Article Critiques
Article Critiques
Subjective Well-Being: What is the Role of Resilience? Journal of Child and Family Studies,
25(11), 3260-3269.
This work of research was intended to investigate three circumstances that may occur in
an environment of the relationship between two people. Hence, the paper interrogates the
relationship that exists between the apparent intimate partner rejection and subjective well-being.
Further, it sought to look into the interceding effect that resilience has in the bond between
intimate partner rejection and subjective well-being. lastly, it sought to shed light on the
differences that exist between married and unmarried people in regard to their perceived intimate
partner rejection. The study made use of 316 people in its pursuit to unravel these mysteries. Out
of these participants, half were male with an average age of 38.72 years. Through the use of
hierarchical multiple regression, the research found out that intimate partner rejection,
participants' educational status, and resilience formed the predictors of subjective well-being.
further, it was also discovered that resilience made full mediation of the connection flanked by
subjective well-being and the perceived intimate partner rejection in both females and males. The
research also arrived at a conclusion that married women suffered rejection from their partners to
The researchers integrate well their subject of study with the references they use to
illustrate it. For instance, the choice of the work of Interpersonal Acceptance-Rejection Theory
done by Rohner depicts clearly the effect of the interpersonal acceptance and rejection. The
claim that it forms a warmth dimension continuum forms a critical basis of the argument of the
objectives of the research paper. This is because Rohner claims that this continuum has a direct
relationship to the eminence of the bond existing amid two persons. This supposition I agree and
disagree with it in equal measure. Acceptance has a sense of making one feel loved and therefore
respond to the other person in equal measure thereby resulting in trust and mutual good-will
between the two parties in a relationship. However, I fail to understand how rejection can bring
about a warmth dimension in a relation. Therefore, this remains an ambiguity that the authors
individual's resilience. There is much truth in the assertions made by the secure attachment
relationships have a greater potential for reducing negative feeling and stressful events thus
reinforcing resilience in individuals. This claim is true for both romantic and non-romantic
relationships. However, there is more effect of the same in a romantic relationship (Zimmerman
et al. 2015). However, in addition to Connor and Davidson's perception that resilience is
dependent on time, gender, age, and culture, I find it compelling that the environment within
which an individual exist has a great impact on affecting his or her resilience. This environment
may comprise of culture. However, talking about culture only as Connor and Davidson do
extremely narrows this scope. In addition to culture, this research ought to have also talked about
the financial status, level of socialization, the daily activities of individuals just to mention a few
as factors under the whole subject of environment that have a great potential of influencing a
person's resilience.
The researchers adopted some of the best measures of carrying out this research. The use
of questionnaires allows the respondents freedom to express their innermost views concerning
the subject under study. However, this exercise would have been most fulfilling if the researchers
considered venturing conclusively into the aspect of the environment of the participant as
described above.
In conclusion, this article is invaluable in the way it contributes to the value of the role of
arbitration that resilience plays in the relationship of the acceptance and rejection and their
impacts on the subjective well-being of the individuals. Thus, this piece of work stands to heal
many relationships through instilling resilience in the concerned parties and or individuals. The
various approaches that it brings to life regarding couple therapy stand to be efficacious in
dealing with issues arising from relationships. Thus, anybody intending to engage in related
The paper primarily seeks to many a scrutiny of the self-esteem of the university
students. Thereby, it is to undertake the exploration of the association existing between the self-
esteem and the factors such as academic achievement, gender among others. The study made use
of 346 Punjab University students and employed Rosenberg self-esteem scale for data collection.
For the analysis of the collected data, the researchers made use of the descriptive statistics, t-test,
and binary logistic regression. The study found out that there was higher self-esteem among
males as compared to their female counterparts. Further, the logistic regression gave indications
that self-esteem of an individual was a factor of age, family income, the medium of instruction,
In addition to the claim of the authors of this article that self-esteem brings about a
revelation of the emotion assessment of own worth, I think it also affects the way one perceives
and treats others. Therefore, the authors ought to have brought this fact out. They should have
laid emphasis on the effect of the self-esteem on interpersonal relationships. This is because the
perception of self has a greater bearing on how we perceive the world around us and everything
that exists in it. Hence, in the words of Nathaniel, as used by the authors of this article, self-
esteem determines how one can cope with the basic challenges of life.
It is true as the authors of this article claim that self-esteem is dependent on the way a
person looks at self. Further, the authors also are right in asserting that self-esteem is affected by
such factors as age, gender, physical appearance, financial status among others. However, this
fact should have made more sense if the authors gave proportions to which these factors affect
self-esteem. They also ought to have categorized these factors in terms of whether they have a
In explaining the effects of the self-esteem on the academic achievement of the students,
the authors fail to confidingly do so. They only give a general effect of the self-esteem on the
academic achievement without going into details. It would be more convincing if they would
have given the extent to which self-esteem affects the students' performance. The authors exude
this similar problem when explaining the difference in the effects of the self-esteem among
different faculties of the university. The analysis of the difference in the self-esteem of the
students from the rural and urban areas was done in an excellent way as well as matters
The use of 346 students only out of the whole population of the university has a high
possibility of giving biased results. This number should have been raised to about 1, 000
students. Further, there should have been an equal number of girls and boys participating in the
study. The use of unequal numbers stands to favor one gender against the other. Lastly, these
students should have come from across all the faculties of the university instead of just two. The
biases (Tangney, Boone, & Baumeister, 2018). Further, the use of Binary Logistic Regression for
probability estimation is commendable. This is because it gives provision for getting an intuitive
sense of the extent of change of parameters (Besser, & Zeigler-Hill, 2014). Consequently, the
results of the study were well formulated and presented in a well-formulated way.
This paper is absolutely resourceful with a few inconsistencies. It sheds light on the
different factors that affect a student's self-esteem. It also describes the effects that self-esteem
and depression have on the academic achievements of the students. Therefore, it can be used for
better handling of these issues whenever they arise. However, I would prefer the details of the
extent to which the factors of self-esteem to be included in the report. Further, another
inconsistency I would prefer to be included in this report is the numerical extent of the effect of
Altena, E., Chen, I. Y., Daviaux, Y., Ivers, H., Philip, P., & Morin, C. M. (2017). How
hyperarousal and sleep reactivity are represented in different adult age groups: Results from a
The study sought to investigate into the relationship of the insomnia severity in various
age groups of adults to hyper-arousal and sleep reactivity. In this study, the researchers made use
of a large sample of the population. The researchers looked into the starting point facts of the
Arousal Predisposition Scale (APS) as well as the Ford Insomnia Response to Stress Test
(FIRST). This examination was done across sleep/insomnia subgroups and age. The results of
the factorial analyses of variance (ANOVA) gave an indication that there was a decrease in the
APS results with the growing age. However, it amplified with more serious sleep problems.
Concerning the FIRST scores, there were negligible differences across age groups. However,
there was a strong increase in these scores with serious sleep problems. This study indicates that
the insomnia treatment can be modified for various age groups and take into reflection the
aspects of vulnerability.
The authors' decision to first define the problem (insomnia) under study was the best
approach to handling this study. This preview of the problem gives a clear perception of the
problem to every person reading this report. Hence, the readers stand a chance to clearly
articulate every detail of the report. However, the failure of the authors to indicate how APS and
FIRST can be utilized in measuring and assessing hyper-arousal and the degree of sleep
The use of a large cohort of participants chosen using the method of stratified
probabilistic assures the avoidance of bias in the results of the report. The division of this cohort
into various age groups and collecting their data based on this group also serves to give a
continuous nature of results. Thereby, it is easy to identify a trend of a certain trait of insomnia
(Palagini et al. 2018). Further, it is easier to make the assumption of certain characteristics
contributing to a certain trait of insomnia since each age gap has some characteristics associated
with it. Though DSM criteria would have been the best measure in carrying out this study, the
use of Insomnia Severity Index is still of a good standard. It provides for the respondent to give
details of the severity of the difficulties of sleep, fulfilment about the real worth of sleep,
perceived day deficiencies, and judgements and uncertainties about sleep. Further, this method
has satisfactory psychometric characteristics and is subtle to quantify outcomes of cure (Vaughn
et al. 2015).
The procedural analysis adopted by the researchers was the best. It ensured that every
necessary detail was noted without leaving any member of the cohort without undergoing the
process. Hence, the results provided by the researchers are likely to have a high rating of truth.
However, the study should have adopted both cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches as
The study was well conducted. The whole process was well done to the good of all,
especially the readers of the report. The results of this study have a high degree of presenting the
reality on the ground since a large, well-selected cohort was used in collecting data. It was a
a basic police officer training programme: a controlled study. BMC Psychiatry, 14(1), 55.
a plain police officer teaching programme at a Swedish university. The results of the study
indicated improvements in 3 areas. These areas included the group of intervention in the general
score of insolences and on the subject of the pro-integration and subscale open-minded, in 4 out
of 6 items evaluating literacy of mental health, and in intentional behavior. There was also
I agree with the assertions made by the authors that discrimination and stigma command
the leading characterization of the life state of affairs of those suffering from mental ailment. The
authors go ahead to effectively defend this claim by giving real-life scenarios of these
occurrences which comprise of among others stereotypes, negative attitudes, and discrimination.
However, to solidify this point, the authors should have given more scenarios that support their
claim. On the contrary, the claim that authors put forward that efforts to assimilate people with
mental ailment existing in the community and deinstitutionalization have resulted in the
development of various forms of mental health amenities providing rehabilitation and treatment
services that are founded in the community is weak. Instead of the authors giving mere notions to
support these assertions, they ought to have given more substantive evidence such as physical
I am in agreement with the view of providing training and education to the police officers
with intentions of improving their interactions and anti-stigma with the good outcomes with
those suffering from mental illness should be upheld. The authors have done well in
substantiating this argument by providing the evidence of the police behaviors towards the
victims of mental illness. There is no doubt that the police officers have handled such victims
uncouthly. Though they have shown positive attitudes towards the victims of mental illness, they
have upheld socially restrictive views and authoritarian conduct towards these members of the
community. Therefore, such initiatives as crisis intervention teams (CIT) need to receive full
The use of intervention approach in conducting this study is laudable. The reason for the
goodness of this approach is that it does not only aim at collecting data but it also seeks to instill
relevant skills and knowledge to the concerned and relevant people. The participants for this
study were well chosen since this study largely concerns the police officers. However, they ought
to have come from across the entire fraternity of students as opposed to only those in their first or
third semesters of study. Concerning the measures adopted in undertaking this study, the
researchers made the best choice. Each of these measures, community attitudes towards mental
illness, mental health knowledge scale, reported and intended behavior scale, and background
characteristics and familiarity with mental illness, has an integral contribution towards this study.
The researchers made well-documented records of the results. Hence, any person seeking
to find and make comparisons of various factors of interventions of anti-stigma training among
police officers towards the victims of mental illness can easily get the desired data and draw an
accurate conclusion.
This study was well conducted. The right participants were used and right measures and
methods employed. The results of the study were put in the right recording. Thus, the reader can
easily understand the findings. Although there were small anomalies, the study stands to provide
Halil, U. Z. U. N., & Baran, G. The Study of the Effects of Father Training Program On
the Father-Child Relations*. Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (Teke) Dergisi, 6(3),
The aim of the study was to make a revelation of the impact that the program for training
fathers has on the fathers with youngsters going to the pre-school schooling on their relationship
with their children. There were 80 fathers in total who were subdivided into 40 control and 40
experimental groups. The study employed the covariant analysis with one factor (ANCOVA) as
well as t-test in the data scrutiny. The outcomes exposed that there is a substantial variance in
statistics between the level of relationship of the father with their children in the control group
and those in the experimental cluster. The experiment also revealed an insignificant variance
experimental category.
It is true that a family having healthy relationship forms the best environment for the
growth of the children who are to become healthy adults. The writers of this article approve this
assertion by telling how parents are a big determinant of the future of their children since
children largely copy almost everything from them. Hence, the family gives a child the very first
education that forms the basis of their entire life (Coatsworth et al. 2015). This argument by the
If this assertion is true, then it follows that this influence largely depends on the father
since he is the head of the family and in most cases shapes the behavior of the rest of the
members of the family. Following this analysis, then the three dimensions of the father in a
family that the writers suggest are indeed pivotal. These dimensions include interaction,
accessibility, and responsibility. However, I do not agree with the authors that these facets of
economic variances. Every father should strive to uphold these dimensions regardless of the
prevailing situations.
The study employed the use of the experimental design having experimental and control
groups. This basis which employed pre-test, post-test, and retention test is the best for such kind
of study. Therefore, the decision to use this method was well arrived at. The use of mixed design
is laudable because it gives provision for comparison between two or more variables. The
researchers also made a commendable job in diving the participants into various groups of age,
level of education, and a number of children. Therefore, this categorization makes it easier for
the interpretation of the results. The researchers also made a wise decision in using
questionnaires in obtaining details such as the number of children, level of education, and age of
the father while using Child-Parent Relationship Scale in assessing the bond of the fathers to
their progenies. These two approaches guarantee accurate results with provision for almost
negligible errors (Coatsworth et al. 2015). However, I fail to understand the relevance of the
training that was adopted by the fathers. It only consumed time. They should have come up with
an alternative way of assessing the results among fathers such as assessing their response
The researchers seem to have undertaken thorough planning for the study. They carried
out this experiment meticulous while employing the best methods and approaches to various
facets of it. Hence, there is a high likelihood that the results obtained in this experiment have
and goal orientation using student response system technology. Journal of Research on
This study sought to make a comparison of an approach that is based on behavior and
uses electronic student response system technology having an approach that is oriented towards
metacognition in determining the effects on attendance, the way they prepare for exams, and
their achievement. Further, it examined the effects of interaction of the pedagogical approach
with motivational and self-regulation among students. The study employed the use of MONOVA
in the analysis of pretest, posttest, attitudinal, and attendance data. These data shown that there
Technology has had a substantial impact on the learning habits of a student and academic
performance at large. Consequently, it is true as the writer says that there are a lot of questions
surrounding the whole issue of the influence of the technological tools and gadgets on the
students. This technology is not wholly wrong. It is also because many people still do not know
how to use it to solve basic problems. Hence, this introduction to this paper gives a great insight
The authors of this article do well in solidifying the point that technology has had a great
impact on the learning and teaching processes. He highlights the cases of the military training as
well as the K-12 schools who have embraced this technology. However, the view that learning
that is based on technological tools and gadgets is more interactive and therefore promote
tools and gadgets may end up sometimes being a source of destruction to the whole learning
The decision of the researchers to only use one hundred and twenty students from only
two undergraduate introductory education psychology classes risks to give erroneous results.
This sample is too few and the lack of stratification in their choice may not represent the true
picture of the situation on the ground. Hence, there is the possibility of having biased results.
However, the consistency in the grading and evaluation components is laudable. It gives an
The analysis of the data was topnotch. The use of MANOVA gave a clear picture of the
trend and the effects of the use of technology in learning. There is no better alternative to this
method. The use of tables to present results further simplifies the entire work for future
references. Thus, the researchers made the best choice of data analysis method. This is because
MANOVA has a high possibility of meeting any assumptions made in the course of carrying out
The researchers on this subject matter were well prepared to tackle their job. From the
evidence of the way they carried out this study, one can tell that they knew what they wanted and
how they wanted it. Therefore, they resolved to optimize everything so as to give the best results.
However, the only negative issue that could risk jeopardizing their results is the small size of the
Crawley, D., Ramos, C., & Leyva, J. (2017). Perceptions of Criminal Defendants Scale:
Defendants Scale (PCDS) in 3 studies. Study 1 involved the compilation of a list of twenty-three
qualities that are synonymous with the defendants of criminals. These items were then offered to
295 partakers in statement arrangement for rating according to the degree that they were in
agreement with these statements. Study 2 involved validation of the 10 items using a separate
sample of 206 participants through responding to 1 of 3 biographies of the defendants who are
known publicly with the previous history of pretest and mild, moderate, and severe negative
ranking. The structure analysis gave same results as those of study 1. Study 3 involved
examination of the structures of 1-item scale in a scenario where it is applied to teenaged and
older male defendants. In this study, there was a reaffirmation of the unidimensional structure of
the PCDS.
The researchers who took part in this study considered a good size of the participants.
Each study level had a substantive number of them who were totally different from those of a
different level. This approach would ensure that all the data obtained is original and dependent
only on the individual participant. Hence, it helps to alleviate the possibility of bias in the results
thereafter. However, the maximum age of 76 years for participants is not convincing whether the
information they give can be trustworthy. This is because with old age there are various
complexities that catch up with a person to an extent of impairing their sense of judgment
The use of the online survey is the great approach in reaching a large number of people in
a wide extent of the area. These people are of different background and nationalities. Therefore,
the researchers stood a chance to find a rich data that would guarantee accurate and well-
informed conclusion. However, there are dangers of using this method. It is difficult to gauge the
level of truth of this data. People may tend to provide any information without giving many
considerations to the main point of the researcher. Further, the researchers are likely to find
information from young people only. This is because the aged are less active with the internet
Owing to the results, there is no doubt that there is a dire need to have a measure of
personal assessment of defendants which is both reliable and valid. Therefore, this personal
assessment of defendants ought to be flexible to cater for various scenarios of cases that may
arise (Chessman, 2017). Hence, the recommendation provided by the study is in the right motive
This study was conducted in a well-structured manner. There was good coordination of
the participants. Further, the need to reach out to an extensive number of people is a true
testament to the confidence level of the obtained results. However, the issue of online surveys
44(7), 297-304.
Besser, A., & Zeigler-Hill, V. (2014). Positive personality features and stress among first-year
Chessman, C. (2017). A Source of Error: Computer Code, Criminal Defendants, and the
Coatsworth, J. D., Duncan, L. G., Nix, R. L., Greenberg, M. T., Gayles, J. G., Bamberger, K.
T., ... & Demi, M. A. (2015). Integrating mindfulness with parent training: Effects of the
51(1), 26.
John, S., Muralidhar, R., Raman, K. J., & Gangadhar, B. N. (2015). Addressing stigma and
Palagini, L., Moretto, U., Novi, M., Masci, I., Caruso, D., Drake, C. L., & Riemann, D. (2018).
Raaijmakers, E., de Keijser, J. W., Nieuwbeerta, P., & Dirkzwager, A. J. E. (2015). Criminal
defendants' satisfaction with lawyers: perceptions of procedural fairness and effort of the
Tangney, J. P., BOONE, A. L., & BAUMEISTER, R. F. (2018). High self-control predicts good
Vaughn, M. G., Salas-Wright, C. P., White, N. A., & Kremer, K. P. (2015). Poor sleep and
reactive aggression: Results from a national sample of African American adults. Journal
Zimmerman, L., Darnell, D. A., Rhew, I. C., Lee, C. M., & Kaysen, D. (2015). Resilience in
community: A social ecological development model for young adult sexual minority