Antigenic Variation in The Intestinal Parasite Giardia Lamblia
Antigenic Variation in The Intestinal Parasite Giardia Lamblia
Antigenic Variation in The Intestinal Parasite Giardia Lamblia
Giardia lamblia trophozoites undergo antigenic variation, where trophozoite differentiation (encystation/excystation) and
one member of the Variant-specific Surface Protein (VSP) the continuous switching of its surface antigens (antigenic
family is expressed on the surface of proliferating trophozoites variation) remain inadequately known or controversial.
and periodically replaced by another one. Two main questions
have challenged researchers since antigenic switching was Antigenic variation in unicellular microorganisms involves
discovered in Giardia: What are the mechanisms involved? three essential features: (1) a large family of homologous
How are they influenced by other cellular processes or by the genes encoding immunodominant surface antigens; (2) a
environment? Two molecular mechanisms have been mechanism allowing the expression of only one member of
proposed, both involving small non-coding RNAs. Here we such family in individual cells; and (3) a molecular system
postulate that (a) chromatin remodeling, triggered by for reversible expression, determining the switching in
environmental factors, also plays an important role in selecting expression of one antigen by another [5]. In Giardia, a
the VSP that will be expressed and (b) the particular VSP repertoire of 200 VSP genes (vsps) is present in the
structure may not only protect the parasite in the small intestine parasite genome (feature 1). Here, we describe the
but also signal the need to exchange the existing VSP for proposed mechanisms of antigenic variation in Giardia
another. (only related to feature 2) and attempt to establish a link
Addresses between some potential stimuli and epigenetic factors
Laboratorio de Bioquı́mica y Biologı́a Molecular, Facultad de Medicina, likely influencing antigenic switching (feature 3).
Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentina
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Inmunologı́a y Enfermedades
Infecciosas (CIDIE-CONICET), Av. Armada Argentina 3555, CP Mechanisms for antigenic switching
X5016DHK, Córdoba, Argentina The mechanisms proposed to explain antigenic variation
in Giardia are based on the premise that this process must
Corresponding author: Luján, Hugo Daniel ([email protected])
involve the expression of only one VSP on the surface of
individual cells, selected from hundreds of vsp genes
Current Opinion in Microbiology 2016, 32:52–58 (Figure 1, left panel). The influence of genomic reorga-
This review comes from a themed issue on Host–microbe interac- nization during this process has been discarded. The vsps
tions: parasites are not located near the telomeres nor do they undergo
Edited by John Boothroyd and Barbara Burleigh gene movements during expression [6,7]. As in other
Giardia genes, vsps have no introns, their 50 upstream
regions are relatively short, without any obvious sequence
or structural conservation, and the 30 untranslated region (30 -UTR) of their transcripts varies from 0 to 30 nt [1,8],
1369-5274/# 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. with almost no possibility for regulation at this level.
There is also discrepancy about the exact number of vsps
present in the Giardia genome. Adam et al. [9] assigned
303, Morrison et al. [2] predicted and annotated 219 po-
tential vsp genes, and Li et al. [10] identified only 73 pu-
tative vsps. This disagreement is attributed to different
Introduction features regarded as necessary to define a VSP. For most
Giardia lamblia is a non-invasive protozoan parasite that researchers, VSPs are type 1 membrane proteins with an
inhabits the lumen of the upper small intestine of humans N-terminal, cysteine-rich extracellular region (with mul-
and many other vertebrates [1]. This protozoan belongs to tiple CXXC motifs) and a conserved C-terminal domain
the earliest diverging branch of the eukaryotic line comprising a unique transmembrane region and a short
of descent [2], and has a small and compact genome of cytoplasmic tail of only five amino acids (CRGKA) [11].
12 Mb containing nearly 9000 open reading frames In addition, Li et al. recently proposed a novel criterion for
(ORFs) [3]. Similar to other protozoa, Giardia lacks canon- defining a VSP [10], which decreases the number of vsp
ical transcription factors (TFs) and other gene regulatory genes to just 73 in the WB isolate. These authors sug-
elements [4]. The regulation of gene expression during gested that the C-terminal 120-amino acid region of VSPs
Figure 1
Antigenic variation in Giardia lamblia. Left panel: A fresh culture of Giardia WB trophozoites expressing the same VSP on the surface after
selection by limiting dilution. Right panel: The same culture, after several days of proliferation in vitro, shows the ‘spontaneous’ switching in VSP
expression. Only some trophozoites were labeled with two specific anti-VSP monoclonal antibodies; they are surrounded by several cells
expressing undetermined VSPs, with only the nuclei being stained with DAPI (blue). VSP expression was detected by immunofluorescence assays
using two specific mAbs against VSP-9B10 (green) and VSP-1267 (red).
can be divided into motif 1 (45 amino acids containing two were described as regulating important biological process-
CXXC motifs separated by 12–15 amino acids located es in eukaryotes via post-transcriptional gene silencing
near the plasma membrane) and motif 2 (the transmem- (PTGS).
brane region plus the 5-amino cytoplasmic acid tail), and
concluded that the presence of both motives is necessary miRNA-mediated translational repression model: Over
for VSP membrane surface localization. In our opinion, the last eight years, different research groups have been
however, these authors’ interpretations were incorrect focused on detecting miRNAs through analysis of homol-
because surface localization of different episomally- ogy searching, in silico prediction or deep sequencing of
expressed VSPs (with or without motifs 1 and 2) con- Giardia trophozoites [12,15,16]; some authors have pro-
tained Myc tags at the intracellular C-terminus of the posed miRNA participation in repressing VSP expression
proteins was analyzed by using non-permeabilized cells to at the translational level [17]. To date, 166 putative
localize these VSP variants. Therefore, although the miRNAs have been identified, ranging between 24 and
number of vsp genes may vary among different strains 28 nt in length, with a peak at 26 nt [12]. Most of these
and even species of Giardia, we consider it is close to putative miRNAs were obtained via the analysis of next-
200. Although this issue may appear irrelevant at this generation sequencing libraries from Giardia Argonaute
point, the number of vsp genes plays an important role (GlAgo)-associated small RNAs.
when considering the proposed mechanisms for control-
ling antigenic variation in this parasite. Of the only 105 putative miRNAs described in 2014 by
Wang and coworkers, 55.2% are derived from ORFs, 40%
Since Giardia is a binucleate organism, with both nuclei from the other genomic regions, and only 4.8% from small
being equally active and functional, any molecular mech- nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) [12]. A comparison of these
anism controlling antigenic variation must coordinate vsp miRNAs from different Giardia isolates showed that only
expression between both nuclei of the parasite. In this 4 are conserved between isolates WB and GS, 35 are
scenario, a post-transcriptional control of gene expression conserved between isolates WB and P15, 25 are con-
in Giardia appears to be advantageous. Over the last few served among all 3 isolates, and 41 are specific to the
years, two cytoplasmic mechanisms involving small WB isolate. Wang and coworkers studied the action of
RNAs (sRNAs) have been described [12,13]. Small putative miRNAs over four episomally-expressed tagged
RNAs make up a family of regulatory non-coding RNAs VSPs, each one having different number and position of
of 19–28 nt in length, which are derived from double- potential miRNA target sites (two overlapping target
stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) through processing mediated sites, two separated target sites and multiple overlapping
by RNase III type enzymes [14]. Two major classes and separated target sites), all of them within the ORF
of sRNAs are involved in RNA silencing: microRNAs region. The authors were unable to locate any potential
(miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). Both miRNA target site within the vsp 30 UTR regions, which is
common in higher eukaryotes transcripts [18]. Their by the Giardia endonuclease Dicer (GlDcr) to generate
findings suggest that multiple miRNAs could be distrib- pre-miRNAs, and then digested again by GlDcr to pro-
uted covering the entire vsp ORF, and that when they do duce the double-stranded miRNA [19] (Figure 2), which
not overlap to each other their repression is enhanced. In is a highly uncommon way of processing.
addition, functional differences were detected when a
particular miRNA was located at different target positions The model based on the action of miRNAs on antigenic
of a vsp mRNA, suggesting differences in mRNA second- variation is highly influenced by the number of vsp genes
ary structure and miRNAs binding thermodynamics [12]. considered. When the 220 annotated vsp genes were con-
Based on these results, Wang’s group proposed a mecha- sidered, 5 miRNAs analyzed targeted 178 of them [16],
nism of miRNA-mediated translational repression of the whereas in a later estimation of only 73 vsp genes in Giardia
entire coding region of the VSP mRNAs targeted by WB isolate, all of them carried multiple miRNA target sites
multiple miRNAs. Interestingly, since Drosha/Pasha [12]. It is unlikely that only a fraction of the entire reper-
and Exportin 5 are absent in Giardia, the authors sug- toire of vsp genes is controlled by this proposed mechanism.
gested that a primary miRNA must be exported to the Furthermore, the mechanism implies a redundancy of
cytoplasm by the Exportin CRM1 complex and processed miRNA target sites, where almost all the described putative
Figure 2
Changes in the
Anti-VSP antibodies
3.1 GIAgo
GIDcr vsp Degradation
3.1 siRNAs
Modifications vsp VSP Translation
VSP ~220 vsp pre-
GIAgo Inhibition
genes mRNAs 4.1 miRNA
3 GIDcr
Molecular mechanisms controlling antigenic variation in Giardia. The mechanisms proposed for regulating antigenic switching in Giardia include
siRNAs-mediated RNAi silencing of all but one VSP mRNAs, miRNA translation inhibition, and epigenetic factors (histone tail modification at a
particular vsp locus). (1) External factors (anti-VSP antibodies or environmental changes) or the nutritional state of the cell ([NAD+/NADH]) can
trigger different signals. Conformational changes in the expressed surface antigen (green), due to either antibody binding or rearrangement of the
CXXC motifs, could start a still undetermined signal transduction cascade that modifies the transcription rate of different VSP genes by epigenetic
factors or by activating the PTGS pathway. (2) Chromatin remodeling could play a critical role in regulating vsp transcription. A variation of histone
acetylation state in the immediate upstream region of the expressed VSPs is regulated by histone deacetylases, whose activity can be modified
by the redox state of the cell. (3) Most, if not all, vsps are simultaneously transcribed, although with different efficiency, and transported to the
cytoplasm. (3.1) GlRdRP detects multiple homologous VSP mRNAs and generates antisense RNAs targeting all but one VSP transcripts. VSP
dsRNAs are processed into siRNAs by GlDicer. Silencing of GlRdRP or GlDicer leads to a change from a single to multiple VSP expression on the
trophozoite surface. (3.2) Silencing of GlAgo did not produce viable cells. (4) miRNAs of different origin (ORFs, snoRNAs) may also be involved.
(4.1) In the absence of Drosha, the pri-mRNAs would be processed in the cytoplasm by GlDicer. How the mRNAs reach the cytoplasm in the
absence of Exportin 5 is unknown. (4.2) Different miRNAs have target sites in the same vsp mRNA, which could lead to inhibition of translation. (5)
Only one transcript is translated into the VSP that is expressed on the surface of the trophozoites (red), bypassing the described silencing
pathway (blue arrow).
miRNAs target these vsp genes at multiple sites. If that is for another occur? These questions remain unresolved
true, it is speculative to imagine that a similar mechanism but, hopefully, recent research findings may help to
occurs with all other Giardia genes potentially regulated by elucidate the molecular basis of this process.
miRNAs. Conversely, deep sequencing sRNAs transcrip-
tome of four different stages of Giardia differentiation [20] Completing the puzzle
reflected that most sRNAs are endo-siRNAs, and that of the Antigenic variation in Giardia is often reported to occur
166 miRNAs reported so far by different laboratories, only ‘spontaneously’ in vitro [22] (Figure 1, right panel). This
5 were found to be produced from known ncRNAs. These observation could reflect an ancient, evolutionarily-ac-
authors concluded that although canonical miRNAs can be quired mechanism whereby an internal clock would trig-
encoded in the Giardia genome, their abundance is too low ger switching of a particular VSP. Nevertheless, a closer
to play any important function [20]. Then, if miRNAs are look at early neglected publications as well as recent
involved in the control of antigenic variation, how is their results from our group raises many questions regarding
expression regulated? Many aspects of this model remain generally accepted concepts. For example, studies con-
highly speculative, although easily testable. ducted in the 1980s and 1990s showed that: (i) VSP
switching rates differ significantly among different iso-
RNA interference (RNAi) model: Another post-transcrip- lates [23,24]; (ii) the switching rate of the same clone
tional mechanism controlling VSP expression involving expressing a particular VSP varies remarkably when com-
small RNAs but of different origin (siRNAs) was also pared during culture proliferation or during experimental
described [13]. The proposed RNA interference (RNAi) infections [25,26]; (iii) antigenic variation starts very early
model involves the action of a cytoplasmic Giardia RNA- during animal infections (since day 4 in mice and gerbils)
dependent RNA polymerase (GlRdRP), which generates [26,27], indicating that in vivo antigenic variation in G.
antisense RNAs complementary to VSP mRNAs. It was lamblia would be mediated by an antibody-independent
demonstrated that most of the vsps are simultaneously mechanism, which is able to induce a positive or negative
transcribed and that the produced vsp dsRNAs trigger the VSP selection, depending on the particular host and VSP;
action of an endonuclease complex that includes GlDcr (iv) clones expressing a particular VSP are capable of
and GlAgo. This complex processes these molecules into infecting certain hosts better than others [28], suggesting
short 26-nt-long dsRNAs in an ATP-dependent fashion, that some VSPs are more suited to the conditions of the
a typical feature of RNAi-silencing systems [13]. This upper small intestine of different hosts.
model includes the cytoplasmic recognition by GlRdRP
of the highly homologous VSP mRNA by scanning the In light of these observations, we have endeavored to
entire vsp transcriptome and acting as a concentration- reproduce and complement these experiments in recent
dependent sensor of aberrant mRNAs [13]. Therefore, years and to analyze them in the context of the proposed
the differences in the level of individual transcripts might mechanisms of antigenic variation. Our results reveal
serve as the exclusion factor that allows the vsp mRNA that: (i) the VSP switching rate in trophozoites varies
with the highest concentration to evade the action of with the time in culture, suggesting that the nutritional
GlRdRP, avoiding degradation by the silencing machin- status of the cell might have an influence on antigenic
ery. The direct involvement of GlRdRP and GlDcr was variation (Rios et al., unpublished); (ii) at a given point in
demonstrated via experiments in which these enzymes time, the switching rate varies during experimental in-
were knocked down, leading to a change from expression fection in different animals, being faster in small animals
of a single VSP to expression of multiple VSPs in indi- (gerbils) than in larger ones (dog and cats), which suggests
vidual trophozoites [13] (Figure 2). Giardia was the first that environmental conditions may favor or limit VSP
parasite in which the mechanism of antigenic variation switching (Serradell et al., unpublished); (iii) remarkably,
was disrupted, and these altered cells expressing the we found that high concentrations of antibodies against
entire repertoire of variable surface antigens were crucial VSPs agglutinate the trophozoites without cytotoxic
to confirm that antigenic variation in parasites is essential effects, but low antibody concentrations trigger immedi-
for evasion of the host immune response. Immunization ate VSP switching (Tenaglia et al., unpublished). In
with the whole repertoire of expressed VSPs was neces- addition to these features, which are related to the causes
sary and sufficient to generate a strong, long-lasting of VSP switching (antibody-mediated or environmentally
protection against subsequent infections [21]. triggered), it is clear that external factors are playing a role
in the selection of the particular VSP that will be trans-
Despite the discrepancies between the two proposed lated and expressed on the parasite surface. Therefore,
mechanisms, it is clear that control of antigenic variation spontaneous switching may not occur.
in Giardia occurs post-transcriptionally and that disrup-
tion of the RNAi machinery allows the expression of the In other parasites that undergo antigenic variation, chro-
entire repertoire of VSPs on the parasite surface. How do matin remodeling plays a critical role in regulating surface
wild type parasites select the VSP that will be expressed antigen expression [29,30]. Giardia has two copies of
on the parasite surface? How does the exchange of a VSP histones H2A, H2B, and H3, and three of H4, but no
putative homologue of the linker histone H1 has ever [39], and/or triggering signal transduction pathways under
been found [31,32], which could be consistent with the detrimental oxygen concentrations in the environment
hypothesis that H1 was recruited during eukaryotic evo- [40]. In this context, the SH groups exposed on the outer
lution after the acquisition of the core histones to further surface may protect trophozoites from oxygen or free
refine the chromatin structure [33]. radicals, and be also involved in the interaction with host
intestinal epithelial cells. Recently, in a proteomic study
The lack of allele-specific expression of vsp genes and the performed on Giardia, Emery et al. [41] described a
absence of DNA rearrangements associated with antigen- significant increase in the expression of several VSPs
ic variation suggest the presence of an epigenetic form of during the interaction of trophozoites with enterocytes
control for VSP gene expression in Giardia [1,6,34]. This and soluble factors released by these host cells. The up-
was initially suggested in 2006 [35], when Nash’s team regulated VSPs constituted over a third of all the up-
linked antigenic variation with histone acetylation in the regulated proteins, suggesting that these changes in VSP
immediate upstream sequences of the expressed VSPs. expression likely represent selection of favorable variants
An epigenetic mechanism during parasite differentiation for host pathogenesis or virulence [41].
into cysts was also proposed by Hehl’s group [36]. None-
theless, they found only 1% of the VSP family modu- Moreover, the conserved CXXC motif in the stalk region
lated by a general histone hyperacetylation process using of the protein CD3 plays a key role in the TCR signaling.
a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor. This group Many potential functions of these motifs have been
described the presence of several histone modifying proposed, such as their involvement in CD3 dimerization
enzymes in Giardia: 5 histone acetylases, 6 histone dea- and in the correct orientation of the CD3 cytoplasmic tails
cetylases and 6 histone methylases, whereas demethy- during aggregation [40].
lases seem to be absent [36].
Thus, conformational changes in the expressed surface
Our group also found evidence that histone deacetylases antigen simply due to either antibody binding or rearrange-
are involved in the regulation of antigenic variation, since ment of the CXXC motifs in response to changes in the
the presence of HDAC inhibitors increases the switching environment might start a still undetermined signal trans-
rate of a VSP clonal population (Gargantini et al., unpub- duction cascade that modifies the transcription rate of
lished). Accordingly, the crosstalk between histone mod- different VSP genes before control of the RNAi pathway.
ifications and the RNAi pathway has been clearly
documented [37,38]. In particular, epigenetic transcrip- Conclusions
tional repression is not only due to heterochromatin Over the last decades, several groups have made great
formation, but also to the fact that RNAi of nascent efforts to elucidate the mechanism controlling antigenic
transcripts can guide epigenetic silencing and associated variation in Giardia. Since no specific VSP promoter
histone modifications [38]. This confirms our previous sequences have been identified and the upstream regions
hypothesis that one VSP transcript evades degradation by of vsps do not have any evident homology, the two
RNAi possibly due to differences in VSP transcription mechanisms described above proposed a post-transcrip-
efficiency [13]. Remarkably, a major role for NAD+-de- tional system for the regulation of VSP expression by the
pendent deacetylases of the Sirtuin family was deter- action of sRNAs of different origin (miRNA and siRNA).
mined. Since these enzymes are dependent on the Both mechanisms are based on common molecular ma-
nutritional state of the cells, they seem to be a potential chinery, Dicer and Argonaute, which are both present and
link between the environment and the transcription rate functional in Giardia.
of different vsp genes.
Nevertheless, independently of the considered model,
Are the CXXC motifs in VSPs involved in VSP expression is likely to be regulated by small RNAs
antigenic switching? and a crosstalk with epigenetic factors may establish a
Giardia is protected by a tight coat comprising the VSPs, response network to changes in the environment [42].
which cover the entire surface of the parasite, with the Although important advances have been made, there is
extracellular cysteine-rich N-terminal region playing an still a long way to completely elucidate the process that
important role in the interplay between host and envi- drives the expression of a single VSP on the surface of the
ronment. This abundance of cysteine residues, besides trophozoites and how environmental changes are associ-
promoting resistance to intestinal proteases and bile salts, ated with the general process of parasite evasion from the
may be involved in the detection and/or transduction of host immune response.
external switching signals.
Additional information regarding the molecular basis of
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The work of the authors is supported by grants from the Agencia Nacional base pairing with the target. PLoS One 2013, 8:e55672.
de Promoción Cientı́fica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT), the Consejo Nacional
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