R12.2 DMZ Url Not Working: Appsdba Oracle Dba R12.2 No Comments

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The key takeaways are that the DMZ setup in Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2 requires customizing the applications context file and configuration files like mod_wl_ohs.conf and apps.conf to remove unwanted nodes from the cluster configuration. The default configuration includes all nodes which is not desirable.

The steps to configure the DMZ setup are to customize the applications context file on each node to remove unwanted cluster definitions and customize the Oracle HTTP Server configuration files to remove unwanted nodes. The DynamicServerList should also be set to OFF in mod_wl_ohs.conf.

The changes required in the applications context file and configuration files are to remove the unwanted nodes from the cluster configuration sections like <oacore_nodes> and WebLogicCluster. The balancer members in apps.conf also need to be adjusted.


2 DMZ url not working

 AppsDBA  , Oracle DBA  , R12.2   No comments :
The workaround is to the ensure that the following configuration updates are made:
Customize the Oracle E-Business Suite applications context file on each node to remove the cluster
definition for nodes that are not required to be in the cluster.
For example see s_oacore_nodes, s_forms_nodes,s_oafm_nodes,s_forms-c4ws_nodes
Customize the Oracle HTTP Server configuration files like mod_wl_ohs.conf, apps.conf present in
the webtier instance home to remove the nodes
that are not participating in the cluster configuration.
Set DynamicServerList to OFF in mod_wl_ohs.conf . The 12.2.3 configuration is shipped  with this
An example is given below to illustrate the change required in applications context file and config
The example only mention about the oacore managed server setup. Similar changes must be done
for all the managed servers.
Perform the required changes on the run edition of the file E-Business Suite file system.
The changes will be carried over automatically to the patch edition of the file system during an online
patching cycle.
Internal application tier nodes: finance.example.net, procurement.example.net
Internal web entry point : employees.example.net
External application tier nodes : sourcing.example.com, supplier.example.com
External web entry point: partners.example.com
The default configuration laid down by Rapid Install/Rapid Clone will include all nodes in the cluster
configuration as shown below . This configuration is not desirable as the application tier nodes in the
configuration belong to two different entry points.
Applications context file
BalancerMember http://finance.example.net:7203/OA_HTML/classes
BalancerMember http://procurement.example.net:7203/OA_HTML/classes
BalancerMember http://supplier.example.com:7203/OA_HTML/classes
BalancerMember http://sourcing.example.com:7203/OA_HTML/classes
You need to make manual updates to the application context files on all nodes and the configuration
files ( mod_wl_ohs.conf/apps.conf) to remove the unwanted nodes from the cluster configuration.
For example on nodes finance/procurement, the adjusted configuration will be as shown below:
Applications context file
WebLogicCluster finance.example.net:7203,procurement.example.net:7203
BalancerMember http://finance.example.net:7203/OA_HTML/classes
BalancerMember http://procurement.example.net:7203/OA_HTML/classes
On the supplier/sourcing nodes , the adjusted configuration will be as shown below:
Applications context file
WebLogicCluster supplier.example.com.com:7203,sourcing.example.com:7203
BalancerMember http://supplier.example.com:7203/OA_HTML/classes
BalancerMember http://sourcing.example.com:7203/OA_HTML/classes

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De-Militarized Zone Setup and

Configuration in R12.2
 R12.2   No comments :
De-Militarized Zone Setup and Configuration
Operation System and User setup
1. Verify all the required rpms and O.S level packages are installed in the secondary application tier
node as similar to the Primary node.
2. Create Application user in the new server (secondary node) as same as the Primary.
3. The user/group should be identical across the primary and secondary nodes.
4. The uid and the gid should be identical for application user on both primary and secondary
application tier nodes.
5. Enable user equivalence across the primary and secondary application tier nodes. First log into
the primary application tier node as application owner and perform the below steps.
[apdbatst@apdbasrv02 ~]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/apdbatst/.ssh/id_rsa):
/home/apdbatst/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/apdbatst/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/apdbatst/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
1f:e6:91:84:80:f9:53:b2:73:7d:ab:ca:2f:f3:19:22 apdbatst@apdbasrv02
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|     o.          |
|    o ....       |
|     . +...      |
|      = .....    |
|       +S =. .   |
|         + o.    |
|      E . +.     |
|       oo..o     |
|        o*+      |
6. Repeat the step 5 in the secondary application tier node.
7. Copy the id_rsa.pub as authorized_keys to the secondary application tier node for the application
user for which user equivalence is created.
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 ~]$ scp -pr apdbatst@apdbasrv02:/home/apdbatst/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
The authenticity of host 'apdbasrv02 (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 92:97:c5:71:4a:16:d1:2d:a0:2c:67:7c:aa:9e:1c:f5.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'apdbasrv02,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
apdbatst@apdbasrv02's password:
id_rsa.pub          100%  401     0.4KB/s   00:00
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 .ssh]$ ls -lrt
total 16
-rw-r--r--. 1 apdbatst dba  425 Aug 19 10:18 id_rsa.pub
-rw-------. 1 apdbatst dba 1675 Aug 19 10:18 id_rsa
-rw-r--r--. 1 apdbatst dba  408 Aug 19 10:22 known_hosts
-rw-r--r--. 1 apdbatst dba  401 Aug 19  2014 authorized_keys
8. Repeat the step 7 in the primary node too.
9. Verify if user equivalence is enabled and working by performing ssh from application user from
primary node to secondary and vice-versa. This operation should not request for password.
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 ~]$ ssh apdbasrv02
Last login: Fri Aug 22 12:23:32 2014 from
1. Run File System
2. Patch File System
[apdbatst@apdbasrv02 ~]$ ssh apdbadmz01
Last login: Thu Aug 21 16:53:30 2014 from apdbasrv02.apdbakconstruction.com
1. Run File System
2. Patch File System
10. Create identical Application file system structure in the secondary application tier to that of
Directory structure in Primary application tier of APDBATST was /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1(2) and the
same structure was created in the secondary (DMZ) application tier node.
Preparing Source (Primary) Application Tier
1. Login to the Primary node (apdbasrv02) as application user and source the run file system.
2. Navigate to $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME and execute adpreclone.pl.
[apdbatst@apdbasrv02 ~]$ perl adpreclone.pl appsTier
3. Once the pre-clone is completed in run FS, source the patch FS of the Primary node and navigate
4. Start the AdminServer of the patch file system by executing the below command.
[apdbatst@apdbasrv02 ~]$ adadminsrvctl.sh start forcepatchfs
5. Execute adpreclone.pl for the patch file system and validate the log files.
[apdbatst@apdbasrv02 ~]$ perl adpreclone.pl appsTier
6. Upon completion of the pre-clone script the following application tier file system need to be copied
from the primary node to the secondary application tier node.
Run File System (FS1)      :  /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps
Patch File System (FS2)    :  /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps
Non-Editioned File System(fs_ne)  :  /d02/app/APDBA22/fs_ne
The run file system (fs1) and patch file system (fs2) may vary based on the environment. The
run/patch FS while performing this setup was fs1/fs2 respectively.
7. Take backup of the EBSapps directory under fs1 and fs2 using the command below.
nohup tar -cvpf - ./EBSapps 2>appl.log  | gzip -c >appl_fs1.tar.gz &
nohup tar -cvpf - ./EBSapps 2>appl.log  | gzip -c >appl_fs2.tar.gz &
Preparing Target (Secondary) Application Tier
1. Login to secondary node (bosmvdmz02) as application user.
2. The run and patch file system backup taken above should be copied to the run and patch file
system respectively.
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 ~]$ cd /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 fs1]$ scp -pr apdbatst@apdbasrv02:/d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/appl_fs1.tar.gz
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 ~]$ cd /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 fs2]$ scp -pr apdbatst@apdbasrv02:/d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/appl_fs2.tar.gz
3. Extract the back in fs1 and fs2 using the below command.
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 ~]$ cd /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 fs1]$ nohup cat appl_fs1.tar.gz | gunzip| tar xf - &
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 ~]$ cd /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 fs2]$ nohup cat appl_fs2.tar.gz | gunzip| tar xf - &
4. Execute the post clone script and configure the run file system of secondary application tier.
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 ~]$ cd /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 bin]$ perl adcfgclone.pl appsTier
Enter the APPS password :
Enter the Weblogic AdminServer password :
Do you want to add a node (yes/no) [no] : yes
/d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/../jre/bin/java -Xmx256M -classpath
/d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/jlib/java  oracle.apps.ad.clone.util.CloneUtil -option
checkWLSAdminServerStatus -wlsAdminHost apdbasrv02.apdbakconstruction.com -wlsAdminPort
7001 -wlsAdminUser weblogic -promptmsg hide
/d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/../jre/bin/java -Xmx600M -cp
/d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/jlib/emCfg.jar oracle.apps.ad.context.CloneContext -e
/d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/../context/apps/CTXORIG.xml -validate -pairsfile
/tmp/adpairsfile_13765.lst -stage /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone
-addappsnode 2> /tmp/adcfgclone_13765.err; echo $? > /tmp/adcfgclone_13765.res
Log file located at /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_0819120049.log
Target System File Edition type [run] : run
Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file.
Target System Hostname (virtual or normal) [apdbadmz01] :
Target System Base Directory set to /d02/app/APDBA22
Target System Current File System Base set to /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1
Target System Other File System Base set to /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2
Target System Fusion Middleware Home set to /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/FMW_Home
Target System Web Oracle Home set to /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier
Target System Appl TOP set to /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/appl
Target System COMMON TOP set to /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn
Target System Instance Home Directory [/d02/app/APDBA22] :
Target System Instance Top set to /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/inst/apps/APDBATST_apdbadmz01
Do you want to preserve the Display [apdbasrv02:0.0] (y/n)  : n
Target System Display [apdbadmz01:0.0] :
Target System Root Service [enabled] : enabled
Target System Web Entry Point Services [enabled] : enabled
Target System Web Application Services [enabled] : enabled
Target System Batch Processing Services [enabled] : disabled
Target System Other Services [disabled] : disabled
Do you want the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n) [y] ? : n
Target System Port Pool [0-99] : 2
Checking the port pool 2
done: Port Pool 2 is free
Report file located at
Complete port information available at
UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories.
1. /d02/app/APDBA22/fs_ne/inst/APDBATST_apdbasrv02/temp
2. /usr/tmp
3. /usr/tmp/APDBA22
4. /d02/app/APDBA22/CUSTOM/xxsuf/out
5. /usr/tmp
6. /d01/app/oracle/APDBATST122/product/11.2.0/appsutil/outbound/APDBATST_bosmvsrv01
7. /usr/tmp
8. /usr/tmp
Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1] :
Backing up
Creating the new APPL_TOP Context file from :
The new APPL_TOP context file has been created :
Log file located at /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_0819120049.log
Check Clone Context logfile
/d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_0819120049.log for details.
Running Rapid Clone with command:
perl /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/adclone.pl
java=/d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/../jre mode=apply
stage=/d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone component=appsTier method=CUSTOM
admz01.xml showProgress contextValidated=true
FMW Pre-requisite check log file location :
Running: /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/FMW/t2pjdk/bin/java -classpath
-prereqCheckFMW -e
-stage /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone -log
Beginning application tier Apply - Tue Aug 19 12:01:23 2014
/d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/../jre/bin/java -Xmx600M
-DCONTEXT_VALIDATED=true -Doracle.installer.oui_loc=/oui -classpath
oracle.apps.ad.clone.ApplyAppsTier -e
ml -stage
/d02/app/APDBA22/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone    -showProgress -nopromptmsg
Log file located at
  |     50% completed
Completed Apply...
Tue Aug 19 12:18:47 2014
5. Execute the post clone script and configure the run file system of secondary application tier.
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 ~]$ cd /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 bin]$ perl adcfgclone.pl appsTier
Enter the APPS password :
Enter the Weblogic AdminServer password :
Do you want to add a node (yes/no) [no] : yes
/d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/../jre/bin/java -Xmx256M
-classpath /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/jlib/wljmxclient.jar:
oracle.apps.ad.clone.util.CloneUtil -option  checkWLSAdminServerStatus
-wlsAdminHost apdbasrv02.apdbakconstruction.com -wlsAdminPort 7002 -wlsAdminUser weblogic
-promptmsg hide
/d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/../jre/bin/java -Xmx600M
/d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/jlib/emCfg.jar oracle.apps.ad.context.CloneContext
-e /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/../context/apps/CTXORIG.xml -validate
-pairsfile /tmp/adpairsfile_29168.lst -stage /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone
-addappsnode 2> /tmp/adcfgclone_29168.err; echo $? > /tmp/adcfgclone_29168.res
Log file located at /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_0819124737.log
Target System File Edition type [patch] : patch
Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file.
Target System Hostname (virtual or normal) [apdbadmz01] :
Target System Base Directory set to /d02/app/APDBA22
Target System Current File System Base set to /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2
Target System Other File System Base set to /d02/app/APDBA22/fs1
Target System Fusion Middleware Home set to /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/FMW_Home
Target System Web Oracle Home set to /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/FMW_Home/webtier
Target System Appl TOP set to /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/appl
Target System COMMON TOP set to /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn
Target System Instance Home Directory [/d02/app/APDBA22] :
Target System Instance Top set to /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/inst/apps/APDBATST_apdbadmz01
Do you want to preserve the Display [apdbasrv02:0.0] (y/n)  : n
Target System Display [apdbadmz01:0.0] :
Target System Root Service [enabled] : enabled
Target System Web Entry Point Services [enabled] : enabled
Target System Web Application Services [enabled] : enabled
Target System Batch Processing Services [enabled] : disabled
Target System Other Services [disabled] : disabled
Do you want the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n) [y] ? : n
Target System Port Pool [0-99] : 3
Checking the port pool 3
done: Port Pool 3 is free
Report file located at
Complete port information available at
UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories.
1. /d02/app/APDBA22/fs_ne/inst/APDBATST_apdbasrv02/temp
2. /usr/tmp
3. /usr/tmp/APDBA22
4. /d02/app/APDBA22/CUSTOM/xxsuf/out
5. /usr/tmp
6. /d01/app/oracle/APDBATST122/product/11.2.0/appsutil/outbound/APDBATST_bosmvsrv01
7. /usr/tmp
8. /usr/tmp
Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1] :
Creating the new APPL_TOP Context file from :
The new APPL_TOP context file has been created :
Log file located at /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_0819124737.log
Check Clone Context logfile
/d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_0819124737.log for details.
Running Rapid Clone with command:
perl /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/adclone.pl
mode=apply stage=/d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone component=appsTier
showProgress contextValidated=true
FMW Pre-requisite check log file location :
Running: /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/FMW/t2pjdk/bin/java
-classpath /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/prereq/webtier/Scripts/ext/jlib/engine.jar:
-prereqCheckFMW -e
-stage /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone -log
Beginning application tier Apply - Tue Aug 19 12:48:30 2014
/d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/../jre/bin/java -Xmx600M
-Doracle.installer.oui_loc=/oui -classpath
ml -stage /d02/app/APDBA22/fs2/EBSapps/comn/clone 
-showProgress -nopromptmsg
Log file located at
  \     50% completed
Completed Apply...
Tue Aug 19 13:05:53 2014
Configuration Steps for DMZ deployment
1. Update Hierarchy Type
Several user profile options are used to construct various URLs in an E-Business Suite R12.2

2. The configuration of the E-Business Suite environment for DMZ requires these profile options
hierarchy type to be set to SERVRESP.
Login to the run file system of the primary application tier node and execute txkChangeProfH.sql
script as shown below.
[apdbatst@apdbasrv02 ~]$ sqlplus apps/<pwd>
SQL> @$FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/txkChangeProfH.sql SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the  Profile APPS_WEB_AGENT
Profile APPS_WEB_AGENT hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the  Profile APPS_SERVLET_AGENT
Profile APPS_SERVLET_AGENT hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the  Profile APPS_JSP_AGENT
Profile APPS_JSP_AGENT hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the  Profile APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT
Profile APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the  Profile ICX_FORMS_LAUNCHER
Profile ICX_FORMS_LAUNCHER hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the  Profile ICX_DISCOVERER_LAUNCHER
Profile ICX_DISCOVERER_LAUNCHER hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the  Profile ICX_DISCOVERER_VIEWER_LAUNCHER
Profile ICX_DISCOVERER_VIEWER_LAUNCHER hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the  Profile HELP_WEB_AGENT
Profile HELP_WEB_AGENT hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the  Profile APPS_PORTAL
Profile APPS_PORTAL hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the  Profile CZ_UIMGR_URL
Profile CZ_UIMGR_URL hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the  Profile QP_PRICING_ENGINE_URL
Profile QP_PRICING_ENGINE_URL hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
Changing the hierarchy type for the  Profile TCF:HOST
Profile TCF:HOST hierarchy type has been
successfully changed to SERVRESP
3. After the txkChangeProfH.sql script is executed successfully,
a. Shutdown the applications on all nodes.
b. Modify the HTTP port in the $CONTEXT_FILE of the external node to 8001 (port# varies based
on environments) as below on both patch and run FS. Example as below:
<httplistenparameter oa_var="s_http_listen_parameter">8001</httplistenparameter>
<web_port oa_var="s_webport" oa_type="PORT" base="8000" step="1" range="-1" label="Web
Listener Port">8001</web_port>
c. Execute autoconfig on all nodes (sourcing run FS) to set the profile option values at server level.
d. Startup the Application services in the primary application tier node alone to perform the below
4. Update Node Trust Level and Responsibility trust level. Login as SYSADMIN user from the
Primary (internal) application and set the node ad responsibility trust levels.
a. Navigation: System Administrator -> Profile -> System. Query for Node%Trust%Level for Site and
Server level.
Choose the DMZ (secondary/external) application tier server and set the profile values as “External”
as shown below. The Site level should be left as is to “Normal”
b. Navigation: System Administrator -> Profile -> System. Query for Resp%Trust%Level for Site and
Responsibility level.
Choose the responsibility “apdbak Time Entry-Non-Exempt” and set the profile values as “External”
as shown below. The Site level should be left as is to “Normal”.
Repeat the same step for all responsibilities that would be exposed to DMZ.

5. Disable cluster based web-entry points.

a. The internet and intranet traffic routing is configured at the load balancer and the Weblogic
clustering should be disabled to rely the LB routing.
b. Login to the DMZ(secondary) application tier node as application user.
c. Navigate
d. Backup the apps.conf, mod_wl_ohs.conf and remove the node/configuration entries that are not
participating in the cluster configuration from these files.
e. Ensure DynamicServerList OFF parameter is included in the mod_wl_ohs.conf.
f. Repeat the same set of steps in the Primary node as well. Example as below:
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 EBS_web_APDBATST]$ diff mod_wl_ohs.conf
< WebLogicCluster apdbadmz01.apdbablog.com:7203
> WebLogicCluster apdbadmz01.apdbablog.com:7203,apdbasrv02.apdbablog.com:7201
< WebLogicCluster apdbadmz01.apdbablog.com:7403
> WebLogicCluster apdbasrv02.apdbablog.com:7401,apdbadmz01.apdbablog.com:7403
< WebLogicCluster apdbadmz01.apdbablog.com:7603
> WebLogicCluster apdbadmz01.apdbablog.com:7603,apdbasrv02.apdbablog.com:7601
< WebLogicCluster apdbadmz01.apdbablog.com:7803
> WebLogicCluster apdbadmz01.apdbablog.com:7803,apdbasrv02.apdbablog.com:7801
[apdbatst@apdbadmz01 EBS_web_APDBATST]$ diff apps.conf apps.conf.08192014
>    BalancerMember http://apdbasrv02.apdbablog.com:7201/OA_HTML/media
>    BalancerMember http://apdbasrv02.apdbablog.com:7201/OA_HTML/classes
>    BalancerMember http://apdbasrv02.apdbablog.com:7201
>    BalancerMember http://apdbasrv02.apdbablog.com:7401/OA_HTML/media
>    BalancerMember http://apdbasrv02.apdbablog.com:7401/OA_HTML/classes
g. After performing these changes, bounce the Primary node application services and start the DMZ
(secondary) node application services.
6. Login to WebLogic console to validate the machine, managed servers and their status.

7.  Verify the SSL setup is identical in the DMZ node to that of its Primary application tier.
8. Validate logins of both the internal and external applications and ensure the responsibilities.
a. Internal Login Home Page for SYSADMIN user.

b. External Login Home Page for SYSADMIN user.

Login to internal node gets redirected to external
node after adding new DMZ node in EBS R12.2.x
Author: Shakeeb Petkar | Category: EBS 12.2.x, TroubleshootingComments Offon Login to internal node gets redirected to
external node after adding new DMZ node in EBS R12.2.x |
Tags: apps, apps.conf, dmz, ebs, external, fmw, internal, node, oracle, R12, R12.2, redirect

For some users, login to internal node gets redirected to external node.

and apps.conf files, the cluster includes the external node external.domain.com.

To fix this issue, make the following changes to the run file system of the internal node:
Remove any reference to external.domain.com from both the files i.e. mod_wl_ohs.conf
and apps.conf.
In this case, Node 2 has entries of the external node.
Take backup of the existing files.

[applprod@erpapp02 EBS_web_EBSPROD]$ cp -rp mod_wl_ohs.conf

[applprod@erpapp02 EBS_web_EBSPROD]$ cp -rp apps.conf apps.conf_BKP

1. Modify
Remove any reference to external.domain.com.

WebLogicCluster erpapp01.dbaarena.com:7204,erpapp02.dbaarena.com:7204
[applprod@erpapp02 EBS_web_EBSPROD]$ diff mod_wl_ohs.conf mod_wl_ohs.conf_BKP
WebLogicCluster erpapp01.dbaarena.com:7204,erpapp02.dbaarena.com:7204 --- > WebLogicCluster
WebLogicCluster erpapp02.dbaarena.com:7404,erpapp01.dbaarena.com:7404 --- > WebLogicCluster
WebLogicCluster erpapp02.dbaarena.com:7604,erpapp01.dbaarena.com:7604 --- > WebLogicCluster
WebLogicCluster erpapp02.dbaarena.com:7804,erpapp01.dbaarena.com:7804 --- > WebLogicCluster
[applprod@erpapp02 EBS_web_EBSPROD]$

2. In the apps.conf file

Remove any reference to external.domain.com
BalancerMember erpapp01.dbaarena.com:7204
BalancerMember erpapp02.dbaarena.com:7204
BalancerMember erpdmz01.dbaarena.com:7404

BalancerMember erpapp01.dbaarena.com:7204
BalancerMember erpapp02.dbaarena.com:7204

[applprod@erpapp02 EBS_web_EBSPROD]$ diff apps.conf apps.conf_BKP

BalancerMember http://erpdmz01.dbaarena.com:7204/OA_HTML/media
BalancerMember http://erpdmz01.dbaarena.com:7204/OA_HTML/classes
BalancerMember http://erpdmz01.dbaarena.com:7204
BalancerMember http://erpdmz01.dbaarena.com:7404/OA_HTML/media
BalancerMember http://erpdmz01.dbaarena.com:7404/OA_HTML/classes
[applprod@erpapp02 EBS_web_EBSPROD]$
3. Restart the internal node.
4. Restart the external node.
5. Try to reproduce the issue.


Steps to adding and deleting managed server in EBS

Deleting the managed servers in EBS R12.2:
perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl \
ebs-delete-managedserver \
ST_muthu.xml \
-managedsrvname=oacore_server1 \
-servicetype=oacore \

perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl \
ebs-delete-managedserver \
ST_muthu.xml \
-managedsrvname=forms_server1 \
-servicetype=forms \

perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl \
ebs-delete-managedserver \
ST_muthu.xml \
-managedsrvname=oafm_server1 \
-servicetype=oafm \

perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl \
ebs-delete-managedserver \
ST_muthu.xml \
-managedsrvname=forms-c4ws_server1 \
-servicetype=forms-c4ws \

Adding the managed servers in EBS R12.2:

perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl \
EST_muthu.xml \
-managedsrvname=oacore_server1 -servicetype=oacore \
-managedsrvport=7206 -logfile=/tmp/forms_server1_add.log

perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl \
EST_muthu.xml \
-managedsrvname=forms_server1 -servicetype=forms \
-managedsrvport=7406 -logfile=/tmp/forms_server1_add.log

perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl \
EST_muthu.xml \
-managedsrvname=oafm_server1 -servicetype=oafm \
-managedsrvport=7606 -logfile=/tmp/oafm_server1_add.log

perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl \
EST_muthu.xml \
-managedsrvname=forms-c4ws_server1 -servicetype=forms-c4ws \
-managedsrvport=7806 -logfile=/tmp/forms-c4ws_server1_add.log
Finally mod_wl_ohs.conf configuration file generate step
perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl \
-ctxfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -outfile=/tmp/apachesync.log


STEPS TO INCREASE No. of oacore in R12.2

August 30, 2017

STEPS TO INCREASE No. of oacore in R12.2

1)      Take Backup of application context_file
2)      We will add oacore_server2, oacore_server3, oacore_server4 ,oacore_server5

So final configuration will have below services running.

3)      Change heap size from 1024 to 2048 (recommended ):

Weblogic server login> EBS_domian_PROD> server> click on oacore_server2> click server

4)       Now let’s add oacore here, you need to choose port no. carefully. So that it should not
conflict the existing oacore_server1 of run file system and oacore_server1 of patch file
system (Since we have only 1 oa core in our existing server, otherwise you need to check
the all oacore_server port from both files system)

run  file system :::: HERE default port for oacore_server1 was 7201 and we couldn’t take
7202 because patch file oacore_server1 has value 7202 (See this line in context_file of
patch file system  <oacore_server_ports

. So we went for 7203

Steps to add oacore_server in RUN file system:::

Adding oacore_server2:
perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl ebs-create-managedserver
-contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -managedsrvname=oacore_server2 -servicetype=oacore
-managedsrvport=7203 -logfile=$APPLRGF/TXK/addMS_oacoreserver2.log
perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE
-configoption=addMS -oacore=ebsapp.company.com:7203

Adding oacore_server3:
perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl ebs-create-managedserver
-contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -managedsrvname=oacore_server3 -servicetype=oacore
-managedsrvport=7204 -logfile=$APPLRGF/TXK/addMS_oacoreserver3.log

perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE

-configoption=addMS -oacore=ebsapp.company.com:7204

Adding oacore_server4:
perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl ebs-create-managedserver
-contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -managedsrvname=oacore_server4 -servicetype=oacore
-managedsrvport=7205 -logfile=$APPLRGF/TXK/addMS_oacoreserver4.log

perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE

-configoption=addMS -oacore=ebsapp.company.com:7205

Adding oacore_server5
perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl ebs-create-managedserver
-contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -managedsrvname=oacore_server5 -servicetype=oacore
-managedsrvport=7206 -logfile=$APPLRGF/TXK/addMS_oacoreserver5.log

perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE

-configoption=addMS -oacore=ebsapp.company.com:7206

You can start the below::


./admanagedsrvctl.sh start oacore_server2

./admanagedsrvctl.sh start oacore_server3
./admanagedsrvctl.sh start oacore_server4
./admanagedsrvctl.sh start oacore_server5
Before adding the oacore_server in patch file system, stop the same in run file system.
./admanagedsrvctl.sh stop oacore_server2
./admanagedsrvctl.sh stop oacore_server3
./admanagedsrvctl.sh stop oacore_server4
./admanagedsrvctl.sh stop oacore_server5

Adding the same no. of oacore in Patch file system with different port (you must start
the adadmin server in patch file system, later you can stop all in patch file system)::

[applprod@ebsapp scripts]$ ./adadminsrvctl.sh start forcepatchfs

You are running adadminsrvctl.sh version 120.10.12020000.10

Enter the WebLogic Admin password:

Enter the APPS Schema password:
Starting WLS Admin Server...
Refer /prodapp/PROD/fs2/inst/apps/PROD_ebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adadminsrvctl.txt
for details

AdminServer logs are located at

adadminsrvctl.sh: exiting with status 0

adadminsrvctl.sh: check the logfile

/prodapp/PROD/fs2/inst/apps/PROD_pllebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adadminsrvctl.txt for
more information ... 

Adding oacore_server 2
perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl ebs-create-managedserver
-contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -managedsrvname=oacore_server2 -servicetype=oacore
-managedsrvport=7207 -logfile=$APPLRGF/TXK/addMS_oacoreserver2.log

perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE

-configoption=addMS –oacore=ebsapp.company.com:7207

Adding oacore_server3
perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl ebs-create-managedserver
-contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -managedsrvname=oacore_server3 -servicetype=oacore
-managedsrvport=7208 -logfile=$APPLRGF/TXK/addMS_oacoreserver3.log

perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE

-configoption=addMS -oacore=ebsapp.company.com:7208
Adding oacore_server4

perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl ebs-create-managedserver

-contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -managedsrvname=oacore_server4 -servicetype=oacore
-managedsrvport=7209 -logfile=$APPLRGF/TXK/addMS_oacoreserver4.log

perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE

-configoption=addMS -oacore=ebsapp.company.com:7209

Adding oacore_server5
perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl ebs-create-managedserver
-contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -managedsrvname=oacore_server5 -servicetype=oacore
-managedsrvport=7210 -logfile=$APPLRGF/TXK/addMS_oacoreserver5.log

perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE

-configoption=addMS -oacore=ebsapp.company.com:7210

stop patch file system all services::

[applprod@ebsapp scripts]$ ./adstopall.sh apps/appspwd forcepatchfs

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>In Run FIle


1) Stop the application

2) run autoconfig

3) start the application


1>    Start adadminserver to get the port no. or you can get in $CONTEXT_FILE of both file
2>    Stop the application
3>    Delete oacore in both file system

perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl ebs-delete-managedserver

-contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -managedsrvname=oacore_server5 -servicetype=oacore
-managedsrvport=7300 -logfile=$APPLRGF/TXK/removeMS_oacoreserver1.log

perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE

-configoption=removeMS -oacore=ebsdev.company.com:7300

4>     Run autoconfig
5>     Start application
Adding Managed Server in Oracle EBS R12.2

when i was working on R12.2 environment, i was suppose to increase the JVM(add the manage
server in R12.2) for the oacore to sustain  the load (Client Request)
The procedure to increase JVM was quite simple in R12.1 Releases.  In Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12, the oacore, oafm, forms and forms-c4ws services were deployed as
applications on OC4J instances and were managed by Oracle Process Manager (OPMN).So we
just need to increase the numprocs in opmn.xml  and start the services or run autoconfig with
increase numprocs in Context file.
It is quite different in R12.2.X as OC4J is replaced with Oracle Weblogic Server in Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2, these services are now deployed as applications on individual
managed servers.
Only part of the configuration of these applications and managed servers is still managed via
AutoConfig.Rest of things need to done quite different
In the below,I would be explaining what I learned from that experience and How to add the
manage server in R12.2.  I will particularly taking the example of oacore
How to add the manage server in R12.2
1. Addition of managed servers needs to be done on the run file system when there is no
active ADOP cycle. During the next adop prepare, the Configuration Change Detector
identifies that the addition has been made and the managed servers are automatically
synced up from the run file system to the patch file system. The synchronization also
gets done when fs_clone is executed.
2. Execute the following command to add a new managed server. This will create a
managed server and add a new entry to the context file for starting and stopping the new
managed server via the adstrtal and adstpall scripts:

$ perl <AD_TOP>/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl \

ebs-create-managedserver -contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> \
-managedsrvname=<MANAGED_SERVER_NAME> -servicetype=<SERVICE_TYPE> \

-managedsrvport=<MANAGED_SERVER_PORT> -logfile=<LOGFILE>For example, to add a managed server

‘oacore_server2’ of type ‘oacore’ with port 9705, run the following command:

$ perl <AD_TOP>/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl \
ebs-create-managedserver -contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> \
-managedsrvname=oacore_server2 -servicetype=oacore \
-managedsrvport=9705 -logfile=<APPLRGF>/TXK/addMS_oacoreserver2.log

3) Start the newly created managed server

sh <ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME>/admanagedsrvctl.sh start <MANAGED SERVER NAME>
4) Perform the following steps on all application tier nodes participating in the same cluster
where this managed server is added:
Add the entry in OHS configuration file
a) .Source the run file system.
b)Execute the following command to add details of the newly added managed servers into the
OHS configuration files mod_wl_ohs.conf and apps.conf on the current node:

$ perl <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl \

-contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> \

-configoption=addMS \

-oacore=<host>.<domain>:<port> \

-oafm=<host>.<domain>:<port> \

-forms=<host>.<domain>:<port> \


The argument contextfile accepts the complete path to the context file.

The arguments oacore, oafm, forms, formsc4ws accept a comma-separated list of managed server details in the

following format:


host and domain are the hostname and domain name of the newly added node
port is the port of the new managed server whose reference is to be added

For example, if the managed server oacore_server2 has been added on host ‘myserver’ and domain ‘go.com’ with

port 9705, the following command should be executed:

$ perl <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl -contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> \

-configoption=addMS -oacore=myserver.go.com:9705


Adding app node txkSetAppsConf.pl returns

configoption=addMS is not valid
This question has been Answered.

Mariami Kupatadze Jan 6, 2018 6:12 PM

I am using the following doc to add app node to Application

Tier.  https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?
I am trying to follow step "4. Register the new topology from the newly added application tier
And trying to run the following on APP1
perl /ebs/oracle/PROD/fs1/EBSapps/appl/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl \
  -ctxfile=/ebs/oracle/PROD/fs1/inst/apps/PROD_app1/appl/admin/PROD_app1.xml \
  -configoption=addMS \
  -oacore=app2.example.com:7201 \
  -oafm=app2.example.com:7601 \
  -forms=app2.example.com:7401 \
But getting the error:
-configoption=addMS is not valid
txkSetAppsConf.pl [help]
[oracle@rac1 ~]$ /ebs/Install/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/RapidWizVersion

Correct Answerby Mariami Kupatadze on Jan 8, 2018 6:14 AM

Seems they have changed syntax:
perl /ebs/oracle/PROD/fs1/EBSapps/appl/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl   \
-oacore=app1.example.com:7201,app2.example.com:7201   \
-oafm=app2.example.com:7601   \
-forms=app2.example.com:7401   \
hm, what happens with EBS they are complicating everything  why?
Documentation says one and the correct is another.. very dissapointed.
See the answer in context

 Tags: add node
Content tagged with add node

, addms

Content tagged with addms

, txksetappsconf.pl

Content tagged with txksetappsconf.pl

, app tier

Content tagged with app tier

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 Correct Answer1. Re: Adding app node txkSetAppsConf.pl returns configoption=addMS is not valid

Mariami Kupatadze Jan 8, 2018 6:14 AM (in response to Mariami Kupatadze)

Seems they have changed syntax:

perl /ebs/oracle/PROD/fs1/EBSapps/appl/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl   \
-oacore=app1.example.com:7201,app2.example.com:7201   \
-oafm=app2.example.com:7601   \
-forms=app2.example.com:7401   \
hm, what happens with EBS they are complicating everything  why?
Documentation says one and the correct is another.. very dissapointed.

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