Kamusi English Swahili PDF
Kamusi English Swahili PDF
Kamusi English Swahili PDF
abandon (verb), -acha. They abandoned their homes after the storm..
Waliacha nyumba zao baada ya dharuba..
abandon (verb), -achilia mbali (applicative). Forget completely about
these issues of yours.. Achilia mbali mambo yako hayo [Chacha, Masomo
abandon (verb), -ata.
abandon (verb), -gea.
abandon (verb), -tupa.
abandon hope (verb), -ruzu.
abandon religion (verb), -kufuru.
cause to abandon (verb), -achisha (causative).
abandoned (adjective), kiwa.
abandoned (adjective), pooza. Since he is gone we feel abandoned..
tangu ameondoka tumepooza.
abandoned person (noun), mfaraka, pl wafaraka.
abandoned person, one who separates himself from his home and relatives;
refugee,dislocated person (noun), mfariki, pl wafariki.
abandonment (noun), ukatavu.
abandonment (noun), ukiwa (14).
abandonment (noun), ukiwa.
abase (verb), -tusha.
abase oneself (verb), -inika.
abased (noun), mpujufu (1/2), pl wapujufu.
abasement (noun), udhalifu.
abasement (noun), udhalilifu.
abasement (noun), udhilifu.
abash (verb), -aibisha (causative).
be abashed (verb), -aibika.
abate (verb), -punguka.
abate (verb), -pusa. The rain has abated.. mvua imepusa.
abattoir (noun), madhabahu (9/10), pl madhabahu.
abbreviate (verb), -kata.
abbreviation (noun), kifupisho (7/8), pl vifupisho.
abbreviation (noun), ufupisho (11/6), pl mafupisho.
abdicate (verb), -bihi.
abdicate (verb), -jiuzulu.
abdication (noun), uzua, pl mauzua.
abdication (noun), uzulu (11/6), pl mauzulu.
abdication (noun), uzuru, pl mazuru.
abdomen (noun), tumbo.
abduct (verb), -nyang'anya.
abduct (verb), -nyara.
Abdullah (noun), Abdallah.
mental aberation (noun), mbasua.
abhor (verb), -beua.
abhor (verb), -bughudhi.
abhor (verb), -bughudhu.
abhor (verb), -chukia.
abhor (verb), -jefua.
abhor (verb), -kirihi.
abhor (verb), -zia.
abhorrence (noun), bughudha.
abhorrence (noun), chukio (5/6), pl machukio.
abhorrence (noun), karaha (9/10), pl karaha.
abhorrence (noun), karaha.
abhorrence (noun), kirahi (9/10).
feel abhorrence for (verb), -wenga.
abide by (verb), -fuata.
ability (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
ability (noun), kipawa (7/8), pl vipawa.
ability (noun), mzungu, pl mizungu.
ability (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu.
ability (noun), uhodari.
ability (noun), ustadi.
ability (noun), uweza.
ability (noun), uwezo.
ability (noun), weledi.
ability (technical) (noun), ufundi (14), pl ufundi.
fig. ability (noun), kipaji, pl vipaji.
abject (adjective), dhila.
abject (adjective), dhili.
abject (adjective), dhilifu.
abject person (noun), anzali (9/10), pl anzali.
abjectness (noun), udhalifu.
abjectness (noun), udhalilifu.
abjectness (noun), udhilifu.
(in conj w other verbs) be able (verb), -pata. He was able to do work..
pata kufanya kazi.
be able (verb), -diriki.
be able (verb), -mudu.
be able (verb), -tadaraki.
be able (verb), -weza.
child that develops abnormally (regarded as unlucky) (noun), kigego, pl
abode (noun), makao (6).
abode of the dead (spirits of ancestors) (noun), pepo (9/10), pl pepo.
abolish (verb), -futa.
abolish (verb), -komesha.
abolish (verb), -ondoa. abolish the burial ceremony.. ondoa matanga.
abolish (verb), -tangua.
be abolished (verb), -tanguka.
abolishment (noun), pl abolishment, mtanguo (3/4), pl mitanguo.
abolishment (noun), tanguko (5/6), pl matanguko.
abolishment (noun), tanguo (5/6), pl matanguo.
abolition (noun), kitanguo (7/8), pl vitanguo.
abolition (noun), kufutwa (15).
abolition (noun), mbanduko (3/4), pl mibanduko.
abolition (noun), mfuto (3/4), pl mifuto.
abolition (noun), tanguko (5/6), pl matanguko.
abolition (noun), tanguo (5/6), pl matanguo.
abolition (noun), ufutaji (14).
abolition (noun), ukomeshaji (14).
abolition (noun), uvunjaji.
abolition (noun), uvunjifu.
abolition (noun), uvunjo.
abominable (adjective), makeruhi.
abominable (adjective), makuruhi.
aboriginal (from the interior) (noun), msheni, pl washenzi.
about (adjective), kadiri ya.
about (adverb), kama.
about (adverb), kuhusu.
about (adverb), nusra.
about (adverb), nusura.
about (adverb), si kiasi yake.
about (adverb), wastani.
about (adverb), yapata.
about (conjunction), kadiri.
about (conjunction), kama.
about (preposition), hivi.
about (preposition), juu ya.
at about (adverb), mnamo.
be about to (verb), -taka.
go about (verb), -zunguka.
above (adverb), juu.
above (adverb), juu ya.
above (adverb), kijuujuu, pl vijuujuu.
above (adverb), kindakindaki.
as mentioned above (noun), huko nyuma, pl huko nyuma.
place above (verb), -inua.
abrade (verb), -chubua.
abrade (verb), -kereza.
abrasion (noun), athari, pl athari.
abrasion (noun), chubuko (5/6), pl machubuko.
abrasion (noun), mkwaruzo, pl mikwaruzo.
abrasion (noun), mtai, pl mitai.
abroad (noun), ng'ambo (9/10), pl ngambi.
abroad (noun), ugenini (14).
abrogation (noun), tanguko (5/6), pl matanguko.
abrogation (noun), tanguo (5/6), pl matanguo.
abrupt (adjective), parua.
abrupt (adjective), parura.
be abrupt (verb), -paruza.
abruptly (adverb), ghafla.
abruptly (adverb), ghafula.
abruptness (noun), usukumizi.
abscess (noun), halula.
abscess (noun), jipu (5/6), pl majipu.
abscess (noun), jipu, pl majipu.
abscess (noun), tumbasi.
abscess (large) (noun), bandguzi, pl mabanguzi.
absence (noun), ghaibu (9/10), pl ghaibu.
absence (noun), kipunguo, pl vipunguo.
absence (noun), kutokuwepo (15).
absence (noun), ughaibu.
absence (noun), ukosa.
absence (noun), ukosefu.
absence (noun), ukosekanaji.
absence (noun), ukosekano.
absence (noun), utovu.
be absent (verb), -ghibu.
be absent (verb), -toweka.
state of being absent (noun), ughaibu.
absent-minded (adjective), sahaulifu.
absent-minded person (noun), msahau, pl wasahau.
absent-minded person (noun), msahaulifu, pl wasahaulifu.
absent-minded person (noun), msahaulizi, pl wasahaulifu.
absent-mindedness (noun), mghafala, pl mighafala.
absentminded (verb), -ghafilika.
absentmindedness (adjective), chechele.
absentmindedness (noun), usahaulifu.
be absentminded (verb), -pumbaa. The old man was absentminded after
sleeping. Mzee alipumbaa baada ya kulala.
be absentminded (verb), -sinzia.
be absentminded (verb), -taghafali.
feigning absentmindedness (noun), ufifi.
feigning absentmindedness (noun), ufifilizi.
absolutely (adjective), kabisa.
absolutely (adverb), fofofo.
absolutely (adverb), kabisa.
absolutely (adverb), kenyekenye.
absolutely not (at the end of neg. sentences) (adverb), kamwe.
absolution (noun), ghofira (9/10), pl ghofira.
absolution (noun), maondoleo.
absolve (verb), -feleti.
absolve (verb), -ghofiri.
absolve (from obligations) (verb), -burai.
absorb (verb), -nwa.
absorb (verb), -nywa.
absorb (verb), -sharabu.
be absorbed in (verb), -shiba. be absorbed in studies. shiba masomo..
absorbing (act of) (noun), unywaji.
be absorbing (verb), -tamanika.
abstain (verb), -jihini (reflexive).
abstain from (verb), -epuka (potential).
abstain from (verb), -jihini.
abstain from certain foods as taboo (verb), -gunga.
abstain from something (verb), -zia.
person who must abstain from something (noun), mgunga, pl wagunga.
thing abstained from (noun), mwiko, pl miiko.
abstemious (adjective), kadirifu.
abstention (act of) (noun), mwiko, pl miiko. food taboo. mwiko wa
abstinence (noun), tawasufi.
practice abstinence (verb), -jihinisha ( caus-refl).
abstract (noun), pl abstracts, muhtasari (3/4), pl mihtasari.
absurd (adjective), muhali.
abundance (noun), chasi, pl viasi.
abundance (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
abundance (noun), konyo, pl makonyo.
abundance (noun), mbobo.
abundance (noun), neema.
abundance (noun), ujazi (14).
abundance (noun), uneemefu.
abundance (noun), uneemevu.
abundance (noun), uwingi (14).
abundance (noun), wingi (14).
great abundance (noun), kivo, pl vivo.
great abundance (noun), kizo, pl vizo.
in abundance (adjective), maridhawa.
in abundance (adjective), -pukupuku. The water was in abundance at the
ocean. Maji yalijaa pukupuku baharini.
in abundance (adverb), kipuku.
in abundance (adverb), vingi.
in great abundance (adverb), kochokochoko.
abundant (adjective), maridhawa.
abundant (adjective), neemefu.
abundant (adjective), neemevu.
abundant (adjective), nyakanyaka.
abundant (adjective), tele.
be abundant (verb), -jaa.
abundantly (adverb), fori.
abuse (noun), matukano, pl matukano.
abuse (noun), shutumu (5/6), pl mashutumu.
abuse (noun), tukano (5/6), pl matukano.
abuse (noun), tushi (5/6), pl matushi.
abuse (noun), tusi (5/6), pl matusi.
abuse (noun), tusu, pl matushi.
abuse (noun), usafihi.
abuse (verb), -atibu.
abuse (verb), -hakirisha.
abuse (verb), -hizi.
abuse (verb), -hizi.
abuse (verb), -kebehi.
abuse (verb), -kebehi.
abuse (verb), -poteza. It is not usual for him/her to waste food.
Sikawaida yeye kupoteza vyakula.
abuse (verb), -rumbiza (causative).
abuse (verb), -safihi. (s)he abuses children. Yeye anasafihi watoto.
abuse (verb), -safii.
abuse (verb), -sengenya.
abuse (verb), -shutumu. (s)he was abused that (s)he is a thief.
Alishutuma kuwa yeye ni mwizi.
abuse (verb), -sibabi.
abuse (verb), -sibu.
abuse (verb), -stihizai.
abuse (verb), -stihizaya.
abuse (verb), -subu.
abuse (verb), -taadi.
abuse (verb), -tadi.
abuse (verb), -tapisha (causative). don't abuse and boast to me.
usin'tapishe na kunitambiatambia [Ma].
abuse (verb), -tukana.
abuse each other (verb), -raruana. This cloth will not rip.. kitambaa
hiki hakiraruki.
abuse each other (verb), -semana. they abused each other after they were
caught by police. Walisemana wao kwa wao baada ya kukamatwa na polisi.
term of abuse (pronoun), nyoko!.
term of abuse (scavenger?) (noun), kazoakazoa.
terms of abuse (noun), matushi, pl matushi.
terms of abuse (noun), matusi, pl matusi.
use abusive language (verb), -fioa.
use abusive language (verb), -fyoa.
use abusive language to each other (verb), -tukanana.
vile abuse (noun), tusi (5/6), pl matusi.
be abused (verb), -tukanwa.
abusive (adjective), kishenzi.
abusive expressions (noun), matukano (6).
abusive language (noun), kilimi (7/8), pl vilimi.
abusive language (noun), tapishi (5/6), pl matapishi.
abusive language (noun), tapisho (5/6), pl matapisho.
abusive speech (noun), kilimilimi (7/8), pl vilimilimi.
abusive speech or remark (noun), mzomeo, pl mizomeo.
abyss (noun), uketo.
Abyssinia (noun), Uhabeshi.
Abyssinian (noun), Habeshi (5/6an), pl Mahabeshi (Wahabeshi).
Abyssinian person (noun), Habeshi (1/2), pl wahabeshi, mahabeshi.
Abyssinian person (noun), Mhabeshi (1/2), pl wahabeshi, mahabeshi.
acacia (species of) (noun), mgunga, pl migunga.
acacia (species of) (noun), mkambaa, pl mikambaa.
acacia (species of) (noun), mkambala, pl mikambala.
acacia mimosa (species of) (noun), mgunguti, pl migunguti.
academic matter (noun), jambo la taaluma (5/6), pl mambo ya taaluma.
academy (noun), madarasa, pl madarasa.
academy (noun), shule (9/10), pl shule.
accelerate (verb), -chapuka.
accelerate (verb), -chapuza.
accent (noun), kiimbo (7/8), pl viimbo.
accent (noun), kikazo, pl vikazo.
accent (noun), lafdhi (9/10), pl lafdhi.
accent (noun), lafidhi.
accent (noun), lafudhi (9/10), pl lafudhi.
accent (noun), lafuzi.
accent (noun), matamko, pl matamko.
accent (noun), matamshi, pl matamshi.
accent (noun), mkazo (3/4), pl mikazo.
accent (noun), tamko (5/6), pl matamko.
accent (noun), tamshi (5/6), pl matamshi.
accent (verb), -tamka.
accept (verb), -kabidhi.
accept (verb), -kiri.
accept (verb), -kubali.
accept (verb), -pokea. accept a letter.. pokea barua.
accept (verb), -ridhia.
accept (verb), -sidukia.
accept (verb), -sudukia.
accept (verb), -suduku.
accept (verb), -takabadhi.
accept (verb), -takabali.
accept (verb), -twaa.
be accepted (verb), -pokelewa.
acceptability (noun), mwafaka (3/4), pl miafaka.
acceptable thing (noun), kinyemi (7).
be acceptable (verb), -kubalika.
be acceptable (verb), -onekana (potential).
be acceptable (verb), -sihi. his/her work was acceptable. Kazi yake
acceptance (noun), itikio (5/6), pl maitikio.
acceptance (noun), kabuli (9/10), pl kubali.
acceptance (noun), kibali (7/8), pl vibali.
acceptance (noun), pokeo (5/6), pl mapokeo.
acceptance (noun), pokezi (5/6), pl mapokezi.
acceptance (noun), ridhaa (9/10), pl ridhaa.
acceptance (noun), ukiri.
be accepted (verb), -kubaliwa.
acceptence (noun), itikio, pl maitikio.
means of access (noun), penyenye (5/6), pl mapenyenye.
be accessable (verb), -jika.
be accessible (verb), -fifika.
accessory (noun), valio (5/6), pl mavalio.
accident (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
accident (noun), ajali (9/10), pl ajali. An accident occurred there
today.. hapa leo pana ~..
accident (noun), aksidenti (9/10), pl aksidenti.
accident (noun), bahati, pl bahati.
accident (noun), bakhti, pl bakhti.
accident (noun), dafrao, pl dafrao. two automobiles collided. motokaa
mbili ziligongona (pigana) dafrao. [Rec].
accident (noun), dafurao, pl dafurao.
accident (noun), dhara, pl madhara.
accident (noun), eksident.
accident (noun), fursa.
accident (noun), maangamizo, pl maangamizo.
accident (noun), mauja.
accident (noun), miuha.
accident (noun), msiba, pl misiba.
accident (noun), muuya.
accident (noun), mwuja, pl miuja.
accident (noun), pigo (5/6), pl mapigo.
accident (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani.
accident (noun), tukio, pl matukio.
by accident (preposition), pasipo nia.
accidentally (adverb), kwa nasibu.
become acclimatized (verb), -zolea.
accommodate (verb), -linga.
accommodate (verb), -selehi.
accommodate (verb), -suluhi.
accommodate (verb), -suluhu.
accommodate (verb), -zatiti.
accommodation (noun), malazi (6). accommodation tax. kodi ya malazi
[Masomo 363].
accommodation (noun), ulinganisho.
sleeping accommodation (noun), ulalo (11/6), pl malalo.
provide accommodations (verb), -laza. So as to reduce the expense of
providing accomodations for athletes when they come to Dar es Salaam ....
Ili kupunguza gharama za kulaza wanamichezo wajapo Dar es Salaam
...[Masomo 363].
one who accompanies someone (noun), mwandamizi, pl wandamizi.
accompaniment (noun), pl mus. melody, mafuatano.
accompaniment (noun), mshindikizo, pl mishindikizo.
accompaniment (noun), ufuasi (14).
accompaniment (of a departing guest) (noun), sindikizo (5/6), pl
mus. accompaniment (noun), kipokeo, pl vipokeo.
accompany (verb), -adi.
accompany (verb), -andama.
accompany (verb), -chanjari.
accompany (verb), -fuata.
accompany (verb), -chanjari.
accompany (verb), -sanjari.
accompany (verb), -shanjari.
accompany (verb), -unga.
accompany (a parting guest) (verb), -sindikiza. let us go I escort you.
twende nikusindikize [Muk].
accompany one another (verb), -fuatana (reciprocal). her mother gave
permission that she could accompany Jazume. mamaake amruhusu afuatane na
Jazume [Moh].
accompanying (a departing guest) (noun), shindikizo (5/6), pl
accompanying (act of) (noun), mwandamo, pl miandamo.
accompanying a departing guest (act of) (noun), msindikizo, pl
accomplice (noun), msaidia, pl wasaidia.
accomplice (noun), msaidizi, pl wasaidizi.
accomplice (noun), msiri, pl wasiri.
accomplice (noun), mwamali, pl waamali.
accomplice (noun), mwenzi, pl wenzi.
accomplish (verb), -amili.
accomplish (verb), -pa.
accomplish (verb), -tekeleza.
accomplish (verb), -tenda.
accomplish (verb), -timia.
accomplish (verb), -timiza.
accomplish for (verb), -timizia.
be accomplished (verb), -timu.
be accomplished (verb), -tekelezwa.
be accomplished (verb), -tendeka.
accomplishing (noun), mtendo, pl mitendo.
accomplishment (noun), ukamili.
accomplishment (noun), ukamilifu.
accomplishment (noun), utendaji.
accomplishment (noun), utendi.
accomplishment (noun), utengevu.
accomplishment (noun), utenzi.
accomplishment (noun), utimilifu.
accord (noun), azimio (5/6), pl maazimio.
accord (noun), mwafaka, pl miafaka.
accord (verb), -wafiki.
be in accordance with (verb), -husu.
in accordance with (adverb), kwa kadiri.
in accordance with (adverb), mujibu. in accordance with the law..
mujibu wa sheria.
in accordance with (adverb), muujibu. in accordance with the law..
mujibu wa sheria.
in accordance with (conjunction), kadiri.
in accordance with (conjunction), kwa mujibu wa.
according to (adverb), kadiri ya.
according to (adverb), kufuatana na. My heirs, according to Kimara
customs and traditions, who are they?. Warithi wangu, kufuatana na ada na
desturi za Kimara, ni akina nani? My heirs, according to Kimara customs
and traditions, who are they?81].
according to (adverb), mujibu. according to the law.. mujibu wa sheria.
according to (adverb), kwa mujibu wa.
according to (adverb), muujibu. according to the law.. mujibu wa
according to (conjunction), kulingana na. According to those stories.
Kulingana na hadithi hizo.
according to (preposition), kwa.
according to (preposition), maadam ya.
according to (verb), -tokana.
according to ... (adverb), husiana.
accordingly (conjunction), alimradhi.
accordingly (conjunction), alimradi.
accordingly (conjunction), almuradi.
accordingly (conjunction), mradi, pl miradi, muradi.
accost (verb), -salimia.
accost someone (verb), -sozana (associative).
account (noun), ajili (9/10), pl ajili.
account (noun), kisa (7/8), pl visa.
account (noun), stashahada (9/10), pl stashahada.
give an account of (verb), -simulia.
take into account (verb), -zingatia.
account book (noun), deftari. account book. daftari ya hesabu.
make someone accountable for another's offense or debt (verb), -koleza.
accounts (noun), hesabu (9/10), pl hesabu.
accouterment (noun), valio (5/6), pl mavalio.
accretion (noun), ukoga (11).
accumulate (verb), -kusanya.
accumulate (verb), -lundika.
accumulate (verb), -rundika.
accumulate (verb), -rundika.
accumulate (verb), -tundama.
accumulation (noun), mkusanyiko, pl mikusanyiko.
accumulation (noun), mshikano, pl mishikano.
accumulation (verb), -jamhuri.
accuracy (noun), hakika.
accuracy (noun), siasa (9/10), pl siasa. an accurate person. mtu mwenye
accuracy (noun), uamini.
accuracy (noun), uaminifu.
accuracy (noun), usahihi (14).
accurate (adjective), halisi.
accurate (adjective), madhubuti.
accurately (adverb), kikamilifu.
accursed (adjective), laanifu.
accursed (adjective), maleuni.
accursed (adjective), maluuni.
accursed person (noun), maleuni.
accursed person (noun), maluuni.
accursed person (noun), mlaanifu (1/2), pl walaanifu.
accursed person (noun), mlaanizi (1/2), pl walaanizi.
the accursed (noun), maleuni (6an).
the accursed (noun), maluuni (6an).
accusation (noun), lawama (9/10), pl malawama.
accusation (noun), mapatilizo.
accusation (noun), mashitaka. procure charges.. fanya mashitaka.
accusation (noun), mashitakiano. procure charges.. fanya mashitakiano.
accusation (noun), mashtaka (6).
accusation (noun), mashtaka. procure charges.. fanya mashtaka.
accusation (noun), mashtakiano. procure charges.. fanya mashtakiano.
accusation (noun), masuto, pl masuto.
accusation (noun), pl accusations, msuto (3/4), pl misuto.
accusation (noun), patilizo (5/6), pl mapatilizo.
accusation (noun), pl accusations, shtaka (5/6), pl mashtaka.
accusation (noun), tuhuma (9/10), pl tuhuma.
accusation (noun), uaili.
accusation (noun), upatilivu, pl mapatilivu.
accusation (noun), upatilizo (11/6), pl mapatilizo.
accusation (noun), ushtaki (11).
accusation (noun), zulio, pl mazulio.
false accusation (noun), singizio (5/6), pl masingizio.
false accusation (noun), uzushi (14).
mutual accusations (noun), masutano (6).
one who makes a false accusation (noun), msalata, pl wasalata.
one who makes a false accusation (noun), msaliti, pl wasaliti.
public accusation (noun), suto (5/6), pl masuto.
accuse (verb), -janga.
accuse (verb), -kengemeke.
accuse (verb), -laumu.
accuse (verb), -shitaki.
accuse (verb), -shtaki. to have left the girl would have given him/her
the strength to prosecute him/her. [kumwacha] kungempa msichana nguvu ya
kumshtaki [Muk].
accuse (verb), -staki.
accuse (verb), -suta.
accuse (verb), -tuhumu.
accuse each other (verb), -sutana.
accuse falsely (verb), -singiza. they accused me falsely.
accuse falsely (verb), -singizia.
accuse oneself (verb), -jishtaki (reflexive).
accuse oneself (verb), -jishitaki.
accuse oneself (verb), -jishtaki.
accuse publicly (verb), -songamiza (stative).
accuse publicly (verb), -suta.
be accused (verb), -shtakiwa. (s)he was accused of stealing.
Alishtakiwa kwa kuiba.
accused (noun), mdaiwa, pl wadaiwa.
be accused (verb), -sutwa.
jur.accused (noun), mshitakiwa, pl washitakiwa.
jur.accused (noun), mshtakiwa, pl washtakiwa.
accuser (noun), pl accusers, mshtaka (9/10), pl washtaka.
accuser (noun), pl accusers, mshtaki (1/2), pl washtaki.
accustom (verb), -zoeza.
accustom to (adjective), -zoelefu.
accustomed to (noun), zoevu.
become accustomed to (verb), -zoea.
become accustomed to something (verb), -tabii.
one who is accustomed to something (noun), mzoea, pl wazoea. experienced
seafarer. mzoea wa bahari.
one who is accustomed to something (noun), mzoevu, pl wazoevu.
experienced seafarer. mzoea wa bahari.
ace (noun), re (5/6), pl mare.
ace (noun), ree (5/6), pl maree.
ace of hearts (noun), kopa, pl makopa.
acetylene (c2h2) (noun), pl acetylene, asetilini (c2h2) (9/10), pl
ache (noun), umivu, pl maumivu.
ache (noun), umo, pl maumo.
ache (verb), -pekecha. my bones ache.. mifupa yangu inanipekecha.
ache (verb), -peketa. my bones ache.. mifupa yangu inanipekecha.
fig. persistent ache (noun), upekecho (11/10), pl pekecho.
commendable acheivement (noun), suna (9/10), pl suna.
commendable acheivement (noun), suni (9/10), pl suni.
commendable achievement (noun), sina (9/10), pl sina.
achieve (verb), -diriki.
achieve (verb), -pata. become strong.. pata nguvu.
achieve (verb), -tadaraki.
achieve (verb), -tekeleza (causative).
achieve by practice (verb), -tendekeza.
be achieved (verb), -tekelea.
not achieve one's purpose (verb), -kosa. the knife cuts on both edges..
achievement (noun), majilio (6).
achievement (noun), mapato.
achievement (noun), pato (5/6), pl mapato.
achievement (noun), upato, pl pato.
commendable achievement (noun), sini (9/10), pl sini.
acid (noun), kiunguza (7/8), pl viunguza.
acidity (noun), ukali.
acidity (noun), ukalifu.
one lacking in some respect (noun), mpungufu, pl wapungufu. This person
is foolish/stupid/mentally defective.. mtu huyu mpungufu wa akili.
acknowledge (verb), -kiri.
acknowledge (verb), -kubali.
acknowledge (verb), -ona.
acknowledge (verb), -pokea. acknowledge statements.. pokea maneno.
acknowledge (verb), -takabali.
acknowledge (verb), -ungama.
acknowledgement(of an obligation, etc.) (noun), muungamo, pl miungamo.
acknowledged (adjective), maalum.
acknowleged (adjective), maalumu.
acknowledgement (noun), uungamaji.
acknowledgement of receipt (noun), ukiri.
acknowledgement(of an obligation, etc.) (noun), mwungamo, pl miungamo.
acne (noun), chunusi (9/10), pl chunusi.
acne (noun), mba (9/10), pl mba.
acne (noun), ukuruti.
acne (noun), ukurutu.
acne (noun), vijiwe.
acne (noun), vipele.
account book (noun), daftari, pl madaftari. account book. daftari ya
hesabu [Rec].
acquaint (verb), -zoesha.
make acquaintance with each other (verb), -tangazana.
be acquainted with (verb), -fahamu.
be acquainted with (verb), -maizi.
get acquainted (verb), -gusana (associative).
acquire (verb), -hozi.
acquire (verb), -hozi.
acquire (verb), -jipatia.
acquire wealth (verb), -chuma.
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (noun), ukosefu wa kinga mwilini
acquisition (noun), mapato.
acquisition (noun), mpato (3/4), pl mipato.
acquisition (noun), pato (5/6), pl mapato.
acquisition (noun), upato, pl pato.
acquit (verb), -acha.
acquit (verb), -ata.
acquit (verb), -burai.
acquaintance (us.w. possessive suffix) (noun), mwenzi, pl wenzi. your
friend.. mwenzio.
be acquitted (verb), -hongea.
acre (noun), eka (9/10), pl eka.
acre (noun), ekari (9/10), pl ekari.
acrid (adjective), chungu.
acrid odor (e.g. of game or fish) (noun), kidusi.
cut across (verb), -kingama.
lie across (verb), -pandana.
act (noun), amali (9/10), pl amali.
act (noun), feli (9/10), pl feli.
act (noun), kichinjo (7/8), pl vichinjo.
act (noun), kichocheo (7/8), pl vichocheo.
act (noun), kichomo (7/8), pl vichomo.
act (noun), kielezo (7/8), pl vielezo.
act (noun), kifo (7/8), pl vifo.
act (noun), kitendo (7/8), pl vitendo.
act (noun), tendo (5/6), pl matendo.
act (verb), -amili.
act (verb), -enda. yawn. enda miayo.
act (verb), -singiza.
act (verb), -singizia.
act (verb), -tenda.
act as if (verb), -aka.
act as if (verb), -jipa.
act imprudently (verb), -taghafali.
act in common (verb), -shariki.
act strongly (verb), -teta.
act thoughtlessly (verb), -taghafali.
act together with (verb), -shiriki. the village women acted together in
the construction of the school. Wanawake wa kijiji walishiriki katika
ujenzi wa shule.
act upon (something) (verb), -tekeleza.
acting (adjective), makamu.
acting (noun), mtendo, pl mitendo.
acting allowance (noun), posho ya ukaimu (9/10), pl posho za ukaimu. The
vice president is paid acting allowance. Makamu wa Raisi analipwa posho
la ukaimu.
be in an acting capacity (verb), -kushikilia.
action (noun), amali (9/10), pl amali.
action (noun), feli (9/10), pl feli.
action (noun), hatua (9/10), pl hatua.
action (noun), husuma.
action (noun), kitendo (7/8), pl vitendo.
action (noun), mwamali, pl miamali.
action (noun), pl accusations, shtaka (5/6), pl mashtaka.
action (noun), tendo (5/6), pl matendo.
action (noun), utendaji (14).
bring action against (verb), -shitaki.
bring action against (verb), -shtaki.
bring action against (verb), -staki.
jur. action (noun), mashitaka. procure charges..
jur. action (noun), mashitakiano. procure charges..
jur. action (noun), mashtaka. procure charges..
jur. action (noun), mashtakiano. procure charges..
legal action (noun), daawa, pl madaawa.
legal action (noun), mdaawa (3/4), pl midaawa.
legal action (noun), ushindani.
legal action (noun), ushtaki.
repeated action (noun), utondoti, pl tondoti.
someone who performs an action or engages in an activity (noun), mfanya,
pl wafanya. worker. mfanyakazi.
someone who performs an action or engages in an activity (noun), mfanyi,
pl wafanyi. worker. mfanyakazi.
take action (verb), -tekeleza.
take energentic action (verb), -teta.
actions (noun), matendo (6).
active (adjective), -epesi.
active (adjective), hodari.
active child (noun), mtukutu, pl watukutu.
active person (noun), pl active people, mtendaji (1/2), pl watendaji.
be active (verb), -shughulika.
activist (noun), kada (5/6an), pl makada (wa chama).
activist (noun), mtendaji, pl watendaji.
activist (noun), mwanaharakati (1/2), pl wanaharakati.
activities (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
activity (noun), amali, pl amali.
activity (noun), bidii.
activity (noun), harakati (9/10), pl harakati.
activity (noun), makazi.
activity (noun), matendo, pl matendo.
activity (noun), mwamali, pl miamali.
activity (noun), nyendo (9/10), pl nyendo.
activity (noun), utendaji (14).
activity (noun), utendi.
activity (noun), utenzi.
actor (noun), mchezaji wa michezo ya kuiga (1/2), pl wachezaji wa michezo
ya kuiga.
actor (noun), mchezi wa michezo ya kuiga (1/2), pl wachezi wa michezo ya
actor (noun), mwiga, pl waiga.
actor (noun), mwigaji, pl waigaji.
actor (noun), mwigishaji, pl waigishaji.
actress (noun), mchezaji (1/2), pl wachezaji.
actual (adjective), yakini.
actually (adverb), tokea hapo.
acumen (noun), uwekevu.
acute angle (noun), pembekali (9/10), pl pembekali.
acuteness (noun), werevu.
Adam (noun), Adamu (1). "according to the Bible, Adam was the first
person".. kutokana na biblia, Adamu alikuwa mtu wa kwanza..
Adam's apple (noun), dundumio, pl madudumio.
Adam's apple (noun), kikoromeo, pl vikoromeo.
Adam's apple (noun), kongomeo, pl makongomeo.
Adam's apple (noun), koo (9/10), pl makoo. "gutter, eaves, rain-spout"..
Matata alisafisha koo [Muk].
Adam's apple (noun), zoloto.
adapt (verb), -endekeza.
adapt (verb), -linga.
adapt (verb), -selehi.
adapt (verb), -suluhi.
adapt (verb), -suluhu.
adapt oneself (verb), -jirakibisha (reflexive).
adapt oneself (verb), -jirekebisha (reflexive).
be ready (to) adapt oneself (verb), -tengenea.
adaptability (noun), werevu.
be adaptable (verb), -suluhika (intransitive).
adaptation (noun), ulinganisho.
add (verb), -hesabu.
add (verb), -jumlisha.
add (verb), -ongezea (applicative). I was looking for a helper from
rearing, not one to add on to it. nikitafuta wa kunipokea ulezi, siyo wa
kuniongezea [Sul].
add (verb), -unga hesabu.
add more (verb), -zidisha.
add to (verb), -ongeza.
add to (verb), -towea.
add up (verb), -jumlisha.
add up (verb), -unga.
addendum (noun), nyongeza.
adder (kind of) (noun), pili (9/10), pl pili.
adder (kind of) (noun), piri (9/10), pl piri.
be addicted (verb), -lemaa.
be addicted to (verb), -shariki. be addicted to drunkardness. shiriki
ulevi [Rec].
be addicted to (verb), -shiriki. be addicted to drinking/alcohol.
shiriki ulevi.
adding (noun), utilaji.
addition (noun), jumla (9/10), pl jumla.
addition (noun), jumlisho (5/6), pl majumlisho.
addition (noun), nyongeza (9/10), pl nyongeza.
addition (noun), ongezeko (5/6), pl maongezeko.
addition (noun), ongezo (5/6), pl maongezo.
addition (noun), ziada, pl maziada.
addition (noun), zidi, pl mazidi.
addition (noun), ziyada, pl maziyada.
addition to a house (noun), upenu, pl penu.
in addition (adjective), zaidana.
in addition (adjective), zaidi.
in addition (adverb), tena.
address (noun), andiko, pl maandiko.
address (noun), anwani (9/10), pl awani. address a letter. andika ~ ya
barua; anwani ya mwandikiwa huandikwa juu ya bahasha [Masomo, 73].
address (noun), hotuba (9/10), pl hotuba.
address (noun), hutuba.
address (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
address (noun), mwandiko, pl miandiko.
address (noun), usemi.
address (verb), -hutubia.
address (verb), -semea (applicative). Sidi addressed him/her near the
ear by mumbling.. Idi alimsemea karibu na sikio kwa sauti ya kunong'ona
[Sul], unanisemea mambo ya magari [Ma].
address (said to women) (noun), dada, pl madada.
give an address (verb), -hutubu.
polite term of address for older people (noun), mjomba, pl wajomba.
term of address used between brother and sister (noun), dumbu.
term of address used between brother and sister (noun), umbu.
addressee (noun), mwandikiwa (1/2), pl waandikiwa.
person to whom something is written (noun), mwandikiwa (1/2), pl
waandikiwa. We are always very happy when a relative or someone to whom
we've written has received a letter and has understood what we meant..
Kila mara tunafurahi sana tunaposikia kuwa ndugu au mwandikiwa amepata
barua na kuwa ameelewa vema mambo yote tuliyokusudia [Masomo 71].
Aden (city of) (noun), Edeni.
Aden (city) (noun), Aden.
adept (adjective), weledi.
adequacy (noun), utoshelevu (14).
adequacy (noun), utoshelezi (14), pl utoshelezi.
adequate (adjective), basi.
be adequate (verb), -ghushi.
be adequate (verb), -tosha.
be adequate for (verb), -kubaliana na.
adequately (adverb), kikamilifu.
adhere (verb), -amba.
adhere (verb), -ambata.
adhere (verb), pl r, -ambatana. Its many cornered style of construction
adhered to the laws of military defense [Masomo 142]. Umbo lake la pembe
pembe liliambatana na sheria za ulinzi wa kijeshi [Masomo 142].
adhere (verb), pl How can this be intransitive, -ambika.
adhere (verb), -nata.
adhere to (verb), -gandamia.
adhere to (verb), -tabiki.
cause to adhere (verb), -ambatisha.
adherence (adjective), wambiso.
adherent (noun), mfuasi, pl wafuasi.
adherent (noun), mfuataji, pl wafuataji.
condition of an adherent (noun), ufuasi.
adherents (noun), umati.
adhesion (noun), mng'ang'anio (3/4), pl ming'ang'anio.
adhesion (noun), ushikamano (14).
adhesive (noun), wambiso (11), pl sing..
adhesive gum (noun), gundi (9/10), pl gundi.
be adjacent (verb), -pakana.
adjective (noun), sifa (9/10), pl sifa. a good adjective. sifa nzuri.
adjective (noun), sifu (9/10), pl sifu.
adjoin (verb), -changamana.
adjoin (verb), -paka. our countries adjoin. nchi zetu zinapakana.
adjoin (verb), -tangamana.
adjourn (verb), -kawisha.
adjourn (verb), -ngojeza.
adjudge (verb), -amua.
cause to be adjudged (verb), -amuliza.
less important part or adjunct of a thing (noun), mtoto, pl watoto.
less important part or adjunct of a thing (noun), mtoto, pl watoto.
adjust (verb), -endekeza.
adjust (verb), -rakibisha (causative).
adjust (verb), -rekibisha (causative).
adjust (verb), -selehi.
adjust (verb), -suluhi.
adjust (verb), -suluhu.
adjust oneself (verb), -jirakibisha (reflexive).
adjust oneself (verb), -jirekebisha (reflexive).
become adjusted to each other (verb), -suluhiana ( appl-assoc).
adjustment (noun), urekebisho.
adjutant (noun), akida (5/6an), pl maakida.
administer (verb), -amuru.
be administered (verb), -amriwa.
administration (noun), maongozi.
administration (noun), serikali (9/10), pl serikali. an administration
order. amri ya serikali..
administration (noun), uendeshaji (14).
administration (noun), usimamizi.
administration (noun), utawala.
administration (noun), utwala.
administration (noun), uwakala.
administration (noun), uwakili.
administrator (noun), balozi, pl mabalozi.
administrator (noun), makabidhi (1/2), pl wakabidhi.
administrator (noun), meneja. movie director.. meneja wa cinema.
administrator (noun), mkabidhi (1/2), pl wakabidhi.
administrator (noun), pl adminstrators, mtengenezaji, pl watengenezaji.
adminstrator (noun), msimamizi, pl wasimamizi.
be admirable (verb), -husudika (potential).
admiral (noun), admeli (9/10an), pl admeli.
admiral (noun), admirali (9/10an), pl admirali.
admiration (noun), husuda (9/10), pl husuda.
exclamation of admiration (interjection), abos.
admire (verb), -ajabia (applicative).
admire (verb), -husudu.
admire (verb), -sangaa.
admire (verb), -shangaa.
be admissible (verb), -juzu.
admissibility (noun), uhusiano.
admission (noun), ukiri.
admission (noun), ungamo, pl maungamo.
admission (noun), uungamaji.
admission (of an obligation etc.) (noun), muungamo, pl miungamo.
admission (of an obligation etc.) (noun), mwungamo, pl miungamo.
admission fee (noun), ada ya kuingilia (9/10), pl ada za kuingilia.
admission fee (noun), kiingilio, pl viingilio.
ask admission (verb), -piga hodi.
ask admission (verb), -piga hodi.
admit (verb), -ingiza.
admit (verb), -kiri.
admit (verb), -kiri.
admit (verb), -pokea. admit statements.. pokea maneno.
admit (verb), -sabili.
admit (verb), -sidukia.
admit (verb), -sudukia.
admit (verb), -suduku.
admit (verb), -takabali.
admit (verb), -ungama.
make someone admit something (verb), -nyenya.
be admitted to the hospital (verb), -lazwa.
admonish (verb), -asa.
admonish (verb), -onya.
admonition (noun), maowidha.
admonition (noun), maowidha.
admonition (noun), mauidha.
admonition (noun), mawaidha.
admonition (noun), uzindusho.
adolescence (noun), ujana (14).
adolescent girl (noun), kigoli (7/8), pl vigoli.
adolescent girl (noun), kigori (7/8), pl vigori.
adopt (verb), -chukua. His trousers had been cut to adopt a "beach-
comber"style.. Suruali yake ilikuwa imekatwa kuchukua mtindo wa "bichi
koma"[Balisidya, Masomo 343].
adopt (verb), -siliki.
adoption (noun), upokeaji (14).
be adored (verb), -sujudiwa.
adorn (verb), -pamba. What I want now is a person of your status to
adorn my house. ninachotaka sasa ni mtu wa hulka yako kuipamba nyumba
yangu [Mun].
adorn (verb), -remba. To adorn oneself with cosmetics of the cheek and
mouth. kujiremba marangi ya mashavu na midomo [Abd].
adorn (with carving etc.) (verb), -nakshi.
adornment (noun), mavalio, pl mavalio.
adornment (noun), pamba (5/6), pl mapamba. A beautiful woman is the
adornment of the house.. mke mzuri ni pambo la nyumba.
adornment (noun), pl adornments, pambo (5/6), pl mapambo.
adornment (noun), urembo (5/6), pl marembo.
remove adornment (decoration or ornament) (verb), -pambua (converse).
adroit (adjective), mahiri.
adroitness (noun), tabasuri (9/10), pl tabasuri.
adroitness (noun), werevu.
adulation (noun), urai.
adult (adjective), -a kijituuzima.
adult (adjective), -pevu.
adult (adjective), -zima.
adult (noun), mpevu (1/2), pl wapevu.
adult (noun), mtu mzima, pl watu wazima.
adult (noun), ngumbaru (9/10an), pl ngumbaru.
adulterate (verb), -ghoshi.
adulterate (verb), -saliti.
adulterate (verb), -tabangatabanga.
be adulterated (verb), -salitiwa.
adulteration (noun), ughoshi.
adulteration (noun), ughushi.
adulterer (noun), mgoni, pl wagoni.
adulterer (noun), mzinifu, pl wazinifu.
adulterer (noun), mzinzi, pl wazinzi.
adulterer (one who violates the Islamic code of marriage morals) (noun),
mwasherati, pl waasherati.
adulterous (adjective), zinifu.
adultery (noun), asharati.
adultery (noun), asherati (9/10an), pl asherati.
adultery (noun), uasherati.
adultery (noun), ufasiki.
adultery (noun), ugoni (14).
adultery (noun), ugono.
adultery (noun), uzini.
adultery (noun), uzinzi (14).
adultery (noun), washerati.
adultery (noun), washerati.
adultery (noun), zani.
adultery (noun), zina.
adultery (noun), zinaa.
commit adultery (of either man or woman) (verb), -zini.
adulthood (noun), uzima.
advance (noun), kiendeleo, pl viendeleo.
advance (noun), uendeshaji.
advance (noun), ukopaji.
advance (noun), ukopi (14), pl ukopi.
advance (verb), -ongoza. give a good turn to a conversation.. ongoza
advance (verb), -tangulia.
advance guard (noun), doria.
advance of money (noun), kishika mkono.
salary advance (noun), karadha ya mishahara (9/10), pl karadha za
send in advance (verb), -kadamisha.
advancement (noun), maendeleo (6).
advancement (noun), maondokeo.
advancement (noun), mwendeleo, pl maendeleo.
advancement (noun), ondokeo (5/6), pl maondokeo.
advancement (noun), ubele.
advancement (noun), umbele.
advancing (act of) (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
advancing (act of) (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
advancing (act of) (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
advantage (noun), baraka.
advantage (noun), faida (9/10), pl faida.
advantage (noun), ghanima.
advantage (noun), heri.
advantage (noun), mafaa, pl mafaa.
advantage (noun), mafao, pl mafao.
advantage (noun), manufaa.
advantage (noun), nafuu.
advantage (noun), ubora.
cause to have an advantage (verb), -nufaishana.
derive an advantage (verb), -funa.
derive an advantage (verb), -vuna.
have an advantage (adjective), nafaika.
have an advantage (adjective), nufaika.
have an advantage (verb), -nufaika.
be advantageous (verb), -faidika.
advent (noun), jilio.
advent (noun), majilio.
adventure (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani.
adventurer (noun), mzizimizi, pl wazizimizi.
adventurer (noun), mzizimizi, pl wazizimizi.
adventurism (noun), bahatisho.
adventurism (noun), ujasiri.
adverb (noun), kielelezi (7/8), pl vielezi.
adverb (noun), kielezo (7/8), pl vielezo.
adverb (noun), kisifa, pl visifa. matters relating to war.
adversary (noun), mkindani, pl wakinzani.
adversary (noun), mkinzani, pl wakinzani.
adversary (noun), mpingaji, pl wapingaji.
adversary (noun), mpingani, pl wapingani.
adversary (noun), mpinzani, pl wapingani.
adversary (noun), mshindani, pl washindani.
adversary (noun), mshindanizi, pl washindanizi.
adversary (noun), mtetea, pl watetea.
adversary (noun), mteteaji, pl wateteaji.
adversary (noun), mtetezi, pl watetezi.
adversity (noun), pl adversities, shari (9/10), pl shari.
adversity (noun), teso, pl mateso.
advertise (merchandise) (verb), -tembeza.
advertisement (noun), pl advertisements, tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo.
advertisement (noun), tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo. business
advertisement. tangazo la biashara.
advertisement (noun), utembezi, pl matembezi.
advertising (noun), utembezi, pl matembezi.
advice (noun), bamba, pl bamba.
advice (noun), kauli.
advice (noun), kidokezo, pl vidokezo.
advice (noun), maonyo (6).
advice (noun), mwongozo, pl miongozo.
advice (noun), nasaha, pl nasaha.
advice (noun), onyo (5/6), pl maonyo.
advice (noun), rai (9/10), pl rai.
advice (noun), pl advice, shauri (9/10), pl shauri. (s)he wanted his/her
mother to accept the advice of being taken to the hospital. alitaka
mamaake aridhi shauri la kupelekwa hospitali [Moh], mpeleke huyu mwanamke
kwa wazee wa 'Mashauri' [Ng].
advice (noun), ushauri (14).
advice (noun), zulio, pl mazulio.
ask for advice (verb), -taka shauri.
give advice (verb), -taradhia.
give each other good advice (verb), -sisitizana (associative).
give good advice (verb), -nasihi.
good advice (noun), maowidha.
good advice (noun), maowidha.
good advice (noun), mauidha.
good advice (noun), mawaidha.
good advice (noun), suna (9/10), pl suna.
good advice (noun), suni (9/10), pl suni.
good advice (piece of) (noun), sina (9/10), pl sina.
good advice (piece of) (noun), sini (9/10), pl sini.
one who can be relied on to give good advice (noun), mhenga, pl wahenga.
advise (verb), -sisitiza.
give a piece of advice (verb), -pa shauri.
adviser (noun), diwani, pl madiwani.
confidential female adviser (older woman friend who makes arrangements
for marriage) (noun), mkunga, pl wakunga.
reliable adviser (noun), nasiha.
advisor (noun), pl advisors, mshauri (1/2), pl washauri.
legal advisor (noun), kaimu, pl makaimu.
older person (not necessarily a clergyman) who gives advice on religious
matters (noun), shamasi (5/6an), pl mashamasi.
older person (not necessarily a clergyman) who gives advice on religious
matters (noun), shemasi (5/6an), pl mashemasi.
wise advisor (noun), nasiha, pl nasiha.
advocacy (noun), utetezi.
advocacy (noun), uwakili (14).
advocate (noun), mnenea (1/2), pl wanenea.
advocate (noun), msimamizi, pl wasimamizi.
advocate (noun), mwombezi (1/2), pl waombezi.
advocate (noun), wakili (5/6), pl mawakili.
adze (noun), senezo (9/10), pl senezo.
adze (noun), sezo (5/6), pl masezo.
adze (noun), tezo, pl matezo.
aerial (noun), erieli.
affable (verb), -ambilika.
affable person (noun), mcheshi, pl wacheshi.
affable person (noun), mjibu (1/2), pl wajibu.
affair (noun), bamba, pl bamba.
affair (noun), hoja, pl hoja; mahoja.
affair (noun), jambo (5/6), pl mambo.
affair (noun), jambo.
affair (noun), jawabu, pl majawabu.
affair (noun), kadhia.
affair (noun), kigambo (7/8), pl vigambo.
affair (noun), kisa, pl visa.
affair (noun), mambo.
affair (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno.
affair (noun), pl affairs, shauri (9/10), pl shauri. that affair is not
bad. shauri hilo si baya.
affair (important) (noun), maneno. secret affairs. maneno ya siri.
actual state of affairs (noun), jambo.
actual state of affairs (noun), mambo. This is an obvious fact. Hii ni
mambo wazi.
affairs (noun), kadhia (9/10), pl kadhia.
affairs (noun), kazi.
affairs (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
fig. personal affairs (noun), kirago, pl virago.
military affairs (noun), uanajeshi.
public affairs (adverb), kwa nchi.
secret affairs (noun), penyenye (5/6), pl mapenyenye.
affect (verb), -athiri.
affect (verb), -husu.
affect (verb), -pasa.
affect (verb), -wea.
affect deeply (verb), -saki.
be affected (verb), -athiriwa.
affectation (noun), maringo (6).
affectation (noun), umaridadi (14).
affection (noun), ashiki, pl ashiki. evoke affection. -tia ~.
affection (noun), ashki, pl ashiki. evoke affection. -tia ~.
affection (noun), haba, pl mahaba, (mahuba), (mahubba).
affection (noun), huruma.
affection (noun), kipendo, pl vipendo.
affection (noun), mahaba (9/10), pl mahaba.
affection (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahaba.
affection (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahuba.
affection (noun), pendeleo (5/6), pl mapendeleo.
affection (noun), pendo (5/6), pl mapendo.
affection (noun), ufadili.
affection (noun), upendezi, pl mapendezi.
affection (noun), upendo, pl mapendo.
affection (noun), upenzi, pl mapenzi.
affection (reciprocal) (noun), mapendano.
mutual affection (noun), upendano, pl mapendano.
overwhelm someone with affection (verb), -engaenga.
treat with affection (verb), -shaufu.
affectionate (adverb), pendevu.
affirm (verb), -hakikisha (causative).
affirm (verb), -shupaa maneno.
affirm (verb), -thibitisha.
affix (verb), -bandika. affix a stamp, put on a bandage. ~ stempu, ~
cause to affix (verb), -bandikisha.
cause to affix (verb), -bandikiza.
afflict (verb), -dhiki.
afflict (verb), -saki.
afflict (verb), -sibu.
afflict (verb), -tesa.
be afflicted (verb), -sibiwa (passive). it was then that Asumini was
afflicted with a lot of sadness. ndipo Asumini aliposibiwa na huzuni
zaidi [Moh].
be afflicted (verb), -teseka.
affliction (noun), jitimai (9/10), pl jitimai.
affliction (noun), masaibu (9/10), pl masaibu.
affliction (noun), msiba, pl misiba.
rel. affliction (noun), masaibu.
affluent (of a river) (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee. the affluence
of the river. pengee cha mto.
be affluent (verb), -kwasi.
inability to afford something (noun), waya.
affront (noun), usafihi.
be afraid (verb), -hofu.
be afraid (verb), -ogopa.
be afraid (verb), -shikwa na hofu.
be afraid for (verb), -hofia.
be afraid of (verb), -cha.
be afraid of someone (verb), -hofia.
be afraid of something (verb), -hofia.
make afraid (verb), -ogofisha.
make afraid (verb), -ogofya.
afresh (adverb), upya.
Africa (noun), Afrika (9).
African (adjective), Kiafrika.
African manner (adverb), Kiafrika.
African person (noun), Mwafrika, pl waafrika.
African way (adverb), Kiafrika.
Africanization (noun), afrikanaizesheni (9).
after (adverb), baada ya.
after (adverb), nyuma ya....
after (conjunction), hatima.
after (preposition), baada. after many years, after work. ~ ya miaka
mingi, ~ ya kazi.
after that (adverb), thama.
afterbirth (noun), kondo ya nyuma.
afterbirth (noun), mji (3/4), pl miji.
afterlife (noun), pl the punishment that awaits them in the future next
life, ahera (9/10), pl ahera.
afterlife (noun), akhera (9).
afterlife (noun), jongomeo.
afternoon (noun), alasiri (9/10), pl alasiri.
afternoon (noun), mchana (3).
afterwards (adjective), pale.
afterwards (adverb), alafu.
afterwards (adverb), baadae. The Portuguese arrived in Mombasa and
afterwards proceeded to Malindi.. Wareno walifika Mombasa, baadae
walielekea Malindi [Masomo 143].
afterwards (adverb), baadaye.
afterwards (adverb), halafu.
afterwards (adverb), hatima.
afterwards (adverb), kiisha.
afterwards (adverb), kisha.
afterwards (adverb), tena.
afterwards (conjunction), baadaye.
afterwards (conjunction), waama.
afterworld (noun), pepo (9/10), pl pepo.
again (adverb), bidhalika.
again (adverb), dhalika.
again (adverb), kadhalika.
again (adverb), kikariri.
again (adverb), tena.
again (adverb), upya.
begin again (verb), -rejea.
begin something over again (verb), -charuka.
I won't do it again (phrase), nimekoma. forgive me father, I will not
repeat it again, I have surrendered. baba nihurumie, sitarudia tena,
nimekoma [Kez].
say again (verb), -kariri.
against (adverb), dhidi.
be against (verb), -pinga.
have something against someone (verb), -wa na ugomvi na mtu.
age (noun), herimu.
age (noun), dahari, pl dahari.
age (noun), hirimu.
age (noun), makamo (6). I don't want to make you said at this age..
"Sitaraji kukutia huzuni katika makamo hayo"[Balisidya, Masomo 349].
age (noun), tarikhi (9/10), pl tarikhi.
age (noun), zama.
age (noun), zamani.
age (verb), -zeeka (potential).
age (of a person) (noun), umri.
age-class (of a person) (noun), makamo.
age-class (of a person) (noun), makamu.
age-group (noun), herimu.
be of the same age (verb), -ridhia (applicative).
our age (noun), zamani zetu.
person of the same age or belonging to the same age-group (noun), marika.
These people are my contemporaries. hawa ni marika yangu.
age-group (noun), hirimu. This man belongs to my age-group. huyu hirimu
age-group (noun), pl age-groups, rika (5/6), pl marika. But among this
age-group, the obligations of the youthful age have not stopped
vascillating. lakini katika rika hili [] ahadi za ujana pia haziwachi
kuyumbayumba [Moh].
aged (adjective), -zee.
aged (adjective), zefe.
agency (noun), chombo (7/8), pl vyombo. In consideration of the concerns
of young people the Ministry cooperates with other agencies of the
Nation.. Kuhusu shughuli za vijana Wizara inashirikiana na vyombo vingine
vya Taifa [Masomo 364].
agency (noun), mawakili, pl mawakili.
agency (noun), uwakala.
agency (noun), uwakili (14).
agency (noun), wakala (9/10), pl wakala.
agency (noun), wakili, pl mawakili.
agenda (noun), ajenda (9/10), pl ajenda.
act as agent (verb), -wakili.
agent (noun), ajenti (9/10an), pl ajenti.
agent (noun), dalali, pl madalali.
agent (noun), kaimu (5/6), pl makaimu.
agent (noun), kaimu, pl makaimu.
agent (noun), kidalali, pl vidalali.
agent (noun), pl agents, mshenga (1/2), pl washenga.
agent (noun), mtumwaji, pl watumwaji.
agent (noun), tume.
agent (noun), wakala (11/6), pl makala.
agent (work of) (noun), uajenti.
agent (work of) (noun), ukaimu.
secret agent (noun), jasusi (5/6), pl majasusi.
secret agent (noun), mpenyezi (1/2), pl wapenyezi.
secret agent (noun), mtunduizi, pl watunduizi.
agglomerate (verb), -kongomana.
aggression (noun), uchokozi (14).
aggression (noun), udhalimu.
aggression (noun), ushambulizi.
aggression (noun), utadi.
aggressor (noun), foadi (5/6an), pl mafoadi.
aggressor (noun), fowadi (5/6an), pl mafowadi.
aggressor (noun), mchokozi (1/2), pl wachokozi.
aggressor (noun), mkatili (1/2), pl wakatili.
aggrevate (verb), -nung'unisha.
aggrevate (verb), -teteleza.
agile (adjective), mahiri.
agility (noun), kinamu (7).
agility (noun), usafidi.
agility (of movements etc.) (noun), wepesi.
agitate (verb), -asisha.
agitate (verb), -fanya fitina.
agitate (verb), -leta fitina.
agitate (verb), -tia fitina.
agitate (verb), -fitini.
agitate (verb), -fanya fitna.
agitate (verb), -leta fitna.
agitate (verb), -tia fitna.
agitate (verb), -koroga.
agitate (verb), -shaushi.
agitate (verb), -shawishi.
agitate (verb), -tikisa.
agitate (verb), -vuruga.
agitate (verb), -vurugavuruga.
agitate (verb), -vuruma.
be agitated (verb), -jishughulisha (reflexive).
be agitated (verb), -jishughulisha.
be agitated (verb), -tukutika.
become agitated (verb), -potea akili.
agitation (noun), fadhaa (9/10), pl fadhaa.
agitation (noun), harakati (9/10), pl harakati.
agitation (noun), masuko (6).
agitation (noun), mkorogo (3/4), pl mikorogo.
agitation (noun), mpekecho, pl mipekecho.
agitation (noun), mpeketo, pl mipeketo.
agitation (noun), pl agitations, msukosuko (3/4), pl misukosuko.
agitation (noun), mtafaruku (3/4), pl mitafaruku.
agitation (noun), muuya (3/4), pl miuya.
agitation (noun), pirikapirika (9/10), pl pirikapirika.
agitation (noun), tafrani (9/10), pl tafrani. today there is wholeness
(of life) and health, tomorrow discomfort and agitation, and even death.
leo kuna uzima na afya, kesho adha na tafrani, na hata kifo [Muk].
agitation (noun), uchochezi.
agitation (noun), ufatani.
agitation (noun), ufitina.
agitation (noun), ushawishi.
agitation (noun), usumbufu.
agitation (noun), utesaji.
agitation (noun), utesi.
agitator (noun), fitina (5/6an), pl mafitina.
agitator (noun), fitna (5/6an), pl mafitna.
agitator (noun), mchochezi (1/2), pl wachochezi.
agitator (noun), mchochezi, pl wachochezi. warmonger.. mchochezi wa
vita [Rec].
agitator (noun), mfitini (1/2), pl wafitini.
agitator (noun), mkoroga, pl wakoroga.
agitator (noun), mkorogai, pl wakorogai.
agitator (noun), mpinduzi, pl wapinduzi.
agitator (noun), mvuruga, pl wavuruga.
agitator (noun), mvurugaji, pl wavurugaji.
pol.agitator (noun), mshawishi, pl mishawishi.
a long time ago (adjective), -a zamani.
ago (preposition), kabla ya.
long ago (adverb), mbele.
long ago (adverb), tokeapo.
long ago (adverb), ubele.
long ago (adverb), umbele.
long ago (noun), kale (9/10), pl kale.
long ago (noun), zama (9).
long ago (noun), zamani (9).
not long ago (adverb), karibuni.
not long ago (adverb), majuzi.
agree (verb), -afiki.
agree (verb), pl Yes, -aga.
agree (verb), pl Yes, -agana.
agree (verb), -ahidi.
agree (verb), -elekeana.
agree (verb), -fikiana.
agree (verb), -fikiliana.
agree (verb), -itika.
agree (verb), -kiri.
agree (verb), -kubali.
agree (verb), -lingana (associative).
agree (verb), -patana.
agree (verb), -pokea. agree to the statements.. pokea maneno.
agree (verb), -sidukia.
agree (verb), -sikilizana (causative).
agree (verb), -sudukia.
agree (verb), -suduku.
agree (verb), -suluhu.
agree (verb), -takabali.
agree (verb), -takabali.
agree (verb), -wafiki.
agree (with) (verb), -afiki. They are shaking their heads in agreement..
wanatikisa vichwa vyao katika kuafiki [Muk].
agree on price (verb), -patana bei.
agree together (verb), -afikana (associative).
agree together (verb), -afikiana (associative).
agree together (verb), -chukuana.
agree together (verb), -sikilizana.
agree with (verb), -aga.
agree with (verb), -kubaliana.
agree with someone (verb), -itikia ( appl-intr).
come an agreement (verb), -fikiana.
come to an agreement (verb), pl Yes, -aga.
reach an agreement (verb), -elekezana.
agreeable (adjective), tamu.
agreeableness (noun), upendezi, pl mapendezi.
agreed (conjunction), bas.
agreed (conjunction), basi.
agreed (conjunction), bassi.
agreeing (adjective), linganifu.
agreeing (adjective), linganyifu.
agreement (noun), afikiano (5/6), pl maafikiano.
agreement (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano. New Testament, Old Testament.
~ Jipya, ~ la Kale.
agreement (noun), ahadi (9/10), pl ahadi.
agreement (noun), itifaki (9/10), pl itifaki.
agreement (noun), itifaki.
agreement (noun), kiaga.
agreement (noun), kiaga (7/8), pl viaga.
agreement (noun), kipatanisho (7/8), pl vipatanisho.
agreement (noun), kiva (9/10), pl kiva.
agreement (noun), maafikano, pl maafikano.
agreement (noun), maafikiano, pl maafikiano.
agreement (noun), mapatano.
agreement (noun), masilaha.
agreement (noun), masilahi.
agreement (noun), masuluhu.
agreement (noun), mkataba (3/4), pl mikataba.
agreement (noun), pl agreements, muafaka (3/4), pl miafaka.
agreement (noun), mwafaka (3/4), pl miafaka.
agreement (noun), isilahi.
agreement (noun), patanisho (5/6), pl mapatanisho.
agreement (noun), pl agreements, patano (5/6), pl mapatano.
agreement (noun), pl agreements, ridhaa (9/10), pl ridhaa. His agreement
to his boss. ile ridhaa yake kwa tajiri wake [Moh].
agreement (noun), sikizano (5/6), pl masikizano. come to an agreement.
pata masikizano.
agreement (noun), suluhu (9/10), pl suluhu.
agreement (noun), tajamala (9/10), pl tajamala.
agreement (noun), tangamano (5/6), pl matangamano.
agreement (noun), ukubali.
agreement (noun), ulinganifu.
agreement (noun), ulinganyifu.
agreement (noun), umoja.
agreement (noun), upatano.
agreement (noun), usikilizano (11/6), pl masikilizano.
agreement (noun), usikizano.
agreement (noun), usuluhi.
agreement (noun), usuluhifu.
agreement (noun), wahadi.
agreement (after a discussion) (noun), masikilizano (6).
agreement to act together for common good (noun), ngambi (9/10), pl
binding agreement (noun), sharti (5/6), pl masharti.
binding agreement (noun), sherti (5/6), pl masherti. by a binding
agreement. kwa sharti..
binding agreement (noun), shurti (5/6), pl mashurti.
binding agreement (noun), shuruti (5/6), pl mashuruti.
by agreement (adverb), kwa sharti.
come to an agreement (verb), -afikana (associative).
come to an agreement (verb), -afikiana (associative).
have an agreement with (verb), -kubaliana na.
make an agreement (verb), -agana.
make an agreement (verb), -peana.
make an agreement (verb), -fanya sharti.
reach a satisfactory agreement (verb), -tuliliana.
reach an agreement (verb), -selehi.
reach an agreement (verb), -suluhi.
reach an agreement (verb), -suluhu.
reach an agreement (verb), -tuana.
agricultural worker (noun), mlimaji, pl walimaji.
agriculture (noun), kilimo (7/8), pl vilimo.
agriculture (noun), makulima.
agriculture (noun), malimo.
agriculture (noun), mlimo (3/4), pl milimo.
agriculture (noun), ukulima (14), pl ukulima.
agriculture (noun), zaraa.
agriculture (methods of) (noun), ulimaji.
agriculture (work of) (noun), ulimaji.
implements of agriculture (noun), makulima (6).
run aground (verb), -kwama.
run aground (verb), -panda pwani. coast and interior.. pwani na bara.
run aground (verb), -panda pwani.
run aground (verb), -pwelea. Mashua run aground in town. Mashua
ilipwelea majini.
run aground (verb), -pweleza. the apparatus was run aground. Chombo
ague (noun), kitapo (7/8), pl vitapo.
med. ague (noun), kipapa, pl vipapa.
be ahead (verb), -tangulia.
move ahead (verb), -endelea.
what is ahead (noun), usoni.
aid (noun), amara (9/10), pl amara.
aid (noun), huduma (9/10), pl huduma.
aid (noun), kinga.
aid (noun), maliwazo.
aid (noun), msaada (3/4), pl misaada. financial aid. msaada wa fedha.
aid (noun), neema.
aid (noun), nusra (9/10), pl nusra.
aid (noun), nusura (9/10), pl nusura.
aid (noun), saada (9/10), pl saada.
aid (noun), usimamizi.
aid (verb), -fadhili.
aid (verb), -hudumia.
aid (verb), -saidia.
aid growth (verb), -komaza.
be aided (verb), -saidiwa. the student was aided to pay school fees.
Mwanafunzi alisadiwa kulipa ada za shule.
come to the aid of (verb), -futusha.
give aid to (verb), -starehesha.
mutual aid (noun), ujima.
AIDS (noun), ukimwi (14).
ail (verb), -ugua.
be ailing (verb), -sakimu.
ailment (noun), ugonjwa (11/6), pl magonjwa.
aim (noun), dhamiri (9/10), pl dhamiri.
aim (noun), dhati.
aim (noun), gharadi.
aim (noun), kasidi.
aim (noun), kusudi.
aim (noun), lengo (5/6), pl malengo.
aim (noun), maazimio, pl maazimio.
aim (noun), madhumuni (9/10), pl madhumuni.
aim (noun), madhumuni, pl madhumuni.
aim (noun), matilaba, pl matilaba.
aim (noun), nia (9/10), pl nia.
aim (noun), nuio (9/10), pl nuio.
aim (noun), pl aims, shabaha (9/10), pl shabaha. his/her aim was to
arrive early. Shabaha yake ilikuwa afike mapema.
aim (verb), -dhamiria.
aim (verb), -elekeza (causative).
aim (verb), -linga.
aim (verb), -lenga.
aim (verb), pl aims, -piga shabaha.
aim (verb), pl aims, -shika shabaha.
aim (verb), pl aims, -twaa shabaha.
aim (at an object eg. with rifle or spear) (verb), -lenga.
aim (especially in respect of a visit to a witchdoctor or the use of
charm) (noun), manuwio.
aim (especially in respect of a visit to a witchdoctor or the use of
charm) (noun), manuwiyo.
aim at (verb), -kusudia.
take aim (verb), pl aims, -piga shabaha.
take aim (verb), pl aims, -shika shabaha.
take aim (verb), pl aims, -twaa shabaha. take an aim of the birds on top
of the tree. Twaa shabaha ya ndege juu ya mti.
aimlessly (adverb), ovyo. do one's work aimlessly. fanya kazi ovyoovyo
air (noun), anga (5).
air (noun), baridi.
air (noun), hewa (9/10), pl hewa.
air in a compressed space (noun), mvugulio (3).
be in the air (verb), -vuma.
damp cool air of the morning or evening (noun), umande (11).
get a change of air (verb), -punga hewa. "fan the arms, give a signal"..
punga mikono.
get a change of air (verb), -punga upepo. "fan the arms, give a
signal".. punga mikono.
put on airs (verb), -jivuna.
put out to air (verb), -anika.
airplane (noun), dege. seaplane. dege yenye kutua majini.
airplane (noun), eropleni (9/10), pl eropleni. airline. njia ya
airplane (noun), dege. seaplane.. ndege yenye kutua majini.
airplane (noun), ndege, pl ndege.
jet airplane (noun), ndege ya kireaktive (7/8), pl ndege za kireaktive.
airport (noun), uwanja wa ndege (11/10), pl nyanja za ndege.
airs (noun), madaha (6).
airs (noun), maringo (6).
airs (noun), matao (6).
airs (noun), tao (5/6), pl matao. I am walking gracefully and with the
airs of a modern child. natembea kwa kudundika na matao ya mtoto wa kileo
giving oneself airs (noun), mapyoro.
put on airs (verb), -deka.
put on airs (verb), -jipa mali.
put on airs (verb), -jipevua.
put on airs (verb), -piga makuu.
put on airs (verb), -piga makuu.
put on airs (verb), -ringa. When Tegemea was married by Kabenga, (s)he
put on airs a few days at the beginning. Tegemea alipoolewa na Kabenga
aliringa sana siku chache za mwanzoni [Kez].
put on airs (verb), -tuna.
leave ajar (a door) (verb), -vugaza.
set ajar (a door) (verb), -shindika (mlango).
alacrity (noun), bidii.
alacrity (noun), uwahi.
alarm (noun), dukuduku.
alarm (noun), kamsa (9/10), pl kamsa.
alarm (noun), kamsa.
alarm (noun), kituko (7/8), pl vituko.
alarm (noun), mauja.
alarm (noun), muuya.
alarm (noun), mwuja, pl miuja.
alarm (noun), paipu (9/10), pl paipu.
alarm (noun), peipu (9/10), pl peipu.
alarm (verb), -stusha (causative). there is nothing threatening to alarm
Diana. hakuna linaloelekea kumstusha Diana [Muk].
be alarmed (verb), -stuka (intransitive).
be alarmed (verb), -shtuka (intransitive).
be alarmed (verb), -tukuta.
albino (noun), kimazeru (7/8an), pl vimazeru.
albino (noun), zeru, pl mazeru.
albino (noun), zeruzeru (5/6), pl mazeruzeru.
alcohol (noun), malevi.
alcohol (noun), ulevi.
alcohol (strong), distilled in Africa and usually illegal (noun),
chang'aa (9/10), pl chang'aa. She picks up the glass. She sniffs it and
smells the strong alcohol smell of home-brewed grain alcohol..
"Anaichukua bilauri. Anainusa na kusikia harufu ya pombe kali ya chang'aa
[Chacha, Masomo 375]"..
alcohol distilled from palm wine (noun), zarambo.
alcoholic beverage (noun), shuarub (5/6), pl mashuarub.
alcoholic beverage (noun), shuarubu (5/6), pl mashuarubu.
alcoholic (noun), mlevi (1/2), pl walevi.
alcoholic beverage (noun), pombe (9/10), pl pombe.
alcoholic beverage (noun), sharabu (9/10), pl sharabu. after working,
the elders took alcoholic refreshments. Baada ya kazi, wazee waliburudika
kwa sharabu.
alcoholic beverage (kind of) (noun), mnywo, pl minywo.
alcove (noun), kataa (9/10), pl kataa.
alert (adverb), kimacho.
be alert (verb), -angalia.
be alert (verb), -hamu.
be alert (verb), -kalamka.
be alert (verb), -nabihika (potential).
be alert (verb), -tanabahi.
be alert (verb), -wa macho.
alertness (noun), utunduzi.
alertness (to meet a danger) (noun), dhiaka, pl madhiaka.
algae (noun), ugozi (11).
alien (adjective), ajinabi.
alienate (verb), -saliti. the visitor is the one who alienated us.
mgeni ndiye aliyetusaliti..
alight (verb), -shuka.
alight (of birds or insects) (verb), -tenga.
align (verb), -oanisha.
alignment (noun), usawanisho.
alike (adjective), sawa. these children look alike. Watoto hawa
wanafanana sawa.
alike (adverb), sare.
all alike (adverb), mamoja.
be alike (verb), -fanana (reciprocal).
be alike (verb), -lingana.
alive (adjective), hai.
alive (adjective), -zima.
alive (noun), uhai (14).
all (adjective), kila.
all (adjective), mote. in all the houses.. nyumbani mote.
all (adjective), mwote. in all the houses.. nyumbani mote.
all (adjective), ote. all the people. watu wote.
all (adjective), vyote.
all (adjective), yote.
all (pronoun), chote. all of it. cho chote.
all people (adjective), wote.
at all (adverb), hata.
at all (adverb), kamwe.
all right (adjective), vema.
all right (adjective), vyema.
all right (adverb), fahuwa.
all right (adverb), haidhuru.
all right (adverb), haya.
all right (adverb), sawasawa. it is alright to beat a thief. Ni
sawasawa kumpiga mwivi.
all right! (interjection), fauwa.
by Allah! (interjection), bilahi.
by Allah! (interjection), billahi.
in the name of Allah! (interjection), bismillahi!.
allay (verb), -tuliza.
alleviation (noun), kitulizo (7/8), pl vitulizo.
alleviation (noun), maburudisho, pl maburudisho.
alleviation (of pain) (noun), kiburudisho, pl viburudisho.
alley (noun), kichochoro (7/8), pl vichochoro.
alley (noun), mchochoro (3/4), pl michochoro.
alley (between houses) (noun), chochoro, pl machochoro.
alley (between two houses) (noun), ujia.
alliance (noun), fungamano (5/6), pl mafungamano.
alliance (noun), jumuiya.
alliance (noun), kombaini, pl makombaini. beg pardon.
alliance (noun), mapatano. conclude an alliance. fanya mapatano.
alliance (noun), muungano, pl miungano.
alliance (noun), mwunganisho, pl miunganisho.
alliance (noun), mwungano, pl miungano.
alliance (noun), patano (5/6), pl mapatano.
alliance (noun), umoja (14), pl wingi.
alliance (noun), upatano.
allot (verb), -awadha.
allot (verb), -awaza.
allow (verb), -acha.
allow (verb), -ata.
allow (verb), -hulu.
allow (verb), -idhini.
allow (verb), -ruhsa.
allow (verb), -pa ruhusa. allow him/her to go home. Mpe ruhusa ya
kuenda nyumbani.
allow (verb), -ruhusa.
allow (verb), -ruhusu. (s)he is in a state of sleep that cannot allow
him/her to perceive anything. yu katika usingizi ambao hautamruhusu
kuhisi lolote [Muk].
allow (verb), -rukhsa.
allow (verb), -sabili.
allow (verb), -ungama.
allow to go bad (verb), -tapanya.
allow to marry (verb), -oza (causative).
allowance (noun), alowensi, pl alowensi.
allowance (noun), posho (9/10), pl posho. Give him/her his/her
allowance. mpe posho yake.
disturbance allowance (noun), posho ya usumbufu (9/10), pl posho za
housekeeping allowance (noun), masarifu.
mileage allowance (noun), posho ya maili (9/10), pl posho za mali. The
driver was paid the mileage allowance after the journey. Dereva alilipwa
posho ya maili baada ya safari.
subsistence allowance (noun), posho ya kujikimu (9/10), pl posho za
kujikimu. The yearly harvests have been used as the subsistence
allowance. Mavuno ya mwaka yamatumiwa kama posho ya kujikimu.
allowed (adjective), halali.
be allowed (verb), -kubaliwa.
alloy (steel ...) (noun), aloi (... ya chuma cha pua) (9/10), pl aloi.
steel alloy (noun), aloi ya chuma cha pua (9).
allure (verb), -shawishi.
allure (verb), -vutia.
allurement (noun), kishawishi, pl vishawisihi.
allurement (noun), kishushi, pl vishawisihi.
allurement (noun), ubembe.
allurement (noun), ubembelezi.
allurement (noun), ushawishi.
be alluring (verb), -tamanisha.
allusion (noun), fumbo (5/6), pl mafumbo.
allusion (noun), kidokezo, pl vidokezo.
allusion (noun), kionyo, pl vionyo.
allusion (noun), ukonyezo, pl konyezo.
ally (noun), mwandani, pl wandani.
almanac (noun), takwimu (9/10), pl takwimu.
proper noun (masculine) (noun), almasi.
Almighty (noun), mwawadhi, pl waawadhi.
Almighty (noun), mwawazi, pl waawazi.
almighty (a title of Allah) (noun), jabari.
Almighty (God) (noun), Mwenyezi (1).
almond (noun), jozi.
almond (noun), lozi (5/6), pl malozi.
almond tree (noun), mlozi (3/4), pl milozi.
almond tree (Terminalia catappa) (noun), mkungu, pl mikungu.
mkunguni (species of almond tree, Terminalia Fatraea) (noun), mkunguni,
pl mikunguni.
almost (adjective), -auwali.
almost (adjective), -awali.
almost (adverb), karibu.
almost (adverb), kosakosa.
almost (adverb), nusra. He was so sick he almost died.. aliugua nusura
afe [kufa].
almost (adverb), nusura. He was so sick he almost died.. aliugua nusura
afe [kufa].
almost (adverb), takriban.
alms (noun), bahkshishi, pl bahkshishi.
alms (noun), bakshishi, pl bakshishi.
alms (noun), sadaka (9/10), pl sadaka. the woman gave alms to the poor.
Mama alitoa sadaka kwa maskini.
aloe (noun), kisimaleo, pl visimaleo.
aloe (species of) (noun), subili (9/10), pl subili.
aloe plant (noun), mshubiri, pl mishubiri.
aloe plant (noun), msubili, pl misubili.
aromatic aloe wood (noun), udi (14).
aloft (adverb), juujuu.
aloft (adverb), kindakindaki.
alone (adjective), peke y-.
alone (adjective), gumba.
alone (adjective), a pekee.
be by oneself (verb), -baidi.
let alone (adverb), sembuse.
aloneness (noun), akali (9/10), pl akali.
along (adverb), bavuni.
along (adverb), kando.
along (adverb), kandokando.
along (adverb), ukando.
along the way (adverb), njiani.
get along well (verb), -patana (reciprocal).
get along well (verb), -sikilizana (causative). (s)he will study as much
as you and without doubt you will get along well in terms of language.
kasoma kiasi kama wewe, na bila shaka mtasikilizana lugha vizuri [Abd].
alongside (adverb), bavuni.
alongside (adverb), kando ya.
alongside (adverb), sambamba. father and brother walked alongside each
other. Baba na ndugu walitembea sambamba.
aloof (adverb), mbali. far from. mbali ya...[Rec].
aloofness (noun), unyanya.
alphabet (noun), alfabeti (9/10), pl alfabeti.
already (adverb), zamani.
already (noun), zama.
also (adjective), vilevile.
also (adverb), pia.
also (adverb), thama.
also (adverb), vile.
also (conjunction), na.
altar (noun), altare (9/10), pl altare.
altar (noun), madhabahu (9/10), pl madhabahu.
altar (noun), madhabahu, pl madhabahu.
alter (verb), -geuza.
alteration (noun), badili, pl mabadili.
alteration (noun), badiliko, pl mabadiliko.
alteration (noun), badilisho, pl mabadilisho.
alteration (noun), geuzi (5/6), pl mageuzi.
alteration (noun), geuzo, pl mageuzo. democratic reform.. mgeuzo wa
alteration (noun), mgeuzo, pl mageuzo. democratic reform.. mgeuzo wa
alteration (noun), pinduo (5/6), pl mapinduo.
alteration (noun), ugeufu.
alteration (noun), ugeuko.
alteration (noun), ugeuzaji.
alteration (noun), ugeuzi.
alteration (noun), ugeuzo.
altercation (noun), mabishano, pl mabishano.
altercation (noun), ushindani.
alternate (verb), -pokezana.
alternate (verb), -pokezanya.
alternately (adverb), kipokee.
alternation (noun), pangilio (5/6), pl mapangilio. alternation
(rotation) of crops. mapangilio ya mazao.
alternative (noun), abudi (9/10), pl abudi. There is no alternative.
One must.... hapana abudi..
alternative (noun), buddi. there is no way out [usually in neg.
expressions.. hapana buddi.
alternative (used in negative) (noun), budi (9/10), pl budi.
you have no alternative (phrase), huna budi.
although (conjunction), alau.
although (conjunction), -angalao.
although (conjunction), angao.
although (conjunction), ijapo.
although (conjunction), ijapo.
although (conjunction), ijapokuwa.
although (conjunction), ingawa.
although (conjunction), ingawa.
although (conjunction), iwapo.
although (conjunction), japo.
although (conjunction), japo.
although (conjunction), pindi.
although (conjunction), walau.
altitude (noun), kimo (7/8), pl vimo.
altitude (noun), urefu, pl marefu.
altogether (adjective), pamoja. together with.... pamoja na.
altogether (adverb), kwa jumla.
altogether (adverb), koro.
aluminium (noun), aluminiamu (9/10), pl aluminiamu.
aluminum (noun), pl aluminium, shabu (9/10), pl shabu.
always (adverb), abadi. He is always stealing.. kazi yake ni kuiba
always (adverb), abidi. He is always stealing.. kazi yake ni kuiba
always (adverb), dahari.
always (adverb), daima.
always (adverb), dawama.
always (adverb), dawamu.
always (adverb), kote.
always (adverb), milele. forever.. milele na milele.
am (verb), ni (conjugated), pl ni.
amaze (verb), -ghafilika.
amaze (verb), -shangaza. don't wear those clothes, you might amaze the
child. Usivae nguo hizo, unaweza kumshangaza mtoto.
amaze (verb), -staajabisha (causative).
be amazed (verb), -loja.
be amazed (verb), -roja.
be amazed (verb), -sangaa. (s)he was amazed on seeing the lion in the
forest. alisangaa alipomwona simba msituni.
be amazed (verb), -shangaa. (s)he was amaze to see him/her without
clothes. Alishangaa kumwona bila nguo.
be amazed (verb), -ajabu.
be amazed (verb), -maka.
be amazed (verb), -staajabika (intransitive).
be amazed (verb), -staajabu.
be amazed (verb), -taajabu.
be amazed (verb), -taghafali.
amazement (noun), ajabu (9/10), pl ajabu.
amazement (noun), ajibu (9/10), pl ajibu.
amazement (noun), bumbuazi (9/10), pl bumbuazi.
amazement (noun), butaa.
amazement (noun), dukuduku.
amazement (noun), kimako. be evasive, make excuses, pretend.
amazement (noun), pl amazement, msangao (3/4), pl misangao.
amazement (noun), pl amazement, mshangao (3/4), pl mishangao. Here she
is showing amazement,. Huku akionyesha mshangao [Chacha, Masomo 374].
amazement (noun), mzubao, pl mizubao.
amazement (noun), mzumbao, pl mizumbao.
amazement (noun), staajabu (5/6), pl mastaajabu.
amazement (noun), taajabu (5/6), pl mataajabu.
amazement (noun), ushango.
goodness! (interjection of amazement) (interjection), masalala.
helpless amazement (noun), bumbuwazi (9/10), pl bumbuwazi.
amazing (adjective), ajabu.
amazing thing (noun), ajabu (9/10), pl ajabu.
an amazing thing (noun), staajabu (5/6), pl mastaajabu.
something amazing (noun), mzungu (3/4), pl mizungu. His surprises and
amazements, He is the greatest artist.. Shani zake na mizungu, ni Bwana
wa wasanifu [Shaaban Robert, Masomo 425].
ambassador (noun), balozi (5/6), pl mabalozi.
ambassadorship (noun), ubalozi (14).
amber (noun), kaharabu (9/10), pl kaharabu.
amber (noun), kaharabu.
ambergris (noun), ambari, pl ambari.
ambition (adjective), makuu.
ambition (noun), makuu.
ambition (noun), mradi, pl miradi, muradi.
ambition (noun), pl ambitions, shabaha (9/10), pl shabaha.
ambition (noun), pl ambitions, tamaa (9/10), pl tamaa.
ambition (noun), tamanio (5/6), pl matamanio.
be overcome by a particular ambition (verb), -filisiwa.
ambitious (adjective), pasi.
ambitious person (noun), mpasi, pl wapasi.
ambitious person (noun), mtamani, pl watamani.
amble (of horses) (adverb), dalji. walk gracefully. kuenda dalji [Rec].
ambush (noun), kioteo (7/8), pl vioteo.
ambush (noun), maoteo.
ambush (noun), kioteo, pl vioteo.
ambush (noun), oteo (5/6), pl maoteo.
ambush (verb), -otea.
lie in ambush for someone (verb), -ota.
place (noun), maficho.
set an ambush for (verb), -vizia.
amen (interjection), amina.
America (USA) (noun), Marekani (17).
American (adjective), marekani.
American (adjective), marikani.
American (adjective), kiamerika.
American (adjective), kimarekani.
American person (noun), Mmarekani (1/2), pl Wamarekani.
American person (noun), Mwamerika (1/2), pl Waamerika.
amiability (noun), upendezi, pl mapendezi.
amiability (noun), upole.
amiable (adjective), changamfu.
amiable (adjective), jamili.
amiable (adjective), murua.
amiable (adjective), muruwa.
amiable (adjective), -pole.
almighty (title of Allah) (noun), jalali.
amiss (adjective), benibeni.
round of ammunition (noun), kiasi.
amnesty (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
amnesty (noun), makombo.
among (adverb), pl layout OK?, baina ya. among the people. ~ ya watu.
among (adverb), kati ya.
among (adverb), miongoni. He, along with many others, was not fortunate
enough to enter Form One of secondary school.. Yeye, miongoni mwa vijana
wengine wengi, alikuwa amekosa bahati ya kuingia kidato cha kwanza cha
shule za sekondari [Balisidya Masomo 344].
among (noun), baadhi (9/10), pl baadhi.
among countries (adverb), kati ya mataifa.
amortization (of a loan or debt) (noun), majilipio.
amortization (of a loan or debt) (noun), majilipizi.
amortization (of a loan or debt) (noun), majilipo.
amount (noun), idadi (9/10), pl idadi.
amount (noun), idadi.
amount (noun), kadiri (9/10), pl kadiri.
amount (noun), kadiri.
amount (noun), kiasi.
amount (small) (noun), baadhi, pl baadhi.
amount of (adverb), kiasi cha.
great amount (noun), mzo, pl mizo.
small amount (adjective), kidogo.
small amount (noun), choto (5/6), pl machoto.
small amount (noun), mchoto (3/4), pl michoto.
what amount? (adverb), kem.
ampere (noun), ampea (9/10), pl ampea.
amplification (noun), ukuzaji (14).
amplification (process) (noun), mkuzo (3/4), pl mikuzo.
amputate (verb), -butua.
have a leg amputated (verb), -katika mguu.
med.amputation (noun), mkato, pl mikato.
amulet (noun), hirizi.
amulet (noun), kafara, pl makafara.
amulet (noun), talasimu (5/6), pl matalasimu.
amulet (against evil spirits or dangers) (noun), pagao (5/6), pl mapagao.
amulet (against evil spirits or dangers) (noun), pagaro (5/6), pl
amulet (small leather case containing a sentence from the Koran used as
medicine wear on the person) (noun), hirizi (9/10), pl hirizi.
mdundugo ( an amulet supposed to make the wearer invincible) (noun),
mdundugo, pl midundugo.
amuse (verb), -chekesha.
amuse (verb), -tumbuiza.
amuse (oneself) (verb), -laabu.
amuse oneself (verb), -cheza.
amuse oneself (verb), -jizungumza.
amuse oneself (verb), -pumbaa kazi.
amuse oneself (verb), -ramisi.
amuse oneself (verb), -tafaraji.
amuse oneself (verb), -tafaruji.
amuse oneself (verb), -zungumza.
amusement (noun), asharati.
amusement (noun), asherati.
amusement (noun), changamko, pl machangamko.
amusement (noun), kichekesho, pl vichekesho.
amusement (noun), maongezi.
amusement (noun), mazungumzo, pl mazungumzo.
amusement (noun), mchezo, pl michezo. he does this only for the fun of
it.. anafanya haya kwa mchezo tu [Rec].
amusement (noun), mteremo, pl miteremo.
amusement (noun), nderemo, pl minderemo.
amusement (noun), pl amusements, tafrija (9/10), pl tafrija.
amusement (noun), pl amusements, tafriji (9/10), pl tafriji.
amusement (noun), zungumzo, pl mazungumzo.
amusing (adjective), chekeshaji. he is an amusing person. ni mtu
amusing (adjective), -cheshi.
amusing (adjective), cheshi.
amusing person (noun), mchekeshaji, pl wachekeshaji.
amusing person (noun), mchekeshi, pl wachekeshi.
amusing person (noun), mzungumzaji, pl wazungumzaji.
something amusing (noun), kiroja, pl viroja.
analogy (noun), tamthili (9/10), pl tamthili.
analogy (noun), ufananaji.
analogy (noun), ufanani.
analysis (noun), mchanganuo (3/4), pl michanganuo.
analysis (noun), uchambuzi (14).
analysis (noun), uchanganuo.
analysis (noun), uhakiki (14).
analyst (noun), mchambuzi (1/2), pl wachambuzi.
analyze (verb), -changanua.
anatta plant (from which an orange dye is prepared) (noun), msingefuri,
pl mizingefuri.
anatta plant (from which an orange dye is prepared) (noun), mzingefuri,
pl mizingefuri.
ancestor (noun), asili, pl asili.
ancestor (noun), baba, pl baba.
ancestor (noun), babu, pl babu.
ancestor (noun), jadi (9/10), pl jadi.
ancestor (noun), jadi.
ancestor (noun), mkale (1/2), pl wakale.
ancestor (noun), mzee, pl wazee.
ancestor (noun), mzimu (3/4an), pl mizimu. Every clan had a god and
their ancestor whom the worshiped.. Kila ukoo ulikuwa na mungu na mzimu
wao waliyemwabudu [Masomo 311].
spirit of an ancestor (noun), mahoka. ancestor worship. ibaada ya
mahoka (or mizimu).
ancestral (adverb), -a kiasili.
meeting place of ancestral spirits (noun), mzimu (3/4an), pl mizimu.
ancestry (noun), asili, pl asili.
ancestry (noun), jadi (9/10), pl jadi.
anchor (noun), nanga, pl nanga.
anchor (verb), -nanga. cast anchor.. tia nanga.
anchor (small) (noun), kinanga, pl vinanga.
anchor (with two flukes) (noun), baura.
anchor chain (noun), ayari, pl ayari.
anchor-chain (noun), amari, pl amari.
weigh anchor (verb), -ondosha nanga.
anchorage (noun), bandari, pl bandari.
anchorage (noun), bendari.
anchorage (noun), maelezi, pl maelezi.
anchorage (noun), utako.
anchorchain (noun), salasila (9/10), pl salasila. the convicts were
bound with anchorchain. Wafungwa walifungwa na salasila.
anchorchain (noun), silasila (9/10), pl silasila.
anchorchain (noun), silisila (9/10), pl silisila.
anchovy (noun), daga, pl daga.
anchovy (noun), dagaa, pl dagaa.
kind of anchovy (noun), kabwiri.
ancient (adjective), kikale.
ancient (adjective), -kongwe.
ancient (noun), kale (9/10), pl kale.
ancient (noun), mkale (1/2), pl wakale.
ancient times (noun), zamani za kale.
ancient times (history of) (noun), uhenga.
in ancient times (noun), siku za kale (9/10), pl siku.
and (adverb), tena.
and (conjunction), aidha.
and (conjunction), na.
and (conjunction), wa.
and so on (abbreviation), n.k. (na kadhalika).
and so on (adverb), kadha ya kadha.
red ant (noun), sangara (9/10an), pl sangara.
and here (conjunction), nako.
and l (adjective), nami.
and so on (conjunction), na kadhalika.
anecdote (noun), hekaya.
anemia (noun), safura (9). lack of blood is anemia. Ukosefu wa damu ni
anesthetize (verb), -usingizisha.
anew (adverb), upya.
start anew (verb), -charuka.
angel (noun), malaika (9/10an), pl malaika.
angel of death (noun), Izraili.
angel of death (noun), nduli (9/10), pl nduli.
rel.angel of death (noun), nduli (9/10).
angel of death (noun), Ziraili (1).
anger (noun), chuki (9/10), pl chuki.
anger (noun), ghadhabu (9/10), pl ghadhabu.
anger (noun), gubu.
anger (noun), hamaki (9/10), pl hamaki.
anger (noun), hasira (9/10), pl hasira.
anger (noun), hasira.
anger (noun), kani (9/10), pl kani.
anger (noun), kani.
anger (noun), kasirani.
anger (noun), kekee.
anger (noun), kiruhu.
anger (noun), kiruu (7/8), pl viruu.
anger (noun), kiruu.
anger (noun), kisirani (9/10), pl kisirani.
anger (noun), mafutu.
anger (noun), mori (9/10), pl mori.
anger (noun), ufurufuru (14).
anger (noun), virugu.
anger (verb), -chusha.
anger (verb), -ghadhabisha.
anger (verb), -kasirika.
anger (verb), -kereketa.
anger (sudden fit of) (noun), ghaidhi (9/10), pl ghaidhi.
anger someone (verb), -tunisha.
make angry (verb), -kasiri.
sudden anger (noun), usukumizi.
sudden fit of anger (noun), kano, pl makano.
acute angle (noun), pl nonagons, pembekali (9/10), pl pembekali.
angle (noun), pembe (9/10), pl pembe. right angle.. pembemraba.
angle iron (noun), filifili.
obtuse angle (noun), pl nonagons, pembebutu (9/10), pl pembebutu.
right angle (noun), pembemraba (9/10), pl pembemraba.
right angle (noun), pl nonagons, pemberamba (9/10), pl pemberamba.
angry (adjective), chungu.
be angry (verb), -chacha.
be angry (verb), -chukia.
be angry (verb), -fyeruka.
be angry (verb), -ghadhabika.
be angry (verb), -kasirika.
be angry (verb), -kasirika.
be angry (verb), -udhika.
be angry (at someone) (verb), -ifya.
be angry at someone (verb), -kasirika.
be angry with someone (verb), -karipia.
be angry with someone (verb), -udhikia ( appl-poten).
be made angry (verb), -chukizwa. All of the people of Tanzania were very
much angered by this action.. Wananchi wote wa Tanzania walichukizwa sana
na kitendo hicho [Nyerere, Masomo 274].
become angry (verb), hasira kupanda.
become angry (verb), -tutuka.
become angry (verb), -tutuma.
become angry (verb), -tutumka.
fig. be angry (verb), -waka.
get angry (verb), -panda mori. Anger overwhelmed me and I ran to the
telephone.. Mori ulinipanda nikakimbilia simu [Ganzel Masomo 167].
get angry suddenly (verb), -hamaki.
make angry (verb), -kasirisha.
make each other angry (verb), -kasirishana.
one who is angry (noun), msumbufu, pl wasumbufu.
anguish (noun), uchungu, pl machungu.
anguish (noun), utungu.
angular (adjective), kipembe.
animal (noun), pl animals, hayawani.
animal (noun), mnyama (1/2), pl wanyama.
animal (like wild cat or weasel) (noun), kanu (9/10), pl kanu.
animal (minute) (noun), kijidudu (7/8), pl vijidudu.
animal (small that steals fowl) (noun), karasa (9/10), pl karasa.
behavior of an animal (noun), unyama.
breeding female animal (noun), koo (5/6an), pl makoo.
dead animal (noun), nyamafu (9/10), pl nyamafu.
fierce animal (noun), pl fierce animals, nunda (9/10an), pl nunda.
like an animal (adjective), kinyama.
small animal (noun), kinyama, pl vinyama.
wild animal (noun), nunda (9/10an), pl nunda.
young (of some animals) (noun), ndama. kid.. ndama ya mbuzi.
young animal (noun), mori. "calf, heifer".. mori ya ng'ombe.
young animal (lamb, calf ) (noun), mfarika, pl wafarika.
animate (adjective), hai.
animating (adjective), changamfu.
animation (noun), ramsa (9/10), pl ramsa.
animation (joyful) (noun), pirikapirika (9/10), pl pirikapirika. Those
animations of the European night. zile pirikapirika za usiku wa Ulaya
Anjouan (island in the Comoros) (noun), Anzwani.
ankle (noun), fundo la mguu, pl mafundo.
ankle (noun), kifundo cha mguu (7/8), pl vifundo vya mguu.
ankle (noun), kiwiko (7/8), pl viwiko.
ankle bone (noun), nguyu (9/10), pl nguyu.
anklet (noun), furungu (5/6), pl mafurungu.
anklet (noun), kigesi (7/8), pl vigesi.
anklet (noun), kugesi (15), pl kugesi.
anklet (noun), pl anklets, njuga (9/10), pl njuga.
silver anklet (noun), mtali, pl mitali.
anna (one sixteenth of a rupee) (noun), anna, pl anna.
annals (noun), bohari, pl mabohari.
annals (noun), bokhari, pl mabokhari.
annex (verb), -nyang'anya.
annihilate (verb), -ponda.
annihilate (verb), -tangua.
annihilate (verb), -tokomeza.
one who annihilates (noun), muumbuzi, pl wauumbuzi.
annihilation (noun), kumbo, pl makumbo.
announce (verb), -bashiri. Listen to the cry that is spreading out/in
sadness announcing/ the dange that is spreading itself.. Pulikeni kilio
kilotawanyika/kwa huzuni kikibashiri/hatari ilojisambika [Alamin Mazrui
"Kilio cha Afrika" 30].
announce (verb), -hadhiri.
announce (verb), -hubiri.
announce (verb), -hubiri.
announce (verb), -julisha.
announce (verb), -komanza.
announce (verb), -nadi.
announce (verb), -taja.
announce (verb), -tamka.
announce (verb), -tangaza.
announce arrival (at a threshold) (verb), -piga hodi.
announcement (noun), kibirikizi, pl vibirikizi.
be announced (verb), -bashiriwa.
be announced (verb), -tangazwa.
be announced (by someone) (verb), -tangaziwa.
announcement (noun), ilani.
announcement (noun), mafafanusi.
announcement (noun), mbiu.
announcement (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza.
announcement (noun), tamko (5/6), pl matamko.
announcement (noun), tamshi (5/6), pl matamshi.
announcement (noun), pl announcements, tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo.
announcement (noun), tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo.
announcement (noun), ubashiri.
announcement (noun), ufafanusi.
announcement (noun), ufafanuzi, pl mafafanuzi.
announcement (noun), utabiri.
announcement (noun), utangazaji.
official announcement (noun), mgambo, pl migambo.
announcer (noun), mnadi, pl wanadi. "one who calls to prayer, muezzin"..
mnadi sala.
one who publicly announces (noun), mtangazaji, pl watangazaji.
one who publicly announces (noun), mtangazi, pl watangazi.
annoy (verb), pl Check verb form translations, -adhibisha.
annoy (verb), -adhibu.
annoy (verb), -bemba.
annoy (verb), -chagiza.
annoy (verb), -chokoza.
annoy (verb), -ghasi.
annoy (verb), -kasiri.
annoy (verb), -kefyakefya.
annoy (verb), -kera.
annoy (verb), -kereketa.
annoy (verb), -nyanyasa.
annoy (verb), -nyonga.
annoy (verb), -nyonyoa.
annoy (verb), -onza.
annoy (verb), -pekecha.
annoy (verb), -peketa.
annoy (verb), -saliti.
annoy (verb), -sonoa.
annoy (verb), -sumbua.
annoy (verb), -sunza.
annoy (verb), -tashtiti.
annoy (verb), -tasliti.
annoy (verb), -tukusha.
annoy (verb), -tusha.
annoy someone (verb), -sononesha (causative).
annoy someone (constantly or intentionally) (verb), -sumbusha
annoying thing (noun), chukizi (5/6), pl machukizi.
annoying thing (noun), chukizo (5/6), pl machukizo.
be annoyed (verb), -chukia.
be annoyed (verb), -sumbuka (intransitive). (s)he began to be annoyed by
the many ropes that had tied it. kaanza kusumbuka na kamba nyingi
zilizokifunga [kifurushi] [Muk].
be annoyed (verb), -udhikia ( appl-poten).
be annoyed at somebody's remarks (verb), -futuka.
be annoyed with someone (verb), -kasirika.
annoyance (noun), changamko, pl machangamko.
annoyance (noun), chokochoko (9/10), pl chokochoko.
annoyance (noun), gubu.
annoyance (noun), janga, pl majanga.
annoyance (noun), kasirani.
annoyance (noun), kerezo, pl makerezo.
annoyance (noun), kero (9/10), pl kero.
annoyance (noun), kisirani.
annoyance (noun), makeke.
annoyance (noun), masubuko, pl masubuko.
annoyance (noun), masumbufo, pl masumbufo.
annoyance (noun), masumbulizi, pl masumbulizi.
annoyance (noun), masumbuo, pl masumbuo.
annoyance (noun), maudhiko, pl maudhiko.
annoyance (noun), mchokocho (3/4), pl michokocho.
annoyance (noun), nongwa (9/10), pl nongwa.
annoyance (noun), sumbuko (5/6), pl masumbuko.
annoyance (noun), sumbuo (5/6), pl masumbuo.
annoyance (noun), taabu (9/10), pl taabu.
annoyance (noun), tafrani (9/10), pl tafrani.
annoyance (noun), tata, pl matata.
annoyance (noun), uchokozi, pl machokozi.
annoyance (noun), uchungu, pl machungu.
annoyance (noun), udhi (5/6), pl maudhi.
annoyance (noun), udhia (14).
annoyance (noun), udhiko.
annoyance (noun), upasi.
annoyance (noun), upekecho.
annoyance (noun), usumbufu.
annoyance (noun), utesaji.
annoyance (noun), utesi.
annoyance (noun), utungu.
annoyance (noun), zahama.
annoyance (noun), zahimu.
expression of annoyance (interjection), aka.
be annoyed (verb), -kasirika.
be annoyed (verb), -tuna.
be annoyed (verb), -udhika.
annoying (adjective), chovu.
annoying (adjective), peketevu.
annoying (adjective), pekutevu.
annoying (adjective), sumbufu.
annoying (adjective), tukutu.
annoying (adverb), -chokozi.
annoying person (noun), mchokozi (1/2), pl wachokozi.
annoying person (noun), mchoshi, pl wachoshi.
annoying person (noun), mchovu, pl wachovu.
annoying person (noun), mchovu, pl wachovu.
annoying person (noun), msumbufu, pl wasumbufu.
be annoying (verb), -elemea.
be annoying (verb), -elemea.
be annoying (verb), -lemea.
annul (verb), -batili.
annul (verb), -batilisha.
annul (verb), -tangua. annul the law. tangua sheria.
annul a marriage (verb), -taliki.
be annulled (verb), -batilika.
annulment (noun), kitanguo (7/8), pl vitanguo.
annulment (noun), mbanduko (3/4), pl mibanduko.
annulment (noun), pl annulments, mtanguo (3/4), pl mitanguo.
annulment (noun), tanguko (5/6), pl matanguko.
annulment (noun), tanguo (5/6), pl matanguo.
annulment (noun), uvunjaji.
annulment (noun), uvunjifu.
annulment (noun), uvunjo.
anodyne (noun), tulizo, pl matulizo.
anomalous (adjective), ajabu.
another (adjective), -ingine.
another (adjective), kingine, pl vingine.
another person (pronoun), pl other people, mwingine, pl wengine.
at another place (adjective), pengine. "in any event, perhaps"..
pengine na pengine.
at another time (adjective), pengine. "in any event, perhaps".. pengine
na pengine.
in another way (adverb), vingine.
answer (noun), itikio, pl maitikio.
answer (noun), itiko, pl maitiko.
answer (noun), jawabu (5/6), pl majawabu.
answer (noun), jawabu, pl majawabu.
answer (noun), jibu (5/6), pl majibu.
answer (noun), jibu, pl majibu.
answer (noun), utambulifu.
answer (noun), utambulizi.
answer (noun), utambuzi.
answer (verb), -jibu.
answer (verb), -jibu.
answer a call (verb), -itika.
answer a call (verb), -itikia.
answer in the negative (verb), -jibu kwa kukataa.
answer someone (verb), -itikia ( appl-intr).
answer someone (verb), -jibia.
be answered (verb), -jibiwa.
ant (noun), chungu (9/10), pl chungu.
ant (noun), pl ants, siafu (9/10an), pl siafu. the ants climbed the
tree. Siafu walitembea juu ya mti.
ant (large black kind) (noun), sungusungu (9/10an), pl sungusungu.
ant (small black harmless kind) (noun), pl ants, sisimizi (9/10an), pl
ant (winged white kind) (noun), ngumbi (9/10an), pl ngumbi.
drive away ants with firebrands (verb), -zira.
edible white ant (noun), kumbikumbi.
red ant (kind of) (noun), samesame (9/10an), pl samesame.
white ant (noun), mchwa (9/10an), pl mchwa.
ant-bear (noun), loma.
ant-heap (noun), chuguu (5/6), pl machuguu.
active antagonism (noun), upingamishi.
antagonism (noun), husuma.
antagonism (noun), magombezi.
antagonism (noun), magombezo.
antagonism (noun), uhasama (14).
antagonism (noun), uhasama.
antagonism (noun), uhusuma.
antagonize (verb), -tesanya.
antagonize (verb), -teteleza.
antechamber (noun), sabule (9/10), pl sabule.
antechamber (noun), pl living rooms, sebule (9/10), pl sebule.
antelope (noun), mbaa.
antelope (noun), mbala.
antelope (noun), mbawara.
antelope (noun), mbugnu.
antelope (noun), mbwara.
antelope (noun), swala (9/10an), pl swala.
antelope (kind of) (noun), dondoo.
antelope (kind of) (noun), dondoro.
antelope (species of) (noun), kongoni (9/10).
antelope (species of) (noun), kuguni (9/10).
antelope (species of) (noun), kulungu.
antelope (species of) (noun), kungu.
antelope (species of) (noun), kuro.
antelope (species of) (noun), kuungu.
antelope (various species of) (noun), nyumbu (9/10an), pl nyumbu.
antelope species (Abbott's duiker (noun), mindi.
kasia (species of antelope, oribi) (noun), kasia, pl makasia.
kind of antelope (noun), funo.
sable antelope (noun), mbarapi (9/10an), pl mparapi.
sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) (noun), palahala (9/10an), pl
species of antelope, Strepsiceros strepsiceros (noun), malu.
zool. species of antelope (waterbuck) (noun), ndogoro.
antenna (noun), erieli.
antenna (noun), udevu, pl ndevu/madevu.
antenna (of an insect) (noun), devu, pl madevu.
antenna (of an insect) (noun), mkia, pl mikia.
antenna (of insects) (noun), kikono, pl vikono.
anteroom (noun), ukumbi, pl kumbi.
anthem (noun), kwaya.
anthem (noun), uimbo.
anthem (noun), wimbo, pl nyimbo.
anthill (noun), chuguu.
anthill (noun), kichuguu (7/8), pl vichuguu.
anti- (adverb), dhidi.
anticipate (verb), -tangulia.
be anticipated (verb), -tazamiwa.
snakebite antidote (noun), punju (9/10), pl punju.
snakebite antidote (noun), punyu (9/10), pl punyu.
antimony (used as a cosmetic) (noun), wanja (11).
min. antimony (for application to the eye as a cosmetic (noun), kohl, pl
antipathy (noun), husuma.
antipathy (noun), karaha.
antipathy (noun), kirahi (9/10).
antipathy (noun), uhasama.
antipathy (noun), uhusuma.
antiquity (noun), kale.
antiquity (noun), uhenga.
antiquity (noun), zamani za kale.
antithesis (noun), kinyume (7).
antithesis (noun), tabaini (9/10), pl tabaini.
anus (noun), kinyo, pl vinyo.
anus (noun), kundu, pl makundu.
anus (noun), mkundu (3/4), pl mikundu.
anvil (noun), fuawe (9/10), pl fuawe.
anxiety (noun), hamkani (9/10), pl hamkani.
anxiety (noun), hamu.
anxiety (noun), hangaiko (5/6), pl mahangaiko.
anxiety (noun), kicho, pl vicho.
anxiety (noun), kiherehere (7/8), pl viherehere.
anxiety (noun), kukuru (9/10), pl kukuru.
anxiety (noun), macheleo, pl macheleo.
anxiety (noun), mhangaiko (3/4), pl mihangaiko.
anxiety (noun), mtafaruku (3/4), pl mitafaruku.
anxiety (noun), shakawa (9/10), pl shakawa.
anxiety (noun), sumbuko (5/6), pl masumbuko.
anxiety (noun), sumbulio (5/6), pl masumbulio.
anxiety (noun), sumbuo (5/6), pl masumbuo.
anxiety (noun), tafrani (9/10), pl tafrani.
anxiety (noun), teso, pl mateso.
anxiety (noun), ubabaifu (14).
anxiety (noun), wahka (14).
anxiety (noun), wasiwasi (14), pl wasiwasi.
anxious (adjective), kadirifu.
be anxious (verb), -hangaika.
be anxious (verb), -jituka.
be anxious (verb), -paparika. Rehema got hold of the new Kanzu and was
anxious to put it on.. Rehema aliivamia kanzu mpya akapaparika kuitia
mwilini [Sul], alipaparika pale kwenye kiti alichokuwa kakaa [Moh].
make anxious (verb), -hangaisha.
any (adjective), -o-ote.
any old way (adverb), hobela.
any old way (adverb), baghala.
any old way (adverb), shaghala.
at any rate (adverb), alau.
anybody (pronoun), yeyote, pl wowote.
anyhow (adverb), alau.
anyhow (adverb), ovyo.
anyhow (adverb), ovyoovyo.
anyhow (conjunction), ala kulli hali.
anyhow (conjunction), walau.
anyone (adjective), ote. anyone. mtu ye yote.
anyone (pronoun), yeyote, pl wowote.
anyway (conjunction), ala kulli hali.
anywhere (adjective), popote.
anywhere (adjective), popote. (s)he visits anywhere. Yeye anatembea
apart (adjective), mbalimbali.
apart (adverb), chemba, pl chemba.
apart (conjunction), minghairi.
apart (preposition), ghairi ya-.
apart from (conjunction), bighairi.
apart from (conjunction), ela.
apart from (conjunction), ila.
apart from (preposition), minajili.
apart from ... (conjunction), sembuse. apart from a shilling, I will not
even give you a cent. senti moja sikupi sembuse shilingi..
be apart (verb), -baidi.
come apart (verb), -kongoka.
one who is set apart (noun), mtengwa, pl watengwa.
take apart (verb), -banua. spread the legs. ~ miguu.
take apart (verb), -changua.
apart from (conjunction), baghairi.
apartment house (noun), nyumba ya ghorofa (9/10), pl nyumba za ghorofa.
apathetic (adjective), kulifu.
apathetic (adjective), kulivu.
apathetic (adjective), -vivu.
apathy (noun), sugu (9/10), pl sugu.
apathy (noun), ubaridi.
apathy (noun), ukulifu.
apathy (noun), ukulivu.
apathy (noun), utepetevu.
ape (noun), nyani (9/10an), pl nyani. big ape.. nyani mkubwa.
ape (verb), -iga.
ape (kind of) (noun), belewasi.
aperture (noun), kipenyo (7/8), pl vipenyo.
aperture (noun), kipenyo, pl vipenyo.
aperture (noun), tundu.
small aperture (noun), mwanya, pl mianya.
apex (noun), kipeo, pl vipeo.
apex (noun), upeo (11/10), pl peo.
aphorism (noun), methali (9/10), pl methali.
aphrodisiac (noun), mkuyati (3/4), pl mikuyati.
apology (noun), pl apologies, radhi (9/10), pl radhi.
apoplexy (noun), kiharusi, pl viharusi.
apostacize (verb), -ritadi.
apostasy (noun), ukengefu.
apostasy (noun), utoro.
turn apostate (verb), -kufuru.
apostle (noun), pl apostles, mtume (3/4an), pl mitume.
apostle (noun), pl apostles, rasuli (9/10an), pl rasuli.
apostle Mohammed (noun), tume.
rel. apostle (Christ), prophet (Isl.) (noun), mtume, pl mitume.
apparatus (noun), ala (9/10), pl ala (nyala, maala).
apparatus (noun), aparati, pl aparati.
apparatus (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
apparatus (noun), kifaa, pl vifaa.
apparatus (noun), zana (9/10), pl zana.
apparatus for removing a spell (noun), aguzi (5/6), pl maaguzi.
apparel (noun), vazi, pl mavazi.
apparent (adjective), -bainifu.
apparent (adjective), dhihirifu.
apparent (adjective), mbayana.
be apparent (verb), -dhihiri.
be apparent (verb), -onekana (potential).
make apparent ( someone) (verb), -pasulia.
apparition (noun), kizuka (7/8), pl vizuka.
apparition (noun), masuka, pl masuka.
apparition (noun), njozi (9/10), pl njozi.
apparition (noun), zuka (5/6), pl mazuka.
appartition (noun), tokeo, pl matokeo.
appeal (noun), lalamiko, pl malalamiko.
appeal (noun), maombezi.
appeal (noun), maombi.
appeal (noun), maombo.
appeal (noun), maomvi.
appeal (noun), mwito (3/4), pl miito.
appeal (noun), ulalamishi.
appeal (noun), ulalamizi.
appeal (legal) (noun), pl appeals, rufaa (9/10), pl rufaa.
appeal (legal) (noun), pl appeals, rufaani (9/10), pl rufaani. their
case has been take up for appeal (legal). Kesi yao ametiwa rufaani.
appeal (legal) (noun), pl appeals, rufani (9/10), pl rufani. file an
appeal (legal). tia rufani.
appeal for mercy (noun), lalamiko (5/6), pl malalamiko.
appeals (noun), kibirikizi, pl vibirikizi.
appeals (noun), marufaa (6).
appear (verb), -chimbuka.
appear (verb), -chomoza.
appear (verb), -elekea.
appear (verb), -fumbuka ( conv-poten).
appear (verb), -ogelea (applicative).
appear (verb), -tokea (applicative).
appear (verb), -tokea.
appear (verb), -tokeza (causative).
appear (verb), -tokezea ( appl-caus).
appear (verb), -tukia.
appear (verb), -wajihi.
appear (verb), -wasili.
appear (of new moon) (verb), -andama.
appear (to be) (verb), -onekana.
appear suddenly (adjective), zulika.
appear suddenly (verb), -zuka.
appear through the clouds (sun) (verb), -chimbuza.
appear unexpectedly (verb), -fumania.
make its appearance (verb), -chimbuza.
(external) appearance (adjective), wajihi.
appearance (noun), dutu (5/6), pl dutu, madutu.
appearance (noun), haiba (9/10), pl haiba.
appearance (noun), heba (9/10), pl heba.
appearance (noun), pl appearances, ono (5/6), pl maono.
appearance (noun), sura (9/10), pl sura.
appearance (noun), tokeo, pl matokeo.
appearance (noun), umbo (5/6), pl maumbo.
appearance (noun), uso, pl nyuso.
appearance (noun), utokezo, pl matokezo.
appearance (noun), uzushi.
appearance (noun), uzuzi.
appearance (external) (noun), mandhari.
appearance (external) (noun), shabihi (9/10), pl shabihi. (s)he has a
flaggarant appearance. Yeye ana shabihi malidadi.
appearance (of the face) (noun), sini (9/10), pl sini.
excessive attention to one's appearance (noun), umalidadi.
excessive attention to one's appearance (noun), umaridadi.
external appearance (noun), jisima, pl majisima.
sudden appearance (noun), uchomozi.
appease (verb), -afikanisha (causative).
appease (verb), -afiki.
appease (verb), -burudisha.
appease (verb), -gonea.
appease (verb), -gonia (applicative).
appease (verb), -patanisha.
appease (verb), -pendeza.
appease (verb), -sakiti.
appease (verb), -tumbuiza.
appease (hunger) (verb), -kuta.
be appeased (verb), -burudika.
be appeased (of desires) (verb), -tamauka.
be appeased (verb), -shiba. will you be appeased by this food?.
utashiba chakula hiki?.
appeasement (of hunger or thirst) (noun), shibe (9/10), pl shibe.
appeasement is the abode of evil.. Shibe ni nyumba ya baa.
appelation (noun), jina, pl majina.
appendix (noun), kibole, pl vibole.
appendix (noun), nyongeza (9/10), pl nyongeza.
appetite (noun), njaa (9/10), pl njaa.
tremendous appetite (noun), kikomba cha njaa, pl vikomba vya njaa.
appetizer (noun), ajari (9/10), pl ajari.
pickled appetizer (noun), achali (9/10), pl achali.
pickled appetizer (noun), achari (9/10), pl achari.
appetizing (adjective), tamu. appetizing food. chakula kitamu.
be appetizing (verb), -chapukia.
applaud (verb), -shangilia. the youth applauded their team after it won.
Vijana walishangilia timu yao baada ya kushinda.
applause (noun), kifijo, pl vifijo.
applause (noun), kigelegele (7/8), pl vigelegele.
applause (noun), sifa (9/10), pl sifa. applause of happiness. sifa za
applause (noun), sifu (9/10), pl sifu.
applause (noun), vifijo (8).
apple (kind of) (noun), tofaa (5/6), pl matofaa.
apple (kind of) (noun), tufaha (5/6), pl matufaha.
custard apple (fruit of the mtomoko or mtopetope) (noun), tomoko, pl
custard-apple tree (noun), mtopetope (3/4), pl mitopetope.
custard-apple tree, Annona squamosa (noun), mtomoko, pl mitomoko.
Malay apple tree (Eugenia malaccensis) (noun), mtomondo, pl mitomondo.
mjoho (velvet apple tree) (noun), mjoho, pl mijoho.
rose apple (noun), darabi, pl madarabi.
rose apple(Malay apple tree) (noun), mtofaa, pl mitofaa.
rose apple(Malay apple tree) (noun), mtofaha, pl mitofaha.
appliance (noun), ala (9/10), pl ala (nyala, maala).
applicant (noun), mgombea, pl wagombea. candidate in an election..
mgombea uchaguzi.
applicant (noun), mgombeaji, pl wagombeaji. candidate in an election..
mgombea uchaguzi.
applicant (noun), mhitaji, pl wahitaji.
applicant (noun), mtaka, pl wataka.
applicant (noun), mtakaji, pl watakaji.
application (noun), mbandiko (3/4), pl mibandiko.
application (noun), mtumo, pl mitumo.
application (noun), uombezi.
application (noun), uombi.
applied thing (noun), mpakato (3/4), pl mipakato.
one who applies something (noun), mpaka, pl wapaka.
one who applies something (noun), mpakaji, pl wapakaji.
one who applies something (noun), mpaki, pl wapaki.
one who applies something (noun), mtia, pl watia. painter. mtia rangi.
one who applies something (noun), mtiaji, pl watiaji. painter. mtia
apply (verb), -paka. whitewash.. pake chokaa.
apply (verb), -pakaa. whitewash.. pake chokaa.
apply (verb), -tia.
apply (a bandage or splint) (verb), -pakaza.
apply by stretching (verb), -wamba.
apply to (verb), -husika.
rub (the body) with oil (verb), -paka mafuta. whitewash.. pake chokaa.
applying (noun), utilaji.
appoint (verb), -asisiwa.
appoint (verb), -simamika (intransitive).
appoint (verb), -simika.
appoint (verb), -simika (intransitive).
appoint as agent (verb), -wakilisha.
appoint as deputy (verb), -wakilisha.
appoint as representative (verb), -wakilisha.
be appointed (verb), -asiswa.
be appointed (verb), -teuliwa.
appointment (noun), daraka (5/6), pl madaraka.
appointment (noun), uteuzi (14).
appointment (noun), wakala (11).
appointments (of a house) (noun), kipambo, pl vipambo.
apportionment (noun), gawio (5/6), pl magawio.
appraisal (noun), ukadiri.
appraisal (noun), ukadirifu.
appraise (verb), -hesabu.
appraise (verb), -thamini.
appreciate (verb), -thamini.
show appreciation (verb), -tuza.
apprehension (noun), dukuduku.
be apprehensive about (verb), -chelea (applicative).
apprentice (noun), mwanafunzi, pl wanafunzi.
apprentice (noun), mwanagenzi (1/2), pl wanagenzi.
apprentice (noun), tarajali (5/6an), pl matarajali.
apprenticeship (noun), uanafunzi (14).
approach (noun), jilio, pl majilio.
approach (noun), jio, pl majio.
approach (noun), maingilio. armed intervention. maingilio ya kivita.
approach (noun), majilio.
approach (noun), msogeo (3/4), pl misogeo.
approach (verb), -chegama.
approach (verb), -egama.
approach (verb), -egemea. Boke approaches Chahe.. Boke anamwegemea
Chahe [Chacha, Masomo 376].
approach (verb), -gusisha.
approach (verb), -jia.
approach (verb), -jongea.
approach (verb), -jongea.
approach (verb), -kabili.
approach (verb), -karibia.
approach (verb), -karibia.
approach (verb), -kurubia.
approach (verb), -sogea.
approach (verb), -sogea karibu.
approach (verb), -sogelea (applicative).
approach someone (verb), -sozana (associative).
approach someone with deceit and deception (verb), -rambaza.
approach something (verb), -jongelea (applicative).
approach stealthily (verb), -gundulia.
approach stealthily (verb), -nyemelea.
approaching each other (verb), -karibiana.
be approaching (verb), -elekewa (passive).
cause to come near without touching (verb), -ambaza.
come near to without touching (verb), -ambaa. They went past the town
without entering it.. waliambaa mji bila ya kuingia.
be approachable (verb), -ambilika.
approaching (adjective), karibia.
appropriate (adjective), muafaka. Truly being in bed is the appropriate
place for a person with problems.. Kweli kitandani ni mahali muafaka kwa
mtu mwenye matatizo [Chacha, Masomo 374].
appropriate (by force) (verb), -poka.
appropriate (usually in reference to actions or behavior) (adjective),
laiki. The Honored One of wonders, appropriate for every praise..
Mtukufu wa mizungu, laiki wa kila sifa [Shaaban Robert, Masomo 426].
appropriate to (adverb), kwa kiasi.
as is appropriate (phrase), kiasi cha ada tu.
be appropriate (verb), -sadifu.
be appropriate (verb), -sihi.
be appropriate (verb), -wafiki.
appropriately (adverb), barabara. To prepare children so that they will
be able to participate appropriately in national life.. Kuwatayarisha
watoto waweze kushiriki barabara katika maisha ya taifa [Masomo 256].
appropriately (adverb), kwa kadiri.
approval (noun), idhini.
approval (noun), kibali (7/8), pl vibali.
approval (noun), kiva (9/10), pl kiva.
approval (noun), radhi (9/10), pl radhi. This arrangement does not meet
with my approval.. mpango huu mimi si radhi nao.
approval (noun), ridhaa (9/10), pl ridhaa.
approval (noun), tajamala (9/10), pl tajamala.
approval (noun), ukiri.
approval (noun), ukubali.
approval (noun), uradhi.
approval (noun), uvumi.
joyful approval (noun), kifijo (7/8), pl vifijo.
approve (verb), -idhini.
approve (verb), -kiri.
approve (verb), -noa meno.
approve (verb), -pokea. approve statements.. pokea maneno.
approve (verb), -ridhi.
approve (verb), -ridhia.
approve (verb), -saidia.
approve (verb), -takabali.
approve (verb), -wa radhi.
be approved (verb), -kubaliwa.
be approved (by a government) (verb), -barikiwa.
approving (adjective), radhi.
approximate (verb), -karibisha.
approximately (adverb), hivi.
approximately (adverb), kama.
approximately (adverb), kiasi.
approximately (adverb), mnamo.
approximately (adverb), nusra.
approximately (adverb), nusura.
approximately (adverb), si kiasi yake. read amount approximately like
yours. kasoma kiasi kama wewe.
approximately (adverb), takriban.
approximately (adverb), wastani.
approximately (adverb), yapata.
approximation (noun), makisi.
approximation (noun), makisio.
appurtenances (noun), vikorokoro.
April (noun), Aprili (9). April is the fourth month. Aprili ni mwezi wa
apron (noun), aproni (9/10), pl aproni.
apron (noun), eproni.
mbwende (apron of beads worn by women beneath their normal clothing)
(noun), mbwende.
small apron of beads worn by women (noun), malindi.
apt (adjective), -elekevu.
aptitude (noun), uelekevu.
aptitude (noun), uhodari.
power of aptitude (noun), wekevu.
power of aptitude (noun), welekevu.
be acquainted with (verb), -jua.
adopt Arab ways (verb), -staarabika.
adopt Arab ways (verb), -staarabu.
Arab (adjective), -a Kiarabu.
Arab from Muscat (noun), mshemali, pl washemali.
Arab from Sheher (South Arabia) (noun), mshihiri, pl washihiri.
Arab person (noun), Mwarabu, pl Waarabu.
Arab trader from the Persian Gulf (noun), msuli, pl wasuli.
in the Arab manner (adverb), Kiarabu.
live according to Arab ways (verb), -staarabika.
live according to Arab ways (verb), -staarabu.
object of Arabian origin (noun), Arabuni, pl Arabuni.
arabesque (noun), mchorochoro, pl michorochoro.
Arabia (noun), Arabu.
Arabia (noun), Arabuni (17).
Arabia (noun), Manga.
Arabia (noun), Uarabu.
Arabia (noun), Umanga.
Arabian Peninsula (noun), Umanga.
Arabian (adjective), -a Kiarabu.
object of Arabian origin (noun), Manga.
Arabic (adjective), Kiarabu.
Arabic (adjective), Kimanga.
make arable (verb), -fieka.
arbitrarily (adverb), kwa jeuri.
arbitrariness (noun), jeuri (9/10), pl jeuri.
arbitrary (adjective), jeuri.
arbitrary (adjective), ujeuri.
arbitrate (verb), -amua.
arbitration (noun), uamuzi (11/6), pl maamuzi.
arbitration (noun), upatanisho.
send to arbitration (verb), pl Trans OK?, -amuliza.
arbitrator (noun), mpatanishi, pl wapatanishi.
arbitrator (noun), pl arbitrator, msuluhisha (1/2), pl wasuluhisha.
arbitrator (noun), pl n, msuluhishi (1/2), pl wasuluhishi. arbitrators.
arbitrator (noun), pl arbitrators, msuluhivu (1/2), pl wasuhulivu.
arbitrator (noun), mwamua, pl waamua.
arbitrator (noun), mwamuzi, pl waamuzi.
cause to act as an arbitrator (verb), -amuliza.
arc (noun), pl arcs, aki (mtiririko wa elektroni hewani) (9/10), pl aki.
arc (noun), pl arcs, tao (5/6), pl matao.
arch (noun), kivimba, pl vivimba.
arch (noun), kivimba, pl vivimba.
arch (noun), kivimbo, pl vivimbo.
arch (noun), pl archs, tao (5/6), pl matao.
archaic (adjective), -kale.
archaic (adjective), kikale.
archbishop (noun), askafu mkuu, pl maaskafu wakuu.
archdiocese (noun), jimbo kuu (5/6), pl majimbo makuu.
be arched (verb), -titia.
architect (noun), mjenga, pl wajenga.
architect (noun), mjengaji, pl wajengaji.
architect (noun), mjenzi, pl wajenzi.
architecture (noun), majenzi.
architecture (noun), ujengaji, pl majengaji.
architecture (noun), ujenzi (14).
architecture (noun), ujenzi, pl majenzi.
National Archives (noun), Jumba la Nyaraka za Taifa (5/6), pl majumba ya
Arctic Ocean (noun), Bahari ya Artiki.
ardor (noun), hashiki.
ardor (noun), mwako, pl miako.
ardor (noun), uharara.
are (verb), ni (auxiliary), pl ni.
there are (verb), kuna (conjugated).
there are not (verb), hakuna.
they are (verb), ziko.
area (noun), cheneo (7/8), pl vyeneo.
area (noun), eneo (5/6), pl maeneo. How many cities have buses to serve
all areas of these cities?. Ni miji mingapi yenye mabasi ya kuhudumia
maeneo yote ya miji hiyo? [Masomo 215].
area (noun), eria.
area (noun), mahala. everywhere. kila mahala.
area (noun), mahali. everywhere. kila mahali.
area (noun), upande (11/10), pl pande.
area (noun), uwanja (11/10), pl nyanja.
enclosed area (noun), uwanja, pl wanja.
open area (noun), uwanda.
open area (noun), wanda.
areca nut (noun), bobo.
areca nut (noun), popoo (9/10), pl popoo. He bought areca nut. alinunua
arena (noun), bigili (9/10), pl bigili.
argue (verb), -babaka.
argue (verb), -bisha.
argue (verb), -gomba.
argue (verb), -hoja.
argue (verb), -hojiana.
argue (verb), -jadili.
argue (verb), -jadili.
argue (verb), -shindua maneno.
argue (verb), -teta.
argue (about something) (verb), -gombea.
argue (with each other) (verb), -bishana.
argue with (verb), -bishia.
argue with (verb), -gombana na.
argument (noun), bishano, pl mabishano.
argument (noun), hoja (9/10), pl hoja.
argument (noun), jadiliano, pl majadiliano.
argument (noun), jadiliano (5/6), pl majadiliano.
argument (noun), mateto, pl mateto.
argument (noun), mjadala (3/4), pl mijadala.
argument (noun), mzozo, pl mizozo.
argument (noun), teto (5/6), pl mateto.
argument (noun), ubishi (14).
argument (noun), ushindani.
argument (for or against) (noun), utetezi (11/6), pl matetezi.
have an argument with someone (verb), -paramia.
an argumentative person (noun), ugomvi, pl gomvi, magomvi.
argumentative (adjective), katavu.
argumentative person (noun), mbishi (1/2), pl wabishi.
argumentative person (noun), mkaidi (1/2), pl wakaidi.
argumentative person (noun), mtetea, pl watetea.
argumentative person (noun), mteteaji, pl wateteaji.
argumentative person (noun), mtetezi, pl watetezi.
argumentativeness (noun), ubishi, pl mabishi.
arid region (noun), mkuranga (3/4), pl mikuranga.
arise (verb), -amka.
arise (verb), -zuka.
arise (a question) (verb), -ogelea (applicative).
aristocratic (adverb), kindakindaki.
arithmetic (verb), -hesabu, pl hesabu.
Noah's Ark (noun), safina (9/10), pl safina.
arm (noun), mkono (3/4), pl mikono.
arm (noun), pl arms, papatiko (5/6), pl mapapatiko.
arm (of a cuttlefish) (noun), mnyiri, pl minyiri.
upper arm (above elbow) (noun), kilimbili (7/8), pl vilimbili.
arm-twisting (noun), mbinu.
kakakuona (animal resembling an armadillo; it is believed that burning
its scales will ward off wild animals) (noun), kakakaka.
armament (noun), darii.
armament (noun), deraya.
armament (noun), dirii.
armament (noun), durui.
armband (iron) (noun), uzinge, pl mazinge.
armchair (noun), kochi (5/6), pl makochi.
armed forces (noun), majeshi.
armhole (of a garment) (noun), kikwapa, pl vikwapa.
armlet (noun), kikuku (7/8), pl vikuku.
armlet (of ivory or beads) (noun), uvoo (14).
armor (noun), darii.
armor (noun), deraya.
armor (noun), dirii.
armor (noun), durui.
armor (noun), galili (5/6), pl magalili.
armor (noun), gamba (5/6), pl magamba.
iron armor (noun), dirizi.
armored (adjective), kifaru, pl vifaru.
armpit (noun), kikwapa (7/8), pl vikwapa.
armpit (noun), kwapa (5/6), pl makwapa.
in the armpit (noun), kwapani, pl makwapani. The dress that was her
school uniform she wrapped in her head scarf and carried it under her
arm.. Gauni ambalo lilikuwa vazi rasmi la shule alilifunga katika
kitambaa chake cha kichwa na kulifutika kwapani [Balisidya, Masomo 350].
army (noun), cheshi, pl macheshi. People's Liberation Army. cheshi la
ukombozi la umma.
army (noun), jeshi, pl majeshi.
army (noun), jeshi (5/6), pl majeshi.
aroma (noun), arufu, pl harufu.
aroma (noun), harufu.
aroma (noun), ladha (9/10), pl ladha.
aroma (noun), riha (9/10), pl riha. I don't like his/her aroma. Sipendi
riha yake.
aromatic substance (noun), mnukio, pl minukio.
around (adverb), karibu.
around (conjunction), kama.
go around (verb), -zingira.
go around (verb), -zungua.
go around (verb), -zunguka.
go around something (verb), -zunguka.
turn around (verb), -petua.
turn around (verb), -pindua (converse).
arouse (verb), -sisimsha (causative).
arouse (verb), -sisimusha (causative).
arouse (verb), -zindua.
arouse (unsatisfied) desire (verb), -shau.
arouse (unsatisfied) desire (verb), -shaua.
arouse desire (verb), -tamanisha.
arouse desire (sexual) (verb), -nyega.
arouse strong desire (verb), -rambitia.
be aroused (verb), -nyewa.
arrack (noun), pl arrack could use some elaboration, araka, pl araka.
arraignment (noun), ushtaki.
arrange (verb), -andika.
arrange (verb), -awadha.
arrange (verb), -awaza.
arrange (verb), -buni.
arrange (verb), -nadhifisha.
arrange (verb), -pamba.
arrange (verb), -panga. (s)he swept, arranged items and prepared the
bedroom of the visitor. akafagia, akapanga vyombo na kutandika chumba cha
mgeni [Moh].
arrange (verb), -ratibu.
arrange (verb), -safidi.
arrange (verb), -sarifu. arrange your writing properly. sarifu maneno
[mwandiko] kwa uzuri..
arrange (verb), -serifu. arrange the words well. sarifu maneno
[mwandiko] kwa uzuri..
arrange (verb), -tasifida.
arrange (verb), -tasifida.
arrange (verb), -tengeneza (causative).
arrange (verb), -tunga.
arrange (verb), -zatiti.
arrange (a debt) (verb), -sabidi.
be arranged (verb), -pangika (potential).
be arranged (verb), -tengenea.
arrangement (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
arrangement (noun), andao, pl maandao.
arrangement (noun), daraka, pl madaraka.
arrangement (noun), makataa.
arrangement (noun), maongozi.
arrangement (noun), matengenezo, pl matengenezo.
arrangement (noun), mpango (3/4), pl mipango.
arrangement (noun), mwandao, pl miandao.
arrangement (noun), tengenezo (5/6), pl matengenezo.
arrangement (noun), upangaji (14).
arrangement (geom or polit) (noun), mpangilio (3/4), pl mipangilio.
arrangement (in a row or line) (noun), usawanisho.
take care of the arrangement (of guests at the table, etc.) (verb), -
arranger (noun), mpanga, pl wapanga. typesetter.. mpangaji herufi.
arranger (noun), mpangaji, pl wapangaji. typesetter.. mpangaji herufi.
arranger (noun), pl arrangers, mtengenezaji (1/2), pl watengenezaji.
arranger (noun), mtengezaji, pl watengenezaji.
one who arranges (noun), mtunga, pl watunga. poet.. mtunga mashairi.
one who arranges (noun), mtungaji, pl watungaji. poet.. mtunga
one who arranges something (sets the table, etc.) (noun), mwandaji, pl
one who arranges something (sets the table, etc.) (noun), mwandaliaji, pl
arranging (noun), utungaji.
arranging (noun), utungo.
arrears (noun), kisicholipwa, pl vishicholipwa.
arrears (noun), kisichotendwa, pl vishicholipwa.
be in arrears (verb), -kawa.
get in arrears (verb), -kawisha.
arrest (noun), rimende (9/10), pl rimende. put under arrest.. weka
arrest (noun), rumande (9/10), pl rumande. put under arrest.. weka
arrest (noun), rumenda (9/10), pl rumenda. put under arrest.. weka
arrest (verb), -bamba.
arrest (verb), -tia nguvuni.
arrest (verb), -tia nguvu.
arrest (verb), -weka rimende.
arrest (verb), -weka rumande. put under arrest.. weka rumande.
arrest (verb), -weka rumenda. put under arrest.. weka rumande.
be arrested (verb), -bambwa.
be arrested (verb), -usirika.
arrival (noun), jilio, pl majilio.
arrival (noun), jio, pl majio.
arrival (noun), majilio (6).
arrival (noun), majilio.
arrival (noun), marudi.
arrival (noun), marudio.
arrival (noun), mfiko (3/4), pl mifiko.
arrival (noun), mjio (3/4), pl mijio.
arrival (noun), mjio, pl mijio.
arrival (noun), ujaji.
arrival (point or time) (noun), kifiko (7/8), pl vifiko.
arrive (verb), -cha.
arrive (verb), -fika.
arrive (verb), -fikiana.
arrive (verb), -ja.
arrive (verb), -soza.
arrive (verb), -tokomea.
arrive (verb), -wadia.
arrive (verb), -wasili.
arrive (time) (verb), -timia.
arrive at (verb), -tekelea.
arrive in a country (verb), -pata nchi.
arrive with much noise and confusion (verb), -yoyomea.
cause to arrive (verb), -fikisha.
arrive at (verb), -fikia.
arriving (noun), ujio, pl majio.
arrogance (noun), ghururi (5/6), pl maghururi.
arrogance (noun), kiburi.
arrogance (noun), kimene. the size/stature/height of a person.
arrogance (noun), kinaa.
arrogance (noun), kinaya.
arrogance (noun), kitambi (7/8), pl vitambi.
arrogance (noun), kogo, pl kogo.
arrogance (noun), madaha, pl madaha.
arrogance (noun), majisifu.
arrogance (noun), majivuno. The way he walks shows that he is arrogant.
anapotembea ana majivuno sana.
arrogance (noun), makuu.
arrogance (noun), maringo.
arrogance (noun), ndweo, pl ndweo.
arrogance (noun), takua (9/10), pl takua.
arrogance (noun), ubwana.
arrogance (noun), ufedhuli.
arrogance (noun), ufidhuli (14).
arrogance (noun), ujuba (14).
arrogance (noun), ukinaifu.
arrogance (noun), unyanya.
arrogance (noun), unyeti.
arrogance (noun), upeketevu.
arrogance (noun), usafihi (14).
arrogance (noun), usafihi.
arrogance (noun), usodai.
arrogance (noun), usodawi.
arrogance (noun), uvuvio.
intellectual arrogance (noun), kiburi cha weledi (7).
arrogant (adjective), fidhuli.
arrogant (adjective), kinaifu.
arrogant (adjective), peketevu.
arrogant (adjective), pekutevu.
arrogant (adjective), shashimamishi.
arrogant (adjective), sodawi.
arrogant (adverb), juujuu.
arrogant person (noun), mbezi, pl wabezi.
arrogant person (noun), mfidhuli, pl wafidhuli.
arrogant person (noun), mpeketevu (1/2), pl wapeketevu.
arrogant person (noun), lodi.
arrogant person (noun), rodi (9/10an), pl rodi.
be arrogant (verb), -deka.
be arrogant (verb), -fedhulika.
be arrogant (verb), -fidhulika.
be arrogant (verb), -jetea.
be arrogant (verb), -jiona.
be arrogant (verb), -piga makuu.
be arrogant (verb), -piga makuu.
be arrogant (verb), -nyeta.
be arrogant (verb), -nyetea.
be arrogant (verb), -piga pande.
be arrogant (verb), -pekecheka.
be arrogant (verb), -peketeka.
be arrogant (verb), -safihi.
be arrogant (verb), -safii.
be arrogant (verb), -takabari.
be arrogant (verb), -twaza.
feel arrogant (verb), -ingiwa na kiburi.
arrow (noun), mshale, pl mishale. They grabbed bows and arrows to drive
out the strangers; poisoned arrow.. Walishika pinde na mishale kuwafukuza
wageni [Masomo 205]; mshale wa sumu.
arrow (noun), mvi.
arrow head (noun), chembe (7/8), pl vyembe.
arrowhead (noun), kigumba (7/8), pl vigumba.
arrowroot (noun), uwanga.
arrowroot (noun), wanga.
species of arrowroot, Tacca pinnatifida (noun), mwanga, pl mianga.
arson (noun), uchomaji.
arsonist (noun), mchomaji, pl wachomaji.
arsonist (noun), mtiaji, pl watiaji.
art (noun), kazi.
art (noun), usanifu.
art (noun), usasi (11).
art (noun), weledi.
artwork (noun), pl art works, sanaa (9/10), pl sanaa. artwork. sanaa za
produce a work of art (verb), -sanii. (s)he produced a work of art.
Alisanii choro.
artery (noun), arteri.
artery (noun), ateri.
artery (noun), mshipa, pl mishipa.
carotid artery (noun), halkumu.
artful (adjective), janja.
do an artful job (verb), -sanifu. an artful job. kazi sanifu.
have arthritis (verb), -ugua mifupa.
article (noun), kijitabu, pl vijitabu.
article (noun), makala (9/10), pl makala.
article (noun), makara.
article (in a periodical) (noun), nakala (9/10).
article (in a periodical) (noun), nakili (9/10).
article (in a periodical) (noun), nuku (9/10).
article (of law or constitution) (noun), kifungu, pl vifungu.
the five articles of Moslem faith (noun), nguzo za uislamu (9/10). five
articles of Muslim faith. nguzo za Uislamu.
articulate (verb), -nena. "articulate clearly, don't talk through the
nose".. nena vizuri, usiseme puani.
articulate (verb), -tamka.
articulation (noun), matamko (6).
articulation (noun), matamko, pl matamko.
articulation (noun), matamshi, pl matamshi.
articulation (noun), tamko (5/6), pl matamko.
articulation (noun), tamshi (5/6), pl matamshi.
med. articulation (noun), kiungo (7/8), pl viungo.
artificial (adjective), -a bandia. artificial arm. mkono wa bandia
[Masomo 240].
artificial (noun), bandia (9/10), pl bandia.
artist (noun), pl artists, msanifu (1/2), pl wasanifu. His surprises and
amazements, He is the greatest artist.. Shani zake na mizungu, ni Bwana
wa wasanifu [Shaaban Robert, Masomo 425].
artist (noun), pl artists, msanii (1/2), pl wasanii.
artist (esp. verbal artist) (noun), pl artists, msanifu (1/2), pl
wasanifu. In addition to being a verbal artists a Swahili poet is a
protector of Swahili culture.. Zaidi ya kuwa msanifu wa lugha, mshairi wa
Kiswahili ni mlinzi wa utamaduni wa Kiswahili [Khan, Masomo 394-5].
artlessness (noun), mghafala, pl mighafala.
Arusha Declaration (noun), Azimio la Arusha (5).
as (conjunction), kama.
as (conjunction), kama.
as (conjunction), maadamu. We have done this to save you from failure,
as now you don't have work or anything.. "Tunafanya hivi kukuoka na
janga, maadamu sasa huna kazi wala cho chote"[Balisidya, Masomo 348].
as far as (conjunction), haddi.
as far as (preposition), hata.
as if (conjunction), kana kwamba.
as to (conjunction), kuliko.
as if (conjunction), eti.
asbestos (noun), asbestosi (9/10), pl asbestosi.
ascend (verb), -paa.
ascend (verb), -panda.
ascending (noun), upandaji.
ascending (act of) (noun), kipao, pl vipao.
ascent (noun), kipao (7/8), pl vipao.
ascent (noun), mkweo (3/4), pl mikweo.
ascertain (noun), maizi.
ascertain (verb), -hakiki.
ascertain (verb), -hakikisha.
ascertain (verb), -shuhudisha.
ascertain (verb), -ziua.
ascertain (verb), -zua.
ash (noun), jivu (5/6), pl majivu.
ash-colored (adjective), ifuifu.
ash-colored (adjective), jivujivu.
ash-colored (adjective), kijivu.
ashen (adverb), kijivu.
be ashamed (verb), -aibika.
be ashamed (verb), -fedheheka.
be ashamed (verb), -juta.
be ashamed (verb), -nyara.
be ashamed (verb), -tahayari.
ashen (adjective), jivujivu.
ashes (noun), ifu, pl (--, maifu).
ashes (noun), jivu, pl majifu.
ashes (noun), majivu (6).
ashes (noun), majivu.
pile of ashes (noun), chuguu.
be run ashore (verb), -sozeka (intransitive).
Asian person (noun), Mwasia, pl Waasia.
act of putting aside (noun), weko, pl maweko.
aside (adverb), chemba, pl chemba.
aside (adverb), kando.
aside (adverb), kando.
aside (adverb), ukando.
aside (adverb), upande, pl pande.
lay aside (verb), -dodoa.
put aside (verb), -tenga.
put aside (for someone) (verb), -tengea (applicative).
put aside for (verb), -wekea.
putting aside (noun), uwekaji, pl mawekaji.
putting aside savings (act of) (noun), mweko, pl mieko.
ask (verb), -saili. father asked mother a question. Baba alimsaili mama
ask (about) (verb), -uliza.
ask after someone (verb), -hakikia.
ask for (verb), -omba.
ask for (verb), -ombea.
ask for (verb), -taka. ask for advice/suggestion. taka shauri.
ask for (verb), -takia.
ask for advice (verb), -uliza shauri. ask father for an advice. Mulize
baba shauri.
ask insistently (verb), -sisitiza. (s)he asked insistently again while
looking at that girl. alisisitiza tena akimtazama msichana huyo [Mt],
"Nipe mwalimu", msichana alisisitiza kwa shauku bila kujua alikuwa
akisisitiza jambo gani [Muk].
ask something of someone (verb), -ombea.
ask to marry (a woman) (verb), -posa. money for wedding preparations..
mali ya kuposea.
be asked (verb), -sailiwa (passive). all the workers who were called to
be asked by mrs. Tamima looked at each other. watumishi wote walioitwa
kusailiwa na Bi Tamima walitazamana [Moh].
one who asks for something (noun), mwombi, pl waombi.
be asked (verb), -ulizwa.
askew (adjective), benibeni.
askew (adjective), potoe.
askew (adjective), potovu.
askew (adjective), tanitani.
askew (adverb), tani.
keep on asking questions (verb), -hojihoji.
one who asks for something (noun), mtaka, pl wataka. He who asks for
everything receives nothing.. prov. mtaka wote hukosa yote.
one who asks for something (noun), mtakaji, pl watakaji. He who asks for
everything receives nothing.. prov. mtaka wote hukosa yote.
one who asks for something (noun), muombaji, pl waombaji.
one who asks for something (noun), mwomba, pl waomba.
one who asks for something (noun), mwombaji, pl waombaji.
be sound asleep (verb), -chapa usingizi.
asphalt (noun), bereu, pl maberu.
asphalt (noun), lami (9/10), pl lami.
aspirin (noun), aspirini, pl aspirini.
ass (noun), kitako (7/8), pl vitako.
ass (noun), mkundu (3/4), pl mikundu.
ass (noun), punda. pack ass.. punda kihongwe.
assail (verb), -hujumu.
assail (with words) (verb), -husuru.
assail someone (with words) (verb), -paramia.
underhand assailant (noun), msengenyaji, pl wasengenyaji.
assault (noun), hujuma (9/10), pl hujuma.
assault (noun), hujuuma (9/10), pl hujumaa.
assault (noun), ugoni.
assault (noun), ugono.
assault (verb), -hujumu.
sexual assault (noun), ugoni (14).
assegai (noun), sagai (9/10), pl sagai.
assemblage (noun), kusanyiko (5/6), pl makusanyiko.
assemblage (noun), kusanyo (5/6), pl makusanyo.
assemblage (noun), kutano, pl makutano.
assemblage (noun), makutano.
assemble (verb), -changanya.
assemble (verb), -huduru.
assemble (verb), -jamii.
assemble (verb), -jumuika.
assemble (verb), -kongomana.
assemble (verb), -kusanya. We have assembled these people..
Tumewakusanya watu hawa [Masomo 227].
assemble (verb), -kusanyika. Thousands of Muslims assembled in mosques
all over the city of Mombasa.. Maelfu ya Waislamu walikusanyika katika
misikiti kote mjini Mombasa [Masomo 335]..
assemble (verb), -lundika.
assemble (verb), -rundika.
assemble (verb), -rakibisha.
assemble (verb), -rekibisha.
assemble (verb), -rundika.
assemble (verb), -unda.
one who assembles (noun), mkusanyi, pl wakusanyi.
assembly (noun), baraza. legislative assembly. baraza la kufanya
assembly (noun), mkusanyiko (3/4), pl mikusanyiko. in the evening at the
assembly of people. jioni kwenye mkusanyiko wa watu [Muk].
assembly (noun), mkusanyo (3/4), pl mikusanyo.
assembly (noun), mtaguso, pl mitaguso. general council. mtaguso mkuu.
assembly (noun), umati (14), pl umati.
assembly (verb), -jamhuri.
assembly drawing (noun), mchoro naganaga, pl michoro naganaga.
assembly shop (noun), flotile la kurekebisha.
assembly shop (noun), furutile la kurekebisha.
assent (noun), kibali (7/8), pl vibali.
assent (noun), ukiri.
assent (noun), ukubali.
assent (noun), uradhi.
assent (verb), -afiki.
assent (verb), -idhini.
assent (verb), -itikia.
assent (verb), -kiri.
assent (verb), -kubali.
yes (interjection of assent or approval) (interjection), ewaa!.
assert (verb), -dopoa.
assert (verb), -toboa.
assert dogmatically (verb), -pindana.
assert strongly (verb), -teta.
assertion (noun), maneno.
assertion (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno.
assertion and contradiction (noun), majibizano.
assess (verb), -kadiri.
assess (verb), -thamini.
assessment (noun), ukadirifu (14).
assessment (noun), upimaji.
asset (noun), miliki.
asset (noun), milki.
assets (noun), rasilimali (9/10), pl rasilimali.
assets (noun), rasilmali (9/10), pl rasilmali.
assets (noun), rasilmalii (9/10), pl rasilmalii.
assets (noun), raslimali (9/10), pl raslimali.
assets (noun), raslimali (9/10), pl raslimali.
assiduously (adverb), kwa bidii.
assign (verb), -awadha.
assign (verb), -awaza.
assimilate (verb), -siliki. you can teach him/her, and a child
assimilates quickly. utaweza kumfunza, na mtoto husiliki upesi [Sul].
assist (verb), -auni.
assist (verb), -awini.
assist (verb), -awuni.
assist (verb), -fadhili.
assist (verb), -hudumia.
assist (verb), -nusuru.
assist (verb), -saidia. the Pope assisted poor people. Pope alisaidia
watu maskini.
assist (verb), -tajamali.
assist (for or on behalf of) (verb), -aunia.
assist each other (verb), -saidiana. the farmers assisted each other in
their farm work. Wakulima walisaidiana katika kazi za shamba.
be assisted (verb), -saidiwa. the patient was assisted to walk. Mgonjwa
alisaidiwa kutembea.
assistance (noun), amara (9/10), pl amara.
assistance (noun), egemeo, pl maegemeo.
assistance (noun), huduma.
assistance (noun), humuda.
assistance (noun), kiguzo, pl viguzo.
assistance (noun), msaada (3/4), pl misaada.
assistance (noun), muawana.
assistance (noun), saada (9/10), pl saada.
assistance (noun), usimamizi.
mutual assistance (organized by a group of people living together)
(noun), ngambi (9/10), pl ngambi.
assistant (noun), makamu (9/10an), pl makamu.
assistant (noun), msaidia, pl wasaidia. nurse's aid.. msaidizi wa
assistant (noun), pl assistants, msaidizi (1/2), pl wasaidizi.
assistant (at initiation rites) (noun), kungwi (5/6), pl makungwi.
assistant (on a plantation) (noun), nokoa (5/6an), pl manokoa.
assistant at initiation rites (noun), somo (5/6an), pl masomo.
assistant of the driver (noun), utingo (11/6), pl matingo.
assistant of the mganga (in exorcising spirits) (noun), mteja, pl wateja.
assistant of the mganga (in exorcising spirits) (noun), mteji, pl wateji.
work of a assistant (noun), utaniboi.
associate (noun), mshirika (1/2), pl washirika.
associate (in a business) (noun), mwenzi, pl wenzi.
be associated with (verb), -andamana na.
be associated (verb), -shariki. be associated with a business. shiriki
katika biashara [Rec].
be associated (verb), -shiriki. be associated in business/trade.
shiriki katika biashara.
association (noun), chama, pl vyama.
association (noun), changamano, pl machangamano.
association (noun), jumuiya (9/10), pl jumuiya.
association (noun), ligi.
association (noun), ligu.
association (noun), shirikisho (9/10), pl mashirikisho. language
teachers' association. Shirikisho la Waalimu wa lugha.
association (noun), tangamano (5/6), pl matangamano.
association (noun), umoja (14), pl wingi.
association (noun), unganisho, pl maunganisho.
association (noun), ushirika.
association (noun), ushirikiano.
association (noun), ushirikisho.
be in association with each other (verb), -pitiana.
unregistered association or political party (noun), kundi, pl makundi.
assorted (adjective), mbalimbali.
assortment (noun), baadhi (9/10), pl baadhi.
assume (verb), -aza.
assume (verb), -dhani. A poet usually is born with a special poetic
ability but it shouldn't be assumed that another person may not be an
excellent poet.. Mshairi aghalabu huzaliwa na kipawa maalum cha ushairi
lakini isidhaniwe kuwa mtu mwengine hawezi kuwa mshairi mzuri [Masomo
assume (verb), -nuia.
assume (verb), -waza.
assumption (noun), udhani.
assumption (noun), udhanifu.
assumption (noun), wazo, pl mawazo.
assurance (noun), nguzo (9/10), pl nguzo.
assurance (noun), thibitisho, pl mathibitisho.
assure (verb), -hakikisha (causative).
asthma (noun), pumu (5/6), pl mapumu. asthma is a disease of hold up in
air pressure. Pumu ni ugonjwa wa wakubana pumzi.
astonish (verb), -bumbuaza.
astonish (verb), -bwaga.
astonish (verb), -ghafalisha.
astonish (verb), -shangaza.
astonish (verb), -staajabisha (causative).
be astonished (verb), -ajabu.
be astonished (verb), -sangaa.
be astonished (verb), -shangaa.
be astonished with wonder or admiration etc. (verb), -bloo.
be astonished (verb), -maka.
be astonished (verb), -loja.
be astonished (verb), -roja.
be astonished (verb), -staajabu.
be astonished (verb), -taajabu.
astonishing (adjective), ajabu.
astonishing (adjective), ajibu.
astonishingly (adverb), -a ajabu.
be astonishing (verb), -staajabisha.
something astonishing (noun), kiroja, pl viroja.
astonishment (noun), kimako. be evasive, make excuses, pretend.
astonishment (noun), kiwewe (7/8), pl viwewe.
astonishment (noun), mgutusho, pl migutusho.
astonishment (noun), pl astonishment, msangao (3/4), pl misangao.
astonishment (noun), pl astonishment, mshangao (3/4), pl mishangao.
astonishment (noun), mzubao (3/4), pl mizubao.
astonishment (noun), mzumbao (3/4), pl mizumbao.
astonishment (noun), taajabu (5/6), pl mataajabu.
astonishment (noun), ushango.
exclamation of astonishment (interjection), assalala.
exclamation of astonishment (interjection), salale.
exclamation of astonishment (God forbid!) (interjection), salala.
Salala! dangerous! Subira crushed the teeth. Salala! Hatari! Subira
alibana meno [Sul].
expression of astonishment (interjection), aka.
utter exclamation of astonishment or surprise (verb), -maka.
astonishment (noun), staajabu (5/6), pl mastaajabu.
astound (verb), -gutusha (causative).
astound (verb), -pagaza.
astound (verb), -pumbaza. astound the mind. Pumbaza akili.
astound (verb), -shangaza.
astound (verb), -stusha (causative).
astound (verb), -tatiza.
astound someone (verb), -tatanisha.
be astounded for (verb), -staajabiwa. that is why so and so was
astounded to like so and so. ndiyo maana fulani hustaajabiwa kumpenda
fulani [Sul].
be astounding (verb), -staajabisha.
go astray (verb), -kosa.
lead astray (verb), -kosesha.
lead astray (verb), -ongopa.
lead astray (verb), -potosha.
lead astray (verb), -rubuni.
lead astray (verb), -tasliti.
lead astray (verb), -tongoza.
lead astray (verb), -zaini.
sit astride of something (verb), -jipachika.
astrologer (noun), majusi (5/6an), pl mamajusi.
astrologer (noun), majusi.
astrologer (noun), mjusi, pl wajusi.
astrologer (noun), mnajimu (1/2), pl wanajimu.
astrology (noun), unajimu (14).
astronomer (noun), mnajimu, pl wanajimu.
astronomer (noun), mnajimuu, pl wanajimu.
astronomy (noun), falaki.
astronomy (noun), unajimu.
astuteness (noun), tabasuri (9/10), pl tabasuri.
asylum (noun), stara (9/10), pl stara.
asymmetry (noun), pogo (5/6), pl mapogo. squinting.. mapogo ya macho.
at (preposition), katika.
at (preposition), pa. on the scene of the crime.. mahali pa uhalifu.
be at a loss (verb), -zuzuka.
at last (adverb), alau.
at least (adverb), angalau.
at least (adverb), walau.
at night (adverb), usku.
at the feet (adverb), chini.
at your service (interjection), abee.
atheism (noun), kufuru.
rel. atheism (noun), makufuru.
atheist (noun), kafiri (5/6), pl makafiri.
athiest (noun), kafiri, pl makafiri.
athlete (noun), kakawana, pl makakawana.
athlete (noun), mcheza, pl wacheza.
athlete (noun), mchezaji, pl wacheza.
athlete (noun), mchezaji (1/2), pl wachezaji.
athlete (noun), mchezi, pl wacheza.
athlete (noun), mwanamchezo (1/2), pl wanamichezo. So as to reduce the
expense of providing accomodations for athletes when they come to Dar es
Salaam .... Ili kupunguza gharama za kulaza wanamichezo wajapo Dar es
Salaam ...[Masomo 363].
athlete (noun), mwanariadha (1/2), pl wanariadha.
athletic build (of a man) (noun), ubeja.
athletics (noun), mbio za riadha (10).
Atlantic Ocean (noun), Atlantiki, pl (sing).
Atlantic Ocean (noun), Bahari ya Atlantiki.
atmosphere (noun), anga, pl maanga.
atmosphere (noun), angakewa (9/10), pl angakewa.
atmosphere (noun), hewa (9/10), pl hewa.
upper atmosphere (noun), wangafu (14), pl wangafu.
upper atmosphere (noun), wangavu (14), pl wangavu.
atom (noun), atomi (9/10), pl atomi.
atomic (adjective), atomiki. atomic bomb. bomu la ~.
atomic (adjective), kiatomiki.
atomic energy (noun), nguvu za atom. atomic energy. nguvu ya umeme.
atonement (noun), kafara, pl makafara.
atonement (noun), kitubio (7/8), pl vitubio.
atonement (noun), lipizi, pl malipizi.
atonement (noun), upatanisho (14).
atonement (for homicide) (noun), dia.
rel. atonement (noun), malipizi.
atrocity (noun), ukatili.
atrophied (adjective), dumaa.
atrophied (used of anything which has not reached the state normally
expected) (adjective), via.
attach (verb), -aliki.
attach (verb), -bandika.
cause to attach (verb), -bandikisha.
cause to attach (verb), -bandikiza.
be attached to (verb), -tabiki.
be attached to something (verb), -selea.
be attached to something. (verb), -sehelea.
become attached to (verb), -tabiki.
attachment (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahaba.
attachment (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahuba.
attachment (noun), pendeleo (5/6), pl mapendeleo.
attachment (noun), wambiso (11), pl sing..
attack (noun), hujuma (9/10), pl hujuma.
attack (noun), hujuuma (9/10), pl hujumaa.
attack (noun), taadi (9/10), pl taadi.
attack (noun), tadi (9/10), pl tadi.
attack (noun), utadi.
attack (verb), -fusa.
attack (verb), -hujuma.
attack (verb), -imamia.
attack (verb), -kumba.
attack (verb), -taadi.
attack (verb), -tadi.
attack (verb), -tetea.
attack (each other) (verb), -ramuka.
attack (sudden) (noun), shambulio (5/6), pl mashambulio.
attack (suddenly) (verb), -shambulia. attack each other. shambuliana..
attack each other (verb), -shambuliana. the soldiers attacked each other
in the Gulf war. Wanajeshi walishambuliana kwenye vita vya Gulf.
attack someone (in conversation) (verb), -rukia.
be attacked (verb), -shambuliwa. the cattle keepers were attacked by
thieves. Wafugaji ng'ombe walishambuliwa na wevi.
med. attack (noun), kipindi, pl vipindi.
attacker (noun), foadi (5/6an), pl mafoadi.
attacker (noun), fowadi (5/6an), pl mafowadi.
attacker (noun), pl attackers, mshambulizi (1/2), pl washambulizi.
attacker (noun), shambulizi (5/6an), pl mashambulizi. the attacker was
cut. Mshambulizi alikatwa.
attain (verb), -diriki.
attain (verb), -pata. attain strength.. pata nguvu.
attain (verb), -tadaraki.
attain one's aim (verb), -pata muradi. Follow the commands of God and
you will achieve your aims.. tekeleza amri za bwana upate muradi wako
be attained (verb), -tekelea.
attar (noun), uturi.
attar of roses (noun), alwaridi, pl alwaridi.
attar of roses (noun), halwaridi.
attempt (noun), jaribio (5/6), pl majaribio.
attempt (noun), jaribio, pl majaribio.
attempt (verb), -jaribu.
attend (verb), -hudhuria.
attend (verb), -hudhuria.
attend (verb), -hudumu.
attend a school (verb), -durusi.
attend to (verb), -hudumia.
attendance (noun), hudhurio (5/6), pl mahudhurio.
attendant (noun), mngoja, pl wangoja. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
attendant (noun), mngojaji, pl wangojaji. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
attendant (noun), mngoje, pl wangoje. doorkeeper. mngoja mlango.
medical attendant (noun), mwuguzi, pl wauguzi.
medical attendant (noun), mwaguzi, pl waaguzi.
attendence (noun), hudhurio, pl mahudhurio.
attention (noun), huduma.
attention (noun), maangalizi, pl maangalizi.
attention (noun), makini (6).
attention (noun), matumishi, pl matumishi.
attention (noun), nadhari, pl nadhari.
attention (noun), takabadhi (9/10), pl takabadhi.
attention (noun), tunza, pl tunza, matunza.
attention (noun), tunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
attention (noun), uangalifu (14).
attention (noun), uangalizi.
attention (noun), usikilivu.
attention (noun), usikivu.
attention (noun), usikizi.
attention (noun), ustahifu.
attention (noun), ustahivu.
attention (noun), utulivu.
attention (noun), utunzaji.
attention (noun), utunzi.
attention (noun), utunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
attention (noun), utunzo.
attention (verb), -kabidhi.
attract attention (verb), -pendekeza.
attract attention (verb), -tazamisha (causative).
draw attention to (verb), -bainisha (causative).
give attention to (verb), -tanabahi. without anybody giving attention.
bila mtu yeyote kutanabahi [Muk].
pay attention (verb), -angalia.
pay attention (verb), -endekeza. pay no attention to his words.
usimwendekeze maneno yake.
pay attention (verb), -jihadhari.
pay attention (verb), -sikia. are you paying attention to the cry.
Unasikia kilio.
pay attention (verb), -tanabahi.
pay attention to (verb), -jali.
pay attention to (verb), -jali.
attentive (adjective), -angalifu.
attentive (adjective), sikilivu.
attentive (adjective), sikivu.
attentive person (noun), mkimu, pl wakimu.
attentive person (noun), msikilizaji, pl wasikilizaji.
attentive person (noun), pl attentive people, msikivu (1/2), pl wasikivu.
attentive person (noun), msikizi, pl wasikizi.
attentive person (noun), mwangalifu, pl waangalifu.
attentive person (noun), mwangalizi, pl waangalizi.
be attentive (verb), -wa macho.
attentiveness (noun), maangalizi, pl maangalizi.
attentiveness (noun), siasa (9/10), pl siasa. an attentive person. mtu
mwenye siasa.
attentiveness (noun), usikilivu.
attentiveness (noun), usikivu.
attentiveness (noun), usikizi.
attentiveness (noun), ustahifu.
attentiveness (noun), ustahivu.
atttentiveness (noun), makini.
attest (verb), -hakikisha.
attest (verb), -sahihi.
attest (verb), -sahihisha.
attest (verb), -shahidi. that plate that they ordered for, has remained
and has attested to the rice. ile sahani waliyoagiza, inabaki imeushahidi
wali, ikiwashtaki [Ma].
attest (verb), -shuhudu.
attestation (noun), sahihi (9/10), pl sahihi.
attestation (noun), sahihisho (5/6), pl masahihisho.
attested (adjective), jarabati.
attic (noun), dari.
attire (noun), vazi, pl mavazi.
attitude (noun), kikao, pl vikao.
attitude (noun), mwelekeo, pl mielekeo.
attitude (on a matter) (noun), usemi.
act as attorney or solicitor (verb), -daha.
act as attorney or solicitor (verb), -dai.
attorney (noun), msimamizi, pl wasimamizi.
attorney (noun), mwanasheria, pl wanasheria.
attorney (noun), wakili, pl mawakili.
power of attorney (noun), wakala.
attract (verb), -pendeza.
attract (verb), -tamanisha.
attract (verb), -teka.
attract (verb), -tekeza.
attract (verb), -vuta.
attract (verb), -vutia.
attract (verb), -vutia (applicative).
be attracted to (verb), -vutiwa ( appl-pass).
be attracted to somethin (verb), -sehelea.
be attracted to somethin (verb), -selea.
attraction (noun), hawa.
attraction (noun), kishawishi (7/8), pl vishawishi.
attraction (noun), kishawishi, pl vishawisihi.
attraction (noun), kishushi, pl vishawisihi.
attraction (noun), mvuto (3/4), pl mivuto.
attraction (noun), uvuto.
mutual attraction (noun), uvutano (14).
attractive (adjective), jamili.
attractive (adjective), marini.
attractive person (noun), mtoto shoo (1). attractive children, their
mother should have called them. watoto shoo, mama yake angeliwaita [Ya].
be attractive (verb), -koa.
be attractive (verb), -pendeza.
be attractive (verb), -pendeza (causative).
be attractive (verb), -tamanika.
be attractive (verb), -tamanisha.
be attractive (verb), -tazamika.
be attractive (verb), -tazamisha.
fig. make something appear attractive (by arts of persuasion) (verb), -
look attractive (verb), -nawiri.
make attractive (verb), -remba.
attractiveness (noun), mvuto (3/4), pl mivuto. Her/his poems please
everyone who reads them because of their attractiveness [Khan, Masomo
395]. Mashairi yake humpendeza kila ayasomaye kwa ule mvuto wake [Khan,
Masomo 395].
attractiveness (noun), upendelevu, pl mapendelevu.
attribute (noun), sifa (9/10), pl sifa. (s)he was given a lot of
attributes for his/her work. Alipewa sifa nyingi kwa kazi yake.
aubergine (noun), biringani (5/6), pl mabiringani.
aubergine (noun), mbilingani (3/4), pl mibilingani.
auction (noun), lilam.
auction (noun), lilamu.
auction (noun), mnada, pl minada. auction off.. piga (uza kwa) mnada
auction off (verb), -nadi.
auctioneer (noun), dalali (5/6), pl madalali.
auctioneer (noun), mnadi (1/2), pl wanadi.
auctioneering (business of) (noun), udalali.
audacious (adjective), chagina.
audacious (adjective), -jasiri.
audacity (noun), ujasiri (14).
have the audacity to do something (verb), -thubutu.
audibility (noun), msikilizano, pl misikilizano.
be audible (verb), -sikika. the voice of the radio is audible. Sauti ya
radio inasikika.
be audible (verb), -sikiwa.
audience (noun), hadhira (9/10), pl hadhira.
audience member (noun), pl audience members, mtazamaji (1/2), pl
watazamaji. Chache looks at the audience members.. Chahe anawaangalia
watazamaji [Chacha, Masomo 383].
give an audience (verb), -barizi.
audio cassette (noun), kanda (9/10), pl kanda.
audit (noun), mkaguo (3/4), pl mikaguo.
audit (verb), -kagua.
auditor (noun), mfunga (1/2), pl wafunga.
auditor (noun), mkaguzi (1/2), pl wakaguzi.
auditor (noun), msikiaji, pl wasikiaji.
auditor (noun), msikilizaji, pl wasikilizaji.
auditor (noun), msikizi, pl wasikizi.
auger (noun), mfuo (3/4), pl mifuo.
augment (verb), -ongeza.
augmentation (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
augury of good luck (noun), fali (9/10), pl fali.
rare (kind of) augur (noun), mfuo, pl mifuo.
August (noun), Agosti (9).
aunt (affectionate term for any middle-aged woman) (noun), shangazi
(9/10an), pl mashangazi. n aunt is the sister of the parents. Shangazi
ni dada ya wazazi.
aunt (father's sister) (noun), shangazi (9/10an), pl mashangazi. an aunt
is the father's sister. Shangazi ni dada ya baba.
maternal aunt (same as shangazi) (noun), mbiomba (9/10an), pl mbiomba.
austerity (noun), ukali.
austerity (noun), ukalifu.
authenticate (verb), -sahihi.
authenticate (verb), -sahihisha.
authentication (noun), sahihi (9/10), pl sahihi.
authentication (noun), sahihisho (5/6), pl masahihisho.
authenticity (noun), uthabiti.
authenticity (noun), uthubutu.
author (noun), pl authors, mtungaji (1/2), pl watungaji.
author (noun), pl authors, mtunzi, pl watunzi.
author (noun), mwandikaji, pl waandikaji.
author (noun), mwandishi, pl waandishi.
author (noun), mwanzilishi, pl waanzilishi.
author (noun), mwanzilizi, pl waanzilizi.
author (noun), mwanzishaji, pl waanzilishaji.
inventor; author (noun), mbuni, pl mibuni.
authorities (noun), dola (9/10), pl dola.
(recognized) authority on poetry or literature (noun), karii, pl makarii.
authority (noun), adhama (9/10), pl adhama.
authority (noun), adhima (9/10), pl adhima.
authority (noun), amri (9/10), pl amri.
authority (noun), hukumu.
authority (noun), mamlaka (9/10), pl mamlaka.
authority (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu.
authority (noun), ukubwa.
authority (noun), usimamizi.
have authority (verb), -miliki.
person in position of authority (noun), pl people in position of
authority, mtawala (1/2), pl watawala. We wrote letters to people in
positions of authority. Tuliandikia barua kwa watawala..
public authority (noun), serikali (9/10), pl serikali. interim
authority. serikali ya mseto..
with authority (adverb), kwa nguvu. with authority. kwa nguvu.
authorization (noun), idhini (9/10), pl idhini.
authorization (noun), idhini.
authorize (verb), -idhini.
authorize (verb), -idhini.
authorize (verb), -idhinisha.
authorize (verb), -wakilisha.
authorize (verb), -wezesha.
automatic (adjective), -a kujiendesha.
be automatic (verb), -jiendesha.
automobile (noun), motakaa. "bus, taxi".. motakaa ya abiria.
automobile (noun), motakari. "bus, taxi".. motakaa ya abiria.
automobile (noun), motokaa. "bus, taxi".. motakaa ya abiria.
automobile (noun), motokari. "bus, taxi".. motakaa ya abiria.
autonomy (noun), daraka, pl madaraka.
autonomy (noun), kujitawala.
autonomy (noun), ujitawala.
autumn (noun), demani.
auxiliaries (noun), dhiba.
avail oneself of an opportunity (verb), -taamamu.
to what avail? (pronoun), wapi.
be available (verb), -patikana.
make available (verb), -weka tayari.
something available (noun), maujudi.
avalanche (noun), poromoko (5/6), pl maporomoko. an avalanche. poromoko
ya barafu.
avarice (noun), choyo (9/10), pl choyo.
avarice (noun), papio (5/6), pl mapapio.
avarice (noun), riba (9), pl riba.
avarice (noun), roho (9/10), pl roho.
avarice (noun), tamaa (9/10), pl tamaa.
avarice (noun), tamanio (5/6), pl matamanio.
avarice (noun), ubahili.
avarice (noun), uchoyo (11).
avarice (noun), uroho (14).
avaricious (adjective), kabidhi.
avaricious (adjective), pasi.
avaricious (adjective), takabadhi.
average (adjective), wastani.
average (adverb), -a kadiri.
in average (adverb), kwa kadiri.
on average (conjunction), kwa wastani.
on the average (adverb), wastani.
on the average (conjunction), kadiri.
aversion (noun), bughudha.
aversion (noun), chuki.
aversion (noun), karaha (9/10), pl karaha.
aversion (noun), karaha.
aversion (noun), kinyongo.
aversion (noun), kirahi (9/10).
aversion (noun), uchukivu.
aversion (noun), uchukizo.
aversion (noun), utakalifu.
feel an aversion for (verb), -zia.
feel aversion (verb), -kirihi.
feel aversion (verb), -nyarafu.
have an aversion for (noun), -zira.
inspire aversion (verb), -chukiza.
avert (verb), -tenga.
aviation (noun), uanahewa.
aviator (noun), mwanahewa, pl wanahewa.
avidity (noun), pupa (9/10), pl pupa. have the avidity to do something..
fanya pupa ya.
avocado (noun), pl avocados, parachichi (5/6), pl maparachichi.
avocado tree (noun), mpea (3/4), pl mipea.
avoid (verb), -ambaa.
avoid (verb), pl layout OK?, -baidisha.
avoid (verb), -piga chenga.
avoid (verb), -epa.
avoid (verb), -epuka.
avoid (verb), -epusha. Let's avoid this storm my child; avoiding the
eyes and mouths of peope from oneself.. tuepushe na kimbunga hiki,
mwanangu [Kez], kujiepusha na macho na midomo ya watu [Sul].
avoid (verb), -geua.
avoid (verb), -hadhari.
avoid (verb), -kwepa.
avoid (verb), -piga pande.
avoid (verb), -tahadhari.
avoid (verb), -zungua.
avoid each other (verb), -epukana.
avoid each other's company (verb), -enda mbago.
avoid someone's company (verb), -tukanisha.
be avoided (verb), -epukwa.
cause to avoid (verb), -ambaza.
avoidance (of something unlawful) (noun), haramu.
awake (verb), -amka.
be awake (verb), -changamuka.
be awake (verb), -kesha.
be awake (verb), -nabihika (potential).
be awake (verb), -tanabahi.
be half awake (verb), -ota.
stay awake (verb), -kesha.
wide awake (adjective), kimacho. yellow pigment (dye, paint). lala
awaken (someone) (verb), -amsha (causative). Wake them up, I want to see
them.. waamshe nataka kuwaona [Kez].
awaken suddenly (verb), -zindua usingizi.
be awakened (verb), -amshwa (passive).
be awakened (verb), -zinduliwa (passive).
be awakened suddenly (verb), -zinduka.
awakening (noun), mwamko (3/4), pl miamko.
sudden awakening (noun), mzinduko, pl mizinduko.
sudden awakening (noun), mzinduo, pl mizinduo.
award (noun), tunza, pl tunza, matunza.
award (noun), tunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
award (noun), tuza, pl matuza.
award (noun), tuzo (9/10), pl tuzo.
award (noun), ukoka.
award (noun), utunzo, pl tunzo, matunzo.
award (noun), utunzo.
make an award (verb), -tunza.
be awarded (verb), -tunukiwa.
be aware (of what one is worth) (verb), -jitambua (reflexive).
be fully aware (verb), -nabihi.
become aware of (verb), -tanabahi.
away from (preposition), kutoka.
away from (preposition), toka.
away from (preposition), tokea.
do away with (verb), -katiza.
do away with (verb), -kumba.
do away with (verb), -tangua. do away with friendship. tangua urafiki.
go away (verb), -awa.
go away (verb), -ondoka (potential). Once (s)he leaves for the
workplace. anapoondoka kwenda kazini [Sul].
go away quickly (verb), -rufai.
take away (verb), -ondoa. These ones take away sleep. haya ondoeni
usingizi [Kez].
awe (noun), fazaa (9/10), pl fazaa.
awe (noun), haya.
awe (noun), kicho (7/8), pl vicho.
awe (noun), tahayari (9).
awe (noun), ucha.
awe (noun), uchaji (14).
awe (noun), uchaji.
awkwardly (adverb), shoto. (s)he is working awkwardly. anafanya kazi
awkwardly (adverb), shotoshoto. (s)he is working awkwardly. anafanya
kazi shoto.
awkwardness (noun), machachari, pl machachari.
awkwardness (noun), makeke (6).
awl (noun), gude.
awl (noun), maharazi.
awl (noun), msharasi, pl misharasi.
awn (of grain) (noun), ndevu, pl ndevu.
awning (noun), chandarua, pl vyandarua.
awning (noun), tandarua (9/10), pl tandarua.
awning (noun), ukingo (11/10), pl kingo.
awry (adjective), benibeni.
awry (adverb), upande, pl pande.
ax (noun), choka, pl machoka.
ax (noun), choka, pl machoka.
ax stroke (noun), keu (5/6), pl makeu.
axe (noun), pl axes, shoka (5/6), pl mashoka. (s)he cut the tree with an
ax. Aliukata mti na shoka.
axis (noun), mhimili (3/4), pl mihimili.
axis (of a globe etc.) (noun), kipenyo, pl vipenyo.
azure (color) (noun), samawati (9/10), pl samawati. (s)he has azure
(color) eyes. Ana macho rangi ya samawati.
azure (color) (noun), samawi (9/10), pl samawati.
each (adjective), kila.
each time (noun), kila wakati.
be eager (verb), -fanya pupa ya. I did not want to be eager since he
would have found me out.. sikutaka kufanya pupa maana angening'amua [Ya].
be eager for something (verb), -tapia.
eagerly (adverb), kwa shauku.
eagerness (noun), ari (9/10), pl ari.
eagerness (noun), hamasa (9/10), pl hamasa.
eagerness (noun), pupa (9/10), pl pupa. (s)he was eager to see the
mother. Alikuwa na pupa ya kumwona mama.
eagerness (noun), shauku (9/10), pl shauku. (s)he is eager with them.
ana shauku nao..
excessive eagerness (noun), kipupa. a patched garment. kwa kipupa,
kipupa cha kula.
eagle (noun), kapungu (9/10), pl kapungu.
eagle (noun), kipungu (7/8an), pl vipungu.
eagle (species of) (noun), pungu (9/10an), pl pungu.
kind of eagle (noun), kapungu.
sea eagle (noun), fukombe (9/10an), pl fukombe.
sea eagle (noun), furukombe.
species of eagle (noun), koho, pl koho.
species of eagle (noun), korho, pl korho.
variety of fish-eating eagle (noun), kwazi.
ear (noun), pl ears, sikio (5/6), pl masikio.
ear (of maize) (noun), pl ears of maize, shuke (9/10), pl shuke.
ear (of maize) (noun), pl ears of maize, suke (5/6), pl masuke.
ear ornament (round silver disc) (noun), pl ear ornaments, jasi (5/6), pl
empty ear of maize (noun), pl empty ears of maize, pepe (5/6), pl mapepe.
as mentioned earlier (noun), huko nyuma, pl huko nyuma.
earlier (adjective), -auwali.
earlier (adjective), awali.
earlier (adverb), kale.
earlier (adverb), kizamani.
earlier (adverb), mbele.
earlier (adverb), ubele.
earlier (adverb), umbele.
earlier (adverb), zamani.
earlier (noun), zama.
in an earlier way (adverb), kizamani.
hole pierced in earlobe for ornament (noun), ndewe (9/10), pl ndewe.
hole pierced through the lobe of the ear (noun), njewe (9/10), pl njewe.
lobe of the ear (noun), njewe (9/10), pl njewe.
be early (verb), -wahi.
early (adjective), tangulifu.
early (adverb), mapema.
early in good time (adverb), mapema. early in the morning. asubuhi na
get up early in the morning (verb), -rauka.
earnest (adjective), hodari.
earnest money (noun), kishika mkono.
earnestly (adverb), kwa nguvu. earnestly. kwa nguvu.
one who begs earnestly (noun), mtashi, pl watashi.
one who pleads earnestly (noun), mtashi, pl watashi.
earning (noun), pl earnings, ijara (9/10), pl ijara.
earning (noun), pl earnings, pato (5/6), pl mapato.
earning (noun), ujira (14).
earnings (noun), chumo, pl machumo.
earnings (noun), faida.
earnings (noun), kipato (7/8), pl vipato.
earnings (noun), mapato.
earnings (noun), tija.
earnings (noun), upato, pl pato.
extra earnings (from jobs outside of one's regular working-hours) (noun),
extra earnings (from jobs outside of one's regular working-hours) (noun),
earring (noun), bali, pl bali.
earring (noun), heleni (9/10), pl heleni.
earring (noun), herini.
earring (noun), kipini (7/8), pl vipini.
earring (noun), kipuli, pl vipuli.
earring (noun), pl ear ornament, shamili (5/6), pl shamili.
earring (ebony disc) (noun), pingu (5/6), pl mapingu.
barren ears of grain (noun), mapepe.
damp (earth) (adjective), bichi.
damp (earth) (adjective), biti.
earth (noun), ardhi (9/10), pl ardhi. Concerning the earth and the sky,
His word is true.. La ardhi na la mbingu, neno lake husadifu [Shaaban
Robert, "Rangi Zetu" 4 iii].
earth (noun), dongo (5/6), pl madongo.
earth (noun), dunia (9/10), pl dunia.
earth (noun), inchi. dry land (as opp. to bahari).. nchi kavu.
earth (noun), nchi. dry land (as opp. to bahari).. nchi kavu.
earth (plowed) (noun), udongo.
moist (earth) (adjective), bichi.
moist (earth) (adjective), biti.
pile of earth (noun), boma, pl maboma.
earthen vessel (noun), bia (5/6), pl mabia.
earthenware (noun), sahani ya kaule (9/10), pl sahani za kaule.
imported earthenware (noun), kaule.
earthly things (noun), malimwengu (6).
earthquake (noun), tetemeko (5/6), pl matetemeko.
earthquake (noun), zilizala (9/10), pl zilizala.
earthworm (noun), nyungunyungu (9/10an), pl nyungunyungu.
be at ease (verb), -terema.
be eased (verb), -nafisika.
ease (noun), neema, pl neema.
ease (noun), starehe (9/10), pl starehe.
ease (noun), urahisi (14).
ease (noun), wepesi.
ease (verb), -sahalisha.
ease (verb), -tuliza.
put at ease (verb), -starehesha.
set at ease (verb), -teremesha.
be easily used (verb), -sarifika (potential).
easily (adverb), kwa urahisi.
easily (adverb), urahisi.
easiness (noun), urahisi (14), pl urahisi.
east (noun), maawio (6).
east (noun), maawio, pl maawio.
east (noun), macheo, pl macheo.
east (noun), mashariki (17).
east (noun), mashariki. Middle East. mashariki ya kati/katikati.
east (noun), matlaa.
east (noun), matlai.
East Africa (noun), Afrika ya Mashariki (9).
East African Community (noun), Jumuia ya Afrika Mashariki (9).
Easter (noun), Pasaka.
eastern (adjective), mashariki.
be easy (verb), -sahalia.
easy (adjective), -epesi. Easy and difficult questions should be mixed..
Maswali mepesi na magumu yachanganywe [Masomo 189].
easy (adjective), rahisi. an easy language (=one easy to learn). lugha
easy (adjective), sahala.
get easier (verb), -rahisika.
make easier (verb), -rahisisha.
someone who lives in easy circumstances (noun), mdirifu, pl wadirifu.
take it easy (verb), -burahi.
take it easy (verb), -pumbaa kazi.
easy-chair (noun), kochi (5/6), pl makochi.
easy-going (adjective), legevu.
easy-going disposition (noun), upole.
easy-going person (noun), mlimwengu, pl walimwengu.
easy-going person (noun), mwulimwengu, pl waulimwengu.
be eaten alive (phrase), -liwa nyama mbichi.
be eaten away by insects (of wood or grain) (verb), -bunguka.
be eaten up (verb), -lika.
causing to eat (noun), ulishaji.
eat (verb), -la.
eat (verb), -sukutua.
eat food plain (without relish or sauce etc) (verb), -manga.
eat greedily (verb), -lapa.
eat hastily (verb), -lapa.
eat quickly (verb), -papia chakula.
eat the first fruits of a new harvest (verb), -limbua.
eat the first fruits of a new harvest (verb), -rimbua.
eat the fruits of a new harvest (verb), -rimbua.
eat up (verb), -la.
eat up (verb), -sakata.
eat up (food intended for others) (verb), -ima.
give someone something to eat (verb), -rai.
be eaten (verb), -liwa (passive).
eater (noun), kilaji (7/8), pl vilaji.
eater (noun), mla, pl wala. usurer. mla riba.
great eater, one who likes to eat certain things (noun), mlaji (1/2), pl
eating (noun), maakuli (6).
eating (noun), mlo (3/4), pl milo.
eating (act of) (noun), ulaji.
eating (manner of) (noun), ulaji.
eating-place (noun), pakulia (9/10), pl pakulia. eating-place.. mahali
pa kulia.
person who is constantly eating (noun), mbuge, pl wabuge.
eaves (noun), mchirizi (3/4), pl michirizi.
eaves (noun), mkirizi, pl mikirizi.
eaves (noun), mlizamu (3/4), pl milizamu.
eaves (noun), tango (5/6), pl matango.
eavesdrop (verb), -dukisa.
eavesdrop (verb), -dukiza.
eavesdrop (verb), -pekesheni.
eavesdropper (noun), duzi, pl maduzi.
eavesdropper (noun), mdakizi, pl wadakizi.
eavesdropper (noun), mdaku, pl wadaku.
eavesdropper (noun), mdakuzi, pl wadakizi.
eavesdropper (noun), mdukizi, pl wadakizi.
eavesdropper (noun), mdukizi (1/2), pl wadukizi.
eavesdropper (noun), mpelelezaji (1/2), pl wapelelezaji.
eavesdropping (noun), dukisi, pl madukisi.
ebb (verb), -pwa.
ebb tide (noun), maji ya kupwa (9/10), pl maji za kupwa.
ebony tree (Diospyros ebenum) (noun), mpingo, pl mipingo.
be eccentric (verb), -potoka.
eccentric (adjective), potoe.
eccentric (adjective), potovu.
echo (noun), itikio, pl maitikio.
echo (noun), mvuma, pl mivuma.
echo (noun), mvumo, pl mivumo.
echo (noun), mwangwi (3/4), pl miangwi.
echo (verb), -hanikiza.
economical (adjective), kabidhi.
economical (adjective), takabadhi.
economically (adverb), udohusohu.
economy (noun), chekecheke.
economy (noun), iktisadi (9/10), pl iktisadi.
economy (noun), iktisadi.
economy (noun), limbiko, pl milimbiko.
economy (noun), malimbiko.
economy (noun), mlimbiko, pl milimbiko.
economy (noun), uchumi (14).
economy (noun), ukabidhi (14).
economy (noun), ukabidhu.
economy (noun), uwekevu.
economy (noun), wekevu.
mixed economy (noun), uchumi mchanganyiko (14).
national economy (noun), uchumi wa (ki)taifa (14).
political economy (noun), uchumi wa kisiasa (14).
ecstasy (noun), nishai (9/10), pl nishai.
eddy (noun), kizunguko, pl vizunguko.
eddy (noun), mzunguko, pl mizunguko.
eddy (noun), zunguko, pl mazunguko.
eddy (noun), zungusho (5/6), pl mazungusho.
Eden (phrase), mbuga za peponi.
cutting edge (of a knife) (noun), chinjoni.
cutting edge (of a knife) (noun), machinjoni, pl machinjoni.
edge (noun), genge (5/6), pl magenge.
edge (noun), hanamu.
edge (noun), kando (9/10), pl kando.
edge (noun), kando.
edge (noun), kikunje, pl kikunjo.
edge (noun), kikunjo, pl kikunjo.
edge (noun), kipaa, pl vipaa. surveying instrument.
edge (noun), makali (6).
edge (noun), mialamu (9/10), pl mialamu.
edge (noun), mwalamu, pl miwalamu.
edge (noun), ombwe (9/10), pl ombwe.
edge (noun), pambizo (5/6), pl mapambizo. The edge of the table.
pambizo la meza.
edge (noun), pembizo (5/6), pl mapembizo. The edge of the table.
pambizo la meza.
edge (noun), pl edges, pindo (5/6), pl mapindo.
edge (noun), rinda (5/6), pl marinda.
edge (noun), ukando.
edge (noun), ukingo (11/10), pl kingo.
edge (noun), upindo, pl pindo.
edge (noun), ushi (11/10), pl nyushi.
edge (verb), -kunga.
edge (of a skirt etc) (noun), marinda.
edge (sharp part of knife or sword) (noun), makali.
edgeways (adjective), benibeni.
edging (noun), mshadhari.
edging (noun), mshazari.
embroidered edging (noun), taraza (9/10), pl taraza.
be edible (verb), -lika.
something edible (noun), chakula, pl vyakula. breakfast [lunch, dinner].
chakula cha asubuhi [mchana, jioni].
edit (verb), -sanifisha.
edit (verb), -tengeneza.
editing (of books) (noun), utengenezaji.
edition (noun), toleo (5/6), pl matoleo.
edition (noun), uchapaji.
editor (noun), edita.
editor (noun), pl editors, mtengenezaji (1/2), pl watengenezaji.
editor (noun), mtengezaji, pl watengezaji.
editor (noun), mtoaji, pl watoaji. editor of a newspaper.. mtoaji wa
editor (noun), muhariri, pl wahariri.
be educated (verb), -elimika.
cause to be educated (verb), -adibisha (causative).
educate (verb), -adibu.
educate (verb), -elimisha. The objective of secondary education is to
educate young people.. Madhumuni ya elimu ya sekondari ni kuwaelimisha
vijana [Masomo 262].
educate (verb), -fundisha.
educate (verb), -funza.
educate (verb), -kuza.
educate (verb), -lea.
educate (verb), -somesha (causative).
educate (verb), -taadabu.
be well educated (verb), -taalamu.
be well educated (verb), -tabahani.
educated (adjective), -arifu.
educated person (noun), pl educated people, mtaalamu (1/2), pl wataalamu.
educated person (noun), mwalimu, pl walimu.
educated person (noun), mwanga, pl waanga.
educating children (methods of) (noun), ulezi, pl malezi.
educating children (work of) (noun), ulezi, pl malezi.
education (noun), elimu. mathematics. elimu ya hesabu.
education (noun), malezi (6).
education (noun), matayarisho, pl matayarisho.
education (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza.
education (noun), taalimu (9/10), pl taalimu.
education (noun), taaluma (9/10), pl taaluma.
education (noun), tarjisi.
education (noun), ualimu.
education (noun), ungwana.
education (noun), ustaarabu.
education (noun), utaalamu.
education (noun), uungwana.
education (noun), uwalimu.
education (as a science) (noun), uwalimu.
education (home) (noun), malezi.
education (traditional) (noun), kulea.
education committee (noun), kamati ya elimu (9/10), pl kamati za elimu.
finish education (verb), -hitimu.
receive education (verb), -soma. This child receives an education.
mtoto huyu anasoma.
receive education (verb), -soma. This child goes to school. mtoto huyu
educaton (noun), somo (5/6), pl masomo.
educator (noun), mkalimu, pl wakalimu.
educator (noun), mkufunzi, pl wakufunzi.
educator (noun), mkurufunzi, pl wakurufunzi.
eeeeee (verb), ffffff.
eel (noun), mkunga (3/4), pl mikunga.
effect (noun), athari (9/10), pl athari.
effect (noun), taathiri (9/10), pl taathiri.
effect (noun), tendo, pl matendo.
put into effect (verb), -weka.
effervesce (verb), -chemka.
effervesce (verb), -chemuka.
effervesce (verb), -fura.
effervesce (verb), -fura.
effervesce (verb), -fanya povu.
effervescence (noun), chemko.
effervescence (noun), povu (5/6), pl mapovu. effervesce. fanya mapovu.
efficacy (noun), tendo, pl matendo.
effluvia (noun), ufukuto.
effluvia (noun), uvukuto.
efflux (noun), chururu.
effort (noun), bidii (9/10), pl bidii.
effort (noun), chadi, pl machadi.
effort (noun), harakati (9/10), pl harakati.
effort (noun), idili (9/10), pl idili.
effort (noun), idili.
effort (noun), jadi, pl majadi.
effort (noun), jaribio, pl majaribio.
effort (noun), jitahidi, pl majitihadi.
effort (noun), jitihada (9/10), pl jitihada.
effort (noun), juhudi (9/10), pl juhudi.
effort (noun), juhudi.
effort (noun), kasi.
effort (noun), kite (7).
effort (noun), maelekeo, pl maelekeo.
effort (noun), majadi.
effort (noun), mbano (3/4), pl mibano.
effort (noun), mbio (9/10), pl mbio.
effort (noun), sulubu (9/10), pl sulubu. it will take them many years of
effort. itawachukua miaka mingi ya sulubu [Mun].
effort (noun), ujitahidi.
effort (strong) (noun), ghaidhi (9/10), pl ghaidhi.
make a special effort (verb), -jibidiisha.
make a strong effort (verb), -chachawa.
make a strong effort (verb), -tutumua.
make an effort (verb), -goda.
make an effort (verb), -jika.
make an effort (verb), -jitahidi.
make an effort (verb), -kusuru.
make effort (verb), -kazana.
put effort (verb), -jitahidi.
special effort (noun), ari (9/10), pl ari.
special effort exerted to prevent being disgraced (noun), ari, pl ari.
intensify one's efforts (verb), -kaza.
addled egg (noun), viza, pl maviza.
egg (noun), yai (5/6), pl mayai.
egg (noun), yayi, pl mayayi.
egg on (verb), -tomesha.
egg white (noun), ute (11/10), pl nyute.
put eggs under a hen (verb), -tamisha.
sit on eggs (verb), -tamia.
egg-laying place (noun), tago (5/6), pl matago.
eggplant (noun), bilingani, pl mabilingani.
eggplant (noun), biringani (5/6), pl mabiringani.
eggplant (Solanum melongena) (noun), mbilingani (3/4), pl mibilingani.
wild egg-plant (Solanum bojeri) (noun), mtua, pl mitua.
wild egg-plant (Solanum bojeri) (noun), mtula, pl mitula.
wild egg-plant (Solanum bojeri) (noun), mtunguja, pl mitunguja.
eggshell (noun), kifuu.
egotism (noun), hawa nafsi (9/10), pl hawa nafsi.
egotism (noun), majisifu.
egret (noun), yangeyange.
Egypt (noun), Misri (9). Moses led the Israelites from Egypt to Caanan..
Musa aliwaongoza Waisraeli kutoka nchini Misri hadi Kaanan [Masomo 86]..
Egyptian (noun), Mmisri, pl Wamisri.
eight (adjective), -nane.
eight (noun), themani.
eight (noun), themanya.
eighteen (adjective), kumi na nane.
eighteen (noun), kumi na nane.
eighteen (noun), themantashara.
an eighth (noun), themuni.
an eighth (noun), thumni.
an eighth (noun), thumuni.
eighth month of the Moslem year (noun), Shaabani (9/10), pl Shaabani.
eighth month of the Moslem year (noun), Shabani (9/10), pl Shabani. the
eighth month of the Muslim calendar is a month of preparations for the
Muslims. Shaabani ni mwezi wa kujiandaa kwa waislamu.
eighty (adjective), themanini.
either (adverb), ama.
either or (conjunction), ao.
either... or (conjunction), ama. either this or that. ~ hii ~ or.
either... or... (conjunction), au.
either...or (conjunction), ima.
phy.ejaculation (noun), mshushio, pl mishushio.
phy.ejaculation (noun), mshusho, pl mishusho.
eject (verb), -sua.
ejection (noun), uhamisho.
eland (noun), mbugnu.
eland (noun), mbungu (9/10an), pl mbungu.
eland (noun), pofu (5/6an), pl mapofu.
eland (Boselaphus canna) (noun), mpofu.
eland (Boselaphus canna) (noun), pofu.
elapse (of time) (verb), -jiri.
be elastic (verb), -napukia.
be elastic (verb), -nyambuka.
be elastic (verb), -nyumbuka.
elastic (adjective), nama.
elastic (adjective), nyumbufu.
elastic band (noun), mpira (3/4), pl mipira.
elbow (noun), kiko (7/8), pl viko.
elbow (noun), kikwe, pl vikwe.
elbow (noun), kishigino cha mkono (7/8), pl vishigino vya mkono.
elbow (noun), kisingino cha mkono (7/8), pl visingino vya mkono.
elbow (noun), kivi (7/8), pl vivi.
elder (adjective), -kuu.
elder (noun), mkuu (1/2), pl wakuu.
elder (noun), mzee, pl wazee.
elder (noun), pl sheik, sheik (5/6an), pl sheik.
elder of a native council who is trusted to offer sound counsel (noun),
mhenga (1/2), pl wahenga.
village elder (noun), jumbe, pl majumbe.
elders of a tribe (noun), baraza.
elect (verb), -chagua.
elect someone (verb), -pigia kura.
elect someone (verb), -pigia kura.
conduct an election campaign (noun), votesha (9/10).
election (noun), uchaguo.
election (noun), uchaguzi (14), pl uchaguzi.
elector (noun), mchaguzi (1/2), pl wachaguzi.
pol. elector (noun), mchaguzi, pl wachaguzi.
electric energy (noun), nguvu ya umeme. electric energy. nguvu ya
electricity (noun), elektrisiti.
electricity (noun), nguvu ya umeme. electric energy. nguvu ya umeme.
electricity (noun), sitima (9/10), pl sitima.
electricity (noun), stima (9/10), pl stima.
electricity (noun), stimu (9/10), pl stimu. electric light. taa za
electricity (noun), umeme (11).
electron (noun), elektroni (9/10), pl elektroni.
elegance (noun), madahiro, pl madahiro.
elegance (noun), madahiro (9/10), pl madahiro.
elegance (noun), udibaji.
elegance (noun), ufasihi.
elegance (noun), ulimbwende.
elegance (noun), umaridadi (14).
elegance (noun), utanashati (14).
elegance (noun), uzuri.
elegance (esp. in speaking and writing) (noun), ufasaha (14).
elegance (of clothing) (noun), ubeja.
elegance (of dress) (noun), umalidadi.
elegance (us. in external appearance) (noun), umbuji.
elegant (adjective), kimalidadi.
elegant (adjective), maridadi.
elegant (adjective), marini.
elegant (adjective), murua.
elegant (adjective), muruwa.
elegant (of clothes) (adjective), mofti. wear elegant clothes.. vaa
nguo mufti.
elegant (of clothes) (adjective), mufti. wear elegant clothes.. vaa
nguo mufti.
elegant person (noun), mbuji, pl wambuji.
elegant person (noun), mmbuji, pl wambuji.
elegant person (noun), mrembo (1/2), pl warembo.
elegantly (adverb), kirembo, pl virembo.
element (noun), elementi (9/10), pl elementi.
element (noun), sehemu (9/10), pl sehemu. an element of the machine.
sehemu ya mtambo..
elephant (noun), ndovu.
elephant (noun), tembo (9/10), pl tembo.
elephantiasis (noun), chethamu.
elephantiasis (noun), jethamu.
elephantiasis (noun), jethamu (9/10), pl Jethamu.
elephantiasis (noun), teende (9/10), pl mateende.
elephantiasis (noun), tende, pl matende.
elephantiasis of the scrotum (noun), busha.
elevate (verb), -inua.
elevation (noun), mwinuko, pl miinuko. Elevated places. Sehemu zenye
eleven (adjective), kumi na moja.
eleven (noun), edashara (9/10), pl edashara.
eleven (noun), kumi na moja.
elf (noun), kijini, pl vijini.
eliminate (verb), -ondoa.
eliminate (verb), -tengua.
eliminate (doubts or difficulties) (verb), -hozahoza.
elimination (noun), maondoleo.
elimination (noun), ondoleo (5/6), pl maondoleo. elimination of doubts..
maondoleo ya mashaka.
elimination (noun), ufyekwaji.
elimination (noun), ukumbizi (11/10), pl kumbizi.
elimination (noun), unyesi (11).
elimination (noun), unyezi, pl manyzi, kinyesi.
ell (noun), dhiraa.
ellipse (noun), duaradufu (9/10), pl duaradufu.
elope (verb), -torosha.
eloquence (noun), fasaha (9/10), pl fasaha.
eloquence (noun), ufasaha (14).
eloquence (noun), ufasihi.
eloquence (noun), unenaji.
eloquence (noun), uneni.
eloquence (noun), usemaji.
eloquent person (noun), mlumbaji, pl walumbaji.
eloquent person (noun), mwongeza, pl waongeza.
eloquent person (noun), mwongezi, pl waongezi.
eloquent speaker (noun), mnena, pl wanena. "popular speaker,
demagogue".. mnena watu.
or else (conjunction), ela.
or else (conjunction), ila.
elsewhere (adjective), pengine. "in any event, perhaps".. pengine na
elsewhere (adverb), kwingineko.
elucidation (noun), uelezaji.
elusiveness (noun), utiriri (14).
be emaciated (verb), -tehemu.
be emaciated (verb), -konda.
be emaciated (verb), -ngwea.
be emaciated (verb), -saujika.
be emaciated (verb), -sawajika.
be emaciated (after an illness) (verb), -chururika.
become emaciated (verb), -finyaa.
become emaciated (verb), -gofua.
become emaciated (from disease) (verb), -nyorora.
emaciated (adjective), gofu.
emaciated person (noun), gofu.
send an email (verb), -posta ubarua.
emancipation (adjective), huru.
embankemnt (noun), fuko (5/6), pl mafuko.
be embarrassed (verb), -aibika.
embarassment (noun), aibisho (5/6), pl maaibisho.
embarassment (noun), aibu (9/10), pl aibu.
embargo (noun), katazo (5/6), pl makatazo.
embargo (noun), katazo, pl makatazo.
embargo (noun), marufuku. Smoking is prohibited here. Ni marufuku
kufutia sigara hapa.
embargo (noun), ukatazaji.
embark (verb), -pakia.
be embarrassed (verb), -babaika.
cause each other embarrassment (verb), -dudumikana.
embarass (verb), -koroweza. break one's neck..
embarrass (verb), -aibisha (causative).
embarrass (verb), -bumbuaza.
embarrass (verb), -zuzua.
embarrass publicly (verb), -songamiza (stative).
embarrass someone (verb), -pumbaza. (s)he embarrassed him/her after
everybody else had praised him/her. Alimpumbaza baada kila mtu
be embarrassed (verb), -bahashika.
be embarrassed (verb), -meka.
be embarrassed (verb), -nyara.
embarrassment (noun), bumbuazi, pl mabumbuazi.
embarrassment (noun), chachawizo, pl machachawizo.
embarrassment (noun), dukuduku.
embarrassment (noun), mauzauza.
embarrassment (noun), mzumbao. be astonished/embarrassed/nonplussed..
pigwa [shikwa] na mzumbao.
embarrassment (noun), tahayuri (9/10), pl tahayuri.
embarrassment (noun), uzuzu.
embassy (noun), ubalozi (14).
embellish (verb), -pamba.
embellishment (noun), madoido, pl madoido.
embellishment (noun), pambo (5/6), pl mapambo. The items of
embellishment fell. vitu vya mapambo vikaanguka [Moh].
embers (noun), kaa (5/6), pl makaa.
embers (noun), makaa.
embezzle (verb), -badhiri.
embezzle (verb), -badiri.
embezzle (verb), -iba.
embezzler (noun), mfilisi, pl wafilisi.
embitterment (noun), mabaya, pl mabaya.
emblem (noun), misali. use proverbs in a conversation.. tumia methali
katika mazungumso [Rec].
emblem (noun), mithali. use proverbs in a conversation.. tumia methali
katika mazungumso [Rec].
national emblem (phrase), nembo ya taifa.
embrace (noun), kikumbatio, pl vikumbatio.
embrace (noun), kumbatio (5/6), pl makumbatio.
embrace (noun), pambaja (9/10), pl pambaja.
embrace (verb), -fumbata.
embrace (verb), -jikunyata (reflexive).
embrace (verb), -kumbatia.
embrace (verb), -pambaja.
embrace (verb), -piga pambaja.
embrace (verb), -zonga.
be embraced (verb), -kumbatiwa.
embrasure (noun), kishubaka, pl vishubaka.
embrasure (noun), shubaka (5/6), pl mashubaka, vishubaka.
embroider (verb), -fuma.
embroider (a border or edging) (verb), -darizi.
make an embroidered edge (on) (verb), -tarizi.
richly embroidered Arab robe (noun), joho (5/6), pl majoho.
embroidered (noun), bulibuli. embroidered white cap. kofia ya bulibuli.
embroidering on a kofia (noun), kiua, pl viua.
embroidery (noun), almaria, pl almaria.
embroidery (noun), daraza.
embroidery (noun), tarazo (9/10), pl tarazo. a kanzu of embroidery.
kanzu ya tarazo.
embroidery (on the collar of a kanzu) (noun), kinara, pl vinara.
fine embroidery (noun), viboko.
lines of embroidery on a kanzu, proceeding from the mjusi (noun), mkia,
pl mikia. "lines of embroidery on a kanzu, proceeding from the mjusi"..
mkia wa mjusi.
raised embroidery on the back of a kanzu (noun), jabali, pl majabali.
small zigzag silk embroidery on kanzu neck (noun), kiboko (7/8), pl
embryo (noun), mimba. procure abortion.. haribu mimba.
emerald (noun), zumaradi.
emerald (noun), zumaridi.
emerge (adjective), zulika.
emerge (verb), -jitokeza.
emerge (verb), -tokeza.
emerge (verb), -zuka (potential).
emergence (noun), uzushi.
emergence (noun), uzuzi.
state of emergency (noun), hali ya hatari (9/10), pl hali ya hatari.
emery paper (noun), msasa, pl misasa. This table is not smooth (has not
been well sanded). meza hii haikupigwa msasa vizuri.
emetic (noun), tapisho (5/6), pl matapisho.
emetic (noun), utapishi.
med.emetic (noun), mtapishi, pl mitapishi.
be an emigrant (verb), -hajirika.
emigrant (noun), mhajiri, pl wahajiri.
emigrant (noun), mhamaji (1/2), pl wahamaji.
emigrate (verb), -hajiri.
emigrate (verb), -hama.
emigrate (verb), -tama.
emigration (noun), hamio (5/6), pl mahamio.
emigration (noun), uhamaji (14).
emigration (noun), uhamiaji.
eminence (noun), ujuu.
eminence (noun), ukuu.
eminence (noun), utukufu.
eminent (adjective), kuu.
eminent (adjective), tangulifu.
emit (verb), -toa.
emotion (noun), mtima, pl mitima.
emotion (noun), tukutiko, pl matukutiko.
emotion (noun), tukuto, pl matukuto.
emperor (noun), mfalme (1/2), pl wafalme.
emphasis (noun), kazo (5/6), pl makazo.
emphasis (noun), kazo, pl makazo. accent (on a syllable).. mkazo wa
emphasis (noun), mkazo, pl mikazo. accent (on a syllable).. mkazo wa
emphasize (verb), -kazia.
emphasize (verb), -sisitiza.
emphasize (verb), -tamka.
emphasize (verb), -tilia mkazo.
be emphasized (verb), -kazwa.
say emphatically (verb), -sisitiza.
empire (noun), dola (5/6), pl madola.
empire (noun), miliki.
empire (noun), milki.
be employed (verb), -tumwa (passive).
employ (verb), -ajiri. Every person who has the responsibility of hiring
workers must remember this obligation.. Kila mtu mwenye jukumu la
kuwaajiri wafanya kazi lazima akumbuke wajibu huo [Nyerere, Masomo 282].
employ (verb), -shughulisha.
employ (either person or thing) (verb), -tumia.
employ someone for pay (verb), -ajirisha.
one who is employed (noun), mtumi, pl watumi.
one who is employed (noun), mtumishi, pl watumishi.
employee (noun), mtumi, pl watumi.
employee (noun), mtumishi, pl watumishi.
employee (noun), mtumwaji, pl watumwaji.
employee (noun), mwajiriwa (1/2), pl waajiriwa.
employee (noun), tume.
employer (noun), mkubwa, pl wakubwa.
employer (noun), tajiri (5/6an), pl matajiri.
rare employer (noun), mpanga, pl wapanga.
rare employer (noun), mpangaji, pl wapangaji.
employment (noun), amali, pl amali. their business is house-building. ~
yao ni kujenga nyumba.
employment (noun), kazi.
employment (noun), kibaruwa (7/8), pl vibaruwa.
employment (noun), matumio, pl matumio.
employment (noun), matumizi, pl matumizi.
employment (noun), mtumo, pl mitumo.
employment (noun), utumi.
employment (noun), utumishi.
employment (noun), utumizi (11/6), pl matumizi.
employment (noun), utumo.
employment (casual) (noun), kibarua, pl vibarua.
temporary employment (noun), kibarua (7/8), pl vibarua.
one who employs something (noun), mtia, pl watia. painter. mtia rangi.
one who employs something (noun), mtiaji, pl watiaji. painter. mtia
empower (verb), -idhini.
empower (verb), -jalia.
empower (verb), -wakilisha.
empower (verb), -wezesha.
invest with power (verb), -enzi.
invest with power (verb), -ezi.
emptiness (noun), ubatili (14).
emptiness (noun), ubatilifu.
emptiness (noun), utupu.
empty (adjective), kame.
empty (adjective), -tupu.
empty (adjective), wazi.
empty (adverb), bure.
empty (verb), -komba.
empty (verb), -mwaga.
empty talk (noun), porojo (5/6), pl maporojo. They have stopped iddle
talk. Waacha porojo.
emulate (someone) (verb), -chaga.
emulate someone (verb), -chachawa.
emulate someone (verb), -charuka.
emulation (noun), ushindani.
enable (verb), -jalia.
enable (verb), -wezesha.
enable to reach (verb), -fikisha. Two more years enable her/him to reach
the stage of the doctoral degree.. Miaka miwili zaidi humfikisha kwenye
shahada ya Udaktari [Masomo 265]..
be enamored (verb), -chunuka.
be enamored of (verb), -ashiki.
be enamored of (verb), -ashki.
encampment (noun), kambi (9/10), pl kambi.
enchant (verb), -anga.
enchant (verb), -loga.
enchant (verb), -roga.
enchant (verb), -roga.
enchant (verb), -sihiri.
encircle (verb), -duru.
encircle (verb), -zungua.
encircle (verb), -zungusha.
encirclement (noun), uzingo (14).
encirclement (noun), uzungo.
mil. encirclement (noun), mzingo, pl mizingo.
enclose (verb), -binda.
enclose (verb), -fumbata.
enclose (verb), -fungashia.
enclose (verb), -zonga.
enclosure (noun), boma, pl maboma.
enclosure (noun), jengo, pl majengo.
enclosure (noun), kifungo (7/8), pl vifungo.
enclosure (noun), kitu cha ndani, pl vitu vya ndani.
enclosure (noun), majengo.
enclosure (noun), ua (11/10), pl nyua.
enclosure (noun), uani (11/10), pl nyua.
enclosure (noun), ugo (11/10), pl nyugo.
enclosure (noun), ukigo, pl kigo.
enclosure (noun), zunguko, pl mazunguko.
enclosure (eg yard) (noun), kitalu (7/8), pl vitalu.
encounter (noun), mpambano (3/4), pl mipambano.
encounter (noun), mpiganisho, pl mipiganisho.
encounter (verb), -pambana.
encounter someone in the act of adultery (verb), -feli.
encounter someone unexpectedly (verb), -fuma.
encourage (phrase), -pa moyo. time and again, (s)he encouraged the
mother. muda hata muda alimpa moyo mzazi [Moh].
encourage (verb), -himiza.
encourage (verb), -juburu.
encourage (verb), -juburu.
encourage (verb), -shajiisha. "try it for the second time, try you will
succeed" (s)he encouraged him/herself. "Ijaribu ya pili, jaribu utaweza",
alishajiisha [Sul].
encourage (verb), -sitawisha (causative).
encourage (verb), -sukuma.
encourage (verb), -thibitisha.
encourage (verb), -thubutisha.
encourage development (verb), -vuvumsha.
encourage growth (verb), -komaza.
encourage someone (verb), -chunuka.
encouragement (noun), usukumizi.
encouragement to increased effort (interjection), shime!. Come on now,
let's all pull together. haya shime! tusaidiane!.
encouraging (adjective), changamfu.
encrustation (noun), mjumu, pl mijumu.
encrustation (noun), njumu, pl mijumu.
encyclopedia (noun), kamusi.
be brought to an end (verb), -komeshwa ( caus-pass).
be made to come to an end (verb), -tindikiwa.
bring to an end (verb), -dhamisa.
bringing to an end (act of) (noun), ukomeshaji.
come to an end (verb), -gota.
come to an end (verb), -katika (potential).
come to an end (verb), -malizika.
come to an end (verb), -tama.
come to an end (verb), -tindika.
end (noun), aheri (9/10), pl aheri. from beginning to end, what is your
rock-bottom price?. -toka awali hata ~, (~ yako nini? or ~ yako kiasi
end (noun), akheri (9/10), pl akheri. from beginning to end, what is
your rock-bottom price?. -toka awali hata ~, (~ yako nini? or ~ yako
kiasi gani?).
end (noun), hatima (9/10), pl hatima.
end (noun), kasiri.
end (noun), kikomo (7/8), pl vikomo.
end (noun), mshuko, pl mishuko.
end (noun), mwisho (3/4), pl miisho.
end (noun), ncha (9/10). geogr. north (south) pole.. ncha ya kaskazini
end (noun), pambizo (5/6), pl mapambizo. the end of the table.. pambizo
la meza.
end (noun), pembizo (5/6), pl mapembizo. the end of the table.. pambizo
la meza.
end (noun), tako (5/6), pl matako.
end (noun), pl ends, tama (9/10), pl tama.
end (noun), ukomo (11/10), pl komo.
end (noun), utako.
end (verb), -akidi.
end (verb), -goba.
end (verb), -hitimu.
end (verb), -hitimu.
end (verb), -isha.
end (verb), -isha.
end (verb), -kamili.
end (verb), -katiza.
end (verb), -koma.
end (verb), -kwisha.
end (verb), -maliza. pay/settle a debt. maliza deni.
end (verb), -tindika.
end (apprenticeship or education) (verb), -ihtinsa.
end (of a story or performance) (noun), tamati (9/10), pl tamati.
end of story (noun), mwisho wa habari.
put an end to (verb), -ondoa. put an end to the burial ceremony.. ondoa
rare end (noun), mkomo, pl mikomo.
rare end (noun), mtindo, pl mitindo.
endanger (verb), -hatarisha.
endanger (verb), -hatirisha.
endanger (verb), -ogofisha.
endanger (verb), -ogofya.
endanger (verb), -ponza (causative). The desire to always have things
will endanger you.. tamaa ya kutakataka vitu itakuponza [Ma].
expose oneself to danger (verb), -hathari.
endeavor (noun), maelekeo, pl maelekeo.
be ended (verb), -tama.
have ended (verb), -komile.
endlessness (noun), milele (9/10). life everlasting.. maisha ya milele.
be endowed (verb), -tunukiwa.
endowment (land or money) made to a mosque (noun), wakef (9/10).
endowment (land or money) made to a mosque (noun), wakifu (9/10).
endowment (land or money) made to a mosque. (noun), wakf (9/10).
endowment (land or money) made to a mosque. (noun), wakfu (9/10).
fig. endowment (noun), kipaji, pl vipaji.
endurance (noun), imara.
endurance (noun), itikadi.
endurance (noun), subira (9/10), pl subira.
endurance (noun), subiri (9/10), pl subiri. endurance pulls good luck.
saburi yavuta heri..
endurance (noun), uhodari.
endurance (noun), ulabibu.
endurance (noun), ushupavu.
endurance (noun), ustahimili.
endurance (noun), ustahimilivu (14), pl ustahimilivu.
endure (verb), -chukua. endure hardships. chukua taabu.
endure (verb), -dumu.
endure (verb), -himili.
endure (verb), -kaa.
endure (verb), -shinda. endure pain. kushinda maumivu.
endure (verb), -stahamili.
endure (verb), -stahimili.
endure (verb), -tikiza.
endure (verb), -vumilia.
endure (verb), -weza.
one who can endure great hardship (noun), sui (9/10an), pl sui.
be enemies (verb), -tetana.
enemity (noun), magombezi.
enemity (noun), magombezo.
enemy (noun), adui (5/6an), pl maadui.
enemy (noun), hasidi, pl mahasidi.
energetic (adjective), epesi.
energetic (adjective), hodari.
energetic (adjective), hodari.
energetic person (noun), mshupavu, pl washupavu.
energetic person (noun), mtendaji, pl watendaji. hard worker. mtendaji
do something energetically (verb), -charaza.
energetically (adverb), kasi.
energetically (adverb), kwa nguvu. energetically. kwa nguvu.
energetically (adverb), vimoto.
energy (noun), bidii (9/10), pl bidii.
energy (noun), hima.
energy (noun), hima.
energy (noun), kani.
energy (noun), kasi.
energy (noun), moto.
energy (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu. electric energy. nguvu ya umeme.
energy (noun), nishati (9/10), pl nishati.
energy (noun), sulubu (9/10), pl sulubu. digging charcoal is a very
energetic work. kazi ya kuchimba makaa ni ya sulubu sana [Rec].
energy (noun), uhodari.
energy (noun), ushupavu.
energy (noun), utendaji.
energy (noun), utendi.
energy (noun), utenzi.
energy (noun), uweza.
energy (noun), uwezo.
energy (noun), uzima.
energy (noun), zihi (9).
enervation (noun), ulegeo.
enervation (noun), ulegevu.
enforce (verb), -pulikiza.
enforce (verb), -sisitiza.
bring about an engagement (verb), -chumbisha.
engage (verb), -ajiri.
engage (for marriage) (verb), -posa. Ali got engaged yesterday. Ali
aliposa jana.
engage in (verb), -shughulisha.
be engaged (verb), -shughulika.
be engaged (of a girl) (verb), -chumbishwa.
engagement (noun), jitihada (9/10), pl jitihada.
engagement (noun), mpambano (3/4), pl mipambano.
engagement (noun), pigano (5/6), pl mapigano.
engagement (noun), pl engagements, shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
engagement (noun), uchumba (14).
mil. engagement (noun), mpambano, pl mipambano.
engender (verb), -zalisha.
engine (noun), enchini. steam engine. enchini ya moshi.
engine (noun), enjine. steam engine. enjine ya moshi.
engine (noun), injini (9/10), pl injini.
engine (noun), injini.
engine (noun), mashine. mechanical. kwa kutumia mashine.
engine (noun), mashini. mechanical. kwa kutumia mashine.
engine (noun), mtambo, pl mitambo.
engineer (noun), injinia.
engineer (noun), mhandisi (1/2), pl wahandisi.
engineering (noun), uhandisi (14).
engineering (noun), uinjinia.
England (noun), Uingereza (17).
English (adjective), -ingereza.
English (noun), Kiingereza.
English (noun), Ung'eng'e (14).
Englishperson (noun), Mwingereza (1/2), pl Waingereza.
engrave (verb), -chora.
engraver (noun), mchoraji, pl wachoraji.
engraver (noun), mjume (1/2), pl wajume.
engraving (noun), choro.
engraving (noun), mchoro (3/4), pl michoro.
engraving (noun), nakishi.
engraving (noun), nakshi (9/10), pl nakshi.
be engrossed (verb), -zua.
be engrossed in something (verb), -ziua.
enhance (verb), -koleza (causative).
enhancement (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
enhancement (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
enhancement (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
enigma (noun), fumbo (5/6), pl mafumbo.
enigma (noun), tambo (5/6), pl matambo.
enjoy (verb), -furahia (applicative).
enjoy (oneself) (verb), -faidi.
enjoy oneself (verb), -chachawa.
enjoy oneself (verb), -furahi.
enjoy oneself (verb), -ramisi.
enjoy oneself (verb), -tafaraji.
enjoy oneself (verb), -tafaruji.
enjoy the first fruits (verb), -limbuka.
like to do something (verb), -biabia.
anticipated enjoyment (noun), limbuko, pl malimbuko, milimbuko.
anticipated enjoyment (noun), mlimbuko, pl malimbuko, milimbuko.
enjoyment (noun), raha (9/10), pl raha. find enjoyment.. ona raha.
enjoyment (noun), starehe (9/10), pl starehe.
enjoyment (noun), tafrija (9/10), pl tafrija.
enjoyment (noun), tafriji (9/10), pl tafriji.
enjoyment (after anticipation) (noun), mlimbuko (3/4), pl milimbuko.
enlarge (verb), -kuza.
enlarge (verb), -ongeza.
enlarge (verb), -tanua.
enlarge (verb), -endeleza.
enlarge (verb), -linganisha kuza.
enlarge (a photograph) (verb), -kulia (applicative). a regular thief.
enlarge a hole (verb), -teketa.
be enlarged (verb), -ongezeka (potential).
enlargement (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
enlargement (noun), makuzaji (6).
enlargement (noun), mkuzo (3/4), pl mikuzo.
enlargement (noun), ongezeko (5/6), pl maongezeko. This organization is
spread over the entire country.. chama hiki kinaongezeka katika nchi
enlargement (noun), ongezo (5/6), pl maongezo. This organization is
spread over the entire country.. chama hiki kinaongezeka katika nchi
enlargement (noun), ukuzaji (14).
enlargement (noun), uvimbe.
be enlightened (verb), -erevuka.
enlighten (verb), -erevusha.
be enlightened (verb), -changamuka.
be enlightened (verb), -zagawa.
enlightened (adjective), ekevu.
enlightened (adjective), elekevu.
enlightened person (noun), mwanga, pl waanga.
enlightenment (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza. receive enlightenment..
pata [shikwa na] mwangaza.
enlist (verb), -ajiri.
enliven (verb), -changamsha.
enliven (verb), -kalamsha.
enlivening (adjective), changamfu.
enmity (noun), adawa (9/10), pl adawa.
enmity (noun), husuma.
enmity (noun), sabasi (9/10), pl sabasi.
enmity (noun), uadui (14), pl uadui.
enmity (noun), uhasama (14).
enmity (noun), uhusuma.
ennui (noun), uchokezi.
ennui (noun), uchovu.
be enough (verb), -kola.
be enough (verb), -kora.
be enough (verb), -tosha.
enough (adjective), basi.
enough (adjective), maridhawa.
enough (adjective), taslimu.
enough (noun), kefu (9/10), pl kefu.
enough (noun), kutosha.
enough (verb), -kifu.
have enough (verb), -kinai.
have enough (verb), -tosheka (potential).
more than enough (adverb), mno.
enrage (verb), -chocheleza.
enraged (adjective), kwa meno ya juu.
be enraptured (verb), -sangaa.
be enraptured (verb), -shangaa.
enrich (verb), -tajirisha (causative).
enrich oneself (verb), -jitajarisha (reflexive).
enrichment (noun), mapato.
enrichment (noun), pato (5/6), pl mapato.
enrichment (noun), upato, pl pato.
enroll (verb), -andika.
ensnare (verb), -tega.
be ensnared (verb), -tegwa.
one who ensnares (noun), mtega, pl watega.
one who ensnares (noun), mtegaji, pl wategaji.
ensue (verb), -fuatana. numbers in sequence. Namba zinazofuatana..
be entangled (verb), -pindamana.
be entangled (verb), -tatana.
entanglement (noun), pl entanglements, mtatizo (3/4), pl mitatizo.
entanglement (noun), pl entanglements, tatizo (5/6), pl matatizo.
ask permission to enter (verb), -bisha hodi.
enter (verb), -andika.
enter (verb), -ingia.
enter (verb), -ingia.
enter (verb), -karibu.
enter (verb), -penya. enter under the hole. Penya hapo chini ya pango.
enter a place (with much noise and confusion) (verb), -tokomea.
enter for (verb), -ingilia.
enter through (verb), -ingilia.
enter with a purpose (verb), -ingilia.
enter with much noise and confusion (verb), -yoyomea.
enter without authorization (verb), -rukudhu.
make enter (verb), -ingiza.
permit to enter (verb), -ingiza.
be entered (verb), -ingiwa.
pl. enterprise(s) (noun), kiwanda, pl viwanda.
enterprising person (noun), mtendaji, pl watendaji. hard worker..
mtendaji kazi.
be entertained (verb), -burudika.
entertain (verb), -furahisha.
entertain (verb), -kirimu.
entertain (verb), -starehesha.
entertain (with music) (verb), -tumbuiza.
entertaining person (noun), mcheshi (1/2), pl wacheshi.
entertainment (noun), changamko, pl machangamko.
entertainment (noun), kichekesho, pl vichekesho.
entertainment (noun), mandari.
entertainment (noun), mchezo, pl michezo. he does this only for the fun
of it.. anafanya haya kwa mchezo tu [Rec].
entertainment (noun), raha (9/10), pl raha. find entertainment. ona
entertainment (noun), tafrija (9/10), pl tafrija.
entertainment (noun), tafriji (9/10), pl tafriji.
entertainment (noun), tamasha (9/10), pl tamasha.
entertainment (noun), uhondo (14).
entertainment (noun), vitumbuizo.
entertainment allowance (noun), posho ya tafrija (9/10), pl posho za
tafrija. All the workers were paid entertainment allowance. Wafanya kazi
wote walilipwa posho ya tafrija.
place of entertainment (noun), ramsa (9/10), pl ramsa.
be filled with enthusiasm (verb), -sangaa.
be filled with enthusiasm (verb), -shangaa. the father was filled with
enthusiasm to see that his child had won in the examination. Baba
alishangaa kuona mwanawe ameshinda mtihani.
enthusiasm (adjective), harara.
enthusiasm (noun), idili.
enthusiasm (noun), shauku (9/10), pl shauku. in his/her enthusiasm to
see his/her aims im sports becoming a reality. katika shauku zake za
kuyaona matumaini yake katika michezo yakianza kuwa [Muk].
fill someone with enthusiasm (verb), -shibisha.
make demonstrations of enthusiasm (verb), -shangilia. "Looooh, viva,
viva!" (s)he demonstrated with enthusiasm. "Looooh, viva! viva!"
alishangilia kwa furaha [Muk], nyota zilikuwa zikiwashangilia kila siku
usiku [Kez].
enthusiast (noun), mshabiki, pl washabiki. He is an
enthusiastic/inveterate cardplayer.. mtu huyu mshabiki sana wa karata.
enthusiastic (adjective), maarufu.
be enticed (verb), -shawishiwa.
entice (verb), -alika.
entice (verb), -bilisi.
entice (verb), -shaushi.
entice (verb), -shawishi.
entice (verb), -vuta.
entice (verb), -vutia.
entice away (verb), -torosha.
enticement (noun), bilisi. he is a fanatical football fan.. ana bilisi
ya mpira.
enticement (noun), shaushi (5/6), pl mashawishi.
enticement (noun), pl enticements, shawishi (5/6), pl mashawishi.
enticement (noun), ushawishi.
entire (adjective), kila.
entire (adjective), mote. in the entire house.. nyumbani mote.
entire (adjective), mwote. in the entire house.. nyumbani mote.
entire (adjective), -zima.
entirely (adverb), mbali.
entourage (noun), mwandamano, pl miandamano.
entrails (noun), matumbo, pl matumbo.
entrails (noun), tumbo (5/6), pl matumbo.
entrails (noun), utumbo (11/6), pl tumbo.
remove entrails (of animal) (verb), -pasua.
entrance (noun), mlango, pl milango. the five senses.. milango ya
entrance (noun), uingiaji.
entrance hall (noun), baraza.
entrap (verb), -tega.
entrap (verb), -tegatega.
entreat (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
entreat (verb), -omba.
entreat (verb), -sihi.
earnest entreaty (noun), ombolezo (5/6), pl maombolezo.
entreaty (noun), lalamiko, pl malalamiko.
entreaty (noun), maombezi.
entreaty (noun), maombi.
entreaty (noun), maombo.
entreaty (noun), maomvi.
entreaty (noun), omba (5/6), pl maombi.
entreaty (noun), uombezi.
entreaty (noun), uombi.
entrust (verb), -amini.
entrust (verb), -aminisha.
entrust (verb), -salimu.
entrust (verb), -staamani.
entrust money (verb), -stakabadhi pesa.
entrust someone with something (verb), -takabadhisha (causative).
entrust someone with your money. takabadhisha fedha.
entrust to (verb), -kabidhi.
entrust with (a task or money or property) (verb), -akifia.
be entrusted with (verb), -kabidhiwa.
effect entry (verb), -ingiza.
entry (noun), mwingilio (3/4), pl miingilio.
entry (noun), uingiaji.
illicit entry (noun), mpenyezo (3/4), pl mipenyezo.
entwine (verb), -tambaa. entwined plants. mimea inayotambaa.
enunciate (verb), -tamka.
be enveloped (verb), -zongwa (passive).
envelope (noun), bahasha, pl bahasha, mabahasha.
envelope (noun), kipeto, pl vipeto.
envelope (noun), uo, pl nyuo.
be enviable (verb), -husudika (potential).
be envious (verb), -husudu.
envious (adjective), uwivu.
envious (noun), mwivu, pl waivu.
envious glance (noun), kijicho, pl vijicho.
envious person (noun), hasidi, pl mahasidi.
environment (noun), kizunguko (3/4), pl vizunguko.
environment (noun), majirani.
environment (noun), makazi.
environment (noun), mandhari (9/10), pl mandhari.
environment (noun), mastakimu (6).
environment (noun), maumbile, pl maumbile.
environment (noun), mazingira, pl mazingira.
environment (noun), mazingo, pl mazingo.
environment (noun), mzingo, pl mizingo.
environment (noun), mzunguko (3/4), pl mizunguko.
environment (noun), ulimwengu, pl malimwengu.
environment (natural) (noun), tabia (9/10), pl tabia.
environs (noun), majirani.
environs (noun), pambizo (5/6), pl mapambizo.
environs (noun), pembizo (5/6), pl mapembizo.
environs (noun), ujirani.
environs (of a town) (noun), kiunga, pl viunga.
envoy (noun), mjumbe, pl wajumbe.
envoy (noun), mpelekwa, pl wapelekwa.
envoy (noun), mtume, pl mitume.
rare envoy (noun), mtumwaji, pl watumwaji.
be envied (verb), -husudiwa.
envy (noun), hasidi.
envy (noun), husuda (9/10), pl husuda.
envy (noun), husuda.
envy (noun), kecha.
envy (noun), kijicho, pl vijicho. be envious. kuwa na kijicho.
envy (noun), ngoa (9/10), pl ngoa.
envy (noun), uhasidi.
envy (noun), uhusuda.
envy (noun), uwivu.
envy (noun), wivu (11).
envy (verb), -hasidi.
envy (verb), -husudu.
envy (verb), -husudu.
envy (slang) (noun), gere (9/10), pl gere.
epaulet (noun), purendi (5/6), pl mapurendi.
epaulets (noun), mapurendi.
epic (noun), utendi.
epic poem (noun), utenzi (11/10), pl tenzi.
epidemic (noun), baa, pl baa.
epidemic (noun), balaa, pl baa.
epidemic (noun), balia, pl baa.
epidemic (noun), kipukusa (7/8), pl vipukusa.
epidemic (noun), maradhi. cattle epidemic. maradhi ya ng'ombe.
epidemic (noun), marazi. cattle epidemic. maradhi ya ng'ombe.
epidemic (noun), tauni.
med. epidemic (noun), kipindupindu, pl vipindupindu. the chair is there
on the veranda.
epilepsy (noun), kifafa (7/8), pl vifafa.
episcopate (rel) (noun), uaskofu.
episode (noun), sinema (9/10), pl sinema. we saw an episode at the
market, two women fought. hapo sokoni tuliona sinema, wanawake wawili
walipigana [Rec].
epistle (noun), waraka.
epithet (noun), wasifu (14), pl wasifu.
epitome (noun), risala (9/10), pl risala.
epoch (noun), dahari, pl dahari.
epoch (noun), zama (9/10), pl zama.
epoch (noun), zamani.
be equal (verb), -lingana. If the votes are equal then the ballots begin
to be counted again.. Kura zikilingana basi karatasi hizo huanza
kuhesabiwa tena..
be of equal status (verb), -wiana.
equal (adjective), sawa. all people are equal. Watu wote ni sawa.
equal (noun), kifani (7/8), pl kifani.
equal (noun), kifano (7/8), pl vifano.
equal-sized thing (noun), mkeketo (3/4), pl mikeketo.
make equal (verb), -linga.
equality (noun), urari (11).
equality (noun), usawa (14).
equality (noun), uwiano (14).
be equalized (verb), -sawanyishwa.
be equalized (verb), -sawazishwa.
equalize (verb), -lingana.
equalize (verb), -fanya sawa.
equalize (verb), -sawanyisha.
equalize (verb), -sawazisha.
equally (adverb), sare.
equally (adverb), sawa. do it equally. fanya sawa.
equally (adverb), sawasawa. they divided the money equally. Waligawa
pesa sawasawa.
equals sign (noun), pl Plural alama za, alama ya usawa (9/10), pl alama
za usawa.
math. equation (noun), mlingano, pl milingano.
equator (noun), ekwata.
equator (noun), ikweta (9/10), pl ikweta.
equator (noun), ikweta.
equator (noun), istiwai.
equator (noun), kivimba, pl vivimba. strike someone in the face with the
equator (noun), kivimbo, pl vivimbo. strike someone in the face with the
equestrian (noun), farisi (9/10), pl farisi.
equilateral triangle (noun), pl equilateral triangles, pembetatu sawa
(9/10), pl pembetatu sawa.
equilibrium (noun), taraju (9/10), pl taraju.
equilibrium (noun), ulinganifu.
equilibrium (noun), ulinganyifu.
equipment (noun), kifaa (7/8), pl vifaa.
equipment (noun), kifaa, pl vifaa. equipment for washing. vifaa vya
equipment (noun), kipande, pl vipande.
equipment (noun), makolokolo.
equipment (noun), zana.
be equivalent (verb), -wafikiana.
era (noun), tarikhi (9/10), pl tarikhi.
eradicate (verb), -la.
erase oneself (verb), -jifuta.
erasing (noun), kufutwa (15).
erasure (noun), mfuto (3/4), pl mifuto.
be erect (verb), -dinda.
be erect (of the penis) (verb), -disa.
be erect (of the penis) (verb), -simamika (intransitive).
be erect (of the penis) (verb), -simika (intransitive).
be erected (verb), -simamishwa.
cause to be erected (with stone) (verb), -asha.
erect (adverb), imaima, pl viwimawima.
erect (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
erect (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
erect (verb), -jenga.
erect (verb), -simamisha.
erect (with stone) (verb), -aka.
person who carries himself erect (noun), mwima, pl waima.
state of being erect (noun), usimamao.
state of being erect (noun), wima.
erection (noun), majenzi.
erection (noun), maunzi, pl maunzi.
erection (noun), ujengaji, pl majengaji.
erection (noun), ujenzi, pl majenzi.
have an erection (verb), -simamika (intransitive).
have an erection (verb), -simika (intransitive).
phy. erection (noun), msimiko, pl misimiko.
be eroded (verb), -momonyoka.
be eroded (of a road) (verb), -chimbika (potential).
be eroded (verb), -mumunyika.
erosion (noun), mmomonyoko (3/4), pl mimomonyoko.
erotic (of adult) (noun), pl erotic people, mtiriri (1/2), pl watiriri.
erotic person (noun), pl erotic people, mshongo (1/2), pl washongo.
err (verb), -kosa.
errand (noun), tume.
errand (noun), utume (14).
errand (noun), utumwa (14).
errand boy (noun), ofisiboi (5/6an), pl maofisiboi.
errand-boy (noun), uboi.
run errands (verb), -hemera.
erroneous (adjective), kosefu.
error (noun), pl Rech only has 1/2 the cross-reference, atia.
error (noun), dosari.
error (noun), hatia.
error (noun), kosa (5/6), pl makosa.
error (noun), kosa, pl makosa. "High court, Court of Appeal; Supreme
Court".. tia kosani.
error (noun), ukosa.
error (noun), ukosefu.
error (noun), ukosekanaji.
error (noun), ukosekano.
make a slight error (verb), -kosea (applicative).
typographical error (noun), tego, pl matego.
typographical error (noun), tegu, pl mategu.
med. skin erruption (applied chiefly to a symptom of leprosy) (noun),
kipwepwe, pl vipwepwe.
eructation (noun), kiungulia, pl viungulia.
erudition (noun), maarifa, pl maarifa.
eruption (noun), balasi, pl balasi.
eruption (noun), barasi.
skin eruption (noun), upele, pl pele.
erythema (noun), harara.
escapade (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee.
cause to escape (verb), -ambaza.
escape (verb), -ambaa. They escaped from danger. waliambaa hatari.
escape (verb), -churupuka.
escape (verb), -gandua.
escape (verb), -kimbia.
escape (verb), -toroka.
escape (verb), -toroka.
escape (verb), -vuka.
escape (unexpectedly) (verb), -ponyoka. "make a slip of the tongue, say
the wrong thing".. ponyoka maneno.
escape (used in negative) (noun), budi (9/10), pl budi.
escape the attention (verb), -tupika.
escape without injury (verb), -pona.
get oneself out of a difficult situation (verb), -okoza.
have a lucky escape (noun), futahi.
have no escape (verb), -wa na hila.
escapee (noun), pl escapees, mtoro (1/2), pl watoro.
escarpment (noun), ngome (9/10), pl ngome.
escort (noun), pl mus. melody, mafuatano.
escort (noun), ufuasi.
escort (verb), -adi.
escort (verb), -chanjari.
escort (verb), -fikisha.
escort (verb), -chanjari.
escort (verb), -peleka.
escort (verb), -sanjari.
escort (verb), -shanjari.
escort (verb), -sindikiza.
escort (verb), -takadamu.
escort (for protection) (noun), mshindikizo, pl mishindikizo.
escort a guest to the door or along the return journey (verb), -
shindikiza. the escorting of visitors started at 7.30. Shindikizo la
wageni lilianza saa moja asubuhi.
escorting (noun), sindikizo (5/6), pl masindikizo.
escorting (a departing guest) (noun), shindikizo (5/6), pl mashindikizo.
esophagus (noun), koromeo, pl makoromeo.
rare esophagus (noun), umio, pl mio.
especially (adjective), hususa.
especially (adverb), espesheli.
especially (adverb), hasa.
especially (adverb), hasa.
especially (adverb), haswa.
especially (adverb), hususa.
especially (adverb), hususan.
especially (adverb), mahsusi. Exhibitors came especially to do charity
exhibitions.. Waonyeshaji walikuja mahsusi kufanya maonyesho [Masomo
especially (adverb), mno.
especially (adverb), muhimu.
espionage (noun), upelelezi.
by means of an essay (adverb), kiinsha.
essay (noun), insha (9/10), pl insha.
essay (noun), insha.
essay (noun), kijitabu, pl vijitabu.
essay (noun), makara.
essay (noun), utungo.
essence (noun), arki (9/10), pl arki.
essence (noun), asili, pl asili.
essence (noun), dhati (9/10), pl dhati.
essence (noun), isimu.
essence (noun), kiini (7/8), pl viini.
essence (noun), undani (14).
essence (of a thing) (noun), msingi, pl misingi.
essence (of a thing) (noun), msinji, pl misinji.
essence (of a thing) (noun), mzingi, pl mizingi.
vital essence (noun), nafsi.
establish (verb), -anzilisha.
establish (verb), -anziliza.
establish (verb), -asisiwa.
establish (verb), -egamesha.
establish (verb), -egameza.
establish (verb), -egamisha.
establish (verb), -egemiza.
establish (verb), -imarisha.
establish (verb), -imarisha.
establish (verb), -simamika (intransitive).
establish (verb), -simika (intransitive).
establish (verb), -thibitisha.
establish (verb), -unga.
establish (verb), -weka.
establish oneself (in a certain place) (verb), -lowela.
be established (verb), -thibitika.
establishment (noun), kuanzishwa.
establishment (noun), maanzilisho, pl maanzilisho.
establishment (noun), uanzishaji.
establishment (noun), uimarisho.
estate (noun), pl estates, mtaa (3/4), pl mitaa.
esteem (noun), haya.
esteem (noun), heshima.
esteem (noun), ithibati.
esteem (noun), karama.
esteem (noun), mnyenyekeo, pl minyenyekeo.
esteem (noun), pl decks, sitaha (9/10), pl sitaha.
esteem (noun), staha (9/10), pl staha.
esteem (noun), taadhima (9/10), pl taadhima.
esteem (noun), tahayari (9).
esteem (noun), takaramu (9/10), pl takaramu.
esteem (noun), takarimu (9/10), pl takaramu.
esteem (noun), ustahiki (11).
esteem (noun), utukufu (14), pl utukufu.
esteem (verb), -heshimu.
show someone one's esteem (verb), -amkia.
show someone one's esteem (verb), -amkua.
esteemed (adjective), maalum.
esteemed (adjective), maalumu.
esteemed (adjective), maarufu.
esteemed (noun), halili.
esteemed (persons) (adjective), -azizi.
esteemed person (noun), pl esteemed people, msharifu (1/2), pl washarifu.
highly esteemed (adjective), sharifu.
highly esteemed (adjective), sherifu.
person who is esteemed (noun), mstahifu, pl wastahifu.
person who is esteemed (noun), mstahivu, pl wastahivu.
person who esteems others (noun), mstahifu, pl wastahifu.
person who esteems others (noun), mstahivu, pl wastahivu.
estimable (adjective), stahivu.
be estimated (verb), -hesabiwa.
estimate (noun), kisi (5/6), pl makisi.
estimate (noun), makisi.
estimate (noun), makisio.
estimate (noun), ukadiri.
estimate (verb), -atikali.
estimate (verb), -hesabu.
estimate (verb), -kadiri.
estimate (verb), -kadiria.
estimate (verb), -kisi.
estimate (verb), -kisi.
estimate (verb), -kisia.
estimate (verb), -kissi.
estimate (of costs) (noun), makadirio.
estimate (to charge someone) (verb), -wakifia.
estimate (usually pl.) (noun), kisio, pl makisio. lie in the shade.
form an estimate (verb), -pima.
form an estimate (of a person) (verb), -thamini.
be estimated (verb), -kadiriwa.
be estimated (verb), -kisiwa, pl visiwa.
estimation (noun), ukadiri.
estimation (noun), ukadirifu.
be estranged (verb), -farakana.
estrangement (noun), farakano (5/6), pl mafarakano.
et cetera (abbreviation), n.k. (na kadhalika).
et cetera (conjunction), na kadhalika.
etc. (abbreviation), n.k..
etc. (etcetera) (abbreviation), kwk (kadha wa kadha).
et cetera (adverb), kadha ya kadha.
et cetera (adverb), kadhalika.
eternal (adjective), -azali.
eternal (adjective), milele. life everlasting.. maisha ya milele.
eternal (adverb), daima.
eternal (adverb), kale na kale.
eternity (noun), milele (9/10). life everlasting.. maisha ya milele.
eternity (noun), umilele (14).
ethics (noun), adili (5/6), pl maadili.
Ethiopian (noun), Habeshi (5/6an), pl Mahabeshi (Wahabeshi).
Ethiopian person (noun), Habeshi (1/2), pl wahabeshi, mahabeshi.
Ethiopian person (noun), Mhabeshi (1/2), pl wahabeshi, mahabeshi.
ethnicity (noun), ukabila (14), pl ukabila.
etiquette (noun), nidhamu (9/10), pl nidhamu.
eulogist (noun), pl eulogists, msifu (1/2), pl wasifu.
condition of being a eunuch (noun), uhasi.
eunuch (noun), hasa.
eunuch (noun), mhasi, pl wahasi.
eunuch (noun), towashi (5/6), pl matowashi.
eunuch (lit.grinder of sandalwood) (noun), msagaliwa, pl wasagaliwa.
Euphorbia abyssinica (noun), mtongotongo, pl mitongotongo.
euphorbia variety (the roots are used to prepare a medicine for treating
gonorrhea) (noun), mzaanyuma, pl mizaanyuma.
Europe (noun), Ulaya (17).
Europe (noun), Uzungu.
adopt European ways (verb), -staarabika.
adopt European ways (verb), -staarabu.
collective term for any European language (noun), Kizungu.
European (noun), zungu.
European person (noun), Mzungu, pl wazungu.
in the European manner (adverb), Kizungu.
something of European manufacture (noun), ulaiti.
something of European manufacture (noun), ulayiti.
evacuate (verb), -hara.
evacuation (of the bowels) (noun), unyaji.
evade (verb), -epa.
evade (verb), -hadhari (reflexive).
evade (verb), -shariti.
evade (verb), -zungua.
evade (by trickery) (verb), -piga chenga.
evaluate (verb), -kadiri.
evaluate (verb), -kadirisha.
evaluate (verb), -thamini.
evaluate (to charge someone) (verb), -wakifia.
evaluation (noun), makadirio.
evaluation (noun), pl evaluations, tathmini (9/10), pl tathmini.
evaluation (noun), ukadiri.
evaluation (noun), ukadirifu.
evaluation (noun), upimaji.
evangelical (adjective), -a kiinjili, pl -a kiinjili.
rel.evangelist (noun), mwinjilisti, pl weinjilisti.
evaporate (verb), -nywewa.
evaporation (noun), mvuke.
evaporation (noun), uvuke.
evasion (noun), abudi (9/10), pl abudi.
evasion (noun), buddi.
evasion (noun), chenga.
evasion (noun), hoja, pl hoja; mahoja.
evasion (noun), kenyo.
evasion (noun), kimasomaso.
evasion (noun), kisababu, pl visababu.
evasion (noun), lafidhi.
evasion (noun), lafudi.
evasion (noun), lafuzi.
evasion (noun), nahau.
evasion (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee. excuses. maneno ya mapengee.
evasion (noun), teto, pl mateto.
evasion (noun), ubishi, pl mabishi.
evasion (of an answer or difficulty) (noun), utiriri.
be evasive (verb), -fanya kimasomaso.
talk evasively (verb), -tapa.
talk evasively (verb), -tapatapa.
Eve (noun), hawa.
be made even (verb), -sawanyishwa.
be made even (verb), -sawazishwa.
even (adverb), alau.
even (adverb), hata.
even (adverb), pia.
even (adverb), walao.
even (adverb), walau.
even (conjunction), walau.
even if (conjunction), hata.
even if (conjunction), ijapo.
even if (conjunction), ijapo.
even if (conjunction), ingawa.
even if (conjunction), iwapo.
even if (conjunction), japo.
even number (noun), kifuasi.
even number (noun), shufwa (9/10), pl shufwa.
make even (verb), -kuruta.
make even (verb), -oleleza.
make even (verb), -oleza.
make even (verb), -fanya sawa. (s)he made the work even. Alifanya sawa
make even (verb), -sawanyisha.
make even (verb), -sawazisha.
not even (adverb), walau.
even if (conjunction), angalao. give me food even if it is only a
little. nipe chakula ~ ni kidogo tu.
even if (conjunction), angao. give me food even if it is only a little.
nipe chakula ~ ni kidogo tu.
evening (noun), jio, pl majio.
evening (noun), jioni.
evening (noun), jioni (9/10), pl jioni.
evening (noun), kisikusiku, pl visikusiku.
evening (noun), kiusikusiku, pl visikusiku.
evening (noun), magharibi. This dance is usually danced in the evening
in the city or in the rural areas.. Ngoma hii kwa kawaida huchezwa
magharibi katika mji au mashamba msichana anayefikia hali ya kuwa mtu
mzima [Masomo 129].
evening (noun), magharibi (6).
evenness (noun), urari.
evenness (noun), usawa.
event (noun), kadhia.
event (noun), kikuti, pl vikuti.
event (noun), mkasa (3/4), pl mikasa.
event (noun), simo (9/10), pl simo.
event (noun), tokeo (5/6), pl matokeo.
event (sudden and unexpected) (noun), dharura.
event (usually sudden) (noun), tukio (5/6), pl matukio.
in all events (adverb), kulihali.
in any event (phrase), pengine na pengine.
in the event that... (conjunction), endapo.
notable event (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani. this celebration has been
more notable than the one of yesterday. karamu hii imetia shani kuliko
ile ya jana..
eventuality (noun), yamkini.
eventuality (noun), yumkini.
ever (adverb), kamwe.
ever (to have done something) (verb), -wahi.
ever and always (phrase), tangu na tangu.
for ever and ever (adverb), kale na kale.
have ever done something (verb), -wahi.
everlasting (adjective), azali.
everlasting (adverb), daima.
everlasting (adverb), kale na kale.
every (adjective), kila.
every (adjective), killa. lie (stay) awake.
every (adverb), kulla. You want every thing.. Kulla kitu mwakitaka
[Amana, Masomo 408].
every (poetic for kila) (adverb), -lla.
every time (adjective), kila mara.
everybody (adjective), kila mtu.
everyday (adverb), sikuzote.
everyday (noun), kila siku.
everyone (adjective), wote.
everywhere (adjective), momote.
everywhere (adjective), popote.
everywhere (adjective), pote. You can stay anywhere. Unaweza kukaa
everywhere (adverb), kote.
everywhere (noun), mahali pote.
everywhere (noun), pahala po pote (9/10), pl pahala.
everywhere (noun), pahali po pote (9/10), pl pahali.
eviction (noun), uhamisho.
evidence (noun), buruhahi.
evidence (noun), hakikisho (5/6), pl mahakikisho.
evidence (noun), hoja, pl hoja; mahoja.
evidence (noun), ithibati.
evidence (noun), mathubuti.
evidence (noun), mathubutu.
evidence (noun), shahada (9/10), pl shahada.
evidence (noun), shuhuda (5/6), pl mashuhuda.
evidence (noun), stashahada (9/10), pl stashahada.
evidence (noun), thibitisho, pl mathibitisho.
evidence (noun), ubaini.
evidence (noun), ubaini.
evidence (noun), ubainifu.
evidence (noun), ubayana.
evidence (noun), ubayana.
evidence (noun), udhahiri.
evidence (noun), udhahirifu.
evidence (noun), udhihirifu.
evidence (noun), ushahidi.
evidence (noun), ushuhuda.
be evident (verb), -deheri.
be evident (verb), -elea.
become evident (verb), -dhihirika (potential).
evident (adjective), -bainifu.
evident (adjective), bayana.
evident (adjective), dhahiri. It is evident then that a poet is an
expert in language.. Ni dhahiri basi kuwa mshairi ni bingwa wa lugha
[Masomo 394].
evident (adjective), mbayana.
evident (adverb), wazi.
bring evil upon someone (verb), -pagaza.
evil (adjective), -baya.
evil (adjective), shari. an evil child. mtoto mshari.
evil (adjective), wi.
evil (noun), baa (5/6), pl baa.
evil (noun), balaa, pl baa.
evil (noun), balia, pl baa.
evil (noun), maovu.
evil (noun), pl evils, ovu (5/6), pl maovu.
evil (noun), ubaya (14), pl ubaya.
evil (noun), uovu (11/6), pl maovu.
evil genius (noun), afiriti (9/10an), pl afiriti.
evil genius (noun), afriti (5/6an), pl afriti.
evil person (noun), fisadi (5/6an), pl mafisadi.
evil person (noun), mwovu.
evil spirit (noun), pepo mbaya (9). evil spirit. pepo punda.
evil spirit (noun), pepo punda (9). evil spirit. pepo punda.
evil spirit (noun), pl evil spirits, shetani (5/6an), pl mashetani.
(s)he was seized by the evil spirit. Alipatikana na shetani.
evil-minded person (noun), mkorofi (1/2), pl wakorofi.
fall upon evil days (verb), -tabakwa.
remove the roots of an evil (phrase), -ng'oa mzizi wa fitina. remove the
tooth. ng'oa jino.
something burned in order to drive out an evil spirit (noun), mafusho.
evil action (noun), tadi (9/10), pl tadi.
evil spirit (noun), dungumaro.
evil-minded (adjective), -korofi.
evil-minded man (noun), pl evil-minded men, mshari (1/2), pl washari.
eviscerate (verb), -pasua.
eviscerate (verb), -tumbua.
be exact (verb), -sadifu.
exact (adjective), halisi.
exact (adjective), kamili.
exact (adjective), sadifu.
exact (adjective), sawa.
exact (adverb), dhahiri.
exacting person (noun), mchaguzi, pl wachaguzi.
exaction (noun), hongo, pl mahongo.
exaction (noun), ulipizi, pl malipizi.
exactly (adjective), barabara.
exactly (adjective), kabisa.
exactly (adjective), -kamilifu.
exactly (adverb), dike.
exactly (adverb), hasa.
exactly (adverb), hususa.
exactly (adverb), sawa. do it exactly. fanya sawa.
exactly (adverb), sawasawa.
exactly (adverb), dike.
exactly (adverb), tike.
exactly (adverb), tokea hapo.
exaggerate (verb), -pyora.
exaggerate (verb), -tunisha.
one who exaggerates (noun), mpyoro, pl wapyoro.
exaggeration (noun), makeke.
exaggeration (noun), mapyoro.
exaggeration (noun), shabaki (9/10), pl shabaki. to him/her every word
is an exeggeration. kila neno kwake ni shabaki..
exaggeration (noun), shabuka (9/10), pl shabuka. for him/her every word
is an exaggeration. kila neno kwake ni shabuka..
exaggeration (noun), uvimbe.
exalt (verb), -adhimisha (causative).
exalt (verb), -adhimu.
exalt (verb), -aenzi.
exalt (verb), -enzi.
exalt (verb), -ezi.
exalt (verb), -kuza.
exalt (verb), -sifu.
exalt (verb), -tukuza.
be exalted (verb), -sifika.
be exalted (verb), -sifiwa.
be exalted (verb), -taa. God be exalted. Allah taala.
be exalted (verb), -taadhimika.
be exalted (verb), -taala. God be exalted. Allah taala.
sampletest6 (prefix), sampletest6. this is not a valid dictionary entry.
cross-examination (noun), malumbano (6).
examination (noun), maangalio, pl maangalio.
examination (noun), mkaguo, pl mikaguo. inspection of a school.. mkaguo
wa skuli.
examination (noun), pl examinations, mtihani (3/4), pl mitihani.
examination (noun), ukaguzi.
be examined (verb), -sailiwa. the thief was examined by the police.
Mwivi alisailiwa na polisi.
cause to examine (verb), -ausha.
cause to examine (verb), -auza.
examine (noun), hoja.
examine (verb), -aua.
examine (verb), -chuja.
examine (verb), -chunguza.
examine (verb), -fikiri.
examine (verb), -hoji.
examine (verb), -kagua.
examine (verb), -kagua.
examine (verb), -kumunta.
examine (verb), -kung'uta.
examine (verb), -onja.
examine (verb), -pima.
examine (verb), -saili.
examine (verb), -tafakari.
examine (verb), -taili. (s)he has gone on a journey to examine (visit)
the country. ameenda kwenye safari ya kutalii nchi.
examine (verb), -talii.
examine (verb), -tazama.
examine (verb), -vumbua.
examine (verb), -zumbua.
examine (surreptitiously) (verb), -peleleza.
examine for (verb), -pimia (applicative). They have told me to demolish
and vacate to a new site they will measure for me. wameniambia nikibomoe
nihamie kwenye kiwanja kipya watakachonipimia [Kez].
examiner (noun), mtahini, pl watahini.
e.g. (conjunction), k.m.. "for example". abbr. of "kwa mfano".
example (noun), kilingo, pl vilingo.
example (noun), kiolezo, pl violezo.
example (noun), mfano (3/4), pl mifano.
example (noun), namna, pl namna.
example (noun), sampuli (9/10), pl sampuli.
for example (adverb), masalan.
for example (conjunction), k.m..
sampletest4 (prefix), sampletest4. this is not a valid dictionary entry.
take as an example (verb), -fuata mfano.
be exasperated (verb), -vurugika.
exasperate (verb), -ghadhabisha.
exasperate (verb), -korofisha (causative).
exasperate (verb), -pekecha.
exasperate (verb), -peketa.
exasperate (verb), -vuruga.
exasperate each other (verb), -bimbirizana.
one who is exasperated (noun), msumbufu, pl wasumbufu.
exasperation (noun), nyege (9/10), pl nyege.
exasperation (noun), unyege.
exasperation (noun), unyege.
one who causes exasperation in others. (noun), msumbufu, pl wasumbufu.
excavate (verb), -chimba.
excavation (noun), chimbo, pl machimbo.
excavation (noun), chimbuko, pl machimbuko.
excavation (noun), fuko (5/6), pl mafuko.
excavation (noun), fukuo (5/6), pl mafukuo.
excavation (noun), shimo (5/6), pl mashimo.
excavator (noun), mchimbuzi, pl wachimbaji. "miner, mine worker"..
mchimbaji wa madini , mchimbaji dhahabu.
excavator (noun), mchimbaji (1/2), pl wachimbaji.
exceed (verb), -pindukia ( appl-poten). things accelerated if I did not
exceed. mambo yalizidi kama si kupindukia [Moh].
exceed (verb), -pita.
exceed (verb), -zidi.
exceed (verb), -zidisha.
exceed a limit (verb), -ruka mpaka. go beyond bounds.. ruka mpaka.
cause to excel (verb), -shindisha.
cause to excel (verb), -shindiza.
excel (verb), -kulula.
excel (verb), -piku. He surpasses me in mathematics but I beat him in
geography.. ananishinda kwa masomo ya hesabu, lakini na mimi kwa somo la
jiografia nimempiku.
excel (verb), -pita. This book excels that one.. kitabu hiki ni kizuri
kupita kile.
excel (verb), -shinda.
excellence (noun), ubora (14).
excellence (noun), ubora.
excellence (noun), uhodari (14), pl uhodari.
excellence (noun), usharifu.
excellence (noun), wema.
title excellency (noun), mheshimiwa, pl waheshimiwa.
Your Excellency (term of respect used in addressing persons of high rank)
(noun), pl Your Excellencies, hababi (5/6), pl mahababi.
excellent (adjective), aali.
excellent (adjective), bora.
excellent (adjective), sharifu.
excellent (adjective), sherifu.
excellent (adjective), zuri.
excellent person (noun), mteule, pl wateule.
excellently (adverb), fathali.
heap of excrement (noun), kimba, pl vimba.
except (adverb), kasoro.
except (conjunction), baghairi.
except (conjunction), bighairi.
except (conjunction), ela.
except (conjunction), ila.
except (conjunction), ila.
except (conjunction), isipokuwa.
except (conjunction), minghairi.
except (preposition), ghairi ya-.
except (preposition), isipokuwa.
except (preposition), minajili.
exception (noun), hitilafu.
with the exception of (preposition), isipokuwa.
without exception (adverb), pia.
exceptional person (noun), gebali (5/6), pl magebali.
exceptional person (noun), jabali, pl majabali.
excerpt (noun), dondo, pl madondo.
excerpt (noun), dondoo, pl madondoo.
excess (noun), asharati.
excess (noun), asherati.
excess (noun), hasharati.
excess (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
excess (noun), mbobo.
excess (noun), shabaki (9/10), pl shabaki. to him/her, every word is an
excess. kila neno kwake ni shabaki..
excess (noun), shabuka (9/10), pl shabuka. for him/her every word is an
excess. kila neno kwake ni shabuka..
in excess (adverb), zaidi.
excessive (adjective), dubwana.
excessively (adverb), kupukupu.
excessively (adverb), ovyo.
excessively (Sometimes used in conjunction with other words of similar
senses) (adverb), mno.
exchange rate (noun), sarafu (9/10), pl sarafu. the exchange rate of the
dollar is high in the market. Sarafu ya dola iko juu katika soko la
exchange (noun), badili, pl mabadili.
exchange (noun), chenji.
exchange (noun), ubadili, pl mabadili.
exchange (noun), ubadilifu, pl mabadilifu.
exchange (noun), ubadiliko, pl mabadiliko.
exchange (verb), -badili.
exchange (verb), -badilisha.
exchange (verb), -geuza.
exchange (verb), -hawili.
exchange (verb), -pana.
exchange (verb), -pashana.
exchange (for) (verb), -badili (kwa).
exchange greetings (verb), -peana.
exchange money (verb), -sarifu.
exchange money (verb), -serifu. I wanted an exchange of dollars one
hundred. Nahitaji serifu ya dola mia.
exchange rate (noun), sarifa (9/10), pl sarifa.
exchange rate (noun), sarifu (9/10), pl sarifu.
exchange rate (noun), sarufu (9/10), pl sarufu.
exchange words in a lively manner (verb), -daka maneno.
exchange for (verb), pl intensive trans OK?, -badilia.
exchangeable (adjective), -badilifu.
exchequer (noun), hazina (9/10), pl hazina.
excitability (noun), utukutu.
be excitable (verb), -tukutika.
be excited (verb), -kukurika.
be excited (verb), -taharuki. Shangwe now got excited and realized that
all this time he was doing the wrong thing. Shangwe sasa alitaharuki,
akagundua kuwa muda wote huu alikuwa akifanya makosa [Muk].
be excited (verb), -vurugika.
become excited (verb), -fura.
excite (verb), -chachafya (causative).
excite (verb), -chafua.
excite (verb), -chochea (applicative).
excite (verb), -chocheleza.
excite (verb), -chokoza (causative).
excite (verb), -choma.
excite (verb), -korofisha (causative).
excite (verb), -sisimsha (causative).
excite (verb), -sisimusha (causative).
excite (verb), -tibua.
excite (verb), -tikisa.
excite (verb), -vumbilia.
excite (verb), -vuruga.
excite (verb), -vurugavuruga.
excite (verb), -vuruma.
one who excites (noun), mchochezi, pl wachochezi. warmonger.. mchochezi
wa vita [Rec].
be excited (verb), -angaika.
be excited (verb), -chaga.
be excited (verb), -hamanika.
be excited (verb), -hangaika.
be excited (verb), -sisimka (intransitive).
be excited (verb), -sisimua.
be excited (verb), -taharaki.
be excited (sexually) (verb), -nyewa.
be in excited state (verb), -titimka.
become excited (verb), -potea akili.
excited (adjective), haraka.
fig. be excited (verb), -waka.
get excited (verb), -tutuka.
get excited (verb), -tutuma.
get excited (verb), -tutumka.
excitedly (adverb), vimoto.
talk excitedly (verb), -sema vimoto.
cause excitement (verb), -tukutiza.
excitement (noun), chachari, pl machachari.
excitement (noun), dukuduku.
excitement (noun), fadhaa.
excitement (noun), fazaa.
excitement (noun), ghamidha (9/10), pl ghamidha.
excitement (noun), ghasia.
excitement (noun), hamasa (9/10), pl hamasa.
excitement (noun), hangaiko (5/6), pl mahangaiko.
excitement (noun), haraka.
excitement (noun), harakati (9/10), pl harakati.
excitement (noun), kiherehere, pl viherehere.
excitement (noun), kukuru.
excitement (noun), machugachuga, pl machugachuga.
excitement (noun), makeke.
excitement (noun), masuko (6).
excitement (noun), masukosuko, pl masukosuko.
excitement (noun), mauja.
excitement (noun), mori (9/10), pl mori.
excitement (noun), mpekecho, pl mipekecho.
excitement (noun), mpeketo, pl mipeketo.
excitement (noun), muuya.
excitement (noun), mwuja, pl miuja.
excitement (noun), papo (5/6), pl mapapo.
excitement (noun), pirikapirika (9/10), pl pirikapirika.
excitement (noun), shonga (5/6), pl mashonga.
excitement (noun), shughuli (9/10), pl shughuli.
excitement (noun), sononeko (5/6), pl masononeko.
excitement (noun), tukutiko, pl matukutiko.
excitement (noun), tukuto, pl matukuto.
excitement (noun), usumbufu.
excitement (noun), virugu.
excitement (noun), vuguvugu (5).
excitement (noun), wimbi, pl mawimbi.
excitement (phrase), pumzi moto. With ferocity and excitement taking
pressure on him. mori na pumzi moto zikimwenda [Moh].
fig. excitement (noun), kishindo, pl vishindo.
nervous excitement (noun), tukutiko (5/6), pl matukutiko.
exciting (adjective), -a kusisimua.
utter an exclamation of surprise (verb), -maka.
exclamation (noun), mdukuo (3/4), pl midukuo.
exclamation mark (noun), alama ya kushangaa (9/10), pl alama za
exclusive (preposition), ghairi ya-.
exclusively (adverb), baghairi.
excommunicate (verb), -harimisha.
excommunicate (verb), -tenga.
exorcizing (act of) (noun), zinguo, pl mazinguo.
exorcizing (act of) (noun), zunguo, pl mazunguo.
excrement (noun), kinyaa (7/8), pl vinyaa.
excrement (noun), kinyesi (7/8), pl vinyesi.
excrement (noun), kinyezi (7/8), pl vinyesi.
excrement (noun), mavi (6).
excrement (noun), mavi, pl mavi. The bad part of the past is forgotten.
(lit. : the offal of the past does not smell). mavi ya kale hayanuki.
excrement (noun), nyesi (9/10), pl nyesi.
excrement (noun), unyaa.
excrement (noun), unyesi, pl manyesi, kinyesi.
excrement (noun), unyezi, pl manyezi, kinyesi.
excreta (noun), nyesi (9/10), pl nyesi.
excretion (noun), belaghami.
excretion (noun), belghamu.
excretion (noun), unyesi (11).
excretion (noun), unyezi, pl manyezi, kinyesi.
excretion (under the foreskin) (noun), pumba (9/10), pl pumba.
exculpate (verb), -burai.
excursion (noun), maneva. We are going on an excursion. tunakwenda
be excusable (verb), -achilika.
excuse (noun), chenga.
excuse (noun), kenyo.
excuse (noun), kimasomaso.
excuse (noun), kisababu, pl visababu.
excuse (noun), kisingizio (7/8), pl visingizio.
excuse (noun), lafidhi.
excuse (noun), lafudi.
excuse (noun), lafuzi.
excuse (noun), nahau.
excuse (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee. excuses. maneno ya mapengee.
excuse (noun), teto, pl mateto.
excuse (noun), ubishi, pl mabishi.
excuse (noun), udhuru (14).
excuse (trumped up) (noun), hoja, pl hoja; mahoja.
excuse it (used in apology for a vulgar word or expression) (verb),
ashakum (conjugated).
Excuse me (interjection), kunradhi.
excuse me (interjection), samahani. excuse me for not seeing you.
Samahani kwa kutokuona.
excuse me (pronoun), kumradhi.
make excuses (verb), -epa.
make excuses (verb), -shariti.
make excuses (verb), -tapa.
make excuses (verb), -tapatapa.
make excuses (for not doing the work at hand) (verb), -jishughulisha
Excuse me! (interjection), pole.
make excuses (verb), -dapa.
make excuses (verb), -fanya kimasomaso.
make excuses (verb), -jishughulisha.
execrate (verb), -hizi.
execrate (verb), -stihizai.
execrate (verb), -stihizaya.
execute (verb), -tekeleza (causative).
execute (verb), -tekeleza.
execute (a contract or judgement) (verb), -timiliza.
execute (laws etc.) (verb), -jirisha.
execution (noun), ufanyaji.
execution (noun), utengevu.
execution (noun), utimilifu.
executioner (noun), mchinja, pl wachinja.
executioner (noun), mchinjaji, pl wachinjaji.
executioner (noun), mnyongaji, pl wanyongaji.
executive (noun), mtendaji (1/2), pl watendaji.
executor (noun), mfanya, pl wafanya.
executor (noun), mfanyi, pl wafanyi.
executor (noun), mrithisha, pl warithisha.
executor (noun), mrithishi, pl warithishi.
executor (noun), pl executors, mtekelezaji (1/2), pl watekelezaji.
executor (of a will) (noun), wasii, pl mawasii.
lead an exemplary life (verb), -tawa.
exemption (noun), buraa.
exercise (noun), mazoezi, pl mazoezi.
exercise (noun), mazoezo, pl mazoezo.
exercise (noun), zoezi (5/6), pl mazoezi.
exercise book (noun), daftari, pl madaftari.
exercise book (noun), deftari.
exercize (noun), zoea, pl mazoea.
do with great exertion (verb), -kusuru.
exert energy (verb), -kaza.
exert energy (verb), -kazana (reciprocal).
exert oneself (noun), ujitahidi.
exert oneself (verb), -goda.
exert oneself (verb), -jibidiisha.
exert oneself (verb), -jitahidi.
exert oneself (verb), -kakamia.
exert oneself (verb), -kaza.
exert oneself (verb), -tahidi.
exertion (noun), bidii.
exertion (noun), chadi, pl machadi.
exertion (noun), ghaidhi (9/10), pl ghaidhi.
exertion (noun), idili.
exertion (noun), jadi (9/10), pl jadi.
exertion (noun), jadi, pl majadi.
exertion (noun), jitahidi, pl majitihadi.
exertion (noun), juhudi.
exertion (noun), kasi.
exertion (noun), kite (7).
exertion (noun), majadi.
exertion (noun), mbano (3/4), pl mibano.
exertion (noun), moto. hard/taxing work.. kazi moto.
exertion (noun), nishati (9/10), pl nishati.
exertion (noun), sulubu (9/10), pl sulubu. digging charcoal is a work of
much exertion. kazi ya kuchimba makaa ni ya sulubu sana [Rec].
exertion (noun), ujitahidi.
make great exertions (verb), -kakamuka ( intr-inver).
exfoliate (verb), -jipapatua.
exhalation (noun), fukuto (5/6), pl mafukuto.
exhalation (noun), ufukuto.
exhalation (noun), uvukuto.
exhalation (noun), vukuto, pl mavukuto.
exhale (verb), -shusha pumzi.
exhale (verb), -toa pumzi.
exhale (verb), -shusha pumuzi. work the entire day without a rest..
fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
exhale (verb), -shusha pumzi. work the entire day without a rest..
fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
exhale (verb), -toa pumuzi. work the entire day without a rest.. fanya
kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
exhale (verb), -toa pumzi. work the entire day without a rest.. fanya
kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
be exhausted (verb), -rembuka ( conv-poten). it was exhausted with
blinking eyes. kilirembuka na macho kupekupe [Moh].
exhaust (noun), ekzosi (9/10), pl eksozi.
exhaust (verb), -chenua.
exhaust (verb), -chokesha.
exhaust (verb), -chokeza.
exhaust (verb), -chosha. These issues of yours have exhausted me. Haya
mambo yako yamenichosha [Chacha, Masomo 379].
exhaust (verb), -hafifisha.
exhaust someone's patience (verb), -nonga.
be exhausted (verb), -chakaa.
be exhausted (verb), -choka.
be exhausted (verb), -choshwa ( caus-pass).
be exhausted (verb), -ngwea.
be exhausted (verb), -sakara.
be exhausted (verb), -sakarika.
be exhausted (verb), -saujika.
be exhausted (verb), -sawajika.
be exhausted (verb), -sumbuka (intransitive).
become exhausted (from disease) (verb), -nyorora.
become exhausted (from pain) (verb), -nyotoa.
exhausted (adjective), chovu.
exhausted (adjective), dakalika.
exhausting (adjective), choshi.
exhaustion (noun), mchemuo (3/4), pl michemuo.
exhaustion (noun), uchokezi.
exhaustion (noun), uchovu.
exhaustion (noun), ulegeo.
exhaustion (noun), ulegevu.
exhaustion (noun), unyogofu.
exhaustion (noun), unyong'onyevu.
heat exhaustion (noun), ufukuto (11/6).
exhibit (verb), -onyesha.
exhibit a thief or malefactor in public (to be hissed at by the crowd)
(verb), -zinza.
exhibition (noun), maonyesho (6). charity exhibitions. maonyesho ya
kukusanya pesa za msaada [Masomo 336].
exhibition (noun), maonyesho. farming exhibitions. maonyesho ya
exhibition (noun), onyesho (5/6), pl maonyesho.
exhibition (noun), uonyesho, pl maonyesho.
exhibition (noun), wonyeshano.
exhibition (noun), wonyesho, pl maonyesho.
exhibitor (noun), mwonyeshaji (1/2), pl waonyeshaji. Among the
exhibitors there were groups from far away.. Kati ya waonyeshaji
yalikuwako makundi kutoka sehemu za mbali.
exhilarate (verb), -changamsha.
exhilaration (noun), uchangamfu.
exhortation (noun), maonevu.
exhortation (noun), onyo (5/6), pl maonyo.
exhortation (noun), uonevu, pl maonevu.
exhortation (noun), uonezi, pl maonezi.
exhortation (noun), uono, pl maono.
exhortation (noun), uonyo, pl maonyo.
solemn exhortation (noun), mawaidha (9/10), pl mawaidha.
exhortations (noun), mauidha (9/10), pl mauidha.
exhume (verb), -fukua.
exile from a country (verb), -fukuza katika nchi.
exist (verb), -aishi.
exist (verb), -ishi.
exist (verb), -kaa.
exist (verb), -pona.
exist (verb), -wa.
existant (adjective), hai.
existence (noun), uhai.
existence (noun), uzima.
exorbitantly (adverb), chadi.
exorbitantly (adverb), jadi.
exorcise (verb), -zingua.
exorcise a spirit (verb), -lema.
exorcise a spirit (verb), -punga pepo.
exorcise a spirit (verb), -toa pepo.
one who is exorcised (by a mganga) (noun), mteja, pl wateja.
one who is exorcised (by a mganga) (noun), mteji, pl wateji.
a dance for exorcising a spirit (noun), pungwa (9/10), pl pungwa.
exorcism (noun), komoo.
exorcism (noun), zinguo (5/6), pl mazinguo.
exorcism ceremony (noun), pungo (9/10), pl pungo.
exorcism ceremony (noun), pungwa (9/10), pl pungwa.
undergo exorcism (verb), -pungwa. the patient was exorcised by the
medic. Mgonjwa alipungwa na mganga.
exorcist (noun), kaimu (5/6), pl makaimu.
exorcist (noun), kaimu, pl makaimu.
exorcize (verb), -punga.
expand (verb), -enea.
expand (verb), -ongeza.
expand (verb), -panua.
expand (verb), -tanua.
expand (verb), -vimba.
expand (something) (verb), -eneza.
be expanded (verb), -ongezeka (potential).
expansion (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
expansion (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
expansion (noun), eneo, pl maeneo.
expansion (noun), mtando, pl mitando.
expansion (noun), pl expansions, mtanuko (3/4), pl mitanuko.
expansion (noun), ongezeko (5/6), pl maongezeko.
expansion (noun), ongezo (5/6), pl maongezo.
expansion (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
expansion (noun), upanuzi (14).
expansion (noun), uvimbe.
be expected (verb), -tarajiwa. that is why a promise becomes a rare
thing and is expected to make a mark for ever. ndipo miadi inapokuwa kitu
azizi na kutarajiwa kuota imara [Moh].
be expected (verb), -tazamiwa.
be expected (verb), -tegemewa (passive).
Everyone can expect to have bad things said about him during his lifetime
(phrase), kilegesambwa.
expect (verb), -taraji. (s)he would not have expected that there would
be somebody else there at the beach. asingetaraji kama palikuwa na mtu
mwingine pale ufukweni [Moh], wanataraji kuoana siku za mbele [Ya].
expect (verb), -tarajia.
expect (verb), -tazamia.
expect (verb), -tegemea.
expect (verb), -tumai.
expect (verb), -tumaini.
not exactly what one expected (adjective), tafauti.
expectation (noun), matarajio, pl matarajio.
expectation (noun), pl expectations, taraja (5/6), pl mataraja.
expectation (noun), tegemeo (5/6), pl mategemeo.
expectation (noun), tumai, pl matumaini.
expectation (noun), tumaini (5/6), pl matumaini.
be expected to (verb), -tumainiwa.
expectorate (verb), -tema.
one who expectorates (noun), mtema, pl watema.
one who expectorates (noun), mtemi, pl watemi.
expectorating (act of) (noun), mtemo, pl mitemo.
expectoration (noun), kohoo, pl makohoo. the water has washed away the
expectoration (noun), kohozi, pl makohozi. the water has washed away the
expectoration (noun), makohoo.
expectoration (noun), makohozi.
expedient (noun), nyendo (9/10), pl nyendo. technical expedient..
nyendo ya hila.
expedient (of a difficulty) (noun), mwangaza, pl miangaza.
fig. (temporary) expedient (noun), kizibo, pl vizibo.
expedite (verb), -ongoza. give a good turn to a conversation.. ongoza
expedition (noun), pl expeditions, msafara (3/4), pl misafara.
expedition (noun), safari (9/10), pl safari.
set out on an expedition (verb), -safiri.
expel (verb), -fukuza.
expel (verb), -gurisha (causative).
expel (verb), -hajirisha.
expel (verb), -hamisha.
expel (verb), -winga.
expel from a country (verb), -fukuza katika nchi.
expenditure (noun), chaji.
expenditure (noun), haraja.
expenditure (noun), masarifu.
expenditure (noun), masarifu, pl masarifu.
expenditures (noun), matumio, pl matumio.
expenditures (noun), matumizi, pl matumizi.
bear the expense of (verb), -gharimia.
expense (noun), haraja.
expenses (noun), masarifu.
live at someone else's expense (verb), -rondea.
administrative expenses (noun), gharama za uendeshaji (9/10), pl gharama
za uendeshaji.
expenses (noun), gharama (9/10), pl gharama.
expenses (noun), masarifu, pl masarifu.
be expensive (verb), -ghalika.
expensive (adjective), ghali.
experience (noun), maarifa (6).
experience (noun), mazoezi, pl mazoezi.
experience (noun), mazoezo, pl mazoezo.
experience (noun), mwonjo, pl mionjo.
experience (noun), ufarisi.
experience (noun), ujuizi.
experience (noun), ujuzi (14).
experience (noun), uzoefu (14).
experience (verb), -jaribu.
lack of experience (noun), ugeni (14).
experienced (adjective), -arifu.
experienced (adjective), farisi.
experienced (adjective), kuu.
experienced (adjective), stadi.
experienced in (adjective), zoevu.
experienced person (noun), mjuzi (1/2), pl wajuzi.
experienced person (noun), pl experts, stadi (5/6an), pl mastadi.
experiment (noun), jaribio, pl majaribio.
experiment (noun), jaribio (5/6), pl majaribio.
(recognized) expert on poetry or literature (noun), karii, pl makarii.
expert (noun), bingwa (5/6), pl mabingwa. It is clear then that a poet
is an expert in language.. Ni dhahiri basi kuwa mshairi ni bingwa wa
lugha [Masomo 394].
expert (noun), farisi (9/10), pl farisi.
expert (noun), fundi (5/6), pl mafundi.
expert (noun), fundi, pl mafundi.
expert (noun), pl experts, mstadi (1/2), pl wastadi.
expert (noun), pl experts, mtaalamu (1/2), pl wataalamu. Many European
experts did not have an opportunity to know the truth about African life
and civilization.. Wataalamu wengi wa Ulaya hawakupatiwa nafasi ya kujua
ukweli juu ya maisha na ustaarabu wa Wafrika [Kenyatta Masomo 114].
expert (noun), pl experts, stadi (5/6an), pl mastadi.
expertise (noun), ujuzi (14).
expertise (noun), ustadi (14), pl ustadi.
expertness (noun), ubingwa.
expertness (noun), ufarisi.
expertness (in shooting or throwing) (noun), udekuaji.
expire (verb), -shusha pumzi.
cause to explain (verb), -onya.
explain (verb), -aini.
explain (verb), -alika.
explain (verb), -amba.
explain (verb), -aridhia.
explain (verb), -chungua.
explain (verb), -dhahirisha.
explain (verb), -dhihirisha. Father explains the truth.. Babu
adhihirisha ukweli [Masomo 303].
explain (verb), -eleleza.
explain (verb), -eleza.
explain (verb), -elezea.
explain (verb), -fafanisha.
explain (verb), -fafanua.
explain (verb), -fafanusha.
explain (verb), -falanua.
explain (verb), -fasiri.
explain (verb), -hadithi.
explain (verb), -koga.
explain (verb), -komanza.
explain (verb), -onyesha (causative).
explain (verb), -pambazua.
explain (verb), -tabiri.
explain (verb), -tafsiri.
explain (verb), -tambulisha.
explain (verb), -tasua.
explain (verb), -wasifu.
explain something (to someone) (verb), -elekeza. A voter who is unable
to read may ask the Station Supervisor to explain things to him/her
[Masomo, 102]. Mpiga kura asiyeweza kusoma anaweza kumwomba Msimamizi wa
Kituo amwelekeze.
permit to explain (verb), -onya.
one who explains (noun), mwelezaji, pl waelezaji.
one who explains obscurities (noun), mfumbua, pl wafumbua.
one who explains obscurities (noun), mfumbuaji, pl wafumbuaji.
confused explanation (noun), babayiko, pl mababayiko.
explanation (noun), aridhio (5).
explanation (noun), elezo (5/6), pl maelezo.
explanation (noun), fasiri.
explanation (noun), kielezo, pl vielezo.
explanation (noun), kisa, pl visa.
explanation (noun), maelezo, pl maelezo.
explanation (noun), maelezo (6).
explanation (noun), mafafanusi.
explanation (noun), matambuzi, pl matambuzi.
explanation (noun), mwelezo, pl mielezo.
explanation (noun), nahau, pl nahau.
explanation (noun), tafsiri (5/6), pl matafsiri.
explanation (noun), uaguzi.
explanation (noun), ueleano.
explanation (noun), uelezaji.
explanation (noun), ufafanusi.
explanation (noun), ufafanuzi, pl mafafanuzi.
explanation (noun), utabiri.
explanation (noun), utambulifu.
explanation (noun), utambulizi.
explanation (noun), utambuzi.
explanation (noun), utokezo, pl matokezo.
explanation (noun), wasifu.
explanation (of a problem) (noun), utambulisho.
unintelligible explanation (noun), babayiko, pl mababayiko.
cause to explode (verb), -alisha.
explode (verb), -bubujika.
explode (verb), -buguika.
explode (verb), -buyuka.
explode (verb), -lipuka.
explode (verb), -pasua.
explode (verb), -pasuka (potential).
explode (verb), -ripuka. my heart explodes and the legs swing. roho
huniripuka, miguu ikanicheza [Sul].
explode (of bombs) (verb), -alika.
explode (something) (verb), -ripusha.
go off (of bombs) (verb), -alika.
be exploded (verb), -ripushwa.
exploit (verb), -dhalimu.
exploit (verb), -dhulumu.
exploit (verb), -nyanyasa.
exploit (verb), -nyonya.
exploit (verb), -tumia.
exploit each other (verb), -nyonyana.
great exploit (noun), ushujaa.
exploitation (noun), dhaluma.
exploitation (noun), dhuluma.
exploitation (noun), matumio, pl matumio.
exploitation (noun), matumizi, pl matumizi.
exploitation (noun), ubakuaji.
exploitation (noun), unyonyaji (14).
exploitation (noun), utumwa.
exploiter (noun), mnyonyaji (1/2), pl wanyonyaji.
exploiter (noun), mnyonywaji, pl wanyonywaji.
exploration (noun), uvumbuaji.
exploration (noun), uvumbuzi.
explore (verb), -vumbua.
explore (verb), -zumbua.
explorer (noun), pl explorers, mvumbuzi (1/2), pl wavumbuzi.
explosion (noun), mlipuko, pl milipuko.
explosion (noun), mpasuka, pl mipasuka. atomic bomb explosion..
mipasuko ya bomu la atomiki.
explosion (noun), mpasuko, pl mipasuko. atomic bomb explosion..
mipasuko ya bomu la atomiki.
explosion (noun), mpasuo, pl mipasuo. atomic bomb explosion.. mipasuko
ya bomu la atomiki.
explosives expert (noun), mlipuaji wa baruti, pl walipuaji wa baruti.
export (verb), -pakia. exporter. mwenye kupakia mali.
export (verb), -safirisha.
exporter (noun), msafirishaji, pl wasafirishaji.
expose (verb), -dhahirisha.
expose (verb), -dhihirisha.
expose (verb), -fichua.
expose (verb), -gundulisha.
expose (verb), -kashifu.
expose (verb), -tandua.
expose (verb), -tanzua. expose a secret. tanzua siri.
expose each other (verb), -gunduana.
expose oneself (verb), -jipuchua. strip off the grains of an ear of
maize.. pujua mahindi.
expose oneself (verb), -jipujua. strip off the grains of an ear of
maize.. pujua mahindi.
expose oneself (verb), -jipujua.
expose something to danger (verb), -ponza.
be exposed (verb), -gunduka.
be exposed (verb), -tanzuka.
exposition (noun), ufafanuzi (14).
exposure (noun), kashifa.
expound (verb), -aridhia.
expound (verb), -fafanua.
express something publicly (verb), -tamka.
be incompletely expressed (verb), -meguka.
be incompletely expressed (verb), -megukameguka.
expression (noun), kauli (9/10), pl kauli.
expression (noun), kauli.
expression (noun), maneno.
expression (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
expression (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno. a true expression. neno la
expression (noun), usemi (11/10), pl semi.
expression (manner of) (noun), usemi.
expression (of the face) (noun), launi.
expression (of the face) (noun), sura (9/10), pl sura. (s)he has a good
expression (of face). ana sura nzuri [Rec].
expression used to introduce a question or exclamation (interjection),
facial expression (noun), uso, pl nyuso.
expulsion (noun), fukuzano (5/6), pl mafukuzano.
expulsion (noun), komoo.
exquisiteness (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani.
be extended (verb), -nyumbuliwa (passive).
extend (verb), -endeleza.
extend (verb), -linganisha kuza.
extend (verb), -refusha. extend a line.. refusha mstari.
extend (verb), -tambaa.
extend (verb), -tanda. (s)he extended the second piece of cloth to the
head. [kanga] ya pili akaitanda kichwani [Kez].
extend (verb), -zagaa.
extend. (us. refl.jumudu) (verb), -mudu.
be extendable (verb), -nyumbuka.
be extended (verb), -tandamana ( assoc-stat).
extended (adjective), nyofu.
extension (noun), enezi, pl maenzi.
extension (noun), mtando, pl mitando.
extension (noun), mwendelezo (3/4), pl miendelezo.
extent (noun), cheneo (7/8), pl vyeneo.
extent (noun), eneo, pl maeneo. the extent of this country. eneo la
nchi hii.
extent (noun), kadiri (9/10), pl kadiri.
extent (noun), kadiri.
extent (noun), kima (7/8), pl vima.
extent (noun), mfiko, pl mifiko.
extent (noun), ukakaya.
to a great extent (adverb), sana. be immersed to a great extent.
tazamia sana..
to the extent that (conjunction), kadiri.
exterior (adjective), wajihi.
exterior (noun), uso, pl nyuso.
exterminate (verb), -maliza. many people have fallen victim to the
disease. ugonjwa huu umewamaliza watu wengi.
external (adjective), nje.
external trade (noun), biashara ya nje (9/10), pl biashara za nje.
extinguish (verb), -zima.
extinguish something (verb), -zimia.
extinguished thing (noun), zimwe (5/6), pl mazimwe.
one who extinguishes (noun), mzima, pl wazima. fireman.. mzima moto.
extort (verb), -kamia.
extort (verb), -lungula.
extort (verb), -rungula.
extort (verb), -rungula.
extort an admission (verb), -nyenga.
extort an admission from (verb), -nyenya.
extort by threats (verb), -kamia.
extort payment (verb), -hongeza.
extortion (noun), lipizi, pl malipizi.
extortion (noun), ukamio.
extortion (noun), ulipizi, pl malipizi.
extortion (noun), unyakuzi.
extortion (noun), unyang'anyi.
extortion (noun), upokonyaji.
extortion (noun), upokonyo.
extortionist (noun), mlungula, pl walungula.
extortionist (noun), mlungura, pl milungura.
extra payment (noun), kiinua, pl viinua.
something extra (noun), turuhani.
something extra given without charge (noun), uhondo.
extract (noun), arki (9/10), pl arki.
extract (noun), dondo, pl madondo.
extract (noun), dondoo (5/6), pl madondoo.
extract (noun), muhtasari.
extract (noun), mutasari.
extract (noun), ufupisho.
extract (verb), -chomoa (converse).
extract (verb), -kongoa.
extract (verb), -ng'oa.
extract (verb), -noa.
extract (verb), -toza.
extract (verb), -zidua.
extract a tooth (verb), -ng'oka jino (potential). S(h)e even strained
the foot and broke one tooth. hata akateguka mguu na kung'oka jino moja
extract nails (verb), -kongoa.
have a tooth extracted (verb), -ng'olewa jino (passive). How many of
your teeth have been uprooted. [meno] mangapi umeng'olewa? [Abd].
one who extracts (noun), mng'oaji (1/2), pl wang'oaji.
extraction (noun), pl Yes, akina (9/10), pl akina.
extraction (noun), kina.
extraction (noun), wakina.
extraction (through 5 or 6 generations) (noun), uzao, pl mazao.
extramarital relations (noun), ugoni.
extramarital relations (noun), ugono.
extraordinarily (adverb), -a ajabu.
extraordinary (adjective), pl Yes, ajabu. extraordinarily many, an
amazing number. nyingi mno ~.
extraordinary (adjective), pl Yes, ajibu. extraordinarily many, an
amazing number. nyingi mno ~.
extraordinary (adjective), kigeni.
extraordinary (adjective), zungu.
extravagance (noun), hasharati.
extravagance (noun), ubadhiri (14).
extravagance (noun), ubadhirifu.
extravagance (noun), uharabu.
extravagance (noun), uharibifu.
extravagance (noun), upotevu.
extravagant (adjective), -badhiri.
extravagant (adjective), -badhirifu.
extravagant (adjective), -badiri.
extravagant (adjective), haribifu.
extravagant (adjective), kwasi.
extravagant (adjective), potevu. (s)he used money extravagantly.
Alitumia pesa kwa upotevu.
extravagant person (noun), mbadhiri, pl wabadhiri.
extravagant person (noun), mbadhirifu, pl wabadhirifu. Jim was
extravagant, a lover of luxury and of the sweet life. Jim alikuwa
mbadhirifu, mpenda tamasha, mpenda maisha matamu ... [Ganzel Masomo 175].
extravagant person (noun), mfilisi, pl wafilisi.
extravagant person (noun), mfujaji, pl wafujaji.
extreme (adjective), dubwana.
extremely (adverb), hususa.
extremely (adverb), kabisa.
extremely (adverb), mno.
extremely (adverb), sana.
extremely (adverb), top.
extremities (noun), maungo, pl maungo.
extremity (adverb), ncha. geogr. north (south) pole.. ncha ya
kaskazini [kusini].
extremity (noun), ncha, pl ncha.
extremity (noun), upeo, pl peo.
extricate (verb), -kwamua.
extricate (verb), -namua.
extricate (from difficulties) (verb), -opoa.
extricate (from difficulties) (verb), -topoa.
exuberance (noun), uchangamfu.
exuberance (noun), uchekeshi.
exuberance (noun), uchesi.
exuberance (noun), ukunjufu (14).
exuberance (noun), utukutu.
exude (moisture or perspiration) (verb), -rishai.
exult (verb), -simanga.
be exultant (verb), -tamba.
exultation (noun), kifijo, pl vifijo.
apple of one's eye (noun), mboni.
condition of having only one eye (noun), chongo (9/10), pl chongo.
discharge from the eye (noun), utongo, pl matongo.
eye (noun), jicho (5/6), pl macho.
eye (noun), jicho, pl macho.
eye (noun), kijicho (7/8), pl vijicho.
open one's eyes wide (verb), -tumbua macho.
person with bright piercing eyes (noun), mng'ariza (1/2), pl wang'ariza.
pupil (of eye) (noun), mboni (9/10), pl mboni.
purulent discharge from the eye (noun), chongo.
eye stye (noun), chokea (9/10), pl chokea.
eyeball (noun), mboni (9/10), pl mboni.
eyebrow (noun), ushi (11/10), pl nyushi.
eyebrow (noun), usi (9/10), pl nyusi.
eyebrow hair (noun), unyushi (11/10), pl nyushi.
eyebrow hair (noun), unyusi, pl unyusi.
eyebrow ridge (noun), ushi, pl nyushi.
eyeglasses (noun), miwani (9/10), pl miwani. On top of the small
cupboard there were glasses with thick lenses and large black frames;
sunglasses. Juu ya kikabati hicho ilikuwapo miwani yenye vioo vinene na
fremu kubwa nyeusi [Ganzel Masomo 169]; miwani ya jua [Ya].
eyelash (noun), kikope, pl vikope.
eyelash (noun), kope (5/6), pl makope.
eyelash (noun), ukope (11/10), pl kope.
eyelet (noun), stichi (9/10), pl stichi.
eyelet (noun), utanzi.
eyelid (noun), kope (5/6), pl makope.
eyelid (noun), ukope (11/10), pl kope.
I (pronoun), mimi.
I (pronoun), miye.
I (myself) (pronoun), mie. I am not ready to converse with a person who
is guided by a bird, I myself.. Si tayari kuzungumza na mtu anayeongozwa
na ndege mie [Chacha, Masomo 378].
I'm the one! (interjection), ndimi.
I am coming (interjection), abee.
I am fine (interjection), sijambo. we are fine. hatujambo.
I am okay (interjection), sijambo. we are okay. hatujambo.
I say (interjection), aisei.
i.e. (conjunction), yaani.
Ibadites (sect of) (noun), Ibadhi.
ibis (species of) (noun), kwarara.
ice (noun), barafu (9/10), pl barafu.
id est (conjunction), yaani.
idea (noun), dhana.
idea (noun), fikara.
idea (noun), fikira.
idea (noun), fikra.
idea (noun), nia (9/10), pl nia.
idea (noun), rai (9/10), pl rai. (s)he had no strategy nor idea of how
to save her(him)self. hakuwa na hila wala rai ya kujiokoa [Moh].
idea (noun), utungo.
idea (noun), wazo, pl mawazo.
idea (of a literary work) (noun), maandishi, pl maandishi.
fig. ideal (noun), kipeo, pl vipeo. he got a good thrashing.
identify (verb), -tambulisha.
identity (noun), umoja.
ideology (noun), itikadi (9/10), pl itikadi.
idiom (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
idiom (noun), nahau, pl nahau.
idiot (noun), baradhuli (5/6), pl mabaradhuli.
idiot (noun), bozi, pl mabozi.
idiot (noun), hayawani (9/10), pl hayawani.
idiot (noun), juha (5/6), pl majuha.
idiot (noun), jura (5/6), pl majura.
idiot (noun), mjinga (1/2), pl wajinga.
idiot (noun), punguani (5/6an), pl mapunguani.
idiot (noun), zugezuge, pl mazugezuge.
be idle (verb), -gaagaa.
be idle (verb), -huni.
be idle (verb), -jikalia.
be idle (verb), -lega.
be idle (verb), -legarega.
be idle (verb), -regarega.
be idle (verb), -tanga.
be idle (verb), -tangatanga.
cause to be idle (verb), -tangaza (causative).
cause to be idle (verb), -tangisha (causative).
idle (adjective), goigoi.
idle (adjective), legevu.
idle (adjective), -tepetevu.
idle (adjective), -vivu.
idle (adjective), -zembe.
idle person (noun), mzembe, pl wazembe.
idle talk (noun), porojo (5/6), pl maporojo. The had idle talk.
Walizungumza porojo.
in an idle manner (adverb), kizembe.
idle person (noun), mkulivu, pl wakulivu.
idleness (noun), ubozi (14).
idleness (noun), ubwete.
idleness (noun), ukunguni.
idleness (noun), uvivu (14).
idleness (noun), uzembe.
idler (noun), mfujaji, pl wafujaji.
idler (noun), mkunguni (1/2), pl wakunguni.
idler (noun), mparuzi (1/2), pl waparuzi.
idler (noun), mtembezaji, pl watembezaji.
idler (noun), mtembezi, pl watembezi.
idler (noun), mtepetevu, pl watepetevu.
idler (noun), pl idlers, mvivu (1/2), pl wavivu.
idling (noun), mtango, pl mitango.
idling (noun), tango (5/6), pl matango.
idol (noun), sanamu (9/10), pl sanamu. idol worship. ibada ya sanamu..
if (conjunction), ijapo.
if (conjunction), ikiwa.
if (conjunction), ikiwa.
if (conjunction), iwapo.
if (conjunction), iwapo.
if (conjunction), kama.
if (conjunction), kama.
if (conjunction), madhali.
if (conjunction), pindi.
if (conjunction), pindi.
if (conjunction), taaraa. If (s)he comes. taaraa akija.
if (conjunction), taraa. if (s)he comes. taraa akija.
if (only) (conjunction), asaa.
if not (conjunction), waima.
if only! (conjunction), laiti!.
if not (conjunction), isipokuwa.
if not (conjunction), kama laula.
ignite (verb), -simbu.
ignite (a fire) (verb), -sumba.
ignorance (noun), giza.
ignorance (noun), kutokujua.
ignorance (noun), uhayawani.
ignorance (noun), ujinga (14).
ignorance (noun), ujinga.
ignorance (noun), ujuhula.
ignorance (noun), upumbavu.
ignorance (noun), uzuzu.
be ignorant (verb), -pumbaa.
ignorant (adjective), jahili.
ignorant (adjective), -jinga.
ignorant (adjective), jinga.
ignorant (adjective), pumbavu. (s)he was perceived as an ignorant person
due to his/her stupidity. Alionekana mtu mpumbavu kwa vitendo vyake.
ignorant (adjective), zuzu.
ignorant person (noun), chachili, pl machachili.
ignorant person (noun), mjinga (1/2), pl wajinga.
ignorant person (noun), mpemba, pl wapemba.
ignore (verb), -dharau.
ignore (verb), -puuza. (s)he waited for Idi to say a word but he ignored
him/her. alimngojea Idi atamke neno, lakini yeye alipuuza tu [Sul],
alijipa kumpuuza Biti Kocho [Moh].
ignore (verb), -turufu.
allow to become ill (verb), -uguza.
allowance made in weighing for weight of package or vehicle (noun),
turuhani (9/10), pl turuhani.
be ill (verb), -sakimu.
be ill (verb), -umwa.
be ill (used in negative) (verb), -weza.
be ill at ease (verb), -toona raha.
fall ill (noun), ugua.
feel ill (verb), -sua.
feel ill (verb), -sulika.
ill (adjective), -gonjwa.
ill will (noun), wivu (11).
speak ill of each other (verb), -raruana. This cloth will not rip..
kitambaa hiki hakiraruki.
ill will (noun), uwivu.
ill-bred (adjective), chepe.
ill-bred (adjective), tundu.
ill-bred fellow (noun), kisonoko (7/8an), pl visonoko.
ill-bred person (noun), mpemba, pl wapemba.
ill-bred person (noun), msafihi, pl wasafihi.
ill-bred person (noun), msafii, pl wasafii.
ill-bred person (noun), twana, pl matwana.
ill-disposed person (noun), bweshu, pl mabweshu.
ill-feeling (noun), kinyongo (7/8), pl vinyongo.
ill-feeling (noun), mnazaa, pl minazaa.
ill humor (noun), gubu.
ill-humor (noun), chuki (9/10), pl chuki.
ill-humor (noun), mfundo, pl mifundo.
ill-humored person (noun), mkimwa, pl wakimwa.
ill-mannered (adjective), nyeta.
ill-mannered (adjective), shenzi.
ill-mannered person (noun), mshaufu, pl washaufu.
ill-off (noun), chai ya rangi (9/10), pl chai za rangi.
ill-omened (adjective), churo.
ill-omened animal (noun), chimvi (5/6), pl machimvi.
ill-omened child or animal (noun), kigego (7/8), pl vigego.
ill-omened person (noun), kausha, pl wakausha, vikausha.
ill-temper (noun), ukorofi.
ill-treatment (noun), maonevu (6).
ill-will (noun), adawa (9/10), pl adawa.
ill-will (noun), sabasi (9/10), pl sabasi.
ill-will (noun), uhasama.
ill-will (noun), uhasidi.
ill-will (noun), uhusuda.
ill-will (noun), uhusuma.
illegal (adjective), haramu.
illegal (adjective), -a kuruka.
illegality (noun), uharamu.
illegible handwriting (noun), kichoro, pl vichoro.
illegitimate (adjective), haramu.
any illness involving the nerves or muscles (noun), mshipa, pl mishipa.
"neuralgia, sciatica".. maradhi ya mshipa.
be seized by an illness (verb), -patwa ugongwa. be seized by illness.
patwa ugonjwa.
illness (noun), chirwa (9/10), pl chirwa.
illness (noun), gonjwa (5/6), pl magonjwa.
illness (noun), maradhi (6).
illness (noun), maradhi.
illness (noun), marazi.
illness (noun), pl illnesses, radhi (9/10), pl radhi.
illness (noun), shari (9/10), pl shari.
illness (noun), uele (11/10), pl ndwele.
illness (noun), ugonjwa (11/6), pl magonjwa.
illness (noun), uwele (11/10), pl ndwele.
suffer an illness (verb), -pata ugonjwa.
illuminate (verb), -angaza.
illuminate (verb), -nurisha.
illuminate (verb), -tia nuru.
illuminate (verb), -zagaa.
illumination (noun), anga, pl maanga.
illumination (noun), nuru (9/10), pl nuru. "emit light, shine".. toa
illumination (noun), uwasho.
be under the illusion (that) (verb), -jidanganya (reflexive).
illusion (noun), mauzauza.
illusion (noun), mazingaombwe, pl mazingaombwe.
illusion (noun), mazingaumbo, pl mazingaumbo.
illusion (noun), uongo.
illusion (noun), urongo.
illusion (noun), uwongo.
illusion (noun), wongo.
optical illusion (noun), mazigazi (6).
optical illusion (noun), mazigazi, pl mazigazi.
illustration (noun), kielezo, pl vielezo.
illustrator (noun), mfafanusi, pl wafafanusi.
illustrator (noun), mwonyeshaji, pl waonyeshaji.
image (noun), sanamu (9/10), pl sanamu. image of worship. ibada ya
image (noun), pl images, taswira (9/10), pl taswira.
imaginary (verb), -bunika.
imagination (noun), uwazo.
imaginative person (noun), mwaza, pl waaza.
imaginative person (noun), mwazaji, pl waazaji.
imaginative person (noun), mwazi, pl waazi.
imagine (verb), -aza.
imagine (verb), -dhani.
imagine (verb), -elekeza (causative).
imagine (verb), -waza.
imagine (verb), -waza.
imam (noun), imamu.
Imam (Moslem cleric) (noun), imamu (1/2), pl imamu.
imbecile (noun), hayawani.
imbecile (noun), zugezuge, pl mazugezuge.
imbue (verb), -rishai. Her/his face has imbued pain. uso wake umerishai
uchungu [Muk], [msisitizo ule] ukapenya kwenye bongo lake na kurishai
ndani ya fahamu yake [Moh].
imitate (verb), -eleleza.
imitate (verb), -fuata.
imitate (verb), -iga.
imitate (verb), -igiza.
imitate (verb), -oleleza.
imitate (verb), -oleza.
imitate (verb), -rasimu.
imitate someone (verb), -igia.
imitating (act of) (noun), mwigo, pl miigo.
imitation (noun), bandia (9/10), pl bandia.
imitation (noun), igizo (5/6), pl maigizo.
imitation (noun), igizo, pl maigizo.
imitation (noun), manuku.
imitation (noun), manukuu.
imitation (noun), mchanganyo, pl michanganyo.
imitation (noun), uigaji (14).
imitation (noun), uigizaji.
imitator (noun), mwendelezi, pl waendelezi.
imitator (noun), mwiga, pl waiga.
imitator (noun), mwigaji, pl waigaji.
imitator (noun), mwigishaji, pl waigishaji.
immaculate (adjective), nakawa.
immaterial (adverb), mamoja. whether you come or not is immaterial to
me. ukija usije, kwangu ni mamoja.
immature (adjective), -bichi.
immature (adjective), biti.
immature (adjective), -changa.
immature (adjective), changa.
immature (noun), kinda (5/6an), pl makinda.
immature thing (noun), pooza (5/6), pl mapooza.
immaturity (noun), ubichi.
immaturity (noun), uchanga.
something immeasurable (noun), bahari (9/10), pl bahari.
immediately (adverb), halan.
immediately (adverb), halani.
immediately (adverb), mara.
immediately (adverb), mara. once. mara moja.
immediately (adverb), mara moja.
immediately (adverb), sasa hivi.
immediately (interjection), halahala!.
from time immemorial (adverb), tokeapo.
immensity (noun), bahari (9/10), pl bahari.
be immersed (verb), -chovywa.
be immersed (verb), -zama.
immerse (verb), -chovya.
immerse (something) (verb), -zamisha.
immigrant (noun), mhamiaji (1/2), pl wahamiaji.
immigration (noun), uhamaji.
immigration (noun), uhamiaji (14).
immoderation (noun), ubadhiri.
immoderation (noun), ubadhirifu.
be immodest (verb), -jipuchua. strip off the grains of an ear of maize..
pujua mahindi.
be immodest (verb), -jipujua. strip off the grains of an ear of maize..
pujua mahindi.
be immodest (verb), -jipujua.
immodest (adjective), pujufu.
immodest (adjective), pujuzi.
immoral (sexually) (adjective), zinifu.
immoral living (noun), tembezi, pl matembezi.
immoral person (noun), fasiki.
immoral person (noun), mzinifu, pl wazinifu.
immoral person (noun), mzinzi, pl wazinzi.
immoral person (one who violates the Islamic code of marriage morals)
(noun), mwasherati, pl waasherati.
immoral woman (noun), mbembe, pl wabembe.
immoral woman (noun), mbembelezi, pl wabembelezi.
immoral woman (noun), mbembezi, pl wabembezi.
immoral life (noun), upotevu.
immorality (noun), uasherati.
immorality (noun), ufasiki.
immorality (noun), ufisadi (14).
immorality (noun), uhuni (14), pl uhuni.
immorality (noun), uovu, pl maovu.
immorality (noun), utalaleshi.
immorality (noun), utongozaji.
immorality (noun), utongozi.
immorality (noun), uzinifu.
immorality (noun), washerati.
immorality (noun), washerati.
immorality (sexual) (noun), zani (9).
sexual immorality (noun), uzinifu.
sexual immorality (noun), zina.
sexual immorality (noun), zinaa.
be immovable (verb), -simama.
immovably (adverb), tisti.
immunize (verb), -chanja.
immutability (noun), faradhi.
impact (noun), athari (9/10), pl athari.
impact (noun), dafrao, pl dafrao. two automobiles collided. motokaa
mbili ziligongona (pigana) dafrao. [Rec].
impact (noun), dafurao, pl dafurao.
impact (noun), dharba.
impact (noun), dharuba.
impact (noun), kipigo, pl vipigo.
impact (noun), mapambano.
impact (noun), mkutuo (3/4), pl mikutuo.
impact (noun), mpiganisho, pl mipiganisho.
impact (noun), pambano (5/6), pl mapambano.
impala (noun), kinokero, pl vinokero.
impala (noun), swara (9/10an), pl swara.
impart knowledge (verb), -hekimiza.
be impartial (verb), -adili.
impartial (adjective), adili.
impartial (adjective), adilifu.
impartial (adjective), pl translation for applicative, -baki.
impartial (adjective), sawa.
impartiality (noun), adili (5/6), pl maadili.
expresses impatience (interjection), aka.
expresses impatience (interjection), ala.
expresses impatience (interjection), ama.
expression of impatience (interjection), aka.
impatience (noun), shauku (9/10), pl shauku. (s)he is impatient with
them. ana shauku nao..
impatience (noun), tutuo (5/6), pl matutuo.
be impatient (verb), -angaika.
be impatient (verb), -choka.
be impatient (verb), -hangaika.
be impatient (verb), -tukuta.
impatient (adjective), epesi.
impatient person (noun), mjuba, pl wajuba.
be impeded (verb), -shindikiza.
be impeded (verb), -shindizika.
impede (verb), -shindisha.
impede (verb), -shindiza.
impede (verb), -taaradhi.
impede (verb), -taaradhia.
impede (verb), -viza.
person who impedes others (noun), mkinga, pl wakinga.
impediment (noun), dokezi, pl madokezi.
impediment (noun), inda (9/10), pl inda.
impediment (noun), kikwazo, pl vikwazo.
impediment (noun), kizuio, pl vizuio.
impediment (noun), kizuizi, pl vizuizi.
impediment (noun), kwao, pl makwao.
impediment (noun), kwazo (5/6), pl makwazo.
impediment (noun), kwazo, pl makwazo.
impediment (noun), mfungizo, pl mifungizo.
impediment (noun), mgogoro, pl migogoro.
impediment (noun), mkingamo (3/4), pl mikingamo.
impediment (noun), pingamizi (9/10), pl pingamizi. "We want to make
peace, but there are many impediments".. tunataka kufanya amani lakini
kuna pingamizi nyingi.
speech defect (noun), utasi.
speech impediment (noun), kitata (7/8), pl vitata.
speech impediment (noun), utasi.
impel (verb), -choma.
impel (verb), -chonjomoa.
impel (verb), -gofyagofya.
impel (verb), -himia.
impel (verb), -elemea.
impel (verb), -lemea.
be impenetrable (verb), -fungamana.
impenetrable (adjective), zito.
imperfect (adjective), pungufu.
imperfection (noun), dosari (9/10), pl dosari.
imperfection (noun), dosari.
imperial (noun), kionja mchuzi, pl vionja mchuzi.
imperialism (noun), istiimari.
imperialism (noun), ubeberu.
imperialist (noun), beberu (5/6an), pl mabeberu.
imperialist (noun), bepari (5/6), pl mabepari.
imperialist (noun), kaburu, pl makaburu.
imperialistic (adjective), kibeberu.
imperil (verb), -hatarisha.
impertinence (noun), ujuvi (14).
be impertinent (verb), -mena.
impertinent (adjective), kijuvi.
impertinent person (noun), mdadisi, pl wadadisi.
impertinent person (noun), mtafiti, pl watafiti.
impetous person (noun), msukumizi, pl wasukumizi.
become more impetuous (verb), -shika moto.
impetus (noun), pinduli (5/6), pl mapinduli.
implement (noun), ala (9/10), pl ala (nyala, maala).
implement (noun), chombo (7/8), pl vyombo.
implement (noun), kifaa, pl vifaa. household implements. vifaa vya
implement (noun), samani (9/10), pl samani.
implement (hoe, knife, pencil) that has been worn down by mcuh use
(noun), kichlema, pl viselema.
implement (hoe, knife, pencil) that has been worn down by mcuh use
(noun), kiselema, pl viselema.
one who implements (noun), mtekelezaji, pl watekelezaji.
implied (adjective), -fahamivu.
implore (verb), -bembeleza (causative).
implore (verb), -nasihi.
implore (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
implore (verb), -omba.
implore (verb), -omboleza.
implore (verb), -rongaronga.
implore (verb), -sihi.
implore (verb), -sujudu.
implore on one's knees (verb), -sogonea. she implored her husband.
alimsogonea mumewe [Moh].
impolite person (noun), twana, pl matwana.
impolitely (adverb), juu kwa juu.
importation (noun), kuingiza.
be imported (verb), -ingia.
import (verb), -ingiza.
import (merchandise) (verb), -ingiliza.
importance (noun), karama.
importance (noun), makubwa.
importance (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu.
importance (noun), takaramu (9/10), pl takaramu.
importance (noun), takarimu (9/10), pl takaramu.
importance (noun), ukabaila.
importance (noun), ukubwa.
importance (noun), umuhimu (14).
act important (verb), -ringa.
be important (verb), -tukuka.
important (adjective), pl ., adhimu. It is not easy to measure this
significant work of his. Kazi yake hii adhimu aifanyayo si rahisi
kukadirika [Masomo 395].
important (adjective), aula.
important (adjective), kikabaila.
important (adjective), kubwa.
important (adjective), -kuu.
important (adjective), maalum.
important (adjective), maarufu. Mangrove trees and fish are important in
Lamu.. Mikoko na samaki ni maarfu Lamu [Masomo 153].
important (adjective), mashuhuri.
important (adjective), muhimu.
important (adjective), tangulifu.
important (adjective), tukufu.
important event (noun), shani (9/10), pl shani.
important man (noun), kabaila (5/6), pl makabaila.
important matter (noun), makubwa.
important matter (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno.
important person (noun), kabaila, pl makabaila.
important person (noun), kichwa, pl vichwa.
important person (noun), mtukufu, pl watukufu.
important person (noun), shehe (5/6an), pl mashehe.
important person (noun), sheikh (5/6an), pl masheikh.
important person (noun), shekhe (5/6an), pl mashekhe.
important person (noun), sheki (5/6an), pl masheki.
importantly (adverb), adhimu.
importation (of merchandise) (noun), uingizaji.
imported goods (brought by ship) (noun), meli. kind of imported rice..
mpunga wa meli.
importing (noun), kuingiza.
be importunate (verb), -nonga.
importunate (adjective), ng'ang'anivu.
importunate person (noun), mkero, pl wakero.
importunate person (noun), msumbufu, pl wasumbufu.
make importunate (verb), -nonza.
one who begs importunately (noun), mtashi, pl watashi.
be importune (verb), -chaga.
importunity (noun), gubu.
importunity (noun), kero (9/10), pl kero.
importunity (noun), utashi.
impose (verb), -dukisa.
impose (verb), -toza.
impose oneself (verb), -dukiza.
impose something on someone (verb), -pasisha.
impossibility (noun), mhali.
impossibility (noun), muhali.
impossibility (noun), umhali.
impossible (adjective), muhali.
impossible (adjective), nyangalika.
impossible (adverb), hayamkini.
impossible (adverb), hayumkini.
something impossible (noun), umhali.
imposture (noun), udanganyifu.
imposture (noun), ulaghai.
imposture (noun), uragai.
impotence (noun), uzimbezimbe (14).
impotence (sexual) (noun), mkuwadi, pl wakuwadi.
impotence (sexual) (noun), mkwadi, pl wakawadi.
be impotent (verb), -pooza. an impotent man.. mwenye kupooza.
impotent (adjective), siofaa.
impotent male who acts as a servant to women (lit.grinder of sandalwood;)
(noun), msagaliwa, pl wasagaliwa.
impotent man (noun), jongoo.
impotent man (sexually) (noun), hanithi, pl hanithi, mahanithi.
impotent man who acts as a servant to women (noun), shoga (5/6an), pl
sexually impotent man (euph.) (noun), jongoo (5/6), pl majongoo.
impoverised person (noun), mfilisika, pl wafilisika.
be impoverished (verb), -ruzu.
be impoverished (verb), -tabakwa.
become impoverished (verb), -fukarika.
become impoverished (verb), -tabakwa.
impoverishment (noun), ganjo (5/6), pl maganjo.
impoverishment (noun), upotevu.
impracticability (noun), mhali.
impracticability (noun), muhali.
impracticability (noun), umhali.
impracticability (noun), umhali.
imprecation (noun), apizo, pl maapizo.
imprecation (noun), laana. S/he has the curse of his/her parents.. ana
laana la wazazi wake [Rec].
imprecation (noun), lana.
impress (verb), -kandamiza.
make a deep impression (verb), -athiri.
give a wrong impression (verb), -jinyausha.
impression (noun), chapa.
impression (noun), ono (5/6), pl maono.
imprison (verb), -funga.
imprison (verb), -nyara.
imprisoned (adverb), kifungoni.
imprisonment (noun), rimende (9/10), pl rimende. put in prison.. weka
imprisonment (noun), rumande (9/10), pl rumande. put in prison.. weka
imprisonment (noun), rumenda (9/10), pl rumenda. put in prison.. weka
improve (verb), -dubu.
improve (verb), -inukia.
improve (verb), -ongoa.
improve (verb), -pona.
improve (verb), -selehi.
improve (verb), -suluhi.
improve (verb), -suluhu.
improve (health) (verb), -nafuu.
improve the soil (verb), -rutubisha.
improvement (noun), pl plural?, ashekali. note improvement. -ona ~.
improvement (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
improvement (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
improvement (noun), mwendeleo, pl maendeleo.
improvement (noun), nafuu. He is improving/getting better.. amepata
improvement (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
improvement (noun), ujambo.
imprudent person (noun), msafihi, pl wasafihi.
imprudent person (noun), msafii, pl wasafii.
impudence (noun), uchokozi, pl machokozi.
impudence (noun), ufedhuli.
impudence (noun), ufidhuli.
impudence (noun), ufyozi.
impudence (noun), ujuvi.
impudence (noun), ukafu.
impudence (noun), ukavu (14).
impudence (noun), unyeti.
impudence (noun), usafihi.
be impudent (verb), -mena.
be impudent (verb), -pekecheka.
be impudent (verb), -peketeka.
impudent (adjective), chagina.
impudent (adjective), fidhulika.
impudent (adjective), kavu.
impudent (adjective), kijuvi. talk impudently.. sema kijuvi.
impudent (adjective), tundu.
impudent (verb), -juvi.
impudent person (noun), fedhuli, pl mafedhuli.
impudent person (noun), feguli, pl mafeguli.
impudent person (noun), fezuli, pl mafezuli.
impudent person (noun), fidhuli, pl mafidhuli.
impudent person (noun), mchunguzi, pl wachunguzi.
impudent person (noun), mjuvi, pl wajuvi.
impudent person (noun), safihi (9/10an), pl safihi. an unjust person is
an impudent person. Mtu mjeuri ni safihi.
impudent person (noun), safii (9/10an), pl safii. an imprudent person.
mtu safii.
impulse (noun), mchocheo, pl michocheo.
impulse (noun), mchocheo (3/4), pl michocheo.
impulse (noun), mchocho, pl michocheo.
impulse (noun), usukumizi (14).
impure (adjective), najisi.
impure person (noun), mnajisi, pl wanajisi.
impurity (period of forty days after parturition during which a woman is
considered to be impure) (noun), kijusi, pl vijusi.
legal impurity (noun), kijusi (7/8), pl vijusi.
ritual impurity (noun), unajisi.
ritual impurity (after sexual intercourse) (noun), chanaba.
ritual impurity of a new-born child until it has been ceremonially washed
(noun), udusi.
ritual impurity of the puerpera and the baby after the delivery (noun),
ujusi (14).
imputation (noun), mashitaka. procure charges..
imputation (noun), mashitakiano. procure charges..
imputation (noun), mashtaka. procure charges..
imputation (noun), mashtakiano. procure charges..
imputation (noun), pl accusations, shtaka (5/6), pl mashtaka.
be in something (pronoun), kimo.
be in something (verb), vimo.
he is in there (verb), yumo.
in (adverb), katika.
in (preposition), bi.
in (preposition), fi.
in (preposition), katika.
in (preposition), ndani.
in (temporal) (preposition), mnamo.
in here (pronoun), humu, pl humu.
in that very place (adjective), papo. in that very place. papo hapo.
it is in there (verb), yamo.
she is in there (verb), yumo.
they are in (verb), -zimo.
they are in there (verb), yamo.
in any case (conjunction), kwa kila hali.
in case (conjunction), endapo.
in future (adverb), alafu.
in haste (adjective), mbio.
in line (adverb), chanjari.
have in mind (verb), -ania.
in order that (conjunction), angao.
in order that (conjunction), -angalao.
in that place (pronoun), pale. in that place.. mahali pale.
be in time (for something) (verb), -diriki.
in turn (adverb), kwa zamu.
in vain (adjective), bure. do work in vain. fanya kazi buri.
in vain (adverb), bilashi.
in vain (adverb), bileshi.
in-law (relative by marriage) (noun), mkwe (1/2), pl wakwe.
in-laws (noun), ukwe.
inability to speak (noun), utasi (14).
make inaccessible (verb), -finga.
inactive (adjective), goigoi.
inactive (verb), -jikalia.
inactivity (noun), ugoigoi.
inactivity (noun), ulitima.
inactivity (noun), ultima.
inactivity (noun), uritima.
inadequacy (noun), punguo (5/6), pl mapunguo.
inadequacy (noun), uhaba.
inadequacy (noun), uhafifu.
inadequacy (noun), upunguaji.
inadequacy (noun), upungufu, pl mapungufu.
inadequate (adjective), adimu.
inane (adjective), chege.
inarticulateness (noun), utasi (14).
be inattentive (verb), -kukusa.
be inattentive (verb), -jipurukusha.
be inattentive (verb), -sahau.
be inattentive (verb), -sinzia.
be inattentive (verb), -taghafali.
cause to be inattentive (verb), -sahaulisha.
inattentive (adjective), sahaulifu.
listen inattentively (verb), -purukusa sikio.
listen inattentively (verb), -purukusha sikio. (s)he listened
inattentively, when (s)he was told of his/her mistakes. Alipurukusha
masikio, wakati alipoelezwa kosa lake.
talk inattentively (verb), -purukusa maneno.
talk inattentively (verb), -purukusha maneno.
inattentiveness (noun), ulegeo.
inattentiveness (noun), ulegevu.
inattentiveness (noun), upurukushaji.
inattentiveness (noun), upurukushani.
inattentiveness (noun), upurukusho.
inaugurate (as a ruler) (verb), -aenzi.
inaugurate (as ruler) (verb), -enzi.
inaugurate (as ruler) (verb), -ezi.
inaugurate (verb), -tawalisha.
inaugurate (verb), -tawaza (causative).
inaugurate (a building) (verb), -zindua.
inauguration (noun), zinduo, pl mazinduo.
inauguration ceremony (noun), mzinduko, pl mizinduko.
inauguration ceremony (noun), mzinduo, pl mizinduo.
incantation (noun), dua.
pronounce incantations (in preparing medicines) (verb), -tabana.
incendiarism (noun), uchomaji.
incendiary (noun), mchomaji, pl wachomaji.
incendiary (noun), mtiaji, pl watiaji.
burn incense (verb), -fukisha.
burn incense (verb), -fukiza.
burn incense (verb), -vukiza.
burning incense (act of) (noun), kifukizo (7/8), pl vifukizo.
burning incense (act of) (noun), kivukizo (7/8), pl vifukizo.
burning of incense (noun), ufukizo.
incense (noun), buhuri.
incense (noun), fukizo (5/6), pl mafukizo.
incense (noun), kifukizo, pl vifukizo, vivukizo.
incense (noun), kivukizo, pl vifukizo, vivukizo.
incense (noun), ubani (11).
incense (noun), uvumba (14).
vessel for burning incense (noun), maziga, pl maziga.
incense burner (noun), chetezo.
incentive (noun), kishawishi (7/8), pl vishawishi.
inception (noun), auwali, pl auwali.
inception (noun), awali (9/10), pl awali.
inception (noun), uanzishaji.
incessantly (adverb), dabal moja.
incessantly (adverb), moto mmoja.
inch (noun), inchi (9/10), pl inchi.
inch (2.5 cm.) (noun), inchi.
incident (noun), fursa.
incident (noun), mkasa (3/4), pl mikasa.
incident (noun), tukio, pl matukio.
incision (noun), chale (9/10), pl chale.
incision (noun), chanjo, pl machanjo.
incision (noun), mkato (3/4), pl mikato.
incision (noun), tojo (9/10), pl tojo.
incision (noun), uchale.
incision (small) (noun), mtai, pl mitai. to scratch.. piga mtai.
incision made in the ritual of blood brotherhood (noun), sare (9/10), pl
make an incision (verb), -chanja.
make an incision (verb), -panya.
make an incision (verb), -toja.
make an incision (verb), -umika.
incite (verb), -bilisi.
incite (verb), -chochea.
incite (verb), -chonjomoa.
incite (verb), -sukuma.
incite (verb), -sukumiza (intensive).
incite (verb), -tasliti.
incite (verb), -tomesha.
incite (verb), -vuruga.
incite (verb), -vurugavuruga.
incite (verb), -vuruma.
incite (to rebellion) (verb), -haifisha.
incite to rebellion (verb), -asisha.
incitement (noun), shonga (5/6), pl mashonga.
incitement (noun), tashtiti (9/10), pl tashtiti.
incitement (noun), uchuro.
incitement (noun), usukumizi.
incitement to quarrel (noun), chonjo (9/10), pl chonjo.
inciter (noun), pl inciters, msukumizi (1/2), pl wasukumizi.
inclination (noun), kijoyo, pl vijoyo.
inclination (noun), maelekeo, pl mealekeo.
inclination (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahaba.
inclination (noun), pl there is no cure for love, mahuba.
inclination (noun), mapendeleo.
inclination (noun), mapendo.
inclination (noun), mapenzi.
inclination (noun), mataka, pl mataka.
inclination (noun), matakwa, pl matakwa.
inclination (noun), mwelekeo (3/4), pl mielekeo.
inclination (noun), mwito, pl miito, wito.
inclination (noun), penzi (5/6), pl mapenzi.
inclination (noun), upendaji, pl mapendaji.
inclination (noun), upendeleo, pl mapendeleo.
be inclined toward (verb), -elekea.
incline (verb), -betua.
incline to (verb), -taka.
incline towards (verb), -inamia (applicative).
include (verb), -timiza.
include (verb), -zingatia.
be included (verb), -timu.
remain incognito (verb), asitambuke (conjugated).
incoherence (noun), upayukaji (11).
be incoherent (verb), -kikisa.
incoherent speech (noun), ubabaiko.
talk incoherently (verb), -taataa.
income (noun), kipato (7/8), pl vipato.
income (noun), maduhuli, pl maduhuli.
income (noun), mapato. per capita income. mapato kwa mtu.
income (noun), mshahara, pl mishahara.
income (noun), pato (5/6), pl mapato.
income (noun), tija.
income (noun), upato, pl pato.
income (noun), wasili.
be incompletely developed (verb), -pooza. This fruit is unripe.. tunda
hili limepooza.
incomplete (adjective), chache.
incomplete (adjective), pungufu.
feigning incomprehension (noun), ufifi.
feigning incomprehension (noun), ufifilizi.
inconsequential thing (noun), daga, pl daga.
inconsequential thing (noun), dagaa, pl dagaa.
inconsiderate act (noun), hamaki.
inconsiderate person (noun), chepe (5/6), pl machepe.
inconsiderate person (noun), mkumbizi, pl wakumbizi.
inconsistency (noun), upayukaji (11).
inconstant (adjective), -badilifu.
inconstant (adjective), kigeugeu.
inconvenience (noun), taabu (9/10), pl taabu.
inconvenience (noun), takalifu (9/10), pl takalifu.
inconvenience (noun), takilifu (9/10), pl takilifu.
inconveniences (noun), matatizo (6).
incorporate (verb), -shirikisha. incorporate our work together.
Shirikisha kazi zetu pamoja.
incorporate (verb), -shirikiza.
incorrect (adjective), kosefu.
incorruptible person (noun), msalihina, pl wasalihina.
incorruptible person (noun), msalikhina, pl wasalikhina.
incorruptible person (noun), salihina (9/10an), pl salahina.
be increased (verb), -ongezwa.
increase (noun), endeleo, pl maendeleo.
increase (noun), endelezo, pl maendelezo.
increase (noun), iktikazi.
increase (noun), jazi (5/6), pl majazi.
increase (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
increase (noun), marupurupu.
increase (noun), nafuu (9/10).
increase (noun), nyongeza (9/10), pl nyongeza.
increase (noun), ongezeko (5/6), pl maongezeko.
increase (noun), ongezo (5/6), pl maongezo.
increase (noun), rupu (5/6), pl marupurupu.
increase (noun), uendeleo, pl maendeleo.
increase (noun), uendeshaji.
increase (noun), zaidana.
increase (noun), zaidi.
increase (noun), ziada (9/10), pl ziada.
increase (noun), zidi, pl mazidi.
increase (noun), zidio (5/6), pl mazidio.
increase (noun), ziyada, pl maziyada.
increase (verb), -kithiri.
increase (verb), -koleza (causative).
increase (verb), -kulia (applicative). speak in a loud voice..
increase (verb), -kuza (causative).
increase (verb), -ongea.
increase (verb), -ongeza (causative). (s)he went back to the man to
increase his thanks. alirudi kwa yule bwana kumwongeza shukrani [Sul].
increase (verb), -panda.
increase (verb), -pandisha.
increase (verb), -panza.
increase (verb), -tanua.
increase (in size) (verb), -kua.
increase (in) (verb), -zidia (applicative).
increase something (verb), -zidisha.
increase the size (verb), -panua.
receive an increase (verb), -ongezewa.
be increased (verb), -ongezeka (potential).
increment (noun), jazi, pl majazi.
increment (noun), nyongeza (9/10), pl nyongeza. Increment of the welfare
of those with a lucky star.. nyongeza ya maslahi ya wengi wao wenye nyota
njema [Mun].
increment (noun), ongezeko (5/6), pl maongezeko.
increment (noun), ongezo (5/6), pl maongezo.
increment (noun), zaidana.
increment (noun), zaidi.
increment (noun), ziada, pl maziada.
increment (noun), zidi, pl mazidi.
increment (noun), ziyada, pl maziyada.
increse (verb), -zidi.
incrustation (noun), fisifisi (9/10), pl fisifisi.
incrustation (noun), fusfus.
incrustation (noun), ukoga (14).
incrustation (noun), ukoga.
salt incrustation (noun), chunyu (9/10), pl chunyu.
inculcate (verb), -nuika.
inculcate (verb), -nuiza.
incur a loss (verb), -potewa.
be indebted to each other (verb), -wiana.
indecency (noun), uchafu.
indecency (noun), uhayawani (14).
indecent (adjective), chafu.
indecision (noun), ajiza (9/10), pl ajiza.
indecision (noun), ajizi (9/10), pl ajizi.
indecision (noun), taladadi (9/10), pl taladadi.
indecision (noun), taradadi (9/10), pl taradadi.
indecision (noun), uajazi.
indecision (noun), uajizi.
indecision (noun), wayowayo (11).
indeed (adverb), kweli.
indeed (adverb), tokea hapo.
indeed (conjunction), walahi.
indeed (interjection), wallai!.
it is indeed (interjection), ndi.
indefinable (noun), kidude, pl vidude.
be indefinite (verb), -lega.
be indefinite (verb), -legarega.
be indefinite (verb), -rega.
be indefinite (verb), -regarega.
indefinite number (adjective), kadha.
indemnification (noun), jazua.
indemnification (noun), kisase, pl visasi.
indemnification (noun), kisasi, pl visasi.
indemnification (in money or an equivalent present) (noun), pakanya
(5/6), pl mapakanya.
indemnify (verb), -jazi.
indemnify (verb), -lipa.
identation (noun), mfuo, pl mifuo.
independence (noun), kinaa (7).
independence (noun), kinaya (7).
independence (noun), kujitawala.
independence (noun), uhuru (14).
independence (noun), ukinaifu.
dependent (irrespective of age) (noun), mtoto, pl watoto.
independent (adjective), huria.
independent person (noun), mkinaifu (1/2), pl wakinaifu.
index (noun), daftari, pl madaftari. account book. daftari ya hesabu
index (noun), deftari.
index (noun), fahirisi (9/10), pl faharisi.
index (noun), koli, pl koli.
index (noun), onyo (5/6), pl maonyo.
index (of a book) (noun), mwelezo, pl mielezo.
India (adjective), Hindi.
India (noun), Bara Hindi (9).
India (noun), Uhindi.
Indian (adjective), -Hindi.
Indian (adjective), kihindi.
Indian (noun), Mhindi, pl wahindi. Red Indian, American Indian. Mhindi
Indian (noun), Muhindi, pl wahindi. Red Indian, American Indian. Mhindi
Indian Ocean (noun), Bahari ya Hindi.
ornith. Indian cockatoo (noun), mitu.
wealthy Indian (noun), seti (9/10an), pl seti.
give someone an indication (verb), -ashiria, pl ashiria.
indicate (verb), -dokeza.
indicate (verb), -onyesha. military review.. maonyesho ya vita.
indication (noun), alama (9/10), pl alama. mark, indicate. -tia ~.
indication (noun), dalili. footprint; It is forbidden to show any
indications of racial discrimination. dalili ya mguu [Rec]; Ni marufuku
kuonyesha dalili zo zote za ubaguzi wa rangi [Masomo, 100].
indication (noun), delili.
indication (noun), ishara (9/10), pl ishara.
indication (noun), ishara.
indication (noun), kielekezo, pl vielekezo.
indication (noun), kionyo (7/8), pl vionyo.
indication (noun), onyo (5/6), pl maonyo.
indication (noun), taashira (9/10), pl taashira.
indication (noun), waa, pl mawaa.
indication (noun), zulio, pl mazulio.
indicator (noun), akarabu (9/10), pl akarabu.
indicator (noun), akrabu, pl akrabu.
indicator (noun), indiketa (9/10), pl indiketa.
indicator (noun), kiashirio (7/8), pl viashiria.
indicator (noun), mshale, pl mishale.
indicator (on a machine) (noun), onyo (5/6), pl maonyo.
indictment (noun), pl accusations, shtaka (5/6), pl mashtaka.
indictment (public) (noun), suto (5/6), pl masuto.
jur. indictment (noun), mashitaka. procure charges..
jur. indictment (noun), mashitakiano. procure charges..
jur. indictment (noun), mashtaka. procure charges..
jur. indictment (noun), mashtakiano. procure charges..
indifference (noun), kutojali (15).
indifference (noun), ubaridi.
indifference (noun), utepetevu.
indifference (noun), uvivu.
indifference (noun), uzembe.
be indifferent (verb), -sinzia.
indifferent (adjective), -vivu.
indifferent person (noun), mzembe (1/2), pl wazembe.
indigence (noun), uhitaji, pl hitaji, mahitaji.
indigenous (noun), kienyeji (7/8), pl vienyeji.
indigent (adjective), maskini.
indigestion (noun), kiungulia (7/8), pl viungulia.
indignation (noun), mwao (3/4), pl miao.
indigo (noun), nili (9/10), pl nili.
indigo plant( Indigofera tinctoria) (noun), mnili (3/4), pl minili.
indirect route (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee.
indiscretion (noun), pengee (5/6), pl mapengee.
indiscretion (noun), udadisi.
indiscretion (noun), utafiti.
indiscretion (in talking) (noun), upayukaji (11).
indiscriminately (adverb), baghala.
indiscriminately (adverb), shaghala.
indiscriminately (adverb), shelabela.
indisposition (noun), kizunguzungu.
indisposition (noun), utakalifu.
indistinct noise (noun), vumi.
indistinct noise (noun), vumo, pl mavumo.
indistinct sound (noun), uvumi.
indistinct sound (noun), uvumo, pl mavumo.
indistinctness (noun), unyenyezi.
individual (adjective), -akali.
individual (adjective), rejareja.
individual (adverb), a pekee.
individual (noun), moja. a certain person.. mtu mmoja.
individual (noun), mtu, pl watu. man or woman. mtu mume [mke].
individualism (noun), ubinafsi (14).
individuality (noun), nafsi.
individuality (noun), roho (9/10), pl roho. He is humane [(s)he is good-
hearted]. ana roho njema.
individually (adverb), rejareja.
Indo-Chinese (noun), Muindo china (1/2), pl Waindo-China.
indolence (adverb), ndezi.
indolence (noun), ubozi.
indolence (noun), ubwete.
indolence (noun), ugoigoi.
indolence (noun), ukulifu.
indolence (noun), ukulivu.
indolence (noun), ukunguni.
indolence (noun), utepetevu.
be indolent (verb), -sinzia.
be indolent (verb), -tepetea.
in a indolent manner (adverb), kivivu.
in a indolent manner (adverb), kivivuvivu.
in an indolent (adverb), kizembe.
indolent (adjective), goigoi.
indolent (adjective), kulifu.
indolent (adjective), kulivu.
indolent (adjective), tepete.
indolent (adjective), tepetevu.
stay indoors (verb), -tawa.
inducement (noun), lukuma.
inducement (noun), pl indenducements, shawishi (5/6), pl mashawishi.
indulgence (noun), rehema (9/10), pl rehema.
indulgence (noun), upendeleo, pl mapendeleo.
indulgence (noun), upendelevu, pl mapendelevu.
be indulgent (verb), -limbika.
indulgent person (noun), msameha, pl wasameha.
indulgent person (noun), msamehaji, pl wasamehaji.
be industrious (noun), biabia.
industry (noun), bidii.
industry (noun), jitahidi, pl majitihadi.
industry (noun), kande.
industry (noun), uhodari.
industry (noun), ujitahidi.
industry (noun), utendaji.
industry (noun), utendi.
industry (noun), utenzi.
light industry (noun), viwanda vidogo (8).
manufacturing industry (noun), kiwanda cha kutengeneza bidhaa (7/8), pl
viwanda vya kutnegeneza.
pl. industry (noun), kiwanda, pl viwanda.
small industries (noun), viwanda vidogovidogo (8).
inebriation (noun), leuleu (5/6), pl maleuleu.
inebriation (noun), nishai (9/10), pl nishai.
be ineffective (verb), -batilika (potential).
ineffective (adjective), batili.
ineffective (adjective), batilifu.
make ineffective (verb), -batilisha (causative).
one who declares something to be ineffective (noun), mbatilifu, pl
inept behavior (noun), puo (5/6), pl mapuo.
inept behavior (noun), puzo (5/6), pl mapuzo.
inept speech (noun), puo (5/6), pl mapuo.
inept speech (noun), puzo (5/6), pl mapuzo.
ineptitude (noun), machachari, pl machachari.
inert (adverb), tuli.
inertia (noun), inesha (9/10), pl inesha.
inevitable (adjective), siyoepukika. inevitable sacrifices. mahanga
inexpensive (adjective), rahisi.
inexperience (noun), ulimbukeni (14).
inexperience (noun), uzuzu.
inexperience (sexual) (noun), usungo (14).
inexperienced (adjective), zuzu.
infancy (noun), uchanga (14).
infancy (noun), utoto.
infatuation (noun), ghururi (9/10), pl ghururi.
infect (verb), -ambukiza.
be infected (by syphillis) (verb), -sekeneka.
infection (noun), ambukizo (5/6), pl maambukizo.
infection (noun), ambukizo, pl maambukizo.
infection (noun), uambukizo, pl maambukizo.
infection (noun), wito (11).
be infectious (verb), -ambukiza.
inferior (adjective), chini.
inferior (adjective), duni. You have underrated yourself as
inferior/inferior by underestimation.. Umejidunisha duni/duni ya
kujidunisha [Alamin Mazrui "Usijiangamize" 9].
inferior (adjective), ghafi.
inferior (adjective), ovyo.
inferior article of any kind (noun), mfuto, pl mifuto. a plain door
(without carving or ornamentation). mlango wa mfuto.
inferior quality (noun), udufu.
of inferior quality (adjective), kachala.
inferiority complex (noun), hisia za unyonge (9/10), pl hisia za unyonge.
inferiority complex (noun), udhalili (14).
infidel (noun), kafiri (5/6), pl makafiri.
infidelity (noun), makufuru (6).
infidelity (noun), ukafiri.
infidelity (noun), ukufuru.
(infinitive prefix) (prefix), ku-.
infinity (noun), milele (9/10). life everlasting.. maisha ya milele.
be infirm (verb), -ajazi.
become infirm (verb), -dhoofika.
become infirm (verb), -dhoofu.
infirm (adjective), dhaifu.
infirmity (noun), udhaifu.
inflamation (noun), usumbufu.
be inflamed (verb), -waka.
be inflamed (verb), -washa.
be inflamed (verb), -wawa.
become inflamed (verb), -cheneta.
inflame (verb), -chochea.
inflamed soar (noun), mtoki (3/4), pl mitoki.
inflammation (noun), harara.
inflammation (noun), joto, pl majoto.
inflammation (noun), kiwasho (7/8), pl viwasho.
inflammation (noun), mchomo, pl michomo.
inflammation (noun), uwasho.
inflammation of the eyes (noun), kikope, pl vikope.
inflate (verb), -puliza. inflate a ball. puliza mpira.
inflate (verb), -puza.
inflate (in price) (verb), -ghalika.
be inflated (verb), -kubaza.
inflation (noun), uvimbe.
be inflexible (verb), -thibiti.
inflexible (adjective), kakamizi.
inflexible (adjective), yabis.
inflexible (adjective), yabisi.
inflict (verb), -pasisha.
inflict something on someone (verb), -pasisha.
have a profound influence (verb), -saki.
influence (noun), athari, pl athari.
influence (noun), makadara (6).
influence (noun), mvuto, pl mivuto.
influence (noun), nguvu (9/10), pl nguvu.
influence (noun), taathiri (9/10), pl taathiri.
influence (noun), tendo, pl matendo.
influence (noun), uvuto.
influence (verb), -athari.
influence (verb), -athiri. A poet may influence people .. Mshairi
anaweza kuwaathiri watu [Masomo 393].
influence (verb), -vuta.
mutual influence (noun), uvutano.
sphere of influence (noun), eneo, pl maeneo.
influential (adjective), kubwa.
influential person (noun), shehe (5/6an), pl mashehe.
influential person (noun), sheikh (5/6an), pl masheikh.
influential person (noun), shekhe (5/6an), pl mashekhe.
influential person (noun), sheki (5/6an), pl masheki.
influenza (noun), bombo. influenza. [homa ya] bombo.
influenza (noun), bombom.
influenza (noun), kamata (9/10), pl kamata.
influenza (noun), kamata.
be informed (verb), -arifiwa.
be informed (verb), -julishwa ( caus-pass).
inform (verb), -alika.
inform (verb), -ambia.
inform (verb), -aridhia.
inform (verb), -arifu.
inform (verb), -fahamisha (causative).
inform (verb), -hekimiza.
inform (verb), -hubiri.
inform (verb), -hubiri.
inform (verb), -julisha.
inform (verb), -juvya.
inform (verb), -komanza.
inform (verb), -ripoti.
inform promptly (verb), -ashiria, pl ashiria.
informed well about a person (adverb), dahili.
extract information from a person (verb), -nyenya.
information (noun), aridhio (5).
information (noun), habari.
information (noun), maarifa (6).
information (noun), maarifa, pl maarifa.
information (noun), mazulio (6).
information (noun), ripoti (9/10), pl ripoti.
information (noun), tangazo (5/6), pl matangazo.
information (noun), zulio, pl mazulio.
obtain information (verb), -ziua.
obtain information (verb), -zua.
provide information (on a person's character etc.) (verb), -tawasifu.
recent, pol. information officer (noun), msema, pl wasema.
recent, pol. information officer (noun), msemaji, pl wasemaji.
be informed (verb), -ambiwa.
be well informed (verb), -elimika.
be well informed (verb), -taalamu.
well-informed person (noun), mjuzi (1/2), pl wajuzi.
well-informed person (noun), mtambua, pl watambua.
well-informed person (noun), mtambuzi, pl watambuzi.
informer (noun), haini (1/2), pl wahaini.
informer (noun), mdakizi, pl wadakizi.
informer (noun), mdaku, pl wadaku.
informer (noun), mdakulizi, pl midakulizi.
informer (noun), mdakuzi, pl wadakizi.
informer (noun), mdhana.
informer (noun), mdukizi, pl wadakizi.
informer (noun), mfumua, pl wafumua.
informer (noun), mfumuaji, pl wafumuaji.
informer (noun), mshitaki, pl washitaki.
informer (noun), mshtaki, pl washtaki.
informer (noun), mstaki, pl wastaki.
informing (noun), uchongezi.
informing (noun), uchongezo.
informing (noun), uchongolezi.
infraction (noun), taadi (9/10), pl taadi.
infraction (noun), pl infractions, tadi (9/10), pl tadi.
infraction (noun), utadi.
infraction (of a rule or law) (noun), machafuko, pl machafuko.
infrastructure (noun), muundombinu (3/4), pl miundombinu.
infringe (verb), -halifu.
become infuriated (verb), -hamaki.
get infuriated (verb), -chafuka (potential).
infuriate (verb), -kasiri.
infuriate (verb), -udhi.
be infuriated (verb), -udhika.
be ingenious (verb), -fioa.
be ingenious (verb), -fyoa.
ingenious (adjective), erevu.
ingenuity (noun), uelekevu.
power of ingenuity (noun), wekevu.
power of ingenuity (noun), welekevu.
ingenuousness (noun), weupe.
ingot (noun), mchi (3/4), pl michi.
ingot (of gold) (noun), mkuo, pl mikuo.
ingratiate oneself (verb), -bembejea.
ingratiate oneself (verb), -jipendekeza.
ingratiate oneself (verb), -jipendekeza.
ingratiating (noun), mafuta.
small ingredients (noun), kichopo (7/8), pl vichopo.
be inhabited (verb), -pangwa.
inhabited country (noun), jimbo (5/6), pl majimbo.
inhabitant (noun), mkaa (1/2), pl wakaa.
inhabitant (noun), mkaaji, pl wakaaji.
inhabitant (noun), mkaazi (1/2), pl wakaazi.
inhabitant (noun), mkazi (1/2), pl wakazi.
inhabitant (noun), mwenyeji (1/2), pl wenyeji.
inhabitant (of a country) (noun), mwananchi, pl wananchi.
inhabitant (of a place) (noun), mzawa (1/2), pl wazawa.
inhabitant (of aplace) (noun), mzalia, pl wazalia. first born.. mzaliwa
inhabitant (of aplace) (noun), mzaliwa, pl wazaliwa. first born..
mzaliwa mbele.
inhabitant of (the west coast of) Madagascar (noun), Msakalawa, pl
inhabitant of the earth (noun), mlimwengu, pl walimwengu.
inhabitant of the earth (noun), mwulimwengu, pl waulimwengu.
be inhabited (verb), -kalika.
be inhabited (verb), -kaliwa.
inhale (verb), -pandisha pumzi.
inhale (verb), -pandisha pumuzi.
inhale (verb), -pandisha pumzi. work the entire day without a rest..
fanya kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
inhale (verb), -vuta pumzi.
inhale (verb), -vuta pumuzi. work the entire day without a rest.. fanya
kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
inhale (verb), -vuta pumzi. work the entire day without a rest.. fanya
kazi kutwa bila pumzi.
inhale (verb), -vuta.
inherit (verb), -rithi. After his/her father died, (s)he inherited four
cows. baba yake alipokufa alirithi ng'ombe wanne [Kez].
inheritance (noun), mirathi. rare: law of inheritance.. masala ya
inheritance (noun), urithi (14).
inheritance (noun), warithi, pl mawarithi.
initial (adjective), awali.
initial (noun), mwanzo (3/4), pl mianzo.
initially (adverb), awali. Initially she was hostile and did not offer
assistance.. Hapo awali aljitia ukali na kutokutoa msaada [Masomo 163].
be initiated (verb), -anzishwa. the aim in initiating this party.
shabaha ya kuanzishwa kwa chama hicho [Masomo 218].
chief of the initiates (noun), mhenga (1/2), pl wahenga.
initiate (verb), -anzilisha.
initiate (verb), -anzisha.
initiate (boy or girl) (noun), mwali (1/2), pl wali.
initiated person (noun), pl initiates, mrongo (1/2), pl mirongo.
boy or girl before or during the initiation ceremony (noun), mwali.
boy or girl before or during the initiation ceremony (noun), mwari.
boy or girl who has not been through the initiation rites (noun), msungo,
pl wasungo.
camp at which initiation rites are performed (noun), dimba, pl madimba.
ceremonial specialist at initiation rites (noun), ngungwi (9/10an), pl
ceremonies and dances marking the initiation of children as adults
(noun), unyago.
confidential teaching as in initiation settings (noun), kunga (9/10), pl
initiation (noun), jando (5/6), pl majando.
initiation (of boys and girls at puberty) (noun), lango, pl malango.
initiation (of boys and girls at puberty) (noun), malango.
initiation ceremony (for children) (noun), manyago.
initiation rite (noun), jando, pl majando.
initiation rite (noun), unyago (14).
instructor at initiation rite or marriage (noun), kungwi (5/6), pl
older person who instructs boys and girls in the initiation rites (noun),
mhenga, pl wahenga.
person in charge of initiation rites (noun), nyakanga (9/10an), pl
secret initiation teaching (noun), malango (6).
secret place where intitiation rites are performed (noun), jando, pl
tribal initiation rites (noun), ukumbi, pl kumbi.
young person of either sex who has been through the initiation rites
(noun), mrongo, pl warongo.
someone lacking initiative (noun), golikipa (5/6), pl magolikipa.
take the initiative (verb), -jitolea (reflexive).
initiator (noun), mwanzilishi, pl waanzilishi.
initiator (noun), mwanzilizi, pl waanzilizi.
initiator (noun), mwanzishaji, pl waanzilishaji.
administer a hypodermic injection (verb), -dunga.
give a hypodermic injection. (verb), -chanja.
give an injection (verb), -piga sindano.
give an injection (verb), -piga sindano.
injection (noun), shindano (5/6), pl mashidano. give an injection. piga
sindano [Rec].
injection (noun), pl injections, sindano (5/6), pl masindani.
be injured (verb), -umia (applicative).
injure (verb), -athiri.
injure (verb), -changa.
injure (verb), -cheruhi.
injure (verb), -chimba.
injure (verb), -choma.
injure (verb), -dhuru.
injure (verb), -dondoa.
injure (verb), -fyanda.
injure (verb), -hasiri.
injure (verb), -jeruhi.
injure (verb), -jeruhi.
injure (verb), -kebehi.
injure (verb), -kufuru.
injure (verb), -tweza.
injure (verb), -umiza.
injure (verb), -wanga.
injure someone (verb), -keta.
injure someone (verb), -sonoa.
be a little injured (verb), -tetereka.
be injured (verb), -atilika.
injury (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
injury (noun), cheraka, pl macheraka.
injury (noun), dhara, pl madhara. be injured. pata dhara.
injury (noun), hasara.
injury (noun), jeraha, pl majeraha.
injury (noun), mbanjo (3/4), pl mibanjo.
injury (noun), tezo, pl matezo.
injury (noun), umizi, pl maumizi.
injustice (noun), afa (5/6), pl maafa.
injustice (noun), dhaluma.
injustice (noun), dhuluma.
injustice (noun), dhulumu, pl madhulum.
injustice (noun), jeuri (9/10), pl jeuri.
injustice (noun), jeuri.
injustice (noun), maovu.
injustice (noun), ovu (5/6), pl maovu.
injustice (noun), udhalimu (14).
injustice (noun), udhalimu.
injustice (noun), ujeuri.
ink (noun), wino (11), pl wino.
inkpot (noun), kidau (7/8), pl vidau.
inkpot (noun), kidawati (7/8), pl vidawati.
inkwell (noun), kidau (7/8), pl vidau.
inkwell (noun), kidawa, pl vidawa cha wino.
inland (noun), bara (9/10), pl bara.
inlay work (noun), mjumu, pl mijumu.
inlay work (noun), njumu, pl mijumu.
inlay work (of metal) (noun), njumu (9/10), pl njumu.
inlay work (of metal) (noun), njumunjumu (9/10), pl njumunjumu.
inlet (noun), ghuba (5/6), pl maghuba.
inlet (noun), hori.
inlet (small) (noun), kihori, pl vihori.
inlet(of the sea) (noun), mkono, pl mikono.
inluenza (noun), kaputula.
innermost part (noun), kiini (7/8), pl viini.
innermost part (noun), undani (14).
innermost seat of feelings (noun), ini (5/6), pl maini.
innocence (noun), takato (5/6), pl matakato.
innocence (noun), weupe.
innocent (phrase), asiye na hatia.
innovation (noun), badili, pl mabadili.
innovation (noun), geuzo, pl mageuzo. democratic reform.. mgeuzo wa
innovation (noun), mgeuzo, pl mageuzo. democratic reform.. mgeuzo wa
innovation (noun), uzushi.
innovation (noun), uzuzi.
innovator (noun), kizushi (7/8), pl vizushi.
innovator (noun), mzushi, pl wazushi.
innovator (noun), mzuzi, pl wazuzi.
inoculate (verb), -chanja. vaccinate against smallpox. chanja ndui.
inoculation (noun), chanjo, pl machanjo.
inordinately (adverb), mno.
impossible! (interjection), hasha!.
inquire (verb), -saili.
inquire (verb), -tafiti.
inquire (verb), -uliza.
inquire about (verb), -taka.
inquire secretly into (verb), -bembea.
have inquiries made (verb), -hakikisha.
inquiry (noun), dahili, pl madahili.
inquiry (noun), swali (5/6), pl maswali.
inquiry (noun), ulizo (5/6), pl maulizo.
inquiry (noun), upekuzi.
be inquisitive (verb), -dadisi.
be inquisitive (verb), -fatiisha.
be inquisitive (verb), -pekua.
be inquisitive (verb), -tafiti.
inquisitive (adjective), -pekuzi.
inquisitive (verb), -juvi.
inquisitive person (noun), jasusi, pl wajasusi.
inquisitive person (noun), mchokozi (1/2), pl wachokozi.
inquisitive person (noun), mchunguzi (1/2), pl wachunguzi.
inquisitive person (noun), mdadisi, pl wadadisi.
inquisitive person (noun), mjasusi, pl wajasusi.
inquisitive person (noun), mjasusu, pl wajasusu.
inquisitive person (noun), mmbea, pl wambea.
inquisitive person (noun), mpekuzi, pl wapekuzi.
inquisitive person (noun), pl inquisitive people, mtafiti (1/2), pl
inquisitively (adverb), kichokozi.
inquisitiveness (noun), uchunguzi.
inquisitiveness (noun), udadisi (14).
inquisitiveness (noun), ujasusi (14).
inquisitiveness (noun), ujasusi.
inquisitiveness (noun), upekuzi.
inquisitiveness (noun), utafiti.
insane (adjective), majinuni.
insane (adjective), majununi.
insane person (noun), mbulu (1), pl wabulu.
insane person (noun), mbulukwa (1), pl wabulukwa.
rare insane person (noun), mkichaa, pl wakichaa. "insane person, madman,
lunatic".. mwenye kichaa.
insanity (noun), kichaa (7/8), pl vichaa.
insanity (noun), kimkumku.
insanity (noun), mbasua.
insanity (noun), uzulufu (14).
insanity (noun), wazimu.
insanity (noun), wehu.
be insatiable (in an intimate sense) (verb), -lafuka.
inscription (noun), andiko, pl maandiko.
inscription (noun), mchoro (3/4), pl michoro.
inscription (noun), mwandiko, pl miandiko.
augment. of insect (any small creeping or flying creature) (noun), dudu,
pl madudu.
boring insect (noun), kidungadunga, pl vidungadunga.
insect (noun), dudu (5/6), pl madudu.
insect (noun), mdudu (1/2), pl wadudu. Bats eat insects. Popo hula
wadudu [Masomo 29].
insect (=mdudu) (noun), mtambaazi.
insect (=mdudu) (noun), mtambazi.
insect (kind of) (noun), chafi.
insect (small) (noun), kidudu (7/8), pl vidudu.
insect (species of) (noun), kuliwi.
insect that bores and stings (noun), bungu (5/6), pl mabungu.
insect that eats the roots of growing plants (noun), kunguni mgunda.
jafi (kind of insect) (noun), jafi.
small insect that kills flies (noun), kiumanzi, pl viumanzi.
stinging insect (noun), dondoro.
insensibility (noun), kipooza.
insensibility (noun), upooza.
be insensitive (verb), -suguika (intransitive).
become insensitive (verb), -suguika (intransitive).
insensitive person (noun), jahili, pl majahili.
insensitivity (noun), sugu (9/10), pl sugu.
insensitivity (noun), usugu.
insert (verb), -ingiza.
insert (verb), -ingiza (causative).
insert (verb), -pachika. "s/he inserted the note(s) into Shangwe's
hand." (also = 'slip into'?). akapachika noti mkononi mwa Shangwe [Muk].
insert (verb), -penyeza (causative).
get inside (verb), -penya.
in(side) here (adverb), mumo.
inside (adverb), ndani. inside of. ndani ya.
inside (noun), dakhalia (9/10), pl dakhalia.
inside (noun), insaidi.
inside (noun), kini (7/8), pl vini.
inside (noun), kiini (7/8), pl viini.
inside her (noun), ndani yake.
inside her (noun), ndanimwe.
inside here (adverb), humu, pl humu.
inside it (conjunction), ndaniye, pl ndanio.
inside right (position in sports) (noun), insaidi wa raiti. inside right
(football).. insaidi wa raiti.
inside there (pronoun), mle.
inside there (pronoun), -mo.
it is inside (noun), umo, pl maumo.
turn inside out (verb), -fudikiza.
you are inside (2nd person singular) (noun), umo, pl maumo.
inside out (adverb), upana.
insight (noun), maarifa, pl maarifa.
insignificance (noun), udhaifu.
insignificance (noun), udogo.
insignificance (noun), udohusohu.
insignificance (noun), uhaba.
insignificance (noun), uhafifu.
insignificance (noun), unyonge.
insignificant (adjective), dhaifu.
insignificant (adjective), -dhilifu.
insignificant (adjective), dogo.
insignificant (adjective), dufu. Insignificant and remarkable people,
those who are the same and who are different.. Dufu na wenye mizungu,
sura moja na halafa [Shaaban Robert, "Rangi Zetu"7 ii].
insignificant (adjective), duni.
insignificant (adjective), ghafi.
insignificant (adjective), haba.
insignificant (adjective), hafifu.
insignificant (adjective), kadogo.
insignificant (adjective), nyonge.
insignificant (adjective), tahafifu.
insignificant person (noun), chaupepeta (7/8an), pl vyaupepeta.
insignificant thing (noun), kibunzi (7/8), pl vibunzi.
insincere (adjective), batili.
insincere (adjective), batilifu.
insinuate (verb), -penyeza.
insinuate (verb), -singiza.
insinuate (verb), -singizia.
insinuate oneself (verb), -jipenyeza.
insinuation (noun), penyaji (5/6), pl mapenyaji.
insinuation (noun), penyezi (5/6), pl mapenyezi.
insinuation (noun), pl n, singizio (5/6), pl masingizio.
insinuation (noun), uchongezi.
insinuation (noun), uchongezo.
insinuation (noun), uchongolezi.
insinuation (noun), upenyaji, pl mapenyaji, penyaji.
insinuation (noun), upenyezi, pl mapenyezi, penyezi.
insipid (adjective), chapwa.
insipid (adjective), dufu.
insipidity (noun), udufu (14).
insist (verb), -chagiza.
insist (verb), -dopoa.
insist (verb), -kazana (reciprocal).
insist (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
insist (verb), -shupaa maneno.
insist (verb), -sisitiza.
insist (verb), -toboa.
insist on (verb), -kaza.
insist on (verb), -shika. insist on the price. shika bei..
insist on (verb), -shurutisha. the mother insisted on the child going to
sleep early. Mama alimshurutisha mtoto kulala mapema.
insist on (verb), -shurutiza (causative).
insist on something (verb), -inamia.
insist strongly (verb), -chacharika.
insist strongly (verb), -chachatika.
insistence (noun), msisitizo (3/4), pl misisitizo.
be insistent (verb), -chaga.
be insistent (verb), -ng'ang'ania.
insolence (noun), kinaa (7).
insolence (noun), kinaya (7).
insolence (noun), uchokozi, pl machokozi.
insolence (noun), ufedhuli.
insolence (noun), ufidhuli (14).
insolence (noun), ufyozi (14).
insolence (noun), ujuba (14).
insolence (noun), ujuvi.
insolence (noun), unyeti.
insolence (noun), usafihi (14).
be insolent (verb), -mena.
be insolent (verb), -safihi.
be insolent (verb), -safii.
insolent (adjective), fidhuli.
insolent (adjective), fidhulika.
insolent (adjective), jeuri.
insolent (adjective), kijuvi.
insolent (adjective), nyeta.
insolent (adjective), safihi.
insolent (adjective), tundu.
insolent person (adjective), kavu.
insolent person (noun), fedhuli, pl mafedhuli.
insolent person (noun), feguli, pl mafeguli.
insolent person (noun), mfidhuli (1/2), pl wafidhuli.
insolent person (noun), mfyozaji, pl wafyozaji.
insolent person (noun), mfyozi, pl wafyozi.
insolent person (noun), msafihi, pl wasafihi.
insolent person (noun), msafii, pl wasafii.
use insolent language (verb), -fioa.
use insolent language (verb), -fyoa.
insolent person (noun), mkavu, pl wakavu.
insolvency (noun), ufilisi.
have insomnia (verb), -kesha.
insomnia (noun), kesha, pl makesha.
be inspected (verb), -tazamiwa.
cause to inspect (verb), -ausha.
cause to inspect (verb), -auza.
inspect (verb), -angalia.
inspect (verb), -aua. inspect a school. ~ skuli.
inspect (verb), -kagua.
inspect (verb), -kagua.
inspect (verb), -tazama.
inspect (verb), -tazamia.
inspect (verb), -zengea.
be inspected (verb), -kaguliwa.
inspection (noun), maangalio, pl maangalio.
inspection (noun), mkaguo (3/4), pl mikaguo.
inspection (noun), mtazamo, pl mitazamo.
inspection (noun), pekesheni (9/10), pl pekesheni. The polisi inspected
his house.. nyumba kwake polisi walifanya pekesheni.
inspection (noun), ukaguzi.
inspector (noun), inspekta (5/6), pl mainspekta.
inspector (noun), inspekta, pl mainspekta.
inspector (noun), mkagua, pl wakagua. farm inspector.. mkagua shamba.
inspector (noun), mkaguaji, pl wakaguaji. farm inspector.. mkagua
inspector (noun), mkaguzi, pl wakaguzi. farm inspector.. mkagua shamba.
inspector (noun), mkaguzi (1/2), pl wakaguzi.
one who inspires confidence (noun), mtumainifu, pl watumainifu.
install (verb), -aenzi.
install (verb), -enzi.
install (verb), -ezi.
install (in an office) (verb), -weka.
install (in office) (verb), -ingiliza.
install in office (verb), -tawalisha.
install in office (verb), -tawaza (causative).
installation (noun), uimarisho.
installation (noun), ujengaji, pl majengaji.
installation (noun), ujenzi, pl majenzi.
installment (noun), sehemu (9/10), pl sehemu. pay by installment. ripa
kwa sehemu.
instalment (noun), kishika mkono.
instead (adverb), kumbe.
instead of (adverb), badala ya.
instead of (adverb), badili ya.
instigate (verb), -chonjomoa.
instigate (verb), -dodofya (causative).
instigate conflict (verb), -rukika.
instigation (noun), mchocheo, pl michocheo.
instigation (noun), mchocho, pl michocheo.
instigation (noun), tashtiti (9/10), pl tashtiti.
instigation (noun), usukumizi.
instigator (noun), kidudumtu (7/8), pl vidudumtu.
instinct (noun), pl instinct, silika (9/10), pl silika.
instinct (noun), sirika (9/10), pl sirika.
instinct (of an animal) (noun), mzungu (1/2), pl mizungu.
institute (noun), pl institutes, chuo (7/8), pl vyuo.
institute (noun), taasisi (9/10), pl taasisi.
institute (verb), -anzisha.
institution (noun), ofisi (5/6), pl maofisa.
easy to instruct (adjective), -elekevu.
give instructions (to someone) (verb), -elekeza.
instruct (verb), pl Yes, -agiza (causative).
instruct (verb), -elemisha.
instruct (verb), -elimisha.
instruct (verb), -fundisha.
instruct (verb), -funza.
instruct (verb), -funza.
instruct (verb), -hekimiza.
instruct (verb), -nuika.
instruct (verb), -nuiza.
instruct (verb), -ongoa.
instruct (verb), -ongoza. give a good turn to a conversation.. ongoza
instruct (verb), -somesha (causative).
instruct (verb), -taili.
instruct (verb), -talii.
instruct (verb), -usia.
instruct (verb), -wosia.
instruct (especially in connection with the initiation of boys and girls
when they reach sexual maturity) (verb), -kunga.
instruction (noun), agizo (5/6), pl maagizo.
instruction (noun), darasa (9/10), pl darasa.
instruction (noun), elezo (5/6), pl maelezo.
instruction (noun), fundisho (5/6), pl mafundisho.
instruction (noun), funzo (5/6), pl mafunzo.
instruction (noun), mafundisho.
instruction (noun), maowidha.
instruction (noun), mwongozo, pl miongozo.
instruction (noun), maowidha.
instruction (noun), mauidha.
instruction (noun), mawaidha.
instruction (noun), taalimu (9/10), pl taalimu.
instruction (noun), taaluma (9/10), pl taaluma.
instruction (noun), ualimu.
instruction (noun), uelekezo.
instruction (noun), utumwa.
instruction (noun), uwalimu.
instruction (noun), zoea, pl mazoea.
instruction (noun), zoezi, pl mazoezi.
cf. agizo; instructions (noun), maagizo, pl maagizo. It's best for us
to follow the teacher's instructions.. Afadhali tufuate maagizo ya
give instructions (verb), pl Yes, -agiza (causative).
instructions (noun), mwelezo, pl mielezo.
instructor (noun), fundi (5/6), pl mafundi.
instructor (noun), mkufunzi (1/2), pl wakufunzi.
woman (or older girl) who instructs a girl who has reached the age of
puberty (noun), shoga (5/6an), pl mashoga. her woman initiate patron
invited her for lunch. Shoga wake alimkaribisha chakula cha mchana.
woman who instructs young women concerning sexuality (noun), pl women who
instruct, somo (5/6an), pl masomo.
flat part of cutting instr. (noun), kengee (5/6), pl makengee.
grooved iron instrument for drawing rice samples (noun), ubambo (11/10),
pl bambo.
instrument (noun), ala (9/10), pl ala (nyala, maala). all kinds of
instruments/tools, he came fully equipped. kila ~ ya kazi, amekuja na ~
instrument (noun), chombo (7/8), pl vyombo.
instrument (noun), kidude, pl vidude.
instrument (noun), kifaa (7/8), pl vifaa.
instrument (noun), kipande, pl vipande.
instrument (noun), samani (9/10), pl samani.
instrument (horn) used for bleeding (noun), umiko.
instrument (horn) used for cupping (noun), umiko.
instrument (horn) used for cupping and bleeding (noun), ndumiko.
instrument (horn) used for cupping and bleeding (noun), umiko.
measuring instrument (noun), kipimio (7/8), pl vipimio.
musical (stringed) instrument (noun), kinanda (7/8), pl vinanda.
musical instrument (noun), fidla (9/10), pl fidla.
musical instrument (noun), ilimba (9/10), pl ilimba.
musical instrument (noun), manyanga (6).
musical instrument (noun), vugo, pl mavugo.
musical instrument (phrase), ala ya muziki, pl ala za muziki.
musical instrument (made of a calabash) (noun), gumbu.
musical instrument like a banjo (noun), udi (11), pl udi.
musical instrument resembling a banjo (noun), ugombo.
musical instrument resembling a zither (noun), santuri (9/10), pl
musical instrument resembling a zither (noun), senturi (9/10), pl
senturi. we listened to the ancient songs from the zither-like musical
instrument. Tulisikiliza nyimbo za zamani kutoka senturi.
percussion instrument (noun), kibati (7/8), pl vibati.
stringed instrument like banjo (noun), kinanda (7/8), pl vinanda.
stringed instrument similar to a banjo (noun), zeze.
stringed musical instrument (noun), zeze (9/10), pl zeze.
instruments (noun), zana (9/10), pl zana.
be insufferable (verb), -nyeta.
insufficiency (noun), punguo (5/6), pl mapunguo.
insufficiency (noun), upunguaji.
insufficiency (noun), upungufu, pl mapungufu.
insufficiency (noun), upunguo, pl mapunguo.
insufficient (adjective), adimu.
insufficient (adjective), chache.
electrical insulator (noun), kikombe, pl vikombe. insulators on a
telephone-pole. vikombe vya simu.
insulator (noun), kizio, pl vizio.
insulator (noun), kizio (7/8), pl vizio.
insult (noun), bezo (5/6), pl mabezo.
insult (noun), chukio, pl machukio.
insult (noun), chukizo, pl machukizo.
insult (noun), fedheha.
insult (noun), mzomeo, pl mizomeo.
insult (noun), shutumu (5/6), pl mashutumu.
insult (noun), taadi (9/10), pl taadi.
insult (noun), tadi (9/10), pl tadi.
insult (noun), tukano (5/6), pl matukano.
insult (noun), tusi (5/6), pl matusi.
insult (noun), tusu, pl matushi.
insult (noun), utadi.
insult (verb), -atibu.
insult (verb), -bagawa.
insult (verb), -bughudhi.
insult (verb), -bughudhu.
insult (verb), -chamba.
insult (verb), -chukiza.
insult (verb), -dharau.
insult (verb), -hakirisha.
insult (verb), -hizi.
insult (verb), -kashifu.
insult (verb), -kebehi.
insult (verb), -kebehi.
insult (verb), -safihi. the child abused his/her mother. Mtoto
alimsafihi mama yake.
insult (verb), -safii.
insult (verb), -sengenya. stop insulting. Waacha kusengenya.
insult (verb), -shutumu.
insult (verb), -sibabi.
insult (verb), -sibu.
insult (verb), -stihizai.
insult (verb), -stihizaya.
insult (verb), -tamba.
insult (verb), -tengura.
insult (verb), -tukana.
insult each other (verb), -sengenyana.
insult each other (verb), -umbuana.
insult for (verb), -sibia (applicative).
insult someone (verb), -rukudhu.
be insulted (verb), -tukanwa.
insulting person (adjective), fidhuli.
insults (noun), matukano, pl matukano.
insults (noun), matushi, pl matushi.
insults (noun), matusi, pl matusi.
insurance (noun), bima (9/10), pl bima. life-insurance. bima ya maisha.
insurance (noun), insurensi.
insurance (noun), jukumu.
insubordination (noun), maasi, pl maasi.
insurbordination (noun), ukaidi.
insurgent (noun), halifu (5/6), pl mahalifu.
insurgent (noun), maasum, pl waasum.
insurgent (noun), mkoroga, pl wakoroga.
insurgent (noun), mkorogai, pl wakorogai.
insurgent (noun), mwasi, pl waasi.
insurrection (noun), maasi, pl maasi.
insurrection (noun), mnyanyuko, pl minyanyuko. armed insurrection..
mnyanyuko wa silaha.
insurrection (noun), uasi, pl maasi.
insurrection (noun), uhasi, pl maasi.
insurrection (noun), uhasi.
insurrection (noun), uwaasi.
insurrection (noun), uwasi, pl mawasi.
insurrection (noun), uwasi, pl maasi.
insurrection (noun), wasi.
insurrection (noun), wasi, pl maasi.
intact (adjective), kamili.
integrity (noun), uadilifu.
integrity (noun), unyofu.
intellect (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
intellect (noun), uwekevu.
intellectual (noun), msomi (1/2), pl wasomi.
intellectual (noun), mweledi (1/2), pl weledi.
rec.intellectual (noun), mtaalamu, pl wataalamu. astute writer..
mwandishi mtaalamu.
intelligence (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
intelligence (noun), fahamu (9/10), pl fahamu.
intelligence (noun), maarifa (6).
intelligence (noun), makini (9).
intelligence (noun), uangafu.
intelligence (noun), uangavu.
intelligence (noun), uelekevu.
intelligence (noun), ufahamfu.
intelligence (noun), ufahami.
intelligence (noun), ufahamivu.
intelligence (noun), ujuizi.
intelligence (noun), ujuzi.
intelligence (noun), usikilivu.
intelligence (noun), usikivu.
intelligence (noun), usikizi.
intelligence (noun), utambulifu.
intelligence (noun), utambulizi.
intelligence (noun), utambuzi (14).
intelligence (noun), wangafu.
intelligence (noun), wangafu.
intelligence (noun), wangavu.
intelligence (noun), wangavu.
intelligence (noun), werevu.
power of intelligence (noun), wekevu.
power of intelligence (noun), welekevu.
be intelligent (verb), -erevuka.
intelligent (adjective), -anga.
intelligent (adjective), -angavu.
intelligent (adjective), ekevu.
intelligent (adjective), elekevu.
intelligent (adjective), -fahamivu.
intelligent (adjective), tambuzi.
intelligent (verb), -kalamka.
intelligent person (noun), mwangavu (1/2), pl waangavu.
intelligent person (noun), mwelewa, pl waelewa.
pl.intelligentsia (noun), mstaarabu, pl wastaarabu.
intelligibility (noun), mngago, pl mingago.
intelligibility (noun), mng'ao, pl ming'aro.
intelligibility (noun), mng'aro, pl ming'aro.
intelligibility (noun), utambulifu.
intelligibility (noun), utambulizi.
intelligibility (noun), utambuzi.
intelligibility (noun), uwazi.
be intelligible (verb), -elea.
be intelligible to each other (verb), -sikizana ( assoc-caus).
intemperence (noun), hasharati.
be intended (verb), -azimiwa.
be intended (verb), -nuiwa.
intend (verb), -ania. he intends to become a teacher. anaania kazi ya
intend (verb), -azimia.
intend (verb), -azimu.
intend (verb), -dhamiria.
intend (verb), -hirimia.
intend (verb), -kusudi. everything that we intended. mambo yote
tuliyokusudia [Masomo 71].
intend (verb), -maanisha (causative).
intend (verb), -nia.
intend (verb), -nuia. "even if they had intended to reform him, haste
would have been beneficial".. hata kama wangalinuia kumrekebisha, pupa
isingalifaa [Moh].
intend (verb), -taka.
intend (verb), -tarajia.
intend (verb), -tazamia.
intend (to do something) (verb), -kusudia (applicative).
be intended (verb), -kusudiwa.
become more intense (verb), -shika moto. laughter and jokes have become
more intense again. vicheko na matani yameshika moto tena [Muk].
intense (adjective), kali.
intense (adverb), kamambe.
become intensified (verb), -imarika.
intensify (an effort) (verb), -kaza.
intensity (noun), kasi.
intensity (noun), ukali.
intensity (noun), ukalifu.
intensity (noun), uweza.
intensity (noun), uwezo.
intensive (adverb), kamambe.
be intent on (verb), -ukilia.
intent (noun), lengo (5/6), pl malengo.
intention (noun), azima, pl maazima.
intention (noun), azimio (5/6), pl maazimio.
intention (noun), azma (9/10), pl azima.
intention (noun), busara.
intention (noun), dhamira. it is the desire of the Africans to achieve
independence. ni dhamira ya Waafrika kupata uhuru.
intention (noun), dhamiri (9/10), pl dhamiri. His intention was that you
should live here with me.. Dhamiri yake ilikuwa uishi hapa na mimi
[Masomo 246].
intention (noun), dhati (9/10), pl dhati.
intention (noun), dhumuni (5/6), pl madhumuni.
intention (noun), gharadi.
intention (noun), kasidi (9/10), pl kasidi.
intention (noun), kusudi (5/6), pl makusudi. They are the ones who have
the full intention of putting their lives in great danger.. Wao ndio
wenye makusudi kabisa kuyaweka maisha yao katika hatari kubwa [Nyerere,
Masomo 277].
intention (noun), maana.
intention (noun), maazimio (6).
intention (noun), maazimio, pl maazimio.
intention (noun), madhumuni, pl madhumuni. The aim of her/his letter was
to ask for money.. Madhumuni ya barua yake ilikuwa kuomba pesa..
intention (noun), makusudi (6).
intention (noun), makusudio (6).
intention (noun), matilaba, pl matilaba.
intention (noun), pl intentions, mradi (3/4), pl miradi.
intention (noun), pl intentions, muradi (3/4), pl miradi.
intention (noun), nia (9/10), pl nia. to have the intention to pray.
kuwa na nia ya kusali [Kez].
intention (noun), nuio (9/10), pl nuio.
intention (noun), pl intentions, shabaha (9/10), pl shabaha. (s)he has
no good intention. Hana shabaha nzuri.
intention (noun), shauri (9/10), pl shauri. do you have intentions?.
una shauri?.
intention (noun), tabasuri (9/10), pl tabasuri.
intention (especially in respect of a visit to a witchdoctor or the use
of charm) (noun), manuwio.
intention (especially in respect of a visit to a witchdoctor or the use
of charm) (noun), manuwiyo.
without intention (preposition), pasipo nia.
intentionally (adverb), kwa kusudi.
intentionally (adverb), mradi.
intentionally (adverb), kwa nia.
innermost intentions (noun), batini.
inter (verb), -zika.
interaction (noun), maingiliano (6).
intercede (verb), -omba.
intercede for (verb), -ombea.
intercede for (verb), -salia.
intercept (verb), -kinga.
intercession (noun), maombezi.
intercession (noun), maombi.
intercession (noun), maombo.
intercession (noun), maomvi.
intercession (noun), uombezi (5/6), pl maombezi.
intercession (noun), utetezi.
intercessor (noun), mwombezi (1/2), pl waombezi.
interchange (verb), -geuza.
interchangeable (adjective), -badilifu.
have illicit sexual intercourse (verb), -zini.
have intercourse (verb), -ingiliana ( appl-recip).
have intercourse (verb), -jamii.
have sexual intercourse (of man and woman) (verb), -twaana.
have sexual intercourse (of man and woman) (verb), -twalika.
have sexual intercourse (of man and woman) (verb), -twanzana.
have sexual intercourse with (a woman) (verb), -lala.
have sexual intercourse with (a woman) (verb), -twaa.
have sexual relations with (verb), -tumia.
illicit sexual intercourse (noun), uzini.
illicit sexual intercourse (noun), uzinzi.
illicit sexual intercourse (noun), zina.
illicit sexual intercourse (noun), zinaa.
intercourse (sexual) (noun), ngono (9/10), pl ngono.
intercourse (sexual) (noun), ugoni (14).
sexual intercourse (noun), ugono.
interdependence (noun), utegemeano.
be interdependent (verb), -tegemeana.
interdependent (adjective), ungamana.
arouse interest (verb), -vutia (applicative).
be interested in (verb), -vutiwa ( appl-pass).
eth. common interest (noun), kiwili, pl viwili.
interest (noun), masilahi (6).
interest (noun), maslahi (6). This fiance doesn't think about your
interests but just about his own.. Huyu mchumba hafikiri maslahi yalko
bali yake mwenyewe [Masomo 39].
interest (noun), mwamali, pl miamali.
interest (noun), pl interests, shauku (9/10), pl shauku.
interest (noun), usikilivu.
interest (noun), usikivu.
interest (noun), usikizi.
interest (verb), -sisitiza.
interest (on money) (noun), pl interests, riba (9), pl riba.
be interfered with (verb), -ingiliwa.
interfere (verb), -doea.
interfere (verb), -tafiti.
interfere (in other people's affairs) (verb), -taaradhi.
interfere (in other people's affairs) (verb), -taaradhia.
interfere in a matter (verb), -jipachika.
interfere with (verb), -ingilia.
interference (noun), maingilio. armed intervention. maingilio ya
interior (noun), dakhalia (9/10), pl dakhalia.
interior (noun), kini (7/8), pl vini.
interior (noun), moyo. core at the top of the coconut tree (favored as a
delicacy).. moyo wa mnazi.
interior (noun), kiini (7/8), pl viini.
interior (as opposed to coast) (noun), bara.
interior of something (e.g. hold of ship) (noun), tumbo.
interjection (noun), kilio, pl vilio.
be interlaced (verb), -tatana.
intermarry (verb), -oana.
intermediary in arranging of a marriage (noun), kijumbe, pl vijumbe.
cost of interment (noun), uzishi, pl mazishi.
interment (noun), maziko, pl maziko.
interment (noun), mziko, pl miziko.
interment (act of) (noun), uzishi, pl mazishi.
interment (method of) (noun), uzishi, pl mazishi.
intermission (noun), muhula.
intern (verb), -alika.
international (adjective), -mataifa.
international (adverb), kati ya mataifa.
internationalism (noun), kilimwengu.
interposition (noun), pl interpositions, pangilio (5/6), pl mapangilio.
interpret (verb), -aridhia.
interpret (verb), -bashiri.
interpret (verb), -fasiri.
interpret (verb), -tabiri.
interpret (verb), -tafsiri.
interpret (a dream or omen) (verb), -agua.
interpretation (noun), fasiri.
interpretation (noun), mafafanusi.
interpretation (noun), tafsiri (5/6), pl matafsiri.
interpretation (noun), uaguzi.
interpretation (noun), ufafanusi.
interpretation (noun), ufafanuzi (14).
interpretation (noun), utabiri.
interpretation (of a dream or omen) (noun), aguzi (5/6), pl maaguzi.
interpretation of dreams (noun), uaguzi (11), pl uaguzi.
be interpreted (verb), -tabiriwa.
interpreter (noun), mfasiri (1/2), pl wafasiri.
interpreter (noun), mkalimani, pl wakalimani.
interpreter (noun), mtambua, pl watambua.
interpreter (noun), mtambuzi, pl watambuzi.
interpreter (noun), mtapta, pl watapta.
interpreting (noun), ukalimani.
interrogate (verb), -hoji.
interrogate (verb), -nyenga.
interrogate (verb), -nyenya.
interrogate (verb), -payusha.
interrogate (verb), -saili.
interrogate (verb), -uliza.
interrogation (noun), maulizo, pl maulizo.
interrogation (noun), ulizo (5/6), pl maulizo.
interrupt (verb), -dakiza.
interrupt (verb), -katiza.
interrupt (verb), -katiza (causative).
interrupt (verb), -kata kauli.
interrupt (verb), -varangavaranga.
interrupt (verb), -viza.
interrupt (verb), -vunja.
interrupt (verb), -zuma.
interrupt ( a conversation) (verb), -hinikiza.
interrupt someone (verb), -katia (applicative).
interrupt someone (with noises) (verb), -chachaniza.
interrupt someone (with noises) (verb), -chachawiza.
interruption (noun), chachawizo, pl machachawizo.
interruption (noun), mkatizo, pl mikatizo.
interruption (noun), pingamizi (9/10), pl pingamizi. "We want to make
peace, but there are many interruptions".. tunataka kufanya amani lakini
kuna pingamizi nyingi.
interruption (of speech) (noun), mdukuo (3/4), pl midukuo.
without interruption (adverb), msago.
without interruption (adverb), sago.
intersect (verb), -kingama.
intersection (noun), kutano (5/6), pl makutano.
be intertwined (verb), -fungamana.
interruption (of a conversation) (noun), dakizo, pl madakizo.
interval (noun), nafasi.
interval of time (noun), muda (14), pl muda.
intervention (noun), maingilio (6).
intervention (noun), maingilio. armed intervention. maingilio ya
intervention (noun), uingiliaji.
non-intervention (noun), kutoingilia(na).
interview (noun), hojaji (9/10), pl hojaji.
interview (noun), mahojiano (6).
interview (verb), -wajihi.
interviewee (noun), mhojiwa (1/2), pl wahojiwa.
interviewer (noun), mhoji (1/2), pl wahoji.
intestinal worm (noun), mnyoo (3/4), pl minyoo.
intestinal worm (noun), chango, pl machango.
round intestinal worm (noun), uchango (11/10), pl chango.
small intestine (noun), chango, pl machango.
small intestine (noun), chengelele, pl machengelele.
small intestine (noun), jengelele, pl majengelele.
intestines (noun), matumbo, pl matumbo.
intestines (noun), utumbo (11/6), pl tumbo/matumbo.
small intestines (noun), uchango.
small intestines (noun), uchengelele.
small intestines (noun), ujengelele.
be on intimate terms (verb), -suhubiana.
be on intimate terms (verb), -suhubu.
be on intimate terms (verb), -twaana.
be on intimate terms (verb), -twanzana.
intimate friend (noun), msiri, pl wasiri.
intimate part (noun), undani (14).
intimidate (verb), -tisha.
intimidate (someone) (verb), -hofisha.
one who intimidates others (noun), mtishaji, pl watishaji.
intimidation (noun), mwogofyo, pl miogofyo.
make one's way into (verb), -penya. make one's way into the forest..
penya mwituni.
intonation (noun), kiimbo (7/8), pl viimbo.
an intoxicant (noun), ulevi (14).
intoxicant (noun), kileo (7/8), pl vileo.
intoxicant (type of) (noun), wargi (9).
intoxicating beverage (noun), boji.
intoxicating beverage (noun), boza.
intoxicating beverage (made with honey) (noun), buza.
intoxicate (verb), -levya.
intoxicated (adjective), chopi.
intoxicated (adjective), levi.
intoxicating (alcoholic) beverage (in gen.) (noun), mtindi, pl mitindi,
intoxicating (alcoholic) beverage (in gen.) (noun), tindi, pl mitindi,
intoxicating beverage (noun), sharabu (9/10), pl sharabu. intoxicating
beverage is alcoholic. Sharabu ni ulevi.
intoxicating beverage (in gen.) (noun), tindi, pl matindi.
intoxicating drink (noun), pombe (9/10), pl pombe.
intoxication (noun), malevi.
intoxication (noun), ulevi (14).
intoxication (noun), ulevi.
be intractable (verb), -kaidi.
intractable (adjective), kaidi.
intractable person (noun), maasum, pl waasum.
intractable person (noun), mwasi, pl waasi.
intrepid person (noun), pl intrepid people, mshupavu (1/2), pl washupavu.
intrigue (noun), fitina (9/10), pl fitina.
intrigue (noun), fitna (9/10), pl fitna.
intrigue (noun), kitimbi (7/8), pl vitimbi.
intrigue (noun), uchimbi.
intrigue (noun), ufatani.
intrigue (noun), ufitina.
intrigue (noun), utimbi.
intrigue (noun), utimvi.
intrigue (verb), -kanganya.
intrigue (verb), -tatiza.
intrigue (verb), -tega.
intriguer (noun), mteta, pl wateta.
intriguer (noun), mtetaji, pl watetaji.
intriguer (noun), mtetea, pl mtetea.
intriguer (noun), mtetezi, pl watetezi.
something intriguing (noun), mtatio, pl mitatio.
be introduced (verb), -julishwa ( caus-pass).
introduce (verb), -weka.
introduce a discordant note into a previously enjoyable conversation
(verb), -varangavaranga.
introduce by stealth (verb), -penyeza.
introduce someone to (a new job etc.) (verb), -ingiliza.
one who introduces something (a custom), etc.) (noun), mwingizaji, pl
introducer (noun), mpenyezi (1/2), pl wapenyezi.
introducer (noun), mwingilizi (1/2), pl waingilizi.
one who introduces something (a custom), etc.) (noun), mwingizi, pl
introducing (noun), utilaji.
introduction (noun), dibaji (9/10), pl dibaji.
introduction (noun), maanzilisho, pl maanzilisho.
introduction (noun), mpenyezo (3/4), pl mipenyezo.
introduction (noun), utangulizi.
intrude (verb), -dukisa.
intrude (verb), -dukiza.
intrude (verb), -ingilia.
intruder (noun), kizushi (7/8), pl vizushi.
intrusion (noun), maingilio (6). Before foreign rule, that is before the
intrusion of the Germans and the British .... Kabla ya utawala wa kigeni,
yaani kabla ya maingilio ya Wajerumani na Waingereza ... [Masomo 305]..
intuition (noun), anga, pl maanga.
inundate (verb), -gharikisha.
be inundated (verb), -ghariki.
inundation (noun), gharika (9/10), pl gharika.
inundation (noun), gharikisho (9/10), pl magharikisho.
inundation (noun), mafuriko.
inv of loga (verb), -logoa.
invade (verb), -bokoa.
invade (verb), -shambulia. invade each other. shambuliana..
invade (verb), -vamia.
be invaded (verb), -vamiwa.
invader (noun), mnyang'anyi, pl wanyang'anyi.
invader (noun), pl invaders, mvamizi (1/2), pl wavamizi. On this day
every year we remember how heroes who put themselves forward to fight with
invaders from outside countries or strangers who wanted to rule our
country.. Siku hii kila mwaka tunawakumbuka mashujaa wetu waliojitoa
kupigana na wavamizi kutoka katika nchi za nje au wageni waliotaka
kuitawala nchi yetu [Nyerere, Masomo 273].
declare invalid (verb), -batili.
invalid (adjective), batili.
invalid (adjective), batilifu.
invalid (noun), mwele, pl waele.
one who declares something to be invalid (noun), mbatilifu, pl
invalidate (verb), -batili.
invalidate (verb), -tangua.
invalidation (noun), kitanguo (7/8), pl vitanguo.
invariable (adjective), kamambe.
invariable (adjective), kame.
invasion (noun), hujuma (9/10), pl hujuma.
invasion (noun), shambulio (5/6), pl mashambulio. the rebels made a
great invasion. Waasi walifanya shambulio kubwa.
invasion (noun), uvamizi (14), pl uvamizi.
invective (noun), apizo, pl maapizo.
invective (noun), matukano, pl matukano.
be invented (verb), -bunika.
be invented (verb), -buniwa.
invent (verb), -buni.
invent (verb), -sanifisha.
invent (verb), -sanifu.
invent (verb), -sanii.
invent (verb), -vumbua.
invent (verb), -zua.
invent (verb), -zuka.
invent (verb), -zulisha.
invent (verb), -zumbua.
invent (verb), -zusha.
something invented (noun), chuku.
inventing (act of) (noun), tungizi, pl matungizi.
invention (noun), tungizi, pl matungizi.
invention (noun), ubuni (14).
invention (noun), utungo.
invention (noun), uvumbuzi (14).
invention (noun), uzushi (14).
invention (noun), uzuzi.
inventor (noun), mtunga, pl watunga.
inventor (noun), mtungaji, pl watungaji.
inventor (noun), pl inventors, mvumbuzi (1/2), pl wavumbuzi.
inventor (noun), mzushi, pl wazushi.
inventor (noun), mzuzi, pl wazuzi.
inventor; author (noun), mbuni, pl mibuni.
inventory (noun), orodha (9/10), pl orodha. inventory of business..
orodha ya biashara.
inventory (noun), oroza (9/10), pl oroza.
inventory (noun), worodha.
inversion (noun), kinyume.
invest (money) (verb), -tega uchumi.
invest money (verb), -tega uchumi.
cause to investigate (verb), -ausha.
cause to investigate (verb), -auza.
investigate (noun), hoja.
investigate (verb), -aua.
investigate (verb), -dadisi.
investigate (verb), -doea.
investigate (verb), -doya.
investigate (verb), -doyadoya.
investigate (verb), -duhushi.
investigate (verb), -jasisi.
investigate (verb), -onja.
investigate (verb), -pekesheni.
investigate (verb), -pekua.
investigate (verb), -saili.
investigate (verb), -taili.
investigate (verb), -talii.
investigate (verb), -tazama.
investigate (verb), -tunduia.
investigate (verb), -peleleza. when they begin to carefully investigate
the history of our country, .... watakapoanza kupeleleza kwa makini
historia ya nchi yetu (Nsekela,"Masomo," 3)....
investigate (verb), -peleleza. when they begin to carefully investigate
the history of our country, .... watakapoanza kupeleleza kwa makini
historia ya nchi yetu (Nsekela,"Masomo," 3)....
investigate (something) (verb), -tazamia.
investigate carefully (verb), -chunguza.
investigate intensively (verb), -pekuapekua.
investigate one another (verb), -sailiana.
have someone investigated (verb), -tunduiza.
investigation (noun), dahili, pl madahili.
investigation (noun), maangalio, pl maangalio.
investigation (noun), maulizo, pl maulizo.
investigation (noun), mchakuro, pl michakuro.
investigation (noun), onji (5/6), pl maonji.
investigation (noun), onjo (5/6), pl maonjo.
investigation (noun), pekesheni (9/10), pl pekesheni. the polisi
investigated his house.. nyumba kwake polisi walifanya pekesheni.
investigation (noun), uchunguzi (14), pl uchunguzi.
investigation (noun), ulizo, pl malizo, us. maulizo.
investigation (noun), upekuzi.
investigation (noun), upelelezi (14).
investigation (noun), utaftishi.
investigation (noun), utafutaji.
investigation (noun), utafutishi.
investigator (noun), mpelelezaji (1/2), pl wapelelezaji.
investigator (noun), mpelelezi (1/2), pl wapelelezi.
investment (noun), zingio, pl mazingio.
mil. investment (noun), mzingo, pl mizingo.
inveterate (adjective), maarufu. an inveterate listener to a radio.
msikilizaji maarufu wa redio.
be fertile (verb), -rutubika.
invitation (noun), pl Plural form?, aliko (5/6), pl maaliko.
invitation (noun), kadi.
invitation (noun), mwaliko (3/4), pl mialiko.
invitation (noun), mwito (3/4), pl miito.
invitation (verb), -itika.
invitation (from Eng. 'card') (noun), kadi (9/10), pl kadi.
invite (verb), -alika. invite to a feast; summon to battle, declare war.
~ karamuni; ~ vita.
invite (verb), -alisha.
invite (verb), -hudhurisha.
invite (verb), -ita.
invite (verb), -ita.
invite (verb), -karibisha.
invite (verb), -zuruza.
invite (to a celebration) (verb), -hurijia.
invite each other (verb), -alikana. They invited each other to various
celebrations.. Walialikana katika sherehe mbalimbali [Masomo 308].
invite guest for the evening (verb), -twesha.
invite guest for the evening (verb), -twisha.
one who invites (to a feast, etc.) (noun), mwalishi, pl walishi.
invoice (noun), ankra (9/10), pl ankra.
invoice (noun), orodha (9/10), pl orodha.
invoice (noun), oroza (9/10), pl oroza.
invoice (noun), worodha.
be involved (verb), -husika.
involve (verb), -husu.
involve (verb), -shughulisha.
be involved in (verb), -shughulikia.
become involved in (a matter) (verb), -taaradhi.
become involved in (a matter) (verb), -taaradhia.
inwardly (adverb), kimoyomoyo.
inwardly (adverb), ndani. He thought in his innermost heart.. anadhani
ndani ya moyo wake.
ipecac (noun), mzikoziko, pl mizikoziko.
Iran (noun), Agami, pl (sing.).
Iran (noun), Ajemi.
Iran (noun), Agami.
Iran (noun), Uajemi (17).
bar of iron (noun), pande la chuma (5/6), pl mapande ya chuma.
galvanized iron sheet (noun), bati (5/6), pl mabati.
iron (noun), chuma (7/8), pl vyuma. The door of the wall safe was iron.
Mlango wa sefu la ukutani ulikuwa wa chuma.
iron (verb), -piga pasi.
iron (clothes) (verb), -piga pasi.
iron (for clothes) (noun), pl irons, pasi (9/10), pl pasi.
iron (piece of) (noun), chuma, pl vyama. steel. chuma cha pua.
iron bar (noun), mtaimbo, pl mitaimbo.
iron bar (noun), mtalimbo, pl mitalimbo.
iron brass (noun), masoka.
iron clothes (verb), -piga pasi.
iron wire (noun), masoka.
iron working (noun), ufuaji chuma (14).
tempered iron (noun), pua (9/10), pl pua.
ironically (verb), -jugumu.
irony (noun), kejeli (9/10), pl kejeli.
irony (noun), kinaa (7).
irony (noun), kinaya (7).
irradiation (noun), umeme.
be irrefutable (verb), -bainika.
be irrefutable (verb), -bainikana.
irregular living (noun), tembezi, pl matembezi.
lead an irregular life (verb), -tembea.
irregularity (noun), chafuko (5/6), pl machafuko. If during the voting
period irregularities take place in the voting place [Masomo, 103]. Iwapo
wakati wa upigaji kura yanatokea machafuko kituoni [Masomo, 103].
irregularity (noun), pogo (5/6), pl mapogo. squinting.. mapogo ya
be irresolute (verb), -angaika.
be irresolute (verb), -hangaika.
be irresolute (verb), -tetereka.
irresolution (noun), wasiwasi.
irresponsibility (noun), mapuuza (6).
irresponsible (adjective), habali.
irresponsible (adjective), nyangalika. This person is irresponsible..
mtu huu ni kinyangalika.
irresponsible child (noun), mtiriri, pl watiriri.
be irrevocable (verb), -pasa.
irrevocably (adverb), lazima.
irrevocably (adverb), mkataa.
irrevocably (adverb), mwisho.
irrevocably (adverb), mwishowe.
irritability (noun), unyeti.
irritability (noun), usononi.
irritability (noun), usununo.
be irritable (verb), -guna.
be irritable (verb), -tukutika.
irritable (adjective), habali.
irritable (adjective), tukutu.
irritable person (noun), mlalafi, pl walalafi.
irritable person (noun), mlalavi, pl walalavi.
be irritated (verb), -chochewa. I don't want this foolishness of yours
of irritating words.. Sitaki huo upuzi wako wa maneno ya kuchochewa
[Chacha, Masomo 376].
be irritated (verb), -washa.
be irritated (verb), -wawa.
become irritated (verb), -fyeruka.
irritate (verb), -cheneta.
irritate (verb), -chocheleza.
irritate (verb), -chokoza.
irritate (verb), -chusha.
irritate (verb), -ghadhabisha.
irritate (verb), -kasiri.
irritate (verb), -kera.
irritate (verb), -kereketa.
irritate (verb), -kereketa.
irritate (verb), -nyonga.
irritate (verb), -ringa.
irritate (verb), -saliti.
irritate (verb), -sonoa.
irritate (verb), -tusha.
irritate someone (verb), -sononesha (causative).
be irritated (verb), -hamanika.
be irritated (verb), -nyewa.
irritated (verb), -ghadhabika.
irritated (verb), -kasirika.
cause irritation (verb), -kereketa.
irritation (noun), ghadhabu (9/10), pl ghadhabu.
irritation (noun), ghamidha (9/10), pl ghamidha.
irritation (noun), kiwasho (7/8), pl viwasho.
irritation (noun), mchokocho (3/4), pl michokocho.
irritation (noun), mchomo (3/4), pl michomo.
irritation (noun), nyege (9/10), pl nyege.
irritation (noun), unyege.
irritation (noun), unyege.
irritation (noun), usumbufu.
irritation (noun), utesaji.
irritation (noun), utesi.
irritation (noun), uwasho.
as is (of merchandise) (adverb), shelabela.
I too (adjective), nami.
is (verb), ni (conjugated), pl ni.
That is the way it is! Yes! (interjection), ndio.
That is the way it is! Yes! (interjection), ndiyo.
there is (verb), kuna (conjugated).
there is (verb), mna (conjugated).
there is (verb), muna (conjugated).
is not (verb), sivyo (negative).
is not (verb), siyo (negative).
Islam (noun), Islamu (9/10), pl Islamu.
Islam (noun), Islamu.
Islam (noun), Uislamu (14).
Islamic (adjective), Kiislamu.
Great Comoro Island (noun), Ngazija.
island (noun), kisiwa (7/8), pl visiwa.
island (large) (noun), masiwa.
group (small) of islands (noun), masiwa.
be isolated (verb), -tawa.
isolate (verb), -chuja.
isolate (verb), -tawisha (causative).
isolate oneself (verb), -jitoa.
be isolated (verb), -tengwa.
isolated (adjective), -akali.
isolated (adjective), penyewe.
isolation (noun), akali (9/10), pl akali.
isolation (noun), chemba (9/10), pl chemba.
isolation (noun), peke (9). I alone.. peke yangu.
isolation (noun), pekee (9). I alone.. peke yangu.
isolation (noun), pweke (9).
isolation (noun), utengano (14).
isosceles triangle (noun), pl isosceles triangles, pembetatu pacha
(9/10), pl pembetatu pacha.
Israel (noun), izraili.
issue (noun), jambo (5/6), pl mambo.
issue (noun), mzao, pl wazao.
issue (noun), ugawa.
issue (noun), ugawaji.
issue (noun), ugawanyaji.
issue (noun), utolewaji.
issue (noun), yambo (5/6), pl mambo.
issue (verb), -pokeza.
issue (verb), -toa.
issue (of a periodical) (noun), nakili.
issue (of a periodical) (noun), nuku.
point at issue (noun), kigambo, pl vigambo.
one who issues (noun), mtoa, pl watoa. "pharmacist, druggist".. mtoa
issuing (act of) (noun), utoaji.
issuing (act of) (noun), utokezo, pl matokezo.
issuing (act of) (noun), utowaji.
from a distance (adverb), mbali. far from. mbali ya...[Rec].
isthmus (noun), shingo la nchi (5/6), pl mashingo.
it (adjective), yee.
it (animate) (pronoun), yeye, pl wao.
it is there (verb), yuko.
it too (adjective), naye.
Italian (adjective), -italiani.
be itching (verb), -washwa ( caus-pass).
itch (noun), ukuruti.
itch (noun), ukurutu.
itch (noun), upele, pl pele.
itch (noun), vipele.
itch (verb), -cheneta.
itch (verb), -nyea.
itch (verb), -tekenya.
itch (verb), -washa.
itch (verb), -wawa.
itching (noun), kinyevu.
itching (noun), mnyeo, pl minyeo.
itching (noun), pl itching, nyege (9/10), pl nyege.
itching (noun), unyeo.
feel itchy (verb), -nyewa.
itching, irritated place on the body (noun), mchochota (3/4), pl
item (noun), kifaa (7/8), pl vifaa.
essential items (noun), zana (9/10), pl zana.
itinerary (noun), pl timetables, ratiba (9/10), pl ratiba.
its (adjective), yake.
its (adjective), zake.
its (pronoun), -ake.
itself (adjective), wenyewe.
itself (adjective), yenyewe.
itself (adjective), zenyewe.
ivory (noun), pl ivories, pembe (9/10), pl pembe.
ivory (phrase), meno ya ndovu.
jab someone with the finger (as a sign of contempt) (verb), -subukua.
jack (noun), ghulamu.
jack up (e.g., an automobile, for repairs) (verb), -jeki.
jackal (noun), bweha.
jackal (noun), mbweha.
jacket (noun), koti (5/6), pl makoti.
knitted jacket (noun), jezi.
open jacket (worn over the kanzu) (noun), kisibao, pl visibau.
open jacket (worn over the kanzu) (noun), kisibau, pl visibau.
open jacket (worn over the kanzu) (noun), kisibayo, pl visibau.
open jacket (worn over the kanzu) (noun), kizibau, pl visibau.
jackfruit (noun), fenesi (5/6), pl mafenesi.
jackfruit (noun), finesi, pl mafinesi.
jackfruit tree (noun), mfenesi (3/4), pl mifenesi.
be jagged (verb), -chongoka.
be jailed (verb), -fungwa.
jail (noun), gereza (5/6), pl magereza.
jail (noun), jela (9/10), pl jela.
jail (noun), jela.
jail (noun), korokoroni (9/10), pl korokoroni. She was sentenced and put
in jail.. Alihukumiwa na kutiwa korokoroni [Kareithi Masomo 53].
jail (noun), mahabusi.
jail (noun), mahabusu.
jail (noun), mnyoo, pl minyoo.
jail (noun), mnyororo, pl minyororo.
jail (verb), -funga.
jailer (noun), jela.
get jammed (verb), -kwama.
jam (noun), jem.
jam (noun), maraba.
jam (noun), mraba, pl miraba. peanut brittle. njugu za mraba.
jam (verb), -bana.
jam (verb), -sama.
jamming (noun), msakamo, pl misakamo.
January (noun), Januari.
Japanese (adjective), Kijampani.
Japanese (adjective), Kijapani.
Japanese person (noun), Mjampani, pl Wajampani.
Japanese person (noun), Mjapani, pl Wajapani, Wajampani.
jar (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
jar (noun), gudulia (5/6), pl magudulia.
jar (noun), pl jars, mtungi (3/4), pl mitungi.
jar (for jam etc.) (noun), chupa, pl machupa.
jasmine (noun), asumini (9/10), pl asumini. The women decorate
themselves with jasimine. Wanawake hujipamba kwa maasumini [Masomo 128].
jasmine (noun), yasimini.
jasmine blossoms (wild) (noun), afu (9/10), pl afu. He ornaments the
stars and the heavens, roses and jasmine. Hupamba nyota na mbingu, na
mawaridi na afu [Shaaban Robert, "Rangi Zetu" 2 i].
jasmine flower (noun), yasmini (9/10), pl yasmini.
jasmine tree (Plumeria acuminata) (noun), msanapichi, pl misanapichi.
jasmine tree (Plumeria acuminata) (noun), msanapiti, pl misanapiti.
wild jasmine (Jasminum mauritianum) (noun), mwafu, pl miafu.
jaundice (noun), safura (9).
javelin (noun), mkuki (3/4), pl mikuki.
javelin (noun), pl javelins, sagai (9/10), pl sagai.
jaw (noun), kitaya, pl mataya.
jaw (noun), taya, pl mataya.
jaw (noun), utaya, pl mataya/taya.
jaw (noun), utaya, pl taya.
jawbone (noun), kitaya, pl mataya.
jawbone (noun), taya, pl mataya.
jawbone (noun), utaya, pl mataya/taya.
jawbone (noun), utaya (11/10), pl taya.
jazz band (noun), band (9/10), pl band.
be jealous (verb), -husudu.
be jealous (verb), -wa na wivu.
jealous (adjective), uwivu.
jealous (adjective), wivu.
jealous person (noun), mwivu (1/2), pl waivu.
jealously (noun), kijicho, pl vijicho. be jealous. kuwa na kijicho.
jealousy (noun), ghera.
jealousy (noun), husuda (9/10), pl husuda.
jealousy (noun), husuda.
jealousy (noun), kecha.
jealousy (noun), ngoa (9/10), pl ngoa.
jealousy (noun), uwivu.
jealousy (noun), wivu (11), pl wivu.
jeans (noun), patashika (9/10), pl patashika.
jellyfish (noun), yavuyavu, pl mayavuyavu.
jeopardize (verb), -hatarisha.
jeopardize (verb), -ogofisha.
jeopardize (verb), -ogofya.
jerk (noun), mkutuo (3/4), pl mikutuo.
jerk (noun), pl jerks, mshtuko (3/4), pl mishtuko.
jerk (verb), -gutua.
jerk (verb), -kutua.
jerk (verb), -shtua.
jerk (of the body) (noun), shituko (5/6), pl mashtuko.
jerk (of the body) (noun), shtuko (5/6), pl mashtuko.
jersey (noun), jezi.
jest (noun), dhaka.
jest (noun), mahoka.
jest (noun), mashkara.
jest (noun), masihara (9/10), pl masihara.
jest (noun), masihara.
jest (noun), masoka.
jest (noun), mzaha, pl mizaha. "joke, tease".. fanya mzaha.
jest (verb), -bisha.
jesting permissible between persons of mtani relationship (noun), utani.
Jesus (son of Mary) (when spoken of by Muslims) (noun), Isa.
Lord Jesus (noun), Bwana Yesu (1).
jetsam (noun), kizamaji, pl vizamaji.
Jew (noun), Myahudi, pl Wayahudi/Mayahudi.
Jew (noun), Yahudi (1/2), pl Wayahudi.
jewel (noun), johari (9/10), pl johari.
jewel (noun), johari.
jewel (noun), kito (7/8), pl vito.
jeweler (noun), sonara (9/10), pl sonara.
piece of jewelry (on a chain) (noun), kishaufu, pl vishaufu.
in the Jewish manner (adverb), Kiyahudi.
Jewish (adjective), -a kiyahudi.
Jewish (adjective), -yahudi.
jib (noun), jibu.
jigger (noun), funza (5/6), pl mafunza.
jigger (noun), tekenya (5/6), pl matekenya.
large jinnee (noun), subiani (9/10an), pl subiani.
jinx (noun), chimvi, pl machimvi.
jinx (someone who causes misfortune or injury to other people) (noun),
mshari, pl washari.
casual job (noun), kibarua (7/8), pl vibarua.
job (noun), kazi (9/10), pl kazi.
job (noun), maishilio.
job (noun), wadhifa.
temporary job (phrase), shuguli za muda. the teachers who came there for
a temporary job and then returned to where they had come from. waalimu
waliokuja pale kwa shughuli za muda na kurudi walikotoka [Muk].
jog (verb), -duguda.
be joined (verb), -kongomana.
cause to join (verb), -bandikisha.
cause to join (verb), -bandikiza.
join (verb), -ama.
join (verb), -ambata.
join (verb), -bandika.
join (verb), -ingia.
join (verb), -jiunga.
join (verb), -shariki. join a business. shiriki katika biashara [Rec].
join (verb), -shiriki.
join (verb), -unga.
join (verb), -unganisha.
join (a new group) (verb), -selea.
join (a new group). (verb), -sehelea.
join firmly (verb), -shikimanisha.
join forces (verb), -shirikiana. the Ugandan army is joining forces with
the Congolese army. Jeshi la Uganda linashirikiana na jeshi la Congo.
join together (verb), -ungamanisha.
join together (verb), -ungana.
be joined (verb), -ungwa.
be joined together (verb), -tungika.
something joined (noun), muungo, pl miuungo.
something joined (noun), mwungo, pl miungo.
joiner (noun), seremala (5/6an), pl maseremala. the jioner is fixing the
timber. Seremala anaziunga mbao.
joiner (noun), sermala (5/6an), pl maseremala. the joiner is assembling
the timber. Seremala anaziunga mbao.
joining (act of) (noun), muungo, pl miuungo.
joining (act of) (noun), mwungo, pl miungo.
joining (act of) (noun), uunganishaji.
joint (adjective), a pamoja.
joint (noun), kia, pl via.
joint (noun), kifundo, pl vifundo.
joint (noun), kikaza, pl vikaza.
joint (noun), kipingili (7/8), pl vipingili.
joint (noun), kiunga (7/8), pl viunga.
joint (noun), muungo, pl miuungo.
joint (noun), mwungo, pl miungo.
joint (noun), ungo, pl maungo.
joint (noun), ungu, pl maungu.
joint (of leg or arm) (noun), kia (7/8), pl via.
joint communique (noun), taarifu (9/10), pl taarifa.
med. joint (noun), kiungo (7/8), pl viungo.
jointly (adverb), sharika.
jointly (adverb), shirika. We own our property jointly. Mali yetu ni
stiffness (of the joints) (noun), mafunde.
joke (noun), dhaka.
joke (noun), mahoka. "Don't believe what he says, he is a wag/joker"..
maneno yake yasikutishe, yeye ni mtu wa masoka sana.
joke (noun), mashkara.
joke (noun), masihara (9/10), pl masihara.
joke (noun), masihara.
joke (noun), masoka. "Don't believe what he says, he is a wag/joker"..
maneno yake yasikutishe, yeye ni mtu wa masoka sana.
joke (noun), mchezo (3/4), pl michezo.
joke (noun), mzaha, pl mizaha. nickname; We were amused by their joke..
jina la mzaha; fanya mzaha [Rec]; Tulichekeshwa na mzaha wao.
joke (noun), shere (9/10), pl shere.
joke (noun), sheri (9/10), pl sheri. crack a joke. cheza/fanya sheri..
joke (noun), pl jokes, soga (5/6), pl masoga.
joke (noun), tani (5/6), pl matani.
joke (verb), -bisha.
joke (verb), -chera.
joke (verb), -chezacheza.
joke (verb), -dhihaki.
joke (verb), -cheza shere.
joke (verb), -fanya shere.
joke (verb), -taniana (reciprocal).
joke (lengthy with word play) (noun), kitumbuizo (7/8), pl vitumbuizo.
malicious joke (noun), ubishi, pl mabishi.
joker (noun), kinyago (7/8an), pl vinyago.
joker (noun), mchekeshaji, pl wachekeshaji.
joker (noun), mchekeshi, pl wachekeshi.
joking (noun), dhihaka. make fun of, mock, deride. sema [fanya]
joking (noun), mdhaha.
joking (noun), mshaha.
jole (noun), tundu.
jolly (adjective), chekeshaji.
jolly person (noun), mchekeshaji, pl wachekeshaji.
jolly person (noun), mchekeshi, pl wachekeshi.
wag (noun), mchekeshaji, pl wachekeshaji.
jolt (verb), -duguda.
Joseph (noun), Yusufu (1).
jostle (verb), -kumba.
jostle (verb), -kumbana.
jostle (verb), -pambana.
jostle (verb), -seta.
jostle (verb), -sukuma.
jostle (verb), -sukumana.
jostle each other (in a crowd) (verb), -songana (associative).
one who jostles (noun), mkumbizi, pl wakumbizi.
jostling (noun), ukumbaji.
jostling (noun), ukumbizi.
with much jostling (adverb), kwa sukumana.
journalist (noun), mchunguzi, pl wachunguzi.
journalist (noun), muhariri, pl wahariri.
journey (noun), msafara, pl misafara.
journey (noun), pl journeys, safari (9/10), pl safari. Mansuri went on
his business journeys. Mansuri alirejea katika safari zake za kibiashara
journey (noun), usafari.
journey (noun), usafiri.
set out on a journey (phrase), -ng'oa safari.
set out on a journey (verb), -safiri.
journeyman (noun), mkufunzi, pl wakufunzi.
journeyman (noun), mkurufunzi, pl wakurufunzi.
journeyman (noun), waria.
jovial (adjective), bashasha.
jovial person (noun), mfurahivu, pl wafurahivu.
joviality (noun), udamisi.
jowls (noun), mataya, pl mataya.
expresses joy (interjection), a.
expresses joy (interjection), aa.
expresses joy (interjection), ah.
feel joy (verb), -ona furaha.
joy (noun), anasa, pl anasa.
joy (noun), furaha (9/10), pl furaha.
joy (noun), kikora, pl vikora.
joy (noun), mteremo, pl miteremo.
joy (noun), nderemo, pl minderemo.
joy (noun), pl joys, raha (9/10), pl raha.
joy (noun), uchangamfu (14).
joy (noun), ufurahi.
shout of joy (noun), kigelegele (7/8), pl vigelegele.
joyfulness (noun), bashasha (9/10), pl bashasha.
be judged (verb), -amuliwa (passive).
be judged (verb), -hukumiwa.
judge (noun), hakimu (5/6), pl mahakimu.
judge (noun), jaji (5/6), pl majaji.
judge (noun), jaji, pl majaji.
judge (noun), kadhi (1/2), pl makadhi.
judge (noun), kadhi, pl makadhi.
judge (noun), mwamuzi (1/2), pl waamuzi.
judge (verb), -amua.
judge (verb), -hukumu.
judge (verb), -hukumu.
Muslim judge (noun), kadhi (5/6), pl makadhi.
pass judgment on (verb), -hukumia.
judgement (noun), amuzi, pl maamuzi.
judgement (noun), fetwa.
judgement (noun), hiari.
judgement (noun), hukumu.
judgement (noun), maamuzi, pl maamuzi.
judgement (noun), ukadiri.
judgement (noun), ukadirifu.
judgement (power of) (noun), hekima.
judgement (power of) (noun), nadhari.
judgement day (noun), kiyama (9/10), pl kiyama.
pass judgement (verb), pl Check verb form translations, -adhibisha.
pass judgement (verb), -adhibu.
pass judgement (verb), -feta.
pass judgement (verb), -fetwa.
place of judgement (noun), mahakma.
judgeship (noun), ujaji.
judgment (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
judgment (noun), hukumu (9/10), pl hukumu.
judgment (noun), uamuzi (11/6), pl maamuzi.
jug (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
jug (noun), dumu, pl madumu.
jug (noun), jagi.
jug (noun), mdumu (3/4), pl midumu.
large earthenware jug (for storing water) (noun), kasiki, pl (-),
small metal jug (noun), kalasia.
water jug (large) (noun), balasi, pl balasi, mabalasi.
water-jug (large) (noun), rumbi (9/10), pl rumbi.
water-jug (with one or two handles) (noun), kuzi (5/6), pl makuzi.
jugglery (noun), kiinimacho (7/8), pl viinimacho.
jugglery (noun), mazingaombwe (6).
juggling (noun), mauzauza.
juice of a plant (noun), utomvu.
poisonous juice of mutpa plants (noun), utupa.
7 July the Anniversary of TANU (=Tanzania National Union). (noun), Saba-
Saba. The celebrations of the anniversary of TANU were addressed by the
chairman of the workers organization. Sherehe za sabasaba ziliadhimishwa
na rais wa chama cha wafanyakazi.
July (noun), Julai.
be jumbled (verb), -changanyika.
jumble (noun), mburugo (3/4), pl miburugo.
jumble (verb), -changanya. jumble words. changanya maneno.
jumbled (adjective), msonge.
cause to jump (verb), -rusha.
jump (noun), pl jumps, mruko (3/4), pl miruko.
jump (noun), ruko (5/6), pl maruko.
jump (noun), pl jumps, rusho (5/6), pl marusho.
jump (verb), -chachawa.
jump (verb), -chupa. the frog jumps. chura anachura.
jump (verb), -ruka. Zakaria was playing by jumping up and down. Zakaria
alikuwa akicheza alikuwa akirukaruka [Kez].
jump at (verb), -rukia. the cat jumped at the rat. Paka alinukia panya.
jump over (verb), -dupa.
jump over something (verb), -kiuka.
sport jumper (noun), mrukaji, pl warukaji.
jumping (noun), urukaji.
be jumpy (verb), -tukutika.
junction (noun), kutano (5/6), pl makutano.
June (noun), Juni.
jungle (noun), magugu.
jungle (noun), mwitu, pl mitu, miitu. "dense forest, jungle".. mnene,
gongo la mwitu.
of the jungle (adjective), -a kimwitu.
of the jungle (adverb), -a kimwitu.
junior (adjective), dogo.
junior (in age or rank) (noun), mdogo, pl wadogo.
juniper (noun), mreteni, pl mireteni.
fig. junk (noun), kombo, pl makombo.
junk (noun), makombo.
junk (noun), taka (5/6), pl mataka.
junk (noun), takataka (5/6), pl matakataka.
junk (noun), uhafifu.
junker (noun), kweche (9/10), pl kweche.
junker (automobile) (noun), katara (9/10), pl katara.
Jupiter (noun), Mshtarii.
jur. jurisdiction (noun), mamlaka.
jurisdiction (noun), hukumu.
jurist (noun), mwanasheria, pl wanasheria.
be just (verb), -adili.
just (adjective), adili.
just (adjective), adilifu.
just (adjective), sawa.
just (adverb), babale.
just (adverb), hasa.
just (adverb), hivi.
just (adverb), tu.
just (noun), haki.
just so (abbreviation), v.h..
just so (adverb), hivyo.
just so (adverb), vivi.
just so (adverb), vivi hivi.
just then (adverb), sawia. the glass got Matata just ahead. glasi
ilimpata Matata sawia usoni [Muk].
administration of justice (noun), hukumu.
dispense justice (verb), -hukumu.
justice (noun), adili (5/6), pl maadili.
justice (noun), haki (9/10), pl haki.
justice (noun), haki.
justice (noun), sharia (9/10), pl sharia. appeal for justice. peleka
justice (noun), sheria (9/10), pl sheria. appeal for justice. peleka
justice (noun), uadilifu.
justice (noun), uongofu.
justice (noun), wongofu.
justify (verb), -halisisha.
justify (verb), -sadikisha.
justify oneself (verb), -jikania.
justness (noun), uongofu.
justness (noun), wongofu.
udder (noun), kiwele (7/8), pl viwele.
udder (noun), wele, pl mawele.
udder (noun), ziwa, pl maziwa.
become ugly (verb), -kwajuka.
ugly (verb), -sawijika.
uh-huh (interjection), eeh.
ulcer (noun), cheraka, pl macheraka.
ulcer (noun), jeraha, pl majeraha.
ulcer (noun), kidonda (7/8), pl vidonda.
ulcer (large) (noun), donda, pl madonda.
ululation (noun), kigelegele (7/8), pl vigelegele.
umbilical cord (noun), kunga ya uzazi.
umbilical cord (noun), ukamba (11/10), pl ukamba.
take umbrage (verb), -zilia.
umbrella (noun), mwamvuli (3/4), pl miamvuli.
umbrella (noun), mwamvuli, pl miamvuli. parachute. mwavuli wa kuchuka.
umbrella (noun), mwavuli, pl miavuli. parachute. mwavuli wa kuchuka.
umbrella (noun), mwemvuli, pl miemvuli. parachute. mwavuli wa kuchuka.
umpire (noun), mwamua, pl waamua.
umpire (noun), mwamuzi, pl waamuzi.
for the umpteenth time (adverb), kikariri.
be unable (verb), -shindwa. our ball team was unable to win. Timu yetu
ya mpira ilishindwa.
be unable to do anything (verb), -wa na hila.
be unable to do something (verb), -tehemu.
be unalterable (verb), -pasa.
unalterably (adverb), mkataa.
unambiguous (adjective), thabiti.
unanimity (noun), mwafaka, pl miafaka.
unanimity (phrase), sauti moja. we shall give a unanimous voice to the
members of our party. tutawapa sauti wanachama wa chama chetu..
unanimously (adverb), kwa shauri.
unanimously (adverb), shauri moja.
you are unapproachable (phrase), husarifiki.
unassuming (adjective), nyenyekevu.
unassuming person (noun), maridhia, pl wamaridhia. my wife is
unassuming. mke wangu maridhia.
unassuming person (noun), marigedi.
unavoidable (adjective), siyoepukika. unavoidable sacrifices. mahanga
be taken unawares (verb), -taghafali.
be taken unawares (verb), -ghafilika.
unawares (adverb), taghafali.
unbar (verb), -komoa.
be unbarred (verb), -komolewa.
rel. unbelief (noun), makufuru.
unbelief (noun), ukafiri.
unbelief (noun), ukufuru.
unbeliever (noun), kafiri (5/6), pl makafiri.
unbeliever (noun), kafiri, pl makafiri.
unceasingly (adverb), mfululizo.
be uncertain (verb), -daghadagha.
be uncertain (verb), -lega.
be uncertain (verb), -legarega.
be uncertain (verb), -rega.
be uncertain (verb), -regarega.
be uncertain (verb), -sita.
be uncertain (verb), -sitasita.
be uncertain (verb), -taladadi.
be uncertain (verb), -taradadi.
be uncertain (verb), -tetereka.
be uncertain (verb), -wayawaya.
uncertain (adjective), geugeu.
uncertainty (noun), daghadagha.
uncertainty (noun), mushkeli.
uncertainty (noun), shaka (5/6), pl mashaka. they have uncertainty.
wana shaka..
uncertainty (noun), tashwishi (9/10), pl tashwishi.
uncertainty (noun), wasiwasi.
uncertainty (noun), wayowayo, pl mawayowayo.
uncertainty (of the mind) (noun), kivinyovinyo, pl vivinyovinyo.
uncircumcised man (noun), mwenye ngovi (9/10), pl ngovi.
uncivil (adjective), paruparu.
uncivilized (adjective), jahili.
uncivilized (adjective), -a kishenzi.
uncivilized (adjective), kishenzi.
uncivilized (adjective), shenzi. (s)he was perceived as an uncivilized
person. Alionekana mtu mshenzi.
uncivilized person (noun), mshenzi (1/2), pl washenzi. an uncivilized
person; Since the distant past that bird has grasped people's whispers and
has begun to insult uncivilized people like me.. mtu mshenzi; Toka zama
za kale, huyu ndege hushika minong'ono ya watu na kuanza kukebehi washenzi
kama mimi [Chacha, Masomo 378]..
maternal uncle (noun), mjomba (1/2), pl wajomba.
uncle (father's older brother) (noun), baba mkubwa (1/2), pl baba
uncle (father's younger brother) (noun), baba mdogo (1/2), pl baba
uncle (paternal) (noun), ami (9/10an), pl ami.
uncle (paternal) (noun), amu (9/10an), pl amu.
uncle (paternal) (noun), baba, pl baba. uncle (older/younger brother of
one's father). ~ mkubwa, ~ mdogo.
ritual uncleanliness (after sexual intercourse) (noun), chanaba.
unclean (adjective), chafu.
unclean person (noun), mnajisi (1/2), pl wanajisi.
fig. uncleanliness (noun), koga, pl makoga.
ritual uncleanliness (noun), unajisi.
uncleanliness (noun), uchafu.
uncleanliness (noun), ukoo.
uncleanliness (noun), ukowo.
ritual uncleanness (noun), najisi.
express oneself unclearly (verb), -finika maneno.
express oneself unclearly (verb), -funika maneno.
unclose (verb), -fumbua.
uncoil (verb), -zongoa.
feel uncomfortable (verb), -chugachuga.
uncommon (adjective), nadra.
uncommunicative person (noun), mnyamavu, pl wanyamavu.
uncompromising (adjective), kakamizi.
unconditionally (adverb), kenyekenye.
uncooked (adjective), -bichi.
be uncorked (verb), -zibuka.
be uncorked (fig.) (verb), -chomolewa (passive).
uncork (verb), -zibua.
be uncorked (verb), -zibuliwa.
uncountable (adjective), bila idadi.
be uncouth (verb), -mbafu.
uncouth (adjective), shenzi.
uncouth person (noun), mshamba (1/2), pl washamba.
uncouth person (noun), mshenzi. uncouth person. mtu mshenzi.
uncouth person (noun), mtwana, pl watwana.
uncouthness (noun), ushamba (14).
uncouthness (noun), ushenzi.
uncover (verb), -ezua.
uncover (verb), -fichua.
uncover (verb), -fidua.
uncover (verb), -fudua.
uncover (verb), -fukua.
uncover (verb), -fumua.
uncover (verb), -funua.
uncover (verb), -gubua.
uncover (verb), -tandua.
uncover (verb), -tanzua. uncover a difficult matter. tanzua jambo gumu.
uncover (verb), -vumbua.
uncover (verb), -zumbua.
uncover (secret) (verb), -bukua.
uncovered (adjective), wazi.
uncovered (adjective), waziwazi.
uncovering (noun), kifunuo, pl vifunuo.
uncultivated (adjective), kame.
uncultured person (fig.) (noun), gumegume (5/6an), pl magumegume.
be undecided (verb), -rajua.
be undecided (verb), -yumba.
be undecided (verb), -yumbayumba.
under (adverb), chini.
be underdeveloped (verb), -dumaa.
be underdeveloped (verb), -kundaa.
be underestimated (verb), -dunishwa.
undergo (verb), -tendewa.
undergrowth (noun), chaka, pl machaka.
undergrowth (noun), gugu (5/6), pl magugu.
underhand (verb), -limuka.
try to get by underhanded means (verb), -nyanyia.
underhanded action (noun), penyaji (5/6), pl mapenyaji.
underhanded action (noun), penyezi (5/6), pl mapenyezi.
underhanded action (noun), upenyaji, pl mapenyaji, penyaji.
underhanded action (noun), upenyezi, pl mapenyezi, penyezi.
underhanded practices (noun), ugaidi.
underhandedly (adverb), kichinichini.
underhandedly (adverb), kijivi, pl vijivi.
underhandedly (adverb), kijizi.
undermine (verb), -tekua.
underneath (adverb), chini.
underpants (noun), chupi (9/10), pl chupi.
unerpinning (noun), kiweko, pl viweko.
underrate (verb), -dunisha. You have underrated yourself as
inferior/inferior by underestimation.. Umejidunisha duni/duni ya
kujidunisha [Alamin Mazrui "Usijiangamize" 9].
undershirt (noun), flana (9/10), pl flana.
undershirt (noun), fulana (9/10), pl fulana.
undersize (of persons) (adjective), ndururu.
undersized creature (noun), kibeti (7/8), pl vibeti.
be understood (verb), -fahamika.
make someone understand (verb), -sikiza (causative).
understand (noun), maizi.
understand (verb), -atikali.
understand (verb), -elekea.
understand (verb), -elewa.
understand (verb), -fafanua.
understand (verb), -fahamu.
understand (verb), -jua.
understand (verb), -jua.
understand (verb), -komanya.
understand (verb), -maizi.
understand (verb), -nabihi.
understand (verb), -sikia. I understand well. Nasikia vema.
understand (verb), -tambua.
understand (verb), -tanabahi. as (s)he thought well, (s)he understood
that it was not to be ran away from. alipofikiri vyema, alitanabahi kuwa
hakikuwapo cha kutorokwa [Sul].
understand each other (verb), -fahamiana.
understand each other (verb), -sikilizana.
understand each other's languages (verb), -sikizana ( assoc-caus).
understand mutually (verb), pl This lack of mutual understanding blocked
our efforts to fight for justice [Kenyatta, Masomo 115], -fahamikiana.
be understandable (verb), -tambulikana.
understandable (adjective), plen.
understandable (verb), -julikana.
come to an understanding (verb), -afikana (associative).
come to an understanding (verb), -afikiana (associative). If you don't
want to come to an understanding with me I will use my authority .. Kama
hutaki kuafikiana nami nitatumia madaraka yangu [Chacha, Masomo 383].
come to an understanding (verb), -sikilizana (causative).
effect an understanding (verb), -selehi.
effect an understanding (verb), -suluhi.
effect an understanding (verb), -suluhu.
mutual understanding (noun), maafikano, pl maafikano.
mutual understanding (noun), maafikiano, pl maafikiano.
mutual understanding (noun), msikilizano, pl misikilizano.
mutual understanding (noun), sikizano (5/6), pl masikizano. come to a
mutual understanding. pata masikizano.
mutual understanding (noun), uelewano (14).
mutual understanding (noun), ufahamikiano.
mutual understanding (noun), usikizano.
reach an understanding (verb), -patana.
understanding (adjective), ekevu.
understanding (adjective), elekevu.
understanding (noun), agano (5/6), pl maagano.
understanding (noun), akili (9/10), pl akili.
understanding (noun), maarifa, pl maarifa.
understanding (noun), mapatano. compromise. mapatano ya kuridhiana.
understanding (noun), masikilizano (6).
understanding (noun), patano (5/6), pl mapatano. come to an
understanding. fanya mapatano.
understanding (noun), ufahamfu.
understanding (noun), ufahami.
understanding (noun), ufahamivu.
understanding (noun), ufahamu (14).
understanding (noun), upatano.
understanding (noun), utambulifu.
understanding (noun), utambulizi.
understanding (noun), utambuzi.
make oneself understood (at a distance) (noun), usikilizaji.
undertake (verb), -diriki.
undertake (verb), -tadaraki.
undertaker (noun), mzishi, pl wazishi.
undertaker (prepares body for burial) (noun), mpambaji (1/2), pl
undertaking directed toward a goal (noun), mkataa.
underworld (noun), kuzimu.
undesirable (adjective), haramu.
undesirable (noun), chini.
be undeveloped (used of anything which has not reached the state normally
expected) (verb), -via.
undeveloped (adjective), -changa.
undeveloped (adjective), pooza.
undeveloped thing (noun), pooza (5/6), pl mapooza.
undo (verb), -fumua.
undo (verb), -futua.
undo (verb), -shonoa.
undo (verb), -umbua.
come undone (verb), -funguka.
leave undone (verb), -saza.
undoubtedly (adverb), bila shaka.
undoubtedly (adverb), dhahiri.
undoubtedly (adverb), hakika.
make someone undress (verb), -vulisha.
take off clothes (verb), -vua (converse).
undress (verb), -jipuchua. strip off the grains of an ear of maize..
pujua mahindi.
undress (verb), -jipujua. strip off the grains of an ear of maize..
pujua mahindi.
undress (verb), -jipujua.
undress (verb), -vua nguo.
undress oneself (verb), -vua nguo. undress. vaa [vua] nguo.
undressing (act of) (noun), mvuo, pl mivuo.
undulating (adjective), kiwimbi.
unearth (verb), -fukua.
uneasiness (noun), kukuru.
uneasiness (noun), shaka (5/6), pl mashaka. (s)he has met with
uneasiness. amekutana na mashaka..
be uneasy (verb), -chugachuga.
uneasy (verb), -jituka.
be unemployed (verb), -vinjari.
the unemployed (noun), wamevinjari.
unemployed person (noun), mvinjari.
unemployment (noun), ulitima (14).
unemployment (noun), ulitima.
unemployment (noun), ultima.
unemployment (noun), uritima.
be uneven (verb), -kwaruza.
uneven (adjective), kinundu.
unexpectedly (adverb), fajaa.
do something unexpected (verb), -ghairi.
come upon unexpectedly (verb), -okota.
unexpectedly (adverb), ghafla.
unexpectedly (adverb), ghafula.
unexpectedly (adverb), kutahamaki.
unexpectedly (adverb), mara. once. mara moja.
unexpectedly (adverb), soli.
unexpectedly (adverb), taghafali. a lot of bitterness and unexpected
anger seized him/her. uchungu mkuu na hasira taghafali zilimchemka [Mun].
unexpectedly (verb), -hamaki.
be unfair (verb), -chagua.
be unfair (verb), -isi-ostahili.
unfair (adjective), jeuri.
unfair person (noun), pl unfair people, msukumizi (1/2), pl wasukumizi.
unfairness (noun), maovu.
unfamiliar (adjective), -geni.
something that unfastens (noun), kifungua, pl vifungua.
unfasten (verb), -fungua.
unfasten (verb), -pingua.
unfastening (noun), mfunguo (3/4), pl mifunguo.
one who unfastens (noun), mfungua, pl wafungua.
leave unfinished (verb), -saza.
unfold (verb), -kunjua.
unfold (verb), -vunja.
unfold (of buds) (verb), -chanua.
be unfolded (verb), -kunjuliwa.
unfolding (noun), kifunuo (7/8), pl vifunuo.
unfolding (noun), ufumbulio.
unfolding (noun), ufumbuo.
unfolding (noun), ufumbuzi.
unform (verb), -tungua.
be unfriendly (verb), -nuna.
unfriendly person (noun), mkimwa, pl wakimwa.
unhappiness (noun), huzuni (9/10), pl huzuni.
unharmed (adjective), salaam. unharmed ending. mwisho salama..
unharmed (adjective), salama. unharmed ending. mwisho salama..
unhealthiness (noun), ubovu.
unhealthy (adjective), bovu.
unheard-of (adjective), nyangalika.
unhurt (adjective), -zima.
unification (noun), mwungamano, pl miungamano.
uniform (noun), moja. harmony (literary one heart). moyo mmoja.
uniform (noun), nguo za rasmi (9/10), pl nguo.
uniform (noun), vazi rasmi (5/6), pl mavazi rasmi.
uniform (noun), yunifomu (9/10).
uniform shirt (with short sleeves) (noun), kimau, pl vimau.
uniformity (noun), kumoja.
unify (verb), -unganisha.
unimpeded (adjective), sabili.
unimportant (adjective), chache.
unimportant (adjective), dogo.
unimportant (adjective), duni. an unimportant matter. jambo duni.
unimportant (adjective), epesi.
unimportant person (noun), chaupepeta (7/8an), pl vyaupepeta.
uninhabited (adjective), kame.
uninhabited place (noun), pululu (5/6), pl mapululu.
uninitiated child (noun), mwali (1/2), pl wali.
unintelligible (verb), -meguka.
unintelligible (verb), -megukameguka.
unintelligibly (adverb), kikombo.
unintentionally (adverb), kwa nasibu.
unintentionally (adverb), bila nia.
unintentionally (preposition), pasipo nia.
uninteresting (adjective), dufu.
do something uninterrupted (verb), -fufuliza.
do something uninterrupted (verb), fufuliza.
do something uninterrupted (verb), -fuliza.
do something uninterrupted (verb), -fululiza.
do something uninterrupted (verb), fuuliza.
do something uninterrupted (verb), -fuuza.
union (noun), chama (7/8), pl vyama.
union (noun), changamano, pl machangamano.
union (noun), kombaini, pl makombaini. beg pardon.
union (noun), pl unions, muungano (3/4), pl miungamo.
union (noun), muungano, pl miungano. United States of America..
mwungano wa nchi za Amerika.
union (noun), mwunganisho, pl miunganisho. United States of America..
mwungano wa nchi za Amerika.
union (noun), mwungano, pl miungano. United States of America..
mwungano wa nchi za Amerika.
union (noun), shirikisho (9/10), pl mashirikisho. European countries
have a strong union. Nchi za Ulaya zina shirikisho la nguvu.
union (noun), tangamano (5/6), pl matangamano.
union (noun), umoja.
union (noun), unganisho, pl maunganisho.
unique (adverb), a pekee.
unique (noun), kifani (7/8), pl kifani.
uniqueness (noun), peke (9). they alone. peke yao.
uniqueness (noun), pekee (9). they alone. peke yao.
uniqueness (noun), pweke (9).
unision (noun), mlingano, pl milingano.
unison (phrase), sauti moja.
unit (noun), kipindi, pl vipindi.
unit (noun), sehemu (9/10), pl sehemu.
unit of length (about 9 inches) (noun), shibiri (9/10), pl shibiri. when
(s)he was born, (s)he was about nine inches. Alipozaliwa alikuwa na
shibiri moja.
unit of length (about 9 inches) (noun), shubiri (9/10), pl shubiri.
unit of weight (for precious metals and perfumes, equals about 1/2 ounce
or 14 g) (noun), tola (9/10), pl tola.
unite (verb), -shariki. unite in business. shiriki katika biashara
unite (verb), -shiriki.
unite (verb), -ungamanisha.
unite (verb), -ungana.
unite (verb), -unganisha.
be united (verb), -kongomana.
be united (verb), -ungamana.
be united (verb), -unganika.
united (adjective), a pamoja.
United Republic (of Tanzania) (noun), jamhuri ya muungano.
United States of America (noun), Marekani (17).
uniting (act of) (noun), uunganishaji.
unity (noun), kiva (9/10), pl kiva.
unity (noun), ukamili.
unity (noun), ukamilifu.
unity (noun), umoja.
unity (noun), ushirikiano (14), pl ushirikiano.
universe (noun), dunia.
universe (noun), maumbile (6).
universe (noun), ulimwengu, pl malimwengu.
university (noun), pl universities, chuo kikuu (7/8), pl vyuo vikuu.
University of Dar es Salaam. Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam.
be unjust (verb), -chagua.
be unjust (verb), -isi-ostahili.
unjust (adjective), dhalimu.
unjust (adjective), jeuri.
unjust (adjective), jeuri.
unjust (adjective), ujeuri.
unjust person (noun), dhalimu (5/6an), pl madhalimu.
unjust person (noun), mdhalimu, pl wadhalimu.
unkind treatment (noun), oneo (5/6), pl maoneo.
be unknown (verb), asitambuke (conjugated).
something unknown (noun), kidude, pl vidude.
pronounce unlawful (verb), -harimisha.
unlawfulness (noun), uharamu.
unless (conjunction), ela.
unless (conjunction), ila.
unless (conjunction), ila.
unless (conjunction), isipokuwa.
unless (conjunction), isipokuwa.
unless (conjunction), kasoro.
unless (conjunction), kama laula.
discharge cargo (ships) (verb), -cheleza.
unload (verb), -cheleza.
unload (verb), -pakua.
unload (verb), -pakuwa.
unload (cargo etc.) (verb), -shusha (causative). unload the load.
shusha mzigo.
unloader (noun), mpakuzi (1/2), pl wapakuzi.
unloading cargo (noun), upakuzi.
unloading freight (noun), upakuzi.
one who unloads (noun), mpakuzi, pl wapakuzi.
person of ill omen (one for whom an unfortunate life was foretold at his
birth) (noun), mtimvi.
unlucky (adjective), churo.
unlucky (adjective), korofi.
unlucky ill-omened person who brings bad luck (noun), kausha (9/10), pl
unlucky person (noun), mdubira, pl wadubira.
unlucky person (one for whom an unfortunate life was foretold at his
birth) (noun), mchimbi.
unlucky person (one for whom an unfortunate life was foretold at his
birth) (noun), mchimvi.
unlucky person (one for whom an unfortunate life was foretold at his
birth) (noun), mtimvi.
unlucky person (someone who causes misfortune or injury to other people)
(noun), mshari, pl washari.
unlucky person (with certain peculiarities which are regarded as bad
omens) (noun), chimvi, pl machimvi.
unmannerliness (noun), ushenzi.
be unmannerly (verb), -mbafu.
unmannerly (adjective), fidhulika.
unmannerly person (noun), mtwana, pl watwana.
condition of being unmarried (noun), ujane.
unmarried (adjective), senge.
unmarried man (noun), kapela, pl makapela.
unmarried man (noun), kapela (5/6), pl makapela.
unmarried man (noun), pl unmarried men, mseja (1/2), pl waseja.
unmarried state (noun), ujane.
unmarried young man (noun), mvulana, pl wavulana.
unmarried young man (noun), mvuli, pl wavuli.
be unnatural (verb), -si-o -a maumbile. his/her hair is now a single
hair that is not natural. nywele zake [...] sasa ni singa isiyo ya
maumbile [Moh].
be unnerved (verb), -chafuka (potential).
be unnerved (verb), -dawaa.
be unnerved (verb), -duala.
be unnerved (verb), -duwaa.
something unobtainable (noun), mhali. He is asking the unobtainable of
me.. anitaka muhali.
something unobtainable (noun), muhali. He is asking the unobtainable of
me.. anitaka muhali.
something unobtainable (noun), umhali. He is asking the unobtainable of
me.. anitaka muhali.
something unobtainable (noun), umhali.
state of being unobtainable (noun), ughaibu.
unobtainable (adjective), adimu.
unobtainable (adjective), hadimika.
unpack (verb), -omeka.
unpick (verb), -fumua.
unpleasant (adjective), chapwa.
unpleasant (adjective), chungu.
unpleasant person (noun), bweshu, pl mabweshu.
unpleasant person or thing (noun), mbwedu, pl wabwedu.
unpleasantness (noun), nongwa (9/10), pl nongwa.
unplug (verb), -chomoa.
unplug (verb), -zibua.
be unplugged (verb), -zibuliwa.
unprejudiced person (noun), mzingatifu, pl wazingatifu.
unprejudiced person (noun), mzingativu, pl wazingativu.
be unprepared (verb), -chugachuga.
something unpretentious (noun), mfuto (3/4), pl mifuto.
unpretentious person (noun), maridhia, pl wamaridhia. my wife is
unassuming. mke wangu maridhia.
unpretentious person (noun), marigedi.
unprincipled person (noun), mpotoe, pl wapotoe.
unprincipled person (noun), mpotofu, pl wapotofu.
unprincipled person (noun), mpotovu, pl wapotovu.
unprincipled person (noun), mpotwe, pl wapotwe.
unravel (verb), -fumua.
unravel (verb), -fumua.
unravel (verb), -ng'amua.
unravel (verb), -shonoa.
unravel a puzzle (verb), -tatanua.
something unreasonable (noun), mhali.
something unreasonable (noun), muhali.
something unreasonable (noun), umhali.
something unreasonable (noun), umhali.
be unrecognized (verb), asitambuke (conjugated).
unrefined (adjective), guru. unrefined sugar. sukari guru.
unregulated (adverb), shambiro.
unrelated (adjective), ajinabi.
unreliable (adjective), bovu. unreliable person. mtu bovu.
unresistingly (adverb), kikondoo, pl vikondoo.
cause unrest (verb), -omoa.
unrest (noun), chachari, pl machachari.
unrest (noun), chafuko, pl machafuko.
unrest (noun), chonza. cause unrest. tia chonza.
unrest (noun), dukuduku.
unrest (noun), fujo (5/6), pl mafujo.
unrest (noun), ghadhia (9/10), pl ghadhia.
unrest (noun), hekaheka.
unrest (noun), kerezo, pl makerezo.
unrest (noun), machugachuga, pl machugachuga.
unrest (noun), masubuko, pl masubuko.
unrest (noun), masuko (6).
unrest (noun), masukosuko, pl masukosuko.
unrest (noun), masumbufo, pl masumbufo.
unrest (noun), masumbulizi, pl masumbulizi.
unrest (noun), masumbuo, pl masumbuo.
unrest (noun), maudhiko, pl maudhiko.
unrest (noun), mauja.
unrest (noun), mavurugano, pl mavurugano.
unrest (noun), msuko, pl misuko.
unrest (noun), msukosuko, pl misukosuko.
unrest (noun), muuya.
unrest (noun), mwuja, pl miuja.
unrest (noun), sononeko (5/6), pl masononeko.
unrest (noun), sumbuko (5/6), pl masumbuko.
unrest (noun), sumbuo (5/6), pl masumbuo.
unrestricted (adverb), shambiro.
unripe (adjective), -bichi.
unripe (adjective), biti.
unripe (adjective), pooza.
unripe (of grains) (adjective), tindi.
unripe fruit (noun), kidanga, pl vidanga.
unripeness (noun), ubichi (14).
unripeness (noun), uchanga.
unroll (verb), -fumua.
unroll (verb), -zingua.
unroll (verb), -zongoa.
unruly (noun), matimutimu, pl matimutimu. unruly hair. matimutimu ya
leave unsaid (verb), -saza.
unsaleable merchandise (noun), uhafifu.
unsatisfactory (adjective), adimu.
unselfish (adjective), safi.
unselfish (adjective), swafi.
not serious (adjective), epesi.
unsettled (adjective), hamaji.
unsew (verb), -shonoa.
unshakable person (noun), mpindanifu, pl wapindanifu.
unsheathe (verb), -futa.
unspecified number (adverb), kadhaa.
be unstable (verb), -huni.
unstable (adjective), -badilifu.
move unsteadily (verb), -yua.
stand unsteadily (as an infant first learning to walk) (adverb), dede.
stand unsteadily. -simama dede.
stand unsteadily (as an infant first learning to walk) (verb), -simama
dede. If you see him you'll be surprised (and so be unsteady on your
feet).. ukimwona utasimama dede [Ma].
walk unsteadily (verb), -yonga.
walk unsteadily (verb), -yongayonga.
walk unsteadily (verb), -yuga.
walk unsteadily (verb), -yugayuga.
be unsteady (verb), -lega.
be unsteady (verb), -legarega.
be unsteady (verb), -rega.
be unsteady (verb), -regarega.
be unsteady (verb), -rega.
unsteady (verb), -tikisika.
unstop (verb), -zibua.
be unstoppable (verb), -zibuka.
be unstopped (verb), -zibuliwa.
be unsuccessful (verb), -angamia.
be unsuccessful (verb), -feli.
be unsuccessful (verb), -kosa. the knife cuts on both edges..
be unsuccessful (verb), -shindwa. John was unsuccessful in helping his
friend. John alishindwa kumsaidia rafiki yake.
be unsuccessful (in getting something) (verb), -dolola.
someone who is always unsuccessful (noun), mdubira, pl wadubira.
unsuitable (adjective), dhaifu.
untalkative (adjective), -nyamavu. "a good, respectful and untalkative
girl".. msichana mzuri, mnyenyekevu na mnyamavu [Kez].
be untangled (verb), -tatuka.
untangle (verb), -tatua.
untangle (verb), -zingua.
untidy person (noun), mkoo, pl wakoo.
untie (verb), -fumua.
untie (verb), -fundua.
untie (verb), -fungua.
untie (verb), -gangua.
until (adjective), hata.
until (adverb), kufikia.
until (adverb), mpaka.
until (conjunction), haddi.
until (conjunction), hadi.
until (preposition), hata.
until (preposition), mpaka. until whenNULL how longNULL. mpaka
until now (adverb), tokea hapo.
untiring (adjective), maarufu.
something untouched (noun), bikira.
untroubled (adjective), kunjufu.
untrue (adjective), mbea.
untrue (adjective), wongo.
untrustworthy person (noun), kauleni, pl makauleni.
untruth (noun), uongo (5/6), pl maongo.
untruth (noun), uongo.
untruth (noun), urongo.
untruth (noun), uwongo (5/6), pl maongo.
untruth (noun), wongo.
untwist (verb), -sukua (inversive).
be unusual (verb), -ghamma.
unusual (adjective), geni.
unusual (adjective), nadra. It is unusual to see him/her sitting quietly
when something happens.. Ni nadra kumwona amenyamaa panapotukia jambo
fulani [Khan, Masomo 391].
unusual (adjective), -a tukizi.
unusually (adverb), mno.
unusualness (noun), uzungu.
unveil (verb), -kashifu.
unveiling (noun), kashifa.
unwholesome (adjective), bovu.
become unwieldly (verb), -nenepa.
unwillingly (adverb), kwa nyongo.
unwillingness to speak (noun), utasi.
unwind (verb), -tatanua.
unwind (verb), -tatua.
unwind (verb), -zingua.
unwind (verb), -zongoa.
be unwound (verb), -tatuka.
unwrap (verb), -zingua.
be unyielding (verb), -shupaa.
unyielding (adjective), gumu.
unyielding (adjective), kakamizi.
unyielding (adjective), pindani.
unyielding (adjective), shupavu.
get up (verb), -ondoka.
go up (verb), -kwea.
up (adverb), juu.
up (adverb), kijuujuu, pl vijuujuu.
up (preposition), juu.
up (verb), -tuna.
up to (adverb), hata.
up to (conjunction), hadi.
up to (preposition), juu ya.
up to (adverb), mpaka.
up-to-date (adjective), kisasa.
up-to-date (adjective), -pya. up-to-date work. kazi mpya.
up-to-date (adjective), -sasa. everything is upto date. kila kitu kiko
be upbraided (verb), -shutumiwa.
upbraid (verb), -shutumu.
upbringing (noun), kulea.
upbringing (noun), malezi (6).
upbringing (noun), malezi.
upbringing (noun), ulezi (11/6), pl malezi.
upcountry (noun), bara (9/10), pl bara.
upheaval (noun), mapinduzi.
uphold (verb), -dumisha.
uplift (verb), -inua.
upon (conjunction), juu ya.
upper end (adverb), kichwani.
upper part (noun), juu.
upper part (noun), kichwa, pl vichwa.
upper floor (noun), dari.
uppermost (adverb), imaima, pl viwimawima.
uppermost (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
uppermost (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
be in an upright position (verb), -simama.
be upright (verb), -simamika (intransitive).
be upright (verb), -simika (intransitive).
be upright (verb), -stahika.
be upright (verb), -thibiti.
in an upright position (adverb), imaima, pl viwimawima.
in an upright position (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
in an upright position (adverb), kiwimawima, pl viwimawima.
place upright (verb), -buathi.
state of being upright (noun), usimamao.
upright (adjective), kabili.
upright (adjective), madhubuti.
upright (adjective), salihi.
upright (adjective), wima.
upright man (noun), mnyofu (1/2), pl wanyofu.
upright position (noun), usimamao.
uprightness (noun), nyofu (9).
uprightness (noun), uadilifu (14).
uprightness (noun), uongofu.
uprightness (noun), uwima.
uprightness (noun), wima.
uprightness (noun), wongofu.
uprising (noun), mgogoro (3/4), pl migogoro.
uprising (noun), mnyanyuko, pl minyanyuko. armed uprising. mnyanyuko wa
fig. uproar (noun), kishindo, pl vishindo.
uproar (noun), fujo (5/6), pl mafujo.
uproar (noun), hoihoi (9/10), pl hoihoi.
uproar (noun), kelele, pl makelele.
uproar (noun), udhia.
uproar (noun), udhiko.
uproar (noun), ukelele, pl makelele.
uproar (noun), unyeme.
uproar (noun), zahama.
uproar (noun), zahimu.
be uprooted (verb), -chimbuka.
be uprooted (verb), -ng'oka.
one who uproots (noun), mng'oaji (1/2), pl wang'oaji.
uproot (verb), -ng'oa. when they finished removing the doors and widows
of that house. walipomaliza kung'oa milango na madirisha ya nyumba ile
uproot (verb), -sinua.
be upset (verb), -angaika.
be upset (verb), -hangaika.
be upset (verb), -papa.
be upset (verb), -taharuki.
be upset (verb), -weka shindo upande.
be upset (verb), -tokuwa na roho.
get upset (verb), -chafuka (potential).
stomach upset (noun), kiungulia (7/8), pl viungulia.
upset (noun), ubabaifu (14).
upset (verb), -chafua.
upset (verb), -kukurika.
upset (verb), -nunisha.
upset (verb), -pangua (converse).
upset (verb), -petua.
upset (verb), -sumbua.
upset (verb), -taabisha (causative).
upsetting (noun), upinduzi, pl mapinduzi.
upshot (noun), matokeo, pl matokeo.
turn upside down (verb), -fudikiza.
turn upside down (verb), -fuja.
upside down (adverb), fudifudi.
upside down (adverb), fulifuli.
upside down (adverb), kifudifudi.
upside down (adverb), kifulifuli.
turn something upside down (verb), -sinukisha ( caus-intr).
upside down (adverb), pindu. head over heels.. kichwa pindu.
upstairs (noun), juu (9/10), pl juu.
upwards (adverb), kijuujuu, pl vijuujuu.
upwards (adverb), kindakindaki.
uranium (noun), yuranimu.
be urbanized (verb), -staarabika.
be urbanized (verb), -staarabu.
sea urchin (noun), mwanamizi, pl wanamizi.
sea-urchin (noun), chale. sea-urchin. chale cha pwani.
sea-urchin (noun), chani.
sea-urchin (noun), chanui.
urge (noun), haja (9/10), pl haja.
urge (noun), majilio (6).
urge (verb), -harakisha.
urge (verb), -himia.
urge (verb), -himiza.
urge (verb), -sihi. I urged him/her not to swim in the ocean. Nilimishi
asioge baharini.
urge (verb), -sisitiza.
urge (to haste) (verb), -himiza.
urge forward (animals) (verb), -chocha.
urge on (verb), -sukuma.
urge to attack (verb), -tomesha.
urgent (adjective), kali.
urgent (adjective), muhimu.
urgent request (noun), utashi.
urgently (adverb), haraka.
one who urges (noun), msonga, pl misonga.
one who urges (noun), msongi, pl misongi.
urging (noun), usukumizi.
urinate (verb), -dabaulo.
urinate (verb), -kojoa.
urinate (verb), -nya. urinate.. nya mavi.
urinate (verb), -tabawali.
urinate (children's speech) (informal) (verb), -nyunyu. to go to
defecate or to urinate. kwenda kushii au kunyunyu [Moh].
urinating (act of) (noun), mnyo, pl minyo.
urination (noun), choo, pl vyoo.
urination (noun), unyaji.
urine (noun), kojozi (5/6), pl makojozi.
urine (noun), mkojo (3/4), pl mikojo. urinate.. mwaga mkojo.
urine (noun), mkojozi (3/4), pl mikojozi. urinate.. mwaga mkojo.
urine (noun), unyesi, pl manyesi, kinyesi.
urine (noun), unyezi, pl manyezi, kinyesi.
urn (noun), pl urns, samawari (9/10), pl samawari.
all of us (pronoun), sote.
all of us (pronoun), soteni.
Especially us! (interjection), ndisi.
us (pronoun), sisi.
us (pronoun), siye.
USA (noun), Marekani (17).
usage (noun), dasturi.
usage (noun), desturi (9/10), pl desturi.
usage (noun), kawaida.
usage (noun), madhehebu, pl madhehebu.
usage (noun), pokeo (5/6), pl mapokeo.
usage (noun), pokezi (5/6), pl mapokezi.
be of use (verb), -faa.
be used (verb), -tumika (potential).
be used up (verb), -teketea.
make use of (verb), -tumia (applicative).
state of showing much use (a tool etc.) (noun), uvunzovunzo.
use (noun), mafaa (6).
use (noun), manufaa.
use (noun), matumizi (6). Emphasize the most appropriate use of
punctuation; the building will be able to protect many Government
documents for subsequent uses.. Sisitiza matumizi bora ya vituo [Masomo
76]; Jengo litawezesha kuhifadhi nyaraka nyingi za Serikali kwa matumizi
ya hapo baadaye [Masomo 362]..
use (noun), mazoea (6).
use (noun), mtumo, pl mitumo.
use (noun), utumi.
use (noun), utumizi.
use (noun), utumo.
use (verb), -tia.
use (verb), -tumia (applicative).
use for the first time (verb), -limbua.
use for the first time (verb), -rimbua.
use for the first time (verb), -rimbua.
use something in small amounts (e.g. medicine) (verb), -dokeza.
use up (verb), -chakaa.
use up (verb), -chakaza.
use up (verb), -la.
be useable (verb), -tengenea.
be used (verb), -tumiwa.
be used to (verb), -zoea.
be used to (verb), -zoea.
become used (verb), -zoea.
cause to get used to something (verb), -zoesha.
get someone used to something (verb), -zolesha.
get used to (verb), -zoelea.
get used to someting (verb), -zolea.
be useful (verb), -shimiri.
be useful (verb), -simiri.
useful (adjective), -a faida.
useful (adjective), salihi.
useful thing (noun), kifaa (7/8), pl vifaa.
useful thing (noun), manufaa.
useful to (verb), -wea.
usefulness (noun), manufaa (6). "It is the responsibility of the Party,
the Government, and of every person, to help them be able to be useful
citizens to the full extent of their capabilities".. Ni wajibu wa Chama,
wa Serikali na wa kila mwananchi, kuwasaidia waweze kuwa raia wenye
manufaa kwa uwezo wa hali yao [Nyerere, Masomo 281].
usefulness (noun), utumizi (11/6), pl matumizi.
be useless (verb), -tumburujika.
useless (adjective), bozi.
useless (adjective), bozibozi.
useless (adjective), dhaifu.
useless (adjective), dufu.
useless (adjective), duni.
useless (adjective), kikuukuu.
useless (adjective), kukuu.
useless (adjective), kuukuu.
useless (adjective), nyangalika. This dress is so old that I cannot wear
it any more.. nguo hii ni kinyangalika haivaiki.
useless (adjective), -tupu.
useless (adverb), bure.
useless (noun), kifefe, pl vifefe.
useless innovations (noun), uzushi (14), pl uzushi.
useless person (noun), mnyangalika, pl wanyangalika.
useless thing (noun), kinyangalika.
useless thing (noun), kinyangarika.
uselessness (noun), ubatili (14).
uselessness (noun), ubatilifu.
uselessness (noun), ubure.
uselessness (noun), utasa.
uselessness (noun), uzimbezimbe.
be usual (verb), -semeka.
be usual (verb), -semekana.
be usual (verb), -zoleka.
usual (adjective), kikawaida.
usual (noun), gharadi.
usual (thing) (adverb), kawaida.
usually (adverb), aghalabu. A poet is usually born with a special poetic
ability; water is drawn with buckets, but the work is usually done by
oxen.. Mshairi aghalabu huzaliwa na kipawa maalum cha ushairi [Masomo
395]; maji huchotwa kwa ndoo, ~ na ng'ombe.
usually (adverb), aghlabu. "Water is drawn with buckets, but the work is
usually done by oxen".. maji huchotwa kwa ndoo, ~ na ng'ombe.
usually (adverb), huwa.
usually (adverb), kwa kawaida.
usurer (noun), mkopeshi (1/2), pl wakopeshi.
usurer (noun), mla riba (1/2), pl wala riba.
usurer (noun), mlariba (1/2), pl walariba.
usurer (noun), mlariba. practice usury.. la riba.
usurer (noun), ruba (5/6an), pl maruba.
usurpation (noun), unyang'anyi (14).
practice usury (noun), -la riba. practice usury.. la riba.
usury (noun), riba (9), pl riba. practice usury.. la riba.
utensil (noun), chombo, pl vyombo.
utensil (noun), kifaa, pl vifaa.
utensil (noun), samani (9/10), pl samani.
household utensils (noun), vinyumba (8).
utensils (noun), makolokolo.
utensils (noun), vifaa.
utensils (noun), vikorokoro.
uterine pain (noun), mwanamimba (1/2), pl wanamimba.
uterine pains (chiefly in cases of premature births) (noun), mwanamimba,
pl wanamimba, waanamimba.
uterus (noun), chupa (9/10), pl machupa.
utilities (noun), sitima (9/10), pl sitima. Ministry of Public Works and
Utilities. Wizara ya Kazi na Stima.
utilities (noun), stima (9/10), pl stima. Ministry of Public Works and
Utilities. Wizara ya Kazi na Stima.
utility (noun), mafaa (6).
utility (noun), manufaa (6).
utility (noun), utoshelevu (14).
utilization (noun), matumio, pl matumio.
utilization (noun), matumizi, pl matumizi.
utilization (noun), mtumo, pl mitumo.
utilization (noun), utumi.
utilization (noun), utumizi.
utilization (noun), utumo.
utilize (verb), -tumia.
to the utmost (adverb), upeo, pl peo.
utter (adjective), kubwa.
utterance (noun), maneno.
utterance (noun), msemo, pl misemo.
utterance (noun), neno (5/6), pl maneno. a true utterance.. neno la
utterance (noun), utokezo, pl matokezo.
utterly (adverb), mbali.
utterly (adverb), tu.
uvula (noun), kidaka tonge (7/8), pl vidaka tonge.
uvula (noun), kimio, pl vimio.
uvula (part of mouth) (noun), kilimi (7/8), pl vilimi.
variety of yam; poisonous, but eaten after the poison has been removed.
(noun), mchochoni, pl michochoni.
yam (noun), pl yams, mtubwi (3/4), pl mitubwi.
yam (type of) (noun), kinana (7/8), pl vinana.
yam (white) (noun), danga.
yard (noun), foromali (9/10), pl foromali.
yard (noun), kiwanda, pl viwanda.
yard (noun), zizi, pl mazizi.
yard (measure) (noun), wari (9/10), pl wari.
yard (open space) (noun), uga (11), pl nyuga.
yard (unit of measure) (noun), yadi (9/10), pl yadi.
yard (unit of measure) (noun), yard (9/10).
yardstick (noun), kigezo, pl vigezo.
yarn (noun), uzi, pl nyuzi.
yawn (noun), miayo (9/10), pl miayo. S/he is yawning. Anakwenda miayo.
yawn (noun), pl yawns, miayo, pl miayo. to yawn.. piga (enda) miayo.
yawn (noun), mwayo, pl miayo. to yawn.. piga miayo.
yawn (verb), -piga miayo.
yawning (noun), miayo, pl miayo.
yaws (noun), buba (9/10), pl mabuba.
yeah (interjection), ebo.
yeah (interjection), ebu. Yeah, I should pick up a stick and beat you
[pl].. Ebu nichukue fimbo niwachape [Masomo 416].
yeah (interjection), eeh.
yeah (interjection), hebu.
end of the year (noun), kibunzi (7/8), pl vibunzi.
in the following year (adverb), mwakani.
last year (noun), mwaka uliopita (3/4), pl miaka iliyopita.
next year (noun), mwaka ujao (3/4), pl miaka ijayo.
within a year (adverb), mwakani.
year (noun), mwaka, pl miaka. "yearly, annually".. kila mwaka.
year (in dating letters) (noun), sanati (9/10), pl sanati.
year (in dating letters) (noun), sene (9/10), pl sene.
yearn (noun), -fa udusi.
yearn (verb), -tamani. I yearn to return home. natumaini kurudi
yearn for (verb), -chunuka.
yearn for (verb), -tumai.
yearn for (verb), -tumaini.
yearn for (verb), -tunuka.
yearn for (verb), -chunuka.
yearning (noun), ashiki, pl ashiki. evoke yearning. -tia ~.
yearning (noun), ashki, pl ashiki. evoke yearning. -tia ~.
yearning (noun), hamu (9/10), pl hamu.
yearning (noun), hawa.
yearning (noun), majadi.
yearning (noun), mnyeo, pl minyeo.
yearning (noun), tamaa (9/10), pl tamaa.
yearning (noun), tamanio (5/6), pl matamanio. but that was the yearning
of his/her soul only. lakini hayo yalikuwa matamanio ya nafsi yake tu
put yeast in bread flour (verb), -umua.
yeast (noun), chachu. sour. chachu-a-chachu.
yeast (noun), hamira (9/10), pl hamira.
yield to pressure (verb), -nyenyeka.
yell (noun), kema.
yell (verb), -foka.
yell (verb), -guta.
yell (verb), -piga kelele.
yell (verb), -piga kelele.
yelling (noun), nyagonyago (9/10), pl nyagonyago.
yellow (adjective), -asfari.
yellow (adjective), hudhurungi.
yellow (adjective), -a kimanjano, pl vimanjano.
yellow (adjective), manjano.
yellow (adjective), -a kimanjano.
yellow pigment (noun), ungamo.
yellowish-brown (noun), hudhurungi (9/10), pl hudhurungi.
yelping (noun), gumio (5/6), pl magumio.
say yes (verb), -itika.
yes (interjection), eeh.
yes (pronoun), naam.
yes (pronoun), ndio.
yes (pronoun), ndiyo.
yes (pronoun), ndiyo, pl ndizo.
yes (interjection of assent or approval) (interjection), eewaa.
yes (interjection of assent or approval) (interjection), eewala.
yes (interjection of assent or approval) (interjection), ehee!.
yes (interjection of assent or approval) (interjection), enhee!.
yes (said by males) (pronoun), naam.
yes (used by females) (interjection), bee!.
yes it is so (conjunction), ndiyo ndiyo.
Yes ma'am! (interjection), abe.
Yes ma'am! (interjection), abee.
Yes sir (ma'am)! (interjection), bee.
yes sir (ma'am)! (formerly used by slaves) (interjection), ebee.
Yes sir! (interjection), abe.
Yes sir! (interjection), abee.
Yes, certainly. (If Allah wills it) (interjection), inshallah!.
yesterday (adverb), jana. we arrived yesterday. tumefika jana.
yesterday (noun), jana (9/10), pl jana. yesterday love was such an easy
game to play. jana upenzi ulikuwa mchezo rahisi ya kuchezea.
not yet (always w neg.+ another verb) (adverb), tasa. I am not yet
working. sitasa kufanya kazi.
yet (adverb), bado.
yet (conjunction), ama.
yield (noun), chumo, pl machumo.
yield (noun), kivuno, pl vivuno.
yield (noun), zao, pl mazao.
yield (verb), -achia (applicative).
yield (verb), -salimu.
be yielding (verb), -bonyea.
yielding (adjective), teke.
yoke (for oxen) (noun), pl yokes, nira (9/10), pl nira.
yolk of an egg (noun), kiini.
all of you (adjective), nyote. You should all come. All of you should
come.. nyote lazima mfike.
and you (pl.) (conjunction), nanyi.
and you (sing.) (conjunction), nawe.
by you (pronoun), nanyi.
Especially you (pl)! (interjection), ndinyi.
exclamation referring to 2nd pers. pl. Hey, you there! (interjection),
with you (conjunction), nawe, pl nanyi.
with you (pronoun), nanyi.
you (pronoun), we.
you (pronoun), wee.
you (pronoun), weye.
you (pl) (pronoun), ni.
you (pl) (pronoun), pl you (pl), ninyi.
you (pl) (pronoun), pl you (pl), nyinyi.
you (pl) (pronoun), nyinyi.
you (sing.) (pronoun), wewe, pl ninyi/nyinyi.
You are the ones! (interjection), ndinyi.
you too (pl) (conjunction), nanyi.
you too (sing) (conjunction), nawe.
You! (interjection), Enyi!.
You there! (interjection), Ewe!.
very young (adjective), -changa.
young (adjective), -bichi.
young (adjective), biti.
young (adjective), dogo.
young (noun), kinda (5/6an), pl makinda. that man likes to be with young
girls. kila mwanamume anapenda kuwa na msichana kinda [Mt].
young (of animals) (noun), kinda (5/6an), pl makinda.
young man (noun), kijana (7/8), pl vijana.
young man (noun), shababi (9/10an), pl shababi.
young person (noun), jana, pl majana.
young person (noun), mchanga (1/2), pl wachanga. Each policeman was able
to get for himself more than one young wife.. Kila askari aliweza
kujipatia wake wachanga zaidi ya moja [Kareithi Masomo 58].
young lady (noun), binti (5/6), pl binti.
pl. your home (place) (pronoun), kwenu.
your (adjective), wako.
your (pronoun), -enu. your house. nyumba yenu.
your (pronoun), mwako.
your (old and worn) mat (noun), mbachao (3/4), pl mibachao.
your (pl.) (class 7) (pronoun), chenu.
your (plural) (adjective), -enu.
your (sing) (pronoun), -ako. your fruit, your fruits. tunda lako,
matunda yako.
your (sing.) (class 7) (pronoun), chako. your fruit. tunda lako.
your side (place) (pronoun), kwako.
yours (sing) (pronoun), -ako. your fruit, your fruits. tunda lako,
matunda yako.
yours (adjective), vyako.
yours (adjective), vyenu.
yours (adjective), wenu.
yours (adjective), yako.
yours (adjective), yenu.
yours (adjective), zako.
yours (adjective), zenu.
yours (pronoun), -enu. your house. nyumba yenu.
yours (pronoun), yo.
yours (pl.) (class 7) (pronoun), chenu.
yours (plural) (adjective), -enu.
yours (sing.) (class 7) (pronoun), chako. your fruit. tunda lako.
youth (noun), kijana (7/8), pl vijana.
youth (noun), pl youths, shababi (9/10an), pl shababi.
youth (noun), udogo.
youth (noun), ushababi.
youth (noun), utoto.
youth (noun), uvulana.
youth (noun), yusi (5/6an), pl mayusi.
youth (noun), yuzi (5/6an), pl mayuzi.
youthfulness (noun), ujana.
youthfulness (noun), ushababi.
youthfulness (noun), utoto.
youthfulness (noun), uvulana.
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