Torg Eternity Freelancer Hexxagon (Preview)

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The document provides an overview of the Torg Eternity roleplaying game system and the Freelancer Hexxagon standalone campaign setting.

The story is set in Cologne, Germany where the mad wizard Hexxagon has infested the city's catacombs and is holding the population hostage.

Hexxagon is a mad wizard who has infested the catacombs under Cologne and is toying with and holding the city's 1.5 million residents hostage. The Freelancers must engage him in a deadly game to save the city.


Torg Eternity Design Team This product was created under license from
Ulisses North America. Torg Eternity, its
Writing and Design: Shane Lacy Hensley,
respective logos, as well as Infiniverse, Storm
Darrell Hayhurst, Markus Plötz , Dean Gilbert,
Knight, Stormer, Aysle, Cyberpapacy, Living
Ross Watson
Land, Orrorsh, Nile Empire, Takta Ker, Tharkold,
Contributors: Greg Gorden, Jim Ogle, Steve Maelstrom Bridge, and their respective logos, are
Kenson, Ed Stark, George Strayton, Henry Lopez, trademarks of Ulisses North America. The title
Aaron Pavao, Angus Abranson, Steven Marsh, and contents of this book are protected under the
Patrick Kapera, Bill Keyes, John Terra, James copyright laws of the United States of America. No
Knevitt, Jonathan Thompson, Andy Vetromile, part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
Joseph Wolf in retrieval systems, or transmitted, in any form
Art Director: Aaron Acevedo or by any means, without written consent from
Ulisses North America.
Graphic Design: Aaron Acevedo, Jason Engle
This publication includes material that was
Freelancer Hexxagon Product Team produced by Ulisses North America and/or other
Writing: Christian Lonsing authors and which is protected under applicable
copyright laws. Use of such material is granted
Editing: Christian Lonsing under the Community Content Agreement for the
Art Direction: Aaron Acevedo, Christian Lonsing INFINIVERSE EXCHANGE.
Graphic Design: Aaron Acevedo, Jason Engle, All original content in this work is copyright 2009
Christian Lonsing and 2018 by Christian Lonsing and published
under the Community Content Agreement for the
Cover: Nadine Wever
Interior Illustrations: Nadine Wever
Playtesters: Marco Arras, Dominik Bertram,
Frank Goers, Fabian Khalil, Tobias Samusch,
Carmen Schmidt, Sebastian Schmidt, Christian

Torg, The Possibility Wars, and all unique

characters, concepts, locations, and creatures
are trademarks and / or copyrights of Ulisses
North America. All rights reserved.

Tomorrow in a Year.
comes apart at the seams.
The world changes, slowly,
starts seeping in and spreading out.
Humans suddenly
possess powers
that have no explanation.
That cannot have an explanation.
But deep inside
they are still
shaped by the divine spark,
to have a choice
between Good and Evil,
between submission
and rebellion.
What choice will you take,
COLOGNE “He screamed and reproached me. And then ...“ Ap-
The dark streaks rose from his eyes like a night-black pollos hesitated.
curtain, revealing the first glimpse of a macabre com- Greifels moved forward on his chair and pierced the
edy. Chris Appollos didn‘t know where he was or sculptor with his look: “And then ...? What happened
how he got here, but he knew who he was: a respected then?“
sculptor with a prosperous studio in Dusseldorf. So “I ... I don‘t know. Everything turned black. Perhaps
why was he sitting here, flanked by two police officers, he hit me? My face hurts. And my left arm and my
handcuffed to a chair? He tried to remember, but in upper body...“
his memory he only found darkness and pain.
“These injuries were inflicted on you after you resist-
“How do you feel, Mr. Appollos?” The question came ed arrest. After you first strangled the police officer
from beyond the table where he was sitting and be- and then hurled him five meters through the air. And
longed to a middle-aged man who felt strangely famil- then the thing with the police car.“
iar to him. A well-groomed appearance, probably of
athletic build, although difficult to recognize “What thing?“
under his suit. Noble facial “You can‘t remember that
features, especially the shape you lifted the police car and
of the nose.
“I AM SURE THAT MY threw it over the crash barri-
“I don‘t know how I feel. COLLEAGUE DID NOT ers into the river?
Where am I? And who are YELL AT YOU. PERHAPS Appollos stared at his coun-
you?” HE WAS A LITTLE terpart. “Excuse me?!? No
“My name is Greifels. ...“ In the darkness of his
IRRITATED AND SPOKE memory, some pictures
Chief Inspector Greifels.
You are in the Cologne Police WITH A LOUD VOICE.” flashed by. Did he really ...
Headquarters. What is the last but that couldn‘t be true!
thing you can remember?“ “A police car like that certainly
weighs ...“ he murmured.
“What a strange question ... Cologne. I was on my
way to Cologne. With my car.“ “1380 kilograms,“ read Greifels from a file in front
of him. “The vehicle hit the surface of the water and
“Which was stopped by us in downtown Cologne be- shortly afterwards sank down to the ground. We will
cause it didn‘t have the required low-emission badge.“ locate and recover the car with the help of its trans-
“Right! I was stopped by the police. Even though I mitter, but it‘s a write-off. My colleague won‘t be very
was already on my way out of the low-emission zone. pleased when he is discharged from the hospital.“
That was the fault of my navigation device. I didn‘t “Listen‘, Appollos began, and would have loved to use
intend to drive into the city center at all. I also ex- his hands to help him describe the situation, if they
plained that to the police.“ weren’t still tied to the chair, “I am at a loss of words
“We already know that. However, my colleague point- here.”
ed out to you that the low-emission zone also extends “But you remember the events?“
to the right bank of the Rhine river.”
“I remember getting angry. Very angry. It felt like
“I have no clear memory of that. All I can remember is something was growing inside me. I was no longer
that he yelled at me. myself, I could not control it. And what happened then
“I am sure that my colleague did not yell at you. Per- ... there cannot be. That is completely impossible.”
haps he was a little irritated and spoke with a loud “And yet it happened,“ Greifels replied, and there was
voice.” something else in his voice that Appollos had not no-
ticed before. Compassion?

“Please take off his handcuffs and leave us alone,“ the “All right,“ said Greifels, “You leave me no other
Chief Commissioner said to the two officers who had choice.”
stood at his side without saying a word. He silenced And then he lifted off the ground, floated up into the
their protest by adding, “I take full responsibility.“ air. One meter above the ground he crossed his legs
After the uniformed men had left the room, Greifels and looked at Appollos challenging. “Come on, look
put some photos on the table showing the faces of peo- for the hidden wires! Or the optical illusion. Try to
ple who looked familiar to Appollos. “Do you recog- deny what your eyes tell you.“
nize any of these people?“ But Appollos no longer needed proof. What disturbed
The sculptor frowned. “I don‘t know. They look famil- him even more than the chief inspector hovering in
iar to me, but I can‘t think of any names. Maybe from the air was how quickly and seamlessly
television? Or maybe he accepted this new
they posed as mod- reality. All of a sud-
els for me? “I REMEMBER GETTING ANGRY. den everything was
completely clear. He
“Juan Kolldes. VERY ANGRY. IT FELT LIKE didn‘t know why it
Nadja Streil.
Peter Baumhof. SOMETHING WAS GROWING was like that, but he
Markus Teilz. INSIDE ME. I WAS NO LONGER accepted that it was
All these like that. And every-
MYSELF, I COULD NOT CONTROL thing else was com-
people also
looked famil- IT. AND WHAT HAPPENED THEN pletely meaning-
less. They would
iar to me, just ... THERE CANNOT BE. THAT IS
like you, Mr. Ap- find out what it
pollos. And all these
COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE.” was all about. Just
people also made a like ... the last time?
name for themselves through ex- “What does all of this mean?“ he asked with
traordinary deeds, just like the two of us. I am talking a sobriety in his voice that frightened him.
about powers that cannot be explained scientifically. “I don‘t know yet,“ said Greifels while he slowly float-
At least not at the moment. I am firmly convinced that ed down to his chair. “We have had visits by some
in time, we will find a logical explanation, ... or rath- bigwigs of Interpol, who told me about similar phe-
er, we will find together.“ nomena all over the world. However, they seemed un-
“Powers? Extraordinary deeds? What nonsense is willing to reveal the whole truth, and I suspect these
this?” people don‘t really know it either. If we want to find
Greifels jumped up and bent over the table to Appol- out what is affecting us, then we are on our own. I
los: “What do I have to do to prove it to you? Fly hope I can count on your help.“
through the air? I would do that. But I would prefer “What about the police car and the officer?“
if you could just look inside yourself and be honest. “You have caused the damage, and you will answer
Not just with me, but with yourself. Did you throw for it. You have acted in a state of mental derange-
a weight of one and a half tons over a two meter high ment, which of course mitigates the sentence, and you
boundary? Or didn‘t you?“ can count on additional leniency if you agree to co-
Appollos flinched under the policeman’s sudden emo- operate with the police in the coming days to solve
tional outburst . “Okay! I clearly remember now, that these cases. There is, after all, another urgent problem
I did it. But maybe my memory is wrong? Maybe that we have to address.” The chief inspector pierced
you‘re just manipulating me? In any case, that would Appollos with another glance that felt as if he were
be a much simpler explanation.“ looking straight into his soul. “Have you ever heard
the name ‚Hexxagon‘?”

But the cracks are getting bigger, and the day will
10 YEARS TO THE come when a group of powerful High Lords de-
APOCALYPSE cide to break their way into our reality through
these cracks and to rob the Earth of all its possi-
Reality is not a sharp line bilities. But this day has not come yet!
running along a straight
Ten years will pass before the invasion
timeline from the past
starts. Ten years, before the fate of Core
to the future. Instead, it
Earth is decided in the Storm Knights’
is a diffuse mist of inter-
fight against the Stormers. Until then,
locked tendrils, constantly
the Earth must be protected by other he-
separating, crossing and reunit-
roes—the Freelancers!
ing. And no matter how closely
you look at this nebula, smaller side
tendrils and swirling strands begin FREELANCER? FREELANCER!
to pop up, for an ever more compli- Freelancers can influence the outcome
cated outlook. of events by their sheer willpower,
People are unable to discern the neb- without ever really having experi-
ula as such. They only see their cur- enced a Moment of Crisis. Many of
rent here and now and their own them have had this gift since early
version of the past, which has childhood, without being aware
led them here, while completely of it. And regardless of whether
denying them a perception of the fu- you call this gift “a magic touch,”
ture. This is a blessing and a reason to “determination,” or “talent,” it al-
feel great joy, because only this setup lows Freelancers to cope better with
allows people to lead a stable life, in the world around them than ordi-
which the sun will rise again tomor- nary people. It allows them to make
row as it has done every day, and their dreams come true, to become
the laws of nature don’t change world-famous explorers, scien-
beyond recognition overnight. tists, artists or athletes. In short,
they are not superheroes, but
However, at its margins, reality they are heroes—chosen by fate,
becomes increasingly perme- to do great things.
able, enabling phenomena that
seem to contradict the laws of Through her seemingly
space and time, of cause effortless success, the
and effect. Phenomena that Freelancer draws the
people can only dream of, attention of the Corps.
but never experience for themselves. People’s Men in black suits have a conversation with her,
thoughts travel to these outlandish areas when to explain what her gift is all about, and the guilt
they think up fantastic stories, myths and leg- that comes with it. No one knows where the gift
ends. But maybe they actually go there physical- came from, but it is now—consciously and un-
ly and after their return feel like their experiences consciously—used by thousands of people scat-
are nothing more than a dream or a crazy idea? tered all over the globe. High-ranking scientists,
Who would ever be able to tell the difference? who are extremely well paid for never publish-

ing their findings, refer to such people as
“Emorphs.” They have discov-
ered that the reality that
once covered the world
like a thick, protective
rug has become thin
through the work of the
Emorphs. In some places
it is now so thin that holes
and cracks have formed,
allowing the inhabitants of
foreign worlds to cross over
into ours.

These intruders from other
worlds are monstrous beings with
little more than death and destruc-
tion on their mind and unstoppable
by normal weapons. Worse, how-
ever, is that in addition to the mind-
less monsters, some intelligent beings
also infiltrate our world—mysterious FROM EMORPH TO FREELANCER
agents with unknown goals. Rumor has it that
Once the Men in Black have taught the character
they are here to steal the lifeforce of human be-
of her gift and responsibility, she needs a while
ings, and in the center of these rumors there is
to adapt her world view to the new conditions.
just a single word: Torg.
Actually, she already knows in her heart that it
Luckily, the Emorphs have the power to trans- is the truth, because she vaguely remembers an
form into powerful warriors and fight the ene- earlier life, in which she was another human be-
mies with their own weapons. This transforma- ing in a foreign culture, harnessing similar pow-
tion is called Henshin! and the shape that the ers to those available to her now.
emporph transforms into a Metaform. The Hen-
shin! can only be done in times of great need.
The remainder of the time the Emorphs are or-
dinary people, albeit very talented people. (In
addition, there are some abilities that are avail-
able to the Emorph even without a Henshin!, but
in her non-transformed state, the usage of these
abilities is exhausting and dangerous.)

Her memories of this life are like fragmented
dreams that disintegrate into a hazy mist short-
ly after awakening, apart from a single, pre-
dominant component: the presence of an ulti-
mate threat known as “The Final Destroyer,”
sometimes “World-Ender”, or” The End of the
World”, which involves the feeling of an immi-
nent life and death confrontation. However, the
character does not know exactly when this con-
frontation will happen and how it will look like.
To prepare for this confrontation, but also out
of general curiosity and thirst for adventure,
the character takes up the the corps’ offer: she
is trained by the Corps in how to use her pow-
ers in a tactical way. She then travels through the
world along with other Emorphs, is allowed to
live a life in luxury with a large expense account
and fights against the monstrous invaders on be-
half of the Corps.
But quickly, the excitement of an adventurous
life starts to fade. The battles are brutal and peo-
ple die, and even though the characters’ powers
allow the to survive almost anything, they even-
tually succumb to their physical and emotion-
al scars. At the same time, the Corps’ financial
support remains impeccable, but any other sup-
port—especially in the form of information—is
withheld from the Emorphs. Instead, they are
faced with a constant distrust and spying at-
tempts by their employers.
And the, when the character had her first combat
against others of her kind, who strayed from the
path of righteousness, she rightfully begins to
wonder what the right path is actually supposed
Luckily for everyone involved, the Corps
to be. Is it the path of the Corps? And what exact-
has found a status quo for this case that most
ly are the goals of this mysterious organization?
Emorphs can live with: they become Freelanc-
In the end, the character realizes that she is noth- ers, recruited by the Corps for individual assign-
ing more than a dangerous weapon in the Corps’ ments and, while swearing an oath to not use
arsenal, and that she is deliberately patronized their power for criminal activities. In return, the
to keep her under control. And it is exactly this Corps allows them to continue their normal lives
control attempt that ultimately leads her to aban- without too many restrictions.
don the Corps and go her own way.

Honored Tokubetsu-hakase,
Please pay only a small amount of
your attention to this incomplete
all my efforts into presenting my preliminar y report. I will put
full report to you within this year.
impatience I consider it important Please forgive me that in my
to inform you in such a preliminar
results of my research. I hope the y way about the fundamental
following remarks will find your amu
sement and interest.
For the past ten years, I was honore
d to evaluate the the individuals refe
our group. Thanks to the generous rred to as “Emorphs” for
budget increase last year, we were
our staf f and, for the first time, real able to significantly increase
ize global coverage of our detectio
meantime, we have recorded and n and testing program. In the
indexed over 10,000 Emorphs and
about 2,000 individuals. Our team are cur rently in contact with
s track an average of 14.5 new can
rate due to terminus or trailing off didates daily, while the loss
is around 9 people per day—so the
constantly monitoring is growing number of Emorphs we are
On this basis, I can now make a seri
es of key statements that apply to
early categorization. all Emorphs and also try an
Ninety percent of all Emorphs are
male, but we suspect the existenc
phic variant that cur rently defies our e of a female, Yin-based emor-
detection technology.
However, apart from this significa
nt gender inequality, we are dealing
bution of genetic, social and ethnic with a completly equal distri-
background. At the time of their disc
Emorphs live in a wealthy social overy, most of the detected
environment, but research has sho
made their way there with the help wn that many of them have
of their special gift. We therefore assu
bution of the Emorph gift, which is me a purely random distri-
a constant source of a wild, and not
debate among my esteemed colleag always completely scientific
A theory that is growing in popular
ity despite the blatant lack of hard
vouch for it, revolves around the facts, so that I cur rently cannot
fact that basically every human bein
but only express it, when cer tain exte g has the gift of Emorphics,
rnal circumstances coincide. Throug
gift, a par t of the human penetra h the expression of their
tes into a realm of reality in which
untalented par t remains in the orig they have the gift, while the
inal realm of reality. This theory is
cases of trailing off that we are stru suppor ted by the numerous
ggling with, when Emorphs manage
disappearing without a trace. How to elude our observation by
ever, at this point we are still several
this or similar theories. Cur rently decades away from verifying
I advise caution, while we continu
step by collecting hard, scientific e to approach the truth step by
The following classification of emo
rphic types is a premature version,
quired for a final statement. and further research is re-
The Blessed One
Fostered by fate.
A Blessed One is luckier than othe
r people. In normal, stress-free situ
while in important situations in whi ations, his gift is hardly felt,
ch he has much to gain by success
the probability cur ve turns out in or much to lose by failure,
his favor to a considerable extent.
Blessed Ones are characterized by
success and self-confidence, so that
found a connection between self-con we are now sure to have
fidence and the emorphic gift. Wh
responsible for the gift or the gift ethe r the self-confidence is
for self-confidence, remains the sub
the time being. Apart from their self ject of intensive research for
-confidence, the Blessed Ones belo
of Emorphs. Most Blessed Ones are ng to the most diverse group
unaware of their gift but instinctivel
to lear n that not everyone has this y use it and are astonished
gift. But there are also individuals
power and feel superior to the rest who are fully aware of their
of humanity. The resulting “protect
suited for recr uitment as field age ion inst inct” makes them well

The Determined One
Never give up.
and everywhere, striving
A Determined One is a restless Emorph, struggling with his fate, always
hics becom es appare nt in an unyielding willpower
to improve himself and his life. His gift of Emorp
ns by pure effort. For this reason, a Determined
that allows him to overcome adversarial situatio
or fate, but only to his own abilitie s.
One would never attribute his success to luck
y with the world, most of
While the Blessed Ones are filled with an inner light and live in harmon
them are among the Top 10 in all possible disci-
the Determined Ones are gloomy figures. Many of
racers, the most extrem e athletes and the
plines. They are the toughest broker-dealers, the fastest
the role of the eternal second . As field agents,
most eccentric rock stars, though they tend to play
they are well suited, but difficult to control.
The Talented One
Simply better than everyone else.
hs, but at the same time
In the categor y of the Talented Ones we find the most powerful Emorp
Emorph, they can look back
those who are least concer ned about their gift. More than any other
of which can be traced partly
on an unusual, turbulent past and have exceptional abilities, the cause
e peculiarities. In most cases,
to accidents, partly to physiological but genetically yet unrecognizabl
of my colleagues have voiced
however, the direct cause remains completely enigmatic, so that some
reality, from which they have
the suspicion that the Talented Ones are actually from another, alien
voluntarily or unwillingly steppe over into ours.
after years of observation, they
The Talented Ones behave strangely and unpredictably, and even
recommend recruiting them as
show completely surprising behavior, so in most cases we do not
talent or becomes aware of
field agents, unless the candidate qualifies due to their extraordinary
d Ones, and at an alarmingly
the Corps on their own (the latter of which occurs only with Talente
high rate).
The Player
Control the chaos.
out how the trick works—
For the Player, the world is a great magic show in which he has figured
liking. Players are the most self-cen tered and arrogant
and now he is using it to shape his life to his
take their lives completely into
of all Emorphs, as they tend to think of their powers as God-like and
a bright path tend to turn inward and withdraw from the
their own hands. Those of them who follow
other people’ s lives as well as their own. The few
world. Others follow a dark path, trying to control
n seclusi on and cosmop olitanism are ideally suited
who succeed in finding a middle ground betwee
for use as field agents.
The Wise One
Float with the current.
to the pure potential of their
The Wise Ones are the weakest categor y of Emorphs when it comes
with highly philosophical individ-
power. This is not surprising either, because we are dealing here
natural course of things rather than
uals who seek harmony with the world and strive to follow the
the power of the Wise Ones,
impose their will on fate. Nevertheless, one should not underestimate
based on a mutual understanding.
as they live in a kind of “covenant” with the world around them,
so it is difficul t to recruit them as
Only very few Wise Ones feel called upon to improve the world,
to none.
agents, though in terms of their loyalty and integrity they are second

What makes a Freelancer use a Henshin Crystal FREELANCER VIRTUES
to transform into an Arcadian Mage and risk her Freelancers are heroes*, who are characterized
life fighting fearsome monsters? There are differ- by special virtues. In contrast to the classic knight
ent answers to this question, and for most Free- virtues, however, the freelancer virtues are not
lancers, every single one of them applies a little a moral foundation, but characterize the power
bit. and determination of the heroes. They never re-
First, there is the Freelancer’s sense of responsi- main idle for long, but charge ahead and change
bility. By using their gift, she and the others of the world to their will. Whether they change it
her kind have made reality permeable and ex- for good or for evil, is a different story entirely,
posed the world to the monsters’ attacks, so it’s especially since the world itself cannot be divid-
only fair to protect the ordinary people from ed into good and evil that easily.
these monsters.
Another motivation is the desire of the Freelanc-
Freelancers are as free as the wind. They are no
er to find out the truth. What is really behind
master’s servant and don’t bow their head to
her gift? What plans do the Arcadians pursue?
anyone. That does not mean that they are disre-
What plans has the Corps? And what about the
spectful, but they serve other people only if they
dreams about an approaching apocalypse that
choose to do so. The loyalty of a Freelancer is
haunt her? All of this can only be found out if
therefore something very valuable, because you
she fights on the front line—and maybe even do
can buy it with no money in the world. Of course,
a little bit of her own investigation.
there are magical, chemical or technical means
Another important factor is the adrenaline ad-
diction. Freelancers have a thing for a dangerous,
exciting lifestyle, and nothing is more danger- *) (Super) Heroes: Even after turning into their Metaform,
ous and exciting than the Henshin! into a Fanta- Freelancers don’t become SUPER heroes. They cannot move
sy warrior to fight against dangerous monsters at the speed of light, tear skyscrapers out of the ground, or
swallow atomic bombs and to make them explode harmlessly
from other worlds. inside their stomachs. Most of the time, they are completely
Another reason not to turn one’s back to the fight normal people without any special powers—apart from the
virtues described here, which keep them moving forward with
is the same as with all soldiers: one’s comrades.
great resolve, where others fear to tread.
These people are in the same mess as the char-
acter and will not get out of it alive without her
help. Risking one’s life on any everyday basis
welds a group together. And then there is some-
thing even more profound. A strange familiari-
ty, as if the Freelancers already know each other
from a previous life. That they fight together in
the here and now is more than just a coincidence,
and together they will find out what fate holds in
store for them.

for influencing and breaking a will, which even a Sportiness
Freelancer cannot oppose, but this manipulation Most freelancers are strong and well trained.
is always temporary, because sooner or later the Even in their non-transformed state, their phys-
Freelancer’s yearning for freedom will prevail. ical fitness is at the level of a top athlete, and in-
deed, almost every one of them practices at least
Self-Confidence one sport in which they could compete with the
Oscar Wilde once said, “To love oneself is the world’s best. The few Freelancers who seem a bit
beginning of a lifelong romance.” The self-con- unathletic at first glance prove to be extremely
fidence that springs from this romance with tough and persistent in stressful situations and
oneself is one of the defining characteristics of reveal an amazing dexterity behind their mask
a Freelancer. Nobody really knows why a Free- of clumsiness.
lancer is able to do what she does, but it seems
reasonable to assume that she believes in herself
and her abilities, to a degree that is not available
to an ordinary person. Another assumption goes
further, claiming that every human being be-
comes a Freelancer the very moment they leave
their self-doubt behind, and in that brief mo-
ment, which may only last a few seconds, suc-
ceed what they do. If that is true, then the only
difference between an ordinary person and a real
Feeelancer is the fact, that the Freelancer pull this
of again and again.

Self-confidence gives rise to a thirst for action.
For a Freelancer, challenges exist only to be over-
come, and there is no challenge that she would
not enthusiastically face. Fortunately, the world
is full of challenges, so for each task mastered,
two new ones emerge. Before becoming an agent
of the Corps, the Freelancer was content with
athletic or intellectual challenges, but now that
she knows about the existence of the invaders
and begins to sense a destiny far beyond her
normal mortal life, the challenges have become
more serious and consequential. But the Free-
lancer would not be a Freelancer if she allowed
his gloomy prospects to spoil her fun. Her life is
not only about finding and eliminating intrud-
ers, but also about walking through the world
with open eyes and facing new challenges wher-
ever she goes. A helpful support are the other
Freelancers of the team, because nothing is more
exciting than to measure one’s powers in a com-
petition with equal opponents.

Persuasiveness THE MASK
Not every Freelancer is blessed with the beauty Ten years before the start of the Possibility Wars,
of a top model, but as for everyone else, self-con- Core Earth is firmly in the hands of its own world
fidence leads to success and success makes one axioms. But what exactly is that—reality?
sexy. In addition, most Freelancers are also dang
good-looking. All of these are excellent prerequi- Reality is what we can accept and understand as
sites for a brilliant charisma. Whether it’s the na- such. It is a complicated conglomeration of ideas
ive charm of a beach boy, the stupid cheekiness and rules that we gradually acquire (or getting
of a hillbilly, the timid thoughtfulness of a book- taught) at a young age, and with which we iden-
worm, or the ambiguity of a casino fraudster, tify more and more with old age, even when
Freelancers have a great appeal to their fellow the world around us has long since become un-
human beings and (consciously or unconscious- recognizable. Under this premise, our brain is
ly) know how to use it. constantly busy with filtering out the millions of
impressions sent to us by the sensory organs ev-
Prowess ery second. And magic is one of the things that
Due to her natural talents and a rigorous train- our idea of reality is not very keen at.
ing by the Corps, the prowess of a Freelancer is If there are events that are inconsistent with the
equal to that of an elite soldier, both in her abil- self-made rules in our minds, for example an air-
ity to handle various types of melee weapons borne mage throwing fireballs in all directions,
and firearms, but also when it comes to keep her then our brains do an amazing feat: On the one
nerves in the face of impending mortal danger. hand, they allows us to grasp the general mean-
This is absolutely necessary, because the dan- ing of the events, so that we can respond prop-
gers a Freelancer is repeatedly exposed to would erly, while on the other side it creates a story
quickly drive an untrained civilian mad. that brings the experience into a logical harmony
with the rest of our world views. The “flying”
Coolness magician stood on a ladder and the fireballs were
Okay, with everything said so far, it should be ob- a pyrotechnic trick. Or it was all just a daydream.
vious that the Freelancers are a damn cool bunch These protective mechanisms should by no
of people. But there is also something more than means be treated with contempt, because they
that—the coolness becomes a tangible aura that represent an important survival measure of our
surrounds the Freelancer. No matter how much brain. In a world without a fixed order it can not
the world beats down on her and throws her
into the gutter, at the end of her straw, beaten
to a pulp by the monsters, she will still rise with
a sarcastic remark on her lips. And even if she
leaves this world behind forever, she does it in
style, because the coolness of a Freelancer is im-

live without falling into madness. By temporar-
ily accepting something unreal—also known as
the “suspension of disbelief”—it is possible for
a human to engage with the unimaginable with-
out the risk of having one’s believes shaken to
the core.
For a Freelancer, this is a very reassuring fact,
because it allows her to use her magic in pub-
lic without fear of discovery. The only thing she
has to be aware of are the worldly consequences
of her actions. Violence, grievous physical harm
and property damage are clear concepts of the
real world, and a Freelancer who commits these
acts in front of witnesses will be held account-
able, even if the means she used remain hidden
behind a veil.
The same effect applies to monsters that come
to Earth from distant realities. Everyone will im-
mediately understand, that a 10 feet tall metal
beast with blades instead of hands is a danger
from which one should better run away, even
if you would later claim to have been pursued
by a maniac with a corn harvester. On the other
hand, creatures from other realities, who do not
look threatening at first glance, can easily blend
in with the crowd, without attracting attention.
A fishy creature with oversized eyes might thus
turn into a “guy with rather big eyes and a rath-
er strong smell—the strangest people live in this
town these days.”
The problem here is that even the Freelancers, al-
though they are wanderers between the worlds,
are not immune to this phenomenon. Although
they know that magic is possible, and they are
even able to perform it themselves (and recog-
nize their fireballs as such), their brains make So, if you meet a person out there in the world
something completely ordinary out of all other who is scrutinizing you as if she is looking for
unreal persons and events. Only through years some unusual traits, then she is probably a Free-
of training, a Freelancer succeeds at looking lancer chasing after things that are so weird that
through this mask, and even then she is confront- she cannot even recognize them as such. Or she is
ed again and again with things that her brain just just an ordinary person. After all, there is no way
cannot understand, and filters them out of her that something like magic is really real. Right?
perception—whether she wants or not.

COLOGNE are currently strong political efforts to relocate
Cologne was elevated to the status of a Roman the seat of government back to Berlin.
city in 50 AD under the name “Colonia Claudia Today, Cologne is the third largest city in Ger-
Ara Agrippinensium (CCAA)“ and during Ro- many with about one and a half million inhabi-
man times served as the seat of the Roman prov- tants and is considered an economic hub for both
ince Germania Inferior. During the times of the rail traffic and inland shipping. It is also a cultur-
Holy Roman Empire it rose to become the largest al and media metropolis of international impor-
German city of the Middle Ages and experienced tance, especially in the art trade, and is home to
a heyday as an economic and spiritual center. In numerous television stations, record companies
1475 it acquired the status of a Free Imperial City, and publishing houses, as well as several large
which it retained for three hundred years before and prestigious universities.
falling under French and later Prussian rule. Since the Middle Ages, the architectural land-
During the Great Comet Impact and later during mark of the city has been the Cologne Cathedral,
the Second World War, Cologne suffered severe the largest Gothic church in Northern Europe
devastation, but only five years later had re- and alleged repository of the relics of the Three
turned to its pre-war population size, not least Magi. Construction began in 1248 and has con-
because it had been the capital of the German tinued to this day, if one takes the constant resto-
Federal Republic since 1949, even though there ration work into account.

A geological landmark is the Crater Lake in the traordinary. World-famous concerts take place
Rhine Park, a remnant of a meteorite measuring in the Cologne Philharmonic Hall, while the
30 meters, which hit the right bank of the Rhine Musical Dome attracts visitors with its modern
river on June 30th, 1908 and whose crater is now atmosphere. Major events such as the Cologne
filled with water. For twenty years, the crater Carnival, Popkomm, Loveparade, International
wasteland remained a wilderness, before it was Church Days and last but not least the Cologne
renovated on a grand scale and transformed into Pride attract a wide variety of guests to Cologne
the Rhine Park, which today is a popular tourist every year. And that‘s no big surprise, because
destination. it‘s not without reason that the people of Co-
Culturally, the city uniquely combines the logne are famous for their hospitality.
young with the old, the traditional with the ex-

Ladies and Gentlemen,
e, mortals!
He xxa gon , the Lo rd of Sh ado ws! Tremble at the sound of my nam
I am own in my cir-
up and the spe cial cha rac teri stic s of the explosive material used (kn
The school bus I blew of this letter as well as of my
men tal) sho uld suf fice to convince you of the authenticity
cles as a Fir e Ele ther school bus
my pos sibi litie s. If this is not the case, I reserve the right to blow up ano
determination and ils.
that the next one will be full of pup
in the near future—with the difference me assure you
iced the gro win g viol enc e in the city over the last few months. Let
Perhaps you have not t I am undertaking from a hid-
mea ns a coin cide nce , but the result of intense efforts tha
that this is by no allow me to turn the entire
ben eat h you r city . Th ese effo rts have come to fruition now, and
den fortress
rs at any time, whenever I please.
population into bloodthirsty monste letter is a list with
be mer cifu l and give you one last chance to stop me. Attached to this
But I decided to ady aware of. These heroes are
nam es of peo ple with unu sua l abilities—most of whom you are alre
the es, or die trying.
nd realm and put an end to my activiti
allowed to penetrate my undergrou
“Hand of the Navigator“.
to this lett er, you hav e received an artifact that I call the
As an atta chm ent the special ability
nd of min e, who suf fere d the misf ortune of dying before his time, has
This hand of a frie a key.
of a cer tain obj ect tha t I hav e hidd en in the city. This hidden object is
to indicate the direction wed any support
up sen d by you is to use the han d and find the key. They are not allo
The task of the gro by any official authority. If you
who se nam e is not on the list, nor are they allowed support
by any one hide a new key.
, I will pun ish the inha bita nts of the city in an appropriate way and
violate this rule
to enter my underground for-
n as the her oes hav e gain ed pos session of the key, they are allowed y!—may enter
As soo Co rps. There the heroes—and only the
ely alre ady bee n fou nd by the
tress, which has sur fortress,
ste rs and trap s on the firs t leve l. As soon as they have entered the
my fortress and face my mon in the meantime no one
e it aga in afte r the y use d the key in the corresponding lock, and
they can only leav ise against
ress , eve n if the ir nam e is on the list (again, in your own interest, I adv
else may enter the fort r hours, they will be teleported
If the y are una ble to reach the lock within twenty-fou
breakin g the rule s). their frustration they
ress and all mon ste rs and trap s are renewed, and to my delight and
out of the fort
will have to start all over again. ngratulations!
d in plac ing the key into the lock , they will have freed the first level. Co
If the heroes succee hand now points to another key
mor e mon ste rs lurk ing on this level, but the navigator‘s
Th ere will be no s more dangerous and
fou nd and use d to free the sec ond level, which of course contain
that must be
t level.
bloodthirsty monsters than the firs reupon they will
13 day s to find all fou r key s and free all four levels of my fortress, whe
The group has my hands.
son ally on the fifth and fina l leve l, and find a cruel, inglorious end at
be allowed to meet me per bitants into dam-
figh ter who is willi ng to fac e this task, I will send this city and its inha
If there is no brave
courage and folly of your heroes.
nation. But I trust completely in the
Bon Voyage,
Hexxagon, Lord of Shadows

The heroes in this adventure are Freelancers. But
what exactly is that and how does a Freelancer
differ from a classic Storm Knight?
Freelancers are reality-rated characters, but their
main difference from classic Storm Knights and
CREATION Stormers is that they do not depend on the Rule
of One. Instead, they exist in all possible worlds
and can override any restriction. In other words,
while the Storm Knights and Stormers follow the
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechan-
ics, the Freelancers follow the Many Worlds in-
In most cases this is a trivial difference, but it
means that more than anything else, a Freelancer
relies on her inner reality and is largely indepen-
dent of the reality around her. Theoretically, the
power of a Freelancer is unlimited, and only re-
stricted by her self-confidence. And Freelancers
have a rather high degree of self-confidence, but
it is not infinitely high—and to the same extent
their power is not infinitely large.
Freelancers grow with their tasks. In a normal,
mundane environment they are known for their
proverbial luck and skill, but to reach their full
potential, they rely on antagonists getting in their
way. In terms of game mechanics, this means that
in an everyday environment Freelancers hardly
differ from ords, while in dangerous situations
they literally flourish. And the more dangerous
and dramatic a situation is, the stronger the Free-
lancer becomes.

Freelancers as Torg Eternity Heroes

The Freelancers and their powers have a very di-
rect connection to the campaign they appear in,
but they are of course also still around 10 years
later, when the Reality Raiders attack Core Earth.
So if the other players agree, you may also play
a Freelancer as player character in a normal Torg
Eternity adventure.

Freelancers are subject to the following special • Freelancers are never disconnected, not even
rules: by a surge or a reality storm. In such situa-
tions, however, they still have to roll the dice
Character Creation and on a roll of 1 suffer a physical wound (i.e.
• The character becomes a Freelancer by choos- it is not applied to their padding, see below).
ing the “Freelancer” perk during character
creation (from the perks of the Freelancer list, Possibilities
see page 22). The second perk may be chosen • Freelancers start each act with 0 possibilities,
freely from the list of Freelancer, Prowess and but can use their chosen Karma Ability during
Social perks, provided that the character meets each test—see page 21.
their requirements. Later in her career, the • If the game takes place in rounds, a Freelancer
character may acquire additional perks from receives 2 possibilities at the start of each turn,
these lists. or 3 possibilities in a dramatic scene. After the
• Unlike normal Storm Knights, Freelancers confrontation is over, her number of possibili-
have 45 attribute points to spend on their Cha- ties is immediately returned back to 0.
risma, Dexterity, Mind, Spirit and Strength. The • Freelancers must use their possibilities exclu-
minimum value for an attribute is 6, and the sively for their Henshin! and for the use of the
maximum is 14. special abilities of their Metaforms. They may
• Freelancers do not have to start their careers not be used to roll a additional die during a
with skill levels in Reality and are allowed to test or to soak damage.
use the Reality skill untrained.
• Each Freelancer starts with the axiom values of Tests
Core Earth (Magic 9, Social 23, Spirit 10, Tech • If a Freelancer is attacked by an opponent, the
23) but might have higher values in some axi- attack test is not rolled by the opponent (i.e.
oms, depending on her Metaforms—see page the gamemaster) as usual. Instead, the Free-
23. lancer (i.e. her Player) rolls the dice and uses
the result of the roll to modify her defense
• Freelancers automatically have the “Wealthy” value (dodge, melee, or unarmed combat). Then
perk. This does not count towards the number the opponent’s fixed attack value is compared
of their perks. with the Freelancer’s modified defense value
• Each freelancer may choose one Profession to determine the result of the attack as usual.
from the list on page 23. • In a contest, only the Freelancer rolls a die—the
opponent uses her fixed game value.
• Freelancers don’t cause a contradictions when • The only exception to the rules mentioned
using abilities or objects with a higer axiom above are opponents with possibilities. After
level than their current zone. See also “The the character rolled for her test, the gamemas-
Mask” on page 13. ter may decide that the opponent spends 1 of
her possibilities to roll a 1d20+10 on the Bonus
• Freelancers cannot use abilities or objects with chart and add the resulting bonus (between 0
axiom levels above their own, even if the cur- and 9) to her game value.
rent zone would allow them. Such abilities
and objects simply do not work for them and
give them no positive game effects.

state, only the Metaform’s passive abilities are
HENSHIN! available to her!
The word “Henshin” comes from the Japanese An active ability that all Metaforms have in com-
and means “transformation”. This is the pow- mon is the “Padding”. This is a certain number
er of many Japanese superheroes who are of wounds that the Freelancer may add on
ordinary people in everyday situations, and top of her normal wound maximum, once
only turn into their superhero form in dan- she is transformed into the relevant Meta-
gerous situations when faced with horri- form. If she is wounded during combat,
ble monsters. Often, they require specific those wounds are applied to the pad-
artifacts or equipment and must perform ding first, before they harm her own
certain gestures in order to transform, body (which we call “physical
and in many cases have to literally ut- wounds” in this context). A Free-
ter the word “Henshin!”. Exactly the lancer is allowed to do a Hen-
same applies to the Freelancers and shin! in a Metaform into which
their Metaforms. she is already transformed—in
this case, she receives that Meta-
In order to do a Henshin!, a Free-
form’s padding points once again.
lancer must specify the Metaform
However, a Freelancer may only have
she wants to transform into and
a maximum of padding points equal
fulfill its Henshin conditions.
to what all of her active Metaforms
These conditions depend on
provide her with in total.
the respective Metaform and
are listed in the in the Hen- If a Freelancer is KO’ed or defeated,
shin section of each Meta- or the game no longer takes place in
form description. In addi- rounds, all her active Metaforms are
tion, the Freelancer must automatically ended. She may also use a
speak the word “Hen- free action to end her active Metaforms
shin“ in order to initiate at any time prior, unless the description
the transformation. Oth- of the Metaform or a game effect of the
er gestures and words are current scene says otherwise. By termi-
not necessary, but may be nating a Metaform, the character no lon-
decided on by the player to im- ger have access to its active abilities, but
prove the visual effekt (You can any game effects she previously caused
find many interesting examples with those abilities remain in play. The
on the Internet). In addition, termination of a Metaform also decreases
the Freelancer must spend 3 the upper bound of the Padding points
possibilities to do Henshin! the character may have, and thus pos-
sibly its current number of Padding
By doing the Henshin!, the
points. When a character completes all of
character has an imme-
her Metaforms, the number of padding
diate access to all active
points also drops to 0.
abilities she has acquired
for her Metaform. In
her non-transformed

Fire damage at the end of its next turn—after
KARMA ABILITIES that, the flames go out by themselves.
Freelancers start every act with 0 possibilities Water damage: This damage can be declared as
and may never use possibilities to roll additional non-lethal damage. The target gets wet, so it can
dice during tests or to soak damage. In return, not be set on fire any more. A burning target no
each Freelancer may choose one of the following longer counts as burning.
Karma Abilities during character creation: Cold damage: If the damage exceeds the target’s
Gift of Heaven (Blessed One): The player may toughness, it also counts as Stymied and Vulner-
decide once per scene after rolling her die to flip able (or Very Stymied and Very Vulnerable if it
it to the 20. She may also announce once per act is wet, but in return it no longer counts as wet).
before rolling for a test, that instead of rolling for Lightning damage: The target suffers 1 addition-
the test, her die total becomes a 60 (+15 bonus) al point of shock (or 2 additional points if it is wet
automatically. or standing in water). If the attack causes at least
Willpower (Determined One): If a test does not 1 wound, then all electronic or electrical devices
count as favored and the player rolls a 5 – 9 for worn or carried by the target cease to function
the test, she may decide to count this test as fa- until the end of its next turn.
vored, discard her result and roll the die once Light damage: If the damage exceeds the target’s
more. As is usual with a favored test, the new toughness, it also counts as Very Stymied, unless
die result must be accepted. it is immune to blinding effects.
Talent (Talented One): Whenever the player Darkness damage: This damage ignores the
achieves a standard success on a test, he may in- target’s entire armor bonus, if it is a living crea-
stead treat the result as a good success. This abil- ture. Undead, automatons or vehicles use their
ity cannot be used for defense rolls. normal armor bonus as usual. If the damage to a
Push Luck (Player): The player may play Desti- living being exceeds its toughness, it also counts
ny cards from her hand as if they were in her Ac- as Vulnerable.
tion Pool. She always receives at least 1 Destiny Silver damage: If an attack with this type of
card at the end of each turn. damage causes at least 1 point of shock damage
Balance (Wise One): Before each test the player to a supernaturally evil being, it causes 1 addi-
may decide to become balanced. If she does so, tional wound.
then for the remainder of the scene she rolls a d6 Gold damage: An attack with this type of dam-
+ 10 on the bonus table instead of the usual d20, i. age can affect ethereal beings normally. If it is a
she can only achieve die totals of 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 magical Gold attack, then the damage to ethereal
and 16. This also applies to additional dice rolls creatures increases by +2 and an ethereal crea-
due to favored tests, Up results, etc. ture hit by the attack loses its ethereal ability un-
til the end of its next turn.
SPECIAL DAMAGE TYPES Acid damage: When the attack hits the target, its
armor bonus is reduced by 1 for the rest of the
Torg Eternity: Freelancer Hexxagon uses the fol-
combat, in addition to the attack’s normal effects.
lowing special damage types.
Sonic damage: As long as the attacker doesn’t
Fire damage: This damage affects the target’s
roll a mishap, this attack always causes 1 addi-
lowest armored area—head, legs, arms, or torso.
tional point of shock, even if the difference be-
(Ignore minor openings such as eyeslits or joints.)
tween the action total and the target’s defense
The target is set on fire and suffers 10 points of
value is greater than 5.

Freelancers may choose from the general Storm The Meta Forms are acquired through perks. The
Knight “Prowess” and “Social” perk lists and character gains all the abilities listed in the Meta-
from the list below. The perks of other Freelanc- form, and may spend experience points to buy
er books are also available, if the Game Master Upgrade Abilities for that Metaform.
allows it. Active and passive abilities: A Metaform pro-
vides its user with active and passive abilities.
FREELANCER Passive abilities are always in affect, while ac-
tive abilities only work as long as the character
Freelancer has transformed into their associated Metaform.
Prereq: Human from Core Earth, Willpower 10. Passive abilities are indicated by the word “(Pas-
Can only be acquired once, and only during sive)” after their name. All other skills count as
character creation. active. Some active abilities can also be used pas-
The character counts as a Freelancer—see page sively in a non-transformed state, which is then
18. She may choose a Karma Ability (page 21), explained in detail in their “Passive Use” entry.
as well as a Metaform for which she meets the
requirements—see page 24.

Second Metaform
Prereq: May not be acquired during character
The character may choose a second Metaform for
which she meets the requirements.

Third Metaform
Prereq: The character must already have gained
at least 25 experience points.
The character may choose a third Metaform for
which she meets the requirements.

Fourth Metaform
Prereq: Beta clearance level.
The character may choose a fourth Metaform for
which she meets the requirements.

Fast Henshin
Prereq: none
If the character is not transformed yet, her first
Henshin! costs only 2 possibilities instead of the
usual 3 possibilities.

Paradigm Shift: For every Metaform there is
the entry “paradigm change”. This indicates PROFESSIONS
how the personal axiom levels of the character The Freelancers are characterized by their pur-
change with the acquisition of this Metaform. suit of other illustrious and prestigious profes-
The change is permanent! sions in addition to their career as monster hunt-
Qualities: The Fantasy Metaforms are designed ers. However, players are known to be reluctant
to allow a hero to survive in an underground to invest valuable skill points for something that
dungeon. This is also reflected by the Qualities is rarely or never used in the game.
provided by them. There are 10 different Quali- That’s why the Profession skill is not used in Free-
ties: Jumping, Running, Balancing, Climbing, Roll- lancer Hexxagon, and replaced by Professions.
ing, Mega Jump, Swimming, Diving, Ducking and Each Freelancer may choose a Profession from
Covering. For more information on Qualities, see the list below for free. Each additional Profession
the Obstacle Course rules on page 48. costs her 1 skill point. Professions can only be ac-
When selecting a Metaform, a character gains cer- quired during character creation.
tain point values in certain Qualities, and notes Every time a Freelancer makes a skill roll that is
these down, similar to skill adds. By acquiring directly connected to one of her professions, she
upgrade abilities, the Qualities’ point values are may add a bonus of +3 to the roll. However, Pro-
further improved. fessions do not replace regular skills! For exam-
Qualities are only active as long as a character ple, in a game situation a racing driver must still
has transformed into the corresponding Meta- test on on Land vehicles.
form. They may be added as a bonus to suitable Available Professions: archaeologist, nuclear
attribute tests, but are mostly used during the physicist, entertainer, photographer, brain sur-
Obstacle Courses—see page 48. geon, goldsmith, journalist, painter, mathemati-
Padding: This number indicates how many Pad- cian, philosopher, lawyer, racing driver, singer,
ding points the character gains when she does a chess player, actor, writer, game designer, tennis
Henshin! into this Metaform and by which am- player, circus acrobat
mount the Padding maximum is raised. For ad-
ditional information on Padding see page 20.

Important note about the

Hexxagon campaign
During the campaign it will turn out that Hexxa-
gons Fortress can only be entered by a maximum
of 8 Freelancers at the same time and that each
Metaform can only be present once. So for exam-
ple its not possible for two characters to trans-
form into a Paladin at the same time. Please keep
this in mind when creating your characters for
this campaign!

Just as warfare is one of mankind‘s oldest
occupations, the Warrior is one of its old-
est professions. Throughout his entire life he
practices martial arts and yet knows that in the
event of a battle it will not matter how many en-
emies he can kill, but whether or not he will be
determined enough to lay down his life for his
liege. For a war is rarely fought by a single per-
son, and when a warrior falls, others will contin-
ue to fight in his place. Over the millennia, this
profession has gained a firm place in society and
founded its own castes and estates.
In Fantasy literature, the Warrior is often an out-
standing example of his profession, with great
fighting strength and determination. Since he
has his roots in our own history, he is often de-
nied access to magical powers, so he has to close
the gap with daring fighting maneuvers, that
arise from years of practice and fighting experi-
ence. When faced with supernatural enemies, he
must rely on his comrades of the magical profes-
sions. In the meantime, he himself has the some-
times honorable, sometimes ungrateful task of
facing the enemies in the front line and buying
his comrades the time they need to cast their
devastating spells.
There is no weapon or armor that the Warrior
is unfamiliar with, and like an impenetrable mercilessly striking down the enemies with his
shield he stands to protect his comrades while attacks. He is not afraid of technological ad-
vancements and also knows how to use modern
Appearance: A classic Warrior is heavily armed
and carries a massive plate mail, which is pri-
marily geared towards functionality and usu-
ally does without unnecessary ornamentation.
This however doesn’t mean that his massive
appearance would come without its very special
appeal. Since Warriors can basically handle all
available weapons, it is difficult to predict which
of them he will bring into battle, except that he
always carries several different weapons around
with him, at least one of which is meant for me-
lee combat and one for ranged combat.

Henshin: The Warrior must wear any kind of
metal arm or leg splint and hold any one weap-
on in his hand. The metal splint symbolizes his
defensive power and the weapon his offensive

Basic Abilities
Paradigm Shift (Passive): The character‘s Spir-
itual Axiom changes to 19, unless it was higher
Qualities: Balancing 2, Climbing 3, Rolling 3,
Swimming 3
Padding: 2
Armament: During her Henshin!, the Warrior
may decide to transform her arm or leg splint
into any armor whose Axiom values the char-
acter fulfills and whose function she is familiar
with. The same applies to the weapon held in
the hand—it may also be transformed into any
melee or ranged weapon whose Axiom values
the character fulfills and whose function she is
familiar with. In case of a missile weapon the
Warrior also receives 10 projectiles and in case
of a Firearm a filled magazine. The weapon and
armor thus obtained turn back into their origi-
nal form when the Henshin! is ended.

Originally this word meant a faithful friend
and companion of the king, but soon it became
a synonym for the noble knight who fights for
the divine good. During the early role-playing
games, he provided an extension for the normal
fighter class, which set completely new tones in
motion. Suddenly the game was no longer just
about taking and dealing as much damage as
possible, but it became more important to have
higher goals and ideals and to stand by them,
even and especially when it could have unpleas-
ant consequences. For the first time the focus
was no longer on killing monsters and accumu-
lating treasures, but on the heroic and self-sacri-
ficing fight against all evil in the world.

In order to help him with this difficult and of- the palm of a hand and is worn around the neck
ten ungrateful task, the Paladin was given use- on a chain. If a character decides to obtain the
ful abilities to protect himself and his comrades Paladin Metaform later in his career, then a sun
from the forces of evil and to heal the wounds he amulet comes into his possession in a mysteri-
had suffered. ous way.
Today, this original function of an exemplary Henshin: The Paladin must grasp his sun amu-
leader has somewhat fallen into oblivion and let with one hand and speak sacred words. If he
the Paladin is now above all characterized by his is out in the open at this time with a direct line
team skills. He still represents the backbone of of sight to the sun, the Henshin! doesn’t cost him
the group, but not necessarily their moral con- any possibilities.
science. Whether he wants to revive this import-
ant function in the fight against Hexxagon or is Basic Abilities
content with his role as a hard-working team Paradigm Shift (Passive): The character‘s Spir-
player is entirely up to him. itual Axiom changes to 19, unless it was higher
Appearance: The most important part of the Pal- before.
adin‘s appearance is his medieval knight‘s ar- Qualities: Running 3, Balancing 3, Ducking 2,
mor, which is usually made of shiny gold or sil- Covering 2
ver metal plates decorated with sun symbols and
Padding: 2
other sacred signs. Alternatively, the armor can
be white lacquered and decorated with brocade, Armor: The Paladin may decide during her Hen-
giving it a soft, fabric-like appearance. Most pal- shin! to transform her currently worn clothing
adins wear a wide cape in white, blue or light into a plate mail (Torg Basic Rules, page 145).
silver to go with their armor. On their chest they Light: The Paladin automatically emanates light
wear their sun amulet, which can be of many dif- within a radius of 20 meters. She cannot sup-
ferent colors and shapes, from a simple sun circle press this effect. In a non-transformed state, she
to an ornate, multi-pointed star. Paladins usually may take 1 point of shock to emanate light for
don‘t wear helmets, but if they do, then those are up to 30 minutes.
similarly decorated to the armor.
Even more important than the paladin’s armor
of the is his sun amulet, which he has worn since NINJA
his childhood. The amulet is about the size of No profession is loaded with so many clichés as
that of the Ninja. Its roots can be traced back to
the remote mountain villages of feudal Japan,
where the art of concealment was for the first
time taught in the family, from father to son, from
mother to daughter, creating a new and unique
caste, which wasn’t recognized by any feudal
lord, but used by many for secret missions.
Soon the Ninja entered the consciousness of the
population as a bogeyman with superhuman
powers of deception to the point of invisibility,
to frightened the children if they didn’t clean
their rice bowls. A mystification that has persist-
ed ever since and was reinforced by the fascina-
tion of the West for the East.

are certain: First, it‘s impossible to ever fully un-
derstand a Ninja, and second, there‘s one stand-
ing behind you right now.
Appearance: Either the classic dark ninja cos-
tume or a more traditional garb of dark brown
and blue. The ninja mask, the fucumen, is oblig-
atory for the use of his powers. It consists of two
cloths about one meter long, which, depending
on the situation, are tied around his hip or cover
his face. Otherwise, the appearance of the Nin-
ja depends entirely on the requirements of the
mission—hiding in a crowd, for example, only
succeeds if you are dressed like them.
Henshin: The Ninja must wear a ninja mask
consisting of two cloths—but they don’t neces-
sarily have to cover his head. If he is completely
unobserved during at Henshin!, it doesn‘t cost
him any possibilities.

Basic Abilities
Paradigm Shift (Passive): The character‘s Spir-
itual Axiom changes to 19, unless it was higher
Qualities: None
Padding: 2
Ninjutsu: The Ninja gains a bonus of
+2 on all Dexterity tests and skill tests
linked to Dexterity. Her Dodge defense
In today‘s pop culture understanding of the Nin- value also increases by +2.
ja (which has also found its way into the Fantasy
genre), he is mainly an assassin who silently and
invisibly sneaks up on his victims to take them
out in surprise. If you take a closer look howev-
er, you will realize that the Ninja is also an ex-
cellent scout, spy and guerilla fighter. He makes
use of a large repertoire of special weapons, ob-
jects and mysterious techniques that are only
known to the initiated. But actually, this equip-
ment is only a deceptive maneuver, because in
reality he has perfected his art to such an extent
that it provides him with magical powers. Or
maybe he doesn‘t have any magical powers at
all and it‘s just the subtle illusion of a magician
who doesn‘t reveal his tricks? Only two things

Magic is a very generic term for everything su-
pernatural. It is all things that we can neither
comprehend nor understand with our normal
senses, as well as everything that we cannot ex-
plain with the known laws of nature. Nowadays
most of us trust that sooner or later there will be
a rational explanation for every phenomenon,
while in the past people were much more willing
to take the existence of magical powers at face
value, so that many magical professions were
able to use it as a (well paid) basis of existence.
However, magic never took on an obvious, sci-
entifically proven form that would have been
useful for an efficient (warlike) use, so the pro-
fession of the “Combat Mage“ has always been
limited to narratives from other worlds. The
ability to control the elements and direct their
destructive power against one‘s enemies is what
mostly defines the classic Combat Mage, espe-
cially in Sword and Sorcery role-playing games.
Appearance: Since the Combat Mage can origi-
nate from many different cultures, his clothing
is equally varied. Usually, however, it combines
the academic aspect of a lengthy theoretical
training with the practical aspect of a soldier
who has optimized his spells for combat. Most
Combat Mages wear long robes embroidered
with magical and elemental symbols, including
a tight-fitting armored combat suit. It is worth

noting that, unlike many other fantasy back-

grounds, the magic ability of a Freelancer Com-
bat Mage is not hindered by armor.
Henshin: The Combat Mage must wear rings on
his hands that are decorated with gems repre-
senting his chosen elements. If he is missing the
ring of a certain element, he cannot use the cor-
responding powers.

Basic Abilities Magic Attack: The character may spend 1 pos-
Paradigm Shift (Passive): The character‘s Spiri- sibility as an action to direct a magic attack at
tual Axiom changes to 19 and the Magic Axiom an opponent within a range of 20 meters. The
to 17, unless they were higher before. attack deals 12 points of damage with an Ele-
mental Damage type of the mage‘s choice (see
Qualities: Jumping 3, Climbing 3, Mega Jump 2, page 40). The attack may also be used in close
Ducking 2 combat, like a pistol. In order to perform the
Padding: 2 attack, the Mage must have a free hand with
Magic: The character gains the Magic skill with 1 which she points towards the opponent. The at-
skill add and may improve it like a normal skill. tack is rolled on Mind + Magic, with a DN equal
to the Dodge or Dexterity of the target. The attack
Choice of Elements: The character may choose may be part of a multi-action and may be used
2 elements, which she is able to master from the with multi-targeting. No ammo is expended and
start (see Elemental Variants, page 40). there is no penalty for range. A good success in-
creases the damage by 1 BD, and an outstanding
success by 2 BD.

Weapon Expert (passive)
UPGRADE ABILITIES Prereq: Metaform “Warrior“, Strength 10+
For each Metaform there is a set of upgrade abil- Qualities: Rolling +2
ities available, listed in this chapter. These up-
It usually takes several days to familiarize one-
grade abilities are very similar to perks, but un-
self with a new weapon or armor, in order to use
like perks they always cost 5 experience points
it without an familiarization penalty (Torg Basic
per upgrade ability. That means that they may
Rules, page 77) and generate it with the Arma-
not be acquired during character creation. It also
ment ability. With this ability, the Warrior counts
means that their experience point cost does not
as familiar with any new item after spending
depend on the number of perks a character al-
only 10 minutes with it.
ready has. With the 5 experience points a char-
acter usually receives at the end of an act, he can
always gain another upgrade ability, no matter
Armor Expert (passive)
how many she already owns. Prereq: Weapon Expert, Dexterity 10+.
Qualities: Rolling +2
WARRIOR The Warrior may consider any armor that
provides her with at least 1 point of armor
Healthy (Passive) bonus as an armor with a bonus of +4 (full
Prereq: Metaform “Warrior“, body) instead and ignore its Fatigue trait.
Strength 10+
Increased Precision
Qualities: Swimming +2
Prereq: Metaform “Warrior“, Dexterity 12+
All medical tests applied on the Warrior receive
Qualities: Balancing +2
a +2 bonus and for each application of healing
she heals twice the number of wounds, padding The Warrior may spend 2 possibilities as a free
points, and shock than usual. action at the beginning of her turn to aim at a
target (Torg Basic Rules, page 119). This special
Poison Resistance ability may be obtained a second time, increas-
Prereq: Metaform “Warrior“, Strength 12+ ing the aiming bonus by +2.

Qualities: Swimming +2 Tactical Genius

The Warrior may spend 1 possibility as a free ac- Prereq: Metaform “Warrior“, Beta clearance level
tion to immediately nullify all poisons affecting
Qualities: Balancing +2
The Warrior may spend 3 possibilities as a free
Subsequent Armament action at the beginning of her turn to apply the
Prereq: Metaform “Warrior“ Flurry effect (Torg Basic Rules, page 112) on
herself during the current turn. This cannot be
Qualities: Balancing +2 combined with other game effects that provide
The Warrior may create one item (weapon or ar- Flurry to the character.
mor) for every 1 action and 2 possibilities spend,
as with her Armament ability. This may also be Bodyguard (Passive)
done as part of a multi-action. Items previously Prereq: Metaform “Warrior“, Maneuver 12+
obtained by Armament remain intact.
Qualities: Climbing +2

When an ally near the Warrior is hit by a physical • Declare a skill of your choice to become an
attack (melee or ranged), the Warrior may take 2 Approved Skill during the current round.
shock to redirect the attack to herself instead. The • Allow up to two players to play 1 card each
damage affects her normally. This ability may be from their hand into their action pool.
used a maximum of once per turn (10 seconds). • Reduce another Freelancers Stymied by 1
PALADIN Healing Hands
Prereq: Metaform “Paladin“, Spirit
Strength of Will (passive) 8+
Prereq: Metaform “Paladin“, Willpower 12+ Qualities: Covering +2
Qualities: Balancing +2 The Paladin may touch an allied
The Paladin receives a +5 bonus on Willpow- character with one action and spend
er tests. She is immune to mental influence 1 or more possibilities to generate
from magic, miracles, and psi powers. one of the following effects per pos-
sibility spend. She may generate sev-
Holy Armor eral effects at the same time, but no effect more
Prereq: Metaform “Paladin” than once per application. She is also allowed to
use the Healing Hands on herself. The Healing
Qualities: Covering +2
Hands may not be used as part of a multi-action.
As long as she wears her knight‘s armor, the Pal-
• Heal the target character of all poison effects
adin gains a +2 bonus to her Toughness and an
• Heal the target character from all infectious
additional Padding point. This also increases the
Padding point maximum by 1.
• Heal 1 BD of shock to target character.
Protective Aura • Allow the target character an immediate
test to resist a mind controlling effect, with
Prereq: Metaform “Paladin“, Faith 10+
a +2 bonus.
Qualities: Ducking +2
The protective aura can be activated with a sim-
ple action and 2 possibilities and remains active
until the Paladin turns it off with a free action or
finishes her Henshin! The aura has a radius of 5
meters. The paladin and all allies within the area
of effect receive a +1 bonus to all defenses or +2
against supernatural evil beings.

Leader (passive)
Prereq: Metaform “Paladin“, Charisma 8+
Qualities: Running +1, Balancing +1
The Paladin leads her comrades with a calm,
commanding voice. While the game takes place
in rounds, she may once per turn trigger one of
the following effects:

Combat Healer The Ninja may cover all of her movement in one
Prereq: Metaform “Paladin“, Mind 10+ large jump and treats vertical walls like ground
level terrain during her movement, but must still
Qualities: Ducking +2 take a test to hold on if she finishes her move-
Once per turn as a free action, the Paladin may ment on a vertical wall.
allow herself or an an allied Freelancer within 30 In an Obstacle Course, all tests on the 10 Quali-
meters and line of sight to regenerate 1 Padding ties (Jumping, Running, Balancing, Climbing, Roll-
point. ing, Mega Jump, Swimming, Diving, Ducking, Cov-
ering) always count as Favored for the Ninja.
Life Flash (passive)
Prereq: Metaform “Paladin“, Faith 18+ Silent (passive)
Qualities: Balancing +2 Prereq: Metaform “Ninja“.
With this powerful gift, the Paladin may resur- The Ninja makes no noise at all when moving.
rect a dead Freelancer who has died within the She receives a +2 bonus on Stealth tests.
last hour and whose mortal remains she touches.
The Life Flash requires one action (or 10 seconds Shadowy
of concentration) and immediately lowers the Prereq: Silent
Paladin‘s current shock points to 1.
All of the Ninja‘s Stealth tests count as Favored.
After being used, the Life Flash cannot be used As a simple action, she may use 1 possibility to
for 24 hours, and during this time the Paladin is a receive a +5 Stealth bonus during the current turn.
mere shadow of herself: all her tests and defense
In a non-transformed state, she may take 2 points
values suffer a –5 penalty.
of shock to receive a +5 Stealth bonus and treat her
Stealth tests as Favored for 1 turn (10 seconds).
Holy Wrath
Prereq: Metaform “Paladin“, Faith 14+ Master Thief (passive)
Qualities: Covering +2 Prereq: Metaform “Ninja“
The Paladin can choose to cause gold damage The Ninja may take 2 points of shock to treat a
with her melee weapon. After a successful melee Lockpicking test, a pickpocketing Dexterity test, a
attack against a supernatural evil creature, the sleight of hand Dexterity test, or any other test
Paladin may spend 2 possibilities to add 1 addi- related to thieving activities as Favored.
tional BD to the damage roll.
Lightning Fast Disguise (passive)
NINJA Prereq: Metaform “Ninja“
The Ninja may take 2 points of shock to dis-
Ninja Movement (passive) guise herself within 1 turn (10 seconds) as
Prereq: Metaform “Ninja“ any person or object whose body measure-
ments are similar to those of the Ninja. The
The Ninja receives a bonus of +2
person she is disguised as cannot be a spe-
to her movement value. For 1 pos-
cific person, but must be a generic person
sibility (or 2 points of shock in a
with a common face. The object must be a solid,
non-transformed state) she may double her
material object, and the Ninja usually doesn’t
movement value for one turn (10 seconds).
adopt any special qualities of this object.

This special ability does not count COMBAT MAGE
as a magical effect. Instead, the Nin-
ja is blessed with an almost super-
natural degree of foresight to have
Magic Ray Attack
all required disguising utensils Prereq: Metaform “Combat Mage“
available when necessary. In case Qualities: Jumping +2
of doubt, the Game Master decides,
The Battle Mage may spend 2 possibilities
but the Ninja should be allowed a
as an action to perform a magic attack with
lot of freedom, because she is a Nin-
a range of 10/25/40 that deals damage 13,
ja after all!
with an Elemental Damage type of the Mage‘s
The more complex and unlikely the disguise, choice (see page 40). The attack counts as a rifle
the higher is the penalty that the Ninja suffers attack, so it may not be used in close combat, but
on her Stealth test when it comes to maintaining in return it uses the rules for long bursts, without
her camouflage in front of the eyes of suspicious an increased risk of a mishap. When used with
observers. People who have watched the Ninja Multiple Targeting, the DN increases only by +1
changing into her disguise cannot be deceived. for every additional target after the first, up to a
maximum of 10 targets. For the attack, the Mage
Hit and Run must have a free hand, pointed at his targets. The
Prereq: Metaform “Ninja“, Dexterity 12+ attack test is rolled on Mind + Magic, with a DN
If the Ninja inflicts at least 1 wound on an op- equal to the Dodge or Dexterity of the target. No
ponent in close combat, she may teleport to any ammo is expended. A good success increases the
location within 10 meters and within line of sight damage by 1 BD, and an outstanding success by
as a simple action. If her opponent was defeated 2 BD.
or OK’ed by the attack, she may spend 1 possibil- Improved Magic Ray: This special ability may
ity to teleport him with her. be taken a second time, when the Battle Mage
has reached the Beta security level. The attack’s
Targeted Attack damage increases by +3 and the range increases
Prereq: Metaform “Ninja“ to 20/50/80.
During a called shot the Ninja may spend 1 pos-
sibility to add +1 BD to the damage.

Stealth Attack
Prereq: Metaform “Ninja“, Stealth 12+
If the target of the Ninja’s attack counts as flat
footed, she may attack with Stealth instead of the
usual attack skill. In addition to the normal rules
for flat footed characters, all opponents who have
attacked another character or were attacked by at
least one of the Ninja’s allies during the current,
also count as flat footed for this special ability.

Magic Ball Attack
Prereq: Metaform “Battle Mage“ Snare Attack
Qualities: Ducking +2 If the attacker scores a good success, the
target counts as Restrained (see below). If
The Battle Mage may spend 3 possibilities as an
he scores an outstanding success, the tar-
action to perform a magical attack with a range
get counts as Restrained and Stymied.
of 20/50/80, which causes damage 15 in a me-
dium blast radius, with an Elemental Damage A restrained character is Flat Footed to all
type of the mage‘s choice (see below). The attack attacks (Very Vulnerable) and is not al-
counts as a rifle attack, so it may not be used lowed to move. On his turn he may only
in close combat. For the attack, the Mage must attempt to break free. This is a Strength
have a free hand, pointed at his targets. The at- test with a DN equal to the basic damage
tack can be part of a multi-action, but cannot use value of the Snare attack. Success ends the
multi-targeting. The attack test is rolled on Mind restraint but costs the victim’s action. A
+ Magic, with a DN equal to the Dodge or Dexter- good or outstanding success means that
ity of the target. No ammo is expended. A good the victim broke free and may act normal-
success increases the damage by 1 BD, and an ly. Another way to escape the restraint
outstanding success by 2 BD. is a called shot (–4) against the snare. Its
Toughness is the Snare attack’s basic dam-
Improved Magic Ball: This special ability may
age, and it has Wounds –.
be taken a second time, when the Battle Mage
has reached the Beta security level. The attack’s
damage increases by +2 and the area of effect in-
Humus: Attack counts as Snare attack (see box
creases to a large blast radius.
Elemental Variants Metal: Attack causes Silver or Gold damage
Prereq: Metaform “Battle Mage“ By choosing an element, the Combat Mage be-
Qualities: Climbing +2 comes capable of using one of the following ad-
ditional abilities:
This special ability may be taken multiple times.
Every time the Combat Mage learns one of the • Elemental Shield (Fire, Water, Ice)
following Elemental variations: Fire, water, ice, As a free action the Combat Mage may spend
earth, air, humus or metal. (When taking the Bat- 1 possibility to erect an Elemental Shield that
tle Mage Metaform, he automatically receives provides protection against either Fire, Water,
two of these elements for free.) or Cold damage (provided he has learned the
corresponding elemental variant, see above).
Each time a magical attack is used, the Combat
The Combat Mage and all allies within 5 me-
Mage may choose one of his learned elemental
ters of her receive a +5 bonus on their defense
variants—depending on the chosen elemental,
against attacks with the chosen elemental dam-
the attack has with one of the following special
age type. The protective field lasts for a max-
imum of 5 minutes, unless the Mage ends it
Fire: Attack causes Fire damage earlier with a free action. The Battle Mage may
Water: Attack causes Water damage only maintain one type of Elemental Shield at
a time.
Ice: Attack causes Cold damage
Earth: Target is pushed backwards by 1 BD meters. • Strength of Earth (Earth)
The Combat Mage cannot be pushed or pulled
Air: Attack causes Sonic damage.
by attacks or effects.

• Levity of Air (Air) • Hardness of Metal (Metal)
The Combat Mage gains a flight movement of 5. The Combat Mage gains a +1 bonus on her
defense against attacks with normal damage,
• Power of Plants (Humus)
Gold damage, and Silver damage.
The Combat Mage may spend 2 possibilities as
an action to heal herself or a character touched
by her 1 BD shock.

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the remaining Metaforms!





may act in any order, but only one character may
OBSTACLE COURSE be in each square at a time. Fixed walls (black
lines) cannot be crossed.
The following rules apply to an important part
of Hexxagon‘s Fortress that the player charac- The first movement leads a character from out-
ters don’t know about at the beginning of the side the obstacle course into the course—usually
campaign. However, we recommend all players over the lower edge of the map. A character may
to read or skim through these rules before the also decide to stay outside the course for the time
game starts so that they are prepared when they being, or to leave the course during the game to
encounter their first Obstacle Course during the take a breather. Outside the course, however,
campaign. she does not receive possibilities and is not al-
lowed to interact with persons or objects inside
While the exploration of Hexxagon‘s Fortress
the course.
and the fight against its monsters is based on
classic Hack&Slay computer games, for the ob- A character who has been transformed into two
stacle courses we turn to Jump&Run computer or more Metaforms using the Law of Copy-Paste
games. Here, instead of the usual opponents, it (see page 60) may control them like separate fig-
is the playing field itself that poses the challenge. ures, with the corresponding game stats. Howev-
Differences in altitude have to be climbed, holes er, they still share their possibilities and wounds/
in the ground have to be traversed and numerous Padding points. Possibilities may only be used
traps have to be dodged. Each obstacle course has by figures that are currently on the course.
a different goal that has to be achieved to solve
it, but there is always a lot of climbing, jumping,
swimming and balancing involved. MOVEMENT OBSTACLES
Climb: The character must overcome
PLAY MAP a height difference. Depending on the
An obstacle course usually covers an area of 8 direction in which the arrow is point-
x 8 squares, each of which has an edge length ing, it is an upward (pointing away from
of 3 x 3 meters. We recommend that you print the character‘s current square, Climbing) or
out the courses as large as possible, and in col- downward (pointing towards the character‘s
or, and that during the game each character on current square, Rolling) challenge.
the obstacle course is represented with a suitable Chasm: The character must jump over
figure. a hole in the ground.
Wide Chasm: The hole in the ground
STATUS TABLE to be overcome is too wide for a sim-
ple jump, therefore a Mega Jump is
The Status Table (page 79) must also be printed
out and placed next to the Play Map. On this Ta-
ble the Danger Level of each obstacle type is re- Narrow Ledge: The character must
corded, as well as the current DN for Stunts. See balance along a narrow ledge.
below for more details. Water Tube: The character has to
swim through a water tube that is
MOVEMENT filled with turbulent water.
Characters are allowed to move one square per Diving Tube: The only way to get
turn. Movements are only allowed in a horizon- through here is to dive under the water.
tal or vertical direction. As usual, the characters

OBSTACLES 1) Obstacles located between the squares, indi-
cated by the corresponding symbols (see box
There are 10 different types of obstacles, distin- “Movement Obstacles“), have to be overcome
guished by the qualities (see below) required to if a character wants to move from one square to
overcome them. another.
Jumping: A hole in the ground that must be 2) Obstacles on the squares (see box “Square Ob-
crossed with a jump. stacles“) have to be overcome when a character
Running: Crumbly ground that must be crossed is in such a square at the end of a round.
as quickly as possible before it collapses under
the weight of the hero.
Balancing: A narrow ledge, rope or deceptive
ground that requires a good sense of balance for SQUARE OBSTACLES
a successful crossing.
Decep(t)ive Ground: A character
Climbing: A height difference that must be who is here at the end of a round
overcome by climbing upwards (arrow pointing must put her Balancing to the test.
away from the character‘s square).
Rolling. A height difference that must be over- Crum(b)ly Ground: Running is
come downwards (arrow points towards the required at the end of a round to
character‘s square). avoid the dangers of this square.
Mega Jump: A large hole in the ground requires
a running approach before the jump and a roll (W)ater Basin: This part of the course
after the jump. is filled with water and challenges
the character‘s Swimming skills.
Swimming: An area filled with water that must
be crossed at the surface. (K)iller Blades: This is a very com-
Diving: An area filled with water that must be mon trap that requires Covering to
crossed under water. escape it. If a character has to roll
Ducking: A trap that ejects a dangerous gas or for a Stunt here and it fails, the trap
a jet of fire and that can be avoided by making causes her 10 + 2 BD damage.
oneself as small a target as possible. Most traps are not continuously active, but
Covering: A trap that consists of blades, spears recharge after use, so that they only have
or arrows that must be avoided with a quick an effect every two rounds. The number be-
dodge. hind the letter of a square therefore indicates
whether the trap is active in an even or odd
turn. In a non-active round, the square counts
QUALITIES as harmless (see below).
The Fantasy Metaforms in this book provide Harmless Squares: Squares without a sym-
their users with qualities to overcome one or bol and without letters count as harmless. If
more types of obstacles—see page 23. Within a a character is in such a square at the end of a
course, each type of obstacle has a Danger Level round, she is safe there (usually).
that is recorded in the Status Table (see above).
Obstacles have to be overcome in two ways.

OVERCOMING OBSTACLES successful, the character suffers the effect of this
trap instead of the 2 Shock.
When overcoming obstacles, the Danger Level
A Mishap has the same effect as a Failure, but in
of this Obstacle Type is first compared with the
addition character also suffers a Crash (see be-
character‘s relevant quality. In the case of a dead-
ly obstacles (indicated by a white border around
the symbol), the Danger Level is increased by +3.
If the character’s quality is at least as high as the
Danger Level, she overcomes the obstacle with- Depending on the obstacle course, a Crash can
out any problems and without having to roll a have very different effects, which are described
test. However, if it is lower, she must make a in the respective course. A Crash occurs when a
Stunt in order to overcome the obstacle. This is character fails a Stunt test, or when she is KO’ed
a test on one of the attributes listed below. The or defeated. A character may also voluntarily de-
Difficulty Number for the Stunt is also indicated cide to crash.
on the Status Table—the same DN applies to all
Stunts, regardless of the type of obstacle. TIME PRESSURE
Important: If a character must roll a Stunt test,
When facing an obstacle course,
she may not add her value in the corresponding
quality to her attribute value. Only the attribute
a Drama Card is drawn at the
beginning of each round. Only A B
value is used!
the boxes on the right side of

Jumping: Dexterity the Drama Cards are used. The
Running: Dexterity or Strength letters A, B, C and D indicate
(the higher of the two) which quadrant of the course
is currently best for the characters (see diagram).
Balancing: Dexterity
Characters who are on a square of this quadrant
Climbing: Strength at the start of the round may count all their tests
Rolling: Dexterity during the round as Favored. For special effects,
the following rules apply:
Mega-Jump: Dexterity or Strength
(the lower of the two) Possible Setback: Any character who is in a
harmless square (a square without a letter) be-
Swimming: Strength
comes the target of the Basic Threat listed for
Diving: Strength that obstacle course.
Ducking: Spirit Complication: The Difficulty Number for Stunts
Covering: Mind within the course increases by +1 for the rest of
the game, up to a maximum of 20. This change
is recorded on the Status Table. The DN is reset
With a normal success, the character suffers 1 to its initial value once the current 24-hour cycle
Shock, but successfully overcomes the obstacle. has ended.
With a good success she does not suffer any
Critical Problem: A random type of obstacle is
Shock and with an outstanding success she can
determined, whose Danger Level increases by +1
also count the test as an Approved test.
for the rest of the game. Use a d20 and the num-
In case of a failure, the character suffers 2 Shock, bers on the Status Table for the determination.
and if it was an obstacle between two squares, The Danger Levels are reset to their initial value
the character must stay in the square which she once the current 24-hour cycle has ended.
wanted to leave. If a roll to escape a trap is un-

Cologne, in the near now. Something evil has in-
fested the city and is transforming its citizens into
mindless, brutal zombies. The first wave of this
evil influence is already sweeping the outskirts
with an increased rate of senseless acts of vio-
lence. It’s clear that the enemy must be stopped,

CAMPAIGN before the situation escalates and all of Cologne

is overrun by a murderous wave of violence.
The enemy has already made himself known
and submitted his terms to the city council: He
is Hexxagon, the Lord of Shadows, and he chal-
lenges a group of people with extraordinary gifts
to a game of life and death. Should these “he-
roes“ succeed in penetrating his fortress under
Cologne Cathedral and defeating him, he will
end the curse he has imposed on the city.
The city government takes the threat seriously,
but does not believe that Hexxagon will give in,
even if he is defeated, so they are secretly work-
ing on a plan to ambush him with a heavily
armed special unit. To prevent him from becom-
ing suspicious in the meantime, they pretend to
agree with his conditions.
Hexxagon’s letter (page 17) is accompanied by
a list with the names of people from all over the
world, who at first sight have nothing in com-
mon. At second glance, however, it turns out
that each of these persons is an Emorph (page
7) with the ability to transform into one or more
Fantasy Metaforms. Contacted by the Corps and
commissioned by the Cologne City Government,
it will be the task of these people—the Freelanc-
ers—to penetrate Hexxagon‘s Fortress and face
its monsters and traps, fighting their way down
towards the final level, to challenge Hexxagon
The Fortress consists of five levels (floors), and to
get from one of them to the next, the Freelancers
have to find the exit and unlock it with a special
key. If they manage to do this within a certain
period of time, the level is considered freed and
they can move on to the next level. However, the

the adventure, with some easy adjustments
to the background story and the finale.
Freelancers and their skills from the Torg
Freelancer Dynamics background are also
viable—their Metaforms count as Fantasy
Forms during this campaign.

Playing Style
The campaign consists of ten chapters,
of which four (chapters 2, 4, 6 and 8)
deal with the search for the keys in Co-
logne and are set in the world of narra-
tive role-playing and detective adven-
tures, while another four (chapters 3,
5, 7 and 9) deal with the exploration
of Hexxagon‘s Fortress, which main-
ly consists of dungeon crawling and
combat. Each chapter counts as an Act
and can be divided into several
Scenes depending on heroes’
course of action. Howev-
er, experience points are not
awarded automatically at the end of each chap-
keys for the exits cannot be found inside Hexxa- ter, but during the exploration of Hexxagon‘s
gon‘s Fortress—that would be way too easy—but Fortress by defeating monsters and overcoming
have to be tracked down somewhere in Cologne obstacle courses.
first. The only clue that will help the Freelancers
with their task is a half-rotten hand that always WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON?
points in the direction of the key.
Cologne, and with it the entire world in which
The Player Group the Hexxagon campaign takes place, is located in
an alternative universe in which the Earth‘s orbit
This campaign is suitable for 3 to 8 player char-
is about 100 kilometers further from the Sun than
acters who must be Freelancers with the abil-
ours. This seemingly trivial difference had dras-
ity to turn into at least one Fantasy Metaform.
tic consequences for what happened on Earth,
The Freelancers can be Emorphs who have just
including the fact that all meteorite impacts took
learned of their talents and are now stumbling
place elsewhere and at different times—some
head over heels into the unfolding events, or
even didn’t take place at all, while some com-
they can be hardened veterans of the Corps. It is
pletely new ones occured at new locations.
also important for the adventure’s background
story that the age difference between the charac- This had significant consequences, such as the
ters doesn’t exceed 10 years. extinction of the dinosaurs about a million years
before their time and the fact that there are still
The events in Cologne take place 10 years be-
living specimens of the saber-toothed tiger and
fore the High Lord’s Invasion of Core Earth, but
similar prehistoric species around. The change
can also take place during the invasion. Normal
that had the greatest effect on the Freelancers,
Storm Knights are also allowed to take part in
however, is the impact of the Tunguska mete-

orite, which did not explode over Siberia at the Due to Rorbout‘s increasing insanity and the
beginning of the 19th century, but hit in the im- time pressure he was under due to the child ab-
mediate vicinity of downtown Cologne. ductions, as well as the unimaginable power of
This meteorite wasn’t a celestial body, but an the Golden Pyramid, the experiment did not go
extraterrestrial artifact called the “Golden Pyr- as the researcher had imagined. Max Herrsch
amid“ because of its shape and composition. actually did undergo a transformation as won-
In our universe, the pyramid exploded in the derful as it was terrible. His first application of
atmosphere above Siberia and was completely his almost god-like powers was to get rid of his
vaporized before it could hit the ground. In the tormentors by sending them and their laboratory
Freelancer universe however, it smashed into straight to hell.
the right bank of the Rhine river, also being de- But the resulting shock was too much for Max,
stroyed, but with enough fragments left to have so in order to cope with the immeasurably pow-
an effect on the unfortunate finders. erful, but at the same time completely insane
The Golden Pyramid provides its owner with part of his psyche, he buried it deep into his sub-
the ability to change reality itself and thereby conscious, and continued to lead a reasonably
gain ultimate power over the cosm. However, normal life. In the same breath, he also erased
this power without form and thus unfocused the memories of the other children and brought
and therefore largely powerless. Only when it is them back into the normal world.
given a specific form and a purpose can its pow- Many years passed during which the madness
ers be used to their full extend. inside of Max Herrsch gradually worked his way
In the 1970s, an unscrupulous researcher named out, keeping pace with his creative potential. As
Samiel Rorboutt succeeded in gathering enough chief designer, he created a number of big hits
fragments of the pyramid to gain an understand- for the computer game company GenreSoft, be-
ing of its function. This researcher was funded fore his eccentric demeanor and excessive de-
by the Corps, and although they suspected that mands for money made his employers decide to
he was on the verge of madness, they expected part with him. He withdrew into isolation and
a lot from his research results, so they gave him went through the final phase of his transforma-
free rein. tion: becoming Hexxagon, the Lord of Shadows.

Rorboutt found that he needed a creative mind

to supply the pyramid with “food,“ so he or-
dered the abduction of children who had come Throughout the campaign, you will find
to attention for their special talents or creativity. Hexxagon info boxes like this one, in which
Among these children were the Freelancers who all new clues, traces and findings are listed,
have today long forgotten this incident. which the Freelancers can acquire in the re-
spective chapter. Depending on how the
One of these children, a boy named Maximilian players proceed, they might fall behind this
Herrsch, was the center of an experimental facil- schedule or overtake it. This requires a bit of
ity within Rorbout‘s secret laboratory. The soul flexibility from the GM, although it usual-
of the boy, who was gifted with extraordinary ly isn’t a big problem if the players progress
creativity, was to be merged with the pyramid, faster or slower in their investigations than
while the other children were arranged in a circle planned.
around him to keep him under control and at the
same time absorb a small part of his power suit-
able for research purposes.

Hexxagon already commands enormous pow- You can kick off the campaign by playing a short
ers that have enabled him to create a Hardpoint prologue with each player, in which her charac-
of his own reality under the Cologne Cathedral. ter learns about her powers and is hired by the
There he uses the spiritual energies of the cathe- Corps, or appears in an adventurous place some-
dral to pervert them for his own purposes and where in the world, where he is tracked down
slowly transform himself into a god. His power by the agents of the Corps and assigned her new
is already big enough to bring the entire city and mission.
all its inhabitants under his spell, so the threat he
is writing about is everything but a bluff. The Freelancers are then joined as a group and
briefed with the details of their mission (Chap-
Yet there is something that ter 1). During their briefing,
prevents him from achieving PROCEDURE they receive the Hand of
his full potential: the other the Navigator, which they
Prolog: Introduction of the Heroes
children who were present can then use to search for
Chapter 1: The Mission
at Rorbout‘s experiment and the first key (Chapter 2).
still unconsciously hold his Chapter 2: A dangerous Gift (1st Key) The key is located in the
power at bay until this very Chapter 3: Goblins (1st Level) fancy Mongolian restau-
day. These children are none Chapter 4: A Trip to the Zoo (2nd Key) rant “Genghis Khan“ on the
other than the Freelancers. Chapter 5: Undead (2nd Level)
28th floor of the Cologne
The blackmail of the city, Chapter 6: House in the Countryside (3rd Key) Triangle. There a reception
the challenge to the heroes, Chapter 7: Dragons (3rd Level) is taking place on the occa-
the search for the keys and Chapter 8: Key to the Heart (4th Key) sion of the 100th birthday
the levels of Hexxagon‘s Chapter 9: Demons (4th Level) of a former mayor. The
Fortress serve—besides his Chapter 10: Hexxagon (5th Level) Freelancers are not allowed
own entertainment—only to use any outside help to
one purpose: to lure the Freelancers in and allow get in, but they should be able to infiltrate the
them to unfold their true potential. Once this has party and bring the key into their possession at
happened, he wants to confront them with the the buffet without attracting too much attention.
hopelessness of their existence by telling them Then they take the key back to Cologne Cathe-
the truth: that they can never defeat him because dral, where their “liaison officer“, Chief Inspec-
all their power ultimately comes from him. tor Greifels, is already waiting for them. Greifels
He hopes that this will result in the Freelancers
falling into despair, or to submit to his power
out of their own greed, in order to rule the Earth
with him. But this is just a trick, as through their
submission Hexxagon will become able to com-
pletely absorb their power and possibility ener-
gy and finally ascend to a real god.
In the end, the Freelancers are faced with the
most difficult decision of their lives: They can-
not defeat their enemy with their sheer prowess.
Only when they part with their freshly awaken-
ing powers forever can they put this evil in its
place. Whatever their decision may be, it will
mark the end of the Hexxagon Campaign.

is in the unique position of being able to help must again depend on their stealth skills. In this
them because like them, he is one of the people chapter they also have the opportunity to meet
on Hexxagon‘s list. He allows them access to Samantha Leuenkopf, a former colleague and
the catacombs of the Cathedral, where behind ex-girlfriend of their adversary Max Herrsch.
a secret door they can step into an elevator that On the fourth floor (Chapter 9), the characters
transports them into the depths. must free a priestess and defend her against a
Once they reached the bottom of the first floor, the growing horde of demons until a sacred ritual is
Freelancers are confronted with their first enemies completed. If their mission succeeds, the remain-
of Hexxagon‘s Fortress—a goblin horde (Chapter ing demons are be destroyed and the gate to the
3). The goal here is however not necessarily to de- fifth level is uncovered.
feat all the goblins, but to find the exit of the first Once on the fifth level, the Freelancers final-
level—all the while being attacke by the little mon- ly come face to face with Hexxagon (Chapter
sters. If they manage to find the exit and open it 10), who first uncovers and thwarts the Corps‘
with their key, they have overcome the first level secret plan. Left to their own devices, the Free-
and can begin their search for the second key. lancers are now the only hope remaining for the
The second key can be found in the Cologne city and its inhabitants. In the brutal final bat-
Zoo, more precisely in the newly furnished sa- tle, Hexxagon reveals his final creation: the Dark
ber-toothed tiger enclosure (Chapter 4). Get- Twins, who have exactly the same powers as the
ting it is a serious challenge of the Freelancers’ Freelancers, but are under the complete control
stealthiness, as they not only have to avoid the of Hexxagon‘s will. The Twin’s only drawback
hungry tigers, but also have to overcome a state- is that they don‘t work together, and since the
of-the-art security system that monitors the valu- Freelancers have probably learned to work as a
able animals day and night. team by now, they should be able to bring their
In Chapter 5, the Freelancers advance into the enemies to their knees through their joint efforts.
second floor of Hexxagon‘s Fortress and take on After an epic battle, Hexxagon lies on the ground,
the eloquent vampire Count Nelsor and his end- seemingly defeated, but then rises again, com-
less hordes of zombies. Again, the goal is not to pletely unharmed! He explains to the amazed
destroy the entire opposition, but to purposeful- Freelancers that all their powers have their ori-
ly press forward towards the exit. gin in him and therefore cannot harm him. Then
The search for the third key leads the Freelancers he offers them to come into his service and con-
to a country estate in the south of the city (Chap- quer the world as his generals. If they refuse, it
ter 6), where they have to deal with the eccentric will be their downfall.
art collector Karl Förster and his mysterious ser- In fact, the only way to defeat Hexxagon is for
vant Albert. Here, the characters can learn about the Freelancers to renounce their powers forev-
the consequences of the Golden Pyramid‘s whis- er. If they do, Hexxagon‘s power vanishes along
pers in Förster’s ears. with the curse on Cologne, but also all of the
In Chapter 7, the Freelancers enter the third lev- Freelancer’s special abilities are lost immediate-
el of Hexxagon‘s Fortress and are hunted by a ly and irreversibly. The fortress starts to collapse
multi-headed Cyclops Hydra, whose defeat is and Hexxagon is killed in the chaos. The price
also their only way to find the exit. Once they was high, but the Freelancers have won!
have mastered this challenge, they can begin
their search for the fourth and last key. Time Pressure
With each passing day the aggression in the city
This key is stored in a well-guarded safe of
increases. The best way to convey this fact to the
GenreSoft (Chapter 8), so that the Freelancers
Freelancers is by confronting them with increas-

ingly worrying scenes during their missions on dend on the Axioms of their environment.) Any
the surface, from mass brawls to civil war riots communication (radio, mobile phones) between
with seriously injured victims left carelessly ly- the inside of the fortress and the outside world is
ing by the roadside. completely blocked by Hexxagon’s magic.
In Hexxagon‘s Fortress, the Cosm Cards of Aysle
HEXXAGON’S FORTRESS are used, and the following World Laws are in
Hexxagon‘s Fortress is a square underground
complex with a side length of 202 meters and a
height of 80 meters, located at a depth of 20 me-
The Law of Eight
ters below Cologne Cathedral. The outer walls Only a maximum of 8 people may enter the for-
are made of five meters of rock and there is only tress at any one time, and they must all be part
one entrance at the top, which leads inside via of the the group of people listed on Hexxagon‘s
an elevator. Nobody knows when the fortress list. If more than 8 persons enter the fortress, all
was built—its entrance was discovered just a few surplus persons are “banished“ for the period
days ago. of the exploration (maximum 24 hours): They
spend the whole time in a lightless, disembodied
The fortress is a Hardpoint of Hexxagons own state that brings them close to madness because
reality and counts as a pure zone with the Axiom they don‘t know if it will ever end. The same fate
values Spiritual 19, Magic 18, Social 16, Tech 12. befalls all people who are not on Hexxagon‘s list.
(Keep in mind that the Freelancers don’t depen-

The Law of Uniqueness The Law of Copy-Paste
As soon as the Freelancers enter the fortress, Within the fortress, the Freelancers are allowed
they automatically perform a Henshin! in one of to perform an additional Henshin! to regenerate
their Metaforms. This doesn‘t cost them any pos- Padding points or transform themselves into a
sibilities. They remain in this Metaform for the Metaform that is not yet present in the fortress
duration of their stay, even if they are KO’ed or (see Law of Uniqueness). However, if a Free-
defeated. In addition, each Metaform can only be lancer transforms into such a Metaform, this has
present once—so when during character creation no direct effect on herself. Instead, she creates a
you should make sure that each player chooses second body, which has the same game stats as
at least one Metaform that is unique to them. For herself, plus the special abilities of the chosen
example, its not possible for two Ninjas or two Metaform, while at the same time she retains her
Paladins to be present in Hexxagon‘s Fortress at own body with her game stats and her previous
the same time. Metaform.
As usual the Freelancers have 0 possibilities The two bodies thus created are controlled by
when entering the fortress and only gain possi- the same character (player) as separate individ-
bilities per round, once the game takes place in uals, but they share the same possibilities and
round (combats, obstacle courses). The explora- wounds/Padding points. (The Padding point
tion of the fortress counts as a Standard Scene (2 maximum increases as usual due to the two si-
possibilities per round), if nothing else is indi- multaneously active Metaforms. Shock sustained
cated. is recorded separately for both bodies.
Important: The copy-paste is nevertheless sub-
The Law of Twenty Four ject to the Law of Eight and the Law of Unique-
The heroes have 24 hours to find and open the ness!, Therefore even after the duplication, the
exit lock on the floor they have entered. If they total number of heroes present may not exceed
fail to do so, they are teleported out of the for- eight and no Metaform may be present more
tress, along with all of their equipment and the than once!
key, and the level is reset to its original state.
A Freelancer may perform a Henshin! to end her
When the Freelancers return to this level, they
current Metaform and transform herself into an-
face the same dangers as before. Treasures and
other Metaform available to her (and not yet rep-
obstacle courses are not subject to this reset: Once
resented in the fortress).
a treasure has been attained, it will not reappear,
and once an obstacle course has been overcome,
it will continue to count as overcome.
The fortress consists of 5 levels, each of which is
If the monsters succeed in killing one or more connected to the one above it by a separate eleva-
Freelancers, their remains are also teleported tor, which is the only access to each level. The el-
out of the fortress after the 24-hour period has evator to the 1st level is located in the catacombs
expired. Chief Inspector Greifels has the Paladin under the cathedral and was discovered only
Metaform and the Life Flash ability, which he recently, the others reveal themselves only once
can use to bring back to life one of the deceased the characters have found the exit of a level. As
characters, but no more than one. For all other long as a level is considered contested (see be-
player characters who perished, new Freelancers low), the elevator journey represents a one-way
must be created to continue the fight in the name street—a return journey to the level above is only
of their dead comrades. possible after the level has been freed.

Each level has an edge length of 192 meters and If the Freelancers have picked up a treasure
a ceiling height of up to 10 meters. At the begin- and the corresponding level is then restored to
ning of the campaign all levels count as contest- its original state (because the Freelancers didn‘t
ed, i.e. they are populated by monsters attacking manage to free the level within 24 hours), trea-
the Freelancers. sures already captured will not be renewed.
If the Freelancers find the exit of a level and use
the key they brought with them to open the cor- Experience Points
responding lock, they have freed the level. The As with a classic dungeon crawl, the player char-
level can now be entered and exited safely, but acters receive their experience points for slain
still only the Freelancers are allowed to enter the opponents and captured treasures. These points
level. After liberating the first, second and are noted in the description of each opponent
third levels, a new key is also placed and treasure. At the end of a battle, the
in the city and can be tracked down experience points of the defeated op-
with the Hand of the Navigator. ponents are added up and distribut-
ed evenly among the heroes—in the
A special rule applies to the ob-
case of uneven results, the players
stacle courses: they remain ac-
can decide who of them receives
tive until the heroes have over-
the surplus points. Experience
come them, even if their level is
points from captured treasures, on
already considered freed. Con-
the other hand, are not split, but ap-
versely, an obstacle course that has
plied equally to all heroes. Most trea-
been solved counts as permanently
sures are located behind obstacle courses,
solved, even if it is in a level that is still
which must be overcome in order to access the
Treasures If the heroes feel that they are not yet powerful
In Hexxagon’s Fortress there are also treasures enough to take on stronger opponents, they may
to collect: Gold and silver coins of unknown let the 24 hours pass and face their current level
coinage (Hexxagon’s likeness) as well as various again to “grind“ additional experience points.
precious stones and artistic pieces of jewelry. All Please note, however, that treasures can only be
these treasures are real. captured once at a time and can therefore only be
used once to acquire experience points.
In addition, magic items can be acquired—but
these items only have a magic effect in the hands
of a transformed Freelancer. Outside of that, they
become normal, non-magic items of their type.
The effects of the magical items are explained on
page 51, and the players are expressly allowed to
read them. When the Freelancers find an item in
the fortress, describe it’s appearance to them, so
the players can use that as a reference to figure
out what kind of item it is.
There is no upper limit to the number of mag-
ic items a Freelancer can use at the same time,
except for obvious restrictions such as wearing
only one mask at a time and wielding a maxi-
mum of one one-handed weapon in each hand.

the world—including exotic or dangerous places—
PROLOGUE: INTRODUC- and emphasize the special abilities of the character.
TION OF THE HEROES The prologue is all about the player characters—so
it‘s best to let your players know in advance what‘s
As a prologue, each player has the opportunity to required of them in the prologue, so they can al-
orchestrate a short introductory scene describing ready think about it during character creation. In
her character and the circumstances that draw her any case, the scenes should be short and crisp and
into the battle for Cologne. If the character isn’t narrated by the respective player.
aware of her powers yet, the scene could describe
a first spontaneous awakening of her powers—the
tense mood in the city offers enough opportunities CHAPTER 1:
for an action scene. Maybe the character is faced
with a dangerous situation, or she witnesses an
attack against harmless passers-by. In any case, The Freelancers meet in a conference room of the
the situation becomes more and more Cologne Police Headquarters (see map
tense, similar to a Moment of Crisis, of Cologne on page 16). Chief Inspec-
until the character finally performs a tor Greifels enters the room with an
spontaneous Henshin! and solves the ancient parchment and a large preserv-
scene by using her new-found powers. ing jar filled with formaldehyde and a
Shortly afterwards she is picked up by chopped-off hand.
the police or agents from the Corps and
“My name is Greifels. Some of you al-
informed about what is going on with
ready know why you are here, the oth-
her and the city.
ers might already suspect it. To make
In the case of a character who is already a long story short: A madman has in-
aware of her powers, the scene could fested the city with his evil powers and
instead describe a visit from Corps holds the whole population in a stran-
agents who hire her for the new job in glehold of violence. Unfortunately, he
Cologne. This can happen anywhere in has abilities that prevent us to use a
conventional police action against he. We are there-
fore forced to use unconventional means. In other
words, the only ones who can help us in this situa-
PLAN B tion are you.”
In addition to sending the Freelancers on He unrolls the parchment and gives it to the Free-
their mission, the Corps runs a secondary lancers to read (see handout on page 17). He is then
plan to defeat the enemy, in case he turns out ready to answer their questions. He has the follow-
to powerful for the heroes or fails to keep his ing information:
Secrecy is the top priority. Beside the Freelancers
The plan is centered around a direct under- only a small handful of persons (decision makers
ground approach towards the fifth level, of the city of Cologne) knows about the current sit-
which of course takes place in the strictest se- uation, and it is imperative that this remains so, in
crecy, while the enemy‘s attention is focused order to avoid a panic.
on the Freelancers. Whether the Freelanc-
ers are informed about the secondary plan The Freelancers present are the first of the people
depends on the situation—Greifels knows who are named on Hexxagon‘s list. The Corps tries
about it, but will only inform them if he con- to find the other people and win them over for the
siders it unavoidable. mission (potential characters for players who join
the campaign at a later point). The only thing the
characters on the list have in common are their su-
pernatural abilities.

If the Freelancers require additional equipment, it
THE HAND OF THE is made available to them as far as is feasible. Any
NAVIGATOR kind of military equipment will be handed to them
only before entering Hexxagon‘s Fortress, with the
The Hand of the Navigator is a cut off right condition that it is returned to the officials upon
hand, which is kept in a large preserving jar their return.
with formaldehyde. The hand is genuine,
as are the preserving jar and the (unpleas- If the Corps knows anything about the reasons be-
antly pungent) chemical inside it. The jar is hind the current events, they remain uncomfort-
quite sturdy but not protected from violent ably quiet about it. Contacting their HQ is difficult,
impacts. If it is destroyed, a new jar must be and they haven’t exactly been going out of their
filled with formaldehyde and the hand must way to help. For this reason, Greifels is rather in-
be placed into it. The hand only functions, if dignant with Corps and its politics of silence.
preserved in this way. The meeting ends at 8 pm. Greifels gives the Free-
When the jar is held perfectly still for a while lancers his telephone number that allows them to
(about 10 seconds) with the hand in it, the reach him at any time of the day. It is probably best
hand aligns itself like a compass and with if the group immediately starts searching for the
its index finger in the direction of the current first key. Time is not on their side.

Greifels appeals primarily to the Freelancer’s help-

fulness and righteousness, but he is also authorized
to pay each of them 50,000 euros for participating
in this mission, including 5,000 euros up front.
Hexxagon‘s Fortress is located below Cologne Ca-
thedral. The clergy have discovered a secret door
in the catacombs that was never noticed before. Be-
hind this door a kind of elevator leads downwards.
The Freelancers are granted free access to the ca-
thedral and the elevator at all times.
The Freelancers are on their own when searching
for and obtaining the keys. If a crime is necessary
to get the keys, the Freelancers are authorized to
do so, but they are advised to refrain from violence
and causing property damage as much as possible.
If they are caught in act by the police, then it is best
for them to not resist arrest. Greifels will make sure
that they are immediately released—this is not a
violation of Hexxagon‘s rules, as Greifels is also on
his list of names. However, the red tape that would
come with it, would cost valuable time, while the
ultimatum is ticking away. The Freelancers should
therefore try their best to keep a low profile and
not get caught. In addition, all of this does put the
Freelancers above the law. Anything from aggra-
vated assault upwards will be punished according-
ly at a later time.

When the Freelancers leave the police headquar-
ters, the Hand of the Navigator points west in the
direction of downtown Cologne. On the way there,
they also pass the Cologne Triangle, a high-rise
building in the immediate vicinity of the Rhine (see
Cologne map). There is still light at the top 29th
floor and the Freelancers notice without a doubt,
that the hand is pointing exactly up there, while
they are passing by the building on the street.

While the players and their Freelancers take

their first steps in the Cologne of the Hexxagon
campaign, they will notice some significant
differences to our world, especially after read-
ing the Cologne city description on page 15: In
the campaign, Cologne is the German capital,
there is a Transrapid line between Cologne and
Berlin, and the Rheinpark is arranged around a
crater lake with a diameter of several hundred
meters. All of that is very different from the
real Cologne.
Should the players dismiss this as a bizarre
part of the Freelancer background, point out to
them that their Freelancers also recognize the
differences as such. The best time to do that In fact, the fancy Mongolian restaurant “Genghis
is immediately after they have left the police Khan“ is located on this floor. Access is relatively
headquarters. Tell the players that what their easy via the foyer, which is manned by a porter,
characters think the world should look like is who makes no attempts to stop the Freelancers
the same as their their own. So everything they unless they appear somehow dubious to him, fol-
find strange is also perceived as strange by the lowed by an elevator. The first real hurdle is wait-
Freelancers. The most accurate description of ing in front of the restaurant‘s entrance. The recep-
how the Freelancers feel is as if they were “in tionist, standing behind a desk, politely points out
the wrong movie“. to the Freelancers that their names are not on the
guest list. This evening there will be a reception
Of course, this realization first takes place in to mark the 100th birthday of former mayor Karl
the minds of every single one of them, but Hufschmidt. The three gentlemen in black suits be-
when the Freelancers gradually warm up to hind the receptionist leave no doubt that the Free-
each other through their common goals, this lancers should refrain from going in by force.
oddity should come up at some point and pro-
vide a variety of entertaining moments. For There are three possible ways to access the party:
the moment however, the Freelancers have too Firstly, the Freelancers could sneak in via the ven-
much on their plate to be able to try and make tilation system, or they can try to catch a glimpse
sense of these oddities immediately. The first of the guest list and pretend to be guests who have
order of the day is to capture the first key and not arrived yet. Or they could dress up as deliver-
overcome the first level of Hexxagon‘s Fortress. ers of a present or suppliers of special food for the

Mongolian cuisine. All in all, you shouldn‘t place
too many obstacles in the way of the players here,
because the security precautions at the party are
rather lax.
There are about one hundred people in the
restaurant, the average age is around 70
years (apart from some younger family
members and children), and a large
portion of the guests is already tip-
sy. When checking back with the
Hand, the characters realize that
the key is located somewhere on
the table with the birthday pres-
ents, more precisely in a large,
square gift package with a size
of roughly 50 cm and a weight
of 15(!) kilograms. A suitable
distraction is required to smug-
gle the gift out of the party and
the building without catching
unwanted attention.
As soon as they are in a more quiet en-
vironment (e.g. in an elevator), the Free-
lancers realize that the package is ticking! In fact,
there is a bomb inside it, next to a large golden
key. The bomb is attached to a mechanical alarm
clock, which is set to a 23 minutes delay. Open-
Rules of Conduct ing the package and removing the key is possible
The following conditions must be met when without setting off the bomb, but it doesn‘t hurt to
tracking down and capturing the keys: play it safe. The deactivation of the bomb requires
a Dexterity + Lockpicking (DN 16) test. If it fails, the
1) The freelancers must not cause a ruck-
bomb explodes (damage 15 + 2 BW, for every me-
us. Hexxagon decides what is considered a
ter distance from the bomb the damage is reduced
ruckus, so the Freelancers are well advised
by 2). Alternatively, the bomb can be carried to the
to proceed as subtly and secretly as possible.
nearby Rheinpark and set off without endangering
2) The Freelancers are not allowed to use the anyone.
help of public authorities and they are only
Alternative places: If the freelancers don‘t manage
allowed to tell people about their project
to obtain the key during the birthday party, the
who are on Hexxagon‘s name list.
bomb explodes towards the end of the party at 3
3) Freelancers must acquire the key within am, when a servant tidies up the place. Two people
24 hours. are killed, fifteen others are seriously injured, and
If one or more of these conditions are not 12 hours later Hexxagon places another key and
met, Hexxagon makes the key the Freelanc- bomb in a similarly busy place in the vicinity of
ers are currently looking for disappear. Af- the Rhine Park. He repeats this until the Freelanc-
ter the 24 hours have passed, a new key is ers successfully obtain the key, willfully accepting
placed and the Freelancers can try again to a growing number of victims.
capture it in compliance with the conditions.

heavy losses and retreat for the time being. For the
CHAPTER 3: goblins game stats and tactics see page 73 and 76.
GOBLINS! (1ST LEVEL) The Haystack
Once they got hold of the key, the Freelancers The southwestern part of this enclosure is occupied
should contact Greifels, who can allow them access by a large haystack covering about 50 square me-
to Cologne Cathedral at any time of the day. In the ters. Hidden in this pile is Houdini‘s Needle (page
catacombs they find a kind of elevator: a 5 x 5 me- 52). It can only be found by a Freelancer with the
ter large, 2 meter high chamber with a protruding Gift of Heaven Karma Ability using it to get a 60
stone slab on the opposite wall that can be pushed dice result on his search test. If the players don‘t
in like a button. Once the heroes do that, the en- come up with this idea on their own, you can give
trance closes behind them and the ground moves them a clue at a later time, once they have freed the
downwards. first level and come through here on their way to
As soon as the elevator starts moving, the Freelanc- the next level. If the players have themselves come
ers are in Hexxagon‘s Fortress and all World Laws up with the idea of searching for the Needle and
on page 59 apply. The elevator ride takes about how to find it, each character receives 1 experience
one minute and includes the Henshin! of the char- point.
acters. Then read the following text to the players:
Wall Paintings
The elevator comes to an abrupt standstill. For a second
nothing happens, then a more violent rumbling follows Like many other rooms on the first level, the goblin
and three of the four walls around you start to lift. You cave is covered with coarse, red paintings, which
soon find yourself in a large room, its walls covered with at first glance seem like chaotic scrawl. However,
wolf skins and red graffiti. A group of dark red haired if one of the characters takes the trouble to take a
goblins has gathered to greet you. The creatures, barely closer look, after a while (30 minutes) she succeeds
4 foot tall, are armed with clubs and swing them threat- in recognizing recurring sketches and symbols of a
eningly and a little anxious in your direction. One of primitive language, similar to the Sumerian cunei-
them croaks and order and the goblins flinch. And then form script. A successful Mind test (DN 14) allows
... they all become invisible, and you can hear their little the character to read the signs.
footsteps charging towards you. +++auch in Deutsch! By reading the wall paintings in the goblin cave,
Looks like you are in for a rough start ... she can find out that the goblin fortress is located in
the northeast of the floor and that the Goblin Chief
resides there. She can also discern from the signs
GOBLIN CAVE (ROOM 1) that there is a place of light in the west that the
In the first battle, the Freelancers encounter (Num- goblins are afraid of, and she learns of a “Legend
ber of Characters x 2) Goblins led by one or two Cave” in the north.
Spellslinger Goblins. All goblins are invisible at
the start of combat, and when it‘s their turn, they THE LOBBY (ROOM 2)
become visible next to the Freelancers and attack
them in close combat, so the Freelancers count as In this large, winding room the Freelancers dis-
Flat Footed (Very Vulnerable). cover clear signs of a battle, and find several hu-
After about 3 to 4 rounds, a group of Hoplite man-like skeletons spread over the floor. A Track-
Goblins and maybe even a Meat Colossus arrive ing and Evidence Analysis test reveals that there are
to reinforce their comrades. Turn this fight into a a total of ten bodies who were killed by cutting and
growing challenge. The goal is for the Freelancers stabbing weapons. However, the characters do not
to spend a lot of time and resources here—more encounter any armed resistance here (see Tactics
than they expected from the first fight of this ad- of the Goblins, page 76).
venture! But even so, the goblins are likely to suffer

In this room the heroes are faced with (Number A niche of this room houses a fully equipped medi-
of Characters x 2) Dust Orcs, who are led by a eval smithy with kiln, anvil and tools. The smithy
Spellslinger Goblin. appears clean and tidy, but there is no one here
who uses it. A Barbarian who has discovered the
Secret of Steel can use the smithy for a Weapon
TEMPLE OF LIGHT (ROOM 4) Consecration.
Above the doorway leading to this room the gob-
lins have written “Place of Light“ in their language. LEGEND CAVE (ROOM 6)
If the heroes haven‘t tried to decipher the goblins‘
handwriting yet, this scribblings are another clue The goblin scribbles above the entrance to this area
that doing so might be worth trying. read “Legend Cave“. In fact, the walls of this room
The goblins don‘t dare to enter this place, so the are covered over and over with paintings telling
characters are safe here. The interior of the room the history of the goblins. A character who has fa-
corresponds to a small chapel with an altar and miliarized herself with reading these glyphs finds
bright, friendly temple decorations, but without out that the goblins used to be a wild, but peaceful,
a dedication to any recognizable religion or deity. sedentary people who spend their lives as farmers
Every Freelancer is immediately aware of the sanc- before some of them were abducted by an evil wiz-
tity of the place. ard into his “mountain“, and now have to fight all
invaders in his name.
The core of the temple is a bright light source on
the ceiling. A golden sword sticks out of an altar di- When the Freelancers enter this room for the
rectly under this light source. It can only be pulled first time, they are attacked by a large group of
out by a Paladin wearing the Elf Mask. The sword Spellslinger Goblins accompanied by a guard of
is a Sun Sword. If it is pulled out successfully, each Dust Orcs—see page 75 for game stats.
character receives 1 experience


1: Goblin Cave
2: Lobby
3: Dust Orcs
4: Tempel of Light
5: The Smithy
6: Lagend Cave
7: Blackbeard‘s Pirate Labyrinth 4 2 8
8: Blackbeard’s Treasure Hideaway
9: Labyrinth of the Monkey King
10: Treasure of the Monkey King
11: Goblin Fortress 7
BLACKBEARD’S PIRATE With a normal success she may declare one of the
Gates (see below) open during the current round,
LABYRINTH (ROOM 7) but becomes the target of the Basic Threat (see be-
Blackbeard‘s Pirate Labyrinth is an obstacle course low). With a good success, she may declare up to
with the following game stats: two Gates as open, and with an outstanding suc-
cess, he additionally avoids becoming the target of
Jumping 3 Running 3 the Basic Threat.
Balancing 3 Climbing 3 (S)kull: A character may pick up the
Rolling 3 Mega Jump 3 skull, but then becomes the target of a
Swimming 4 Diving 4 falling column—if her Covering quality is
Ducking 4 Covering 4 lower than the danger value given in the
Status Table, she suffers 20 points of damage.
Stunts 8
At the end of a turn, a skull owned by a character
(F)ire Jet: Trap with damage 15 + 1 BD may be handed over to a character in a horizontally
(Fire damage). Requires Ducking. or vertically adjacent squared. However, no char-
acter may carry more than one skull at a time.
(A)ltar: A character on this square may
(M)ushroom Gas: Trap with damage 10 forgo her movement and place a skull in
+ 1 BD (Non-lethal). Requires Ducking. her possession on the altar as an action.
If a character suffers at least 1 point of Once all skulls of the course have been
Shock from the trap, she must resist the placed on the altar in this way, all gates open per-
poison effect with a Strength Test (DN 10), or must manently, and a ramp is created along the 5th col-
from now on make a roll on the following table umn from the left, which can be safely crossed and
at the beginning of each turn. Every 3 rounds, she leads to an open gate behind which Blackbeard‘s
is entitled to another test to shake off the poison Pirate Treasure is located.
Gate: This edge of the square is considered
D20 an impenetrable wall. However, it can be
1-5 The character may act normally this turn. opened for the current round by an organ
action (see above).
6-10 The character does not move this turn and
does not perform any actions. Basic Threat: All affected Freelancers are attacked
by bats—if their Ducking Quality is lower than the
11-13 The character tries to move into the square to
danger value given in the Status Table, they take 10
her left, if possible.
+ 2 BD damage.
14-16 The character tries to move into the square to
Crash: The Freelancer falls into an underground
her right, if possible.
wild river. If her Diving quality is lower than the
17-18 The character tries to move into the square danger value given in the Status Table, he must roll
above her, if possible. a stunt with her Strength value. If she fails, she suf-
19-20 The character tries to move into the square fers 5 points of Shock and appears in a water ba-
below her, if possible. sin randomly determined with a d20 (see the grey
numerical values on the obstacle course). If there
Organ: A character on this square may
is another character in that square, the roll is re-
forgo her movement and play on the or-
peated. If she succeeds at the roll, or if her Diving
gan as an action. She makes a Mind test,
quality is high enough, she only suffers 2 points of
with a bonus equal to her Music quality,
Shock and may roll 2d20 and choose one of the dice
if applicable. The difficulty number is equal to the
current Stunt DN. If she fails, she suffers a Crash.

BLACKBEARD’S TREASURE attention and can be identified as precious art with
a value of 100,000 to 200,000 euro each. Unfortu-
HIDEAWAY (ROOM 6) nately the paintings were stolen by Hexxagon and
When the heroes enter this room for the first time, Interpol is already looking for them.
each of them receives 4 experience points. Less precarious, but nevertheless valuable, are two
This room, sparsely lit by a few torches, is littered heaps of gold and silver coins. The characters find
with precious carpets, exquisite furniture, gilded a total of 1000 gold coins (value: 50,000 euro) and
chandeliers and other stolen goods. In total, this 4,000 silver coins (value: 72,000 euro). The coins are
junk is worth around 50,000 euros if you clean it of imprinted with the likeness of a person (still) un-
the dust and cobwebs. Altogether, these treasures known to the Freelancers: that of Hexxagon.
weigh about 5 tons. Five paintings deserve special

The most important treasure, however, are five Lock Size 6
treasure chests containing magical objects. For
more information on the properties of treasure
chests, see the info box below. The chests have the
following lock sizes and contents: A precious saber decorated with skull symbols
(Morgan Blackbeard’s Saber) and a mask showing
Lock Size 4
a wild face with an eye patch and red headscarf
(Pirate Mask).

A two meter long metal rod with lightning decora- Lock Size 7
tions (Thunder Staff) and a mask with a blue-green
fish face (Ocean Folk Mask).

Lock Size 5 Plate mail with coils attached to the back (Inductor

A mask in the shape of a golden sun (Paladin Mask)

and a splendid broadsword adorned with precious Example: The following key would fit into the
gems (Ego Blade). first lock:

Lock Size 6

A musical instrument made from the red colored

horn of a mystical creature (Fire Horn).


By overcoming an obstacle course, the trea- Each attempt to crack the lock of a chest takes 2
sure chests and all other treasures in the trea- minutes and a Lockpicking test. The Game Mas-
sure room behind it permanently come into the ter then shows the diagram belonging to the
possession of the heroes. Even if they choose to lock to the lock picker for a number of seconds
ignore them and instead focus on solving the equal to the test total. Afterwards, the lock pick-
current level of Hexxagon‘s Fortress, they can er may draw a suitable key from memory (us-
return there at any later time and pick up their ing the key templates available on page 77).
treasures. If the key’s shape allows it to fit seamlessly into
This fact is however not known by the player the lock, then the lock has been successfully
characters, so they might decide to drag the cracked. If, on the other hand, the key deviates
treasures around with them for fear of losing from the lock, the lock picker is informed by a
them otherwise. Carrying the treasure is of voice from the box that the test may not be at-
course possible, but involves a considerable tempted again for at least one hour.
physical effort. The chests cannot be opened with pure mus-
Each treasure chest measures about 100 x 50 x cle power or modern methods such as welding
50 cm, is made of metal and equipped with a torches or dynamite.
lock. The chests can be transported, but each
weighs around 10 to 15 kilograms.

The first time the Freelancers pick up any of the
gold coins, they are overcome by a frightening
vision of golden threads stretching out towards Goblins
them as soon as they touch the gold. In addi- Creatures about 1 meter tall, their bodies cov-
tion to that, Hexxagon‘s portrait on the coins ered with long hair in dark red to reddish brown
looks strangely familiar to them. colors. Their faces and long arms make them
What‘s interesting is that this effect affects all look like a mixture of chimpanzees and Nean-
Freelancers equally—similar to the fact that derthals. They are armed with clubs.
they all feel the world is false. Apparently they
XP: 0.5
have more than just their special powers in
common ... Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 10, Mind 6,
Spirit 6, Strength 7
Skills: Dodge 10, Find 8, Maneuver 10, Melee
THE GOBLIN FORTRESS Weapons 10, Stealth 12
(ROOM 11) Movement: 10; Tough: 7; Shock: 6; Wounds: -
Special abilities:
The Goblin Fortress is located in the upper right
half of the level. This is where the goblins retreat • Club: Damage Strength +2 (9)
when they flee from a battle. • Invisibility: A goblin can make himself in-
visible as an action. Attacks against him are
The Goblin Fortress has two double door entranc-
only possible if the attacker knows his ap-
es, each consisting of an inner and outer gate that
can be opened and closed from a command room, proximate whereabouts and even then suffer
which takes 3 rounds (30 seconds) respectively. Be- a penalty of –6. If the goblin attacks while in-
tween the gates the characters are are at the mercy visible, it becomes visible again, but his tar-
attack through embrasures in the walls (each turn get counts as Flat Footed (defense –4).
each character becomes the target of a ranged at- • Fear: When a goblin suffers shock, he tuns
tack with Missile Weapons 12, damage 10). Each gate uses his next action to become invisible. If he
has a Robustness of 16 and 5 wounds. suffers 3 or more Shock, he tries to flee and
Inside the fortress, injured goblins and Meat Colos- receive healing in the Goblin Fortress or hide
suses can be treated (they regenerate 1 shock per somewhere until he has rested (10 minutes).
turn and 1 wound per minute (6 turns)). On a Meat
Colossuses with severed arms new ones are mount-
ed and damaged cockpits repaired at the same time
(takes 5 minutes each). All of these repair and heal-
ing measures are of course severely limited if the
Freelancers have already entered the fortress and
are engaging the goblins there in combat.

The Exit
The exit is hidden behind a secret door in the room
to the left of the upper right corner room. The door
can be discovered with a very difficult (DN 16)
Tracking test. Behind the secret door a portal with
a lock appears. As soon as the Freelancers put their
key into the lock, the first level is considered freed.
The goblins are teleported from back to their home,
so that from now on the level can be crossed safe-
ly. Obstacle courses that have not yet been solved
remain intact and can be tackled at any time later.

Hoplite Goblins • Bodyguards: The Spellslinger Goblin may
The Hoplite Goblins are equipped with primitive transfer any damage sustained by an attack
spears and large round shields made of leath- to an ally a few meters away from him once
er-covered wood, depicting ghastly grimaces. per turn.
• Fear: If the Spellslinger Goblin suffers a
XP: 1 wound or a total of 6 Shock or more, he will
Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 10, Mind 6, use his next action to become invisible and
Spirit 8, Strength 8 attempts to flee to the Goblin Fortress to re-
Dodge Skills: Dodge 10, Find 8, Maneuver 10, ceive healing, or hide somewhere until he has
Melee Weapons 12, Missile Weapons 12, Stealth rested (10 minutes, but this only regenerates
12 the Shock).
Movement: 10; Tough: 8; Shock: 8; Wounds: -
Special abilities:
• Spears: Damage Strength +2 (10), ranged at-
tack with Missile Weapons and range 10/20/40.
• Round shield: +2 on defense against melee
and ranged combat attacks.
• Invisibility: See Goblin.
• Fear: See Goblin.

Spellslinger Goblins
The Hoplite Goblins are led by shamans who are
recognizable by their purple hair color and the
magic symbols they are covered with. They com-
mand the other goblins and cast painful spells.
XP: 2
Attributes: Charisma 8, Dexterity 10, Mind 10,
Spirit 12, Strength 5
Dodge Skills: Dodge 10, Faith 12, Find 8,
Maneuver 10, Melee Weapons 12, Stealth 12
Movement: 10; Tough: 5; Shock: 12; Wounds: 1
Special abilities:
• Spell: Ranged magic attack with Faith,
range 10, damage 10 + 1 BD, deals either Fire,
Cold, Lightning, Darkness, or Acid damage.
• Anti Magic: Once per battle, a Spellsling-
er Goblin may prevent a Freelancer’s magic
attack cast within 20 meters of him as a free
action. The magic attack is completely negat-
ed. The Anti Magic is so exhausting that the
Spellslinger Goblin cannot move or perform
any action during his next turn.
• Invisibility: See Goblin.

Dust Orcs • Round shield: +2 on defense against melee
The Dust Orcs are half-naked, muscular human- and ranged combat attacks.
oids with repulsive boar faces and grey, bristly • Trident: Damage Strength +3 (18), Range 4
skin. Instead of wild war cries, they don‘t utter meters.
the slightest sound while throwing themselves at • Sword: Damage Strength +2 (17)
the heroes with huge two-handed axes. In bat- • Net: Grappling attack with Strength damage.
tle, they turn out to be magical creatures made If successful, the target counts as grabbed.
entirely out of dust, given life by magical power • Relentless: The Meat Colossus ignores
and collapsing after the first hit. The only mate- Shock.
rially tangible thing about them are the massive • Fear: If the Meat Colossus has suffered 4 or
axes with which they cause heavy damage. more wounds or the helmet is destroyed (see
below), it turns and flees toward the Goblin
XP: 2 Fortress to receive healing and repair.
Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 12, Mind 5, Called Shots:
Spirit 5, Strength 12 • Shoulder joints: The individual arms are
Dodge skills: Dodge 15, Maneuver 15, Melee only sewn on and can therefore be separated
Weapons 15, Stealth 12 relatively easily with a called shot (–4 pen-
Movement: 10; Tough: 1; Shock: 1; Wounds: - alty) against their shoulder joints. Each joint
Special abilities: has Toughness 12 and falls off when it suffers
• Two-handed Axe: Damage Strength +3 (15) 1 wound (this does not count as a wound for
• Thoughtless: Dust Orcs are immune to In- the Meat Colossus), so that the associated at-
timidate and Taunt actions. tack can no longer be carried out.
• Magic beings: Dust Orcs are immune to • Pot Helmet: The helmet does not protect
poison and other effects that require respi- the colossus’ head, but instead represents
ration, food, or other “living“ biological pro- the cockpit of a goblin pilot, who steers the
cesses. They can only suffer Shock due to en- colossus. The helmet may be targeted with
emy attacks. a called shot (–6 penalty), provided that the
Meat Colossus attacker is able to reach it at a height of 4
meters. The helmet has Toughness 20 (or 15
Meat Colossuses are four-armed giants sewn to-
against attacks with Lightning damage) and
gether from several other living creatures. They
is destroyed if it suffers 2 wounds (this does
are armed with a shield, a net, a trident and a
not count as a wound for the Meat Colossus).
sword. Apart from a heavy pot helmet made of
The destroyed helmet falls off the shoulder of
metal, they don’t wear any armor.
the colossus and the pilot becomes visible—
XP: 12 and vulnerable!—see below.
Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 10, Mind 9, • Defenseless Pilot: As soon as the helmet
Spirit 10, Strength 15 has been destroyed, the pilot may be targeted
Dodge skills: Dodge 12, Melee Weapons 15 with a called attack (–6). He has Toughness
Movement: 15; Though: 15; Shock: -; Wounds: 6 10 and is defeated if he suffers 1 wound.
Special abilities:
• Four-armed: The Meat Colossus may make
three attacks per turn, with his Trident,
Sword, and Net without suffering a multi-ac-
tion penalty.

THE TACTICS OF THE GOBLINS On the other hand, the heroes can also take a di-
rect action against the Chief of the Goblins: He is
Apart from the initial skirmish in Room 1 and the a Spellslinger Goblin with 5 wounds who does not
Dust Orc attacks in Room 3 and 6, there are no leave the fortress and prefers to sit on his throne.
rooms where the Freelancers automatically en- If he is engaged in battle and suffers 3 or more
counter any resistance. Rather, the goblins use a wounds, he surrenders and tells the hero where the
tactic of hit and run attacks, so whenever the char- secret door is.
acters return from one of the rooms adjacent to
If the goblins manage to capture a Freelancer, they
the Lobby (Temple of Light, Legend Cave), they
drag her into their fortress, take her items and lock
are confronted with a an attack squad of invisible
her in a cage until the 24 hours have expired. The
goblins, which immediately retreats into the Gob-
Freelancers can also allow themselves to be cap-
lin Fortress if it suffers too many losses. When the
tured as a means to infiltrate the fortress, but the
characters chase after them, the goblins first close
goblins are very suspicious and take all their items
the inner gate, while some of them form a defen-
and tie them up.
sive line to prevent the heroes from getting into the
fortress. Then those goblins turn invisible and run A peaceful agreement with the goblins is also pos-
away, while their comrades close the outer gate sible, but the Freelancers must first allow them-
and attack the trapped heroes through arrowslits. selves to be captured then prove their negotiating
skills. If they are successful, the chief actually ac-
To reach the exit of the first level, the Freelancers
cepts their offer and is just about to reveal the loca-
must first find a way into the fortress. This can be
tion of the exit, when a magic bolt takes him out—
done brutally by storming the fortress with heavy
coming right from the hand of Hexxagon himself,
weapons, or more subtly by turning invisible them-
who teleported to the Goblin Level personally and
selves and sneaking in with a group of fleeing gob-
especially for this purpose! Next, he appoints a
lins to open the gates from the inside. Inside the
new goblin chieftain and lends him great power
fortress, these characters are confronted with the
(immune to damage, attack stat doubled), which
concentrated power and desperate determination
only lasts 5 rounds. When Hexxagon is attacked,
of the goblins, so a quick and tactical approach is
he is actually wounded and teleports away imme-
diately. The goblins, brought back into line, attack
Once inside the fortress, the characters can fight the Freelancers with a new-found courage and no
their way from room to room looking for the hid- longer engage in negotiations, but will surrender
den door. The goblins continue their tactics of hit as usual if their new chief is seriously injured or
and run attacks and use a lull in battle to heal them- captured. This also means a small victory for the
selves. Freelancers, as they successfully forced Hexxagon
to appear in person.

The following 5 variations are possible:

Key Templates
Contradictions Karma Abilities
• Abilities and objects • Gift of Heaven: Change dice to a 20
of a lower or the same once per scene. Once per act, treat the
Axiom level than your dice total as a 60.
own can be used without
• Willpower: Test becomes Favored on a
roll of 5–9.
• Abilities and objects of higher
• Talent: A standard success automatical-
Axiom level than your own
ly becomes a good success.
can never be used.
• Push Luck: Play Destiny cards from
• You never disconnect. Failed
your hand and always gain at least 1
reality tests cause 1 wound
new Destiny card per round.
• Balance: Roll with 1d6 + 10 for the
Possibilities rest of the scene.
• You start with 0 Possibi-
lites. In a standard scene Special Damage Types
you receive +2 Possibilities per • Fire damage: Against target’s
round, in a dramatic scene +3 lowest armored area. Target on fire
Possibilities. suffers 10 points of damage next
• Possibilities may not be used
for rolling additional dice or • Water damage: Optional non-lethal
to soak damage. damage. Target gets wet. Negates
Tests • Cold damage: Target also counts as
• In Skill Contests only the Stymied and Vulnerable. Stronger
Freelancer rolls dice. effect on wet targets.
• If an enemy attacks, the • Lightning damage: +1 Shock. Can
Freelancer rolls instead overload electronic devices.
and modifies his de-
• Light damage: Target also counts as
fense value according-
Very Stymied due to blinding.
ly. Opponents with
Possibilities may then
spend 1 of them
to roll a 1d20+10 • Darkness damage: Ignores armor of living
on the bonus table. beings and makes them Vulnerable.
Henshin! • Silver Damage: Causes +1 wound to super-
• Costs 3 Possibilities and lasts until the end of natural evil creatures.
the combat or if the Freelancer is KO’ed. • Gold damage: affects ethereal beings normally.
• Every Henshin! provides Padding points (in- Magic Gold Attack causes Damage +2 to ethere-
creases wound maximum) al beings.
• In a transformed state, active abilities of the • Acid Damage: Reduces Armor bonus by 1.
Metaform may be used, in a non-transformed • Sonic Damage: Always causes +1 Shock if no
state only passive abilities may be used. mishap was rolled.
Obstacle Course Status Table

Jumping (Dexterity) d20

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1-2

Running (Dexterity or Strength (the higher of the two))

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3-4

Balancing (Dexterity)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5-6

Climbing (Strength)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7-8

Rolling (Dexterity)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9-10

Mega Jump (Dexterity or Strength (the lower of the two))

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-12

Schwimmen (Strength)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13-14

Diving (Strength)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15-16

Ducking (Spirit)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 17-18

Covering (Mind)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 19-20

Stunt Difficulty Number

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
It’s an 8-Bit Madness!
This time, it is not about saving the world. It is about saving the
one and a half million people of Cologne, who are held hostage
by the mad wizard Hexxagon. He has infested the catacombs under
the city and is toying with the population.
In order to stop him, you will have to allow him to toy with you
instead, engange him in a deadly game for the survival of the city.
And to open up a path into a forgotten past...
Luckily, you are very well prepared for this task, because you are
These legendary predecessors of the Storm Knights are exceptional
individuals. With the sheer strength of their will they can change
reality itself and stand fearless in the face of insurmountable odds,
to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat!
And they have to be strong, because they will face dangers that the
world has never seen before.
Freelancer Hexxagon is a stand-alone background for Torg Eternity,
set in the highly entertaining world of classic 8-Bit computer
games. The heroes of this world have the ability to transform
into powerful warriors and go head-to-head with even the most
terrifying monsters. Utilize the fast-paced rules framework of
Torg Eternity and kick it into high gear!
This free Preview Version provides you with 4 Freelancer
Character Classes (Metaforms) and the first part (3 Acts) of the
Freelancer Hexxagon Campaign.


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