Upstream B1 SB WWW -
Upstream B1 SB WWW -
Upstream B1 SB WWW -
T4.. *'*. "o,"*'-s -s' il_
( ) Listen
to themusicandthesounds.
Describe ;fr;d'd--,"rd..,fi;;f;-$";;:;yT:;;*;ffitr
C Theylikeddressing
up likesoldiers.
Whatishappening? D Theythoughthischoiceof careerwasfunny
Whatdoesthe writersayabouthisworkinglife?
2 Whichisyourfavourite
typeof film? A Heenjoyedworkingon 2001:ASpaceOdyssey
. historical
. science-fiction
o action. comedy B Hedidn'tenjoyworking on StarWars.
. romance . horror. drama. war . thriller C Heenjoyedworkingon the Indiana Jonesfilms
. cartoono westernr detective D Heenjoyedworkrngon TheLordof theRingstrilogy
havein common? What might the writersayabout specialeffectsin
ffieme$Erxg A They'renot asgoodastheyusedto be
B They'vehelpedto makesomegreatfilms
a. Readthe title of the text and lookat the
C They'remoreimportantthana good\story.
pictures.What is the text about?Listenand
D Theycan'tget anybetterthan theyard..r:row.
readto check.
4 Completethe sentences
with the underlined
b. Readthe text and, for eachquestion,
words in the text.
choosethe correctanswer,A, B, C or D.
1 Happiness isa wonderful
Whatisthewriter'smainpurpose rnwritingthetext?
2 | like actronfilms where lots of stuff qets
A to describe
B to saywhat he likesaboutdifferentfilms
3 A lot of science-fiction filmsare aboutaliens
C to talkabouthiscareer in the filmbusiness
D to explain
the historyof special effects
T h i sf i l mi sa b o u ta t y r a n ta n dh i s . .
What would a readerlearnaboutfilmmakers
from o n t h e p l a n eM t ars
the text? 5 Theyarrivedand into the party,
A Theywant to fly. whrchwas quiteboringuniiltheygot there.
B Theyareinvading the Earth 6 Computergeneratedimageshave
C Theywill destroyfreedomacross
the universe. for years,but theyget better
D Theywant usto belrevethe impossible. a l l t h et i m e
7 Astronomers stilldon': <io,,,,,
a lot aboutour
3 Whatdoesthe writersayabouthisfamily?
A Hewantedto zapthemwith a raygun.
,-3 -Erowalksoff into
B Theywerehisfirstaudience.
t h es u n s e t
thatwasalltheencouragement I needed. I finallygotintothe
film business in the 70s.Stanley Kubrick hadamazed
everybody withhisbeautiful iiln 2001: A Space 0dyssey andI
foundmyself working ona similar filmfora young guy called
George Lucas. Hekepttalking aboutrobots, orswords made
outoflight,andsuperfast spaceships, andI keptsaying, "Sltre,
l iongtimeagoina galaxy far,faraway... people used to George, buthowarewegoing to make it?"Well,intheendwe
=trieve whatever theysawwiththeirowneyes.Butdoyou founda wayandStarWarswasa massive blockbuster.We
'-allybelieve amancanfly?Doyoubelieve aliens
areinvading made twomoreSfarWars films,andI hadagreat timeworking
:ar1horthatanevilempire willdestroy freedom across the onIhelndiana Jones movies, butthenalong came Jurassic
LryQ15Q? For the makersof films like Supernan, Parkin 1993andthatchanged everything.
r"tependence DayandStarWars, theirmission is to make
r:.:believe Computer animation hadbeenaround fora longtime,butnow
andthat's whentheycome tosomeone likeme.
wecouldmakeanykindof creature wewanted. Suddenly, it
l''ertheyears, l'vetravelled
through time, breathed lifeback seemed likeevery filmhadto haveCGI(computer generated
-io dinosaurs andblownupentireplanets. Today, I workat imaging) andI thinksomepeople forgotthatfilmsstillneed
rdustrial Light&Magic, butmyinterest inspecialeffects goes imagination.I enjoyfilmslikeTheLordof the RingsIrilogy
:ackto mychildhood. I remember seeing thealieninTheWar because they've gotdrama andemotion aswellas great
)i TheWorlds zapsomesoldiers witha raygunandI thought special effects,butmykidslikecomputer animated filmslike
:l mysel{, "l wanttodothat," Myfather hada home movie Shrek. Sometimes I tryto imagine whatkindoffilmsthey'llbe
:amera andI filmed mybrother pretending to bea soldier. watching whenthey'reolder,butthenI lookbackat howfar
enI filmedsomefireworks exploding. Mymumwentcrazy we've already come. Whocould have dreamed anyofthis
,,,henshesawit, butmydadthought it wasreallyfunnyand wouldreally happen?
5 Thepackedstadiumrockedandthe bandgave
Portfolio:Writea shortreviewof a filmyou have
a fantasticlive performance
of sonqsfrom
throughouttheirlongcareer o title. a C t O f S / d i f " r - rtn rn l n f r v n r, r ^ p i n i O l
3 Fill in: seguel,trilogy, specialeffects,blockbuster,
computeronimated,plot, boxoffice.Checkin
In pairs,listasmanyplaces
asyoucanthink your dictionaries.
of wherepeoplego for entertainment.
1 T h eS t a r W afrisl m sw e r eh u g e . . . . . . . . . . . .h. .i.t.s .
b . Completetheword(s)tomatcheachdefinition. 2 T h r e ef i l m sm a k eu 0 a . . . . .
Areanyof thesewordsin yourlist? 3 A .. . . continues the storyof a previous film
4 . ............ . . .m a k ef i l m sm o r ee x c i t i n g .
1 Yougo hereto watcha film. c 5 S h r ei ksa . . . . . . . . . . . f. i.l.m .
2 Youcanmeetyourfriendsherefor a coffee. 6 T h i sf i l mi ss u r et o b e a s u m m e r ....."...
7 The .. wasborinqand predictable.
Youcanrideon a rollercoasterhere.
r____ p 4 FiII in: sfars,filmed,directed,f eatures,is set.
4 Yougo hereto watcha play.t 1 M o s to f t h e S t a r W a r s f i l m s w. e. .r.e. . . . . . . .i n
5 Yougo hereto watcha musical
performance. a studio.
c h 2 TomCruise in a lot of actionfilms.
Youcansee paintings
here. 3 Thefilm in outerspace.
a__ q__ 4 T h ef i l mi s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .b.y. S
. . t. e. v eS
np i e l b e r g .
Youcangoten-pin bowling
here 5 Shrek. a greenogrevoicedby Mike
b a Myers.
Yougo hereto watchanopera.
o n
c. In pairs,talkaboutwhichof theseplaces
youcanfindin the areawhereyoulive. Whichoneshaveyou
a. Lookat theitems.
a crnema
B. There no
aresomecafdsin myareatoo,butthere's DVDprayer
Fill in: audience,subtitles,DVD,dubbed,band, camera
performance,downloaded,track, olbum,
applause,songs,crowd, films, website,horror.
1 A: I don't likewatchingfilmsif the language
hasbeen . I preferto read
B: Really? | don'twatchmanyforeign
2 A: Therewasa hugeroundof .. ..... from
t h e. . . . . . . . .a. .t t. h ee n do f t h e. . . . . .
B : Y e a hT h e . . wentwild!
3 A: Thissong is my favourite on the
B : YeahThey'remy favourite ...,too. (PDA)
A : I renteda reallygood . last night b . Usethe verbsto completethe phrases.
calledShawnof theDead. Thenrankthe objectsin Ex.5ain orderof
B : Thatsoundslikea . . ..... film Wasit? importance to you.Compare answerswith
A : No - actually,it wasa comedy. a paftner.
A : | . . . . . . . . . .s. .o m eg r e a r o n r om y . send(x2'r. lisien1x2;o 1s6e1jo play
iPodlastnight. . take . Stofe . 1,,13161
r 63ll
B : R e a l l yT?e lm
l et h e n a m eo f t h e . . . . . . . . . . .s.o. .
1 frletos
I canseeif there'sanythingI mightlike.
2 :3X: -eSSageS
3 . . ...the latestgames
4 . yourfavourite
5 . . . . .e - m a i l s 8 Fillin:onor in.
6 . ....addresses.
Is there anythingworth watching on TV
7 . ...........fi1ms
t o n i g h t ?l ' m . . . . . . .t h e m o o d f oart h d l l e r
8 .. . .. pictures
lsawX-Meni//atthe cinemalastnightandlwas
9 to music,news,talk shows,etc
fhc eriac of mv seat !
10 . Vp r o g r a m m e s
. . . .T
3 | needto chargemy mobilephone.Wherecan
A: Tome,themobile phone isthemostimportant
ofall, Ip l u g. . . . . . . .t h e c h a r g e r ?
becauseI cancallmyfriends orsendtextmessages. 4 | tune........ to thisradiostationeveryda;
B: Tome,thegames consoleisthemostimportantof
all,becauseI canplaythelatestgames.
I Complete the sentences
6 a. Readthe instructions
with the correctverb
the correctorder.WhichgadgetfromEx.5a
phrasalverbs in bold.
f \ "Siwc
b. In pairs,usethe instructions
to actout a 1 Wehada of a timeat the party
dialogue abouthowto usethe gadget. 2 S a mp a i da n a r ma n da . . . . . . . . . .f .o. r.h. i sn e w
A: I don'tknowhowtousethis.What doI do?
push 3 Mobilephones havetakentheworldby .......... .
B: Well,
first theon/offbuttontoswitchit on.
A: Thisone?'son.Whatnow? etc 4 W h e nI g o o u tw i t h P a u w
l , e a l w a ygso . . . . . . . . . . . .
- that is.we eachpayhalfthe bill
to the phrases,
Matchthe adjectives thenfind
the oddwordout,asin the example.
Writea text givinginstructions
on how
to senda text messageon yourmobilephone.