O T 634C

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April 25, 1984
Fed. Spec. O-T-634b
October 9, 1968



This specification was approved by the Commissioner,

Federal Supply and Services, General Services Admin-
istration, for the use of all Federal agencies.


1.1 Scope. This specification covers two types of technical grade

trichloroethylene for use as a solvent.

l.2 Classification. Trichloroethylene shall be furnished in the following

types as specified (see 6.2):

Type I - Regular
Type II - Vapor degreasing


2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for
bids or request for proposal form a part of this specification to the extent
specified herein:

Federal Specifications:

PPP-B-636 - Boxes, Shipping, Fiberboard

PPP-C-186 - Containers, Packaging and Packing for Drugs, Chemicals, and
PPP-C-2020 - Chemicals, Liquid, Dry, and Paste; Packaging Of
PPP-D-729 - Drums, Shipping and Storage, Steel, 55-Gallon (208 Liters)
PPP-P-704 - Pails, Metal: (Shipping, Steel, 1 Through 12 Gallons)

Federal Standard:

Fed. Std. No. 123 - Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)

(Activities outside the Federal Government may obtain copies of Federal

specifications, standards, and commercial item descriptions as outlined under
General Information in the Index of Federal Specifications, Standards and
Commercial Item Descriptions. The Index, which includes cumulative bimonthly
supplements as issued, is for sale on a subscription basis by the Superintendent
of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.

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(Single copies of this specification, other Federal specifications, and

commercial item descriptions required by activities outside the Federal Govern-
ment for bidding purposes are available without charge from General Services
Administration Business Service Centers in Boston, MA; New York, NY; Washington,
DC; Philadelphia, PA; Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Kansas City, MO; Fort Worth, TX;
Houston, TX; Denver, CO; San Francisco, CA; Los Angeles, CA; and Seattle, WA.

(Federal Government activities may obtain copies of Federal Standardization

documents and the Index of Federal Specifications, Standards and Commercial Item
Descriptions from established distribution points in their agencies.)

Military Standards:

MIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes

MIL-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage
MIL-STD-147 - Palletized Unit Loads
MIL-STD-1168 - Ammunition Lot Numbering

(Copies of specifications, standards, handbooks, drawings, and publication

required by manufacturers in connection with specific acquisition functions
should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contrac-
ting officer.)

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)

49 CFR 171 to 179 - Hazardous Materials Regulations

(The Code of Federal Regulations and the Federal Register (FR) are for sale
on a subscription basis by the Superintendent of Documents, US Government
Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. When indicated, reprints of certain
regulations may be obtained from the Federal agency responsible for issuance

2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this wpec-
ification to the extent specified herein. Unless a specific issue is identified,
the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall

Uniform Classification Committee, Agent:

Uniform Freight Classification

(Application for copies should be addressed to the Uniform Classification

Committee, Room 1106, 222 South Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60606.)

National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc., Agent:

National Motor Freight Classification

(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Trucking Associa-

tions, Inc., Traffic Department, 1616 P Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036.)
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ASTM Standards:

D 1078 - Distillation Range of Volatile organic Liquids

D 1193 - Reagent Water
D 2108 - Color of Halogenated Organic Solvents and Their Admixtures
(Platinum Cobalt Scale)
D 2109 - Nonvolatile Matter in Halogenated Organic Solvents and Their
D 2111 - Specific Gravity of Halogenated Organic Solvents and Their
D 2942 - Total Acid Acceptance of Halogenated Organic Solvents
(Nonreflux Method)
D 3401 - Water in Halogenated Organic Solvents and Their Admixtures

(Application for copies should be addressed to ASTM 1916 Race Street,

Philadelphia, PA 19103.)


3.1 Physical and chemical characteristics. Trichloroethylene shall conform

to the physical and chemical characteristics of table I when tested as speci-
fied therein.

3.1.1 Stabilizer. A stabilizer shall be added to type II material, within

the limits of table I, to inhibit acid formation. The inhibitor shall not lower
the flammability or increase toxicity or noxious characteristics of the solvent


4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the con-

tract,the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection re-
quirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract,
the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the perfor-
mance of the inspection requirements specified herein,unless disapproved by the
Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspec-
tions set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary
to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.

TABLE I. Physical and chemical characteristics

³ ³ ³ Test
Characteristic ³ Type I ³Type II ³ paragraph
Specific gravity at 25 deg./25 deg. C ³1.450 to ³1.450 to ³
³1.460 ³1.460 ³
Distillation range: ³ ³ ³
Initial boiling point, minimum ³ 86.0 deg. C ³86.0 deg. C ³
Minimum 95 percent distilled, maximum ³ 87.5 deg. C ³87.5 deg. C ³
Dry point, maximum ³ 90.0 deg. C ³90.0 deg. C ³
Acidity (as HCl), weight percent, maximum ³ 0.01 ³0.001 ³
Alkalinity (as NaOH), weight percent, maximum ³ 0.015 ³0.015 ³
³ ³ ³
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³ ³ ³
Water, parts per million, maximum ³ 100 ³ 100 ³
Residual stain ³ None ³ - ³
Appearance ³Clear and ³Clear and ³
³ free of ³ free of ³
³ suspended ³ suspended ³
³ matter ³ matter ³
Color, APHA scale ³ 15 ³ 15 ³
Nonvolatile residue, weight percent, maximum ³ 0.002 ³ 0.010 ³
Acid acceptance (as NaOH), weight percent, ³ ³ ³
minimum ³ 0.160 ³ 0.160 ³

4.2 Quality conformance inspection.

4.2.1 Lotting. A lot shall consist of the trichloroethylene produced by one

manufacturer, at one plant, from the same materials, and under essentially the
same manufacturing conditions provided the operation is continuous. In the event
the process is a batch operation, each batch shall constitute a lot (see 6.3).
When specified (see 6.2) each lot shall be identified and controlled in
accordance with MIL-STD-1168.

4.2.2 Sampling. For examination of packaging. Sampling shall be conducted in

accordance with MIL-STD-105. For trichloroethylene test. See 6.5 for sampling and testing pre-
cautions. Sampling shall be conducted in accordance with table II. A repre-
sensitive specimen of approximately 750 milliliters (mL) shall be removed from
each sample container and placed in a suitable clean, dry container labeled to
identify the lot and container from which it was taken. For container leakage test. Sampling shall be conducted in

accordance with MIL-STD-105l inspection level S-2.

TABLE II. Sampling for trichloroethylene test

Number of containers in batch or lot ³ Number of sample containers
2 to 25 ³ 2
26 to 150 ³ 3
151 to 1,200 ³ 5
1,201 to 7,000 ³ 8
7,001 to 20,000 ³ 10
Over 20,000 ³ 20

4.2.3 Inspection procedure.

Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com For examination of packaging. The sample unit shall be one filled
unit or shipping container, as applicable, ready for shipment. Sample unit and
shipping containers shall be examined for the following defects using an AQL of
1.5 percent defective:

(a) Contents per container not as specified

(b) Container not as specified
(c) Container closure not as specified
(d) Container damaged or leaking
(e) Marking incorrect, missing or illegible
(f) Unitization not as specified For trichloroethylene test. Each sample specimen taken in

shall be tested as specified in 4.2.4. Failure of any test by any specimen
shall be cause for rejection of the lot represented. For container leakage test. See 6.5 for sampling and testing pre-
cautions. The sample unit shall be one container. The sample containers
selected in shall be tested as specified in 4.2.5 using an AQL of 1.5
percent defective.

4.2.4 Trichloroethylene tests. See 6.5 for sampling and testing precau-
tions. In accordance with ASTM D 1193 and reagent grade chemicals shall be used
throughout the tests. Where applicable, blank determinations shall be run and
corrections applied where significant. Tests shall be conducted as follows: Specific gravity. Determine the specific gravity of the specimen in

accordance with ASTM D 2111. Distillation range. Determine the distillation range of the

specimen in accordance with ASTM D 1078 using ASTM thermometer No. 39C and a k
factor of 0.043 ( deg. C per millimeter change in pressure). Acidity. Measure 25 mL of water into a 250-mL glass-stoppered

Erlenmeyer flask. Add 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator (1 percent by weight
in ethanol), and neutralize to a very faint pink color with O.OlN sodium
hydroxide solution. Pipet 25 mL of specimen into neutralized water, stopper the
flask, and shake for 30 seconds. Titrate with 0.01N sodium hydroxide solution to
a very faint pink color, stopper, and shake flask. If pink color disappears,
continue titration dropwise to 8 very faint pink color. Calculate the percent by
weight acidity as follows:

Percent acidity as hydrochloric acid = MS

where: V = Milliliters of sodium hydroxide solution,

N = Normality of sodium hydroxide solution,
M = Milliliters of specimen, and
S = Specific gravity of specimen (determined in
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com Alkalinity. Measure 25 mL of water into a 250-mL glass-stoppered

Erlenmeyer flask. Add 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator, and add O.OlN sodium
hydroxide dropwise to a very faint pink color. Add O.OlN hydrochloric acid until
1 drop causes the pink color to just disappear. Pipet 25 mL of specimen into the
neutralized water, stopper the flask and shake for 30 seconds. If the water
layer is colorless, report alkalinity as 0.00 percent; if the water layer is
pink, titrate with O.OlN hydrochloric acid solution until 1 drop causes the pink
color to just disappear. Stopper the flask and shake. If the pink color
reappears, continue the titration dropwise until pink color just disappears.
Calculate the percent by weight alkalinity as follows:

Percent alkalinity, as sodium hydroxide = MS

where: V = Milliliters of hydrochloric acid solution,

N = Normality of hydrochloric acid solution,
M = Milliliters of specimen, and
S = Specific gravity of specimen (determined in Moisture. Determine moisture content as parts per million water in

accordance with ASTM D 3401. Residual stain (type I only). In a laboratory hood with outside

exhaust, place five drops of trichloroethylene in the center of a double-acid
washed medium texture filter paper. The center portion of the under surface of
the filter paper shall not be in contact with any object. Allow the material to
evaporate away from direct sunlight at room temperature (20 deg. to 30 deg. C).
There shall be no stain nor spot after a 2 hour drying period. Appearance. Transfer 15 mL of thoroughly mixed specimen into a test

tube, allow to stand for at least 10 minutes at room temperature (20 deg. to 30
deg. C) and inspect by transmitted light for clarity, suspended matter, and
sediment. Color. Determine the color of the specimen in accordance with ASTM
D 2108. Nonvolatile residue. Determine the nonvolatile residue of the

specimen in accordance with ASTM D 2109, method B. Acid acceptance. Determine acid acceptance in accordance with ASTM

D 2942. Stabilizer. The contractor shall certify that the stabilizer (or
stabilizers) added will not reduce the flammability or increase the toxicity or
noxious characteristics of the trichloroethylene.

4.2.5 Container leakage test. Place the container in each of the following
positions, and leave it in each for a period of 15 minutes.
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(a) Upright
(b) Upside down
(c) On one side (or one quadrant)
(d) On one end (or second quadrant)
(e) On other side (or fourth quadrant)

Examine the container after each period for any evidence of leakage.


5.1 Unit packing. Unit packing shall be level A, B or minimum protection as

specified (see 6.2), and shall be in accordance with the general requirements of
PPP-C-2020 and Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations.

5.1.1 Level A. Trichloroethylene shall be unit packed level A in a 1-, 5-,

or 55-gallon (gal) quantity as specified (see 6.2). One-gal quantity. A quantity of 1 gal [+2 or -O fluid ounces (oz)]

of trichloroethylene shall be unit packed in a nominal l-gal capacity metal can
or pail in accordance with PPP-C-186, group C, type a or PPP-C-186, group E, type
1. The screw-caps or plugs of the filled container shall be closed to a torque
within the ranges specified by the container or closure manufacturer. There
shall be no evidence of leakage from the container when tested as specified in
4.2.5. Five-gal quantity. A quantity of 5 gal (+6 or -O oz) of trichloro-

ethylene shall be unit packed in a nominal 5-gal capacity metal pail in accord-
ance with DOT Specification 5B or 17C; PPP-P-704 type I, class 4; and as
specified in above. Fifty-five gal quantity. A quantity of 55 (+ 1/2 or -0) gal of

trichloroethylene shall be unit packed in a nominal 55-gal steel drum in accord-
ance with DOT Specification 5B; PPP-D-729, type I, class A; and as specified in above.

5.1.2 Level B. Trichloroethylene shall be unit packed level B in a 1-, 5-,

or 55-gal quantity as specified (see 6.2). One-gal quantity. A l-gal quantity of trichloroethylene shall be unit

packed level B as specified for level A protection in, except that no
exterior organic protective coating shall be required on the exterior of the
container. Five-gal quantity. A 5-gal quantity of trichloroethylene shall be

unit packed level B as specified for level A protection in, except that
the pail shall conform to DOT Specification 17C. Fifty-five gal quantity. A 55-gal quantity of trichloroethylene

shall be unit packed level B as specified for level A protection in,
except that the drums shall conform to DOT Specification 5B and a11 interior
surfaces shall neither affect nor be affected by the contents.
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5.1.3 Level C. The quantity of trichloroethylene specified in the contract

or order (see 6.2) shall be unit packed level C to provide adequate protection of
its purity, and to guard against corrosion, deterioration, leakage, and damage
from the supply source to the first receiving activity and for a duration of six
months. Containers and the manner of unit packing shall be in accordance with
DOT regulations and all other regulations applicable to the modes of
transportation intended.

5.2 Packing. Trichloroethylene shall be packed for shipment level A, B or

minimum protection as specified (see 6.2), in accordance with DOT regulations.

5.2.1 Level A. Trichloroethylene shall be packed level A as follows: One-gal quantity. Six cans or pails, as applicable, of the l-gal

quantity of trichloroethylene of, shall be packed level A for shipment as
specified in PPP-C-186, using procedure code 22 and reinforcing strapping on
boxes. Five-gal quantity. The 5-gal quantity of trichloroethylene, unit

packed as specified in, shall require no further protection for shipment
other than unitization. Fifty-five gal quantity. The 55-gal quantity of trichloroethylene,

unit packed as specified in, shall require no further protection for
shipment other than unitization.

5.2.2 Level B. Trichloroethylene shall be packed level B as follows: One-gal quantity. Six cans or pails of trichloroethylene shall be

packed level B as specified for level A protection in, except that the
box shall conform to PPP-B-636, grade V3c for a type 2 load. Five-gal quantity. The 5-gal quantity of trichloroethylene, unit

packed as specified in, shall require no further protection for shipment
other than unitization.

5.2.3 Level C. Trichloroethylene shall be packed for shipment in accordance

with DOT regulations in a manner to assure carrier acceptance and safe delivery
to destination. Containers shall be in accordance with Uniform Freight Classi-
fication Rules and National Motor Freight Classification Rules, and the rules of
any other applicable intended mode of transportation.

5.2.4 Unitization. Uniform quantities of level A, B or C packs of the 1and

5-gal quantities shall be palletized in accordance with MIL-STD-147. Individual
pallet loads shall consist of one size quantity.

5.3 Marking.

5.3.1 Civil agencies. Marking shall be in accordance with the precautionary

marking of 5.3.3, DOT and other applicable regulatory marking, and Fed. Std. No.
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5.3.2 Military activities. Level A, B and C packs, unit packs, and pallet
loads shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129. Each container and pallet
load shall be marked to show the lot or batch numbers and date of manufacture of

5.3.3 Precautionary marking. Each container and pallet load shall be marked
as follows:


Suspected carcinogen.
Toxic by Inhalation.
Toxic by Ingestion.


Avoid breathing vapor.

Keep container closed.
Use with adequate ventilation.
Wash thoroughly after handling.
Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.
Poisonous gases are produced in fire.
Vapors in high concentrations are anesthetic and
dangerous to life.

FIRST AID: If inhaled, remove to fresh air.

If not breathing give artificial respiration, preferably
mouth-to-mouth. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.
Call a physician. If swallowed and victim is conscious, give
large quantities of water. After the water has been
swallowed, try to get the person to vomit by having him touch
the back of his throat with his finger. Do not make an un-
conscious person vomit. Get medical attention immediately.
If victim is unconscious or having convulsions, do nothing
except keep victim warm. Call a physician.

SUPPLY/USE: Appropriate personal protective equipment as

designated by local industrial hygiene, medical and safety
personnel. Special restriction. The 55-gal quantity of trichloroethylene shall

be marked "Cargo aircraft only."


6.1 Intended use. Type I trichloroethylene is intended for use in dry-

cleaning and for general solvent purposes. Type II trichloroethylene is intended
for vapor degreasing of metals.

6.2 Ordering data. Acquisition documents should specify the following:

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(a) Title, number, and date of this specification,

(b) Type of material required (see 1.2),
(c) If lot numbering in accordance with MIL-STD-1168 is required (see
(d) Level of unit packing and packing required (see 5.1 and 5.2), and
(e) Quantity to be unit packed level A, level B, or level C for civil
agencies, or level C for military activities (see 5.1.1, 5.1.2,, or

6.3 Batch. A batch is defined as that quantity of material which has been
manufactured by some unit chemical process or subjected to some physical mixing
operation intended to make the final product substantially uniform.

6.4 Significant places. For the purpose of determining conformance with

this specification, an observed or calculated value should be rounded off "to the
nearest unit" in the last right-hand place of figures used in expressing the
limiting value, in accordance with the rounding-off method of ASTM E 29.

6.5 Sampling and testing precautions. This specification covers inspection

of chemical material which is potentially hazardous to personnel. (Trichloro-
ethylene is toxic by inhalation, toxic by ingestion, and is a suspected carcino-
gen.) All applicable safety rules, regulations and procedures must be followed
in the handling and processing of this material.


Custodians: GSA-FSS
Army - EA
Navy - SH Preparing activity:
Air Force - 68
Army - EA
Review activities:

Army - MD, MI SM Project No. 6810-B028

Navy - OS
Other - DS

User activities:

Army - GL
Navy - AS, MC
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October 24, 1985



This amendment which forms a part of Federal Specification

O-T-634C, dated April 25, 1984, is approved by the Assistant
Administrator, Office of Federal Supply and Services, General
Services Administration, for the use of all Federal agencies.


5.3.3, line 4: Delete "Suspected carcinogen." and substitute "Has been shown
to cause cancer in some animals."


6.5, lines 3 and 4: Delete "is a suspected carcinogen.)" and substitute "has
been shown to cause cancer in some animals.)"


Custodians: GSA-7FCE
Army - EA
Navy - SH Preparing activity:
Air Force - 68
Army - EA
Review activities:

Army - MD, MI SM Project No. 6810-B518

Navy - OS
Other - DS

User activities:

Army - GL
Navy - AS, MC

FSC 6810
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is

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