Two Port Networks محول 1
Two Port Networks محول 1
Two Port Networks محول 1
Report entitled
Two-Port Networks
The student applied
The supervision of
Asst.Prof.Dr.Inaam Ibrahim Ali
Two-Port Networks
A two-portnetwork (akindof four-terminal
network or quadripole) is an electrical network (circuit) or
device with two pairs of terminals to connect to external
circuits. Two terminals constitute a port if the currents applied
to them satisfy the essential requirement known as the port
condition: the electric current entering one terminal must equal
the current emerging from the other terminal on the same
port.[1][2] The ports constitute interfaces where the network
connects to other networks, the points where signals are applied
or outputs are taken. In a two-port network, often port 1 is
considered the input port and port 2 is considered the output
The two-port network model is used in mathematical circuit
analysis techniques to isolate portions of larger circuits. A two-
port network is regarded as a "black box" with its properties
specified by a matrix of numbers. This allows the response of
the network to signals applied to the ports to be calculated
easily, without solving for all the internal voltages and currents
in the network. It also allows similar circuits or devices to be
compared easily. For example, transistors are often regarded as
two-ports, characterized by their h-parameters (see below)
which are listed by the manufacturer. Any linear circuit with
four terminals can be regarded as a two-port network provided
that it does not contain an independent source and satisfies the
port conditions.
Examples of circuits analyzed as two-ports are filters, matching
networks, transmission lines, transformers, and small-signal
models for transistors (such as the hybrid-pi model). The
analysis of passive two-port networks is an outgrowth
of reciprocity theorems first derived by Lorentz.[3]
In two-port mathematical models, the network is described by a
2 by 2 square matrix of complex numbers. The common models
that are used are referred to as z-parameters, y-parameters, h-
parameters, g-parameters, and ABCD-parameters, each
described individually below. These are all limited to linear
networks since an underlying assumption of their derivation is
that any given circuit condition is a linear superposition of
various short-circuit and open circuit conditions. They are
usually expressed in matrix notation, and they establish relations
between the variables
, voltage across port 1
, current into port 1
, voltage across port 2
, current into port 2
which are shown in figure 1. The difference between the various
models lies in which of these variables are regarded as
the independent variables. These current and voltage variables
are most useful at low-to-moderate frequencies. At high
frequencies (e.g., microwave frequencies), the use
of power and energy variables is more appropriate, and the two-
port current–voltage approach is replaced by an approach
based upon scattering parameters
• Z parameters
• Y parameters
• T parameters
• T’ parameters
• h-parameters
• g-parameters
Now, let us discuss about these two port network parameters
one by one.
Z parameters
We will get the following set of two equations by considering
the variables V1 & V2 as dependent and I1 & I2 as independent.
The coefficients of independent variables, I1 and I2 are called
as Z parameters.
The Z parameters are
Z parameters are called as impedance parameters because
these are simply the ratios of voltages and currents. Units of Z
parameters are Ohm (Ω).
We can calculate two Z parameters, Z11 and Z21, by doing open
circuit of port2. Similarly, we can calculate the other two Z
parameters, Z12 and Z22 by doing open circuit of port1. Hence,
the Z parameters are also called as open-circuit impedance
Y parameters
We will get the following set of two equations by considering
the variables I1 & I2 as dependent and V1 & V2 as independent.
The coefficients of independent variables, V1 and V2 are called
as Y parameters.
The Y parameters are
Y parameters are called as admittance parameters because
these are simply, the ratios of currents and voltages. Units of Y
parameters are mho.
We can calculate two Y parameters, Y11 and Y21 by doing short
circuit of port2. Similarly, we can calculate the other two Y
parameters, Y12 and Y22 by doing short circuit of port1. Hence,
the Y parameters are also called as short-circuit admittance
T parameters
We will get the following set of two equations by considering
the variables V1 & I1 as dependent and V2 & I2 as independent.
The coefficients of V2 and -I2 are called as T parameters.
The T parameters are
T parameters are called as transmission parameters or ABCD
parameters. The parameters, A and D do not have any units,
since those are dimension less. The units of parameters, B and
C are ohm and mho respectively.
We can calculate two parameters, A and C by doing open
circuit of port2. Similarly, we can calculate the other two
parameters, B and D by doing short circuit of port2.
T ’ parameters
We will get the following set of two equations by considering
the variables V2 & I2 as dependent and V1 & I1 as independent.
The coefficients of V1 and -I1 are called as T’ parameters.
The T’ parameters are
T’ parameters are called as inverse transmission parameters
or A’B’C’D’ parameters. The parameters A’ and D’ do not
have any units, since those are dimension less. The units of
parameters, B’ and C’, are Ohm and Mho respectively.
We can calculate two parameters, A’ and C’, by doing an open
circuit of port1. Similarly, we can calculate the other two
parameters, B’ and D’, by doing a short circuit of port1.
We will get the following set of two equations by considering
the variables V1 & I2 as dependent and I1 & V2 as independent.
The coefficients of independent variables, I1 and V2, are called
as h-parameters.
The h-parameters are
h-parameters are called as hybrid parameters. The parameters,
h12 and h21, do not have any units, since those are dimension-
less. The units of parameters, h11 and h22, are Ohm and Mho
We can calculate two parameters, h11 and h21 by doing short
circuit of port2. Similarly, we can calculate the other two
parameters, h12 and h22 by doing open circuit of port1.
The h-parameters or hybrid parameters are useful in transistor
modelling circuits (networks).
We will get the following set of two equations by considering
the variables I1 & V2 as dependent and V1 & I2 as independent.
The coefficients of independent variables, V1 and I2 are called
as g-parameters.
The g-parameters are
g-parameters are called as inverse hybrid parameters. The
parameters, g12 and g21 do not have any units, since those are
dimension less. The units of parameters, g11 and g22 are mho
and ohm respectively.
We can calculate two parameters, g11 and g21 by doing open
circuit of port2. Similarly, we can calculate the other two
parameters, g12 and g22 by doing short circuit of port1.
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