Full Medical Terminology Full Medical Terminology

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Full Medical Terminology

Ancient Roots of Medical Terminology (McMaster University)

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Medical Terminology – Chapter 1

Termination Translation
x-al Pertaining to x
x-ic Pertaining to x
x-ous Pertaining to x
x-ar/y Pertaining to x
x-an Pertaining to x
x-in/e Pertaining to x
x-ac Pertaining to x
x-oid Resembling x

Termination Translation
x-ia An abnormal condition involving x
x-ist One who (does the action of) x
One who specializes in x
x-in A substance (which does the action) of x

Derived Suffixes denoting medical problems often end with the primary suffixes –is and –y.
Termination Translation
x-itis Inflammation of x
x-orrhexis The rupturing of x
x-o-schisis The splitting of x
x-iasis The abnormal presence of x
x-o-clasis The breaking of x
x-osis An abnormal condition involving x
x-o-pathy A disease of x
x-o-megaly The enlargement of x
x-o-phagy The ingestion of x
The eating of x

Noun-endings made by adding to a base, the derived suffix –es/-is.

Termination Translation
x-o-genesis The production of x
x-o-poiesis The formation of x
x-o-kinesis The movement of x
The primary suffix –ia and the derived suffix –osis are often added to bases to form new derived
suffixes. Because the bases involved usually imply the idea of some specific abnormality it is
misleading to prefix the following definitions with the vague phrases and abnormal condition

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Termination Translation
x-algia Pain in(volving) x
x-odynia “
x-oplegia The paralysis of x
x-o-penia A deficiency of x
x-orrhagia The rapid flowing of (something from) x
x-o-malacia The softening of x
x-o-necrosis The death of x
x-o-stenosis The narrowing of x
x-o-sclerosis The hardening of x
x-optosis The downward displacement of x

Irregular endings.
Termination Translation
x-agra Gouty pain in x
x-orrhea The flowing of (something from) x
x-edema The swelling of x
x-o-cele The protrusion of (something through) x
x-o-lith A calculus in(volving) x
x-o-spasm A spasm of x
x-ismus A spasm of x

Derived suffixes consisting of a prefix, a base and a noun-forming primary suffix.

Termination Translation
x-ectopia The displacement of x
x-ectasia The distention of x
x-o-plasia The formation of x
x-o-dysplasia The defective formation of x
x-o-trophy The growth/nourishment of x
x-o-dystrophy The defective growth of x
x-atrophy The lack of growth of x
x-asthenia The lack of strength of x

Abstract nouns ending in –y and –is.

Termination Translation
x-o-therapy Treatment by means of x
x-iatry The healing of x
x-o-stasis The stopping of x
x-o-plasty The surgical repairing of x
x-o-centesis The surgical puncturing of x
x-orrhaphy The suturing of x
x-otomy The cutting of x

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x-ectomy The cutting out of x

x-ostomy The making of an opening of x
x-ics The science of x
x-ology The study of x
x-o-scopy The examination of x
x-o-metry The measurement of x
x-o-graphy The recording of x

Termination Translation
x-o-pexy The adhesion of x (diagnostic)
The fixation of x (therapeutic)
x-o-lysis The disintegration of x (diagnostic)
The separation of the adhesions of x (therapeutic)
x-o-tropism The tendency to preferentially affect x (diagnostic or

Concrete Nouns- some therapeutic nouns have derivative concrete forms denoting the
instrument or the “doer”.
Termination Translation
x-o-phage A cell which ingests x
x-otome An instrument for cutting x
x-ectome An instrument for cutting out x
x-o-scope An instrument for examining x
x-o-clast Something which breaks x
x-o-stat An instrument for stopping x
x-o-gen A substance which produces x
x-o-path One with a disease of x
x-o-graph An instrument for recording x
x-o-gram A record of x
x-o-meter An instrument for measuring x

Adjectives with Special Meanings

Termination Translation
x-o-genic Producing x
x-o-genous Produced by x
x-o-tropic Preferentially affecting x
x-o-kinetic The movement of x

Ending Gender Translation Example Literal Translation
x-us M (the/a) x Muc/us Slime

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x-a F (the/a) x Vertebr/a A joint

x-um N (the/a) x Crani/um The/a skull
x-on N (the/a) x Gangli/on A knot

- all pertaining to x

x-oplasty The surgical repairing of x

x-oplastic Pertaining to the surgical repairing of x
x-odystrophy The defective growth of x
x-odystrophic Pertaining to the defective growth of x
x-ophagy The eating of x
x-ophagous Pertaining to the eating of x

x-ogenesis The production of x

x-ogenetic Pertaining to the production of x
x-ostasis The stopping of x
x-ostatic Pertaining to the stopping of x

x-edema The swelling of x

x-edematous Pertaining to the swelling of x
x-ospasm A spasm of x
x-ospastic Pertaining to a spasm of x
x-ectasia The distention of x
x-ectatic Pertaining to the distention of x

x-opexy The adhesion/fixation of x

x-opectic Pertaining to the adhesion/fixation of x
x-orrhexis The rupturing of x
x-orrhectic Pertaining to the rupturing of x

x-oscopic Pertaining to the examination of x OR

Pertaining to an instrument for examining x
x-ographic Pertaining to the recording of x OR
Pertaining to an instrument for recording x
Pertaining to a record of x

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Medical Terminology Chapter 2

Combining Form Translation Latin
Anthropo Man
Som(at)o Body
Derm(at)o Skin Derma / dermis
Epiderm(at)o Epidermis Epidermis
Ctyo cell
x-ocyte A cell of x
Arthro Joint
Acro Extremities
Melo Limb
Cephalo Head
Tricho Hair
Blepharo Eyelid
Opthalmo Eye
Oto Ear
Rhino Nose
Prosopo Face
Facio Face
Cervico Neck Cervix
Trachelo Neck
Omo Shoulder
Brachio Arm Brachium
Ancono Elbow
Cheiro / chiro Hand
Dactyl Digit
Onycho Nail
Thoraco Chest Thorax
Stetho Chest
Mast Breast
Mammo Breast Mamma
Thele Nipple
Omphalo Navel
Umbel(ic)o Navel Umbilicus
Gluteo / gluto Buttock
Gono / gonyo Knee
Podo Foot
Pedo foot Pes

Medical Terminology Chapter 3

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Osteo Bone
x-ostosis The ossification of x
Oss(e)o Bone Os
Skeleton Skeleton
Cranio Skull Cranium
Cleido Collar bone
Claviculo / Clav(ic)i Collar bone Clavicula
Acromio Acromion Acromion
Coraco / coracoido Coracoid process
Humero Humerus Humerus
Cubito Elbow Cubitus
Ulno Ulna Ulna
Radio Radius Radius
Carpo Wrist Carpus
Phalango Phalanges Phalanges
Scapula Shoulder blade Scapula
Rach(i)o / rhach(i)o Spine
Myelo Spinal cord / bone marrow Spina
Spondylo Vertebra
Vertebro Vertebra Vertebra
Costo / costi Rib Costa
Sterno Chest Sternum
Xipho / xiphoido Xiphoid process
Coxo Hip Coxa
Pelvi / pelv(i)o Pelvis Pelvis
ilio Ilium Ilium
Ishcio Ischium Ischium
Pubo / pubi Pelvis Pubis
Sacro Pubis Sacrum
Coccygo Coccyx Coccyx
Acetabulo Acetabulum Acetabulum
Femoro Femur Femur
Patello Knee-cap (patella) Patella
Tibio Tibia Tibia
Fibulo Fibula Fibula
Tarso Tarsus (ankle) Tarsus
Calcaneo Calcaneus Calcaneus
Talo Talus Talus
Astragalo Talus Astragalus


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Chondro Cartilage
Cartilag(in)o Cartilage Cartilago
Myo / myoso Muscle
Musculo Muscle Musculus
Teno / tenon(t)o Tendon
Tendo / tendino Tendon Tendo
Desmo Ligament
Syndesmo / syndesmoso Ligament syndesmosis
Ligamento Ligament Ligamentum
Aponeuro / aponeuroso Aponeurosis Aponeurosis
Achillo Achilles tendon

Medical Terminology- Chapter 4

Nervous System
Encephalo Brain Encephalon
Cerebro Brain Cerebrum
Cerebello Cerebellum Cerebellum
Membrano Membrane Membrana
Meningo Meninges Meninx
Ependymo Ependyma Ependyma
Neuro Nerve
Nervi Nerve Nervus
Gangli(on)o Ganglion Ganglion
Neurono Nerve cell
(neuro)glio Neuroglia Neuroglia
Radiculo Radicle Radicula
Sympathy(et)o / sympathico Sympathetic nerves
Vago Vagus nerve

The Eye
Opthalmo Eye
Opt(ic)o Eye
Oculo Eye Oculus
Core / cor(e)o Pupil
Pupillo Pupil Pupilla
Ker(at)o Cornea
Corneo Cornea Cornea
Sclero Sclera Sclera
Retino Retina Retina
Uveo Uvea Uvea
Ir(id)o Iris Iris
Cyclo Ciliary body

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Cilio / ciliaro Ciliary body

Choroido / chorio Choroid
Conjuctivo conjunctiv Conjunctiva Conjunctiva
Cantho Canthus Canthus
Phaco Lens
Dacryo Tear
Lacrimo Tear
Dacryocysto Tear sac

The Ear
Tympano Middle ear Tympanum
Malleo Hammer Malleus
Incudo Anvil Incus
Staped(i)o Stirrup Stapes
Myringo Tympanic membrane Myrinx

Medical Terminology- Chapter 5

Cardiovascular System
Hem(at)o (haem-) Blood
x-(h)emia The abnormal presence of blood in X (OR
the abnormal presence of X in the blood)
Sanguine / sangui Blood
Hamoglobino Hemoglobin
Plasm(at)o / plasma Plasma
Thrombo Clot Thrombus
Thrombocyto Blood platelet
Sphygmo Pulse
Card(i)o Heart
Aorto / aortico Aorta Aorta
Valv(ul)o Vavle
Valve Valv(ul)a
Ventriculo Ventricle Ventriculus
Pericard(i)o Pericardium Pericardium
Myocard(i)o Myocardium Myocardium
Angio (angei-) Vessel
Vaso / vasculo Vessel Vas
Arter(i)o Artery Arteria
Phlebo Vein
Veno Vein Vena
Capillaro Capillary
Varico Varix Varix
Cirso Varix

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Lymphatic System
Lympho / lymphato Lymph Lympha
Lymphangio Lymph vessel
Lymphadeno Lymph node lymphaden
Spleno Spleen
Leino spleen Lien

(endo)crino Secretion
Hormone Hormone
Adeno Gland
Glandulo Gland Glandula
Pinealo Pineal gland
Hypophys(e)o Pituitary gland Hypophysis
Parot(id)o Parotid gland
Thyr(oid)o Thyroid gland
Parathryo / parathyroido Parathyroid gland
Thymo Thymus Thymus
Adreno / adrenalo Adrenal gland
Suprareno / suprarenalo Adrenal gland
Insulo Islets of Langerhans Insulae
Gonado gonad

Pg. 76 of textbook- gland-ism= a condition caused by the malfunction of ______ (gland)

Medical Terminology Chapter 6

Noun Adjective Adjective
masc. singular musculus cardiacus cervicalis
masc. plural musculi cardiaci cervicales
fem. singular vena cardiaca cervicalis
fem. plural venae cardiacae cervicales
neut. singular ligamentum cardiacum cervicale
neut. plural ligamenta cardiaca cervicalia

Rhin/o Nose
Nas/o Nose
Sin(us)/o Sinus
Sept/o Septum
Antr/o Antrum

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Pharyng/o Pharynx
Nas/o/pharyng/o, Nasopharynx
Epi/glott(id)/o Epiglottis
Laryng/o Larynx
Trach/e/o Trachea
Bronch/o, Bronch/i Bronchus
Pne/um(on)/o Lung, Air
Pulm(on)/o Lung
Pleur/o Pleura
Phren/o Diaphragm
Dia/phragm(at(o Diaphragm
Medi/ast/in/o Mediastinum
Spir/o Breathing
Pne/o Breathing
Pne/um(at)/o Air, Lung

x-ul/us x-ul/a x-ul/m (valvule) A little x
X(i)-cul/us x(i)-cul/a x(i)-cul/um (miniscule) A little x
x-ell/us X-ell/a x-ell/um (umbrella) A little x
x-ill/us x-ill/a x-ill/um (pupilla) A little x
x-ol/us x-ol/a x-ol/um (cabriolet) A little x

Plural Ending Gender Translation Corresponding
Singular Form
x-i Masculine (several) x-es x-us
(adjectival) x-us
x-ae Feminine (several) x-es x-a
(adjectival) x-a
x-a Neuter (several) x-es x-um
(adjectival) x-um
x-es Masc/Fem (several) x-es x-s
(adjectival) x-is
x-ia Neuter (adjectival) x-e

Combining Form Translation

Gnath/o Jaw

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Max/ill/o Upper jaw

Mand/i/bul/o Lower jaw
Geni/o Chin
Ment/o Chin
Stom(at)/o Mouth
Or/o Mouth
Cheil/o Lip
Labi/o Lip
Bucc/o Cheek
Gloss/o Tongue
Lingu/o Tongue
Palat/o Palate
Uran(isc)/o Palate
Staphyl/o Uvula
Uv/ul/o Uvula
Cion/o Uvula
Chapter 7:

Combining Form Translation

Odont/o Tooth
Dent/o, Dent/i Tooth
Peri/odont/o Periodontium
Gingiv/o Gums
Ul/o Gums
Dent/in/o Dentin
(En)amel/o Enamel
a/damant(in)/o Enamel
Pulp/o Pulp
Cement/o Cementum

Combining Form Translation

Axi/o Axial
Dist/o Distal
Mesi/o Mesial
Incis/o Incisal
Occlus/o Occlusal
Cervic/o Cervical
Labi/o Labial
Bucc/o Buccal
Lingu/o Lingual
Gingiv/o Gingival
Pulp/o Pulpal

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Chapter 8:
Combining Forms Translation
Front/o Frontal bone
Pariet/o Parietal bone
Oc/cipit/o Occiput
Atl(ant)/o Atlas
Tempor/o Temporal bone
Mast(oid)/o Mastoid process
Styl/o, styl/oid/o Styloid process
Petr/o, petr/os/o Petrous part of the temporal bone
Squam/o, squam/os/o Squamous part of the temporal bone
Sphen/o, sphen/oid/o Sphenoid bone
Zygomat(ic)/o Zygomatic bone
Ethm(oid)/o Ethmoid bone
Lacrim/o Lacrimal bone
Nas/o Nasal bone
Max/ill/o Maxilla
Mandibulo Mandible
Sut/ur/- Suture
Hy/o Hyoid bone

Terminations Translation
x-aux/is The enlargement of x
x-o-cirrh/os/is The hardening of x
x-o-cleis/is The closure of x
x-(h)elc/os/is The ulceration of x
x-i-fer/ous Bearing x
x-o-tox/ic/os/is The poisoning of x
x-o-tox/ic Poisonous to x
x-o-tox/in A substance poisonous to x
x-o-tox/ic/ity The ability to poison x

Terminations Translation
x-apheresis The removal of x
x-(en)chys/is The injection of fluid into
x-o-camps/ia The bending of (therapeutic)
The curvature of (diagnostic)
x-o-camp An instrunment for bending
x-o-trips/y The crushing or rubbing of x
x-o-trib/e An instrunment for crushing or rubbing x

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Chapter 9
Celi/o Abdomen/ abdomen wall
Amdomin/o Abdomen
Ventr/o Abdomen
Lapar/o Abdominal wall
Peri/ton(e)/o Peritoneum
Mes/enter(i)/o mesentery
Splanchn/o Viscera
Viscer/o Viscera
Es/o/phag/o Esophagus
Gastr/o Stomach
Stomach/o Stomach
Cardi/o Cardiac part of the stomach
Oment/o Omentum
Epi/pl/o Omentum
Epi/plo Omentum
Ply/or/o Pylorus
Du/o/den/o Duodenum
Chol/e/cyst/o Gall bladder
Chol/e/doch/o Common bile duct
Chol/angi/o Bile duct
Hepat/o Liver
Pan/cre(at)/o Pancreas
Enter/o (small) intestine
Jejun/o Jejunum
Ile/o Ileum
Col/o Colon
Col/on/o Colon
Cec/o Cecum
Typhl/o Cecum
Ap/pend(ic)/o Appendix
Sigm/oid/o Sigmoid fold
Proct/o Rectum or anus
Rect/o Rectum
An/o Anus
Sphincter/o (anal) sphincter
Sial/o Saliva
Ptyal/o Saliva
Chym/o Chime
Chyl/o Chyle
Chol/e Bile

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Chol/o Bile
Bil/i Bile
Copr/o Feces
Fec- Feces
Sterc(or)/o Feces
Scat/o Excrement
-doch/o Duct
x-o/stom/a An opening made in x

Chapter 10: Urogenital systems

Combining Form Translation
Lumb/o Loin
Inguin/o Groin
Peri/ne/o Perineum
Gen/it/o Genitals

Combining Form Translation

Ur/o Urine/ urinary tract
Ur/on/o Urine/ urinary tract
x-ur/ia The abnormal presence of x in the urine
x-ur/es/ist The passage of x in the urine
Ur/at/o Urate
Ur/e/a- Urea
Ur/e/o Urea
Ur/o/bil/in/o Urobilin
Nephr/o Kidney
Ren/o Kidney
Pyel/o Renal pelvis
Pelv(i)/o Renal pelvis
Pelv/i Renal pelvis
Ureter/o Ureter
Cyst/o Bladder/ cyst
Cystid/o Bladder/ cyst
Vesic/o Bladder/ cyst
Urethr/o urethra

Combining Form Translation

Sperm(at)/o Semen/ spermatozoon
Semin/o Semen
Semen/o Semen
Osche/o Scrotum
Scrot/o Scrotum

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Orchi/o Testis
Orchid/o Testis
Test/o Testis
Test/i/cul/o Testis
Epi/didym/o Epididymis
Vas/o Vas deferens
Vesic/ul/o Seminal vesicle
Gon/e/cyst/o Seminal vesicle
Spermat/o/cyst/o Seminal vesicle
Pro/stat/o Prostate
Phall/o Penis
Pen/o Penis
Balan/o Glans penis

Combining Form Translation

o/o Egg/ ovum
Ov/o Egg/ ovum
Men/o Menses/ menstration
Em/men(i)/o Menses/ menstration
x-o-men/ia Vicarious menstruation from x
o/o/phor/o Ovary
Ov/ar/i/o Ovary
Salping/o Uterine tube
Tub/o Uterine tube
Hyster/o Uterus
Metr/o Uterus
Uter/o Uterus
Cervic/o Cervix (of the uterus)
Trachel/o Cervix (of the uterus)
Colp/o Vagina
Vagin/o Vagina
Clitor(id)/o Clitoris
Clitor/i Clitoris
Vulv/o Vulva
Epis(i)/o Vuvla
Nymph/o Nymphaea
Hymen/o Hymen

Chapter 11: Psychological Terms

Combining Form Translation
Psycho Mind
Phren/o Mind

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Ide/o Idea
Neur/o Emotions
Er(ot)/o Sexual desire
Nyct/o Night
Hypn/o Sleep/ hypnotism
Oneir/o Dream
Narc/o Stupor
Pharmac/o Drug
Esth/es(i)/o Perception
An/esth/es(i)/o Loss of perception
Hallucin/o Hallucination
Nos/o Disease
Hyster/o Hysteria
Epi/lept/o Epilepsy
Pseud/o False/ falsely

Terminations Translation
x-o-phob/ia A morbid dread of x
x-o-phob/e One with a morbid dread of x
x-o-phil/ia A morbid fondness for x
x-o-phil/ic Pertaining to a morbid fondness for x (psychology)
Having an affinity for x (physiology)
x-o-phil/e One with a morbid fondness for x
One with a propensity to (do the action of) x
x-o-phil Something with an affinity for x
x-o-phil/i/ac x-o-phil/ic
x-o-man/ia A morbid fondness for x
x-o-man/ic Pertaining to a morbid fondness for x
x-o-man/i/ac x-o-philiac
x-o-leps/y A seizure of/involving x
x-o-lagn/ia Sexual gratification involving x

Chapter 12: Substances

Combining Form Translation
Hydr/o Water/ fluid
Hygr/o Moisture
Aer/o Air/ gas
Phys/o Gas
Sarc/o Flesh
Hist/o Tissue
Hist/i Tissue

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Syn/ov(i)/o Synovia
Epi/thel/i/o Epithelium
Kary/o Nucleus
Nucle/o Nucleus
Fibr/o Fiber
In/o Fiber
In/os/o Fiber
Elast/o Elastic tissue
Elast/ic/o Elastic tissue
Muc/o Mucus
Muc/i Mucus
Muc/os/o Mucus
Myx/o Mucus
Blenn/o Mucus
Ser/o Serum
Ser/os/o Serum
Lip/o Fat/ lipids
Lipar/o Fat/ lipids
Adip/o Fat
Adip/os/o Fat
Steat/o Fat
Pimel/o Fat
Seb/o Sebum
Cer(umin)/o Wax
Chol/e/ster(ol)/o Cholesterol
(h)idr/o Sweat
Py/o Pus
Lith/o Calculus
Kerat/o Horn
Alcohol/o Alcohol
Alkal/o Alkali
Alkal/i Alkali
Pur(in)/o Purine
Amyl/o Starch
Acid/o Acid
Acet/o Acid
Acet/i Acid
Ket(on)/o Ketone bodies
Galact/o Milk
Lact/o Milk
Ole/o Oil
Glyc/o Sugar

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Sacchar/o Sugar
Opson(in)/o Opsonin
Opsin/o Opsonin
Myel/in/o Myelin
Porph(yr)(in)/o Porphyrin
Eos/on/o Eosin
Gel(at)/o Jelly
Gelat/i Jelly
Zym/o Enzyme
En/zym/o Enzyme
Peps/in/o Pepsin
Pept/in/o Pepsin
Prot/e(in)/o Protein
Album(in)/o Albumin
Pept(on)/o Peptone
Colla/gen/o Collagen
Fibr/in/o Fibrin
Tox/o Poison
Tox/ic/o Poison
Arsen/o Arsenic
Arsen/ic/o Arsenic
Metall/o Metal
Crystall/o Crystal
Hyal/o Glass
Vitr(e)/o Glass
Calci/o Calcium
Calc/i Calcium
Anthrac/o Carbon
Cupr/i Copper
Sider/o Iron
Ferr/o Iron
Stann/o Tin
Thi/o Sulfur
Kali/o Potassium
Kal/i Potassium
Iod/o Iodine
Iod/in/o Iodine
Iod/i Iodine
a/zot/o Nitrogen
Phos/ph(at)/o Phosphate/ phosphorus
Phos/phor/o Phosphate/ phosphorus
Hal/o Salt

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Oxy- Oxygen
Ox/i Oxygen
Coni/o Dust
x-oma A tumor involving x
x-om(at)/o A tumor involving x
Onc/o Tumor
x-onc/us A tumor involving x

Chapter 13: Prepositional Prefixes

Combining Factors Translation
Hyper- Excessive/ above
Epi- Upon/ excessive (very rare)
Sup/r/a Above
Hypo- Insufficient/ below
Sub- Below
Inf/r/a Below
Per/i Surrounding
Circ/um- Around
Para- Beside
Ex/tr/a Outside
Ex- Outside
Ex/o Outside
Ect/o Outside
End/o Inside
En- Inside
Ex/o- Inside
Ect/o Inside
Pr/e- Before
Pr/o- Before
Re/tr/o- Behind
Post- Behind/ after
Trans- Through
In/ter- Between/among
Syn- Together/ with
Ant/i- against

Prefixes Common In Technical English Translation

Ab- (away) from/ off
Ad- To/ towards/ at
Com- Together/ with
De- Away/ (down) from/ about/ concerning
Dis- Apart/ away

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Ex- Outside/ out of

In- In(to)/ on(to)
Ob- Against/ near
Per- Through/ over
Pr/e- Before
Pr/o Before/ for
Re- Back/ again
Se- Away
Sub- Below/ under/ beneath
Trans- Through/ across

Less Common Prefixes Translation

Ana- On/ up(on)
Ant/e- Before
Apo- Off/ from
Cata- Down
Con/tr/a Against
Dia- Through
Sup/er- Above
Ul/tr/a beyond

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