), -eye tumbo.
diary (pocket) (noun), shajara (9/10), pl shajara. (s)he writes names
and addresses in his/her dairy. Anaandika majina na anwani katika shajara
dice (noun), dado, pl madado.
dice (noun), dadu, pl madadu.
dice (verb), -katakata.
discharge (verb), -pakua.
dictate (verb), -andikisha.
dictation (noun), imla (9/10), pl imla.
dictation (in school) (noun), imla.
dictation (in schools) (noun), dikteshin.
dictator (noun), dikteta (5/6), pl madikteta.
dictatorial (adjective), beberu. dictatorial government. serikali ya
dictatorial (adjective), kibeberu.
dictatorship (noun), serikali ya kibeberu (9/10), pl serikali.
dictatorship (noun), serikali ya nguvu (9/10), pl serikali.
dictatorship (noun), ubeberu.
dictatorship (noun), udikteta (14).
diction (noun), usemi.
dictionary (noun), kamusi (9/10), pl kamusi.
dictionary (noun), kamusi.
cause to die (verb), -fisha.
die (noun), dado, pl madado.
die (noun), dadu, pl madadu.
die (noun), kodwe.
die (verb), -fa.
die (verb), -hiliki.
die (verb), -kata roho.
die (verb), -ondoka. lit.: depart from the world.. ondoka katika
die (verb), -pita.
die (verb), -salimu roho.
die (euphemism) (verb), -fariki. before my grandfather died.. kabla
babu yangu alipokuwa hajafariki [Masomo 303].
die a natural death (verb), -fa upinda.
die a natural death (of animals) (noun), -fa udusi.
die away (verb), -fifia.
diet (noun), malaji.
diet (noun), mlo, pl milo.
diet (noun), ulaji (5/6), pl malaji.
med. diet (noun), mwiko, pl miiko.
observe a diet (verb), -gunga.
prescribe a diet for someone (verb), -ziza.
differ (verb), -hitilafu.
difference (noun), halafa (9/10), pl halafa.
difference (noun), hitilafu.
difference (noun), hitilafu (9/10), pl hitilafu.
difference (noun), tafauti (9/10), pl tafauti.
difference (noun), tofauti (9/10), pl tofauti.
difference of opinion (noun), fihi.
be different (verb), -achana (associative).
be different (verb), -hitilafiana ( appl-assoc).
be different (verb), -hitilafu.
be different (verb), -hitilifiana.
be different (verb), -tofautiana (reciprocal).
different (adjective), ingine.
different (adjective), pl with the applied form of the verb, mbali.
different (adjective), mbalimbali.
different (adjective), tafauti.
different (adjective), tofauti.
different (adverb), launilauni.
differentiate (verb), -aini.
differentiate (verb), -hitilafu.
differently (adverb), tofauti.
differently (adverb), vingine.
differently (adverb), vinginevyo.
be difficult (verb), -chachia.
be in a difficult situation (verb), -dawaa.
be in a difficult situation (verb), -duala.
be in a difficult situation (verb), -duwaa.
be in a difficult situation (verb), -kwama.
difficult (adjective), gumu.
difficult (adjective), mahututi. a serious illness. ugonjwa mahututi.
difficult (adjective), muhali.
difficult (adjective), vigumu.
difficult (adjective), yabis.
difficult (adjective), yabisi.
difficult (adjective), -zito.
difficult (of people) (adjective), pingani.
difficult situation (noun), mtihani, pl mitihani. get into a difficult
situation.. kutana na mtihani.
make difficult (verb), -tata.
make difficult (verb), -tatiza (causative).
something very difficult (noun), mhali.
something very difficult (noun), muhali.
something very difficult (noun), umhali.
something very difficult (noun), umhali.
be overtaken by difficulties (verb), -patwa taabu. get sick. patwa
difficulties (noun), matata (6).
get into difficulties (verb), -ruzu.
involve in difficulties (verb), -chachia.
be in difficulty (verb), -taabika.
be put in difficulties (verb), -zidiwa (passive).
difficulty (noun), balaa (9/10), pl balaa. Here at home a major problem
has developed and you don't want to mention it.. Humu nyumbani kumezuka
balaa na wewe hutaki kuitaja [Chacha, Masomo 373].
difficulty (noun), beluwa.
difficulty (noun), chachari, pl machachari.
difficulty (noun), chokochoko.
difficulty (noun), dhiki (9/10), pl dhiki.
difficulty (noun), fadhaa.
difficulty (noun), fazaa.
difficulty (noun), fundo (5/6), pl mafundo.
difficulty (noun), jambo (5/6), pl mambo.
difficulty (noun), janga (5/6), pl majanga.
difficulty (noun), jaribio (5/6), pl majaribio.
difficulty (noun), kayaya.
difficulty (noun), kikwazo, pl vikwazo.
difficulty (noun), madhilifu, pl madhilifu.
difficulty (noun), makombo.
difficulty (noun), mashaka.
difficulty (noun), masubuko, pl masubuko.
difficulty (noun), masumbufo, pl masumbufo.
difficulty (noun), masumbulizi, pl masumbulizi.
difficulty (noun), masumbuo, pl masumbuo.
difficulty (noun), matata, pl matata.
difficulty (noun), mfundo, pl mifundo.
difficulty (noun), mgogoro, pl migogoro.
difficulty (noun), mpweke, pl mipweke.
difficulty (noun), mushkeli. this complaint is giving me trouble..
ugonjwa huu umeniletea mushkeli.
difficulty (noun), pingamizi (9/10), pl pingamizi. "We want to make
peace, but there are many difficulties".. tunataka kufanya amani lakini
kuna pingamizi nyingi.
difficulty (noun), shaka (5/6), pl mashaka. (s)he has met with
difficulty. amekutana na mashaka..
difficulty (noun), shakawa (9/10), pl shakawa.
difficulty (noun), shida (9/10), pl shida. be in difficulty. patwa na
[wa na, ingia] shida..
difficulty (noun), sumbuko (5/6), pl masumbuko.
difficulty (noun), sumbuo (5/6), pl masumbuo.
difficulty (noun), taabu (9/10), pl taabu.
difficulty (noun), takalifu (9/10), pl takalifu.
difficulty (noun), takilifu (9/10), pl takilifu.
difficulty (noun), tata, pl matata.
difficulty (noun), tatanisho, pl matatanisho.
difficulty (noun), tatizo, pl matatizo.
difficulty (noun), udhia.
difficulty (noun), udhiko.
difficulty (noun), ugumu (14).
difficulty (noun), upasi.
difficulty (noun), upinzani.
difficulty (noun), uzito (14).
fig.difficulty (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
get into difficulties (verb), -kwama.
get out of a difficulty (verb), -vua.
great difficulty (noun), mashaka (6).
put in difficulties (verb), -funga.
with difficulty (adverb), vigumu.
be dug out (verb), -fukuliwa.
dig (verb), -chimba.
dig (verb), -lima.
dig (verb), -timba.
dig in (verb), -fukia.
dig out (verb), -chekua.
dig out (verb), -chimbua.
dig out (verb), -fukua.
dig up (verb), -fukua.
dig up (verb), -ng'oa. dig up a root.. ng'oa mzizi.
dig up (verb), -zuka.
dig up (soil) (verb), -omoa.
dig up roots (verb), -fukua mizizi.
digger (one who digs for a living) (noun), mchimbaji (1/2), pl
one who digs (noun), mfukuaji, pl wafukuaji.
one who digs for a living (noun), mchimbuzi, pl wachimbaji. "miner, mine
worker".. mchimbaji wa madini , mchimbaji dhahabu.
one who digs out (noun), mng'oaji (1/2), pl wang'oaji.
have digestive difficulties (verb), -vimbia.
digging animal (noun), mhanga (1/2), pl wahanga.
pointed stick used for digging (noun), mwuo, pl miuo.
digit (noun), tarakimu (9/10), pl tarakimu.
dignified (adjective), kubwa.
dignified (adjective), sharifu.
dignified man (noun), mzee, pl wazee.
dignitary (noun), diwani, pl madiwani.
dignitary (noun), mtukufu, pl watukufu.
dignity (noun), adhama (9/10), pl adhama.
dignity (noun), adhima (9/10), pl adhima.
dignity (noun), heshima (9/10), pl heshima.
dignity (noun), jaha.
dignity (noun), makamo.
dignity (noun), makamu.
dignity (noun), makini (9).
dignity (noun), makini.
dignity (noun), usharifu.
with dignity (adjective), makini.
dikdik (noun), dika (9/10), pl dika.
dike (noun), lambo, pl malambo.
dilapidated (adjective), haribika.
be dilatory (verb), -kaakaa.
dilatory (adjective), -ajiza.
dilatory (adjective), -ajizi.
dilatory (adjective), kokotevu.
dilatory (adjective), tuili.
diligence (noun), bidii.
diligence (noun), uharara.
diligence (noun), utendaji.
diligence (noun), utendi.
diligence (noun), utenzi.
diligent (adjective), hodari.
diligent (noun), biabia.
diligently (adverb), hidima.
dilute (verb), -chujua.
dilute (verb), -zimua.
diluted (adjective), dabwadabwa. watery rice. wali wa dabwadabwa [Rec].
diluted (adjective), debwedebwe.
dimension (noun), cheo, pl vyeo.
dimension (noun), kipimo (7/8), pl vipimo.
dimensions (noun), ukubwa.
diminish (verb), -hafifisha.
diminish (verb), -punga. the heat of the sun is diminishing (toward
sunset).. jua limepunga.
diminish (verb), -punga (converse). What did (s)he diminish. yeye
kapungua nini? [Sul].
diminish (verb), -pungua.
diminish (verb), -punguka. (s)he diminshed the brain because of smoking
opium. Yeye alipunguka akili kwa kuvuta bangi.
diminish (verb), -punguza (causative). diminish the stomach. punguza
diminish (verb), -sakiti.
diminish (verb), -vunja.
dimple (noun), msingi (3/4), pl misingi.
din (noun), mshindo, pl mishindo. the noise of people in a crowd..
mshindo wa watu walio [katika mkutano] mkutanoni.
din (verb), -varanga.
dinar (gold coin) (noun), dinari.
dining-hall (noun), messi.
dining-room (noun), mezani.
dinner (noun), kijio, pl vijio.
diocese (noun), jimbo, pl majimbo.
diocese (noun), jimbo (5/6), pl majimbo.
dip (verb), -bambika.
dip (verb), -chovya.
dip (verb), -nepa.
dip (verb), -zamisha ( caus-trans).
dip into one's savings (verb), -toa akiba.
dip up (carefully or in small quantities) (verb), -danga. dip up water.
danga maji [Rec].
diploma (noun), shahada (9/10), pl shahada.
diploma (noun), pl diplomas, shuhuda (5/6), pl mashuhuda.
diploma (noun), stishhada (9/10), pl stishhada. the way (s)he gave
her(him)self diplomas now and then. jinsi alivyojipatia stishhada kadha
wa kadha [Ya].
diplomatic (noun), kidiplomasi, pl vidiplomasi.
dipper (noun), dila.
dipper (noun), kata (9/10), pl kata.
dipper (noun), kata, pl (-), makata.
dipper (noun), ndoo.
dipper (noun), sila (9/10), pl sila.
dipper (made of a coconut shell or of wood) (noun), kata, pl (-), makata.
dipper (used for bailing out boats) (noun), ndau.
dipper for bailing water out of boat (noun), upo (11).
dipping (noun), chovyo, pl machovyo.
person who dips his finger into the food when eating (noun), mchovya, pl
dipsomania (noun), malevi.
dipsomania (noun), ulevi.
dispute (with each other) (verb), -bishana.
direct (verb), pl Yes, -agiza (causative).
direct (verb), -amuru. The government directed that these schools should
be started [Masomo 259]. seikali ikaamuru zianzishwe shule hizi [Masomo
direct (verb), -ekeza.
direct (verb), -elekeza.
direct (verb), -ongoza.
direct (verb), -simamia (applicative).
direct (verb), -usia.
direct (verb), -wosia.
direct (singing or dancing) (verb), -dirizi.
be directed toward (verb), -elekea.
be directed toward (verb), -kabili.
one who is directed to something (noun), mwongofu, pl waongofu.
convert.. mwongofu wa dini.
direction (noun), agizo (5/6), pl maagizo.
direction (noun), fundisho (5/6), pl mafundisho.
direction (noun), janibu.
direction (noun), maongozi (6).
direction (noun), mwelekeo (3/4), pl mielekeo.
direction (noun), mwongozo (3/4), pl miongozo.
direction (noun), uchifu.
direction (noun), uelekeo, pl maelekeo.
direction (noun), uelekezo.
direction (noun), uendeshaji (14).
direction (noun), upande, pl pande.
direction (noun), usimamizi.
direction (noun), utawala.
direction (noun), utumwa.
direction (noun), utwala.
in every direction (conjunction), kwa kila jiha.
take a new direction (verb), -pinduka ( inver-poten-trans). Tamima took
a new direction downwards. Tamima alipinduka chini [Moh].
directions (noun), kielekezo (7/8), pl vielekezo.
directions (noun), mwelezo, pl mielezo.
directions (noun), usia (11/6), pl mausia.
directive (noun), agizo (5/6), pl maagizo.
directive (noun), amri, pl amri, maamri.
directly (adverb), punde si punde. The lion smelt the antelope directly.
Punde si punde simba alimnukia paa.
go directly (verb), -fululizia (applicative).
director (noun), meneja. movie director.. meneja wa cinema.
director (noun), mkubwa, pl wakubwa.
director (noun), mkuru, pl wakuru. school principal. mkuu wa skuli.
director (noun), mkurugenzi (1/2), pl wakurugenzi.
director (noun), mkuu (1/2), pl wakuu.
director (noun), rubani (5/6an), pl marubani. choir director.. rubani
la kwaya.
dirge (noun), maombolezo.
dirge (noun), ombolezo (5/6), pl maombolezo.
dirge (noun), tahalili (9/10), pl tahalili.
dirge (noun), tahlili (9/10), pl tahlili.
dirhem (coin) (noun), dirhamu.
dirision (noun), darau.
dirt (noun), dama.
dirt (noun), mataka, pl mataka.
dirt (noun), matakataka, pl matakataka.
dirt (noun), matope, pl matope.
dirt (noun), taka (5/6), pl mataka. sideways that are full of dirt.
[vichochoro] vyenye majaa ya taka [Sul].
dirt (noun), tama (9/10), pl tama.
dirt (noun), tope, pl matope.
dirt (noun), udongo (11/10), pl udongo.
dirt (noun), ukoo.
dirt (noun), ukowo.
dirt (noun), utope.
dirt on perspiring skin (noun), nongo (9/10), pl nongo.
dirtiness (noun), uchafu (14), pl uchafu.
be dirty (verb), -chafuka.
dirty (adjective), -chafu.
dirty (adjective), najisi.
dirty old man (noun), mchimvi (1/2), pl wachimvi.
dirty person (noun), mkoo, pl wakoo.
dirty person or thing (noun), mbwedu, pl wabwedu.
make dirty (verb), -chafua.
make dirty (verb), -chafusha.
something dirty (noun), mchafuko, pl michafuko.
disability (noun), kilema (7/8), pl vilema.
disability (noun), punguo (5/6), pl mapunguo.
disability (noun), upunguaji.
disability (noun), upungufu, pl mapungufu.
disability (noun), upunguo, pl mapunguo.
disabled person (noun), mlemavu (1/2), pl walemavu. Every worker must
help these soldiers with disabilities to do their work.. Kila mfanya kazi
lazima awasaidie askari hawa walemavu kufanya kazi zao ...[Nyerere, Masomo
disablement (noun), kilema (7/8), pl vilema.
disadvantage (noun), uzuizi (11/6), pl mazuizi.
disagree (verb), -epukana.
disagree (verb), -hitilafiana ( appl-assoc).
disagree (verb), -kosana.
have certain foods disagree with one (verb), -wenga.
be disagreeable (verb), -nonga.
disagreeableness (noun), pl disagreeableness, nongwa (9/10), pl nongwa.
make disagreeable (verb), -nonza.
be in disagreement (verb), -bagulika.
disagreement (noun), chokochoko.
disagreement (noun), mavurugano, pl mavurugano.
disagreement (noun), msukano, pl misukano.
disagreement (noun), upambano.
exclamation implying disagreement (interjection), ati.
rare disagreement (noun), mtafaruku, pl mitafaruku.
disappear (adjective), zizima.
disappear (verb), -angamia.
disappear (verb), -didimia.
disappear (verb), -fifia. At this point the voice is becoming faint..
huku sauti ikiwa inafifia [Chacha, Masomo 371].
disappear (verb), -ghibu.
disappear (verb), -potea. lose one's way.. potea njia.
disappear (verb), -tokomea.
disappear (verb), -toweka.
disappear (verb), -yoyoma.
disappear (verb), -zizima.
disappear (figurative) (verb), -zama.
make disappear (verb), -fifiza.
disappearance (noun), uangamizi, pl maangamizi.
disappoint (verb), -shau.
disappoint (verb), -shaua.
disappoint (verb), -vunja.
be disappointed (verb), -la mwande, pl -la miande.
something disappointing (noun), ushaufu.
disappointment (noun), nuhusi (9/10), pl nuhusi.
disappointment (noun), nuksani (9/10), pl nuksani.
disappointment (noun), nuksi (9/10), pl nuksi.
cry of disapproval (noun), zimeo, pl mazimeo.
disapprove of (verb), -onya.
express disapproval (verb), -guna.
disarrange (verb), -chafua.
disarrange (verb), -pangua.
disarrange (verb), -rabishi.
disarrange (verb), -vuruga.
disarrange (verb), -vurugavuruga.
disarrange (verb), -vuruma.
disaster (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
disaster (noun), baa (5/6), pl mabaa.
disaster (noun), balaa (5/6), pl mabalaa.
disaster (noun), balia, pl baa.
disaster (noun), king'irimoto (7/8), pl ving'irimoto.
disaster (noun), msiba, pl misiba.
disaster (noun), shari (9/10), pl shari.
natural disaster (phrase), maafa asilia.
disastrous (adjective), korofi.
disastrous (adjective), potevu.
disavowal (noun), kano, pl makano.
one who disavows (noun), mkana, pl wakana. atheist.. mkana mungu.
disc (noun), diski.
disc inserted in the lip (noun), pelele (9/10), pl pelele.
wooden disc or plug inserted in a woman's upper lip (Makonde and Wiha and
Nyasa ethnic groups) (noun), ndonya (9/10).
discern (verb), -tambua.
discernment (noun), hadhari.
discernment (noun), hekima.
discernment (noun), maarifa, pl maarifa.
discernment (noun), nadhari.
discernment (noun), uangafu.
discernment (noun), uangavu.
discernment (noun), wangafu.
discernment (noun), wangafu.
discernment (noun), wangavu.
discernment (noun), wangavu.
discharge (noun), belaghami.
discharge (noun), belghamu.
discharge (noun), kinyaa (7/8), pl vinyaa.
discharge (noun), kitanguo (7/8), pl vitanguo.
discharge (noun), uzua, pl mauzua.
discharge (noun), uzulu, pl mazulu.
discharge (noun), uzuru, pl mazuru.
discharge (verb), -feleti.
discharge (verb), -nya.
discharge (verb), -shindilia.
discharge (cargo etc.) (verb), -shusha (causative). discharge the flag.
shusha bendera [Rec].
discharge (from a job) (verb), -fukuza.
discharge (from a position) (verb), -tenga.
discharge from eye (noun), matongo, pl matongo.
discharge from eye (noun), matongotongo, pl matongo.
discharge from weak or diseased eye (noun), uchongo (11).
med. discharge (noun), maji.
vaginal discharge (noun), utoko (11/6), pl matoko.
discharging (act of) (noun), mshushio, pl mishushio.
discharging (act of) (noun), mshusho, pl mishusho.
condition of a disciple (noun), ufuasi.
disciple (noun), mfuasi, pl wafuasi.
disciple (noun), mfuataji, pl wafuataji.
discipline (noun), nidhamu (9/10), pl nidhamu. maintain discipline.
endesha nidhamu.
discipline (noun), taa (9/10), pl taa.
discipline (noun), utii.
discipline (noun), utiifu.
discipline (in a classroom, etc.) (noun), utawala.
discipline (in a classroom,etc.) (noun), utwala.
maintain discipline (verb), -endesha nidhamu. maintain discipline.
endesha nidhamu.
maintain discipline (verb), -endesha nidhamu.
well-disciplined (adjective), sikivu.
disclose (verb), -fumbua.
disclose (verb), -funua.
disclose (verb), -gundua.
disclose (verb), -gundulisha.
disclose (verb), -lawa.
disclose (verb), -onyesha (causative).
disclose (verb), -vumbua (converse).
disclose (a secret ) (verb), -ng'amua.
get disclosed (verb), -fumbuka ( conv-poten).
be disclosed (verb), -gunduka.
become discolored (verb), -sinyaa.
cause someone discomfort (verb), -bumbuaza.
cause discomfort (verb), -sumbua.
discomfort (noun), adha (9/10), pl adha.
discomfort (noun), takalifu (9/10), pl takalifu.
be discomforted (verb), -sumbuka (intransitive).
discomposure (noun), uvuguvugu.
disconcert (verb), -aibisha (causative).
disconcert (verb), -bumbuaza.
disconcert (verb), -koroweza. break one's neck..
disconcert (verb), -sumbua.
be disconcerted (verb), -angaika.
be disconcerted (verb), -ghumia.
be disconcerted (verb), -hangaika.
be disconcerted (verb), -lingwa.
disconcerted (adjective), hamanika.
disconnect (verb), -kongoa.
disconnect (verb), -ungua.
cause discontent (verb), -nung'unisha.
cause discontent (verb), -nunisha.
show discontent (verb), -guna.
show discontent (verb), -nung'unika.
be discontented (verb), -kimua. come in personally/in person..
be discontented (verb), -kimwa. come in personally/in person..
be discontented (verb), -nuna.
be discontented (verb), -nunia.
grumble to each other (verb), -nuniana.
discontentment (noun), ununaji.
discontentment (noun), ununo.
discontinuance (noun), ukomo (14).
discontinue (verb), -acha.
discontinue (verb), -ata.
discord (noun), chokochoko (9/10), pl chokochoko.
discord (noun), chonza.
discord (noun), fihi.
discord (noun), fitina (9/10), pl fitina.
discord (noun), fitna (9/10), pl fitna.
discord (noun), mkorogo (3/4), pl mikorogo.
discord (noun), ufatani.
discord (noun), ufitina.
discord (noun), utesaji.
discord (noun), utesi.
make discord (verb), -fitini.
make discord (verb), -fitinisha.
discordance (noun), mvurugano (3/4), pl mivurungo.
discount (noun), kipunguzi, pl vipunguzi. "pack one's bags,close out
one's affairs"..
discount (noun), marupurupu.
discount (noun), rupu (5/6), pl marupurupu.
discourage (verb), -kefyakefya.
discourage (verb), -katisha tamaa (causative).
discourage (verb), -vunja.
treat discourteously (verb), -kirihi.
be discovered (verb), -bainika.
discover (verb), -bukua.
discover (verb), -feli.
discover (verb), -fumbua.
discover (verb), -gundua.
discover (verb), -ng'amua.
discover (verb), -tafuta.
discover (verb), -tambua.
discover (verb), -vumbua (converse).
discover (verb), -ziua.
discover (verb), -zua.
discover (verb), -zumbua.
discover each other (verb), -gunduana.
discover someone in a wrongful act (verb), -fumania.
discover suddenly (verb), -fuma.
fig. discover (verb), -gubua.
realize (verb), -gundua.
be discovered (verb), -dhulu.
be discovered (verb), -gunduka.
discoverer (noun), pl discoverers, mvumbuzi (1/2), pl wavumbuzi.
discovery (noun), fichuo, pl mafichuo.
discovery (noun), ubuni (14).
discovery (noun), uokotaji.
discovery (noun), uvumbuaji.
discovery (noun), uvumbuzi (14).
discovery (noun), uzushi.
discovery (noun), uzuzi.
discovery (act of) (noun), vumbuo (5/6), pl mavumbuo.
discredit (noun), idhara.
discredit (verb), -ponda.
be discreet in one's speech (verb), -fyata.
discrepancy (noun), hitilafu.
discrepancy (noun), tafauti (9/10), pl tafauti. There is no difference.
hapana tafauti.
discrepancy (noun), tofauti.
discretion (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
discretion (noun), hiari.
discretion (power of) (noun), nadhari (9/10).
discriminate (verb), -bagua.
discriminate (verb), -pambanua (converse).
discrimination (noun), ubaguzi (14).
discrimination (noun), ubaguzi.
discrimination (noun), uchaguo.
discrimination (noun), ukatili (14).
discrimination (power of) (noun), upambanuzi.
racial discrimination (phrase), ubaguzi wa rangi.
discus (noun), kisahani (7/8), pl visahani.
sport discus (noun), kisahani, pl visahani.
be discussed (verb), -vuma.
discuss (verb), -hojiana.
discuss (verb), -hojiana na.
discuss (verb), -jadili.
discuss (verb), -jadili.
discuss with each other (verb), -jadiliana (reciprocal).
discussion (noun), bamba, pl bamba.
discussion (noun), jadiliano (5/6), pl majadiliano.
discussion (noun), jadiliano, pl majadiliano.
discussion (noun), maneno.
discussion (noun), mazungumzo, pl mazungumzo.
discussion (noun), mdahalo (3/4), pl midahalo.
discussion (noun), mdakhalo (3/4), pl midakhalo.
discussion (noun), mjadala (3/4), pl mijadala.
discussion (noun), mkutano, pl mikutano. press conference.. mkutano wa
waandishi/wanagazeti [Rec].
discussion (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno.
discussion (noun), shauri (9/10), pl shauri. we shall have such a
discussion afterwards. Tutazungumza shauri kama hilo baadaye.
subject under discussion (noun), hoja (9/10), pl hoja.
be disdained (verb), -puuzwa.
disdain (noun), kimene. the size/stature/height of a person.
disdain (noun), unyanya (11).
disdain (noun), unyanya.
disdain (noun), upeketevu.
disdain (noun), usodai.
disdain (noun), usodawi.
disdain (verb), -batilisha (causative).
disdain (verb), -beja.
disdain (verb), -bera.
disdain (verb), -beua.
disdain (verb), -beza.
disdain (verb), -mena.
disdain (verb), -susa.
disdain (verb), -susia.
disdain (verb), -tengura.
disdain (verb), -turufu.
disdainful (adverb), -bezi.
communicable disease (noun), kisukumizi (7/8), pl visukumi.
disease (noun), gonjwa (5/6), pl magonjwa.
disease (noun), maradhi (6).
disease (noun), maradhi.
disease (noun), marazi.
disease (noun), ugonjwa (11/6), pl magonjwa.
disease affecting the hand (noun), kaka (9/10), pl kaka.
disease of chickens (noun), kideri.
disease of the mouth (noun), kimenomeno (7/8), pl vimenomeno.
eye disease (noun), kikope (7/8), pl vikope.
infectious disease (noun), dudu, pl madudu. chicken pox. dudu mai.
kind of cattle disease (noun), ndigano (9/10), pl ndiga.
med. a disease of the stomach (noun), mtuchi, pl mituchi.
med. skin disease (affecting especially the hands) (noun), manawa.
skin disease (noun), mapune.
skin disease in which hands get covered with patches (noun), mbalanga
(9/10), pl mbalanga.
spreading skin disease (kind of) (noun), utambazi, pl matambazi.
be diseased (verb), -lemaa.
disembark (verb), -shuka.
disembark (verb), -shusha (causative). disembark people from the
ship/dhow. Shusha watu kutoka jahazi.
disembark (verb), -telemka.
disembark (verb), -teremka.
disengage (verb), -namua.
disentangle (verb), -tatanua.
disfavor (noun), hizaya.
disfavor (noun), karaha.
be disfigured (verb), -sawijika. his/her face looked like it had been
disfigured in the style of a clound. uso wake ukionekana umesawijika
mfano wa kiwingu [Sul], hakupata kumwona Idi amesawijika vile [Sul].
be disfigured (as a result of illness or accident (verb), -duduka.
be disfigured (as a result of illness or accident) (verb), -dudulika.
disfigure (verb), -athiri.
disfigure (verb), -pambua.
disfigure (verb), -rembua.
disfigure (verb), -umbua.
disfigure (verb), -umbua.
be disfigured (verb), -babuka.
be disfigured (verb), -lemaa.
be disfigured (verb), -saujika.
be disfigured (verb), -sawajika.
be disgraced (verb), -aibika.
cause disgrace (verb), -idhara.
disgrace (noun), aibisho (5/6), pl maaibisho.
disgrace (noun), aibu (9/10), pl aibu. You are the one who is my
disgrace.. Wewe ndiye aibu yangu [Chacha, Masomo 375].
disgrace (noun), ari, pl ari.
disgrace (noun), fedeha.
disgrace (noun), fedheha (9/10), pl fedheha. without leaving anything
disgraceful. bila kuacha fedheha [Nyerere, Masomo 280].
disgrace (noun), haya (9/10), pl haya.
disgrace (noun), hizaya.
disgrace (noun), idhara.
disgrace (noun), ila.
disgrace (noun), izara (9/10), pl izara.
disgrace (noun), izara.
disgrace (noun), janaba.
disgrace (noun), kisirani (7/8), pl visirani.
disgrace (noun), matule, pl matule.
disgrace (noun), tahayuri (9/10), pl tahayuri.
disgrace (noun), tua.
disgrace (verb), -aibisha (causative).
disgrace (verb), -aziri.
disgrace (verb), -fedhehesha.
disgrace (verb), -fedhehi.
disgrace (verb), -hizi.
disgrace (verb), -hizi.
disgrace (verb), -stihizai.
disgrace (verb), -stihizaya.
disgrace (verb), -tuzua.
disgrace (verb), -tweza.
disgrace publicly (verb), -songamiza (stative).
be disgraced (verb), -hizika.
be disgraced (verb), -stihizaika (intransitive).
be disgraced (verb), -stihizayika (intransitive).
be disgruntled (verb), -kimua.
be disgruntled (verb), -kimwa.
disguise (noun), maficho.
disguise (noun), maskhara.
disguise (verb), -fumba.
disguise (verb), -nyerereza.
be disgusted (verb), -chukia.
be disgusted with something (verb), -choka.
disgust (noun), chukio, pl machukio.
disgust (noun), karaha (9/10), pl karaha.
disgust (noun), kinyaa (7/8), pl vinyaa.
disgust (noun), uchukivu.
disgust (noun), uchukizo.
disgust (noun), unyaa.
disgust (noun), unyarafu (14).
disgust (noun), utakalifu.
disgust (verb), -chukiza (causative).
disgust (verb), -nyanyapaa.
disgusting thing (noun), chukizi (5/6), pl machukizi.
disgusting thing (noun), chukizo (5/6), pl machukizo.
feel disgust (verb), -kinai.
feel disgust (verb), -nyarafu.
something that causes disgust (noun), kinyaa (7/8), pl vinyaa.
disgusting (adjective), makeruhi.
disgusting (adjective), makuruhi.
disgusting thing or person (noun), mbwedu (9/10), pl mbwedu.
deep dish (noun), bakuli, pl bakuli.
dish (noun), beseni.
dish (noun), chombo (7/8), pl vyombo.
dish (noun), dishi, pl madishi.
dish (noun), kombe, pl kombe, makombe. buy oneself off; recover/recoup
(one's losses, in gambling, etc.).
dish (noun), pl dishes, sahani (9/10), pl sahani. a tray of teapot and
plate of bread. sinia yenye buli la chai na sahani ya mikate [Sul].
dish (noun), ulio (14).
dish of banana and cassava (noun), mchanyato (3/4), pl michanyato.
dish of maize and beans boiled together (noun), pure (9/10), pl pure.
dish out (verb), -pakua.
dish out (verb), -pakuwa.
dish up (verb), -pakua chakula.
earthen dish for baking cakes (noun), waya (11/10), pl nyaya.
earthenware cooking dish (noun), kiyana (7/8), pl viyana.
earthenware dish (noun), maziga, pl maziga.
food dish (porridge of cassava and beans) (noun), kisombo (7/8), pl
hero (small wooden serving dish) (noun), hero, pl mahero.
kande (a special dish prepared for New Year's Day (Nairuzi) in which
seven kinds of grain are included) (noun), kande.
meat dish (noun), asusa, pl asusa.
small dish (noun), bungo.
vegetable dish (of beans and cassava leaves) (noun), kisamvu (7/8), pl
woven dish-cover (conical) (noun), kawa (9/10), pl kawa.
disharmony (noun), mvurugano (3/4), pl mivurungo.
be disheartened (verb), -vunjika moyo (potential).
be disheartened (fig.) (verb), -bonyea.
dishearten (verb), -katisha tamaa (causative).
dishes (noun), dishi, pl madishi.
be dishevelled (of feathers or hair) (verb), -timka.
dishonest (adjective), batili.
dishonest (adjective), batilifu.
dishonest person (noun), kiberenge, pl viberenge.
dishonest person (noun), laghai (9/10an), pl laghai.
dishonest person (noun), mlaghai (1/2), pl walaghai.
dishonesty (noun), habithi.
be dishonored (verb), -fedheheka (potential).
dishonor (noun), aibisho (5/6), pl maaibisho.
dishonor (noun), aibu (9/10), pl aibu.
dishonor (noun), ari (9/10), pl ari.
dishonor (noun), hizaya.
dishonor (noun), izara.
dishonor (noun), janaba.
dishonor (noun), matule, pl matule.
dishonor (verb), -aibisha (causative).
dishonor (verb), -fedhehi.
dishonor (verb), -hizi.
dishonor (verb), -stihizai.
dishonor (verb), -stihizaya.
dishonor (verb), -tengura.
dishonor (verb), -tweza.
be dishonored (verb), -aibika.
be dishonored (verb), -hizika.
be dishonored (verb), -stihizaika (intransitive).
be dishonored (verb), -stihizayika (intransitive).
disinfect (verb), -eua.
disingenuously (adverb), kichinichini.
disintegrate (verb), -bokoa.
disintegrate (verb), -nyonyotoka.
disintegrate (verb), -sambaratika. the house disintegrated because of
being hit by the rains. Nyumba ilisambaratika kwa kupigwa na mvua.
be disjointed (verb), -meguka.
be disjointed (verb), -megukameguka.
be disliked (verb), -chukiwa.
dislike (noun), bughudha.
dislike (noun), chuki (9/10), pl chuki.
dislike (noun), kirahi (9/10).
dislike (verb), -chukia.
dislike (verb), -wenga.
be dislocated (verb), -teguka.
be dislocated (verb), -tegukiwa.
dislocate one's foot (verb), -teguka mguu ( conv-poten).
be dislocated (verb), -teguka.
be dislocated (verb), -tegukiwa.
be dislocated (verb), -teuka.
dislocated person (noun), mfaraka, pl wafaraka.
dislocated person (noun), mfariki, pl wafariki.
disloyal (adjective), hiana.
disloyalty (noun), uhaini.
disloyalty (noun), uhiana.
disloyalty (noun), ujasusi.
disloyalty (noun), ukengefu.
disloyalty (noun), utoro.
dismay (noun), bumbuazi, pl mabumbuazi.
dismay (noun), fadhaa (9/10), pl fadhaa.
dismay (noun), kiwewe (7/8), pl viwewe.
dismay (noun), mang'amung'amu.
dismay (noun), mang'ang'amu.
be dismayed (verb), -hamanika.
someone who is dismayed (noun), mzuzu, pl wazuzu.
dismember (verb), -changua.
dismiss (verb), -fukuza.
dismiss (verb), -likiza.
dismiss (verb), -ondosha.
dismiss (verb), -tenga.
dismiss (verb), -uzua.
dismiss (verb), -uzulu.
dismiss (verb), -uzuru.
dismissal (noun), kitanguo (7/8), pl vitanguo.
dismissal (noun), mwagano, pl miagano.
dismissal (noun), mwago, pl miagano.
dismissal (noun), ondoleo (5/6), pl maondoleo.
dismissal (noun), ruhsa (9/10), pl ruhsa.
dismissal (noun), ruhusa (9/10), pl ruhusa.
dismissal (noun), rukhsa (9/10), pl rukhsa. issue the dismissal. toa
dismissal (noun), uzua, pl mauzua.
dismissal (noun), uzulu (11/6), pl mauzulu.
dismissal (noun), uzuru, pl mazuru.
dismissed person (noun), pl dismissed people, mtengwa (1/2), pl watengwa.
disobedience (noun), maasi, pl maasi.
disobedience (noun), uasi (11/6), pl maasi.
disobedience (noun), uhalifu (14).
disobedience (noun), uhasi (11/6), pl maasi.
disobedience (noun), uhasi.
disobedience (noun), ukaidi (14).
disobedience (noun), uwaasi.
disobedience (noun), uwasi, pl mawasi.
disobedience (noun), uwasi (11/6), pl maasi.
disobedience (noun), wasi.
disobedience (noun), wasi (11/6), pl maasi.
incite someone to disobedience (verb), -kaidisha (causative).
be disobedient (verb), -aasi.
be disobedient (verb), -asi. They have rebelled against their
government. wameasia serikali yao.
be disobedient (verb), -huni.
disobedient (adjective), halifu.
disobedient (adjective), kaidi.
disobedient (verb), -kaidi.
disobedient person (noun), maasum, pl waasum.
disobedient person (noun), mkaidi (1/2), pl wakaidi.
disobedient person (noun), mwasi, pl waasi.
disobey (verb), -halifu.
disobey (verb), -kaidi.
be in disorder (verb), -chafuka.
be in disorder (verb), -rabishika (potential). the bed that was in
disorder. kitanda kilichorabishika [Muk].
cause disorder (verb), -omoa.
confusion (noun), mchafuko, pl michafuko.
create disorder (verb), -pangua.
create disorder (verb), -vuruga.
create disorder (verb), -vurugavuruga.
create disorder (verb), -vuruma.
disorder (noun), borongo, pl maborongo.
disorder (noun), chafuko (5/6), pl machafuko.
disorder (noun), fujo (5/6), pl mafujo.
disorder (noun), furufuru (9/10), pl furufuru.
disorder (noun), ghadhia (9/10), pl ghadhia.
disorder (noun), ghasia (9/10), pl ghasia.
disorder (noun), kikaka, pl vikaka.
disorder (noun), machafuko (6).
disorder (noun), machafuko, pl machafuko.
disorder (noun), mburugo (3/4), pl miburugo.
disorder (noun), mchafuko (3/4), pl michafuko.
disorder (noun), mgaragazo, pl migaragazo.
disorder (noun), msongo, pl misongo.
disorder (noun), msuko, pl misuko.
disorder (noun), pl disorders, msukosuko (3/4), pl misukosuko.
disorder (noun), mvurugo, pl mivurugo.
disorder (noun), najisi.
disorder (noun), rabsha (9/10), pl rabsha.
disorder (noun), tafrani (9/10), pl tafrani.
disorder (noun), takalifu (9/10), pl takalifu.
disorder (noun), takilifu (9/10), pl takilifu.
disorder (noun), tata, pl matata.
disorder (noun), uchafuzi.
disorder (noun), udhia.
disorder (noun), udhiko.
disorder (noun), ukorogefu.
disorder (noun), ukorogo.
disorder (noun), vuruguvurugu, pl mavuruguvurugu.
disorder (noun), vurumai, pl mavurumai.
extreme disorder (noun), fujofujo (5/6), pl mafujofujo.
fig. disorder (noun), kishindo, pl vishindo.
person who creates disorder (noun), mchafuzi, pl wachafuzi.
throw into disorder (verb), -boronga.
throw into disorder (verb), -fanya fujo.
throw into disorder (verb), -tia fujo.
disorderliness (noun), uchafuko.
be disorderly (verb), -chafua.
disorderly (adverb), ovyoovyo.
disorderly (adverb), ovyo.
disorderly conduct (noun), uhuni.
disorderly mass (noun), tirivyogo (5/6), pl matirivyogo.
grow disorderly (verb), -jiotea.
disorganize (verb), -pekecha.
disorganize (verb), -peketa.
disorganize (verb), -vuruga.
disorganize (verb), -vurugavuruga.
disorganize (verb), -vuruma.
be disorganized (verb), -pekecheka.
be disorganized (verb), -peketeka.
disparage (verb), -hafifisha.
disparage publicly (verb), -aziri.
disparaged (thing) (noun), kashifa (9/10), pl kashifa.
disparagement (noun), dhila.
disparagement (noun), dhili.
dispatch (noun), usafirisha.
dispatch (noun), usafirishaji.
dispatch (noun), utuma.
dispatch (noun), utume (14).
dispatch (verb), -likiza.
dispensary (noun), dispensari.
dispensary (noun), zahanati (9/10), pl zahanati.
one who dispenses (noun), mtoa, pl watoa. editor/publisher of
newspaper.. mtoa gazeti.
dispersal (noun), fumukano, pl mafumukano.
be dispersed (verb), -tapanyika.
be dispersed (verb), -tawanyika (intransitive).
disperse (verb), -fumukana.
disperse (verb), -furusha.
disperse (verb), -mwaga. After the meeting the people dispersed. baada
ya mkutano watu walimwagika.
disperse (verb), -tapanya.
disperse (verb), -tawanya (transitive).
disperse (verb), -tawanyatawanya.
disperse in various directions (verb), -tapanyikana.
dispersion (noun), pl dispersions, tawanyiko (5/6), pl matawanyiko.
displaced person (noun), pl displaced people, msikwao (1/2), pl wasikwao.
displacement (noun), mwendo (3/10), pl nyendo.
display (noun), mkogo, pl mikogo.
display (noun), onyesho (5/6), pl maonyesho.
display (noun), sherehe (9/10), pl sherehe.
display (noun), uonyesho, pl maonyesho.
display (noun), wonyesho, pl maonyesho.
display (verb), -omoa.
display (verb), -onyesha.
display (verb), -tasua.
display (verb), -tembeza.
display (verb), -toa.
display (verb), -tumbua.
display (goods for sale) (verb), -zinza.
display (goods or wares) (verb), -omeka.
displease (verb), -beua.
dispose of something quickly (verb), -likiza.
disposition (noun), intidhamu (9/10), pl intidhamu.
disposition (noun), matengenezo, pl matengenezo.
disposition (noun), roho (9/10), pl roho.
disposition (noun), pl dispositions, silika (9/10), pl silika.
disposition (noun), sirika (9/10), pl sirika. He has a bad/unpleasant
disposition. ana silika mbaya.
disposition (of people) (noun), tabia (9/10), pl tabia.
good disposition (noun), murua (9/10), pl murua.
good disposition (noun), muruwa (9/10), pl muruwa.
be dispossessed (verb), -tindikana.
cause a dispute to end (verb), -amuliza.
dispute (noun), chokochoko.
dispute (noun), figu.
dispute (noun), fihi.
dispute (noun), husuma.
dispute (noun), mabishano, pl mabishano.
dispute (noun), magombano.
dispute (noun), manza (9/10), pl manza.
dispute (noun), mapambano (6).
dispute (noun), matukano, pl matukano.
dispute (noun), matushi, pl matushi.
dispute (noun), matusi, pl matusi.
dispute (noun), mnazaa, pl minazaa.
dispute (noun), msengenyano, pl misengenyano.
dispute (noun), mzozo, pl mizozo. It is essential for the OAU to look
for firm ways to end this dispute.. Inabidi OAU kutafuta njia madhubuti
za kumaliza mzozo huo [Masomo 326]..
dispute (noun), tafauti (9/10), pl tafauti. His opinion differs from
theirs. ana tafauti nao.
dispute (noun), tofauti.
dispute (noun), ugomvi, pl gomvi, magomvi.
dispute (noun), uhasama.
dispute (noun), uhusuma.
dispute (noun), ushindani.
dispute (noun), utetaji.
dispute (noun), uteto.
dispute (noun), vita.
dispute (verb), -gombea.
dispute (verb), -husumu.
dispute (verb), -nazaa.
dispute (verb), -pambana.
dispute (verb), -papura.
dispute (verb), -shindana. they were disputing. akawasikia watu [...]
wakishindana [Ya].
dispute (verb), -teta.
dispute with one another (verb), -bagukana.
end a dispute (verb), -amua.
legal dispute (noun), daawa (9/10), pl daawa.
rare dispute (noun), mtafaruku, pl mitafaruku.
disquiet (adjective), duku duku.
disquiet (noun), fadhaa (9/10), pl fadhaa.
disquiet (noun), msukosuko (3/4), pl misukosuko.
disquiet (noun), sumbuko (5/6), pl masumbuko.
disquiet (noun), sumbulio (5/6), pl masumbulio.
disquiet (noun), sumbuo (5/6), pl masumbuo.
disquiet (verb), -fadhaisha.
disregard (verb), -beua.
disregard (verb), -beza.
disregard (verb), -darau.
disregard (verb), -dharau.
disregard (verb), -puuza. (s)he disregarded the conversation. Alipuuza
dissatisfaction (noun), chuki.
dissatisfaction (noun), guno (3/4), pl miguno, maguno.
dissatisfaction (noun), mguno (3/4), pl miguno, maguno.
dissatisfaction (noun), nung'uniko (5/6), pl manung'uniko.
be dissatisfied (verb), -atibika.
be dissatisfied (verb), -nyeta.
be dissatisfied (with) (verb), -atibu.
dissect (verb), -chana.
dissect (verb), -changanua.
dissect (verb), -tana.
dissect (verb), -tumbua.
be dissected (verb), -chanuka.
cause dissension (verb), -fanya fitina.
cause dissension (verb), -leta fitina.
cause dissension (verb), -tia fitina.
cause dissension (verb), -fanya fitna.
cause dissension (verb), -leta fitna.
cause dissension (verb), -tia fitna.
dissension (noun), fihi.
dissension (noun), halafa.
dissension (noun), msengenyano, pl misengenyano.
dissension (noun), msukano, pl misukano.
dissension (noun), mvurugo, pl mivurugo.
dissension (noun), nazaa.
dissension (noun), sabasi (9/10), pl sabasi.
dissension (noun), ufatani.
dissension (noun), ufitina.
dissension (noun), uhasama.
dissension (noun), uhusuma.
one who causes dissension (noun), mvuruga, pl wavuruga.
one who causes dissension (noun), mvurugaji, pl wavurugaji.
cause dissention (verb), -tesanya.
dissertation (noun), pl theses, tasnifu (9/10), pl tasnifu.
doctoral dissertation (noun), pl theses, tasnifu ya digri ya tatu (9/10),
pl tasnifu za digri ya tatu.
dissimilar (adjective), tafauti.
dissimilar (adjective), tofauti.
dissimulation (noun), kimasomaso.
dissimulation (noun), unafiki.
dissimulation (noun), uongo.
dissimulation (noun), urongo.
dissimulation (noun), uwongo.
dissimulation (noun), wongo.
dissipate (verb), -towesha.
dissipate property (verb), -tawanya mali.
dissipation (noun), asharati.
dissipation (noun), asherati.
dissipation (noun), hasharati.
dissolute person (noun), fasiki.
dissolute person (noun), hasharati (5/6an), pl mahasharati.
dissolve (verb), -yaika.
dissolve (verb), -yayuka.
dissolve (verb), -yeyuka.
to cause to dissolve (verb), -yeyusha.
at a distance (adverb), mbali. far from. mbali ya...[Rec].
distance (noun), ghaibu (9/10), pl ghaibu.
distance (noun), masafa (6).
distance (noun), tambo (9/10), pl tambo.
distance (noun), ubali.
distance (noun), umbali.
distance (noun), utambo.
distance (from something) (noun), mwendo, pl miendo.
distance (from something) (noun), mwenendo, pl mienendo.
distance (measure of) (noun), umbali (11).
distance a thing can be thrown (noun), mtupo, pl mitupo.
keep at a distance (verb), -epusha.
measure of distance (noun), masafa (6).
some distance (noun), kitambo (7/8), pl vitambo.
be distant (verb), -baidi.
distant (adjective), chache.
distant (adverb), mbali. far from. mbali ya...[Rec].
distant country (noun), mpoa, pl mipoa. sea coast.. mpoa wa bahari.
distant country (noun), mpua, pl mipua. sea coast.. mpoa wa bahari.
distaste (noun), karaha.
distention (noun), uvimbe (11).
distention (noun), uvimbe.
distinct (adjective), kiada.
distinct (verb), -hitilafiana ( appl-assoc).
distinction (noun), tafauti (9/10), pl tafauti.
distinction (noun), tofauti.
distinction (noun), tunza, pl tunza, matunza.
distinction (noun), tunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
distinction (noun), tuza, pl matuza.
distinction (noun), tuzo, pl matuzo.
distinction (noun), ukoka.
distinction (noun), ukuu.
distinction (noun), utunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
distinction (noun), utunzo.
distinction (mark of) (noun), maiza.
distinction (us. in external appearance) (noun), umbuji.
make a distinction (verb), -tofautisha.
make a way (verb), -toboa.
receive a special distinction (verb), -chunuka.
be distinctive (verb), -tambulikana.
distinctly (adverb), kiada.
distinguish (verb), -aini.
distinguish (verb), -ainisha.
distinguish (verb), -hitilafu.
distinguish (verb), -tofautisha.
distinguish between (verb), -pambanua (converse). (s)he cannot
distinguish between a person crying for a dead body and one carrying for
life. hawezi kupambanua baina ya mtu anayelilia maiti na mtu anayelilia
uhai [Sul].
distinguish oneself (verb), -pita.
be distinguished (verb), -tambulika.
distinguished (adjective), maalum.
distinguished (adjective), maalumu.
distinguished (adjective), maarufu.
distinguished (adjective), mashuhuri.
distinguished (adjective), mashuuri.
distinguished (noun), halili.
distinguished manner (noun), madahiro, pl madahiro.
distort (verb), -chagua.
distort (verb), -popotoa. (s)he distorted his/her hand. Alimpopotoa
distort (verb), -pota. distort words. potoa maneno.
distort (verb), -potoa.
distort (verb), -potoa. (s)he distorted.. Alipotoa.
distort (verb), -potosha. The visitor distorted our views. Mgeni
alipotosha maoni yetu.
distort (verb), -shariti.
distort (verb), -umbua.
be distorted (in the process of drying) (verb), -nyauka. The government
gives the impression that agricultural development is increasing; yet
people are still suffering from hunger.. Watu nchini wana njaa sana, bado
serikali yajinyausha ati mipango ya ukulima imendelea.
distorted (adjective), kasikasi.
distorted (adjective), potoe.
distorted (adjective), potovu.
distortion (noun), mbinu.
someone who distorts (noun), mzungushi, pl wazungushi. someone who
distorts words.. mzungushi maneno.
distract (verb), -purukusa (causative).
distract (verb), -purukusha (causative). (s)he distracted the work
rythm. Alipurukusha utaratibu wa kazi.
distract (a person) (verb), -rabishi.
be distracted (verb), -taghafali.
distraction (noun), maburudisho, pl maburudisho.
distrainer (one who causes financial distress for another person by legal
or illegal means) (noun), mfilisi, pl wafilisi.
be distraught (verb), -hangaika.
be distressed (verb), -kukurika.
be in distress (verb), -taabika.
distress (noun), dhiki (9/10), pl dhiki.
distress (noun), dhila.
distress (noun), dhili.
distress (noun), gumbo (5/6), pl magumbo.
distress (noun), huzuni (9/10), pl huzuni.
distress (noun), kukuru.
distress (noun), mashaka.
distress (noun), matule, pl matule.
distress (noun), msiba, pl misiba.
distress (noun), shari (9/10), pl shari.
distress (noun), shida (9/10), pl shida. be in distress. patwa na [wa
na, ingia] shida..
distress (noun), simanzi (9/10), pl simanzi.
distress (noun), taabu (9/10), pl taabu.
distress (noun), udhiki.
distress (noun), ufukara.
distress (noun), ukiwa.
distress (noun), ulitima.
distress (noun), ultima.
distress (noun), umasikini.
distress (noun), umaskini.
distress (noun), uritima.
distress (noun), urumo.
distress (noun), utaiti.
distress (noun), utesaji.
distress (noun), utesi.
distress (noun), utule.
distress (noun), zahama.
distress (noun), zahimu.
distress (verb), -sibu.
distress (verb), -sumbua.
distress (verb), -taabisha (causative).
distress (verb), -tesa.
in great distress (adjective), taabani.
rel. distress (noun), masaibu.
be distressed (verb), -sumbuka (intransitive).
be in distress (verb), -dhikika.
distressing (adjective), kali.
distressing (adjective), sumbufu.
distribute (verb), -gawa.
distributed thing (noun), toleo (5/6), pl matoleo.
one who distributes (noun), mgawanya, pl wagawanya.
one who distributes (noun), mgawanyi, pl wagawanya.
one who distributes (often=God) (noun), mweneza, pl waeneza. publicity-
man; public-relations man.. mweneza habari.
one who distributes (often=God) (noun), mwenezaji, pl waenezaji.
publicity-man; public-relations man.. mweneza habari.
one who distributes (often=God) (noun), mwenezi, pl waenezi. publicity-
man; public-relations man.. mweneza habari.
distribution (noun), enezi (5/6), pl maenezi.
distribution (noun), gawio (5/6), pl magawio.
distribution (noun), kigawanye, pl vigawanye.
distribution (noun), kasama (3/4).
distribution (noun), mgao, pl migao.
distribution (noun), mgawanyo, pl migawanyo.
distribution (noun), mgawo, pl migawo.
distribution (noun), mkasama (3/4), pl mikasama.
distribution (noun), ugawa.
distribution (noun), ugawaji.
distribution (noun), ugawanyaji.
distribution (noun), utoaji (14).
distribution (noun), utowaji.
distribution(of a publication etc.) (noun), utolewaji.
administrative district (noun), kata (9/10), pl kata.
administrative district (Zanzibar) (noun), mudiria.
district (noun), hara.
district (noun), janibu.
district (noun), jimbo, pl majimbo.
district (noun), mahala. everywhere. kila mahala.
district (noun), mahali. everywhere. kila mahali.
district (noun), sehemu (9/10), pl sehemu. a district that is self-
governing. sehemu inayojitawala wenyewe..
district (noun), pl districts, tarafa (9/10), pl tarafa.
district (noun), Ulaya.
district (noun), pl districts, wilaya (9/10), pl wilaya. The average
annual amount of rain in Rungwe District is 80-100 inches.. Wastani wa
mvua inayonyesha kwa mwaka katika Wilaya ya Rungwe ni inchi 80-100
(Nsekela,"Masomo," 6)..
district (verb), -taradhia.
district (of a city) (noun), beled.
district (of a city) (noun), buldani.
district (of a city) (noun), mtaa, pl mitaa. "live in the same part of
town, be neighbors".. kaa mtaa mmoja.
district (of a city) (noun), upande, pl pande.
district (of a country) (noun), upande, pl pande.
rare district (noun), inchi.
rare district (noun), nchi.
distrust (noun), ghera.
distrust (verb), -toamini.
be disturbed (verb), -gutuka.
be disturbed (verb), -omolewa.
disturb (verb), -chafua.
disturb (verb), -ghasi.
disturb (verb), -omoa.
disturb (verb), -saliti.
disturb (verb), -shughulisha.
disturb (verb), -sonoa.
disturb (verb), -sukasuka.
disturb (verb), -sumbua.
disturb (verb), -taaradhi.
disturb (verb), -taaradhia.
disturb (verb), -tikisa.
disturb (verb), -udhi.
disturb someone (with noises) (verb), -chachaniza.
disturb someone (with noises) (verb), -chachawiza.
disturbance (noun), baa, pl baa.
disturbance (noun), balaa, pl baa.
disturbance (noun), balia, pl baa.
disturbance (noun), chelezo, pl machelezo.
disturbance (noun), ghasia (9/10), pl ghasia.
disturbance (noun), kerezo, pl makerezo.
disturbance (noun), kero (9/10), pl kero.
disturbance (noun), machachari (6).
disturbance (noun), makeke.
disturbance (noun), masubuko, pl masubuko.
disturbance (noun), masuko (6).
disturbance (noun), masukosuko, pl masukosuko.
disturbance (noun), masumbufo, pl masumbufo.
disturbance (noun), masumbulizi, pl masumbulizi.
disturbance (noun), masumbuo, pl masumbuo.
disturbance (noun), maudhiko, pl maudhiko.
disturbance (noun), mpekecho, pl mipekecho.
disturbance (noun), mpeketo, pl mipeketo.
disturbance (noun), pl disturbances, msukosuko (3/4), pl misukosuko.
It's essential that we act in accordance with what is wanted by the
family, whether it's good or bad so that we can live without conflicts and
disturbances.. Inabidi tufuate pendekezo la jamii, na liwe jema au baya
ili tupate kuishi bila ya migongano na misukosuko [Chacha, Masomo 379].
disturbance (noun), pingamizi (9/10), pl pingamizi. "We want to make
peace, but there are many disturbances".. tunataka kufanya amani lakini
kuna pingamizi nyingi.
disturbance (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
disturbance (noun), takalifu (9/10), pl takalifu.
disturbance (noun), takilifu (9/10), pl takilifu.
disturbance (noun), tandabelua (9/10), pl tandabelua.
disturbance (noun), tanta (9/10), pl tanta.
disturbance (noun), tantabelua (9/10), pl tantabelua.
disturbance (noun), ukorogefu.
disturbance (noun), ukorogo.
disturbance (noun), usumbufu.
be disturbed (verb), -chaga.
be disturbed (verb), -shughulika.
be disturbed (verb), -udhika.
disturber of the peace (noun), mpinduzi, pl wapinduzi.
ditch (noun), chimbo, pl machimbo.
ditch (noun), chimbuko, pl machimbuko.
ditch (noun), felegi.
ditch (noun), fereji, pl mafereji.
ditch (noun), fuko (5/6), pl mafuko.
ditch (noun), fumbi (5/6), pl mafumbi.
ditch (noun), handaki.
ditch (noun), kuo (5/6), pl makuo.
ditch (noun), mfeleji, pl mifeleji. irrigation channels.. mifereji ya
kutilia maji.
ditch (noun), mfereji (3/4), pl mifereji.
ditch (noun), mfereji, pl mifereji. irrigation channels.. mifereji ya
kutilia maji.
ditch (noun), msingi, pl misingi.
ditch (noun), msinji, pl misinji.
ditch (noun), mtaro, pl mitaro.
ditch (noun), mzingi, pl mizingi.
drainage ditch (noun), mfumbi, pl mifumbi.
diuretic (medicine) (noun), dawa la kikojozi, pl madawa ya kikojozi.
dive (noun), kachombe (9/10), pl kachombe.
dive (noun), mbizi (9). to dive. piga mbizi [Rec].
dive (verb), -piga mbizi.
dive (verb), -piga mbizi.
dive for something (verb), -zama.
diver (occupation or sport) (noun), mzamaji, pl wazamaji.
diverge (verb), -achana (associative).
diverge (verb), -epa.
diverge (verb), -kengeua.
diverge (verb), -pishana ( caus-recip).
employment of divers (noun), mzamisho, pl mizamisho.
person who employs divers (noun), mzamishi, pl wazamishi.
diversion (noun), kichekesho, pl vichekesho.
diversion (noun), maburudisho, pl maburudisho.
diversion (noun), mgomo, pl migomo.
diversion (noun), tafrija (9/10), pl tafrija.
diversion (noun), tafriji (9/10), pl tafriji.
diversion (noun), uchafuzi.
pol.diversionist (noun), mchafuzi, pl wachafuzi.
divert (verb), -bekua.
divert (verb), -ghafalisha.
divert (verb), -purukusa (causative).
divert (verb), -purukusha (causative). Because of wanting to divert that
side. kwa kutaka kumpurukusha upande ule [Abd].
one who dives for something (noun), mzamia, pl wazamia. pearl-diver..
mzamia lulu.
be divided (verb), -gawanyika.
be divided (verb), -gawika.
divide (verb), -checha.
divide (verb), -gawa.
divide (verb), -gawanya.
divide (up) (verb), -kasimu.
divide evenly (verb), -gawia sawa. they were divided the money evenly.
Wanagawia pesa sawa.
divide up (verb), -husu.
divide up (verb), -kata.
divide up (verb), -mega.
divide up property of a deceased person (verb), -rithisha. Grandfather
divided up the property of his dead parents. Babu alirithisha mali ya
wazazi wake.
divide off (verb), -tenga.
divide up (verb), -bagua.
be divided (verb), -bagulika.
be divided into parties (verb), -bagukana.
dividend (noun), bonas.
dividend (in arithmetic) (noun), kigawanye (7/8), pl vigawanye.
extra dividend (noun), mukafaa.
extra dividend (noun), mukofu.
one who divides (noun), mgawanya, pl wagawanya.
one who divides (noun), mgawanyi, pl wagawanya.
dividing off (act of) (noun), mtengo, pl mitengo.
dividing wall (noun), kisetiri, pl visetiri.
dividing up (noun), ugawa.
dividing up (noun), ugawaji.
dividing up (noun), ugawanyaji.
divination (noun), uaguzi (14), pl uaguzi.
divine (verb), -agua.
divine service (noun), ibada.
diviner (noun), mwaguzi (1/2), pl waaguzi.
diving (act of) (noun), mzamio, pl mizamio.
diving (act of) (noun), mzamo, pl mizamo.
diving (act of) (noun), mzamo, pl mizamo.
diving board (noun), bao la kuruka.
divining board (noun), bao, pl mabao (also mibao). prophesy, tell
fortunes. -piga ~.
divining to find out an offender (using bao) (noun), mburuga (9/10), pl
divining board (noun), bau, pl mibau. "prophesy, tell fortunes".. piga
divinity (in gen.) (noun), uungu.
divinity (of God or Allah) (noun), umungu.
be divisible (verb), -ungulika.
division (noun), chamkano, pl machamkano.
division (noun), divisheni.
division (noun), faraka (9/10), pl faraka.
division (noun), farakano, pl mafarakano.
division (noun), gawio (5/6), pl magawio.
division (noun), juzuu (9/10), pl juzuu.
division (noun), kataa, pl (-), makataa.
division (noun), kigawanye, pl vigawanye.
division (noun), kikao, pl vikao.
division (noun), kasama (3/4).
division (noun), mgao, pl migao.
division (noun), mgawanyiko, pl migawanyiko.
division (noun), mgawanyo, pl migawanyo.
division (noun), mgawo, pl migawo.
division (noun), mkasama (3/4), pl mikasama.
division (noun), mkato (3/4), pl mikato.
division (noun), mpaka (3/4), pl mipaka.
division (noun), mpanda, pl mapanda ; mipanda.
division (noun), panda (9/10), pl panda.
division (noun), tapo (5/6), pl matapo.
division (noun), kitawi, pl vitawi.
division (noun), tawi, pl matawi.
division (noun), ugawa.
division (noun), ugawaji.
division (noun), ugawanyaji.
division (noun), utawi, pl tawi/matawi.
division (military) (noun), pl divisions, tapo (5/6), pl matapo.
math.division (noun), kasama.
math.division (noun), mkasama, pl mikasama.
divisor (noun), gawio (5/6), pl magawio.
divisor (noun), kigawanyo (7/8), pl vigawanyo.
cause to divorce (verb), -achisha (causative).
divorce (noun), talaka (9/10), pl talaka. (s)he told you that (s)he want
divorce.. kakwambia wewe kuwa anataka talaka [Moh].
divorce (verb), -taliki. he divorced his wife. alimtaliki mkewe.
divorce (s.o.) (verb), -ata. X is divorced from his wife.. Fulani
amemwata mkewe..
divorce (someone) (verb), -acha. X is divorced from his wife.. Fulani
amemwacha mkewe..
be divorced (verb), -talikiwa. the wife was divorced. mke alitalikiwa.
be divorced from (verb), -fariki.
divulge (a secret) (verb), -paya.
divulge (a secret) (verb), -payapaya.
dizziness (noun), gumbizi.
dizziness (noun), kisuli (9/10), pl kisuli.
dizziness (noun), kisunzi (9/10), pl kisunzi.
dizziness (noun), kizunguzungu (7/8), pl vizunguzungu.
dizziness (noun), leuleu (5/6), pl maleuleu.
dizziness (noun), sulisuli (9/10), pl sulisuli.
dizziness (noun), zulizuli (9).
spell of dizziness (noun), mbasua.
be dizzy (verb), -sulika.
feel dizzy (verb), -sua.
feel dizzy (verb), -zula.
be done (verb), -fanywa (passive).
be done to (verb), -fanyiwa (applicative).
do (verb), -amili.
do (verb), -fanya.
do (verb), -fanza.
do (verb), -tenda.
do again (verb), -rudia (applicative). the thief has gone back to
stealing again. Mwivi amerudia kuiba.
do as if (verb), -jifanya (reflexive).
do for (verb), -fanyia (applicative).
do for (verb), -tendea.
do for (verb), -wajibia.
do slowly (verb), -kokoteza (causative).
do something carefully (verb), -tunza.
do something to someone (verb), -tenda.
do to (verb), -fanyia (applicative).
do under difficulties (verb), -kusuru.
have much to do (verb), -shughulika.
keep on doing (verb), -fufuliza.
keep on doing (verb), -fuliza.
keep on doing (verb), -fululiza.
one who does something (noun), mtenda, pl watenda. rare: worker..
mtenda kazi.
be doable (verb), -fanyika.
be docile (verb), -tiika.
docile (adjective), sikilivu.
docile (adjective), sikivu.
docile (adjective), -tii.
docile person (noun), msikilivu, pl wasikilivu.
docile person (noun), msikivu, pl wasikivu.
docility (noun), usikivu (14).
Abyssinian dock (noun), chika.
Abyssinian Dock (plant) (noun), chika (9/10), pl chika.
dock (noun), gati (5/6), pl magati.
dock (noun), kuli, pl makuli.
dock (noun), makuli.
dock (verb), -chega.
dock (verb), -lenga.
dock (of ships) (noun), gudi (5/6), pl magudi.
naut. dock (noun), kogo, pl kogo.
naut. dock (noun), majahaba.
dock-worker (noun), makuli.
dockworker (noun), kuli (5/6), pl makuli.
dockworker (noun), mbandarini, pl wabandarini.
dockyard (noun), flotile.
dockyard (noun), furutile.
doctor (noun), dakta, pl madakta.
doctor (noun), daktari (5/6), pl madaktari.
doctor (noun), pl doctors, tabibu (1/2), pl watabibu.
doctor (verb), -ganga.
doctor's fee (noun), ada ya mganga (9/10), pl ada za mganga.
rec.doctor (noun), mganga, pl waganga.
rec.doctor (noun), mganguzi, pl waganguzi.
rec.doctor (noun), mganguzi, pl waganguzi.
doctorate (noun), udaktari (14).
doctoring (noun), uganga.
doctoring (noun), uganguzi.
doctrine (noun), fundisho (5/6), pl mafundisho.
doctrine (noun), funzo (5/6), pl mafunzo.
doctrine (noun), mafundisho.
document (noun), andiko (5/6), pl maandiko.
document (noun), barua.
document (noun), cheti, pl vyeti. passport.. cheti cha njia.
document (noun), hati (9/10), pl hati.
document (noun), katiba.
document (noun), maandiko, pl maandiko.
document (noun), makala (9/10), pl makala.
document (noun), shahada (9/10), pl shahada.
document (noun), waraka (11/10), pl nyaraka.
document (prepared) (noun), hati.
dodge (verb), -piga chenga.
dodge (verb), -piga chenga.
doer (noun), mfanya (1/2), pl wafanya.
doer (noun), mfanyakazi (1/2), pl wafanyakazi.
doer (noun), pl doers, mtenda (1/2), pl watenda.
doer (noun), pl doers, mtendaji (1/2), pl watendaji.
doer (noun), pl doers, mtenzi (1/2), pl watenzi.
common name for pet dog (because it should be as fierce as a lion)
(noun), simba (9/10an), pl simba.
dog (noun), pl dogs, kelb.
dog (noun), mbwa (9/10an), pl mbwa.
dog (large) (noun), jibwa (5/6), pl majibwa.
dog-in-the-manger (noun), inda (9/10), pl inda.
large dog (noun), jibwa, pl majibwa.
little dog (noun), kijibwa, pl vijibwa.
young dog (noun), chiboa.
dogmatism (noun), ushupavu.
doing (noun), mtendo, pl mitendo.
one who stops doing something (noun), mkoma, pl wakoma.
doll (noun), doli.
doll (noun), sesere (9/10), pl sesere.
doll (child's toy) (noun), mwanasesere, pl wanasesere.
doll (child's toy) (noun), sesere, pl wanasesere.
dollar (noun), dola (9/10), pl dola.
dollar (noun), reale (9/10), pl reale. Spanish dollar.. reale ya
dollar (noun), riale (9/10), pl riale. Spanish dollar.. reale ya
dollar (noun), riali (9/10), pl riali. Spanish dollar.. reale ya
dome (noun), guba, pl guba, maguba.
dome (noun), kikuba, pl vikuba.
dome (noun), kuba (5/6), pl makuba.
dome (noun), zege.
dome-shaped (adjective), kikuba, pl vikuba.
domesticate (verb), -fuga.
domesticated animal (noun), mfugo (3/4), pl mifugo.
domestication (of animals) (noun), ukuzaji.
domestication of animals (noun), fugo (5/6), pl mafugo.
domesticity (noun), unyumba (11).
domicile (noun), kikao, pl vikao.
domicile (noun), makazi (6).
domicile (noun), ukao, pl makao.
dominance (noun), ubakuaji.
be dominated (verb), -amuliwa (passive).
dominate (verb), -talmaleki.
dominate (verb), -tamalaki.
dominate (verb), -tawala.
dominate (verb), -tiisha.
domineering ways (noun), ubwana.
dominion (noun), aenzi (9/10), pl aenzi.
dominion (noun), enzi.
dominion (noun), ezi.
dominion (noun), mamlaka (9/10), pl mamlaka.
dominion (noun), miliki.
dominion (noun), milki.
dominion (noun), ufalme (11/10), pl falme.
dominoes (noun), dhumna.
donate (verb), -hariji.
squander (money), (verb), -hariji.
donation (noun), bahkshishi, pl bahkshishi.
donation (noun), bakshishi, pl bakshishi.
donation (noun), hiba.
donation (noun), kipaji (7/8), pl vipaji.
donation (noun), kipaji, pl vipaji.
donation (noun), mchango (3/4), pl michango. to depend upon people's
donations. kutegemea michango ya watu.
be done (verb), -fanyika. The teacher asks about things that were done
before I was born.. Mwalimu huuliza vitu vilivyofanyika kabla sijazaliwa
[Masomo 417].
be done (verb), -tendeka.
be done (verb), -tendwa (passive).
be done (verb), -timu.
be done to (verb), -tendewa.
be done to (verb), -tendwa.
done (verb), -iva.
disease of donkeys (noun), dasi.
donkey (noun), punda (9/10an), pl punda.
donkey (type used for carrying loads) (noun), kihongwe (7/8), pl
donor (noun), mpaji (1/2), pl wapaji. God is the giver.. mpaji Mungu.
donor (to a collection of money) (noun), mfadhili (1/2), pl wafadhili.
centerpiece of door (noun), mfaa (3/4), pl mifaa.
door (noun), mlango, pl milango. the five senses.. milango ya maarifa..
door-latch (noun), kileti, pl vileti.
mfaa (center piece of a door) (noun), mfaa, pl mifaa.
doorbolt (noun), kipingwa (7/8), pl vipingwa.
doorframe (noun), kirimba (7/8), pl virimba.
doorkeeper (noun), bawabu (5/6), pl mabawabu. guard in a prison..
bawabu wa gereza.
doorkeeper (noun), kipa, pl makipa.
doorkeeper (noun), ubawabu (14).
doorpost (noun), mwimo (3/4), pl miimo.
doorstep (noun), kingo.
doorstep (noun), kipago, pl vipfago.
dope (noun), bangi (9/10), pl bangi.
dormitory (noun), bweni (5/6), pl mabweni.
sleeping place for unmarried boys and girls (noun), gane.
sleeping quarters of unmarried young men or girls (noun), bweni.
dosage (noun), tembe.
dot (noun), doti (9/10), pl doti.
dot (noun), pl dots, nukta (9/10), pl nukta.
dot (noun), pointi (9/10), pl pointi.
dot (noun), tone (5/6), pl matone.
dotterel (noun), chekehukwa.
be doubled (verb), -rudufiwa.
double (adjective), maradufu.
double (adjective), mardufu.
double (adjective), marudufu.
double (adjective), rudufu.
double (adjective), tarabe. a troublesome door. mlango wa tarabe.
double (noun), maradufu (9/10), pl maradufu.
double (noun), pacha (5/6), pl mapacha. two bananas that have grown
together.. ndizi pacha.
double (verb), -rudufu.
double-crosser (noun), ndumakuwili (9/10an), pl ndumakuwili.
on the double (adverb), kimbio.
double sided (adverb), kuwili.
doubleness (noun), uwili.
doubling (noun), maradufu.
doubling (noun), mardufu.
doubling (noun), marudufu.
be in doubt (verb), -wa na shaka.
doubt (noun), shaka (5/6), pl mashaka. they have doubt. wana shaka..
doubt (noun), shuku (5/6), pl mashuku.
doubt (noun), tashwishi (9/10), pl tashwishi. have doubts. shikwa
[patwa] na tashwishi.
doubt (noun), wasiwasi (14), pl wasiwasi.
doubt (verb), -shuku.
indicates doubt about a following statement (phrase), eti. The strangers
had no right to oppress the Africans on the false pretense that they were
civilizing them. Wageni hawakuwa na haki yo yote ya kuwaonea Waafrika kwa
kisingizio eti wanawasstaarabisha [Masomo 206].
without a doubt (preposition), pasipo shaka.
be doubted (verb), -shukiwa.
doubtless (adverb), dhati.
have doubts (verb), -shuku.
have doubts about something (verb), -shukia.
dough (noun), kinyunga.
make the dough (verb), -umua.
doughnut-like type of sweet bread (noun), maandazi (6). egg doughnut.
maandazi ya mayai.
dove (noun), njiwa (9/10an), pl njiwa. Holy Spirit resembling the dove.
Roho Mtakatifu anayefanana na njiwa [Kez], tutashinda zao njama/ kamwe
hatutaungama [Ng].
dove (kind of) (noun), hua (9/10), pl hua.
dove (species of) (noun), tetere.
orinth. variety of dove (with red at the throat and beneath the wings)
(noun), kipure. civil rights..
ornith. large dove (noun), mwigo, pl waigo.
tambourine dove (Tympanistria tympanistria) (noun), pugikikombe (9/10an),
pl pugikikombe.
wild dove (species of) (noun), tutu.
wild dove (Streptopelia semitorquata) (noun), hua.
wood dove (Turtur afer) (noun), pugi (9/10an), pl pugi.
dovecote (noun), kizimba, pl vizimba.
dovecote (noun), kizimbi, pl vizimbi.
devout person (noun), mwamini, pl waamini.
dowel (noun), chango, pl vichango.
be taken down (verb), -tunguliwa.
bring down (cargo etc.) (verb), -shusha (causative). bring down the
flag. shusha bendera [Rec].
cause to go down (verb), -telemua.
cause to go down (verb), -teremua.
down (adverb), chini.
down (of birds) (noun), laika, pl malaika.
down (of birds) (noun), ulaika, pl malaika.
down (of birds) (noun), ulaika, pl malaika.
down (strand of) (noun), ugoya.
down (strand of) (noun), unyoya, pl nyoya, manyoya.
face down (adverb), fulifuli.
face down (adverb), kifudifudi.
face down (adverb), kifulifuli.
get down (verb), -shuka.
go down (verb), -telemka.
go down (verb), -teremka.
go down (verb), -teremuka.
go down (verb), -tota.
going down (act of) (noun), mtelemko, pl mitelemko.
going down (act of) (noun), mteremko, pl mitelemko.
let down (verb), -telemusha.
let down (e.g. a boat into the water) (verb), -shua.
take down (verb), -angua. pick coconuts. ~ nazi.
take down (a pot from the fire) (verb), -deua.
taking down (act of) (noun), tunduo (5/6), pl matunduo.
be downcast (verb), -nyong'onyea.
downfall (noun), gharika.
downfall (noun), kipukusa (7/8), pl vipukusa.
downfall (noun), maangamizi, pl maangamizi.
downfall (noun), magangao.
downfall (noun), magaogao.
downfall (figurative) (noun), anguko, pl maanguko.
downright (adjective), tupu.
downstairs (adverb), chini.
downward movement (noun), kitelemsho (7/8), pl vitelemsho.
turn face downwards (eg playing cards) (verb), -fudikiza.
dowry (noun), mahari (9/10), pl mahari.
dowry (noun), mahari. I married this woman without paying dowry.. mke
huyu nimeozwa bure, sikulipa mahari.
doze (verb), -kupia.
doze (verb), -ota.
doze (verb), -sinzia. okay, dose love. haya, sinzia mpenzi.
dozen (noun), darizeni (9/10), pl darizeni.
dozen (noun), darzeni.
dozen (noun), dazani.
dozen (noun), dazeni (9/10), pl dazeni.
draft (noun), hawala.
draft (noun), hundi.
draft (noun), maburuzo, pl maburuzo.
draft (noun), mpepea (3/4), pl mipepea.
draft (noun), shogoa (9/10), pl shogoa.
draft (noun), shokoa (9/10), pl shokoa.
draft (noun), upepo, pl pepo.
draft (noun), utungo.
draft (written) (noun), insha.
take a long draft (verb), -umika.
draftsman (noun), mfafanusi, pl wafafanusi.
drag (verb), -burura.
drag (verb), -buruta.
drag (verb), -gogota.
drag (verb), -kokota.
drag (verb), -kokoteza (causative).
drag (verb), -tambarisha.
drag (verb), -vuta.
drag down (verb), -topeza.
drag on the ground (verb), -tambaza.
drag oneself (on the buttocks as one who has lost the use of both legs)
(verb), -sota.
drag oneself (on the buttocks as one who has lost the use of both legs)
(verb), -sowera.
be dragged (verb), -kokotwa.
dragging (noun), mburuzo, pl miburuzo.
dragging (noun), mbuuzo, pl miburuzo.
dragging (act of) (noun), mkokoto (3/4), pl mikokoto.
dragnet (noun), jarife (5/6), pl majarife.
dragnet (for fishing) (noun), jarifa, pl majarifa.
dragon (noun), joka (5/6), pl majoka.
dragon (noun), nondo (9/10an), pl nondo.
dragonfly (noun), kereng'ende.
dragonfly (type of) (noun), kereng'ende (9/10), pl kereng'ende.
drain (noun), dindi, pl madindi.
drain (noun), fumbi (5/6), pl mafumbi.
drain (noun), dindi, pl malindi.
drain (noun), lindi, pl malindi.
drain (noun), mlizabu, pl mirizabu.
drain (noun), pl drains, mrizabu (3/4), pl mirizabu.
drain (noun), msingi, pl misingi.
drain (noun), msinji, pl misinji.
drain (noun), mzingi, pl mizingi.
drain (verb), -churura.
drainage (noun), koongo, pl makoongo.
drainage (noun), korongo, pl makorongo.
drainage ditch (noun), mchirizi (3/4), pl michirizi.
drainage ditch (noun), mkirizi, pl mikirizi.
drainage water (from the eaves of a house) (noun), mchiririko, pl
drains (noun), malindi.
drama (noun), mchezo wa kuigiza, pl michezo ya kuigiza.
dramatization (noun), igizo (5/6), pl maigizo.
draw (verb), -andika. draw a picture. -andika picha.
draw (verb), -chora.
draw (verb), -kokota.
draw (verb), -piga picha.
draw (verb), -tungiza.
draw (verb), -vuta.
draw (poultry) (verb), -tumbua.
draw near (verb), -karibia.
draw near (verb), -sogea.
draw near (verb), -sogea karibu.
draw oneself up (verb), -jikusanya (reflexive).
draw out (verb), -chomoa.
draw out (verb), kongoa.
draw out (verb), -pachua.
draw together (verb), -sogeleana ( appl-assoc).
draw water (verb), -chota.
draw water (verb), -teka.
draw water for (verb), -chotea.
draw out (verb), -noa.
draw out (verb), -opoa.
draw up (verb), -panga askari.
draw (noun), sare (9/10), pl sare. The US and Brazilian teams drew.
Timu ya USA na Brazili walikwenda sare.
drawer (noun), kidawati (7/8), pl vidawati.
drawer (noun), kishubaka (7/8), pl vishubaka.
drawer (noun), rafu (9/10), pl rafu.
drawer (of a chest of drawers or a table or desk). (noun), saraka (9/10),
pl saraka.
drawing (noun), choro.
drawing (noun), mchoro (3/4), pl michoro.
drawing (noun), picha (9/10), pl picha.
drawing (noun), rahamani (9/10), pl rahamani.
drawing (noun), ramani (9/10), pl ramani.
drawing (noun), pl drawings, rasimu (9/10), pl rasimu.
drawing (noun), taswira.
drawing (noun), uchoraji.
drawing (act of) (noun), mvuto, pl mivuto.
isometric drawing (phrase), mchoro sawa, pl michoro sawa.
modular drawing (phrase), mchoro sanifu, pl michoro sanifu.
orthographic drawing (phrase), mchoro sulubi, pl michoro sulubi.
pictorial drawing (phrase), mchoro picha, pl michoro picha.
standard drawing (phrase), mchoro sanifu, pl michoro sanifu.
technical drawing (noun), urasimu (14).
working drawing (phrase), mchoro kazi, pl michoro kazi.
drawl (verb), -tambaza maneno.
drawl (in speaking or reading) (verb), -dodosa.
be drawn (verb), -finyana.
drawstring (noun), mkuruzo (3/4), pl mikuruzo.
drawstring (noun), mkuruzu, pl mikuruzu.
dread (noun), kikuli.
cause to dream (verb), -otesha.
daydream (verb), -ota.
dream (noun), ndoto (9/10), pl ndoto.
dream (noun), njozi (9/10), pl njozi. the lost dream. njozi iliyopotea
dream (noun), ruia (9/10), pl ruia. from a far, a childis dream came to
him. kwa mbali ilimjia ruia ya kitoto [Moh].
dream (noun), pl dreams, ruya (9/10), pl ruya.
dream (verb), kota (infinitive).
dream (verb), -ota. I dream of you every day during the night. nakuota
kila siku wakati wa usiku [Kez].
dream about (verb), -otea.
dream about each other (verb), -otana.
dreaming (act of) (noun), ndoto (9/10), pl ndoto.
interpret dreams (verb), -tabiri.
dregs (noun), mashapo (6).
dregs (noun), mashapo.
dregs (noun), mashudu (6).
dregs (noun), masimbi.
dregs (noun), shapo (5/6), pl mashapo.
dregs (noun), sira (5/6), pl masira.
dregs (in a drinking vessel) (noun), kishinda, pl vishinda.
drench (verb), -rovya (causative).
get drenched (verb), -lowa.
get drenched (verb), -lowana.
all dressed up. (adverb), kirembo, pl virembo.
be dressed (verb), -vikwa ( pass-poten).
be dressed (of persons) (verb), -valiwa.
be perfect in any dress (phrase), na maji ya nguo.
close-fitting dress (noun), taiti (9/10), pl taiti.
dress (noun), gauni (5/6), pl magauni.
dress (noun), mashono. modern dresses. mashono mapya.
dress (noun), mviko, pl miviko.
dress (noun), nguo (9/10), pl nguo. put on clothes. vaa [vua] nguo.
dress (noun), vazi (5/6), pl mavazi.
dress (verb), -vaa.
dress (verb), -visha (causative).
dress (of dress) (noun), kivazi, pl vivazi.
dress elegantly (verb), -jipura.
dress elegantly (verb), -upura.
dress oneself (verb), -vaa nguo. dress. vaa [vua] nguo.
dress oneself up (verb), -valia (applicative).
dress onself (verb), -vaa nguo.
dress someone (verb), -vika nguo.
dress someone (verb), -vika nguo. dress. vaa [vua] nguo.
dress someone (verb), -valisha.
dress someone (verb), -vika.
dress up (verb), -tunisha.
dress-like wrap (noun), sari (9/10), pl sari.
fine dressing (noun), umaridadi (14).
get dressed (verb), -vaa.
manner of dress (noun), mashono. modern dresses. mashono mapya.
manner of dress (noun), mvao, pl mivao.
manner of dress (noun), mviko, pl miviko.
tight-fitting dress (noun), taiti (9/10), pl taiti.
undue attention to dress (noun), ulimbwende.
well-dressed (adjective), malidadi.
woman's dress (not only traditional) (noun), kanzu (9/10), pl kanzu.
dress ranks (verb), -panga askari.
dressed up (adjective), pambe.
person dressed in up-to-date style (noun), maridadi.
showily dressed person (noun), malidadi.
showily dressed person (noun), mardadi.
showily dressed person (noun), maridadi.
showily dressed person (noun), maridadi.
showily dressed person (noun), mmalidadi.
well-dressed man (noun), pl well dressed men, mvazi (1/2), pl wavazi.
well-dressed person (noun), mbuji, pl wambuji.
well-dressed person (noun), mmbuji, pl wambuji.
well-dressed person (noun), pl well-dressed people, mrembo (1/2), pl
well-dressed person (noun), mtohara, pl watohara.
well-dressed person, one with good taste in clothing (noun), mtanashati,
pl watanashati.
dressmaking (noun), mashono. modern dresses. mashono mapya.
dressmaking (noun), ushonaji.
dressmaking (noun), ushoni.
dribble (in sports) (verb), -piga chenga.
dribble (of saliva) (verb), -dolola.
be dried up (e.g. the ground by the sun) (verb), -kukutaa.
dried up (adjective), kavu.
driftwood (noun), mzumai, pl mizumai.
be drilled (verb), -peketeka.
drill (noun), kekee (9/10), pl kekee.
drill (noun), kekee.
drill (noun), kwata (9/10), pl kwata.
drill (noun), tabura (9/10), pl tabura.
drill (verb), -elemisha.
drill (verb), -elimisha.
drill (verb), -pekecha. drill holes.. pekecha mashimo.
drill (soldiers) (verb), -amrisha.
drill a hole (verb), -peketa. drill holes.. pekecha mashimo.
drill exercises (noun), gwaride (5/6), pl magwaride.
drilling machine (noun), mashine ya kekee (9/10), pl mashine za kekee.
rare (kind of) drill (noun), mfuo, pl mifuo.
shaft and barrel of drill (noun), pl drills, msukwano (3/4), pl
be drilled (verb), -pekecheka.
drilling (noun), pekecho (5/6), pl mapekecho.
drilling (act of) (noun), upekecho.
drills (noun), mazoezi (6).
drink (noun), kinywaji (7/8), pl vinywaji.
drink (noun), mnywo (3/4), pl minywo.
drink (noun), shuarub (5/6), pl mashuarub.
drink (noun), shuarubu (5/6), pl mashuarubu.
drink (verb), -nwa. water livestock.. nywesha wanyama maji.
drink (verb), -nywa.
drink (verb), -shirabu. as (s)he eats and drinks. akila na kushirabu
drink (alcoholic beverages) (noun), sharabu (9/10), pl sharabu. this
drink has alcohol. Kinywaji hiki kina sharabu.
drink from (verb), -nywa.
drink from (verb), -nywea.
drinking by turn (noun), duru. now it is my turn [to drink]. coll.
sasa ni duru yangu..
intoxicating drink (noun), akari (9/10), pl akari.
make drink (verb), -nywesha.
put a vessel to one's lips (in order to drink) (verb), -umika.
soft drink (noun), sharabeti (9/10), pl sharabeti. the children like
drinking sherbet. Watoto wanapenda kunywa sharabeti.
soft drink (noun), sharubati (9/10), pl sharubati. (s)he likes to drink
soft drinks. Anapenda kunywa sharubati.
soft drink (noun), shebeti (9/10), pl shebeti.
soft drink (noun), sherbeti (9/10), pl sherbeti. (s)he drinks sherbet.
Anakunywa sherbeti.
take a long drink (verb), -umika.
drinker (noun), mchapamaji, pl wachapa: -maji.
drinker (noun), mnywa (1/2), pl wanywa. [Diana ] is a drinker who
doesn't become drunk quickly.. [Diana] ni mnywaji asiyelewa kirahisi
drinker (noun), mnywaji (1/2), pl wanywaji. [Diana ] is a drinker who
doesn't become drunk quickly.. [Diana] ni mnywaji asiyelewa kirahisi
hard drinker (noun), hasharati (5/6an), pl mahasharati.
heavy drinker (noun), kichozi, pl vichozi.
drinking (act of) (noun), unywaji.
drinking vessel (noun), kinyweo, pl vinyweo.
habit of drinking (noun), ulevi (14).
drinking-vessel (small) (noun), kidoto (7/8), pl vidoto.
allow to drip (verb), -pukutisha.
drip (verb), -anguka.
drip (verb), -chiririka.
drip (verb), -churura.
drip (verb), -derereka.
drip (verb), -dodesha.
drip (verb), -dondoka (potential).
drip (verb), -tiririka.
drip (verb), -toja.
drip (verb), -tona.
drip (drop by drop) (verb), -dondoshea.
drip with sweat (verb), -vuja jasho.
make (something) drip (verb), -dondoshea.
dripping (adjective), chirizi.
dripping (noun), mchirizi (3/4), pl michirizi.
be driven forward (verb), -ongozeka (potential). His/her ways began to
be forward driven. mwendo wake ulianza kuongozeka [Kez].
drive (noun), mtambo, pl mitambo.
drive (noun), shuti (9/10), pl shuti.
drive (verb), -endesha (causative). Although the doctor forgot to teach
him to drive it, he decided to look for that motorboat so as to escape
from that place.. ninaye Mnigeria ananifundisha kuendesha gari [Ma];
Ingawa daktari alisahau kumfundisha kuiendesha aliamua kuitafuta motaboti
hiyo ili atoroke mahali pale [Masomo 245].
drive (verb), -gofyagofya.
drive (verb), -himia.
drive (cattle) (verb), -swaga.
drive (nails) (verb), -gongomea.
drive away (verb), -fukuza.
drive away (verb), -furusha.
drive away (verb), -gurisha (causative).
drive away (verb), -kimbiza.
drive away (verb), -winga.
drive away (by waving the arms) (verb), -punga. exorcise a spirit..
punga pepo.
drive away ants (with burning grass) (verb), -sia.
drive away with fire (verb), -zia.
drive back (verb), -sukumiza (intensive).
drive cattle (verb), -shunga ng'ombe.
drive forward (verb), -ongoza (causative). (s)he could not understand
why people like this were given the party to lead it.. akashindwa kuelewa
kwa nini watu kama hawa waliachiwa kukiongoza Chama [Mun].
drive home (verb), -pigilia.
drive in (verb), -kokomea.
drive on (verb), -himiza.
drive on (verb), -sukumiza (intensive). drive a car fast. sukumiza
drive oneself (verb), -kalifu.
drive out (verb), -fukuza.
drive someone to despair (verb), -tamaa. (s)he was not able to drive him
into despair completely. hakuweza kumkatisha tamaa kabisa [Mun].
drive with blows (verb), -gongomea.
be driven (verb), -tembezwa.
be driven away (verb), -kimbizwa.
apprentice driver (noun), utingo, pl matingo.
driver (noun), dereva (5/6), pl madereva.
driver (noun), dreva, pl madreva.
driver (noun), msaka, pl wasaka.
driver (noun), msakaji, pl wasakaji.
driver (noun), msasi, pl wasasi.
driver (noun), mwendeshaji (1/2), pl waendeshaji.
driver (of a vehicle) (noun), msukani, pl wasukani.
driver (of an automobile) (noun), mshika, pl washika.
driver (of an automobile) (noun), mshiki, pl washiki.
driver's mate (on a taxi or truck) (noun), utingo (11/10an), pl matingo.
engage someone as a driver (verb), -zamisha.
driving (noun), kuendesha.
driving (noun), uendeshaji (14).
driving a motor vehicle (act of) (noun), udereva.
drizzle (noun), manyonyota.
drizzle (noun), pl drizzle, mrasharasha (3/4), pl mirasharahsa.
drizzle (noun), nyunyu (5/6), pl manyunyu.
drizzle (noun), urasharasha (11), pl marasharasha.
drizzle (verb), -nyonyota.
drizzle (verb), -nyotanyota.
drizzle (verb), -nyunya.
drizzle (of rain) (noun), rasharasha (5/6), pl rasharasha. The
drrippings of a drizzle (of rain). mmwagiko wa mvua ya rasharasha [Ma].
drizzle (of rain) (noun), wasa.
drool (noun), udelele (14).
drool (of saliva) (verb), -dolola.
drop (noun), anguko (5/6), pl maanguko.
drop (noun), mcheche (3/4), pl micheche.
drop (noun), tojo, pl matojo.
drop (verb), -angua.
drop (verb), -angusha. Amin's planes dropped bombs on Bukoba and
Mwanza.. Ndege za Amin ziliangusha mabomu Bukoba na Mwanza [Nyerere,
Masomo 276].
drop (verb), -dodesha.
drop (verb), -dondosha (causative).
drop (verb), -kupua.
drop (verb), -nya. rain. nya mvua.
drop (verb), -shuka.
drop (verb), -shusha. drop the bucket into the well. Shusha ndoo
drop (one object after another) (verb), -dondoa.
drop of liquid (noun), tone (5/6), pl matone.
drop off (verb), -umua.
drop out of school (verb), -toka shule.
one who lets something drop (noun), mwangushi, pl waangushi.
one who lets something drop (noun), mwanguzi, pl waanguzi.
dropping (of leaves or fruit) (noun), kipukusa (7/8), pl vipukusa.
droppings (noun), kinyesi (7/8), pl vinyesi.
droppings (noun), kinyezi (7/8), pl vinyesi.
droppings (noun), mavi (6).
dropsy (noun), istiska.
drought (noun), ukame (14).
drought (noun), uyabisi.
fig. drought (noun), kiu.
be drowned (verb), -tota.
drown (verb), -tota.
be drowned (verb), -zama.
drowning person (noun), mzama, pl wazama.
drowsiness (adverb), ndezi.
drowsiness (noun), lepe (5/6), pl malepe.
rare drowsiness (noun), ndoto.
be drowsy (verb), -sinzia.
drug (noun), bangi (9/10), pl bangi.
drug (noun), dawa (5/6), pl madawa. pharmacy. nyumba ya kutoa dawa.
drug addict (phrase), mvuta bangi.
drug on the market (noun), uhafifu.
druggist (noun), mchanganyaji dawa, pl wachanganyaji dawa.
drugs (noun), maponyea.
drugs (noun), maponyo (6).
drugs (noun), maponyo.
drugs (noun), mapoza.
drugstore (noun), pl drugstores, nyumba ya dawa (9/10), pl nyumba za
drugstore (noun), pl drugstores, duka la madawa (5/6), pl maduka ya
beat a drum (verb), -piga ngoma.
beat drums (verb), -piga ngoma.
drum (noun), ngoma (9/10), pl ngoma.
drum (big) (noun), goma (5/6), pl magoma.
drum (kind of) (noun), dogori, pl madogori.
drum (kind of) (noun), kinanga.
drum (kind of) (noun), mganda, pl miganda.
drum (kind of) (noun), pl drums, msonde (3/4), pl misonde.
drum (kind of) (noun), pungua (9/10), pl pungua.
drum (kind of) (noun), tutu.
drum (large container) (noun), pipa (5/6), pl mapipa.
drum (small type) (noun), chapuo (9/10), pl chapuo.
drum (small type) (noun), pl drums, tari (9/10), pl tari.
drum (small) (noun), tutu (9/10), pl tutu.
drum (type of) (noun), kinganga (7/8), pl vinganga.
drum (type of) (noun), mdundo (3/4), pl midundo.
drum (type of) (noun), pl drums, soma (9/10), pl soma.
drum for warding off such a spirit (noun), dungumaro. ceremony for
exorcising an evil spirit. ngoma ya dungumaro.
kind of drum standing on legs (noun), kumbwaya (9/10), pl kumbwaya.
kind of large drum (noun), pl drums (kind of), msewe (3/4), pl misewe.
kind of large drum for calling people to dances (noun), mrungura (3/4),
pl mirungura.
signaling drum (noun), chondo.
small drum (noun), kigoma, pl vigoma.
war drum (noun), kilingo, pl vilingo.
drumbeat (noun), mdundo (3/4), pl midundo. The drumbeat becomes
increasingly enjoyable.. Mdundo huzidi kukolea msichana anayefikia hali
ya kuwa mtu mzima [Masomo 130].
drummer (noun), drammeja.
drummer (noun), sogora (5/6an), pl masogora.
drumming (act or sound of) (noun), mgoto, pl migoto.
drumming sound (noun), pl drummings, rindimo (5/6), pl marindimo.
drumstick (noun), mkwiro (3/4), pl mikwiro.
be drunk (verb), -chakari. he was drunk. alikuwa chakari.
be drunk (verb), -lewa.
be very drunk (verb), -chapa.
be very drunk (verb), -chapara.
drunk (adjective), chopi.
very drunk (adjective), chicha. he was very drunk. alikuwa chicha.
very drunk (adjective), chucha. he was very drunk. alikua chucha.
drunkard (noun), kichozi, pl vichozi.
drunkard (noun), mkomba, pl wakomba.
heavy drinker, drunkard (noun), mlevi (1/2), pl walevi.
rare drunkard. (=mlevi) (noun), mtahamari, pl watahamari.
drunken (adjective), levi.
drunkenness (noun), ulevi (14).
drunkenness (noun), ulevi.
drunkenness (noun), malevi.
allow to dry up (a sore) (verb), -pwesha.
allow to dry up (a sore) (verb), -pweza.
be dried up (verb), -pwewa. The well dried up of water. Kisima
kilipwewa maji.
be dry (of washing) (verb), -anuka. it has stopped raining, it has
cleared up (figurative). kumeanuka sasa.
become dry (verb), -kauka.
become dry (verb), -kaukiana.
become dry (verb), -pwa. ebb tide.. maji ya kupwa.
become dry (verb), -susuwaa.
become dry (from the effects of the sun) (verb), -ng'ang'anaa.
dried up thing (noun), kizimwe (7/8), pl vizimwe.
dry (adjective), -kavu.
dry (adjective), kavu.
dry (adjective), yabis.
dry (adjective), yabisi.
dry (noun), uyabisi.
dry (verb), -kausha.
dry (eg coconut) (verb), -anika. dry meat; dry fish; dry clothes, air
clothes; your work is to grate coconut then you go to dry it.. Kazi ...
yenu ni kukuna nazi/Kisha mwenda [ku]zianika [Amana, Masomo 407].
dry (fruit) (verb), -oka.
dry fish (verb), -ng'onda.
dry off (verb), -pangusa.
dry place (rock etc.) left by the tide (noun), kipwa, pl vipwa.
dry something (verb), -kausha.
dry up (verb), -kambuka.
dry up (verb), -kauka.
dry up (verb), -kauka.
dry up (verb), -kutaa.
dry up (verb), -pwa. the water dried up in the morning. Maji
yalikupwana asubuhi.
dry up (verb), -susuwaa.
drying up (noun), unyaufu.
dry rot (noun), siridado (9/10), pl siridado.
dry up (verb), -nyauka.
drydock (noun), jahabu (5/6), pl majahabu.
drying up (power of) (noun), mnyaufu.
dryness (noun), kikaufu (7/8), pl vikaufu.
dryness (noun), kikavu.
dryness (noun), ukafu.
dryness (of the soil etc.) (noun), uyabisi.
dryness (state) (noun), ukavu (14).
dryness of teeth after eating unripe fruit (noun), ukakasi (14).
dryness of teeth after eating unripe fruit (noun), ukamvu (14).
fig. dryness (noun), kiu.
duality (noun), uwili.
duck (noun), bata (5/6), pl mabata.
duck ( avoid being hit) (verb), -kwepa.
duck (to avoid being hit) (verb), -epa.
duck (various species) (noun), salili (9/10an), pl salili.
white-backed duck (Thalassornis leuconotus) (noun), kotwe.
be due (verb), -stahili.
be due to (verb), -husu.
due (adjective), kimada.
due to (conjunction), kwa ajili ya.
be dug (verb), -chimbika.
be dug up (verb), -omolewa.
to be dug in (verb), -fukiza.
dugong (noun), nguva (9/10an), pl nguva.
duiker (noun), kiduku, pl viduku.
be dull (verb), -dugika.
be dull (verb), -pooza.
be dull (of a knife) (verb), -senea.
dull (adjective), butu. a dull knife. kisu butu.
dull (adjective), dufu.
dull (adjective), dugi.
dull (adjective), gutu.
dull (adjective), -vivu.
dull (verb), -butua.
make dull (verb), -seneza.
make dull (verb), -seza.
be dull-witted (verb), -pumbaa.
dull-witted (adjective), pumbavu. stop being dull-witted. Waacha
upumbavu huo.
dullness (noun), mazimbwezimbwe, pl mazimbwezimbwe.
dullness (noun), uhayawani.
dullness (of a knife etc.) (noun), ubutu.
dumb (adjective), bubwi.
dumb (voiceless) person (noun), bubu (5/6), pl mabubu.
be dumbfounded (phrase), -pigwa na bumbuazi.
be dumbfounded (verb), -dawaa.
be dumbfounded (verb), -duala.
be dumbfounded (verb), -sangaa.
be dumbfounded (verb), -shangaa. (s)he was dumbfounded to see the father
at home. Alishangaa kumwona baba nyumbani.
dumbfound (verb), -bwaga.
dumbfound (verb), -pagaza.
dumbfound (verb), -shangaza.
be dumbfounded (verb), -duwaa.
be dumbfounded (verb), -tatana.
dumbness (noun), kidaka (7/8), pl vidaka.
dumbness (noun), ububu.
dumbness (noun), upooza.
baby's dummy (noun), kinyonyo (7/8), pl vinyonyo.
dump (noun), jalala.
dumplings made of flour and bananas (noun), bumunda, pl mabumunda.
dung (noun), mavi (6).
dung (noun), samadi (9/10), pl samadi.
dung (of animals) (noun), pl dung, shonde (5/6), pl mashonde. the dung
of animals is full of insects. limejaa wadudu, shonde la tembo [Ya].
dungheap (noun), kimba, pl vimba.
dunghill (noun), jaa (9/10), pl majaa.
dunghill (noun), jaa.
dupe (noun), baradhuli (5/6), pl mabaradhuli.
dupe (verb), -kenga.
dupe (verb), -vivia.
dupe (verb), -vuvia.
dupe (verb), -zaini.
duplicate (noun), maradufu.
duplicate (noun), mardufu.
duplicate (noun), marudufu.
durability (noun), aushi, pl aushi. durable pottery. vyungu vya ~.
durability (noun), kazo, pl makazo.
durability (noun), mkazo, pl mikazo.
durability (noun), uhodari.
durability (noun), uimara.
durability (noun), umathubuti.
durability (noun), ushupavu.
be durable (verb), -dinda.
be durable (verb), -thibiti.
be durable (verb), -tungama.
durable (adjective), madhubuti.
durable (adjective), mathubuti.
durable (adjective), mathubutu.
be of long duration (verb), -sedeka.
duration of one's stay in a place (noun), kikao, pl vikao.
breadfruit tree (Durio zibethinus) (noun), mdoriani.
durian (noun), fenesi, pl mafenesi.
durian (noun), finesi, pl mafinesi.
durian fruit (noun), duriani.
durian tree (Durio zibethinus) (noun), mdoriani.
during (preposition), katika. during the whole time. katika wakati
dusk (noun), kisikusiku, pl visikusiku.
dusk (noun), kisikusiku (7).
dusk (noun), kiusikusiku, pl visikusiku.
dusk (noun), kuchwa.
dusk (noun), machwa, pl machwa.
be dusted (verb), -panguswa.
dust (noun), fumbi (5/6), pl mafumbi.
dust (noun), ghubari (5/6), pl maghubari.
dust (noun), kauta (9/10), pl kauta.
dust (noun), kauta.
dust (noun), kivumbi (7/8), pl vivumbi.
dust (noun), mchanga. granulated sugar.. sukari mchanga [Rec].
dust (noun), tifu (5/6), pl matifu.
dust (noun), uvumbi (11).
dust (noun), vumbi, pl mavumbi.
dust from threshing grain (noun), wambe.
dust off (verb), -pangusa.
dust-cloud (noun), gubari.
dust-like (adjective), -tifu.
make the dust rise (verb), -tifua.
particle (of dust) (noun), kitakataka (7/8), pl vitakataka.
dustcloud (noun), kivumbi, pl vivumbi.
dustiness (noun), uvumbi.
dusty (adjective), -tifu.
Dutch (noun), Dachi.
carry out duties (verb), -tekeleza wajibu.
duties of a chief (noun), umwene.
duties of a chief (noun), umwinyi.
duties of a manager (noun), usimamizi.
duties of a superviser (noun), usimamizi.
duties of a transport business (noun), upagazi.
duties of a watchman or guard (noun), ungojaji.
duties of an officer (noun), uofisa.
duties of an overseer (noun), usimamizi.
be a duty (verb), -pasa. It was Auni's duty to speak. Ilimpasa Auni
aseme [Sul].
be a duty (verb), -wajibu.
duty (noun), daraka (5/6), pl madaraka.
duty (noun), kazi (9/10), pl kazi.
duty (noun), kazi.
duty (noun), pl duties, mujibu (1/2), pl wajibu.
duty (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
duty (noun), tarafa (9/10), pl tarafa.
duty (noun), tarafu (9/10), pl tarafu.
duty (noun), usafirisha.
duty (noun), usafirishaji.
duty (noun), ushuru.
duty (noun), utumwa (14).
duty (noun), zamu (9/10), pl zamu.
one who carries out duties (noun), mtekelezaji (1/2), pl watekelezaji.
prescribed duty (of religion) (noun), faradhi (9/10), pl faradhi.
be dwarfed (verb), -kundaa.
dwarf (noun), chuchu, pl machuchu.
dwarf (noun), kibeti (7/8), pl vibeti.
dwarf (noun), kidurango (7/8), pl vidurango.
dwarf (noun), kijimo (7/8), pl vijimo.
dwarf (noun), mbilikimo.
dwarf (noun), pl dwarfs, mtwa (1/2), pl watwa.
dwarf palm species (Hyphaene coriacea) (noun), mkoche, pl mikoche.
dwarf palm species (Hyphaene coriacea) (noun), mkoma, pl mikoche.
dwell (verb), -kaa.
dwell (verb), -kaa.
dwelling (noun), mastakimu (6).
dwelling place (noun), maskani (9/10), pl maskani.
dweller (noun), mkazi (1/2), pl wakazi.
dwelling (noun), kao, pl makao.
dwelling (noun), makazi (6).
dwelling-place of spirits (noun), pepo (9/10), pl pepo.
dwelling-place (noun), nyumba (9/10), pl nyumba.
dwindle (adjective), dhii.
dye (noun), rangi (9/10), pl rangi. dye. tia [paka] rangi.
dye (verb), -paka rangi. red (black) pigment/dye.. rangi nyekundu
plant (kind from which a black dye is made) (noun), msirisha, pl
red dye (noun), kindoro (7/8), pl vindoro.
yellow dye (used for staining strips from which mats are made) (noun),
mnana, pl minana.
dying (noun), kifa (7/8), pl vifa.
dying (noun), kufa.
dynamo (noun), dainamo (9/10), pl dainamo.
kaumwa (root of the mkaumwa tree, serving as a medicine for dysentery)
(noun), kaumwa, pl makaumwa.

each (adjective), kila.
each time (noun), kila wakati.
be eager (verb), -fanya pupa ya. I did not want to be eager since he
would have found me out.. sikutaka kufanya pupa maana angening'amua [Ya].
be eager for something (verb), -tapia.
eagerly (adverb), kwa shauku.
eagerness (noun), ari (9/10), pl ari.
eagerness (noun), hamasa (9/10), pl hamasa.
eagerness (noun), pupa (9/10), pl pupa. (s)he was eager to see the
mother. Alikuwa na pupa ya kumwona mama.
eagerness (noun), shauku (9/10), pl shauku. (s)he is eager with them.
ana shauku nao..
excessive eagerness (noun), kipupa. a patched garment. kwa kipupa,
kipupa cha kula.
eagle (noun), kapungu (9/10), pl kapungu.
eagle (noun), kipungu (7/8an), pl vipungu.
eagle (species of) (noun), pungu (9/10an), pl pungu.
kind of eagle (noun), kapungu.
sea eagle (noun), fukombe (9/10an), pl fukombe.
sea eagle (noun), furukombe.
species of eagle (noun), koho, pl koho.
species of eagle (noun), korho, pl korho.
variety of fish-eating eagle (noun), kwazi.
ear (noun), pl ears, sikio (5/6), pl masikio.
ear (of maize) (noun), pl ears of maize, shuke (9/10), pl shuke.
ear (of maize) (noun), pl ears of maize, suke (5/6), pl masuke.
ear ornament (round silver disc) (noun), pl ear ornaments, jasi (5/6), pl
empty ear of maize (noun), pl empty ears of maize, pepe (5/6), pl mapepe.
as mentioned earlier (noun), huko nyuma, pl huko nyuma.
earlier (adjective), -auwali.
earlier (adjective), awali.
earlier (adverb), kale.
earlier (adverb), kizamani.
earlier (adverb), mbele.
earlier (adverb), ubele.
earlier (adverb), umbele.
earlier (adverb), zamani.
earlier (noun), zama.
in an earlier way (adverb), kizamani.
hole pierced in earlobe for ornament (noun), ndewe (9/10), pl ndewe.
hole pierced through the lobe of the ear (noun), njewe (9/10), pl njewe.
lobe of the ear (noun), njewe (9/10), pl njewe.
be early (verb), -wahi.
early (adjective), tangulifu.
early (adverb), mapema.
early in good time (adverb), mapema. early in the morning. asubuhi na
get up early in the morning (verb), -rauka.
earnest (adjective), hodari.
earnest money (noun), kishika mkono.
earnestly (adverb), kwa nguvu. earnestly. kwa nguvu.
one who begs earnestly (noun), mtashi, pl watashi.
one who pleads earnestly (noun), mtashi, pl watashi.
earning (noun), pl earnings, ijara (9/10), pl ijara.
earning (noun), pl earnings, pato (5/6), pl mapato.
earning (noun), ujira (14).
earnings (noun), chumo, pl machumo.
earnings (noun), faida.
earnings (noun), kipato (7/8), pl vipato.
earnings (noun), mapato.
earnings (noun), tija.
earnings (noun), upato, pl pato.
extra earnings (from jobs outside of one's regular working-hours) (noun),
extra earnings (from jobs outside of one's regular working-hours) (noun),
earring (noun), bali, pl bali.
earring (noun), heleni (9/10), pl heleni.
earring (noun), herini.
earring (noun), kipini (7/8), pl vipini.
earring (noun), kipuli, pl vipuli.
earring (noun), pl ear ornament, shamili (5/6), pl shamili.
earring (ebony disc) (noun), pingu (5/6), pl mapingu.
barren ears of grain (noun), mapepe.
damp (earth) (adjective), bichi.
damp (earth) (adjective), biti.
earth (noun), ardhi (9/10), pl ardhi. Concerning the earth and the sky,
His word is true.. La ardhi na la mbingu, neno lake husadifu [Shaaban
Robert, "Rangi Zetu" 4 iii].
earth (noun), dongo (5/6), pl madongo.
earth (noun), dunia (9/10), pl dunia.
earth (noun), inchi. dry land (as opp. to bahari).. nchi kavu.
earth (noun), nchi. dry land (as opp. to bahari).. nchi kavu.
earth (plowed) (noun), udongo.
moist (earth) (adjective), bichi.
moist (earth) (adjective), biti.
pile of earth (noun), boma, pl maboma.
earthen vessel (noun), bia (5/6), pl mabia.
earthenware (noun), sahani ya kaule (9/10), pl sahani za kaule.
imported earthenware (noun), kaule.
earthly things (noun), malimwengu (6).
earthquake (noun), tetemeko (5/6), pl matetemeko.
earthquake (noun), zilizala (9/10), pl zilizala.
earthworm (noun), nyungunyungu (9/10an), pl nyungunyungu.
be at ease (verb), -terema.
be eased (verb), -nafisika.
ease (noun), neema, pl neema.
ease (noun), starehe (9/10), pl starehe.
ease (noun), urahisi (14).
ease (noun), wepesi.
ease (verb), -sahalisha.
ease (verb), -tuliza.
put at ease (verb), -starehesha.
set at ease (verb), -teremesha.
be easily used (verb), -sarifika (potential).
easily (adverb), kwa urahisi.
easily (adverb), urahisi.
easiness (noun), urahisi (14), pl urahisi.
east (noun), maawio (6).
east (noun), maawio, pl maawio.
east (noun), macheo, pl macheo.
east (noun), mashariki (17).
east (noun), mashariki. Middle East. mashariki ya kati/katikati.
east (noun), matlaa.
east (noun), matlai.
East Africa (noun), Afrika ya Mashariki (9).
East African Community (noun), Jumuia ya Afrika Mashariki (9).
Easter (noun), Pasaka.
eastern (adjective), mashariki.
be easy (verb), -sahalia.
easy (adjective), -epesi. Easy and difficult questions should be mixed..
Maswali mepesi na magumu yachanganywe [Masomo 189].
easy (adjective), rahisi. an easy language (=one easy to learn). lugha
easy (adjective), sahala.
get easier (verb), -rahisika.
make easier (verb), -rahisisha.
someone who lives in easy circumstances (noun), mdirifu, pl wadirifu.
take it easy (verb), -burahi.
take it easy (verb), -pumbaa kazi.
easy-chair (noun), kochi (5/6), pl makochi.
easy-going (adjective), legevu.
easy-going disposition (noun), upole.
easy-going person (noun), mlimwengu, pl walimwengu.
easy-going person (noun), mwulimwengu, pl waulimwengu.
be eaten alive (phrase), -liwa nyama mbichi.
be eaten away by insects (of wood or grain) (verb), -bunguka.
be eaten up (verb), -lika.
causing to eat (noun), ulishaji.
eat (verb), -la.
eat (verb), -sukutua.
eat food plain (without relish or sauce etc) (verb), -manga.
eat greedily (verb), -lapa.
eat hastily (verb), -lapa.
eat quickly (verb), -papia chakula.
eat the first fruits of a new harvest (verb), -limbua.
eat the first fruits of a new harvest (verb), -rimbua.
eat the fruits of a new harvest (verb), -rimbua.
eat up (verb), -la.
eat up (verb), -sakata.
eat up (food intended for others) (verb), -ima.
give someone something to eat (verb), -rai.
be eaten (verb), -liwa (passive).
eater (noun), kilaji (7/8), pl vilaji.
eater (noun), mla, pl wala. usurer. mla riba.
great eater, one who likes to eat certain things (noun), mlaji (1/2), pl
eating (noun), maakuli (6).
eating (noun), mlo (3/4), pl milo.
eating (act of) (noun), ulaji.
eating (manner of) (noun), ulaji.
eating-place (noun), pakulia (9/10), pl pakulia. eating-place.. mahali
pa kulia.
person who is constantly eating (noun), mbuge, pl wabuge.
eaves (noun), mchirizi (3/4), pl michirizi.
eaves (noun), mkirizi, pl mikirizi.
eaves (noun), mlizamu (3/4), pl milizamu.
eaves (noun), tango (5/6), pl matango.
eavesdrop (verb), -dukisa.
eavesdrop (verb), -dukiza.
eavesdrop (verb), -pekesheni.
eavesdropper (noun), duzi, pl maduzi.
eavesdropper (noun), mdakizi, pl wadakizi.
eavesdropper (noun), mdaku, pl wadaku.
eavesdropper (noun), mdakuzi, pl wadakizi.
eavesdropper (noun), mdukizi, pl wadakizi.
eavesdropper (noun), mdukizi (1/2), pl wadukizi.
eavesdropper (noun), mpelelezaji (1/2), pl wapelelezaji.
eavesdropping (noun), dukisi, pl madukisi.
ebb (verb), -pwa.
ebb tide (noun), maji ya kupwa (9/10), pl maji za kupwa.
ebony tree (Diospyros ebenum) (noun), mpingo, pl mipingo.
be eccentric (verb), -potoka.
eccentric (adjective), potoe.
eccentric (adjective), potovu.
echo (noun), itikio, pl maitikio.
echo (noun), mvuma, pl mivuma.
echo (noun), mvumo, pl mivumo.
echo (noun), mwangwi (3/4), pl miangwi.
echo (verb), -hanikiza.
economical (adjective), kabidhi.
economical (adjective), takabadhi.
economically (adverb), udohusohu.
economy (noun), chekecheke.
economy (noun), iktisadi (9/10), pl iktisadi.
economy (noun), iktisadi.
economy (noun), limbiko, pl milimbiko.
economy (noun), malimbiko.
economy (noun), mlimbiko, pl milimbiko.
economy (noun), uchumi (14).
economy (noun), ukabidhi (14).
economy (noun), ukabidhu.
economy (noun), uwekevu.
economy (noun), wekevu.
mixed economy (noun), uchumi mchanganyiko (14).
national economy (noun), uchumi wa (ki)taifa (14).
political economy (noun), uchumi wa kisiasa (14).
ecstasy (noun), nishai (9/10), pl nishai.
eddy (noun), kizunguko, pl vizunguko.
eddy (noun), mzunguko, pl mizunguko.
eddy (noun), zunguko, pl mazunguko.
eddy (noun), zungusho (5/6), pl mazungusho.
Eden (phrase), mbuga za peponi.
cutting edge (of a knife) (noun), chinjoni.
cutting edge (of a knife) (noun), machinjoni, pl machinjoni.
edge (noun), genge (5/6), pl magenge.
edge (noun), hanamu.
edge (noun), kando (9/10), pl kando.
edge (noun), kando.
edge (noun), kikunje, pl kikunjo.
edge (noun), kikunjo, pl kikunjo.
edge (noun), kipaa, pl vipaa. surveying instrument.
edge (noun), makali (6).
edge (noun), mialamu (9/10), pl mialamu.
edge (noun), mwalamu, pl miwalamu.
edge (noun), ombwe (9/10), pl ombwe.
edge (noun), pambizo (5/6), pl mapambizo. The edge of the table.
pambizo la meza.
edge (noun), pembizo (5/6), pl mapembizo. The edge of the table.
pambizo la meza.
edge (noun), pl edges, pindo (5/6), pl mapindo.
edge (noun), rinda (5/6), pl marinda.
edge (noun), ukando.
edge (noun), ukingo (11/10), pl kingo.
edge (noun), upindo, pl pindo.
edge (noun), ushi (11/10), pl nyushi.
edge (verb), -kunga.
edge (of a skirt etc) (noun), marinda.
edge (sharp part of knife or sword) (noun), makali.
edgeways (adjective), benibeni.
edging (noun), mshadhari.
edging (noun), mshazari.
embroidered edging (noun), taraza (9/10), pl taraza.
be edible (verb), -lika.
something edible (noun), chakula, pl vyakula. breakfast [lunch, dinner].
chakula cha asubuhi [mchana, jioni].
edit (verb), -sanifisha.
edit (verb), -tengeneza.
editing (of books) (noun), utengenezaji.
edition (noun), toleo (5/6), pl matoleo.
edition (noun), uchapaji.
editor (noun), edita.
editor (noun), pl editors, mtengenezaji (1/2), pl watengenezaji.
editor (noun), mtengezaji, pl watengezaji.
editor (noun), mtoaji, pl watoaji. editor of a newspaper.. mtoaji wa
editor (noun), muhariri, pl wahariri.
be educated (verb), -elimika.
cause to be educated (verb), -adibisha (causative).
educate (verb), -adibu.
educate (verb), -elimisha. The objective of secondary education is to
educate young people.. Madhumuni ya elimu ya sekondari ni kuwaelimisha
vijana [Masomo 262].
educate (verb), -fundisha.
educate (verb), -funza.
educate (verb), -kuza.
educate (verb), -lea.
educate (verb), -somesha (causative).
educate (verb), -taadabu.
be well educated (verb), -taalamu.
be well educated (verb), -tabahani.
educated (adjective), -arifu.
educated person (noun), pl educated people, mtaalamu (1/2), pl wataalamu.
educated person (noun), mwalimu, pl walimu.
educated person (noun), mwanga, pl waanga.
educating children (methods of) (noun), ulezi, pl malezi.
educating children (work of) (noun), ulezi, pl malezi.
education (noun), elimu. mathematics. elimu ya hesabu.
education (noun), malezi (6).
education (noun), matayarisho, pl matayarisho.
education (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza.
education (noun), taalimu (9/10), pl taalimu.
education (noun), taaluma (9/10), pl taaluma.
education (noun), tarjisi.
education (noun), ualimu.
education (noun), ungwana.
education (noun), ustaarabu.
education (noun), utaalamu.
education (noun), uungwana.
education (noun), uwalimu.
education (as a science) (noun), uwalimu.
education (home) (noun), malezi.
education (traditional) (noun), kulea.
education committee (noun), kamati ya elimu (9/10), pl kamati za elimu.
finish education (verb), -hitimu.
receive education (verb), -soma. This child receives an education.
mtoto huyu anasoma.
receive education (verb), -soma. This child goes to school. mtoto huyu
educaton (noun), somo (5/6), pl masomo.
educator (noun), mkalimu, pl wakalimu.
educator (noun), mkufunzi, pl wakufunzi.
educator (noun), mkurufunzi, pl wakurufunzi.
eeeeee (verb), ffffff.
eel (noun), mkunga (3/4), pl mikunga.
effect (noun), athari (9/10), pl athari.
effect (noun), taathiri (9/10), pl taathiri.
effect (noun), tendo, pl matendo.
put into effect (verb), -weka.
effervesce (verb), -chemka.
effervesce (verb), -chemuka.
effervesce (verb), -fura.
effervesce (verb), -fura.
effervesce (verb), -fanya povu.
effervescence (noun), chemko.
effervescence (noun), povu (5/6), pl mapovu. effervesce. fanya mapovu.
efficacy (noun), tendo, pl matendo.
effluvia (noun), ufukuto.
effluvia (noun), uvukuto.
efflux (noun), chururu.
effort (noun), bidii (9/10), pl bidii.
effort (noun), chadi, pl machadi.
effort (noun), harakati (9/10), pl harakati.
effort (noun), idili (9/10), pl idili.
effort (noun), idili.
effort (noun), jadi, pl majadi.
effort (noun), jaribio, pl majaribio.
effort (noun), jitahidi, pl majitihadi.
effort (noun), jitihada (9/10), pl jitihada.
effort (noun), juhudi (9/10), pl juhudi.
effort (noun), juhudi.
effort (noun), kasi.
effort (noun), kite (7).
effort (noun), maelekeo, pl maelekeo.
effort (noun), majadi.
effort (noun), mbano (3/4), pl mibano.
effort (noun), mbio (9/10), pl mbio.
effort (noun), sulubu (9/10), pl sulubu. it will take them many years of
effort. itawachukua miaka mingi ya sulubu [Mun].
effort (noun), ujitahidi.
effort (strong) (noun), ghaidhi (9/10), pl ghaidhi.
make a special effort (verb), -jibidiisha.
make a strong effort (verb), -chachawa.
make a strong effort (verb), -tutumua.
make an effort (verb), -goda.
make an effort (verb), -jika.
make an effort (verb), -jitahidi.
make an effort (verb), -kusuru.
make effort (verb), -kazana.
put effort (verb), -jitahidi.
special effort (noun), ari (9/10), pl ari.
special effort exerted to prevent being disgraced (noun), ari, pl ari.
intensify one's efforts (verb), -kaza.
addled egg (noun), viza, pl maviza.
egg (noun), yai (5/6), pl mayai.
egg (noun), yayi, pl mayayi.
egg on (verb), -tomesha.
egg white (noun), ute (11/10), pl nyute.
put eggs under a hen (verb), -tamisha.
sit on eggs (verb), -tamia.
egg-laying place (noun), tago (5/6), pl matago.
eggplant (noun), bilingani, pl mabilingani.
eggplant (noun), biringani (5/6), pl mabiringani.
eggplant (Solanum melongena) (noun), mbilingani (3/4), pl mibilingani.
wild egg-plant (Solanum bojeri) (noun), mtua, pl mitua.
wild egg-plant (Solanum bojeri) (noun), mtula, pl mitula.
wild egg-plant (Solanum bojeri) (noun), mtunguja, pl mitunguja.
eggshell (noun), kifuu.
egotism (noun), hawa nafsi (9/10), pl hawa nafsi.
egotism (noun), majisifu.
egret (noun), yangeyange.
Egypt (noun), Misri (9). Moses led the Israelites from Egypt to Caanan..
Musa aliwaongoza Waisraeli kutoka nchini Misri hadi Kaanan [Masomo 86]..
Egyptian (noun), Mmisri, pl Wamisri.
eight (adjective), -nane.
eight (noun), themani.
eight (noun), themanya.
eighteen (adjective), kumi na nane.
eighteen (noun), kumi na nane.
eighteen (noun), themantashara.
an eighth (noun), themuni.
an eighth (noun), thumni.
an eighth (noun), thumuni.
eighth month of the Moslem year (noun), Shaabani (9/10), pl Shaabani.
eighth month of the Moslem year (noun), Shabani (9/10), pl Shabani. the
eighth month of the Muslim calendar is a month of preparations for the
Muslims. Shaabani ni mwezi wa kujiandaa kwa waislamu.
eighty (adjective), themanini.
either (adverb), ama.
either or (conjunction), ao.
either... or (conjunction), ama. either this or that. ~ hii ~ or.
either... or... (conjunction), au.
either...or (conjunction), ima.
phy.ejaculation (noun), mshushio, pl mishushio.
phy.ejaculation (noun), mshusho, pl mishusho.
eject (verb), -sua.
ejection (noun), uhamisho.
eland (noun), mbugnu.
eland (noun), mbungu (9/10an), pl mbungu.
eland (noun), pofu (5/6an), pl mapofu.
eland (Boselaphus canna) (noun), mpofu.
eland (Boselaphus canna) (noun), pofu.
elapse (of time) (verb), -jiri.
be elastic (verb), -napukia.
be elastic (verb), -nyambuka.
be elastic (verb), -nyumbuka.
elastic (adjective), nama.
elastic (adjective), nyumbufu.
elastic band (noun), mpira (3/4), pl mipira.
elbow (noun), kiko (7/8), pl viko.
elbow (noun), kikwe, pl vikwe.
elbow (noun), kishigino cha mkono (7/8), pl vishigino vya mkono.
elbow (noun), kisingino cha mkono (7/8), pl visingino vya mkono.
elbow (noun), kivi (7/8), pl vivi.
elder (adjective), -kuu.
elder (noun), mkuu (1/2), pl wakuu.
elder (noun), mzee, pl wazee.
elder (noun), pl sheik, sheik (5/6an), pl sheik.
elder of a native council who is trusted to offer sound counsel (noun),
mhenga (1/2), pl wahenga.
village elder (noun), jumbe, pl majumbe.
elders of a tribe (noun), baraza.
elect (verb), -chagua.
elect someone (verb), -pigia kura.
elect someone (verb), -pigia kura.
conduct an election campaign (noun), votesha (9/10).
election (noun), uchaguo.
election (noun), uchaguzi (14), pl uchaguzi.
elector (noun), mchaguzi (1/2), pl wachaguzi.
pol. elector (noun), mchaguzi, pl wachaguzi.
electric energy (noun), nguvu ya umeme. electric energy. nguvu ya
electricity (noun), elektrisiti.
electricity (noun), nguvu ya umeme. electric energy. nguvu ya umeme.
electricity (noun), sitima (9/10), pl sitima.
electricity (noun), stima (9/10), pl stima.
electricity (noun), stimu (9/10), pl stimu. electric light. taa za
electricity (noun), umeme (11).
electron (noun), elektroni (9/10), pl elektroni.
elegance (noun), madahiro, pl madahiro.
elegance (noun), madahiro (9/10), pl madahiro.
elegance (noun), udibaji.
elegance (noun), ufasihi.
elegance (noun), ulimbwende.
elegance (noun), umaridadi (14).
elegance (noun), utanashati (14).
elegance (noun), uzuri.
elegance (esp. in speaking and writing) (noun), ufasaha (14).
elegance (of clothing) (noun), ubeja.
elegance (of dress) (noun), umalidadi.
elegance (us. in external appearance) (noun), umbuji.
elegant (adjective), kimalidadi.
elegant (adjective), maridadi.
elegant (adjective), marini.
elegant (adjective), murua.
elegant (adjective), muruwa.
elegant (of clothes) (adjective), mofti. wear elegant clothes.. vaa
nguo mufti.
elegant (of clothes) (adjective), mufti. wear elegant clothes.. vaa
nguo mufti.
elegant person (noun), mbuji, pl wambuji.
elegant person (noun), mmbuji, pl wambuji.
elegant person (noun), mrembo (1/2), pl warembo.
elegantly (adverb), kirembo, pl virembo.
element (noun), elementi (9/10), pl elementi.
element (noun), sehemu (9/10), pl sehemu. an element of the machine.
sehemu ya mtambo..
elephant (noun), ndovu.
elephant (noun), tembo (9/10), pl tembo.
elephantiasis (noun), chethamu.
elephantiasis (noun), jethamu.
elephantiasis (noun), jethamu (9/10), pl Jethamu.
elephantiasis (noun), teende (9/10), pl mateende.
elephantiasis (noun), tende, pl matende.
elephantiasis of the scrotum (noun), busha.
elevate (verb), -inua.
elevation (noun), mwinuko, pl miinuko. Elevated places. Sehemu zenye
eleven (adjective), kumi na moja.
eleven (noun), edashara (9/10), pl edashara.
eleven (noun), kumi na moja.
elf (noun), kijini, pl vijini.
eliminate (verb), -ondoa.
eliminate (verb), -tengua.
eliminate (doubts or difficulties) (verb), -hozahoza.
elimination (noun), maondoleo.
elimination (noun), ondoleo (5/6), pl maondoleo. elimination of doubts..
maondoleo ya mashaka.
elimination (noun), ufyekwaji.
elimination (noun), ukumbizi (11/10), pl kumbizi.
elimination (noun), unyesi (11).
elimination (noun), unyezi, pl manyzi, kinyesi.
ell (noun), dhiraa.
ellipse (noun), duaradufu (9/10), pl duaradufu.
elope (verb), -torosha.
eloquence (noun), fasaha (9/10), pl fasaha.
eloquence (noun), ufasaha (14).
eloquence (noun), ufasihi.
eloquence (noun), unenaji.
eloquence (noun), uneni.
eloquence (noun), usemaji.
eloquent person (noun), mlumbaji, pl walumbaji.
eloquent person (noun), mwongeza, pl waongeza.
eloquent person (noun), mwongezi, pl waongezi.
eloquent speaker (noun), mnena, pl wanena. "popular speaker,
demagogue".. mnena watu.
or else (conjunction), ela.
or else (conjunction), ila.
elsewhere (adjective), pengine. "in any event, perhaps".. pengine na
elsewhere (adverb), kwingineko.
elucidation (noun), uelezaji.
elusiveness (noun), utiriri (14).
be emaciated (verb), -tehemu.
be emaciated (verb), -konda.
be emaciated (verb), -ngwea.
be emaciated (verb), -saujika.
be emaciated (verb), -sawajika.
be emaciated (after an illness) (verb), -chururika.
become emaciated (verb), -finyaa.
become emaciated (verb), -gofua.
become emaciated (from disease) (verb), -nyorora.
emaciated (adjective), gofu.
emaciated person (noun), gofu.
send an email (verb), -posta ubarua.
emancipation (adjective), huru.
embankemnt (noun), fuko (5/6), pl mafuko.
be embarrassed (verb), -aibika.
embarassment (noun), aibisho (5/6), pl maaibisho.
embarassment (noun), aibu (9/10), pl aibu.
embargo (noun), katazo (5/6), pl makatazo.
embargo (noun), katazo, pl makatazo.
embargo (noun), marufuku. Smoking is prohibited here. Ni marufuku
kufutia sigara hapa.
embargo (noun), ukatazaji.
embark (verb), -pakia.
be embarrassed (verb), -babaika.
cause each other embarrassment (verb), -dudumikana.
embarass (verb), -koroweza. break one's neck..
embarrass (verb), -aibisha (causative).
embarrass (verb), -bumbuaza.
embarrass (verb), -zuzua.
embarrass publicly (verb), -songamiza (stative).
embarrass someone (verb), -pumbaza. (s)he embarrassed him/her after
everybody else had praised him/her. Alimpumbaza baada kila mtu
be embarrassed (verb), -bahashika.
be embarrassed (verb), -meka.
be embarrassed (verb), -nyara.
embarrassment (noun), bumbuazi, pl mabumbuazi.
embarrassment (noun), chachawizo, pl machachawizo.
embarrassment (noun), dukuduku.
embarrassment (noun), mauzauza.
embarrassment (noun), mzumbao. be astonished/embarrassed/nonplussed..
pigwa [shikwa] na mzumbao.
embarrassment (noun), tahayuri (9/10), pl tahayuri.
embarrassment (noun), uzuzu.
embassy (noun), ubalozi (14).
embellish (verb), -pamba.
embellishment (noun), madoido, pl madoido.
embellishment (noun), pambo (5/6), pl mapambo. The items of
embellishment fell. vitu vya mapambo vikaanguka [Moh].
embers (noun), kaa (5/6), pl makaa.
embers (noun), makaa.
embezzle (verb), -badhiri.
embezzle (verb), -badiri.
embezzle (verb), -iba.
embezzler (noun), mfilisi, pl wafilisi.
embitterment (noun), mabaya, pl mabaya.
emblem (noun), misali. use proverbs in a conversation.. tumia methali
katika mazungumso [Rec].
emblem (noun), mithali. use proverbs in a conversation.. tumia methali
katika mazungumso [Rec].
national emblem (phrase), nembo ya taifa.
embrace (noun), kikumbatio, pl vikumbatio.
embrace (noun), kumbatio (5/6), pl makumbatio.
embrace (noun), pambaja (9/10), pl pambaja.
embrace (verb), -fumbata.
embrace (verb), -jikunyata (reflexive).
embrace (verb), -kumbatia.
embrace (verb), -pambaja.
embrace (verb), -piga pambaja.
embrace (verb), -zonga.
be embraced (verb), -kumbatiwa.
embrasure (noun), kishubaka, pl vishubaka.
embrasure (noun), shubaka (5/6), pl mashubaka, vishubaka.
embroider (verb), -fuma.
embroider (a border or edging) (verb), -darizi.
make an embroidered edge (on) (verb), -tarizi.
richly embroidered Arab robe (noun), joho (5/6), pl majoho.
embroidered (noun), bulibuli. embroidered white cap. kofia ya bulibuli.
embroidering on a kofia (noun), kiua, pl viua.
embroidery (noun), almaria, pl almaria.
embroidery (noun), daraza.
embroidery (noun), tarazo (9/10), pl tarazo. a kanzu of embroidery.
kanzu ya tarazo.
embroidery (on the collar of a kanzu) (noun), kinara, pl vinara.
fine embroidery (noun), viboko.
lines of embroidery on a kanzu, proceeding from the mjusi (noun), mkia,
pl mikia. "lines of embroidery on a kanzu, proceeding from the mjusi"..
mkia wa mjusi.
raised embroidery on the back of a kanzu (noun), jabali, pl majabali.
small zigzag silk embroidery on kanzu neck (noun), kiboko (7/8), pl
embryo (noun), mimba. procure abortion.. haribu mimba.
emerald (noun), zumaradi.
emerald (noun), zumaridi.
emerge (adjective), zulika.
emerge (verb), -jitokeza.
emerge (verb), -tokeza.
emerge (verb), -zuka (potential).
emergence (noun), uzushi.
emergence (noun), uzuzi.
state of emergency (noun), hali ya hatari (9/10), pl hali ya hatari.
emery paper (noun), msasa, pl misasa. This table is not smooth (has not
been well sanded). meza hii haikupigwa msasa vizuri.
emetic (noun), tapisho (5/6), pl matapisho.
emetic (noun), utapishi.
med.emetic (noun), mtapishi, pl mitapishi.
be an emigrant (verb), -hajirika.
emigrant (noun), mhajiri, pl wahajiri.
emigrant (noun), mhamaji (1/2), pl wahamaji.
emigrate (verb), -hajiri.
emigrate (verb), -hama.
emigrate (verb), -tama.
emigration (noun), hamio (5/6), pl mahamio.
emigration (noun), uhamaji (14).
emigration (noun), uhamiaji.
eminence (noun), ujuu.
eminence (noun), ukuu.
eminence (noun), utukufu.
eminent (adjective), kuu.
eminent (adjective), tangulifu.
emit (verb), -toa.
emotion (noun), mtima, pl mitima.
emotion (noun), tukutiko, pl matukutiko.
emotion (noun), tukuto, pl matukuto.
emperor (noun), mfalme (1/2), pl wafalme.
emphasis (noun), kazo (5/6), pl makazo.
emphasis (noun), kazo, pl makazo. accent (on a syllable).. mkazo wa
emphasis (noun), mkazo, pl mikazo. accent (on a syllable).. mkazo wa
emphasize (verb), -kazia.
emphasize (verb), -sisitiza.
emphasize (verb), -tamka.
emphasize (verb), -tilia mkazo.
be emphasized (verb), -kazwa.
say emphatically (verb), -sisitiza.
empire (noun), dola (5/6), pl madola.
empire (noun), miliki.
empire (noun), milki.
be employed (verb), -tumwa (passive).
employ (verb), -ajiri. Every person who has the responsibility of hiring
workers must remember this obligation.. Kila mtu mwenye jukumu la
kuwaajiri wafanya kazi lazima akumbuke wajibu huo [Nyerere, Masomo 282].
employ (verb), -shughulisha.
employ (either person or thing) (verb), -tumia.
employ someone for pay (verb), -ajirisha.
one who is employed (noun), mtumi, pl watumi.
one who is employed (noun), mtumishi, pl watumishi.
employee (noun), mtumi, pl watumi.
employee (noun), mtumishi, pl watumishi.
employee (noun), mtumwaji, pl watumwaji.
employee (noun), mwajiriwa (1/2), pl waajiriwa.
employee (noun), tume.
employer (noun), mkubwa, pl wakubwa.
employer (noun), tajiri (5/6an), pl matajiri.
rare employer (noun), mpanga, pl wapanga.
rare employer (noun), mpangaji, pl wapangaji.
employment (noun), amali, pl amali. their business is house-building. ~
yao ni kujenga nyumba.
employment (noun), kazi.
employment (noun), kibaruwa (7/8), pl vibaruwa.
employment (noun), matumio, pl matumio.
employment (noun), matumizi, pl matumizi.
employment (noun), mtumo, pl mitumo.
employment (noun), utumi.
employment (noun), utumishi.
employment (noun), utumizi (11/6), pl matumizi.
employment (noun), utumo.
employment (casual) (noun), kibarua, pl vibarua.
temporary employment (noun), kibarua (7/8), pl vibarua.
one who employs something (noun), mtia, pl watia. painter. mtia rangi.
one who employs something (noun), mtiaji, pl watiaji. painter. mtia
empower (verb), -idhini.
empower (verb), -jalia.
empower (verb), -wakilisha.
empower (verb), -wezesha.
invest with power (verb), -enzi.
invest with power (verb), -ezi.
emptiness (noun), ubatili (14).
emptiness (noun), ubatilifu.
emptiness (noun), utupu.
empty (adjective), kame.
empty (adjective), -tupu.
empty (adjective), wazi.
empty (adverb), bure.
empty (verb), -komba.
empty (verb), -mwaga.
empty talk (noun), porojo (5/6), pl maporojo. They have stopped iddle
talk. Waacha porojo.
emulate (someone) (verb), -chaga.
emulate someone (verb), -chachawa.
emulate someone (verb), -charuka.
emulation (noun), ushindani.
enable (verb), -jalia.
enable (verb), -wezesha.
enable to reach (verb), -fikisha. Two more years enable her/him to reach
the stage of the doctoral degree.. Miaka miwili zaidi humfikisha kwenye
shahada ya Udaktari [Masomo 265]..
be enamored (verb), -chunuka.
be enamored of (verb), -ashiki.
be enamored of (verb), -ashki.
encampment (noun), kambi (9/10), pl kambi.
enchant (verb), -anga.
enchant (verb), -loga.
enchant (verb), -roga.
enchant (verb), -roga.
enchant (verb), -sihiri.
encircle (verb), -duru.
encircle (verb), -zungua.
encircle (verb), -zungusha.
encirclement (noun), uzingo (14).
encirclement (noun), uzungo.
mil. encirclement (noun), mzingo, pl mizingo.
enclose (verb), -binda.
enclose (verb), -fumbata.
enclose (verb), -fungashia.
enclose (verb), -zonga.
enclosure (noun), boma, pl maboma.
enclosure (noun), jengo, pl majengo.
enclosure (noun), kifungo (7/8), pl vifungo.
enclosure (noun), kitu cha ndani, pl vitu vya ndani.
enclosure (noun), majengo.
enclosure (noun), ua (11/10), pl nyua.
enclosure (noun), uani (11/10), pl nyua.
enclosure (noun), ugo (11/10), pl nyugo.
enclosure (noun), ukigo, pl kigo.
enclosure (noun), zunguko, pl mazunguko.
enclosure (eg yard) (noun), kitalu (7/8), pl vitalu.
encounter (noun), mpambano (3/4), pl mipambano.
encounter (noun), mpiganisho, pl mipiganisho.
encounter (verb), -pambana.
encounter someone in the act of adultery (verb), -feli.
encounter someone unexpectedly (verb), -fuma.
encourage (phrase), -pa moyo. time and again, (s)he encouraged the
mother. muda hata muda alimpa moyo mzazi [Moh].
encourage (verb), -himiza.
encourage (verb), -juburu.
encourage (verb), -juburu.
encourage (verb), -shajiisha. "try it for the second time, try you will
succeed" (s)he encouraged him/herself. "Ijaribu ya pili, jaribu utaweza",
alishajiisha [Sul].
encourage (verb), -sitawisha (causative).
encourage (verb), -sukuma.
encourage (verb), -thibitisha.
encourage (verb), -thubutisha.
encourage development (verb), -vuvumsha.
encourage growth (verb), -komaza.
encourage someone (verb), -chunuka.
encouragement (noun), usukumizi.
encouragement to increased effort (interjection), shime!. Come on now,
let's all pull together. haya shime! tusaidiane!.
encouraging (adjective), changamfu.
encrustation (noun), mjumu, pl mijumu.
encrustation (noun), njumu, pl mijumu.
encyclopedia (noun), kamusi.
be brought to an end (verb), -komeshwa ( caus-pass).
be made to come to an end (verb), -tindikiwa.
bring to an end (verb), -dhamisa.
bringing to an end (act of) (noun), ukomeshaji.
come to an end (verb), -gota.
come to an end (verb), -katika (potential).
come to an end (verb), -malizika.
come to an end (verb), -tama.
come to an end (verb), -tindika.
end (noun), aheri (9/10), pl aheri. from beginning to end, what is your
rock-bottom price?. -toka awali hata ~, (~ yako nini? or ~ yako kiasi
end (noun), akheri (9/10), pl akheri. from beginning to end, what is
your rock-bottom price?. -toka awali hata ~, (~ yako nini? or ~ yako
kiasi gani?).
end (noun), hatima (9/10), pl hatima.
end (noun), kasiri.
end (noun), kikomo (7/8), pl vikomo.
end (noun), mshuko, pl mishuko.
end (noun), mwisho (3/4), pl miisho.
end (noun), ncha (9/10). geogr. north (south) pole.. ncha ya kaskazini
end (noun), pambizo (5/6), pl mapambizo. the end of the table.. pambizo
la meza.
end (noun), pembizo (5/6), pl mapembizo. the end of the table.. pambizo
la meza.
end (noun), tako (5/6), pl matako.
end (noun), pl ends, tama (9/10), pl tama.
end (noun), ukomo (11/10), pl komo.
end (noun), utako.
end (verb), -akidi.
end (verb), -goba.
end (verb), -hitimu.
end (verb), -hitimu.
end (verb), -isha.
end (verb), -isha.
end (verb), -kamili.
end (verb), -katiza.
end (verb), -koma.
end (verb), -kwisha.
end (verb), -maliza. pay/settle a debt. maliza deni.
end (verb), -tindika.
end (apprenticeship or education) (verb), -ihtinsa.
end (of a story or performance) (noun), tamati (9/10), pl tamati.
end of story (noun), mwisho wa habari.
put an end to (verb), -ondoa. put an end to the burial ceremony.. ondoa
rare end (noun), mkomo, pl mikomo.
rare end (noun), mtindo, pl mitindo.
endanger (verb), -hatarisha.
endanger (verb), -hatirisha.
endanger (verb), -ogofisha.
endanger (verb), -ogofya.
endanger (verb), -ponza (causative). The desire to always have things
will endanger you.. tamaa ya kutakataka vitu itakuponza [Ma].
expose oneself to danger (verb), -hathari.
endeavor (noun), maelekeo, pl maelekeo.
be ended (verb), -tama.
have ended (verb), -komile.
endlessness (noun), milele (9/10). life everlasting.. maisha ya milele.
be endowed (verb), -tunukiwa.
endowment (land or money) made to a mosque (noun), wakef (9/10).
endowment (land or money) made to a mosque (noun), wakifu (9/10).
endowment (land or money) made to a mosque. (noun), wakf (9/10).
endowment (land or money) made to a mosque. (noun), wakfu (9/10).
fig. endowment (noun), kipaji, pl vipaji.
endurance (noun), imara.
endurance (noun), itikadi.
endurance (noun), subira (9/10), pl subira.
endurance (noun), subiri (9/10), pl subiri. endurance pulls good luck.
saburi yavuta heri..
endurance (noun), uhodari.
endurance (noun), ulabibu.
endurance (noun), ushupavu.
endurance (noun), ustahimili.
endurance (noun), ustahimilivu (14), pl ustahimilivu.
endure (verb), -chukua. endure hardships. chukua taabu.
endure (verb), -dumu.
endure (verb), -himili.
endure (verb), -kaa.
endure (verb), -shinda. endure pain. kushinda maumivu.
endure (verb), -stahamili.
endure (verb), -stahimili.
endure (verb), -tikiza.
endure (verb), -vumilia.
endure (verb), -weza.
one who can endure great hardship (noun), sui (9/10an), pl sui.
be enemies (verb), -tetana.
enemity (noun), magombezi.
enemity (noun), magombezo.
enemy (noun), adui (5/6an), pl maadui.
enemy (noun), hasidi, pl mahasidi.
energetic (adjective), epesi.
energetic (adjective), hodari.
energetic (adjective), hodari.
energetic person (noun), mshupavu, pl washupavu.
energetic person (noun), mtendaji, pl watendaji. hard worker. mtendaji
do something energetically (verb), -charaza.
energetically (adverb), kasi.
energetically (adverb), kwa nguvu. energetically. kwa nguvu.
energetically (adverb), vimoto.
energy (noun), bidii (9/10), pl bidii.
energy (noun), hima.
energy (noun), hima.
energy (noun), kani.
energy (noun), kasi.
energy (noun), moto.
energy (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu. electric energy. nguvu ya umeme.
energy (noun), nishati (9/10), pl nishati.
energy (noun), sulubu (9/10), pl sulubu. digging charcoal is a very
energetic work. kazi ya kuchimba makaa ni ya sulubu sana [Rec].
energy (noun), uhodari.
energy (noun), ushupavu.
energy (noun), utendaji.
energy (noun), utendi.
energy (noun), utenzi.
energy (noun), uweza.
energy (noun), uwezo.
energy (noun), uzima.
energy (noun), zihi (9).
enervation (noun), ulegeo.
enervation (noun), ulegevu.
enforce (verb), -pulikiza.
enforce (verb), -sisitiza.
bring about an engagement (verb), -chumbisha.
engage (verb), -ajiri.
engage (for marriage) (verb), -posa. Ali got engaged yesterday. Ali
aliposa jana.
engage in (verb), -shughulisha.
be engaged (verb), -shughulika.
be engaged (of a girl) (verb), -chumbishwa.
engagement (noun), jitihada (9/10), pl jitihada.
engagement (noun), mpambano (3/4), pl mipambano.
engagement (noun), pigano (5/6), pl mapigano.
engagement (noun), pl engagements, shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
engagement (noun), uchumba (14).
mil. engagement (noun), mpambano, pl mipambano.
engender (verb), -zalisha.
engine (noun), enchini. steam engine. enchini ya moshi.
engine (noun), enjine. steam engine. enjine ya moshi.
engine (noun), injini (9/10), pl injini.
engine (noun), injini.
engine (noun), mashine. mechanical. kwa kutumia mashine.
engine (noun), mashini. mechanical. kwa kutumia mashine.
engine (noun), mtambo, pl mitambo.
engineer (noun), injinia.
engineer (noun), mhandisi (1/2), pl wahandisi.
engineering (noun), uhandisi (14).
engineering (noun), uinjinia.
England (noun), Uingereza (17).
English (adjective), -ingereza.
English (noun), Kiingereza.
English (noun), Ung'eng'e (14).
Englishperson (noun), Mwingereza (1/2), pl Waingereza.
engrave (verb), -chora.
engraver (noun), mchoraji, pl wachoraji.
engraver (noun), mjume (1/2), pl wajume.
engraving (noun), choro.
engraving (noun), mchoro (3/4), pl michoro.
engraving (noun), nakishi.
engraving (noun), nakshi (9/10), pl nakshi.
be engrossed (verb), -zua.
be engrossed in something (verb), -ziua.
enhance (verb), -koleza (causative).
enhancement (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
enhancement (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
enhancement (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
enigma (noun), fumbo (5/6), pl mafumbo.
enigma (noun), tambo (5/6), pl matambo.
enjoy (verb), -furahia (applicative).
enjoy (oneself) (verb), -faidi.
enjoy oneself (verb), -chachawa.
enjoy oneself (verb), -furahi.
enjoy oneself (verb), -ramisi.
enjoy oneself (verb), -tafaraji.
enjoy oneself (verb), -tafaruji.
enjoy the first fruits (verb), -limbuka.
like to do something (verb), -biabia.
anticipated enjoyment (noun), limbuko, pl malimbuko, milimbuko.
anticipated enjoyment (noun), mlimbuko, pl malimbuko, milimbuko.
enjoyment (noun), raha (9/10), pl raha. find enjoyment.. ona raha.
enjoyment (noun), starehe (9/10), pl starehe.
enjoyment (noun), tafrija (9/10), pl tafrija.
enjoyment (noun), tafriji (9/10), pl tafriji.
enjoyment (after anticipation) (noun), mlimbuko (3/4), pl milimbuko.
enlarge (verb), -kuza.
enlarge (verb), -ongeza.
enlarge (verb), -tanua.
enlarge (verb), -endeleza.
enlarge (verb), -linganisha kuza.
enlarge (a photograph) (verb), -kulia (applicative). a regular thief.
enlarge a hole (verb), -teketa.
be enlarged (verb), -ongezeka (potential).
enlargement (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
enlargement (noun), makuzaji (6).
enlargement (noun), mkuzo (3/4), pl mikuzo.
enlargement (noun), ongezeko (5/6), pl maongezeko. This organization is
spread over the entire country.. chama hiki kinaongezeka katika nchi
enlargement (noun), ongezo (5/6), pl maongezo. This organization is
spread over the entire country.. chama hiki kinaongezeka katika nchi
enlargement (noun), ukuzaji (14).
enlargement (noun), uvimbe.
be enlightened (verb), -erevuka.
enlighten (verb), -erevusha.
be enlightened (verb), -changamuka.
be enlightened (verb), -zagawa.
enlightened (adjective), ekevu.
enlightened (adjective), elekevu.
enlightened person (noun), mwanga, pl waanga.
enlightenment (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza. receive enlightenment..
pata [shikwa na] mwangaza.
enlist (verb), -ajiri.
enliven (verb), -changamsha.
enliven (verb), -kalamsha.
enlivening (adjective), changamfu.
enmity (noun), adawa (9/10), pl adawa.
enmity (noun), husuma.
enmity (noun), sabasi (9/10), pl sabasi.
enmity (noun), uadui (14), pl uadui.
enmity (noun), uhasama (14).
enmity (noun), uhusuma.
ennui (noun), uchokezi.
ennui (noun), uchovu.
be enough (verb), -kola.
be enough (verb), -kora.
be enough (verb), -tosha.
enough (adjective), basi.
enough (adjective), maridhawa.
enough (adjective), taslimu.
enough (noun), kefu (9/10), pl kefu.
enough (noun), kutosha.
enough (verb), -kifu.
have enough (verb), -kinai.
have enough (verb), -tosheka (potential).
more than enough (adverb), mno.
enrage (verb), -chocheleza.
enraged (adjective), kwa meno ya juu.
be enraptured (verb), -sangaa.
be enraptured (verb), -shangaa.
enrich (verb), -tajirisha (causative).
enrich oneself (verb), -jitajarisha (reflexive).
enrichment (noun), mapato.
enrichment (noun), pato (5/6), pl mapato.
enrichment (noun), upato, pl pato.
enroll (verb), -andika.
ensnare (verb), -tega.
be ensnared (verb), -tegwa.
one who ensnares (noun), mtega, pl watega.
one who ensnares (noun), mtegaji, pl wategaji.
ensue (verb), -fuatana. numbers in sequence. Namba zinazofuatana..
be entangled (verb), -pindamana.
be entangled (verb), -tatana.
entanglement (noun), pl entanglements, mtatizo (3/4), pl mitatizo.
entanglement (noun), pl entanglements, tatizo (5/6), pl matatizo.
ask permission to enter (verb), -bisha hodi.
enter (verb), -andika.
enter (verb), -ingia.
enter (verb), -ingia.
enter (verb), -karibu.
enter (verb), -penya. enter under the hole. Penya hapo chini ya pango.
enter a place (with much noise and confusion) (verb), -tokomea.
enter for (verb), -ingilia.
enter through (verb), -ingilia.
enter with a purpose (verb), -ingilia.
enter with much noise and confusion (verb), -yoyomea.
enter without authorization (verb), -rukudhu.
make enter (verb), -ingiza.
permit to enter (verb), -ingiza.
be entered (verb), -ingiwa.
pl. enterprise(s) (noun), kiwanda, pl viwanda.
enterprising person (noun), mtendaji, pl watendaji. hard worker..
mtendaji kazi.
be entertained (verb), -burudika.
entertain (verb), -furahisha.
entertain (verb), -kirimu.
entertain (verb), -starehesha.
entertain (with music) (verb), -tumbuiza.
entertaining person (noun), mcheshi (1/2), pl wacheshi.
entertainment (noun), changamko, pl machangamko.
entertainment (noun), kichekesho, pl vichekesho.
entertainment (noun), mandari.
entertainment (noun), mchezo, pl michezo. he does this only for the fun
of it.. anafanya haya kwa mchezo tu [Rec].
entertainment (noun), raha (9/10), pl raha. find entertainment. ona
entertainment (noun), tafrija (9/10), pl tafrija.
entertainment (noun), tafriji (9/10), pl tafriji.
entertainment (noun), tamasha (9/10), pl tamasha.
entertainment (noun), uhondo (14).
entertainment (noun), vitumbuizo.
entertainment allowance (noun), posho ya tafrija (9/10), pl posho za
tafrija. All the workers were paid entertainment allowance. Wafanya kazi
wote walilipwa posho ya tafrija.
place of entertainment (noun), ramsa (9/10), pl ramsa.
be filled with enthusiasm (verb), -sangaa.
be filled with enthusiasm (verb), -shangaa. the father was filled with
enthusiasm to see that his child had won in the examination. Baba
alishangaa kuona mwanawe ameshinda mtihani.
enthusiasm (adjective), harara.
enthusiasm (noun), idili.
enthusiasm (noun), shauku (9/10), pl shauku. in his/her enthusiasm to
see his/her aims im sports becoming a reality. katika shauku zake za
kuyaona matumaini yake katika michezo yakianza kuwa [Muk].
fill someone with enthusiasm (verb), -shibisha.
make demonstrations of enthusiasm (verb), -shangilia. "Looooh, viva,
viva!" (s)he demonstrated with enthusiasm. "Looooh, viva! viva!"
alishangilia kwa furaha [Muk], nyota zilikuwa zikiwashangilia kila siku
usiku [Kez].
enthusiast (noun), mshabiki, pl washabiki. He is an
enthusiastic/inveterate cardplayer.. mtu huyu mshabiki sana wa karata.
enthusiastic (adjective), maarufu.
be enticed (verb), -shawishiwa.
entice (verb), -alika.
entice (verb), -bilisi.
entice (verb), -shaushi.
entice (verb), -shawishi.
entice (verb), -vuta.
entice (verb), -vutia.
entice away (verb), -torosha.
enticement (noun), bilisi. he is a fanatical football fan.. ana bilisi
ya mpira.
enticement (noun), shaushi (5/6), pl mashawishi.
enticement (noun), pl enticements, shawishi (5/6), pl mashawishi.
enticement (noun), ushawishi.
entire (adjective), kila.
entire (adjective), mote. in the entire house.. nyumbani mote.
entire (adjective), mwote. in the entire house.. nyumbani mote.
entire (adjective), -zima.
entirely (adverb), mbali.
entourage (noun), mwandamano, pl miandamano.
entrails (noun), matumbo, pl matumbo.
entrails (noun), tumbo (5/6), pl matumbo.
entrails (noun), utumbo (11/6), pl tumbo.
remove entrails (of animal) (verb), -pasua.
entrance (noun), mlango, pl milango. the five senses.. milango ya
entrance (noun), uingiaji.
entrance hall (noun), baraza.
entrap (verb), -tega.
entrap (verb), -tegatega.
entreat (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
entreat (verb), -omba.
entreat (verb), -sihi.
earnest entreaty (noun), ombolezo (5/6), pl maombolezo.
entreaty (noun), lalamiko, pl malalamiko.
entreaty (noun), maombezi.
entreaty (noun), maombi.
entreaty (noun), maombo.
entreaty (noun), maomvi.
entreaty (noun), omba (5/6), pl maombi.
entreaty (noun), uombezi.
entreaty (noun), uombi.
entrust (verb), -amini.
entrust (verb), -aminisha.
entrust (verb), -salimu.
entrust (verb), -staamani.
entrust money (verb), -stakabadhi pesa.
entrust someone with something (verb), -takabadhisha (causative).
entrust someone with your money. takabadhisha fedha.
entrust to (verb), -kabidhi.
entrust with (a task or money or property) (verb), -akifia.
be entrusted with (verb), -kabidhiwa.
effect entry (verb), -ingiza.
entry (noun), mwingilio (3/4), pl miingilio.
entry (noun), uingiaji.
illicit entry (noun), mpenyezo (3/4), pl mipenyezo.
entwine (verb), -tambaa. entwined plants. mimea inayotambaa.
enunciate (verb), -tamka.
be enveloped (verb), -zongwa (passive).
envelope (noun), bahasha, pl bahasha, mabahasha.
envelope (noun), kipeto, pl vipeto.
envelope (noun), uo, pl nyuo.
be enviable (verb), -husudika (potential).
be envious (verb), -husudu.
envious (adjective), uwivu.
envious (noun), mwivu, pl waivu.
envious glance (noun), kijicho, pl vijicho.
envious person (noun), hasidi, pl mahasidi.
environment (noun), kizunguko (3/4), pl vizunguko.
environment (noun), majirani.
environment (noun), makazi.
environment (noun), mandhari (9/10), pl mandhari.
environment (noun), mastakimu (6).
environment (noun), maumbile, pl maumbile.
environment (noun), mazingira, pl mazingira.
environment (noun), mazingo, pl mazingo.
environment (noun), mzingo, pl mizingo.
environment (noun), mzunguko (3/4), pl mizunguko.
environment (noun), ulimwengu, pl malimwengu.
environment (natural) (noun), tabia (9/10), pl tabia.
environs (noun), majirani.
environs (noun), pambizo (5/6), pl mapambizo.
environs (noun), pembizo (5/6), pl mapembizo.
environs (noun), ujirani.
environs (of a town) (noun), kiunga, pl viunga.
envoy (noun), mjumbe, pl wajumbe.
envoy (noun), mpelekwa, pl wapelekwa.
envoy (noun), mtume, pl mitume.
rare envoy (noun), mtumwaji, pl watumwaji.
be envied (verb), -husudiwa.
envy (noun), hasidi.
envy (noun), husuda (9/10), pl husuda.
envy (noun), husuda.
envy (noun), kecha.
envy (noun), kijicho, pl vijicho. be envious. kuwa na kijicho.
envy (noun), ngoa (9/10), pl ngoa.
envy (noun), uhasidi.
envy (noun), uhusuda.
envy (noun), uwivu.
envy (noun), wivu (11).
envy (verb), -hasidi.
envy (verb), -husudu.
envy (verb), -husudu.
envy (slang) (noun), gere (9/10), pl gere.
epaulet (noun), purendi (5/6), pl mapurendi.
epaulets (noun), mapurendi.
epic (noun), utendi.
epic poem (noun), utenzi (11/10), pl tenzi.
epidemic (noun), baa, pl baa.
epidemic (noun), balaa, pl baa.
epidemic (noun), balia, pl baa.
epidemic (noun), kipukusa (7/8), pl vipukusa.
epidemic (noun), maradhi. cattle epidemic. maradhi ya ng'ombe.
epidemic (noun), marazi. cattle epidemic. maradhi ya ng'ombe.
epidemic (noun), tauni.
med. epidemic (noun), kipindupindu, pl vipindupindu. the chair is there
on the veranda.
epilepsy (noun), kifafa (7/8), pl vifafa.
episcopate (rel) (noun), uaskofu.
episode (noun), sinema (9/10), pl sinema. we saw an episode at the
market, two women fought. hapo sokoni tuliona sinema, wanawake wawili
walipigana [Rec].
epistle (noun), waraka.
epithet (noun), wasifu (14), pl wasifu.
epitome (noun), risala (9/10), pl risala.
epoch (noun), dahari, pl dahari.
epoch (noun), zama (9/10), pl zama.
epoch (noun), zamani.
be equal (verb), -lingana. If the votes are equal then the ballots begin
to be counted again.. Kura zikilingana basi karatasi hizo huanza
kuhesabiwa tena..
be of equal status (verb), -wiana.
equal (adjective), sawa. all people are equal. Watu wote ni sawa.
equal (noun), kifani (7/8), pl kifani.
equal (noun), kifano (7/8), pl vifano.
equal-sized thing (noun), mkeketo (3/4), pl mikeketo.
make equal (verb), -linga.
equality (noun), urari (11).
equality (noun), usawa (14).
equality (noun), uwiano (14).
be equalized (verb), -sawanyishwa.
be equalized (verb), -sawazishwa.
equalize (verb), -lingana.
equalize (verb), -fanya sawa.
equalize (verb), -sawanyisha.
equalize (verb), -sawazisha.
equally (adverb), sare.
equally (adverb), sawa. do it equally. fanya sawa.
equally (adverb), sawasawa. they divided the money equally. Waligawa
pesa sawasawa.
equals sign (noun), pl Plural alama za, alama ya usawa (9/10), pl alama
za usawa.
math. equation (noun), mlingano, pl milingano.
equator (noun), ekwata.
equator (noun), ikweta (9/10), pl ikweta.
equator (noun), ikweta.
equator (noun), istiwai.
equator (noun), kivimba, pl vivimba. strike someone in the face with the
equator (noun), kivimbo, pl vivimbo. strike someone in the face with the
equestrian (noun), farisi (9/10), pl farisi.
equilateral triangle (noun), pl equilateral triangles, pembetatu sawa
(9/10), pl pembetatu sawa.
equilibrium (noun), taraju (9/10), pl taraju.
equilibrium (noun), ulinganifu.
equilibrium (noun), ulinganyifu.
equipment (noun), kifaa (7/8), pl vifaa.
equipment (noun), kifaa, pl vifaa. equipment for washing. vifaa vya
equipment (noun), kipande, pl vipande.
equipment (noun), makolokolo.
equipment (noun), zana.
be equivalent (verb), -wafikiana.
era (noun), tarikhi (9/10), pl tarikhi.
eradicate (verb), -la.
erase oneself (verb), -jifuta.
erasing (noun), kufutwa (15).
erasure (noun), mfuto (3/4), pl mifuto.
be erect (verb), -dinda.
be erect (of the penis) (verb), -disa.
be erect (of the penis) (verb), -simamika (intransitive).
be erect (of the penis) (verb), -simika (intransitive).
be erected (verb), -simamishwa.
cause to be erected (with stone) (verb), -asha.
erect (adverb), imaima, pl viwimawima.
erect (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
erect (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
erect (verb), -jenga.
erect (verb), -simamisha.
erect (with stone) (verb), -aka.
person who carries himself erect (noun), mwima, pl waima.
state of being erect (noun), usimamao.
state of being erect (noun), wima.
erection (noun), majenzi.
erection (noun), maunzi, pl maunzi.
erection (noun), ujengaji, pl majengaji.
erection (noun), ujenzi, pl majenzi.
have an erection (verb), -simamika (intransitive).
have an erection (verb), -simika (intransitive).
phy. erection (noun), msimiko, pl misimiko.
be eroded (verb), -momonyoka.
be eroded (of a road) (verb), -chimbika (potential).
be eroded (verb), -mumunyika.
erosion (noun), mmomonyoko (3/4), pl mimomonyoko.
erotic (of adult) (noun), pl erotic people, mtiriri (1/2), pl watiriri.
erotic person (noun), pl erotic people, mshongo (1/2), pl washongo.
err (verb), -kosa.
errand (noun), tume.
errand (noun), utume (14).
errand (noun), utumwa (14).
errand boy (noun), ofisiboi (5/6an), pl maofisiboi.
errand-boy (noun), uboi.
run errands (verb), -hemera.
erroneous (adjective), kosefu.
error (noun), pl Rech only has 1/2 the cross-reference, atia.
error (noun), dosari.
error (noun), hatia.
error (noun), kosa (5/6), pl makosa.
error (noun), kosa, pl makosa. "High court, Court of Appeal; Supreme
Court".. tia kosani.
error (noun), ukosa.
error (noun), ukosefu.
error (noun), ukosekanaji.
error (noun), ukosekano.
make a slight error (verb), -kosea (applicative).
typographical error (noun), tego, pl matego.
typographical error (noun), tegu, pl mategu.
med. skin erruption (applied chiefly to a symptom of leprosy) (noun),
kipwepwe, pl vipwepwe.
eructation (noun), kiungulia, pl viungulia.
erudition (noun), maarifa, pl maarifa.
eruption (noun), balasi, pl balasi.
eruption (noun), barasi.
skin eruption (noun), upele, pl pele.
erythema (noun), harara.
escapade (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee.
cause to escape (verb), -ambaza.
escape (verb), -ambaa. They escaped from danger. waliambaa hatari.
escape (verb), -churupuka.
escape (verb), -gandua.
escape (verb), -kimbia.
escape (verb), -toroka.
escape (verb), -toroka.
escape (verb), -vuka.
escape (unexpectedly) (verb), -ponyoka. "make a slip of the tongue, say
the wrong thing".. ponyoka maneno.
escape (used in negative) (noun), budi (9/10), pl budi.
escape the attention (verb), -tupika.
escape without injury (verb), -pona.
get oneself out of a difficult situation (verb), -okoza.
have a lucky escape (noun), futahi.
have no escape (verb), -wa na hila.
escapee (noun), pl escapees, mtoro (1/2), pl watoro.
escarpment (noun), ngome (9/10), pl ngome.
escort (noun), pl mus. melody, mafuatano.
escort (noun), ufuasi.
escort (verb), -adi.
escort (verb), -chanjari.
escort (verb), -fikisha.
escort (verb), -chanjari.
escort (verb), -peleka.
escort (verb), -sanjari.
escort (verb), -shanjari.
escort (verb), -sindikiza.
escort (verb), -takadamu.
escort (for protection) (noun), mshindikizo, pl mishindikizo.
escort a guest to the door or along the return journey (verb), -
shindikiza. the escorting of visitors started at 7.30. Shindikizo la
wageni lilianza saa moja asubuhi.
escorting (noun), sindikizo (5/6), pl masindikizo.
escorting (a departing guest) (noun), shindikizo (5/6), pl mashindikizo.
esophagus (noun), koromeo, pl makoromeo.
rare esophagus (noun), umio, pl mio.
especially (adjective), hususa.
especially (adverb), espesheli.
especially (adverb), hasa.
especially (adverb), hasa.
especially (adverb), haswa.
especially (adverb), hususa.
especially (adverb), hususan.
especially (adverb), mahsusi. Exhibitors came especially to do charity
exhibitions.. Waonyeshaji walikuja mahsusi kufanya maonyesho [Masomo
especially (adverb), mno.
especially (adverb), muhimu.
espionage (noun), upelelezi.
by means of an essay (adverb), kiinsha.
essay (noun), insha (9/10), pl insha.
essay (noun), insha.
essay (noun), kijitabu, pl vijitabu.
essay (noun), makara.
essay (noun), utungo.
essence (noun), arki (9/10), pl arki.
essence (noun), asili, pl asili.
essence (noun), dhati (9/10), pl dhati.
essence (noun), isimu.
essence (noun), kiini (7/8), pl viini.
essence (noun), undani (14).
essence (of a thing) (noun), msingi, pl misingi.
essence (of a thing) (noun), msinji, pl misinji.
essence (of a thing) (noun), mzingi, pl mizingi.
vital essence (noun), nafsi.
establish (verb), -anzilisha.
establish (verb), -anziliza.
establish (verb), -asisiwa.
establish (verb), -egamesha.
establish (verb), -egameza.
establish (verb), -egamisha.
establish (verb), -egemiza.
establish (verb), -imarisha.
establish (verb), -imarisha.
establish (verb), -simamika (intransitive).
establish (verb), -simika (intransitive).
establish (verb), -thibitisha.
establish (verb), -unga.
establish (verb), -weka.
establish oneself (in a certain place) (verb), -lowela.
be established (verb), -thibitika.
establishment (noun), kuanzishwa.
establishment (noun), maanzilisho, pl maanzilisho.
establishment (noun), uanzishaji.
establishment (noun), uimarisho.
estate (noun), pl estates, mtaa (3/4), pl mitaa.
esteem (noun), haya.
esteem (noun), heshima.
esteem (noun), ithibati.
esteem (noun), karama.
esteem (noun), mnyenyekeo, pl minyenyekeo.
esteem (noun), pl decks, sitaha (9/10), pl sitaha.
esteem (noun), staha (9/10), pl staha.
esteem (noun), taadhima (9/10), pl taadhima.
esteem (noun), tahayari (9).
esteem (noun), takaramu (9/10), pl takaramu.
esteem (noun), takarimu (9/10), pl takaramu.
esteem (noun), ustahiki (11).
esteem (noun), utukufu (14), pl utukufu.
esteem (verb), -heshimu.
show someone one's esteem (verb), -amkia.
show someone one's esteem (verb), -amkua.
esteemed (adjective), maalum.
esteemed (adjective), maalumu.
esteemed (adjective), maarufu.
esteemed (noun), halili.
esteemed (persons) (adjective), -azizi.
esteemed person (noun), pl esteemed people, msharifu (1/2), pl washarifu.
highly esteemed (adjective), sharifu.
highly esteemed (adjective), sherifu.
person who is esteemed (noun), mstahifu, pl wastahifu.
person who is esteemed (noun), mstahivu, pl wastahivu.
person who esteems others (noun), mstahifu, pl wastahifu.
person who esteems others (noun), mstahivu, pl wastahivu.
estimable (adjective), stahivu.
be estimated (verb), -hesabiwa.
estimate (noun), kisi (5/6), pl makisi.
estimate (noun), makisi.
estimate (noun), makisio.
estimate (noun), ukadiri.
estimate (verb), -atikali.
estimate (verb), -hesabu.
estimate (verb), -kadiri.
estimate (verb), -kadiria.
estimate (verb), -kisi.
estimate (verb), -kisi.
estimate (verb), -kisia.
estimate (verb), -kissi.
estimate (of costs) (noun), makadirio.
estimate (to charge someone) (verb), -wakifia.
estimate (usually pl.) (noun), kisio, pl makisio. lie in the shade.
form an estimate (verb), -pima.
form an estimate (of a person) (verb), -thamini.
be estimated (verb), -kadiriwa.
be estimated (verb), -kisiwa, pl visiwa.
estimation (noun), ukadiri.
estimation (noun), ukadirifu.
be estranged (verb), -farakana.
estrangement (noun), farakano (5/6), pl mafarakano.
et cetera (abbreviation), n.k. (na kadhalika).
et cetera (conjunction), na kadhalika.
etc. (abbreviation), n.k..
etc. (etcetera) (abbreviation), kwk (kadha wa kadha).
et cetera (adverb), kadha ya kadha.
et cetera (adverb), kadhalika.
eternal (adjective), -azali.
eternal (adjective), milele. life everlasting.. maisha ya milele.
eternal (adverb), daima.
eternal (adverb), kale na kale.
eternity (noun), milele (9/10). life everlasting.. maisha ya milele.
eternity (noun), umilele (14).
ethics (noun), adili (5/6), pl maadili.
Ethiopian (noun), Habeshi (5/6an), pl Mahabeshi (Wahabeshi).
Ethiopian person (noun), Habeshi (1/2), pl wahabeshi, mahabeshi.
Ethiopian person (noun), Mhabeshi (1/2), pl wahabeshi, mahabeshi.
ethnicity (noun), ukabila (14), pl ukabila.
etiquette (noun), nidhamu (9/10), pl nidhamu.
eulogist (noun), pl eulogists, msifu (1/2), pl wasifu.
condition of being a eunuch (noun), uhasi.
eunuch (noun), hasa.
eunuch (noun), mhasi, pl wahasi.
eunuch (noun), towashi (5/6), pl matowashi.
eunuch (lit.grinder of sandalwood) (noun), msagaliwa, pl wasagaliwa.
Euphorbia abyssinica (noun), mtongotongo, pl mitongotongo.
euphorbia variety (the roots are used to prepare a medicine for treating
gonorrhea) (noun), mzaanyuma, pl mizaanyuma.
Europe (noun), Ulaya (17).
Europe (noun), Uzungu.
adopt European ways (verb), -staarabika.
adopt European ways (verb), -staarabu.
collective term for any European language (noun), Kizungu.
European (noun), zungu.
European person (noun), Mzungu, pl wazungu.
in the European manner (adverb), Kizungu.
something of European manufacture (noun), ulaiti.
something of European manufacture (noun), ulayiti.
evacuate (verb), -hara.
evacuation (of the bowels) (noun), unyaji.
evade (verb), -epa.
evade (verb), -hadhari (reflexive).
evade (verb), -shariti.
evade (verb), -zungua.
evade (by trickery) (verb), -piga chenga.
evaluate (verb), -kadiri.
evaluate (verb), -kadirisha.
evaluate (verb), -thamini.
evaluate (to charge someone) (verb), -wakifia.
evaluation (noun), makadirio.
evaluation (noun), pl evaluations, tathmini (9/10), pl tathmini.
evaluation (noun), ukadiri.
evaluation (noun), ukadirifu.
evaluation (noun), upimaji.
evangelical (adjective), -a kiinjili, pl -a kiinjili.
rel.evangelist (noun), mwinjilisti, pl weinjilisti.
evaporate (verb), -nywewa.
evaporation (noun), mvuke.
evaporation (noun), uvuke.
evasion (noun), abudi (9/10), pl abudi.
evasion (noun), buddi.
evasion (noun), chenga.
evasion (noun), hoja, pl hoja; mahoja.
evasion (noun), kenyo.
evasion (noun), kimasomaso.
evasion (noun), kisababu, pl visababu.
evasion (noun), lafidhi.
evasion (noun), lafudi.
evasion (noun), lafuzi.
evasion (noun), nahau.
evasion (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee. excuses. maneno ya mapengee.
evasion (noun), teto, pl mateto.
evasion (noun), ubishi, pl mabishi.
evasion (of an answer or difficulty) (noun), utiriri.
be evasive (verb), -fanya kimasomaso.
talk evasively (verb), -tapa.
talk evasively (verb), -tapatapa.
Eve (noun), hawa.
be made even (verb), -sawanyishwa.
be made even (verb), -sawazishwa.
even (adverb), alau.
even (adverb), hata.
even (adverb), pia.
even (adverb), walao.
even (adverb), walau.
even (conjunction), walau.
even if (conjunction), hata.
even if (conjunction), ijapo.
even if (conjunction), ijapo.
even if (conjunction), ingawa.
even if (conjunction), iwapo.
even if (conjunction), japo.
even number (noun), kifuasi.
even number (noun), shufwa (9/10), pl shufwa.
make even (verb), -kuruta.
make even (verb), -oleleza.
make even (verb), -oleza.
make even (verb), -fanya sawa. (s)he made the work even. Alifanya sawa
make even (verb), -sawanyisha.
make even (verb), -sawazisha.
not even (adverb), walau.
even if (conjunction), angalao. give me food even if it is only a
little. nipe chakula ~ ni kidogo tu.
even if (conjunction), angao. give me food even if it is only a little.
nipe chakula ~ ni kidogo tu.
evening (noun), jio, pl majio.
evening (noun), jioni.
evening (noun), jioni (9/10), pl jioni.
evening (noun), kisikusiku, pl visikusiku.
evening (noun), kiusikusiku, pl visikusiku.
evening (noun), magharibi. This dance is usually danced in the evening
in the city or in the rural areas.. Ngoma hii kwa kawaida huchezwa
magharibi katika mji au mashamba msichana anayefikia hali ya kuwa mtu
mzima [Masomo 129].
evening (noun), magharibi (6).
evenness (noun), urari.
evenness (noun), usawa.
event (noun), kadhia.
event (noun), kikuti, pl vikuti.
event (noun), mkasa (3/4), pl mikasa.
event (noun), simo (9/10), pl simo.
event (noun), tokeo (5/6), pl matokeo.
event (sudden and unexpected) (noun), dharura.
event (usually sudden) (noun), tukio (5/6), pl matukio.
in all events (adverb), kulihali.
in any event (phrase), pengine na pengine.
in the event that... (conjunction), endapo.
notable event (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani. this celebration has been
more notable than the one of yesterday. karamu hii imetia shani kuliko
ile ya jana..
eventuality (noun), yamkini.
eventuality (noun), yumkini.
ever (adverb), kamwe.
ever (to have done something) (verb), -wahi.
ever and always (phrase), tangu na tangu.
for ever and ever (adverb), kale na kale.
have ever done something (verb), -wahi.
everlasting (adjective), azali.
everlasting (adverb), daima.
everlasting (adverb), kale na kale.
every (adjective), kila.
every (adjective), killa. lie (stay) awake.
every (adverb), kulla. You want every thing.. Kulla kitu mwakitaka
[Amana, Masomo 408].
every (poetic for kila) (adverb), -lla.
every time (adjective), kila mara.
everybody (adjective), kila mtu.
everyday (adverb), sikuzote.
everyday (noun), kila siku.
everyone (adjective), wote.
everywhere (adjective), momote.
everywhere (adjective), popote.
everywhere (adjective), pote. You can stay anywhere. Unaweza kukaa
everywhere (adverb), kote.
everywhere (noun), mahali pote.
everywhere (noun), pahala po pote (9/10), pl pahala.
everywhere (noun), pahali po pote (9/10), pl pahali.
eviction (noun), uhamisho.
evidence (noun), buruhahi.
evidence (noun), hakikisho (5/6), pl mahakikisho.
evidence (noun), hoja, pl hoja; mahoja.
evidence (noun), ithibati.
evidence (noun), mathubuti.
evidence (noun), mathubutu.
evidence (noun), shahada (9/10), pl shahada.
evidence (noun), shuhuda (5/6), pl mashuhuda.
evidence (noun), stashahada (9/10), pl stashahada.
evidence (noun), thibitisho, pl mathibitisho.
evidence (noun), ubaini.
evidence (noun), ubaini.
evidence (noun), ubainifu.
evidence (noun), ubayana.
evidence (noun), ubayana.
evidence (noun), udhahiri.
evidence (noun), udhahirifu.
evidence (noun), udhihirifu.
evidence (noun), ushahidi.
evidence (noun), ushuhuda.
be evident (verb), -deheri.
be evident (verb), -elea.
become evident (verb), -dhihirika (potential).
evident (adjective), -bainifu.
evident (adjective), bayana.
evident (adjective), dhahiri. It is evident then that a poet is an
expert in language.. Ni dhahiri basi kuwa mshairi ni bingwa wa lugha
[Masomo 394].
evident (adjective), mbayana.
evident (adverb), wazi.
bring evil upon someone (verb), -pagaza.
evil (adjective), -baya.
evil (adjective), shari. an evil child. mtoto mshari.
evil (adjective), wi.
evil (noun), baa (5/6), pl baa.
evil (noun), balaa, pl baa.
evil (noun), balia, pl baa.
evil (noun), maovu.
evil (noun), pl evils, ovu (5/6), pl maovu.
evil (noun), ubaya (14), pl ubaya.
evil (noun), uovu (11/6), pl maovu.
evil genius (noun), afiriti (9/10an), pl afiriti.
evil genius (noun), afriti (5/6an), pl afriti.
evil person (noun), fisadi (5/6an), pl mafisadi.
evil person (noun), mwovu.
evil spirit (noun), pepo mbaya (9). evil spirit. pepo punda.
evil spirit (noun), pepo punda (9). evil spirit. pepo punda.
evil spirit (noun), pl evil spirits, shetani (5/6an), pl mashetani.
(s)he was seized by the evil spirit. Alipatikana na shetani.
evil-minded person (noun), mkorofi (1/2), pl wakorofi.
fall upon evil days (verb), -tabakwa.
remove the roots of an evil (phrase), -ng'oa mzizi wa fitina. remove the
tooth. ng'oa jino.
something burned in order to drive out an evil spirit (noun), mafusho.
evil action (noun), tadi (9/10), pl tadi.
evil spirit (noun), dungumaro.
evil-minded (adjective), -korofi.
evil-minded man (noun), pl evil-minded men, mshari (1/2), pl washari.
eviscerate (verb), -pasua.
eviscerate (verb), -tumbua.
be exact (verb), -sadifu.
exact (adjective), halisi.
exact (adjective), kamili.
exact (adjective), sadifu.
exact (adjective), sawa.
exact (adverb), dhahiri.
exacting person (noun), mchaguzi, pl wachaguzi.
exaction (noun), hongo, pl mahongo.
exaction (noun), ulipizi, pl malipizi.
exactly (adjective), barabara.
exactly (adjective), kabisa.
exactly (adjective), -kamilifu.
exactly (adverb), dike.
exactly (adverb), hasa.
exactly (adverb), hususa.
exactly (adverb), sawa. do it exactly. fanya sawa.
exactly (adverb), sawasawa.
exactly (adverb), dike.
exactly (adverb), tike.
exactly (adverb), tokea hapo.
exaggerate (verb), -pyora.
exaggerate (verb), -tunisha.
one who exaggerates (noun), mpyoro, pl wapyoro.
exaggeration (noun), makeke.
exaggeration (noun), mapyoro.
exaggeration (noun), shabaki (9/10), pl shabaki. to him/her every word
is an exeggeration. kila neno kwake ni shabaki..
exaggeration (noun), shabuka (9/10), pl shabuka. for him/her every word
is an exaggeration. kila neno kwake ni shabuka..
exaggeration (noun), uvimbe.
exalt (verb), -adhimisha (causative).
exalt (verb), -adhimu.
exalt (verb), -aenzi.
exalt (verb), -enzi.
exalt (verb), -ezi.
exalt (verb), -kuza.
exalt (verb), -sifu.
exalt (verb), -tukuza.
be exalted (verb), -sifika.
be exalted (verb), -sifiwa.
be exalted (verb), -taa. God be exalted. Allah taala.
be exalted (verb), -taadhimika.
be exalted (verb), -taala. God be exalted. Allah taala.
sampletest6 (prefix), sampletest6. this is not a valid dictionary entry.
cross-examination (noun), malumbano (6).
examination (noun), maangalio, pl maangalio.
examination (noun), mkaguo, pl mikaguo. inspection of a school.. mkaguo
wa skuli.
examination (noun), pl examinations, mtihani (3/4), pl mitihani.
examination (noun), ukaguzi.
be examined (verb), -sailiwa. the thief was examined by the police.
Mwivi alisailiwa na polisi.
cause to examine (verb), -ausha.
cause to examine (verb), -auza.
examine (noun), hoja.
examine (verb), -aua.
examine (verb), -chuja.
examine (verb), -chunguza.
examine (verb), -fikiri.
examine (verb), -hoji.
examine (verb), -kagua.
examine (verb), -kagua.
examine (verb), -kumunta.
examine (verb), -kung'uta.
examine (verb), -onja.
examine (verb), -pima.
examine (verb), -saili.
examine (verb), -tafakari.
examine (verb), -taili. (s)he has gone on a journey to examine (visit)
the country. ameenda kwenye safari ya kutalii nchi.
examine (verb), -talii.
examine (verb), -tazama.
examine (verb), -vumbua.
examine (verb), -zumbua.
examine (surreptitiously) (verb), -peleleza.
examine for (verb), -pimia (applicative). They have told me to demolish
and vacate to a new site they will measure for me. wameniambia nikibomoe
nihamie kwenye kiwanja kipya watakachonipimia [Kez].
examiner (noun), mtahini, pl watahini.
e.g. (conjunction), k.m.. "for example". abbr. of "kwa mfano".
example (noun), kilingo, pl vilingo.
example (noun), kiolezo, pl violezo.
example (noun), mfano (3/4), pl mifano.
example (noun), namna, pl namna.
example (noun), sampuli (9/10), pl sampuli.
for example (adverb), masalan.
for example (conjunction), k.m..
sampletest4 (prefix), sampletest4. this is not a valid dictionary entry.
take as an example (verb), -fuata mfano.
be exasperated (verb), -vurugika.
exasperate (verb), -ghadhabisha.
exasperate (verb), -korofisha (causative).
exasperate (verb), -pekecha.
exasperate (verb), -peketa.
exasperate (verb), -vuruga.
exasperate each other (verb), -bimbirizana.
one who is exasperated (noun), msumbufu, pl wasumbufu.
exasperation (noun), nyege (9/10), pl nyege.
exasperation (noun), unyege.
exasperation (noun), unyege.
one who causes exasperation in others. (noun), msumbufu, pl wasumbufu.
excavate (verb), -chimba.
excavation (noun), chimbo, pl machimbo.
excavation (noun), chimbuko, pl machimbuko.
excavation (noun), fuko (5/6), pl mafuko.
excavation (noun), fukuo (5/6), pl mafukuo.
excavation (noun), shimo (5/6), pl mashimo.
excavator (noun), mchimbuzi, pl wachimbaji. "miner, mine worker"..
mchimbaji wa madini , mchimbaji dhahabu.
excavator (noun), mchimbaji (1/2), pl wachimbaji.
exceed (verb), -pindukia ( appl-poten). things accelerated if I did not
exceed. mambo yalizidi kama si kupindukia [Moh].
exceed (verb), -pita.
exceed (verb), -zidi.
exceed (verb), -zidisha.
exceed a limit (verb), -ruka mpaka. go beyond bounds.. ruka mpaka.
cause to excel (verb), -shindisha.
cause to excel (verb), -shindiza.
excel (verb), -kulula.
excel (verb), -piku. He surpasses me in mathematics but I beat him in
geography.. ananishinda kwa masomo ya hesabu, lakini na mimi kwa somo la
jiografia nimempiku.
excel (verb), -pita. This book excels that one.. kitabu hiki ni kizuri
kupita kile.
excel (verb), -shinda.
excellence (noun), ubora (14).
excellence (noun), ubora.
excellence (noun), uhodari (14), pl uhodari.
excellence (noun), usharifu.
excellence (noun), wema.
title excellency (noun), mheshimiwa, pl waheshimiwa.
Your Excellency (term of respect used in addressing persons of high rank)
(noun), pl Your Excellencies, hababi (5/6), pl mahababi.
excellent (adjective), aali.
excellent (adjective), bora.
excellent (adjective), sharifu.
excellent (adjective), sherifu.
excellent (adjective), zuri.
excellent person (noun), mteule, pl wateule.
excellently (adverb), fathali.
heap of excrement (noun), kimba, pl vimba.
except (adverb), kasoro.
except (conjunction), baghairi.
except (conjunction), bighairi.
except (conjunction), ela.
except (conjunction), ila.
except (conjunction), ila.
except (conjunction), isipokuwa.
except (conjunction), minghairi.
except (preposition), ghairi ya-.
except (preposition), isipokuwa.
except (preposition), minajili.
exception (noun), hitilafu.
with the exception of (preposition), isipokuwa.
without exception (adverb), pia.
exceptional person (noun), gebali (5/6), pl magebali.
exceptional person (noun), jabali, pl majabali.
excerpt (noun), dondo, pl madondo.
excerpt (noun), dondoo, pl madondoo.
excess (noun), asharati.
excess (noun), asherati.
excess (noun), hasharati.
excess (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
excess (noun), mbobo.
excess (noun), shabaki (9/10), pl shabaki. to him/her, every word is an
excess. kila neno kwake ni shabaki..
excess (noun), shabuka (9/10), pl shabuka. for him/her every word is an
excess. kila neno kwake ni shabuka..
in excess (adverb), zaidi.
excessive (adjective), dubwana.
excessively (adverb), kupukupu.
excessively (adverb), ovyo.
excessively (Sometimes used in conjunction with other words of similar
senses) (adverb), mno.
exchange rate (noun), sarafu (9/10), pl sarafu. the exchange rate of the
dollar is high in the market. Sarafu ya dola iko juu katika soko la
exchange (noun), badili, pl mabadili.
exchange (noun), chenji.
exchange (noun), ubadili, pl mabadili.
exchange (noun), ubadilifu, pl mabadilifu.
exchange (noun), ubadiliko, pl mabadiliko.
exchange (verb), -badili.
exchange (verb), -badilisha.
exchange (verb), -geuza.
exchange (verb), -hawili.
exchange (verb), -pana.
exchange (verb), -pashana.
exchange (for) (verb), -badili (kwa).
exchange greetings (verb), -peana.
exchange money (verb), -sarifu.
exchange money (verb), -serifu. I wanted an exchange of dollars one
hundred. Nahitaji serifu ya dola mia.
exchange rate (noun), sarifa (9/10), pl sarifa.
exchange rate (noun), sarifu (9/10), pl sarifu.
exchange rate (noun), sarufu (9/10), pl sarufu.
exchange words in a lively manner (verb), -daka maneno.
exchange for (verb), pl intensive trans OK?, -badilia.
exchangeable (adjective), -badilifu.
exchequer (noun), hazina (9/10), pl hazina.
excitability (noun), utukutu.
be excitable (verb), -tukutika.
be excited (verb), -kukurika.
be excited (verb), -taharuki. Shangwe now got excited and realized that
all this time he was doing the wrong thing. Shangwe sasa alitaharuki,
akagundua kuwa muda wote huu alikuwa akifanya makosa [Muk].
be excited (verb), -vurugika.
become excited (verb), -fura.
excite (verb), -chachafya (causative).
excite (verb), -chafua.
excite (verb), -chochea (applicative).
excite (verb), -chocheleza.
excite (verb), -chokoza (causative).
excite (verb), -choma.
excite (verb), -korofisha (causative).
excite (verb), -sisimsha (causative).
excite (verb), -sisimusha (causative).
excite (verb), -tibua.
excite (verb), -tikisa.
excite (verb), -vumbilia.
excite (verb), -vuruga.
excite (verb), -vurugavuruga.
excite (verb), -vuruma.
one who excites (noun), mchochezi, pl wachochezi. warmonger.. mchochezi
wa vita [Rec].
be excited (verb), -angaika.
be excited (verb), -chaga.
be excited (verb), -hamanika.
be excited (verb), -hangaika.
be excited (verb), -sisimka (intransitive).
be excited (verb), -sisimua.
be excited (verb), -taharaki.
be excited (sexually) (verb), -nyewa.
be in excited state (verb), -titimka.
become excited (verb), -potea akili.
excited (adjective), haraka.
fig. be excited (verb), -waka.
get excited (verb), -tutuka.
get excited (verb), -tutuma.
get excited (verb), -tutumka.
excitedly (adverb), vimoto.
talk excitedly (verb), -sema vimoto.
cause excitement (verb), -tukutiza.
excitement (noun), chachari, pl machachari.
excitement (noun), dukuduku.
excitement (noun), fadhaa.
excitement (noun), fazaa.
excitement (noun), ghamidha (9/10), pl ghamidha.
excitement (noun), ghasia.
excitement (noun), hamasa (9/10), pl hamasa.
excitement (noun), hangaiko (5/6), pl mahangaiko.
excitement (noun), haraka.
excitement (noun), harakati (9/10), pl harakati.
excitement (noun), kiherehere, pl viherehere.
excitement (noun), kukuru.
excitement (noun), machugachuga, pl machugachuga.
excitement (noun), makeke.
excitement (noun), masuko (6).
excitement (noun), masukosuko, pl masukosuko.
excitement (noun), mauja.
excitement (noun), mori (9/10), pl mori.
excitement (noun), mpekecho, pl mipekecho.
excitement (noun), mpeketo, pl mipeketo.
excitement (noun), muuya.
excitement (noun), mwuja, pl miuja.
excitement (noun), papo (5/6), pl mapapo.
excitement (noun), pirikapirika (9/10), pl pirikapirika.
excitement (noun), shonga (5/6), pl mashonga.
excitement (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
excitement (noun), sononeko (5/6), pl masononeko.
excitement (noun), tukutiko, pl matukutiko.
excitement (noun), tukuto, pl matukuto.
excitement (noun), usumbufu.
excitement (noun), virugu.
excitement (noun), vuguvugu (5).
excitement (noun), wimbi, pl mawimbi.
excitement (phrase), pumzi moto. With ferocity and excitement taking
pressure on him. mori na pumzi moto zikimwenda [Moh].
fig. excitement (noun), kishindo, pl vishindo.
nervous excitement (noun), tukutiko (5/6), pl matukutiko.
exciting (adjective), -a kusisimua.
utter an exclamation of surprise (verb), -maka.
exclamation (noun), mdukuo (3/4), pl midukuo.
exclamation mark (noun), alama ya kushangaa (9/10), pl alama za
exclusive (preposition), ghairi ya-.
exclusively (adverb), baghairi.
excommunicate (verb), -harimisha.
excommunicate (verb), -tenga.
exorcizing (act of) (noun), zinguo, pl mazinguo.
exorcizing (act of) (noun), zunguo, pl mazunguo.
excrement (noun), kinyaa (7/8), pl vinyaa.
excrement (noun), kinyesi (7/8), pl vinyesi.
excrement (noun), kinyezi (7/8), pl vinyesi.
excrement (noun), mavi (6).
excrement (noun), mavi, pl mavi. The bad part of the past is forgotten.
(lit. : the offal of the past does not smell). mavi ya kale hayanuki.
excrement (noun), nyesi (9/10), pl nyesi.
excrement (noun), unyaa.
excrement (noun), unyesi, pl manyesi, kinyesi.
excrement (noun), unyezi, pl manyezi, kinyesi.
excreta (noun), nyesi (9/10), pl nyesi.
excretion (noun), belaghami.
excretion (noun), belghamu.
excretion (noun), unyesi (11).
excretion (noun), unyezi, pl manyezi, kinyesi.
excretion (under the foreskin) (noun), pumba (9/10), pl pumba.
exculpate (verb), -burai.
excursion (noun), maneva. We are going on an excursion. tunakwenda
be excusable (verb), -achilika.
excuse (noun), chenga.
excuse (noun), kenyo.
excuse (noun), kimasomaso.
excuse (noun), kisababu, pl visababu.
excuse (noun), kisingizio (7/8), pl visingizio.
excuse (noun), lafidhi.
excuse (noun), lafudi.
excuse (noun), lafuzi.
excuse (noun), nahau.
excuse (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee. excuses. maneno ya mapengee.
excuse (noun), teto, pl mateto.
excuse (noun), ubishi, pl mabishi.
excuse (noun), udhuru (14).
excuse (trumped up) (noun), hoja, pl hoja; mahoja.
excuse it (used in apology for a vulgar word or expression) (verb),
ashakum (conjugated).
Excuse me (interjection), kunradhi.
excuse me (interjection), samahani. excuse me for not seeing you.
Samahani kwa kutokuona.
excuse me (pronoun), kumradhi.
make excuses (verb), -epa.
make excuses (verb), -shariti.
make excuses (verb), -tapa.
make excuses (verb), -tapatapa.
make excuses (for not doing the work at hand) (verb), -jishughulisha
Excuse me! (interjection), pole.
make excuses (verb), -dapa.
make excuses (verb), -fanya kimasomaso.
make excuses (verb), -jishughulisha.
execrate (verb), -hizi.
execrate (verb), -stihizai.
execrate (verb), -stihizaya.
execute (verb), -tekeleza (causative).
execute (verb), -tekeleza.
execute (a contract or judgement) (verb), -timiliza.
execute (laws etc.) (verb), -jirisha.
execution (noun), ufanyaji.
execution (noun), utengevu.
execution (noun), utimilifu.
executioner (noun), mchinja, pl wachinja.
executioner (noun), mchinjaji, pl wachinjaji.
executioner (noun), mnyongaji, pl wanyongaji.
executive (noun), mtendaji (1/2), pl watendaji.
executor (noun), mfanya, pl wafanya.
executor (noun), mfanyi, pl wafanyi.
executor (noun), mrithisha, pl warithisha.
executor (noun), mrithishi, pl warithishi.
executor (noun), pl executors, mtekelezaji (1/2), pl watekelezaji.
executor (of a will) (noun), wasii, pl mawasii.
lead an exemplary life (verb), -tawa.
exemption (noun), buraa.
exercise (noun), mazoezi, pl mazoezi.
exercise (noun), mazoezo, pl mazoezo.
exercise (noun), zoezi (5/6), pl mazoezi.
exercise book (noun), daftari, pl madaftari.
exercise book (noun), deftari.
exercize (noun), zoea, pl mazoea.
do with great exertion (verb), -kusuru.
exert energy (verb), -kaza.
exert energy (verb), -kazana (reciprocal).
exert oneself (noun), ujitahidi.
exert oneself (verb), -goda.
exert oneself (verb), -jibidiisha.
exert oneself (verb), -jitahidi.
exert oneself (verb), -kakamia.
exert oneself (verb), -kaza.
exert oneself (verb), -tahidi.
exertion (noun), bidii.
exertion (noun), chadi, pl machadi.
exertion (noun), ghaidhi (9/10), pl ghaidhi.
exertion (noun), idili.
exertion (noun), jadi (9/10), pl jadi.
exertion (noun), jadi, pl majadi.
exertion (noun), jitahidi, pl majitihadi.
exertion (noun), juhudi.
exertion (noun), kasi.
exertion (noun), kite (7).
exertion (noun), majadi.
exertion (noun), mbano (3/4), pl mibano.
exertion (noun), moto. hard/taxing work.. kazi moto.
exertion (noun), nishati (9/10), pl nishati.
exertion (noun), sulubu (9/10), pl sulubu. digging charcoal is a work of
much exertion. kazi ya kuchimba makaa ni ya sulubu sana [Rec].
exertion (noun), ujitahidi.
make great exertions (verb), -kakamuka ( intr-inver).
exfoliate (verb), -jipapatua.
exhalation (noun), fukuto (5/6), pl mafukuto.
exhalation (noun), ufukuto.
exhalation (noun), uvukuto.
exhalation (noun), vukuto, pl mavukuto.
exhale (verb), -shusha pumzi.
exhale (verb), -toa pumzi.
exhale (verb), -shusha pumuzi. work the entire day without a rest..
fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
exhale (verb), -shusha pumzi. work the entire day without a rest..
fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
exhale (verb), -toa pumuzi. work the entire day without a rest.. fanya
kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
exhale (verb), -toa pumzi. work the entire day without a rest.. fanya
kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
be exhausted (verb), -rembuka ( conv-poten). it was exhausted with
blinking eyes. kilirembuka na macho kupekupe [Moh].
exhaust (noun), ekzosi (9/10), pl eksozi.
exhaust (verb), -chenua.
exhaust (verb), -chokesha.
exhaust (verb), -chokeza.
exhaust (verb), -chosha. These issues of yours have exhausted me. Haya
mambo yako yamenichosha [Chacha, Masomo 379].
exhaust (verb), -hafifisha.
exhaust someone's patience (verb), -nonga.
be exhausted (verb), -chakaa.
be exhausted (verb), -choka.
be exhausted (verb), -choshwa ( caus-pass).
be exhausted (verb), -ngwea.
be exhausted (verb), -sakara.
be exhausted (verb), -sakarika.
be exhausted (verb), -saujika.
be exhausted (verb), -sawajika.
be exhausted (verb), -sumbuka (intransitive).
become exhausted (from disease) (verb), -nyorora.
become exhausted (from pain) (verb), -nyotoa.
exhausted (adjective), chovu.
exhausted (adjective), dakalika.
exhausting (adjective), choshi.
exhaustion (noun), mchemuo (3/4), pl michemuo.
exhaustion (noun), uchokezi.
exhaustion (noun), uchovu.
exhaustion (noun), ulegeo.
exhaustion (noun), ulegevu.
exhaustion (noun), unyogofu.
exhaustion (noun), unyong'onyevu.
heat exhaustion (noun), ufukuto (11/6).
exhibit (verb), -onyesha.
exhibit a thief or malefactor in public (to be hissed at by the crowd)
(verb), -zinza.
exhibition (noun), maonyesho (6). charity exhibitions. maonyesho ya
kukusanya pesa za msaada [Masomo 336].
exhibition (noun), maonyesho. farming exhibitions. maonyesho ya
exhibition (noun), onyesho (5/6), pl maonyesho.
exhibition (noun), uonyesho, pl maonyesho.
exhibition (noun), wonyeshano.
exhibition (noun), wonyesho, pl maonyesho.
exhibitor (noun), mwonyeshaji (1/2), pl waonyeshaji. Among the
exhibitors there were groups from far away.. Kati ya waonyeshaji
yalikuwako makundi kutoka sehemu za mbali.
exhilarate (verb), -changamsha.
exhilaration (noun), uchangamfu.
exhortation (noun), maonevu.
exhortation (noun), onyo (5/6), pl maonyo.
exhortation (noun), uonevu, pl maonevu.
exhortation (noun), uonezi, pl maonezi.
exhortation (noun), uono, pl maono.
exhortation (noun), uonyo, pl maonyo.
solemn exhortation (noun), mawaidha (9/10), pl mawaidha.
exhortations (noun), mauidha (9/10), pl mauidha.
exhume (verb), -fukua.
exile from a country (verb), -fukuza katika nchi.
exist (verb), -aishi.
exist (verb), -ishi.
exist (verb), -kaa.
exist (verb), -pona.
exist (verb), -wa.
existant (adjective), hai.
existence (noun), uhai.
existence (noun), uzima.
exorbitantly (adverb), chadi.
exorbitantly (adverb), jadi.
exorcise (verb), -zingua.
exorcise a spirit (verb), -lema.
exorcise a spirit (verb), -punga pepo.
exorcise a spirit (verb), -toa pepo.
one who is exorcised (by a mganga) (noun), mteja, pl wateja.
one who is exorcised (by a mganga) (noun), mteji, pl wateji.
a dance for exorcising a spirit (noun), pungwa (9/10), pl pungwa.
exorcism (noun), komoo.
exorcism (noun), zinguo (5/6), pl mazinguo.
exorcism ceremony (noun), pungo (9/10), pl pungo.
exorcism ceremony (noun), pungwa (9/10), pl pungwa.
undergo exorcism (verb), -pungwa. the patient was exorcised by the
medic. Mgonjwa alipungwa na mganga.
exorcist (noun), kaimu (5/6), pl makaimu.
exorcist (noun), kaimu, pl makaimu.
exorcize (verb), -punga.
expand (verb), -enea.
expand (verb), -ongeza.
expand (verb), -panua.
expand (verb), -tanua.
expand (verb), -vimba.
expand (something) (verb), -eneza.
be expanded (verb), -ongezeka (potential).
expansion (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
expansion (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
expansion (noun), eneo, pl maeneo.
expansion (noun), mtando, pl mitando.
expansion (noun), pl expansions, mtanuko (3/4), pl mitanuko.
expansion (noun), ongezeko (5/6), pl maongezeko.
expansion (noun), ongezo (5/6), pl maongezo.
expansion (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
expansion (noun), upanuzi (14).
expansion (noun), uvimbe.
be expected (verb), -tarajiwa. that is why a promise becomes a rare
thing and is expected to make a mark for ever. ndipo miadi inapokuwa kitu
azizi na kutarajiwa kuota imara [Moh].
be expected (verb), -tazamiwa.
be expected (verb), -tegemewa (passive).
Everyone can expect to have bad things said about him during his lifetime
(phrase), kilegesambwa.
expect (verb), -taraji. (s)he would not have expected that there would
be somebody else there at the beach. asingetaraji kama palikuwa na mtu
mwingine pale ufukweni [Moh], wanataraji kuoana siku za mbele [Ya].
expect (verb), -tarajia.
expect (verb), -tazamia.
expect (verb), -tegemea.
expect (verb), -tumai.
expect (verb), -tumaini.
not exactly what one expected (adjective), tafauti.
expectation (noun), matarajio, pl matarajio.
expectation (noun), pl expectations, taraja (5/6), pl mataraja.
expectation (noun), tegemeo (5/6), pl mategemeo.
expectation (noun), tumai, pl matumaini.
expectation (noun), tumaini (5/6), pl matumaini.
be expected to (verb), -tumainiwa.
expectorate (verb), -tema.
one who expectorates (noun), mtema, pl watema.
one who expectorates (noun), mtemi, pl watemi.
expectorating (act of) (noun), mtemo, pl mitemo.
expectoration (noun), kohoo, pl makohoo. the water has washed away the
expectoration (noun), kohozi, pl makohozi. the water has washed away the
expectoration (noun), makohoo.
expectoration (noun), makohozi.
expedient (noun), nyendo (9/10), pl nyendo. technical expedient..
nyendo ya hila.
expedient (of a difficulty) (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza.
fig. (temporary) expedient (noun), kizibo, pl vizibo.
expedite (verb), -ongoza. give a good turn to a conversation.. ongoza
expedition (noun), pl expeditions, msafara (3/4), pl misafara.
expedition (noun), safari (9/10), pl safari.
set out on an expedition (verb), -safiri.
expel (verb), -fukuza.
expel (verb), -gurisha (causative).
expel (verb), -hajirisha.
expel (verb), -hamisha.
expel (verb), -winga.
expel from a country (verb), -fukuza katika nchi.
expenditure (noun), chaji.
expenditure (noun), haraja.
expenditure (noun), masarifu.
expenditure (noun), masarifu, pl masarifu.
expenditures (noun), matumio, pl matumio.
expenditures (noun), matumizi, pl matumizi.
bear the expense of (verb), -gharimia.
expense (noun), haraja.
expenses (noun), masarifu.
live at someone else's expense (verb), -rondea.
administrative expenses (noun), gharama za uendeshaji (9/10), pl gharama
za uendeshaji.
expenses (noun), gharama (9/10), pl gharama.
expenses (noun), masarifu, pl masarifu.
be expensive (verb), -ghalika.
expensive (adjective), ghali.
experience (noun), maarifa (6).
experience (noun), mazoezi, pl mazoezi.
experience (noun), mazoezo, pl mazoezo.
experience (noun), mwonjo, pl mionjo.
experience (noun), ufarisi.
experience (noun), ujuizi.
experience (noun), ujuzi (14).
experience (noun), uzoefu (14).
experience (verb), -jaribu.
lack of experience (noun), ugeni (14).
experienced (adjective), -arifu.
experienced (adjective), farisi.
experienced (adjective), kuu.
experienced (adjective), stadi.
experienced in (adjective), zoevu.
experienced person (noun), mjuzi (1/2), pl wajuzi.
experienced person (noun), pl experts, stadi (5/6an), pl mastadi.
experiment (noun), jaribio, pl majaribio.
experiment (noun), jaribio (5/6), pl majaribio.
(recognized) expert on poetry or literature (noun), karii, pl makarii.
expert (noun), bingwa (5/6), pl mabingwa. It is clear then that a poet
is an expert in language.. Ni dhahiri basi kuwa mshairi ni bingwa wa
lugha [Masomo 394].
expert (noun), farisi (9/10), pl farisi.
expert (noun), fundi (5/6), pl mafundi.
expert (noun), fundi, pl mafundi.
expert (noun), pl experts, mstadi (1/2), pl wastadi.
expert (noun), pl experts, mtaalamu (1/2), pl wataalamu. Many European
experts did not have an opportunity to know the truth about African life
and civilization.. Wataalamu wengi wa Ulaya hawakupatiwa nafasi ya kujua
ukweli juu ya maisha na ustaarabu wa Wafrika [Kenyatta Masomo 114].
expert (noun), pl experts, stadi (5/6an), pl mastadi.
expertise (noun), ujuzi (14).
expertise (noun), ustadi (14), pl ustadi.
expertness (noun), ubingwa.
expertness (noun), ufarisi.
expertness (in shooting or throwing) (noun), udekuaji.
expire (verb), -shusha pumzi.
cause to explain (verb), -onya.
explain (verb), -aini.
explain (verb), -alika.
explain (verb), -amba.
explain (verb), -aridhia.
explain (verb), -chungua.
explain (verb), -dhahirisha.
explain (verb), -dhihirisha. Father explains the truth.. Babu
adhihirisha ukweli [Masomo 303].
explain (verb), -eleleza.
explain (verb), -eleza.
explain (verb), -elezea.
explain (verb), -fafanisha.
explain (verb), -fafanua.
explain (verb), -fafanusha.
explain (verb), -falanua.
explain (verb), -fasiri.
explain (verb), -hadithi.
explain (verb), -koga.
explain (verb), -komanza.
explain (verb), -onyesha (causative).
explain (verb), -pambazua.
explain (verb), -tabiri.
explain (verb), -tafsiri.
explain (verb), -tambulisha.
explain (verb), -tasua.
explain (verb), -wasifu.
explain something (to someone) (verb), -elekeza. A voter who is unable
to read may ask the Station Supervisor to explain things to him/her
[Masomo, 102]. Mpiga kura asiyeweza kusoma anaweza kumwomba Msimamizi wa
Kituo amwelekeze.
permit to explain (verb), -onya.
one who explains (noun), mwelezaji, pl waelezaji.
one who explains obscurities (noun), mfumbua, pl wafumbua.
one who explains obscurities (noun), mfumbuaji, pl wafumbuaji.
confused explanation (noun), babayiko, pl mababayiko.
explanation (noun), aridhio (5).
explanation (noun), elezo (5/6), pl maelezo.
explanation (noun), fasiri.
explanation (noun), kielezo, pl vielezo.
explanation (noun), kisa, pl visa.
explanation (noun), maelezo, pl maelezo.
explanation (noun), maelezo (6).
explanation (noun), mafafanusi.
explanation (noun), matambuzi, pl matambuzi.
explanation (noun), mwelezo, pl mielezo.
explanation (noun), nahau, pl nahau.
explanation (noun), tafsiri (5/6), pl matafsiri.
explanation (noun), uaguzi.
explanation (noun), ueleano.
explanation (noun), uelezaji.
explanation (noun), ufafanusi.
explanation (noun), ufafanuzi, pl mafafanuzi.
explanation (noun), utabiri.
explanation (noun), utambulifu.
explanation (noun), utambulizi.
explanation (noun), utambuzi.
explanation (noun), utokezo, pl matokezo.
explanation (noun), wasifu.
explanation (of a problem) (noun), utambulisho.
unintelligible explanation (noun), babayiko, pl mababayiko.
cause to explode (verb), -alisha.
explode (verb), -bubujika.
explode (verb), -buguika.
explode (verb), -buyuka.
explode (verb), -lipuka.
explode (verb), -pasua.
explode (verb), -pasuka (potential).
explode (verb), -ripuka. my heart explodes and the legs swing. roho
huniripuka, miguu ikanicheza [Sul].
explode (of bombs) (verb), -alika.
explode (something) (verb), -ripusha.
go off (of bombs) (verb), -alika.
be exploded (verb), -ripushwa.
exploit (verb), -dhalimu.
exploit (verb), -dhulumu.
exploit (verb), -nyanyasa.
exploit (verb), -nyonya.
exploit (verb), -tumia.
exploit each other (verb), -nyonyana.
great exploit (noun), ushujaa.
exploitation (noun), dhaluma.
exploitation (noun), dhuluma.
exploitation (noun), matumio, pl matumio.
exploitation (noun), matumizi, pl matumizi.
exploitation (noun), ubakuaji.
exploitation (noun), unyonyaji (14).
exploitation (noun), utumwa.
exploiter (noun), mnyonyaji (1/2), pl wanyonyaji.
exploiter (noun), mnyonywaji, pl wanyonywaji.
exploration (noun), uvumbuaji.
exploration (noun), uvumbuzi.
explore (verb), -vumbua.
explore (verb), -zumbua.
explorer (noun), pl explorers, mvumbuzi (1/2), pl wavumbuzi.
explosion (noun), mlipuko, pl milipuko.
explosion (noun), mpasuka, pl mipasuka. atomic bomb explosion..
mipasuko ya bomu la atomiki.
explosion (noun), mpasuko, pl mipasuko. atomic bomb explosion..
mipasuko ya bomu la atomiki.
explosion (noun), mpasuo, pl mipasuo. atomic bomb explosion.. mipasuko
ya bomu la atomiki.
explosives expert (noun), mlipuaji wa baruti, pl walipuaji wa baruti.
export (verb), -pakia. exporter. mwenye kupakia mali.
export (verb), -safirisha.
exporter (noun), msafirishaji, pl wasafirishaji.
expose (verb), -dhahirisha.
expose (verb), -dhihirisha.
expose (verb), -fichua.
expose (verb), -gundulisha.
expose (verb), -kashifu.
expose (verb), -tandua.
expose (verb), -tanzua. expose a secret. tanzua siri.
expose each other (verb), -gunduana.
expose oneself (verb), -jipuchua. strip off the grains of an ear of
maize.. pujua mahindi.
expose oneself (verb), -jipujua. strip off the grains of an ear of
maize.. pujua mahindi.
expose oneself (verb), -jipujua.
expose something to danger (verb), -ponza.
be exposed (verb), -gunduka.
be exposed (verb), -tanzuka.
exposition (noun), ufafanuzi (14).
exposure (noun), kashifa.
expound (verb), -aridhia.
expound (verb), -fafanua.
express something publicly (verb), -tamka.
be incompletely expressed (verb), -meguka.
be incompletely expressed (verb), -megukameguka.
expression (noun), kauli (9/10), pl kauli.
expression (noun), kauli.
expression (noun), maneno.
expression (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
expression (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno. a true expression. neno la
expression (noun), usemi (11/10), pl semi.
expression (manner of) (noun), usemi.
expression (of the face) (noun), launi.
expression (of the face) (noun), sura (9/10), pl sura. (s)he has a good
expression (of face). ana sura nzuri [Rec].
expression used to introduce a question or exclamation (interjection),
facial expression (noun), uso, pl nyuso.
expulsion (noun), fukuzano (5/6), pl mafukuzano.
expulsion (noun), komoo.
exquisiteness (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani.
be extended (verb), -nyumbuliwa (passive).
extend (verb), -endeleza.
extend (verb), -linganisha kuza.
extend (verb), -refusha. extend a line.. refusha mstari.
extend (verb), -tambaa.
extend (verb), -tanda. (s)he extended the second piece of cloth to the
head. [kanga] ya pili akaitanda kichwani [Kez].
extend (verb), -zagaa.
extend. (us. refl.jumudu) (verb), -mudu.
be extendable (verb), -nyumbuka.
be extended (verb), -tandamana ( assoc-stat).
extended (adjective), nyofu.
extension (noun), enezi, pl maenzi.
extension (noun), mtando, pl mitando.
extension (noun), mwendelezo (3/4), pl miendelezo.
extent (noun), cheneo (7/8), pl vyeneo.
extent (noun), eneo, pl maeneo. the extent of this country. eneo la
nchi hii.
extent (noun), kadiri (9/10), pl kadiri.
extent (noun), kadiri.
extent (noun), kima (7/8), pl vima.
extent (noun), mfiko, pl mifiko.
extent (noun), ukakaya.
to a great extent (adverb), sana. be immersed to a great extent.
tazamia sana..
to the extent that (conjunction), kadiri.
exterior (adjective), wajihi.
exterior (noun), uso, pl nyuso.
exterminate (verb), -maliza. many people have fallen victim to the
disease. ugonjwa huu umewamaliza watu wengi.
external (adjective), nje.
external trade (noun), biashara ya nje (9/10), pl biashara za nje.
extinguish (verb), -zima.
extinguish something (verb), -zimia.
extinguished thing (noun), zimwe (5/6), pl mazimwe.
one who extinguishes (noun), mzima, pl wazima. fireman.. mzima moto.
extort (verb), -kamia.
extort (verb), -lungula.
extort (verb), -rungula.
extort (verb), -rungula.
extort an admission (verb), -nyenga.
extort an admission from (verb), -nyenya.
extort by threats (verb), -kamia.
extort payment (verb), -hongeza.
extortion (noun), lipizi, pl malipizi.
extortion (noun), ukamio.
extortion (noun), ulipizi, pl malipizi.
extortion (noun), unyakuzi.
extortion (noun), unyang'anyi.
extortion (noun), upokonyaji.
extortion (noun), upokonyo.
extortionist (noun), mlungula, pl walungula.
extortionist (noun), mlungura, pl milungura.
extra payment (noun), kiinua, pl viinua.
something extra (noun), turuhani.
something extra given without charge (noun), uhondo.
extract (noun), arki (9/10), pl arki.
extract (noun), dondo, pl madondo.
extract (noun), dondoo (5/6), pl madondoo.
extract (noun), muhtasari.
extract (noun), mutasari.
extract (noun), ufupisho.
extract (verb), -chomoa (converse).
extract (verb), -kongoa.
extract (verb), -ng'oa.
extract (verb), -noa.
extract (verb), -toza.
extract (verb), -zidua.
extract a tooth (verb), -ng'oka jino (potential). S(h)e even strained
the foot and broke one tooth. hata akateguka mguu na kung'oka jino moja
extract nails (verb), -kongoa.
have a tooth extracted (verb), -ng'olewa jino (passive). How many of
your teeth have been uprooted. [meno] mangapi umeng'olewa? [Abd].
one who extracts (noun), mng'oaji (1/2), pl wang'oaji.
extraction (noun), pl Yes, akina (9/10), pl akina.
extraction (noun), kina.
extraction (noun), wakina.
extraction (through 5 or 6 generations) (noun), uzao, pl mazao.
extramarital relations (noun), ugoni.
extramarital relations (noun), ugono.
extraordinarily (adverb), -a ajabu.
extraordinary (adjective), pl Yes, ajabu. extraordinarily many, an
amazing number. nyingi mno ~.
extraordinary (adjective), pl Yes, ajibu. extraordinarily many, an
amazing number. nyingi mno ~.
extraordinary (adjective), kigeni.
extraordinary (adjective), zungu.
extravagance (noun), hasharati.
extravagance (noun), ubadhiri (14).
extravagance (noun), ubadhirifu.
extravagance (noun), uharabu.
extravagance (noun), uharibifu.
extravagance (noun), upotevu.
extravagant (adjective), -badhiri.
extravagant (adjective), -badhirifu.
extravagant (adjective), -badiri.
extravagant (adjective), haribifu.
extravagant (adjective), kwasi.
extravagant (adjective), potevu. (s)he used money extravagantly.
Alitumia pesa kwa upotevu.
extravagant person (noun), mbadhiri, pl wabadhiri.
extravagant person (noun), mbadhirifu, pl wabadhirifu. Jim was
extravagant, a lover of luxury and of the sweet life. Jim alikuwa
mbadhirifu, mpenda tamasha, mpenda maisha matamu ... [Ganzel Masomo 175].
extravagant person (noun), mfilisi, pl wafilisi.
extravagant person (noun), mfujaji, pl wafujaji.
extreme (adjective), dubwana.
extremely (adverb), hususa.
extremely (adverb), kabisa.
extremely (adverb), mno.
extremely (adverb), sana.
extremely (adverb), top.
extremities (noun), maungo, pl maungo.
extremity (adverb), ncha. geogr. north (south) pole.. ncha ya
kaskazini [kusini].
extremity (noun), ncha, pl ncha.
extremity (noun), upeo, pl peo.
extricate (verb), -kwamua.
extricate (verb), -namua.
extricate (from difficulties) (verb), -opoa.
extricate (from difficulties) (verb), -topoa.
exuberance (noun), uchangamfu.
exuberance (noun), uchekeshi.
exuberance (noun), uchesi.
exuberance (noun), ukunjufu (14).
exuberance (noun), utukutu.
exude (moisture or perspiration) (verb), -rishai.
exult (verb), -simanga.
be exultant (verb), -tamba.
exultation (noun), kifijo, pl vifijo.
apple of one's eye (noun), mboni.
condition of having only one eye (noun), chongo (9/10), pl chongo.
discharge from the eye (noun), utongo, pl matongo.
eye (noun), jicho (5/6), pl macho.
eye (noun), jicho, pl macho.
eye (noun), kijicho (7/8), pl vijicho.
open one's eyes wide (verb), -tumbua macho.
person with bright piercing eyes (noun), mng'ariza (1/2), pl wang'ariza.
pupil (of eye) (noun), mboni (9/10), pl mboni.
purulent discharge from the eye (noun), chongo.
eye stye (noun), chokea (9/10), pl chokea.
eyeball (noun), mboni (9/10), pl mboni.
eyebrow (noun), ushi (11/10), pl nyushi.
eyebrow (noun), usi (9/10), pl nyusi.
eyebrow hair (noun), unyushi (11/10), pl nyushi.
eyebrow hair (noun), unyusi, pl unyusi.
eyebrow ridge (noun), ushi, pl nyushi.
eyeglasses (noun), miwani (9/10), pl miwani. On top of the small
cupboard there were glasses with thick lenses and large black frames;
sunglasses. Juu ya kikabati hicho ilikuwapo miwani yenye vioo vinene na
fremu kubwa nyeusi [Ganzel Masomo 169]; miwani ya jua [Ya].
eyelash (noun), kikope, pl vikope.
eyelash (noun), kope (5/6), pl makope.
eyelash (noun), ukope (11/10), pl kope.
eyelet (noun), stichi (9/10), pl stichi.
eyelet (noun), utanzi.
eyelid (noun), kope (5/6), pl makope.
eyelid (noun), ukope (11/10), pl kope.


fable (noun), ngano (9/10), pl ngano.

fabric (noun), mfumo, pl mifumo.
fabric (noun), nguo (9/10), pl nguo. knit cloth. fuma nguo.
fabric with gold threads (noun), barawaji.
mdarahani (soft silk fabric) (noun), mdalahani, pl midarahani.
mdarahani (soft silk fabric) (noun), mdarahani, pl midarahani.
melimeli (kind of thin fabric like muslin) (noun), melimeli.
melimeli (kind of thin fabric like muslin) (noun), memeli.
reception room (noun), baraza.
thin cotton fabric similar to muslin (noun), bushashi.
fabricate (verb), -buni. fabricate statements. buni maneno.
fabricate (verb), -sanaa.
fabricate (verb), -sanii.
fabricate (verb), -zulisha.
fabricate (verb), -zusha.
fabrication (noun), utungo.
facade (noun), gao, pl magao.
facade (noun), ngao (9/10), pl ngao.
facade (noun), ngao (9/10), pl ngao.
facade (noun), uso (11/10), pl nyuso.
be face to face (verb), -elekeana.
be face to face with someone. (verb), -sabihi. I have met with him face
to face. Nilimsabihi yeye mwenyewe.
be faced by (verb), -kabiliwa (passive).
face (noun), pl faces, sura (9/10), pl sura.
face (noun), uso (11/10), pl nyuso.
face (noun), -wajihi (11).
face (verb), -kabili.
face (verb), -pambana.
face down (adverb), fudifudi.
face one another (verb), -kabiliana.
face someone (verb), -kabili.
face to face (adverb), dafrao. fight hand to hand. piga (pigana) dafrao
face to face (adverb), dafurao. fight hand to hand. piga (pigana)
dafurao [Rec].
face to face (adverb), mkabala.
face to face (adverb), soli.
go and face each other (verb), -kabiliana.
little face (noun), kijuso (7/8), pl vijuso.
make a face (verb), -peta uso.
on the face (adverb), fudifudi.
on the face (adverb), fulifuli.
on the face (adverb), kifudifudi.
on the face (adverb), kifulifuli.
rel. favor (noun), majaliwa.
facilitate (verb), -sahalisha. the rain facilitated the drought. Mvua
ilisahalisha ukamwe.
facilities (noun), nafasi (9/10).
facility (noun), ufasaha.
facility (noun), ufasihi.
facing (preposition), mkabala (na).
fact (noun), hakika (9/10), pl hakika.
fact (noun), jambo.
fact (noun), mambo.
incontrovertible fact (noun), pl layout OK?, baina.
incontrovertible fact (noun), bayana.
faction (noun), farakano (5/6), pl mafarakano.
faction (noun), radhi (9/10), pl radhi.
pol. faction (noun), mtengano, pl mitengano.
factory (noun), banda, pl mabanda.
factory (noun), karakana (9/10), pl karakana.
factory (noun), karakana.
factory (noun), kiwanda (7/8), pl viwanda.
factory (noun), kiwanda, pl viwanda.
facts (noun), maarifa (6).
fad (noun), kinyongo.
fad (noun), makombo.
fad (noun), mfundo, pl mifundo.
fad (noun), uteuzi (14).
fig. fad (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
be faded (verb), -payuka rangi.
become faded (verb), -chakaa.
fade (verb), -fifia.
fade (verb), -kwajuka.
fade (of colors) (verb), -chujuka.
fade (of colors) (verb), -sinyaa.
fade away (verb), -tilifika (potential).
make fade (verb), -fifiza.
fashionable (adjective), kimalidadi.
fail (verb), -angamia.
fail (verb), -feli.
fail (verb), -kosa.
fail (verb), -shindwa (passive). Zacharia had failed to even build a
reasonable house. Zakaria alikuwa ameshindwa hata kujenga nyumba ya maana
fail (verb), -tindika.
fail (verb), -tindika.
fail (to do) (verb), -kasiri.
fail to comply with (customs or laws) (verb), -taadi.
fail to comply with (customs or laws) (verb), -tadi.
fail to develop (verb), -via.
fail to do (verb), -acha.
fail to do (verb), -ata.
fail to do (verb), -fanya kasoro.
fail to do something (verb), -sahau.
fail to get (verb), -futu.
fail to get something which one has long desired (verb), -dodesha.
crop failure (noun), gumbo (5/6), pl magumbo.
failure (noun), janga, pl majanga.
failure (noun), kisirani (9/10), pl kisirani.
failure (noun), nuhusi (9/10), pl nuhusi.
failure (noun), nuksani (9/10), pl nuksani.
failure (noun), nuksi (9/10), pl nuksi.
failure (noun), ukosa.
failure (noun), ukosefu.
failure (noun), ukosekanaji.
failure (noun), ukosekano.
failure to remember something (noun), sahau (9/10), pl sahani.
be faint (verb), -legea.
be faint (verb), -sulika.
faint (verb), -zimia.
faint (verb), -zirai.
feel faint (verb), -sua.
fainthearted (adjective), oga.
faintheartedness (noun), uoga.
faintheartedness (noun), woga.
fainting spell (noun), gumbizi.
faintness (noun), lepe (5/6), pl malepe.
fair (adjective), sawa. it is fair to help him/her. Ni sawa kumsaidia.
fair (noun), pl fairs, ramsa (9/10), pl ramsa.
not fair (adjective), rafu. The team from K. played very unfairly..
timu ya K ilicheza rafu sana.
act fairly (verb), -fanya sawa.
fairly (adverb), sawa. do it fairly. fanya sawa.
fairly (adverb), sawasawa. (s)he arbitrated the quarrel fairly. Aliamua
ugomvi sawasawa.
fairness (noun), haki (9/10), pl haki.
fairness (noun), uongofu.
fairness (noun), usawa.
fairness (noun), wongofu.
fairway (noun), kilango, pl vilango.
fairy (noun), jini (5/6an), pl majini.
fairy (noun), kijini, pl vijini.
liter. fairy (noun), kizimwi, pl vizimwi.
liter. fairy (noun), kizuka, pl vizuka.
faith (noun), dini.
faith (noun), imani.
faith (noun), imani (9/10), pl imani.
faith (noun), ithibati.
faith (noun), itikadi (9/10), pl itikadi.
faith (noun), tumai, pl matumai.
faith (noun), tumaini, pl matumaini.
faith (religion, tradition) (noun), itikadi.
lack faith (verb), -toamini.
faithful (adjective), -amini.
faithful (adjective), -aminifu.
faithful (adjective), staamani.
faithfulness (noun), amini, pl amini.
faithfulness (noun), staamani (9/10), pl staamani.
faithless (adjective), hiana.
faithlessness (noun), uhiana.
fake (verb), -bini.
falcon (noun), koho (9/10), pl koho.
cause to fall (verb), -telemua.
cause to fall (verb), -teremua.
fall (noun), anguko (5/6), pl maanguko. waterfall. maanguko ya maji.
fall (noun), mbwago (3/4), pl mibwago.
fall (noun), mwanguko (3/4), pl mianguko.
fall (noun), poromoko (5/6), pl maporomoko. waterfall. maporomoko ya
fall (verb), -anguka.
fall (verb), -gwa.
fall (to the ground) (verb), -shuka.
fall apart (verb), -nyonyotoka.
fall bit by bit (verb), -dondoka (potential).
fall by slipping (verb), -teleza (causative).
fall down (verb), -anguka.
fall down (verb), -gofua.
fall down (verb), -lala.
fall into (verb), -angua.
fall into (verb), -tumbukia.
fall off (verb), -boromoka. the builder fell off the roof of the house..
mjenzi ameporomoka kwenye paa la nyumba..
fall on (verb), -angukia.
fall out (verb), -gombana.
fall upon (verb), -fusa.
fall upon (verb), -imamia.
fall upon (inanim subject and animate object) (verb), -pata.
forced fall (noun), angusho (5/6), pl maangusho.
let fall (verb), -ponyosha.
let fall (verb), -pukutisha.
let fall bit by bit (verb), -dondosha (causative).
make fall (verb), -angusha.
one who lets something fall (noun), mwangushi, pl waangushi.
one who lets something fall (noun), mwanguzi, pl waanguzi.
fall down (verb), -bomoka (potential).
fall off (button etc.) (verb), -bokoka.
fall off in showers (verb), -pukutika (potential). Lulu was playing with
pieces of bread that had fallen off the table. Lulu alikuwa akichezea
chembe za mkate zilizopukutika mezani [Ya].
fall out (verb), -pangua.
fall out with each other (verb), -shindana. we shall fall out with you
every day until you leave this place. Tutashindana na wewe kila siku
mpaka uondoke haya.
be fallen down (verb), -pomoka.
falling (noun), kipukusa (7/8), pl vipukusa.
falling off (of interest etc.,) (noun), mbwago, pl mibwago.
fallow land (noun), kiwanja (7/8), pl viwanja.
false (adjective), -a bandia.
false (adjective), laghai.
false (adjective), mbea.
false (adjective), ragai.
false (adjective), raghai.
false (adjective), ragai.
false (adjective), raghai.
false (adjective), -a uwongo.
false (adjective), wongo.
false statement (noun), zulio, pl mazulio.
false statements (noun), kashifa.
falsehood (noun), chuku.
falsehood (noun), ghalati (9/10), pl ghalati.
falsehood (noun), kimkumku.
falsehood (noun), leba.
falsehood (noun), uongo.
falsehood (noun), urongo.
falsify (verb), -changaniza.
falsify (verb), -ghoshi.
falsify (verb), -ghuri.
falsify (verb), -saliti.
falsity (noun), uongo.
falsity (noun), urongo.
falter (verb), -ganza.
falter (verb), -kwaa.
falter (in speaking or reading) (verb), -dodosa.
fame (noun), adhama (9/10), pl adhama.
fame (noun), adhima (9/10), pl adhima.
fame (noun), fahari (9/10), pl fahari.
fame (noun), jaha.
fame (noun), taadhima (9/10), pl taadhima.
fame (noun), umaarufu (14).
fame (noun), utukufu.
be familiar with (verb), -zoea.
be on familiar terms (verb), -pitiana.
be on familiar terms (verb), -zoeana (reciprocal).
be on familiar terms with someone (verb), -tania.
familiar with (adjective), -zoelefu.
familiar with (adjective), zoevu.
make familiar with (verb), -zolesha.
one who is familiar with something (noun), mzoea, pl wazoea. experienced
seafarer. mzoea wa bahari.
one who is familiar with something (noun), mzoevu, pl wazoevu.
experienced seafarer. mzoea wa bahari.
familiarity (noun), mazoea (6).
familiarity (noun), uzoevu (14).
familiarity (noun), zoea, pl mazoea.
familiarity (noun), zoezi, pl mazoezi.
familiarity permissible between persons of mtani relationship (noun),
treat with familiarity (verb), -tania. (s)he continued to treat her/him
with familiarity. aliendelea kumtania [Muk].
group of related families (noun), nyumba (9/10), pl nyumba.
family (noun), ahali (9/10an), pl ahali.
family (noun), ahli (9/10an), pl ahli.
family (noun), pl Yes, akina (9/10), pl akina. Said's family. ~ Said.
family (noun), familia (9/10), pl familia.
family (noun), jamaa (9/10), pl jamaa.
family (noun), jamaa.
family (noun), jamii (9/10), pl jamii.
family (noun), kina.
family (noun), mbari (9/10), pl mbari.
family (noun), ujamaa.
family (noun), ujamii.
family (noun), ukoo (11/10), pl koo.
family (noun), wakina.
family tree (noun), jadi.
family tree (noun), nasaba.
member of family (noun), mtani, pl watani.
membership in a family (noun), utani.
one of the family (noun), mtani (1/2), pl watani.
familyhood (noun), ujamaa (14).
famine (noun), chadi.
famine (noun), jadi.
famine (noun), njaa (9/10), pl njaa. There was famine in this country..
njaa ilikuwa katika nchi hii.
be famished (verb), -lapa.
be famous (verb), -tukuka.
be famous (verb), -vuma.
be famous (verb), -vumika.
famous (adjective), bayana.
famous (adjective), maalum.
famous (adjective), maalumu.
famous (adjective), maarufu.
famous (adjective), maarufu.
famous (adjective), mashuhuri.
famous (adjective), mashuhuri.
famous (adjective), mashuuri.
famous (noun), vumisha.
famous person (noun), kikore, pl vikore.
famous person (noun), mbayana, pl wabayana.
make famous (verb), -tukuza.
fan (noun), upepeo (11/10), pl pepeo.
fan (verb), -pepa.
fan (verb), -pepea.
fan (verb), -punga. "fan the arms, give a signal".. punga mikono.
fan (a fire) (verb), -burura. mother is fanning the fire. mama
anaburuta moto.
fan (a fire) (verb), -buruta. mother is fanning the fire. mama
anaburuta moto.
fan (a fire) (verb), -puliza. Because the fire failed to light, he
fanned it. Kwa vile moto ulikataa kuweka aliupuliza.
fan (a fire) (verb), -puza.
fan (large kind for fanning fires etc) (noun), pepeo (5/6), pl mapepeo.
fan (small) (noun), kipepeo (7/8), pl vipepeo.
fan (usually made of tin and used to fan a fire) (noun), kiburuta, pl
fan-palm leaves cut into strips for weaving (noun), utangule (11).
fanaticism (noun), ushupavu.
be fanciful (verb), -wa na mambo mambo.
fancy (noun), uwazo.
fancywork (noun), viboko.
fanning (act of) (noun), upepeaji, pl mapepeaji.
fanning (act of) (noun), upepezi.
fantasy (noun), uzushi (14).
as far as (preposition), fika.
as far as (preposition), kufika.
far (adverb), mbali. far from. mbali ya...[Rec].
far away (adverb), baidi.
live far away (verb), -hajirika.
so far as to (conjunction), haddi.
far and wide (adverb), upana.
farce (noun), kinyago (7/8), pl vinyago.
fare (noun), malaji.
fare (noun), nauli, pl nauli. Vehicle owners shouldn't increase fares
whenever they want.. Wenye magari wasiongeze nauli wakati wo wote
wapendavyo [Masomo 219].
bid each other a final farewell (verb), pl Yes, -agana buriani.
farewell (interjection), alamsiki.
farewell (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
farewell (noun), kiago, pl viago.
farewell (noun), kuaga.
farewell (noun), kuagana.
farewell (only before a journey of some length) (noun), buriani. say
farewell. peana buriani.
words of farewell (before leaving on a journey) (noun), tasihili.
farm (noun), shamba (5/6), pl mashamba.
European farmer in Africa (noun), kaburu, pl makaburu.
farmer (noun), mkulima (1/2), pl wakulima. A farmer with a farm.
Mkulima mwenye shamba.
farmer (noun), mlimaji, pl walimaji.
farming (noun), kilimo (7/8), pl vilimo.
farming (noun), mlimo (3/4), pl milimo.
farming (noun), ukulima (14).
farming (noun), ulimaji (11).
fart (noun), jamba, pl majamba.
fart (noun), shuzi (5/6), pl mashuzi.
fart (verb), -jamba.
fart (verb), -shuta.
fascinate (verb), -sihiri.
fascinate (verb), -tamanisha.
fascinate (verb), -vuta.
fascism (noun), ufashisti (14).
fascist (noun), fashisti (5/6), pl mafashisti.
fashion (noun), fesheni.
fashion (noun), mashono. modern dresses. mashono mapya.
fashion (noun), pl fashions, mtindo (3/4), pl mitindo.
fashion (noun), mvao, pl mivao.
fashion (noun), mviko, pl miviko.
fashion (phrase), mitindo ya mavazi.
fashion plate (noun), mrembo, pl warembo.
in fashion (adjective), -sasa. (s)he dresses in fashion. Anavaa kisasa.
latest fashion (noun), nduni.
fashionable (adjective), kimaridadi. shiver (from cold).
fashionable (adjective), marini.
fashionable (of clothes) (adjective), mofti. wear fashionable clothes..
vaa nguo mufti.
fashionable (of clothes) (adjective), mufti. wear fashionable clothes..
vaa nguo mufti.
fashionable clothing (noun), umalidadi.
fashionable dress (noun), ulimbwende.
fashioning (noun), umbile, pl maumbile.
fashioning (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
eat the first meal after fasting (verb), -futuru.
fast (adjective), epesi.
fast (adjective), haraka.
fast (adjective), hima.
fast (adjective), kasi.
fast (adverb), upesi.
fast (verb), -funga.
fast (verb), -saumu. (s)he is fasting. Anasaumu.
go too fast (of timepieces) (verb), -takadamu.
make fast (verb), -kaza.
talk fast (verb), -sema vimoto.
very fast (adjective), mbio.
very fast (adverb), kimagamaga.
be fastened (verb), -fungwa.
fasten (verb), -aliki.
fasten (verb), -funga.
fasten (verb), -kaza.
fasten (verb), -kaza.
fasten (verb), -komea (applicative).
fasten (verb), -kwesha.
fasten (verb), -pachika. fasten a knife-blade in the handle.. pachika
kisu kipinini.
fasten (verb), -pinga. fasten the door. pinga mlango.
fasten (verb), -sakamisha.
fasten (verb), -shikisha. Mzee Juma fastened the tree on the sloping
side of the native thatched roof. Mzee Juma aliushikiza mti kwenye paa.
fasten (verb), -shikiza. Mzee Juma fastened the tree to the sloping side
of the native thatched roof. Mzee Juma aliushikiza mti kwenye paa.
fasten (a fishook to a line) (verb), -shimbika.
fasten a vessel below a gash in a palm tree (in order to catch the sap)
(verb), -umika.
fasten loosely (verb), -shaliki.
fasten tightly (verb), -baba.
fasten to (verb), -bandika.
fasten together (verb), -shikimanisha.
fasten together (verb), -unga.
fastener (noun), bizimu (9/10), pl bizimu.
fastener (noun), kifunga, pl vifunga.
fastener (noun), kikaza, pl vikaza.
fastener (noun), kitango (7/8), pl vitango.
iron fastener (noun), tumbuu (9/10), pl tumbuu.
metal fastener for a door or window (noun), tumbuo.
metal fastener for a door or window (noun), tumbuu.
act of fastening a hook to a line (noun), shimbiko (5/6), pl mashimbiko.
fastening (noun), kazo (5/6), pl makazo.
fastening (noun), kifungo (7/8), pl vifungo.
fastening (noun), kongomeo (5/6), pl makongomeo.
fastening (noun), kazo, pl makazo.
fastening (noun), mkazo, pl mikazo.
fastening (noun), pl fastening, shikizo (5/6), pl mahikizo.
fastening (act of) (noun), mfungo, pl mifungo.
fastening up (noun), mfungizo, pl mifungizo.
locking (noun), mafungia.
fastidious (adjective), teuzi.
fastidious (adverb), -chaguzi.
fastidious person (noun), mchaguzi (1/2), pl wachaguzi.
fastidious person (noun), mteua, pl wateua.
fastidious person (noun), pl fastidious people, mteuzi (1/2), pl wateuzi.
fastidious person (noun), mteuzi, pl wateuzi.
fastidiousness (noun), uteuzi (14).
fastidiousness (with respect to food) (noun), kidomo, pl vidomo.
fasting (noun), saumu (9/10), pl saumu. during Ramadhani, the Muslims
fast. Ramadhani waislamu hufanya saumu.
fasting (noun), tumu (9/10), pl tumu.
fasting (noun), saumu.
fasting (noun), tumu (9/10), pl tumu.
fasting (act of) (noun), kifungo (7/8), pl vifungo.
period of fasting (noun), fungo.
rel. end of fasting (noun), mfunguo, pl mifunguo.
rel. fasting (noun), mfungo, pl mifungo.
one who fasts (noun), mfunga, pl wafunga.
be fat (verb), -nang'anika.
become fat (verb), -nenepa.
become fat (of animals) (verb), -nona.
fat (adjective), nene.
fat (noun), mafuta (6).
fat (noun), mafuta.
fat (animal) (noun), shahamu (9/10), pl shahamu.
fat (animals or meat) (adjective), -nono.
fat (human or animal) (noun), futa (5/6), pl mafuta.
fat (of animals) (noun), mori.
fat adhering to pot or pan (noun), uge.
fat adhering to pot or pan (noun), ugea.
fat person (noun), mnene (1/2), pl wanene.
get fat (verb), -tonoka.
get fat (verb), -tononeka.
get fat (verb), -tononoka.
get fat (verb), -wanda.
get fat (verb), -wanda.
that which is fat (noun), vinono (8).
fate (noun), ajali (9/10), pl ajali. Nothing can avert an impending blow
of fate (proverb).. haina kinga wala kafara.
fate (noun), bahati, pl bahati.
fate (noun), bakhti, pl bakhti.
fate (noun), fali.
fate (noun), jumu.
fate (noun), kura.
fate (noun), majaaliwa (6).
fate (noun), majaliwa (6).
fate (noun), mungu.
fate (noun), muungu.
fate (noun), nasibu.
fate (noun), nujumu (9/10), pl nujumu.
fate (noun), ole (9/10), pl ole.
fate (noun), riziki (9/10), pl riziki. the child died, it was not
his/her fate. Mtoto alikufa, haikuwa riziki yake.
fate (noun), tua.
father (noun), abu (9/10an), pl abu.
father (noun), baba, pl baba. Holy Father, Pope. ~ Mtakatifu.
father (Catholic) (noun), padre (5/6an), pl mapadre.
father (Catholic) (noun), pl father (Catholic), padri (5/6an), pl
father in law (noun), baba mkwe, pl baba mkwe.
fatherhood (noun), ubaba (14).
fatherland (noun), watani.
fathom (noun), pima (9/10), pl pima. The eyes popped out of his head a
full fathom. macho yalimtoka pima nzima [Moh].
fatigue (noun), kinyong'onyo (7/8), pl vinyong'onyo.
fatigue (noun), mavune (6).
fatigue (noun), taabu (9/10), pl taabu.
fatigue (noun), uchokezi.
fatigue (noun), uchovu.
fatigue (noun), utakalifu.
Fatima (noun), Fatuma (1).
fatness (noun), unene.
fatness (noun), unono (14).
fatted animal (noun), kinono (7/8an), pl vinono.
fatten (verb), -nenepesha (causative).
fatten (verb), -nonesha.
fatten (verb), -tononoka.
fatten (animals) (verb), -vuvumsha.
faucet (noun), bomba, pl mabomba.
faucet (noun), mlizabu, pl mirizabu.
faucet (noun), pl faucets, mrizabu (3/4), pl mirizabu.
faucet (water) (noun), bilula, pl mabilula.
faucet (water) (noun), bulula, pl mabulula.
at fault (noun), kombo (5/6), pl makombo.
fault (noun), athari, pl athari. he has only one eye (euphamism). ~ ya
fault (noun), dosari.
fault (noun), ghalati (9/10), pl ghalati.
fault (noun), hatia (9/10), pl hatia.
fault (noun), hitilafu.
fault (noun), ila.
fault (noun), kasoro.
fault (noun), kosa (5/6), pl makosa.
fault (noun), makombo.
fault (noun), makosekano.
fault (noun), punguo (5/6), pl mapunguo.
fault (noun), tafauti (9/10), pl tafauti. Buy these fish, they are good
(they have no faults). nunua samaki hawana tafauti.
fault (noun), taksiri (9/10), pl taksiri.
fault (noun), toa.
fault (noun), tofauti.
fault (noun), uhalifu, pl mahalifu.
fault (noun), ukosa.
fault (noun), ukosefu.
fault (noun), ukosekanaji.
fault (noun), ukosekano.
fault (noun), upunguaji.
fault (noun), upungufu, pl mapungufu.
fault (noun), upunguo, pl mapunguo.
fault (verb), -towesha.
fault-finding (noun), lawama (9/10), pl malawama.
fault-finding (noun), mzozo, pl mizozo.
fig. fault (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
find fault (verb), -guna.
find fault (verb), -nyambua.
find fault (verb), -nyonyoa.
find fault (verb), -rudi.
find fault (verb), -shutumu.
find fault with (verb), -adhiri. Don't criticize me in front of the
people.. Usiniadhiri mbele za watu..
find fault with (verb), -aziri. Don't criticize me in front of the
people.. Usiniadhiri mbele ya watu.
finds fault with other people (noun), mkanya, pl wakanya.
fault-finding (adjective), bishi.
faultfinder (noun), mgombezi, pl wagombezi.
faultfinder (noun), mngurumizi (1/2), pl wangurumizi.
faultfinder (noun), mnuna, pl wanuna.
faultfinder (noun), mnunaji, pl wanunaji.
faultfinder (noun), mnuni, pl wanuni.
faultfinder (noun), mpuzi, pl wapuzi.
faultfinder (noun), mteua, pl wateua.
faultfinder (noun), mteuzi, pl wateuzi.
faultfinder (noun), mvuma, pl wavuma.
faultfinder (noun), mvumi, pl wavumi.
faultfinder (noun), mwambaji, pl waambiji.
faultfinder (noun), mwambi, pl waambi.
faultfinding (noun), masuto, pl masuto.
faultfinding (noun), mnuno (3/4), pl minuno.
faultfinding (noun), ugomvi, pl gomvi, magomvi.
faultfinding (noun), upekuzi.
faultless (adjective), fasaha.
faultless (adjective), nakawa.
faultless (adjective), timilifu.
faultlessness (noun), usahihi.
faulty (adjective), adimu.
faulty (adjective), kosefu.
make a faux pas (phrase), -ponyoka maneno.
make a faux pas (verb), -potea maneno.
be favored (verb), -barikiwa (passive).
be favored (verb), -pendelewa.
curry favor (verb), -bembejea.
curry favor (verb), -pendekeza.
do a favor (verb), -tafadhali.
do a favor to someone (verb), -tajamali.
favor (noun), ehsani.
favor (noun), hisani (9/10), pl hisani.
favor (noun), hisani.
favor (noun), mapendeleo.
favor (noun), mapendo.
favor (noun), mapenzi.
favor (noun), pendeleo (5/6), pl mapendeleo.
favor (noun), penzi (5/6), pl mapenzi.
favor (noun), pl favors, tajamala (9/10), pl tajamala.
favor (noun), takaramu (9/10), pl takaramu.
favor (noun), takarimu (9/10), pl takaramu.
favor (noun), ufadili.
favor (verb), -fadhili.
favor (verb), -jaali.
favor (verb), -pendelea (applicative).
favor (verb), -saidia.
favor (verb), -stahabu.
favor (verb), -stahiba.
favor (verb), -stehebu.
favor (an injured limb etc.) (verb), -uguza.
favor someone (verb), -chunuka.
not favor (verb), -iza.
rel.(divine) favor (noun), neema.
show favor (verb), -hami.
treat favorably (verb), -pa uso.
win favor for (verb), -pendeleza.
favorable (adjective), fani.
favorable (adjective), salaam. favorable ending. mwisho salama..
favorable (adjective), salama. favorable ending. mwisho salama..
favorable (adverb), vinono.
favorable time (noun), wakaa.
state of being favored (noun), upendelevu, pl mapendelevu.
favorite (noun), kipenzi (7/8), pl vipenzi.
favorite (noun), moyo. this one is his/her favorite.. huyu ndiye moyo
favorite (noun), mpendwa, pl wapendwa.
favorite (noun), mpenzi, pl wapenzi.
favorite (term of endearmeant) (noun), kimoyo, pl vimoyo.
make someone a favorite (verb), -tegemeza.
favoritism (noun), upendeleo, pl upendeleo.
favoritism (noun), upendelevu, pl mapendelevu.
one who shows favoritism (noun), mpendelevu, pl wapendelevu.
fawn (verb), -tambaa.
cause to fear (verb), -abudisha (causative).
fear (noun), cheleo, pl macheleo.
fear (noun), gamu (5/6), pl magamu.
fear (noun), hofu (9/10), pl hofu.
fear (noun), hofu.
fear (noun), kicho (7/8), pl vicho.
fear (noun), kituko (7/8), pl vituko.
fear (noun), macheleo, pl macheleo.
fear (noun), ucha.
fear (noun), uoga.
fear (noun), wahka (14).
fear (noun), woga (14), pl woga.
fear (verb), pl Yes, -abudu. Fear God.. abudu Mungu.
fear (verb), -cha.
fear (verb), -hofu.
fear (verb), -ogopa.
fear for (verb), -chelea (applicative).
fear of God (noun), uchaji (14).
something arousing fear (noun), kicho, pl vicho.
without fear (preposition), pasipo hofu.
fearless (adjective), juba.
fearless person (noun), jabari.
fearlessness (noun), ujuba (14).
feasibility (noun), tasawari (9/10), pl tasawari.
be feasible (verb), -tendeka.
be feasible (verb), -wezekana.
make feasible (verb), -tendekeza.
feast (noun), dhifa.
feast (noun), hafla (5/6), pl mahafla.
feast (noun), karamu (9/10), pl karamu.
feast (noun), karamu.
feast (noun), pl feasts, sherehe (9/10), pl sherehe.
feast (noun), tamasha (9/10), pl tamasha.
feast (noun), uhondo (14).
feast at the conclusion of a funeral service (noun), hitima.
Islamic feast at the conclusion of Ramadhan (noun), daku, pl daku.
feat (noun), mzungu, pl mizungu.
feather (noun), kipapatiko (7/8), pl vipakatiko.
feather (noun), nyoya (5/6), pl manyoya. You cannot see that those are
feathers. huoni kama yale ni manyoya? [Abd].
feather (noun), unyoya (11/6), pl manyoya.
feather (noun), ugoya.
feather (noun), unyoya (11/6), pl manyoya.
feather (of the wing) (noun), ubawa.
tail-feathers (of bird often decorative) (noun), mleli (3/4), pl mileli.
feathers (noun), manyoya.
tail feathers (of a bird) (noun), msusu, pl misusu.
feature (noun), hulka (9/10), pl hulka.
feature (noun), kipengee (7/8), pl vipengee.
feature (noun), kipengele (7/8), pl vipengele.
feature (noun), umbile, pl maumbile.
feature (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
geographical feature (noun), mandhari (9/10), pl mandhari.
prominent feature (noun), pembe (9/10), pl pembe.
features (of the face) (noun), sini (9/10), pl sini.
geographical feature (noun), tabia (9/10), pl tabia.
February (noun), Februari.
discharging feces (act of) (noun), mnyo, pl minyo.
feces (noun), kinyesi (7/8), pl vinyesi.
feces (noun), kinyezi (7/8), pl vinyesi.
feces (noun), nyesi (9/10), pl nyesi.
feces passed after death before burial (noun), ngama (9/10), pl ngama.
musus-like or watery feces (noun), malendalenda.
musus-like or watery feces (noun), marendarenda.
be fed (verb), -lishwa.
federation (noun), shirikisho (9/10), pl mashirikisho. federation of
East African states. Shirikisho la nchi za Afrika Mashariki.
federation (noun), unganisho, pl maunganisho.
customary fee (e.g. that paid by a father to the man who teaches his son
a trade or a doctor's fee etc.) (noun), ubani.
entrance fee (noun), haka.
fee (noun), ada (9/10), pl ada. admission fee. ada ya kuingilia.
fee (noun), chango, pl machango.
fee (noun), gharama.
fee (noun), karo (9/10), pl karo.
fee (noun), kodi (9/10), pl kodi.
fee (noun), ujira.
fee (given by a father to the master who teaches his son a trade) (noun),
bakora, pl bakora.
fee (usually in kind) (noun), karo.
fee charged for blood-letting (noun), uumikaji.
fee charged for blood-letting (noun), uumizi.
fee charged for cupping (noun), uumikaji.
fee charged for cupping (noun), uumizi.
fee paid by a father to the teacher upon completion of a boy's schooling.
(noun), ukombo, pl kombo.
seller's fee (noun), udalali.
be feeble (verb), -ajizi.
be feeble (verb), -nyong'onyea.
be feeble (verb), -tambarajika.
become feeble (verb), -dhoofika.
become feeble (verb), -dhoofu.
feeble (adjective), dhaifu.
feeble (adjective), hafifu.
feeble (adjective), teketeke.
feeble person (noun), mkongwe, pl wakongwe.
feeble-minded person (noun), mbulukwa (1), pl wabulukwa.
feeble-minded person (noun), bunga.
feeble-minded person (noun), hayawani.
feeble-minded person (noun), mbulu (1), pl wabulu.
feebleminded (adjective), chege.
feebleminded person (noun), punguani (5/6an), pl mapunguani.
feebleness (noun), uajazi.
feebleness (noun), uajizi.
feebleness (noun), udhaifu.
feebleness (noun), ukongwe.
feebleness (noun), unyonge (11).
feebleness (due to illness) (noun), unyonge.
feebly (verb), -jikongojea.
feed (a person or animal) (verb), -lisha (causative).
feed someone (verb), -rai.
feed well (verb), -vuvumsha.
feeder (noun), mlisha (1/2), pl walisha.
feeding (noun), mlisho (3/4), pl milisho.
feeding (noun), ulishaji.
feel (verb), -chochota.
feel (verb), -dara.
feel (verb), -gusa.
feel (verb), -hisi.
feel (verb), -hisi.
feel (verb), -ona. How do you feel? How are you?. waonaje?.
feel (verb), -sikia. I have feelings of a fever. Nasikia homa.
feel (oneself) (verb), -jiona.
feel (something soft) (verb), -tomasa.
feel a certain emotion (usually hostility) towards someone (verb), -onea.
feel for (verb), -chukulia.
feel one's way (verb), -papasa. A blind man feels his way.. kipofa
feel ones way (verb), -tutusa.
feel sick (verb), -ugua.
feeler (noun), udevu, pl ndevu/madevu.
feeler (of a cuttlefish) (noun), mnyiri, pl minyiri.
feeler (of an insect) (noun), devu, pl madevu.
feeler (of an insect) (noun), mkia, pl mikia.
dry feeling on teeth from eating acid fruit (noun), ugege (14).
excited feeling (noun), pl excited feelings, msisimko (3/4), pl
feeling (noun), ashiki, pl ashiki.
feeling (noun), ashki, pl ashiki.
feeling (noun), hisia (9/10), pl hisia.
feeling (noun), hisiya (9/10), pl hisiya.
feeling (noun), hisiya.
feeling (noun), kuona.
feeling (noun), maono.
feeling (noun), moyo.
feeling (noun), mtima, pl mitima.
feeling (noun), pl feelings, ono (5/6), pl maono.
feeling (noun), sikio (5/6), pl masikio.
feeling (intense) (noun), jazba (9/10), pl jazba.
ill feeling (noun), fundo (5/6), pl mafundo.
pleasant feeling (noun), ladha (9/10), pl ladha.
have deep feelings (verb), -wa na hisiya za ndani.
innermost feelings (noun), undani.
person with very large feet (noun), mjiguu, pl wajiguu.
feign (verb), -aka. feign muteness.. ~ kimya..
feign (verb), -jipa (reflexive).
feign (verb), -shindika.
feign (verb), -sindika (intransitive).
feign (verb), -singiza.
feign (verb), -singizia.
feign innocence (verb), -tabasamu.
feign stupidity (verb), -jipa ujinga.
feign stupidity (verb), -jipumbaza.
feigning (refusing but at the same time really wanting) (noun),
kisebusebu (7/8), pl visebusebu.
feint (noun), mgomo, pl migomo.
fell (verb), -kata.
felling (noun), mkato (3/4), pl mikato.
felling trees (act of) (noun), mkato, pl mikato.
felling(trees) (noun), mchengo, pl michengo.
fellow (noun), binadamu (9/10an).
fellow (noun), jamaa (9/10), pl jamaa.
fellow-feeling (of slaves) (noun), ujoli.
fellowship (noun), ujamaa.
fellowship (noun), ujamii.
female (adjective), -ke.
female (adjective), ke.
female animal which has not yet produced young (noun), mtamba, pl
mitamba. heifer.. mtamba wa ng'ombe.
female creatures (noun), jike (1/2), pl majike.
female side (of a family) (noun), kuke.
female side (of a family) (noun), kuuke.
female' of a pair of firesticks (noun), ulindi.
in the female line (adverb), kuukeni.
feminine (adjective), ke.
femininity (noun), kike. girl behave like a woman.. mtoto wa kike fanya
femininity (noun), uke.
fen (noun), bwawa, pl mabwawa.
fence (noun), kitalu (7/8), pl vitalu.
fence (noun), ua, pl nyua.
fence (noun), ugo, pl nyugo.
fence (noun), ukigo (11/10), pl kigo.
fence (noun), zunguko, pl mazunguko.
fenced-in area (noun), ugo, pl nyugo.
wicker fence used for enclosing and catching fish (noun), utata (11/10),
pl tata.
fencing (noun), zunguko, pl mazunguko.
fencing wire (noun), pl fencing wires, seng'enge (9/10), pl seng'enge.
fender (noun), bango, pl mabango.
fennel (noun), shamari (9/10), pl shamari.
fenugreek herb (Trigonella foenum-graecum) (noun), uwatu (11).
allow something to ferment (verb), -chachua.
ferment (verb), -chacha.
ferment (verb), -umka.
ferment (verb), -umuka.
cause fermentation (verb), -umua.
fermentation agent (noun), chachu (9/10), pl chachu.
fermented (adjective), kivunde.
fern (noun), jimbi, pl vijimbi.
fern (species of) (noun), kangaga, pl makangaga.
fern variety (Pteris longifolia) (noun), dege, pl madege. fern for
children. dege la watoto.
ferocious (adjective), -kali.
ferocity (noun), mori (9/10), pl mori.
ferret out (verb), -nyenya.
ferret out scandal (verb), -bukua.
ferrule (noun), kipete, pl vipete. voltmeter.
ferrule (between the blade and handle of a knife) (noun), noleo (5/6), pl
be ferried across (verb), -vuka.
ferry (noun), pl ferrys, mvuko (3/4), pl mivuko.
ferry (noun), shapa (5/6), pl mashapa. a bees ferry. shapa la nyuki..
ferry (noun), uvuko.
ferry (noun), uvushi.
ferry (noun), uvusho.
ferry fare (noun), kivuko, pl vivuko. porridge of manioc meal which has
begun to ferment..
ferry over (verb), -vukisha.
ferry over (verb), -vusha.
ferry time (noun), kivuko, pl vivuko. porridge of manioc meal which has
begun to ferment..
ferrying (methods of) (noun), uvushi.
ferrying (methods of) (noun), uvusho.
ferryman (noun), mvushaji, pl wavushaji.
ferryman (noun), mvushi, pl wavushi.
means of a ferryman (noun), uvushi.
means of a ferryman (noun), uvusho.
work of a ferryman (noun), uvushi.
work of a ferryman (noun), uvusho.
be invigorated (verb), -rutubika. the plants have been invigorated by
the rain. Mimea imerutubika kwa mvua.
fertile (adjective), zazi.
fertile female animal (noun), mzazi, pl wazazi.
fertile woman (noun), mzazi, pl wazazi.
fertiliser (noun), mbolea.
fertility (noun), mbobo (9).
fertility (noun), uvyazi.
fertility (noun), uzalishaji.
fertility (noun), uzalishi.
fertility (noun), uzazi.
fertility (of land) (noun), rutuba (9/10), pl rutuba. The soil is
fertile.. ardhi ina rutuba.
fertilize (verb), -rutubisha.
fertilize (verb), -zalisha.
fertilize (by spreading manure) (verb), -simadi.
fertilizer (natural manure mixed with ashes). (noun), samadi (9/10), pl
samadi. manure is good for farming. Samadi ya chooo ni nzuri kwa
ferver (noun), hari.
revolutionary fervor (noun), moyo za kithaura.
revolutionary fervor (noun), moyo za thaura.
revolutionary fervor (noun), moyo za thawra.
festival (noun), idi.
festival (noun), karamu.
festival (noun), pl festivals, ramsa (9/10), pl ramsa.
festival (noun), sherehe (9/10), pl sherehe. we shall meet at the
festival. Tutaonana kwenye sherehe.
festival (noun), sikukuu (9/10), pl sikukuu.
festival (noun), tamasha (9/10), pl tamasha.
festival (noun), uadhimishaji.
lslamic festival (noun), eidi. Bairam festival. siku kuu ya eidi.
festive mood (noun), anasa, pl anasa.
festivity (noun), karamu.
festivity (noun), shangwe (9/10), pl shangwe. this wedding has no
festivity. arusi hii haina shangwe..
festivity (noun), tamasha (9/10), pl tamasha. the independence holiday
had a lot of festivity. sikukuu ya uhuru ilikuwa na tamasha nyingi.
festivity celebrating the Prophet Muhammad's birthday (noun), maulidi.
fetch (verb), -leta.
fetter (noun), pl fetters, pingu (5/6), pl mapingu.
leg-fetter (made of wood) (noun), gandalo (5/6), pl magandalo.
fetters (noun), minyororo (4).
fetters (noun), mnyoo, pl minyoo.
fetters (noun), mnyororo, pl minyororo.
fetters (noun), peto (5/6), pl mapeto.
fetus (noun), mimba (9/10), pl mimba.
fetus (at about 4 months) (noun), kilenga (7/8), pl vilenga.
fetus (of about 4 months) (noun), kijusu (7/8), pl vijusu.
feudal stage (noun), hatua ya ukabila (9/10), pl hatua za ukabila.
feudalism (noun), kimwenye. explain frankly.
feudalism (noun), kimwinyi. they ate until they were satisfied..
feudalism (noun), ufidhali.
feudalism (noun), ukabaila (14).
feudalism (noun), umwene.
feudalism (noun), umwinyi (14).
feudalism (noun), umwinyi.
feudalist (noun), kabaila (5/6), pl makabaila.
feudalist (noun), mwinyi (5/6an), pl mainyi.
east coast fever (of cattle) (noun), ndigano, pl ndigano.
fever (noun), harara.
fever (noun), homa (9/10), pl homa.
fever (noun), homa.
fever (intermittent) (noun), baridi. rheumatism. baridi yabis[i].
have a fever (verb), -pata homa.
have a fever (verb), -shikwa na homa.
high fever (noun), joto, pl majoto.
newcomer's fever (due to difficulty in adjusting to a change of climate
or diet) (noun), mkunguru.
newcomer's fever (due to difficulty in adjusting to a change of climate
or diet) (noun), ukunguru.
newcomer's fever (due to difficulty in adjusting to a change of climate
or diet) (noun), ukunguru.
seasoning fever (due to difficulty in adjusting to a change of climate or
diet) (noun), mkunguru.
seasoning fever (due to difficulty in adjusting to a change of climate or
diet) (noun), ukunguru.
seasoning fever (due to difficulty in adjusting to a change of climate or
diet) (noun), ukunguru.
spirillium tick fever (noun), homa ya papasi.
feverish (adjective), haraka.
few (adjective), -akali. few things. ~ ya vitu, vitu ~.
few (adjective), chache.
few (adjective), haba.
few (adjective), ingine.
few (adverb), kadhaa.
few (adverb), kidogo.
fewness (noun), uchache (14).
fewness (noun), uchechefu (14).
fewness (noun), uhaba.
fewness (noun), uhafifu.
fez (noun), kofia (9/10), pl kofia.
fez (noun), takshi (9/10), pl takshi.
fez (noun), pl fezes?, tarbushi (9/10), pl tarbushi.
fez (tall kind formerly worn by police) (noun), msondo, pl misondo.
fez. (noun), kofia, pl kofia.
red fez (noun), kofia ya kindoro, pl kofia za kindoro.
fiancee (noun), mchumba (1/2), pl wachumba.
fiber (noun), ukonge (14).
fiber (of raffia palm) (noun), ufumwale (11).
fiber (of vegetables) (noun), kumbi (5/6), pl makumbi.
fiber (of vegetables) (noun), kumvi (5/6), pl makumvi.
fiber of the pineapple plant (used as thread) (noun), unanasi.
vegetable fiber (noun), kitembwe (7/8), pl kitembwe.
fibers (noun), uzi, pl nyuzi.
fibres (noun), nyuzinyuzi (9/10), pl nyuzinyuzi. synthetic fibres..
nyuzi zibuniwazo na watu.
fibres (phrase), nyuzi. synthetic fibres.. nyuzi zibuniwazo na watu.
fickle (adjective), geugeu.
fickle person (noun), kigeugeu (7/8an), pl vigeugeu.
fickle person (noun), mbadilishaji, pl wabadilishaji.
fickleness (noun), ubadilishaji.
fiction (noun), chuku. story, fiction. hadith ya chuku.
fiction (noun), uzushi (14).
Ficus species (the leaves of which are used for smoothing wood) (noun),
msasa, pl misasa.
fiddle (noun), fidla.
fiddle (verb), -chezea (applicative).
fidelity (noun), amini, pl amini.
fidelity (noun), ithibati.
fidelity (noun), staamani (9/10), pl staamani.
fidgety (adjective), tukutu.
cultivated field (noun), kore.
field (noun), kiwanja (7/8), pl viwanja.
field (noun), uwanja (11/10), pl nyanja.
field (cultivated) (noun), konde (5/6), pl makonde.
field (cultivated) (noun), pl fields, shamba (5/6), pl mashamba. a
cornfield. shamba la mahindi.
field (newly planted) (noun), kikore, pl vikore.
small field (noun), konde, pl makonde.
field work (noun), ukulima.
fierce (adjective), -kali.
fierceness (noun), makali.
fierceness (noun), ukali (14).
fife (noun), firimbi (5/6), pl mafirimbi.
fifteen (adjective), kumi na tano.
fifteen (noun), kumi na tano.
fifteen (kama kumi na tano) (noun), hamstashara.
one fifth (noun), humusi.
fifty (noun), hamsini (9/10), pl hamsini.
fifty-cent piece (noun), thumuni (9/10), pl thumuni.
fig tree (Ficus carica) (noun), tini (9/10), pl mitini.
wild fig (noun), kuyu.
wild fig tree (noun), mkuyu, pl mikuyu.
fig-tree (noun), pl fig-tress, mtini (3/4), pl mitini.
fight (noun), mapigano. class struggle. mapigano ya kitabaka.
fight (noun), mapigiano. class struggle. mapigiano ya kitabaka.
fight (noun), pigano (5/6), pl mapigano.
fight (noun), upiganaji.
fight (noun), ushindani.
fight (verb), -babaka.
fight (verb), -kikirika.
fight (verb), -kukurika.
fight (verb), -pigana (reciprocal). The party had appealed for war
against superstition. Chama kilikuwa kimetoa mwito wa kupigana na
ushirikina [Mun].
fight (verb), -puana. The boxing champions fought each other well.
Mabingwa wa ngumi walipuana vizuri.
fight (verb), -purana. The children fought each other with a whip.
Watoto walipurana na bakora.
fight (verb), -pururana.
fight (verb), -shindana.
fight (verb), -umana (reciprocal).
fight for (verb), -ania. he fought for his life. aliania maisha yake.
fight for (verb), -tetea.
fight for justice (verb), -pigania haki.
fight for something (verb), -pigania ( appl-recip). I am sure you know
what you are fighting for. nina hakika unajua unachopigania [Ng].
fighter (noun), mfisha, pl wafisha.
fighter (noun), mfishaji, pl wafishaji.
fighter (noun), mpiganaji, pl wapiganaji. There must be hundreds of
citizens who concern themselves with making shoes and clothing for the
soldiers, and food for the fighters, .... Lazima waweko raia kwa mamia
wanaojishughulisha na kutengeneza viatu na nguo za askari, na chakula cha
wapiganaji, ... [Nyerere, Masomo 276].
fighter (noun), mpigani, pl wapigani.
fighting (noun), kukuru.
fighting (noun), upigano.
fighting (noun), ushindani.
hand-to-hand fighting (noun), kakara.
figure (noun), jisima, pl majisima.
figure (noun), sanamu (9/10), pl sanamu. the figure of Vasco de Gama.
sanamu ya Vasco de Gama.
figure (noun), tambo (5/6), pl matambo.
figure (noun), tarakimu (9/10), pl tarakimu.
figure out (a puzzle) (verb), -fumbua.
natural figure (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
original figure (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
figurehead (noun), gubeti (5/6), pl magubeti.
filch (verb), -nyaka.
file (noun), dupa, pl madupa. file through something. kata kwa dupa.
file (noun), faili.
file (noun), kwaruzo, pl makwaruzo.
file (noun), mkururo (3/4), pl mikururo.
file (noun), tupa (9/10), pl tupa.
file (noun), tupa.
file (verb), -kereza.
file (of people) (noun), mwandamo, pl miandamo.
file (of people) (noun), ufuatano, pl fuatano/mafuatano.
file the teeth (as a family or ethnic marker) (verb), -panya.
in single file (adverb), chanjari.
in single file (adverb), sanjari. the soldiers stood in a single file in
front of the President. Wanajeshi walisimama sanjari mbele ya rais.
in single file (adverb), shanjari. the students stood in a single file
as they received the awards. Wanafunzi walisimama shanjari walipopokea
Indian file (noun), mpororo, pl mipororo.
single file (noun), mpoporo (3/4), pl mipoporo.
single file (noun), mpororo, pl mipororo.
single file (of people etc.) (noun), mpururo, pl mipururo.
wood file (noun), tungu.
filed (noun), uga, pl nyuga.
filigree work (in metal) (noun), temsi.
be filled (with) (verb), -sheheni.
be filled up (verb), -zibwa.
be filled with (verb), -jaliwa (passive).
be filled with (verb), -jawa (passive).
fill (verb), -ingiza.
fill (verb), -jaa.
fill (verb), -jaza.
fill (verb), -mimina.
fill in (a hole) (verb), -dudia.
fill out (verb), -jaza.
fill up (verb), -jaza.
fill up (verb), -ongeza.
fill up (verb), -ziba.
fill up (with earth) (verb), -fukia.
fill up with something (verb), -tutia.
fill with air (verb), -puliza.
filling up (act of) (noun), kizibo, pl vizibo.
get filled up (verb), -zibika.
be filled with (verb), -shiba. be filled wit studies. shiba masomo..
be partially filled (verb), -duba.
to be filled up (verb), -fukiza.
fillet (noun), salala (9/10), pl salala.
fillet (noun), sarara (9/10), pl sarara.
filling station (noun), penye tangi.
film (noun), filam.
film (noun), film.
film (noun), filmu.
film (noun), pl films, sinema (9/10), pl sinema.
film (noun), utando (11/10), pl tando.
film (noun), utandu.
filter (noun), chujio, pl machujio.
filter (noun), kichujio (7/8), pl vichujio.
filter (noun), kifumbu, pl vifumbu.
filter (noun), mkulo (3/4), pl mikulo.
filter (noun), mkuro, pl mikulo.
filter (verb), -chuja.
filtered product (noun), chujo (5/6), pl machujo.
filtering (noun), uchujo.
filth (noun), kinyaa (7/8), pl vinyaa.
filth (noun), mataka, pl mataka.
filth (noun), matakataka, pl matakataka.
filth (noun), najisi.
filth (noun), taka (5/6), pl mataka.
filth (noun), ukoo.
filth (noun), ukowo.
filth (noun), unyaa.
filthy act (noun), uhayawani (14).
something filthy (noun), mchafuko, pl michafuko.
fin (of fish) (noun), pl fins (of fish), pezi (5/6), pl mapezi.
final (adjective), kataa.
final (adjective), mwisho.
final (adverb), tama.
final (noun), kataa (9/10), pl kataa.
final (noun), -a kwisha.
final match or round in sports (noun), fainali.
finale (noun), tamati (9/10), pl tamati.
finale (noun), ukomo (14).
finalize for (verb), -hitimishiwa ( appl-caus-pass).
finally (adverb), hatima.
finally (adverb), hatimaye.
finally (adverb), mkataa.
finally (adverb), mwisho.
finally (adverb), mwishowe.
finally (adverb), mwishowe.
financial straits (noun), mwambo, pl miambo. The last days of the month
(before payday).. siku za mwambo.
finch (noun), chiriku (9/10), pl chiriku. The sounds of all the birds
stopped except that of the finch.. Sauti za ndege wote zinakoma isipokuwa
ya chiriku [Chacha Masomo 371].
finch (Fringilla coelebs) (noun), chiku.
finch (species of) (noun), kinanda, pl vinanda.
finch (species of) (noun), tunguridi.
Kersten's weaver finch (noun), binti chuma.
ornith. finch (noun), mnana, pl minana.
orntih. species of finch (noun), komakanga, pl komakanga. oyster.
find (verb), -jasisi.
find (verb), -kuta. The detective found himself in a large room with a
bed .... Mpelelezi alijikuta katika chumba kikubwa chenye kitanda ...
[Ganzel Masomo 165].
find (verb), -okota.
find (verb), -pata. find a reason.. pata sababu.
find (verb), -tafuta.
find (verb), -zumbua.
find (again) (verb), -dabiri.
find by chance (verb), -vumbua.
find out (verb), -ng'amua.
find out (verb), -ziua.
find out a secret (verb), -nyenyelea.
find out accidentally (verb), -gundua.
find out the truth (verb), -hakikisha.
finding (noun), uokotaji.
find fault with (verb), -atibu.
finder (noun), mwokosi (1/2), pl waokosi.
finder (of a lost object) (noun), mwokosi, pl waokosi.
finding (noun), mkuto (3/4), pl mikuto.
finding (act of) (noun), mkuto, pl mikuto.
fine (adjective), bora.
fine (adjective), embemba.
fine (adjective), -epesi.
fine (adjective), laini.
fine (adjective), -tifu.
fine (adjective), vema.
fine (adjective), vyema.
fine (adjective), zuri.
fine (adverb), fahuwa.
fine (noun), dia.
fine (noun), faini (9/10), pl faini.
fine (noun), fidia, pl mafidia.
fine (noun), makombozi.
fine (noun), ukoka (11).
fine (noun), ukomboleo.
fine (noun), ukomboo.
fine (noun), ukombozi.
fine (appearance) (adjective), vizuri.
fine (for violating the rules of a club etc.) (noun), haka.
fine (of clothes) (adjective), lonyo.
fine healthy child (noun), simba (9/10an), pl simba.
fine imposed for adultery (noun), ugoni (14).
finery (noun), mavalio, pl mavalio.
finery (noun), urembo, pl marembo.
big finger (noun), gumba (9/10), pl gumba.
finger (noun), chanda, pl vyanda.
finger (noun), kidole (7/8), pl vidole.
finger (noun), udole, pl ndole.
finger (noun), wanda.
finger (large) (noun), dole (5/6), pl madole.
lady's finger (noun), binda, pl mabinda.
person missing a finger or toe (noun), buge, pl mabuge.
ring finger (noun), kinsuiri, pl vinsuiri.
fingernail (noun), ukucha (11/10), pl kucha.
small piece torn off root of fingernail (noun), kikuchia (7/8), pl
fingerprint (noun), alama ya vidole (9/10), pl alama za vidole. It's
best I speak with you before the arrival of the doctor and the fingerprint
specialists.. Bora nizungumze nawe kabla ya kufika daktari na wataalamu
wa alama za vidole [Masomo 171].
fingerprint (noun), finyo (5/6), pl mafinyo.
finicky person (noun), pl finicky people, mteuzi (1/2), pl wateuzi.
finis (noun), tamati (9/10), pl tamati.
be finished (verb), -isha.
be finished (verb), -malizika.
finish (noun), hatima (9/10), pl hatima.
finish (noun), kikomo (7/8), pl vikomo.
finish (verb), -akidi.
finish (verb), -gota.
finish (verb), -hitimu.
finish (verb), -isha.
finish (verb), -kwisha.
finish (verb), -likiza.
finish (verb), -maliza. Chonya had finished his primary school studies..
Chonya alikuwa amemaliza masomo yake ya shule ya msingi [Balisidya, Masomo
finish (verb), -rakibisha.
finish (verb), -rekibisha.
finish (verb), -timiza.
finish for (verb), -timizia.
finish off (verb), -maliza.
finish off (verb), -sakata.
finish up (verb), -ishia.
finish with (verb), -malizia. to complete sentences. kumalizia sentensi
[Masomo 193].
be finished (verb), -timu.
finished (adjective), timamu.
finished (adjective), -timilifu.
apply fire to something (verb), -ungulia.
catch fire (verb), -waka.
catch fire (accidentally) (adjective), -wakia.
convey fire (verb), -paa.
fan a fire (verb), -pepea moto.
fire (noun), moto. light/kindle a fire. washa moto.
fire (verb), -uzulu.
fire (i.e. bullets) (verb), -fyetua.
fire (pottery) (verb), -oka.
fire (pottery) (verb), -ungulia.
fire a bullet (bullets) (verb), -fyatua risasi.
fire bullets (verb), -piga risasi. the police fired bullets at his body.
Polisi alimpiga risasi mwilini.
great fire (noun), mteketezo, pl miteketezo.
kindle a fire (verb), -koka.
making fire by twirling stick in holed stick (noun), upekecho (11/10), pl
put on the fire (verb), -teleka.
set fire to (verb), -washa.
sit the fire (and take out burning coals) (verb), -paa moto.
take away from the fire (verb), -okoa.
take live embers from the fire (verb), -palia (applicative).
take off the fire (verb), -tekua.
two sticks used together to make fire (noun), mpekecho, pl mipekecho.
two sticks used together to make fire (noun), mpeko, pl mipeko.
fire-stone (noun), jifya (5/6), pl mafya.
firebrand (noun), kinga.
firebrand (noun), mwenge (3/4), pl mienge.
firebrand (small) (noun), kijinga (7/8), pl vijinga.
firefly (noun), kimerimeti, pl vimerimeti.
firefly (noun), kimeti, pl vimeti.
firefly (noun), kimulimuli (7/8), pl vimulimuli.
firefly (noun), kimurimuri (7/8), pl vimuri-muri.
fireman (noun), mchocheaji moto, pl wachocheaji.
fireman (on train) (noun), mchoma moto, pl wachoma moto.
fireplace (noun), jiko.
fireplace (noun), jiko (5/6), pl meko.
the 'male' of a pair of firesticks (noun), wimbombo.
firewood (noun), kidondo, pl vidondo.
firewood (noun), kuni (9/10), pl kuni.
firewood (stick of) (noun), ukuni (11/10), pl kuni.
piece of firewood (noun), kinga.
fireworks (noun), fataki (9/10), pl fataki.
firing (noun), kufutwa (15).
firing (noun), shuti (9/10), pl shuti.
firing pin (noun), kifa, pl vifa.
be firm (verb), -dinda.
be firm (verb), -imarika.
be firm (verb), -shupaa.
be firm (verb), -sulibika (intransitive).
be firm (verb), -sulubika (intransitive).
be firm (verb), -thibiti.
be firm (verb), -tungama.
be firm (verb), -zinda.
be made firm (verb), -thibitika.
firm (adjective), gumu.
firm (adjective), hodari.
firm (adjective), hodari.
firm (adjective), imara.
firm (adjective), imara.
firm (adjective), madhubuti. It is essential for the OAU to look for
firm ways to end this dispute. Inabidi OAU kutafuta njia madhubuti za
kumaliza mzozo huo [Masomo 326]..
firm (adjective), mathubuti.
firm (adjective), mathubutu.
firm (adjective), sabiti.
firm (adjective), shupavu.
firm (adjective), stedi.
firm (adjective), thabiti.
firm (adverb), madhubuti.
firm (noun), kampuni, pl (-), makampuni.
firm (verb), -gumu.
make firm (verb), -imarisha.
make firm (verb), -thibitisha.
make firm (verb), -zindika.
of things firm (adjective), ume.
stand firm (verb), -kita.
firmament (noun), uwingu, pl mbingu.
firmly (adverb), imara.
firmly (adverb), kidete.
firmly (adverb), kikiki.
firmly (adverb), kisaki.
firmly (adverb), makataa.
firmly (adverb), tisti.
firmness (noun), imara (9/10), pl imara.
firmness (noun), imara.
firmness (noun), makini (6).
firmness (noun), mkato, pl mikato. resolute words.. maneno ya mkato.
firmness (noun), mkazo (3/4), pl mikazo.
firmness (noun), pl firmness, sulubu (9/10), pl sulubu.
firmness (noun), ugumu.
firmness (noun), uimara.
firmness (noun), umathubuti.
firmness (noun), ushupavu (14).
firmness (noun), usimeme (11).
firmness (noun), uthabiti.
firmness (noun), uthubutu.
at first (adjective), -auwali.
at first (adjective), awali.
at first (adverb), mwanzoni.
at first (noun), mwanzo (3/4), pl mianzo.
be first (verb), -tangulia.
become first in competition (verb), -shinda. (s)he came first in the
competition. Alishinda mtihani.
first (adjective), kwanza.
first principle (noun), kanuni ya mwanzo (9/10), pl kanuni za mwanzo.
go first (verb), -tangulia.
put or place first (verb), -tanguliza.
rare, adv.first (noun), mosi. First I must go, secondly..... mosi
lazima niende, pili....
that which goes first (noun), kitangulizi (7/8), pl vitangulizi.
first aid (noun), huduma (9/10), pl huduma.
first aid station (noun), kijihospitali, pl vijihospitali.
first-born child (noun), kifungua mimba (7/8), pl vifungua mimba.
first-class (adjective), aali.
first-class (adjective), bora.
rare first-class man (noun), nambawani, pl manambawani.
catch (of fish) (noun), mvuo, pl mivuo.
catch fish (verb), -vua.
dried fish (noun), samaki mkavu (9/10), pl samaki.
dried fish (kind of) (noun), jodari.
edible fish (noun), chole.
edible fish (kind of) (noun), kowana.
edible sea-fish (noun), bumbura.
edible sea-fish (noun), chaa.
fish (noun), nswi (9/10an), pl nswi.
fish (broad black type) (noun), chafi (9/10), pl chafi.
fish (delicious type popular along the Swahili coast) (noun), changu
(9/10), pl changu.
fish (dried type) (noun), jodari (9/10), pl jodari.
fish (edible kind from sea) (noun), sororo (9/10an), pl sororo.
fish (giant rock cod) (noun), chewa (9/10), pl chewa. Cod are fished
there. Chewa wanavuliwa huko.
fish (in gen.) (noun), samaki (9/10an), pl samaki. One bad fish infects
all the rest (proverb).. Samaki mmoja akioza, wote wameoza.
fish (kind of) (noun), bange, pl bange.
fish (kind of) (noun), biliwili.
fish (kind of) (noun), chale.
fish (kind of) (noun), dengezi.
fish (kind of) (noun), dodofu.
fish (kind of) (noun), kiangu, pl viangu.
fish (kind of) (noun), kidoko, pl vidoko.
fish (kind of) (noun), kilendo, pl vilendo.
fish (kind of) (noun), kudu.
fish (kind of) (noun), kumba.
fish (kind of) (noun), kuwi.
fish (kind of) (noun), mbawawa.
fish (kind of) (noun), mkiki.
fish (kind of) (noun), njombo (9/10an), pl njombo.
fish (kind of) (noun), panju (9/10an), pl panju.
fish (kind of) (noun), tasi (9/10an), pl tasi.
fish (kind of) (noun), tawa, pl tawa.
fish (kind of) (noun), una.
fish (kind similar to sole) (noun), kikande, pl vikande.
fish (kind with prickly skin) (noun), panga (5/6), pl mapanga.
fish (large edible kind) (noun), nguru (9/10an), pl nguru.
fish (large kind) (noun), mnimbi.
fish (large sea kind) (noun), pungo (9/10an), pl pungo.
fish (large sea kind) (noun), pungu (9/10an), pl pungu.
fish (large type) (noun), chongoe (7/8), pl vyongoe.
fish (sluggish kind that lives among coral) (noun), pono (9/10an), pl
pono. This man sleeps like a pono.. mtu huyu ana usingizi kama pono.
fish (small kind) (noun), kibua, pl vibua.
fish (small kind) (noun), nyambuo (9/10an), pl nyambuo.
fish (small) (noun), ngogo (9/10an), pl ngogo.
fish (type found in mangrove swamps) (noun), chanyatia (9/10), pl
fish (type of) (noun), chenga (9/10), pl chenga.
fish (type of) (noun), kigombegombe (7/8), pl vigombegombe.
fish (type of) (noun), kikotwe, pl vikotwe.
fish (type of) (noun), kipungu (7/8an), pl vipungu.
fish (type with disagreeable smell) (noun), kangaja (9/10), pl kangaja.
fish (type) (noun), gambusi (9/10), pl gambusi.
fish (type) (noun), kidako, pl vidako.
fish (type) (noun), kidau (7/8), pl vidau.
fish (very small type) (noun), kabwiri (9/10), pl kabwiri.
fish laid out to dry (noun), mtande, pl mitande.
flat fish (large) (noun), nyenga (9/10an), pl nyenga.
flying fish (noun), panzi (9/10an), pl panzi.
flying fish (noun), panzi bahari (9/10an), pl panzi bahari.
fresh fish (noun), samaki mbichi (9/10), pl samaki.
globe fish (noun), nungu (9/10an), pl nungu.
globe fish (noun), nungunungu (9/10an), pl nungunungu.
jinamisi (kind of fish) (noun), jinamisi.
kangaja (kind of fish) (noun), kangaja.
kind of a fish similar to an eel (noun), msia, pl misia.
kind of a fish similar to an eel (noun), mzia, pl mizia.
kind of edible fish (noun), kipilpili, pl vipilipili.
kind of fish (noun), fulusi (9/10an), pl fulusi.
kind of fish (noun), fumi.
kind of fish (noun), kiua, pl viua. boy.
kind of fish (noun), komba, pl komba.
kind of fish, Zanclus cornutus (noun), kipepeo, pl vipepeo.
large fish (noun), kolekole.
mjombo (kind of fish) (noun), mjombo, pl mijombo.
mkundaji (kind of fish) (noun), mkundaji.
round inedible fish (noun), bunju. "l am like a bunju, l am clever"..
prov. mimi bunju, akili yangu kichwani.
sea-fish (kind of) (noun), nduara.
small edible fish (noun), changu.
small fish (noun), daga, pl daga.
small fish (noun), dagaa, pl dagaa.
smell of fish (noun), kidusi (9/10), pl kidusi.
string of fish (noun), kishazi, pl mashazi, vishazi.
string of fish (noun), shazi (5/6), pl mashazi. tie me one string of
fish. Nifungie shazi la samaki.
swamp fish (kind of) (noun), zamburu, pl mazamburu.
type of fish (noun), kiunga, pl viunga.
fish-roe (noun), ng'ofu (9/10an), pl ng'ofu.
fish-trap (noun), dema (5/6), pl madema.
fish-trap (noun), nyalio (9/10), pl nyalio.
fish-trap (noun), uzio (11/10), pl nyuzio.
Kalua (name of a sect of Indian fishermen) (noun), kalua, pl makalua.
fisherman (noun), mvua, pl wavua.
fisherman (noun), mvuvi, pl wavuvi.
work of a fisherman (noun), uvuvi.
large fishhook (for catching sharks) (noun), koto, pl makoto.
fishhook (noun), doana, pl madoana.
fishook (noun), kioo, pl vioo.
fishing (noun), uvuvi (14).
fishing (act of) (noun), mvuo, pl mivuo.
fishing (method of) (noun), uvuvi.
fishing line (noun), pl fishing lines, mshipi (3/4), pl mishipi.
fishing line (noun), ugwe, pl ngwe, nyugwe.
good place for fishing (noun), mvuo, pl mivuo.
fishing-net (noun), shabaki (9/10), pl shabaki.
fissure (noun), mwatuko, pl miatuko.
fist (noun), konde (5/6), pl makonde.
fist (noun), konzi (5/6), pl makonzi.
fist (noun), ngumi (5/6), pl mangumi. hit with the fist. piga ngumi.
fist (=ngumi) (noun), ipi.
med. fistula. (noun), nasuri.
med.fistula (usually a crack in the sole of the feet caused by yaws
(noun), mtembo, pl mitembo.
be fitting (verb), -juzu.
cause to fit together (verb), -bandikisha.
cause to fit together (verb), -bandikiza.
fit (noun), kifafa (7/8), pl vifafa.
fit (noun), pindupindu (9/10), pl pindupindu.
fit (verb), -afiki.
fit (verb), -endekeza.
fit (verb), -eneza.
fit (verb), -lingana (associative).
fit (verb), -shimiri. His clothes do not fit/become him. mavazi yake
fit (verb), -simiri. His clothes do not fit/become him. mavazi
fit of coughing (noun), kikohozi, pl vikohozi.
fit tightly (verb), -jikaza (reflexive).
fit together (verb), -unda.
fit together (verb), -ungana.
fit together (in carpentry or cabinetmaking). (verb), -shamiri.
fit together (of doors or windows etc.) (verb), -umana.
med. fit (noun), kipindi, pl vipindi.
fit together (verb), -bandika.
fitness (noun), uhodari.
with the fits (adverb), ndondi. "fight with the fists, box".. pigana
be fitted together (verb), -pindana.
as is fitting (phrase), kiasi cha ada tu.
be fitting (verb), -afiki.
be fitting (verb), -laiki.
be fitting (verb), -stahiki.
be fitting (verb), -stahili. (s)he has gotten a very good job, it is not
fitting of him/her. Amepata kazi nzuri sana, si stahili yake.
be fitting (verb), -stahilisha.
fitting (adjective), kifu.
fitting (adjective), kimada.
fitting (adjective), linganifu.
fitting (adjective), linganyifu.
what is fitting (noun), laiki (9/10), pl laiki.
fittings (noun), zana (9/10), pl zana.
five (adjective), pl fives, tano.
five (adjective), tanu.
five (noun), hamsa.
fivolous (adjective), shau.
fivolous (adjective), shaufu.
fix (verb), -kaza.
fix (verb), -kita.
fix (verb), -pachika.
fix (verb), -rakibisha (causative).
fix (verb), -rekibisha (causative).
fix (verb), -tengeneza.
fix in a spot (verb), -banika.
fixed time (noun), wakati.
have a fixed price (verb), -akifu.
fixing (noun), uimarisho.
flabbiness (noun), uajazi.
flabbiness (noun), uajizi.
flabby (adjective), teke.
flabby (adjective), tepete.
flabby (adjective), tepetevu.
flaccid (adjective), teke.
flaccid (adjective), tepete.
flaccid (adjective), tepetevu.
flag (noun), alamu (9/10), pl alamu.
flag (noun), bandera, pl bandera. hoist the flag, the flag flutters in
the wind, he turns like a flag in the wind (i.e., is fickle). -tweka ~,
bendera hufuata upepo, yeye ni ~ hufuata upepo.
flag (noun), bendera (9/10), pl bendera. hoist the flag. tweka bendera.
flag (noun), beramu.
flag (noun), kangaga, pl makangaga.
fly the flag of... (country) (phrase), -peperusha bendera ya....
haul down a flag (verb), -shusha bendere.
be in flames (verb), -waka.
burst into flames (verb), -lipuka.
burst into flames (verb), -ripuka.
flame (noun), moto.
flame (noun), mwako (3/4), pl miako. a small lamp with a weak flame.
kibatali cha mwako hafifu [Balisidya, Masomo 348].
flame (noun), mwale (3/4), pl miale.
flame (noun), spaki (9/10), pl spaki.
flame (noun), ulimi wa moto (11/10), pl ndimi za moto.
flame (verb), -waa.
flame (tongue of) (noun), mwali.
flame up (noun), bimbiriza.
flame up (verb), -meka.
flamingo (noun), heroe.
flange (noun), zinara.
flank (noun), ubavu.
flannel (noun), flana (9/10), pl flana.
flannel (noun), fulana (9/10), pl fulana.
flap (noun), kikofi (7/8), pl vikofi.
flap the wings wildly (verb), -paparika.
flap under opening of kanzu in front (noun), lisani (9/10), pl lisani.
flare up (noun), bimbiriza.
flare up (verb), -lipuka.
flare up (verb), -ripuka. the father flared up on seeing that his child
had been injured. Baba aliripuka kuona mwanawe amejeruhiwa.
flare up ( a fire) (verb), -umbia.
flash (verb), -angaa.
flashlight (noun), hunrunzi.
flashlight (noun), kurunzi.
flashlight (noun), siraji (9/10), pl siraji.
flashlight (noun), tochi (9/10), pl tochi.
flashlight (noun), tochi.
any flat object (eg sheet metal or cardboard paper) (noun), ubamba, pl
any thin flat object (noun), bamba, pl mabamba.
be flat (verb), -nyoka.
be flat (verb), -nyooka.
flat (adjective), bapa, pl mabapa. level surface. sura bapa.
flat (adjective), chapwa.
flat (adjective), pana.
flat (adjective), sawa. a flat land/country. nchi sawa..
flat (adjective), ubapa, pl mabapa.
flat country (noun), tambalale (9/10), pl tambalale.
flat country (noun), tambarare (9/10), pl tambarare.
flat land (noun), kiwara, pl viwara.
lie flat (verb), -fuama.
put down flat (verb), -fuamisha.
put down flat (verb), -fuamiza.
flat cake made of bean meal (noun), papuri (5/6), pl mapapuri.
flatfish (very large kind) (noun), tenga, pl matenga.
walk flatfooted (verb), -bata.
walk flatfooted (verb), -batabata.
walk flatfooted (verb), -batua.
flatiron (noun), pasi (9/10), pl pasi. iron (clothes). piga pasi.
flatly (used only with -kataa = refuse) (adverb), katakata.
flatten (clothes) (verb), -guruta.
flatter (verb), -bemba.
flatter (verb), -chua.
flatter (verb), -pembeja.
flatter (verb), -rai.
flatter (verb), -rairai.
flatter (verb), -sifu.
flatter (verb), -tunisha.
flatterer (noun), mbembe, pl wabembe.
flatterer (noun), mbembelezi, pl wabembelezi.
flatterer (noun), mbembezi, pl wabembezi.
flatterer (noun), msifu, pl wasifu. "toady, sycophant, lickspittle"..
msifu mno.
flattery (noun), kilemba, pl vilemba.
flattery (noun), mabembelezo, pl mabembelezo.
flattery (noun), mapembelezo, pl mabembelezo.
flattery (noun), masifu.
flattery (noun), sifa (9/10), pl sifa. the flatterer is your friend.
mwenye sifa ni mwenzio.
flattery (noun), urai.
flatulence (noun), rehe (9/10), pl rehe.
flatulence (noun), riahi (9/10), pl riahi.
flatulence (noun), rihi (9/10), pl rihi.
flatulence (noun), shuzi (5/6), pl mashuzi. the gratitude of the donkey
is flatulence. shukrani za punda ni mashuzi [Rec].
flute player (noun), kabiri.
bad flavor (noun), kidusi (9/10), pl kidusi.
flavor (noun), kiburudisho, pl viburudisho.
flavor (noun), ladha (9/10), pl ladha.
flavor (noun), utamu.
flavor (verb), -towea.
flavor (verb), -towelea.
something highly flavored (tobacco or coffee etc.) (noun), msunguti, pl
be well-flavored (verb), -chapukia.
something highly flavored (tobacco or coffee etc.) (noun), mchunguti, pl
flavoring (noun), mchikicho (3/4), pl michikicho.
flaw (noun), ila (9/10), pl ila.
flaw (noun), nakisi.
flaw (noun), pengo (5/6), pl mapengo.
flaw (noun), pungufu (5/6), pl mapungufu.
flax (noun), kitani (9/10), pl kitani.
flay (verb), -puchua.
flay (verb), -pujua.
flay (animals) (verb), -chuna.
flay (animals) (verb), -chunua.
flayer (noun), mchunaji, pl wachunaji.
flayer (noun), mchuni, pl wachunaji.
flaying (noun), chuno, pl machuno.
flea (noun), kiroboto (7/8an), pl viroboto.
flea (burrowing) (noun), tekenya (5/6), pl matekenya.
sand flea (noun), tekenya, pl matekenywa.
sand flea (noun), tekenywa, pl matekenywa.
cause to flee (verb), -ponya (causative).
cause to flee (verb), -ponyesha (causative).
flee (verb), -churupuka.
flee (verb), -timka.
flee (verb), -timuka.
flee (verb), -titimka.
flee (verb), -toroka.
flee (verb), -toroka.
flee (from danger) (verb), -pona.
flesh (noun), nyama (9/10), pl nyama. pork. nyama ya nguruwe.
flesh (without fat or bones) (noun), mnofu (3/4), pl minofu.
flesh of a fruit (noun), nyama ya matunda (9/10), pl nyama.
flex (something elastic without breaking) (verb), -nyumbua.
flexibility (noun), kinamo.
flexibility (noun), unyumbufu.
be flexible (verb), -napukia.
be flexible (verb), -nyumbuka.
flexible (adjective), nama. flexible stick.. kijiti kinama.
flexible (adjective), nyumbufu.
flier (noun), mrukaji, pl warukaji.
flight (noun), pl flights, mruko (3/4), pl miruko.
flight (noun), pl flights, ruko (5/6), pl maruko. flight of an
aeroplane. ruko la ndege.
flight (noun), utoro.
flight (verb), -huni.
take flight (verb), -kimbia.
flightiness (noun), ubembe.
flightiness (noun), ubembelezi.
flinching (noun), mshtuko, pl mishtuko.
flinching (noun), mstuko, pl mistuko.
fling (verb), -vurumisha (causative).
fling oneself (verb), -timka mbio.
flirt (noun), mbembe, pl wabembe.
flirt (noun), mbembelezi, pl wabembelezi.
flirt (noun), mbembezi, pl wabembezi.
flirt (verb), -bemba.
flirt (verb), -puza.
be flirtatious (verb), -jishaua (reflexive).
cause to float (verb), -eleza.
float (verb), -elea.
float (verb), -elea.
float (verb), -konya.
float (in the air) (verb), -anga.
float (in the air) (verb), -angama.
float (on a fishing-line) (noun), chelezo, pl vyelezo.
float (on fishnets) (noun), mpato, pl mipato.
something that floats (noun), kieleaji, pl vieleaji.
flock (noun), kundi, pl makundi.
flock (noun), mifugo (4).
flocks (noun), mfugo, pl mifugo.
flog (verb), -rapua. As Maksuudi flogged him/her with a strap. Maksuudi
akimrapua kwa ukanda [Moh].
flood (noun), furiko (5/6), pl mafuriko.
flood (noun), gharika (9/10), pl gharika.
flood (noun), gharikisho (9/10), pl magharikisho.
flood (noun), mafuriko.
flood (noun), maji maundifu.
flood (verb), -gharikisha.
naut. flood-tide (noun), mafuriko.
be flooded (verb), -ghariki.
floor (noun), chini.
floor (of a hard-patched mud or concrete). (noun), sakafu (9/10), pl
sakafu. the floor of the house broke after an earth tremor. Sakafu ya
nyumba ilivunjika baada ya mteremko wa ardhi.
floor (or a building) (noun), ghorofa. second floor. orofa ya pili.
floor (or a building) (noun), gorofa. second floor. orofa ya pili.
floor (or a building) (noun), orofa (9/10), pl orofa. second floor.
orofa ya pili.
lay a floor (of hardpacked earth or cement) in a house. (verb), -waka.
make a (hard-packed) mud or concrete floor. (verb), -sakifu.
flop (verb), -kweta.
flotsam (noun), kieleaji, pl vieleaji.
flotsam and jetsam (noun), mzumai, pl mizumai.
flounder (verb), -kweta.
flour (noun), unga (11), pl unga.
rice flour mixed with sugar and grated coconut (noun), kigodo (7/8), pl
flourish (verb), -chanua.
flourish (verb), -sitawi.
flourish (verb), -stawi.
flourish (verb), -tonoka.
flourish (verb), -tononeka.
flourish (verb), -tononoka.
flourish (verb), -tononoka.
thrive (verb), -stawi. The trees are thriving. miti imesitawi.
flourishing (adjective), salaam.
flourishing (adjective), salamu.
flourishing (of a tree) (adjective), -kuza.
flow (noun), mkondo (3/4), pl mikondo.
flow (noun), pl flows, mtiririko (3/4), pl mitiririko.
flow (verb), -chiririka.
flow (verb), -derereka.
flow (verb), -tiririka.
flow (verb), -yaika.
flow (verb), -yayuka.
flow (verb), -yeyuka.
flow (of water) (verb), -jiri.
flow (off) (verb), -churura.
flower (noun), ua (5/6), pl maua.
flower (verb), -chanua.
flower of a species of liana (noun), kilua, pl vilua.
flower of the wild jasmine (noun), afu (9/10), pl afu.
flower sachet worn in hair or on dress (noun), kikuba (7/8), pl vikuba.
four o'clock flower (Miribilis jalapa) (noun), kinuka.
four o'clock flower (Miribilis jalapa) (noun), kinuka jio.
stage of growth of a plant which is in full flower and just beginning to
form fruit (noun), upunga.
be flown (verb), -rukwa (passive).
flu (noun), kamata (9/10), pl kamata.
fluctuation (noun), geuzi (5/6), pl mageuzi.
fluctuation (noun), mageuko.
fluctuation (noun), mageuzi.
fluctuation (noun), mageuzo.
fluency (noun), unenaji.
fluency (noun), uneni.
fluency (noun), usemaji (14).
fluent person (noun), mwongeza, pl waongeza.
fluent person (noun), mwongezi, pl waongezi.
fluid (adjective), dabwadabwa.
fluid (adjective), debwedebwe.
fluid (adjective), majimaji.
fluid state (noun), umaji.
fluid state (noun), umajimaji.
flunky (noun), nokoa (5/6an), pl manokoa.
fluster (noun), utukutu.
flute (noun), filimbi (9/10), pl filimbi.
flute (noun), mrija, pl mirija.
flute (kind of) (noun), firimbi (5/6), pl mafirimbi.
kind of flute made of bamboo (noun), mwanzi, pl mianzi.
play flute (verb), -piga filimbi.
flutter (verb), -babatika.
flutter (verb), -konya.
flutter (verb), -papatika.
flutter (verb), -tukutika.
fluttering (noun), kipapa (7/8), pl vipapa.
fluttering (noun), mpapatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
fluttering (noun), papatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
fluttering (noun), papatiko (5/6), pl mapapatiko.
flux (noun), tindikali (9/10), pl tindikali.
cause to fly (verb), -rusha.
fly (noun), inzi (9/10), pl inzi.
fly (noun), pl flies, nzi (9/10an), pl nzi.
fly (verb), -pepea.
fly (verb), -ruka. shhh, be silent the aeroplane will fly. shhh, kimya
ndege ataruka [Moh].
fly (common insect) (noun), inzi, pl mainzi.
fly (large stinging kind) (noun), bunzi, pl mabunzi.
fly (poisonous type) (noun), chafuo (9/10), pl chafuo.
fly an airplane (verb), -rusha ndege. the pilot flew the airplane over
the air. Rubani alirusha ndege juu angani.
fly at (verb), -rukia.
fly away (verb), -peperuka.
paradise flycatcher (noun), shore kishungi (5/6an), pl mashore.
flying ants (a relish for some people) (noun), kumbikumbi (9/10), pl
foal (noun), kinda la farasi (5/6an), pl makinda ya farasi.
foam (noun), fuo (5/6), pl mafuo.
foam (noun), povu (5/6), pl mapovu. "On arriving at home, (s)he finds
that (s)he still has foams of soap in the ear".. akifika nyumbani
hujikuta bado ana mapovu ya sabuni sikioni [Kez].
foam (noun), ukafu (11).
foam (verb), -chacha.
foam (verb), -fanya povu.
foam up (verb), -bubujika.
foam up (verb), -buguika.
be focused on (of eyes) (verb), -angaza. His eyes are focussed on his
country.. Macho yake sana yanaangaza nchini mwake [Masomo 392].
focus on an objective (verb), -lenga shabaha. The explanations that
follow have been provided to focus on this objective.. Maelezo yafuatayou
yametolewa kulenga shabah hiyo [Masomo 3].
fodder (noun), malisha.
fodder (noun), malisho.
fodder (noun), malishoni.
fodder (noun), mlo (3/4), pl milo.
fodder grass (noun), ukoka (14).
kind of creeping grass used for fodder (noun), ukoka.
foe (noun), adui (5/6an), pl maadui. Every one of us wants this foe to
be driven outside of our borders. Kila mmoja wetu anataka adui huyo
afukuzwe nje ya mipaka yetu [Nyerere, Masomo 274].
fog (noun), kunge (9/10), pl kunge.
fog (noun), kungugu (9/10), pl kungugu.
fog (noun), ukungu, pl kungu, makungu.
fog (noun), umande.
fog (noun), unyenyezi.
be foggy (verb), -wamba.
decorative metal foil (worn by women on their ears) (noun), jaribosi
(5/6), pl majaribosi.
foil (noun), ubamba (11/10), pl bamba.
foil (gold or silver) (noun), sineri (9/10), pl sineri.
be folded (verb), -kunjwa (passive).
fold (noun), kikunje, pl kikunjo.
fold (noun), kikunjo, pl kikunjo.
fold (noun), kunjo (5/6), pl makunjo.
fold (noun), kunyanzi (5/6), pl makunyanzi.
fold (noun), mkunjo (3/4), pl mikunjo.
fold (noun), mkuto (3/4), pl mikuto.
fold (noun), tabaka (5/6), pl matabaka.
fold (noun), zizi, pl mazizi.
fold (verb), -finyo.
fold (verb), -kunga.
fold (verb), -kunja.
fold (verb), -minika.
fold (verb), -pinda.
fold (verb), -tabikisha (causative).
fold (of a skirt) (noun), rinda (5/6), pl marinda. A light cloth with
many folds. kitambaa chepesi chenye marinda mengi [Muk].
fold (of clothing) (noun), kipindo (7/8), pl vipindo.
fold (the arms) (verb), -tataga.
fold (up) (verb), -kunja.
fold of loincloth (used as pocket) (noun), kibindo (7/8), pl vibindo.
fold over (verb), -peta.
fold(ing) (noun), upeto (11/10), pl peto.
be folded (verb), -tabiki.
be folded together (verb), -pindana.
one who folds something; folder (noun), mkunjaji, pl wakunjaji. "one who
makes faces, clown".. mkunjaji uso.
foliage (noun), janda, pl majanda.
foliage (noun), jani, pl majani.
foliage (noun), majani.
be followed (verb), -fuatwa (passive).
be followed by (verb), -andamwa.
cause to follow (verb), -tungiza.
follow (verb), -andama. He cannot begin his own style of composing
poetry if he doesn't follow the rules of poetic composition.. Hawezi
kuanzisha mtindo wake mwenyewe wa kutunga mashairi ikiwa haandami kanuni
za ushairi [Khan, Masomo 396].
follow (verb), -fuata.
follow (verb), -shika. follow the law. shika sheria [desturi]..
follow a path (verb), -shika njia. follow the path back home. Shika
njia urudi nyumbani.
follow a road (verb), -shika njia. as they followed the road back to
town. waliposhika njia kurejea mjini [Sul].
follow by scent (verb), -nukilia.
follow carefully (verb), -fuatilia (applicative).
follow each other (verb), -ongozana.
follow in succession (adverb), chanjari.
follow in succession (verb), -sanjari.
follow in succession (verb), -shanjari. we went to class following in
succession. Tulikwenda darasani shanjari.
follow one another (verb), -andamana (reciprocal).
follow stealthily (verb), -nyapa.
follow stealthily (verb), -nyapanyapa.
following-together (noun), fuatano (5/6), pl mafuatano.
make follow (verb), -fuatisha.
condition of a follower (noun), ufuasi.
follower (noun), mfuasi, pl wafuasi.
follower (noun), mfuataji, pl wafuataji.
follower (noun), mwandani, pl wandani.
followers (noun), umati.
following (adjective), -andamo. new moon (rare). mwezi mwandamo.
following (adverb), ya pili. second. pili a pili.
following (noun), pl mus. melody, mafuatano.
following (noun), uandamano (14).
following (verb), -fuatia (applicative).
following (act of) (noun), mwandamo, pl miandamo.
following (act of) (noun), ufuataji.
something following (noun), kifuasi (7/8), pl vifuasi.
folly (noun), dufu, pl madufu.
folly (noun), mafuu.
folly (noun), mapiswa.
folly (noun), ubozi.
folly (noun), ubure.
folly (noun), ujinga (14).
folly (noun), upumbavu.
folly (noun), upuzi (11).
folly (noun), usugu.
be fond of (verb), -penda.
be very fond of (verb), -chunuka.
be very fond of (verb), -chunuka.
be very fond of (verb), -tunuka.
grow fond of (a person) (verb), -tabiki.
one who is fond of something (noun), mpenda, pl wapenda. glutton; a
lover of luxury.. mpenda kula; mpenda tamasha.
one who is fond of something (noun), mpendao, pl wapendao. glutton..
mpenda kula.
one who is fond of something (noun), mpendi, pl wapendi. glutton..
mpenda kula.
fondle (verb), -ingia maungoni.
fondness (noun), ashiki, pl ashiki.
fondness (noun), ashki, pl ashiki.
fondness (noun), uchu (14).
fondness (reciprocal) (noun), mapendano.
fontanel (of an infant) (noun), utosi, pl tosi.
any kind of cooked food sold in the market (noun), kapile.
cooked food (of any kind) (noun), kapile (9/10), pl kapile.
food (noun), chakula (7/8), pl vyakula.
food (noun), kilaji (7/8), pl vilaji.
food (noun), lukuma (14), pl lukuma.
food (noun), maakuli (6).
food (noun), maakuli, pl maakuli.
food (noun), makulaji.
food (noun), makuli, pl makuli.
food (noun), malaji (6).
food (noun), malaji.
food (noun), maponea (6).
food (noun), maponea.
food (noun), mlisho, pl milisho.
food (noun), mlo (3/4), pl milo.
food (noun), riziki (9/10), pl riziki.
food (stiff porridge made by boiling maize or sorghum or millet meal
flour in water; ubiquitous in East Africa) (noun), ugali (11).
food and drink (noun), ulaji.
food hung to dry (noun), pl food, mtande (3/4), pl mitande.
food received after completing task (noun), kisutuo (7/8), pl visutuo.
plain food (without relish) (noun), umanga (14).
thick food (especially sauce) (adjective), rojorojo. the mother cooked
mashed potatoes. Mama alipika viazi vya rojorojo.
foodstuffs (noun), malaji.
fool (noun), baghami, pl baghami.
fool (noun), baradhuli, pl mabaradhuli.
fool (noun), bardhuli, pl mabardhuli.
fool (noun), bozi, pl mabozi.
fool (noun), daba, pl madaba.
fool (noun), juha, pl majuha.
fool (noun), jura, pl majura.
fool (noun), kibahaluli (7/8), pl vibahaluli.
fool (noun), maamuma, pl maamuma.
fool (noun), mahamuma.
fool (noun), mghafala, pl waghafala.
fool (noun), mjinga (1/2), pl wajinga. These are foolish people.. Hawa
ni watu wajinga [Nabhany Masomo 293].
fool (noun), mnyangalika, pl wanyangalika.
fool (noun), mpumbafu, pl wapumbafu.
fool (noun), mpumbavu, pl wapumbavu.
fool (noun), mpuzi (1/2), pl wapuzi.
fool (noun), tobwe (5/6an), pl matobwe.
fool (noun), zugezuge (5/6an), pl mazugezuge.
fool (verb), -danganya.
fool (verb), -renga.
fooling around (noun), uchezaji.
make a fool of (verb), -zuzua.
make a fool of someone (verb), -kejeli.
make a fool of someone (verb), -pumbaza. John made a fool of Ali after
deceiving him. John alimpumbaza Ali kwa kumdanganya.
play the fool (verb), -jipa ujinga.
be fooled (verb), -zuzuka.
foolhardiness (noun), ujasiri.
foolhardy (verb), -jasiri.
foolhardy person (noun), mjasiri, pl wajasiri.
be foolish (verb), -pumbaa.
be foolish (verb), -puuza. do one's work in a foolish way.. puza kazi.
be foolish (verb), -puza. do one's work in a foolish way.. puza kazi.
do one's work in a foolish way (verb), -puuza kazi. "Usually, (s)he does
his/her work in a foolish way if (s)he is tired".. Kawaida anapuuza kazi
kama amechoka.
fool (noun), kimwondo (7/8), pl vimwondo.
foolish (adjective), -baghami.
foolish (adjective), chege.
foolish (adjective), dufu.
foolish (adjective), jinga.
foolish (adjective), kijinga.
foolish (adjective), kijingajinga.
foolish (adjective), pumbavu. stop your foolishness. Waacha upumbavu
foolish (adjective), -a upuzi.
foolish (adjective), -zuzu.
foolish person (noun), bunga.
foolish talk (noun), upuuzi.
foolish talk (noun), upuzi.
speak foolishly (like a feeble-minded or senile person) (verb), -piswa.
foolishly (adverb), ovyoovyo. (s)he laughs aimlessly with anybody.
akicheka ovyo na kila mtu [Muk].
foolishly (adverb), ovyo.
foolishness (noun), kijinga, pl vijinga.
foolishness (noun), mawe, pl mawe.
foolishness (noun), ubabaifu (14).
foolishness (noun), ubaradhuli (14).
foolishness (noun), ubardhuli.
foolishness (noun), udufu (14).
foolishness (noun), ujuhula.
foolishness (noun), upumbavu (14), pl upumbavu.
foolishness (noun), upuuzi (14), pl upuuzi.
foolishness (noun), upuzi (14), pl upuzi.
bottom of foot (noun), uwayo (11/10), pl nyayo.
foot (noun), pl feet, mguu (3/4), pl miguu.
foot (dim) (noun), kiguu (7/8), pl viguu.
foot (measure) (noun), futi (9/10), pl futi.
foot that has fallen asleep (noun), kibibi, pl vibibi.
on foot (adjective), kwa miguu.
on foot (adverb), kwata.
person with a deformed or mutilated foot (noun), kibwiko (7/8an), pl
ulcerous cracks or sores on feet (noun), pl ulcerous cracks or sores on
feet, nyungunyungu (9/10), pl nyungunyungu.
football (noun), kandanda.
football (noun), ngovi (9/10), pl ngovi.
football (noun), ngozi (9/10), pl ngozi.
football (European) (noun), pl football, soka (9/10), pl soka.
football (game) (noun), gozi (5/6), pl magozi.
football game (noun), ngovi (9/10), pl ngovi.
football game (noun), ngozi (9/10), pl ngozi.
football match (noun), kandanda (9/10), pl kandanda.
footballer (noun), mfungaji magoli (1/2), pl wafungaji magoli.
fig. footloose person (noun), kirukanjia, pl virukanjia.
footpad (noun), pakacha (9/10), pl pakacha.
footpad (noun), pakaja (9/10), pl pakaja.
footprint (noun), pl footprints, nyayo (9/10), pl nyayo.
footprint (noun), uwayo (11/10), pl nyayo.
footprint (noun), wayo (11/10), pl nyayo.
footprint (of an animal) (noun), unyao.
footprint (of an animal) (noun), unyayo, pl nyayo.
footstool (noun), jano.
fop (noun), baradhuli, pl mabaradhuli.
fop (noun), bardhuli, pl mabardhuli.
fop (noun), malidadi.
fop (noun), mardadi.
fop (noun), maridadi.
fop (noun), maridadi.
fop (noun), mmalidadi.
fop (noun), mrembo, pl warembo.
foppery (noun), umaridadi (14).
for (conjunction), kwa.
for (pronoun), kwani.
take for (verb), -chukulia.
for a long time (adverb), toka enzi.
for a long time (adverb), tokea zamani.
for example (adverb), masalan.
for example (adverb), mathalan. Suitable tests are those that measure,
for example vocabulary, comprehension, etc.. Mitihani ifaayo ni ile
inayopima mathalan msamiati, ufahamu n.k. [Masomo 187].
for example (adverb), mathalani.
for example (adverb), methalan.
for example (conjunction), mathalan. If a death occurs, for example,
s/he will compose a poem for the bereaved to comfort them.. Pakitukia
kifo, mathalan, atawatungia shairi wafiwa kuwaliwaza [Khan, Masomo 391].
for example (conjunction), kwa mfano.
forbearance (noun), utulivu.
forbearance (noun), uvumilivu (14).
forbearing (adjective), -vumilivu.
forbearing person (noun), mhimili, pl wahimili.
forbid (verb), -asa.
forbid (verb), -checha.
forbid (verb), -fingiza.
forbid (verb), -gombeza.
forbid (verb), -harimu.
forbid (verb), -kanya.
forbid (verb), -kataza.
forbid (verb), -kataza.
forbid (verb), -kataza.
forbid (verb), -rufuku.
forbid (verb), -wasa.
forbid someone to eat certain foods (verb), -ziza.
forbidden person (noun), harimu (5/6), pl maharimu.
forbidden thing (noun), harimu (5/6), pl maharimu.
God forbid! (interjection), salala. God forbid! dangerous! Subira
crushed the teeth. Salala! Hatari! Subira alibana meno [Sul].
be forbidden (verb), -katazwa.
forbidden (adjective), haramu.
apply force to something (verb), -shindika. press or crush sugarcane.
shindika miwa.
apply force to something (verb), -sindika (intransitive). apply force on
the sugarcane. shindika miwa.
arbitrary use of force (noun), Kabwela, pl makabwela.
be forced (verb), -paswa (passive). "Once a lady was married to him, she
was forced to be to him just like other women".. maadamu alikuwa
amekwisha mwoa alipaswa kumtendea kama wanawake wengine [Kez].
be forced (to work) (verb), -sulibika (intransitive).
be forced (to work) (verb), -sulubika (intransitive).
by force (adverb), kwa nguvu. by force. kwa nguvu.
force (noun), bavu, pl mabavu. don't force me!. usiniletee bavu!.
force (noun), mkazo (3/4), pl mikazo.
force (noun), mshurutisho, pl mishurutisho.
force (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu. put under custody. tia nguvuni.
force (noun), pl forces, shurutisho (5/6), pl mashurutisho.
force (noun), tani (9/10), pl tani.
force (noun), usulubu.
force (verb), -ghusubu.
force (verb), -gogoroda.
force (verb), -himia.
force (verb), -juburu.
force (verb), -juburu.
force (verb), -lazimisha (causative).
force (verb), -shurutisha. Hadija forced the child to put on clothes.
Hadija alishurutisha mtoto kuvaa nguo.
force (verb), -shurutiza (causative).
force (verb), -sulibi.
force (verb), -sulubu.
force (verb), -wajibisha.
force (always used impersonally) (verb), -bidi. Perhaps the war will
intensify between them and force the OAU to look for firm ways to end this
quarrel.. Huenda vita vitaimarika kati yao na kubidi OAU kutafuta njia
mathubuti za kumaliza mzozo huo [Masomo 326].
force (holding something together) (noun), kifungo (7/8), pl vifungo.
force a way through something (verb), -tumbuza.
force down (verb), -didimisha.
force in (verb), -penyesha.
force into (verb), -penyeza (causative). He forced the key into the lock
and opened it.. akapenyeza ufunguo kwenye kitasa cha kufuli akaufunga
force its way out (verb), -chimbuza.
force one's way through something (verb), -toboa.
force oneself (verb), -kalifu.
force oneself to do something (verb), -kaimia.
press (verb), -shindika. press or crush sugarcane. shindika miwa.
pulling force (noun), mvuto (3/4), pl mivuto.
unfair use of force (noun), Kabwela, pl makabwela.
use force (verb), -kazana (reciprocal).
forcefully (adverb), kasi.
forceps (noun), koleo (9/10), pl koleo.
forceps (small) (noun), kibano (7/8), pl vibano.
do something forcibly (verb), -shindika.
do something forcibly (verb), -sindika (intransitive).
forcing (act of) (noun), mshindilio, pl mishindilio.
ford (noun), kivuko (7/8), pl vivuko.
ford (noun), pl fords, mvuko (3/4), pl mivuko.
ford (noun), uvuko.
ford (noun), uvushi.
ford (noun), uvusho.
forearm (noun), kigasha (7/8), pl vigasha.
forebear (noun), asili, pl asili.
forebear (noun), baba, pl baba.
forebear (noun), babu, pl babu.
forebear (noun), jadi.
forebear (noun), mkale (1/2), pl wakale.
forebearance (noun), saburi (9/10), pl saburi. forebearance brings good
tidings. saburi yavuta heri..
forebearance (noun), subira (9/10), pl subira.
forebearance (noun), subiri (9/10), pl subiri.
forebode nothing good (verb), -tomkalia vyema.
foreboding (noun), kibuhuti, pl vibuhuti.
forecast (noun), utabiri.
forecaster (noun), mtabiri, pl watabiri. meteorologist.. mtabiri wa
forecourt (noun), kiwanja, pl viwanja.
forefinger (noun), kidole cha shahada (7/8), pl vidole vya shahada.
forego (verb), -bihi.
bring into the foreground (verb), -tukuza.
calloused place in the foreheads of Moslems caused by the traditional
prostrations at prayer (noun), sigida (9/10), pl sigida.
calloused place in the foreheads of Moslems caused by the traditional
prostrations at prayer (noun), sijida (9/10), pl sijida.
forehead (noun), kibanda, pl vibanda.
forehead (noun), kidundu (7/8), pl vidundu.
forehead (noun), kikomo cha uso, pl vikomo vya uso.
forehead (noun), kipaji (7/8), pl vipaji.
forehead (noun), kipaji cha uso, pl vipaji vya uso.
forehead (noun), kipanda, pl vipanda. forehead. panda la uso.
forehead (noun), pl foreheads, paji (5/6), pl mapaji.
forehead (noun), panda (9/10), pl panda. forehead. panda la uso.
foreign (adjective), ajinabi.
foreign (adjective), geni.
foreign (adjective), kigeni.
foreign (adjective), nje.
foreign country (noun), ugeni.
foreigner (noun), mgeni, pl wageni.
foreigner (noun), mja, pl waja.
foreignness (noun), ugeni.
forelock (noun), panja (5/6), pl mapanja.
forelock (noun), panja la uso (5/6), pl mapanja ya uso.
foreman (noun), ajenti (9/10an), pl ajenti.
foreman (noun), akida (5/6an), pl maakida.
foreman (noun), kadamu (5/6), pl makadamu.
foreman (noun), kadamu, pl makadamu.
foreman (of dock workers) (noun), serahangi (5/6an), pl maserahangi. the
foreman showed the workers where to construct. Serahangi aliwaonyeshe
wafanya kazi mahali pakujenga.
foreman (of dock workers) (noun), serangi (5/6an), pl serangi.
foreman (of dock workers) (noun), serehangi (5/6an), pl maserehangi. the
foreman showed the workers where to construct. Serahangi aliwaonyeshe
wafanya kazi mahali pakujenga.
foremost (adverb), awali.
fore-paw (noun), kono, pl mikono.
forerunner (noun), mtangulizi, pl watangulizi.
foreseer (noun), nabii, pl manabii.
foresight (noun), busara.
foresight (noun), tabasuri (9/10), pl tabasuri.
foreskin (noun), govi (5/6), pl magovi.
foreskin (noun), ngovi (9/10), pl ngovi.
foreskin (noun), zunga.
dense part of a forest (noun), chaka (5/6), pl machaka.
forest (noun), pl forests, msitu (3/4), pl misitu.
forest (noun), mwitu, pl mitu, miitu. wild animal.. mnyama wa mwitu.
forestall (verb), -tangulia.
foretell (verb), -agua.
foretell (verb), -tabiri.
foretell the future (verb), -sibu.
foretell the future (verb), -subu.
one who foretells (noun), msibu, pl wasibu.
be foretold (verb), -tabiriwa.
forever (adverb), daima.
foreword (noun), utangulizi.
forge (noun), kiwanda, pl viwanda.
forge (noun), kiwanda, pl viwanda.
forge (noun), pl forges, tambuzo (9/10), pl tambuzo.
forge (verb), -bini.
forge (verb), -changaniza.
forge (verb), -chonga.
forge (verb), -tambuza.
forge (something) (verb), -sana.
forge iron (verb), -fua vyuma.
forge metal (verb), -fua.
forger (noun), mbini (1/2), pl wabini.
forgery (noun), mchanganyo, pl michanganyo.
forgery (noun), mwigo, pl miigo.
forgery (act of) (noun), ubini (14).
cause to forget (verb), -sahaulisha. drunkardness caused him to forget
taking medicine. Ulevi ulimsahaulisha kula dawa.
don't forget! (interjection), halahala!.
forget (verb), -liwaa.
forget (verb), -pitiwa.
forget (verb), -sahau. to forget is not to remember. Kusahau si
be forgetful (verb), -ghafilika.
forgetful (adjective), sahaulifu.
forgetful person (noun), msahau, pl wasahau.
forgetful person (noun), msahaulifu, pl wasahaulifu.
forgetful person (noun), msahaulizi, pl wasahaulifu.
forgetfulness (adjective), chechele.
forgetfulness (noun), usahaulifu (14).
forging of a (black)smith (noun), usani.
be forgivable (verb), -sameheka (potential). the sobbing of the mother
of the deceased that is forgivable. kwikwi ya mama wa marehemu ambayo
inasameheka [Sul].
forgive (verb), -achilia (applicative).
forgive (verb), -afu.
forgive (verb), -afua.
forgive (verb), -burai.
forgive (verb), -ghofiri.
forgive (verb), -hurumia.
forgive (verb), -radhi.
forgive (verb), -radi. be struck by lightning. pigwa na radi.
forgive (verb), -ridhi. forgive him/her for his/her mistakes. mridhi
kwa makosa yake.
forgive (verb), -samehe. forgive mistakes. samehe makosa..
forgive (verb), -taradhia.
forgive (verb), -taradhia. forgive the child. taradhia mtoto.
forgive (a debt etc.) (verb), -bihi.
forgive me (interjection), samahani. forgive me for being late.
Samahani kwa kuchelewa.
beg for forgiveness (verb), -nasihi.
beg forgiveness (verb), -omba radi. be struck by lightning. pigwa na
forgiveness (noun), achilio (5/6), pl maachilio.
forgiveness (noun), buraa.
forgiveness (noun), ghofira.
forgiveness (noun), hisa.
forgiveness (noun), masamaha.
forgiveness (noun), masameho.
forgiveness (noun), misamaha (6).
forgiveness (noun), msamaha, pl misamaha, masamaha. Their ancestor
brought them abundance and forgiveness for the sins they committed..
Mzimu wao aliwaletea neema na msamaha wa dhambi walizozitenda [Masomo
forgiveness (noun), msamehe, pl misameha, masameha.
forgiveness (noun), ondoleo (5/6), pl maondoleo.
forgiveness (noun), radhi (9/10), pl radhi. Pardon me!. niwie radhi!.
forgiveness (noun), samaha (5/6), pl masamaha.
forgiveness (verb), -lalama.
rel. forgiveness (noun), maghofira.
rel. forgiveness (noun), maondoleo. forgiveness of sins. maondoleo ya
request for forgiveness (noun), nasaha (9/10), pl nasaba.
forgiving person (noun), msameha, pl wasameha.
forgiving person (noun), msamehaji, pl wasamehaji.
forgo (verb), -sebusebu.
be forgotten (verb), -pitia.
be forgotten (verb), -sahauliwa.
fork (noun), kiuma, pl viuma.
fork (noun), panda (9/10), pl panda.
fork (noun), uma.
forking (noun), mpanda, pl mapanda ; mipanda. forking of a road.. njia
forking (of a tree or a road) (noun), taga (5/6), pl mataga.
forking (of a tree or a road) (noun), tagaa (5/6), pl matagaa.
forking (of a tree or road) (noun), utagaa.
fill out a form (verb), -jaza fomu.
form (noun), dutu, pl dutu, madutu.
form (noun), faruma.
form (noun), fomu (9/10), pl fomu.
form (noun), formu (9/10), pl formu.
form (noun), hati.
form (noun), jisima, pl majisima.
form (noun), kawaida.
form (noun), kielezo, pl vielezo.
form (noun), launi.
form (noun), mtindo, pl mitindo.
form (noun), pl forms, muundo (3/4), pl miundo.
form (noun), mwundo (3/4), pl miundo. according to pattern. kwa kufuata
form (noun), namna.
form (noun), pl forms, sura (9/10), pl sura.
form (noun), umbo (5/6), pl maumbo.
form (noun), wajihi (11).
form (verb), -panga. form a friendship (which implies a relation of
kinship). panga udugu.
form (verb), -sawiri.
form (verb), -tunga.
form (verb), -umba.
form (verb), -unda.
form (as opposed to substance) (noun), udibaji.
form (for casting metal, concrete etc.) (noun), kalibu.
form (for someone) (verb), -sawirikia ( appl-poten).
form a drop or dot (verb), -tona.
form for blocking caps (after washing) (noun), foroma (9/10), pl foroma.
natural form (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
original form (noun), umbile, pl maumbile.
original form (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
formal (adjective), rasmi. give a formal reception. fanya karamu rasmi.
class formation (noun), uundaji wa tabaka (14), pl uundaji wa matabaka.
former (adjective), -a zamani.
formerly (adjective), auwali.
formerly (adjective), awali.
formerly (adverb), kale.
formerly (adverb), kizamani.
formerly (phrase), siku za kale.
formica (noun), fomeka (9/10), pl fomeka.
forming (noun), umbile, pl maumbile.
forming (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
fornicate (verb), -jamii.
fornicate (verb), -tomba.
fornicate (verb), -zini.
fornication (noun), asherati (14).
fornication (noun), uasherati (14).
fornication (noun), ufasiki.
fornication (noun), uhawara.
fornication (noun), uzini.
fornication (noun), uzinzi.
fornication (noun), zani (9).
fornication (noun), zina.
fornication (noun), zinaa.
fornicator (noun), mwasherati (1/2), pl waasherati/waasherati.
fort (noun), boma (5/6), pl maboma.
fort (noun), gereza.
fort (noun), gome (5/6), pl magome.
fort (noun), greza.
fort (noun), husuni.
fort (noun), ngome (9/10), pl ngome.
fort (noun), sera (9/10), pl sera.
fort (small) (noun), kigome (7/8), pl vigome.
put forth (verb), -toa.
so forth (conjunction), kadhalika.
fortification (noun), ngome (9/10), pl ngome.
fortification (noun), sera (9/10), pl sera.
fortitude (noun), uvumilivu.
fortitude (noun), vumilio, pl mavumilio.
fortress (noun), boma, pl maboma. "fortify, enclose, fence in".. fanya
[tia] boma.
fortress (noun), husuni.
fortress (noun), ngome (9/10), pl ngome.
fortress (noun), pl fortresses, sera (9/10), pl sera.
be fortunate (verb), -bahatika (potential).
fortunate (adjective), heri a heri.
fortune (noun), bahati, pl bahati.
fortune (noun), bakhti, pl bakhti.
fortune (noun), baraka.
fortune (noun), jumu (9/10), pl jumu.
fortune (noun), nasibu, pl nasibu.
fortune (noun), uenyemali.
good fortune (noun), ghanima.
good fortune (noun), jaha (9/10), pl jaha.
good fortune (noun), neema (9/10), pl neema. Our world had great good
fortune.. Dunia yetu ilikuwa ya neema kubwa [Masomo 304].
good fortune (noun), uheri.
tell fortunes (verb), -piga ramli. tell fortunes.. piga ramli.
fortune teller (noun), mpiga ramli (1/2), pl wapiga ramli.
fortune-teller (noun), mbashiri, pl wabashiri.
fortune-teller (noun), mpigaramli. tell fortunes.. piga ramli.
fortune-telling (noun), bao (5/6), pl mabao.
fortune-telling from markings on sand (noun), ramli (9/10), pl ramli.
tell fortunes.. piga ramli.
forty (adjective), arbaini.
forty (adjective), arobaini.
forty (adjective), pl plural of the number as a noun?, arubaini.
forty (noun), pl plural of the number as a noun?, arobaini (9/10).
forum (noun), ukumbi (11/10), pl kumbi.
forward (adverb), mbele.
forward (adverb), ubele.
forward (adverb), umbele.
forward (position played on a team) (noun), foadi (5/6an), pl mafoadi.
forward (position played on a team) (noun), fowadi (5/6an), pl mafowadi.
forward and backward, like a crab (adverb), kisengesenge.
forward part (noun), uso, pl nyuso.
go forward (verb), -takadamu.
look forward to (verb), -taraji.
look forward to (verb), -tazamia.
press forward (verb), -dupa.
put oneself forward (verb), -nyanya.
what causes forward movement (noun), kitangulizi (7/8), pl vitangulizi.
forwardness (noun), gubu.
forwardness (noun), ubele.
forwardness (noun), umbele.
fossil (noun), kisukuku (7/8), pl visukuku.
foster (verb), -kuza.
foul language (noun), tushi (5/6), pl matushi.
foul language (noun), tusi (5/6), pl matusi.
foul person (noun), kanda (5/6), pl makanda.
fig. foulness (noun), koga, pl makoga.
be found (verb), -patikana.
found (verb), -anzilisha. found a party. anzisha chama.
found (verb), -anziliza.
found (verb), -anzisha. The leaders who founded the OAU in 1963.
Viongozi walioanzisha OAU mnamo 1963 [Masomo 325].
found (verb), -asisiwa.
found (verb), -weka.
not to be found (verb), -stirika.
concrete foundation (of a house) (noun), ufusio.
fig. foundation (noun), kiweko, pl viweko.
foundation (noun), asili, pl asili.
foundation (noun), chanzo, pl vyanzo.
foundation (noun), maanzilisho, pl maanzilisho.
foundation (noun), msingi, pl misingi. lay the cornerstone/foundation..
jenga msingi.
foundation (noun), msinji, pl misinji. lay the cornerstone/foundation..
jenga msingi.
foundation (noun), mzingi, pl mizingi. lay the cornerstone/foundation..
jenga msingi.
foundation (noun), uanzishaji.
foundation (noun), wakf (11).
foundation (charitable) (noun), wakfu (11/10), pl wakfu.
lay the foundation (verb), -fusia.
founder (noun), muumba, pl wauumba.
founder (noun), mwanzilishi, pl waanzilishi.
founder (noun), mwanzilizi, pl waanzilizi.
founder (noun), mwanzishaji, pl waanzilishaji.
founder (noun), mwumba, pl waumba.
founder (noun), mwumbaji, pl waumbaji.
founder ( of ships) (verb), -tota.
foundling (child) (noun), kiokote, pl viokote.
fountain (noun), mbwoji, pl mibwoji.
four (adjective), pl example OK?, arba. four hundred, the fourth
country. ~ mia, nchi ya ~.
four (adjective), pl example OK?, aroba. four hundred, the fourth
country. ~ mia, nchi ya ~.
four (adjective), nne. four people.. watu wanne.
four-sided thing (noun), pl four- sided things, mraba (3/4), pl miraba.
fourteen (adjective), pl plural of the number as a noun?, arbatashara.
fourteen (adjective), kumi na nne.
fourteen (noun), kumi na nne.
fourth (1/4) (noun), robo (9/10), pl robo. three quarters. kasa robo.
fowl (noun), kuku (9/10), pl kuku.
fox (noun), mbweha (9/10an), pl mbweha.
fox (noun), mwerevu, pl waerevu.
fracas (noun), msuko, pl misuko.
fracas (noun), msukosuko, pl misukosuko.
fraction (noun), chamkano, pl machamkano.
fraction (noun), kikataa (7/8), pl vikataa.
fraction (noun), sehemu (9/10), pl sehemu. a fraction of ten. sehemu ya
fracture (noun), kivunjo (7/8), pl vivunjo.
fracture (noun), mvunjo, pl mivunjo.
med. fracture (noun), kivunjo, pl vivunjo.
fragile person (noun), udole, pl ndole.
fragility (of something which is likely to tear or break unless carefully
handled) (noun), uvunzovunzo (14).
fragment (noun), choto, pl machoto.
fragment (noun), kato, pl makato.
fragment (noun), kidiku, pl vidiku.
fragment (noun), kigae, pl vigae.
fragment (noun), kigereng'enza, pl vigereng'enza.
fragment (noun), kipande, pl vipande.
fragment (noun), kombo (5/6), pl makombo.
fragment (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
fragment (noun), makombo.
fragment (noun), taba (9/10), pl taba.
fragment (noun), tabu (9/10), pl tabu.
fragment (noun), tabutabu (9/10), pl tabutabu.
fragrance (noun), ituri.
fragrance (noun), ladha (9/10), pl ladha.
fragrance (noun), riha (9/10), pl riha. The fragrance of this oil is
nice. Riha ya mafuta haya ni mzuri.
be fragrant (verb), -firidi.
frambesia (noun), buba, pl mabuba.
frame (noun), farasi.
frame (of a bicycle etc) (noun), fremu (9/10), pl fremu.
frame (of door or window) (noun), kirimba (7/8), pl virimba.
frame (wooden) (noun), kiunzi (7/8), pl viunzi.
frame for mosquito-netting (noun), besera.
frame or basket (small on wall for carrying lamp) (noun), kiango (7/8),
pl viango.
framework (noun), farasi.
framework (of a roof) (noun), pao (9/10), pl pao.
framework (of a roof) (noun), pau (5/6), pl mapau.
framework of a house (noun), miti.
supporting framework (noun), turusi.
franc (unit of currency) (noun), faranga, pl mafaranga.
France (noun), Ufaransa (14).
francolin (kind of) (noun), kereng'ende.
frangipane tree (Plumeria acuminata) (noun), msanapichi, pl misanapichi.
frangipane tree (Plumeria acuminata) (noun), msanapiti, pl misanapiti.
be frank (verb), -nyoka.
be frank (verb), -nyooka.
be frank (verb), -nyoosha.
be frank (verb), -nyoroka.
be frank (verb), -nyorosha.
frank (adjective), kimacho.
frank (adjective), kunjufu.
frank (adjective), wazi.
frank (adjective), waziwazi.
frankincense (noun), ubani (14).
frankly (adverb), kinaganaga.
frankly (adverb), kinaga-ubaga.
frankly (adverb), kwa kweli.
frankness (noun), ukweli.
frankness (noun), usafi.
fraud (noun), danganyo, pl madanganyo.
fraud (noun), ghashi.
fraud (noun), ghiliba.
fraud (noun), hadaa.
fraud (noun), Kabwela, pl makabwela.
fraud (noun), mapyoro.
fraud (noun), ubazazi, pl mabazazi.
fraud (noun), udanganyifu.
fraud (noun), ujambazi (14).
fraud (noun), ujanja.
fraud (noun), ukopaji.
fraud (noun), ukopi (14), pl ukopi.
fraud (noun), ulaghai.
fraud (noun), uongo.
fraud (noun), uragai.
fraud (noun), urongo.
fraud (noun), uwongo.
fraud (noun), wongo.
fraudulent (adjective), laghai.
fraudulent (adjective), ragai.
fraudulent (adjective), raghai.
fraudulent (adjective), ragai.
fraudulent (adjective), raghai.
fraudulent (adverb), danganyifu.
be freed (verb), -ondokewa. (S)he laughed heartily and was freed from
wavering. Shangwe alicheka, akaondokewa kule kusitasita [Muk].
free (adjective), bure.
free (adjective), eupe.
free (adjective), huria.
free (adjective), huru.
free (adjective), sabili.
free (adverb), mahonyo. Don't eat my fruit without paying.. msile
matunda yangu mahonyo.
free (verb), -afu.
free (verb), -afua.
free (verb), -feleti.
free (verb), -komboa.
free (verb), -kwamua.
free from (a charm, taboo etc.) (verb), -gangua.
free from a charm or illness (by means of magic) (verb), -zingua.
free from a spell (verb), -rogoa.
free from a spell (verb), -zindua.
free man (noun), mngwana, pl wangwana.
free man (noun), mungwana, pl waungwana, wangwana.
free man (noun), mwungwana, pl waungwana.
free of charge (adjective), bure.
free oneself (verb), -fungasa.
free person (noun), huri, pl mahuri.
free person (noun), huria, pl mahuria.
free person (noun), huru, pl mahuru.
free time (noun), wakaa (11/10), pl nyakaa.
hist. one born of free parents (noun), kabaila, pl makabaila.
let free (verb), -sabilia. to take one of their female children and to
let her free into a foreign land. kumtoa mtoto wao mmoja wa kike na
kumsabilia ulimwengu wa kigeni [Moh].
release (from a magic spell) (verb), -topoa.
set free from a spell (verb), -topoa.
status of a free man (as opp. to a slave) (noun), uungwana.
status of a free man (as opposed to a slave) (noun), ungwana.
free man (noun), adinasi (9/10an), pl adinasi.
free oneself of something. (verb), -bwaga. "free the heart , be
conforted".. bwaga moyo.
freehand sketch (verb), -kakata.
free-will (noun), dhati (9/10), pl dhati.
be freed from spell (verb), -zinguliwa.
freedman (noun), huri, pl mahuri.
freedman (noun), huria, pl mahuria.
freedman (noun), huru, pl mahuru.
freedom (noun), uhuru (14). freedom is just another word for nothing
left to lose..
freedom (of action) (noun), huria (9).
freedom from care (noun), mteremo (3/4), pl miteremo.
freedom from care (noun), nderemo (3/4), pl minderemo.
freeing someone from an evil spirit (act of) (noun), komoo (9/10), pl
freeze (verb), -ganda.
freeze (in certain positions) (verb), -tundawaa.
freeze (in certain positions) (verb), -tunduaa.
discharging freight (noun), upakuzi.
freight (noun), hamali (5/6), pl mahamali.
freight (noun), himila.
freight (noun), mapakio.
freight (noun), mapakizi (6).
freight (noun), mapakizi.
freight (noun), nauli (9/10).
freight (noun), pakio (5/6), pl mapakio.
freight (noun), rufaa (9/10), pl rufaa.
freight (noun), rufaani (9/10), pl rufaani.
freight (noun), rufani (9/10), pl rufani.
freight (noun), pl freights, shehena (9/10), pl shehena.
freight (noun), upakiaji.
freight (noun), upakio.
freight (noun), upakizi.
open freight car (noun), lori, pl malori.
freightage (noun), mapakizi (6).
French (adjective), Faransa.
French (adjective), Kifaransa.
Frenchman (noun), Mfaransa, pl wafaransa.
frenum (of the tongue) (noun), utasi.
frenum (of the tongue) (noun), utata.
frenzy (noun), hamkani (9/10), pl hamkani.
fresh (adjective), -bichi.
fresh (adjective), biti.
fresh (adjective), marini.
fresh (adjective), -pya. fresh tomatoes. nyanya mpya.
fresh (adjective), safi.
fresh (adjective), swafi. fresh air. hewa safi.
freshness (noun), mzizimo, pl mizizimo.
be friable (verb), -fikichika.
be friable (verb), -mumuyika.
friable (adjective), tifu.
apply friction (verb), -chua.
friction (noun), pl frictions, msuguano (3/4), pl misuguano.
Friday (noun), Eljuma. Good Friday. Eljuma kuu.
Friday (noun), Ijumaa.
Friday (noun), Juma.
fridge (noun), friji (9/10), pl friji.
be fried (verb), -kangwa.
be fried (verb), -tokota.
be close friends (verb), -tabikiana (associative).
close friend (of one's own age-group) (noun), mtani, pl watani. He can't
be angry; he is my mtani). hawezi kukasirika, kwa sababu ni mtani wangu.
friend (noun), ahi (9/10an), pl ahi.
friend (noun), aki (9/10an), pl aki.
friend (noun), jamani (9/10), pl jamani.
friend (noun), pl friends, mwenzi (1/2), pl wenzi. my friend..
friend (noun), pl friends, ndugu (1/2), pl ndugu.
friend (noun), pl friends, rafiki (5/6an), pl marafiki.
friend (noun), pl friends, rafiki (9/10an), pl rafiki.
friend (noun), sahib (5/6an), pl masahib. Sahib is a good friend. Sahib
ni rafiki mzuri.
friend (noun), sahibu (9/10an), pl sahibu. Sahibu is a good friend.
Sahibu ni rafiki mzuri.
friend (noun), suhuba (9/10an), pl suhuba.
friend (noun), yahe.
friend (intimate, confidential) (noun), somo (5/6an), pl masomo.
make friends with someone (verb), -panga urafiki. Others made friendship
with him/her. wengine walimpanga urafiki [Sul].
sincere friend (noun), nasiha, pl nasiha.
true friend (noun), nasiha.
your friend (noun), mwenzio (1/2), pl wenzio. It's a mistake to ask your
friend for whom s/he voted.. Ni makosa kumwuliza mwenzi amempigia kura
nani [Masomo 102].
friendless person (noun), mkiwa (1/2), pl wakiwa.
friendliness (noun), mapendezi.
friendliness (noun), ungwana.
friendliness (noun), usafidi.
friendliness (noun), uungwana.
friendliness (noun), uzuhali.
friendliness (noun), wenzi (11).
friendly (adjective), bashasha.
friendly (adjective), jamili.
friendly (adjective), kunjufu.
friendly (adjective), tani.
friendly (adverb), pendevu.
friendly person (noun), msadikifu, pl wasadikifu.
friendly person (noun), mteremeshi, pl wateremeshi.
friendly person (noun), mteremezi, pl wateremezi.
friendly person (noun), -teremeshi (1/2), pl wateremeshi.
in a friendly manner (adverb), kirafiki.
be good friends (verb), -shikana.
be good friends (verb), -suhubiana.
be good friends (verb), -suhubu.
friends (interjection), jamani.
conclude a friendship (which implies a relation of kinship) (verb), -
panga udugu.
familiar friendship (noun), utani (14).
friendship (noun), haba.
friendship (noun), huba (9/10), pl huba.
friendship (noun), udugu.
friendship (noun), urafiki.
friendship (noun), usahibu.
friendship (noun), usono (14).
friendship (noun), usuhuba.
friendship (between women etc.) (noun), ushoga.
cause of fright (noun), mshtuo, pl mishtuo.
cause of fright (noun), mstuo, pl mistuo.
fright (noun), hofu.
fright (noun), kikuli.
fright (noun), kituko (7/8), pl vituko.
fright (noun), mgutusho, pl migutusho.
fright (noun), utisho.
fright (noun), woga (14), pl woga.
sudden fright (noun), mshtuko, pl mishtuko.
sudden fright (noun), mstuko, pl mistuko.
take fright (verb), -dapa.
take fright (verb), -tapa.
take fright (verb), -tapatapa.
be frightened (verb), -gutuka.
become frightened (verb), -jawa na hofu.
frighten (verb), -bumbuaza.
frighten (verb), -bumburusha.
frighten (verb), -chakarisha.
frighten (verb), -charakisha.
frighten (verb), -gutua.
frighten (verb), -ingua.
frighten (verb), -ogofisha.
frighten (verb), -ogofya.
frighten (verb), -sisimsha (causative).
frighten (verb), -sisimusha (causative).
frighten (verb), -tisha.
frighten (verb), -tishwa.
frighten (someone) (verb), -hofisha.
frighten someone (verb), -kurupusha.
be frightened (verb), -ghumia.
be frightened (verb), -jituka.
be frightened (verb), -kurupuka.
be terribly frightened (e.g. when caught in wrong-doing) (verb), -hara.
frightening (noun), kidude, pl vidude.
frightening (act of) (noun), utisho.
fringe (noun), shada (5/6), pl mashada.
fringe (noun), shungi (5/6), pl mashungi.
fringe (noun), pl fringes, tamvua (5/6), pl matamvua.
fringe (noun), utamvua.
fried fritter made of flour and sugar (noun), kitobosha (7/8), pl
fritter (noun), kikaimati, pl vikaimati.
frivolity (noun), purukushani (5/6), pl mapurukushani. frivolously. kwa
frivolity (noun), ubembe.
frivolity (noun), ubembelezi.
be frivolous (verb), -jishaua (reflexive).
be frivolous (verb), -jipurukusha.
behave in a frivolous way (verb), -hafifisha.
frivolous person (noun), mpuzi, pl wapuzi.
frivolous person (noun), mshaufu (1/2), pl washaufu.
frivolously (adjective), bure.
behave frivolously (verb), -purukusa. talk (listen)
heedlessly/inattentively.. zungumza kwa purukusa.
behave frivolously (verb), -purukusha. talk (listen)
heedlessly/inattentively.. purukusha maneno [sikio].
fashionable frock (noun), teitei, pl mateitei.
frog (noun), chua, pl vyua.
frog (noun), chula.
frog (noun), chura (7/8), pl vyura. Large bats eat even lizards, frogs,
birds and also fish.. Popo wakubwa hula hata mijusi, vyura, ndege na pia
samaki [Masomo 31].
frog (large) (noun), jura (5/6), pl majura.
large frog (noun), jura, pl majura.
from (conjunction), kwa.
from (preposition), -anzia. He claimed that from that day onwards.
Alidai kwamba kuanzia siku hiyo [Nyerere, Masomo 274].
from (preposition), katika. come from a country. toka katika nchi.
from (preposition), kutoka.
from (preposition), min.
from (preposition), tangu. from when to when?. tangu lini mpaka lini?.
from (preposition), kutoka.
from (preposition), toka.
from (preposition), tokea.
from a point of time onward (conjunction), kuanzia.
from today (conjunction), tangu leo.
frond (noun), kitawi, pl vitawi.
frond (noun), tawi, pl matawi.
frond (noun), utawi, pl tawi/matawi.
frond (noun), utawi, pl tawi, matawi.
be in front (verb), -elekewa (passive).
be in front (verb), -kabili.
front (noun), mbele (9). in front of me.. mbele yangu.
front (noun), ubele.
front (noun), ubele.
front (noun), umbele.
front (noun), umbele.
front (noun), uso (11/10), pl nyuso.
front room of a house (noun), ukumbi, pl kumbi.
in front (adverb), mbele.
in front (adverb), ubele.
in front (adverb), umbele.
in front of (preposition), mkabala (na).
in front of (preposition), usoni pa.
in front of people (adverb), kadamnasi.
frontier (noun), mpaka (3/4), pl mipaka.
frontier of a country (i.e., where a country begins) (noun), auwali ya
nchi, pl auwali ya nchi.
frontier of a country (i.e., where a country begins) (noun), awali ya
nchi, pl awali ya nchi.
(white) frost (noun), sakitu (9/10), pl sakitu.
black frost (noun), jalidi (9/10), pl jalidi.
frost (noun), baridi.
frost (black) (noun), jalidi.
killing frost (noun), jalidi.
froth (noun), povu (5/6), pl mapovu.
froth (noun), ukafu (11).
frown (noun), ndita, pl ndita.
be frozen (verb), -gandama.
frugal (adjective), -bahili.
frugal (adjective), kabidhi.
frugal (adjective), nyiminyimi.
frugal (adjective), nyimivu.
frugal (adjective), takabadhi.
frugal (adjective), wekevu.
frugal person (noun), makabidhi, pl wakabidhi.
frugality (noun), chekecheke.
frugality (noun), uwekevu.
bear fruit (verb), -vyaa.
bear fruit (verb), -zaa.
edible fruit of the mkoma (noun), koma, pl makoma.
edible kernel of the mkungu fruit (noun), kungu, pl makungu.
first fruits (noun), limbuko (5/6), pl malimbuko.
first fruits (noun), mlimbuko (3/4), pl milimbuko.
fruit (noun), mimba. "germinate, sprout".. fanya mimba.
fruit (noun), tunda, pl matunda.
fruit (noun), zao (5/6), pl mazao.
fruit (kind of) (noun), vongonya, pl mavongonya.
fruit (of the mkomafi) (noun), komafi, pl makomafi.
fruit (of the mshokishoki) (noun), shokishoki (5/6), pl mashokishoki.
fruit (of the mstafeli) (noun), stafeli (5/6), pl mastafeli.
fruit (piece of) (noun), tunda, pl matunda.
fruit just ripening (noun), tosa (5/6), pl matosa.
fruit of mbilangani (noun), bilingani (9/10), pl bilingani.
fruit of the cucumber tree (noun), bilimbi.
fruit of the cucumber tree. (noun), birimbi.
fruit of the dwarf palm (noun), koche, pl makoche.
fruit of the matopetope (noun), topetope, pl matopetope.
fruit of the mbamia (noun), bamia, pl mabamia.
fruit of the mkindu (noun), kindu.
fruit of the mkunazi (noun), kunazi, pl makunazi.
fruit of the mkunazi tree (noun), bori, pl mabori.
fruit of the motomondo (noun), tomondo, pl matomondo.
fruit of the mtondoo (noun), tondoo.
fruit of the mtunguja (noun), tunguja.
fruit of the mtunguja shrub (noun), tunguja (5/6), pl matunguja.
fruit of the mvungunya tree (noun), vungunya, pl mavungunya.
fruit of the rose-apple tree (noun), tofali, pl matofali.
fruit tree (Cordia latifolia) (noun), mkamasi, pl mikamasi.
fruit used to make juice (noun), bungo, pl mabungo.
fruit-orchard (noun), kiunga, pl viunga.
fruit-picker (by occupation) (noun), mwangushi, pl waangushi.
fruit-picker (by occupation) (noun), mwanguzi, pl waanguzi.
fruit-stone (noun), koko, pl makoko.
fruit-stone (noun), kokwa, pl kokwa.
luffah fruit (Luffa acutangula) (noun), dodoki, pl madodoki.
soft fruit (noun), tunda teke (5/6), pl matunda mateke.
wild fruit (noun), kwarara.
fruit of mbinda (noun), binda (5/6), pl mabinda.
reach the fruit-bearing stage (verb), -balegi.
reach the fruit-bearing stage (verb), -balehe.
fruitful (adjective), zazi.
fruitless (adjective), bure.
deliberately frustrate something (verb), -pingamanisha.
frustrate (verb), -pinga. frustrate someone's plans.. pinga nia ya
frustrate (verb), -vunja.
fried food (noun), mkaangizo (3/4), pl mikaangizo.
fry (verb), -kaanga.
fry (verb), -kaanga.
fry (verb), -tokosa.
frying pan (noun), kikaango, pl vikaango.
frying (act of) (noun), ukaango.
frying (in fat or butter) (noun), mtokoso, pl mitokoso.
frying (with fat) (noun), ukaango (11/10), pl kaango.
fuel (noun), kaa (5/6), pl makaa.
fugitive (noun), mkimbizi (1/2), pl wakimbizi.
fulcrum (noun), egemeo (5/6), pl maegemeo.
fulfill (verb), -tekeleza.
fulfill (verb), -tekeleza (causative).
fulfill (verb), -timiliza ( appl-caus).
fulfill (verb), -timiza.
fulfill (verb), -timizia.
fulfill (the terms or requirements of something) (verb), -tosheleza.
be fulfilled (verb), -tekelea.
fulfillment (noun), tekelezo (5/6), pl matekelezo.
fulfillment (noun), ukamilifu (14).
fulfillment of hope (noun), limbuko (5/6), pl malimbuko.
fulfilment (noun), ukamili.
fulfilment (noun), utimilifu.
fulfilment of claims (noun), uradhi.
fulfilment of desires (noun), uradhi.
be full (verb), -jaa.
be full (verb), -jaa.
be full (verb), -kinai. he is full. amekinai.
be full (also of an unusual sentiment) (verb), -jaliwa (passive).
be full (also of an unusual sentiment) (verb), -jawa (passive).
become full (verb), -jaa.
full (adjective), nene.
full (adjective), -pukupuku.
full (adverb), kifurifuri.
full development (noun), uzima.
full vessel (noun), kijaa, pl vijaa.
not quite full (adjective), duba.
be drawn out full length (verb), -tandamana ( assoc-stat).
full moon (noun), balamwezi, pl balamwezi.
be full-grown (verb), -komaa.
full-grown (adjective), -pevu. My wife was not full-grown for life. mke
wangu hakuwa mpevu wa mambo [Abd].
full-grown (adjective), -zima.
fullback (football) (noun), difensi, pl madifensi.
fullness (noun), shibe (9/10), pl shibe. I was full. Nilikuwa na shibe.
fullness (noun), ujalifu.
fullness (noun), ujalivu.
fullness (noun), ujazi.
fully (adverb), barabara.
fully (adverb), hususa.
exhaust fumes (noun), vepa.
fumes (noun), fukizo (5/6), pl mafukizo.
fumes (noun), vukizo, pl mavukizo.
give off fumes (verb), -fuka.
fumigate (verb), -fukisha.
fumigate (verb), -fukiza.
fumigate (verb), -vukiza.
fumigating material (noun), kifukizo (7/8), pl vifukizo.
fumigating material (noun), kivukizo (7/8), pl vifukizo.
fumigation (noun), buhuri.
fumigation (noun), kifukizo (7/8), pl vifukizo.
fumigation (noun), kivukizo (7/8), pl vifukizo.
fumigation (noun), mafusho (6).
fumigation (noun), ufukizo.
something used for fumigation (noun), fukizo (5/6), pl mafukizo.
fun (noun), kichekesho, pl vichekesho.
fun (noun), masihara (9/10), pl masihara.
fun (noun), mchezo, pl michezo. he does this only for the fun of it..
anafanya haya kwa mchezo tu [Rec].
fun (noun), mzaha (3/4), pl mizaha.
fun (noun), ramsa (9/10), pl ramsa.
fun (noun), shere (9/10), pl shere.
fun (noun), sheri (9/10), pl sheri. have fun. cheza/fanya sheri..
fun (noun), udamisi.
make fun of (verb), -dhihaki.
make fun of someone (verb), -kejeli.
make fun of someone (verb), -kejeli.
fun-loving (adjective), bishi.
function (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli. (s)he has an important
function. ana shughuli muhimu.
fund (noun), mchango, pl michango.
reserve fund (noun), malimbiko.
fundamental (noun), kanuni (9/10), pl kanuni.
fundamental (noun), msingi (3/4), pl misingi.
attend a funeral (verb), -zika.
funeral (noun), kuzika.
funeral (noun), kuzikani.
funeral (noun), kuzikwa.
funeral (noun), maziko (6).
funeral announcement (noun), tanzia (9/10), pl tanzia. give a hand in a
funeral announcement. pa mkono wa tanzia.
funeral service (noun), maziko, pl maziko.
party of women who are making arrangements for a funeral (noun), mwima,
pl miima.
place reserved for elders at a funeral (noun), usheha.
funeral song (noun), tahlili (9/10), pl tahlili.
fungus (noun), kuvu (9/10), pl kuvu.
fungus (noun), ukungu, pl kungu, makungu.
fungus (noun), uyoga (11/8), pl vioga.
fungus (noun), yoga, pl mayoga.
fungus (kind of) (noun), tando (5/6), pl matando.
fungus (kind of) (noun), tandu (5/6), pl matandu.
funnel (noun), mpare (3/4), pl mipare.
funnel (of a ship) (noun), faneli.
funny (adjective), -cheshi.
funnyman (noun), kibogoyo, pl vibogoyo.
fur (noun), malaika (6).
fur (noun), manyoya (6). Bats have light weight furry bodies.. Popo
wana miili myepesi yenye manyoya..
fur (noun), manyoya.
be furious (verb), -fura.
be furious (verb), -memeteka.
be furious (verb), -memetuka.
be furious (verb), -meremeta.
furl (verb), -kunja.
furnace (noun), joko (5/6), pl majoko.
furnace (noun), kalibu.
furnace (noun), tano (9/10), pl tano. a fault furnace. tano la kuba.
furnace (noun), tanu (9/10), pl tanu. a fault furnace. tanu la kuba.
furnace (noun), tanuri (9/10), pl tanuri. fault furnace. tanuri la
furnace (noun), tanuru (9/10), pl tanuru. fault furnace. tanuru la
furnish (verb), -weka tayari.
furnish (a room or house) (verb), -pamba. His/her house is well
furnished. chumba chake kimepambwa vizuri.
furnishing (of a house) (noun), kipambo, pl vipambo.
furnishing (of a house) (noun), upambo, pl mapambo.
furnishing (of a room or house) (noun), pamba (5/6), pl mapamba.
furnishing (of a room or house) (noun), pambo (5/6), pl mapambo.
furnishings (noun), tandiko (5/6), pl matandiko.
household furnishings (noun), kiambo, pl viambo.
article of furniture (noun), samani (9/10), pl samani.
furniture (noun), chombo (7/8), pl vymbo.
furniture (noun), fanicha (9/10), pl fanicha.
furniture (noun), upambo, pl mapambo.
piece of furniture (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
furrow (noun), bopo, pl mabopo.
furrow (noun), kuo (5/6), pl makuo.
furrow (noun), mfereji (3/4), pl mifereji.
furrow (noun), mfuo (3/4), pl mifuo.
furrow (noun), mpando, pl mipando, mapando.
furrow (noun), msingi (3/4), pl misingi.
furrow (noun), pando, pl mipando, mapando.
furrow (noun), pando (5/6), pl mapando.
furrow (prepared for planting seeds) (noun), ng'ungwe (9/10), pl
furrow for planting rice (noun), fumbi la (kupandia) mpunga (5/6), pl
further (adverb), mbele.
further (adverb), ubele.
further (adverb), umbele.
further (conjunction), aidha.
further (conjunction), waama.
further (verb), -sitawisha (causative).
furthermore (adverb), aidha.
furthermore (adverb), tena.
furthest point (noun), upeo, pl peo.
furtively (adverb), kindanindani.
fury (noun), ghadhabu (9/10), pl ghadhabu.
fury (noun), hamaki (9/10), pl hamaki.
fury (noun), kiruhu.
fury (noun), kiruu (7/8), pl viruu.
fury (noun), kiruu.
fury (noun), mafutu.
fury (noun), mori (9/10), pl mori.
fury (noun), raruo (5/6), pl mararuo.
fury (noun), ufurufuru (14).
fury (noun), ukali.
fury (noun), ukalifu.
fuse (noun), fyuzi (9/10), pl fyuzi.
fuse (noun), kifunga stimu, pl vifunga: -stimu.
fuse (noun), mrao, pl mirao. matchlock gun.. bunduki ya mrao.
fuse (noun), utambi, pl tambi.
fuse (electrical) (noun), fataki.
fuse (for gun) (noun), pl fuses, mrao (3/4), pl mirao.
fuselage (noun), mwili, pl miili.
be fussy (verb), -teua.
fussy person (noun), mteua, pl wateua.
fussy person (noun), mteuzi, pl wateuzi.
futhermore (conjunction), waaidha.
futility (noun), ubatili (14).
futility (noun), ubatilifu.
futility (noun), ubure.
future (adjective), -a mbeleni.
future (adverb), umbele.
in future (adverb), halafu.
in the future (adverb), mbele.
in the future (adverb), ubele.
the future (noun), hali ya baadaye, pl hali ya baadaye.
the future (noun), ubele.
the future (noun), umbele.
the future (noun), usoni.


gad about (verb), -tembea.

gadabout (noun), pl gadabouts, mtembezi (1/2), pl watembezi.
gadding about (noun), matembezi, pl matembezi.
gadding about (noun), tembezi, pl matembezi.
gadfly (noun), pange (5/6an), pl mapange.
gadget (noun), kidude, pl vidude.
gadgets (noun), zana (9/10), pl zana.
gag (verb), -goka.
gaiety (noun), furaha (9/10), pl furaha.
gaiety (noun), uchangamfu (14).
gaiety (noun), uchekeshi.
gaiety (noun), uchesi.
gaiety (noun), udamisi.
gaiety (noun), ukunjufu (14).
gain (noun), faida (9/10), pl faida.
gain (noun), fayida.
gain (noun), kivuno, pl vivuno.
gain (noun), mavuno, pl mavuno.
gain (noun), mazao, pl mazao.
gain (noun), mpato (3/4), pl mipato.
gain (noun), nafuu.
gain (noun), ziada, pl maziada.
gain (noun), zidi, pl mazidi.
gain (noun), ziyada, pl maziyada.
gain (verb), -chumwa (passive).
gain (verb), -funa.
gain (verb), -wa na faida.
gain (verb), -vuna.
gain by trade (verb), -chuma.
gain weight (verb), -nenepa.
gait (noun), enenzi, pl maenenzi. slow [rapid] gait. maenenzi ya pole
pole [haraka].
gait (slow and deliberate) (noun), mchachatochachato (3/4), pl
zool. galago (which drinks the sap of the coconut palm) (noun), komba,
pl komba.
gall (verb), -chubua.
gallbladder (noun), nyongo (9/10), pl nyongo.
gallon (noun), galoni.
at a gallop (adjective), kifarasi.
at a gallop (adverb), joshi.
gallop (noun), shoti (9/10), pl shoti.
gallop (verb), -chupia.
gallop (verb), -enda shoti.
gallop (verb), -piga shoti.
galloping (adjective), kifarasi.
gallows (noun), jukwaa, pl majukwaa.
gallows (noun), mashenaka.
gamble (verb), -ramisi.
gambler (noun), bazazi (5/6an), pl mabazazi.
gambling game (noun), kamari (9/10), pl kamari.
child's game (noun), konya (9/10), pl konya.
children's game (noun), faliti.
children's game (noun), kachiri (saga) (9/10), pl kachiri (saga).
children's game (noun), kibunzi (7/8), pl vibunzi.
children's game (noun), kidau-cha-mpamba (7/8).
children's game (noun), kilenge (7/8), pl vilenge.
children's game (noun), kitikiti.
children's game (noun), kuna-mti-se (9/10), pl kuna-mti-se.
children's game (noun), majani ya mdimu (6).
children's game (noun), njuguni (9/10), pl njuguni.
children's game (noun), saka-mke-wangu (9). to sing and to have songs
sang for, to play the children's game. kuimba na kuimbiwa nyimbo, kucheza
saka-mke-wangu [Moh].
children's game (a kind of hide-and seek) (noun), bui. children's game
[a kind of hide and seek]. mchezo wa bui.
children's game (guessing what's in hand) (noun), kibafute (7/8), pl
children's game in which one child walks on stilts and represents a stork
(noun), kongoti, pl makongoti.
children's game of throwing and catching pebbles (noun), mdako (3/4), pl
children's game similar to blindman's bluff (noun), kizuizi.
children's game similar to tipcat (noun), geli.
children's hide-and-seek game (noun), kitangangaya (9/10), pl
children's jumping game (noun), haddi.
dice game (noun), dhumna.
football game (noun), kandanda.
game (noun), changamko, pl machangamko.
game (noun), chezo.
game (noun), mchezo (3/4), pl michezo.
game (in which children chase each other around) (noun), foliti (9/10),
pl foliti.
game (sport) (noun), mechi. football game.. mechi ya mpira [Rec].
game of chance (any game played for money) (noun), kamari.
game played on a board (noun), bao, pl mabao (also mibao).
game played on a board (noun), bau, pl bau. game played on a board. bao
la mtaji.
game played on a board (noun), dama.
game played with bits of stick (noun), tiabu (9/10), pl tiabu.
game played with dice (noun), dado, pl madado.
game played with dice (noun), dadu, pl madadu.
game played with small cowrie shells (noun), kete.
jumping and clapping game for 2 rows of people (noun), mdomwa (9/10), pl
kicking game played in water (noun), mikambe (4).
mlenge (game played by throwing sticks) (noun), mlenge (3/4), pl milenge.
the game of 'bao' (noun), kamna (9/10), pl kamna.
gamecock (noun), kuchi.
gamepiece (noun), kodwe (9/10), pl kodwe.
games (noun), michezo, pl michezo. go in for sports.. kufanya michezo.
gang (noun), genge (5/6), pl magenge.
med. gangrene (noun), kioza.
become gangrenous (verb), -nyekenya.
Gangway! (interjection), simile!.
Gangway! (interjection), similla!.
Gangway! (interjection), sumile!.
gap (noun), mwanya, pl mianya. gap between the teeth.. mwanya wa meno.
gap (noun), pl gaps, pengo (5/6), pl mapengo. to fill a gap that is
there. kuziba pengo liliopo [Moh].
gape (verb), -pumbaa.
garage (noun), banda la gari (5/6), pl mabanda la gari.
garage (noun), gereji (5/6), pl magereji.
garbage (noun), taka (5/6), pl mataka.
garbage (noun), takataka (5/6), pl matakataka.
garbage bin (noun), jaa (9/10), pl jaa.
garbage bin (noun), jalala (9/10), pl jalala.
garden (noun), bustani (9/10), pl bustani. Mother has a flower and
vegetable garden.. Mama ana bustani ya maua na mboga..
garden (noun), kitalu (7/8), pl vitalu.
garden (noun), kiunga, pl viunga.
garden (noun), kore.
garden (noun), shamba (5/6), pl mashamba.
garden (newly planted) (noun), kikore, pl vikore.
garden (us. a small plot in the back yard for vegetables) (noun),
bustani (5/6), pl mabustani.
garden produce (noun), mboga (9/10), pl mboga.
gargle (before and after meals) (verb), -sukutua. mouthwash. dawa ya
garlic (noun), kitunguu saumu (7/8), pl vitunguu saumu.
garlic (noun), kitunguu saumu (7/8), pl vitunguu saumu. put garlic into
the stew. Weka kitunguu saumu katika mchuzi.
garlic (noun), thumu (9/10), pl thumu.
garlic (noun), tumu (9/10), pl tumu.
garlic (noun), saumu.
garlic (noun), thumu.
garlic (noun), tumu.
Arab garment (noun), buraa.
garment (noun), kisua (7/8), pl visua.
garment (noun), mavazi (6).
garment (noun), mviko, pl miviko.
garment (noun), nguo (9/10), pl nguo. put on clothes. vaa [vua] nguo.
garment (noun), vazi (5/6), pl mavazi.
garment (long robe worn by men) (noun), kanzu (9/10), pl kanzu.
garment worn by those working in the fields (noun), bwende, pl mabwende.
long, white outer garment, the old traditional costume of Swahili men)
(noun), kanzu.
man's outer garment (knee-length) (noun), gwanda (5/6), pl magwanda.
ready-made garment (noun), pl garments, mtunguo (3/4), pl mitunguo.
woman's garment (noun), sari (9/10), pl sari. Sari is a traditional
dressing of Indian women. Sari ni vaazi la mila ya kihindi la wanawake.
garnishing (noun), andazi, pl maandazi.
garrulity (noun), domo (5/6), pl madomo.
be garrulous (verb), -chagiza.
garrulousness (noun), usemaji.
gas (noun), hewa.
gas (noun), pl gases, mvuke (3/4), pl mivuke.
gas (noun), uvuke.
gas (in the stomach) (noun), pl gases, riahi (9/10), pl riahi.
pass gas (verb), -shuta.
rec. gas (noun), mvuke.
gash (noun), chanjo, pl machanjo.
gash (noun), tojo (9/10), pl tojo.
gasoline (noun), petroli (9). gasoline oil.. mafuta ya petroli.
gasp (verb), -achama.
gasp for breath (verb), -hema.
gasp for breath (verb), -kukuta.
gasp for breath (verb), -tweta.
gasping (noun), mitweto, pl mitweto.
gate (noun), lango (5/6), pl malango.
gate (noun), mlango, pl milango. the five senses.. milango ya maarifa..
be gathered together (verb), -jumuika.
gather (verb), -buga.
gather (verb), -chamia.
gather (verb), -changa.
gather (verb), -changanya.
gather (verb), -chuma.
gather (verb), -funa.
gather (verb), -huduru.
gather (verb), -jamii.
gather (verb), -jumuika.
gather (verb), -kongomana.
gather (verb), -kusanya. She woke up and gathered the few things that
were hers.. Aliamka akakusanya vichache vilivyo vyake [Balisidya, Masomo
gather (verb), -lundika.
gather (verb), -rundika.
gather (verb), -okota.
gather (verb), -rundika.
gather (verb), -runga.
gather (verb), -sanya.
gather (verb), -vuna.
gather (fruit) (verb), -tunda.
gather flowers or fruit (verb), -chuma.
gather for social purposes (conversation etc) (verb), -tabaruki.
gather for social purposes (conversation etc) (verb), -tabaruku.
gather up (verb), -palia.
gather up (verb), -palia.
gather up (verb), -zoa.
be gathered together (verb), -kusanyika (potential). Finally they
gathered at the door of Ms Tamina.. hatimaye wakakusanyika mlangoni pa Bi
Tamima [Moh].
gathering (noun), akhtari (9/10), pl akhtari.
gathering (noun), aktari (9/10), pl aktari.
gathering (noun), baraza (5/6), pl mabaraza.
gathering (noun), jamaa.
gathering (noun), jamaa (9/10), pl jamaa.
gathering (noun), kusanyiko (5/6), pl makusanyiko.
gathering (noun), kusanyo (5/6), pl makusanyo.
gathering (noun), kutano (5/6), pl makutano.
gathering (noun), mkusanyiko (3/4), pl mikusanyiko.
gathering (noun), mkusanyo (3/4), pl mikusanyo.
gathering (noun), uvuno, pl mavuno.
gathering (verb), -jamhuri.
gathering (of fruit) (noun), uchumaji.
gathering (with a definite purpose) (noun), makutano.
large gathering (noun), umati.
large gathering (of people) (noun), msoa, pl misoa.
social gathering (noun), pati (9/10), pl pati.
one who gathers (noun), mkusanyi, pl wakusanyi.
one who gathers (noun), mtoza, pl watoza.
one who gathers something (noun), mwokosi, pl waokosi.
one who gathers something (noun), mwokoti, pl waokoti.
carpenter's marking gauge (for scribing lines parallel to the edge of a
board). (noun), mahati.
marking gauge (noun), mahati (9/10), pl mahati.
water gauge (noun), pimamaji (9/10), pl pimamaji.
water gauge (noun), pimasharazi (9/10), pl pimasharazi.
gauze (noun), chachi.
gauze (noun), chachi.
gauze (noun), shashi (9/10), pl shashi.
be gay (verb), -changamka.
be gay (verb), -chanjamka.
be gay (verb), -chanjanuka.
gay (adjective), changamfu.
gay (adjective), chekeshaji.
gay (adjective), furahifu.
gay (adjective), purupuru.
gaze (noun), nadhari (9/10).
gaze (noun), tazamo, pl matazamo.
gaze (verb), -dokoka.
gaze (verb), -kazia macho (applicative).
gazelle (noun), kinokero (7/8an), pl vinokero.
gazelle (kind of) (noun), paa.
Grant's gazelle (noun), swala (9/10an), pl swala.
bevel gear (noun), giamatemo (9/10), pl giamatemo.
gear (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
gear (noun), gia (9/10), pl gia.
helical gear (noun), giahesi (9/10), pl giahesi.
spiral gear (noun), giamsokoto (9/10), pl giamsokoto.
gearbox (noun), giaboksi (9/10), pl giaboksi.
gelatinous (of foods) (adjective), rojorojo. gelatinous (fish food).
samaki rojorojo.
something gelatinous (noun), bokoboko.
geld (verb), -hasi.
condition of being a gelding (noun), uhasi.
gelding (noun), mhasi, pl wahasi.
carnelian (noun), akiki (9/10), pl akiki.
gem (noun), johari (9/10), pl johari.
gem (noun), kito (7/8), pl vito.
genealogy (noun), jadi (9/10), pl jadi.
genealogy (noun), jadi.
genealogy (noun), mlango, pl milango.
genealogy (noun), nasaba, pl nasaba.
trace someone's genealogy (verb), -nasibisha.
trace someone's genealogy (verb), -nasibu.
general (noun), jemadari, pl majemadari.
general (noun), jeneral, pl majeneral.
general (military) (noun), jemadari (1/2), pl majemadari.
in general (conjunction), kwa ujumla.
generate (verb), -zalisha.
generation (noun), kizazi (7/8), pl vizazi.
generator (noun), jenereta (9/10), pl jenereta.
generosity (noun), dhifa (9/10), pl dhifa.
generosity (noun), neema (9/10).
generosity (noun), rehema (9/10), pl rehema.
generosity (noun), ujazi.
generosity (noun), ukarimu (14).
generosity (noun), upaji.
be generous (verb), -harijia.
be generous (verb), -jitolea.
be generous (verb), -kirimu.
be generous (verb), -neemeka.
generous (adjective), -ema.
generous (adjective), karimu.
generous (adjective), karimu.
generous (adjective), neemefu.
generous (adjective), neemevu.
generous (adjective), takarimu.
generous person (noun), mkaribishaji, pl wakaribishaji.
generous person (noun), mkarimu (1/2), pl wakarimu.
generous person (noun), mpaji, pl wapaji.
generous person (noun), pl generous people, mtawanya (1/2), pl watawanya.
generousity (noun), huruma.
give generously (verb), -mwagia. Our gods generously gave us good
fortune [Masomo 304]. Miungu yetu ilitumwagia neema [Masomo 304].
genial (adverb), -kunjufu.
genial person (noun), pl genial people, mteremeshi (1/2), pl wateremeshi.
genial person (noun), -teremeshi (1/2), pl wateremeshi.
geniality (noun), ukunjufu.
genie (noun), jini (5/6an), pl majini.
genital (noun), chini.
genitals (noun), uchi.
genitals (coll) (noun), mbele.
growth or swelling on the genitals (noun), kigwaru, pl vigwaru.
become gentle (verb), -puliza. Idi told him/her in a gentle and
appropriate voice. Idi alimwambia kwa sauti ya kupulizia na kusihi [Sul].
gentle (adjective), -anana. gentle wind; a gentle, modest person
(figurative). upepo mwanana; mtu mwanana.
gentle (adjective), laini.
gentle (adjective), lainifu.
gentle (adjective), leini.
gentle (adjective), -pole.
gentle (adjective), polepole.
gentle (adjective), raufu.
gentle (adjective), tamu. gentle breeze. upepo mtamu.
gentleman (noun), mngwana, pl wangwana.
gentleman (noun), mungwana, pl waungwana, wangwana.
gentleman (noun), mwungwana, pl waungwana.
gentleness (noun), baridi. gentle words. maneno ya baridi.
gentleness (noun), latifu (9/10), pl latifu.
gentleness (noun), ubaridi.
gentleness (noun), ulaini.
gentleness (noun), ulainifu.
gentleness (noun), upole (14).
gentleness (noun), upole.
gentleness (noun), uraufu.
gentleness (noun), utulivu (14), pl utulivu.
gentleness (noun), utuvu (14).
gentleness (noun), uvumilivu.
gentleness (noun), uzuhali (14).
gentleness (noun), vumilio, pl mavumilio.
be gentle (verb), -lainika.
gently (adverb), kinyerenyere.
gently (adverb), -pole.
genuine (adjective), asilia.
genuine (adjective), -a dhati.
genuine (adjective), halisi.
genuine (adjective), kimaada.
genuine (adjective), kimada.
genuine (adjective), safi.
genuine (adjective), sahihi. the talk of the old man is very genuine.
Mazungumzo ya mzee ni sahihi kabisa.
genuine (adjective), sahihifu.
genuine (adjective), swafi.
genuine (adjective), thabiti.
geography (noun), jiografia (9/10), pl jiografia.
geography (noun), jiografia.
geology (noun), jiologia (9/10), pl jiologia.
geometer (noun), pimapima (5/6), pl mapimapima. They have said that the
geometer is outside the village. pimapima wamesema [kijumba] kiko nje ya
kijiji [Kez].
geometry (noun), jometri (9/10), pl jometri.
germ (noun), kidudu, pl vidudu.
germ (noun), kijidudu (7/8), pl vijidudu.
germ (noun), mbegu.
germ (noun), mimba. "germinate, sprout".. fanya mimba.
German (adjective), -jerumani.
German (adjective), Kidachi.
German (adjective), Kijeremani.
German (noun), Dachi.
German person (noun), Mdachi, pl Wadachi.
German person (noun), Mjeremani, pl Wajeremani.
German person (noun), Mjerumani, pl Wajeremani.
Germany (noun), Udachi.
Germany (noun), Ujeremani (17).
germinate (verb), -mea.
gesticulate (verb), -chacharika.
gesticulate (verb), -chachatika.
gesticulate (verb), -punga mikono. "swing the arms, give a signal"..
punga mikono.
make a gesture at each other (as a sign of mutual understanding or as a
greeting) (verb), -konyeza.
cause to get (verb), -pasha.
cause to get (verb), -pasha.
cause to get (verb), -patiliza (causative).
cause to get (verb), -patisha.
cause to get (verb), -patiza.
get (verb), -ingia.
get (verb), -pata. They believed they could not be gotten by what was
getting their counterparts in other villages.. waliamini kuwa
hayangewapata yaliyokuwa yanawapata wenzao wa vijiji vingine [Mun].
get (verb), -twaa.
get (from) (verb), -patiwa ( appl-pass).
get (up) on (verb), -panda. get onto the bicycle.. panda baisikeli.
get oneself out of a difficult situation (verb), -okoa.
get out (verb), -komboa.
get out of the way (verb), -epa epa. This heroic leader left with the
Meru people [Masomo, 87]. Kiongozi huyo shujaa naye aliendelea kuepa epa
na Wameru [Masomo, 87].
Get out! (interjection), hobe!.
get to (verb), -fika.
get to a destination (verb), -wasili.
get up (verb), -amka.
get up (verb), -inuka.
get up (very early in the morning) (verb), -damka.
get up (very early in the morning) (verb), -jifia.
get up early (verb), -amkia.
take down (something hanging) (verb), -tundua.
get for (verb), -patia.
get hold of something with a stick (verb), -ngoeka.
get out (verb), -shuka. get out of the vehicle. shuka motokaa [Rec].
get out of something (verb), -shukia.
get up (verb), -nyanyuka.
get up (verb), -paa.
get up and leave (a place) (verb), -ondokelea.
Ghanaian (noun), -a kigana.
ghee (noun), samli (9/10), pl samli. (s)he cooked pancake-shaped bread
with ghee. Alipika chapati na samli.
ghee (noun), samuli (9/10), pl sampuli.
ghost (noun), kivuli, pl vivuli.
ghost (noun), kizuka (7/8), pl vizuka.
ghost (noun), masuka, pl masuka.
ghost (noun), mizuka, pl wazuka, mizuka.
ghost (noun), mzimu (3/4an), pl mizimu.
ghost (noun), mzuka, pl mizuka.
ghost (noun), njozi (9/10), pl njozi.
ghost (noun), zuka, pl mazuka.
give up the ghost (verb), -salimu roho.
ghostly, ghostlike (adjective), kipepo, pl vipepo. thermometer.
giant (noun), dubwana (5/6), pl madubwana.
giant (noun), jitu (5/6), pl majitu.
giant (noun), jitu, pl majitu.
giant (noun), pande la mtu (5/6an), pl mapande ya mtu.
giant (noun), pandekizi la mtu (5/6an), pl mapandikizo ya mtu.
giant (noun), pandikizi la mtu (5/6an), pl mapandikidi ya mtu.
giddiness (noun), kisulisuli (7/8), pl visulisuli.
giddiness (noun), kizunguzungu (7/8), pl vizunguzungu.
giddiness (noun), leuleu (5/6), pl maleuleu.
giddiness (noun), mbasua (9).
giddiness (noun), zulizuli (9).
gift (noun), bahkshishi, pl bahkshishi.
gift (noun), bakshishi, pl bakshishi.
gift (noun), baraka.
gift (noun), hatia.
gift (noun), hiba (9/10), pl hiba.
gift (noun), hongera.
gift (noun), jazi (5/6), pl majazi.
gift (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
gift (noun), jazua.
gift (noun), kipaji, pl vipaji.
gift (noun), kipawa (7/8), pl vipawa.
gift (noun), maelekeo, pl maelekeo.
gift (noun), mataka, pl mataka.
gift (noun), matakwa, pl matakwa.
gift (noun), paji (5/6), pl mapaji.
gift (noun), pukuso (5/6), pl mapukuso.
gift (noun), sawadi (5/6), pl masawadi.
gift (noun), tuza, pl matuza.
gift (noun), tuzo, pl matuzo.
gift (noun), uapo.
gift (noun), uhondo.
gift (noun), wapo.
gift (noun), zawadi (9/10), pl zawadi.
gift (eg that given by a bridegroom to his father-in-law) (noun),
kilemba, pl vilemba.
gift (especially from God) (noun), thawabu (9/10), pl thawabu.
gift (for midwives who helped at birth) (noun), jingizi (9/10), pl
gift (given by man to 1st wife when she agrees to his taking a second
wife) (noun), mwago (3/4), pl miago.
gift (of God) (noun), upaji.
gift (that is expected to be forthcoming) (noun), ada (9/10), pl ada.
gift (unexpected) (noun), dafina, pl dafina.
gift from father to teacher on matriculation of child (noun), koto
(9/10), pl koto.
gift given by a person who holds a baby for the first time (both to wish
the infant good luck and to indicate that the person holding the child has
no ill-feelings toward it). (noun), fola.
gift given by a suitor to a girl's father (noun), uchumba.
gift given by a young man to a girl's maternal uncle, who then presents
it to the girl's father as evidence of a proposal of marriage (noun),
mkalio, pl mikalio.
gift given by the bridegroom to the bride's attendants (noun), mkalio
(3/4), pl mikalio.
gift given by the family of the bridegroom to the mother of the bride
(noun), mkaja, pl mikaja.
gift of the bridegroom to the bride after entering the bedroom (noun),
gracious gift esp. from God (noun), karama (9/10), pl karama.
valuable gift (noun), adia (9/10), pl adia.
valuable gift (noun), hadaya.
valuable gift (noun), hedaya (9/10), pl hedaya.
valuable gift (noun), tunu.
gifts on plate for bridal pair at wedding (noun), upatu (11/10), pl patu.
gigantic (adjective), dubwana.
gigantic (adjective), kijitu. a gigantic stone fell on him..
ameangukiwa na kijitu cha jiwe.
gill (noun), chavu, pl machavu. gill [of a fish]. chavu la samaki.
gill (noun), mashavu. gill of a fish. mashavu ya samaki.
gill (noun), pl biceps, shavu la samaki (5/6), pl mashavu ya mkono.
gill (of a fish) (noun), chafu, pl machafu.
locally distilled African gin (noun), wargi.
locally distilled African gin (noun), warigi.
locally distilled African gin (noun), winda (9).
ginger (noun), tangawizi (9/10), pl tangawizi. Mrs Tamima drinking
ginger. Bi Tamima akinywa tangawizi [Moh].
ginger plant (noun), pl ginger plants, mtanizi (3/4), pl mitanizi.
ginger plant (Zingiber officinale) (noun), mtangawizi, pl mitangawizi.
giraffe (noun), twiga (9/10), pl twiga.
gird (verb), -dadisa.
girder (noun), boriti, pl maboriti.
girder (noun), mhimili (3/4), pl mihimili.
girder (noun), nguzo (9/10), pl nguzo.
girdle (noun), mahazamu.
girdle (noun), masombo (6).
girdle (noun), ukanda (11/10), pl kanda.
Giriama (adjective), -giriama, pl Giriama.
Giriama (noun), Kigiriama (7).
Giriama region (noun), Ugiriama (17).
girl (noun), pl girls, msichana (1/2), pl wasichana.
girl (before initiation) (noun), mwanamwali (1/2), pl wanamwali.
girl (before initiation) (noun), mwanamwari (1/2), pl wanamwari.
girl who has not yet reached puberty (noun), kisichana, pl visichana.
young girl (before menstruation) (noun), kigoli, pl vigoli.
girlfriend (noun), mpenzi (1/2), pl wapenzi.
girlfriend (or other treasured "property") (noun), chuma (7/8), pl vyuma.
girlfriend (term used between women) (noun), shoga (5/6an), pl mashoga.
(s)he desired to follow fellow women girlfriend in their habits.
alitamani kuwafuata shogaze katika nyendo zao [Sul].
girth (noun), kivimba, pl vivimba.
girth (noun), kivimbo, pl vivimbo.
girth (noun), kiwiliwili, pl viwiliwili.
girth (noun), uvimbe.
gist (of a matter) (noun), kiini, pl viini.
be given (verb), -gaiwa.
be given (verb), -patiwa.
be given (verb), -pewa.
be given (by) (verb), -patiwa ( appl-pass). They wanted clothes and
especially military attire.. walihitaji nguo na walihitaji zana za vita.
give (verb), -gaia.
give (verb), -jazi.
give (verb), -kabidhi.
give (verb), -pa. give the hand (to express congratulations/condolence);
lending a helping hand.. pa mkono.
give (verb), -pasisha.
give a gift (verb), -zawadisha.
give a present (verb), -kirimu.
give a present (verb), -tuza.
give a speech (verb), -hutubu.
give alms (verb), -sadaki.
give and receive (verb), -pokezana.
give and receive (verb), -pokezanya.
give and take (noun), majibizano.
give back (verb), -rejesha.
give back (verb), -rejeza.
give back (verb), -rudi.
give back (verb), -rudisha. return the favor, reciprocate. rudisha
give clothes (verb), -visha (causative).
give each other something (verb), -pana.
give grudgingly (verb), -sunza.
give in marriage (verb), -oza (causative).
give life (verb), -hui.
give life to (verb), -huisha.
give oneself (verb), -jipa.
give oneself up (verb), -jifunga (reflexive).
give presents to a person (verb), -kirimu.
give someone a share in something (verb), -shirikisha. (s)he gave the
teacher a share in the teaching the children. Alimshirikisha Mwalimu
kuwafundisha wanafunzi.
give someone a share in something (verb), -shirikiza.
give someone something (verb), -wia.
give to each other (verb), -toleana.
give to oneself (verb), -jipa (reflexive).
give up (verb), -gea.
give up (verb), -samehe. I have looked for it and I did not find it, so
I have given up. nimeitafuta sikuiona, kwa hiyo nimeisamehe..
give up (certain foods, as tabu) (verb), -gunga.
that which gives (noun), kipa, pl vipa. a piece of meat.
to give to (verb), -pea.
not to give in (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
give light (verb), -angaa.
give out (verb), -toa.
give to (verb), -tolea.
give oneself up (verb), -jisalimisha.
give up (verb), -salimisha (causative).
give up (verb), -tilifu.
give up hope (verb), -kata tamaa.
give up hope (verb), -ondoa tamaa.
give way (verb), -bonyea.
be given (verb), -tolewa (passive).
be given a present (verb), -tuzwa.
given (adjective), fulani.
have been given (verb), -pewa.
giver (noun), mpaji (1/2), pl wapaji.
giver (i.e. charity or alms) (noun), pl givers, mtoa (1/2), pl watoa.
gizzard (of birds) (noun), firigisi (9/10), pl firigisi.
be glad (verb), -furahi.
glade (noun), kimwitu, pl vimwitu.
cast a glance (verb), -chungulia (applicative).
cast a glance (verb), -vua.
glance (noun), nadhari.
glance (noun), tazamo, pl matazamo.
glance (verb), -tupia macho.
swelling of the glands (noun), hijabu.
glare (noun), mng'arizo, pl ming'arizo.
glare (verb), -kodoa macho.
glare at (verb), -kodolea macho (applicative).
glare at (verb), -tumbuza.
drinking-glass (noun), bilauli.
drinking-glass (noun), bilauri.
glass (noun), bilauli.
glass (noun), bilauri (9/10), pl bilauri.
glass (noun), glasi (9/10), pl glasi.
glass (noun), kioo (7/8), pl vioo.
gleam (adjective), mulika. who gives you light by day will burn you by
night.. prov.anayekumulika mchana usiku atakuunguza.
gleam (noun), mng'arizo, pl ming'arizo.
gleam (verb), -angaa.
gleam (verb), -meta.
gleam (verb), -ng'aa.
gleam (verb), -ng'ala.
gleam (verb), -ng'ara.
gleam (verb), -waa.
gleam (verb), -waka.
gleam (verb), -zagaa.
to make gleam (verb), -ng'aliza.
to make gleam (verb), -ng'ariza.
to make gleam (verb), -ng'aza.
gleaming (adjective), -anga.
gleaming (adjective), -angavu.
glean (verb), -buga.
gleaner (noun), mkumbizi, pl wakumbizi.
glide (verb), -tiririka.
glide (verb), -tiririka.
glide (of birds) (verb), -umbia.
glide (of snakes) (verb), -chiririka.
glide along (like a snake or trickle of water) (verb), -nyinyirika.
glide along (like a snake or trickle of water) (verb), -nyiririka.
glisten (verb), -zagaa.
glitter (noun), kimeta (7/8), pl vimeta.
glitter (noun), kimetameta, pl vimetameta.
glitter (noun), mng'arizo, pl ming'arizo. shining/pierching eyes..
mng'arizo wa macho.
glitter (verb), -mekameka.
glitter (verb), -memeteka.
glitter (verb), -memetuka.
glitter (verb), -meremeta.
glitter (verb), -meta.
glitter (verb), -ng'aa.
glitter (verb), -ng'ala.
glitter (verb), -ng'ara.
glitter (verb), -zagaa.
to make glitter (verb), -ng'aliza.
to make glitter (verb), -ng'ariza.
to make glitter (verb), -ng'aza.
glittering (noun), memetuko.
glittering (noun), mmeremeto (3).
gloat over (verb), -simanga.
globe (noun), ardhi, pl ardhi.
globe (noun), dunia. continent. sehemu ya dunia.
globe (noun), kiviringo, pl miviringo, viviringo.
globe (noun), mviringo, pl miviringo, viviringo.
globe (noun), tufe (9/10), pl tufe.
globe-trotter (noun), mzizimizi, pl wazizimizi.
globe-trotter (noun), mzizimizi, pl wazizimizi.
globule (noun), kidonge, pl vidonge.
gloom (noun), giza, pl giza, magiza.
gloom (noun), weusi.
be gloomy (verb), -sononeka (intransitive).
gloomy (adjective), -ausi.
gloomy (adjective), eusi.
be glorified (verb), -sifika. The queen is glorified. Malkia anasifika.
glorify (verb), -adhimisha (causative).
glorify (verb), -adhimu.
glorify (verb), -aenzi.
glorify (verb), -enzi.
glorify (verb), -ezi.
glorify (verb), -kuza.
glorify (verb), -sifu.
glorify (verb), -tukuza (causative).
be glorious (verb), -taadhimika.
glorious (adjective), takatifu.
glorious (of God) (adjective), tukufu.
be worthy of glory (verb), -tukuka.
glory (noun), adhama (9/10), pl adhama. Color is the glory of God, and
on the body is not unclean.. Rangi adhama ya Mungu, na mwilini si uchafu
[Shaaban Robert, "Rangi Zetu" 2 ii].
glory (noun), jaha (9/10), pl jaha.
glory (noun), jaha.
glory (noun), taadhima (9/10), pl taadhima.
glory (noun), ulwa (14).
glory (noun), utakatifu (14).
glory (noun), utukufu (14).
glory (in something) (verb), -tamba.
gloss (noun), dondo, pl madondo.
glossary (noun), kamusi.
glove (noun), glavu (9/10), pl glavu.
glow (noun), mng'arizo, pl ming'arizo.
glow (noun), uangafu.
glow (noun), uangavu.
glow (noun), wangafu.
glow (noun), wangafu.
glow (noun), wangavu.
glow (noun), wangavu.
glow (healthy appearance or pleasant expression of the face) (adjective),
glow-worm (noun), kimulimuli (7/8), pl vimulimuli.
glow-worm (noun), kimurimuri (7/8), pl vimuri-muri.
glowing (noun), moto. glowing coals.. makaa ya moto.
glowworm (noun), kimerimeti, pl vimerimeti.
glowworm (noun), kimeti, pl vimeti.
glue (noun), ambo (5/6), pl maambo.
glue (noun), gundi (9/10), pl gundi.
glue (noun), lami.
glue (noun), lammi.
glue (noun), marhamu (9/10), pl marhamu.
glue (noun), sheresi (9/10), pl sheresi.
glue (noun), sherisi (9/10), pl sherisi.
glue (noun), pl glue, sherizi (9/10), pl sherizi.
glue (noun), utomvu.
glue down (verb), -bandika.
glue together (verb), -tabikisha (causative).
glue together (verb), -unganisha.
gluing (noun), mbandiko (3/4), pl mibandiko.
glutton (noun), mlafi (1/2), pl walafi.
glutton (one who eats more than his share) (noun), mroho, pl waroho.
gluttony (noun), roho (9/10), pl roho.
gluttony (noun), ubuge.
gluttony (noun), ulafi.
gluttony (noun), ulaji.
gluttony (noun), uroho.
be gnarled (verb), -pindamana.
gnash teeth (verb), -saga meno.
gnash the teeth (verb), -saga meno. I am the one who ground, sieved and
crushed the others into corals. miye niliyetwanga nikachunga na vingine
nikasaga tumbawe... [Abd], akiyaswaga [majani] kwa miguu [Kez].
gnash the teeth (verb), -teketa.
gnashing (of the teeth) (noun), ukakasi.
gnashing (the teeth) (noun), para (9/10), pl para.
gnat (noun), usubi.
gnaw (verb), -guguna.
gnaw (verb), -mumunya.
gnaw (verb), -mung'unya.
gnaw (verb), -munya.
gnaw (verb), -munyamunya.
gnaw (verb), -ng'ong'ona.
gnaw (verb), -ng'ota.
gnaw (verb), -ng'uta.
gnaw (verb), -tafuna.
gnaw (verb), -teketa.
be gnawed (verb), -tafunwa.
gnome (noun), mbilikimo.
gnu (noun), nyumbu (9/10an), pl nyumbu.
gnu (species of) (noun), kongoni.
gnu (species of) (noun), kuguni.
cause (a bomb etc.) to go off (verb), -alisha.
go (i.e. travel as a passenger) (verb), -abiri.
go (in gen.) (verb), -enda. go on foot. enda kwa miguu.
go about (verb), -tembea.
go away (verb), -toka.
go away (verb), -uka.
go before (verb), -sabiki.
go in (verb), -ingia.
go in (verb), -ingia.
go in for (verb), -ingilia.
go on (verb), -endelea.
go on foot (adverb), kikwata, pl vikwata.
go out (verb), -toka (potential).
go part of the way with s.o. (e.g., a guest) (verb), -adi.
go part of the way with someone (verb), -sindikiza.
go quickly and suddenly (verb), -futuka.
Go! (interjection), hobe!.
go! (verb), nenda! (conjugated).
let us go (interjection), jamani.
one who makes something go (noun), mwendesha, pl waendesha. car driver.
mwendesha gari.
go down (sun) (verb), -chwa.
go for (verb), -endea. go to collect firewood. endea kuni.
cause to go into (verb), -penyeza.
go on (verb), -pita.
go past (verb), -pita. go past a town. pita mji.
go up (verb), -paa.
go with (verb), -endea.
go-between (noun), kijumbe (7/8), pl vijumbe.
go-between (noun), mwamua, pl waamua.
go-between (noun), mwamuzi, pl waamuzi.
go-between (one who arranges a marriage for someone else) (noun),
mshenga, pl washenga.
go-down (noun), bohari (5/6), pl mabohari.
go-getter (noun), mpasi, pl wapasi.
Goanese (adjective), Kigoa.
goad on someone (verb), -paaza ugomvi.
goal (noun), bau, pl mabau, mibau. we scored six goals. tuliwafunga
[coll. tuliwapiga] mabao sita.
goal (noun), dhati.
goal (noun), fora (9/10), pl fora.
goal (noun), kikomo, pl vikomo.
goal (noun), lengo, pl malengo.
goal (noun), mlango, pl milango.
goal (noun), mradi, pl miradi, muradi. Now s/he is a teacher and has
fulfilled her/his goal.. sasa ni mwalimu na ametimiza mradi wake.
goal (noun), mwisho, pl miisho.
goal (noun), nia (9/10), pl nia.
goal (noun), ukomo.
goal (between goalposts) (noun), lango (5/6), pl malango.
goal (in sports) (noun), bao (5/6), pl mabao.
reach one's goal (verb), -faulu.
sport-goal (noun), goli (5/6), pl magoli.
sport. goal (noun), mede.
sport. winning-post (noun), mede.
goalkeeper (noun), kipa, pl makipa.
sport-goalkeeper (noun), golikipa (5/6), pl magolikipa.
goalpost (noun), mede (9/10), pl mede.
billy goat (noun), denge. billy goat. denge ya mbuzi.
goat (noun), mbuzi (9/10an), pl mbuzi.
goat-biter (noun), kiumambuzi, pl viumambuzi.
kid (of goat) (noun), mwanambuzi (1/2), pl wanambuzi.
wild goat (kind of) (noun), tohe.
wild goat (kind of) (noun), toi.
goat pen (on poles raised off the ground) (noun), denge.
goatee (noun), ndevu ya kidevu, pl ndevu za kidevu.
goblet (noun), kidoto, pl vidoto.
By God! (interjection), wallah!.
God (noun), Bwana (5/6), pl mabwana. His wonders and marvels, He is the
master artist.. Shani zake na mizungu, ni Bwana wa wasanifu [Shaaban
Robert, "Rangi Zetu" 4 ii].
God (noun), Mola (1).
God (noun), mola.
God (noun), mungu.
God (noun), muungu.
God (noun), Mwenyezi Mungu (1). You shouldn't go the wrong way and go
against God; if people begin to lose their religious faith he will not
hesitate to warn them that they should return to God,. Wewe usiende
kimakosa kumkosea Mwenyezi Mungu [Nabhany Masomo 291]; Watu wakiwa waanza
kupoteza imani yao ya dini hatasita kuwaonya ili warudi kwa Mwenyezi Mungu
[Khan, Masomo 391].
God (noun), pl Gods, rabi (9/10an), pl rabi.
God (noun), rahimu (1).
God (Moslem) (noun), Allah (1).
God (title of) (noun), manani (1).
mention of the name of God (noun), dhikiri.
Mungu sing. (also Jicho la Mungu) God (noun), mungu.
Mungu sing. (also Jicho la Mungu) God (noun), muungu.
Muslim title for God (Supreme Ruler) (noun), jabari (5/6), pl majabari.
Muslim title of God (Glorious One) (noun), jalali (9/10), pl jalali.
rel. (grace of ) God (noun), majaliwa.
rel. God (noun), mtukufu, pl watukufu. the Most High.. Mungu mtukufu.
God forbid (interjection), astaghafiru.
God willing (interjection), inshallah.
God-fearing person (noun), mcha wa Mungu.
God-fearing person (noun), mchaji wa Mungu. If they are not God-fearing
.... Kama si wachaji Mungu [Shaaban Robert, Masomo 426].
God-fearing person (noun), mchaji (1/2), pl wachaji.
god-fearing person (noun), salihina (9/10an), pl salahina.
god-fearing person (phrase), mcha Mungu, pl wacha Mungu.
one who goes (noun), mwenda, pl waenda. pedestrian. mwenda kwa miguu.
be going to (verb), -taka.
going (noun), mwendo (3/4), pl miendo.
going to (preposition), kwenda.
going over something for a second time (e.g. checking one's arithmetic
to make sure there is no mistake) (noun), mardudi.
going-round (noun), mzunguko (3/4), pl mizunguko.
exophthalmic goiter (noun), kororo, pl makororo.
goiter (noun), tezi, pl matezi.
gold (noun), dahabu, pl dahabu. golden.
gold (noun), dhahabu (9/10), pl dhahabu. gold necklace. mikufu ya
dhahabu [Masomo 167].
gold braid (noun), teli (9/10), pl teli.
gold miner (noun), mchimbaji dhahabu (1/2), pl wachimbaji dhahabu.
goldsmith (noun), sonara (9/10an), pl sonara.
golf (noun), gofu (9/10), pl gofu.
golf club (noun), kingoe, pl vingoe.
golf-club (noun), chogoe.
gong (noun), upatu (11/10), pl patu.
gonorrhea (noun), kisonono (7/8), pl visonono.
med gonorrhea (the two diseases are believed to be the same because their
symptoms ar similar.) (noun), kisalisali (7/8).
be good (verb), -taibu.
be good (verb), -tayibu.
be good for (verb), -wea.
good (adjective), aali.
good (adjective), ngema.
good (adjective), nzuri.
good (adjective), salihi.
good (adjective), zema.
good (adjective), -zuri.
good (adverb), taibu.
good (adverb), tayibu.
good (adverb), vizuri.
good (interjection), marahaba.
good (in gen.) (adjective), ema. pleasant breeze. upepo mwema.
good (of foods) (adjective), tamu.
good for nothing (adjective), -dufu.
good thing (adjective), haijambo.
good thing (noun), kinyemi (7).
Good! (adjective), njema.
Good! (adverb), ngema.
good! (adverb), dike.
good! (adverb), tike.
good! (interjection), dike.
good! (interjection), fauwa.
Good! (interjection), taibu.
good-for-nothing (adjective), tundu.
good-for-nothing (noun), dude, pl madude.
good-for-nothing (noun), maleuni. This child is a good-for-nothing.
mtoto huyu ni maleuni sana.
good-for-nothing (noun), maluuni. This child is a good-for-nothing.
mtoto huyu ni maleuni sana.
good-for-nothing person (noun), mfujaji, pl wafujaji.
something good (noun), nyemi (9/10), pl nyemi.
good advice (noun), mauidha (9/10), pl mauidha.
man of good birth (noun), adinasi (9/10an), pl adinasi.
good bye (interjection), alamsiki.
good bye (interjection), lamsiki.
good conduct (noun), adili (5/6), pl maadili.
Good Day (noun), jambo.
Good evening (salutation) (phrase), masalkheri.
good-humored (adjective), changamfu.
good looking (adjective), marini.
good looking (adjective), nakawa.
good morning (interjection), sabalheri. good morning, mother. Sabalheri
good morning (interjection), sabalkheri.
good morning (interjection), subalkheri.
wish someone good morning (verb), -sabihi.
good natured (adjective), lainifu.
good natured (adjective), leini.
good time (noun), asharati.
good time (noun), asherati.
good-looking person (noun), mtoto shoo (1). good-looking children, their
mother should have called them. watoto shoo, mama yake angeliwaita [Ya].
be good-natured (verb), -lainika.
good-natured person (noun), mteremeshi, pl wateremeshi.
good-natured person (noun), mteremezi, pl wateremezi.
goodbye (interjection), haya.
goodbye (interjection), kwa heri, pl kwa herini.
say goodbye (verb), pl Yes, -aga. She had come to say goodbye to her
grandfather.. Alikuwa amekuja kumuaga babuye [Balisidya, Masomo 352].
say goodbye (to each other) (verb), -agana.
goodness (noun), latifu (9/10), pl latifu.
goodness (noun), mema, pl mema. There are both good and evil in the
world.. memea na maovu ndio ulimwengu [Rec].
goodness (noun), utu.
goodness (noun), uzuri (14), pl uzuri.
goodness (noun), wema (14).
wish someone a good night (verb), -twesha.
wish someone a good night (verb), -twisha.
goods (noun), bidaa.
goods (noun), bidhaa (9/10), pl bidhaa.
goods (noun), makolokolo.
goods (noun), mali. export goods. mali ya kusafirisha.
goods (noun), vikorokoro.
houshold goods (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
goodwill (noun), pendeleo (5/6), pl mapendeleo.
goodwill (noun), ufadili.
goodwill (noun), ungwana.
goodwill (noun), uungwana.
goose (noun), bata bukini (5/6), pl mabata bukini.
goose-egg (no score) (noun), yayi, pl mayayi.
have goosebumps (from fear) (verb), -sisimka (intransitive).
gooseflesh (noun), kimbimbi.
gooseflesh (from fright or excitement) (=kimbimbi) (noun), msisimko, pl
gore (noun), upapi, pl papi.
gore (verb), -guta.
rising of the gorge (noun), mpalio, pl mipalio.
gorge oneself (verb), -akia.
gospel (noun), anjili, pl anjili.
gospel (noun), enjili (9/10), pl enjili. New Testament. maandiko ya
Agao Jipya.
gospel (noun), injili.
Gospel (noun), Injili (9/10), pl Injili.
be gossiped about (verb), -sengenywa.
gossip (noun), chongelezo, pl machongelezo.
gossip (noun), duzi, pl maduzi.
gossip (noun), kilimilimi (7/8), pl vilimilimi.
gossip (noun), kivumi (7/8), pl vivumi.
gossip (noun), kivumo (7/8), pl vivumo.
gossip (noun), manong'onezo.
gossip (noun), manong'ono.
gossip (noun), maongezi (6).
gossip (noun), mbea, pl wabea.
gossip (noun), mbukulia, pl wabukulia.
gossip (noun), mbukuzi, pl wabukuzi.
gossip (noun), mlimi, pl walimi.
gossip (noun), mmbea, pl wambea.
gossip (noun), mnenaji (1/2), pl wanenaji.
gossip (noun), mneneji, pl waneneji.
gossip (noun), mneni, pl waneni.
gossip (noun), mpuzi, pl wapuzi.
gossip (noun), msengenya, pl wasengenya.
gossip (noun), msengenyi, pl wasengenyi.
gossip (noun), msengenyo, pl misengenyo.
gossip (noun), mtafitafi, pl watafitafi.
gossip (noun), mwambaji, pl waambiji.
gossip (noun), mwambi, pl waambi.
gossip (noun), mwongeza (1/2), pl waongeza.
gossip (noun), mwongeza, pl waongeza.
gossip (noun), mwongezi, pl waongezi.
gossip (noun), nong'onong'o (5/6), pl manong'onong'o.
gossip (noun), sakubimbi (9/10), pl sakubimbi.
gossip (noun), tetesi, pl matetesi.
gossip (noun), umbea.
gossip (noun), upuuzi.
gossip (noun), upuzi.
gossip (noun), uzushi (14).
gossip (noun), uzushi.
gossip (noun), uzuzi.
gossip (noun), zungumzo, pl mazungumzo.
gossip (verb), -ambika.
gossip (verb), -chakubimbi.
gossip (verb), -puza.
gossip vindictively (verb), -sengenya.
gossip(ping) (noun), udaku.
gossip-mongering (noun), dukisi, pl madukisi.
gossip-mongering (noun), dukizi, pl madukizi.
initiate gossip or talk (verb), -zua.
gossip-monger (noun), kidhabidhabina, pl vidhabidhabina.
gossip-monger (noun), mdhabidhabina, pl wadhabidhabina.
gossiper (noun), mpayukaji (1/2), pl wapayukaji.
gossiper (noun), pl gossipers, msengenyi (1/2), pl wasengenyi.
gossiping (noun), ubukuzi.
gossipmonger (noun), mdakizi, pl wadakizi.
gossipmonger (noun), mdaku, pl wadaku.
gossipmonger (noun), mdakuzi, pl wadakizi.
gossipmonger (noun), mdukizi, pl wadakizi.
gouge (noun), bobari.
gouge (noun), kombe, pl kombe.
gouge (carpenter's tool) (noun), ngabu (9/10), pl ngabu.
bottle-gourd plant (noun), mmumunye, pl mimumunye.
bottle-gourd plant (noun), mmung'unye, pl mimung'unye.
dried gourd or pumpkin used as a container for liquids (noun), dundu, pl
gourd (large and edible fruit of mboga) (noun), boga (5/6), pl maboga.
small gourd for mganga's medicines (noun), tunguri (9/10), pl tunguri.
gourmet (noun), mwenye kidomo (7).
gout (noun), jongo, pl majongo.
govern (verb), -amuru.
govern (verb), -hukumu.
govern (verb), -miliki.
govern (verb), -tamalaki.
govern (verb), -tamalaki.
govern (verb), -tamaleki.
govern (verb), -tawala.
be governed (verb), -amriwa.
governess (noun), mlei, pl walei.
governess (noun), mlezi (1/2), pl walezi.
governess (noun), mlezi, pl walezi.
governing (noun), utawala.
governing (noun), utwala.
city government (noun), manisipaa. House taxes are paid at the municipal
administration offices.. kodi za nyumba zitalipwa katika afisi ya
city government (noun), manisipali. House taxes are paid at the
municipal administration offices.. kodi za nyumba zitalipwa katika afisi
ya munisipali.
city government (noun), munisipaa. House taxes are paid at the municipal
administration offices.. kodi za nyumba zitalipwa katika afisi ya
city government (noun), munisipali. House taxes are paid at the
municipal administration offices.. kodi za nyumba zitalipwa katika afisi
ya munisipali.
form of government (noun), utawala.
form of government (noun), utwala.
government (noun), daula, pl madaula.
government (noun), dola (9/10), pl dola.
government (noun), madaraka (9/10), pl madaraka.
government (noun), mamlaka. self-government. mamlaka ya kujitawala.
government (noun), serikali (9/10), pl serikali. interim government.
serikali ya mseto..
government business (noun), uwakala.
government business (noun), uwakili.
governmnet (noun), kutawala.
self-government (noun), kujitawala.
governmental (adjective), -a kiserikali.
governor (noun), gavana (5/6), pl magavana.
governor (noun), mtawala, pl watawala. "autocrat, absolute monarch"..
mtawala mmoja.
governor (noun), mtawalaji, pl watawalaji. "autocrat, absolute
monarch".. mtawala mmoja.
governor (noun), mtawali, pl watawali. "autocrat, absolute monarch"..
mtawala mmoja.
growling (of various animals, usually wild ) (noun), mvuma, pl mivuma.
evening gown (noun), teitei, pl mateitei.
fashionable gown (noun), teitei, pl mateitei.
gown (noun), gauni (5/6), pl magauni.
gown (of a clergy-man) (noun), kasiki, pl makasiki.
grab (verb), -nyaka.
grab (verb), -shika. grab the hand. shika mkono.
grace (noun), madahiro, pl madahiro.
grace (noun), matuko.
grace (noun), neema, pl neema.
grace (of external appearance or of character) (noun), haiba (5/6), pl
grace (of God) (noun), taufiki (9/10), pl taufiki.
grace (us. in external appearance) (noun), umbuji.
grace of God (noun), majaaliwa (6).
rel. grace (noun), majaliwa.
rel.(divine) grace (noun), neema.
gracefulness (noun), madaha (6).
gracious (adjective), adibu.
gracious (adjective), murua.
gracious (adjective), muruwa.
gracious (adjective), taadabu.
grade (noun), alama (9/10), pl alama.
grade (noun), gredi.
grade ( in a class or course) (noun), maksi. Grades are given
independently of the grader.. Maksi hutolewa bila kutegemea msahihishaji
[Masomo 191].
grade (class level in high school) (noun), kidato (7/8), pl vidato.
grade (of merchandise) (noun), aina (9/10), pl aina.
grader (noun), pl graders, msahihishaji (1/2), pl wasahihishaji. Grades
are given independently of the grader.. Maksi hutolewa bila kutegemea
msahihishaji [Masomo 191].
gradually (adjective), polepole.
gradually (adverb), henezi.
gradually (adverb), kidogo kidogo.
gradually (adverb), punde kwa punde.
graduate (verb), -hitimu.
grain (noun), chembe (9/10), pl chembe.
grain (noun), chengechenge, pl vichengechenge.
grain (noun), shenga (9/10), pl shenga.
grain (cleaned) (general term) (noun), mchele, pl michele. millet
grain.. mchele wa mtama.
grain (fully formed but not fully ripe or hard) (noun), tete (9/10), pl
grain (in gen.). (noun), nafaka (9/10). It is eaten with a serving of
any type of grain.. Huliwa na mlo wa aina yo yote ya nafaka [Masomo 16].
grain (of pepper, coriander, etc.) (noun), bizari.
grain (of wheat or maize etc) (noun), punje (5/6), pl mapunje.
grain of poor quality (noun), dona.
remains of ground grain (noun), chenga (9/10), pl chenga.
small piece of grain (noun), chenga (9/10), pl chenga.
grains of corn (noun), mahindi. cornmeal. unga wa mahindi.
grains of maize (noun), mahindi. cornmeal. unga wa mahindi.
grammar (noun), nahau.
grammar (noun), sarufi (9/10), pl sarufi. a grammar book. kitabu cha
grammatical (adjective), sanifu. (s)he spoke standard Kiswahili.
Anazungumza Kiswahili sanifu.
use words grammatically (verb), -sarifu.
gramophone (noun), gramafoni.
gramophone (noun), pl gramaphones, santuri (9/10), pl santuri.
grand (adjective), saada.
grand (adjective), seyyedia.
grand (adjective), tukufu.
grand (of clothes) (adjective), lonyo.
grandchild or other kin of 2nd generation (noun), mjukuu (1/2), pl
great-grandchild (noun), kijukuu (7/8), pl vijukuu.
great-grandchild (noun), kitukuu (7/8an), pl vitukuu.
great-great-grandchild (noun), kilembwe (7/8an), pl vilembwe.
great-great-grandchild (noun), kining'ina (7/8an), pl vining'ina.
grandeur (noun), adhama (9/10), pl adhama.
grandeur (noun), adhima (9/10), pl adhima.
grandeur (noun), fahari (9/10), pl fahari.
grandeur (noun), utukufu.
grandfather (noun), babu (9/10an), pl babu.
grandmother (noun), bi.
grandmother (noun), bibi (9/10an), pl bibi.
grandmother (noun), pl groundmothers, nyanya (9/10an), pl nyanya.
grandpa (noun), babu (9/10an), pl babu.
be granted (verb), -jaliwa.
be granted (verb), -kidhiwa.
grant (verb), -jalia.
grant (verb), -kidhi.
grant (verb), -kiri.
grant (verb), -ungama.
grant (God's favor) (verb), -jalia.
grant permission (verb), -toa ruhsa.
grant permission (verb), -toa ruhusa.
grant permission (verb), -toa rukhsa.
what is granted (noun), majaaliwa (6).
rel. the granter (of benefactions) (noun), mkidhi, pl wakidhi.
granular (adverb), chengachenga. flour that is not well ground. unga wa
granulated (adjective), chembechembe. granulated sugar. sukari
grape (noun), zabibu (9/10), pl zabibu.
grapefruit (noun), balungi (5/6), pl mabalungi.
grapefruit (noun), danzi (5/6), pl madanzi.
grapefruit (noun), daranzi (5/6), pl madaranzi.
grapefruit tree (noun), mbalungi (3/4), pl mibalungi.
grapefruit tree (noun), mdanzi (3/4), pl midanzi.
grapevine (noun), mzabibu, pl mizabibu. wild grapevine. mzabibu mwitu.
grapnel (noun), kulabu (9/10), pl kulabu.
be grasped (verb), -shikwa.
grasp (noun), mkamato (3/4), pl mikamato.
grasp (verb), -daka. catch a ball. kudaka mpira [Rec].
grasp (verb), -fumbata.
grasp (verb), -guya.
grasp (verb), -jua.
grasp (verb), -kamata.
grasp (verb), -kamata.
grasp (verb), -nasa.
grasp (verb), -ng'ang'ama.
grasp (verb), -shika. grasp air. shika pumzi.
grasp (an opponent in fighting) (verb), -paramia.
grasp (by the throat) (verb), -koroweza. bend in a road..
grasp tightly (verb), -shikashika.
grasping (adjective), pasi.
grasping (noun), udakaji.
annual grass (Striga elegans) (noun), kichaani, pl vichaani.
clump of long grass (noun), vue, pl mavue.
flattened grass (noun), liwado, pl maliwado.
flattened grass (noun), liwato, pl maliwato.
grass (noun), jani (5/6), pl majani.
grass (noun), jani, pl majani.
grass (noun), majani.
grass (noun), nyasi (5/6), pl manyasi.
grass (kind of) (noun), kinanasi, pl vinanasi.
grass (short lived variety) (noun), kifunga, pl vifunga.
grass (variety that grows in damp places) (noun), chacha.
grass bearing a kind of cotton (noun), usi (11/10), pl nyusi.
grass variety (the roots of which are used for making perfume) (noun),
mzomari, pl mizomari.
grass variety (the roots of which are used for making perfume) (noun),
mzumari, pl mizumari.
Guinea grass (noun), inde (9/10), pl inde.
Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) (noun), inde.
kangaja (variety of tall grass growing usually in stagnant water) (noun),
khuskhus grass (=mchai) (noun), mzumai, pl mizumai.
kind of grass (Heteropogon contortus) (noun), kishona, pl vishona.
kind of wild grass (noun), ndiga (9/10), pl ndiga.
papyrus grass (noun), njaanjaa (9/10), pl njaanjaa.
perennial grass variety often used for thatching roofs (noun), fefe.
species of grass (Lobelia fervens) (noun), kisambare, pl visambare.
strip of plaited grass for making mats (noun), usitu.
variety of grass (Dactylotenium aegyptiacum) (noun), kimbugibugi, pl
variety of grass with blue blossoms (noun), mfasa, pl mifasa.
wild grass variety (Dioscorea dumetorum) (noun), ndiga.
grasshopper (noun), pl grasshoppers, panzi (9/10an), pl panzi.
grasshopper (large) (noun), barare.
grasshopper (large) (noun), barare.
grasshopper (large) (noun), parare (9/10an), pl parare.
green grasshopper (noun), nyoe (9/10an), pl nyoe.
green grasshopper (noun), nyonye (9/10an), pl nyonye.
green grasshopper (noun), nyonyo (9/10an), pl nyonyo.
grasshoppers (noun), matumatu, pl matumatu.
dry grassland (noun), pl dry grasslands, nyika (9/10), pl nyika.
grassland (noun), mbuga (9/10), pl mbuga. Each village had its borders
and its grasslands and pastures [Masomo 309]. Kila kijiji kilikuwa na
mipaka yake na mbuga na malisho yake [Masomo 309]..
grassland (noun), mdambi.
grate (verb), -kuna.
grate (verb), -kwaruza.
be grateful (verb), -shukuru.
gratify one's wish (verb), -pata muradi.
grating (act of) (noun), mkuno, pl mikuno.
grating (action, sound) (noun), mkwaruzo, pl mikwaruzo.
gratis (adjective), bure.
gratis (adverb), mahonyo. Don't eat my fruit without paying.. msile
matunda yangu mahonyo.
gratitude (noun), shukrani (9/10), pl shukrani. allow me to show you, at
least, my gratitude. niruhusu nikuonyeshe walao shukrani zangu [Mt].
gratitude (noun), ushukuru.
gratuitously (adverb), bilashi.
gratuitously (adverb), bileshi.
gratuity (noun), bahashishi (9/10), pl bahashishi.
gratuity (noun), bahkshishi, pl bahkshishi.
gratuity (noun), bakshishi (9/10), pl bakshishi.
gratuity (noun), hatia.
gratuity (noun), kilemba, pl vilemba.
fill in a grave (verb), -fukia kaburi.
grave (noun), kaburi (5/6), pl makaburi.
grave (noun), kaburi, pl makaburi.
grave (noun), tuta, pl matuta.
grave (noun), ziara, pl maziara.
gravel (noun), changarawe, pl vichangarawe.
gravel (noun), changawe, pl vichangawe.
gravel (noun), mbwe.
graveyard (noun), mafa, pl mafa.
graveyard (noun), makaburi.
graveyard (noun), makaburini (6).
graveyard (noun), maziko, pl maziko.
gravity (noun), uvutano (14).
gravy (noun), mchuzi (3/4), pl michuzi.
gravy (noun), rojorojo (9/10), pl rojorojo. I cooked rice and gravy.
Nilipika wali na rojorojo.
gravy (noun), supu (9/10), pl supu.
gray (adjective), ifuifu.
gray (adjective), jivujivu.
gray (adjective), kijivu.
gray (noun), kijivujivu (7/8), pl vijivujivu.
gray color (noun), weupe.
be grazed (verb), -chubuka.
graze (verb), -kwaruza.
graze (verb), -lisha.
graze (verb), -paruza.
graze the skin (verb), -chubua.
grazing land (noun), malisho (6).
grease (noun), grisi (9/10), pl grisi.
grease (noun), mafuta (6).
grease (noun), mafuta.
grease (noun), malhamu.
grease (noun), marahamu.
grease (noun), marhamu.
grease (noun), pl grease, shahamu (9/10), pl shahamu.
grease (verb), -sirima.
grease (verb), -sisima.
grease spot (noun), doa la mafuta, pl madoa. grease spot. doa la
be greasy (verb), -nang'anika.
a great deal (adverb), sana. I like him/her a great deal. Ninampenda
a great deal (noun), wingi.
be great (verb), -tukuka.
great (adjective), adhimu.
great (adjective), kikabaila. the great powers. serikali za kikabaila.
great (adjective), -kubwa.
great (adjective), tukufu.
great (adverb), -kuu.
great number (noun), ujumla.
in great numbers (adverb), vingi.
in great quantity (adverb), chapa chapa.
Great Britain (noun), Uingereza.
great fire (noun), mteketeo, pl miteketeo.
become greater (verb), -zidi.
cause to be greater (verb), -zidisha (causative).
in greater number (adverb), zaidi.
greatly (adverb), adhimu.
greatness (noun), adhama (9/10), pl adhama.
greatness (noun), adhima (9/10), pl adhima.
greatness (noun), ukubwa (14).
greatness (noun), ukuu (11/6), pl makuu.
greatness (noun), utukufu.
little grebe (noun), kibisi (7/8), pl kibisi.
Greece (noun), Ugiriki.
Greece (ancient) (noun), Uyunani.
arouse greed (verb), -penya. he is greedy for bananas.. ndizi
greed (noun), choyo (9/10), pl choyo.
greed (noun), roho (9/10), pl roho. greed likes eating a lot. Roho
anapenda kula sana.
greed (noun), tamaa (9/10), pl tamaa. greed for money. tamaa ya mapesa.
greed (noun), tamanio (5/6), pl matamanio.
greed (noun), ulaji.
greed (for money) (noun), riba (9), pl riba.
greed(iness) (noun), ubuge.
greed(iness) (noun), uchoyo.
greediness (noun), papio (5/6), pl mapapio.
greediness (noun), pupa (9/10), pl pupa. greediness to eat. pupa ya
greediness (noun), ulafi.
greediness (noun), uroho (14).
be greedy (verb), -lafua.
be greedy for something (verb), -tapia.
greedy (adjective), kabidhi.
greedy (adjective), takabadhi.
greedy person (noun), mtamani, pl watamani.
greedy person (one who eats more than his share) (noun), mroho (1/2), pl
ancient Greek (noun), Myunani, pl Wayunani.
Greek (adjective), Kigiriki.
Greek (ancient) (adjective), Kiyunani.
Greek person (noun), Mgiriki, pl wagiriki.
grass-green (adjective), janikiwiti.
green (adjective), chanikiwiti.
green (adjective), jani.
green (adjective), janikiwiti.
town green (noun), uga (11/10), pl nyuga.
greengram (bean) (noun), choroko (9/10), pl choroko.
greenhorn (noun), mzuzu, pl wazuzu.
be greeted (verb), -salimiwa. the grandmother was greeted by the woman
(mother). Nyanya alisalimiwa na mama.
go to greet (verb), -laki.
greet (verb), -amkia (applicative).
greet (verb), -amkua.
greet (verb), -pa salaam.
greet (verb), -toa salaam.
greet (verb), -pa salamu.
greet (verb), -toa salamu.
greet (verb), -salim.
greet (verb), -salimia. Greet the parents. Salimie wazazi.
greet (verb), -salimu.
greet (verb), -shangalia. they greeted him/her. wamemshangalia..
greet (verb), -shangilia. they greeted him/her. wamemshangilia.
greet (verb), -wajihi.
greet (in a servile way) (verb), -kongowea.
greet (one another) (verb), -amkiana.
greet each other (verb), -peana salaam.
greet each other (verb), -peana salamu.
greet each other (verb), -salimiana. the visitors greeted each other
before eating. Wagenu walisalimiana kabla ya kula.
greet in the morning (verb), -sabahi. Kidawa greeted him in the morning.
Kidawa alimsabahi [Sul].
greet one another (verb), -peana.
greet someone (verb), -amkia. S/he greeted them, "Good morning"..
Aliwaamkia, "Habari za asubuhi?".
greet someone (respectfully) (verb), -shika miguu ya.
greet with rejoicings (verb), -sherehekea. the parents rejoiced at the
wedding of their child. Wazazi walisherehekea harusi ya mtoto wao.
greet with rejoicings (verb), -sherekea. rejoice at oneself. sherekea
accept a greeting (verb), -pokea salaam.
accept a greeting (verb), -pokea salamu.
accept a greeting (verb), -pokea saluti.
general formula of greeting (noun), mambo. to several persons.
greeting (noun), amkio (5/6), pl maamkio.
greeting (noun), kuamikia.
greeting (noun), maamkio, pl maamkio.
greeting (noun), maamkizi, pl maamkizi.
greeting (noun), pl greetings, salaam (9/10), pl salaam.
greeting (noun), salamu (9/10), pl salamu. after the greetings, the girl
asked the teacher about everything. msichana baada ya salamu akamwuliza
mwalimu kuhusu 'kile kitu' [Muk].
greeting (verb), -saluti. take greetings. pokea saluti..
greeting (response by elder or superior greeted with "shikamoo")
(interjection), marahaba.
greeting and conclusion (in letters) (noun), wasalam!.
greeting used by young or lesser-status person toward older or higher-
status person (phrase), shikamoo.
greeting used by young or lesser-status person toward older or higher-
status person (phrase), shikamu.
greeting used by young or lesser-status person toward older or higher-
status person (phrase), shikamuu. Shikamuu grandfather--the grandchildren
greeted their grandfather. Shikamuu Babu - wajukuu walimamkia babu yao.
greetings (noun), maamkio (6).
greetings (noun), maamkizi (6).
greetings (phrase), jambo.
greetings! (interjection), jambo!.
someone who grew up in a place (but was not born there) (noun), kikulia
(7/8an), pl vikulia.
gridwork (something resembling a honeycomb) (noun), kalala la nyuki
(5/6), pl makalala ya nyuki.
grief (noun), buka.
grief (noun), ghamu (9/10), pl ghamu.
grief (noun), humu.
grief (noun), huzuni (9/10), pl huzuni.
grief (noun), huzuni.
grief (noun), huzunu (9/10), pl huzunu.
grief (noun), jitimai (9/10), pl jitimai.
grief (noun), kibuhuti, pl vibuhuti.
grief (noun), kimoyo, pl vimoyo.
grief (noun), kite (7).
grief (noun), majonzi (6). Those days of grief under German rule ....
siku zile za majonzi chini ya utawala wa Wajerumani [Masomo 304].
grief (noun), masikitiko.
grief (noun), maudhiko, pl maudhiko.
grief (noun), mayonzi. be sad. fanya/ona majonzi.
grief (noun), msiba, pl misiba. We extend great sympathy to their
families and join with them in this grief; be overcome by grief.. Tunatoa
pole nyingi kwa jamaa zao na tunaungana nao katika msiba huo [Nyerere,
Masomo 281]; kushikwa [kupatwa] na msiba mkuu [ mkubwa].
grief (noun), ole (9/10), pl ole.
grief (noun), ramu (9/10), pl ramu.
grief (noun), shake (5/6), pl mashake. be caught up in the grief of
crying. ingiwa na shake la kulia..
grief (noun), sikitiko (5/6), pl masikitiko.
grief (noun), simanzi (9/10), pl simanzi.
grief (noun), sononeko (5/6), pl masononeko.
grief (noun), usononi.
grief (noun), usununo.
grief (due to death or great loss) (noun), kihoro (7/8), pl vihoro.
rel. grief (noun), masaibu.
be grieved (verb), -huzunika.
grieve (verb), -dhii.
grieve (verb), -huzunia.
grieve (verb), -huzunisha.
grieve (verb), -omboleza.
grieve (verb), -sikitika.
grieve (verb), -sonona.
grieve (verb), -sononeka (intransitive).
grieve (verb), -sununa.
grieve (verb), -udhi.
grieve (for someone) (verb), -sikitikisha (causative).
grieve (for someone) (verb), -sikitisha (causative).
grill (noun), chanja, pl vichanja. iron grillwork. chanja ya chuma.
grill (noun), kalala la nyuki (5/6), pl makalala ya nyuki.
grill (verb), -oka.
grime (noun), sizi (5/6), pl masizi.
grime (black smoky grime on a cooking-pot) (noun), masizi (6).
grin (noun), kicheko, pl vicheko.
grin (noun), tabasamu (9/10), pl tabasamu.
grin (verb), -cheka.
grind (verb), -chakacha, pl chakacha.
grind (verb), -gwaraza.
grind (verb), -kereza.
grind (verb), -ponda.
grind (verb), -pwaga. grind rice in a mortar.. pwaga mpunga kinuni.
grind (verb), -saga. I pounded and sieved them and the rest I ground
into coral rags. miye niliyetwanga nikachunga na vingine nikasaga
tumbawe... [Abd], akiyaswaga [majani] kwa miguu [Kez].
grind (verb), -swaga.
grind (verb), -tikita.
grind coarsely (verb), -paaza.
grind coarsely (verb), -paaza.
grind coarsely (verb), -paza.
grind in (verb), -pondea.
grind the teeth (verb), -saga meno. I am the one who ground, sieved and
crushed the others into corals. miye niliyetwanga nikachunga na vingine
nikasaga tumbawe... [Abd], akiyaswaga [majani] kwa miguu [Kez].
grind the teeth (verb), -teketa.
grind up finely (verb), -tikitiza.
crushing with mortar and pestle (act of) (noun), mtwango, pl mitwango.
grinding (act of) (noun), mpondo, pl mipondo.
grinding (of meal, flour) (noun), msago, pl misago.
grinding (of the teeth) (noun), ukakasi.
grinding (the teeth) (noun), para (9/10), pl para.
grinding with mortar and pestle (act of) (noun), mtwango, pl mitwango.
round grinding stone (for grinding flour etc.) (noun), kimango (7/8), pl
vimango. flee.
grindstone (noun), cherehe.
grindstone (noun), kinoo, pl vinoo.
be gripped (verb), -kwama.
grip (noun), kono, pl mikono.
grip (noun), mkamato (3/4), pl mikamato.
grip (verb), -kaza.
grippe (noun), bombo. grippe. [homa ya] bombo.
grippe (noun), bombom.
grippe (noun), kaputula.
gristle (noun), ufupa mwororo.
grit (noun), changarawe (9/10), pl changarawe.
grit (noun), kauta.
grit teeth (verb), -saga meno.
lack of grit (noun), ukulifu.
lack of grit (noun), ukulivu.
lacking grit (adjective), kulifu.
lacking grit (adjective), kulivu.
be gritty (verb), -kwaruza.
groan (noun), guno (5/6), pl maguno.
groan (noun), kite (7).
groan (noun), koroma, pl koroma.
groan (noun), zomeo (5/6), pl mazomeo.
groan (verb), -kakamuka ( intr-inver).
groan (verb), -koroma.
groan (verb), -lalama.
groan (verb), -ugua.
groan (from hunger or pain) (verb), -lalaika.
groan (in derision or contempt) (verb), -zoma.
groaning (noun), maombolezo.
groaning (noun), ulalamishi.
groaning (noun), ulalamizi.
grog (powdered potsherds mixed with clay for making new pots) (noun), sio
(9/10), pl sio.
groin (noun), kinena, pl vinena.
groin (noun), manena.
groin (noun), nena (9/10), pl manena.
groom (noun), bwanaarusi (5/6), pl mabwanaarusi.
groom (noun), pl grooms, saisi (5/6an), pl masaisi.
groove (noun), bopo, pl mabopo.
groove (noun), mfuo (3/4), pl mifuo.
groove (in wood) (noun), makwa.
grope (for something) (verb), -tutusa.
grope about (verb), -papasa. His/her hand has started to grope about the
table. mkono wake unaanza kupapasa kwenye kimeza [Muk], ananyata kwa
uangalifu akipapasa kwa miguu [Muk].
Grosbeak weaver (noun), yombiyombi.
be ground (verb), -sagika. ginger is groundable. Tangawizi inasagika.
be ground (verb), -sagwa.
clean ground under cultivation (verb), -palilia.
ground (noun), ardhi (9/10), pl ardhi.
ground (noun), chini.
ground (for sports) (noun), uwanja (11/10), pl nyanja.
have something ground (verb), -ponza (causative). the desire to always
want something will ground you. tamaa ya kutakataka vitu itakuponza [Ma].
on the ground (adverb), chini.
open ground (noun), uchanjaa (14).
groundnut (noun), karanga (9/10), pl karanga.
groundnut (noun), pl groundnuts, njugu (9/10), pl njugu.
groundnut (usually when roasted) (noun), karanga, pl (-); makaranga.
be in a group of (verb), -ongozana.
group (noun), chama (7/8), pl vyama.
group (noun), genge.
group (noun), jamii (9/10), pl jamii.
group (noun), jamii.
group (noun), kikoa, pl vikoa.
group (noun), kina. group of women. kina mama.
group (noun), kundi, pl makundi.
group (noun), msafara (3/4), pl misafara.
group (noun), mshikano, pl mishikano.
group (noun), rubaa (9/10), pl rubaa. the parent organizing the group.
mzazi aliyekuwa akiongoza rubaa [Moh].
group (verb), -panga makundi.
group (small) (noun), kikundi (7/8), pl vikundi.
travelling group (noun), charo (7/8), pl vyaro.
grove (noun), kichaka, pl vichaka.
grove (noun), kituka (7/8), pl vituka.
cause to grow (verb), -otesha.
cause to grow (verb), -sitawisha (causative).
grow (verb), -chipua.
grow (verb), -endelea.
grow (verb), -kithiri.
grow (verb), -mea.
grow (verb), -meka.
grow (verb), -ondokea.
grow (verb), -ongea.
grow (verb), -ongeza.
grow (verb), -panda.
grow (verb), -sitawi.
grow (verb), -zidi.
grow (of plants or hair etc) (verb), -ota.
grow (something) (verb), -sitawisha (causative).
grow fast (verb), -vuvumka.
grow for (verb), -otea.
grow up (verb), -kua.
grow up; cf. -kua (verb), -kuwa. Her instructor teaches her a great
deal as she grows up.. Somo yake anamfunza mengi wakati wa kukuwa
msichana anayefikia hali ya kuwa mtu mzima [Masomo 126].
grow well (of plants), thrive (verb), -wanda.
grow; cf. -kua (verb), -kuwa.
make grow (verb), -kuza.
growing (noun), uoto.
growling (of various animals, usually wild ) (noun), mvumo, pl mivumo.
growl (noun), fumi.
growl (noun), vumi.
growl (noun), vumo, pl mavumo.
growl (verb), -guna.
growl (verb), -nguruma.
growl (verb), -tutuma.
growl (verb), -vuma.
growl (dogs etc) (verb), -ng'akia.
growler (noun), mngurumizi (1/2), pl wangurumizi.
growling (noun), guno (3/4), pl miguno, maguno.
growling (noun), mguno (3/4), pl miguno, maguno.
growling (noun), kingurumo, pl vingurumo.
growling (noun), ngurumo (9/10), pl ngurumo.
something causing a growling sound (noun), kitutumi, pl vitutumi.
one who growls (noun), mngurumizi, pl wangurumizi.
full-grown person (noun), mpevu, pl wapevu. This person is no longer a
child but an adult.. huyi si mtoto mchanga ni mpevu.
grown-up person (noun), mzima, pl wazima.
encourage growth (verb), -vuvumsha.
growth (noun), choa.
growth (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
growth (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
growth (noun), maendeleo (6).
growth (noun), nafuu.
growth (noun), ongezeko (5/6), pl maongezeko.
growth (noun), ongezo (5/6), pl maongezo.
growth (noun), oteo (5/6), pl maoteo.
growth (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
growth (noun), uendeshaji.
growth (noun), ukuaji (14).
growth (noun), usitawi.
growth (noun), usitawishaji.
growth (noun), usitawishi.
growth (noun), woto.
growth (of plants) (noun), uotaji.
growth (of plants) (noun), uoto.
hard growth (noun), tutuu, pl matutuu.
hard growth (noun), tuutuu, pl matutuu.
in an early stage of growth (adjective), changa. new moon. mwezi
grub (noun), buu, pl mabuu.
grub (noun), kiwavi, pl viwavi.
grudge (noun), fundo la moyo, pl mafundo.
grudge (noun), kinyongo (7/8), pl vinyongo.
grudge (noun), kisirani (7/8), pl visirani.
grudge (noun), mfundo, pl mifundo.
grudge (noun), pl grudges, nongwa (9/10), pl nongwa.
grudge (noun), shonde (5/6), pl mashonde. even though we have
quarrelled, don't hold a grudge against me. ingawa tumegombana usiniwekee
shonde [Rec].
have a grudge against (noun), -zira.
hold a grudge (verb), -hasidi.
secret grudge (noun), undani (11).
gruel (noun), matabwamatabwa, pl matabwamatabwa.
gruel (noun), poroja (9/10), pl poroja.
gruel (noun), porojo (9/10), pl porojo.
gruel (noun), ubwabwa (14).
gruel (noun), ugali (11).
gruel (noun), uji (11).
gruel of millet flour and sprouting seeds for making beer (noun), kirusu
(7/8), pl virusu.
millet gruel (also used in the preparation of beer) (noun), makomba.
thin kind of gruel with much pepper and cardamom given to women after
giving birth--said to clean the stomach (noun), fuka (9/10), pl fuka.
thin rice gruel (noun), ubwabwa.
vegetable gruel (used to thicken gravies) (noun), pombo (9/10), pl pombo.
wheat flour gruel (noun), kikaimati (7/8), pl vikaimati.
grumble (verb), -guna.
grumble (verb), -janga.
grumble (verb), -piga mdomo.
grumble (verb), -nuna.
grumble (verb), -nung'unika.
grumble (verb), -zoza.
grumbler (noun), mgombezi, pl wagombezi.
grumbler (noun), mngurumizi (1/2), pl wangurumizi.
grumbler (noun), mnuna, pl wanuna.
grumbler (noun), mnunaji, pl wanunaji.
grumbler (noun), mnuni, pl wanuni.
grumbler (noun), mvuma, pl wavuma.
grumbler (noun), mvumi, pl wavumi.
grumbling (adjective), bishi.
grumbling (noun), guno (5/6), pl maguno.
grumbling (noun), guno (3/4), pl miguno, maguno.
grumbling (noun), mguno (3/4), pl miguno, maguno.
grumbling (noun), mnuno (3/4), pl minuno.
grumbling (noun), nung'uniko (5/6), pl manung'uniko.
grumbling (noun), ugomvi, pl gomvi, magomvi.
grumbling (noun), ununaji.
grumbling (noun), ununo.
grunt (noun), guno (5/6), pl maguno.
grunt (verb), -guna.
grunt (verb), -koroma.
guarantee (noun), arabuni (9/10), pl arabuni.
guarantee (noun), daraka, pl madaraka.
guarantee (noun), dhamana (9/10), pl dhamana.
guarantee (noun), jukumu.
guarantee (noun), sahihi (9/10), pl sahihi.
guarantee (noun), thibitisho, pl mathibitisho.
guarantee (noun), udhamini.
guarantee (noun), uhakikisho.
guarantee (verb), -dhamini.
guarantee (verb), -hakikisha (causative).
guarantee (verb), -shahidi.
guarantee (verb), -thibitisha.
guarantor (noun), mdhamana.
guarantor (noun), mdhamini.
guarantor (noun), shahidi (5/6an), pl mashahidi.
be guarded (verb), -amiwa.
be on guard (verb), -jihadhari (reflexive).
be on guard (verb), -ngoja.
be on guard (against) (verb), -tahadhari.
be on one's guard (verb), -hamu.
be on one's guard (verb), -jilinda (reflexive).
be on one's guard (verb), -tanabahi.
be on one's guard (verb), -tanadhari.
guard (noun), asikari, pl asiari. prison guard; local constable, local
constabulary (wearing kanzu rather than uniform). ~jela; ~ kanzu.
guard (noun), askari (9/10an), pl askari.
guard (noun), baba, pl baba.
guard (noun), gwaride (5/6an), pl magwaride.
guard (noun), hadhari (9/10), pl hadhari.
guard (noun), kilinda, pl vilinda.
guard (noun), magadi.
guard (noun), mlalazamu, pl walalazamu.
guard (noun), mlinda, pl walinda.
guard (noun), mlindaji, pl walindaji.
guard (noun), mlinzi (1/2), pl walinzi. soldier on patrol; on the front
line. mlinzi wa doria.
guard (noun), mngoja, pl wangoja. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
guard (noun), mngojaji, pl wangojaji. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
guard (noun), mngoje, pl wangoje. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
guard (noun), mngojezi, pl wangojezi.
guard (noun), mshindikizo, pl mishindikizo.
guard (noun), tunduzi, pl matunduzi.
guard (verb), -afu.
guard (verb), -afua.
guard (verb), -chunga.
guard (verb), -dhibiti.
guard (verb), -gadi.
guard (verb), -hifadhi.
guard (verb), -kinga.
guard (verb), -linda. His guards guarded the chief where ever he went..
Askari wake walimlinda chifu po pote alipokwenda [Masomo 52].
guard (verb), -nusuru.
guard (verb), -tunduia.
guard (verb), -tunza.
guard crops from birds (verb), -amia.
guard duty (period of) (noun), zamu.
guard of honor (noun), gadiwana.
guard station (noun), kingojeo.
guard station (noun), kingojezi.
guard station (noun), kingojo.
guard-post (noun), lindo, pl malindo.
guarding (noun), kingojeo.
guarding (noun), kingojezi.
guarding (noun), kingojo.
guarding (act of) (noun), kilindo, pl vilindo.
home guard (noun), homugadi.
keep guard (noun), -kaa kingojo.
mil. guard (noun), mlinda, pl walinda. one who watches over a planted
field (scares away birds, etc.).
mil. guard (noun), mlindaji, pl walindaji. one who watches over a
planted field (scares away birds, etc.).
put on one's guard (verb), -hadharisha (causative).
guard-rails (noun), mkinga (3/4), pl mikinga.
guard-room (noun), korokoni (9/10), pl korokoni.
guard-room (noun), korokoroni (9/10), pl korokoroni.
be guarded (verb), -lindwa.
guardian (noun), makabidhi, pl wakabidhi.
guardian (noun), mdhamana.
guardian (noun), mdhamini.
guardian (noun), mkabidhi (1/2), pl wakabidhi.
guardian (noun), mlei, pl walei.
guardian (noun), mlezi, pl walezi.
guardian (noun), mlinzi (1/2), pl walinzi.
guardian (noun), wasii, pl mawasii.
guardianship (noun), himaya.
guardianship (noun), kabidhi (9/10), pl kabidhi.
guardianship (noun), takabadhi (9/10), pl takabadhi.
guardianship (noun), uangalizi (11/6), pl maangalizi.
guardianship (noun), udhibiti (14).
guardianship (verb), -kabidhi.
guarding (noun), hifadhi.
guarding (noun), ngojo (9/10), pl ngojo.
guarding (noun), uangaliaji.
guarding (noun), ulinzi.
Home Guards (noun), Askari Walinda Nyumba (9/10an), pl Asakri walinda
guava (noun), pera (9/10), pl mapera.
guava tree (noun), mpea, pl mipera. myrtle tree (Jambosa vulgaris).
mpera wa kizungu.
guava tree (noun), mpera, pl mipera. myrtle tree (Jambosa vulgaris).
mpera wa kizungu.
guerrilla (noun), gaidi (5/6), pl magaidi.
guerrilla (noun), pl guerrillas, mrugaruga (1/2), pl warugaruga.
guerrilla (noun), rugaruga (1/2), pl warugaruga.
guerrilla activity (noun), ugaidi.
mil. guerrilla (noun), rugaruga, pl warugaruga.
guess (noun), kisi (5/6), pl makisi.
guess (noun), makisi.
guess (noun), makisio.
guess (noun), udhani.
guess (noun), udhanifu.
guess (verb), -bahatisha.
guess (verb), -bahatisha (causative).
guess (verb), -buni.
guess (verb), -dhani.
guess (verb), -gisi.
guess (verb), -hisi.
guess (verb), -kisi.
guess (verb), -kisia.
guess (verb), -kissi.
guess (verb), -tambulisha.
guesswork (noun), bahatisho.
guest (noun), mgeni (1/2), pl wageni.
see a guest to the door (or go part way along their journey) (verb), -
take in a guest (verb), -shindisha.
take in a guest (verb), -shindiza.
guesthouse (noun), dhifa.
guidance (noun), mwongozo, pl miongozo.
guidance (noun), uelekezo.
guidance (noun), uongozi (5/6), pl maongozi.
rel. guidance (noun), maongozi.
be guided (verb), -ongolewa.
guide (noun), gaidi (5/6), pl magaidi.
guide (noun), kiongozi, pl viongozi.
guide (noun), mwongozi (1/2), pl waongozi.
guide (noun), mwongozo (3/4), pl miongozo. Your opinions, although not
always, have been a good guide in my life.. Maoni yako, ijapokuwa si kila
mara, yamekuwa na mwongozo mwema katika maisha yangu [Chacha, Masomo 377].
guide (noun), pl guides, rubani (5/6an), pl marubani. the guide took the
tourists around. Rubani alitembeza watalii.
guide (verb), -amili.
guide (verb), -ongoa.
guide (verb), -pisha (causative).
guide (verb), -pitisha (causative). The will of good fortune had been
released to guide the devotions of Idi. moyo wa Bahati [] ulikwisha
fumbuka kuyapisha mahaba ya Idi [Sul].
guide (verb), -takadamu.
guide (for tourists) (noun), mwelezaji, pl waelezaji.
guide the hand (verb), -shikisha mkono.
guide the hand (verb), -shikiza mkon.
guided person (noun), mwongofu (1/2), pl waongofu.
guideline (noun), kanuni kuu ya watumishi (9/10), pl kanuni kuu za
guideline (noun), mwongozo (3/4), pl miongozo.
guiding (noun), uendeshaji.
guile (noun), ghashi.
guile (noun), ujini.
guilt (noun), atia. accuse, find guilty; be convicted; He is guilty; be
found guilty. -tia hatiani; '-tiwa hatiani; ana ~; '-patikana na hatia.
guilt (noun), hatia (9/10), pl hatia.
crested guinea fowl (Guttera pucherani) (noun), kololo, pl makololo.
"blame, rebuke; accuse"..
crested guinea fowl (Guttera pucherani) (noun), kororo, pl makororo.
"blame, rebuke; accuse"..
common guinea fowl (Numida mitrata) (noun), kanga.
guinea-fowl (noun), kanga (9/10), pl kanga.
guitar (noun), gitaa, pl gitaa, magitaa.
guitar string (noun), uzi wa magitaa (11/10), pl nyuzi za magitaa.
gulf (noun), ghuba (9/10), pl ghuba.
gulf (noun), guba, pl guba, maguba.
gulf (noun), guba, pl kuba, makuba.
gulf (noun), kuba, pl kuba.
gulf (noun), kubba, pl kuba, makuba.
gulf (noun), kubla, pl kuba, makuba.
gull (noun), shakwe (5/6an), pl mashakwe.
gullet (noun), koromeo, pl makoromeo.
gullet (noun), mio (5/6), pl mamio.
gullibility (noun), ubaradhuli (14).
gullibility (noun), ubardhuli.
gully (noun), koongo, pl makoongo.
gully (noun), korongo, pl makorongo.
gully (noun), korongo (5/6), pl makorongo.
gully (noun), poromoko (5/6), pl maporomoko. The water stayed in the
gully. Maji yalikaa katika poromoko.
gulp (verb), -funda.
gulp (verb), -gugumia.
gulp down (verb), -bugia.
gulp down (verb), -akia.
gum (noun), ambo (5/6), pl maambo.
gum (fragrant kind) (noun), uvumba.
gum (of mouth) (noun), ufizi (11/10), pl fizi.
gum (of the teeth) (noun), sine (5/6), pl masine.
gum (of the teeth) (noun), ufinzi.
gum(-arabic) (noun), sumughu (9/10), pl sumughu.
katu (gum for chewing with betel) (noun), katu.
odoriferous gum used for perfume and incense (noun), uvumba (14).
gum copal (noun), sandarusi (9/10), pl sandarusi.
gun (noun), bunduki.
gun nipple (noun), kifa (7/8), pl vifa.
muzzle-loader gun (noun), gobori.
submachine gun (noun), pl submachine guns, bunduki ya nusu mtombo (9/10),
pl bunduki za nusu mtombo.
gun cap (noun), fataki (9/10), pl fataki.
gunpowder (noun), barudi.
gunpowder (noun), baruti (9/10), pl baruti.
gunsmith (noun), mjume (1/2), pl wajume.
gush (in speaking) (verb), -foka.
gush out (verb), -bubujika. the water gushes out. maji yanabubujika.
gush out (verb), -buguika. the water gushes out. maji yanabuguika.
gusset (in clothing) (noun), upapi, pl papi.
gusset (of a kanzu) (noun), kijambia, pl vijambia.
gusset (of shirt) (noun), kijambia (7/8), pl vijambia.
gust (noun), kishindo (7/8), pl vishindo.
gust of wind (noun), dharba.
gust of wind (noun), dharuba.
gutter (noun), fumbi (5/6), pl mafumbi.
gutter (noun), mchirizi (3/4), pl michirizi.
gutter (noun), mkirizi, pl mikirizi.
gutter (noun), mlizamu (3/4), pl milizamu.
gutter (noun), tango (5/6), pl matango.
guzzle (verb), -gugumia.
gyrate (verb), -vinginyika.


be in the habit of (verb), -zoea.

contract a habit (verb), -tabii.
habit (noun), ada (9/10), pl ada.
habit (noun), desturi (9/10), pl desturi.
habit (noun), ibada (9/10), pl ibada.
habit (noun), kawaida.
habit (noun), mazoea (6).
habit (noun), mila (9/10), pl mila.
habit (noun), zoea, pl mazoea.
habit (noun), zoezi, pl mazoezi.
habit (of Moslems) (noun), kitiba (9/10), pl kitiba.
take up a habit again (verb), -chaga.
be habitable (verb), -kalikana.
habitat (noun), makazi (6).
hack (verb), -shenga, pl shenga. (s)he hacked firewood using an ax.
Alishenga kuni kwa shoka.
hack off (verb), -chenga.
haddock (kind of) (noun), chena.
haft (noun), kipini (7/8), pl vipini.
large haft for inserting tool (noun), pini (5/6), pl mapini.
haggle (verb), -shika bei.
animal hair (noun), nyoya (5/6), pl manyoya.
animal hair (noun), ugoya.
armpit hair (noun), uvuzi, pl mavuzi.
body hair (armpits and genitals) (noun), mavuzi, pl mavuzi.
body hair (armpits or pubic etc) (noun), vuzi, pl mavuzi.
body hair (on the hands and arms) (noun), ulaika, pl malaika.
body hair (usually on the arms and legs) (noun), malaika.
cut the hair (verb), -nyoa.
downy hair (noun), laika (5/6), pl malaika.
dress the hair (verb), -nyoa.
facial hair (noun), udevu (11/10), pl ndevu.
gray hair (noun), mvi. gray-haired person.. nywele za mvi.
hair (noun), pl hairs, nywele (9/10), pl nywele.
hair (animal) (noun), unyoya, pl nyoya, manyoya.
hair (human) (noun), unyele, pl nyele.
hair (human) (noun), unywele, pl nywele.
hair (of animal) (noun), unyoya (11/6), pl manyoya.
hair (single hair of animal) (noun), usinga (11/10), pl singa.
hair on the face (noun), devu, pl madevu.
ruffled hair (adjective), timutimu.
shaving the head so that only a tuft or a strip is left in the middle
(noun), sekini (9/10), pl sekini.
sticky substance used for dressing women's hair (noun), behedani.
sticky substance used for dressing women's hair. (noun), bedani.
style of cutting the hair (one tuft is left long) (noun), kinjorinjori.
thick unkempt hair (noun), mavunga ya nywele.
tuft of hair (left to top ot the shaven head) (noun), bwenzi.
ceremony of a baby's first haircut (noun), akika (9/10), pl akika.
haircut (style of) (noun), unyozi.
hairdo (noun), mchano wa nywele (3/4), pl michano ya nywele.
hairdresser (noun), kinyozi, pl vinyozi.
hairdressing (methods of) (noun), unyozi.
work of a hairdresser (noun), unyozi.
hairstyle with the head shaved to leave only a patch on top. (noun),
divide in half (verb), -gawa nusu kwa.
half (noun), nusu (9/10), pl nusu. half an hour.. nusu saa.
half (of anything round eg coconut) (noun), kizio (7/8), pl vizio.
half-bred (adjective), -a kichotara.
half-breed (noun), chokora, pl machokora.
half-breed (noun), chotara, pl machotara.
half-breed (noun), punguani (5/6an), pl mapunguani.
half-caste (noun), hafukasti.
half-caste (noun), suriama (5/6an), pl masuriama.
half-grown (adjective), tindi.
half (sport half-time) (noun), hafu.
sport half-time (noun), hafutaimu.
sport halfback (noun), mkimbiaji, pl wakimbiaji.
sport halfback (noun), mkimbizi, pl wakimbizi.
Halima (noun), Halima.
hall (noun), jumba (5/6), pl majumba.
hall (noun), sabule (9/10), pl sabule.
hall (noun), pl reception rooms, sebule (9/10), pl sebule.
hall (noun), ukumbi, pl kumbi.
hall (noun), ususu (11).
hallucination (noun), wazimu.
halt (verb), -koma.
halt (verb), -simamisha.
halt (verb), -tua.
halt (for meal) (verb), -telekeza.
halyard (noun), baraji.
halyard (noun), henza.
halyard (noun), jarari.
halyard (rope for hoisting sail) (noun), jarari (9/10), pl jarari.
ham (noun), kiweo, pl viweo.
ham (of a human being or an animal) (noun), paja (5/6), pl mapaja.
ham (of a human being or an animal) (noun), upaja, pl paja.
hamlet (noun), kitongoji (7/8), pl vitongoji.
ballpein hammer (noun), pl ball peen hammers, nyundo rungu (9/10), pl
nyundo rungu.
hammer (noun), pl hammers, nyundo (9/10), pl nyundo.
hammer (verb), -bini.
hammer (verb), -fua.
hammer (verb), -gogota.
hammer (verb), -gongomea.
hammer (verb), -gong'ota.
hammer (verb), -tambuza.
hammer (metal) (verb), -babata.
hammer (metals) (verb), -gong'ota.
hammer (metals) (verb), -kong'ota.
hammer (something) (verb), -sana.
hammer at (verb), -gonga.
hammer iron (verb), -fua chuma.
hammer silver (verb), -fua fedha.
wooden hammer (used by shoemakers) (noun), mnguri, pl minguri.
wooden hammer (used by shoemakers) (noun), nguri (9/10), pl nguri.
wooden hammer used by shoemakers (noun), pondeo (5/6), pl mapondeo.
hammering (noun), mfua, pl mifua. "surf, breakers".. mfua wa mawimbi.
hammering (noun), mfuo (3/4), pl mifuo.
hammock (noun), machela, pl machela.
hammock (noun), susu (9/10), pl susu. (s)he dispersed them upto their
hammock. akawafurusha [kuku] mpaka kwenye masusu yao.
hammock (for carrying a person) (noun), machela (9/10), pl machela.
supporting bar of a hammock (noun), mpiko, pl mipiko.
back of the hand (noun), kingaja (7/8), pl vingaja.
closed hand (noun), konde (5/6), pl makonde.
give a hand (verb), -pa mkono.
hand (noun), akarabu (9/10), pl akarabu.
hand (noun), akrabu, pl akrabu.
hand (noun), mkono (3/4), pl mikono.
hand (noun), mshale, pl mishale.
hand (of a watch) (noun), mshale (wa saa) (3/4), pl mishale (ya saa).
the watch hand that was shining in the dark showed 3 o'clock.. mishale
inayong'aa gizani inaonyesha saa tisa [Muk].
hand clapping (with a dance) (noun), kofi, pl makofi.
hand in hand (phrase), ngosho kwa ngosho. I stay with him (her) here in
the world, hand in hand. nikae naye hapa hapa duniani, ngosho kwa ngosho
hand on (verb), -rithisha (causative).
hand out (verb), -gawa.
hand out (verb), -pokeza.
hand out (presents) (verb), -pukusa. hand out presents to the children.
Pukusa watoto na zawadi.
hand over (verb), -kabidhi.
hand over (verb), -kabidhi.
hand over (verb), -kai.
hand over (verb), -pokeza.
hand over (verb), -salimisha (causative). she started to make
preparations for the time she would hand herself over to that young man.
akaanza kuiandalia saa atakayojisalimisha kwa yule kijana [Sul].
hand over (verb), -salimu. hand over the spirit (die). salimu roho..
hand over (verb), -takabadhi. hand over money for them to inherit.
takabadhi fedha [mali] warithi.
hand something down to someone (from a tree etc.) (verb), -lembea.
open hand (noun), kofi (5/6), pl makofi.
the open hand (noun), konzi, pl makoni, konzi.
handbag (noun), mkoba (3/4), pl mikoba.
handbill (noun), notisi (9/10), pl notisi.
handbook (noun), kikaratasi, pl vikaratasi.
handbreath (noun), kofi, pl makofi.
handcart (noun), likwama (5/6), pl malikwama.
handcart (noun), mkokoteni (3/4), pl mikokoteni.
handcuff (noun), pl handcuffs, pingu (5/6), pl mapingu.
handcuff (small) (noun), kipingu, pl vipingu.
handful (noun), gao (5/6), pl magao.
handful (noun), kichopo (7/8), pl vichopo.
handful (noun), kikofi, pl vikofi.
handful (noun), kofi, pl makofi.
handful (noun), konzi (5/6), pl makonzi.
handful (noun), ng'anda (9/10), pl ng'anda.
handful (noun), oya (5/6), pl maoya.
handful (noun), ukufi (11/10), pl kufi.
handful (the amount of anything that will lie on the palm of the hand)
(noun), ukofi, pl kofi.
handful (what can be held in fingers) (noun), chopa (5/6), pl machopa.
handicap (noun), pingamizi (9/10), pl pingamizi.
handicap (noun), punguo (5/6), pl mapunguo.
handicap (noun), upunguaji.
handicap (noun), upungufu, pl mapungufu.
handicap (noun), upunguo, pl mapunguo.
handicapped (noun), maskini (9/10an), pl maskini.
handkerchief (noun), ankachifu, pl ankachifu.
handkerchief (noun), kitambaa cha mkono (7/8), pl vitambaa vya mikono.
handkerchief (noun), leso (9/10), pl leso, maleso.
handkerchief (noun), utambaa, pl tambaa.
handle (noun), kileti, pl vileti.
handle (noun), kono (5/6), pl makono.
handle (noun), mkono, pl mikono. handle of a pan.. mkono wa chungu.
handle (noun), mpini (3/4), pl mipini.
handle (noun), shikio (5/6), pl mashikio. handles of the cooking pot.
mashikio ya chungu [Rec].
handle (verb), -gusa.
handle (of a bucket or pot) (noun), utambo.
handle (of a knife etc) (noun), mpini, pl mipini.
handle (of pump) (noun), kiopoo (7/8), pl viopoo.
handle (of rudder) (noun), mkombo (3/4), pl mikombo.
handle (small) (noun), kipini (7/8), pl vipini.
wooden handle (by which the upper stone of a hand-mill is turned) (noun),
msuzo, pl misuzo.
handlebar (of a bicycle etc.) (noun), uskani.
handlebar (of a bicycle etc.) (noun), usuki.
handsome (adjective), zuri.
make handsome (verb), -remba.
handspike (noun), mtaimbo, pl mitaimbo.
handspike (noun), mtalimbo, pl mitalimbo.
handwriting (noun), hati (9/10), pl hati.
handwriting (noun), maandishi, pl maandishi.
handwriting (noun), mwandiko, pl miandiko.
illegible handwriting (noun), mchorochoro, pl michorochoro.
be hanging (eg a picture) (verb), -ning'inia.
be hung out to dry (verb), -anikwa.
be hung up (verb), -angikwa.
be hung up (verb), -tundama.
cause to hang (verb), -angamiza.
hang (verb), -aliki.
hang (verb), -anga.
hang (verb), -angama.
hang (clothes) (verb), -tundikia.
hang (kill by hanging) (verb), -nyonga.
hang around (verb), -ganda.
hang around (verb), -tangatanga.
hang around (verb), -zubaazubaa.
hang around hoping for something (verb), -londea.
hang loosely (verb), -pwaya. the coat/suit is too big for him.. koti
hili linampwaya.
hang oneself (verb), -jinyonga (reflexive).
hang oneself (verb), -jinyonga.
hang up (verb), -tundika.
hang up (verb), -tungika.
hang up (on a wall or tree etc.) (verb), -angika.
hang up (verb), -aliki.
hanger-on (noun), chotara, pl machotara.
hanger-on (noun), kibaraka (7/8), pl vibaraka.
hangers-on (noun), chokora, pl machokora.
hangman (noun), mchinja, pl wachinja.
hangman (noun), mchinjaji, pl wachinjaji.
hangman (noun), mnyongaji, pl wanyongaji.
hangnail (noun), kikuchia, pl vikuchia.
haphazardly (adverb), baghala.
haphazardly (adverb), ovyo. do one's work haphazardly. fanya kazi
ovyoovyo tu.
haphazardly (adverb), shaghala.
happen (verb), -cha.
happen (verb), -ja.
happen (verb), -jiri.
happen (verb), -jiri.
happen (verb), -pata.
happen (verb), -sadifu.
happen (verb), -sibu. when did it happen to you?. ilikusibu lini?.
happen (verb), -tokea (applicative).
happen (verb), -tokea.
happen (verb), -tukia.
happen (verb), -wa.
happening (noun), tukio (5/6), pl matukio.
happiness (noun), furaha (9/10), pl furaha.
happiness (noun), heri (9/10), pl heri.
happiness (noun), mteremo, pl miteremo.
happiness (noun), nderemo, pl minderemo.
happiness (noun), pl happiness, raha (9/10), pl raha.
happiness (noun), uheri.
happiness (noun), upendezi (14).
be happy (verb), -furahi.
be happy (verb), -furahia.
be happy (verb), -habu.
be happy (verb), -hebu.
be happy (verb), -koya.
be happy (verb), -taibika (intransitive).
be happy (verb), -terema.
happy (adjective), furahifu.
happy person (noun), mfurahivu, pl wafurahivu.
happy-go-lucky person (noun), mlimwengu, pl walimwengu.
happy-go-lucky person (noun), mwulimwengu, pl waulimwengu.
look happy (verb), -changamka.
look happy (verb), -chanjamka.
look happy (verb), -chanjanuka.
make happy (verb), -changamsha.
make someone happy (verb), -furahisha (causative).
harass (verb), pl Check verb form translations, -adhibisha.
harass (verb), -adhibu.
harass (verb), -shughulisha.
harass (verb), -sumbua. a lot of thoughts had harassed him/her the whole
night. mawazo mengi yalikuwa yamemsumbua usiku kucha [Kez].
harass (verb), -tesa.
harass (verb), -udhi.
harassment (noun), teso, pl mateso.
harbor (noun), bandari (5/6), pl mabandari or bandari.
harbor (noun), bendari.
harbringer (noun), mtangulizi, pl watangulizi.
be hard (verb), -shupaa.
be hard (verb), -suguika (intransitive).
be hard (verb), -sulibika (intransitive).
be hard (verb), -sulubika (intransitive).
be hard (verb), -yabis.
be hard (verb), -yabisi.
be hard (verb), -zinda.
be hard (e.g. the ground by the sun) (verb), -kukutaa.
become hard (verb), -suguika (intransitive).
become hard (verb), -susuwaa. (s)he answered me in hard face. alinijibu
na uso umesusuwaa.
become hard (from the effects of the sun) (verb), -ng'ang'anaa.
hard (adjective), beberu.
hard (adjective), kwa bidii.
hard (adjective), gumu.
hard (adjective), mathubuti.
hard (adjective), mathubutu.
hard (adjective), shupavu.
hard (adjective), stedi.
hard (adjective), yabisi.
hard-heartedness (noun), ugumu.
very hard (adverb), vigumu.
be hard up (verb), -taiti.
be hard-pressed (verb), -dhikika.
harden (verb), -tia pua.
harden (verb), shupaza.
harden (verb), -tia pua. wash clothes.. pura nguo.
be hardened by fire (verb), -ungua.
hardening (noun), mchovyo (3/4), pl michovyo.
hardening (noun), mgandisho, pl migandisho.
hardening (noun), mgando, pl migando.
hardly (adverb), si kiasi yake.
hardly (adverb), vigumu.
hardness (noun), chuma, pl vyama. this man is steady/reliable. mtu huyu
ni chuma.
hardness (noun), ugumu.
hardness (noun), ugumu (14).
hardness (noun), umathubuti.
hardness (noun), ushupavu (14).
hardness (of the soil etc.) (noun), uyabisi.
hardness (of wood) (noun), hiana.
encounter a hardship (verb), -pata pigo.
hardship (noun), mashaka (6).
hardship (noun), pl hardships, pigo (5/6), pl mapigo.
hardship (noun), shida (9/10), pl shida. be in hardship. patwa na [wa
na, ingia] shida..
hardship (noun), taabu (9/10), pl taabu.
hardship (noun), pl hardships, tatizo (5/6), pl matatizo.
hardships (noun), matatizo (6).
kind of hardwood tree (noun), msinga, pl misinga.
be hardy (verb), -shupaa.
be hardy (verb), -thibiti.
hardy person (noun), mshupavu, pl washupavu.
hare (noun), kibanawasi, pl vibanawasi.
hare (noun), kitungule (7/8an), pl vitungule.
hare (witty character in fables) (noun), pl hares, sungura (9/10an), pl
small hare (noun), kititi (7/8an), pl vititi.
harlot (noun), zani (5/6an), pl mazani.
be out of harm's way (verb), -sitirika.
do harm (verb), -hasiri.
do harm (e.g. to a child ) by failure to observe taboos and traditional
restrictions. (verb), -chura.
do harm (e.g., to a child) by failure to observe taboos and traditional
restrictions (verb), -chira.
do harm to (verb), -onza.
harm (noun), dhara (5/6), pl madhara.
harm (noun), madhara (6). People fear bats believing that they are
harmful.. Watu wanawaogopa popo kwa kuamini kuwa wana madhara [Masomo
29]; hakuweza kuamua ikiwa yalikuwa mema au mabaya, ingawa hakuyaona
madhara yake [Sul].
harm (noun), shari (9/10), pl shari.
harm (noun), tezo (5/6), pl matezo.
harm (noun), umizi, pl maumizi.
harm (verb), -dhulumiwa.
harm (verb), -dhuru. kuleta hasara [Masomo 29]. Popo ni viumbe ambao
hawawezi kumdhuru mwanadamu [Masomo 29].
harm (verb), -sonoa.
no harm (conjunction), haidhuru.
out of harm's way (verb), -stirika.
stop to do harm (verb), -salia mtume.
be harmed (verb), -dhurika.
be harmful (verb), -wa na madhara.
harmfulness (noun), machachari, pl machachari.
harmless thing (eg night) (adjective), -ema. good night. usiku mwema.
harmonius (adjective), linganifu.
harmonius (adjective), linganyifu.
make harmonious (verb), -linga.
work harmoniously (verb), -patana.
harmonium (noun), kinanda (7/8), pl vinanda.
harmonize (verb), -lingana.
harmonize (verb), -linganya.
harmonize (verb), -patana (reciprocal). "They harmonized and she did not
mind being called a "woman"".. wakipatana na hakujali kuitwa "mama" [Ya].
harmonize (verb), -wafiki.
be in harmony (verb), -chukuana (reciprocal).
be in harmony (verb), -tungamana.
bring into harmony (verb), -suluhisha (causative).
cause to be in harmony (verb), -oanisha.
harmony (noun), itifaki.
harmony (noun), kiva (9/10), pl kiva.
harmony (noun), masilaha.
harmony (noun), masilahi.
harmony (noun), masuluhu.
harmony (noun), mlingano, pl milingano.
harmony (noun), taraju (9/10), pl taraju.
harmony (noun), ukubali.
harmony (noun), ulinganifu (14).
harmony (noun), ulinganyifu.
harmony (noun), umoja.
harmony (noun), usikizano.
harness (a donkey) (verb), -tandika (punda) (intransitive).
harp on (a subject) (verb), -kimu.
Nubian musical instrument similar to a harp (noun), kinubi (7/8), pl
harpoon (=chusa) (noun), munda, pl miunda.
harpoon (for large fish) (noun), chusa, pl vyusa.
harpoon (for large fish) (noun), chussa, pl vyussa.
harpoon (for spearing large fish) (noun), chusa (7/8), pl vyusa.
one who harps on a subject (noun), mkimu, pl wakimu.
be harrassed (verb), -shughulika.
be harrassed (verb), -sumbuka (intransitive).
harrow (noun), haro.
be harsh (verb), -kwaruza.
be harsh (verb), -parua.
be harsh (verb), -parura.
harsh (adjective), chungu. bitter/harsh words. maneno machungu.
harsh (adjective), -zito.
harshness (noun), makali.
harshness (noun), salata (9).
harshness (noun), ukali.
harshness (noun), ukalifu.
harshness (noun), uzito.
hart (noun), ayala, pl ayala.
hartebeest (noun), nyumbu (9/10an), pl nyumbu.
hartebeest (species of) (noun), kongoni.
hartebeest (species of) (noun), kuguni.
be harvested (verb), -pukutikwa (passive). they remained to be harvested
by the sunbird. wakabaki kupukutikwa na machozi [Moh].
harvest (noun), kivuno, pl vivuno.
harvest (noun), mavuno (6).
harvest (noun), vuno (5/6), pl mavuno.
harvest (verb), -chuma.
harvest (verb), -funa.
harvest (verb), -vuna.
harvest by shaking off the tree (verb), -pukusa. The children harvested
fruits by shaking off the tree. watoto walipukusa mchungwa.
harvest time (noun), pl harvest times, mrao (3/4), pl mirao.
have a good harvest (verb), -bokoa.
harvester (noun), mvunaji, pl wavunaji,.
harvester (noun), mvuni, pl wavunaji,.
harvesting (noun), uvuno, pl mavuno.
has (verb), yana.
it has (adjective), pana.
it has (verb), una (auxiliary).
who has (pronoun), mwenye, pl wenye.
hasp (for securing a door) (noun), pete (5/6), pl mapete.
haste (noun), ghasia.
haste (noun), haraka.
haste (noun), hima.
haste (noun), hima.
haste (noun), kasi.
haste (noun), kipupa. a patched garment. kwa kipupa, kipupa cha kula.
haste (noun), pl haste, papara (9/10), pl papara.
haste (noun), papio (5/6), pl mapapio.
haste (noun), pupa (9/10), pl pupa. I did not take him/her with haste.
sikumchukulia pupa [Abd], amefanikiwa kumpa mgongo na kumtuliza pupa zake
haste (noun), tutuo (5/6), pl matutuo.
haste (noun), uchoyo.
haste (noun), upesi.
haste (noun), utukutu.
haste (noun), wepesi.
haste (unseemly) (noun), kipupa (7/8), pl vipupa.
make haste (verb), chapuchapu!.
make haste (verb), -jihimiza.
something that causes haste (noun), kimbizi (7/8), pl vimbizi.
hasten (verb), -himiza.
hasten the maturity (verb), -pevua.
do something hastily (verb), -papia.
hastily (adverb), -a hima.
hastily (adverb), hima.
hastily (adverb), hivi hivi.
hastily (adverb), hobela.
hastily (adverb), kasi.
hastily (adverb), kimbio.
hastily (adverb), tasihili.
hastily (adverb), vimoto.
hastiness (noun), kikaka (7/8), pl vikaka.
hastiness (in working etc.) (noun), uzohari (14).
hasty (adjective), epesi.
hat (noun), heti.
hat (noun), kofia (9/10), pl kofia.
hat (European) (noun), chapeo.
hat (European) (noun), chepeo.
be hatched (verb), -anguliwa.
cause to hatch (eggs) (verb), -atamisha.
cause to hatch (eggs) (verb), -atamiza.
hatch (verb), -angua. hatch eggs. ~ mayai.
hatch (verb), -tamia.
hatch (eggs) (verb), -atamia.
hatchet (noun), shoka (5/6), pl mashoka. (s)he was holding the matchet
high. alikuwa kaliinua shoka kali juu [Muk].
hatchway (noun), gamdra.
be hated (verb), -chukiwa.
hate (noun), zira.
hate (verb), -bughudhi.
hate (verb), -bughudhu.
hate (verb), -chukia.
hate (verb), -hasidi.
hate (verb), -zia.
hate (verb), -zira.
hatred (noun), bughudha.
hatred (noun), chuki (9/10), pl chuki.
hatred (noun), chukio, pl machukio.
hatred (noun), chukizi (5/6), pl machukizi. Has it become hatred?.
Ishakuwa ni chukizi? [Amana, Masomo 406].
hatred (noun), chukizo (5/6), pl machukizo.
hatred (noun), shari (9/10), pl shari.
hatred (noun), undani.
haughtiness (noun), matao (6).
haughtiness (noun), tao (5/6), pl matao.
haul (verb), -burura.
haul (verb), -buruta.
haul (verb), -kokota.
haul (verb), -vuta.
haul (of fish) (noun), mvuo, pl mivuo.
haul (of fish) (noun), numbi (9/10), pl numbi.
haul for someone (verb), -kokotea (applicative).
hauling (noun), mbururo (3/4), pl mibururo.
cause to have (verb), -pasha.
cause to have (verb), -patisha.
cause to have (verb), -patiza.
have (verb), -hozi.
have (verb), -na.
have (verb), -wa na.
have (verb), yana.
have (preceeded by verb "kuwa") (conjunction), na. he had money.
alikuwa na fedha.
have diarrhoea (verb), -endesha.
have to (verb), -lazimu.
I do not have (phrase), sina. we don't have. hatuna.
I have (phrase), nina.
they have (verb), wana.
they have (verb), -zina.
you (pl.) have (mna) (verb), muna (conjugated). But you are lucky.
Elanyi muna bahati [Amana, Masomo 407].
you have (verb), mna (conjugated).
you have (verb), muna (conjugated).
you have (2nd person singular) (verb), una (auxiliary).
having (adjective), enye. thickly populated. enye watu wengi.
having (adjective), enyi.
having (conjunction), -enye.
hawk (noun), mwewe (9/10an), pl mwewe.
hawk (verb), -chopa.
hawk (species of) (noun), shakevale (9/10an), pl shakevale.
hawk (type of) (noun), kengewa (9/10), pl kengewa.
hawk about (verb), -tembeza.
hawk species (noun), kikozi. a big/large city..
hawk species (noun), kozi. a big/large city..
hawk species (Gymnogenis or polyboroideo typicus) (noun), hajivale.
species of hawk (noun), koho, pl koho.
species of hawk (noun), korho, pl korho.
be a hawker (verb), -chuuza.
hawker (noun), bazazi (5/6an), pl mabazazi.
hawser (noun), dakawa, pl dakawa. to tow. vuta dakawa [Rec].
member of the Haya ethnic group in Tanzania (noun), Mhaya, pl Wahaya.
hazard (verb), -bahatisha.
haze (noun), kivumbi (7/8), pl vivumbi.
haziness (noun), unyenyezi (11).
haziness (noun), unyenyezi.
he (adjective), yee.
he (pronoun), yeye, pl wao.
he too (adjective), naye.
back of head (noun), kisogo (7/8), pl visogo.
back of head (noun), kogo (9/10), pl kogo.
be headed toward (verb), -rakibisha.
be headed toward (verb), -rekibisha.
cause someone to lose his head (verb), -rusha akili.
have one's head in the clouds (phrase), -pigwa na bumbuazi.
head (adjective), -kuu.
head (adverb), kichwa.
head (noun), kichwa, pl vichwa.
head (noun), mkuru, pl wakuru. school principal. mkuu wa skuli.
head (noun), mkuu (1/2), pl wakuu.
head (noun), pl heads, ras (9/10), pl ras.
head (noun), pl heads, rasi (9/10), pl rasi.
head (esp.of a caravan or an expendition) (noun), mnyampara, pl
head (esp.of a caravan or an expendition) (noun), mnyapara, pl wanyapara.
head (of arrow or spear or harpoon) (noun), chembe (7/8), pl vyembe.
head over heels (noun), kipindupindu, pl vipindupindu.
head up (adverb), imaima, pl viwimawima.
head up (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
head up (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
on the head (adverb), kichwani.
head over heels (adverb), pindupindu. fall down head over heels..
anguka pindupindu.
head-cloth (noun), utaji (11/10), pl taji.
head-rest (wooden used as pillow) (noun), pl headrests, msamilo (3/4), pl
medicinal weed (for headaches) (noun), kichinja udhia (7/8), pl vichinja
weed (Dissotis prostrata) used as a remedy for headache (noun), kichinja.
leather headband worn by chiefs (noun), ngara (9/10), pl ngara.
head end of a bedstead (noun), chago, pl machago.
headboard (of bed) (noun), mchago (3/4), pl michago.
women's headcloth (noun), ushungi, pl shungi.
headdress (women's) (noun), ukaya, pl kaya.
headgear (noun), kofia, pl kofia.
heading (noun), andiko, pl maandiko.
headlong (noun), kipindupindu, pl vipindupindu.
administrative official or headman in the colonial era (generally an Arab
appointed by the governmnet to handle relations with the Moslem community)
(noun), liwali, pl maliwali.
administrative official or headman in the colonial era (generally an Arab
appointed by the governmnet to handle relations with the Moslem community)
(noun), luwali, pl maluwali.
administrative official or headman in the colonial era (generally an Arab
appointed by the governmnet to handle relations with the Moslem community)
(noun), wali, pl maliwali.
headman (noun), jumbe (5/6), pl majumbe.
headman (noun), jumbe, pl majumbe.
headman (noun), pazi (5/6an), pl mapazi.
headman of crew (noun), serahangi (5/6an), pl maserahangi. the headman
of the workers. serehanhi wa wafanya kazi.
headman of crew (noun), serangi (5/6an), pl serangi. the headman of the
ship. serangi wa meli.
headman of crew (noun), serehangi (5/6an), pl maserehangi. the headman
of the workers. serehanhi wa wafanya kazi.
village headman (used in Pemba and Zanzibar only) (noun), mudir (1/2), pl
headmaster (noun), hedimasta, pl mahedimasta.
headquarters (noun), hedikwota.
headquarters (noun), kao (5/6), pl makao.
headquarters (noun), makao (6). He dialed the number of detective
headquarters.. Alizungusha nambari ya makao makuu ya upelelezi [Ganzel
Masomo 166]; makao ya msimamizi huyo yawe Mwenge [Ng].
headquarters (noun), ukao, pl makao.
be headstrong (verb), -kaidi.
heal (verb), -afu.
heal (verb), -afua.
heal (verb), -ganga.
heal (verb), -inua.
heal (verb), -pona.
heal (verb), -ponya.
heal (verb), -ponyesha (causative).
heal (verb), -poza. Heal the wound. poza kidonda.
heal (verb), -tibu.
healing (noun), uganga.
healing (noun), uganguzi.
healing (of wounds) (noun), mgango, pl migango.
one who heals (noun), mpozi, pl wapozi.
be in good health (verb), -taibu.
be in good health (verb), -tayibu.
good health (noun), siha (9/10), pl siha. nowadays (s)he is in good
health after falling sick. Siku hizi ana siha njema baada ya kuugua.
good health (phrase), Afya.
good state of health (noun), ujambo.
health (noun), afia (9/10), pl afia. The main thing is health; He is not
in good health. bora ~; hana ~ nzuri, ~ yake si nzuri.
health (noun), afya (9/10), pl afya. The main thing is health, He is not
in good health. bora ~, hana ~ nzuri or ~ yake si nzuri.
health (noun), pl health, rai (9/10), pl rai.
health (noun), salaam (9/10), pl salaam.
health (noun), salama (9).
health (noun), uzima (14).
health center (noun), zahanati (9/10), pl zahanati.
public health service (noun), dispensari.
regain health (verb), -tonoka.
regain health (verb), -tononeka.
regain health (verb), -tononoka.
sound health (noun), salama (9). they were listening to him/her as (s)he
quivered and prayed for his/her good health. wakimsikiliza akipaparika na
kumwombea salama [Moh].
state (of health) (noun), hali (9/10).
state of health (noun), uhali.
be healthy (verb), -viringana.
become healthy (verb), -tonoka.
become healthy (verb), -tononeka.
become healthy (verb), -tononoka.
healthy (adjective), marini.
healthy (adjective), tipwa.
healthy (adjective), tipwatipwa.
healthy (adjective), -zima.
healthy child (noun), jana, pl majana.
healthy person (noun), mzima, pl wazima.
look healthy (verb), -nawiri.
look healthy (verb), -pea.
heap (noun), bumba, pl mabumba.
heap (noun), chungu, pl machungu.
heap (noun), fumba (9/10), pl fumba.
heap (noun), mkuo, pl mikuo.
heap (noun), mkusanyiko, pl mikusanyiko.
heap (noun), pumba (5/6), pl mapumba. a heap of clothes. pumba la nguo.
heap (noun), shumbi (9/10), pl shumbi. a heap of sand. shumbi ya
heap (verb), -kongomana.
heap (verb), -panganya.
heap (of weeds or leaves or refuse) (noun), biwi, pl mabiwi.
heap live coals on oneself (verb), -jipalia makaa (reflexive).
heap up (verb), -eleka (potential).
heap up (verb), -elekanya (potential).
throw into a heap (verb), -tutia.
hear (verb), -sikia. most of the times you will hear him/her crying for
the mattoc. mara nyingi utamsikia analilia jembe [Kez].
be heard (verb), -sikika.
be heard (verb), -sikilizwa (passive). (s)he heard this speech as a sign
that his prayers were heard by God. aliona hotuba hii kama dalili ya dua
zake kusikilizwa na Mungu [Kez].
be heard (verb), -sikiwa.
hearer (noun), pl hearers, msikiaji (1/2), pl wasikiaji.
hearer (noun), pl hearers, msikizi (1/2), pl wasikizi.
hearing (noun), maulizo, pl maulizo.
hearsay (noun), fununu (9/10), pl fununu.
hearsay (noun), kivumi (7/8), pl vivumi.
hearsay (noun), kivumo (7/8), pl vivumo.
beat of the heart (noun), tuta.
by heart (adverb), kimoyomoyo.
have one's hear set on (verb), -chunuka.
have one's heart set on (verb), -chunuka.
heart (noun), fuadi (9/10), pl fuadi.
heart (noun), moyo.
heart (noun), mtima, pl mitima.
heart (as the seat of emotions) (noun), ini.
heart ailment (noun), kimoyo (7/8), pl vimoyo.
her heart missed a beat (phrase), damu ilimruka.
lose heart (verb), -fa moyo.
set the heart on (verb), -chunuka.
with heart (adverb), kwa moyo.
have heartburn (from indigestion) (verb), -ungulia.
med. heartburn (noun), kiungulia, pl viungulia.
hearth-stone (noun), jifya (5/6), pl majifya.
heartlessness (noun), sugu (9/10), pl sugu.
heartlessness (noun), ugumu.
heartlessness (noun), ujuhula.
suit of hearts (playing cards) (noun), kopa, pl makopa.
body heat (noun), harara (9/10), pl harara.
female animal in heat (noun), mkware, pl wakware.
heat (noun), chaka, pl machaka.
heat (noun), figuto, pl mafiguto.
heat (noun), fukuto (5/6), pl mafukuto.
heat (noun), hamasa (9/10), pl hamasa.
heat (noun), harara.
heat (noun), hari (9/10), pl hari.
heat (noun), hari.
heat (noun), jasho, pl majasho.
heat (noun), joto (9/10), pl joto.
heat (noun), moto.
heat (noun), mwako, pl miako.
heat (noun), uharara.
heat (noun), ujotojoto (14).
heat (noun), umoto.
heat (noun), umotomoto.
heat (noun), vukuto, pl mavukuto.
heat (verb), -pasha moto.
heat (verb), -patisha moto.
heat (verb), -patiza moto.
heat (intense or humid) (noun), mvuke.
heat (intense) (noun), joto, pl majoto.
heat (of animals) (noun), nyege (9/10), pl nyege.
heat (of animals) (noun), unyege.
heat (of animals) (noun), unyege.
heat (up) (verb), -chemsha.
heat (up) (verb), -chemusha.
humid heat (noun), uvuke.
intense heat (noun), uvuke.
heatedly (adverb), vimoto.
heater (noun), kipasha mto, pl vipasha mto.
heater (vessel containing hot coals) (noun), ziga, pl maziga.
heathen (adjective), shenzi.
heathen (noun), mpagani, pl wapagani.
heathenism (noun), ushenzi.
heather (Erica) (noun), mdambi.
heating (noun), kanzo, pl makanzo.
heating (act of) (noun), kikanza (7/8), pl vikanza.
heave (of the sea) (verb), -chachuka.
heaven (noun), mbingu (9/10), pl mbingu.
heaven (noun), mbinguni (4).
Heaven (noun), Peponi (9).
road to heaven or hell (in Islam) (noun), sirati (9/10), pl sirati.
heavens (noun), uwingu, pl mbingu.
heaviness (adjective), maki.
heaviness (noun), umito (11).
heaviness (noun), uzito (14).
heavy (adjective), kubwa.
heavy (adjective), mzito, pl wazito.
heavy (adjective), nzito nzito.
heavy (adjective), -zito.
something very heavy (noun), nunda (9/10), pl nunda.
short heavyset person (noun), kibarango, pl vibarango.
the Hebrew language (noun), Kiyahudi.
hectare (noun), hekta (9/10), pl hekta.
hedge (noun), ua, pl nyua.
hedge (noun), ukigo, pl kigo.
shrub (Acacia mellifera) used to form thorny hedges (noun), kikwata, pl
heed (verb), -jali.
heed (verb), -sikia.
pay heed to (verb), -tahamaki.
act heedlessly (verb), -hamaki.
listen heedlessly (verb), -purukusa sikio.
listen heedlessly (verb), -purukusha sikio.
talk heedlessly (verb), -purukusa maneno.
talk heedlessly (verb), -purukusha maneno.
heel (noun), kishigino cha mguu, pl vishigino vya mguu. look at
something in an indolent /bored way (with half-closed eyelids)..
heel (noun), kisigino (7/8), pl visigino.
heel (noun), kisingino cha mguu, pl visingino vya miguu. look at
something in an indolent /bored way (with half-closed eyelids)..
heifer (noun), mori (9/10), pl mori.
at the height (verb), -sitawi. some other time (s)he danced the dance of
the youth that was at the height of the field. wakati mwingine alicheza
umeta ulipositawi uwanjani [Moh].
at the height (verb), -stawi.
height (noun), gongo (5/6), pl magongo.
height (noun), kiduta, pl viduta.
height (noun), kikomo (7/8), pl vikomo.
height (noun), kimo (7/8), pl vimo.
height (noun), marefu. It is not long enough. haina marefu ya kutosha.
height (noun), mwinuko (3/4), pl miinuko.
height (noun), tambo (9/10), pl tambo.
height (noun), ujuu.
height (noun), urefu (14), pl marefu.
height (noun), utambo.
height of a house-wall (noun), kirugu, pl virugu.
something of the same height (as something or someone else) (noun),
mkeketo, pl mikeketo.
fall heir to (verb), -rithi.
heir (noun), mrithi (1/2), pl warithi. My heirs, according to Kimara
customs and traditions, who are they?. Warithi wangu, kufuatana na ada na
desturi za Kimara, ni akina nani? [Chacha, Masomo 381].
heir (noun), warithi, pl mawarithi.
be held up (verb), -usirika.
heliograph (noun), signali (9/10), pl signali. the driver signalled
right. Dereva alitoa signali ya kwenda kulia.
helix (noun), hesi (9/10), pl hesi.
hell (noun), jahanum.
Hell (noun), jahanum (9/10), pl jahanum.
Hell (noun), Jehanum (9/10), pl Jehanum.
Hellene (noun), Myunani (1/2), pl wayunani.
Hellenic (adjective), Kiyunani.
heller (noun), hela.
hello (interjection), aisei.
hello (called when knocking on someone's door) (interjection), hodi.
Hello (to a single person) (noun), jambo.
German military helmet (Pickelhaube) (Tanganyika) (noun), mrembe, pl
helmsman (noun), rubani (5/6an), pl marubani.
naut. helmsman (noun), msukani, pl wasukani.
naut.helmsman (noun), mshika, pl washika.
naut.helmsman (noun), mshiki, pl washika.
be helped (verb), -saidiwa.
help (noun), amara, pl amara. can I do something for you?. haja ~?.
help (noun), huduma (9/10), pl huduma.
help (noun), humuda.
help (noun), kimbilio, pl makimbilio.
help (noun), kororo (5/6), pl makororo.
help (noun), msaada, pl misaada.
help (noun), muawana.
help (noun), nusra (9/10), pl nusra.
help (noun), nusura (9/10), pl nusura.
help (noun), saada (9/10), pl saada.
help (verb), -afu.
help (verb), -auni.
help (verb), -auni.
help (verb), -awini.
help (verb), -awini.
help (verb), -awuni.
help (verb), -awuni.
help (verb), -fadhili.
help (verb), -hudumia.
help (verb), -nafidhi.
help (verb), -nusuru.
help (verb), -saidia.
help (verb), -tajamali.
help (for or on behalf of) (verb), -aunia.
help one another (verb), -saidiana na. the villagers helped one another
with the government to curb crime. Watu wa kijiji walisaidiana na
serikali kukomesha uhalifu.
help out (verb), -nafisi.
Help! (a cry introducing and concluding a ceremony for exorcising
spirits) (noun), tawireni.
Help! (a cry introducing and concluding the ceremony for exorcising
spirits) (interjection), taileni.
Help! (a cry introducing and concluding the ceremony for exorcising
spirits) (interjection), tailetai.
lend a helping hand (verb), -pa mkono.
helper (noun), msaidia, pl wasaidia. nurse's aid. msaidizi wa
helper (noun), pl helpers, msaidizi (1/2), pl wasaidizi.
helper (on a bus or truck) (noun), tanboi (5/6an), pl matanboi.
helper (on a bus or truck) (noun), taniboi (5/6an), pl mataniboi.
work of a helper (noun), utaniboi.
helpful person (noun), mjima, pl wajima.
helping (noun), resheni (9/10), pl resheni.
be helpless (verb), -ajazi.
helpless (adjective), hohe hahe, pl hohe hahe.
helpless (adjective), hoi.
helpless (adjective), hoi.
hem (noun), kingo (9/10), pl kingo.
hem (noun), mialamu (9/10), pl mialamu.
hem (noun), mshadhari.
hem (noun), mshazari.
hem (noun), mwalamu, pl miwalamu.
hem (noun), pl hems, pindo (5/6), pl mapindo.
hem (noun), upindo (11/10), pl pindo.
hem (verb), -binda.
hem (verb), -kunga.
hem (verb), -minika.
fig., geogr. hemisphere (noun), kizio, pl vizio.
hemisphere (noun), kizio (7/8), pl vizio.
hemisphere (noun), nusudunia (9/10), pl nusudunia.
hemisphere (noun), zio (5/6), pl mazio.
hemorrhoids (noun), bawasili.
hemorrhoids (noun), bawasiri.
hemorrhoids (noun), futuri.
hemorrhoids (noun), kikundu, pl vikundu.
med. hemorrhoids (noun), mjiko, pl mijiko.
hemp (noun), bangi, pl bangi.
hemp (noun), katani (9/10), pl katani.
hemp (noun), bangi (9/10), pl bangi.
hemp (the fiber) (noun), katani.
hen (noun), kuku (9/10), pl kuku.
hen (brooding) (noun), koo (5/6an), pl makoo.
hen (full-grown) (noun), tembe (9/10), pl tembe.
young hen (noun), kibibi, pl vibibi.
hence (adverb), alhasil.
hence (adverb), alhasir.
hence (adverb), tokea hapo.
hence (conjunction), alimradhi.
hence (conjunction), alimradi.
hence (conjunction), almuradi.
hence (conjunction), mradi.
henchman (noun), kidalali, pl vidalali.
henna (a red dye used for staining the nails and hair) (noun), hina.
henna plant (noun), mhanuni, pl mihina.
henna plant (noun), mhina, pl mihina.
her (pronoun), -ake.
her (pronoun), -akwe, pl sing..
her (pronoun), pake. her place. pahali pake.
her (pronoun), yeye, pl wao.
her (class 7) (pronoun), chake. his chair. kiti chake.
her place (pronoun), kwake.
herald (noun), mtangulizi, pl watangulizi.
bitter herb growing in the fields (noun), mchunga (3/4), pl michunga.
climbing herb with yellow flowers and edible fruit (noun), karela (9/10),
pl karela.
herb (slender with white flowers) (noun), kakindu (9/10), pl kakindu.
herb (used for several kinds (noun), kibaazi (7/8), pl vibaazi.
herb (with small flowers) (noun), jaja (9/10), pl jaja.
herb added as flavoring to tea (noun), zartari.
perennial herb (desmodium abscendens) (noun), karanga mwitu, pl (-);
wild herb (Crotolaria senegalensis) (noun), komanguka, pl komanguka.
herbage (noun), majani.
herd (noun), kundi, pl makundi.
herd (noun), mifugo (4).
herd animals (verb), -chunga.
herd of animals (noun), tapo (5/6), pl matapo.
herding (noun), uchungaji.
herds (noun), mfugo, pl mifugo.
here (adverb), hapa.
here (adverb), huko.
here (adverb), huku.
here (adverb), humo.
here (adverb), humu.
here (pronoun), huko, pl huko.
here (unspecified) (adverb), huku.
I am here (phrase), nipo.
in this very place (adverb), papa hapa.
hereabouts (adverb), huku.
hereafter (noun), ahera (9/10), pl ahera. to die (figurative).. -enda
hereafter (noun), akhera (9). to die (figurative).. -enda ~..
hereafter (noun), jongomeo.
hereafter (noun), jongomeo (9/10), pl jongomeo.
the hereafter (noun), pepo (9/10), pl pepo. The hereafter. pepo za
the hereafter (noun), pepo za kesho (9). the hereafter. pepo za kesho.
the hereafter (noun), peponi (9). the hereafter. pepo za kesho.
heritability (noun), mwandamo, pl miandamo.
heritage (noun), urithi (14).
heritage (noun), warithi, pl mawarithi.
hermaphrodite (noun), huntha.
character of a hermit (noun), usufii.
hermit (noun), mtaawa, pl wataawa.
hermit (noun), pl hermits, mtawa (1/2), pl watawa.
hermit (noun), mtawa, pl watawa.
hermit (noun), sufii (9/10an), pl sufii.
hermit crab (noun), mwanamizi, pl wanamizi.
hernia (noun), mshipa, pl mishipa.
med. scrotal hernia, orchitis, varicocele (noun), kipumbu, pl vipumbu.
scrotal hernia (noun), mshipa wa ngiri.
hero (noun), shujaa (5/6an), pl mashujaa.
heroic (adjective), shujaa.
heroism (noun), kiume.
heroism (noun), ushujaa (14).
heroism (act of) (noun), ushujaa.
bittern (species of) (noun), ngojamaliko (9/10an), pl ngojamaliko.
black heron (noun), kulasitara.
heron (noun), koikoi (5/6an), pl makoikoi.
heron (noun), kongoti (9/10), pl kongoti.
heron (noun), korongo (5/6), pl makorongo.
heron (small) (noun), yangeyange.
heron (species of) (noun), ngojamaliko (9/10an), pl ngojamaliko.
zool. heron (noun), nahodha.
herpes (noun), manawa (9/10), pl manawa.
med. herpes (affecting especially the hands) (noun), manawa.
hers (adjective), yake.
hers (adjective), zake.
hers (adjective), ze.
hers (pronoun), mwake.
hers (class 7) (pronoun), chake. his chair. kiti chake.
hesitancy (noun), ajiza (9/10), pl ajiza.
hesitancy (noun), ajizi (9/10), pl ajizi.
hesitant (adjective), -ajiza.
hesitant (adjective), -ajizi.
hesitant (adjective), kokotevu.
hesitate (verb), -ahiri.
hesitate (verb), -akhiri.
hesitate (verb), -ganza.
hesitate (verb), -kwaa.
hesitate (verb), -limatia.
hesitate (verb), -sita. everyone hesitated. kila mmoja alisita.
hesitate (verb), -sitasita. without hesitation. bila kusitasita.
hesitate (verb), -taladadi.
hesitate (verb), -taradadi.
hesitate (in speaking or reading) (verb), -dodosa.
hesitation (noun), uajazi.
hesitation (noun), uajizi.
hesitation (noun), uasi, pl maasi.
hesitation (noun), uhasi, pl maasi.
hesitation (noun), uhasi.
hesitation (noun), uwaasi.
hesitation (noun), uwasi, pl maasi.
hesitation (noun), wasi, pl maasi.
hesitation (when requested to do something) (noun), uwasi, pl mawasi.
hesitation (when requested to do something) (noun), wasi.
heterogeneous (adjective), kumbakumba.
heterogenous (adjective), kumba.
hew (a little off the top of something) (verb), -buabua.
hexagon (noun), pl hexagons, pembesita (9/10), pl pembesita.
hey (interjection), ebho. Boke [...] Hey! Who do you think you are?.
Boke [...] Ebho! Unadhani wewe ni nani? [Chacha, Masomo 372].
Hey there! (interjection), ewe!.
Hey! (exclamation to attract attention) (interjection), ati!. Hey you!.
~ wewe!.
hey! (exclamation to attract attention) (interjection), eti!. Hey!
you. ati! wewe!.
Hibiscus esculentus (noun), bamia, pl mabamia.
hiccup (noun), chechevu (9/10), pl chechevu.
hiccup (noun), kekevu (9/10), pl kekevu.
hiccup (noun), kikwifukwifu (7/8), pl vikwifukwifu.
hiccup (noun), kitefutefu (7).
hiccup (noun), kwikwi (9/10), pl kwikwi.
hiccup(s) (noun), kekevu.
be hidden (verb), -fichwa.
be hidden (verb), -stirika.
hidden meaning (noun), fumbo (5/6), pl mafumbo.
keep oneself hidden (verb), -sitirika.
keep oneself hidden (verb), -stirika.
hidding (noun), maficho.
be hidden (verb), -fichika.
hide (noun), ngara (9/10), pl ngara.
hide (noun), ngovi (9/10), pl ngovi.
hide (noun), ngozi (9/10), pl ngozi.
hide (verb), -ficha. After a distance of half a kilometer she set down
her calabash and hid it [Masomo 351]. Baada ya mwendo wa nusu kilometa
alitua kibuyu chake na kukificha [Balisidya, Masomo 351].
hide (verb), -fita.
hide (verb), -futika.
hide (verb), -nyerereza.
hide (verb), -setiri.
hide (verb), -siri.
hide (verb), -sitiri.
hide (verb), -stiri.
hide (verb), -vumbika.
hide meanings (in wordplay) (verb), -fumbia (applicative).
hide oneself (verb), -jibanza.
hide someone (verb), -sitirisha.
hide someone (verb), -stirisha.
hiding place (noun), ficho (5/6), pl maficho. He has placed one of his
workers so that he will protect these hiding places. ameweka mfanyakazi
wake mmoja alinde maficho hayo [Masomo 239].
hide-and-seek (children's game) (noun), kibemasa.
hideous (adjective), -kirihifu.
one who hides something (noun), msetiri, pl wasetiri.
one who hides something (noun), msitiri, pl wasitiri.
one who hides something (noun), mstiri, pl wastiri.
hiding (act of) (noun), kificho (7/8), pl vificho.
hiding place (noun), kimbilio (5/6), pl makimbilio.
hiding place (noun), utengo, pl matengo.
hiding-place (noun), kifuniko, pl vifuniko.
hiding-place (noun), kisetiri, pl visetiri.
hiding-place (noun), daka, pl madaka.
hiding-place (noun), maoteo.
hiding-place (noun), kioteo, pl vioteo.
hiding-place (noun), kishubaka, pl vishubaka.
hiding-place (noun), oteo (5/6), pl maoteo.
hiding-place (noun), shubaka (5/6), pl mashubaka, vishubaka.
be high (of meat) (verb), -vunda.
high (adjective), -refu.
high (preposition), juu.
high amount (noun), jumla (9/10), pl jumla.
high handedness (noun), jeuri (9/10), pl jeuri.
high up (adverb), juujuu.
high voice (phrase), sauti ya kitoto, pl sauti za kitoto.
person in high position (noun), kabaila, pl makabaila.
to a high degree (adverb), sana. be immersed into a high degree.
tazamia sana..
be high and dry without resources (verb), -soza.
to a high degree (adverb), chakari.
high point (noun), upeo, pl peo.
high-class (informal) (adjective), mbwe-mbwe.
high-handedly (adverb), kwa jeuri.
become higher (verb), -kwea.
highest level (noun), kiwango cha juu (7/8), pl viwango vya juu.
highlight (verb), -bainisha (causative).
highway (noun), barabara (9/10), pl barabara. traffic regulations.
kanuni za barabarani.
highway (noun), gurufu (5/6), pl magurufu.
highway (noun), ndia kuu (9/10), pl ndia.
highway (noun), njia kuu (9/10), pl njia kuu.
highway (noun), tariki (9/10), pl tariki.
highwayman (noun), pakacha (9/10an), pl pakacha.
highwayman (noun), pakaja (9/10an), pl pakaja.
hijacker (noun), pl hijackers, mtekaji (1/2), pl watekaji.
hill (noun), kiduta (7/8), pl viduta.
hill (noun), kilima (7/8), pl vilima.
hill (noun), mwinuko, pl miinuko.
large hill (noun), mlima (3/4), pl milima. volcano. mlima wa moto.
rocky hill or mountain (noun), jabali (5/6), pl majabali.
hilt (of tool, sword, knife etc.) (noun), kipini, pl vipini.
himself (pronoun), mwenyewe, pl wenyewe.
be hindered (verb), -shindikiza.
be hindered (verb), -shindizika.
hinder (verb), -faiti.
hinder (verb), -shindisha.
hinder (verb), -shindiza.
hinder (verb), -ziwia.
hinder (verb), -zuia.
hinder (verb), -zuwia.
hinderance (noun), chelezo, pl machelezo.
hinderance (noun), kikwazo, pl vikwazo.
hinderance (noun), sumbuko (5/6), pl masumbuko.
hinderance (noun), sumbuo (5/6), pl masumbuo.
hinderance (noun), zuizi, pl mazuizi.
hindering (noun), uzuiaji.
hindering (noun), uzuio.
hindering (act of) (noun), uzuiaji.
hindering (act of) (noun), uzuio.
hindering (act of) (noun), uzuwiaji.
hindrance (noun), dokezi, pl madokezi.
hindrance (noun), kizuizi (7/8), pl vizuizi.
hindrance (noun), uzuiaji.
hindrance (noun), uzuio.
hindrance (noun), uzuwiaji.
hindrance (noun), zuio (5/6), pl mazuio.
Hindu (neither Moslem nor Christian) (noun), baniani, pl baniani.
Hindu (neither Moslem nor Christian) (noun), banyani, pl banyani.
hinge (noun), bawaba (9/10), pl bawaba.
hinge (noun), pl hinges, pata (9/10), pl pata.
hint (noun), dokezo, pl madokezo.
hint (noun), fumbo (5/6), pl mafumbo.
hint (noun), kidokezo, pl vidokezo.
hint (noun), kidoko (7/8), pl vidoko.
hint (noun), kielekezo, pl vielekezo.
hint (noun), kionyo (7/8), pl vionyo.
hint (noun), konyezo (5/6), pl makonyezo.
hint (noun), maonyo.
hint (noun), mkonyezo, pl mikonyezo.
hint (noun), mvugulio (3/4), pl mivugulio.
hint (noun), onyo (5/6), pl maonyo.
hint (noun), ukonyezo (11/10), pl konyezo.
hint (verb), -dokeza.
hinterland (noun), bara (9/10), pl bara.
hip (noun), chuno, pl viuno.
hip (noun), kiuno, pl viuno.
hip (noun), nyonga (9/10), pl nyonga.
hip (noun), pembejo (5/6), pl mapembejo.
hip (noun), ubavu (11/10), pl mbavu.
hip (noun), unyonga, pl nyonga.
hippopotamus (noun), kiboko (7/8), pl viboko.
hippopotamus (noun), tomondo.
roll the hips (verb), -tikitiza.
be hired (verb), -ajiriwa.
hire (verb), -ajiri.
hire (verb), -nauli.
hire (verb), -panga.
hire for work (verb), -ajirisha.
hiring (act of) (noun), upangaji.
his (adjective), yake.
his (adjective), zake.
his (adjective), ze.
his (pronoun), -ake. his chair, his chairs. kiti chake, viti vyake.
his (pronoun), -akwe, pl sing..
his (pronoun), mwake.
his (pronoun), pake. his place. pahali pake.
his (class 7) (pronoun), chake. his chair. kiti chake.
his place (pronoun), kwake.
hiss (verb), -chata.
hiss (contemptuously) (verb), -sonya.
make a hissing sound (verb), -fyonya.
historical experience (noun), uzoefu wa kikistoria (14).
history (noun), historia (9/10), pl historia.
history (noun), historia.
history (noun), kale (9/10), pl kale.
history (noun), tarihi (9/10), pl tarihi.
history (noun), tarikhi (9/10), pl tarikhi. a translation of the history
regarding the economy. tafsiri ya tarikhi kwa mintaraf ya uchumi [Ya].
hit (verb), -bubuta.
hit (verb), -buta.
hit (verb), -chapa.
hit (verb), -gonga.
hit (verb), -nyuka.
hit (verb), -piga. type. piga chapa.
hit (verb), -rindima.
hit (verb), -sakata.
hit (verb), -titiga.
hit on each other (verb), -gongana.
hit the mark (verb), pl aims, -pata shabaha. the police shot and hit his
mark. Polisi alipiga bunduki na kupiga shabaha yake.
hit with strength (verb), -charaza.
in a hit and miss way (adverb), paruparu.
hit upon (verb), -pata.
hitter (noun), mkupuzi (1/2), pl wakupuzi.
hitter (noun), mpigaji (1/2), pl wapigaji.
hitting (noun), mpigo (3/4), pl mipigo.
one who is given to hitting (noun), mkupuzi, pl wakupuzi.
hoarder (noun), bepari, pl mabepari.
hoarder (noun), mhodhi (1/2), pl wahodhi.
hoarding (noun), ukabidhi (14).
hoarding (noun), ukabidhu.
hoarfrost (noun), sakitu (9/10), pl sakitu.
be hoarse (verb), -pwewa. (s)he became hoarse because of singing.
Alipwewa koo kwa kuimba.
hoarseness (noun), uchakacho (14).
hoax (verb), -kenga.
hoax (verb), -renga.
hobble (verb), -detea.
hockey (noun), hoki (9/10), pl hoki.
be hoed (verb), -chimbwa (passive).
hoe (noun), jembe, pl majembe.
hoe (noun), jembe (5/6), pl majembe.
hoe (verb), -buruga.
hoe (verb), -chimba.
hoe (verb), -fukulia ( appl-conv).
hoe (verb), -lima.
hoe (verb), -palilia.
hoe (old and worn) (noun), kisagalima (7/8), pl visagalima.
hoe (small) (noun), kijembe (7/8), pl vijembe.
hoe up weeds (verb), -palia.
small hoe (used for weeding) (noun), upamba, pl pamba.
hoeing (noun), mapalilio.
hoeing (noun), mapalio (6).
hoeing (noun), mapalio.
hoeing (noun), mpalilio, pl mipalilio.
hoeing (noun), mpalio, pl mipalilio.
one who hoes (noun), mpalilizi, pl wapalilizi.
one who hoes (noun), mpalizi, pl wapalizi.
hog (noun), nguruwe (9/10an), pl nguruwe.
hog (wild) (noun), jivi (5/6), pl majivi.
wild hog (noun), jivi (5/6), pl majivi.
wild hog (noun), jivi, pl majivi.
hoist (verb), -ng'oa.
hoist (verb), -pandisha.
hoist (verb), -pandisha.
hoist (verb), -panza.
hoist (verb), -tweka.
hoist (verb), -twika.
be held (verb), -shikwa (passive). Bahati was held by the urge to see
Idi. Bahati alishikwa na hamu ya kutaka kumwona Idi [Sul], Bi Tamima
alishikwa na uchungu [Moh].
get hold (of) (verb), -nasa.
get hold of (with a hook) (verb), -pemba. pull down coconuts.. pemba
get hold of something (fruit etc) with a hook (verb), -ngoeka.
hold (noun), mkamato (3/4), pl mikamato.
hold (verb), -bamba.
hold (verb), -kamata.
hold (verb), -shika.
hold (of a ship) (noun), falka.
hold (of a vessel) (noun), ngama (9/10), pl ngama.
hold back (verb), -nyima. you must restrain yourselve somewhat.. lazima
ujinyime nafsi yako.
hold back (verb), -ziwia.
hold back (verb), -zuia.
hold back (verb), -zuwia.
hold by pressure (verb), -bana.
hold each other (verb), -shikana (reciprocal). holding each other's hand
under the table. hushikana mikono chini ya meza [Ya].
hold fast (verb), -guya.
hold fast (verb), -nasa.
hold fast (verb), -ng'ang'ama.
hold in beam of dhow into which mast is fixed (noun), kiwida (7/8), pl
hold in gunwale of boat for oarlock rope loop (noun), shalaka (9/10), pl
hold in the mouth (verb), -vuata.
hold on the knee or lap (verb), -pakata. (s)he held that gown on the
knee. kalipakata lile gauni [Muk].
hold on to (verb), -nasa.
hold on to (verb), -zingatia.
hold on to (obstinately or persistently) (verb), -shikilia (applicative).
"I have said I did note take even a single oath", Nuka held on to that.
"Nimesema sijala kiapo hata kimoja", alishikilia Nunga [Ng].
hold oneself back (verb), -jinyima.
hold onto (verb), -shika.
hold out (verb), -himili.
hold the tongue (verb), -fyata (ulimi).
hold tight (verb), -ganda.
hold tight (verb), -kaza.
hold tight (verb), -zingatia.
hold up (verb), -kawilisha.
ship's hold (noun), feuli.
take hold of (verb), -kamata.
take hold of (verb), -paramia.
hold fast and squeeze (verb), -bigija.
hold fast and squeeze (verb), -biginya.
holder (noun), kifuko (7/8), pl vifuko.
holder (noun), pl holders, mshika (1/2), pl washika.
bed for planting seed (noun), kuo, pl makuo.
have a hole (verb), -tumbuka.
hole (noun), bopo, pl mabopo.
hole (noun), chimbo, pl machimbo.
hole (noun), chimbuko, pl machimbuko.
hole (noun), dindi, pl madindi. hole for planting seed. dindi la
kupanda mbegu.
hole (noun), kipenyo (7/8), pl vipenyo.
hole (noun), dindi, pl malindi.
hole (noun), kuo (5/6), pl makuo.
hole (noun), lindi, pl malindi.
hole (noun), mwina (3/4), pl miina.
hole (noun), pango (5/6), pl mapango.
hole (noun), pengo (5/6), pl mapengo.
hole (noun), pl holes, shimo (5/6), pl mashimo. rat's hole. shimo la
hole (noun), tobo (5/6), pl matobo.
hole (noun), tobwe, pl matobwe.
hole (noun), tundu (9/10), pl tundu.
hole (dug out) (noun), fuko (5/6), pl mafuko.
hole (dug underneath bier to drain off water when corpse is washed)
(noun), ufuo (11), pl fuo.
hole (for planting seeds) (noun), koongo (5/6), pl makoongo.
hole (in the bottom of a boat to let out water) (noun), nguzi (9/10), pl
hole (of a wind instrument) (noun), mdomo. double-barrelled gun..
bunduki ya midomo miwili..
hole (through something) (noun), penyo (5/6), pl mapenyo.
hole admitting light (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza.
hole for planting seed (noun), kuo, pl makuo.
hole for planting seed (noun), shina (5/6), pl mashina. the tree will be
planted in this hole. Mti utapandwa kwenye shina hili.
hole in beam of dhow into which mast is fixed (noun), kiyunga (7/8), pl
make a hole (verb), -dopoa.
make a hole (verb), -toboa.
make a hole (verb), -ziua.
make a hole (verb), -zua.
make hole (verb), -tumbua.
small hole (noun), kishimo (7/8), pl vishimo.
small hole (noun), mwanya, pl mianya.
small hole in a wall (noun), kibacha (7/8), pl vibacha.
drill holes (verb), -pekecha mashimo.
holes (noun), malindi.
produce a fire by twirling one stick in a hole in another (verb), -
pekecha moto.
give a holiday to someone (verb), -likiza.
holiday (noun), likizo (9/10), pl likizo.
holiday (noun), ruhsa (9/10), pl ruhsa.
holiday (noun), ruhusa (9/10), pl ruhusa.
holiday (noun), rukhsa (9/10), pl rukhsa. school holiday. rukhsa ya
holiday (noun), pl holidays, sikukuu (9/10), pl sikukuu.
holiness (noun), utakatifu.
become hollow (verb), -bopa.
hollow (noun), bonde, pl mabonde.
hollow (noun), mvungu, pl mivungu.
hollow (noun), shimo (5/6), pl mashimo. the hollow of a plate. shimo la
hollow (noun), tundu.
hollow (noun), ufumbi (11/6), pl mafumbi.
hollow (noun), vungu.
hollow out (verb), -komba.
hollow out (verb), -teketa.
hollow receptacle (den or lair of an animal) (noun), tundu.
hollow thing (noun), kombe (9/10), pl kombe.
hollowed out place (noun), pango (5/6), pl mapango.
thing that hollows (noun), kombe (9/10), pl kombe.
be hollowed out (verb), -kombwa.
hollowness (noun), uvungu.
hollowness (noun), uvurungu.
holocaust (noun), mteketeo, pl miteketeo.
holocaust (noun), mteketezo, pl miteketezo.
be holy (verb), -takata.
holy (adjective), takatifu.
holy orders (Roman Catholic) (noun), upadre.
holy person (noun), walii (5/6an), pl mawalii.
Holy Spirit (noun), Roho Mtakatifu (9an). the Mother of God who gave
birth by the power of the Holy Spirit. Mama wa Mungu aliyezaa kwa nguvu
za Roho Mtakatifu [Kez].
at home (adverb), nyumbani.
at our home (place) (pronoun), kwetu.
at the home of (preposition), kwa.
at their home (adverb), kwao.
be without a specific home (verb), -tangatanga.
home (noun), asili, pl asili.
home (noun), kao (5/6), pl makao. home.
home (noun), kwao, pl makwao.
home (noun), makani.
home (noun), makao (6).
home (noun), makao. headquarters. makao makuu.
home (noun), masikani.
home (noun), maskani.
home (noun), pl homes, nyumba (9/10), pl nyumba.
home (noun), ukazi.
home (noun), watani.
stay-at-home (noun), mkaaji (1/2), pl wakaaji.
their homes (noun), makwao (6).
to the home of (preposition), kwa.
homebody (noun), mkaa (1/2), pl wakaa.
homeguard (para-military force in Tanzania) (noun), mwanamgambo (1/2), pl
wanamgambo. Para-military forces are everywhere.. wanamgambo wamejaa
kila mahali [Kez].
homeless (adjective), hamaji.
homeless person (noun), hamiji (1/2), pl wahamiji.
homeless person (noun), mhamishi, pl wahamishi.
homeless person (noun), msikwao (1/2), pl wasikwao.
homeless person (noun), mwasikwao (1/2), pl wasikwao.
homesickness (noun), uchungu, pl machungu.
homesickness (noun), utungu.
homestead (noun), kaya (9/10), pl kaya.
homestead (noun), mji, pl miji. Tegemea's homestead was finished. mji
wa Tegemea ulikwisha [Kez].
homestead (Maasai) (noun), manyatta.
homogeneity (noun), kumoja.
homily (noun), hotuba (9/10), pl hotuba.
homogeneous (noun), moja. people are not all alike. watu si wamoja.
homogenous (adjective), linganifu.
homogenous (adjective), linganyifu.
homosexual (adjective), senge.
homosexual (noun), hanithi, pl hanithi, mahanithi.
commit an act of female homosexuality (verb), -saga.
hone (verb), -noa.
be honest (verb), -thibiti.
honest (adjective), adili.
honest (adjective), adilifu.
honest (adjective), -aminifu.
honest (adjective), kabili.
honest (adjective), kunjufu.
honest (adjective), madhubuti.
honest (adjective), mathubuti.
honest (adjective), mathubutu.
honest (adjective), nyoka.
honest (adjective), nyooka.
honest (adjective), nyoroka.
honest (adjective), sadikifu.
honest (adjective), safi.
honest (adjective), salihi. Juma does not tell lies, he is an honest
person. Juma hasemi uongo, ni mtu salihi.
honest (adjective), swafi.
honest person (noun), mahashumu.
honest person (noun), mahushumu.
honest person (noun), mnyofu, pl wanyofu.
honest person (noun), msalihina, pl wasalihina.
honest person (noun), msalikhina, pl wasalikhina.
honest person (noun), salihina (9/10an), pl salahina.
raise to be honest (verb), -nyorosha.
teach to be honest (verb), -nyorosha.
honestly (adverb), kwa kweli.
honestly (adverb), kweli.
honesty (noun), imani.
honesty (noun), uadilifu (14).
honesty (noun), uamini (11), pl uamini.
honesty (noun), uaminifu (14), pl uaminifu.
honesty (noun), unyofu.
honesty (noun), uongofu.
honesty (noun), wima.
honesty (noun), wongofu.
harvest honey (verb), -unda.
honey (noun), asali. honey, molasses, "Follow the bee and you wil get
honey" (proverb - i.e., find a patron). ~ ya nyuki, ~ ya miwa, fuata
nyuki ukale ~.
honey (noun), asali ya nyuki (9/10), pl asali za nyuki.
honey (noun), uki (11).
honey (noun), woki.
honey in the comb (noun), masega (ya nyuki).
honeycomb (noun), kalala (5/6), pl makalala.
honeycomb (noun), kalala la nyuki (5/6), pl makalala ya nyuki.
honeycomb (noun), kamba (5/6), pl makamba.
honeycomb (noun), kamba ya asali, pl makamba ya asali.
honeycomb (noun), masega (ya nyuki).
honeycomb (noun), mayungiyungi, pl mayungiyungi.
honeycomb (noun), sega (5/6), pl masega.
honeycomb (noun), shapa la nyuki (5/6), pl mashapa ya nyuki. honeycomb.
shapa la nyuki..
honeymoon (seven days) (noun), fungate (9/10), pl fungate.
be honored (verb), -heshimiwa (potential).
do honor to (verb), -tuza.
honor (noun), adhama (9/10), pl adhama.
honor (noun), fahari (9/10), pl fahari. Today we again remember these
heroes with honor.. Leo tena tunawakumbuka mashujaa hao kwa fahari
[Nyerere, Masomo 274].
honor (noun), hadhi (9/10), pl hadhi.
honor (noun), heshima (9/10), pl heshima.
honor (noun), jaha (9/10), pl jaha.
honor (noun), jaha.
honor (noun), karama (9/10), pl karama.
honor (noun), karama.
honor (noun), mnyenyekeo, pl minyenyekeo.
honor (noun), sharaf (9). with the honor of the President. kwa sharaf
ya rais.
honor (noun), pl decks, sitaha (9/10), pl sitaha.
honor (noun), pl honor, staha (9/10), pl staha.
honor (noun), taadhima (9/10), pl taadhima.
honor (noun), tunza, pl tunza, matunza.
honor (noun), tunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
honor (noun), tuza, pl matuza.
honor (noun), tuzo, pl matuzo.
honor (noun), ulwa (14).
honor (noun), ustahiki.
honor (noun), utukufu (14), pl utukufu.
honor (noun), utunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
honor (noun), utunzo.
honor (verb), -adhimisha (causative).
honor (verb), -adhimu.
honor (verb), -heshimu.
honor (verb), -jali.
honor (verb), -stahi.
honor (verb), -tukuza.
honor (mark of) (noun), maiza.
honor and respect someone (verb), -enzi.
prosperity (noun), jaha (9/10), pl jaha.
received a special honor for something (verb), -chunuka.
received a special honor for something (verb), -tunuka.
show an honor (verb), -tunza.
show someone an honor (verb), -tunukia.
treat with honor (verb), -sharifu.
your honor (noun), mtukufu (1/2), pl watukufu.
honorable (adjective), sharifu.
honorable (adjective), sherifu.
honorable (adjective), stahiki.
honorable (adjective), stahivu.
honorable (adjective), tukufu.
honorable (noun), Mheshimiwa (1/2), pl waheshimiwa.
honorable person (noun), mnyofu, pl wanyofu.
honorable person (noun), pl honorable people, mtukufu (1/2), pl watukufu.
honorary degree (noun), ukoka.
be honored (verb), -taadhimika.
be honored (verb), -tuzwa.
honored person (noun), msharafu, pl washarafu.
receive a special honor (verb), -chunuka.
hood (noun), chandarua, pl vyandarua.
hood (noun), tandarua (9/10), pl tandarua.
tendency to cause hoodlumism (noun), kisirani.
hoof (noun), makucha.
hoof (noun), ukucha, pl makucha.
hoof (of an animal) (noun), kikwato, pl vikwato.
hoof (of an animal) (noun), kwato, pl makwato.
hoof (of an animal) (noun), ukwato, pl kwato.
hoof (of an animal) (noun), ukwato, pl kwato.
hoof-and- mouth disease (noun), kimbunga cha nyama.
hoof-and-mouth disease (noun), tauni ya mnyama.
fish hook (noun), ndoana, pl ndoana.
hook (adverb), kombo.
hook (noun), chango, pl vichango.
hook (noun), hangue.
hook (noun), kota, pl makota.
hook (noun), kulabu (9/10), pl kulabu.
hook (noun), makombo.
hook (noun), kiopoo (7/8), pl viopoo.
hooked implement (noun), makombo.
hooked stick (for pulling down the branches of fruit trees) (noun),
kingoe, pl vingoe.
stick with a hooked end (noun), kiopoo (7/8), pl viopoo.
hookah (noun), buruma.
hookah (noun), kiko (7/8), pl viko.
hookah (noun), kikororo (7/8), pl vikororo.
stem of a hookah (noun), digali.
stem of hookah pipe (noun), shilamu (9/10), pl shilamu.
hooked (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
hooked implant (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
hooking of foot round opponents leg in wrestling (noun), ugoe (11), pl
hookworm (noun), uchango (11/10), pl chango.
hookworm disease (noun), safura (9).
hooligan (noun), mhuni, pl wahuni.
hooligan (noun), mkoo (1/2), pl wakoo.
hooliganism (noun), uhuni.
tendency to cause hooliganism (noun), kisirani.
hoop (noun), gango (5/6), pl magango.
hoop (noun), pete (5/6), pl mapete.
hoopoe (noun), hudhud.
ornith. Tanganyika kakelaar, hoopoe (Phoeniculus purpureus) (noun),
hoot (verb), -zoma.
hop (noun), ruko (5/6), pl maruko.
hop (verb), -chupa.
hop (verb), -ruka. take off.. ruka juu.
be hoped for (verb), -tarajiwa.
give hope to (verb), -tumainisha.
give up hope (verb), -kata tamaa.
have hopes (verb), -wa na rajua. "to hope, have hopes".. wa na rajua.
have hopes of something (verb), -tawakali.
hope (noun), matarajio, pl matarajio.
hope (noun), tamaa (9/10), pl tamaa. his/her face is full of glory,
smile and hope. uso wake umejaa fahari, tabasamu na tamaa [Moh], alijipa
tamaa [Sul].
hope (noun), tamanio (5/6), pl matamanio.
hope (noun), pl hopes, taraja (5/6), pl mataraja.
hope (noun), tumaini (5/6), pl (us. pl.).
hope (verb), -rajua. "to hope, have hopes".. wa na rajua.
hope (verb), -tamani.
hope (verb), -wa na rajua. "to hope, have hopes".. wa na rajua.
hope (verb), -tumai.
hope for (verb), -tarajia.
live in hope (phrase), -shika tamaa. (s)he met him/her seating on the
bed and with hope. alimkuta kakaa kitandani huku ameshika tama [Sul],
vyakula vizuri alivyoandikiwa mezani alivipiga bumbuazi na kuvishikia tama
live in hope (verb), -shika tamaa.
lose hope (verb), -fa moyo.
hope for (verb), -taraji.
hopeful (adjective), tumai.
hopeful (adjective), tumaini.
hopeful (adjective), tumainifu.
hopeless (of persons) (adjective), nyangalika. "This cloth is hopeless,
it does nto fit".. nguo hii ni kinyangalika haivaiki.
hopeless person (noun), mnyangalika, pl wanyangalika.
horizon (noun), upeo (11/10), pl peo.
buffalo horn (noun), mbiu (9/10), pl mbiu.
horn (noun), paanda (9/10), pl paanda. blow a horn. piga panda.
horn (noun), panda (9/10), pl panda. blow a horn. piga panda.
horn (automobile) (noun), honi.
horn (automobile) (noun), paipu (9/10), pl paipu. sound/blow an
automobile horn.. piga paipu.
horn (automobile) (noun), peipu (9/10), pl peipu. sound/blow an
automobile horn.. piga paipu.
horn (kind of) (noun), vugo, pl mavugo.
horn (large) (noun), dudumi.
horn (of an animal or the substance) (noun), pembe (9/10), pl pembe.
strike with the horns.. Kama ng'ombe aso pembe.
horn (of wood or ivory that is the emblem of a chief) (noun), siwa (5/6),
pl masiwa.
horn (used as an instrument for giving signals) (noun), baragumu, pl
musical horn (noun), gunda (5/6), pl magunda.
sound of a war horn (noun), ng'ong'a (9/10), pl ng'ong'a.
war horn (noun), ng'ong'a (9/10), pl ng'ong'a.
crowned hornbill (noun), fimbi.
crowned hornbill (noun), hondo.
crowned hornbill (noun), kwembe, pl makwembe.
hornbill (noun), filimbi.
hornet (noun), dondoro.
hornet (noun), mavu (9/10an).
hornet (noun), nyiga (5/6an), pl manyigu.
hornet (noun), pl hornets, nyigu (5/6an), pl manyigu.
wood-boring hornet (kind of) (noun), duduvule.
horrify (verb), -gutusha (causative).
horror (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
horror (noun), kikuli (7/8), pl vikuli.
horror (noun), kikuli.
horror (noun), kituko (7/8), pl vituko.
horror (noun), maafa (6).
horror story (noun), riwaya ya maafa (9/10), pl riwaya za maafa. I was
watching horror and grief. nilikuwa nikiyaona maafa na maudhi [Abd].
horse (noun), farasi (9/10), pl farasi.
like a horse (adjective), kifarasi.
mount a horse (verb), -panda farasi.
horsefly (noun), kipanga, pl vipanga.
horsefly (noun), pange (5/6an), pl mapange.
one who is given to horseplay (noun), mkupuzi, pl wakupuzi.
horsepower (noun), nguvufarasi (9/10), pl nguvufarasi.
horse-radish tree (Moringa pterigosperma) (noun), mronge, pl mironge.
hose pipe (noun), bomba (5/6), pl mabomba.
be hospitable (verb), -kirimu.
hospitable (adjective), karimu.
hospitable (adjective), takarimu.
hospitable (noun), mkaribishaji, pl wakaribishaji.
hospitable (noun), mkarimu (1/2), pl wakarimu.
hospital (noun), hospitali (9/10), pl hospitali.
hospital (noun), hospitali.
hospital (noun), sipitali (9/10), pl sipitali.
hospitality (noun), ukarimu (14), pl ukarimu.
hospitality (noun), upaji.
hospitality allowance (noun), posho ya takrima (9/10), pl posho za
host (noun), cheshi, pl macheshi.
host (noun), jeshi, pl majeshi.
host (noun), mwalishi, pl walishi.
host (noun), mwenyeji, pl wenyeji.
host of people (noun), tapo (5/6), pl matapo.
be taken hostage (verb), -tekwa.
hostage (someone held as a surety for another's debt) (noun), kole, pl
hostile (adjective), shindani.
make people hostile to each other (verb), -tesanya.
hostility (noun), adawa (9/10), pl adawa.
hostility (noun), bughudha.
hostility (noun), husuda.
hostility (noun), husuma.
hostility (noun), magombezi.
hostility (noun), magombezo.
hostility (noun), nazaa.
hostility (noun), sabasi (9/10), pl sabasi. That girl is hostile.
Msichana yule ni sabasi.
hostility (noun), uadui (14), pl uadui.
hostility (noun), uhasama.
hostility (noun), uhasidi.
hostility (noun), uhusuda.
hostility (noun), uhusuma.
hostility (noun), ukorofi.
(begin to) get hot (verb), -wia.
be hot (verb), -chemka.
be hot (verb), -chemuka.
be red-hot (verb), -meka.
hot (adjective), joto.
hot (adjective), -kali.
hot (adjective), kali.
hot (adjective), -a moto.
hot season (December to February) (noun), chaka, pl machaka.
hot-headed girl (noun), kiparamoto (7/8), pl viparamoto.
hotel (noun), hoteli (5/6), pl mahoteli.
hotel (noun), hoteli.
hotel (noun), mkahawa (3/4), pl mikahawa.
hour (noun), saa (9/10), pl saa. What time is it?. saa ngapi?.
hour of death (noun), ajali (9/10), pl ajali.
hourglass (noun), pl hourglasses, shisha (9/10), pl mashisha.
houri (noun), hurulaini, pl mahurulaini.
clay house (noun), nyumba ya udongo (9/10), pl nyumba za udongo.
framework (of a house) (noun), boma, pl maboma.
house (noun), beit. public treasury. beit al mal..
house (noun), bet.
house (noun), beti (9/10), pl beti.
house (noun), nyumba (9/10), pl nyumba. clay house.. nyumba ya udongo.
house (noun), pl houses, nyumbani (9/10), pl nyumbani.
house (verb), -laza.
house (dwelling) (noun), chengo (7/8), pl vyengo.
house (large) (noun), jumba (5/6), pl majumba.
house (small earthen with flat roof) (noun), kitembe (7/8), pl vitembe.
house (small) (noun), kijumba, pl vijumba.
house (with flat earthen roof) (noun), tembe (9/10), pl tembe.
house of ill fame (noun), dangro, pl madangro.
house of ill fame (noun), danguro, pl madanguro.
house with ridge roof (noun), shangama (9/10), pl shangama.
large house (noun), jumba, pl majumba.
person's house (noun), mastakimu (6).
stone house (noun), nyumba ya mawe (9/10), pl nyumba za mawi.
house-fly (noun), inzi (9/10an), pl inzi.
housefront (noun), gao, pl magao.
housefront (noun), ngao (9/10), pl ngao.
housefront (noun), ngao (9/10), pl ngao.
household (noun), kiambo (7/8), pl viambo.
housekeeper (noun), mngojezi, pl wangojezi.
housekeeping (noun), kiambo, pl viambo.
housekeeping (noun), unyumba.
housekeeping allowance (noun), masarifu, pl masarifu.
housekeeping money (noun), masurufu (6).
housing (noun), ukao, pl makao.
rec. housing (noun), malalo.
rec. housing (noun), malazi.
rec. housing (noun), malazo.
hover (verb), -angama.
hover (verb), -konya.
how (noun), jinsi (9/10), pl jinsi.
how (pronoun), je.
how (pronoun), vipi.
how (can it be that) (adverb), vile.
how? (adverb), mbona?.
how? (pronoun), kwaje.
how? (pronoun), -pi?. How will he do it?. atafanyapi?.
how? (pronoun), upi?.
How are you? (pronoun), U hali gani?, pl m hali gani.
however (adverb), wala.
however (conjunction), ama.
however (conjunction), bali.
however (conjunction), lakini.
however (conjunction), na.
however (conjunction), walakini.
howl (verb), -vuma.
howling (noun), nyagonyago (9/10), pl nyagonyago.
hub (eg of a wheel or bicycle) (noun), kinu, pl vinu.
hub (of a wheel) (noun), kikombe, pl vikombe.
hubbub (noun), shangwe (9/10), pl shangwe.
cause to hug (the shore) (verb), -ambaza.
hug (verb), -kumbatiana (reciprocal).
hug (the shore) (verb), -ambaa.
hug the shore (verb), -sairi.
huge (adjective), dubwana.
huge (adjective), kijitu. a huge stone fell on him.. ameangukiwa na
kijitu cha jiwe.
hull (noun), chunga.
hum (noun), fumi.
hum (noun), kivumi (7/8), pl vivumi.
hum (noun), kivumo (7/8), pl vivumo.
hum (noun), vumi.
hum (noun), vumo, pl mavumo.
hum (verb), -chata.
hum (verb), -ng'ong'a.
hum (verb), -vuma.
with a humming sound (e.g. of a spinning top) (adjective), vuru.
with a humming sound (e.g. of a spinning top) (adjective), vuruvuru.
good human qualities (noun), utu.
human (adjective), kibinadamu.
human (adjective), -a kimtumtu.
human being (noun), binadamu (9/10an). Tell me, /how do you endure/ the
pain of being separated from/your fellow human beings?. Niambie,/
wavumulia vipi/maumivu ya kutenganishwa/ na binadamu wenzako? [Alamin
Mazrui "Barua ya Mpenzi"49].
human being (noun), chumbe, pl vyumbe.
human being (noun), kiumbe (7/8an), pl viumbe.
human being (noun), kumbe, pl viumbe.
human being (noun), mahluki.
human being (noun), mahluku.
human condition (noun), hulka (9/10), pl hulka.
human nature (noun), ubinadamu (14).
human nature (noun), utu (14).
human-being (noun), mlimwengu, pl walimwengu. The people are the same
whether they eat flatbread or wholewheat bread.. Ni wamoja walimwengu, wa
chapati na wa mofa [Shaaban Robert, Masomo 425].
human-being (noun), mwulimwengu, pl waulimwengu.
human being (noun), binaadamu (9/10an), pl binadamu.
human being (noun), mtu, pl watu. man or woman.. mtu mume [mke].
human being (noun), mwanadamu (1/2), pl wanadamu.
humane (adjective), -a kiutu.
humanity (noun), huruma.
humanity (noun), ubinadamu (14).
humanity (noun), utu (14).
act humbly (verb), -nyenyekea.
be humbled (verb), -nywea (applicative).
humble (adjective), chini.
humble (adjective), dhalili.
humble (adjective), nyenyekevu. Rosa was a good girl, humble and quiet.
Rosa alikuwa msichana mzuri, mnyenyekevu na mnyamavu [Kez].
humble (verb), -inika.
humble (verb), -inikisha.
humble person (noun), mnyenyekevu (1/2), pl wanyenyekevu.
humble person (noun), mnyonge (1/2), pl wanyonge.
be humbled (verb), -shuka.
humbly (adverb), kwa matao ya chini.
humidity (noun), kinyevu (7/8), pl vinyevu.
humidity (noun), mvuke.
humidity (noun), umajimaji (14).
humidity (noun), unyefu.
humidity (noun), unyevu.
humidity (noun), unywaji.
humidity (noun), uvuke.
humilate (verb), -hakiri.
be humiliated (verb), -fedheheka (potential).
humiliate (verb), -adhiri.
humiliate (verb), -aibisha (causative).
humiliate (verb), -aziri.
humiliate (verb), -dhila.
humiliate (verb), -dhili.
humiliate (verb), -fedhehesha. He publicly humiliated me..
Alinifedhehesha hadharani [Chacha, Masomo 377].
humiliate (verb), -tahayarisha.
humiliate (verb), -tusha.
humiliate (verb), -tuzua.
humiliate (verb), -twesha.
humiliate (verb), -tweza.
humiliate a person (verb), -nyenyekelea.
humiliate someone (verb), -inikisha.
be humiliated (verb), -dhiliwa.
be humiliated (verb), -nyara.
be humiliated (verb), -shuka.
be humiliated (verb), -tahayari.
humiliated (adjective), dhilifu.
humiliation (noun), aibisho (5/6), pl maaibisho.
humiliation (noun), aibu (9/10), pl aibu.
humiliation (noun), dhila.
humiliation (noun), izara (9/10), pl izara.
humiliation (noun), mbiginyo, pl mibiginyo.
humiliation (noun), tahayuri (9/10), pl tahayuri.
humiliation (noun), udhalifu.
humiliation (noun), udhalilifu.
humiliation (noun), udhilifu (14).
humilitiy (noun), mnyenyekeo, pl minyenyekeo.
humility (noun), haya.
humility (noun), jinamizi (5/6), pl majiinamizi.
humility (noun), jinamizi, pl majinamizi.
humility (noun), taa (9/10), pl taa.
humility (noun), tahayari (9).
humility (noun), ujinamizi, pl majinamizi.
humility (noun), unyenyekeo.
humility (noun), unyenyekevu (14).
humility (noun), ushukuru.
humility (noun), uvumilivu.
humility (noun), vumilio, pl mavumilio.
teach someone humility (verb), -nyenyekelea.
humming (noun), mvuma, pl mivuma. The humming of the rain.. mvumo wa
humming (noun), mvumo, pl mivumo. The humming of the rain.. mvumo wa
humming noise (noun), uvumi.
humming noise (noun), uvumo, pl mavumo.
be out of humour (verb), -tuna.
bad humor (noun), fundo la moyo, pl mafundo.
bad humor (noun), usononi.
bad humor (noun), usununo.
good humor (noun), uchangamfu.
humor (noun), uchekeshi.
humor (noun), ucheshi (14).
humor (noun), ukafu.
humor (noun), ukavu.
humor someone's whims (verb), -endekeza (potential).
ill humor (noun), ukimwa.
humorist (noun), kibogoyo, pl vibogoyo.
humorous (adjective), bishi.
hump (noun), kibiongo (7/8), pl vibiongo.
hump (noun), kibyongo (7/8), pl vibyongo.
hump (noun), kigongo (7/8), pl vigongo.
hump (noun), kijongo, pl vijongo.
hump (noun), mgongo, pl migongo. camel's hump. mgongo wa ngamia.
hump (noun), pl humps, nundu (9/10), pl nundu.
hump (of a camel) (noun), gongo (5/6), pl magongo.
hump (of cattle) (noun), kinundu (7/8), pl vinundu.
hump (on the back) (noun), chongo.
one who hums under his breath (to calm his nerves or to soothe a child)
(noun), mtumbuizi, pl watumbuizi.
hunchback (noun), kibiongo (7/8an), pl vibiongo.
hunchback (noun), kibyongo (7/8an), pl vibyongo.
hunchback (noun), kigongo (7/8), pl vigongo.
hunchbacked (adjective), nundunundu.
hundred (adjective), mia.
by the hundreds (adverb), kwa mamia. For every soldier, where ever he
is, there must be hundreds of citizens .... Kwa kila askari, po pote
alipo, lazima waweko raia kwa mamia ... [Nyerere, Masomo 27].
hundreds (noun), mamia (6).
hundredth (noun), pl keyboards, sehemu ya mia (9/10), pl sehemu za mia.
be hung (verb), -tundikwa (passive).
be hung (verb), -tungikwa.
feel hunger (verb), -sikia njaa. I am feeling very hungry, it is time to
eat. Nasikia njaa sana, ni wakati ya kula.
hunger (noun), chadi.
hunger (noun), jadi.
hunger (noun), njaa (9/10), pl njaa. I am hungry.. nina [naona] njaa.
hunger (coll) (noun), mbembe, pl mibembe.
hunger pang (noun), kwiu.
ravenous hunger (noun), kikomba cha njaa, pl vikomba vya njaa.
be hungry (verb), -wa na njaa.
be very hungry (verb), -fa.
be very hungry (verb), -lafua.
feel hungry (verb), -ona njaa.
hunt (verb), -winda.
hunt (wild animals by driving) (verb), -saka.
hunt everywhere (verb), -tafutatafuta.
hunt for (verb), -buga.
hunt for (verb), -riaria.
hunt for (verb), -tadhibiri.
hunt for (verb), -tadubiri.
hunt for (verb), -tafuta. hunt for things. tafuta vitu.
hunt for (verb), -zengea.
hunt for (someone or something) (verb), -pekulia.
hunt for something (verb), -londea.
hunt for something (verb), -rondea.
hunt for something (verb), -rondea.
hunt out (verb), -gundua.
hunt together (verb), -windana.
what is obtained by hunting (noun), uwindo, pl mawindo.
have someone or something hunted (verb), -nukiza.
have someone or something hunted (verb), -nusa. (s)he removes the bottle
and smells out.
hunter (noun), msaka, pl wasaka.
hunter (noun), msakaji, pl wasakaji.
hunter (noun), msasi, pl wasasi.
hunter (noun), mwinda, pl wawinda.
hunter (noun), mwindaji, pl wawindaji. The hunters entered the forest;
The hunter's child followed his father to the hunting grounds.. Wawindaji
waliingia msituni; Mtoto wa mwindaji alifuatana na baba yake mpaka
mawindoni [Masomo 312].
hunter (noun), mwinzi, pl wenzi.
hunter's bag (noun), windo (5/6), pl mawindo.
equipment of hunting (noun), uwinda.
equipment of hunting (noun), uwindaji.
equipment of hunting (noun), uwinzi.
equipment of hunting (noun), windo, pl mawindo.
hunting (noun), mawindo (6).
hunting (noun), msako, pl misako.
hunting (noun), usakaji.
hunting (noun), usasi.
hunting (noun), uwinda.
hunting (noun), uwindaji.
hunting (noun), uwinzi.
hunting grounds (noun), mawindoni (6). The hunter's child followed his
father to the hunting grounds.. Mtoto wa mwindaji alifuatana na baba yake
mpaka mawindoni [Masomo 312].
methods of hunting (noun), windo, pl mawindo.
occupation of hunting (noun), uwinda.
occupation of hunting (noun), uwindaji.
occupation of hunting (noun), uwinzi.
occupation of hunting (noun), windo, pl mawindo.
hurdle (noun), kipingo, pl vipingo.
hurdle race (noun), kidaraja, pl vidaraja.
hurl (verb), -tupa.
hurl (a long distance) (verb), -vurumiza.
hurl at (verb), -hujumu.
hurl oneself (verb), -timka mbio.
hurl oneself (verb), -vundumka.
hurling (act of) (noun), mtupo, pl mitupo.
composer (noun), pl composers, mtunzi (1/2), pl watunzi.
one who hurls something (noun), mtupa, pl watupa.
hurrah! (interjection), heko.
hurricane (noun), chamchela.
hurricane (noun), dhoruba (9/10), pl dhoruba.
hurricane (noun), kimbunga (7/8), pl vimbunga.
hurricane (noun), tufani (9/10), pl tufani.
hurriedly (adverb), hima.
hurriedly (adverb), kimbio.
be in a hurry (verb), -papia.
be in a hurry (verb), -taharaki.
be in a hurry (verb), -taharuki.
be in a hurry to do something (verb), -fanya pupa ya. I did not want to
be in a hurry to do (something) since he would have found me out.
sikutaka kufanya pupa maana angening'amua [Ya].
hurry (adjective), haraka.
hurry (adverb), papara.
hurry (noun), haraka.
hurry (noun), hima.
hurry (noun), kasi.
hurry (noun), kikaka (7/8), pl vikaka.
hurry (noun), papio (5/6), pl mapapio.
hurry (noun), pupa (9/10), pl pupa. be in a hurry to do something..
fanya pupa ya.
hurry (noun), tutuo (5/6), pl matutuo.
hurry (noun), uchoyo.
hurry (noun), uzohari (14).
hurry (verb), -harakisha.
hurry (verb), -harakisha (causative).
hurry (verb), -himiza.
hurry up (verb), -chapuka (potential).
Hurry up! (adverb), chapuchapu!.
hurry up! (interj.) (adverb), chapuchapu.
in a hurry (adverb), -a hima.
in a hurry (adverb), kakakaka.
in a hurry (adverb), kimagamaga.
feel hurt (verb), -sononeka (intransitive).
get hurt (verb), -umia.
hurt (noun), dhara (5/6), pl madhara.
hurt (noun), uma.
hurt (verb), -cheneta.
hurt (verb), -choma.
hurt (verb), -dhuru. I won't hurt you, but I will hurt other people..
Sitakudhuru, lakini nitawadhuru watu wengine [Masomo 246].
hurt (verb), -fyanda.
hurt (verb), -miza.
hurt (verb), -onza.
hurt (verb), -pekecha. my bones hurt.. mifupa yangu inanipekecha.
hurt (verb), -peketa. my bones hurt.. mifupa yangu inanipekecha.
hurt (verb), -saki.
hurt (verb), -tesa.
hurt (verb), -udhi.
hurt (verb), -umiza.
hurt (verb), -vuaza.
hurt (verb), -wanga.
hurt (verb), -washa.
hurt a sore (verb), -tonesha (kidonda) (causative).
hurt each other (verb), -umana (reciprocal).
hurt each other (verb), -umizana.
hurt oneself (verb), -kunyua.
hurt someone by inadvertently bumping a sore or wound (verb), -tonesha.
hurt someone by inadvertently bumping a sore or wound (verb), -tonosha.
hurt the feelings of (verb), -nyanyasa.
fail to find a husband at the proper age (verb), -china.
husband (noun), baba watoto, pl baba watoto.
husband (noun), pl husbands, mume (1/2), pl waume.
not find a husband (fig.) (verb), -doda.
hush! (interjection), uss!.
empty husk (noun), bufuu, pl mabufuu.
empty husk (noun), bupu, pl mabupu.
empty husk (noun), bupura, pl mabupura.
empty husk (noun), ukumvi.
empty husk (of grain) (noun), kununu (5/6), pl makununu.
empty husks of grain (noun), mapepe (6).
husk (noun), fuu (5/6), pl mafuu.
husk (noun), fuvu (5/6), pl mafuvu.
husk (noun), ganda (5/6), pl maganda.
husk (noun), ukumvi (11/10), pl kumvi.
husk (verb), -menya. peel manioc (potatoes).. menya muhogo.
husk (grain or beans) (verb), -chambua.
husk (grain or beans) (verb), -chamvua.
husk (of grain) (noun), kaka, pl makaka.
husk grain (in a mortar) (verb), -twanga.
leathery husk of betel-nuts (noun), ubango (11/10), pl bango.
grain-husks (noun), mapepe.
husks (noun), kapi, pl makapi.
husks (noun), shapo (5/6), pl mashapo.
husks (noun), wishwa (9/10), pl wishwa.
husks (of fruit, grain, etc., left after squeezing or pounding) (noun),
hustle (noun), mbio (9/10), pl mbio.
hustle (verb), -harakisha.
hustle and bustle (verb), -shamrashamra.
hut (noun), banda, pl mabanda.
hut (noun), kibanda (7/8), pl vibanda.
hut (noun), kijumba (7/8), pl vijumba.
hut (noun), kijumba, pl vijumba.
hut for a watchman (noun), dungu, pl madungu.
hutch (noun), kizimba (7/8), pl vizimba.
hybrid (noun), suriama (5/6an), pl masuriama.
hydraulic (adjective), majimaji. hydraulic press.. mkandamizo wa
hydrocele (noun), mshipa, pl mishipa.
hydrophobia (noun), kalab.
hyena (noun), fisi (9/10an), pl fisi.
hyena (noun), kikuto, pl vikuto.
hyena (large striped) (noun), shundwa (9/10an), pl shundwa.
like a hyena (adverb), kifisifisi.
spotted hyena (noun), kingubwa, pl vingugwa.
spotted hyena (noun), kingugwa, pl vingugwa.
hymen (noun), kizinda, pl vizinda.
hymen (noun), ubikira.
hymen (noun), ungo (5/6), pl maungo.
hymen (noun), ungo.
hymn (noun), uimbo.
hymn (noun), wimbo, pl nyimbo.
hypochondriac (noun), mwenye kinyongo.
hypocrisy (noun), danganyo, pl madanganyo.
hypocrisy (noun), kimasomaso.
hypocrisy (noun), masingizo.
hypocrisy (noun), unafiki (14).
hypocrisy (noun), unafiki.
hypocrisy (noun), uzandiki.
hypocrite (noun), Kabwela, pl makabwela.
hypocrite (noun), mnafiki (1/2), pl wanafiki.
hypocrite (noun), mpyoro (1/2), pl wapyoro.
hypocrite (noun), mzandiki, pl wazandiki, mazandiki.
hypocrite (noun), zandiki, pl wazandiki, mazandiki.
play the hypocrite (verb), -rai.
play the hypocrite (verb), -rairai.
play the hypocrite (verb), -zandiki.
be hypocritical (verb), -pembeja.
be hypocritical (verb), -tabasamu.
hypothesis (noun), dhanio (5/6), pl madhanio.
hypothesis (noun), wazo, pl mawazo.
hyrax (noun), pelele (9/10an), pl pelele.
hyrax (noun), pl hyraxes, pimbi (9/10an), pl pimbi.
hyrax (noun), wibari (9/10an), pl wibari.


I (pronoun), mimi.
I (pronoun), miye.
I (myself) (pronoun), mie. I am not ready to converse with a person who
is guided by a bird, I myself.. Si tayari kuzungumza na mtu anayeongozwa
na ndege mie [Chacha, Masomo 378].
I'm the one! (interjection), ndimi.
I am coming (interjection), abee.
I am fine (interjection), sijambo. we are fine. hatujambo.
I am okay (interjection), sijambo. we are okay. hatujambo.
I say (interjection), aisei.
i.e. (conjunction), yaani.
Ibadites (sect of) (noun), Ibadhi.
ibis (species of) (noun), kwarara.
ice (noun), barafu (9/10), pl barafu.
id est (conjunction), yaani.
idea (noun), dhana.
idea (noun), fikara.
idea (noun), fikira.
idea (noun), fikra.
idea (noun), nia (9/10), pl nia.
idea (noun), rai (9/10), pl rai. (s)he had no strategy nor idea of how
to save her(him)self. hakuwa na hila wala rai ya kujiokoa [Moh].
idea (noun), utungo.
idea (noun), wazo, pl mawazo.
idea (of a literary work) (noun), maandishi, pl maandishi.
fig. ideal (noun), kipeo, pl vipeo. he got a good thrashing.
identify (verb), -tambulisha.
identity (noun), umoja.
ideology (noun), itikadi (9/10), pl itikadi.
idiom (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
idiom (noun), nahau, pl nahau.
idiot (noun), baradhuli (5/6), pl mabaradhuli.
idiot (noun), bozi, pl mabozi.
idiot (noun), hayawani (9/10), pl hayawani.
idiot (noun), juha (5/6), pl majuha.
idiot (noun), jura (5/6), pl majura.
idiot (noun), mjinga (1/2), pl wajinga.
idiot (noun), punguani (5/6an), pl mapunguani.
idiot (noun), zugezuge, pl mazugezuge.
be idle (verb), -gaagaa.
be idle (verb), -huni.
be idle (verb), -jikalia.
be idle (verb), -lega.
be idle (verb), -legarega.
be idle (verb), -regarega.
be idle (verb), -tanga.
be idle (verb), -tangatanga.
cause to be idle (verb), -tangaza (causative).
cause to be idle (verb), -tangisha (causative).
idle (adjective), goigoi.
idle (adjective), legevu.
idle (adjective), -tepetevu.
idle (adjective), -vivu.
idle (adjective), -zembe.
idle person (noun), mzembe, pl wazembe.
idle talk (noun), porojo (5/6), pl maporojo. The had idle talk.
Walizungumza porojo.
in an idle manner (adverb), kizembe.
idle person (noun), mkulivu, pl wakulivu.
idleness (noun), ubozi (14).
idleness (noun), ubwete.
idleness (noun), ukunguni.
idleness (noun), uvivu (14).
idleness (noun), uzembe.
idler (noun), mfujaji, pl wafujaji.
idler (noun), mkunguni (1/2), pl wakunguni.
idler (noun), mparuzi (1/2), pl waparuzi.
idler (noun), mtembezaji, pl watembezaji.
idler (noun), mtembezi, pl watembezi.
idler (noun), mtepetevu, pl watepetevu.
idler (noun), pl idlers, mvivu (1/2), pl wavivu.
idling (noun), mtango, pl mitango.
idling (noun), tango (5/6), pl matango.
idol (noun), sanamu (9/10), pl sanamu. idol worship. ibada ya sanamu..
if (conjunction), ijapo.
if (conjunction), ikiwa.
if (conjunction), ikiwa.
if (conjunction), iwapo.
if (conjunction), iwapo.
if (conjunction), kama.
if (conjunction), kama.
if (conjunction), madhali.
if (conjunction), pindi.
if (conjunction), pindi.
if (conjunction), taaraa. If (s)he comes. taaraa akija.
if (conjunction), taraa. if (s)he comes. taraa akija.
if (only) (conjunction), asaa.
if not (conjunction), waima.
if only! (conjunction), laiti!.
if not (conjunction), isipokuwa.
if not (conjunction), kama laula.
ignite (verb), -simbu.
ignite (a fire) (verb), -sumba.
ignorance (noun), giza.
ignorance (noun), kutokujua.
ignorance (noun), uhayawani.
ignorance (noun), ujinga (14).
ignorance (noun), ujinga.
ignorance (noun), ujuhula.
ignorance (noun), upumbavu.
ignorance (noun), uzuzu.
be ignorant (verb), -pumbaa.
ignorant (adjective), jahili.
ignorant (adjective), -jinga.
ignorant (adjective), jinga.
ignorant (adjective), pumbavu. (s)he was perceived as an ignorant person
due to his/her stupidity. Alionekana mtu mpumbavu kwa vitendo vyake.
ignorant (adjective), zuzu.
ignorant person (noun), chachili, pl machachili.
ignorant person (noun), mjinga (1/2), pl wajinga.
ignorant person (noun), mpemba, pl wapemba.
ignore (verb), -dharau.
ignore (verb), -puuza. (s)he waited for Idi to say a word but he ignored
him/her. alimngojea Idi atamke neno, lakini yeye alipuuza tu [Sul],
alijipa kumpuuza Biti Kocho [Moh].
ignore (verb), -turufu.
allow to become ill (verb), -uguza.
allowance made in weighing for weight of package or vehicle (noun),
turuhani (9/10), pl turuhani.
be ill (verb), -sakimu.
be ill (verb), -umwa.
be ill (used in negative) (verb), -weza.
be ill at ease (verb), -toona raha.
fall ill (noun), ugua.
feel ill (verb), -sua.
feel ill (verb), -sulika.
ill (adjective), -gonjwa.
ill will (noun), wivu (11).
speak ill of each other (verb), -raruana. This cloth will not rip..
kitambaa hiki hakiraruki.
ill will (noun), uwivu.
ill-bred (adjective), chepe.
ill-bred (adjective), tundu.
ill-bred fellow (noun), kisonoko (7/8an), pl visonoko.
ill-bred person (noun), mpemba, pl wapemba.
ill-bred person (noun), msafihi, pl wasafihi.
ill-bred person (noun), msafii, pl wasafii.
ill-bred person (noun), twana, pl matwana.
ill-disposed person (noun), bweshu, pl mabweshu.
ill-feeling (noun), kinyongo (7/8), pl vinyongo.
ill-feeling (noun), mnazaa, pl minazaa.
ill humor (noun), gubu.
ill-humor (noun), chuki (9/10), pl chuki.
ill-humor (noun), mfundo, pl mifundo.
ill-humored person (noun), mkimwa, pl wakimwa.
ill-mannered (adjective), nyeta.
ill-mannered (adjective), shenzi.
ill-mannered person (noun), mshaufu, pl washaufu.
ill-off (noun), chai ya rangi (9/10), pl chai za rangi.
ill-omened (adjective), churo.
ill-omened animal (noun), chimvi (5/6), pl machimvi.
ill-omened child or animal (noun), kigego (7/8), pl vigego.
ill-omened person (noun), kausha, pl wakausha, vikausha.
ill-temper (noun), ukorofi.
ill-treatment (noun), maonevu (6).
ill-will (noun), adawa (9/10), pl adawa.
ill-will (noun), sabasi (9/10), pl sabasi.
ill-will (noun), uhasama.
ill-will (noun), uhasidi.
ill-will (noun), uhusuda.
ill-will (noun), uhusuma.
illegal (adjective), haramu.
illegal (adjective), -a kuruka.
illegality (noun), uharamu.
illegible handwriting (noun), kichoro, pl vichoro.
illegitimate (adjective), haramu.
any illness involving the nerves or muscles (noun), mshipa, pl mishipa.
"neuralgia, sciatica".. maradhi ya mshipa.
be seized by an illness (verb), -patwa ugongwa. be seized by illness.
patwa ugonjwa.
illness (noun), chirwa (9/10), pl chirwa.
illness (noun), gonjwa (5/6), pl magonjwa.
illness (noun), maradhi (6).
illness (noun), maradhi.
illness (noun), marazi.
illness (noun), pl illnesses, radhi (9/10), pl radhi.
illness (noun), shari (9/10), pl shari.
illness (noun), uele (11/10), pl ndwele.
illness (noun), ugonjwa (11/6), pl magonjwa.
illness (noun), uwele (11/10), pl ndwele.
suffer an illness (verb), -pata ugonjwa.
illuminate (verb), -angaza.
illuminate (verb), -nurisha.
illuminate (verb), -tia nuru.
illuminate (verb), -zagaa.
illumination (noun), anga, pl maanga.
illumination (noun), nuru (9/10), pl nuru. "emit light, shine".. toa
illumination (noun), uwasho.
be under the illusion (that) (verb), -jidanganya (reflexive).
illusion (noun), mauzauza.
illusion (noun), mazingaombwe, pl mazingaombwe.
illusion (noun), mazingaumbo, pl mazingaumbo.
illusion (noun), uongo.
illusion (noun), urongo.
illusion (noun), uwongo.
illusion (noun), wongo.
optical illusion (noun), mazigazi (6).
optical illusion (noun), mazigazi, pl mazigazi.
illustration (noun), kielezo, pl vielezo.
illustrator (noun), mfafanusi, pl wafafanusi.
illustrator (noun), mwonyeshaji, pl waonyeshaji.
image (noun), sanamu (9/10), pl sanamu. image of worship. ibada ya
image (noun), pl images, taswira (9/10), pl taswira.
imaginary (verb), -bunika.
imagination (noun), uwazo.
imaginative person (noun), mwaza, pl waaza.
imaginative person (noun), mwazaji, pl waazaji.
imaginative person (noun), mwazi, pl waazi.
imagine (verb), -aza.
imagine (verb), -dhani.
imagine (verb), -elekeza (causative).
imagine (verb), -waza.
imagine (verb), -waza.
imam (noun), imamu.
Imam (Moslem cleric) (noun), imamu (1/2), pl imamu.
imbecile (noun), hayawani.
imbecile (noun), zugezuge, pl mazugezuge.
imbue (verb), -rishai. Her/his face has imbued pain. uso wake umerishai
uchungu [Muk], [msisitizo ule] ukapenya kwenye bongo lake na kurishai
ndani ya fahamu yake [Moh].
imitate (verb), -eleleza.
imitate (verb), -fuata.
imitate (verb), -iga.
imitate (verb), -igiza.
imitate (verb), -oleleza.
imitate (verb), -oleza.
imitate (verb), -rasimu.
imitate someone (verb), -igia.
imitating (act of) (noun), mwigo, pl miigo.
imitation (noun), bandia (9/10), pl bandia.
imitation (noun), igizo (5/6), pl maigizo.
imitation (noun), igizo, pl maigizo.
imitation (noun), manuku.
imitation (noun), manukuu.
imitation (noun), mchanganyo, pl michanganyo.
imitation (noun), uigaji (14).
imitation (noun), uigizaji.
imitator (noun), mwendelezi, pl waendelezi.
imitator (noun), mwiga, pl waiga.
imitator (noun), mwigaji, pl waigaji.
imitator (noun), mwigishaji, pl waigishaji.
immaculate (adjective), nakawa.
immaterial (adverb), mamoja. whether you come or not is immaterial to
me. ukija usije, kwangu ni mamoja.
immature (adjective), -bichi.
immature (adjective), biti.
immature (adjective), -changa.
immature (adjective), changa.
immature (noun), kinda (5/6an), pl makinda.
immature thing (noun), pooza (5/6), pl mapooza.
immaturity (noun), ubichi.
immaturity (noun), uchanga.
something immeasurable (noun), bahari (9/10), pl bahari.
immediately (adverb), halan.
immediately (adverb), halani.
immediately (adverb), mara.
immediately (adverb), mara. once. mara moja.
immediately (adverb), mara moja.
immediately (adverb), sasa hivi.
immediately (interjection), halahala!.
from time immemorial (adverb), tokeapo.
immensity (noun), bahari (9/10), pl bahari.
be immersed (verb), -chovywa.
be immersed (verb), -zama.
immerse (verb), -chovya.
immerse (something) (verb), -zamisha.
immigrant (noun), mhamiaji (1/2), pl wahamiaji.
immigration (noun), uhamaji.
immigration (noun), uhamiaji (14).
immoderation (noun), ubadhiri.
immoderation (noun), ubadhirifu.
be immodest (verb), -jipuchua. strip off the grains of an ear of maize..
pujua mahindi.
be immodest (verb), -jipujua. strip off the grains of an ear of maize..
pujua mahindi.
be immodest (verb), -jipujua.
immodest (adjective), pujufu.
immodest (adjective), pujuzi.
immoral (sexually) (adjective), zinifu.
immoral living (noun), tembezi, pl matembezi.
immoral person (noun), fasiki.
immoral person (noun), mzinifu, pl wazinifu.
immoral person (noun), mzinzi, pl wazinzi.
immoral person (one who violates the Islamic code of marriage morals)
(noun), mwasherati, pl waasherati.
immoral woman (noun), mbembe, pl wabembe.
immoral woman (noun), mbembelezi, pl wabembelezi.
immoral woman (noun), mbembezi, pl wabembezi.
immoral life (noun), upotevu.
immorality (noun), uasherati.
immorality (noun), ufasiki.
immorality (noun), ufisadi (14).
immorality (noun), uhuni (14), pl uhuni.
immorality (noun), uovu, pl maovu.
immorality (noun), utalaleshi.
immorality (noun), utongozaji.
immorality (noun), utongozi.
immorality (noun), uzinifu.
immorality (noun), washerati.
immorality (noun), washerati.
immorality (sexual) (noun), zani (9).
sexual immorality (noun), uzinifu.
sexual immorality (noun), zina.
sexual immorality (noun), zinaa.
be immovable (verb), -simama.
immovably (adverb), tisti.
immunize (verb), -chanja.
immutability (noun), faradhi.
impact (noun), athari (9/10), pl athari.
impact (noun), dafrao, pl dafrao. two automobiles collided. motokaa
mbili ziligongona (pigana) dafrao. [Rec].
impact (noun), dafurao, pl dafurao.
impact (noun), dharba.
impact (noun), dharuba.
impact (noun), kipigo, pl vipigo.
impact (noun), mapambano.
impact (noun), mkutuo (3/4), pl mikutuo.
impact (noun), mpiganisho, pl mipiganisho.
impact (noun), pambano (5/6), pl mapambano.
impala (noun), kinokero, pl vinokero.
impala (noun), swara (9/10an), pl swara.
impart knowledge (verb), -hekimiza.
be impartial (verb), -adili.
impartial (adjective), adili.
impartial (adjective), adilifu.
impartial (adjective), pl translation for applicative, -baki.
impartial (adjective), sawa.
impartiality (noun), adili (5/6), pl maadili.
expresses impatience (interjection), aka.
expresses impatience (interjection), ala.
expresses impatience (interjection), ama.
expression of impatience (interjection), aka.
impatience (noun), shauku (9/10), pl shauku. (s)he is impatient with
them. ana shauku nao..
impatience (noun), tutuo (5/6), pl matutuo.
be impatient (verb), -angaika.
be impatient (verb), -choka.
be impatient (verb), -hangaika.
be impatient (verb), -tukuta.
impatient (adjective), epesi.
impatient person (noun), mjuba, pl wajuba.
be impeded (verb), -shindikiza.
be impeded (verb), -shindizika.
impede (verb), -shindisha.
impede (verb), -shindiza.
impede (verb), -taaradhi.
impede (verb), -taaradhia.
impede (verb), -viza.
person who impedes others (noun), mkinga, pl wakinga.
impediment (noun), dokezi, pl madokezi.
impediment (noun), inda (9/10), pl inda.
impediment (noun), kikwazo, pl vikwazo.
impediment (noun), kizuio, pl vizuio.
impediment (noun), kizuizi, pl vizuizi.
impediment (noun), kwao, pl makwao.
impediment (noun), kwazo (5/6), pl makwazo.
impediment (noun), kwazo, pl makwazo.
impediment (noun), mfungizo, pl mifungizo.
impediment (noun), mgogoro, pl migogoro.
impediment (noun), mkingamo (3/4), pl mikingamo.
impediment (noun), pingamizi (9/10), pl pingamizi. "We want to make
peace, but there are many impediments".. tunataka kufanya amani lakini
kuna pingamizi nyingi.
speech defect (noun), utasi.
speech impediment (noun), kitata (7/8), pl vitata.
speech impediment (noun), utasi.
impel (verb), -choma.
impel (verb), -chonjomoa.
impel (verb), -gofyagofya.
impel (verb), -himia.
impel (verb), -elemea.
impel (verb), -lemea.
be impenetrable (verb), -fungamana.
impenetrable (adjective), zito.
imperfect (adjective), pungufu.
imperfection (noun), dosari (9/10), pl dosari.
imperfection (noun), dosari.
imperial (noun), kionja mchuzi, pl vionja mchuzi.
imperialism (noun), istiimari.
imperialism (noun), ubeberu.
imperialist (noun), beberu (5/6an), pl mabeberu.
imperialist (noun), bepari (5/6), pl mabepari.
imperialist (noun), kaburu, pl makaburu.
imperialistic (adjective), kibeberu.
imperil (verb), -hatarisha.
impertinence (noun), ujuvi (14).
be impertinent (verb), -mena.
impertinent (adjective), kijuvi.
impertinent person (noun), mdadisi, pl wadadisi.
impertinent person (noun), mtafiti, pl watafiti.
impetous person (noun), msukumizi, pl wasukumizi.
become more impetuous (verb), -shika moto.
impetus (noun), pinduli (5/6), pl mapinduli.
implement (noun), ala (9/10), pl ala (nyala, maala).
implement (noun), chombo (7/8), pl vyombo.
implement (noun), kifaa, pl vifaa. household implements. vifaa vya
implement (noun), samani (9/10), pl samani.
implement (hoe, knife, pencil) that has been worn down by mcuh use
(noun), kichlema, pl viselema.
implement (hoe, knife, pencil) that has been worn down by mcuh use
(noun), kiselema, pl viselema.
one who implements (noun), mtekelezaji, pl watekelezaji.
implied (adjective), -fahamivu.
implore (verb), -bembeleza (causative).
implore (verb), -nasihi.
implore (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
implore (verb), -omba.
implore (verb), -omboleza.
implore (verb), -rongaronga.
implore (verb), -sihi.
implore (verb), -sujudu.
implore on one's knees (verb), -sogonea. she implored her husband.
alimsogonea mumewe [Moh].
impolite person (noun), twana, pl matwana.
impolitely (adverb), juu kwa juu.
importation (noun), kuingiza.
be imported (verb), -ingia.
import (verb), -ingiza.
import (merchandise) (verb), -ingiliza.
importance (noun), karama.
importance (noun), makubwa.
importance (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu.
importance (noun), takaramu (9/10), pl takaramu.
importance (noun), takarimu (9/10), pl takaramu.
importance (noun), ukabaila.
importance (noun), ukubwa.
importance (noun), umuhimu (14).
act important (verb), -ringa.
be important (verb), -tukuka.
important (adjective), pl ., adhimu. It is not easy to measure this
significant work of his. Kazi yake hii adhimu aifanyayo si rahisi
kukadirika [Masomo 395].
important (adjective), aula.
important (adjective), kikabaila.
important (adjective), kubwa.
important (adjective), -kuu.
important (adjective), maalum.
important (adjective), maarufu. Mangrove trees and fish are important in
Lamu.. Mikoko na samaki ni maarfu Lamu [Masomo 153].
important (adjective), mashuhuri.
important (adjective), muhimu.
important (adjective), tangulifu.
important (adjective), tukufu.
important event (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani.
important man (noun), kabaila (5/6), pl makabaila.
important matter (noun), makubwa.
important matter (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno.
important person (noun), kabaila, pl makabaila.
important person (noun), kichwa, pl vichwa.
important person (noun), mtukufu, pl watukufu.
important person (noun), shehe (5/6an), pl mashehe.
important person (noun), sheikh (5/6an), pl masheikh.
important person (noun), shekhe (5/6an), pl mashekhe.
important person (noun), sheki (5/6an), pl masheki.
importantly (adverb), adhimu.
importation (of merchandise) (noun), uingizaji.
imported goods (brought by ship) (noun), meli. kind of imported rice..
mpunga wa meli.
importing (noun), kuingiza.
be importunate (verb), -nonga.
importunate (adjective), ng'ang'anivu.
importunate person (noun), mkero, pl wakero.
importunate person (noun), msumbufu, pl wasumbufu.
make importunate (verb), -nonza.
one who begs importunately (noun), mtashi, pl watashi.
be importune (verb), -chaga.
importunity (noun), gubu.
importunity (noun), kero (9/10), pl kero.
importunity (noun), utashi.
impose (verb), -dukisa.
impose (verb), -toza.
impose oneself (verb), -dukiza.
impose something on someone (verb), -pasisha.
impossibility (noun), mhali.
impossibility (noun), muhali.
impossibility (noun), umhali.
impossible (adjective), muhali.
impossible (adjective), nyangalika.
impossible (adverb), hayamkini.
impossible (adverb), hayumkini.
something impossible (noun), umhali.
imposture (noun), udanganyifu.
imposture (noun), ulaghai.
imposture (noun), uragai.
impotence (noun), uzimbezimbe (14).
impotence (sexual) (noun), mkuwadi, pl wakuwadi.
impotence (sexual) (noun), mkwadi, pl wakawadi.
be impotent (verb), -pooza. an impotent man.. mwenye kupooza.
impotent (adjective), siofaa.
impotent male who acts as a servant to women (lit.grinder of sandalwood;)
(noun), msagaliwa, pl wasagaliwa.
impotent man (noun), jongoo.
impotent man (sexually) (noun), hanithi, pl hanithi, mahanithi.
impotent man who acts as a servant to women (noun), shoga (5/6an), pl
sexually impotent man (euph.) (noun), jongoo (5/6), pl majongoo.
impoverised person (noun), mfilisika, pl wafilisika.
be impoverished (verb), -ruzu.
be impoverished (verb), -tabakwa.
become impoverished (verb), -fukarika.
become impoverished (verb), -tabakwa.
impoverishment (noun), ganjo (5/6), pl maganjo.
impoverishment (noun), upotevu.
impracticability (noun), mhali.
impracticability (noun), muhali.
impracticability (noun), umhali.
impracticability (noun), umhali.
imprecation (noun), apizo, pl maapizo.
imprecation (noun), laana. S/he has the curse of his/her parents.. ana
laana la wazazi wake [Rec].
imprecation (noun), lana.
impress (verb), -kandamiza.
make a deep impression (verb), -athiri.
give a wrong impression (verb), -jinyausha.
impression (noun), chapa.
impression (noun), ono (5/6), pl maono.
imprison (verb), -funga.
imprison (verb), -nyara.
imprisoned (adverb), kifungoni.
imprisonment (noun), rimende (9/10), pl rimende. put in prison.. weka
imprisonment (noun), rumande (9/10), pl rumande. put in prison.. weka
imprisonment (noun), rumenda (9/10), pl rumenda. put in prison.. weka
improve (verb), -dubu.
improve (verb), -inukia.
improve (verb), -ongoa.
improve (verb), -pona.
improve (verb), -selehi.
improve (verb), -suluhi.
improve (verb), -suluhu.
improve (health) (verb), -nafuu.
improve the soil (verb), -rutubisha.
improvement (noun), pl plural?, ashekali. note improvement. -ona ~.
improvement (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
improvement (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
improvement (noun), mwendeleo, pl maendeleo.
improvement (noun), nafuu. He is improving/getting better.. amepata
improvement (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
improvement (noun), ujambo.
imprudent person (noun), msafihi, pl wasafihi.
imprudent person (noun), msafii, pl wasafii.
impudence (noun), uchokozi, pl machokozi.
impudence (noun), ufedhuli.
impudence (noun), ufidhuli.
impudence (noun), ufyozi.
impudence (noun), ujuvi.
impudence (noun), ukafu.
impudence (noun), ukavu (14).
impudence (noun), unyeti.
impudence (noun), usafihi.
be impudent (verb), -mena.
be impudent (verb), -pekecheka.
be impudent (verb), -peketeka.
impudent (adjective), chagina.
impudent (adjective), fidhulika.
impudent (adjective), kavu.
impudent (adjective), kijuvi. talk impudently.. sema kijuvi.
impudent (adjective), tundu.
impudent (verb), -juvi.
impudent person (noun), fedhuli, pl mafedhuli.
impudent person (noun), feguli, pl mafeguli.
impudent person (noun), fezuli, pl mafezuli.
impudent person (noun), fidhuli, pl mafidhuli.
impudent person (noun), mchunguzi, pl wachunguzi.
impudent person (noun), mjuvi, pl wajuvi.
impudent person (noun), safihi (9/10an), pl safihi. an unjust person is
an impudent person. Mtu mjeuri ni safihi.
impudent person (noun), safii (9/10an), pl safii. an imprudent person.
mtu safii.
impulse (noun), mchocheo, pl michocheo.
impulse (noun), mchocheo (3/4), pl michocheo.
impulse (noun), mchocho, pl michocheo.
impulse (noun), usukumizi (14).
impure (adjective), najisi.
impure person (noun), mnajisi, pl wanajisi.
impurity (period of forty days after parturition during which a woman is
considered to be impure) (noun), kijusi, pl vijusi.
legal impurity (noun), kijusi (7/8), pl vijusi.
ritual impurity (noun), unajisi.
ritual impurity (after sexual intercourse) (noun), chanaba.
ritual impurity of a new-born child until it has been ceremonially washed
(noun), udusi.
ritual impurity of the puerpera and the baby after the delivery (noun),
ujusi (14).
imputation (noun), mashitaka. procure charges..
imputation (noun), mashitakiano. procure charges..
imputation (noun), mashtaka. procure charges..
imputation (noun), mashtakiano. procure charges..
imputation (noun), pl accusations, shtaka (5/6), pl mashtaka.
be in something (pronoun), kimo.
be in something (verb), vimo.
he is in there (verb), yumo.
in (adverb), katika.
in (preposition), bi.
in (preposition), fi.
in (preposition), katika.
in (preposition), ndani.
in (temporal) (preposition), mnamo.
in here (pronoun), humu, pl humu.
in that very place (adjective), papo. in that very place. papo hapo.
it is in there (verb), yamo.
she is in there (verb), yumo.
they are in (verb), -zimo.
they are in there (verb), yamo.
in any case (conjunction), kwa kila hali.
in case (conjunction), endapo.
in future (adverb), alafu.
in haste (adjective), mbio.
in line (adverb), chanjari.
have in mind (verb), -ania.
in order that (conjunction), angao.
in order that (conjunction), -angalao.
in that place (pronoun), pale. in that place.. mahali pale.
be in time (for something) (verb), -diriki.
in turn (adverb), kwa zamu.
in vain (adjective), bure. do work in vain. fanya kazi buri.
in vain (adverb), bilashi.
in vain (adverb), bileshi.
in-law (relative by marriage) (noun), mkwe (1/2), pl wakwe.
in-laws (noun), ukwe.
inability to speak (noun), utasi (14).
make inaccessible (verb), -finga.
inactive (adjective), goigoi.
inactive (verb), -jikalia.
inactivity (noun), ugoigoi.
inactivity (noun), ulitima.
inactivity (noun), ultima.
inactivity (noun), uritima.
inadequacy (noun), punguo (5/6), pl mapunguo.
inadequacy (noun), uhaba.
inadequacy (noun), uhafifu.
inadequacy (noun), upunguaji.
inadequacy (noun), upungufu, pl mapungufu.
inadequate (adjective), adimu.
inane (adjective), chege.
inarticulateness (noun), utasi (14).
be inattentive (verb), -kukusa.
be inattentive (verb), -jipurukusha.
be inattentive (verb), -sahau.
be inattentive (verb), -sinzia.
be inattentive (verb), -taghafali.
cause to be inattentive (verb), -sahaulisha.
inattentive (adjective), sahaulifu.
listen inattentively (verb), -purukusa sikio.
listen inattentively (verb), -purukusha sikio. (s)he listened
inattentively, when (s)he was told of his/her mistakes. Alipurukusha
masikio, wakati alipoelezwa kosa lake.
talk inattentively (verb), -purukusa maneno.
talk inattentively (verb), -purukusha maneno.
inattentiveness (noun), ulegeo.
inattentiveness (noun), ulegevu.
inattentiveness (noun), upurukushaji.
inattentiveness (noun), upurukushani.
inattentiveness (noun), upurukusho.
inaugurate (as a ruler) (verb), -aenzi.
inaugurate (as ruler) (verb), -enzi.
inaugurate (as ruler) (verb), -ezi.
inaugurate (verb), -tawalisha.
inaugurate (verb), -tawaza (causative).
inaugurate (a building) (verb), -zindua.
inauguration (noun), zinduo, pl mazinduo.
inauguration ceremony (noun), mzinduko, pl mizinduko.
inauguration ceremony (noun), mzinduo, pl mizinduo.
incantation (noun), dua.
pronounce incantations (in preparing medicines) (verb), -tabana.
incendiarism (noun), uchomaji.
incendiary (noun), mchomaji, pl wachomaji.
incendiary (noun), mtiaji, pl watiaji.
burn incense (verb), -fukisha.
burn incense (verb), -fukiza.
burn incense (verb), -vukiza.
burning incense (act of) (noun), kifukizo (7/8), pl vifukizo.
burning incense (act of) (noun), kivukizo (7/8), pl vifukizo.
burning of incense (noun), ufukizo.
incense (noun), buhuri.
incense (noun), fukizo (5/6), pl mafukizo.
incense (noun), kifukizo, pl vifukizo, vivukizo.
incense (noun), kivukizo, pl vifukizo, vivukizo.
incense (noun), ubani (11).
incense (noun), uvumba (14).
vessel for burning incense (noun), maziga, pl maziga.
incense burner (noun), chetezo.
incentive (noun), kishawishi (7/8), pl vishawishi.
inception (noun), auwali, pl auwali.
inception (noun), awali (9/10), pl awali.
inception (noun), uanzishaji.
incessantly (adverb), dabal moja.
incessantly (adverb), moto mmoja.
inch (noun), inchi (9/10), pl inchi.
inch (2.5 cm.) (noun), inchi.
incident (noun), fursa.
incident (noun), mkasa (3/4), pl mikasa.
incident (noun), tukio, pl matukio.
incision (noun), chale (9/10), pl chale.
incision (noun), chanjo, pl machanjo.
incision (noun), mkato (3/4), pl mikato.
incision (noun), tojo (9/10), pl tojo.
incision (noun), uchale.
incision (small) (noun), mtai, pl mitai. to scratch.. piga mtai.
incision made in the ritual of blood brotherhood (noun), sare (9/10), pl
make an incision (verb), -chanja.
make an incision (verb), -panya.
make an incision (verb), -toja.
make an incision (verb), -umika.
incite (verb), -bilisi.
incite (verb), -chochea.
incite (verb), -chonjomoa.
incite (verb), -sukuma.
incite (verb), -sukumiza (intensive).
incite (verb), -tasliti.
incite (verb), -tomesha.
incite (verb), -vuruga.
incite (verb), -vurugavuruga.
incite (verb), -vuruma.
incite (to rebellion) (verb), -haifisha.
incite to rebellion (verb), -asisha.
incitement (noun), shonga (5/6), pl mashonga.
incitement (noun), tashtiti (9/10), pl tashtiti.
incitement (noun), uchuro.
incitement (noun), usukumizi.
incitement to quarrel (noun), chonjo (9/10), pl chonjo.
inciter (noun), pl inciters, msukumizi (1/2), pl wasukumizi.
inclination (noun), kijoyo, pl vijoyo.
inclination (noun), maelekeo, pl mealekeo.
inclination (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahaba.
inclination (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahuba.
inclination (noun), mapendeleo.
inclination (noun), mapendo.
inclination (noun), mapenzi.
inclination (noun), mataka, pl mataka.
inclination (noun), matakwa, pl matakwa.
inclination (noun), mwelekeo (3/4), pl mielekeo.
inclination (noun), mwito, pl miito, wito.
inclination (noun), penzi (5/6), pl mapenzi.
inclination (noun), upendaji, pl mapendaji.
inclination (noun), upendeleo, pl mapendeleo.
be inclined toward (verb), -elekea.
incline (verb), -betua.
incline to (verb), -taka.
incline towards (verb), -inamia (applicative).
include (verb), -timiza.
include (verb), -zingatia.
be included (verb), -timu.
remain incognito (verb), asitambuke (conjugated).
incoherence (noun), upayukaji (11).
be incoherent (verb), -kikisa.
incoherent speech (noun), ubabaiko.
talk incoherently (verb), -taataa.
income (noun), kipato (7/8), pl vipato.
income (noun), maduhuli, pl maduhuli.
income (noun), mapato. per capita income. mapato kwa mtu.
income (noun), mshahara, pl mishahara.
income (noun), pato (5/6), pl mapato.
income (noun), tija.
income (noun), upato, pl pato.
income (noun), wasili.
be incompletely developed (verb), -pooza. This fruit is unripe.. tunda
hili limepooza.
incomplete (adjective), chache.
incomplete (adjective), pungufu.
feigning incomprehension (noun), ufifi.
feigning incomprehension (noun), ufifilizi.
inconsequential thing (noun), daga, pl daga.
inconsequential thing (noun), dagaa, pl dagaa.
inconsiderate act (noun), hamaki.
inconsiderate person (noun), chepe (5/6), pl machepe.
inconsiderate person (noun), mkumbizi, pl wakumbizi.
inconsistency (noun), upayukaji (11).
inconstant (adjective), -badilifu.
inconstant (adjective), kigeugeu.
inconvenience (noun), taabu (9/10), pl taabu.
inconvenience (noun), takalifu (9/10), pl takalifu.
inconvenience (noun), takilifu (9/10), pl takilifu.
inconveniences (noun), matatizo (6).
incorporate (verb), -shirikisha. incorporate our work together.
Shirikisha kazi zetu pamoja.
incorporate (verb), -shirikiza.
incorrect (adjective), kosefu.
incorruptible person (noun), msalihina, pl wasalihina.
incorruptible person (noun), msalikhina, pl wasalikhina.
incorruptible person (noun), salihina (9/10an), pl salahina.
be increased (verb), -ongezwa.
increase (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
increase (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
increase (noun), iktikazi.
increase (noun), jazi (5/6), pl majazi.
increase (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
increase (noun), marupurupu.
increase (noun), nafuu (9/10).
increase (noun), nyongeza (9/10), pl nyongeza.
increase (noun), ongezeko (5/6), pl maongezeko.
increase (noun), ongezo (5/6), pl maongezo.
increase (noun), rupu (5/6), pl marupurupu.
increase (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
increase (noun), uendeshaji.
increase (noun), zaidana.
increase (noun), zaidi.
increase (noun), ziada (9/10), pl ziada.
increase (noun), zidi, pl mazidi.
increase (noun), zidio (5/6), pl mazidio.
increase (noun), ziyada, pl maziyada.
increase (verb), -kithiri.
increase (verb), -koleza (causative).
increase (verb), -kulia (applicative). speak in a loud voice..
increase (verb), -kuza (causative).
increase (verb), -ongea.
increase (verb), -ongeza (causative). (s)he went back to the man to
increase his thanks. alirudi kwa yule bwana kumwongeza shukrani [Sul].
increase (verb), -panda.
increase (verb), -pandisha.
increase (verb), -panza.
increase (verb), -tanua.
increase (in size) (verb), -kua.
increase (in) (verb), -zidia (applicative).
increase something (verb), -zidisha.
increase the size (verb), -panua.
receive an increase (verb), -ongezewa.
be increased (verb), -ongezeka (potential).
increment (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
increment (noun), nyongeza (9/10), pl nyongeza. Increment of the welfare
of those with a lucky star.. nyongeza ya maslahi ya wengi wao wenye nyota
njema [Mun].
increment (noun), ongezeko (5/6), pl maongezeko.
increment (noun), ongezo (5/6), pl maongezo.
increment (noun), zaidana.
increment (noun), zaidi.
increment (noun), ziada, pl maziada.
increment (noun), zidi, pl mazidi.
increment (noun), ziyada, pl maziyada.
increse (verb), -zidi.
incrustation (noun), fisifisi (9/10), pl fisifisi.
incrustation (noun), fusfus.
incrustation (noun), ukoga (14).
incrustation (noun), ukoga.
salt incrustation (noun), chunyu (9/10), pl chunyu.
inculcate (verb), -nuika.
inculcate (verb), -nuiza.
incur a loss (verb), -potewa.
be indebted to each other (verb), -wiana.
indecency (noun), uchafu.
indecency (noun), uhayawani (14).
indecent (adjective), chafu.
indecision (noun), ajiza (9/10), pl ajiza.
indecision (noun), ajizi (9/10), pl ajizi.
indecision (noun), taladadi (9/10), pl taladadi.
indecision (noun), taradadi (9/10), pl taradadi.
indecision (noun), uajazi.
indecision (noun), uajizi.
indecision (noun), wayowayo (11).
indeed (adverb), kweli.
indeed (adverb), tokea hapo.
indeed (conjunction), walahi.
indeed (interjection), wallai!.
it is indeed (interjection), ndi.
indefinable (noun), kidude, pl vidude.
be indefinite (verb), -lega.
be indefinite (verb), -legarega.
be indefinite (verb), -rega.
be indefinite (verb), -regarega.
indefinite number (adjective), kadha.
indemnification (noun), jazua.
indemnification (noun), kisase, pl visasi.
indemnification (noun), kisasi, pl visasi.
indemnification (in money or an equivalent present) (noun), pakanya
(5/6), pl mapakanya.
indemnify (verb), -jazi.
indemnify (verb), -lipa.
identation (noun), mfuo, pl mifuo.
independence (noun), kinaa (7).
independence (noun), kinaya (7).
independence (noun), kujitawala.
independence (noun), uhuru (14).
independence (noun), ukinaifu.
dependent (irrespective of age) (noun), mtoto, pl watoto.
independent (adjective), huria.
independent person (noun), mkinaifu (1/2), pl wakinaifu.
index (noun), daftari, pl madaftari. account book. daftari ya hesabu
index (noun), deftari.
index (noun), fahirisi (9/10), pl faharisi.
index (noun), koli, pl koli.
index (noun), onyo (5/6), pl maonyo.
index (of a book) (noun), mwelezo, pl mielezo.
India (adjective), Hindi.
India (noun), Bara Hindi (9).
India (noun), Uhindi.
Indian (adjective), -Hindi.
Indian (adjective), kihindi.
Indian (noun), Mhindi, pl wahindi. Red Indian, American Indian. Mhindi
Indian (noun), Muhindi, pl wahindi. Red Indian, American Indian. Mhindi
Indian Ocean (noun), Bahari ya Hindi.
ornith. Indian cockatoo (noun), mitu.
wealthy Indian (noun), seti (9/10an), pl seti.
give someone an indication (verb), -ashiria, pl ashiria.
indicate (verb), -dokeza.
indicate (verb), -onyesha. military review.. maonyesho ya vita.
indication (noun), alama (9/10), pl alama. mark, indicate. -tia ~.
indication (noun), dalili. footprint; It is forbidden to show any
indications of racial discrimination. dalili ya mguu [Rec]; Ni marufuku
kuonyesha dalili zo zote za ubaguzi wa rangi [Masomo, 100].
indication (noun), delili.
indication (noun), ishara (9/10), pl ishara.
indication (noun), ishara.
indication (noun), kielekezo, pl vielekezo.
indication (noun), kionyo (7/8), pl vionyo.
indication (noun), onyo (5/6), pl maonyo.
indication (noun), taashira (9/10), pl taashira.
indication (noun), waa, pl mawaa.
indication (noun), zulio, pl mazulio.
indicator (noun), akarabu (9/10), pl akarabu.
indicator (noun), akrabu, pl akrabu.
indicator (noun), indiketa (9/10), pl indiketa.
indicator (noun), kiashirio (7/8), pl viashiria.
indicator (noun), mshale, pl mishale.
indicator (on a machine) (noun), onyo (5/6), pl maonyo.
indictment (noun), pl accusations, shtaka (5/6), pl mashtaka.
indictment (public) (noun), suto (5/6), pl masuto.
jur. indictment (noun), mashitaka. procure charges..
jur. indictment (noun), mashitakiano. procure charges..
jur. indictment (noun), mashtaka. procure charges..
jur. indictment (noun), mashtakiano. procure charges..
indifference (noun), kutojali (15).
indifference (noun), ubaridi.
indifference (noun), utepetevu.
indifference (noun), uvivu.
indifference (noun), uzembe.
be indifferent (verb), -sinzia.
indifferent (adjective), -vivu.
indifferent person (noun), mzembe (1/2), pl wazembe.
indigence (noun), uhitaji, pl hitaji, mahitaji.
indigenous (noun), kienyeji (7/8), pl vienyeji.
indigent (adjective), maskini.
indigestion (noun), kiungulia (7/8), pl viungulia.
indignation (noun), mwao (3/4), pl miao.
indigo (noun), nili (9/10), pl nili.
indigo plant( Indigofera tinctoria) (noun), mnili (3/4), pl minili.
indirect route (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee.
indiscretion (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee.
indiscretion (noun), udadisi.
indiscretion (noun), utafiti.
indiscretion (in talking) (noun), upayukaji (11).
indiscriminately (adverb), baghala.
indiscriminately (adverb), shaghala.
indiscriminately (adverb), shelabela.
indisposition (noun), kizunguzungu.
indisposition (noun), utakalifu.
indistinct noise (noun), vumi.
indistinct noise (noun), vumo, pl mavumo.
indistinct sound (noun), uvumi.
indistinct sound (noun), uvumo, pl mavumo.
indistinctness (noun), unyenyezi.
individual (adjective), -akali.
individual (adjective), rejareja.
individual (adverb), a pekee.
individual (noun), moja. a certain person.. mtu mmoja.
individual (noun), mtu, pl watu. man or woman. mtu mume [mke].
individualism (noun), ubinafsi (14).
individuality (noun), nafsi.
individuality (noun), roho (9/10), pl roho. He is humane [(s)he is good-
hearted]. ana roho njema.
individually (adverb), rejareja.
Indo-Chinese (noun), Muindo china (1/2), pl Waindo-China.
indolence (adverb), ndezi.
indolence (noun), ubozi.
indolence (noun), ubwete.
indolence (noun), ugoigoi.
indolence (noun), ukulifu.
indolence (noun), ukulivu.
indolence (noun), ukunguni.
indolence (noun), utepetevu.
be indolent (verb), -sinzia.
be indolent (verb), -tepetea.
in a indolent manner (adverb), kivivu.
in a indolent manner (adverb), kivivuvivu.
in an indolent (adverb), kizembe.
indolent (adjective), goigoi.
indolent (adjective), kulifu.
indolent (adjective), kulivu.
indolent (adjective), tepete.
indolent (adjective), tepetevu.
stay indoors (verb), -tawa.
inducement (noun), lukuma.
inducement (noun), pl indenducements, shawishi (5/6), pl mashawishi.
indulgence (noun), rehema (9/10), pl rehema.
indulgence (noun), upendeleo, pl mapendeleo.
indulgence (noun), upendelevu, pl mapendelevu.
be indulgent (verb), -limbika.
indulgent person (noun), msameha, pl wasameha.
indulgent person (noun), msamehaji, pl wasamehaji.
be industrious (noun), biabia.
industry (noun), bidii.
industry (noun), jitahidi, pl majitihadi.
industry (noun), kande.
industry (noun), uhodari.
industry (noun), ujitahidi.
industry (noun), utendaji.
industry (noun), utendi.
industry (noun), utenzi.
light industry (noun), viwanda vidogo (8).
manufacturing industry (noun), kiwanda cha kutengeneza bidhaa (7/8), pl
viwanda vya kutnegeneza.
pl. industry (noun), kiwanda, pl viwanda.
small industries (noun), viwanda vidogovidogo (8).
inebriation (noun), leuleu (5/6), pl maleuleu.
inebriation (noun), nishai (9/10), pl nishai.
be ineffective (verb), -batilika (potential).
ineffective (adjective), batili.
ineffective (adjective), batilifu.
make ineffective (verb), -batilisha (causative).
one who declares something to be ineffective (noun), mbatilifu, pl
inept behavior (noun), puo (5/6), pl mapuo.
inept behavior (noun), puzo (5/6), pl mapuzo.
inept speech (noun), puo (5/6), pl mapuo.
inept speech (noun), puzo (5/6), pl mapuzo.
ineptitude (noun), machachari, pl machachari.
inert (adverb), tuli.
inertia (noun), inesha (9/10), pl inesha.
inevitable (adjective), siyoepukika. inevitable sacrifices. mahanga
inexpensive (adjective), rahisi.
inexperience (noun), ulimbukeni (14).
inexperience (noun), uzuzu.
inexperience (sexual) (noun), usungo (14).
inexperienced (adjective), zuzu.
infancy (noun), uchanga (14).
infancy (noun), utoto.
infatuation (noun), ghururi (9/10), pl ghururi.
infect (verb), -ambukiza.
be infected (by syphillis) (verb), -sekeneka.
infection (noun), ambukizo (5/6), pl maambukizo.
infection (noun), ambukizo, pl maambukizo.
infection (noun), uambukizo, pl maambukizo.
infection (noun), wito (11).
be infectious (verb), -ambukiza.
inferior (adjective), chini.
inferior (adjective), duni. You have underrated yourself as
inferior/inferior by underestimation.. Umejidunisha duni/duni ya
kujidunisha [Alamin Mazrui "Usijiangamize" 9].
inferior (adjective), ghafi.
inferior (adjective), ovyo.
inferior article of any kind (noun), mfuto, pl mifuto. a plain door
(without carving or ornamentation). mlango wa mfuto.
inferior quality (noun), udufu.
of inferior quality (adjective), kachala.
inferiority complex (noun), hisia za unyonge (9/10), pl hisia za unyonge.
inferiority complex (noun), udhalili (14).
infidel (noun), kafiri (5/6), pl makafiri.
infidelity (noun), makufuru (6).
infidelity (noun), ukafiri.
infidelity (noun), ukufuru.
(infinitive prefix) (prefix), ku-.
infinity (noun), milele (9/10). life everlasting.. maisha ya milele.
be infirm (verb), -ajazi.
become infirm (verb), -dhoofika.
become infirm (verb), -dhoofu.
infirm (adjective), dhaifu.
infirmity (noun), udhaifu.
inflamation (noun), usumbufu.
be inflamed (verb), -waka.
be inflamed (verb), -washa.
be inflamed (verb), -wawa.
become inflamed (verb), -cheneta.
inflame (verb), -chochea.
inflamed soar (noun), mtoki (3/4), pl mitoki.
inflammation (noun), harara.
inflammation (noun), joto, pl majoto.
inflammation (noun), kiwasho (7/8), pl viwasho.
inflammation (noun), mchomo, pl michomo.
inflammation (noun), uwasho.
inflammation of the eyes (noun), kikope, pl vikope.
inflate (verb), -puliza. inflate a ball. puliza mpira.
inflate (verb), -puza.
inflate (in price) (verb), -ghalika.
be inflated (verb), -kubaza.
inflation (noun), uvimbe.
be inflexible (verb), -thibiti.
inflexible (adjective), kakamizi.
inflexible (adjective), yabis.
inflexible (adjective), yabisi.
inflict (verb), -pasisha.
inflict something on someone (verb), -pasisha.
have a profound influence (verb), -saki.
influence (noun), athari, pl athari.
influence (noun), makadara (6).
influence (noun), mvuto, pl mivuto.
influence (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu.
influence (noun), taathiri (9/10), pl taathiri.
influence (noun), tendo, pl matendo.
influence (noun), uvuto.
influence (verb), -athari.
influence (verb), -athiri. A poet may influence people .. Mshairi
anaweza kuwaathiri watu [Masomo 393].
influence (verb), -vuta.
mutual influence (noun), uvutano.
sphere of influence (noun), eneo, pl maeneo.
influential (adjective), kubwa.
influential person (noun), shehe (5/6an), pl mashehe.
influential person (noun), sheikh (5/6an), pl masheikh.
influential person (noun), shekhe (5/6an), pl mashekhe.
influential person (noun), sheki (5/6an), pl masheki.
influenza (noun), bombo. influenza. [homa ya] bombo.
influenza (noun), bombom.
influenza (noun), kamata (9/10), pl kamata.
influenza (noun), kamata.
be informed (verb), -arifiwa.
be informed (verb), -julishwa ( caus-pass).
inform (verb), -alika.
inform (verb), -ambia.
inform (verb), -aridhia.
inform (verb), -arifu.
inform (verb), -fahamisha (causative).
inform (verb), -hekimiza.
inform (verb), -hubiri.
inform (verb), -hubiri.
inform (verb), -julisha.
inform (verb), -juvya.
inform (verb), -komanza.
inform (verb), -ripoti.
inform promptly (verb), -ashiria, pl ashiria.
informed well about a person (adverb), dahili.
extract information from a person (verb), -nyenya.
information (noun), aridhio (5).
information (noun), habari.
information (noun), maarifa (6).
information (noun), maarifa, pl maarifa.
information (noun), mazulio (6).
information (noun), ripoti (9/10), pl ripoti.
information (noun), tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo.
information (noun), zulio, pl mazulio.
obtain information (verb), -ziua.
obtain information (verb), -zua.
provide information (on a person's character etc.) (verb), -tawasifu.
recent, pol. information officer (noun), msema, pl wasema.
recent, pol. information officer (noun), msemaji, pl wasemaji.
be informed (verb), -ambiwa.
be well informed (verb), -elimika.
be well informed (verb), -taalamu.
well-informed person (noun), mjuzi (1/2), pl wajuzi.
well-informed person (noun), mtambua, pl watambua.
well-informed person (noun), mtambuzi, pl watambuzi.
informer (noun), haini (1/2), pl wahaini.
informer (noun), mdakizi, pl wadakizi.
informer (noun), mdaku, pl wadaku.
informer (noun), mdakulizi, pl midakulizi.
informer (noun), mdakuzi, pl wadakizi.
informer (noun), mdhana.
informer (noun), mdukizi, pl wadakizi.
informer (noun), mfumua, pl wafumua.
informer (noun), mfumuaji, pl wafumuaji.
informer (noun), mshitaki, pl washitaki.
informer (noun), mshtaki, pl washtaki.
informer (noun), mstaki, pl wastaki.
informing (noun), uchongezi.
informing (noun), uchongezo.
informing (noun), uchongolezi.
infraction (noun), taadi (9/10), pl taadi.
infraction (noun), pl infractions, tadi (9/10), pl tadi.
infraction (noun), utadi.
infraction (of a rule or law) (noun), machafuko, pl machafuko.
infrastructure (noun), muundombinu (3/4), pl miundombinu.
infringe (verb), -halifu.
become infuriated (verb), -hamaki.
get infuriated (verb), -chafuka (potential).
infuriate (verb), -kasiri.
infuriate (verb), -udhi.
be infuriated (verb), -udhika.
be ingenious (verb), -fioa.
be ingenious (verb), -fyoa.
ingenious (adjective), erevu.
ingenuity (noun), uelekevu.
power of ingenuity (noun), wekevu.
power of ingenuity (noun), welekevu.
ingenuousness (noun), weupe.
ingot (noun), mchi (3/4), pl michi.
ingot (of gold) (noun), mkuo, pl mikuo.
ingratiate oneself (verb), -bembejea.
ingratiate oneself (verb), -jipendekeza.
ingratiate oneself (verb), -jipendekeza.
ingratiating (noun), mafuta.
small ingredients (noun), kichopo (7/8), pl vichopo.
be inhabited (verb), -pangwa.
inhabited country (noun), jimbo (5/6), pl majimbo.
inhabitant (noun), mkaa (1/2), pl wakaa.
inhabitant (noun), mkaaji, pl wakaaji.
inhabitant (noun), mkaazi (1/2), pl wakaazi.
inhabitant (noun), mkazi (1/2), pl wakazi.
inhabitant (noun), mwenyeji (1/2), pl wenyeji.
inhabitant (of a country) (noun), mwananchi, pl wananchi.
inhabitant (of a place) (noun), mzawa (1/2), pl wazawa.
inhabitant (of aplace) (noun), mzalia, pl wazalia. first born.. mzaliwa
inhabitant (of aplace) (noun), mzaliwa, pl wazaliwa. first born..
mzaliwa mbele.
inhabitant of (the west coast of) Madagascar (noun), Msakalawa, pl
inhabitant of the earth (noun), mlimwengu, pl walimwengu.
inhabitant of the earth (noun), mwulimwengu, pl waulimwengu.
be inhabited (verb), -kalika.
be inhabited (verb), -kaliwa.
inhale (verb), -pandisha pumzi.
inhale (verb), -pandisha pumuzi.
inhale (verb), -pandisha pumzi. work the entire day without a rest..
fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
inhale (verb), -vuta pumzi.
inhale (verb), -vuta pumuzi. work the entire day without a rest.. fanya
kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
inhale (verb), -vuta pumzi. work the entire day without a rest.. fanya
kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
inhale (verb), -vuta.
inherit (verb), -rithi. After his/her father died, (s)he inherited four
cows. baba yake alipokufa alirithi ng'ombe wanne [Kez].
inheritance (noun), mirathi. rare: law of inheritance.. masala ya
inheritance (noun), urithi (14).
inheritance (noun), warithi, pl mawarithi.
initial (adjective), awali.
initial (noun), mwanzo (3/4), pl mianzo.
initially (adverb), awali. Initially she was hostile and did not offer
assistance.. Hapo awali aljitia ukali na kutokutoa msaada [Masomo 163].
be initiated (verb), -anzishwa. the aim in initiating this party.
shabaha ya kuanzishwa kwa chama hicho [Masomo 218].
chief of the initiates (noun), mhenga (1/2), pl wahenga.
initiate (verb), -anzilisha.
initiate (verb), -anzisha.
initiate (boy or girl) (noun), mwali (1/2), pl wali.
initiated person (noun), pl initiates, mrongo (1/2), pl mirongo.
boy or girl before or during the initiation ceremony (noun), mwali.
boy or girl before or during the initiation ceremony (noun), mwari.
boy or girl who has not been through the initiation rites (noun), msungo,
pl wasungo.
camp at which initiation rites are performed (noun), dimba, pl madimba.
ceremonial specialist at initiation rites (noun), ngungwi (9/10an), pl
ceremonies and dances marking the initiation of children as adults
(noun), unyago.
confidential teaching as in initiation settings (noun), kunga (9/10), pl
initiation (noun), jando (5/6), pl majando.
initiation (of boys and girls at puberty) (noun), lango, pl malango.
initiation (of boys and girls at puberty) (noun), malango.
initiation ceremony (for children) (noun), manyago.
initiation rite (noun), jando, pl majando.
initiation rite (noun), unyago (14).
instructor at initiation rite or marriage (noun), kungwi (5/6), pl
older person who instructs boys and girls in the initiation rites (noun),
mhenga, pl wahenga.
person in charge of initiation rites (noun), nyakanga (9/10an), pl
secret initiation teaching (noun), malango (6).
secret place where intitiation rites are performed (noun), jando, pl
tribal initiation rites (noun), ukumbi, pl kumbi.
young person of either sex who has been through the initiation rites
(noun), mrongo, pl warongo.
someone lacking initiative (noun), golikipa (5/6), pl magolikipa.
take the initiative (verb), -jitolea (reflexive).
initiator (noun), mwanzilishi, pl waanzilishi.
initiator (noun), mwanzilizi, pl waanzilizi.
initiator (noun), mwanzishaji, pl waanzilishaji.
administer a hypodermic injection (verb), -dunga.
give a hypodermic injection. (verb), -chanja.
give an injection (verb), -piga sindano.
give an injection (verb), -piga sindano.
injection (noun), shindano (5/6), pl mashidano. give an injection. piga
sindano [Rec].
injection (noun), pl injections, sindano (5/6), pl masindani.
be injured (verb), -umia (applicative).
injure (verb), -athiri.
injure (verb), -changa.
injure (verb), -cheruhi.
injure (verb), -chimba.
injure (verb), -choma.
injure (verb), -dhuru.
injure (verb), -dondoa.
injure (verb), -fyanda.
injure (verb), -hasiri.
injure (verb), -jeruhi.
injure (verb), -jeruhi.
injure (verb), -kebehi.
injure (verb), -kufuru.
injure (verb), -tweza.
injure (verb), -umiza.
injure (verb), -wanga.
injure someone (verb), -keta.
injure someone (verb), -sonoa.
be a little injured (verb), -tetereka.
be injured (verb), -atilika.
injury (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
injury (noun), cheraka, pl macheraka.
injury (noun), dhara, pl madhara. be injured. pata dhara.
injury (noun), hasara.
injury (noun), jeraha, pl majeraha.
injury (noun), mbanjo (3/4), pl mibanjo.
injury (noun), tezo, pl matezo.
injury (noun), umizi, pl maumizi.
injustice (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
injustice (noun), dhaluma.
injustice (noun), dhuluma.
injustice (noun), dhulumu, pl madhulum.
injustice (noun), jeuri (9/10), pl jeuri.
injustice (noun), jeuri.
injustice (noun), maovu.
injustice (noun), ovu (5/6), pl maovu.
injustice (noun), udhalimu (14).
injustice (noun), udhalimu.
injustice (noun), ujeuri.
ink (noun), wino (11), pl wino.
inkpot (noun), kidau (7/8), pl vidau.
inkpot (noun), kidawati (7/8), pl vidawati.
inkwell (noun), kidau (7/8), pl vidau.
inkwell (noun), kidawa, pl vidawa cha wino.
inland (noun), bara (9/10), pl bara.
inlay work (noun), mjumu, pl mijumu.
inlay work (noun), njumu, pl mijumu.
inlay work (of metal) (noun), njumu (9/10), pl njumu.
inlay work (of metal) (noun), njumunjumu (9/10), pl njumunjumu.
inlet (noun), ghuba (5/6), pl maghuba.
inlet (noun), hori.
inlet (small) (noun), kihori, pl vihori.
inlet(of the sea) (noun), mkono, pl mikono.
inluenza (noun), kaputula.
innermost part (noun), kiini (7/8), pl viini.
innermost part (noun), undani (14).
innermost seat of feelings (noun), ini (5/6), pl maini.
innocence (noun), takato (5/6), pl matakato.
innocence (noun), weupe.
innocent (phrase), asiye na hatia.
innovation (noun), badili, pl mabadili.
innovation (noun), geuzo, pl mageuzo. democratic reform.. mgeuzo wa
innovation (noun), mgeuzo, pl mageuzo. democratic reform.. mgeuzo wa
innovation (noun), uzushi.
innovation (noun), uzuzi.
innovator (noun), kizushi (7/8), pl vizushi.
innovator (noun), mzushi, pl wazushi.
innovator (noun), mzuzi, pl wazuzi.
inoculate (verb), -chanja. vaccinate against smallpox. chanja ndui.
inoculation (noun), chanjo, pl machanjo.
inordinately (adverb), mno.
impossible! (interjection), hasha!.
inquire (verb), -saili.
inquire (verb), -tafiti.
inquire (verb), -uliza.
inquire about (verb), -taka.
inquire secretly into (verb), -bembea.
have inquiries made (verb), -hakikisha.
inquiry (noun), dahili, pl madahili.
inquiry (noun), swali (5/6), pl maswali.
inquiry (noun), ulizo (5/6), pl maulizo.
inquiry (noun), upekuzi.
be inquisitive (verb), -dadisi.
be inquisitive (verb), -fatiisha.
be inquisitive (verb), -pekua.
be inquisitive (verb), -tafiti.
inquisitive (adjective), -pekuzi.
inquisitive (verb), -juvi.
inquisitive person (noun), jasusi, pl wajasusi.
inquisitive person (noun), mchokozi (1/2), pl wachokozi.
inquisitive person (noun), mchunguzi (1/2), pl wachunguzi.
inquisitive person (noun), mdadisi, pl wadadisi.
inquisitive person (noun), mjasusi, pl wajasusi.
inquisitive person (noun), mjasusu, pl wajasusu.
inquisitive person (noun), mmbea, pl wambea.
inquisitive person (noun), mpekuzi, pl wapekuzi.
inquisitive person (noun), pl inquisitive people, mtafiti (1/2), pl
inquisitively (adverb), kichokozi.
inquisitiveness (noun), uchunguzi.
inquisitiveness (noun), udadisi (14).
inquisitiveness (noun), ujasusi (14).
inquisitiveness (noun), ujasusi.
inquisitiveness (noun), upekuzi.
inquisitiveness (noun), utafiti.
insane (adjective), majinuni.
insane (adjective), majununi.
insane person (noun), mbulu (1), pl wabulu.
insane person (noun), mbulukwa (1), pl wabulukwa.
rare insane person (noun), mkichaa, pl wakichaa. "insane person, madman,
lunatic".. mwenye kichaa.
insanity (noun), kichaa (7/8), pl vichaa.
insanity (noun), kimkumku.
insanity (noun), mbasua.
insanity (noun), uzulufu (14).
insanity (noun), wazimu.
insanity (noun), wehu.
be insatiable (in an intimate sense) (verb), -lafuka.
inscription (noun), andiko, pl maandiko.
inscription (noun), mchoro (3/4), pl michoro.
inscription (noun), mwandiko, pl miandiko.
augment. of insect (any small creeping or flying creature) (noun), dudu,
pl madudu.
boring insect (noun), kidungadunga, pl vidungadunga.
insect (noun), dudu (5/6), pl madudu.
insect (noun), mdudu (1/2), pl wadudu. Bats eat insects. Popo hula
wadudu [Masomo 29].
insect (=mdudu) (noun), mtambaazi.
insect (=mdudu) (noun), mtambazi.
insect (kind of) (noun), chafi.
insect (small) (noun), kidudu (7/8), pl vidudu.
insect (species of) (noun), kuliwi.
insect that bores and stings (noun), bungu (5/6), pl mabungu.
insect that eats the roots of growing plants (noun), kunguni mgunda.
jafi (kind of insect) (noun), jafi.
small insect that kills flies (noun), kiumanzi, pl viumanzi.
stinging insect (noun), dondoro.
insensibility (noun), kipooza.
insensibility (noun), upooza.
be insensitive (verb), -suguika (intransitive).
become insensitive (verb), -suguika (intransitive).
insensitive person (noun), jahili, pl majahili.
insensitivity (noun), sugu (9/10), pl sugu.
insensitivity (noun), usugu.
insert (verb), -ingiza.
insert (verb), -ingiza (causative).
insert (verb), -pachika. "s/he inserted the note(s) into Shangwe's
hand." (also = 'slip into'?). akapachika noti mkononi mwa Shangwe [Muk].
insert (verb), -penyeza (causative).
get inside (verb), -penya.
in(side) here (adverb), mumo.
inside (adverb), ndani. inside of. ndani ya.
inside (noun), dakhalia (9/10), pl dakhalia.
inside (noun), insaidi.
inside (noun), kini (7/8), pl vini.
inside (noun), kiini (7/8), pl viini.
inside her (noun), ndani yake.
inside her (noun), ndanimwe.
inside here (adverb), humu, pl humu.
inside it (conjunction), ndaniye, pl ndanio.
inside right (position in sports) (noun), insaidi wa raiti. inside right
(football).. insaidi wa raiti.
inside there (pronoun), mle.
inside there (pronoun), -mo.
it is inside (noun), umo, pl maumo.
turn inside out (verb), -fudikiza.
you are inside (2nd person singular) (noun), umo, pl maumo.
inside out (adverb), upana.
insight (noun), maarifa, pl maarifa.
insignificance (noun), udhaifu.
insignificance (noun), udogo.
insignificance (noun), udohusohu.
insignificance (noun), uhaba.
insignificance (noun), uhafifu.
insignificance (noun), unyonge.
insignificant (adjective), dhaifu.
insignificant (adjective), -dhilifu.
insignificant (adjective), dogo.
insignificant (adjective), dufu. Insignificant and remarkable people,
those who are the same and who are different.. Dufu na wenye mizungu,
sura moja na halafa [Shaaban Robert, "Rangi Zetu"7 ii].
insignificant (adjective), duni.
insignificant (adjective), ghafi.
insignificant (adjective), haba.
insignificant (adjective), hafifu.
insignificant (adjective), kadogo.
insignificant (adjective), nyonge.
insignificant (adjective), tahafifu.
insignificant person (noun), chaupepeta (7/8an), pl vyaupepeta.
insignificant thing (noun), kibunzi (7/8), pl vibunzi.
insincere (adjective), batili.
insincere (adjective), batilifu.
insinuate (verb), -penyeza.
insinuate (verb), -singiza.
insinuate (verb), -singizia.
insinuate oneself (verb), -jipenyeza.
insinuation (noun), penyaji (5/6), pl mapenyaji.
insinuation (noun), penyezi (5/6), pl mapenyezi.
insinuation (noun), pl n, singizio (5/6), pl masingizio.
insinuation (noun), uchongezi.
insinuation (noun), uchongezo.
insinuation (noun), uchongolezi.
insinuation (noun), upenyaji, pl mapenyaji, penyaji.
insinuation (noun), upenyezi, pl mapenyezi, penyezi.
insipid (adjective), chapwa.
insipid (adjective), dufu.
insipidity (noun), udufu (14).
insist (verb), -chagiza.
insist (verb), -dopoa.
insist (verb), -kazana (reciprocal).
insist (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
insist (verb), -shupaa maneno.
insist (verb), -sisitiza.
insist (verb), -toboa.
insist on (verb), -kaza.
insist on (verb), -shika. insist on the price. shika bei..
insist on (verb), -shurutisha. the mother insisted on the child going to
sleep early. Mama alimshurutisha mtoto kulala mapema.
insist on (verb), -shurutiza (causative).
insist on something (verb), -inamia.
insist strongly (verb), -chacharika.
insist strongly (verb), -chachatika.
insistence (noun), msisitizo (3/4), pl misisitizo.
be insistent (verb), -chaga.
be insistent (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
insolence (noun), kinaa (7).
insolence (noun), kinaya (7).
insolence (noun), uchokozi, pl machokozi.
insolence (noun), ufedhuli.
insolence (noun), ufidhuli (14).
insolence (noun), ufyozi (14).
insolence (noun), ujuba (14).
insolence (noun), ujuvi.
insolence (noun), unyeti.
insolence (noun), usafihi (14).
be insolent (verb), -mena.
be insolent (verb), -safihi.
be insolent (verb), -safii.
insolent (adjective), fidhuli.
insolent (adjective), fidhulika.
insolent (adjective), jeuri.
insolent (adjective), kijuvi.
insolent (adjective), nyeta.
insolent (adjective), safihi.
insolent (adjective), tundu.
insolent person (adjective), kavu.
insolent person (noun), fedhuli, pl mafedhuli.
insolent person (noun), feguli, pl mafeguli.
insolent person (noun), mfidhuli (1/2), pl wafidhuli.
insolent person (noun), mfyozaji, pl wafyozaji.
insolent person (noun), mfyozi, pl wafyozi.
insolent person (noun), msafihi, pl wasafihi.
insolent person (noun), msafii, pl wasafii.
use insolent language (verb), -fioa.
use insolent language (verb), -fyoa.
insolent person (noun), mkavu, pl wakavu.
insolvency (noun), ufilisi.
have insomnia (verb), -kesha.
insomnia (noun), kesha, pl makesha.
be inspected (verb), -tazamiwa.
cause to inspect (verb), -ausha.
cause to inspect (verb), -auza.
inspect (verb), -angalia.
inspect (verb), -aua. inspect a school. ~ skuli.
inspect (verb), -kagua.
inspect (verb), -kagua.
inspect (verb), -tazama.
inspect (verb), -tazamia.
inspect (verb), -zengea.
be inspected (verb), -kaguliwa.
inspection (noun), maangalio, pl maangalio.
inspection (noun), mkaguo (3/4), pl mikaguo.
inspection (noun), mtazamo, pl mitazamo.
inspection (noun), pekesheni (9/10), pl pekesheni. The polisi inspected
his house.. nyumba kwake polisi walifanya pekesheni.
inspection (noun), ukaguzi.
inspector (noun), inspekta (5/6), pl mainspekta.
inspector (noun), inspekta, pl mainspekta.
inspector (noun), mkagua, pl wakagua. farm inspector.. mkagua shamba.
inspector (noun), mkaguaji, pl wakaguaji. farm inspector.. mkagua
inspector (noun), mkaguzi, pl wakaguzi. farm inspector.. mkagua shamba.
inspector (noun), mkaguzi (1/2), pl wakaguzi.
one who inspires confidence (noun), mtumainifu, pl watumainifu.
install (verb), -aenzi.
install (verb), -enzi.
install (verb), -ezi.
install (in an office) (verb), -weka.
install (in office) (verb), -ingiliza.
install in office (verb), -tawalisha.
install in office (verb), -tawaza (causative).
installation (noun), uimarisho.
installation (noun), ujengaji, pl majengaji.
installation (noun), ujenzi, pl majenzi.
installment (noun), sehemu (9/10), pl sehemu. pay by installment. ripa
kwa sehemu.
instalment (noun), kishika mkono.
instead (adverb), kumbe.
instead of (adverb), badala ya.
instead of (adverb), badili ya.
instigate (verb), -chonjomoa.
instigate (verb), -dodofya (causative).
instigate conflict (verb), -rukika.
instigation (noun), mchocheo, pl michocheo.
instigation (noun), mchocho, pl michocheo.
instigation (noun), tashtiti (9/10), pl tashtiti.
instigation (noun), usukumizi.
instigator (noun), kidudumtu (7/8), pl vidudumtu.
instinct (noun), pl instinct, silika (9/10), pl silika.
instinct (noun), sirika (9/10), pl sirika.
instinct (of an animal) (noun), mzungu (1/2), pl mizungu.
institute (noun), pl institutes, chuo (7/8), pl vyuo.
institute (noun), taasisi (9/10), pl taasisi.
institute (verb), -anzisha.
institution (noun), ofisi (5/6), pl maofisa.
easy to instruct (adjective), -elekevu.
give instructions (to someone) (verb), -elekeza.
instruct (verb), pl Yes, -agiza (causative).
instruct (verb), -elemisha.
instruct (verb), -elimisha.
instruct (verb), -fundisha.
instruct (verb), -funza.
instruct (verb), -funza.
instruct (verb), -hekimiza.
instruct (verb), -nuika.
instruct (verb), -nuiza.
instruct (verb), -ongoa.
instruct (verb), -ongoza. give a good turn to a conversation.. ongoza
instruct (verb), -somesha (causative).
instruct (verb), -taili.
instruct (verb), -talii.
instruct (verb), -usia.
instruct (verb), -wosia.
instruct (especially in connection with the initiation of boys and girls
when they reach sexual maturity) (verb), -kunga.
instruction (noun), agizo (5/6), pl maagizo.
instruction (noun), darasa (9/10), pl darasa.
instruction (noun), elezo (5/6), pl maelezo.
instruction (noun), fundisho (5/6), pl mafundisho.
instruction (noun), funzo (5/6), pl mafunzo.
instruction (noun), mafundisho.
instruction (noun), maowidha.
instruction (noun), mwongozo, pl miongozo.
instruction (noun), maowidha.
instruction (noun), mauidha.
instruction (noun), mawaidha.
instruction (noun), taalimu (9/10), pl taalimu.
instruction (noun), taaluma (9/10), pl taaluma.
instruction (noun), ualimu.
instruction (noun), uelekezo.
instruction (noun), utumwa.
instruction (noun), uwalimu.
instruction (noun), zoea, pl mazoea.
instruction (noun), zoezi, pl mazoezi.
cf. agizo; instructions (noun), maagizo, pl maagizo. It's best for us
to follow the teacher's instructions.. Afadhali tufuate maagizo ya
give instructions (verb), pl Yes, -agiza (causative).
instructions (noun), mwelezo, pl mielezo.
instructor (noun), fundi (5/6), pl mafundi.
instructor (noun), mkufunzi (1/2), pl wakufunzi.
woman (or older girl) who instructs a girl who has reached the age of
puberty (noun), shoga (5/6an), pl mashoga. her woman initiate patron
invited her for lunch. Shoga wake alimkaribisha chakula cha mchana.
woman who instructs young women concerning sexuality (noun), pl women who
instruct, somo (5/6an), pl masomo.
flat part of cutting instr. (noun), kengee (5/6), pl makengee.
grooved iron instrument for drawing rice samples (noun), ubambo (11/10),
pl bambo.
instrument (noun), ala (9/10), pl ala (nyala, maala). all kinds of
instruments/tools, he came fully equipped. kila ~ ya kazi, amekuja na ~
instrument (noun), chombo (7/8), pl vyombo.
instrument (noun), kidude, pl vidude.
instrument (noun), kifaa (7/8), pl vifaa.
instrument (noun), kipande, pl vipande.
instrument (noun), samani (9/10), pl samani.
instrument (horn) used for bleeding (noun), umiko.
instrument (horn) used for cupping (noun), umiko.
instrument (horn) used for cupping and bleeding (noun), ndumiko.
instrument (horn) used for cupping and bleeding (noun), umiko.
measuring instrument (noun), kipimio (7/8), pl vipimio.
musical (stringed) instrument (noun), kinanda (7/8), pl vinanda.
musical instrument (noun), fidla (9/10), pl fidla.
musical instrument (noun), ilimba (9/10), pl ilimba.
musical instrument (noun), manyanga (6).
musical instrument (noun), vugo, pl mavugo.
musical instrument (phrase), ala ya muziki, pl ala za muziki.
musical instrument (made of a calabash) (noun), gumbu.
musical instrument like a banjo (noun), udi (11), pl udi.
musical instrument resembling a banjo (noun), ugombo.
musical instrument resembling a zither (noun), santuri (9/10), pl
musical instrument resembling a zither (noun), senturi (9/10), pl
senturi. we listened to the ancient songs from the zither-like musical
instrument. Tulisikiliza nyimbo za zamani kutoka senturi.
percussion instrument (noun), kibati (7/8), pl vibati.
stringed instrument like banjo (noun), kinanda (7/8), pl vinanda.
stringed instrument similar to a banjo (noun), zeze.
stringed musical instrument (noun), zeze (9/10), pl zeze.
instruments (noun), zana (9/10), pl zana.
be insufferable (verb), -nyeta.
insufficiency (noun), punguo (5/6), pl mapunguo.
insufficiency (noun), upunguaji.
insufficiency (noun), upungufu, pl mapungufu.
insufficiency (noun), upunguo, pl mapunguo.
insufficient (adjective), adimu.
insufficient (adjective), chache.
electrical insulator (noun), kikombe, pl vikombe. insulators on a
telephone-pole. vikombe vya simu.
insulator (noun), kizio, pl vizio.
insulator (noun), kizio (7/8), pl vizio.
insult (noun), bezo (5/6), pl mabezo.
insult (noun), chukio, pl machukio.
insult (noun), chukizo, pl machukizo.
insult (noun), fedheha.
insult (noun), mzomeo, pl mizomeo.
insult (noun), shutumu (5/6), pl mashutumu.
insult (noun), taadi (9/10), pl taadi.
insult (noun), tadi (9/10), pl tadi.
insult (noun), tukano (5/6), pl matukano.
insult (noun), tusi (5/6), pl matusi.
insult (noun), tusu, pl matushi.
insult (noun), utadi.
insult (verb), -atibu.
insult (verb), -bagawa.
insult (verb), -bughudhi.
insult (verb), -bughudhu.
insult (verb), -chamba.
insult (verb), -chukiza.
insult (verb), -dharau.
insult (verb), -hakirisha.
insult (verb), -hizi.
insult (verb), -kashifu.
insult (verb), -kebehi.
insult (verb), -kebehi.
insult (verb), -safihi. the child abused his/her mother. Mtoto
alimsafihi mama yake.
insult (verb), -safii.
insult (verb), -sengenya. stop insulting. Waacha kusengenya.
insult (verb), -shutumu.
insult (verb), -sibabi.
insult (verb), -sibu.
insult (verb), -stihizai.
insult (verb), -stihizaya.
insult (verb), -tamba.
insult (verb), -tengura.
insult (verb), -tukana.
insult each other (verb), -sengenyana.
insult each other (verb), -umbuana.
insult for (verb), -sibia (applicative).
insult someone (verb), -rukudhu.
be insulted (verb), -tukanwa.
insulting person (adjective), fidhuli.
insults (noun), matukano, pl matukano.
insults (noun), matushi, pl matushi.
insults (noun), matusi, pl matusi.
insurance (noun), bima (9/10), pl bima. life-insurance. bima ya maisha.
insurance (noun), insurensi.
insurance (noun), jukumu.
insubordination (noun), maasi, pl maasi.
insurbordination (noun), ukaidi.
insurgent (noun), halifu (5/6), pl mahalifu.
insurgent (noun), maasum, pl waasum.
insurgent (noun), mkoroga, pl wakoroga.
insurgent (noun), mkorogai, pl wakorogai.
insurgent (noun), mwasi, pl waasi.
insurrection (noun), maasi, pl maasi.
insurrection (noun), mnyanyuko, pl minyanyuko. armed insurrection..
mnyanyuko wa silaha.
insurrection (noun), uasi, pl maasi.
insurrection (noun), uhasi, pl maasi.
insurrection (noun), uhasi.
insurrection (noun), uwaasi.
insurrection (noun), uwasi, pl mawasi.
insurrection (noun), uwasi, pl maasi.
insurrection (noun), wasi.
insurrection (noun), wasi, pl maasi.
intact (adjective), kamili.
integrity (noun), uadilifu.
integrity (noun), unyofu.
intellect (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
intellect (noun), uwekevu.
intellectual (noun), msomi (1/2), pl wasomi.
intellectual (noun), mweledi (1/2), pl weledi.
rec.intellectual (noun), mtaalamu, pl wataalamu. astute writer..
mwandishi mtaalamu.
intelligence (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
intelligence (noun), fahamu (9/10), pl fahamu.
intelligence (noun), maarifa (6).
intelligence (noun), makini (9).
intelligence (noun), uangafu.
intelligence (noun), uangavu.
intelligence (noun), uelekevu.
intelligence (noun), ufahamfu.
intelligence (noun), ufahami.
intelligence (noun), ufahamivu.
intelligence (noun), ujuizi.
intelligence (noun), ujuzi.
intelligence (noun), usikilivu.
intelligence (noun), usikivu.
intelligence (noun), usikizi.
intelligence (noun), utambulifu.
intelligence (noun), utambulizi.
intelligence (noun), utambuzi (14).
intelligence (noun), wangafu.
intelligence (noun), wangafu.
intelligence (noun), wangavu.
intelligence (noun), wangavu.
intelligence (noun), werevu.
power of intelligence (noun), wekevu.
power of intelligence (noun), welekevu.
be intelligent (verb), -erevuka.
intelligent (adjective), -anga.
intelligent (adjective), -angavu.
intelligent (adjective), ekevu.
intelligent (adjective), elekevu.
intelligent (adjective), -fahamivu.
intelligent (adjective), tambuzi.
intelligent (verb), -kalamka.
intelligent person (noun), mwangavu (1/2), pl waangavu.
intelligent person (noun), mwelewa, pl waelewa.
pl.intelligentsia (noun), mstaarabu, pl wastaarabu.
intelligibility (noun), mngago, pl mingago.
intelligibility (noun), mng'ao, pl ming'aro.
intelligibility (noun), mng'aro, pl ming'aro.
intelligibility (noun), utambulifu.
intelligibility (noun), utambulizi.
intelligibility (noun), utambuzi.
intelligibility (noun), uwazi.
be intelligible (verb), -elea.
be intelligible to each other (verb), -sikizana ( assoc-caus).
intemperence (noun), hasharati.
be intended (verb), -azimiwa.
be intended (verb), -nuiwa.
intend (verb), -ania. he intends to become a teacher. anaania kazi ya
intend (verb), -azimia.
intend (verb), -azimu.
intend (verb), -dhamiria.
intend (verb), -hirimia.
intend (verb), -kusudi. everything that we intended. mambo yote
tuliyokusudia [Masomo 71].
intend (verb), -maanisha (causative).
intend (verb), -nia.
intend (verb), -nuia. "even if they had intended to reform him, haste
would have been beneficial".. hata kama wangalinuia kumrekebisha, pupa
isingalifaa [Moh].
intend (verb), -taka.
intend (verb), -tarajia.
intend (verb), -tazamia.
intend (to do something) (verb), -kusudia (applicative).
be intended (verb), -kusudiwa.
become more intense (verb), -shika moto. laughter and jokes have become
more intense again. vicheko na matani yameshika moto tena [Muk].
intense (adjective), kali.
intense (adverb), kamambe.
become intensified (verb), -imarika.
intensify (an effort) (verb), -kaza.
intensity (noun), kasi.
intensity (noun), ukali.
intensity (noun), ukalifu.
intensity (noun), uweza.
intensity (noun), uwezo.
intensive (adverb), kamambe.
be intent on (verb), -ukilia.
intent (noun), lengo (5/6), pl malengo.
intention (noun), azima, pl maazima.
intention (noun), azimio (5/6), pl maazimio.
intention (noun), azma (9/10), pl azima.
intention (noun), busara.
intention (noun), dhamira. it is the desire of the Africans to achieve
independence. ni dhamira ya Waafrika kupata uhuru.
intention (noun), dhamiri (9/10), pl dhamiri. His intention was that you
should live here with me.. Dhamiri yake ilikuwa uishi hapa na mimi
[Masomo 246].
intention (noun), dhati (9/10), pl dhati.
intention (noun), dhumuni (5/6), pl madhumuni.
intention (noun), gharadi.
intention (noun), kasidi (9/10), pl kasidi.
intention (noun), kusudi (5/6), pl makusudi. They are the ones who have
the full intention of putting their lives in great danger.. Wao ndio
wenye makusudi kabisa kuyaweka maisha yao katika hatari kubwa [Nyerere,
Masomo 277].
intention (noun), maana.
intention (noun), maazimio (6).
intention (noun), maazimio, pl maazimio.
intention (noun), madhumuni, pl madhumuni. The aim of her/his letter was
to ask for money.. Madhumuni ya barua yake ilikuwa kuomba pesa..
intention (noun), makusudi (6).
intention (noun), makusudio (6).
intention (noun), matilaba, pl matilaba.
intention (noun), pl intentions, mradi (3/4), pl miradi.
intention (noun), pl intentions, muradi (3/4), pl miradi.
intention (noun), nia (9/10), pl nia. to have the intention to pray.
kuwa na nia ya kusali [Kez].
intention (noun), nuio (9/10), pl nuio.
intention (noun), pl intentions, shabaha (9/10), pl shabaha. (s)he has
no good intention. Hana shabaha nzuri.
intention (noun), shauri (9/10), pl shauri. do you have intentions?.
una shauri?.
intention (noun), tabasuri (9/10), pl tabasuri.
intention (especially in respect of a visit to a witchdoctor or the use
of charm) (noun), manuwio.
intention (especially in respect of a visit to a witchdoctor or the use
of charm) (noun), manuwiyo.
without intention (preposition), pasipo nia.
intentionally (adverb), kwa kusudi.
intentionally (adverb), mradi.
intentionally (adverb), kwa nia.
innermost intentions (noun), batini.
inter (verb), -zika.
interaction (noun), maingiliano (6).
intercede (verb), -omba.
intercede for (verb), -ombea.
intercede for (verb), -salia.
intercept (verb), -kinga.
intercession (noun), maombezi.
intercession (noun), maombi.
intercession (noun), maombo.
intercession (noun), maomvi.
intercession (noun), uombezi (5/6), pl maombezi.
intercession (noun), utetezi.
intercessor (noun), mwombezi (1/2), pl waombezi.
interchange (verb), -geuza.
interchangeable (adjective), -badilifu.
have illicit sexual intercourse (verb), -zini.
have intercourse (verb), -ingiliana ( appl-recip).
have intercourse (verb), -jamii.
have sexual intercourse (of man and woman) (verb), -twaana.
have sexual intercourse (of man and woman) (verb), -twalika.
have sexual intercourse (of man and woman) (verb), -twanzana.
have sexual intercourse with (a woman) (verb), -lala.
have sexual intercourse with (a woman) (verb), -twaa.
have sexual relations with (verb), -tumia.
illicit sexual intercourse (noun), uzini.
illicit sexual intercourse (noun), uzinzi.
illicit sexual intercourse (noun), zina.
illicit sexual intercourse (noun), zinaa.
intercourse (sexual) (noun), ngono (9/10), pl ngono.
intercourse (sexual) (noun), ugoni (14).
sexual intercourse (noun), ugono.
interdependence (noun), utegemeano.
be interdependent (verb), -tegemeana.
interdependent (adjective), ungamana.
arouse interest (verb), -vutia (applicative).
be interested in (verb), -vutiwa ( appl-pass).
eth. common interest (noun), kiwili, pl viwili.
interest (noun), masilahi (6).
interest (noun), maslahi (6). This fiance doesn't think about your
interests but just about his own.. Huyu mchumba hafikiri maslahi yalko
bali yake mwenyewe [Masomo 39].
interest (noun), mwamali, pl miamali.
interest (noun), pl interests, shauku (9/10), pl shauku.
interest (noun), usikilivu.
interest (noun), usikivu.
interest (noun), usikizi.
interest (verb), -sisitiza.
interest (on money) (noun), pl interests, riba (9), pl riba.
be interfered with (verb), -ingiliwa.
interfere (verb), -doea.
interfere (verb), -tafiti.
interfere (in other people's affairs) (verb), -taaradhi.
interfere (in other people's affairs) (verb), -taaradhia.
interfere in a matter (verb), -jipachika.
interfere with (verb), -ingilia.
interference (noun), maingilio. armed intervention. maingilio ya
interior (noun), dakhalia (9/10), pl dakhalia.
interior (noun), kini (7/8), pl vini.
interior (noun), moyo. core at the top of the coconut tree (favored as a
delicacy).. moyo wa mnazi.
interior (noun), kiini (7/8), pl viini.
interior (as opposed to coast) (noun), bara.
interior of something (e.g. hold of ship) (noun), tumbo.
interjection (noun), kilio, pl vilio.
be interlaced (verb), -tatana.
intermarry (verb), -oana.
intermediary in arranging of a marriage (noun), kijumbe, pl vijumbe.
cost of interment (noun), uzishi, pl mazishi.
interment (noun), maziko, pl maziko.
interment (noun), mziko, pl miziko.
interment (act of) (noun), uzishi, pl mazishi.
interment (method of) (noun), uzishi, pl mazishi.
intermission (noun), muhula.
intern (verb), -alika.
international (adjective), -mataifa.
international (adverb), kati ya mataifa.
internationalism (noun), kilimwengu.
interposition (noun), pl interpositions, pangilio (5/6), pl mapangilio.
interpret (verb), -aridhia.
interpret (verb), -bashiri.
interpret (verb), -fasiri.
interpret (verb), -tabiri.
interpret (verb), -tafsiri.
interpret (a dream or omen) (verb), -agua.
interpretation (noun), fasiri.
interpretation (noun), mafafanusi.
interpretation (noun), tafsiri (5/6), pl matafsiri.
interpretation (noun), uaguzi.
interpretation (noun), ufafanusi.
interpretation (noun), ufafanuzi (14).
interpretation (noun), utabiri.
interpretation (of a dream or omen) (noun), aguzi (5/6), pl maaguzi.
interpretation of dreams (noun), uaguzi (11), pl uaguzi.
be interpreted (verb), -tabiriwa.
interpreter (noun), mfasiri (1/2), pl wafasiri.
interpreter (noun), mkalimani, pl wakalimani.
interpreter (noun), mtambua, pl watambua.
interpreter (noun), mtambuzi, pl watambuzi.
interpreter (noun), mtapta, pl watapta.
interpreting (noun), ukalimani.
interrogate (verb), -hoji.
interrogate (verb), -nyenga.
interrogate (verb), -nyenya.
interrogate (verb), -payusha.
interrogate (verb), -saili.
interrogate (verb), -uliza.
interrogation (noun), maulizo, pl maulizo.
interrogation (noun), ulizo (5/6), pl maulizo.
interrupt (verb), -dakiza.
interrupt (verb), -katiza.
interrupt (verb), -katiza (causative).
interrupt (verb), -kata kauli.
interrupt (verb), -varangavaranga.
interrupt (verb), -viza.
interrupt (verb), -vunja.
interrupt (verb), -zuma.
interrupt ( a conversation) (verb), -hinikiza.
interrupt someone (verb), -katia (applicative).
interrupt someone (with noises) (verb), -chachaniza.
interrupt someone (with noises) (verb), -chachawiza.
interruption (noun), chachawizo, pl machachawizo.
interruption (noun), mkatizo, pl mikatizo.
interruption (noun), pingamizi (9/10), pl pingamizi. "We want to make
peace, but there are many interruptions".. tunataka kufanya amani lakini
kuna pingamizi nyingi.
interruption (of speech) (noun), mdukuo (3/4), pl midukuo.
without interruption (adverb), msago.
without interruption (adverb), sago.
intersect (verb), -kingama.
intersection (noun), kutano (5/6), pl makutano.
be intertwined (verb), -fungamana.
interruption (of a conversation) (noun), dakizo, pl madakizo.
interval (noun), nafasi.
interval of time (noun), muda (14), pl muda.
intervention (noun), maingilio (6).
intervention (noun), maingilio. armed intervention. maingilio ya
intervention (noun), uingiliaji.
non-intervention (noun), kutoingilia(na).
interview (noun), hojaji (9/10), pl hojaji.
interview (noun), mahojiano (6).
interview (verb), -wajihi.
interviewee (noun), mhojiwa (1/2), pl wahojiwa.
interviewer (noun), mhoji (1/2), pl wahoji.
intestinal worm (noun), mnyoo (3/4), pl minyoo.
intestinal worm (noun), chango, pl machango.
round intestinal worm (noun), uchango (11/10), pl chango.
small intestine (noun), chango, pl machango.
small intestine (noun), chengelele, pl machengelele.
small intestine (noun), jengelele, pl majengelele.
intestines (noun), matumbo, pl matumbo.
intestines (noun), utumbo (11/6), pl tumbo/matumbo.
small intestines (noun), uchango.
small intestines (noun), uchengelele.
small intestines (noun), ujengelele.
be on intimate terms (verb), -suhubiana.
be on intimate terms (verb), -suhubu.
be on intimate terms (verb), -twaana.
be on intimate terms (verb), -twanzana.
intimate friend (noun), msiri, pl wasiri.
intimate part (noun), undani (14).
intimidate (verb), -tisha.
intimidate (someone) (verb), -hofisha.
one who intimidates others (noun), mtishaji, pl watishaji.
intimidation (noun), mwogofyo, pl miogofyo.
make one's way into (verb), -penya. make one's way into the forest..
penya mwituni.
intonation (noun), kiimbo (7/8), pl viimbo.
an intoxicant (noun), ulevi (14).
intoxicant (noun), kileo (7/8), pl vileo.
intoxicant (type of) (noun), wargi (9).
intoxicating beverage (noun), boji.
intoxicating beverage (noun), boza.
intoxicating beverage (made with honey) (noun), buza.
intoxicate (verb), -levya.
intoxicated (adjective), chopi.
intoxicated (adjective), levi.
intoxicating (alcoholic) beverage (in gen.) (noun), mtindi, pl mitindi,
intoxicating (alcoholic) beverage (in gen.) (noun), tindi, pl mitindi,
intoxicating beverage (noun), sharabu (9/10), pl sharabu. intoxicating
beverage is alcoholic. Sharabu ni ulevi.
intoxicating beverage (in gen.) (noun), tindi, pl matindi.
intoxicating drink (noun), pombe (9/10), pl pombe.
intoxication (noun), malevi.
intoxication (noun), ulevi (14).
intoxication (noun), ulevi.
be intractable (verb), -kaidi.
intractable (adjective), kaidi.
intractable person (noun), maasum, pl waasum.
intractable person (noun), mwasi, pl waasi.
intrepid person (noun), pl intrepid people, mshupavu (1/2), pl washupavu.
intrigue (noun), fitina (9/10), pl fitina.
intrigue (noun), fitna (9/10), pl fitna.
intrigue (noun), kitimbi (7/8), pl vitimbi.
intrigue (noun), uchimbi.
intrigue (noun), ufatani.
intrigue (noun), ufitina.
intrigue (noun), utimbi.
intrigue (noun), utimvi.
intrigue (verb), -kanganya.
intrigue (verb), -tatiza.
intrigue (verb), -tega.
intriguer (noun), mteta, pl wateta.
intriguer (noun), mtetaji, pl watetaji.
intriguer (noun), mtetea, pl mtetea.
intriguer (noun), mtetezi, pl watetezi.
something intriguing (noun), mtatio, pl mitatio.
be introduced (verb), -julishwa ( caus-pass).
introduce (verb), -weka.
introduce a discordant note into a previously enjoyable conversation
(verb), -varangavaranga.
introduce by stealth (verb), -penyeza.
introduce someone to (a new job etc.) (verb), -ingiliza.
one who introduces something (a custom), etc.) (noun), mwingizaji, pl
introducer (noun), mpenyezi (1/2), pl wapenyezi.
introducer (noun), mwingilizi (1/2), pl waingilizi.
one who introduces something (a custom), etc.) (noun), mwingizi, pl
introducing (noun), utilaji.
introduction (noun), dibaji (9/10), pl dibaji.
introduction (noun), maanzilisho, pl maanzilisho.
introduction (noun), mpenyezo (3/4), pl mipenyezo.
introduction (noun), utangulizi.
intrude (verb), -dukisa.
intrude (verb), -dukiza.
intrude (verb), -ingilia.
intruder (noun), kizushi (7/8), pl vizushi.
intrusion (noun), maingilio (6). Before foreign rule, that is before the
intrusion of the Germans and the British .... Kabla ya utawala wa kigeni,
yaani kabla ya maingilio ya Wajerumani na Waingereza ... [Masomo 305]..
intuition (noun), anga, pl maanga.
inundate (verb), -gharikisha.
be inundated (verb), -ghariki.
inundation (noun), gharika (9/10), pl gharika.
inundation (noun), gharikisho (9/10), pl magharikisho.
inundation (noun), mafuriko.
inv of loga (verb), -logoa.
invade (verb), -bokoa.
invade (verb), -shambulia. invade each other. shambuliana..
invade (verb), -vamia.
be invaded (verb), -vamiwa.
invader (noun), mnyang'anyi, pl wanyang'anyi.
invader (noun), pl invaders, mvamizi (1/2), pl wavamizi. On this day
every year we remember how heroes who put themselves forward to fight with
invaders from outside countries or strangers who wanted to rule our
country.. Siku hii kila mwaka tunawakumbuka mashujaa wetu waliojitoa
kupigana na wavamizi kutoka katika nchi za nje au wageni waliotaka
kuitawala nchi yetu [Nyerere, Masomo 273].
declare invalid (verb), -batili.
invalid (adjective), batili.
invalid (adjective), batilifu.
invalid (noun), mwele, pl waele.
one who declares something to be invalid (noun), mbatilifu, pl
invalidate (verb), -batili.
invalidate (verb), -tangua.
invalidation (noun), kitanguo (7/8), pl vitanguo.
invariable (adjective), kamambe.
invariable (adjective), kame.
invasion (noun), hujuma (9/10), pl hujuma.
invasion (noun), shambulio (5/6), pl mashambulio. the rebels made a
great invasion. Waasi walifanya shambulio kubwa.
invasion (noun), uvamizi (14), pl uvamizi.
invective (noun), apizo, pl maapizo.
invective (noun), matukano, pl matukano.
be invented (verb), -bunika.
be invented (verb), -buniwa.
invent (verb), -buni.
invent (verb), -sanifisha.
invent (verb), -sanifu.
invent (verb), -sanii.
invent (verb), -vumbua.
invent (verb), -zua.
invent (verb), -zuka.
invent (verb), -zulisha.
invent (verb), -zumbua.
invent (verb), -zusha.
something invented (noun), chuku.
inventing (act of) (noun), tungizi, pl matungizi.
invention (noun), tungizi, pl matungizi.
invention (noun), ubuni (14).
invention (noun), utungo.
invention (noun), uvumbuzi (14).
invention (noun), uzushi (14).
invention (noun), uzuzi.
inventor (noun), mtunga, pl watunga.
inventor (noun), mtungaji, pl watungaji.
inventor (noun), pl inventors, mvumbuzi (1/2), pl wavumbuzi.
inventor (noun), mzushi, pl wazushi.
inventor (noun), mzuzi, pl wazuzi.
inventor; author (noun), mbuni, pl mibuni.
inventory (noun), orodha (9/10), pl orodha. inventory of business..
orodha ya biashara.
inventory (noun), oroza (9/10), pl oroza.
inventory (noun), worodha.
inversion (noun), kinyume.
invest (money) (verb), -tega uchumi.
invest money (verb), -tega uchumi.
cause to investigate (verb), -ausha.
cause to investigate (verb), -auza.
investigate (noun), hoja.
investigate (verb), -aua.
investigate (verb), -dadisi.
investigate (verb), -doea.
investigate (verb), -doya.
investigate (verb), -doyadoya.
investigate (verb), -duhushi.
investigate (verb), -jasisi.
investigate (verb), -onja.
investigate (verb), -pekesheni.
investigate (verb), -pekua.
investigate (verb), -saili.
investigate (verb), -taili.
investigate (verb), -talii.
investigate (verb), -tazama.
investigate (verb), -tunduia.
investigate (verb), -peleleza. when they begin to carefully investigate
the history of our country, .... watakapoanza kupeleleza kwa makini
historia ya nchi yetu (Nsekela,"Masomo," 3)....
investigate (verb), -peleleza. when they begin to carefully investigate
the history of our country, .... watakapoanza kupeleleza kwa makini
historia ya nchi yetu (Nsekela,"Masomo," 3)....
investigate (something) (verb), -tazamia.
investigate carefully (verb), -chunguza.
investigate intensively (verb), -pekuapekua.
investigate one another (verb), -sailiana.
have someone investigated (verb), -tunduiza.
investigation (noun), dahili, pl madahili.
investigation (noun), maangalio, pl maangalio.
investigation (noun), maulizo, pl maulizo.
investigation (noun), mchakuro, pl michakuro.
investigation (noun), onji (5/6), pl maonji.
investigation (noun), onjo (5/6), pl maonjo.
investigation (noun), pekesheni (9/10), pl pekesheni. the polisi
investigated his house.. nyumba kwake polisi walifanya pekesheni.
investigation (noun), uchunguzi (14), pl uchunguzi.
investigation (noun), ulizo, pl malizo, us. maulizo.
investigation (noun), upekuzi.
investigation (noun), upelelezi (14).
investigation (noun), utaftishi.
investigation (noun), utafutaji.
investigation (noun), utafutishi.
investigator (noun), mpelelezaji (1/2), pl wapelelezaji.
investigator (noun), mpelelezi (1/2), pl wapelelezi.
investment (noun), zingio, pl mazingio.
mil. investment (noun), mzingo, pl mizingo.
inveterate (adjective), maarufu. an inveterate listener to a radio.
msikilizaji maarufu wa redio.
be fertile (verb), -rutubika.
invitation (noun), pl Plural form?, aliko (5/6), pl maaliko.
invitation (noun), kadi.
invitation (noun), mwaliko (3/4), pl mialiko.
invitation (noun), mwito (3/4), pl miito.
invitation (verb), -itika.
invitation (from Eng. 'card') (noun), kadi (9/10), pl kadi.
invite (verb), -alika. invite to a feast; summon to battle, declare war.
~ karamuni; ~ vita.
invite (verb), -alisha.
invite (verb), -hudhurisha.
invite (verb), -ita.
invite (verb), -ita.
invite (verb), -karibisha.
invite (verb), -zuruza.
invite (to a celebration) (verb), -hurijia.
invite each other (verb), -alikana. They invited each other to various
celebrations.. Walialikana katika sherehe mbalimbali [Masomo 308].
invite guest for the evening (verb), -twesha.
invite guest for the evening (verb), -twisha.
one who invites (to a feast, etc.) (noun), mwalishi, pl walishi.
invoice (noun), ankra (9/10), pl ankra.
invoice (noun), orodha (9/10), pl orodha.
invoice (noun), oroza (9/10), pl oroza.
invoice (noun), worodha.
be involved (verb), -husika.
involve (verb), -husu.
involve (verb), -shughulisha.
be involved in (verb), -shughulikia.
become involved in (a matter) (verb), -taaradhi.
become involved in (a matter) (verb), -taaradhia.
inwardly (adverb), kimoyomoyo.
inwardly (adverb), ndani. He thought in his innermost heart.. anadhani
ndani ya moyo wake.
ipecac (noun), mzikoziko, pl mizikoziko.
Iran (noun), Agami, pl (sing.).
Iran (noun), Ajemi.
Iran (noun), Agami.
Iran (noun), Uajemi (17).
bar of iron (noun), pande la chuma (5/6), pl mapande ya chuma.
galvanized iron sheet (noun), bati (5/6), pl mabati.
iron (noun), chuma (7/8), pl vyuma. The door of the wall safe was iron.
Mlango wa sefu la ukutani ulikuwa wa chuma.
iron (verb), -piga pasi.
iron (clothes) (verb), -piga pasi.
iron (for clothes) (noun), pl irons, pasi (9/10), pl pasi.
iron (piece of) (noun), chuma, pl vyama. steel. chuma cha pua.
iron bar (noun), mtaimbo, pl mitaimbo.
iron bar (noun), mtalimbo, pl mitalimbo.
iron brass (noun), masoka.
iron clothes (verb), -piga pasi.
iron wire (noun), masoka.
iron working (noun), ufuaji chuma (14).
tempered iron (noun), pua (9/10), pl pua.
ironically (verb), -jugumu.
irony (noun), kejeli (9/10), pl kejeli.
irony (noun), kinaa (7).
irony (noun), kinaya (7).
irradiation (noun), umeme.
be irrefutable (verb), -bainika.
be irrefutable (verb), -bainikana.
irregular living (noun), tembezi, pl matembezi.
lead an irregular life (verb), -tembea.
irregularity (noun), chafuko (5/6), pl machafuko. If during the voting
period irregularities take place in the voting place [Masomo, 103]. Iwapo
wakati wa upigaji kura yanatokea machafuko kituoni [Masomo, 103].
irregularity (noun), pogo (5/6), pl mapogo. squinting.. mapogo ya
be irresolute (verb), -angaika.
be irresolute (verb), -hangaika.
be irresolute (verb), -tetereka.
irresolution (noun), wasiwasi.
irresponsibility (noun), mapuuza (6).
irresponsible (adjective), habali.
irresponsible (adjective), nyangalika. This person is irresponsible..
mtu huu ni kinyangalika.
irresponsible child (noun), mtiriri, pl watiriri.
be irrevocable (verb), -pasa.
irrevocably (adverb), lazima.
irrevocably (adverb), mkataa.
irrevocably (adverb), mwisho.
irrevocably (adverb), mwishowe.
irritability (noun), unyeti.
irritability (noun), usononi.
irritability (noun), usununo.
be irritable (verb), -guna.
be irritable (verb), -tukutika.
irritable (adjective), habali.
irritable (adjective), tukutu.
irritable person (noun), mlalafi, pl walalafi.
irritable person (noun), mlalavi, pl walalavi.
be irritated (verb), -chochewa. I don't want this foolishness of yours
of irritating words.. Sitaki huo upuzi wako wa maneno ya kuchochewa
[Chacha, Masomo 376].
be irritated (verb), -washa.
be irritated (verb), -wawa.
become irritated (verb), -fyeruka.
irritate (verb), -cheneta.
irritate (verb), -chocheleza.
irritate (verb), -chokoza.
irritate (verb), -chusha.
irritate (verb), -ghadhabisha.
irritate (verb), -kasiri.
irritate (verb), -kera.
irritate (verb), -kereketa.
irritate (verb), -kereketa.
irritate (verb), -nyonga.
irritate (verb), -ringa.
irritate (verb), -saliti.
irritate (verb), -sonoa.
irritate (verb), -tusha.
irritate someone (verb), -sononesha (causative).
be irritated (verb), -hamanika.
be irritated (verb), -nyewa.
irritated (verb), -ghadhabika.
irritated (verb), -kasirika.
cause irritation (verb), -kereketa.
irritation (noun), ghadhabu (9/10), pl ghadhabu.
irritation (noun), ghamidha (9/10), pl ghamidha.
irritation (noun), kiwasho (7/8), pl viwasho.
irritation (noun), mchokocho (3/4), pl michokocho.
irritation (noun), mchomo (3/4), pl michomo.
irritation (noun), nyege (9/10), pl nyege.
irritation (noun), unyege.
irritation (noun), unyege.
irritation (noun), usumbufu.
irritation (noun), utesaji.
irritation (noun), utesi.
irritation (noun), uwasho.
as is (of merchandise) (adverb), shelabela.
I too (adjective), nami.
is (verb), ni (conjugated), pl ni.
That is the way it is! Yes! (interjection), ndio.
That is the way it is! Yes! (interjection), ndiyo.
there is (verb), kuna (conjugated).
there is (verb), mna (conjugated).
there is (verb), muna (conjugated).
is not (verb), sivyo (negative).
is not (verb), siyo (negative).
Islam (noun), Islamu (9/10), pl Islamu.
Islam (noun), Islamu.
Islam (noun), Uislamu (14).
Islamic (adjective), Kiislamu.
Great Comoro Island (noun), Ngazija.
island (noun), kisiwa (7/8), pl visiwa.
island (large) (noun), masiwa.
group (small) of islands (noun), masiwa.
be isolated (verb), -tawa.
isolate (verb), -chuja.
isolate (verb), -tawisha (causative).
isolate oneself (verb), -jitoa.
be isolated (verb), -tengwa.
isolated (adjective), -akali.
isolated (adjective), penyewe.
isolation (noun), akali (9/10), pl akali.
isolation (noun), chemba (9/10), pl chemba.
isolation (noun), peke (9). I alone.. peke yangu.
isolation (noun), pekee (9). I alone.. peke yangu.
isolation (noun), pweke (9).
isolation (noun), utengano (14).
isosceles triangle (noun), pl isosceles triangles, pembetatu pacha
(9/10), pl pembetatu pacha.
Israel (noun), izraili.
issue (noun), jambo (5/6), pl mambo.
issue (noun), mzao, pl wazao.
issue (noun), ugawa.
issue (noun), ugawaji.
issue (noun), ugawanyaji.
issue (noun), utolewaji.
issue (noun), yambo (5/6), pl mambo.
issue (verb), -pokeza.
issue (verb), -toa.
issue (of a periodical) (noun), nakili.
issue (of a periodical) (noun), nuku.
point at issue (noun), kigambo, pl vigambo.
one who issues (noun), mtoa, pl watoa. "pharmacist, druggist".. mtoa
issuing (act of) (noun), utoaji.
issuing (act of) (noun), utokezo, pl matokezo.
issuing (act of) (noun), utowaji.
from a distance (adverb), mbali. far from. mbali ya...[Rec].
isthmus (noun), shingo la nchi (5/6), pl mashingo.
it (adjective), yee.
it (animate) (pronoun), yeye, pl wao.
it is there (verb), yuko.
it too (adjective), naye.
Italian (adjective), -italiani.
be itching (verb), -washwa ( caus-pass).
itch (noun), ukuruti.
itch (noun), ukurutu.
itch (noun), upele, pl pele.
itch (noun), vipele.
itch (verb), -cheneta.
itch (verb), -nyea.
itch (verb), -tekenya.
itch (verb), -washa.
itch (verb), -wawa.
itching (noun), kinyevu.
itching (noun), mnyeo, pl minyeo.
itching (noun), pl itching, nyege (9/10), pl nyege.
itching (noun), unyeo.
feel itchy (verb), -nyewa.
itching, irritated place on the body (noun), mchochota (3/4), pl
item (noun), kifaa (7/8), pl vifaa.
essential items (noun), zana (9/10), pl zana.
itinerary (noun), pl timetables, ratiba (9/10), pl ratiba.
its (adjective), yake.
its (adjective), zake.
its (pronoun), -ake.
itself (adjective), wenyewe.
itself (adjective), yenyewe.
itself (adjective), zenyewe.
ivory (noun), pl ivories, pembe (9/10), pl pembe.
ivory (phrase), meno ya ndovu.


jab someone with the finger (as a sign of contempt) (verb), -subukua.
jack (noun), ghulamu.
jack up (e.g., an automobile, for repairs) (verb), -jeki.
jackal (noun), bweha.
jackal (noun), mbweha.
jacket (noun), koti (5/6), pl makoti.
knitted jacket (noun), jezi.
open jacket (worn over the kanzu) (noun), kisibao, pl visibau.
open jacket (worn over the kanzu) (noun), kisibau, pl visibau.
open jacket (worn over the kanzu) (noun), kisibayo, pl visibau.
open jacket (worn over the kanzu) (noun), kizibau, pl visibau.
jackfruit (noun), fenesi (5/6), pl mafenesi.
jackfruit (noun), finesi, pl mafinesi.
jackfruit tree (noun), mfenesi (3/4), pl mifenesi.
be jagged (verb), -chongoka.
be jailed (verb), -fungwa.
jail (noun), gereza (5/6), pl magereza.
jail (noun), jela (9/10), pl jela.
jail (noun), jela.
jail (noun), korokoroni (9/10), pl korokoroni. She was sentenced and put
in jail.. Alihukumiwa na kutiwa korokoroni [Kareithi Masomo 53].
jail (noun), mahabusi.
jail (noun), mahabusu.
jail (noun), mnyoo, pl minyoo.
jail (noun), mnyororo, pl minyororo.
jail (verb), -funga.
jailer (noun), jela.
get jammed (verb), -kwama.
jam (noun), jem.
jam (noun), maraba.
jam (noun), mraba, pl miraba. peanut brittle. njugu za mraba.
jam (verb), -bana.
jam (verb), -sama.
jamming (noun), msakamo, pl misakamo.
January (noun), Januari.
Japanese (adjective), Kijampani.
Japanese (adjective), Kijapani.
Japanese person (noun), Mjampani, pl Wajampani.
Japanese person (noun), Mjapani, pl Wajapani, Wajampani.
jar (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
jar (noun), gudulia (5/6), pl magudulia.
jar (noun), pl jars, mtungi (3/4), pl mitungi.
jar (for jam etc.) (noun), chupa, pl machupa.
jasmine (noun), asumini (9/10), pl asumini. The women decorate
themselves with jasimine. Wanawake hujipamba kwa maasumini [Masomo 128].
jasmine (noun), yasimini.
jasmine blossoms (wild) (noun), afu (9/10), pl afu. He ornaments the
stars and the heavens, roses and jasmine. Hupamba nyota na mbingu, na
mawaridi na afu [Shaaban Robert, "Rangi Zetu" 2 i].
jasmine flower (noun), yasmini (9/10), pl yasmini.
jasmine tree (Plumeria acuminata) (noun), msanapichi, pl misanapichi.
jasmine tree (Plumeria acuminata) (noun), msanapiti, pl misanapiti.
wild jasmine (Jasminum mauritianum) (noun), mwafu, pl miafu.
jaundice (noun), safura (9).
javelin (noun), mkuki (3/4), pl mikuki.
javelin (noun), pl javelins, sagai (9/10), pl sagai.
jaw (noun), kitaya, pl mataya.
jaw (noun), taya, pl mataya.
jaw (noun), utaya, pl mataya/taya.
jaw (noun), utaya, pl taya.
jawbone (noun), kitaya, pl mataya.
jawbone (noun), taya, pl mataya.
jawbone (noun), utaya, pl mataya/taya.
jawbone (noun), utaya (11/10), pl taya.
jazz band (noun), band (9/10), pl band.
be jealous (verb), -husudu.
be jealous (verb), -wa na wivu.
jealous (adjective), uwivu.
jealous (adjective), wivu.
jealous person (noun), mwivu (1/2), pl waivu.
jealously (noun), kijicho, pl vijicho. be jealous. kuwa na kijicho.
jealousy (noun), ghera.
jealousy (noun), husuda (9/10), pl husuda.
jealousy (noun), husuda.
jealousy (noun), kecha.
jealousy (noun), ngoa (9/10), pl ngoa.
jealousy (noun), uwivu.
jealousy (noun), wivu (11), pl wivu.
jeans (noun), patashika (9/10), pl patashika.
jellyfish (noun), yavuyavu, pl mayavuyavu.
jeopardize (verb), -hatarisha.
jeopardize (verb), -ogofisha.
jeopardize (verb), -ogofya.
jerk (noun), mkutuo (3/4), pl mikutuo.
jerk (noun), pl jerks, mshtuko (3/4), pl mishtuko.
jerk (verb), -gutua.
jerk (verb), -kutua.
jerk (verb), -shtua.
jerk (of the body) (noun), shituko (5/6), pl mashtuko.
jerk (of the body) (noun), shtuko (5/6), pl mashtuko.
jersey (noun), jezi.
jest (noun), dhaka.
jest (noun), mahoka.
jest (noun), mashkara.
jest (noun), masihara (9/10), pl masihara.
jest (noun), masihara.
jest (noun), masoka.
jest (noun), mzaha, pl mizaha. "joke, tease".. fanya mzaha.
jest (verb), -bisha.
jesting permissible between persons of mtani relationship (noun), utani.
Jesus (son of Mary) (when spoken of by Muslims) (noun), Isa.
Lord Jesus (noun), Bwana Yesu (1).
jetsam (noun), kizamaji, pl vizamaji.
Jew (noun), Myahudi, pl Wayahudi/Mayahudi.
Jew (noun), Yahudi (1/2), pl Wayahudi.
jewel (noun), johari (9/10), pl johari.
jewel (noun), johari.
jewel (noun), kito (7/8), pl vito.
jeweler (noun), sonara (9/10), pl sonara.
piece of jewelry (on a chain) (noun), kishaufu, pl vishaufu.
in the Jewish manner (adverb), Kiyahudi.
Jewish (adjective), -a kiyahudi.
Jewish (adjective), -yahudi.
jib (noun), jibu.
jigger (noun), funza (5/6), pl mafunza.
jigger (noun), tekenya (5/6), pl matekenya.
large jinnee (noun), subiani (9/10an), pl subiani.
jinx (noun), chimvi, pl machimvi.
jinx (someone who causes misfortune or injury to other people) (noun),
mshari, pl washari.
casual job (noun), kibarua (7/8), pl vibarua.
job (noun), kazi (9/10), pl kazi.
job (noun), maishilio.
job (noun), wadhifa.
temporary job (phrase), shuguli za muda. the teachers who came there for
a temporary job and then returned to where they had come from. waalimu
waliokuja pale kwa shughuli za muda na kurudi walikotoka [Muk].
jog (verb), -duguda.
be joined (verb), -kongomana.
cause to join (verb), -bandikisha.
cause to join (verb), -bandikiza.
join (verb), -ama.
join (verb), -ambata.
join (verb), -bandika.
join (verb), -ingia.
join (verb), -jiunga.
join (verb), -shariki. join a business. shiriki katika biashara [Rec].
join (verb), -shiriki.
join (verb), -unga.
join (verb), -unganisha.
join (a new group) (verb), -selea.
join (a new group). (verb), -sehelea.
join firmly (verb), -shikimanisha.
join forces (verb), -shirikiana. the Ugandan army is joining forces with
the Congolese army. Jeshi la Uganda linashirikiana na jeshi la Congo.
join together (verb), -ungamanisha.
join together (verb), -ungana.
be joined (verb), -ungwa.
be joined together (verb), -tungika.
something joined (noun), muungo, pl miuungo.
something joined (noun), mwungo, pl miungo.
joiner (noun), seremala (5/6an), pl maseremala. the jioner is fixing the
timber. Seremala anaziunga mbao.
joiner (noun), sermala (5/6an), pl maseremala. the joiner is assembling
the timber. Seremala anaziunga mbao.
joining (act of) (noun), muungo, pl miuungo.
joining (act of) (noun), mwungo, pl miungo.
joining (act of) (noun), uunganishaji.
joint (adjective), a pamoja.
joint (noun), kia, pl via.
joint (noun), kifundo, pl vifundo.
joint (noun), kikaza, pl vikaza.
joint (noun), kipingili (7/8), pl vipingili.
joint (noun), kiunga (7/8), pl viunga.
joint (noun), muungo, pl miuungo.
joint (noun), mwungo, pl miungo.
joint (noun), ungo, pl maungo.
joint (noun), ungu, pl maungu.
joint (of leg or arm) (noun), kia (7/8), pl via.
joint communique (noun), taarifu (9/10), pl taarifa.
med. joint (noun), kiungo (7/8), pl viungo.
jointly (adverb), sharika.
jointly (adverb), shirika. We own our property jointly. Mali yetu ni
stiffness (of the joints) (noun), mafunde.
joke (noun), dhaka.
joke (noun), mahoka. "Don't believe what he says, he is a wag/joker"..
maneno yake yasikutishe, yeye ni mtu wa masoka sana.
joke (noun), mashkara.
joke (noun), masihara (9/10), pl masihara.
joke (noun), masihara.
joke (noun), masoka. "Don't believe what he says, he is a wag/joker"..
maneno yake yasikutishe, yeye ni mtu wa masoka sana.
joke (noun), mchezo (3/4), pl michezo.
joke (noun), mzaha, pl mizaha. nickname; We were amused by their joke..
jina la mzaha; fanya mzaha [Rec]; Tulichekeshwa na mzaha wao.
joke (noun), shere (9/10), pl shere.
joke (noun), sheri (9/10), pl sheri. crack a joke. cheza/fanya sheri..
joke (noun), pl jokes, soga (5/6), pl masoga.
joke (noun), tani (5/6), pl matani.
joke (verb), -bisha.
joke (verb), -chera.
joke (verb), -chezacheza.
joke (verb), -dhihaki.
joke (verb), -cheza shere.
joke (verb), -fanya shere.
joke (verb), -taniana (reciprocal).
joke (lengthy with word play) (noun), kitumbuizo (7/8), pl vitumbuizo.
malicious joke (noun), ubishi, pl mabishi.
joker (noun), kinyago (7/8an), pl vinyago.
joker (noun), mchekeshaji, pl wachekeshaji.
joker (noun), mchekeshi, pl wachekeshi.
joking (noun), dhihaka. make fun of, mock, deride. sema [fanya]
joking (noun), mdhaha.
joking (noun), mshaha.
jole (noun), tundu.
jolly (adjective), chekeshaji.
jolly person (noun), mchekeshaji, pl wachekeshaji.
jolly person (noun), mchekeshi, pl wachekeshi.
wag (noun), mchekeshaji, pl wachekeshaji.
jolt (verb), -duguda.
Joseph (noun), Yusufu (1).
jostle (verb), -kumba.
jostle (verb), -kumbana.
jostle (verb), -pambana.
jostle (verb), -seta.
jostle (verb), -sukuma.
jostle (verb), -sukumana.
jostle each other (in a crowd) (verb), -songana (associative).
one who jostles (noun), mkumbizi, pl wakumbizi.
jostling (noun), ukumbaji.
jostling (noun), ukumbizi.
with much jostling (adverb), kwa sukumana.
journalist (noun), mchunguzi, pl wachunguzi.
journalist (noun), muhariri, pl wahariri.
journey (noun), msafara, pl misafara.
journey (noun), pl journeys, safari (9/10), pl safari. Mansuri went on
his business journeys. Mansuri alirejea katika safari zake za kibiashara
journey (noun), usafari.
journey (noun), usafiri.
set out on a journey (phrase), -ng'oa safari.
set out on a journey (verb), -safiri.
journeyman (noun), mkufunzi, pl wakufunzi.
journeyman (noun), mkurufunzi, pl wakurufunzi.
journeyman (noun), waria.
jovial (adjective), bashasha.
jovial person (noun), mfurahivu, pl wafurahivu.
joviality (noun), udamisi.
jowls (noun), mataya, pl mataya.
expresses joy (interjection), a.
expresses joy (interjection), aa.
expresses joy (interjection), ah.
feel joy (verb), -ona furaha.
joy (noun), anasa, pl anasa.
joy (noun), furaha (9/10), pl furaha.
joy (noun), kikora, pl vikora.
joy (noun), mteremo, pl miteremo.
joy (noun), nderemo, pl minderemo.
joy (noun), pl joys, raha (9/10), pl raha.
joy (noun), uchangamfu (14).
joy (noun), ufurahi.
shout of joy (noun), kigelegele (7/8), pl vigelegele.
joyfulness (noun), bashasha (9/10), pl bashasha.
be judged (verb), -amuliwa (passive).
be judged (verb), -hukumiwa.
judge (noun), hakimu (5/6), pl mahakimu.
judge (noun), jaji (5/6), pl majaji.
judge (noun), jaji, pl majaji.
judge (noun), kadhi (1/2), pl makadhi.
judge (noun), kadhi, pl makadhi.
judge (noun), mwamuzi (1/2), pl waamuzi.
judge (verb), -amua.
judge (verb), -hukumu.
judge (verb), -hukumu.
Muslim judge (noun), kadhi (5/6), pl makadhi.
pass judgment on (verb), -hukumia.
judgement (noun), amuzi, pl maamuzi.
judgement (noun), fetwa.
judgement (noun), hiari.
judgement (noun), hukumu.
judgement (noun), maamuzi, pl maamuzi.
judgement (noun), ukadiri.
judgement (noun), ukadirifu.
judgement (power of) (noun), hekima.
judgement (power of) (noun), nadhari.
judgement day (noun), kiyama (9/10), pl kiyama.
pass judgement (verb), pl Check verb form translations, -adhibisha.
pass judgement (verb), -adhibu.
pass judgement (verb), -feta.
pass judgement (verb), -fetwa.
place of judgement (noun), mahakma.
judgeship (noun), ujaji.
judgment (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
judgment (noun), hukumu (9/10), pl hukumu.
judgment (noun), uamuzi (11/6), pl maamuzi.
jug (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
jug (noun), dumu, pl madumu.
jug (noun), jagi.
jug (noun), mdumu (3/4), pl midumu.
large earthenware jug (for storing water) (noun), kasiki, pl (-),
small metal jug (noun), kalasia.
water jug (large) (noun), balasi, pl balasi, mabalasi.
water-jug (large) (noun), rumbi (9/10), pl rumbi.
water-jug (with one or two handles) (noun), kuzi (5/6), pl makuzi.
jugglery (noun), kiinimacho (7/8), pl viinimacho.
jugglery (noun), mazingaombwe (6).
juggling (noun), mauzauza.
juice of a plant (noun), utomvu.
poisonous juice of mutpa plants (noun), utupa.
7 July the Anniversary of TANU (=Tanzania National Union). (noun), Saba-
Saba. The celebrations of the anniversary of TANU were addressed by the
chairman of the workers organization. Sherehe za sabasaba ziliadhimishwa
na rais wa chama cha wafanyakazi.
July (noun), Julai.
be jumbled (verb), -changanyika.
jumble (noun), mburugo (3/4), pl miburugo.
jumble (verb), -changanya. jumble words. changanya maneno.
jumbled (adjective), msonge.
cause to jump (verb), -rusha.
jump (noun), pl jumps, mruko (3/4), pl miruko.
jump (noun), ruko (5/6), pl maruko.
jump (noun), pl jumps, rusho (5/6), pl marusho.
jump (verb), -chachawa.
jump (verb), -chupa. the frog jumps. chura anachura.
jump (verb), -ruka. Zakaria was playing by jumping up and down. Zakaria
alikuwa akicheza alikuwa akirukaruka [Kez].
jump at (verb), -rukia. the cat jumped at the rat. Paka alinukia panya.
jump over (verb), -dupa.
jump over something (verb), -kiuka.
sport jumper (noun), mrukaji, pl warukaji.
jumping (noun), urukaji.
be jumpy (verb), -tukutika.
junction (noun), kutano (5/6), pl makutano.
June (noun), Juni.
jungle (noun), magugu.
jungle (noun), mwitu, pl mitu, miitu. "dense forest, jungle".. mnene,
gongo la mwitu.
of the jungle (adjective), -a kimwitu.
of the jungle (adverb), -a kimwitu.
junior (adjective), dogo.
junior (in age or rank) (noun), mdogo, pl wadogo.
juniper (noun), mreteni, pl mireteni.
fig. junk (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
junk (noun), makombo.
junk (noun), taka (5/6), pl mataka.
junk (noun), takataka (5/6), pl matakataka.
junk (noun), uhafifu.
junker (noun), kweche (9/10), pl kweche.
junker (automobile) (noun), katara (9/10), pl katara.
Jupiter (noun), Mshtarii.
jur. jurisdiction (noun), mamlaka.
jurisdiction (noun), hukumu.
jurist (noun), mwanasheria, pl wanasheria.
be just (verb), -adili.
just (adjective), adili.
just (adjective), adilifu.
just (adjective), sawa.
just (adverb), babale.
just (adverb), hasa.
just (adverb), hivi.
just (adverb), tu.
just (noun), haki.
just so (abbreviation), v.h..
just so (adverb), hivyo.
just so (adverb), vivi.
just so (adverb), vivi hivi.
just then (adverb), sawia. the glass got Matata just ahead. glasi
ilimpata Matata sawia usoni [Muk].
administration of justice (noun), hukumu.
dispense justice (verb), -hukumu.
justice (noun), adili (5/6), pl maadili.
justice (noun), haki (9/10), pl haki.
justice (noun), haki.
justice (noun), sharia (9/10), pl sharia. appeal for justice. peleka
justice (noun), sheria (9/10), pl sheria. appeal for justice. peleka
justice (noun), uadilifu.
justice (noun), uongofu.
justice (noun), wongofu.
justify (verb), -halisisha.
justify (verb), -sadikisha.
justify oneself (verb), -jikania.
justness (noun), uongofu.
justness (noun), wongofu.


Kabaa (in Mecca) (noun), Kaaba.

Kamba region (noun), Ukambani (17).
badani (front or back piece of a kanzu) (noun), badani, pl badani.
fig. raised embroidery on the back of a kanzu (noun), gebali (5/6), pl
lining of kanzu (noun), kaba.
lining strip under kanzu's ornamental stitch. (noun), mhalbori (3/4), pl
red silk ornamental stitching on F kanzu collar (noun), mrera (3/4), pl
side pieces of a kanzu (noun), taharizi.
kapok (noun), sufi (9/10), pl sufi.
kapok (noun), sufu (9/10), pl sufu.
kapok (noun), usufi.
Kariakoo (center of Dar es Salaam) (noun), Kariakoo.
naut. keel (of a boat, ship) (noun), mkuku, pl mikuku.
keelson (mast of a vessel) (noun), msitamu (3/4), pl misitamu.
naut.keelson (noun), mstamu, pl misitamu.
be keen (verb), -fioa.
be keen (verb), -fyoa.
keep (verb), -dodoa.
keep (verb), -hifadhi.
keep (verb), -shika. keep this money. shika hizi pesa.
keep (verb), -tunza.
keep (verb), -tuza.
keep (verb), -vua.
keep (verb), -weka.
keep (for further use) (verb), -weka.
keep a taboo (verb), -gunga.
keep an eye on (verb), -tunduia.
keep an eye on something or somone (verb), -tunzia.
keep cattle (verb), -fuga n'gombe.
keep close to home (verb), -vumbika.
keep doing (verb), -zidi.
keep for (verb), -wekea.
keep goats (verb), -fuga mbuzi.
keep in (verb), -wekea.
keep in mind (verb), -kaa ukijua.
keep off (food) due to taboo (verb), -zira.
keep permanently (verb), -shikilia.
keep someone from leaving (verb), -ketisha.
keeping (noun), kingojeo.
keeping (noun), kingojezi.
keeping (noun), kingojo.
keep off (verb), -bekua. Mosquitos must be kept off.. lazima ubekue
keep on (verb), -dumu.
keeper (noun), mlinda, pl walinda.
keeper (noun), mlindaji, pl walindaji.
keeper (noun), mngoja, pl wangoja. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
keeper (noun), mngojaji, pl wangojaji. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
keeper (noun), mngoje, pl wangoje. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
keeper (in a museum, etc.) (noun), mtunza, pl watunza. treasurer..
mtunza hazina/fedha.
keeping savings (act of) (noun), mweko, pl mieko.
one who keeps (noun), mweka, pl weka. treasurer. mweka
one who keeps (noun), mweka, pl weka. treasurer. mweka
keepsake (noun), sawadi (5/6), pl masawadi.
keepsake (noun), tunu.
keepsake (noun), zawadi.
colored kerchief (worn by women) (noun), dusamali.
woman's kerchief (noun), leso, pl leso, maleso.
kernel (noun), kiini (7/8), pl viini.
kernel of a nut (noun), jozi.
kernel of a fruit-stone (noun), kisa, pl visa.
kerosine (noun), kerosini.
kettle (noun), birika (5/6), pl mabirika.
key (noun), ufunguo (11/10), pl funguo.
key (noun), ufunguzi, pl funguzi.
key (small) (noun), kifunguo (7/8), pl vifunguo.
key ring (noun), kishikio (7/8), pl vishikio.
mus.key,clef (noun), msingi, pl misingi.
mus.key,clef (noun), msinji, pl misinji.
mus.key,clef (noun), mzingi, pl mizingi.
musical key (noun), jamii ya sauti nane zinazolingana zenyewe kwa zenyewe
keyboard (noun), pl keyboards, sehemu ya kinanda (9/10), pl sehemu za
keyboard (noun), yenye vipande vya kupigwa kwa vidole (9/10).
keyring (noun), pl keyrings, shada la funguo (5/6), pl mashada ya funguo.
(s)he lost the keyring. Alipoteza shada la funguo.
keys (noun), funguo (9/10), pl funguo (already in plural).
khaki (noun), kaki (9/10), pl kaki.
kick (noun), mchocheo (3/4), pl michecheo.
kick (noun), mchocho, pl michocho.
kick (noun), teke (5/6), pl mateke.
kick (verb), -piga teke.
kick (verb), -piga teke.
with a kick (adjective), kwa teke, pl kwa mateke.
kick-off (in football) (noun), kiki.
kid (noun), ndama ya mbuzi.
kidnap (verb), -nyang'anya.
kidnap (verb), -teka nyara (transitive). Bandits kidnapped the child of
the rich person.. Majambazi walimteka nyara mtoto wa tajiri..
kidney (noun), buki, pl mabuki.
kidney (noun), figo (5/6), pl mafigo.
kidney (noun), nso (9/10), pl nso.
person with weak kidneys (noun), kikojozi, pl vikojozi.
be killed (verb), -uliwa (passive).
kill (verb), -ua.
kill (verb), -ulaga.
kill (verb), -ulia.
kill (verb), -umbua.
kill by stoning (verb), -rujumu.
something that kills (noun), kiua, pl viua.
be killed (verb), -uawa (passive).
killer (noun), mwuaji (1/2), pl wauaji.
killer (noun), nduli, pl nduli.
kiln (noun), joko (5/6), pl majoko.
kiln (noun), pl kilns, tanuu (9/10), pl tanuu.
potter's kiln (noun), joko, pl majoko.
kilogram (noun), kilo. he spoke frankly with him..
kilometer (noun), kilometa (9/10).
kin (noun), ujamaa.
kin (noun), ujamii.
be kind (verb), -taibu.
be kind (verb), -tayibu.
be so kind (as to do something) (verb), -tafadhali.
kind (adjective), -ema.
kind (adjective), jamili.
kind (adjective), -a kiutu.
kind (adjective), -pole.
kind (adjective), polepole.
kind (adverb), pendevu.
kind (noun), pl Yes, aina (9/10), pl aina. all kinds of.... kila ~
kind (noun), babu, pl babu.
kind (noun), jinsi (9/10), pl jinsi.
kind (noun), jinsi.
kind (noun), mtindo, pl mitindo.
kind (noun), namna, pl namna.
kind (noun), simo (9/10), pl simo.
kind person (noun), mhisani (1/2), pl wahisani.
kindheartedenss (noun), uwazi wa moyo.
kindheartedness (noun), imani (9/10), pl imani.
kindheartedness (noun), ufadili.
kindle (verb), -washa.
kindle (a fire) (verb), -simbu.
kindle (a fire) (verb), -sumba.
one who kindles (a fire or light) (noun), mwasha, pl waasha. One who
kindles the fire.. mwasha moto.
kindling (noun), kidondo (7/8), pl vidondo.
kindling (noun), vidondo.
kindly person (noun), pl kindly people, mteremeshi (1/2), pl wateremeshi.
kindly person (noun), -teremeshi (1/2), pl wateremeshi.
kindness (noun), mapendezi.
kindness (noun), bashasha (9/10), pl bashasha.
kindness (noun), ehsani.
kindness (noun), fadhila (9/10), pl fadhila. I don't forget kindness.
Sisahau fadhila [Masomo 246].
kindness (noun), hisani (9/10), pl hisani.
kindness (noun), hisani.
kindness (noun), imani (9/10), pl imani.
kindness (noun), jamala.
kindness (noun), latifu (9/10), pl latifu.
kindness (noun), murua (9/10), pl murua.
kindness (noun), muruwa (9/10), pl muruwa.
kindness (noun), tajamala (9/10), pl tajamala.
kindness (noun), ubaridi.
kindness (noun), ulaini (14).
kindness (noun), ungwana.
kindness (noun), upendezi, pl mapendezi.
kindness (noun), upole (14).
kindness (noun), utamu.
kindness (noun), utu.
kindness (noun), uungwana.
kindness (noun), wema.
show kindness (verb), -fadhili.
show kindness (verb), -tajamali.
kabaka (title of the king of Buganda) (noun), kabaka.
king (noun), kingu. steam engine..
king (noun), maliki (9/10an), pl maliki.
king (noun), maliki.
king (noun), malki.
king (noun), mfalme (1/2), pl wafalme.
king (chess) (noun), pl kings (chess), shaha (9/10), pl shaha.
king (chess) (noun), sheha (5/6an), pl mashaha.
king (chess) (noun), shehe (5/6an), pl mashehe.
king (Sultan) (noun), pl kings, sultani (5/6an), pl sultani.
kingdom (noun), miliki.
kingdom (noun), milki.
kingdom (noun), ufalme (11/10), pl falme.
kingfish (noun), nguru (9/10an), pl nguru.
kind of bird, kingfisher (noun), kizamiadagaa.
kingfisher (noun), mdiria (9/10an), pl mdiria.
kingfisher (noun), pl kingfishers, mtilili (3/4), pl mitilili.
kingfisher (species of) (noun), dete.
kingfisher (species of) (noun), detepwani.
kingfisher (species of) (noun), kijimbi msitu, pl vijimbi.
kingfisher (species of) (noun), kurea.
mangrove kingfisher (noun), kijimbi msitu (7/8), pl vijimbi msitu.
orninth. species of kingfisher (noun), kisharifu, pl visharifu.
orninth. species of kingfisher (noun), msharifu, pl visharifu.
one who behaves as if he were a king (humorous or ironic term) (noun),
kingship (noun), ufalme, pl falme.
kinsfolk (noun), nasaba. I am not related to him.. sina nasaba naye.
degree of kinship (noun), uvyazi.
kinship (noun), udugu (14).
kinship (noun), utani (14).
kinship (degree of) (noun), uzalishi.
kinship (degree of) (noun), uzallshaji.
kinship (degree of) (noun), uzazi.
kinsman (noun), jamaa (9/10), pl jamaa.
kiss (verb), -busu.
kiss (verb), -donoa.
kiss (verb), -nonea.
kiss each other (verb), -noneana.
in the kitchen (noun), jikoni.
kitchen (noun), jiko (5/6), pl meko.
kitchen (noun), jikoni.
African kite (noun), kengewa.
child's kite (noun), tiara (9/10), pl tiara.
kite (child's toy) (noun), shada (5/6), pl mashada. throw a kite into
the air. rusha ki-shada angani.
kite (of paper) (noun), portangi (9/10), pl portangi. The children thew
a kite into the air.. Watoto walirusha portangi angani.
kite (the toy) (noun), tiara (9/10), pl tiara.
kite (toy) (noun), kisusuli (7/8), pl visusuli.
ornith. African kite (noun), mwewe.
knacker (noun), mchunaji, pl wachunaji.
knacker (noun), mchuni, pl wachunaji.
knapsack (noun), pl knapsacks, shanta (9/10), pl shanta.
knave (noun), ghulamu.
knead (verb), -kanda.
knead (verb), -kanda.
knead softly (verb), -tomasa.
kneading (act of) (noun), mkando, pl mikando.
knee (noun), futi (5/6), pl mafuti.
knee (noun), goti (5/6), pl magoti.
knee (noun), pl "knee down, fall to one's knees"., magoti.
kneecap (noun), kilegesambwa, pl vilegesambwa.
kneecap (noun), pl kneecaps, pia ya goti (9/10), pl pia za goti.
kneecap (noun), pl kneecaps, pia ya mguu (9/10), pl pia za miguu.
kneel (verb), -piga goti.
kneel (verb), -piga magoti.
kneel (verb), -piga magoti.
kneel down (verb), -piga magoti.
on one's knees (phrase), mapajani.
back of a knife blade (as opp. to the cutting edge) (noun), mafutuni.
butcher's knife (noun), buchari.
curved knife (used for slashing the bark of a palm tree in order to
collect the sap for making palm wine) (noun), kotama (9/10), pl kotama.
knife (noun), pl knives, kinoo (7/8), pl vinoo.
knife (noun), kisu (7/8), pl visu.
knife (verb), -choma kisu. The King of Mombasa killed the Portuguese
commander by knifing him.. Mfalme wa Mombasa alimwua kwa kumchoma kisu
jemadari wa Kireno [Masomo 143].
knife (large) (noun), buchari.
knife (large) (noun), jisu (5/6), pl majisu.
knife (large) (noun), puchari.
knife (large) (noun), sime (5/6), pl masime.
knife (small) (noun), kijisu, pl vijisu.
knife (very sharp) (noun), wembe.
knife or bullhook used for tapping palm trees (noun), upamba, pl pamba.
knife with a curved blade (noun), shembea (9/10), pl shembea.
large knife (noun), geli.
large knife (noun), jisu, pl majisu.
large knife for clearing forest (noun), parange (5/6), pl maparange.
large knife with a blunt edge (noun), sansuri (9/10), pl sansuri.
long knife (noun), panga (5/6), pl mapanga.
pocket knife (noun), kijembe, pl vijembe.
pruning knife (noun), kisu cha kupogolea.
shoemaker's knife (noun), ramba (9/10), pl ramba.
short curved knife (used for slashing the bark of a palm tree in order to
collect the sap for making palm wine) (noun), kotama (9/10), pl kotama.
short knife used for making incisions in the bark of palm trees in order
to drain off the sap for making wine (noun), ugemo.
knife-sharpener (noun), pl knife-sharpeners, noleo (5/6), pl manoleo.
knit (verb), -fuma.
knitting (act of) (noun), mpoto, pl mipoto.
knob (noun), kidude, pl vidude.
knob (noun), kinundu (7/8), pl vinundu.
knob (noun), kiwambo (7/8), pl viwambo.
knob (of a radio etc.) (noun), kirungu, pl virungu.
knobbed stick (noun), lungu.
knobkerry (noun), pl knoberries, rungu (5/6), pl marungu.
knock (verb), -bisha.
knock (verb), -bisha hodi.
knock (verb), -dodosa.
knock (verb), -dunda.
knock (verb), -fusa.
knock (verb), -gonga.
knock (verb), -gota.
knock (verb), -piga hodi.
knock (verb), -piga hodi.
knock (on the door) (noun), bisho.
knock against each other (verb), -gongana.
knock down (birds with stones) (verb), -dengua.
knock down (fruit from a tree with a stick or stone) (verb), -pua.
knock down (fruit from a tree with a stick or stone) (verb), -pura.
(s)he knocked down fruits (from a tree). Alipura matunda.
knock down (fruit from a tree with a stick or stone) (verb), -purura.
knock down (with a single blow) (verb), -pangua.
knock down (with a stick) (verb), -pemba.
knock fruit off a tree with a stick (verb), -popoa. knock mangoes off a
tree. popoa maembe.
knock in (verb), -kokomea.
knock off (verb), -pemba.
knock someone down (verb), -keta.
knock to pieces (verb), -ekua.
knock to pieces (verb), -wekua.
knock down (at an auction) (verb), -barikia.
knock down (birds with stones) (verb), -dekua.
knock off ( the end of something) (verb), -butua.
knocker (noun), gongo (5/6), pl magongo.
knocking (act or sound of) (noun), mgoto, pl migoto.
knocking something down w. a stick or stone (act of) (noun), mpopoo, pl
knoll (noun), kilima, pl vilima.
knot (noun), bunda, pl mabunda.
knot (noun), fundo (5/6), pl mafundo.
knot (noun), kifundo, pl vifundo.
knot (noun), kifundo (7/8), pl vifundo.
knot (noun), mfundo (3/4), pl mifundo.
knot (noun), mfundo, pl mifundo.
knot (noun), tanzi (9/10), pl tanzi. a special knot to tie the napkin.
tanzi maalumu ya kufunga kiwinda [Sul].
knot in the string (noun), fundo la uzi, pl mafundo.
knot in the tree (noun), fundo la mti, pl mafundo.
knot of braided hair (noun), ushungi, pl shungi.
knot tied in an anchor cable (noun), mangrini.
make a knot (verb), -piga fundo.
naut. knot tied in an anchor cable (noun), makoroa.
tie a knot (verb), -piga kifundo.
tie a knot (verb), -piga fundo.
be known (verb), -julika.
be known (verb), -julikana (potential).
be known (verb), -juliwa.
do not know what to do with (verb), -tokuwa na kazi na.
get to know (verb), -ng'amua.
get to know well (verb), -faidi.
know (noun), maizi.
know (verb), -atikali.
know (verb), -fahamu.
know (verb), -jua.
know (verb), -jua.
know (verb), -komanya.
know (verb), -kujuwa.
know (verb), -maizi.
know one another (verb), -fahamiana (reciprocal).
know one another (verb), -juana.
know with certainty (verb), -baini.
know with certainty (verb), -bayini.
let know (verb), -julisha.
make known (verb), -julisha (causative).
knowingness (noun), ujuvi (14).
expert knowledge (noun), ustadi.
impart knowledge (verb), -elemisha.
impart knowledge (verb), -elimisha.
knowledge (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
knowledge (noun), elimu (9/10), pl elimu.
knowledge (noun), hekima (9/10), pl hekima.
knowledge (noun), maarifa (6).
knowledge (noun), maarifa, pl maarifa.
knowledge (noun), ujuizi.
knowledge (noun), ujuzi (14).
knowledge (noun), utaalamu.
knowledgeable person (noun), mtambua, pl watambua.
knowledgeable person (noun), mtambuzi, pl watambuzi.
be known (verb), -julikana.
be known (verb), -sifika. (s)he is known for treating young children.
Anasafika kwa kutibu watoto wachanga.
be widely known (verb), -tukuka.
become widely known (verb), -tangaa.
generally known (adjective), -bainifu.
make known (verb), -hadhiri.
make known (verb), -nadi.
make known (verb), -tambulisha.
make something known (verb), -tangazia.
something known from experience (noun), maujudi.
well known (adjective), dhahiri.
well known (adjective), maarufu.
well known (adjective), mashuhuri.
well-known (adjective), dhihirifu.
well-known (adjective), mashuhuri.
well-known (adjective), mashuuri.
well-known person (noun), mbayana, pl wabayana.
widely known (adjective), tukufu.
knuckle (noun), nguyu (9/10), pl nguyu.
kohl (noun), wanja (11).
Koran (noun), koran.
Koran (noun), korani (9/10), pl Korani.
Koran (noun), Kurani (9/10), pl Kurani.
Koran (noun), pl Korans, Msahafu (3/4), pl misahafu.
name applied to the Koran (noun), furkani.
greater kudu (noun), tandala (9/10), pl tandala.
methods of a kungwi (noun), ukungwi.
work of a kungwi q.v. (noun), ukungwi.


label (noun), andiko, pl maandiko.

label (noun), ankra, pl ankra.
label (noun), chapa (9/10), pl chapa.
compulsory labor (noun), shogoa (9/10), pl shogoa.
forced labor (noun), shokoa (9/10), pl shokoa.
labor (noun), leba.
labor pains (noun), utungu (14).
obligatory labor (of a slave) (noun), koto.
laboratory (noun), maabara (6).
laborer (noun), kibarua (7/8), pl vibarua.
labyrinth (noun), mzingile (3/4), pl mizingile. rare: puzzle. mzingile
gold lace (noun), zari (9/10), pl zari.
lace (noun), kitango (7/8), pl vitango.
lace (of a shoe) (noun), kigwe, pl vigwe.
lace (of a shoe) (noun), ukanda, pl kanda.
lace (of shoe) (noun), kitani (9/10), pl kitani.
silver lace (noun), zari (9/10), pl zari.
lacerate (verb), -papura.
lacerate (of animals) (verb), -papaua. lacerate with claws/talons.
papura kwa makucha.
laceration (noun), mchakuro (3/4), pl michakuro.
lack (noun), ghaibu (9/10), pl ghaibu.
lack (noun), kasoro, pl kasoro.
lack (noun), kipunguo, pl vipunguo.
lack (noun), kosa, pl makosa. "High court, Court of Appeal; Supreme
Court".. tia kosani.
lack (noun), shida (9/10), pl shida.
lack (noun), uchache.
lack (noun), uchechefu.
lack (noun), ukosa.
lack (noun), ukosefu.
lack (noun), ukosekanaji.
lack (noun), ukosekano.
lack (noun), utovu (14).
lack (verb), -kosa.
lack (verb), -towesha.
lack of knowledge of tradition (on the part of young people who have not
yet been initiated) (noun), usungo.
lack of something (noun), waya.
person who lacks something (noun), mtovu, pl watovu. This is a person
who shows too little respect (where it is due).. huyu ni mtovu wa
lackey (noun), kibaraka (7/8), pl vibaraka.
lackey (noun), kijibwa, pl vijibwa.
be lacking (verb), -hitaji.
be lacking (verb), -mahitaji.
be lacking (verb), -palama. fail to get enough sleep. parama usingizi.
be lacking (verb), -parama. fail to get enough sleep. parama usingizi.
be lacking (verb), -toa.
be lacking (verb), -toweka.
lacking (verb), -tovu.
ladder (noun), daraja, pl madaraja.
ladder (noun), ngazi (9/10), pl ngazi.
ladder (noun), ngazi (9/10), pl ngazi. (musical) scale. ngazi ya noti.
heavily laden (a vessel etc.) (adjective), dobi.
ladies (noun), ledizi (9/10), pl ledizi.
laddle (noun), mkamshe, pl mikamshe.
ladle (noun), kata (9/10), pl kata.
ladle (noun), mkamshi (3/4), pl mikamshi.
ladle (noun), mwiko (3/4), pl miiko.
ladle (wooden) (noun), upawa, pl pawa.
gorgeously beautiful lady (noun), kisura (7/8an), pl visura.
lady (noun), bi.
lady (noun), bibi, pl mabibi.
lady (noun), mamsahib (9/10an), pl mamsahib.
lady (noun), mamsahib.
lady (noun), mamwana.
lady (noun), memsahib.
lady (noun), mwana.
lady (noun), saada (9/10an), pl saada.
lady (in direct address) (noun), seyyida (1).
lady (of the house) (noun), siti (9/10an), pl siti.
my lady (respectful address) (noun), bibie.
lady's finger (HIbiscus esculentus) (noun), mbamia (3/4), pl mibamia.
lady's finger (HIbiscus esculentus) (noun), mbinda, pl mibinda.
laggard (noun), goigoi.
be laid (verb), -tagwa.
something laid down (e.g. a log across a stream) (noun), ulalo, pl
something laid down (e.g. a log across a stream) (noun), uraro.
lair (noun), malalo (6).
lair (noun), malalo.
lair (noun), malazi (6).
lair (noun), malazi.
lair (noun), malazo.
lair (of animals) (noun), pango (5/6), pl mapango.
laity (noun), mlai (1/2), pl walai.
laity (noun), mlei (1/2), pl walei.
lake (noun), jito, pl majito.
lake (noun), ziwa (5/6), pl maziwa.
lamb (noun), kikondoo, pl vikondoo.
lamb (noun), mwanakondoo (1/2), pl wanakondoo.
be lame (verb), -boosa.
be lame (verb), -chechea.
be lame (verb), -chechemea.
be lame (verb), -chopi.
be lame (verb), -enda pecha.
lame (adjective), -a kiwete.
lame person (noun), kiguu, pl viguu.
lame person (noun), kilema (7/8), pl vilema.
lame person (noun), kiwete (7/8an), pl viwete.
lameness caused by injury of the hip (noun), unyonga, pl vinyonga.
lameness caused by injury or disease of the hip (noun), kinyonga.
lament (noun), ombolezo (5/6), pl maombolezo.
lament (verb), -lalama.
lament (verb), -lalamika (potential).
lament (verb), -omboleza.
lamentation (noun), kilio (7/8), pl vilio.
lamentation (noun), kwaya ya maombolezo (9/10), pl kwaya za maombelezo.
lamentation (noun), maombolezo.
lamentation (noun), pl lamentations, ombelezo (5/6), pl maombolezo.
lamenting (noun), malizano (6).
lamenting (noun), malizano.
flaring lamp (noun), pl flaring lamps, shungi (5/6), pl mashungi.
kerosene lamp (noun), karabai (9/10), pl karabai.
lamp (noun), fanusi (9/10), pl fanusi.
lamp (noun), kandili (9/10), pl kandili.
lamp (noun), kandili, pl makandili.
lamp (noun), siraji (9/10), pl siraji.
lamp (noun), taa (9/10), pl taa. as (s)he watched the paraffin fire.
akiutazama moto wa mafuta ya taa [Muk], chumbani kuna balbu mbili za taa
ya umeme [Muk], taa za magari zikitembea kama vimuri-muri [Ya].
lamp (burning gasoline, kerosine) (noun), karabai.
lamp holder (noun), kishika taa (7/8), pl vishika taa.
lamp holder (noun), kishikio (7/8), pl vishikio.
small lamp (noun), koroboi.
lampshade (noun), chengeu, pl vichengeu.
lampstand (noun), kiango, pl viango.
Lamu dialect (noun), Kiamu (7).
Lamu island (noun), Amu. Lamu is the Glorious Isle. Lamu ni Kiwandeo.
lance (noun), mkuki, pl mikuki.
lance (a boil) (verb), -tunga jipu.
land (noun), ardhi (9/10), pl ardhi. Land definitely was a major problem
between us and the evil settler government that denied us justice
[Kenyatta, Masomo 116]. Ardhi ndiyo iliyokuwa tatizo kubwa baina yetu na
serikali mbaya ya walowezi iliyotunyima haki [Kenyatta, Masomo 116].
land (noun), inchi. dry land (as opp. to bahari).. nchi kavu.
land (noun), nchi (9/10), pl nchi.
land (verb), -shuka. land out of the vehicle. shuka motokaa [Rec].
land (verb), -shusha (causative).
land (verb), -telemka.
land (an airplane) (verb), pl The sun will SET at seven o'clock tonight.,
land (as opposed to coast) (noun), bara.
land (goods or troops) (verb), -telemusha.
land (goods or troops) (verb), -teremsha.
land (of airplanes) (verb), -gutua.
land (of airplanes) (verb), -kutua.
land (unused) (noun), kiwanja (7/8), pl viwanja.
piece of land allotted to someone for cultivation (noun), ng'ungwe
(9/10), pl ng'ungwe.
piece of land that a person is allotted or assigned to work in a day
(noun), ngwe (9/10), pl ngwe.
uninhabited wild land (noun), pori (5/6), pl mapori. They live in the
wilderness. Wanaishi porini.
have landed (verb), -sozeka (intransitive).
be suitable for a landing (of a place) (verb), -sozeka (intransitive).
landing site (noun), kituo (7/8), pl vituo.
landing stage (noun), gati (5/6), pl magati.
landing stage (noun), uvuko.
landing stage (noun), uvushi.
landing stage (noun), uvusho.
landing stage. (noun), kivuko, pl vivuko.
landing-place (noun), diko, pl madiko.
landing-stage (noun), bunta.
landing strip (noun), barabara.
landlord (noun), kabaila (5/6), pl makabaila.
landlord (noun), mpangishaji, pl wapangishaji.
landlord (noun), mpangishi, pl wapangishi.
landlord (noun), mwinyi (5/6an), pl mainyi.
landlordism (noun), umwinyi (14).
landmark (noun), mnara (3/4), pl minara. Mount Kilimanjaro is an African
landmark. Mlima Kilimanjaro ni mnara wa Afrika [Masomo 4].
landscape (noun), mandhari (9/10), pl mandhari.
landscape (noun), mandhari.
landslide (noun), bomoko, pl mabomoko.
landslide (noun), poromoko (5/6), pl maporomoko. a landslide. mporomoko
wa ardhi.
English language (noun), kimombo (7/8), pl vimombo.
Kalenjin (noun), Kikalenjin (7).
Kamba (noun), Kikamba (7).
language (noun), lesani.
language (noun), lisani.
language (noun), lugha (9/10), pl lugha.
language (noun), maneno.
language (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
language (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno.
language (noun), ulimi (11/10), pl ndimi.
language of the inhabitiants of the interior (noun), kishenzi.
language with click consonants (noun), kidoko, pl vidoko.
our language (noun), Kikwetu (7).
Swahili...... (adjective), Kiswahili.
use filthy language (verb), -bagawa.
use indecent language (verb), -bagawa.
be languid (verb), -nyong'onyea.
languid (adjective), tepete.
languid (adjective), tepetevu.
languidness (noun), unyogofu.
languidness (noun), unyong'onyevu.
languish (verb), -zia.
languishing (noun), unyaufu.
languorous (adjective), -vivu.
lanky person (noun), kimbaumbau (7/8), pl vimbaumbau.
lantern (noun), fanusi (9/10), pl fanusi.
lantern (noun), kandili (9/10), pl kandili.
lantern (noun), kandili, pl makandili.
in one's lap (phrase), mapajani.
lap (noun), paja (5/6), pl mapaja.
lap (noun), upaja, pl paja.
on the lap (preposition), pajani.
lapse (of time) (noun), pindi (5/6), pl mapindi.
lapse of memory (noun), sahau (9/10), pl sahani. the old man had memory
lapse, he did not take his medicine. Mzee alikuwa na sahau, hakumeza dawa
lard (noun), shahamu (9/10), pl shahamu.
large (adjective), -kubwa.
large number (noun), wingi.
largeness (noun), ukubwa (14), pl ukubwa.
become larger (verb), -zidi.
orinth. clapper lark (noun), kipozamataza, pl vipozamataza.
larva (noun), buu (5/6), pl mabuu.
larva (noun), kiwavi, pl viwavi.
larva (of insect) (noun), kiluwiluwi (7/8), pl viluwiluwi.
larva of insects (noun), jana, pl majana.
larva of the bee (noun), chana.
larynx (noun), dundumio, pl madudumio.
larynx (noun), kikoromeo (7/8), pl vikoromeo.
larynx (noun), koromeo (5/6), pl makoromeo.
larynx (noun), mio (5/6), pl mamio.
larynx (noun), umio, pl mio.
laryx (noun), zoloto.
lascivious (adjective), kware.
lascivious person (noun), mchimvi (1/2), pl wachimvi.
lascivious person (noun), mkware, pl wakware.
lascivious person (male or female) (noun), mtiriri, pl watiriri.
lasciviousness (noun), kinyegenyege.
lasciviousness (noun), kinyevu.
lasciviousness (noun), uchimvi (14).
lasciviousness (noun), ukware.
lasciviousness (noun), utalaleshi.
lasciviousness (noun), utongozaji.
lasciviousness (noun), utongozi.
lasciviousness (noun), uzinifu.
lash (verb), -charaza.
lash (strip of hippo hide) (noun), kiboko (7/8), pl viboko.
lassitude (noun), utepetevu.
at last (adverb), hatimaye.
cause to last (verb), -dumisha.
last (adjective), iliyopita, pl zilizopita.
last (adjective), -a kwisha.
last (verb), -aishi.
last (verb), -chukua. last a long time.. chukua muda mkubwa.
last (verb), -ishi.
last (verb), -kaa.
last (a long time) (verb), -dumu. last forever; his relationship with
the local people did not last long.. dumu daima; uhusiano wake na
wananchi haukudumu [Masomo 141].
last day of the year (noun), kigunzi, pl vigunzi.
last for blocking caps (after washing) (noun), foroma (9/10), pl foroma.
last long (verb), -sedeka.
long lasting (adjective), aushi.
make last (verb), -imarisha.
last-born child (noun), kitinda mimba (7/8an), pl vitinda mimba.
lastborn child (adverb), kichinja.
be lasting (verb), -dinda.
lasting (adjective), -a daima.
lasting (adjective), dawama.
door latch (noun), kiwambo (7/8), pl viwambo.
latch (noun), komeo (5/6), pl makomeo.
latch (a door) (noun), kia, pl via.
latch (a door) (verb), -komea.
be late (verb), -chelewa.
be late (verb), -china.
be late (verb), -kawa.
be late (verb), -kawia.
be late (verb), -limatia.
be late (verb), -taahari.
be late (verb), -usiri.
cause to be late (verb), -kawisha.
late (adjective), marehemu.
make late (verb), -tuilisha.
make late (verb), -tuiliza.
someone who is habitually late (noun), mzohari (1/2), pl wazuhali.
the late.... (noun), marehemu. All Soul's Day. sikukuu ya marehemu
late person (habitually) (noun), mzuhali (3/4), pl wazuhali.
lately (adverb), siku hizi.
lateness (noun), uajazi.
lateness (noun), uajizi.
lateness (noun), uchelewaji.
lateness (noun), ukawa.
lateness (noun), ukawiaji.
lateness (noun), ukawio.
lateness (noun), usiri.
later (adverb), alafu.
later (adverb), baadaye.
later (adverb), hatima.
later (adverb), mbele.
later (adverb), ubele.
later (adverb), umbele.
later (conjunction), halafu.
lath (noun), ufito, pl fito.
lathe (noun), geso.
lathe (noun), kerezo (9/10), pl kerezo.
lathe (noun), kitata (7/8), pl vitata.
lathe (noun), upapi (11/10), pl papi.
one who uses a lathe (noun), mkereza, pl wakereza.
lather (noun), povu (5/6), pl mapovu. Children played with lather as
they washed. Watoto walicheza na povu huku wakioga.
lather (noun), povu la sabuni (5/6), pl mapovu ya sabuni.
Latin (adjective), -a kirumi.
Latin language (noun), Kirumi.
thieves' Latin (cf kihunzi) (noun), msemo wa kinyume.
latitude (noun), latitudo.
latrine cleaner (noun), topas (5/6an), pl matopas.
laud (verb), -sifu.
self-lauding (noun), majivuno (6).
be lauded (verb), -sifiwa.
burst out laughing (verb), -angua kicheko, pl -angua vicheko.
burst out laughing at someone (verb), -angulia vicheko (applicative).
laugh (verb), -cheka.
laugh at (verb), -chekea (applicative).
laugh at (verb), -sagua.
laughter (noun), kicheko (7/8), pl vicheko.
make (someone) laugh (verb), -chekesha (causative).
one who makes others laugh but does not laugh himself (noun), kibogoyo,
pl vibogoyo.
laugh at (verb), -chekelea.
laugh at (verb), -chekerea.
(act of) laughing at someone (noun), mzaha, pl mizaha. laugh at
someone.. fanyizia mzaha.
laughing (manner of) (noun), mcheko, pl micheko.
laughing at someone (act of) (noun), saguo (9).
make someone a public laughing-stock (verb), -tukanisha.
laughter (noun), cheko, pl macheko.
laughter (noun), dhihaka.
laughter (noun), mcheko, pl micheko.
laughter (noun), ucheshi (14).
split one's sides with laughter (verb), -raruka (potential). Those who
are laughing are splitting each other with laughter even more. wanaocheka
wanararuka zaidi [Ma].
be launched (verb), -shuliwa.
launch (a rocket, etc.) (verb), -rusha.
launch a boat (verb), -shua.
launder (verb), -fua nguo.
occupation of a launderer (noun), udobi.
laundress (noun), dobi (5/6), pl madobi.
laundry (noun), ufuaji.
laundryman (noun), dobi (5/6), pl madobi.
lavatory (noun), pl lavatories, msalani (3/4), pl misalani.
lavatory space (on a dhow) (noun), daraba.
Islamic law (noun), masala.
law (noun), haki.
law (noun), kahuni.
law (noun), kanuni (9/10), pl kanuni.
law (noun), sharia (9/10), pl sharia. law and separation (separation of
powers?). sheria na utengamano..
law (noun), pl laws, sheria (9/10), pl sheria.
law (practice of) (noun), uanasheria.
one who violates the law (noun), mkosaji, pl wakosaji.
one who violates the law (noun), mkosefu, pl wakosefu.
one who violates the law (noun), mkosi, pl wakosi.
pass a law (verb), -pisha sheria (causative).
prescriptive law (noun), dasturi.
prescriptive law (noun), desturi.
lawbreaker (noun), halifu (5/6), pl mahalifu.
lawbreaker (noun), mhalifu (1/2), pl wahalifu. If a lawbreaker appeared,
he was punished very forcefully; Two lawbreakers who were buryed alive..
Kama mhalifu angeonekana, angeadhibiwa vikali [Masomo 314]; wahalifu
wawili waliozikwa wazima [Sul].
lawbreaker (noun), mpinduzi, pl wapinduzi.
lawbreaking (noun), uhalifu (14).
lawcourt (noun), koti, pl makoti.
be lawful (verb), -halalika.
declare to be lawful (verb), -halalisha.
lawful (in Islamic context) (noun), halali.
lawless person (noun), mhuni (1/2), pl wahuni.
lawlessness (noun), uhuni.
lawsuit (noun), daawa (9/10), pl daawa.
lawsuit (noun), husuma.
lawsuit (noun), kesi (9/10), pl kesi.
lawsuit (noun), mdaawa (3/4), pl midaawa.
lawsuit (noun), ushindani.
lawyer (noun), mwanasheria (1/2), pl wanasheria.
lawyer (noun), wakili (5/6an), pl mawakili.
laxative (noun), haluli.
laxative (strong) (noun), harisho (5/6), pl maharisho.
med. laxative (noun), msahala, pl misahala.
laxity (adverb), ndezi.
be laid down (verb), -lazwa ( caus-pass).
lay (verb), -gusisha.
lay (verb), -tia.
lay (an egg) (verb), -taga. lay eggs. taga yai.
lay (on) (verb), -paka.
lay (oneself) down (verb), -jilaza.
lay across (verb), -ikiza.
lay across (verb), -ikiza.
lay aside (verb), -weka.
lay claim to (verb), -gombea.
lay down (verb), -simua (inversive).
lay eggs (verb), -arda.
lay eggs (verb), -kuta mayai.
lay hand on something (verb), -kabidhi.
lay hand on something (verb), -takabadhi.
lay on (verb), -lalia (applicative).
lay out (verb), -tundika.
lay out (goods or wares) (verb), -omeka.
place where hens lay eggs (noun), tagio (9/10), pl matagio.
lay aside (verb), -weka akiba.
lay aside (verb), -bagua.
lay away (verb), -dunduliza.
lay down (verb), -laza (causative).
cause to lay out (verb), -ausha.
cause to lay out (verb), -auza.
lay out (verb), -aua.
layer (noun), pangilio (5/6), pl mapangilio.
layer (noun), tabaka (5/6), pl matabaka. deposit of coal (ore). tabaka
za makaa [madini].
layer (of piled objects) (noun), rusu (9/10), pl rusu.
laying eggs (act of) (noun), mtago, pl mitago.
layman (noun), mlai (1/2), pl walai.
layman (noun), mlei (1/2), pl walei.
layout (noun), mpangilio (3/4), pl mipangilio.
laypeople (noun), mlai (1/2), pl walai.
laypeople (noun), mlei (1/2), pl walei.
laziness (noun), ajiza (9/10), pl ajiza.
laziness (noun), ajizi (9/10), pl ajizi.
laziness (noun), ubozi.
laziness (noun), ubwete (14).
laziness (noun), ukunguni.
laziness (noun), ulegeo.
laziness (noun), ulegevu.
laziness (noun), uvivu (14).
laziness (noun), uzembe (14).
be lazy (verb), -pumbaa. do one's work lazily.. pumba kazi.
in a lazy manner (adverb), kivivu.
in a lazy manner (adverb), kivivuvivu.
lazy (adjective), gaagaa.
lazy (adjective), goigoi.
lazy (adjective), -legevu.
lazy (adjective), -tepetevu.
lazy (adjective), -vivu.
lazy (adjective), -zembe.
lazy person (noun), goigoi.
lazy person (noun), mfujaji, pl wafujaji.
lazy person (noun), mgaagaa, pl wagaagaa.
lazy person (noun), mkunguni (1/2), pl wakunguni.
lazy person (noun), pl lazy people, mtepetevu (1/2), pl watepetevu.
lazy person (noun), pl lazy people, mvivu (1/2), pl wavivu.
lazy person (noun), mzembe, pl wazembe.
lazy person (who gets others to fetch things) (noun), jeta (9/10), pl
lazy person (noun), mkulivu (1/2), pl wakulivu.
lazy person (noun), mzuhali (1/2), pl wazuhali.
lazybones (noun), jeta.
lazybones (noun), mparuzi (1/2), pl waparuzi.
be led (verb), -ongozwa (passive). (s)he was suddenly led inside. mara
alishtukia kaongozwa ndani [Sul].
cause to lead (verb), -tungiza.
lead (noun), chubui.
lead (noun), chubwi.
lead (noun), risasi (9/10), pl risasi.
lead (verb), -amili.
lead (verb), -amuru.
lead (verb), -miliki.
lead (verb), -tamalaki.
lead (verb), -ongoa.
lead (verb), -peleka.
lead (verb), -pisha (causative).
lead (verb), -pitisha (causative). The will of good fortune had been
released to lead the devotions of Idi.. moyo wa Bahati [] ulikwisha
fumbuka kuyapisha mahaba ya Idi [Sul].
lead (verb), -sabiki.
lead (verb), -shika hatamu. the elder brother led in returning home.
Kaka mkubwa alishika hatamu ya kurudi nyumbani.
lead (verb), -takadamu.
lead (verb), -tamalaki.
lead (verb), -tamaleki.
lead (verb), -tangulia.
lead (a meeting) (verb), -endesha.
lead (as a leader) (verb), -ongoza (causative).
lead (singing or dancing) (verb), -dirizi.
lead to (verb), -fikisha.
soldering lead (noun), tindikali (9/10), pl tindikali.
sounding lead (noun), bildi. take soundings. tia [piga] bildi.
take the lead (verb), -tangulia.
choir leader (noun), kongwe (9/10), pl kongwe.
leader (noun), akida (5/6an), pl maakida.
leader (noun), amiri, pl maamiri.
leader (noun), chifu, pl machifu.
leader (noun), hakimu (5/6), pl mahakimu.
leader (noun), kichwa, pl vichwa.
leader (noun), kinara (7/8an), pl vinara.
leader (noun), kiongozi, pl viongozi.
leader (noun), mkubwa, pl wakubwa.
leader (noun), mkufunzi, pl wakufunzi.
leader (noun), mkugenzi, pl wakugenzi.
leader (noun), mkuru, pl wakuru. party leader.. mkuu wa chama (kiti)
leader (noun), mkurufunzi, pl wakurufunzi.
leader (noun), mkurugenzi, pl wakurugenzi.
leader (noun), mkuu (1/2), pl wakuu. Those brave leaders liberated
them.. Wakuu hao jasiri waliwaokoa [Masomo 85].
leader (noun), pl leaders, mtangulizi (1/2), pl watangulizi.
leader (noun), pl leaders, mtawala (1/2), pl watawala.
leader (noun), mwongozi, pl waongozi. responsible leader.. mwongozi
mwenye madaraka.
leader (noun), ras (9/10an), pl ras.
leader (noun), rasi (9/10an), pl rasi.
leader (noun), rubani (5/6an), pl marubani. choir leader. rubani la
leader (noun), pl leaders, shaha (5/6an), pl mashaha.
leader (noun), sheha (5/6an), pl mashaha.
leader (noun), shehe (5/6an), pl mashehe.
leader (noun), shehe (5/6an), pl mashehe.
leader (noun), sheikh (5/6an), pl masheikh.
leader (noun), pl leaders, shekhe (5/6an), pl mashekhe.
leader (noun), sheki (5/6an), pl masheki.
leader (esp.of a caravan or an expendition) (noun), mnyampara, pl
leader (esp.of a caravan or an expendition) (noun), mnyapara, pl
leader (Moslem) (noun), kadhi (5/6), pl makadhi.
leader of singing (at dances) (noun), malenga, pl walenga.
leader of singing (at dances) (noun), manju.
rare acknowledged leader (noun), nambawani, pl manambawani.
village leader (noun), kiongozi cha kijiji, pl viongozi vya kijiji.
collective leadership (noun), uongozi wa pamoja (11/6), pl maongozi ya
effective leadership (noun), uongozi imara (11/6), pl maongozi imara.
leadership (noun), uchifu.
leadership (noun), ukurugenzi.
leadership (noun), uongozi (14), pl uongozi.
leading (verb), -tangulia.
one who leads the way (noun), mtangulizi, pl watangulizi.
leaf (noun), janda, pl majanda.
leaf (noun), jani (5/6), pl majani.
leaf (noun), jani, pl majani.
leaf (gold or silver) (noun), sineri (9/10), pl sineri.
leaf (of a book) (noun), ukurasa, pl kurasa.
leaf (of coconut palm with fronds woven tog.) (noun), kanja (5/6), pl
leaf (small and green) (noun), kijani (7/8), pl vijani.
leaf of any plant used as a vegetable (noun), pombo (9/10), pl pombo.
leaf of book (noun), gombo (5/6), pl magombo.
leaf of the mvumo or mnazi sometimes used as a protection against rain
(noun), tapa (5/6), pl matapa.
rare leaf (noun), msafu, pl misafu.
rare leaf (noun), msahafu, pl misahafu.
vein in a leaf (noun), chelewa.
leaflet (noun), ukurasa, pl kurasa.
league (noun), ligi.
league (noun), ligu.
be leaky (verb), -vuja.
leak (noun), chururu.
leak (noun), tundu.
become lean (verb), -konda.
lean (verb), -egama.
lean (verb), -inamia.
lean against (verb), -egemea.
lean against (verb), -tegemea.
lean on (verb), -egama.
lean on (verb), -egamia.
lean on (verb), -tegemea.
one on whom a feeble person leans (noun), mwegamo, pl waegamo.
lean on (verb), -chegama.
lean-to (noun), kibanda, pl vibanda.
lean-to (noun), ubati.
lean-to (noun), upenu, pl penu.
leaning (noun), mataka, pl mataka.
leaning (noun), matakwa, pl matakwa.
leap (noun), pl leaps, ruko (5/6), pl maruko.
leap (verb), -chachawa.
leap (as in the triumphal dance of warriors) (verb), -tamba.
leaping (noun), pl leapings, mruko (3/4), pl miruko.
learn (verb), -durusi.
learn (verb), -funda.
learn (verb), -jifundisha.
learn (verb), -jifunza.
learn (verb), -jifundisha.
learn (verb), -jifunza.
learn (verb), -taali.
learn about (verb), -ng'amua.
learn by heart (verb), -soma. learn a poem by heart. soma shairi.
learn on one's own (verb), -jifundisha.
learn to know all (bad) things (verb), -maliza.
be learned (verb), -taalamu.
be learned (verb), -tabahani.
learned person (noun), msomi (1/2), pl wasomi.
learning (noun), mtaala, pl mitaala.
learning (noun), utaalamu.
lease (noun), kodi.
lease (verb), -ajirisha.
lease (verb), -kodisha.
lease (verb), -panga. lease a house. panga nyumba.
lease (verb), -pangisha.
leasee (of a house, field) (noun), mpanga, pl wapanga.
leasee (of a house, field) (noun), mpangaji, pl wapangaji.
one who leases (noun), mkodi, pl wakodi.
leasing (act of) (noun), mpango, pl mipango.
leasing (act of) (noun), upangaji.
at least (adverb), walao.
at least (conjunction), walau.
in the least (adverb), hata.
in the least (adverb), kamwe.
leather (noun), ngara (9/10), pl ngara.
leather (noun), ngovi (9/10), pl ngovi.
leather (noun), ngozi (9/10), pl ngozi.
be left (verb), -achwa.
be left (verb), -bakiwa (passive).
cause to leave (verb), -achisha (causative).
cause to leave (verb), -ondosha.
compassionate leave (noun), likizo ya uraufu, pl likizo za uraufu.
give leave (verb), -likiza.
leave (noun), likizo (9/10), pl likizo.
leave (noun), ruhsa (9/10), pl ruhsa.
leave (noun), ruhusa (9/10), pl ruhusa.
leave (noun), rukhsa (9/10), pl rukhsa.
leave (verb), pl Yes, -aga.
leave (verb), -halifu.
leave (verb), -ondoka.
leave (verb), -toka.
leave (behind) (verb), -acha.
leave behind (verb), -ata. He left his wife and children going on foot..
Amwata mkewe na watoto wakewenda kwa miguu [Nabhany, Masomo 294].
leave behind (verb), -bakisha (causative).
leave behind (verb), -gea.
leave behind (verb), -telekeza.
leave each other (verb), -achana (associative).
leave it alone! (interjection), tutu.
leave of absence (noun), livu (9/10), pl livu.
leave one's house early in the morning (verb), -rauka.
leave out (verb), -bakisha (causative).
leave out (verb), -saza.
leave over (verb), -bakisha (causative).
leave something (verb), -rithisha.
leave something to someone (verb), -achia (applicative).
leave-taking (act of) (noun), mwago, pl miago.
part from each other (verb), -tokana.
take one's leave (verb), pl Yes, -aga. to die (euphemism). aga dunia.
leave alone (verb), -achilia mbali (applicative).
leave for (verb), -achia (applicative).
leave over (verb), -bakiza.
leaven (noun), chachu.
leaven (noun), hamira.
dry leaves (noun), masakasaka.
dry leaves (fallen or ready to fall) (noun), madakata, pl madakata.
leaves (noun), jani, pl majani.
leaves (noun), majani.
leaving (noun), jandala.
leaving (noun), mauko, pl mauko.
lecherous (adjective), zinifu.
lecherous person (noun), mzinifu, pl wazinifu.
lecherous person (noun), mzinzi, pl wazinzi.
lechery (noun), uzinifu.
give a lecture (verb), -hutubu.
lecturer (noun), msomaji, pl wasomaji.
lecturer (noun), msomeshaji, pl wasomeshaji.
lecturer (noun), msomi, pl wasomi.
be led (verb), -amriwa.
ledger (noun), daftari, pl madaftari. account book. daftari ya hesabu
ledger (noun), deftari.
ledger (noun), taruma (5/6), pl mataruma.
lee side (noun), demani.
leech (noun), kaka (5/6), pl makaka.
leech (noun), kaka.
leech (noun), mamba.
leech (noun), pl leeches, mruba (3/4), pl miruba.
leech (noun), ruba, pl miruba, maruba.
leech (noun), mruba, pl maruba; miruba.
leech (noun), pl leeches, ruba (5/6an), pl maruba.
lees (noun), sira (5/6), pl masira.
lees (of oil, etc.) (noun), mashata.
lees (of wine, beer) (noun), masira.
be left (verb), -shinda. (s)he was left at home. anashinda nyumbani.
left (noun), kushoto (15), pl kushoto.
left (hand) (noun), pl left hand, shemali (9/10), pl shemali.
left hand (noun), shoto (9/10), pl mashoto.
be left over (verb), -baki.
be left over (verb), -saa.
cause to be left over (verb), -bakisha.
cause to be left over (verb), -bakiza.
left (side) (noun), shoto (9/10), pl mashoto.
in a left-handed way (adverb), shoto. (s)he is working in a left handed
way. anafanya kazi shoto.
in a left-handed way (adverb), shotoshoto. (s)he is working in a left-
handed way. anafanya kazi shoto.
left-handedness (noun), shoto (9/10), pl mashoto.
leftover (after a meal) (noun), jandala.
leftover (food served for the following morning) (noun), bariyo.
leftovers (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
leftovers (noun), makombo.
leftovers (noun), masazo (6).
leftovers (noun), salio (5/6), pl masalio. the children ate the left
overs of the dinner. Watoto walikula salio la chakula cha usiku.
leftovers (noun), sao (5/6), pl masao.
leftovers (noun), sazo (5/6), pl masazo.
leftovers (of food) (noun), kiporo (7/8), pl viporo.
leftovers (of food) (noun), uporo.
bend the leg (verb), -peta mguu.
leg (noun), kiguu (7/8), pl viguu.
leg (noun), mguu (3/4), pl miguu.
leg (of an animal) (noun), gorong'ondo, pl magorong'ondo.
leg of bedstead (noun), tendegu (5/6), pl matendegu.
long-legged person (noun), korongo, pl makorongo.
rare leg (noun), muundi, pl miundi.
leg coverings worn over boots (noun), patisi (9/10), pl patisi.
colonial legacy (noun), kasumba ya ukoloni (9/10), pl kasumba za ukoloni.
legacy (noun), hiba.
legacy (noun), mirathi. rare: law of inheritance.. masala ya mirathi.
legacy (noun), urithi.
legacy (noun), warithi, pl mawarithi.
legal (adjective), halali.
legal (adjective), -a kisheria.
legal (adjective), rasmi.
legal (adjective), -a sharia. legal. sheria a [ki]sheria..
legal (adjective), -a sheria. legal. sheria a [ki]sheria..
legal action (noun), manza.
legal action (noun), mujibu.
legal action (noun), muujibu.
legal decision (noun), fetwa.
legal matter (noun), uongofu.
legal matter (noun), wongofu.
legal matters (noun), uanasheria.
legality (noun), haki.
legalize (verb), -halalisha.
legation (noun), ubalozi (14).
legend (noun), hadithi.
legend (noun), simulizi (5/6), pl masimulizi.
legerdemain (noun), mauzauza.
be legible (verb), -someka.
legible (adjective), bayana.
legitimacy (noun), uhalali (14).
legitimate (adjective), halali.
leisure (noun), nafasi.
leisure (noun), wakaa (11/10), pl nyakaa.
leisure (noun), wasaa (11).
lemon (noun), limao (5/6), pl malimao.
lemon (noun), limau (5/6), pl malimao.
lemon (noun), ndimu, pl ndimu.
lemon grass (=mchai) (noun), mzumai, pl mizumai.
lemon grass IAndopogon citriodorus) (noun), mchai (3/4), pl michai.
lemon tree (noun), mdimu (3/4), pl midimu.
lemon tree ((Citrus limonum) (noun), mlimao, pl milimau.
lemon tree ((Citrus limonum) (noun), mlimau, pl milimau.
wild lemon tree (noun), kikimu, pl vidimu.
lemur (noun), komba wa buki.
lemur (noun), komba wa bukini.
lend (verb), -azima.
lend (verb), -kidhi.
lend (for) (verb), -azimia.
lend (money) (verb), -karidhi.
lend at interest (as a usurer) (verb), -kopesha riba.
lender (noun), mkopeshi, pl wakopeshi.
lending (act of) (noun), mwazimo, pl mizimo.
a length of cloth (cotton) (noun), tambaa (5/6), pl matambaa.
a length of cloth (cotton) (noun), tambara (5/6), pl matambara.
length (noun), marefu (6).
length (noun), marefu. It is not long enough. haina marefu ya kutosha.
length (noun), tambo (9/10), pl tambo.
length (noun), urefu (14), pl urefu.
length (noun), utambo.
length of calico (about 30 yards) (noun), jora (9/10), pl jora.
measure of length (4yards) (noun), doti. a part of the kanga. doti ya
unit of length (noun), mkono, pl mikono.
lengthen (verb), -nyoosha (causative).
lengthen (verb), -nyosha (causative).
lengthen (verb), -refusha.
lengthen (verb), -tawilisha.
cut into lengths (verb), -pingua.
lengthwise (adverb), kingoringori.
lengthy (adjective), tuili.
Leninism (noun), ulenini (14).
lens (used in textbooks) (noun), lenzi (9/10), pl lenzi.
Lent (noun), kwadragesima.
Lent (noun), kwaresima.
something lent (noun), azimo, pl maazimo.
lentil (noun), adesi (9/10), pl adesi.
lentil (noun), dengo.
lentils (noun), dengu (9/10), pl dengu. Eaters of flour and lentils.
Walaji ngano na dengu [Shaaban Robert, Masomo 424].
leopard (noun), chui (9/10), pl chui. comm. : paper tiger. chui wa
rare leper (noun), mkoma, pl wakoma.
leper colony (noun), pl leper colonies, nunge (9/10), pl nunge.
leprosy (noun), balasi, pl balasi.
leprosy (noun), barasi.
leprosy (noun), chethamu.
leprosy (noun), jethamu.
leprosy (noun), jethamu (9/10), pl Jethamu.
leprosy (noun), matana, pl matana.
leprosy (noun), ukoma.
have lesbian sex (verb), -saga.
have lesbian sex with one another (verb), -sagana. women can have
lesbian sex with one another. Wanawake wanaweza kusagana.
be less than so (verb), -punga (converse).
become less (verb), -pungua.
become less (verb), -tilifika.
grow less (verb), -punguka. his/her weight has grown less. Uzito wake
less (adjective), kasa.
less (adverb), kasoro.
less (adverb), kasoro.
less (than) (adverb), kasa.
much less (adverb), fakaika.
much less (adverb), fakefu.
much less (adverb), sembuse.
lessen (verb), -kusuru.
lessen (verb), -nakisi.
lessen (verb), -pungua.
lessen (verb), -punguka.
lessen (verb), -punguza. Also, (s)he is lessening eating a lot. Pia
anapunguza kula sana.
lessen (in volume) (verb), -hafifisha.
lessen (the value of something) (verb), -rahisi.
lesson (noun), darasa, pl madarasa.
lesson (noun), fundisho (5/6), pl mafundisho.
lesson (noun), pl lessons, somo (5/6), pl masomo.
moral lesson (noun), wasia (14), pl wasia.
rare lesson (=masomo) (noun), msomo, pl misomo.
lessor (noun), mpangishaji, pl wapangishaji.
lessor (noun), mpangishi, pl wapangishi.
let (verb), -kodi.
let down (verb), -telemsha.
let down (verb), -teremsha.
let down (verb), -teremsha (causative).
let off (a trap) (verb), -tegua mtego.
let off a gun or trap (verb), -fyatua.
let the cat out of the bag (verb), -boboka.
let someone down (verb), -angusha (causative).
let go (verb), -likiza.
let someone have something (verb), -achia (applicative).
let out (verb), -achia (applicative).
let up (verb), -punga.
let up (verb), -pusa. The rain has let up.. mvua imepusa.
letter (noun), barua (9/10), pl barua. airmail letter. barua ya ndege.
letter (noun), risala (9/10), pl risala. (s)he has sent a letter.
Ametuma risala.
letter (noun), waraka (11/10), pl nyaraka.
letter (alphabet) (noun), herufi (9/10), pl herufi.
lettuce (noun), kabichu.
lettuce (noun), saladi (9/10), pl saladi. mother made salad for lunch.
Mama alitengeneza saladi kwa chakula cha mchana.
level (adjective), bapa, pl mabapa. level surface. sura bapa.
level (adjective), pana.
level (adjective), sawa. a level land/country. nchi sawa..
level (adjective), ubapa, pl mabapa.
level (noun), gredi.
level (noun), kipengee (7/8), pl vipengee.
level (noun), kiwango (7/8), pl viwango.
level (noun), rusu (9/10), pl rusu.
level (noun), usawa (14).
level (verb), -wiana.
level place (noun), batobato, pl mabatobato.
make level (verb), -oleleza.
make level (verb), -oleza.
spirit level (noun), pimamaji (9/10), pl pimamaji.
spirit level (noun), pimasharazi (9/10), pl pimasharazi.
lever (noun), kileti, pl vileti.
lever (noun), mpiko (3/4), pl mipiko.
lever (noun), mtaimbo, pl mitaimbo.
lever (noun), mtalimbo, pl mitalimbo.
lever (noun), wenzo, pl nyezo.
levy (noun), chango, pl machango.
lewd (adjective), kware.
lexicon (noun), pl The Kiswahili Council has continued to produced new
word-lists., msamiati (3/4), pl misamiati.
liability (noun), shahada (9/10), pl shahada.
be liable to (verb), -pasiwa.
kind of liana with sweet-smelling flowers (noun), mkiluwa (3/4), pl
liana (noun), mkwezi, pl mikwezi.
liana (kind of) (noun), toria, pl matoria.
liana (Pergularia extensa) (noun), mkoe, pl mikoe.
liana (Strophanthus kombe plant the seeds of which are used for preparing
arrow poison) (noun), choki.
liana species (Cissus rotundifolia) (noun), chazi.
liana species (the flowers of which are used to make perfume) (noun),
mkilua (3/4), pl mikilua.
mkwangwachare (species of liana, Smilax Kraussiana) (noun),
mkwangwachare, pl mikwangwachare.
mkweme (species of liana, Telfairia pedata) (noun), mkweme, pl mikweme.
rubber liana (noun), mbugu, pl mibugu.
rubber liana (Landolphia florida) (noun), mbungo, pl mibungo.
rubber liana (Landolphia Kirkii) (noun), mpyo, pl mipyo.
species of rubber liana, Landolphia petersiana (noun), mtoria, pl
liar (noun), chakubimbi.
liar (noun), kadhabu.
liar (noun), kidhabidhabina, pl vidhabidhabina.
liar (noun), laghai (9/10an), pl laghai.
liar (noun), mdhabidhabina (1/2), pl wadhabidhabina.
liar (noun), mdhabidhabina (1/2), pl wadhabidhabina.
liar (noun), mlongo, pl waongo, wawongo.
liar (noun), mnafiki, pl wanafiki.
liar (noun), mpyoro (1/2), pl wapyoro.
liar (noun), mrongo, pl warongo.
liar (noun), mwongo (1/2), pl waongo.
liar (noun), mzandiki, pl wazandiki, mazandiki.
liar (noun), zandiki, pl wazandiki, mazandiki.
libel (noun), kashifa.
libel (noun), mwao (3/4), pl miao.
libel (noun), tua.
libel (noun), ukashifu (14).
libel (noun), ukashifu.
libel (verb), -kashifu.
liberal (adjective), karimu.
liberal-minded person (noun), mzingatifu, pl wazingatifu.
liberal-minded person (noun), mzingativu, pl wazingativu.
liberalism (noun), uhuria (14).
liberality (noun), ujazi.
liberality (noun), ukarimu.
liberality (noun), upaji.
liberate (verb), -afu.
liberate (verb), -afua.
liberate (verb), -komboa.
liberated (adjective), huru.
liberation (noun), afu (9/10), pl afu.
liberation (noun), afua (9/10), pl afua.
liberation (noun), masamaha.
liberation (noun), masameho.
liberation (noun), mfunguo (3/4), pl mifunguo.
liberation (noun), msamaha, pl misamaha, masamaha.
liberation (noun), msamehe, pl misameha, masameha.
liberation (noun), samaha (5/6), pl masamaha.
liberation (noun), ugombozi.
liberation (noun), uhuru.
liberation (noun), ukombozi (14).
liberation army (noun), jeshi la ukombozi (5/6), pl majeshi ya ukombozi.
war of liberation (noun), vita vya ukombozi (8).
liberator (noun), mkombozi (1/2), pl wakombozi.
libertine (noun), fisadi (5/6an), pl mafisadi.
libertine (noun), mpotefu, pl wapotefu. one who squanders property
(money).. mpotevu wa mali [fedha].
libertine (noun), mpotevu, pl wapotevu. one who squanders property
(money).. mpotevu wa mali [fedha].
libertine (noun), mpotezi, pl wapotezi. one who squanders property
(money).. mpotevu wa mali [fedha].
liberty (noun), pl liberties, ruhsa (9/10), pl ruhsa.
liberty (noun), pl liberties, ruhusa (9/10), pl ruhusa.
liberty (noun), pl liberties, rukhsa (9/10), pl rukhsa.
Libra (constellation) (noun), minzani.
Libra (constellation) (noun), mizani.
library (noun), maktaba (5/6), pl maktaba.
library (noun), maktaba.
skin disease with red blotches caused by lice (noun), kipwepwe (7/8), pl
license (noun), leseni (9/10), pl leseni.
license (noun), ruhsa (9/10), pl ruhsa.
license (noun), ruhusa (9/10), pl ruhusa.
license (noun), rukhsa (9/10), pl rukhsa. driving license. rukhsa ya
kupeleka gari.
lichen (noun), kuvu (9/10), pl kuvu.
lichen (noun), ukoga.
lichen (noun), ukungu, pl kungu, makungu.
be licked (verb), -lambwa.
lick (verb), -chiririka.
lick (verb), -lamba.
lick (verb), -pemba.
lick (verb), -pemba.
lick (verb), -ramba.
one who licks (noun), mlamba, pl walamba.
licorice (noun), sus (9/10), pl surwali.
licorice (noun), susu (9/10), pl susu.
lid (noun), kia (7/8), pl via.
lid (noun), kifuniko (7/8), pl vifuniko.
lid (noun), mfuniko (3/4), pl mifuniko.
lid (noun), tabaka (5/6), pl matabaka.
lid of a cooking pot (noun), mkungu, pl mikungu.
lid of a kibia pot (noun), kibia, pl vibia.
plaited lid (for covering foods) (noun), kawa, pl (-); makawa.
put a lid on a pot (verb), -finika chungu.
put a lid on a pot (verb), -funika chungu.
lie (noun), chuku.
lie (noun), ghalati (9/10), pl ghalati.
lie (noun), kimkumku.
lie (noun), leba.
lie (noun), uongo (5/6), pl maongo.
lie (noun), uongo.
lie (noun), urongo (14).
lie (noun), urongo.
lie (noun), utungo.
lie (noun), uwongo (11/6), pl maongo.
lie (noun), wongo.
lie (verb), -danganya. The doctor deceived you, he didn't leave a
motorboat on the island.. Daktari alikudanganya, hakuacha motaboti yo
yote hapa kisiwani [Masomo 246].
lie (verb), -lebu.
lie (verb), -lebu.
lie (verb), -lebu.
lie (verb), -pyora.
lie (verb), -shariti.
lie (verb), -zandiki.
lie (heavy) on (verb), -vama.
lie (heavy) on (verb), -vamia.
lie across (verb), -kingama.
lie directly on top of something (verb), -tabiki.
lie down (verb), -gona.
lie down (verb), -lala.
lie down on one's stomach (adverb), wama.
lie down on one's stomach (adverb), wamia.
lie every which way (verb), -sinukia ( appl-intr).
lie face down (verb), -lala fudifudi.
lie face down (verb), -lala fulifuli.
lie face down (verb), -lala kifudifudi.
lie face down (verb), -lala kifulifuli.
lie in wait for (verb), -otea.
lie in wait for someone (verb), -ota.
lie on (verb), -vamia.
lie prone (verb), -ama.
lie stretched out (verb), -tandama (stative).
lie to (verb), -ongopea (applicative). It is only that one day that I
lied to you.. ile siku moja tu n'lipokuongopea [Ma].
make up and spread lies (verb), -zulisha.
make up and spread lies (verb), -zusha.
one who invents and spreads lies (noun), msanifu, pl wasanifu.
one who invents and spreads lies (noun), msanii, pl wasanii.
place of lying down (noun), uraro.
tell a lie (verb), -ongopa.
tell a lie (verb), -sema uwongo.
tell lies about someone (verb), -zulia.
come to life (verb), -fufuka.
life (noun), aushi (9/10), pl aushi.
life (noun), maisha (6). They are the ones with the full intention of
putting their lives in great danger.. Wao ndio wenye makusudi kabisha
kuyaweka maisha yao katika hatari kubwa [Nyerere, Masomo 277].
life (noun), maisha. I will live here forever (my whole life). nitakaa
hapa maisha.
life (noun), roho (9/10), pl roho. if life dies, it does not come back
again. Roho ikifa, hairudi tena.
life (noun), uhai (14).
life (noun), uzima (14).
Long Life....! (noun), yadumu.
state of life (noun), manzili (6).
way of life (noun), ukaa.
way of life (noun), ukao.
life-belt (noun), chelezo, pl vyelezo.
life to come (noun), ahera (9/10), pl ahera.
life to come (noun), akhera (9).
be lifeless (verb), -pooza.
lifeless thing (noun), zimwe, pl mazimwe.
way of life (noun), fesheni.
lifetime (noun), maisha. I will live here forever (my whole life).
nitakaa hapa maisha.
lifetime (noun), uzima.
be lifted up (verb), -inuliwa.
lift (verb), -ambua.
lift (verb), -inua.
lift (verb), -nyanya.
lift (verb), -sega. lift clothes. saga nguo..
lift off (verb), -bandua.
lift on to one's own head (verb), -jitwika (reflexive).
lift up (verb), -inua (converse).
lift up (verb), -nyanyua. Subira lifted up the eyes. Subira alinyanyua
macho [Sul].
lift up (verb), -paaza (causative).
lift up (clothing to protect it from dirt or damp) (verb), -pania. lift
up the kanzu. pania kanzu.
lifting (noun), mwinuko, pl miinuko.
be light (verb), -sahalia.
be lighted (verb), -waka.
become light (verb), -cha. it is growing light. Day is breaking.
bring to light (verb), -chomoa (converse).
bring to light (verb), -gubua.
bring to light (verb), -omoa.
bring to light (verb), -vumbua (converse).
bring to light (verb), -ziua.
bring to light (verb), -zua.
bring to light (verb), -zumbua.
bring to light (verb), -zumbua.
burst of light (noun), kianga (7/8), pl vianga.
come to light (verb), -dhulu.
electric light (noun), sitima (9/10), pl sitima.
electric light (noun), stima (9/10), pl stima.
electric light bulb (noun), taa (9/10), pl taa. headlights. taa za
get light (verb), -pambauka.
get light (verb), -pambazuka.
give light (verb), -angaza.
give light (verb), -zagaa.
give light to (verb), -mulika.
grow light (verb), -amkia.
grow light (verb), -amkua.
light (adjective), ndururu.
light (adjective), sahala.
light (noun), kweu.
light (noun), kweupe.
light (noun), mwako (3/4), pl miako.
light (noun), mwanga, pl mianga. The light dims slowly.. Mwanga wa taa
ukifififa polepole [Chacha, Masomo 383].
light (noun), mwangaza (3/4), pl miangaza.
light (noun), nuru (9/10), pl nuru.
light (noun), taa (9/10), pl taa.
light (verb), -simbu.
light (verb), -sumba.
light (verb), -washa (causative).
light (in color) (adjective), eupe.
light (in weight) (adjective), epesi. slipper; bats have lightweight
bodies. kiatu chepesi; popo wana miili myepesi [Masomo 29].
light for someone (verb), -washia.
light thing (in weight) (noun), kibunzi (7/8), pl vibunzi.
light thing (of weight) (noun), kibua (7/8), pl vibua.
light up (verb), -angaza. the moon lights up the night. mwezi huangaza
light up (verb), -ng'ara.
light up (verb), -nurisha.
light up (verb), -tia nuru.
make light of (verb), -rahisisha.
throw a beam of light (on an object) (verb), pl v, -mulika.
traffic light (noun), taa ya barabarani (9/10), pl taa za barabarani.
(s)he does not follow traffic lights. hafuati taa za barabarani [Muk].
electric lightbulb (noun), karabai.
lightbulb (noun), globu.
lightbulb socket (noun), kishikio (7/8), pl vishikio.
be lighted up (verb), -zagawa.
emit light (verb), -toa nuru.
lighten (verb), -sahalisha.
cigarette lighter (noun), hunrunzi.
cigarette lighter (noun), kurunzi.
lighter (noun), kibiriti cha chuma (7/8), pl vibiriti vya chuma.
lighter (noun), tochi (9/10), pl tochi.
lighter (noun), tishali, pl matishali.
lighter (noun), tishari, pl matishari.
lighter (cigarette) (noun), tofaa, pl matofaa.
lighthearted person (noun), mpurukushani, pl wapurukushani.
lightheartedness (noun), mteremo, pl miteremo.
lightheartedness (noun), nderemo, pl minderemo.
lighthouse (noun), mnara (3/4), pl minara.
lighthouse (noun), pl lighthouses, mnara wa taa (3/4), pl minara ya taa.
lighting (noun), anga, pl maanga.
lighting (noun), uwasho (14).
lightness (noun), mwanga, pl miwanga.
lightness (noun), weupe (14).
lightness (in weight) (noun), wepesi.
lightning (noun), radi (9/10), pl radi. be struck by lightning. pigwa
na radi.
lightning (noun), umeme (11).
lights (noun), yavuyavu (5/6), pl mayavuyavu.
one who lights (a fire) (noun), mwasha, pl waasha. One who lights the
fire.. mwasha moto.
as you like (phrase), upendavyo.
be like (verb), -landa.
be like (verb), -randa.
be like (verb), -onekana (potential). They looked like angels in their
white sheets. wakiwa katika shuka zao nyeupe walionekana kama malaika
be like (verb), -randa.
be like (verb), -shabihi. this child looks very much like his/her mother
t. mtoto huyu amemshabihi [or anashabihiana na] mama yake sana..
be liked (verb), -pendeka.
be liked (verb), -pendwa (passive). This woman is liked in the whole
neighborhood.. mwanamke huyu anayependwa mtaani kote [Muk].
cause to like (verb), -pendeza.
I like you (verb), nakupenda.
just as you like (phrase), hiari yako.
like (adverb), misili. he came stealthily like a thief.. amkuja kimya
kimya mithili ya mwizi [Rec].
like (adverb), shabaha. the fruit tree is like a mango. mtunda shabaha
like (adverb), shabihi.
like (conjunction), kama.
like (conjunction), kama.
like (noun), habu.
like (verb), -hebu.
like (verb), -isa.
like (verb), -pedelea.
like (verb), -penda. (s)he did not like being looked at for a long
time.. alikuwa hapendi kuangaliwa kwa muda mrefu [Kez].
like (verb), -stahabu.
like (verb), -stahiba.
like (verb), -stehebu.
like (verb), -tamani.
like for (verb), -pendea (applicative). I don't know why you like (those
hair). sijui umezipendea [nywele hizo] nini [Ya].
not like (verb), -iza.
liked one (noun), mpendwa (1/2), pl wapendwa.
state of being liked (noun), upendelevu, pl mapendelevu.
state of being liked (noun), upendwa.
likely (adjective), yamkini.
likely (adjective), yumkini.
liken (verb), -sawanyisha.
liken (verb), -sawazisha.
liken to (verb), -fafanisha.
liken to (verb), -fafanua.
likeness (noun), mfanano (3/4), pl mifanano.
likeness (noun), mithali ya (9/10).
likeness (noun), mlingano (3/4), pl milingano.
likeness (noun), sawa (9/10), pl sawa.
likeness (noun), ufananaji (14).
likeness (noun), ulingano.
likeness (noun), usawa.
likewise (adverb), bidhalika.
likewise (adverb), dhalika. "and so forth, etc".. na dhalika.
likewise (adverb), kadhalika.
likewise (adverb), kadhalika.
likewise (adverb), thama.
likewise (adverb), vile.
likewise (adverb), vilevile.
likewise (phrase), hali kadhalika.
have a special liking for something (verb), -tunukia.
liking (noun), mapendeleo.
liking (noun), mapendo.
liking (noun), mapenzi (6).
liking (noun), pendo (5/6), pl mapendo.
liking (noun), penzi (5/6), pl mapenzi.
liking (noun), upendezi, pl mapendezi.
liking (noun), upendo, pl mapendo.
liking (noun), upenzi, pl mapenzi.
liking (fig.) (noun), moyo (3/4), pl mioyo.
liking for each other (noun), upendano, pl mapendano.
special liking for something (noun), upendaji, pl mapendaji.
special liking for something (noun), upendeleo, pl mapendeleo.
lima bean (noun), fiwi (9/10), pl fiwi.
lima-beam plant (noun), mfiwi, pl mifiwi.
be limber (verb), -napukia.
limbo (noun), kuzimu.
limbs (noun), maungo, pl maungo.
lime (noun), chokaa. prepare lime by burning. choma chokaa.
lime (noun), dimu.
lime (fruit) (noun), ndimu (9/10).
lime tree (noun), mdimu (3/4), pl midimu.
lime tree (Citrus aurantifolia) (noun), mndimu, pl midimu.
lime-kiln (noun), pl lime-kilns, tanuu (9/10), pl tanuu.
limekiln (noun), tano (9/10), pl tano. burn limekiln. choma tano.
limekiln (noun), tanu (9/10), pl tanu. burn limekiln. choma tanu.
limekiln (noun), tanuri (9/10), pl tanuri. burn limekiln. choma tanuri.
limekiln (noun), tanuru (9/10), pl tanuru. burn limekiln. choma tanuru.
limestone (noun), gange (5/6), pl magange.
limestone (phrase), mawe ya chokaa.
white limestone (used on the fingers when plaiting mats and as a
facepowder) (noun), jasi, pl majasi.
limit (noun), aheri (9/10), pl aheri.
limit (noun), akheri (9/10), pl akheri.
limit (noun), haddi.
limit (noun), mfiko, pl mifiko.
limit (noun), mpaka (3/4), pl mipaka.
limit (noun), upeo, pl peo.
limit (verb), -ziwia.
limit (verb), -zuwia.
limit (prices etc.) (verb), -wakifu.
rare limit (noun), mkomo, pl mikomo.
be limitable (verb), -kadirika.
limitation (noun), kizuio, pl vizuio.
limitation (noun), kizuizi, pl vizuizi.
limitation (noun), zuio, pl mazuio.
limitation (noun), zuizi, pl mazuizi.
be limited (verb), -kadirika.
limited liability (ltd) (noun), dhima yenye kikomo (dyk) (9/10), pl dhima
zenye kikomo.
fix the limits of (verb), -pakia. fix the limits of a field for
tilling.. pakia ngwe.
be limp (verb), -lega.
be limp (verb), -legarega.
be limp (verb), -rega.
be limp (verb), -regarega.
be limp (verb), -tepetea.
limp (adjective), legevu.
limp (adjective), teketeke.
limp (adjective), tepete.
limp (adjective), tepetevu.
limp (adjective), -tepetevu.
limp (verb), -chechea.
limp (verb), -chechemea.
limp (verb), -chopi.
limp (verb), -detea.
limp (verb), -enda pecha.
in a limping way (adverb), kiwete.
limpness (noun), ajiza (9/10), pl ajiza.
limpness (noun), ajizi (9/10), pl ajizi.
limpness (noun), ulegeo.
limpness (noun), ulegevu.
limpness (noun), utepetevu.
draw a line (verb), -piga mstari.
draw a line (verb), -piga mstari.
form a line (verb), -umana.
form a line or row (verb), -weka safu.
in a line (adverb), shanjari.
line (noun), laini (9/10), pl laini. It's necessary to follow the line..
Linapasa kufuata laini [Masomo 220].
line (noun), mfuo, pl mifuo. lined/ruled paper. karatasi ya mfuo.
line (noun), mkururo (3/4), pl mikururo.
line (noun), pl lines, msafa (3/4), pl misafa.
line (noun), mstari, pl mistari. base line. mstari wa kitako.
line (noun), msururu (3/4), pl misururu.
line (noun), msafa, pl masafu, misafa. line of mountains. safu ya
line (noun), ngeu (9/10), pl ngeu.
line (noun), pl lines, safu (9/10), pl safu. a line of people. safu ya
line (noun), pl lines, safusafu (9/10), pl safusafu.
line (noun), utungo.
line (noun), zefe.
line (verb), -tabiki.
line (of bad writing) (noun), msirimbi (3/4), pl misirimbi.
line (of poetry) (noun), shairi (5/6), pl mashairi. compose poetry.
tunga mashairi..
line up (verb), -tunga.
move in a line or column (verb), -shanjari.
parallel line (phrase), mistari sambamba.
stand in line (verb), -tundama.
line up (verb), -panga. line up the soldiers. panga askari.
lineage (noun), jadi (9/10), pl jadi.
lineage (noun), nasaba, pl nasaba.
lineage (noun), ukoo (11/10), pl koo.
lineage (noun), uzazi (14), pl uzazi.
lined-up things (noun), mtungo (3/4), pl mitungo.
linen (noun), kitani (9/10), pl kitani.
linesman (noun), lainzmani, pl malainzmani.
linger (verb), -ajizi.
linger (verb), -kawa.
linger (verb), -saa.
linger (verb), -tuwama.
linger (verb), -usiri.
linguist (noun), mwanaisimu (1/2), pl wanasisimu.
linguistics (noun), isimu ya lugha (9/10), pl isimu ya lugha.
attach a lining (verb), -tabikisha (causative).
lining (of a garment) (noun), tabaka (5/6), pl matabaka.
lining of the kanzu on neck and shoulders (noun), kaba (9/10), pl kaba.
limit (verb), -zuia.
be linked (verb), -ambatana (reciprocal).
link (noun), kiunga (7/8), pl viunga.
link (verb), -unga.
link (verb), -unganisha.
linking (noun), uandamizi, pl maandamizi.
lint (small piece) (noun), upamba.
lintel (noun), kirimba (7/8), pl virimba.
lintel (noun), kizingiti (7/8), pl vizingiti.
lintel (noun), kizumba (7/8), pl vizumba.
lintel (of a door or window) (noun), kikaza, pl vikaza.
lintel (top or bottom piece of a door or window) (noun), kizingiti, pl
lion (noun), simba (9/10an), pl simba.
character in an animated film that made more money for Disney than the
annual GDP of Tanzania (noun), simba (9/10an), pl simba.
name of the lion in Lion King that comes from the Swahili word for lion
(noun), simba (9/10an), pl simba.
lip (noun), mdomo (3/4), pl midomo.
lip (noun), mdomo. As soon as she saw the glasses her lips opened..
Alipoiona tu miwani midomo yake ilifumbuka [Ganzel Masomo 169].
lip (large) (noun), domo, pl madomo.
lip (of a pot etc.) (noun), zinara.
lipstick (phrase), rangi ya mdomo.
liquefy (verb), -yaika.
liquefy (verb), -yayuka.
liquefy (verb), -yeyuka.
liquid (adjective), majimaji.
liquid (noun), kimiminiko (7/8), pl vimiminiko.
liquid (noun), maji.
liquid (noun), unywaji.
liquid state (noun), umaji.
liquid state (noun), umajimaji.
put into a liquid (verb), -chovya.
any intoxicating liquor (noun), araka, pl araka.
lisp (noun), kitata (7/8), pl vitata.
lisp (noun), kitembe (7/8), pl kitembe.
be listed (verb), -andikishwa.
list (noun), daftari, pl madaftari. account book. daftari ya hesabu
list (noun), deftari.
list (noun), faharasa.
list (noun), jedwali.
list (noun), karatasi.
list (noun), koli, pl koli.
list (noun), mpango, pl mipango.
list (noun), orodha (9/10), pl orodha. list of businesses. orodha ya
list (noun), oroza (9/10), pl oroza.
list (noun), worodha.
list (verb), -taja.
get ready to listen (verb), -tega sikio.
listen (verb), -pulika.
listen (verb), -sikia. did you listen to the child crying?. Ulimsikia
mtoto akilia.
listen (verb), -sikiliza. the girl listened attentatively. msichana
alisikiliza kwa makini [Sul].
listen (secretly) (verb), -dukisa.
listen (secretly) (verb), -dukiza.
listen (to someone) (verb), -sikiza (causative). please keep quiet,
listen to me carefully. tafadhali nyamaza, unis'kize kwa makini [Muk].
listen for something (verb), -sikilia (applicative).
listen to each other (verb), -sikilizana ( appl-assoc-caus).
listen to one another (verb), -pulikana.
listen to something (verb), -sikilia (applicative).
Listen! (exclamation introducing a statement) (interjection), ati!.
make listen (verb), -pulikiza.
listener (noun), pl listeners, msikiaji (1/2), pl wasikiaji.
listener (noun), msikilizaji, pl wasikilizaji.
listener (noun), msikizi, pl wasikizi.
be listless (verb), -tepetea.
be listless (verb), -tepetea.
listless (adjective), tepete.
listless (adjective), tepetevu.
listless (adjective), -tepetevu.
listlessness (noun), utepetevu (14).
litchi tree (noun), mgulabi, pl migulabi.
be literate (verb), -soma. He is literate. yeye anasoma.
got to school (verb), -soma. This child goes to school. mtoto huyu
literature (noun), fasihi (9/10), pl fasihi. Literature is vast and has
many branches.. Fasihi ni bahari yenye tanzu nyingi [Alamin Mazrui,
Chembe cha Moyo vii].
literature (noun), maandishi, pl maandishi.
oral literature (noun), fasihi simulizi (9/10), pl fasihi simulizi.
written literature (noun), fasihi andishi, pl fasihi andishi.
litigation (noun), manza (9/10), pl manza.
litmus (noun), malale. sleeping sickness, encephalitis. ugonjwa wa
litmus (Rocella Montagnei Rocella tinctoria (noun), malele.
litter (noun), machela, pl machela.
litter (noun), tusi.
a little (adjective), kidogo.
a little (adverb), kiasi.
a little (adverb), kidogo.
a little (adverb), punde.
a little (adverb), si kiasi yake. a good girl, just a bit tall.
msichana mzuri, mrefu kiasi [Kez], alianza kuonyesha wasiwasi kiasi sasa
little (adjective), chache.
little (adjective), -dogo.
little (quantity) (adjective), haba.
little bit (adjective), haba.
little by little (adverb), kidogo kidogo.
little by little (adverb), punde kwa punde.
little man (often said contemptuously) (noun), kijitu (7/8an), pl vijitu.
very little (adverb), katiti.
littoral (noun), pl littorals, mrima (3/4), pl mirima. the parts of the
coastal littoral that are close to the center of the country. sehemu za
mrima zilizo karibu na katikati ya nchi [Masomo 5].
littoral (noun), pwani (9/10), pl pwani. coast and interior.. pwani na
liturgy (noun), ibada.
live (verb), -aishi. last forever, peaceful co-existence. ~ milele,
kuishi pamoja kwa amani.
live (verb), -ishi.
live (verb), -ishi.
live (verb), -kaa.
live (verb), -kaa.
live (verb), -pona.
live (verb), -zima.
live at other's expense (verb), -dusa.
live at someone else's expense (verb), -londea.
live at someone else's expense (verb), -rondea.
live in a place (verb), -sakini.
live in a world of one's own (verb), -jifumba.
live in easy circumstances (verb), -sitawi.
live in easy circumstances (verb), -stawi.
live off (verb), -ponea.
live peacefully (verb), -starehe.
live quietly (verb), -starehe.
live with (preposition), kwa.
livelihood (noun), maishilio (6).
livelihood (noun), maishilio.
livelihood (noun), maponea (6).
livelihood (noun), maponea.
livelihood (noun), posho (9/10), pl posho.
liveliness (noun), uchangamfu.
liveliness (noun), utukutu.
liver (noun), ini, pl maini.
liver (noun), ini (5/6), pl maini.
liver (noun), nso (9/10), pl nso.
livestock (noun), mfugo, pl mifugo.
livestock (noun), mifugo (4).
living (adjective), hai.
living (manner of) (noun), ukaa.
living (manner of) (noun), ukaaji.
living (manner of) (noun), ukao.
living room (noun), pl living rooms, sebule (9/10), pl sebule. the
visitors are in the living room. Wageni wapo katika sabule.
loose living (noun), matembezi, pl matembezi.
make a living (verb), -pona.
the world of the living (noun), pepo za leo (9). the present world.
pepo za leo.
duties of a liwali (noun), uliwali.
liwali (position of) (noun), uliwali.
gisifakiri- a kind of lizard (noun), gisikafiri.
kind of a lizard (noun), gorong'ondwa.
kind of lizard (noun), goromoe.
kind of lizard (noun), kiumambuzi, pl viumambuzi.
large lizard (Gherrosaurus major) (noun), guruguru (5/6), pl maguruguru.
large lizard (kind of) (noun), mjombakaka.
lizard (noun), kijusi (7/8an), pl vijusi.
lizard (noun), mjusi (3/4), pl mijusi.
lizard (large) (noun), kenge (9/10), pl kenge.
lizard (small kind) (noun), gonda.
lizard (small species that lives in houses) (noun), nikwata (9/10an), pl
lizard (small species) (noun), nanigwanzula.
monitor lizard (noun), kenge (9/10), pl kenge.
monitor lizard (noun), mburukenge.
monitor lizard (Varanus niloticus) (noun), kenge.
be loaded down (a tree with fruit etc.) (verb), -wayawaya.
be loaded up (verb), -sheheni.
load (noun), hamali (5/6), pl mahamali.
load (noun), himila.
load (noun), mzigo (3/4), pl mizigo. pack/tie up a load.. funga mzigo.
load (verb), -shindilia. load a gun. shindilia bunduki.
load (for one man) (noun), mtumba, pl mitumba. a load of cloth.. mtumba
load (heavy) (noun), kiinikizo (7/8), pl viinikizo.
load (up) (verb), -bandika. put on a load. ~ mzigo.
load a gun (verb), -shamiri.
load a gun (verb), -tia risasi. to tin-plate.. tia risasi.
load onto (verb), -pakia.
load something (verb), -pakilia.
pile up (verb), -pakia.
have something loaded (verb), -pakiza.
loader (noun), mpakizi, pl wapakizi.
loader and unloader (one who loads or unloads baggage or merchandise on a
bus or truck and who sits in the back apart from the driver) (noun),
tanboi (5/6an), pl matanboi.
loader and unloader (one who loads or unloads baggage or merchandise on a
bus or truck and who sits in the back apart from the driver) (noun),
taniboi (5/6an), pl mataniboi.
loading (noun), upakiaji.
loading (noun), upakio.
loading (noun), upakizi.
mil. loading (a gun, canon) (noun), mshindilio, pl mishindilio.
loaf around (verb), -vinjari.
loaf around (verb), -zurura.
loaf around (verb), -zururuka.
loaf of bread (noun), mkate (3/4), pl mikate.
loaf of bread (round) (adjective), boflo.
loafer (noun), jeta.
loafer (noun), lofa (5/6an), pl malofa.
loafer (noun), mvinjari.
loafer (noun), mvivu, pl wavivu.
loafing (noun), matembezi, pl matembezi.
loafing (noun), tango (5/6), pl matango.
interest free loan (noun), karadha ya mishahara (9/10), pl karadha za
loan (noun), azimo, pl maazimo.
loan (noun), kikopo (7/8), pl vikopo.
loan (noun), kope (5/6), pl makope.
loan (noun), maazimo, pl maazimo.
loan (noun), mkopo (3/4), pl mikopo.
loan (noun), mwazimo, pl mizimo.
loan (noun), rahani (9/10), pl rahani. pay off a loan. komboa rahani.
loan (noun), rehani (9/10), pl rehani. pay off a loan. komboa rehani.
loan (noun), ukopaji.
loan (noun), ukopi (14), pl ukopi.
loan (for a fixed period of time) (noun), uazimaji.
loan (without interest) (noun), karadha.
money on loan (noun), karadha (9/10), pl karadha.
loath (verb), -chukia.
loathe (verb), -nyanyapaa. A person can loathe him/her because of
everything that pertains to him/her. kwa namna zake zote, mtu anaweza
kumnyanyapaa [Abd].
feel loathing (verb), -jefua.
feel loathing (verb), -kinai.
loathing (noun), uchukivu.
loathing (noun), uchukizo.
lobe of the ear. (noun), njewe (9/10).
lobster (noun), kamba (9/10an), pl kamba.
lobster (noun), kamba, pl (-); mikamba.
local (adjective), -a kimwetu.
local (noun), kienyeji (7/8), pl vienyeji.
local person (noun), mzawa (1/2), pl wazawa.
locality (noun), janibu (9/10), pl janibu.
localization (noun), lokalaizesheni.
locate (verb), -jasisi.
location (noun), lokeshen, pl malokeshen.
lock (noun), kitasa (7/8), pl vitasa.
lock (noun), kufuli (9/10), pl kufuli.
lock (verb), -funga.
lock (verb), -funga.
lock (verb), -fungwa.
lock (verb), -pinga. lock the door. pinga mlango.
lock (of hair) (noun), shungi (5/6), pl mashungi.
lock-up (noun), korokoroni (9/10), pl korokoroni.
fastening (noun), mafungia.
lockjaw (noun), pepo punda (9).
lockjaw (noun), pepopunda (9).
locksmith's trade (noun), ujume.
locksmith's trade (noun), ujumi.
locomotive (noun), mashine.
locomotive (noun), mashini.
small locomotive (narrow-gauge) (noun), kiberenge, pl viberenge.
locust (noun), pl locusts, nzige (9/10an), pl nzige.
locust (species of) (noun), kululu, pl makululu.
locusts (young) (noun), matumatu, pl matumatu.
young locust (noun), kimatu (7/8), pl vimatu.
young locust (noun), funutu.
young locusts (noun), maige.
lode of metal (noun), pangilio la madini (5/6), pl mapangilio.
take in a lodger (verb), -shindisha.
take in a lodger (verb), -shindiza.
log (noun), kinga. log after log the fire keeps burning. kinga na kinga
ndipo moto uwakapo.
log (noun), kishiku (7/8), pl vishiku.
log (noun), kisiki (7/8), pl visiki.
log (large) (noun), pl wedges, shiku (5/6), pl mashikizo.
log (of tree) (noun), gogo (5/6), pl magogo.
logbook (of a ship) (noun), batli.
logo (noun), nembo (9/10), pl nembo.
loin cloth (noun), kikoi (7/8), pl vikoi.
loin-cloth (noun), pl loin-cloths, shuka (9/10), pl shuka.
type of loincloth worn by Indian traders but not by Africans. (noun),
fold of loincloth used as pocket (noun), bindo (5/6), pl mabindo.
loincloth (noun), doti.
loincloth (noun), nguo (9/10), pl nguo.
loincloth (type worn by Indians but not Africans) (noun), ubinda (14).
loincloth (white type worn by women) (noun), kibwebwe, pl vibwebwe.
type of loincloth worn by Indian traders but not by Africans. (noun),
loins (noun), chuno, pl viuno.
loins (noun), kiuno, pl viuno.
loiter (verb), -ajizi.
loiter (verb), -ganda.
loiter (verb), -kawia (applicative).
loiter (verb), -randaranda.
loiter (verb), -susurika.
loiter (verb), -tanga.
loiter (verb), -tangatanga.
loiter (verb), -tuwama.
loiter (verb), -vinjari.
loiter (verb), -yuayua.
loiter (verb), -zubaazubaa.
loiterer (noun), pl loiterers, mtangatanga (1/2), pl watangatanga.
loitering (noun), matembezi, pl matembezi.
loitering (noun), mtango, pl mitango.
loitering (noun), tango (5/6), pl matango.
loitering (noun), utembezi, pl matembezi.
loll about (in the water). (verb), -sairi.
loneliness (noun), kitwea (7).
loneliness (noun), ukiwa (14).
loneliness (noun), upekee.
loneliness (noun), upweke.
feel lonely (verb), -pooza. Since he is gone we feel lonely.. tangu
ameondoka tumepooza.
lonely existence (noun), usufii.
lonely person (noun), hohehahe.
lonely person (noun), mfaraka, pl wafaraka.
lonely person (noun), mgumba, pl migumba.
lonely person (without relatives) (noun), mpweke, pl wapweke.
lonely person, one who separates himself from his home and relatives;
refugee,dislocated person (noun), mfariki, pl wafariki.
lonely person (noun), mkiwa (1/2), pl wakiwa.
loner (noun), pl loners, mtenga (1/2), pl watenga.
as long as (conjunction), maadam. s/he may, as long as s/he is
diligent.. Aweza, maadam akijibidiisha [Khan, Masomo 395].
as long as (conjunction), maadam.
be long (of an illness) (verb), -seteka.
for a long time (adverb), mbali. I have known about this matter for a
long time.. niliyajua mambo haya mbali [Rec].
long (adjective), ndefu.
long (adjective), -refu.
long (adjective), tawili.
long for (verb), -hamu.
long for (verb), -tamani. his/her eyes longed for many. macho yake []
yaliwatamani wengi [Mt].
long time ago (adverb), awali.
make long (verb), -refusha.
so long as (conjunction), mradi.
take a long time (verb), -kawia (applicative).
long since (adverb), mbali. I have known about this matter for a long
time.. niliyajua mambo haya mbali [Rec].
long stick (noun), mkunguni, pl mikunguni.
grey long-cloth (noun), pl long- cloths, satini (9/10), pl satini.
be long-suffering (verb), -stahimilika (intransitive).
long-suffering (adjective), stahimilivu.
become longer (verb), -zidi.
longing (noun), ashiki, pl ashiki.
longing (noun), ashki, pl ashiki.
longing (noun), hamu (9/10), pl hamu.
longing (noun), hawa.
longing (noun), majadi.
longing (noun), shauku (9/10), pl shauku. (s)he is longing for them.
ana shauku nao..
longing (noun), tamaa (9/10), pl tamaa.
longing (noun), tamani (9/10), pl tamani.
longing (noun), tamanio (5/6), pl matamanio.
longing (noun), uchu.
longing (noun), utamani.
longing (noun), utamanifu.
longitude (noun), longitudo.
longitudinally (adverb), kingoringori.
longshoreman (noun), kuli (5/6), pl makuli.
longshoreman (noun), kuli, pl makuli.
longshoreman (noun), makuli.
longshoreman (noun), mbandarini, pl wabandarini.
longshoreman (noun), mpakuzi (1/2), pl wapakuzi.
loofah (noun), mdodoki (3/4), pl midodoki.
be looked at (verb), -angaliwa.
be worth looking at (verb), -tazamika.
fix the eyes on something (verb), -kazia.
look (noun), nadhari.
look (noun), pl looks, tazamo (9/10), pl tazamo.
look (verb), -angalia. Look! Watch out!. Angalia!.
look (of the face) (noun), sura (9/10), pl sura. (s)he has a good look
(of face). ana sura nzuri [Rec].
look after (verb), -chunga.
look after someone (verb), -duhushi.
look around (verb), -zungusha macho.
look at (verb), -angalia (applicative).
look at (verb), -chungulia (applicative). The opening enabled the
detective to look inside the wide entry room.. Mwanya ulimwezesha
mpelelezi kuchungulia ndani ya sebule pana [Masomo 163].
look at (verb), -ola.
look at (verb), -shufu.
look at (verb), -tazama.
look at (verb), -tizama.
look at carefully (verb), -chungua.
look at fixedly (verb), -tumbuza.
look at one another (verb), -tazamana.
look at someone (verb), -onea.
look at! (abbreviation), taz.
look carefully (verb), -saka.
look down on someone (verb), -onea.
look fixedly (verb), -angaza.
look fixedly (verb), -kodoa.
look for (verb), -tadhibiri.
look for (verb), -tadubiri.
look for (verb), -tafuta.
look for someone (verb), -tafutia (applicative).
look for something (verb), -londea.
look for something (verb), -rondea.
look into (verb), -tazamia.
look like (verb), -shabihi. it is a good child who looks like his/her
mother in almost everything. ni kitoto kizuri kilichomshabihi mama yake
kwa kila hali [Muk].
look on behalf of (verb), -tazamia.
Look out! (interjection), abedari.
Look out! (interjection), bedari.
Look out! (interjection), habedari.
Look out! (verb), Jihadhari!.
Look sharp! (verb), Kalamka!.
Look! (interjection), tahamaki.
be looked for (verb), -tafutwa.
lookout (noun), lindo, pl malindo.
part of a native loom (noun), marufaa.
weaver's loom (noun), mtande, pl mitande.
be made into a loop (verb), -petemana.
loop (noun), kitanzi (7/8), pl vitanzi.
loop (noun), shalaka (9/10), pl shalaka.
loop (noun), songo (5/6), pl masongo.
loop (noun), stichi (9/10), pl stichi.
loop (noun), pl loops, tanzi (9/10), pl tanzi.
loop (noun), utanzi.
loop of rope (for holding an oar etc.) (noun), kishwara, pl vishwara.
loop of rope used as an aid in climbing trees (noun), pingu (5/6), pl
loophole (noun), abudi (9/10), pl abudi.
loophole (noun), buddi.
loophole (noun), kishubaka, pl vishubaka.
loophole (noun), shubaka (5/6), pl mashubaka, vishubaka.
be loose (verb), -lega.
be loose (verb), -legalega.
be loose (verb), -legarega.
be loose (verb), -rega.
be loose (verb), -regarega.
be loose (verb), -pwaya. the coat/suit is too big for him.. koti hili
be loose (verb), -rega.
come loose (button etc.) (verb), -bokoka.
loose (adjective), kejekeje.
loose (adjective), legevu.
loose (adjective), tifu.
be loose-fitting (verb), -chezacheza.
loosen (verb), -ambua.
loosen (verb), -bandua.
loosen (verb), -banua.
loosen (verb), -chanua.
loosen (verb), -fumua.
loosen (verb), -fundua.
loosen (verb), -gandua.
loosen (verb), -kwamua.
loosen (verb), -legeza (causative).
loosen (verb), -mamanua.
loosen (verb), -sabili.
loosen (verb), -sukua (inversive). remove a coconut from its shell.
sukua nazi.
loosen (verb), -tatua.
loosen for someone (verb), -tatulia.
loosening (noun), mfunguo (3/4), pl mifunguo.
loosening (noun), mlegeo (3/4), pl milegeo.
lop (verb), -pagua. lopping knife.. kisu cha kupogolea.
lop (verb), -pogoa. lopping knife.. kisu cha kupogolea.
lop (verb), -pokoa. lopping knife.. kisu cha kupogolea.
lop off (plants) (verb), -tindika.
lopping (of branches) (noun), mchanjo, pl michanjo.
lopsided (adjective), chopi. be lame, limp. enda chopi.
lopsided (adverb), mshadhari.
lopsided (adverb), mshazari.
lopsidedness (noun), pogo (5/6), pl mapogo. squinting.. mapogo ya
lopsidedness (noun), upogo (11).
loquacious (adjective), limi.
loquacious person (noun), mzungushi, pl wazungushi.
loquaciousness (noun), usemaji.
loquacity (noun), usemaji (14).
feudal lord (noun), mwinyi (5/6an), pl mainyi.
Lord (noun), buana, pl mabuana.
Lord (noun), bwana, pl mabwana.
Lord (noun), Bwana (5/6), pl mabwana.
lord (noun), kabaila (5/6), pl makabaila.
Lord (noun), maulana.
Lord (noun), Mola (1).
lord (noun), pl lords, Saidi (9/10an), pl saidi.
lord (noun), sayidi (5/6an), pl masayidi.
lord (used by Moslems in reference to Allah and by Christians in
reference to Christ) (noun), rabi (9/10an), pl rabi. The Lord is the
Creator of all living things in the world. Rabi ndiye aliumba viumbe
vyote duniani.
lordliness (noun), ubwana.
lordly (adjective), saada.
lordly (adjective), seyyedia.
lorry (noun), lori, pl malori.
lose (in a card game) (verb), -enda kapa.
lose (something) (verb), -poteza (causative). The joints are loose and
are loosing strength. maungo yanalegea na kupoteza nguvu [Muk].
lose a leg (verb), -katika mguu.
lose all hope (verb), -lia.
lose each other (verb), -poteana.
lose irrecoverably (verb), -tota.
lose one's head (verb), -rukwa na akili.
lose one's head (fig.) (verb), -potea akili.
lose one's way (verb), -rukudhu.
lose time (verb), -usiri.
loser (noun), pl losers, mshinde (1/2), pl washinde.
be at a loss (verb), -taladadi.
be at a loss (verb), -taradadi.
incur loss (verb), -hasiriwa.
loss (noun), dhara, pl madhara.
loss (noun), haraja.
loss (noun), hasara (9/10), pl hasara.
loss (noun), hasara.
loss (noun), mkumbo (3/4), pl mikumbo.
loss (noun), mzigo, pl mizigo.
loss (noun), uangamizi, pl maangamizi.
loss (noun), uharabu.
loss (noun), uharibifu.
loss (noun), upotevu.
suffer a loss (verb), -potewa.
be lost (verb), -ghibu.
be lost (verb), -hiliki.
be lost (verb), -potea. "lose one's head/senses, become
excited/confused".. potea akili.
be lost (verb), -tilifika.
finder (of a lost object) (noun), mwokoti, pl waokoti.
get lost (verb), -potea. At that time,his/her happiness got lost.
furaha yake, mara ile, imepotea [Sul].
get lost (verb), -totoma.
lost (adjective), potevu.
a lot (adverb), chungu nzima.
a lot of (adjective), -ingi.
a lot of (adverb), kem kem.
as a lot (of merchandise) (adverb), shelabela.
lot (noun), bahati, pl bahati.
lot (noun), bakhti, pl bakhti.
lot (noun), fungu (5/6), pl mafungu.
lot (noun), kura (9/10), pl kura.
lot (noun), ole (9/10), pl ole.
lots (adjective), kingi, pl vingi.
lottery (noun), bahati nasibu (9/10), pl bahati nasibu.
lottery (noun), bima. organize a lottery. fanya bima.
lottery (noun), nasibu (9/10).
in a loud voice (preposition), kwa sauti kubwa. (s)he fell with a bang.
alianguka kwa sauti kubwa.
loud (adjective), kubwa.
out loud (adjective), kwa sauti.
loud-speaker (noun), kikuza sauti (7/8), pl vikuza sauti.
loudly (adverb), kwa sauti.
speak loudly (verb), -paliliza sauti.
lounge (noun), majilisi.
lounge around (verb), -tanga. nowadays (s)he has no work, (s)he is
lounging around aimlessly. siku hizi hana kazi anatangatanga ovyo.
lounge around (verb), -tangatanga. nowadays (s)he has now work, (s)he is
lounging around aimlessly. siku hizi hana kazi anatangatanga ovyo.
louse (noun), chawa (9/10), pl chawa. a single finger kills no louse.
prov. kidole kimoja hakivunji chawa.
lout (noun), mshamba (1/2), pl washamba.
lout (noun), safihi (9/10an), pl safihi. a lout person. mtu safihi.
lout (noun), safii (9/10an), pl safii.
be in love (verb), -ashki.
be loved (verb), -pendwa.
cause to love (verb), -pendeza.
god of love (noun), wahabu.
I love you (verb), nakupenda ( appl-caus-intr).
love (noun), ashiki, pl ashiki.
love (noun), ashki, pl ashiki.
love (noun), haba, pl mahaba, (mahuba), (mahubba).
love (noun), habu.
love (noun), huba (9/10), pl huba.
love (noun), kipendo, pl vipendo.
love (noun), pl All is the love of God, our colors are not stigmas.,
mahaba (9/10), pl mahaba.
love (noun), mapenzi (6). If s/he loves someone and wants a friendship
with him/her s/he will write him/her a love poem.. Akimpenda mtu na
kutaka urafiki naye atamwandikia shairi la mapenzi [Khan, Masomo 391].
love (noun), mapenzi.
love (noun), penzi (5/6), pl mapenzi. the love for a mother. penzi la
love (noun), upendezi, pl mapendezi.
love (noun), upendo (11/6), pl mapendo.
love (noun), upenzi, pl mapenzi.
love (verb), -hebu.
love (verb), -isa.
love (verb), -penda.
love (passionate) (noun), hawa.
love one another (verb), -pendana (reciprocal). The journey made them
love one another.. njia iliwafanya wapendane [Kez].
love story (noun), riwaya ya mapenzi (9/10), pl riwaya za mapenzi. I
also like reading stories of all sorts: from terror to espionage to war
and horror, from those of love to devilish ones. hupenda pia kusoma
riwaya za kila aina: toka za ujambazi na upelelezi hadi za vita na maafa,
toka za mapenzi hadi za majini na mashetani [Muk].
mutual love (noun), mapendano (6).
mutual love (noun), upendano (11/6), pl mapendano.
of love (adjective), -a kimahaba.
loved one (noun), mpendwa (1/2), pl wapendwa.
loved one (noun), mpenzi (1/2), pl wapenzi.
state of being loved (noun), upendwa.
get hold of a lover (informal) (verb), -daka.
lover (noun), hawara, pl mahawara.
lover (noun), mchumba (1/2), pl wachumba.
lover (noun), mpenzi (1/2), pl wapenzi.
lover (noun), mwenzi (1/2), pl wenzi.
relationship of lovers (noun), uchumba.
loving (act of) (noun), pendo (5/6), pl mapendo.
low (adjective), chini.
low (adjective), dhalili.
low (adjective), dhila.
low (adjective), dhili.
low (adjective), dhilifu.
low (adjective), duni.
low (adjective), fupi.
low (adjective), nyonge.
low ground (noun), bonde, pl mabonde. river bed. bonde la mto.
be lowered (verb), -shuka.
lower (verb), -betua. At this point he is lowering his shoulders to show
that he is overwhelmed.. Huku akibetua mabega kuonyesha kushindwa
[Chacha, Masomo 373].
lower (verb), -inika.
lower (verb), -shua.
lower (verb), -shusha (causative). lower the load from the ship. Shusha
mzigo kutoka melini.
lower (verb), -simua (inversive).
lower (verb), -telemsha.
lower (verb), -telemusha.
lower (verb), -teremsha.
lower (prices) (verb), -punguza. The tailor has lowered the price for
tailoring. Mshonaji amepunguza bei ya kushona.
lower one's head (verb), -inamisha kichwa.
lower! (direction to crane operators etc.) (noun), heria.
the lower part (noun), tako (5/6), pl matako. the lower part of the jag
had a small hole. tako la mtungi lilikuwa na tundu ndogo [Ng].
lower part (noun), chini.
be lowered (verb), -tunguliwa.
lowering (noun), mshuko, pl mishuko.
lowering (act of) (noun), mshushio, pl mishushio.
lowering (act of) (noun), mshusho, pl mishusho.
lowest level (noun), kiwango cha chini (7/8), pl viwango vya chini.
lowness (noun), unyonge.
loyal (adjective), tii.
loyal (adjective), tiifu.
ltd (abbreviation), dyk.
ltd (limited liability) (noun), dyk (9).
lubricant (noun), mafuta.
lubricate (verb), -sirima.
lubricate (verb), -sisima.
lubrication (noun), ulainishaji (14).
lucidity (noun), mngago, pl mingago.
lucidity (noun), mng'ao, pl ming'aro.
lucidity (noun), mng'aro, pl ming'aro.
lucidity (noun), ufasaha.
lucidity (noun), ufasihi.
bad luck (noun), mdhana (9/10), pl mdhana.
bad luck (noun), mkosi (3/4), pl mikosi.
bad luck (noun), nuhusi (9/10), pl nuhusi. What else brought him there
except bad luck?. kitu gani kilichomleta pale isipokuwa nuhusi? [Sul].
bad luck (noun), pl bad luck, nuksani (9/10), pl nuksani.
bad luck (noun), nuksi (9/10), pl nuksi.
bad luck (noun), shari (9/10), pl shari.
bad luck (noun), uchimbi.
bad luck (noun), uchimvi (14).
bad luck (noun), uchuro.
bad luck (noun), utimbi.
bad luck (noun), utimvi.
cause bad luck (to someone) (verb), -chura.
good luck (noun), chumu.
good luck (noun), heri.
good luck (noun), jaha.
good luck (noun), sudi (9/10), pl sudi.
good luck (singular) (noun), futahi.
luck (noun), bahati, pl bahati.
luck (noun), bakhti, pl bakhti. lottery; good luck, success; bad luck,
misfortune; he has good luck, he successful; he is unlucky. ~ nasibu, ~
njema, ~ mbaya, ana bahati; hana bahati.
luck (noun), baraka. he has had bad luck. hana baraka.
luck (noun), jumu.
luck (noun), nasibu. by chance, perhaps. kwa nasibu.
luck (noun), nasibu, pl nasibu.
luck (noun), nujumu (9/10), pl nujumu.
one who brings bad luck (noun), kausha, pl wakausha, vikausha.
person supposed to bring bad luck (noun), mdhana.
thing supposed to bring bad luck (noun), mdhana.
trust to luck (verb), -bahatisha.
try one's luck (verb), -bahatisha.
luckily (adverb), haijambo.
be lucky (verb), -bahatika (potential).
cause to be lucky (verb), -bahatisha. I was fortunate enough to have
conversations with him.. Nilibahatisha kuwa na mazungumzo naye [Masomo
luffa (Luffa acutangula) (noun), mdodoki, pl midodoki.
Luganda (language of Uganda) (noun), Kiganda.
luggage (noun), mizigo, pl mizigo.
luggage (noun), mzigo, pl mizigo.
Luhya (noun), Kiluhya (7).
be lukewarm (verb), -vuvuwaa.
lukewarm (adjective), fufutende.
lukewarm (adjective), vuguvugu.
lukewarmness (noun), uvuguvugu.
lull (verb), -vina.
lull to sleep (verb), -sinzilisha.
lull to sleep (verb), -sinzisha (causative).
lullaby (noun), nyimbo za kubembeleza. As (s)he soothed his/her heart
and persuaded him/her. akimpoza moyo na kumbembeleza [Moh].
lullaby (noun), tumbuizo (5/6), pl matumbuizo.
lullaby (noun), utumbuizo (14).
tree species producing good lumber for building purposes (noun), mrihi,
pl mirihi.
tree species producing good lumber for building purposes (noun), mriti,
pl miriti.
lump (noun), bonge (5/6), pl mabonge.
lump (noun), bumba (5/6), pl mabumba. swarm of bees. bumba la nyuki.
lump (noun), donge, pl madonge. clot of blood. donge la damu.
lump (noun), donge (5/6), pl madonge.
lump (noun), dongoa.
lump (noun), fumba (9/10), pl fumba.
lump (noun), kibumba, pl vibumba.
lump (noun), kinundu, pl vinundu.
lump (noun), kitonge (7/8), pl vitonge.
lump (noun), pl lumps, marugurugu.
lump (noun), mkuo, pl mikuo.
lump (noun), pande (5/6), pl mapande. a lump of metal. pande la chuma.
lump (noun), pandekizi (5/6), pl mapandekizi.
lump (noun), pandepande (5/6), pl mapandepande.
lump (noun), pandikizi (5/6), pl mapandikizi.
lump (noun), pumba (5/6), pl mapumba. a lump of plowed earth. pumba la
lump (in flour or rice) (noun), vumbu, pl mavumbu.
lump (of cattle) (noun), nundu (9/10), pl nundu.
lump (small) (noun), kidonge (7/8), pl vidonge.
lump (small) (noun), tonge (5/6), pl matonge.
become lumpy (soup etc.) (verb), -budaa.
lumpy (adjective), bumbuasa.
lumpy (adjective), nundunundu.
lunacy (noun), kichaa (7/8), pl vichaa.
lunacy (noun), kimkumku.
lunacy (noun), mwehu, pl wehu.
lunacy (noun), wehu.
be a lunatic (verb), -ehuka.
lunatic (noun), majinuni.
lunatic (noun), majununi.
rare lunatic (noun), mkichaa, pl wakichaa. "insane person, madman,
lunatic".. mwenye kichaa.
bathtub (noun), bafu (5/6), pl mabafu.
lung (noun), bafu, pl mabafu. disease of the lungs. ugonjwa wa mapafu.
lung (noun), buhumu, pl mabuhumu.
lung (noun), bafu (5/6), pl mabafu. disease of the lungs.. ugonjwa wa
lung (noun), pafu (5/6), pl mapafu. disease of the lungs.. ugonjwa wa
lung (noun), pumu (5/6), pl mapumu.
lung (us. of animals) (noun), yavuyavu (5/6), pl mayavuyavu.
lurch (verb), -pepesuka.
lure (noun), chambo, pl vyambo. a trap without bait catches nothing.
prov. mtego bila chambo haunasi.
lure (noun), dhiaka, pl madhiaka.
lure (noun), kishawishi, pl vishawisihi.
lure (noun), kishushi, pl vishawisihi.
lure (verb), -amba.
lure (verb), pl How can this be intransitive, -ambika.
lure (verb), -shaushi. my friend lured me to take alcohol. Rafiki yangu
alinishaushi kunywa pombe.
lure (verb), -shawishi. lure the child into sleep. Mshawishi mtoto
lure (verb), -vaa.
lure into a trap (noun), bakunja (5/6), pl mabakunja.
lush (adjective), -kuza.
lust (noun), hawa.
lust (noun), hawaa (9/10), pl hawaa.
lust (noun), mori (9/10), pl mori.
lust (noun), ngoa (9/10), pl ngoa. satisfy desire. timiza ngoa.
lust (noun), tamaa (9/10), pl tamaa. they looked at him/her with lust
but they hesitated. walimtazama kwa tamaa lakini walisita [Mt], tamaa
mbaya ilimwingia [Kez].
lust (noun), tamanio (5/6), pl matamanio.
lust (noun), uchimvi (14).
lust (noun), uchu (14).
lust (noun), ukware.
lust (noun), utalaleshi.
lust (noun), utamani.
lust (noun), utamanifu.
lust for (verb), -tamani.
satisfy lust (verb), -timiza ngoa. satisfy lust. timiza ngoa.
luster (noun), uangafu.
luster (noun), uangavu.
luster (noun), ung'aro.
luster (noun), wangafu.
luster (noun), wangafu.
luster (noun), wangavu.
luster (noun), wangavu.
lustful person (noun), mtamani, pl watamani.
lustfulness (noun), utamani.
lustfulness (noun), utamanifu.
luxurious (adjective), -anisi.
luxurious (adjective), taanisi.
lead a life of luxury (verb), -taanasa.
luxury (noun), anasa (9/10), pl anasa.
luxury (noun), anasa, pl anasa.
luxury (noun), taanasa (9/10), pl taanasa.
luxury (noun), pl luxuries, tamasha (9/10), pl tamasha.
luxury (noun), ukwasi.
luxury (noun), unono.
luxury (eg cigarettes) (noun), kikalio, pl vikalio.
luxury car (noun), benzi (9/10), pl benzi.
lying (adjective), wongo.
lying down (manner of) (noun), ulalo, pl malalo.
lying down (place of) (noun), ulalo, pl malalo.
manner of lying down (noun), uraro.
swollen lymph gland (noun), mtoki, pl mitoki, matoki.
swollen lymph gland (noun), mtoki (3/4), pl mitoki.


Maasai (noun), Mmaasai (1/2), pl Wamaasai.

macaroni (noun), tambi (9/10), pl tambi.
machete (noun), mundu, pl miundu.
machete (noun), pl machetes, panga (5/6), pl mapanga.
machete (noun), parange (5/6), pl maparange.
small machete (noun), kipanga, pl vipanga.
machination (noun), kitimbi (7/8), pl vitimbi.
machination (noun), uchimbi.
machinations (noun), utimbi.
machinations (noun), utimvi.
machine (noun), enchini.
machine (noun), enjine.
machine (noun), injini.
machine (noun), mashine (9/10), pl mashine. His hands worked like a
machine.. Mikono yake ilifanya kazi kama mashine [Chambati Masomo 242].
machine (noun), mashine. typewriter. machine ya kuandika.
machine (noun), mashini. typewriter. machine ya kuandika.
machine for turning (noun), kerezo (9/10), pl kerezo.
machine(in gen.) (noun), mtambo, pl mitambo.
small machine (noun), charahani. sew with the sewing machine. shona kwa
small machine (noun), pl really means sewing machine, cherahani. tailor.
fundi wa cherahani.
machinery (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
machinist (noun), dereva, pl madereva.
machinist (noun), dreva, pl madreva.
horse mackerel (noun), kalambezi (9/10), pl kalambezi.
kalambezi (kind of mackerel) (noun), kalambezi.
mad (adjective), majinuni.
mad (adjective), majununi.
mad person (noun), mwendawazimu (1/2), pl wendawazimu.
Madagascar (noun), Buki.
Madagascar (noun), Bukini.
madam (noun), bi. madam [showing a higher degree of respect than bibi].
bi mkubwa.
madam (noun), bibi (5/6an), pl mabibi. madam [showing a higher degree of
respect than bibi alone]. bibi mkubwa.
madam (noun), bibie.
madam (in address) (noun), siti (9/10an), pl siti.
madam (in direct address) (noun), seyyida (1).
be made (verb), -shonwa.
be made (verb), -undwa.
madman (noun), majinuni.
madman (noun), majununi.
madman (noun), mwehu (1/2), pl wehu. He makes noise like a madman..
Anapiga kelele kama mwehu [Chacha, Masomo 378].
rare madman (noun), mkichaa, pl wakichaa. "insane person, madman,
lunatic".. mwenye kichaa.
be seized with madness (verb), -ehuka.
madness (noun), kichaa (7/8), pl vichaa.
madness (noun), kimkumku.
madness (noun), mahoka.
madness (noun), masoka.
madness (noun), mbasua.
madness (noun), mwehu, pl wehu.
madness (noun), uzulufu (14).
madness (noun), wazimu (14).
madness (noun), wehu (14).
fashion magazine (noun), jarida la mitindo ya mavazi.
magazine (noun), gazeti (5/6), pl magazeti.
magazine (noun), jarida (5/6), pl majarida.
magazine (noun), tarigia (9/10), pl tarigia.
maggot (noun), buu (5/6), pl mabuu.
maggot (noun), funza (5/6), pl mafunza.
black magic (noun), kipapae, pl vipapae.
black magic (noun), ulamali.
black magic (noun), uramali.
do magic (verb), -azimu.
magic (noun), azima, pl azima.
magic (noun), kiinimacho (7/8), pl viinimacho.
magic (noun), mazingaombwe (6).
magic (noun), mazingaombwe, pl mazingaombwe.
magic (noun), mazingaumbo, pl mazingaumbo.
magic (noun), sihiri (9/10), pl sihiri. magic. uganga wa sihiri.
magic (noun), tego, pl matego.
magic (noun), uchawi (14).
magic (noun), ujini.
magic (noun), ulozi.
magic (noun), usihiri.
magic (noun), zindiko (5/6), pl mazindiko.
magic for identifying a wrongdoer (noun), mburuga, pl miburuga.
magic formula (noun), zinguo, pl mazinguo.
magic formula (noun), zunguo, pl mazunguo.
magic potion (noun), uganga.
magic potion (noun), uganguzi.
one believes in magical powers (noun), mzuza, pl wazuza.
practice magic (verb), -wanga.
protect with magic (verb), -zindika.
protective magic (verb), -kago.
magican (noun), mjusi, pl wajusi.
magician (noun), lozi, pl walozi.
magician (noun), majusi.
magician (noun), mchawi, pl wachawi.
magician (noun), mfumba, pl wafumba.
magician (noun), mfumbaji, pl wafumbaji.
magnanimity (noun), rehema (9/10), pl rehema.
magnanimous (adjective), karimu.
magnanimous (adjective), takarimu.
magnet (noun), pl magnets, smaku (9/10), pl smaku.
magnet (noun), sumaku (9/10), pl sumaku. magnetic. -a sumaku.
magnetic needle (noun), shindano (5/6), pl masindano. magnetic needle of
the phonograph. sindano ya santuri.
magnificence (noun), fahari (9/10), pl fahari.
magnificence (noun), sherehe (9/10), pl sherehe.
magnify (verb), -adhimisha (causative).
magnify (verb), -adhimu.
magnify (verb), -kulia (applicative). speak in a loud voice..
magnify (verb), -endeleza.
magnify (verb), -linganisha kuza.
mahogany tree (khaya nyasica or senegalensis) (noun), mkangazi, pl
children's maid (noun), mlei, pl walei.
children's maid (noun), mlezi, pl walezi.
maiden (noun), mwali (1/2), pl wali.
maiden (noun), mwanamwali (1/2), pl wanamwali.
maiden (noun), mwanamwari (1/2), pl wanamwari.
mail (verb), -posta.
mail to (verb), -postia.
mailbox (noun), kijisanduka, pl vijisanduka.
be maimed (verb), -lemaa.
maim (verb), -lemaza.
be maimed (verb), -lemaa.
main (of electric power) (noun), ndia (9/10), pl ndia. main street.
njia kuu.
main (of electric power) (noun), njia (9/10), pl njia. main route. njia
main part (noun), kichwa, pl vichwa.
main point (noun), tako (5/6), pl matako.
mainland (noun), bara (9/10), pl bara.
mainland (as opposed to islands) (noun), mrima, pl mirima.
mainly (adverb), aghalabu.
mainly (adverb), aghlabu.
mainspring (noun), kamani.
mainspring (of watch or clock) (noun), kamani (9/10), pl kamani.
maintain (verb), -chukua.
maintain (verb), -dopoa.
maintain (verb), -jaza.
maintain (verb), -nafisi.
maintain (verb), -posha.
maintain (verb), -ruzuku.
maintain (verb), -tarazaki.
maintain (verb), -thibitisha.
maintain (verb), -toboa.
maintenance (noun), posho (9/10), pl posho.
maintenance (noun), riziki (9/10), pl riziki. I have not put maintenance
in the stomach today ( I have not eaten today). Sijatia riziki matumboni
grain of maize (noun), muhindi.
maize (noun), bisi.
maize (noun), hindi (5/6), pl mahindi.
maize (noun), hindi, pl mahindi.
maize (noun), mahindi.
maize (noun), mahindi (6).
maize (single grain) (noun), hindi (5/6), pl mahindi.
maize plant (noun), mhindi (3/4), pl mihindi.
maize plant (Zea mays) (noun), muhindi.
male blossom of maize (noun), ngara (9/10), pl ngara.
young maize plant (before the formation of ears) (noun), matindi, pl
be majestic (verb), -taadhimika.
majestic (adjective), tukufu.
majesty (noun), utakatifu (14).
majesty (noun), utukufu (14).
major (adjective), -kuu.
majority (noun), waliowengi (2).
majority (noun), wingi (2), pl mawingi.
majority (noun), yakama.
make (noun), pl makes, muundo (3/4), pl miundo.
make (noun), mwundo, pl miundo.
make (verb), -fanya.
make (verb), -fanyiza.
make (verb), -sanaa.
make (verb), -tenda.
make (verb), -tengeneza.
make (verb), -tunga.
make (verb), -umba.
make (verb), -unda.
make (a shoe or clothing) (verb), -shona.
make (something) (verb), -sanii.
make happen (verb), -sababisha.
make happen (verb), -sabibisha.
make more (verb), -ongeza.
make one's way (through dense underground or water) (verb), -tindanga.
make oneself out to be (verb), -jipa.
make oneself out to be (verb), -jipa.
make fun of (verb), -chezeka.
make out (verb), -tambulisha.
make up (verb), -buni.
make up for (verb), -lipa.
make-believe (noun), singizio (5/6), pl masingizio.
put on make-up (verb), -nakshi.
put on make-up (verb), -upura.
one who makes something (noun), mpiga, pl wapiga.
one who makes something (noun), mpigaji, pl wapigaji.
one who makes something (noun), mpigi, pl wapigi.
apply makeup (verb), -upara.
makeup (use of) (noun), upaa.
makeup (use of) (noun), upara.
malady (noun), gonjwa (5/6), pl magonjwa.
malady (noun), ugonjwa, pl [rare gonjwa] magonjwa.
Malagasy persion (noun), Mbuki, pl Wabuki.
Malaya (noun), Umalaya.
malcontent (noun), ghamidha (9/10), pl ghamidha.
malcontent (noun), mnuna, pl wanuna.
malcontent (noun), mnunaji, pl wanunaji.
malcontent (noun), mnuni, pl wanuni.
in the male line (adverb), kuumeni.
male (adjective), -a kiume.
male (adjective), kiume.
male (adjective), -ume.
male (noun), dume (5/6an), pl madume. giant. jitu dume [Masomo 306].
male (noun), mwanamume, pl wanaume.
male (of animals) (noun), ndume.
male animal (especially of certain domestic varieties) (noun), beberu
(5/6an), pl mabeberu.
malice (noun), habithi.
malice (noun), kijicho, pl vijicho.
malice (noun), mabaya, pl mabaya.
malice (noun), maovu.
malice (noun), mfundo, pl mifundo.
malice (noun), nongwa (9/10), pl nongwa.
malice (noun), shari (9/10), pl shari.
malice (noun), ufisadi (14).
malice (noun), uhiana.
malicious (adjective), onevu.
malicious (adjective), shari.
malicious (adjective), uwivu.
malicious (adjective), wivu.
malicious (noun), ovu (5/6), pl maovu.
malicious person (noun), afriti (9/10an), pl afriti.
malicious person (noun), hasidi, pl mahasidi.
malicious person (noun), mnyonge (1/2), pl wanyonge.
malicious person or thing (noun), mbwedu, pl wabwedu.
malign (adjective), maluuni.
malign (verb), -kejeli.
malignant glance (noun), kijicho, pl vijicho.
malignant person (noun), mkorofi (1/2), pl wakorofi.
malignity (noun), ukorofi (14).
Malindi (noun), Malindi (16). Malindi is a city on the Kenya coast.
Malindi ni mji wa pwani ya Kenya..
malinger (verb), -jifanya.
mallet (of shoemaker) (noun), mnguri (3/4), pl minguri.
wooden mallet used by shoemakers (noun), pondeo (5/6), pl mapondeo.
mammary gland (noun), kiwele (7/8), pl viwele.
man (noun), binadamu (9/10an), pl binadamu.
man (noun), bwana (5/6), pl mabwana.
man (noun), mwanamume (1/2), pl wanaume.
man (noun), rijali (9/10an), pl rijali.
man (in games) (noun), kodwe.
young man (noun), ghulamu.
young man (noun), jana, pl majana.
young man (noun), kivulana, pl vivulana. long, thick hair.
man of war (submarine) (noun), manowari (6).
manage (verb), -amuru.
manage (verb), -dhibiti.
manage (verb), -diriki.
manage (verb), -endesha.
manage (verb), -simamia.
manage (verb), -tadaraki.
manage (verb), -tawala.
be manageable (verb), -sarifika (potential).
be managed (verb), -amriwa.
management (noun), maongozi.
management (noun), uchifu.
management (noun), udhibiti (14).
management (noun), uongozi.
management (noun), usimamizi.
management (noun), utawala.
management (noun), utwala.
manager (noun), ajenti (9/10an), pl ajenti.
manager (noun), akida (5/6an), pl maakida.
manager (noun), kaimu, pl makaimu.
manager (noun), meneja. movie director.. meneja wa cinema.
manager (noun), mkubwa, pl wakubwa.
manager (noun), mkugenzi, pl wakugenzi.
manager (noun), mkuru, pl wakuru. school principal. mkuu wa skuli.
manager (noun), mkurugenzi, pl wakurugenzi.
manager (noun), mkuu (1/2), pl wakuu.
manager (noun), msimamizi, pl wasimamizi.
manager (work of) (noun), uajenti.
manager in charge of projects (noun), mbunifu wa miradi (1/2), pl
wabunifu wa miradi.
position of a manager (noun), usimamizi.
manatee (noun), nguva (9/10an), pl nguva.
mane (of a lion) (noun), shungi (5/6), pl mashungi.
maneuver (noun), kwata (9/10), pl kwata.
maneuver (noun), ujanja.
troop maneuver (noun), luteka (9/10), pl luteka.
in a manful way (adverb), kidume.
manfully (adverb), kidume.
manger (noun), hori (5/6), pl mahori.
manger (noun), kihero, pl vihero.
mangle (clothes) (verb), -guruta.
mangling (act of) (noun), mguruto (3/4), pl miguruto.
mango (noun), embe (5/6), pl maembe.
mango tree (noun), mwembe (3/4), pl miembe.
kind of mangrove, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (noun), muwi.
mangrove (noun), mkandaa (3/4), pl mikandaa.
mangrove species of which the wood is used for house building and the
bark for the soles of sandals (Rhizophora mucorata) (noun), mkoko, pl
mikoko. If you want to buy mangrove in quantity or fish, go to Lamu..
Ukitaka kununua mikoko kwa wingi ama samaki, nenda Lamu [Masomo 153].
mangrove variety (Sonneratia caesolaria or acida) (noun), mlilana, pl
mchu (a species of mangrove, Avicennia marina) (noun), mchu, pl michu.
species of mangrove,Rhizophora mucronata; (noun), msindi, pl misindi.
species of mangrove,Rhizophora mucronata; (noun), msinzi, pl misinzi.
species of mangrove,Rhizophora mucronata; (noun), msizi, pl misizi.
manhood (noun), ukubwa.
mania (noun), mahoka.
mania (noun), malevi.
mania (noun), masoka.
mania (noun), ulevi.
mania (noun), wazimu.
be manifest (verb), -bainika.
be manifest (verb), -bainikia (potential).
manifest (adjective), -bainifu.
manifestation (noun), udhahiri.
manifestation (noun), udhahirifu.
manifestation (noun), udhihirifu.
manifesto (noun), manifesto (9/10), pl manifesto.
manigicent (adjective), tukufu.
dried manioc (noun), goba.
dried manioc (noun), makopa.
kajayeye (kind of manioc) (noun), kajayeye.
manioc (noun), pl maniocs, muhogo (3/4), pl mihogo.
manioc (kind of) (noun), kifumufumu, pl vifumufumu.
manioc (kind of) (noun), mkasama, pl mikasama.
manioc (kind of) (noun), mkomoka, pl mikomoka.
manioc (kind of) (noun), mpemba, pl mipemba.
manioc (kind of) (noun), sogea (9/10), pl sogea.
manioc (kind of) (noun), usiniombe.
manioc (type of) (noun), kibuluu.
manioc plant (noun), mhogo (3/4), pl mihogo.
manioc plant (noun), hogo (5/6), pl mahogo.
mdunga (bitter species of manioc) (noun), mndunga, pl mindunga.
pieces of dried manioc (noun), kopa, pl makopa.
sweet manioc (noun), muhogo wa kidoro.
watery manioc (noun), kichelema, pl vichelema.
watery manioc (noun), mchelema, pl michelema.
manliness (adjective), -ume.
manliness (noun), ujanadume.
in a manner (adverb), kivivuvivu.
in this manner (adjective), hivyo.
in this manner (pronoun), ndivyo.
manner (adverb), jinsi. Before explaining the history and other
information about Tanzanians and the way in which our country was ruled
.... Kabla ya kueleza historia na habari za Watanzania na jinsi nchi yetu
ilivyotawaliwa ... (Nsekela,"Masomo," 3)..
manner (noun), ada (9/10), pl ada.
manner (noun), jinsi.
manner (noun), staili (9/10), pl staili.
manner of life (noun), mwenendo (3/4), pl mienendo.
manner of speaking (noun), lafidhi.
manner of speaking (noun), lafudi.
manner of speaking (noun), lafuzi.
be well mannered (verb), -shika adabu. nowadays (s)he is well mannered.
Siku hizi ameshika adabu.
mannerism (noun), pl mannerisms, mtindo (3/4), pl mitindo.
mannerless person (noun), chepe (5/6), pl machepe.
cause to be taught good manners (verb), -adibisha (causative).
good manners (noun), umbuji.
good manners (noun), ungwana.
good manners (noun), ustaarabu.
good manners (noun), utuvu.
good manners (noun), uungwana.
manners (noun), adabu (9/10), pl adabu. You have no manners.. Huna
manners (noun), jamala.
manners (noun), nidhamu (9/10), pl nidhamu.
manners and speech of a well-bred person (noun), kiungwana.
modern manners (noun), fesheni.
refined manners (noun), murua (9/10), pl murua.
refined manners (noun), muruwa (9/10), pl muruwa.
show good manners (verb), -staarabika.
show good manners (verb), -staarabu.
teach someone good manners (verb), -idili.
manpower (noun), utumishi (14).
mansion (noun), jumba (5/6), pl majumba.
mansion (noun), jumba, pl majumba.
mantis (noun), vunjajungu.
zool. mantis (noun), kivunjajungu, pl vivunjajunga.
zool. mantis (noun), kivunjavunja, pl vivunjavunja.
manual (noun), mwongozo (3/4), pl miongozo.
add manure (verb), -rutubisha.
manure (noun), mbolea (9/10), pl mbolea.
manure (noun), samadi (9/10), pl samadi. manure. samadi ya nyasi.
manure (noun), shonde (5/6), pl mashonde.
spread manure or fertilizer (verb), -simadi.
manuscript (noun), andiko, pl maandiko.
manuscript (noun), mwandiko, pl miandiko.
a great many (noun), chasi, pl viasi.
as many as (adjective), kadiri ya.
great many people (noun), umati (14).
how many? (adverb), kem.
how many? (pronoun), -ngapi?.
many (adjective), chapa.
many (adjective), chekwa.
many (adjective), chekwachekwa.
many (adjective), ingi.
many (adjective), -ingi.
many (adjective), wangi.
many (adjective), wengi.
many (adverb), vingi.
many people (adjective), wengi.
map (noun), rahamani (9/10), pl rahamani. atlas.. kitabu cha ramani.
map (noun), ramani (9/10), pl ramani. atlas.. kitabu cha ramani.
marauder (noun), pl marauders, mtekaji (1/2), pl watekaji.
marble (noun), gololi (5/6), pl magololi.
marble (noun), marmar (9/10), pl marmar.
marble (noun), marmar.
march (noun), maandamano (9/10), pl maandamano.
March (noun), Machi (6).
march (noun), pl to march, machi, pl machi. to march. enda machi.
march (noun), mwendo, pl miendo. a day's march.. mwendo wa siku.
march (noun), mwenendo, pl mienendo. a day's march.. mwendo wa siku.
March (month) (noun), Machi, pl Machi.
march-music (noun), pl play march-music, machi, pl machi. play march-
music. piga machi.
margin (noun), ombwe (9/10), pl ombwe.
margin (noun), pambizo (5/6), pl mapambizo. the margin of the table..
pambizo la meza.
margin (noun), pembizo (5/6), pl mapembizo. the margin of the table..
pambizo la meza.
margin (noun), ukingo (11/10), pl kingo.
marijuana (noun), bangi (9/10), pl bangi.
species of marine eel (noun), mkunga, pl mikunga.
marital relations (noun), unyumba (11).
be marked (verb), -shangiliwa.
cause to mark out (verb), -auza.
leave marks (us welts from blows) (verb), -ota.
make a mark (us welts from blows) (verb), -ota.
make marks on the body (by a blow) (verb), -alia.
mark (noun), alama (9/10), pl alama. "Colors are God's artisitic design,
no color is a curse".. Rangi pambo lake Mungu, si alama ya maafa [Shaaban
Robert, "Rangi Zetu" 1 iv].
mark (noun), athari (9/10), pl athari.
mark (noun), chapa (9/10), pl chapa.
mark (noun), cheraka, pl macheraka.
mark (noun), dalili (9/10), pl dalili. It is not a mark of bitterness,
sin or lack.. Si dalili ya machungu, dhambi wala upungufu [Shaaban
Robert, "Rangi Zetu" 2 iii].
mark (noun), doa (5/6), pl madoa.
mark (noun), ibura.
mark (noun), ishara (9/10), pl ishara.
mark (noun), jeraha, pl majeraha.
mark (noun), mburuzo, pl miburuzo. track of a snake.. mburuzo wa nyoka.
mark (noun), mbuuzo, pl miburuzo. track of a snake.. mburuzo wa nyoka.
mark (noun), mwelezo, pl mielezo.
mark (noun), ngeu (9/10), pl ngeu.
mark (noun), nukta (9/10), pl nukta.
mark (noun), onyo (5/6), pl maonyo.
mark (noun), rajamu (9/10), pl rajamu.
mark (noun), saini (9/10), pl saini. put a mark. tia/weka saini..
mark (noun), shabaha (9/10), pl shabaha. get a mark. pata shabaha..
mark (noun), stampa (9/10), pl stampa.
mark (noun), utambulisho.
mark (verb), -athiri.
mark (verb), -shangilia.
mark (verb), -sherehekea.
mark (verb), -sherekea.
mark (left by a snake, etc.) (noun), mtiririko, pl mitiririko.
mark (on the skni) (noun), bato, pl mabato.
mark (on trees to show the way) (noun), kilingo, pl vilingo.
mark on the body (noun), baka, pl mabaka.
marking off (noun), usawanisho.
tribal mark (noun), nembo (9/10), pl nembo.
cause to mark out (verb), -ausha.
mark out (verb), -aua.
black market (noun), ulanguzi (14).
market (noun), kigulio (7/8), pl vigulio.
market (noun), soko (5/6), pl masoko. common market. soko la
market-place (noun), chete.
in the marketplace (noun), sokoni (16).
marketplace (noun), soko (5/6), pl masoko.
colored markings (noun), batobato (5/6), pl mabatobato.
marking (noun), jeraha, pl majeraha.
marking (of animals) (noun), baka, pl mabaka.
ornamental marking (noun), rembo (5/6), pl marembo.
ornamental markings (on the face) (noun), urembo, pl marembo.
row of ethnic markings down the nose (noun), mpororo, pl mipororo.
marks (noun), maksi (10).
marks ( in a class or course) (noun), maksi.
marks (made by beating) (noun), moto.
marline spike (noun), mshamo, pl mishamo.
marmalade (noun), jem.
marmalade (noun), maraba.
marmalade. (noun), mraba, pl miraba. peanut brittle. njugu za mraba.
be ready for marriage (verb), -balegi.
be ready for marriage (verb), -balehe.
be marriagable (verb), -oleka.
be nubile (verb), -oleka.
arrangements of marriage (noun), maposo.
forbidden marriage (noun), harimu (5/6), pl maharimu.
marriage (noun), ndoa (9/10). break up a marriage.. funja ndoa.
marriage (noun), mikaha. conduct marriage. fungisha nikaha.
marriage (noun), nikaha (9/10), pl nikaha. solemnize a marriage.
fungisha nikaha.
marriage (noun), nikahi (9/10), pl nikahi. solemnize a marriage.
fungisha nikaha.
marriage arrangements (noun), maozi.
marriage ceremony (noun), uozi, pl maozi.
marriage settlement (noun), mahari. I married this woman without paying
dowry.. mke huyu nimeozwa bure, sikulipa mahari.
marriage settlement (noun), posa (9/10), pl posa. The paid the marriage
settlement for his betrothed. Ali alitoa posa ya mchumba wake.
one who proposes marriage (noun), mposa, pl waposa.
one who proposes marriage (noun), mposaji, pl waposaji.
one who proposes marriage (noun), mposi, pl waposi.
perform the wedding ceremony (verb), -fungisha nikaha.
perform the wedding ceremony (verb), -fungisha nikahi.
person who acts on behalf of another in proposing marriage (noun),
mposeaji, pl waposeaji.
proposal of marriage (noun), maposo.
proposal of marriage (noun), mposo, pl miposo.
reach an agreement on a marriage (verb), -posana.
relative by marriage (noun), mlamu, pl waamu.
relative by marriage (noun), mwamu, pl waamu.
solemnize a marriage (verb), -fungisha mikaha.
solemnize a marriage (verb), -fungisha nikaha.
solemnize a marriage (verb), -fungisha nikahi.
solemnize a marriage (verb), -fungisha nikaha.
solemnize a marriage (verb), -fungisha nikahi.
marriageable age (noun), ubaleghi.
marriageable age (noun), ubalehe.
marriageable age (noun), ubalehi.
be married (of a woman) (verb), -oleka.
get married (verb), -olewa.
live together without being married (verb), -panga.
married state (noun), unyumba (11).
marrow (noun), ubongo (11/10), pl bongo.
be married (of a woman) (verb), -olewa. Regina has never been happy
since she got married.. Regina tangu aolewe hakuwa na raha [Kez].
be married by (verb), -ozwa.
cause to marry (verb), -oza (causative).
man who marries the wife of his deceased brother in accordance with the
practice of levirate (noun), mwingilizi, pl wingilizi.
marry (of a man) (verb), -oa. Permit me to marry your daughter.. nioze
mtoto wako.
marry (of a man) (verb), -owa. Permit me to marry your daughter.. nioze
mtoto wako.
marry (perform a marriage ceremony) (verb), -oanisha.
marry each other (verb), -oana (reciprocal). They intend to marry in the
future. wanataraji kuoana siku za mbele [Ya].
marsh (noun), kinamasi, pl vinamasi.
marten (noun), kanu, pl makanu.
species of marten (noun), konje. strike with the fist..
martyr (noun), shahidi (9/10an), pl shahidi. religious martyr. shahidi
wa dini..
martyr (to a cause) (noun), jabari.
martyrdom (noun), ushahidi.
martyrdom (noun), ushuhuda.
marvel (noun), anasa (9/10), pl anasa. God's marvels are many in every
nation. Nyingi anasa za Mungu, ndani ya kila taifa [Shaaban Robert,
"Rangi Zetu" 9i ].
marvel (noun), ibura.
marvel (noun), kioja (7/8), pl vioja.
marvel (noun), kiroja (7/8), pl viroja.
marvel (noun), mzungu, pl mizungu.
marvel (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani. It was marvelous to see Ali
singing. Kumwona Ali akiimba ilikuwa shani.
marvel (verb), -ajabu.
marvel (verb), -ajibu.
Marxism (noun), umaksi (14).
Mary (noun), Mariamu (1).
mascara (noun), wanja (11).
masculine (adjective), -a kiume.
masculine (verb), -kakawana.
masculinity (noun), kiume.
masculinity (noun), ume.
masculinity (noun), uume.
mash (noun), pl mashes, mseto (3/4), pl miseto.
mash (verb), -seta.
mash (food) (noun), bokoboko (9/10), pl bokoboko.
mash (food) (verb), -vinya.
mash (food) (verb), -vinyavinya.
mashed food (noun), kipondwe (7/8), pl vipondwe.
mask (noun), barakoa.
mask (noun), maskhara.
mason (noun), mwashi (1/2), pl waashi.
mason's work (reinforcing plaster with stones) (noun), mtomo (3/4), pl
building trade (noun), uashi (14).
mason's wages. (noun), uashi (14).
masonry (noun), uwashi (14), pl uwashi.
masonry enclosure (eg. around a grave) (noun), kikuta, pl vikuta.
masonry. (noun), uashi (14).
stoneman's craft. (noun), uashi (14).
masquerade (noun), kinyago (7/8), pl vinyago.
in mass (adverb), jamii.
mass (noun), cheshi, pl macheshi.
mass (noun), chungu, pl mass.
mass (noun), dongoa.
mass (noun), jamii.
mass (noun), jeshi, pl majeshi.
mass (noun), kauma.
mass (noun), misa (9/10), pl misa. celebration of the mass.. adhimisho
la misa takatifu.
mass (noun), pl masses, mshikano (3/4), pl mishikano.
mass (noun), msongo, pl misongo.
mass (noun), pl mass, missa (9/10), pl missa.
mass (of people or things) (noun), msongano, pl misongano.
mass (of people or things) (noun), msonge, pl misonge.
mass (small) (noun), kidonge (7/8), pl vidonge.
small rounded mass (noun), tonge (5/6), pl matonge.
massacre (noun), chinjo, pl machinjo.
massacre (noun), mchinjo (3/4), pl michinjo.
massacre (noun), ukatili.
massacre (noun), uuaji.
massage (verb), -chua.
massage (verb), -kanda.
massage (with an aromatic substance) (verb), -singa. massage with
sandlewood oil. singa kwa sandali.
massage each other (verb), -chuana.
massaging (act of) (noun), mkando, pl mikando.
masseur (noun), mkandaji, pl wakandaji.
massive (adjective), -zima.
mast (noun), mlingoti (3/4), pl milingoti.
ship's mast (noun), mlingoti, pl milingoti. bowsprit.. mlingo wa maji.
Master (noun), maulana.
master (noun), sahib (9/10an), pl sahib.
master (noun), sahibu (9/10an), pl sahibu.
master (noun), saidi (5/6an), pl masaidi.
master (noun), sayidi (5/6an), pl masayidi. the Prophet was let free by
his master. Mtumwa aliwachwa huru na sayidi yake.
master (noun), suhuba (9/10an), pl suhuba.
master (verb), -fuzu.
master (verb), -mudu.
master (of something) (noun), fundi, pl mafundi.
master (position of) (noun), ubwana.
master (position of) (noun), ufundi.
master (used by Moslems in reference to Allah (creator) and by Christians
in reference to Christ) (noun), rabi (9/10an), pl rabi.
master of a house (noun), mwenyeji, pl wenyeji.
rel. Master (= Christ) (noun), mwalimu, pl walimu.
mastership (noun), ubwana.
mastery (noun), amri, pl amri, maamri.
masticate (verb), -mumunya.
masticate (verb), -mung'unya.
masticate (verb), -munya.
masticate (verb), -munyamunya.
masticate (thoroughly) (verb), -tikita.
mastitis (noun), kititi (7).
masturbate (verb), -jipua.
masturbate (verb), -jipura.
masturbate (verb), -jipurura.
masturbation (noun), punyeto (9).
floor mat (noun), jamvi (5/6), pl majamvi.
Isl. prayer mat (noun), msala (3/4), pl misala.
kind of mat (noun), gayagaya (5/6), pl magayagaya.
mat (noun), jamvi (5/6), pl majamvi.
mat (noun), mkeka (3/4), pl mikeka.
mat (noun), tandiko (5/6), pl matandiko.
mat (floor) (noun), kibacha (7/8), pl vibacha.
mat (worn and old) (noun), mbacha (3/4), pl mibacha.
mat fastened round laden dhow for protection (noun), talibisi (9/10), pl
mat on which women grind grain (noun), tuguu (5/6), pl matuguu.
mat on which women grind grain (noun), utanga (11/10), pl tanga.
mat placed under the head of a corpse. (noun), mchegamo, pl michegamo.
mat variety (used chiefly in mosques) (noun), busati, pl mabusati.
oval mat (noun), msala (3/4), pl misala.
plaited floor mat (noun), jamvi.
prayer mat (circular and small) (noun), kitanga (7/8), pl vitanga.
round mat (noun), dugu.
round mat (noun), msala (3/4), pl misala.
sleeping mat (kind of) (noun), sataranji (9/10), pl sataranji.
woven mat (noun), jamvi (5/6), pl majamvi.
woven mat (noun), kitanga (7/8), pl vitanga.
match (noun), kibiriti, pl vibiriti.
match (noun), mchuano (3/4), pl michuano. The preliminary matches of the
World Cup.. michuano ya awali ya Kombe la Dunia [Masomo 363].
match (noun), mrao, pl mirao. matchlock gun.. bunduki ya mrao.
match (noun), njiti ya kibiriti (9/10), pl njiti za kibiriti.
match (noun), ushindani.
match (verb), -lingana.
match (verb), -wiana.
match (for fire) (noun), kiberiti (7/8), pl viberiti.
match (for lighting fires) (noun), mechi.
match (same as something else) (noun), kifani (7/8), pl kifani.
match (same as something else) (noun), kifano (7/8), pl vifano.
sport match (noun), mapambano. In the contest between the two teams
Brazil will defeat Chile. katika mapambano ya timu mbili hizi, Brazil
watashida Chile.
match-box (noun), kiberiti (7/8), pl viberiti.
matchlock pan (noun), kifa (7/8), pl vifa.
matchmaker (noun), mposeaji, pl waposeaji.
matchmaker (one who arranges a marriage for someone else) (noun),
mshenga, pl washenga.
mate (noun), serahangi (5/6an), pl maserahangi.
mate (noun), serehangi (5/6an), pl maserehangi.
mate (noun), serangi (5/6an), pl serangi.
building material (noun), jengo, pl majengo.
cotton material (kind with checkers) (noun), kunguru (5/6), pl makunguru.
material (noun), kifaa (7/8), pl vifaa.
material (noun), nguo (9/10), pl nguo. beddings. nguo za kitanda.
material(s) (noun), vifaa.
raw materials (noun), pl raw materials, nyenzo (9/10), pl nyenzo.
soft silky material (noun), amdelahane, pl amdelahane.
raw materials (noun), wenzo, pl nyezo.
maternity (noun), umama.
math (noun), hesabu (9/10), pl hesabu.
mathematical (adjective), kihesabu.
mathematics (noun), hesabu (9/10), pl hesabu.
matrimony (noun), ndoa.
it does not matter (adverb), haidhuru.
matter (noun), bamba, pl bamba.
matter (noun), hoja, pl hoja; mahoja.
matter (noun), jambo (5/6), pl mambo.
matter (noun), jambo.
matter (noun), jawabu, pl majawabu.
matter (noun), kadhia.
matter (noun), kisa, pl visa.
matter (noun), mambo.
matter (noun), mata (9/10), pl mata.
matter (noun), nyama (9/10), pl nyama.
matter (noun), pl matters, shauri (9/10), pl shauri. it is your matter
whether you will follow them. Shauri yako kama utawafuata.
matter (noun), udusi (11).
matter (noun), ujusi.
matter (noun), usaha (11).
matter (noun), usaha.
matter (important) (noun), maneno. These matters have annoyed us..
maneno haya yametukasirisha.
what's the matter? (pronoun), kuna nini?.
strip of matting (for plaiting) (noun), kiri.
mattock (noun), jembe, pl majembe.
mattress (noun), godoro (5/6), pl magodoro.
mattress (noun), tandiko (5/6), pl matandiko.
mattress (quilted type) (noun), mfarishi (3/4), pl mifarishi.
small cloth or leather disk for making mattresses (noun), kitengele
(7/8), pl vitengele.
be mature (verb), -pea.
be mature (verb), -pevuka.
be too mature (eg a marriageable girl) (verb), -china.
mature (adjective), -pevu.
mature (verb), -iva.
mature (verb), -komaa.
mature (verb), -pevua.
maturity (noun), upevu (14).
maturity (noun), uzima.
maturity (of character or conduct) (noun), ubivu.
sexual maturity (noun), ubaleghi.
sexual maturity (noun), ubalehe.
sexual maturity (noun), ubalehi.
maw-worm (noun), mchango, pl michango.
maw-worm (noun), uchango.
maxim (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
maximum (noun), kipeo (7/8), pl vipeo.
maximum (noun), kiwango cha juu (7/8), pl viwango vya juu.
May (month of) (noun), Mei.
May I come in? Ans. karibu (welcome) (interjection), hodi.
maybe (adverb), huenda.
maybe (adverb), labda.
maybe (adverb), pengine.
maybe (adverb), pingine.
maybe (adverb), yapata.
mayor (noun), meya (9/10), pl meya.
maze (noun), mzingile, pl mizingile. rare: puzzle. mzingile mwambaji.
MC (master of ceremonies) (noun), pl MCs, mratibu (1/2), pl waratibu.
me (pronoun), mimi.
me (pronoun), miye.
to me (pronoun), kwangu.
meagerness (noun), uchache.
meagerness (noun), uchechefu.
meakness (noun), vumilio, pl mavumilio.
evening meal (noun), kijio, pl vijio.
evening meal (noun), kilalio (7/8), pl vilalio.
evening meal after a day's fasting (noun), fitiri (9/10), pl fitiri.
evening meal after a day's fasting (noun), futari.
meal (noun), unga.
meal (eaten in common) (noun), kikoa (7/8), pl vikoa.
meal served after the memorial ceremony (noun), malimati.
sing. leftovers (of food, saved from the evening meal for the following
morning (noun), mwiku (3/4), pl miiku.
mealtime (noun), pindi ya chakula.
be meant (verb), -kusudiwa (passive).
mean (adjective), -dhilifu.
mean (adjective), duni.
mean (adjective), -kali.
mean (adjective), nyonge.
mean (noun), wastani.
mean (verb), -maanisha (causative).
mean condition (noun), dhili (9/10), pl dhili.
mean person (noun), bahili (1/2), pl bahili.
mean person (noun), mnyonge (1/2), pl wanyonge.
mean person (noun), mpujufu, pl wapujufu.
meander (of a road or river) (verb), -betabeta.
meaning (noun), maana (9/10), pl maana.
meaning (noun), maana.
meaning (noun), ujumbe (14).
rare meaning (noun), nahau.
meaningless (adjective), tupu.
meaningless thing (noun), kinyangalika.
meaningless thing (noun), kinyangarika.
talk meaninglessly (verb), -bwabwaja.
talk meaninglessly (verb), -bwata.
meaninglessness (noun), utupu.
meanness (noun), choyo. miser. mwenye choyo.
meanness (noun), matule, pl matule.
meanness (noun), ubaya, pl mabaya.
meanness (noun), udhaifu.
meanness (noun), uhiana.
meanness (noun), unyonge.
meanness (noun), upujufu (14).
meanness (of spirit) (noun), inda (9/10), pl inda.
by means of (adverb), kwa kupitia.
by means of (adverb), kwayo.
by means of (preposition), kwa.
by no means (adverb), kamwe.
by no means (adverb), katu.
by no means! (interjection), hasha!.
means (noun), ndia (9/10), pl ndia. Use any means to get him out of
jail. tumia njia zote uwezavyo umtoe jelani.
means (noun), njia (9/10), pl njia. Use any means to get him out of
jail. tumia njia zote uwezavyo umtoe jelani.
that means (noun), manaake (9/10), pl maana.
meanwhile (noun), huko nyuma, pl huko nyuma.
measles (noun), churua.
measles (noun), churuwa.
measles (noun), firangi (9/10), pl firangi.
measles (noun), churua.
measles (noun), shurua (9).
measles (noun), surua (9).
measles (noun), ukambi.
measurable (verb), -kadirika.
amount measured (noun), kipimo (7/8), pl vipimo.
be measurable (verb), -pimika.
be measured (verb), -pimwa.
dry measure (equals 2 kibaba or about 1 quart) (noun), kisaga (7/8), pl
dry measure for solids (grain etc) (noun), pishi (9/10), pl pishi.
level measure (noun), fara (9/10), pl fara.
measure (noun), andao, pl maandao.
measure (noun), cheo (7/8), pl vyeo.
measure (noun), hatua (9/10), pl hatua.
measure (noun), ilkanun.
measure (noun), kadiri.
measure (noun), kiasi.
measure (noun), kifungu, pl vifungu.
measure (noun), kima, pl vima.
measure (noun), kimo, pl vimo.
measure (noun), kipimo (7/8), pl vipimo.
measure (verb), -enenza.
measure (verb), -eneza.
measure (verb), -enza.
measure (verb), -eza.
measure (verb), -kadiria.
measure (verb), -pima. When Maksudi examined the stomach of that woman,
he knew. Maksuudi alipolipima tambo la bibi huyu, alijua [Moh].
measure (verb), -pimia (applicative).
measure (35 lbs or 16 kg) (noun), frasila (9/10), pl frasila.
measure (in poetry) (noun), mizani (9/10), pl mizani.
measure (measuring-rod or yardstick or tape-measure etc.) (noun),
chenezo, pl vienezo.
measure (of weight) (noun), jizia (9/10), pl jizia.
measure of capacity or weight (half a gallon or 6 lb) (noun), pishi
(9/10), pl pishi.
measure of volume (about 1 pint or .56 liters) (noun), kibaba (7/8), pl
measuring rod (noun), kigezo, pl vigezo.
measuring tape (noun), kimo, pl vimo.
sailmaker's measure (noun), dofara, pl madofara.
sailmaker's measure (noun), dofra, pl madofra.
short measure (noun), kipunjo (7/8), pl vipunjo.
unit of measure (noun), futi.
unit of measure (noun), futuri.
unit of measure about a yard (noun), wari (9/10).
measurement (noun), cheo, pl vyeo.
measurement (noun), pimo (5/6), pl mapimo.
measurement, instrument of measuring, gauge (noun), kipimo, pl vipimo.
measurement, measuring instrument (noun), kipima, pl vipima.
measurer (noun), mpima (1/2), pl wapima.
measurer (noun), pimapima (5/6), pl mapimapima.
one who measures (noun), mpima, pl wapima.
one who measures (noun), mpimaji, pl wapimaji.
take measures (verb), -piga hatua.
measuring (noun), upimaji (14).
measuring (act of) (noun), mpimo, pl mipimo.
fig. meat safe (noun), kirimba, pl virimba.
inspect meat (verb), -tazama nyama.
lean meat (without fat or bones) (noun), mnofu, pl minofu.
lean piece of meat without fat or bone (noun), nofu (9/10), pl nofu.
meat (noun), mnofu (3/4), pl minofu.
meat (noun), nyama (9/10), pl nyama. beef.. nyama ya ng'ombe [nguruwe].
meat (from near backbone) (noun), pl meats, salala (9/10), pl salala.
John bought meat to make soup. John alinunua salala kutengeneza mchuzi.
meat (small piece) (noun), subana (9/10), pl subana.
meat (strip of) (noun), mtande, pl mitande.
meat of a coconut (noun), nyama ya nazi (9/10), pl nyama.
piece of meat (noun), kinofu (7/8), pl vinofu.
piece of meat (prepared for cooking) (noun), chinyango.
piece of meat roasted on a skewer (noun), mshakiki, pl mishakiki.
piece of meat roasted on a skewer (noun), mshikaki, pl mishikiki.
tender meat (adjective), nyama tefu. They like to eat tender meat.M241.
Wanapenda kula nyama tefu..
meat pie (small and spicy) (noun), pl meat pies, sambusa (9/10), pl
direction of Mecca (noun), kibla (7/8), pl kibla.
Mecca (noun), Maka (17).
Mecca (noun), Maka.
mechanic (noun), dereva, pl madereva.
mechanic (noun), dreva, pl madreva.
mechanic (noun), fundi (5/6), pl mafundi.
mechanic (noun), mekanika, pl mekanika, mamekanika.
mechanics (methods of) (noun), umakanika.
mechanics (methods of) (noun), umekanika.
work of a mechanic (noun), umakanika.
work of a mechanic (noun), umekanika.
phys. mechanics (noun), makanika.
mechanism (noun), gia.
mechanism (noun), mtambo, pl mitambo. works of a watch/clock;
refrigerator.. mtambo wa saa; mtambo wa barafu.
medal (noun), medali (9/10), pl medali.
medal (noun), pl medals, nishani (9/10), pl nishani.
meddle (verb), -doea.
meddle (verb), -tafiti.
meddle (verb), -tatiza.
meddle (in other people's affairs ) (verb), -taaradhia.
meddle (in other people's affairs) (verb), -taaradhi.
meddle in a matter (verb), -jipachika.
meddle in someone else's affairs. (verb), -chunguza.
meddle in someone's affairs (verb), -bemba.
meddler (noun), mpelelezaji (1/2), pl wapelelezaji.
meddlesome person (noun), mkero, pl wakero.
meddling (noun), utafiti.
mediate (verb), -aza.
mediation (noun), maombezi.
mediation (noun), maombi.
mediation (noun), maombo.
mediation (noun), maomvi.
mediation (noun), usuluhi.
mediation (noun), usuluhifu.
mediator (noun), mpatanishi, pl wapatanishi.
mediator (noun), pl mediators, msuluhisha (1/2), pl wasuluhisha.
mediator (noun), pl mediators, msuluhishi (1/2), pl wasuluhishi.
mediator (noun), pl mediators, msuluhivu (1/2), pl wasuhulivu.
mediator (noun), mwamua, pl waamua.
mediator (noun), mwamuzi, pl waamuzi.
medical practice (methods of) (noun), utabibu.
medical station (noun), kijihospitali, pl vijihospitali.
profession of medical science (noun), utabibu.
medicament (noun), uganga.
medicament (noun), uganguzi.
medicinal plant (noun), weni.
medicinal root (noun), mzizi, pl mizizi. coll. the root of the
trouble.. mzizi wa fitina.
give medicine to (against sterility or to encourage the growth of teeth
in infants) (verb), -hota.
gumlike substance used as a medicine both internally e.g., against cramps
and externally for fractures etc (noun), mumiani, pl mamiani.
medicine (noun), aguzi (5/6), pl maaguzi.
medicine (noun), dawa (9/10), pl dawa. vaccine, serum. dawa ya sindano.
medicine (noun), kiponya, pl viponya.
medicine (noun), tabibia (9/10), pl tabibia.
medicine (noun), tabibia.
medicine (noun), tiba (9/10), pl tiba.
medicine (made from leaves to bathe newborn) (noun), jimbo (5/6), pl
medicine (profession of) (noun), udaktari.
medicine (profession of) (noun), uganga.
medicine (profession of) (noun), uganguzi.
medicine against sterility (noun), hoto, pl mahoto.
medicine containing viruses (noun), kiunguza, pl viunguza.
medicine containing viruses (noun), kiunguzo, pl viunguzo.
medicine for madness (noun), pl medicines, ruzuna (9/10), pl ruzuna.
medicine for teething children (noun), hoza.
medicine prepared from various roots and herbs for use in a vapor bath or
for inhalation (noun), vuo.
medicine used for child's stomach trouble and swellings (noun), muru
medicine which is supposed to produce anger and ferocity (noun), mori.
one skilled in medicine (esp. one who cups and bleeds people) (noun),
muumishi, pl wauumishi.
one skilled in medicine (esp. one who cups and bleeds people) (noun),
mwumikaji, pl wauumikaji.
one skilled in medicine (esp. one who cups and bleeds people) (noun),
mwumishi, pl wauumishi.
one skilled in medicine (esp. one who cups and bleeds people) (noun),
mwumizi, pl wauumizi.
profession of medicine (noun), utibabi.
medicine man (who prepares charms) (noun), chimvi, pl machimvi.
medicines (noun), maponyea.
medicines (noun), maponyo (6).
medicines (noun), maponyo.
medicines (noun), mapoza.
meditate (verb), -fikiri.
meditate (verb), -tafakari.
meditate (verb), -waza.
meditate (verb), -ziua.
meditate (verb), -zua.
meditation (noun), fikara (9/10), pl fikara.
meditation (noun), taamuli (9/10), pl taamuli.
meditation (noun), uwazo.
medium (adjective), wastani.
medley (noun), tirivyogo (5/6), pl matirivyogo.
meek (adjective), dhalili.
meekly (adverb), kikondoo, pl vikondoo.
meekness (noun), unyonge (14).
meekness (noun), uvumilivu.
(go to) meet (verb), -laki.
meet (verb), -jumuika.
meet (verb), -karibiana.
meet (verb), -kongomana.
meet (verb), -kuta.
meet (verb), -kutana.
meet (face to face) (verb), -wajihi.
meet (in a hostile or competitive sense) (verb), -pambana.
meet at the same place (verb), -fikiana.
meet each other (verb), -onana.
meet face to face (verb), -wajihiana.
meet suddenly (verb), -fuma.
attend a meeting (verb), -barizi.
meeting (noun), baraza (9/10), pl baraza.
meeting (noun), jamaa.
meeting (noun), kikao (7/8), pl vikao.
meeting (noun), kutano (5/6), pl makutano.
meeting (noun), makutano.
meeting (noun), mapambano.
meeting (noun), mkusanyiko (3/4), pl mikusanyiko. Often matters and
disputes or disagreements were resolved in celebrations and a meeting of
the clan.. Mara nyingi visa na ugomvi ama kutopatana kulisawazishwa
kwenye sherehe na mukusanyiko wa ukoo [Masomo 309].
meeting (noun), mkutano, pl mikutano. mass meeting.. mkutano wa umma.
meeting (noun), pambano (5/6), pl mapambano.
meeting (act of) (noun), mkuto, pl mikuto.
meeting (act of) (noun), mkuto (3/4), pl mikuto.
meeting (sport, pol.) (noun), mpambano, pl mipambano.
meeting-place (noun), jaamati.
secret meeting (noun), mzengwe, pl mizengwe.
secret meeting (noun), njama (9/10), pl njama.
melancholic person (noun), mwenye ole (1/2), pl wenye ole.
be melancholy (verb), -kukurika.
be melancholy (verb), -sononeka (intransitive).
be melancholy (verb), -tandawaa.
melancholy (noun), ghamu.
melancholy (noun), jitimai.
melancholy (noun), kinyongo (7/8), pl vinyongo.
melancholy (noun), soda (9/10), pl soda.
melancholy (noun), usononi.
melancholy (noun), usununo.
cause to melt (verb), -yeyusha.
melt (verb), -yaika.
melt (verb), -yayuka.
melt (verb), -yeyuka.
be melted (verb), -yeyushwa.
melting (noun), myeyusho (3/4), pl miyeyusho.
make a member of a society (verb), -shirikisha. (s)he became a member of
the society helping the poor. Yeye alijishirikisha kusaidia maskini.
make a member of a society (verb), -shirikiza.
member (noun), memba.
member (of an organization, party, etc.) (noun), mwanachama, pl
wanachama. He is a member of a labor union.. yeye ni mwanachama cha
wafany kazi.
member (of the body) (noun), ungo, pl maungo.
member (of the body) (noun), ungu, pl maungu.
member of the same age-group (noun), rika (5/6an), pl marika.
membership (in an organization) (noun), uanachama.
membrane enclosing the bowels (noun), utambi (11/10), pl tambi.
membrane sometimes covering the head of an infant at birth (noun),
tandabui (9/10), pl tandabui.
memento (noun), kumbusho, pl makumbusho.
memento (noun), sawadi (5/6), pl masawadi.
memento (noun), zawadi.
be memorable (verb), -tambulikana.
memorandum (noun), aridhilihali, pl aridhilihali.
memorial (noun), kumbusho, pl makumbusho.
memorial (noun), ukumbusho (11/6), pl makumbusho.
memorize (verb), -kaliri (transitive).
memorize (verb), -soma. memorize a poem. soma shairi.
memorize (learn by heart) (verb), -jifunza kwa moyo.
memory (noun), kikumbuko.
memory (noun), kumbukizi (9/10), pl kumbukizi.
memory (noun), kumbuko, pl makumbuko.
memory (noun), kumbukumbu, pl kumbukumbu, makumbukumbu.
memory (noun), kumbusho, pl makumbusho.
memory (noun), ufahamfu.
memory (noun), ufahami.
memory (noun), ufahamivu.
memory (noun), ukumbuko.
person with a good memory (noun), mtu mkumbufu (1/2), pl watu wakumbufu.
person with good memory (noun), mkumbufu, pl wakumbufu.
someone with a good memory (noun), mzingatifu, pl wazingatifu.
someone with a good memory (noun), mzingativu, pl wazingativu.
men (noun), wanaume.
menace (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
menace (noun), pl menaces, ogofyo (5/6), pl maogofyo.
menace (noun), tisho, pl matisho.
menace (noun), wogofya, pl mawogofya, nyogofya.
menace (verb), -tisha.
menace (verb), -tishwa.
menacing (adjective), -a kutisha.
menacing (noun), ukamio.
be mended (verb), -rekebishwa.
be mended (verb), -shonwa.
mend (verb), -ganga.
mend (verb), -rakibisha.
mend (verb), -rekibisha.
mend (verb), -shona.
mend (verb), -tadhibiri.
mend (verb), -tadubiri.
mend (verb), -tengeneza.
habitual mendicancy (noun), uombaji.
professional mendicancy (noun), uombaji.
mending (noun), mgango, pl migango.
mending (noun), utengenezaji.
menfolk (noun), wanaume.
expression of joy at wedding or menses onset (noun), cheleko (7/8), pl
menses (noun), hedhi (9/10), pl hedhi.
menstrual sickness(?) (noun), mchango (3/4), pl michango.
girl who menstruates for the first time (noun), mwali, pl wali.
girl who menstruates for the first time (noun), mwari, pl wari.
menstruate (verb), -tumia.
menstruate (verb), -vunja ungo.
cloth used during menstruation (noun), sodo (9/10), pl sodo.
menstruation (noun), damu. menstraute. ingia damuni [Rec].
menstruation (noun), hedhi (9/10), pl hedhi.
menstruation (noun), mtakaso, pl mitakaso.
menstruation (noun), utohara.
menstruation (noun), weuo.
rare. menstruation (noun), mwezi, pl miezi.
be mentally ill (verb), -vurugika akili.
make mentally ill (verb), -vuruga akili.
mental derangement (noun), mang'amung'amu.
mental derangement (noun), mang'ang'amu.
mental disorder (noun), kichaa (7/8), pl vichaa.
mentally deficient person (noun), punguani (5/6an), pl mapunguani.
mentally ill person (noun), mwehu (1/2), pl wehu.
mentally ill person (noun), mwendawazimu (1/2), pl wendawazimu. You have
become like a mentally ill person my husband.. Umekuwa kama mwendawasimu
mume wangu [Chacha, Masomo 372].
be mentioned (verb), -taywa.
it is not worth mentioning (interjection), chut!.
It is not worth mentioning (interjection), kefu!.
keep mentioning a topic (verb), -gusiagusia maongezi.
mention (noun), kumbukumbu (9/10), pl kumbukumbu.
mention (noun), pl mentions, mtajo (3/4), pl mitajo.
mention (verb), -ita.
mention (verb), -nena.
mention by name (verb), -taja. (s)he will have cut the tongue of any
girl who will mention him/her. atakuwa amekata kilimilimi chochote cha
msichana kumtaja [Muk].
mention of the name of God (noun), zikri.
not to mention ... (conjunction), sembuse. I will not give you a cent,
not to mention a shilling. senti moja sikupi sembuse shilingi..
be mentioned (verb), -tajwa (passive).
in this... (previously mentioned) (pronoun), humo.
this (previously mentioned) (pronoun), hilo.
those mentioned (pronoun), hayo.
those mentioned (already referred to) (pronoun), hao.
Mercedes Benz (noun), benzi (9/10), pl benzi.
merchandise (noun), bidaa.
merchandise (noun), bidhaa (9/10), pl bidhaa.
merchandise (noun), tijara.
merchandising (noun), utembezi, pl matembezi.
dishonest merchant (noun), bepari, pl mabepari.
retail merchant (noun), mchunzi, pl wachunzi.
retail merchant (noun), mchuruzi, pl wachunzi.
wholesale merchant (noun), tajiri (5/6an), pl matajiri.
the Merciful (God) (noun), rahimu (1).
mercilessness (noun), ujuhula.
mercury (noun), zebaki (9).
beg for mercy (verb), -lalama.
have mercy (verb), -hurumia.
mercy (noun), huruma (9/10), pl huruma.
mercy (noun), neema (9/10), pl neema.
mercy (noun), pl mercy, rehema (9/10), pl rehema.
rel. mercy (noun), majaliwa.
show mercy to (verb), -hurumia.
show mercy to (verb), -rehemu.
mere (adjective), -tupu.
merely (adverb), tu.
matokeo yake mazuri ya mtihani yalitokea na ubora wa juhudi zake za
kusoma (noun), ubora.
merit (noun), astahili (9/10), pl astahili.
merit (noun), hastaili (9/10), pl hastaili.
merit (noun), stahili (9/10), pl stahili.
merit (noun), ustahili (14).
merit (verb), -stahili. it was only them who meritted protecting
him/her. wao tu wangalistahili kumkinga [Moh], sioni uzito kukwita jina
lolote unalostahili [Moh].
meritorious (adjective), suna.
merriment (noun), ramsa (9/10), pl ramsa.
merriment (noun), sherehe (9/10), pl sherehe. the children returned home
after the merriment. Watoto walirudi nyumbani baada ya sherehe.
place crowded with merry-makers (noun), ramsa (9/10), pl ramsa.
be merry (verb), -changamka.
be merry (verb), -chanjamka.
be merry (verb), -chanjanuka.
be merry (verb), -kunjuka (potential).
merrymaking (noun), sherehe (9/10), pl sherehe. merrymaking at the
wedding. sherehe ya harusi.
mesentery (noun), utambi.
be messed up (verb), -chafuka.
make a mess of something (verb), -fuja.
mess (noun), borongo (5/6), pl maborongo.
mess (noun), fujo (5/6), pl mafujo.
mess (noun), ghasia (9/10), pl ghasia.
mess (noun), matata (6).
mess (noun), matata, pl matata.
mess (noun), mavurugo, pl mavurugo.
mess (noun), messi.
mess (noun), uchafuko.
mess (noun), vurumai (9/10), pl vurumai.
mess up (verb), -chafua.
mess up something (verb), -rabishia.
message (noun), habari.
message (noun), hubiri, pl mahubiri.
message (noun), risala (9/10), pl risala. The message from maua has
arrived. Risala kutoka kwa maua zimefika.
message (noun), pl messages, salaam (9/10), pl salaam.
message (noun), ujumbe (14).
secret message (noun), njama (9/10), pl njama.
be messed up (verb), -chafuliwa.
messenger (noun), mbashiri, pl wabashiri.
messenger (noun), mesenja.
messenger (noun), mjumbe, pl wajumbe.
messenger (noun), mletaji, pl waletaji.
messenger (noun), mpelekwa (1/2), pl wapelekwa.
messenger (noun), pl messengers, mshenga (1/2), pl washenga.
messenger (noun), mtume (3/4an), pl mitume.
messenger (noun), ofisiboi (5/6an), pl maofisiboi.
messenger (noun), pl messengers, rasuli (9/10an), pl rasuli.
messenger (noun), pl messengers, tarishi (5/6an), pl matarishi.
messenger (noun), tume.
office messenger (noun), katikiro (9/10), pl katikiro.
rare messenger (noun), mtumwaji, pl watumwaji.
work of messenger (noun), utarishi (14).
Messiah (noun), masihi (1).
Messiah (noun), masihiya.
Messiah (noun), Masiya (1).
Messiah (noun), masiya.
be messy (verb), -chafua.
mestizo (noun), chokora, pl machokora.
mestizo (noun), chotara (9/10an), pl chotara.
be met (verb), -lakiwa.
lump of metal (noun), timbe (9/10), pl timbe.
metal (noun), bati (5/6), pl mabati.
metal (noun), madini, pl madini.
metal (noun), metali (9/10), pl metali.
metal (noun), ubamba (11/10), pl bamba.
metal used for welding (noun), weko, pl maweko.
metal worker (noun), msana, pl wasana. blacksmith. msana chuma.
sheet metal (noun), bamba, pl mabamba.
sheet metal (noun), bati, pl mabati. sheet-metal worker. fundi wa bati.
sheet metal (noun), daba, pl madaba.
sheet metal (noun), debe, pl madebe.
metal-worker (noun), mfua, pl wafua. goldsmith (silversmith). mfua
metallurgy (noun), madini, pl madini.
metalwork (engraving chasing etc.) (noun), uhunzi.
metalworker (noun), mhunzi (1/2), pl wahunzi.
metalworking (noun), usana (14), pl usana.
metalworking (noun), usani (14), pl usani.
metalworking (methods of) (noun), ujume.
metalworking (methods of) (noun), ujumi.
metalworking (trade of) (noun), ujumi.
metaphor (noun), fumbo (5/6), pl mafumbo.
metaphysics (noun), metafizikia (9/10), pl metafizikia.
electric current (noun), mwenendo, pl mienendo.
meteor (noun), kimondo, pl vimondo.
meteor (noun), kimwondo (7/8), pl vimwondo.
cubic meter (of wood or building stone) (noun), meta (9/10), pl meta.
cubic meter (of wood or building stone) (noun), mita (9/10), pl mita.
meter (noun), dira, pl madira.
meter (noun), mita (9/10), pl mita.
meter (of wood, building stone) (noun), meta (9/10), pl meta.
method (noun), jinsi (9/10), pl jinsi.
method (noun), jinsi.
method (noun), kadiri (9/10), pl kadiri.
method (noun), mbinu (9/10), pl mbinu.
method (noun), ndia (9/10), pl ndia. What kind of method are you using?.
umetumia njia gani?.
method (noun), njia (9/10), pl njia. What kind of method are you using?.
umetumia njia gani?.
method (noun), pl methods, taratibu (9/10), pl taratibu.
methodical person (noun), pl methodical people, mtaratibu (1/2), pl
meticulous (adverb), siasa.
mica (noun), ulanga (11).
microbe (noun), kidudu (7/8), pl vidudu.
microbe (noun), kijidudu (7/8), pl vijidudu.
micron (noun), kijisehemu, pl vijisehemu.
microphone (noun), kikuza sauti (7/8), pl vikuza sauti.
microphone (noun), kipaza sauti (7/8), pl vipaza sauti.
microscope (noun), darubini (9/10), pl darubini.
midafternoon (noun), alasiri (9/10), pl alasiri.
midday (noun), adhuhuri (9/10), pl adhuhuri. noontime, (Islamic) time of
the second prayers. wakati wa ~, sala ya ~..
midday (noun), dohori.
in the middle (adverb), kati.
in the middle (preposition), katikati.
in the middle of (conjunction), kati.
middle (adjective), katikati.
middle (adverb), kati.
middle (noun), kati.
middle (noun), moyo.
middle of (adjective), katikati ya.
middle age (between 35 and 50 years) (noun), makamu (6).
middle-aged person (over 45) (noun), ngumbaru (9/10an), pl ngumbaru.
middleman (noun), pl middlemen, mlanguzi (1/2), pl walanguzi.
midget (noun), kibeti, pl vibeti.
midriff of coconut palm leaf (noun), ujukuti (11/10), pl njukuti.
in the midst of (adverb), baina ya.
in the midst of (conjunction), kati.
in the midst of (noun), mwongoni (3/4), pl miongoni.
act as midwife (verb), -zalisha.
midwife (noun), kungwi (5/6), pl makungwi.
midwife (noun), mkunga (1/2), pl wakunga. this third pregnancy does not
have a midwife or a doctor. hii [mimba] ya tatu ndiyo haina mkunga wala
dakitari [Moh].
midwife (noun), mzalisha, pl wazalisha.
midwife (noun), mzalishaji, pl wazalishaji.
midwife (noun), mzalishi, pl wazalisha.
midwife (noun), ngungwi (9/10an), pl ngungwi.
midwifery (noun), ukunga (14).
midwifery (noun), ukunga.
mien (noun), sura (9/10), pl sura.
might (noun), enzi (9/10), pl enzi.
might (noun), kudura (9/10), pl kudura.
might (of God) (adjective), makadara.
might (of God) (adjective), makadari.
act high and mighty (verb), -tuna.
migrant laborer (noun), kibarua mhamaji (7/8), pl vibarua wahamaji.
migrate (verb), -hama.
migration (eg of birds) (noun), uhamaji (14).
migration (eg of birds) (noun), uhamiaji.
migratory (adjective), -hamaji.
Mijikenda (noun), Kimijikenda (7).
mild (adjective), -anana.
mild (adjective), -pole.
mild (adjective), polepole.
mild (adjective), tamu.
mildew (noun), kawa (5/6), pl makawa.
mildew (noun), kawa.
mildew (noun), koga (9/10), pl koga.
mildew (noun), kuvu (9/10), pl kuvu.
mildew (noun), ukoga.
mildew (noun), ukungu, pl kungu, makungu.
mildness (noun), baridi.
mile (noun), pl miles, maili (9/10), pl maili.
square mile (noun), pl square miles, maili za eneo (9/10), pl maili za
eneo. Mainland Tanzania has an area of 362,688 square miles.. Tanzania
Bara ina ukubwa wa maili za eneo 362,688 [Masomo 3].
square mile (noun), pl square miles, maili za mraba (9/10), pl maili za
square mile (noun), pl square miles, maili ya eneo (9/10), pl maili za
millstone (upper part of a stone mill) (noun), mango.
militant (noun), kada (5/6an), pl makada (wa chama).
militant (noun), mtendaji (1/2), pl watendaji.
compulsory military service, (noun), shokoa (9/10), pl shokoa.
military (adjective), kiaskari.
military (adjective), -a kijeshi.
military (adjective), -a kivita.
military (noun), jeshi (5/6), pl majeshi.
military profession (noun), uaskari.
military supplies (noun), zana za vita (10).
militia (noun), mwanamgambo (1/2), pl wanamgambo. Tanzania has many
people who are in local militia.. Tanzania ina wananchi wengi ambao ni
wanamgambo [Nyerere, Masomo 279].
be milked (verb), -kamuliwa.
curdled milk (noun), gururu.
curdled milk (noun), robu (9/10), pl robu. curdled milk.. maziwa ya
dang'a (the first milk of an animal after having given birth) (noun),
milk (noun), mawele, pl mawele.
milk (noun), maziwa (6), pl maziwa. curdled milk. maziwa mabichi/ya
milk (noun), ziwa (5/6), pl maziwa.
milk (verb), -kama.
milk (verb), -kama.
milk a cow (verb), -kama gombe.
milk a cow (verb), -kama ng'ombe.
milk a cow (verb), -kama ng'ombe, pl ng'ombe.
mill (noun), kinu, pl vinu.
mill (noun), sinikizo (5/6), pl masinikizo.
mill (verb), -saga. Maua milled maize at the. Maua alisaga mahindi
mill (for pressing oil or fruit etc.) (noun), sindikizo (5/6), pl
mill (for pressing oil or fruit) (noun), shindikizo (5/6), pl
mill (for pressing oil or fruit) (noun), pl oil mills, shinikizo (5/6),
pl mashinikizo.
miller (noun), msaga, pl wasaga.
miller (noun), msagi, pl wasagi.
bullrush millet (noun), mawele (6).
bulrush millet (grain of) (noun), uwele (11/6), pl mawele, nyele.
grains of a variety of millet (used for making beer) (noun), wimbi.
inferior kind of millet (noun), felefele.
millet (inferior kind) (noun), ferefere.
millet (kind of) (noun), mtama, pl mitama. Where there are many chickens
one should not spill millet.. penye kuku wengi usimwage mtama.
millet (kind of) (noun), mzumai (3/4an), pl mizuma.
millet (kind of) (noun), ulesi, pl malesi.
millet (kind of) (noun), ulezi, pl malezi.
millet grain (noun), wele (5/6), pl mawele.
millet grain (variety of) (noun), uwimbi, pl wimbi.
millet plant variety (Penicillaria spicata ) (noun), mwele, pl miele.
species of millet plant (noun), mlezi, pl milezi.
stalk of millet (noun), kikota, pl vikota.
sweet millet stalk (chewed like a candy) (noun), kota, pl makota. this
is a very bright color..
million (noun), milioni (5/6), pl mamilioni.
million (noun), millioni.
millipede (noun), chongoo, pl machongoo.
millipede (noun), jongoo (5/6), pl majongoo.
millipede (noun), jongoo, pl majongoo.
millstone (noun), kijaa, pl vijaa.
mimic (noun), mwiga, pl waiga.
mimic (noun), mwigaji, pl waigaji.
mimic (noun), mwigishaji, pl waigishaji.
mimic (verb), -iga.
mimosa (species of) (noun), mguruka, pl miguruka.
mimosa (species of) (noun), mguruti, pl miguruti.
minaret (noun), mnara, pl minara.
mince (verb), -katakata.
minced meat (noun), kima (9/10).
be kept in mind (verb), -zingatiwa.
bear in mind (verb), -kumbuka.
have in mind (verb), -maanisha (causative).
have in mind (verb), -nia.
have in mind (verb), -nuia.
keep in mind (verb), -kumbuka.
make up one's mind (verb), -yakinia.
mind (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
mind (verb), -jali.
mind (verb), -tunza.
not be in one's right mind (verb), -fumbama akili.
sound mind (phrase), akili timamu.
take the mind off (verb), -pumbaza. take the mind off. pumbaza akili.
mine (adjective), -angu.
mine (adjective), vyangu.
mine (adjective), yangu.
mine (adjective), zangu.
mine (noun), chimbo (5/6), pl machimbo.
mine (noun), chimbuko (5/6), pl machimbuko.
mine (noun), kiwanda, pl viwanda.
mine (noun), mgodi, pl migodi.
mine (noun), mtego, pl mitego. lay mines.. fichia mtego.
mine (noun), shimo (5/6), pl mashimo. gold mine. shimo la dhahabu.
mine (pronoun), mimi, pl sisi.
mine (pronoun), miye.
mine (pronoun), mwangu.
mine (pronoun), wangu.
mine worker (noun), mchimbaji wa madini (1/2), pl wachimbaji wa madini.
miner (noun), mchimbaji wa madini (1/2), pl wachimbaji wa madini.
miner (noun), mfukuaji, pl wafukuaji.
mineral (noun), madini (9/10), pl madini.
mineral (noun), madini, pl madini.
minesweeper (noun), mlipuaji wa baruti, pl walipuaji wa baruti.
mingle (verb), -changanya.
minimize (verb), -hafifisha.
minimum level (noun), kiwango cha chini (7/8), pl viwango vya chini.
mining (noun), uchimbaji.
foreign minister (noun), harijia.
function of a minister (noun), uwaziri.
minister (noun), balozi, pl mabalozi.
minister (noun), mhudumu (1/2), pl wahudumu.
minister (governmental) (noun), waziri (5/6an), pl mawaziri.
Minister of Home Affairs (noun), Waziri wa Mashauri Nchini (5/6an), pl
Mawaziri wa Mashauri Nchini.
minister to (verb), -hudumia.
status of a minister (noun), uwaziri.
function of a ministry (noun), uwaziri.
ministry (noun), idara.
ministry (noun), wazira.
ministry (government) (noun), wizara (9/10), pl wizara.
status of a ministry (noun), uwaziri.
minstrel (noun), shaha (5/6an), pl mashaha.
minstrel (noun), sheha (5/6an), pl mashaha.
minstrel (noun), shehe (5/6an), pl mashehe.
mint (leaf) (noun), nanaa (9/10).
mint plant (noun), mnaanaa, pl minanaa.
mint plant (noun), mnanaa, pl minanaa.
minute (noun), dakika (9/10), pl dakika. in a moment, immediately, at
once. kwa dakika moja [Rec].
miracle (noun), hekaya.
miracle (noun), ibura.
miracle (noun), staajabu (5/6), pl mastaajabu.
miracle (noun), taajabu (5/6), pl mataajabu.
rel. miracle (noun), mwujizi, pl miujizi.
rel. miracle (noun), mwujiza, pl miujiza.
rel. miracle (noun), muujiza, pl miujiza.
mirage (noun), mangazimbwe.
mirage (noun), mazigazi, pl mazigazi.
mirage (noun), pl mirages, sarabi (9/10), pl sarabi.
mirror (noun), kioo (7/8), pl vioo.
misappropriate (verb), -badhiri.
misappropriate (verb), -badiri.
misappropriate (verb), -iba.
miscellaneous (adjective), kumba.
miscellaneous (adjective), kumbakumba.
miscellaneous (adjective), mengineyo.
miscellany (noun), vitakataka.
mischevious (adjective), tukutu.
mischief-maker (noun), mpingaji, pl wapingaji.
mischief-maker (noun), mpingani, pl wapingani.
mischief (noun), fitina (9/10), pl fitina.
mischief (noun), fitna (9/10), pl fitna.
mischief (noun), shari (9/10), pl shari. ready to undertake any journey
either by luck or mischief. tayari kufanya safari yo yote ya kheri au
shari [Mt].
mischief (noun), utundu (14).
mischief-maker (noun), fitina (5/6an), pl mafitina.
mischief-maker (noun), fitna (5/6an), pl mafitna.
mischief-maker (noun), mpinzani, pl wapingani.
mischievous (child) (adjective), tundu.
mischievous action (noun), nuhusi (9/10), pl nuhusi.
mischievous action (noun), nuksani (9/10), pl nuksani.
mischievous action (noun), nuksi (9/10), pl nuksi. They got tired of Mr
Maksudi's mischievous actions. walichoshwa na nuksi za Bwana Maksuudi
mischievous child (noun), mtukutu, pl watukutu.
mischievous person (noun), pl mischievous people, mtundu (1/2), pl
mischievousness (noun), chachari (5/6), pl machachari.
mischievousness (noun), machachari (6).
mischievousness (noun), utukutu (14).
mischievousness (noun), utundu.
misconduct (verb), -kosa.
misdeed (noun), feli (9/10), pl feli.
miser (noun), bahili, pl bahili, mabahili. The property of a miser is
apt to be eaten by insects (proverb).. mali ya ~ huliwa na wadudu.
miser (noun), makabidhi, pl wakabidhi.
miser (noun), mchopozi, pl wachopozi.
miser (noun), mkabidhi (1/2), pl wakabidhi.
miserliness (noun), choyo (9/10), pl choyo.
feel miserable (verb), -nywea (applicative).
miserable (adjective), dhalili.
miserable (adjective), shari.
miserable (adjective), tule.
miserable (noun), chai ya rangi (9/10), pl chai za rangi.
miserable (noun), maskini (9/10an), pl maskini.
miserable person (noun), mtule, pl watule.
miserably (adverb), kinyonge.
miserliness (noun), mnyimo (3/4), pl minyimo.
miserliness (noun), roho (9/10), pl roho.
miserliness (noun), ubahili (14).
miserliness (noun), unyimivu.
miserliness (noun), uroho.
miserly (adjective), -bahili.
miserly (adjective), kabidhi.
miserly (adjective), kabidhi.
miserly (adjective), nyimivu.
miserly (adjective), takabadhi.
miserly (adjective), wekevu.
misert (noun), mnyima, pl wanyima.
misert (noun), mnyimaji, pl wanyimaji.
misery (noun), kinyonge, pl vinyonge.
misery (noun), mashaka.
misery (noun), matule, pl matule.
misery (noun), shake (5/6), pl mashake. be caught up in the misery of
crying. ingiwa na shake la kulia..
misery (noun), shari (9/10), pl shari.
misery (noun), taabu (9/10), pl taabu.
misery (noun), teso, pl mateso.
misery (noun), ufukara.
misery (noun), umasikini.
misery (noun), umaskini.
misery (noun), unyonge (14).
bring misfortume (verb), -sibu.
bring misfortune (verb), -haribisha.
bring misfortune upon someone (verb), -pagaza.
cause misfortune (to one's parents) (verb), -chimba.
cause misfortune (to one's parents) (verb), -chimbuza.
misfortune (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
misfortune (noun), dhara, pl madhara.
misfortune (noun), dhiki.
misfortune (noun), hizaya.
misfortune (noun), kisirani (9/10), pl kisirani.
misfortune (noun), maafa, pl maafa. Colors are God's design, not a sign
of misfortune. Rangi pambo lake Mungu, si alama ya maafa [Shaaban Robert,
Masomo 425].
misfortune (noun), madhilifu, pl madhilifu.
misfortune (noun), mauja.
misfortune (noun), mdhana (9/10), pl mdhana.
misfortune (noun), miuha.
misfortune (noun), mkasa (3/4), pl mikasa.
misfortune (noun), msiba (3/4), pl misiba.
misfortune (noun), muuya.
misfortune (noun), mwuja, pl miuja.
misfortune (noun), nuhusi (9/10), pl nuhusi.
misfortune (noun), nuksani (9/10), pl nuksani.
misfortune (noun), nuksi (9/10), pl nuksi.
misfortune (noun), pigo (5/6), pl mapigo.
misfortune (noun), teso, pl mateso.
misfortune (noun), utesaji.
misfortune (noun), utesi.
one who brings misfortune (noun), chimvi, pl machimvi.
one who causes misfortune (noun), msibu, pl wasibu.
person supposed to bring misfortune (noun), mdhana.
rel. misfortune (noun), masaibu.
thing supposed to bring misfortune (noun), mdhana.
misfortunes (noun), mauja (9/10), pl mauja.
misgiving (noun), wasiwasi.
misgivings (when requested to do something) (noun), wasi.
have misgivings (verb), -shuku.
misgivings (noun), shuku (5/6), pl mashuku.
misgivings (noun), uasi, pl maasi.
misgivings (noun), uhasi, pl maasi.
misgivings (noun), uhasi.
misgivings (noun), uwasi, pl maasi.
misgivings (noun), wasi, pl maasi.
misgivings (when requested to do something) (noun), uwaasi.
misgivings (when requested to do something) (noun), uwasi, pl mawasi.
mishap (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
mishap (noun), feli.
mishap (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani.
mislead (verb), -ghuri.
mislead (verb), -jinyausha.
mislead (verb), -ongopa.
misleading (adjective), -danganyifu.
act in a misleading way (verb), -jinyausha.
misleading (noun), mazingazinga, pl mazingazinga.
something misleading (noun), ushaufu.
talk in a misleading way (verb), -jinyausha.
misprint (noun), mategu, pl mategu.
misprint (noun), tego, pl matego.
misprint (noun), tegu, pl mategu.
miss (verb), -futu.
miss (verb), -kosa.
miss (verb), -pisha.
miss (verb), -pitisha.
miss (verb), -pitwa (na) (passive). A listener who does not miss a
useful word. msikizi asiyepitwa na neno lenye maana [Sul].
miss (verb), -sikitika.
miss (term address) (noun), bi.
miss (term of address) (noun), bibi, pl mabibi.
miss one's aim (verb), -yua.
miss one's mark (verb), -kosa.
miss the mark (verb), -epea.
misshapen (adjective), matemo.
animal missing a finger or toe (noun), buge, pl mabuge.
be missing (verb), -kosekana.
missing (adjective), tovu.
state of being missing (noun), ughaibu.
mission (noun), ujumbe (14).
mission (noun), upelekwa (14).
mission (official) (noun), misheni (9/10). missionary school. skuli ya
have sex in the missionary position (verb), -kwea.
missionary (noun), mmisionari, pl wamisionary.
missionary (noun), mpelekwa (1/2), pl wapelekwa.
rare missionary (noun), mtaawa, pl wataawa.
rare missionary (noun), mtawa, pl watawa.
mist (noun), kunge (9/10), pl kunge.
mist (noun), kungugu (9/10), pl kungugu.
mist (noun), ukungu (14).
mist (noun), umande (14).
mist (noun), unyenyezi.
mist (heavy) (noun), pl mists, mrasharasha (3/4), pl mirasharasha.
foolish mistake (noun), ubaramaki.
make a mistake (verb), -kosa.
make a mistake (verb), -kosea.
make one see his or her mistakes (verb), -onya.
mistake (noun), athari, pl athari.
mistake (noun), dosari.
mistake (noun), ghalati (9/10), pl ghalati.
mistake (noun), kosa (5/6), pl makosa.
mistake (noun), kosa, pl makosa. "High court, Court of Appeal; Supreme
Court".. tia kosani.
mistake (noun), makosekano.
mistake (noun), ukosa.
mistake (noun), ukosefu.
mistake (noun), ukosekanaji.
mistake (noun), ukosekano.
be mistaken (verb), -kwaa.
be mistaken (verb), -potea. His mistook his way. Alipotea njia.
mister (noun), bwana (5/6), pl mabwana.
mistiness (noun), utusitusi (11).
mistreat (verb), -onea.
mistreat (verb), -taadi.
mistreat (verb), -tadi.
mistreatment (noun), oneo (5/6), pl maoneo.
fig. coll. mistress (noun), koo, pl makoo.
housewife (noun), bi.
housewife (noun), bibi, pl mabibi.
mistress (noun), hawara, pl mahawara.
mistress (noun), mamsahib (9/10an), pl mamsahib.
mistress (noun), mamsahib.
mistress (noun), mamwana.
mistress (noun), mbuya.
mistress (noun), memsahib.
mistress (noun), mwana.
mistress (noun), saada (9/10an), pl saada.
second establishment maintained by a married man for his mistress (noun),
misty (adjective), kimaji.
misunderstanding (noun), mavurugano, pl mavurugano.
misunderstanding (noun), mgogoro, pl migogoro.
misuse (verb), -poteza. They misused his/her money. Wao walipoteza pesa
be mixed (verb), -vurugika.
be mixed together (verb), -changanyika (potential).
mix (verb), -changa.
mix (verb), -changanya.
mix (verb), -koroga. Mix the water and the sugar.. Koroga maji na
sukari [Masomo 15].
mix (verb), -saliti. If you mix two kinds of this sand, you will get
good sand. ukisaliti jinsi mbili za mchanga huu utapata mchanga mzuri..
mix (verb), -tibua.
mix (verb), -unga.
mix (verb), -vuruga.
mix (verb), -vurugavuruga.
mix (verb), -vuruma.
mix (foods) (verb), -buruga.
mix by stirring (verb), -koroga.
mix concrete (verb), -piga zege.
mix together (verb), -buruganya.
mix together (verb), -ungana.
mix with (people) (verb), -changamana.
mixing together (noun), maingiliano (6).
mixed (adjective), kumba.
mixed (adjective), kumbakumba.
mixed up (adjective), peketevu.
mixed up (adjective), pekutevu.
well mixed (adverb), tilatila.
person of mixed blood (noun), chotara (5/6an), pl machotara.
one who mixes something (noun), mchanganyaji, pl wachanganyaji.
mixing (noun), mburugo (3/4), pl miburugo.
mixing (noun), ukorogefu.
mixing (noun), ukorogo.
mixing (act of) (noun), kuchanganya.
mixing (act of) (noun), mvurugo, pl mivurugo.
mixing up (noun), machanganyo, pl machanganyo.
be in a condition of mixture (verb), -changamana.
be in a condition of mixture (verb), -tangamana.
make a mixture (verb), -ungwa.
mixture (noun), changamano.
mixture (noun), kuchanganya.
mixture (noun), machanganyiko, pl machanganyiko.
mixture (noun), machanganyo, pl machanganyo.
mixture (noun), mburugo (3/4), pl miburugo.
mixture (noun), mchanganyiko (3/4), pl michanganyiko.
mixture (noun), mseto, pl miseto. a coalition government.. serikali ya
mixture (noun), pl mixtures, mvurugo (3/4), pl mivurugo.
mixture (noun), tangamano (5/6), pl matangamano.
mixture (noun), ukorogefu.
mixture (noun), ukorogo.
mixture (fig.) (noun), mseto (3/4), pl miseto.
mixture (thick) (noun), urojo (14).
mixture of grains and other ingredients cooked for food (noun), msombo
(3/4), pl misombo.
cf. mizani (noun), minzani.
moan (noun), guno (5/6), pl maguno.
moan (noun), kite (7).
moan (verb), -guna.
moan (verb), -kakamuka ( intr-inver).
moaning (noun), maombolezo.
moaning (noun), ulalamishi.
moaning (noun), ulalamizi.
mobile (adjective), sabili.
be mocked (verb), -chezewa.
mock (verb), -cheka.
mock (verb), -chekelea.
mock (verb), -chekerea.
mock (verb), -chezea.
mock (verb), -dhihaki.
mock (verb), -kejeli.
mock (verb), -kejeli.
mock (verb), -cheza shere.
mock (verb), -fanya shere.
mock (verb), -simanga.
mock (verb), -zoma.
mocker (noun), mbishi, pl wabishi.
mockery (noun), dhaka.
mockery (noun), dhihaka (9/10), pl dhihaka.
mockery (noun), mashkara.
mockery (noun), masihara.
mockery (noun), mchezo (3/4), pl michezo.
mockery (noun), mdhaha.
mockery (noun), mshaha.
mockery (noun), saguo (9).
mockery (noun), shere (9/10), pl shere.
mockery (noun), sheri (9/10), pl sheri. make a mockery. cheza/fanya
mockery (noun), simango (5/6), pl masimango.
mockery (noun), ubishi, pl mabishi.
mockery (noun), usimango, pl masimango.
mode of life (noun), makazi.
mode of living (noun), makazi (6).
model (noun), bombwe, pl mabombwe.
model (noun), kielezo (7/8), pl vielezo.
model (noun), kilingo, pl vilingo.
model (noun), mfano, pl mifano. for example.. kama mfano.
model (noun), modeli (9/10).
model (noun), mtindo (3/4), pl mitindo.
model (noun), mwundo (3/4), pl miundo.
model (noun), namna (9/10).
model (noun), ruwaza (9/10), pl ruwaza.
model (noun), sampuli (9/10), pl sampuli.
model (noun), tarakibu (9/10), pl tarakibu.
be in moderate circumstances (adjective), mudu.
moderate (adjective), -a kadiri.
moderate (adjective), kadirifu.
moderate (adjective), wastani.
moderation (noun), kiasi.
moderation (noun), tawasufi.
moderation (noun), ukadiri.
moderation (noun), ukadirifu (14).
modern (adjective), kisasa.
modern (adjective), malidadi.
modern (adjective), mamboleo. Neo-colonialism. ukoloni mamboleo.
modern (adjective), mardadi.
modern (adjective), maridadi.
modern (adjective), mmalidadi.
modern (adjective), -pya. modern studies. masomo mapya.
modern (adjective), -sasa. modern dressing. vaazi la kisasa.
modern (of clothes) (adjective), mofti. wear modern clothes.. vaa nguo
modern (of clothes) (adjective), mufti. wear modern clothes.. vaa nguo
modern person (noun), mtamaduni (1/2), pl watamaduni.
modern times (adverb), siku hizi.
modern young man (noun), Check-bob (9/10an), pl Check-bob.
modern young woman (noun), Sista-du (5/6an), pl Masista-du.
modernity (noun), utamaduni (11/10), pl tamaduni.
modest (adjective), nyenyekevu.
modest person (noun), maridhia, pl wamaridhia. my wife is unassuming.
mke wangu maridhia.
modest person (noun), marigedi.
modestly (adverb), kwa matao ya chini.
modesty (noun), haya (9/10), pl haya.
modesty (noun), soni (9/10), pl soni.
modesty (noun), stara (9/10), pl stara.
modesty (noun), tahayari (9).
modesty (noun), unyenyekeo.
modesty (noun), unyenyekevu.
modification (noun), badili, pl mabadili.
modification (noun), ugeufu.
modification (noun), ugeuko.
modification (noun), ugeuzaji.
modification (noun), ugeuzi.
modification (noun), ugeuzo.
modulator (noun), moduleta.
Mohilla Island (One of the islands of the Comorros) (noun), Moali (17).
be moist (verb), -rishai.
be moist (verb), -rutubika.
moist (adjective), chege.
moist (adjective), chepechepe.
moist (adjective), mnyevunyevu.
moist (adjective), nyevu.
moist (verb), -loa.
moist (verb), -lowa.
moisten (verb), -rutubisha.
be moistened (verb), -lowana.
moistening (noun), mnyunyo (3/4), pl minyunyo.
moistening (noun), marasharasha. light rain, drizzle. mvua ya
moistness (noun), kinyenyevu.
moistness (noun), kinyevunyevu.
moistness (noun), unyenyevu.
moisture (noun), mnyevu (3/4), pl minyevu.
moisture (noun), mvuke.
moisture (noun), rutuba (9/10), pl rutuba. The soil is moist.. ardhi
ina rutuba.
moisture (noun), thari.
moisture (noun), uchepechepe.
moisture (noun), ukungu (11).
moisture (noun), umaji.
moisture (noun), umajimaji (14).
moisture (noun), unyefu.
moisture (noun), unyevu.
moisture (noun), unywaji.
moisture (noun), uvuke.
soil moisture (noun), mboji.
molar (tooth) (noun), chego, pl machego.
molar (tooth) (noun), cheyo, pl macheyo.
molar tooth (noun), gego (5/6), pl magego.
mold (noun), kawa.
mold (noun), koga (9/10), pl koga.
mold (noun), kuvu (9/10), pl kuvu.
mold (noun), miminiko (5/6), pl mamiminiko.
mold (noun), ukoga.
mold (noun), ukungu, pl kungu, makungu.
mold (noun), umbile (5/6), pl maumbile.
mold (noun), wito (11).
mold (for casting metal, concrete etc.) (noun), kalibu.
mold (for casting) (noun), kalibu (9/10), pl kalibu.
mold metal (verb), -subu.
fig. moldiness (noun), koga, pl makoga.
molding (noun), turuma, pl mituruma.
molding (noun), zinara.
mole (noun), fuko (5/6), pl mafuko.
molecule (noun), molekyuli (9/10), pl molekyuli.
molest (verb), pl Check verb form translations, -adhibisha.
molest (verb), -adhibu.
molestation (noun), fukuzano (5/6), pl mafukuzano.
molten metal (noun), myeyuko, pl miyeyuko.
inhabitant of Mombasa (noun), Mmvita, pl wamvita.
Mombasa (noun), Falada.
Mombasa (noun), Mombasa (17).
ports on the coast north of Mombasa (noun), banada, pl banada.
ports on the coast north of Mombasa (noun), banaderi, pl banada.
sing.Mombasa (city and island) (noun), Mvita.
Swahili dialect of Mombasa (noun), Kimvita.
Swahili-speaking area around Mombasa (noun), Ujomba.
at that very moment (adjective), papo. at that very moment. papo hapo.
at that very moment (adverb), sawia. and (s)he arrived at that very
moment. naye akafika sawia.
in a moment (adverb), punde si punde.
in a moment (phrase), kufumba na kufumba.
Just a moment! (phrase), pl dots, nukta moja.
moment (noun), kipindi, pl vipindi.
moment (noun), kitambo (7/8), pl kitambo.
moment (noun), nukta (9/10), pl nukta. Just a moment.. nukta moja.
moment (noun), safari (9/10), pl safari. I will not speak with him this
moment. safari hii sitasema naye..
moment (noun), wakati.
full moon (noun), mbaamwezi.
sun (noun), jua, pl majua.
monarch (noun), maliki.
monarch (noun), malki.
monarch (noun), sultani (5/6an), pl masultani.
Monday (noun), Jumatatu (9/10), pl jumatatu.
Monday (noun), jumatatu.
lot of money (noun), mifedha (4).
money (noun), donge, pl madonge. If the money he receives disappears
where will you be?. Donge analopoata likitoweka wewe utakuwa wapi?
[Masomo 39].
money (noun), fedha (9/10), pl fedha.
money (noun), fulusi (9/10), pl fulusi.
money (noun), hela (9/10), pl hela.
money (noun), jeki.
money (noun), mapesa. cash, ready money. pesa taslimu.
money (noun), mbango.
money (noun), mpukuti, pl wapukuti.
money (noun), njenje (9/10), pl njenje.
money (noun), pesa (5/6), pl mapesa. he has no money.. hana mapesa.
money (noun), vyuma.
money owed for a service (noun), makombozi. My suit is finished; now I
have to pay for it.. suti yangu imekwisha kushonwa, sasa bado makombozi
ready money (noun), kitita (7/8), pl vitita.
run out of money (verb), -chalala.
run out of money (verb), -charara.
money order (noun), hawala.
money order (noun), hundi.
moneylender (noun), mlariba, pl walariba.
large mongoose (noun), kala.
mongoose (noun), kimburu, pl vimburu.
mongoose (noun), nguchiro (9/10an), pl nguchiro.
mongoose, ichneumon (Herpestes ichneumon) (noun), karasa.
small animal resembling a mongoose. (noun), cheche.
monkey (noun), pl monkeys, tumbiri.
monkey (noun), pl monkeys, tumibli.
monkey (noun), tumibli.
monkey (Colobus vellerosus) (noun), mbega.
monkey (small black type) (noun), ngedere (9/10an), pl ngedere.
monkey (type of) (noun), kima (9/10), pl kima.
small black monkey (noun), ngedere (9/10an), pl ngedere.
monocle (noun), lodi.
monocle (noun), pl monocles, rodi (9/10an), pl rodi.
monocular (adjective), chongo.
monopolist (noun), bepari, pl mabepari.
monopolist (noun), mhodhi (1/2), pl wahodhi.
monopolize (verb), -hodhi.
monopolize (verb), -kumba.
monopolize trade (verb), -hodhi biashara.
state monopoly (noun), hodhi ya taifa (9/10), pl hodhi za kitaifa.
mons veneris (noun), kinena, pl vinena.
end of south monsoon (August-November) (noun), demani (9/10), pl demani.
last month of the south monsoon (noun), dhamani.
north monsoon (noun), kaskazi (9/10), pl kaskazi.
northeast monsoon (noun), msimu, pl misimu.
northeast monsoon (noun), musimu, pl misimu.
season of the northeast monsoon (noun), msimu, pl misimu.
season of the northeast monsoon (noun), musimu, pl misimu.
south monsoon (noun), kusi (15), pl kusi.
time of the northeast monsoon (noun), kaskazi.
monster (noun), dubwana (5/6), pl madubwana.
monster (noun), hayawani.
sea-monster (noun), chunusi, pl machunusi. be eaten by a sea-monster.
liwa na chinusi.
Montezuma's revenge (traveller's illness due to difficulty in adjusting
to a change of climate or diet) (noun), ukunguru.
Isl. month of the Muhammadan year (preceding Ramadhan) (noun), mlisho,
pl milisho.
Kaida (the second month after Ramadhan) (noun), kaida.
last month of the Moslem year with fasting between dawn and sunset
(noun), ramadhani (9/10), pl ramadhani.
month (noun), mwezi, pl miezi. month of thirty days.. mwezi mkubwa.
month (second after Ramadhan) (noun), kaida (9/10), pl kaida.
month before Ramadhan (noun), Shaabani (9/10), pl Shaabani. "during the
month of Shaabani (month before Ramadhani), Muslims make preparations for
the celebrations of the month of fasting".. Mwezi wa Shaabani Waislamu
hujiandaa kwa Ramadhani.
Ramadhan (the last month of the Moslem year with fasting between dawn and
sunset) (noun), Ramadhani.
seventh month of Moslem year (noun), rajabu (9/10), pl rajabu.
seventh month of the Moslem year (noun), rajab (9/10), pl rajab.
tenth month of the Moslem year (noun), shauwi (9/10), pl shawali.
tenth month of the Moslem year. (noun), shawali (9/10), pl shawali.
months (noun), myezi (3/4), pl miezi.
monument (noun), kumbusho, pl makumbusho.
monument (noun), mnara (3/4), pl minara.
monument (noun), nguzo (9/10), pl nguzo.
monument (noun), ukumbusho.
monument (noun), ziara, pl maziara.
be in a bad mood (verb), -pande. be in a bad mood. piga pande.
mood (noun), kinyongo.
moodiness (noun), ukimwa.
be moody (verb), -tukuta.
full moon (noun), balamwezi.
full moon (noun), mbalamwezi.
full moon (noun), mbaramwezi.
moon (noun), mwezi (3/4), pl miezi. new moon.. mwezi mchanga.
new moon (noun), mwezi mwandamo (3/4), pl miezi mwandamo.
bright moonlight (noun), ubalamwezi (11).
moonlight (noun), balamwezi, pl balamwezi.
moonlight (noun), balamwezi.
moonlight (noun), mbaamwezi.
moonlight (noun), mbalamwezi (9).
moonlight (noun), mbalamwezi.
moonlight (noun), mbaramwezi.
moonshine (noun), mbaamwezi (9).
moor (verb), -egesha. the ship is moored [at the wharf]. meli
moorings (noun), diko, pl madiko.
cause to be moral (verb), -adilisha.
lead a moral life (verb), -tawa.
morality (noun), adili (5/6), pl maadili.
morality (noun), uadilifu (14), pl uadililfu.
morality (noun), utakatifu.
strict morality (noun), utawa.
teach morality (verb), -adilisha.
morals (noun), adili (5/6), pl maadili.
of easy morals (adjective), shau.
of easy morals (adjective), shaufu.
do more (verb), -zidi.
more (adjective), -ingine.
more (adjective), zaidi.
more than (adjective), fauka.
more than (adverb), foko ya.
more than (adverb), zaidi ya.
much more (adverb), fakaika.
much more (adverb), fakefu.
much more (adverb), sembuse.
more often (adverb), aghalabu. more often on the week-end this girl went
out. aghalabu siku za wikendi msichana huyu hutoka [Muk].
more often (adverb), aghlabu.
more than (conjunction), kushinda.
moreover (adverb), tena.
moreover (conjunction), aidha.
moreover (conjunction), bali.
moreover (conjunction), juu ya hivyo.
moreover (conjunction), waaidha.
moreover (conjunction), waama.
early morning (noun), kucha (9/10), pl usiku kucha.
early morning (noun), uchao (14).
morning (noun), asubuhi (9/10), pl asubuhi. early morning, from morning
to evening. ~ na mapema, tangu ~ hata jioni.
morning (noun), asubui, pl asubui. early morning, from morning to
evening. ~ na mapema, tangu ~ hata jioni.
morning (noun), asubukhi, pl asubukhi. early morning, from morning to
evening. ~ na mapema, tangu ~ hata jioni.
morning (noun), macheo (6).
period between sunrise and noon (noun), dhuha.
this morning (phrase), leo asubuhi.
tomorrow morning (noun), kesho asubuhi (9/10), pl kesho asubuhi.
Morocco (noun), moroko.
morsel (noun), choto, pl machoto.
morsel (noun), kitonge (7/8), pl vitonge.
morsel (noun), kombo (5/6), pl makombo.
morsel (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
morsel (noun), lukuma.
morsel (noun), makombo.
mortar (noun), chokaa.
mortar (noun), kinu, pl vinu.
mortgage (noun), ankra, pl ankra.
mortgage (noun), rahani (9/10), pl rahani.
mortgage (noun), rehani (9/10), pl rehani. mortgage a house.. weka/tia
mortgage (verb), -tia rahani.
mortgage (verb), -weka rahani.
mortgage (verb), -tia rahani. redeem a pledge. komboa rahani.
mortgage (verb), -tia rehani. redeem a pledge. komboa rehani.
mortgage (verb), -weka rahani. redeem a pledge. komboa rahani.
mortgage (verb), -weka rehani. redeem a pledge. komboa rehani.
mortgage (verb), -weka rehani.
mortgage a house (verb), -weka nyumba rahani. redeem a pledge. komboa
mortgage a house (verb), -weka nyumba rehani. redeem a pledge. komboa
pay off the mortgage (verb), -komboa rahani.
be mortified (verb), -nywea (applicative). "When Maksuudi saw these
changes, he was mortified".. Maksuudi alipoona badiliko hili alinywea
morsel (of bread) (noun), mego, pl mamego.
Moses (noun), Musa (1). Komenjue, the Meru leader, resembled Moses.
Komenjue, kiongozi wa Wameru, alifanana na Moses [Masomo 86].
become a Moslem (verb), -silimu.
Moslem (noun), Msilimu, pl waislimu.
Moslem (noun), Muslimu, pl waslimu.
Moslem (noun), Mwislamu, pl waislamu.
Moslem religion (noun), Islamu (9/10), pl Islamu.
rare Moslem (=Mwislamu) (noun), msalimina, pl wasalimina.
rare Moslem (=Mwislamu) (noun), msalimu, pl wasalimu.
Isl.mosque (noun), meskiti, pl misikiti.
Isl.mosque (noun), msikiti, pl misikiti.
mihrab (apse in a mosque, showing the direction toward Mecca) (noun),
mhirabu (3/4), pl mihirabu.
mosque (noun), jaamati.
mosque (noun), kanisa, pl (-); makanisa.
part of a mosque where the imam stands (noun), kibla.
mosquito (noun), mbu (9/10an), pl mbu. In this war they have been ready
to sleep in watery places with mosquitos and huge snakes.. Katika vita
hivi wamewahi kulala sehemu za maji na mbu na majoka [Nyerere, Masomo
mosquito net (noun), chandalua (7/8), pl vyandalua.
mosquito net (noun), chandarua (7/8), pl vyandarua.
mosquito net (noun), tandarua (9/10), pl tandarua.
at the most (adverb), sana. at the most, (s)he arrives home five minutes
earlier. Sana, yeye hufika nyumbani dakika tano mapema.
mostly (adverb), aghalabu.
mostly (adverb), aghlabu.
moth (noun), kipopo, pl vipopo.
moth (noun), popo (5/6an), pl mapopo.
moth (kind of) (noun), dege.
moth (kind of) (noun), nondo (9/10an), pl nondo.
mother (noun), mama (9/10an).
mother (noun), mama. my mother. mamangu (mama yangu).
mother (noun), mzaa, pl wazaa. great grandmother.. mzaa bibi.
mother (noun), nina (9/10an), pl nina.
mother of pearl (noun), lulumizi (9/10), pl lulumizi.
motherhood (noun), umama.
be in constant motion (verb), -furukuta.
motion (noun), azima, pl maazima. no-confidence motion. ~ la kutokuwa
na imani.
motion (noun), azimio, pl maazimio. no-confidence motion. ~ la kutokuwa
na imani.
motion (noun), pl motions, msogeo (3/4), pl misogeo.
set in motion (verb), -cheza.
set in motion (verb), -endesha. drive a wagon [an automobile]. endesha
gari [motakaa].
to set in motion (verb), -ning'inisha.
to set in motion (verb), -ning'iniza.
motion pictures (noun), sinema (9/10), pl sinema.
be motionless (verb), -duwaa.
be motionless (verb), -tundawaa.
be motionless (verb), -tunduaa.
motive (noun), azima, pl maazima.
motive (noun), azimio, pl maazimio.
motive (noun), chanzo (7/8), pl vyanzo.
motive (noun), hoja, pl hoja; mahoja.
motive (noun), kiini (7/8), pl viini.
motive (noun), matilaba (6).
ulterior motive (but not necessarily bad) (noun), maarubu, pl maarubu.
motor (noun), enchini.
motor (noun), enjine.
motor (noun), injini.
motor (noun), mota (9/10). motor scooter.. rare baisikeli ya motor.
motor (in gen.) (noun), mtambo, pl mitambo. radio transmitter.. mtambo
wa kupiga chapa.
motor scooter (noun), pl motor scooters, pikipiki (9/10), pl pikipiki.
motor-scooter (noun), skuta (9/10), pl skuta.
motorbike (noun), motobaiki.
motorboat (noun), motaboti (9/10), pl motaboti. He decided to look for
that motorboat so as to escape from that place.. Aliamua kuitafuta
motaboti hiyo ili atoroke mahali pale [Chambati Masomo 245].
motorcycle (noun), motobaiki.
motorcycle (noun), pikipiki (9/10), pl pikipiki.
motorcycle (small) (noun), kipiki, pl vipiki.
motorcycle (noun), piki (5/6), pl mapiki.
mottling (noun), madoadoa (6).
be moulded (verb), -finyangwa (passive).
mould (verb), -finyanga.
moulding (noun), mfinyango (3/4), pl mifinyango.
mound (noun), boma, pl maboma.
mound (noun), kaburi, pl makaburi.
cause to mount (verb), -rakibisha.
cause to mount (verb), -rekibisha.
mount (verb), -kwea.
mount (verb), -paa.
mount (verb), -palia (applicative). smoke mounted on him/her and (s)he
started coughing.. moshi wa kuni ulimpalia akaanza kukohoa [Ya].
mount (verb), -panda.
mount (verb), -pandisha.
mount (verb), -paramia.
mount (verb), -rakibu.
mount (verb), -rekebu.
mount (verb), -rekibu.
mount (verb), -rufai.
one who mounts (noun), mkwezi, pl wakwezi.
mountain (noun), gebali (5/6), pl magebali.
mountain (noun), jabali, pl majabali.
mountain (noun), mlima (3/4), pl milima. volcano. mlima wa moto.
mountain pass (noun), mlango, pl milango.
mountain range (noun), jabali, pl majabali.
small mountain (noun), kilima (7/8), pl vilima.
mountaintop (noun), nguu (9/10), pl nguu.
mounting (noun), mpando (3/4), pl mipando.
mounting (act of) (noun), kipao, pl vipao.
mounting (act of) (noun), mkweo, pl mikweo.
mourn (verb), -ombokeza.
mourn (verb), -sonona.
mourn (verb), -sununa.
mourn for (verb), -sikitika.
mourner (noun), mfiwa (1/2), pl wafiwa.
mourner (noun), mwombelezi, pl waombelezi.
(period of formal) mourning (3-10 days during which friends of the
deceased sleep in the house of mourning) (noun), tanga (5/6), pl matanga.
arrange for the mourning. weka [kaa] matanga.
ceremonial song of mourning (noun), ombolezo (5/6), pl maombolezo.
ceremonies of mourning (noun), matanga (6).
mourning (noun), huzuni.
mourning (noun), kilio (7/8), pl vilio.
mourning (noun), majonzi (6).
mourning (noun), msiba, pl misiba.
mourning (noun), pl mourning, ombelezo (5/6), pl maombolezo.
mourning (sound of) (noun), maombolezo.
observe the mourning practice (verb), -lala tanga.
state of mourning (of a widow after her husband's death) (noun), uzuka.
wife's period of mourning after death or divorce (noun), eda (9/10), pl
field mouse (noun), puku (9/10an), pl puku.
mouse (noun), kipanya, pl vipanya.
mouse (noun), pl mice, panya (9/10an), pl panya.
moustache (noun), masharubu.
moustache (noun), sharubu (5/6), pl masharubu. large piece of the father
who has the moustache of a scorpion. pandikizi la baba, mwenye masharubu
ya nge [Ya].
big mouth (as a term of opprobrium) (noun), jinywa, pl majinywa.
mouth (noun), kanwa (5/6), pl makanwa.
mouth (noun), kinywa (7/8), pl vinywa. with open mouth. kinywa wazi.
mouth (noun), mdomo (3/4), pl midomo.
mouth (noun), mdomo. put meat in one's mouth.. tia nyama mdomoni [Rec].
mouth (fig) (noun), jaa (5/6), pl majaa.
mouth (fig.) (noun), kijaluba (7/8), pl vijaluba.
mouth (large) (noun), jinywa (5/6), pl manywa.
put a little of something into the mouth (verb), -bugia.
put into the mouth (verb), -bugia.
small mouth (noun), kidomo (7/8), pl vidomo.
mouthful (noun), funda (5/6), pl mafunda.
mouthpiece (of a wind instrument) (noun), kilimi, pl vilimi.
mouthpiece (of a wind instrument) (noun), mdomo. double-barrelled gun..
bunduki ya midomo miwili..
be moved from a place (verb), -hamishwa.
Get a move on! (interjection), haya!.
move (noun), hamio (5/6), pl mahamio.
move (noun), uhamisho.
move (verb), -enda.
move (verb), -gura.
move (verb), -hajiri.
move (verb), -hamisha.
move (verb), -jongea.
move (verb), -saki. the car moved slowly in the mud. Gari lilisaki
polepole katika matope.
move (verb), -songa. "move there, you Mau Mau" the soldier said sternly.
"Songa huko, Mau Mau we!" alisema askari kwa ukali [Ng].
move (verb), -sukuma.
move (verb), -tama.
move (verb), -tingisha.
move (closer or futher away) (verb), -songea (applicative).
move (either of approaching or going away) (verb), -jongea.
move (nearer or further away) (verb), -sogea. the soldier moved forward.
askari alisogea mbele [Ng], anasogea na kuvisemesha kwa mbali kidogo
move (slowly or uncertainly) (verb), -sita.
move (slowly or uncertainly) (verb), -sitasita.
move (something) another place (verb), -hamishia.
move about (verb), -susurika.
move along (verb), -jongea.
move along (verb), -jongeza.
move along on the buttocks (verb), -sota.
move along on the buttocks (verb), -sowera.
move away (verb), -banduka (potential).
move back and forth (verb), -ning'inia.
move back and forth (verb), -tikisa.
move back and forth (verb), -vinya.
move back and forth (verb), -vinyavinya.
move back and forth (verb), -yonga.
move back and forth (verb), -yongayonga.
move back and forth (verb), -yuga.
move back and forth (verb), -yugayuga.
move convulsively (verb), -paparika.
move fast (verb), -chupia.
move forward unsteadily (verb), -tambaa.
move from a place (verb), -hama.
move from a vertical to a horizontal position (verb), -simua (inversive).
move hesitantly (verb), -sunza. grope one's way (in the dark). sunza
move in a line or column (adverb), chanjari.
move in a line or column (verb), -sanjari. the soldiers are moving in a
column/line. wanajeshi wanatembea sanjari.
move out furniture (verb), -pambua.
move quickly (esp. in water) (verb), -chupa.
move quickly back and forth (verb), -suka.
move restlessly (verb), -taataa.
move someone (closer or farther away) (verb), -sogeza.
move suddenly (verb), -stua.
move to a place (verb), -hamia.
move toward a common goal (verb), -ongozana na (reciprocal).
move uncertainly (verb), -sunza.
move violently (verb), -stua.
one who makes things move (noun), mwendelezi, pl waendelezi.
move around aimlessly (verb), -randaranda.
bowel movement (noun), choo (7/8), pl vyoo.
circular movement (noun), mazunguko, pl mazunguko.
forward movement (noun), mwendeleo, pl maendeleo.
make a forward movement (noun), kiendeleo (7/8), pl viendeleo.
movement (noun), chafuko, pl machafuko.
movement (noun), harakati (9/10), pl harakati.
movement (noun), msuko, pl misuko.
movement (noun), msukosuko, pl misukosuko.
movement (noun), mwendo (3/10), pl nyendo.
movement (noun), mwendo, pl miendo.
movement (noun), mwenendo, pl mienendo.
movement (noun), nyendo (9/10), pl nyendo. Afro-Asian Solidarity
Movement.. nyendo ya Umoja wa Afrika na Asia.
movement (in certain dances) (noun), chambi (9/10), pl chambi.
movie (noun), pl movies, sinema (9/10), pl sinema.
mowing(grain) (noun), mchengo, pl michengo.
Mozambique (noun), mozambiki.
Mozambique (noun), Msumbiji (9).
mpapai (noun), mpapayu, pl mipapayu.
Mr (noun), pl Messrs, bwana (5/6), pl mabwana.
mr. (term of address) (noun), buana, pl mabuana.
Mrs (abbreviation), bi.
Mrs (noun), Bibi (5/6an), pl mabibi.
Ms (abbreviation), bi.
Ms (noun), Bibi (5/6an), pl mabibi.
msinzi (noun), msizi, pl misizi.
be too much (verb), -zidi.
be too much for (verb), -zidi.
how much? (adverb), kem.
how much? (pronoun), kem.
how much? (pronoun), -ngapi?.
much (adjective), -ingi.
much (adjective), kingi.
much (adjective), maridhawa.
much (adverb), chakari.
much (adverb), chapa chapa.
much (noun), wingi.
not much (adjective), kidogo.
not much (adverb), -chache.
not much (adverb), katiti.
not much (adverb), kidogo.
very much (adverb), hasa.
very much (adverb), jadi.
very much (adverb), jadi.
very much (adverb), sana. be immersed very much. tazamia sana..
mucilage (noun), kinamasi (7/8), pl vinamasi.
mucilage (noun), ute, pl mate.
mucilage (noun), utomvu.
mucuna bean (noun), upupu.
mucus (noun), belaghami.
mucus (noun), belghamu.
mucus (noun), gole (5/6), pl magole.
mucus (noun), kohoo, pl makohoo. the water has washed away the sand.
mucus (noun), kohozi, pl makohozi. the water has washed away the sand.
mucus (noun), makohoo.
mucus (noun), makohozi.
mucus (noun), ute (11/10), pl nyute.
mucus (discharge) (noun), malendalenda.
mucus (discharge) (noun), marendarenda.
mucus (discharge) (noun), marendarenda.
mucus (of nose often used in plural) (noun), kamasi (5/6), pl makamasi.
mucus discharge from the nose (noun), kamasi, pl makamasi.
mud (noun), matope (6).
mud (noun), tope (5/6), pl matope.
mud (noun), utope (11/6), pl matope.
muddle (noun), borongo, pl maborongo.
muddle (noun), chafuko (5/6), pl machafuko.
muddle (noun), pl muddles, mvurugo (3/4), pl mivurugo.
muddled (adjective), msonge.
make muddy (verb), -tibua.
make muddy (verb), -tibuka.
muddy water (noun), matibwitibwi, pl matibwitibwi. muddy water. maji
muderer (noun), mchinja, pl wachinja.
muderer (noun), mchinjaji, pl wachinjaji.
mudfish (noun), kambare, pl (-), makambare.
mud-guard (bicycle or automobile) (noun), bango, pl mabango.
mudguard (noun), bango (5/6), pl mabango.
Isl.muezzin (noun), mwadhini, pl waadhini.
mug (noun), dumu, pl madumu.
mug (noun), kikombe, pl vikombe.
mug (noun), mdumu (3/4), pl midumu.
the fourth month of the Muslim year (noun), muharamu.
mulberry (noun), forosadi (5/6), pl maforosadi.
mulberry (noun), forsadi (5/6), pl maforsadi.
mulberry tree (noun), mforsadi (3/4), pl miforsadi.
mule (noun), baghala, pl baghala.
mule (noun), pl mules, nyumbu (9/10an), pl nyumbu.
colored (adjective), rangi a rangi.
multicolored (adjective), rangirangi. red (black) pigment/dye.. rangi
nyekundu (nyeusi).
math. multiplicand (noun), kizidishe, pl vizidishe.
multiplicand (noun), chakuzidishwa, pl vyakuzidishwa.
multiplication (noun), dharba.
multiplication (noun), dharuba.
multiplier (noun), kichanganyiko, pl vichanganyiko.
multiply (verb), -zidi.
multiply (verb), -zidisha.
multitude (noun), kikwi.
multitude (noun), pamba (5/6), pl mapamba.
mumble (verb), -mumunya.
mumble (verb), -sema tirivyogo la maneno. as (s)he mumbled words which
were incomprehensible. akisema tirivyogo la maneno yasiyotambulikana
med. mumps (noun), machubwichubwi, pl machubwichubwi.
med. mumps (noun), machumbwichumbwi, pl machumbwichumbwi.
mumps (noun), matubwitubwi (6).
mumps (noun), perema (9).
munch (verb), -mumunya.
mundane matters (noun), malimwengu.
municipal (noun), manispaa (9/10), pl manispaa.
municipal administration (noun), manisipaa. House taxes are paid at the
municipal administration offices.. kodi za nyumba zitalipwa katika afisi
ya munisipali.
municipal administration (noun), manisipaa. House taxes will be paid at
the municipal administration offices. kodi za nyumba zitalipwa katika
afisi ya munisipaa.
municipal administration (noun), manisipali. House taxes are paid at the
municipal administration offices.. kodi za nyumba zitalipwa katika afisi
ya munisipali.
municipal administration (noun), munisipaa. House taxes are paid at the
municipal administration offices.. kodi za nyumba zitalipwa katika afisi
ya munisipali.
municipal administration (noun), munisipali. House taxes are paid at the
municipal administration offices.. kodi za nyumba zitalipwa katika afisi
ya munisipali.
municipal administration (noun), munisipali. House taxes will be paid at
the municipal administration offices. kodi za nyumba zitalipwa katika
afisi ya munisipali.
munitions (noun), zana (10).
munitions (noun), zana za vita (10).
murder (noun), mauaji (6).
murder (noun), mchinjo (3/4), pl michinjo.
murder (noun), uuaji (11).
murder (verb), -ua.
murder (verb), -ulia.
murderer (noun), katili, pl makatili.
murderer (noun), mfisha, pl wafisha.
murderer (noun), mfishaji, pl wafishaji.
murderer (noun), pl murderers, muuaji (1/2), pl wauaji.
murderer (noun), mwua (1/2), pl wauaji.
murderer (noun), nduli (9/10).
murderous (adjective), katili.
murderous person (noun), katili (5/6), pl makatili.
murderous person (noun), mkatili (1/2), pl wakatili.
murderousness (noun), uuaji (11).
murmering noise (noun), uvumi.
murmering noise (noun), uvumo, pl mavumo.
murmur (noun), kivumi (7/8), pl vivumi.
murmur (noun), kivumo (7/8), pl vivumo.
murmur (verb), -chakacha, pl chakacha.
murmur (verb), -guna.
murmuring (noun), ubabaiko.
muscle (noun), mshipa, pl mishipa.
muscle (noun), pl muscles, musuli (3/4), pl misuli.
be muscular (verb), -pirikana.
be muscular (verb), -shupaa mwili.
muscular man (noun), kakawana (5/6), pl makakawana.
museum (noun), makumbusho (6).
mushroom (edible) (noun), uyoga, pl nyoga.
mushroom (edible) (noun), yoga, pl mayoga.
mushroom (kind of) (noun), ujaka.
small mushroom (noun), kiyoga (7/8), pl viyoga.
mushy (adjective), peketevu.
mushy (adjective), pekutevu.
instrumental music (phrase), ngoma namna namna (mbalimbali).
instrumental music with singing (noun), tarabu (9/10), pl tarabu. Rehema
went to the cultural dance, instrumental music singing and dancing.
Rehema alikwenda ngomani, tarabuni, na densini [Sul].
music (noun), musiki.
music (noun), muziki.
music (noun), ngoma (9/10), pl ngoma.
play music (verb), -piga muziki.
musician (noun), mwanamuziki (1/2), pl wanamuziki.
musk (noun), meski (9/10). muskrat. panya miski.
musk (noun), miski (9/10). muskrat. panya miski.
musk (used in making perfumes) (noun), zabadi.
flintlock musket (noun), gumegume.
muzzle-loading musket (noun), korofindo (9/10), pl korofindo.
old musket (noun), mtondoo (3/4), pl mitondoo.
Muslim (noun), pl Muslims, msilimu (1/2), pl wasilimu.
Muslim leader (noun), imamu (1/2), pl imamu.
muslin (fine) (noun), tisu.
muslin (kind of thin cloth) (noun), melimeli (9/10), pl melimeli.
muslin (thin white) (noun), shashi (9/10), pl shashi.
thin white muslin (noun), chachi (9/10).
white muslin (noun), chachi. tissue paper. karatasi ya chachi.
sea mussel (noun), kidondo, pl vidondo.
small sea-mussel (noun), chondo, pl vyondo.
be must (verb), -lazimu.
mustard (noun), haradali.
mustard (noun), mastadi.
muster up courage (verb), -jikaza (reflexive).
fig. mustiness (noun), koga, pl makoga.
mute person (noun), bubu, pl mabubu.
mute person (noun), bubwi, pl mabubwi.
muteness (noun), ububu.
be mutilated (verb), -dundua.
be mutilated (verb), -lemaa.
mutilate (verb), -lemaza (causative).
mutilate (verb), -poozesha.
mutilate (verb), -umbua.
mutilated foot (noun), kibwiko, pl vibwiko.
mutineer (noun), halifu (5/6), pl mahalifu.
mutiny (noun), fitina (9/10), pl fitina.
mutiny (noun), fitna (9/10), pl fitna.
mutiny (noun), uasi, pl maasi.
mutiny (noun), uchochezi.
mutiny (noun), uhasi, pl maasi.
mutiny (noun), uhasi.
mutiny (noun), uwaasi.
mutiny (noun), uwasi, pl mawasi.
mutiny (noun), uwasi, pl maasi.
mutiny (noun), wasi.
mutiny (noun), wasi, pl maasi.
mutter (verb), -sema tirivyogo la maneno.
mutual assistance (noun), ngambi (9/10), pl ngambi.
muzzle-loader (noun), koroboi.
my (pronoun), -angu.
my (class 7) (pronoun), changu. my child. mtoto wangu.
my place (side) (pronoun), kwangu.
My! (interjection), kumbe.
My! (interjection), lo!.
myriad (noun), lukuki.
myrrh (Commiphora abyssinica). (noun), manemane.
as for myself (conjunction), kwa nafsi yangu.
by myself (adverb), binafsi.
mysterious (noun), kidude, pl vidude.
mysteriously (adverb), kwa siri. code, cipher. mwandiko wa siri.
speak mysteriously (verb), -fumba maneno.
mystery (noun), fumbo (5/6), pl mafumbo.
mystery (noun), kilinge (7/8), pl vilinge.
mystery (noun), siri (9/10), pl siri.
mystification (noun), kilinge, pl vilinge.
mystify (verb), -fumba.
mystify (verb), -fumba.
myth (noun), hadithi.
mzuzi (noun), mzushi, pl wazushi.


nag (verb), -kefyakefya.

nag (verb), -nyonyoa.
nag (verb), -shutumu.
nag (verb), -zoza.
nag one another (verb), -zozana.
nagger (noun), mpuzi, pl wapuzi.
nagger (noun), mwambaji, pl waambiji.
nagger (noun), mwambi, pl waambi.
nagging (adjective), bishi.
nagging (adjective), tukutu.
nagging (adjective), uchokochoko.
nagging (noun), mzozo, pl mizozo.
nagging (noun), uchokozi, pl machokozi.
be nailed up (verb), -gongomewa.
drive a nail (verb), -pigilia msumari.
nail (noun), msomari, pl misomari. drive (pull out) a nail.. pigilia
[ng'oa] msumari.
nail (noun), msumari, pl misumari. drive (pull out) a nail.. pigilia
[ng'oa] msumari.
nail (finger or toe) (noun), kucha (5/6), pl makucha.
nail (metal) (noun), pl nails, msumari (3/4), pl misumari.
nail (of finger or toe) (noun), nyaa (9/10), pl nyaa.
nail up (verb), -gongomea.
nail up (verb), -kongomea.
Nairobi (noun), Nairobi.
naivete' (noun), weupe.
naked (adjective), tupu.
naked (adverb), kichele.
nakedness (noun), uchi (14).
nakedness (noun), utupu.
anything the name of which one does not know or cannot remember (noun),
dude, pl madude.
assumed name (to disguise a name of bad repute) (noun), kisimbo, pl
assumed name (to disguise a name of bad repute) (noun), msimbo, pl
family name (noun), ubini.
give someone a bad name (verb), -tukanisha.
in the name of (preposition), kwa niaba ya.
in the name of (preposition), kwa niabu ya.
make a good name for someone (verb), -jamili.
name (noun), isimu.
name (noun), jina (5/6), pl majina.
name (noun), jina, pl majina.
name (verb), -ita.
name (verb), -nena.
name (verb), -taja. call by name. taja jina.
name given to child just after birth (noun), pl names, sare (9/10), pl
name of a person (noun), Juma.
Ninga (female name) (noun), Ninga.
proper name (noun), jina (5/6), pl majina.
proper name (noun), jina, pl majina.
proper name (noun), Mabruki, pl Mabruki.
proper name (noun), Shabaan (1). Shabaan Robert, Mswahili poet.
proper name in tales of Arabic origin (noun), Abunuwasi (1). S/he told a
tale about Abunuwasi.. Alisimulia hadithi ya Abunuwasi..
proper name in tales of Arabic origin (noun), Banawasi.
rare good name (noun), nemsi.
what name one goes by (verb), -itwa.
what name one goes by. (verb), -itwa.
what's-his-name (noun), fulani (1).
what's-its-name (noun), dude, pl madude.
be named (verb), -asiswa.
be named (verb), -tajwa (passive).
namesake (noun), somo (5/6an), pl masomo.
nanny (noun), yaya (5/6an), pl mayaya.
nap (verb), -kupia.
nape of neck (noun), kisogo (7/8), pl visogo.
nape of the neck (noun), kikosi, pl vikosi.
nape of the neck (noun), ukosi.
napkin (noun), kitambaa (7/8), pl vitambaa.
napkin (noun), kiwinda (7/8), pl viwinda.
napkin (noun), utambaa, pl tambaa.
napkin (noun), winda (9/10), pl winda.
nappy (noun), kiwinda (7/8), pl viwinda.
nappy (noun), winda (9/10), pl winda.
narcissus (noun), nargisi.
narcotic (noun), boza.
narcotic (noun), kileo (7/8), pl vileo.
narcotic confection made of opium or hemp and sugar (noun), majuni.
be narrated (verb), -simuliwa.
narrate (verb), -hadithia.
narrate (verb), -sema. be narrated. semekana.
narrate (verb), -simulia.
narration (noun), masimulizi (6). Grandfather began his narration..
Babu alianza masimulizi yake [Masomo 304].
narration (noun), pl narrations, simulizi (5/6), pl masimulizi. her/his
narrations pull and excite him/her. masimulizi yake humvutia na
kumsisimua [Muk].
narrative (noun), hadithi.
narrative (noun), kisa (7/8), pl visa.
narrator (noun), msema, pl wasema.
narrator (noun), msemaji, pl wasemaji.
narrator (noun), pl narrators, msimulizi (1/2), pl wasimulizi.
narrow (adjective), embamba. a narrow valley. bonde jembamba.
narrow (adjective), finyu.
narrow (adjective), kabibu.
narrow (adjective), tarakiki.
narrow passage (noun), kilango, pl vilango.
narrow path (noun), kijia, pl vijia.
narrow strip of land (noun), ushoroba.
narrow-minded (adjective), dufu.
narrowness (noun), finyo (5/6). it is a narrow street. Ni njia ya
narrowly (adverb), chupuchupu.
narrowness (noun), udhiki.
narrowness (noun), ukakaya (11).
nasal speech (noun), king'ong'o (7).
nasally (adverb), kipua.
nastiness (noun), uchafu.
nasty (adjective), chapwa.
nasty (adjective), makeruhi.
nasty (adjective), makuruhi.
nasty (adjective), mbaya.
nation (noun), dola (5/6), pl madola.
nation (noun), taifa (5/6), pl mataifa. the position that you hold is
not yours, it is for the nation. cheo ulicho nacho si chako, ni cha taifa
national (noun), -a kienyeji.
national (noun), raia (5/6an), pl maraia.
national community (noun), umma (14).
nationalism (noun), mwananchi, pl wananchi.
nationalism (noun), utaifa (14).
nationalism (noun), uzalendo (14), pl uzalendo.
nationality (noun), raia (9/10), pl raia.
nationality (noun), ukabila.
nationality (noun), utaifa.
be a native of a place (verb), -zaliwa.
native (noun), kizalia, pl vizalia.
native (noun), mzalia (1/2), pl wazalia.
native (noun), mzaliwa, pl wazaliwa. first born.. mzaliwa mbele.
native (from the interior) (noun), mshenzi, pl washenzi.
native (of a place) (noun), mwenyeji (1/2), pl wenyeji.
native (of aplace) (noun), mzalia, pl wazalia. first born.. mzaliwa
native country (noun), watani.
native way (adverb), kienyeji.
native (of a place) (noun), mzawa (1/2), pl wazawa.
natural (adjective), kibinadamu.
natural (adjective), kikawaida.
natural (adverb), kibudu.
natural appearance (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
natural condition (noun), hulka.
natural condition (noun), maumbile (6).
natural products (noun), wenzo, pl nyezo.
good nature (noun), upole.
nature (noun), asili, pl asili.
nature (noun), dhati.
nature (noun), hulka.
nature (noun), kiumbo, pl viumbo.
nature (noun), maumbile, pl maumbile.
nature (noun), silika (9/10), pl silaka. (s)he is bad natured. ana
silika mbaya [Rec].
nature (noun), sirika (9/10), pl sirika. He has a bad/unpleasant nature.
ana silika mbaya.
nature (noun), siyara (9/10), pl siyara.
nature (of people) (noun), tabia (9/10), pl tabia.
nature of an animal (noun), unyama.
of the same nature (adjective), pachapacha.
of the same nature (adjective), pachipachi.
naughtiness (noun), utukutu.
cause nausea (verb), -chefua.
have a feeling of nausea (verb), -chefuka.
nausea (noun), kichefuchefu (7/8), pl vichefuchefu.
nausea (noun), kigagazi (7/8), pl vigagazi.
nausea (noun), kinyefunyefu (7/8), pl vinyefunyefu.
nausea (noun), matapishi, pl matapishi.
nausea (noun), tapishi (5/6), pl matapishi.
nausea (noun), tapisho (5/6), pl matapisho.
nauseate (verb), -kinaisha.
nauseate (verb), -nuka. "detect/notice a pleasant odor (of perfume,
food, etc.)".. nukilia vizuri.
be nauseated (verb), -tapika.
navel (noun), kitovu (7/8), pl vitovu.
protruding navel (noun), tungu, pl matungu matovu.
protruding navel (noun), tungu tovu, pl matungu matovu.
navigation (noun), ubaharia.
Nazarene (noun), Mnasara (1/2), pl Wanasara.
Naziism (noun), unazi (14).
ndiga (noun), ndiga (9/10), pl ndiga.
be near (verb), -karibia.
come near (verb), -jongea.
come near (verb), -karibia.
come near (verb), -karibu.
come near (verb), -kurubia.
come nearer to (verb), -sogelea (applicative). (s)he came nearer to the
corpse. akamsogelea yule maiti.
come nearer to each other (verb), -sogeleana ( appl-assoc).
near (adverb), jirani.
near (adverb), karibu.
near (noun), karibu (9/10), pl karibu.
near (preposition), karibu.
near (preposition), upande, pl pande.
nearby (adverb), chini.
nearby (adverb), tabaka moja.
nearby (adverb), karibu na.
nearly (adjective), auwali.
nearly (adjective), awali.
nearly (adverb), karibu.
nearly (adverb), kosakosa.
nearly (adverb), nusra. He was so sick he nearly died.. aliugua nusura
afe [kufa].
nearly (adverb), nusura. He was so sick he nearly died.. aliugua nusura
afe [kufa].
nearly (adverb), takriban.
neat (adjective), nadhifu.
neat (adjective), -tanashati.
neat person (noun), mbeja (1/2), pl wabeja.
neat person (noun), mtohara, pl watohara.
neaten (verb), -nadhifisha.
neatly (adverb), kinadhifu.
neatness (noun), takato (5/6), pl matakato.
neatness (noun), umalidadi.
neatness (noun), umaridadi (14).
neatness (noun), unadhifu (14), pl unadhifu.
neatness (noun), usafi.
neatness (noun), usafidi.
neatness (noun), utanashati.
necessaries (noun), vifaa.
be necessary (verb), -hitaji.
be necessary (verb), -hitajika.
be necessary (verb), -lazimu. It was necessary for him to stay there in
the village and try to use his education in order to live.. Ilimlazimu
kukaa pale kijijini na kujaribu kuitumia elimu yake ili aishi [Balisidya
Masomo 345]..
be necessary (verb), -mahitaji.
be necessary (verb), -pasa. It was necessary that (s)he go. imempasa
be necessary (verb), -paswa.
necessary (noun), manufaa.
necessitate (noun), masharti.
necessitate (noun), mashurti.
necessitate (noun), mashuruti.
necessitate (verb), -bidi.
necessitate (verb), -shuruti.
household necessities (noun), kifaa (7/8), pl vifaa.
necessities of life (noun), riziki (9/10), pl riziki.
necessity (noun), haja.
necessity (noun), hitaji, pl mahitaji (usually mahitaji).
necessity (noun), hoja, pl hoja; mahoja.
necessity (noun), hoja (9/10), pl hoja.
necessity (noun), lazima.
necessity (noun), sharti (5/6), pl masharti. it is necessary that you
come. sharti uje [kuja]..
necessity (noun), sherti (5/6), pl masherti. it is necessary that you
come. sharti uje [kuja]..
necessity (noun), shurti (5/6), pl mashurti.
necessity (noun), shuruti (5/6), pl mashuruti.
necessity (noun), uhaji.
necessity (noun), uhitaji, pl hitaji, mahitaji.
back of neck (noun), ukosi (11/10), pl kosi.
neck (noun), pl necks, shingo (9/10), pl shingo. (s)he held Rosa by the
neck using the collar of his/her gown. alimshika Rosa shingoni kwa ukosi
wa gauni lake [Kez], aliteremshe [shoka kali] kwa nguvu juu ya mashingo ya
watu hawa wawili [Muk], macho juu, shingo upande, mikono pamoja kifuani
pake [Kez].
neck (nape of) (noun), kosi (5/6), pl makosi.
neckerchief (noun), kashida.
antique necklace of many strands of copper wire from which a Maria
Theresa dollar is suspended (noun), utondoti (11/10), pl tondoti.
bead necklace (noun), useja (11).
necklace (noun), dani (5/6), pl madani.
necklace (noun), kidani, pl vidani.
necklace (noun), koja (5/6), pl makoja.
necklace (noun), mkufu (3/4), pl mikufu. S/he wore a gold necklace..
Alivaa mkufu wa dhahabu..
necklace (noun), shada (5/6), pl mashada. necklace of beads. shada la
necklace (noun), timba (9/10), pl timba.
necklace (noun), tinda (5/6), pl matinda.
necklace (of beads) (noun), kipingo, pl vipingo.
necklace of beads (noun), ukoja (11/10), pl koja.
necklace of small beads (noun), mseja, pl waseja.
necktie (noun), nektai.
necktie (noun), tai (9/10), pl tai.
necromancer (noun), kaimu, pl makaimu.
become necrotic (verb), -nyekenya.
be in (financial) need (verb), -taiti.
be in need (verb), -dhiki.
be needed (verb), -hitajika.
be needed (verb), -hitajiwa.
have no need of (verb), -tokuwa na kazi na.
need (noun), dhiki.
need (noun), gumbo (5/6), pl magumbo.
need (noun), haja (9/10), pl haja.
need (noun), hitaji (5/6), pl mahitaji.
need (noun), hitaji, pl mahitaji (usually mahitaji).
need (noun), hoja (9/10), pl hoja.
need (noun), mahitaji.
need (noun), mashaka.
need (noun), mataka, pl mataka.
need (noun), matakwa, pl matakwa.
need (noun), punguo (5/6), pl mapunguo.
need (noun), pl needs, shauku (9/10), pl shauku.
need (noun), uhaji.
need (noun), uhitaji (11/6), pl mahitaji.
need (noun), uhitaji, pl hitaji, mahitaji.
need (noun), ukata.
need (noun), upunguaji.
need (noun), upungufu, pl mapungufu.
need (noun), upunguo, pl mapunguo.
need (noun), urumo.
need (noun), utaiti.
need (noun), utule.
need (verb), -hitaji.
need (verb), -hitaji.
need (verb), -wa na haja.
need to relieve oneself (verb), -wa na haja.
hypodermic needle (noun), bomba, pl mabomba.
needle (noun), mwiba (3/4), pl miiba.
needle (noun), shindano (5/6), pl mashindano.
needle (noun), shindano (5/6), pl mashidano.
needle (noun), pl needles, sindano (5/6), pl masindano.
needle (hypodermic) (noun), sirinji (9/10), pl sirinji.
needle (large for mat-making) (noun), pl needles, shazia (5/6), pl
needle (large) (noun), shasira (5/6), pl mashasira.
needlework (noun), ushonaji.
needlework (noun), ushoni (11).
needlework (noun), ushoni.
needs (noun), masilahi (6).
needs (noun), maslahi (6).
needy person (noun), mhitaji (1/2), pl wahitaji.
neglect (verb), -acha.
neglect (verb), -ata.
neglect (verb), -beza.
neglect (verb), -ghafalisha.
neglect (verb), -pisha.
neglect (verb), -pitisha.
neglect (verb), -samehe.
neglect (verb), -turufu.
negligence (noun), ajiza (9/10), pl ajiza.
negligence (noun), ajizi (9/10), pl ajizi.
negligence (noun), mghafala, pl mighafala.
negligence (noun), purukushani (5/6), pl mapurukushani. act ngeligently.
fanya purukushani.
negligence (noun), upurukushaji.
negligence (noun), upurukushani (11).
negligence (noun), upurukusho.
negligence (noun), utepetevu.
negligence (noun), uvivu.
negligence (noun), uzembe (14).
negligence (noun), zohali (9/10), pl zohali.
be negligent (verb), -kukusa.
be negligent (verb), -lega.
be negligent (verb), -legarega.
be negligent (verb), -rega.
be negligent (verb), -regarega.
be negligent (verb), -pumbaa. (s)he was negligent until (s)he fell of
the tree. Alipumbaa mpaka akaanguka kutoka mtini.
be negligent (verb), -sinzia.
in an negligent manner (adverb), kizembe.
negligent (adjective), -zembe.
negligent person (noun), mpurukushani, pl wapurukushani.
negligent person (noun), mzembe (1/2), pl wazembe.
act negligently (verb), -fanya purukushani. superficially. kwa
negligently (adverb), kwa purukushani.
negligently (adverb), ovyoovyo.
negligently (adverb), ovyo.
negotiate (verb), -shauriana. we negotiated to travel together.
Tulishauriana tusafiri pamoja.
negotiation (noun), jadiliano (5/6), pl majadiliano.
negotiations (noun), shauri (9/10), pl shauri. I did not like their
negotiations. Mimi sikuyapenda mashauri yao.
negotiator (noun), mpatanishi, pl wapatanishi.
negro (used by Arabs of Africans) (noun), gozi (5/6), pl magozi.
neighbor (noun), jirani (1/2), pl majirani.
neighbor (noun), jirani, pl (-); majirani.
neighborhood (noun), jirani, pl (-); majirani.
neighborhood (noun), majirani.
neighborhood (noun), pl neighbourhoods, mtaa (3/4), pl mitaa.
neighborhood (noun), mzingo, pl mizingo.
neighborhood (noun), ujirani (14).
neighborliness (noun), ujirani (14).
neighbors (noun), ujirani.
neither (adverb), wala.
nephew (=child of one's sister) (noun), mpwa, pl wapwa.
nephew (child of one's sister) (noun), mjomba, pl wajomba.
nerve (noun), gano.
nerve (noun), mshipa, pl mishipa.
nerve (noun), neva (9/10), pl neva.
bundle of nerves (noun), mchocheo (3/4), pl michocheo.
get on each other's nerves (verb), -sumbuliana ( appl-assoc).
be nervous (verb), -tisha.
be nervous (verb), -tukuta.
make someone nervous (verb), -tukusha.
nervous (adjective), oga.
nervous (adjective), tukutu.
nervous (noun), tukutiko, pl matukutiko.
nervous (noun), tukuto, pl matukuto.
nervous person (noun), mchelea, pl wachelea.
nervous person (noun), mcheleaji, pl wachelea.
nervous person (noun), mtukutu, pl watukutu.
nervousness (noun), tukutiko, pl matukutiko.
nervousness (noun), tukuto, pl matukuto.
nervousness (noun), uoga.
nervousness (noun), utukutu.
nervousness (noun), woga.
nest (adverb), tena.
nest (noun), kiota (7/8), pl viota.
nest (noun), kioto (7/8), pl vioto.
nest (noun), tagio (9/10), pl matagio.
nest (noun), tago (5/6), pl matago.
nest (noun), tundu (9/10), pl tundu.
circular casting-net of light fine twine (noun), kimia (7/8), pl vimia.
fishing net (made of coconut fiber) (noun), juya, pl majuya.
fishing-net (noun), ema.
net (noun), chavu.
net (noun), kimia (7/8), pl vimia.
net (noun), susu (9/10), pl susu.
net (noun), wavu (11/10), pl nyavu.
net (for carrying) (noun), tenga (5/6), pl matenga.
net (for trapping animals or fish) (noun), ugavu (11).
net (kind of) (noun), mfyuso, pl mifyuso.
throwing out a net (in fishing) (noun), numbi (9/10), pl numbi.
netting (noun), kimia, pl vimia.
nettle (noun), kiwavi (7/8), pl viwavi.
stinging nettle variety (Tragia furalis or Tragia Scheffleri) (noun),
kiwavi, pl viwavi.
network (noun), kimia (7/8), pl vimia.
neuralgia (noun), hijabu.
neutral (adjective), -baki.
neutrality (noun), baki, pl mabaki. a neutral/impartial person, policy
of neutrality.
neutron (noun), nyutroni (9/10), pl nyutroni.
never (adverb), abadan. They will never come to us.. hawatakuja kwetu
never (adverb), kamwe.
never (interjection), la.
never (at the end of neg. sentences) (adverb), kamwe.
never mind (verb), haidhuru (conjugated).
no never! (interjection), la hasha!.
never mind (interjection), usijali.
nevertheless (adjective), pamoja na hayo.
nevertheless (conjunction), juu ya hivyo.
nevertheless (conjunction), lakini.
nevertheless (conjunction), walakini.
new (adjective), -geni.
new (adjective), kisasa.
new (adjective), -pya. new clothes. nguo mpya.
new (adjective), simo.
New Testament (noun), enjili (9/10), pl enjili.
New Testament (noun), injili (9/10), pl Injili.
Nauruz (Persian New Year's Day on 22 March) (noun), nairuzi (9).
Nauruz (Persian New Year's Day on 22 March) (noun), nairuzi.
Nauruz (Persian New Year's Day on 22 March) (noun), nauruzi.
Nauruz (Persian New Year's Day on 22 March) (noun), neruzi.
Persian New Year's Day (March 22) (noun), neruzi.
new-comer (noun), mja (1/2), pl waja.
newborn (noun), mchanga (1/2), pl wachanga.
newcomer (noun), kizushi (7/8), pl vizushi.
newness (noun), ugeni (14).
newness (noun), upya (14).
bring news (verb), -bashiri. l hope it is good news. bashiri heri.
bring news (verb), -hubiri.
news (noun), habari (9/10), pl habari.
news (noun), simo (9/10), pl simo.
news (noun), simulizi (5/6), pl masimulizi.
news (piece of) (noun), mkasa, pl mikasa.
one who brings news (noun), mbashiri, pl wabashiri.
what's the news? (pronoun), habari?.
name of a newspaper appearing in Tanganyika. (name), baragumu.
newspaper (noun), gazeti (5/6), pl magazeti.
newspaper (noun), jarida, pl majarida.
newspaper reporter (noun), mwandishi, pl waandishi.
newspaperman (noun), mwanagazeti, pl wanagazeti.
near (adverb), karibu na.
next (adjective), ijayo.
next (adjective), ingine.
next (adverb), aidha.
next (adverb), baadaye.
next (adverb), ya pili. second. pili a pili.
next to (adverb), kando.
next to (adverb), kando.
next to (adverb), ukando.
next to each other (verb), -karibiana.
next world (noun), ahera (9/10), pl ahera.
nibble (verb), -tafuna.
nibble (verb), -umauma.
be nibbled (verb), -tafunwa.
something nibbled at (noun), matafuni, pl matafuni.
something nibbled at (noun), matafuno, pl matafuno.
be nice (verb), -noga. to make a coconut nice. kutia nazi kunoga [Sul].
nice (adjective), jamili.
nice (adjective), tamu.
nice person (noun), maridhia, pl wamaridhia. my wife is unassuming. mke
wangu maridhia.
nicely (adverb), vizuri.
niche (noun), daka, pl madaka.
niche (noun), kidaka, pl vidaka.
niche (noun), kishubaka, pl vishubaka.
niche (noun), shubaka (5/6), pl mashubaka, vishubaka.
nick (noun), pengo (5/6), pl mapengo.
nick (in the edge of a cutting tool) (noun), pelezi (5/6), pl mapelezi.
nickname (noun), sare (9/10), pl sare.
nickname (verb), -panga jina.
niece (=child of one's sister) (noun), mpwa, pl wapwa.
niece (child of one's sister) (noun), mjomba, pl wajomba.
all night (noun), usiku kucha (11).
at night (adverb), kisikusiku. isthmus.
at night (adverb), kiusikusiku. isthmus.
dead of night (noun), usiku wa manane.
night (noun), lela.
night (noun), leli.
night (noun), usiku (11).
spend the night (verb), -anga.
night and day (phrase), kutwa kucha.
night watch (noun), mkesha (1/2), pl wakesha.
night-watch (noun), kesha, pl makesha.
(ornith) nightjar (noun), pl nightjars, mpasuasanda.
nightjar (kind of bird) (noun), mraruasanda.
nightjar (kind of bird) (noun), pwaju (9/10an), pl pwaju.
nightjar (kind of bird) (noun), mraruasanda pwaju.
orinth. nightjar (noun), kirukanjia, pl virukanjia.
give one nightmares (verb), -wewesesha.
have nightmares (verb), -wewedeka.
have nightmares (verb), -weweseka.
nightmare (noun), jinamizi (5/6), pl majiinamizi.
nightmare (noun), jinamizi, pl majinamizi.
nightmare (noun), ujinamizi, pl majinamizi.
have nightmares (verb), -ewedeka.
nightshade (noun), mnavu, pl minavu.
nightshade (noun), mtua, pl mitua.
nightshade (noun), mtula, pl mitula.
nightshade (noun), mtunguja, pl mitunguja.
in the nighttime (adverb), kisikusiku. isthmus.
in the nighttime (adverb), kiusikusiku. isthmus.
nighttime (noun), ngono (9/10), pl ngono.
nimble (adjective), mahiri.
nine (noun), kenda (9/10), pl kenda.
nine (noun), tisa (9/10).
nineteen (adjective), kumi na tisa.
nineteen (noun), kumi na tisa.
nineteen (noun), tisashara.
nineteen (noun), tisatashara.
ninety (noun), tisaini.
ninety (noun), tisini.
a ninth (noun), tisau.
nip (noun), mafinyo.
nip (verb), -binya.
nip (verb), -finya.
nipple (noun), bubu, pl mabubu.
nipple (noun), kilembwa cha titi, pl vilembwa vya titi.
nipple (noun), titi, pl matiti.
nipples (of a young woman) (noun), ziwa (5/6), pl maziwa.
nipples of the breast (noun), chuchu (9/10), pl chuchu.
nitrogen(n) (noun), naitrojeni.
expresses negation (interjection), aka.
no (adverb), hapana.
no (interjection), la.
no (pronoun), la.
no (verb), hakuna (conjugated).
no (verb), sivyo (negative).
no (verb), siyo (negative).
no way! (interjection), la hasha!.
no! (emph.) (interjection), katu.
say no (verb), -kataa.
no one at all (adjective), nie nie.
no reason (adjective), bilashi.
no way out (noun), budi (9/10), pl budi.
noble (adjective), sharifu. to be noble is a big status. Kuwa sharifu
ni cheo kikuu.
of noble birth (adverb), kindakindaki.
nobleman (noun), kabaila, pl makabaila.
nod (verb), -kupia.
node (of plants) (noun), kipingili (7/8), pl vipingili.
blow (sound of) (noun), kishindo, pl vishindo.
dull noise (noun), fumi.
dull noise (noun), vumi.
dull noise (noun), vumo, pl mavumo.
fig., coll. noise (noun), kivumbi, pl vivumbi.
hear a noise (verb), -ona kishindo.
impact (noun), kishindo, pl vishindo.
indistinct noise (noun), fumi.
loud noise (noun), bomu, pl mabomu.
loud, booming noise (of a drum, canon) (noun), msondo, pl misondo.
make a loud noise (verb), -lia.
make a noise (verb), -vumisha.
make noise (verb), -piga kelele.
noise (noun), chachawizo (5/6), pl machachawizo.
noise (noun), fujo (5/6), pl mafujo.
noise (noun), hangaiko (5/6), pl mahangaiko.
noise (noun), hekaheka.
noise (noun), hoihoi (9/10), pl hoihoi.
noise (noun), hoihoi.
noise (noun), kelele, pl makelele.
noise (noun), keme (9/10), pl keme.
noise (noun), kibe (7/8), pl kibe.
noise (noun), kishindo, pl vishindo.
noise (noun), lio (5/6), pl malio.
noise (noun), rabsha (9/10), pl rabsha. Nowadays (s)he makes noise.
Siku hizi anafanya rabsha.
noise (noun), sauti (9/10), pl sauti. one noise. sauti moja..
noise (noun), shamrashamra (5/6), pl mashamrashamra. the noise of
closing the feast of Idi (celebration of the birthday of Prophet
Muhammad). shamrashamra za kuadhirisha furaha ya IDD.
noise (noun), shamsham (5/6), pl mashamsham.
noise (noun), tandabelua (9/10), pl tandabelua.
noise (noun), tanta (9/10), pl tanta.
noise (noun), tantabelua (9/10), pl tantabelua.
noise (noun), ukelele, pl makelele.
noise (noun), unyeme.
noise (noun), zahama (9/10), pl zahama.
noise (noun), zahimu.
noise (verb), -varanga.
noise (loud and sudden) (noun), mshindo, pl mishindo. the trample of
horses.. mshindo wa miguu ya farasi.
noise (loud and sudden) (noun), pl noises, shindo (5/6), pl mashindo.
noise (loud) (noun), kelele (9/10), pl kelele.
one who causes someone to make a noise (noun), mlizi, pl walizi.
one who causes something to make a noise (noun), mlizi, pl walizi.
rumbling noise (noun), fumi.
step (noun), kishindo, pl vishindo.
noisemaker (noun), mlizi (1/2), pl walizi.
nomad (noun), bedawi, pl mabedawi.
nomad (noun), bedui, pl mabedui.
nomad (noun), -hamaji (1/2), pl wahamaji.
nomad (noun), hamiji (1/2), pl wahamiji.
nomad (noun), mhamishi, pl wahamishi.
nominate (verb), -teua.
nominate (for election) (verb), -taja.
be nominated (verb), -teuliwa.
nominated (adjective), -teuli.
nomination (noun), uteuzi (14).
nomination of candidates (noun), uteuzi wa waomba (14).
non- (verbal infix forming the negative of infinitives) (infix), to.
non- (verb), si. non-good. si vema.
non-aggression (noun), kutoshambulia.
non-aggression (noun), kutoshambuliana.
non-metal (adjective), simetali.
non-Muslim (noun), kafiri (5/6), pl makafiri.
non-stop (adjective), moto mmoja.
non-stop (adverb), dabal moja.
nonagon (noun), pl nonagons, pembetisa (9/10), pl pembetisa.
nonchalant (of the eyes) (adjective), -kavu.
nonchalence (noun), ukafu.
nonchalence (noun), ukavu.
nondescript (adjective), -nyangalika.
nondescript person (noun), mnyangalika, pl wanyangalika.
nondescript person (noun), mshenzi. nondescript person.. mtu mshenzi.
nondescript thing (noun), kinyangalika.
nondescript thing (noun), kinyangarika.
have none left (verb), -ishiwa.
none at all (adjective), nie nie.
nonentity (noun), chaupepeta (7/8an), pl vyaupepeta.
nonplus (verb), -rabishi.
be nonplussed (verb), -pumbaa.
nonsense (noun), babaiko.
nonsense (noun), babayiko, pl mababayiko.
nonsense (noun), dama.
nonsense (noun), mapiswa.
nonsense (noun), mawe, pl mawe.
nonsense (noun), payo (5/6), pl mapayo.
nonsense (noun), puo (5/6), pl mapuo.
nonsense (noun), puzo (5/6), pl mapuzo.
nonsense (noun), tama (9/10), pl tama.
nonsense (noun), ubabaifu (14).
nonsense (noun), upuuzi (14).
nonsense (noun), upuzi (14).
talk nonsense (verb), -bwatuka.
talk nonsense (verb), -paya.
talk nonsense (verb), -payapaya.
talk nonsense (verb), -payuka.
talk nonsense (verb), -puuza.
talk nonsense (verb), -puza. talk nonsense. puza mazungumzo.
noodle (noun), tambi (9/10), pl tambi.
noon (noun), dohori.
noon (between 12 and 2 o'clock) (noun), adhuuri (9/10), pl adhuuri.
noontime, (Islamic) time of the second prayers.
noose (noun), kitanzi (7/8), pl vitanzi.
noose (noun), shalaka (9/10), pl shalaka.
noose (noun), songo (5/6), pl masongo.
noose (noun), pl nooses, tanzi (9/10), pl tanzi.
noose (noun), utanzi.
nor (conjunction), wala.
norm (noun), kawaida.
bring back to normal (verb), -rejesha.
bring back to normal (verb), -rejeza.
normal (noun), kawaida (9/10), pl kawaida.
normalcy (noun), tengemano (5/6), pl matengemano.
normalcy (noun), utengemano, pl matengemano.
north (noun), jaa.
north (noun), kaskazi.
north (noun), kaskazini (9/10), pl kaskazini.
north (noun), shemali (9/10), pl shemali.
north (toward Mecca) (noun), kibla.
North Pole (noun), jahi.
North Africa (noun), Afrika ya kaskazini (9). Egypt is a North African
country.. Misri ni nchi ya Afrika ya Kaskazi.
north-wind (noun), kaskazi (9/10), pl kaskazi.
north-wind (noun), shemali (9/10), pl shemali.
hazama (ornament, ring etc. worn in the nose) (noun), hazama.
nose (noun), pua (9/10), pl pua. blood oozed from his/her nose and
mouth. damu ikamtoka puani na mdomoni [Kez].
nose ring (noun), hasama.
small nose (noun), kipua, pl vipua.
talking through the nose (noun), king'ong'o. she talks through her nose.
ana king'ong'o.
through the nose (adverb), kipua.
nose ring (noun), azama, pl azama.
nose ring (for cattle) (noun), shemeri (9/10), pl shemeri.
nose-ring (noun), kishaufu (7/8), pl vishaufu.
nosebleed (noun), mjusi, pl mijusi.
nosey person (noun), mpelelezaji (1/2), pl wapelelezaji.
nostril (noun), mwanzi wa pua.
nostril (noun), tundu ya pua (9/10), pl tundu za pua.
nostrum (noun), chukua.
and not (conjunction), wala.
are not (verb), si. are not good. si vema.
but not (conjunction), wala.
certainly not! (interjection), hasha.
I am not (in) there (phrase), simo.
is not (verb), si. is not good. si vema.
is not (verb), sio.
not (verbal infix forming the negative of infinitives) (infix), to.
not at all (adverb), kamwe.
not at all (adverb), katu.
not at all (interjection), la.
not at all (at the end of neg. sentences) (adverb), kamwe.
not even (adverb), walao.
not only...but (what is more important)... (conjunction), licha
(ya)...hata.... In addition to mangrove trees, Lamu also is known for its
forests.. Licha ya mikoko, Lamu pia inajulikana kwa misitu yake [Masomo
not so (pronoun), la.
of course not! (interjection), hasha!.
there is not (verb), hakuna (conjugated).
there is not (verb), hamna (conjugated).
not even (adverb), angalau.
not ready (adverb), bado.
not yet (adverb), bado. They have not yet arrived. hawajafika ~.
nota-bene (n.b.) (verb), -angalia.
notable person (noun), mtukufu, pl watukufu.
make a notch (verb), -panya.
notch (noun), chongo.
notch (noun), kilingo, pl vilingo.
notch (noun), chongo, pl michongo.
notch (noun), makwa.
notch (noun), mchongo (3/4), pl michongo.
notch (noun), mwanya, pl mianya.
notch (noun), pl notches, pengo (5/6), pl mapengo.
notch (verb), -tiringa.
notch (cut in the trunk of a palm-tree as an aid for climbing) (noun),
kidato, pl vidato.
notch cut in a tree-trunk to facilitate climbing (noun), pandio (5/6), pl
notch in an arrow (noun), koleo, pl koleo.
notch in an arrow (noun), kweleo, pl makweleo.
notched (adjective), kipembe.
musical note (noun), pl musical notes, noti (9/10), pl noti.
note (noun), cheti (7/8), pl vyeti.
note (noun), dondo, pl madondo.
note (noun), dondoo, pl madondoo.
take note (verb), -zingatia.
welcome note (noun), karibu (9/10), pl karibu.
notebook (noun), daftari (5/6), pl madaftari.
notebook (noun), deftari.
notebook (noun), shajara (9/10), pl shajara.
be noteworthy (verb), -tazamika.
something noteworthy (noun), simo (9/10), pl simo.
for nothing (adjective), bure.
for nothing (adverb), bilashi. he struck him without reason.. alimpiga
for nothing (adverb), bileshi. he struck him for no reason. alimpiga
for nothing (adverb), mahonyo. Don't eat my fruit without paying..
msile matunda yangu mahonyo.
get nothing (noun), mwande, pl miande.
have nothing to do (verb), -vinjari.
have nothing to do with (verb), -susa.
have nothing to do with (verb), -susia.
nothing (noun), sifuri (9/10), pl sifuri.
nothing (in giving the score of a game) (noun), yai, pl mayai.
nothing (in giving the score of a game) (noun), yayi, pl mayayi.
nothing but (adverb), tu.
to say nothing of ... (conjunction), sembuse. I will not give you a
cent, to say nothing of a shilling. senti moja sikupi sembuse shilingi..
jurnotice (noun), notisi (9/10), pl notisi. 24 hours' notice.. notisi
ya masaa 24.
notice (noun), ilani (9/10), pl ilani.
notice (noun), pl notices, taarifa (9/10), pl taarifa.
notice (noun), pl notices, taarifu (9/10), pl taarifu.
notice (noun), pl notices, tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo.
notice (noun), zulio, pl mazulio.
notice (verb), -nabihi.
notice (verb), -ona. "feel hunger (thirst), be hungry (thirsty)".. ona
njaa (kiu).
notice (verb), -shufu.
notice (verb), -sikia.
notice (verb), -tahamaki.
notice (verb), -tanabahi.
notice one another (verb), -tambuana (associative).
take notice (verb), -tahamaki.
be noticeable (verb), -sikika.
notification (noun), maonevu.
notification (noun), uonevu, pl maonevu.
notification (noun), uonezi, pl maonezi.
notification (noun), uono, pl maono.
notification (noun), uonyo, pl maonyo.
notion (noun), dhana (9/10), pl dhana.
notion (noun), mada (6).
notoriety (noun), ubaini.
notoriety (noun), ubaini.
notoriety (noun), ubainifu.
notoriety (noun), ubayana.
notoriety (noun), ubayana.
notorious (noun), vumika.
notwithstanding (conjunction), ingawa.
notwithstanding (conjunction), walakini.
noun (noun), jina, pl majina.
be well nourished (verb), -viringana.
appear nourished (verb), -nawiri.
nourishment (noun), chakula, pl vyakula.
nourishment (noun), mlisho, pl milisho.
nourishment (noun), riziki (9/10), pl riziki. He has had nothing to eat
since morning.. tangu asubihi hajapata riziki.
nourishment (noun), ulaji.
novel (adjective), -geni.
novel (adjective), simo.
novel (noun), riwaya (9/10), pl riwaya.
novelty (noun), kizushi (7/8), pl vizushi.
novelty (noun), nduni, pl nduni.
novelty (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani.
novelty (noun), upya, pl mapya.
novelty (noun), uzungu.
novelty (noun), uzushi.
novelty (noun), uzuzi.
November (noun), Novemba.
and now (introducing the body of a letter after the salutation)
(interjection), wabadahu.
now (adjective), papa. Here and now. papa hapa.
now (adverb), papa hapa.
now (adverb), pl I want to eat now, sasa. I want to eat now. Ninataka
kula sasa.
right now (adverb), sasa hivi. I am coming right now. Naja sasa hivi.
Now then! (interjection), haya!.
nowadays (adverb), sasa. nowadays. sasa hivi..
nowadays (adverb), siku hizi.
nozzle (noun), pl nozzles, nozeli (9/10), pl nozeli.
nozzle (noun), pua (9/10), pl pua.
nozzle (of a wind instrument) (noun), mdomo. double-barrelled gun..
bunduki ya midomo miwili..
Nubian (adjective), -a kinubi.
Nubian (noun), Kinubi (7).
Nubian person (noun), mnubi, pl wanubi.
nuclear (adjective), atomiki.
nuclear (adjective), -a kiini. nuclear weapons. silaha za kiini.
nuclear (adjective), nuklia.
nuclear (adjective), nyukilia.
nuclear weapon (noun), silaha ya kiini, pl silaha za kiini.
nucleus (noun), kiini, pl viini.
nucleus (noun), pl nuclei, nyukilia (9/10), pl nyukilia.
nudge (noun), mdukuo (3/4), pl midukuo.
nudity (noun), uchi.
nudity (noun), utupu.
nuisance (noun), changamko, pl machangamko.
nuisance (noun), mgogoro, pl migogoro.
nuisance (noun), udhia (11), pl udhia.
nullification (noun), kitanguo (7/8), pl vitanguo.
nullify (verb), -tanguka.
nullity (noun), ubatili (14).
a given number (noun), namba fulani (9/10), pl fulani.
cardinal (number) (noun), kadinali, pl makadilnali.
fig. large number (noun), kivumbi, pl vivumbi.
from a number of (noun), mwongoni (3/4), pl miongoni.
great number (noun), jingi, pl majingi.
great number (noun), konyo, pl makonyo.
great number (noun), laki.
great number (noun), lakki.
great number of people (noun), utope.
in small number (adverb), nusu. Only half the people came.. wamekuja
nusu tu.
large number (noun), idadi (9/10), pl idadi.
large number (noun), mzo, pl mizo.
large number (noun), pamba (5/6), pl mapamba.
number (noun), idadi (9/10), pl idadi.
number (noun), idadi.
number (noun), jamii.
number (noun), kiwango (7/8), pl viwango.
number (noun), miongo (4).
number (noun), mlongo, pl miongo. he is one of them.. yuko katika
miongo yao.
number (noun), mwongo (3/4), pl miongo. he is one of them. yuko katika
miongo yao [Rech].
number (noun), namba, pl namba.
number (noun), nambari, pl nambari.
number (verb), -hesabu.
number (of a periodical) (noun), nakala.
number (of a periodical) (noun), nakili.
number (of a periodical) (noun), nuku.
number (too large to count) (noun), lukuki (9/10), pl lukuki.
small number (noun), uchechefu.
without number (adjective), -pukupuku.
written number (noun), tarakimu (9/10), pl tarakimu.
number less (adverb), kochokochoko.
in large numbers (adjective), kwa wingi.
numbness (noun), chanzi, pl machanzi. numbness of the teeth [produced by
an anesthetic]. chanzi la meno.
numbness (noun), ganzi (9/10), pl ganzi.
numbness (noun), kiwewe (7/8), pl viwewe.
numbness (noun), ufo.
numbness (noun), ufu (14).
numbness (noun), ufu, pl nyufu.
numbness (noun), upooza.
numbness (of the feet) (noun), kibibi, pl vibibi.
numeral (noun), tarakimu (9/10), pl tarakimu.
numerator (noun), kadiri.
numerous (adjective), chapa.
numerous (adjective), ingi.
nun (noun), sista (5/6an), pl masista.
child's nurse (noun), yaya (5/6an), pl mayaya.
children's nurse (noun), aya, pl aya.
children's nurse (noun), mlazi, pl walazi.
children's nurse (noun), mlei, pl walei.
nurse (noun), mlei, pl walei.
nurse (noun), mwuguzi, pl wauguzi.
nurse (noun), mlezi (1/2), pl walezi.
nurse (noun), mlezi, pl walezi.
nurse (noun), mwaguzi, pl waaguzi.
nurse (noun), nasi, pl manasi.
nurse (noun), yaya (5/6an), pl mayaya.
nurse (verb), -hudumu.
nurse (verb), -nyonyesha.
nurse (a baby) (verb), -amwisha.
nurse (of babies) (verb), -nyonya.
nurse a child (verb), -pakata.
nurse a sick person (verb), -uguza.
nurse back to health (verb), -tabibia.
nurse's aide (noun), dresa, pl madresa.
work of a nurse's aide (noun), udresa.
nursing (noun), mauguzi, pl mauguzi.
nursing children (methods of) (noun), ulezi, pl malezi.
nursing children (work of) (noun), ulezi, pl malezi.
nursing the sick (noun), uuguzi (14).
occupation of nursing (noun), uuguzaji.
occupation of nursing (noun), uuguzi.
nurture (verb), -lea.
nurturing (noun), ulezi (11/6), pl malezi.
nut (noun), jozi.
nut (noun), koko, pl makoko.
nut (noun), kokwa, pl kokwa.
nut (noun), nati, pl nati.
nut (grows at end of apple on mbibo tree) (noun), bibo (5/6), pl mabibo.
nut (kind of) (noun), tapo (5/6), pl matapo.
nut (type of) (noun), pl nuts, tapo (9/10), pl tapo.
nutmeg (noun), kungumanga (9/10), pl kungumanga.
nutmeg (the spice) (noun), basbas.
nutmeg (the spice) (noun), basibasi.
Nyerere (Julius Nyerere was the first President of Tanzania) (noun),
nylon (noun), nailon.


oar (noun), kafi (5/6), pl makafi.

oar (noun), kafi, pl makafi.
oar (noun), kasia, pl makasia.
oar (noun), kasia (5/6), pl makasia.
oarlock (metal) (noun), kileti (7/8), pl vileti.
administer an oath (verb), -apisha (causative).
break an oath (verb), -apua.
kasama (an oath) (noun), kasama.
oath (noun), halafa.
oath (noun), kasama (9/10), pl kasama.
oath (noun), kiapo, pl viapo.
oath (often rel.). (noun), nadhiri. take an oath.. weka nadhiri.
oath (self-imposed) (noun), uapo (11/10), pl nyapo.
oath someone (verb), -lisha (causative). She named those who oathed her
and those who took the oath with her.. Aliwataja wote waliomlisha na wale
waliokula pamoja naye [Kareithi Masomo 53].
one who swears an oath (noun), mwapaji, pl waapaji.
put on oath (verb), -afya.
put on oath (verb), -apisha.
solemn oath (noun), yamini (9/10), pl yamini.
take an oath (verb), -apa.
take an oath (verb), -lia kiapo.
take an oath (verb), -la kiapo.
take an oath (of office) (verb), -apishwa.
obedience (noun), t'aa (9/10), pl t'aa.
obedience (noun), taa (9/10), pl taa.
obedience (noun), usikilivu.
obedience (noun), usikivu (14).
obedience (noun), usikizi.
obedience (noun), utii (14).
obedience (noun), utiifu (14).
be obedient (verb), -tiika.
obedient (adjective), sikilivu.
obedient (adjective), sikivu.
obedient (adjective), t'aa.
obedient (adjective), -tii.
obedient (adjective), -tiifu.
obedient person (noun), msikilivu, pl wasikilivu.
obedient person (noun), msikivu, pl wasikivu.
obedient person (noun), pl obedient people, msikivu (1/2), pl wasikivu.
obedient person (noun), mtii, pl watii.
obedient person (noun), mtiifu, pl watiifu. Their child is obedient.
Mtoto wao ni mtiifu..
obedient person (noun), mtiivu, pl watiivu.
obesity (noun), kitumbo (7/8), pl vitumbo.
obesity (noun), ujalifu.
obesity (noun), ujalivu.
obesity (noun), ujazi.
make someone obey (verb), -sikiza (causative).
obey (verb), -fuata.
obey (verb), -pulika.
obey (verb), -sikia. the child does not obey. mtoto huyu hasikii.
obey (verb), -tii.
obey a summons (verb), -itika (potential).
obey one another (verb), -pulikana.
obey the law (verb), -fuata sheria.
be obeyed (verb), -tiiwa.
object (noun), dhamiri (9/10), pl dhamiri.
object (noun), kasidi (9/10), pl kasidi.
object (verb), -checha.
object (verb), -kataa.
object (verb), -kindana. he was told that he had to move but he
protested.. aliambiwa ahame lakini alikindana.
object (verb), -kinga.
object (verb), -kinza.
object (verb), -pinga.
object (grammatical) (noun), kikomo, pl vikomo.
object to (verb), -dakiza (causative).
I have no objection (noun), sina neno (5/6), pl maneno.
objection (noun), dakizo (5/6), pl madakizo.
objection (noun), katazo (5/6), pl makatazo.
objection (noun), kindano, pl makindano.
objection (noun), kinzano, pl makinzano.
objection (noun), maneno. I have no objection. sina maneno.
objection (noun), mateto, pl mateto.
objection (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno. I have no objection.. sina
objection (noun), teto (5/6), pl mateto.
objection (noun), udaku.
objection (noun), ukindani.
objection (noun), ukinzani, pl makinzani.
objection (noun), utetezi.
objective (adjective), sawa.
objective (noun), lengo (5/6), pl malengo.
objective (noun), maana.
objective (noun), pl objectives, shabaha (9/10), pl shabaha.
obligate (verb), -bidi. he had to go. imembidi kwenda.
obligate (verb), -shurutiana.
obligate (verb), -wajibisha.
obligate oneself (verb), -takalifu.
obligate someone (verb), -pasisha.
lay under an obligation (verb), -fadhili.
not meet an obligation (verb), -aasi.
not meet an obligation (verb), -asi.
obligation (noun), ahadi (9/10), pl ahadi.
obligation (noun), daraka, pl madaraka.
obligation (noun), faradhi (9/10), pl faradhi.
obligation (noun), kazi.
obligation (noun), lazima.
obligation (noun), mapendezi.
obligation (noun), masharti (6).
obligation (noun), shahada (9/10), pl shahada.
obligation (noun), sharti (5/6), pl masharti. it is an obligation that
you come. sharti uje [kuja]..
obligation (noun), sherti (5/6), pl masherti. it is an obligation that
you come. sharti uje [kuja]..
obligation (noun), shurti (5/6), pl mashurti.
obligation (noun), shuruti (5/6), pl mashuruti.
obligation (noun), uazimaji.
obligation (noun), ufadili.
obligation (noun), wahadi.
obligation (noun), wajibu (14).
obligation (financial) (noun), deni, pl madeni. pay debts. lipa deni.
be obligatory (verb), -bidi.
be obligatory (verb), -lazimu.
be obligatory (verb), -stahiki.
be obligatory (verb), -stahili.
be obligatory (verb), -wajibu.
obligatory (adjective), stahili.
be obliged (verb), -pasa.
be obliged (verb), -paswa (passive).
oblige (noun), masharti.
oblige (noun), mashurti.
oblige (noun), mashuruti.
oblige (verb), -bidi. I am obliged to study. Inabidi nisome.
oblige (verb), -lazimisha.
oblige (verb), -shuruti. obigation of prayers. shuruti za sala.
oblige (verb), -shurutisha.
oblige (verb), -shurutiza (causative).
be obliged (verb), -lazimika.
be obliged (verb), -lazimiwa.
be obliging (verb), -taibu.
be obliging (verb), -tayibu.
obliging (adjective), kunjufu.
obligingness (noun), mrua.
obligingness (noun), murua.
obligingness (noun), uzuhali.
oblique (adjective), hanamu.
oblique (adverb), mshadhari.
oblique (adverb), mshazari.
oblique drawing (noun), mchoro mshazari, pl michoro mshazari.
obliterate (verb), -futa.
obliterate (verb), -umbua.
obliteration (noun), mfuto (3/4), pl mifuto.
oblong (noun), mstatili, pl mistatili.
oblong-shaped thing (noun), mchi (3/4), pl michi.
obscene (adjective), chafu.
obscene (adjective), pyoro.
obscene (adjective), pyororo.
obscene language (noun), matapishi, pl matapishi.
obscene language (noun), tapishi (5/6), pl matapishi.
use obscene language (verb), -pyora.
user of obscene language (noun), mpyoro, pl wapyoro.
obscenity (noun), uchafu.
obscenity (noun), uhayawani (14).
obscure meaning (noun), fumbo (5/6), pl mafumbo.
obscurity (noun), mushkeli.
be obsequious to a person (verb), -nyenyekea.
obsequious (adjective), dhalili.
obsequious (adjective), nyenyekevu.
obsequious person (noun), mtii, pl watii.
obsequious person (noun), mtiifu, pl watiifu.
obsequious person (noun), mtiivu, pl watiivu.
obsequiousness (noun), unyenyekeo.
obsequiousness (noun), unyenyekevu.
obsequiousness (noun), utambazi.
religious observance (noun), maabudu.
observant person (noun), mwangalifu, pl waangalifu.
observant person (noun), mwangalizi, pl waangalizi.
observation (noun), maangalio, pl maangalio.
observation (noun), maangalizi, pl maangalizi.
observation (noun), mtazamo, pl mitazamo.
observation (noun), uangalizi (11/6), pl maangalizi.
not observe (verb), -taadi.
not observe (verb), -tadi.
observe (verb), -angalia.
observe (verb), -doea.
observe (verb), -jali.
observe (verb), -ola.
observe (verb), -riaria.
observe (verb), -shika.
observe (verb), -shufu.
observe (verb), -tahamaki.
observe (verb), -tanabahi.
observe (verb), -tazama.
observe (verb), -tunza.
observe (verb), -tuza.
observe (verb), -zengea.
observe (surreptitiously) (verb), -peleleza.
observe the law (verb), -shika sheria. observe the laws of the land.
Shika sheria za nchi.
observer (noun), mchunguzi, pl wachunguzi.
observer (noun), mngojezi, pl wangojezi.
observer (noun), mtazamaji, pl watazamaji.
observer (noun), mwangalizi, pl waangalizi.
observer (noun), nokoa (5/6an), pl manokoa.
observer (noun), shika (9/10an), pl shika. observe the law. shika
sheria [desturi]..
obsolete (adjective), kikale.
difficulty (noun), kipingamizi, pl vipingamizi.
impediment (noun), kipingamizi, pl vipingamizi.
obstacle (noun), chelezo, pl machelezo.
obstacle (noun), dokezi, pl madokezi.
obstacle (noun), kinzano, pl makinzano.
obstacle (noun), kipingamizi, pl vipingamizi.
obstacle (noun), kizuio, pl vizuio.
obstacle (noun), kizuizi, pl vizuizi.
obstacle (noun), masubuko, pl masubuko.
obstacle (noun), masumbufo, pl masumbufo.
obstacle (noun), masumbulizi, pl masumbulizi.
obstacle (noun), masumbuo, pl masumbuo.
obstacle (noun), mfungizo, pl mifungizo.
obstacle (noun), mgogoro (3/4), pl migogoro.
obstacle (noun), mkinga (3/4), pl mikinga.
obstacle (noun), mkingamo (3/4), pl mikingamo.
obstacle (noun), pl obstacles, pingamizi (9/10), pl pingamizi. I saw
there were obstacles besetting me. niliona kuna pingamizi zilizonikabili
obstacle (noun), sumbuko (5/6), pl masumbuko.
obstacle (noun), sumbuo (5/6), pl masumbuo.
obstacle (noun), upinzani.
obstacle (noun), uzuiaji.
obstacle (noun), uzuio.
obstacle (noun), uzuwiaji.
obstacle-race (noun), kidaraja, pl vidaraja.
make one's way among obstacles (verb), -penya. The child made his/her
way to the door. Mtoto alipenya mlangoni.
make one's way among obstacles (verb), -penyapenya. The cat made its way
untill it caught the rat. Paka alipenyapenya. mpaka akakamata panya.
obstetrics (noun), ukunga (14).
obstinacy (noun), chachari, pl machachari.
obstinacy (noun), potoe (9/10), pl potoe.
obstinacy (noun), potovu (9/10), pl potovu. an obstinate person. Mtu
obstinacy (noun), ukaidi (14).
obstinacy (noun), ukatavu.
obstinacy (noun), ukindani.
obstinacy (noun), ukinzani, pl makinzani.
obstinacy (noun), upindani.
obstinacy (noun), upotoe.
obstinacy (noun), upotovu.
obstinacy (noun), ushupavu (14).
obstinacy (noun), usugu (14).
obstinancy (noun), hima.
obstinancy (noun), inda.
obstinant (adjective), kaidi.
obstinant (adjective), kinzani.
obstinant (verb), -kaidi.
be obstinate (verb), -kaidi.
be obstinate (verb), -potoka.
be obstinate (verb), -shupaa.
obstinate (adjective), bishi.
obstinate (adjective), gumu.
obstinate (adjective), -kaidi.
obstinate (adjective), kakamizi.
obstinate (adjective), pindani.
obstinate (adjective), shupavu.
obstinate person (noun), mbishi, pl wabishi.
obstinate person (noun), mkaidi (1/2), pl wakaidi.
obstinate person (noun), mkatavu (1/2), pl wakatavu.
obstinate person (noun), mkimwa (1/2), pl wakimwa.
obstinate person (noun), mshupavu, pl washupavu.
obstinately (adverb), kwa jeuri.
deliberately obstruct something (verb), -pingamanisha.
obstruct (verb), -kinza.
obstruct (verb), -kinzana.
obstruct (verb), -pinga. obstruct a road.. pinga njia.
obstruct (verb), -simamisha (causative).
obstruct (verb), -taaradhi.
obstruct (verb), -taaradhia.
obstruct (verb), -zagaazagaa.
obstruct (verb), -zuia.
obstruct (verb), -zuilia.
obstructing (noun), uzuiaji.
obstructing (noun), uzuio.
obstructing (act of) (noun), uzuiaji.
obstructing (act of) (noun), uzuio.
obstructing (act of) (noun), uzuwiaji.
obstruction (noun), inda (9/10), pl inda.
obstruction (noun), kinga (9/10), pl kinga.
obstruction (noun), kinzano, pl makinzano.
obstruction (noun), kipingo, pl vipingo.
obstruction (noun), kizuizi (7/8), pl vizuizi.
obstruction (noun), kwao, pl makwao.
obstruction (noun), kwazo (5/6), pl makwazo.
obstruction (noun), kwazo, pl makwazo.
obstruction (noun), mkinga (3/4), pl mikinga.
obstruction (noun), mzibo, pl mizibo.
obstruction (noun), pl obstructions, pingo (5/6), pl mapingo.
obstruction (noun), upinzani.
obstruction (noun), zuio (5/6), pl mazuio.
obstruction (noun), zuizi, pl mazuizi.
active obstructionism (noun), upingamishi.
spirit of obstructionism (noun), upinzani.
obstructionist (noun), mkinzani (1/2), pl wakinzani.
obstructionist (noun), mpingani (1/2), pl wapingani.
obstructive (adjective), -pingani.
obstructive (of people) (adjective), pingani.
obstructiveness (noun), ukindani.
obstructiveness (noun), ukinzani (14).
obstructiveness (noun), utetezi.
one who obstructs (noun), mpinga, pl wapinga. pol. reactionary..
mpinga maendeleo.
person who obstructs others (noun), mkinga, pl wakinga.
obstrusiveness (noun), utashi.
finally obtain something long desired (verb), -chunuka.
finally obtain something long desired (verb), -chunuka.
finally obtain something long desired (verb), -tunuka.
obtain (verb), -pata.
obtain (verb), -pokea. obtain a letter.. pokea barua.
obtain (one's wish) (verb), -faulu.
obtain something without effort (verb), -okota.
be obtainable (verb), -adimika.
be obtainable (verb), -patikana.
something obtainable (noun), maujudi.
obtaining (noun), upatikanaji.
obtrusive person (noun), mchokozi, pl wachokozi.
obtrusiveness (noun), gubu.
obtrusiveness (noun), uchokozi, pl machokozi.
obtuse (adjective), butu. an obtuse-angled triangle. pembetatu butu.
obtuse angle (noun), pembebutu (9/10), pl pembebutu.
obtuse person (noun), msimacho, pl wasimacho.
be obvious (verb), -bainika.
be obvious (verb), -bainikana.
be obvious (verb), -dhihiri. when the truth is obvious, falsehood
usually gives way. kweli ikidhihiri uwongo hujitenga.
be obvious (verb), -onekana (potential).
become obvious (verb), -dhihirika.
obvious (adjective), -bainifu.
obvious (adjective), bayana.
obvious (adjective), dhahiri.
obvious (adjective), dhihirifu.
obvious (adjective), mbayana.
obvious (adverb), wazi.
obviousness (noun), udhahiri.
obviousness (noun), udhahirifu.
obviousness (noun), udhihirifu.
occasion (noun), defa.
occasion (noun), fursa (9/10), pl fursa.
occasion (noun), mara (9/10), pl mara.
occasion (noun), mara.
occiput (noun), kogo, pl makogo?.
occupy (verb), -shika. occupy a vacancy in the vehicle. shika nafasi
occupant (noun), mkazi (1/2), pl wakazi.
regular occupant (noun), mkaaji (1/2), pl wakaaji.
occupation (noun), amali, pl amali.
occupation (noun), kazi.
occupation (noun), maishilio (6).
occupation (noun), maishilio.
occupation (noun), makazi.
occupation (noun), matendo, pl matendo.
occupation (noun), pl occupations, shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli. I am
waiting to go to Kampala for my own business. nangojea kwenda Kampala
kwenye shughuli zangu [Ma].
occupation (noun), tume.
be occupied (with) (verb), -shughulika. the workers/officers were seen
occupied (with). [watumishi] walionekana kushughulika [Moh], huku
kashughulika kutandika majamvi ukumbini [Sul], mapenzi yasiyoshughulika na
sura au umbo ni mapenzi makubwa sana [Sul].
occupy (verb), -shikilia (applicative).
occupy (verb), -shughulisha. my wife had no work to occupy her. mke
wangu akawa hana kazi ya kumshughulisha [Abd].
occupy (verb), -twaa.
occupy oneself (with) (verb), -jishughulisha (reflexive).
occur (verb), -cha.
occur (verb), -ja.
occur (verb), -jiri.
occur (verb), -jiri.
occur (verb), -pata.
occur (verb), -sibu. when did it occur to you. ilikusibu lini?.
occur (verb), -tokea (applicative).
occur (verb), -tokea.
occur (verb), -tukia.
occur (verb), -wawa.
occur (an event) (verb), -ogelea (applicative).
occurence (noun), jilio, pl majilio.
occurence (noun), mkasa (3/4), pl mikasa.
occurence (noun), sinema (9/10), pl sinema. we saw an occurence at the
market, two women fought each other. hapo sokoni tuliona sinema, wanawake
wawili walipigana [Rec].
occurence (noun), tokeo, pl matokeo.
occurrence (noun), kadhia.
occurrence (noun), majilio.
occurrence (noun), matokeo, pl matokeo.
occurrence (noun), tukio (5/6), pl matukio.
occurrence (rare or unexpected) (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani. (s)he
was born in an unexpected occurrence. Alizaliwa kwa shani.
occurrence (sudden and unexpected) (noun), dharura.
remarkable occurrence (noun), hekaya.
remarkable occurrence (noun), ibura.
ocean (noun), bahari (9/10), pl bahari.
ocean (noun), uziwa.
red ochre (noun), ngeu (9/10), pl ngeu.
octagon (noun), pl octagons, pembenane (9/10), pl pembenane.
octave (noun), oktavo (9/10), pl oktavo.
October (noun), Oktoba.
octopus (noun), pweza mkubwa (9/10an), pl pweza.
odd (noun), witiri (14).
odd number (noun), witiri.
odd number (noun), wituri.
odd number (in math) (noun), kitangulizi (7/8), pl vitangulizi.
odds and ends (noun), gharadi.
be at odds (verb), -enda mbago.
odds and ends (noun), vitakataka.
body odor (noun), gugumu.
detect an odor (verb), -ona harafu.
odor (noun), harufu (9/10), pl harufu.
odor (noun), ladha (9/10), pl ladha.
odor (noun), pl odors, riha (9/10), pl riha. (s)he has bad odor. Ana
riha mbaya.
of (adjective), ya.
of (conjunction), kwa.
of (conjunction), za.
of (noun), waa, pl mawaa.
of (preposition), vya.
of (-a + noun used to form adjectives) (preposition), -a. a surprising
thing. jambo la ajabu.
of (-a + noun used to form possessives) (preposition), -a. the pupil's
book. kitabu cha mwanafunzi.
of (class 14) (preposition), pa.
of (class 7) (preposition), cha. the pupil's book. kitabu cha
of various kinds (preposition), min.
oh! (interjection), ee!.
of course (adverb), hakika.
of necessity (used in negative) (noun), budi (9/10), pl budi.
special time off (noun), muda maalum huria.
offence (noun), chukio (5/6), pl machukio.
offence (noun), pl offenses, tadi (9/10), pl tadi.
be offended (verb), -chukizwa.
offend (verb), -beua.
offend (verb), -chukiza (causative).
offend (verb), -kashifu.
offend (verb), -kebehi.
offend (verb), -kirihi.
offend (verb), -kufuru.
offend (verb), -safihi.
offend (verb), -safii.
offend (verb), -tengura.
offend (verb), -twesha.
offend (verb), -tweza.
offend (verb), -udhi.
offend (someone) (verb), -taadi.
offend (someone) (verb), -tadi.
offend someone (verb), -tunisha.
be offended (verb), -zilia.
offender (noun), mkosaji, pl wakosaji.
offender (noun), mkosefu, pl wakosefu.
offender (noun), mkosi, pl wakosi.
cause offense (verb), -beusha.
offense (noun), chukio, pl machukio.
offense (noun), chukizo, pl machukizo.
offense (noun), dhambi, pl madhambi.
offense (noun), kosa, pl makosa. "High court, Court of Appeal; Supreme
Court".. tia kosani.
offense (noun), manza.
offense (noun), taadi (9/10), pl taadi.
offense (noun), taksiri (9/10), pl taksiri.
offense (noun), uhalifu, pl mahalifu.
offense (noun), utadi.
offensive (adjective), makeruhi.
offensive (adjective), makuruhi.
offensive (adjective), makuruhi.
offensive (adjective), safihi.
offensive (adjective), safii.
offensive behavior (noun), tusu, pl matushi.
offensive language (noun), tusu, pl matushi.
be offered (verb), -tolewa ( appl-pass). and s/he was offered a chair
and sat. akatolewa kiti akakaa [Sul].
offer (noun), ununuzi.
offer (verb), -dahi.
offer (verb), -toa.
offer for sale (verb), -uza.
offer of appointment (noun), kadimisho ya uteuzi (9/10), pl kadimisho za
one who offers (noun), mtoaji (1/2), pl watoaji.
expiatory offering (noun), kafara, pl makafara.
make an offering to propitiate the spirits of the dead (verb), -tambika.
making an offering to propitiate the spirits of the dead (act of) (noun),
mtambiko, pl mitambiko.
offering (noun), dabiku, pl dabiku.
offering (noun), kafara (5/6), pl makafara.
offering (noun), paji (5/6), pl mapaji.
offering (noun), toleo (5/6), pl matoleo.
offering (noun), utoaji (14), pl utoaji.
offering (animals or beer or cloth) made to propitiate the spirits of the
dead (noun), tambiko (5/6), pl matambiko.
offering for sale (act of) (noun), utembezi, pl matembezi.
propitiatory offering (noun), tambiko (5/6), pl matambiko.
religious offering (noun), pl offerings, sadaka (9/10), pl sadaka.
religious offering was taken to the Mosque. sadaka ilipelekwa msikitini.
make offerings (verb), -adua.
one who makes offerings (noun), mtambika, pl watambika.
one who makes offerings (noun), mtambikaji, pl watambikaji.
place where offerings are made to the spirits of ancestors. (noun),
mzimu, pl mizimu.
government administrative office (noun), boma, pl maboma.
office (noun), afisi (9/10), pl afisi.
office (noun), hafisi.
office (noun), pl offices, ofisi (5/6), pl maofisa.
office (noun), wadhifa (11/10), pl nyadhifa.
office (government) (noun), idara.
office (of business) (noun), ofisi (5/6), pl maofisa.
office work (noun), utarishi (14).
office-worker (noun), karani, pl makarani.
military officer (noun), afisa (5/6an), pl maafisa.
noncomissioned officer (noun), shaushi (5/6an), pl mashaushi.
officer (noun), afisa (5/6an), pl maafisa. On that very day a European
officer came; agricultural officers. siku hiyo hiyo alikuja afisa mmoja
Mzungu [Ng]; Maafisa ya kilimo [Masomo 154].
officer (noun), akida (5/6an), pl maakida.
officer (noun), amiri, pl maamiri.
officer (noun), ofisa (5/6an), pl maofisa.
rank of noncommissioned officer (noun), bimbashi.
status of an officer (noun), uofisa.
administrative official (Zanzibar) (noun), mudiri, pl wadiri.
administrative official generally Arab appointed by the government to
handle relations with the Moslem community (noun), wali, pl mawali.
official (adjective), rasmi. official uniform. nguo za rasmi.
official (noun), afisa (5/6an), pl maafisa.
official (noun), kiongozi, pl viongozi.
official (noun), ofisa (5/6an), pl maofisa.
official action (noun), mujibu.
official action (noun), muujibu.
officiant (one who performs marriage ceremony) (noun), mwozi (1/2), pl
offside (action in sport) (noun), nje.
offside (in sport) (noun), ofusaidi (9/10), pl ofusaidi.
offspring (noun), fasili.
offspring (noun), kizazi (7/8), pl vizazi.
offspring (noun), kizazi, pl vizazi.
offspring (noun), mazao, pl mazao.
offspring (noun), mtoto, pl watoto. boy. mtoto mwanamume [mwanamke].
offspring (noun), mwana (1/2), pl wana.
offspring (noun), mche, pl miche.
offspring (noun), uzao (14).
offspring (noun), zao, pl mazao.
offspring (of a human being or an animal) (noun), mzao (1/2), pl wazao.
often (phrase), mara nyingi.
ogle (verb), -angaa.
ogre (noun), zimwi (5/6), pl mazimwi.
oh that (pronoun), laiti.
oh! well! (interjection of joy or amazement) (interjection), lo.
oh! well! (interjection of joy or amazement) (interjection), loo.
oh you (interjection), ewe.
coconut oil (noun), kasimile.
lamp oil (noun), kerosini.
oil (noun), mafuta (6). Put the oil in a frying pan.. Tia mafuta kwenye
kikaango [Masomo 16].
oil (noun), mafuta.
oil (verb), -sirima.
oil (verb), -sisima.
palm oil (from the seeds of the mchikichi palm) (noun), mawese (6), pl
rancid oil (noun), kereketa.
vegetable oil (noun), uto.
oil cake (noun), shudu (5/6), pl mashudu.
oil palm (noun), mchikichi, pl michikichi.
oilcake (residue after seed have been pressed for oil) (noun), mashudu.
oilcloth (noun), turbali.
oilcloth (noun), turubai.
oilcloth (noun), turubali.
oillamp (small with floating wick) (noun), kibatari (7/8), pl vibatari.
oilseed (noun), ufuta (11).
be oily (verb), -nang'anika.
oily (noun), mafuta.
oily manner (noun), mafuta.
ointment (noun), makuru.
ointment (noun), malhamu.
ointment (noun), marahamu.
ointment (noun), marhamu (9/10), pl marhamu.
ointment (noun), marhamu.
ointment (noun), dawa ya kupaka (9/10), pl dawa za kupaka.
OK (adverb), haidhuru.
OK (conjunction), bas. O.K. First you must feel some shame!. Bas ona
wewe haya kwanza! [Chacha, Masomo 375].
OK (conjunction), basi.
OK (conjunction), bassi.
OK (interjection), haya.
okay (adjective), vema.
okay (adjective), vyema.
okay (adverb), sawasawa.
lady's fingers (okra) (noun), bamia, pl mabamia.
okra (noun), bamia, pl mabamia.
okra (noun), binda, pl mabinda.
okra (noun), mbinda, pl mibinda.
okra plant (noun), mbamia (3/4), pl mibamia.
advanced old age (noun), ukongwe.
be old (verb), -tambarajika.
become old (verb), -konga.
become old (verb), -zeeka.
grow old (verb), -chakaa.
grow old (verb), -konga.
of old (adjective), ya zamani.
of old (adjective), -a zamani.
old (adjective), chakavu.
old (adjective), kachala.
old (adjective), kubwa.
old (adjective), kukuu.
old (adjective), -kuu.
old (adjective), kuu.
old (adjective), -kuu -kuu.
old (adjective), kuukuu.
old (adjective), -zee.
old fashioned (adjective), kikale.
old man (respectful term of address) (noun), babu, pl babu.
old merchandise (noun), uhafifu.
old person (said scornfully) (noun), kikaramba (7/8), pl vikaramba.
old times (noun), kale (9/10), pl kale.
very old (adjective), -kongwe.
very old (adjective), -kuu -kuu.
very old person (noun), kikongwe, pl vikongwe.
very old person (noun), mkongwe (1/2), pl wakongwe.
very old person (noun), pl very old persons, shaibu (9/10an), pl shaibu.
old age (noun), uzee (14).
Old Testament (phrase), Agano la Kale.
in old times (adverb), asili.
old woman (noun), ajuza (9/10an), pl ajuza.
old-fashioned (adjective), -kale.
old-fashioned person (noun), kinyangaa (7/8), pl vinyangaa.
older person (over 45) (noun), ngumbaru (9/10an), pl ngumbaru.
olive (noun), zeituni (9/10), pl zeituni.
olive oil (noun), halzeti (9/10), pl halzeti.
olive tree (cultivated) (noun), mzeituni (1/2), pl mizeituni.
omelet (noun), kimanda, pl vimanda.
omelette (noun), pl omelettes, kiwanda (cha mayai) (7/8), pl viwanda (vya
bad omen (noun), mdhana (9/10), pl mdhana.
bad omen (noun), mkosi (3/4), pl mikosi.
bad omen (noun), ukuba (14).
ill omen (noun), uchuro.
ill-omened person who brings bad luck (noun), kikausha (7/8an), pl
omen (noun), badiri, pl badiri.
omen (noun), dalili. bad omen. dalili mbaya [Rec].
omen (noun), delili. a bad omen. delili mbaya.
omen (noun), fali (9/10), pl fali.
omen (noun), ndege (9/10an). A good (bad) omen.. ndege njema [mbaja].
omen (bad) (noun), kisirani (9/10), pl kisirani.
person of ill omen (one for whom an unfortunate life was foretold at his
birth) (noun), mchimbi.
person of ill omen (one for whom an unfortunate life was foretold at his
birth) (noun), mchimvi.
take omens (verb), -tazamia.
ominous (adjective), korofi.
omission (noun), athari, pl athari.
omission (noun), ruko (5/6), pl maruko.
omit (verb), -saza.
omnipotence (of God) (adjective), makadara.
omnipotence (of God) (adjective), makadari.
omnipotent (a title of Allah) (noun), jabari.
omnipotent (title of Allah) (noun), jalali.
rel. (Omnipresent = God) (noun), mwenea, pl waenea.
on (adverb), juu ya.
on (preposition), fi.
on (preposition), juu.
on (preposition), katika.
on the foot (adverb), chini.
at once (adverb), halan.
at once (adverb), halani.
at once (adverb), kufumba na kufumbua.
at once (adverb), mara.
at once (adverb), mara hii.
at once (adverb), mara ile.
at once (adverb), mara moja.
at once (adverb), sasa hivi.
once (adverb), kamwe.
once (adverb), mara. once. mara moja.
Once upon a time... (noun), palikuwa.
all one (adverb), mamoja.
num.one (noun), moja. eleven.. kumi na moja.
num.one (noun), mosi. Saturday. Jumamosi.
one (adjective), wahed.
one (noun), wahedi.
one (person or thing) (adjective), mmoja.
one by one (adjective), moja moja.
one of a number of things (adjective), mojawapo. Letters are one of the
things that are very important in our everyday life.. Barua ni jambo
mojawapo ambalo ni la muhimu sana katika maisha yetu ya kila siku [Masomo
one's self (adjective), binafsi.
one-eyed (adjective), chongo.
one-eyed (condition of) (noun), uchongo.
oneness (noun), umoja (14), pl wingi.
oneness (noun), umoja.
by oneself (adjective), peke y-.
oneself (adverb), kinaganaga.
oneself (noun), pl themselves, nafsi, pl nafsi. They thought of
themselves. Walijifikiria nafsi zao.
onion (noun), kitunguu (7/8), pl vitunguu.
onlooker (noun), pl onlookers, mtazamaji (1/2), pl watazamaji.
only (adverb), tu.
only (adverb), wahedu.
ooze (verb), -rishai.
ooze (of a liquid) (verb), -vuja.
be cut open (verb), -tumbuka.
be cut open (verb), -tumburujika.
be open (verb), -fumbuka.
be open (verb), -funguka.
be open (a plain etc) (verb), -tandaa.
be open to (arguments or persuasion) (verb), -shindua.
be open to (arguments or persuasion) (verb), -sindua (inversive).
be opened (verb), -fungasa.
be opened (verb), -funguliwa.
be opened up (verb), -zibuka.
cut open (verb), -pingua.
open (adjective), eupe. open land [without trees]. nchi nyeupe.
open (adjective), kimacho.
open (adjective), wazi.
open (adjective), waziwazi.
open (verb), -fumbua.
open (verb), -fungua (converse).
open (verb), -funua.
open (verb), -gubua.
open (verb), -mamanua.
open (verb), -omoa.
open (verb), -sambaza (causative).
open (verb), -shindua.
open (verb), -sindua (inversive).
open (verb), -tanzua. open the eyes. tanzua macho.
open (verb), -weka.
open (ie opposite of fumba) (verb), -fumbua.
open (of buds) (verb), -chanua.
open (up) (verb), -zibua.
open by force (verb), -nanua.
open country (noun), wanda.
open mouth wide (verb), -achama.
open place (noun), batobato, pl mabatobato.
open place (noun), weu, pl nyeu.
open place (in the front or around a house) (noun), uga, pl nyuga.
open up (verb), -futua.
open up (verb), -panua. "open up the legs, take long steps".. panua
open up (of an ulcer) (verb), -buyuka.
open up (plants) (verb), -auka.
open up (wounds or abscesses) (verb), -chamka.
open wide (verb), -tanua.
open wide (verb), -tumbulia.
split open (verb), -nanua.
open-eyed (adjective), kimachomacho.
open handed (adjective), karimu.
open-handed person (noun), mtumiaji (1/2), pl watumiaji.
open-minded (adjective), -anga.
open-minded (adjective), -angavu.
be opened (verb), -tanzuka.
"Opener" = first sura of the Koran (noun), fatiha.
opener (noun), kifungua (7/8), pl vifungua.
formal opening (noun), mzinduko (3/4), pl mizinduko.
formal opening (noun), mzinduo (3/4), pl mizinduo.
opening (noun), funuo.
opening (noun), fyatuko (5/6), pl mafyatuko.
opening (noun), mfyatuko (3/4), pl mifyatuko.
opening (noun), tobo, pl matobo.
opening (noun), tobwe, pl matobwe.
opening (noun), ufa, pl nyufa.
opening (noun), ufunguaji.
opening (fig.) (noun), mdomo (3/4), pl midomo.
opening (of a wind instrument) (noun), mdomo. double-barrelled gun..
bunduki ya midomo miwili..
opening (small) (noun), shubaka (5/6), pl mashubaka, vishubaka.
opening ceremony (noun), zinduo (5/6), pl mazinduo.
small opening (noun), kibacha (7/8), pl vibacha.
small opening (noun), mwanya (3/4), pl mianya. The door was not closed
completely. There was a small opening that enabled the detective to
investigate inside.. Mlango haukuwa umefungwa kabisa. Ulikuwapo mwanya
ambao ulimwezesha mplelezi kuchungulia ndani [Ganzel Masomo 163].
small opening (noun), kishubaka, pl vishubaka.
openly (adverb), dhahiri.
openly (adverb), kinaganaga.
openly (adverb), kinaga-ubaga.
openly (adverb), wazi wazi.
open-minded (adjective), ekevu.
open-minded (adjective), elekevu.
openness (noun), uwazi (14).
one who opens (noun), mfungua, pl wafungua.
operate (verb), -tahiri.
operate (a business) (verb), -endesha.
operate on (someone) (verb), -pasulia.
operation (noun), harakati (9/10), pl harakati.
operation (noun), kupasuliwa.
operator (noun), pl operators, opareta (5/6an), pl maopareta.
difference of opinion (noun), mavurugano, pl mavurugano.
difference of opinion (noun), mzozo (3/4), pl mizozo.
difference of opinion (noun), tafauti (9/10), pl tafauti.
have a low opinion of (verb), -darau.
have a low opinion of (verb), -dharau.
have no firm opinions (adjective), wayawaya.
have no opinions of one's own (verb), -vuvuwaa.
opinion (noun), dhana.
opinion (noun), fikara (9/10), pl fikara.
opinion (noun), kauli (9/10), pl kauli.
opinion (noun), maoni (6). It is our opinion that this fiance is
unsuitable for you.. Maoni yetu ni kwamba mchumba huyu hakufai [Masomo
opinion (noun), ono (5/6), pl maono.
opinion (noun), pl opinions, rai (9/10), pl rai.
opinion (noun), shauri (9/10), pl shauri. I have no opinion. Sina
opinion (noun), udhani.
opinion (noun), udhanifu.
opinion (noun), wazo, pl mawazo.
person without rigid opinions (noun), mzingativu, pl wazingativu.
public opinion (noun), pl public opinions, oni la umma (5/6), pl maoni ya
rare difference of opinion (noun), mtafaruku, pl mitafaruku.
opinions (noun), maoni. public opinion. maoni ya wananchi.
person without rigid opinions (noun), mzingatifu, pl wazingatifu.
opium (noun), afiuni (9/10), pl afiuni.
opium (noun), afyuni (9/10), pl afyuni.
opium (noun), kasumba (9/10), pl kasumba.
opium (noun), kasumba.
opium ball (prepared for smoking) (noun), madadi, pl madadi.
pellet of opium (for smoking) (noun), gole (5/6), pl magole.
stem of an opium pipe (noun), mdakale, pl midakale.
stem of an opium pipe (noun), mdakali, pl midakali.
opponent (noun), adui (5/6an), pl maadui.
opponent (noun), hasimu, pl mahasima.
opponent (noun), mjadala, pl wajadala.
opponent (noun), mkindani, pl wakinzani.
opponent (noun), mkinzani, pl wakinzani.
opponent (noun), mnenea (1/2), pl wanenea.
opponent (noun), mpingaji, pl wapingaji.
opponent (noun), mpingani, pl wapingani.
opponent (noun), mpinzani, pl wapingani.
opponent (noun), mpinzani (1/2), pl wapinzani.
opponent (noun), pl opponents, mshindani (1/2), pl washindani.
opponent (noun), mshindani, pl washindani.
opponent (noun), mshindanizi, pl washindanizi.
opponent (noun), mtetea, pl watetea.
opponent (noun), mteteaji, pl wateteaji.
opponent (noun), mtetezi, pl watetezi.
opportunism (noun), ubahatishaji (14).
opportunism (noun), ubarakala (14).
opportunist (noun), barakala (5/6), pl mabarakala.
opportunist (noun), mbahatishaji (1/2), pl wabahatishaji.
pol. opportunist (noun), mkereza, pl wakereza.
have an opportunity (verb), -wa na nafasi.
opportunity (noun), bahati (9/10), pl bahati.
opportunity (noun), fursa (9/10), pl fursa.
opportunity (noun), hatua.
opportunity (noun), kikuti, pl vikuti.
opportunity (noun), nafasi, pl nafasi.
opportunity (noun), uweza.
opportunity (noun), uwezo.
opportunity (noun), wakaa (11/10), pl nyakaa.
opportunity (noun), wakati.
opportunity (noun), wasaa (11).
take the opportunity (verb), -shika nafasi. to take the opportunity to
be the first in the competitions. kushika nafasi ya kwanza katika
mashindano [Muk].
be opposed (verb), -pingwa.
oppose (verb), -bamba.
oppose (verb), -bisha.
oppose (verb), -gomba.
oppose (verb), -kinga. don't stand in my way. nipishe usinikinge.
oppose (verb), -kinza.
oppose (verb), -kinzana.
oppose (verb), -pinga. oppose someone's plans.. pinga nia ya fulani.
oppose (verb), -teta.
oppose someone (verb), -simamia (applicative).
be opposed (verb), -dinda.
be opposed (verb), -pingama.
be opposed to one another in hostile camps (verb), -bagukana.
be opposed to something (verb), -pingamana.
be opposite (verb), -elekeana. opposite sides/lines. mistari
either of two opposite sides (noun), ng'ambo (9/10), pl ngambi. this
side. ng'ambo ya huku.
one of 2 opposite sides (noun), ng'ambo (9/10), pl ng'ambo.
opposite (adverb), kinyume.
opposite (preposition), mkabala (na).
opposite of (adverb), kinyume cha.
stand opposite each other (in dancing) (verb), -chobea.
stand opposite each other (in dancing) (verb), -chobeana.
active opposition (noun), upingamishi.
be in opposition (verb), -pingama.
be in opposition to something (verb), -pingamana.
opposition (noun), halafa.
opposition (noun), mkingamo, pl mikingamo.
opposition (noun), ubishi (14).
opposition (noun), ukindani.
opposition (noun), ukinzani, pl makinzani.
opposition (noun), upingaji.
opposition (noun), utetezi.
opposition (noun), wajadili.
opposition (party) (noun), upinzani.
pol. opposition (noun), mjadala, pl mijadala.
be oppressed (verb), -onewa.
oppress (verb), -dhiki.
oppress (verb), -dhulumu.
oppress (verb), -elemea.
oppress (verb), -husuru.
oppress (verb), -kandamiza.
oppress (verb), -elemea.
oppress (verb), -lemea.
oppress (verb), -lemeza.
oppress (verb), -onea.
oppress (verb), -saga.
oppress (verb), -songa.
oppress (verb), -sumbua.
oppress (verb), -taabisha (causative).
oppress (verb), -tadi.
oppress (verb), -tesa.
be oppressed (verb), -dhulumiwa.
be oppressed (verb), -sagika.
be oppressed (verb), -sagwa.
oppression (noun), dhaluma.
oppression (noun), dhuluma.
oppression (noun), dhulumu (5/6), pl madhulumu.
oppression (noun), jeuri.
oppression (noun), jeuri (9/10), pl jeuri.
oppression (noun), madhulumu. The ordinary people sent me to Europe to
speak out against their opppression.. Wananchi walikuwa wamenituma Ulaya
kutetea madhulumu [Kenyatta Masomo 113].
oppression (noun), maonevu.
oppression (noun), maonezi.
oppression (noun), sumbulio (5/6), pl masumbulio.
oppression (noun), udhalimu (14).
oppression (noun), ujeuri.
oppression (noun), ujuba.
oppression (noun), ukatili (14).
oppression (noun), uonevu, pl maonevu.
oppression (noun), uonezi, pl maonezi.
oppression (noun), uono, pl maono.
oppression (noun), uonyo, pl maonyo.
be oppressive (like a nightmare) (verb), -jiinamia (reflexive).
be oppressive (like a nightmare) (verb), -jinamia.
oppressive (adjective), dhalimu. The oppressive character of European
rule is approaching its end.. Moyo mdhalimu wa utawala wa Wazungu
unakaribia kifo [Kenyatta, Masomo 117].
oppressive (adjective), kulifu.
oppressive (adjective), kulivu.
oppressive (adjective), onevu.
oppressor (noun), dhalimu (5/6an), pl madhalimu.
oppressor (noun), dhulmati (9/10an), pl dhulmati.
oppressor (noun), jeuri (9/10an), pl jeuri.
oppressor (noun), mdhalimu (1/2), pl wadhalimu.
oppressor (noun), mdhamana.
oppressor (noun), mdhamini.
oppressor (noun), pl oppressors, mtesa (1/2), pl watesa.
oppressor (noun), mtesi, pl watesi.
oppressor (noun), mwinamshi, pl wainamshi.
oppressors (noun), madhalimu (2).
opression (noun), udhalimu.
optical illusion (noun), mangazimbwe.
option (noun), hiari (9/10), pl hiari.
or (conjunction), aidha.
or (conjunction), ama. His eyes did not see any person or car nerby.
Macho yake hayakuona mtu ye yote ama gari hapo karibu [Masomo 163].
or (conjunction), ao.
or (conjunction), au.
orally (adverb), kwa kinywa.
bitter orange (noun), danzi, pl madanzi.
kangaja (small mandarin orange) (noun), kangaja, pl makangaga.
Mandarin orange (kind of) (noun), chenza (5/6), pl machenza.
mandarin orange (small) (noun), kangaja (5/6), pl makangaja.
mandarin-orange tree (citrus nobilis) (noun), mchenza, pl michenza.
orange (noun), chungwa (5/6), pl machungwa.
orange tree (noun), mchungwa (3/4), pl michungwa.
orange tree (species of) (noun), mkangaja, pl mikangaja.
Seville orange tree (Citrus bigaradia) (noun), mdanzi, pl midanzi.
orate vociferously (verb), -tapika.
orator (noun), mlumbaji, pl walumbaji.
orator (noun), mnenaji (1/2), pl wanenaji.
orator (noun), msema, pl wasema.
orator (noun), msemaji, pl wasemaji.
orbit (noun), uzingo.
orbit (noun), uzungo.
orbit (of a planet) (noun), kizunguko, pl vizunguko.
orbit (of a planet) (noun), mzunguko, pl mizunguko.
orchestra (noun), bendi.
orchestra (noun), beni.
orchestra musician (noun), mpigaji, pl wapigaji.
orchilla (Rocella Montagnei Rocella tinctoria (noun), malele.
ordeal (noun), mtihani, pl mitihani. get into a difficult situation..
kutana na mtihani.
be in good order (verb), -tengenea.
be in order (verb), -ratibika.
be in order (verb), -tengenea.
be ordered (verb), -agizwa.
be ordered (verb), -amriwa. Mark, as he had been ordered to, left the
room. Marko, kama alivyoamriwa, alitoka kwenye chumba hicho [Masomo 244].
give orders (verb), -pa masharti.
in order that (conjunction), haddi.
in order that (conjunction), hata.
in order that (conjunction), ili.
in order that (conjunction), ili.
in order that (conjunction), kwamba.
in order that (conjunction), maana.
in order that (conjunction), ya kuwa.
in order that (preposition), minajili.
in order to (adverb), kasidi.
in order to (adverb), kusudi.
in order to (conjunction), ili.
in order to (conjunction), kwamba.
in perfectly good order (adverb), salaam.
in perfectly good order (adverb), salama.
in perfectly good order (adverb), salimini.
order (noun), agizo (5/6), pl maagizo.
order (noun), amri, pl amri. He found himself obeying the order of that
voice; What kind of person are you not following the orders of your
doctor?. Alijiona akitii amri ya sauti ile [Masomo 241]; U mtu wa namna
gani wewe usiyetii amri ya daktari wako? [Chacha, Masomo 375].
order (noun), amrisho (5/6), pl maamrisho. He will respect Kenya and
support the directives of the national leader.. Atasifu Kenya na kuunga
mkono maamrisho ya kiongozi..
order (noun), intidhamu (9/10), pl intidhamu.
order (noun), maongozi.
order (noun), mpango, pl mipango.
order (noun), nidhamu (9/10), pl nidhamu.
order (noun), nishani (9/10), pl nishani.
order (noun), pl orders, shurutisho (5/6), pl mashurutisho.
order (noun), taratibu (9/10), pl taratibu.
order (noun), uagizaji.
order (verb), pl Yes, -agiza (causative).
order (verb), -amrisha.
order (verb), -amuru. he ordered me to go. aliniamuru niende.
order (verb), -ekeza.
order (verb), -elekeza.
order (verb), -kata.
order (verb), -usia.
order (verb), -wosia.
order (for something) (noun), orda (9/10), pl orda. "one who takes
orders at the table, waiter".. mchukuaji orda wa chakula.
order for (verb), pl Yes, -agizia (applicative). letters to order
things. barua za kuagizia [Masomo, 75].
put in good order (verb), -nadhifisha.
put in order (verb), -andika. set the table. ~ meza.
put in order (verb), -panga. The child cried a lot while I was preparing
and clothing him/her. mtoto kalia sana nilipokuwa nikimpanga na kumbadili
nguo [Sul].
put in order (verb), -rakibisha (causative).
put in order (verb), -ratibisha.
put in order (verb), -ratibu.
put in order (verb), -rekibisha (causative).
put in order (verb), -safi.
put in order (verb), -safidi.
put in order (verb), -safisha.
put in order (verb), -sarifu. put the information in order. sarifu
maneno [mwandiko] kwa uzuri..
put in order (verb), -serifu. put the words in order. sarifu maneno
[mwandiko] kwa uzuri..
put in order (verb), -tadhibiri.
put in order (verb), -tadubiri.
put in order (verb), -tasifida.
put in order (verb), -tasifida.
put in order (verb), -tengeneza (causative).
put in order (verb), -tunga.
put in order (verb), -tungiza.
religious order (noun), utawa.
be ordered (verb), -amriwa.
orderliness (noun), tora (14), pl tora.
orderliness (noun), unadhifu.
orderliness (noun), usafi.
be orderly (verb), -safidika. (s)he stuffed his/her house in an orderly
manner. Aliipamba nyumba yake kwa kusafidika.
in an orderly fashion (adjective), taratibu.
medical orderly (noun), msafishaji, pl wasafishaji.
orderly (adjective), nadhifu.
orderly (adjective), -taratibu.
orderly (adverb), siasa.
orderly (noun), dresa, pl madresa.
orderly (noun), mwuguzi (1/2), pl wauguzi.
orderly (noun), mwaguzi (1/2), pl waaguzi.
orderly person (noun), mtaratibu, pl wataratibu.
work of an orderly (noun), udresa.
be under orders (verb), -tumwa (passive).
ordinance (noun), hukumu.
ordinance (noun), katiba (9/10), pl katiba.
ordinarily (adverb), aghalabu.
ordinarily (adverb), aghlabu.
ordinarily (adverb), huwa.
ordinary person (noun), baradhuli, pl mabaradhuli.
ordinary person (noun), bardhuli, pl mabardhuli.
ore (noun), madini, pl madini.
ore (iron, gold, silver ) (noun), mtapo, pl mitapo.
barrel organ (noun), senturi (9/10), pl senturi.
barrel organ (or other devices) (noun), santuri (9/10), pl santuri.
mouth organ (noun), kinanda, pl vinanda.
parlor organ (noun), kinanda, pl vinanda. laugh furtively.
local organization (noun), pl local organizations, tawi (5/6), pl matawi.
organization (noun), chama (7/8), pl vyama. labor union. chama cha
wafanya kazi.
organization (noun), chombo (7/8), pl vyombo.
organization (noun), intidhamu (9/10), pl intidhamu.
organization (noun), jumuiya (9/10), pl jumuiya.
organization (noun), maanzilisho, pl maanzilisho.
organization (noun), mpango (3/4), pl mipango.
organization (noun), rekabisho (5/6), pl marekabisho.
organization (noun), rekebisho (5/6), pl marekebisho.
organization (noun), sharika (5/6), pl mashirika.
organization (noun), shirika (5/6), pl mashirika.
organization (noun), taratibu (9/10), pl taratibu.
organization (noun), umoja (14), pl wingi.
organization (noun), uratibu (14), pl uratibu.
organization (noun), ushirika.
organization (noun), ushirikiano.
organization (noun), ushirikisho.
organization (noun), uundaji.
organize (verb), -awadha.
organize (verb), -awaza.
organize (verb), -panga. organize guests at a feast.. pangisha watu
organize (verb), -rakibisha.
organize (verb), -rekibisha.
organizer (noun), mbuni, pl mibuni.
organizer (noun), mfanya, pl wafanya.
organizer (noun), mfanyi, pl wafanyi.
organizer (noun), pl organizers, mtengenezaji (1/2), pl watengenezaji.
organizer (noun), mtengezaji, pl watengezaji.
have an orgasm (verb), -shusha (causative). wife and husband had orgasm
together. Mke na mume walishusha pamoja.
phy. orgasm (noun), mshindo, pl mishindo.
phy.orgasm (noun), mshushio, pl mishushio.
phy.orgasm (noun), mshusho, pl mishusho.
oriental (adjective), mashariki.
orientation (noun), urekebisho.
orifice (noun), kitundu (7/8), pl vitundu.
origin (noun), asili (9/10), pl asili.
origin (noun), awali (9/10), pl awali.
origin (noun), chanzo (7/8), pl vyanzo.
origin (noun), jadi (9/10), pl jadi.
origin (noun), pl origins, shina (5/6), pl mashina.
origin (noun), uanzishaji.
origin (noun), ufuo (11), pl fuo.
original (adjective), asilia.
original appearance (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
original condition (noun), maumbile (6).
original way (adverb), -a kiasili.
originally (adverb), asili. of original/proven quality. babu ~.
originally (adverb), awali.
originally (adverb), kwa kiasili.
be originated (verb), -buniwa. the day when the party of TANU was
founded. siku ambayo chama cha TANU kilipobuniwa [Masomo 392].
originate (verb), -tokana.
originate in (verb), -toka.
originator (noun), muumba, pl wauumba.
originator (noun), mwanzilishi, pl waanzilishi.
originator (noun), mwanzilizi, pl waanzilizi.
originator (noun), mwanzishaji, pl waanzilishaji.
originator (noun), mwumba, pl waumba.
originator (noun), mwumbaji, pl waumbaji.
golden oriole (noun), kurumbizi.
orinth. golden oriole (noun), kirumbizi, pl virumbizi.
carved ornament (noun), nakshi (9/10), pl nakshi.
ear ornament (noun), kidividivi (7/8), pl vidividivi.
ear ornament (noun), pl ear ornaments, nti (9/10), pl nti.
gold ornament (noun), kinagiri (7/8), pl vinagiri.
mjusi (lizard-shaped ornament on a kanzu) (noun), mjusi, pl mijusi.
nose ornament (noun), kikero (7/8), pl vikero.
ornament (noun), bombwe, pl mabombwe. carve figures/ornaments.. kata
ornament (noun), kipambo (7/8), pl vipambo.
ornament (noun), kipambo, pl vipambo.
ornament (noun), kirembo (7/8), pl virembo.
ornament (noun), madoido, pl madoido.
ornament (noun), mavalio, pl mavalio.
ornament (noun), pamba (5/6), pl mapamba.
ornament (noun), pambo (5/6), pl mapambo.
ornament (noun), rembo (5/6), pl marembo.
ornament (noun), uzuri.
ornament (noun), valio (5/6), pl mavalio.
ornament (verb), -remba.
ornament (= rembo) (noun), pl ornaments, mrembo, pl mirembo.
ornament (women's braid over head or under chin) (noun), jebu (5/6), pl
ornament with metal studding (noun), pl ornaments with heavy studding,
njumu (9/10), pl njumu.
ornament worn around neck (noun), koja, pl koja.
ornamnet worn in the ear or nose (noun), kipini, pl vipini.
woman's ornament (of gold or silver, worn under the chin) (noun), jebu,
pl majebu.
ornamental chain (noun), mkufu, pl mikufu. My poem is good for wearing
as an ornamental chain of flowers or of precious metal.. Ni mwema utungo
wangu, kwa vikuba na mikufu [Shaaban Robert, Masomo 427]; mkufu wa shingo.
ornamental niche (small) (noun), kidaka (7/8), pl vidaka.
ornamental plant also used to make torches (noun), mtata, pl mitata.
embroidered ornamentation (on the collar of a kanzu) (noun), mrera, pl
ornamentation (noun), udibaji.
ornamentation (carved) (noun), nakishi.
ornamented (adjective), daraza.
ornamented (adjective), darizi.
condition of an orphan (noun), ukiwa.
orphan (noun), mfiwa, pl wafiwa.
orphan (noun), yatima (5/6an), pl mayatima.
Isl. an orthodox Moslem, a true believer (noun), mmunina, pl waminina.
Isl. an orthodox Moslem, a true believer (noun), muminina, pl waminina.
fringe-eared oryx (noun), choroa.
Oryx (fringe-earred) (noun), choroa (9/10an), pl choroa.
oscillate (verb), -bembea.
oscillate (verb), -lega.
oscillate (verb), -legarega.
oscillate (verb), -rega.
oscillate (verb), -regarega.
oscillate (verb), -pembea.
oscillate (verb), -rega.
osprey (noun), kipungu (7/8an), pl vipungu.
osseous state (noun), ufupa.
ostentation (noun), lonyo.
ostentation (noun), mangwaji.
ostentation (noun), mashabo.
ostentation (noun), mashobo.
ostentation (noun), takua (9/10), pl takua.
ostentation (noun), udibaji.
ostentatious person (noun), mshaufu, pl washaufu.
ostrich (noun), mbuni (9/10an), pl mbuni.
belonging to other people (adjective), -a watu.
in some other way (adverb), vinginevyo.
on the other hand (adverb), mbele.
on the other hand (adverb), ubele.
on the other hand (adverb), umbele.
on the other side of (preposition), ng'ambo ya.
other (adjective), -engine.
other (adjective), ingine.
other (adjective), -ingine.
other (adjective), -ingine.
other (adjective), nyingine.
other (adjective), wengine.
the other world (noun), pepo (9/10), pl pepo. The hereafter. pepo za
the other world (noun), pepo za kesho (9). the other world. pepo za
the other world (noun), peponi (9). the other world. pepo za kesho.
others (adjective), vingine.
others (adjective), wangine.
others (adverb), vingine.
others (adverb), vinginevyo.
others (pronoun), wengine.
otherwise (adverb), vingine.
otherwise (adverb), vinginevyo.
otherwise (conjunction), ela.
otherwise (conjunction), ila.
otherwise (conjunction), waima.
ounce (28.3 grams) (noun), aunsi, pl aunsi.
ounce (unit of weight that is one-sixteenth of a ratli) (noun), wakia.
our (pronoun), -etu. our book. kitabu chetu.
our (class 7) (pronoun), chetu. our book. kitabu chetu.
ours (adjective), -etu.
ours (adjective), vyetu.
ours (adjective), wetu.
ours (adjective), yetu.
ours (adjective), zetu.
ours (noun), mwetu, pl mwetu.
ours (class 7) (pronoun), chetu. our book. kitabu chetu.
ours (class 7) (pronoun), -etu. our book. kitabu chetu.
we ourselves (pronoun), sisi wenyewe.
get out (verb), -toka.
go out (verb), -awa.
go out (verb), -lawa.
go out (verb), -zimika.
going out (act of) (noun), tokeo (5/6), pl matokeo.
out (adverb), nje.
out of (preposition), kutoka.
out of (preposition), kutoka.
out of (preposition), toka.
out of (preposition), tokea.
that which goes out (noun), toleo, pl matoleo.
outbreak (noun), kipindupindu, pl vipindupindu.
outbuilding (noun), ubati.
outcast (adjective), kiwa.
outcast (noun), mhuni (1/2), pl wahuni.
favorable outcome (noun), mwisho salaam.
favorable outcome (noun), mwisho salama.
outcome (noun), matokeo, pl matokeo.
outcome (noun), mwisho, pl miisho.
outcome (noun), ncha (9/10).
outcome (noun), tunda, pl matunda.
outcry (noun), mshindo, pl mishindo.
outdo (verb), -piku. He does better than me in mathmatics but I beat him
in geography.. ananishinda kwa masomo ya hesabu, lakini na mimi kwa somo
la jiografia nimempiku.
outdo (verb), -shinda.
be outdone (verb), -shindwa (passive). President Bush was defeated by
President Clinton with votes. Rais Bush alishindwa na raisi Bill Clinton
katika kura.
outlaw (noun), haramia (5/6), pl maharamia.
outlaw (verb), -harimisha.
outlay (noun), haraja.
outline (noun), kizunguko, pl vizunguko.
outline (noun), mzunguko, pl mizunguko.
outline (brief) (noun), muhtasari. "program, schedule (of studies)"..
muhtasari ya mafundisho.
outline (brief) (noun), mutasari. "program, schedule (of studies)"..
muhtasari ya mafundisho.
output (noun), uchimbaji.
output (noun), utoaji.
output (noun), utowaji.
output (noun), zao, pl mazao.
be outraged (verb), -chukizwa.
outrage (noun), jeuri (9/10), pl jeuri.
outrage (noun), manza.
outrageously (adverb), kwa jeuri.
naut. outrigger (noun), mlengu, pl milengu.
naut. outrigger (noun), mrengu, pl mirengu.
naut. outrigger (noun), mtenge, pl mitenge.
naut. outrigger (noun), ndubi (9/10).
outrigger (noun), matengo, pl matengo.
outrigger (noun), matengu, pl matengu.
outrigger (noun), ngalawa (9/10), pl ngalawa.
outrigger (noun), rengu (5/6), pl marengu.
outrigger (noun), tengo (5/6), pl matengo.
outside (adverb), nje.
outside of (preposition), nje ya.
outskirts (noun), pambizo (5/6), pl mapambizo.
outskirts (noun), pembizo (5/6), pl mapembizo.
be outspoken (verb), -nyoka.
be outspoken (verb), -nyooka.
be outspoken (verb), -nyoosha.
be outspoken (verb), -nyoroka.
be outspoken (verb), -nyorosha.
be outstanding (verb), -jitokeza.
outstanding (adjective), mashuhuri.
outstanding person (noun), mteule, pl wateule.
outstrip (verb), -zidi.
outwit (verb), -kalamkia.
outwit (verb), -kalamkia.
outwit (verb), -pemba.
be outwitted (verb), -kalamkiwa.
ovation (noun), shangilio (5/6), pl mashangilio.
ovation (noun), shangwe (9/10), pl shangwe. they gave him an ovation.
walimpokea kwa shangwe..
be overbearing (verb), -pekecheka.
be overbearing (verb), -peketeka.
oven (noun), choko, pl vyoko.
oven (noun), jiko (5/6), pl meko.
oven (noun), joko (5/6), pl majoko.
oven (small clay and used in dhows) (noun), mofa (9/10), pl mofa.
be over (verb), -timia.
make over (verb), -hawilisha.
over (preposition), juu.
over and over (adverb), kikariri.
turn over (verb), -fudikiza.
overabundance (noun), miminiko (5/6), pl mamiminiko.
overalls (noun), ovaroli (5/6), pl maovaroli. One man who wore a white
overall. mwanaume mmoja aliyevalia ovaroli jeupe [Ma].
be overbearing (verb), -nyetea.
overbearing (verb), -jetea.
overbearing ways (noun), ubwana.
overburden someone (verb), -shughulisha.
be overcast (verb), -wamba.
overcast (adjective), vundevunde.
overcast (verb), -shulu.
overcast (verb), -shuru.
overcast sky (noun), mavunde, pl mavunde.
overcast sky (noun), mavundevunde, pl mavundevunde.
be overcome (verb), -shindika.
be overcome (verb), -shindwa. (s)he has failed to study. Yeye
ameshindwa na kusoma.
overcome (verb), -fikia.
overcome (verb), -shinda. overcome the enemy. kushinda adui.
overcome (verb), -tinga.
overcome (verb), -weza.
overcome (fig.) (verb), -funga.
try to overcome each other (verb), -shindana. as (s)he tried to contain
a heavy body which was overwhelming him. akishindana kuuzuia mwili mzito
uliokuwa ukimwelemea [Sul].
be overcooked (verb), -ombojea.
overdressed (adjective), kimalidadi.
overdressing (noun), umalidadi.
overeagerness (noun), kipupa (7/8), pl vipupa.
overeat (verb), -sakara.
overeat (verb), -sakarika.
overeat (verb), -jivimbisha (causative).
overeating (noun), vimbizi (5).
overfeed (someone) (verb), -babia.
overflow (noun), furiko (5/6), pl mafuriko.
overflow (noun), miminiko (5/6), pl mamiminiko.
overflow (verb), -foka.
overflow (verb), -fufurika.
overflow (verb), -furika.
overflow (used of a crowd) (verb), -miminika. There were crowds of
people at the assembly.. watu walimiminika katika mkutano.
overflowing (adjective), -pukupuku. The water was in abundance at the
ocean. Maji yalijaa pukupuku baharini.
overhaste (in working etc.) (noun), uzohari.
overlap (verb), -pandana.
keep overnight (verb), -cheleza.
overpower (verb), -shinda. overpower the enemy. kushinda adui.
overpower (verb), -weza.
be overpowered (verb), -shindika.
be overpowered (verb), -sindika.
be overripe (verb), -ombojea.
be overripe (fruit) (verb), -komaa.
overseas (noun), ng'ambo (9/10), pl ng'ambo.
oversee (verb), -simamia.
overseer (noun), asikari, pl asiari.
overseer (noun), mkagua, pl wakagua. farm inspector.. mkagua shamba.
overseer (noun), mkaguaji, pl wakaguaji. farm inspector.. mkagua
overseer (noun), mkaguzi, pl wakaguzi. farm inspector.. mkagua shamba.
overseer (noun), pl overseer, msimamizi (1/2), pl wasimamizi.
overseer (in schools ) (noun), mwangalizi, pl waangalizi.
position of an overseer (noun), usimamizi.
oversew (verb), -shulu.
oversew (verb), -shuru.
oversight (noun), makosekano.
oversight (noun), usimamizi (14).
oversleep (noun), chelewa.
overspread (verb), -wamba.
overstay (verb), -kawia.
overstimulate (verb), -pevua.
overt (adjective), wazi.
overt (adjective), waziwazi.
be overtaken by dark (verb), -chwea.
overtake (verb), -fikia.
be overtaken by (verb), -anguka.
overtime (noun), ovataimu (9/10), pl ovataimu.
rates of overtime (noun), viwango vya ajari (8).
overturn (verb), -fuja.
overturn (verb), -inika.
overturn (verb), -pindua (converse).
overturn (verb), -pinduka.
overturn (verb), -simua (inversive).
overturn (verb), -sinukisha ( caus-intr).
overturning (noun), upinduzi, pl mapinduzi.
overwhelm (verb), -elemea.
overwhelm (verb), -elemea.
overwhelm (verb), -lemea.
overwhelm (verb), -ponda.
overwhelm (verb), -songa. My troubles are weighing me down. taabu
overwhelm (verb), -weza.
overwhelm (verb), -zidi.
be overwhelmed with difficulties (verb), -topea.
be owed (verb), -wiwa.
be owed by (verb), -wia.
be owed by (verb), -wiwa na.
owe (verb), -wiana.
money owed for a service (noun), ukomboleo.
money owed for a service (noun), ukomboo.
money owed for a service (noun), ukombozi.
ornith.( species of owl) (noun), mtiti, pl mititi.
owl (noun), bundi (9/10), pl bundi.
owl (species of) (noun), babewana, pl babewana.
owl (species of) (noun), babewatoto, pl babewatoto.
owl (species of) (noun), vumatiti.
screech owl (noun), kipasuasanda (7/8an), pl vipasuasanda.
own (verb), -miliki.
joint-owner (noun), msharika, pl washarika. business partner. mshirika
joint-owner (noun), mshirika, pl washirika. business partner. mshirika
joint-owner (noun), mshiriki, pl washiriki. business partner. mshirika
owner (noun), buana, pl mabuana. landlord; supervisor of a shamba;
[sometimes used in a derogatory way to refer to the former] colonial
landowners.. bwana shamba.
owner (noun), bwana, pl mabwana. landlord [sometimes used in a
derogatory way to refer to the former] colonial landowners.. bwana
owner (noun), mwekaji, pl wekaji.
owner (noun), mwenyeji, pl wenyeji.
owner (pronoun), mwenyewe, pl wenyewe.
owner (usually w. foll.obj.) (noun), mwenye. owner of a house (ship)..
mwenye nyumba [chombo].
owner (usually w. foll.obj.) (noun), mwenyewe. owner of a house
(ship).. mwenye nyumba [chombo].
owner (usually w. foll.obj.) (noun), mwenyi. owner of a house (ship)..
mwenye nyumba [chombo].
owner (usually w. foll.obj.) (noun), mwinyi. owner of a house (ship)..
mwenye nyumba [chombo].
ownership (noun), umilikaji (14).
right of ownership (noun), mamlaka.
ox (noun), gombe, pl magombe. ox. ng'ombe dume.
ox (noun), gombe maksai, pl magombe maksai. ox. gombe dume.
ox (noun), ng'ombe (9/10an), pl ng'ombe. bull. ng'ombe dume.
ox (noun), ng'ombe maksai (9/10an), pl ng'ombe maksai. bull. ng'ombe
oxygen (noun), hewa ya pumzi.
oxygen (noun), hewa ya pumuzi. breathe out. toa (shusha) pumzi.
oxygen (noun), hewa ya pumzi. breathe out. toa (shusha) pumzi.
oyster (noun), chaza (9/10), pl chaza.
oyster (noun), kombe (9/10), pl kombe.
oyster (noun), shaza (9/10an), pl shaza. there is oyster under the sea.
Chini ya baharini kunapatikana shaza.
pearl oyster, Cassis madagascariensis (noun), kome, pl makome.


pace (noun), enenzi, pl maenenzi.

pace (noun), hatua.
pace (noun), hatua (9/10), pl hatua.
pace (noun), mbio.
pace (noun), mwendo, pl miendo. speed up one's pace.. kaza mwendo.
pace (noun), mwenendo, pl mienendo. speed up one's pace.. kaza mwendo.
Pacific Ocean (noun), Bahari ya Pasifiki.
Pacific Ocean (noun), Pasifiki.
pacification (noun), matengemano, pl matengemano.
pacification (noun), upatanisho.
be pacified (verb), -tumbukia.
be pacified (verb), -burudika.
pacify (verb), -gonea.
pacify (verb), -gonia (applicative).
pacify (verb), -patanisha.
pacify (verb), -saburisha.
pacify (verb), -subirisha.
pacify (verb), -tuliza.
pacify each other (verb), -tulizana.
export goods (verb), -pakiwa.
pack (noun), bumba, pl mabumba. pack of cigarettes. bumba la sigara.
pack (noun), makolokolo.
pack (noun), mkebe (3/4), pl mikebe. While he waited for the Inspector
he took out his pack of cigarettes, took out one, and lit up.. Wakati
akimsubiri Inspekta alitoa mkebe wake wa sigara akatoa moja na kujiwashia
[Masomo 166].
pack (noun), paketi (9/10), pl paketi. a pack of cigarettes.. paketi ya
pack (noun), pakiti (9/10), pl pakiti. a pack of cigarettes.. paketi ya
pack (noun), pakti (9/10), pl pakti. a pack of cigarettes.. paketi ya
pack (noun), pumba (5/6), pl mapumba.
pack (noun), tando (5/6), pl matando.
pack (noun), tandu (5/6), pl matandu.
pack (verb), -funganya.
pack (verb), -fungasha.
pack (verb), -pakia.
pack donkey (noun), kihongwe, pl vihongwe.
pack mud (verb), -sakifu.
pack tight (one thing on top of another) (verb), -songonyoa.
pack together (verb), -kongomana.
folded package (noun), upeto, pl peto.
package (noun), bahasha, pl bahasha, mabahasha.
package (noun), bumba, pl mabumba.
package (noun), bunda, pl mabunda. a package of tobacco. bunda la
package (noun), furushi (5/6), pl mafurushi.
package (noun), mfundo, pl mifundo.
package (noun), paketi (9/10), pl paketi. a package of cigarettes..
paketi ya sigara.
package (noun), pakiti (9/10), pl pakiti. a package of cigarettes..
paketi ya sigara.
package (noun), pakti (9/10), pl pakti. a package of cigarettes..
paketi ya sigara.
package (noun), pumba (5/6), pl mapumba. a package of goods. pumba la
package (noun), tumba (9/10), pl tumba.
package (small) (noun), kibumba, pl vibumba.
be packed together (verb), -shindama.
be packed together (verb), -shindamana. clothes were packed together
inside the box. Nguo zilishindamana sandukuni.
packer (noun), mpakizi, pl wapakizi.
packet (noun), bumba (5/6), pl mabumba.
packet (noun), kibumba, pl vibumba.
packet (noun), kifurushi (7/8), pl vifurushi.
packet (noun), kipeto (7/8), pl vipeto.
packet (noun), paketi (9/10), pl paketi. a packet of cigarettes..
paketi ya sigara.
packet (noun), pakiti (9/10), pl pakiti. a packet of cigarettes..
paketi ya sigara.
packet (noun), pakti (9/10), pl pakti. a packet of cigarettes.. paketi
ya sigara.
packet (noun), pakti (9/10), pl pakti. one packet of cigarettes. sigara
pakti moja [Ya].
packet (noun), pl packets, robota (5/6), pl marobota. a packet of goods.
robota la mzigo.
packsaddle (noun), pl packsaddles, shogi (9/10), pl shogi.
packsaddle (noun), sogi (5/6), pl masogi.
make a pact (verb), -agana (reciprocal).
pact (noun), afikiano (5/6), pl maafikiano.
pact (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
pact (noun), mkataba (3/4), pl mikataba.
pact (noun), mwafaka (3/4), pl miafaka.
pad (made of grass) serving as a rest for loads carried on the head
(noun), kata, pl (-), makata.
pad (round headpad for carrying things) (noun), kata (9/10), pl kata.
pad used when carrying a load on the head (noun), twisho, pl matwisho.
paddle (noun), kafi (5/6), pl makafi.
paddle (noun), kafi, pl makafi.
paddle (in the water). (verb), -sairi.
paddock (noun), zizi, pl mazizi.
padlock (noun), kufuli (9/10), pl kufuli.
pagan (adjective), shenzi.
pagan (noun), mpagani, pl wapagani.
paganism (noun), ushenzi.
over the page (adverb), kwa pili.
page (noun), gombo (5/6), pl magombo.
page (noun), ukurasa (11/10), pl kurasa.
page (of a book) (noun), pl pages, sahifa (9/10), pl sahifa.
page (of a book) (noun), pl pages, sahifu (9/10), pl sahifu.
rare page (noun), msafu, pl misafu.
rare page (noun), msahafu, pl misahafu.
pageant (noun), tamasha (9/10), pl tamasha.
pagoda (China, India) (noun), hekalu, pl mahekalu.
be paid (verb), -lipwa.
pail (noun), ndoo, pl ndoo.
(state of) pain (noun), uguo (5/6), pl mauguo.
be in pain (verb), -kakata.
be in pain (verb), -sononeka (intransitive). (s)he was astonished on
looking at Mansuri who was in pain. akashangaa kumtazama Mansuri
aliyekuwa akisononeka [Sul].
be in pain (verb), -teseka.
be in pain (verb), -ugua.
be in pain (verb), -ugua.
cause pain (verb), pl Check verb form translations, -adhibisha.
cause pain (verb), -adhibu.
cause pain (verb), -sibu.
cause pain (verb), -sonoa.
cause pain (verb), -tesa.
cause pain (verb), -uma.
cause pain (verb), -umiza.
cause pain (verb), -vuaza.
cause pain (verb), -washa.
cause someone pain (verb), -sononesha (causative).
expresses pain (interjection), a.
expresses pain (interjection), aa.
expresses pain (interjection), ah.
feel a sharp pain (verb), -nyotoa.
feel pain (verb), -kakata.
feel pain (verb), -kakata.
feel pain (verb), -kang'ata.
feel pain (verb), -sonona.
feel pain (verb), -sununa.
feel pain (verb), -umia (applicative).
give pain (verb), -wanga.
have pain (verb), -umwa.
pain (noun), adhabu (9/10), pl adhabu.
pain (noun), chomeo, pl machomeo.
pain (noun), janga, pl majanga.
pain (noun), kihoro, pl vihoro.
pain (noun), kimoyo, pl vimoyo.
pain (noun), masubuko, pl masubuko.
pain (noun), masumbufo, pl masumbufo.
pain (noun), masumbulizi, pl masumbulizi.
pain (noun), masumbuo, pl masumbuo.
pain (noun), maumivu, pl maumivu. The girl tried to get up but her pain
prevented her from doing so.. Msichana alikuwa akijaribu kunyanyuka
lakini maumivu yake yalimzuia [Ganzel Masomo 164].
pain (noun), teso, pl mateso.
pain (noun), uchungu, pl machungu.
pain (noun), umivu (5/6), pl maumivu.
pain (noun), umo, pl maumo.
pain (noun), usononi (11).
pain (noun), usununo.
pain (noun), utungu.
pain (stabbing) (noun), kichomi (7/8), pl vichomi.
pain or complaint in the stomach or abdomen (noun), tumbo.
persistent pain (noun), upekecho.
sharp pain (noun), mchomo, pl michomo.
someone who causes pain (noun), mwumizi, pl waumizi.
something that causes pain (noun), kiuma, pl viuma.
sudden pain (noun), mchomo, pl michomo.
suppress expression of pain (verb), -nyamaa.
take pains (verb), -jitahidi.
twist in pain (esp of stomach) (verb), -sokota. the woman's stomach is
aching, it is twisting in pain, it is cutting. tumbo linauma mama
linasokota, linakata [Muk].
be painful (verb), -uma.
be painful (verb), -waka.
painful (adjective), chapwa.
painful (adjective), -chungu.
pains at the beginning of menstruation (cramps) (noun), zingizi.
take great pains (verb), -kakamuka ( intr-inver).
take pains (noun), ujitahidi.
take pains (verb), -tahidi.
take pains (verb), -takalifu.
paint (noun), rangi (9/10), pl rangi. red (black) pigment/dye.. rangi
nyekundu (nyeusi).
paint (verb), -paka rangi. red (black) pigment/dye.. rangi nyekundu
paint (verb), -rasha.
paint (verb), -rasharasha.
paint (verb), -tia rangi. red (black) pigment/dye.. rangi nyekundu
paint (verb), -weka rangi. red (black) pigment/dye.. rangi nyekundu
paint on (verb), -paka. "paint, stain, dye".. paka rangi.
paint on (verb), -pakaa. "paint, stain, dye".. paka rangi.
painted (adjective), painti.
painting (noun), mitweto, pl mitweto.
painting (noun), sanamu (9/10), pl sanamu.
pair (noun), jozi (9/10), pl jozi.
pair (noun), jozi, pl (-, majozi).
pair (of shoes etc.) (noun), cheuzi.
pajamas (noun), panjama (9/10), pl panjama. "When (s)he saw Mansuri,
(s)he stood at the door and and wore pajamas".. alimwona Mansuri kasimama
mlangoni, kavaa panjama [Sul].
have something packed (verb), -pakiza.
palace (noun), jumba, pl majumba.
palate (noun), kaakaa, pl makaakaa.
palate (noun), kaakaa (5/6), pl makaakaa.
palate (noun), makaakaa.
pale (adjective), chuju.
pale (adjective), safura. pale. safura a safura.
paleness (noun), weupe.
Palestine (noun), Kanani.
palisade (noun), boma, pl maboma.
pall (noun), deuli.
pall (noun), subahiya (9/10), pl subahiya.
pall (noun), subaya (9/10), pl subaya.
pallid (adjective), safura. palid. safura a safura.
pallor (noun), weupe.
date palm (noun), pl date palms, mtende (3/4), pl mitende.
fibers from the leaf of the wild date palm used for weaving mats etc.
(noun), ukindu.
flower-stem of the coconut palm (noun), banda, pl banda.
kind of palm, Areca catechu (noun), mpopo, pl mipopoo.
kind of palm, Areca catechu (noun), mpopoo, pl mipopoo.
kind of palm, Borassus flabellifera (noun), mivumo, pl mivumo.
kind of palm, Cycas Thouarsii (noun), mtapo, pl mitapo.
mlala (species of dwarf palm) (noun), mlala, pl milala.
palm (noun), mkono (3/4), pl mikono.
palm (of hand) (noun), kiganja (7/8), pl viganja.
palm (of hand) (noun), kofi (5/6), pl makofi.
palm branch (noun), ukuti, pl kuti.
palm leaf (used as roofing material) (noun), kiungo, pl viungo.
palm of hand (noun), kitanga (7/8), pl vitanga.
palm of the hand (noun), gao (5/6), pl magao.
palm of the hand (noun), kikofi, pl vikofi.
palm of the hand (upturned) (noun), ukofi, pl kofi.
palm of the hand (upturned) (noun), ukufi, pl kufi.
palm species (Cycas Thouarsii) (noun), mpapindi, pl mipapindi.
raffia palm (noun), mwale, pl miale.
sailmaker's palm (leather or canvas used to protect the hand when sewing
heavy material) (noun), dopa.
strip of leaf from the dwarf palm (used for plaiting mats) (noun), muaa.
strip of leaf from the dwarf palm (used for plaiting mats) (noun), mwaa.
strip of palm leaf (for plaiting baskets) (noun), taba (9/10), pl taba.
strip of palm leaf (for plaiting baskets) (noun), tabu (9/10), pl tabu.
strip of palm leaf (for plaiting baskets) (noun), tabutabu (9/10), pl
strip of palm leaf (used for weaving baskets) (noun), ung'ongo.
strip of plaited palm-leaf fiber for making mats (noun), usitu.
leaf of the coconut palm (noun), chanda, pl machanda.
broad part of the palm-leaf stem (noun), bango, pl mabango.
strip of palm-leaf (used to weave baskets, mats) (noun), bambo, pl
fruit of palm oil tree (noun), chikichi (5/6), pl machikichi.
maker of palm wine (noun), mgema, pl wagema. "If the maker of palm wine
is praised for his wine, he adds water to it".. mgema akisifiwa tembo
hulitia maji.
maker of palm wine (noun), mgemi, pl wagemi. "If the maker of palm wine
is praised for his wine, he adds water to it".. mgema akisifiwa tembo
hulitia maji.
palm wine (noun), tembo (9/10), pl tembo.
palm wine (sweet) (noun), kosha (9/10), pl kosha.
portion of palm wine due to owner of a tree who allows others to tap it
(noun), mwengero (3/4), pl miengero.
palm-leaf fiber (noun), utembo (11).
small nut or kernel of palm-oil fruit (noun), kichikichi (7/8), pl
lees of palm-wine (used as yeast) (noun), shimbi (9/10), pl shimbi.
lees of palm-wine (used as yeast) (noun), simbi (9/10), pl simbi.
palm-wine drinker (kind of bird) (noun), kichozi, pl vichozi.
palpable (verb), -kamatika.
palpitate (verb), -papa.
palpitation (noun), kiherehere (7/8), pl viherehere.
palpitation (noun), mpapatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
palpitation (noun), papatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
palpitation (noun), pl palpitations, papo (5/6), pl mapapo.
paltriness (noun), udhaifu.
paltriness (noun), uhaba.
paltriness (noun), uhafifu.
be pampered (verb), -lainika.
pamper (verb), -enga.
pamper a child (verb), -tundua.
pampered child (noun), mtundu, pl watundu.
pamphlet (noun), kijitabu, pl vijitabu.
frying pan (noun), kaango (5/6), pl makaango.
frying pan (noun), kaango, pl makaango.
frying pan (noun), mkungu, pl mikungu.
frying pan (noun), pl frying pans, tawa (9/10), pl tawa.
pan (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
pan (noun), pl pans, sufuria (9/10), pl sufuria.
pan of scales (noun), kitanga (7/8), pl vitanga.
pancake (kind of) (noun), kikaimati, pl vikaimati.
pancreas (noun), kongosho (9/10), pl kongosho.
pander (verb), -kawadia.
plane of glass (noun), kioo, pl vioo.
panelling (noun), turuma, pl mituruma.
panic (noun), utisho.
pannier (noun), chafu.
pant (verb), -hema.
pant (verb), -koroma.
pant (verb), -korota.
pant (verb), -penga.
pant (verb), -tweta.
panties (noun), chupi (9/10), pl chupi.
pants (noun), suruali (9/10), pl suruali.
pants (noun), surwali (9/10), pl surwali.
pap (noun), ugali.
papaya (noun), papai (5/6), pl mapapai.
papaya tree (noun), mpapai (3/4), pl mipapai. wild papaya (Melochia
melissifolia). mpapai mwitu.
papaya tree (noun), mpapayu (3/4), pl mipapayu. wild papaya (Melochia
melissifolia). mpapai mwitu.
paper (noun), bamba, pl mabamba.
paper (noun), cheti, pl vyeti.
paper (noun), karatasi (9/10), pl karatasi.
paper (noun), karatasi.
paper spill (noun), kibahaluli, pl vibahaluli.
piece of paper (noun), laha.
slip of paper (noun), kibarua, pl vibarua.
naut. ship's papers (noun), koli, pl koli.
papyrus (noun), mafunjo.
parable (noun), misali. use proverbs in a conversation.. tumia methali
katika mazungumso [Rec].
parable (noun), mithali. use proverbs in a conversation.. tumia methali
katika mazungumso [Rec].
parachute (noun), kiangushio, pl viangushio.
parade (noun), gwaride (5/6), pl magwaride.
parade (noun), kwata (9/10), pl kwata.
parade (noun), paredi (9/10), pl paredi.
parade (noun), uonyesho, pl maonyesho.
parade (noun), wonyesho, pl maonyesho.
paradigm (noun), namna.
gardens of paradise (phrase), mbuga za peponi.
paradise (noun), barazahi.
paradise (noun), ferdausi.
paradise (noun), janna.
Paradise (noun), pepo (9/10), pl pepo.
Paradise (noun), Peponi (9).
paragraph (noun), aya (9/10), pl aya. to join together sentences so that
they form paragraphs. kuunganisha sentensi ili zifanye aya [Masomo 194].
paragraph (noun), beti.
paragraph (noun), ibara.
paragraph (noun), juzuu, pl majuzuu.
paragraph (noun), kifungu, pl vifungu.
paragraph (noun), sehemu (9/10), pl sehemu. paragraph of a chapter.
sehemu ya sura.
paragraph (noun), somo (5/6), pl masomo.
paragraph (noun), pl paragraphs, sura (9/10), pl sura.
paragraph (noun), ubeti.
parallel (adverb), sambamba. parallell lines. mistari iliyo sambamba..
parallel (noun), kifani (7/8), pl kifani.
without parallel (adjective), -a ndovu kumla mwanawe.
parallelogram (noun), pl parallelograms, msambamba (3/4), pl misambamba.
be paralysed (verb), -lemaa.
med. paralysis (noun), kipooza.
paralysis (noun), kipooza (7/8), pl vipooza.
paralysis (noun), upooza.
paralyze (verb), -poozesha.
be paralyzed (verb), -pooza. the arm is paralyzed.. mkono umepooza.
paramour (noun), hawara, pl mahawara.
paramour (noun), mwanamume, pl wanaume.
parapet (noun), ukingo, pl kingo.
parasite (noun), kimelea (7/8), pl vimelea.
parasite (noun), pl parasites, mdoea (wa).
parasite (noun), mdoezi, pl wadoezi.
parasite (noun), mdoya, pl wadoya.
parasite (noun), mdusi, pl wadusi.
parasite (noun), mdusia, pl wadusia.
parasite (person) (noun), mnyonyaji (1/2), pl wanyonyaji.
parasite (term of abuse) (noun), dudu, pl madudu.
parasite plant (noun), mmelea, pl mimelea.
parasitic plant (noun), kimelea, pl vimelea.
parasol (noun), mwamvuli, pl miamvuli. parachute. mwavuli wa kuchuka.
parasol (noun), mwavuli, pl miavuli. parachute. mwavuli wa kuchuka.
parasol (noun), mwemvuli, pl miemvuli. parachute. mwavuli wa kuchuka.
parcel (noun), bumba (5/6), pl mabumba.
parcel (noun), bunda (5/6), pl mabunda.
parcel (noun), furushi (5/6), pl mafurushi.
parcel (noun), kifurushi (7/8), pl vifurushi.
parcel (noun), kipeto (7/8), pl vipeto.
parcel (noun), pl parcels, robota (5/6), pl marobota. a parcel of
letters. robota la barua.
parcel (of land) (noun), ngwe (9/10), pl ngwe.
be parched (verb), -ngwea.
be pardonable (verb), -achilika.
be pardoned (verb), -samehewa. (s)he was pardoned because of his/her old
age. Alisamehewa kwa uzee wake.
beg for pardon (verb), -nasihi.
beg pardon (verb), -omba radi. be struck by lightning. pigwa na radi.
beg pardon (verb), -taka radi.
pardon (noun), achilio (5/6), pl maachilio.
pardon (noun), ghofira.
pardon (noun), hisa.
pardon (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
pardon (noun), makombo. grant pardon. pa makombo.
pardon (noun), masamaha.
pardon (noun), masameho.
pardon (noun), msamaha, pl misamaha, masamaha.
pardon (noun), msamehe, pl misameha, masameha.
pardon (noun), radhi (9/10), pl radhi. beg pardon. taka radhi.
pardon (noun), samaha (5/6), pl masamaha.
pardon (noun), toba (9/10), pl toba.
pardon (verb), -acha.
pardon (verb), -achilia (applicative).
pardon (verb), -afu.
pardon (verb), -afua.
pardon (verb), -ata.
pardon (verb), -ghofiri.
pardon (verb), -nasaha.
pardon (verb), -radhi.
pardon (verb), -radi. be struck by lightning. pigwa na radi.
pardon (verb), -ridhi. forgive him/her for his/her mistakes. mridhi kwa
makosa yake.
pardon (verb), -samehe. pardon mistakes. samehe makosa..
pardon (verb), -taradhia. pardon the child. taradhia mtoto.
pardon (verb), -taradhia.
pardon me (interjection), samahani.
pardon me (pronoun), kumradhi.
Pardon me (pronoun), kunradhi.
pardon the expression (verb), ashakum (conjugated).
parent (noun), mzaa, pl wazaa.
parent (noun), mzazi (1/2), pl wazazi. real (father) mother.. baba
(mama) mzazi.
parentage (noun), uvyazi.
parentage (noun), uzalishaji.
parentage (noun), uzalishi.
parentage (noun), uzazi.
parenthesis (noun), kifungo, pl vifungo.
parents (noun), mzee (1/2), pl wazee.
parents-in-law (noun), wakwe.
pariah (noun), mhuni, pl wahuni.
mission (noun), misioni.
parish (noun), misioni.
parish (noun), pl parishes, parokia (9/10), pl parokia. Padre Johnson
was the only padre in that Parish. Padri Johnson alikuwa padri mwenzie
katika parokia hiyo [Kez].
parish (noun), usharika (14).
parish priest (noun), paroko (9/10an), pl paroko.
park (a car) (verb), -egesha (causative).
park (a car) (verb), -paki.
member of parliament (noun), mbunge (1/2), pl wabunge. If there is a
winner who is recognized as such without an problem then it is announced
that this person is the member of parliament.. Ikiwa yupo mshindi
anayejulikana bila tatizo lo lote basi hutangazwa kuwa ni mbunge [Masomo
parliament (noun), bunge (5/6), pl mabunge.
brown-headed parrot (noun), kwao.
female parrot (noun), kibibi, pl vibibi.
parrot (noun), dura.
parrot (noun), kasuku (9/10), pl kasuku.
parrot (noun), kasuku.
parry (verb), -bekua.
parsimonious (adjective), -bahili.
parsimony (noun), choyo.
central part (noun), uchukuti (11/10), pl chukuti.
have a part in (verb), -shariki.
have a part in (verb), -shiriki. (s)he took a part in the OAU meeting.
Yeye alishiriki katika mkutano wa OAU.
leave from each other (verb), -tokana.
part (noun), aria, pl aria.
part (noun), awamu (9/10), pl awamu. The buildings of this college are
being repaired and the first part will be complete next year.. Majengo ya
chuo hiki yamekuwa yakirekebishwa na awamu ya kwanza itakamilika mwaka
ujao [Masomo 362].
part (noun), aya, pl aya.
part (noun), divisheni.
part (noun), fungu (5/6), pl mafungu.
part (noun), gawo (5/6), pl magawo.
part (noun), hisa.
part (noun), juzuu, pl majuzuu.
part (noun), kataa (9/10), pl kataa.
part (noun), kataa, pl (-), makataa.
part (noun), kipande, pl vipande.
part (noun), kasama.
part (noun), mgao, pl migao. dividend.. mgao wa faida.
part (noun), mgawo, pl migawo. dividend.. mgao wa faida.
part (noun), mkasama, pl mikasama.
part (noun), nusu (9/10), pl nusu. partly. nusu nusu.
part (noun), pande (5/6), pl mapande. In this part of the country there
are no coconuts.. pande hizi hatuna nazi.
part (noun), pandepande (5/6), pl mapandepande.
part (noun), sehemu (9/10), pl sehemu. part of a machine. sehemu ya
part (noun), tarafa (9/10), pl tarafa.
part (noun), tarafu (9/10), pl tarafu.
part (noun), ugawanyaji.
part (noun), upande (11/10), pl pande.
part (verb), -achana (na) (reciprocal).
part ( of a whole) (noun), toto, pl matoto.
part (of a larger whole) (noun), baadhi, pl baadhi.
part (smaller) (noun), kisehemu (7/8), pl visehemu.
part of (noun), kataa (9/10), pl kataa.
part with reluctantly (verb), -sunza.
take part in (verb), -ingia.
part of town (noun), pl parts of town, mtaa (3/4), pl mitaa.
be partial to (verb), -pendelea (applicative).
cause to be partial (verb), -pendeleza.
partial (adverb), pendelevu.
partiality (noun), mapendeleo.
partiality (noun), mapendo.
partiality (noun), ufadili.
partiality (noun), upendaji, pl mapendaji.
partiality (noun), upendeleo, pl mapendeleo.
participant (noun), pl participants, mshiriki (1/2), pl washiriki.
participant (noun), mwamali, pl waamali.
allow to participate (verb), -shirikisha. I would not want to allow this
man to participate in helping us. Singependa kumshirikisha bwana huyu
allow to participate (verb), -shirikiza. the old man allowed the youth
to participate together in the work. Mzee alishirikiza vijana kufanya
kazi pamoja.
cause to participate (verb), -shirikisha. the mother of John caused the
women to vote. Mama yake John aliwashirikisha wanawake kupiga kura.
participate (verb), -hudhuria.
participate (verb), -shariki.
participate (verb), -shiriki. I will participate in helping the poor.
Nitashiriki kusaidia maskini.
participate (used as an appeal for collective effort) (interjection),
shime!. participate, we work together. Shime, tufanye kazi pamoja.
participation (noun), hudhurio, pl mahudhurio.
in small particles (adverb), chengachenga.
particle (noun), chenga.
particle (noun), chengechenge, pl vichengechenge.
particle (noun), fumbi (5/6), pl mafumbi.
particle (noun), shenga (9/10), pl shenga. particles of rice. shenga za
particle (noun), vumbi, pl mavumbi.
particle of dust (noun), uvumbi.
tiny particle (noun), chembe (7/8), pl vyembe.
in small particles (adverb), shenhashenga.
particular (adjective), hususa.
particular (adjective), maalum.
particular (adjective), maalum.
particular (adjective), maalumu.
particular (adjective), mahsusi. special/extraordinary session. mkutano
particular (adjective), maksusi. special/extraordinary session. mkutano
particularly (adjective), hususa.
particularly (adverb), afadhali.
particularly (adverb), afdhali.
particularly (adverb), afudhali.
particularly (adverb), muhimu.
parting (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
parting (noun), kuaga.
parting (noun), kuagana.
partisan (noun), mfuasi, pl wafuasi. They were charged with being Mau
Mau partisans.. Walishitakiwa kuwa ni wafuasi wa Mau Mau [Kareithi Masomo
partisan (noun), mfuataji, pl wafuataji.
partisan warfare (adverb), vita vya kindanindani.
partition (noun), chamkano, pl machamkano.
partition (noun), kisetiri, pl visetiri.
partition (noun), kasama (3/4).
partition (noun), mkasama (3/4), pl mikasama.
partition wall (noun), kiambaza (7/8), pl viambaza.
partly.. partly (adverb), nusu... nusu.
be partners (verb), -shariki.
partner (noun), msharika, pl washarika. business partner. mshirika
partner (noun), mshirika, pl washirika. business partner. mshirika
partner (noun), mshiriki, pl washiriki. business partner. mshirika
partner (in a business) (noun), mwenzi, pl wenzi.
be partners (verb), -shiriki. we were partners in helping people who
came to town. Sisi tulishiriki kuokoa watu waliokuja mji.
be partners together (verb), -shirikiana. United States is in business
partnership with Mexico. Nchi ya USA inashirikiana kibiashara na nchi ya
partnership (noun), bia (9/10), pl bia. this is our joint shop. hili ni
duka letu la bia.
partnership (noun), sharika (5/6), pl mashirika. our property is in
partnership. mali yetu ni shirika [Rec].
partnership (noun), pl partnerships, shirika (5/6), pl mashirika. father
and his friend has a partnership in your work. Baba na rafiki yake
wanashirika ya kazi yako.
partnership (noun), usharika (14).
partnership (noun), ushirika.
partnership (noun), ushirikiano.
partnership (noun), ushirikisho.
partridge (noun), kwale.
partridge (noun), kwara.
partridge (noun), kware.
partridge (kind of) (noun), kereng'ende.
red-legged partridge (noun), kereng'ende (9/10), pl kereng'ende.
party (noun), aria, pl aria.
party (noun), hafla (5/6), pl mahafla.
party (noun), karamu (9/10), pl karamu.
party (noun), pati (9/10), pl pati.
party (noun), pl parties, sherehe (9/10), pl sherehe. birthday party.
sherehe za kuzaliwa.
party (noun), pl parties, tafrija (9/10), pl tafrija.
party (noun), pl parties, tafriji (9/10), pl tafriji.
party (political) (noun), chama (7/8), pl vyama. political party. chama
cha siasa.
party (political) (noun), pati (9/10), pl pati.
allow to pass (verb), -pisha (causative).
allow to pass (verb), -pitisha (causative). The will of good fortune had
been released to pass the devotions of Idi. moyo wa Bahati [] ulikwisha
fumbuka kuyapisha mahaba ya Idi [Sul].
allow to pass (verb), -sabili.
be passed (verb), -pitika ( appl-poten). that is the question that
passed through everybody. ndio suala lililompitikia kila mtu [Moh].
be passed over (i.e. a geographic entity) (verb), -abiriwa. the ocean
is crossed by hundreds of airplanes each day. bahari inaabiriwa na ndege
mamia kwa siku.
cause to pass by (verb), -ambaza.
pass (noun), cheti (7/8), pl vyeti.
pass (noun), pasi (9/10), pl pasi. Don't enter here without a pass..
usiingie hapa bila ya pasi.
pass (noun), paspoti (9/10), pl paspoti. Don't enter here without a
pass.. usiingie hapa bila ya pasi.
pass (noun), tikiti.
pass (noun), tikti.
pass (verb), -kia.
pass (verb), -pasia.
pass (verb), -pasira.
pass (verb), -pasisha.
pass (verb), -pita. by now two years had passed. miaka miwili sasa
ilikuwa imekwisha pita [Kez].
pass (verb), -pitisha. (s)he passed the fingers along the eyes to wipe
out the tears that had filled up in him/her. akapitisha vidole machoni
kuyafuta machozi yaliyomziba [Sul].
pass (a football) (noun), pasi (9/10), pl pasi.
pass (in an examination) (noun), pasi (9/10), pl pasi.
pass an exam (verb), -shinda. He passed his level four exam. alishinda
mtihani wake wa darasa la nne.
pass away (euphemism) (verb), -fariki.
pass beyond (verb), -ruka. pass beyond the borders/limits. ruka mpaka.
pass by (verb), -ambaa.
pass by (verb), -pitia.
pass by each other (verb), -epukana.
pass by each other (verb), -pishana ( caus-recip).
pass into the state of (verb), -angua. burst out laughing, burst into
tears. ~ kicheko, ~machozi.
pass of (of time) (verb), -jiri.
pass on (verb), -rithisha (causative). You don't know whether it passes
on the decay of the tooth.. hujui kama yanarithisha ubovu wa meno [Abd].
pass out (verb), -gawa.
pass over (verb), -ruka. pass over the border/limits. ruka mpaka.
pass over (verb), -samehe.
pass over (verb), -vuka (potential).
pass over something (verb), -kiuka.
pass the time (verb), -zungumza.
pass through (verb), -pitia (applicative). the wind howled slowly
through the window. upepo ulivuma polepole kupitia dirishani [Kez].
pass time (verb), -shinda. (s)he passed all the time crying. alishinda
akilia kutwa nzima [Muk].
pass off as nothing (verb), -batilisha (causative).
pass over (verb), -abiri.
pass the time together (verb), -ongeana.
passable (adjective), endeka. the way/road/street is impassable. njia
passable (verb), -jika.
book passage (verb), -jipakiza.
make a passage (verb), -dopoa.
narrow passage (noun), chochoro, pl machochoro.
narrow passage (noun), uchochoro (11/6), pl machochora.
narrow passage between houses (noun), kichochoro (7/8), pl vichochoro.
passage (noun), kifungu (7/8), pl vifungu.
passage (noun), kipito (7/8), pl vipito.
passage (noun), korido (5/6), pl makorido.
passage (noun), mkondo (3/4), pl mikondo.
passage (noun), mpito, pl mipito.
passage (noun), msana, pl misana.
passage (noun), pito (5/6), pl mapito.
passage (noun), shoroba (5/6), pl mashoroba.
passage (noun), tundu.
passage (noun), ususu (11).
passage (verb), -toboa.
passage (secret) (noun), penyenye (5/6), pl mapenyenye.
passageway (noun), ujia.
passenger (noun), abiria (9/10an), pl maabiria.
passer-by (noun), mwenda, pl waenda. pedestrian.. mwenda kwa miguu.
passer-by (noun), mwenenzi, pl waenenzi.
passerby (noun), mpita, pl wapita.
passerby (noun), mpitaji, pl wapitaji.
passing (act of) (noun), pito (5/6), pl mapito.
have a passion for (verb), -ashki.
passion (adjective), harara.
passion (noun), hashiki.
passion (noun), kite (7).
passion (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu.
passion (noun), shauku (9/10), pl shauku. (s)he has a passion for them.
ana shauku nao..
passion (noun), tamanio (5/6), pl matamanio. (s)he showed signs of
passion. alionyesha [] ishara ya matamanio [Ng].
passion (noun), teso, pl mateso.
passion (noun), uchu.
passion (noun), uharara.
passion (noun), ukali.
passion (noun), ukalifu.
passion (noun), umoto.
passion (noun), umotomoto.
passion (sexual) (noun), ashiki (14).
passion (strong) (noun), majadi.
passionate person (usually in a sexual sense) (noun), mshongo, pl
passionately (adverb), kwa nguvu. passionately. kwa nguvu.
pass (noun), passipoti (9/10), pl passipoti. Don't enter here without a
passport.. usiingie hapa bila ya pasi.
passport (noun), pasi (9/10), pl pasi. Don't enter here without a
passport.. usiingie hapa bila ya pasi.
passport (noun), paspoti (9/10), pl paspoti. Don't enter here without a
passport.. usiingie hapa bila ya pasi.
passport (noun), passipoti (9/10), pl passipoti. Don't enter here
without a passport.. usiingie hapa bila ya pasi.
go past (verb), -pitia.
past ages (noun), kale.
sometime in the past (noun), zama (9/10), pl zama.
the past (noun), kale.
the past (noun), nyuma (9/10), pl nyuma. (things which occurred in ) the
past.. mambo ya nyuma.
time past (noun), jana.
paste (noun), gundi.
paste (noun), malhamu.
paste (noun), marahamu.
paste (noun), marhamu.
paste (noun), matabwamatabwa, pl matabwamatabwa.
paste (noun), ugali.
paste together (verb), -tabikisha (causative).
something pasted (noun), mbandiko, pl mibandiko.
pastime (noun), maongezi.
pastime (noun), mazungumzo, pl mazungumzo.
pastime (noun), zungumzo, pl mazungumzo.
pasting (noun), mbandiko (3/4), pl mibandiko.
pastor (noun), mchungaji, pl wachungaji.
pastor (noun), pl pastors, padre (5/6an), pl mapadre.
pastor (noun), pl pastors, padri (5/6an), pl mapadri.
pastor (noun), pasta (5/6an), pl mapasta.
pastor (Protestant) (noun), kasisi (5/6), pl makasisi.
kaki (kind of pastry made of rice-flour and sugar) (noun), kaki.
light pastry (kind of) (noun), chelebi.
pastry (noun), andazi (5/6), pl maandazi.
pastry (noun), keki (9/10), pl keki.
pastry (noun), keki.
pastry (light kind) (noun), zelabia.
pastry (light kind) (noun), zilabia.
pastry (light kind) (noun), zilebia.
pastry (made of rice and coconut juice) (noun), tendeti (9/10), pl
pastry cook (noun), mwandazi, pl waandazi.
pastry made of meat onions and pepper (noun), sambusa (9/10), pl sambusa.
pastry is made of minced meat, onions and pepper. Sambusa hutengenezwa na
nyama ya kusaga, vitunguu, na pilpili.
pastry made of rice-flour and grated coconut. (noun), manda.
pastry of cassava flour and coconut juice (noun), upapasa (11).
small pastry (noun), tai (9/10), pl tai.
pasturage (noun), machunga, pl machunga.
pasturage (noun), machungani, pl machungani.
pasturage (noun), malisha.
pasturage (noun), malisho.
pasturage (noun), malishoni.
pasture (noun), machungani (6).
pasture (noun), malisha.
pasture (noun), malisho (6).
pasture (noun), malisho. Each village had its borders and its grasslands
and pastures.. Kila kijiji kilikuwa na mipaka yake na mbuga na malisho
yake [Masomo 309]..
pasture (noun), malishoni.
pasture (verb), -lisha.
time when cattle are driven out to pasture (8-9 A.M.) (noun), mafungulia.
pastureland (noun), machunga, pl machunga.
pastureland (noun), machungani, pl machungani.
pasturing (noun), uchungaji.
be of a pasty consistency (verb), -pekecheka.
be of a pasty consistency (verb), -peketeka.
be pasty (verb), -poroja.
be pasty (verb), -porojo.
patch (noun), hasho, pl mahasho (vihasho).
patch (noun), kipaku (7/8), pl vipaku.
patch (noun), kiraka (7/8), pl viraka.
patch (noun), marakaraka.
patch (noun), mpakato (3/4), pl mipakato.
patch (noun), ushoroba.
patch (noun), utambaa, pl tambaa.
patch (in a field) (noun), kishoroba, pl vishoroba.
patch (in a field) (noun), ushoroba, pl vishoroba.
patch (of color) (noun), waa, pl mawaa.
patent (noun), laisensi.
patent (noun), leseni.
patent (noun), lesensi.
paternal side (of a family) (noun), kuume.
paternity (noun), ubaba (14).
paternity (noun), ubaba.
narrow country path (noun), ujapojapo (11).
path (noun), kinjia, pl vinjia.
path (noun), ndia (9/10), pl ndia. shortcut.. njia ya kukata.
path (noun), njia (9/10), pl njia. shortcut.. njia ya kukata.
path (noun), pito (5/6), pl mapito.
path (noun), shoroba (5/6), pl mashoroba.
path (noun), usita.
path (in a field) (noun), kishoroba (7/8), pl vishoroba.
pathetic (adjective), -a Mungu.
have patience with someone. (verb), -sabili.
patience (noun), pl patience, saburi (9/10), pl saburi. patience is
good. Saburi ni njema.
patience (noun), subira (9/10), pl subira. patience rans out of
someone's mother. subira inamwisha mame mtu [Muk], iliyobaki ni subira
ndogo [Moh].
patience (noun), pl patience, subiri (9/10), pl subiri.
patience (noun), ustahimili.
patience (noun), ustahimilivu (14), pl ustahimilivu.
patience (noun), uvumilivu.
patience (noun), vumilio, pl mavumilio.
try a person's patience by making him wait (verb), -sirima.
be patient (verb), -limbika.
be patient (verb), -saburi.
be patient (verb), -stahimili.
be patient (verb), -stahimilika (intransitive).
be patient (verb), -subira.
be patient (verb), -subiri.
be patient (verb), -subiri. (s)he remembered the way (s)he had waited
the previous night. akakumbuka jinsi alivyosubiri usiku uliopita [Ya],
kumsubiri atamke [Sul].
patient (adjective), stahimilivu.
patient (adjective), -vumilivu.
patient person (noun), mhimili, pl wahimili.
patiently (adverb), kikondoo, pl vikondoo.
patriarch (noun), babu, pl babu. the Fathers of the Church. Mababu wa
patriot (noun), mzalendo, pl wazalendo. A poet is also a patriot..
Mshairi pia ni mzalendo [Khan, Masomo 392].
patriotism (noun), mwananchi, pl wananchi.
patriotism (noun), uananchi.
patriotism (noun), uwananchi.
patriotism (noun), uzalendo (14), pl uzalendo.
patrol (noun), doria (9/10), pl doria. outpost. askari doria.
patrol (noun), ngojo (9/10), pl ngojo.
patrol (noun), zamu.
patrol (verb), -zunguka.
patron (noun), baba, pl baba.
patron (of a kwaya) (noun), mlezi (1/2), pl walezi.
patronage (noun), tegemeo, pl mategemeo.
patronage (noun), upendeleo, pl mapendeleo.
patronage (noun), upendelevu, pl mapendelevu.
basic core pattern (noun), kielezo (7/8), pl vielezo.
follow a pattern (verb), -eleleza.
pattern (noun), bombwe (5/6), pl mabombwe.
pattern (noun), fomu (9/10), pl fomu.
pattern (noun), kielekezo (7/8), pl vielekezo.
pattern (noun), kielezo, pl vielezo.
pattern (noun), kilingo, pl vilingo.
pattern (noun), kilingo (7/8), pl vilingo.
pattern (noun), kiolezo (7/8), pl violezo.
pattern (noun), mfano, pl mifano. for example.. kama mfano.
pattern (noun), pl patterns, msimu (3/4), pl misimu.
pattern (noun), pl patterns, mtindo (3/4), pl mitindo.
pattern (noun), mwundo, pl miundo.
pattern (noun), namna.
pattern (noun), rembo (5/6), pl marembo.
pattern (noun), pl patterns, ruwaza (9/10), pl ruwaza.
pattern (noun), tarakibu (9/10), pl tarakibu.
pattern (noun), utaratibu (11/10), pl taratibu.
pattern (for making clothes) (noun), kigezo (7/8), pl vigezo.
striped pattern (of cloth) (noun), mlia (3/4), pl milia.
paucity (noun), uchache (14).
paucity (noun), uchechefu (14).
pauper (noun), kibapara (7/8), pl vibapara.
pause (noun), kituo (7/8), pl vituo.
pause (noun), mapumziko.
pause (noun), mkatizo, pl mikatizo.
pause (verb), -poa.
pause for someone. else to start reading Koran (noun), kara (5/6), pl
pave (verb), -sakifu.
paved (adjective), -a lami.
pavement (noun), lami (9/10), pl lami.
pavilion (noun), kibanda, pl vibanda.
paving (a road) with stone (noun), mtomo, pl mitomo.
paw (noun), kono (5/6), pl makono.
paw (of animals) (verb), -buburusha.
paw (of horses) (verb), -chakura.
paw (the ground) (verb), -paa. the horse is pawing.. farasi anapaa.
paw (the ground) (verb), -para. the horse is pawing.. farasi anapaa.
paw the earth (of horses) (verb), -pekua.
pawing (eg of horses) (noun), para (9/10), pl para.
pawn (verb), -poni.
pawn (verb), -komboa rahani.
pawn (verb), -tia rahani.
pawn (verb), -weka rahani.
pawn (verb), -tia rahani. redeem a pledge. komboa rahani.
pawn (verb), -tia rehani. redeem a pledge. komboa rehani.
pawn (verb), -weka rahani. redeem a pledge. komboa rahani.
pawn (verb), -weka rehani. redeem a pledge. komboa rehani.
pawn (verb), -weka rehani.
pawn (chess) (noun), kitunda (7/8), pl vitunda.
pawpaw (noun), pl pawpaws, papai (5/6), pl mapapai. that of the wood
cutter will be like what a pawpaw is to the spoon. cha mtema kuni
kitakuwa kama papai kwa kijiko [Ng].
pawpaw tree (noun), mpapai (3/4), pl mipapai.
pawpaw tree (noun), mpapayu (3/4), pl mipapayu.
make someone pay (verb), -hongeza.
pay (noun), ajara (9/10), pl ajara.
pay (noun), ijara.
pay (noun), karo.
pay (noun), kimi.
pay (noun), maduhuli, pl maduhuli.
pay (noun), ujira.
pay (verb), -lipa.
pay (toll) (verb), -honga.
pay (tribute) (verb), -honga.
pay a high price for something (verb), -chunuka.
pay a high price for something (verb), -tunuka.
pay a price for something (verb), -chunuka.
pay for (verb), -faritha.
pay for hunting (noun), usakaji.
pay for something (verb), -hongea.
pay in cash (verb), -lipa taslimu.
pay of a (black)smith (noun), usani.
pay of a ferryman (noun), uvusho.
pay of a manager (noun), usimamizi.
pay of a mechanic (noun), umakanika.
pay of a mechanic (noun), umekanika.
pay of a porter (noun), upagazi.
pay of a seamstress (noun), ushonaji.
pay of a seamstress (noun), ushoni.
pay of a superintendent (noun), usimamizi.
pay of a superviser (noun), usimamizi.
pay of a tailor (noun), ushonaji.
pay of a tailor (noun), ushoni.
pay of a transport business (noun), upagazi.
pay of a watchman or guard (noun), ungojaji.
pay of an overseer (noun), usimamizi.
pay of carpentry (noun), useremala.
pay of hunting (noun), usasi.
pay of hunting (noun), uwindaji.
pay of hunting (noun), uwinzi.
pay of hunting (noun), windo, pl mawindo.
pay off a mortgage (verb), -komboa rahani. redeem a pledge. komboa
pay off a mortgage (verb), -komboa rehani. redeem a pledge. komboa
one who pays, payer (noun), mlipa (1/2), pl walipa.
one who pays, payer (noun), mlipaji (1/2), pl walipaji.
one who pays, payer (noun), mlipi (1/2), pl walipi.
paying out (thread through the fingers) (noun), mpururo, pl mipururo.
ask for payment of a forgotten debt (verb), -fufua deni.
demand for payment of a debt (noun), lipizi, pl malipizi.
demand for payment of a debt (noun), malipizi.
enforced payment (noun), ulipizi, pl malipizi.
one who exacts payment (noun), mipizi, pl walipizi. one who exacts
retribution.. mlipizi kisasi.
payment (noun), ada (5/6), pl maada.
payment (noun), gharama.
payment (noun), haka.
payment (noun), halasa.
payment (noun), ijara.
payment (noun), lipo (5/6), pl malipo. There were receipts of payments..
Zilikuwapo stakabadhi za malipo [Ganzel Masomo 175].
payment (noun), mchango (3/4), pl michango.
payment (noun), mshahara, pl mishahara.
payment (especially in kind) (noun), kisutuo (7/8), pl visutuo.
payment in cash (noun), nakidi.
payment in cash (noun), nakudi.
payment made at a wedding for the ceremonial washing of the feet (noun),
kiosho, pl viosho.
payments (noun), malipo.
raise in pay (noun), donge, pl madonge.
pigeon pea (noun), njegere (9/10), pl njegere.
plant bearing a variety of pea (Cajanus indicus) (noun), mbaazi, pl
small pea (type of) (noun), chenjegele (9/10), pl chenjegele (= njegere).
small pea (type of) (noun), njegere (9/10), pl njegere.
find peace (verb), -ona raha. be quiet.. kaa raha mustarehe.
give someone peace (verb), -pumzisha. It is not usual for him to give
peace to his/her workers. Sikawaida yeye kuwapumzisha wafanya kazi wake.
make peace (verb), -suluhisha (causative).
make peace between (verb), -pendanisha.
make peace with each other (verb), -suluhiana ( appl-assoc).
peace (noun), amani (9/10), pl amani. peace treaty. mapatano ya ~.
peace (noun), isilahi.
peace (noun), pl peace, raha (9/10), pl raha. Regina has had no peace
since she got married. Regina tangu aolewe hakuwa na raha [Kez], raha
iliyoje kulingana na yule kijana [Sul].
peace (noun), salaam (9/10), pl salaam.
peace (noun), salama (9). good peace. salama njema.
peace (noun), salamu (9/10), pl salamu. peace be with you. Salamu iwe
juu yenu.
peace (noun), starehe (9/10), pl starehe. a peaceful life is a life of
and understanding. maisha ya starehe ni maisha ya mapenzi ya kweli na
masikilizano [Sul].
peace (noun), suluhu (9/10), pl suluhu.
peace (noun), tengemano (5/6), pl matengemano.
peace (noun), utengemano, pl matengemano.
peace (restored) (noun), utengamano.
return of peace (after war) (noun), matengemano, pl matengemano.
peace-maker (noun), mwamua, pl waamua.
peace-maker (noun), mwamuzi, pl waamuzi.
peaceable (adjective), suluhivu.
be peaceful (verb), -tengemana.
peaceful (adjective), salaam. peaceful ending. mwisho salama..
peaceful (adjective), salama. peaceful ending. mwisho salama..
peaceful (adjective), shwari. it is peaceful at home. Ni shwari
peaceful (adjective), starehefu.
peaceful (adjective), starehevu.
peaceful (adjective), tulivu.
peacefulness (noun), utulivu (14), pl utulivu.
peacefulness (noun), utulivu.
peacemaker (noun), mpatanishi (1/2), pl wapatanishi.
peacemaker (noun), pl peacemakers, msuluhisha (1/2), pl wasuluhisha.
peacemaker (noun), pl peacemakers, msuluhishi (1/2), pl wasuluhishi.
peacemaker (noun), pl peacemakers, msuluhivu (1/2), pl wasuhulivu.
peacock (noun), dausi.
peacock (noun), kibibi, pl vibibi.
peacock (noun), pl peacocks, tausi (9/10), pl tausi.
peahen (noun), kibibi, pl vibibi.
attain the peak of perfection (verb), -pea.
peak (noun), kilele (7/8), pl vilele.
peak (noun), kinyangalele, pl vinyangalele.
peak (noun), kipeo (7/8), pl vipeo.
peak (noun), kipeo, pl vipeo.
peak (noun), ncha. geogr. north (south) pole.. ncha ya kaskazini
peak (noun), nguu (9/10), pl nguu.
peak (noun), ujuu.
peak (noun), upeo, pl peo.
Bambara peanut plant (noun), mnjugumawe, pl minjugumawe.
hard peanut (noun), pl hard peanuts, njugumawe (9/10), pl njugumawe.
Madagascar peanut plant (noun), mnjugumawe, pl minjugumawe.
peanut (noun), karanga (9/10), pl karanga.
peanut (noun), karanga, pl (-); makaranga.
peanut (noun), njugu (9/10), pl njugu. A hard variety of peanut
(Madagascar/Bambara peanut).. njugumawe.
peanut (noun), njugunyasa (9/10), pl njugunyasa. A hard variety of
peanut (Madagascar/Bambara peanut).. njugumawe.
peanut plant (Archais hypogaea) (noun), mnjugunyasa, pl minjugunyasa.
prickly pear (noun), mpungate (3/4), pl mipungate.
dive for pearls (verb), -zama lulu.
pearl (noun), lulu (9/10), pl lulu.
pearl (kind of) (noun), chasasa.
small peas (noun), choroko (9/10), pl choroko.
pebble (noun), changarawe (9/10), pl changarawe.
pebble (noun), changawe, pl vichangawe.
pebble (noun), kokoto (5/6), pl makokoto.
pebble (noun), mbwe.
peck (verb), -dona.
peck (verb), -donoa.
peck (of fowl) (verb), -chakua. peck or pick up rubbish. chakua
peck at each other (chickens etc.) (verb), -donana.
peculation (noun), ujanja.
peculiar (adjective), zungu.
peculiarity (noun), uzungu.
pedagogy (noun), uwalimu.
pedal (bicycle) (noun), kanyagio, pl makanyagio.
be a peddler (verb), -chuuza.
peddler (noun), delali, pl madelali.
peddler (noun), mchuuzi (1/2), pl wachuuzi.
pederast (noun), mfiraji, pl wafiraji.
practice pederasty (verb), -fira.
practice pederasty (verb), -lawiti.
pedestal (noun), weko (5/6), pl maweko.
pedigree (noun), jadi (9/10), pl jadi.
pedigree (noun), nasaba, pl nasaba.
pedigree (noun), ukoo, pl koo.
peeing (noun), mnyo (3/4), pl minyo.
peel (verb), -menya. peel manioc (potatoes).. menya muhogo.
peel (verb), -papatua.
peel (fruit) (verb), -kema.
peel off (verb), -ambua.
peel off (verb), -bambua.
peel off (in strips) (verb), -nyambua.
peelbark (noun), gome (5/6), pl magome.
peep (verb), -chungulia.
peephole (noun), kishubaka, pl vishubaka.
peephole (noun), pl peepholes, shubaka (5/6), pl mashubaka.
peg (noun), banzi, pl mabanzi.
peg (noun), chango (7/8), pl vyango.
peg (noun), kigingi (7/8), pl vigingi.
peg (noun), kijiti (7/8), pl vijiti.
peg (noun), kipingo, pl vipingo.
peg (noun), msomari, pl misomari. drive (pull out) a peg.. pigilia
[ng'oa] msumari.
peg (noun), msumari, pl misumari. drive (pull out) a peg.. pigilia
[ng'oa] msumari.
peg (noun), nguruzi (9/10), pl nguruzi.
peg (noun), njiti (9/10), pl njiti.
peg (noun), uwambo, pl mambo.
peg (of a musical instrument (noun), hesi.
peg (of a musical instrument) (noun), esi.
peg or notch in a tree-trunk (to facilitate climbing) (noun), kweleo, pl
wooden peg on a clog or sandal (passing between the toes and holding the
clog on the foot.) (noun), msuraki, pl misuraki.
wooden peg on a clog or sandal (passing between the toes and holding the
clog on the foot.) (noun), msuruaki, pl misuraki.
pegs (used for stretching something out, tent-pegs, etc.) (noun), mambo.
ornith.pelican (noun), mwali, pl wawali.
ornith.pelican (noun), mwari, pl wawari.
pelican (noun), mwali (1/2), pl wali.
be pell-mell (verb), -sinukia ( appl-intr).
Pemba (outer island of Zanzibar famous for its cloves) (noun), Pemba.
Pemba white-eye (noun), shige la manjano. Pemba white-eye. shige la
pen (noun), kalamu (9/10), pl kalamu.
pen (noun), kalamu.
pen (noun), zizi (5/6), pl mazizi.
penalty (noun), adhabu (9/10), pl adhabu.
penalty (noun), dia. pay a penalty. lipa [toa] dia.
penalty (noun), faini.
penalty (noun), kafara, pl makafara.
penalty kick (noun), penalti (9/10), pl penalti.
penance (noun), kitubio (7/8), pl vitubio.
penance (noun), lipizi, pl malipizi.
penance (noun), ondoleo (5/6), pl maondoleo.
penance (noun), toba.
rel. penance (noun), malipizi.
pencil (noun), kalamu (9/10), pl kalamu.
pencil (noun), pl pencils, kalamu ya lisasi (mate).
pencil (noun), penseli (9/10), pl penseli.
pencil (noun), pensili (9/10), pl pensili.
pencil (noun), peseli (9/10), pl penseli.
pencil for applying kohl to the eyes (noun), mkahale (3/4), pl mikahale.
gold pendant (on a necklace) (noun), kinagiri, pl vinagiri.
pendant (noun), kishaufu (7/8), pl vishaufu.
pendant (noun), shamili (5/6), pl mashamili.
piece of pendant (on a chain) (noun), kishaufu, pl vishaufu.
vipuli (ear-pendant) (noun), kipuli (7/8), pl vipuli.
pendulum (noun), pl pendulums, pinduli (5/6), pl mapinduli.
pendulum (noun), timazi (9/10), pl timazi.
pendulum (of a clock or watch) (noun), minzani.
pendulum (of a clock or watch) (noun), mizani.
be penetrable (verb), -penyeka. That route is penetratable. Njia ile
penetrate (verb), -dindia.
penetrate (verb), -dopoa.
penetrate (verb), -fuma.
penetrate (verb), -gagmiza.
penetrate (verb), -penya. penetrate the forest.. penya mwituni.
penetrate (verb), -penyapenya. (s)he was with them and you penetrated
his mind. alikua nao ukapenya kwenye bongo lake [Moh], tokea hapo kukua
kupenyapenya [Moh].
penetrate (verb), -penyeza.
penetrate (verb), -toboa.
penetrate (verb), -tumbuza.
penetrate (as a plant into the soil) (verb), -vama.
penetrate (as a plant into the soil) (verb), -vamia.
penetrate (with an implement) (verb), -didimikia.
penetrate forcibly (verb), -bokoa.
penetration (noun), mpenyezo (3/4), pl mipenyezo.
penetration (noun), nadhari.
penetration (noun), uangafu.
penetration (noun), uangavu.
penetration (noun), ufahamfu.
penetration (noun), ufahami.
penetration (noun), ufahamivu.
penetration (noun), upenyezi (14).
penetration (noun), uwekevu.
penetration (noun), wangafu.
penetration (noun), wangafu.
penetration (noun), wangavu.
penetration (noun), wangavu.
penetration (noun), werevu.
penholder (noun), kalamu.
penicillin (noun), penesilini (9).
expose the glans of the penis (verb), -fidua.
expose the glans of the penis (verb), -fudua.
penis (noun), chengelele, pl machengelele.
penis (noun), dhakari.
penis (noun), firaha (9/10), pl firaha.
penis (noun), firaka (9/10), pl firaka.
penis (noun), firari (9/10), pl firari.
penis (noun), jengelele, pl majengelele.
penis (noun), mboo (3/4), pl miboo.
penis (noun), tine, pl matine.
penis (noun), uchango.
penis (noun), uchengelele.
penis (noun), ujengelele.
penis (noun), ume.
penis (noun), zubu.
penis (less vulgar than 'mboo') (noun), uume (14).
penis (vulgar) (noun), mboro, pl miboro.
vulg. penis (noun), mlingoti, pl milingoti.
penitence (noun), toba (9/10), pl toba.
penitence (act of) (noun), kitubio (7/8), pl vitubio.
be penitent (verb), -tubu.
rel.penitent (noun), mwungama, pl waungama.
rel.penitent (noun), mwungamaji, pl waungamaji.
penny (noun), pene (5/6), pl mapene.
penny (noun), peni (5/6), pl mapeni.
pension (noun), pensheni (9/10), pl pensheni.
be pensive (phrase), -shika tamaa. (s)he was pensive that (s)he went on
a journey. Alishika tamaa kuwa alikwenda safari.
be pensive (verb), -tandawaa.
pentagon (noun), pl pentagons, pembetano (9/10), pl pembetano.
Pentateuch (noun), taurati.
the Pentateuch (noun), taurati.
the Pentateuch (noun), torati.
penthouse (noun), upenu (11/10), pl penu.
penurious (adjective), kabidhi.
penurious (adjective), takabadhi.
great number of people (noun), tope, pl matope.
of the people (adjective), -a watu.
people (noun), umma (14).
people like (noun), kina. people like us. kina sisi.
people like us (phrase), akina sisi, pl akina sisi.
person or people like (adjective), akina. people like us, women
(collectively), men (collectively). ~ sisi, ~ bibi, ~ bwana.
pl.people (noun), mtu, pl watu. the people of this country.. mtu wa
nchi hii.
pepper (noun), pilipili (9/10), pl pilipili. black (red) pepper..
pilipili manga [hoho].
pepper plant (Capsicum annuum) (noun), mpilipili, pl mipilipili. black-
pepper plant (Piper nigrum).. mpilipili manga.
red pepper (noun), hoho.
resembling peppercorns (adjective), kipilpili.
peppered (adjective), kipilpili.
peppermint (noun), paramende (5/6), pl maperemende.
peppermint (noun), peremende (5/6), pl maperemende.
peppermint (noun), perementi (5/6), pl maperementi.
peppermint essence (noun), ada ya peremende kali, pl ada za peremende
peppery (adjective), kipilpili.
per diem (noun), posho (9/10), pl posho. (s)he was paid per diem after
working. Alilipwa posho baada ya kazi.
perceive (verb), -hisi.
perceive (verb), -hisi.
perceive (verb), -nabihi.
perceive (verb), -ona. hear a noise.. ona kishindo.
perceive (verb), -shufu.
perceive (verb), -sikia.
perceive (verb), -tambua.
(Masomo 258) (noun), asilimia (9/10), pl asilimia. On average more than
ninety percent of children are in school.. Kwa wastani zaidi ya asilimia
90 ya watoto wamo shuleni..
percentage (noun), pl keyboards, sehemu ya mia (9/10), pl sehemu za mia.
be perceptible (verb), -sikika.
perception (noun), anga, pl maanga.
perception (noun), maono.
perception (noun), pl perceptions, ono (5/6), pl maono.
perception (noun), utambulifu.
perception (noun), utambulizi.
perception (noun), utambuzi.
perceptive person (noun), mwelewa, pl waelewa.
perceptiveness (noun), uwekevu.
percussion cap (noun), fataki.
be perfect (verb), -takamali.
be perfect (verb), -timu.
make perfect (verb), -kamilisha (causative).
perfect (adjective), barabara.
perfect (adjective), kamili.
perfect (adjective), -kamilifu.
perfect (adjective), timamu.
perfect (adjective), -timilifu.
perfect (verb), -kamili.
perfect (verb), -kamilika (intransitive).
perfect (verb), -selehi.
perfect (verb), -suluhi.
perfect (verb), -suluhu.
perfect (verb), -timiza.
perfection (noun), ukamili.
perfection (noun), ukamilifu (14).
perfection (noun), ukamilifu.
perfection (noun), uzima.
perfidity (noun), uhaini (14).
perforate (verb), -dudumia.
perforate (verb), -toboa.
perforate (verb), -ziua.
perforate (verb), -zua.
be perforated (verb), -pekecheka.
be perforated (verb), -peketeka.
perforation (noun), kipenyo (7/8), pl vipenyo.
perform (verb), -fanya.
perform (verb), -pa. play out a game.. pa mchezo.
perform (verb), -tenda.
perform (verb), -timiliza.
performance (noun), tamthilia (9/10), pl tamthilia.
performance (noun), utendaji (14).
performance (noun), utendi.
performance (noun), utengevu.
performance (noun), utenzi.
performer (noun), mwonyeshaji (1/2), pl waonyeshaji.
performing (noun), mtendo, pl mitendo.
fragrant wood which is ground up with oil and used as a perfume or to
keep off mosquitoes (noun), kifumbazi, pl vifumbazi.
packet of aromatic herbs used for perfume (noun), kikuba (7/8), pl
perfume (noun), ituri (9/10), pl ituri.
perfume (noun), manukato (6).
perfume (noun), marashi (9/10), pl marashi. She took some spray-on
perfume, lipstick, a small mirror, and some powder. anachukua marashi ya
kupulizia, rangi ya mdomo, kioo kidogo na poda [Muk].
perfume (noun), marashi.
perfume (noun), mnukio, pl minukio.
perfume (noun), pl perfumes, mrashi (3/4), pl mirashi.
perfume (noun), nukato (5/6), pl manukato.
perfume (noun), uturi (11).
perfume (kind of) (noun), pacholi (9/10), pl pacholi.
perfume (kind of) (noun), pachori (9/10), pl pachori.
perfume (kind of) (noun), pachuri (9/10), pl pachuri.
perfume (type prepared from powdered sandalwood rose water and oil of
cloves) (noun), tibu (9/10), pl tibu.
perfunctorily (adjective), paruparu.
perhaps (adjective), huenda.
perhaps (adverb), huenda.
perhaps (adverb), huwa.
perhaps (adverb), labda.
perhaps (adverb), labuda.
perhaps (adverb), pengine.
perhaps (adverb), pingine. Perhaps once it knows how to speak, it will
call you mother. pingine kikijua kusema kitakwita mama [Sul],
mngeliifahamu pengine msingelia [Sul].
perhaps (adverb), yamkini.
perhaps (adverb), yapata.
perhaps (adverb), yumkini.
perhaps (conjunction), asaa.
perhaps (conjunction), pengine na pengine.
peril (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
peril (noun), kicho, pl vicho.
perineum (noun), msamba, pl misamba.
perineum (noun), uwinda.
perinium (noun), kitako (7/8), pl vitako.
for a period of time (adjective), kwa muda.
for a period of time (adjective), kwa muda wa.
for a period of time (preposition), kwa.
period (noun), kipindi, pl vipindi.
period (noun), majira. the great rainy season/period. majira ya masika.
period (noun), umri.
period (noun), wakati.
period (esp with reference to agriculture) (noun), msimu, pl misimu. now
is the mango-harvesting period.. sasa ni msimu wa embe.
period (esp with reference to agriculture) (noun), musimu, pl misimu.
now is the mango-harvesting period.. sasa ni msimu wa embe.
period (of time) (noun), muda. a period of four hours.. muda wa saa
period (of time) (noun), pl periods of time, muhula (3/4), pl mihula.
period (of time) (noun), pindi (5/6), pl mapindi.
period between the southwest and the northeast monsoons (approx. late
March to early April and late Nov. to early Dec.) (noun), maleleji.
period of life between ages 10 and 25 (noun), hirimu (9/10), pl hirimu.
period of residence (noun), kikao, pl vikao.
period of time (noun), kipindi (7/8), pl vipindi.
period of time (noun), kipindi, pl vipindi.
period of time (noun), majira (9/10), pl majira.
period of time (noun), zama (9/10), pl zama.
period of time (noun), zamani.
period of time (brief) (noun), dakika, pl dakika. in a few minutes.
ndani ya dakika chache [Rec].
rare period (of time) (noun), muhula.
rest period (noun), muhula.
short period (noun), kitambo (7/8), pl vitambo.
period of time (noun), enzi (9/10), pl enzi.
periodical (noun), gazeti (5/6), pl magazeti.
periodical (noun), tarigia (9/10), pl tarigia.
periphery (noun), mzingo, pl mizingo.
periphery (noun), pambizo (5/6), pl mapambizo.
periphery (noun), pembizo (5/6), pl mapembizo.
perish (verb), -angamia.
perish (verb), -dhii.
perish (verb), -potea. His/her cat perished. Paka wake alipotea.
perish (verb), -zama.
peritoneum (noun), utambi.
commit perjury (verb), -azuri.
commit perjury (verb), -zuri.
perjury (noun), zuri, pl zuri.
perjury (noun), kiapo cha uwongo.
perjury (noun), zuri (9/10), pl zuri.
permanence (noun), aushi, pl aushi.
permanence (noun), umilele.
make permanent (verb), -dumisha.
permanent (adjective), -a daima.
permanent (adjective), dawama.
permanent term (noun), pl permanent terms, sharti la kudumu (5/6), pl
masharti ya kudumu. her/his permanent term is to destroy his/her house.
Sharti la kudumu ni kuivunja nyumba yake.
permanently (adverb), maalum.
permanently (adverb), maalumu.
be permeable (verb), -papa. "let water through, permit water to pass"..
papa maji.
permeate (verb), -rishai.
be permissible (verb), -juzu.
be permissible (verb), -juzu.
permissible (adjective), halali.
ask for permission (verb), -omba ruhsa.
ask for permission (verb), -omba ruhusa.
ask for permission (verb), -omba rukhsa.
give permission (verb), -pa ruhusa.
give permission (verb), -ruhusu. the teacher allowed the student to stay
in the classroom. Mwalimu aliruhusu mwanfunzi kukaa darasani.
permission (noun), idhini (9/10), pl idhini.
permission (noun), idhini.
permission (noun), kibali (7/8), pl vibali.
permission (noun), ruhsa (9/10), pl ruhsa. ask for permission.. omba
permission (noun), ruhusa (9/10), pl ruhusa. ask for permission.. omba
permission (noun), rukhsa (9/10), pl rukhsa. ask for permission.. omba
permission (noun), pl permissions, sabili (9/10), pl sabili.
permission (noun), ukubali (14).
be permitted (verb), -ruhsiwa.
be permitted (verb), -ruhusiwa. John was permitted to stay in class.
John aliruhusiwa kukaa darasani.
be permitted (verb), -rukhsiwa.
permit (noun), cheti (7/8), pl vyeti.
permit (noun), idhini (9/10), pl idhini.
permit (noun), laisensi.
permit (noun), leseni.
permit (noun), lesensi.
permit (verb), -acha.
permit (verb), -ata.
permit (verb), -halalisha.
permit (verb), -hulu.
permit (verb), -idhini.
permit (verb), -ruhsa.
permit (verb), -ruhusa. permit him her to stay in the classroom. Mpe
ruhusa ya kukaa darasani.
permit (verb), -rukhsa.
permit (verb), -sabili.
be permitted (verb), -halalika.
permitted (adjective), halali.
pernicious (adjective), harabu.
pernicious (adjective), haribifu.
perpendicularity (noun), uwima.
state of being perpendicular (noun), wima.
perpetual (adverb), daima.
perpetuity (noun), umilele (14).
be perplexed (verb), -emewa (passive).
be perplexed (verb), -lingwa.
be perplexed (verb), -sangaa.
be perplexed (verb), -shangaa.
perplex (verb), -bumbuaza.
perplex (verb), -tata.
perplex (verb), -tatanisha.
perplex (verb), -tatiza.
perplex (verb), -vungavunga.
perplex (verb), -zonga.
be perplexed (verb), -wa na shaka.
be perplexed (verb), -sita.
be perplexed (verb), -sitasita.
be perplexed (verb), -taladadi.
be perplexed (verb), -taradadi.
perplexed (adverb), juujuu.
perplexity (noun), bumbuazi, pl mabumbuazi. be perplexed/dismayed.
shikwa na bumbuazi.
perplexity (noun), duku duku (9/10), pl dukuduku.
perplexity (noun), fadhaa (9/10), pl fadhaa.
perplexity (noun), furufuru (9/10), pl furufuru.
perplexity (noun), gamu (5/6), pl magamu.
perplexity (noun), kibuhuti (7/8), pl vibuhuti.
perplexity (noun), matata (6).
perplexity (noun), uzuzu.
perplexity (noun), wasiwasi.
perplexity (noun), zulizuli.
utter perplexity (noun), bumbuwazi (9/10), pl bumbuwazi.
persecute (verb), -tia adhabu.
persecute (verb), -pa adhabu.
persecute (verb), -patisha adhabu.
persecute (verb), -onea.
persecute (verb), -tesa.
be persecuted (verb), -teswa.
persecution (noun), adhabu (9/10), pl adhabu.
persecution (noun), fukuzano (5/6), pl mafukuzano.
persecution (noun), maonevu (6).
persecution (noun), masubuko, pl masubuko.
persecution (noun), masumbufo, pl masumbufo.
persecution (noun), masumbulizi, pl masumbulizi.
persecution (noun), masumbuo, pl masumbuo.
persecution (noun), oneo (5/6), pl maoneo.
persecution (noun), sumbulio (5/6), pl masumbulio.
persecution (noun), teso (5/6), pl mateso.
persecution (noun), utesaji.
persecution (noun), utesi.
persecutor (noun), mfuasi, pl wafuasi.
persecutor (noun), mfuataji, pl wafuataji.
persecutor (noun), mfukuzi, pl wafukuzi.
persecutor (noun), mkimbizi, pl wakimbizi.
persecutor (noun), pl persecutors, mtesa (1/2), pl watesa.
persecutor (noun), mtesaji (1/2), pl watesaji.
persecutor (noun), mtesi, pl watesi.
lack of perseverance (noun), ukulifu.
lack of perseverance (noun), ukulivu.
lacking perseverance (adjective), kulifu.
lacking perseverance (adjective), kulivu.
perseverance (noun), udumu (14).
perseverance (noun), ulabibu (14).
perseverance (noun), ushupavu.
perseverance (noun), ustahimili.
perseverance (noun), ustahimilivu.
perseverance (noun), uvumilivu.
perseverance (noun), vumilio, pl mavumilio.
persevere (verb), -dumu.
persevere (verb), -stahimili.
persevere (verb), -vumilia.
perseverence (noun), hima.
perseverence (noun), idili.
perseverence (noun), imara.
perseverence (noun), itikadi.
be persevering (verb), -stahimilika (intransitive).
persevering (adjective), stahimilivu.
persevering person (noun), mshupavu, pl washupavu.
Persia (noun), Agami, pl (sing.).
Persia (noun), Ajemi.
Persia (noun), Uajemi (17).
descendant of Persians from Shirazi (noun), Mshirazi, pl waShirazi.
in the Persian manner (adverb), Kiajemi.
Persian language (noun), Kiajemi.
Persian person (noun), Mwajemi, pl Waajemi.
persist (verb), -chacharika.
persist (verb), -chachatika.
persist (verb), -dumu.
persist (verb), -kaza.
persist (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
persist (verb), -stahimili.
persist in (verb), -shika. persist on the price. shika bei..
persistant (adjective), imara.
persistence (noun), chadi, pl machadi.
persistence (noun), hima.
persistence (noun), imara.
persistence (noun), jadi, pl majadi.
persistence (noun), uvumilivu.
persistence (noun), vumilio, pl mavumilio.
persistency (noun), ulabibu.
be persistent (verb), -stahimilika (intransitive).
persistent (adjective), ng'ang'anivu.
persistent (adjective), stahimilivu.
persistent (verb), -imarika.
persistently (adverb), -a hima.
persistently (adverb), mtawalia.
persistently (adverb), mtawalio.
old person (noun), mzee, pl wazee.
person (noun), isimu.
person (noun), mja (1/2), pl waja. Therefore a poet is a sheikh or a
pastor who sermonizes to people.. Kwa hivi mshairi ni shekhe au padri
anayewahubiria waja [Khan, Masomo 391].
person (noun), mtu (1/2), pl watu.
person (noun), mwanaadamu (1/2), pl wanaadamu.
person (noun), pl people, nafsi (9/10), pl nafsi. They thought of
themselves. Walijifikiria nafsi zao.
poor person (noun), maskini.
personal (adjective), binafsi. personal hygiene [Masomo 126]. usafi wa
personal (adverb), a pekee.
personality (noun), haiba (9/10), pl haiba.
personality (noun), heba (9/10), pl heba.
personality (noun), nafsi (9/10).
personality (noun), roho (9/10), pl roho. his/her personality is good.
Roho yake ni nzuri.
personality (noun), ubinafsi.
personality (noun), utu (14), pl utu.
personally (adjective), binafsi.
personally (adverb), binafsi.
personally (adverb), kinaganaga.
personally (adverb), kwa nafsi yangu.
perspicacity (noun), nadhari.
perspicacity (noun), ufahamfu.
perspicacity (noun), ufahami.
perspicacity (noun), ufahamivu.
perspicacity (noun), utambuzi (14).
perspiration (noun), gugumu.
perspiration (noun), jasho (5/6), pl majasho.
perspiration (noun), jasho, pl majasho.
perspiration (noun), pl perspiration, nongo (9/10), pl nongo.
perspiration (from the armpits) (noun), kikwapa, pl vikwapa.
perspiration (odor of) (noun), kutuzi (9/10), pl kutuzi.
perspiration (smell of) (noun), fukuto (5/6), pl mafukuto.
perspiration (smell of) (noun), vukuto, pl mavukuto.
perspire (verb), -toka jasho.
be persuaded (verb), -shawishiwa. It is not common for John to be
persuaded to take alcohol. Sikawaida John kushawishiwa kunywa pombe.
persuade (verb), -bembeleza.
persuade (verb), -bembeleza (causative).
persuade (verb), -dodofya (causative).
persuade (verb), -hidi.
persuade (verb), -nyenya.
persuade (verb), -pembeja.
persuade (verb), -shaushi.
persuade (verb), -shawishi.
persuade (verb), -shindua maneno.
persuasion (noun), mvuto, pl mivuto.
persuasion (noun), shaushi (5/6), pl mashawishi.
persuasion (noun), shawishi (5/6), pl mashawishi.
persuasion (noun), shonga (5/6), pl shonga.
persuasion (noun), ushawishi (14).
persuasive (adjective), -a kubembeleza.
pertain to (verb), -husu.
pertaining to the people (adjective), kikabila.
pertinacity (noun), ulabibu.
pertinacity (noun), ustahimili.
pertinacity (noun), ustahimilivu.
be pertubed (verb), -taabika.
be perverse (verb), -potoka.
perversion (noun), upotoe.
perversion (noun), upotovu.
perversity (noun), upotoe (14).
pervert (noun), hanithi, pl hanithi, mahanithi.
pervert (verb), -pevua.
pervert (verb), -popotoa.
pervert (verb), -pota. pervert words.. potoa maneno.
pervert (verb), -potoa.
pervert (verb), -potosha.
be perverted (verb), -potoka.
one who perverts (noun), mpevushi, pl wapevushi.
pester (verb), -bemba.
pester (verb), -chagiza.
pester (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
pestilence (noun), baa, pl baa.
pestilence (noun), balaa, pl baa.
pestilence (noun), balia, pl baa.
pestilence (noun), kipukusa (7/8), pl vipukusa.
pestilence (noun), maradhi.
pestilence (noun), marazi.
pestilence (noun), waba.
pestle (noun), mchi, pl michi.
pet (noun), bembeleza.
pet (noun), kipenzi (7/8), pl vipenzi.
pet (noun), moyo.
pet (noun), mpendwa, pl wapendwa.
petition (noun), aridhilihali, pl aridhilihali.
petition (noun), dua (9/10), pl dua.
petition (noun), hitaji, pl mahitaji (usually mahitaji).
petition (noun), lalamiko, pl malalamiko.
petition (noun), mahitaji.
petition (noun), maombezi.
petition (noun), maombi.
petition (noun), maombo.
petition (noun), maomvi.
petition (noun), nasaha (9/10), pl nasaha.
petition (noun), omba (5/6), pl maombi.
petition (noun), ujumbe.
petition (noun), uombezi.
petition (noun), uombi.
petition (noun), utashi.
petition (verb), -haja.
petition (verb), -nasisi.
petition (verb), -sihi.
petitioner (noun), mhitaji, pl wahitaji.
petitioner (noun), mtaka, pl wataka.
petitioner (noun), mtakaji, pl watakaji.
petitioner (noun), muombaji, pl waombaji.
petitioner (noun), mwomba, pl waomba.
petitioner (noun), mwombaji, pl waombaji.
petitioner (noun), mwombelezi, pl waombelezi.
petitioner (noun), mwombi, pl waombi.
become petrified (verb), -ganda.
petrol (noun), petroli (9). petrol oil. mafuta ya petroli.
pettiness (noun), choyo.
petulant (adjective), tukutu.
phantom (noun), kivuli, pl vivuli.
phantom (noun), kizuka (7/8), pl vizuka.
phantom (noun), mizuka, pl wazuka, mizuka.
phantom (noun), njozi (9/10), pl njozi.
Pharisee (noun), Farisayo, pl mafarisayo.
pharmacist (noun), mchanganyaji dawa, pl wachanganyaji dawa.
pharmacy (noun), pl pharmacies, dispensari (9/10), pl dispensari.
pharmacy (noun), pl pharmacies, duka la madawa (5/6), pl maduka ya
phlegmon (noun), tambazi (5/6), pl matambazi.
phenomenon (noun), ishara.
phenomenon (noun), taashira (9/10), pl taashira.
phial (noun), mkebe (3/4), pl mikebe.
philosophy (noun), falsafa (9/10), pl falsafa.
philosophy (noun), filosofia.
philosophy (noun), hekima.
phlegm (noun), belaghami.
phlegm (noun), belghamu.
phlegm (noun), gole (5/6), pl magole.
phlegm (noun), kohoo, pl makohoo. the water has washed away the sand.
phlegm (noun), kohoo (5/6), pl makohoo.
phlegm (noun), kohozi, pl makohozi. the water has washed away the sand.
phlegm (noun), makohoo.
phlegm (noun), makohozi.
phlegm (noun), ukohozi, pl makohozi.
rare phlegm (noun), mtemo, pl mitemo.
phlegmon (noun), utambazi, pl matambazi.
phonograph (noun), santuri (9/10), pl santuri.
phonograph (noun), senturi (9/10), pl senturi.
phonograph record (noun), sahani ya santuri (9/10), pl sahani za santuri.
photo (noun), foto (9/10), pl foto.
photograph (noun), foto (9/10), pl foto.
photograph (noun), picha (9/10), pl picha. photograph, take a snapshot.
piga picha.
photograph (noun), sanamu (9/10), pl sanamu.
photograph (verb), -piga picha.
take a photograph (verb), -forota.
take a photograph (verb), -fotoa foto.
phraseological unit (noun), nahau (9/10), pl nahau.
physic-nut plant (noun), mbono (3/4), pl mibono.
physician (noun), dakta, pl madakta.
physician (noun), daktari, pl madaktari.
physician (noun), mponyeshaji, pl waponyeshaji.
physician (noun), mponyi (1/2), pl waponyi.
physician (noun), mpozi, pl wapozi.
physician (noun), tabibu (1/2), pl watabibu.
rec.physician (noun), mganga, pl waganga.
physics (noun), fizikia (9/10), pl fizikia.
physique (noun), maungo (6). Matika was larger than Chonya in terms of
physique.. Matika alimpitia sana Chonya kwa maungo [Balisidya, Masomo
physique (noun), umbo (5/6), pl maumbo.
piano (noun), kinanda, pl vinanda.
piaster (noun), reale (9/10), pl reale.
piastre (noun), riale (9/10), pl riale.
piastre (noun), riali (9/10), pl riali.
pice (noun), pesa (5/6), pl mapesa.
be picked up (verb), -okotwa.
embroidery pick (noun), mcheche (3/4), pl micheche.
pick (verb), -chuma.
pick (verb), -funa. pick fruit.
pick (verb), -vuna.
pick (fruit) (verb), -kwamua.
pick (fruit) (verb), -kwamyua.
pick (fruit) (verb), -kwanua.
pick (fruit) (verb), -kwanyua.
pick (fruit) (verb), -momonyoa.
pick (fruit) (verb), -monyoa.
pick at (verb), -chokoa.
pick at (verb), -chokocha.
pick at (verb), -chokora.
pick off (verb), -kongonyoa.
pick off (verb), -konoa.
pick off (verb), -konyoa.
pick on something (verb), -donoa.
pick out (verb), -chuja. pick out a few people. chuja watu wengine.
pick out (verb), -pambanua.
pick out (verb), -teua.
pick the teeth (verb), -totora.
pick up (verb), -dona. chickens pick up grain.. kuku wanadona nafaka.
pick up (verb), -inukia.
pick up (verb), -okota. Zakaria picked it at once.. Zakaria aliiokota
mara moja [Kez], kukutana mabondeni kwenye kuokota kuni [Moh], alikuwa
abiria tu aliyemwokota njiani [Sul].
pick up (verb), -zoa.
pick up (a small amount) (verb), -chota.
pick up (a small amount) (verb), -chotea.
pick up (of grains) (verb), -chakua.
pick up a little at a time. (verb), -dondoa.
pick-ax (noun), kiteku (7/8), pl viteku.
pick-axe (noun), sululu (9/10), pl sululu.
pick-axe (noun), sururu (9/10), pl sururu.
one who is picked out (for some quality or skill) (noun), mteule, pl
picker (noun), mwokosi (1/2), pl waokosi.
picking (noun), uvuno, pl mavuno.
picking (of fruit) (noun), uchumaji.
picking up (noun), uokotaji.
pickle (noun), kachumbari (9/10), pl kachumbari.
pickle(s) (noun), kachumbari.
pickpocket (noun), mnyakuzi (1/2), pl wanyakuzi.
one who picks up something (noun), mwokosi, pl waokosi.
one who picks up something (noun), mwokoti, pl waokoti.
picnic (noun), mandari (9/10), pl mandari.
draw a picture (verb), -sawiri.
picture (noun), picha (9/10), pl picha.
picture (noun), sanamu (9/10), pl sanamu.
picture (noun), pl pictures, taswira (9/10), pl taswira.
take a picture (verb), -piga picha.
meat pie (kind of) (noun), bokoboko.
big piece (noun), pandikizi (5/6), pl mapandikizi. to construct a big
piece of desire. kujenga "pandikizi la tamaa" kifuani pa Miraji [Moh].
broken piece (noun), kidiku (7/8), pl vidiku.
large piece (noun), pande (5/6), pl mapande. a large piece of metal.
pande la chuma.
large piece (noun), pandepande (5/6), pl mapandepande.
large piece (noun), pandikizi (5/6), pl mapandikizi.
large piece, (noun), pandekizi (5/6), pl mapandekizi.
piece (noun), choto, pl machoto.
piece (noun), fungu (5/6), pl mafungu.
piece (noun), kataa (9/10), pl kataa.
piece (noun), kipande, pl vipande.
piece (noun), kiraka (7/8), pl viraka.
piece (noun), kodwe.
piece (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
piece (noun), makombo.
piece (noun), nusu (9/10), pl nusu. a small piece.. nusu kidogo.
piece (noun), taba (9/10), pl taba.
piece (noun), tabu (9/10), pl tabu.
piece (noun), tabutabu (9/10), pl tabutabu.
piece (noun), ubale (11/10), pl mbale.
piece (noun), upande (11/10), pl pande.
piece (eg of sugarcane between joints) (noun), pingili (9/10), pl
pingili. Give me three pieces of flowers.. nipe pingili tatu za mua.
piece (large) (noun), bale (5/6), pl mabale.
piece (of bread) (noun), mego, pl mamego.
piece (small) (noun), mcheche (3/4), pl micheche.
small piece (of cassava etc.) (noun), cheche. "spark, ray".. cheche la
[ya] moto.
small piece (of cassava etc.) (noun), chechi.
cut into pieces (verb), -pingua.
take pieces (verb), -kongolea.
pier (noun), bunta.
pier (noun), fuko (5/6), pl mafuko.
pier (noun), gati (9/10), pl gati.
hole in ear made by piercing (noun), pete (5/6), pl mapete. pierce the
ears.. toga mapete.
pierce (verb), -bomoa.
pierce (verb), -choma.
pierce (verb), -dopoa.
pierce (verb), -dudumia.
pierce (verb), -fuma.
pierce (verb), -kokorocha.
pierce (verb), -korocha.
pierce (verb), -korochakorocha.
pierce (verb), -toboa.
pierce (verb), -tomoa.
pierce (verb), -vuaza.
pierce (verb), -ziua.
pierce (verb), -zua.
pierce (the ears for earrings) (verb), -toga.
pierce (usually the ears for ornaments) (verb), -dunga.
pierce (with an implement) (verb), -didimikia.
pierce the ear (verb), -toga sikio.
pierce the ears (verb), -toga mapete. "they are now like ring and finger
(i.e., close friends)".. siku hizi wamekuwa chanda na pete.
be pierced (verb), -chomeka.
strict piety (noun), utawa.
pig (noun), hanziri.
pig (noun), nguruwe (9/10an), pl nguruwe. wild pig. nguruwe mwitu.
wild pig (noun), mbango.
wild pig (noun), nguruwe mwitu (9/10an), pl nguruwe mwitu. wild pig.
nguruwe mwitu.
pigeon (noun), njiwa (9/10an), pl njiwa.
pigeon (species of) (noun), ninga (9/10an), pl ninga.
pigment (noun), rangi (9/10), pl rangi. red (black) pigment/dye.. rangi
nyekundu (nyeusi).
red pigment (noun), kindoro, pl vindoro.
pigmy (noun), mbilikimo (9/10an), pl mbilikimo.
pigtail (noun), msuko, pl misuko.
pigtail (noun), msukosuko, pl misukosuko.
pigtail (of hair) (noun), kikoto, pl vikoto.
be piled up (verb), -lundika.
be piled up (verb), -rundika.
be piled up (verb), -rundika.
pile (noun), chungu, pl pile.
pile (verb), -panganya.
pile (of weeds or leaves or refuse) (noun), biwi, pl mabiwi.
pile grass and weeds in heaps (verb), -palilia (applicative). to assist
his/her mother to cut, slash, collect or pile or harvest.. kumsaidia
mamaake kutema, kufyeka, kuburuga, kupalilia au kuvuna [Moh].
pile up (verb), -elekanya.
pile up (verb), -kongomana.
pile up (verb), -kusanya.
pile up (verb), -omekeza.
pile up (verb), -omekeza.
pile up (verb), -tutika.
pile up (verb), -vumbika.
pile up (fruit or grain) (verb), -tuta.
piles (noun), bawasili.
piles (noun), bawasiri.
go on the pilgrimage (to Mecca) (verb), -hiji.
pilgrim (noun), haji (5/6), pl mahaji.
pilgrim (noun), hamiji (1/2), pl wahamiji.
rel., rare pilgrim (noun), mhamishi, pl wahamishi.
pilgrimage to Mecca (noun), Haji (9/10), pl Haji.
place of pilgrimage (noun), ziara, pl maziara.
pill (noun), kibonge, pl vibonge.
pill (noun), kidonge (7/8), pl vidonge.
pill (noun), tembe.
pillage (noun), uharabu.
pillage (noun), uharibifu.
pillage (noun), utekaji (14).
pillage (verb), -teka.
central pillar in a building (noun), mwamba (3/4), pl miamba.
pillar (noun), gadi (5/6), pl magadi.
pillar (noun), magadi.
pillar (noun), makwa.
pillar (noun), mhimili (3/4), pl mihimili.
pillar (noun), nguzo (9/10), pl nguzo.
pillar (in house construction) (noun), jiguzo.
pillar (supporting a ceiling) (noun), kipia, pl vipia. attack of fever.
pillow (noun), pl pillows, mto (3/4), pl mito.
pillowcase (noun), foronya (9/10), pl foronya.
pilot (noun), mrukaji, pl warukaji.
pilot (noun), mwanahewa (1/2), pl wanahewa.
pilot (noun), rubani (5/6an), pl marubani. the editor of this dictionary
is an airplane pilot. mtengenezaji mkuu wa kamusi hii ni rubani anayeruka
pilot (of an airplane) (noun), mshika, pl washika. "sport, rare:
referee, umpire".. mshika filimbi.
pilot (of an airplane) (noun), mshiki, pl washika. "sport, rare:
referee, umpire".. mshika filimbi.
rare, naut. pilot (noun), mwalimu, pl walimu.
piloting (noun), uendeshaji.
pimp (noun), kawadi.
pimp (noun), kuwadi (5/6), pl makuwadi.
pimple (noun), chunusi (9/10), pl chunusi.
pimple (noun), dutu, pl dutu, madutu.
pimple (noun), kidudusi, pl vidudusi.
pimple (noun), kipele, pl vipele.
pimple (noun), ukuruti (11).
pimple (noun), ukurutu (11).
pimple (noun), upele (11/10), pl pele.
pimple (on the face) (noun), kawe, pl viwe.
pimple (on the face) (noun), kijiwe, pl vijiwe.
pimple (on the face) (noun), kikawe, pl vikawe.
pimple (on the face) (noun), kiwe, pl viwe.
pin (noun), banzi, pl mabanzi.
pin (noun), kipingo, pl vipingo.
pin (noun), msomari, pl misomari. drive (pull out) a pin.. pigilia
[ng'oa] msumari.
pin (noun), msumari, pl misumari. drive (pull out) a pin.. pigilia
[ng'oa] msumari.
pin (noun), mwiba (3/4), pl miiba.
pin (noun), pini (9/10), pl pini.
pin (wooden) (noun), chango, pl vichango.
pins-and-needles (of the feet) (noun), kibibi, pl vibibi.
pin hole (noun), tobwe (5/6), pl matobwe.
pin-up (noun), kisura (7/8), pl visura.
pincers (noun), gando (5/6), pl magando.
pincers (noun), kibano (7/8), pl vibano.
pincers (noun), koleo (9/10), pl koleo.
pincers (noun), mbano (3/4), pl mibano.
be pinched (verb), -finyana.
cause to pinch (verb), -banza.
pinch (noun), mafinyo.
pinch (noun), mchoto (3/4), pl michoto.
pinch (verb), -bana.
pinch (verb), -binya.
pinch (verb), -finya.
pinch (verb), -nyukua.
pinch (with fingers) (noun), mfinyo (3/4), pl mifinyo.
pinchbeck (noun), puleki (9/10), pl puleki.
pinchbeck (noun), puluki (9/10), pl puluki.
pine away (verb), -dhii.
pine species (Pandanus sp) (noun), msanaka, pl misanaka.
pine wood (kind of) (noun), sunobari (9/10), pl sunobari.
screw pine (pandanus kirkii or tectorius) (noun), mkadi, pl mikadi.
pineapple (noun), nanasi, pl mananasi.
pineapple plant (noun), mnanasi (3/4), pl minanasi.
pink (adjective), pinki.
pinnacle (noun), gongo (5/6), pl magongo.
pinnule (noun), kozi. an important influential person.
pint (noun), painti (9/10), pl painti.
pioneer (noun), mkugenzi, pl wakugenzi.
pioneer (noun), mkurugenzi, pl wakurugenzi.
pioneer (noun), pl pioneers, mtangulizi (1/2), pl watangulizi.
pioneer (noun), mwanzilishi, pl waanzilishi.
pioneer (noun), mwanzilizi, pl waanzilizi.
pioneer (noun), mwanzishaji, pl waanzilishaji.
pioneering spirit (noun), ukurugenzi.
lead a pious life (verb), -tawa.
pious (adjective), -ema.
pious (adjective), tawa.
pious life (noun), tawasufi.
pious person (noun), msalihina, pl wasalihina.
pious person (noun), msalikhina, pl wasalikhina.
pious person (noun), mtaawa, pl wataawa.
pious person (noun), mtawa, pl watawa.
pious person (noun), salihina (9/10an), pl salahina.
pious person (noun), sufii (9/10an), pl sufii.
pious person (of any faith) (noun), msalimina, pl wasalimina.
pious person (of any faith) (noun), msalimu, pl wasalimu.
pip (on playing-cards) (noun), ng'anda (9/10), pl ng'anda.
pipe (noun), bomba (5/6), pl mabomba. petroleum pipeline. bomba la
pipe (noun), feleji, pl mafeleji.
pipe (noun), fereji, pl mafereji.
pipe (noun), kasiba.
pipe (noun), mchirizi (3/4), pl michirizi.
pipe (noun), mkirizi, pl mikirizi.
pipe (noun), mlizabu, pl mirizabu.
pipe (noun), mlizamu (3/4), pl milizamu.
pipe (noun), pl pipes, mrizabu (3/4), pl mirizabu.
pipe (noun), mwanzi, pl mianzi. nostril.. mwanzi wa pua.
pipe (noun), neli.
pipe (for tobacco) (noun), pl pipes (for tobacco), mtemba (3/4), pl
pipe (musical instrument) (noun), mrija, pl mirija.
pipe (of tobacco) (noun), kiko (7/8), pl viko.
rare pipe(in gen.) (noun), mrija, pl mirija.
water-pipe (noun), buruma.
water-pipe (noun), mfeleji, pl mifeleji.
water-pipe (noun), mfereji, pl mifereji.
pipe-bowl (noun), zaka.
pipeclay (noun), chaki.
pipeclay (noun), choki.
pique (verb), -palilia (applicative).
piracy (noun), uharamia (14).
pirate (noun), haramia (5/6), pl maharamia.
pirate (noun), haramia (5/6), pl maharamia.
pistol (noun), bastola (9/10), pl bastola. The pistol was used to kill
the dogs.. Bastola ilitumiwa kuwaua mbwa..
pistol (noun), pistola (9/10), pl pistola.
piston (noun), pl pistons, mchi wa mashine, pl michi wa mashine.
pit (noun), bopo (5/6), pl mabopo.
pit (noun), chimbo (5/6), pl machimbo.
pit (noun), chimbuko (5/6), pl machimbuko.
pit (noun), dindi, pl madindi.
pit (noun), fuko (5/6), pl mafuko.
pit (noun), dindi, pl malindi.
pit (noun), kuo (5/6), pl makuo.
pit (noun), lindi, pl malindi.
pit (noun), msingi, pl misingi.
pit (noun), msinji, pl misinji.
pit (noun), mwina (3/4), pl miina.
pit (noun), mzingi, pl mizingi.
pit (noun), pl pits, shimo (5/6), pl mashimo.
pit (of fruit) (noun), koko (5/6), pl makoko.
pit (of fruit) (noun), kokwa (9/10), pl kokwa.
pit (of fruit) (noun), konde, pl makonde.
pit of stomach (noun), chembe (7/8), pl vyembe.
pitch (noun), bereu, pl maberu.
pitch (noun), lami.
pitch (noun), lammi.
pitch a tent (verb), -piga hema.
of being pitch-black (noun), titi (9).
pitcher (noun), gudulia (5/6), pl magudulia.
pitcher (earthen) (noun), mtungi (3/4), pl mitungi.
naut. pitching (of a ship) (noun), mrama, pl mirama. pitch.. enda
pith (noun), kiini, pl viini.
pithy thing (noun), kibua (7/8), pl vibua.
pitiful (adjective), dhalili.
pits (noun), malindi.
pituitary gland (noun), tezi (5/6), pl matezi.
have pity (verb), -hurumia.
have pity (for) (verb), -hurumia (applicative).
I pity you! (interjection), pole!.
object of pity (noun), masikitiko.
object of pity (noun), sikitiko (5/6), pl masikitiko.
pity (noun), huruma (9/10), pl huruma.
pity (noun), ole (9/10), pl ole.
pity (noun), pl pity, rehema (9/10), pl rehema.
pity (noun), shafaka (9/10), pl shafaka.
pity (noun), shufaka (9/10), pl shufaka.
take pity on (verb), -rehemu.
pivot (noun), egemeo (5/6), pl maegemeo.
pivot on which a rudder is swung (noun), pl pivots, rumada (9/10), pl
placard (noun), bango, pl mabango.
placate (verb), -pendeza.
be placed (verb), -shika nafasi. to be placed at the first position in
the competitions. kushika nafasi ya kwanza katika mashindano [Muk].
hiding place (noun), kificho (7/8), pl vificho.
in that place (adverb), kuko.
in that place (adverb), kule.
in that place (adverb), kule.
in that very place (adverb), kuku huku.
in that very place (adverb), palepale.
in the place of (preposition), kwa niaba ya.
in the place of (preposition), kwa niabu ya.
in the same place (adjective), pamoja.
in this place (adverb), humo.
in this very place (adjective), papa. In this very place. papa hapa.
in this very place (adverb), mumu humu.
inside the place of (conjunction), mwa.
open place (noun), peupe (14).
our place (adjective), petu.
place (noun), mahali (6).
place (noun), nafasi, pl nafasi.
place (verb), -gusisha.
place (verb), -ika.
place (verb), -tia.
place (verb), -weka.
place (in gen.) (noun), mahala. everywhere. kila mahala.
place (in gen.) (noun), mahali. everywhere. kila mahali.
place (proper or expected) (noun), pahala (9/10), pl pahala. resting-
place.. pahali pa kupumzika.
place (proper or expected) (noun), pahali (9/10), pl pahali. resting-
place.. pahali pa kupumzika.
place for putting something (noun), weko (5/6), pl maweko.
place for someone (verb), -wekea.
place to stand (noun), kikomo, pl vikomo.
place to stop (noun), kikomo, pl vikomo.
raw place (noun), chubuko (5/6), pl machubuko.
their places (noun), makwao (6).
to that place (adverb), hapo.
to that place (adverb), huko.
to that place (adverb), kuko.
to that place (adverb), kule.
to this place (adverb), hapa.
to this place (adverb), huko.
to this place (adverb), huku.
to what place? (pronoun), upi?.
your place (adjective), penu.
placenta (noun), mji (3/4), pl miji.
placenta (noun), zalio (5/6), pl mazalio.
in all places (noun), pahala po pote (9/10), pl pahala.
in all places (noun), pahali po pote (9/10), pl pahali.
many places (adjective), pengi.
placing (act of) (noun), kiweko (7/8), pl viweko.
cattle plague (noun), kideri.
cattle plague (noun), sadoka (9), pl sadoka.
cattle plague (noun), sodoka (9/10), pl sodoka.
cattle plague (noun), sotoka (9/10), pl sotoka.
plague (bubonic) (noun), pl plagues, tauni (9/10), pl tauni.
be plain (verb), -deheri.
be plain (verb), -elea.
make plain (verb), -pambazua.
plain (adjective), -bainifu.
plain (adjective), bayana.
plain (adjective), dhahiri.
plain (adjective), dhahiri.
plain (adjective), dhihirifu.
plain (adjective), kiada.
plain (adjective), plen.
plain (adjective), wazi.
plain (adjective), waziwazi.
plain (adverb), kichele.
plain (noun), kiwara (7/8), pl viwara.
plain (noun), sawa (9/10), pl sawa.
plain (noun), tambalale (9/10), pl tambalale.
plain (noun), tambarare (9/10), pl tambarare. level land. nchi ya
plain (noun), ubapa.
plain (noun), utando.
plain (noun), utandu.
plain (noun), uwanda.
plain (noun), wanda.
plain article of any kind (noun), mfuto, pl mifuto. a plain door
(without carving or ornamentation). mlango wa mfuto.
plain undecorated work (noun), mfuto (3/4), pl mifuto.
plainclothesman (noun), jasusi, pl wajasusi.
plainclothesman (noun), mjasusi, pl wajasusi.
plainclothesman (noun), mjasusu, pl wajasusu.
plainly (adverb), kinaganaga.
plainly (adverb), kinaga-ubaga.
plainness (noun), udhahiri.
plainness (noun), udhahirifu.
plainness (noun), udhihirifu.
plainness (noun), uwazi.
jur.plaintiff (noun), mshitaki, pl washitaki.
jur.plaintiff (noun), mshtaki, pl washtaki.
jur.plaintiff (noun), mstaki, pl wastaki.
plaintiff (noun), mdaawa, pl wadaawa.
plaintiff (noun), mdai, pl wadai.
plaintiff (noun), mlalamishi, pl walalamishi.
be plaited (verb), -sukwa. his/her hair was plaited since the afternoon.
nywele zake zilishasukwa tangu mchana.
plait (verb), -fuma.
plait (verb), -sokota.
plait (verb), -suka.
plait (of hair) (noun), shungi (5/6), pl mashungi.
plaited work (noun), msuko, pl misuko.
plaited work (noun), msukosuko, pl misukosuko.
plaiting (act of) (noun), mfumo, pl mifumo.
plaiting (act of) (noun), msuko, pl misuko.
plaiting (act of) (noun), msukosuko, pl misukosuko.
plaiting (hair or mats) (noun), usukumizi.
plaiting (hair or mats) (noun), ususi.
one who plaits (noun), msuka, pl misuka. mat-weaver. msuka mikeka.
be planned (verb), -pangwa.
plan (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
plan (noun), azima, pl maazima.
plan (noun), azimio, pl maazimio.
plan (noun), busara.
plan (noun), dhati.
plan (noun), jedwali.
plan (noun), kasidi.
plan (noun), kusudi.
plan (noun), maazimio, pl maazimio.
plan (noun), mbinu (9/10), pl mbinu.
plan (noun), mpango (3/4), pl mipango.
plan (noun), mradi, pl miradi, muradi.
plan (noun), plani (9/10), pl plani.
plan (noun), pl plans, rasimu (9/10), pl rasimu.
plan (noun), shauri (9/10), pl shauri. do you have a plan?. una
plan (noun), tabasuri (9/10), pl tabasuri.
plan (noun), tarakibu (9/10), pl tarakibu.
plan (noun), utungo.
plan (verb), -andaa.
plan (verb), -ania.
plan (verb), -panga.
plan (architectural) (noun), rahamani (9/10), pl rahamani.
plan (architectural) (noun), ramani (9/10), pl ramani.
plan to (verb), -kusudia.
carpenter's plane (noun), kipira (7/8), pl vipira.
carpenter's plane (noun), landa. to plane.. piga randa.
plane (noun), ubapa (11/10), pl bapa.
plane (verb), -piga randa.
plane (of carpenters) (noun), randa (9/10), pl randa. to plane.. piga
planet (noun), sayari (9/10), pl sayari. there are seven planets. Kuna
sayari saba.
plank (noun), bao, pl mabao (also mibao).
plank (noun), bau, pl mibau.
plank (noun), mbao (9/10), pl mbao.
plank (noun), ubao (11/10), pl mbao.
plank (noun), ubau.
plank (used in house-building) (noun), munda, pl miunda.
planner (noun), mpangaji (1/2), pl wapangaji.
planning (noun), upangaji (14).
planquin (noun), tusi.
annual edible plant (noun), bisari.
annual plant (Heteropogn contortus) (noun), kichoma, pl vichoma.
annual plant (Momordica morgose or charantia) (noun), karela.
be planted (verb), -pandwa (passive). There were mango trees which were
planted in profusion. palikuwa na miembe iliyopandwa kwa fujo [Sul].
climbing plant (noun), kishiki cha buga, pl vishiki: -cha buga.
climbing plant (noun), mbugu, pl mibugu.
climbing plant (noun), mkwezi, pl mikwezi.
climbing plant (noun), mmelea, pl mimelea.
climbing plant (kind of) (noun), mkuku, pl mikuku.
climbing plant yielding poison for arrows (noun), kombe, pl kombe.
Dichapetalum macrocarpum (noun), chikwaya jike.
Dichapetalum mosambicense (noun), chikwaya dume.
factory plant (noun), mtambo, pl mitambo.
hardy creeping plant (Callopsis Volensii) (noun), kilalanungu, pl
hardy plant (Ramphicarpa veronicaefolia) (noun), kimangari, pl vimangari.
hardy plant, Pentas purpurea (noun), kivumanyaki, pl vivumanyaki.
jaja (perennial plant, Aneilema aequinoctiale) (noun), jaja.
kakindu (variety of plant, Striga pubiflora) (noun), kakindu.
kind of plant, Canna indica (the seeds are used for Moslem rosaries)
(noun), mtasbihi, pl mitasbihi.
kirukia (paratsitic climbing plant) (noun), kirukia, pl virukia.
lentil-plant (noun), mdengu, pl midengu.
marijuana plant (leaf is bangi) (noun), mbangi (3/4), pl mibangi.
mkwakwa (climbing plant bearing edible fruit, Landolfia florida) (noun),
mkwakwa, pl mikwakwa.
mkwakwa (climbing plant bearing edible fruit, Landolfia florida) (noun),
mkwakwara, pl mikwakwara.
mlangamia (parasitic plant growing on cloves) (noun), mlangamia, pl
name of a climbing plant (noun), kirukia (7/8), pl virukia.
perennial plant (Abutilum zanzibaricum) (noun), mbiha, pl mibiha.
perennial plant (Aneilema aequinoctale or sinicum) (noun), kongwe. a
great quantity of coconuts..
plant (noun), kipando (7/8), pl vipando.
plant (noun), kiwanda, pl viwanda.
plant (noun), mmea (3/4), pl mimea.
plant (verb), -panda.
plant (any of several stinging kinds) (noun), weni (11/6), pl maweni.
plant (kind of) (noun), mnyapa, pl minyapa.
plant (kind used for making black dye, Euclea multiflora) (noun), mdaa,
pl midaa.
plant (rice in holes) (verb), -sia.
plant out (verb), -atika.
plant out (transferring plants from a nursery to a plantation) (verb), -
plant resembling the pea (Phaseolus mungo) (noun), mchoroko, pl
plant similar to the mallow; used for making brooms (noun), mfagio, pl
plant with aromatic leaves, (Ocimum sp) (noun), mvumbasi, pl mivumbasi.
planting-out (act of) (noun), pandikizo (5/6), pl mapandikizo.
poisonous plant used for medicinal purposes (noun), msungululu, pl
thorny swamp plant (noun), tindiga.
type of poisonous plant (Euphorbia abyssinica) (noun), mbamba, pl
wild plant (which has seeded itself) (noun), tarare.
young plant (noun), chipukizi (5/6), pl machipukizi.
plantain (fruit of the mgomba, q.v.) (noun), ndizi.
plantation (noun), kore (9/10), pl kore.
plantation (noun), kore.
plantation (noun), mgunda (3/4), pl migunda.
plantation (noun), shamba (5/6), pl mashamba.
planter (noun), mpanda, pl wapanda.
planter (noun), mpandaji, pl wapandaji.
planter (noun), mpandi, pl wapandi.
planter (noun), mpanzi, pl wapanzi.
planter (noun), mpanzi (1/2), pl wapanzi.
planting (noun), upandaji (14).
planting (noun), upanzi.
planting (act of) (noun), kipandikizo, pl vipandikizo.
planting (act of) (noun), pando (5/6), pl mapando.
planting time (noun), kupanda.
time for planting (noun), upanzi.
plants which come up by chance (without seeds having been planted)
(noun), mabotea, pl mabotea.
plants which come up unexpectedly (without seeds having been planted)
(noun), mabotea, pl mabotea.
row of plants (noun), pando (5/6), pl mapando.
inside plaster (noun), lipu ndani (9/10), pl lipu ndani.
plaster (noun), lipu (9/10), pl lipu.
plaster (noun), malhamu.
plaster (noun), marahamu.
plaster (noun), marhamu (9/10), pl marhamu.
plaster (noun), marhamu.
plaster (noun), mpakato (3/4), pl mipakato.
plaster (noun), mpako, pl mipako.
plaster (verb), -kandika.
plaster (verb), -paka udongo.
plaster (verb), -tomea.
plaster (a wall with clay or mortar) (verb), -taliza.
plaster (adhesive) (noun), makuru.
plaster a house with clay (verb), -kandika.
plaster a wall (verb), -piga lipu.
reinforcing plaster with stone work (act of) (noun), mtomo, pl mitomo.
be plastered (verb), -kandikwa.
plasterer (noun), mpakazi (1/2), pl wapakazi.
plastering (noun), mpako (3/4), pl mipako.
plastering (noun), upakiaji.
plastering (noun), upakio.
plastering (noun), upakizi.
plastic (noun), plastiki (9/10), pl plastiki.
plasticine (noun), plastisini (9/10), pl plastisini.
plasticity (noun), kinamo.
plasticity (noun), kinamu (7).
hot plate (noun), kipasha mto, pl vipasha mto.
plate (noun), kombe, pl kombe, makombe. buy oneself off; recover/recoup
(one's losses, in gambling, etc.).
plate (noun), sahani (9/10), pl sahani. porcelain plates. sahani za
plate (with tin) (verb), -rasisi.
plate (wooden) (noun), mfure (3/4), pl mifure.
small plate (noun), kisahani, pl visahani.
loading-platform (noun), mapakio.
loading-platform (noun), mapakizi.
platform (noun), jukwaa, pl majukwaa.
platform (noun), kinara, pl vinara.
platform (at railroad stations) (noun), bao, pl mabao (also mibao).
platform (at railroad stations) (noun), bau, pl mibau.
platform (for keeping a watch over palnted fields) (noun), kilingo, pl
platform (for the watchman guarding a field). (noun), ulingo, pl lingo,
platform (raised from the ground used esp. for bird scarers) (noun),
dungu (5/6), pl madungu.
platform for blood offerings to spirits (noun), ulili (11/6), pl malili?.
platform for drying and storing grain (noun), taa (9/10), pl taa.
platform for drying and storing grain (noun), utaa (11).
pol.platform (noun), mpango, pl mipango.
plating (noun), mchovyo (3/4), pl michovyo.
platoon (noun), kikosi, pl vikosi.
platter (noun), ulio.
platter (flat and wooden and round with a low rim used for serving food)
(noun), chano (7/8), pl vyano.
wooden platter (small and round) (noun), kifua (7/8), pl vifua.
be played at (verb), -chezewa.
cause to play (verb), -chezesha (causative).
one who plays the gambusi or zeze (noun), mutribu.
play (noun), changamko, pl machangamko.
play (noun), masihara (9/10), pl masihara.
play (noun), mchezo (3/4), pl michezo.
play (verb), -chera.
play (verb), -cheza.
play (an instrument) (verb), -charaza.
play (theater) (noun), mchezo wa kuigiza, pl michezo ya kuigiza. Ebrahim
Hussein is a famous playright. Ebrahim Hussein ni mwandishi maarufu wa
michezo ya kuigiza.
play (theatrical) (noun), tamthilia (9/10), pl tamthilia.
play a game (verb), -pa mchezo.
play music (verb), -piga muziki.
play the fool (verb), -jipuza.
play with (verb), -chezea (applicative).
play with (verb), -chezeka.
playroom (noun), pembizo (5/6), pl mapembizo.
play-acting (noun), uigaji (14).
horn player (noun), mazeka, pl mizeka.
player (noun), mcheza, pl wacheza.
player (noun), mchezaji (1/2), pl wachezaji.
player (noun), mchezaji, pl wacheza.
player (noun), mchezi, pl wacheza.
player (noun), mwanamchezo (1/2), pl wanamichezo.
reserve player (sport) (noun), risavu (5/6an), pl marisavu.
reserve player (sport) (noun), rizavu (5/6an), pl marizavu.
playful (adjective), purupuru.
playfulness (noun), utukutu (14).
playground (noun), uwanja (11/10), pl nyanja.
playing around (noun), uchezaji.
playing-card (noun), karata (9/10), pl karata.
playing-field (noun), uwanja, pl wanja.
playroom (noun), pambizo (5/6), pl mapambizo.
plaza (noun), uwanda (11/10), pl nyanda.
plaza (noun), wanda.
plea (noun), dua.
plea (noun), ikirari.
plea (noun), teto (5/6), pl mateto.
plea (noun), ulalamishi.
plea (noun), ulalamizi.
plea (noun), utashi.
plead (persistently and urgently for something one wants) (verb), -
pleader (noun), mnenea (1/2), pl wanenea.
pleader (noun), mwombezi (1/2), pl waombezi.
be pleasant to look at (verb), -tazamika.
in a pleasant way (adverb), tamu.
look pleasant (verb), -nawiri.
make pleasant (verb), -nogesha (causative).
pleasant (adjective), -anisi.
pleasant (adjective), -ema.
pleasant (adjective), marini.
pleasant (adjective), taanisi.
pleasant (adjective), tamu. pleasant words. maneno matamu.
pleasant (adjective), tamu.
pleasant person (noun), mcheshi, pl wacheshi.
pleasant person (noun), mjibu, pl wajibu.
pleasant person (noun), pl pleasant people, mrua (1/2), pl warua.
pleasant person (noun), mwema (1/2), pl wema.
pleasant thing (noun), kinyemi (7).
something pleasant (noun), nyemi (9/10), pl nyemi.
pleasantly (adverb), tamu.
pleasantly (adverb), vizuri.
pleasantness (noun), usafidi.
pleasantness (noun), utamu.
pleasantries (noun), kinono (7/8), pl vinono.
be hard to please (verb), -nyeta.
be hard to please (verb), -teua.
be pleased (verb), -furahi.
be pleased for (verb), -furahikia ( appl-poten).
be pleasing (verb), -pendeza.
be pleasing to or for (verb), -nogea.
cause to please (verb), -pendesha.
please (verb), -anisi.
please (verb), -changamsha.
please (verb), -furahisha.
please (verb), -kola.
please (verb), -kora.
please (verb), -ridhi. (s)he wanted to please him/her but was not able..
alitaka kumridhi, lakini hakuweza [Sul], ili kuziridhi sharti za Rozi
[Sul], alitaka mamaake aridhi shauri la kupelekwa hospitali [Moh].
please (verb), -taanisi.
please (verb), -tafadhali.
Please (do me the favor) (interjection), tafadhali.
please (someone) (verb), -hibia.
please someone with something (verb), -rehemisha.
be pleased (verb), -pendezwa ( appl-caus-pass). (s)he turned and run
towards the mirror and was pleased.. aligeuka kukimbilia kiooni [] huku
kapendezewa [Sul].
be pleasing (verb), -shau.
be pleasing (verb), -shaua.
be pleasing (verb), -taanisi.
pleasing (adjective), vinono.
add to the pleasure (of something) (verb), -furahikia.
anticipated pleasure (noun), limbuko, pl malimbuko, milimbuko.
anticipated pleasure (noun), mlimbuko, pl malimbuko, milimbuko.
be a pleasure seeker (verb), -taanasa.
cause pleasure (verb), -taanisi.
derive pleasure from (verb), -faidi.
malicious pleasure taken in another person's misfortune (noun), usimango,
pl masimango.
malicious pleasure taken in someone else's misfortune (noun), simango
(5/6), pl masimango.
pleasure (noun), anasa (9/10), pl anasa.
pleasure (noun), furaha (9/10), pl furaha.
pleasure (noun), hiari.
pleasure (noun), maneva. We are going on an excursion. tunakwenda
pleasure (noun), starehe (9/10), pl starehe.
pleasure (noun), taanasa (9/10), pl taanasa. all types of things of
pleasure and happiness. kila aina ya vitu vya taanasa na raha [Ya].
pleasure (noun), ufurahi.
pleasure (over something) (noun), upendezi, pl mapendezi.
something that gives pleasure (noun), kiroja, pl viroja.
take a malicious pleasure in (another's misfortune or discomfiture)
(verb), -simanga.
pleat (noun), kikunje, pl kikunjo.
pleat (noun), kikunjo, pl kikunjo.
pleat (noun), rinda (5/6), pl marinda.
pleat (of a skirt, etc.) (noun), marinda.
the pleats of a skirt or similar pleats (noun), marinda (6).
leave as a pledge (verb), -weka poni. leave as a pledge.. weka poni.
pledge (noun), amana (9/10), pl amana.
pledge (noun), daraka, pl madaraka.
pledge (noun), dhamana.
pledge (noun), poni (9/10), pl poni.
pledge (noun), rahani (9/10), pl rahani. redeem a pledge. komboa
pledge (noun), rehani (9/10), pl rehani. redeem a pledge. komboa
pledge (noun), udhamini.
pledge (verb), -poni.
Pleiades (constellation) (noun), kilimia.
the Pleiades (noun), thurea.
plenary powers (noun), daraka, pl madaraka.
be plentiful (verb), -jaa.
plentiful (adjective), neemefu.
plentiful (adjective), neemevu.
plentifully (adverb), -pukupuku. During the wedding, the house had
plenty of people. Wakati wa harusi, nyumba ilijaa pukupuku na watu.
plentifully (adverb), -pukupuku. During the wedding, the house had
plenty of people. Wakati wa harusi, nyumba ilijaa pukupuku na watu.
have plenty of something (verb), -jaa.
plenty (adjective), tele.
plenty (noun), chasi, pl viasi.
plenty (noun), kifu.
plenty (noun), neema (9/10), pl neema.
plenty (noun), tele.
plenty (noun), uneemefu.
plenty (noun), uneemevu.
plenty (noun), wingi (14).
plenty of (adjective), maridhawa.
pliable (adjective), leini.
pliable (adjective), nama.
pliable (adjective), teke.
pliancy (noun), kinamo.
flat-nosed pliers (used by silversmiths) (noun), chamburo.
pliers (noun), koleo (9/10), pl koleo.
pliers (flat-nosed) (noun), pakari (9/10), pl pakari.
cultivated plot of land (noun), kuo, pl makuo.
plot (noun), kitimbi (7/8), pl vitimbi.
plot (noun), njama (9/10), pl njama. His/her plot to benefit from the
award alone. njama zake za kuifaidi zawadi peke yake [Muk].
plot (verb), -tega.
plot (cultivated) (noun), konde (5/6), pl makonde.
plot (of land) (noun), kiwanja (7/8), pl viwanja.
plot (of land) (noun), ngwe (9/10), pl ngwe.
plot of ground (noun), kiwanda (7/8), pl viwanda.
plot of ground (small) (noun), ugwe (11/10), pl ngwe.
plot of land (prepared for cultivation) (noun), ucheo.
plot of land for house-building (noun), pl plots of land, ramu (9/10), pl
plotting (noun), uchimbi.
plotting (noun), utimbi.
plotting (noun), utimvi.
golden plover (noun), chekehukwa.
plow (noun), jembe, pl majembe.
plow (noun), plau (9/10), pl plau. to plow. lima kwa [na] plau.
plow (verb), -lima.
plow (verb), -lima.
be plucked (verb), -nyonyolewa.
pluck (verb), -chuma.
pluck (verb), -nyukua.
pluck (verb), -tabua.
pluck (verb), -tunda.
pluck (fruit from branches) (verb), -kwamyua.
pluck (fruit from branches) (verb), -kwanyua.
pluck (plants) (verb), -nyaka.
pluck off (verb), -goboa.
pluck off (verb), -kongonyoa.
pluck off (verb), -konoa.
pluck off (verb), -konyoa.
pluck off (fruit from branches) (verb), -kwamua.
pluck off (fruit from branches) (verb), -kwanua.
pluck out (feathers) (verb), -nyonyoa.
plug (noun), kizibo, pl vizibo.
pluck out (fibres) (verb), -chambua.
pluck out (fibres) (verb), -chamvua.
be plugged (verb), -zibika.
plug (noun), hasho, pl mahasho (vihasho).
plug (noun), mzibo, pl mizibo.
plug (noun), nguruzi (9/10), pl nguruzi.
plug (verb), -chomeka.
plug (verb), -ziba.
plug (electric) (noun), mzibo, pl mizibo.
plug (electric) (noun), plagi (9/10), pl plagi.
plug (of tobacco) (noun), jino.
plum (kind of) (noun), zambarau.
plum tree (noun), mzambarau, pl mizambarau.
plum tree species (Achras zapota) (noun), mratabu, pl miratabu.
plumb bob (noun), timazi.
plumb-line (noun), chubui.
plumb-line (noun), chubwi.
plummet (noun), timazi (9/10), pl timazi.
plump (adjective), nono.
plump person (noun), mnene (1/2), pl wanene.
be plundered (verb), -nyang'anywa.
plunder (noun), mateka (9/10), pl mateka.
plunder (noun), mateka, pl mateka.
plunder (noun), pl plunder, nyara (9/10), pl nyara.
plunder (noun), utekaji (14).
plunder (verb), -bakiwa.
plunder (verb), -bakua.
plunder (verb), -nyang'anya.
plunder (verb), -nyang'anya.
plunder (verb), -pora.
plunder (verb), -teka.
plunder (verb), -vua.
plunderer (noun), gaidi (5/6), pl magaidi.
plunderer (noun), mnyang'anyi, pl wanyang'anyi.
plunderer (noun), pl plunderers, mrugaruga (1/2), pl warugaruga.
plunderer (noun), rugaruga, pl warugaruga.
plunderer (noun), rugaruga (1/2), pl warugaruga.
plundering (noun), uharabu.
plundering (noun), uharibifu.
plundering (noun), unyakuzi.
plundering (noun), unyang'anyi.
plundering (noun), upokonyaji.
plundering (noun), upokonyo.
plundering (noun), utekaji (14).
cause something to plunge into something else (verb), -topeza.
plunge (noun), kachombe (9/10), pl kachombe.
plunge (verb), -zama.
plunge (verb), -zamisha ( caus-trans).
plunge into (verb), -chovya.
plunge into water (verb), -tosa.
take a plunge (verb), -piga kachombe.
be plunged in something (verb), -topea.
plunging (noun), chovyo, pl machovyo.
plural (noun), wingi.
plus (verb), -jumlisha.
ply with questions (verb), -nyenya.
pneumonia (noun), bombo. pneumonia. [homa ya ]bombo.
pneumonia (noun), bombom.
pneumonia (noun), kamata.
PO Box (abbreviation), S.L.P..
be pock-marked (verb), -duduka.
pocket (noun), kipindo, pl vipindo.
pocket (noun), mfuko (3/4), pl mifuko.
put into the pocket (verb), -futika.
pockmark (noun), lengelenge (5/6), pl malengelenge.
pod (noun), chunga.
pod (noun), kaha, pl makaha.
pod of the mzeze tree (noun), zeze, pl mazeze.
podium (usually for Moslem religious observance in the open air) (noun),
kinara, pl vinara.
Inkishafi (name of a poem) (noun), inkishafi.
poem (noun), beti (5/6), pl beti.
poem (noun), mashairi. write poetry. tunga mashairi.
poem (noun), mfuradi, pl mifuradi.
poem (noun), pl poems, shairi (5/6), pl mashairi. a love poem. shairi
la mapenzi.
poem (noun), ubeti (11/10), pl beti.
poem (noun), utungo.
poem recited in alteration (can be sung) (noun), ngonjera (9/10), pl
religious poem (noun), utendi.
collection of poems (noun), diwani, pl madiwani.
master poet (noun), malenga (6an), pl plural only.
poet (noun), malenga (1/2), pl walenga. The Swahili community respects
their master poets.. Jamii ya Waswahili wanawaheshimu malenga wao [Khan,
Masomo 396]..
poet (noun), pl poets, mshairi (1/2), pl washairi. A Swahili poet has
many reasons to compose poetry.. Mshairi wa Kiswahili ana sababu nyingi
zinazomfanya atunge mashairi [Khan, Masomo 391]; kuna mshairi aliyeimba
... [Mt].
art of poetry (noun), ushairi.
line of poetry (noun), mashairi. write poetry. tunga mashairi.
poetry (noun), mashairi. write poetry. tunga mashairi.
poetry (noun), shairi (5/6), pl mashairi. (s)he recited a poem. Aliimba
poetry (noun), ushairi (11).
write poetry (verb), -tia vina.
write poetry (verb), -tunga vina.
central point (noun), kiini (7/8), pl viini.
highest point (noun), kipeo (7/8), pl vipeo.
main point (noun), utako.
make a point (verb), -kolea.
metal point (noun), uma (11/10), pl nyuma.
point (noun), kilembwa (7/8), pl vilembwa.
point (noun), kinyangalele, pl vinyangalele.
point (noun), ncha, pl ncha.
point (noun), nukta (9/10), pl nukta.
point (noun), pointi (9/10), pl pointi.
point (verb), -elekeza (causative).
point (verb), -onyeshea kidole.
point (of arrow or spear or harpoon) (noun), chembe, pl vyembe.
point (sharp part of a knife, sword, spear, etc.) (noun), makali.
point at issue (noun), ushindi.
point in dispute (noun), ushindi (11).
point of time (noun), wakati.
point out (verb), -bainisha (causative).
point out (verb), -onyesha.
point to (verb), -elekea. my house faces south. nyumba yangu inaelekea
point with the finger (verb), -pelekeza kidole.
point with the finger (verb), -soza kidole.
pointed instrument (noun), kibanzi, pl vibanzi.
pointed thing (from honing) (noun), chonge (9/10), pl chonge.
press one's point (verb), -chagiza.
point of view (noun), rai (9/10), pl rai. in the opinion of ..... kwa
rai ya.
point out (verb), -tambulisha.
be pointed (verb), -koa.
pointed implement (awl or punch etc.) (noun), uma.
pointed object (stick or awl etc.) (noun), chomeo, pl machomeo.
pointer (noun), akarabu (9/10), pl akarabu. hand of a watch or clock. ~
ya saa.
pointer (noun), akrabu, pl akrabu. hand of a watch or clock. ~ ya saa.
pointer (noun), mshale, pl mishale.
fish poison plant (noun), kibaazi (7/8), pl vibaazi.
fish-poison (noun), mtupa (3/4), pl mitupa.
poison (noun), kiunguza (7/8), pl viunguza.
poison (noun), kiunguza, pl viunguza.
poison (noun), kiunguzo, pl viunguzo.
poison (noun), liga (5/6), pl maliga.
poison (noun), sumu (9/10), pl sumu.
poison (noun), uchawi (14).
poison (verb), -sumu. poison an arrow. sumu mshale.
poisonous plant (in general) (noun), mtupa, pl mitupa.
poke (noun), mdukuo (3/4), pl midukuo.
poke (verb), -chocha.
poke (verb), -kokorocha.
poke (verb), -korocha.
poke (verb), -korochakorocha.
poke on the ear (noun), mdukuo, pl midukuo.
poke one's nose into (noun), kidomo (7/8), pl vidomo.
poke out (verb), -chokoa.
poker (for stirring a fire) (noun), kichocheo, pl vichocheo.
poking (act of) (noun), mchocheo (3/4), pl michocheo.
poking (act of) (noun), mchocho, pl michocho.
poking (act of) (with the finger as a sign of contempt) (noun), msubukuo,
pl misubukuo. "poke, nudge".. piga msubukuo.
poking with a stick (act of) (noun), mchokocho (3/4), pl michokocho.
carrying-pole (a pole carried on the shoulder with water in tins hanging
from either end) (noun), maarasi.
long pole with a bent end for picking fruit from trees (noun), koleo, pl
long pole with a bent end for picking fruit from trees (noun), kweleo, pl
naut. a pole strengthening the mast (in native vessels) (noun), mtwana,
pl mitwana.
one of the poles laid across the rafters of a house to support the
thatch. (noun), upao, pl pao.
one of the poles laid across the rafters of a house to support the
thatch. (noun), upau, pl pau.
pole (noun), banzi, pl mabanzi.
pole (noun), konjo, pl makonjo.
pole (noun), konzo, pl makonzo.
pole (noun), mlingoti (3/4), pl milingoti.
pole (noun), mti, pl miti. telegraph pole. mti wa simu.
pole (noun), uwati (11/10), pl mbati.
pole (supports walls of house) (noun), uati (11/10), pl mbati.
pole (used in building houses) (noun), kombati (9/10), pl kombati.
pole (with a hardened tip used as a hunting weapon or in pit traps)
(noun), ukonjo.
pole (with a hardened tip used as a hunting weapon or in pit traps)
(noun), ukonzo.
pole (with hooked end) (noun), kiopoo (7/8), pl viopoo.
pole for carrying load (noun), mpiko (3/4), pl mipiko.
pole used in building houses (noun), kombati.
pole used in building houses (noun), kumbati.
punting pole (noun), pondo (5/6), pl mapondo.
punting pole (noun), upondo.
thick mangrove pole (noun), boriti (5/6), pl maboriti.
thin pole carrying the thatch in houses (noun), pao (9/10), pl pao.
thin pole carrying the thatch in houses (noun), pau (5/6), pl mapau.
poles used for thatching roof (noun), ndakaka, pl ndakaka.
police (noun), askari (9/10an), pl askari.
police car (with siren) (noun), ting'ating'a, pl mating'ating'a.
police force (noun), polisi (9/10), pl polisi.
police officer (noun), polisi (5/6an), pl mapolisi.
police station (noun), korokoroni.
policeman (noun), msongora, pl wasongora.
policy (noun), pl policies, sera (9/10), pl sera. religious policy.
sera ya dini.
policy (noun), siasa (9/10), pl siasa. party policy. siasa ya chama.
polish (noun), mng'aro (3/4), pl ming'aro.
polish (verb), -babua.
polish (verb), -katua.
polish (verb), -katua.
polish (verb), -ng'aliza.
polish (verb), -ng'arisha.
polish (verb), -ng'ariza.
polish (verb), -nyinyiha.
polish (verb), -piga sulu.
polish (verb), -sugua. polish teeth. sugua meno.
polish (verb), -piga sulu.
polish (by rubbing) (verb), -chua.
polish off (food) (verb), -maliza. completely consume a meal. malisha
be polished (verb), -katuliwa.
be polite (verb), -heshimu.
be polite (verb), -nyenyekea.
polite (adjective), adibu.
polite (adjective), murua.
polite (adjective), muruwa.
polite (adjective), nyenyekevu.
polite (adjective), taadabu.
polite person (noun), maridhia, pl wamaridhia. my wife is unassuming.
mke wangu maridhia.
polite person (noun), mngwana, pl wangwana.
polite person (noun), mungwana, pl waungwana, wangwana.
polite person (noun), mwungwana, pl waungwana.
politeness (noun), adabu (9/10), pl adabu.
politeness (noun), mapendezi.
politeness (noun), mrua (9/10), pl mrua.
politeness (noun), murua.
politeness (noun), madahiro, pl madahiro.
politeness (noun), ustahifu.
politeness (noun), ustahivu.
politeness (noun), utuvu.
teach someone politeness (verb), -nyenyekelea.
political activity (noun), siasa (9/10), pl siasa. a political activist.
mtu mwenye siasa.
political agent (noun), balozi, pl mabalozi.
politician (noun), mtetea, pl watetea.
politician (noun), mteteaji, pl wateteaji.
politician (noun), mtetezi, pl watetezi.
politician (noun), mwanasiasa, pl wanasiasa. political refugee.
mwanasiasa mhamaji.
politician (noun), mtu wa siasa (1/2), pl watu wa siasa. a politician.
mtu wa siasa.
politics (noun), siasa (9/10), pl siasa. business politics. siasa ya
pollen (noun), mbelewele (9/10), pl mbelewele.
pollination (noun), uchavushi.
pollute (verb), -ambukiza.
pollute (verb), -chafua.
pollute (verb), -najisi.
pollution (noun), janaba (9/10), pl janaba.
ritual pollution (after sexual intercourse) (noun), chanaba.
polygon (noun), pembenyingi (9/10), pl pembenyingi.
pomegranate (noun), komamanga (5/6), pl makomamanga.
pomegranate (noun), kudhumani.
pomegranate tree (noun), mkudhumani, pl mikudhumani.
pomegranate tree( Punica granatum) (noun), mkomamanga (3/4), pl
pomelo (noun), furungu (5/6), pl mafurungu.
pomelo (noun), mbalungi (3/4), pl mibalungi.
pomp (noun), adhama (9/10), pl adhama.
pomp (noun), adhima (9/10), pl adhima.
pomp (noun), fahari (9/10), pl fahari.
pomp (noun), sherehe (9/10), pl sherehe.
pompous person (noun), lodi.
pompous person (noun), rodi (9/10an), pl rodi.
pond (noun), kidimbwi (7/8), pl vidimbwi.
pond (noun), ziwa, pl maziwa.
ponder (verb), -dhamiria.
ponder (verb), -fikiri.
ponder (verb), -taamali.
ponder (verb), -tafakari.
ponder (verb), -waza.
ponder (verb), -wazisha.
pondering (noun), mizani (9/10), pl mizani.
pontoon (noun), bunta.
pool (noun), bwawa (5/6), pl mabwawa. A small pool of blood surrounded
her. Bwawa dogo la damu lilimzunguka [Masomo 168].
pool (noun), dimbwi (5/6), pl madimbwi.
pool (noun), kidimbwi, pl vidimbwi.
pool (noun), ziwa, pl maziwa.
small pool (noun), kituwe (7/8), pl vituwe.
swimming pool (noun), pakogea (9/10), pl pakogea. swimming pool..
mahali pa kuogea.
swimming pool (noun), pakuogea (9/10), pl pakuogea. swimming pool..
mahali pa kuogea.
poop (noun), shetri (9/10), pl shetri.
poop (of a ship) (noun), tezi, pl matezi.
be poor (verb), -dhiki.
be poor (verb), -tabakwa.
become poor (verb), -fukarika.
become poor (verb), -tabakwa.
make poor (verb), -fukarisha.
poor (adjective), dhalili.
poor (adjective), fukara, pl mafukara.
poor (adjective), hatifu.
poor (adjective), kiwa.
poor (adjective), maskini.
poor (adjective), nyiminyimi.
poor (adjective), nyimivu.
poor (adjective), tule.
poor (noun), maskini (9/10an), pl maskini.
poor (in quality) (adjective), hafifu.
poor and foolish man (noun), lofa (5/6an), pl malofa.
poor mouth (noun), ulofa (14).
poor person (noun), fakiri.
poor person (noun), fukara (5/6), pl mafukara.
poor person (noun), kabwela (5/6an), pl makabwela.
poor person (noun), kibapara, pl vibapara.
poor person (noun), mhitaji, pl wahitaji.
poor person (noun), mkiwa, pl wakiwa.
poor person (noun), mtule, pl watule.
poor quality (noun), uhafifu (14).
poor person (noun), mkata (1/2), pl wakata.
poor (in quality) (adjective), dhaifu.
pop (verb), -chomoka (potential).
pop up (verb), -zuka.
pop up (verb), -zulika.
popcorn (noun), bisi (9/10), pl bisi.
poplin (noun), paplini.
Mexican poppy (Argemone mexicana) (noun), mbaruti, pl mibaruti.
populace (noun), umma (5/6), pl umma.
be popular (verb), -pendeka.
be popular (verb), -pendeza.
popular (adjective), -a watu.
pl.population (noun), mtu, pl watu. the population of this country..
mtu wa nchi hii.
population (noun), umma (14).
porcelain (noun), kaule.
porcelain (chinaware) (noun), kaure (9/10), pl kaure.
porch (noun), sabule (9/10), pl sabule.
porch (noun), pl living rooms, sebule (9/10), pl sebule.
porch (noun), ukumbi (11/10), pl kumbi.
porcupine (noun), nungu (9/10an), pl nungu.
porcupine (noun), nungunungu (9/10an), pl nungunungu.
pore (noun), nyweleo (5/6), pl manyweleo.
pore (of skin) (noun), kinyeleo (7/8), pl vinyeleo.
pore (of the skin) (noun), nyeleo (5/6), pl manyeleo.
pore (of the skin) (noun), unyeleo, pl manyeleo.
pore (of the skin) (noun), unyweleo, pl manyweleo.
pork (noun), nguruwe (9/10), pl nguruwe. wild pig. nguruwe mwitu.
pork (noun), nyama nguruwe (9/10), pl nyama. wild pig. nguruwe mwitu.
be porous (verb), -papa. "let water through, permit water to pass"..
papa maji.
porpoise (noun), pomboo (5/6an), pl mapomboo.
hasada ( kind of porridge) (noun), hasada.
oatmeal porridge (noun), boji.
oatmeal porridge with pepper and cardamom (noun), fuka (9/10), pl fuka.
porridge (noun), poroja (9/10), pl poroja.
porridge (noun), porojo (9/10), pl porojo.
porridge (noun), ugali.
porridge (noun), uji (11/10), pl nyuji.
porridge (kind of) (noun), kikaimati, pl vikaimati.
porridge (made of beans cooked together with various grains or maize or
rice) (noun), mseto, pl miseto.
porridge made of corn (noun), faluda.
something of porridge-like consistency (noun), poroja (9/10), pl poroja.
something of porridge-like consistency (noun), porojo (9/10), pl porojo.
stiff porridge made with maize (noun), sima (9/10), pl sima.
port (noun), bandari, pl bandari. river port. bandari ya mto.
port (noun), bendari. river port. bendari ya mto.
portal (noun), lango (5/6), pl malango.
employ someone as a porter (verb), -pagaza.
porter (noun), bawabu, pl mabawabu.
porter (noun), hamali (5/6), pl mahamali.
porter (noun), kipa, pl makipa.
porter (noun), mchukuzi, pl wachukuzi.
porter (noun), mchukuzi (1/2), pl wachukuzi.
porter (noun), mletaji, pl waletaji.
porter (noun), mpagazi (1/2), pl wapagazi.
porter's work (noun), upagazi (11).
work of a porter (noun), upagazi.
porthole (noun), kishubaka, pl vishubaka.
porthole (noun), shubaka (5/6), pl mashubaka, vishubaka.
portion (noun), fungu (5/6), pl mafungu.
portion (noun), gawo (5/6), pl magawo.
portion (noun), kipande, pl vipande.
portion (noun), resheni (9/10), pl resheni.
small portion (noun), kifungu, pl vifungu.
small portion (noun), kikataa (7/8), pl vikataa.
one who portions out. (noun), mgawaji, pl wagawaji.
pharmacist/druggist.. mgawaji dawa.
one who portions out. (noun), mgawiaji, pl wagawaji.
pharmacist/druggist.. mgawaji dawa.
portrait (noun), pl portraits, taswira (9/10), pl taswira.
Portugal (noun), Ureno.
Portugese (adjective), -a kireno.
Portuguese (adjective), Reno.
Portuguese (noun), Kireno (7).
Portuguese (person) (noun), Mreno (1/2), pl Wareno. The first Portuguese
person to arrive in Mombasa was Vasco da Gama in 1498.. Mreno wa kwanza
kufika Mombasa ni Vasco da Gama katika mwaka wa 1498..
Portuguese person (noun), Mportugesi, pl waPortugesi.
fig. (social) position (noun), kiwango, pl viwango.
key position (in government) (noun), hatamu (9/10), pl hatamu.
position (noun), cheo (7/8), pl vyeo.
position (noun), gredi.
position (noun), kikao (7/8), pl vikao.
position (noun), pl positions, msimamo (3/4), pl misimamo. As I see it
you understand my position, or don't you, my husband?. Nami nijuavyo ni
kwamba msimamo wangu unaufahamu; au sivyo, bwana?.
position (noun), wadhifa (11/10), pl nyadhifa.
position (official) (noun), mamlaka.
position (on a matter) (noun), usemi.
position (proper or expected) (noun), pahala (9/10), pl pahala.
position (proper or expected) (noun), pahali (9/10), pl pahali.
position in front of (adverb), kabla.
position in life (noun), kiwango (7/8), pl viwango.
put in position (verb), -tega.
put onself in position (verb), -jipanga.
respected social position (noun), usheha.
social position (noun), makamo.
social position (noun), makamu.
positively (adverb), hakika.
positively (adverb), ina.
be possessed (verb), -pagawa.
possess (verb), -hozi.
possess (verb), -hozi.
possess (verb), -miliki. I cannot see another woman possessing you..
Siwezi kumwona mke mwingine akikumiliki [Chacha, Masomo 383]..
possess (verb), -pandisha (causative).
a person possessed by a spirit (noun), mwenye pepo (1/2), pl wenye pepo.
be possessed (verb), -wa na pepo. Bahati left quickly, an indication
that he was liked by the spirit. Bahati alitoka mbio [] mfano wa
aliyepandwa na pepo [Sul].
be possessed (by a spirit) (verb), -pagaa. He is possessed by a spirit..
amepagawa na pepo.
be possessed by a spirit (verb), -ingiwa na pepo.
be possessed by a spirit (verb), -pagawa na pepo.
be possessed by a spirit (verb), -shikwa na pepo.
cause someone to be possessed by an evil spirit (verb), -pagaza.
possessed person (noun), mwenye pepo (1/2), pl wenye pepo.
possessing (adjective), enye.
possessing (adjective), enyi.
possessing (pronoun), -enye.
possession (noun), mamlaka.
possession (noun), milki (9/10), pl milki.
things one possesses (noun), maujudi (9/10).
possessions (noun), mali (9/10), pl mali.
possessions (noun), mali. export goods. mali ya kusafirisha.
possessor of (pronoun), mwenye, pl wenye.
have possibilities (verb), -diriki.
have possibilities (verb), -tadaraki.
possibility (noun), hatua.
possibility (noun), nafasi (9/10). have a possibility.. wa na nafasi.
possibility (noun), satua (9/10), pl satua. there is a possibility (s)he
will arrive today. Kuna satua atafika leo.
possibility (noun), uweza.
possibility (noun), uwezekano (14).
possibility (noun), uwezo (14).
possibility (noun), uwezo.
possibility (noun), yamkini.
possibility (noun), yumkini (9).
be possible (verb), -wezekana.
make it possible for someone to do something (verb), -wezesha.
make possible (verb), -tendekeza.
possibly (adverb), huenda.
possibly (adverb), huwa.
possibly (adverb), labda.
possibly (adverb), labuda.
possibly (adverb), pengine.
post (noun), boriti, pl maboriti.
post (noun), makwa.
post (noun), mhimili (3/4), pl mihimili.
post (noun), mti, pl miti. telegraph post. mti wa simu.
post (noun), mwegamo, pl miegamo.
post (noun), nguzo (9/10), pl nguzo.
post (noun), shikizo (5/6), pl mashikizo. post of the sloping side of
the native thatched roof. shikizo la paa.
post (noun), tuka (9/10), pl tuka.
post (noun), wima.
post (verb), -posta.
post (1 of 2 uprights of ropemaking frame) (noun), jingi (5/6), pl
post (for tying animals) (noun), kigingi, pl vigwingwi.
post (in house construction) (noun), jiguzo.
post (supporting a ceiling) (noun), kipia, pl vipia. attack of fever.
post (used in building homes) (noun), zio, pl mazio.
post to (verb), -postia.
post office (noun), posta (9/10), pl posta. post office stamp. tikiti
ya posta.
Post Office box (noun), Sanduku la Posta (5/6), pl masanduku ya posta.
(s)he received the letters from the post office box. Alizipata barua kwa
Sanduku la Posta.
rare post-office employee (noun), mposta, pl waposta.
picture postcard (noun), kisanamu, pl visanamu.
position of a postman (noun), utarishi.
postman (noun), tarishi (5/6an), pl matarishi.
postmark (noun), alama (9/10), pl alama.
postpone (verb), -ahirisha (causative). If at the time of voting
irregularities take place in the voting place then it is up to the Station
Superviso to postpone the election.. Iwapo wakati wa upigaji kura
yanatokea machafuko kituoni ni juu ya Msimamizi wa Kituo hicho kuahirisha
uchaguzi huo[Masomo, 103].
postpone (verb), -kawisha.
postpone (verb), -ngojeza.
postpone (verb), -rajua.
postpone (verb), -tenga.
postpone (verb), -tuilisha.
postpone (verb), -tuiliza.
be postponed (verb), -ahiri.
be postponed (verb), pl Translation, -ahiriwa (passive).
be postponed (verb), -akhiri.
be postponed (verb), -tuili.
postponement (noun), cheleo, pl macheleo.
postponement (noun), taahira (9/10), pl taahira.
postponement (noun), ukawa.
postponement (noun), ukawiaji.
postponement (noun), ukawio.
person who has good posture (noun), mwima, pl waima.
cooking pot (noun), chungu, pl vyungu. pottery. kufinyanga vyungu.
cooking pot (noun), kaango, pl makaango.
cooking pot (noun), mkungu, pl mikungu.
cooking pot (small) (noun), kijungu, pl vijungu.
cooking-pot (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
cooking-pot (noun), karai, pl makarai.
earthenware cooking pot (noun), kaango (5/6), pl makaango.
earthenware cooking pot (large) (noun), bunguu, pl mabunguu.
earthenware pot (noun), maziga, pl maziga.
heating pot (noun), kalibu.
large cooking pot (noun), jungu, pl majungu.
large metal cooking pot (noun), legeni (9/10), pl legeni.
make pots (verb), -finyanga.
metal cooking pot (noun), sufuria (9/10), pl sufuria.
metal pot (noun), kopo (5/6), pl makopo.
metal pot (type of) (noun), koja (9/10), pl koja.
pot (noun), dumu, pl madumu.
pot (noun), kebe, pl makebe.
pot (noun), mdumu, pl midumu.
pot (noun), mkebe, pl mikebe.
pot (big cooking) (noun), pl pots (big cooking), nyungu (9/10), pl
small cooking pot (noun), kichungu, pl vichungu.
small earthenware pot (noun), kibia, pl vibia.
take a pot off the fire (verb), -tegua chungu.
halitumwa (variety of sweet potato) (noun), halitumwa.
red sweet potato (noun), kindoro, pl vindoro.
red sweet potato (noun), kwata jekundu.
sweet potato (noun), kiazi (7/8), pl viazi.
sweet potato (kind of) (noun), sena (9/10), pl sena.
sweet potato (type of) (noun), kirehani (9/10), pl kirehani.
sweet potato leaves eaten as vegetable (noun), mriba, pl miriba.
sweet-potato leaf (used as a vegetable) (noun), mtolilio, pl mitolilio.
watery potatoes (noun), kichelema, pl vichelema.
white sweet potato (noun), kwata jeupe.
magic potion (noun), ushombwe.
potsherd (noun), gae (5/6), pl magae.
potsherd (noun), kigae, pl vigae.
potter (noun), mfinyanzi (1/2), pl wafinyanzi. The potter commonly eats
off potsherds.. mfinyanzi hulia gae.
rare potter (=mfinyanzi) (noun), muufi, pl waufi.
vessel used for holding potter's tools (noun), kiumbo, pl viumbo.
work of a potter (noun), ufinyangi.
work of a potter (noun), ufinyanzi.
make pottery (verb), -finyanga.
leather pouch (noun), beti (5/6), pl mabeti.
pouch (noun), kifuko, pl vifuko.
pouch (noun), mkoba (3/4), pl mikoba.
pouch (noun), mkwiji (3/4), pl mikwiji.
pouch in which a drill is kept (noun), msukano, pl misukwano.
pouch in which a drill is kept (noun), msukwano, pl misukwano.
poultry (noun), kuku.
pounce on (verb), -daka.
pounce on (someone) (verb), -vamia.
be pounded (verb), -chachachika.
be pounded (verb), -twangwa (passive).
pound (noun), poundi (9/10), pl poundi.
pound (noun), pundi (9/10), pl pundi.
pound (verb), -funda.
pound (verb), -menya.
pound (verb), -paaza.
pound (verb), -paaza.
pound (verb), -paza.
pound (verb), -ponda. pound clay.. ponda udongo.
pound (verb), -pua. pound clothes.. pua nguo.
pound (verb), -pura. pound clothes.. pura nguo.
pound (verb), -purura. pound clothes.. pura nguo.
pound (verb), -pwaga. pound rice in a mortar.. pwaga mpunga kinuni.
pound (verb), -tikita.
pound (verb), -twanga.
pound (pillows or rugs) (verb), -ng'ota.
pound (pillows or rugs) (verb), -ng'uta.
pound (unit of currency or weight) (noun), paundi (9/10), pl paundi.
pound (unit of currency or weight) (noun), pauni (9/10), pl pauni.
pound (unit of currency or weight) (noun), poundi (9/10), pl poundi.
Give me a pound of gold. Nipe poundi moja ya dhahabu.
pound (unit of weight) (noun), ratili (9/10), pl ratili.
pound (unit of weight) (noun), ratli (9/10), pl ratli.
pound a residue on the side of a mortar. (verb), -sairi.
pound thoroughly (verb), -fundadunda.
have something pounded (verb), -ponza (causative). the desire to always
want something will pound you. tamaa ya kutakataka vitu itakuponza [Ma].
something pounded (noun), funde, pl mafunde.
keep on pounding (verb), -fundadunda.
pounding (noun), mchakacho (3/4), pl michakacho.
pounding-pole (noun), mchi, pl michi.
one who pounds (noun), mponda, pl waponda. stonemason. mponda mawa.
one who pounds (grain) (noun), mtwanzi, pl watwanzi.
pour (verb), -chimbuka (potential).
pour away (verb), -mwaga.
pour in (verb), -mimina. Break the egg slowly and pour it into the
frying pan [Masomo 16]. Vunja yai polepole na kulimimina kwneye kikaango
[Masomo 16]..
pour off a liquid, leaving the sediment (verb), -gida.
pour on (verb), -dudia.
pour on (verb), -tutia.
pour out (verb), -kupua.
pour out (verb), -mwaga.
pour out (verb), -mwaika (potential).
pour out (verb), -pukusa.
pour out a torrent of grievances or abuse (verb), -tapika.
pouring out (noun), mmwagiko (3/4), pl mimwagiko.
pour off (water (etc.) gently so as to leave the sediment) (verb), -
pour out (verb), -mimina.
pour out (crowds of people) (verb), -miminika.
pouring (act of) (noun), umwagiliaji (14).
pouring out (act of) (noun), mwago, pl miago.
pouring out (noun), miminiko (5/6), pl mamiminiko.
pout (verb), -nung'unika.
pouting (noun), nung'uniko (5/6), pl manung'uniko.
be poverty-stricken (verb), -taiti.
live in poverty (verb), -kaa kinyonge.
poverty (noun), msiba, pl misiba.
poverty (noun), shari (9/10), pl shari. (s)he is the one who plunged
his/her family into poverty. Ndiye, alisababisha shari katika jamii yake.
poverty (noun), ufakiri (14).
poverty (noun), ufukara.
poverty (noun), ufuke (14).
poverty (noun), ufukwe (11/10), pl fukwe.
poverty (noun), uhitaji, pl hitaji, mahitaji.
poverty (noun), ukata (14).
poverty (noun), ukiwa.
poverty (noun), ulitima.
poverty (noun), ulofa (14).
poverty (noun), ultima.
poverty (noun), umasikini.
poverty (noun), umaskini (14).
poverty (noun), unyonge (14).
poverty (noun), uritima.
poverty (noun), urumo (11).
poverty (noun), utaiti.
poverty (noun), utule.
any powder (noun), unga (11).
mkombwe( a powder used in a charms, made from these seeds) (noun),
mkombwe, pl mikombwe.
mkombwe( a powder used in a charms, made from these seeds) (noun),
mkomwe, pl mikomwe.
powder (noun), fumbi (5/6), pl mafumbi.
powder (noun), funde, pl mafunde.
powder (noun), mchanga. granulated sugar.. sukari mchanga [Rec].
powder (noun), vumbi, pl mavumbi.
powder (a baby etc) (noun), podea (9/10), pl podea.
powder (cosmetic) (noun), dalia.
powder (face) (noun), poda (9/10), pl poda. her big dirt is removed by
red powder. mashavu yake manene yananakshiwa kwa poda nyekundu [Muk].
powder prepared from the stem of the coconut leaf and used to treat sores
(noun), ugundi.
powder used as a love charm (noun), ndere.
powder flask (noun), pembe (9/10), pl pembe.
powder-horn (noun), pembe (9/10), pl pembe.
powderhorn (noun), talakaki (9/10), pl talakaki.
powderhorn (noun), talakeki (9/10), pl talakeki.
arbitary use of power (noun), Kabwela, pl makabwela.
be in power (verb), -tawala.
have power (verb), -weza.
have power over (verb), -talmaleki.
have power over (verb), -tamalaki.
invest with power (verb), -aenzi.
one who has power over something (noun), mweza, pl weeza. ruler of a
country.. mweza nchi.
possessor of power (noun), mwenyezi.
power (noun), adhama (9/10), pl adhama.
power (noun), adhima (9/10), pl adhima.
power (noun), aenzi (9/10), pl aenzi. throne, during the reign of....
kiti cha ~, katika ~ ya..
power (noun), amri, pl amri, maamri. he has power over them. ana amri
juu yao.
power (noun), bavu, pl mabavu.
power (noun), daula, pl madaula.
power (noun), dola, pl madola.
power (noun), enzi.
power (noun), ezi. throne. kiti cha enzi.
power (noun), hukumu.
power (noun), imara.
power (noun), kudura (9/10), pl kudura.
power (noun), makadara (6).
power (noun), mamlaka. self-government. mamlaka ya kujitawala.
power (noun), miliki.
power (noun), milki.
power (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu. electric power. nguvu ya umeme.
power (noun), ukubwa.
power (noun), utwala.
power (noun), uweza (14).
power (noun), uwezo (14).
power (of God) (adjective), makadara.
power (of God) (adjective), makadari.
power of holding together (noun), ushikamano (11).
power plant (noun), kinu cha stimu, pl vinu vya stimu.
power plant (noun), kinu cha taa, pl vinu vya taa.
put in power (verb), -tawalisha.
put in power (verb), -tawaza (causative).
be powerful (verb), -jaali.
powerful (adjective), hodari.
powerful (adjective), imara.
powerful (verb), -kakawana.
powerless (adjective), dhaifu.
magical powers (noun), utende.
practicability (noun), tasawari (9/10), pl tasawari.
medical practice (noun), utibabi.
practice (noun), amali (9/10), pl amali.
practice (noun), dasturi.
practice (noun), mazoea (6).
practice (noun), mazoezi, pl mazoezi.
practice (noun), mazoezo, pl mazoezo.
practice (noun), zoea, pl mazoea.
practice (noun), zoezi, pl mazoezi.
regular practice (noun), desturi (9/10), pl desturi. it is customary..
ni desturi.
practice (noun), kitendo (7/8), pl vitendo.
practise (verb), -jizoeza.
be praised (verb), -himidiwa.
praise (noun), hamdu.
praise (noun), hamidi.
praise (noun), kilemba, pl vilemba.
praise (noun), masifu.
praise (noun), pl praises, sifa (9/10), pl sifa.
praise (noun), sifu (9/10), pl sifu. Praise the prophet. Sifu Mtume.
praise (verb), -adhimisha (causative).
praise (verb), -adhimu.
praise (verb), -kuza.
praise (verb), -sifu. people praise the Prophet. watu wanamsifu mtume.
praise (verb), -tasbihi.
praise (God) (verb), -himidi.
praise (God) (verb), -himidi.
praise (the name of Allah) (verb), -dhukuru.
Praise be to Allah! (interjection), Alhamdulillahi.
praise of God (noun), pl praises, tasbihi (9/10), pl tasbihi.
praise oneself (verb), -bodoa.
praise oneself (verb), -jisifu (reflexive).
praise oneself (verb), -jisifu.
praise someone (verb), pl Trans of applicative?, -adhimia (applicative).
Praise the Lord! (phrase), Bwana asifiwe!.
self-praise (noun), majivuno.
be praised (verb), -sifika.
be praised (verb), -sifiwa. the mother was praised for her cooking
expertise. Mama alisifiwa kwa upishi wake.
Muslim praises of Mohammed (noun), kasida (9/10), pl kasida.
be praiseworthy (verb), -tukuka.
praiseworthy (adjective), suna.
prancing (noun), tambo (5/6), pl matambo.
prancing (noun), utambo.
prattling (of children) (noun), kijineno, pl vijineno.
prawn (noun), duvi, pl duvi.
prawn (noun), uduvi (11/10), pl nduvi.
prawn (noun), ushimbu (11).
cause to pray (verb), -abudisha (causative).
cause to pray (verb), -ombesha.
cause to pray (verb), -ombeza.
cause to pray (verb), -salisha.
pray (verb), pl Yes, -abudu. Pray to God.. abudu Mungu.
pray (verb), -omba.
pray (verb), -sali. (s)he started praying slowly by slowly. alianza
kusali kimya kimya [Kez].
pray for (verb), pl Yes, -abudia (applicative).
pray for (verb), -ombea.
pray for (verb), -salia. "Mtumeeee" prayed for Tamima. 'Mtumeeee,'
alisalia Tamima [Moh].
begin prayer (in a mosque) (verb), -kimu.
burial prayer (noun), talakim (9/10), pl talakim.
call to prayer (Islam) (verb), -adhini. The muezzin calls to prayer.
Mwadhini anaadhini.
congregational prayer service (noun), swala (5/6), pl maswala.
direction of prayer (toward Mecca) (noun), kibla.
evening prayer (6:30 - 8:30) (noun), esha.
evening prayer (6:30 - 8:30) (noun), Isha.
gather for prayer (verb), -tabaruki.
gather for prayer (verb), -tabaruku.
Islamic prayer (in distress or illness etc.) (noun), burda.
Islamic prayer (in distress or illness etc.) (noun), buruda.
Islamic prayer (in distress or illness etc.) (noun), burudai.
long prayer said at post-sunset hour in Ramadhan (noun), tarawehi (9/10),
pl tarawehi.
power of efficacious prayer (noun), buruhahi.
prayer (noun), dua (9/10), pl dua. pray. omba dua.
prayer (noun), sala (9/10), pl sala. Lord's prayer. sala ya Bwana..
prayer (at 4 AM) (noun), alfajiri (9/10), pl alfajiri.
prayer (between 3 and 5 o'clock) (noun), alasiri (9/10), pl alasiri.
prayer for rain (Muslim) (noun), istiska (9/10), pl istiska.
prayer of the period between sunrise and noon. (noun), dhuha.
time of prayer (noun), dohori.
prayer mat (noun), pl prayer mats, mswala (3/4), pl miswala.
prayer-beads (noun), tasbihi (9/10), pl tasbihi.
evening prayers (noun), isha (9/10), pl isha.
evening prayers (Islamic) (noun), ghurubu.
evening prayers (Islamic) (noun), maghaibi.
evening prayers (Islamic) (noun), magharibi.
evening prayers (Islamic) (noun), mangharibi.
lead prayers (verb), -salisha. the priest led the noon prayers.
Mchungaji alisalisha adhuhuri.
Moslem prayers with bows (noun), rakaa (9/10), pl rakaa.
Muslim prayers after sunset (noun), isha (9/10), pl isha.
prayers pronounced at burial (noun), auradi, pl (sing).
prayers said at Muslim burial (noun), uradi (11).
rel. one who (regularly, habitually) prays (noun), muombaji, pl
rel. one who (regularly, habitually) prays (noun), mwomba, pl waomba.
rel. one who (regularly, habitually) prays (noun), mwombaji, pl
rel. one who (regularly, habitually) prays (noun), mwombi, pl waombi.
preach (verb), -hubiri.
preach (verb), -hutubu.
preach (verb), -hutubu.
preacher (noun), hatibu, pl mahatibu.
rel.preacher (noun), mhubiri, pl wahubiri.
preamble (noun), dibaji (9/10), pl dibaji.
preamble (noun), yaliyotangulia.
precaution (noun), matayarisho, pl matayarisho.
saftey precaution (noun), kipinga, pl vipinga.
take precautions (verb), -jihadhari.
precede (verb), -kadamisha.
precede (verb), ongoa.
precede (verb), -takadamu.
precede (verb), -tangulia. (s)he preceded (was born before) me.
amenitangulia jua.
one who precedes (noun), mtangulizi, pl watangulizi.
precept (noun), daraka, pl madaraka.
precept (noun), kanuni.
precious (adjective), azizi.
precious (noun), tunu.
precious item (noun), dafina, pl dafina.
precious stone (noun), chuakari.
precious stone (noun), johari (9/10), pl johari.
precious thing (noun), azizi, pl azizi.
something precious (noun), mboni.
preciousness (noun), utunu.
precipice (noun), genge (5/6), pl magenge.
precipice (noun), poromoko (5/6), pl maporomoko.
precipitate (product of filtering) (noun), chujo, pl machujo.
precipitation (noun), hima.
be precipitous (verb), -shuka.
precis (noun), muhtasari.
precis (noun), mutasari.
precis (noun), risala (9/10), pl risala.
precise (adjective), madhubuti.
precise (adjective), mahsusi. special/extraordinary session. mkutano
precise (adjective), maksusi. special/extraordinary session. mkutano
precisely (adverb), dike.
precisely (adverb), kikamilifu.
precisely (adverb), madhubuti.
precisely (adverb), dike.
precisely (adverb), tike.
precision (noun), usahihi.
precocious child (noun), mtundu, pl watundu.
precocious daughter who worries her parents (noun), kiparamoto (7/8), pl
precocity (of a child) (noun), utundu.
precursor (noun), pl precursors, mtangulizi (1/2), pl watangulizi.
predecessor (noun), pl predecessors, mtangulizi (1/2), pl watangulizi.
rel. predestination (noun), masaibu.
help out of a predicament (verb), -okoa.
predicate (noun), prediketo.
be predicted (verb), -aguliwa.
be predicted (verb), -bashiriwa.
predict (verb), -agua.
predict (verb), -agulia (applicative).
predict (verb), -bashiri.
predict (verb), -bashiri.
predict (verb), -tabiri.
be predicted (verb), -tabiriwa.
prediction (noun), aguzi (5/6), pl maaguzi.
prediction (noun), manong'onezo.
prediction (noun), manong'ono.
prediction (noun), uaguzi (14), pl uaguzi.
prediction (noun), uaguzi.
prediction (noun), ubashiri (14).
prediction (noun), utabiri.
predilection (noun), mapendeleo.
predilection (noun), mapendo.
predilection (noun), upendaji, pl mapendaji.
predilection (noun), upendeleo, pl mapendeleo.
have a prediliction for (verb), -pendelea (applicative).
preface (noun), dibaji (9/10), pl dibaji.
preface (noun), utangulizi (11/10), pl tangulizi.
preface (noun), utangulizi.
preface (noun), yaliyotangulia.
prefect (in schools) (noun), kiranja (7/8an), pl viranja.
prefer (verb), -hiari.
prefer (verb), -penda.
prefer (verb), -pendelea (applicative). They did not have the reputation
I preferred my wife to have.. hawakuwa na sifa nilizompendelea mke wangu
awe nazo [Abd].
prefer (verb), -stahabu. (s)he preferred to play lottery with his/her
heart. alistahabu kucheza bahati nasibu ya roho yake [Moh].
prefer (verb), -stahiba.
prefer (verb), -stehebu.
preferable (adverb), afadhali.
preferable (adverb), afdhali.
preferably (adverb), afadhali.
preferably (adverb), afdhali.
preferably (adverb), afudhali.
give preference to (verb), -tanguliza.
preference (noun), ehsani. treat preferentially. fanyia ehsani.
preference (noun), hisani.
preference (noun), mapendeleo.
preference (noun), mapendo.
preference (noun), pl preferences, pendekezo (5/6), pl mapendekezo.
prefix in the names of certain birds and plants. (noun), binti.
[varieties of] cassava.. binti Athmani/Ali.
pregnancy (noun), himila.
pregnancy (noun), mimba (9/10), pl mimba. Who is the girl who got
pregnant without being married?; the five month pregnancy that she has
now; the first pregnancy of Tamina she gave birth to at home.. Nani ni
msichana aliyepata mimba bila kuolewa? [Masomo 314];mimba ya miezi mitano
aliyokuwa nayo sasa [Kez], mimba ya kwanza Tamima aliizalia nyumbani
pregnancy (noun), uzito.
be pregnant (verb), -himili.
become pregnant (verb), -tunga mimba.
pregnant (adjective), zito.
pregnant woman (noun), mjamzito (1/2), pl wajamzito.
pregnant woman (noun), mwanamimba (1/2), pl wanamimba.
be prejudiced (verb), -chagua.
prejudice (noun), kirahi (9/10).
be prejudiced (verb), -kirihi.
prejudiced (in favor of someone) (adverb), pendelevu.
prelude (usually opening of the Koran) (noun), fatiha (9/10), pl fatiha.
premature (adjective), tangulifu.
premature birth (noun), pooza (5/6), pl mapooza.
premium (noun), bonas.
premium (noun), uhondo.
have a bad premonition (lit. make a bird of ill omen cry) (phrase), -
lizia ndege mbaya.
make preparations for a journey (verb), -safirisha.
perparation (noun), matengenezo, pl matengenezo.
preparation (noun), andalio (5/6), pl maandalio.
preparation (noun), andao, pl maandao.
preparation (noun), kutayarisha.
preparation (noun), maandiko, pl maandiko.
preparation (noun), matayarisho, pl matayarisho.
preparation (noun), pl preparations, tayarisho (5/6), pl matayarisho.
preparation (=andao) (noun), mwandao, pl miandao.
preparations (noun), maandalizi (6). The preliminary preparations have
been made and the completion will begin within a year.. Maandalizi ya
awali yamefanywa na utekelezaji utaanza mwakani [Masomo 363]..
preparation (of food, etc) (noun), maandalio, pl maandalio. preparations
for a meeting. maandalio ya mkutano.
wedding preparations (noun), uposa, pl posa.
be fully prepared (verb), -iva.
be prepared (verb), -andaliwa.
be prepared (verb), -pendelewa.
be prepared (verb), -wiva.
make preparations (verb), -funga.
make preparations for (verb), -andalia. they are making preparations for
war (work). waliandalia vita kazi.
prepare (verb), -pamba. prepare a corpse for burial.. pamba maiti.
prepare (verb), -tandika (potential). (s)he arranged the household items
and prepared the visitor's room. akapanga vyombo na kutandika chumba cha
mgeni [Moh].
prepare (verb), -fanya tayari.
prepare (verb), -tayarisha.
prepare (verb), -tengeneza (causative).
prepare (verb), -zatiti.
prepare (esp. food) (verb), -andaa.
prepare (foods) (verb), -kolea.
prepare (to cook) (verb), -andaa.
prepare a bed for planting (verb), -buruga.
prepare a spell (verb), -tega.
prepare food (verb), -pika.
have a meal prepared (verb), -telekeza.
prepared (adjective), tayari.
prepared (verb), -iva.
preparedness (noun), utayari.
preparing (noun), utengenezaji.
prepuce (noun), govi (5/6), pl magovi.
prepuce (noun), ngovi (9/10), pl ngovi.
prepuce (noun), zunga.
prescribe (verb), -amuru.
be prescribed (verb), -amriwa.
prescription (noun), kauli.
prescription (noun), pendekezo (5/6), pl mapendekezo.
prescription (noun), resipi (9/10), pl resipi.
prescription (noun), sharia (9/10), pl sharia.
prescription (noun), sheria (9/10), pl sheria.
in the presence of (adverb), hadhara.
presence (noun), hudhurio, pl mahudhurio.
at present (adverb), sasa. at present. sasa hivi..
be present (verb), -hudhuria.
be present (verb), -kuwapo.
be present (at) (verb), -shuhudia. (s)he was present when her/his mother
was being thrown upside down and being done all things. alikuwa
ameshuhudia mama yake akitupwa chali au kifudifudi kutendewa kila kitu
be present at a gathering (verb), -hudhuria.
be presented (verb), -pewa.
give a present to (verb), -jaza.
make a present (verb), -tunza.
make a present to (verb), -tunukia.
make someone a present of something (verb), -rehemisha.
present (noun), adia (9/10), pl adia.
present (noun), hiba.
present (noun), jazua (9/10), pl jaa.
present (noun), jazua.
present (noun), kipaji, pl vipaji.
present (noun), kipawa, pl vipawa.
present (noun), paji (5/6), pl mapaji.
present (noun), sawadi (5/6), pl masawadi.
present (noun), tuza, pl matuza.
present (noun), tuzo (9/10), pl tuzo.
present (noun), zawadi (9/10), pl zawadi.
present (verb), -gaia.
present (verb), -gawia.
present (verb), -jazi.
present (verb), -kidhi.
present (verb), -toa.
present (verb), -zawadisha.
present (birthday, holiday) (noun), hongera.
present (from father to teacher when child enters school) (noun), ufito
(11/10), pl fito.
present (given as reward for finding something lost) (noun), kiangaza
macho (7/8), pl viangaza macho.
present (in full strength or with perfect attendance) (adjective),
present (on festive occasions) (noun), pukuso (5/6), pl mapukuso.
present biven by a father to the teacher when a boy enters school (noun),
ufito, pl fito.
present given by bridegroom to bride (noun), fichuo, pl mafichuo.
present itself (verb), -tukia.
present oneself (verb), -wajihi.
present-day (adjective), kisasa.
present-day (adjective), mamboleo. Neo-colonialism. ukoloni mamboleo.
the present time (noun), leo (9).
the present world (noun), pepo za leo (9). the present world. pepo za
unexpected present (noun), dafina (9/10), pl dafina.
wedding present (noun), ada la harusi (5/6), pl maada ya harusi.
wedding present (noun), uposa, pl posa.
presentation (noun), kipaji (7/8), pl vipaji.
presentation (noun), lonyo.
presentation (noun), utoaji (14).
be presented (with something) (verb), -tunukiwa.
presentiment (noun), kibuhuti, pl vibuhuti.
presently (adverb), punde.
preservation (noun), kingojeo.
preservation (noun), kingojezi.
preservation (noun), kingojo.
be preserved (verb), -hifadhiwa.
be preserved (verb), -vuka.
preserve (verb), -dodoa.
preserve (verb), -hifadhi.
preserve (verb), -ketisha.
preserve (verb), -nafidhi.
preserve (verb), -okoa.
preserve (verb), -ruzuku.
preserve (verb), -setiri.
preserve (verb), -sitiri.
preserve (verb), -stiri.
preserve (verb), -tarazaki.
preserve (verb), -vua.
preserver (noun), mwokozi, pl wakozi.
rare preserver (noun), mvushaji, pl wavushaji.
rare preserver (noun), mvushi, pl wavushi.
one who preserves (noun), mweka, pl weka. treasurer. mweka
one who preserves (noun), mwekaji, pl wekaji. treasurer. mweka
preserves (noun), maraba.
preserves (noun), mraba, pl miraba. peanut brittle. njugu za mraba.
preserves, jam, marmalade. (noun), maraba, pl miraba. peanut brittle.
njugu za mraba.
preserving savings (act of) (noun), mweko, pl mieko.
president (noun), mkuru, pl wakuru. chief of state.. mkuu wa
president (noun), mkuu, pl wakuu. chief of state.. mkuu wa
president (noun), mwenyekiti, pl wenyekiti.
president (noun), mrajis, pl marajis.
president (noun), pl presidents, rais (5/6an), pl marais.
president (noun), pl presidents, rais (5/6an), pl rais.
be pressed together (verb), -songamana ( assoc-stat).
cause to press (verb), -banza.
oil press (noun), kinu cha kushindika mafuta (7/8), pl vinu vya
kushindika mafuta.
press (noun), bano, pl mabano.
press (noun), hoja.
press (noun), kikamulio, pl vikamulio.
press (noun), kinu, pl vinu.
press (noun), kisongo (7/8), pl visongo.
press (noun), mafinyo.
press (noun), mkandamizo, pl mikandamizo. hydraulic press.. mkandamizo
wa maji maji.
press (verb), -bana.
press (verb), -elemea.
press (verb), -fiata.
press (verb), -finya.
press (verb), -fyata.
press (verb), -gandamiza.
press (verb), -guama.
press (verb), -gwama.
press (verb), -harakisha.
press (verb), -husuru.
press (verb), -jika.
press (verb), -kaba.
press (verb), -kama.
press (verb), -kanda.
press (verb), -kunyata.
press (verb), -minya.
press (verb), -nyonga.
press (verb), -nyoosha.
press (verb), -saki. hunger is pressing. njaa inasaki.
press (verb), -shinikiza.
press (verb), -sindikiza.
press (verb), -sinikiza.
press (bricks) (verb), -fyatua.
press (clothes) (verb), -guruta.
press (down) (verb), -shindilia. take a thorn and press it (down) my
feet.. chukua mwiba uushindilie nyayoni mwangu [Abd].
press (for oil or fruit etc.) (noun), sindikizo (5/6), pl masindikizo.
press (for oil or fruit) (noun), shindikizo (5/6), pl mashindikizo.
press (in a crowd) (verb), -seta.
press (sugarcane) (verb), -kashabi.
press against (verb), -jibanza (reflexive).
press against (verb), -kumba.
press conference (noun), majibizano.
press down (verb), -lemea.
press down (verb), -nepesha.
press for (verb), -kandamizia (applicative).
press forward (verb), -songa. a disagreement that humiliated him/her
mind and pressed on his/her heart. mtafaruku uliomtwesha akili na
kumsonga roho [Muk].
press gently (verb), -tomasa.
press heavy on (verb), -kandamiza (causative).
press in (verb), -bonyeza (causative).
press in (verb), -topeza.
press out (verb), -bujua.
press out (verb), -chuja.
press out (verb), -kama.
press out (verb), -kamua.
press out (verb), -komba.
press out oilseed or sugarcane (verb), -sindika.
press tight (verb), -kaba.
press tightly together (verb), -songonyoa.
press together (verb), -gagmiza.
press together (verb), -songoa.
pressing (act of) (noun), finyo (5/6), pl mafinyo.
printing press (noun), matbaa.
be hard pressed (verb), -zidiwa.
be pressed (verb), -songwa.
be pressed together (verb), -shindama.
be pressed together (verb), -shindamana.
pressed piece of something (noun), mkate, pl mikate. pressed/plug
tobacco.. mkate wa tumbako.
pressing (noun), kazo (5/6), pl makazo.
pressing (noun), kazo, pl makazo.
pressing (noun), mkazo, pl mikazo.
pressing (noun), mpindano (3/4), pl mipindano.
pressing (act of) (noun), mbano, pl mibano.
pressing (act of) (noun), mbano (3/4), pl mibano.
pressing (act of) (noun), mguruto, pl miguruto.
pressing (act of) (noun), mguruto (3/4), pl miguruto.
pressing (act of) (noun), shinikizo (5/6), pl mashinikizo.
pressing (act of) (noun), sinikizo (5/6), pl masinikizo.
apply pressure (verb), -songa.
exert pressure (verb), -bidi.
exert pressure (verb), -kandamiza.
forcible pressure (noun), shindikizo (5/6), pl mashindikizo.
pressing (act of) (noun), sindikizo (5/6), pl masindikizo.
pressure (noun), dharba.
pressure (noun), dharuba.
pressure (noun), kazo (5/6), pl makazo.
pressure (noun), kikazo, pl vikazo.
pressure (noun), kisongo (7/8), pl visongo.
pressure (noun), kazo, pl makazo.
pressure (noun), mbano (3/4), pl mibano.
pressure (noun), mbinu.
pressure (noun), mkazo (3/4), pl mikazo.
pressure (noun), mkazo, pl mikazo.
pressure (noun), mshurutisho, pl mishurutisho.
pressure (noun), shindikizo (5/6), pl mashindikizo.
pressure (noun), shurutisho (5/6), pl mashurutisho.
pressure (noun), sindikizo (5/6), pl masindikizo.
pressure (verb), -bidi. I'm under pressure to study. Inabidi nisome.
prestige (noun), fahari (9/10), pl fahari.
presume (verb), -kisi.
presume (verb), -kissi.
presumption (noun), ghururi (5/6), pl maghururi.
presumption (noun), kiburi.
presumption (noun), kogo, pl kogo.
presumption (noun), madaha, pl madaha.
presumption (noun), ubele.
presumption (noun), ufedhuli.
presumption (noun), ufidhuli.
presumption (noun), ukinaifu.
presumption (noun), umbele.
presumption (noun), unyeti.
presumption (noun), usafihi.
be presumptuous (verb), -deka.
presumptuous (noun), mjuvi, pl wajuvi.
presumptuous person (noun), mbezi, pl wabezi.
pretence (noun), kimasomaso.
pretence (noun), uongo.
pretence (noun), urongo.
pretence (noun), uwongo.
pretence (noun), wongo.
pretend (verb), -jifanya (reflexive).
pretend (verb), -jipa (reflexive).
pretend (verb), -jisingizia.
pretend (verb), -jitia (reflexive).
pretend (verb), -fanya kimasomaso.
pretend (verb), -singiza.
pretend (verb), -singizia.
pretend to be (verb), -aka.
pretend to be (verb), -jipa.
pretend to be busy (verb), -jishughulisha (reflexive).
pretend to be busy (verb), -jishughulisha.
person who acts on false pretenses (who claims to need something which he
really does not need etc.) (noun), Kabwela, pl makabwela.
pretense (noun), singizio (5/6), pl masingizio.
pretentious (adjective), shau.
pretentious (adjective), shaufu.
pretext (noun), hila.
pretext (noun), kimasomaso.
pretext (noun), kisababu, pl visababu.
pretext (noun), kisingizio (7/8), pl visingizio.
pretext (noun), nahau (9/10).
pretext (noun), singizio (5/6), pl masingizio.
pretext (noun), udhuru (14).
pretty (adjective), tanashati.
pretty (adjective), zuri.
pretty (of clothes) (adjective), lonyo.
pretty girl (noun), kipusa, pl vipusa.
be prevalent (verb), -chaga.
be prevalent (disease etc.) (verb), -chaga.
prevent (verb), -fingiza.
prevent (verb), -kataza.
prevent (verb), -kataza.
prevent (verb), -tenga.
prevent (verb), -wakifisha.
prevent (verb), -ziwia.
prevent (verb), -zuia.
prevent (verb), -zuilia.
prevent (verb), -zuwia.
prevent pregnancy (verb), -zuia mimba.
be preventable (verb), -zuilika.
previous (noun), jana.
previously (adverb), mbele.
previously (adverb), ubele.
previously (adverb), umbele.
prey (noun), mateka, pl mateka.
prey (noun), mwindwa (1/2), pl wawindwa.
prey (noun), uwindo, pl mawindo.
prey from hunting (noun), windo (5/6), pl mawindo.
control price (phrase), -dhibiti bei.
fix the price (to charge someone) (verb), -wakifia.
haggle over a price (verb), -shindania fedha.
have a fixed price (adjective), wakifu.
insist on a price (verb), -shika bei.
low price (noun), urahisi.
price (noun), bei (9/10), pl bei. set a price.. fanya bei.
price (noun), gharama (9/10), pl gharama.
price (noun), haka.
price (noun), kiasi.
price (noun), kima, pl vima.
price (noun), saari (9/10), pl saari.
price (noun), thamani (9/10), pl thamani.
price (noun), ununuzi.
price (noun), upataji.
price (verb), -thamini.
price mechanism (noun), uundaji wa bei (14).
raise the price (verb), -ghalisha.
set a price (verb), -rasimu.
what is the price? (phrase), bei gani?.
prick (noun), chomo, pl machomo.
prick up one's ears (verb), -tega sikio.
prick up one's ears (verb), -tega sikio.
pricking sensation (noun), kichomi (7/8), pl vichomi.
small prick (left after removing a thorn etc.) (noun), chomeo, pl
pricking (noun), mchomo (3/4), pl michomo.
prickle (verb), -chonyota.
prickle (verb), -kereketa.
prickly plant (Achyranthes aspera) (noun), panga za wazuka.
one who takes pride in personal appearance (noun), mbeja, pl wabeja.
pride (noun), ari (9/10), pl ari. Let's write with pride. Tuandikieni
kwa ari [Said Ahmed Mohamed].
pride (noun), fahari (9/10), pl fahari.
pride (noun), kiburi.
pride (noun), kimene (7/8), pl vimene.
pride (noun), kitambi (7/8), pl vitambi.
pride (noun), majivuno (6).
pride (noun), majivuno.
pride (noun), makuu.
pride (noun), ndweo, pl ndweo.
pride (noun), takua (9/10), pl takua.
pride (noun), usafihi (14).
pride (noun), usafihi.
pride (noun), usodai.
pride (noun), usodawi (14).
pride (noun), usodawi.
pride oneself on (verb), -jivunia (reflexive).
priest (noun), kahini, pl makahini.
priest (noun), kasisi (5/6), pl makasisi.
priest (noun), kasisi, pl makasisi.
priest (noun), mchungaji, pl wachungaji.
priest (noun), pl priests, padre (5/6an), pl mapadre.
priest (noun), pl priests, padri (5/6an), pl mapadri.
rare priest (noun), mtaawa, pl wataawa.
rare priest (noun), mtawa, pl watawa.
priesthood (noun), ukasisi.
priesthood (Roman Catholic) (noun), upadre.
primary (noun), pl primaries, msingi (3/4), pl misingi. primary school.
shule ya msingi.
in one's prime (noun), ukubwani.
prime (noun), mchanga (1/2), pl wachanga.
prime (noun), ukubwa.
prince (noun), kibwana, pl vibwana.
princess (noun), kibibi, pl vibibi.
principal (noun), mkuu (1/2), pl wakuu.
principal (noun), rasilimali (9/10), pl rasilimali.
principal (noun), rasilmali (9/10), pl rasilmali.
principal (noun), rasilmalii (9/10), pl rasilmalii.
principal (noun), raslimali (9/10), pl raslimali.
principal ( of a school) (noun), hedimasta, pl mahedimasta.
basic principle (noun), asili, pl asili.
basic principle (noun), kanuni ya msingi (9/10), pl kanuni za msingi.
principle (noun), kanuni.
principle (noun), madhehebu, pl madhehebu. basic priniciple. madhehebu
ya awali.
principle aim (noun), dhumuni kuu (5/6), pl madhumuni makuu.
go to sleep (verb), -chapa usingizi.
print (verb), -chapa.
print (verb), -piga chapa.
print (verb), -piga chapa.
printer (noun), mchapaji, pl wachapaji.
printer (noun), mchapishaji, pl wachapaji.
printer's form (noun), kishikizo herufi, pl vishikizo.
printing (noun), chapa (9/10), pl chapa.
printing (noun), uchapaji.
in prison (adverb), kifungoni.
prism (noun), mche (3/4), pl miche.
square prism (phrase), mche mraba, pl miche mraba.
prison (noun), gereza (5/6), pl magereza.
prison (noun), greza.
prison (noun), jela (9/10), pl jela.
prison (noun), kifungo (7/8), pl vifungo.
prison (noun), korokoni (9/10), pl korokoni.
prison (noun), korokoroni (9/10), pl korokoroni.
prison (noun), mahabusi.
prison (noun), mahabusu.
prisoner (noun), habusu (5/6), pl mahabusu.
prisoner (noun), mahabusi.
prisoner (noun), mahabusu.
prisoner (noun), mfungwa (1/2), pl wafungwa.
prisoner (awaiting trial) (noun), mahabusi (9/10), pl mahabusi.
prisoner-of-war (noun), mateka, pl mateka.
privacy (noun), faragha (9/10), pl faragha.
privacy (noun), feraga.
in private (adverb), faraghani.
private (adjective), binafsi.
private place (noun), pl private places, msala (3/4), pl misala.
privation (noun), mashaka.
privation (noun), punguo (5/6), pl mapunguo.
privation (noun), taabu (9/10), pl taabu.
privation (noun), ukata.
privation (noun), upunguaji.
privation (noun), upungufu, pl mapungufu.
privation (noun), upunguo, pl mapunguo.
privilege (noun), haki.
privilege (noun), mafaa, pl mafaa.
privilege (noun), mafao, pl mafao.
privilege (noun), ufadili.
privy (noun), choo, pl vyoo.
prize (noun), bonas.
prize (noun), sawadi (5/6), pl masawadi.
prize (noun), tuza, pl matuza.
prize (noun), tuzo (9/10), pl tuzo.
prize (noun), zawadi.
prizewinner (noun), mkilemba, pl wakilemba.
probability (noun), yamkini.
probability (noun), yumkini.
be probable (verb), -elekea.
be probable (verb), -kini.
probably (adverb), labda.
probably (adverb), labuda.
probationary period (phrase), muda wa majaribio.
have a problem (verb), -wa na shida.
it's your problem (phrase), shauri lako. it's your problem if you
encounter a bomb. shauri lako ukikuta bomu [Muk].
problem (noun), fumbo (5/6), pl mafumbo.
problem (noun), jambo (5/6), pl mambo.
problem (noun), matatizo (6).
problem (noun), mgogoro, pl migogoro.
problem (noun), mushkeli. this complaint is giving me trouble.. ugonjwa
huu umeniletea mushkeli.
problem (noun), shakawa (9/10), pl shakawa.
problem (noun), pl problems, shida (9/10), pl shida. (s)he has no
problem. Yeye hana shida.
problem (noun), tatizi (9/10), pl tatizi.
problem (on which one needs advice.) (noun), shauri (9/10), pl shauri.
do you have a problem?. una shauri?.
problem solver (noun), pl problem solvers, msuluhisha (1/2), pl
problem solver (noun), pl problem solvers, msuluhishi (1/2), pl
have problems (verb), -taabika.
problems (noun), matata (6). My brother you have problems, I cannot
understand them.. Kakangu una matata, kuyaelewa siwezi [Amana, Masomo
procedure (noun), harakati (9/10), pl harakati.
procedure (noun), jinsi.
procedure (noun), kanuni (9/10), pl kanuni.
procedure (noun), taratibu (9/10), pl taratibu. curriculum of study.
taratibu ya masomo.
procedure (noun), utaratibu (11/10), pl taratibu.
proceed (verb), -enda.
proceed (verb), -endelea.
proceed (verb), -pita.
proceed (verb), -shika njia. proceed with your journey. Shika njia
uendelee na safari yako.
proceeding (act of) (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
proceeding (act of) (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
proceeding (act of) (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
legal proceedings (noun), sharia (9/10), pl sharia.
legal proceedings (noun), sheria (9/10), pl sheria. institute legal
proceedings. peleka sheriani..
proceeds (noun), mapato.
proceeds (noun), mavuno, pl mavuno.
proceeds (noun), pato (5/6), pl mapato.
proceeds (noun), upato, pl pato.
process (noun), harakati (9/10), pl harakati.
process (noun), mfumo (3/4), pl mifumo.
procession (noun), andamano (5/6), pl maandamano.
procession (noun), andamizi, pl maandamizi.
procession (noun), mkururo (3/4), pl mikururo.
procession (noun), mwandamano (3/4), pl miandamano.
procession (noun), uandamano (14).
proclaim (verb), -eneza.
proclaim (verb), -nadi.
proclaim (what a choir does by producing kandas) (verb), -eneza.
one who publicly proclaims something (noun), mtangazaji, pl watangazaji.
one who publicly proclaims something (noun), mtangazi, pl watangazi.
proclamation (noun), ilani (9/10), pl ilani.
proclamation (noun), ilani.
proclamation (noun), kibirikizi (7/8), pl vibirikizi.
proclamation (noun), mbiu (9/10), pl mbiu.
proclamation (noun), pl proclamations, tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo.
proclamation (noun), ubashiri.
proclamation (noun), utangazaji.
public proclamation (noun), mgambo, pl migambo.
proclivity (noun), mwito, pl miito, wito.
procrastinate (verb), -ahiri.
procrastinate (verb), -akhiri.
procrastinate (verb), -taahari.
procrastination (noun), uajazi.
procrastination (noun), uajizi.
procreation (noun), kizazi, pl vizazi.
procreation (noun), uvyazi.
procreation (noun), uzalishaji.
procreation (noun), uzalishi.
procreation (noun), uzazi.
proctor (in schools ) (noun), mwangalizi, pl waangalizi.
be procurable (verb), -patikana.
procure (verb), -kawadia.
procure (verb), -patia.
procure (verb), -patiliza (causative).
procurement (noun), mpato (3/4), pl mipato.
procurer (noun), kawadi (9/10), pl kawadi.
procurer (noun), kawadi.
procurer (noun), kuwadi (5/6), pl makuwadi.
procurer (noun), mtalaleshi, pl watalaleshi, matalaleshi.
procurer (noun), talaleshi, pl watalaleshi, matalaleshi.
procurer (noun), talaleshi (5/6an), pl matalaleshi.
procuress (noun), talaleshi (5/6an), pl matalaleshi.
procuress (noun), mtalaleshi, pl watalaleshi, matalaleshi.
procuress (noun), talaleshi, pl watalaleshi, matalaleshi.
procuring (noun), upatikanaji.
prod (verb), -chocha.
prodigal (noun), mtumiaji (1/2), pl watumiaji.
prodigality (noun), asharati.
prodigality (noun), asherati.
prodigality (noun), ubadhiri.
prodigality (noun), ubadhirifu.
prodigality (noun), uharabu.
prodigality (noun), uharibifu.
produce (noun), kilimo, pl vilimo.
produce (noun), kivyao, pl vivyao.
produce (noun), kivyazi, pl vivyazi.
produce (noun), kizao, pl vizao.
produce (noun), mazao, pl mazao.
produce (noun), zao (5/6), pl mazao.
produce (verb), -changaniza.
produce (verb), -leta.
produce (verb), -tia.
produce (verb), -toa.
produce (verb), -zalisha.
produce (suddenly) (verb), -zusha.
produce more than one plant from a single seed (verb), -pacha.
produce more than one plant from a single seed (verb), -pachapacha.
producer (noun), pl producers, mtengenezaji (1/2), pl watengenezaji.
producer (noun), mtengezaji, pl watengezaji.
producer (noun), mzalishaji, pl wazalishaji.
one who produces something (noun), pl photographer, mpiga, pl wapiga.
one who produces something (noun), pl photographer, mpigaji, pl wapigaji.
one who produces something (noun), pl photographer, mpigi, pl wapigi.
product (noun), jawabu, pl majawabu.
product (noun), kivyao, pl vivyao.
product (noun), kivyazi, pl vivyazi.
product (noun), kizao, pl vizao.
product (noun), tunda, pl matunda.
product (noun), uzao, pl mazao.
product (noun), zao, pl mazao.
product (math) (noun), zao, pl mazao.
product (of multiplication) (noun), kichanganyiko, pl vichanganyiko.
product of (skilled) work (noun), kazi.
total product (noun), chumo, pl machumo.
production (noun), kivyao, pl vivyao.
production (noun), kivyazi, pl vivyazi.
production (noun), kizao, pl vizao.
production (noun), toleo, pl matoleo.
production (noun), uchimbaji.
production (noun), uzalishaji (14).
production (noun), uzao, pl mazao.
production (noun), zao, pl mazao.
productive forces (phrase), nguvu za uzalishaji.
productivity (noun), tija (9/10), pl tija.
productivity (noun), utendaji.
productivity (noun), utendi.
productivity (noun), utenzi.
profane (adjective), najisi.
profane (a woman) (verb), -najisi.
profane person (noun), mnajisi, pl wanajisi.
profanity (noun), matapishi, pl matapishi.
profanity (noun), tapishi (5/6), pl matapishi.
profanity (noun), tapisho (5/6), pl matapisho.
profession (noun), amali, pl amali.
professionally (adverb), kwa shughuli.
proficiency (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
proficiency (noun), ubingwa.
proficiency (noun), ufundi.
proficient (adjective), -arifu.
cause to profit (verb), -nufaishana.
make a good profit (verb), -neemeka.
make a profit (noun), uvuno, pl mavuno.
make a profit (verb), -chuma.
make a profit (verb), -chumwa (passive).
make a profit (verb), -pata fedha.
make a profit (from business) (verb), -halisi.
profit (noun), faida (9/10), pl faida.
profit (noun), fayida.
profit (noun), kivuno, pl vivuno.
profit (noun), mafaa (6).
profit (noun), mafaa, pl mafaa.
profit (noun), mafao, pl mafao.
profit (noun), manufaa (9/10), pl manufaa.
profit (noun), manufaa.
profit (noun), mapato. Doing business in coconut is not profitable.
baishara ya nazi haina mapato.
profit (noun), mavuno, pl mavuno.
profit (noun), mazao, pl mazao.
profit (noun), mfao (3/4), pl mifao.
profit (noun), mpato (3/4), pl mipato.
profit (noun), nafuu (9/10). to profit.. pata nafuu.
profit (noun), pl profits, pato (5/6), pl mapato.
profit (noun), ritani (9/10), pl ritani.
profit (noun), tija.
profit (noun), tijara.
profit (noun), upato, pl pato.
profit (noun), ziada, pl maziada.
profit (noun), zidi, pl mazidi.
profit (noun), ziyada, pl maziyada.
profit (verb), -ambua.
profit (verb), -ambuka.
profit (verb), -faidi.
profit (verb), -faidia.
profit (verb), -funa.
profit (verb), -nufaika.
profit (verb), -wa na faida.
profit (verb), -vuna.
profit (from business) (noun), halasa.
profit from (verb), -faidika.
profits (noun), chumo, pl machumo.
profits (noun), masilahi (6).
profits (noun), maslahi (6).
profligacy (noun), uasherati.
profligacy (noun), washerati.
profligacy (noun), washerati.
profligate (noun), fasiki (9/10), pl fasiki.
profusion (adverb), maridhawa.
profusion (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
profusion (noun), miminiko (5/6), pl mamiminiko.
profusion (noun), uneemefu.
profusion (noun), uneemevu.
progeny (noun), dhuria.
progeny (noun), kizazi, pl vizazi.
progeny (noun), mzao, pl wazao.
progeny (noun), uzao, pl mazao.
commericial register (noun), orodha ya biashara (9/10), pl orodha za
pol. program (noun), mpango, pl mipango.
program (noun), idhaa.
program (noun), maazimio, pl maazimio.
program (noun), pl programs, mradi (3/4), pl miradi.
program (noun), mwelezo, pl mielezo.
program (noun), orodha (9/10), pl orodha. timetable of studies. orodha
ya masomo.
program (noun), oroza (9/10), pl oroza.
program (noun), worodha.
program of work (noun), azimio (5/6), pl maazimio.
program of work (noun), maazimio (6).
radio program (noun), kipindi (7/8), pl vipindi.
make progress (verb), -nafuu.
make progress (verb), -ondokea.
make progress (verb), -songa.
one who makes things progress (noun), mwendelezi, pl waendelezi.
progress (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
progress (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
progress (noun), hatua.
progress (noun), kiendeleo, pl viendeleo.
progress (noun), maendeleo (6). One objective of tests is to measure the
progress of each child.. Shabaha moja ya mitihani ni kupima maendeleo ya
kila mtoto [Masomo 185].
progress (noun), mwendeleo, pl maendeleo.
progress (noun), maondokeo.
progress (noun), ondokeo (5/6), pl maondokeo.
progress (noun), ubele.
progress (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
progress (noun), umbele.
progress (noun), usitawi.
progress (noun), usitawishaji.
progress (noun), usitawishi.
progress (verb), -enda.
progress (verb), -endelea.
regular progression (noun), mfulizo, pl mifulizo. a sequence/course of
lessons.. mfulizo wa masomo.
be progressive (verb), -changamuka.
progressive person (noun), mwendelezi, pl waendelezi.
prohibit (verb), -asa.
prohibit (verb), -harimu.
prohibit (verb), -kataza.
prohibit (verb), -kataza.
prohibit (verb), -kataza.
prohibit (verb), -rufuku.
prohibit (verb), -wasa.
prohibited (adjective), haramu.
prohibited (adjective), haramu.
prohibition (noun), haramu.
prohibition (noun), katazo (5/6), pl makatazo.
prohibition (noun), katazo, pl makatazo.
prohibition (noun), kizuio, pl vizuio.
prohibition (noun), kizuizi, pl vizuizi.
prohibition (noun), kanyo, pl makanyo.
prohibition (noun), magombezi.
prohibition (noun), magombezo.
prohibition (noun), maharimisho. disarmament. maharimisho ya silaha.
prohibition (noun), marufuku (6). It is prohibited to show any signs of
racial discrimination.. Ni marufuku pia kuonyesha dalili zo zote za
ubaguzi wa rangi [Masomo 100]..
prohibition (noun), marufuku. Smoking is prohibited here. Ni marufuku
kufutia sigara hapa.
prohibition (noun), mkano, pl mikano.
prohibition (noun), mkanyo, pl mikanyo.
prohibition (noun), mwiko (3/4), pl miiko.
prohibition (noun), ukatazaji.
prohibition (for medical or magical reasons) (noun), mzio (3/4), pl
repudiation (noun), mkanyo, pl mikanyo.
project (noun), azima, pl maazima.
project (noun), azimio, pl maazimio.
project (noun), maazimio, pl maazimio.
project (noun), mpango (3/4), pl mipango.
project (noun), pl projects, mradi (3/4), pl miradi. The projects that
are completed are the construction of civil servants' housing.. Miradi
inayotekelezwa ni ya ujenzi wa nyumba za watumishi [Masomo 363].
project (noun), pl projects, muradi (3/4), pl miradi.
project (noun), shauri (9/10), pl shauri. do you have a project?. una
project (verb), -chomoza.
projection (noun), domo, pl madomo.
projection (noun), kono (5/6), pl makono.
projection (noun), mchomozo (3/4), pl michomozo.
projection (noun), pl projections, mtupo (3/4), pl mitupo.
projection (ledge cornice or brink of a well etc.) (noun), ushi, pl
projection from stern of vessel (noun), kanadili (5/6), pl makanadili.
projection of voices (noun), utoaji wa sauti (14).
proletariat (noun), babakabwela, pl (sing).
prologue (noun), yaliyotangulia.
prolong (verb), -tawilisha. He prolonged the meeting (unnecessarily).
Alitawilisa mkutano..
prolong (verb), -tuilisha.
prolong (verb), -tuiliza.
prolong (verb), -vuta.
be prolonged (verb), -tuili.
promentory (noun), domo, pl madomo.
be prominant (verb), -ondokea.
prominent person (noun), gebali (5/6), pl magebali.
come into prominence (verb), -nyanya.
prominence (noun), mwinuko, pl miinuko.
prominence (noun), ukabaila.
prominence (noun), utukufu.
be prominent (verb), -tokeza.
make prominent (verb), -tukuza.
prominent (adjective), mashuhuri.
prominent (adjective), mashuuri.
prominent person (noun), jabali, pl majabali.
promiscuity (noun), uasherati (14).
be promised (verb), -ahidiwa (passive).
break a promise (verb), -vunja ahadi.
keep a promise (verb), -timiza ahadi.
keep a promise (verb), -fikisha ahadi.
keep a promise (verb), -shika ahadi.
make a promise (verb), -toa ahadi.
make a promise (verb), -funga ahadi.
make a promise (verb), -pa ahadi.
promise (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
promise (noun), ahadi (9/10), pl ahadi. make a promise, break a
promise/vow, keep a promise/vow. -toa ('-funga, '-pa) ~, '-vunja ~, '-
tizima ('-fikisha, '-shika) ~.
promise (noun), kiaga.
promise (noun), kiaga (7/8), pl viaga.
promise (noun), miadi (9/10), pl miadi.
promise (noun), mihadi (9/10), pl mihadi.
promise (noun), wahadi.
promise (verb), -ahidi.
promise (to do something at a set time) (noun), miadi.
promise (to do something at a set time) (noun), mihadi.
promise one another (verb), -ahidiana.
promontory (noun), ras (9/10), pl ras.
promontory (noun), rasi (9/10), pl rasi.
promote (verb), -ongoza. give a good turn to a conversation.. ongoza
promote (verb), -saidia.
promote (verb), -sitawisha (causative).
promotion (noun), ukuzaji (14).
promotion (noun), upandishajicheo (14).
be prompt (verb), -wahi.
prompt (adjective), taslimu.
prompter (noun), mnong'onezi, pl wanong'onezi.
prompter (noun), mnong'oni, pl wanong'oni.
promptly (adverb), hidima.
promptness (noun), uwahi.
lie prone (verb), -fuama.
lie prone (verb), -fulama.
lie prone (verb), -furama.
prong (of a fork etc.) (noun), jino.
pronoun (noun), kijina, pl vijina.
pronounce (verb), -tamka. (s)he has no alternative to pronounce that
word. hana budi kutamka neno lile [Sul].
pronounce magic formulas (in preparing medicines) (verb), -tabana.
be pronounceable (verb), -semeka.
be pronounceable (verb), -semekana.
easily pronounceable (adjective), tamfu. easily pronounceable letters.
herufi tamfu.
pronouncement (noun), matamko (6).
pronouncement (noun), tamko (5/6), pl matamko.
pronouncement (noun), tamshi (5/6), pl matamshi.
pronouncement (noun), usemi (11/10), pl semi.
pronunciation (noun), lafdhi (9/10), pl lafdhi.
pronunciation (noun), lafidhi.
pronunciation (noun), lafudhi (9/10), pl lafudhi.
pronunciation (noun), lafudi.
pronunciation (noun), lafudi.
pronunciation (noun), lafuzi.
pronunciation (noun), matamko (6).
pronunciation (noun), matamko, pl matamko. "speak with foreign accent,
speak a language with the accent of one's mother tongue".. sema matamko.
pronunciation (noun), matamshi, pl matamshi. "speak with foreign accent,
speak a language with the accent of one's mother tongue".. sema matamko.
pronunciation (noun), tamko (5/6), pl matamko. (s)he has foreign
pronounciation. ana matamko ya kigeni.
pronunciation (noun), tamshi (5/6), pl matamshi. (s)he should not
interpret his/her feeling into the pronounciation. azifasiri hisia zake
katika tamshi [Sul].
pronunciation (noun), usemaji.
proof (noun), buruhahi.
proof (noun), hakikisho (5/6), pl mahakikisho.
proof (noun), ithibati.
proof (noun), mathubuti.
proof (noun), mathubutu.
proof (noun), nguzo (9/10), pl nguzo.
proof (noun), sahihi (9/10), pl sahihi.
proof (noun), shuhuda (5/6), pl mashuhuda.
proof (noun), thibitisho, pl mathibitisho.
proof (noun), ubaini.
proof (noun), ubaini.
proof (noun), ubainifu.
proof (noun), ubayana.
proof (noun), ubayana.
proof (noun), ushahidi.
proof (noun), ushuhuda.
proofread (verb), -sahihi.
proofread (verb), -sahihisha.
be propped up (verb), -gadimiwa.
prop (noun), egemeo, pl maegemeo.
prop (noun), gadi (5/6), pl magadi.
prop (noun), kiguzo, pl viguzo.
prop (noun), kiweko, pl viweko.
prop (noun), magadi.
prop (noun), makwa.
prop (noun), mhimili (3/4), pl mihimili.
prop (noun), mwao (3/4), pl miao.
prop (noun), mwega (3/4), pl miega.
prop (noun), mwegamo, pl miegamo.
prop (noun), nguzo (9/10), pl nguzo.
prop (noun), pl props, shikizo (5/6), pl mashikizo. (s)he put up a prop
to preserve the wall of the house. Aliweka shikizo kuhifadhi ukuta wa
prop (noun), pl props, taruma (5/6), pl mataruma.
prop (noun), taumu, pl mataumu.
prop (noun), tegemeo (5/6), pl mategemeo.
prop (noun), tuka (9/10), pl tuka.
prop (noun), wima.
prop (verb), -egemeza.
prop up (verb), -egamesha.
prop up (verb), -egameza.
prop up (verb), -egamisha.
prop up (verb), -egemiza.
prop up (with posts, braces) (verb), -gadimu.
propaganda (noun), porojo (5/6), pl maporojo.
propaganda (noun), tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo.
rec. secretary for propaganda (noun), mwenezi, pl weenezi. Secretary
for propaganda.. katibu mwenezi.
propagate (verb), -tangaza.
propagation (noun), uvyazi.
propagation (noun), uzalishaji.
propagation (noun), uzalishi.
propagation (noun), uzazi.
airplane propeller (noun), pl propellers, rafardha (9/10), pl rafardha.
propeller (noun), majembe.
propeller (of ship or airplane) (noun), panga (5/6), pl mapanga.
propeller (of ship) (noun), rafardha (9/10), pl rafardha.
have a propensity for (verb), -pendelea (applicative).
propensity (noun), mila (9/10), pl mila.
propensity (noun), upendaji, pl mapendaji.
propensity (noun), upendeleo, pl mapendeleo.
be proper (verb), -laiki.
be proper (verb), -sadifu.
be proper (verb), -sanifu.
be proper (verb), -stahiki.
be proper (verb), -stahili.
be proper (verb), -wajibu.
proper (adjective), baraba.
proper (adjective), barabara.
proper (adjective), kimaada.
proper (adjective), kimada.
proper (adjective), maalum.
proper (adjective), sadifu.
proper (adjective), salihi.
proper (verb), -enye kufaa.
proper (verb), -juzu.
proper behavior (us. in a moral sense) (noun), wajibu.
proper time (to leave) (adjective), wadi.
what is proper and fitting (morally and socially ) according to tradition
and custom. (noun), mujibu.
what is proper and fitting (morally and socially ) according to tradition
and custom. (noun), muujibu.
properly (adjective), vema.
properly (adverb), barabara.
properly (adverb), vizuri.
properly (adverb), vyema.
man of property (noun), kabaila (5/6), pl makabaila.
own property (verb), -neemeka.
piece of (moveable) property (noun), samani (9/10), pl samani.
property (noun), hozi.
property (noun), makolokolo.
property (noun), mali (9/10), pl mali.
property (noun), mali. export goods. mali ya kusafirisha.
property (noun), miliki.
property (noun), milki.
property (noun), rasilimali (9/10), pl rasilimali.
property (noun), rasilmali (9/10), pl rasilmali.
property (noun), rasilmalii (9/10), pl rasilmalii.
property (noun), raslimali (9/10), pl raslimali.
property (noun), uenyemali.
property (noun), umbile, pl maumbile.
property (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
property (noun), utajiri.
property (of a thing) (noun), tabia (9/10), pl tabia.
prophecy (noun), manong'onezo.
prophecy (noun), manong'ono.
prophecy (noun), uaguzi.
prophecy (noun), ubashiri (14).
prophet (us. cf. Muhammad) (noun), mwungamaji, pl waungamaji.
prophesize (verb), -sibu.
prophesize (verb), -subu.
prophesy (noun), aguzi (5/6), pl maaguzi.
prophesy (verb), -agua.
prophesy (verb), -agulia (applicative).
prophet (noun), kahini, pl makahini.
prophet (noun), mbashiri, pl wabashiri. commentator (on religious
matters). mbashiri dini.
prophet (noun), pl prophets, msibu (1/2), pl wasibu.
prophet (noun), mtabiri, pl watabiri.
prophet (noun), pl prophets, mtume (3/4an), pl mitume.
prophet (noun), pl prophets, rasuli (9/10an), pl rasuli.
prophet (us. cf. Muhammad) (noun), mwungama, pl waungama.
rel. prophet (noun), nabii (5/6an), pl manabii.
prophylaxis (noun), uzuiaji.
prophylaxis (noun), uzuio.
prophylaxis (noun), uzuwiaji.
proponent (noun), mnenea (1/2), pl wanenea.
proportion (noun), urari.
proportion (noun), uwiano (14).
marriage proposal (noun), uposo (11/6), pl maposo.
proposal (noun), azima, pl maazima.
proposal (noun), azimio, pl maazimio.
proposal (noun), dhana.
proposal (noun), kidokezo, pl vidokezo.
proposal (noun), kisi (5/6), pl makisi.
proposal (noun), makisi.
proposal (noun), makisio.
proposal (noun), pl proposals, pendekezo (5/6), pl mapendekezo.
proposal (noun), rai (9/10), pl rai.
proposal (noun), utungo.
proposal (marriage) (noun), posa (9/10), pl posa. money for wedding
preparations.. mali ya kuposea.
proposal (usually pl.) (noun), kisio, pl makisio. lie in the shade.
proposal of marriage (noun), poso (9/10), pl poso.
proposal of marriage (noun), uposa, pl posa.
propose (verb), -ania.
propose (verb), -azimu.
propose (verb), -posa. money for wedding preparations.. mali ya
proprietor (noun), buana, pl mabuana. "landlord, supervisor of a shamba;
[sometimes used in a derogatory way to refer to the former] colonial
landowners".. bwana shamba.
proprietor (noun), bwana, pl mabwana.
proprietor (noun), mwekaji, pl wekaji.
proprietor (noun), mwenyeji, pl wenyeji.
proprietor (usually w. foll.obj.) (noun), mwenye.
proprietor (usually w. foll.obj.) (noun), mwenyewe.
proprietor (usually w. foll.obj.) (noun), mwenyi.
proprietor (usually w. foll.obj.) (noun), mwinyi.
propriety (noun), jamala.
make prosper (verb), -nufaishana.
be prosecuted (verb), -shtakiwa.
prosecute (verb), -peleka sheriani.
prosecute (verb), -shtaki.
jur. prosecution (noun), mashitaka. procure charges..
jur. prosecution (noun), mashitakiano. procure charges..
jur. prosecution (noun), mashtaka. procure charges..
jur. prosecution (noun), mashtakiano. procure charges..
prosecution (noun), pl accusations, shtaka (5/6), pl mashtaka.
prosecution (noun), ushtaki.
prospect (noun), mandhari.
cause to prosper (verb), -sitawisha (causative).
prosper (verb), -bariki.
prosper (verb), -chumwa (passive).
prosper (verb), -fana.
prosper (verb), -fanikiwa.
prosper (verb), -nafaika.
prosper (verb), -nufaika. Nearly 300 families prosper from the mangrove
trade.. Jamii karibu 300 hunufaika kutokana na biashara ya mikoko [Masomo
prosper (verb), -nufaika.
prosper (verb), -ondokea.
prosper (verb), -ongoa.
prosper (verb), -sitawi.
prosper (verb), -stakimu.
prosper (verb), -stawi.
prosper (verb), -tonoka.
prosper (verb), -tononeka.
prosper (verb), -tononoka.
prospering (noun), maondokeo.
prospering (noun), ondokeo (5/6), pl maondokeo.
prosperity (noun), anasa, pl anasa.
prosperity (noun), baraka.
prosperity (noun), fanaka (9/10), pl fanaka.
prosperity (noun), ghanima.
prosperity (noun), mafanikio.
prosperity (noun), matengemano, pl matengemano.
prosperity (noun), miliki.
prosperity (noun), milki.
prosperity (noun), neema (9/10).
prosperity (noun), starehe (9/10), pl starehe. luxuries. vitu vya
prosperity (noun), tija.
prosperity (noun), uendeshaji.
prosperity (noun), ufanikivu.
prosperity (noun), ufanisi.
prosperity (noun), usitawi (14).
prosperity (noun), usitawi.
prosperity (noun), usitawishaji.
prosperity (noun), usitawishi.
prosperity (noun), utengamano.
prosperity (noun), welfeya (9).
prosperity (restored) (noun), tengemano, pl matengemano.
prosperity (restored) (noun), utengemano, pl matengemano.
show signs of prosperity (noun), mleli, pl mileli.
prosperous (adjective), neemefu.
prosperous (adjective), neemevu.
prosperous (adjective), ongofu.
prosperous (adjective), salaam.
prosperous (adjective), salamu.
fig. coll. prostitute (noun), koo, pl makoo.
fig. prostitute (noun), kisiki, pl visiki.
prostitute (noun), barabara. coll..
prostitute (noun), danguro.
prostitute (noun), kahaba (5/6), pl makahaba.
prostitute (noun), kahaba, pl makahaba, (wakahaba).
prostitute (noun), kiberenge (7/8), pl viberenge.
prostitute (noun), malaya (6an).
prostitute (noun), malaya.
prostitute (noun), mbuya (9/10an), pl mbuya.
prostitute (noun), mkware, pl wakware.
prostitute (noun), mtalaleshi, pl watalaleshi, matalaleshi.
prostitute (noun), talaleshi, pl watalaleshi, matalaleshi.
prostitute (noun), talaleshi (5/6an), pl talaleshi.
prostitute (noun), zani (5/6an), pl mazani.
prostitution (noun), uasherati (14).
prostitution (noun), ubembe (14).
prostitution (noun), ubembelezi.
prostitution (noun), uhawara.
prostitution (noun), ukahaba (14).
prostitution (noun), umalaya (14).
prostitution (noun), utembezi, pl matembezi.
prostrate oneself (verb), -sujudu.
prostrate oneself (before) (verb), -sujudia (applicative).
protect (verb), -afu.
protect (verb), -afua.
protect (verb), -fuga.
protect (verb), -gadi.
protect (verb), -hami.
protect (verb), -hifadhi.
protect (verb), -kaga.
protect (verb), -ketisha.
protect (verb), -kinga. l protect my eyes from the sun.. ninajikinga
macho na jua.
protect (verb), -kingiza.
protect (verb), -linda. They began to build a large fort in order to
protect the entrance to the harbor.. Walianza kujenga ngome kubwa ili
kuulinda mlango wa bandari msichana anayefikia hali ya kuwa mtu mzima
[Masomo 141].
protect (verb), -nafidhi.
protect (verb), -nusuru.
protect (verb), -saidia.
protect (verb), -setiri.
protect (verb), -sitiri.
protect (verb), -stiri.
protect (verb), -tunza.
protect (verb), -ziwia.
protect (verb), -zuia.
protect (verb), -zuwia.
protect (a field or garden from birds and animals) (verb), -amia.
protect (against) (verb), -dhibiti.
protect by charm (hence make inaccessible) (verb), -finga.
protect by charms (verb), -kaga.
protect by magic (field or house) (verb), -finga.
protect from harm (verb), -tahadhari.
protect oneself (verb), -jihifadhi.
protect oneself (verb), -jikinga (reflexive).
protect oneself (verb), -jilinda (reflexive).
protect someone (verb), -tegemeza.
protect someone or something by magic (verb), -kago.
protecting (act of) (noun), kilindo, pl vilindo.
be protected (verb), -kingwa.
protection (noun), afu (9/10), pl afu.
protection (noun), afua (9/10), pl afua.
protection (noun), hifadhi (9/10), pl hifadhi.
protection (noun), himaya (9/10), pl himaya.
protection (noun), himaya.
protection (noun), kinga (9/10), pl kinga.
protection (noun), kingilizi (5/6), pl makingilizi.
protection (noun), kingo (5/6), pl makingilizi.
protection (noun), magadi.
protection (noun), mfuniko (3/4), pl mifuniko.
protection (noun), nusra (9/10), pl nusra.
protection (noun), nusura (9/10), pl nusura.
protection (noun), tegemeo (5/6), pl mategemeo.
protection (noun), tunza, pl tunza, matunza.
protection (noun), tunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
protection (noun), uangaliaji.
protection (noun), ukingo (11/10), pl kingo.
protection (noun), usimamizi.
protection (noun), utunzaji.
protection (noun), utunzi.
protection (noun), utunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
protection (noun), utunzo.
protection (noun), zuio, pl mazuio.
protection (noun), zuizi, pl mazuizi.
protection (by means of magic) (noun), ukago.
protection against (noun), udhibiti (14).
protective charm (noun), kago (5/6), pl makago.
protector (noun), baba, pl baba.
protector (noun), kilinda, pl vilinda.
protector (noun), mkingaji, pl wakingaji.
protector (noun), mlinda (1/2), pl walinda. He was not just a ruler but
a protector of the peace and the customs of the nation.. Hakuwa mtawala
tu bali mlinda amani na mila za nchi [Masomo 305]..
protector (noun), mlinzi, pl walinzi. Komenjue was the leader and
protector of the Meru people.. Komenjue alikuwa kiongozi na mlinzi wa
Wameru [Masomo 87].
protector (noun), mngojezi, pl wangojezi.
protector (in a museum, etc.) (noun), mtunza, pl watunza. treasurer..
mtunza hazina/fedha.
rare protector (noun), msimamizi, pl wasimamizi.
protectorate (noun), mahamia.
make someone a protege (verb), -tegemeza.
protein (noun), unyama.
protest (noun), dakizo, pl madakizo.
protest (noun), kindano, pl makindano.
protest (noun), kinzano, pl makinzano.
protest (noun), malalamiko (6). I realized that our protests and claims
needed to be strengthened and clarified.. Nilionelea kwamba malalamiko na
madai yetu yalihitaji kutiwa nguvu na kubainishwa vizuri [Kenyatta Masomo
protest (noun), mateto, pl mateto.
protest (noun), teto (5/6), pl mateto.
protest (noun), udaku.
protest (noun), ukindani.
protest (noun), ukinzani, pl makinzani.
protest (verb), -guna.
protest (verb), -kindana. he was told that he had to move but he
protested.. aliambiwa ahame lakini alikindana.
protest (verb), -teta.
Protestant (adjective), -a kiprotestanti.
someone who habitually protests (noun), mdakulizi, pl midakulizi.
proton (noun), protoni (9/10), pl protoni.
protract (verb), -vuta.
be protracted (of an illness) (verb), -sedeka.
be protracted (of an illness) (verb), -seteka. the patient had a
protracted illnes at night but now (s)he is okay. Mgonjwa aliseteka usiku
wote, lakini sasa hajambo.
protracted (adjective), tuili.
protrude (verb), -benua.
protrude (verb), -benuka.
protrude (verb), -binua.
protrude (verb), -jitokeza.
protrude (verb), -ondokea.
protrusion (noun), mbenuko (3/4), pl mibenuko.
protuberance (noun), kinundu (7/8), pl vinundu.
protuberance (noun), kivimbo (7/8), pl vivimbo.
protuberance (noun), mbenuko (3/4), pl mibenuko.
protuberance (noun), pl protuberances, nundu (9/10), pl nundu.
protuberance (noun), tumbo.
protuberance (noun), uvimbe.
be proud (verb), -jinaki.
be proud (verb), -jivuna.
be proud (verb), -jivuna.
be proud (verb), -jiona.
be proud (verb), -nyeta.
be proud (verb), -takabari.
be proud (verb), -twaza.
be proud of (verb), -jivunia.
proud (adjective), kinaifu.
proud (adjective), shashimamishi.
proud (adjective), sodawi.
proud (adverb), juujuu.
proud (noun), jabari.
proudly (adverb), kwa matao. He walks proudly to the outside door..
Anatembea kwa matao kuelekea mlango utokao nje [Chacha, Masomo 378].
prove (verb), -babaka.
prove (verb), -dhahirisha.
prove (verb), -dhihirisha.
prove (verb), -hakiki.
prove (verb), -hakikisha.
prove (verb), -jaribu.
prove (verb), -sahihi.
prove (verb), -sahihisha.
prove (verb), -shuhudu.
prove (verb), -sidukia.
prove (verb), -sudukia.
prove (verb), -suduku.
prove (verb), -thibitisha.
prove something to each other (verb), -jadiliana.
be proven (verb), -thibitika.
provender (noun), maakuli, pl maakuli.
provender (noun), makuli, pl makuli.
provender (noun), mlo, pl milo.
proverb (noun), methali (9/10), pl methali.
proverb (noun), misali. use proverbs in a conversation.. tumia methali
katika mazungumso [Rec].
proverb (noun), mithali.
proverb (noun), mithali. use proverbs in a conversation.. tumia methali
katika mazungumso [Rec].
proverb (noun), mithali (9/10), pl mithali.
proverb (noun), pl proverbs, simo (9/10), pl simo.
have oneself provided with (verb), -jipa.
provide (verb), -auni.
provide (verb), -weka tayari.
provide for (verb), -kimu.
provide for (verb), -ruzuku.
provide for (verb), -tarazaki.
provide for (with money) (verb), -nafisi.
provide well for (verb), -neemesha.
provide with food (verb), -posha.
provide with food and clothing (verb), -kimu. "shooting star, meteor"..
provided that (conjunction), mradi.
provided that (conjunction), mradi, pl miradi, muradi.
provided that (conjunction), murudi.
providence (noun), mungu.
providence (noun), muungu.
rel. providence (noun), maongozi. God's providence. maongozi ya Mungu.
provider ( one who supplies someone else with the necessities of life)
(noun), mkimu, pl wakimu.
province (noun), eneo (5/6), pl maeneo.
province (noun), jimbo (5/6), pl majimbo.
province (noun), jimbo, pl majimbo.
province (noun), mkoa (3/4), pl mikoa. These are ethnic groups like the
Masai, the Tindiga and the Hadza who live in Arusha, Singida and Shinyanga
provinces.. Makabila haya ni kama Wamasai, Watindaga na Wahadza wanaoishi
katika mikoa ya Arusha, Singida na Shinyanga [Masomo 308]..
province (noun), pl provinces, wilaya (9/10), pl wilaya.
provincialism (noun), ushamba (14).
provision (noun), andao, pl maandao.
provisions (noun), kande (9/10), pl kande.
provisions (noun), kande.
provisions (noun), maakuli, pl maakuli.
provisions (noun), makuli, pl makuli.
provisions (noun), masurufu (6).
provisions (noun), makulaji.
provocateur (noun), kidudumtu (7/8), pl vidudumtu.
provocation (noun), chokochoko.
provocation (noun), inadi (9/10), pl inadi.
provocation (noun), pl provocations, shari (9/10), pl shari. John
provoked his cousin. John alimtaka shari kaka yake.
provocation (noun), tashtiti (9/10), pl tashtiti.
provocation (noun), uchochezi.
provocation (noun), uchokozi (14).
provocation (noun), uchuro.
be provoked (verb), -chochewa.
one who provokes (noun), mchochezi, pl wachochezi. warmonger..
mchochezi wa vita [Rec].
provoke (verb), -chochea.
provoke (verb), -chocheleza.
provoke (verb), -chokoza.
provoke (verb), -chusha.
provoke (verb), -ghadhabisha.
provoke (verb), -juvya.
provoke (verb), -koroga.
provoke (verb), -palilia (applicative).
provoke (verb), -ringa.
provoke (verb), -tashtiti.
provoke (verb), -tibua.
provoke (verb), -vumbilia.
provoke each other (verb), -bimbirizana.
provoke opposition (verb), -teteleza.
provoke someone (verb), -chachisha.
provoke someone (verb), -zushia ( appl-caus).
provoking (adjective), fidhulika.
prow of Swahili vessel (noun), gubeti (9/10), pl gubeti.
prowess (noun), maume, pl maume.
proxy (noun), wakala.
prudence (noun), busara (9/10), pl busara.
prudence (noun), tabasuri (9/10), pl tabasuri.
prudence (noun), uhodari (14), pl uhodari.
prudent (adjective), hodari.
be pruned (verb), -pogolewa.
prune (verb), -pogoa. prunning knife.. kisu cha kupogolea.
prune (verb), -pokoa. prunning knife.. kisu cha kupogolea.
prune (bushes or trees) (verb), -pagua. prunning knife.. kisu cha
prurience (noun), kinyegenyege.
prurience (noun), kinyevu.
prurient (adjective), kware.
pry (verb), -ingilia.
pry into (verb), -ingilia.
pry into (verb), -ingilia (applicative).
pry into (verb), -tafiti.
pry into (someone's affairs) (verb), -pekulia.
pry into someone else's affairs. (verb), -chunguza.
pry into (verb), -peleleza.
prying person (noun), dunzi, pl madunzi.
prying person (noun), dunzi, pl wadunzidunzi.
prying person (noun), mdunzidunzii, pl wadunzidunzi.
prying person (noun), mpekuzi (1/2), pl wapekuzi.
psalm (noun), zaburi (9/10), pl zaburi.
pseudonym (noun), jina la fumbo, pl majina ya fumbo.
pseudonym (to disguise a name of bad repute) (noun), kisimbo, pl visimbo.
pseudonym (to disguise a name of bad repute) (noun), msimbo, pl wasimbo.
psychology (noun), saikoloji (9/10), pl saikoloji.
psychology (noun), saikolojia (9/10), pl saikolojia.
psychology (noun), sikolojia (9/10), pl sikolojia.
pub (noun), baa (5/6), pl mabaa.
age of puberty (noun), balehe, pl mabalehe, wabalehe. this girl is now
at the age of puberty. mtoto huyu sasa ~.
mizungu (ethn. instructions given to girls at the age of puberty)
(noun), mzungu (3/4), pl mizungu.
puberty (noun), kuvunja ungo (15).
puberty (noun), ubaleghi.
puberty (noun), ubalehe (14).
puberty (noun), ubalehi.
reach puberty (verb), -baleghe. When a girl reaches puberty she becomes
a young woman. Msichana akibaleghe huwa mwari [Masomo 126].
reach puberty (verb), -balegi.
pubic hair (noun), uvuzi, pl mavuzi.
in public (adverb), hadhara, pl hadhara.
in public (adverb), kadamnasi.
in public (adverb), kadamnasi.
public (noun), hadhira (9/10), pl hadhira.
public relations (noun), utangazaji.
public speaking (noun), usemaji.
the public (noun), umma (11), pl plural only.
public servant (noun), diwani, pl madiwani.
publication (noun), ilani.
publication (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza.
publication (noun), tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo.
publication (noun), uchapishaji.
publication (noun), utoaji.
publication (noun), utokezo, pl matokezo.
publication (noun), utowaji.
give publicity to (verb), -tukuza.
publicity (noun), tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo.
publicity (noun), utangazaji.
rec. secretary for publicity (noun), mwenezi, pl weenezi. Publicity
secretary.. katibu mwenezi.
publicize (verb), -tangaza.
publicly (adverb), hadharani.
publicly (adverb), kadamnasi.
publish (verb), -hadhiri.
publish (verb), -toa.
be published (verb), -tolewa (passive).
publisher (noun), mchapaji, pl wachapaji.
publisher (noun), mchapishaji, pl wachapaji.
publishing (noun), utoaji.
publishing (noun), utowaji.
pudding (noun), faluda (9/10), pl faluda.
puddle (noun), dimbwi (5/6), pl madimbwi.
puddle (noun), kibwawa (7/8), pl vibwawa.
puddle (noun), kidimbwi, pl vidimbwi.
puddle (noun), kituwe (7/8), pl vituwe.
puff (verb), -penga.
puff oneself up (verb), -tutumua.
puff out (verb), -tuna.
puff up (noun), kubaza.
puff adder (Bitis arietans) (noun), bafe, pl bafe.
puff-adder (noun), moma (9/10), pl moma.
puffback (species of) (noun), tiva.
be puffed up (with pride) (verb), -tutuka.
be puffed up (with pride) (verb), -tutuma.
be puffed up (with pride) (verb), -tutumka.
puffing (noun), mitweto, pl mitweto.
be pugnacious (verb), -kwaa.
pugnacious person (noun), mkorogo, pl wakorogo.
puke (verb), -tapika.
be pulled (verb), -vutwa (passive).
be pulled out (verb), -ng'olewa.
one who pulls something out (noun), mng'oaji, pl wang'oaji. dentist..
mng'oaji meno.
pull (verb), -burura.
pull (verb), -buruta.
pull (verb), -gogota.
pull (verb), -tungiza.
pull (verb), -vuta.
pull (suddenly) (verb), -gutua.
pull (suddenly) (verb), -kutua.
pull (the bark from a tree etc) (verb), -ponoa.
pull along (verb), -fungasha.
pull along (verb), -kokota.
pull apart (verb), -tatua.
pull down (verb), -inika.
pull each other's leg (verb), -taniana (reciprocal). even this very
time, we were pulling each other's leg. hata hivi sasa tulikuwa
tunataniana [Abd].
pull in pieces (verb), -nyambua.
pull off (verb), -ambua. remove skin (rind, bark); peel an orange. ~
ngozi; ~ mchungwa.
pull off (verb), -babua.
pull off (verb), -chana.
pull off (verb), -gandua.
pull off (verb), -puchua. peel of mango.. pujua embe.
pull off (verb), -pujua. peel off the mango.. pujua embe.
pull off (fibres) (verb), -chambua.
pull off (fibres) (verb), -chamvua.
pull oneself (verb), -jivuta (reflexive).
pull out (verb), -chomoa. pull out a knife. chomoa kisu.
pull out (verb), -chopoa.
pull out (verb), -futua.
pull out (verb), -ng'oa.
pull out (verb), -topoa.
pull out (verb), -zidua.
pull out (hair) (verb), -nyonyoa.
pull out (of a bundle) (verb), -vura.
pull out for or from someone (verb), -chomolea.
pull someone's leg (verb), -tania.
pull up (plants) (verb), -nyaka.
pull off (verb), -menya. peel manioc (potatoes).. menya muhogo.
pull off (verb), -nyoa.
pull off (meat from bones) (verb), -nofoa.
pull off (meat from bones) (verb), -nyafua.
pull off (meat from bones) (verb), -nyofoa.
pulley (noun), ayari, pl ayari.
pulley (noun), gabi.
pulley (noun), gofia.
pulley (noun), kapi (9/10), pl kapi.
pulley (noun), kapi, pl (-); makapi.
pulley (sheave of) (noun), roda (9/10), pl roda.
pulley (used on dhows) (noun), abedari (9/10), pl abedari.
pulling (noun), mbururo (3/4), pl mibururo.
pulling (noun), mburuzo, pl miburuzo.
pulling (noun), mbuuzo, pl miburuzo.
pulling (noun), mkokoto, pl mikokoto.
pulling (act of) (noun), mvuto, pl mivuto.
pullover (noun), sweta (9/10), pl sweta.
pulp (noun), shapo (5/6), pl mashapo.
pulp (of fruit, grain, etc., left after squeezing or pounding) (noun),
pulpit (noun), dungu, pl madungu. cockpit [of an airplane]. dungu la
rel. pulpit (noun), mimbari (9/10).
pulsate (verb), -pwita.
pulsation (noun), mpapatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
pulsation (noun), papatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
pulse (noun), mshipa, pl mishipa. the pulse beats.. mshipa unapiga.
pulse (noun), tuta.
pulse (verb), -cheza.
pulse (verb), -puma. the pulse of the watch. Puma ya saa.
pulse (verb), -tutusika (potential).
pulsing (noun), papo (5/6), pl mapapo. heartbeat. papo la moyo.
be pulverized (verb), -pondwa.
pulverize (verb), -funda.
pulverize (verb), -menya.
pulverize (verb), -paaza.
pulverize (verb), -paaza.
pulverize (verb), -paza.
pulverize (verb), -ponda.
pulverize (verb), -saga. pulverize the teeth. saga meno.
pulverize (verb), -shinikiza.
pulverize (verb), -sindikiza.
pulverize (verb), -sinikiza.
pulverize (verb), -tifua.
pulverize (verb), -tikita.
anything ground fine or pulverized (noun), unga.
pulverized (adjective), tifu.
one who pulverizes (noun), mponda, pl waponda.
one who pulverizes (grain) (noun), mtwanzi, pl watwanzi.
pulverizing (noun), mchakacho (3/4), pl michakacho.
pulverizing (act of) (noun), mpondo, pl mipondo.
pulverizing with mortar and pestle (act of) (noun), mtwango, pl mitwango.
pump (noun), bomba (5/6), pl mabomba.
pump (noun), pampu (9/10), pl pampu. water pump.. pampu ya maji.
pump (verb), -dadisi.
pump (a person) (verb), -nyenga.
pumpkin (noun), boga (5/6), pl maboga.
pumpkin plant (noun), mboga (3/4), pl miboga.
punch (phrase), -piga ngumi.
punctuality (noun), usahihi.
punctuation note (noun), kituo (7/8), pl vituo.
puncture (verb), -dudumia.
pungency (noun), chumvi.
be punished (verb), -adhibika.
be punished (verb), -adhibiwa. Every one of us wants this foe to be
punished; Is it just for a person to be punished for something s/he didn't
do?.. Kila mmoja wetu anataka adui huyo aadhibiwe [Nyerere, Masomo 274];
Ni haki mtu kuadhibiwa kwa jambo ambalo hakufanya? [Masomo 417].
punish (verb), -tia adhabu.
punish (verb), -pa adhabu.
punish (verb), -patisha adhabu.
punish (verb), pl to punish any student, -adhibisha.
punish (verb), -adhibu. If they return late to the lessons we shall
punish them [Rech]. Wakichelewa kurudi kwenye masomo tutawaadhibu [Rech].
punish (verb), -jaza.
punish (verb), -komesha.
punish (verb), -patiliza.
divine punishment (noun), masaibu.
punishment (noun), adhabu (9/10), pl adhabu. The punishment of the
offense was to be isolated.. Adhabu ya uhalifu ilikuwa kutengwa [Masomo
punishment (noun), dia.
punishment (noun), hatua (9/10), pl hatua.
punishment (noun), ijaza.
punishment (noun), kitubio (7/8), pl vitubio.
punishment (noun), mapatilizo.
punishment (noun), marudi.
punishment (noun), marudio.
punishment (noun), patilizo (5/6), pl mapatilizo.
punishment (noun), rada (9/10), pl rada. the punishment for his/her
mistakes will be paid for by God. Rada ya ubaya wake atalipiwa na mola.
punishment (noun), thawabu.
punishment (noun), upatilivu, pl mapatilivu.
punishment (noun), upatilizo (11/6), pl mapatilizo.
punting pole (noun), mpondo (3/4), pl mipondo.
pupil (noun), mwanafunzi, pl wanafunzi.
pupil (of the eye) (noun), kiini.
puppet (noun), gumegume (5/6), pl magumegume.
puppet (noun), karangosi.
puppet (noun), kibaraka (7/8), pl vibaraka.
puppet (noun), kijibwa, pl vijibwa.
purchase (noun), uguzi.
purchase (verb), -kata.
purchase (verb), -nunua.
purchaser (noun), mnunuzi, pl wanunuzi.
purchaser (at auction) (noun), mzabuni, pl wazabuni.
purchasing (noun), ununuzi.
purchasing power (noun), upataji.
be pure (verb), -takata.
pure (adjective), -eupe.
pure (adjective), fasihi.
pure (adjective), nakawa.
pure (adjective), safi.
pure (adjective), swafi. pure air. hewa safi.
pure (adjective), takatifu.
pure (adjective), tupu.
pure person (noun), mtakatifu, pl watakatifu.
ritually pure person (noun), tahiri (9/10an), pl tahiri.
purée of beans, various grains and other ingredients (noun), mseto (3/4),
pl miseto.
med. purgative (noun), msahala, pl misahala.
purgatory (noun), tohara.
purge (verb), -hara.
purge (verb), -harisha.
purification (noun), mtakaso, pl mitakaso.
purification (noun), takato (5/6), pl matakato.
purification (noun), usafishaji.
ritual purification (noun), weuo.
be purified (verb), -takaswa. the heart of this creation required to be
purified. roho ya kiumbe huyu ilitakiwa itakaswe [Moh].
purify (verb), -chuja.
purify (verb), -halisisha.
purify (verb), -safi.
purify (verb), -safisha.
purify (verb), -takasika.
purify (ritually) (verb), -tahiri.
purify ceremonially (verb), -eua.
purify ritually (eg after menstruation) (verb), -takasa.
purifying (noun), utakaso.
purity (noun), takato (5/6), pl matakato.
purity (noun), usafi (14).
purity (noun), utupu.
purity (ceremonial) (noun), utohara.
purity (literal or figurative) (noun), utakatifu.
purity (of style) (noun), ufasihi.
purity of style (noun), fasaha (9/10), pl fasaha.
purity of style (noun), ufasaha (14).
ritual purity (condition of) (noun), udhu.
ritual purity (us. through circumcision) (noun), tohara.
state of ceremonial purity (noun), udhu (14).
purloin (verb), -iba.
purple (adjective), zambarau.
for what purpose? (pronoun), wapi.
on purpose (adverb), kusudi.
purpose (noun), azima, pl maazima.
purpose (noun), azimio, pl maazimio.
purpose (noun), azma (9/10), pl azima.
purpose (noun), dhamiri (9/10), pl dhamiri.
purpose (noun), dhati.
purpose (noun), kasidi (9/10), pl kasidi.
purpose (noun), kusudi (5/6), pl makusudi.
purpose (noun), maana.
purpose (noun), maazimio, pl maazimio.
purpose (noun), madhumuni (9/10), pl madhumuni.
purpose (noun), madhumuni, pl madhumuni.
purpose (noun), matilaba, pl matilaba.
purpose (noun), nia (9/10), pl nia.
purpose (noun), nuio (9/10), pl nuio.
purpose (verb), -ukilia.
purpose (concealed) (noun), maarubu, pl maarubu.
purpose (especially in respect of a visit to a witchdoctor or the use of
charm) (noun), manuwio.
purpose (especially in respect of a visit to a witchdoctor or the use of
charm) (noun), manuwiyo.
something which does not serve its proper purpose (noun), mgumba, pl
purr (like a cat) (verb), -koroma.
purring (noun), koroma, pl koroma.
purring (of cats) (noun), mkoromo (3/4), pl mikoromo.
purse (noun), kipindo, pl vipindo.
purse (noun), mfuko, pl mifuko. mailbag.. mfuko wa barua.
purse (noun), mkoba, pl mikoba. handbag..
purse (noun), mkwiji (3/4), pl mikwiji.
purse (noun), pochi (9/10), pl pochi. (s)he is scratching the purse.
anaipekua pochi [Ma].
purse (small) (noun), kijipochi (7/8), pl vijipochi.
purse-snatcher (noun), mkwepuzi (1/2), pl wakwepuzi.
pursue (verb), -doea.
pursue (verb), -fuata.
pursue (verb), -winda.
pursue (a subject) (verb), -jasisi.
pursue each other (verb), -windana.
pursuer (noun), mfuasi, pl wafuasi.
pursuer (noun), mfuataji, pl wafuataji.
pursuer (noun), mkimbizi, pl wakimbizi.
pursuit (noun), adhabu (9/10), pl adhabu.
pursuit (noun), masubuko, pl masubuko.
pursuit (noun), masumbufo, pl masumbufo.
pursuit (noun), masumbulizi, pl masumbulizi.
pursuit (noun), masumbuo, pl masumbuo.
pus (noun), udusi (11).
pus (noun), ujusi.
pus (noun), usaha (14).
impel (verb), -elemea.
push (noun), kikumbo (7/8), pl vikumbo.
push (noun), mchocheo (3/4), pl michocheo.
push (noun), mchocho, pl michocho.
push (noun), mkupuo (3/4), pl mikupuo.
push (noun), pl pushes, msukumo (3/4), pl misukumo.
push (verb), -buburusha.
push (verb), -guta.
push (verb), -kikirika.
push (verb), -kumba.
push (verb), -kumbana.
push (verb), -segua.
push (verb), -sekua.
push (verb), -songea (applicative).
push (verb), -sukuma. (s)he pushed him/her towards his/her house.
alimsukuma kuelekea nyumbani kwake [Kez].
push (one another) (verb), -jazana.
push around (verb), -sukumana.
push each other (verb), -buburushana. the people were pushing and
shoving [each other]. watu walibuburushana.
push each other (in a crowd) (verb), -songana (associative).
push forward (verb), -elemea.
push forward (verb), -elemea.
push forward (verb), -lemea.
push forward (verb), -sukumiza (intensive).
push in (forcibly) (verb), -gagmiza.
push into (water) (verb), -tumbukiza ( appl-caus-intr).
push on the ear (noun), mdukuo, pl midukuo.
push one's way (verb), -pasua. a major road that pushes its way through
a town of big houses. njia kuu iliyopasua kati ya mji wa majumba makubwa
[Sul], uso wake ulipasua tabasamu [Moh].
push one's way through (verb), -dupa.
push over (verb), -sinua.
push through (dense underground or water) (verb), -tindanga.
pushbutton (noun), kinundu, pl vinundu.
pushcart (noun), mkokoteni (3/4), pl mikokoteni.
be pushed (verb), -sukumwa.
one who pushes (noun), mkumbizi, pl wakumbizi.
one who pushes (noun), msonga, pl misonga. one who presses forward..
msonga mbele.
one who pushes (noun), msongi, pl misongi. one who presses forward..
msonga mbele.
pushiness (noun), gubu.
one who is given to pushing (noun), mkupuzi, pl wakupuzi.
pushing (adjective), pasi.
pushing (noun), kikiri.
pushing (noun), msukumano, pl misukumano.
pushing (noun), ukumbaji.
pushing (noun), ukumbizi.
pushing (act of) (noun), mshindilio, pl mishindilio.
pushing (act of) (noun), msongano, pl misongano.
pushing (act of) (noun), msonge, pl misonge.
pushing aside (act of) (noun), mkupuo, pl mikupuo.
pushy person (noun), mtamani, pl watamani.
pusillanimity (noun), uoga.
pusillanimity (noun), woga.
pusillanimous (adjective), oga.
pustule (noun), kipele, pl vipele.
be put (verb), -wekwa (passive).
be put into (verb), -tiwa.
be put off (verb), -zimwa.
be put out (verb), -kimua.
be put out (verb), -kimwa.
be put out (verb), -tolewa (passive).
be put out (verb), -zimika.
make someone put (verb), -tilisha ( appl-caus).
naut. put about (verb), -kisi.
naut. put about (verb), -kissi.
put (verb), -gusisha.
put (verb), -ika.
put (verb), -tia.
put (verb), -weka.
put (something in something) (verb), -ingiza.
put aside (verb), -dunduliza.
put aside (verb), -fita.
put aside (verb), -hifadhi.
put aside (verb), -tengua.
put away (verb), pl translation for applicative?, -bagua.
put back (verb), -rudisha (causative).
put between legs (verb), -fyata.
put down (verb), -teremsha (causative).
put down (verb), -tua.
put down and roll over and over (verb), -firigisa.
put for someone (verb), -ekea.
put for someone (verb), -wekea.
put forth leaves (verb), -chanua.
put forward (verb), -benua.
put forward (verb), -binua.
put in (verb), -ingiza.
put in (verb), -wekea.
put in (by force) (verb), -penyesha.
put in order (verb), -zatiti.
put in sanctuary (verb), -hifadhi.
put inside (verb), -tumbukiza ( appl-caus-intr).
put inside out (verb), -geuza.
put into (verb), -didimisha.
put into (by force) (verb), -penyeza.
put into (food) (verb), -towea.
put off (verb), -ahirisha (causative). the examination is postponed
until tomorrow. mtihani umeahirishwa mpaka kesho.
put off (verb), -kawisha.
put off (verb), -tuilisha.
put off (verb), -tuiliza.
put off (verb), -zima.
put on (verb), -jikatia (reflexive).
put on (clothes) (verb), -vaa.
put on clothes (verb), -vaa nguo.
put on clothing (verb), -valia.
put on make-up (verb), -jipura.
put on the fire (verb), -telekeza.
put one thing on top of another (verb), -eleka (potential).
put one thing on top of another (verb), -elekanya (potential).
put oneself (verb), -jiwekea.
put oneself forward (verb), -jitanguliza.
put out (verb), -toa.
put out (verb), -tokeza.
put out (verb), -zima.
put out for (verb), -zimia.
put out in the open (verb), -fichua.
put right (verb), -endekeza.
put someone off (verb), -zungusha.
put to (verb), -vugaza.
put together (verb), -changa.
put together (verb), -kongomea.
put together (verb), -saliti. if you mix two kinds of this sand, you
will get good sand. ukisaliti jinsi mbili za mchanga huu utapata mchanga
put together (verb), -shamiri.
put together (verb), -tunga.
put up with (verb), -stahimili.
put up with (verb), -tikiza.
put up with (verb), -vumilia.
put up with (verb), -weza.
put upside down (verb), -geuza.
put aside (verb), -ficha.
be put off (verb), -ahiri.
be put off (verb), -akhiri.
be put out (verb), -anikwa.
put oneself out (to do something) (verb), -takalifu.
put up (a candidate for election) (verb), -simamisha (causative).
putrefaction (noun), ubovu.
putrefaction (noun), wozo.
putrefy (verb), -oza.
putrescence (noun), kioza (7/8), pl vioza.
putrid thing (noun), vunde (5/6), pl mavunde.
puttees (noun), pl puttees, patisi (9/10), pl patisi.
putting aside (act of) (noun), uwekaji, pl mawekaji.
putting in order (act of) (noun), utungaji.
putting in order (act of) (noun), utungo.
puzzle (noun), fumbo (5/6), pl mafumbo.
puzzle (noun), kifungo (7/8), pl vifungo.
puzzle (noun), pl puzzles, tambo (5/6), pl matambo.
puzzle (verb), -emeza (causative).
puzzle (verb), -fumba.
puzzle (verb), -tatiza.
puzzling (verb), -gumu.
something puzzling (noun), mtatio, pl mitatio.
pygmy (noun), chuchu, pl machuchu.
pygmy (noun), kibeti, pl vibeti.
pygmy (noun), mtwa, pl watwa.
pyramid (noun), piramidi (5/6), pl mapiramidi.
the Pyramids (noun), haram.
the Pyramids (noun), ihramu.
med. pyrosis (noun), kiungulia, pl viungulia.
python (noun), chatu (9/10), pl chatu.


quack (noun), mponyeshaji, pl waponyeshaji.

quack (noun), mponyi, pl waponyi.
quadrant (noun), pl quadrants, roboduara (9/10), pl roboduara.
quadrilateral (noun), pembenne (9/10), pl pembenne.
quagmire (noun), bwawa, pl mabwawa.
quail (noun), tombo.
quail (noun), tomboo.
quail (noun), tomboro.
quail (noun), tomboroko.
qualification (noun), ubingwa.
qualification (noun), ufundi.
qualified (adjective), stahili.
qualify (verb), -hitimu.
good qualities (adjective), makuu.
of the finest quality (adjective), teule.
poor quality (noun), uhaba.
poor quality (noun), uhafifu.
quality (noun), babu, pl babu. of superior quality (character), of
inferior quality (character). ~ kubwa, ~ ndogo.
quality (noun), gredi.
quality (noun), hulka.
quality (noun), jinsi.
quality (noun), kiumbo, pl viumbo.
quality (noun), mtindo, pl mitindo. These clothes are of the same
quality as those.. nguo hizi ni mtindo wa zile.
quality (noun), namna. of what sort?. namna gani?.
quality (noun), sifa (9/10), pl sifa. (s)he has all the qualities of the
devil. kila sifa ya ushetani anayo yeye [Sul].
quality (noun), simo (9/10), pl simo.
quality (noun), umbile, pl maumbile.
quality (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
quality (noun), usawa.
rare a thing of first quality. (noun), nambawani, pl manambawani.
qualms (noun), kinyongo.
in great quantities (adverb), fori.
in large quantities (adjective), kwa wingi.
fig. great quantity (noun), kivumbi, pl vivumbi.
great quantity (noun), kivo, pl vivo.
great quantity (noun), kizo, pl vizo.
in great quantity (adjective), -pukupuku.
in great quantity (adverb), chunguchungu.
in great quantity (adverb), kipuku.
in great quantity (adverb), tele.
in large quantity (adjective), nyakanyaka.
large quantity (noun), pamba (5/6), pl mapamba.
large quantity (noun), ujumla.
quantity (noun), chungu, pl quantity. a great deal, a lot [of...].
chungu nzima.
quantity (noun), idadi.
quantity (noun), jingi, pl majingi.
quantity (noun), kiasi (7/8), pl viasi.
quantity (noun), kiwango (7/8), pl viwango.
quantity (noun), mkusanyiko, pl mikusanyiko.
quantity (noun), namba, pl manamba, manambari.
quantity (noun), nambari, pl manamba, manambari.
quantity (noun), wingi (14).
small quantity (noun), choto (5/6), pl machoto.
unit of quantity used in selling (score or 20 units) (noun), korija.
unit of quantity used in selling (score or 20 units) (noun), korja.
quarantine (noun), karantini.
pick a quarrel with someone (verb), -rumbiza (causative). like the way
(s)he speaks and picks quarrels with his/her colleagues. kama vile
anasema na kurumbiza wenzake [Moh].
quarrel (noun), figu.
quarrel (noun), fitina (9/10), pl fitina.
quarrel (noun), fitna (9/10), pl fitna.
quarrel (noun), halafa.
quarrel (noun), husuma.
quarrel (noun), mabishano, pl mabishano.
quarrel (noun), magombano.
quarrel (noun), matukano, pl matukano.
quarrel (noun), matushi, pl matushi.
quarrel (noun), matusi, pl matusi.
quarrel (noun), mnazaa, pl minazaa.
quarrel (noun), msengenyano, pl misengenyano.
quarrel (noun), pl quarrels, msukano (3/4), pl misukano.
quarrel (noun), mzozo, pl mizozo.
quarrel (noun), pigano (5/6), pl mapigano.
quarrel (noun), tafauti (9/10), pl tafauti.
quarrel (noun), tofauti.
quarrel (noun), ugomvi (11/6), pl magomvi.
quarrel (noun), uhasama.
quarrel (noun), uhusuma.
quarrel (noun), utetaji.
quarrel (noun), uteto.
quarrel (verb), -bimbirizana.
quarrel (verb), -bisha.
quarrel (verb), -chuana.
quarrel (verb), -gombea.
quarrel (verb), -hasamiana (reciprocal).
quarrel (verb), -husumu.
quarrel (verb), -kosana (reciprocal).
quarrel (verb), -nazaa.
quarrel (verb), -pangua.
quarrel (verb), -papura.
quarrel (verb), -teta.
quarrel (verb), -tetana.
quarrel (with each other) (verb), -bishana. Quarreling is pointless..
Hai mana kubishana [haina maana kubishana] [Amana, Masomo 408].
quarrel one another (verb), -zozana.
quarrel with (verb), -gomba.
quarrel with (verb), -gombana.
quarrel(ing) (noun), ufatani.
quarrel(ing) (noun), ufitina.
rare quarrel (noun), mtafaruku, pl mitafaruku.
start a quarrel with someone (verb), -paaza ugomvi.
quarreling (noun), chokochoko (9/10), pl chokochoko.
quarrelling (noun), utesaji.
quarrelling (noun), utesi.
be quarrelsome (verb), -kwaa.
quarrelsome (adjective), bishi.
quarrelsome (adjective), gomvi.
quarrelsome (adjective), kinzani.
quarrelsome person (noun), hasimu, pl mahasima.
quarrelsome person (noun), kichocheo, pl vichocheo.
quarrelsome person (noun), mgomba, pl wagomba.
quarrelsome person (noun), mgombi, pl wagombi.
quarrelsome person (noun), mgomvi, pl wagomvi.
quarrelsome person (noun), mkatavu, pl wakatavu.
quarrelsome person (noun), mkorogo, pl wakorogo.
quarrelsome person (noun), mlalafi, pl walalafi.
quarrelsome person (noun), mlalavi, pl walalavi.
quarrelsome person (noun), mnazaa (1/2), pl wanazaa.
quarrelsome person (noun), mtesa, pl watesa.
quarrelsome person (noun), mtesaji, pl watesaji.
quarrelsome person (noun), mtesi, pl watesi.
quarrelsome person (noun), mtetea, pl watetea.
quarrelsome person (noun), mteteaji, pl wateteaji.
quarrelsome person (noun), mtetezi, pl watetezi.
quarrelsome person (noun), pl quarrelsome persons, shabaki (9/10an), pl
quarrelsome person (noun), shabuka (9/10an), pl shabuka.
quarrelsome person (noun), ugomvi, pl gomvi, magomvi.
quarrelsomeness (noun), ubishi, pl mabishi.
quarry (noun), uwindo, pl mawindo.
quarry (noun), windo, pl mawindo.
quarter (noun), robo (9/10), pl robo. 7:45 o'oclock.. saa mbili kasa
quarter ( of a town) (noun), hara.
quarter (of a city) (noun), mtaa, pl mitaa. "live in the same part of
town, be neighbors".. kaa mtaa mmoja.
quarter to (noun), kasorobo.
quarter to (telling time) (adjective), kasa robo.
quarter to (telling time) (adjective), kasarobo.
cramped quarteers (noun), udhiki.
quarters (noun), makao (6).
be quashed (verb), -zimishwa.
quaver (verb), -tikisika.
quaver (verb), -tikiswa.
queen (noun), kwini.
queen (noun), malkia (9/10an), pl malkia.
queen (noun), malkia.
queen (noun), Mzungu (3/4), pl wazungu.
quell (verb), -zima.
quench (verb), -zima.
quenched thing (noun), zimwe (5/6), pl mazimwe.
querulous (adjective), tukutu.
be questioned (verb), -hojiwa.
be questioned (verb), -sailiwa.
besiege with questions (verb), -dadisi.
bombard someone with questions (verb), -payusha.
controversial question (noun), kigambo, pl vigambo.
cross questioning (noun), malumbano (6).
question (noun), hoja.
question (noun), lumba.
question (noun), masahala. political (religious) questions.. masahala
ya siasa (dini).
question (noun), msaala. political (religious) questions.. masahala ya
siasa (dini).
question (noun), pl questions, swala (5/6), pl maswala. what is your
question?. Swala lako ni nini?.
question (noun), swali (5/6), pl maswali. I have a question. nina
question (verb), -hoji.
question (verb), -saili.
question (verb), -uliza.
question and answer (noun), majibizano.
question indicator (pronoun), je. What are you doing?. Je, unafanya
question intensively (verb), -susuika.
question mark (noun), alama ya kuuliza (9/10), pl alama za kuuliza.
be questioned (verb), -ulizwa.
questioning (noun), ulizo (5/6), pl maulizo.
fill out a questionnaire (verb), -jaza fomu.
questionnaire (noun), fomu (9/10), pl fomu.
questionnaire (noun), formu (9/10), pl formu.
questionnaire (noun), hojaji (9/10), pl hojaji.
questionnaire (noun), kidadisi (7/8), pl vidadisi.
pump with questions (verb), -nyenya.
queue up (verb), -tundama.
queue up (verb), -umana.
agile (adjective), -epesi.
quick (adjective), -epesi.
quick (adjective), hima.
quick (adjective), kasi.
quick (adjective), mbio.
quick (adverb), chapuchapu!.
make a quick move (verb), -tahamaki.
be quick-witted (verb), -kalamka.
quick-witted (adjective), tambuzi.
quickly (adverb), chapu chapu.
quickly (adverb), dalki.
quickly (adverb), haraka.
quickly (adverb), hidima.
quickly (adverb), -a hima.
quickly (adverb), hima.
quickly (adverb), kasi.
quickly (adverb), kimbio.
quickly (adverb), kimbiombio.
quickly (adverb), kwa hima.
quickly (adverb), kwa upesi.
quickly (adverb), dalki.
quickly (adverb), tasihili.
quickly (adverb), telki.
quickly (adverb), upesi.
remove quickly (verb), -shitua. remove the bitterness quickly. shitua
chungu [Rec].
remove quickly (verb), -shtua. remove a pot off the fire or the stove.
shtua chungu.
very quickly (adverb), wanguwangu.
quickness (noun), wepesi (14).
quickness of wit (noun), utambulifu.
quickness of wit (noun), utambulizi.
quickness of wit (noun), utambuzi.
quicksilver (noun), zebaki.
quickwitted (adjective), kalamazi.
quickwitted (verb), -kalamka.
quickwitted person (noun), mwelewa, pl waelewa.
quid pro quo (noun), lukuma.
quid pro quo (noun), magengo.
be quiet (verb), -nyamaa.
be quiet (verb), -nyamaza.
be quiet (verb), -sukutu.
be quiet (verb), -tulia.
be quiet (verb), -tulia (applicative).
be quiet (verb), -tundawaa.
be quiet (verb), -tunduaa.
Be quiet! (interjection), buu!.
Be quiet! (interjection), chub!.
be quieted (verb), -bembelezwa (passive).
be silent (verb), -sukutu.
lead a quiet life (verb), -tawa.
quiet (adjective), kimya.
quiet (adjective), nyamafu.
quiet (adjective), -nyamavu.
quiet (adjective), starehefu.
quiet (adjective), starehevu.
quiet (adjective), taratibu.
quiet (adjective), tuli.
quiet (adjective), tulivu.
quiet (adverb), tuli.
quiet (noun), kimia.
quiet (noun), mstarehe. Absolute repose/comfort.. raha mustarehe.
quiet (noun), mustarehe. Absolute repose/comfort.. raha mustarehe.
quiet (noun), raha (9/10), pl raha.
quiet (noun), unyamavu.
quiet (verb), -liwaza.
quiet (verb), -poza (causative). Be quiet. poza kulia.
quiet person (noun), mkimya (1/2), pl wakimya.
quiet person (noun), mnyenyekevu, pl wanyenyekevu.
quiet person (noun), pl quiet people, mtaratibu (1/2), pl wataratibu.
quiet person (noun), pl quiet people, mtulivu (1/2), pl watulivu.
quiet! (interjection), uss!.
quiet(ness) (noun), utulivu (14), pl utulivu.
quiet(ness) (noun), utulivu (14), pl utulivu.
quieting (noun), tulizo (5/6), pl matulizo.
quietly (adjective), makini.
quietly (adverb), njongwanjongwa.
quietly (adverb), taratibu.
quietly (adverb), tulii.
quietly (adverb), twaa.
very quietly (of walking) (adverb), nyatunyatu. (s)he went away very
quietly. aliondoka nyatunyatu [Abd].
quietness (noun), makini (6).
quietness (noun), unyamavu (14).
quill (of a porcupine) (noun), mcheche, pl micheche.
quill (of porcupine) (noun), mcheche (3/4), pl micheche.
quilt (noun), firashi (9/10), pl firashi.
quilt (type of) (noun), mfarishi (3/4), pl mifarishi.
quilting seam (noun), ponta (9/10), pl ponta.
quinine (noun), kwinini (9/10), pl kwinini.
quinsy (noun), halula.
quit (verb), -toka.
quite (adjective), kabisa.
quittance (noun), stakabadhi (9/10), pl stakabadhi.
quiver (noun), pongono (5/6), pl mapongono.
quiver (noun), ziaka, pl maziaka.
quiver (verb), -cheza.
quiver (verb), -chezacheza.
quiver (verb), -dapa.
quiver (verb), -papa.
quiver (verb), -tapa.
quiver (verb), -tapatapa.
quiver (verb), -tetema.
quiver (verb), -tukutika.
quiver (verb), -vinya.
quiver (verb), -vinyavinya.
quiver (for arrows) (noun), zaka, pl zaka, mazaka.
quiver (from fear, cold) (verb), -gwaya.
quiver (of arrows) (noun), podo (9/10), pl podo.
quivering (noun), kivinyovinyo, pl vivinyovinyo.
quivering (noun), macheleo, pl macheleo.
quivering (noun), mtetemeko, pl mitetemeko. earthquake. mtetemko wa
quivering (noun), mtetemko, pl mitetemko. earthquake. mtetemko wa nchi.
quivering (noun), mtetemo, pl mitetemo. earthquake. mtetemko wa nchi.
quiz (noun), pl quizzes, mtihani (3/4), pl mitihani.
quorum (noun), kiwango (7/8), pl viwango.
quorum (noun), koramu (9/10), pl koramu.
quorum (noun), yakama.
quotation (noun), dondo, pl madondo.
quotation (noun), dondoo (5/6), pl madondoo.
quotation (noun), ununuzi.
quotation mark (noun), alama ya kutaja (9/10), pl alama za kutaja.
quote (verb), -dondoa.
be quoted (verb), -tajwa (passive).
quotient (noun), hisa.


Rabbi (Jewish spiritual leader) (noun), kuhani (5/6), pl makuhani.

rabbit (noun), kibanawasi, pl vibanawasi.
rabbit (noun), pl rabbits, sungura (9/10an), pl sungura.
rabbit (species of) (noun), pelele (9/10an), pl pelele.
rock rabbit (noun), kwanga.
wild rabbit (noun), wibari.
rabble (noun), ahi (9/10an), pl ahi.
rabble (noun), pl Plural?, aki (9/10), pl aki.
rabble (noun), yahe.
rabies (noun), kalab.
membership in a race (noun), utani.
race (noun), mbegu.
race (noun), mburuzo, pl miburuzo. track of a snake.. mburuzo wa nyoka.
race (noun), mbuuzo, pl miburuzo. track of a snake.. mburuzo wa nyoka.
race (noun), shindano (5/6), pl mashindano. the fishing race will start
in December. Shindano la kuvua samaki litaanza mwezi wa Decemba.
race (noun), taifa (5/6), pl mataifa.
rachitis (noun), nyogea (9), pl nyogea.
rachitis (noun), nyongea (9).
racism (noun), ukabila.
racism (phrase), ubaguzi wa rangi.
racist (noun), mbaguzi, pl wabaguzi.
rack (noun), pl racks, susu (9/10), pl susu.
rack one's brains (over something) (verb), -koroweza.
radiance (noun), anga, pl maanga.
radiance (noun), kimeta, pl vimeta.
radiance (noun), mwanga, pl miwanga.
radiance (noun), nuru (9/10), pl nuru. bright/cheerful/friendly face..
uso wa nuru.
radiance (noun), wangafu (14), pl wangafu.
radiance (noun), wangavu (14), pl wangavu.
radiation (noun), mnururisho (3/4), pl minunurisho.
radical (noun), mbomoshi, pl wabomoshi.
radical (noun), pinduani (5/6an), pl mapinduani.
radical change (noun), pinduo (5/6), pl mapinduo.
radio (noun), radio (9/10), pl radio.
radio (noun), redio (9/10), pl redio.
radioactive dust (noun), dhariri.
radish (kind of) (noun), figili, pl mafigili.
radish (type of) (noun), figili (9/10), pl figili.
radish plant (species of) (noun), mfigili, pl mifigili.
radish plant (species of) (noun), mfigiri, pl mifigiri.
radius (noun), pl radii, nusukipenyo (9/10), pl nusuvipenyo.
radius (of a circle) (noun), nusu kipenyo (9/10), pl nusu.
raffle (noun), bahati nasibu (9/10), pl bahati nasibu.
raffle (noun), bima.
raft (noun), chelezo (7/8), pl vyelezo.
raft (noun), shapa (5/6), pl mashapa. a raft of bees. shapa la nyuki..
rafter (noun), kombamoyo (5/6), pl makombamoyo.
be in rags (verb), -chanika (potential).
rag (noun), kibacha (7/8), pl vibacha.
rag (noun), kinguo, pl vinguo.
rag (noun), tambaa (5/6), pl matambaa.
rag (noun), tambara (5/6), pl matambara.
rag (noun), utambaa, pl tambaa.
fly into a rage (verb), -kimua. rhyming poem..
fly into a rage (verb), -kimwa. rhyming poem..
fly into a rage (verb), -lipuka.
fly into a rage (verb), -ripuka.
fly into a rage (verb), -ripuka. my heart flies into a rage and the legs
swing. roho huniripuka, miguu ikanicheza [Sul].
latest rage (noun), nduni.
rage (noun), chuki (9/10), pl chuki.
rage (noun), ghadhabu (9/10), pl ghadhabu.
rage (noun), kiruhu.
rage (noun), kiruu (7/8), pl viruu.
rage (noun), kiruu.
rage (noun), mafutu.
rage (noun), mori (9/10), pl mori.
rage (noun), raruo (5/6), pl mararuo.
rage (verb), -fura.
rage (verb), -memeteka.
rage (verb), -memetuka.
rage (verb), -meremeta.
ragged (adjective), chakavu.
rags (noun), mararu (6).
raid (noun), shambulio (5/6), pl mashambulio. the first raid did not
succeed. Shambulio la kwanza halikufaulu.
raid (by police) (noun), zahama.
raid (by police) (noun), zahimu.
raiding (noun), kithaura.
raiding (noun), thaura.
raiding (noun), thawra.
rail (noun), lori, pl malori.
rail (noun), ukingo, pl kingo.
railing (noun), chango, pl vichango.
railing (noun), egemeo, pl maegemeo.
railroad (noun), reli (9/10), pl reli. railroad line.. njia ya reli.
railroad (noun), relwe (9/10), pl reli. railroad. njia ya reli.
railroad car (noun), behewa, pl mabehewa. passenger [freight] car.
behewa la abiria [bidhaa].
railway (noun), reli (9/10), pl reli. railroad line.. njia ya reli.
railway (noun), relwe (9/10), pl reli. railway. njia ya reli.
railway car (noun), berenge, pl maberenge.
railway track (noun), njia ya reli (9/10), pl njia za reli.
railwayman (noun), mreli, pl wareli.
raiment (noun), mavazi (6).
downpour of rain (noun), mkaragazo, pl mikaragazo.
fine rain (noun), manyonyota.
light rain (noun), nyunyu (5/6), pl manyunyu.
light rain (noun), urasharasha (11), pl marasharasha.
rain (noun), mvua (9/10), pl mvua. It is raining.. mvua inanyesha.
rain (verb), -nya.
rain (verb), -nya mvua.
rain (verb), -nyesha.
rain (light) (noun), pl rains, mrasharasha (3/4), pl mirasharasha.
rain gently (verb), -nyunya.
rain that falls at bedtime (noun), kialio (7/8), pl vialio.
the great rainy season (approx. April-May) (noun), masika.
the rain beats (phrase), mvua inapepea.
rainbow (noun), upinde wa mvua (11/10), pl pinde za nvua.
rainfall (noun), mvua (9/10), pl mvua. The average yearly rainfall is
approximately 40 inches.. Mvua ya mwaka mzima kwa wastani ni kama inchi
40 hivi [Masomo 5].
light rains that occur from July to October (noun), mchoo (3/4), pl
rainshower (noun), mnyo (3/4), pl minyo.
hot rainy season (noun), kifuku (7/8), pl vifuku.
rainy season (noun), masika (6).
short rainy season (noun), pl rainy seasons, mvuli (9/10), pl mvuli.
the short rainy season (November and December in Zanzibar) (noun), vuli.
be raised (verb), -inuka.
raise (verb), -fuga.
raise (verb), -inua.
raise (verb), -kulia (applicative). speak in a loud voice..
raise (verb), -kweza.
raise (verb), -ng'oa. raise sail. ng'oa tanga.
raise (verb), -nyanya.
raise (verb), -nyanyua.
raise (verb), -paaza (causative).
raise (verb), -pandisha.
raise (verb), -pandisha.
raise (verb), -panza.
raise (verb), -twika.
raise (a child) (verb), -lea. The parents raised four children.. Wazazi
walilea watoto wanne..
raise (a child) (poetic for kulea) (verb), -leya.
raise (of voice) (verb), -paza.
raise cattle (verb), -fuga n'gombe.
raise goats (verb), -fuga mbuzi.
raise oneself (verb), -inuka.
raise oneself (verb), -nyanya.
raise the eyes (verb), -vua.
raise the voice (verb), -paza sauti.
raise up (verb), -inua (converse).
raise up (i.e. a flag) (verb), -tweka.
be raised (verb), -titia.
raisin (noun), zabibu (9/10), pl zabibu.
raising (noun), mwinuko, pl miinuko.
raising of animals (noun), mfugo, pl mifugo.
rake (noun), uma.
rake (verb), -fukulia ( appl-conv).
rake (verb), -palia.
rake (verb), -palia.
ram (verb), -ponda. ram clay.. ponda udongo.
ram down (verb), -pigilia.
Isl. a person who breaks his fast during Ramadhan (noun), kobe.
Ramadhan (noun), Ramadhani (9).
mil. ramrod (noun), mdeke, pl mideke.
mil. ramrod (noun), mdeki, pl mideki.
at random (adverb), -a mafamba.
at random (adverb), baghala.
at random (adverb), ovyo.
at random (adverb), ovyoovyo.
at random (adverb), shaghala.
electric range (noun), jiko la umeme (5/6), pl majiko ya umeme.
range (noun), eneo, pl maeneo.
range (noun), mfiko (3/4), pl mifiko. mil. range ( of a bullet, etc.).
mfiko wa risasi.
range (noun), mfulilizo, pl mifulilizo. a range of mountains..
mfululizo wa milima.
range (noun), mifululizo, pl mifululizo. a range of mountains..
mfululizo wa milima.
range (noun), ukakaya.
range of mountains (noun), safu ya mlima (9/10), pl safu.
effendi (Turkish title of rank) (noun), afendi (9/10), pl afendi.
rank (noun), cheo (7/8), pl vyeo.
rank (noun), daraja (5/6), pl madaraja. he has been promoted. amepewa
daraja ya juu [Rec].
rank (noun), digrii, pl madigrii.
rank (noun), gredi.
rank (noun), hadhi (9/10), pl hadhi.
rank (noun), kadiri (9/10), pl kadiri.
rank (noun), makamo.
rank (noun), makamu.
rank (noun), ranki (9/10), pl ranki.
rank (of an official or officer) (noun), uafisa.
rank of an official (noun), uofisa.
title of rank (noun), efendi.
form ranks (verb), -jipanga safu.
ranks (noun), vyeo.
ransack (verb), -fukua mizizi.
ransom (noun), dia (9/10), pl dia.
ransom (noun), fidia (9/10), pl fidia.
ransom (noun), kifidio (7/8), pl vifidio.
ransom (noun), makombozi.
ransom (noun), ufidio.
ransom (noun), ufidiwa.
ransom (noun), ukomboo.
ransom (noun), ukombozi (14).
ransom (verb), -fidi.
ransom (verb), -komboa.
ransoming (noun), makombozi.
ransoming (noun), ukomboleo.
rap (verb), -gota.
rap (as a wood-pecker) (verb), -ng'ota.
rap (as a wood-pecker) (verb), -ng'uta.
rap (on a door) (verb), -bisha.
rap continuously (verb), -gotagota.
rape (noun), ugoni (14).
rape (noun), ugono.
rape (verb), -fisidi.
rape (a woman) (verb), -najisi.
rapidly (noun), haraka.
be rare (verb), -adimika.
be rare (verb), -hadimika.
be rare (verb), -pungua.
item (noun), tunu (9/10), pl tunu.
rare (adjective), adimu.
rare (adjective), azizi.
rare (adjective), chache.
rare (adjective), ghali.
rare (adjective), ghamma.
rare (adjective), nadra.
rare (adverb), abidi.
rare (noun), tunu.
something rare (noun), mzungu, pl mizungu.
something rare (noun), tunu (9/10), pl tunu.
rarely (adverb), nadra.
rarity (noun), azizi, pl azizi.
rarity (noun), kiroja (7/8), pl viroja.
rarity (noun), utunu.
rascal (noun), ajari (9/10an), pl ajari.
rascal (noun), ayari, pl ayari.
rascal (noun), baradhuli, pl mabaradhuli.
rascal (noun), bardhuli, pl mabardhuli.
rascal (noun), mtoto kikopo, pl watoto vikopo.
rascal (noun), mtwana (1/2), pl watwana.
rascal (noun), -twana (5/6), pl matwana.
break out in a rash (verb), -wenga.
med. rash (applied chiefly to a symptom of leprosy) (noun), kipwepwe, pl
rash (noun), balasi, pl balasi.
rash (noun), barasi.
rash (noun), kidudusi, pl vidudusi.
rash (noun), kipele, pl vipele.
rash (noun), ukuruti.
rash (noun), ukurutu.
rash (on the face) (noun), kawe, pl viwe.
rash (on the face) (noun), kijiwe, pl vijiwe.
rash (on the face) (noun), kikawe, pl vikawe.
rash (on the face) (noun), kiwe, pl viwe.
rash (on the skin) (noun), vipele.
rash act (noun), hamaki.
rashly (adjective), bure. make rash statements.. sema maneno ya bure.
skin-rash (noun), upele, pl pele.
rashness (adverb), papara.
rasp (noun), dupa, pl madupa. to rasp. piga dupa.
rasp (noun), kwaruzo, pl makwaruzo.
rasp (noun), tupa (9/10), pl tupa.
rasp (noun), tupa.
rasp (verb), -kereza.
make a contemptuous noise with tongue and lips (the 'raspberry') (verb),
field rat (noun), puku (9/10an), pl puku.
large rat (Cricetomys gambianus) (noun), buku, pl mabuku.
rat (noun), pl rats, panya (9/10an), pl panya.
rat (kind of) (noun), ndezi.
at any rate (conjunction), walau.
rate (verb), -hesabu.
rate of exchange (noun), serifu (9/10), pl serifu.
rather (adverb), afadhali.
rather (adverb), afdhali.
rather (adverb), afudhali.
rather (adverb), heri.
rather (conjunction), bali.
be ratified (by a government) (verb), -barikiwa.
ratify (verb), -kiri.
ratio (noun), uwiano (14).
ration (noun), resheni (9/10), pl resheni.
daily rations (eg corn meal issued to workers on plantations) (noun),
posho (9/10), pl posho. John was given the daily rations of maize meal
after the work. John alipewa posho ya unga baada ya kazi.
rattan (noun), henzarani.
bell worn by dancers on the legs (noun), mangaja.
child's rattle (noun), mangaja.
child's rattle (noun), msewe, pl misewe.
death rattle (noun), makororo.
rattle (noun), kayamba.
rattle (noun), pl rattles, njuga (9/10), pl njuga.
rattle (verb), -dodosa.
rattle (verb), -titima.
rattle (made of seed pod or reed case) (noun), kayamba (9/10), pl
rattle (used in dances) (noun), chelewa.
rattle fastened to leg to jingle when dancing (noun), pl rattles, msewe
(3/4), pl misewe.
rattle worn by dancers on the legs (noun), mangaja.
rattles (noun), manyanga (6).
rattling (noun), malizi (6).
rattling (noun), malizi.
rave (adverb), paya.
rave (verb), -payapaya.
rave (in a fever etc.) (verb), -babaika.
rave (in a fever etc.) (verb), -babayika.
ravine (noun), genge (5/6), pl magenge.
ravine (noun), koongo, pl makoongo.
ravine (noun), korongo, pl makorongo.
ravine (noun), korongo (5/6), pl makorongo.
ravine (noun), poromoko (5/6), pl maporomoko. The rain caused a ravine.
Mvua ilisababisha poromoko ardhini.
ravine (noun), wadi.
ravish (verb), -pokonya.
raw (adjective), -bichi.
raw (adjective), biti.
raw fish dish (noun), shashimi (9/10), pl shashimi.
raw material (noun), malighafi (10).
rawness (noun), ubichi (14).
ray (noun), mshale, pl mishale. ray of sunlight.. mshale wa nuru.
ray (noun), mwale (3/4), pl miale.
ray (noun), mwali (3/4), pl miali.
ray (kind of fish) (noun), taa (9/10an), pl taa.
ray (of sun) (noun), kengee (5/6), pl makengee.
ray of light (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza.
ray of light (noun), mwonzi, pl mionzi.
ray of the sun (noun), kengee.
ray of the sun (noun), ukengee.
razor (noun), wembe (11/10), pl nyembe.
razor-strop (noun), noleo (5/6), pl manoleo.
out of his or her reach (adverb), si kiasi yake. work that was not of
his stature. kazi isiyokuwa ya kiasi chake [Sul].
reach (noun), mfiko (3/4), pl mifiko.
reach (verb), -fika.
reach (verb), -fikia.
reach (verb), -pata.
reach (verb), -tekelea.
reach (verb), -wasili.
reach (age) (verb), -timiza.
reach (on time) (verb), -wahi.
reach (time) (verb), -timia.
reach a country (verb), -pata nchi.
reach one's destination (verb), -soza.
reach up to (verb), -chuchumia.
reactionary (noun), kibaraka, pl vibaraka.
reactionary (noun), mpingamaendeleo, pl wapingamaendeleo.
read (verb), -soma. read a book. soma kitabu.
read the Koran (verb), -hutubu.
something to read (noun), somo (5/6), pl masomo.
be readable (verb), -someka.
reader (noun), pl readers, msoma (1/2), pl wasoma.
reader (noun), msomaji, pl wasomaji.
reader (noun), msomeshaji, pl wasomeshaji.
reader (noun), msomi, pl wasomi.
readiness (noun), makini (6).
readiness (noun), utayari.
readiness (to meet a danger) (noun), dhiaka, pl madhiaka.
reading (noun), somo (5/6), pl masomo.
reading (noun), usomaji.
reading (act of) (noun), msomo, pl misomo.
reading from the Koran (noun), hitima.
reading from the Koran (noun), hutuba.
reading from the Koran (noun), kara, pl makara.
reading matter (noun), msomo, pl misomo.
reading matter (noun), usomaji.
reading room (noun), maktaba.
one who reads (noun), msoma, pl wasoma. reader of a newspaper.. msoma
be ready (verb), -andaliwa.
be ready (verb), -iva.
be ready (verb), -tanabahi.
be ready (verb), -tengenea.
be ready (verb), -wiva.
be ready (to do something) (verb), -wahi.
make oneself ready (verb), -jiandaa.
make ready (verb), -fanya tayari.
make ready (verb), -tayarisha.
make ready (verb), -zatiti.
ready (adjective), tayari.
set ready (verb), -tega.
real (adjective), -asilia.
real (adjective), halisi.
real (adjective), kubwa.
real (adjective), safi.
real (adjective), swafi.
real (noun), umbile (5/6), pl maumbile.
reality (noun), hakika.
reality (noun), uzima.
realization (noun), tekelezo, pl matekelezo.
realization (noun), ufanyaji.
realize (verb), -elekea.
realize (verb), -maizi.
realize (verb), -ng'amua.
realize (verb), -onelea.
realize (verb), -tahamaki.
realize (verb), -tambua. Charles realize that his days of living there
were soon coming to an end. mwishowe Charles alitambua kwamba siku zake
za kukaa pale zilikuwa zikikata kamba [Kez].
realize (verb), -tanabahi.
Oh really! (phrase), Aisei!.
really (adverb), kweli. "Really, in bed is the appropriate place for a
person with problems".. Kweli kitandani ni mahali muafaka kwa mtu mwenye
matatizo [Chacha, Masomo 374].
really (adverb), tokea hapo.
really (conjunction), walahi.
really (interjection), wallai!.
really! (interjection), kee!.
reap (verb), -chuma.
reap (verb), -funa.
reap (verb), -vuna.
reap by cutting (verb), -fioa.
reap by cutting (verb), -fyoa.
reap for oneself (verb), -jichumia ( appl-refl).
reaper (noun), mvunaji, pl wavunaji,.
reaper (noun), mvuni, pl wavunaji,.
reaping (noun), uvuno, pl mavuno.
rear (noun), kinyume.
rear (noun), nyuma (9/10), pl nyuma. rear door.. mlango wa nyuma.
rear (verb), -kulia (applicative). speak in a loud voice..
rear (verb), -kuza.
rear (verb), -latamia.
rear (a child) (verb), -lea.
rear part of a house (noun), shuhuli (9/10), pl shuhuli.
rearing (noun), malezi (6).
rearing (noun), ulezi (11/6), pl malezi.
rearing (of animals) (noun), ufugaji.
rearing (of horses) (noun), tambo (5/6), pl matambo.
rearing (of horses) (noun), utambo.
find a reason (verb), -pata sababu.
for no reason (adverb), bilashi. You are upset for no reason.. Bilashi
mwahangaika [Amana, Masomo 406].
for that reason (conjunction), ndio sababu.
for what reason? (conjunction), kwa sababu gani?.
for what reason? (pronoun), mbona.
give as the reason for (verb), -sababisha. the child caused the house to
catch fire.. Mtoto alisababisha nyumba kushika moto.
give as the reason for (verb), -sabibisha. The child gave the reason for
the house to catch fire. Mtoto alisabibisha nyumba kushika moto.
reason (noun), pl Yes, ajili (9/10), pl ajili. as a result of, thanks
to; thererfore, because of, on the strength of. kwa ~ ya; kwa ~.
reason (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
reason (noun), chanzo (7/8), pl vyanzo.
reason (noun), haja (9/10), pl haja.
reason (noun), hoja, pl hoja; mahoja.
reason (noun), kisa (7/8), pl visa.
reason (noun), kisa, pl visa.
reason (noun), maana (9/10), pl maana.
reason (noun), maana.
reason (noun), pl reasons, sababu (9/10), pl sababu. for what reason did
you beat him. Sababu ya kuchelewa ni mvua.
reason (noun), sabiki (9/10), pl sabiki.
reason (noun), udhuru (14).
reason (for something) (noun), asili, pl asili.
reasonable (adjective), ekevu.
reasonable (adjective), elekevu.
reasonable (in price) (adjective), -bahasa.
reasoning power (noun), werevu.
reassure (verb), -liwaza.
reassure (verb), -tuliza.
be reassuring (verb), -lainika.
rebate (noun), kipunguzi, pl vipunguzi. "pack one's bags,close out one's
rebate (noun), marupurupu.
rebate (noun), rupu (5/6), pl marupurupu.
rebel (noun), halifu (5/6), pl mahalifu.
rebel (noun), maasum, pl waasum.
rebel (noun), mpinduzi, pl wapinduzi.
rebel (noun), mwasi (1/2), pl waasi.
rebel (noun), mwasi, pl waasi.
rebel (verb), -aasi. They have rebelled against their government.
wameaasia serikali yao.
rebel (verb), -asi.
rebellion (noun), aasi (5/6), pl maasi.
rebellion (noun), fitina (9/10), pl fitina.
rebellion (noun), fitna (9/10), pl fitna.
rebellion (noun), ghadhia (9/10), pl ghadhia.
rebellion (noun), maasi, pl maasi.
rebellion (noun), uasi (14).
rebellion (noun), uasi, pl maasi.
rebellion (noun), ufatani.
rebellion (noun), ufitina.
rebellion (noun), uhalifu, pl mahalifu.
rebellion (noun), uhasi, pl maasi.
rebellion (noun), uhasi.
rebellion (noun), uwaasi.
rebellion (noun), uwasi, pl mawasi.
rebellion (noun), uwasi, pl maasi.
rebellion (noun), wasi.
rebellion (noun), wasi, pl maasi.
rebellious (adjective), halifu.
rebound (verb), -duta.
rebuke (noun), karipio, pl makaripio.
rebuke (noun), kemeo, pl makemeo.
rebuke (noun), kanyo, pl makanyo.
rebuke (noun), mkano, pl mikano.
rebuke (noun), mkanyo, pl mikanyo.
rebuke (noun), shutumu (5/6), pl mashutumu.
rebuke (noun), tayo, pl matayo.
rebuke (verb), -kanya (causative).
rebuke (verb), -karipia.
rebuke (verb), -kemea.
rebuke (verb), -kengemeke.
rebuke (verb), -nyambua.
rebuke (verb), -nyonyoa.
rebuke (verb), pl rebukes, -taya.
rebuke (public) (noun), suto (5/6), pl masuto.
be rebuked (verb), -karipiwa.
be rebuked (verb), -kemewa.
one who rebukes (noun), mkanya, pl wakanya.
recalcitrance (noun), maasi, pl maasi.
recalcitrance (noun), ukaidi.
recall (verb), -kumbuka. She remembered the wounds that she saw on the
bodies of the prisoners.. Aliyakumbuka majeraha aliyoyaona miilini mwa
mahabusu [Kareithi Masomo 53].
recall (verb), -tanabahi. (s)he recalled over those things (s)he had
failed to get.. alitanabahi juu ya yale yaliyomfutu [Sul].
recall to mind (verb), -kumbuka.
receipt (noun), cheti, pl vyeti.
receipt (noun), pl receipts, pato (5/6), pl mapato.
receipt (noun), risiti (9/10), pl risiti.
receipt (noun), stakabadhi (9/10), pl stakabadhi.
receipt (noun), stashahada (9/10), pl stashahada.
receipt (noun), upatikanaji.
receipt (acknowledgement of) (noun), stakabadhi (9/10), pl stakabadhi.
receipt (of something) (noun), wasili (5/6), pl mawasili.
receipts (noun), chumo, pl machumo.
receipts (noun), kipato (7/8), pl vipato.
receipts (noun), upokeaji.
receipts (noun), upokezi.
be received (verb), -pokewa.
be received with rejoicings (verb), -shangiliwa. the victors were
received with rejoicings. Washindi walishangiliwa.
be received with triumph (verb), -shangiliwa (passive). as (s)he sang,
and was being received with triumph and being congratulated by everybody.
akiimba, akishangiliwa na kupongezwa na kila mtu [Muk].
receive (verb), -kabidhi.
receive (verb), -kabidhi.
receive (verb), -pata.
receive (verb), -pokea. receive a letter.. pokea barua.
receive (verb), -takabadhi.
receive (verb), -twaa.
receive (with joy an enthusiasm) (verb), -shangalia. they received
him/her with joy. wamemshangalia..
receive (with joy and enthusiasm) (verb), -shangilia. they received
him/her with joy. wamemshangilia.
receive back (verb), -rudishiwa. he received back his money.
Alirudishiwa pesa zake.
receive guests (verb), -barizi.
receive someone (verb), -sabahi. President Clinton received President
Yeltsin from Russia. Rais Clinton alimsabahi Rais Yeltsin kutoka Russia.
receive someone (in a friendly or ceremonial way) (verb), -laki.
receive someone hospitably (verb), -teremesha.
be received (verb), -twaliwa.
be received (verb), -twawa.
be received with joy (verb), -shangaliwa.
that which is received (noun), pokeo (5/6), pl mapokeo.
telephone receiver (noun), sikio la simu (5/6), pl masikio ya simu.
one who receives (noun), mpokea, pl wapokea. tax collector. mpokea
one who receives (noun), mpokeaji, pl wapokeaji. tax collector. mpokea
one who receives (noun), mpokezi, pl wapokezi. tax collector. mpokea
receiving (noun), upokeaji.
receiving (noun), upokezi.
recently (adverb), hivi karibuni.
recently (adverb), juzijuzi.
recently (adverb), karibuni.
recently (adverb), majuzi. Why was it claimed recently that some matatu
vehicles increased fares during the Easter holiday?. Kwa nini ilidaiwa
hivi majuzi kwamba magari fulani ya matatu yaliongeza nauli wakati wa
mapumziko ya Pasaka? [Masomo 219].
recently (pronoun), hizi.
one of the receptacles on a conveyor belt. (noun), ndoo.
be given a festive reception (verb), -shangaliwa.
festive reception (noun), shangilio (5/6), pl mashangilio. the victory
reception. shangilio la ushindi.
hold a reception (verb), -barizi.
reception (noun), pokeo (5/6), pl mapokeo.
reception (noun), pokezi (5/6), pl mapokezi.
reception (noun), pl receptions, tafrija (9/10), pl tafrija.
reception (noun), tafrija (9/10), pl tafrija.
reception (noun), pl receptions, tafriji (9/10), pl tafriji.
reception (noun), tafriji (9/10), pl tafriji.
reception (noun), upokeaji (14).
reception (noun), wajihi.
reception room (noun), majilisi.
reception room (noun), sabule (9/10), pl sabule. The visitors retired to
the reception room. Wageni walipumzika katika sabule.
reception room (noun), pl reception rooms, sebule (9/10), pl sebule.
(shelved) recesses in a wall (noun), kishubaka, pl vishubaka.
(shelved) recesses in a wall (noun), shubaka (5/6), pl mashubaka,
recess (noun), daka (5/6), pl madaka.
recess (noun), pango (5/6), pl mapango.
recite (verb), -kariri.
recite (verb), -kariri.
recite (verb), -soma. recite a speech. soma hotuba.
recite the Muslim creed (verb), -shahadia. (s)he began to recite by
heart. alianza kushahadia kimoyomoyo [Moh].
be reckless (verb), -jasiri.
recklessness (noun), ujasiri.
be reckoned (verb), -hesabiwa.
reckon (verb), -hesabu.
reckon (verb), -kadiri.
reckon (verb), -tegemea.
reckon with (verb), -hesabia.
reckoning (noun), idadi (9/10), pl idadi.
reclamation (noun), fyeko (5/6), pl mafyeko.
reclamation of land (noun), fieko, pl mafieko.
recluse (noun), mtaawa, pl wataawa.
recluse (noun), mtawa, pl watawa.
recluse (noun), pl recluses, mtenga (1/2), pl watenga.
recognition (noun), ukiri.
recognition (noun), utambulifu.
recognition (noun), utambulizi.
recognition (noun), utambuzi.
recognition (of an obligation, etc.) (noun), muungamo, pl miungamo.
recognition (of an obligation, etc.) (noun), mwungamo, pl miungamo.
be recognizable (verb), -tambulikana.
recognizable (verb), -julikana.
be recognized (verb), -bainika.
recognize (noun), maizi.
recognize (verb), -baini. that murderer is now recognized. yule mwuaji
sasa amebaini.
recognize (verb), -bayini. that murderer is now recognized. yule mwuaji
sasa amebaini.
recognize (verb), -fafanua.
recognize (verb), -hisi.
recognize (verb), -jua.
recognize (verb), -kiri.
recognize (verb), -kumbuka.
recognize (verb), -maizi.
recognize (verb), -ona.
recognize (verb), -tambua.
recognize (verb), -ungama.
recognize one another (verb), -tambuana (associative).
be generally recognized (verb), -tukuka.
generally recognized (adjective), tukufu.
recognized (adjective), maalumu.
recoil (verb), -nywea (applicative).
recoil (from fright) (verb), -nywea.
evil recoiling on a person (noun), mashumushumu (6).
recollection (noun), kumbuko, pl makumbuko.
recollection (noun), kumbukumbu (9/10), pl kumbukumbu.
recollection (noun), kumbusho, pl makumbusho.
recollection (noun), ukumbuko (11/6), pl makumbuko.
be recommended (verb), -pendelewa.
recommend (verb), -pendeleza.
recommend to (verb), -sifia (applicative). Ali recommended us to the
Olympic games. Ali alitusifia michezo ya Olympic.
recommendation (noun), dokezo, pl madokezo.
recommendation (noun), nasaha (9/10), pl nasaha.
recommendation (noun), pl recomendations, pendekezo (5/6), pl
recommendation (noun), sifa (9/10), pl sifa. (s)he gave a good
recommendation after leaving the job. Alipa sifa nzuri baada ya kuacha
recommendation (noun), sifu (9/10), pl sifu.
recompense (noun), karo.
recompense (noun), lipo (5/6), pl malipo.
recompense (noun), thawabu.
be reconciled (verb), -afikana (associative).
be reconciled (verb), -afikiana (associative).
be reconciled (verb), -patana.
reconcile (verb), -afikanisha (causative).
reconcile (verb), -fikiana.
reconcile (verb), -patanisha.
reconcile (verb), -pendanisha.
reconcile (verb), -selehi.
reconcile (verb), -suluhi.
reconcile (verb), -suluhisha (causative). (s)he called Idi so as to help
resolve that conflict of theirs. alimwita Idi ili kujaribu kusuluhisha
ule ugomvi wao [Sul].
reconcile (verb), -suluhu.
be reconciled (verb), -suluhika (intransitive).
reconciler (noun), mpatanishi (1/2), pl wapatanishi.
reconciliation (noun), masilaha.
reconciliation (noun), masilahi.
reconciliation (noun), masuluhu.
reconciliation (noun), isilahi.
reconciliation (noun), patanisho (5/6), pl mapatanisho.
reconciliation (noun), patano (5/6), pl mapatano.
reconciliation (noun), suluhu (9/10), pl suluhu.
reconciliation (noun), upatanisho.
reconciliation (noun), usuluhi.
reconciliation (noun), usuluhifu.
reconciliation gift (noun), kipatanisho (7/8), pl vipatanisho.
engage in reconnaissance (verb), -doea.
reconnaissance (noun), upelelezi.
reconnoiter (verb), -doya.
reconnoiter (verb), -doyadoya.
reconnoiter (verb), -peleleza.
reconstruction (noun), urudishaji.
phonograph record (noun), diski.
phonograph record (noun), gramafoni.
phonograph record (noun), kisahani, pl visahani.
record (verb), -rekodi.
record (verb), -rikodi.
record (phonograph or sport) (noun), pl records, rekodi (9/10), pl
record (phonograph or sport) (noun), pl records, rikodi (9/10), pl
record (phonograph) (noun), sahani (9/10), pl sahani. phonography
records. sahani ya santuri..
record player (noun), kinanda cha rekodi, pl vinanda vya rekodi.
make a recording (verb), -rekodi.
make a recording (verb), -rikodi.
recording (noun), upimaji.
recordings (noun), kurekodi (15).
recover (verb), -nafuu.
recover (verb), -pona.
recover (esp. after childbirth) (verb), -hongea.
recover (from an illness) (verb), -poa. He has recovered from the
illness.. amepoa ugonjwa.
recover (from an illness) (verb), -pongea.
recover from (verb), -toka.
recovering (act of) (noun), kiokozi, pl viokozi.
recovery (noun), buheri. recovery of health after an illness. buheri wa
recovery (noun), utengemano (14).
recovery (after disorders or war) (noun), utengamano.
place for recreation (noun), pumzikio (5/6), pl mapumzikio. The children
played at the place for recreation. Watoto walicheza mahali pa pumzikio.
place for recreation (noun), pumziko (5/6), pl mapumziko.
recreation (noun), burudisho (5/6), pl maburudisho.
recreation (noun), kiburudisho, pl viburudisho.
recreation (noun), kipumziko.
recreation (noun), maburudisho, pl maburudisho.
recreation (noun), mstarehe.
recreation (noun), mustarehe.
recreation (noun), starehe (9/10), pl starehe.
recreation (noun), uburudisho.
time for recreation (noun), pumzikio (5/6), pl mapumzikio. During the
time for recreation, the students travelled. Wakati wa pumzikio,
wanafunzi walisafiri.
time for recreation (noun), pumziko (5/6), pl mapumziko.
recruit (noun), kurutu.
recruit (verb), -andika.
recruit (laborers or soldiers) (verb), -ajiri.
recruit (soldiers) (verb), -changa.
recruitment (of soldiers) (noun), chango, pl machango.
recruitment of soldiers (noun), mchango wa askari.
rectangle (noun), dirisha, pl madirisha.
rectangle (noun), maraba, pl miraba. perpendicular lines. mistari ya
rectangle (noun), maraba.
rectangle (noun), mraba, pl miraba. perpendicular lines. mistari ya
rectangle (noun), pl rectangles, mstatili (3/4), pl mistatili.
rectangle (noun), pembenne (9/10), pl pembenne.
rectify with impertinence (verb), -safii. Biti Kocho recitified Maksuudi
with impertinence. Biti Kocho alimsafii Maksuudi [Moh].
rectitude (noun), uadilifu (14).
rectum (noun), mjiko, pl mijiko.
recuperation (noun), nafuu. He is improving/getting better.. amepata
recur (of disease) (verb), -chamka.
recurrence (adjective), chamko.
be red (verb), -meka.
red (noun), nyekundu (9/10), pl nyekundu.
red (noun), wekundu.
red (all shades from yellow-red to red-brown) (adjective), ekundu.
turn red (verb), -meka.
turn red (of face or eyes) (verb), -iva.
Red Sea (noun), Bahari ya Sham.
Red Sea (noun), Sham (14). Red Sea. bahari ya Sham..
redeem (verb), -fidi.
redeem (verb), -komboa.
redeem a pledge (verb), -komboa rahani. redeem a pledge. komboa rahani.
redeem a pledge (verb), -komboa rehani. redeem a pledge. komboa rehani.
be redeemed (verb), -kombolewa.
rel. Redeemer (noun), mkombozi, pl mikombozi.
redemption (noun), afu (9/10), pl afu.
redemption (noun), afua (9/10), pl afua.
redemption (noun), makombozi.
redemption (noun), ufidio.
redemption (noun), ufidiwa.
redemption (noun), ukomboleo.
redemption (noun), ukomboo.
redemption (noun), ukomboo.
redemption (noun), ukombozi.
redemption (in the religious sense) (noun), fidia, pl mafidia.
be redressed () (verb), -nyooshwa (passive). Diana's hand is being
redressed in th dark. mkono wa Diana unanyooshwa gizani [Muk].
be redressed () (verb), -nyoshwa (passive). Tegemea was redressed untill
she became a composed woman. Tegemea alinyoshwa akawa mwanamke mtiifu
be reduced (verb), -punguzwa (passive). The cloth is a bit long, it need
to be reduced. [nguo] ndefu kidogo, inataka kupunguzwa [Sul].
reduce (verb), -chekecha.
reduce (verb), -hafifisha.
reduce (verb), -kata.
reduce (verb), -kusuru.
reduce (verb), -nakisi.
reduce (verb), -punguza. Reduce speaking correctly. punguza kusema
reduce (verb), -sakiti.
reduce (verb), -toa.
reduce (verb), -vunja.
reduce (verb), -wakifisha.
reduce (the value of something) (verb), -rahisi.
reduce brightness (verb), -zimua.
reduce in rank (verb), -uzua.
reduce in rank (verb), -uzulu.
reduce in rank (verb), -uzuru.
reduce the intensity of (verb), -zimua.
reduce the strength of (verb), -zimua.
reduce to nothing (verb), -tokomeza.
reduce to small pieces (verb), -tengua.
be reduced (verb), -zimuliwa.
reduced (adjective), pungufu. "It is not the right amount of money
(i.e., is too little)".. pesa hizi ni pungufu.
sell at a much reduced price (after bargaining) (verb), -sumba.
reduction (noun), kipunguo, pl vipunguo.
reduction (noun), mkato, pl mikato. shortcut.. njia ya mkato.
reduction (noun), nakisi, pl nakisi.
reduction (noun), punguo (5/6), pl mapunguo.
reduction (noun), upunguaji.
reduction (noun), upungufu, pl mapungufu.
reduction (noun), upunguo, pl mapunguo.
reduction (noun), upunguzi (14).
kind of reed, Phragmites communis (=utete) (noun), mtete, pl mitete.
reed (noun), kangaja (9/10), pl kangaja.
reed (noun), pl reeds, mrija (3/4), pl mirija.
reed (noun), pl reeds, nyasi (5/6), pl manyasi.
reed (noun), tete (5/6), pl matete.
reed (Cyperus rotundus) (noun), udago, pl ndago.
reed (kind of) (noun), ubango, pl mabango.
reed (kind used for making musical instruments and as a drinking tube)
(noun), mrija, pl mirija.
reed (species of) (noun), kangaga, pl makangaga.
reed (used as a pipestem or musical instrument) (noun), utete, pl tete,
reed blade (used for thatching) (noun), unyasi, pl nyasi, manyasi.
reed or bamboo used for making pens (noun), mkalamu, pl mikalamu.
reed variety (Phragmites communis) (noun), gugumua.
reeds (noun), mafunjo.
reef (noun), kipwa, pl vipwa.
reef (noun), kizingiti, pl vizingiti.
reef (noun), kiamba, pl viamba.
reef (noun), mwamba, pl miamba.
reef (noun), vipwa.
reel (noun), kibiringo (7/8), pl vibiringo.
reel (noun), pia (9/10), pl pia.
reel (verb), -pepa.
reel (verb), -pepesuka.
reel (verb), -seperuka.
reel (verb), -sepetuka.
reel (verb), -sesereka.
reel (verb), -seseteka.
reel (verb), -sesetuka.
reeling (noun), mleo (3/4), pl mileo.
reeling (noun), wayowayo (11).
refectory (noun), jumba la maakuli (5/6), pl majumba ya maakuli.
refer (something to someone) (verb), -tupia.
refer to (something) (verb), -rejea. refer to the grammar.. rejea
referee (noun), mwamuzi (1/2), pl waamuzi.
referee (noun), refarii (9/10an), pl refarii.
referee (noun), referii (9/10an), pl referii.
referee (noun), rifarii (9/10an), pl rifarii. The referee pointed out
the mistake after the players fought. Rifarii atoa kosa baada wachezaji
referee (noun), rifirii (9/10an), pl rifirii.
references (noun), marejeo (6).
those referred to (pronoun), hayo.
refine (verb), -chuja.
become refined (verb), -tamaduni.
refined (adjective), murua.
refinement (noun), udibaji.
refinement (noun), ustaarabu.
refinement (noun), utamaduni.
reflect (verb), -fanya akili.
reflect (verb), -akisi.
reflect (verb), -aza.
reflect (verb), -dhani.
reflect (verb), -epa.
reflect (verb), -fikiri.
reflect (verb), -nia.
reflect (verb), -nurisha.
reflect (verb), -taamali.
reflect (verb), -tafakari.
reflect (verb), -waza.
reflect (verb), -ziua.
reflect (verb), -zua.
reflect (about something) (verb), -dhamiria.
reflect (light) (verb), -duta.
reflect on something (verb), -wazia.
reflection (noun), fikara (9/10), pl fikara.
reflection (noun), kumbuko, pl makumbuko.
reflection (noun), taamuli (9/10), pl taamuli.
reflection (noun), uwazo.
reflection (noun), wazo, pl mawazo.
put someone in a reflective frame of mind (verb), -wazisha.
be reformed (verb), -ongoka.
be reformed (verb), -ongolewa.
reform (noun), geuzo, pl mageuzo. democratic reform.. mgeuzo wa
reform (noun), mgeuzo, pl mageuzo. democratic reform.. mgeuzo wa
reform (verb), -ongoa.
reformed (adjective), ongofu.
reformer (noun), mzushi, pl wazushi.
reformer (noun), mzuzi, pl wazuzi.
refractory (adjective), kinzani.
refrain (noun), itikio, pl maitikio.
refrain (noun), kiitikio (7/8), pl viitikio.
refrain (noun), kipokeo, pl vipokeo.
refrain (noun), kitikio, pl vitikio.
refrain (noun), kitiko, pl vitikio.
refrain (verb), -jihini (reflexive).
refrain (of a song) (noun), tumbuizo.
refrain oneself (verb), -jizuia (reflexive).
refrain oneself from doing harm (fig.) (verb), -laani bilisi.
refrain oneself from doing harm (fig.) (verb), -lani bilisi.
be refreshed (verb), -burudika.
refresh (verb), -burudisha.
be refreshed (verb), -pendeza (causative).
be refreshed (verb), -rutubika. The manure has made the field fertile..
kwa kutia mbolea sasa shamba limerutubishwa.
refreshing thing (noun), kiburudisho (7/8), pl viburudisho.
refreshment (noun), baridi.
refreshment (noun), burudisho (5/6), pl maburudisho.
refreshment (noun), kipumziko.
refreshment (noun), maburudisho, pl maburudisho.
refreshment (noun), uburudisho.
fig. refrigerator (noun), kirimba, pl virimba.
refrigerator (noun), friji (9/10), pl friji.
refrigerator (noun), mashine ya barafu (9/10), pl mashine za barafu. The
bottles were in the refrigerator.. Chupa zilikuwemo ndani ya mashine ya
refrigerator (noun), rifrijireta (9/10), pl rifrijireta.
refrigerator (noun), sefu (9/10), pl sefu.
refuge (noun), kifuniko, pl vifuniko.
refuge (noun), kimbilio, pl makimibilio.
refuge (noun), utengo, pl matengo.
refuge (place of) (noun), stara (9/10), pl stara.
refugee (noun), mfaraka, pl wafaraka.
refugee (noun), mfariki, pl wafariki.
refugee (noun), mhamaji, pl wahamiaji.
refugee (noun), mhamiaji, pl wahamiaji.
refugee (noun), mkimbizi (1/2), pl wakimbizi. Amin is now a refugee..
Amin sasa ni mkimbizi [Nyerere, Masomo 279].
refugee (noun), mtoro, pl watoro.
expression of refusal (interjection), ng'o.
expression of refusal (interjection), ng'oo.
refusal (noun), kano, pl makano.
refusal (noun), katao, pl makatao.
refusal (noun), katazo, pl makatazo.
refusal (noun), kanyo, pl makanyo.
refusal (noun), mardudi.
refusal (noun), mkano, pl mikano.
refusal (noun), mkanyo, pl mikanyo.
refusal (noun), ukatazaji.
refusal (noun), ususaji.
refusal (noun), ususiaji.
pile of refuse (noun), chuguu.
refuse (noun), mataka, pl mataka.
refuse (noun), matakataka, pl matakataka.
refuse (noun), mkung'uto, pl mikung'uto.
refuse (noun), ushinda.
refuse (verb), -akifu.
refuse (verb), -gomba.
refuse (verb), -hini.
refuse (verb), -iza.
refuse (verb), -iza.
refuse (verb), -kana.
refuse (verb), -kanya.
refuse (verb), -kataa.
refuse (verb), -kataa.
refuse (verb), -nyima. We shall refuse him/her food. tutamnyima
refuse (verb), -wakifu.
refuse (verb), -wenga.
refuse (food etc in a pout) (verb), -susa.
refuse (food etc in a pout) (verb), -susia.
refuse (unwillingly or regretfully) (verb), -sebusebu.
refuse something (in a fit of temper etc.) (verb), -zilia.
refuse to do something (verb), -goma.
refuse to do something (verb), -kataa.
refuse to recognize (verb), -kana.
rice or grain refuse (unpoundable with mortar) (noun), chua (9/10), pl
be refused (verb), -kataliwa.
refute (verb), -kadhibisha.
refute (verb), -kanusha.
refute (verb), -kanusha.
refute (verb), -pinga.
regard (noun), ustahiki.
regard (verb), -jali.
regard (verb), -sharifu.
regard (verb), -sherifu.
regard as (verb), -hesabia.
regard as the cause of (verb), -sababisha.
regard as the cause of (verb), -sabibisha.
with regard to (conjunction), mintarafu.
highly regarded (adjective), sharifu.
highly regarded (adjective), sherifu.
as regards (conjunction), kuliko.
give someone regards (verb), -salimia.
med. regimen (noun), mwiko, pl miiko.
regiment (noun), jeshi (5/6), pl majeshi.
administrative region below a division (in Kenya) (noun), lokesheni
(9/10), pl lokesheni.
rare region. (noun), inchi.
rare region. (noun), nchi.
region (noun), janibu.
region (noun), jimbo (5/6), pl majimbo.
region (noun), mkoa (3/4), pl mikoa.
region (noun), sehemu (9/10), pl sehemu. a region that is self-
governing. sehemu inayojitawala wenyewe..
register (noun), orodha (9/10), pl orodha. commercial register.. orodha
ya biashara.
register (noun), oroza (9/10), pl oroza.
register (noun), worodha.
register (verb), -andika.
register (verb), -jiandikisha.
register (for voting) (verb), -andikisha.
registered letter (verb), -rejista.
registrar (noun), pl registrars, msajili (1/2), pl wasajili.
registration (noun), uandikishaji.
registration (noun), upimaji.
cause of regret (noun), masikitiko.
regret (noun), juto (5/6), pl majuto.
regret (noun), juto, pl majuto.
regret (noun), majuto (6).
regret (noun), majuto.
regret (noun), toba (9/10), pl toba.
regret (verb), -huzunia.
regret (verb), -juta.
regret (verb), -juta.
regret (verb), -jutia.
regret (verb), -sikitika.
regret (verb), -sonona.
regret (verb), -sununa.
regret (verb), -tubu.
regrets (noun), sikitiko (5/6), pl masikitiko.
be regular (verb), -tengenea.
regular (adjective), baraba.
regular (adjective), barabara.
regular (adjective), kikawaida.
regular (adjective), kimaada.
regular (adjective), kubwa.
regular (noun), dawama. regular police. afisa wa dawama.
regularity (noun), tora.
regularly (adverb), maalum. he does not come here regularly. Hana
maalum ya kuja hapa.
regularly (adverb), maalumu. He does not come here regularly. Hana
maalumu ya kuja hapa.
regulate (verb), -tengeneza.
regulation (noun), agizo (5/6), pl maagizo.
regulation (noun), daraka, pl madaraka.
regulation (noun), hukumu.
regulation (noun), kanuni.
regulation (noun), kauli.
regulation (noun), kawaida.
regulation (noun), maongozi.
regulation (noun), matengenezo, pl matengenezo.
regulation (noun), sharia (9/10), pl sharia.
regulation (noun), pl regulations, sheria (9/10), pl sheria. the
regulations of this school require that all the children wear black shoes.
Sheria ya shule hii watoto wote wanavaa viatu vyeusi.
regulation (noun), tengenezo (5/6), pl matengenezo.
mil. regulations (noun), mkataba, pl mikataba.
regulator (noun), kirekebisho (7/8), pl virekebisho.
regurgitation (noun), cheu (9/10), pl cheu.
rehabilitation (noun), urudishaji.
rehearsal (noun), mazoezi (6).
reign (noun), utawala.
reign (noun), utwala.
reign (verb), -miliki.
reign (verb), -tawala.
rein (noun), kigwe, pl vigwe.
rein(s) (noun), fio (9/10), pl fio.
reincarnate (verb), -fufua mtu.
reinforce (a wall) by coating with mortar mixed with small stones (verb),
reins (noun), hatamu (9/10), pl hatamu.
reiteration (noun), kikariri, pl vikariri.
reject (verb), -akifu.
reject (verb), -epusha.
reject (verb), -fukuza.
reject (verb), -iza.
reject (verb), -kadhibisha.
reject (verb), -kana.
reject (verb), -kana.
reject (verb), -kataa.
reject (verb), -wakifu.
reject (verb), -wenga.
reject (assistance) (verb), -iza.
reject (something) (verb), -kataa.
reject (unwillingly or regretfully) (verb), -sebusebu.
rejection (noun), katao, pl makatao.
rejection (noun), mardudi (9/10), pl mardudi.
rejection (noun), mardudi.
be rejoiced at (verb), -furahiwa.
rejoice (verb), -furahi.
rejoicing (noun), furaha (9/10), pl furaha.
rejoicing (noun), kikora, pl vikora.
rejoicing (noun), shangwe (9/10), pl shangwe. they rejoiced in receiving
him/her. walimpokea kwa shangwe..
rejoicing (noun), sherehe (9/10), pl sherehe. after the wedding and its
rejoicings. baada ya arusi na sherehe zake [Abd].
rejoicing over another's misfortune (noun), simango (5/6), pl masimango.
rejoicings (noun), pl rejoicings, shangilio (5/6), pl mashangilio. the
rejoicings of the wedding. shangilio la harusi.
rejoin (verb), -rudia. the visitors will rejoin here after their
journey. Wageni watarudia hapa baada ya safari yao.
rejionder (noun), magombezi.
rejionder (noun), magombezo.
rejoinder (noun), mabishano, pl mabishano.
rejoinder (noun), udaku.
rejoinder (noun), ukindani.
rejoinder (noun), ukinzani, pl makinzani.
relapse (diseases) (adjective), chamko.
be related to each other (verb), -husiana.
relate (verb), -ambia.
relate (verb), -arifu.
relate (verb), -hadithi.
relate (verb), -husiana.
relate (verb), -husu.
relate (verb), -simulia.
relate (verb), -sumulia.
be related (verb), -ambiwa.
near relation (noun), karibu (9/10), pl karibu.
relation (noun), akraba (9/10an), pl akraba.
relation (noun), jamaa (9/10), pl jamaa.
relation (noun), ndugu, pl ndugu.
relation (noun), wiano (14).
relation of husband and wife (noun), unyumba.
relation(ship) (noun), uhusiano.
have relations with each other (verb), -kabiliana.
relations (noun), ahali (9/10an), pl ahali.
relations (noun), ahli (9/10an), pl ahli.
relations (noun), nasaba (9/10). I am not related to him.. sina nasaba
blood relationship (noun), damu. my own flesh and blood. damu yangu
mwenyewe [Rec].
blood relationship (noun), ujamaa.
blood relationship (noun), ujamii.
blood relationship (noun), ukoo, pl koo.
claim relationship (verb), -jinasibu.
relationship (noun), husiano, pl mahusiano.
relationship (noun), husuniano, pl mahusuniano.
relationship (noun), ufungu (14).
relationship (noun), ukoo (11/10), pl koo.
relationship (noun), uvyazi.
relationship (noun), uzalishaji.
relationship (noun), uzalishi.
relationship (degree of) (noun), uzazi.
relationship between maternal uncles and nephews (noun), ujomba.
relationship by marriage (noun), kambo.
relationship by marriage (noun), ukwe.
child (noun), mwana. illegitimate child. mwana haramu.
relative (noun), jamaa (9/10), pl jamaa.
relative (close) (noun), karibu.
relative (distant) (noun), ahali (9/10an), pl ahali. brothers and
(other) relatives. ndugu na ahali.
relative (distant) (noun), ahli (9/10an), pl ahli. brothers and (other)
relatives. ndugu na ahli.
relative (on the paternal side) of the second generation e.g.
grandnephew (noun), mjukuu, pl wajukuu.
relative (only of the first degree) (noun), akraba (9/10an), pl akraba.
relative afformative (infix of suffix) (noun), kihusiano, pl vihusiano.
relative by marriage (noun), pl relations by marriage, shemeji (9/10an),
pl shemeji. the family of her husband are our relatives by marriage.
Jamaa wa mume wake ni shemeji wetu.
blood-relatives (who are forbidden to marry) (noun), maharimu.
one's male relatives on one's mother's side. (noun), wajomba.
relatives (noun), jamaa.
relatives (noun), jamii (9/10), pl jamii.
relatives (noun), ufungu.
relatives of one's wife (noun), ukwe.
relatives on the mother's side of the family (noun), ukeni.
be made to relax (verb), -legezwa ( caus-pass).
relax (verb), -burudika.
relax (verb), -legea.
relax (verb), -sabili.
relax (verb), -tegemea.
relax (verb), -tulia.
find relaxation (verb), -tafaraji.
find relaxation (verb), -tafaruji.
place for relaxation (noun), pumzikio (5/6), pl mapumzikio.
place for relaxation (noun), pumziko (5/6), pl mapumziko.
relaxation (noun), burudisho (5/6), pl maburudisho.
relaxation (noun), kiburudisho, pl viburudisho.
relaxation (noun), mapumziko.
relaxation (noun), mstarehe.
relaxation (noun), mustarehe.
relaxation (noun), pumzikio (5/6), pl mapumzikio.
relaxation (noun), pumziko (5/6), pl mapumziko.
relaxation (noun), sabili (9/10), pl sabili.
relaxation (noun), starehe (9/10), pl starehe.
relaxation (noun), tafrija (9/10), pl tafrija.
relaxation (noun), tafriji (9/10), pl tafriji.
relaxation (noun), usono.
time for relaxation (noun), pumzikio (5/6), pl mapumzikio.
time for relaxation (noun), pumziko (5/6), pl mapumziko. During the time
for relaxation, I will visit the parents. Wakati wa pumziko la kazi
nitazuru wazazi.
be relaxed (verb), -pumbaa. After work, they relaxed by taking beer.
Baada ya kazi walipumbaa kwa kunywa pombe.
relaxed (adjective), legevu.
relaxed (adjective), sabili.
be released (verb), -achiliwa.
release (noun), mfunguo (3/4), pl mifunguo.
release (noun), mfyatuko (3/4), pl mifyatuko.
release (verb), -acha.
release (verb), -achilia (applicative).
release (verb), -afu.
release (verb), -afua.
release (verb), -ata.
release (verb), -burai.
release (verb), -fumua.
release (verb), -ondoa. release from obligations.. ondoa mandaraka.
release (from an obligation or promise) (verb), -feleti.
release one who had been trapped (verb), -tegua.
release pressure (verb), -banua.
release pressure (verb), -shindua.
release pressure (verb), -sindua (inversive).
release something that has been put in position (verb), -tegua.
releasing (act of) (noun), fyatuko (5/6), pl mafyatuko.
save (verb), -afu.
set free (from a magic spell) (verb), -topoa.
relection (noun), karaha.
relevancy (noun), uhusiano.
be relevant (verb), -chukuana.
be relevant (verb), -husiana.
relevation (noun), fichuo, pl mafichuo.
reliability (noun), amini, pl amini.
reliability (noun), staamani (9/10), pl staamani.
reliability (noun), uamini.
reliability (noun), uaminifu.
reliability (noun), uthabiti.
reliability (noun), uthubutu.
reliability (noun), utii.
reliability (noun), utiifu.
be reliable (verb), -aminika.
be reliable (verb), -staamanika.
be reliable (verb), -tegemeka (potential).
reliable (adjective), -amini.
reliable (adjective), -aminifu.
reliable (adjective), madhubuti.
reliable (adjective), sabiti.
reliable (adjective), sadikifu.
reliable (adjective), staamani.
reliable (adjective), thabiti.
reliable (adjective), tumainifu.
reliable (adverb), madhubuti.
reliable person (noun), msadikifu, pl wasadikifu.
reliable person (noun), mtumainifu, pl watumainifu.
reliable person (noun), mwamini, pl waamini.
reliable person (noun), mwaminifu, pl waaminifu.
reliable person (noun), mwumini, pl waamini.
rel. relic (noun), masaa.
rel. relic (noun), masalia.
rel. relic (noun), masalio.
rel. relic (noun), masao.
rel. relic (noun), masazo.
relic (noun), salio (5/6), pl masalio.
relic (noun), sao (5/6), pl masao.
relic (noun), sazo (5/6), pl masazo.
be relied on (verb), -tegemewa.
relief (noun), burudisho (5/6), pl maburudisho.
relief (noun), faraja (9/10), pl faraja.
relief (noun), kiburudisho, pl viburudisho.
relief (noun), kitulizo (7/8), pl vitulizo.
relief (noun), maburudisho, pl maburudisho.
relief (noun), sabili (9/10), pl sabili.
relief (noun), tulizo, pl matulizo.
relief (noun), zamu.
be relieved (verb), -farijika.
be relieved (verb), -liwazika (potential).
need to relieve oneself (noun), choo, pl vyoo.
need to relieve oneself (noun), haja.
relieve (verb), -fariji.
relieve (verb), -pokea.
relieve (verb), -sabili.
relieve (verb), -starehesha.
relieve (verb), -starehesha.
relieve (pain) (verb), -tuliza.
relieve of (verb), -ondoa.
relieve oneself (verb), -enda haja.
be relieved (verb), -burudika (potential).
religion (noun), dini (9/10), pl dini.
lead a religious life (verb), -tawa.
religious (adjective), -a kidini.
religious (adjective), tawa.
religious (noun), mtaawa, pl wataawa.
religious (noun), mtawa, pl watawa.
religious person (noun), mshika dini (1/2), pl washika dini.
religious person (noun), pl religious people, mtawa (1/2), pl mtawa.
religious person (noun), mwamini, pl waamini.
religious person (noun), mwaminifu, pl waaminifu.
religious person (noun), mwumini, pl waamini.
religious specialist (noun), mwanachuo (1/2), pl wanachuo. Therefore a
poet is a sheikh or a pastor who sermonizes to people even though he is
not a religious specialist having an in-depth knowledge of his religion..
Kwa hivi mshairi ni shekhe au padri anayewahubiria waja ingawa si
mwanachuo mwenye ujuzi mkuwa wa dini yake [Khan, Masomo 391-2].
relinquish (verb), -sebusebu.
relish (noun), achali (9/10), pl achali.
relish (noun), achari (9/10), pl achari.
relish (noun), ajari (9/10an), pl ajari.
relish (noun), kitoweo (7/8), pl vitoweo.
reloading place (noun), forodhani (9/10), pl forodhani.
reluctantly (adverb), kwa nguvu.
rely on (verb), -amania.
rely on (verb), -nyetea.
rely on (verb), -tawakali.
rely on (verb), -tegemea.
rely on (verb), -tumai.
rely on (verb), -tumaini.
rely on someone (verb), -jetea.
rely on something (verb), -gandamia.
rely on something (verb), -jetea.
rely upon (verb), -egemea.
cause to remain (verb), -bakisha.
cause to remain (verb), -bakiza.
cause to remain (verb), -shindisha.
cause to remain (verb), -shindiza.
cause to remain behind (verb), -bakiza.
remain (verb), -aishi.
remain (verb), -baki.
remain (verb), -dumu.
remain (verb), -ishi.
remain (verb), -kaa.
remain (verb), -kaa.
remain (verb), -saa.
remain (verb), -shinda. (s)he remains at home. anashinda nyumbani.
remain (in a certain place) (verb), -lowela.
remain behind (verb), -bakia.
remain behind (verb), -ngoja.
remain over (verb), -salia (applicative). there is a big German building
that has remained over upto now. kuna jengo kubwa la Wajerumani
lililosalia mpaka sasa [Kez].
remain so long as to turn bad (verb), -doda.
remainder (noun), baki (5/6), pl mabaki.
remainder (noun), ifu, pl (--, maifu).
remainder (noun), masaa.
remainder (noun), masalia.
remainder (noun), masalio.
remainder (noun), masao.
remainder (noun), masazo.
remainder (noun), sao (5/6), pl masao.
remainder (noun), sazo (5/6), pl masazo.
remainder (noun), pl remainders, shinda (5/6), pl mashinda.
remainder (noun), ushinda.
remainder (in a drinking vessel) (noun), kishinda, pl vishinda.
mortal remains (noun), uvumbi.
mud remains of house which has been destroyed (noun), kifusi (7/8), pl
remains (noun), masaa.
remains (noun), masalia.
remains (noun), masalio (6).
remains (noun), masalio.
remains (noun), masao.
remains (noun), masazo.
remains (noun), msazo, pl misazo.
remains (noun), salio (5/6), pl masalio.
remains (noun), sao (5/6), pl masao.
remains (noun), sazo (5/6), pl masazo.
remains (that which remains) (noun), baki (5/6), pl mabaki. My
grandchild even today you can see what remains of ancient life.. Mjukuu
wangu hata leo unaweza kuona mabaki ya maisha ya kale [Masomo 304].
remains of chewed betel mixture (noun), utembe (11).
remand (noun), rimende (9/10), pl rimende. put in remand.. weka
remand (noun), rumande (9/10), pl rumande. put in remand.. weka
remand (noun), rumenda (9/10), pl rumenda. put in remand.. weka
remnant (noun), masazo.
be remarkable (verb), -tambulika.
remarkable (adjective), zungu.
remarkable (noun), ishara.
something remarkable (noun), mwujiza, pl miujiza. It was while Marko was
sleeping that significant remarkable things took place.. Ni wakati huo wa
kulala kwake Marko ndipo miujiza mikubwa ilikuwa ikifanyika [Chambati
Masomo 240]..
something remarkable (noun), muujiza, pl miujiza. Two remarkable
geographical features on the continent of Africa are Mount Kilimanjaro and
the Great Rift Valley.. Miujiza miwili mikubwa ya jiografia katika bara
la Afrika ni Mlima Kilimanjaro na Bonde la Ufa [Masomo 4].
something remarkable (noun), mwujizi, pl miujizi.
something remarkable (noun), mzungu, pl mizungu.
something remarkable (noun), simo (9/10), pl simo.
something remarkable (noun), taashira (9/10), pl taashira.
remedy (noun), aguzi (5/6), pl maaguzi.
remedy (noun), dawa. salve, ointment. dawa ya kupaka.
remedy (noun), kiponya, pl viponya.
remedy (noun), uganga.
remedy (noun), uganguzi.
not remember (verb), -sahau.
remember (verb), -dhukuru, pl hata sijamdhukuru [Ya].
remember (verb), -kumbuka.
remember (verb), -nabihi.
remember (verb), -tambua.
remember (verb), -zingatia.
remember one another (verb), -tambuana (associative).
rememberance (noun), kikumbuko.
remembrance (noun), kumbukizi (9/10), pl kumbukizi.
remembrance (noun), kumbuko, pl makumbuko.
remembrance (noun), kumbukumbu (9/10), pl kumbukumbu.
remind (verb), -fahamisha.
remind (verb), -kumbusha. We reminded them so that they wouldn't
forget.. Tuliwakumbusha ili wasisahau.
reminder (noun), kumbukumbu (9/10), pl kumbukumbu. He decided that my
younger sibling should be named "Furaha" so as to be a reminder of that
happy period of time.. Aliamuru mdogo wangu aitwe "Furaha" ili kuwa
kumbukumbu ya enzi ile ya furaha [Masomo 303].
reminder (noun), kumbusho (5/6), pl makumbusho.
reminder (noun), salio (5/6), pl masalio.
reminder (noun), ukumbusho (11/6), pl makumbusho.
rel. remission (noun), maghofira.
remissness (noun), ukulifu.
remissness (noun), ukulivu.
remit (verb), -samehe.
remit (debts) (verb), -burai.
remnant (noun), masaa.
remnant (noun), masalia.
remnant (noun), masalio (6).
remnant (noun), masalio.
remnant (noun), masao.
remnant (noun), salio (5/6), pl masalio.
remnant (noun), sao (5/6), pl masao.
remnant (noun), sazo (5/6), pl masazo.
remonstrate (verb), -taradhia.
feel remorse (verb), -tubu.
remorse (noun), juto (5/6), pl majuto.
remorse (noun), majuto (6).
remorse (noun), toba (9/10), pl toba.
be remote (verb), -baidi.
remote (adjective), chache.
remote (adverb), mbali. far from. mbali ya...[Rec].
remoteness (noun), ghaibu (9/10), pl ghaibu.
remoteness (noun), ubali.
remoteness (noun), ughaibu.
remoteness (noun), umbali (14).
removal (noun), hamio (5/6), pl mahamio.
removal (noun), kitanguo (7/8), pl vitanguo.
removal (noun), maondoleo.
removal (noun), mbanduko (3/4), pl mibanduko.
removal (noun), mfuto (3/4), pl mifuto.
removal (noun), ondokeo (5/6), pl maondokeo.
removal (noun), ondoleo (5/6), pl maondoleo.
removal (noun), sabili (9/10), pl sabili.
removal (noun), uhamisho.
removal (noun), ukumbizi (11/10), pl kumbizi.
removal (noun), utengo, pl matengo.
removal (noun), uzua, pl mauzua.
removal (noun), uzulu, pl mazulu.
removal (noun), uzuru, pl mazuru.
be removed (verb), -banduka (potential).
be removed (verb), -hamishwa.
be removed (verb), -ondolewa.
one who removes (noun), mtoaji (1/2), pl watoaji.
remove (verb), -anua.
remove (verb), -bandua.
remove (verb), -chukua.
remove (verb), -epua.
remove (verb), -fagia.
remove (verb), -futa.
remove (verb), -gangua.
remove (verb), -namua.
remove (verb), -nyoa.
remove (verb), -ondoa.
remove (verb), -pachua.
remove (verb), -papatua. (s)he removed his/her belt from the waist.
aliupapatua ukanda wake kiunoni [Moh].
remove (verb), -pingua.
remove (verb), -sabili.
remove (verb), -tenga.
remove (verb), -tengua.
remove (verb), -toa.
remove (doubts, difficulties) (verb), -hozahoza.
remove (from a position) (verb), -uzua.
remove (from a position) (verb), -uzulu.
remove (from a position) (verb), -uzuru.
remove (skin or rind) (verb), -babua.
remove from (verb), -tolea.
remove from the kiln (verb), -okoa.
remove from the oven (verb), -okoa.
remove quickly (verb), -stua.
remove something fixed firmly (verb), -zindua.
remove something that has been prepared to go off (verb), -tegua.
remove stitches (verb), -shonoa.
one who is removed (noun), mtengwa, pl watengwa.
remover (noun), pl removers, mtoa (1/2), pl watoa.
removing (act of) (noun), mbanduko, pl mibanduko.
removing (act of) (noun), mtengo, pl mitengo. "dismissal, discharge
(from a position/job)".. mtengo katika kazi.
remuneration (noun), masilahi (6).
remuneration (noun), maslahi (6).
rend (verb), -papura.
rend (verb), -rarua.
rendezvous (noun), miadi (9/10), pl miadi.
rendezvous (noun), mihadi (9/10), pl mihadi.
rending (act of) (noun), mraruo, pl miraruo.
renegade (noun), haini (5/6), pl mahaini.
renegade (noun), hiana, pl mahiana, mahiyana.
renew (verb), -fufua.
renew (verb), -thibitisha.
renewal (noun), ufufuko.
renewal (noun), ufufuo.
renounce (verb), -bihi.
renown (noun), umaarufu (14), pl umaarufu.
rent (noun), ijara.
rent (noun), kodi (9/10), pl kodi.
rent (noun), mpango, pl mipango.
rent (noun), ushuru.
rent (verb), -ajirisha.
rent (verb), -kodi.
rent (verb), -kodisha.
rent (verb), -panga.
rent (verb), -pangisha.
rent (payment of) (noun), ukodishaji.
rental (noun), ukodishaji.
renter (of a house, field) (noun), mpanga, pl wapanga.
renter (of a house, field) (noun), mpangaji, pl wapangaji.
renting (act of) (noun), mpango, pl mipango.
renting (act of) (noun), upangaji.
one who rents (noun), mkodi, pl wakodi.
renumeration (noun), karo.
renumeration (noun), mshahara, pl mishahara.
renunciation (noun), ukatavu.
be repaired (verb), -rekebishwa.
repair (noun), rekabisho (5/6), pl marekabisho.
repair (noun), rekebisho (5/6), pl marekebisho.
repair (noun), tengenezo (5/6), pl matengenezo.
repair (noun), urekebisho.
repair (verb), -ganga.
repair (verb), -rakibisha (causative).
repair (verb), -rekibisha (causative).
repair (verb), ripea.
repair (verb), -shonesha.
repair (verb), -tadhibiri.
repair (verb), -tadubiri.
repair (verb), -tengeneza (causative).
repair shop (noun), gereji.
repairing (noun), utengenezaji (14), pl utengenezaji.
repairing (noun), utengenezaji.
repairs (noun), maburudisho, pl maburudisho.
reparation (noun), fidia, pl mafidia.
reparation (noun), lipo, pl malipo.
reparation (noun), malipo.
repayment (noun), majilipio (6).
repayment (noun), majilipio.
repayment (noun), majilipizi.
repayment (noun), majilipo.
repayment (noun), ulipizi, pl malipizi.
repeal (noun), tanguko (5/6), pl matanguko.
repeal (noun), tanguo (5/6), pl matanguo.
repeat (verb), -kariri.
repeat (verb), -ongeza.
repeat (verb), -rejea. To repeat difficult pharmaceutical words.
kuyarejea majina magumu ya dawa [Sul].
repeat (verb), -rudia (applicative). "will you repeat?" "I will not
repeat, my master". "Utarudia?" "Sirudii, bwana'ngu" [Kez].
repeat (something said) (verb), -kariri.
repeat the formula ''Allah akbar'', Allah is great (verb), -takbira.
repeat the words of the formula before swearing an oath (verb), -
be repeated (verb), -chamka.
repeatedly (adverb), kikariri.
repeatedly (adverb), tena.
respected person (noun), sharifu (5/6an), pl masharifu.
insect repellent (phrase), dawa ya mbu, pl madawa ya mbu.
repent (verb), -tubu.
you will repent (you will spit it out) (verb), zitakutokea puani
repentance (noun), kitubio (7/8), pl vitubio.
repentance (noun), toba (9/10), pl toba.
repetition (noun), kitiko, pl vitikio.
in requests for repetition (interjection), eti!. what did you say?.
eti! umesema nini?.
repetition (adjective), chamko.
repetition (noun), kitikio, pl vitikio.
repetition (noun), utondoti (11/10), pl tondoti.
replace (verb), -pokea.
replacement (noun), badala, pl badala. instead of. ~ ya.
replant (verb), -atika.
repletion (noun), shibe (9/10), pl shibe.
make a sharp reply (verb), -daka maneno.
reply (noun), itiko (5/6), pl maitikio.
reply (verb), -itikia.
reply (verb), -jibu.
reply (verb), -rudi.
reply to the greeting alamsiki (cf.) (interjection), binuru.
make a report (verb), -hutubu.
report (noun), fununu.
report (noun), habari.
report (noun), hadithi.
report (noun), hubiri, pl mahubiri.
report (noun), kauli.
report (noun), kisa, pl visa.
report (noun), lumba.
report (noun), mlio, pl milio. rifle shot.. mlio wa bunduki.
report (noun), ripoti (9/10), pl ripoti.
report (noun), simulizi (5/6), pl masimulizi.
report (noun), taarifa (9/10), pl taarifa.
report (noun), taarifu (9/10), pl taarifu.
report (verb), -arifu.
report (verb), -bashiri.
report (verb), -hubiri.
report (verb), -hubiri.
report (verb), -ripoti.
report (verb), -simulia.
report (verb), -sumulia.
report (news) (verb), -dokolea.
be reported (verb), -tajwa (passive).
be reported to (verb), -semeka.
be reported to (verb), -semekana.
reporter (noun), pl reporters, msimulizi (1/2), pl wasimulizi.
reporter (noun), ripota (5/6an), pl maripota.
one who reports (news, events) (noun), mtabiri, pl watabiri.
repose (noun), mstarehe. Absolute repose/comfort.. raha mustarehe.
repose (noun), mustarehe. Absolute repose/comfort.. raha mustarehe.
repository (noun), weko.
be reprehensible (verb), -gombezeka.
represent (verb), -wakilisha.
representation (noun), pl Capitalization OK?, badala, pl badala.
representation (noun), uwakala.
representation (noun), uwakili.
representation (noun), wakala.
act as representative (verb), -wakili.
pol. representative (noun), mjumbe, pl wajumbe. government
representative.. mjumbe wa serikali.
pol.representative (noun), mshauri, pl washauri. government
representative. mshauri wa upande wa serikali.
representative (noun), kaimu, pl makaimu.
representative (noun), kaumu.
representative (noun), mwakilishi (1/2), pl wawakilishi. They are
representatives of their companions who have already gone home.. Wao ni
wawakilishi wa wenzao waliokwisha kwenda nyumbani [Nyerere, Masomo 280].
representative (noun), naibu (5/6an), pl manaibu.
representative (noun), niaba. "in the place of, on behalf of, in the
name of".. kwa niabu ya naibu.
representative (noun), niabu. "in the place of, on behalf of, in the
name of".. kwa niabu ya naibu.
representative (noun), niaba (9/10an), pl niaba.
representative (noun), niabu (9/10an), pl niabu.
representative (noun), tume.
representative (position of) (noun), ukaimu.
representative body (noun), utetezi.
repress (verb), -nyima. You must repress yourself. lazima ujinyime
nafsi yako.
repress (verb), -zima.
repress crying (verb), -gugumka.
reprieve (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
reprieve (noun), makombo.
reprimand (noun), kamio, pl makamio.
reprimand (noun), karipio (5/6), pl makaripio.
reprimand (noun), karipio, pl makaripio.
reprimand (noun), kemeo, pl makemeo.
reprimand (noun), kanyo, pl makanyo.
reprimand (noun), lawama (9/10), pl malawama.
reprimand (noun), marudi.
reprimand (noun), marudio.
reprimand (noun), mkano, pl mikano.
reprimand (noun), shutumu (5/6), pl mashutumu.
reprimand (noun), uaili.
reprimand (verb), -atibu.
reprimand (verb), -gombeza.
reprimand (verb), -karipia.
reprimand (verb), -karipia.
reprimand (verb), -kemea.
reprimand (verb), -kengemeke.
reprimand (verb), -taradhia.
reprimand (public) (noun), suto (5/6), pl masuto.
reprimand each other (verb), -rudiana.
reprisal (noun), majilipio.
reprisal (noun), majilipizi.
reprisal (noun), majilipo.
be reproached (verb), -shutumiwa.
reprimand (noun), mkanyo, pl mikanyo.
reproach (noun), ari (9/10), pl ari.
reproach (noun), kanyo, pl makanyo.
reproach (noun), lawama (9/10), pl malawama.
reproach (noun), mashitaka. procure charges..
reproach (noun), mashitakiano. procure charges..
reproach (noun), mashtaka (6).
reproach (noun), mashtaka. procure charges..
reproach (noun), mashtakiano. procure charges..
reproach (noun), masuto, pl masuto.
reproach (noun), mkano, pl mikano.
reproach (noun), mkanyo, pl mikanyo.
reproach (noun), mapatilizo.
reproach (noun), patilizo (5/6), pl mapatilizo.
reproach (noun), pl accusations, shtaka (5/6), pl mashtaka.
reproach (noun), shutumu (5/6), pl mashutumu.
reproach (noun), simango (5/6), pl masimango.
reproach (noun), pl reproaches, tayo (5/6), pl matayo.
reproach (noun), tuhuma (9/10), pl tuhuma.
reproach (noun), upatilivu (11), pl mapatilivu.
reproach (noun), upatilizo (11/6), pl mapatilizo.
reproach (verb), -aili.
reproach (verb), -ailisha.
reproach (verb), -karipia.
reproach (verb), -karipia.
reproach (verb), -laumu.
reproach (verb), -shutumu.
reproach (verb), -simanga. you reproach me that you got me a job.
unanisimanga eti ulinitafutia kazi [Ma].
reproach (verb), -taradhia.
reproach (verb), pl rebukes, -taya.
reproach each other (verb), -simangana (associative).
reproduction (noun), kizazi, pl vizazi.
reproduction (noun), uvyazi.
reproduction (noun), uzalishaji.
reproduction (noun), uzalishi.
reproduction (noun), uzazi.
be reproved (verb), -onywa.
reprove (verb), -adhiri.
reprove (verb), -aziri.
reprove (verb), -kanya.
reprove (verb), -onya.
reprove (verb), -rudi.
reprove someone sharply (verb), -nyonyoa.
reptile (noun), mtambaazi.
reptile (noun), mtambazi.
republic (noun), jamhuri (9/10), pl jamhuri.
republic (noun), jamhuri.
repudiate (verb), -bihi.
repudiate (verb), -kana.
repudiate (verb), -tupa.
repudiation (noun), kanyo, pl makanyo.
repudiation (noun), mardudi (9/10), pl mardudi.
repudiation (noun), mardudi.
repudiation (noun), mkano, pl mikano.
feel repugnance (verb), -jefua.
feel repugnance (verb), -nyarafu.
repugnance (noun), bughudha.
repugnance (noun), kinyaa, pl vinyaa.
repugnance (noun), uchukivu.
repugnance (noun), uchukizo.
repugnance (noun), unyaa.
repugnance (noun), unyarafu.
repulsive (adjective), chapwa.
repulsive thing or person (noun), mbwedu (3/4), pl mibwedu.
bad reputation (noun), kisimbo, pl visimbo.
bad reputation (noun), msimbo, pl wasimbo.
good reputation (noun), haiba (5/6), pl mahaiba.
rare honorable reputation (noun), nemsi.
reputation (noun), kilemba, pl vilemba.
reputation (noun), kivumi (7/8), pl vivumi.
reputation (noun), kivumo (7/8), pl vivumo.
reputation (noun), sifu (9/10), pl sifu. his/her good reputation. sifa
zake njema [Rec].
reputation (good) (noun), pl reputations, sifa (9/10), pl sifa. (s)he
lived with good reputation. Aliishi na sifa njema.
person of good repute (noun), mahashumu.
person of good repute (noun), mahushumu.
request (noun), aridhilihali, pl aridhilihali.
request (noun), hitaji, pl mahitaji (usually mahitaji).
request (noun), hoja (9/10), pl hoja.
request (noun), lalamiko, pl malalamiko.
request (noun), mahitaji.
request (noun), maombezi.
request (noun), maombi (6).
request (noun), maombi. We write letters to make requests.. Tunaandika
barua kutoa maombi [Masomo 71].
request (noun), maombo.
request (noun), maomvi.
request (noun), matilaba, pl matilaba.
request (noun), omba (5/6), pl maombi.
request (noun), takia (5/6), pl matakia.
request (noun), uagizaji.
request (verb), -haja.
request (verb), -nasihi.
request (verb), -sihi. everyday, I request him/her not to be late for
work. Kila siku ninamsihi asichelewe kazini.
request (verb), -taka.
request kindly (verb), -tafadhalisha.
request urgently (verb), -ombokeza.
urgent request (noun), dukuduku.
urgent request (noun), ombolezo (5/6), pl maombolezo.
one who requests something (noun), muombaji, pl waombaji.
one who requests something (noun), mwomba, pl waomba.
one who requests something (noun), mwombaji, pl waombaji.
one who requests something (noun), mwombi, pl waombi.
be required (verb), -pasa.
require (noun), mahitaji.
require (verb), -hitaji.
require (verb), -hitaji.
require (verb), -lazimisha.
requirement (noun), haja (9/10), pl haja.
requirement (noun), hitaji, pl mahitaji (usually mahitaji).
requirement (noun), mahitaji.
requirement (noun), uhitaji (11/6), pl mahitaji.
requirements (noun), hitaji (5/6), pl mahitaji.
requisite (noun), hitaji, pl mahitaji (usually mahitaji).
requisite (noun), mahitaji.
requisition (noun), shokoa (9/10), pl shokoa.
requital (noun), ijaza.
requital (noun), marudi.
requital (noun), marudio.
requite (verb), -jazi.
be rescued (verb), -okoka.
be rescued (verb), -okolewa.
be rescued (verb), -opolewa.
rescue (noun), makombozi.
rescue (noun), maokozi.
rescue (noun), mfunguo (3/4), pl mifunguo.
rescue (noun), ukomboleo.
rescue (noun), ukomboo.
rescue (noun), ukombozi.
rescue (noun), uokozi.
rescue (noun), uponyi.
rescue (noun), wokofu.
rescue (noun), wokovu.
rescue (noun), wokozi.
rescue (verb), -epusha.
rescue (verb), -futusha.
rescue (verb), -gandua.
rescue (verb), -hifadhi.
rescue (verb), -komboa.
rescue (verb), -nafidhi.
rescue (verb), -okoa. He rescued me from a crocodile (lit.: from the
danger of a crocodile).. ameniokoa na hatari ya mamba.
rescue (verb), -ponya (causative). Rehema got an opportunity to rescue
herself.. Rehema akapata nafasi ya kujiponya [Sul].
rescue (verb), -ponyesha (causative). Rehema got an opportunity to
rescue herself. Rehema akapata nafasi ya kujiponya [Sul].
rescue (verb), -salimu.
rescue (verb), -samehe.
rescue (from difficulties) (verb), -opoa.
rescue someone (verb), -okoza.
rescuing (act of) (noun), kiokozi, pl viokozi.
be rescued (verb), -pona.
rescuer (noun), mkombozi, pl mikombozi.
one who rescues (noun), mwokozi, pl wakozi.
do research (verb), -tafiti.
research (noun), uchunguzi (14).
research (noun), utafiti (14).
research (noun), utaftishi.
research (noun), utafutaji.
research (noun), utafutishi.
research (verb), -chunguza.
research (verb), -tafiti.
researcher (noun), mchunguzi (1/2), pl wachunguzi.
researcher (noun), pl researchers, mtafiti (1/2), pl watafiti.
resemblance (noun), launi.
resemblance (noun), mfanano (3/4), pl mifanano.
resemblance (noun), misili.
resemblance (noun), mithali ya (9/10).
resemblance (noun), mlingano (3/4), pl milingano.
resemblance (noun), mshabaha, pl mishabaha.
resemblance (noun), shabaha (9/10), pl shabaha.
resemblance (noun), sura (9/10), pl sura. She looks like her mother.
ana sura kama ya mama yake [Rec].
resemblance (noun), ufananaji (14).
resemblance (noun), ufanani.
something with a close resemblance to something else (noun), pacha (5/6),
pl mapacha.
resemble (verb), -fanana.
resemble (verb), -landa.
resemble (verb), -randa.
resemble (verb), -randa.
resemble (verb), -shabihi. this child resembles his/her mother a lot.
mtoto huyu amemshabihi [or anashabihiana na] mama yake sana..
resemble (verb), -wiana.
resemble each other (verb), -twalika.
resemble each other (verb), -twalika.
resemble each other (verb), -twanzana.
resentment (noun), chuki (9/10), pl chuki.
resentment (noun), kinyongo (7/8), pl vinyongo.
resentment (noun), mwao (3/4), pl miao.
resentment (noun), shonde (5/6), pl mashonde. even though we have
quarrelled, don't hold resentments against me. ingawa tumegombana
usiniwekee shonde [Rec].
resentment (noun), uchungu, pl machungu.
resentment (noun), utungu.
reservation (noun), risavu (9/10), pl risavu.
reservation (noun), rizavu (9/10), pl rizavu.
reservations, areas where Africans were forced to live (noun), lokesheni
(9/10), pl lokesheni.
be reserved (verb), -vuvuwaa.
keep in reserve (verb), -dunduliza.
keep in reserve (verb), -hifadhi.
reserve (noun), akiba (9/10), pl akiba. What is saved does not spoil
(proverb).. ~ haiozi.
reserve (noun), malimbiko.
reserve (noun), mlimbiko, pl milimbiko.
reserve (noun), risavu (9/10), pl risavu.
reserve (noun), rizavu (9/10), pl rizavu. where (s)he lives is near the
reserve. Anaishi karibu ni rizavu.
reserve (noun), stara (9/10), pl stara.
reserve (noun), ubaridi.
reserve (noun), uyabisi.
reserve (verb), -tengea (applicative).
reserve (verb), -weka.
reserve fund (noun), mlimbiko, pl milimbiko.
reserve; (econ.) reserve fund (noun), limbiko, pl milimbiko.
reserved (adjective), kikavu.
reserved (adjective), nyamafu.
reserved (adjective), -nyamavu.
reserved (adjective), tuli.
reserved person (noun), mtulivu, pl watulivu.
reserved person (noun), mfichaji, pl wafichaji.
reserved person (noun), mfichifichi, pl wafichifichi.
reservoir (noun), tanaki (5/6), pl matanaki.
reservoir (noun), pl reservoirs, tangi (5/6), pl matangi.
reservoir (noun), tanki (5/6), pl matanki.
resettle (verb), -hamisha.
resettlement (noun), uhamisho.
reside (verb), -kaa.
change of residence (noun), ondoleo (5/6), pl maondoleo.
change one's residence (verb), -gura.
change one's residence (verb), -hajiri.
have an established residence (verb), -tulia.
prepare to change residence (verb), -pambua.
residence (noun), chengo, pl vyengo.
residence (noun), kao, pl makao.
residence (noun), kikao (7/8), pl vikao.
residence (noun), makani.
residence (noun), makao (6).
residence (noun), makazi (6).
residence (noun), makazi.
residence (noun), manzili (6).
residence (noun), masikani.
residence (noun), maskani.
residence (noun), ukao, pl makao.
residence (noun), ukazi.
residence (place of) (noun), makao. headquarters. makao makuu.
resident (noun), mkaa (1/2), pl wakaa.
resident (noun), mkaaji, pl wakaaji.
resident (noun), mkaazi (1/2), pl wakaazi.
resident (noun), mkazi (1/2), pl wakazi. There are buses that provide
service to the residents.. Kuna mabasi kuwahudumia wakazi [Masomo 216].
resident (noun), mwenyeji (1/2), pl wenyeji.
residue (noun), baki (5/6), pl mabaki.
residue (noun), ifu, pl (--, maifu).
residue (noun), mashapo (6).
residue (noun), mashapo.
residue (noun), mashudu (6).
residue (noun), masimbi.
residue (noun), shapo (5/6), pl mashapo.
residue (noun), shinda (5/6), pl mashinda. the residue of the mill.
shinda la kinu.
residue (noun), sira (5/6), pl masira.
residue (noun), ushinda.
residue (in a drinking vessel) (noun), kishinda, pl vishinda.
residue (of oil, etc.) (noun), mashata.
residue (of seeds when oil is pressed) (noun), shudu (5/6), pl mashudu.
residue (product of filtering) (noun), chujo, pl machujo.
resign (verb), -jiuzulu.
resign (verb), -jistaafisha.
resign oneself (verb), -lia.
resign oneself (fig.) (verb), -jikatia (reflexive).
resign voluntarily (verb), -ng'atuka.
resignation (noun), ukulifu.
resignation (noun), ukulivu.
resignation (noun), unyonge (14).
resignation (noun), ushukuru.
resignation (noun), uzua, pl mauzua.
resignation (noun), uzulu, pl mazulu.
resignation (noun), uzuru, pl mazuru.
be resigned (verb), -saburi. to be resigned brings good luck/tiddings.
saburi yavuta heri..
be resigned (verb), -shukuru.
be resigned (verb), -subira.
be resigned (verb), -subiri.
resilient (adjective), -a spiringi.
resilient (adjective), -a springi.
resin (noun), emboe.
resin (noun), embwe.
resin (noun), sandarusi (9/10), pl sandarusi.
be unable to resist (phrase), roho haikumpa. Mrs Tamima was unable to
resist, she stood up, and was following from behind slowly by slowly. Bi
Tamima roho haikumpa, alisimama, akawa anafuata nyuma kidogo kidogo [Moh].
resist (verb), -bamba.
resist (verb), -bisha.
resist (verb), -gomea.
resist a temptation (verb), -gunga.
resistance (noun), machachari (6).
resistance (noun), mkingamo, pl mikingamo.
resistance (noun), ubishi (14).
resistance (noun), ukinzani (14).
resistance (noun), upingaji.
resistance (power of) (noun), sulubu (9/10), pl sulubu.
be resistant (verb), -zinda.
offer resistence (verb), -kaidi.
resole (verb), -tilisha nyayo.
be resolute (verb), -zinda.
resolute (adjective), imara.
resolute person (noun), mpindanifu, pl wapindanifu.
resolute person (noun), mshupavu, pl washupavu.
resolutely (adverb), makataa.
resolutely (adverb), tanda.
resoluteness (noun), mkazo (3/4), pl mikazo.
resoluteness (noun), ugumu.
resoluteness (noun), ushupavu (14).
adopt a resolution (verb), -pitisha rezolusheni. adopt a resolution..
pitisha rezolusheni.
resolution (noun), azima, pl maazima.
resolution (noun), azimio (5/6), pl maazimio.
resolution (noun), rezolusheni (9/10), pl rezolusheni. adopt a
resolution.. pitisha rezolusheni.
resolution (noun), uimarisho.
resolution (noun), suluhisho (5/6), pl masuluhisho.
resolve (noun), dhati (9/10), pl dhati.
resolve (noun), mradi (3/4), pl miradi.
resolve (noun), pl resolves, muradi (3/4), pl miradi.
resolve (verb), -nia.
resolve (verb), -nuia.
resolve (verb), -suluhisha (causative).
resolve (verb), -tengeneza (causative).
resolve on (verb), -yakinia.
resort (for holidays) (noun), pumzikio (5/6), pl mapumzikio. The resort
at the Island was nice. Pumzikio la kisiwani lilikuwa zuri.
resort (for holidays) (noun), pumziko (5/6), pl mapumziko.
resound (verb), -hanikiza.
natural resources (noun), wenzo, pl nyezo.
a respected person (noun), mtukufu, pl watukufu.
be respected (verb), -heshimiwa.
in every respect (conjunction), kwa kila jiha.
in respect of (adverb), juu ya.
in respect to (adverb), kwa.
respect (noun), hadhi (9/10), pl hadhi.
respect (noun), haya.
respect (noun), heshima (9/10), pl heshima.
respect (noun), ithibati.
respect (noun), karama.
respect (noun), mnyenyekeo, pl minyenyekeo.
respect (noun), mrua (9/10), pl mrua.
respect (noun), murua.
respect (noun), pl decks, sitaha (9/10), pl sitaha.
respect (noun), staha (9/10), pl staha. show respect. toa staha.
respect (noun), taadhima (9/10), pl taadhima.
respect (noun), tahayari (9).
respect (noun), takaramu (9/10), pl takaramu.
respect (noun), takarimu (9/10), pl takaramu.
respect (noun), ucha.
respect (noun), uchaji.
respect (noun), ustahifu.
respect (noun), ustahiki.
respect (noun), ustahivu (14).
respect (verb), -cha. As a person who respects God [Masomo, 88]. Kama
kiongozi aliyecha Mungu [Masomo, 88].
respect (verb), -heshimu.
respect (verb), -heshimu.
respect (verb), -jali.
respect (verb), -jali.
respect (verb), -pa heshima.
respect (verb), -sharifu.
respect (verb), -sherifu.
respect (verb), -sifu.
respect (verb), -stahi.
respect (verb), -thamini.
respect (mark of) (noun), maiza.
respect each other (verb), -heshimiana.
show one's respect for someone (verb), -bong'oa.
show respect (verb), -nyenyekea.
show respect (verb), -stahi. (s)he showed respect to him/her for the
first time after (s)he saw how (s)he had bought beer. alimstahi mara ya
kwanza baada ya kuona alivyonunua bia nyingi [Mt].
show respect (verb), -tuza.
show someone one's respect (verb), -amkia.
show someone one's respect (verb), -amkua.
title of respect (used in Arabic style letters) (noun), jenabu (9/10), pl
respectability (noun), usharifu.
respectable (adjective), sharifu.
respectable (adjective), sherifu.
respectable person (noun), mahashumu.
respectable person (noun), mahushumu.
be respected (verb), -stahika.
be respected (verb), -stahiwa.
be respected (verb), -taadhimika.
much respected person (noun), kabaila, pl makabaila.
person who is respected (noun), mstahifu, pl wastahifu.
person who is respected (noun), mstahivu, pl wastahivu.
respected (adjective), stahiki.
respected man (noun), mzee (1/2), pl wazee.
respected person (noun), msharafu, pl washarafu.
respected person (noun), sherifu (5/6an), pl masherifu.
respectfully (adverb), kwa mahadhi.
treat respectfully (verb), -sharifu.
person who respects others (noun), mstahifu, pl wastahifu.
person who respects others (noun), mstahivu, pl wastahivu.
respiration (noun), pumuzi (9/10), pl pumuzi. (s)he ran with heavy
respiration. Alitembea na pumzi nzito.
respiration (noun), pumzi (9/10), pl pumzi.
respiratory disease (noun), ukohozi, pl makohozi.
respite (noun), cheleo, pl macheleo.
respite (noun), taahira (9/10), pl taahira.
respond (verb), -itika (potential).
respond (verb), -jibu.
respond (verb), -jibu.
respond (verb), -rudi.
respond to a call (verb), -itika.
respond to something (verb), -itikia ( appl-intr).
response (noun), itikio (5/6), pl maitikio.
response (noun), jawabu (5/6), pl majawabu.
response (noun), jibu (5/6), pl majibu.
response (noun), jibu, pl majibu.
response (noun), kiitikio (7/8), pl viitikio.
response (noun), kitikio, pl vitikio.
response (noun), kitiko, pl vitikio.
response (noun), mwitikio (3/4), pl miitikio. Without courage and this
response we would not have been able to fight and win this war.. Bila ya
moyo na mwitikio huo, tusingeweza kupigana na kushinda vita [Nyerere,
Masomo 275].
response to "mambo" (phrase), poa.
accept a responsibility (verb), -jipakiza.
be the responsibility of (verb), -shughulikwa.
carry out responsibilities (verb), -tekeleza wajibu.
have a responsibility (verb), -wajibika.
responsibility (noun), amri, pl amri, maamri.
responsibility (noun), daraka (5/6), pl madaraka. have responsibilities,
be responsible. chukua daraka [Rec].
responsibility (noun), dhamana (9/10), pl dhamana.
responsibility (noun), dhima.
responsibility (noun), jukumu (5/6), pl majukumu.
responsibility (noun), jukumu.
responsibility (noun), lawama, pl malawama. We are not taking the
responsibility of writing on those matters.. hatutajitia lawama kuandika
mambo hayo. [Rec].
responsibility (noun), lazima.
responsibility (noun), wajibu (14), pl wajibu.
be jointly responsible (verb), -shirikiana. the schoos are jointly
responsible for teaching the students foreign languages. Shule
zinashirikiana kufunza wanafunzi lugha ya kigeni.
allow someone to rest (verb), -pumzisha. All the workers were allowed
some time to rest from his/her work. Wafanyakazi wote walipumzishwa kazi
bring to rest (verb), -tuliza (causative).
come to rest (verb), -tua.
place for rest (noun), pumzikio (5/6), pl mapumzikio. We waited for the
bus at the resting place. Tulisubiri basi, mahali pakupumzika.
place for rest (noun), pumziko (5/6), pl mapumziko.
rest (noun), buraha.
rest (noun), faraja.
rest (noun), kiburudisho, pl viburudisho.
rest (noun), mapumziko.
rest (noun), mstarehe. Absolute repose/comfort.. raha mustarehe.
rest (noun), mustarehe. Absolute repose/comfort.. raha mustarehe.
rest (noun), pumuzi (9/10), pl pumuzi. work the entire day without a
rest.. fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
rest (noun), pumzi (9/10), pl pumzi. work the entire day without a
rest.. fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
rest (noun), pumzikio (5/6), pl mapumzikio.
rest (noun), pumziko (5/6), pl mapumziko.
rest (noun), pl rest, raha (9/10), pl raha.
rest (noun), starehe (9/10), pl starehe.
rest (noun), uburudisho.
rest (noun), upumuo.
rest (noun), upumzi.
rest (noun), usono.
rest (noun), utulivu (14).
rest (verb), -burahi.
rest (verb), -jilaza ( caus-refl).
rest (verb), -jinyosha.
rest (verb), -pumzika. rest after work. pumzika baada ya kazi.
rest (verb), -tua.
rest (period of) (noun), mapumziko (6).
rest heavily upon (verb), -elemea.
rest on (verb), -chegama.
rest on (verb), -egama.
rest on (verb), -egemea (applicative).
rest the head on one's hands (verb), -tama. hold the head on the hand.
shika tama.
rest(ing - place) (noun), kipumziko.
resting place (noun), kigono, pl vigono.
take a rest (verb), -tegemea.
take a rest (verb), -tua.
take a rest (verb), -tutuzika.
time for rest (noun), pumzikio (5/6), pl mapumzikio.
time for rest (noun), pumziko (5/6), pl mapumziko. Rest break (from
work). pumziko la kazi.
restaurant (noun), hoteli (5/6), pl mahoteli.
restaurant (noun), hoteli.
restaurant (noun), mgahawa, pl migahawa.
restaurant (noun), mkahawa (3/4), pl mikahawa.
resting place (noun), kilalo, pl vilalo.
resting place (noun), pahala pa kupumzika (9/10), pl pahala.
resting place (noun), pahali pa kupumzika (9/10), pl pahali.
be restless (verb), -angaika.
be restless (verb), -chacharika.
be restless (verb), -furukuta.
be restless (verb), -hangaika.
be restless (verb), -tukuta.
fig. restless person (noun), kirukanjia, pl virukanjia.
make someone restless (verb), -tukusha.
move about restlessly (verb), -furukuta.
restless (adjective), tukutu.
restless child (noun), mtiriri, pl watiriri.
restless person (noun), kinukamito (7/8), pl vinukamito.
restless person (noun), mgaagaa, pl wagaagaa.
restless person (noun), mtukutu, pl watukutu.
restlessness (noun), chachari (5/6), pl machachari.
restlessness (noun), hangaiko (5/6), pl mahangaiko.
restlessness (noun), machachari (6).
restlessness (noun), machachari, pl machachari.
restlessness (noun), machugachuga, pl machugachuga.
restlessness (noun), papio (5/6), pl mapapio.
restlessness (noun), utukutu.
restoration (noun), maongozi.
restoration (noun), ufufuko.
restoration (noun), ufufuo.
restoration (noun), urudishaji.
restorative (sexual) (noun), mkuyati (3/4), pl mikuyati.
restore (verb), -rudisha. restore confidence. rudisha imani.
be restored to peace (verb), -tengemaa.
restrain (verb), -onya.
restrain (verb), -ziwia.
restrain (verb), -zuia.
restrain (verb), -zuwia.
restrain oneself (verb), -jihini (reflexive).
restrain oneself (verb), -jizuia (reflexive).
restrain yourself! (interjection), tutu.
lack of restraint (noun), ubadhiri.
lack of restraint (noun), ubadhirifu.
restriction (noun), kizuio, pl vizuio.
restriction (noun), kizuizi, pl vizuizi.
restroom (noun), choo (7/8), pl vyoo.
resucue (verb), -topoa.
as a result of (conjunction), kwa ajili ya.
as a result of (conjunction), kutokana na.
as a result of (conjunction), mintarafu.
as a result of (preposition), kwa.
as a result of (preposition), minajili.
be a (natural) result of (verb), -fuatana.
be a result of (verb), -tokea.
beneficial result (noun), natija (9/10), pl natija. Perhaps s/he may
intend to show the beneficial results that will be available for people if
they live in Ujamaa Villages.. Pengine akusudie kuonyesha natija
ipatikanayo watu wakiishi katika Vijiji vya Ujamaa [Khan, Masomo 392].
come to the same result (verb), -fikiliana.
final result (noun), jumla.
final result (noun), ncha.
final result (of bargaining or negotiation) (noun), masilaha.
final result (of bargaining or negotiation) (noun), masilahi.
final result (of bargaining or negotiation) (noun), masuluhu.
result (noun), kinyume.
result (noun), matokeo (6).
result (noun), matokeo, pl matokeo.
result (noun), mazao, pl mazao. The difficulties that he has are the
result of his folly.. taabu anayopata ni mazao ya upuuzi wake..
result (noun), mwisho, pl miisho.
result (noun), tokeo (5/6), pl matokeo.
result (noun), tunda, pl matunda.
result (noun), zao, pl mazao.
result (noun), zao, pl mazao.
result from (verb), -tokana.
result from (verb), -tokea.
good results (noun), tija (9/10), pl tija.
resume (noun), muhtasari.
resume (noun), mutasari.
resume (noun), ufupisho.
resume (noun), wasifu (14), pl wasifu.
be resurrected (verb), -fufuka.
resurrect (verb), -fufua (transitive).
(rel.) resurrection (noun), ufufuko (14).
(rel.) resurrection (noun), ufufuo (14).
resurrection (noun), kiyama (9/10), pl kiyama.
resuscitate (verb), -huisha.
one who resuscitates (noun), mfufuaji, pl wafufuaji.
one who resuscitates (noun), mfufuzi, pl wafufuzi.
retail (in trade or business) (adjective), rejareja.
retail dealer (noun), mchuuzi (1/2), pl wachuuzi.
retail trade (noun), ubazazi, pl mabazazi.
condition of a retainer (noun), ufuasi.
retaliation (noun), lipizi, pl malipizi.
retaliation (noun), majilipio.
retaliation (noun), majilipizi.
retaliation (noun), majilipo.
retaliation (noun), ulipizi, pl malipizi.
retaliations (noun), malipizi.
be retarded (mentally) (verb), -dumaa.
retard (verb), -viza.
be retarded (in growth) (verb), -fubaa.
be retarded (in growth) (verb), -fuwaa.
be retarded in development (verb), -runda.
retch (verb), -goka.
retch (verb), -jisua (reflexive).
reticence (noun), stara (9/10), pl stara.
reticence (noun), unyenyekeo.
reticence (noun), unyenyekevu.
retinue (noun), mfuatano, pl mifuatano.
retinue (noun), mshindikizo, pl mishindikizo.
retinue (noun), mwandamano, pl miandamano.
make retire (verb), -staafisha.
retire (verb), -staafu.
retire (verb), -pumzika. (s)he retired from work after fifty years.
Alipumzika kazi baada ya miaka 50.
retire (from work) (verb), -staafu.
retire (from work) (verb), -stahafu.
retired (adjective), tawa.
live in retirement (verb), -tawa.
retirement (noun), faragha (9/10), pl faragha.
retirement (noun), upekee.
retirement (noun), upweke.
retirement (noun), usufii.
retirement (noun), utawa (14).
retort (noun), magombezi.
retort (noun), magombezo.
retort (noun), udaku.
retort (verb), -kinza.
retreat (noun), chemba (9/10), pl chemba.
retreat (verb), -rejea nyuma.
retrenchment (noun), chekecheke.
retribution (noun), dia.
retribution (noun), ijaza.
retribution (noun), kitubio (7/8), pl vitubio.
retribution (noun), pl retributions, patilizo (5/6), pl mapatilizo.
retribution (noun), rada (9/10), pl rada.
retribution (noun), thawabu.
forced return (noun), mzungusho, pl mizungusho.
return (adjective), chamko.
return (noun), mapato.
return (noun), marejeo (6).
return (noun), marudi.
return (noun), marudio.
return (noun), pato (5/6), pl mapato.
return (noun), rejeo (5/6), pl marejo. after his return.. baada ya
marejeo yake.
return (noun), ritani (9/10), pl ritani.
return (noun), upato, pl pato.
return (verb), -duta.
return (verb), -rejea. (s)he had ran away from him/her on two occassions
but returned later.. aliwahi kumtoroka kwa siku kadhaa, mara mbili,
lakini alirejea tena [Mt].
return (verb), -rudi.
return (verb), -rudisha. return the car today. Rudisha gari leo.
return (verb), -uya.
return (something) (verb), -rejesha.
return (something) (verb), -rejeza.
return to each other (verb), -rejesheana.
return to each other (verb), -rejezeana.
return to each other (verb), -rudiana. the wife and the husband returned
to each other. Mke na mume walirudiana.
be returned (verb), -rudishiwa. his/her child was returned back to
him/her. Alirudishiwa mtoto wake.
be revealed (verb), -omolewa.
fig. reveal (verb), -gubua.
reveal (verb), -dhihirisha.
reveal (verb), -fichua.
reveal (verb), -fumbua.
reveal (verb), -fumua.
reveal (verb), -funua.
reveal (verb), -kashifu.
reveal (verb), -lawa.
reveal (verb), -omoa.
reveal (verb), -shindua.
reveal (verb), -sindua (inversive).
reveal (verb), -tandua.
reveal (a secret) (verb), -dakua.
reveal (secret or scandal) (verb), -bukua.
reveal oneself (verb), -fumbuka ( conv-poten).
be revealed (verb), -tanzuka.
revealing (noun), kifunuo, pl vifunuo.
reveille (noun), kamsa.
revel (noun), mandari.
revelation (noun), inkishafi.
revelation (noun), mafafanusi.
revelation (noun), mafunuo.
revelation (noun), manzili.
revelation (noun), ufafanusi.
revelation (noun), ufafanuzi, pl mafafanuzi.
revelation (noun), ufunuo (14).
Revelations (name of poem) (noun), inkishafi (9/10), pl inkishafi.
revenge (noun), lipizi, pl malipizi.
revenge (noun), majilipio.
revenge (noun), majilipizi.
revenge (noun), majilipo.
revenge (noun), malipizi.
revenge (noun), nakama (9/10), pl nakama.
revenge (noun), ulipizi, pl malipizi.
revenue (noun), maduhuli, pl maduhuli.
reverberate (verb), -duta.
reverberation (noun), mvuma, pl mivuma.
reverberation (noun), mvumo, pl mivumo.
revere (verb), -stahi.
act with reverence (verb), -nyenyekea.
awe (noun), cheleo, pl macheleo.
reverence (noun), cheleo, pl macheleo.
reverence (noun), haya.
reverence (noun), ibada.
reverence (noun), kicho (7/8), pl vicho.
reverence (noun), maabudu.
reverence (noun), mnyenyekeo, pl minyenyekeo.
reverence (noun), pl decks, sitaha (9/10), pl sitaha.
reverence (noun), pl reverence, staha (9/10), pl staha.
reverence (noun), tahayari (9).
reverence (noun), ucha.
reverence (noun), uchaji.
reverence (verb), -cha.
show reverence (verb), -toa staha.
indulge in reveries (verb), -ota.
reversal (noun), kinyume.
reverse (adverb), kinyume.
reverse (noun), nyuma (9/10), pl nyuma.
reverse (verb), -pindua (converse).
reverse (verb), -rejea nyuma.
reverse order (noun), mpango wa kinyume.
review (noun), gwaride (5/6), pl magwaride.
review (noun), kwata.
review (noun), marudio (6).
review (noun), paredi (9/10), pl paredi.
reviewer (noun), mkaguzi (1/2), pl wakaguzi.
revile (verb), -hakirisha.
revile (verb), -sibabi.
revile (verb), -sibu.
revile (verb), -subu. to call and revile the daughter they had given
birth themselves. kumwita na kumsubu binti waliyemzaa wenyewe [Moh].
revile (verb), -tukana.
revile each other (verb), -umbuana.
revise (verb), -tadhibiri.
revise (verb), -tadubiri.
revision (noun), mchakuro, pl michakuro.
revision (noun), sahihi (9/10), pl sahihi.
revision (noun), sahihisho (5/6), pl masahihisho. the revision of this
book was done by our teacher. Sahihisho ya hiki kitabu ilifanyiwa na
mwalimu wetu.
revisionism (noun), ubadilishaji.
revisionist (noun), mbadilishaji, pl wabadilishaji.
revival (noun), ufufuko.
revival (noun), ufufuo.
be revived (verb), -fufuka.
revive (verb), -fufua.
revive (verb), -huisha.
revive (verb), -kalamsha.
revive (old) customs (verb), -fufua desturi.
be revived (verb), -hui.
one who revives (noun), mfufuaji, pl wafufuaji.
one who revives (noun), mfufuzi, pl wafufuzi.
revivify (verb), -huisha.
revocation (noun), kitanguo (7/8), pl vitanguo.
revocation (noun), tanguko (5/6), pl matanguko.
revocation (noun), tanguo (5/6), pl matanguo.
revoke (verb), -batili.
revoke (verb), -bihi.
revoke (verb), -pinga.
revoke (verb), -tangua.
revolt (noun), aasi (5/6), pl maasi.
revolt (noun), asi, pl maasi.
revolt (noun), fitina (9/10), pl fitina.
revolt (noun), fitna (9/10), pl fitna.
revolt (noun), maasi, pl maasi.
revolt (noun), uasi (14), pl uasi.
revolt (noun), uchochezi.
revolt (noun), ufitina.
revolt (verb), -aasi.
revolt (verb), -asi.
revolution (noun), duru.
revolution (noun), mageuko. revolution. mageuko makuu.
revolution (noun), mageuzi. revolution. mageuzi makuu.
revolution (noun), mageuzo. revolution. mageuzo makuu.
revolution (noun), mapinduzi (6). Women are not turning back, we want a
revolution; To have coaxed them would have meant delaying the revolution..
Wake haturudi nyuma, tunataka mapinduzi [Amana, Masomo 408]; kuwabembeleza
hawa ingemaanisha kuchelewesha mapinduzi [Mun].
revolution (noun), mapinduzi. CCM is the shortened form of The Party of
the Revolution.. CCM ni kifupi cha Chama cha Mapinduzi..
revolution (noun), mazingazinga, pl mazingazinga.
revolution (noun), pinduo (5/6), pl mapinduo.
revolution (noun), kithaura.
revolution (noun), thaura.
revolution (noun), thawra.
revolution (noun), uhalifu, pl mahalifu.
revolution (noun), upinduzi (11/6), pl mapinduzi.
revolution (noun), zingo, pl mazingo.
revolution (noun), zunguko (5/6), pl mazunguko.
counter-revolutionary (noun), mpinga kithaura.
counter-revolutionary (noun), mpinga thaura.
counter-revolutionary (noun), mpinga thawra.
revolutionary (noun), kizushi, pl vizushi.
revolutionary (noun), mbomoshi, pl wabomoshi.
revolutionary (noun), mkoroga, pl wakoroga.
revolutionary (noun), mkorogai, pl wakorogai.
revolutionary (noun), mpinduzi (1/2), pl wapinduzi.
revolutionary (noun), mwanamapinduzi (1/2), pl wanamapinduzi.
revolutionary (noun), -a kithaura.
revolutionary (noun), -a thaura.
revolutionary (noun), -a thawra.
revolutionary spark (noun), pinduli (5/6), pl mapinduli.
revolutionist (noun), mwanathaura, pl wanathaura.
revolutionist (noun), pinduani (5/6an), pl mapinduani.
revolve (verb), -zunguka.
someting that revolves (noun), kizingia, pl vizingia.
revolver (noun), bastola.
revolver (noun), pistola (9/10), pl pistola.
revolving (act of) (noun), zunguko, pl mazunguko.
revolving (act of) (noun), zungusho (5/6), pl mazungusho.
reward (noun), ijaza.
reward (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
reward (noun), jazua.
reward (noun), karo.
reward (noun), thawabu (9/10), pl thawabu.
reward (noun), tuza, pl matuza.
reward (noun), tuzo (9/10), pl tuzo.
reward (noun), tuzo, pl matuzo.
reward (verb), -jaza.
reward (verb), -jazi.
reward (verb), -tuza.
reward (for finding a lost object) (noun), uokosi.
reward (for finding a lost object) (noun), uokotaji.
reward (for finding something lost) (noun), kiokosi (7/8), pl viokosi.
reward (for finding something lost) (noun), utotole (11).
reward for finding a lost object (noun), mboni.
reward for finding something lost (noun), kiangaza, pl viangaza.
reward for finding something lost (noun), wokofu.
reward for finding something lost (noun), wokovu.
reward someone (verb), -pukusa. (s)he rewarded him/her with a present.
Alimpukusa na zawadi.
be rewarded (verb), -tuzwa.
rheumatic pains (noun), kang'ata.
rheumatism (noun), jongo, pl majongo.
rhinoceros (large) (noun), faru.
rhinoceros (noun), kifaru (7/8), pl vifaru.
rhinoceros (noun), pea (9/10an), pl pea.
make rhymes (verb), -tia vina.
make rhymes (verb), -tunga vina.
rhyme (noun), kina, pl vina.
rhyme (noun), mashairi. write poetry. tunga mashairi.
rhyme (noun), shairi (5/6), pl mashairi. his/her poem does not rhyme.
Shairi lake halilingani.
rhyming ending (noun), kina (7/8), pl vina.
rhythm (noun), mahadhi (6).
anat. rib (noun), ubavu (11/10), pl mbavu.
rib (of a ship) (noun), taruma (5/6), pl mataruma.
ribbon (noun), jamdani.
ribbon (noun), tepe, pl matepe.
ribbon (noun), utepe, pl matepe.
ribbon tape (noun), utepe (11/10), pl tepe.
boiled rice with raisins and ghee (noun), bilau.
cooked rice (in gen.) (noun), ubwabwa.
dish prepared with rice and curry (noun), kabuli.
grains of rice. cf. mchele, wali (noun), mpunga (3/4), pl mipunga.
highly spiced dish of meat and rice (noun), biriani.
highly spiced dish of meat and rice (noun), birinzi.
kind of rice (noun), mwanga, pl mianga.
left over rice (from the evening meal) (noun), machaza, pl machaza.
pulverized grains of rice (noun), pepeta (9/10), pl pepeta. pulverized
grains of rice. pepeta za mpunga.
rice (cooked) (noun), wali (11).
rice (husked) (us. collective singular) (noun), mchele, pl michele.
rice (kind of) (noun), sena (9/10), pl sena.
rice (small-grained kind) (noun), uchuki.
rice (type of) (noun), sindano (9/10), pl sindano.
rice (variety of) (noun), korowai, pl korowai.
rice boiled with meat (noun), bilau.
rice cooked in a kind of gruel (noun), mashendea (6).
rice cooked in such a way that the grains are separate (noun), pukute ya
wali (9/10), pl pukute za wali. rice cooked in such a way that the grains
are separate. wali wa pukute.
rice cooked in such a way that the grains are separate (noun), wali ya
pukute (9/10), pl wali za pukute. rice cooked in such a way that the
grains are separate. wali wa pukute.
rice cooked with spices and meat (noun), pilao (9/10), pl pilao.
rice cooked with spices and meat (noun), pilau (9/10), pl pilau.
rice dish (Indian) (noun), kabuli (9/10), pl kabuli.
rice dish with meat and pepper etc (noun), biriani (9/10), pl biriani.
rice flour mixed with sugar and coconut milk; eaten uncooked (noun),
bwimbwi, pl mabwimbwi.
rice fritter (noun), kitumbua (7/8), pl vitumbua.
rice plant (noun), mpunga (3/4), pl mipunga.
unripe grains of rice (roasted) (noun), mapepeta (ya mpunga).
variety of rice (noun), melikora.
rice-flour mixed with sugar and coconut milk; eaten uncooked. (noun),
become rich (verb), -tajiri.
get rich (verb), -tajirika (intransitive). if you agree we shall get
rich I and you. ukikubali tutatajirika mimi na wewe [Sul].
rich (adjective), kwasi.
rich person (noun), kikore (7/8), pl vikore.
rich person (noun), pl rich persons, tajiri (5/6an), pl matajiri.
richness (noun), unono (14).
rickets (noun), chirwa.
rickets (noun), nyogea (9), pl nyogea.
rickets (noun), nyongea (9).
rickety (verb), -legalega.
rickshaw (noun), riksha (9/10), pl riksha.
rickshaw (noun), pl rickshaws, riksho (5/6), pl mariksho.
rickshaw (noun), rinksho (9/10), pl rinksho.
be rid of (verb), -toka.
get rid of (verb), -ondoa.
get rid of (verb), -ondokewa.
get rid of (verb), -tilifu.
get rid of something quickly (by throwing it away) (verb), -rufai.
getting rid of something (act of) (noun), mkupuo, pl mikupuo.
rid oneself (verb), -jipapatua (reflexive).
rid oneself of something (verb), -jihongeza.
ask a riddle (verb), -tega kitendawili.
ask a riddle (verb), -tega kitendawili.
pose riddles to each other (verb), -pigana mafambo.
riddle (noun), fumbo (5/6), pl mafumbo.
riddle (noun), kitandawili (7/8), pl vitendawili.
riddle (noun), kitendawili (7/8), pl vitendawili.
riddle (noun), tambo (5/6), pl matambo.
cause to ride (verb), -rakibisha.
cause to ride (verb), -rekibisha.
ride (a horse etc) (verb), -rakibu.
ride (a horse etc) (verb), -rekebu.
ride (a horse etc) (verb), -rekibu.
ride on (verb), -panda. ride into a car. panda motokaa.
good rider (person) (noun), rakibu (9/10), pl rakibu.
ridge (noun), mgongo, pl migongo.
ridge (noun), ushi, pl nyushi.
ridge (for planting) (noun), tuta (5/6), pl matuta.
ridge (of a thatched roof) (noun), utiko (11/6), pl matiko.
ridge-pole (noun), kiamba, pl viamba.
ridge-pole (noun), mwamba, pl miamba.
ridgepole (noun), mwamba (3/4), pl miamba.
be ridiculed (verb), -dhihakiwa.
expose someone to ridicule (verb), -tukanisha.
ridicule (noun), dhaka.
ridicule (noun), dhihaka (9/10), pl dhihaka.
ridicule (noun), kichekesho (7/8), pl vichekesho.
ridicule (verb), -darau.
ridicule (verb), -dharau.
ridicule (verb), -dhihaki.
ridicule (verb), -cheza shere.
ridicule (verb), -fanya shere.
rifle (noun), bunduki (9/10), pl bunduki. shoot. piga bunduki; Maina na
wenzake walichukua kila mmoja bunduki ya .303 [Masomo, 59].
rifle-sling (noun), mweleko, pl mieleko.
Rift Valley (name), Bonde la Ufa.
all right! (interjection), ee!.
be made right (verb), -sawanyishwa.
be made right (verb), -sawazishwa.
be put right (verb), -rakibishwa.
be put right (verb), -rekebishwa.
be put right (verb), -rekibishwa.
be right (verb), -sadifu.
make right (verb), -ongoa.
property right (noun), mamlaka.
put right (verb), -rakibisha.
put right (verb), -rekibisha.
quite right (adverb), barabara.
right (adjective), adili.
right (adjective), adilifu.
right (adjective), baraba.
right (adjective), barabara.
right (adjective), kimada.
right (adjective), sadifu. The teacher corrected the student in the
classroom. Mwalimu alimsadifu mwanafunzi darasani.
right (adjective), sahihi.
right (adjective), sahihifu.
right (adjective), sawa. I don't know whether it is right. Sijui kama
ni sawa.
right (adverb), sawasawa.
right (adverb), tayibu.
right (noun), haki (9/10).
right (verb), -enye kufaa.
right (of an angle) (adjective), maraba. right angle.. pembe mraba.
right (of an angle) (adjective), mraba. right angle.. pembe mraba.
right (position in sports) (adjective), raiti. inside right (football)..
insaidi wa raiti.
right side (noun), kulia. right hand. mkono wa kulia.
right side (noun), kuume (15), pl kuume.
right wing (noun), kulia.
right! (adverb), dike.
right! (adverb), tike.
right! (interjection), dike.
right(ly) (adverb), taibu.
the right (noun), kulia.
turn out to be right (verb), -sadifu.
right hand (noun), yamini (9/10), pl yamini.
be righteous (verb), -adili.
cause to be righteous (verb), -adilisha.
righteous (adjective), adili.
righteous (adjective), adilifu.
righteousness (noun), uongofu.
righteousness (noun), wongofu.
rightful (adjective), halali.
rightness (noun), uongofu.
rightness (noun), usahihi.
rightness (noun), wongofu.
rigid (adjective), yabis.
rigid (adjective), yabisi.
rigidity (noun), uthabiti.
rigidity (noun), uthubutu.
rill (noun), mtiririko, pl mitiririko.
rind (noun), gofi.
rind (noun), gome (5/6), pl magome.
rind (of fruit) (noun), kaka, pl makaka.
rinderpest (noun), kideri.
rinderpest (noun), kimbunga cha nyama.
rinderpest (noun), sadoka (9), pl sadoka.
rinderpest (noun), sodoka (9/10), pl sodoka.
rinderpest (noun), sotoka (9/10), pl sotoka.
be formed into a ring (verb), -petemana.
be formed into a ring (verb), -petesha.
form into a ring (verb), -petemanisha.
make a ring of something (verb), -petesha.
metal ring (between the blade and handle of a knife) (noun), noleo (5/6),
pl manoleo.
metal ring (worn as an ornament around the neck or on the arm) (noun),
koa, pl makoa.
metal ring (worn as an ornament around the neck or on the arm) (noun),
metal ring between the blade and handle of a knife (noun), manoleo.
ring (noun), kikuku (7/8), pl vikuku.
ring (noun), kipete, pl vipete. voltmeter.
ring (noun), pete (5/6), pl mapete. "they are now like ring and finger
(i.e., close friends)".. siku hizi wamekuwa chanda na pete.
ring (noun), uzingo (14).
ring a bell (verb), -piga kengele.
ring a bell (verb), -piga kengele.
annual rings (of a tree) (noun), pindi za mti.
ringworm (noun), baka, pl mabaka.
ringworm (noun), choa.
ringworm (on the head) (noun), bato, pl mabato.
rinse (verb), -osha.
rinse (verb), -suuza. his/her parents struggled to rinse her/him alone.
wazee wake wakang'ang'ania kumsuuza yeye tu [Moh].
rinse out the mouth with water (verb), -sukutua. (s)he rinsed out the
mouth with water and spit. alisukutua akatema.
riot (noun), msuko, pl misuko.
riot (noun), msukosuko, pl misukosuko.
rioter (noun), mpinduzi, pl wapinduzi.
rip (noun), raruo (5/6), pl mararuo.
rip (verb), -papua.
rip (verb), -tatua.
rip (of animals) (verb), -papura. rip with claws/talons.. papura kwa
rip (to pieces) (verb), -rarua. "fig. abuse each other, speak ill of
each other".. raruana.
rip open (verb), -tumbua.
be completely ripe (fruit) (verb), -pea.
be too ripe (verb), -china.
become ripe (verb), -iva.
become ripe (verb), -wiva.
ripe (adjective), -bivu.
ripe (adjective), -pevu.
ripen (verb), -komaa.
allow to ripen (verb), -pevusha.
begin to ripen (fruit) (verb), -tundiza.
begin to ripen (of fruit) (verb), -dunduiza.
ripen (verb), -iva.
ripen (verb), -iva.
ripen (verb), -pevua.
ripen (verb), -wiva.
ripeness (noun), upevu.
ripeness (of fruit etc.) (noun), ubivu.
ripening (adjective), tosa.
be ripped open (verb), -tumbuliwa.
ripping (noun), mmego (3/4), pl mimego.
cause to ripple (verb), -alisha.
ripple (noun), kiwimbi (7/8), pl viwimbi.
ripple (of water) (verb), pl Is this a verb?, -alika.
give rise (verb), -zushia ( appl-caus).
rise (verb), -amka.
rise (verb), -humuka.
rise (verb), -inuka.
rise (verb), -kwea.
rise (verb), -nyanyuka (potential). Rehema rose from the chair to go and
calm him/her. Rehema alinyanyuka kitini kwenda kumtuliza [Sul].
rise (verb), -ondoka.
rise (verb), -paa.
rise (verb), -panda.
rise (verb), -simama.
rise (verb), -umuka.
rise (for smoke) (verb), -fuka.
rise from the dead (verb), -fufuka.
rise gradually (verb), -inukainuka.
rise in price (verb), -ghalika.
rise up (verb), -fura.
rise up (verb), -umka (potential).
rise with a start (verb), -jikurupusha.
that which causes to rise (noun), kipandisho (7/8), pl vipandisho.
rising (noun), uchomozi.
risk (noun), hatari.
risk (verb), -chasiri.
risk (verb), -hatarisha.
risk (verb), -hudhuria.
risk (verb), -thubutu.
risk something (verb), -ponza (causative). the desire to always want
something will be risky to you. tamaa ya kutakataka vitu itakuponza [Ma].
ISL. ritually clean person (noun), mtohara, pl watohara.
be rivals (verb), -husumu.
rival (noun), hasimu, pl mahasima.
rival (noun), mshindaji, pl washindaji.
rival (noun), mshindani, pl washindani.
rival (noun), mshindanizi, pl washindanizi.
rival (noun), mshindi, pl washindi.
rivalry (noun), ghiliba (9/10), pl ghilibu.
rivalry (noun), mghalaba (3/4), pl mghalaba.
rivalry (noun), upiganaji.
rivalry (noun), upigano.
rivalry (noun), ushindani (11).
rivalry (noun), ushindani.
branching of a river (noun), panda ya mto (9/10), pl panda za mto.
broad river (noun), jito, pl majito.
large river (noun), jito, pl majito.
river (noun), pl rivers, mto (3/4), pl mito.
river (large) (noun), jito (5/6), pl majito.
river (small) (noun), kijito (7/8), pl vijito.
riverbend (noun), pindi ya mto.
riyal (noun), reale (9/10), pl reale.
riyal (noun), riale (9/10), pl riale.
riyal (noun), riali (9/10), pl riali.
forking of a road (noun), njiapanda (9/10), pl njiapanda. forking of a
tree. panda ya mti.
narrow road (noun), kinjia (7/8), pl vinjia.
road (noun), barabara (9/10), pl barabara.
road (noun), ndia (9/10), pl ndia. crossroads. njia panda.
road (noun), njia (9/10), pl njia. crossroads. njia panda.
road (noun), pl roads, tariki (9/10), pl tariki.
road (noun), pl roads, tariki (9/10), pl tariki.
road (noun), usita.
roadstead (noun), bandari, pl bandari.
roadstead (noun), bendari.
roam (verb), -mwagaa.
roam (verb), -yuayua.
roam (verb), -zurura.
roam about (verb), -hangaika.
roam aimlessly (verb), -susurika.
roar (noun), fumi.
roar (noun), kema.
roar (noun), mvumo, pl mivumo. The roar of the police car siren was
audible from far away.. Mvumo wa king'ora cha gari la polisi ulisikika
kwa mbali [Ganzel Masomo 169].
roar (noun), vumi.
roar (noun), vumo (5/6), pl mavumo.
roar (verb), -nguruma.
roar (verb), -rindima.
roar (verb), -vuma.
roar etc. (noun), mlio, pl milio. lowing of cattle.. mlio wa ng'ombe.
roaring (noun), kingurumo, pl vingurumo. the roaring of a lion..
ngurumo ya simba.
roaring (noun), ngurumo (9/10), pl ngurumo. the roaring of a lion..
ngurumo ya simba.
roaring (noun), rindimo (5/6), pl marindimo.
roaring (of various animals, usually wild ) (noun), mvuma, pl mivuma.
roaring (of various animals, usually wild ) (noun), mvumo, pl mivumo.
one who roars (noun), mngurumizi, pl wangurumizi.
roast (verb), -choma.
roast (verb), -chomewa ( appl-pass).
roast (verb), -kaanga.
roast (verb), -oka. roast meat.. oka nyama.
roast (on a spit) (verb), -banika.
roasting (noun), mwoko, pl mioko.
roasting (noun), uokaji.
be robbed (verb), -ibiwa.
be robbed (of) (verb), -nyang'anywa.
rob (verb), -bakiwa.
rob (verb), -bakua.
rob (verb), -lungula.
rob (verb), -rungula.
rob (verb), -nyang'anya.
rob (verb), -nyara.
rob (verb), -poka.
rob (verb), -pokonya.
rob (verb), -pora.
rob (verb), -rungula.
rob for (verb), -ibia.
rob from each other (verb), -pokana.
rob someone (verb), -ibia.
be robbed (verb), -twaliwa.
be robbed (verb), -twawa.
night-robber (noun), pakacha (9/10an), pl pakacha.
robber (noun), gaidi (5/6), pl magaidi.
robber (noun), haramia (5/6), pl maharamia.
robber (noun), luja.
robber (noun), lusu.
robber (noun), mkora (1/2), pl wakora.
robber (noun), mlungula, pl walungula.
robber (noun), mlungura, pl milungura.
robber (noun), mnyang'anyi (1/2), pl wanyang'anyi.
robber (noun), pl robbers, mrugaruga (1/2), pl warugaruga.
robber (noun), mwibaji, pl waibaji.
robber (noun), mwivi, pl wevi.
robber (noun), mwizi, pl wezi.
robber (noun), rugaruga, pl warugaruga.
robber (noun), pakacha (9/10an), pl pakacha.
robber (noun), pakaja (9/10an), pl pakaja.
robber (noun), rugaruga (1/2), pl warugaruga.
robber (noun), mnyang'anyi (2), pl wanyang'anyi.
robbery (noun), uharamia (14).
robbery (noun), uizi.
robbery (noun), unyakuzi.
robbery (noun), unyang'anyi (14).
robbery (noun), uwivi.
robbery (noun), uwizi.
robbery (noun), wivi (14).
robbery (noun), wizi (14).
robbery (verb), -huni.
robbing (noun), upokonyaji.
robbing (noun), upokonyo.
robe (of a clergy-man) (noun), kasiki, pl makasiki.
be robust (verb), -shupaa.
be on the rocks (verb), -luzu.
dance the rock-and-roll'- Rech (verb), -roku.
rock (noun), gebali (5/6), pl magebali.
rock (noun), jabali (5/6), pl majabali.
rock (noun), jabali, pl majabali.
rock (noun), kawe, pl viwe.
rock (noun), kijiwe, pl vijiwe.
rock (noun), kikawe, pl vikawe.
rock (noun), kipwa (7/8), pl vipwa.
rock (noun), kiwe, pl viwe.
rock (noun), kiamba, pl viamba.
rock (noun), mwamba (3/4), pl miamba.
rock (noun), mwamba, pl miamba.
rock (verb), -angaika.
rock (verb), -bembea.
rock (verb), -hangaika.
rock (verb), -konya.
rock (verb), -ning'inia.
rock (verb), -pembea. rock a child to sleep. pembeza mtoto.
rock (verb), -suka.
rock (verb), -vinya.
rock (verb), -vinyavinya.
rock (exposed at low tide) (noun), makupwa.
rock to and fro (verb), -pembeza.
set swinging (verb), -pembeza.
rocket (noun), kombora, pl makombora.
rocket (noun), roketi (9/10), pl roketi. pad/platform for launching
rocket. kiwanja cha kurusha roketi.
rocking (noun), masuko (6).
rocking (noun), mleo, pl mileo.
rocking (act of) (noun), mtitio, pl mititio.
rocking (of a ship) (noun), masukosuko, pl masukosuko.
fishing rod (noun), pl fishing rods, mshipi (3/4), pl mishipi.
iron rod (noun), pl iron rods, pao (9/10), pl pao.
iron rod (noun), pau (5/6), pl mapau. Iron clad. pao la chuma.
rod (noun), banzi, pl mabanzi.
rod (noun), konjo, pl makonjo.
rod (noun), konzo, pl makonzo.
rod (noun), pao (9/10), pl pao.
rod (noun), ufito (11/10), pl fito.
rod (for exorcism) (noun), cheo (7/8), pl vyeo.
rod (with a hardened tip used as a hunting weapon or in pit traps)
(noun), ukonjo.
rod (with a hardened tip used as a hunting weapon or in pit traps)
(noun), ukonzo.
rod (wooden that separates threads in weaving) (noun), kashabu (9/10), pl
sampling rod (for examining the contents of sacks) (noun), bambo, pl
wooden rod (on a loom) (noun), kashabu.
fish-roe (noun), huliwa.
rogue (noun), jambazi, pl majambazi.
rogue (noun), jambazi (5/6), pl majambazi.
rogue (noun), janja, pl mjanja.
rogue (noun), mtwana, pl watwana.
rogue (extremely clever) (noun), janja (5/6), pl majanja.
roguery (noun), ujambazi (14).
role (noun), jukumu.
role (noun), jukumu (5/6), pl majukumu.
be rolled together (verb), -songamana ( assoc-stat).
cause each other to roll or fall over (verb), -biringishana.
cause to roll along (verb), -vingirisha.
roll (noun), orodha ya majina (9/10), pl orodha za majina.
roll (noun), upeto, pl peto.
roll (verb), -gaga.
roll (verb), -jiviringishia ( appl-caus-refl).
roll (verb), -tinga.
roll (verb), -titima.
roll (a cigarette) (verb), -sokota.
roll (a stone etc.) (verb), -bingiria.
roll (along) (verb), -fingirika.
roll (clothes) (verb), -guruta.
roll (of ships) (verb), -yumba.
roll (of ships) (verb), -yumbayumba.
roll (of the sea) (verb), -chachuka.
roll along (verb), -vingirika.
roll from side to side (verb), -gaagaa.
roll or fall over (verb), -biringa.
roll something (verb), -fingirisha. roll steel. fingirisha chuma cha
roll together (verb), -gagmiza.
roll up (verb), -peta. roll up a garment. peta nguo.
roll up (verb), -songomeza ( intr-inver-stat).
roll up (verb), -viringa.
roll up (verb), -zingirisha (causative).
roll down (verb), -poromoa. The builder fell off the roof of the house..
mjenzi ameporomoka kwenye paa la nyumba.
roll up (verb), -zinga.
rolled up thing (e.g. sleeping-mat) (noun), kikuto (7/8), pl vikuto.
be rolled up (verb), -zongamana.
blue roller (bird) (noun), kiogajivu, pl viogajivu.
broad billed Roller (bird) (noun), jore (9/10), pl jore.
roller (noun), gabi.
roller (noun), gofia.
roller (noun), kiviringisho (7/8), pl viviringisho.
roller (noun), wenzo, pl nyezo.
roller (put under boat for launching) (noun), chao (9/10), pl chao.
naut. rolling (of a ship) (fig.)take a wrong direction, go the wrongway
(noun), mrama, pl mirama. roll. enda mrama.
rolling (act of) (noun), ufingirishaji.
rolling (of a ship) (noun), mleo, pl mileo.
rolling (of a ship) (noun), msuko, pl misuko.
rolling (of a ship) (noun), msukosuko, pl misukosuko.
rolling motion (noun), pl rolling motions, mrama (3/4), pl mirama.
Roman (adjective), -a kirumi.
Roman (adjective), rumi.
Roman (noun), Kirumi (7).
Roman (noun), Mruma, pl waruma.
Roman (noun), Mrumi, pl warumi.
construct a roof (verb), -paua. "the house is finished, but the roof has
not yet been constructed".. nyumba imekwisha lakini haijapauliwa.
covering a roof (act of) (noun), ezeko, pl maezeko.
remove roofing (grass or straw) (verb), -ezua.
roof (noun), dari.
roof (noun), pl roofs, paa (5/6), pl mapaa. (s)he picks leaves from the
roof of the chimney. yeye huchukuwa majani kutoka paa la jiko [Kez].
roof (a house) (verb), -vimba.
roof (of a flat-roofed clay or stone building). (noun), sakafu (9/10), pl
sakafu. a clay/stone roofed building. nyumba ya sakafu.
roof of metal (noun), bati (5/6), pl mabati.
roof of mouth (noun), kaakaa (5/6), pl makaakaa.
roof-tree (noun), kiamba, pl viamba.
roof-tree (noun), mwamba, pl miamba.
roofing tile (noun), kigae (7/8), pl vigae. the house is roofed with
tiles. nyumba iliezekwa kwa vigae [Sul].
sloping side of a thatch roof (noun), paa (5/6), pl mapaa.
roof-beam (noun), mkingiko (3/4), pl mikingiko.
roof-slate (noun), kigae (7/8), pl vigae.
roofer (noun), mwezekaji, pl weezekaji.
make room for (verb), -pisha (causative).
make room for (verb), -pitisha (causative).
make room for (verb), -sabili.
room (noun), nafasi.
room (noun), wasaa (11).
room (of a house) (noun), chumba, pl vyumba. bedroom. chumba cha
room, addition to a house (noun), ubati (11/10), pl bati.
roost (noun), kiota (7/8), pl viota.
comb of rooster (noun), kilemba (7/8), pl vilemba.
like roosters (noun), kijogoo, pl vijogoo.
rooster (noun), jimbi, pl majimbi.
rooster (noun), jogoo (5/6an), pl majogoo.
rooster (noun), jogoo, pl majogoo.
young rooster (noun), pora (5/6an), pl mapora.
medicinal root (of calumba) (noun), kaumwa (9/10), pl kaumwa.
pull up a root (phrase), -ng'oa mzizi. pull out the tooth. ng'oa jino.
root (noun), chanzo (7/8), pl vyanzo.
root (noun), mzizi, pl mizizi.
root (noun), pl roots, shina (5/6), pl mashina. the root of this tree is
short. Shina la mti huu ni fupi.
root (eaten during famine) (noun), ndiga, pl ndiga.
root (grammatical) (noun), asili, pl asili.
root of mfigili plant (noun), figili (9/10), pl figili.
root-fiber (noun), mzizi, pl mizizi.
rope (noun), kamba (9/10), pl kamba.
rope (noun), kamba.
rope (noun), sokoto (5/6), pl masokoto.
rope (noun), utari, pl tari.
rope (braided with strips of leaves) (noun), kambaa, pl makambaa.
rope (for leading an ox attached through nose) (noun), ujamu (14).
rope (made of baobab fibers and used by nursing mothers to support the
breasts) (noun), mchinjiko (3/4), pl michinjiko.
rope (made of plaited strips of leaves) (noun), ukambaa.
rope (strong piece of) (noun), ngoweo (9/10), pl ngoweo.
rope for attaching a yard (noun), hamarawi.
rope for hoisting a sail (noun), ayari (9/10), pl ayari.
rope of the front sail (noun), manjali.
rope-making tool (noun), tasi (9/10), pl tasi.
thin rope (for fastening sails to the yards) (noun), kajekaje.
tiller-rope (noun), mjari, pl mjari.
tiller-rope (noun), mjiari (3/4), pl mijiari.
one of the uprights of a frame for rope-making (supporting a cross-board)
(noun), jingi, pl majingi.
bead of rosary (noun), mzumai, pl mizumai.
rosary (noun), tasbihi (9/10), pl tasbihi. a prayer rosary. sala
rose (noun), wardi (5/6), pl mawardi.
rose (noun), waridi (5/6), pl mawaridi.
rose-apple tree (noun), mdarabi (3/4), pl midarabi.
rosebush (Rosa damascena)i (noun), mwaridi (3/4), pl maaridi.
roselle (noun), ufuta.
roster (noun), orodha ya majina (9/10), pl orodha za majina.
rostrum (noun), jukwaa, pl majukwaa.
be rotten (verb), -haribika.
dry rot (noun), koga (9/10), pl koga.
rot (verb), -oza. the fruits are rotten.. matunda yameoza.
rotate (verb), -betabeta.
rotate (verb), -zungua.
rotate (verb), -zunguka.
rotate (something) (verb), -zungusha.
rotation (noun), duru (9/10), pl duru.
rotation (noun), mazunguko, pl mazunguko.
rotation (noun), zingo, pl mazingo.
rotation (of crops) (noun), pl crop rotations, pangilio (5/6), pl
be rotten (verb), -tumburujika.
rotten (adjective), -bovu.
things that have become rotten (noun), mavunde (6).
rottenness (noun), kioza.
rottenness (noun), ubovu (14).
rotundity (noun), uviringo.
be rough (verb), -kacha.
be rough (verb), -kwaruza.
be rough (verb), -parua.
be rough (verb), -parura.
be rough (verb), -paruza.
be rough (of the sea) (verb), -chafua.
rough (adjective), chepe.
rough (adjective), -a kimashamba.
rough (adjective), korofi.
rough (adjective), -a mashamba.
rough (adjective), rafu. The team from K. played very unfairly.. timu
ya K ilicheza rafu sana.
rough (adjective), shupavu.
rough feeling (in the throat) (verb), -kereketa.
rough person (noun), jahili, pl majahili.
rough person (noun), mkumbizi, pl wakumbizi.
rough work (noun), mparuzo (3/4), pl miparuzo.
roughcast (verb), -tomea.
roughly (adverb), paruparu.
roughness (noun), jefule.
roughness (noun), ukorofi.
roughness (noun), usukumizi.
roughness (noun), uyabisi.
roughness (of the skin) (noun), virugu.
be round (verb), -viringana.
be round(ed) (verb), -viringana (reciprocal).
be rounded (verb), -viringa.
become round (verb), -biringa.
cause to go round (verb), -zungusha.
go round (verb), -duru. he has lost his mind. fig. akili zimemduru.
go round (verb), -epa.
go round and round (verb), -zungukazunguka.
make round (verb), -viringisha.
put round someone or something (verb), -zungushia ( appl-caus).
round (adjective), duara.
round (adjective), duwara, pl maduwara. the steering wheel is round.
usukani ni mduwara.
round (adjective), kiviringo. A ball is round.. mpira una umbo la
round (adjective), mduara.
round (adjective), mviringo. Geography experts say that the world is
round; A ball is round.. Wataalamu was jiografia husema kwamba eti dunia
ni mviringo [Masomo 416]; mpira una umbo la mviringo..
round (noun), mzungusho, pl mizungusho.
round (a corner) (verb), -zunguka.
round (of a sentry or policeperson) (noun), mazunguko, pl mazunguko.
round (of ammunition) (noun), ramia (9/10), pl ramia.
round off (verb), -viringisha.
round thing (noun), kiviringisho (7/8), pl viviringisho.
something round (noun), mviringano, pl miviringano. A ball is round..
round off (noun), chongoa.
round up (verb), -saka.
round-about (at intersection) (noun), kipulefti (9/10), pl kipulefti.
roundabout way (noun), ndia ya kuzunguka (9/10), pl ndia.
roundabout way (noun), njia ya kuzunguka (9/10), pl njia za kuzunguka.
roundness (noun), kiviringo, pl miviringo, viviringo.
roundness (noun), mbenuko, pl mibenuko.
roundness (noun), mbinu.
roundness (noun), mviringo, pl miviringo, viviringo.
roundness (noun), uviringo.
roundness (noun), uzingo.
roundness (noun), uzungo.
make the rounds (verb), -launi.
rounds (of police etc) (noun), mazingazinga, pl mazingazinga.
roundworm (noun), mnyoo, pl minyoo.
rouse (verb), -amsha.
rouse oneself (verb), -jikurupusha.
main route (noun), arteri.
main route (noun), ateri.
route (noun), mwendo, pl miendo.
route (noun), mwenendo, pl mienendo.
route (noun), ndia (9/10), pl ndia. "roundabout way, detour".. njia ya
route (noun), njia (9/10), pl njia. "roundabout way, detour".. njia ya
routine (noun), dasturi.
routine (noun), desturi (9/10), pl desturi.
arrange in rows (verb), -panga zefe.
arranging in a row on a string or stick etc.(act of) (noun), mtungo, pl
mitungo. a string of fish.. mtungo wa samaki.
be arranged in rows (verb), -pangana (reciprocal). A good street with
low houses arranged in rows.. mtaa mzuri wenye nyumba za chini
zilizopangana [Sul].
put in a row (verb), -tunga.
row (noun), mkururo (3/4), pl mikururo.
row (noun), pl rows, msafa (3/4), pl misafa.
row (noun), pl rows, mstari (3/4), pl mistari.
row (noun), msafa, pl masafu, misafa. row of mountains. safu ya
row (noun), pl rows, safu (9/10), pl safu. a row of people. safu ya
row (noun), pl rows, safusafu (9/10), pl safusafu.
row (noun), tandabelua (9/10), pl tandabelua.
row (noun), tanta (9/10), pl tanta.
row (noun), tantabelua (9/10), pl tantabelua.
row (noun), zefe.
row (of piled objects) (noun), rusu (9/10), pl rusu.
row (of stitching) (noun), bandi (5/6), pl mabandi.
row of plants (noun), mpando, pl mipando, mapando.
row of plants (noun), pando, pl mipando, mapando.
row of plants (noun), ngwe (9/10), pl ngwe.
set out in rows (verb), -sia.
rowlock (noun), kileti, pl vileti.
set up in rows or lines (verb), -pangilia.
royal (adjective), kifalme.
royally (adverb), kifalme.
royalty (noun), ufalme, pl falme.
rub (verb), -chua.
rub (verb), -fikicha.
rub (verb), -gwaraza.
rub (verb), -piga sulu.
rub (verb), -sua.
rub (verb), -sugua. to brush and rub the teeth also. napiga mswaki na
nasugua meno pia [Abd].
rub (verb), -piga sulu.
rub (with an aromatic substance) (verb), -singa.
rub each other (verb), -chuana.
rub off (verb), -pangusa.
rub on something (verb), -paruza.
rub something (verb), -chulia. pestle, grindstone. jiwe la kuchulia.
rub the gums of a child to encourage teething (verb), -nunuza.
rubber (noun), mpira (3/4), pl mipira.
rubber tree species (Acacia Verek) (noun), mkaka, pl mikaka.
rubber tree variety (Landolphia Kirkii) (noun), mkilungwana, pl
rubbing (act of) (noun), mpururo, pl mipururo.
rubbish (noun), dama.
rubbish (noun), fusi (5/6), pl mafusi.
rubbish (noun), maovyo.
rubbish (noun), mataka, pl mataka.
rubbish (noun), matakataka, pl matakataka.
rubbish (noun), mavi, pl mavi.
rubbish (noun), mkung'uto, pl mikung'uto.
rubbish (noun), taka (5/6), pl mataka.
rubbish (noun), takataka (5/6), pl matakataka.
rubbish (noun), tama (9/10), pl tama.
rubbish (noun), uhafifu.
rubbish heap (noun), jaa.
rubbish heap (noun), jalala.
rubbish-heap (noun), jaa (9/10), pl jaa.
rubble (noun), fusi (5/6), pl mafusi.
rubble (noun), saruji (9/10), pl saruji.
rubble (noun), seruji (5/6), pl maseruji.
ruby (noun), yakuti.
rudder (noun), kana (9/10), pl kana.
rudder (noun), uskani.
rudder (noun), usukani (11/10), pl sukani.
rudder (nautical) (noun), shikio (5/6), pl mashikio.
rudderblock (noun), fashini.
ruddle (noun), usukani.
be rude (verb), -mena.
be rude (verb), -parua.
be rude (verb), -parura.
be rude (verb), -paruza.
be rude (verb), -safihi.
be rude (verb), -safii.
rude (adjective), fidhulika.
rude (adjective), jeuri.
rude (adjective), -a kimashamba.
rude (adjective), nyeta.
rude (adjective), paruparu.
rude (adjective), safihi.
rude (adjective), safii.
rude (adjective), yabis.
rude (adjective), yabisi.
rude (noun), chepe, pl machepe.
rude person (noun), mfyozaji, pl wafyozaji.
rude person (noun), mfyozi, pl wafyozi.
rude person (noun), mkavu, pl wakavu.
rude person (noun), msafihi, pl wasafihi.
rude person (noun), msafii, pl wasafii.
rudely (adverb), juu kwa juu.
rudeness (noun), pl rudeness, tadi (9/10), pl tadi.
rudeness (noun), ujuvi.
rudeness (noun), usukumizi.
rudeness (noun), utadi.
rudeness (noun), uyabisi.
rue (noun), pakanga (9/10), pl pakanga.
ruffian (noun), mtoto kikopo, pl watoto vikopo.
ruffian (noun), mfidhuli, pl wafidhuli.
ruffian (noun), nduli.
be ruffled (verb), -timka (potential).
be ruffled (verb), -timka.
be ruffled (of feathers or hair) (verb), -titimka.
ruffled (noun), matimutimu, pl matimutimu. ruffled hair. matimutimu ya
rug (noun), zulia (5/6), pl mazulia.
woven rug (noun), jamvi (5/6), pl majamvi.
be ruined (verb), -haribika.
be ruined (verb), -korofika.
be utterly ruined (verb), -haribikiwa ( appl-pass-poten).
get ruined (verb), -chalala.
get ruined (verb), -charara.
ruin (noun), angamizi, pl maangamizi.
ruin (noun), anguko (5/6), pl maanguko.
ruin (noun), angusho (5/6), pl maangusho.
ruin (noun), ganjo (5/6), pl maganjo.
ruin (noun), gharika.
ruin (noun), kipukusa (7/8), pl vipukusa.
ruin (noun), maangamizi, pl maangamizi.
ruin (noun), magangao.
ruin (noun), magaogao.
ruin (noun), uangamizi (11/6), pl maangamizi.
ruin (noun), uvunjaji.
ruin (noun), uvunjifu.
ruin (noun), uvunjo.
ruin (noun), wozo.
ruin (verb), -angamiza.
ruin (verb), -angusha.
ruin (verb), -chafua.
ruin (verb), -filisi.
ruin (verb), -fisidi.
ruin (verb), -fuya.
ruin (verb), -haribisha.
ruin (verb), -haribu.
ruin (verb), -haribu.
ruin (verb), -hilikisha (causative).
ruin (verb), -komaza.
ruin (verb), -ozesha.
ruin (verb), -pekecha.
ruin (verb), -peketa.
ruin (verb), -pevusha.
ruin (verb), -pofua. ruin the eyes.. pofua macho.
ruin (verb), -popotoa.
ruin (verb), -pota.
ruin (verb), -poteza.
ruin (verb), -potoa.
ruin (verb), -rembua.
ruin (verb), -teketeza.
ruin (verb), -tekua.
ruin (verb), -tilifu.
ruin (verb), -tofoa.
ruin (verb), -tofua.
ruin (verb), -towesha.
ruin (verb), -ziza.
ruin oneself (by drinking, immoral behavior, etc.) (verb), -jipotoa.
ruin oneself with one's own hands (verb), -jipalia mkaa.
ruined (adjective), vunjifi.
ruination (noun), uvunjaji.
ruination (noun), uvunjifu.
ruination (noun), uvunjo.
be ruined (verb), -angamia.
be ruined (verb), -anguka.
be ruined (verb), -fukarika.
be ruined (verb), -haribika.
be ruined (verb), -potea.
be ruined (verb), -teketea.
be ruined (verb), -tota.
ruined (adjective), muflisi.
ruined (adjective), potoe. A ruined town. mji potoe.
ruined (adjective), potovu.
ruined person (noun), mfilisika, pl wafilisika.
ruinous (adjective), potevu.
one who ruins (noun), mbomoshi, pl wabomoshi.
one who ruins (noun), mwangamizi, pl waangamizi.
one who ruins something (noun), mwangushi, pl waangushi.
one who ruins something (noun), mwanguzi, pl waanguzi.
ruin(s) (noun), gofu (5/6), pl magofu.
ruins (of a house) (noun), bomoko (5/6), pl mabomoko.
as a rule (adverb), aghalabu.
as a rule (adverb), aghlabu.
as a rule (adverb), huwa.
be ruled (verb), -milikiwa.
be ruled (verb), -tawaliwa.
bureaucratic rule (noun), utawala wa kirasimu (14), pl tawala za
cause to rule (verb), -tawalisha.
cause to rule (verb), -tawaza (causative).
general staff rule (noun), kanuni kuu ya watumishi (9/10), pl kanuni kuu
za watumishi.
rule (noun), aenzi (9/10), pl aenzi.
rule (noun), amri, pl amri, maamri.
rule (noun), enzi (9/10), pl enzi.
rule (noun), ezi.
rule (noun), haddi.
rule (noun), kanuni (9/10), pl kanuni.
rule (noun), kanuni.
rule (noun), kawaida.
rule (noun), kutawala.
rule (noun), mamlaka (9/10), pl mamlaka.
rule (noun), mamlaka. self-government. mamlaka ya kujitawala.
rule (noun), matamalaki (6).
rule (noun), miliki.
rule (noun), milki.
rule (noun), ufalme (11/10), pl falme.
rule (noun), utawala (14).
rule (noun), utawala.
rule (noun), utwala.
rule (verb), -hukumu.
rule (verb), -miliki.
rule (verb), -tamalaki.
rule (verb), -tamalaki.
rule (verb), -tamalaki. the scent of what is being cooked and fried
filled the air. harufu za viungo na mikaangizo hutamalaki hewa [Muk].
rule (verb), -tamaleki.
rule (verb), -tawala.
rule by force (verb), -taraba.
ruler (noun), maliki.
ruler (noun), malki.
ruler (noun), mfalme (1/2), pl wafalme. The ruler of Mombasa killed the
Portuguese general by stabbing him and seized the Fort.. Mfalme wa
Mombasa alimuwa kwa kumchoma kisu jemadari wa Kireno na kuiteka Ngome
[Masomo 143].
ruler (noun), mstari, pl mistari.
ruler (noun), mtawala, pl watawala. The Europeans who were here, whether
they were rulers, missionaries or settlers, never made an effort to
understand Africans.. Wazungu waliokuwa hapa, wakiwa watawala, wahubiri
wa dini na masetla, hawakujitahidi kamwe kuwafahamu Waafrika [Kenyatta
Masomo 114].
ruler (noun), mtawalaji, pl watawalaji. "autocrat, absolute monarch"..
mtawala mmoja.
ruler (noun), mtawali, pl watawali. "autocrat, absolute monarch"..
mtawala mmoja.
ruler (noun), saidi (5/6an), pl masaidi.
ruler (noun), sayidi (5/6an), pl masayidi.
ruler (noun), shehe (5/6an), pl mashehe.
ruler (noun), sheikh (5/6an), pl masheikh.
ruler (noun), shekhe (5/6an), pl mashekhe.
ruler (noun), sheki (5/6an), pl masheki.
ruler (noun), sultani (5/6an), pl masultani.
ruler (measuring instrument) (noun), pl rulers, rula (5/6), pl marula.
rules (noun), masharti (6).
ruling (noun), utawala.
ruling (noun), utwala.
rumble (noun), fumi.
rumble (noun), mshindo, pl mishindo.
rumble (verb), -titima.
rumble (verb), -vuma.
rumble (indicating any loud deep sound) (verb), -nguruma. when the lion
roars, who can play about. angurumapo simba nani achezaye?.
rumble (of thunder or waterfall or drums etc) (verb), -rindima.
rumble (thunder) (verb), -vuma.
rumbling (noun), vumo (5/6), pl mavumo.
rumbling noise (noun), vumi.
distant rumbling (noun), pl distant rumblings, mtutumo (3/4), pl
rumbling (noun), kivumi (7/8), pl vivumi.
rumbling (noun), kivumo (7/8), pl vivumo.
rumbling (noun), mvuma, pl mivuma. The rumbling of the rain.. mvumo wa
rumbling (noun), mvumo, pl mivumo. The rumbling of the rain.. mvumo wa
rumbling (noun), kingurumo, pl vingurumo. the rumbling of thunder.
ngurumo ya radi.
rumbling (noun), ngurumo (9/10), pl ngurumo. the rumbling of thunder.
ngurumo ya radi.
rumbling noise (noun), uvumi.
rumbling noise (noun), uvumo, pl mavumo.
something causing a rumbling sound (noun), kitutumi, pl vitutumi.
ruminate (verb), -cheua.
ruminating (noun), cheu.
rumination (noun), matafuni, pl matafuni.
rumination (noun), matafuno, pl matafuno.
rummage (verb), -pekua.
rummage about (verb), -tifua.
rummage through (verb), -fukua mizizi.
be rumored (verb), -vumika.
rumor (noun), fununu (9/10), pl fununu.
rumor (noun), fununu.
rumor (noun), kivumi (7/8), pl vivumi.
rumor (noun), kivumo (7/8), pl vivumo.
rumor (noun), manong'onezo.
rumor (noun), manong'ono.
rumor (noun), mnong'ono (3/4), pl minong'ono. s/he gushed with rumors..
alifoka kwa mnong'ono [Mt].
rumor (noun), mnong'ono, pl minong'ono.
rumor (noun), msengenyo, pl misengenyo.
rumor (noun), mvuma, pl mivuma.
rumor (noun), mvumo, pl mivumo.
rumor (noun), nong'onong'o (5/6), pl manong'onong'o.
rumor (noun), tetesi (5/6), pl matetesi.
rumor (noun), unong'onezi.
rumor (noun), uvumi (14).
rumor (noun), uzushi.
rumor (noun), uzuzi.
rumor-spreading (noun), udaku.
rumor-spreading (noun), udakuzi.
start false rumors (verb), -buni.
rump (noun), chuno, pl viuno.
rump (noun), kiuno, pl viuno. exorcising of an evil spirit..
rumple (verb), -vungavunga.
rumple (verb), -vuruga.
rumple (verb), -vurugavuruga.
rumple (verb), -vuruma.
run (noun), masafa (6).
run (noun), mkondo (3/4), pl mikondo.
run (verb), -chiririka.
run (verb), -churura.
run (verb), -kimbia.
run (verb), -piga mbio.
run (verb), -piga mbio.
run (verb), -timka (potential).
run (a candidate for election) (verb), -simamisha (causative).
run (of animals) (verb), -timuka.
run (of animals) (verb), -titimka.
run across (someone or something) (verb), -kuta.
run after (verb), -kimbilia.
run away (verb), -bumburuka.
run away (verb), -churupuka.
run away (verb), -kimbia.
run away (verb), -toroka.
run away (from fear) (verb), -tapia.
run down (verb), -chururika.
run down (verb), -kebehi.
run errands (verb), -hemea.
run fast (verb), -chapua.
run into (verb), -pambana.
run out (verb), -tindika.
run over (of liquids) (verb), -foka.
run quickly back and forth (verb), -chacharika.
run quickly back and forth (verb), -chachatika.
run toward (verb), -kimbilia.
cause to run away (verb), -ponya (causative).
cause to run away (verb), -ponyesha (causative).
run away (verb), -pekua.
run away (from danger) (verb), -pona.
run off (noun), mtiririko (3/4), pl mitiririko.
run over (with a vehicle) (verb), -ponda. He was run over by an
automobile.. amepondwa na motokaa.
runaway (noun), barabara.
runaway (noun), mtoro (1/2), pl watoro.
rung (noun), pl rungs, pandio (5/6), pl mapandio.
rung (of a ladder) (noun), kipago (7/8), pl vipago.
rung (of ladder) (noun), kipandio (7/8), pl vipandio.
rung of a ladder (noun), kipawa, pl vipawa.
rung of ladder (noun), kidato (7/8), pl vidato.
rung of ladder (noun), ngazi (9/10), pl ngazi.
runner (noun), mkimbiaji (1/2), pl wakimbiaji.
running (noun), mbio (9/10), pl mbio.
running (act of) (noun), mbio.
running across (noun), mkuto (3/4), pl mikuto.
running across (act of) (noun), mkuto, pl mikuto.
runoff (election) (noun), yakama.
runt (noun), kibeti (7/8), pl vibeti.
rupee (noun), rupia (9/10), pl rupia.
rupture (noun), halafa.
in the rural areas (noun), mashambani (17).
rural (adjective), -a kimashamba.
rural manner (noun), kimashamba.
rural thing (noun), kimashamba (7/8), pl vimashamba.
ruse (noun), ubaramaki.
ruse (noun), ushetani (14).
rush (noun), hujuma (9/10), pl hujuma.
rush (noun), hujuuma (9/10), pl hujumaa.
rush (noun), kibeberu (7/8), pl vibeberu.
rush (noun), kikaka (7/8), pl vikaka.
rush (verb), -elemea.
rush (verb), -timka (potential).
rush (in working etc.) (noun), uzohari (14).
rush (of water) (noun), mkondo (3/4), pl mikondo.
rush out (verb), -titimka.
sudden rush (noun), mfoko, pl mifoko.
rush off (verb), -bumburuka.
rush off (verb), -kupuka.
rushed (verb), -kuhimizwa.
rushing water (noun), maji ya kimbizi.
Russia (noun), Urusi (17).
Russian (noun), Kirusi (7).
Russian person (noun), Mrusi, pl warusi.
rust (noun), kutu (9/10), pl kutu.
rustic (adjective), -a kimashamba.
rustic (adjective), kishamba.
rustic (adjective), -a mashamba.
rustic manners (noun), kishamba.
rustic person (noun), gumegume (5/6an), pl magumegume.
rustic speech (noun), kishamba.
rustic thing (noun), kimashamba (7/8), pl vimashamba.
make a rustling sound (in dry grass) (verb), -chakarisha.
make a rustling sound (in dry grass) (verb), -charakisha.
rustle (of grass when one walks through it) (verb), -chakacha, pl
rustling (noun), kivumi (7/8), pl vivumi.
rustling (noun), kivumo (7/8), pl vivumo.
rustling (noun), malizi (6).
rustling (noun), malizi.
rustling (noun), mchakacho, pl michakacho.
rustling (noun), mvuma, pl mivuma. The rustling of the rain.. mvumo wa
rustling (noun), mvumo, pl mivumo. The rustling of the rain.. mvumo wa
rustling (noun), uchakacho (14).
rustling sound (made by dry leaves) (noun), parakacha (9/10), pl
rut (noun), shimo (5/6), pl mashimo.
rut (left by something dragged over the ground) (noun), maburuzo, pl
rut (of animals) (noun), nyege (9/10), pl nyege.
rut (of animals) (noun), unyege.
rut (of animals) (noun), unyege.
ruthlessness (noun), salata (9).


sabotage (noun), hujuma (9/10), pl hujuma.

sabotage (noun), mgomo, pl migomo. go-slow. mgomo baridi.
sabotage (noun), uchafuzi.
sabotage (noun), ususaji.
sabotage (noun), ususiaji.
sabotage (verb), -hujumu.
sabotage (verb), -susa.
sabotage (verb), -susia.
saboteur (noun), mhujumu (1/2), pl wahujumu.
pol.sabotuer (noun), mchafuzi, pl wachafuzi.
grain-sack (made of matting) (noun), kanda, pl (-), makanda.
sack (noun), bahasha, pl bahasha, mabahasha.
sack (noun), begi.
sack (noun), gunia (5/6), pl magunia.
small sack of matting (noun), kifumba, pl vifumba.
woven sack (noun), peto (5/6), pl mapeto.
animal killed as a sacrifice (noun), mhanga (1/2), pl wahanga.
animal sacrifice (noun), kafara, pl makafara.
make a sacrifice (verb), -sadaki.
make a sacrifice to propitiate the spirits of the dead (verb), -tambika.
make sacrifices (verb), -adua.
rel. sacrifice (noun), madhabuha, pl madhabuha.
sacrifice (noun), dabiku, pl dabiku.
sacrifice (noun), edaha.
sacrifice (noun), kafara (5/6), pl makafara.
sacrifice (noun), mhanga, pl wahanga. The people with one purpose were
willing to sacrifice themselves.. Wananchi kwa nia moja wakawa radhi
kabisa kujitoa mhanga [Nyerere, Masomo 274]..
sacrifice (noun), paji (5/6), pl mapaji.
sacrifice (noun), sadaka (9/10), pl sadaka. let us go and offer
sacrifice at the place where offerings are made to the ancestors. Twende
tukatoe sadaka mzimuni.
sacrifice (verb), -dahi.
sacrifice (things or animals) (verb), -dhabihu.
sacrifice oneself (verb), -jitoa mhanga.
sacrifice oneself (verb), -jitolea (reflexive).
thing sacrificed (noun), madhabuha (9/10), pl madhabuha.
one who performs sacrifices (noun), mtambika, pl watambika.
one who performs sacrifices (noun), mtambikaji, pl watambikaji.
place where sacrifices are performed (noun), madhabahu, pl madhabahu.
rel. sacrilege (noun), makufuru.
sacrilege (noun), kufuru.
sacrilege (noun), ukafiri.
sacrilege (noun), ukufurru.
be sad (verb), -huzunika.
be sad (verb), -huzunika.
be sad (verb), -kukurika.
be saddened (verb), -huzunika.
be very sad (verb), -sononeka (intransitive).
feel sad (verb), -sikitika.
make sad (verb), -huzunisha.
sadden (verb), -huzunisha.
sadden (verb), -sikitikisha (causative).
sadden (verb), -sikitisha (causative).
saddle (noun), saruji (9/10), pl saruji.
saddle (noun), seruji (5/6), pl maseruji.
saddle oneself (verb), -jitwika (reflexive).
saddlebag (noun), horji.
saddlebag (noun), shogi (9/10), pl shogi. (s)he put her saddlebag on the
shoulders and left. Aliweka shogi lake begani na kuondoka.
saddlebag (noun), sogi (5/6), pl masogi.
saddlery (noun), tandiko (5/6), pl matandiko.
sadness (noun), ghamu (9/10), pl ghamu.
sadness (noun), huzuni (9/10), pl huzuni.
sadness (noun), jitimai.
sadness (noun), kibuhuti (7/8), pl vibuhuti.
sadness (noun), majonzi. be sad. fanya/ona majonzi.
sadness (noun), mayonzi. be sad. fanya/ona majonzi.
sadness (noun), msiba, pl misiba. be overcome by great sadness.. shikwa
[patwa] na msiba mkuu [ mkubwa].
sadness (noun), simanzi (9/10), pl simanzi.
sadness (noun), usononi.
sadness (noun), usununo.
be safe (verb), -sitirika.
be safe (verb), -stirika.
keep safe (verb), -sitirisha.
keep safe (verb), -stirisha.
make safe (verb), -jihadhari.
make safe (verb), -salimisha. Amina made the house safe because of the
thieves. Amina alisalimisha nyumba dhidi ya wezi.
safe (adjective), salaam. safe ending. mwisho salama..
safe (adjective), salama. safe ending. mwisho salama..
safe (adverb), usalimini.
safe (noun), sefu (9/10), pl sefu.
safe and sound (adjective), salaam.
safe and sound (adjective), salamu.
safe and sound (phrase), salama salimini. it has opened itself safely
and soundly. kishajifungua salama usalimini [Moh].
safe-keeping (noun), stakabadhi (9/10), pl stakabadhi.
safeguard (noun), hifadhi (9/10), pl hifadhi.
(quite) safely (adverb), salaam.
(quite) safely (adverb), salama. we are now living safely after the
thief was arrested. Tunaishi kwa salama sasa baada ya mwivi kushikwa.
safely (adverb), salimini. all the travellers arrived safely. Wasafiri
walifika salimini wote.
safety (noun), amani, pl amani.
safety (noun), salama (9).
safety (noun), usalama (14).
safety device (noun), kinga.
saffron (noun), zafarani.
saffron (noun), zafrani.
sag (as a branch) (verb), -nesa.
sag (of a tree branch etc) (verb), -nepa.
sagacious person (noun), mjuzi (1/2), pl wajuzi.
sagacity (noun), busara (9/10), pl busara.
sagacity (noun), nadhari, pl nadhari.
sagacity (noun), tabasuri (9/10), pl tabasuri.
sage (noun), mjuaji (1/2), pl wajuaji.
sagging (noun), mlegeo (3/4), pl milegeo.
sago (noun), sago (9/10), pl sago.
sago (noun), sagu (9/10), pl sagu.
be said (verb), -tolewa (passive).
be said of (verb), -ambiwa.
be said to (verb), -semeka.
be said to (verb), -semekana.
rope (sewed into the edge of a sail) (noun), dasi.
sail (noun), shira (9/10), pl shira.
sail (noun), pl sails, tanga (5/6), pl matanga.
sail (noun), tanga (5/6), pl matanga. set sail. tweka tanga.
set sail (phrase), -ng'oa tanga.
set sail (verb), -pandisha tanga.
small sail of a dhow (noun), galme.
sailboat (noun), mashua (9/10), pl mashua.
sailboat (type with long prow) (noun), pl sailboats, mtepe (3/4), pl
sailcloth (noun), turbali.
sailcloth (noun), turubai.
sailcloth (noun), turubali.
sailor (noun), baharia, pl mabaharia.
sailor (noun), mwanamaji (1/2), pl wanamaji.
rel. saint (noun), mtakatifu, pl watakatifu.
saint (adjective), takatifu.
saint (noun), walii (5/6an), pl mawalii.
saintly person (noun), sufii (9/10an), pl sufii.
for your sake (phrase), kwa kupenda kwako.
sake (noun), ajili (9/10), pl ajili.
sake of (preposition), minajili.
sal-ammoniac (noun), shazasi (9/10), pl shazasi.
salad (noun), saladi (9/10), pl saladi.
salary (noun), ijara (9/10), pl ijara.
salary (noun), kipato (7/8), pl vipato.
salary (noun), malipo (6).
salary (noun), pl salaries, mshahara (3/4), pl mishahara.
salary (noun), ujira (14).
salary scales (noun), viwango vya mishahara (8).
be for sale (verb), -uzanya.
be for sale (verb), -uzika.
hold a sale (verb), -nadi.
offer for public sale (verb), -nadi.
public sale (noun), lilam.
public sale (noun), lilamu.
sale (noun), mnada, pl minada. auction off.. piga (uza kwa) mnada
sale (noun), uguzi.
something thrown in with a sale (noun), turuhani (9/10), pl turuhani.
salesman (noun), muuzaji, pl wauzaji.
salesman (noun), mwuza, pl wauza.
salesman (noun), mwuzaji, pl wauzaji.
salesmanship (noun), uuzaji.
Salim (noun), Salim (1). His name is Salim. Jina lake ni Salim.
salinity (noun), chumvi.
salinity (noun), chunyu. saliferous earth. ardhi ina chunyu.
dribble of saliva (during sleep) (noun), dovuo.
saliva (noun), belaghami.
saliva (noun), belghamu.
saliva (noun), gole (5/6), pl magole.
saliva (noun), mate (6). The girl swallowed saliva.. Msichana alimeza
mate [Ganzel Masomo 167]..
saliva (noun), udelele (14).
saliva (noun), udende (14).
saliva (noun), ute (11/6), pl mate.
saliva (which flows from the mouth during sleep) (noun), madenda, pl
Epsom salts (noun), haluli.
rare salt (noun), munyu.
salt (noun), chumvi (9/10), pl chumvi.
saltpeter (noun), chora.
saltpeter (noun), chora.
saltpeter (noun), pl saltpepper, shura (9/10), pl shura.
(in salutation) ( l wish you) a long life (interjection), tahyati.
salutation (noun), jambo (5/6), pl mambo.
salutation (noun), maamkio, pl maamkio.
salutation (noun), maamkizi, pl maamkizi.
salutation (noun), salamu (9/10), pl salamu. give salutation. toa [pa]
salutation (of a letter) (noun), heshima (9/10), pl heshima.
salutation Good morning, etc. (noun), msalheri.
salutation of a letter (noun), pl salutations, salaam (9/10), pl salaam.
salutation used in letters (very formal) (noun), muhashamu.
salutation used in letters (very formal) (noun), muheshamu.
salutation used in letters to those whom one knows rather well but not
intimately (older friends or teachers or etc.) (noun), muhebi.
salutation used in letters to those whom one knows rather well but not
intimately (older friends or teachers or etc.) (noun), muhibu.
be saluted (verb), -salimiwa. the leader was saluted by the soldier(s).
Kiongozi alisalimiwa na askari.
salute (verb), -kongowea.
salute (verb), -pa salaam.
salute (verb), -toa salaam.
salute (verb), -pa salamu.
salute (verb), -toa salamu.
salute (verb), -salimia.
salute (verb), -salimu.
salute (verb), -saluti. take a salute. pokea saluti..
salute (verb), -wajihi.
rel. salvation (noun), makombozi.
salvation (noun), afu (9/10), pl afu.
salvation (noun), afua (9/10), pl afua.
salvation (noun), kimbilio, pl makimbilio.
salvation (noun), masamaha.
salvation (noun), masameho.
salvation (noun), msamaha, pl misamaha, masamaha.
salvation (noun), msamehe, pl misameha, masameha.
salvation (noun), salama (9).
salvation (noun), samaha (5/6), pl masamaha.
salvation (noun), ufidio.
salvation (noun), ufidiwa.
salvation (noun), ukomboleo.
salvation (noun), ukomboo.
salvation (noun), ukombozi.
salvation (noun), uokozi.
salvation (noun), wokofu.
salvation (noun), wokovu (14).
salvation (noun), wokozi.
salve (noun), mafuta.
salve (noun), makuru.
salve (noun), malhamu.
salve (noun), marahamu.
salve (noun), marhamu.
salve (noun), dawa ya kupaka (9/10), pl dawa za kupaka.
salver (noun), kibao, pl vikibao.
all the same (adverb), mamoja.
all the same (adverb), mamoja. whether you come or not is one and the
same thing.. ukija usije, kwangu ni mamoja.
at the same time (adverb), kadhalika.
at the same time (adverb), sare.
at the same time (adverb), sululu.
be the same (verb), -lingana.
be the same (verb), -wafiki.
be the same as (verb), -afiki.
in just the same way (abbreviation), v.h..
in just the same way (adverb), vivyo.
in the same place (adverb), palepale.
in the same way (adverb), vile.
in the same way (adverb), vilevile.
in the same way (adverb), vivi hivi.
just the same (adverb), sawa. do it just the same. fanya sawa.
one and the same (adverb), mamoja.
one and the same kind (noun), kumoja.
same as (adverb), shabaha. the fruit tree is the same as a mango.
mtunda shabaha embe..
same as (adverb), shabihi.
the same (adjective), sawa.
the same (adverb), sawasawa.
at the same time (adverb), bidhalika.
at the same time (adverb), dhalika.
sample (noun), kiolezo (7/8), pl violezo.
sample (noun), kionjo (7/8), pl vionjo.
sample (noun), mfano, pl mifano. for example.. kama mfano.
sample (noun), pl samples, ruwaza (9/10), pl ruwaza.
sample (noun), sampuli (9/10), pl sampuli. give me his/her sample to
see. Nipe sampuli yake nione.
sample (noun), tarakibu (9/10), pl tarakibu.
sampletest3 (prefix), sampletest3. this is not a valid dictionary entry.
sampletest (prefix), sampletest. this is not a valid dictionary entry.
test (prefix), test. this is not a valid dictionary entry.
sampling (noun), uonjaji.
be sanctified (verb), -takata.
sanctified (adjective), takatifu.
sanction (noun), idhini (9/10), pl idhini.
sanction (noun), uradhi.
sanction (verb), -idhini.
sanction (verb), -idhinisha.
sanction (verb), -saidia.
sanctity (noun), utakatifu.
fine sand (noun), tifu, pl matifu.
fine sand formed by waves beating on shore (noun), ufukwe (14).
grain of sand (noun), uchanga.
sand (noun), mchanga. grain of sand.. chembe ya mchanga [Rec].
sand (from sea-shore) (noun), kizingo (7/8), pl vizingo.
leather sandal (noun), ndala (9/10).
leather sandal (noun), ndara (9/10).
sandal (noun), kiatu, pl viatu.
sandal (noun), kubazi (5/6), pl makubazi.
sandal (noun), lapulapu.
sandal (noun), staka (9/10), pl staka.
leather sandals (decorated) (noun), makubadhi.
sandalwood (noun), sandali (9/10), pl sandali. sandalwood oil. mafuta
ya sandali.
sandalwood tree (noun), msandali, pl misandali.
variety of sandalwood (noun), liwa.
variety of sandalwood (noun), luva.
sandbank (noun), fungu (5/6), pl mafungu.
sandbank (noun), kipwa, pl vipwa.
sandbank (noun), makupwa.
sandbank (noun), vipwa.
sandfly (noun), usubi.
sandpaper (noun), pl sandpaper, msasa (3/4), pl misasa.
sandpaper (noun), pl sandpapers, mseja, pl waseja.
orinth. sandpiper (noun), kitwitwi, pl vitwitwi.
sandstorm (noun), kivumbi (7/8), pl vivumbi.
sandy (adverb), kichanga.
sap of a plant (noun), utomvu.
sticky sap of various plants used as birdlime or glue (noun), ulimbo.
sticky sap of various plants used as birdlime or glue (noun), urimbo.
sapling (noun), fido.
sapphire (noun), yakuti.
sarcasm (noun), kejeli (9/10), pl kejeli.
sarcasm (noun), kijembe (7/8), pl vijembe.
sarcasm (noun), salata (9).
be sarcastic (verb), -saliti.
be sarcastic with someone (verb), -piga vijembe mtu.
sarcastic (adjective), -kavu.
sarcastic (adjective), kavu.
sarcastic speech or remark (noun), mzomeo, pl mizomeo.
sardine (noun), daga, pl daga.
sardine (noun), dagaa, pl dagaa.
sash (noun), henzarani.
sash (noun), leso (9/10), pl leso, maleso.
sash (noun), mahazamu.
sash (noun), masombo, pl masoka.
sash (noun), mkumbuu (3/4), pl mikumbuu.
sash (noun), ukumbuo.
sash (noun), ukumbuu (11/10), pl kumbuu.
silk sash (noun), deuli.
sassy person (noun), mjuvi (1/2), pl wajuvi.
rel. satan (noun), maleuni.
Satan (noun), bilisi (9/10), pl bilisi.
Satan (noun), Ibilisi (1/2), pl Ibilisi.
satan (noun), ibilisi.
satan (noun), maluuni.
satan (noun), msengenyaji, pl wasengenyaji.
be sated (verb), -shakiri.
sate someone (verb), -shibisha.
be sated (verb), -shiba. will you be sated with this food?. utashiba
chakula hiki?.
rec. artificial satellite (noun), mwezi, pl miezi.
satellite (noun), kimwezi, pl vimwezi.
be satiated (verb), -kinai. he is satiated. amekinai.
satiate (verb), -kinaisha.
satiation (noun), shibe (9/10), pl shibe.
satiety (noun), ujalifu.
satiety (noun), ujalivu.
satiety (noun), ujazi.
satified (adjective), radhi.
satisfaction (noun), majilipio.
satisfaction (noun), majilipizi.
satisfaction (noun), majilipo.
satisfaction (noun), radhi (9/10), pl radhi. This arrangement does not
meet my satisfaction.. mpango huu mimi si radhi nao.
satisfaction (noun), ridhaa (9/10), pl ridhaa.
satisfaction (noun), shibe (9/10), pl shibe. the satisfaction of food
pleased him/her. Shibe ya chakula ilimfurahisha.
satisfaction (noun), ukinaifu.
satisfaction (noun), uradhi (14).
satisfaction (noun), uradhi.
satisfaction (noun), usuluhi.
satisfaction (noun), usuluhifu.
satisfaction (noun), utoshelezi (14).
self-satisfaction (noun), ukinaifu.
be satisfactory (verb), -tosha.
satisfactory (adjective), salaam. satisfactory ending. mwisho salama..
satisfactory (adjective), salama. satisfactory ending. mwisho salama..
be satisfied (verb), -kinai.
be satisfied (verb), -kinai. they ate until they were satisfied.
wamekula mpaka wamekinai.
be satisfied (verb), -ridhi.
be satisfied (verb), -ridhika (potential). (s)he was not satisfied even
with one of those regions. yeye hakuridhika hata na moja kati ya sehemu
hizo [Sul].
be satisfied (verb), -shiba. will you be satisfied with this food?.
utashiba chakula hiki?.
be satisfied (verb), -tulia.
be satisfied (of desires) (verb), -tamauka.
self-satisfied person (noun), mkinaifu (1/2), pl wakinaifu.
be satisfied (verb), -shakiri.
be satisfied (with) (verb), -tosheka (potential).
satisfy (verb), -afikanisha (causative).
satisfy (verb), -afiki.
satisfy (verb), -kidhi.
satisfy (verb), -kifia.
satisfy (verb), -kifu.
satisfy (verb), -kinaisha.
satisfy (verb), -radhi.
satisfy (verb), -radi. be struck by lightning. pigwa na radi.
satisfy (verb), -ridhi. I will satisfy your needs. nitakuridhi mahitaji
satisfy (verb), -ridhisha (causative). The only man who was able to take
on the life of Diana and to satisfy it. mwanamme pekee aliyepata
kuuchukua moyo wa Diana na kuuridhisha kabisa [Muk].
satisfy (verb), -taradhia. satisfy him/her. taradhia yeye.
satisfy (verb), -taradhia.
satisfy (verb), -timiliza ( appl-caus).
satisfy (verb), -tosheleza ( appl-caus).
satisfy (verb), -tua.
satisfy (hunger) (verb), -kuta.
satisfy a desire (verb), -kata tamani.
satisfy someone (verb), -shibisha.
be satisfying (verb), -shibisha. (s)he satisfied all the children with
nice food. Aliwashibisha watoto wote kwa chakula kizuri.
be saturated (verb), -loa.
be saturated (verb), -lowa.
saturate (verb), -sharabu.
Friday (noun), ijumaa (9/10), pl ijumaa.
Saturday (noun), Jumamosi (9/10), pl jumamosi.
Saturday (noun), Jumamosi.
Saturn (noun), Zahali.
Saturn (noun), zohali (9).
Saturn (noun), Zohari.
sauce (noun), mchuzi (3/4), pl michuzi. Take the meat out of the sauce..
Ondoa nyama katika mchuzi [Masomo 19].
sauce (noun), sosi (9/10), pl sosi.
saucer (noun), kisahani, pl visahani.
sausage tree (Datura metel) (noun), mvongonya, pl mivongonya.
sausage tree (Datura metel) (noun), mvungunya, pl mivungunya.
sausage tree (Datura metel) (noun), mwegea, pl miegea.
in a savage way (adverb), kishenzi.
savage (adjective), shenzi.
savage (noun), mshenzi.
savage person (noun), nduli, pl nduli.
savagery (noun), ushenzi.
savannah (noun), kiwara (7/8), pl viwara.
savannah (noun), mbuga (9/10), pl mbuga.
savannah (noun), mdambi.
savannah area (noun), pl savannah areas, msitu (3/4), pl misitu.
be saved (verb), -nusurika (potential).
be saved (verb), -okoka.
be saved (verb), -okolewa.
be saved (verb), -vuka.
save (verb), -afua.
save (verb), -weka akiba.
save (verb), -dunduliza.
save (verb), -futusha.
save (verb), -hifadhi.
save (verb), -komboa.
save (verb), -limbika.
save (verb), -okoa. underpants saved him/her. chupi ilimwokoa [Kez].
save (verb), -ponya (causative).
save (verb), -ponyesha (causative).
save (verb), -salimisha.
save (verb), -salimu.
save (verb), -samehe.
save (verb), -vua.
save (verb), -weka.
save (from difficulties) (verb), -opoa.
save (from something) (verb), -toa.
save from (verb), -tolea.
save oneself (verb), -jiponya.
saving (noun), kingojeo.
saving (noun), kingojezi.
saving (noun), kingojo.
saving (act of) (noun), kiokozi, pl viokozi.
be saved (verb), -pona.
be saved by (verb), -ponea.
be saved from something (verb), -tokea.
saved person (noun), mwongofu (1/2), pl waongofu.
what is saved does not spoil (phrase), akiba haiozi.
one who saves (noun), mwokozi, pl wakozi.
act of saving (noun), weko, pl maweko.
saving (noun), uokozi.
saving (noun), uponyi.
saving (noun), uwekaji, pl mawekaji.
saving (noun), wokozi.
bank (noun), benki (5/6), pl mabenki. postal savings bank. benki ya
akiba kwa njia ya posta.
savings (noun), akiba (9/10), pl akiba.
savings (noun), mlimbiko (3/4), pl milimbiko.
savings bond (noun), akiba ya wananchi (9/10), pl akiba za wananchi.
rare savior (noun), mvushaji, pl wavushaji.
rare savior (noun), mvushi, pl wavushi.
rel. Saviour (noun), mkombozi, pl mikombozi.
saviour (noun), mwokozi, pl wakozi.
savor (noun), kiburudisho, pl viburudisho.
crosscut saw (two-handed) (noun), jambeni.
cut (by sawing back and forth as with a dull knife) (verb), -keketa.
saw (noun), msumeno, pl misumeno. to saw.. piga [kata kwa] msumeno.
saw (verb), -keketa.
saw (verb), -kereza.
saw (verb), -shenga, pl shenga.
saw (cross-cut type used by 2 people) (noun), jambeni (9/10), pl jambeni.
saw (wood) (verb), -piga msumeno.
saw (wood) (verb), -piga msumeno.
saw away at something (verb), -chikicha.
saw off (verb), -chenga.
sawmill worker (noun), mpasua (1/2), pl wapasua.
be said (verb), -semwa.
say (verb), -amba.
say (verb), -arifu.
say (verb), -hubiri.
say (verb), -nena.
say (verb), -sema. Say! I beat you. Sema! nikupige.
say (verb), -taja.
say (verb), -tamka.
Say (exclamation introducing a statement) (interjection), ati!. "Say,
they tell me those people are strangers".. ~! yasemwa watu wale ni
say the wrong thing (phrase), -ponyoka maneno.
Well say something will you? (interjection), sema saa. Well, say
something, will you?. sema saa.
saying (noun), methali (9/10), pl methali.
saying (noun), pl sayings, msemo (3/4), pl misemo.
saying (noun), pl sayings, simo (9/10), pl simo.
saying (noun), usemi (11/10), pl semi.
scab (noun), gaga (5/6), pl magaga.
scab (noun), kigaga, pl vigaga.
scab (noun), kikoko, pl vikoko.
scab (itching and dry) (noun), mchochota (3/4), pl michochota.
scabbard (noun), uo, pl nyuo.
scabbard (for knife or sword) (noun), ala (9/10), pl ala (nyala, maala).
scabies (noun), upele (11/10), pl pele.
scaffold (noun), jukwaa, pl majukwaa.
scaffold(ing) (noun), jukwaa, pl majukwaa.
scaffolding (noun), dungu, pl madungu.
scaffolding (noun), jengo, pl majengo.
scaffolding (noun), jukwaa (5/6), pl majukwaa.
scaffolding (noun), kiunzi (7/8), pl viunzi.
scaffolding (noun), majengo.
scald oneself (verb), -chochota.
full scale (noun), kipimio halisi (7/8), pl vipimio halisi.
major scale (noun), skeli ya do (9/10), pl skeli.
minor scale (noun), skeli ya la (9/10), pl skeli.
scale (noun), cheo, pl vyeo.
scale (noun), kapani (9/10), pl kapani.
scale (i.e. musical) (noun), skeli (9/10), pl skeli.
scale (musical) (noun), ngazi ya noti (9/10), pl ngazi.
scale (to measure with) (noun), kipimio (7/8), pl vipimio.
scales (fish) (noun), gamba (5/6), pl magamba.
scales (noun), minzani. balance of forces. mizani ya nguvu.
scales (noun), mizani (9/10), pl mizani.
scales (noun), taraju (9/10), pl taraju.
scales (kind of) (noun), kapani.
scamp (noun), kitwana, pl vitwana.
scan (verb), -chuja.
scandal (noun), aibisho (5/6), pl maaibisho.
scandal (noun), aibu (9/10), pl aibu.
scandal (noun), chongelezo (5/6), pl machongelezo.
scandal (noun), fedheha (9/10), pl fedheha.
scandal-monger (noun), mmbea, pl wambea.
scandalmongering (noun), ubukuzi.
scandalmongering (noun), umbea.
scandalize (verb), -kwaza.
scandalmonger (noun), mbea, pl wabea.
scandalmonger (noun), mbukulia, pl wabukulia.
scandalmonger (noun), mbukuzi, pl wabukuzi.
scandalmonger (noun), mchongelezi, pl wachongezi.
scandalmonger (noun), mchongezi, pl wachongezi.
scandalmonger (noun), mchongezi, pl wachongezi.
scantiness (noun), uchache.
scantiness (noun), uchechefu.
scantiness (noun), uhaba.
scantiness (noun), uhafifu.
scanty (adjective), nyiminyimi.
scanty (adjective), nyimivu.
scapula (noun), kombe, pl kombe, makombe. atomic bomb..
scapula (noun), mtulinga, pl mitulinga.
scar (noun), athari, pl athari.
scar (noun), baka, pl mabaka.
scar (noun), kovu (9/10), pl kovu.
scar (noun), lengelenge (5/6), pl malengelenge.
scar (noun), mtembo, pl mitembo.
scar (noun), walio.
scar from burning (noun), chomo, pl machomo.
be scarce (verb), -adimika.
be scarce (verb), -ghalika.
be scarce (verb), -pungua.
scarce (adjective), adimu.
scarce (adjective), chache.
scarce (adjective), ghali.
scarce (adjective), haba.
scarce (adjective), nadra.
scarcely (adverb), chupuchupu.
scarcely (adverb), hivi hivi.
scarcity (noun), shida (9/10), pl shida.
scarcity (noun), uhaba (14).
be scared away (verb), -bumburuka.
scare (noun), kitisho (7/8), pl vitisho.
scare (noun), tisho (5/6), pl matisho.
scare (noun), utisho.
scare (noun), woga (14).
scare (verb), -ingua.
scare (verb), -ogofisha.
scare (verb), -ogofya.
scare (verb), -tisha.
scare (verb), -vumburusha.
scare away (verb), -furusha.
scare away (verb), -shunga.
colored scarf (worn by women) (noun), dusumali.
dark cotton material worn as a scarf or tied on the waist (noun), kaniki
(9/10), pl kaniki.
scarf (noun), kashida.
scarf (noun), leso (9/10), pl leso, maleso.
scarf (noun), ukumbuo.
scarf (noun), ukumbuu.
scarify (verb), -toja.
scarring over (of wounds) (noun), mgango, pl migango.
be scattered (verb), -mwagika (potential).
be scattered (verb), -tapanyika.
be scattered (verb), -tawanyika (intransitive).
be scattered (verb), -tawanywa. The workers were dispersed by the
police. Wafanya kazi walitawanywa na polisi.
be scattered about (verb), -sambaa. the animals scattered in the park
because of fearing the liion. Wanyama walisambaa mbugani kwa kumwogopa
be scattered about (verb), -tapakaa. (s)he was used to scattering
his/her sweepings. vumbi lake alizowea kulitapakaa [Moh].
be scattered over a large area (verb), -tandaa.
scatter (verb), -fumukana.
scatter (verb), -furusha.
scatter (verb), -mwaga. After the meeting the people scattered.. Baada
ya mkutano watu walimwagika.
scatter (verb), -tapakaa.
scatter (verb), -tawanya (transitive).
scatter (verb), -tawanyatawanya.
scatter (verb), -tokomeza.
scatter (verb), -tona.
scatter (verb), -towesha.
scatter about (verb), -tapanya.
scatter in various directions (verb), -tapanyikana.
be scattered (verb), -moma.
be scattered (verb), -mwaika (potential).
be scattered (verb), -poteana.
be scattered (verb), -tawanyishwa ( caus-pass).
scatterer (noun), pl scatterers, mtawanya (1/2), pl watawanya.
scattering (act of) (noun), mtawanyo, pl mitawanyo.
scattering(act of) (noun), tawanyiko, pl matawanyiko.
scavenger (noun), topas (5/6an), pl matopas.
scene (noun), mandhari (5/6), pl mandhari.
scene (noun), mandhari.
scent (noun), arufu, pl harufu.
scent (noun), harufu (9/10), pl harufu.
scent (noun), harufu.
scent (noun), marashi (9/10), pl marashi.
scent (noun), pl scents, mrashi (3/4), pl mirashi.
scent (noun), nukato (5/6), pl manukato.
scent (noun), uturi.
schadenfreude (noun), simango (5/6), pl masimango.
schadenfreude (noun), usimango, pl masimango.
head of the schedule (noun), pl heads of, mratibu (1/2), pl waratibu.
person in charge of schedule (noun), pl people in charge, mratibu (1/2),
pl waratibu.
schedule (noun), jedwali.
schedule (noun), orodha ya masomo (9/10), pl orodha za masomo.
schedule (noun), pl timetables, ratiba (9/10), pl ratiba.
schedule (verb), -ratibisha.
illegal scheme (slang) (noun), misheni (9/10), pl misheni.
scheme (noun), azima, pl maazima.
scheme (noun), azimio, pl maazimio.
scheme (noun), azma (9/10), pl azima.
scheme (noun), kawaida.
scheme (noun), maazimio (6).
scheme (noun), mpango (3/4), pl mipango.
schemer (noun), mteta, pl wateta.
schemer (noun), mtetaji, pl watetaji.
schemer (noun), mtetea, pl mtetea.
schemer (noun), mtetezi, pl watetezi.
schism (noun), mgawanyiko, pl migawanyiko.
scholar (noun), pl scholars, mtaalamu (1/2), pl wataalamu.
scholar (noun), mwalimu, pl walimu.
scholar (noun), mwanachuo (1/2), pl wanachuo.
school (noun), pl schools, chuo (7/8), pl vyuo. The school of liberation
came to liberate me.. Chuo cha ukombozi kikaja kunioka [Alamin Mazrui
"Chuo" 2].
school (noun), madarasa, pl madarasa.
school (noun), shule (9/10), pl shule.
school (noun), skuli (9/10), pl skuli.
school (verb), -somesha (causative).
school fee (noun), ada ya shule (9/10), pl ada za shule.
school of thought (noun), madhehebu (6).
be schooled (verb), -taalamu.
schooner (noun), barakinya.
medical science (noun), utibabi.
science (noun), elimu. agricultural science. elimu ya ukulima.
science (noun), maarifa, pl maarifa. linguistics. maarifa ya lugha.
science (noun), sayansi (9/10), pl sayansi.
science (noun), ujuizi.
science (noun), ujuzi.
scientist (noun), mtaalamu, pl wataalamu.
scientist (noun), mwalimu, pl walimu.
scimitar (noun), hanjari.
scimitar (curved sword) (noun), kitara (7/8), pl vitara.
pair of scissors (noun), makasi.
scissors (noun), mikasi (4).
scissors (pair of) (noun), mkasi, pl mikasi.
scissors (pair of) (noun), mkassi, pl mikassi.
sclerosis (noun), uzulufu (14).
scoffer (noun), mbishi, pl wabishi.
scold (verb), -atibu.
scold (verb), -gombeza.
scold (verb), -karipia.
scold (verb), -karipia.
scold (verb), -kemea.
scold (verb), -kemea.
scold (verb), -kemea (applicative).
scold (verb), -nyonyoa. S(he) scolds him/her as if s(he) will make
him/her mad. amnyonyowe kama atajitia wazimu [Moh].
scold (verb), -shutumu.
scold (verb), -unguza.
scold each other (verb), -semana.
scolding (noun), karipio (5/6), pl makaripio.
scolding (noun), karipio, pl makaripio.
scoop (noun), bambo (5/6), pl mabambo.
scoop (noun), kata (9/10), pl kata.
scoop (noun), ndoo.
scoop (noun), sila (9/10), pl sila.
scoop up carefully (verb), -danga.
motor scooter (noun), kijigari, pl vijigari.
scooter (noun), pikipiki (9/10), pl pikipiki.
scorch (verb), -unguza.
be scorched by fire (verb), -ungua.
scorching (adjective), kali.
scorching (act of) (noun), unguzo.
score (noun), bau, pl mibau.
score (noun), korija (9/10), pl korija.
score (verb), -tiringa.
score (figurative) (noun), bao, pl mabao (also mibao).
sport score (noun), mabao, pl mabao.
scoring (noun), uchale.
be scorned (verb), -shutumiwa.
scorn (noun), bezo (5/6), pl mabezo.
scorn (noun), darau.
scorn (noun), dhihaka (9/10), pl dhihaka.
scorn (noun), ufyozi (14).
scorn (noun), uvivu.
scorn (verb), -beja.
scorn (verb), -bera.
scorn (verb), -beua.
scorn (verb), -beza.
scorn (verb), -darau.
scorn (verb), -dharau.
scorn (verb), -dharaulia.
scorn (verb), -hakiri.
scorn (verb), -mena.
scorn (verb), -rahisi.
scorn (verb), -safihi.
scorn (verb), -shutumu.
scorn (verb), -tengura.
scorn (verb), -turufu.
treat someone with scorn (verb), -pekechekea.
treat someone with scorn (verb), -peketekea.
treat with scorn (verb), -geuka.
treat with scorn (verb), -safihi.
treat with scorn (verb), -safii.
scornful (adjective), fyozi.
scornful (adjective), peketevu.
scornful (adjective), pekutevu.
scornful expression used by women (interjection), yasini!.
scornful person (noun), mbezi (1/2), pl wabezi.
scorpion (noun), kisusuli (7/8), pl visusuli.
scorpion (noun), ng'ge (9/10an), pl ng'ge.
scorpion (noun), nge (9/10an), pl nge. He was biten by a scorpion one
day. siku moja aliumwa na nge [Kez].
You scoundrel! (interjection), kefu!.
interj.you scoundrel (noun), mshenzi.
scoundrel (noun), ajari (9/10an), pl ajari.
scoundrel (noun), ayari, pl ayari.
you scoundrel! (verb), chut!.
scour (verb), -kwangua.
scour (verb), -piga sulu.
scour (verb), -sugua.
scour (verb), -piga sulu.
scout (noun), mchunguzi, pl wachunguzi.
scout (noun), mdoea.
scout (noun), mdoezi.
scout (noun), mdoya.
scout (noun), mtunduizi, pl watunduizi.
scout (noun), skauti (5/6an), pl maskauti.
scowl (verb), -finya uso.
scrambled eggs (noun), kimanda, pl vimanda.
a scrap of cloth (cotton) (noun), tambaa (5/6), pl matambaa.
a scrap of cloth (cotton) (noun), tambara (5/6), pl matambara.
scrap (noun), kidiku, pl vidiku.
scrap (noun), kombo (5/6), pl makombo.
scrap (noun), taba (9/10), pl taba.
scrap (noun), tabu (9/10), pl tabu.
scrap (noun), tabutabu (9/10), pl tabutabu.
scrape (verb), -buburusha.
scrape (verb), -chakura.
scrape (verb), -dodosa.
scrape (verb), -kuna.
scrape (verb), -kwangua.
scrape (verb), -kwaruza.
scrape (verb), -para. His/her claws could scratch them. makucha yake
yangeliwapara [Ya].
scrape (verb), -parua.
scrape (verb), -parura.
scrape (verb), -puchua.
scrape (verb), -pujua. peel off the skin. pujua ngozi.
scrape (verb), -takua.
scrape (off) (verb), -paa. scale fish.. paa, magamba.
scrape (off) (verb), -para. scale fish.. paa, magamba.
scrape off (verb), -chuna.
scrape off (verb), -chunua.
scrape off (verb), -komba.
scrape off (verb), -pua. scrape off the bark of a tree.. pua magome ya
scrape off (verb), -puna. scrape off the bark of a tree.. puna magome
ya mti.
scrape out (verb), -komboa.
scrape the soil (verb), -fukulia ( appl-conv).
that which has been scraped off (noun), kuno, pl makuno.
scraper (noun), kombe, pl kombe.
scraper (noun), mkwaruzo, pl mikwaruzo.
scraper (noun), suguo (5/6), pl masuguo.
scraper (an implement) (noun), mpapuro, pl mipapuro.
scraper (tool for hollowing out mortars or dugout canoes etc.) (noun),
scraper (tool for hollowing out mortars or dugout canoes etc.) (noun),
product of scraping (noun), kuno, pl makuno.
scraping (noun), mpapuro (3/4), pl mipapuro.
scraping (noun), mparuro (3/4), pl miparuro.
scraping (noun), mparuzo (3/4), pl miparuzo.
scraping (act of) (noun), mkuno, pl mikuno.
scratch (noun), athari, pl athari.
scratch (noun), chale, pl machale.
scratch (noun), chanjo, pl machanjo.
scratch (noun), choro.
scratch (noun), mchakuro (3/4), pl michakuro.
scratch (noun), mchoro (3/4), pl michoro.
scratch (noun), mkwaruzo, pl mikwaruzo.
scratch (noun), mpapuro (3/4), pl mipapuro.
scratch (noun), mparuzo (3/4), pl miparuzo.
scratch (noun), pl scratches, mtai (3/4), pl mitai.
scratch (verb), -buburusha.
scratch (verb), -chora.
scratch (verb), -dodosa.
scratch (verb), -kereketa.
scratch (verb), -kuna.
scratch (verb), -kwaruza.
scratch (verb), -papura kwa makucha.
scratch (verb), -papua.
scratch (verb), -papura.
scratch (verb), -parua.
scratch (verb), -parura (converse). (s)he kicked, and got scratched.
alipiga mateke, akaparura [Ng].
scratch (verb), -puchua.
scratch (verb), -pujua. The child scratched its mother on noticing that
it was not going to be given milk. Mtoto alimpujua mama yake kuona
hatapewa maziwa.
scratch (verb), -takua. When chickens hunt for food they ordinarily
scratch the in the sand. kuku wanapotafuta chakula hutakua mchanga.
scratch (of animals) (verb), -papaua. scratch with claws/talons. papura
kwa makucha.
scratch (of hens) (verb), -pekua.
scratch (off) (verb), -paa.
scratch (off) (verb), -para.
scratch oneself (verb), -kunyua.
scratch oneself (verb), -jipuchua. strip off the grains of an ear of
maize.. pujua mahindi.
scratch oneself (verb), -jipujua. strip off the grains of an ear of
maize.. pujua mahindi.
scratch oneself (verb), -jipujua.
scratch oneself (verb), -nyea.
scratch out (verb), -komba.
scratch the ground (of fowl) (verb), -chakura.
scratch the ground (with the claws) (verb), -kwakura.
scratching (noun), mparuzo (3/4), pl miparuzo.
scratching (noun), uchale.
scratching (act of) (noun), mkuno, pl mikuno.
scratching (of horses) (noun), para (9/10), pl para.
scrawl (noun), chorochoro, pl machorochoro.
scrawl (noun), mchakuro (3/4), pl michakuro.
scrawl (noun), mpapuro, pl mipapuro.
scrawler (noun), mchorachora, pl wachorachora.
scrawling (noun), mchorochoro, pl michorochoro.
loud scream (noun), siaha (9/10), pl siaha.
scream (noun), kema.
scream (noun), kilio, pl vilio.
scream (noun), kiyowe (7/8), pl viyowe.
scream (noun), ukwenzi (11).
scream (noun), usiyahi (11/10), pl siyahi.
scream (verb), -piga kelele.
scream (verb), -piga kelele.
scream (for help) (noun), yowe (5/6), pl mayowe.
screaming (of a child) (noun), ulizi, pl malizi.
one who screams (noun), mlizi, pl walizi.
screen (noun), chanja, pl vichanja.
screen (noun), ficho, pl maficho.
screen (noun), kifuniko, pl vifuniko.
screen (noun), kigao, pl vigao.
screen (noun), kinga (9/10), pl kinga.
screen (noun), kingilizi (5/6), pl makingilizi.
screen (noun), kingo (5/6), pl makingilizi.
screen (noun), kingo (9/10), pl kinga.
screen (noun), kisetiri, pl visetiri.
screen (noun), pazia (5/6), pl mapazia. "recent, pol. smokescreen"..
pazia la moshi.
screen (noun), ukingo (11/10), pl kingo.
screen (verb), -chunga.
rare screw (noun), msomari, pl misomari.
rare screw (noun), msumari, pl misumari.
screw (noun), esi.
screw (noun), hesi.
screw (noun), majembe.
screw (noun), parafujo (9/10), pl parafugo.
screw (noun), pl screws, skrubu (9/10), pl skrubu.
screw (noun), skurubu (9/10), pl skurubu.
screw (of ship) (noun), panga (5/6), pl mapanga.
screw (of ship) (noun), rafardha (9/10), pl rafardha.
screw-driver (noun), bisbis.
screwdriver (noun), bisibisi (9/10), pl bisibisi.
screwdriver (noun), parafujo (9/10), pl parafugo.
scribble (noun), chorochoro, pl machorochoro.
scribble (noun), mchakuro (3/4), pl michakuro.
scribble (noun), mchoro (3/4), pl michoro.
scribble (noun), mpapuro, pl mipapuro.
scribble (verb), -chorachora.
scribbling (noun), mchorochoro, pl michorochoro.
scriber (noun), mahati (9/10), pl mahati.
scriber (noun), mahati.
script (noun), mwandiko, pl miandiko.
rel. Holy Scriptures (noun), maandiko, pl maandiko.
scriptures (noun), andiko, pl maandiko. Holy Scriptures. Maandiko
scrofula (noun), mlezi, pl milezi.
disease of the scrotum (orchistis or hernia etc) (noun), pumbo (5/6), pl
disease of the scrotum (orchistis or hernia etc) (noun), pumbu (5/6), pl
mapumbu. the old man has a disease of the scrotum. Mzee amekuwa na
scrotal hernia (noun), mshipa wa ngiri (3/4), pl mishipa ya ngiri.
scrotum (noun), kende, pl makende.
scrotum (noun), kende (5/6), pl makende.
scrotum (noun), korodani (9/10), pl korodani.
scrotum (noun), makoza.
scrotum (noun), pumbo (5/6), pl mapumbo. Grandfather suffered from a
disease of the scrotum. Babu aliugua ugonjwa wa pumbo.
scrotum (noun), pumbu (5/6), pl mapumbu.
swollen scrotum (noun), mshipa wa ngiri.
swollen scrotum (noun), mshipa wa ngiri (3/4), pl mishipa ya ngiri.
scrub (verb), -sugua.
be scrubbed (verb), -suguliwa.
scruple (noun), wasiwasi.
have scruples (verb), -shuku.
scruples (noun), kinyongo. a lover has no scruples. mpenzi hana
be scrutinized (verb), -chunguliwa.
scrutinize (verb), -chuja.
scrutinize (verb), -chunguza.
scrutinize (verb), -kumunta.
scrutinize (verb), -kung'uta.
scrutinize (verb), -tazamia.
careful scrutiny (noun), mchakuro, pl michakuro.
scuffle (noun), kakara.
scuffle (verb), -buburushana.
sculpt (verb), -chora.
sculptor (noun), mchonga sanamu (1/2), pl wachonga sanamu.
sculpture (noun), bombwe (5/6), pl mabombwe.
sculpture (noun), mchoro (3/4), pl michoro.
green scum (on stagnant water) (noun), ugozi.
scum (noun), povu (5/6), pl mapovu. wash the scum sticking on the limbs.
Safisha povu lilioganda katika bafu.
scum (noun), utando.
scum (noun), utandu.
bleeding of the gums from scurvy (noun), kiseyeye (7/8), pl viseyeye.
scythe (noun), pl scythes, mundu (3/4), pl miundu.
open sea (noun), baharini panapana.
sea (noun), bahari (9/10), pl bahari. navigation. safiri (ya) baharini.
sea (noun), uziwa.
sea level (noun), usawa wa bahari (14), pl usawa wa bahari. the pilot
said that the airplane is flying five thousand feet above sea level..
rubani amesema kwamba ndege inaruka futi elfu tano juu ya usawa wa
sea-porcupine (noun), chanui (9/10an), pl chanui.
mkule (kind of sea-fish) (noun), mkule, pl mikule.
sea-fish (kind with poisonous spines) (noun), mkonge.
sea-monster (noun), chinusi, pl machinusi. be eaten by the sea-monster
[i.e., drown]. liwa na chinusi.
sea-porcupine (noun), chani (9/10an), pl chani.
sea-turtle (noun), kala (9/10), pl kala.
seafish (species of) (noun), kijogoo, pl vijogoo.
seal (noun), mhuri, pl mihuri. to seal. tia muhuri.
seal (noun), muhuri, pl mihuri. to seal. tia muhuri.
seal (noun), nembo (9/10), pl nembo.
sealing-wax (noun), lakiri (9/10), pl lakiri.
heavy seam (in sewing) (noun), jongo, pl majongo.
seam (noun), kikunje, pl kikunjo.
seam (noun), kikunjo, pl kikunjo.
seam (noun), mialamu (9/10), pl mialamu.
seam (noun), mshono, pl mishono.
seam (noun), muungo, pl miuungo.
seam (noun), mwalamu, pl miwalamu.
seam (noun), mwungo, pl miungo.
seam (noun), shulu (5/6), pl mashulu.
seam (noun), shuru (5/6), pl mashuru.
seam (verb), -kunga.
seam (in a cloth) (noun), gongo (5/6), pl magongo.
strong seam (in sewing) (noun), jongo, pl majongo.
seaman (noun), baharia, pl mabaharia.
seaman (noun), mwanamaji, pl wanamaji.
seamanship (noun), ubaharia.
craft of a seamstress (noun), ushonaji.
craft of a seamstress (noun), ushoni.
occupation of a seamstress (noun), ushonaji.
occupation of a seamstress (noun), ushoni.
seamstress (female) (noun), pl seamstresses, mshonaji (1/2), pl
sear (verb), -unguza.
search (noun), pl searches, pekesheni (9/10), pl pekesheni.
search (noun), upekuzi.
search (noun), utaftishi.
search (noun), utafutaji.
search (noun), utafutishi.
search (verb), -fatiisha.
search (verb), -pekesheni.
search (verb), -saka. we have searched for him/her in every corner.
tumemsaka kila kipembe [Moh].
search (verb), -tadhibiri.
search (verb), -tadubiri.
search (verb), -tafuta.
search (verb), -vinjari.
search (diligent) (noun), mchakuro (3/4), pl michakuro.
search (for) (verb), -winda.
search diligently (verb), -chakura.
search diligently (verb), -pekua. (s)he is searching diligently in
his/her wardrobe.. anapekua katika kabati lake la nguo [Muk].
search diligently (verb), -pekuapekua.
search for (verb), -tarakanya.
search for (verb), -zengea.
search for food (verb), -hemea.
search for food (verb), -hemera.
search for something (verb), -rondea.
search out (verb), -duhushi.
search out (verb), -tafutia (applicative).
be searched (verb), -tafutwa.
one who searches (noun), mtafutaji, pl watafutaji.
searching (act of) (noun), upekuzi (14), pl upekuzi.
searchlight (noun), kurunzi (9/10), pl kurunzi.
searing (act of) (noun), unguzo.
seashore (noun), ufuko (11/10), pl fuko.
seasickness (noun), kichefuchefu.
cool season (noun), pl cool seasons, mrao (3/4), pl mirao.
dry season (noun), kiangazi (7/8), pl viangazi.
hot season (Dec. to Mar.) (noun), kaskazi (9/10), pl kaskazi.
hot season of the year (December-March) (noun), kaskazi.
season (noun), majira. the great rainy season/period. majira ya masika.
season (noun), msimu, pl misimu. now is the mango-harvesting season..
sasa ni msimu wa embe.
season (noun), musimu, pl misimu. now is the mango-harvesting season..
sasa ni msimu wa embe.
season (noun), wakati.
season (verb), -towelea.
season (food) (verb), -towea.
season (foods) (verb), -kolea.
season (of the southeast monsoon from August to October) (noun), demani.
season (of the year) (noun), pembe ya mwaka (9/10), pl pembe za mwaka.
season food (verb), -koleza.
season food (verb), -unga chakula.
the season of the lesser rains (noun), vuli (9/10), pl vuli.
seasoning (noun), andazi, pl maandazi.
seasoning (noun), kitoweo (7/8), pl vitoweo.
seasoning (noun), kiungo, pl viungo.
seasoning (noun), mchikicho (3/4), pl michikicho.
seasoning (sauce, salt, vinegar etc.) (noun), kiungo (7/8), pl viungo.
seasons (noun), majira (9/10), pl majira. this condition changes
according to the seasons.. hali hiyo hugeukageuka kufuata majira [Masomo
(in response to the greeting karibu! Come in!) Don't disturb yourself!
Keep your seat! (pronoun), Starehe!.
seat (noun), kiti (7/8), pl viti.
seat (noun), tako (5/6), pl matako.
seat (noun), ukao, pl makao.
seat (noun), utako.
seat (verb), -kalisha (causative).
seat (verb), -pangisha.
seat (of an automobile) (noun), sofa (9/10), pl sofa.
seaweed (noun), mwani (3/4), pl miani.
keep secluded (verb), -tawisha (causative).
be secluded (verb), -tawishwa ( caus-pass).
secluded (adjective), tawa.
secluded life (noun), tawasufi.
a person living in seclusion (noun), mtaawa, pl wataawa.
live in seclusion (verb), -tawa.
person living in seclusion (noun), mtawa, pl watawa.
ritual seclusion of a woman after the death of her husband or after
divorce (noun), eda, pl eda, maeda.
seclusion (noun), faragha (9/10), pl faragha.
seclusion (noun), feraga.
seclusion (noun), kitawa (9/10), pl kitawa.
seclusion (noun), upekee.
seclusion (noun), upweke.
seclusion (noun), usufii.
seclusion (esp. of women in Moslem households) (noun), utawa (14).
state of seclusion (of a widow after her husband's death) (noun), uzuka.
second (adjective), ingine.
second (adjective), pili.
second (of time) (noun), nukta (9/10), pl nukta.
second (unit of time) (noun), sekunde (9/10), pl sekunde.
second (unit of time) (noun), sekundi (9/10), pl sekundi.
secondary (school) (noun), pl secondary schools, sekondari (9/10), pl
sekondari. (s)he studies in a secondary school. Anasoma shule ya
secondly (adverb), ya pili. second. pili a pili.
secrecy (noun), faragha (9/10), pl faragha.
secrecy (noun), siri (9/10), pl siri.
in secret (adverb), kifichoficho.
keep secret (verb), -ficha.
keep secret (verb), -finika.
keep secret (verb), -fita.
keep secret (verb), -funika.
let someone in on a secret (verb), -nyenyeleza.
make a secret of (verb), -fumba.
one who makes a secret of something (noun), msetiri, pl wasetiri.
one who makes a secret of something (noun), msitiri, pl wasitiri.
one who makes a secret of something (noun), mstiri, pl wastiri.
secret (noun), feraga.
secret (noun), kisiri, pl visiri.
secret (noun), kunga (9/10), pl kunga.
secret (noun), neno siri (5/6), pl maneno.
secret (noun), siri (9/10), pl siri.
secret action (noun), penyaji (5/6), pl mapenyaji.
secret action (noun), penyezi (5/6), pl mapenyezi.
secret action (noun), upenyaji, pl mapenyaji, penyaji.
secret action (noun), upenyezi, pl mapenyezi, penyezi.
secret communication (noun), njama (9/10), pl njama.
secret dealings (noun), mafamba.
secret instruction given to male or female on growing up (noun), malango
secret language (noun), tambo (5/6), pl matambo.
secret language in which the final syllables of a word become the first
(noun), kilunzi.
secret matter (noun), penyenye (5/6), pl mapenyenye.
secret meeting place (noun), kona.
secret meeting-place (of medicine-men) (noun), kilinge, pl vilinge.
secret oneself (verb), -jisiri.
secrets of medicine men (noun), mirimo (4).
someone who makes a secret of his activities (noun), mfumba, pl wafumba.
someone who makes a secret of his activities (noun), mfumbaji, pl
tell something secretly (verb), -dokeza.
secret agent (noun), msiri, pl wasiri.
secretariat (noun), uendeshaji.
acting secretary (noun), katibu mtendaji (1/2), pl makatibu watendaji.
district secretary (of the party) (noun), katibu kata (9/10an), pl katibu
duties of a secretary (noun), ukatibu.
executive secretary (noun), katibu mtendaji (9/10an), pl katibu mtendaji.
secretary (noun), karani (1/2), pl makarani.
secretary (noun), karani, pl makarani.
secretary (noun), katibu (5/6an), pl makatibu.
secretary (noun), katibu, pl makatibu.
secretary (noun), mwandikaji, pl waandikaji.
secretary (noun), mwandiki, pl waandiki.
secretary (noun), mwandishi, pl waandishi. Secretary General..
mwandishi mkuu.
secretary (position of) (noun), ukatibu.
secretary (work of) (noun), ukarani.
secretary general (noun), katibu mkuu (1/2), pl makatibu wakuu.
secretary of state (noun), waziri.
secrete (verb), -siri.
secrete oneself (verb), -jisiri (reflexive).
secretely (adverb), ndani.
med. secretion (noun), maji.
secretion (noun), kinyaa (7/8), pl vinyaa.
secretive person (noun), mfichaji, pl wafichaji.
secretive person (noun), mfichifichi, pl wafichifichi.
secretively (adverb), kichinichini.
secretiveness (noun), kilinge, pl vilinge.
secretly (adverb), chini (kwa) chini.
secretly (adverb), kifisifisi.
secretly (adverb), kimoyomoyo.
secretly (adverb), kindanindani.
secretly (adverb), mang'ungumu.
secretly (adverb), kwa siri.
secret facts the revelation of which is injurious to a person (noun),
Badala (name of an Indian sect) (noun), pl further explanation might
help, Badala.
rel. sect (noun), madhehebu, pl madhehebu.
sect (noun), faraka.
sect (noun), farakano (5/6), pl mafarakano.
sect (noun), madhehebu (6).
sectarianism (noun), matengano, pl matengano.
section (noun), aria, pl aria.
section (noun), aya, pl aya.
section (noun), chamkano, pl machamkano.
section (noun), divisheni, pl madiwani.
section (noun), juzuu, pl majuzuu.
section (noun), kataa, pl (-), makataa.
section (noun), kato, pl makato.
section (noun), kifungu, pl vifungu.
section (noun), kikao, pl vikao.
section (noun), mkato (3/4), pl mikato.
section (noun), pande (5/6), pl mapande. In this section of the country
there are not coconuts.. pande hizi hatuna nazi.
section (noun), pandepande (5/6), pl mapandepande.
section (noun), pingili (9/10), pl pingili.
section (noun), pl sections, sehemu (9/10), pl sehemu. a section of the
book. sehemu ya kitabu.
section (noun), somo (5/6), pl masomo.
section (noun), kitawi, pl vitawi.
section (noun), tawi, pl matawi. A new branch of the party has been
started+M208. Tawi jipya la chama lafunguliwa.
section (noun), ubeti.
section (noun), upande (11/10), pl pande.
section (noun), utawi, pl tawi/matawi.
section (of a larger whole) (noun), baadhi, pl baadhi. The students are
divided into two sections. Wanafunzi wamegawanyika baadhi mbili.
territorial section (noun), kata (9/10), pl kata.
sections (noun), beti.
sector (noun), handaki.
sector (noun), pl sectors, sehemuduara (9/10), pl sehemuduara.
sector (of a circle) (noun), tao (5/6), pl matao.
make secure (verb), -thibitisha.
secure (adjective), sabiti.
secure (adjective), salama. this neighborhood is secure. Mtaa huu kuna
secure (adjective), thabiti.
secure (verb), -egesha.
secure (verb), -funga.
secure (verb), -hifadhi.
secure (verb), -pachika. fasten a knife-blade in the handle.. pachika
kisu kipinini.
secure (verb), -patia.
secure (verb), -sakamisha.
secure (verb), -unga.
securing (noun), kazo (5/6), pl makazo.
securing (noun), kazo, pl makazo.
securing (noun), mkazo, pl mikazo.
securing (noun), uimarisho.
security (noun), amana, pl amana.
security (noun), amani, pl amani.
security (noun), daraka, pl madaraka.
security (noun), dhamana. give security. weka dhamana.
security (noun), kafala.
security (noun), kudhamini.
security (noun), rahani (9/10), pl rahani. redeem a pledge. komboa
security (noun), rehani (9/10), pl rehani. redeem a pledge. komboa
security (noun), sahihi (9/10), pl sahihi.
security (noun), salaam (9/10), pl salaam.
security (noun), salama (9). security of the people. salama ya watu.
security (noun), uhakikisho.
security (noun), ulinzi (14), pl ulinzi.
security (noun), usalama (14).
security (noun), uthabiti (14), pl uthabiti.
security (verb), -weka rehani.
sedative (noun), tulizo, pl matulizo.
sedge (noun), mafunjo.
sediment (noun), mashapo.
sediment (noun), shapo (5/6), pl mashapo.
sediment (in water) (noun), fumbi (5/6), pl mafumbi.
sediment (in water) (noun), vumbi, pl mavumbi.
sediments (noun), mashapo (6).
sedition (noun), uchochezi.
seditious (adjective), halifu.
seduce (verb), -bemba.
seduce (verb), -fisidi.
seduce ( a woman) (verb), -tongoza.
be seduced (verb), -tongozwa.
seducer (noun), fisadi (5/6an), pl mafisadi.
seducer (noun), mbembe (1/2), pl wabembe.
seducer (noun), mbembelezi, pl wabembelezi.
seducer (noun), mbembezi, pl wabembezi.
seducer (noun), mpevushi, pl wapevushi.
seducer (noun), pl seducers, mshawishi (1/2), pl washawishi.
seducer (noun), mtongoza, pl watongoza.
seducer (noun), mtongozaji, pl watongozaji.
seducer (noun), pl seducers, mtongozi (1/2), pl watongozi.
seduction (noun), mshawasha (3/4), pl mishwasha.
seduction (noun), shonga (5/6), pl mashonga.
seduction (of a woman) (noun), utongozaji.
seduction (of a woman) (noun), utongozi.
be seductive (verb), -tamanisha. those French girls who lived in a
attractive, attracting and even seductive way. wale warembo wa Kifaransa
waliokaa kwa namna za kuvutia, kuvuta na hata kutamanisha [Muk].
seductive urge (phrase), majilio ya mshawasha.
cause to see (verb), -onya.
go to see (verb), -wajihi.
make see (verb), -onyesha.
permit to see (verb), -onya.
see (verb), -ona. "as I see it, in my opinion".. nionavyo.
see (verb), -shufu.
see (verb), -tazama.
see clearly (verb), -baini.
see clearly (verb), -bayini.
see each other (verb), -onana.
see off (by walking a short distance together) (verb), -sindikiza.
see oneself (verb), -jiona.
see unexpectedly in front of oneself (verb), -tokewa ( appl-pass).
see! (abbreviation), taz.
seed (noun), mbegu (9/10), pl mbegu. sow. panda mbegu.
seed (of pepper or coriander etc.) (noun), bizari.
seed (used as counter in games) (noun), pl seeds, solo (9/10), pl solo.
seed (used as counter in games) (noun), soro (9/10), pl soro.
seed of the bedani plant (noun), bedani.
seed of the bedani plant (noun), behedani.
seed of the castor-oil plant (noun), nyonyo (9/10), pl nyonyo.
seeds of several herbaceous plants (mtuu) (noun), tuu (9/10), pl tuu.
seeds of the mkombwe; used as counters in playing bao (noun), komwe, pl
seedling (noun), mche, pl miche.
seedling (noun), pl seedlings, pandikizo (5/6), pl mapandikizo.
seedlings (noun), mbiya (9/10), pl mbiya. v tranplant seeds. tiya
seeds of the mkombwe(used in a board game) (noun), mkombwe, pl mikombwe.
seeds of the mkombwe(used in a board game) (noun), mkomwe, pl mikomwe.
seeds used as marbles (noun), komwe (9/10), pl komwe.
seeing that (the condition being that) (noun), hali ya kuwa.
seeing that (conjunction), madhali.
seek (verb), -tafuta.
seek out (verb), -chagua.
seem (verb), -elekea. it seems that he will come. inaelekea kuwa
seem (verb), -onekana (potential).
be seen (verb), -onekana.
seepage (noun), chururu.
seeping (of water) (noun), mtiririko, pl mitiririko.
seesaw (noun), pembea (9/10), pl pembea. rocking chair. kiti cha
seethe (verb), -chemka.
seethe (verb), -chemuka.
seethe (verb), -wia.
seething (noun), chemko.
segment (noun), kitengwa (7/8), pl vitengwa.
segregate (verb), -bagua.
segregate (verb), -baidisha.
segregate (verb), -tawisha (causative).
segregation (noun), akali (9/10), pl akali.
segregation (noun), ubaguzi.
seige (noun), mazingiwa, pl mazingiwa.
seige (noun), mazingo, pl mazingo.
seige (noun), zingio, pl mazingio.
be seizable (verb), -kamatika.
be seized (verb), -kumbwa (passive).
be seized (verb), -shikwa. the thief was seized by the police. Mwivi
alishikwa na polisi.
be seized by (verb), -patwa. be seized by an illness. patwa ugonjwa.
seize (verb), -chopoa.
seize (verb), -daka. catch a ball. kudaka mpira [Rec].
seize (verb), -fumbata.
seize (verb), -guya.
seize (verb), -kabidhi.
seize (verb), -kamata.
seize (verb), -kamata.
seize (verb), -nasa.
seize (verb), -ng'ang'ama.
seize (verb), -shika. (s)he seized all the items. Alivishika vyombo
seize (verb), -takabadhi.
seize (verb), -teka.
seize (verb), -toza.
seize (verb), -twaa.
seize (verb), -vaa.
seize (by the throat) (verb), -koroweza. bend in a road..
seize the reins (verb), -shika hatamu.
be seized (verb), -kamatwa.
be seized (verb), -twaliwa.
be seized (verb), -twawa.
be seized by (verb), -anguka.
seizing (noun), udakaji.
seizure (noun), pindupindu (9/10), pl pindupindu.
seizure (noun), unyakuzi.
seizure (noun), unyang'anyi (14).
seizure (noun), upokonyaji.
seizure (noun), upokonyo.
make a selection (verb), -dondoa.
select (adjective), teule.
select (verb), -chagua.
select (verb), -chekecha.
select (verb), -chuja. The exam selects the students having the ability
to enter secondary [school].. Mtihani unachuja watoto wenye uwezo waingie
sekondari [Masomo 256].
select (verb), -hiari.
select (verb), -pambanua.
select (verb), -pembua.
select (verb), -teua.
select (by comparing) (verb), -fanidi.
be selected (verb), -teuliwa.
selected (adjective), -teuli.
selected (adjective), tolatola.
selecting (noun), upambanuzi.
selection (noun), dondoo (5/6), pl madondoo.
selection (noun), mchaguo, pl michaguo.
selection (noun), mteuo, pl miteuo.
selection (noun), uchaguo.
selection (noun), uchaguzi (14), pl uchaguzi.
selection (noun), uteuzi.
selectiveness (noun), uteuzi.
self (noun), mwenyewe, pl wenyewe. I have seen him myself.. mimi
mwenyewe nimemwona.
self (noun), nafsi (9/10). I myself.. nafsi yangu.
self (emphasizing identity) (adjective), enyewe. the man himself. mtu
self-abasement (noun), jinamizi, pl majinamizi.
self-abasement (noun), ujinamizi, pl majinamizi.
be self-absorbed (verb), -jifumba.
self-assurance (noun), rai (9/10), pl rai.
be self-assured (verb), -jijetea.
be self-centered (verb), -jifumba.
self-confidence (noun), uthubutifu.
self-contented (adjective), kinaifu.
self-contentedness (noun), kinaa.
self-contentedness (noun), kinaya.
exercise self-control (verb), -mudu.
self-control (noun), ubaridi.
self-criticism (noun), kujitowa makosa.
self-deception (noun), ghururi (5/6), pl maghururi.
self-defense (noun), ujihamu.
practice self-denial (verb), -jihinisha ( caus-refl).
self-government (noun), daraka, pl madaraka.
self-government (noun), ujitawala.
self-importance (adjective), makuu.
self-importance (noun), madaha, pl madaha. He is conceited. ana madaha.
in a self-possessed manner (adverb), tanda. Mrs Kocho stood in a self-
possessing manner. Biti Kocho alisimama tanda kabisa [Moh].
self-possessed (adjective), taratibu.
self-possession (noun), taratibu (9/10), pl taratibu.
self-praise (noun), majisifu.
self-reliance (noun), kujitegemea (15).
be self-reliant (verb), -jitegemea (reflexive).
have self-respect (verb), -jistahi.
self-respect (noun), ari (9/10), pl ari.
be self-sufficient (verb), -jitegemea (reflexive).
be self-sufficient (verb), -jitosheleza.
sell (verb), -chuuza.
sell (verb), -uza.
sell on the black market (verb), -langua.
sell to each other (adjective), uziana.
seller (noun), bazazi (5/6an), pl mabazazi.
seller (noun), muuzaji, pl wauzaji.
seller (noun), mwuza, pl wauza.
seller (noun), mwuzaji, pl wauzaji.
selling (business of) (noun), uuzaji.
phy. semen (noun), manii.
semen (noun), manii (6).
semen (noun), shahawa (9/10), pl shahawa.
rec.semester (noun), msimu, pl misimu.
rec.semester (noun), musimu, pl misimu.
semester (noun), pl semesters, muhula (3/4), pl mihula.
semi-circle (noun), nusuduara (9/10), pl nusuduara.
semicircle (noun), kizio (7/8), pl vizio.
semicircle (noun), zio (5/6), pl mazio.
semifinal (sports) (noun), semifainali (9/10), pl semifainali.
seminar (noun), semina (9/10), pl semina. the politics they continued to
get from different seminars there in the village. siasa [...]
waliyoendelea kupata katika semina tofauti hapo kijijini [Mun].
senator (noun), seneta (5/6an), pl maseneta. the Senator for the state
of Ohio. Seneta wa jimbo la Ohio.
be sent (verb), -pelekwa.
cause to send (verb), -pelekeza.
have someone send something (verb), -pelekeza.
send (verb), -fikiliza.
send (verb), -peleka.
send (verb), -posta.
send (verb), -tuma.
send (far) away (verb), -vurumiza.
send a letter (verb), -posta barua.
send ahead (verb), -kadamisha.
send away (verb), -likiza.
send away (verb), -ondosha.
send back (verb), -rudi.
send back (verb), -rudisha (causative). the child returned the money to
his/her mother. Mtoto alirudisha pesa kwa mama yake.
send off (verb), -safirisha.
send on a journey (verb), -safirisha.
send out (verb), -safirisha.
send something (verb), -wasilisha.
send something to someone (verb), -wasilishia.
send to (verb), -pelekea.
send to (verb), -postia.
send to school (verb), -somesha (causative).
sending off (noun), usafirisha.
sending off (noun), usafirishaji.
give someone a send-off (verb), -sindikiza.
sender (of a letter) (noun), mletaji, pl waletaji.
sending (act of) (noun), utume (14).
sending away (noun), mauko, pl mauko.
sending off (noun), mauko, pl mauko.
sending off (act of) (noun), utuma.
senility (noun), uzee.
senna (used as a purgative). (noun), sanamaki (9/10), pl sanamaki. senna
is a medicine for stomach upset. Sanamaki ni dawa ya tumbo chafu.
sensation (noun), kichocho (7/8), pl vichocho.
sensation (noun), kizushi (7/8), pl vizushi.
sensation (noun), kuona.
sensation (noun), maono.
sensation (noun), ono (5/6), pl maono.
sensation (noun), sikio (5/6), pl masikio.
sensation (noun), uvumi.
sensational (adjective), -a ndovu kumla mwanawe.
(good) sense is wealth (phrase), akili ni mali.
common sense (noun), hekima (9/10), pl hekima.
common sense (noun), nadhari, pl nadhari.
deep sense (noun), undani (14).
good sense (noun), busara (9/10), pl busara.
good sense (noun), nadhari.
sense (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili. "consider, reflect; Sense is
wealth (proverb)".. -fanya ~; ~ ni mali.
sense (noun), tabasuri (9/10), pl tabasuri.
sense (verb), -hisi.
sense (verb), -ona. feel joy (sorrow). ona furaha.
bring someone to his or her senses (verb), -zindusha.
lose one's senses (verb), -fumbama akili.
lose one's senses (verb), -potea akili.
lose one's senses (verb), -tekewa.
sensibility (noun), utu (14), pl utu.
sensible (adjective), ekevu.
sensible (adjective), elekevu.
sensible (adjective), -zingativu.
sensible person (noun), mzingatifu, pl wazingatifu.
sensible person (noun), mzingativu, pl wazingativu.
sensitive (adjective), ororo.
sensitiveness (noun), unyeti.
sensual person (noun), mkware, pl wakware.
sensuality (noun), ukware.
sensuous (male or female) (noun), mtiriri, pl watiriri.
be sent (verb), -tumwa (passive).
something sent by God (noun), manzili.
pass a sentence (verb), -pitisha hukumu. The sentence (s)he passed on
Yohana was cruel.. hukumu aliyopitisha Yohana ilikuwa ya kikatili [Ng].
sentence (noun), hukumu.
sentence (noun), kauli (9/10), pl kauli.
sentence (noun), pl sentences, sentensi (9/10), pl sentensi.
sentence (verb), pl Check verb form translations, -adhibisha.
sentence (verb), -adhibu.
sentence (verb), -hukumu.
sentence (verb), -hukumu.
sentence (verb), -zia.
sentence (jail) (noun), kifungo (7/8), pl vifungo.
sentiment (noun), hisia (9/10), pl hisia.
mil. sentry (noun), mlinda, pl walinda. one who watches over a planted
field (scares away birds, etc.).
mil. sentry (noun), mlindaji, pl walindaji. one who watches over a
planted field (scares away birds, etc.).
sentry (noun), mngoja (1/2), pl wangoja.
sentry (noun), zamu.
sentry post (noun), kingojeo.
sentry post (noun), kingojezi.
sentry post (noun), kingojo.
be separable (verb), -ungulika.
be separate (verb), -chanuka.
be separated (verb), -baguliwa.
one who separates himself from his family (noun), mfariki (1/2), pl
separate (adjective), mbali.
separate (verb), -achana (associative).
separate (verb), -ambua.
separate (verb), -bagua.
separate (verb), -baidisha.
separate (verb), -banua.
separate (verb), -chana.
separate (verb), -changanua.
separate (verb), -chuja.
separate (verb), -fumukana.
separate (verb), -gandua.
separate (verb), -kumunta.
separate (verb), -kung'uta.
separate (verb), -mamanua.
separate (verb), -pachua.
separate (verb), -pambanua.
separate (verb), -papatua.
separate (verb), -pepeta.
separate (verb), -pepetua.
separate (verb), -pepua.
separate (verb), -peta.
separate (verb), -tana.
separate (verb), -tenga.
separate (verb), -ungua.
separate from (verb), -fariki.
separate from one another (verb), -tengana.
separate grain from the chaff (verb), -puchua. separate maize grains
from the chaff. Puchua kisuke cha mahindi.
separate grain from the chaff (verb), -pujua. The farmers separated the
maize grains from the chaff after drying them in the sun. Wakulima
walipujua visuke vya mahindi baada ya kuyakausha juani.
be separated (verb), -achana (associative).
be separated (verb), -bagulika.
be separated (verb), -baidi.
be separated (verb), -bokoka.
be separated (verb), -poteana.
be separated (verb), -tengwa.
be separated from each other (verb), -tindikana.
separated person (noun), pl separated people, mtengwa (1/2), pl watengwa.
separated thing (noun), kitengwa (7/8), pl vitengwa.
go separately (verb), -enda mbago.
one who separates (himself from the community), solitary person, recluse
(noun), mtenga, pl watenga.
one who separates himself from his home and relatives (noun), mfaraka, pl
one who separates himself from his home and relatives (noun), mfariki, pl
separating (act of) (noun), mtengo, pl mitengo. "dismissal, discharge
(from a position/job)".. mtengo katika kazi.
separation (noun), chamkano (5/6), pl machamkano.
separation (noun), faraka (9/10), pl faraka.
separation (noun), farakano (5/6), pl mafarakano.
separation (noun), fumukano, pl mafumukano.
separation (noun), mpanda, pl mapanda ; mipanda.
separation (noun), panda (9/10), pl panda.
separation (noun), utengano (14).
separation (noun), utengo, pl matengo.
pol.separatism (noun), mtengano, pl mitengano.
pol. separatist (noun), mtenga, pl watenga.
something spherical (noun), mviringano, pl miviringano. A ball is
sepia (noun), mkizi, pl mikizi.
sepia (noun), wino wa ngisi.
sepia (noun), wino wa ngisi.
septagon (noun), pl septagons, pembesaba (9/10), pl pembesaba.
September (noun), Septemba. we shall visit Africa during the month of
September. Mwezi wa Septemba tutasafiri Afrika.
sequel (noun), tokeo (5/6), pl matokeo.
sequence (noun), andamano, pl maandamano.
sequence (noun), andamizi, pl maandamizi.
sequence (noun), mara.
sequence (noun), mfuatano (3/4), pl mifuatano.
sequence (noun), mfulizo (3/4), pl mifululizo.
sequence (noun), msururu (3/4), pl misururu.
sequence (noun), pangilio (5/6), pl mapangilio.
sequence (noun), uandamizi, pl maandamizi.
sequence (noun), ufuatano (14).
be serene (verb), -kunjuka (potential).
serene (adjective), kunjufu.
serenity (noun), makini (6).
serenity (noun), starehe (9/10), pl starehe.
serf (noun), nokoa (5/6an), pl manokoa.
sergeant (noun), bishaushi, pl mabishaushi.
sergeant (noun), sajin (5/6an), pl masajin.
sergeant major (noun), soli (9/10an), pl soli.
series (noun), andamano, pl maandamano.
series (noun), andamizi, pl maandamizi.
series (noun), kifuasi, pl vifuasi.
series (noun), pl mus. melody, mafuatano.
series (noun), mara.
series (noun), mfuatano (3/4), pl mifuatano.
series (noun), mfulilizo, pl mifulilizo. a range of mountains..
mfululizo wa milima.
series (noun), mfulizo (3/4), pl mifululizo.
series (noun), mfululizo (3/4), pl mifululizo.
series (noun), mifululizo, pl mifululizo. a range of mountains..
mfululizo wa milima.
series (noun), msafa, pl masafu, misafa. series of mountains. safu ya
series (noun), safu (9/10), pl safu. series of trees. safu ya milima..
series (noun), pl series, safusafu (9/10), pl safusafu.
series (noun), utungo.
serious (adjective), mahututi. a serious illness. ugonjwa mahututi.
serious (adjective), zito.
not to take seriously (verb), -puuza.
seriousness (noun), jadi (9/10), pl jadi.
seriousness (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu.
funeral sermon (noun), hitima.
sermon (noun), hotuba (9/10), pl hotuba.
sermon (noun), hubiri, pl mahubiri.
sermon (noun), hubiri (5/6), pl hubiri.
sermon (noun), hutuba.
sermon (noun), mawaidha (9/10), pl mawaidha.
sermon (noun), waadhi (9/10), pl nyaadhi.
sermon (noun), widhaa, pl mawidhaa.
serpent (noun), joka (5/6), pl majoka.
serrated (adjective), kipembe.
serval (noun), ngawa (9/10an), pl ngawa.
activity of a house-servant (noun), uboi.
fellow servant (noun), mjoli (1/2), pl wajoli.
female servant (who lives as a concubine with her master) (noun), suria
(5/6an), pl masuria.
function of a house-servant (noun), uboi.
house-servant (noun), boi, pl maboi.
paid domestic servant (noun), mtumi, pl watumi.
paid domestic servant (noun), pl ., mtumishi, pl watumishi. Come
quickly! His wife has been killed and his servant has been very badly
wounded. Njoo haraka. Mkewe ameuawa na mtumishi wake amejeruhiwa vibaya
kabisa [Ganzel Masomo 166].
position of a servant (noun), utumishi.
servant (noun), abd (9/10an), pl abd.
servant (noun), hadimu (5/6), pl mahadimu.
servant (noun), mhudumu (1/2), pl wahudumu.
servant (noun), tume.
servant (who sets the table) (noun), mwandazi, pl waandazi.
servant performing dirty work (noun), chokora, pl machokora.
servant performing dirty work (noun), chotara, pl machotara.
work of servant (noun), uboi (14).
be served (verb), -wekewa ( appl-pass).
cause to serve (verb), -abudisha (causative).
serve (verb), pl Yes, -abudu. Serve God.. abudu Mungu.
serve (verb), -hudumia.
serve (verb), -hudumu.
serve (verb), -pakua chakula.
serve (verb), -tumikia.
serve (eg food) (verb), -andalia.
serve a meal (verb), -andika.
serve food (verb), -pakua.
serve food (verb), -pakuwa.
one who serves (noun), mtumi, pl watumi. fireman (on a locomotive).
mtumishi wa moto.
one who serves (noun), mtumishi, pl watumishi. fireman (on a
locomotive). mtumishi wa moto.
rare one who serves food (noun), mpakuzi, pl wapakuzi.
At your service! (interjection), abe.
At your service! (interjection), bee.
at your service! (formerly used by slaves) (interjection), ebee.
be on service (verb), -tumwa (passive).
broadcast service (noun), idhaa (9/10), pl idhaa.
compulsory military service (noun), shogoa (9/10), pl shogoa.
detached service (noun), misheni (9/10). missionary school. skuli ya
forced service (noun), utumwa (14).
military service (noun), uaskari.
religious service (noun), maabudu.
religious service (noun), utumishi.
service (noun), hadima (5/6), pl mahadima.
service (noun), huduma (9/10), pl huduma.
service (noun), huduma.
service (noun), ibada (9/10), pl ibada.
service (noun), kitumwa (7/8), pl vitumwa.
service (noun), matumishi, pl matumishi.
service (noun), utumishi (14).
service (noun), utumizi (11/6), pl matumizi.
service (military) (noun), kazi.
serviceman (noun), mwanajeshi, pl wanajeshi.
servile (adjective), nyenyekevu.
servilely (adverb), kitumwa.
servility (noun), kitumwa (7/8), pl vitumwa.
servility (noun), mnyenyekeo, pl minyenyekeo.
servility (noun), unyenyekeo.
servility (noun), unyenyekevu.
servility (noun), urai.
servility (noun), utambazi.
servility (noun), utii.
servility (noun), utiifu.
serving (of food) (noun), mlo (3/4), pl milo. It is eaten with a serving
of any type of food made from grain.. Huliwa na mlo wa aina yo yote ya
nafaka [Masomo 16].
serving (of food) (noun), upakuzi.
serving( of food) (noun), maandiko, pl maandiko.
servitude (noun), uja.
servitude (noun), utumwa.
sesame (noun), pl sesame, semsem (9/10), pl semsem.
sesame (noun), simsim (9/10), pl simsim.
sesame (noun), ufuta (11).
session (noun), kikao (7/8), pl vikao.
session (noun), mkutano, pl mikutano. press conference; the current
session of the OAU.. mkutano wa waandishi/wanagazeti [Rec]; mkutano wa
sasa wa OAU [Masomo 325].
be set apart (verb), -tengwa.
be set aside for (verb), -tengewa.
be set off (of a trap) (verb), -teguka.
be set out (verb), -pangwa.
be well set (verb), -shupaa. then I saw someone well set. mara pale
nilimwona mtu kashupaashupaa [Abd], mikono imeshupaa kwa kupika chai
ofisini [Ya].
set (noun), mkusanyiko, pl mikusanyiko.
set (noun), pl sets, seti (9/10), pl seti.
set (verb), -weka.
set (verb), -zatiti.
set (a clock) (verb), -rakibisha.
set (a clock) (verb), -rekibisha.
set (esp. of the sun) (verb), pl The sun will SET at seven o'clock
tonight., -tua.
set (of mortar, etc.) (verb), -shikamana.
set (of something) (noun), seti (9/10), pl seti. (s)he bought a set of
household utensils. Alinunua seti ya vyombo vya nyumba.
set (of the sun) (verb), -twa.
set (reduce) a broken or dislocated arm or leg (verb), -gutua.
set (sun) (verb), -chwa.
set a record (verb), -weka rekodi.
set a record (verb), -weka rikodi.
set a table (verb), -pambia.
set apart (verb), -tenga.
set free from a spell (verb), -zindua.
set in (verb), -jiri.
set in order (verb), -andika.
set into (verb), -tia.
set one's heart on (verb), -tunuka.
set up (verb), -baathi.
set up (verb), -buathi.
set up (verb), -ondoka.
things belonging together (in a set etc.) (noun), jozi, pl (-, majozi).
cause to set about (something) (verb), -anzisha.
set about (something) (verb), -anza.
never set foot in the house again (phrase), -one paa nyumba. Never set
foot in my house. nyumba yangu muione paa [Moh].
set free (verb), -namua.
set out (plants) (verb), -pangilia.
be set up (verb), -simamishwa.
set up (verb), -kweza (causative).
set up (verb), -panga. set up camp.. panga kambi.
set up (verb), -simamika (intransitive).
set up (verb), -simika (intransitive).
set-square (noun), kiguni (7/8), pl viguni.
Seth (noun), pl proper name, Sefu (1).
setting of sun (noun), mshuko (3/4), pl mishuko.
cause to settle (verb), -tua.
make a settlement (verb), -afikana (associative).
make a settlement (verb), -afikiana (associative).
settle (verb), -kaa.
settle (verb), -tengeneza (causative).
settle (verb), -tuliza (causative).
settle (a debt) (verb), -sabidi.
settle (e.g. of water in a hole) (verb), -tundama.
settle (in a certain place) (verb), -lowela.
settle a dispute (verb), -amua.
settle accounts (with each other) (verb), -katiana.
settle an account with someone (verb), -hesabia.
settle down (verb), -sakini.
settle down (verb), -tuama.
settle down (verb), -tulia.
settle down after upheaval (verb), -tengemana.
settle down together (verb), -tuana.
settle in a place (verb), -sakini.
settling down (noun), utengamano.
settling down after upheaval (noun), utengemano (14).
be settled (verb), -tengenea.
lead a settled existence (verb), -tuama.
final settlement (noun), mkataa (3/4), pl mikataa.
make a settlement (verb), -katibiana.
settlement (noun), afikiano (5/6), pl maafikiano.
settlement (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
settlement (noun), maafikano, pl maafikano.
settlement (noun), maafikiano, pl maafikiano.
settlement (noun), makani.
settlement (noun), makao (6).
settlement (noun), makazi (6).
settlement (noun), makazi.
settlement (noun), mapatano.
settlement (noun), masikani.
settlement (noun), maskani.
settlement (noun), mji (3/4), pl miji.
settlement (noun), mkataba (3/4), pl mikataba.
settlement (noun), patano (5/6), pl mapatano. arrange a settlement..
fanya mapatano.
settlement (noun), upatano.
settlement (verb), -hesabu.
settlement (final) (noun), makataa.
settlement (of accounts) (noun), ukadiri.
settlement (of accounts) (noun), ukadirifu.
settlement area for Africans (during colonialism) (noun), lokeshen, pl
European settler (noun), kaburu, pl makaburu.
settler (noun), kaburu (5/6), pl makaburu.
settler (noun), mlowezi (1/2), pl walowezi. The evil settler government
denied us justice.. Serikali mbaya ya walowezi ilitunyimba haki [Kenyatta
Masomo 116].
settler (noun), setla (5/6an), pl masetla.
seven (adjective), saba. seventh. saba a saba.
seven (noun), fungate.
sevens (in a pack of playing-cards) (noun), pl sevens, seti (9/10), pl
seventeen (adjective), kumi na saba.
seventeen (adjective), sabatashara. The teacher will arrive on the 17th.
Mwalimu atafika terehe sabatashara.
seventeen (noun), kumi na saba.
seventy (adjective), sabaini. John has seventy years. John ana miaka
seventy (adjective), sabini. give me seventy dollars. Nipe dola sabini.
several (adjective), kadha.
several (adjective), kadha.
several (adverb), kadhaa.
severe (adjective), gumu.
severe (adjective), -kali.
severe (adjective), kali.
severe (adjective), -zito.
severity (noun), chuma, pl vyama.
severity (noun), makali.
severity (noun), ugumu.
severity (noun), ukali.
severity (noun), ukalifu.
severity (noun), uzito.
sew (verb), -sheleli.
sew (verb), -shona.
sew (verb), -shulu.
sew (verb), -shuru.
sew for (verb), -shonea.
sew together (verb), -fuma.
sewing machine (noun), pl sewing machines, cherehani (5/6), pl
macherehani. machine sewn work. kazi ya cherehani.
sewing machine repairman (noun), fundi cherehani (5/6an), pl mafundi
sewer (noun), feleji, pl mafeleji.
sewer (noun), fereji, pl mafereji.
sewer (noun), mfeleji, pl mifeleji. irrigation channels.. mifereji ya
kutilia maji.
sewer (noun), mfereji, pl mifereji. irrigation channels.. mifereji ya
kutilia maji.
sewing (noun), mashono (6).
sewing (noun), mashono. modern dresses. mashono mapya.
sewing (noun), mshono (3/4), pl mishono.
sewing (noun), ushonaji.
sewing (noun), ushoni.
sewing (act of) (noun), shoni (5/6), pl mashoni.
sewing (act of) (noun), shono (5/6), pl mashono.
sewing (method of) (noun), ushono.
sewing (type of) (noun), ushono (11/6), pl mashono.
sewing equipment (noun), shoni (5/6), pl mashoni.
sewing equipment (noun), shono (5/6), pl mashono.
style of sewing (noun), ushono.
be sewn (verb), -shonwa.
have sewn (verb), -shonesha.
one who sews (noun), mshona, pl washona. "tailor, dressmaker".. mshona
one who sews (noun), mshonaji, pl washonaji. shoemaker. mshoni wa
one who sews (noun), mshoni, pl washoni. shoemaker. mshoni wa viatu.
female sex organs (noun), uke (14).
have sexual intercourse (verb), -jamii.
have sexual intercourse (verb), -puana. Two cats had sexual intercourse
the whole night. Paka wawili walipuana usiku kucha.
have sexual intercourse (verb), -purana. the lovers had sexual
intercourse for one hour. Wapenzi walipurana kwa saa moja.
have sexual intercourse (verb), -pururana.
have sexual intercourse with (verb), -ingilia.
one who is experienced in matters of sex (noun), mrongo, pl warongo.
person inexperienced in matters of sex (noun), msungo, pl wasungo.
sex (biological) (noun), aina (9/10), pl aina.
unnatural sexual relations (noun), jamei.
sexually (adverb), kimwili.
Seychelles (noun), mshelisheli.
be shabby (of things) (verb), -valiwa.
shabby (adjective), chakavu.
shabby (adjective), nyiminyimi.
shabby (adjective), nyimivu.
shackle (noun), pingu (5/6), pl mapingu.
shackle (small) (noun), kipingu, pl vipingu.
foot shackles (noun), mkatale (3/4), pl mikatale.
shaddock (noun), furungu (5/6), pl mafurungu.
shade (noun), kifuli, pl vifuli.
shade (noun), kivuli (7/8), pl vivuli.
shade (noun), uvuli (11).
shadiness (noun), uvuli (11).
shadow (noun), kivuli (7/8), pl vivuli.
shadow (verb), -jasisi.
shadowiness (noun), uvuli.
shaft (noun), chimbo, pl machimbo.
shaft (noun), chimbuko, pl machimbuko.
shaft (noun), mti, pl miti.
shaft (noun), shimo (5/6), pl mashimo. vertical shaft. shimo la kaa.
shaft (of a spear or arrow) (noun), wano, pl mawano.
shaft (of a spear) (noun), uti, pl nyuti.
shaft of a drill (noun), msukano, pl misukano.
shaft of a drill (noun), msukwano, pl misukwano.
shake (verb), -chekecha.
shake (verb), -cheza.
shake (verb), -chezacheza.
shake (verb), -chuchia.
shake (verb), -chunga.
shake (verb), -duguda.
shake (verb), -koroga.
shake (verb), -kumunta.
shake (verb), -kung'uta.
shake (verb), -ng'ota.
shake (verb), -ng'uta.
shake (verb), -pepa.
shake (verb), -pepesuka (potential). (s)he leaves that place shaking.
anatoka pale akipepesuka [Muk].
shake (verb), -suka. as (s)he shook his/her head up and down.
akikisukasuka kichwa chake juu na chini [Ma].
shake (verb), -tekenya.
shake (verb), -tetema.
shake (verb), -tetemeka (potential).
shake (verb), -tifua.
shake (verb), -tikisa (transitive).
shake (verb), -tinga.
shake (verb), -tingisha.
shake (verb), -vinya.
shake (verb), -vinyavinya.
shake down (fruit etc) (verb), -pukucha. shake down fruits.. pukuta
shake down (fruit etc) (verb), -pukuta. shake down fruits.. pukuta
shake for (verb), -pepelea.
shake off (verb), -kukuta.
shake off (verb), -kumta.
shake off (verb), -kumunta.
shake off (verb), -kung'uta.
shake off (verb), -kupua.
shake off (verb), -pukusa. Grandmother shook off her clothes. Nyanya
alipukusa nguo zake.
shake out (verb), -kung'uta.
shake out (verb), -kupua.
shake something (verb), -bebea.
shake something (verb), -pepea. "swing cloths, fan".. pepea vitambaa.
be shaken (verb), -tikiswa.
shaking (noun), masuko (6).
shaking (noun), mkung'uto (3/4), pl mikung'uto.
shaking (noun), pl shakings, msukosuko (3/4), pl misukosuko.
shaking (noun), tetemeko (5/6), pl matetemeko.
shaking (noun), tetemo, pl matetemeko.
shaking (act of) (noun), mtikiso, pl mitikiso.
shaking (act of) (noun), mtitio, pl mititio.
shaking (of vessels) (noun), mbumburisho (3/4), pl mibumburisho.
shaking off (act of) (noun), mkupuo, pl mikupuo.
be shaky (verb), -tikisika.
shallow (adverb), juujuu.
shallow place (noun), kipwa, pl vipwa.
shallow water (noun), maji kame (9/10), pl maji kame.
shallowness (noun), ubichi.
sham (adjective), -a bandia.
sham (noun), puleki (9/10), pl puleki.
sham (noun), puluki (9/10), pl puluki.
sham (noun), singizio (5/6), pl masingizio.
sham (verb), -shindika.
sham (verb), -sindika (intransitive).
feel shame (verb), -hizika.
lower the head (frome shame) (verb), -inika.
put to shame (verb), -fedhehi.
put to shame (verb), -hizi.
put to shame (verb), -stihizai.
put to shame (verb), -stihizaya.
put to shame (verb), -tahayarisha.
shame (noun), aibisho (5/6), pl maaibisho.
shame (noun), aibu (9/10), pl aibu. Their neatness often made him feel
ashamed to give them his hand.. Unadhifu wao mara nyingi ulimfanya aone
aibu kuwapa mkono wake [Balisidya, Masomo 345].
shame (noun), ari (9/10), pl ari.
shame (noun), fedeha.
shame (noun), fedheha (9/10), pl fedheha.
shame (noun), haya (9/10), pl haya.
shame (noun), idhara.
shame (noun), ila.
shame (noun), izara (9/10), pl izara.
shame (noun), izara.
shame (noun), janaa (9/10), pl janaa.
shame (noun), janaba.
shame (noun), soni (9/10), pl soni. she is feeling ashamed of those men.
anawaonea soni wale wanaume [Ma].
shame (noun), tahayari (9). feel ashamed. tia [ingiwa na] haya, ona
shame (noun), tahayuri (9/10), pl tahayuri.
shame (verb), -aibisha (causative).
shame (verb), -aziri.
shame (verb), -fedhehesha.
Shame! (interjection), kefu!.
Shame! (interjection), sefule!. Shame! (s)he is not ashamed to walk
without clothes. Safule! Hata hana haya kutembea bila nguo.
shame! (verb), chut!.
one who does a shameful thing (noun), mnazaa, pl wanazaa.
shameful (adjective), hanithi.
be shameless (verb), -jipuchua. strip off the grains of an ear of
maize.. pujua mahindi.
be shameless (verb), -jipujua. strip off the grains of an ear of maize..
pujua mahindi.
be shameless (verb), -jipujua.
shameless (adjective), fidhulika.
shameless (adjective), pujufu.
shameless (adjective), pujuzi.
shameless person (noun), mpujufu, pl wapujufu.
shameless person (noun), mshaufu, pl washaufu.
shaming a person by reminding her or him again and again of any act of
kindness shown when in difficulty (act of) (noun), masimbulizi (6).
shank (noun), kiweo, pl viweo.
be shaped (verb), -finyangwa (passive).
be shaped well (verb), -umbika (potential).
get shape (verb), -sawirikia ( appl-poten).
natural shape (noun), umbo, pl maumbo.
original shape (noun), umbile, pl maumbile.
put in good shape (verb), -tengeneza.
shape (noun), dutu (5/6), pl dutu, madutu.
shape (noun), launi.
shape (noun), mwundo, pl miundo. according to pattern. kwa kufuata
shape (noun), umbile (5/6), pl maumbile.
shape (verb), -chongoa.
shape (verb), -finyanga.
shape (verb), -sawiri.
shape (verb), -umba.
shape (e.g. triangle) (noun), umbo (5/6), pl maumbo.
shape from wood or metal (verb), -chonga.
shard (noun), kigae (7/8), pl vigae.
be given a share (verb), -gawiwa.
give a share to (verb), -gawanyia.
give a share to (verb), -gawia.
give someone a share (verb), -husu.
have a share in (verb), -ingia.
one who has a share in something (noun), mwamali, pl waamali.
share (noun), fungu (5/6), pl mafungu.
share (noun), gawo (5/6), pl magawo.
share (noun), hisa.
share (noun), kasama.
share (noun), mgao, pl migao. dividend.. mgao wa faida.
share (noun), mgawo, pl migawo. dividend.. mgao wa faida.
share (noun), mkasama, pl mikasama.
share (noun), sehemu (9/10), pl sehemu. a share of my colleague. sehemu
ya mwenzangu..
share (noun), sharika (5/6), pl mashirika. put shares. tia mashirika
share (noun), shirika (5/6), pl mashirika. share/divide up. tia
share (noun), tarafa (9/10), pl tarafa.
share (noun), tarafu (9/10), pl tarafu.
share (noun), ugawanyaji.
share (verb), -gawa.
share (verb), -gawanya.
share (stock) (noun), hisa (9/10), pl hisa.
share in (verb), -shiriki. Diana invited her roommates to share in the
dinner. Diana kawakaribisha wapangaji wenzie washiriki nae chakula cha
usiku [Muk], akili yake ilikataa kuyashiriki macho [Sul].
share of meat which the butcher gets for slaughtering an animal (noun),
kiinamizi, pl viinamizi.
share with each other (verb), -shirikiana. you are ready to share with
him/her in everything that will be possible. yu tayari kushirikiana naye
kwa lo lote atakalotaka [Sul].
share with someone (verb), -gaia.
sharer (noun), pl sharers, mshiriki (1/2), pl washiriki.
kind of shark (noun), kapungu.
shark (noun), papa (9/10an), pl papa. swordfish.. papa upanga.
shark (type of) (noun), kapungu (9/10), pl kapungu.
shark-hook (noun), koto (9/10), pl koto.
shark-oil (used for caulking boats) (noun), sifa (9/10), pl sifa. after
being constructed, the ship was furnished with shark-oil to protect its
timber. Baada ya kuundwa, jahazi ilipakwa sifa kudumisha nguvu za mbao
be sharp (verb), -chongoka.
be sharp (verb), -kalamka.
be sharp (verb), -koa.
be sharp (verb), -saliti.
sharp (adjective), chungu.
sharp (adjective), -kali.
sharp (adjective), kali.
sharp (adjective), kali.
sharp (adjective), kamili.
sharp sign (of music) (noun), kipandisho (7/8), pl vipandisho.
sharp taste (noun), uchachu.
the sharp part (noun), makali (6).
sharp-tongued (adjective), kalamazi.
be sharpened (verb), -nolewa.
sharpen (verb), -chonga. sharpen a pencil. chonga kalamu.
sharpen (verb), -noa. (s)he has sharpened the knife, ready to eat flesh,
lean meat. ameshakinoa [kisu] tayari kula mnofu [Ya].
sharpen something (verb), -chongea.
sharpener (noun), cherehe (9/10), pl cherehe.
sharpener (noun), kinoo, pl vinoo.
something used for sharpening (noun), pl knife-sharpeners, noleo (5/6),
pl manoleo.
sharper (noun), bazazi (5/6an), pl mabazazi.
sharper (noun), jambazi, pl majambazi.
sharply (adverb), kichungu.
sharpness (noun), chumvi.
sharpness (noun), salata (9).
sharpness (of a knife etc.) (noun), ukali.
sharpness (of a knife etc.) (noun), ukalifu.
be shattered (verb), -tikisika (potential).
be shaved (verb), -nyolewa.
shave (verb), -chega.
shave (verb), -nyoa.
shave off (the hair for a particular hair-style) (verb), -dengua.
shave the head (verb), -dira.
shaving (noun), chenga.
shaving (noun), chengechenge, pl vichengechenge.
shaving (noun), kara, pl makara.
shaving (noun), kibanzi, pl vibanzi.
shaving (noun), kichane, pl vichane.
shaving (noun), kigereng'enza, pl vigereng'enza.
shaving (noun), shenga (9/10), pl shenga.
shaving (noun), unyozi.
shaving (noun), uti, pl nyuti.
shaving the head so that only a tuft or strip is left in the middle
(verb), -sakini.
shavings (noun), kidondo, pl vidondo.
colored woolen shawl worn as turban (noun), mharuma (3/4), pl miharuma.
kind of shawl worn by women (noun), mtandio, pl mitandio.
shawl (noun), kashida.
shawl (noun), mdongea (3/4), pl midongea.
shawl (noun), pl shawls, shali (9/10), pl shali.
shawl (type of) (noun), kashida (9/10), pl kashida.
shawl worn round waist by Muslims or teachers (noun), pl shawls,
shatoruma (9/10), pl shatoruma.
woman's shawl (noun), leso, pl leso, maleso.
she (adjective), yee.
she (pronoun), yeye, pl wao.
she is there (verb), yuko.
she too (adjective), naye.
bunch (of grain) (noun), mganda, pl miganda.
sheaf of 60 cornstalks (noun), kosa, pl kosa.
shear (sheep) (verb), -nyoa.
fibrous sheath (of the coconut palm) (noun), kozi. an important
influential person.
sheath (noun), taiti (9/10), pl taiti.
sheath (noun), uo (11/10), pl nyuo.
sheath (for knife or sword) (noun), ala (9/10), pl ala (nyala, maala).
sheath (of a knife) (noun), uo, pl nyuo.
sheave (of a pulley) (noun), korodani (9/10), pl korodani.
side piece of pulley enclosing a sheave (noun), kupa (5/6), pl makupa.
shed (noun), banda (5/6), pl mabanda.
shed (noun), jengo, pl majengo.
shed (noun), kibanda (7/8), pl vibanda.
shed (noun), majengo.
shed (noun), ubati.
shed (noun), zizi (5/6), pl mazizi.
like a sheep (adverb), kikondoo, pl vikondoo.
sheep (noun), kondoo (9/10), pl kondoo.
sheepfold (noun), zizi (5/6), pl mazizi.
sheer (adjective), -tupu.
sheet (noun), demani.
sheet (noun), pl sheets, shuka (9/10), pl shuka. with their white
sheets, they looked like angels. wakiwa katika shuka zao nyeupe
walionekana kama malaika [Kez].
sheet of paper (noun), laha.
sheet of paper (noun), ukurasa (11/10), pl kurasa.
winding sheet (for a corpse) (noun), kipindo (7/8), pl vipindo.
sheik (noun), shehe (5/6an), pl mashehe.
hanging shelf (noun), susu (9/10), pl susu.
shelf (noun), daka, pl madaka.
shelf (noun), pl shelves, rafu (9/10), pl rafu.
shelf (noun), pl shelves, susu (9/10), pl susu.
empty shell (noun), bufuu, pl mabufuu. skull. bufuu la kichwa.
empty shell (noun), bupu, pl mabupu. skull. bupu la kichwa.
empty shell (noun), bupura, pl mabupura. skull. bupura la kichwa.
empty shell (noun), fuu (5/6), pl mafuu.
empty shell (noun), fuvu (5/6), pl mafuvu.
grenade (noun), kombora (5/6), pl makombora.
shell (noun), bombom.
shell (noun), chunga.
shell (noun), galili (5/6), pl magalili.
shell (noun), gamba (5/6), pl magamba.
shell (noun), ganda (5/6), pl maganda.
shell (noun), kaha, pl makaha.
shell (noun), kombora (5/6), pl makombora.
shell (verb), -menya.
shell (verb), -papatua.
shell (empty) (noun), kaka (9/10), pl kaka.
shell (empty) (noun), pl eggshell, mafuu.
shell (grain or beans) (verb), -chambua.
shell (grain or beans) (verb), -chamvua.
shell (of a crab etc.) (noun), gome (5/6), pl magome.
shell (of an egg) (noun), kaka, pl makaka.
shell (peas or beans) (verb), -pua.
shell (peas or beans) (verb), -pura. The mother removed the shell from
the beans before cooking them. Mama alizipura maharagwe kabla ya
shell (peas or beans) (verb), -purura.
shell-fish (type of) (noun), kaya (5/6), pl makaya.
univalve shell and shell-fish (noun), kome (5/6), pl makome.
bivalve shellfish (noun), kombe, pl kombe, makombe.
kaya (kind of shellfish) (noun), kaya, pl makaya.
shelling peas or beans (act of) (noun), mpururo, pl mipururo.
shelter (noun), kigono, pl vigono.
shelter (noun), kilalo, pl vilalo.
shelter (noun), kimbilio, pl makimibilio.
shelter (noun), mfuniko (3/4), pl mifuniko.
shelter (noun), ukingo (11/10), pl kingo.
shelter (noun), utengo, pl matengo.
shelter (from rain etc.) (noun), kilindo, pl vilindo.
shelter for a watchman (noun), dungu, pl madungu.
shepherd (noun), mchungaji (1/2), pl wachungaji.
sherbet (noun), pl sherbet, sharabeti (9/10), pl sharabeti. we drunk
sherbet water after eating. Tulikunywa maji ya sharabeti baada ya kula.
sherbet (noun), sharubati (9/10), pl sharubati. to take sherbet. kunywa
sherbet (noun), shebeti (9/10), pl shebeti. sherbet water is sweet.
Maji ya shebeti ni matamu.
sherbet (noun), sherbeti (9/10), pl sherbeti.
large shield (noun), gao (5/6), pl magao.
shield (noun), kigao, pl vigao.
shield (noun), kingilizi (5/6), pl makingilizi.
shield (noun), kingo (5/6), pl makingilizi.
shield (noun), gao (9/10), pl magao.
shield (noun), ngao (9/10), pl ngao.
shield (noun), ngao (9/10), pl ngao.
shield (verb), -kinga.
shift (noun), zamu (9/10), pl zamu.
shifter (member of a nomadic group in Kenya that British colonial
authorities found troublesome) (noun), shifta (9/10an), pl shifta. Shifta
are robbers who seize other people's property. Shifta ni magaidi
wanaonyanganya watu mali yao.
shifting (noun), ondoleo (5/6), pl maondoleo.
shifty person (noun), mbadilishaji, pl wabadilishaji.
shifty person (noun), mkakamavu, pl wakakamavu.
half a shilling (noun), nusushilingi (9/10), pl nusushilingi.
hundred-shilling note (noun), soketi (9/10), pl soketi. you don't miss
your ten hundred-shilling note, fifteen hundred. hukosi soketi zako kumi,
kumi na tano [Ma].
one shilling (noun), robo (9/10), pl robo.
one shilling (noun), roboo (9/10), pl roboo.
shilling (noun), gome (5/6), pl magome.
shilling (noun), pl shillings, shilingi (9/10), pl shilingi. give me
three shillings. Nipatie shilingi tatu.
shin (noun), pl shins, muundi (3/4), pl miundi.
shinbone (noun), goko (5/6), pl magoko.
shinbone (noun), muundi, pl miundi.
shine (adjective), mulika. Who gives you light by day will burn you by
night.. prov.anayekumulika mchana usiku atakuunguza.
shine (noun), mng'aro (3/4), pl ming'aro.
shine (verb), -angaa.
shine (verb), -angaza.
shine (verb), -koza.
shine (verb), -memetuka.
shine (verb), -meremeta.
shine (verb), -meta.
shine (verb), -metameta.
shine (verb), -mulika.
shine (verb), -nawiri.
shine (verb), -ng'aa.
shine (verb), -ng'ala.
shine (verb), -ng'alia (applicative). the moon shone on them and the
stars beamed on them. mwezi uliwang'alia na nyota ziliwamulika [Kez].
shine (verb), -ng'ara.
shine (verb), -ng'ara.
shine (verb), -ng'arisha.
shine (verb), -toa nuru.
shine (verb), -papatuka.
shine (verb), -waa.
shine (verb), -waka.
shine (verb), -zagaa.
shine (as if smeared with grease) (verb), -nyinyiha.
shine (healthy appearance or pleasant expression of the face)
(adjective), nawiri.
shine . (verb), -memeteka.
shine through (open places in thick vegetation) (verb), -tindanga.
shine up (verb), -katua.
to make shine (verb), -ng'aliza.
to make shine (verb), -ng'ariza.
to make shine (verb), -ng'aza.
shining (adjective), -anga.
shining (adjective), -angavu.
shining (noun), memetuko.
shining (noun), mmeremeto (3).
forepart of ship (noun), omo (5/6), pl maomo.
passenger ship (noun), meli ya abiria (9/10), pl meli za abiria.
sailing ship (in gen.) (noun), jahazi, pl majahazi.
ship (noun), jahazi (5/6), pl mahajazi.
ship (noun), rikebu (9/10), pl rikebu.
ship (noun), safina (9/10), pl safina.
ship (verb), -pakia.
ship (modern type) (noun), meli (9/10), pl meli.
ship's hold (noun), ngama (9/10), pl ngama.
ship's well (noun), banduru, pl banduru.
siren (ship) (noun), paipu (9/10), pl paipu.
siren (ship) (noun), peipu (9/10), pl peipu.
stack (of a ship) (noun), bomba, pl mabomba.
shipper (noun), mpakizi (1/2), pl wapakizi.
mnwawili (an agreement for shipping goods) (noun), mnawili.
shipping (noun), ubaharia.
shipping arrangements (noun), mapakizi (6).
shipping cost (noun), upakiaji.
shipping cost (noun), upakio.
shipping cost (noun), upakizi.
shipyard (noun), flotile.
shipyard (noun), furutile.
shipyard (noun), gudi (5/6), pl magudi.
shipyard (noun), kuli, pl makuli.
shipyard (noun), makuli.
shirk (something) (verb), -epa.
linen shirt (noun), juba, pl (-, majuba).
shirt (noun), kishati (7/8), pl vishati.
shirt (noun), shati (5/6), pl mashati. put on a shirt. vaa shati.
short-sleeve shirt (noun), shangama (9/10), pl shangama.
sleeveless shirt (noun), kapa.
shit (noun), kinyesi (7/8), pl vinyesi.
shit (noun), kinyezi (7/8), pl vinyesi.
shitting (noun), unyesi (11).
shiver (noun), msisimko (3/4), pl misisimko.
shiver (verb), -dapa.
shiver (verb), -tapa.
shiver (verb), -tapatapa.
shiver (verb), -tetemeka (potential).
shivering (noun), kitapo (7/8), pl vitapo.
shivering (=kitapo) (noun), mtapo, pl mitapo.
be shocked (verb), -dawaa.
be shocked (verb), -duala.
be shocked (verb), -sangaa.
be shocked (verb), -shangaa. I was shocked to hear that the airplane
fell into the sea. Nilishangaa kusikia ndege ameanguka baharini.
be shocked (verb), -shtuka (potential).
be shocked (verb), -stuka (intransitive).
be shocked (verb), -taharuki.
cause a shock (verb), -gutua.
cause a shock (verb), -kutua.
cause of shock (noun), mshtuo, pl mishtuo.
cause of shock (noun), mstuo, pl mistuo.
receive a shock (verb), -shitua.
receive a shock (verb), -stua.
receive an electric shock (verb), -gutusha (causative).
shock (noun), dharba.
shock (noun), dharuba.
shock (noun), mgutusho, pl migutusho.
shock (noun), mkutuo (3/4), pl mikutuo.
shock (noun), mshtuko, pl mishtuko.
shock (noun), mstuko, pl mistuko.
shock (noun), mtikiso, pl mitikiso.
shock (verb), -gutusha (causative).
shock (verb), -sangaza.
shock (verb), -shitua. the bomb shock the house until it collapse. Bomu
ilishitua nyumba mpaka ikaboromoka.
shock (verb), -shtua.
shock (verb), -sisimusha.
shock (verb), -stua.
shock (verb), -tikisa.
shock (electric) (noun), mgutusho, pl migutusho.
shock (electric) (noun), shtuko (5/6), pl mashtuko.
shock absorber (noun), pl shock absorbers, shokomzoba (9/10), pl
be shocked (verb), -duwaa.
someone who is shocked (noun), mzuzu, pl wazuzu.
shoddy (noun), puleki (9/10), pl puleki.
shoddy (noun), puluki (9/10), pl puluki.
shoe (noun), kiatu, pl viatu.
shoe (of European style) (noun), njuti (9/10), pl njuti.
receive a shock (verb), -shtua.
shoot (noun), chipukizi (5/6), pl machipukizi.
shoot (noun), chipuko, pl machipuko.
shoot (noun), fasili.
shoot (noun), kichipukizi, pl vichipukizi.
shoot (noun), mbegu.
shoot (noun), mche (3/4), pl miche.
shoot (noun), mmea (3/4), pl mimea.
shoot (noun), uchipuko.
shoot (a gun) (verb), -piga bunduki.
shoot (for planting) (noun), mtembo, pl mitembo.
shoot a gun (verb), -piga bunduki.
shoot up (verb), -vuvumka.
shooting (noun), shuti (9/10), pl shuti.
shooting star (noun), kimondo, pl vimondo.
shooting star (noun), kimwondo, pl vimwondo.
shop (noun), duka (5/6), pl maduka.
shop (noun), sitoo (5/6), pl masitoo.
shop (noun), stoa (9/10), pl stoa.
shop (noun), stoo (9/10), pl stoo.
small shop (noun), kiduka, pl viduka.
business of a small shopkeeper or a dealer in second-hand goods (noun),
business of small shopkeeper or a dealer in second-hand goods (noun),
shopkeeper (noun), mchunzi, pl wachunzi.
shopkeeper (noun), mchuruzi, pl wachunzi.
shopkeeper (noun), mwenyeduka (1/2), pl wenyeduka.
trader of small retail goods (Indian) (noun), baniani, pl baniani.
trader of small retail goods (Indian) (noun), banyani, pl baniani.
rare shore (noun), mwambao, pl miambao. coastal shipping.. safari ya
shore (noun), makupwa (6).
shore (noun), mapwa.
shore (noun), mapwaji.
shore (noun), pl shores, mrima (3/4), pl mirima.
shore (noun), ombwe (9/10), pl ombwe.
shore (noun), pwani (9/10), pl pwani.
shore (noun), taumu, pl mataumu.
shore (noun), ufukwe.
shore (noun), ufuo.
shore up (a ship for repairs) (verb), -jahabu.
shore-line (noun), upwa (11/10), pl pwa.
be short (verb), -fupika.
be short (in stature) (verb), -gunda.
be short of (verb), -pungukiwa na. (s)he ran short of money during the
journey. Alipungukiwa na pesa wakati wa safari.
be short of (verb), -tindikiwa.
become too short (of clothes) (verb), -chupa.
fall short (verb), -tindika.
for a short time (adverb), kiasi.
person who falls short in some respect (noun), mtovu, pl watovu.
run short (verb), -tindika.
run short of something (verb), -tindikia.
short (adjective), fupi.
short (noun), bombo. short, baggy trousers. suruali bombo.
give short measure (verb), -punja.
food shortage (noun), njaa (9/10), pl njaa. There was food shortage in
this country.. njaa ilikuwa katika nchi hii.
in short supply (adjective), haba.
shortage (noun), kipunguo, pl vipunguo.
shortage (noun), nakisi.
shortage (noun), shida (9/10), pl shida.
shortage (noun), taksiri (9/10), pl taksiri.
shortage (noun), uchache.
shortage (noun), uchechefu.
shortage (noun), ukosa.
shortage (noun), ukosefu (14).
shortage (noun), ukosefu.
shortage (noun), ukosekanaji.
shortage (noun), ukosekano.
shortage (noun), upungufu (14), pl upungufu.
shortage (of food supplies) (noun), gumbo (5/6), pl magumbo.
shortcoming (noun), ila.
shortcut (noun), ndia ya kukata (9/10), pl ndia.
shortcut (noun), njia ya kkuata (9/10), pl njia za kukata.
shorten (verb), -fupisha.
shorten (verb), -kusuru.
shorten (verb), -punguza (causative). The teacher shortened the joke
with laughter. mwalimu alipunguza mzaha na vicheko [Muk], umande huu
ulipunguza joto la mwili wake [Kez].
shorten (a dress etc) (verb), -punga.
shortened (adjective), pungufu. a shorter month (of 29 days).. mwezi
shortening (noun), mkato, pl mikato. shortcut.. njia ya mkato.
shortening (noun), ufupisho.
shorter (than) (adverb), kasa.
shortness (noun), ufupi (14).
shorts (noun), kaptula (9/10), pl kaptula.
shorts (noun), kaptura (9/10), pl kaptura.
shorts (noun), kaputula.
shorts (garment) (noun), kaputula (9/10), pl kaputula.
be off like a shot (verb), -timka.
give a shot (verb), -piga sindano.
lead shot (noun), malisaa. shotgun. bunduki ya malisaa.
lead shot (noun), malisao. shotgun. bunduki ya malisao.
lead shot (noun), marisaa. shortgun. bunduki ya marisaa.
lead shot (noun), marisao. shortgun. bunduki ya marisao.
lead shot (noun), marisau. shortgun. bunduki ya malisau.
lead shot (noun), marisawa. shortgun. bunduki ya marisawa.
shot (noun), marisaa (6).
shot (noun), shindano (5/6), pl mashidano. give a shot (of injection).
piga sindano.
shot (noun), shuti (9/10), pl shuti.
shot (noun), sindano (5/6), pl masindano. give a shot. piga sindano.
shotgun (noun), pl shotguns, bunduki ya marisaa (9/10), pl bunduki za
shoulder (noun), bega (5/6), pl mabega. Tegemea put his hoe on his
shoulder; shoulder to shoulder eg. side by side. Tegemea aliweka jembe
lake begani [Kez]; bega kwa bega.
shoulder (noun), fusi (5/6), pl mafusi.
shoulder (noun), fuzi (5/6), pl mafuzi.
shoulder (tip) (noun), fuzi (5/6), pl mafuzi.
shoulder blade (noun), fusi (5/6), pl mafusi.
shoulder blade (noun), fuzi (5/6), pl mafuzi.
shoulder to shoulder (adverb), sambamba.
shoulder up (verb), -gadimu.
shoulder-blade (noun), kombe, pl kombe, makombe. atomic bomb..
something hung on the shoulders or over the chest (noun), tambavu (5/6),
pl matambavu.
on the shoulders (preposition), chambega.
joyful shouting at a wedding (noun), cheleko (9/10), pl cheleko.
joyful shouting at a wedding (noun), chereko (9/10), pl chereko.
shout (noun), kelele (5/6), pl makelele.
shout (noun), kema.
shout (noun), keme.
shout (noun), kiyowe (7/8), pl viyowe.
shout (noun), ukemi.
shout (verb), -foka.
shout (verb), -guta.
shout (verb), -piga kelele.
shout for help (noun), yowe (5/6), pl mayowe.
shout of joy (noun), kifijo (7/8), pl vifijo.
shout with joy (verb), -shangilia. they are shouting with joy for the
poll victory. Wanashangilia ushindi wa kura.
shouting (noun), hoihoi.
shouting (noun), kelele (5/6), pl makelele.
shouting (noun), kelele, pl makelele.
shouting (noun), kibe.
shouting (noun), mshindo, pl mishindo. the noise of people in a crowd..
mshindo wa watu walio [katika mkutano] mkutanoni.
shouting (noun), ukelele, pl makelele.
shouts (of approval) (noun), vifijo.
shouts of encouragement (noun), hekaheka (9/10), pl hekaheka.
shove (noun), kikumbo (7/8), pl vikumbo.
shove (noun), mchocheo (3/4), pl michocheo.
shove (noun), mchocho, pl michocho.
shove (noun), mkupuo (3/4), pl mikupuo.
shove (verb), -buburusha.
shove (verb), -kikirika.
shove (verb), -kumba.
shove (verb), -seta.
shove (verb), -sukuma. One should not push elderly people aside. haifai
kusukuma wazee [Rec].
shove along (verb), -segua.
shove along (verb), -sekua.
shove aside (verb), -segua.
shove aside (verb), -sekua.
shove each other (verb), -buburushana. the people were pushing and
shoving [each other]. watu walibuburushana.
shove each other (verb), -sukumana (associative).
shovel (noun), kolego (5/6), pl makolego.
shovel (noun), mbamba (3/4), pl mibamba.
shovel (noun), pl shovels, msaha (3/4), pl misaha.
shovel (noun), sepeto (9/10), pl sepeto. I will require a shovel to dig.
Nitahitaji sepeto kuchimba.
shoving (noun), msukumano, pl misukumano.
shoving (noun), ukumbaji.
shoving (noun), ukumbizi.
shoving (act of) (noun), msongano, pl misongano.
shoving (act of) (noun), msonge, pl misonge.
barely show through (open places in thick vegetation) (verb), -tindanga.
cause to show (verb), -onya.
fail to show up (verb), -china.
permit to show (verb), -onya.
show (noun), fahari (9/10), pl fahari.
show (noun), lonyo.
show (noun), maonyesho (6).
show (noun), mkogo, pl mikogo.
show (noun), pl shows, sherehe (9/10), pl sherehe.
show (noun), tamasha (9/10), pl tamasha.
show (noun), udibaji.
show (noun), uonyesho, pl maonyesho.
show (noun), wonyesho, pl maonyesho.
show (verb), -aini.
show (verb), -baini.
show (verb), -bayini.
show (verb), -dhihirisha.
show (verb), -ekeza.
show (verb), -onesha (causative). the body is private, it is not good
for a person to show his/her colleague. mwili ni sitara, si vyema mtu
kumwonesha mwenzake [Moh], huoneshi kama una furaha [Sul].
show (verb), -onyesha (causative). You must show me that letter. lazima
unionyeshe barua hiyo [Kez].
show (verb), -toa.
show around (verb), -tembeza.
show clearly (verb), -bainisha.
show itself (verb), -jichora (reflexive).
show off (adverb), mzofafa.
show off (verb), -gamba.
show off (verb), -jiona (reflexive).
show off (verb), -jivunia (reflexive).
show off (verb), -koga.
show the way (verb), -elekeza.
show up (verb), -koleza (causative).
show(iness) (noun), mashabo.
show(iness) (noun), mashobo.
one who shows off by using many English words or difficult and unusual
Swahili words (noun), mpyoro, pl wapyoro.
show off (verb), -belenga.
show off (verb), -jipevua.
show off (verb), -randa.
show off (verb), -randaranda.
show off (verb), -ringa.
show off (verb), -shaufu.
show off (verb), -takabari.
show off (verb), -twaza.
showing off (noun), lonyo.
showing off (noun), majisifu.
showing off (noun), majivuno.
show-off (noun), mjivuni (1/2), pl wajivuni.
show-off (noun), pl showoffs, mshaufu (1/2), pl washaufu.
show-off (noun), mtambatamba, pl watambatamba.
heavy shower (noun), mkaragazo, pl mikaragazo.
shower (noun), marasharasha. light rain, drizzle. mvua ya marasharasha.
shower (noun), pl showers, nyunyu (5/6), pl manyunyu.
shower down (verb), -poromosha.
showing (noun), uonyesho, pl maonyesho.
showing (noun), wonyeshano.
be shown (verb), -oneshwa (passive). (s)he prepared the milk as (s)he
was shown.. akatengeza maziwa kwa vipimo alivyooneshwa [Sul].
be shown (verb), -onyeshwa (passive). (s)he was shown a place and (s)he
stayed/lived (there). alionyeshwa mahali, naye akakaa [Ng].
be shown a place (verb), -tembezwa.
showy (adjective), shau.
showy (adjective), shaufu.
showy thing (noun), kishaufu (7/8), pl vishaufu.
shrew (noun), kirukanjia, pl virukanjia.
be shrewd (verb), -erevuka.
be shrewd (verb), -kalamka.
shrewd (adjective), -erevu.
shrewd (adjective), kipilpili.
shrewd (adjective), tambuzi.
shrewd person (noun), mjanja (1/2), pl wajanja.
shrewd person (noun), sungura (9/10an), pl sungura.
shrewdness (noun), hila (9/10), pl hila.
shrewdness (noun), uerevu (14).
shrewdness (noun), ujanja (14).
shrewdness (noun), werevu (14).
shriek (noun), ukwenzi (11).
shriek (noun), usiyahi (11/10), pl siyahi.
orinth. species of shrike (Dryoscopus senegalensis) (noun), kipwe.
shrike (species of) (noun), tiva.
be shrill (verb), -kwaruza.
shrimp (noun), duvi, pl duvi.
shrimp (noun), kamba (9/10an), pl kamba.
shrimp (noun), kamba, pl (-); mikamba.
shrimp (noun), kijino, pl vijino.
shrimp (noun), uduvi (11/10), pl nduvi.
shrimp (noun), ushimbu (11).
shrine (noun), ziara, pl maziara.
shrine where offerings are made to spirits. (noun), ulili, pl malili.
cause to shrink (verb), -nyweza (causative). "Horror gripped everyone,
leading to the shrinking of the mortified ones".. hofu ilimtawala kila
mtu, ikawanyweza walionywea [Moh].
shrink (verb), -kundaa.
shrink (verb), -nywea.
shrink (verb), -rudi.
shrink (verb), -sinyaa.
shrink (verb), -zia.
be shrivelled (verb), -finyana.
be shrivelled (verb), -fubaa.
be shrivelled (verb), -fuwaa.
shrivel (verb), -finyaa.
shrivel (verb), -kundaa.
shrivel (verb), -nyauka. The conversation shrivels suddenly. mazungumzo
yananyauka ghafla [Ma].
shrivel (verb), -nywea.
shrivel up (verb), -kwajuka.
shrivel up (verb), -sinyaa.
shrivelling (noun), unyaufu.
shroud (noun), kijiba (7/8), pl vijiba.
shroud (noun), saanda (9/10), pl saanda.
shroud (noun), pl shrouds, sanda (9/10), pl sanda.
shroud (noun), shanda (9/10), pl shanda.
shroud (for burying women) (noun), pl shrouds, msuani (3/4), pl misuani.
woven shroud (noun), mkeka wa fumba, pl mikeka ya fumba.
flowering shrub (Lobelia fervens) (noun), msambale, pl misambale.
kind of shrub (noun), gogadima.
kind of shrub, Premna chrysoclada (noun), mvumanyuki, pl mivumanyuki.
kind of shrub, Strophanthus coumonti (noun), mtobwe, pl mitobwe.
long shrub with long spines (noun), mbambangoma.
mchongama (thorny shrub, Flacourtia indica) (noun), mchongama, pl
mdudu (shrub with tuberous roots, rarely used for food; Thylachium
africanum) (noun), mdudu, pl midudu.
mkumbi (a shrub, Ochna alboserrata. The bark is used to prepare a yellow
dye) (noun), mkumbi, pl mikumbi.
mmoyomoyo (a shrub, Sapindus saponaria) (noun), mmoyomoyo, pl mimoyomoyo.
poisonous shrub, Synadenium carinatum (noun), kiyuyu, pl viyuyu.
shrub (noun), njiti (9/10), pl njiti.
shrub (Bidens pilosa or Bidens leucantha) (noun), kichoma, pl vichoma.
shrub (Cassia occidentalis) (noun), mnukauvundo, pl minukauvundo.
shrub (Chenopodium sp) (noun), mpurule, pl mipurule.
shrub (Jaquemontia capitata) (noun), kilopwe, pl vilopwe. "when I saw
him, he was in great hurry"..
shrub (kind used in preparing an emetic) (noun), mtapisho, pl mitapisho.
shrub (kind yielding a milky latex used as a fish-poison) (noun), mganga,
pl miganga.
shrub (Lippia asperifolia) (noun), mpambauke, pl mipambauke.
shrub (Pluchea dioscoride) (noun), mnywanywa, pl minywanywa.
shrub (Sapindus saponaria) (noun), mmwaka, pl mimwaka.
shrub (the bark of which is used as a remedy for snakebite) (noun),
mkingiri, pl mikingiri.
shrub (used for several kinds (noun), kibaazi (7/8), pl vibaazi.
shrub (Veroninia cinerea) (noun), kifuka (7/8), pl vifuka.
shrub species (Cremaspora africana) (noun), kilemea nembo, pl vilemea.
shrub variety (the bark of which is used to make a black dye) (noun),
mkasiri, pl mikasiri.
species of thorny shrub (Tribulus terrrestris) (noun), mbigili (3/4), pl
species of thorny shrub (Tribulus terrrestris) (noun), mbigiri (3/4), pl
thorny shrub (kind of) (noun), mkwamba, pl mikwamba.
wild shrub (kind of) (noun), mbulia, pl mibulia.
shrubbery (noun), kichaka, pl vichaka.
shudder (noun), kipapa (7/8), pl vipapa.
shudder (noun), msisimko (3/4), pl misisimko.
shudder (noun), mzizimo, pl mizizimo.
shudder (noun), shituko (5/6), pl mashtuko.
shudder (noun), shtuko (5/6), pl mashtuko.
shudder (verb), -dapa.
shudder (verb), -gutuka.
shudder (verb), -papa.
shudder (verb), -tapa.
shudder (verb), -tapatapa.
shudder (verb), -tukutika.
shuddering (noun), tukutiko, pl matukutiko.
shuddering (noun), tukuto, pl matukuto.
shuffle (cards) (verb), -changa.
shut (verb), -fumba.
shut (verb), -funga.
shut up (verb), -nyamaza kimya.
shut up (verb), -tulia.
be shy (verb), -tahayari.
shy (adjective), oga.
shyness (noun), uoga.
shyness (noun), woga.
younger sibling (noun), mdogo (1/2), pl wadogo.
as siblings (adjective), kindugu.
sic on ( a dog) (verb), -tomesha.
be sick (verb), -taapika.
be sick (verb), -tapika.
be sick (verb), -uguka.
be sick (used in negative) (verb), -weza.
care of the sick (noun), mauguzi, pl mauguzi.
sick (adjective), gonjwa.
sick person (noun), mgonjwa (1/2), pl wagonjwa.
sick person (noun), mwele (1/2), pl waele.
sick sheet (noun), karatasi ya matibabu (9/10), pl karatsi za matibabu.
sickle (noun), mundu, pl miundu. comm. hammer and sickle.. mundu na
sickle (noun), upamba, pl pamba.
become sickly (verb), -konga.
become sickly (from disease) (verb), -nyorora.
sickly (adjective), dhaifu.
sickly (adjective), nyonge.
sickly person (noun), mkongwe, pl wakongwe.
sickly person (noun), mlegevu, pl walegevu.
sickly person (noun), mnyonge (1/2), pl wanyonge.
sickness (noun), maradhi (6).
sickness (noun), maradhi.
sickness (noun), marazi.
sickness (noun), uele (11/10), pl ndwele.
sickness (noun), ugonjwa (11/6), pl magonjwa.
sickness (noun), uwele.
sickness (coughing) (noun), mkamba (9/10), pl mkamba.
sickness of acclimatization (noun), mkunguru (3/4), pl mikunguru.
at the side (adverb), bavuni.
at the side (adverb), kibavu.
by the side (adverb), kando ya.
lay on one side (verb), -inika.
on one's side (adverb), ubavuni (pa au kwa).
on the other side (adverb), bavuni.
on the side (adverb), kibavu.
other side (adverb), kwa pili.
side (noun), janibu.
side (noun), kando (9/10), pl kando.
side (noun), kando.
side (noun), kipaa, pl vipaa. surveying instrument.
side (noun), pl sides, pembe (9/10), pl pembe.
side (noun), ukando.
side (noun), unyonga, pl nyonga.
side (noun), upande, pl pande.
side (of something) (noun), ubavu (11/10), pl mbavu.
the opposite side (noun), ng'ambo ya pili (9/10), pl ng'ambo za pili.
the other side (noun), ng'ambo (9/10), pl ng'ambo.
the other side (noun), ng'ambo ya pili (9/10), pl ng'ambo za pili.
this side (noun), ng'ambo ya huku (9/10), pl ng'ambo za huko.
to the side (adverb), kibavu.
side by side (adverb), sambamba.
side by side (adverb), tabaka moja.
side-dish eaten with main dish (noun), kitoweo (7/8), pl vitoweo.
side-path (noun), kipengee (7/8), pl vipengee.
side-path (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee.
side-pole (supporting the rafters of a house) (noun), uwati, pl mbati.
side-post (supporting the rafters of a house) (noun), uwati, pl mbati.
two sides (noun), pl two sides, pandembili (9/10), pl pandembili.
sidewards (adverb), bavuni.
sideways (adjective), benibeni.
sideways (adjective), pogo. limp. enda pogo.
sideways (adjective), tanitani.
sideways (adverb), kando.
sideways (adverb), kibavu.
sideways (adverb), kiwafuwafu, pl viwafuwafu. "airfield, landing
field".. anguka kiwafuwafu.
sideways (adverb), tani.
sideways (adverb), ukando.
sideways (adverb), upande, pl pande.
siege (noun), mazingiwa (6).
siege (noun), mfungizo, pl mifungizo.
sieve (noun), chekecheke (9/10), pl machekeche.
sieve (noun), kamo.
sieve (noun), kichujio (7/8), pl vichujio.
sieve (noun), kifumbu, pl vifumbu.
sieve (noun), kung'uto (5/6), pl makung'uto.
sieve (verb), -chekecha.
sieve (verb), -chunga.
sift (verb), -chekecha. he sifted the flour. alichekecha unga.
sift (verb), -chunga.
sift (verb), -kumunta.
sift (verb), -kung'uta.
sift (verb), -ng'ota.
sift (verb), -ng'uta.
sift (verb), -papatua.
sift (verb), -pembua.
sift (verb), -pepeta.
sift (verb), -pepetua.
sift (verb), -pepua.
sift (verb), -peta.
sifter (noun), chekeche (9/10), pl machekeche.
sifter (noun), mpepetaji (1/2), pl wapepetaji.
sifting (noun), mchekecho (3/4), pl michekecho.
sifting (noun), mkung'uto (3/4), pl mikung'uto.
sifting basket (noun), kung'uto (5/6), pl makung'uto.
sifting basket (flat woven tray) (noun), ungo (9/10), pl ungo.
sigh (noun), kite (7).
sigh (noun), koroma, pl koroma.
sigh (verb), -koroma.
sigh (verb), -shusha pumzi. (s)he sighed after seeing his/her child who
was lost. Alishusha pumzi baada ya kumwona mtoto wake aliyepotea.
sigh (verb), -tanafusi.
sighing (noun), kitefutefu (7).
sight (noun), mandhari.
sight (noun), uoni (14).
sight (verb), pl aims, -piga shabaha.
sight (verb), pl aims, -shika shabaha.
sight (verb), pl aims, -twaa shabaha.
give a sign (verb), -kunyua.
give a sign (as a sign of mutual understanding or as a greeting) (verb),
give covert sign (verb), -konyeza.
sign (noun), alama (9/10), pl alama.
sign (noun), bango, pl mabango.
sign (noun), dalili (9/10), pl dalili. footprint. dalili ya mguu [Rec].
sign (noun), delili. footprint. delili ya mguu.
sign (noun), ibura.
sign (noun), ishara (9/10), pl ishara.
sign (noun), ishara.
sign (noun), kidoko, pl vidoko.
sign (noun), kielekezo (7/8), pl vielekezo.
sign (noun), kionyo, pl vionyo.
sign (noun), konyezo, pl makonyezo. I have borrowed money from my
sign (noun), maonyo.
sign (noun), mkonyezo, pl mikonyezo.
sign (noun), mwelezo, pl mielezo.
sign (noun), ndege. A good (bad) sign.. ndege njema [mbaja].
sign (noun), saini (9/10), pl saini. put a sign. tia/weka saini..
sign (noun), taashira (9/10), pl taashira.
sign (noun), ukonyezo, pl konyezo.
sign (verb), -sahihi.
sign (verb), -sahihisha.
sign on (verb), -andika.
be signalled (verb), -ashiriwa.
give a signal (as a sign of mutual understanding or as a greeting)
(verb), -konyeza.
signal (noun), dalili. footprint. dalili ya mguu [Rec].
signal (noun), delili.
signal (noun), ishara (9/10), pl ishara.
signal (noun), kamsa.
signal (noun), konyezo, pl makonyezo. I have borrowed money from my
signal (noun), mkonyezo, pl mikonyezo.
signal (noun), signali (9/10), pl signali. standing signal. signali ya
signal (verb), -ashiri. Signaling with his middle finger.. Akiashiri
kwa kidole cha kati [Chacha, Masomo 375].
signal (verb), -ashiria, pl ashiria.
signal (of arrival or departure of a ship or train) (noun), selo (9/10),
pl selo. The signal of arrival has not yet been given. selo ya kuingia
signal (someone) (verb), -ashiria. Chahe signaled to Boke that she
should sit.. Chahe anamwashiria Boke aketi [Chacha, Masomo 372];Matata
alimwashiria kitandani [Muk].
signal cry or call (blown through fingers) (noun), kikorombwe (7/8), pl
signalling flag (noun), alamu (9/10), pl alamu.
turn signal (of a car) (noun), saiti (9/10), pl saiti. The driver did
not give a turn signal. dereva hakutoa saiti.
signal drum (noun), pl signal drums, rewa (9/10), pl rewa.
signature (noun), mkono, pl mikono. sign (a letter, document). tia
signature (noun), pl signatures, sahihi (9/10), pl sahihi. a black mark
on the thumb is the sign of a cook. alama nyeusi ya dole gumba, sahihi ya
mpishi [Ya].
signature (noun), saini (9/10), pl saini. put a signature. tia/weka
significance (noun), maana.
significance (noun), maandishi, pl maandishi.
significance (noun), ukubwa.
significant (adjective), adhimu.
significant (adjective), kubwa.
significant (adjective), tangulifu.
significantly (adverb), adhimu.
significantly (adverb), muhimu.
signify (verb), -maanisha (causative).
dead silence (noun), kinamisa.
deep silence (noun), kinamisa.
silence (noun), kimya (7/8), pl vimya.
silence (noun), unyamavu.
silence (verb), -nyamazisha.
Silence! (interjection), askut!.
Silence! (interjection), sukutu.
be silent (verb), -nyamaza kimya.
be silent (verb), -nyamaa.
be silent (verb), -nyamaza.
be silent (verb), -tandawaa.
be silent (verb), -vuvuwaa.
be silent (from astonishment) (verb), -dawaa.
be silent (from astonishment) (verb), -duala.
be silent (from astonishment) (verb), -duwaa.
silent (adjective), nyamafu.
silent (adjective), -nyamavu.
silent (adverb), kimyakimya. potter's clay..
silent (adverb), tuli.
silent person (noun), mkimya (1/2), pl wakimya.
go silently (verb), -nyata. a woman goes silently with care. mwanamke
ananyata kwa uangalifu [Muk].
silently (adverb), kimoyomoyo.
silently (adverb), twaa.
silk (noun), hariri (9/10), pl hariri.
silk cloth (kind of) (noun), lasi (9/10), pl lasi.
sill (noun), kingo.
sill (noun), kipago, pl vipfago.
sill (noun), kirimba (7/8), pl virimba.
sill (noun), kizingiti (7/8), pl vizingiti.
sill (noun), kizingiti, pl vizingiti.
sill (noun), kizumba (7/8), pl vizumba.
silliness (noun), puo (5/6), pl mapuo.
be silly (verb), -jishaua (reflexive).
be silly (verb), -puuza. do one's work in a silly way.. puza kazi.
be silly (verb), -puza. do one's work in a silly way.. puza kazi.
silly (adjective), dufu.
silly (adjective), -puzi. speak in a silly way. kusema na upuzi.
silly (adjective), -a upuzi.
silly behavior (noun), puzo (5/6), pl mapuzo. Your silly behavior
emanated from your disrespect for the people.. Puzo lake lilitokana na
kutojali watu.
silly person (adjective), bunga.
silly person (noun), mpuzi, pl wapuzi.
silly talk (causing amusement) (noun), majinuni.
silver (noun), fedha (9/10), pl fedha.
silversmith (noun), pl silversmiths, sonara (9/10an), pl sonara.
be similar (verb), -fanana.
be similar (verb), -landa.
be similar (verb), -randa.
be similar (verb), -randa.
be similar (verb), -shabihi. this child is very much similar to his/her
mother. mtoto huyu amemshabihi [or anashabihiana na] mama yake sana..
make similar (verb), -sawanyisha.
make similar (verb), -sawazisha.
similar (adjective), pachapacha.
similar (adjective), pachipachi.
similar (adjective), sawa.
similar thing (noun), kifani, pl vifani.
similar thing (noun), kifano (7/8), pl vifano.
similar to (noun), mithali ya (9/10). similar to a short story. mithali
ya hadithi fupi [Masomo 415].
similarity (noun), launi.
similarity (noun), misili.
similarity (noun), mlingano (3/4), pl milingano.
similarity (noun), mshabaha, pl mishabaha.
similarity (noun), sawa (9/10), pl sawa.
similarity (noun), shabaha (9/10), pl shabaha.
similarity (noun), sura (9/10), pl sura.
similarity (noun), tamthili (9/10), pl tamthili.
similarity (noun), ufananaji.
similarity (noun), ufanani.
similarity (noun), ulinganifu (14).
similarity (noun), ulingano.
similarity (noun), usawa.
similarity (noun), wiano (14).
similarly (adverb), alhasil.
similarly (adverb), alhasir.
similarly (adverb), bidhalika.
similarly (adverb), dhalika.
similarly (adverb), hali kadhalika.
similarly (adverb), kadhalika.
similarly (adverb), kadhalika.
similarly (adverb), thama.
similitude (noun), mithali (9/10), pl mithali.
simple (adjective), plen.
simple (adjective), rahisi. easy work.. kazi rahisi.
simple thing (noun), mfuto (3/4), pl mifuto.
simpleton (noun), baradhuli (5/6), pl mabaradhuli.
simpleton (noun), daba, pl madaba.
simpleton (noun), juha (5/6), pl majuha.
simpleton (noun), kimwondo (7/8), pl vimwondo.
simpleton (noun), maamuma, pl maamuma.
simpleton (noun), mahamuma.
simpleton (noun), mghafala (1/2), pl waghafala.
simpleton (noun), mzuzu, pl wazuzu.
treat as a simpleton (verb), -zuzua.
simplicity (noun), dufu, pl madufu.
simplicity (noun), mghafala, pl mighafala.
simplicity (noun), utupu.
simplicity (noun), weupe.
simplify (verb), -rakibisha.
simplify (verb), -rekibisha.
simulate (verb), -jitia (reflexive).
simultaneously (adverb), sambamba. simultaneous lines. mistari iliyo
simultaneously (adverb), sare.
simultaneously (adverb), sululu.
sin (noun), dhambi (9/10), pl dhambi.
sin (noun), dhambi (5/6), pl madhambi. original sin. dhambi ya asili.
sin (noun), hatia (9/10), pl hatia.
sin (noun), kosa, pl makosa. "High court, Court of Appeal; Supreme
Court".. tia kosani.
sin (verb), -kosa.
since (adverb), tangu.
since (adverb), tokeapo.
since (conjunction), kwani.
since (conjunction), maadam.
since (conjunction), maadam.
since (conjunction), maadamu.
since (conjunction), maana.
since (conjunction), madhali.
since (conjunction), mradi, pl miradi, muradi. "Since he is asleep, do
not wake him up".. mradi amelala msimwamshe.
since (preposition), hata.
since (preposition), minajili.
since (preposition), tangu. since when?. tangu lini?.
since (preposition), kutoka.
since (preposition), toka.
since (preposition), tokea.
since then (adverb), tokea hapo.
sincere (adjective), -a dhati.
sincere (adjective), wazi.
sincere (adjective), waziwazi.
sinew (noun), gano.
sinew (noun), kano (9/10), pl kano.
sinew (noun), mkano (3/4), pl mikano.
sinew (noun), mshipa, pl mishipa.
sinew (noun), ukano (3/4).
sinew (noun), ukano.
sing (verb), -imba.
sing (verb), -imba.
sing (verb), -lia.
sing for (verb), -imbia.
sing songs (of a serious character) (verb), -ghani.
sing together (verb), -imbiana.
singing (act of) (noun), wimbaji.
singing a lullaby (noun), utumbuizo (14).
singe (verb), -unguza.
be singed by fire (verb), -ungua.
professional singer (noun), malenga, pl walenga.
singer (noun), mwimbaji, pl waimbaji.
singer (noun), mwimbaji, pl waimbaji.
singer (noun), mwimbaji (1/2), pl waimbaji.
singer (professional) (noun), mghani, pl waghani.
lead singing (verb), -imbisha.
singing (noun), uimbaji (14).
singing teacher (noun), mwimbishi, pl waimbishi.
study singing (verb), -imbisha.
not a single one (adverb), walao.
not a single one (adverb), walau.
single (adverb), a pekee.
in single file (adverb), chanjari.
singly (adjective), moja moja.
one who sings under his breath (to calm his nerves or to soothe a child)
(noun), mtumbuizi, pl watumbuizi.
singular (adjective), ajabu.
singular (noun), umoja.
singularity (noun), uchache (14).
singularity (noun), uchechefu (14).
cause something to sink in (verb), -topeza.
cause to sink (verb), -telemua.
cause to sink (verb), -teremua.
cause to sink (verb), -tosa.
sink (verb), -didimia.
sink (verb), -inama.
sink (verb), -nepa.
sink (verb), -shuka. I am going to that old man who got out of the sink
to make love with him. na aende kwa mzee yule aliyeshuka mashavu akafanye
naye mapenzi [Sul].
sink (verb), -tota.
sink (verb), -zamisha ( caus-trans).
sink (verb), -zizima.
sink down (adjective), zizima.
sink down (verb), -dindia.
sink in (verb), -bopa.
sink in (verb), -didima.
sink in (verb), -topea.
sink in a fluid (verb), -zama.
sink into water (adjective), ghariki.
sink in (verb), -bonyea.
sinker (of fishing) (noun), chubwi (9/10), pl chubwi.
sinker (on a fishing line) (noun), chubui.
sinking (noun), mshuko, pl mishuko. sunset. mshuko wa jua.
sinking (act of) (noun), mtitio, pl mititio.
rel. sinner (noun), mkosaji, pl wakosaji.
rel. sinner (noun), mkosefu, pl wakosefu.
rel. sinner (noun), mkosi, pl wakosi.
sir (noun), sahib (5/6an), pl masahib.
sir (noun), sahibu (9/10an), pl sahibu.
sir (noun), suhuba (9/10an), pl suhuba.
sir (term of address) (noun), buana, pl mabuana. sir [showing a higher
degree of respect than bwana alone, but sometimes humorous or
contemptuous, especially when used of women]. buana mkubwa.
sir (term of address) (noun), bwana, pl mabwana. sir [showing a higher
degree of respect than bwana alone, but sometimes humorous or
contemptuous, especially when used of women]. bwana mkubwa.
siren (noun), king'ora (7/8), pl ving'ora.
Sirius (the dog star) (noun), shiraa (9/10), pl shiraa.
sirloin (noun), salala (9/10), pl salala.
sirloin (noun), sarara (9/10), pl sarara. sirloin meat. nyama ya
sisal (noun), katani (9/10), pl katani.
sisal (noun), katani.
sisal (noun), kitani (9/10), pl kitani.
sisal hemp plant(Agave sisalana) (noun), mkatani, pl mikatani.
sisal plant (noun), mkonge (3/4), pl mikonge.
his sister (noun), umbu (5/6), pl maumbu.
sister (noun), dada, pl madada.
sister (noun), ndugu (9/10an). sister. ndugu mke.
sister (noun), sista (5/6an), pl masista. one elder confessed that he
had admired a white Sister. mzee mmoja aliungama kuwa alimtamani sista wa
Kizungu [Kez].
sister-in-law (noun), mlamu, pl waamu.
sister-in-law (noun), mwamu, pl waamu.
sister-in-law (noun), pl sisters-in-law, shemeji (9/10an), pl shemeji.
sister-in-law (brother's wife or husband's sister) (noun), wifi (5/6an),
pl mawifi.
sit (verb), -kaa.
sit (verb), -kaa.
sit (verb), -keti.
sit (together) out of doors (verb), -barizi.
sit (us in order to warm oneself) (verb), -ota. warm oneself at the
fire.. ota moto.
sit down (verb), -jilisi.
sit down (verb), -keti.
sit in a fresh place (verb), -barizi.
sit on eggs (verb), -otamia.
sit straddle-legged (verb), -tagaa.
sit with legs spread (verb), -jipachika.
throw oneself into a sitting position (verb), -jipweteka pwata.
throw oneself into a sitting position (verb), -pweteka. (s)he dragged
himself into the kitchen and threw him(her)self on top of the goat.
akajikokotea jikoni na kupweteka juu ya mbuzi [Sul].
be in a sitting position (verb), -otama.
sitting (act of) (noun), kikao (7/8), pl vikao.
sitting room (noun), sebule (9/10), pl sebule. (s)he enters the sitting
room and is confronted by darkness. anaingia sebuleni na kukabiliwa na
giza [Muk].
sitting area outside traditional Swahili homes (noun), baraza (9/10), pl
baraza. Those people sat on the baraza.. Watu wale walikaa barazani
[Nabhany, Masomo 292].
situation (noun), hali (9/10), pl hali.
situation (noun), mahala. everywhere. kila mahala.
situation (noun), mahali. everywhere. kila mahali.
situation (noun), makazi.
situation (noun), uhali.
situation (proper or expected) (noun), pahala (9/10), pl pahala.
situation (proper or expected) (noun), pahali (9/10), pl pahali.
six (adjective), sita.
sixteen (adjective), kumi na sita.
sixteen (adjective), sitashara.
sixteen (noun), kumi na sita.
one sixth (fraction) (noun), sudusu (9/10), pl sudusu.
sixth (adjective), -a sita.
rare sixty (noun), mzo (3/4), pl mizo.
sixty (adjective), sitini.
actual size (noun), umbile (5/6), pl maumbile.
powerful size (noun), tambo (5/6), pl matambo.
size (noun), cheo (7/8), pl vyeo.
size (noun), kima, pl vima.
size (noun), kimo, pl vimo.
size (noun), kiwiliwili, pl viwiliwili.
size (noun), saizi (9/10), pl saizi. the size of his/her shoes is size
eight. Yeye anavaa viatu saizi nane.
size (noun), ukubwa (14).
size (noun), ukubwa.
size (of shoes, clothes etc) (noun), kipimo, pl vipimo.
someone of the same size (as something or someone else) (noun), mkeketo,
pl mikeketo.
sizzle (verb), -chacharika.
sizzle (verb), -chachatika.
skate (kind of fish) (noun), taa (9/10an), pl taa.
pl. skeleton (noun), mifupa, pl mifupa.
skeleton key (noun), kifunguo, pl vifunguo.
sketch (noun), rahamani (9/10), pl rahamani.
sketch (noun), ramani (9/10), pl ramani.
sketch (noun), pl sketches, tarakibu (9/10), pl tarakibu.
sketch (verb), -andika.
sketching (noun), uchoraji.
skewer (noun), kibanzi, pl vibanzi.
skewer (noun), mshakiki, pl mishakiki.
skewer (noun), mshikaki, pl mishikiki.
skilfil (adjective), hodari.
skilful (adjective), mahiri.
do something skilfully (verb), -charaza.
high skill (noun), ushairi.
make with skill (verb), -sanii.
skill (noun), mzungu, pl mizungu.
skill (noun), tabasuri (9/10), pl tabasuri.
skill (noun), ubingwa (14).
skill (noun), ufundi (14).
skill (noun), ufundi.
skill (noun), uhodari (14), pl uhodari.
skill (noun), ujuizi.
skill (noun), ujuzi.
skill (noun), umahiri (14).
skill (noun), usanifu.
skill (noun), ustadi (14).
skill (noun), weledi.
skill (noun), weredi (14).
skilled artisan (noun), fundistadi (5/6), pl mafundistadi.
skilled worker (noun), pl skilled workers, mstadi (1/2), pl wastadi.
skillful (adjective), farisi.
skillful (adjective), mahiri.
skillful (adjective), stadi.
skillful (adjective), weledi.
skillful (noun), fundi (5/6), pl mafundi.
skillful person (noun), pl experts, stadi (5/6an), pl mastadi.
do skillfully (verb), -sanifisha.
skills (noun), maarifa (6).
skim off (verb), -engua.
dried and powdered skin of animal or reptile used as a charm or medicine
(noun), usira.
skin (noun), gamba (5/6), pl magamba.
skin (noun), gofi.
skin (noun), ngara (9/10), pl ngara.
skin (noun), ngovi (9/10), pl ngovi.
skin (noun), ngozi (9/10), pl ngozi.
skin (verb), -chunua.
skin (verb), -puchua. Before eating, (s)he skinned the mango. Kabla ya
kula, alipuchua ngozi ya embe.
skin (verb), -pujua. skin off. pujua ngozi.
skin (animals) (verb), -chuna.
skin disease (kind of) (noun), manawa (9/10), pl manawa.
spreading skin disease (noun), tambazi (5/6), pl matambazi.
powder used as a remedy for skin diseases prepared from the leaves of the
mkunazi tree (noun), dasili.
skin disease (noun), choa.
skin disease (kind of) (noun), balanga, pl balanga. white mbalanga,
black mbalanga. ~ nyeupe, ~ nyeusi.
skin-eruption (noun), uwati (11/10).
skinflint (noun), mchopozi, pl wachopozi.
skinflint (noun), mnyima, pl wanyima.
skinflint (noun), mnyimaji, pl wanyimaji.
skinning (noun), chuno, pl machuno.
skirmish (noun), mpambano (3/4), pl mipambano.
skirmish (noun), pigano (5/6), pl mapigano.
cause to skirt (verb), -ambaza.
skirt (noun), skati (9/10), pl skati.
skirt (noun), sketa (9/10), pl sketa.
skirt (noun), sketi (9/10), pl sketi.
skirt (verb), -ambaa.
skit (humorous) (noun), kichekesho (7/8), pl vichekesho.
skull (noun), pl skulls, bufuu (la kichwa) (5/6), pl mabufu. All this
time I was thinking that you have a brain inside of that skull of yours,
but it's just useless liquid [Chacha, Masomo 378]. Muda wote huu
nikidhani kuwa una ubongo ndani ya hilo bufuu lako, kumbe ni maji matupu
[Chacha, Masomo 378].
skull (noun), pl skulls, fuvu (5/6), pl mafuvu.
skull (noun), pl cranium, skull, mafuu.
animal similar to a skunk (noun), kinyegele.
animal similar to a skunk (noun), kinyegere.
animal similar to a skunk (noun), nyegere (9/10an), pl nyegege.
skunklike animal (small and emits bad smell) (noun), cheche (9/10an), pl
bright sky (noun), kweu.
bright sky (noun), kweupe.
overcast sky (noun), mafunde.
sky (noun), anga (5), pl maanga.
sky (noun), hewa.
sky (noun), juu.
sky (noun), mbingu (9/10), pl mbingu.
sky (noun), mbingu, pl mbingu.
sky (noun), mang'ungumu.
sky (noun), samawati (9/10), pl samawati. sky color. rangi ya samawati.
sky (noun), samawi (9/10), pl samawi.
sky (noun), ulimwengu, pl malimwengu.
sky (noun), uwingu, pl mbingu.
sky (noun), wingu (11/10), pl mbingu.
sky (noun), samawi.
be slack (verb), -lega.
be slack (verb), -legarega.
be slack (verb), -legea.
be slack (verb), -rega.
be slack (verb), -regarega.
be slack (verb), -nyong'onyea.
be slack (verb), -tepeta.
slack (adjective), -ajiza.
slack (adjective), -ajizi.
slack (adjective), kejekeje.
slack (adjective), kulifu.
slack (adjective), kulivu.
slack (adjective), -legevu.
slack (adjective), legevu.
slack (adjective), tepete.
slack (adjective), tepetevu.
slack (adjective), -zembe.
slack person (noun), mlegevu (1/2), pl walegevu.
slacken (verb), -legeza (causative).
slackness (noun), ukulifu.
slackness (noun), ukulivu.
slackness (noun), ulegeo.
slackness (noun), ulegevu (14).
slackness (noun), uzembe (14).
slackness (noun), uzimbezimbe (14).
slackness (noun), uzito.
slacks (noun), patashika (9/10), pl patashika.
slag (noun), chomo, pl machomo. iron slag. chombo la chuma.
slam (the door) (verb), -bana mlango.
be slandered (verb), -chongewa.
slander (noun), chongelezo, pl machongelezo.
slander (noun), idhara.
slander (noun), kashifa (9/10), pl kashifa.
slander (noun), kashifa.
slander (noun), masengenyo.
slander (noun), masingizio (6).
slander (noun), masingizo.
slander (noun), msengenyo, pl misengenyo.
slander (noun), pl slanders, singizio (5/6), pl masingizio.
slander (noun), tua.
slander (noun), uchongelezi (14).
slander (noun), uchongezi.
slander (noun), uchongezo.
slander (noun), uchongolezi.
slander (noun), ukashifu (14).
slander (noun), ukashifu.
slander (noun), utalaleshi.
slander (noun), utetaji.
slander (noun), uteto.
slander (verb), -adhiri.
slander (verb), -amba.
slander (verb), -aziri.
slander (verb), -bughudha.
slander (verb), -bughudhi.
slander (verb), -bughudhu.
slander (verb), -chonga.
slander (verb), -chongea.
slander (verb), -fitini.
slander (verb), -idhara.
slander (verb), -kashifu.
slander (verb), -kashifu.
slander (verb), -kejeli.
slander (verb), -ongopa.
slander (verb), -rumbiza (causative).
slander (verb), -sawidi.
slander (verb), -sengenya.
slander (verb), -sibabi.
slander (verb), -sibu.
slander (verb), -singiza. they slandered me. walinisingizia.
slander (verb), -singizia.
slander (verb), -teta.
slander each other (verb), -sengenyana.
slander each other (verb), -umbuana.
be slandered (verb), -kashifiwa.
slanderer (noun), chakubimbi, pl vikubimbi.
slanderer (noun), mbea, pl wabea.
slanderer (noun), mchongelezi (1/2), pl wachongelezi.
slanderer (noun), mchongelezi, pl wachongezi.
slanderer (noun), mchongezi, pl wachongezi.
slanderer (noun), mdakizi, pl wadakizi.
slanderer (noun), mdaku, pl wadaku.
slanderer (noun), mdakulizi, pl midakulizi.
slanderer (noun), mdakuzi, pl wadakizi.
slanderer (noun), mdukizi, pl wadakizi.
slanderer (noun), mfumua, pl wafumua.
slanderer (noun), mfumuaji, pl wafumuaji.
slanderer (noun), msalata, pl wasalata.
slanderer (noun), msaliti, pl wasaliti.
slanderer (noun), mtalaleshi, pl watalaleshi, matalaleshi.
slanderer (noun), mwambaji, pl waambiji.
slanderer (noun), mwambi, pl waambi.
slanderer (noun), mzushi, pl wazushi.
slanderer (noun), mzuzi, pl wazuzi.
slanderer (noun), talaleshi, pl watalaleshi, matalaleshi.
slanderer (noun), talaleshi (5/6an), pl matalaleshi.
slant (noun), hanamu.
slant (noun), mshadhari. oblique line.. mstari wa mshazari.
slant (noun), mshazari. oblique line.. mstari wa mshazari.
slanting (adjective), matemo.
slanting (adverb), mshadhari.
slanting (adverb), mshazari.
light slap (noun), kikofi (7/8), pl vikofi.
slap (noun), kofi, pl makofi.
slap (verb), -piga kofi.
slap (verb), -zaba.
slap (fig.) (noun), kibao (7/8), pl vibao.
slap on the ear (noun), mdukuo, pl midukuo.
slash (noun), chanjo, pl machanjo.
slash (noun), tojo, pl matojo.
slash (noun), uchale.
slash (verb), -tema.
slashing (act of) (noun), mtemo, pl mitemo.
slate (school) (noun), kibao, pl vikibao.
slattern (noun), mkoo (1/2), pl wakoo.
custom of slaughtering an animal (goat or ox) in front of the house of a
deceased person (noun), ndongoa (9/10).
slaughter (noun), mchinjo (3/4), pl michinjo.
slaughter (noun), uuaji.
slaughter (verb), -chinja.
slaughter (verb), -tinda.
slaughter(ing) (noun), chinjo, pl machinjo.
slaughtering of a goat for the festival of the first hair-cutting (noun),
akiki (9/10), pl akiki.
slaughtering place (noun), chinjoni.
slaughterer (noun), mchinja, pl wachinja.
slaughterer (noun), mchinjaji, pl wachinjaji.
slaughterhouse (noun), machinjoni, pl machinjoni.
slaughterhouse (noun), madhabahu, pl madhabahu.
slaughtering place (noun), machinjoni, pl machinjoni.
fellow slave (noun), mjoli (1/2), pl wajoli.
freed slave (noun), hadimu (5/6), pl mahadimu.
hist. (young) slave (noun), mtwana, pl watwana.
hist., liter., slave (noun), mja, pl waja.
liter. female slave (noun), mjakazi (1/2), pl wajakazi.
slave (noun), abd (9/10an), pl abd.
slave (noun), krimu. a weighty utterance.
slave (noun), pl slaves, mtumwa (1/2), pl watumwa.
slave (female) (noun), kijakazi (7/8an), pl vijakazi.
slave boy (noun), kitwana, pl vitwana.
young slave girl (noun), kijakazi, pl vijakazi.
slaver (noun), udelele.
slaver (noun), udende.
slaver (of saliva) (verb), -dolola.
slavery (noun), uja.
slavery (noun), utumwa (14).
slavishly (adverb), kitumwa.
cause to sleep soundly (verb), -nogeshea (applicative). to cause Fadhili
Magoma to sleep soundly. kumnogeshea usingizi Fadhil Magoma [Muk].
fail to get enough sleep (verb), -parama usingizi.
get to sleep after a long time (verb), -dungua (usingizi).
not sleep (verb), -kesha.
place of sleeping (noun), uraro.
put to sleep (verb), -sinzisha (causative).
rare sleep (noun), ndoto.
sleep (noun), ubwabwa wa mwana.
sleep (noun), usingizi (11).
sleep (verb), -gona.
sleep (verb), -lala.
sleep (verb), -sinzia.
sleep like a log (verb), -lala fofofo.
sleep very soundly (adverb), kigogo.
sleep very soundly (verb), -lala fofofo.
sleeping place (noun), malalo (6).
sleeping place (noun), malazi (6).
talk in one's sleep (verb), -ewedeka.
late sleeper (noun), mlalaji, pl walalaji.
restless sleeper (noun), mlalafi, pl walalafi.
restless sleeper (noun), mlalavi, pl walalavi.
sleeper (noun), taruma (5/6), pl mataruma.
sleepiness (noun), lepe, pl malepe.
sleepiness (noun), ndezi.
manner of sleeping (noun), uraro.
sleeping (manner of) (noun), ulalo, pl malalo.
sleeping (place of) (noun), ulalo, pl malalo.
sleeping place (noun), kilalio, pl vilalio.
sleeping-place (noun), malalo.
sleeping-place (noun), malazi.
sleeping-place (noun), malazo.
sleeping-place (noun), pakulalia (9/10), pl pakulalia. sleeping-place.
mahali pa kulalia.
get into a sleeping bag (verb), -finika fumba.
get into a sleeping bag (verb), -funika fumba.
woven sleeping bag (noun), mkeka wa fumba, pl mikeka ya fumba.
sleeping sickness (noun), malale (6).
sleeping-mat (noun), kirago (7/8), pl virago.
sleeplessness (noun), machachari, pl machachari.
be sleepy (verb), -sinzia.
sleepyhead (noun), mlalaji, pl walalaji.
sleight of hand (noun), kiini macho, pl viini.
slender (adjective), embamba.
slender (adjective), tarakiki.
slender person (noun), udole, pl ndole.
slenderness (noun), wembamba.
slice (noun), ubale (11/10), pl mbale.
slice (verb), -lenga.
slice (a little off the top of something) (verb), -buabua.
slice (e.g. of cassava) (noun), mbale (9/10), pl mbale.
slice (large) (noun), bale (5/6), pl mabale.
slice (of bread) (noun), mego, pl mamego.
slice (of cassava etc.) (noun), cheche.
slice (of cassava etc.) (noun), chechi. electric spark. cheche la [ya]
umeme [stimu].
slice up (verb), -chanyata.
be slick (verb), -teleza.
slide (verb), -nyinyirika.
slide (verb), -nyiririka.
slide (verb), -poromoka. The house slide after a heavy downpour. Nyumba
iliporomoka kwa mvua laki.
slide (verb), -telea.
slide (verb), -teleza.
slide (verb), -teleza (causative).
slide (on the buttocks as one who has lost the use of both legs) (verb),
slide (on the buttocks as one who has lost the use of both legs) (verb),
slide along (verb), -tiririka.
slide down (verb), -poromoa. The builder fell off the roof of the
house.. mjenzi ameporomoka kwenye paa la nyumba.
slide down (verb), -telemka.
slide down (verb), -teremka.
slide down (verb), -teremuka.
slide out (verb), -ponyoka.
sliding (noun), utelezi, pl utelezi, matelezi.
slight (adjective), dhaifu.
slight (adjective), dogo.
slight (adjective), haba.
slight (adjective), nyonge.
slight (verb), -beua.
slight (verb), -beza.
slight (verb), -dharau.
slight (verb), -purukusa.
slight (verb), -purukusha.
to a very slight extent (adverb), kadogo.
slightness (noun), uchache.
slightness (noun), uchechefu.
slign (noun), manati.
slim (adjective), embamba. a slim/slender person. mtu mwembamba.
slim (adjective), tarakiki.
slime (noun), kinamasi (7/8), pl vinamasi.
slime (noun), zafe.
slimy substance (noun), kinamasi, pl vinamasi.
cloth sling (for carrying children on the back) (noun), mweleko, pl
cloth sling (used for carrying children on the back) (noun), mbeleko
(9/10), pl mbeleko.
cloth sling used for carrying children on the back (noun), uweleko.
cloth sling used for carrying children on the back. (noun), beleko, pl
sling (noun), gango (5/6), pl magango.
sling (noun), kombeo (5/6), pl makombeo.
sling (noun), kubwebwe (9/10), pl kubwebwe.
sling (noun), mkumbuu (3/4), pl mikumbuu.
sling (noun), panda (9/10), pl panda.
sling (noun), ukumbuo.
sling (noun), ukumbuu.
sling for throwing stones (noun), teo (9/10), pl teo.
slingshot (noun), mpanda, pl mapanda ; mipanda.
slingshot (noun), panda (9/10), pl panda.
slingshot (noun), topito.
cause to slip (verb), -telemua.
cause to slip (verb), -teremua.
let slip (verb), -chopoka.
make a slip of the tongue (phrase), -ponyoka maneno.
make a slip of the tongue (verb), -potea maneno.
slip (noun), mche, pl miche.
slip (noun), kipandikizo, pl vipandikizo.
slip (noun), pandikizo (5/6), pl mapandikizo ; vipandikizo.
slip (verb), -futu.
slip (verb), -gagulo.
slip (verb), -jipenyeza (reflexive).
slip (verb), -kwaa.
slip (verb), -nyinyirika.
slip (verb), -nyiririka.
slip (verb), -poromoka. Ali slipped under the bridge. Ali aliporomoka
chini la daraja.
slip (verb), -seperuka.
slip (verb), -sepetuka. (s)he slipped and fell. Aliseperuka na huku
slip (verb), -telea.
slip (verb), -teleza.
slip (verb), -teremka.
slip (verb), -teremuka.
slip away (verb), -chopoka.
slip away (verb), -ponyoka. "make a slip of the tongue, say the wrong
thing".. ponyoka maneno.
slip from one's hand (verb), -churupuka.
slip in (verb), -jipenyeza.
slip off (verb), -vuka (potential).
slipknot (noun), tanzi (5/6), pl matanzi.
slipper (noun), koshi (5/6), pl makoshi.
slipper (noun), pl slippers, sapatu (9/10), pl sapatu. (s)he chose
slippers of two shillings. akachagua [...] sapatu za shilingi mbili
slipperiness (noun), utelezi (14).
slipperiness (noun), zafe.
be slippery (verb), -teleza.
be slippery (verb), -teleza (causative).
slipping (noun), utelezi, pl utelezi, matelezi.
in a slipshod way (adverb), paruparu.
slipshod person (noun), mpurukushani, pl wapurukushani.
work in a slipshod fashion (verb), -pumbaa kazi.
slipway (noun), jahabu, pl majahabu.
slit (noun), chanjo, pl machanjo.
slit (verb), -tana. split the (leaf) of dwarf palm. tana miyaa.
slit (the bark of trees, to obtain resin) (verb), -gema.
slit leaves for weaving mats (noun), chane (9/10), pl chane.
slither (of a snake) (verb), -tiririka.
slogan (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
slogan (noun), mwito, pl miito, wito.
one of smaller slopes of thatched roof (noun), kisusi (7/8), pl visusi.
slope (noun), genge (5/6), pl magenge.
slope (noun), hanamu.
slope (noun), mtelemko, pl mitelemko.
slope (noun), mteremko, pl mitelemko.
slope (noun), mteremko (3/4), pl miteremko.
slope (noun), mwinamo (3/4), pl miinamo.
slope (noun), mwinuko (3/4), pl miinuko.
slope (noun), telemko, pl matelemko.
slope (noun), telemuko, pl matelemuko.
slope (noun), teremko, pl materemko.
slope (noun), teremuko, pl materemuko.
slope (verb), -telemka.
slope (verb), -teremka.
slope (verb), -teremuka.
slope of a roof (noun), kipaa, pl vipaa. surveying instrument.
steep slope (noun), poromoko (5/6), pl maporomoko. The rain caused a
steep slope at the corner of the mountain. Mvua ilisababisha poromoko
pembeni ya mlima.
do sloppy work (verb), -boronga.
slough (verb), -jipapatua.
be slovenly (verb), -kukusa.
slovenly person (noun), mzembe, pl wazembe.
be slow (verb), -usiri.
slow (adjective), kokotevu.
slow (adjective), -pole. remove clothes and bath to please the gentle
child. sema pole[pole]!.
slow (adjective), -vivu.
slow (adverb), polepole. speak slowly.. sema pole[pole]!.
slowly (adverb), aste.
slowly (adverb), henezi.
slowly (adverb), kinyerenyere.
slowly (adverb), -pole.
slowly (adverb), taratibu.
slowness (noun), uajazi.
slowness (noun), uajizi.
slowness (noun), unyogofu.
slowness (noun), unyong'onyevu.
slowness (noun), uzito.
sea slug (noun), kojojo, pl makojojo.
slug (noun), kikoa, pl vikoa.
slug (noun), koa (5/6), pl makoa.
slug (noun), konokono, pl makonokono.
sluggishness (noun), uajazi.
sluggishness (noun), uajizi.
sluggishness (noun), unyogofu.
sluggishness (noun), unyong'onyevu.
slump (noun), mbwago (3/4), pl mibwago.
slut (noun), mkoo (1/2), pl wakoo.
be sly (verb), -limuka.
follow on the sly (verb), -nyendea.
on the sly (adverb), chini (kwa) chini.
sly (adjective), erevu.
sly (adjective), -janja.
sly (adjective), kakamavu.
sly (adjective), mahiri.
sly (adjective), tatai.
sly (noun), mkakamavu (1/2), pl wakakamavu.
sly glance (noun), kijicho (7/8), pl vijicho.
sly person (noun), kitungule (7/8), pl vitungule.
sly person (noun), mfichaji, pl wafichaji.
sly person (noun), mfichifichi, pl wafichifichi.
sly person (noun), mjanja (1/2), pl wajanja.
sly person (noun), mtundu, pl watundu.
sly person (noun), laghai (9/10an), pl laghai.
sly person (noun), mlaghai (1/2), pl walaghai.
slyly (noun), kipunjo, pl vipunjo.
slyness (noun), ujanja (14).
slyness (noun), ujanja.
be small (verb), -kundaa.
become too small (of clothes) (verb), -chupa. my trousers have become
too small for me. suruali yangu imechupa.
extremely small (adjective), kadogo.
make smaller (verb), -punguza. make the food less. punguza chakula.
small (adjective), -dogo.
small (noun), kichoro, pl vichoro.
small (of persons) (adjective), ndururu.
small amount (noun), haba (9/10), pl haba.
small person (noun), kijitu (7/8an), pl vijitu.
small person or animal (noun), kibeti, pl vibeti.
very small (adjective), katiti.
small fish (noun), ngogo (9/10an), pl ngogo.
small talk (noun), porojo (5/6), pl maporojo.
smallness (noun), udogo (14), pl udogo.
pl. med. smallpox (a single pustule =udui) (noun), ndui. victim of
smallpox.. mgonjwa wa ndui.
smallpox (noun), dudu, pl madudu.
smallpox (noun), udui, pl ndui.
be smart (verb), -chonyota.
smart (adjective), hodari.
smart (adjective), malidadi.
smart (noun), mchomo (3/4), pl michomo.
smart (verb), -cheneta.
smart (verb), -washa.
smart (verb), -wawa.
smart (informal) (adjective), mbwe-mbwe.
smart (of clothes) (adjective), lonyo.
smarting (noun), fukuto (5/6), pl mafukuto.
smartly (adverb), kiungwana.
smartness (noun), unadhifu (14), pl unadhifu.
smartness (noun), utanashati (14).
smartness (of clothing) (noun), ubeja.
smear (verb), -rasha.
smear (verb), -rasharasha.
smear (verb), -taliza.
smear on (verb), -paka. rub (the body) with oil.. paka mafuta.
smear on (verb), -pakaa. rub (the body) with oil.. paka mafuta.
smearing (noun), mpako, pl mipako.
(bad) smell of fish (noun), vumba, pl mavumba.
bad smell (noun), kijusi, pl vijusi.
bad smell (noun), mnuko (3/4), pl minuko.
bad smell (noun), uvundo.
detect a pleasant odor (verb), -nukilia vizuri.
emit a bad smell (verb), -nuka.
emit a good smell (verb), -nukia.
give off a bad smell (verb), -nuka.
have a pleasant smell (verb), -firidi.
natural smell of fish (not rotten) (noun), shombo (9/10), pl shombo.
produce a bad smell (verb), -vundikiza.
sense of smell (noun), kunusa.
sense of smell (noun), pua (9/10), pl pua.
smell (noun), harufu (9/10), pl harufu.
smell (either good or bad) (noun), nuko (5/6), pl manuko. what is
causing that bad smell?. nuko hilo mbaya limetoka wapi?.
smell (good or bad) (noun), arufu, pl harufu.
smell (good or bad) (noun), harufu.
smell (natural odor of animals) (noun), udusi.
smell (natural odor of animals) (noun), ujusi.
smell (of sea animals such as crab) (noun), mwengo (3/4), pl miengo.
smell (too) strongly of perfume (verb), -wapilia.
smell bad (verb), -vunda.
smell good (verb), -nukia.
smell of perspiration (noun), ufukuto.
smell of perspiration (noun), uvukuto.
smell of wild animal (noun), kidusi (9/10), pl kidusi.
smell out (verb), -nukilia.
smell sweet (verb), -nukia.
sweet smell (noun), mnukio (3/4), pl minukio.
sweet smelling thing (noun), nukato (5/6), pl manukato.
unusual smell (noun), kidusi.
smelly thing (noun), vunde (5/6), pl mavunde.
smile (noun), kicheko, pl vicheko.
smile (noun), tabasamu (9/10), pl tabasamu.
smile (verb), -cheka.
smile (verb), -tabasamu. Rukia smiled again. Rukia akatabasamu tena
smile (at) (verb), -chekelea (applicative).
smiling (noun), bashasha (9/10), pl bashasha.
smirk (noun), tabasamu (9/10), pl tabasamu.
smith (noun), mfua, pl wafua. goldsmith (silversmith). mfua
smith (noun), msana, pl wasana. blacksmith.. msana chuma.
trade of a smith (noun), ufuaji.
trade of a smith (noun), uhunzi.
work of a (black)smith (noun), usani.
(black)smithing (methods of) (noun), usani.
smithing (noun), uhunzi (14).
cause to give smoke (verb), -fukiza.
causing smoke (noun), ufukizo (14).
copious smoke (noun), joshi, pl majoshi.
emit smoke (verb), -fuka.
give off smoke (verb), -fuka.
give out smoke (verb), -fukia.
producing smoke (noun), fusho (5/6), pl mafusho.
smoke (noun), dohani.
smoke (noun), dokhani.
smoke (noun), fukizo (5/6), pl mafukizo.
smoke (noun), mafukizo.
smoke (noun), mfukuto, pl mifukuto.
smoke (noun), moshi, pl mimoshi. "recent, pol. smokescreen".. pazia la
smoke (noun), vukizo, pl mavukizo.
smoke (verb), -chafua.
smoke (verb), -fuka.
smoke (verb), -vuta.
smoke (something) (verb), -fukisha.
smoke (something) (verb), -fukiza.
smoke (something) (verb), -vukiza.
smoke out (verb), -zia.
smoke out (bees etc.) (verb), -choma.
thick smoke (noun), joshi, pl majoshi.
thing used to produce smoke (noun), fukizo (5/6), pl mafukizo.
vapor (noun), mfukuto, pl mifukuto.
smoker (noun), mvuta, pl wavuta.
smokescreen (noun), pazia la moshi (5/6), pl mapazia. "recent, pol.
smokescreen".. pazia la moshi.
smokestack (noun), bomba, pl mabomba.
smoking (noun), kifukizo (7/8), pl vifukizo.
smoking (noun), kivukizo (7/8), pl vifukizo.
smoking (noun), uvutaji.
be smooth (verb), -nyoka.
be smooth (verb), -nyooka.
be smooth (verb), -nyoosha (causative).
be smooth (verb), -nyorosha.
smooth (adjective), laini.
smooth (adjective), -ororo.
smooth (verb), -kuruta.
smooth (verb), -lainika.
smooth (verb), -lainisha.
smooth (verb), -seneza.
smooth (verb), -seza.
smooth (clothes) (verb), -guruta.
smooth a surface (verb), -sirima.
smooth a surface (verb), -sisima.
smooth out (verb), -chanua.
smooth out (verb), -kunjua.
smooth out (verb), -nyongoa.
smooth-tongued man (noun), mbembe (1/2), pl wabembe.
smoothness (noun), ulaini (14).
smoothness (noun), wororo (14).
smuggle (verb), -penyesha.
smuggle (verb), -penyeza.
smuggler (noun), mpenyezi (1/2), pl wapenyezi.
smuggling (noun), mpenyezo (3/4), pl mipenyezo.
smuggling (noun), penyaji (5/6), pl mapenyaji.
smuggling (noun), penyezi (5/6), pl mapenyezi.
smuggling (noun), upenyaji, pl mapenyaji, penyaji.
smuggling (noun), upenyezi (14).
smut (on grains and cereals) (noun), kizimwe (7/8), pl vizimwe.
snack (noun), kumbwe, pl makumbwe.
something eaten when one is drinking alcoholic beverages (noun), asusa,
pl asusa.
hombwe (kind of snail) (noun), hombwe.
kind of snail (noun), kobwe.
marine snail (large variety) (noun), babaje, pl babaje.
snail (noun), kikoa, pl vikoa.
snail (noun), koa (5/6), pl makoa.
snail (noun), konokono (5/6an), pl makonokono.
snail (species of) (noun), tondo.
snail-shell (noun), koa (5/6), pl makoa.
kind of poisonous snake (noun), mamba.
kind of snake (noun), fundarere.
large snake (noun), joka, pl majoka.
poisonous snake (noun), bafe, pl bafe.
poisonous snake (type) (noun), mamba (9/10an).
sloughed-off skin of a snake (noun), vulio, pl mavulio.
snake (noun), pl snakes, nyoka (9/10an), pl nyoka.
snake (kind of) (noun), dili.
snake (kind of) (noun), fia.
snake (kind of) (noun), mzonazanje.
snake (kind of) (noun), tuwanyika.
snake (large kind) (noun), vuvi.
snake (large) (noun), choka, pl machoka.
snake (large) (noun), joka (1/2), pl majoka.
snake species (Bitis gabonica) (noun), moma, pl mamoma.
species of harmless snake (noun), ukukwi (11).
variety of large snake (noun), futa.
snakebite medicine (noun), punju (9/10), pl punju.
snakebite medicine (noun), punyu (9/10), pl punyu.
snakeskin (noun), vulio (5/6), pl mavulio.
cause to snap (verb), -alisha. make the joints of one's fingers crack.
~ vidole.
snap (verb), -alika.
snap (verb), -fyetua.
snap (verb), -tatarika.
snap (a photograph) (verb), -twanga.
snap at something (verb), -ng'wafua.
snap at something (of an animal) (verb), -ng'wafua.
snapping of the fingers (noun), aliko (5/6), pl maaliko.
snapper (fish) (noun), changu (9/10), pl changu. The fishermen fished
for snapper. Wavuvi walivua changu.
one who makes a snapping noise (noun), mwalishi, pl walishi.
snapping (of the fingers) (noun), mwaliko, pl mialiko.
remove a snare (verb), -tegua mtego.
snare (noun), pl snares, mtego (3/4), pl mitego.
snare (noun), shabaki (9/10), pl shabaki.
snare (noun), shabuka (9/10), pl shabuka.
snare (noun), tanzi (5/6), pl matanzi.
snare (noun), ushabaki.
snare (verb), -nasa.
snarl (verb), -gwafua.
snarl (dogs etc) (verb), -ng'akia.
be snatched away (verb), -nyakuliwa.
snatch (verb), -bwakua.
snatch (verb), -kwapura.
snatch (verb), -ng'wafua.
snatch (verb), -ng'wafua.
snatch (verb), -nyaka.
snatch (verb), -nyakua.
snatch (verb), -poka.
snatch (verb), -pokonya.
snatch (at something) (verb), -pora. The thief snatched her purse..
mwivi amempora mfuko wake.
snatch away (verb), -chopoa.
snatch away (verb), -kwapua.
snatch away (verb), -kwepua.
snatch hastily (verb), -vamia.
snatching away (noun), pute (9).
snatcher (noun), mnyakuzi (1/2), pl wanyakuzi.
snatching (noun), udakaji.
sneak (noun), sakubimbi (9/10), pl sakubimbi.
sneak (verb), -chakubimbi.
sneak along (verb), -nyata. creep up on a person.. nyata mtu.
sneak up on (verb), -gundulia.
sneak up upon (verb), -nyapa.
sneak up upon (verb), -nyapanyapa.
in a sneaking manner (adverb), kijizi.
(response to a sneeze) (verb), -kua.
make sneeze (verb), -shamulisha.
response to a sneeze (phrase), afya.
sneeze (verb), -afya.
sneeze (verb), -chemua.
sneeze (verb), -hekemua.
sneeze (verb), -chuma.
sneeze (verb), -piga chafya.
sneeze (verb), -chemua.
sneeze (verb), -shamua.
sneezing (noun), chafya. to sneeze. piga [enda] chafya.
sneezing (noun), chafia.
sniff (verb), -nukilia.
sniffles (noun), kamasi, pl makamasi.
snobbery (noun), mapuuza (6).
snoop around (verb), -pekua.
snore (noun), koroma, pl koroma.
snore (noun), koromo (5/6), pl makoromo.
snore (verb), -forota.
snore (verb), -koroma.
snore (verb), -korota.
one who habitually snores (noun), mkoromaji, pl wakoromaji.
snoring (noun), kororo (5/6), pl makororo.
snoring (act of) (noun), mkoromo (3/4), pl mikoromo.
snort (verb), -koroma.
snort (verb), -chemua.
snort (verb), -piga pua. wash clothes.. pura nguo.
snort (verb), -shamua.
snorting (act of) (noun), mkoromo (3/4), pl mikoromo.
snow (noun), theluji (9/10), pl theluji.
snub (verb), -puuza.
snuff (noun), ugolo (11).
snuff (noun), ugoro (11).
snuff-box (noun), pl snuff boxes, tabakelo (9/10), pl tabakelo.
snuffle (verb), -nukilia.
and so (conjunction), alimradhi.
and so (conjunction), alimradi.
and so (conjunction), almuradi.
and so (conjunction), mradi, pl miradi, muradi.
and so on (adverb), kadhalika.
is it so? (conjunction), ndivyo?.
is that so? (interjection), alaa?.
it is so (adverb), ndi-.
it is so (pronoun), ndiyo.
just so so (adverb), hivi hivi tu.
so (adverb), vilevile.
so (adverb), vile.
so (conjunction), bas.
so (conjunction), basi.
so (conjunction), bassi.
so (conjunction), hata.
So and So (noun), akina (9/10an), pl akina.
so as to (conjunction), haddi.
so so (adverb), hivi.
so that (conjunction), haddi.
so that (conjunction), hata.
so that (conjunction), ili.
so that (conjunction), ili.
so that (preposition), minajili.
so be it (interjection), amina.
so that (conjunction), -angalao.
so that (conjunction), angao.
so-and-so (noun), fulani (1).
be soaked (verb), -loana (reciprocal).
be soaked (verb), -lowana (reciprocal).
be soaked (verb), -loweshwa ( caus-pass).
get soaked (verb), -lowa.
get soaked (verb), -roa.
soak (verb), -bambika.
soak (verb), -loweka.
soak (verb), -loweza.
soak (verb), -nawisha (causative).
soak (verb), -rovya (causative). the water dripped constantly and soaked
the floor of the house. maji yalidondoka daima na kurovya sakafu ya
chumba [Ng].
bar of soap (noun), kinoo, pl vinoo.
soap (noun), sabuni (9/10), pl sabuni. soap bubbles. povu la sabuni..
seeds of the soapberry tree (noun), harita.
soapberry tree (Sapindus saponaria) (noun), mharita, pl miarita.
soapberry tree (Sapindus saponaria) (noun), mwarita, pl miarita.
soar (of birds) (verb), -umbia.
soar up (verb), -peperuka.
choked sob (noun), gugumio (5/6), pl magugumio.
convulsive sobbing (noun), kwikwi (ya kilio) (9/10), pl kwikwi (za
sobbing (noun), kikwifukwifu.
sobbing (noun), kitefutefu (7).
sobbing (noun), kwikwi (9/10), pl kwikwi.
sobbing (noun), malizano.
sobbing convulsively (adverb), kwa kwikwi. Matika returned to her mother
in the kitchen and here she cried in sobs; She turns to the other side and
begins to sob.. Matika alirejea jikoni kwa mama yake huku akilia kwa
kwikwi [Balisidya, Masomo 348]; Anageuka upande mwingine na kuanza kulia
kwa kwikwi [Chacha, Masomo 380]..
get sober (verb), -levuka.
soccer (noun), kandanda (9/10), pl kandanda.
soccer (noun), pl football, soka (9/10), pl soka.
sociability (noun), udamisi.
social life (noun), maingiano.
social position (noun), kikao, pl vikao.
socialism (noun), ujamaa.
socialism (noun), ujamii.
socialist (noun), mjamaa (1/2), pl wajamaa.
socialist (noun), soshialisti (9/10an), pl soshialisti.
secret society (noun), njama (9/10), pl njama.
society (noun), chama (7/8), pl vyama. cooperative society. chama cha
society (noun), jamii (9/10), pl jamii.
society (noun), jumuiya (9/10), pl Jumuiya.
society (noun), jumuiya.
society (noun), maingiano.
society (noun), ushirika.
society (noun), ushirikiano.
society (noun), ushirikisho.
society (noun), wenzi.
gray wooden socket in which a handle of a wooden drill turns (noun),
kijivu (7/8), pl vijivu.
socket (noun), kipenyo (7/8), pl vipenyo.
socks (noun), sokisi (9/10), pl sokisi.
socks (noun), soksi (9/10), pl soksi.
soda (noun), magadi (6).
soda (noun), magadi.
soda pop (noun), pl soda pop, soda (9/10), pl soda.
soda water (noun), sharabeti (9/10), pl sharabeti.
soda water (noun), sharubati (9/10), pl sharubati.
soda water (noun), shebeti (9/10), pl shebeti.
soda water (noun), sherbeti (9/10), pl sherbeti.
soda water (noun), pl soda pop, soda (9/10), pl soda.
sodomite (noun), mfiraji, pl wafiraji.
practice sodomy (verb), -fira.
vulg. one who practices sodomy (noun), mende.
sofa (noun), kochi (5/6), pl makochi.
sofa (noun), sofa (9/10), pl sofa.
Sofia (noun), Sofia (1).
be soft (verb), -bonyea.
be soft (verb), -lainika.
be soft (verb), -ombojea.
feel soft (fruit or sores) (verb), -bopa. when bananas feel soft they
are ripe.. ndizi zikibopa zimeiva..
soft (adjective), -anana.
soft (adjective), -epesi.
soft (adjective), laini.
soft (adjective), -ororo.
soft (adjective), tefu. This food is soft.. Chakula hiki ni kitefu.
soft (adjective), teke.
soft (adjective), teketeke.
soft (something that can be licked off) (adjective), lambilambi.
something soft (noun), bokoboko.
soft drink (noun), togwa (9/10), pl togwa.
soft place (noun), bopo (5/6), pl mabopo.
soften (verb), -lainisha.
softly (adverb), njongwanjongwa.
softly (adverb), nyatunyatu.
softly (adverb), -pole.
softness (noun), ulaini.
softness (noun), ulainifu.
soggy (adjective), chepechepe.
richness of soil (noun), mbolea.
soil (noun), ardhi (9/10), pl ardhi.
soil (noun), dongo (5/6), pl madongo.
soil (noun), udongo (14).
soil (verb), -chafua.
soil (verb), -najisi.
be sold (verb), -uzwa.
solder (noun), lehemu (9/10), pl lehemu.
solder (verb), -tia risasi. to tin-plate.. tia risasi.
solder (tin or lead) (noun), lisasi. to tin-plate.. tia risasi.
solder (tin or lead) (noun), risasi (9/10), pl risasi. to tin-plate..
tia risasi.
irregular soldier (noun), pl irregular soldiers, mrugaruga (1/2), pl
irregular soldier (noun), rugaruga (1/2), pl warugaruga.
mil. irregular soldier (noun), rugaruga, pl warugaruga.
soldier (noun), asikari, pl asikari.
soldier (noun), askari (9/10an), pl askari.
soldier (noun), mwanajeshi (1/2), pl wanajeshi.
guruguru (kind of fish, sole) (noun), guruguru.
sole (of a shoe) (noun), soli (9/10), pl soli.
sole (of foot) (noun), unyayo (11/10), pl nyayo.
sole of foot (noun), wayo (11/10), pl nyayo.
sole of the shoe (noun), unyayo (11/10), pl nyayo.
solely (adverb), wahedu.
solemnity (noun), adhimisho (5/6), pl maadhimisho.
soliciting (noun), ubembe (14).
of things solid (adjective), ume.
solid (adjective), -zima.
solidarity (noun), ujoli.
solidify (verb), -imarisha (causative).
solidity (noun), uimara.
solidity (noun), umathubuti.
solidity (noun), ushupavu.
solidity (noun), uthabiti.
solidity (noun), uthubutu.
solidly (adverb), kidete.
solitariness (noun), ukiwa (14).
lonely person (noun), mjane, pl wajane.
solitary (adjective), gumba.
solitary (adjective), kiwa.
solitary (adjective), tawa.
solitary existence (noun), usufii.
solitary person (noun), hohehahe.
solitary person (noun), mfaraka, pl wafaraka.
solitary person (noun), mgumba, pl migumba.
solitary person (noun), mjane, pl wajane.
solitary person (noun), mkiwa, pl wakiwa.
solitary person (noun), mtenga, pl watenga.
solitary person (without relatives) (noun), mpweke, pl wapweke.
solitary person, one who separates himself from his home and relatives;
refugee,dislocated person (noun), mfariki, pl wafariki.
solititude (noun), kitwea.
solitude (noun), kitawa (9/10), pl kitawa.
solitude (noun), peke (9). alone. peke ya.
solitude (noun), pekee (9). alone. peke ya.
solitude (noun), pweke (9). He found himself in solitude after his wife
died.. Alijiona pweke baada ya mke kufariki.
solitude (noun), ukiwa.
solitude (noun), upekee.
solitude (noun), upweke.
soloist (noun), kongwe (9/10), pl kongwe.
solution (noun), myeyusho (3/4), pl miyeyusho.
solution (noun), ufumbulio.
solution (noun), ufumbuo.
solution (noun), ufumbuzi.
solution (noun), utambulifu.
solution (noun), utambulizi.
solution (noun), utambuzi.
solution (of a difficulty) (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza.
solve (verb), -fumbua.
solve (verb), -tatua.
solve (a problem) (verb), -tatanua.
solve a problem (verb), -suluhisha.
solve for someone (verb), -tatulia.
be solved (verb), -tatuka.
problem solver (noun), pl problem solvers, msuluhivu (1/2), pl
Somali Coast (noun), banada, pl banada.
Somali Coast (noun), banaderi, pl banada.
sombrero (noun), pl sombreroes, shumberere (5/6), pl mashumberere.
sombrero (noun), shumbulele (5/6), pl mashumbelele.
some (adjective), ingine.
some (adjective), -ingine.
some (adjective), vingine.
some (adverb), kidogo.
some (noun), baadhi, pl baadhi. some of the people; some days. ~ ya
watu;~ ya siku.
some of (adverb), baadhi ya.
some or other (adjective), fulani.
somebody (noun), mtu, pl watu. nobody is there.. hakuna mtu.
somehow or other (adverb), hobela.
someone (noun), mmoja, pl wamoja. each (and every) one. kila mmoja.
someone (noun), mtu, pl watu. No one is there.. hakuna mtu.
someone else (pronoun), mwingine, pl wengine.
somersault (noun), kichwamgomba, pl vichwamgomba.
somersault (noun), mapindu.
somersault (noun), pindu (5/6), pl mapindu.
turn somersaults (verb), -fingirika.
something (noun), kitu (7/8), pl vitu.
something twisted (noun), msokoto, pl misokoto.
sometimes (adjective), pengine. "in any event, perhaps".. pengine na
sometimes (adverb), pingine. And sometimes (s)he woke up in the morning
to collect mangoes. na pengine [] alfajiri aliamka kuokota embe [Moh].
sometimes (phrase), mara kwa mara.
somewhat (adjective), kidogo.
somewhat (adverb), kiasi.
eldest son (noun), kibwana, pl vibwana.
son (noun), wadi.
son of (noun), bin (9/10), pl bin.
son of Adam (noun), binadamu (9/10an), pl binadamu.
song (noun), pl songs, shairi (5/6), pl mashairi. (s)he has recited a
good poem. Ametoa shairi zuri.
song (noun), uimbo.
song (noun), wimbo (11/10), pl nyimbo.
song (religious) (noun), kasida (9/10), pl kasida.
song of mourning (noun), tahalili (9/10), pl tahalili.
song of mourning (noun), tahlili (9/10), pl tahlili.
soothing song (noun), tumbuizo.
songbird (noun), chiriku (9/10), pl chiriku.
religious songs (noun), kasida (9/10), pl kasida.
as soon as (adverb), mara tu.
so soon (adverb), mara hii.
so soon (adverb), mara ile.
soon (adverb), hivi karibuni.
soon (adverb), karibuni.
soon (adverb), punde. "we waited for him, and he soon came".. tulikuwa
tunamngoja, na punde akaja.
soon (adverb), punde si punde.
soon (adverb), sasa hivi. John will arrive right now. John atafika sasa
no sooner (adverb), si kiasi yake. enough to hold the tray. kiasi cha
kushika sinia [...], Rozi alisema [Sul].
soonest (adverb), haraka.
soot (noun), dohani.
soot (noun), dokhani.
soot (noun), masinzi.
soot (noun), masizi (6).
soot (noun), masizi.
soot (noun), moshi, pl mimoshi.
soot (noun), sizi (5/6), pl masizi.
be soothed (verb), -burudika.
be soothed (verb), -bembelezwa (passive).
soothe (verb), -bembeleza.
soothe (verb), -burudisha.
soothe (verb), -gonea.
soothe (verb), -gonia (applicative).
soothe (verb), -liwaza.
soothe (verb), -sakiti.
soothe (verb), -tuliza (causative).
soothe (verb), -tumbuiza (causative).
soothe someone (verb), -pumzisha. Soothe this child from crying.
Mpumzishe huyu mtoto kulia.
be soothed (verb), -tumbukia.
be soothing (verb), -lainika.
soothing (adjective), -a kubembeleza.
soothing (noun), kitulizo (7/8), pl vitulizo.
soothing (noun), tulizo, pl matulizo.
soothing thing (eg lullaby) (noun), kitumbuizo (7/8), pl vitumbuizo.
soothsayer (noun), kahini, pl makahini.
soothsayer (noun), kuhani (5/6), pl makuhani.
soothsayer (noun), mbashiri (1/2), pl wabashiri.
soothsayer (noun), mtabiri, pl watabiri.
soothsayer (noun), mwaguzi (1/2), pl waaguzi.
soothsaying (noun), utabiri.
soothsaying from figures in sand (noun), ramli (9/10), pl ramli.
sweet sop (noun), konokono (9/10), pl konokono.
soprano voice (phrase), sauti ya kitoto, pl sauti za kitoto.
sorcerer (noun), lozi, pl walozi.
sorcerer (noun), mchawi (1/2), pl wachawi.
sorcerer (noun), mng'ariza (1/2), pl wang'ariza.
liter. sorceress (noun), kizimwi, pl vizimwi.
sorceress (noun), kizee, pl vizee.
sorcery (noun), uchawi.
sorcery (noun), ujini.
sorcery (noun), ulozi (14).
sorcery (noun), utende.
gangrenous sore (noun), mti.
inflamed sore (noun), mtoki, pl mitoki, matoki.
rub sore (verb), -chubua. get sore feet. chubua miguu.
sore (noun), athari, pl athari.
sore (noun), cheraka, pl macheraka.
sore (noun), chubuko, pl machubuko.
sore (noun), jeraha (5/6), pl majeraha.
sore (noun), jeraha, pl majeraha.
sore (noun), kidonda (7/8), pl vidonda.
sore (large) (noun), bandguzi, pl mabanguzi.
sore (large) (noun), donda, pl madonda. sore that refuses to heal.
donda ndugu.
sore chest (noun), mkamba (9/10), pl mkamba.
sore throat (noun), kilimi, pl vilimi.
cause sores (verb), -dondoa.
form sores (verb), -dondoa.
mkota (species of sweet sorghum, Sorghum saccharatum) (noun), mkota, pl
sorrel (noun), chika.
sorrel (noun), chika (9/10), pl chika.
cause of sorrow (noun), masikitiko.
cause of sorrow (noun), sikitiko (5/6), pl masikitiko.
cause someone sorrow (verb), -sononesha (causative).
feel sorrow (verb), -ona huzuni.
feel sorrow (verb), -sonona.
feel sorrow (verb), -sununa.
sorrow (noun), ghamu (9/10), pl ghamu.
sorrow (noun), humu.
sorrow (noun), huzuni (9/10), pl huzuni.
sorrow (noun), huzuni.
sorrow (noun), jitimai (9/10), pl jitimai.
sorrow (noun), jitimai.
sorrow (noun), juto (5/6), pl majuto.
sorrow (noun), kibuhuti (7/8), pl vibuhuti.
sorrow (noun), kimoyo, pl vimoyo.
sorrow (noun), majonzi (6).
sorrow (noun), majonzi. be sad. fanya/ona majonzi.
sorrow (noun), masikitiko.
sorrow (noun), mayonzi. be sad. fanya/ona majonzi.
sorrow (noun), mzigo, pl mizigo.
sorrow (noun), ramu (9/10), pl ramu.
sorrow (noun), pl sorrows, sikitiko (5/6), pl masikitiko. that is when I
composed the song, a song of sorrow. ndipo katunga wimbo, wimbo wa
sikitiko [Kez].
sorrow (noun), simanzi (9/10), pl simanzi.
sorrow (noun), uzito (14).
be sorrowful (verb), -sononeka (intransitive).
make sorrowful (verb), -sikitisha (causative).
be sorry (verb), -sikitika.
feel sorry (verb), -sikitika.
feel sorry (for) (phrase), -onea huruma.
feel sorry for (someone) (verb), -sikitikia.
I'm sorry? (would you mind repeating what you said I didn't understand)
(pronoun), naam.
make sorry (verb), -sikitikisha (causative).
sorry (interjection), samahani.
sorry! (interjection), pole.
be out of sorts (verb), -kimua. come in personally/in person..
of this sort (adverb), hivi.
sort (noun), aina (9/10), pl aina.
sort (noun), babu, pl babu.
sort (noun), jinsi.
sort (noun), pl sorts, mtindo (3/4), pl mitindo.
sort (noun), namna, pl namna.
sort (noun), simo (9/10), pl simo.
sort (verb), -chuja.
sort out (verb), -pembua.
sorting out (noun), upambanuzi.
be out of sorts (verb), -kimwa. come in personally/in person..
be out of sorts (verb), -pande. be out of sorts. piga pande.
out of sorts (verb), -sononeka (intransitive).
be sought (verb), -tafutwa.
rel. soul (noun), mtima, pl mitima.
soul (noun), mzimu, pl mizimu.
soul (noun), nafsi, pl nafsi.
soul (noun), pl souls, roho (9/10), pl roho. if God takes his/her life
today, (s)he will be satisfied. Mungu akiichukua roho yake leo, atakuwa
radhi [Moh].
confused sound of voices (verb), -varanga.
loud (dull or reverberating) sound (i.e. report of a shotgun or noise of
an ax striking wood etc.) (noun), dubwasha.
loud sound (noun), lio (5/6), pl malio.
low sound (noun), uvumi.
low sound (noun), uvumo, pl mavumo.
make sound (verb), -vuma.
sound (adjective), nakawa.
sound (adjective), salihi.
sound (adjective), -zima.
sound (adjective), zito.
sound (noun), kilio, pl vilio.
sound (noun), sauti (9/10), pl sauti. one sound. sauti moja..
sound (in general) (noun), mlio, pl milio.
sounding-lead (noun), timazi (9/10), pl timazi.
soup (noun), mchuzi (3/4), pl michuzi.
soup (noun), supu (9/10), pl supu. Subira remembered the large cooking
pot of soup in the stove. Subira alikumbuka jungu la supu mekoni [Sul].
soup (noun), uji.
thick soup made of lentils (or of beans or peas) (noun), dengo.
thick soup made of lentils (or of beans or peas) (noun), dengu.
thin, watery rice soup (noun), mashendea.
go sour (verb), -chacha.
make sour (verb), -chachisha.
make sour (verb), -jajua.
sour (adjective), -chungu.
sour (adjective), kali.
sour (noun), vunda.
turn sour (verb), -chacha.
source (noun), asili (9/10), pl asili.
source (noun), chanzi (9/10), pl chanzi.
source (noun), chanzo (7/8), pl vyanzo.
source (noun), chimbuko, pl machimbuko.
source (noun), mwanzo (3/4), pl mianzo.
source (noun), shina (5/6), pl mashina. the source of river Nile is lake
Victoria. Shina la mto Nile ni ziwa la Victoria.
source (noun), ufuo.
sourness (noun), uchachu (14).
sourness (noun), ukali.
sourness (noun), ukalifu.
soursop (noun), pl soursoups, stafeli (5/6), pl mastafeli.
soursop tree (noun), pl soursoup tree, mstafeli (3/4), pl mistafeli.
(in the) south (noun), suheli.
south (adverb), kusini.
Government of South Africa (noun), kaburu, pl makaburu.
South Africa (noun), Afrika ya kusini (9).
white South African (noun), Kaburu (5/6an), pl Makaburu.
southeast (noun), akrab matlai, pl sing..
southwest (noun), akrab magharibi, pl sing..
souvenir (noun), hiba (9/10), pl hiba.
souvenir (noun), kumbukumbu (9/10), pl kumbukumbu.
souvenir (noun), kumbusho (5/6), pl makumbusho.
souvenir (noun), kumbusho, pl makumbusho.
souvenir (noun), tunu.
souvenir (noun), ukumbusho.
sovereignty (noun), aenzi (9/10), pl aenzi.
sovereignty (noun), enzi. during the reign of ... katika enzi ya .....
sovereignty (noun), ezi.
Soviet Union (noun), Urusi.
sow (noun), nguruwe jike (9/10an), pl nguruwe jike. wild pig. nguruwe
sow (verb), -panda.
sow (verb), -panda.
sow seeds (verb), -tawanya mbegu.
sower (noun), mpanda, pl wapanda.
sower (noun), mpandaji, pl wapandaji.
sower (noun), mpandi, pl wapandi.
sower (noun), mpanzi, pl wapanzi.
sower (noun), mpanzi (1/2), pl wapanzi.
sowing (noun), mtawanyo, pl mitawanyo.
sowing (noun), upandaji.
sowing (noun), upanzi.
sowing (act of) (noun), mpando, pl mipando, mapando.
sowing (act of) (noun), pando, pl mipando, mapando.
sowing (act of) (noun), pando (5/6), pl mapando.
time of sowing seeds (noun), masizi (6).
empty space (in gen.) (noun), behewa, pl mabehewa. this house consists
of a single room [i.e. is not divided up by partitions.. nyumba hii ni
lack of space (noun), udhiki.
open space (noun), uwanda (11/10), pl nyanda.
open space (noun), uwazi (14).
space (noun), anga, pl maanga.
space (noun), nafasi, pl nafasi.
space (noun), utambo.
space (noun), wasaa (11).
space outside house covered by projecting roof (noun), upenu (11/10), pl
space under something (noun), mvungu, pl mivungu. Space under a table
(bed).. mvungu wa meza [kitanda].
spade (noun), jembe, pl majembe.
spade (noun), kolego (5/6), pl makolego.
spade (noun), mbamba, pl mibamba.
spade (noun), pl spades, msaha (3/4), pl misaha.
spade (noun), pl spades, sepeto (9/10), pl sepeto. spade to scoop sand.
sepeto la kuteka mchanga.
spades (of playing-cards) (noun), shupaza (9/10), pl shupaza.
do the spadework of a project (verb), -maliki.
short span (distance from thumb to forefinger when the hand is fully
opened) (noun), morita.
short span (distance from thumb to forefinger when the hand is fully
opened) (noun), morta.
span (noun), futuri.
spangle (noun), puleki (9/10), pl puleki.
spangle (noun), puluki (9/10), pl puluki.
Spaniard (noun), Mhispania, pl wahispania.
Spaniard (noun), Mspain, pl Waspain.
spar (noun), foromali (9/10), pl foromali.
be spared a difficulty (verb), -nusurika.
spare (verb), -epusha (na) (causative).
spare part (noun), chombo cha akiba (7/8), pl vyombo vya akiba.
spare part (noun), kipuri (7/8), pl vipuri.
spare time (noun), nafasi (9/10).
sparingly (adverb), udohusohu.
give off sparks (verb), -memeteka.
give off sparks (verb), -memetuka.
give off sparks (verb), -meremeta.
spark (noun), cheche (5/6), pl macheche.
spark (noun), kimeta, pl vimeta.
spark (noun), mcheche (3/4), pl micheche.
spark (noun), spaki (9/10), pl spaki.
spark (noun), stimu (9/10), pl stimu.
sparkle (noun), kimeta (7/8), pl vimeta.
sparkle (noun), kimetameta (7/8), pl vimetameta.
sparkle (verb), -mekameka.
sparkle (verb), -memeteka.
sparkle (verb), -memetuka.
sparkle (verb), -meremeta.
sparkle (verb), -meta.
sparkle (verb), -ng'aa.
sparkle (verb), -ng'ala.
sparkle (verb), -ng'ara.
to make sparkle (verb), -ng'aliza.
to make sparkle (verb), -ng'ariza.
to make sparkle (verb), -ng'aza.
sparkling (noun), memetuko.
Grey-headed sparrow (noun), jurawa (9/10), pl jurawa.
sparrow (kind of) (noun), zawaridi.
sparrow (species of) (noun), jurawa.
sparrow (species of) (noun), shore wanda (5/6an), pl mashore.
sparrow-like bird (noun), shomoro (9/10an), pl shomoro.
med.spasm (noun), mpapatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
med.spasm (noun), papatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
spasm (noun), jansi.
spasm (noun), kifafa, pl vifafa.
spasm (noun), kiharusi, pl viharusi.
spasm (noun), kipindupindu, pl vipindupindu.
spatter (verb), -michia.
cause to speak (verb), -semesha.
speak (verb), -amba.
speak (verb), -nena. "speak clearly, don't talk through the nose"..
nena vizuri, usiseme puani.
speak (verb), -sema. speak with mother (the woman). Sema na mama.
speak against (verb), -nenea.
speak before (verb), -hutubia.
speak fast (verb), -kikisa.
speak ill of each other (verb), -semana.
speak ill of someone (verb), -sengenya. the children spoke ill of their
friend. Watoto walimsengenya rafiki yao.
speak indistinctly (verb), -kikisa.
speak loudly (verb), -paza sauti.
speak nonsense (verb), -bonga.
speak out (verb), -omeka.
speak out (verb), -tamka.
speak out forcibly (verb), -teta.
speak out strongly for or against someone (verb), -tetea.
speak slowly (verb), -tambaza maneno.
speak strongly (verb), -teta.
speak to (verb), -semea (applicative). Mary spoke to John. Mary
alisemea John.
speak to oneself (verb), -jitamkia ( appl-refl).
speak to someone (verb), -tupia.
speak with (verb), -sema na. speak with..... sema na ....
speak without thinking (adverb), lopoka.
speak without thinking (verb), -ropoka. the drunkard spoke without
thinking. Mlevi aliropoka.
confident speaker (noun), mnena, pl wanena.
pol. speaker (in the legislative assembly) (= mubalighi) (noun),
mtakalamu, pl watakalamu.
pol. speaker (in the legislative assembly) (= mubalighi) (noun),
mutakalamu, pl watakalamu.
pol. speaker (in the legislative assembly) (= mutakalamu) (noun),
mubalighi, pl wabalighi.
speaker (noun), kikuza sauti (7/8), pl vikuza sauti.
speaker (noun), kipaza sauti (7/8), pl vipaza sauti.
speaker (noun), mlumbaji, pl walumbaji.
speaker (noun), msema, pl wasema.
speaker (noun), msemaji, pl wasemaji.
speaker (in parliament or of a radio etc) (noun), spika (9/10an), pl
speaker (parliament) (noun), msemi, pl wasemi.
speaker (political) (noun), mhubiri, pl wahubiri.
speaking (act of) (noun), tamko (5/6), pl matamko.
speaking (manner of) (noun), unenaji.
speaking (manner of) (noun), uneni.
speaking (power of) (noun), uneni.
hunting spear (noun), mkonjo, pl mikonjo.
hunting spear (noun), mkonzo, pl mikonzo.
spear (noun), fumo, pl mafumo.
spear (noun), mkuki (3/4), pl mikuki.
spear (short) (noun), sagai (9/10), pl sagai.
spear (small) (noun), tora (9/10), pl tora.
spear (type of) (noun), pl spears (type of), mrembe (3/4), pl mirembe.
spearhead (noun), kengee.
spearhead (noun), ukengee.
speartip (noun), chembe (9/10), pl vyembe.
speartip (noun), kigumba (7/8), pl vigumba.
special (adjective), hususa.
special (adjective), maalum. Heroes Day today is a special day; a
special charter. Siku ya mashujaa ya leo ni siku maalum [Nyerere, Masomo
274]; mkataba maalum [Masomo 3].
special (adjective), maalum. specialist, expert. mwandishi maalum.
special (adjective), maalumu. specialist, expert; Special prayers.
mwandishi maalumu; Sala maalumu kwa Serikali na viongozi zilifanywa
[Masomo 335]..
special (adjective), mahsusi. special/extraordinary session. mkutano
special (adjective), mahususi.
special (adjective), maksusi. special/extraordinary session. mkutano
special (adjective), spesheli.
specialist (noun), bingwa, pl mabingwa.
specialist (noun), msanaa, pl wasanaa.
specialist (noun), msani, pl wasani.
specialist (noun), msanii, pl wasanii.
specialist (noun), mstadi, pl wastadi.
specialist (noun), pl specialists, mtaalamu (1/2), pl wataalamu. finger-
print specialists; Geography specialists say that the world is round..
wataalamu wa alama za vidole [Ganzel Masomo 171]; Wataalamu was jiografia
husema kwamba eti dunia ni mviringo [Masomo 416].
speciality (noun), amali, pl amali.
specialization (noun), utaalamu (14), pl utalamu.
specially (adverb), makusudi.
specially (adverb), spesheli.
specially (adverb), vinginevyo.
specialty (noun), kazi.
species (noun), aina (9/10), pl aina.
species (noun), mbegu.
be specifiable (verb), -kadirika.
be specified (verb), -ainika.
specify (verb), -aini.
specify (verb), -kadiria.
specimen (noun), kiolezo, pl violezo.
speck (noun), ibura.
speck (noun), kidudusi, pl vidudusi.
speck (noun), kipaku (7/8), pl vipaku.
speck (of color) (noun), waa, pl mawaa.
speckled (adjective), marakaraka.
speckled (adjective), paku.
speckled (adverb), kiraka, pl viraka.
spectacle (noun), sinema (9/10), pl sinema. we saw a spectacle at the
market, two women fought each other. hapo sokoni tuliona sinema, wanawake
wawili walipigana [Rec].
spectacle (noun), tamasha (9/10), pl tamasha. we wish to be informed the
central issue of our spectacle. naomba tujulishwe kiini cha tamasha letu
spectacles (noun), miwani (9/10), pl miwani.
spectator (noun), mtazamaji, pl watazamaji.
spectator (noun), nokoa (5/6an), pl manokoa.
speculator (noun), mviziaji, pl waviziaji.
speculate (verb), -bahatisha.
speculation (noun), ubazazi, pl mabazazi.
speculator (noun), bazazi (5/6an), pl mabazazi.
a formal speech (noun), lumba.
children's speech (noun), nyonyo (9/10), pl nyonyo.
confused speech (adverb), chachawi.
give a speech (verb), -hutubu.
person with a speech-defect (noun), gugumizi (5/6), pl magugumizi.
speech (noun), hotuba (9/10), pl hotuba.
speech (noun), hutuba.
speech (noun), kauli (9/10), pl kauli.
speech (noun), matamko (6).
speech (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
speech (noun), tamshi (5/6), pl matamshi.
speech (noun), usemi.
speech (noun), waadhi.
speech (noun), widhaa, pl mawidhaa.
speech (power of) (noun), uneni.
speech defect (noun), kitembe (7/8), pl kitembe.
style of speech (noun), lafdhi (9/10), pl lafdhi.
style of speech (noun), lafudhi (9/10), pl lafudhi.
be speechless (verb), -staajabika (intransitive).
be speechless (verb), -tatana.
be speechless (verb), -vuvuwaa.
be speechless (from astonishment) (verb), -pumbaa. (s)he was speechless
to see that the child was speaking well. Alipumbaa kumwona mtoto anasema
be speechless from amazement (verb), -ghumia.
person who is speechless from amazement (noun), duazi, pl maduazi.
person who is speechless from amazement (noun), duwazi, pl maduwazi.
render someone speechless (verb), -pumbaza. the girl made everybody
speechless on giving her speech. Msichana alipumbaza watu wote alipotoa
speechlessness (noun), dukuduku.
speechlessness (noun), upooza.
speechlessness (noun), ushango.
at full speed (adverb), kimbio.
something that causes speed (noun), kimbizi (7/8), pl vimbizi.
speed (adjective), kasi.
speed (noun), haraka.
speed (noun), kasi.
speed (noun), spidi (9/10), pl spidi.
speed (noun), wendo, pl nyendo.
speed (noun), wepesi.
speed (rate of) (noun), mwendo, pl miendo. This ship makes thirty miles
an hour.. mwendo wa meli hii ni maili 30 kwa saa moja.
speed (rate of) (noun), mwenendo, pl mienendo. This ship makes thirty
miles an hour.. mwendo wa meli hii ni maili 30 kwa saa moja.
speed up (verb), -chapua.
speed up (verb), -chapuka (potential).
speed up (verb), -himiza.
speed up (verb), -himiza.
speedily (adverb), chapuchapu.
speedily (adverb), kasi.
speedily (adverb), tasihili.
speedily (adverb), upesi.
act of removing a spell (noun), uaguzi (14), pl uaguzi.
cast a spell (verb), -anga.
lift a spell (verb), -tegua uchawi.
lift a spell (verb), -tegua uchawi.
place under a spell (verb), -loga.
place under a spell (verb), -roga.
place under a spell (verb), -roga.
remove a spell (verb), -logoa.
spell (noun), dua.
spell (as a protection against evil) (noun), fingo, pl mafingo.
spell (words) (verb), -endeleza.
spell cast on a house to keep wild animals away (noun), gaga (5/6), pl
be held spellbound (verb), -tekelea.
hold spellbound (verb), -tekeleza.
hold spellbound (verb), -tekeza.
spelling (noun), maendelezo (6).
spelling (noun), uendelezo.
spelling (noun), wendelezo.
spend (verb), -chakaza.
spend (verb), -toa.
spend (verb), -tumia.
spend (money) (verb), -hariji.
spend money on (someone) (verb), -harijia.
spend money recklessly (verb), -haraja.
spend on (verb), -gharimia.
spend the day doing something (verb), -shinda. my mother's friend spent
the day at our place. Rafiki ya mama alishinda kwetu leo.
lavish spender (noun), mtawanya (1/2), pl watawanya.
spending (noun), matumizi (6).
spendthrift (noun), hasharati (5/6an), pl mahasharati.
spendthrift (noun), mbadhiri, pl wabadhiri.
spendthrift (noun), mbadhirifu (1/2), pl wabadhirifu.
spendthrift (noun), mfilisi, pl wafilisi.
spendthrift (noun), mfujaji, pl wafujaji.
spendthrift (noun), mpotefu, pl wapotefu. one who squanders property
(money).. mpotevu wa mali [fedha].
spendthrift (noun), mpotevu, pl wapotevu. one who squanders property
(money).. mpotevu wa mali [fedha].
spendthrift (noun), mpotezi, pl wapotezi. one who squanders property
(money).. mpotevu wa mali [fedha].
spendthrift (noun), suta (9/10an), pl suta.
phy. sperm (noun), manii.
sperm (noun), shahawa (9/10), pl shahawa. he dreamt and spermed in his
sleep. Aliota na kuota shahawa usingizini.
sphere (noun), kiviringo, pl miviringo, viviringo.
sphere (noun), mviringo, pl miviringo, viviringo.
sphere (noun), tufe.
spherical (adjective), kiviringo. A ball is spherical.. mpira una umbo
la mviringo..
spherical (adjective), mviringo. A ball is spherical.. mpira una umbo
la mviringo..
spherical object (for child's play) (noun), kibiringo (7/8), pl
spice (noun), kitoweo (7/8), pl vitoweo.
spice (noun), kiungo, pl viungo.
spice (noun), kiungo cha chakula (7/8), pl viungo vya chakula.
spice (us. curry powder) (noun), binzari.
spices and other (small) ingredients (noun), ghasiaghasia (9/10), pl
spicy (adjective), pilipili.
spider (noun), buibui, pl mabuibui. spider's web, cobweb; The insects
that are eaten by spiders include scorpions, butterflys, and spiders..
utando wa buibui; Wadudu ambao huliwa na popo ni nge, vipepeo, buibui
[Masomo 31].
spider (large) (noun), bui.
spider's web (noun), tando (5/6), pl matando.
spider's web (noun), tandu (5/6), pl matandu.
spiel (to attract customers) (verb), -sapa.
spiel (to attract customers) (verb), -sapasapa.
spigot (noun), kizibo, pl vizibo.
spike (of grain) (noun), kununu, pl makununu.
spike of a hoe (noun), msuka, pl misuka.
be spilt (verb), -mwagika (potential).
spill (verb), -kupua.
spill (verb), -mimina.
spill (verb), -mwaga. Spilled water cannot be picked up (e.g., something
once said cannot be retracted.). maji yaliyomwagika hayazoleki.
be spilled (verb), -moma.
spilling (act of) (noun), mwago, pl miago.
spin (verb), -dirabu.
spin (verb), -sokota.
spin (verb), -suka.
spinach (noun), mdewere, pl midewere.
spinach (kind of) (noun), ujaka.
spinach (type) (noun), mchicha (3/4), pl michicha.
spinach-like plant (noun), mchicha (3/4), pl michicha.
spindle (noun), pia (9/10), pl pia.
spine (noun), mgongo, pl migongo. lie on one's back.. lala mgongoni.
spine (noun), uti wa mgongo (11/10), pl nyuti za maungo.
spine (of a porcupine) (noun), mcheche, pl micheche.
spineless person (noun), mtu mteke, pl watu wateke.
spinning (thread through the fingers) (noun), mpururo, pl mipururo.
spinster (unmarried woman) (noun), mjane, pl wajane.
spinsterhood (noun), ujane.
spiral movement (phrase), msogeo wa hesi, pl misogeo ya hesi.
ancestral spirit (noun), mzimu (3/4an), pl mizimu.
be in good spirits (verb), -changamka.
disembodied spirit (noun), pl spirits, pepo (9/10an), pl pepo.
evil spirit (noun), afriti (9/10an), pl afriti.
evil spirit (noun), kizimwi, pl vizimwi.
evil spirit (noun), kizuu, pl vizuu.
evil spirit (noun), koikoi, pl makoikoi.
evil spirit (noun), mahoka.
evil spirit (noun), masoka.
evil spirit (noun), subiani (5/6), pl masubiani.
evil spirit living in big trees or sea (noun), kibwengo (7/8an), pl
evil spirit propitiated at crossroads (noun), kinyamkela (7/8), pl
hand over the spirit (verb), -salimu roho.
kind of evil spirit (noun), koikoi (5/6an), pl makoikoi.
kind of evil spirit (noun), milihoi (9/10an), pl milihoi.
liter. spirit (noun), kizuka, pl vizuka.
name of evil spirit (noun), kitimiri (7/8an), pl vitimiri.
spirit (noun), jini (5/6an), pl majini.
spirit (noun), kijini, pl vijini.
spirit (noun), kizuka (7/8), pl vizuka.
spirit (noun), mizuka, pl wazuka, mizuka.
spirit (noun), pepo (9/10an), pl pepo. Bahati left quickly, an
indication that he was liked by the spirits. Bahati alitoka mbio [] mfano
wa aliyepandwa na pepo [Sul].
spirit (noun), pl spirits, roho (9/10), pl roho. the players had the
spirit to win. Wachezaji walikuwa na roho ya kushinda.
spirit (noun), zimwi (5/6), pl mazimwi.
spirit (chiefly in children's stories; beneficient, but sometimes
frightening) (noun), jini, pl majini.
spirit (supernatural) (noun), mkodi, pl mikodi.
spirit of a deceased person (noun), koma (9/10an), pl makoma.
spirit of an ancestor (noun), masoka. ancestor worship. ibaada ya
mahoka (or mizimu).
wind spirit (noun), kinyamkela (7/8), pl vinyamkela.
world of spirits (noun), pepo (9/10), pl pepo.
spirit-world (noun), kuzimu (15), pl kuzimu.
dwelling place of spirits (noun), mzimu, pl mizimu.
good spirits (noun), ukunjufu.
home of evil spirits (noun), ujinini.
low spirits (noun), unyonge (14).
spirits (noun), malevi.
spirits (noun), ulevi.
spirits (in gen.) (noun), mvinyo.
spiritual (adjective), -a kiroho.
rare matter spit out. (noun), mtemo, pl mitemo.
spit (noun), mshakiki, pl mishakiki.
spit (noun), mshikaki, pl mishikiki.
spit (for roasting) (noun), banzi, pl mabanzi.
spit (for roasting) (noun), kibaniko, pl vibaniko.
spit (out) (verb), -tema.
spit out (verb), -sua. spit out water. sua maji.
in spite of (preposition), juu ya.
in spite of everything (adjective), pamoja na hayo.
in spite of that (conjunction), juu ya hivyo.
spite (noun), inda (9/10), pl inda.
spite (noun), kijicho, pl vijicho.
spite (noun), maovu.
spite (noun), pl spite, nongwa (9/10), pl nongwa.
spite (noun), shari (9/10), pl shari.
spite (noun), uhasidi.
spite (noun), uhusuda.
spiteful (adjective), uwivu.
spiteful (adjective), wivu.
spiteful (noun), ovu (5/6), pl maovu.
spitefulness (noun), mabaya, pl mabaya.
one who spits out (noun), mtema, pl watema.
one who spits out (noun), mtemi, pl watemi.
spitter (noun), pl spitters, mtemi (1/2), pl watemi.
spitting out (act of) (noun), mtemo, pl mitemo.
cause to splash (verb), -alisha.
splash (verb), pl Is this a verb?, -alika.
spleen (noun), bandama, pl bandama.
spleen (noun), wengu, pl mawengu.
splendid (adjective), zuri.
splendid (of clothes) (adjective), lonyo.
splendor (noun), adhama (9/10), pl adhama.
splendor (noun), adhima (9/10), pl adhima.
splendor (noun), fahari (9/10), pl fahari. The splendor of the world and
of the sky above us. Fahari ya ulimwengu, na mbingu yetu ghorofa [Shaaban
Robert, "Rangi Zetu" 11 ii].
splendor (noun), taadhima (9/10), pl taadhima.
splice (verb), -ganga.
splicing (noun), mgango, pl migango.
splint (noun), banzi, pl mabanzi.
splint (noun), gango (5/6), pl magango.
splint (noun), kitata (7/8), pl vitata.
splinter (noun), chenga.
splinter (noun), chengechenge, pl vichengechenge.
splinter (noun), kara (5/6), pl makara.
splinter (noun), kara, pl makara.
splinter (noun), kibanzi, pl vibanzi.
splinter (noun), kigae, pl vigae.
splinter (noun), kigereng'enza, pl vigereng'enza.
splinter (noun), kipande, pl vipande.
splinter (noun), shenga (9/10), pl shenga.
splinter (noun), uti, pl nyuti.
splinter (of glass, pottery) (noun), gae (5/6), pl magae.
splinter (small) (noun), kichane (7/8), pl vichane.
splintering (act of) (noun), kivunjo (7/8), pl vivunjo.
be spilt (verb), -mwaika (potential).
be split (verb), -atuka. the ground is cracked from the heat of the sun.
nchi imeatuka kwa joto la jua.
be split (verb), -chanuka.
be split (verb), -gawanyika.
be split (verb), -tatuka.
pol.split (noun), mtengano, pl mitengano.
split (noun), farakano (5/6), pl mafarakano.
split (noun), mpasuka, pl mipasuka.
split (noun), mpasuko, pl mipasuko.
split (noun), mpasuo, pl mipasuo.
split (noun), mwanya, pl mianya.
split (noun), ufa, pl nyufa.
split (verb), -atua.
split (verb), -chana. slit leaves [for plaiting]. chana miyaa.
split (verb), -chenga. chop firewood. chenga kuni.
split (verb), -enga.
split (verb), -pasua. split a tree.. pasua mti.
split (verb), -pasuka.
split (verb), -shenga, pl shenga.
split (verb), -tana.
split (verb), -tatua.
split firewood (verb), -chanja. splitting firewood awaits us. kuchanja
kuni kunatusubiri [Alamin Mazrui, "Bega kwa Bega" 4].
split off (verb), -tenga.
split open (verb), -mamanua.
split open (verb), -pasuka (potential). The mouth gushed out saliva you
would think a pipe has split open. kinywa kikachimbuka mate utadhani
milizamu imepasuka [Sul], walitamani ardhi ipasuke waingie [Moh].
one who splits (noun), mpasua, pl wapasua. "one who saws boards, sawmill
worker".. mpasua mbao.
splittism (noun), mgawanyiko, pl migawanyiko.
allow to spoil (verb), -tapanya. let the food get spoilt. tapanya
be spoiled (verb), -haribika.
be spoiled (verb), -haribika (potential).
be spoiled (verb), -peketeka.
spoil (verb), -chafua.
spoil (verb), -enga.
spoil (verb), -fuya.
spoil (verb), -gurugusha.
spoil (verb), -haribu.
spoil (verb), -ozesha.
spoil (verb), -pekecha.
spoil (verb), -peketa.
spoil (verb), -popotoa.
spoil (verb), -potoa. It is not usual for him/her to spoil the views of
the father. Sikawaida yeye kupotoa maoni ya baba.
spoil (verb), -potosha.
spoil (verb), -umbua.
spoil (verb), -viza.
spoil (verb), -vunda.
spoil (verb), -vunja.
spoil (a child) (verb), -dekeza.
spoil (a child) (verb), -endekeza.
spoil (by mixing with something of an inferior quality) (verb), -
spoil (work) (verb), -pota.
spoil a child (verb), -tundua.
spoiled (adjective), viza.
be spoiled (verb), -lainika.
get spoiled (verb), -kwajuka.
spoiled (adjective), bovu.
spoiled child (noun), mtundu (1/2), pl watundu.
spoiled work (noun), borongo (5/6), pl maborongo.
spoiler (noun), harabu, pl harabu, maharabu; waharabu.
spoiler (noun), mpotezi (1/2), pl wapotezi.
spoiling (noun), uharibifu (14).
spoilt (verb), -via.
spoke (of a bicycle wheel) (noun), uchukuti, pl chukuti.
spoke (of a bicycle wheel) (noun), ujukuti, pl njukuti.
spoke (of a wheel) (noun), spoki (9/10), pl spoki.
spoke (of bicycle wheel) (noun), njiti (9/10), pl njiti.
spoke (of wheel) (noun), pl spokes, taruma (5/6), pl mataruma.
spoke of bicycle wheel (noun), tindi (5/6), pl matindi.
spokes (of a bicycle wheel) (noun), chukuti, pl chukuti.
recent, pol. spokesman (noun), msema, pl wasema. The speaker at this
meeting.. msemaji wa mkutano huu.
recent, pol. spokesman (noun), msemaji, pl wasemaji. The speaker at
this meeting.. msemaji wa mkutano huu.
spokesman (noun), msemi, pl wasemi. Their spokesman.. msemi wao.
sponge (adjective), dusa.
sponge (noun), buga.
sponge (noun), pl sponges, sifongo (9/10), pl sifongo.
sponge (noun), sifonjo (9/10), pl sifonjo.
sponge (noun), sifunjo (9/10), pl sifunjo.
sponge (verb), -londea.
sponge (verb), -rondea.
sponge (verb), -rondea.
sponge (a free meal although uninvited) (verb), -doya.
sponge (a free meal although uninvited) (verb), -doyadoya.
sponger (noun), mdoea.
sponger (noun), mdoezi.
sponger (noun), mdoya.
sponger (noun), mpanda, pl wapanda.
sponger (noun), mpandaji, pl wapandaji.
sponsor (noun), mdhamana.
sponsor (noun), mdhamini.
sponsor (verb), -dhamini.
sponsorship (noun), udhamini.
spool (noun), kibiringo (7/8), pl vibiringo.
spool (noun), pia (9/10), pl pia.
small wooden spoon (noun), kipawa, pl vipawa.
spoon (noun), kijiko (7/8), pl vijiko.
spoon (noun), spuni (9/10), pl spuni.
spoon (large) (noun), mwiko, pl miiko.
spoon (masher) (noun), mwiko (3/4), pl miiko.
spoon (small) (noun), ukomba.
spoon (small) (noun), ukombe.
spoon out (verb), -chota.
spoon out (verb), -chotea.
wooden spoon (noun), mkamshe, pl mikamshe.
wooden spoon (noun), mkamshi, pl mikamshi.
spoor (of an animal) (noun), liwado, pl maliwado.
spoor (of an animal) (noun), liwato, pl maliwato.
sport (noun), chezo.
sport (noun), mchezo (3/4), pl michezo.
sport (noun), mchezo, pl michezo. football game.. mchezo wa mpira,
mchezo wa ngumi [Rec].
sport (noun), michezo, pl michezo. go in for sports.. kufanya michezo.
sport (noun), isilahi.
sport (noun), spoti (9/10), pl spoti.
sport-field (noun), uwanja, pl wanja.
engage in sports (verb), -cheza.
sportsman (noun), mwanamchezo (1/2), pl wanamichezo.
sportsman (noun), mwanariadha (1/2), pl wanariadha.
beauty spot (noun), kirembo (7/8), pl virembo.
on the spot (adverb), sawia.
spot (noun), athari, pl athari.
spot (noun), baka (5/6), pl mabaka.
spot (noun), doa (5/6), pl madoa.
spot (noun), dosari (9/10), pl dosari.
spot (noun), dutu, pl dutu, madutu.
spot (noun), ibura (9/10), pl ibura.
spot (noun), ibura.
spot (noun), kidudusi, pl vidudusi.
spot (noun), madoadoa, pl madoadoa.
spot (noun), marakaraka.
spot (large) (noun), raka (5/6), pl maraka.
spot (of color) (noun), waa, pl mawaa.
spot (on playing-cards) (noun), ng'anda (9/10), pl ng'anda.
spot (on the skin) (noun), bato, pl mabato.
spot of color (noun), kipaku, pl vipaku.
spot of color (noun), kiraka (7/8), pl viraka.
spot of color (noun), paku (5/6), pl mapaku.
spots (noun), batobato (5/6), pl mabatobato.
spots (noun), madoadoa (6).
spotted (adjective), madoadoa.
spotted (adjective), marakaraka.
spotted (adjective), paku.
spotted (adverb), kiraka, pl viraka.
spout (noun), mbwoji, pl mibwoji.
spout (noun), mlizamu (3/4), pl milizamu.
spout (noun), pua (9/10), pl pua.
spout (verb), -chimbuka (potential).
spout (of a wind instrument) (noun), mdomo. double-barrelled gun..
bunduki ya midomo miwili..
sprain (noun), mshtuko, pl mishtuko.
sprain (noun), mstuko, pl mistuko.
sprain (verb), -shitua. sprain the legs. shitua mguu [Rec].
sprain (verb), -shtua. sprain the foot. shtua mguu.
sprain (verb), -stua.
sprain (verb), -tegua.
be sprained (verb), -shtuka (intransitive).
be sprained (verb), -teguka.
be sprained (verb), -tegukiwa.
be sprained (verb), -teguka.
be sprained (verb), -tegukiwa.
be sprained (verb), -teuka.
sprat (kind of small sea fish) (noun), mtumbuu (3/4an), pl mitumbuu.
sprat (small fish) (noun), simu (9/10), pl simu.
bug spray (phrase), dawa ya mbu, pl madawa ya mbu.
spray (adjective), -a kupulizia.
spray (noun), marasharasha. light rain, drizzle. mvua ya marasharasha.
spray (noun), pl sprays, mrashi (3/4), pl mirashi.
spray (noun), mwaiko (3/4), pl miaiko.
spray (noun), nyunyu (5/6), pl manyunyu.
spray (verb), -fukiza.
be spread (verb), -sambaa.
be spread (verb), -tangaa. these news have spread throughout the whole
world. habari hizi zimetangaa ulimwengu mzima.
be spread (verb), -tapakaa. a disease has spread throughout the whole
country. ugonjwa umetapakaa nchi nzima.
be spread about (verb), -sambaa.
be spread out (verb), -tandaa.
be spread out over a large area (ie a plain) (verb), -tandaa.
something spread (noun), utando.
something spread (noun), utandu.
something spread out (noun), mtande, pl mitande.
something spread out (noun), tando (5/6), pl matando. veil spread out.
tando la buibui.
something spread out (noun), tandu (5/6), pl matandu. veil spread out.
tandu la buibui.
spread (noun), enezi (5/6), pl maenezi.
spread (verb), -enea. spread the news, advertise. enea habari.
spread (verb), -eneza. Different ways were used to spread education..
Njia tofauti zilitumika kueneza elimu [Masomo 312].
spread (verb), -paka. plaster (the wall of a house with mud). paka
spread (verb), -pakaa. plaster (the wall of a house with mud). paka
spread (verb), -sambaza (causative). the padre spread the hands. Padri
alisambaza mikono [Kez].
spread (verb), -tangaza.
spread (verb), -tokomeza.
spread (verb), -vuma.
spread (verb), -zagaa.
spread (anything) (verb), -shamiri.
spread (fire or water or disease) (verb), -moma.
spread apart (verb), -panua. "spread apart the legs, take long steps"..
panua miguu.
spread it over (verb), -ikiza.
spread on (adjective), nata.
spread on oneself (verb), -jikunjulia ( appl-refl).
spread open (verb), -kunjua (converse).
spread or make (a bed) (verb), -tandika.
spread out (verb), -tanda.
spread out (verb), -tandaza (causative).
spread out (verb), -tandisha (causative).
spread out (goods or wares) (verb), -omeka.
spread over (adverb), wamba.
spread widely (verb), -sambaa.
spreader (noun), pl The Portuguese themselves thought of themselves more
as spreaders of Christianity than as representatives of Portugal.,
mtapakazaji (1/2), pl watapakazaji.
spreading (noun), mpako, pl mipako. plastering. mpako wa chokaa.
spreading (act of) (noun), mtando, pl mitando.
one who spreads (noun), matandi, pl watandi. "spreader of lies, gossip,
talebearer".. mtanda miongo.
one who spreads (noun), mtanda, pl watanda. "spreader of lies, gossip,
talebearer".. mtanda miongo.
one who spreads something (noun), mpaka, pl wapaka. plasterer.. mpaka
one who spreads something (noun), mpakaji, pl wapakaji. plasterer..
mpaka chokaa.
one who spreads something (noun), mpaki, pl wapaki. plasterer.. mpaka
sprightliness (noun), ujana.
compression spring (noun), mtambo, pl mitambo.
spring (noun), mtambo, pl mitambo. lock/action of a gun.. mtambo wa
spring (noun), spiringi (9/10), pl spiringi.
spring (noun), springi (9/10), pl springi.
spring (of water) (noun), bubujiko, pl mabubujiko.
spring (of water) (noun), chemchem (9/10), pl chemchem.
spring (of water) (noun), kisima (7/8), pl visima.
spring of water (noun), mbwoji, pl mibwoji.
spring up (verb), -ota.
watch spring (noun), kamani.
watch spring (noun), shari (9/10), pl shari.
springing (noun), mneso (3/4), pl mineso.
springy (adjective), -a spiringi. a springy bed. kitanda cha spiringi.
springy (adjective), -a springi. a springy bed. kitanda cha springi.
be sprinkled on (verb), -miminiwa ( appl-pass).
sprinkle (noun), marasharasha. light rain, drizzle. mvua ya
sprinkle (noun), nyunyu (5/6), pl manyunyu.
sprinkle (noun), urasharasha, pl marasharasha.
sprinkle (verb), -nyunyiza.
sprinkle (verb), -rasha. sprinkle with water.. rashia maji.
sprinkle (verb), -rasharasha. sprinkle with water.. rashia maji.
sprinkle on (verb), -rashia.
sprinkle with (verb), -rashia.
be sprinkled (verb), -tonewa.
sprinkling (noun), marasharasha (6).
sprinkling (noun), marasharasha. light rain, drizzle. mvua ya
sprinkling (noun), mnyunyo (3/4), pl minyunyo.
sprinkling (noun), mrasharasha, pl mirasharasha. "sprinkle, drizzle (of
rain)".. mrasharasha wa mvua.
sprinkling (noun), mrasho, pl mirasho. "sprinkle, drizzle (of rain)"..
mrasharasha wa mvua.
sprinkling (noun), mwaiko (3/4), pl miaiko.
sprinkling (noun), urasharasha (11).
water-sprite (noun), chinusi, pl machinusi.
water-sprite (noun), chunusi, pl machunusi.
sprout (noun), chipukizi, pl machipukizi.
sprout (noun), chipuko, pl machipuko.
sprout (noun), fasili.
sprout (noun), kichipukizi, pl vichipukizi.
sprout (noun), mmea (3/4), pl mimea.
sprout (noun), uchipuko.
sprout (verb), -chipua.
sprout (verb), -chipuka.
sprout (verb), -mea.
sprout (verb), -ota.
sprout (verb), -zuka.
sprouted seed of grain (noun), kimea, pl vimea.
sprouted grain (for making beer) (noun), timba (9/10), pl timba.
cock's spur (noun), kipi (7/8), pl vipi.
spur (of a fighting cock) (noun), kikwaru (7/8), pl vikwaru.
spur (on a boot) (noun), kichokoo, pl vichokoo.
spur (on a boot) (noun), mwiba, pl miiba.
spur on (verb), -choma.
spur on (verb), -sukuma.
spur(of a boot) (noun), msomari, pl misomari.
spur(of a boot) (noun), msumari, pl misumari.
spurge (noun), mnyapa, pl minyapa.
spurge (noun), mtongotongo, pl mitongotongo.
spurge variety (roots are used to prepare a medicine for treating
gonorrhea) (noun), mzalianyuma, pl mizaanyuma.
spurious (adjective), nyonge.
spuriousness (noun), uongo.
spuriousness (noun), urongo.
spuriousness (noun), uwongo.
spuriousness (noun), wongo.
rec. sputnik (noun), mwezi, pl miezi.
sputum (noun), ukohozi, pl makohozi.
pry into secrets (verb), -peleleza siri.
spy (noun), dunzi, pl madunzi.
spy (noun), jasusi (1/2), pl majasusi.
spy (noun), dunzi, pl wadunzidunzi.
spy (noun), jasusi (1/2), pl wajasusi.
spy (noun), mchunguzi, pl wachunguzi.
spy (noun), mdoea.
spy (noun), mdoezi.
spy (noun), mdoya (1/2), pl wadoya.
spy (noun), mdunzidunzi, pl wadunzidunzi.
spy (noun), mfumua, pl wafumua.
spy (noun), mfumuaji, pl wafumuaji.
spy (noun), mfumuaji, pl wafumuaji.
spy (noun), mjasusi (1/2), pl wajasusi.
spy (noun), mjasusu (1/2), pl wajasusu.
spy (noun), mpelelezi (1/2), pl wapelelezi.
spy (noun), mtunduizi, pl watunduizi.
spy (noun), skauti (5/6an), pl maskauti.
spy (noun), tunduzi, pl matunduzi.
spy (verb), -chakura.
spy (verb), -doea.
spy (verb), -doya.
spy (verb), -doyadoya.
spy (verb), -duhushi.
spy (verb), -jasisi.
spy (verb), -peleleza. pry into secrets.. peleleza siri.
spy novel (noun), riwaya ya ujambazi (9/10), pl riwaya za ujambazi. to
read terror and espionage novels. kusoma riwaya [] za ujambazi na
upelelezi [Muk].
spy on (verb), -dadisi.
spy on (verb), -fatiisha.
spy on (verb), -vizia.
spy on (someone) (verb), -jasisi.
spy story (noun), riwaya ya upelelezi (9/10), pl riwaya za upelelezi.
spy upon (verb), -pekua.
spying (noun), mchakuro (3/4), pl michakuro.
spy on (verb), -tunduia.
spying (noun), ujasusi (14).
spying (noun), upelelezi (14).
spying (noun), utunduzi.
be in a squatting position (verb), -otama.
squabble (verb), -gomba.
squad (noun), kikosi, pl vikosi.
squander (verb), -avya. squander money, squander property. ~ fedha, ~
squander (verb), -fuja.
squander (verb), -fuya.
squander (verb), -tapanya.
squander (verb), -tawanya.
squander (verb), -tosa.
squander (money or property) (verb), -badhiri.
squander (money or property) (verb), -badiri.
squanderer (noun), mponda, pl waponda.
(town) square (noun), wanda.
carpenter's square (noun), filifili.
carpenter's square (noun), guni (5/6), pl maguni.
public square (noun), uwanda (11/10), pl nyanda.
square (noun), dirisha, pl madirisha.
square (noun), maraba, pl miraba. perpendicular lines. mistari ya
square (noun), maraba.
square (noun), mraba, pl miraba. perpendicular lines. mistari ya mraba.
square (noun), uga, pl nyuga.
square (as a measure of area) (adjective), eneo a eneo. four square
inches. inchi za eneo nne.
square (carpenter's tool) (noun), skweya (9/10), pl skweya.
town square (noun), uwanda.
squash (verb), -fianda.
squash (verb), -fyanda.
squat (verb), -chuchumaa.
squat (verb), -chutama.
squat (us in order to warm oneself) (verb), -ota.
squatter (on land) (noun), skwota (5/6), pl maskwota.
cause to squeeze (verb), -banza.
hold fast (verb), -bana.
squeeze (noun), mafinyo.
squeeze (verb), -bana.
squeeze (verb), -fiata.
squeeze (verb), -finya. his shoes squeeze him. kiatu kinamfinya..
squeeze (verb), -fyata.
squeeze (verb), -guama.
squeeze (verb), -gwama.
squeeze (verb), -kaba.
squeeze (verb), -kaba.
squeeze (verb), -kama.
squeeze (verb), -kamua.
squeeze (verb), -kunyata.
squeeze (verb), -minya.
squeeze (verb), -saki. hunger is squeezing. njaa inasaki.
squeeze (verb), -seta.
squeeze (verb), -songa.
squeeze (gently) (verb), -tomasa.
squeeze (out) (verb), -kamua.
squeeze (out) (verb), -nyonga.
squeeze by hand (verb), -kanda.
squeeze out (verb), -bonyeza.
squeeze out (verb), -bujua.
squeeze out (verb), -kashabi.
squeeze someone dry (i.e., extort something from him) (verb), -kamia.
squeeze up against (verb), -jibanza (reflexive).
be squeezed (verb), -kamuliwa.
squeezer (for extracting juice from fruit) (noun), kikamulio, pl
squeezing (act of) (noun), mbano (3/4), pl mibano.
squeezing (act of) (noun), msongo, pl misongo.
squid (noun), pweza (9/10an), pl pweza. today we were squid. Leo
tulikua pweza.
squint (verb), -kengeza.
squint (verb), -pepesa macho.
squinting (adjective), kengeza.
squinting (adjective), makengeza. squinting eyes. macho ya makengeza.
squinting condition (noun), upogo, pl pogo.
squirrel (noun), chindi.
squirrel (noun), kidiri (7/8), pl vidiri.
squirrel (noun), kindi (9/10an).
squirrel (noun), sindi (9/10an), pl sindi.
be stabbed (verb), -chomwa (passive).
sharp stabbing pain (noun), kichomi, pl vichomi.
stab (noun), chomo, pl machomo.
stab (verb), -choma.
stab (verb), -tofoa.
stab (verb), -tofua.
stab (wound) (noun), mchomo, pl michomo.
political stability (noun), uthabiti wa siasa (14).
stability (noun), kazo, pl makazo.
stability (noun), mkazo, pl mikazo.
stability (noun), uhodari.
stability (noun), uimara.
stability (noun), umathubuti.
stability (noun), usimeme.
stability (noun), uthabiti.
stability (noun), uthubutu.
stabilization (noun), matengemano, pl matengemano.
stabilization (noun), tengemano (5/6), pl matengemano.
stabilization (noun), utengemano, pl matengemano.
stabilize (verb), -imarisha.
stabilize (verb), -simamisha (causative). stabilize prices. simamisha
be stable (verb), -tungama.
stable (adjective), faja.
stable (adjective), hodari.
stable (adjective), hodari.
stable (adjective), imara.
stable (adjective), mathubuti.
stable (adjective), mathubutu.
stable (noun), banda, pl mabanda. horse stable, garage, rail station,
hangar, shed erected on plantations as a rest place for workers. ~ la
farasi, ~ la motokaa, ~ la gari, ~ la ndege, ~ la starehe.
stable (noun), zizi (5/6), pl mazizi.
stable (for cattle) (noun), boma, pl maboma.
one who stabs (noun), mchoma, pl wachoma.
arrange objects by stacking them (verb), -omekeza.
stack (verb), -panganya.
stack up (verb), -kongomana.
stadium (noun), uwanja (11/10), pl nyanja.
staff (noun), mkongojo (3/4), pl mikongojo.
staff (noun), ukongojo, pl kongojo.
staff (noun), ukongojo, pl kongojo.
stag (noun), ayala, pl ayala.
final stage (noun), tama (9/10), pl tama.
stage (noun), dungu (5/6), pl madungu.
stage (noun), gati (9/10), pl gati.
stage (noun), jukwaa (5/6), pl majukwaa.
stage (noun), pimamaji (9/10), pl pimamaji.
stage (in progress) (noun), hatua (9/10), pl hatua.
stage of a journey (noun), kifiko (7/8), pl vifiko.
in several stages (adjective), katika ngazi mbalimbali.
make stagger (verb), -pepesua.
stagger (verb), -kongoja.
stagger (verb), -pepa.
stagger (verb), -pepesuka.
stagger (verb), -seperuka. the drunkard staggered. Mlevi aliseperuka.
stagger (verb), -sepetuka.
stagger (verb), -sesereka.
stagger (verb), -seseteka.
stagger (verb), -sesetuka.
stagger (verb), -tetereka.
stagger (verb), -titia.
stagger (verb), -yonga.
stagger (verb), -yongayonga.
stagger (verb), -yuga.
stagger (verb), -yugayuga.
stagger (verb), -yumba.
stagger (verb), -yumbayumba.
stagger (under a load) (verb), -wayawaya.
staggering (noun), mleo (3/4), pl mileo.
staggering (noun), wayowayo (11).
stagnate (verb), -via.
stagnate (verb), -vilia.
stagnation (noun), mavilio, pl mavalio.
stagnation (noun), vilio (5/6), pl mavilio.
stain (noun), baka (5/6), pl mabaka.
stain (noun), doa (5/6), pl madoa.
stain (noun), waa, pl mawaa.
stairs (noun), daraja, pl madaraja.
stairs (flight of) (noun), madaraja, pl madaraja.
stairs (flight of) (noun), ngazi (9/10), pl ngazi. (musical) scale.
ngazi ya noti.
steps (noun), ngazi (9/10), pl ngazi.
stairway (noun), madaraja, pl madaraja.
pointed stake (in a pit for trapping game) (noun), mhoro, pl mihoro.
pointed stake in pit for trapping game (noun), mhoro (3/4), pl mihoro.
stake (noun), kigingi, pl vigwingwi.
stake (noun), sharti (5/6), pl masharti. I will give you one stake.
Nitakupa sharti moja.
stake (noun), sherti (5/6), pl masherti.
stake (noun), shurti (5/6), pl mashurti.
stake (noun), shuruti (5/6), pl mashuruti.
stale (noun), matibwitibwi, pl matibwitibwi. stale water. maji
stalk (verb), -nyemelea.
stalk (verb), -nyendea.
stalk (game) (verb), -nyapa.
stalk (game) (verb), -nyapanyapa.
stalk (millet, maize, grass) (noun), bua, pl mabua.
stalk (of a hunter) (verb), -nyatia (applicative).
stalk (of fruit) (noun), kikonyo, pl vikonyo.
stalk (of maize or milleg) (noun), ubua, pl mabua.
stalk of grass (noun), utete, pl tete, matete.
stalk(stripped bare of coconuts) (noun), kanga (9/10), pl kanga.
food stall (noun), genge (5/6), pl magenge.
stamina (noun), hima.
stamina (noun), imara.
stamina (noun), sulubu (9/10), pl sulubu.
stammer (noun), mbabaiko (3/4), pl mibabaiko.
stammer (verb), -ganza.
stammer (from fear) (verb), -babaika.
stammer (from fear) (verb), -babayika.
stammer (in speaking or reading) (verb), -dodosa.
stammerer (noun), kigugumizi (7/8an), pl vigugumizi.
stammering (noun), ubabaiko.
postage stamp (noun), stampu (9/10), pl stampu.
postage stamp (noun), stempu (9/10), pl stempus.
stamp (noun), chapa.
stamp (noun), mhuri, pl mihuri. to stamp.. tia muhuri.
stamp (noun), muhuri, pl mihuri. to stamp.. tia muhuri.
stamp (verb), -chapa.
stamp (verb), -piga mhuri.
stamp (verb), -piga mhuri.
stamp (of a business firm) (noun), rajamu (9/10), pl rajamu.
stamp (rubber or metal) (noun), stampa (9/10), pl stampa.
stamp on (verb), -kanyaga.
stamp on (verb), -vyoga.
cause to stand (verb), -simamisha (causative).
go and stand before someone (verb), -kabili.
place upright (verb), -baathi.
stand (noun), pl stands, msimamo (3/4), pl misimamo.
stand (noun), standi (9/10), pl standi.
stand (noun), stendi (9/10), pl stendi.
stand (noun), weko (5/6), pl maweko.
stand (verb), -simama.
stand (verb), -simamika (intransitive).
stand (verb), -simamisha.
stand (verb), -simika (intransitive).
stand (verb), -stahimili.
stand (for holding something (noun), kiguzo, pl viguzo.
stand (of trees) (noun), chaka (5/6), pl machaka.
stand fast (verb), -jikaza (reflexive).
stand in for someone (verb), -pokea. "I was looking for someone to
relieve me from the nursing/caring, not to add to it".. nikitafuta wa
kunipokea ulezi, siyo wa kuniongezea [Sul].
stand still (verb), -via.
stand up (verb), -inuka (potential).
stand up for (verb), -gombea.
stand up for one's rights (verb), -goma.
stand up with difficulty (verb), -jizoa (reflexive).
stand up with difficulty (verb), -jizoazoa (reflexive).
stand out (verb), -ondokea.
stand up (verb), -nyanyuka (potential).
not up to standard (adjective), tafauti.
standard (adjective), sanifu. a standard cook. mpishi sanifu.
standard (noun), ilkanun.
standard (noun), kawaida.
standard (noun), wastani (14), pl wastani.
standardize (verb), -sanifisha.
good standing (noun), ulwa (14).
high social standing (noun), ukabaila.
social standing (noun), kikao, pl vikao.
standpoint (noun), rai (9/10), pl rai. "Don't send him to the assembly,
for he has no standpoint (of his own)".. msimtume huyu kwenye mkutano
maana hana rai.
stanza of a song (noun), beti (5/6), pl beti.
stanza of a song (noun), ubeti (11/10), pl beti.
staple (for securing a door) (noun), pete (5/6), pl mapete.
star (noun), nyota (5/6), pl manyota. planet. nyota yenye baridi.
starch (noun), kanji (9/10), pl kanji.
starch (noun), nisha (9/10), pl nisha.
starch (noun), nishaa (9/10), pl nishaa.
starch (noun), uwanga.
starch (noun), wanga (11).
starch (for clothing) (noun), dondo, pl madondo.
stare (verb), -angaza. fix one's eyes on something, stare. -angaza
stare (verb), -kazia macho (applicative).
stare (verb), -kodoa.
stare (verb), -kodoa macho.
stare (verb), -pumbaa.
stare (verb), -sangaa.
stare (verb), -shangaa.
stare (verb), -tazama.
stare at (verb), -kodolea.
stare at someone with wide open eyes (verb), -tumbulia (macho)
stare into space (phrase), -toa macho pima.
starfish (noun), kiti cha pweza (7/8an), pl viti vya pweza.
ornith. kind of starling (noun), mbaramba. golden oriole.. mramba
ornith. kind of starling (noun), mlamba. golden oriole.. mramba
ornith. kind of starling (noun), mramba. golden oriole.. mramba
starling (noun), kwenzi (9/10), pl kwenzi.
be started (verb), -anzwa.
be started off (verb), -anzishwa.
cause to start (verb), -anzisha.
start (noun), amirisho, pl maamirisho.
start (noun), auwali, pl auwali.
start (noun), awali (9/10), pl awali.
start (noun), chanzo, pl vyanzo.
start (noun), chimbuko, pl machimbuko.
start (noun), mwanzo (3/4), pl mianzo.
start (verb), -anza. They started to use this dictionary last year..
Walianza kutumia kamusi hii mwaka uliopita..
start (verb), -anzisha.
start (verb), -endesha.
start (verb), -jiri.
start (verb), -ondoka.
start (verb), -shika njia.
start (verb), -stati. start, ignite. tia [piga] stati.
start (a car) (verb), -piga moto (gari). the car was ignited. gari
likapigwa moto [Ng].
start (a car) (verb), -piga stati.
start (a mechanism) (verb), -cheza.
start (an automobile) (verb), -washa.
start (game) (verb), -chakarisha.
start (game) (verb), -charakisha.
start (of a journey) (noun), maondokeo.
start (of a journey) (noun), ondokeo (5/6), pl maondokeo.
start off (verb), -anzisha.
start off suddenly (verb), -fyatuka.
start on behalf of someone (verb), pl Trans OK?, -anzia.
start something (noun), maliki.
start something (verb), -zua.
start up (verb), -vumburusha.
start up (with fright) (verb), -tukutika.
wake up with a start from a sound sleep (verb), -zinduka.
Get started! (interjection), hobe!.
starter (noun), kianzio (7/8), pl vianzio.
be startled (verb), -bumburuka.
be startled (verb), -chaga.
be startled (verb), -gutuka.
be startled (verb), -shtuka (potential). Bahati was startled and
answered him/her. Bahati akashtuka na kumjibu [Sul].
be startled (verb), -stuka (intransitive). (s)he suddenly gets startled
and stands up. anastuka ghafla na kusimama [Muk].
be startled (of a sleeping animal) (verb), -vumburuka.
startle (verb), -bumbuaza.
startle (verb), -bumburusha.
startle (verb), -chakarisha.
startle (verb), -charakisha.
startle (verb), -gundua.
startle (verb), -gutua.
startle (verb), -gutusha.
startle (verb), -ogofisha.
startle (verb), -ogofya.
startle (verb), -rusha akili.
startle (verb), -shitua.
startle (verb), -shtua.
startle (verb), -stua. that action would not have startled him/her.
kile kitendo kisingemstua [Muk].
startle (verb), -stua.
startle (verb), -stusha (causative).
startle (verb), -vumburusha.
startle someone (verb), -kurupusha.
be startled (verb), -dapa.
be startled (verb), -kurupuka.
be startled (verb), -ogopa.
be startled (verb), -tapa.
be startled (verb), -tapatapa.
startled (verb), -jituka.
startling thing (noun), pl startling thing, shani (9/10), pl shani.
rare state (as an administrative or territorial unit) (noun), mtaa, pl
state (adjective), -a kiserikali.
state (noun), daula, pl madaula. chief of state. mkuu wa daula.
state (noun), dola (5/6), pl madola. chief of state. mkuu wa dola.
state (noun), jimbo (5/6), pl majimbo.
state (verb), -arifu.
Ikulu (the State House in Dar es Salaam) (noun), Ikulu.
be stated (verb), -tamkwa.
statement (noun), maneno.
statement (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno.
statement (noun), tamko (5/6), pl matamko.
statement (noun), tamshi (5/6), pl matamshi.
statement (noun), zulio, pl mazulio.
statement (esp one which states something needed or desired) (noun), pl
statements, risala (9/10), pl risala.
statement (public) (noun), ilani.
statement (written or spoken) (noun), taarifa (9/10), pl taarifa.
statement (written or spoken) (noun), taarifu (9/10), pl taarifu.
written statement (noun), andiko, pl maandiko.
written statement (noun), maandiko, pl maandiko.
make false statements (verb), -ongopa.
statesman (noun), waziri.
station (noun), kituo (7/8), pl vituo.
station (noun), ngojo (9/10), pl ngojo.
station (noun), stesheni (9/10), pl stesheni. petrol station. stesheni
ya mafuta/petroli.
be stationary (verb), -simama.
be stationary (verb), -simama.
statue (noun), kumbusho, pl makumbusho.
statue (noun), pl statues, sanamu (9/10), pl sanamu. (s)he looked at the
statute of Jesus. aliitazama sanamu ya Yesu [Kez].
stature (noun), kima, pl vima.
stature (noun), kimo (7/8), pl vimo.
stature (noun), umbile (5/6), pl maumbile.
stature (above the average) (noun), tambo (9/10), pl tambo. a good
standing stature of a woman. tambo zuri la mwanamke limesimama, mikono
kiunoni [Muk], Maksuudi alipoangalia tambo, kimo na uzima wa bibi huyu
fig. status (social) (noun), kiwango, pl viwango.
of the same status (adjective), kifu.
social status (noun), daraja (5/6), pl madaraja.
status (noun), cheo (7/8), pl vyeo.
status (noun), hadhi (9/10), pl hadhi.
status (noun), hulka.
status (noun), makamo.
status (noun), makamu.
status (noun), sharaf (9). his/her status does not allow him/her to live
here. Sharaf yake haimruhusu kukaa hapa.
status (of an official or officer) (noun), uafisa.
status (of an official or officer) (noun), uofisa.
status (official) (noun), mamlaka.
statute (noun), mkataba (3/4), pl mikataba.
be obliged to stay at home (verb), -fungika (potential).
stay (noun), gadi (5/6), pl magadi.
stay (noun), jahabu, pl majahabu.
stay (noun), magadi.
stay (verb), -baki. One entered the room and the other stayed here..
Mmoja aliingia chumbani na mwingine akabaki hapa [Masomo 167].
stay (verb), -kaa.
stay (verb), -kaa.
stay (verb), -ngoja.
stay (verb), -saa.
stay (verb), -sehelea.
stay (verb), -selea.
stay (verb), -usiri.
stay (naut.) (noun), matilo.
stay all day long (verb), -shinda. my mother's friend stayed at home all
day long. Rafiki ya mama alishinda kwetu leo.
stay at home (verb), -tawa.
stay behind (verb), -limatia.
stay for (verb), -salia. Muslims stay for a corpse in the Mosque.
Waislamu husaliwa maiti msikitini.
stay in a place (verb), -sakini.
stay in one place (verb), -tulia.
stay on the shelf (merchandise) (verb), -china.
stay put (verb), -shinda.
stay up at night (verb), -kesha.
stay up at night (verb), -wanga.
stay up with (verb), -keshea.
stay with (preposition), kwa.
stay-at-home (noun), mtaawa, pl wataawa.
stay-at-home (noun), mtawa, pl watawa.
be steadfast (verb), -imarika.
be steadfast (verb), -simama.
be steadfast (verb), -thibiti.
be steadfast (verb), -zinda.
steadfast (adjective), imara.
steadfast (adjective), thabiti.
steadfast (adjective), thabiti.
steadfast (adjective), -vumilivu.
steadfast (noun), kiamba, pl viamba.
steadfast (noun), mwamba, pl miamba.
steadfastness (noun), imara.
steadfastness (noun), kazo, pl makazo.
steadfastness (noun), mkazo, pl mikazo.
steadfastness (noun), ugumu.
steadfastness (noun), usimeme.
steadfastness (noun), uthabiti.
steadfastness (noun), uthubutu.
be steady (verb), -simama.
be steady (verb), -tengenea.
be steady (verb), -zinda.
make steady (verb), -simamisha (causative).
steady (adjective), stedi.
steal (verb), -bebesha.
steal (verb), -chopoa.
steal (verb), -iba.
steal (verb), -iba.
steal (verb), -kwapua.
steal (verb), -kwepua.
steal (verb), -nyang'anya.
steal (verb), -opoa. Give me the stolen ones. nepi za kuopoa [Ma].
steal (verb), -poka.
steal (verb), -pora.
steal (verb), -umua.
steal along (verb), -nyata. creep up on a person. nyata mtu.
steal from (verb), -chomolea.
steal from each other (verb), -pokana.
steal from someone (verb), -ibia.
steal in (verb), -jipenyeza.
steal up on (verb), -nyemelea.
steal up to (verb), -nyemelea. (s)he left from inside that car and
stealed upto to his/her home.. akatoka mle garini na kunyemelea kwao
stealing (noun), uizi.
stealing (noun), wivi (14).
stealing (noun), wizi (14).
stealthily (adverb), kichinichini.
stealthily (adverb), kifichoficho.
stealthily (adverb), njongwanjongwa.
stealthily (adverb), nyatunyatu.
walk stealthily (verb), -nyata.
steam (noun), fukizo (5/6), pl mafukizo.
steam (noun), mafukizo.
steam (noun), mfukuto, pl mifukuto.
steam (noun), moshi (3/4), pl mimoshi. where there is smoke there is
fire.. gari la moshi.
steam (noun), mvuke.
steam (noun), stimu (9/10), pl stimu.
steam (noun), uvuke.
steam (noun), vepa.
steam (noun), vuke (5/6), pl mavuke.
steam (noun), vukizo, pl mavukizo.
steam engine (noun), kinu cha moshi, pl vinu vya moshi.
steam bath (for invalids) (noun), buhuri.
steam-power (noun), uvuke.
steamer (noun), sitima (9/10), pl sitima.
steamer (noun), stima (9/10), pl stima.
steampower (noun), mvuke.
steamship (noun), merikebu (9/10).
steamship (noun), rikebu, pl rikebu.
steamship (noun), sitima (9/10), pl sitima.
steamship (noun), stima (9/10), pl stima.
steamship (always a vessel of European origin; chombo = native vessel;
meli = steamship only) (noun), merikebu (9/10).
steamship (in. gen.) (noun), meli (9/10). cabin. chumba cha meli
steamy (adjective), kimaji.
steatopygia (noun), shuri (5/6), pl mashuri.
steel (noun), chuma (7/8), pl vyuma.
steel (noun), pua (9/10), pl pua.
steel (of good quality) (noun), feleji.
be steep (verb), -shuka.
steep (in water) (verb), -bambika.
steeple (noun), mnara, pl minara.
steeplechase (noun), kidaraja, pl vidaraja.
steer (verb), -amili.
steer (verb), -endesha.
steering (noun), uendeshaji.
steering gear (noun), uskani.
steering gear (noun), usukani.
steering wheel (noun), uskani.
steering wheel (noun), usukani.
steering wheel (noun), usukani (11/10), pl sukani.
steering wheel (noun), steling (9/10), pl steling.
steering wheel (noun), steringi (9/10), pl sterengi.
steering wheel (noun), stiringi (9/10), pl stiringi.
rare, naut. steersman (noun), mwalimu, pl walimu.
steinbuck (noun), dondoo.
steinbuck (noun), dondoro.
stem (noun), utete (11/10), pl tete.
stem (noun), uti (11/10), pl nyuti.
stem ( of maize or millet) (noun), ubua, pl mabua.
stem (millet or maize or grass) (noun), bua, pl mabua.
stem (of fruit) (noun), kikonyo, pl vikonyo.
stem of any creeping plant (used as a cord or for plaiting) (noun),
produce a stench (verb), -vundikiza.
stench (noun), shuzi (5/6), pl mashuzi. the gratitude of the donkey is
stench. shukrani za punda ni mashuzi [Rec].
first step (noun), chanzo (7/8), pl vyanzo.
step (noun), hatua (9/10), pl hatua.
step (noun), kipago (7/8), pl vipago.
step (noun), kipandio (7/8), pl vipandio.
step (noun), kipawa, pl vipawa.
step (noun), ngazi (9/10), pl ngazi. (musical) scale. ngazi ya noti.
step (noun), pl steps, pandio (5/6), pl mapandio.
step (verb), -kanyaga.
step on (verb), -kanyaga.
step on (verb), -liwata.
step on (verb), -vyoga.
step over (verb), -dupa.
step over (verb), -kia.
step over (verb), -kiuka.
step over something (verb), -kiuka.
step-relationship (noun), kambo.
step-(father or mother) (adjective), kambo.
step-mother (noun), mama wa kambo (9/10an), pl mama wa kambo.
stepfather (noun), baba wa kambo, pl baba wa kambo.
like a stepparent (adverb), kikambo.
typical of the way stepparent behaves (adjective), kikambo.
steppe (noun), mbuga (9/10), pl mbuga.
steppe (noun), pori (5/6), pl mapori. The grass has rotten after the
rains in the steppe. Nyasi zimeota baada ya mvua porini.
steps (noun), madaraja, pl madaraja.
steps (flight of) (noun), daraja (5/6), pl madaraja.
take long steps (verb), -panua miguu.
be sterile (verb), -karema.
be sterile (esp of trees) (verb), -palama.
be sterile (esp of trees) (verb), -parama.
sterile (adjective), gumba.
sterile man (noun), mgumba (1/2), pl wagumba.
sterility (noun), tasa (9/10), pl tasa.
sterility (noun), utasa.
stern (of a ship) (noun), tezi, pl matezi.
stern (of ship) (noun), shetri (9/10), pl shetri.
sternpost (of a handbuilt boat) (noun), bumia.
stevedore (noun), mpakizi, pl wapakizi.
stevedore (noun), mpakuzi, pl wapakuzi.
stew (verb), -kaanga.
steward (noun), mngojezi, pl wangojezi.
stewardship (noun), uwakala.
stewardship (noun), uwakili.
stitch (verb), -sheleli.
defensive knobbed stick (noun), pl sticks, rungu (5/6), pl marungu.
forked stick (noun), kongwa (5/6), pl makongwa.
get stuck (verb), -ama.
hooked stick (used to pull down branches in fruit-picking) (noun),
hooked stick for pulling down fruit (noun), upembo, pl pembo.
large hooked stick (noun), ngoe (9/10), pl ngoe.
make (legs) stick in (verb), -topeza.
piece of stick used for twisting the rope tightening firewood (noun),
mlio (3/4), pl milio.
pointed stick (noun), mchokoo (3/4), pl michokoo.
pointed stick (noun), mkonjo, pl mikonjo.
pointed stick (noun), mkonzo, pl mikonzo.
pointed stick used for opening coconuts (noun), pl sticks, chuo (7/8), pl
short thick stick (noun), kibarango, pl vibarango.
short, thick stick (made from the wood of the mpweke tree) (noun),
mpweke, pl mipweke.
small hooked stick for pulling fruit off trees (noun), kigoe (7/8), pl
small stick (thrown to knock down fruit) (noun), kipigi (7/8), pl vipigi.
stick (noun), bakora, pl bakora.
stick (noun), fimbo (9/10), pl fimbo.
stick (noun), kijiti (7/8), pl vijiti.
stick (noun), konjo, pl makonjo.
stick (noun), konzo, pl makonzo.
stick (noun), mbarango (3/4), pl mibarango.
stick (noun), mkongojo (3/4), pl mikongojo.
stick (noun), mpweke (3/4), pl mipweke.
stick (noun), ukongojo, pl kongojo.
stick (noun), njiti (9/10), pl njiti.
stick (noun), ufito (11/10), pl fito.
stick (noun), ukongojo, pl kongojo.
stick (verb), -ama.
stick (verb), -ambata.
stick (verb), -choma.
stick (verb), -kokorocha.
stick (verb), -korocha.
stick (verb), -korochakorocha.
stick (verb), -nata.
stick (verb), -sagama.
stick (verb), -tofoa.
stick (verb), -tofua.
stick (for digging holes) (noun), pl sticks, mshamo (3/4), pl mishamo.
stick (pigs etc) (verb), -tinda.
stick (pigs etc.) (verb), -chinja.
stick (stout) (noun), kiwi (7/8), pl viwi.
stick (to a frying pan) (verb), -ungua.
stick (to the ground) (verb), -jikaza (reflexive).
stick (used by weavers to tighten thread) (noun), mladi (3/4), pl miladi.
stick (with a hardened tip used as a hunting weapon or in pit traps)
(noun), ukonjo.
stick (with a hardened tip used as a hunting weapon or in pit traps)
(noun), ukonzo.
stick (with hardened tip used for hunting) (noun), konzo (5/6), pl
stick between two things (verb), -pachika.
stick fast (verb), -ganda.
stick fast (verb), -kwama.
stick fast (verb), -zinda.
stick for sitting on when picking cloves (noun), parago (5/6), pl
stick in (verb), -pachika. fasten a knife-blade in the handle.. pachika
kisu kipinini.
stick in (belt etc..) (verb), -futika.
stick in the throat (verb), -sama.
stick of wood (noun), banzi, pl mabanzi.
stick on (verb), -bandika.
stick on which one props oneself when picking cloves (noun), parago
(5/6), pl maparago.
stick out (verb), -benua. throw out one's chest, swagger. benua kifua.
stick out (verb), -binua. "throw out one's chest, swagger".. binua
stick set against a door to hold it shut (noun), kivi, pl vivi.
stick set against a door to hold it shut (noun), kiwi, pl viwi.
stick set against a door to hold it shut (noun), kiwiwi, pl viwiwi.
stick to (verb), -gandamia.
stick to throw at tree to knock down fruit (noun), piki (5/6), pl mapiki.
stick together (verb), -ambatana.
stick together (verb), -shikamana. the rice stuck together after being
cooked. Wali ulishikamana baada ya kupikwa.
stick used for knocking down fruit (noun), kipiki, pl vipiki.
stick used for knocking down fruit (noun), kipikipiki, pl vipikipiki.
stick used for knocking down fruit (noun), pigipigi (5/6), pl mapigipigi.
stick used for knocking down fruit (noun), pikipiki (5/6), pl mapikipiki.
stick used in rope-making (noun), kileti, pl vileti.
stick with iron tip (for digging stones) (noun), muo (3/4), pl miuo.
stick with something (verb), -gandama na.
sticking together (noun), mnato (3/4), pl minato.
sticks laid inside a cooking-pot to keep the food from burning (noun),
nyalio (9/10), pl nyalio.
sticks or laths used to fill up the spaces in the framework of a house
prior to plastering (noun), wasa.
sticks used for fortune-telling (noun), wano, pl mawano.
thick stick used as a club (noun), gongo (5/6), pl magongo.
walking stick with the handle shaped like the bill of the kwembe (noun),
domo la kwembe, pl makwembe.
cause to stick on (verb), -bandikisha.
cause to stick on (verb), -bandikiza.
sticker (noun), kibandiko (7/8), pl vibandiko.
sticking (noun), msakamo, pl misakamo.
sticky fluid (noun), ute, pl mate.
be stiff (verb), -shupaa. (s)he folded his/her hands around the chest,
and was stiff on top of the chair of the car. amefumbata mikono kifuani,
kashupaa juu ya kiti cha motokaa [Sul].
stiff (adjective), yabis.
stiff (adjective), yabisi.
stiff-necked person (noun), mwenye shingo ngumu (1/2), pl wenye shingo
stiffen (verb), -chuchupaa.
stiffening (noun), mpindano (3/4), pl mipindano.
stiffness (noun), upindani (11).
stiffness (of the joints) (noun), mavune, pl mavune (rarely mavunde).
stigma (noun), baka, pl mabaka.
stigma (noun), tua.
stigma (noun), waa, pl mawaa.
be still (verb), -nyamaa.
be still (verb), -starehe.
be still (verb), -sukutu.
be still (verb), -tundawaa.
be still (verb), -tunduaa.
Be still! (interjection), askut!.
Be still! (interjection), sukutu.
stay still (verb), -simama.
still (adjective), nyamafu.
still (adjective), -nyamavu.
still (adjective), tulivu.
still (adverb), bado. He is still a child.. huyu no mtoto ~.
still (adverb), kimya.
still (adverb), tuli.
stilt (used in various games) (noun), mlonjo, pl milonjo.
stimulant substance that comes from the kernel of the fruit of the Indian
almond tree (Terminalia catappa) (noun), kungu (9/10), pl kungu. Those
who drink wine and intoxicants.. Wa sharabu na wa kungu [Shaaban Robert,
Masomo 426].
stimulate (verb), -chechemua.
stimulate (verb), -chekesha.
stimulate (verb), -choma.
stimulate (verb), -chonjomoa.
stimulate (verb), -sisimsha (causative).
stimulate (verb), -sisimusha (causative).
stimulate (verb), -sukuma.
stimulate (verb), -sukumiza (intensive).
be stimulated (verb), -chomeka.
be stimulated (also sexually) (verb), -sisimka (intransitive).
stimulation (noun), nyege (9/10), pl nyege.
stimulation (noun), papo (5/6), pl mapapo.
stimulation (noun), unyege.
stimulation (noun), unyege.
stimulus (noun), mchocheo (3/4), pl michocheo.
stimulus (noun), mchocheo, pl michocheo.
stimulus (noun), mchocho, pl michocheo.
stimulus (noun), usukumizi.
something that stings (noun), kiuma, pl viuma.
sting (noun), mwiba, pl miiba. sting of a bee.. mwiba wa nyuki.
sting (noun), umivu, pl maumivu.
sting (noun), umo, pl maumo.
sting (verb), -chonyota.
sting (verb), -donoa.
sting (verb), -washa.
sting (of an insect) (noun), uma.
sting( of a bee, etc.) (noun), mshale, pl mishale.
sting(er) (of an insect) (noun), msomari, pl misomari.
sting(er) (of an insect) (noun), msumari, pl misumari.
stinginess (noun), choyo. he is a stingy person. ana choyo.
stinginess (noun), mnyimo (3/4), pl minyimo.
stinginess (noun), unyimivu.
stingy (adjective), -bahili.
stingy (adjective), kabidhi.
stingy (adjective), nyiminyimi.
stingy (adjective), nyimivu.
stingy (adjective), takabadhi.
something stinking (noun), vunde, pl mavunde.
stink (verb), -nuka.
stink (verb), -vunda.
stink (of bad meat etc.) (noun), uvundo.
stint (noun), zamu.
as stipulated (adverb), kwa sharti.
stipulation (noun), shurutisho (5/6), pl mashurutisho.
stipulations (noun), sharti (5/6), pl masharti. by stipulations. kwa
stipulations (noun), sherti (5/6), pl masherti.
stipulations (noun), shurti (5/6), pl mashurti.
stipulations (noun), shuruti (5/6), pl mashuruti.
agitate someone (verb), -paliliza.
be stirred up (verb), -chaga.
be stirred up (verb), -vurugika.
be stirred up (verb), -vurugika.
be stirred up with emotion (verb), -sisimka (intransitive).
cause a thing to be stirred up (verb), -vurumisha.
one who stirs up (noun), mchochezi, pl wachochezi. warmonger..
mchochezi wa vita [Rec].
stir (noun), uvumi.
stir (verb), -amka.
stir (verb), -chocha.
stir (verb), -pekecha. produce fire by twiring one stick in a hole in
another.. pekecha moto.
stir (verb), -peketa. produce fire by twiring one stick in a hole in
another.. pekecha moto.
stir (foods) (verb), -chakua.
stir up (verb), -asisha.
stir up (verb), -bilisi.
stir up (verb), -chochea.
stir up (verb), -chokoa.
stir up (verb), -chokocha.
stir up (verb), -chokora.
stir up (verb), -chokoza (causative).
stir up (verb), -dodofya (causative).
stir up (verb), -koroga.
stir up (verb), -koroga.
stir up (verb), -omoa.
stir up (verb), -paliliza.
stir up (verb), -saliti.
stir up (verb), -tatiza.
stir up (verb), -tibua.
stir up (verb), -tifua.
stir up (verb), -tomesha.
stir up (verb), -vumbilia.
stir up (verb), -vuruga.
stir up (verb), -vurugavuruga.
stir up (verb), -vuruma.
stir up (feelings) (verb), -korofisha (causative).
stir up (foods) (verb), -buruga.
stir up (maize or millet when being pounded in a mortar to keep it from
sticking ) (verb), -timbua.
stir up feeling (verb), -palilia (applicative).
stir up trouble (verb), -tasliti. stir up things until people begin to
quarrel. tasliti hata wata wanagombana.
stir vigorously (verb), -titiga.
be stirred up (verb), -tibuka.
be well stirred (verb), -pekecheka.
be well stirred (verb), -peketeka.
stirred up (adjective), peketevu.
stirred up (adjective), pekutevu.
stirring (a fire) (noun), mchocheo (3/4), pl michocheo.
stirring (a fire) (noun), mchocho, pl michocho.
stirring (act of) (noun), mpekecho, pl mipekecho.
stirring (act of) (noun), mpeketo, pl mipeketo.
stirring (act of) (noun), mvurugo, pl mivurugo.
stitch (noun), kichomi, pl vichomi.
stitch (noun), shulu (5/6), pl mashulu.
stitch (noun), shuru (5/6), pl mashuru.
stitch (noun), stichi (9/10), pl stichi.
stitch (verb), -shona.
stitch (verb), -shulu.
row of stitches (noun), bandi, pl mabandi. sew, stitch. -fanya ('-
shona) ~.
share of stock (noun), hisa.
stock (noun), akiba (9/10), pl akiba.
stock (noun), sitoo (5/6), pl masitoo.
stock (noun), stoa (9/10), pl stoa.
stock (noun), stoo (9/10), pl stoo.
stock (verb), -chunga.
stock raising (noun), ukuzaji.
stock-keeping (noun), fugo (5/6), pl mafugo.
stockings (noun), sokisi (9/10), pl sokisi.
stockings (noun), soksi (9/10), pl soksi.
stockings (noun), stoki (9/10), pl stoki.
stockings (noun), stokingi (9/10), pl stokingi.
stockpile (verb), -angamiza.
stockpiling (noun), uangamizi.
stocks (noun), mkatale (3/4), pl mikatale.
stoker (noun), mchocheaji moto, pl wachocheaji.
stoker (on train) (noun), mchoma moto, pl wachoma moto.
be stolen (verb), -chopoka.
have something stolen (verb), -twaliwa.
have something stolen (verb), -twawa.
stolen goods (noun), nyara (9/10), pl nyara.
first stomach (of ruminants) (noun), kisafu, pl visafu.
stomach (noun), tumbo (5/6), pl matumbo.
stomach (abnormally large) (noun), kitumbo (7/8), pl vitumbo.
stomach (ruminant's first one) (noun), kilihafu (7/8), pl vilihafu.
stomach pains (from overeating) (noun), vimbizi (5/6), pl mavimbizi.
stomachache (noun), msokoto, pl misokoto.
cooking stones (three of these form the cooking place) (noun), mafya.
precious stone (noun), fususi.
precious stone (noun), johari.
precious stone (noun), kito (7/8), pl vito.
small stone (noun), changarawe (9/10), pl changarawe.
small stone (noun), kodwe.
small stone (noun), kokoto (5/6), pl makokoto.
small stone (noun), mbwe.
stone (noun), jiwe (5/6), pl mawe.
stone (noun), jiwe.
stone (for grinding corn etc.) (noun), kijaa (7/8), pl vijaa.
stone (of fruit) (noun), konde, pl makonde.
stone (round solid and used for pounding) (noun), mango.
stone (small white oval used by potter for shaping clay) (noun), kuungo
(9/10), pl kuungo.
stone (small) (noun), kijiwe, pl vijiwe.
stone border (noun), kikuta, pl vikuta.
stone of fruit (noun), kiini, pl viini.
pile of stones (noun), boma, pl maboma.
stones (noun), mawe (6).
stones (noun), mawe, pl mawe.
stoneworker (noun), mhunzi (1/2), pl wahunzi.
stooge (noun), nokoa (5/6an), pl manokoa.
stool (noun), choo (7/8), pl vyoo.
stool (noun), kibago (7/8), pl vibago.
one who stoops when he walks (noun), kibiongo, pl vibiongo.
stoop (verb), -bong'oa.
walk in a stooped position (verb), -titia.
bring to a stop (verb), -komesha.
cause to stop (verb), -simamisha (causative).
get stopped up (verb), -zibika.
musical command to stop the drumming (verb), -zima.
stop (conjunction), bas.
stop (conjunction), basi.
stop (conjunction), bassi.
stop (noun), stesheni (9/10), pl stesheni.
stop (verb), -acha. They have stopped smoking.. Wameacha kuvuta sigara.
stop (verb), pl Are there other forms w/o the wa~?, -akifu.
stop (verb), -ata.
stop (verb), basi!.
stop (verb), -hitimu.
stop (verb), -isha.
stop (verb), -kinga.
stop (verb), -koma.
stop (verb), -ngoja.
stop (verb), -simama.
stop (verb), -simamisha.
stop (verb), -sita. the shouting stopped. hoihoi zilisita.
stop (verb), -tua.
stop (verb), -wakifisha.
stop (verb), -zuia.
stop (verb), -zuilia.
stop (prices etc.) (verb), -wakifu.
stop trying (verb), -samehe.
stop up (verb), -sama.
stop up (verb), -ziba.
stopping place (noun), kituo (7/8), pl vituo.
stopping point (noun), ishilio (5/6), pl maishilio.
stopping short (noun), vilio (5/6), pl mavilio.
stopping up (act of) (noun), kizibo, pl vizibo.
stopping-place (noun), chengo, pl vyengo.
fig. stopgap (noun), kizibo, pl vizibo.
stoppable (verb), -zuilika.
stoppage (noun), mavilio, pl mavalio.
stoppage (noun), mzibo, pl mizibo.
stoppage (noun), vilio (5/6), pl mavilio.
be stopped (verb), -zibwa.
stopper (noun), kizibo, pl vizibo.
stopper (noun), mzibo, pl mizibo.
stopper (noun), plagi (9/10), pl plagi.
stopper (noun), zibo (5/6), pl mazibo.
stopping (noun), mwinamo, pl miinamo.
stopping (noun), ukomeshaji (14).
stopping (act of) (noun), mzibo, pl mizibo.
stopping-place (noun), ngojo (9/10), pl ngojo.
stopping-place (noun), standi (9/10), pl standi.
stopping-place (noun), stendi (9/10), pl stendi.
storage area (noun), behewa, pl mabehewa.
storage place (noun), ghala (9/10), pl ghala, maghala.
storage place (noun), kilindo, pl vilindo.
storage place (noun), weko.
container for storing grain (on a raised platform) (noun), chaga.
department store (noun), bohari, pl mabohari.
department store (noun), bokhari, pl mabokhari.
set great store by (verb), -chunuka.
set great store by (verb), -chunuka.
set great store by (verb), -tunuka.
something in store (noun), akiba (9/10), pl akiba.
stand for storing grain (in a house) (noun), chanja, pl vichanja.
store (noun), duka (5/6), pl maduka.
store (noun), sitoo (5/6), pl masitoo.
store (noun), stoa (9/10), pl stoa.
store (noun), stoo (9/10), pl stoo.
store (verb), -angamiza.
store (large) (noun), bohari, pl mabohari.
store (large) (noun), bokhari, pl mabokhari.
store up (verb), -limbika.
store up (verb), -lundika.
store up (verb), -rundika.
store up (verb), -rundika.
store up (verb), -tarazaki.
store up (verb), -ruzuku.
store up (verb), -weka.
store house (noun), bohari (5/6), pl mabohari.
be stored (verb), -lundika.
be stored (verb), -rundika.
be stored (verb), -rundika.
storehouse (noun), bokhari, pl mabokhari.
storehouse (noun), sitoo (5/6), pl masitoo.
storehouse (noun), stoa (9/10), pl stoa.
storehouse (noun), stoo (9/10), pl stoo.
storey (upper floor) (noun), ghorofa (9/10), pl ghorofa.
stork (noun), koikoi (5/6an), pl makoikoi.
stork (noun), kongoti (9/10), pl kongoti.
stork (noun), korongo, pl makorongo.
stork (noun), korongo, pl makorongo.
storm (noun), dharba.
storm (noun), dharuba.
storm (noun), dhoruba (9/10), pl dhoruba.
storm (noun), kimbunga, pl vimbunga.
storm (noun), shababu (9/10), pl shababu.
storm (noun), tufani (9/10), pl tufani.
storm which causes a whirlwind (noun), kinyamkela (7/8), pl vinyamkela.
be stormy (of the sea) (verb), -chacha.
story (noun), gorofa.
story (noun), hadithi (9/10), pl hadithi.
story (noun), hekaya (9/10), pl hekaya.
story (noun), kisa (7/8), pl visa.
story (noun), ngano (9/10), pl ngano.
story (noun), simulizi (5/6), pl masimulizi.
story (or a building) (noun), ghorofa. a four-story house.. nyumba ya
orofa nne.
story (or a building) (noun), gorofa. a four-story house.. nyumba ya
orofa nne.
story (or a building) (noun), orofa (9/10), pl orofa. a four-story
house.. nyumba ya orofa nne.
upper story (noun), gorofa.
story-teller (noun), pl story-tellers, msimulizi (1/2), pl wasimulizi.
storyteller (noun), pl storytellers, shaha (5/6an), pl mashaha.
storyteller (noun), sheha (5/6an), pl mashaha. the storyteller will not
come today. Sheha hata kuja leo.
storyteller (noun), shehe (5/6an), pl mashehe.
stout stick (noun), mkunguni, pl mikunguni.
stoutness (adjective), maki.
stoutness (noun), unene (14).
stoutness (noun), unene.
electric stove (noun), jiko la umeme (5/6), pl majiko ya umeme.
stove (noun), jiko (5/6), pl meko.
stove (noun), jiko.
stove (noun), stovu (9/10), pl stovu.
stove (charcoal) (noun), pl stoves, sigiri (9/10), pl sigiri. cook with
a stove. pika na sigiri.
stow (verb), -pakia.
stow something (verb), -pakilia.
stowing cargo (noun), upakiaji.
stowing cargo (noun), upakio.
stowing cargo (noun), upakizi.
straddle (noun), magamaga.
straddle (verb), -tagaa.
be set straight (verb), -ongoka.
be straight (verb), -nyoka. a straight line.. mstari ulionyoka.
be straight (verb), -nyooka. a straight line.. mstari ulionyoka.
be straight (verb), -nyoosha.
be straight (verb), -nyoroka. a straight line.. mstari ulionyoka.
become straight (verb), -nyooka. "If you answer our questions, all your
matters shall become straight".. kama ukijibu maswali yetu mambo yako
yote yatanyooka [Ng].
become straight (verb), -nyoosha.
go straight ahead (verb), ongoa.
go straight on (verb), -fululiza.
not straight (adjective), benibeni.
straight (adjective), nyofu.
straight (adjective), sawa. straight land/country. nchi sawa..
straight (adjective), wima.
straight (adverb), imaima, pl viwimawima.
straight (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
straight (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
straight ahead (adverb), kiomo.
straight ahead (adverb), yahom.
straight on (adverb), mtindo mmoja.
straighten (verb), -noa.
straighten (verb), -nyoosha (causative).
straighten (verb), -nyorosha.
straighten (verb), -nyosha (causative).
straighten oneself up (verb), -jipanga.
straighten out (verb), -nyongoa.
be straightened (verb), -nyoka.
be straightened (verb), -nyooka.
be straightened (verb), -nyoosha (causative).
be straightened (verb), -nyoroka.
straightened out (adjective), ongofu.
straightforward (adjective), adili.
straightforward (adjective), adilifu.
straightforward (adjective), nyofu.
straightforwardness (noun), unyofu (14).
straightness (noun), nyofu (9).
straightness (noun), unyofu (11).
be strained (verb), -chujwa.
be strained (verb), -popotoka.
strain (noun), kite (7).
strain (verb), -bidi.
strain (verb), -chuja.
strain (verb), -popotoa. strain the leg. popotoa mguu.
strain (in giving birth) (verb), -jika.
strain oneself (verb), -kakamia.
strain oneself (verb), -tutumua.
strained product (noun), chujo (5/6), pl machujo.
be strained (verb), -pindana.
strainer (noun), chujio (5/6), pl machujio.
strainer (noun), kichujio (7/8), pl vichujio.
strainer (noun), kifumbu (7/8), pl vifumbu.
strainer (noun), mkuro, pl mikulo.
strainer (for grated coconut) (noun), mkulo (3/4), pl mikulo.
straining (noun), mpindano (3/4), pl mipindano.
straining (noun), uchujo.
strait (noun), kilango, pl vilango.
straitened circumstances (noun), udhiki.
strand (noun), uzi (11/10), pl nyuzi.
strand (a ship) (verb), -pweleza.
strand (of a rope, etc.). (noun), ncha.
strand (of rope etc.) (noun), jino.
be stranded (verb), -kwama. The travellers were stranded in the city
that day.. Wasafiri walikwama mjini siku hiyo [Masomo 216].
be stranded (verb), -kwama.
be stranded (verb), -panda pwani. coast and interior.. pwani na bara.
be stranded (verb), -panda pwani.
be stranded (verb), -pwelewa. The traveller was stranded at the port.
Msafiri alipwelewa bandarini.
something strange (noun), ishara.
something strange (noun), taashira (9/10), pl taashira.
strange (adjective), ajabu.
strange (adjective), geni.
strange (adjective), kigeni.
strange (adjective), simo.
strange (adjective), zungu.
strange thing (noun), ajabu (9/10), pl ajabu. then the strange things
began. halafu maajabu yanaanza [Muk].
strangeness (noun), ugeni (14).
strangeness (noun), uzungu.
strangeness (to a place etc.) (noun), uzuzu.
stranger (noun), mgeni (1/2), pl wageni.
stranger (noun), mja, pl waja.
strangle (verb), -nyonga.
strangle (verb), -songa roho.
strangle oneself (verb), -jinyonga.
leather strap (noun), koa (5/6), pl makoa.
leather strap (noun), ukoa.
leather strap (on sandals) (noun), gidamu.
mil. shoulder strap (noun), mkumbuu, pl mikumbuu.
strap (noun), kigwe, pl vigwe.
strap (noun), kikoa, pl vikoa.
strap (noun), mjeledi, pl mijeledi. to whip. piga/tia mjeledi.
strap (noun), mkanda, pl mikanda.
strap (noun), ugwe, pl ngwe, nyugwe.
strap (noun), ukanda (11/10), pl kanda.
stratagem (noun), tabasuri (9/10), pl tabasuri.
strategem (noun), busara.
strategem (noun), hila.
strategem (noun), ujanja.
strategem (noun), ushabaki.
strategy (noun), hila (9/10), pl hila.
strategy (noun), pl strategies, mbinu (9/10), pl mbinu. For every
soldier who is in the front lines, the most be additional other soldiers
here behind supervising transport, sending and receiving communications,
and planning attack strategies.. Kwa kila askari aliye katika mstari wa
mbele, lazima waweko askari wengine huku nyuma wakisimamia usafirishaji,
wakipeleka na kupokea habari, na wakipanga mbinu za mashambulizi [Nyerere,
Masomo 275-6].
stratum (noun), pangilio (5/6), pl mapangilio.
stratum (noun), rusu (9/10), pl rusu.
stratum (noun), tabaka (5/6), pl matabaka.
straw (for drinking) (noun), pl straws, mrija (3/4), pl mirija.
straw blade (used for thatching) (noun), unyasi, pl nyasi, manyasi.
straw mat (noun), jamvi (5/6), pl majamvi.
tuft of straw, etc., used for starting a fire (noun), mwenge, pl mienge
[rare kienge, vienge].
stray dog (noun), mbwa koko.
strayed (adjective), potevu.
dry stream-bed (noun), wadi.
stream (noun), fumbi (5/6), pl mafumbi.
stream (noun), kijito (7/8), pl vijito.
stream (noun), mfo, pl mifo.
stream (noun), mto, pl mito. "branch, tributary (of a river)".. mkono
wa mto.
stream (noun), mvo, pl mivo.
stream (verb), -chimbuka (potential).
stream out (verb), -bubujika.
stream out (verb), -buguika.
main street of a quarter (noun), mtaa (3/4), pl mitaa.
narrow street (noun), kinjia, pl vinjia.
street (noun), barabara (9/10), pl barabara.
street (noun), pl streets, mtaa (3/4), pl mitaa.
street (noun), ndia (9/10), pl ndia. Main street.. njia kuu.
street (noun), njia (9/10), pl njia. Main street.. njia kuu.
street (noun), tariki (9/10), pl tariki.
street (noun), usita (11).
street (narrow) of a Swahili city (noun), mchochoro (3/4), pl michochoro.
street vendor (noun), bazazi (5/6an), pl mabazazi.
gain strength (verb), -pata nguvu.
lose strength (verb), -dhoofika.
lose strength (verb), -kambuka.
lose strength (verb), -sinzia. The light is getting fainter. taa
on the strength of (conjunction), kwa ajili.
regain strength (verb), -tonoka.
regain strength (verb), -tononeka.
regain strength (verb), -tononoka.
strength (noun), afia (9/10), pl afia.
strength (noun), afya (9/10), pl afya.
strength (noun), bavu, pl mabavu.
strength (noun), imara.
strength (noun), kani.
strength (noun), kiume.
strength (noun), makadara (6).
strength (noun), maume, pl maume.
strength (noun), mbavu (5/6), pl mabavu.
strength (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu.
strength (noun), nishati (9/10), pl nishati.
strength (noun), pl strengths, rai (9/10), pl rai.
strength (noun), siha (9/10), pl siha.
strength (noun), sulubu (9/10), pl sulubu. digging charcoal is required
a lot of strength. kazi ya kuchimba makaa ni ya sulubu sana [Rec].
strength (noun), tambo (5/6), pl matambo. (s)he has strength. ana
strength (noun), tani (9/10), pl tani.
strength (noun), ukali.
strength (noun), ukalifu.
strength (noun), ushupavu.
strength (noun), uthabiti.
strength (noun), uthubutu.
wane (verb), -sinzia. The light is waning. taa inasinzia.
strengthen (verb), -imarisha.
strengthen (verb), -imarisha.
strengthen (verb), -kazana (reciprocal).
strengthen (verb), shupaza.
strengthen (verb), -thibitisha.
strengthening (noun), kazo (5/6), pl makazo.
strengthening (noun), kazo, pl makazo.
strengthening (noun), mkazo, pl mikazo.
strengthening (noun), uimarisho.
strengthless (adjective), taabani. (s)he was strengthless both in body
and mind. alikuwa taabani mwili na akili [Sul].
stress (noun), kazo (5/6), pl makazo.
stress (noun), kikazo, pl vikazo.
stress (noun), kazo, pl makazo. accent (on a syllable).. mkazo wa
stress (noun), mkazo, pl mikazo. accent (on a syllable).. mkazo wa
stress (noun), tamko (5/6), pl matamko.
stress (noun), tamshi (5/6), pl matamshi.
stress (verb), -tamka.
stress (verb), -tilia mkazo.
stress (verbally) (verb), -sisitiza.
be stretched (verb), -lazwa ( caus-pass).
something stretched tightly (noun), mambo.
something stretched tightly (noun), uwambo, pl mambo.
stretch (verb), -jimudu.
stretch (verb), -laza (causative).
stretch (verb), -mudu.
stretch (verb), -noa.
stretch (verb), -tambaa. The savannah stretches out a long way. pori
stretch (verb), -vuta.
stretch (something elastic without breaking) (verb), -nyumbua.
stretch apart (verb), -tanua.
stretch oneself (verb), -hekemua.
stretch oneself (verb), -nyanya.
stretch oneself (i.e. after being in a cramped position) (verb), -
stretch out (verb), -nyoosha.
stretch out (verb), -nyosha.
stretch out (verb), -tandaza (causative).
stretch out (verb), -tandisha (causative).
stretch out (verb), -tawilisha.
stretch out one's hand (verb), -nyosha mkono. (s)he says as (s)he
stretches the hand. anasema akiunyoosha mkono [Ma], akanyosha mkono na
kumfungulia mlango [Sul].
stretch over (adverb), wamba.
stretch up to (verb), -chuchumia.
stretched out thing (noun), utando (11/10), pl tando.
something stretched tightly (noun), kiambo, pl viambo.
something stretched tightly (noun), kiwamba, pl viwamba.
something stretched tightly (noun), kiwambo, pl viwambo.
stretched out (adjective), nyofu.
stretcher (noun), kitanda (7/8), pl vitanda.
stretcher (noun), machela (9/10), pl machela.
stretcher (noun), machela, pl machela.
stretcher (noun), tusi.
strew (verb), -tawanya.
strew (verb), -tona.
strewing (act of) (noun), mtawanyo, pl mitawanyo.
be strewn (verb), -tawanywa.
strict (adjective), -kali.
strict (adjective), madhubuti.
strictness (noun), ukali.
strictness (noun), ukalifu.
stride (verb), -tagaa.
stride (verb), -tataga.
take long strides (verb), -enda matagataga.
be strident (verb), -kwaruza.
cause strife (verb), -tesanya.
cause strife (verb), -teteleza.
strife (noun), fitina (9/10), pl fitina.
strife (noun), fitna (9/10), pl fitna.
strife (noun), kondo (9/10), pl kondo.
strife (noun), mvurugo, pl mivurugo.
strife (noun), utesaji.
strife (noun), utesi.
go on a strike (verb), -gomba.
one who goes on a strike (noun), mgomaji, pl wagomaji.
one who strikes (noun), mpigaji (1/2), pl wapigaji.
stike (verb), -nyuka.
stike forcibly against something (adverb), dunda.
stike someone dumb (from amazement) (verb), -pagaza.
strike (noun), mgomo, pl migomo. go-slow. mgomo baridi.
strike (noun), pl strikes, pigo (5/6), pl mapigo.
strike (noun), ugomaji.
strike (noun), ugomeaji.
strike (verb), -athiri.
strike (verb), -bubuta.
strike (verb), -buta.
strike (verb), -chapa.
strike (verb), -chapua.
strike (verb), -dodosa.
strike (verb), -fua.
strike (verb), -fusa.
strike (verb), -gogota.
strike (verb), -goma.
strike (verb), -gonga.
strike (verb), -nesa.
strike (verb), -piga. stamp. piga muhuri.
strike (verb), -pua.
strike (verb), -pura.
strike (verb), -purura.
strike (verb), -rindima.
strike (verb), -sakata.
strike (verb), -sibu.
strike (verb), -tanda. (s)he was struck four strokes. ametandikwa fimbo
strike (in the face) (verb), -zaba.
strike (inanim subject and animate object) (verb), -pata.
strike against each other (verb), -gongana.
strike each other (verb), -pigana (reciprocal). The party had appealed
for war against superstition. Chama kilikuwa kimetoa mwito wa kupigana na
ushirikina [Mun].
strike in (verb), -pigilia.
strike lightly (verb), -babata.
strike with the fist (phrase), -piga ngumi.
strike with the fist (verb), -piga ngumi. strike with a fist. piga
strike with the horns (verb), -piga pembe.
one who strikes something (noun), mpiga, pl wapiga.
one who strikes something (noun), mpigaji, pl wapigaji.
one who strikes something (noun), mpigi, pl wapigi.
something striking (noun), simo (9/10), pl simo.
striking (noun), mfua, pl mifua. "surf, breakers".. mfua wa mawimbi.
striking (noun), mpigo (3/4), pl mipigo.
striking (noun), upigaji.
striking (noun), upigiaji.
make string (verb), -pota.
string (noun), kamba.
string (noun), kigwe, pl vigwe.
string (noun), kitani (9/10), pl kitani.
string (noun), mshadhari.
string (noun), mshazari.
string (noun), msururu (3/4), pl misururu.
string (noun), ngole (9/10), pl ngole.
string (noun), ugwe (11/10), pl nyugwe.
string (noun), uzi (11/10), pl nyuzi.
string (of a musical instrument) (noun), utari, pl tari.
string (of beads etc.) (noun), shada (5/6), pl mashada. string of beads.
shada la ushanga..
string of beads (noun), timba (9/10), pl timba.
string of beads worn around the loins by children. (noun), shegele
(9/10), pl shegele.
string of beads worn by women around loins (noun), utunda (11/10), pl
string or stick on which fish or fruit are hung (noun), kishashi, pl
string or stick on which fish or fruit are hung (noun), kishazi, pl
a strip of cloth (cotton) (noun), tambaa (5/6), pl matambaa.
a strip of cloth (cotton) (noun), tambara (5/6), pl matambara.
be stripped off (verb), -banduliwa.
long strip of metal (noun), upapi, pl papi.
long strip of wood (noun), upapi, pl papi.
narrow strip (noun), kishoroba (7/8), pl vishoroba.
narrow strip of cloth (noun), utepe (11/10), pl tepe.
small strip (noun), pl trans. OK?, bale, pl mabale.
strip (noun), ubale (11/10), pl mbale.
strip (verb), -jipuchua. strip off the grains of an ear of maize..
pujua mahindi.
strip (verb), -jipujua. strip off the grains of an ear of maize.. pujua
strip (verb), -jipujua.
strip (verb), -vua.
strip (of cloth) (noun), pl strips of cloth, mshipi (3/4), pl mishipi.
strip (the bark from a tree etc) (verb), -ponoa.
strip of cloth (noun), ukumbuo.
strip of cloth (noun), ukumbuu.
strip of leaf (for weaving mats) (noun), chane.
strip of plaited grass (used for making mats) (noun), ubambo, pl mabambo.
strip off (verb), -babua.
strip off (verb), -bambua.
strip off (verb), -goboa.
strip off (verb), -nyoa.
strip off (verb), -puchua. strip off the grains of an ear of maize..
pujua mahindi.
strip off (verb), -pujua. strip off the grains of an ear of maize..
pujua mahindi.
strip off (verb), -pukucha. strip off the grains (from an ear of maize).
pukuta mahindi.
strip off (verb), -pukuta. strip off the grains (from an ear of maize).
pukuta mahindi.
strip off (verb), -puna. strip the bark off a tree.. puna magome ya
strip off (bark or skin) (verb), -bandua.
strip off (grains of corn etc) (verb), -pua.
strip off (grains of corn, etc) (verb), -pura. strip off maize grains.
pura mahindi.
strip off (grains of corn, etc) (verb), -purura.
strip off (meat from bones) (verb), -nofoa.
strip off (meat from bones) (verb), -nyafua.
strip off (meat from bones) (verb), -nyofoa.
strip off (bark) (verb), -chuna.
strip off (bark) (verb), -chunua.
colored stripe (noun), mlia, pl milia.
soldiers' stripes (noun), tepe (5/6), pl matepe.
stripe (noun), kitengele (7/8), pl vitengele.
stripe (noun), marakaraka.
stripe (noun), mfuo, pl mifuo. lined/ruled paper. karatasi ya mfuo.
stripe (noun), mialamu (9/10), pl mialamu.
stripe (of animals) (noun), batobato, pl mabatobato.
stripe( of color , in cloth) (noun), mialamu, pl miwalamu.
stripe( of color , in cloth) (noun), mwalamu, pl miwalamu.
striped (adjective), marakaraka.
striped (adjective), milia.
stripping (noun), mivuo (4).
stripping (noun), upapi (11/10), pl papi.
stripping (act of) (noun), mpururo, pl mipururo.
strive (verb), -kakamua.
strive (verb), -tamani.
strive after something (verb), -kakamia.
strive for something (verb), -shindania.
striving (noun), tamaa (9/10), pl tamaa.
striving (noun), tamanio (5/6), pl matamanio.
have a stroke (lit strangulated hernia) (verb), -pindwa na mshipa. "If
tomorrow I have a stroke, then that is it".. kesho nikipindwa na mshipa
ndiyo basi [Ya].
stroke (noun), bakora (9/10), pl bakora.
stroke (noun), chapa.
stroke (noun), dharuba (9/10), pl dharuba.
stroke (noun), kiharusi, pl viharusi.
stroke (noun), kipigo, pl vipigo.
stroke (noun), mshtuko, pl mishtuko.
stroke (noun), mstuko, pl mistuko.
stroke (noun), mtikiso, pl mitikiso.
stroke (noun), pigo (5/6), pl mapigo.
stroke (noun), shuti (9/10), pl shuti.
stroke (verb), -ingia maungoni.
stroke (of an ax etc.) (noun), dharba.
stroke with the hand (verb), -papasa. (s)he strikes her(him)self with
the hands. hujipapasapapasa kwa mikono [Kez].
stroll (noun), masia. go for a walk. enda masia.
stroll (noun), matembezi (6).
stroll (noun), tembezi (5/6), pl matembezi.
stroll (verb), -tembea.
stroll (verb), -zinga.
stroll about (verb), -buga.
stroll about (verb), -tangatanga.
stroll around (verb), -launi.
stroller (noun), pl strollers, mtembezaji (1/2), pl watembezaji.
stroller (noun), mtembezaji, pl watembezaji. coll. prostitute..
mwanamke mtembezi.
stroller (noun), mtembezi, pl watembezi. coll. prostitute.. mwanamke
strolling (noun), matembezi, pl matembezi. tourism.. matembezi ya
be strong (verb), -imarika.
be strong (verb), -kakawana.
be strong (verb), -shupaa.
be strong (verb), -sulibika (intransitive).
be strong (verb), -sulubika (intransitive).
be strong (verb), -thibiti.
be strong (verb), -weza.
become strong (verb), -pata nguvu.
of things strong (adjective), ume.
something strong (noun), mchunguti, pl michunguti.
something strong (noun), msunguti, pl misunguti.
strong (adjective), aushi.
strong (adjective), beberu.
strong (adjective), hodari.
strong (adjective), hodari.
strong (adjective), imara.
strong (adjective), imara.
strong (adjective), -kali.
strong (adjective), kali.
strong (adjective), kubwa.
strong (adjective), madhubuti. The door itself was not very strong..
Mlango wenyewe haukuwa madhubuti sana [Ganzel Masomo 173].
strong (adjective), sabiti.
strong (adjective), thabiti.
strong (adjective), tipwa.
strong (adjective), tipwatipwa.
strong (adjective), ume.
strong (adverb), kamambe.
strong (noun), ndume.
strong (verb), -gumu.
strong (of foods) (adjective), kali.
strong well-built man (noun), kakawana (5/6), pl makakawana.
strongly (adverb), kwa nguvu. strongly. kwa nguvu.
strop (noun), suguo (5/6), pl masuguo.
strophe (noun), ubeti.
strophes (noun), beti.
be struck (verb), -sibiwa.
administrative structure (noun), muundo wa uendeshaji, pl miundo ya
structure (noun), bumani.
structure (noun), majenzi.
structure (noun), mjengo, pl mijengo.
structure (noun), pl structures, muundo (3/4), pl miundo. structures of
sentences. miundo ya sentensi.
structure (noun), mwundo, pl miundo.
structure (noun), taratibu (9/10), pl taratibu.
structure (noun), ujengaji, pl majengaji.
structure (noun), ujenzi, pl majenzi.
structure (noun), uundaji.
wooden structure (noun), kiunzi (7/8), pl viunzi.
struggle (noun), harakati (9/10), pl harakati.
struggle (noun), kakara.
struggle (noun), mapambano (6). The struggle continues. "Mapambano
Yanaendelea"[hotuba ya Mwalimu Nyerere Masomo 273].
struggle (noun), mapigano. class struggle. mapigano ya kitabaka.
struggle (noun), mapigiano. class struggle. mapigiano ya kitabaka.
struggle (noun), pl struggles, msukosuko (3/4), pl misukosuko.
struggle (noun), pl struggles, mshindano (3/4), pl mishindano.
struggle (noun), pl struggles, shindano (5/6), pl mashindano. we did not
win the last struggle. Shindano la mwisho hatukushinda.
struggle (noun), upigano, pl mapigano.
struggle (verb), -babaka.
struggle (verb), -kukurika.
struggle (verb), -kweta.
struggle (verb), -tapa.
struggle for (verb), -tetea.
struggle for something (verb), -shindania. the children are struggling
over who runs fastest. Watoto wanashindania nani anakimbia zaidi.
struggle free (verb), -furukuta.
struggle to do something (verb), -kakamua.
struggling (noun), kakara (9/10), pl kakara.
struggling (noun), kikiri.
strut (adverb), mzofafa.
strut (verb), -belenga.
strut (verb), -tamba. the noise of the tin/zinc plate strutted to the
top of that table. mlio wa sahani ya bati unatamba juu ya ile meza [Ma].
strutting (noun), tambo (5/6), pl matambo. his/her strutting is full of
beauty. tambo lake limejaa haiba [Sul].
strutting (noun), utambo.
stub (noun), butu, pl mabutu.
be stubborn (verb), -pindana.
be stubborn (verb), -potoka. (s)he is a victor if (s)he was stubborn.
Yeye ni mchindani kama aliyepotoka.
be stubborn (verb), -shupaa.
stubborn (adjective), gumu.
stubborn (adjective), -kakamizi.
stubborn (adjective), kakamizi.
stubborn (adjective), katavu.
stubborn (adjective), pindani.
stubborn (adjective), potoe. (s)he is a stubborn child. yeye ni mtoto
stubborn (adjective), potovu. Stop your stubbornness. Waacha upotovu
stubborn (adjective), shupavu.
stubborn (adjective), stahimilivu.
stubborn (adjective), tundu.
stubborn person (noun), mbishi, pl wabishi.
stubborn person (noun), mkaidi, pl wakaidi.
stubborn person (noun), mpinzani, pl wapinzani.
stubborn person (noun), mpotoe, pl wapotoe.
stubborn person (noun), mpotofu, pl wapotofu.
stubborn person (noun), mpotovu, pl wapotovu.
stubborn person (noun), mpotwe, pl wapotwe.
stubborn person (noun), mshindani, pl washindani.
stubborn person (noun), mshindanizi, pl washindanizi.
stubborn person (noun), pinduani (5/6an), pl mapinduani.
stubborn person (noun), mwenye shingo ngumu (1/2), pl wenye shingo ngumu.
stubbornness (noun), chachari, pl machachari.
stubborn person (noun), mkatavu, pl wakatavu.
stubborness (noun), hima.
stubbornness (noun), imara.
stubbornness (noun), ugumu.
stubbornness (noun), ukaidi.
stubbornness (noun), ulabibu.
stubbornness (noun), upindani.
stubbornness (noun), upotoe.
stubbornness (noun), upotovu.
stubbornness (noun), ushupavu.
stubbornness (noun), usugu.
stucco (noun), chokaa.
stucco (noun), lipu (9/10), pl lipu.
stucco (noun), mpako, pl mipako.
stucco work (noun), upakiaji.
stucco work (noun), upakio.
stucco work (noun), upakizi.
be stuck (verb), -angama.
be stuck (verb), -bandikwa.
be stuck (verb), -chomeka.
be stuck (verb), -kwama.
be stuck (verb), -sakama. the fish trap stuck it at the throat. mwiba
wa samaki umemsakama kooni..
something stuck (noun), mbandiko, pl mibandiko.
studding (noun), njumunjumu (9/10), pl njumunjumu.
boarding-school pupil (noun), bweni.
senior student (noun), mkufunzi (1/2), pl wakufunzi.
student (noun), mwanachuo (1/2), pl wanachuo.
student (noun), mwanafunzi (1/2), pl wanafunzi.
studies (noun), masomo, pl masomo. He completed his studies. alimaliza
masomo yake [Rec].
studies (period of) (noun), uanafunzi.
study (noun), mtaala, pl mitaala.
study (noun), somo (5/6), pl masomo.
study (noun), taalimu (9/10), pl taalimu.
study (noun), taaluma (9/10), pl taaluma.
study (noun), ustadi (14), pl ustadi.
study (verb), -doea.
study (verb), -durusi.
study (verb), -durusu.
study (verb), -jifundisha.
study (verb), -jifunza.
study (verb), -jifunza.
study (verb), -soma.
study (verb), -taali.
study (verb), -vumbua.
study (verb), -zumbua.
study for (verb), -somea (applicative).
study together (verb), -funzana.
be stuffed (verb), -vimbia.
stuff (verb), -shindilia. (s)he stuffed clothes into the box. Yeye
alishindilia nguo sandukuni.
stuff into (verb), -didimisha.
stuffiness (noun), fukuto (5/6), pl mafukuto.
stuffiness (noun), vukuto, pl mavukuto.
stuffiness (of a room etc.) (noun), uvuguvugu.
stuffing (act of) (eg clothes into a suitcase) (noun), mshindilio, pl
stuffy (of a room) (adjective), vuguvugu.
cause to stumble (verb), -kwaza (causative).
make stumble (verb), -pepesua.
stumble (noun), mweleka (3/4), pl mieleka.
stumble (verb), -jikwaa.
stumble (verb), -kunguwala.
stumble (verb), -kungwala.
stumble (verb), -kwaa.
stumble (verb), -pepesuka.
stumble (verb), -seperuka. the old man stumbled. Mzee aliseperuka.
stumble (verb), -sepetuka.
stumble (against or over) (verb), -kwaa.
stump (noun), butu (5/6), pl mabutu.
stump (noun), kiguu (7/8), pl viguu.
stump (of a leg etc.) (noun), gutu (5/6), pl magutu.
stump (of large tree) (noun), pl stumps, shiku (5/6), pl mashiku.
stump (of tree) (noun), kibubutu (7/8), pl vibuhuti.
stump (of tree) (noun), kishiku (7/8), pl vishiku.
stump of an amputated limb (noun), kibubutu, pl vibubutu.
stump of arm (noun), kikono, pl vikono.
tree stump (noun), kisiki (7/8), pl visiki.
stunned (adjective), kaputi.
be stunted (verb), -dumaa.
be stunted (verb), -fubaa.
be stunted (verb), -fuwaa.
be stunted (verb), -kundaa.
be stunted (verb), -runda.
stunted (used of anything which has not reached the state normally
expected (adjective), via.
stunted thing (noun), pooza (5/6), pl mapooza.
stupefaction (noun), msangao (3/4), pl misangao.
stupefaction (noun), mshangao (3/4), pl mishangao.
be stupefied (verb), -shangaa.
be stupid (verb), -dumaa.
be stupid (verb), -mbafu.
be stupid (verb), -pumbaa.
stupid (adjective), -baghami.
stupid (adjective), bozi.
stupid (adjective), bozibozi.
stupid (adjective), chege.
stupid (adjective), dufu. foolish/stupid person. mtu dufu or dufu la
stupid (adjective), -jinga.
stupid (adjective), jinga.
stupid (adjective), kijinga.
stupid (adjective), kijingajinga.
stupid (adjective), pumbavu. (s)he spoke like a stupid person. Aliongea
kama mpumbavu.
stupid (adjective), -zuzu.
stupid (noun), bwege (5/6), pl mabwege.
stupid behavior (noun), puo (5/6), pl mapuo.
stupid behavior (noun), puzo (5/6), pl mapuzo.
stupid person (noun), baradhuli, pl mabaradhuli.
stupid person (noun), bardhuli, pl mabardhuli.
stupid person (noun), juha, pl majuha.
stupid person (noun), jura, pl majura.
stupid person (noun), kibahaluli, pl vibahaluli.
stupid person (noun), kimwondo, pl vimwondo.
stupid person (noun), mahamuma.
stupid person (noun), mjinga, pl wajinga.
stupid person (noun), mnyama, pl wanyama.
stupid person (noun), mnyangalika, pl wanyangalika.
stupid person (noun), mpumbafu, pl wapumbafu.
stupid person (noun), mpumbavu, pl wapumbavu.
stupid person (noun), gombe, pl magombe.
stupid person (noun), ng'ombe (9/10an), pl ng'ombe.
stupid person (noun), tobwe, pl matobwe.
stupid speech (noun), puo (5/6), pl mapuo.
stupid speech (noun), puzo (5/6), pl mapuzo.
stupid person (noun), maamuma, pl maamuma.
stupidity (noun), kijinga, pl vijinga.
stupidity (noun), mafuu.
stupidity (noun), mapiswa.
stupidity (noun), mazimbwezimbwe, pl mazimbwezimbwe.
stupidity (noun), ubabaifu (14).
stupidity (noun), ubaradhuli.
stupidity (noun), ubardhuli.
stupidity (noun), ubozi.
stupidity (noun), uhayawani.
stupidity (noun), ujinga (14).
stupidity (noun), ujinga.
stupidity (noun), unyama.
stupidity (noun), upumbavu (14), pl upumbavu.
stupidity (noun), usugu.
stupidity (noun), uzito.
stupified (adjective), kaputi.
be stupefied (verb), -sangaa.
sturdy (adjective), tipwa.
sturdy (adjective), tipwatipwa.
stutter (noun), kitembe (7/8), pl kitembe.
stutter (verb), -babaika.
stutter (verb), -babayika.
stutter (verb), -gugumiza.
stutterer (noun), kigugumizi (7/8an), pl vigugumizi.
one who stutters (noun), gugumizi (5/6), pl magugumizi.
sty (noun), chekenene.
sty (noun), chokea.
sty (in the eye) (noun), kikope, pl vikope.
person dressed in up-to-date style (noun), malidadi.
person dressed in up-to-date style (noun), mardadi.
person dressed in up-to-date style (noun), maridadi.
person dressed in up-to-date style (noun), mmalidadi.
style (noun), fesheni.
style (noun), jenzi, pl majenzi.
style (noun), lafidhi.
style (noun), lafudi.
style (noun), lafuzi.
style (noun), mahati.
style (noun), mashono. modern dresses. mashono mapya.
style (noun), pl styles, mtindo (3/4), pl mitindo. His trousers had been
cut following the "beach-comber"style.. Suruali yake ilikuwa imekatwa
kuchukua mtindo wa "bichi koma" [Balisidya Masomo 343].
style (noun), mvao, pl mivao.
style (noun), mviko, pl miviko.
style (noun), staili (9/10), pl staili.
style (phrase), mitindo ya mavazi.
style (of dress) (noun), kivazi, pl vivazi.
style of clothing (noun), vao, pl mavao.
style of dressing (noun), vao (5/6), pl mavao.
style(of writing) (noun), mfano, pl mifano.
use words with style (verb), -sarifu.
stylish (adjective), malidadi.
stylish (adjective), mardadi.
stylish (adjective), maridadi.
stylish (adjective), maridadi. The detective investigated inside a wide
and stylish sitting room.. Mpelelezi alichungulia ndani ya sebule pana na
maridadi [Ganzel Masomo 163]..
stylish (adjective), maridadi.
stylish (adjective), mmalidadi.
stylish (of clothes) (adjective), mofti. wear stylish clothes.. vaa
nguo mufti.
stylish (of clothes) (adjective), mufti. wear stylish clothes.. vaa
nguo mufti.
sub- (adjective), dogo. sub-committee. komiti ndogo.
sub-overseer (on a plantation) (noun), nokoa (5/6an), pl manokoa.
subdue (verb), -shinda. I realize that to control my wife the way I want
will subdue me. niliona kuwa kumwamrisha mke wangu nitakavyo lazima
kutanishinda [Abd], tutashinda zao njama [Ng].
subdue (verb), -tiisha.
be a subject of conversation (verb), -vuma.
subject (noun), isimu.
subject (noun), pl subjects, raia (5/6an), pl maraia.
subject (of study) (noun), msomo, pl misomo.
subjugate (verb), -husuru.
subjugate (verb), -sumbua.
subjugate (verb), -tiisha.
be subjugated (verb), -shindika.
be subjugated (verb), -sindika.
subjugation (noun), sumbulio (5/6), pl masumbulio.
submarine (noun), sabmarini (9/10), pl sabmarini. a submarine is sailing
under the water. Sabmarini inatembea chini ya maji.
be submerged (verb), -didima.
be submerged (verb), -didimia.
one who submerges (noun), mzamishi, pl wazamishi.
submerge (verb), -chovya.
submerge (something or someone) (verb), -tosa.
be submerged in something (verb), -topea.
be submissive (verb), -tiika.
submissive (adjective), -tiifu.
submissiveness (noun), taa (9/10), pl taa.
submissiveness (noun), udhalifu.
submissiveness (noun), udhalilifu.
submissiveness (noun), udhilifu.
submissiveness (noun), unyenyekevu (14).
one who submits to others (noun), mwinamshi, pl wainamshi.
submit (verb), -sujudia.
submit to (verb), -tii.
subordinate oneself (verb), -tii.
subordinate oneself to someone (verb), -nyenyekea.
subordinate person (irrespective of age) (noun), mtoto, pl watoto.
subscription (to a newspaper or magazine) (noun), chango, pl machango.
subsequent (adjective), -andamo.
subsequently (adverb), alafu.
subsequently (adverb), halafu.
subsequently (adverb), kwisha.
subsequently (adverb), mbele.
subsequently (adverb), ubele.
subsequently (adverb), umbele.
subservience (noun), haya.
subservience (noun), tahayari (9).
subservience (noun), utii.
subservience (noun), utiifu.
subside (verb), -tuama.
subsiding (of interest, etc.,) (noun), mbwago, pl mibwago.
means of subsistence (noun), maponea (6).
means of subsistence (noun), posho (9/10), pl posho. He bought the means
of subsistence for a week. Alinunua posho ya wiki.
means of subsistence (noun), riziki (9/10), pl riziki.
subsistence (noun), maishilio.
subsistence (noun), maponea.
bony substance (noun), ufupa (11).
liquid substance (noun), majimaji (6).
substance (noun), kiini (7/8), pl viini.
substance (noun), nyama (9/10), pl nyama.
substance (of a thing) (noun), msingi, pl misingi.
substance (of a thing) (noun), msinji, pl misinji.
substance (of a thing) (noun), mzingi, pl mizingi.
substance pounded until soft and semi-liquid (noun), matabwamatabwa, pl
substantive (noun), jamii.
substantive (noun), jina, pl majina.
substitute (noun), badala (9/10), pl badala.
substitute (noun), chenji.
substitute (noun), kaimu, pl makaimu.
substitute (noun), makamo.
substitute (noun), makamu.
substitute (position of) (noun), ukaimu.
substitution (noun), ubadili, pl mabadili.
substitution (noun), ubadilifu, pl mabadilifu.
substitution (noun), ubadiliko, pl mabadiliko.
subterfuge (noun), hila.
subterfuge (noun), kipengee (7/8), pl vipengee.
subterfuge (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee.
be subtle (verb), -fioa.
be subtle (verb), -fyoa.
subtract (verb), -kata.
subtract (verb), -toa.
subtracted quantity (noun), kitoleo (7/8), pl vitoleo.
subtraction (noun), utoaji (14).
subtrahend (noun), kitoleo (7/8), pl vitoleo.
suburb (noun), pambizo (5/6), pl mapambizo.
suburb (noun), pembizo (5/6), pl mapembizo.
suburb(s) (noun), kiunga, pl viunga.
(in conj w other verbs ) succeed in doing (verb), -pata. He succeeded in
hearing.. pata kufanya kazi.
help to succeed (verb), -sitawisha (causative).
succeed (verb), -andama.
succeed (verb), -fana.
succeed (verb), -faulu.
succeed (verb), -fuza.
succeed (verb), -fuzu.
succeed (verb), -rithi. (s)he succeeded to the throne on his/her
father's death. Alirithi ufalme baada ya baba kufa.
succeed (verb), -sitawi.
succeed (verb), -stawi.
succeed (come after) (verb), -fuata.
succeed in something (verb), -fanikia.
will to succeed (noun), ari, pl ari.
success (noun), bahati, pl bahati.
success (noun), bakhti, pl bakhti.
success (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
success (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
success (noun), fanaka (9/10), pl fanaka. We wish him every advantage
and success. Tunamtakia kila la heri na fanaka [Masomo 325].
success (noun), fanikio, pl mafanikio.
success (noun), fora (9/10), pl fora.
success (noun), ghanima.
success (noun), heri (9/10), pl heri.
success (noun), jaha.
success (noun), mafanikio (6).
success (noun), mafanikio.
success (noun), maondokeo.
success (noun), ondokeo (5/6), pl maondokeo.
success (noun), sudi (9/10), pl sudi.
success (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
success (noun), uendeshaji.
success (noun), ufanisi (14).
success (noun), ufaulu.
success (noun), ushindi (14).
success (noun), ushindi.
success (noun), usitawi.
success (noun), usitawishaji.
success (noun), usitawishi.
in successcion (adverb), mtawalia.
in successcion (adverb), mtawalio.
be successful (noun), bariki.
be successful (verb), -diriki.
be successful (verb), -fanikiwa. TANU and the ASP had been successful in
liberating Tanzania; I don't see if there is a desire to succeed.. TANU
na ASP zikawa zimefanikiwa kuomboa Tanzania [Masomo 207]; sioni kama kuna
tamaa ya kufanikiwa [Chacha, Masomo 381].
be successful (verb), -fora.
be successful (verb), -fuzu.
be successful (verb), -meta.
be successful (verb), -nafaika.
be successful (verb), -nufaika.
be successful (verb), -nufaika.
be successful (verb), -ondokea.
be successful (verb), -ongoa.
be successful (verb), -sitawi.
be successful (verb), -stakimu.
be successful (verb), -stawi.
be successful (verb), -tadaraki.
make successful (verb), -nufaishana.
successful (adjective), fani.
successful (adjective), heri a heri.
successful (adjective), ongofu.
follow in succession (verb), -chanjari.
in succession (adverb), kipokee.
succession (noun), andamano, pl maandamano.
succession (noun), andamizi, pl maandamizi.
succession (noun), fuatano (5/6), pl mafuatano.
succession (noun), kifuasi, pl vifuasi.
succession (noun), pl mus. melody, mafuatano.
succession (noun), mfululizo (3/4), pl mifululizo.
succession (noun), mwandamo, pl miandamo.
succession (noun), pangilio (5/6), pl mapangilio.
succession (noun), ufuatano, pl fuatano/mafuatano.
succession (noun), urithi (14).
succession (noun), utungo.
succession (by inheritance or in office) (noun), usabaha.
successively (adverb), kwa mfululizo. Stand and turn around more than
twenty times successively. Simame uzunguke zaidi ya mara ishirini kwa
mfululizo [Masomo 416].
successor (noun), halifa.
successor (noun), mwandamizi, pl wandamizi.
successor (in an office) (noun), sabaha (5/6an), pl masabaha.
be succored in time of trouble (verb), -nusurika.
succor (verb), -nusuru.
succulent tree species (Euphorbia tirucalle) (noun), chakaazi.
such a one (noun), fulani (9/10), pl fulani.
such and such (adjective), fulani.
such as (conjunction), kama.
such and such goods (noun), bidhaa fulani (9/10), pl fulani.
suck (verb), -amua.
suck (verb), -amwa.
suck (verb), -fyonza.
suck (verb), -mumunya.
suck up (verb), -nwa.
suck up (verb), -nywa.
sucker (noun), mnyonyaji (1/2), pl wanyonyaji.
sucker-fish (noun), chazo (9/10), pl chazo.
sucking (noun), mfyonza, pl mifyonza. vacuum cleaner. mfyonza(or
kifyonza) vumbi.
suckle (verb), -amwisha.
suckle (verb), -nyonya. It was his/her time to suckle. ulikuwa wakati
wake wa kunyonya [Sul].
suckle (verb), -nyonyesha (causative). "By herself, she was able to
clean and suckle the child".. peke yake aliweza kumnadhifu na
kumnyonyesha mtoto [Sul].
Sudanese (adjective), -a kinubi.
do something suddenly (verb), -gutua.
move suddenly (verb), -shitua. move the legs suddenly. shitua mguu
move suddenly (verb), -shtua.
suddenly (adverb), ghafla.
suddenly (adverb), ghafula.
suddenly (adverb), kufumba na kufumbua.
suddenly (adverb), kutahamaki.
suddenly (adverb), mara.
suddenly (adverb), mara. once. mara moja.
suddenly (adverb), muda si muda.
suddenly (adverb), taghafali.
suddenly (adverb), tahamaki. as we went on the way, a lion suddenly
appeared. tulipokwenda njiani, tahamaki akatokea chui.
suddenly (verb), -hamaki.
suds (noun), povu la sabuni (5/6), pl mapovu ya sabuni.
sue (verb), -daha.
sue (verb), -dai.
sue (verb), -shitaki.
sue (verb), -shtaki. (s)he sued him/her. Alimshtaki.
sue (verb), -staki.
be sued (verb), -daiwa.
suffer (verb), -hangaika.
suffer (verb), -la taabu.
suffer (verb), -pata. suffer an illness.. pata [patwa na] homa.
suffer (verb), -stahimili.
suffer (verb), -sumbuka.
suffer (verb), -teseka.
suffer (verb), -tikiza.
suffer (verb), -vumilia.
suffer (severe pain) (verb), -chochota.
suffer a slight accident (verb), -tetereka.
suffer from a disfiguring skin disease (verb), pl needs translation for
applicative, -babuka.
suffer misfortune (verb), -korofika.
suffer the bad effects of one's own action (verb), -itatubwaga.
long-suffering person (noun), mhimili, pl wahimili.
suffering (noun), kite (7).
suffering (noun), sononeko (5/6), pl masononeko.
suffering (noun), teso (5/6), pl mateso.
suffering (noun), umivu (5/6), pl maumivu.
suffering (noun), umo.
suffering (state of) (noun), uguo (5/6), pl mauguo.
suffice (verb), -akidi.
suffice (verb), -kifu.
suffice (verb), -kola.
suffice (verb), -kora.
suffice (verb), -tosha.
self-sufficiency (noun), kinaa (7).
self-sufficiency (noun), kinaya (7).
sufficiency (noun), kefu (9/10), pl kefu.
sufficiency (noun), kifu.
sufficiency (noun), utoshelezi (14).
be sufficienct (verb), -tosha.
be sufficient (verb), -ghushi.
be sufficient (verb), -kola.
be sufficient (verb), -kora.
be sufficient for (verb), -tosheleza.
sufficient (adjective), maridhawa.
sugar (noun), sukari (9/10), pl sukari. granulated sugar. sukari
sugar-drop (noun), pipi (9/10), pl pipi. If you tell him/her you want
sugar-drop, (s)he says yes. ukimwambia "Unataka pipi?" hujibu "Ndiyo"
sugarcane (noun), mua, pl miwa.
sugarcane (noun), muwa, pl miwa.
sugarcane (kind of) (noun), sena (9/10), pl sena.
sugarcane (type with soft outer part) (noun), bokoboko (9/10), pl
suggest (verb), -dokeza.
suggestion (noun), dokezo, pl madokezo.
suggestion (noun), pl suggestions, kidokezi (7/8), pl vidokezi. ... it
can give us suggestions for answering the questions. ... inaweza kutupa
kidokezi katika kujibu maswali (Nsekela,"Masomo," 3)..
suggestion (noun), kidokezo (7/8), pl vidokezo.
suggestion (noun), kionyo (7/8), pl vionyo.
suggestion (noun), pl suggesstions, rai (9/10), pl rai.
suggestion (noun), shauri (9/10), pl shauri. ask for a suggestion.
uliza shauri ..
commit suicide (verb), -jinyonga.
suicide (noun), kujiua.
jur. suit (noun), mashitaka. procure charges..
jur. suit (noun), mashitakiano. procure charges..
jur. suit (noun), mashtaka. procure charges..
jur. suit (noun), mashtakiano. procure charges..
suit (noun), posa (9/10), pl posa. send a proposal for marriage (from
the parents of a man to the parents of a girl.). peleka poso.
suit (noun), poso (9/10), pl poso. send a proposal for marriage (from
the parents of a man to the parents of a girl.). peleka poso.
suit (noun), pl accusations, shtaka (5/6), pl mashtaka.
suit (noun), uposa, pl posa.
suit (verb), -agia (applicative).
suit (verb), -faa.
suit (verb), -lingana (associative).
suit (verb), -wea.
suit (of clothes) (noun), suti (9/10), pl suti.
suit well (of clothes) (verb), -chukua.
suit well (of clothes) (verb), -kaa.
be suitable (verb), -faa. Our opinion is that this fiance is unsuitable
for you. Break up with him.. Maoni yetu ni kwamba mchumba huyu hakufai.
Achana naye [Masomo 40]..
be suitable (verb), -husu.
be suitable (verb), -juzu.
be suitable (verb), -juzu.
be suitable (verb), -shimiri.
be suitable (verb), -sihi.
be suitable (verb), -simiri.
be suitable (verb), -stahiki.
be suitable (verb), -tengenea.
be suitable (verb), -wafiki.
more suitable (adjective), -aula.
suitable (adjective), linganifu.
suitable (adjective), linganyifu.
suitable (adjective), salihi.
suitable (adjective), stahili.
suitable (adjective), vinono.
suitable (usually in reference to actions or behavior) (adjective),
suitcase (noun), mandusi.
suitcase (noun), sanduku (5/6), pl masanduku.
suite (noun), mwandamano, pl miandamano.
be a suitor (verb), -posa. money for wedding preparations.. mali ya
suitor (noun), mposa, pl waposa.
suitor (noun), mposaji, pl waposaji.
suitor (noun), mposi, pl waposi.
copper sulfate (noun), mrututu (9/10), pl mrututu.
sulfur (noun), kibiriti, pl vibiriti.
sulk (verb), -nuna.
sulkiness (noun), chukio (5/6), pl machukio.
sulkiness (noun), uhasama (14).
sulkiness (noun), ukimwa.
be sulky (verb), -kimua.
be sulky (verb), -kimwa.
be sulky (verb), -zimbaa.
act sullen (verb), -nuna.
be sullen (verb), -zimbaa.
sullenness (noun), ukatavu.
sullenness (noun), ununaji.
sullenness (noun), ununo.
sulphur (noun), baruti (9/10), pl baruti.
sulphur (noun), kiberiti (7/8), pl viberiti.
title of the Sultan of Zanzibar (noun), Seyyid.
sultanate (noun), usultani.
sum (noun), jamii.
sum (noun), jumla.
sum (noun), jumla (9/10), pl jumla.
sum (noun), jumlisho (5/6), pl majumlisho.
sum (verb), -hesabu.
summary (noun), pl summaries, muhtasari, pl mihtasari.
summary (noun), risala (9/10), pl risala. give me a summary of your
discussion. Nipe risala ya mazungumzo yenu.
summary (noun), ufupisho (11/6), pl mafupisho.
summer (noun), kiangazi (7/8), pl viangazi.
summit (noun), kinyangalele, pl vinyangalele.
summit (noun), nguu (9/10), pl nguu.
summit (noun), upeo, pl peo.
summon (verb), -alika.
summon (verb), -alisha.
summon (verb), -hudhurisha.
summon (verb), -ita.
summon (verb), -ita.
summon someone (verb), -itisha.
jursummons (noun), notisi (9/10), pl notisi.
one who summons (noun), mwita, pl waitaji.
one who summons (noun), mwitaji, pl waitaji.
summons (noun), pl Plural form?, aliko (5/6), pl maaliko.
summons (noun), kibirikizi, pl vibirikizi.
summons (noun), mwaliko (3/4), pl mialiko.
summons (noun), mwito, pl miito, wito. reply to summons; A child must
greet his/her elder respectfully and must respond to any summons if called
or sent (to do something) [Masomo 310].. itikia mwito; Lazima mtoto
amwamkie mkubwa wake vizuri na lazima aitikie mwito wo wote akiitwa ama
akitumwa [Masomo 310].
summons (verb), -itika.
blazing sun (noun), chaka, pl machaka.
sun (noun), jua (5/6), pl majua.
sun (noun), shemshi (9/10), pl shemshi.
sun (noun), shumusi (9).
sun-dried fish (noun), ng'onda (9/10), pl ng'onda.
sunbeam (noun), kengee.
sunbeam (noun), mwonzi (3/4), pl mionzi.
sunbeam (noun), ukengee.
sunbird (noun), chozi (9/10), pl chozi.
sunbird (noun), kichozi (7/8), pl vichozi.
be sunburned (verb), -washa.
be sunburned (verb), -wawa.
Sunday (noun), dominika, pl madomo.
Sunday (noun), Jumapili (9/10), pl jumapili.
Sunday (noun), Jumapili.
Sunni (noun), suni (9/10), pl suni. (s)he is a Sunni (a sect of Islam).
yeye ni suni.
sunny weather (noun), jua, pl majua.
sunrise (noun), maawio (6).
sunrise (noun), maawio, pl maawio.
sunrise (noun), macheo (6).
sunrise (noun), macheo, pl macheo.
sunrise (noun), mashariki.
sunrise (noun), matlaa.
sunrise (noun), matlai.
past sunset (noun), kuchwa.
sunset (noun), machwa, pl machwa.
sunset (noun), machweo (6).
time of sunset (noun), ghurubu.
time of sunset (noun), maghaibi.
time of sunset (noun), magharibi.
time of sunset (noun), mangharibi.
burst of sunshine (noun), kianga (7/8), pl vianga.
sunshine (noun), jua, pl majua.
superabundance (noun), miminiko (5/6), pl mamiminiko.
be superficial (verb), -jipurukusha.
superficial (adjective), ovyo.
superficial (adverb), juujuu.
superficial person (noun), mzembe, pl wazembe.
superficiality (noun), purukushani (5/6), pl mapurukushani.
superficially. kwa purukushani.
do something superficially (verb), -rasha.
do something superficially (verb), -rasharasha.
superficially (adverb), hivi hivi.
superficially (adverb), -juujuu.
superficially (adverb), kijuujuu.
great superfluity (noun), kivo, pl vivo.
great superfluity (noun), kizo, pl vizo.
superfluity (noun), mbobo.
superintend (verb), -kagua.
superintend (verb), -simamia.
position of a superintendent (noun), usimamizi.
superintendent (noun), kaimu (5/6), pl makaimu.
superintendent (noun), msimamizi (1/2), pl wasimamizi.
be superior (verb), -kulula.
be superior (verb), -zidi.
superior (adjective), -aula.
superior (noun), mkubwa, pl wakubwa.
superior (noun), mkugenzi, pl wakugenzi.
superior (noun), mkuru, pl wakuru. school principal. mkuu wa skuli.
superior (noun), mkurugenzi, pl wakurugenzi.
superior (noun), mkuu (1/2), pl wakuu.
feeling of superiority (noun), unyanya.
superiority (noun), ubora.
superiority (noun), ukuu.
superiority complex (noun), hisia za ubora (9/10), pl hisia za ubora.
superiority complex (noun), majikwezo (6).
superitendence (noun), usimamizi.
supermarket (noun), supamaketi (9/10), pl supamaketi.
something supernatural (noun), mwujizi, pl miujizi.
something supernatural (noun), mwujiza, pl miujiza.
something supernatural (noun), muujiza, pl miujiza.
supernatural power (noun), shaitani (5/6), pl mashaitani. (s)he had the
devil's supernatural powers. Alikuwa na nguvu za shaitani.
supernatural power (noun), sheitani (5/6an), pl masheitani.
supernatural power (noun), shetani (5/6an), pl mashetani. the medicine
person liked the supernatural power of the devil. Mganga alipenda pepo za
surprise (noun), muujiza, pl miujiza.
surprise (noun), mwujizi, pl miujizi.
superstition (noun), pokeo (5/6), pl mapokeo.
superstition (noun), pokezi (5/6), pl mapokezi.
superstition (noun), ushirikina (14).
superstitious person (one who believes in magic and sorcery) (noun),
mshirikina, pl washirikina.
supervise (verb), -simamia.
supervision (noun), maangalizi, pl maangalizi.
supervision (noun), uangaliaji.
supervision (noun), ulinzi.
supervision (noun), usimamizi (14).
laissez-faire supervisor (noun), mwangalizi asiyeingilia, pl waangalizi
position of a superviser (noun), usimamizi.
supervisor (noun), akida (5/6an), pl maakida.
supervisor (noun), kadamu, pl makadamu.
supervisor (noun), maangalizi (1/2), pl waangalizi.
supervisor (noun), pl wasimamizi, msimamizi (1/2), pl wasimamizi. the
voting supervisor. msimamizi wa uchaguzi [Masomo 100].
supervisor (noun), mwangalizi (1/2), pl waangalizi.
supervisory body (noun), usimamizi.
supper (noun), kilalio (7/8), pl vilalio.
supplement (noun), pl supplements, nyongeza (9/10), pl nyongeza.
supplement (noun), ongezeko (5/6), pl maongezeko.
supplement (noun), ongezo (5/6), pl maongezo.
supplement (noun), ziada, pl maziada.
supplement (noun), zidi, pl mazidi.
supplement (noun), ziyada, pl maziyada.
supplicant (noun), mwombelezi, pl waombelezi.
supplicant (noun), mwombi (1/2), pl waombi.
supplicate (verb), -sihi. (s)he went on to supplicate with the eyes.
akaendelea kusihi kwa macho [Mt].
supplication (noun), dua (9/10), pl dua.
supplication (noun), lalamiko, pl malalamiko.
supplication (noun), ulalamishi.
supplication (noun), ulalamizi.
supplication (noun), uombezi.
supplication (noun), uombi.
be abundantly supplied (verb), -jaa.
supplies (noun), zana.
supplies (for journey) (noun), kande (9/10), pl kande.
supply (noun), akiba (9/10), pl akiba. spare parts; savings bonds; lay
aside, save; dip into one's savings. vyombo vya ~; ~ ya wananchi; '-weka
~; '-toa ~.
supply (noun), malimbiko.
supply (noun), risavu (9/10), pl risavu.
supply (noun), rizavu (9/10), pl rizavu.
supply (noun), sitoo (5/6), pl masitoo.
supply (noun), stoa (9/10), pl stoa.
supply (noun), stoo (9/10), pl stoo.
supply (noun), uletaji.
supply (econ.) reserve fund (noun), limbiko, pl milimbiko.
supply (econ.) reserve fund (noun), mlimbiko, pl milimbiko.
supply food and other needs (verb), -ruzuku. This person has supplied me
with enough food and other things. Huyu ameniruzuku na chakula cha
supply of food (noun), kande.
supplying (noun), utilaji.
be supported (verb), -chegama.
be supported (verb), -egama.
lend support (verb), -jalia.
receive support from someone (verb), -tegemea. They are dependent on
their father.. Wanamtegemea baba yao..
support (noun), egemeo (5/6), pl maegemeo.
support (noun), faraja.
support (noun), gadi (5/6), pl magadi.
support (noun), jiguzo.
support (noun), kiguzo, pl viguzo.
support (noun), kiweko, pl viweko.
support (noun), magadi.
support (noun), makwa.
support (noun), mhimili (3/4), pl mihimili.
support (noun), msaada, pl misaada.
support (noun), muawana.
support (noun), mwegamo, pl miegamo.
support (noun), neema.
support (noun), nguzo (9/10), pl nguzo.
support (noun), nusra (9/10), pl nusra.
support (noun), nusura (9/10), pl nusura.
support (noun), posho (9/10), pl posho.
support (noun), saada (9/10), pl saada.
support (noun), shikizo (5/6), pl mashikizo. the support of the house
has come out. Shikizo la nyumba limetoka.
support (noun), pl supports, taruma (5/6), pl mataruma.
support (noun), tegemeo (5/6), pl mategemeo.
support (noun), tuka (9/10), pl tuka.
support (noun), wima.
support (noun), zuio, pl mazuio.
support (noun), zuizi, pl mazuizi.
support (verb), -auni.
support (verb), -auni.
support (verb), -awini.
support (verb), -awuni.
support (verb), -chechesha.
support (verb), -checheza.
support (verb), -chukua.
support (verb), -egamesha.
support (verb), -egameza.
support (verb), -egamisha.
support (verb), -egemiza.
support (verb), -gadimu.
support (verb), -himili.
support (verb), -jaza.
support (verb), -nafisi.
support (verb), -nusuru.
support (verb), -posha. We supported him/her during the time of
troubles. Sisi tulimposha wakati wa shida.
support (verb), -ruzuku.
support (verb), -saidia.
support (verb), shupaza.
support (verb), -tarazaki.
support (verb), -tetea.
support (verb), -unga mkono.
support (verb), -ziwia.
support (verb), -zuia.
support (verb), -zuwia.
support (on behalf of) (verb), -aunia.
support each other (verb), -chukuana.
support oneself on something (verb), -tegemea. I supported myself with a
stick. Nilitegemea mkongojo..
support someone (verb), -tegemeza.
supporter (noun), muhisani (1/2), pl wahisani.
supporter (noun), mwombezi (1/2), pl waombezi.
supporter ( one who supplies someone else with the necessities of life)
(noun), mkimu, pl wakimu.
suppose (verb), -aza.
suppose (verb), -dhani.
suppose (verb), -gisi.
suppose (verb), -waza.
supposing (conjunction), pindi.
supposing that (conjunction), ijapo.
supposition (noun), dhana (9/10), pl dhana.
supposition (noun), makisi.
supposition (noun), makisio.
supposition (noun), sabiki (9/10), pl sabiki.
supposition (noun), udhani.
supposition (noun), udhanifu.
supposition (noun), wazo, pl mawazo.
suppress (verb), -husuru.
suppression (noun), masubuko, pl masubuko.
suppression (noun), masumbufo, pl masumbufo.
suppression (noun), masumbulizi, pl masumbulizi.
suppression (noun), masumbuo, pl masumbuo.
suppression (noun), ukandamizwaji.
suppurate (a boil) (verb), -tunga jipu.
supreme (adjective), -tukufu.
be sure (verb), -yakini.
be sure about something (verb), -yakinia.
make sure (verb), -hakiki.
make sure (verb), -hakikisha.
make sure (verb), -sidukia.
make sure (verb), -sudukia.
make sure (verb), -suduku.
surely (adverb), ina.
sureness of aim (noun), udekuaji.
surety (noun), dhamana (9/10), pl dhamana.
surety (noun), hakika (9/10), pl hakika.
surety (noun), kudhamini.
surety (noun), udhamini.
surf (noun), chafuko, pl machafuko.
surf (noun), mawimbi, pl mawimbi.
surf (noun), papo (5/6), pl mapapo.
surf (noun), wimbi, pl mawimbi.
be on the surface (verb), -elea.
flat surface (noun), ubapa (11/10), pl bapa.
on the surface of (preposition), nje ya.
surface (noun), sura (9/10), pl sura. surface of the earth. sura ya
surface (noun), uso, pl nyuso.
surface (noun), wajihi.
wall surface (noun), kiambaza (7/8), pl viambaza.
be surfeited (verb), -kinai.
be surfeited (verb), -kinai.
surge (noun), chafuko, pl machafuko.
surge (verb), -chafua.
surge (of the sea) (verb), -chachuka.
be surly (verb), -runda.
be surly (verb), -zimbaa.
surly person (noun), mgombezi, pl wagombezi.
surmise (noun), dhana.
surmise (verb), -kisi.
surmise (verb), -kissi.
surmount (verb), -kiuka.
surpass (verb), -kulula.
surpass (verb), -piku. he beats me in mathematics but I beat him in
geography.. ananishinda kwa masomo ya hesabu, lakini na mimi kwa somo la
jiografia nimempiku.
surpass (verb), -pita. This book surpasses that one.. kitabu hiki ni
kizuri kupita kile.
surpass (verb), -shinda. Aziz had his own intelligibility that surpassed
those who had educated themselves. Aziza alikuwa na utambuzi wake
mwenyewe ulioshinda wa wale waliojifunza [Abd].
surpass (verb), -zidi.
surpassing (adverb), kuliko.
great surplus (noun), kivo, pl vivo.
great surplus (noun), kizo, pl vizo.
surplus (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
surplus (noun), ziada (9/10), pl ziada.
(interjection expressing surprise) (pronoun), kumbe.
be surprised (verb), -ajabu.
be surprised (verb), -simama dede. If you see him you'll be surprised
(and so be unsteady on your feet).. ukimwona utasimama dede [Ma].
be surprised (verb), -gutuka.
be surprised by oneself (verb), -jistaajabia ( appl-refl).
be taken by surprise (verb), -nyemelewa.
exclamation of surprise (interjection), do.
expresses surprise (interjection), a.
expresses surprise (interjection), aa.
expresses surprise (interjection), ah.
interj. of surprise. (adjective), salala. it is not good to express
surprise on somebody. Sivizuri kumpigia salala mtu.
surprise (noun), ajabu (9/10), pl ajabu.
surprise (noun), butaa.
surprise (noun), pl surprises, msangao (3/4), pl misangao.
surprise (noun), pl surprises, mshangao (3/4), pl mishangao.
surprise (noun), mwujiza, pl miujiza.
surprise (noun), mzungu, pl mizungu.
surprise (verb), -feli.
surprise (verb), -fuma.
surprise (verb), -fumania.
surprise (verb), -ghairisha.
surprise (verb), -gundua.
surprise (verb), -kanganya.
surprise (verb), -sangaza. (s)he surprised everybody for jumping through
the window. Alisangaza watu wote kwa kuruka kutoka dirishani.
surprise (verb), -shangaa. the children were surprised to see that the
snake had eaten the mouse. Watoto walishangaa kumwona nyoka anakula
surprise (verb), -shangaza.
surprise (verb), -shitua. the thief surprised him/her when she/he broke
the door. Mwivi alimshitua alipovunga mlango.
surprise (verb), -shtua.
surprise (verb), -shtusha.
surprise (verb), -stua.
surprise (verb), -stusha (causative).
take by surprise (verb), -fumania.
take by surprise (verb), -nyemelea.
be surprised (verb), -ajibu.
be surprised (verb), -ghafilika.
be surprised (verb), -kurupuka.
be surprised (verb), -maka.
be surprised (verb), -staajabu.
be surprised (verb), -taghafali.
be surprising (verb), -staajabisha.
surprising (adjective), ajabu.
surprising event (noun), kituko (7/8), pl vituko.
surprising thing (noun), ajabu (9/10), pl ajabu. One surprising thing is
that when our students leave school, many of them don't know at all how to
write letters.. Ajabu moja ni kuwa wanafunzi wetu watokapo shule, huwa
wengi wao hawajui kabisa kuandika barua [Masomo, 72].
surprising thing (noun), nduni, pl nduni.
surrender (verb), -kai.
surrender (verb), -salimisha (causative).
surrender (verb), -salimu.
surrender (oneself) (verb), -jisalimisha.
surreptitious action (noun), penyaji (5/6), pl mapenyaji.
surreptitious action (noun), penyezi (5/6), pl mapenyezi.
surreptitious action (noun), upenyaji, pl mapenyaji, penyaji.
surreptitious action (noun), upenyezi, pl mapenyezi, penyezi.
surreptitiously (adverb), kifisifisi.
surreptitiously (adverb), kindanindani.
surreptitiously (adverb), mang'ungumu.
surreptitiously (adverb), njongwanjongwa.
be surrounded with (verb), -zungukwa (passive).
surround (verb), -duru.
surround (verb), -zinga.
surround (verb), -zingira (applicative).
surround (verb), -zonga.
surround (verb), -zunguka (potential).
surround with (verb), -zungusha (causative).
be surrounded (verb), -zingiwa.
be surrounded (verb), -zongamana.
surrounding (noun), kuzingira (15).
surrounding (act of) (noun), zingio (5/6), pl mazingio.
surrounding thing (noun), uzingo (11).
surroundings (noun), kizunguko, pl vizunguko.
surroundings (noun), mastakimu (6).
surroundings (noun), mazingira, pl mazingira. Children should do many
letter writing exercises that concern their surroundings.. Watoto wafanye
mazoezi mengi ya kuandika barua za kirafiki zinazohusu mazingira yao
[Masomo 76].
surroundings (noun), mazingo, pl mazingo.
surroundings (noun), mzunguko, pl mizunguko.
surroundings (noun), ulimwengu, pl malimwengu.
surveillance (noun), ngojo (9/10), pl ngojo.
surveillance (noun), ulinzi.
be surveyed (verb), -auliwa.
cause to survey (verb), -ausha.
cause to survey (verb), -auza.
survey (noun), muhtasari.
survey (noun), mutasari.
survey (verb), -aua. survey (mark out) a field. ~ shamba.
survey (verb), -enenza.
survey (verb), -enza.
survey (verb), -eza.
survey (verb), -kagua.
surveying (act of) (noun), mpimo, pl mipimo.
surveyor (noun), mpima, pl wapima.
surveyor (noun), mpimaji, pl wapimaji.
survive (verb), -pona.
be a suspect (verb), -shukiwa.
suspect (verb), -dhani.
suspect (verb), -dhania.
suspect (verb), -hisi.
suspect (verb), -shuku. (s)he was suspecting something right from the
beginning. alikuwa akishuku jambo toka mwanzo [Muk].
suspect (verb), -tuhumu.
suspect one another (verb), -tuhumiana.
be suspected (verb), -shukiwa.
suspend (verb), -ning'inisha.
suspend (verb), -ning'iniza.
suspend (verb), -tangua.
suspend (verb), -tundika.
suspend (verb), -tundikia.
suspend (verb), -tungika.
be suspended (verb), -anga.
be suspended (verb), -simamishwa.
be suspended (verb), -tungika.
be suspended (verb), -tungikwa.
be suspended (in or over) (verb), -angama.
suspenders (noun), mshipi, pl mishipi.
keep someone in suspense (verb), -zungusha.
suspension (noun), kitanguo (7/8), pl vitanguo.
suspension (noun), tanguko (5/6), pl matanguko.
suspension (noun), tanguo (5/6), pl matanguo.
suspicion (noun), dhana (9/10), pl dhana.
suspicion (noun), shuku (5/6), pl mashuku.
suspicion (noun), tuhuma (9/10), pl tuhuma.
suspicion (noun), udhani.
suspicion (noun), udhanifu.
throw suspicion on (verb), -tuhumu.
throw suspicion on someone (verb), -kashifu.
one who brings others under suspiscion (noun), mdhana.
sustain (verb), -dumisha.
sustain (verb), -tegemeza.
sustenance (noun), riziki (9/10), pl riziki.
sustenance (noun), ulaji.
suture (noun), mshono, pl mishono.
suture between legs (noun), msamba (3/4), pl misamba.
swab (noun), busha.
swab (noun), usufi.
swagger (noun), maringo (6).
swagger (verb), -dundika (potential).
swagger (verb), -ringa.
swagger (verb), -tamba.
swaggering (noun), tambo (5/6), pl matambo.
swaggering (noun), utambo.
Old Swahili (the language of Lamu preserved in literary works) (noun),
Old Swahili (the language of Malindi and Pate preseved in poetry) (noun),
speaker of Swahili (noun), Msuaheli, pl waswahili.
speaker of Swahili (noun), Mswahili, pl waswahili.
Swahili (language) (noun), Kijomba.
be swallowed up (verb), -didima.
be swallowed up (verb), -didimia.
swallow (verb), -akia.
swallow (verb), -gugumia.
swallow (verb), -meza. The girl hesitated, swallowed saliva, and said in
a deep voice, "I don't know them"[Masomo 167].. Msichana alisita, alimeza
mate, akasema kwa sauti nzito, "Siwafahamu"[Ganzel Masomo 167].
swallow (bird) (noun), mbayuwayu (9an).
swallow (bird) (noun), teleka.
swallow (epithetic term) (noun), kijumbamshale.
swallow (kind of) (noun), kinegwa, pl vinegwa.
swallow of water (noun), mnywo, pl minywo.
swallow up (verb), -meza.
be swallowed up (verb), -zizima.
swamp (noun), bwawa (5/6), pl mabwawa.
swamp (noun), kinamasi, pl vinamasi.
swamp (noun), matope, pl matope.
swamp plant (Cyperus flabelliformis) (noun), mziwaziwa, pl miziwaziwa.
swampy (adjective), kimaji.
swarm (noun), kundi, pl makundi.
swarm (noun), tando (5/6), pl matando.
swarm (noun), tandu (5/6), pl matandu.
swarm (of bees or locusts) (noun), utando.
swarm (of bees or locusts) (noun), utandu.
swarm of bees (noun), pumba la nyuki (5/6), pl mapumba ya nyuki.
swarm up tree (verb), -paraga.
fly swatter (noun), mgwisho (3/4), pl migwisho.
sway (verb), -ning'inia. a lot of decorations on the wall and others
hanging from the roof. mapambo mengi kutani na mengine yakining'inia
darini [Muk].
sway (verb), -pembea.
sway (verb), -tetereka.
sway (verb), -yonga.
sway (verb), -yongayonga.
sway (verb), -yuga.
sway (verb), -yugayuga.
sway (verb), -yumba.
sway (verb), -yumbayumba.
sway to and fro (verb), -wayawaya.
swaying (noun), mleo, pl mileo.
swaying (noun), wayowayo, pl mawayowayo.
be sworn to (verb), -apiwa.
cause to swear (verb), -apisha (causative).
swear (verb), -apa.
swear (verb), -atibu.
swear (verb), -la kiapo.
swear (verb), -tukana.
swear an oath (verb), -apa kiapo.
swear an oath (verb), -fanya kiapo.
swear an oath (verb), -shika kiapo.
swear at (verb), -apiza.
swear at (verb), -laani.
swear at (verb), -lani.
swear falsely (verb), -zuri.
swear solemnly to each other (verb), -lishana yamini.
swearing at (noun), apizo (5/6), pl maapizo.
swearing (noun), tukano, pl matukano.
swearing (noun), uapo (14).
one who swears (noun), mlaanifu, pl walaanifu.
one who swears (noun), mlaanizi, pl walaanizi.
cold sweat (noun), kijasho chembamba (7/8), pl vijasho vyembamba.
sweat (noun), figuto, pl mafiguto.
sweat (noun), fukuto (5/6), pl mafukuto.
sweat (noun), gugumu.
sweat (noun), jasho (5/6), pl majasho.
sweat (noun), jasho, pl majasho.
sweat (noun), mfukuto (3/4), pl mifukuto.
sweat (noun), nongo (9/10), pl nongo.
sweat (verb), -hari.
sweat (verb), -toka jasho.
sweat (odor of) (noun), kutuzi (9/10), pl kutuzi.
sweater (noun), flana (9/10), pl flana.
sweater (noun), fulana (9/10), pl fulana.
sweater (noun), sweta (9/10), pl sweta. a thin thread to sew a sweater.
uzi mwembamba wa kushonea sweta [Ma].
be swept (verb), -fagiwa.
make a clean sweep of something (verb), -kumba.
make a clean sweep. (verb), -sapa.
make a clean sweep. (verb), -sapasapa.
one who makes a clean sweep of something (noun), mkumbizi, pl wakumbizi.
sweep (verb), -fagia.
sweep (verb), -pea.
sweep away (verb), -kokoa.
sweep out (verb), -kumba.
sweep up (verb), -kokoa.
sweep up (verb), -zoa.
sweep up the chaff (after winnowing grain) (verb), -sungua.
street sweeper (noun), mfagiaji, pl wafagiaji.
street sweeper (noun), topas (5/6an), pl matopasi.
sweeping away (noun), ukumbizi (11/10), pl kumbizi.
sweepings (noun), fumbi (5/6), pl mafumbi.
sweepings (noun), vumbi, pl mavumbi.
be sweet (verb), -noga.
confectionery (noun), bembe, pl mabembe.
make sweet (verb), -nogesha (causative).
sweet (adjective), tamu.
sweet (noun), pl sweets, peremende (5/6), pl maperemende.
taste sweet (verb), -noga.
sweet-potato leaves (used as a vegetable) (noun), matembele, pl
sweetbread (noun), kongosho (9/10), pl kongosho.
sweetheart (noun), hababuu (5/6), pl mahababuu.
sweetheart (noun), kimoyo, pl vimoyo.
sweetheart (noun), moyo.
sweetheart (noun), mpenzi, pl wapenzi.
sweetmeat or pudding saturated with honey (noun), lawalawa (9/10), pl
sweetness (noun), utamu (14), pl utamu.
sweets (noun), pl sweets, tamutamu (9/10), pl tamutamu.
sweets (noun), utamu.
sweetsop (noun), pl sweetsops, mtopetope (3/4), pl mitopetope.
be swollen (verb), -vimba.
be swollen (verb), -vimbia.
make swell (verb), -vimbisha (causative).
swell (noun), kubaza.
swell (noun), wimbi, pl mawimbi.
swell (verb), -fura.
swell (verb), -ondokea.
swell (verb), -ruka. The rice has swelled up.. wali umeruka.
swell (verb), -vimba.
swell (dough or sea) (verb), -umuka.
swell out (verb), -tuna.
swell up (verb), -humuka.
swell up (verb), -tutuka.
swell up (verb), -tutuma.
swell up (verb), -tutumka.
swell up (verb), -umka (potential).
swelling on the genitals (noun), vitio.
hard swelling (noun), tutuu (5/6), pl matutuu.
med. swelling (noun), kivimba, pl vivimba. become emaciated from
med. swelling (noun), kivimbo, pl vivimbo. become emaciated from
painful swelling usually in the groin (noun), mtoki (3/4), pl mitoki.
swelling (noun), fundo (5/6), pl mafundo.
swelling (noun), kaga.
swelling (noun), kivimbe (7/8), pl vivimbe.
swelling (noun), marugurugu.
swelling (noun), tezi, pl matezi.
swelling (noun), tutu.
swelling (noun), tuutuu, pl matutuu.
swelling (noun), uvimbe (14).
swelling (of the feet of a pregnant woman) (noun), umito.
swelling of the neck glands (noun), mlezi, pl milezi.
swellings (noun), marugurugu (6).
swerve (from one's principles) (verb), -ritadi.
swift (adjective), -epesi.
swift (bird) (noun), kijumbamshale (7/8), pl vijumbamshale.
swift (bird) (noun), mbayuwayu (9/10an), pl mbayuwayu.
cause to swim (verb), -ogeleka.
cause to swim (verb), -ogeleza.
swim (verb), -ogelea (applicative). (ki-Asumini) swarm in waste water..
[ki-Asumini] kiliogelea maji kame [Moh].
swim on the surface (verb), -elea. fish swim.
swimmer (noun), mwogeleaji, pl waogeleaji.
swimming (noun), uogeleaji.
swindle (noun), ulaghai.
swindle (noun), uragai.
swindle (verb), -babaisha.
swindle (verb), -danganya.
swindle (verb), -ghosubu.
swindle (verb), -ghuri.
swindle (verb), -punja.
swindle (verb), -vivia.
swindle (verb), -vuvia.
rare swindler (noun), mkopaji, pl wakopaji.
rare swindler (noun), mkopi, pl wakopi.
swindler (noun), ajari (9/10an), pl ajari.
swindler (noun), ayari, pl ayari.
swindler (noun), bazazi (5/6an), pl mabazazi.
swindler (noun), dhalimu, pl madhalimu.
swindler (noun), janja, pl mjanja.
swindler (noun), kenge (9/10), pl kenge.
swindler (noun), kidhabidhabina, pl vidhabidhabina.
swindler (noun), laghai.
swindler (noun), mbadhiri, pl wabadhiri.
swindler (noun), mbadhirifu, pl wabadhirifu.
swindler (noun), mdanganyi, pl wadanganyi.
swindler (noun), mdanganyifu, pl wadanganyi.
swindler (noun), mdhabidhabina (1/2), pl wadhabidhabina.
swindler (noun), mfilisi, pl wafilisi.
swindler (noun), mjanja, pl wajanja.
swindler (noun), mlaghai, pl walaghai.
swindler (noun), mlungula, pl walungula.
swindler (noun), mlungura, pl milungura.
swindler (noun), mrongo, pl warongo.
swindler (noun), mzizimizi, pl wazizimizi.
swindler (noun), mzizimizi, pl wazizimizi.
swindler (noun), ragai.
swindler (noun), raghai.
swindler (noun), ragai (9/10an), pl ragai.
swindler (noun), raghai (9/10an), pl raghai.
swindler (noun), twana, pl matwana.
swindling (noun), mkopo, pl mikopo.
swine (noun), nguruwe (9/10an), pl nguruwe. wild pig. nguruwe mwitu.
be in full swing (verb), -stawi.
give a signal (verb), -punga mikono. "swing the arms, give a signal"..
punga mikono.
rock a child to sleep (verb), -pembeza mtoto.
swing (noun), bembea.
swing (noun), pembea (9/10), pl pembea. rocking chair. kiti cha pembea.
swing (verb), -angaika.
swing (verb), -bembea.
swing (verb), -chuchia.
swing (verb), -hangaika.
swing (verb), -konya.
swing (verb), -lega.
swing (verb), -legarega.
swing (verb), -rega.
swing (verb), -regarega.
swing (verb), -ning'inia.
swing (verb), -pembea. rocking chair. kiti cha pembea.
swing (verb), -pepa.
swing (verb), -punga. "swing the arms, give a signal".. punga mikono.
swing (verb), -rega.
swing (verb), -tetereka.
swing (verb), -vinya.
swing (verb), -vinyavinya.
swing (verb), -yonga.
swing (verb), -yongayonga.
swing (verb), -yuga.
swing (verb), -yugayuga.
swing cloths (verb), -pepea vitambaa.
swing something (verb), -bebea. swing cloths. bebea vitambaa.
swing something (verb), -pepea. "swing cloths, fan".. pepea vitambaa.
swing the arms (verb), -punga mikono. "swing the arms, give a signal"..
punga mikono.
swipe (verb), -bebesha.
fly-switch (noun), mgwisho (3/4), pl migwisho.
railway switch (noun), kipindua cha reli (7/8), pl vipindua cha reli.
switch (noun), fido.
switch (noun), kikoto, pl vikoto.
switch (noun), kiwashio (7/8), pl viwashio.
switch (railway or electrical) (noun), swichi (9/10), pl swichi.
switch (railway or electrical) (noun), swisi (9/10), pl swisi.
swithch (noun), kiungo, pl viungo.
swollen condition (noun), uvimbe (11).
swoop (verb), -saka.
small sword (noun), kipanga, pl vipanga.
sword (noun), pl swords, simi (9/10), pl simi.
sword (noun), upanga, pl panga.
sword (short with double edge) (noun), sime (5/6), pl masime.
sword dance (noun), shela (9/10), pl shela.
sword -beam (noun), mbwanda, pl mibwanda. "fig. be successful, get what
one wants, rejoice".. kula mbwanda.
swordfish (noun), mchumbururu (3/4), pl michumbururu.
swordfish (noun), papa upanga (9/10an), pl papa.
swordfish (noun), sululu (9/10an), pl sululu.
swordfish (noun), sururu (9/10an), pl sururu.
swordfish (Nemiramphus far) (noun), chuchunge (9/10an), pl chuchunge.
be sworn in (verb), pl How should the (kw) be entered?, -apishwa.
sycophant (noun), mpanda, pl wapanda.
sycophant (noun), mpandaji, pl wapandaji.
final syllable (noun), kina (7/8), pl vina.
syllable (noun), pl syllables, silabi (9/10), pl silabi.
syllable (noun), silabu (9/10), pl silabu.
syllabus (noun), pl syllabi, muhtasari, pl mihtasari.
symbol (noun), alama (9/10), pl alama.
symbol (noun), ishara (9/10), pl ishara.
symbol (noun), kiashirio (7/8), pl viashiria.
symbol (noun), misali. use proverbs in a conversation.. tumia methali
katika mazungumso [Rec].
symbol (noun), mithali. use proverbs in a conversation.. tumia methali
katika mazungumso [Rec].
symmetrical (adjective), linganifu.
symmetrical (adjective), linganyifu.
geom. symmetry (noun), mlingano, pl milingano.
symmetry (noun), pacha (5/6), pl mapacha. That laughter is symmetrical
with rain/(fisherman?). kile kicheko ni pacha na mvua [Ma].
symmetry (noun), ulinganifu.
symmetry (noun), ulinganyifu.
show sympathy toward someone (verb), -hurumia.
sympathize (with) (phrase), -onea huruma. Others sympathized with
him/her. wengine walimwonea huruma [Kez].
sympathize with (verb), -sikitikia.
sympathizer (noun), mwamali, pl waamali.
deserving sympathy (adjective), -a Mungu.
express sympathy (verb), -liwaza.
express sympathy (verb), -pa pole.
expression of sympathy (interjection), pole.
expression of sympathy (noun), makiwa.
feel sympathy for (verb), -rehemu.
have sympathy (verb), -chukulia.
show sympathy (verb), -hani.
sympathy (noun), huruma (9/10), pl huruma.
sympathy (noun), huruma.
sympathy (noun), liwazo, pl maliwazo.
sympathy (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahaba.
sympathy (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahuba.
sympathy (noun), maliwazo.
sympathy (noun), pl sympathies, rambirambi (9/10), pl rambirambi.
sympathy (noun), rehema (9/10), pl rehema.
sympathy (noun), shafaka (9/10), pl shafaka.
sympathy (noun), shufaka (9/10), pl shufaka.
sympathy (noun), uraufu.
sympathy (fig.) (noun), moyo (3/4), pl mioyo.
symptom (noun), ishara.
symptom (noun), taashira (9/10), pl taashira.
synagogue (noun), sunagogi (9/10), pl sunagogi.
synod (noun), pl synods, sinodi (9/10), pl sinodi.
be synonymous (verb), -wafikiana.
syntax (noun), nahau, pl nahau.
pl. synthetic fibre (noun), mirabaraba, pl mirabaraba.
syphilis (noun), farangi.
syphilis (noun), kaswende.
syphilis (noun), kaswende (9/10), pl kaswende.
syphillis (noun), sekeneko (9).
Syria (noun), Sham (14).
syringe (noun), bomba (5/6), pl mabomba.
syringe (noun), sirinji (9/10), pl sirinji.
syrup (noun), asali (9/10), pl asali.
syrup (noun), sharabeti (9/10), pl sharabeti.
syrup (noun), sharubati (9/10), pl sharubati.
syrup (noun), shebeti (9/10), pl shebeti.
syrup (noun), sherbeti (9/10), pl sherbeti.
system (noun), kawaida.
system (noun), mfumo (3/4), pl mifumo.
system (noun), pl systems, taratibu (9/10), pl taratibu.
systematically (adjective), taratibu.


player of taarab instrument (noun), pl players of tarabu, mutribu (1/2),

pl watribu.
addition table (noun), tebo ya kujumlisa.
have the table set (for a meal) (verb), -andikisha.
on the table (noun), mezani.
table (noun), jedwali (9/10), pl jedwali.
table (noun), jedwali.
table (noun), meza (9/10), pl meza.
table (noun), tebo.
table (mathematical) (noun), tebo ya kujumlisha.
table (small) (noun), kijimeza (7/8), pl vijimeza.
tablet (noun), bonge, pl mabonge.
tablet (noun), kibonge, pl vibonge.
tablet (noun), kidonge, pl vidonge.
tablet (noun), kidonge (7/8), pl vidonge.
declare taboo (verb), -harimisha.
impose a taboo (verb), -ziza.
observe a taboo (verb), -zia.
taboo (noun), mwiko, pl miiko. observe (break) a taboo.. shika (vunja)
taboo (for medical or magical reasons) (noun), mzio (3/4), pl mizio.
taboo person or thing (noun), harimu (5/6), pl maharimu.
tabulation (noun), namna.
be taciturn (verb), -tandawaa.
be taciturn (verb), -vuvuwaa.
taciturn (adjective), nyamafu.
taciturn (adjective), -nyamavu.
taciturn person (noun), mnyamavu, pl wanyamavu.
taciturnity (noun), unyamavu.
taciturnity (noun), uyabisi.
naut. tack (verb), -kisi.
naut. tack (verb), -kissi.
tack (verb), -bisha.
tacking stich (in sewing) (noun), shikizo (5/6), pl mashikizo.
tacking together (act of) (eg in dressmaking) (noun), mshikilizo, pl
tacking together (act of) (eg in dressmaking) (noun), mshikizo, pl
tacking (noun), bisho.
tackle (verb), -pambana.
tact (noun), siasa (9/10), pl siasa. a tactiful person. mtu mwenye
tact (noun), umahiri.
tactics (noun), mbinu (9/10), pl mbinu.
tactlessness (noun), inda.
tadpole (noun), kiluwiluwi (7/8), pl viluwiluwi.
tag (noun), ankra, pl ankra.
put one's tail between one's legs (verb), -nywea (applicative).
tail (noun), mkia (3/4), pl mikia. be last.. la mkia.
tail (of horse) (noun), mwengo (3/4), pl miengo.
tailbone (noun), kifandugu (7/8), pl vifandugu.
craft of a tailor (noun), ushonaji.
occupation of a tailor (noun), ushonaji.
occupation of a tailor (noun), ushoni.
tailor (noun), fundi cherehani (5/6an), pl mafundi cherehani.
tailor (usually male) (noun), pl tailors, mshonaji (1/2), pl washonaji.
tailor clothes (verb), -fasili.
tailoring (noun), mashono (6).
tailoring (noun), mashono. modern dresses. mashono mapya.
tailoring (noun), ushoni.
tainted food (noun), vunde (5/6), pl mavunde.
Taita (adjective), kitaita.
be taken (verb), -chukuliwa.
get down (something hanging) (verb), -tundua.
one who takes away (noun), mteka, pl wateka. "water carrier, one who
draws water".. mteka maji.
take (verb), -chukua.
take (verb), -chukwa.
take (verb), -kamata.
take (verb), -punja.
take (verb), -twaa.
take (verb), -twaa.
take (a small amount or a handful) (verb), -chopa.
take (to a particular place or person) (verb), -peleka.
take a little of something (verb), -chota. draw water [by the
bucketful]. chota maji.
take a pot off the fire (verb), -tegua chungu.
take apart (verb), -ungua.
take away (verb), -tolea.
take away (verb), -umua.
take away (verb), -zindua.
take away (by force) (verb), -poka.
take away by force (verb), -bwakua.
take away from (verb), -twaa.
take back (verb), -rejesha.
take back (verb), -rejeza.
take back (verb), -rudi.
take back (verb), -rudisha. take back the present. rudisha zawadi.
take by force (verb), -bakiwa.
take by force (verb), -bakua.
take by force (verb), -bekua.
take by force (verb), -kwapura.
take by force (verb), -lungula.
take by force (verb), -rungula.
take by force (verb), -nyang'anya. the government has forcefull taken
the few monies that they had. Serikali imewanyang'anya pesa chache
walizokuwa nazo [Kez].
take by force (verb), -nyara.
take by force (verb), -pokonya.
take by force (verb), -pora. The husband takes her salary by force.
bwanake anampora huo mshahara wote [Kez].
take by force (verb), -rungula.
take everything one has (verb), -sapa.
take everything one has (verb), -sapasapa.
take from (verb), -nyang'anya.
take in (verb), -kunja.
take in (a sail) (noun), heria.
take in (as a guest) (verb), -pokea. They have given us a good
reception.. wametupokea vizuri.
take in small quantities (verb), -donoa.
take in the act (verb), -fumania.
take into the arms (verb), -kumbatia.
take off (verb), -angua.
take off (verb), -kema.
take off fast (verb), -timua.
take off the fire (verb), -epua.
take out (verb), -chomoa (converse).
take out (verb), -fidua.
take out (verb), -fudua.
take out (verb), -futua.
take out (verb), -opoa.
take out (verb), -pachua.
take out (verb), -toa.
take out (verb), -toa.
take out the contents (e.g. the meat of a coconut) (verb), -chokoa.
take out the contents (e.g. the meat of a coconut) (verb), -chokocha.
take out the contents (e.g. the meat of a coconut) (verb), -chokora.
take part (verb), -changanua.
take place (verb), -jiri.
take place (verb), -tukia.
take something up and carry it away (verb), -tekea.
take up and carry away (verb), -teka.
take up load on the head (verb), -twika.
be taken away (verb), -ondolewa.
take care! (interjection), bedari.
take hostage (verb), -teka nyara (transitive).
leave-taking (noun), buriani.
take leave of (verb), -aga.
take leave of each other (verb), -agana (reciprocal).
take leave of each other (for a long period) (verb), pl Yes, -agana.
take off (verb), -ruka juu. go beyond bounds.. ruka mpaka.
take off (verb), -tandua.
take out (verb), -namua.
take place (verb), -sadifu.
take place (verb), -sibu. when did it take place. ilisibu lini?.
be taken (verb), -kamatwa.
be taken (verb), -twaliwa.
be taken (verb), -twaliwa.
be taken (verb), -twawa.
takeoff (noun), urukaji.
find no takers (merchandise) (verb), -china.
one who takes away (noun), mtwaa, pl watwaa.
one who takes away (noun), mtwaaji, pl watwaaji.
talc (noun), ulanga.
one who tells Abunawasi tales (noun), Abunuwasi (1).
one who tells Banawasi tales (noun), Banawasi.
tale (noun), hekaya (9/10), pl hekaya.
tale (noun), ngano (9/10), pl ngano.
tale (noun), simulizi (5/6), pl masimulizi.
tale-bearer (noun), mchongelezi (1/2), pl wachongelezi.
tale-bearer (noun), pl tale-bearers, msengenyi (1/2), pl wasengenyi.
tale-bearing (noun), maringo.
talebearer (noun), mbea, pl wabea.
talebearer (noun), mdakizi, pl wadakizi.
talebearer (noun), mdaku, pl wadaku.
talebearer (noun), mdakulizi, pl midakulizi.
talebearer (noun), mdakuzi, pl wadakizi.
talebearer (noun), mdhana.
talebearer (noun), mdukizi, pl wadakizi.
talebearer (noun), mlimi, pl walimi.
talebearer (noun), mpyoro, pl wapyoro.
talebearer (noun), msengenya, pl wasengenyi.
talebearer (noun), msengenyi, pl wasengenyi.
talebearer (noun), mshitaki, pl washitaki.
talebearer (noun), mshtaki, pl washtaki.
talebearer (noun), mstaki, pl wastaki.
talebearer (noun), mtafitafi, pl watafitafi.
talebearer (noun), mtalaleshi, pl watalaleshi, matalaleshi.
talebearer (noun), mzushi, pl wazushi.
talebearer (noun), mzuzi, pl wazuzi.
talebearer (noun), talaleshi, pl watalaleshi, matalaleshi.
talebearer (noun), lodi.
talebearer (noun), rodi (9/10an), pl rodi.
talebearer (noun), sakubimbi (9/10an), pl sakubimbi.
talebearer (noun), talaleshi (5/6an), pl matalaleshi.
talebearing (noun), chongelezo (5/6), pl machongelezo.
talebearing (noun), msengenyano, pl misengenyano.
talebearing (noun), ubukuzi.
talebearing (noun), uchongezi.
talebearing (noun), uchongezo.
talebearing (noun), uchongolezi.
talebearing (noun), udakuzi (14).
talebearing (noun), umbea.
talebearing (noun), utalaleshi.
fig. talent (noun), kipaji, pl vipaji.
fig. talent (noun), kipawa, pl vipawa.
natural talent (noun), kipaji (7/8), pl vipaji.
talent (noun), heba (9/10), pl heba.
talent (noun), maelekeo, pl maelekeo.
talent (noun), mataka, pl mataka.
talent (noun), matakwa, pl matakwa.
talent (noun), mzungu (3/4), pl mizungu.
talent (noun), uweza.
talent (noun), uwezo.
talented (adjective), erevu.
carry tales (verb), -bemba.
iftari (a talisman) (noun), iftari.
talisman (noun), azima, pl azima.
talisman (noun), hirizi.
talisman (noun), sihiri (9/10), pl sihiri.
talisman (noun), talasimu (5/6), pl matalasimu.
a serious talk (noun), lumba.
be much talked about (verb), -vumika.
be talked into something (verb), -nyenyeka.
be the talk of the town (verb), -vuma.
cause to be talked about (verb), -vumisha.
foolish talk (noun), payo (5/6), pl mapayo.
foolish talk (causing amusement or provoking ridicule) (noun), majinuni.
foolish talk (causing amusement or provoking ridicule) (noun), majununi.
force someone to talk (verb), -nyenga.
get someone to talk (verb), -payusha.
idle talk (noun), mnong'ono, pl minong'ono.
make one talk in one's sleep (verb), -wewesesha.
silly talk (causing amusement) (noun), majununi.
talk (verb), -nena. "talk clearly, don't talk through the nose".. nena
vizuri, usiseme puani.
talk (verb), -ongea (transitive). Yohana and Mwai were speaking
together. Yohana na Mwai walipokuwa wakiongea pamoja [Ng].
talk (verb), -sema. speak with mother. Sema na mama.
talk (about something) (verb), -ongelea.
talk behind someone's back (verb), -teta.
talk big (verb), -fedhulika.
talk big (verb), -fezulika.
talk confusedly (verb), -bwabwaja.
talk confusedly (verb), -bwata.
talk confusedly (verb), -dapa.
talk deliriously (verb), -babaika.
talk deliriously (verb), -babayika.
talk deliriously (verb), -ewedeka.
talk evasively (verb), -dapa.
talk evasively (verb), -diradira.
talk foolishly (verb), -ota.
talk foolishly (verb), -paya.
talk foolishly (verb), -payuka.
talk idly (verb), -piga domo.
talk in one's sleep (verb), -wewedeka.
talk in one's sleep (verb), -weweseka.
talk indiscreetly (verb), -boboka.
talk nonsense (adverb), lopoka.
talk nonsense (verb), -ropoka. stop talking nonsense. Waacha kuropoka.
talk oneself out of something (verb), -shariti.
talk someone into something (verb), -nyenya.
talk someone into something (verb), -pembeja.
talk someone into something (verb), -shawishi. Ali talked his/her friend
into buying a car. Ali alimshawishi rafiki yake kununua motokaa.
talk someone into something. (verb), -shaushi. Elizabeth talked the
woman into not wearing those shoes. Elizabeth alimshaushi mama asivae
viatu vile.
talk to each other (verb), -ambizana.
talk to each other (verb), -ongeana.
talk to each other (verb), -semezana.
talk uselessly (verb), -piga mdomo.
be talkative (verb), -chagiza.
be talkative (verb), -piga mdomo.
talkative (adjective), limi.
talkative person (noun), chiriku.
talkative person (noun), mlimi (1/2), pl walimi.
talkative person (noun), mneneji, pl waneneji.
talkative person (noun), mneni, pl waneni.
talkativeness (noun), domo, pl madomo. he talks constantly/chatters.
ana domo.
talkativeness (noun), kidomodomo, pl vidomo. he talks continuously..
ana kidomodomo.
talkativeness (noun), usemaji (14).
talkativeness (noun), usemaji.
way of talking (noun), usemi (11/10), pl semi.
tall (adjective), manjorinjori.
tall (adjective), njorinjori.
tall (adjective), -refu.
tall (adjective), tawili.
tall (of people) (adjective), ronjo. (s)he wore shoes in the feet that
made him/her to be tall. miguuni kavaa viatu vilivyomkuza na kumfanya awe
ronjo [Moh].
tall (of persons) (adjective), lonjo.
tall (of persons) (adjective), ronjo.
tall man (noun), njorinjori (9/10an), pl njorinjori.
tall thin person (noun), kimbaombao, pl vimbaombao. (used for making
tallness (noun), tambo (9/10), pl tambo.
tallness (noun), urefu (14).
tallow (noun), mori.
tallow (noun), shahamu (9/10), pl shahamu.
talon (noun), kucha, pl makucha.
talon (noun), makucha.
talon (noun), ukomba.
talon (noun), ukombe.
talon (noun), ukucha, pl makucha.
scratch with the talons (verb), -papura kwa makucha.
medicine made from tamarind leaves (used for washing new-born babies)
(noun), jimbo, pl majimbo.
tamarind (fruit of the mkwaju) (noun), kwaju.
tamarind (used in tanning) (noun), ukwaju, pl kwaju.
tamarind tree (noun), mkwaju (3/4), pl mikwaju.
tamborine (noun), dafi, pl dafi.
tambourine (noun), kigoma, pl vigoma.
tambourine (noun), tari (9/10), pl tari.
be tameable (verb), -fugika.
tame (verb), -fuga.
one who tames,breaks in, or trains animals (noun), mfuga, pl wafuga.
one who tames,breaks in, or trains animals (noun), mfugaji, pl wafugaji.
taming (noun), mfugo (3/4), pl mifugo.
taming (of animals) (noun), ufugaji.
taming of animals (noun), mfugo, pl mifugo.
tamp (verb), -pigilia.
tamp (verb), -ponda. tamp clay.. ponda udongo.
be tampered with (verb), -chezewa (passive).
Tanga (city on the coast of Tanzania) (noun), Tanga (14).
inhabitant of Tanganyika (noun), Mtanganyika, pl watanganyika.
tangerine (noun), chenza (5/6), pl machenza.
tangible (verb), -kamatika.
be tangled (verb), -tatika.
be tangled in something (verb), -lingwa.
tangle (noun), kitata (7/8), pl vitata.
tangle (noun), matata (6).
tangle (verb), -tata.
tangle (verb), -tatanisha.
be tangled (verb), -angama. be caught/tangled in a tree. ~ mtini.
be tangled (verb), -zingamana.
be tangled (verb), -zingira.
tank (noun), birika, pl mabirika.
tank (noun), daba, pl madaba.
tank (noun), faru.
tank (noun), mzinga, pl mizinga.
tank (noun), pipa (5/6), pl mapipa. fuel tank. pipa la mafuta ya
tank (noun), tanaki (5/6), pl matanaki. a tank of oil. tanaki la mafuta
tank (noun), tangi (5/6), pl matangi. oil tank. tangi la mafuta [maji].
tank (noun), tanki (5/6), pl matanki. a tank of oil. tangi la mafuta
tank (for gasoline or kerosine) (noun), debe, pl madebe.
tank (military) (noun), kifaru, pl vifaru.
water-tank (noun), hodhi.
Tanzanian (noun), pl Tanzanians, Mtanzania (1/2), pl Watanzania.
tap (noun), bilula, pl mabilula.
tap (noun), kizibo, pl vizibo.
tap (noun), mdukuo (3/4), pl midukuo.
tap (verb), -babata.
tap (verb), -gogota.
tap (verb), -gonga.
tap (verb), -gota.
tap (as a wood-pecker) (verb), -ng'ota.
tap (as a wood-pecker) (verb), -ng'uta.
tap (for water) (noun), bomba, pl mabomba.
tap (for water) (noun), bulula, pl mabulula.
tap (the bark of trees, to obtain resin) (verb), -gema.
tap a palm tree (verb), -umika.
water-tap (noun), mfeleji, pl mifeleji.
water-tap (noun), mfereji, pl mifereji.
water-tap (noun), mfereji (3/4), pl mifereji.
tape (noun), kigwe (7/8), pl vigwe.
tape (noun), mshadhari.
tape (noun), mshazari.
tape (noun), tepe (5/6), pl matepe.
tape (noun), ukanda (11/10), pl kanda.
tape (noun), utepe, pl matepe.
tape measure (noun), kimo, pl vimo.
tape recorder (noun), rekodi (9/10), pl rekodi.
tape recorder (noun), rikodi (9/10), pl rikodi.
tapeworm (noun), tego, pl matego.
tapeworm (noun), tegu, pl mategu.
tapping (act or sound of) (noun), mgoto, pl migoto.
tapping of palms (for wine) (noun), mgemo (3/4), pl migemo.
tapping palms (act of) (noun), ugema.
tapping palms (act of) (noun), ugemi.
tar (noun), bereu, pl maberu.
tar (noun), lami (9/10), pl lami.
tarantula (noun), bui.
tarboosh (noun), takshi (9/10), pl takshi.
tarboosh (noun), tarbushi (9/10), pl tarbushi.
tardiness (noun), uchelewaji.
tare (allowance for packing when weighing) (noun), turuhani.
target (noun), lengo (5/6), pl malengo.
target (noun), pl targets, shabaha (9/10), pl shabaha. to show his
target and count the number of birds (s)he had hit. kuonyesha shabaha
yake na kuhesabu ndege aliowapiga [Moh].
tarmaced (adjective), -a lami.
tarnish (verb), -kutu.
leaves of the taro (used as a vegetable) (noun), mayugwa (6), pl mayugwa.
taro plant (noun), myugwa, pl miyugwa.
taro root (noun), jimbi (5/6), pl majimbi.
taro root (Colocasia antiquorum) (noun), jimbi.
tarpaulin (noun), chandarua, pl vyandarua.
tarpaulin (noun), tandarua (9/10), pl tandarua.
tarpaulin (noun), turbali.
tarpaulin (noun), turubai.
tarpaulin (noun), turubali (9/10), pl turubali.
tarpaulin (noun), turubali.
tarry (verb), -kawa.
tarry (verb), -usiri.
tartar (noun), susa (9/10), pl susa.
tartar (on teeth) (noun), ugaga (14).
tartar (on teeth) (noun), ukoga (11).
tartar (on the teeth) (noun), ugwagwa.
tarter on the teeth (noun), gaga (5/6), pl magaga.
task (noun), jukumu.
task (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
task (noun), tume.
task (noun), ujumbe (14).
task (noun), utumwa (14).
task (noun), wajibu.
routine tasks (noun), gharadi.
tassel (noun), kifundo, pl vifundo.
tassel (noun), shada (5/6), pl mashada.
tassel (noun), shungi (5/6), pl mashungi.
tassel (noun), tamvua (5/6), pl matamvua.
tassel (noun), utamvua.
be given a taste of something (verb), -rambishwa ( caus-pass). Until
(s)he will be given a taste of honey. mpaka ataporambishwa asali [Sul].
be tasted (verb), -onjeka (stative).
be tasted (verb), -onjwa (passive).
give someone a taste for something, arouse someone's desire (verb), -
good taste (noun), ufasaha.
good taste (noun), ufasihi.
good taste (noun), utamaduni.
good taste (noun), uteuzi.
one who tastes food (noun), mwonjaji (1/2), pl waonjaji.
perceive a taste (verb), -ona ladha.
taste (noun), kionjo (7/8), pl vionjo.
taste (noun), kumbwe, pl makumbwe.
taste (noun), ladha.
taste (noun), laza.
taste (noun), ludha.
taste (noun), utamu.
taste (verb), -dhuku.
taste (foods) (verb), -jaribu.
taste (foods) (verb), -onja. lit.: he has tasted money.. fig ameonja
taste (pleasant) (noun), ladha (9/10), pl ladha. Swahili poems have a
sweet taste that endures because they are composed in different dialects
of Swahili.. Mashairi ya Kiswahili yana ladha isiyokinaisha kwa sababu ya
kutungwa kwa lafudhi mbalimbali za Kiswahili [Khan, Masomo 394].
taste (sense of) (noun), uonjaji.
taste (with the tongue) (verb), -pemba.
taste right (verb), -kolea.
tasteless (adjective), chapwa.
tasteless (adjective), -dufu.
tastelessness (noun), udufu.
food taster (noun), mwonjaji (1/2), pl waonjaji.
tasting (noun), uonjaji.
be tasty (verb), -noga.
make tasty (verb), -nogesha (causative).
tasty (adjective), zuri.
tasty central part (noun), kilengelenge (7/8), pl vilengelenge.
tattooing of the face (as an ethnic mark) (noun), taruma (5/6), pl
ethnic tattoo marks (noun), taruma (5/6), pl mataruma.
tattoo (noun), mchoro (3/4), pl michoro.
tattoo (noun), nembo (9/10).
tattoo (verb), -toja.
tattoo(ing) (noun), tojo, pl matojo.
tattooing (ethnic marks) (noun), chale, pl machale. tattoo. chanja
tattooing (noun), chanjo, pl machanjo.
be taught (verb), -fundishwa.
be taut (verb), -dinda.
tautness (noun), kiambo, pl viambo.
tautness (noun), kiwamba, pl viwamba.
tautness (noun), kiwambo, pl viwambo.
tautness (noun), mambo.
tautness (noun), uwambo, pl mambo.
caravan tax (to be paid when entering a city) (noun), magubiko.
hist. trading tax (collected by the chief of a particular place for the
right to trade in that place) (noun), mrabaha, pl mirabaha.
tax (noun), kodi (9/10), pl kodi.
tax (noun), ushuru (14).
tax collector (noun), pl tax collectors, mtoza (1/2), pl watoza.
tax collector (noun), mwokotaji, pl waokotaji.
oppress with taxation (verb), -songana (associative).
taxation (noun), ushuru (11).
taxi (noun), motokaa ya abiria (9/10), pl motokaa za abiria.
taxi (local) (noun), katara (9/10), pl katara.
taxicab (noun), teksi (5/6), pl mateksi.
make tea (verb), -tenga chai.
tea (noun), chai.
tea party (noun), tipati.
tea plant (Thea sinensis) (noun), mchai, pl michai.
teach (verb), -elemisha.
teach (verb), -elimisha.
teach (verb), -fundisha.
teach (verb), -fundisha.
teach (verb), -funza.
teach (verb), -funza.
teach (verb), -ongoza. give a good turn to a conversation.. ongoza
teach (verb), -somesha (causative).
teach (verb), -taili.
teach (verb), -talii.
teach (especially in connection with the initiation of boys and girls
when they reach sexual maturity) (verb), -kunga.
teach each other (verb), -funzana.
teach good conduct (verb), -adilisha.
teach good manners (verb), -adibu.
teach good manners (verb), -taadabu.
teach oneself (verb), -jifundisha.
teach oneself (verb), -jifunza.
teach oneself (verb), -jifundisha.
teach right conduct (verb), -adilisha.
teach something to someone (verb), -elimishia.
teach to read (verb), -somesha (causative).
teach to swim (verb), -ogeleka.
teach to swim (verb), -ogeleza.
teachability (noun), usikilivu.
teachability (noun), usikivu.
teachability (noun), usikizi.
teachable (adjective), sikilivu.
teachable (adjective), sikivu.
teacher (noun), mkalimu (1/2), pl wakalimu.
teacher (noun), mkufunzi, pl wakufunzi.
teacher (noun), mkurufunzi, pl wakurufunzi.
teacher (noun), msomeshaji, pl wasomeshaji.
teacher (noun), msomeshi, pl wasomeshi.
teacher (noun), mwalimu, pl walimu. headteacher.. mwalimu mkuu.
teaching (noun), darasa (9/10), pl darasa.
teaching (noun), fundisho (5/6), pl mafundisho.
teaching (noun), funzo (5/6), pl mafunzo.
teaching (noun), mafundisho.
teaching (noun), ualimu.
teaching (noun), uwalimu.
teachings in female initiation or puberty rites (noun), mizungu (9/10),
pl mizungu.
teak tree (Tectona grandis) (noun), msaji, pl misaji.
teakettle (noun), kandarinya.
teakwood tree species (Chlorophora excelsa) (noun), mvule, pl mivule.
junior team (noun), bweni.
sport. combined team (noun), kombaini, pl makombaini.
team (noun), kikoa (7/8), pl vikoa.
team (noun), timu (9/10), pl timu.
team captain (noun), msimamizi (1/2), pl wasimamizi.
teapot (noun), buli (9/10), pl buli.
teapot (noun), mabuli, pl mabuli.
get torn (verb), -pasuka (potential). His/her clothes used to get torn
around the stomach. nguo zake zilizoea kupasuka tumboni [Kez].
tear (noun), chozi (5/6), pl machozi. Not even one tear came from Rukia.
Rukia hakutokwa na walao chozi moja [Mt].
tear (noun), mpasuka, pl mipasuka.
tear (noun), mpasuko, pl mipasuko.
tear (noun), mpasuo, pl mipasuo.
tear (noun), raruo (5/6), pl mararuo.
tear (noun), ufa, pl nyufa.
tear (verb), -atua.
tear (verb), -chana.
tear (verb), -chania (applicative).
tear (verb), -papura.
tear (verb), -pasuka.
tear (into pieces) (verb), -pasua.
tear (of animals) (verb), -papua. tear with claws/talons. papura kwa
tear (open) (verb), -pasua. tear open a letter. pasua barua.
tear apart (verb), -nyambua.
tear away (verb), -bwakua.
tear down (verb), -bomoa.
tear down (verb), -chengua.
tear down (verb), -jengua.
tear down (verb), -vunja.
tear off (verb), -kongonyoa.
tear off (verb), -konoa.
tear off (verb), -konyoa.
tear off (verb), -momonyoa.
tear off (verb), -monyoa.
tear off (verb), -tabua.
tear off (fruit from branches) (verb), -kwamua.
tear off (fruit from branches) (verb), -kwamyua.
tear off (fruit from branches) (verb), -kwanua.
tear off (fruit from branches) (verb), -kwanyua.
tear off (with the teeth) (verb), -kakatua.
tear out (verb), -ng'oa.
tear out (verb), -sinua.
tear up (verb), -rarua. This cloth will not rip.. kitambaa hiki
tear up (verb), -tatua.
be tearful (verb), -lengalenga.
tearfully (adverb), kwa kwikwi.
tearing (act of) (noun), mraruo, pl miraruo.
tearing (up or to pieces) (noun), mmego (3/4), pl mimego.
tearing down (act of) (noun), mbanjo, pl mibanjo.
tearing down (act of) (noun), mbanjo (3/4), pl mibanjo.
be on the verge of tears (verb), -sinasina.
one who tears something (noun), mrarua, pl wararua.
tease (verb), -cheka.
tease (verb), -chekelea.
tease (verb), -chekerea.
tease (verb), -chezeka.
tease (verb), -chokoza (causative).
tease (verb), -dhihaki.
tease (verb), -kefyakefya.
tease (verb), -kera.
tease (verb), -kera.
tease (verb), -nyanyasa.
tease (verb), -sumbua.
tease (verb), -sunza.
tease (verb), -tania.
tease (verb), -tashtiti.
tease (verb), -tesa.
tease (each other) (verb), -bishana.
tease (fibres) (verb), -chambua.
tease (fibres) (verb), -chamvua.
teasing (noun), dhihaka.
teasing (noun), kerezo, pl makerezo.
teasing (noun), mdhaha.
teasing (noun), mshaha.
teasing (noun), sumbuko (5/6), pl masumbuko.
teasing (noun), sumbulio (5/6), pl masumbulio.
teasing (noun), sumbuo (5/6), pl masumbuo.
teasing (noun), uchokozi (14).
teaspoon (noun), kijiko cha chai, pl vijiko vya chai.
teat (noun), titi, pl matiti.
technical (noun), istlahi (9/10), pl istlahi.
technical (verb), -kifundi.
technician (noun), fundi (5/6), pl mafundi.
technician (noun), fundisanifu (5/6), pl mafundisanifu.
technique (noun), ujuzi (14), pl ujuzi.
iron technology (noun), teknolojia ya chuma (9/10), pl teknolojia ya
technology (noun), teknolojia (9/10), pl teknolojia.
technology (noun), ufundi.
tedious (adjective), kulivu.
tedium (noun), uchokezi.
tedium (noun), uchovu.
teenage (noun), ujana (14).
teenager (noun), kijana (7/8), pl vijana.
teenager (noun), tineja.
clean the teeth (verb), -chakua.
disease of the teeth (thrush or pyorrhea) (noun), kimenomeno, pl
having one's teeth set on edge (from eating something sour) (noun),
having one's teeth set on edge (from eating something sour) (noun),
pick the teeth (verb), -tora meno.
show the teeth (verb), -kenua.
show the teeth (dogs etc) (verb), -ng'akia.
receive a telegram (verb), -pata simu.
telegram (noun), simu (9/10), pl simu. send a telegram. peleka simu.
telegraph (noun), simu (9/10), pl simu. telegraph wire. uzi wa simu.
telegraph (verb), -peleka simu.
telegraph (verb), -piga simu.
telegraph office (noun), nyumba ya simu (9/10), pl nyumba za simu.
telegraphy (noun), simu (9/10), pl simu. wireless telegraphy. simu ya
telephone (noun), simu (9/10), pl simu. speak by telephone. sema kwa
telephone (noun), telefoni.
telephone (verb), -piga simu.
telephone (someone) (verb), -pigia simu.
telescope (noun), darbini.
telescope (noun), darubini (9/10), pl darubini.
telescope (noun), durubini. microscope. darubini ya vidudu.
television (noun), televisheni.
tell (verb), pl Tell me/ how do you endure/ the pain of being separated /
from your fellow human beings?; There's no one who was brave enough to be
able to tell his companion., -ambia (applicative).
tell (verb), -arifu.
tell (verb), -hadithi.
tell (verb), -hubiri.
tell (verb), -sema. be told about. semekana.
tell (verb), -taja.
tell (a story) (verb), -simulia.
tell (a story) (verb), -sumulia.
tell (news) (verb), -dokolea.
tell a story (phrase), -fanyia hadithi. Use of pictures to tell a story.
Matumizi ya picha kwa kufanyia hadithi [Masomo 194].
tell a story (verb), -pa hadithi.
tell fortunes (verb), -tabiri.
tell frankly (informal) (verb), -toboa.
tell over and over again (verb), -sisitiza.
temerity (noun), ujasiri.
bad temper (noun), ukimwa.
bad temper (noun), ununaji.
bad temper (noun), ununo.
be bad tempered (verb), -piga pande.
be bad-tempered (verb), -tukuta.
evil temper (noun), ukorofi (14).
good temper (noun), ucheshi (14).
hot-tempered (adjective), habali.
temper (noun), hamaki (9/10), pl hamaki.
temper (verb), -tia pua.
temper (verb), -tia pua. wash clothes.. pura nguo.
temper (verb), -zimua (converse).
temper (ceramic) (noun), sio (9/10), pl sio.
violent temper (noun), usukumizi.
temperament (noun), asili, pl asili.
temperament (noun), maumbile (6).
temperament (noun), uharara.
temperament (noun), ukali.
temperament (noun), ukalifu.
temperament (noun), umoto.
temperament (noun), umotomoto.
temperance (noun), kiasi.
temperance (noun), ukadiri.
temperance (noun), ukadirifu.
be temperate (verb), -mudu.
temperate (adjective), kadirifu.
average temperature (noun), wastani wa kipimo cha joto (14).
take someone's temperature (verb), -pima joto.
temperature (noun), fukuto (5/6), pl mafukuto.
temperature (noun), harara.
temperature (noun), jasho, pl majasho.
temperature (noun), moto.
temperature (noun), vukuto, pl mavukuto.
be bad tempered (verb), -runda.
tempering (noun), mchovyo (3/4), pl michovyo.
tempering (of metal) (noun), matiko, pl matiko. temper (metal, by
heating). tia matiko.
temperment (noun), mwako, pl miako.
tempest (noun), dhoruba (9/10), pl dhoruba.
tempest (noun), tufani (9/10), pl tufani.
template (noun), kigezo (7/8), pl vigezo.
temple (noun), kipaji cha uso, pl vipaji vya uso.
temple (noun), panja (5/6), pl mapanja.
temple (noun), panja la uso (5/6), pl mapanja ya uso.
temple (esp. the Temple of Jerusalem) (noun), hekalu (5/6), pl mahekalu.
tempo (noun), mwendo, pl miendo. This ship makes thirty miles an hour..
mwendo wa meli hii ni maili 30 kwa saa moja.
tempo (noun), mwenendo, pl mienendo. This ship makes thirty miles an
hour.. mwendo wa meli hii ni maili 30 kwa saa moja.
temporary employment (noun), kibaruwa (7/8), pl vibaruwa.
tempt (verb), -bilisi.
tempt (verb), -shaushi.
tempt (verb), -shawishi.
tempt (verb), -vuta.
rel. temptation (noun), majaribu.
temptation (noun), bilisi.
temptation (noun), chambo, pl vyambo.
temptation (noun), jaribu (5/6), pl majaribu.
temptation (noun), kishawishi, pl vishawisihi.
temptation (noun), kishushi, pl vishawisihi.
temptation (noun), mshawasha (3/4), pl mishawasha.
temptation (noun), shaushi (5/6), pl mashawishi. I did not like this
temptation. Shaushi hili sikulipenda.
temptation (noun), pl tem ptations, shawishi (5/6), pl mashawishi.
temptation (noun), ushawishi.
temptation to do evil (noun), ubilisi (14).
tempter (noun), mbembe, pl wabembelezi.
tempter (noun), mbembelezi, pl wabembelezi.
tempter (noun), mbembezi, pl wabembezi.
tempter (noun), mpevushi, pl wapevushi.
tempter (noun), pl temptors, mshawishi (1/2), pl washawishi.
ten (adjective), pl plural of the number as a noun?, ashara.
ten (adjective), kumi, pl makumi.
ten (noun), kumi.
ten-cent piece (noun), kikumi (7/8), pl vikumi.
tenacious (adjective), stahimilivu.
tenacity (noun), ushikamano (14).
tenacity (noun), ushupavu.
tenant(of a house, field) (noun), mpangaji (1/2), pl wapangaji.
tenant(of a house, field) (noun), mpanga (1/2), pl wapanga.
tend (verb), -chunga.
tend (verb), -lea.
tend (verb), -tunza.
tend cattle (verb), -shunga ng'ombe.
tend to (verb), -pedelea.
tend to (verb), -elekea.
have a tendency to (verb), -taka.
instinctive tendency (phrase), mwelekeo wa silika.
tendency (noun), elekeo (5/6), pl maelekeo.
tendency (noun), maelekeo, pl maelekeo.
tendency (noun), maenezo, pl maenezo.
tendency (noun), mwelekeo (3/4), pl mielekeo.
tender (adjective), -ororo.
tender (adjective), tefu. They like to eat tender meat.. Wanapenda kula
nyama tefu..
tender (adjective), teketeke.
tenderness (noun), wororo (14).
tending (noun), uchungaji.
tending (noun), utunzaji.
tending (noun), utunzi.
tendon (noun), gano.
tendon (noun), kano (9/10), pl kano.
tendon (noun), mkano (3/4), pl mikano.
tendon (noun), mshipa, pl mishipa.
tendon (noun), ukano (3/4).
tendon (noun), ukano (11/10), pl kano.
tendril (of plants) (noun), ukono (11/10), pl kono.
tenet (noun), madhehebu, pl madhehebu.
tennis (noun), tenisi.
be tense (verb), -pindana.
tenseness (noun), hadhari.
tension (noun), hadhari.
tension (noun), hamkani (9/10), pl hamkani.
tension (noun), kiambo, pl viambo.
tension (noun), kiwamba, pl viwamba.
tension (noun), kiwambo, pl viwambo.
tension (noun), mambo.
tension (noun), mbano (3/4), pl mibano.
tension (noun), ukalifu.
tension (noun), uwambo, pl mambo.
pitch a tent (verb), -piga hema.
tent (noun), hema (5/6), pl hema.
tentacle (of a cattle-fish, etc.) (noun), mnyiri, pl minyiri.
one tenth (noun), -a kumi.
tenth (noun), pl tenths, sehemu ya kumi (9/10), pl sehemu za kumi.
be tepid (verb), -vuvuwaa.
tepid (adjective), fufutende.
tepid (adverb), -vuguvugu.
tepidity (noun), uvuguvugu.
long term (phrase), muda mrefu.
political term (noun), pl political terms, istilahi ya siasa (9/10), pl
istilahi za siasa.
short term (phrase), muda mfupi.
term (noun), kipindi (7/8), pl vipindi.
term (noun), mpaka, pl mipaka.
term (noun), muda. ask for extra time.. taka muda.
term (noun), pl terms, muhula (3/4), pl mihula.
terminate (verb), -ondoa. terminate the burial ceremony.. ondoa
terminate (verb), -tilifu.
termination (noun), hatima.
termination (noun), kikomo, pl vikomo.
termination (noun), kilembwa, pl vilembwa.
termination (noun), uachishaji (14), pl uachishaji.
termination (noun), uachishwaji (14), pl uachishwaji.
termination (noun), ukomeshaji.
termination (noun), ukomo.
termite (noun), mchwa (3/4), pl michwa.
termite hill (noun), kichuguu, pl vichuguu.
termite hill (noun), kidurusi, pl vidurusi.
termite-heap (noun), chuguu.
be on good terms (verb), -kubaliana (reciprocal).
come to terms (verb), -selehi.
come to terms (verb), -suluhi.
come to terms (verb), -suluhu.
make terms with each other (verb), -shurutiana. the elders made terms
with each other that each one go his/her ways. Wazee walishurutiana kila
moja aende zake.
person with whom one is not on speaking terms (noun), hasimu, pl
terms (noun), mapatano (6).
terms (noun), sharti (5/6), pl masharti. by (in) the terms. kwa
terms (noun), sherti (5/6), pl masherti.
terms (noun), shurti (5/6), pl mashurti.
terms (noun), shuruti (5/6), pl mashuruti.
terms of hiring (noun), upangaji.
terms of leasing (noun), upangaji.
terms of renting (noun), upangaji.
tern (noun), shakwe, pl mashakwe.
terrace (noun), mtaro, pl mitaro.
terrace (in agriculture) (noun), daraja, pl madaraja.
terrific (adjective), -a ndovu kumla mwanawe.
you are terrific (verb), unaua (conjugated).
be terrified (verb), -fadhaika.
be terrified (verb), -ogopa.
terrify (verb), -ogofisha.
terrify (verb), -ogofya.
terrify (verb), -sisimsha (causative).
terrify (verb), -sisimusha (causative).
something terrifying (noun), kiroja, pl viroja.
something terrifying (noun), wogofya, pl mawogofya, nyogofya.
terrifying (thing) (noun), kioja (7/8), pl vioja.
terrifying event (noun), kituko (7/8), pl vituko.
terrifying thing (noun), tisho (5/6), pl matisho.
inhabited territory (noun), jimbo, pl majimbo.
territory (noun), bara.
be seized by terror (verb), -shikwa na hofu.
terror (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
terror (noun), cheleo, pl macheleo.
terror (noun), hofu.
terror (noun), kikuli.
terror (noun), maafa (6).
terror (noun), tisho, pl matisho.
terse (adjective), fupi.
terseness (noun), ufupi.
put to the test (verb), -dara.
sampletest2 (prefix), sampletest2. this is not a valid dictionary entry.
test (noun), buruhahi.
test (noun), jaribio, pl majaribio.
test (noun), jaribu (5/6), pl majaribu.
test (noun), kiapo, pl viapo.
test (noun), pl tests, mtihani (3/4), pl mitihani.
test (noun), onji (5/6), pl maonji.
test (noun), onjo (5/6), pl maonjo.
test (verb), -angalia.
test (verb), -jaribu.
test (verb), -onja.
test (verb), -pima.
test (verb), -tazama.
testament (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
testament (noun), shahada (9/10), pl shahada.
be tested (verb), -jaribiwa.
tested (adjective), jarabati.
testicle (noun), koko, pl makoko.
testicle (noun), kokwa, pl kokwa.
testicle (noun), pumbo (5/6), pl mapumbo. big testicle. pumbo kubwa.
testicle (noun), pumbu (5/6), pl mapumbu. big testcile. pumbu kubwa.
testicle (noun), tamboa (5/6), pl matamboa.
testicles (noun), hasua.
testicles (noun), kende, pl makende.
testicles (noun), koko (5/6), pl makoko.
testicles (noun), korodani.
testicles (noun), mapumbu (6).
testicles (noun), makoza.
testimonial (noun), barua.
testimonial (noun), cheti, pl vyeti.
testimonial (noun), shuhuda (5/6), pl mashuhuda.
give testimony (verb), -shuhudia.
testimony (noun), hakikisho (5/6), pl mahakikisho.
testimony (noun), shahada (9/10), pl shahada.
testimony (noun), stashahada (9/10), pl stashahada.
testimony (noun), udhahiri.
testimony (noun), udhahirifu.
testimony (noun), udhihirifu.
testimony (noun), ushahidi (14).
testimony (noun), ushuhuda.
testing (noun), uonjaji.
one who tests (noun), mtahini, pl watahini.
person who tests something (noun), mjaribu, pl wajaribu. av. test
pilot.. mjaribu wa ndege.
tetanus (noun), pepo punda (9).
tetanus (noun), pepopunda (9).
text (noun), andiko (5/6), pl maandiko.
text (noun), katiba.
textbook (noun), mwongozo, pl miongozo.
textiles (noun), utambaa, pl tambaa.
texture (noun), mfumo (3/4), pl mifumo.
greater than (adjective), kuliko.
more than (adverb), kuliko.
than (in comparison) (conjunction), kupita.
than (in comparisons) (conjunction), kama.
than (in comparisons) (conjunction), kuliko.
be thanked (verb), -shukuriwa.
thank (verb), -shukuru. we thanked him/her for his/her goodness.
tulimshukuru kwa wema wake [Rec].
thank you (in response to salutation 'Shikamoo') (interjection),
thank you (noun), aye, pl ayari.
thank you (phrase), ahsante.
thank you (phrase), aksante.
thank you (phrase), asante.
thanks (noun), pl part of speech?, ahsante (10). Thank you very much;
give thanks, say thanks. ~ sana; '-toa ~, '-sema ~.
thanks (noun), aksante (10). give thanks. toa aksante.
thanks (noun), shukrani (9/10), pl shukrani.
thanks (noun), ushukuru.
thanks (verb), pl part of speech?, asante. Thank you very much; give
thanks, say thanks. ~ sana; '-toa ~, '-sema ~.
thanks to (conjunction), kwa ajili ya.
thanks to God (interjection), Mungubariki.
in that (pronoun), mle.
in that way (adverb), vilevile.
in that way (adverb), vile.
it is that way (interjection), ndivyo.
so that (conjunction), ya kuwa.
that (adverb), kule.
that (conjunction), kama.
that (conjunction), kuwa.
that (conjunction), kwamba.
that (conjunction), yakuwa.
that (noun), yale.
that (pronoun), amba-. Is this the book that you've read?. Hiki ni
kitabu ambacho umekisoma?.
that (pronoun), pl those, hicho, pl hivyo.
that (pronoun), ile.
that (pronoun), kile.
that (pronoun), le.
that (pronoun), pl those, lile, pl yale.
that (pronoun), ule.
that (pronoun), pl those, yule, pl wale.
that (already mentioned) (adjective), hapo.
that (alternative third person singular subject prefix) (prefix), yu.
that (previously mentioned) (pronoun), hiyo.
that is (to say) (conjunction), yaani.
that is (to say) (conjunction), yani.
That is it! (phrase), ndilo.
that is to say (abbreviation), m.y..
that one (adjective), yule.
that one (pronoun), pl those ones, huyo, pl hao.
that one (pronoun), ile, pl zile.
that is to say (interjection), maanake.
blade of coarse grass used for thatching (noun), unyasi (11/10), pl
material for roof covering (noun), ezeko, pl maezeko.
remove thatch (verb), -vimbua.
thatch (verb), -ezeka.
thatch (a house) (verb), -vimba.
be thatched (verb), -ezekwa.
thatcher (noun), mwezekaji, pl weezekaji.
thatching (of a house) (noun), uvimbizi.
thatching a roof (act of) (noun), mwezeko, pl miezeko.
movie theater (noun), sinema (9/10), pl sinema.
theft (noun), uizi.
theft (noun), uwivi.
theft (noun), uwizi.
theft (noun), wivi (14).
theft (noun), wizi (14).
their (adjective), -ao. their country, their countries. nchi yao, nchi
their (adjective), wake.
their (pronoun), -ao. their country, their countries. nchi yao, nchi
their (pronoun), mwenu.
their (pronoun), wao.
their (class 7) (pronoun), chao. their countries.. nchi chao.
their place (prefix), kwao.
to their (side or place) (pronoun), kwao.
theirs (adjective), vyake.
theirs (adjective), vyao.
theirs (adjective), yao.
theirs (adjective), zake.
theirs (adjective), zao.
theirs (pronoun), mwao.
theirs (pronoun), wao.
theirs (class 7) (pronoun), chao. their countries.. nchi chao.
them (pronoun), wao.
to them (pronoun), kwao.
theme (noun), insha.
themselves (adjective), zenyewe.
and then (adverb), ndipo.
and then (conjunction), alimradhi.
and then (conjunction), alimradi.
and then (conjunction), almuradi.
and then (conjunction), bas.
and then (conjunction), basi.
and then (conjunction), bassi.
and then (conjunction), mradi.
and then (infix), ka.
and then ... (conjunction), halafu.
it is then (conjunction), ndipo. He first locked the door and then he
went his way.. aliufunga mlango ndipo akaenda zake..
just then (adverb), ndipo.
just then (adverb), pale pale.
so then (conjunction), haddi.
then (adjective), pale.
then (adverb), alhasil. and so forth. na ~.
then (adverb), alhasir. and so forth. na ~.
then (adverb), baadaye.
then (adverb), babale.
then (adverb), basi.
then (adverb), hapo.
then (adverb), hatima.
then (adverb), kiisha.
then (adverb), kisha.
then (adverb), kwisha.
then (adverb), sawia. and then (s)he arrived. naye akafika sawia.
then (adverb), tena.
then (adverb), thama.
then (conjunction), aidha.
then (conjunction), alafu.
then (conjunction), almuradi.
then (conjunction), baadaye.
then (conjunction), waaidha.
then (conjunction), waama.
then and there (adverb), papo hapo.
theology (noun), pl theologies, tauhidi (9/10), pl tauhudi.
theoretical (noun), maandishi, pl maandishi.
theory (noun), fikira.
theory (noun), kanuni.
theory (noun), nadharia (9/10), pl nadharia.
theory (in gen.) (noun), maandishi, pl maandishi.
he is there (noun), kiko.
he is there (verb), yuko.
he is there (verb), yupo.
in there (pronoun), humo, pl humo.
In there is where it is! (interjection), ndimo.
is there (pronoun), -ko.
it is there (conjunction), ndipo. He first locked the door and then he
went his way.. aliufunga mlango ndipo akaenda zake..
it is there (noun), kiko.
it is there (pronoun), kipo.
it is there (verb), uko (auxiliary).
just there (adverb), pale pale.
right there (adverb), kuku huku.
she is there (noun), kiko.
she is there (verb), yupo.
there (adjective), hapo.
there (adjective), pale. "in that very place, in the same place"..
there (adverb), hapo.
there (adverb), huko.
there (adverb), kuko.
there (adverb), kule.
there (at a distance) (adverb), kule.
there (place referred to) (pronoun), huko, pl huko.
they are there (adjective), viko.
they are there (adjective), vipo.
they are there (adjective), wapo.
they are there (verb), wako.
they are there (verb), yapo.
you are there (verb), uko (auxiliary).
young locust (noun), tunutu.
there is (adjective), pana.
thereafter (adverb), baadaye.
thereafter (adverb), kiisha.
thereafter (adverb), kiisha.
thereafter (adverb), kisha.
thereafter (adverb), muda si muda.
thereafter (adverb), punde si punde.
consequently (conjunction), ndiposa.
therefore (adverb), kwa hivyo.
therefore (conjunction), kwa ajili.
therefore (conjunction), alimradhi.
therefore (conjunction), alimradi.
therefore (conjunction), almuradi.
therefore (conjunction), mradi.
therefore (conjunction), ndio sababu.
thereupon (adverb), alhasil.
thereupon (adverb), alhasir.
thereupon (conjunction), aidha.
thereupon (conjunction), almuradi.
thereupon (conjunction), waaidha.
thermos bottle (noun), chupa ya moto (9/10), pl chupa za moto.
thermostat (noun), kisawazisha joto (7/8), pl visawazisha joto.
these (preposition), hivi.
these (pronoun), hawa.
these (pronoun), haya.
these (pronoun), hii.
these (pronoun), hivi.
these (pronoun), hizi.
these (pronoun), hizi.
these (pronoun), hizi.
these (class 8) (adjective), hivi.
these (mentioned) (pronoun), hivyo.
these (people) (pronoun), hawa.
these (vI-class) (adjective), hivi.
these very things (adjective), yaya.
these very things (that we have mentioned) (adjective), yayo.
thesis (noun), pl theses, tasnifu (9/10), pl tasnifu.
and they (conjunction), nao.
they (pronoun), wao.
They are the ones! (interjection), ndio.
they too (conjunction), nao.
as thick as one's finger (verb), -wanda.
become thick (verb), -tungama.
thick (adjective), nene.
thick (adjective), peketevu.
thick (adjective), pekutevu.
thick (adjective), zito.
thick fluid (noun), ute, pl mate.
thicken (verb), -ganda.
thicken (verb), -nenepa (transitive). the sole of my foot is becoming
thick and sturdy. [nyayo] zangu zinanenepa na zinakazana [Abd].
thickening (noun), fundo (5/6), pl mafundo.
thickening (noun), kipingili (7/8), pl vipingili.
thickening (noun), mfundo, pl mifundo.
thickening (noun), mgandisho, pl migandisho.
thickening (noun), mgando, pl migando.
thicket (noun), chaka, pl machaka.
thicket (noun), gugu (5/6), pl magugu.
thicket (noun), kichaka, pl vichaka.
thicket (noun), kituka (7/8), pl vituka.
thicket (noun), koko (5/6), pl makoko. paving stones..
thicket of long grass (noun), vue (5/6), pl mavue.
thickness (noun), maki. thick cloth. nguo ya maki.
thickness (noun), unene (14).
thickness of a finger (about an inch) (noun), wanda (11/10), pl nyanda.
dangerous thief (augmentative form of "mwizi") (noun), jizi (1/2), pl
great thief (noun), mjizi (3/4an), pl mijizi. Many of us are great
thieves.. Wengi wetu ni mijizi [Amana, Masomo 407].
habitual thief (noun), jizi, pl majizi.
thief (noun), gaidi (5/6), pl magaidi.
thief (noun), janja, pl mjanja.
thief (noun), kijivi, pl vijivi.
thief (noun), luja (9/10an), pl luja.
thief (noun), lusu.
thief (noun), mchopozi, pl wachopozi.
thief (noun), mkwepuzi, pl wakwepuzi.
thief (noun), mlungula, pl walungula.
thief (noun), mlungura, pl milungura.
thief (noun), mwibaji, pl waibaji.
thief (noun), mwivi, pl wevi.
thief (noun), mwizi, pl wezi.
thief (noun), pwagu (9/10an), pl pwagu.
thief (noun), pwaguzi (9/10an), pl pwaguzi. a clever thief and a still
more clever one met each other.. pyagu na pyguzi wamekutana.
thief (noun), pyagu (9/10an), pl pyagu. a clever thief and a still more
clever one met each other.. pyagu na pyguzi wamekutana.
thief (noun), pyaguzi (9/10an), pl pyaguzi. a clever thief and a still
more clever one met each other.. pyagu na pyguzi wamekutana.
thief (notorious and habitual) (noun), jivi (5/6), pl majivi.
thieves' Latin (a form of concealed speech in which the final syllables
are put first) (noun), kihunzi, pl vihunzi.
well-known thief (noun), jizi, pl majizi.
thievery (noun), ugaidi.
thievishly (adverb), kijivi, pl vijivi.
thigh (noun), kiweo, pl viweo.
thigh (noun), pembejo (5/6), pl mapembejo.
thigh (noun), unyonga, pl nyonga.
thigh (noun), upaja (11/6), pl mapaja.
thigh (of a human being or an animal) (noun), paja (5/6), pl mapaja.
thigh (of killed animal) (noun), kiga (7/8), pl viga.
old thimble (noun), mtondoo (3/4), pl mitondoo.
thimble (noun), kastabini (9/10), pl kastabini.
thimble (noun), kastabini.
thimble (noun), kustabani (9/10), pl kustabani.
thimble (noun), pl thimbles, subana (9/10), pl subana.
thimble (noun), subano (9/10), pl subano.
thimble (noun), tondoo (5/6), pl matondoo.
thimble (=kastabin) (noun), mtondoo, pl mitondoo.
any thin object (eg sheet metal or cardboard paper) (noun), ubamba, pl
become thin (verb), -finyaa.
become thin (verb), -gofua.
become thin (verb), -konda.
become thin (from disease) (verb), -nyorora.
thin (adjective), -anana.
thin (adjective), -embamba.
thin (adjective), gofu.
thin (adjective), lainifu.
thin (adjective), leini.
thin (adjective), ndururu.
thin (noun), chachi. tissue paper. karatasi ya chachi.
thin (verb), -chujua.
thin (person) (noun), mwembamba (1/2), pl wembamba.
thing (noun), jambo (5/6), pl mambo.
thing (noun), kitu (7/8), pl vitu.
thing (noun), yambo (5/6), pl mambo.
thingumbob (noun), dude, pl madude. what kind of a thing is that?. dude
gani hili?.
get someone to think about something (verb), -wazisha.
make one think (verb), -fikirisha.
think (verb), pl should derivative forms be '-aza, too?, -aza.
think (verb), -dhamira.
think (verb), -dhamiri.
think (verb), -dhani.
think (verb), -dhukuru.
think (verb), -fikiri.
think (verb), -nuia.
think (verb), -ona. I think you will be amazed.. naona utaona ajabu.
think (verb), -pima.
think (verb), -taamali.
think (verb), -tafakari.
think (verb), -waza.
think about (verb), -dhamiria. Since then you've thought about marrying
another woman.. Tangu hapo umeishadhamiria kuoa mke mwengine [Chacha,
Masomo 382].
think about (verb), -dhania (applicative).
think about (verb), -fikiria.
think about something (verb), -wazia.
think and think over (phrase), kuwaza na kuwazua.
think little of (verb), -beza.
think over carefully (verb), -wazisha.
think up something (verb), -zulisha.
think up something (verb), -zusha.
thinness (noun), wembamba.
a third (noun), theluthi.
a third (noun), thuluthi.
third (adjective), -a tatu.
third (noun), thuluthi (9/10), pl thuluthi.
give the third degree (verb), -susuika.
thirst (noun), kiu (9/10), pl kiu.
be thirsty (verb), -wa na kiu.
feel thirsty (verb), -ona kiu.
thirteen (adjective), kumi na tatu.
thirteen (noun), kumi na tatu.
thirteen (noun), thelathashara.
thirty (adjective), thelathini.
in this (pronoun), humu.
in this place (adverb), humu.
in this very way (adverb), vivi.
in this way (adverb), hivi.
in this way (adverb), hiyo.
It is in this way (interjection), ndivyo. If that is the way it is..
kama ndivyo.
this (pronoun), hii.
this (pronoun), hiki.
this (pronoun), pl these, hili, pl haya.
this (pronoun), hili.
this (pronoun), hiyo.
this (pronoun), huku.
this (pronoun), humu.
this (pronoun), huu, pl hii.
this (pronoun), huu.
this (pronoun), huyu.
this (person) (pronoun), pl those (people), huyu, pl hawa.
this (poetic for huu) (pronoun), huno.
this (previously mentioned) (pronoun), huko.
this (previously mentioned) (pronoun), huo.
this (previously mentioned) (pronoun), huyo.
this way (adjective), hivi.
in this way (adverb), alhasil.
in this way (adverb), alhasir.
thole (noun), kileti, pl vileti.
thong (noun), ukanda (11/10), pl kanda.
thong (of a whip, etc.) (noun), upote (11/10), pl pote.
kind of thorn tree, Ximenia americana (noun), mpingi, pl mipingi.
thorn (noun), mwiba (3/4), pl miiba.
go into thoroughly (verb), -jasisi.
thoroughly (adverb), kinaganaga.
thoroughly (adverb), upana.
thoroughly (adverb), upeo, pl peo.
those (adjective), zile.
those (noun), vile.
those (noun), yale.
those (pronoun), ile.
those (pronoun), le.
those (pronoun), wale.
those (mentioned) (pronoun), hivyo.
those (previously mentioned) (pronoun), hiyo.
those (vI-class) (preposition), hivyo.
those ones (pronoun), hao.
as though (conjunction), kana kwamba.
even though (conjunction), ijapokuwa.
even though (conjunction), ingawaje.
be deep in thought (verb), -vuta fikira.
deep thought (noun), luja (9/10), pl luja.
deep thought (noun), luja.
thought (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
thought (noun), dhamira.
thought (noun), dhamiri.
thought (noun), dhana.
thought (noun), fikara.
thought (noun), fikira (9/10), pl fikira.
thought (noun), fikra.
thought (noun), kumbuko, pl makumbuko.
thought (noun), maono.
thought (noun), nia (9/10), pl nia.
thought (noun), pl thoughts, ono (5/6), pl maono.
thought (noun), pl thoughts, taamuli (9/10), pl taamuli.
thought (noun), wazo (11/6), pl mawazo.
be thoughtful (verb), -tandawaa.
thoughtful (adjective), -zingativu.
thoughtful person (noun), mwaza, pl waaza.
thoughtful person (noun), mwazaji, pl waazaji.
thoughtful person (noun), mwazi, pl waazi.
thoughtful person (noun), mzingatifu, pl wazingatifu.
thoughtful person (noun), mzingativu, pl wazingativu.
be thoughtless (verb), -pumbaa. do one's work thoughtlessly.. pumba
thoughtlessness (noun), mapuuza (6).
thoughtlessness (noun), mghafala, pl mighafala.
thoughtlessness (noun), upumbavu.
innermost thoughts (noun), batini.
hundred thousand (noun), laki.
hundred thousand (noun), lakki.
one hundred thousand (noun), laki (9/10), pl laki.
thousand (adjective), alaf.
thousand (adjective), alafu.
thousand (adjective), pl Plural?, alfu.
thousand (noun), elafu.
thousand (noun), elfu (5/6), pl maelfu. great number. elfu elfu.
thousands (only in tales). (noun), kikwi.
thrash (verb), -ezeka.
thread (noun), toli.
thread (noun), uzi (11/10), pl nyuzi.
thread used for fastening (noun), shimbiko (5/6), pl mashimbiko.
twined thread (noun), kassi.
threads (noun), nyuzinyuzi (9/10), pl nyuzinyuzi. synthetic threads..
nyuzi zibuniwazo na watu.
threads (phrase), nyuzi. synthetic threads.. nyuzi zibuniwazo na watu.
threat (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
threat (noun), kamio (5/6), pl makamio.
threat (noun), kamio, pl makamio.
threat (noun), kemeo, pl makemeo.
threat (noun), magengo.
threat (noun), mwogofyo, pl miogofyo.
threat (noun), ogofyo (5/6), pl maogofyo.
threat (noun), tisho (5/6), pl matisho.
threat (noun), wogofya, pl mawogofya, nyogofya.
threaten (verb), -kamia.
threaten (verb), -lungula.
threaten (verb), -rungula.
threaten (verb), -ogofisha.
threaten (verb), -ogofya.
threaten (verb), -rungula.
threaten (verb), -tisha.
threaten (verb), -tishia.
be threatened (verb), -tishwa.
threatening (adjective), -a kutisha.
threatening (noun), ukamio.
three (noun), tatu.
three (noun), thelatha.
thresh (grain) (noun), kafua.
thresh (grain) (verb), -pua.
thresh (grain) (verb), -pura.
thresh (grain) (verb), -purura.
threshing (noun), upuraji.
threshing-floor (noun), uga, pl nyuga.
threshold (noun), kingo.
threshold (noun), kipago, pl vipfago.
threshold (noun), kizingiti (7/8), pl vizingiti.
threshold (noun), kizingiti, pl vizingiti.
threshold (noun), kizumba (7/8), pl vizumba.
thrift (noun), chekecheke.
thrift (noun), iktisadi.
thrift (noun), limbiko, pl milimbiko.
thrift (noun), malimbiko.
thrift (noun), mlimbiko, pl milimbiko.
thrift (noun), uwekevu.
thrift(iness) (adjective), wekevu.
thriftiness (noun), ukabidhu.
thriftness (noun), uwekevu.
thrifty (adjective), kabidhi.
thrifty (adjective), takabadhi.
thrifty (adjective), -wekevu.
be thrilled (verb), -sangaa.
be thrilled (verb), -shangaa.
thriller (noun), riwaya ya ujambazi (9/10), pl riwaya za ujambazi.
thrilling excitement (noun), msangao (3/4), pl misangao.
thrilling excitement (noun), mshangao (3/4), pl mishangao.
start to thrive (verb), -inukia.
thrive (verb), -bariki.
thrive (verb), -nawiri.
thrive (verb), -sitawi. The trees are thriving in the forest. miti
imesitawi mwituni.
thrive (verb), -stakimu.
thrive (of children or plants) (verb), -vuvumka.
have a dry throat (verb), -pwea. His/her throat dried because of his/her
speaking a lot. Koo ilimpwea kwa kusema sana.
swelling in throat (noun), kororo (5/6), pl makororo.
swelling of the throat (noun), halula.
throat (noun), kidaka, pl vidaka.
throat (noun), kinywa, pl vinywa.
throat (noun), koo (9/10), pl makoo. "gutter, eaves, rain-spout"..
Matata alisafisha koo [Muk].
throat (noun), mio (5/6), pl mamio.
throat (noun), roho (9/10), pl roho. the toothbrush was pressed(down)
the throat. msuaki ulishindiliwa rohoni [Ya].
throat (noun), umio, pl mio.
throat infection (noun), kimio (7/8), pl vimio.
throb (noun), pl throbs, papo (5/6), pl mapapo.
throb (verb), -puma. the leg throb with pain. Mguu ulipuma kwa maumivu.
throb (verb), -pwita. Shamelessnes throbs his/her mouth. upujufu
unampwita midomoni [Moh].
throb (verb), -tutusika (potential).
throb (of heart or pulse) (verb), -papa.
throbbing (noun), fukuto (5/6), pl mafukuto.
throbbing (noun), mpapatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
throbbing (noun), papatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
throbbing (noun), papatiko (5/6), pl mapapatiko.
throng (noun), mkusanyiko (3/4), pl mikusanyiko.
throng (noun), msongo, pl misongo.
throng (verb), -songa.
throttle (verb), -kaba.
throttle (verb), -kaba koo.
throttle (verb), -nyonga.
throttle (verb), -songa.
be throttled (verb), -kabwa.
break through (verb), -tomoa.
make one's way through (verb), -penya. make one's through the forest..
penya mwituni.
throughout (adverb), koro.
throw (noun), pl throws, rusho (5/6), pl marusho.
throw (verb), -gea.
throw (verb), -rusha. the child threw the book over the table. Mtoto
alirusha kitabu juu ya meza.
throw (verb), -tupa.
throw (away) (verb), -vurumiza.
throw (it) in someone's face (verb), -simanga.
throw a javelin (verb), -tupa mkuki, pl tupa mikuki.
throw at (verb), -tupia.
throw at (verb), -vurumishia (applicative).
throw away (rare) (verb), -furumiza.
throw down (verb), -angua.
throw down (verb), -bwaga.
throw down violently (verb), -bwata.
throw into confusion (verb), -titimua.
throw off (verb), -bwaga.
throw off (verb), -rusha.
throw off cares (verb), bwaga moyo.
throw oneself down (verb), -jipweteka (reflexive).
throw up (verb), -kokomoa.
throwing away (act of) (noun), tawanyiko, pl matawanyiko.
throw away (verb), -poteza. He threw away money. Alipoteza pesa.
throw away (verb), -tawanya.
throw off (verb), -kupua.
thowing away (act of) (noun), mtupio, pl mitupio. discarded clothing..
vazi la mtupio.
throwing (act of) (noun), mtupo, pl mitupo.
throwing away (act of) (noun), rusho (5/6), pl marusho.
be thrown at (verb), -tupiwa.
be thrown down or away carelessly (verb), -tupika.
be thrust (verb), -sukumwa. Nunga was woken up early and thrust into the
car. Nunga aliamshwa mapema na kusukumwa ndani ya gari [Ng].
thrust (noun), kikumbo (7/8), pl vikumbo.
thrust (noun), kipigo, pl vipigo.
thrust (noun), kumbo (9/10), pl kumbo.
thrust (noun), mfululizo (3/4), pl mifululizo.
thrust (in) (verb), -toma.
thrust along (verb), -sukumiza.
thrust into (verb), -tumbukiza ( appl-caus-intr).
thrust oneself in (verb), -jitoma (reflexive).
thug (noun), nduli (9/10an).
strip off with the thumb (verb), -pura.
strip off with the thumb (verb), -purura.
thumb (noun), kidole gumba (7/8), pl vidole gumba.
roll (thunder) (verb), -vuma.
thunder (noun), pl thunder claps, radi (9/10), pl radi. the short one
was hit by trembling thunder. mfupi kapigwa radi la mbabaiko [Ma].
thunder (verb), -nguruma.
thunder (verb), -piga radi.
thunderclap (noun), pl thunder claps, radi (9/10), pl radi. the short
one was hiby trembling thunderclap. mfupi kapigwa radi la mbabaiko [Ma].
thundering (noun), kingurumo, pl vingurumo.
thundering (noun), ngurumo (9/10), pl ngurumo.
thundering (noun), rindimo (5/6), pl marindimo.
Maundy Thursday (noun), pl Def. elaboration?, Alhamisi kuu.
Thursday (noun), Alhamisi (9/10), pl alhamisi.
thus (adverb), alhasil.
thus (adverb), alhasir.
thus (adverb), hivi.
thus (adverb), vilevile.
thus (adverb), vile.
thus (pronoun), ndivyo.
be thwarted (verb), -komeshwa ( caus-pass).
be thwarted (verb), -pingwa.
thwart (verb), -pinga. thwart someone's plans.. pinga nia ya fulani.
thwart each other (verb), -pingana.
thymus (noun), kongosho (9/10), pl kongosho.
tibia (noun), muundi, pl miundi.
tick (noun), papasi (5/6an), pl mapapasi. spirillum tick fever.. homa
ya papasi.
tick (of cattle or dogs) (noun), kupe (9/10), pl kupe.
ticket (noun), ankra, pl ankra.
ticket (noun), cheti, pl vyeti.
ticket (noun), tikiti (9/10), pl tikiti.
ticket (noun), tikiti.
ticket (noun), tikti.
tickle (verb), -nyea.
tickle (verb), -tekenya.
tickling (noun), kinyevu.
tickling (noun), mnyeo (3/4), pl minyeo.
tickling (noun), unyenyefu (14).
tickling (noun), unyeo.
tidal flats (noun), wangwa.
neap tide (noun), maji mafu.
neap tide (noun), mbande.
spring-tide (noun), bamvua, pl bamvua.
tide (noun), mawimbi (6).
be clean and tidy (verb), -kwatuka.
make oneself tidy (verb), -jikwatua (reflexive).
tidy (adjective), maridadi.
tidy (adjective), nadhifu. The bedroom also was not tidy.. Chumba cha
kulala pia hakikuwa nadhifu [Ganzel Masomo 174].
tidy person (noun), malidadi (6).
tidy person (noun), mmalidadi (6).
tie (noun), mfungo, pl mifungo.
tie (noun), mfungo (3/4), pl mifungo.
tie (noun), isilahi.
tie (noun), sare (9/10), pl sare.
tie (noun), suluhu (9/10), pl suluhu.
tie (noun), tai (9/10), pl tai. a tie in the chest, boots in the legs,
and books in the hands. tai kifuani, kiatu cha kugonga mguuni, vitabu
mkononi [Sul].
tie (noun), usawa.
tie (verb), -boba.
tie (verb), -funga.
tie (verb), -shimbika.
tie (railway) (noun), taruma (5/6), pl mataruma.
tie a knot (verb), -fundika.
tie in a bow (verb), -shaliki.
tie in a knot (verb), -funda.
tie together (verb), -fungasha.
tie together (verb), -tunga.
tie up (verb), -fundika.
be tied together (verb), -tungika.
tier (noun), rusu (9/10), pl rusu.
be tight (verb), -saki. hunger is tight. njaa inasaki.
be tight-fitting (verb), -bana.
fit tightly (verb), -saki.
draw tight (verb), -fundika.
tighten (verb), -kaza.
tighten (verb), -kaza.
tighten (verb), -shikisha.
tighten (verb), -shikiza.
tightener (noun), kikaza (7/8), pl vikaza.
tightening (act of) (noun), kikazo (7/8), pl 'vikazo.
tightly (adverb), kikiki.
tightly (adverb), kisaki.
earthenware tile (noun), kigae (7/8), pl vigae.
tile (noun), kigae (7/8), pl vigae. the house is roofed with tiles.
nyumba iliezekwa kwa vigae [Sul].
tile (noun), tofali (5/6), pl matofali.
tillage (noun), mlimo (3/4), pl milimo.
tiller (noun), kana, pl (-), makana.
tiller (noun), mkombo, pl mikombo.
tiller rope (noun), ujari, pl njari, minjari.
tilt (verb), -inamisha.
imported timber (noun), msonobari, pl misunobari.
imported timber (noun), msunobari, pl misunobari.
timber (noun), mbao (9/10), pl mbao.
timber (noun), ubao.
timber (noun), ubau.
(established) time (for something) (noun), wakaa.
(established) time (for something). (noun), wasaa.
at that time (adverb), sawia. and (s)he arrived at that time. naye
akafika sawia.
at that very time (adjective), papo. at that very time. papo hapo.
at the same time (adjective), pamoja.
at this very time (adjective), papa. at this very time. papa hapa.
at this very time (adverb), papa hapa.
at what time? (pronoun), lini.
be high time to (verb), -wadi.
be in good time for (verb), -wahi.
be in time (verb), -wadia.
be in time (for something) (verb), -tadaraki.
be in time to (verb), -diriki.
be on time (verb), -wahi.
for the time being (adverb), kipindi, pl vipindi.
free time (noun), wasaa.
from time to time (phrase), mara kwa mara.
in no time (phrase), muda si muda.
in the mean time (conjunction), katika kipindi hicho.
pass time (verb), -pitisha wakati (causative).
period of time (noun), nafasi.
set time (noun), kipindi, pl vipindi. lower arm..
single time (noun), wakaa (11/10), pl nyakaa.
sport time (noun), kipindi, pl vipindi.
take a long time (in agreeing on a price when making a purchase) (verb),
that time (adverb), mara ile.
this time (adverb), mara hii.
this time (adverb), mara ile.
time (noun), defa.
time (noun), majira (6).
time (noun), mara (9/10), pl mara.
time (noun), mara.
time (noun), nafasi, pl nafasi.
time (noun), saa (9/10), pl saa. half an hour.. nusu saa.
time (noun), safari (9/10), pl safari. The previous time. safari
time (noun), taimu (9/10), pl taimu.
time (noun), umri.
time (noun), wakaa (11/10), pl nyakaa.
time (noun), wasaa (11).
time (division or interval of) (noun), pindi (5/6), pl mapindi. the
times (=divisions) of the day.. pindi za mchana.
time (in gen.) (noun), wakati.
time (long ago) (noun), zama (9).
time (point of) (noun), majira. clock-time. majira ya saa.
time has come (noun), wakati umewadia (11/10), pl nyakati zimewadia.
time is up (phrase), saa tayari.
time limit (noun), mpaka, pl mipaka. "the latest date, deadline"..
mpaka wa mwisho.
time of coming away from mosque after prayers (noun), mshuko (3/4), pl
time of life (noun), hirimu.
time of life (noun), herimu.
time of life (noun), umri (11).
times of the day (noun), pindi za mchana (11).
what time is it? (pronoun), saa ngapi?.
our times (noun), zamani zetu.
pol. timeserver (noun), mkereza, pl wakereza.
timetable (noun), pl timetables, ratiba (9/10), pl ratiba.
be timid (verb), -angema.
be timid (verb), -kai.
be timid (verb), -tisha.
timid (adjective), oga.
timid person (noun), chachili, pl machachili.
timid person (noun), mchea, pl wachea.
timid person (noun), mcheaji, pl wachea.
timid person (noun), mwoga, pl waoga.
timidity (noun), haya.
timidity (noun), kicho, pl vicho.
timidity (noun), soni (9/10), pl soni.
timidity (noun), tahayari (9).
timidity (noun), uoga.
timidity (noun), woga.
be timorous (verb), -angema.
be timorous (verb), -tisha.
timorous (adjective), oga.
timorous person (noun), mchea, pl wachea.
timorous person (noun), mcheaji, pl wachea.
timorous person (noun), mwoga, pl waoga.
tin (noun), bati, pl mabati. coat or line with tin. tia bati.
tin (noun), debe, pl madebe.
tin (noun), mdumu, pl midumu.
tin (noun), mkebe (3/4), pl mikebe.
tin (container for gasoline etc.) (noun), bamba, pl mabamba.
tin (container) (noun), ubamba, pl mabamba.
tinfoil (noun), jarabosi, pl majaribosi.
tingle (verb), -chacharika.
tingle (verb), -chachatika.
tingle (verb), -chachatika.
tingle with excitement (verb), -sisimka (intransitive).
tingling (noun), pl tingling, msisimko (3/4), pl misisimko.
tingling (from fright or excitement) (=kimbimbi) (noun), msisimko, pl
tinned (of food) (adverb), kibati.
tinsel (noun), puleki (9/10), pl puleki.
tinsel (noun), puluki (9/10), pl puluki.
tinsel (noun), ubamba (11/10), pl bamba.
tinsmith (Indian) (noun), baniani, pl baniani.
tinsmith (Indian) (noun), banyani, pl baniani.
tiny (adjective), -dunya.
tiny (adjective), kadogo.
tiny (adjective), katiti.
tip (noun), bahashishi (9/10), pl bahashishi.
tip (noun), bahkshishi, pl bahkshishi.
tip (noun), bakshishi (9/10), pl bakshishi.
tip (noun), hatia.
tip (noun), kiinua, pl viinua.
tip (noun), kilele, pl vilele.
tip (noun), kilembwa, pl vilembwa.
tip (noun), kinyangalele, pl vinyangalele.
tip (noun), kipeo (7/8), pl vipeo.
tip (noun), kipeo, pl vipeo.
tip (noun), ncha (9/10). tip of a pencil.. ncha ya kalamu.
tip (of a mountain, tower) (noun), kipia, pl vipia.
tip a load off one's shoulder (verb), -bwaga.
tip of a bird's wing or of s single feather (noun), kipapatiko, pl
on tiptoe (adverb), njongwanjongwa.
rise on tiptoe (verb), -chuchumia.
stand on tiptoe (animals) (verb), -chuchumia.
walk on tiptoe (adverb), mzofafa.
make (someone) tired (verb), -chosha (causative).
tire (verb), -udhi.
tire (automobile) (noun), tairi (5/6), pl matairi. to sell automobile
tyres that are in short supply. kuuza matairi ya magari ambayo ni haba
tire each other (verb), -choshana.
tire out (verb), -chokesha.
tire out (verb), -chokeza.
tire out (verb), -chosha.
tiring (adjective), -chovu.
be tired of (verb), -choshwa.
be tired of something (verb), -choka. be tired of a trip [job]. choka
safari [kazi].
tired (adjective), dakalika.
tired (adjective), taabani.
tiredness (noun), kinyong'onyo (7/8), pl vinyong'onyo.
tiredness (noun), uchovu (14).
tiresome person (noun), mkulivu, pl wakulivu.
tiring (adjective), choshi.
tissue paper (noun), chachi. tissue paper. karatasi ya shashi..
tissue paper (noun), pl tissue papers, karatasi ya shashi (9/10), pl
karatasi za shashi.
tit for tat (noun), magengo.
tithe (given as alms) (noun), zaka (9/10), pl zaka.
tithe (given as alms) (noun), zakati.
jenabu (title of address in Arabic letters) (noun), jenabu.
title (noun), andiko, pl maandiko.
title (noun), cheo, pl vyeo.
title (noun), hadhi.
title applied to the first boy of a group to be circumcised (noun),
kiranja (7/8an), pl viranja.
title used by soldiers and police (noun), afande (9/10), pl afande.
what title one goes by (verb), -itwa.
what title one goes by. (verb), -itwa.
titty (children's speech) (noun), nyonyo (9/10), pl nyonyo. So that
father does not come and see your titty. baba asije akaona nyonyo yako
to (adverb), kwa.
to (conjunction), kwenye.
to (preposition), katika. go to/into a city. ingia katika mji.
to (preposition), fika.
to (preposition), kufika.
to (a person) (preposition), kwa.
toad (noun), chua, pl vyua.
toad (noun), chula.
toad (noun), chura, pl vyura.
toadstool (noun), kiyoga (7/8), pl viyoga.
toadstool (noun), uyoga, pl nyoga.
toadstool (noun), yoga, pl mayoga.
toast (verb), -banika.
toaster (noun), kibaniko, pl vibaniko.
chewing tobacco (noun), mshuku (9/10), pl mshuku.
chewing tobacco (noun), ugolo.
chewing tobacco (noun), ugoro.
green tobacco leaf (noun), mnoga, pl minoga.
hamumi (kind of smoking tobacco) (noun), hamumi.
inferior quality of tobacco (noun), mkaragazo, pl mikaragazo.
tobacco (noun), tumbako (9/10), pl tumbako.
tobacco (noun), tumbaku, pl tumbaku.
tobacco (inferior kind) (noun), mkaragazo (3/4), pl mikaragazo.
tobacco leaf (rolled up for smoking) (noun), biri.
tobacco plant (noun), mtumbako (3/4), pl mitumbako.
tobacco plant (noun), tumbako (3/4), pl mitumbako.
tobacco-case (noun), tabakelo (9/10), pl tabakelo.
today (adverb), leo.
today (pronoun), hizi.
big toe (noun), gumba (9/10), pl gumba.
inflamed fissures between the toes (noun), nyungunyungu (9/10), pl
toe (noun), chanda, pl vyanda. stick together [= be inseparable like
fingers or toes]. Only in prov. chanda na kidole.
toe (noun), kidole, pl vidole.
toenail (noun), udole, pl ndole.
toenail (noun), ukucha (14), pl kucha.
all together (adverb), jumla.
all together (conjunction), kwa ujumla.
be put together (verb), -rakibishwa.
be put together (verb), -rekebishwa.
be put together (verb), -rekibishwa.
bring together (verb), -changa.
bring together (verb), -egeshana.
bring together (verb), -fumba.
bring together (verb), -pambanisha.
bring together (verb), -unganisha.
come together (verb), -kongomana.
come together (verb), -pambana. The teams of this town will come
together tomorrow. timu za miji hii zitapambana kesho.
coming together (noun), tangamano (5/6), pl matangamano.
contradict (verb), -pambanisha.
exhibit (verb), -pambanisha.
go together (verb), -andamana.
go together (in a crowd) (verb), -fuatana.
hold together (verb), -amba.
hold together (verb), -kazana.
move together in the same direction (verb), -ongozana.
put together (verb), -buni.
put together (verb), -jumlisha.
put together (verb), -rakibisha.
put together (verb), -rekibisha.
put together for comparison (verb), -linga.
stick together (verb), -amba.
stick together (verb), pl How can this be intransitive, -ambika.
together (adverb), jamii.
together (adverb), sharika.
together (adverb), shirika.
together with (adjective), pamoja na.
vote against (verb), -pambanisha.
toil (noun), taabu (9/10), pl taabu.
toilet (noun), pl toilets, choo (7/8), pl vyoo.
toilet (noun), pl toilets, kisetiri (7/8), pl visetiri.
toilet (noun), pl toilets, msala (5/6), pl misala. go to the toilet..
enda msalani.
token (noun), dalili (9/10), pl dalili.
and I am told (verb), -kambiwa.
be told (verb), -ambiwa. I was told. nimeambiwa.
be told (verb), -hadithiwa (passive).
be told a story (verb), -simuliwa. to follow a story that is being told.
kufuatilia hadithi inayosimuliwa [Muk].
tolerance (noun), uvumilivu.
tolerance (noun), vumilio, pl mavumilio.
tolerate (verb), -stahamili.
tolerate (verb), -stahimili.
tolerate (verb), -tikiza.
tolerate (verb), -vumilia.
pay toll (verb), -honga.
European tomato (noun), tunguja.
tomato (noun), pl tomatoes, nyanya (9/10), pl nyanya.
tomato (noun), tungule.
tomato plant (Lycopersicum cerasiforme) (noun), mnyanya, pl minyanya.
tomato plant. (=mnyanya) (noun), mtungule, pl mitungule.
tomb (noun), kaburi (5/6), pl makaburi.
tomb (noun), ziara (5/6), pl maziara.
large half-wild tomcat (noun), paka shume (9/10an), pl paka.
tomcat (feral) (noun), duzi, pl maduzi.
day after tomorrow (adverb), kesho kutwa.
tomorrow (adverb), kesho. the election will occur tomorrow. uchaguzi
utatokea kesho.
tomorrow (noun), kesho (9/10), pl kesho. tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you
tomorrow, it's only a day away. kesho, kesho, nakupenda kesho, ni siku
moja baada ya leo.
ton (noun), tani (5/6), pl matani. (s)he has a lot of tons. ana tani
tone (music) (noun), toni (9/10), pl toni.
tongs (noun), koleo (9/10), pl koleo.
tongs (noun), mbano, pl mibano.
tongs (noun), pakari (9/10), pl pakari.
loosen someone's tongue (verb), -payusha.
person with biting tongue (noun), mlimi (1/2), pl walimi.
tongue (noun), lesani.
tongue (noun), lisani.
tongue (noun), ulimi, pl ndimi.
tonic (sexual) (noun), mkuyati (3/4), pl mikuyati.
swelling of the tonsils (noun), makororo.
tonsil (noun), kifuko, pl vifuko.
rel. tonsure (noun), kipara, pl vipara.
be too much (verb), -chachia.
too (adverb), vile.
too much (adverb), mno.
boring tool (noun), kekee (9/10), pl kekee.
part of a tool that fits into the handle (noun), msuka, pl misuka.
potter's tool jar (noun), kiumbo (7/8), pl viumbo.
tool (noun), ala (9/10), pl ala (nyala, maala).
tool (noun), ala (9/10), pl ala (nyala, maala).
tool (noun), chombo, pl vyombo. tools/instruments for working. chombo
cha kufanyia kazi.
tool (noun), kifaa (7/8), pl vifaa.
tool (noun), samani (9/10), pl samani. stone mason's tools. samani za
tool for breaking (hammer, crowbar etc.) (noun), kivunjo, pl vivunjo.
heat treatment plant..
smith's tools (noun), koleo (5/6), pl makoleo.
tools (noun), zana (10).
canine tooth (noun), chonge (9/10), pl chonge.
has a sweet tooth (noun), mlamba, pl walamba.
protruding tooth (noun), pango (5/6), pl mapango. He has a protruding
tooth.. ana pango.
pull a tooth (phrase), -ng'oa jino. pull out the tooth. ng'oa jino.
tooth (noun), jino (5/6), pl meno.
tooth (noun), jino.
toothache (noun), kiseyeye (7/8), pl viseyeye.
rec.toothbrush (noun), msuaki, pl misuaki.
rec.toothbrush (noun), mswaki, pl miswaki.
toothbrush (noun), burashi ya meno (9/10), pl burashi za meno.
toothbrush (African type) (noun), msuwaki (3/4), pl misuwaki.
toothbrush (African type) (noun), mswaki (3/4), pl miswaki.
twig or stick used as a toothbrush (noun), msuaki, pl misuaki.
twig or stick used as a toothbrush (noun), mswaki, pl misuaki.
toothless person (noun), kibogoyo, pl vibogoyo.
something toothlike (noun), jino.
toothpaste (noun), dawa ya meno (9/10), pl dawa za meno.
mountain top (noun), kilele cha mlima.
on top (adverb), kijuujuu, pl vijuujuu.
on top (preposition), juu.
put on top of (verb), -rakibisha.
put on top of (verb), -rekibisha.
put on top of (verb), -tabikisha (causative).
put something on top of something else (verb), -wekelea.
top (adverb), imaima, pl viwimawima.
top (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
top (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
top (noun), gongo (5/6), pl magongo.
top (noun), juu (9/10), pl juu.
top (noun), juu.
top (noun), kichwa, pl vichwa.
top (noun), kifuniko (7/8), pl vifuniko.
top (noun), kikomo (7/8), pl vikomo.
top (noun), kilele (7/8), pl vilele.
top (noun), kinyangalele (7/8), pl vinyangalele.
top (noun), ujuu.
top (noun), upeo (11/10), pl peo.
top (child's toy) (noun), pia (9/10), pl pia.
top (of a mountain or tower) (noun), kipia, pl vipia.
top of a wall (of a house) (noun), kirugu, pl virugu.
top the list (verb), -piga fora.
topi (noun), nyumbu (9/10an), pl nyumbu.
topi (species of) (noun), kongoni.
topi (species of) (noun), kuguni.
be topic of common talk (verb), -vuma.
topic for discussion (noun), pl topics for discussion, shauri (9/10), pl
shauri. what topic for our discussion are you proposing?. Unatoa shauri
gani tulizungumze.
topic of debate (noun), mada (6).
topic of discussion (noun), mada (6), pl mada.
torah (noun), taurati.
Torah (Jewish law) (noun), taurati.
Torah (Jewish law) (noun), torati (9/10), pl torati.
electric torch (noun), kurunzi (9/10), pl kurunzi.
small torch (noun), kibahaluli, pl vibahaluli.
torch (noun), kurunzi (9/10), pl kurunzi.
torch (noun), mwenge, pl mienge [rare kienge, vienge]. fig. sunlight..
mwenge wa jua.
torch (noun), siraji (9/10), pl siraji.
torch (noun), tochi (9/10), pl tochi.
torch (electric) (noun), tochi.
torch (made from the mtata plant) (noun), mtata, pl mitata.
torch (of twisted grass for lighting a pipe) (noun), kibahaluli (7/8), pl
torment (noun), adhabu (9/10), pl adhabu. What mistake was made/that
brought me this endless punishment?. Ni kosa gani lilotendeka/liloniletea
adhabu hii isomalizika? [Alamin Mazrui "Kizuizzini"27].
torment (noun), janga, pl majanga.
torment (noun), kite (7).
torment (noun), masubuko, pl masubuko.
torment (noun), masumbufo, pl masumbufo.
torment (noun), masumbulizi, pl masumbulizi.
torment (noun), masumbuo, pl masumbuo.
torment (noun), umivu, pl maumivu.
torment (noun), umo.
torment (noun), usulubu.
torment (verb), pl Check verb form translations, -adhibisha.
torment (verb), -adhibu.
torment (verb), -kefyakefya.
torment (verb), -kera.
torment (verb), -nyonyoa.
torment (verb), -onza.
torment (verb), -sulibi.
torment (verb), -sulubu.
torment (verb), -sumbua.
torment (verb), -tesa.
torment (verb), -tukusha.
torment oneself (verb), -kalifu.
torment someone (constantly, intentionally) (verb), -sumbusha
tormentor (noun), mtesaji (1/2), pl watesaji.
be torn (verb), -atuka.
be torn (verb), -chanika.
be torn (verb), -raruliwa.
be torn apart (verb), -tatuka.
get torn (verb), -raruka.
tornado (noun), chamchela.
torpedo (noun), topito.
torpor (noun), kiwewe (7/8), pl viwewe.
in torrents (adverb), kupukupu.
torrent (noun), maji ya kimbizi.
torrent (noun), mfo, pl mifo.
torrent (noun), mfoko, pl mifoko.
torrent (noun), mvo, pl mivo.
sea-tortoise (noun), kasa.
sea-tortoise (kind of) (noun), dufi.
tortoise (noun), kobe (5/6), pl makobe.
tortoise-shell (noun), chuma cha ng'amba. tortoise-shell. chuma cha
tortoise-shell (noun), ng'amba (9/10), pl ng'amba.
torture (noun), usulubu.
torture (verb), -sirima.
torture (verb), -sulibi.
torture (verb), -sulubu.
toss (verb), -gaagaa.
toss (verb), -gaga.
toss (verb), -taataa.
toss (verb), -tinga.
toss about (verb), -chacharika.
toss and turn (on a bed) (verb), -furukuta.
toss into the mouth (e.g. nuts or tobacco) (verb), -bwakia.
tossing (noun), masuko (6).
tossing (of a ship) (noun), msuko, pl misuko.
tossing (of a ship) (noun), msukosuko, pl misukosuko.
tossing motion (noun), pl tossing motions, mrama (3/4), pl mirama.
total (adjective), kubwa.
total (noun), idadi (9/10), pl idadi.
total (noun), jumla (9/10), pl jumla.
total (verb), -unga hesabu.
totality (noun), jamii.
totality (noun), ujumla.
totally (adverb), fofofo.
totally (adverb), kabisa.
totally (adverb), kabisa.
totally (adverb), pia.
totally (noun), pia (9/10), pl pia.
totem (noun), tambiko (5/6), pl matambiko.
totter (verb), -kongoja.
totter (verb), -lega.
totter (verb), -legarega.
totter (verb), -regarega.
totter (verb), -pepa.
totter (verb), -pepesuka.
totter (verb), -rega.
tottering (act of) (noun), mtitio, pl mititio.
totter (verb), -rega.
be in constant touch with each other (verb), -pitiana.
be touchable (verb), -gusika.
be touched (verb), -guswa.
close touch (with a person) (noun), mapambano.
touch (verb), -dara.
touch (verb), -gusa.
touch gently (verb), -papasa.
touching (act of) (noun), mguso, pl miguso.
be tough (verb), -kacha.
be tough (verb), -shupaa.
tough (adjective), gumu.
tough (adjective), shupavu.
tough person (noun), mshupavu, pl washupavu.
toughen (verb), shupaza.
toughness (noun), ushupavu (14).
toupee (noun), kishungi, pl vishungi.
make a tour (verb), -tembea.
make a tour of (verb), -zengea.
tour (noun), tembezi, pl matembezi.
tourism (noun), utalii (14), pl utalii.
tourism (noun), utembezi, pl matembezi.
tourist (noun), pl tourists, mtalii (1/2), pl watalii.
tourist (noun), pl tourists, mtanga (1/2), pl watanga.
tourist (noun), pl tourists, mtangatanga (1/2), pl watangatanga.
tourist (noun), pl tourists, mtembezaji (1/2), pl watembezaji.
tourist (noun), pl tourists, mtembezi (1/2), pl watembezi. one who
travels a great deal.. mtembezi sana.
tourniquet (noun), kisongo (7/8), pl visongo.
tout (to attract customers) (verb), -sapa.
tout (to attract customers) (verb), -sapasapa.
take someone in tow (verb), -fungasha.
tow-rope (noun), dakawa, pl dakawa.
be directed toward (verb), -rakibisha.
be directed toward (verb), -rekibisha.
go toward (a place) (verb), -elekea. The Portuguese thought it best to
go to Malindi [Masomo 141]. Wareno waliona bora kuelekea Malindi [Masomo
towards (conjunction), kwenye.
towel (noun), taulo (9/10), pl taulo.
towel dry (verb), -pangusa kwa taulo.
tower (noun), mnara (3/4), pl minara.
big town (noun), jiji, pl majiji.
deserted town (noun), ganjo (5/6), pl maganjo.
town (noun), kaya.
town (noun), mji (3/4), pl miji. capital city. mji mkuu.
townsman (noun), mwanamji, pl wanamji.
child's toy (noun), sesere (9/10), pl sesere.
toy (type of) (noun), kibaramwezi (7/8), pl vibaramwezi.
trace (noun), alama (9/10), pl alama.
trace (noun), dalili. footprint. dalili ya mguu [Rec].
trace (noun), delili.
trace (verb), -fuasa.
trace (verb), -fuatisha.
trace (verb), -fuatiza.
trace (of an animal) (noun), unyao.
trace (of an animal) (noun), unyayo, pl nyayo.
trace left by a scratch or scrape (noun), mpapuro, pl mipapuro.
traces left by flowing or trickling water (noun), mtiririko, pl
have someone or something traced (verb), -nukiza.
have someone or something traced (verb), -nusa. (s)he removes the bottle
and smells out.
traces (of an animal or person) (noun), mkumbi, pl mikumbi.
rare trachea (noun), umio, pl mio.
tracheal catarrh (noun), mkamba.
tracing paper (noun), kinakilo.
the track left when something is dragged through the sand (noun),
mkokoto, pl mikokoto.
track (noun), maburuzo, pl maburuzo.
track (noun), mburuzo, pl miburuzo. track of a snake.. mburuzo wa
track (noun), mbuuzo, pl miburuzo. track of a snake.. mburuzo wa nyoka.
track (noun), mkondo, pl mikondo. the track of the lion.. mkondo wa
track (noun), pl tracks, nyayo (9/10), pl nyayo.
track (noun), utambaazi (11).
track (noun), wayo.
track (left by a snake, etc.) (noun), utambazi.
track (of a snake, etc.) (noun), mkwaruzo, pl mikwaruzo.
track (of an animal or person) (noun), mkumbi, pl mikumbi.
track (of an animal) (noun), unyao.
track (of an animal) (noun), unyayo, pl nyayo.
tractability (noun), usikilivu.
tractability (noun), usikivu.
tractability (noun), usikizi.
tractability (noun), utii.
tractability (noun), utiifu.
tractable person (noun), msikilivu, pl wasikilivu.
tractable person (noun), msikivu, pl wasikivu.
tractable person (noun), mtii, pl watii.
tractable person (noun), mtiifu, pl watiifu.
tractable person (noun), mtiivu, pl watiivu.
tractor (noun), terekta (5/6), pl materekta.
tractor (noun), tingatinga.
tractor (noun), ting'ating'a, pl mating'ating'a.
tractor (noun), trakta, pl matrakta.
tractor (noun), trekta (5/6), pl matrekta.
internal trade (noun), biashara ya ndani (9/10), pl biashara za ndani.
international trade (noun), biashara ya kimataifa (9/10), pl biashara za
trade (noun), biashara (9/10), pl biashara. merchandise. mali ya
trade (noun), ubiashara.
trade (verb), -chuuza.
trade goods (noun), bidhaa (9/10), pl bidhaa.
trademark (noun), chapa.
trademark (noun), rajamu (9/10), pl rajamu.
trader (noun), mchuuzi (1/2), pl wachuuzi.
trader (noun), muuzaji (1/2), pl wauzaji.
trader (noun), mwuza (1/2), pl wauza.
trader (noun), mwuzaji (1/2), pl wauzaji.
tradesman (noun), pl tradesmen, mtenzi (1/2), pl watenzi.
trading (noun), uuzaji (14).
trading center (noun), soko (5/6), pl masoko.
good tradition (noun), sina (9/10), pl sina.
good tradition (noun), sini (9/10), pl sini.
good tradition (noun), suna (9/10), pl suna.
good tradition (noun), suni (9/10), pl suni.
oral tradition (noun), mapokeo simulizi (6).
tradition (noun), desturi (9/10), pl desturi.
tradition (noun), mila (9/10), pl mila.
tradition (noun), pokeo (5/6), pl mapokeo.
tradition (noun), pokezi (5/6), pl mapokezi.
traditional (adverb), -a kiasili.
traditional (noun), asili (9/10), pl asili.
traditional (noun), kienyeji (7/8), pl vienyeji.
traditionally (adverb), kwa kiasili.
illegal traffic (noun), magaamu (6).
illegal traffic (noun), magamu (6).
illegal traffic (noun), propoza (5/6), pl mapropoza. It is okay if you
get illegal traffic to sell shoes from the port. ukipata propoza ya kuuza
viatu vipya toka bandarini sawa [Ma].
trail (noun), utambaazi (11).
trail (left by a snake etc.) (noun), utambazi.
trail (of a snake, etc.) (noun), mkwaruzo, pl mikwaruzo.
trail (of an animal) (noun), liwado, pl maliwado.
trail (of an animal) (noun), liwato, pl maliwato.
freight train (noun), ngongongo (9/10), pl ngongongo.
passenger train (noun), gari la abiria (5/6), pl magari ya abiria.
railroad train (noun), treni.
small train (noun), kiberenge (7/8), pl viberenge.
train (noun), andamano (5/6), pl maandamano.
train (noun), gari la moshi (5/6), pl magari ya moshi.
train (noun), reli (9/10), pl reli. railroad line.. njia ya reli.
train (noun), relwe (9/10), pl reli. train line. njia ya reli.
train (verb), -elemisha.
train (verb), -elimisha.
train (verb), -ongoa.
train (verb), -ongoza. give a good turn to a conversation.. ongoza
train (verb), -zolesha.
train (soldiers) (verb), -amrisha.
train by practice (verb), -zoeza.
train in good manners (verb), -adibisha (causative).
trainee (noun), kurutu.
trainee (noun), tarajali (5/6an), pl matarajali.
rare trainer (noun), mfundishaji, pl wafundishaji.
sport. trainer (noun), meneja.
trainer (noun), kocha (5/6), pl makocha.
training (noun), matayarisho, pl matayarisho.
training (noun), mazoezi, pl mazoezi.
training (noun), mazoezo, pl mazoezo.
training (noun), tabura (9/10), pl tabura.
training (noun), tarjisi.
training (noun), zoea, pl mazoea.
training (noun), zoezi (5/6), pl mazoezi.
training (of animals) (noun), fugo (5/6), pl mafugo.
training of animals (noun), mfugo, pl mifugo.
traitor (noun), haini (5/6), pl mahaini.
traitor (noun), hiana, pl mahiana, mahiyana.
traitor (noun), jasusi (5/6), pl majasusi.
traitor (noun), jasusi (1/2), pl wajasusi.
traitor (noun), mdanganyi, pl wadanganyi.
traitor (noun), mdanganyifu, pl wadanganyi.
traitor (noun), mhuni, pl wahuni.
traitor (noun), mjasusi (1/2), pl wajasusi.
traitor (noun), mjasusu (1/2), pl wajasusu.
traitor (noun), mnaa (1/2), pl wanaa.
traitor (noun), mpenyezi (1/2), pl wapenyezi.
traitor (noun), msalata, pl wasalata.
traitor (noun), msaliti, pl wasaliti.
tramp (noun), bedawi, pl mabedawi.
tramp (noun), bedui, pl mabedui.
tramp (noun), -hamaji (1/2), pl wahamaji.
tramp (noun), jambazi, pl majambazi.
tramp (noun), mhuni, pl wahuni.
trample (verb), -kanyaga.
trample (verb), -vyoga.
trample on (verb), -kanyaga.
trample on (verb), -kanyaga.
trampoline (noun), bao la kuruka.
be in a trance (verb), -ota.
be tranquil (verb), -tulia.
tranquil (adjective), tulivu.
tranquility (noun), salaam (9/10), pl salaam.
tranquility (noun), salama (9).
tranquility (noun), tengemano (5/6), pl matengemano.
tranquility (noun), utengemano, pl matengemano.
tranquilize (verb), -starehesha.
shady transaction (noun), magaamu (6).
shady transaction (noun), magamu (6).
illegal transactions (noun), magengo.
transcribe (verb), -fuatisha.
transcribe (verb), -nakili.
transcribe (verb), -nukulu.
transcribe (verb), -nukuu.
transcript (noun), manuku.
transcript (noun), manukuu.
transcription (verb), -fuatisha.
transfer (noun), uhamisho (14).
transfer (verb), -sihia. transfer ownership of property. sihia mali.
transfer food from a cooking pot to a serving dish (verb), -pakua.
transfer food from a cooking pot to plates (verb), -pakua chakula.
transfer funds (verb), -hawili.
be transformed (verb), -atilika.
be transformed (verb), -geuka.
be transformed (verb), -geuzika.
transform (verb), -geuza.
transformation (noun), badiliko, pl mabadiliko.
transformation (noun), badilisho, pl mabadilisho.
transformation (noun), geuzi (5/6), pl mageuzi.
transformation (noun), geuzo (5/6), pl mageuzo.
transformation (noun), geuzo, pl mageuzo. democratic reform.. mgeuzo wa
transformation (noun), mageuzi (6).
transformation (noun), mageuzo (6).
transformation (noun), mgeuzo, pl mageuzo. democratic reform.. mgeuzo
wa kidemokrasi.
transformation (noun), pinduo (5/6), pl mapinduo.
transformation (noun), ugeufu.
transformation (noun), ugeuko.
transformation (noun), ugeuzaji.
transformation (noun), ugeuzi.
transformation (noun), ugeuzo.
transformer (noun), transfoma (9/10), pl transfoma.
transgress (verb), -ruka. go beyond bounds.. ruka mpaka.
transgress (verb), -taadi.
transgress (verb), -tadi.
transgress (verb), -vunja.
transgression (noun), atia.
transgression (noun), dhambi, pl madhambi.
transgression (noun), hatia.
transgression (noun), ruko (5/6), pl maruko.
transgression (noun), uhalifu, pl mahalifu.
transistor (noun), transista.
transition (noun), ukiuaji.
be translated (verb), -fasiriwa.
translate (verb), -fasiri.
translate (verb), -nuku.
translate (verb), -tafsiri. and as the girl said, (s)he interpreted it
to mean wait I weigh myself. na msichana aliposema [] yeye aliitafsiri
kuwa ngoja nijipime [Muk].
translating (noun), ukalimani.
translation (noun), nakili.
translation (noun), nakulu.
translation (noun), manuku.
translation (noun), manukuu.
translation (noun), tafsiri (9/10), pl tafsiri. as per their
translation, to go and study lawyering in Europe is equivalent to playing
lottery. kwa tafsiri yao, kwenda kusomea uwakili Ulaya [] ni sawa na
kucheza bahati nasibu [Moh].
translator (noun), mfasiri (1/2), pl wafasiri.
translator (noun), mfumbua, pl wafumbua.
translator (noun), mfumbuaji, pl wafumbuaji.
translator (noun), mtapta, pl watapta.
transmission (noun), upelekaji (14), pl upelekaji.
transmit (verb), -peleka. transmit a telegraph.. peleka simu.
transmit (verb), -pelekeana.
transmit (verb), -rithisha (causative). HIV/Aids is a transmitted
disease. UKIMWI ni ugonjwa wakurithisha.
transmittal (noun), upelekaji.
transparency (noun), uangafu.
transparency (noun), uangavu.
transparency (noun), wangafu.
transparency (noun), wangafu.
transparency (noun), wangavu.
transparency (noun), wangavu.
transparent (adjective), -anga.
transparent (adjective), -angavu.
transparent (adjective), eupe.
transparent (adjective), safi.
transparent (adjective), swafi.
transplant (verb), -atika.
transplant (verb), -pandikiza.
transplant (verb), -sia.
transplanting (act of) (noun), kipandikizo, pl vipandikizo.
transplanting (act of) (noun), pandikizo (5/6), pl mapandikizo ;
means of transport (noun), uchukuzi.
system of transport (noun), uchukuzi.
transport (noun), usafiri (14).
transport (noun), usafirisha.
transport (noun), usafirishaji.
transport (verb), -beba.
transport (verb), -peleka.
transport (verb), -safirisha. the ship will transport the goods to the
port. Meli itasafirisha bidhaa bandarini.
transport (verb), -somba. transport sand. somba mchanga.
work of transport (business) (noun), upagazi.
transportation (noun), usafirisha.
transportation (noun), usafirishaji (14), pl usafirishaji.
transposition (noun), ondoleo (5/6), pl maondoleo.
check a trap (verb), -tazama mtego.
fish trap (noun), vyero (9/10), pl vyero.
fish trap (basketwork) (noun), lema.
fish-trap (noun), mgono (3/4), pl migono.
fish-trap (kind of) (noun), pl fish-traps, walio (11/10), pl nyalio.
pit trap (for animals) (noun), rima (5/6), pl marima.
prepare a trap for fish (verb), -amba.
prepare a trap for fish (verb), pl How can this be intransitive, -ambika.
release a trap (verb), -tegua mtego.
set a trap (verb), -tega mtego.
set a trap (verb), -tega mtego.
set a trap for (verb), -fyusa.
spring trap (noun), mtambo, pl mitambo.
take from a trap (verb), -nasua (converse).
trap (noun), bakunja (5/6), pl mabakunja.
trap (noun), mnaso (3/4), pl minaso.
trap (noun), pl traps, mtego (3/4), pl mitego.
trap (noun), shabaki (9/10), pl shabaki.
trap (noun), shabuka (9/10), pl shabuka.
trap (verb), -nasa.
trap (verb), -tega.
trap (controlled by a cord) (noun), tanzi (5/6), pl matanzi.
trap (type of) (noun), kiunda (7/8), pl viunda.
trap (type of) (noun), mfyuso (3/4), pl mifyuso.
trap (with spring) (noun), mtambo (3/4), pl mitambo.
what is caught in a trap (noun), mnaso, pl minaso.
wicker fish trap (noun), utata.
wickerwork fish-trap (noun), dema.
trapeze (noun), bembea.
trapeze (noun), pembea (9/10), pl pembea. rocking chair.. kiti cha
be trapped (verb), -sakama.
be trapped (verb), -tegwa.
trapper (noun), pl trappers, msaka (1/2), pl wasaka.
trapping (noun), msako, pl misako.
one who sets traps (noun), mtega, pl watega.
one who sets traps (noun), mtegaji, pl wategaji.
fig. trash (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
trash (noun), maovyo.
trash (noun), mavi, pl mavi.
trash (noun), mkung'uto (3/4), pl mikung'uto.
trash (noun), makombo.
trash (noun), taka (5/6), pl mataka.
trash (noun), takataka (5/6), pl matakataka.
trash (noun), tama (9/10), pl tama.
trash (noun), uhafifu.
be travelled (i.e. a road) (verb), -abiriwa.
cause to travel (verb), -abirisha.
means of travel (noun), usafiri (14).
travel (noun), usafari.
travel (noun), usafiri.
travel (verb), pl Eng. trans. is O.K. ?, -abirika.
travel (verb), -safiri. Today we shall travel early. Leo tutasafiri
travel (as passenger) (verb), -abiri.
travel (by sea) (verb), -abiri.
travel to (verb), -abiria.
rare traveler (noun), mpita, pl wapita.
rare traveler (noun), mpitaji, pl wapitaji.
traveler (noun), mwenenzi, pl waenenzi.
traveller (noun), pl travellers, msafiri (1/2), pl wasafiri.
travelling (noun), usafari.
travelling (noun), usafiri (14).
traverse (with difficulty or against resistance) (verb), -tindanga.
serving tray (round) (noun), sinia (9/10), pl sinia.
serving-tray (noun), chano, pl vyano.
sifting tray (noun), kung'uto (5/6), pl makung'uto.
tray (noun), kibao, pl vikibao.
tray (circular) (noun), sinia (9/10), pl sinia.
be treacherous (verb), -limuka.
treacherous (adjective), hiana.
treachery (noun), hiana.
treachery (noun), udanganyifu.
treachery (noun), uhaini (14).
treachery (noun), uhiana (14).
treachery (noun), ukakamavu.
treachery (noun), ukhiana (14).
treachery (noun), usaliti (14).
treachery (noun), utoro.
tread (verb), -kanyaga.
tread on (verb), -liwata.
tread on (verb), -vyoga.
tread upon (verb), -kanyaga.
treadle (of loom) (noun), mdoshi (3/4), pl midoshi.
treasure (noun), azizi, pl azizi.
treasure (noun), dafina (9/10), pl dafina.
treasure (noun), kanzi (9/10), pl kanzu.
treasure (noun), mlimbiko (3/4), pl milimbiko.
treasure (noun), tunu (9/10), pl tunu.
treasure (hidden) (noun), kanzi.
treasure (money, jewelry) (noun), hazina.
treasurer (of a kwaya) (phrase), mwana wa fedha, pl wana wa fedha.
treasury (noun), hazina (9/10), pl hazina.
treasury (noun), ujasusi.
treat (verb), -tendea (applicative).
treat (medically) (verb), -tabibia.
treat (medically) (verb), -tibu. The doctor is unable to cure his
illness.. daktari hawezi kutibu mgonjwa wake [Mun].
treat (usu. with charms or potions) (verb), -agua.
treat lightly (verb), -puza.
treat respectfully (verb), -sherifu.
treat unjustly (verb), -dhalimu.
treat unjustly (verb), -dhulumu. You should not treat a person
unjustly.. Usimdhulumu mtu [Nabhany, Masomo 296].
treat with dignity (verb), -sharifu.
be treated (verb), -tendewa.
treatise (noun), makala (9/10), pl makala.
treatise (noun), makara.
medical treatment (noun), mauguzi (6).
medical treatment (noun), utabibu (14).
medical treatment (noun), utibabi.
treatment (noun), mgango, pl migango.
treatment (course of) (noun), maponyea.
treatment (course of) (noun), maponyo.
make a treaty (verb), -katibiana.
treaty (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
treaty (noun), maafikano, pl maafikano.
treaty (noun), maafikiano, pl maafikiano.
treaty (noun), mapatano.
treaty (noun), mkataba (3/4), pl mikataba.
treaty (noun), patano (5/6), pl mapatano. commercial treaty.. mapatano
ya biashara.
treaty (noun), upatano.
treble voice (phrase), sauti ya kitoto, pl sauti za kitoto.
banyan tree (noun), mlandawa, pl milandawa.
bullock's heart tree (noun), mtomoko (3/4), pl mitomoko.
cedar tree (Juniperus procera) (noun), mwangati, pl mingati.
cucumber tree (Averrhoa bilimbi) (noun), mbilimbi, pl mibilimbi.
cucumber tree (Averrhoa bilimbi) (noun), mbirimbi, pl mibilimbi.
group of trees (noun), kichaka, pl vichaka.
kapok tree (Bombax rhodognaphalon) (noun), msufi, pl misufi.
kind of creeping, thorny tree (noun), mpapura-pumbu (3/4), pl mipapura-
kind of hardwood tree (noun), mpweke, pl mipweke.
kind of thorny tree (noun), mkareti (3/4), pl miakareti.
kind of tree (noun), msindusi, pl misindusi.
kind of tree ( the leaves are used to prepare a medicine) (noun), msuko,
pl misuko.
kind of tree ( the leaves are used to prepare a medicine) (noun),
msukosuko, pl misukosuko.
kind of tree (A remedy for stomach complaints is prepared from its roots)
(noun), mviru, pl miviru.
kind of tree (the bark is used for making cloth) (noun), muyombo (3/4),
pl miyombo.
kind of tree (the bark is used for making cloth) (noun), myombo (3/4), pl
kind of tree (the roots are used for preparing a medicine) (noun), mzuzu,
pl mizuzu.
kind of tree (the roots are used to prepare a medicine) (noun), msusu, pl
kind of tree with edible fruit (noun), msambia.
kind of tree, Acokanthera longiflora (noun), msunguti, pl misunguti.
kind of tree, Annona senegalensis (noun), mtokwe, pl mitokwe.
kind of tree, Bridelia zanzibarensis (noun), mkarakala, pl mikarakala.
kind of tree, Bridelia zanzibarensis (noun), mtututu, pl mitututu.
kind of tree, Calophyllum inophyllum. (noun), mtondoo, pl mitondoo.
kind of tree, Cerbera Manghas (noun), mwangachaa, pl miangachaa.
kind of tree, Dobera loranthifolia;twigs from this tree are used for
cleansing the teeth. (noun), msiga, pl misiga.
leafless tree (type) (noun), chakaazi (9/10), pl chakaazi.
magnolia tree (noun), mbambakofi, pl mibambakofi.
mchamvya tree (with edible fruit, Poachystela Sacleuxii) (noun),
mchamvya, pl michamvya.
mchocha (tree with edible fruit) (noun), mchocha, pl michocha.
mchokochore (kind of tree) (noun), mchokochore, pl michokochore.
mjafari (kind of tree, Erythrina tomentosa) (noun), mjafari, pl mijafari.
mjohoro (ironwood tree, Cassia siamea) (noun), mjohoro, pl mijohoro.
mjoja (kind of tree the wood of which is used for building boats) (noun),
mjoja, pl mijoja.
mjoja (kind of tree the wood of which is used for building boats) (noun),
mjoo, pl mijoo.
mkunazi (kind of tree, Zizyphus jujuba) (noun), mkunazi, pl mikunazi.
mkunguma (kind of tree, Sorindeia usambaraensis) (noun), mkunguma, pl
mkunungu (kind of tree the leaves of which are eaten as a vegetable)
(noun), mkunungu, pl mikunungu.
mkurungu (kind of tree, Pterocarpus chrysothrix) (noun), mkurungu, pl
mkwara (kind of tree, Millettia Bussei) (noun), mkwara, pl mikwara.
mlalangwa (kind of tree, Ficus Bussei) (noun), mlalangwa, pl milalangwa.
mlangali (kind fo tree, Euphorbia) (noun), mlangali, pl milangali.
mliwa (kind of tree, Spirostachys africana) (noun), mliwa, pl miliwa.
mluziluzi (kind of tree; the seed pods make a whistling sound in the
wind) (noun), mluziluzi, pl miluziluzi.
mzeze (kind of tree) (noun), mzeze, pl mizeze.
Nandi flame tree (noun), kifabakazi (7/8), pl vifabakazi.
nutmeg tree (Myiatica fragran) (noun), mkungumanga, pl mikungumanga.
rare kind of tree (flamboyant, ironwood) (noun), msonobari, pl
rare kind of tree (flamboyant, ironwood) (noun), msunobari, pl
royal poinciana tree (Delonix regia) (noun), mkakaya, pl mikakaya.
sausage tree (Kigelia pinnata ) (noun), mbungati, pl mibungati.
small tree (noun), njiti (9/10), pl njiti.
species of tree (noun), mtalawanda, pl mitalawanda.
stunted tree (noun), kingune (7/8), pl vingune.
thorn tree species (noun), msaro, pl misaro.
tree (Albizzia lebbek) (noun), mkingu.
tree (any part of) (noun), pl trees, mti (3/4), pl miti.
tree (Baphia Kirikii) (noun), mkarati, pl mikarati.
tree (Baphia Kirikii) (noun), mkuruti, pl mikuruti.
tree (kind of which the bark is used for medicine) (noun), mkaa (5/6), pl
tree (kind of) (noun), mfufumaji, pl mifufumaji.
tree (kind of) (noun), minyara.
tree (kind of) (noun), mkakasi, pl mikakasi.
tree (kind of) (noun), mkamachuma, pl mikamachuma.
tree (kind of) (noun), mkasasi, pl mikakasi.
tree (kind of) (noun), mkole, pl mikole.
tree (large) (noun), jiti (5/6), pl majiti.
tree (Rauwolfia sp.) (noun), mwango, pl miango.
tree (Sterculia appendiculata) (noun), mparamuzi, pl miparamuzi.
tree (tall and slender) (noun), ujiti (11/10), pl njiti.
tree (variety of) (noun), kiua mwita (7/8), pl viua mwita.
tree from the bark of which a yellow dye is prepared (noun), muungamo, pl
tree from the bark of which a yellow dye is prepared (noun), mwungamo, pl
tree species (Bauhinia Thonningii) (noun), msegese, pl misegese.
tree species (Carapa moluccensis) (noun), mkomafi, pl mikomafi.
tree species (Datura fastuosa) (noun), mranaa, pl maranaa.
tree species (Datura fastuosa) (noun), mranaha, pl maranaha.
tree species (Datura fastuosa) (noun), mrenaha, pl maranaha.
tree species (Encephalartos villosus) (noun), mkarabaka, pl mikarabaka.
tree species (famous for its lumber and now protected by law) (noun),
mninga, pl mininga.
tree species (kigelia pinnata) (noun), mnyegea, pl minyegea.
tree species (Sterculia cinerea) (noun), mboza, pl miboza.
tree species bearing edible fruit (Nephelium lappaceum) (noun),
mshokishoki, pl mishokishoki.
tree species used for making dugout canoes (noun), mrili, pl mirili.
tree species with whitish bark (Sterculia appendiculata) (noun), mfune,
pl mifune.
tree species with whitish bark (Sterculia appendiculata) (noun), mgude,
pl mifune.
tree species with yellow blossoms (Parinarium curatellaefolium) (noun),
mbura, pl mibura.
tree variety with poisonous bark (noun), mwavi, pl miavi.
variey of tree, Annona squamosa (noun), konokono.
wild olive tree (noun), mchekele, pl michekele.
tree-trunk (noun), shina (5/6), pl mashina.
open treeless region (noun), nyika (5/6), pl manyika.
clump of trees (noun), chaka, pl machaka.
trellis (noun), kimia (7/8), pl vimia.
tremble (verb), -cha.
tremble (verb), -dapa.
tremble (verb), -gwaya.
tremble (verb), -papa.
tremble (verb), -papatika.
tremble (verb), -sisima.
tremble (verb), -tapa. tremble with fear. tapa kwa hofu.
tremble (verb), -tapatapa.
tremble (verb), -tetema.
tremble (verb), -tetemeka (potential).
tremble (verb), -tukutika.
tremble (from fear) (verb), -chunga.
tremble (with fright) (verb), -sisimua.
be trembled (verb), -tikiswa.
trembling (noun), kipapa (7/8), pl vipapa.
trembling (noun), kitapo (7/8), pl vitapo.
trembling (noun), kitetemeshi (7/8), pl vitetemeshi.
trembling (noun), kivinyovinyo, pl vivinyovinyo.
trembling (noun), macheleo, pl macheleo.
trembling (noun), mtetemeko, pl mitetemeko.
trembling (noun), mtetemeko, pl mitetemeko. earthquake. mtetemko wa
trembling (noun), mtetemko, pl mitetemko. earthquake. mtetemko wa nchi.
trembling (noun), mtetemo, pl mitetemo. earthquake. mtetemko wa nchi.
trembling (noun), tetemeko (5/6), pl matetemeko.
trembling (noun), tetemo, pl matetemeko.
trembling (noun), tukutiko, pl matukutiko.
trembling (noun), tukuto, pl matukuto.
trembling (verb), -tikisika.
trembling (=kitapo) (noun), mtapo, pl mitapo.
tremblingly (adverb), kivinyovinyo.
tremor (noun), kipapa (7/8), pl vipapa.
tremor (noun), tetemeko (5/6), pl matetemeko.
tremor (noun), tetemo, pl matetemeko.
tremor (noun), tukutiko (5/6), pl matukutiko.
tremor (noun), tukuto, pl matukuto.
trench (noun), chimbo, pl machimbo.
trench (noun), chimbuko, pl machimbuko.
trench (noun), fuko (5/6), pl mafuko.
trench (noun), handaki (5/6), pl mahandaki.
trench (noun), kuo (5/6), pl makuo.
trench (noun), mfeleji, pl mifeleji. irrigation channels.. mifereji ya
kutilia maji.
trench (noun), mfereji, pl mifereji. irrigation channels.. mifereji ya
kutilia maji.
trench (noun), mfumbi (3/4), pl mifumbi.
trench (noun), msingi, pl misingi.
trench (noun), msinji, pl misinji.
trench (noun), mzingi, pl mizingi.
trench (noun), shimo (5/6), pl mashimo. hidding trench. shimo la
main trend (phrase), muelekeo mkuu.
trend (noun), maenezo, pl maenezo.
trend (noun), mwelekeo, pl mielekeo.
trend (noun), mwenendo (3/4), pl mienendo.
treproach (noun), kamio, pl makamio.
trespass (noun), ruko (5/6), pl maruko.
trespass (verb), -ruka. go beyond bounds.. ruka mpaka.
trespass (verb), -rukudhu.
tress (noun), shore (5/6), pl mashore.
tress (of hair) (noun), shungi (5/6), pl mashungi.
subject oneself to a trial by ordeal (verb), -la kiapo.
test (noun), mwonjo, pl mionjo.
trial (noun), hukumu.
trial (noun), jaribio (5/6), pl majaribio.
trial (noun), jaribio, pl majaribio.
trial (noun), jaribu (5/6), pl majaribu.
trial (noun), manza.
trial (noun), mwonjo, pl mionjo.
trial (noun), maulizo, pl maulizo.
trial (noun), mtihani, pl mitihani. get into a difficult situation..
kutana na mtihani.
trial (noun), onji (5/6), pl maonji.
trial (noun), onjo (5/6), pl maonjo.
trial by fire (noun), kiapo cha moto.
trial by ordeal (noun), kiapo, pl viapo.
trial by ordeal (the parties are given bread to eat and the guilty person
is supposed to be unable to swallow it) (noun), kimanda, pl vimanda.
trial by ordeal (the suspect drinking a poison prepared from the bark of
the mwavi tree) (noun), mwavi, pl miavi.
trying (noun), mwonjo, pl mionjo.
triangle (noun), pembebatu (9/10), pl pembebatu.
triangle (noun), pl triangles, pembetatu (9/10), pl pembetatu.
tribalism (noun), ukabila (14).
tribe (noun), mbari.
tribe (large) (noun), taifa (5/6), pl mataifa.
fellow tribesman (noun), ndugu.
tributary (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee. tributary of the river.
pengee cha mto.
tribute (noun), hongo, pl mahongo.
conjurer's trick (noun), kiini macho (7/8), pl viini macho.
conjuring trick (noun), kiini macho, pl viini.
play tricks on someone (verb), -zuzua.
trick (noun), busara.
trick (noun), danganyo (5/6), pl madanganyo.
trick (noun), hila (9/10), pl hila.
trick (noun), hila.
trick (noun), kitimbi (7/8), pl vitimbi.
trick (noun), mazingaombwe, pl mazingaombwe.
trick (noun), mazingaumbo, pl mazingaumbo.
trick (noun), mbinu (9/10), pl mbinu.
trick (noun), mzungu, pl mizungu.
trick (noun), shabaki (9/10), pl shabaki.
trick (noun), shabuka (9/10), pl shabuka.
trick (noun), tabasuri (9/10), pl tabasuri.
trick (noun), ushabaki.
trick (verb), -hadaa.
trick (verb), -pemba.
trick (in a good sense) (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
trickery (noun), ghashi.
trickery (noun), mkopo, pl mikopo.
trickery (noun), ubaramaki.
trickery (noun), ubazazi (14).
trickery (noun), udanganyifu.
trickery (noun), ushabaki.
trickle (noun), chururu.
trickle (noun), pl trickles, mtiririko (3/4), pl mitiririko.
trickle (verb), -anguka.
trickle (verb), -chiririka.
trickle (verb), -chirizika.
trickle (verb), -churura.
trickle (verb), -chururika.
trickle (verb), -derereka.
trickle (verb), -dodesha.
trickle (verb), -nyonyota.
trickle (verb), -nyotanyota.
trickle (verb), -nyunya.
trickle (verb), -tiririka.
trickle away (verb), -churuzika.
trickling (adjective), chirizi. trickling tears. machozi machirizi.
trickling (noun), mchirizi (3/4), pl michirizi.
trickling (noun), mchiriziko (3/4), pl michiriziko.
tricks (noun), mauzauza.
tricky person (noun), mjanja (1/2), pl wajanja.
tried (adjective), jarabati.
trifle (noun), daga, pl daga.
trifle (noun), dagaa, pl dagaa.
trifle (noun), dama.
trifle (noun), kichopo (7/8), pl vichopo.
trifle (noun), kidude, pl vidude.
trifle (noun), mchezo (3/4), pl michezo.
trifle (noun), tama (9/10), pl tama.
trifles (noun), vitakataka.
trill (noun), madende, pl madende.
trill of triumph (used by women) (noun), kigelegele (7/8), pl vigelegele.
trim (verb), -kunga.
trim sail (nautical) (verb), -rausi.
Trinity (noun), Utatu (14).
piece of tinket (on a chain) (noun), kishaufu, pl vishaufu.
trinket (noun), kipuzi, pl vipuzi.
trinket (noun), kishaufu (7/8), pl vishaufu.
trinket (noun), puleki (9/10), pl puleki.
trinket (noun), puluki (9/10), pl puluki.
trio (noun), utatu.
go on a trip (verb), -tembea.
take a trip (for recreation) (verb), -punga hewa. "fan the arms, give a
signal".. punga mikono.
take a trip (for recreation) (verb), -punga upepo. "fan the arms, give a
signal".. punga mikono.
trip (noun), maneva. We are going on an excursion. tunakwenda maneva.
trip (noun), pl trips, msafara (3/4), pl misafara.
trip (noun), mweleka (3/4), pl mieleka.
trip (noun), pl trips, safari (9/10), pl safari. This trip we shall
visit East Africa. Safari hii tutazuru Afrika ya Mashariki.
trip (noun), tembezi, pl matembezi.
trip (noun), usafari.
trip (noun), usafiri.
trip (verb), -seperuka.
trip (verb), -sepetuka.
trip over (verb), -kwaa.
state of being triple or threefold (noun), utatu.
tripping someone up (noun), goya.
tripping someone up (noun), ugoe.
triumph (noun), ushindi (14).
triumph (over something) (verb), -simanga.
trivial (adjective), hafifu.
trivial (adjective), tahafifu.
be trodden on (verb), -kanyagwa.
troop (noun), genge.
troop (noun), kikosi (7/8), pl vikosi.
trophy (noun), kombe (5/6), pl makombe.
tropics (noun), tropiki.
at a trot (adverb), dalki.
at a trot (adverb), telki.
go at a trot (verb), -timka.
go at a trot (of animals) (verb), -timuka.
go at a trot (of animals) (verb), -titimka.
trot (verb), -timka.
trot (of animals) (noun), matiti, pl matiti.
trot (of horses) (verb), -enda kwa shindo. trot (of horses). enda kwa
shindo [Rec].
trot (pace) (adverb), dalki. go at a trot. enda dalki.
be troubled (verb), -chafuka (potential).
be troubled (verb), -fadhaika.
be troubled (verb), -hangaika.
be troubled (verb), -paparika.
be troubled (verb), -sumbuka (intransitive).
be troubled (verb), -sumbuliwa. she used to be troubled and mistreated
by her husband for a mistake that was not hers. alikuwa akisumbuliwa na
kuteswa na mumewe kwa kosa lisilo lake [Kez].
cause someone trouble (verb), -sukasuka.
cause trouble (verb), -fitini.
cause trouble (to one's parents) (verb), -chimba.
cause trouble (to one's parents) (verb), -chimbuza.
get into trouble (verb), -topea.
get one's self into trouble (verb), -jipalia makaa (reflexive).
get oneself into troubles (verb), -jipalia mkaa.
get out of trouble (verb), -vua.
go to trouble (verb), -takalifu.
in trouble (adjective), taabani.
make trouble (verb), -fanya fitina.
make trouble (verb), -leta fitina.
make trouble (verb), -tia fitina.
make trouble (verb), -fanya fitna.
make trouble (verb), -leta fitna.
make trouble (verb), -tia fitna.
make trouble for someone (verb), -fitinia.
meet with trouble (verb), -la mumbi.
one who causes trouble (noun), mtesa, pl watesa.
one who causes trouble (noun), mtesaji, pl watesaji.
one who causes trouble (noun), mtesi, pl watesi.
person who creates trouble (noun), baa, pl baa.
person who creates trouble (noun), balaa, pl baa.
person who creates trouble (noun), balia, pl baa.
stir up trouble (verb), -tesanya.
take the trouble (verb), -jitaabisha.
tendency to cause trouble (noun), kisirani.
trouble (noun), adha (9/10), pl adha.
trouble (noun), balaa (9/10), pl balaa.
trouble (noun), beluwa.
trouble (noun), chokochoko (9/10), pl chokochoko.
trouble (noun), dhiki (9/10), pl dhiki.
trouble (noun), ghasia (9/10), pl ghasia.
trouble (noun), jambo (5/6), pl mambo.
trouble (noun), janga (5/6), pl majanga.
trouble (noun), kayaya (9/10), pl kayaya.
trouble (noun), kayaya.
trouble (noun), kero (9/10), pl kero.
trouble (noun), kibuhuti, pl vibuhuti.
trouble (noun), kitimbi (7/8), pl vitimbi.
trouble (noun), mashaka.
trouble (noun), matata (6).
trouble (noun), matata, pl matata.
trouble (noun), maudhiko, pl maudhiko.
trouble (noun), mgogoro, pl migogoro.
trouble (noun), msukumizi, pl wasukumizi.
trouble (noun), nongwa (9/10), pl nongwa.
trouble (noun), pl troubles, shakawa (9/10), pl shakawa.
trouble (noun), shida (9/10), pl shida. get into trouble. patwa na [wa
na, ingia] shida..
trouble (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
trouble (noun), sononeko (5/6), pl masononeko.
trouble (noun), sumbuko (5/6), pl masumbuko.
trouble (noun), sumbulio (5/6), pl masumbulio.
trouble (noun), sumbuo (5/6), pl masumbuo.
trouble (noun), taabu (9/10), pl taabu. (s)he did not encounter trouble
doing that work. hakuona taabu kufanya kazi [Sul], kanzu ikaingia mwilini
mwa Rehema bila ya taabu [Sul], mimi, mumewe, ndiye niliyekuwa taabuni
trouble (noun), tafrani (9/10), pl tafrani.
trouble (noun), takalifu (9/10), pl takalifu.
trouble (noun), takilifu (9/10), pl takilifu.
trouble (noun), udhi (5/6), pl maudhi.
trouble (noun), udhia.
trouble (noun), udhiko (11/6), pl maudhiko.
trouble (noun), upasi.
trouble (noun), utesaji.
trouble (noun), utesi.
trouble (noun), uzito.
trouble (verb), -fadhaisha (causative).
trouble (verb), -sibu.
trouble (verb), -sumbua.
trouble (verb), -taabisha (causative).
trouble (verb), -tesa.
trouble oneself (verb), -jishughulisha (reflexive).
trouble someone (verb), -chachafya (causative).
trouble-maker (noun), mvuruga, pl wavuruga.
trouble-maker (noun), mvurugaji, pl wavurugaji.
trouble-making (noun), mkorogo (3/4), pl mikorogo.
trouble-maker (adjective), -korofi.
trouble-maker (noun), mteta, pl wateta.
trouble-maker (noun), mtetaji, pl watetaji.
trouble-maker (noun), mtetea, pl mtetea.
trouble-maker (noun), mtetezi, pl watetezi.
trouble-making (noun), mpekecho, pl mipekecho.
trouble-making (noun), mpeketo, pl mipeketo.
be troubled (verb), -hamanika.
be troubled (verb), -taabika.
troublemaker (noun), chimvi, pl machimvi.
troublemaker (noun), mfitini (1/2), pl wafitini.
troublemaker (noun), mkoroga, pl wakoroga.
troublemaker (noun), mkorogai, pl wakorogai.
troublemaker (noun), pl troublemakers, msengenyi (1/2), pl wasengenyi.
troublemaker (noun), pl troublemakers, msukumizi (1/2), pl wasukumizi.
troublemaker (noun), pl troublemakers, mtesa (1/2), pl watesa.
troublemaker (noun), pl troublemakers, mtetaji (1/2), pl watetaji.
troublemaker (noun), chakubimbi.
troublemaker (noun), sakubimbi (9/10an), pl sakubimbi.
troubles (noun), pl troubles, shaka (5/6), pl mashaka.
troubles (noun), wasiwasi (14), pl wasiwasi.
be troublesome (verb), -elemea.
be troublesome (verb), -elemea.
be troublesome (verb), -lemea.
be troublesome (verb), -nonga.
make troublesome (verb), -nonza.
troublesome (adjective), kulifu.
troublesome (adjective), kulivu.
troublesome (adjective), peketevu.
troublesome (adjective), pekutevu.
troublesome (adjective), sumbufu.
troublesome (adjective), tukutu.
troublesome (adjective), tundu.
troublesome (adjective), zito.
troublesome (of people) (adjective), pingani.
troublesome person (noun), mchokozi, pl wachokozi.
troublesome person (noun), pl 1/2, msumbufu (1/2), pl msumbufu.
troublesome persons.
troublesome person (noun), mtukutu, pl watukutu.
troublesomeness (noun), inda.
troublesomeness (noun), utundu.
feed-trough (for animals) (noun), hori.
trough (noun), kihero (7/8), pl vihero.
watering trough (for animals) (noun), hori.
watering trough or feed trough for animals (noun), kihori, pl vihori.
wooden trough (noun), chano, pl vyano.
troupe (noun), kundi, pl makundi.
trousers (noun), suruali (9/10), pl suruali.
trousers (noun), surwali (9/10), pl surwali.
trousers (short) (noun), kaputula.
treasure trove (noun), dafina, pl dafina.
mason's trowel (noun), mwiko, pl miiko.
trowel (noun), mwiko (3/4), pl miiko.
truancy (noun), utoro.
play truant (verb), -toroka.
truant (noun), mtoro, pl watoro.
truck (noun), lori (5/6), pl malori.
truck (noun), matwana.
truck (noun), rukwama (9/10), pl rukwama.
be true (verb), -kini.
be true (verb), -sadifu.
be true (verb), -yakini.
true (adjective), -a dhati.
true (adjective), halisi.
true (adjective), kimada.
true (adjective), -a kweli.
true (adjective), sadifu.
true (adjective), safi.
true (adjective), sahihi.
true (adjective), sahihifu.
true (adjective), swafi.
true (adverb), tama.
truly (adverb), ina.
truly (adverb), kwa kweli.
last trump card in the game of Arbastini (noun), ulitima.
last trump card in the game of Arbastini (noun), ultima.
the last trump (noun), parapanda (9/10), pl parapanda.
the last trump card in the game of Arbastini (noun), uritima.
trump card (noun), turufu (9/10), pl turufu.
trumpet (noun), paanda (9/10), pl paanda. blow a trumpet.. piga panda.
trumpet (noun), panda (9/10), pl panda. blow a trumpet.. piga panda.
trumpet (noun), pl trumpets, tarumbeta (5/6), pl matarumbeta.
trumpet (noun), pl trumpets, tarumpeta (9/10), pl tarumbeta.
trumpet (verb), -piga tarumbeta.
trumpet (of wood or ivory that is the emblem of a chief) (noun), siwa
(5/6), pl masiwa.
trumpet (used for special ceremonies) (noun), parapanda (9/10), pl
trumpeter (noun), mazeka, pl mizeka.
truncheon (made from the wood of the mpweke tree) (noun), mpweke, pl
tree trunk (noun), jiti, pl majiti.
tree trunk (noun), ujiti (11/10), pl njiti.
trunk (noun), mandusi.
trunk (noun), mkono, pl mikono. fig. variety of bananas.. mkono wa
trunk (noun), sanduku (5/6), pl masanduku.
trunk (excluding the head) (noun), mwili, pl miili.
trunk (of a tree) (noun), gogo (5/6), pl magogo.
trunk (of a tree) (noun), uti, pl nyuti.
trunk (of elephant) (noun), mkonga, pl mikonga.
trunk (of elephant) (noun), mkonga (3/4), pl mikonga.
trunk of an elephant (noun), kono la tembo, pl mikono ya tembo.
trunk of an elephant (noun), mwiro, pl miiro.
truss (noun), turusi.
be trusted (verb), -aminika.
be trusted (verb), -tumainiwa.
one willing to trust others (noun), mwamana, pl waamana. This person
does not trust/have confidence in anybody else.. mtu yule hana mwamana.
trust (noun), amana (9/10), pl amana.
trust (noun), imani (9/10), pl imani.
trust (noun), itibari (9/10), pl itabari.
trust (noun), tumai, pl matumai.
trust (noun), tumaini (5/6), pl (us. pl.).
trust (verb), -amania.
trust (verb), -amini. I trusted him with my money.. nilimwamini na
fedha yangu.
trust (verb), -sadiki.
trust (verb), -staamani.
trust (verb), -tawakali.
trust (to) (verb), -tegemea.
trust implicitly (verb), -sadikisha.
trustee (noun), makabidhi, pl wakabidhi.
trustee (noun), mdhamana.
trustee (noun), mdhamini.
trustee (noun), mkabidhi (1/2), pl wakabidhi.
trustee (noun), wasii, pl mawasii.
public trusteeship (noun), ukabidhi (14).
trusteeship (noun), udhamini.
trusting (adjective), tumainifu.
trustworthy person (noun), mwumini, pl waamini.
trustworthiness (noun), uamini.
trustworthiness (noun), uaminifu (14), pl uaminifu.
trustworthiness (noun), uaminifu.
be trustworthy (verb), -aminika.
be trustworthy (verb), -sadikika.
be trustworthy (verb), -staamanika.
be trustworthy (verb), -tegemeka (potential).
prove oneself trustworthy (verb), -amini.
trustworthy (adjective), -amini.
trustworthy (adjective), -aminifu.
trustworthy (adjective), -aminifu.
trustworthy (adjective), madhubuti.
trustworthy (adjective), mathubuti.
trustworthy (adjective), mathubutu.
trustworthy (adjective), sadikifu. the old man (elder) Ali is a
trustworthy person. Mzee Ali ni mtu msadikifu.
trustworthy (adjective), staamani.
trustworthy (noun), msadikifu, pl wasadikifu.
trustworthy person (noun), mwaminifu, pl waaminifu.
trustworthy person (noun), mwaminifu, pl waaminifu. The person who is
asked for assistance must be trustworthy.. Yule anayeombwa msaada huo
inampasa kuwa mwaminifu [Masomo 102].
in truth (adverb), kwa kweli.
love of truth (noun), haki.
truth (noun), haki (9/10), pl haki.
truth (noun), hakika (9/10), pl hakika.
truth (noun), kweli (9/10), pl kweli.
truth (noun), ukweli (14).
truth (noun), yakini.
unpleasant truth (fig.) (noun), mbarika (3/4), pl mibarika.
be truthful (verb), -sadikika.
be truthful (verb), -thibiti.
truthfulness (noun), usafi.
truthfulness (noun), usahihi.
person who tries out (noun), mjaribu, pl wajaribu. av. test pilot..
mjaribu wa ndege.
sampletest5 (prefix), sampletest5. this is not a valid dictionary entry.
try (verb), -dhuku.
try (verb), -jaribu.
try (verb), -onja.
try (verb), -tazama.
try (verb), -thubutu.
try hard (noun), ujitahidi.
try hard (verb), -jitahidi.
try hard (verb), -kusuru.
try hard (fig.) (verb), -kamua (reflexive).
try on (verb), -jipima (reflexive).
try on (an article of clothing) (verb), -geza.
try out (verb), -dara.
try out (verb), -jaribu.
try hard (verb), -tahidi.
tsetse fly (noun), ndorobo.
tsetse fly (noun), mbungo.
tsetse fly (noun), mbung'o (9/10an), pl mbung'o.
tsetse fly (noun), mbung'o.
inner tube (noun), wari (9/10), pl wari.
rare tube (in gen.) (noun), mrija, pl mirija.
rec. elec. tube(radio, etc.) (noun), mrija, pl mirija.
tube (noun), kasiba.
tube (noun), kikasha (7/8), pl vikasha.
tube (noun), mrija, pl mirija.
tube (noun), mwanzi, pl mianzi. nostril.. mwanzi wa pua.
tube (noun), neli.
tube (noun), tyubu (9/10), pl tyubu.
tube (small) (noun), mkakasi wa kupura (3/4), pl mikakasi ya kupura.
tubercle (noun), kinundu, pl vinundu.
tuck in (clothing to protect it from dirt or damp) (verb), -pania. tuck
in the kanzu. pania kanzu.
tuck into (verb), -futika.
tuck up a garment (verb), -peta nguo.
tuck up one's sleeves (verb), -funga kidemu.
Tuesday (noun), Jumanne (9/10), pl jumanne.
Tuesday (noun), Jumanne.
tuft (of grass) (noun), kichungu, pl vichungu.
tuft (of hair) (noun), pl tufts of hair, sekini (9/10), pl sekini.
tuft (of hair) (noun), shungi (5/6), pl mashungi.
tuft of cotton (noun), upamba.
tuft of hair (noun), ushungi, pl shungi.
tuft of hair (tied up at the back of the head) (noun), shada la nywele
(5/6), pl mashada ya nywele.
tuft of hair left on top of head when shaved (noun), sunzu (9/10), pl
tuft of horse hair (noun), mgwisho, pl migwisho.
tug (noun), tishali, pl matishali.
tug (noun), tishari, pl matishari.
tug-of-war (noun), jugwe.
tugboat (noun), tishari (5/6), pl matishari.
tulip tree (Thespesia populnea (noun), mtakawa, pl mitakawa.
tumble into (verb), -tumbukia ( appl-poten).
tumbler (noun), bilauri (9/10), pl bilauri.
tumer (noun), kaga.
tumescence (noun), uvimbe.
med. tumor (noun), kivimba, pl vivimba. become emaciated from
med. tumor (noun), kivimbo, pl vivimbo. become emaciated from
tumor (noun), choa.
tumor (noun), jipu, pl majipu.
tumor (noun), kivimbe (7/8), pl vivimbe.
tumor (noun), mtoki (3/4), pl mitoki.
tumor (noun), tezi (5/6), pl matezi.
tumor (noun), tutu.
tumult (noun), fujo (5/6), pl mafujo.
tumult (noun), ghadhia (9/10), pl ghadhia.
tumult (noun), kelele, pl makelele.
tumult (noun), mkusanyiko (3/4), pl mikusanyiko.
tumult (noun), msukosuko (3/4), pl misukosuko.
tumult (noun), rabsha (9/10), pl rabsha.
tune (noun), tuni (9/10), pl tuni.
tune (a radio etc.) (verb), -beba.
tunic (short sleeved) (noun), kimau (7/8), pl vimau.
tunnel (noun), handaki (5/6), pl mahandaki.
tunnel (noun), shimo (5/6), pl mashimo. we passed under the tunnel.
Tulipita chini ya shimo.
tunnel (noun), ting'ating'a, pl mating'ating'a.
someone who has earned the right to wear a turban (noun), mkilemba, pl
turban (noun), kilemba, pl vilemba.
turban (kind of) (noun), ukaya, pl kaya.
turban cloth (noun), debwani.
wrap a turban (verb), -tatia kilemba.
turban-cloth (noun), kitambi (7/8), pl vitambi.
turban-cloth (noun), utambi.
turbulent water (noun), maji ya kimbizi.
tureen (noun), bakuli, pl bakuli.
tureen (noun), dishi, pl madishi.
Turk (noun), Mturki, pl waturuki.
Turk (noun), Mturuki, pl waturuki.
Turk (noun), -turuki (1/2), pl Waturuki.
turkey (noun), bata mzinga (5/6), pl mabata mzinga.
Turkey (noun), Rum (1). The Sultan of Turkey.. sultani Rum.
Turkey (noun), Uturuki.
small plaited leaf package of turkish delight (noun), kitopa (7/8), pl
Turkish (adjective), -a kituruki.
Turkish Language (noun), Kituruki.
turmeric (noun), manjano.
turmeric (noun), manjano.
be in turmoil (verb), -hangaika.
be in turmoil (verb), -teseka.
turmoil (noun), mtafaruku (3/4), pl mitafaruku.
a wife's turn for sleeping with her husband (in polygyny) (noun), ngono
(9/10), pl ngono.
be turned (verb), -pindwa (passive).
by turns (adverb), kipokee.
by turns (noun), kipokeo (7/8), pl vipokeo.
take turns (verb), -pokezana.
take turns (verb), -pokezanya.
turn (noun), duru.
turn (noun), kizunguko, pl vizunguko. "roundabout way, detour".. njia
ya mzunguko.
turn (noun), mara.
turn (noun), mazingazinga, pl mazingazinga.
turn (noun), mazunguko, pl mazunguko.
turn (noun), mzunguko, pl mizunguko. "roundabout way, detour".. njia ya
turn (noun), pindi (5/6), pl mapindi.
turn (noun), safari (9/10), pl safari.
turn (noun), zamu (9/10), pl zamu.
turn (noun), zingo (5/6), pl mazingo.
turn (verb), -betabeta.
turn (verb), -fingirika.
turn (verb), -furukuta.
turn (verb), -gaagaa.
turn (verb), -gaga.
turn (verb), -geuka.
turn (verb), -geuza.
turn (verb), -gueza.
turn (verb), -vingirika.
turn (verb), -zinga.
turn (of a road, river) (noun), kizingo, pl vizingo.
turn (on a lathe) (verb), -gesa.
turn (on a lathe) (verb), -kereza.
turn (sudden) (noun), pindu (5/6), pl mapindu.
turn (the head scornfully) (verb), -deua.
turn (to the left) (verb), -kata mkono (wa kushoto).
turn a new leaf (verb), -ongoka nafsi.
turn around (of a person) (verb), -jipindua.
turn aside (verb), -kengeua.
turn bad (of perishable goods) (verb), -doda.
turn from the right way (verb), -kengeua.
turn inside out (verb), -fidua.
turn inside out (verb), -fudua.
turn into (verb), -siri.
turn off (verb), -funga.
turn off (verb), -kengeua.
turn off (verb), -zima.
turn on (an electric light) (verb), -washa.
turn one's back (verb), -pa kisogo. (s)he moved away two paces and
turned his/her back on him. aliondoka hatua mbili na kumpa kisogo [Sul].
turn out (verb), -cha. it will turn out that l will have to go on a
trip.. nitakucha kusafiri.
turn out (verb), -ja.
turn over (verb), -petua.
turn over (verb), -pinduka.
turn over (verb), -sinua.
turn over (verb), -stakabadhi.
turn over (verb), -viringisha (causative).
turn over (the pages) (verb), -pambua (converse). the girl's lined
fingers are turning over the pages of that journal/newspaper. vidole
laini vya msichana vinazipambua kurasa za jarida lile [Muk].
turn restlessly from side to side (verb), -garagara.
turn round (verb), -geuza.
turn round and round (verb), -zungusha.
turn something (verb), -fingirisha.
turn the back (verb), -pa mgongo.
turn the face (verb), -pa uso.
turn up (verb), -ogelea (applicative).
turn up (verb), -peta. tuck up a garment.. peta nguo.
turn up (clothing to protect it from dirt or damp) (verb), -pania. turn
up the pants (turn up the trouser legs). pania suruali.
turn up (skirt or trousers to keep them clean) (verb), -sega. turn up
clothes. saga nguo..
turn up the ground preparatory to planting (verb), -buruga.
turn upside down (verb), -petua.
turn upside down (verb), -pindua (converse).
turn upside-down (verb), -pituka (potential). Mrs Tamima and her family
turned the houses upside-down. Bi Tamima na umati wake walipita na
kupituka vyumba [Moh].
turn of speech (noun), unenaji.
turn of speech (noun), uneni.
one who turns on (a light) (noun), mwasha, pl waasha. One who turns on
fire.. mwasha moto.
turn out (verb), -tukia.
turn up (the edge of cloth) (verb), -minika.
be turned around (verb), -pinduka ( inver-poten-trans). Tamima turned
around downwards. Tamima alipinduka chini [Moh].
turner (noun), mkereza, pl wakereza.
turning (act of) (noun), zunguko, pl mazunguko.
turning (act of) (noun), zunguko (5/6), pl mazunguko.
turning-round (noun), mzunguko (3/4), pl mizunguko.
turpentine (noun), terafini (9/10), pl terafini.
turquoise (noun), feruzi.
turtle (noun), kasa (9/10), pl kasa.
turtle (noun), kobe (5/6), pl makobe.
turtle (kind of) (noun), ng'amba (9/10an), pl ng'amba.
elepahant tusk (large) (noun), pusa (5/6), pl mapusa.
medium-size elephant tusk (noun), bori.
medium-sized elephant tusk (noun), buri.
small elephant-tusk (noun), kalasha.
tusk (of a boar) (noun), upamba, pl pamba.
tusk (of elephant) (noun), pembe (9/10), pl pembe.
tusk of ivory (noun), kalasha (9/10), pl kalasha.
tusk of rhinoceros (not fully grown) (noun), kipusa (7/8), pl vipusa.
tussock herb with stems up to 3ft. tall (noun), kangaja (5/6), pl
tutelage (noun), udhamini.
tutelege (noun), himaya.
tutor (noun), mlei, pl walei.
tutor (noun), mlezi, pl walezi.
tutor (noun), msomeshaji, pl wasomeshaji.
tutor (noun), msomeshi, pl wasomeshi.
tutor (noun), mwalimu, pl walimu. Principal. mwalimu mkuu.
Tutsi (noun), pl Tustsis, Mtusi (1/2), pl Watusi.
tweak (noun), mafinyo.
tweak (verb), -binya.
tweak (verb), -finya.
tweezers (noun), kibano (7/8), pl vibano.
tweezers (noun), koleo (9/10), pl koleo.
tweezers (noun), mbano, pl mibano.
tweezers (for depilation) (noun), mentaa.
tweezers (used for depilation) (noun), mentari (9/10), pl mentari.
twelve (adjective), kumi na mbili.
twelve (adjective), thenashara.
twelve (noun), kumi na mbili.
things packed or tied in twenties (noun), korija (9/10), pl korija.
twenty (adjective), asherini.
twenty (noun), ishirini (9/10), pl ishirini.
twenty (noun), ishirini.
twenty-five (adjective), khamsa-wa-ishirini.
twenty-five (kama ishirini na tano) (noun), hamsauishirini.
flexible twig (used for weaving baskets) (noun), bugu, pl mabugu.
twig (noun), njiti (9/10), pl njiti.
dry twigs (noun), masakasaka.
twilight (noun), kisikusiku, pl visikusiku.
twilight (noun), kisikusiku (7).
twilight (noun), kiusikusiku, pl visikusiku.
twin (noun), pacha (5/6), pl mapacha. These children are twins.. watoto
hawa ni [ma]pacha.
twine (noun), kamba.
twine (noun), ngole (9/10), pl ngole.
twine (noun), sokoto (5/6), pl masokoto.
twine (noun), ugwe, pl ngwe, nyugwe.
twine (verb), -sokota.
twine thread (verb), -pota.
twinge (noun), kichomi, pl vichomi.
twining of plants (adjective), kwezi.
twining thread (act of) (noun), msokoto, pl misokoto.
twining plant variety (Coesalpinia bonducella) (noun), mkombwe, pl
twining plant variety (Coesalpinia bonducella) (noun), mkomwe, pl
twinkle (verb), -memeteka.
twinkle (verb), -memetuka.
twinkle (verb), -meremeta.
twinkling (noun), memetuko.
twinned (of rice or millet heads etc), (adjective), pachapacha.
twinned (of rice or millet heads etc), (adjective), pachipachi.
one of twins (noun), pacha, pl mapacha.
twins (noun), mapacha. triplets. mapacha watatu.
twirl (verb), -pekecha. produce fire by twirling one stick in a hole in
another.. pekecha moto.
twirl (verb), -peketa. produce fire by twirling one stick in a hole in
another.. pekecha moto.
twirling (act of) (noun), mpekecho, pl mipekecho.
twirling (act of) (noun), mpeketo, pl mipeketo.
be twisted (verb), -popotoka. (s)he is a crooked person. Yeye ni mtu
dance the twist (verb), -twisti.
twist (adverb), kombo.
twist (noun), -gorong'ondwa.
twist (noun), jinamizi, pl majinamizi.
twist (noun), makombo.
twist (noun), mshadhari.
twist (noun), mshazari.
twist (noun), pindi (5/6), pl mapindi.
twist (noun), songo (5/6), pl masongo.
twist (noun), tao (5/6), pl matao. make a twist. piga [fanya] tao.
twist (noun), ujinamizi, pl majinamizi.
twist (noun), zingo (5/6), pl mazingo.
twist (verb), -betabeta.
twist (verb), -finginyika.
twist (verb), -furukuta.
twist (verb), -pekecha. drill holes.. pekecha mashimo.
twist (verb), -peketa. drill holes.. pekecha mashimo.
twist (verb), -pinda.
twist (verb), -popota.
twist (verb), -popotoa. twist the shade. popotoa kifuli.
twist (verb), -pota. twist/twine thread.. pota uzi.
twist (verb), -shariti.
twist (verb), -songa.
twist (verb), -songoa (inversive). break a chicken's neck. songoa kuku.
twist (verb), -suka.
twist (verb), -tambaa.
twist (verb), -vinginyika.
twist (verb), -vivinyuka.
twist (verb), -zonga.
twist (of a road, river) (noun), kizingo, pl vizingo.
twist (of tobacco) (noun), jino.
twist (the hair) (verb), -sokota.
twist (the neck) (verb), -kukutua (shingo).
twist (thread or rope) (verb), -pakasa.
twist around (verb), -zungua.
twist hard (verb), -songonyoa.
twist something around (verb), -viringisha.
twist the neck (verb), -nyonga. bend a stick before it matures. kikate
shingo kinyonge kabla [kidege] hakijakata roho [Moh], kuna mti mpaka leo
uliokuwa ukitumika kunyongea watu [Kez].
twist together (verb), -songamana ( assoc-stat).
be twisted (verb), -jinyonga (reflexive).
be twisted (verb), -potoka. His/her finger was twisted. Kidole chake
be twisted (verb), -zingamana.
be twisted (verb), -zingira.
be twisted together (verb), -pindamana.
something twisted (noun), kisokotero (7/8), pl visokotero.
something twisted (noun), sokoto (5/6), pl masokoto.
twisted (adjective), kombo.
twisted (thing) (noun), pl twisted things, msonge (3/4), pl misonge.
be twisting (of river etc.) (verb), -zingamana.
twisting (noun), kisokoto (7/8), pl visokoto.
twisting (noun), songo (5/6), pl masongo.
twisting (act of) (noun), mpekecho, pl mipekecho.
twisting (act of) (noun), mpeketo, pl mipeketo.
twisting (act of) (noun), mpoto, pl mipoto.
twisting (act of) (noun), msokoto, pl misokoto.
twisting (act of) (noun), msongo, pl misongo.
twisting (act of) (noun), msuko, pl misuko.
twisting (act of) (noun), msukosuko, pl misukosuko.
one who twists (e.g. hair) (noun), msuka, pl wasusi. (women's)
hairdresser.. msusi wa nywele..
one who twists (e.g. hair) (noun), msuki, pl wasuki. (women's)
hairdresser.. msusi wa nywele..
one who twists (e.g. hair) (noun), msusi, pl wasusi. (women's)
hairdresser.. msusi wa nywele..
someone who twists (noun), mzungushi, pl wazungushi. someone who twists
words.. mzungushi maneno.
twitch (noun), shituko (5/6), pl mashtuko.
twitch (noun), shtuko (5/6), pl mashtuko.
twitch (verb), -papatika.
twitter (verb), -lia.
two (adjective), pili. second. pili a pili.
two (adjective), -wili.
two (noun), mbili. two houses. nyumba mbili.
two (noun), theneen.
two yards (noun), pima (9/10), pl pima.
two hundred (noun), minteen.
two hundred (noun), miteen.
two hundred (noun), miteni.
two hundred (noun), miteni.
two thousand (noun), elfeen (9/10), pl elfeen.
in two ways (adverb), kuwili.
two-faced person (noun), kauleni (9/10), pl kauli.
two-faced person (noun), ndumakuwili (9/10an), pl ndumakuwili.
two-sided (adverb), kuwili.
twofold (adjective), maradufu.
twofold (adjective), mardufu.
twofold (adjective), marudufu.
something used for tying (noun), kifunga, pl vifunga.
tying (act of) (noun), mfungo, pl mifungo.
type (noun), aina (9/10), pl aina. What kind of food is this?. Hiki ni
chakula cha aina gani?.
type (noun), fani (9/10), pl fani. teachers of various types of games.
walimu wa fani mbali mbali za michezo [Masomo 363].
type (noun), modeli.
type (noun), namna, pl namna.
type (verb), -piga chapa.
type (verb), -piga taipu.
typewriter (noun), taipu (9/10), pl taipu. I know how to type and now I
am learning shorthand. najua kupiga taipu na sasa najifunza shorthand
typewriter (noun), tapureta (9/10), pl tapureta.
typhoid fever (noun), taifod (9).
typhoon (noun), kimbunga (7/8), pl vimbunga.
typhoon (noun), tufani.
typographical error (noun), mategu, pl mategu.
typography (noun), uchapaji.
tyrannical (adjective), jeuri.
tyrannical (adjective), ujeuri.
tyrannical person (noun), mkorofi (1/2), pl wakorofi.
tyranny (noun), dhaluma.
tyranny (noun), dhuluma.
tyranny (noun), dhulumu, pl madhulum.
tyranny (noun), jefule.
tyranny (noun), udhalimu.
tyranny (noun), ujuba.
tyranny (noun), ukali.
tyranny (noun), ukalifu.
tyranny (noun), ukorofi.
tyrant (noun), dhalimu (5/6an), pl madhalimu.
tyrant (noun), mdhalimu (1/2), pl wadhalimu.
tyrant (noun), mjeuri (1/2), pl wajeuri.
tyrant (noun), mwinamshi, pl wainamshi.
tyrant (noun), mwonevu, pl waonevu.

udder (noun), kiwele (7/8), pl viwele.
udder (noun), wele, pl mawele.
udder (noun), ziwa, pl maziwa.
become ugly (verb), -kwajuka.
ugly (verb), -sawijika.
uh-huh (interjection), eeh.
ulcer (noun), cheraka, pl macheraka.
ulcer (noun), jeraha, pl majeraha.
ulcer (noun), kidonda (7/8), pl vidonda.
ulcer (large) (noun), donda, pl madonda.
ululation (noun), kigelegele (7/8), pl vigelegele.
umbilical cord (noun), kunga ya uzazi.
umbilical cord (noun), ukamba (11/10), pl ukamba.
take umbrage (verb), -zilia.
umbrella (noun), mwamvuli (3/4), pl miamvuli.
umbrella (noun), mwamvuli, pl miamvuli. parachute. mwavuli wa kuchuka.
umbrella (noun), mwavuli, pl miavuli. parachute. mwavuli wa kuchuka.
umbrella (noun), mwemvuli, pl miemvuli. parachute. mwavuli wa kuchuka.
umpire (noun), mwamua, pl waamua.
umpire (noun), mwamuzi, pl waamuzi.
for the umpteenth time (adverb), kikariri.
be unable (verb), -shindwa. our ball team was unable to win. Timu yetu
ya mpira ilishindwa.
be unable to do anything (verb), -wa na hila.
be unable to do something (verb), -tehemu.
be unalterable (verb), -pasa.
unalterably (adverb), mkataa.
unambiguous (adjective), thabiti.
unanimity (noun), mwafaka, pl miafaka.
unanimity (phrase), sauti moja. we shall give a unanimous voice to the
members of our party. tutawapa sauti wanachama wa chama chetu..
unanimously (adverb), kwa shauri.
unanimously (adverb), shauri moja.
you are unapproachable (phrase), husarifiki.
unassuming (adjective), nyenyekevu.
unassuming person (noun), maridhia, pl wamaridhia. my wife is
unassuming. mke wangu maridhia.
unassuming person (noun), marigedi.
unavoidable (adjective), siyoepukika. unavoidable sacrifices. mahanga
be taken unawares (verb), -taghafali.
be taken unawares (verb), -ghafilika.
unawares (adverb), taghafali.
unbar (verb), -komoa.
be unbarred (verb), -komolewa.
rel. unbelief (noun), makufuru.
unbelief (noun), ukafiri.
unbelief (noun), ukufuru.
unbeliever (noun), kafiri (5/6), pl makafiri.
unbeliever (noun), kafiri, pl makafiri.
unceasingly (adverb), mfululizo.
be uncertain (verb), -daghadagha.
be uncertain (verb), -lega.
be uncertain (verb), -legarega.
be uncertain (verb), -rega.
be uncertain (verb), -regarega.
be uncertain (verb), -sita.
be uncertain (verb), -sitasita.
be uncertain (verb), -taladadi.
be uncertain (verb), -taradadi.
be uncertain (verb), -tetereka.
be uncertain (verb), -wayawaya.
uncertain (adjective), geugeu.
uncertainty (noun), daghadagha.
uncertainty (noun), mushkeli.
uncertainty (noun), shaka (5/6), pl mashaka. they have uncertainty.
wana shaka..
uncertainty (noun), tashwishi (9/10), pl tashwishi.
uncertainty (noun), wasiwasi.
uncertainty (noun), wayowayo, pl mawayowayo.
uncertainty (of the mind) (noun), kivinyovinyo, pl vivinyovinyo.
uncircumcised man (noun), mwenye ngovi (9/10), pl ngovi.
uncivil (adjective), paruparu.
uncivilized (adjective), jahili.
uncivilized (adjective), -a kishenzi.
uncivilized (adjective), kishenzi.
uncivilized (adjective), shenzi. (s)he was perceived as an uncivilized
person. Alionekana mtu mshenzi.
uncivilized person (noun), mshenzi (1/2), pl washenzi. an uncivilized
person; Since the distant past that bird has grasped people's whispers and
has begun to insult uncivilized people like me.. mtu mshenzi; Toka zama
za kale, huyu ndege hushika minong'ono ya watu na kuanza kukebehi washenzi
kama mimi [Chacha, Masomo 378]..
maternal uncle (noun), mjomba (1/2), pl wajomba.
uncle (father's older brother) (noun), baba mkubwa (1/2), pl baba
uncle (father's younger brother) (noun), baba mdogo (1/2), pl baba
uncle (paternal) (noun), ami (9/10an), pl ami.
uncle (paternal) (noun), amu (9/10an), pl amu.
uncle (paternal) (noun), baba, pl baba. uncle (older/younger brother of
one's father). ~ mkubwa, ~ mdogo.
ritual uncleanliness (after sexual intercourse) (noun), chanaba.
unclean (adjective), chafu.
unclean person (noun), mnajisi (1/2), pl wanajisi.
fig. uncleanliness (noun), koga, pl makoga.
ritual uncleanliness (noun), unajisi.
uncleanliness (noun), uchafu.
uncleanliness (noun), ukoo.
uncleanliness (noun), ukowo.
ritual uncleanness (noun), najisi.
express oneself unclearly (verb), -finika maneno.
express oneself unclearly (verb), -funika maneno.
unclose (verb), -fumbua.
uncoil (verb), -zongoa.
feel uncomfortable (verb), -chugachuga.
uncommon (adjective), nadra.
uncommunicative person (noun), mnyamavu, pl wanyamavu.
uncompromising (adjective), kakamizi.
unconditionally (adverb), kenyekenye.
uncooked (adjective), -bichi.
be uncorked (verb), -zibuka.
be uncorked (fig.) (verb), -chomolewa (passive).
uncork (verb), -zibua.
be uncorked (verb), -zibuliwa.
uncountable (adjective), bila idadi.
be uncouth (verb), -mbafu.
uncouth (adjective), shenzi.
uncouth person (noun), mshamba (1/2), pl washamba.
uncouth person (noun), mshenzi. uncouth person. mtu mshenzi.
uncouth person (noun), mtwana, pl watwana.
uncouthness (noun), ushamba (14).
uncouthness (noun), ushenzi.
uncover (verb), -ezua.
uncover (verb), -fichua.
uncover (verb), -fidua.
uncover (verb), -fudua.
uncover (verb), -fukua.
uncover (verb), -fumua.
uncover (verb), -funua.
uncover (verb), -gubua.
uncover (verb), -tandua.
uncover (verb), -tanzua. uncover a difficult matter. tanzua jambo gumu.
uncover (verb), -vumbua.
uncover (verb), -zumbua.
uncover (secret) (verb), -bukua.
uncovered (adjective), wazi.
uncovered (adjective), waziwazi.
uncovering (noun), kifunuo, pl vifunuo.
uncultivated (adjective), kame.
uncultured person (fig.) (noun), gumegume (5/6an), pl magumegume.
be undecided (verb), -rajua.
be undecided (verb), -yumba.
be undecided (verb), -yumbayumba.
under (adverb), chini.
be underdeveloped (verb), -dumaa.
be underdeveloped (verb), -kundaa.
be underestimated (verb), -dunishwa.
undergo (verb), -tendewa.
undergrowth (noun), chaka, pl machaka.
undergrowth (noun), gugu (5/6), pl magugu.
underhand (verb), -limuka.
try to get by underhanded means (verb), -nyanyia.
underhanded action (noun), penyaji (5/6), pl mapenyaji.
underhanded action (noun), penyezi (5/6), pl mapenyezi.
underhanded action (noun), upenyaji, pl mapenyaji, penyaji.
underhanded action (noun), upenyezi, pl mapenyezi, penyezi.
underhanded practices (noun), ugaidi.
underhandedly (adverb), kichinichini.
underhandedly (adverb), kijivi, pl vijivi.
underhandedly (adverb), kijizi.
undermine (verb), -tekua.
underneath (adverb), chini.
underpants (noun), chupi (9/10), pl chupi.
unerpinning (noun), kiweko, pl viweko.
underrate (verb), -dunisha. You have underrated yourself as
inferior/inferior by underestimation.. Umejidunisha duni/duni ya
kujidunisha [Alamin Mazrui "Usijiangamize" 9].
undershirt (noun), flana (9/10), pl flana.
undershirt (noun), fulana (9/10), pl fulana.
undersize (of persons) (adjective), ndururu.
undersized creature (noun), kibeti (7/8), pl vibeti.
be understood (verb), -fahamika.
make someone understand (verb), -sikiza (causative).
understand (noun), maizi.
understand (verb), -atikali.
understand (verb), -elekea.
understand (verb), -elewa.
understand (verb), -fafanua.
understand (verb), -fahamu.
understand (verb), -jua.
understand (verb), -jua.
understand (verb), -komanya.
understand (verb), -maizi.
understand (verb), -nabihi.
understand (verb), -sikia. I understand well. Nasikia vema.
understand (verb), -tambua.
understand (verb), -tanabahi. as (s)he thought well, (s)he understood
that it was not to be ran away from. alipofikiri vyema, alitanabahi kuwa
hakikuwapo cha kutorokwa [Sul].
understand each other (verb), -fahamiana.
understand each other (verb), -sikilizana.
understand each other's languages (verb), -sikizana ( assoc-caus).
understand mutually (verb), pl This lack of mutual understanding blocked
our efforts to fight for justice [Kenyatta, Masomo 115], -fahamikiana.
be understandable (verb), -tambulikana.
understandable (adjective), plen.
understandable (verb), -julikana.
come to an understanding (verb), -afikana (associative).
come to an understanding (verb), -afikiana (associative). If you don't
want to come to an understanding with me I will use my authority .. Kama
hutaki kuafikiana nami nitatumia madaraka yangu [Chacha, Masomo 383].
come to an understanding (verb), -sikilizana (causative).
effect an understanding (verb), -selehi.
effect an understanding (verb), -suluhi.
effect an understanding (verb), -suluhu.
mutual understanding (noun), maafikano, pl maafikano.
mutual understanding (noun), maafikiano, pl maafikiano.
mutual understanding (noun), msikilizano, pl misikilizano.
mutual understanding (noun), sikizano (5/6), pl masikizano. come to a
mutual understanding. pata masikizano.
mutual understanding (noun), uelewano (14).
mutual understanding (noun), ufahamikiano.
mutual understanding (noun), usikizano.
reach an understanding (verb), -patana.
understanding (adjective), ekevu.
understanding (adjective), elekevu.
understanding (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
understanding (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
understanding (noun), maarifa, pl maarifa.
understanding (noun), mapatano. compromise. mapatano ya kuridhiana.
understanding (noun), masikilizano (6).
understanding (noun), patano (5/6), pl mapatano. come to an
understanding. fanya mapatano.
understanding (noun), ufahamfu.
understanding (noun), ufahami.
understanding (noun), ufahamivu.
understanding (noun), ufahamu (14).
understanding (noun), upatano.
understanding (noun), utambulifu.
understanding (noun), utambulizi.
understanding (noun), utambuzi.
make oneself understood (at a distance) (noun), usikilizaji.
undertake (verb), -diriki.
undertake (verb), -tadaraki.
undertaker (noun), mzishi, pl wazishi.
undertaker (prepares body for burial) (noun), mpambaji (1/2), pl
undertaking directed toward a goal (noun), mkataa.
underworld (noun), kuzimu.
undesirable (adjective), haramu.
undesirable (noun), chini.
be undeveloped (used of anything which has not reached the state normally
expected) (verb), -via.
undeveloped (adjective), -changa.
undeveloped (adjective), pooza.
undeveloped thing (noun), pooza (5/6), pl mapooza.
undo (verb), -fumua.
undo (verb), -futua.
undo (verb), -shonoa.
undo (verb), -umbua.
come undone (verb), -funguka.
leave undone (verb), -saza.
undoubtedly (adverb), bila shaka.
undoubtedly (adverb), dhahiri.
undoubtedly (adverb), hakika.
make someone undress (verb), -vulisha.
take off clothes (verb), -vua (converse).
undress (verb), -jipuchua. strip off the grains of an ear of maize..
pujua mahindi.
undress (verb), -jipujua. strip off the grains of an ear of maize..
pujua mahindi.
undress (verb), -jipujua.
undress (verb), -vua nguo.
undress oneself (verb), -vua nguo. undress. vaa [vua] nguo.
undressing (act of) (noun), mvuo, pl mivuo.
undulating (adjective), kiwimbi.
unearth (verb), -fukua.
uneasiness (noun), kukuru.
uneasiness (noun), shaka (5/6), pl mashaka. (s)he has met with
uneasiness. amekutana na mashaka..
be uneasy (verb), -chugachuga.
uneasy (verb), -jituka.
be unemployed (verb), -vinjari.
the unemployed (noun), wamevinjari.
unemployed person (noun), mvinjari.
unemployment (noun), ulitima (14).
unemployment (noun), ulitima.
unemployment (noun), ultima.
unemployment (noun), uritima.
be uneven (verb), -kwaruza.
uneven (adjective), kinundu.
unexpectedly (adverb), fajaa.
do something unexpected (verb), -ghairi.
come upon unexpectedly (verb), -okota.
unexpectedly (adverb), ghafla.
unexpectedly (adverb), ghafula.
unexpectedly (adverb), kutahamaki.
unexpectedly (adverb), mara. once. mara moja.
unexpectedly (adverb), soli.
unexpectedly (adverb), taghafali. a lot of bitterness and unexpected
anger seized him/her. uchungu mkuu na hasira taghafali zilimchemka [Mun].
unexpectedly (verb), -hamaki.
be unfair (verb), -chagua.
be unfair (verb), -isi-ostahili.
unfair (adjective), jeuri.
unfair person (noun), pl unfair people, msukumizi (1/2), pl wasukumizi.
unfairness (noun), maovu.
unfamiliar (adjective), -geni.
something that unfastens (noun), kifungua, pl vifungua.
unfasten (verb), -fungua.
unfasten (verb), -pingua.
unfastening (noun), mfunguo (3/4), pl mifunguo.
one who unfastens (noun), mfungua, pl wafungua.
leave unfinished (verb), -saza.
unfold (verb), -kunjua.
unfold (verb), -vunja.
unfold (of buds) (verb), -chanua.
be unfolded (verb), -kunjuliwa.
unfolding (noun), kifunuo (7/8), pl vifunuo.
unfolding (noun), ufumbulio.
unfolding (noun), ufumbuo.
unfolding (noun), ufumbuzi.
unform (verb), -tungua.
be unfriendly (verb), -nuna.
unfriendly person (noun), mkimwa, pl wakimwa.
unhappiness (noun), huzuni (9/10), pl huzuni.
unharmed (adjective), salaam. unharmed ending. mwisho salama..
unharmed (adjective), salama. unharmed ending. mwisho salama..
unhealthiness (noun), ubovu.
unhealthy (adjective), bovu.
unheard-of (adjective), nyangalika.
unhurt (adjective), -zima.
unification (noun), mwungamano, pl miungamano.
uniform (noun), moja. harmony (literary one heart). moyo mmoja.
uniform (noun), nguo za rasmi (9/10), pl nguo.
uniform (noun), vazi rasmi (5/6), pl mavazi rasmi.
uniform (noun), yunifomu (9/10).
uniform shirt (with short sleeves) (noun), kimau, pl vimau.
uniformity (noun), kumoja.
unify (verb), -unganisha.
unimpeded (adjective), sabili.
unimportant (adjective), chache.
unimportant (adjective), dogo.
unimportant (adjective), duni. an unimportant matter. jambo duni.
unimportant (adjective), epesi.
unimportant person (noun), chaupepeta (7/8an), pl vyaupepeta.
uninhabited (adjective), kame.
uninhabited place (noun), pululu (5/6), pl mapululu.
uninitiated child (noun), mwali (1/2), pl wali.
unintelligible (verb), -meguka.
unintelligible (verb), -megukameguka.
unintelligibly (adverb), kikombo.
unintentionally (adverb), kwa nasibu.
unintentionally (adverb), bila nia.
unintentionally (preposition), pasipo nia.
uninteresting (adjective), dufu.
do something uninterrupted (verb), -fufuliza.
do something uninterrupted (verb), fufuliza.
do something uninterrupted (verb), -fuliza.
do something uninterrupted (verb), -fululiza.
do something uninterrupted (verb), fuuliza.
do something uninterrupted (verb), -fuuza.
union (noun), chama (7/8), pl vyama.
union (noun), changamano, pl machangamano.
union (noun), kombaini, pl makombaini. beg pardon.
union (noun), pl unions, muungano (3/4), pl miungamo.
union (noun), muungano, pl miungano. United States of America..
mwungano wa nchi za Amerika.
union (noun), mwunganisho, pl miunganisho. United States of America..
mwungano wa nchi za Amerika.
union (noun), mwungano, pl miungano. United States of America..
mwungano wa nchi za Amerika.
union (noun), shirikisho (9/10), pl mashirikisho. European countries
have a strong union. Nchi za Ulaya zina shirikisho la nguvu.
union (noun), tangamano (5/6), pl matangamano.
union (noun), umoja.
union (noun), unganisho, pl maunganisho.
unique (adverb), a pekee.
unique (noun), kifani (7/8), pl kifani.
uniqueness (noun), peke (9). they alone. peke yao.
uniqueness (noun), pekee (9). they alone. peke yao.
uniqueness (noun), pweke (9).
unision (noun), mlingano, pl milingano.
unison (phrase), sauti moja.
unit (noun), kipindi, pl vipindi.
unit (noun), sehemu (9/10), pl sehemu.
unit of length (about 9 inches) (noun), shibiri (9/10), pl shibiri. when
(s)he was born, (s)he was about nine inches. Alipozaliwa alikuwa na
shibiri moja.
unit of length (about 9 inches) (noun), shubiri (9/10), pl shubiri.
unit of weight (for precious metals and perfumes, equals about 1/2 ounce
or 14 g) (noun), tola (9/10), pl tola.
unite (verb), -shariki. unite in business. shiriki katika biashara
unite (verb), -shiriki.
unite (verb), -ungamanisha.
unite (verb), -ungana.
unite (verb), -unganisha.
be united (verb), -kongomana.
be united (verb), -ungamana.
be united (verb), -unganika.
united (adjective), a pamoja.
United Republic (of Tanzania) (noun), jamhuri ya muungano.
United States of America (noun), Marekani (17).
uniting (act of) (noun), uunganishaji.
unity (noun), kiva (9/10), pl kiva.
unity (noun), ukamili.
unity (noun), ukamilifu.
unity (noun), umoja.
unity (noun), ushirikiano (14), pl ushirikiano.
universe (noun), dunia.
universe (noun), maumbile (6).
universe (noun), ulimwengu, pl malimwengu.
university (noun), pl universities, chuo kikuu (7/8), pl vyuo vikuu.
University of Dar es Salaam. Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam.
be unjust (verb), -chagua.
be unjust (verb), -isi-ostahili.
unjust (adjective), dhalimu.
unjust (adjective), jeuri.
unjust (adjective), jeuri.
unjust (adjective), ujeuri.
unjust person (noun), dhalimu (5/6an), pl madhalimu.
unjust person (noun), mdhalimu, pl wadhalimu.
unkind treatment (noun), oneo (5/6), pl maoneo.
be unknown (verb), asitambuke (conjugated).
something unknown (noun), kidude, pl vidude.
pronounce unlawful (verb), -harimisha.
unlawfulness (noun), uharamu.
unless (conjunction), ela.
unless (conjunction), ila.
unless (conjunction), ila.
unless (conjunction), isipokuwa.
unless (conjunction), isipokuwa.
unless (conjunction), kasoro.
unless (conjunction), kama laula.
discharge cargo (ships) (verb), -cheleza.
unload (verb), -cheleza.
unload (verb), -pakua.
unload (verb), -pakuwa.
unload (cargo etc.) (verb), -shusha (causative). unload the load.
shusha mzigo.
unloader (noun), mpakuzi (1/2), pl wapakuzi.
unloading cargo (noun), upakuzi.
unloading freight (noun), upakuzi.
one who unloads (noun), mpakuzi, pl wapakuzi.
person of ill omen (one for whom an unfortunate life was foretold at his
birth) (noun), mtimvi.
unlucky (adjective), churo.
unlucky (adjective), korofi.
unlucky ill-omened person who brings bad luck (noun), kausha (9/10), pl
unlucky person (noun), mdubira, pl wadubira.
unlucky person (one for whom an unfortunate life was foretold at his
birth) (noun), mchimbi.
unlucky person (one for whom an unfortunate life was foretold at his
birth) (noun), mchimvi.
unlucky person (one for whom an unfortunate life was foretold at his
birth) (noun), mtimvi.
unlucky person (someone who causes misfortune or injury to other people)
(noun), mshari, pl washari.
unlucky person (with certain peculiarities which are regarded as bad
omens) (noun), chimvi, pl machimvi.
unmannerliness (noun), ushenzi.
be unmannerly (verb), -mbafu.
unmannerly (adjective), fidhulika.
unmannerly person (noun), mtwana, pl watwana.
condition of being unmarried (noun), ujane.
unmarried (adjective), senge.
unmarried man (noun), kapela, pl makapela.
unmarried man (noun), kapela (5/6), pl makapela.
unmarried man (noun), pl unmarried men, mseja (1/2), pl waseja.
unmarried state (noun), ujane.
unmarried young man (noun), mvulana, pl wavulana.
unmarried young man (noun), mvuli, pl wavuli.
be unnatural (verb), -si-o -a maumbile. his/her hair is now a single
hair that is not natural. nywele zake [...] sasa ni singa isiyo ya
maumbile [Moh].
be unnerved (verb), -chafuka (potential).
be unnerved (verb), -dawaa.
be unnerved (verb), -duala.
be unnerved (verb), -duwaa.
something unobtainable (noun), mhali. He is asking the unobtainable of
me.. anitaka muhali.
something unobtainable (noun), muhali. He is asking the unobtainable of
me.. anitaka muhali.
something unobtainable (noun), umhali. He is asking the unobtainable of
me.. anitaka muhali.
something unobtainable (noun), umhali.
state of being unobtainable (noun), ughaibu.
unobtainable (adjective), adimu.
unobtainable (adjective), hadimika.
unpack (verb), -omeka.
unpick (verb), -fumua.
unpleasant (adjective), chapwa.
unpleasant (adjective), chungu.
unpleasant person (noun), bweshu, pl mabweshu.
unpleasant person or thing (noun), mbwedu, pl wabwedu.
unpleasantness (noun), nongwa (9/10), pl nongwa.
unplug (verb), -chomoa.
unplug (verb), -zibua.
be unplugged (verb), -zibuliwa.
unprejudiced person (noun), mzingatifu, pl wazingatifu.
unprejudiced person (noun), mzingativu, pl wazingativu.
be unprepared (verb), -chugachuga.
something unpretentious (noun), mfuto (3/4), pl mifuto.
unpretentious person (noun), maridhia, pl wamaridhia. my wife is
unassuming. mke wangu maridhia.
unpretentious person (noun), marigedi.
unprincipled person (noun), mpotoe, pl wapotoe.
unprincipled person (noun), mpotofu, pl wapotofu.
unprincipled person (noun), mpotovu, pl wapotovu.
unprincipled person (noun), mpotwe, pl wapotwe.
unravel (verb), -fumua.
unravel (verb), -fumua.
unravel (verb), -ng'amua.
unravel (verb), -shonoa.
unravel a puzzle (verb), -tatanua.
something unreasonable (noun), mhali.
something unreasonable (noun), muhali.
something unreasonable (noun), umhali.
something unreasonable (noun), umhali.
be unrecognized (verb), asitambuke (conjugated).
unrefined (adjective), guru. unrefined sugar. sukari guru.
unregulated (adverb), shambiro.
unrelated (adjective), ajinabi.
unreliable (adjective), bovu. unreliable person. mtu bovu.
unresistingly (adverb), kikondoo, pl vikondoo.
cause unrest (verb), -omoa.
unrest (noun), chachari, pl machachari.
unrest (noun), chafuko, pl machafuko.
unrest (noun), chonza. cause unrest. tia chonza.
unrest (noun), dukuduku.
unrest (noun), fujo (5/6), pl mafujo.
unrest (noun), ghadhia (9/10), pl ghadhia.
unrest (noun), hekaheka.
unrest (noun), kerezo, pl makerezo.
unrest (noun), machugachuga, pl machugachuga.
unrest (noun), masubuko, pl masubuko.
unrest (noun), masuko (6).
unrest (noun), masukosuko, pl masukosuko.
unrest (noun), masumbufo, pl masumbufo.
unrest (noun), masumbulizi, pl masumbulizi.
unrest (noun), masumbuo, pl masumbuo.
unrest (noun), maudhiko, pl maudhiko.
unrest (noun), mauja.
unrest (noun), mavurugano, pl mavurugano.
unrest (noun), msuko, pl misuko.
unrest (noun), msukosuko, pl misukosuko.
unrest (noun), muuya.
unrest (noun), mwuja, pl miuja.
unrest (noun), sononeko (5/6), pl masononeko.
unrest (noun), sumbuko (5/6), pl masumbuko.
unrest (noun), sumbuo (5/6), pl masumbuo.
unrestricted (adverb), shambiro.
unripe (adjective), -bichi.
unripe (adjective), biti.
unripe (adjective), pooza.
unripe (of grains) (adjective), tindi.
unripe fruit (noun), kidanga, pl vidanga.
unripeness (noun), ubichi (14).
unripeness (noun), uchanga.
unroll (verb), -fumua.
unroll (verb), -zingua.
unroll (verb), -zongoa.
unruly (noun), matimutimu, pl matimutimu. unruly hair. matimutimu ya
leave unsaid (verb), -saza.
unsaleable merchandise (noun), uhafifu.
unsatisfactory (adjective), adimu.
unselfish (adjective), safi.
unselfish (adjective), swafi.
not serious (adjective), epesi.
unsettled (adjective), hamaji.
unsew (verb), -shonoa.
unshakable person (noun), mpindanifu, pl wapindanifu.
unsheathe (verb), -futa.
unspecified number (adverb), kadhaa.
be unstable (verb), -huni.
unstable (adjective), -badilifu.
move unsteadily (verb), -yua.
stand unsteadily (as an infant first learning to walk) (adverb), dede.
stand unsteadily. -simama dede.
stand unsteadily (as an infant first learning to walk) (verb), -simama
dede. If you see him you'll be surprised (and so be unsteady on your
feet).. ukimwona utasimama dede [Ma].
walk unsteadily (verb), -yonga.
walk unsteadily (verb), -yongayonga.
walk unsteadily (verb), -yuga.
walk unsteadily (verb), -yugayuga.
be unsteady (verb), -lega.
be unsteady (verb), -legarega.
be unsteady (verb), -rega.
be unsteady (verb), -regarega.
be unsteady (verb), -rega.
unsteady (verb), -tikisika.
unstop (verb), -zibua.
be unstoppable (verb), -zibuka.
be unstopped (verb), -zibuliwa.
be unsuccessful (verb), -angamia.
be unsuccessful (verb), -feli.
be unsuccessful (verb), -kosa. the knife cuts on both edges..
be unsuccessful (verb), -shindwa. John was unsuccessful in helping his
friend. John alishindwa kumsaidia rafiki yake.
be unsuccessful (in getting something) (verb), -dolola.
someone who is always unsuccessful (noun), mdubira, pl wadubira.
unsuitable (adjective), dhaifu.
untalkative (adjective), -nyamavu. "a good, respectful and untalkative
girl".. msichana mzuri, mnyenyekevu na mnyamavu [Kez].
be untangled (verb), -tatuka.
untangle (verb), -tatua.
untangle (verb), -zingua.
untidy person (noun), mkoo, pl wakoo.
untie (verb), -fumua.
untie (verb), -fundua.
untie (verb), -fungua.
untie (verb), -gangua.
until (adjective), hata.
until (adverb), kufikia.
until (adverb), mpaka.
until (conjunction), haddi.
until (conjunction), hadi.
until (preposition), hata.
until (preposition), mpaka. until whenNULL how longNULL. mpaka
until now (adverb), tokea hapo.
untiring (adjective), maarufu.
something untouched (noun), bikira.
untroubled (adjective), kunjufu.
untrue (adjective), mbea.
untrue (adjective), wongo.
untrustworthy person (noun), kauleni, pl makauleni.
untruth (noun), uongo (5/6), pl maongo.
untruth (noun), uongo.
untruth (noun), urongo.
untruth (noun), uwongo (5/6), pl maongo.
untruth (noun), wongo.
untwist (verb), -sukua (inversive).
be unusual (verb), -ghamma.
unusual (adjective), geni.
unusual (adjective), nadra. It is unusual to see him/her sitting quietly
when something happens.. Ni nadra kumwona amenyamaa panapotukia jambo
fulani [Khan, Masomo 391].
unusual (adjective), -a tukizi.
unusually (adverb), mno.
unusualness (noun), uzungu.
unveil (verb), -kashifu.
unveiling (noun), kashifa.
unwholesome (adjective), bovu.
become unwieldly (verb), -nenepa.
unwillingly (adverb), kwa nyongo.
unwillingness to speak (noun), utasi.
unwind (verb), -tatanua.
unwind (verb), -tatua.
unwind (verb), -zingua.
unwind (verb), -zongoa.
be unwound (verb), -tatuka.
unwrap (verb), -zingua.
be unyielding (verb), -shupaa.
unyielding (adjective), gumu.
unyielding (adjective), kakamizi.
unyielding (adjective), pindani.
unyielding (adjective), shupavu.
get up (verb), -ondoka.
go up (verb), -kwea.
up (adverb), juu.
up (adverb), kijuujuu, pl vijuujuu.
up (preposition), juu.
up (verb), -tuna.
up to (adverb), hata.
up to (conjunction), hadi.
up to (preposition), juu ya.
up to (adverb), mpaka.
up-to-date (adjective), kisasa.
up-to-date (adjective), -pya. up-to-date work. kazi mpya.
up-to-date (adjective), -sasa. everything is upto date. kila kitu kiko
be upbraided (verb), -shutumiwa.
upbraid (verb), -shutumu.
upbringing (noun), kulea.
upbringing (noun), malezi (6).
upbringing (noun), malezi.
upbringing (noun), ulezi (11/6), pl malezi.
upcountry (noun), bara (9/10), pl bara.
upheaval (noun), mapinduzi.
uphold (verb), -dumisha.
uplift (verb), -inua.
upon (conjunction), juu ya.
upper end (adverb), kichwani.
upper part (noun), juu.
upper part (noun), kichwa, pl vichwa.
upper floor (noun), dari.
uppermost (adverb), imaima, pl viwimawima.
uppermost (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
uppermost (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
be in an upright position (verb), -simama.
be upright (verb), -simamika (intransitive).
be upright (verb), -simika (intransitive).
be upright (verb), -stahika.
be upright (verb), -thibiti.
in an upright position (adverb), imaima, pl viwimawima.
in an upright position (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
in an upright position (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
place upright (verb), -buathi.
state of being upright (noun), usimamao.
upright (adjective), kabili.
upright (adjective), madhubuti.
upright (adjective), salihi.
upright (adjective), wima.
upright man (noun), mnyofu (1/2), pl wanyofu.
upright position (noun), usimamao.
uprightness (noun), nyofu (9).
uprightness (noun), uadilifu (14).
uprightness (noun), uongofu.
uprightness (noun), uwima.
uprightness (noun), wima.
uprightness (noun), wongofu.
uprising (noun), mgogoro (3/4), pl migogoro.
uprising (noun), mnyanyuko, pl minyanyuko. armed uprising. mnyanyuko wa
fig. uproar (noun), kishindo, pl vishindo.
uproar (noun), fujo (5/6), pl mafujo.
uproar (noun), hoihoi (9/10), pl hoihoi.
uproar (noun), kelele, pl makelele.
uproar (noun), udhia.
uproar (noun), udhiko.
uproar (noun), ukelele, pl makelele.
uproar (noun), unyeme.
uproar (noun), zahama.
uproar (noun), zahimu.
be uprooted (verb), -chimbuka.
be uprooted (verb), -ng'oka.
one who uproots (noun), mng'oaji (1/2), pl wang'oaji.
uproot (verb), -ng'oa. when they finished removing the doors and widows
of that house. walipomaliza kung'oa milango na madirisha ya nyumba ile
uproot (verb), -sinua.
be upset (verb), -angaika.
be upset (verb), -hangaika.
be upset (verb), -papa.
be upset (verb), -taharuki.
be upset (verb), -weka shindo upande.
be upset (verb), -tokuwa na roho.
get upset (verb), -chafuka (potential).
stomach upset (noun), kiungulia (7/8), pl viungulia.
upset (noun), ubabaifu (14).
upset (verb), -chafua.
upset (verb), -kukurika.
upset (verb), -nunisha.
upset (verb), -pangua (converse).
upset (verb), -petua.
upset (verb), -sumbua.
upset (verb), -taabisha (causative).
upsetting (noun), upinduzi, pl mapinduzi.
upshot (noun), matokeo, pl matokeo.
turn upside down (verb), -fudikiza.
turn upside down (verb), -fuja.
upside down (adverb), fudifudi.
upside down (adverb), fulifuli.
upside down (adverb), kifudifudi.
upside down (adverb), kifulifuli.
turn something upside down (verb), -sinukisha ( caus-intr).
upside down (adverb), pindu. head over heels.. kichwa pindu.
upstairs (noun), juu (9/10), pl juu.
upwards (adverb), kijuujuu, pl vijuujuu.
upwards (adverb), kindakindaki.
uranium (noun), yuranimu.
be urbanized (verb), -staarabika.
be urbanized (verb), -staarabu.
sea urchin (noun), mwanamizi, pl wanamizi.
sea-urchin (noun), chale. sea-urchin. chale cha pwani.
sea-urchin (noun), chani.
sea-urchin (noun), chanui.
urge (noun), haja (9/10), pl haja.
urge (noun), majilio (6).
urge (verb), -harakisha.
urge (verb), -himia.
urge (verb), -himiza.
urge (verb), -sihi. I urged him/her not to swim in the ocean. Nilimishi
asioge baharini.
urge (verb), -sisitiza.
urge (to haste) (verb), -himiza.
urge forward (animals) (verb), -chocha.
urge on (verb), -sukuma.
urge to attack (verb), -tomesha.
urgent (adjective), kali.
urgent (adjective), muhimu.
urgent request (noun), utashi.
urgently (adverb), haraka.
one who urges (noun), msonga, pl misonga.
one who urges (noun), msongi, pl misongi.
urging (noun), usukumizi.
urinate (verb), -dabaulo.
urinate (verb), -kojoa.
urinate (verb), -nya. urinate.. nya mavi.
urinate (verb), -tabawali.
urinate (children's speech) (informal) (verb), -nyunyu. to go to
defecate or to urinate. kwenda kushii au kunyunyu [Moh].
urinating (act of) (noun), mnyo, pl minyo.
urination (noun), choo, pl vyoo.
urination (noun), unyaji.
urine (noun), kojozi (5/6), pl makojozi.
urine (noun), mkojo (3/4), pl mikojo. urinate.. mwaga mkojo.
urine (noun), mkojozi (3/4), pl mikojozi. urinate.. mwaga mkojo.
urine (noun), unyesi, pl manyesi, kinyesi.
urine (noun), unyezi, pl manyezi, kinyesi.
urn (noun), pl urns, samawari (9/10), pl samawari.
all of us (pronoun), sote.
all of us (pronoun), soteni.
Especially us! (interjection), ndisi.
us (pronoun), sisi.
us (pronoun), siye.
USA (noun), Marekani (17).
usage (noun), dasturi.
usage (noun), desturi (9/10), pl desturi.
usage (noun), kawaida.
usage (noun), madhehebu, pl madhehebu.
usage (noun), pokeo (5/6), pl mapokeo.
usage (noun), pokezi (5/6), pl mapokezi.
be of use (verb), -faa.
be used (verb), -tumika (potential).
be used up (verb), -teketea.
make use of (verb), -tumia (applicative).
state of showing much use (a tool etc.) (noun), uvunzovunzo.
use (noun), mafaa (6).
use (noun), manufaa.
use (noun), matumizi (6). Emphasize the most appropriate use of
punctuation; the building will be able to protect many Government
documents for subsequent uses.. Sisitiza matumizi bora ya vituo [Masomo
76]; Jengo litawezesha kuhifadhi nyaraka nyingi za Serikali kwa matumizi
ya hapo baadaye [Masomo 362]..
use (noun), mazoea (6).
use (noun), mtumo, pl mitumo.
use (noun), utumi.
use (noun), utumizi.
use (noun), utumo.
use (verb), -tia.
use (verb), -tumia (applicative).
use for the first time (verb), -limbua.
use for the first time (verb), -rimbua.
use for the first time (verb), -rimbua.
use something in small amounts (e.g. medicine) (verb), -dokeza.
use up (verb), -chakaa.
use up (verb), -chakaza.
use up (verb), -la.
be useable (verb), -tengenea.
be used (verb), -tumiwa.
be used to (verb), -zoea.
be used to (verb), -zoea.
become used (verb), -zoea.
cause to get used to something (verb), -zoesha.
get someone used to something (verb), -zolesha.
get used to (verb), -zoelea.
get used to someting (verb), -zolea.
be useful (verb), -shimiri.
be useful (verb), -simiri.
useful (adjective), -a faida.
useful (adjective), salihi.
useful thing (noun), kifaa (7/8), pl vifaa.
useful thing (noun), manufaa.
useful to (verb), -wea.
usefulness (noun), manufaa (6). "It is the responsibility of the Party,
the Government, and of every person, to help them be able to be useful
citizens to the full extent of their capabilities".. Ni wajibu wa Chama,
wa Serikali na wa kila mwananchi, kuwasaidia waweze kuwa raia wenye
manufaa kwa uwezo wa hali yao [Nyerere, Masomo 281].
usefulness (noun), utumizi (11/6), pl matumizi.
be useless (verb), -tumburujika.
useless (adjective), bozi.
useless (adjective), bozibozi.
useless (adjective), dhaifu.
useless (adjective), dufu.
useless (adjective), duni.
useless (adjective), kikuukuu.
useless (adjective), kukuu.
useless (adjective), kuukuu.
useless (adjective), nyangalika. This dress is so old that I cannot wear
it any more.. nguo hii ni kinyangalika haivaiki.
useless (adjective), -tupu.
useless (adverb), bure.
useless (noun), kifefe, pl vifefe.
useless innovations (noun), uzushi (14), pl uzushi.
useless person (noun), mnyangalika, pl wanyangalika.
useless thing (noun), kinyangalika.
useless thing (noun), kinyangarika.
uselessness (noun), ubatili (14).
uselessness (noun), ubatilifu.
uselessness (noun), ubure.
uselessness (noun), utasa.
uselessness (noun), uzimbezimbe.
be usual (verb), -semeka.
be usual (verb), -semekana.
be usual (verb), -zoleka.
usual (adjective), kikawaida.
usual (noun), gharadi.
usual (thing) (adverb), kawaida.
usually (adverb), aghalabu. A poet is usually born with a special poetic
ability; water is drawn with buckets, but the work is usually done by
oxen.. Mshairi aghalabu huzaliwa na kipawa maalum cha ushairi [Masomo
395]; maji huchotwa kwa ndoo, ~ na ng'ombe.
usually (adverb), aghlabu. "Water is drawn with buckets, but the work is
usually done by oxen".. maji huchotwa kwa ndoo, ~ na ng'ombe.
usually (adverb), huwa.
usually (adverb), kwa kawaida.
usurer (noun), mkopeshi (1/2), pl wakopeshi.
usurer (noun), mla riba (1/2), pl wala riba.
usurer (noun), mlariba (1/2), pl walariba.
usurer (noun), mlariba. practice usury.. la riba.
usurer (noun), ruba (5/6an), pl maruba.
usurpation (noun), unyang'anyi (14).
practice usury (noun), -la riba. practice usury.. la riba.
usury (noun), riba (9), pl riba. practice usury.. la riba.
utensil (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
utensil (noun), kifaa, pl vifaa.
utensil (noun), samani (9/10), pl samani.
household utensils (noun), vinyumba (8).
utensils (noun), makolokolo.
utensils (noun), vifaa.
utensils (noun), vikorokoro.
uterine pain (noun), mwanamimba (1/2), pl wanamimba.
uterine pains (chiefly in cases of premature births) (noun), mwanamimba,
pl wanamimba, waanamimba.
uterus (noun), chupa (9/10), pl machupa.
utilities (noun), sitima (9/10), pl sitima. Ministry of Public Works and
Utilities. Wizara ya Kazi na Stima.
utilities (noun), stima (9/10), pl stima. Ministry of Public Works and
Utilities. Wizara ya Kazi na Stima.
utility (noun), mafaa (6).
utility (noun), manufaa (6).
utility (noun), utoshelevu (14).
utilization (noun), matumio, pl matumio.
utilization (noun), matumizi, pl matumizi.
utilization (noun), mtumo, pl mitumo.
utilization (noun), utumi.
utilization (noun), utumizi.
utilization (noun), utumo.
utilize (verb), -tumia.
to the utmost (adverb), upeo, pl peo.
utter (adjective), kubwa.
utterance (noun), maneno.
utterance (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
utterance (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno. a true utterance.. neno la
utterance (noun), utokezo, pl matokezo.
utterly (adverb), mbali.
utterly (adverb), tu.
uvula (noun), kidaka tonge (7/8), pl vidaka tonge.
uvula (noun), kimio, pl vimio.
uvula (part of mouth) (noun), kilimi (7/8), pl vilimi.


vacant space (noun), pengo (5/6), pl mapengo.

vacate office voluntarily (verb), -ng'atuka.
vacation (noun), likizo (9/10), pl likizo. They returned to their large
homes for their vacations; your vacation has three days remaining..
Walirudi majumbani kwao kwa likizo zao [Balisidya, Masomo 345]; likizo
yako imebakia siku tatu [Sul].
vacation (noun), mapumziko (5). during the Easter vacation.. wakati wa
mapumziko ya Pasaka [Masomo 219].
vacation (noun), pumzikio (5/6), pl mapumzikio.
vacation (noun), pumziko (5/6), pl mapumziko. school vacation. pumziko
la shule.
vacation (noun), ruhsa (9/10), pl ruhsa.
vacation (noun), ruhusa (9/10), pl ruhusa. during the vacation, we shall
visit Florida. Wakati wa ruhusa tutazuru Florida.
vacation (noun), rukhsa (9/10), pl rukhsa.
be vaccinated (verb), -chanjwa.
vaccinate (verb), -chanja.
vaccinate (verb), -piga sindano.
med. vaccination (noun), mchanjo, pl michanjo.
vaccination (noun), chanjo, pl machanjo.
vaccination (noun), shindano (5/6), pl mashidano. vaccinate. piga
vaccination (noun), sindano (5/6), pl masindano. give a vaccination.
piga sindano.
vacillate (adjective), wayawaya.
vacillate (verb), -sita. constantly. bila kusita.
vacillate (verb), -sitasita. constantly. bila kusitasita.
vacillate (verb), -yumba.
vacillate (verb), -yumbayumba.
vacillating (adjective), kigeugeu.
vacillation (noun), taladadi (9/10), pl taladadi.
vacillation (noun), taradadi (9/10), pl taradadi.
vacillation (noun), wasiwasi.
vacuum (noun), uvungu.
vacuum (noun), uvurungu.
vacuum cleaner (noun), kifyonza, pl vifyonza.
vagabond (noun), mhuni (1/2), pl wahuni.
vagabond (noun), pl vagabonds, mtanga (1/2), pl mitanga.
vagabond (noun), mtanga, pl watanga.
vagabond (noun), mtangatanga, pl watangatanga.
vagina (noun), kuma (9/10), pl kuma.
vagina (noun), uke.
vagrancy (noun), mtango, pl mitango.
vagrancy (noun), tango (5/6), pl matango.
vagrancy (noun), tembezi, pl matembezi.
vagrancy (noun), uhuni (14), pl uhuni.
vagrancy (noun), uhuni.
vagrant (noun), bedawi, pl mabedawi.
vagrant (noun), bedui, pl mabedui.
vagrant (noun), -hamaji (1/2), pl wahamaji.
vagrant (noun), hamiji (1/2), pl wahamiji.
vagrant (noun), mgaagaa, pl wagaagaa.
vagrant (noun), pl vagrants, msikwao (1/2), pl wasikwao.
vagrant (noun), mtembezaji, pl watembezaji.
vagrant (noun), mtembezi, pl watembezi.
vagrant (noun), mwasikwao (1/2), pl wasikwao.
vagueness (noun), unyenyezi.
be vain (verb), -jiona.
vain (adjective), bure.
vain (adjective), malidadi.
vain (adjective), mardadi.
vain (adjective), maridadi.
vain (adjective), mmalidadi.
vain person (noun), mpeketevu, pl wapeketevu.
valid (adjective), sahihi.
valid (adjective), sahihifu.
validate (verb), -sahihi. the old man validated the history of your
family. Mzee alisahihisha historia ya jamii yako.
validate (verb), -sahihisha.
valley (noun), bonde (5/6), pl mabonde.
valley (noun), ufumbi (11/6), pl mafumbi.
valor (noun), ushujaa (14).
something valuable (noun), tunu.
something valuable (noun), tunu (9/10), pl tunu.
valuable (adjective), azizi.
valuable (adjective), fani.
valuable (noun), kanzi.
valuable item (noun), dafina, pl dafina.
valuable thing (noun), johari.
valuables (noun), hazina.
valuation (noun), upimaji (14).
be of value (verb), -wa na faida.
face value( of money etc) (noun), saari (9/10), pl saari.
of little value (adverb), kululu, pl makululu.
value (noun), bao (5/6), pl mabao.
value (noun), bei.
value (noun), karama.
value (noun), kiasi.
value (noun), kima, pl vima.
value (noun), saari (9/10), pl saari.
value (noun), takaramu (9/10), pl takaramu.
value (noun), takarimu (9/10), pl takaramu.
value (noun), thamani (9/10), pl thamani.
value (noun), upataji.
value (noun), utunu.
value (verb), -thamini.
valued thing (noun), azizi, pl azizi.
valueless thing (noun), takataka (5/6), pl matakataka.
air valve (noun), wari (9/10), pl wari.
valve (noun), kilango, pl vilango.
valve (noun), vali (14).
valve (of a bicycle or automobile tire) (noun), wari (9/10), pl wari.
vamp (noun), mrembo (1/2), pl warembo.
van (noun), rukwama (9/10), pl rukwama.
vandal (noun), harabu, pl harabu, maharabu; waharabu.
vandal (noun), mharabu (1/2), pl waharabu.
vandal (noun), mhuni, pl wahuni.
commit acts of vandalism (verb), -huni.
vandalism (noun), uharabu.
vandalism (noun), uharibifu.
vandalism (noun), uhuni.
vandalism (noun), upotevu.
vandalism (noun), uvunjaji.
vandalism (noun), uvunjifu.
vandalism (noun), uvunjo.
vanilla (noun), lavani.
vanish (verb), -nywewa.
vanish (verb), -tokomea.
vanish (verb), -toweka.
vanity (noun), ghururi (9/10), pl ghururi.
vanity (noun), makuu.
vanity (noun), mangwaji.
vanity (noun), mashabo.
vanity (noun), mashobo.
vanity (noun), ubatili (14).
vanity (noun), unyeti.
vanity (noun), ushaufu (14).
vanity (noun), uvuvio.
vanquish (verb), -angamiza.
give off vapor (verb), -fuka.
vapor (noun), fukizo (5/6), pl mafukizo.
vapor (noun), fukuto (5/6), pl mafukuto.
vapor (noun), ghubari (5/6), pl maghubari.
vapor (noun), kivumbi (7/8), pl vivumbi.
vapor (noun), mafukizo.
vapor (noun), mnyevu (3/4), pl minyevu.
vapor (noun), moshi, pl mimoshi.
vapor (noun), ufukuto.
vapor (noun), umaji.
vapor (noun), umajimaji.
vapor (noun), uvukuto.
vapor (noun), vepa.
vapor (noun), vuke (5/6), pl mavuke.
vapor (noun), vukizo, pl mavukizo.
vapor (noun), vukuto, pl mavukuto.
vaporization (noun), mvuke.
vaporization (noun), uvuke.
be at variance (verb), -epukana.
set at variance (verb), -saliti. the visitor is the one who set us at
variance. mgeni ndiye aliyetusaliti..
variation (noun), ugeuzi (11/6), pl mageuzi.
variation (of conditions or customs or practices) (noun), badiliko, pl
variation (of conditions or customs or practices) (noun), badilisho, pl
varicolored (adjective), doa.
varicolored (adjective), madoadoa.
variegated (adverb), tilatila.
of various kinds (adjective), namna kwa namna.
various (adjective), mbalimbali.
various (adverb), kadha.
various (adverb), kadhaa.
various (adverb), launilauni.
variously (adverb), vingine.
vassal (noun), kibaraka, pl vibaraka.
something vast (noun), bahari, pl bahari. Literature is vast and has
many branches.. Fasihi ni bahari yenye tanzu nyingi [Alamin Mazrui,
Chembe cha Moyo vii].
vault (noun), guba, pl guba, maguba.
vault (noun), kuba (5/6), pl makuba.
vault (noun), tao (5/6), pl matao.
vault(ing) (noun), kivimba, pl vivimba.
vault(ing) (noun), kivimba, pl vivimba.
vault(ing) (noun), kivimbo, pl vivimbo.
veer (of wind etc.) (verb), -zinga.
kakaka (variety of vegetable) (noun), kakaka.
kakara (variety of vegetable) (noun), kakara.
kind of vegetable (noun), kakaka (9/10), pl kakakaka.
kind of vegetable (noun), mtoriro (3/4), pl mitoriro.
vegetable (noun), mboga (9/10), pl mboga.
vegetable (kind of) (noun), kikwayakwaya (7/8), pl vikwayakwaya.
vegetable variety (similar to spinach) (noun), kunda, pl makunda.
shrubby vegetation (noun), msitu, pl misitu.
vegetation (noun), mimea, pl mimea.
vegetation (noun), mmea, pl mimea.
vegetation (noun), mmea (3/4), pl mimea.
vegetation (noun), woto.
vehemence (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu. vehemently. kwa nguvu.
vehemence (noun), uharara.
with a great vehemence (adverb), wanguwangu.
become more vehement (verb), -shika moto. after being defeated, (s)he
became more vehement. Baada ya kushindwa alishika moto.
vehement (adjective), kali.
vehemently (adverb), kasi.
vehemently (adverb), kwa nguvu. vehemently. kwa nguvu.
dilapidated vehicle (noun), katara.
old vehicle (noun), katara (9/10), pl katara.
old vehicle (noun), katara.
old worn-out vehicle (noun), kweche (9/10), pl makweche.
passenger vehicle (noun), gari la abiria (5/6), pl magari ya abiria.
vehicle (noun), gari (5/6), pl magari.
vehicle (noun), motokaa (9/10), pl motokaa.
black veil worn by Moslem women (noun), shela (5/6), pl mashela.
veil (noun), barakoa.
veil (noun), chandalua (7/8), pl vyandalua.
veil (noun), utaji (11/10), pl taji.
veil (noun), utando (11/10), pl tando.
veil (noun), utandu.
veil (long black worn by Muslim women) (noun), buibui (5/6), pl mabuibui.
jugular vein (noun), halkumu.
vein (noun), mshipa, pl mishipa.
vein (noun), vena.
vein (fig.) (noun), mlizamu (3/4), pl milizamu.
vein (for use in textbooks) (noun), vena (9/10), pl vena.
vein of metal (noun), pangilio la madini (5/6), pl mapangilio.
velocity (noun), upesi.
velocity (noun), velositi (14).
velvet (noun), bahameli, pl bahameli.
velvet (noun), kiludhu (9/10), pl kiludhu.
velvet (noun), mahameli.
vend (verb), -chopa.
vend (verb), -uza.
retaliation (noun), kisase (7/8), pl visasi.
retaliation (noun), kisasi (7/8), pl visasi.
revenge (noun), kisase (7/8), pl visasi.
revenge (noun), kisasi (7/8), pl visasi.
vengeance (noun), nakama (9/10), pl nakama.
venom (noun), sumu (9/10), pl sumu.
give vent to (verb), -shindua.
give vent to (verb), -sindua (inversive).
smoke-vent (noun), dohani.
smoke-vent (noun), dokhani.
ventilator (noun), kidirisha, pl vidirisha.
ventilator (noun), pepeo (5/6), pl mapepeo.
ventilator (noun), upepeo, pl pepeo.
ventillate (verb), -pitisha hewa safi (causative).
ventillator (noun), kipepeo, pl vipepeo.
venture (verb), -chasiri.
venture (verb), -diriki.
venture (verb), -hudhuria.
venture (verb), -jasiri.
venture (verb), -tadaraki.
venture (verb), -thubutu.
venturesome person (noun), mjasiri (1/2), pl wajasiri.
Venus (noun), ng'anda (9/10), pl ng'anda.
Venus (noun), ng'andu (9/10), pl ng'andu.
Venusq (noun), zuhura.
veracity (noun), uamini.
veracity (noun), uaminifu.
veracity (noun), uthabiti.
veracity (noun), uthubutu.
open veranda (noun), ukumbizo.
veranda (noun), roshani (9/10), pl roshani. they slept on the veranda.
Walilala roshani.
veranda (noun), ukumbi, pl kumbi.
verandah (noun), baraza (9/10), pl baraza.
verb (noun), kiarifa, pl viarifa.
verdict (noun), amuzi, pl maamuzi.
verdict (noun), fetwa.
verdict (noun), maamuzi, pl maamuzi.
verdict (noun), uamuzi (11/6), pl maamuzi.
on the verge of (verb), -taka. it is on the verge of raining. inataka
verification (noun), thibitisho (5/6), pl mathibitisho.
verify (verb), -hakikisha.
verify (verb), -shuhudu.
verify (verb), -sidukia.
verify (verb), -sudukia.
verify (verb), -suduku.
blank verse (noun), guni (9/10), pl guni.
unrhymed verse (noun), guni.
verse (noun), funga (5/6), pl mafunga.
verse (noun), fungu (5/6), pl mafungu.
verse (noun), mashairi. write poetry. tunga mashairi.
verse (noun), shairi (5/6), pl mashairi.
verse (noun), ubeti (11/10), pl beti.
verse (especially of the Koran) (noun), aya, pl aya.
verse of poetry (noun), mfuradi (3/4), pl mifuradi.
versed (adjective), -arifu.
verses (noun), beti.
versification (noun), mashairi. write poetry. tunga mashairi.
versification (noun), shairi (5/6), pl mashairi.
version (noun), insha.
cervical vertebra (noun), kosi, pl makosi.
vertex (noun), kipeo (7/8), pl vipeo.
vertex (noun), kipeo, pl vipeo.
vertical (adjective), wima.
vertical (adverb), imaima, pl viwimawima.
vertical (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
vertical (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
verticality (noun), uwima.
vertical position (noun), usimamao.
be subject to vertigo (verb), -sua.
be subject to vertigo (verb), -sulika.
vertigo (noun), sulisuli (9/10), pl sulisuli.
very (adverb), alili.
very (adverb), chakari.
very (adverb), kabisa.
very (adverb), mno.
very (adverb), sana. be very immersed. tazamia sana..
very good (adjective), vema.
very much (adverb), chadi.
very well (adverb), vema.
very well (conjunction), basi.
very well (conjunction), bassi.
Very well! (interjection), taibu.
brass vessel (small with narrow neck) (noun), kalasia (9/10), pl kalasia.
clay vessel (noun), bia, pl mabia.
clay vessel (noun), chungu, pl vyungu.
clay vessel (noun), ungu, pl nyungu.
copper vessel (for carrying water) (noun), hando (5/6), pl mahando.
front part of a vessel (noun), kidamu (7/8), pl vidamu.
man-of-war (noun), manuwari (9/10). The fort was attacked by British
man-of-wars.. Ngome ilishambulia kwa manuwari za Kiingereza [Masomo 145].
metal vessel (noun), kopo (5/6), pl makopo.
metal vessel for water (noun), birika, pl mabirika.
naval vessel (noun), manoari. flotilla, squadron. kundi la manoari.
naval vessel (noun), manowari. flotilla, squadron. kundi la manowari.
sailing vessel with large stern and two masts (noun), bagala, pl bagala.
small metal vessel (noun), pl small metal vessels, tasa (9/10), pl tasa.
vessel (noun), kombe (5/6), pl makombe.
vessel for bailing water out of a boat (noun), ndau, pl ndau.
vessel for burning incense (noun), chetezo (7/8), pl vyetezo.
vessel for storing drinking water (noun), warishai.
vessel full to the brim (noun), kijaa (7/8), pl vijaa.
vessel in which halua is stored (noun), deste, pl madeste.
vessel with hot coals (noun), ziga (5/6), pl maziga.
open vest (worn over the kanzu) (noun), kisibao, pl visibau.
open vest (worn over the kanzu) (noun), kisibau, pl visibau.
open vest (worn over the kanzu) (noun), kisibayo, pl visibau.
open vest (worn over the kanzu) (noun), kizibau, pl visibau.
vest (noun), flana (9/10), pl flana.
vest (noun), fulana (9/10), pl fulana.
vestibule (noun), ukumbi, pl kumbi.
vestige (noun), masaa.
vestige (noun), masalia.
vestige (noun), masalio.
vestige (noun), masao.
vestige (noun), masazo.
vestige (noun), salio (5/6), pl masalio.
vestige (noun), sao (5/6), pl masao.
vetch (kind of) (noun), pojo (9/10), pl pojo.
be vexed (verb), -kasirika.
be vexed (verb), -piga pande.
become suddenly vexed (verb), -hamaki.
vex (verb), -kasiri.
vex (verb), -kefyakefya.
vex (verb), -kereketa.
vex (verb), -udhi.
vexation (noun), ghadhabu (9/10), pl ghadhabu.
vexation (noun), gubu.
vexation (noun), hasira.
vexation (noun), kani.
vexation (noun), kasirani.
vexation (noun), makeke.
vexation (noun), masubuko, pl masubuko.
vexation (noun), masumbufo, pl masumbufo.
vexation (noun), masumbulizi, pl masumbulizi.
vexation (noun), masumbuo, pl masumbuo.
vexation (noun), maudhiko, pl maudhiko.
vexation (noun), mchokocho (3/4), pl michokocho.
vexation (noun), nyege (9/10), pl nyege.
vexation (noun), sumbuko (5/6), pl masumbuko.
vexation (noun), sumbuo (5/6), pl masumbuo.
vexation (noun), unyege.
vexation (noun), uchungu, pl machungu.
vexation (noun), unyege.
vexation (noun), upekecho.
vexation (noun), usumbufu.
vexation (noun), utungu.
vexation (noun), zahama.
vexation (noun), zahimu.
vexatious (adjective), sumbufu.
be vexed (verb), -ifya.
be vexed with (verb), -karipia.
become vexed (verb), -udhika.
vibrate (verb), -papatika (potential).
vibrate (verb), -tinga.
vibrate (verb), -tingisha.
cause a vibration (verb), -tikisa.
cause a vibration (verb), -tingisha.
vibration (noun), mleo, pl mileo.
vibration (noun), mpapatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
vibration (noun), mtetemeko, pl mitetemeko. earthquake. mtetemko wa
vibration (noun), mtetemko, pl mitetemko. earthquake. mtetemko wa nchi.
vibration (noun), mtetemo, pl mitetemo. earthquake. mtetemko wa nchi.
vibration (noun), papatiko, pl mipapatiko, mapapatiko.
vibration (noun), papatiko (5/6), pl mapapatiko.
vice (noun), kibano (7/8), pl vibano.
vice (noun), mbano (3/4), pl mibano.
vice (noun), ufasiki (14).
vice (noun), ufasiki.
vice (noun), ufisadi (14).
vice (verb), -jiriwa.
vice- (noun), kaimu (5/6), pl makaimu.
vice- (noun), makamu (1/2), pl makamu.
vice- (noun), msaidizi (1/2), pl wasaidizi.
vice president (noun), makamu wa rais (1/2). Who is the Vice-President
of Kenya?. Nani ni Makamu wa Rais wa Kenya?.
in the vicinity (adverb), karibu.
vicinity (noun), jirani, pl (-); majirani.
vicinity (noun), ujirani.
viciousness (noun), ufasiki (14).
viciousness (noun), ufisadi (14).
viciousness (noun), uovu, pl maovu.
viciousness (noun), utalaleshi.
be the victim of (verb), -pata. get a cold.. pata [patwa na] homa.
rel. victim (noun), madhabuha, pl madhabuha.
victim (noun), pl victims, mteswa (1/2), pl wateswa.
rare victor (noun), nambawani, pl manambawani.
victor (noun), mshinda, pl washinda.
victor (noun), mshindaji, pl washindaji.
victor (noun), mshindi, pl washindi. the count of the vote and the
announcement of the winner. kuhesabiwa wa kura na kutangazwa kwa mshindi
[Masomo 104].
victor (noun), mshindi, pl washindi.
victory (noun), fora (9/10), pl fora.
victory (noun), ushindi (14).
victory (noun), ushindi.
victuals (noun), chakula, pl vyakula.
victuals (noun), maakuli (6).
victuals (noun), maakuli, pl maakuli.
victuals (noun), makuli, pl makuli.
victuals (noun), makulaji.
videogame (noun), pl videogames, sega (5/6), pl masega.
vie for (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
have in view (verb), -kasidi.
have in view (verb), -kusudi.
have in view (verb), -ukilia.
view (noun), mandhari (5/6), pl mandhari.
view (noun), mandhari.
view (noun), pl views, maoni (9/10), pl maoni. public opinion. maoni ya
view (noun), pl views, rai (9/10), pl rai.
view (noun), udhani.
view (noun), udhanifu.
view (noun), wazo, pl mawazo.
viewfinder (of a camera) (noun), pilka-pilka (9/10), pl pilka-pilka.
exchange of views (noun), mdahalo, pl midahalo.
vigil (noun), kesha, pl makesha.
vigil (noun), kesha, pl makesha.
vigil (noun), mkesha (3/4), pl mikesha.
vigilance (noun), uvinjari.
vigor (noun), afia (9/10), pl afia.
vigor (noun), afya (9/10), pl afya.
vigor (noun), kiume.
vigor (noun), rai (9/10), pl rai.
vigor (noun), sulubu (9/10), pl sulubu.
vigor (noun), tambo (5/6), pl matambo.
vigor (noun), uhodari.
vigor (noun), ushupavu.
vigor (noun), utoto.
vigor (noun), uzima (14).
be vigorous (verb), -shupaa.
do vigorously (verb), -chaga.
vigorous (adjective), tipwa.
vigorous (adjective), tipwatipwa.
vigorous man (noun), ndume.
vigorous young man (noun), barubaru, pl mabarubaru.
vigorously (adverb), kasi.
vile (adjective), nyonge.
vile person (noun), mpujufu, pl wapujufu.
vileness (noun), uchafu.
vilify (verb), -hakiri.
deserted village (noun), ganjo (5/6), pl maganjo.
deserted village (noun), tongo, pl matongo.
village (noun), chengo, pl vyengo.
village (noun), kaya.
village (noun), kiambo, pl viambo.
village (noun), kijiji (7/8), pl vijiji.
village (noun), kitongoji (7/8), pl vitongoji.
village elder (noun), pazi (5/6an), pl mapazi.
fellow villager (noun), mkwao, pl wakwao.
villager (noun), kishamba, pl vishamba.
villager (noun), mwanakijiji (1/2), pl wanakijiji.
vindicate (verb), -burai.
vindictiveness (noun), kinyongo.
vindictiveness (noun), shonde (5/6), pl mashonde. even though we have
quarrelled, don't have vindictiveness against me. ingawa tumegombana
usiniwekee shonde [Rec].
vinegar (noun), siki (9/10), pl siki. (s)he put vinegar into the stew.
Aliweka siki kwenye mchuzi.
violate (verb), -fisidi.
violate (verb), -halifu.
violate (verb), -taadi.
violate (verb), -tadi.
violate (a woman) (verb), -najisi.
violation (noun), atia.
violation (noun), hatia.
violation (noun), machafuko, pl machafuko.
violation (noun), taadi (9/10), pl taadi.
violation (noun), pl violations, tadi (9/10), pl tadi.
violation (noun), uhalifu, pl mahalifu.
violation (noun), utadi.
violation of religious precepts (noun), uharamu.
violence (noun), bavu, pl mabavu.
violence (noun), dhara (5/6), pl madhara.
violence (noun), jefule (9/10), pl jefule.
violence (noun), jefule.
violence (noun), jeuri (9/10), pl jeuri.
violence (noun), uhasama (14).
violence (noun), ujuhula.
become violent (verb), -kimua. rhyming poem..
become violent (verb), -kimwa. rhyming poem..
violent (adjective), dhalimu.
violent (adjective), harabu.
violent (adjective), jeuri.
violent (adjective), kali.
violent (adjective), onevu.
violent (adjective), ujeuri.
violent man (noun), mjeuri (1/2), pl wajeuri.
move violently (verb), -shitua. move the legs violently. shitua mguu
move violently (verb), -shtua.
violet (color) (noun), urujuwani.
violin (noun), fidla.
enlighten a virgin in sexual matters (verb), -vinya.
virgin (noun), bikira (5/6), pl mabikira.
virgin (noun), kizinda, pl vizinda.
virgin (noun), mwanamwali (1/2), pl wanamwali.
virgin (noun), mwanamwari (1/2), pl wanamwari.
virginity (noun), bikira.
virginity (noun), ubikira (14).
virginity (noun), ujali (14).
virginity (noun), ungo.
virile (adjective), ume.
virility (noun), uanaume (14).
virus (noun), kiunguza, pl viunguza.
virus (noun), kiunguzo, pl viunguzo.
virus (noun), sumu (9/10), pl sumu.
visa (noun), mhuri, pl mihuri.
visa (noun), muhuri, pl mihuri.
viscosity (noun), mnato (3/4), pl minato.
be viscous (verb), -nata.
viscous fluid (noun), ute, pl mate.
bench-vise (noun), iriwa.
hand vise (noun), mbano, pl mibano.
vise (noun), bano, pl mabano.
vise (noun), chiriwa.
vise (noun), fanguru.
vise (noun), jiliwa.
vise (noun), kisongo (7/8), pl visongo.
be visible (verb), -onekana (potential). (S)he is holding his/her
clothes so that the tummy is not visible.. ameshikilia nguo yake ili
tumbo lisionekane [Kez].
vision (noun), kivuli, pl vivuli.
vision (noun), kizuka (7/8), pl vizuka.
vision (noun), mizuka, pl wazuka, mizuka.
vision (noun), pl visions, njozi (9/10), pl njozi.
vision (noun), pl visions, ruya (9/10), pl ruya.
vision (noun), tokeo, pl matokeo.
vision (noun), zuka, pl mazuka.
be visited (verb), -jiwa.
go to visit (verb), -tembelea.
have someone pay a visit (verb), -zuruza.
make a morning visit (verb), -sabahi.
pay a visit (verb), -zuru.
pay a visit on s.o. (at a considerable distance) (verb), -ajihi.
pay someone an evening visit (verb), -twesha.
pay someone an evening visit (verb), -twisha.
useless visit (noun), mjango (3/4), pl mijango.
visit (noun), matembezi (6).
visit (noun), maangalizi, pl maangalizi.
visit (noun), ziara (9/10), pl ziara.
visit (verb), -wajihi.
visit each other (verb), -tembeleana.
be visited (verb), -zuriwa.
regular visitor (noun), mwenyeji (1/2), pl wenyeji.
visitor (noun), mgeni, pl wageni.
vitality (noun), usitawi.
vitality (noun), usitawishaji.
vitality (noun), usitawishi.
vitality (noun), uzima (14).
vitamin (noun), vitamini (8), pl vitamini. vitamin A deficiency.
ukosefu wa vitamini A.
vocabulary (noun), pl vocabularies, msamiati (3/4), pl misamiati.
vocation (noun), mwito (3/4), pl miito.
raise the voice (verb), -paliliza sauti.
voice (noun), kauli (9/10), pl kauli.
voice (noun), kauli.
voice (noun), lesani.
voice (noun), lisani.
voice (noun), pl voices, sauti (9/10), pl sauti. the voice indicating
the base duing singing. sauti inayoonyesha (inayojulisha) msingi katika
voice (in a matter) (noun), shauri (9/10), pl shauri. voice your stand
(on a matter). Toa shauri lako.
volcano (noun), volkeno (9/10), pl volkeno.
volleyball (noun), voliboli (9/10).
volt (noun), volti (9/10), pl volti.
electrical voltage (noun), volta (9/10).
voltage (noun), volteji (10).
lower the volume (verb), -punguza sauti. lower the volume of the radio.
punguza sauti ya redio.
raise the volume (verb), -ongeza sauti. increase the volume of the
radio. ongeza sauti ya redio.
volume (noun), kiwiliwili, pl viwiliwili.
volume (noun), mjao (3/4), pl mijo.
volume (noun), pl voices, sauti (9/10), pl sauti. the volume indicating
the base during singing. sauti inayoonyesha (inayojulisha) msingi katika
volume (noun), ukubwa.
voluntary (noun), hiari (9/10), pl hiari.
volunteer (verb), -jitoa.
volunteer (verb), -jitolea.
volunteer oneself (verb), -jitolea (reflexive).
vomit (noun), matapishi, pl matapishi.
vomit (noun), tapishi (5/6), pl matapishi.
vomit (verb), -jisua (reflexive).
vomit (verb), -kokomoa.
vomit (verb), -jisua.
vomit (verb), -taapika.
vomit (verb), -tapika. the daughter begins to vomit on reaching the
door. kufika mlangoni tu binti anaanza kutapika [Muk].
vomiting (noun), tapisho (5/6), pl matapisho.
vomiting (noun), utapishi.
be voracious (verb), -lafua.
vortex (noun), kizunguko, pl vizunguko.
vortex (noun), mzunguko, pl mizunguko.
get out the vote (noun), votesha (9/10).
vote (noun), kivoteo, pl vivoteo. there was a great hubbub in the city.
vote (noun), kura (9/10), pl kura.
vote (noun), vote (9/10).
vote (verb), -piga kura.
vote (verb), -piga kura.
vote (in parliament) (noun), sauti (9/10), pl sauti. we shall give a
vote to the members of our party. tutawapa sauti wanachama wa chama
pol. voter (noun), mchaguzi, pl wachaguzi.
voting (noun), upigaji kura (14), pl upigaji kura 11/14.
voting (noun), uchaguo.
vouch for (verb), -dhamini.
vouch for (verb), -hakikisha.
break a vow (verb), -vunja ahadi.
keep a vow (verb), -timiza ahadi.
keep a vow (verb), -fikisha ahadi.
keep a vow (verb), -shika ahadi.
make a vow (verb), -weka nadhiri.
vow (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
vow (noun), ahadi (9/10), pl ahadi.
vow (noun), amana, pl amana. leave as a pledge, give as security. -weka
vow (noun), uapo, pl nyapo.
vow (noun), wahadi.
vow (verb), -ahidi.
vow (verb), -apa. President Nyerere vowed to increase cooperation and
strengthen the OAU. Rais Nyere aliapa kuimarisha ushirikiano na kuingiza
nguvu zaidi OAU [Masomo 327].
vow (often rel.). (noun), nadhiri (9/10). keep a vow.. weka nadhiri.
vowel (noun), vokali (9/10), pl vocali.
vowel (verb), herufi tamfu.
vowel sign (in Arabic) (noun), nukta (9/10), pl nukta.
vowel sign (in the Arabic script) (noun), irabu.
vowel sign used in writing Arabic (noun), irabu (9/10), pl irabu.
vulgar person (noun), kisonoko (7/8an), pl visonoko.
vulgarity (noun), matule, pl matule.
vulture (noun), tumbusi (9/10), pl tumbusi.


wad (noun), busha.

wadding (noun), pamba (5/6), pl mapamba.
wadding (noun), upamba.
wadding (noun), usufi.
waddle (noun), magamaga.
waddle (verb), -bata.
waddle (verb), -batabata.
waddle (verb), -batua.
waddle (verb), -tagaa.
wag (noun), mchekeshi, pl wachekeshi.
wag (verb), -vinya.
wag (verb), -vinyavinya.
wage (noun), pl wages, mshahara (3/4), pl mishahara.
wage (noun), ujira (14).
make a wager (verb), -shurutiana.
wager (noun), sharti (5/6), pl masharti.
wager (noun), sherti (5/6), pl masherti.
wager (noun), shurti (5/6), pl mashuti.
wager (noun), shuruti (5/6), pl mashuruti.
wager (verb), -pinga.
receive wages (verb), -halisi.
wages (noun), ajara (9/10), pl ajara.
wages (noun), ijara.
wages (noun), ijara (9/10), pl ijara.
wages (noun), kimi.
wages (noun), kipato (7/8), pl vipato.
wages (noun), maduhuli, pl maduhuli.
wages (noun), shahara (9/10), pl shahara. (s)he got a meagre salary.
Alipata mshahara mdogo.
wages (of seamen) (noun), halasa.
wagon (noun), gari (5/6), pl magari.
wail (noun), kite (7).
wail (noun), maombolezo.
wail (verb), -lalama.
wailing (noun), maombolezo.
wailing (noun), malizano.
wailing (noun), nyagonyago (9/10), pl nyagonyago.
wailing (noun), ombolezo (5/6), pl maombolezo.
wailing (noun), yowe (5/6), pl mayowe.
wainscoting (noun), turuma, pl mituruma.
waist (noun), chuno, pl viuno.
waist (noun), kiuno (7/8), pl viuno.
waist-coat (noun), kizibao (7/8), pl vizibao.
waistband (noun), deuli.
waistcoat (worn over kanzu) (noun), kisibau (7/8), pl visibau.
be waited for (verb), -ngojewa.
let someone wait (verb), -chelewesha.
make someone wait (verb), -sirima.
wait (verb), -kaa.
wait (verb), -ngoja. Long waiting hurts the stomach.. ngoja-ngoja
yaumiza tumbo.
wait (verb), -saburi. wait for me. nisaburi..
wait (verb), -subira.
wait (verb), -subiri.
wait for (verb), -ngojea.
wait for (verb), -saburia.
wait for (verb), -subiria.
wait for a while (before doing something) (verb), -kaakaa.
wait for each other (verb), -ngojeana.
wait for something to grow (verb), -limbika.
wait for something to ripen (verb), -limbika.
wait on (verb), -hudumu.
wait together (verb), -ngojeana.
wait! (interjection), ngoja!.
be waited for (verb), -limbikwa.
waiter (noun), boi, pl maboi.
waiter (noun), mhudumu (1/2), pl wahudumu.
waiter (noun), mngoja (1/2), pl wangoja.
keep someone waiting (verb), -ngojeza.
keep someone waiting (verb), -zungusha.
waiting room (noun), majilisi.
waiting-place (noun), ngojo (9/10), pl ngojo.
waiver (verb), -rega.
waiver (verb), -yua.
waiver (verb), -zinga.
cause to wake up (verb), -amsha. eat breakfast. ~ (usually '-fungua)
wake ( of a ship) (noun), mkondo, pl mikondo.
wake each other up suddenly (verb), -zindukana (reciprocal).
wake someone up (verb), -changamsha.
wake up (verb), -fufua.
wake up (from sleep) (verb), -changamka.
wake up (from sleep) (verb), -chanjamka.
wake up (from sleep) (verb), -chanjanuka.
wake up early in the morning (verb), -jidamka.
wake up for someone (verb), -amkia. S/he greeted her/him and kissed
her/his hand.
wake up for someone (verb), -amkua.
wake up suddenly (verb), -zindua usingizi.
be walked (verb), -tembezwa.
help someone walk (verb), -chechesha.
help someone walk (verb), -checheza.
take for a walk (verb), -tembeza.
take for a walk (verb), -zungusha.
walk (noun), masia. go for a walk. enda masia.
walk (noun), matembezi (6).
walk (noun), tembezi (5/6), pl matembezi.
walk (verb), -tembea.
walk (verb), -zinga.
walk (slowly or uncertainly) (verb), -sita.
walk (slowly or uncertainly) (verb), -sitasita.
walk about aimlessly (verb), -taladadi.
walk about aimlessly (verb), -taradadi.
walk around (verb), -launi.
walk around (verb), -randa.
walk bent over and with difficulty (verb), -enda kikongwe, pl vikongwe.
walk carefully (verb), -chechea.
walk fast (noun), magamaga.
walk fast (with long steps) (verb), -tagaa.
walk gracefully (verb), -dalji. walk gracefully. kuenda dalji [Rec].
walk gracefully (verb), -dundika (potential).
walk in a line or row (procession, demonstration) (verb), -andamana.
walk like a duck (verb), -bata.
walk like a duck (verb), -batabata.
walk like an old person (feebly with a stick) (verb), -jikongojea.
walk quickly (verb), -tataga.
walk quietly (verb), -nyata. stalk an animal.. nyata mnyama.
walk unsteadily (verb), -kongoja.
walk with the legs wide apart (noun), magamaga.
walking around (noun), utembezi, pl matembezi.
walker (noun), pl walkers, mtembezaji (1/2), pl watembezaji.
walker (noun), mtembezaji, pl watembezaji. coll. prostitute.. mwanamke
walker (noun), mtembezi, pl watembezi. coll. prostitute.. mwanamke
walking (noun), kiguu na njia.
walking (noun), matembezi, pl matembezi.
walking with long strides (noun), mtatago, pl mitatago.
walking-stick (noun), bambo, pl bambo.
one who walks (noun), mwenda, pl waenda. pedestrian. mwenda kwa miguu.
dividing wall (noun), kisetiri, pl visetiri.
outer wall (made of earth and rubble) (noun), kiambaza, pl viambaza.
top of a wall without a ceiling built yet (noun), matungizi (6).
wall (noun), boma, pl maboma.
wall (noun), kitalu (7/8), pl vitalu.
wall (noun), ukuta (11/10), pl kuta.
wall surface (noun), kiwambaza (7/8), pl viwambaza.
wall-plate of house (noun), kirugu (7/8), pl virugu.
walnut (noun), jozi.
wan (adjective), chuju.
flexible wand (used for weaving baskets) (noun), bugu, pl mabugu.
wand (noun), fido.
wander (verb), -buga.
wander (verb), -tembea.
wander about (verb), -totoma.
wander about (verb), -yuayua.
wander about aimlessly (verb), -tanga.
wander about aimlessly (verb), -tangatanga.
wander about aimlessly (verb), -zinga.
wander about aimlessly (verb), -zunguka.
wander around (verb), -huni.
wander around (verb), -susurika.
wander around (verb), -taladadi.
wander around (verb), -taradadi.
wander around (verb), -zunguka.
wander around (verb), -zurura.
wander around (verb), -zururuka.
wanderer (noun), pl wanderers, mtanga (1/2), pl watanga.
wanderer (noun), mtanga, pl watanga.
wanderer (noun), mtangatanga, pl watangatanga.
wanderer (noun), mwasikwao (1/2), pl wasikwao.
wandering (noun), mtango, pl mitango.
wandering (noun), tembezi, pl matembezi.
on the wane (adjective), pungufu. Nowadays there is a wane of food
because of the drought. Siku hizi kuna upungufu wa chakula kwa sababu ya
not exactly what one wanted (adjective), tafauti.
want (noun), haja (9/10), pl haja.
want (noun), mahitaji.
want (noun), taabu (9/10), pl taabu.
want (noun), toa.
want (noun), uchache.
want (noun), uchechefu.
want (noun), udhiki.
want (noun), uhitaji, pl hitaji, mahitaji.
want (noun), ukiwa.
want (noun), ukosa.
want (noun), ukosefu.
want (noun), ukosekanaji.
want (noun), ukosekano.
want (noun), utovu.
want (verb), -arithi.
want (verb), -dhiki.
want (verb), -hitaji.
want (verb), -penda.
want (verb), -taka. they asked themselves why she did not want to leave
her husband. walijiuliza kwa nini hakutaka kumwacha bwana wake [Kez].
want (verb), -takia.
want (verb), -towesha.
want of feeling (noun), sugu (9/10), pl sugu. a coarse, unfeeling
person. mtu sugu.
want something (verb), -londea.
want something (verb), -rondea.
want something very much (noun), -fa udusi.
be wanted (verb), -takiwa.
be wanting (verb), -kosa.
wanting (adjective), pungufu.
wants (noun), matakwa (6).
at the time of the war (noun), zamani za vita.
man-of-war (noun), manoari. flotilla, squadron. kundi la manoari.
man-of-war (noun), manowari. flotilla, squadron. kundi la manowari.
start war (verb), -fumua vita.
wage a war (verb), -piga vita.
wage war (verb), -piga vita.
war (noun), kondo.
war (noun), vita.
war (noun), zita.
war cry (noun), zomeo, pl mazomeo.
ward off (verb), -kinga.
ward off (verb), -kingiza.
ward off (verb), -sukumiza (intensive). ward off trouble. sukumiza
ward off evil (by magic) (verb), -kaga.
ward off evil spirits (verb), -zindika.
warehouse (noun), bohari (5/6), pl mabohari.
warehouse (noun), bokhari, pl mabokhari.
warehouse (noun), sitoo (5/6), pl masitoo.
warehouse (noun), stoa (9/10), pl stoa.
warehouse (noun), stoo (9/10), pl stoo.
wares (noun), tijara.
guerrilla warfare (noun), ugaidi.
tribal warfare (noun), kithaura.
tribal warfare (noun), thaura.
tribal warfare (noun), thawra.
warhorn (noun), baragumu (5/6), pl mabaragumu.
warlike (adjective), -a kivita.
be warmed (verb), -nabihika (potential).
become warm (verb), -wia.
get warm (verb), -wia.
warm (verb), -zizimua.
warm oneself (verb), -ota.
warm oneself at a fire (verb), -koka. fig. speak slowly or with
warm up (verb), -pasha moto.
warm up (verb), -patisha moto.
warm up (verb), -patiza moto.
warming (noun), kanzo, pl makanzo.
warming (oneself) (noun), woto.
warming up (act of) (noun), kikanza, pl vikanza.
warmth (noun), harara.
warmth (noun), moto. hot water.. maji moto.
warmth (noun), uharara.
warmth (noun), ujotojoto.
warmth (noun), umoto.
warmth (noun), umotomoto.
warmth (noun), woto.
be warned (verb), -onywa.
exchange warning signals (verb), -onyana.
give someone a warning (verb), -ashiria, pl ashiria.
warn (verb), -asa.
warn (verb), -gunga.
warn (verb), -hadhirisha.
warn (verb), -kunyua.
warn (verb), -onya (causative). I warn you, Nunga, remember my words.
nakuonya, Nunga, kumbuka maneno yangu [Ng].
warn (verb), -tahadhari.
warn (verb), -taradhia.
warn (verb), -wasa.
warn (repeatedly) (verb), -sisitiza.
warn each other (verb), -onyana.
warn oneself (verb), -jiasa (reflexive).
warning (noun), alamu (9/10), pl alamu.
warning (noun), kemeo, pl makemeo.
warning (noun), kionyo (7/8), pl vionyo.
warning (noun), konyeza, pl makonyeza. I have borrowed money from my
warning (noun), maonevu.
warning (noun), maonyo.
warning (noun), mkonyezo, pl mikonyezo.
warning (noun), onyo (5/6), pl maonyo. "Without any warning, (s)he
fell/dropped it".. bila ya onyo lo lote akakiangusha [kiboko] juu ya
mgongo wa Nunga [Ng], "onyo" si kama shahada, halitolewi mara tatu [Sul].
warning (noun), ukonyezo, pl konyezo.
warning (noun), uonevu, pl maonevu.
warning (noun), uonezi, pl maonezi.
warning (noun), uono, pl maono.
warning (noun), uonyo (11/6), pl maonyo.
warning (noun), uzindusho.
warning horn (noun), paipu (9/10), pl paipu.
warning horn (noun), peipu (9/10), pl peipu.
without warning (adverb), ghafla.
without warning (adverb), ghafula.
warranty (noun), jukumu.
courageous warrior (noun), simba (9/10an), pl simba.
warrior (noun), asikari, pl asiari. policeman, cavalry. ~ polisi, ~
wapanda farasi.
warrior (noun), mpiganaji, pl wapiganaji.
warrior (noun), mpigani, pl wapigani.
warrior (noun), shujaa (5/6an), pl mashujaa. Freedom Fighters. Mashujaa
wa Uhuru.
warship (noun), manoari. flotilla, squadron. kundi la manoari.
warship (noun), manowari. flotilla, squadron. kundi la manowari.
wart (noun), chunjua.
wart (noun), dutu (5/6), pl dutu, madutu.
wart (noun), kigwaru (7/8), pl vigwaru.
wart (noun), sugu (9/10), pl sugu.
wart (noun), tutuu (5/6), pl matutuu.
wart (noun), tuutuu, pl matutuu.
warthog (noun), gwasi, pl magwasi (magwase).
warthog (noun), mbango.
warthog (noun), ngiri (9/10an), pl ngiri.
ceremonially wash the feet (verb), -tawadha miguu.
have something washed (verb), -oshewa ( appl-pass). I don't even want to
have things washed. wala vyombo sitaki kuoshewa [Abd].
small open area adjoining a house where one may wash one' s hands and
face etc. (noun), maliwato.
that which washes (noun), kiosha (7/8), pl viosha.
wash (verb), -kosha (causative).
wash (verb), -osha. It is not washable.. haiosheki.
wash (cloth, by rubbing between the hands) (verb), -jajaga.
wash (clothes) (verb), -chachaga.
wash (esp. after using the toilet) (verb), -chamba.
wash (hands or face or feet) (verb), -nawa. water for washing.. maji ya
wash (the body) (verb), -oga. It is not possible to wash in this sea.
baharini hapa hapaogeleki.
wash away (verb), -kokoa.
wash ceremonially (verb), -tawadha.
wash clothes (verb), -fua nguo.
wash clothes (verb), -pua nguo.
wash gently (fine fabrics) (verb), -chanyata.
wash someone (verb), -ogesha (causative). After washing her daughter.
baada ya kumwogesha binti yake [Muk].
be washable (verb), -osheka.
washbasin (noun), tasa (9/10), pl tasa. the golden pipes that urinated
into the marble washbasin. mifereji ya dhahabu ilikojoa ndani ya tasa la
marmar [Ya].
washbasin (metal) (noun), karai, pl makarai.
be washed-out (verb), -chujuka.
washer (noun), mwoshaji (1/2), pl waoshaji.
washer (noun), mwosha (1/2), pl waosha.
washerwoman (noun), mfua, pl wafua.
place for washing (noun), chosho, pl machosho.
place for washing (noun), josho, pl majosho.
washing (noun), ufuaji.
washing (act of) (noun), mwosho, pl waosho.
washing (clothes) (noun), uoshaji.
washing of clothes (hasty or gentle) (noun), mchanyato (3/4), pl
washing place (noun), josho (5/6), pl majosho.
washing-place (noun), pakogea (9/10), pl pakogea. washing-place..
mahali pa kuogea.
washing-place (noun), pakuogea (9/10), pl pakuogea. washing-place..
mahali pa kuogea.
washing-place (noun), mwosho, pl waosho.
washtub (noun), fua (5/6), pl mafua.
wasp (noun), nyiga (5/6an), pl manyigu.
wasp (noun), pl wasps, nyigu (5/6an), pl manyigu.
wasp (kind of) (noun), uvi, pl mauvi.
be wasted away (verb), -chururika.
cause to waste away (verb), -ziza.
waste (adjective), kame.
waste (noun), asharati.
waste (noun), asherati.
waste (noun), mavi, pl mavi.
waste (noun), ubadhiri.
waste (noun), ubadhirifu.
waste (noun), uharibifu (14).
waste (verb), -avya.
waste (verb), -badhiri.
waste (verb), -fuja.
waste (verb), -fuya.
waste (verb), -pisha.
waste (verb), -pitisha.
waste (verb), -tapanya. waste money. tapanya mapesa.
waste (verb), -tawanya.
waste (verb), -tosa.
waste (money), (verb), -hariji.
waste away (verb), -sekeneka.
waste away (verb), -zia.
waste away (strength or powers) (verb), -dhii.
waste money (verb), -tawanya mali.
waste time (verb), -ongea.
waste time (verb), -pitisha wakati (causative).
waste time (verb), -susurika.
waste time (verb), -tanga.
waste-land adjoining a cultivated field (and claimed by its owner)
(noun), hodhi.
waste time (verb), -cheza.
waste time (verb), -zunguka.
waste time (verb), -zurura.
waste time (verb), -zururuka.
wasteful (adjective), -badhiri.
wasteful (adjective), -badhirifu.
wasteful (adjective), -badiri.
wasteful (adjective), haribifu.
wasteful (adjective), kwasi.
wasteful (adjective), potevu. stop your wastefulness. Waacha upotevu
wasteful (adjective), pujufu.
wasteful (adjective), pujuzi.
wasteful (adverb), ovyo.
wasteful person (noun), mfilisi, pl wafilisi.
wasteful person (noun), mpotevu (1/2), pl wapotevu.
wastefulness (noun), hasharati.
wastefulness (noun), uharabu.
wastefulness (noun), uharibifu.
wastefulness (noun), upotevu.
wasteland (noun), wangwa.
(process of) wasting away (noun), mnyaufu.
wasting (noun), tawanyiko, pl matawanyiko.
wasting away (noun), unyaufu.
wastrel (noun), mhuni (1/2), pl wahuni.
wastrel (noun), mpotefu, pl wapotefu. one who squanders property
(money). mpotevu wa mali [fedha].
wastrel (noun), mpotevu, pl wapotevu. one who squanders property
(money). mpotevu wa mali [fedha].
wastrel (noun), mpotezi, pl wapotezi. one who squanders property
(money). mpotevu wa mali [fedha].
be on the watch (verb), -vinjari.
keep watch (noun), -kaa kingojo.
keep watch (verb), -kesha.
keep watch (verb), -ngoja.
night watch (noun), kesha (5/6), pl makesha.
night-watch (noun), kesha, pl makesha.
one who watches a planted field (and frightens away birds) (noun),
mwamizi, pl waamizi.
pocket watch (noun), saa ya mfuko (9/10), pl saa za mfuko.
watch (noun), magadi.
watch (noun), majira. my watch is not keeping good time.
watch (noun), zamu.
watch (verb), -angalia.
watch (verb), -dhibiti.
watch (verb), -gadi.
watch (verb), -keshea.
watch (verb), -riaria.
watch (verb), -shufu.
watch (verb), -tunduia.
watch (timepiece) (noun), saa (9/10), pl saa. wrist watch.. saa ya
watch out (verb), -jihadhari.
watch out (verb), -jilinda (reflexive).
Watch out! (interjection), abedari.
Watch out! (interjection), bedari.
Watch out! (interjection), habedari.
Watch out! (verb), -kalamka.
watch over (verb), -chunga.
watch over (verb), -linda.
watching (noun), kingojeo.
watching (noun), kingojezi.
watching (noun), kingojo.
watching (act of) (noun), kilindo, pl vilindo.
have someone watched (verb), -tunduiza.
watcher (noun), tunduzi, pl matunduzi.
watchful (adverb), kimacho.
watchfulness (noun), maangalizi (6).
watchfulness (noun), utunduzi.
watching (noun), ulinzi.
watching (noun), utunduzi.
position of a watchman or guard (noun), ungojaji.
watchman (noun), baba, pl baba.
watchman (noun), gadi (5/6), pl magadi.
watchman (noun), kilinda, pl vilinda.
watchman (noun), magadi.
watchman (noun), mlalazamu, pl walalazamu.
watchman (noun), mlinda, pl walinda.
watchman (noun), mlindaji, pl walindaji.
watchman (noun), mlinzi (1/2), pl walinzi.
watchman (noun), mngoja, pl wangoja. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
watchman (noun), mngojaji, pl wangojaji. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
watchman (noun), mngoje, pl wangoje. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
watchman (noun), mngojezi, pl wangojezi.
watchman's platform (on a plantation) (noun), kilindo, pl vilindo.
watchword (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
watchword (noun), mwito, pl miito, wito.
allow water to pass through (verb), -papa maji.
draw water (verb), -teka maji.
let in water (of a roof or wall) (verb), -vuja.
make someone's mouth water (verb), -rambitia.
mineral water (noun), soda (9/10), pl soda.
rising (of water) (noun), mafuriko.
running water (noun), mfereji (3/4), pl mifereji.
something thrown into the water (noun), kizamaji, pl vizamaji.
water (noun), maji (6).
water (noun), maji. drinking water. maji ya kunywa.
water down (verb), -chujua.
water level (noun), pimamaji (9/10), pl pimamaji.
water level (noun), pimasharazi (9/10), pl pimasharazi.
water tin (noun), mzegazega, pl mizegazega.
water used for rinsing out the mouth (noun), masuo (6).
water-carrier (one who carries two water-tins suspended from either end
of a carrying pole) (noun), mzegazega, pl wazegazega.
water buffalo (noun), pl buffaloes (water), nyati (9/10an), pl nyati.
water closet (noun), choo, pl vyoo. go to the toilet. enda chooni.
water tap (noun), mlizabu, pl mirizabu.
water tap (noun), pl water taps, mrizabu (3/4), pl mirizabu.
water-container (noun), pipa (5/6), pl mapipa. water-container.. pipa
la maji ya moto.
water-cooler (noun), warishai.
water-lily (noun), mayungiyungi (6).
water-pipe (noun), kikororo, pl vikororo.
waterbuck (species of) (noun), kuro.
watercourse (noun), mfo, pl mifo.
watercourse (noun), mvo, pl mivo.
watercourse (noun), wadi (9/10), pl wadi.
waterfall (noun), maporomoko ya maji.
waterfowl (noun), chuni.
waterjar (large earthen) (noun), kasiki (9/10), pl kasiki.
waterlily (species of) (noun), yungiyungi, pl yungiyungi, mayungiyungi.
waterline (noun), zinara.
watermelon (noun), pl watermelons, tangomaji (5/6), pl matangomaji.
watermelon (noun), tikiti (5/6), pl matikiti.
watermelon plant (noun), pl watermelons, mtikiti maji (3/4), pl mitikiti
watermelon vine (noun), mtikiti, pl mitikiti.
waterpot (noun), pl waterpots, mtungi (3/4), pl mitungi.
watershed (noun), tengamaji, pl matengamaji.
waterway (noun), kilango, pl vilango.
be watery (verb), -poroja.
be watery (verb), -porojo. The stew was watery. Mchuzi ulikuwa porojo.
mixture of watery consistency (noun), poroja (9/10), pl poroja.
mixture of watery consistency (noun), porojo (9/10), pl porojo. The
children played in watery mud. Watoto walichezea porojo la tope.
watery (adjective), chege. watery manioc. muhoho mchege.
watery (adjective), chepechepe.
watery (adjective), dabwadabwa.
watery (adjective), debwedebwe. watery rice. wali wa debwedebwe.
watery (adjective), kimaji.
watery (adjective), majimaji.
watery (of fruit after cooking) (adjective), chelema.
wattle (of birds) (noun), ndevu, pl ndevu.
wattles (noun), chavu, pl machavu. wattles [of a cock]. chavu la jogoo.
wattles (noun), mashavu. wattles of a cock. mashavu ya jogoo.
wattles (of a cock) (noun), pl calves of leg, shavu la jogoo (5/6), pl
mashavu ya mguu.
small wave (noun), kiwimbi, pl viwimbi.
tidal wave (noun), maji maundifu.
wave (noun), chafuko, pl machafuko.
wave (noun), mauja.
wave (noun), mkondo (3/4), pl mikondo.
wave (verb), -konya.
wave (verb), -pepa.
wave (verb), -punga. "wave the arms, give a signal".. punga mikono.
wave (in water) (noun), wimbi (5/6), pl mawimbi.
wave something (verb), -bebea.
wave something (verb), -pepea. "swing cloths, fan".. pepea vitambaa.
wavelength (noun), masafa (6).
wavelength (noun), pl wavelengths, safa (5/6), pl masafa. the old man
was tired after one wavelength of the journey. Mzee alichoka baada ya
safa moja ya safari.
waver (verb), -lega.
waver (verb), -legarega.
waver (verb), -rega.
waver (verb), -regarega.
waver (verb), -sita. without hesitiation. bila kusita.
waver (verb), -sitasita.
wavering (noun), mleo, pl mileo.
wavy (adjective), kiwimbi.
sealing wax (noun), laka.
wax (noun), nta (9/10), pl nta. beeswax.. nta ya nyuki.
waxed paper (noun), turbali.
waxed paper (noun), turubai.
waxed paper (noun), turubali.
be in the way (verb), -kingama.
find a way or a method (verb), -pata njia.
in that way (adjective), hivyo.
in that way (adjective), hivyohivyo.
in this very way (adverb), hivyo.
in what way? (pronoun), kwaje.
make a way (verb), -dopoa.
make way for (verb), -sabili.
Make way! (interjection), abadan.
Make way! (interjection), simile!.
Make way! (interjection), similla!.
Make way! (interjection), sumile!.
put out of the way (verb), -towesha.
railway (noun), ndia ya reli (9/10), pl ndia.
show the way (verb), -ongoza. give a good turn to a conversation..
ongoza maneno.
the way in which (adverb), vile.
the way things are (noun), mfumo (3/4), pl mifumo.
way (noun), jiha (9/10), pl jiha.
way (noun), jinsi (9/10), pl jinsi.
way (noun), kadiri (9/10), pl kadiri.
way (noun), masafa (6).
way (noun), namna (9/10), pl namna.
way (noun), ndia (9/10), pl ndia. railway track. njia ya railway.
way (noun), njia (9/10), pl njia. Use all ways to get him out of jail..
tumia njia zote uwezavyo umtoe jelani.
way (noun), usita.
way (noun), utaratibu (11/10), pl taratibu.
way of doing something (noun), mtindo (3/4), pl mitindo. The answer to
all of these issues is to use new ways to compose questions; The way to do
things today, is for people to do them together as equals.. Jawabu kwa
mambo yote hayo ni kutumia mitindo mipya ya kutunga maswali [Masomo 189];
Mtindo wa siku hizi, watu ni bega kwa bega [Amana, Masomo 405].
way of life (noun), kikao, pl vikao.
way out (noun), abudi (9/10), pl abudi. there is no way out. hapana
way of going (noun), mwendo (3/4), pl miendo.
way of life (noun), utamaduni (11/10), pl tamaduni.
way out (noun), buddi.
waylay (verb), -vizia.
ways and means (fig.) (noun), kipengee (7/8), pl vipengee.
ways and means (fig.) (noun), kipengele (7/8), pl vipengele.
fig. W.C. (noun), kisetiri, pl visetiri.
and we (noun), nasi.
we (pronoun), sisi.
We are the ones! (interjection), ndisi.
be weak (verb), -ajazi.
be weak (verb), -legea.
be weak (verb), -nyong'onyea.
become weak (verb), -dhoofika.
become weak (verb), -dhoofu.
become weak (verb), -konga.
become weak (from pain) (verb), -nyotoa.
weak (adjective), -ajiza.
weak (adjective), -ajizi. You yourselves are weak.. Wenyewe mna ajizi
[Amana, Masomo 405].
weak (adjective), dhaifu. A child may get high marks in writing but
surprisingly is weak in conversational skills.. Bi Tamima alikumbusha
watumishi wake kwa sauti dhaifu [Moh]; Miguu ya popo ni dhaifu sana
[Masomo 31];Mtoto anaweza kupata alama nyingi katika kuandika kumbe ni
dhaifu sana katika kuzungumza [Masomo 186].
weak (adjective), hafifu.
weak (adjective), ndururu.
weak (adjective), nyonge.
weak (adjective), teketeke.
weak (noun), kifefe, pl vifefe.
weak person (noun), mlegevu, pl walegevu.
weak person (noun), mnyonge (1/2), pl wanyonge. She was weak with pains
in her bones.. Alikuwa mnyonge kwa kuugua mifupa [Kareithi Masomo 56].
weak person (noun), mtu mteke, pl watu wateke.
be weak-willed (verb), -tepetea.
become weak (verb), -kambuka.
grow weak (verb), -dhii.
grow weak (verb), -ghumia.
weaken (verb), -dhoofisha.
weaken (verb), -hafifisha.
weaken (verb), -sinzia. The light is getting weaker. taa inasinzia.
weakly (adverb), kinyong'onyo.
weakness (noun), ajiza (9/10), pl ajiza.
weakness (noun), ajizi (9/10), pl ajizi.
weakness (noun), kinyong'onyo.
weakness (noun), mafunde.
weakness (noun), malevi.
weakness (noun), mavune, pl mavune (rarely mavunde).
weakness (noun), uajazi.
weakness (noun), uajizi.
weakness (noun), ubovu.
weakness (noun), ufefe (11).
weakness (noun), ulegeo.
weakness (noun), ulegevu.
weakness (noun), ulevi.
weakness (noun), unyogofu.
weakness (noun), unyong'onyevu.
weakness (noun), uzimbezimbe (14).
weakness (due to illness) (noun), unyonge.
weakness (of intellect) (noun), basua.
weakness (of the body) (noun), udhaifu (14).
wearinness (noun), kinyong'onyo.
weal (noun), nyalio (9/10), pl nyalio.
weal (noun), walio.
wealth (noun), mali (9/10), pl mali.
wealth (noun), neema.
wealth (noun), rasilimali (9/10), pl rasilimali.
wealth (noun), rasilmali (9/10), pl rasilmali.
wealth (noun), rasilmalii (9/10), pl rasilmalii.
wealth (noun), raslimali (9/10), pl raslimali.
wealth (noun), tija.
wealth (noun), ukwasi.
wealth (noun), utajiri (14).
wealthy (adjective), kwasi.
wealthy person (noun), mkwasi, pl wakwasi.
wean (a child) (verb), -achisha (causative).
wean a child (verb), -likiza.
weapon (noun), selaha (9/10), pl selaha. hold a weapon. twaa/shika
silaha [Rec].
weapon (noun), pl weapons, silaha (9/10), pl silaha. Nunga used all the
weapons he had to defend his position. Nunga alitumia kila silaha
aliyokuwa nayo kutetea nafsi yake [Ng].
wear (verb), -vaa.
wear out (verb), -chakaa. There was a red sofa set that was worn out.
Ilikuwapo seti nyekundu ya sofa ambayo ilichakaa [Masomo 1174].
wear out (verb), -chosha.
be wearable (verb), -valika.
wearily (adverb), kinyong'onyo. walk along wearily. enda kinyong'onyo.
wearines (noun), mafunde.
weariness (noun), mavune, pl mavune (rarely mavunde).
weariness (noun), uchokezi.
weariness (noun), uchovu.
weariness (noun), unyogofu.
weariness (noun), unyogovu (11).
weariness (noun), unyong'onyevu.
weariness (noun), utakalifu.
be wearied (verb), -choshwa (causative).
become weary of each other (verb), -choshana.
weary (adjective), taabani.
weasel (noun), kanu, pl makanu.
gloomy weather (noun), mazimbwezimbwe, pl mazimbwezimbwe.
good weather (noun), kweu.
good weather (noun), kweupe.
weather (noun), anga, pl maanga. weather conditions; orbit; cosmos,
space; spaceship; space flight; cosmonaut, astronaut. hali ya anga; anga
la juu; angani; chombo cha angani; safari ya angani; mwanaanga.
weather (noun), goshi.
weather (noun), hali ya hewa (9/10), pl hali ya hewa.
weather (noun), hewa.
weather (noun), joshi.
weave (verb), -fuma.
weave (verb), -suka.
weave a border (verb), -tarizi.
weave cloth (verb), -fuma nguo.
weave cloth (verb), -fuma nguo.
grosbeak weaver (noun), katadole.
ornith. golden weaver. (noun), mnana, pl minana.
weaver (noun), mfuma, pl wafuma.
weaver (noun), mfumaji, pl wafumaji.
weaver (noun), mfumi, pl wafuma.
weaver (noun), mfumi (1/2), pl wafumi.
weaver (noun), pl weavers, msukaji (1/2), pl wasukaji.
ornith. weaverbird (noun), mzingi, pl mizingi.
strips of dyed palm leaf ready for weaving (noun), pl strips of dyed palm
leaf, nyiza (9/10), pl nyiza.
weaving (act of) (noun), mfumo, pl mifumo.
weaving implement used to tighten threads (noun), upanga, pl panga.
woof and weft (use of in weaving) (noun), mshindio (3/4), pl mishindio.
working the woof or weft into the warp in weaving (act of) (noun),
mshindio, pl mishindio.
spider's web (noun), tandabui (9/10), pl tandabui.
perform the wedding ceremony (verb), -fungisha mikaha.
perform the wedding ceremony (verb), -fungisha nikaha.
perform the wedding ceremony (verb), -fungisha nikahi.
the first seven days after a wedding (noun), fungate.
wedding (noun), arusi, pl arusi. bridegroom, bride, get married. ~
bwana, ~ bibi, fanya ~.
wedding (noun), harusi (9/10), pl harusi.
wedding (noun), ndoa. wed. funga ndoa.
wedding (noun), mikaha. conduct a wedding. fungisha nikaha.
wedding (noun), nikaha (9/10), pl nikaha. perform the wedding ceremony.
fungisha nikaha.
wedding (noun), nikahi (9/10), pl nikahi. perform the wedding ceremony.
fungisha nikaha.
wedding (especially Islamic) (noun), uozi (14).
wedding feast (in exp. lima ya arusi) (noun), lima (9/10), pl lima.
wedding fee for particular service (noun), kiosha miguu.
wedding preparations (noun), posa (9/10), pl posa. The wedding
preparations were finalized. Posa za harusi zilimalizika.
wedding preparations (noun), poso (9/10), pl poso. The wedding
preparations were finalized. Mataarisho ya poso yalikamilika.
wedding present (noun), posa (9/10), pl posa. The marriage celebrations
began yesterday. Sherehe za posa zilianza jana.
wedding present (noun), poso (9/10), pl poso.
wedge (noun), pl wedges, shiku (5/6), pl mashikizo.
wedge (of wood or iron) (noun), kabari.
wedge clay (verb), -finyanga.
wedge for splitting wood (noun), kabari (5/6), pl makabari.
wedge in (verb), -kokomea.
wooden wedge (noun), kishiku, pl vishiku.
Wednesday (noun), Jumatano (9/10), pl jumatano.
Wednesday (noun), Jumatano.
employ someone to pull up weeds (verb), -paliliza.
mdago (a weed, Adenium coetaneum) (noun), mdago, pl midago.
nut grass weed (Cypernus rotundus) (noun), ndago. papyrus grass.. ndago
sprawling weed with prickly stem (noun), mkekewa (3/4), pl mikekewa.
weed (noun), gogo (5/6), pl magogo.
weed (noun), gugu (5/6), pl magugu.
weed (noun), kwekwe (9/10), pl kwekwe.
weed (verb), -buruga.
weed (verb), -palia.
weed (verb), -palilia.
weed (in a cultivated field) (noun), pl weeds, palizi (5/6), pl mapalizi.
weed (kind of) (noun), mchokochore dume, pl michokochore dume.
weed species sometimes used as a vegetable (Ageratum conyzoides) (noun),
kimavi cha kuku. foot and mouth disease.
weedlike (adverb), kigugu.
weeder (noun), mpalilizi (1/2), pl wapalilizi.
weeding (noun), mafieko.
weeding (noun), mafyeko.
weeding (noun), mapalilio.
weeding (noun), mapalio (6).
weeding (noun), mapalio.
weeding (noun), mapalizi (6).
weeding (noun), mpalilio, pl mipalilio.
weeding (noun), mpalio, pl mipalilio.
weeds (noun), magugu.
weeds (noun), majani.
last week (noun), wiki ilioyopita (9/10), pl wiki zilizopita.
week (noun), juma (5/6), pl majuma.
week (noun), juma, pl majuma.
week (noun), saba (9/10), pl saba. two weeks. saba mbili..
week (noun), wiki (9/10).
weekend (noun), wikiendi (9/10).
weep (verb), -lia.
weep for (verb), -lilia.
weeping (noun), kilio, pl vilio.
weeping (noun), malizano.
weeping (noun), ombolezo (5/6), pl maombolezo.
species of weevil (noun), kisaga, pl visaga.
weigh (verb), -pima. weigh potatoes.. pima viazi.
weigh down (verb), -elemea.
weigh down (verb), -elemea.
weigh down (verb), -songa. My troubles are weighing me down. taabu
weigh down on (verb), -vama.
weigh down on (verb), -vamia.
weighing machine (noun), mizani (9/10), pl mizani.
weighing one's thoughts (verb), -wazua (converse).
weighing (noun), upimaji.
weighing (noun), uzani (11).
weighing (noun), winzani.
weighing (noun), wizani.
weighing (act of) (noun), mpimo, pl mipimo.
gross weight (noun), ghafi.
honor (noun), takaramu (9/10), pl takaramu.
honor (noun), takarimu (9/10), pl takarimu.
lose weight (verb), -finyaa.
measure of weight (=160 kg) (noun), mzo, pl mizo.
put on weight (verb), -tonoka.
put on weight (verb), -tononeka.
put on weight (verb), -tononoka.
put on weight (verb), -wanda.
short weight (noun), kipunjo, pl vipunjo.
small weight (noun), kipunjo (7/8), pl vipunjo.
unit of weight (160kg) (noun), mzo (3/4), pl mizo.
unit of weight (166 kg.) (noun), jizla.
unit of weight (3 lbs or 1.4 kg) (noun), mani.
unit of weight (about 16kg or 35lbs). (noun), farasila.
unit of weight (about 16kg or 35lbs). (noun), frasila (9/10), pl frasila.
unit of weight (three pounds or 1.4 kg.) (noun), man.
weight (noun), karama.
weight (noun), kipimo (7/8), pl vipimo.
weight (noun), takaramu (9/10), pl takaramu.
weight (noun), takarimu (9/10), pl takaramu.
weight (noun), udhani.
weight (noun), uzani (14).
weight (noun), uzito (14).
weight (noun), winzani.
weight (noun), wizani.
weight (of a clock) (noun), bildi.
weight (of scales) (noun), pl weights, mawe ya mizani, pl mawe za mizani.
weight (unit for precious metals and perfumes, equals about 1/2 ounce or
14 grams) (noun), tola.
weights (of scales) (noun), jiwe.
weir (noun), kizingiti (7/8), pl vizingiti.
weir (noun), lambo, pl malambo.
weir-basket (noun), shabaki (9/10), pl shabaki.
be made welcome (verb), -pokea saluti. the President received a welcome
from the city police/soldiers. Rais alipokea saluti kutoka kwa wanajeshi
wa mjini.
give a hearty welcome (verb), -shangilia. the visitors gave the bride a
hearty welcome once she arrived. Wageni walishangilia Bibi harusi
make welcome (verb), -karibisha.
make welcome (verb), -karibisha.
welcome (interjection), karibu!.
welcome (noun), karibisho, pl makaribisho.
welcome (noun), karibu (9/10), pl karibu.
welcome (verb), -karibisha.
welcome (verb), -noa meno.
welcome (verb), -shangalia. they welcomed him/her. wamemshangalia..
welcome (verb), -shangilia.
welcome (as a guest) (verb), -pokea. They have given us a good
reception.. wametupokea vizuri.
welcome (someone) (verb), -laki.
Welcome! (in response to the query Hodi? (interjection), karibu!, pl
(pl.) karibuni.
be welcomed (verb), -karibishwa.
welcoming (noun), karibisho (5/6), pl makaribisho.
weld (verb), -tambuza.
weld together (verb), -kongomana.
welder (noun), pl welders, mtambuzaji (1/2), pl watambuzaji.
arc welding (noun), kutambuza kwa aki.
welding (noun), pl wielding, tambuzo (9/10), pl tambuzo.
social welfare (noun), ustawi wa jamii (11).
welfare (noun), masilahi (6).
welfare (noun), maslahi (6).
welfare (noun), starehe (9/10), pl starehe.
welfare (noun), welfeya (9).
Are you well? (noun), hujambo? (1/2), pl hamjambo.
Are you well? (pronoun), mzima?.
be well (verb), -taibu.
be well (verb), -tayibu.
be well (verb), -weza.
do very well at something (verb), -meta.
get well (verb), -poa. he has gotten well.. amepoa ugonjwa.
get well from illness (verb), -pona. Tuza had already healed his/her
hand. Tuza alikuwa amekwisha pona mkono wake [Kez].
he is well (used as a reply in greetings) (phrase), hajambo.
I am well (phrase), mzima.
look well (verb), -pea.
think well of oneself (verb), -jinaki.
very well (adverb), vilivyo.
very well (in response to the salutation 'shikamoo') (interjection),
well (adjective), peketevu.
well (adjective), pekutevu.
well (adjective), taibu.
well (adjective), vema.
well (adverb), akhuyari.
well (adverb), basi.
well (adverb), tayibu.
well (adverb), vizuri.
well (conjunction), bas. "well, let's go".. basi twende.
well (conjunction), basi. well, let's go. basi twende.
well (conjunction), bassi. well, let's go. bassi twende.
well (noun), shimo (5/6), pl mashimo.
well (noun), vyema.
well (of water) (noun), kisima (7/8), pl visima.
well! (interjection), ebu!.
well! (interjection), hebu!.
Well, what do you know? (interjection), sasa. what are we going to do
now?. Sasa, tutafanya nini?.
well done (adjective), bivu.
well done! (interjection), heko.
something well known (noun), taarifa (9/10), pl taarifa.
something well known (noun), taarifu (9/10), pl taarifu.
be well off (verb), -starehe.
well then (interjection), bas.
well-being (noun), neema.
well-being (noun), salaam (9/10), pl salaam.
well-being (noun), salama (9).
well-being (noun), starehe (9/10), pl starehe.
well-being (noun), ufanikivu.
well-being (noun), ufanisi.
well-being (noun), ujambo.
well-born man (the son of free parents) (noun), wadinasi.
in a well-bred manner (adverb), kiungwana.
in a well-bred manner (adverb), kiungwana.
well-bred (adjective), adibu.
well-bred (adjective), raufu.
well-bred (adjective), taadabu.
well-bred person (noun), mngwana, pl wangwana.
well-bred person (noun), mrua, pl warua.
well-bred person (noun), mungwana, pl waungwana, wangwana.
well-bred person (noun), murua, pl warua.
well-bred person (noun), mwungwana, pl waungwana.
well-built man (verb), -viringana.
be well-cooked (verb), -iva.
well-defined (adverb), kichele.
be well-disposed toward someone (verb), -chunuka.
well-dressed (adjective), -tanashati.
well-dressed person (noun), mbeja (1/2), pl wabeja.
well-dressed young girl (noun), mpambe, pl wapambe.
well-dressed young girl (noun), mpambi, pl wapambi.
well-fed (adjective), nono.
well-informed (adjective), -arifu.
well-kept (adjective), nadhifu.
be well-known (verb), -tambulika.
make well-known (verb), -vumisha.
well-known (adjective), bayana.
well-known (adjective), maalum.
well-known (adjective), maalumu.
well-known (adjective), maarufu.
be well-matched (verb), -shindana sawasawa.
be fairly well-off (adjective), mudu.
be well-off (verb), -neemeka.
be well seasoned (verb), -koza.
be well-seasoned (verb), -kolea.
well-to-do person (noun), mdirifu, pl wadirifu.
well-to-do person (noun), mkwasi, pl wakwasi.
welt (noun), lengelenge (5/6), pl malengelenge.
welt (noun), nyalio (9/10), pl nyalio.
welt (noun), walio.
welts (made by beating) (noun), moto.
be wept for (verb), -liliwa.
west (noun), ghurubu. southwest.
west (noun), machwa, pl machwa.
west (noun), machweo (6).
west (noun), maghaibi. southwest. maghaibi ya kusini.
west (noun), magharibi. southwest. magaribi ya kusini.
west (noun), magharibi (6).
west (noun), mangharibi. southwest. mangharibi ya kusini.
west (noun), mtweo (5/6), pl matweo. In the west of Tanzania ....
Katika mtweo wa Tanzania ... [Masomo 231].
West Africa (noun), Afrika ya magharibi (9).
adopt Western ways (verb), -staarabika.
adopt Western ways (verb), -staarabu.
be wet (verb), -loana (reciprocal).
be wet (verb), -lowana (reciprocal).
be wet (verb), -rishai.
be wet (verb), -roa.
become wet (verb), -tota.
get wet (verb), -lowa.
make wet (verb), -nawisha (causative).
wet (adjective), chepechepe.
wet (adjective), kimaji.
wet (adjective), lowefu.
wet (adjective), mnyevunyevu.
wet (adjective), nyevu.
wetness (noun), rutuba (9/10), pl rutuba.
wh- (prefix), amba-. Do you remember the place where you saw them?.
Unakumbuka mahali ambapo uliwaona?.
whale (noun), pl whales, nyangumi (9/10an), pl nyangumi.
naut. wharf (noun), majahaba.
wharf (noun), kuli, pl makuli.
wharf (noun), makuli.
what (pronoun), je.
what (pronoun), vipi.
what kind? (pronoun), gani?.
what type? (pronoun), gani?.
what! (interjection), kee!.
What's the use? Why should l ? l want nothing to do with it!
(conjunction), yasini.
what's up? (noun), mambo? (6). What's up? Things are cool!. Mambo?
what? (pronoun), gani?.
what? (pronoun), kem.
what? (pronoun), nini?. what is this?. nini hii.
what? (pronoun), -pi?.
what? (pronoun), upi?.
What's up? (greeting) (adverb), vipi.
what's-its-name (adjective), -nyangalika.
whatever (adjective), chote.
whatever (adjective), ote. whatever.. mtu ye yote.
whatever (preposition), vyo.
wheat (noun), ngano (9/10), pl ngano. Today, our country, America, is
supplying Russia with wheat. leo nchi yetu ya Marikani inawalisha Warusi
kwa ngano [Kez].
wheedle (verb), -bemba.
wheedling (noun), ubembe (14).
spinning wheel (noun), dulabu.
wheel (noun), duara, pl maduara.
wheel (noun), duwara, pl maduwara. waterwheel. duwara ya maji.
wheel (noun), gurudumu (5/6), pl magurudumu.
wheelbarrow (noun), likwama (5/6), pl malikwama.
(at the time) when (conjunction), pindi.
as when (conjunction), huko.
when (conjunction), iwapo.
when (conjunction), maadam.
when (conjunction), maadam.
when (conjunction), maadamu.
when (conjunction), madhali.
when (conjunction), pindi. And what could that salary have helped
him/her with when those with bigger salaries are sleeping hungry. Na huo
mshahara ungemsaidia nini pindi wenye mishahara mikubwa zaidi wanalala
njaa? [Mt].
when (infix), po.
when (+ infinitive) (noun), wakati wa (11/10), pl nyakati za.
when it is (adjective), panapo. when it is three o'clock.. panapo saa
when? (pronoun), lini?.
where (infix), po.
where ? (pronoun), upi?.
where there are (adjective), panapo.
where there is (adjective), panapo.
where there is(use with a following obj) (adjective), penye. Where there
is will, there is a way. penye nia kuna njia.
where there is... (noun), palipo. highland.. palipoinuka.
where? (pronoun), -pi?. where are you going. unakwendapi?.
where? (pronoun), wapi.
whereas (conjunction), ambapo.
whereas (conjunction), ilhali.
whereas (noun), hali ya kuwa.
wherever (adjective), popote.
wherever (adjective), popote.
whet (verb), -noa. whetstone.. jiwe la kunolea.
whether (conjunction), kama.
whetstone (noun), cherehe.
whetstone (noun), kinoo, pl vinoo.
whetstone (noun), pl whetstones, noleo (5/6), pl manoleo.
whetstone (noun), suguo (5/6), pl masuguo.
whetstone (large) (noun), pl whetstones, noo (5/6), pl manoo.
whey (noun), gururu.
which (pronoun), amba-.
which (pronoun), ambazo.
which (pronoun), vipi.
which (pronoun), yapi.
which (pronoun), ye.
which (pronoun), yo.
which (pronoun), yupi.
which one (pronoun), ipi.
which? (pronoun), -pi?. which chair.. kiti kipi?.
which? (pronoun), upi?.
for a little while (adjective), kwa muda kidogo, pl kwa muda mrefu.
in a little while (adverb), punde. "We waited for him, and in a little
while he came".. punde kwa punde.
while (conjunction), ambapo. He has nothing to give you in life [...]
while I will open the door for you to freedom from need.. hana lolote la
kukupa maishani [...] ambapo mimi nitakufungulia mlango wa uhuru kutokana
na uhitaji [Mun].
while (conjunction), huko.
while (conjunction), ilhali.
while (conjunction), maadam.
while (conjunction), maadam.
while (conjunction), maadamu.
while (conjunction), madhali.
whim (noun), kinyongo.
whim (noun), mradi, pl miradi, muradi.
be whimsical (verb), -potoka.
be whimsical (verb), -wa na mambo mambo.
whimsical (adjective), -badilifu.
whimsical person (noun), mbadilishaji, pl wabadilishaji.
one who whines (noun), mlizi, pl walizi.
whip (noun), kambaa, pl makambaa.
whip (noun), kiboko (7/8), pl viboko.
whip (noun), mchapo (3/4), pl michapo.
whip (noun), mjeledi (3/4), pl mijeledi.
whip (verb), -charaza.
whip (verb), -jalidi.
whip (verb), -buta. beat a rug.. puta zulia.
whip (verb), -puta. beat a rug.. puta zulia.
whip (verb), -rapua.
whip (verb), -shulu.
whip (verb), -shuru.
whip (verb), -titiga.
whip (braided of grass or twigs) (noun), kikoto, pl vikoto.
whip (eggs etc) (verb), -pigapiga.
someting that whirls (noun), kizingia, pl vizingia.
whirl (verb), -vurumisha.
whirling (adverb), darmadaru.
whirlpool (noun), kizunguko, pl vizunguko.
whirlpool (noun), mzunguko, pl mizunguko.
whirlpool (noun), zunguko, pl mazunguko.
whirlpool (noun), zungusho (5/6), pl mazungusho.
whirlwind (noun), chamchela (9/10), pl chamchela.
whirlwind (noun), kimbunga, pl vimbunga.
whirlwind (noun), pepo ya kinyamkela.
whirlwind (noun), kisulisuli (7/8), pl visulisuli.
with a whirring sound (adjective), vuru.
with a whirring sound (adjective), vuruvuru.
pl.whiskers (noun), ndevu, pl ndevu.
whisper (noun), mnong'ono (3/4), pl minong'ono. Since the distant past
that bird has grasped people's whispers and has begun to insult
uncivilized people like me.. Toka zama za kale, huyu ndege hushika
minong'ono ya watu na kuanza kukebehi washenzi kama mimi [Chacha, Masomo
whisper (verb), -nong'ona. After crying, (s)he whispered and said.
baada ya kulia alinong'ona akasema [Mt].
whisper (verb), -nong'oneza.
whisper to oneself (adverb), kimoyomoyo.
whisper(ing) (noun), tetesi (9/10), pl matetesi.
whisperer (noun), mnong'onezi, pl wanong'onezi.
whisperer (noun), mnong'oni, pl wanong'oni.
whispering (noun), manong'onezo.
whispering (noun), manong'ono.
whispering (noun), nong'onong'o (5/6), pl manong'onong'o.
whispering (noun), ubabaiko.
whispering (noun), unong'onezi.
whistle (noun), filimbi (9/10), pl filimbi.
whistle (noun), firimbi (5/6), pl mafirimbi.
whistle (noun), kibinja (7/8), pl vibinja.
whistle (noun), mbinja, pl mbinja.
whistle (noun), miunzi, pl miunzi. to whistle.. piga miunzi.
whistle (noun), mluzi (3/4), pl miluzi.
whistle (noun), mwunzi, pl miunzi.
whistle (noun), ubinja.
whistle (noun), uruzi.
whistle (noun), uwinja, pl winja.
whistle (noun), winja.
whistle (verb), -piga filimbi.
whistle (such as used by police) (noun), kipenga (7/8), pl vipenga.
whistling intake of breath indicating contempt or derision (noun), msono,
pl misono.
whistling intake of breath indicating contempt or derision (noun),
msonyo, pl misonyo.
whistling (noun), mwunzi (3/4), pl miunzi.
whistling (noun), ubinja.
whistling (noun), uluzi.
whistling (noun), uruzi.
whistling (noun), vifijo.
whistling sound (noun), kibinja (7/8), pl vibinja.
righteous (adjective), -eupe.
white (adjective), -eupe.
white color (noun), weupe.
white person (noun), mzungu, pl wazungu.
whitebait (noun), dagaa (9/10), pl dagaa.
whitebait (small fish species) (noun), kijino, pl vijino.
whiteness (noun), weupe (14).
whitewash (noun), chokaa (9/10), pl chokaa.
whitewash (noun), mpako, pl mipako.
whitewash (verb), -paka chokaa.
whitewash (verb), -rasha.
whitewash (verb), -rasharasha.
whiting (noun), chaki.
whiting (noun), choki.
who (pronoun), pl see Rechenbach, amba. those who have gone. wale ambao
who (pronoun), ambao. Watoto who have gone will return.. Watato ambao
wameenda watarudi..
who (pronoun), ye.
who? (pronoun), nani?.
who? (pronoun), -pi?.
who? (pronoun), yupi?, pl wapi?wepi?.
as a whole (adverb), jumla.
be whole (verb), -kamilika (intransitive).
whole (adjective), chote.
whole (adjective), kamili.
whole (adjective), kamili.
whole (adjective), mote. in the whole house. nyumbani mote.
whole (adjective), mwote. in the whole house. nyumbani mote.
whole (adjective), ote. the whole country.. nchi yote.
whole (adjective), -zima.
the whole day (noun), kutwa (9/10), pl kutwa.
wholeness (noun), uzima (14).
wholesale (adjective), -pukupuku.
wholesale (noun), jumla (9/10), pl jumla.
wholly (adverb), hasa.
whom? (pronoun), nani.
medicine for whooping cough (noun), ruzuna (9/10), pl ruzuna. a medicine
for whooping cough.. dawa ya ruzuna.
whooping cough (noun), kifaduro (7/8), pl vifaduro.
whore (noun), danguro.
whore (noun), hawai, pl mahawai.
whose? (pronoun), -a nani?.
that's why (conjunction), ndiyo maana.
why (conjunction), kwa nini.
why (pronoun), kwa sababu gani.
why? (conjunction), kwa sababu gani?.
why? (pronoun), kwaje. Sir, Why are you scolding us like this?.
Inakuwaje?; Bwana, kwaje wewe kutukaripia vile? [Masomo 415].
why? (pronoun), mbona?.
why? (pronoun), kwa nini?. why?. kwa nini.
burnt end of wick (noun), kope (9/10), pl kope.
lamp wick (noun), ujali (11/4), pl mijali.
wick (noun), pl wicks, mrao (3/4), pl mirao.
wick (of a lamp) (noun), utambi (11/10), pl tambi.
wicked (adjective), -baya. wicked person. mtu mbaya.
wicked (adjective), -ovu.
wicked (adjective), wi.
wicked person (noun), afiriti (9/10an), pl afiriti.
wicked person (noun), afriti (9/10an), pl afriti.
wicked person (noun), mng'ariza (1/2), pl wang'ariza.
wicked person (noun), pl wicked people, munkari (3/4), pl minkari.
wickedly (adverb), vibya.
wickedness (noun), habithi.
wickedness (noun), mabaya, pl mabaya.
wickedness (noun), maovu.
wickedness (noun), nuhusi (9/10), pl nuhusi.
wickedness (noun), nuksi (9/10), pl nuksi.
wickedness (noun), ovu (5/6), pl maovu. there are both wicked and good
in the world.. mema na maovu ndio ulimwengu.
wickedness (noun), ubaya, pl mabaya.
wickedness (noun), ubilisi (14).
wickedness (noun), ujini.
wickedness (noun), uovu, pl maovu.
wickedness (noun), upotoe.
wickedness (noun), upotovu.
wickedness (noun), ushetani (14).
wicker object (noun), chanja (9/10), pl chanja.
wickerwork (noun), chanja, pl vichanja.
be wide (verb), -tanuka.
be wide (a plain etc) (verb), -tandaa.
be widened (verb), -panuliwa.
get wider (verb), -panuka.
wide (adjective), panapana.
widen (verb), -panua.
widen (verb), -tanua. they widened their garden. wakatanua shamba lao
widen (verb), -tanuka (intransitive).
widening (noun), upanuzi (14).
condition of a widow (noun), ukiwa.
widow (noun), mjane (1/2), pl wajane.
widower (noun), mjane, pl wajane.
widowerhood (noun), ujane.
widowhood (noun), ujane (14).
widowhood (noun), ujane.
width (noun), mapana (6).
width (noun), mapana.
width (noun), tambo (9/10), pl tambo.
width (noun), upana (14), pl upana.
condition of being a wife (noun), uke.
his wife (noun), mkewe, pl wakewe.
take a wife (verb), -oa. He has married off his daughter to an old man..
amemwoza mtoto wake kwa mtu mzee.
take a wife (verb), -owa. He has married off his daughter to an old
man.. amemwoza mtoto wake kwa mtu mzee.
wife (noun), ahali (9/10an), pl ahali.
wife (noun), ahli (9/10an), pl ahli.
wife (noun), mke (1/2), pl wake.
in a wild uncultivated manner (adverb), kimwitu.
plant which grows wild (noun), kimelea, pl vimelea.
wild (adjective), kali.
wild (adjective), -a kimwitu.
wild (adjective), -a kishenzi.
wild (adjective), korofi.
wild (adjective), mbuai. wild animal. mnyama mbuai.
wild (adverb), kigugu.
wild (adverb), -a kimwitu.
wild (of the forest) (adjective), -a mwitu.
wild boar (noun), ngiri (9/10an), pl ngiri.
wildebeest (noun), nyumbu (9/10an), pl nyumbu.
wilderness (noun), changua.
wilderness (noun), jangwa, pl majangwa.
wilderness (noun), koko (5/6), pl makoko. paving stones..
wilderness (noun), pori (5/6), pl mapori. wilderness of animals. pori
la wanyama.
wilderness (noun), pululu (5/6), pl mapululu.
wilderness (noun), ukame.
wilderness (noun), wangwa.
wildlife reserve (noun), mbuga (9/10), pl mbuga.
wildness (noun), kishenzi.
wilfulness (noun), potoe (9/10), pl potoe.
wilfulness (noun), potovu (9/10), pl potovu.
wilfulness (noun), utundu.
free will (noun), hiari (9/10), pl hiari.
ill will (noun), hasidi.
ill will (noun), husuda.
last will and testament (noun), usia (11/6), pl mausia.
last will and testament (noun), wasia.
last will and testament (noun), wusia.
make one's (last) will (verb), -usia.
make one's last will and testament (noun), wosia.
of one's own will (conjunction), kwa hiari yake.
will (noun), penzi (5/6), pl mapenzi.
will (noun), wasia.
will (noun), wosia.
will (noun), wusia.
will-o'-the wisp (noun), kimulimuli, pl vimulimuli.
willing (adjective), radhi.
willingly (conjunction), kwa hiari yake.
willingness (noun), utayari.
willpower (noun), moyo.
wilt (verb), -fifia.
wilt (verb), -ng'ang'anaa.
be wilted (verb), -ngwea.
wily (adjective), tatai.
cause to win (verb), -nufaishana.
help to win (verb), -shindisha. (s)he tried to help them win but it was
not possible. Alijaribu kuwashindisha, lakini haikuwezekana.
help to win (verb), -shindiza.
win (adjective), nafaika.
win (adjective), nufaika.
win (noun), fora (9/10), pl fora. our team won in the contest. Katika
mashindano timu yetu imetia fora..
win (verb), -bwakia. The Wanderers defeated [the] Brazil [team] by three
win (verb), -funga.
win (verb), -fuzu.
win (verb), -fuzu.
win (verb), -nufaika.
win (verb), -shinda. win a game. kushinda mchezo.
win (as in competition or examination) (verb), -fuza.
win (at cards) (verb), -piku.
win (ie in cards or racing) (verb), -fora.
win a game of cards (verb), -paa. win a game of cards. paa karatia.
win a game of cards (verb), -para.
win all the money (in gambling) (verb), -filisi.
win at cards (verb), -vumisha.
win out (verb), -piga fora.
winch (noun), duara, pl maduara.
winch (noun), duwara, pl maduwara.
winch (noun), pl winches, silingi (9/10), pl silingi.
winch (noun), slingi (9/10), pl slingi.
winch (noun), winchi (9/10), pl winchi.
winch (noun), winji (9/10).
wincing (noun), mshtuko, pl mishtuko.
wincing (noun), mstuko, pl mistuko.
break wind (verb), -shuta. the child broke the wind after eating. Mtoto
alishuta baada ya kula.
intestinal wind (noun), jamba, pl majamba.
north wind (noun), kaskazi.
northeasterly wind (noun), kaskazi.
period of changing winds (between the southwest and the northeast
monsoons) (noun), tangambili (9/10), pl tangambili.
sing. northwest wind (noun), mwanashanga.
steady wind (noun), homu.
wind (noun), baridi.
wind (noun), homu (9/10), pl homu.
wind (noun), joshi.
wind (noun), upepo (11/10), pl pepo.
wind (verb), -betabeta.
wind (verb), -finginyika.
wind (verb), -nyonga.
wind (verb), -sokota.
wind (verb), -tatia.
wind (verb), -vinginyika.
wind (verb), -vivinyuka.
wind around (verb), -dadisa.
wind round (verb), -zonga.
wind up (verb), -biringa. wind thread on a ball.. biringa uzi katika
wind up (verb), -kunja.
wind up (verb), -viringa.
wind up (verb), -zinga.
with the wind (adverb), yahom.
windfall (noun), dafina, pl dafina.
be winding (verb), -zingira.
be winding (river) (verb), -zingamana.
winding (noun), pindi (5/6), pl mapindi.
winding (cord, thread) (noun), mtatio, pl mitatio.
windlass (noun), duara, pl maduara. waterwheel. duara ya maji.
windlass (noun), duwara, pl maduwara.
windlass (noun), silingi (9/10), pl silingi.
windlass (noun), slingi (9/10), pl slingi.
windlass (noun), winchi (9/10).
windlass (noun), winji (9/10).
windmill (children's toy) (noun), kibaramwezi, pl vibaramwezi.
windmill (toy) (noun), kititia (7/8), pl vititia.
small window (noun), kibacha (7/8), pl vibacha.
small window (noun), kishubaka, pl vishubaka.
window (noun), dirisha (5/6), pl madirisha.
window (noun), kizuka (7/8), pl vizuka.
window (small) (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza.
window (small) (noun), shubaka (5/6), pl mashubaka.
window frame (noun), turusi.
windowframe (noun), kirimba (7/8), pl virimba.
windowframe (noun), mwimo (3/4), pl miimo.
season of uncertain and changing winds between the monsoon and during the
rains (noun), maleleji (6).
windward side (noun), goshi.
windward side (noun), joshi (9/10), pl joshi.
wine (noun), divai (9/10), pl divai.
wine (noun), mvinyo (9/10).
wine beverage (type of) (noun), pl wine beverages, sharabu (9/10), pl
sharabu. this person likes wine when eating. Mtu huyu anapenda sharabu
wing (noun), bawa (5/6), pl mabawa.
wing (noun), ubati.
wing (noun), wingi (9/10), pl mawingi.
wing (noun), wingu, pl mawingu.
wing (of a building or army) (noun), pembe (9/10), pl pembe.
wing (of a building) (noun), upande, pl pande.
wing (of an army) (noun), upande, pl pande.
wing (of large bird or airplane) (noun), ubawa (11/6), pl mabawa.
wink (noun), konyezo, pl makonyezo. I have borrowed money from my
wink (noun), mkonyezo, pl mikonyezo.
wink (noun), ukonyezo, pl konyezo.
wink (verb), -kopesa macho.
wink (verb), -pesa.
wink (as a sign of mutual understanding or as a greeting) (verb), -
wink (the eyes) (verb), -kupia.
winner (noun), pl winners, mshinda (1/2), pl washinda.
winner (noun), pl winners, mshindaji (1/2), pl washindaji.
winnings (noun), donge, pl madonge.
dust from winnowing grain (noun), wambe.
round flat basket used for winnowing grain (noun), tunga.
winnow (verb), -kumunta.
winnow (verb), -kung'uta.
winnow (verb), -kung'uta.
winnow (verb), -papatua. (s)he winnowed his/her belt from the waist.
aliupapatua ukanda wake kiunoni [Moh].
winnow (verb), -pembua.
winnow (verb), -pepeta. (s)he was put in the basket and winnowed up and
down. alitiwa kwenye ungo, akapepetwa juu na chini [Moh].
winnow (verb), -pepetua. (s)he was put into the basket and winnowed up
and down. alitiwa kwenye ungo, akapepetwa juu na chini [Moh].
winnow (verb), -pepua. (s)he was put in a basket and winnowed up and
down. alitiwa kwenye ungo, akapepetwa juu na chini [Moh].
winnow (verb), -peta.
winnower (noun), mpepetaji (1/2), pl wapepetaji.
winnowing (noun), mkung'uto (3/4), pl mikung'uto.
winnowing basket (noun), kung'uto (5/6), pl makung'uto.
winnowing basket (noun), tunga (9/10), pl tunga.
wipe (out) (verb), -futa.
wipe off (verb), -pangusa.
wipe off (sweat from the face etc) (verb), -puna.
wipe off (the hands) (verb), -ponoa.
wipe oneself (after a bowel movement) (verb), -sosona.
wipe oneself (after going to the toilet) (verb), -sogonea.
wipe oneself with leaves (after a bowel movement) (verb), -kokona.
wipe oneself with leaves (after a bowel movement) (verb), -sosona.
wipe up (verb), -chambiza.
wipe off (sweat from the face etc) (verb), -pua.
wiping (act of) (noun), mfuto, pl mifuto.
wiping (act of) (noun), mfuto (3/4), pl mifuto.
bend a wire (verb), -peta uzi.
brass wire (noun), masoka.
iron wire (noun), masoka.
iron wire (noun), pl iron wires, seng'enge (9/10), pl seng'enge. it was
the vehicle of the prisoners which was ringed with iron wire. lilikuwa
gari la wafungwa lililozungushwa seng'enge [Ng].
thick wire of brass or copper (used to make ornaments) (noun), masango.
wire (noun), uzi (11/10), pl nyuzi.
wire (iron or brass) (noun), dodi, pl madodi.
wire (of an electrical appliance) (noun), waya (9/10), pl waya.
practical wisdom (noun), busara (9/10), pl busara.
wisdom (noun), busara (9/10), pl busara.
wisdom (noun), hekima (9/10), pl hekima.
wisdom (noun), ujuizi.
wisdom (noun), ujuzi.
make wise (verb), -erevusha.
wise (adjective), -staarabu.
wiseacre (noun), mjuaji (1/2), pl wajuaji.
make a wish (verb), -nuika.
make a wish (verb), -nuiza.
wish (noun), dhamira.
wish (noun), dhamiri. it is the wish of the Africans to achieve
independence. ni dhamiri ya Waafrika kupata uhuru.
wish (noun), hiari.
wish (noun), hoja, pl hoja; mahoja.
wish (noun), mapenzi.
wish (noun), mataka, pl mataka.
wish (noun), matakwa, pl matakwa.
wish (noun), muradi (3/4), pl miradi.
wish (noun), pendekezo (5/6), pl mapendekezo.
wish (noun), penzi (5/6), pl mapenzi.
wish (noun), taraja (5/6), pl mataraja.
wish (verb), -arithi.
wish (verb), -chadi.
wish (verb), -jadi.
wish (verb), -penda. for your sake. kwa kupenda kwako.
wish (verb), -taka.
wish (verb), -takia.
wish (verb), -taraji.
wish (verb), -tumai.
wish (verb), -tumaini.
wish (urgent) (noun), hamu.
wish for someone (verb), -takia (applicative). to wish Bi Tamima peace.
kumtakia salama Bi Tamima [Moh],.
wish someone good morning (verb), -sabahi.
wishes of fecundity that are also expressed on the occasion of the first
menstruation (interjection), chereko! chereko!.
be wished (verb), -takiwa. a new kanzu he was required to try. kanzu
mpya aliyotakiwa aijaribu [Sul].
quick-wittedness (noun), ufahamfu.
quick-wittedness (noun), ufahami.
quick-wittedness (noun), ufahamivu.
wit (noun), uchekeshi.
wit (noun), ucheshi (14).
wit (noun), ukafu.
wit (noun), ukavu.
one who visits a witch doctor (noun), mzuza, pl wazuza.
witch (noun), kizee, pl vizee.
witch (noun), mchawi (1/2), pl wachawi.
treatment by a witch doctor (the witch doctor writes on a plate which is
then washed off and the water drunk by the patient) (noun), kombe, pl
witch doctor (noun), mganga, pl waganga.
witch doctor (noun), mganguzi, pl waganguzi.
perform witchcraft (verb), -tega.
witchcraft (noun), kipapae, pl vipapae.
witchcraft (noun), mazingaombwe, pl mazingaombwe.
witchcraft (noun), mazingaumbo, pl mazingaumbo.
witchcraft (noun), sihiri (9/10), pl sihiri. witchcraft. uchawi wa
witchcraft (noun), uchawi.
witchcraft (noun), ulozi.
witchcraft (noun), upagazi.
witchcraft (noun), usihiri.
witchcraft (noun), utende (14).
be with (verb), -wa na.
with (adjective), -enye.
with (adjective), wenye.
with (adjective), yenye.
with (adjective), zenye.
with (adverb), kwa.
with (conjunction), na.
with (preposition), bi.
with (preposition), fi.
with (preposition), katika.
with (preposition), kwa.
with (preposition), kwa.
with (pronoun), mwenye, pl wenye.
withdraw (verb), -bihi.
withdraw (verb), -jitoa.
withdraw (verb), -ondoka.
withdraw an accusation when confronted by the person accused (verb), -
withdraw from school (verb), -toka shule.
withdrawal (noun), utengo, pl matengo.
withdrawing (act of) (noun), mtengo, pl mitengo. "dismissal, discharge
(from a position/job)".. mtengo katika kazi.
cause to wither (verb), -nyausha.
wither (verb), -fifia.
wither (verb), -kambuka.
wither (verb), -kutaa.
wither (verb), -ng'ang'anaa.
wither (verb), -nyauka.
wither (verb), -sinyaa.
wither (verb), -zia.
wither up before flourishing (verb), -via.
withered thing (noun), kizimwe (7/8), pl vizimwe.
withered condition (noun), uzimbezimbe (14).
withered thing (noun), mapooza (6).
withering away (process of) (noun), mnyaufu.
withhold (verb), -hini.
withhold (verb), -kushikilia.
withhold (verb), -zuia.
withhold (verb), -zuwia.
withhold (from) (verb), -nyima. If it is food you shall withhold from
me. kama ni chakula mtaninyima [Kez].
withhold from (verb), -hini.
withhold from (verb), -hinisha.
withhold from (verb), -zuilia (applicative).
withhold something (verb), -koleza.
within (adverb), ndani. within the.... ndani ya.
within (pronoun), mle.
within (time period) (adverb), mnamo.
within it (conjunction), ndaniye, pl ndanio.
without (adverb), bila. without concern about the difficulties. bila ya
kujali shida [Nyerere, Masomo 277].
without (adverb), ghairi ya.
without (conjunction), minghairi.
without (preposition), baghairi.
without (preposition), bighairi.
without (preposition), ghairi ya-.
without (preposition), minajili.
without (preposition), minajili.
without (preposition), pasi.
without (preposition), pasina.
without (preposition), pasipo. without doubt.. pasi shaka.
without anything else (of tea) (adjective), -kavu.
without prospects or resources (phrase), asiye (kuwa na) mbele wala
be witnessed (verb), -shuhudiwa.
bear witness (verb), -shuhudia. like the angels who were sent to come
and witness the attrocities that were being committed. kama malaika
waliotumwa kuja kushuhudia ukatili uliokuwa ukitendeka [Kez].
jur. witness stand (noun), kizimba, pl vizimba.
jur. witness stand (noun), kizimbi, pl vizimbi.
witness (noun), pl witnesses, shahidi (5/6an), pl mashahidi. parasites
were witnesses to the naughtiness of childishness. vidudu vilikuwa
mashahidi wa utukutu wa kitoto [Moh], kupenda ni kazi ya moyo, macho ni
shahidi tu [Sul].
witness (noun), pl witnesses, shuhuda (5/6an), pl mashuhuda.
witness (noun), ushahidi (14).
witness (noun), ushuhuda (14).
witness (verb), -shahidi.
quick-witted (adjective), mahiri.
witty (adjective), -cheshi.
witty (adjective), kalamazi.
wizard (noun), mchawi (1/2), pl wachawi.
wizard (noun), mwanga (1/2), pl waanga.
wobble (verb), -yua.
wobbling (verb), -tikisika.
Woe is me! (interjection), ole. Woe is me!. ole wangu!.
wolf (noun), mbwa mwitu (9/10an), pl mbwa mwitu.
handsome young woman (noun), mchipukizi, pl wachipukizi.
old woman (noun), kizee, pl vizee.
rare old woman (=kizee) (noun), mvyele, pl wavyele.
woman (noun), bibi (5/6an), pl mabibi.
woman (noun), gashi (5/6), pl magashi.
woman (noun), mke (1/2), pl wake.
woman (noun), mwanamke (1/2), pl wanawake.
woman (of an age that she could be an aunt) (noun), shangazi (9/10an), pl
mashangazi. the father of John is like my aunt. Mama yake John ni kama
shangazi yangu.
woman bearing child for the first time (noun), mwanagenzi (1/2), pl
woman in childbed (noun), mzazi, pl wazazi.
young woman (noun), mwali (1/2), pl wali. The daughter had become a
young woman.. Binti alikwisha kuwa mwali [Balisidya, Masomo 347].
young woman (noun), mwari (1/2), pl waari.
womanhood (noun), uke (14).
womb (noun), chupa (9/10), pl machupa.
womb (noun), fuko (5/6), pl mafuko.
womb (noun), tumbo la uzazi.
young woman (noun), jana, pl majana.
women-folk (noun), akina mama (9/10an), pl akina mama. to give women an
opportunity to work in factories. kuwapatia akina mama nafasi ya kufanya
kazi katika viwanda [Masomo 259].
womenfolk (noun), wanawake.
wonder (noun), ajabu (9/10), pl ajabu.
wonder (noun), hekaya.
wonder (noun), jambo (5/6), pl mambo.
wonder (noun), msangao (3/4), pl misangao.
wonder (noun), mshangao (3/4), pl mishangao.
wonder (noun), mwujiza (3/4), pl miujiza.
wonder (noun), mwujizi (3/4), pl miujizi.
wonder (noun), muujiza (3/4), pl miujiza.
wonder (noun), staajabu (5/6), pl mastaajabu.
wonder (noun), taajabu (5/6), pl mataajabu.
wonder (verb), -ajabu.
wonder (verb), -shangaa. the old folks wondered on seeing that they
culture is being ruined. Wazee walishangaa kuona mila yao inaharibika.
wonderful thing (noun), ibura (9/10), pl ibura.
wonderfully (adverb), -a ajabu.
woo (verb), -bembeleza.
woo (verb), -posa. money for wedding preparations.. mali ya kuposea.
fragrant wood which is used as a perfume or to keep off mosquitos when
ground up with oil (noun), kifumbazi, pl vifumbazi.
fragrant wood which is used as a perfume or to keep off mosquitos when
ground up with oil (noun), kivumbasi, pl vivumbasi.
fragrant wood which is used as a perfume or to keep off mosquitos when
ground up with oil (noun), kivumbazi, pl vivumbazi.
heartwood (of a tree) (noun), ng'arange (9/10), pl ng'arange.
piece of wood (noun), njiti (9/10), pl njiti.
piece of wood (used for support) (noun), mwao (3/4), pl miao.
piece of wood for repairing a boat (noun), hasho, pl mahasho (vihasho).
piece of wood used to stiffen a structure (noun), taruma (5/6), pl
soft white part of wood (noun), ugale (11/10), pl gale.
wood (noun), mti, pl miti.
wood of the mtobwe shrub (noun), tobwe, pl matobwe.
wood-fiber (noun), kunge (9/10), pl kunge.
woodcutter (noun), mtema, pl watema.
woodcutter (noun), pl woodcutters, mtemi (1/2), pl watemi.
woodpecker (noun), gogota (9/10an), pl gogota.
woodpecker (noun), gongonola.
woodpecker (noun), gotagota.
woodpecker (noun), kigogota (7/8), pl vigogota.
woodpecker (noun), king'oto (7/8an), pl ving'oto.
woodwind instrument (kind of) (noun), zomari.
woodwind instrument (kind of) (noun), zumari (9/10), pl zumari.
wooing (noun), uchumba.
cotton wool (noun), pamba (5/6), pl mapamba.
strand of wool (noun), nyoya (5/6), pl manyoya.
wool (noun), ugoya.
wool (noun), unyoya, pl nyoya, manyoya.
wool (noun), usufi.
wool (noun), usufu (11), pl sufu.
wool (commercial) (noun), sufi (9/10), pl sufi.
wool (commercial) (noun), sufu (9/10), pl sufu.
wool (of an animal) (noun), manyoya.
wool fiber (noun), unyoya (11/6), pl manyoya.
woolen cloth (noun), joho.
woolen cloth (noun), joho (5/6), pl majoho.
woolen cloth (noun), sufi (9/10), pl sufi.
woolen cloth (noun), sufu (9/10), pl sufu.
have words (with each other) (verb), -gombana.
true word (noun), neno la kweli (5/6), pl maneno.
word (noun), kala.
word (noun), kalima.
word (noun), kalima (9/10), pl kalima.
word (noun), maneno. true words. maneno ya kweli.
word (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno. a true word.. neno la kweli.
word (noun), usemi.
meaningless words (noun), babayiko, pl mababayiko.
at work (adjective), kazini.
be accustomed to hard work (verb), -sulibika (intransitive).
be accustomed to hard work (verb), -sulubika (intransitive).
be heart and soul in one's work (verb), -shiriki kazi.
be worked out (verb), -sawanyishwa.
be worked out (verb), -sawazishwa.
check over work (verb), -tazamia kazi.
do slipshod work (verb), -parua kazi.
do work with skill (verb), -sanifisha.
field work (noun), malimo.
give work (verb), -shughulisha.
make oneself work hard (verb), -jitahidisha.
person who works at odd jobs (noun), chokora, pl machokora.
person who works at odd jobs (noun), chotara, pl machotara.
set to work on a job (verb), -maliki.
work (noun), amali, pl amali.
work (noun), kazi (9/10), pl kazi.
work (noun), kazi.
work (noun), maishilio (6).
work (noun), maishilio.
work (noun), matendo, pl matendo.
work (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
work (noun), utendaji.
work (noun), utendi.
work (noun), utenzi.
work (of literature or music) (noun), insha.
work hard (verb), -jitahidi.
work hard (verb), -kakamia.
work hard (verb), -kakamua.
work hard (verb), -kazana.
work hard (verb), -vuma.
work hurriedly (verb), -papia kazi.
work poorly done (noun), makorowezo (6).
work poorly done (noun), makorowezo.
work related (adjective), -a kikazi.
work skillfully (verb), -sanifu. a skillful worker. mfanyakazi
work well together (verb), -patana.
careless worker (noun), mparuzi (1/2), pl waparuzi.
competent person (worker) (noun), bingwa, pl mabingwa.
skilled worker (noun), fundi, pl mafundi.
worker (noun), mfanyaji, pl wafanyaji. "worker",. mfanyaji kazi .
mfanyaji kazi wa shamba.
worker (noun), mfanyakazi (1/2), pl wafanyakazi.
worker (noun), mfanyizaji, pl wafanyizaji.
worker (noun), pl workers, mtenzi (1/2), pl watenzi.
worker (skilled) (noun), waria (9/10an), pl waria.
gang of workers (noun), genge.
working class (noun), tabaka la wafanyakazi (5/6), pl matabaka ya
skilled workman (noun), mkufunzi, pl wakufunzi.
skilled workman (noun), mkurufunzi, pl wakurufunzi.
workman (noun), mekanika, pl mekanika, mamekanika.
workman (noun), mtenzi, pl watenzi.
workshop (noun), banda (5/6), pl mabanda.
workshop (noun), flotile la kiwanda.
workshop (noun), furutile la kiwanda.
workshop (noun), karakana (9/10), pl karakana.
workshop (noun), karakana.
workshop (noun), kibanda (7/8), pl vibanda.
workshop (noun), kiwanda, pl viwanda.
workshop (noun), warsha (9/10), pl warsha.
world (noun), ardhi, pl ardhi.
world (noun), dunia (9/10), pl dunia. euph. depart from the world, die.
fariki/aga dunia.
world (noun), ulimwengu (14), pl ulimwengu.
worldly affairs (noun), malimwengu (6).
worldly things (noun), malimwengu. And the design of the things of the
world. Na pambo la malimwengu [Shaaban Robert, Masomo 425].
blind-worm (noun), ndumakuwili, pl ndumakuwili.
intestinal worm (noun), mchango, pl michango.
intestinal worm (noun), yungayunga.
worm (noun), funza (5/6), pl mafunza.
worm (noun), nyoka (9/10an), pl nyoka.
worm (small and thin) (noun), chembamba, pl vyembamba.
worm kind used for fishbait (noun), daa, pl daa.
worm used as fishing bait (noun), mwata.
be worm-eaten (verb), -bunguka.
worms (dug as bait on beach) (noun), mwata (9/10), pl mwata.
wormwood (noun), pl wormwoods, pakanga (9/10), pl pakanga.
be worn (verb), -valika.
be worn (of things) (verb), -valiwa.
be worn out (verb), -lika (potential).
get worn out (verb), -zeeka (potential).
worn condition (of clothing) (noun), uvunzovunzo (14).
worn out (adjective), -kongwe.
worn out (adjective), -kuu -kuu.
worn-out (adjective), chakavu.
be worn-out (verb), -tambarajika.
worn-out (adjective), kachala.
worn-out (adjective), kukuu.
worn-out (adjective), kuukuu.
worn-out article of clothing (noun), kikuukuu, pl vikuukuu.
be worried (verb), -papa.
be worried (verb), -shughulika.
be worried (verb), -taabika.
be worried (verb), -tukuta.
be worried (verb), -udhika.
be worried (verb), -hangaika.
be worried (verb), -jishughulisha (reflexive).
be worried (verb), -jishughulisha.
worry (noun), beluwa.
worry (noun), buka.
worry (noun), dukuduku (5/6), pl madukuduku.
worry (noun), hangaiko (5/6), pl mahangaiko.
worry (noun), mhangaiko (3/4), pl mihangaiko.
worry (noun), mtafaruku (3/4), pl mitafaruku.
worry (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
worry (noun), udhia.
worry (noun), udhiko.
worry (noun), wahka (14).
worry (noun), wasiwasi (14), pl wasiwasi.
worry (verb), -busuri.
worry (verb), -huzunia.
worry (verb), -jali.
worry (verb), -kera.
worry (verb), -kera.
worry (verb), -shuku.
worry (verb), -sukasuka.
worry (verb), -sumbua.
worry (verb), -taabisha (causative).
worry (verb), -udhi.
worry (someone) (verb), -hangaisha.
worsen (of a sick person) (verb), -rembuka ( conv-poten).
African place of worship (noun), mzimu (3/4), pl mizimu.
be worshipped (verb), -abudiwa.
cause to worship (verb), -abudisha (causative).
object of worship (noun), maabudu.
rel. place of worship (noun), maabadi.
worship (noun), dini (9/10), pl dini.
worship (noun), ibada (9/10), pl ibada.
worship (noun), ibada.
worship (noun), maabudu.
worship (noun), uabudiwaji.
worship (verb), pl Yes, -abudu. Worship God; the way they worshipped..
abudu Mungu; walivyoabudu [Masomo 305].
worship (verb), -sujudu.
worship an idol (verb), -shariki.
worship an idol (verb), -shiriki sanamu.
be worshipped (verb), -sujudiwa.
rel. worshipper (noun), mwabudu, pl waabudu. idolator.. mwabudu wa
be worth striving for (verb), -tamanika.
it's not worth the trouble! (interjection), yasini!.
worth (noun), karama.
worth (noun), takaramu (9/10), pl takaramu.
worth (noun), takarimu (9/10), pl takaramu.
worth considering (adjective), -a maana.
worth the money (adjective), -bahasa.
worthiness (noun), astahili (9/10), pl astahili.
worthiness (noun), hastaili (9/10), pl hastaili.
worthiness (noun), stahili (9/10), pl stahili.
worthiness (noun), ustahiki.
worthiness (noun), ustahili.
a worthless thing (noun), takataka (5/6), pl matakataka.
be worthless (verb), -batilika (potential).
make worthless (verb), -batilisha (causative).
worthless (adjective), batili.
worthless (adjective), batilifu.
worthless (adjective), -bovu.
worthless (adjective), duni.
worthless (adjective), ghafi.
worthless (adjective), hafifu.
worthless (adjective), kikuukuu.
worthless (adjective), ovyo.
worthless (adjective), tahafifu.
worthless (adjective), tundu.
worthless (adjective), tupu.
worthless (adverb), dufu.
worthless person (noun), dude, pl madude.
worthless thing (noun), dama, pl dama.
worthless thing (noun), kipuzi, pl vipuzi.
worthless thing (noun), taka (5/6), pl mataka.
worthless thing (noun), tama (9/10), pl tama.
worthlessness (noun), ubatili (14).
worthlessness (noun), ubatilifu.
worthlessness (noun), udufu.
worthlessness (noun), ufefe.
worthlessness (noun), uhafifu.
worthlessness (noun), unyonge.
worthlessness (noun), utasa.
worthlessness (noun), utupu.
worthlessness (noun), uzimbezimbe.
be worthy (verb), -stahika.
be worthy (verb), -stahiki.
be worthy of mention (verb), -tajika.
prove oneself worthy of trust (verb), -staamani.
worthy (adjective), fani.
worthy (adjective), stahiki.
worthy (adjective), stahili.
would that (interjection), laiti.
be wounded (verb), -athiriwa. She was wounded in two places, in the head
and in the chest.. Aliathiriwa sehemu mbili, kichwani na kifuani [Masomo
be wounded (verb), -jeruhiwa.
small wound (left after removing a thorn etc.) (noun), chomeo, pl
superficial wound (noun), para (9/10), pl para.
surface wound (noun), mkwaruzo, pl mikwaruzo.
surface wound (noun), mpapuro, pl mipapuro.
wound (noun), athari, pl athari.
wound (noun), cheraka, pl macheraka. be wounded. pata cheraka.
wound (noun), jeraha (5/6), pl majeraha.
wound (noun), jeraha, pl majeraha.
wound (noun), kidonda (7/8), pl vidonda.
wound (noun), mchanjo, pl michanjo.
wound (noun), mchanjo (3/4), pl michanjo.
wound (verb), -cheruhi.
wound (verb), -dondoa.
wound (verb), -jeruhi.
wound (verb), -jeruhi.
wound (verb), -onza.
wound (verb), -wanga.
wound (large) (noun), bandguzi, pl mabanguzi.
wound (superficial) (noun), mtai, pl mitai.
person wounded by a spear (noun), fume (5/6an), pl mafume.
wounded (noun), majeruhi (9/10an), pl majeruhi.
wounded person (noun), majeruhi.
expresses amazement (interjection), aka.
expresses amazement (interjection), ala.
expresses amazement (interjection), ama.
wrangle (noun), hasimu, pl mahasima.
wrangle (verb), -bishana.
wrangle (verb), -gomba.
be wrapped up (verb), -viringishwa ( caus-pass).
be wrapped up (verb), -zongwa (passive).
mdongea (type of shawl or wrap) (noun), mdongea, pl midongea.
wrap (verb), -kafini.
wrap (verb), -tatia.
wrap up (verb), -gubika.
wrap up (verb), -viringa.
be wrapped up in one's own (verb), -jifumba.
cotton cloth wrapper (noun), leso (9/10), pl leso.
wrapper (noun), kipindo, pl vipindo.
wrapper (noun), uo, pl nyuo.
wrapper (man's) (noun), kikoi (7/8), pl vikoi.
wrath (noun), kiruhu.
wrath (noun), kiruu (7/8), pl viruu.
wrath (noun), kiruu.
wrath (noun), mori (9/10), pl mori.
human wreck (noun), gofu.
wreck (noun), gharika.
wreckage (noun), uvunjaji.
wreckage (noun), uvunjifu.
wreckage (noun), uvunjo.
wrecking (act of) (noun), uvunjaji.
wrecking (act of) (noun), uvunjifu.
wrecking (act of) (noun), uvunjo.
wrecking (manner of) (noun), uvunjaji.
wrecking (manner of) (noun), uvunjifu.
wrecking (manner of) (noun), uvunjo.
wrench (noun), bisbis.
wrench (noun), bisibisi.
wrench (verb), -popotoa.
wrench (verb), -shitua. wrench the legs. shitua mguu [Rec].
wrench (verb), -shtua.
wrench (verb), -stua.
wrestle (verb), -kikirika.
wrestle (verb), -kukurika.
wrestle (verb), -shindana mieleka. Ali and John were competing in
wrestling. Ali na John walishindana mieleka.
wrestle (verb), -sokotana (reciprocal).
wrestle with each other (verb), -shikana.
hooking a foot around an opponent's leg (in wrestling) (noun), goya.
wrestling (noun), kakara (9/10), pl kakara.
wrestling (noun), kikiri.
wrestling (noun), kukuru.
wrestling (noun), mweleka (3/4), pl mieleka.
wretch (noun), kijitu (7/8an), pl vijitu.
wretch (noun), udhalili (14).
wretch (verb), -jisua.
wretched (adjective), -bovu.
wretched (adjective), dhalili.
wretched (adjective), maskini.
wretched (adjective), tule.
live wretchedly (verb), -kaa kinyonge.
wretchedly (adverb), kinyonge.
wretchedness (noun), kinyonge, pl vinyonge.
wretchedness (noun), udhilifu (14).
wretchedness (noun), unyonge (14), pl unyonge.
wretchedness (noun), utule.
wriggle (verb), -finginyika.
wriggle (verb), -songamana ( assoc-stat).
wriggle (verb), -vinginyika.
wriggle (verb), -vivinyuka.
wriggle (of reptiles) (verb), -tambaa.
wriggle oneself free (verb), -chomoka (potential).
wriggle out (verb), -furukuta.
wriggle out of something (verb), -epa.
wring (verb), -kamua.
wring (verb), -nyonga.
wring (verb), -songoa (inversive). wring out clothes. songoa nguo.
wring (verb), -songonyoa.
put through the wringer (during examinations, etc.) (verb), -bonyeza.
be wrinkled (verb), -finyana.
be wrinkled (verb), -kunjamana (reciprocal).
wrinkle (noun), kikunje, pl kikunjo.
wrinkle (noun), kikunjo, pl kikunjo.
wrinkle (noun), kunjo (5/6), pl makunjo.
wrinkle (noun), kunyanzi (5/6), pl makunyanzi.
wrinkle (noun), mkunjo, pl mikunjo. trousers with a pressed crease..
suruali yenye mkunjo.
wrinkle (noun), upeto (11/10), pl peto.
wrinkle (verb), -finyo.
wrinkle (verb), -piga peto. the forehead has wrinkled. kipaji kimepiga
peto [Sul].
wrinkle (verb), -vuruga.
wrinkle (verb), -vurugavuruga.
wrinkle (verb), -vuruma.
wrinkle (clothing) (verb), -vungavunga.
wrinkle (fig.) (noun), msirimbi (3/4), pl misirimbi.
wrinkle on the face (noun), finyo la uso (5/6), pl mafinyo ya uso.
become wrinkled (verb), -sinyaa.
wrist (noun), kifundo cha mkono, pl vifundo vya mkono.
wrist (noun), kilimbili, pl vilimbili.
wrist (noun), kiwiko (7/8), pl viwiko.
wristband (noun), pl wristbands, sijafu (9/10), pl sijafu.
be written to (verb), -andikiwa.
cause to write (verb), -andikisha.
get each other to write (verb), -andikanya.
write (verb), -andika. Education is not just knowing how to read and
write.. elimu siyo tu kujua kusoma na kuandika [Ng].
write (verb), -katibu.
write (verb), -sanifu.
write (a book or poem) (verb), -panga.
write (fiction) (verb), -buni. write a book. buni kitabu.
write for (verb), -andikia.
write illegibly (verb), -chorachora.
write to each other (verb), -andikiana (reciprocal). the letters that
they were writing to each other before breaking up. barua walizokuwa
wakiandikiana kabla ya kuachana [Ma].
write to someone (verb), pl why is ~ (= draw) used w/o a definition?, -
andikia. he wrote him a letter. alimwandikia barua.
write to someone (verb), -wasilishia.
written character (noun), herufi (9/10), pl herufi.
write to (verb), -wasilisha.
poor writer (noun), mchorachora, pl wachorachora.
writer (noun), katibu, pl makatibu.
writer (noun), pl writers, msanifu (1/2), pl wasanifu.
writer (noun), mwandikaji, pl waandikaji. Who was the writer of this
letter?. Nani alikuwa mwandikaji wa barua hii?.
writer (noun), mwandiki, pl waandiki.
writer (noun), mwandishi (1/2), pl waandishi.
writhe (verb), -finginyika.
writhe (verb), -songamana ( assoc-stat).
writhe (verb), -vinginyika.
writhe (verb), -vivinyuka.
writhe (in pain) (verb), -taataa.
writhing (noun), songo (5/6), pl masongo.
manner of writing (noun), mwandiko, pl miandiko. cursive writing..
mwandiko wa michoro.
piece of writing (noun), katiba.
style (of writing) (noun), dibaji.
writing (noun), andiko (5/6), pl maandiko.
writing (noun), hati (9/10), pl hati.
writing (noun), maandiko, pl maandiko.
writing (noun), mwandiko (3/4), pl miandiko.
writing style (noun), uandishi.
be written (verb), -andikwa (passive). the words that were written by
Idi's hand.. maneno yaliyoandikwa na mkono wa Idi [Sul].
written by (at the end of letters preceding the signature) (adverb),
written matter (noun), mwandiko, pl miandiko.
be in the wrong (verb), -potea. Grandmother was in the wrong way.
Nyanya alipotea njia.
be wrong (verb), -kwaa.
do wrong (verb), -dhalimu.
do wrong (verb), -dhulumu.
do wrong (verb), -kosa.
do wrong to (verb), -kosea (applicative).
go the wrong way (verb), -enda mrama.
in a wrong way (adverb), visivyo.
one who admits that he has done wrong (noun), mwungama, pl waungama.
one who admits that he has done wrong (noun), mwungamaji, pl waungamaji.
one who confesses that he has done wrong (noun), mwungama, pl waungama.
take a wrong direction (verb), -enda mrama.
what's wrong? (pronoun), kuna nini?.
wrong (adjective), benibeni.
wrong (adjective), makuruhi.
wrong (adverb), kombo.
wrong (noun), kosa, pl makosa. "High court, Court of Appeal; Supreme
Court".. tia kosani.
wrong (noun), ovu (5/6), pl maovu.
wrong (noun), udhalimu.
wrong (noun), uovu, pl maovu.
wrong (verb), -hasiri.
wrongheaded (adjective), -potofu.
wrongheaded person (noun), mpotovu (1/2), pl wapotovu.
wrongheadedness (noun), upotoe.
wrongheadedness (noun), upotovu.


kind of wooden xylophone (noun), marimba.

xylophone (noun), marimba (9/10), pl marimba.
xylophone (large) (noun), chondo (7/8), pl vyondo.


variety of yam; poisonous, but eaten after the poison has been removed.
(noun), mchochoni, pl michochoni.
yam (noun), pl yams, mtubwi (3/4), pl mitubwi.
yam (type of) (noun), kinana (7/8), pl vinana.
yam (white) (noun), danga.
yard (noun), foromali (9/10), pl foromali.
yard (noun), kiwanda, pl viwanda.
yard (noun), zizi, pl mazizi.
yard (measure) (noun), wari (9/10), pl wari.
yard (open space) (noun), uga (11), pl nyuga.
yard (unit of measure) (noun), yadi (9/10), pl yadi.
yard (unit of measure) (noun), yard (9/10).
yardstick (noun), kigezo, pl vigezo.
yarn (noun), uzi, pl nyuzi.
yawn (noun), miayo (9/10), pl miayo. S/he is yawning. Anakwenda miayo.
yawn (noun), pl yawns, miayo, pl miayo. to yawn.. piga (enda) miayo.
yawn (noun), mwayo, pl miayo. to yawn.. piga miayo.
yawn (verb), -piga miayo.
yawning (noun), miayo, pl miayo.
yaws (noun), buba (9/10), pl mabuba.
yeah (interjection), ebo.
yeah (interjection), ebu. Yeah, I should pick up a stick and beat you
[pl].. Ebu nichukue fimbo niwachape [Masomo 416].
yeah (interjection), eeh.
yeah (interjection), hebu.
end of the year (noun), kibunzi (7/8), pl vibunzi.
in the following year (adverb), mwakani.
last year (noun), mwaka uliopita (3/4), pl miaka iliyopita.
next year (noun), mwaka ujao (3/4), pl miaka ijayo.
within a year (adverb), mwakani.
year (noun), mwaka, pl miaka. "yearly, annually".. kila mwaka.
year (in dating letters) (noun), sanati (9/10), pl sanati.
year (in dating letters) (noun), sene (9/10), pl sene.
yearn (noun), -fa udusi.
yearn (verb), -tamani. I yearn to return home. natumaini kurudi
yearn for (verb), -chunuka.
yearn for (verb), -tumai.
yearn for (verb), -tumaini.
yearn for (verb), -tunuka.
yearn for (verb), -chunuka.
yearning (noun), ashiki, pl ashiki. evoke yearning. -tia ~.
yearning (noun), ashki, pl ashiki. evoke yearning. -tia ~.
yearning (noun), hamu (9/10), pl hamu.
yearning (noun), hawa.
yearning (noun), majadi.
yearning (noun), mnyeo, pl minyeo.
yearning (noun), tamaa (9/10), pl tamaa.
yearning (noun), tamanio (5/6), pl matamanio. but that was the yearning
of his/her soul only. lakini hayo yalikuwa matamanio ya nafsi yake tu
put yeast in bread flour (verb), -umua.
yeast (noun), chachu. sour. chachu-a-chachu.
yeast (noun), hamira (9/10), pl hamira.
yield to pressure (verb), -nyenyeka.
yell (noun), kema.
yell (verb), -foka.
yell (verb), -guta.
yell (verb), -piga kelele.
yell (verb), -piga kelele.
yelling (noun), nyagonyago (9/10), pl nyagonyago.
yellow (adjective), -asfari.
yellow (adjective), hudhurungi.
yellow (adjective), -a kimanjano, pl vimanjano.
yellow (adjective), manjano.
yellow (adjective), -a kimanjano.
yellow pigment (noun), ungamo.
yellowish-brown (noun), hudhurungi (9/10), pl hudhurungi.
yelping (noun), gumio (5/6), pl magumio.
say yes (verb), -itika.
yes (interjection), eeh.
yes (pronoun), naam.
yes (pronoun), ndio.
yes (pronoun), ndiyo.
yes (pronoun), ndiyo, pl ndizo.
yes (interjection of assent or approval) (interjection), eewaa.
yes (interjection of assent or approval) (interjection), eewala.
yes (interjection of assent or approval) (interjection), ehee!.
yes (interjection of assent or approval) (interjection), enhee!.
yes (said by males) (pronoun), naam.
yes (used by females) (interjection), bee!.
yes it is so (conjunction), ndiyo ndiyo.
Yes ma'am! (interjection), abe.
Yes ma'am! (interjection), abee.
Yes sir (ma'am)! (interjection), bee.
yes sir (ma'am)! (formerly used by slaves) (interjection), ebee.
Yes sir! (interjection), abe.
Yes sir! (interjection), abee.
Yes, certainly. (If Allah wills it) (interjection), inshallah!.
yesterday (adverb), jana. we arrived yesterday. tumefika jana.
yesterday (noun), jana (9/10), pl jana. yesterday love was such an easy
game to play. jana upenzi ulikuwa mchezo rahisi ya kuchezea.
not yet (always w neg.+ another verb) (adverb), tasa. I am not yet
working. sitasa kufanya kazi.
yet (adverb), bado.
yet (conjunction), ama.
yield (noun), chumo, pl machumo.
yield (noun), kivuno, pl vivuno.
yield (noun), zao, pl mazao.
yield (verb), -achia (applicative).
yield (verb), -salimu.
be yielding (verb), -bonyea.
yielding (adjective), teke.
yoke (for oxen) (noun), pl yokes, nira (9/10), pl nira.
yolk of an egg (noun), kiini.
all of you (adjective), nyote. You should all come. All of you should
come.. nyote lazima mfike.
and you (pl.) (conjunction), nanyi.
and you (sing.) (conjunction), nawe.
by you (pronoun), nanyi.
Especially you (pl)! (interjection), ndinyi.
exclamation referring to 2nd pers. pl. Hey, you there! (interjection),
with you (conjunction), nawe, pl nanyi.
with you (pronoun), nanyi.
you (pronoun), we.
you (pronoun), wee.
you (pronoun), weye.
you (pl) (pronoun), ni.
you (pl) (pronoun), pl you (pl), ninyi.
you (pl) (pronoun), pl you (pl), nyinyi.
you (pl) (pronoun), nyinyi.
you (sing.) (pronoun), wewe, pl ninyi/nyinyi.
You are the ones! (interjection), ndinyi.
you too (pl) (conjunction), nanyi.
you too (sing) (conjunction), nawe.
You! (interjection), Enyi!.
You there! (interjection), Ewe!.
very young (adjective), -changa.
young (adjective), -bichi.
young (adjective), biti.
young (adjective), dogo.
young (noun), kinda (5/6an), pl makinda. that man likes to be with young
girls. kila mwanamume anapenda kuwa na msichana kinda [Mt].
young (of animals) (noun), kinda (5/6an), pl makinda.
young man (noun), kijana (7/8), pl vijana.
young man (noun), shababi (9/10an), pl shababi.
young person (noun), jana, pl majana.
young person (noun), mchanga (1/2), pl wachanga. Each policeman was able
to get for himself more than one young wife.. Kila askari aliweza
kujipatia wake wachanga zaidi ya moja [Kareithi Masomo 58].
young lady (noun), binti (5/6), pl binti.
pl. your home (place) (pronoun), kwenu.
your (adjective), wako.
your (pronoun), -enu. your house. nyumba yenu.
your (pronoun), mwako.
your (old and worn) mat (noun), mbachao (3/4), pl mibachao.
your (pl.) (class 7) (pronoun), chenu.
your (plural) (adjective), -enu.
your (sing) (pronoun), -ako. your fruit, your fruits. tunda lako,
matunda yako.
your (sing.) (class 7) (pronoun), chako. your fruit. tunda lako.
your side (place) (pronoun), kwako.
yours (sing) (pronoun), -ako. your fruit, your fruits. tunda lako,
matunda yako.
yours (adjective), vyako.
yours (adjective), vyenu.
yours (adjective), wenu.
yours (adjective), yako.
yours (adjective), yenu.
yours (adjective), zako.
yours (adjective), zenu.
yours (pronoun), -enu. your house. nyumba yenu.
yours (pronoun), yo.
yours (pl.) (class 7) (pronoun), chenu.
yours (plural) (adjective), -enu.
yours (sing.) (class 7) (pronoun), chako. your fruit. tunda lako.
youth (noun), kijana (7/8), pl vijana.
youth (noun), pl youths, shababi (9/10an), pl shababi.
youth (noun), udogo.
youth (noun), ushababi.
youth (noun), utoto.
youth (noun), uvulana.
youth (noun), yusi (5/6an), pl mayusi.
youth (noun), yuzi (5/6an), pl mayuzi.
youthfulness (noun), ujana.
youthfulness (noun), ushababi.
youthfulness (noun), utoto.
youthfulness (noun), uvulana.


in the manner usual in Zanzibar (adverb), Kiunguja.

one of the original inhabitants of Zanzibar (noun), Mhadimu, pl wahadimu.
outdoor harborside market in Zanzibar town (noun), forodhani (9/10), pl
Zanzibar (noun), Unguja (11).
zeal (adjective), harara.
zeal (noun), jitahidi, pl majitihadi.
zeal (noun), juhudi.
zeal (noun), juhudi (9/10), pl juhudi.
zeal (noun), moto.
zeal (noun), pupa (9/10), pl pupa. have a zeal for something.. fanya
pupa ya.
zeal (noun), uharara.
zeal (noun), ujitahidi.
zebra (noun), punda milia (9/10an), pl punda milia.
zero (noun), sifuri (9/10), pl sifuri.
zero (noun), sufuri (9/10), pl sufuri.
zero (in giving the score of a game) (noun), yau, pl mayai.
zero (in giving the score of a game) (noun), yayi, pl mayayi.
move in a zigzag (noun), -gorong'ondwa.
zinc (noun), bati, pl mabati.
zipper (noun), zipu (9/10), pl zipu.
zit (noun), ukuruti (11).
zit (noun), ukurutu (11).
zit (noun), upele (11/6), pl pele.
zone (noun), eneo, pl maeneo. military occupation zone. eneo la
kushilia kwa majeshi.
zone (noun), ukanda, pl kanda.

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