Subject-Predicate-Agreement Atau Subject-Verb-Agreement

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Subject-Predicate-Agreement atau Subject-Verb-Agreement

Subject-Predicate-Agreement adalah Persesuaian ( Agreement ) antara

Subject dan Predicate nya.
Ini inti permasalahannya : Jika Subject nya tunggal, Predicate nya jg hrs tunggal.
Jika Subject nya jamak, Predicate nya jg hrs jamak.

Berikut ini adalah 4 contoh Subject-Predicate-Agreement yg SALAH krn tdk ada

Persesuaian (Agreement) antara Subject dan Predicate nya :

1. The cat are in the cage (Salah krn S nya tunggal dan P nya jamak)
2. The cats is the cage (Salah krn S nya jamak dan P nya tunggal)
3. The cat drink water (Salah krn S nya tunggal dan P nya jamak)
4. The cats drinks water (Salah krn S nya jamak dan P nya tunggal)
Yang benar adalah :

1. The cat is in the cage

2. The cats are in the cage
3. The cat drinks water (Jk S benda tunggal dan P kt kerja 1 hrs dg s)
4. The cats drink water

Catatan :

1. Is, was dipakai utk subject tunggal >> The cat was in the cage
2. Are, were dipakai utk subject jamak >> The cats were in the cage
3. Jk kt kerja nya lampau tdk pengaruh alias tdk pakai s.
>> The cat drank coffee (TOEFL hny mnjebak dg kt kerja pertama)
4. Kt kerja Has dipakai utk subject tunggal dan Have utk subject jamak.
>> The cat has four legs. >> The cats have four legs.

Semua kalimat di bawah ini SALAH. Benarkan kesalahannya.

1. A student bring two pencils in the exam.

2. A mother take care of children at home.
3. Fathers works outside the house.
4. The car have 6 tyres.
5. Flowers makes us feel happy.
6. The table are very expensive.
7. The crocodiles has sharp teeth.
8. Two teachers is standing in front of the class.
9. The houses is very beautiful and comfortable.
10. John and Andrew is in the garden with some friends.
Bagaimana TOEFL menjebak kita didlm soal2 Test nya dg
Problem Subject-Predicate-Agreement ini?
Ada 9 Cara TOEFL membuat Trik utk menjebak kita dlm Test :
1.Memisahkan Subject dan Predicate jauh agar kita terkecoh :
# The cat with colorful fur : brown, white, black at my home drink water
Yg salah D, hrsnya drinks krn Subject nya tunggal The cat

Hati2 Bisa sj yg salah Subject nya, tinggal yg digaris bawahi TOEFL yg

mana :
# The cat with colorful fur : brown, white, black at my home drink water
Yg salah A, hrsnya The cats krn Predicate nya jamakdrink tanpa s.

2. Kata2 berikut ini kl menjd Subjct mereka adalah tunggal :

Someone, anyone, something, every, each, anything, nothing
# Anyone who got score A in English are permitted to join the club
Yg salah C, hrsnya is krn Subject nya tunggal Anyone

3. Kata2 : accompanid by, together with, with, along with, as well as

Tdk mempengaruhi Subject. Jk Subject tunggal Predicate jg tunggal.
# Andrew together with Ann, Ali, John, his 5 brothers arein Peru.
Yg salah C, hrsnya IS krn Subjectnya tunggal Andrew

4. There is atau There was diikuti benda tunggal atau benda tak dpt
dihitung >> There is books on my table ( Hrs nya a book )
>> There are some water in the bottle ( Hrsnya There is )
There are atau There were diikuti benda jamak :
>> There are a book on the table ( Harsnya books )
>> There is books on the table ( Harsnya There are )

5. Some of, most of, any of, all of, none of kl diikuti kata benda jamak,
mereka butuh Predicate jamak. Kl diikuti kata benda tidak dapat
dihitung, mereka butuh Predicate tunggal.
>>All of the students eats rice ( Hrsnya eat, krn Students jamak )
>> all of the coffee are good (Hrsnya is, krn Coffee tdk dpt dihitung)

Contoh Soal : Most of the water around the irrigation area are not good.

6. Bbrp kata berakhiran S adalah tunggal (dihapal) :

Mathematics, genetics, economics, measles, mumps (lihat buku)
>> Mathematics are very difficult for most of students ( Hrsnya Is
krn mathematics tunggal )

7. Kata2 The number of kl jd Subject diikuti Predicate tunggal tunggal.

Sedang kata2 A number of kl jd Subject diikuti Predicate jamak.
>> The number of students in this class are good enough (Hrsnya IS)
>> A number of students in this class follows a club ( Hrsnya follow )

8. Jgn bingung, Collective Nouns jika jd Subject bisa diikuti Predicate

Tunggal maupun Predicate jamak.
Collective Nouns : Family, Organozation, Committee, group, army, dll.
Contoh : The group in this housing complex are good in social activities.
Yang salah C, harusnya is good.

Contoh : The group in this housing complex is good in social activities.

Yang salah C, harusnya are good.

# The organization is still in online meeting with the Board now.

# The organization are still in online meeting with the Board now.
9. Hati2 kl ada Prepositional Phrase of Place didepan krn Predicate
mendahului Subject nya. Jk Subject nya tunggal,Predicate nya jg
jg tunggal. Jk Subject nya jamak, Predicate nya hrs jamak.
# On the table stand my cat (Hrsnya stands, karena Subject nya
tunggal my cat )
# On the table stands my cats (Hrsnya stand, karena Subject nya
jamak my cats )

Contoh Soal : Between Australia and Asia continents lie Indonesia, our
beloved country.

10.Both …….and ………….. = Plural

Neither…..nor………. = tergantung yg terdekat

Either……or…………= tergantung yg terdekat

Contoh : Both students and teacher is good (harusnya : Both students and

teacher are good )

Contoh : Neither the students nor the teacher are good (harusnya : Neither

the students nor the teacher is bad)

Contoh Soal : Either the workers or the manager in that big company agree


with the decision.

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