Monthly Shot - March 2020 Final
Monthly Shot - March 2020 Final
Monthly Shot - March 2020 Final
Coronavirus Outbreak
By Nou Thao
3rd Semester
Page 4 spreads person-to-person Pictured above: Nurses from Wuhan, China end up with face
through droplets from sneezing shield marks on their faces from working long hours
or coughing. The symptoms in-
Mental Health Matters clude fever, cough, and shortness of breath and can appear within 2-14 days from ex-
Page 5 posure. As nursing students, we can prevent the spread of potential viruses by practic-
ing isolation and standard precautions such as hand hygiene, disinfecting commonly
Welcome 1st Semester shared surfaces, and covering your sneezes and coughs.
Page 6
The CDC recommends that people use face masks only if they are symptomatic. How-
ever, with the onset of this new disease, xenophobia and racism has erupted against
people of Asian descent. Pre-existing xenophobia perspectives are exposing them-
Important Upcoming selves with the coronavirus because some people may be quick to assume that any
Dates Asian-Americans they encounter are infected. Incidences of increasing discriminatory
Page 7 hostility and violence have been reported as you may have seen on the news. Stereo-
types and prejudice can affect your role as a student nurse. Remember that as a nurse,
you approach your peers and your patients without judgement. If we have judgements
about our patients, we cannot provide quality care. Please consider the nurses bravely
fighting the coronavirus right now.
I am responsible for maintaining three schedules. I have my chaotic class schedule, my husband’s work schedule, and the sched-
ule of my children’s childcare. Luckily, my husband’s work schedule is fairly normal. He has a wonderful Monday through Friday
nine to five. His schedule is the easiest, and thank God someone’s is. My children, on the other hand, have a schedule that is a lit-
tle more complex. Most of my cohort already know that I have two little boys, one will be three in March and the younger turned
one in November. The boys need to be dropped off at and picked up from childcare at specific times. Unfortunately, I cannot al-
ways do either of those so I need to make sure my husband is informed and picks up the boys when I am not able to. Google Cal-
endars has been a lifesaver for us because I am able to have our calendars on both of our phones so we can see at a glance where
we need to be and when.
In addition to being the schedule keeper, I am also the meal planner and food shopper. If it were up to my husband we would
have eggs and bacon for breakfast everyday, sandwiches everyday for lunch, and grilled meat, rice, and vegetables for dinner eve-
ry night. I would die from boredom! Every Saturday, I make a meal plan for the coming week that includes breakfast, lunch, and
dinner. Luckily, the boys are fed at childcare so we really only need to worry about their dinners every night. Once the meal plan-
ning is completed I do the grocery shopping on Sunday morning. Sunday is the day we cook our breakfast and lunches for the
week. It may take most of the day, but the time it saves us during the week is worth it.
While my husband has upped his Daddy skills over the last couple of weeks there are some things my boys just will not let him
do. My oldest always has to have me sing him his songs and tuck him in for bed. My youngest needs me to console him when he
has hurt himself or he is just not feeling well. They both need me to be present when I am with them and give them the attention
and love they need and deserve. What that means for me is very little time for studying while I am at home. I am forced to
squeeze in studying for as long as I can after they go to bed . Around this time, I cannot possibly stay awake any longer. This also
makes study groups a little more difficult for me since I have family obligations that will always take precedence. My husband is
only one man and our kids need both their parents to be happy.
All of that being said, I am still doing well in all of my classes, so far. I try to fill every moment I can with my studies, but when I
am with my family I am with my family. As parents we can balance our home and school life. It takes a little bit of additional com-
mitment and time management, but it can be done. Now I just need to keep this up for four semesters and I will be living my best
life with and for my family.
C.N.S.A. Meeting
March 6th (Friday) at 4:30pm at
Folsom Hall– Room 1050
Meet Nurses from different hospitals
and floors and hear about a day in
their lives! (ICU, ED, PCU/Oncology)
Contact Info
California State University, Sacramento,
School of Nursing:
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819-6096
Phone: (916) 278-6525
Fax: (916) 278-6311