Assignment 3 RMD 557
Assignment 3 RMD 557
Assignment 3 RMD 557
Research Proposal
Will more information about the problem
the problem?
How important, influential, or popular is
this population?
Would this study substantially revise or
Hypotheses/Research Questions
Outline the scope of the research. If your research
too large you will not be able to handle the
assignment during the term. If the research is too
small, you will not be able to produce an acceptable
Discussion on the limitations of the research may
• focus on answering the research questions
• the kind of research proposed
• the available time to collect data/information
• the narrowness of the subject
• the kinds and numbers of respondents to be
• the cost in carrying out the research
Literature Review
The purpose of writing a literature review is for you
to take a critical look at the literature that already
exists in the areas you are searching. It guides you
through the kind of work that others in your field of
study have done. It is also to convey to your readers
the information and ideas that have been
established on the topics as well as to see the
strengths and weaknesses of previous studies. With
the information, you will be better prepared to start
your research.
Elaborate on the information that you have and use
your own words. There are many reasons for writing
the literature review. The most important ones are
• to provide a context for the research
• to justify the research
• to illustrate how the subject has been studies
• to outline gaps in previous research
• to show the researchers understanding of the
topic area being studied
Sample of questionnaire