Conceptual Data Models 2020

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Conceptual Data Models

• Types of data models

• The ER model

Types Of Data Models
1. Object Based Logical Models
- They are used in describing data at the
conceptual and view levels.
- They provide fairly flexible structuring
capabilities and allow data constraints to
be specified explicitly.
Types Of Data Models cont’d
They include:
 E - R Model

 Object Oriented Model

 Binary Model

 Semantic Data Models

 Info-logical Data Model

 Function
Types Of Data Models cont’d
2. Record Based Logical Models
 These are models used in describing data at the conceptual
and view levels.
 They are used to specify the overall logical structure of the
database and to provide a higher-level description
 It is hard to understand.

3. Physical Data Models

 These are models that are used to describe data at the lowest

 They are very few in number and the two widely known ones

are: i. Unifying model ii. Frame memory model

The E- R Model (Entity Relationship)

 It is based on a perception over a real world, which consists of

a collection of basic objects called entities and relationships
among this objects.
 An entity is an object that is distinguished from other objects
via a specific set of attributes.
E-R Model Basic Concepts

 Entity sets
 Attributes

 Relationship sets

1. Entity sets- An entity is a thing or object in the real world that

is distinguishable from all other objects.
- An entity set is a set of entities of the same type that share the
same properties or attitudes e.g. a set of all persons who are
customers of a bank.
Characteristics of Attributes

2. Attributes-They are descriptive properties or characteristics

possessed by each member of an entity set.
Atomic and Composite attributes –
Atomic attribute: represents a single data value e.g. a
customer name or first name, middle name, last name. 15,
“Daniel", 12/25/2009
Composite attribute:
An attribute composed of many other attribute is called as
composite attribute
- can be decomposed into atomic attributes
 "James B. Brown"
Composite Attributes
 Decompose into atomic components for:


Student_ID Student_Address_Line_1
Student_Name Student_Address_Line_2
Student_Address Student_City
Student_DOB Student_State
Student_Class Student_Country
 Single valued and Multi valued Attribute -
The social security number or ID number can
only have a single value at any instance and
therefore its said to be single valued.
 An attribute like dependant name can take
several values ranging from o-n thus it is said to
be multi valued.
Multi-Valued Attributes

An attribute consisting more than one value for a

given entity.
For example, Phone_No (can be more than one
for a given student).
In ER diagram, multivalued attribute is represented
by double oval.
Multi-Valued Attributes cont’d

Student Employee
Student_ID (PK) Employee_ID (PK)
Student_First_Name Employee_First_Name
Student_Last_Name Employee_Last_Name
Student_Address Employee_Address
Student_DOB Employee_DOB
Student_Class Employee_Dependent1
Student_Phone1 Employee_Dependent2
Calculated/derived attribute

 The value for this type of attribute can be

derived from the values of other related
attributes or entities e.g.
Student age value can be derived from the value
for the date of birth and the current date.
 Value that can be derived from other attributes
 Student_Age = 22 (DOB = 11/20/1986,

current date is 11/13/2009)

Null Attributes

A null value is used when an entity does not

have a value for an attribute e.g.
dependent name.
NB//During design attributes leads to

Reg_No First_Name DOB

3. Relationship sets
 An association between two or more entities is called a
relationship. Ie connects 2 entities
 Relationship set: Collection of similar relationships
among two or more entity sets.
 It indicates that there is a business relationship between
these Entity Types.
 They represent logical links between two or
more entities.
 Represented by
(1,1) enr (1,M)
Instances of an ER Diagram

 Relationship set contains a set (no duplicates!) of

relationships, each relating a set of entities, one
from each of the participating entity sets.
 Components are entities, not attribute values.
Employee (ssn) Department (did)
12345678 1
14789632 1
56756322 2
... ...
Data Model Relationships
 Specify the number of instances of one entity that can be
associated with instances of a related entity
 ORDER is placed by CUSTOMER
 PROJECT has project member EMPLOYEE
 Types:
 1:1
 1:M
 M:M
 “M” denotes some value greater than 1 whose upper bound
is undetermined
 This is called relationship cardinality
 cardinality refers to the relationship between two tables.
Relationship can be of four types
Data Model Relationships
 Qn: Differentiate between instance and cardinality
1:1 Relationship
i One to one relationship (1:1) - An entity in A is associated with
utmost one entity in B

ii. B is associated with at utmost one entity in A.


Each DEPARTMENT has one and only
Each MANAGER manages one and only
1:M Relationship
 One to Many relationship (1:M) - An entity in A is
associated with any number of entities in B while an
entity in B can be associated with at most one entity in


Each CUSTOMER sometimes (95%) place one or
more ORDERs
Each ORDER always is placed by exactly one
Many to many (M:N)

 Many to many (M:N) - An entity in A is associated

with at least one entity in B and an entity in B can be
associated with a number of entities in A.


Each INSTRUCTOR teaches zero, one, or
more COURSEs
Each COURSE is taught by one or more
Resolving Many-To-Many Relationships

 Many-to-many relationships cannot be

used in the data model because they
cannot be represented by the relational
Resolving Many-To-Many Relationships

 A student can be enrolled in multiple classes

at a time (for example, they may have
three or four classes per semester).
 A class can have many students (for
example, there may be 20 students in one
 This means a student has many classes, and
a class has many students.
Resolving Many-To-Many Relationships

 We cant do this, because we cannot have

one column (class ID)storing more than one
value as it would be hard to query.
Resolving Many-To-Many Relationships

 M:M relationship is resolved by introducing

a joining table or bridging table
 So, we have a new table called
class_enrollment, It stores two columns:
one for each of the primary keys from the
other table.
Resolving Many-To-Many Relationships
Resolving Many-To-Many Relationships
Recursive Relationships
 Recursive relationships are also possible,
that is relationships between an entity and

Structured constrains
 These are specified for each entity participating in a
relationship and describe the maximum and
minimum number of relationship occurrences in
which an entity occurrence can participate.
 Cardinalities state how many times can an entity
instance participate in instances of a given
Structured constrains
• Optional relationships are shown by either, use of
a small circle drawn along the line or a dotted line
• Mandatory relationships are shown by use of
either a bar drawn across the line or a continuous
ER Model Notation
 Represent entities as rectangles
 List attributes within the rectangle

Entity UniversityStudent

PK StudentID Primary key

Attributes StudentDOB
 Weak Entity Set -This is an entity set that does not
have sufficient attributes to form a primary
 Strong Entity Set -This is an entity set that has a
primary key..
 Specialisation -An entity set may include sub-groupings of
entities that are distinct in some way from other entities in
the set. This is called specialization of the entity set
 Aggregation- This is abstraction through which relationship
are treated as higher-level entities e.g. the relationship set
borrower and the entity sets customer and loan can be
treated as a higher set called borrower as a whole.
Primary and Foreign Keys
 Primary keys enforce entity integrity by uniquely identifying
entity instances.
 The primary key is an attribute or a set of attributes that uniquely
identify a specific instance of an entity.
 Foreign keys enforce referential integrity by completing an
association between two entities.

Qn:Differentiate between entity integrity and referential integrity

Candidate Key
 This is where an entity has more than one attribute

that can serve as a primary key

 Any key or minimum set of keys that could be a
primary key is called a candidate key\

 Qn: Define candidate key

Composite Keys
 Sometimes it requires more than one attribute
to uniquely identify an entity.
 A primary key that made up of more than one

attribute is known as a composite key

Composite Keys cont’d

• Each instance of the entity Work can be uniquely

identified only by a composite key composed of
Employee ID and Project ID
Draw an E-R diagram that shows the
hospital environment, theatres, patients
(in and out-patients) doctors, nurses,
wards and ward beds

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