Francesca Ashurst, Couze Venn (Auth.) - Inequality, Poverty, Education - A Political Economy of School Exclusion (2014, Palgrave Macmillan UK) PDF
Francesca Ashurst, Couze Venn (Auth.) - Inequality, Poverty, Education - A Political Economy of School Exclusion (2014, Palgrave Macmillan UK) PDF
Francesca Ashurst, Couze Venn (Auth.) - Inequality, Poverty, Education - A Political Economy of School Exclusion (2014, Palgrave Macmillan UK) PDF
Francesca Ashurst
Honorary Research Fellow, Cardiff University, UK
Couze Venn
Visiting Research Professor, Goldsmiths, University of London and
Associate Research Fellow, University of Johannesburg
© Francesca Ashurst and Couze Venn 2014
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2014 978-1-137-34700-8
Acknowledgements ix
viii Contents
References 178
Index 191
Introduction: Elements for a
Political Economy of Exclusion
A key issue which has been associated with low well being
in the UK is inequality. Amongst wealthy nations, the UK
has some of the highest levels of inequality. Even before the
recession, inequality had reached the highest levels in the
UK since records began in 1961. (Nairn, 2011: 7)
The analysis of school exclusion in this study aims to show that the
problem of school exclusion raises economic, political, social and his-
torical issues which go to the heart of questions about an equitable and
just society. Our starting point is the apparent conundrum that although
it is widely recognised that exclusion does not work, and is immensely
costly, it has continued to be the principal means for dealing with dis-
ruptive behaviour in schools in England and Wales. One is led therefore
to enquire about the forces and values which operate to fix exclusion as
the default position. Equally, the fact that the practice largely affects a
specific category of children, namely those who are poor, disadvantaged
or troubled, predominantly belonging to a precarious section of the
population, motivates a search for answers that transcend issues relating
narrowly to schooling or the conceptualisation of child development
and childhood. Our argument is that such a search reveals the school to
be a site where underlying struggles about inequality, poverty and ideas
2 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
of the good society that have roots in the 19th century have been and
continue to be fought out. Our study will show that exclusion as a prac-
tice is the abiding legacy of how these conflicts evolved in England and
Wales, a legacy that has been brought into sharp focus in the present
period of economic crisis and growing inequality.
We have set out our analysis in the form of a political economy of
exclusion. We have been guided in this by research which has con-
sistently found wealth and income inequality to be a key factor in
determining both educational achievement and juvenile delinquency.
The magnitude of the problem is striking when one reflects that recent
analyses point to the likelihood of 25 per cent of children in the UK liv-
ing at or below the poverty line by 2020 (Brewer et al., 2011). We present
below well-established evidence showing the correlation between exclu-
sion, disruptive behaviour, poor achievement and importantly delin-
quency. Whilst this link may not be surprising, what is more intriguing
is the long history showing the extent to which inequality and poverty
are the common factors that connect the one with the other, and it is
this set of interconnections that has informed our argument that a his-
tory of exclusion is interwoven with a history of inequality.
We are encouraged in this approach by Stiglitz who, in The Price of
Inequality, examines the recent massive growth in inequality worldwide
to reveal how the ‘money-inequality political/economic nexus’ (2013:
xxii) has operated to further disadvantage those already suffering from
the consequences of poverty. He highlights the findings that link the
worsening in income and wealth inequality to inequalities in health,
lower educational attainment, as well as drug abuse and deterioration
in family life, and notes the increasing gap in test scores of American
children that can be attributed to this increase in inequality over the
past 25 years (op. cit: xiii, xv). The costs affect society as a whole since
increases in the rate of crime correlate with both the poorly educated
and inequality (op. cit: 19). Whilst such interconnections have been
well known for some time, what is striking is his claim that ‘… inequal-
ity is the result of political forces as much as of economic ones’ (2013: 38),
an implication in the USA being that ‘… in the absence of government
support, many children of the poor would not be able to get basic health
care and nutrition let alone the education required to acquire the skills
necessary for enhanced productivity and high wages’ (op. cit: 38).
Stiglitz’ analysis of the causes and consequences of inequality finds
support in Wilkinson and Pickett’s The Spirit Level where they provide
ample evidence from international comparisons confirming the links
between inequality, children’s educational performance, health, mental
Introduction 3
2006; Sen and Nussbaum, 1993). Guided by this ‘big picture’, our nar-
rative of school exclusion will show that underlying the different and
shifting practices from the emergence of liberal capitalism in the 19th
century one finds conflicting views of the good society and human
beings. These can be broadly separated into, on the one hand, utilitar-
ian, instrumental, economistic and punitive approaches to poverty,
disruptive behaviour and education generally, and on the other hand,
radical and universalist approaches tied to a commitment to changing
the rules of the game to benefit equally the quality of life of all citizens.
The former then and now has tended to privilege the interests of busi-
ness, governance and self-interested individuals, the latter value the
general good and the interest of the people as a whole and their social
and spiritual wellbeing. It is sobering to reflect that exactly the same
values are identified by Stiglitz as at stake in his devastating critique of
the ‘market fundamentalist ideology that serves the interests of the top,
often at the expense of the rest of society’ (2013: xxv), an ideology which
he blames as the root cause of the current economic crisis. He makes his
own commitments clear when he approvingly cites Cornel West’s view
that it is not a matter of the proper understanding of self-interest, but of
‘strong moral forces, strong spiritual forces, linked to …what it means to
be human…(and) rich stories of the art of living, loving, serving others’
(2013: xxi).
The story of exclusion that we tell will illustrate the extent to which
similar values and political commitments were already at play in the
19th century when the role of education in breaking the link between
extreme poverty and crime was being differently developed by reform-
ers. We argue below in our examination of these conflicts within 19th
century liberalism that the lines of battle have often been messy and
confusing, as the implications of emerging policy were often not clear.
By relocating school exclusion within the wider framework of political
economy, we show why this longer history is relevant today, as well as
chart the determining place of the management of inequality, poverty
and labour in the development of state educational and social policy;
this approach combining political economy and genealogy enables us to
open up a space for displacing the focus towards the care of the child as
primary objective of intervention.
It should be clear from what we are arguing that part of our aim is
strategically to displace the problem of exclusion away from a purely
educational one relating to disruptive behaviour in schools, though
obviously it is such behaviour that triggers interventions on the part
of teachers and policy-makers. Whilst the immediate objective of the
Introduction 5
Let us look at the hard data to gauge the extent of the problem. Every
year in the UK there is an annual cycle of statistical releases produced
by Department of Education. The most recent report, published in
2013, reveals that 5,170 pupils were permanently excluded and 162,400
pupils received fixed period exclusions in schools in England and Wales.
Publication of statistical data recording permanent exclusion from
school had first appeared in 1992, whilst the ‘explosion’ of school exclu-
sion has been identified as a cause for concern from the 1990s (Parsons,
1996; Gilborn, 1998; Vulliamy and Webb, 2000). The annual increases
thereafter were interpreted, particularly in the media, as evidence of
large-scale deterioration in behaviour amongst school children. Hayden
(2003: 631) remarked that responses included ‘the perceived “dangerous-
ness” of children in the community without schooling’, whilst Parsons
(2005) documented how the media selected and sensationalised specific
cases of children excluded from school as ‘evidence’ which worked
to confirm a punitive and retributionist set of responses which, he
argued, reflected the ‘understand a little less and condemn a little more’
approach which emerged in the mid-1990s. Furthermore, these sensa-
tionalised accounts ignored any underlying contributory factors, prefer-
ring instead to produce representations which demonised what were
often vulnerable children and young people. Parsons concluded that
‘the result is that these negatively defined groups experience oversight,
neglect and punishment’ (Parsons, 2005: 198).
Indeed, the ‘oversight, neglect and punishment’ has catastrophic
results, for, as recent statistics from the Youth Justice Board show, more
than 80 per cent of young boys and girls in young offender institutions
had been excluded from school and that more than half ‘had last been
at school when they were under 14’ (Youth Justice Board, 2009: 9).
This was further reinforced in a recent report from HM Inspectorate of
Prisons which reported that 46 per cent of young male offenders were
last in school when they were aged 14 or under, and 86 per cent had
been excluded from school (HMIP, 2011). The former Chief Inspector
for Prisons, Anne Owers, pointed out in the foreword to the 2009 Youth
Justice Board report that ‘most children and young people who end up
in prison come from sadly predictable backgrounds’ (2009: 7). The crimi-
nalising and punishment of disadvantaged children and young people
has a lengthy and complex history which is central to the account that
we present; exclusion, we argue, serves as an index for wider underlying
problems in society.
Although the data for permanent and fixed period exclusions could
be interpreted as representing the failure of policies which set tough
8 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
more than a million school children living in poverty do not get free
school meals and pointed out that ‘700,000 are not even entitled to this
vital support because they are from poor, working families’ (Children’s
Society, 2012).
The problem is that whilst the management process assumes the exist-
ence of unproblematic norms of ‘normal’ behaviour and that strategies
or programmes can be devised largely focussed on the normalisation of
the child as the goal, this is at the expense of addressing the underlying
issues which contribute to disruptive or ‘abnormal’ behaviour. Matters
have been made worse in the wake of the implementation of practices
driven by conflicting demands such as the targets and objectives of
audit culture (Rose, 1999b). This culture tends to override the effects of
inequality for those children most in need (Piachaud, 2001; Armstrong,
2005). Yet, as Hayden (2003: 629) pointed out, ‘relatively poor socio-
economic circumstances are the common factor in exclusion’.
Poverty and trauma, the latter produced through a range of factors
which include bereavement, physical and sexual abuse, parental sub-
stance use, being ‘looked after’ by substitute parents or agencies, and
acting as main carer for a parent, are all common factors for children
excluded from school. In many cases more than one factor is implicated.
A study undertaken for the DfES (now the DfE) of young people perma-
nently excluded from school pointed out that ‘...the data revealed com-
plex and often disadvantaging social factors impinging on the young
people’s lives outside school, often throughout their lives’ (Daniels
et al, 2003: 15).
It is important additionally to note that the children and young peo-
ple most negatively affected by the focus on punitive responses have
been those with special educational needs (SEN), particularly those who
are identified as having an emotional and behavioural disorder. This
group has always formed the majority of those excluded from school –
the Back on Track White Paper (DCSF, 2008a) recorded that 75 per cent
of children in Pupil Referral Units had special educational needs and
that most of these were identified as ‘Behavioural and Social Disorders’.
This recognition is not new; in 1998 the Social Exclusion Unit (SEU)
had identified that ‘children with special needs are six times more likely
than others to be excluded’ which was the same proportion as children
from African Caribbean backgrounds and smaller than children in care,
who were ten times more likely than any other group to be excluded
(SEU, 1998; Blair, 2001). The most recent statistics record that ‘pupils
with SEN are over nine times more likely to be permanently excluded
than those pupils with no SEN’. (DfE, 2012). However, whilst the SEU
10 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
However, in the year that the fieldwork for this study was undertaken
7,720 recorded offences were committed by juveniles in the county
area where the research took place. Of these, 557 were commit-
ted during school hours of which a total of 149 (or 1.9 per cent of
recorded juvenile offences) were committed by 83 pupils who were
either subject to a fixed term or permanent exclusion at the time
of their arrest. Such data possibly challenges exclusion as a primary
cause of school-time crime. Further support for this claim comes
Introduction 13
by looking at the functioning of the body, the role of crime, the remak-
ing of the family, the regulation of population, and in this way relocate
the prison not simply by reference to crime and punishment, but by
reference to its place in the emergence of the new form of power he
calls governmentality. Similarly, the study of the medicalisation of the
‘abnormal’ uncovers the constitutive links between concepts of crime,
‘degeneration’, heredity and social defense (2003a).
The second displacement, relating to the first, concerns the prob-
lematisation of the function of institutions like the prison to search for
an ‘external point of view of strategies and tactics’ instead of focussing
on ‘the internal point of view of the function’ (2007: 118). Similarities
with the problem of exclusion as we have introduced it are striking.
As he notes, ‘the prison is undoubtedly not governed by the successes
and failures of its functionality’ because the degree of success or failure
is secondary to the wider strategies framing governmentality as ‘a gen-
eral economy of power’; it is this wider transformation which is more
important (2007: 117, 118). This position seems apposite when one
thinks of the resilient character of exclusion in spite of the recognised
inadequacies in terms of costs and failure to deliver expected goals.
Besides, the shift from functions to wider relations enables one to ask
questions about what is at stake in specific practices; as Foucault points
out: ‘(B)y de-institutionalizing and de-functionalizing relations of power
we can grasp their genealogy, i.e, the way they are formed, connect up
with each other, develop, multiply, and are transformed on the basis of
something other than themselves, on the basis of something other than
relations of power’ (2007: 119). Thus, with regard to the management
of poor children including their education, one would have to examine
the changes in forms of schooling, discipline and punishment by refer-
ence to the wider context of problems and policy such as labour and
skills demands, issues of security, calculations of costs, effects of pres-
sure groups, levels of crime, the clamour from dissident groups for more
equitable and fair policies, and so on.
The third shift ‘concerns the object … refusing to give oneself a
ready-made object, be it mental illness, delinquency, or sexuality’ (2007:
118). For, the question is: how did these objects come to be constituted,
which discourses and apparatuses conditioned their constitution, under
what circumstances, and what effects did they have on subsequent
developments? So, in relation to exclusion, one is led to its problema-
tisation, because questions such as constitution and stakes take us out-
side educational practice as a given, such that the genealogical search
directs attention to the conditions and developments that made school
16 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
education a central concern for the state, and leads one to locate prac-
tices of exclusion and inclusion in terms of the goals they were intended
to achieve over and above the intrinsic values of education. One needs
to bear in mind too that some of these goals are less visible or implicit,
for example, the maintainance of class relations.
There is another aspect of genealogy which has informed our approach,
relating to its functioning as archive and as critique. We find the earli-
est formulations of this dimension in Foucault’s classic essay, ‘Nietzsche,
Genealogy, History’ (1991 [1971]) which starts with a statement about
genealogy that emphasises its open-ended search for conditions of pos-
sibility grounded in archival and archaeological explorations: he says
‘Genealogy is grey, meticulous, and patiently documentary. It operates
on a field of entangled and confused parchments, on documents that
have been scratched over and recopied many times’ (1991: 76). The
consequence is that genealogy requires ‘patience and a knowledge of
details, and it depends on a vast accumulation of source material. Its
“cyclopedian monuments” are constructed from “discreet and apparently
insignificant truths and according to a rigorous method”. Genealogy …
opposes itself to the search for “origins”’ (1991: 76,77). Such a history is
important because, as he claims, the alternative account it produces has
the value of critique.
The critical perspective of this counter-history is advanced through
the archival research which reveals that, in spite of the profusion of
events, there is the possibility of picking out exemplary cases, specific
developments or documents, that can act as point of entry or signature
event for genealogy. For instance, in Discipline and Punish it was the
torture and execution of Damiens in 1757 which Foucault examines to
tease out of it the features that exemplify the juridical power of the sov-
ereign, who legally owned the subject’s body and had the right to kill as
sign of his power, in contrast with a disciplinary form of power that is
more concerned with normalisation, re-formation, good habits, though
the two forms co-existed and continued to be deployed until adequate
new apparatuses had been invented to suit the function of a discipli-
nary regime; in practice there is both continuity and discontinuity.
Similarly, the panopticon is deployed as signifier of the ideal device for
a perfect technology of surveillance consistent with the shift towards
biopolitics, that is, the form of power that brought every individual as
well as the mass of people within the parameters of the distinct popula-
tions biopolitics constitutes (Foucault, 2007). The panopticon is thus a
metaphor for a disciplinary society, and still operates today at the level
of the idea of an all-seeing eye, or ideal surveillance, even if through
Introduction 17
(see details in Mirowski and Plehwe, 2009). Their project was the rejec-
tion of Keynesianism (or compassionate capitalism), the defense of
private property, the promotion of competition and individual choice,
and resolute opposition to socialism. Mises’s attack on Mill thus goes
to the heart of what was at stake amongst reformers from the 1830s,
reflected in the work of key figures we examine in the book, and in the
uneasy compromise, at work in the idea of the Welfare State, between
capitalism as a zero-sum game and socialist egalitarian and redistribu-
tory goals, and the conflicting values they defend. It goes to the heart
too of the central contradiction in liberalism, encapsulated in Mill’s
writings, for liberalism essentially wants to run with the hare of human-
ism and hunt with the dogs of capitalism, whilst neoliberalism of course
prefers full-blooded capitalism; the quarry are the poor. The extent to
which these entangled histories shaped the reforms and changes that
are the subject of the various chapters will add evidence in support of
the importance of this politico-ideological background for our location
of exclusion as a genealogy of the present.
For now, we would like to focus on the political or public sphere level
of debate where the conflicts took the form of the division between the
‘radical liberals’, which included many Unitarian and Dissenters, and
the classical liberals that included Malthusian utilitarians. So, on the one
hand, one finds advocates of the principles of the fundamental equality
of all citizens and the prioritising of equity as the goal of state policy,
that is, principles that have informed radical reforms based on the uni-
versalist assumptions of (radical) Enlightenment (Venn, 2006b), tied to
the idea of a social contract binding the state and the citizen, and on
(non-Protestant, non-punitive) Christian convictions; such principles
are reflected in many reforms up to the Welfare or providential State.
On the other hand, one finds the instrumental and legalistic approach
to both the economy and the role of government, founded in the dys-
topian view of humans as incorrigibly selfish, a view long inscribed in
Malthus’ Essay on the Principle of Population (1798–1826), repeated in the
neoliberal writings of people like Hayek, and even more doctrinally in
Milton Friedman’s praise of self-interest and free-enterprise capitalism
(or Ayn Rand’s moralisation of self-seeking individualism in The Virtue
of Selfishness, 1964).
Our archival search will show that at the root of the contradictions
within liberalism are divergent theological commitments and conflict-
ing understandings of the implications of Enlightenment philosophy,
though a longer history of emancipation that includes movements
such as the Levellers should remain as backdrop. The extent to which
Introduction 21
these differences were played out in the activities of the Social Science
Association and their effects for social policy has lessons for today that
we draw out in the various chapters. In particular, it will become clear
that the differences correlate with conflicting views about ultimate
ends, split between the belief in the possibility of the progressive ‘per-
fectibility’ of human beings through collaborative, collective, altruistic
communities, and the assertion that social formations are instead
founded on the primacy of individualism, selfishness and competitive-
ness, allied to an instrumentalist reason. However, in practice, as we
have indicated, the terrain and the politics of liberalisms have been
messy, lacking the clarity of a position such as the more recent ‘social-
ism or barbarity’ scenario. A summary of the development of the new
‘scientific’ or ‘objective’ or ‘expert’ knowledge in the formulation of
policy and laws will illustrate for now the propositions that we establish
in detail later.
Interestingly, the genealogy of school exclusion we have recon-
structed has revealed that all the key figures central to our narrative
have also been precisely those most prominent in the elaboration of
these knowledges, apparatuses and programmes. They were the public
figures who went out to prisons, schools, slums and hospitals to inves-
tigate through surveys, ethnographic work, interviews and statistical
analysis, the extent and reality of poverty, crime, schooling, the spread
of diseases and patterns of behaviour amongst the labouring classes.
These were discussed in open meetings of the learned societies and asso-
ciations, and policy advocated in the light of the evidence. Our archival
research reveals another crucial element generally missing or ‘forgotten’
in conventional accounts of the social sciences, or the sciences of the
social in Foucault’s vocabulary, which have informed the elaboration
of the apparatuses of biopolitical power from the 19th century, namely
the conflict over ultimate ends and values that were central for politi-
cal economists and social scientists at the time, reflected in the works
and correspondence of key figures such as Adam Smith, Th. Malthus,
J. Bentham, D. Ricardo, J. S. Mill, A. Comte and others such as Mary
Carpenter, William Miles and F. Demetz whose interventions we detail
as part of our genealogy.
Foucault well understood the importance of this new knowledge for
governmentality when he pointed out that statistics was understood in
the early 19th century as ‘the science of the state’ (Foucault, 1979: 14),
and was described by one of its key founders, Adolphe Quetelet, as a
‘social physics’. For the emergent social sciences, borrowing such terms
from the natural sciences was meant to clothe their claims to rationality
22 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
calculable and the predictable. The interest then and now in generating
‘evidence-based’ programmes of action is equally striking. Clearly the
stake in measurement was not only ‘information’ but the search for
more accurate and auditable bases for calculating costs and assessing the
financial demands that various social programmes entailed; it was also
centrally about issues of security.
From the point of view of genealogy, such developments draw
attention to the close relation between the techniques, the strategies, the
interventions and the thinking that were emerging from the early 19th
century and the problems that needed practical solutions in the wake of
the concretisation of political economy as the framework for social and
environmental policy, namely those relating to education and training,
the control of crime and delinquency, the improvement in health and
hygiene, the management of poverty, and the development of infrastruc-
ture, that is, an ‘environmental politics’.
The early part of the 19th century in England is a period when a num-
ber of concerns begin to coalesce around poverty and education. These
concerns, according to Jones and Williamson (1979), can be grouped in
terms of the state of the poor, the state of public morals and increases
in crime, particularly juvenile crime (Jones and Williamson, 1979:
63). In the discourse of ‘social economy’ in France they were seen as
a problem of wealth regulation, whilst in England, Political economy
placed more emphasis on population; Malthus’ work is pre-eminent
here. The social and political sides of the problems associated with
poverty gradually found common ground in education since ‘popular
30 Inequality, Poverty, Education
The shocking abuse of those who were sent from the workhouse to
become the cheap ‘apprenticed’ labour of developing industry was
largely ignored. Although there were commissions, inquiries and
attempts to introduce legislation, the protectionists argued successfully
that ‘it was cruel to prevent or restrict children’s labour because they
must starve without it’; furthermore, it was argued that the proposed
legislation would ‘injure trade, and drive it out of the country, eventually
reducing not only the capitalists, but also the workers to beggary’ (cited
in Dunlop, 2011: 285), familiar arguments today. Meanwhile, the chil-
dren of the streets presented a more visible threat and were increasingly
held responsible for what was described as an alarming increase in crime
and it is this discourse which would become dominant.
Education is mentioned frequently throughout the numerous reports
and inquiries. There were ‘national’ schools but access to these was
considered potentially dangerous, as it was thought education would
encourage pauper apprentices to want more and ‘criminal’ children to
congregate to plan crime. When Samuel Whitbread proposed, in 1807,
that each child should have two years of education between the ages of
7 and 14, arguing that such a move would reduce crime and pauperism,
32 Inequality, Poverty, Education
his bill failed. The Tory MP Davies Giddy who represented Bodmin in
Cornwall opposed the bill, saying:
Intervention into the working lives of children was still some way
off, and the main preoccupation with working class poor and pauper
children was in how to curtail what was seen as their increased threat
as juvenile delinquents or ‘street arabs’. Indeed, there were numerous
Select Committees established in the early decades of the century to
Pauperism, Delinquency and Learning to Labour 33
six thousand poor Irish, exclusive of children; and they have all a
general disposition to have their children educated and not only
send them but many of the parents who could not read or write
themselves attend to be taught; about 100 of them attend four nights
a week. (HCPP: Select Committee, 1816a: 3)
However the focus was immediately shifted from the modest ambitions
of these parents for education for their children and themselves, to the
state of the inhabitants, particularly what was described by witnesses as
their ‘depraved’ morals, their exposure to vice and their belonging to
gangs of pick-pockets. Their parents did not escape, being described as
very ‘dissolute and violent’ (HCPP: Select Committee, 1816a: 3), charac-
teristics attributed today to ‘chavs’ ( Jones, 2011).
What can be identified here is a tendency, common to all of the
reports, to demonise those who were living in the most impoverished and
desolate conditions. Whereas on the one hand it is possible to glimpse
34 Inequality, Poverty, Education
it was just at this time that the belief in laissez faire was at its height,
and the freest reign was given to the employer to use labour as
he chose. The child, as the employee least able to protect himself,
suffered the most from the absence of any industrial regulation.
(Dunlop, 1911: 262)
One also learns about conditions which those in power and the better-
off members of society took for granted, including assumptions about
the proper station of the rich and the poor, that most thought natural
and inevitable. At its heart is the widespread view that inequality was
a fact of life, something which, as we noted at the start, neoliberal
theory now legitimises as a necessary regulating mechanism for an
economy geared to competition. In order to challenge the dominant
view which bound poverty to criminality and immorality, we present a
case retrieved from archives which is exceptional in being one of very
Pauperism, Delinquency and Learning to Labour 37
few testimonies from the side of poor children themselves. We have pre-
served the details to retain the voice of the children and to give an his-
torical sense of how the various mechanisms in place actually worked.
The case thus attempts to locate exclusion within the wider historical
and economic context, and functions as a way of setting the scene for
the reforms, policies and state-wide mechanisms gradually introduced
as part of governmentality.
Frances Colpit had been in the care of the parish from the age of two
years and nine months, having been admitted in September 1821 with
her brother who was nine (St. Martin’s Annual Register of Parish Poor
Children, Westminster Archives, F4308). It is worth noting that work-
house records were primarily concerned with collecting information
which was of use to the institution, and information was recorded
which would assist with the completion of annual returns and for finan-
cial auditing purposes. The particular circumstances which led to admit-
tance to the workhouse held no interest beyond establishing whether an
individual had settlement and was entitled to parish support.
As an infant, Frances was sent to the infant poor house, Highwood
Hills, on the 22 October 1821 (Hanway’s Act of 1767 required that
all pauper children under six in Metropolitan areas be sent out to the
countryside) as a response to high infant mortality rates amongst pau-
per children cared for in workhouses. Her brother was soon apprenticed
to a shoemaker in Clerkenwell although he is later recorded as ‘gone
can’t find where’. Frances returned to St. Martin’s when she was almost
ten years old and within four months of her return was indentured to
Esther Hibner as an apprentice tambour worker. Tambour work was
embroidery on Brussels or Nottingham net with a tambour needle.
Pinchbeck described it as:
this, an older domestic industry than lace running, was not practiced
so much in the north midlands as in London and other parts of the
country. From its introduction in the 18th c it was carried on largely
by small masters and mistresses employing apprentice labour in
domestic workshops. Generally bound by the parish for a long period
of years, tambour workers frequently worked under incredibly bad
conditions. Not only did unprincipled masters and mistresses compel
them to work almost without interruption, but they were often half
starved and miserably clothed and housed. (Pinchbeck, 1930: 214)
38 Inequality, Poverty, Education
she was in very good health when she first came; she afterwards
became sick and ill – that was about five weeks after she first came;
she complained of a pain in her side, and sometimes of the head-ache;
Mrs. Hibner used to say, ‘Never mind, you must do your work’ – she
did not wear stockings; I knew of her feet being bad, and I told
mistress of it – they were bad a good while before I told mistress of it.
(Old Bailey transcripts, 9th April 1829)
Another child, Eliza Norman, who was 11 years old and had been with
the Hibners for ‘about a twelve month’, remembered Frances as being
in good health when she first arrived and this was confirmed by Susan
Whitby, another apprentice who stated that:
she was in good health when she came to live with us, and contin-
ued so till the food was changed, and then she got ill. (Old Bailey
transcripts, 9th April 1829)
40 Inequality, Poverty, Education
The girls’ diet was very poor, consisting mainly of dry bread and
watered milk for breakfast which was often the only meal of the day.
Lunch consisted of potatoes – nine pounds being shared between the
apprentices and the adults. Eliza Norman describes the food:
the victuals for the dog from where Hibner’s brother kept pigs, in
Gray’s Inn-Lane; I used to bring it in a little wooden sieve – it was
hog-wash, and came out of the tub the hogs feed in; at times there
were little bits of fish and bones in it – I used at times to eat it myself
and so did Colpit – we all used to eat it, because we were so hungry.
(Old Bailey Transcripts, 9th April 1829)
Frances at the frame, said that ‘she could not do her work, she was too
ill’; she told of how ‘if we had not done our work mistress used to keep
us without victuals, and she used to give us a good flogging before we
went to bed’. When asked whether they were allowed to go to bed after
being flogged she replied ‘sometimes she let us go to bed, and some-
times she kept us up all night – she did so for two nights running’ (Old
Bailey Transcripts, 9th April 1829).
Eliza Norman said that when Frances did not do her work ‘she was
beat’. Indeed all the apprentices had been beaten when their work was
not good enough; again this was not uncommon for the time. However,
Frances seemed to be subject to punishments more frequently. Susan
Whitby stated that Frances was beaten with:
a rod, a cane, or a slipper – the daughter has taken her out of the
frame and knocked her on the floor, taken her up and knocked her
down again. I never saw her punish her in any other way. (Old Bailey
Transcripts, 9th April 1829)
In addition it was stated that ‘they beat her sometimes at night, and
sometimes in the middle of the day: she was working all day’ (Old Bailey
Transcripts, 9th April 1829).
Frances’ health deteriorated and her punishments became more severe.
Mary Ann Harford recalled a time when Frances was very ill and had ‘done
her tambour work wrong’. She was told to take a bucket of water and clean
the stairs. Frances was so weak that she could not finish them, indeed:
she fell down on the stairs and said she felt so weak she could not do
them. She was taken up the stairs, flogged well, and sent down again
to do them; the daughter took her up stairs – I went up stairs, for I had
to fetch her up; I saw the daughter flog her with a cane and a rod;
she beat her a good bit – she took her clothes up to beat her: she sent
her down to finish the stairs, and she made water on the stairs; she
had her nose rubbed in it – the daughter did it: I have seen her taken
by her clothes and dipped into a pail of water, a good many times.
(Old Bailey Transcripts, 9th April 1829)
The young apprentices worked six days a week, and on Sundays when
it was expected by the parish that they would attend church, they were
locked in the house. John Blackman, the parish overseer, admitted
not seeing them on Sundays in the workhouse ‘I never saw them on
Sundays at the workhouse’ (Old Bailey Transcripts, 9th April 1829).
42 Inequality, Poverty, Education
on some Sundays we were down stairs in the kitchen locked in; on other
Sundays, when we had meat, we were up stairs in the work-room –
our mistress was at home during those Sundays; the shutters to the
kitchen window were shut on the Sundays when we were down there,
and the door locked. (Old Bailey Transcripts, 9th April 1829)
The young apprentices lived an isolated life. With the exception of the
man who brought the milk, there were few visitors. Most of the girls
didn’t have relatives and those who did, like Frances, were prevented
from seeing them. Frances was fortunate in having a grandmother who
had provided her with some clothing; she had a frock and a petticoat
but no stockings. Frances Gibbs told how when she tried to visit her
granddaughter she would be told that it wasn’t convenient or that
because Frances’ work was not good enough she was being punished.
It had been reported in The Times newspaper that:
bad food, or an insufficiency of good food, the want of air and exer-
cise, sleeping without beds, want of proper change of clothing, and
the filth and diet to which they have been accustomed, have all
combined to produce the effect which you see. I understand that the
poor children have been accustomed to lie in a most wretched way;
and from all appearance, I should think that the linen, etc. in which
they were clad had not been washed for several months. (Old Bailey
Transcript, 9th April 1829)
The Magistrate, Sir. R. Birnie, observed that the fact of the searchers not
having been sent for led to the belief that the child had been unfairly
dealt with. Searchers were required by the parish to visit and note
the cause of death and their findings contributed to the collection of
statistics which would be published by the parish regarding mortality
rates. He advised the gentleman who appeared on behalf of the parish
of Cripplegate to ‘have the body of the child disinterred, and to hold a
coroner’s inquest immediately upon it’.
44 Inequality, Poverty, Education
On 21st February 1829 The Times reported on the inquest which was
held into the circumstances attending the death of Margaret Howse,
aged 13 years. The report described how ‘the body was literally a mere
A young witness, Susan Whitby, who was 12 years old and whose
appearance was described by The Times as ‘extremely emaciated’ pro-
vided a detailed account of the background to Margaret Howse’ death:
pint of gin, for the purpose of rejoicing, as they expressed it; we were
always hungry towards night, and myself, the deceased, and others,
often ate the meat out of the wash-tub which was bought for the dog.
(The Times, 21st February 1829)
the body extremely attenuated, with a slight cough, the toes morti-
fied, some of them about separating at the time; all the toes on the
46 Inequality, Poverty, Education
left foot, except one, partook of mortification, and the right foot was
in the same state, but was the worst. I attended her till Sunday, the
15th March, when she died, in St. Pancras infirmary: after her death
I examined her body, with two other medical gentlemen; there were
abscesses on the lungs, with tubercles covering the lungs, a slight
inflammation of some of the abdominal viscera and stone in the
left kidney: her death arose from abscess on the lungs – that was the
approximate cause, in conjunction with the mortification of the toes
I have no doubt these tubercles might be produced by the treatment
described, and want of food. I attribute the mortification of the feet
to the want of food and necessary exercise – cold and wet would be
an exciting cause – the disease might have been in the lungs a long
time; the tubercles had been going on a long time I have no doubt;
she had a bruise on the right eye, and some bruises on the right
arm particularly – I should not think them produced by very violent
blows. (Old Bailey Transcript, 9th April 1829)
Thomas Gosling, another surgeon who gave evidence, when asked if ‘it
happened that persons in the lowest condition of life, who have been
all their lives in workhouses, have been much under your care?’ replied:
very much; they are very often the children of diseased and weak
parents, and more liable to consumption than any other complaint –
commencing at times in early life, but generally at an advanced
period; everything which occurs to them has doubtless a tendency to
increase these symptoms. I think dipping her head two or three times
into a pail of water very likely to bring the tubercles into action, and
form abscesses. (Old Bailey Transcript, 9th April 1829)
From the evidence given it would seem that Frances’ health deteriorated
within a short time of her arrival at the Hibners and the descriptions
suggest that she may have already been suffering from tuberculosis.
On 13th April 1829 Esther Hibner senior was found guilty of the mur-
der of Frances Colpit and was hanged three days later. Press coverage of
the hanging recorded large numbers of spectators:
Much was made of the Hibner’s refusal to ‘receive any spiritual consola-
tion, and no clergyman attended her on the scaffold’.
On 13th April 1829 her daughter Esther Hibner junior and her fore-
woman Ann Robinson were tried and found guilty for ‘a gross and most
outrageous assault on Elizabeth Lawman, Ann Proctor and others of the
unfortunate parish apprentices committed to their charge, on the 1st
October 1828’. Hibner was sentenced by the court to 12 months and
Ann Robinson to four months imprisonment and hard labour in the
House of Correction.
The sentences seem somewhat lenient when compared with the fol-
lowing cases which were all dealt with on the same day:
Lydia Gubert, aged 15, stealing 1 shawl: transported for seven years
Elizabeth Spice, aged 16, stealing lace and ribbon: transported for seven
Henry Brady, aged 16, stealing 3 loaves of bread: transported for seven
John Owen, aged 11, stealing 5 pounds of mutton: whipped and
William Hornet, aged 12, and John Heron, aged 17, pickpocketing one
handkerchief: transported for life
Robert Nixon, aged 19, stealing two coats and one hat: sentenced to
death (Old Bailey transcripts for proceedings of 13th April 1829)
What links all of these cases is the youth of the perpetrators and the
severity of the punishments that were being handed out to juveniles
particularly if the crime involved theft. Sentences for those in their
thirties and older tended to be more lenient even when the crime was
similar. Concern was sometimes expressed, focussed on ‘abuse’ and on
caution when parish officers selected employers for apprentices rather
than the practices themselves and the underlying assumptions and val-
ues regarding the poor and their children.
The term ‘street arab’ implied that poor children were nomadic,
alone in the world without homes or families … unlike respectable
English Citizens who increasingly valued stable domesticity, ‘street
arabs’ rejected the middle-class vision of the home and, along with
it, the values of English society. (Murdoch, 2006: 25)
Although it has to be pointed out that it was not so much that they
‘rejected’ society in the way that Murdoch describes, but rather that
the ‘street arabs’ were casualties of the after-effects of (Napoleonic) war,
disease, migration and the collapse of the labour market, and as such
often found themselves orphaned or abandoned and with little choice
in terms of basic survival. Various estimates at the time suggested that
upwards of 15,000 orphaned or abandoned children made their homes
on the streets of London alone, surviving on their wits and their ability
to find fair means or foul of surviving in the margins.
Destitute children feature in a wide range of parliamentary debates
ranging from population, poverty, labour, emigration, emancipation of
slaves, transportation, prisons, and so on. The space that they inhabit
Labour, Poverty and the Export 51
One of the ‘numerous evils’ referred to had been identified as the increas-
ing numbers of young people adrift in London. The Committee noted that
52 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
Mr. Chambers had specific proposals to make based on his survey of the
largest parishes in London and supportive responses he had received.
He argued that:
Chambers added that the parish of St. Giles had 50 boys and 27 girls,
and Saint Luke’s had 26 boys and 20 girls between the same ages.
The enthusiasm of the parish guardians for the scheme proposed by
Chambers lay in the effect of a recently implemented Apprentice Act
which prevented them from sending children more than 40 miles out
of London, making it difficult for them to find enough apprenticeships
for the children.
The financial benefits of disposing of children to the colonies made
the scheme very attractive indeed. Whilst it was still possible to find
apprenticeships for children within the Metropolis, these were fre-
quently problematic, resulting in complaints from masters that the
children were unsuitable, were running away and living on the streets
or returning to the workhouse. Another witness, W.H. Bodkin, Secretary
Labour, Poverty and the Export 53
We cite the evidence from Chambers and Bodkin at some length because
they encapsulated views towards pauper children which were endemic
at that time, belonging to the Malthusian-informed Utilitarian ideology
which, at its worst, represented the poor as parasites who needed to be
eliminated for the good of society.
As a ‘solution’ the notion of emigrating children, in effect perma-
nently excluding them, emerged at just the right time: Canada, Australia
and South Africa were desperately short of both labour and population.
Possible tensions in forced migration were soothed by ‘an imperial ide-
ology which saw these young white Britons as new stock for the colonial
lands’ (Shore, 2000). As one commentator remarked at the time:
The first organisation to emerge was the ‘The Society for the Suppression
of Juvenile Vagrancy’ which was established in 1830 by Captain
E.P. Brenton and subsequently rebranded ‘The Children’s Friend
Society’ in 1834. Neff (2007: 235) points out that the name change was
in response to reluctance on behalf of Canadian operators to accept
children identified as ‘vagrants’ and cites examples from newspapers
which referred to ‘London’s surplus stock of vagabonds’. The Children’s
Friend Society provides a compelling case study for it allows us to access
the experiences of children themselves, and their families, of the
first experiment in reclaiming and emigrating vagrant and destitute
In his memoir The Bible and the Spade (1837) Captain Brenton recounts
how he was moved to rescue children following the account that he read
of the Hibner case:
These unhappy children were poor orphan parish girls of St. Pancras …
and the testimony of the survivors corroborated by indisputable evi-
dence, exposed to the public a scene of tyranny and cruelty, which
I will venture to say, was never exceeded in the worst of our slave
colonies. I was particularly struck with this fresh instance of barbar-
ity, and I immediately made myself acquainted with the process of
binding parish apprentices, the motives of the guardians of the poor
in getting rid of them, as well as those of the generality of tradesmen
who apply for them. (Brenton, 1837: 15)
claimed, avoided the harsh discipline associated with many other insti-
tutions. Brenton described how:
Brenton clearly knew how to appeal to the widely held beliefs of his
intended audience of potential and actual subscribers.
At its inception, the Children’s Friend Society proposed that it would
rescue vagrant children from the streets, provide them with training
and some basic education based on ‘The Bible and the Spade’ for the
boys and ‘The Bible and the Broom’ for the girls and send them out to a
more successful life in the colonies. Bradlow pointed out that:
its object was to train both poor and vagrant children to ‘useful
habits’ through a combination of labour and a humble religious and
secular education. The need to assist the parishes in disposing of
unwanted inmates, with the accompanying reduction in the poor
rates, was therefore the essence of the scheme. (Bradlow, 1984: 156)
Thus the society emerged in response to both the crisis on the streets
and the crisis being experienced by parish workhouses at a critical period
around the introduction of the New Poor Law Act (1834). Brenton
seemed motivated from a sense of Christian duty, yet there was a sig-
nificant entrepreneurial element too which, as Bradlow suggests, was
a common feature of such endeavours. ‘In the first place it recognised
that the rich were morally obliged to improve the quality of life of the
very poor. At the same time – because the philanthropist also wore the
entrepreneur’s hat – the expectation of profit accruing as a result of such
charity was regarded not only as right and natural, but as desirable’
(Bradlow, 1984: 155).
Whilst Canada had initially been the intended destination for the
children, it soon became clear that the Cape of Good Hope would
provide a much higher return on the ‘investment’. Neff (2007: 244)
56 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
has suggested that whilst the Children’s Friend Society started sending
children to Canada in the 1830s, by 1837 the preferred destination was
the Cape of Good Hope where subscribers had contributed 2153 pounds
and ten shillings compared to the 17 pounds and 17 shillings from
Canada and 132 pounds from Swan River in Australia.
The reality was that the young people, trained in basic agricultural and
domestic skills, would become a valuable resource, especially in South
Africa which was on the verge of losing its own supply of unwaged slave
labour with the implementation of the Emancipation Act (1834). Bradlow
points out that ‘the outlay on the premiums for seven apprentices was
£105 compared with £525, the cost of seven slaves’ (Bradlow, 1984: 159).
Although committees had been established in the Cape to oversee the
welfare of the migrated children, very little was offered in terms of care
and protection. Indeed, any disputes brought to the authorities were
settled in favour of the employer. Bradlow has argued that ‘far from the
scheme’s sole object being to “improve the condition of the children”,
it is quite apparent that it was intended primarily to rid England of
unwanted population while simultaneously providing Cape employers
with a satisfactory substitute for the servile, unskilled labour supply
which they were shortly to lose as the four years of slave apprenticeship
drew to a close’ (Bradlow, 1984: 165).
Brenton’s scheme was both successful and financially sophisticated –
by the late 1830s there were dozens of wealthy subscribers supporting
the Society; arrangements with several London parishes brought in a
fee of £15 per child to cover the cost of travel, clothing and housing as
well as the ‘fee’ from the employer in the Cape which was estimated at
around 10 guineas per head. By the late 1830s several hundred children
had been sent to the Cape and arrangements whereby overburdened
Parish workhouses were able to offload their ‘surplus’ (and costly) chil-
dren to the Children’s Friend Society seemed to be working well.
However by 1838 dissatisfaction with the attitudes of the Whig gov-
ernment towards the poor was growing, particularly among the London
parishes which had strongly resisted the New Poor Law Act and which
had opted to retain local control under Hobhouses’ Vestries Act of
1831. There was powerful and vocal dissent towards any arrangement
which appeared to be operating according to Whig principles regard-
ing paupers. Thus, when a resolution had been passed by the Vestry of
St. Pancras in September 1837 to send pauper children to the Cape
under the auspices of the Children’s Friend Society, it set in motion a
train of events which would result in a Parliamentary Commission, the
death of Captain Brenton and the end of the Children’s Friend Society.
Labour, Poverty and the Export 57
that it was the opinion of the meeting that the sending out of poor
children of the parish workhouse as emigrants to the British colonies
was nothing better than transportation; that such children would
be deprived of that protection which was now awarded them by the
directors of the poor; and that in sending them to so great a distance
from their mother country they might be subject to the greatest
hardships, privation, and even cruelty, without having any one to
afford them protection or redress; that this meeting would cheerfully
contribute towards their support in the workhouse until opportuni-
ties presented themselves here to place them out in such occupations
as would enable them to obtain their own support and make them
useful members of society (The Times, 5th December 1838)
the board could not lend its co-operation, or give its sanction, to a
measure which had for its object the sending into the colonies por-
tions of the workhouse children, as such a measure was cruel, unjust,
arbitrary and illegal. (The Times, 7th December 1838)
Act was for pauper parents who, whilst not eligible themselves for par-
ish relief, placed their children in the workhouse when they could no
longer afford to support them. The widespread publicity had generated
concern from parents and resulted in approaches to magistrates for help
in discovering what had happened to their ‘lost’ sons and daughters.
On 20th January 1839 a report headlined ‘Kidnapping Society’ pro-
vided an account of a widowed mother, Mary Croker, who appealed to
magistrates at Bow Street for help with finding her 12-year-old daughter
Louisa who had been placed in the St Martin’s in the Field workhouse
when she was no longer able to support her. She said that she had
become concerned after reading that pauper children were being sent to
the Cape of Good Hope and she had gone to visit her child to discover
that the girl had recently been sent to the Cape of Good Hope under the
auspices of the Children’s Friend Society. However, Mary Croker stated
that no effort had been made to get her consent and that the child had
been sent illegally; furthermore she would never consent to her only
child being sent away. She had approached the Society for help but
‘they made a jeer of it and laughed at me’ (The Champion and Weekly
Herald, 27th January 1839). As the case unfolded it resulted in the
Children’s Friend Society being renamed, in the press, ‘The Kidnapping
Society’ and its activities opened up to public scrutiny. It was one thing
to scoop up children from the streets and ‘reclaim’ them which had
been seen as performing a valuable service. However, the practice of
receiving children from the workhouse was considered reprehensible
given the strength of feeling which had developed regarding the effects
of the New Poor Law.
The following week an inquiry was instituted by Bow Street magis-
trates who asked both the Parish and the Children’s Friend Society to
give an account of why Louisa Croker had been sent to the Cape with-
out legal consent. The Parish attempted to defend the actions that had
been taken by claiming that Mary Croker was an unfit mother on the
basis that she had worked in a brothel, albeit as a servant. Interestingly,
Mr. Minshull one of the magistrates who had become involved in the
case reprimanded the Parish, arguing that ‘suppose it was a brothel that
has nothing to do with the question. The poor woman has evidently
been struggling to maintain herself, and her necessities might have
driven her to accept the first place that offered’ (The Operative, 27th
January 1839). The case, he said, was to discover whether ‘diligent and
proper means had been used to obtain the consent of the mother to
the removal of her daughter to the Cape of Good Hope’ (The Operative,
27th January 1839).
Labour, Poverty and the Export 61
Neither the Parish nor the Society was able to provide satisfactory
responses, though Mr. Le Breton, representing the Parish, attempted
to defend the actions on the basis that ‘the woman herself had been
seven times in the workhouse, and her daughter’s maintenance had
cost the parish no less a sum than £50. Was it to be endured that the
rate payers were continually to be burdened with her?’ (The Operative,
27th January 1839).
However, whilst the magistrates sympathised with the mother, they
were unable to force the society to return the child and when Mr. Sparke
offered Mary Croker the chance to go to the Cape to join her daughter
there, she refused, ‘No, sir, I will not go from this country, where I was
bred and born. I want my child back again, and I don’t want to be trans-
ported’ (The Operative, 27th January 1839). The magistrates concluded
by stating that they were at a loss to know how to proceed other than
encouraging the mother to appeal to the Secretary of State. Louisa
Croker was finally returned by St. Martin’s on 27th December 1839
(The Era, 29th December 1839).
The case had attracted a lot of attention; a report in the radical press
made plain the opposition to Malthusian social policy:
This new species of merchandise which our ‘free trade’ and ‘Malthusian
philosophers’ no doubt have concocted in their great wisdom, as an
ingenious contrivance for getting rid of what they term ‘the surplus
populations’, as they find that all their efforts to check its production
have proved to be miserable failures (The London Dispatch and People’s
Political and Social Reformer, 3rd February, 1839)
This report, along with many others in a similar vein, reinforced the
view that the Children’s Friend Society was a model organisation so
long as it confined its activities to the children of the streets, that is,
those constructed as threats to society. Clearly, criticisms of Malthusian
philosophies did not extend to questioning how so many children had
become destitute and in need of charitable intervention. However, by
becoming party to those workhouses who saw the scheme as a sound
economic transaction, the Society became tainted. Thus, the children
of the workhouse were constructed as innocent victims caught up in a
scheme designed to exclude those represented as threats.
No, Sir; not apprenticed: they sold me. To a Dutchman, who came
and looked at a lot of us; he bought me for 10 guineas. (The Champion
and Weekly Herald, 7th April 1839)
him information concerning the offence that the boy charged upon
“The Society of Friends of Children”. Here was a new slave trade com-
ing before his eyes!’ (The Champion and Weekly Herald, 7th April 1839).
Meanwhile, the Children’s Friend Society responded to the claims
made by Trubshaw by attempting to discredit his account. Mr. Sparke
the secretary in a letter to The Times stated ‘that the boy may have
been chastised by his master is highly probable, as it has since been
ascertained that he was a troublesome and unmanageable lad’ (The Times,
5th April 1839).
It seems extraordinary that the Society had been able to establish
these details within two or three days of Trubshaw’s statement. Captain
Brenton had also written a letter to The Times which appeared on the
same day where he claimed that ‘he had seen Trubshaw’s mother and
that she assured him that her son was a very wicked boy and would
certainly be transported’ (The Times, 5th April 1839).
However, when Trubshaw and his mother appeared before the
Magistrate, Mr. Rawlinson, on 5th April she claimed that she had not
seen Captain Brenton. Rawlinson then asked her ‘now what’s your own
opinion respecting this extraordinary affair. Do you think there is any
truth in what the boy has stated? … The boy was brought here for thiev-
ing, you know, and those who will do such things will perhaps also tell
lies’ to which she replied ‘I know that’s all very true, sir, but I’ve very
good reason for giving credit to him, for I know another boy who was
sent out to the Cape, and he was sold for ten guineas also’ (The Times,
8th April 1839).
Although there may have been some reluctance to take the word of a
thief, more evidence came out when Mrs. Bay, ‘a respectable laundress’
who appeared before Rawlinson on 8th April, asked for help in finding
her son who had been sent to the Cape. She claimed that he had been
‘very ill used’ and produced a letter that he had written to her in April
1838. The letter was read out in the court and printed in newspaper
accounts. It included a description of the conditions he was experiencing:
William Bay implored his mother not to disclose the contents of his
letter to anyone as he feared that this would only make his situation
worse. He revealed that he planned to try to escape and work his pas-
sage home. Nevertheless, Rawlinson asked whether she had shown the
letter to Captain Brenton. Mrs. Bay said that she had and that he had
‘treated them as absurdities’. Asked what crime her son had committed
to induce her to send him to the Cape, she replied, ‘None whatever. He
was a very good lad, and I was induced to part with him by being per-
suaded that it would be for his welfare’ (The Chartist, 14th April 1839).
Rawlinson then revealed that he had forwarded details of the Trubshaw
case to the Secretary of State and suggested that he would forward
details of Mrs. Bay’s son too.
Meanwhile Captain Brenton had died suddenly on 6th April at
home. An inquest recorded that he had died of natural causes with the
suggestion that stress from recent criticisms of the society had been a
contributory factor.
The following weeks saw more parents coming to seek assistance from
Mr. Rawlinson. Many brought letters from their children describing the
harsh conditions and brutal treatment that they had encountered in
the Cape. The Chartist, in an editorial, condemned what had happened:
Can such things exist in a country like England without calling down
the severest reprehension from the public, and consign punishment
upon the heartless concoctors of the iniquitous money making
scheme? These poor children are at this moment much worse off
than if they had been convicted felons. It is in the interest of their
masters to keep them in slavery and to work them as hard as possible,
so that they have no hope of any alleviation of their punishment,
or at least of any shortening of their time of bondage, whatever may
be their good conduct. The master has paid his money and must
have its worth out of them. It is the duty of the Secretary of State to
rip up this matter without delay and to cause every one of the kid-
napped children to be restored, if not to England, at least to liberty.
(The Chartist, 28th April 1839)
that the children were much better off in the Cape and that those who
complained were not representative. By the time the Society called a
public meeting to ‘hear the allegations’, one parent had committed sui-
cide, with the inquest recording that she had ‘been driven to despair’ by
the failure of the society to respond to enquiries she had made to them
regarding her son (The Times, 7th May 1839). Indeed it would seem that
the meeting was intended primarily to defend the society and call for
further subscriptions. The Times reported that ‘testimony to the cruelty
with which it is alleged the poor exiles are treated was put down with
hisses, and opprobrious language directed against those who offered it;
and the assembly broke up, just as it had assembled, with a vote of self-
confidence in itself and its officers, and a fresh call for subscriptions’
(The Times, 16th May 1839).
And whilst The Chartist may have urged the Secretary of State to inter-
vene and restore children to their parents, legally there was little that
could be done given that the children had been contractually bound to
their masters. Eventually, it was the commissioners in the Cape who,
whilst prepared to undertake an inquiry, nevertheless felt sufficiently
aggrieved by the unfolding scandal to inform the Children’s Friend
Society that no further children should be sent. The Society meanwhile
continued to claim that criticisms were nothing but ‘absurd exag-
gerations of prejudices individuals or the contemptible abuse of a party
press’ (Report from Governor of Cape of Good Hope, 1840: 35).
The call for an inquiry into the treatment of children sent by the
Children’s Friend Society had provoked strong feelings in the Cape and
the Governor, Sir. G Napier, wrote to Lord John Russell that:
The Report which had been commissioned by the Secretary of State for
the Colonies was published in May 1840 shortly before the Children’s
Friend Society ceased operating. Although the Governor rejected the
66 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
For a few months, the Children’s Friend Society ‘scandal’ had oper-
ated at the level of a ‘moral panic’. However, by the time the report
was published the ‘moral panic’ about the activities of the Children’s
Friend Society had evaporated. Concern about the welfare of the chil-
dren had been fleeting and no kind of concrete intervention had been
implemented. There were no efforts made to ‘rescue’ the children and
restore them to their families. Instead, once the fuss had died down,
they were left to serve out their terms, abandoned once again. In fact it
could be argued that the ‘crisis’ was less about the conditions and treat-
ment of children and rather more about the activities of the Children’s
Friend Society being used as a stick to beat an unpopular government.
As an example of the way that the Poor Law operated it had served
its purpose in drawing attention to what were seen as corrupt parish
officials prepared to do anything in order to balance the books and
protect ratepayers. Thus, once the crisis had subsided concern had
waned. This is illustrated by the general lack of interest shown when
Edward Trubshaw, the young boy who had first drawn attention to the
activities of the Children’s Friend Society, appeared at The Old Bailey on
20th June 1839. The only report appeared in The Charter:
Thus, the prediction that had been made by Brenton in his letter to
The Times on 5th April is fulfilled. Trubshaw was represented as having
brought about the downfall of the Children’s Friend Society, and there
was no sign of the sympathy he had received just weeks earlier when
he had first appeared in front of the magistrate in Marylebone. Indeed,
Judge Arabin seemed to be imposing a particularly harsh sentence for a
relatively minor offence and it is difficult not to see this as retribution.
On the same day and before the same judge, other young boys who had
committed similar crimes for goods with a much higher value received
sentences of six months of imprisonment.
68 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
All the familiar themes are reiterated in this statement, the financial
burden, the fecklessness, particularly of the girls and the belief in inher-
ited characteristics that led to pauperism. Hadley (1990: 435) has drawn
attention to the contradictions inherent in Shaftesbury, supporting the
emigration of pauper children whilst at the same time ‘campaigning to
shorten the working day and improve the physical conditions of labour-
ing children in English factories’. However, we would suggest that the
contradiction could be managed in terms of the different positioning
of those children who could be recruited as useful cheap labour against
those who were perceived to be potentially criminal. The result, as we’ve
shown, was that emigration became embedded as a way of excluding
pauper children from their country, their families and their future.
The 1830s–1840s was a period in which poverty became transformed
through the application of new measures of social control. Children and
young people became the target for interventions aimed at eradicating
the visible presence of pauperism by removing them from the street, the
workhouse and the nation. Other options, such as widening access to
education, had been repeatedly rejected because the explanation in terms
of inheritance dominated: if these children were destined from birth to
become criminal, then education, as many claimed, would make the situ-
ation worse rather than better. The idea that the ‘problem’ was within the
individual child, and his or her family, rather than a product of external
factors has remained very powerful and continues to shape both policy
and provision, especially with the turn to the neoliberal worldview.
Such a view was perfectly consistent with classical political economy,
since it absolved the State of responsibility, except in establishing
mechanisms for constituting populations of those who could be ‘saved’
for useful labour and those who could not. Means for dealing with the
latter had to be found. Both aims involved gaining better knowledge
of such children so that appropriate institutions and disciplinary
mechanisms could be set up. This phase in the genealogy of exclu-
sion saw the emergence of a key role for ‘experts’ in the middle of the
19th century and an increasing emphasis on ‘ethnographic’ and other
reliable evidence. This period also saw the emergence and consolida-
tion of the social sciences as the reliable discourses to inform policy,
as we explained in the Introduction. Thus, power/knowledge basis for
normalisation and disciplining begins to be more clearly in evidence
in authorising new systems of classification of the population and new
mechanisms and institutions for their regulation and administration.
Security, Population and the
New Management of the Poor
Beggars live well; have hot beefsteaks and beer for breakfast,
fare well at night and are never poor. (Miles, 1839: 103)
The 1830s–1850s saw intense scrutiny into the lives of poor children
through a plethora of commissions and committees which were estab-
lished to investigate working practices and criminal activity. The impor-
tance of these commissions, as well as the role of expert witnesses in
influencing public opinion and in shaping social policy, and the key
role of commissioners and inspectors in ensuring the implementation
of these policies cannot be emphasised enough. These developments
are tied to the broader genealogy of the emergence of a governmental-
ity as part of the modern nation-state and the disciplinary apparatuses
that were gradually put into place as mechanisms of normalisation
(Foucault, 1979b, 2007). This was a period in which the construction of
poor children as ‘other’ becomes firmly embedded within an emerging
discourse which identified these children as in need of control, con-
tainment or protection. The rapid growth of cities during this period of
industrialisation produced enormous problems related to poverty. The
influx of large numbers of dispossessed people, both young and old,
arriving in search of employment and housing and in need of support
from the parishes contributed to a huge strain on resources. It is against
this background that a shift emerges which finds expression through
the reframing of the Poor Laws (1834) and the implementation of much
harsher punishment regimes. It is important to note, again as part of
the context, the fact that the debates leading up to the enactment of
these laws drew on the writings of Thomas Malthus, Adam Smith and
Jeremy Bentham, so that the concerns of political economy and utili-
tarianism were central in underpinning the beliefs and values which
Security, Population and the New Management 71
informed policy. Venn (2006) has pointed out in relation to the new
poor law that:
The 1832 Royal Commission on the Poor Law and subsequent policy
such as the 1834 Poor Law Act were one strand of a complex reworking
of the place of the poor in the newly emerging industrialised nation.
A new poverty discourse was emerging which placed responsibility for
their plight with the poor themselves, displacing the idea of collective
moral responsibility for the poor. Up until this point responsibility for
managing the poor was located within local communities; however,
with increased industrialisation, urbanisation, migration from rural
areas and Ireland, and a rapidly growing population, a debate had
72 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
begun towards the end of the 18th century which posed new ques-
tions regarding the efficacy of the existing poor laws. Whilst it had
been possible to tolerate the demands of the poor at a local level in an
agriculturally based nation, the transformations in the economy and
the profile of the population drove a need to devise new strategies and
new state-wide mechanisms to fit the rapidly changing circumstances
which saw the landscape both literally and metaphorically change. As
Malthus argued, ‘the poor laws of England were undoubtedly instituted
for the most benevolent purpose, but it is evident that they have failed
in attaining it’ (An Essay on the Principle of Population. Sixth edition:
1826, III.VI: 10).
What is important is the way that all areas of life inhabited by the
poor were opened up to intense scrutiny, so that new measures could
be put in place to discourage what were seen to be the wanton habits of
the poor in terms of breeding, drinking and financial recklessness and
criminality, the combined effects of which were seen to pose threats to
the long-term stability of the nation. The new provisions were directed
at instilling new habits such as thrift and family stability. The condition
of poverty begins to be seen and understood in a much more pragmatic
way. What starts to appear is a sense that poverty is the effect of choices
made by the individual within the context of existing poor laws. In
examining the effects of poverty divorced from the economic and struc-
tural conditions, the discourse becomes anchored to a set of views which
sees punitive responses as capable of enforcing change. Malthus is quite
specific about this:
This shift is key in understanding how the new strategies for catego-
rising and managing the poor were constructed, bearing in mind too
that it is located within a period when anxieties regarding the poor
were particularly acute, not only for economic reasons in the context
of economic crisis in the 1820s but for political reasons too, given the
rise of syndicalism and the labouring classes’ demands for social justice.
These anxieties were translated into the discourse of security which was
a central element of classical political economy and biopolitical govern-
mentality as Foucault (2007) has demonstrated.
In terms of those identified earlier as ‘victims’ or ‘threats’, it must be
pointed out that although the approaches may have been different, that
is, on the one hand, an apparent protectionism for child workers and,
on the other hand, increased punishment for child offenders, ultimately
the effects were very similar since both groups were effectively excluded.
This is because of the extent to which children of the most impover-
ished, those who were seen to be in a state of dependent poverty, were
viewed as burdens, and disposable, for as Malthus had observed, ‘the
infant is, comparatively speaking, of little value to society, as others will
immediately supply its place’ (Malthus, 1826, IV.VIII: 9).
For Malthus, such children should never have been conceived, given
that their parents were frequently unmarried, driven by ‘animal pas-
sion’ and no sense of responsibility towards their offspring. His argu-
ments have an uncanny familiar ring:
It could be argued that the sins were indeed already being visited upon
their children even within the context of the existing poor laws, and,
as our genealogy aims to show, the exclusions they entailed then have
74 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
held Malthusian Utilitarian view that the poor were to be blamed and
held to account for the wretchedness of their existence. His research
into crime and his particular focus on the problems related to juvenile
delinquency were driven largely by his ambition to achieve regular,
salaried government employment. However, unlike many of his con-
temporaries Miles had no professional qualifications or training. He
relied instead on exploiting his claim to be of royal birth and used this
as a means to enlist favours from those in authority. We present some
details of his background and personal formation and history as they
provide grounds for arguing that they contributed to the formation of
many of the extreme attitudes which underpin his research.
Miles was born in 1796; the precise details of his parentage are some-
thing of a mystery although there were claims that he was the illegitimate
son of royalty and his birth wasn’t recorded until he went to live with
Miles Snr. in 1801. It is suggested that Miles Snr. may have taken him on as
a favour to the King following the death of William’s mother when he was
five (Philips, 2000: 6) Nevertheless he was brought up as the eldest son of
W.A. Miles Snr. who was a devoted father and appeared to idolise William.
His father used ‘connections’ to secure a place at Haileybury College for
William in 1813. Haileybury was an immensely important establishment
at the time, being the preparatory college of the East India Company,
whilst, significantly, Malthus was the Professor of Political Economy there.
The College was thus an important link connecting colonial adminis-
tration, political economy, and class formation at a time when govern-
mentality was emergent. Young men would spend three or four years at
Haileybury as preparation for being sent out to India as administrators;
securing a place at the college was of considerable importance as it assured
that graduates would be set up for life in terms of a profession, finan-
cial security and status. The college was the site of turbulence, partly
because it operated a collegiate system whereby the students had more
freedom than they were accustomed to at public school, a freedom that
many had difficulties adjusting to as evidenced by the numerous occa-
sions whereby discipline collapsed and students were either rusticated
or expelled. There was also ongoing pressure from shareholders who
criticised the structure, curriculum and the disciplinary process.
What is of interest here is that Miles, who was noted as being a poor
student, idle, prone to running up considerable debts and unpopular
with other students and with the staff, was expelled in 1815 when
he was 19. Philips (2000), who has made the only biographical study
of Miles, has been unable to uncover the precise details regarding the
expulsion although he is clear that Miles was not caught up in the riots
76 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
let Mr. Hume candidly and manfully produce the name of the person
who is now become an outcast of society from the contagion of the
East India College. Let his previous character be traced: and let it
be seen by an appeal to facts whether he was not much more likely
to corrupt others than to be corrupted himself. His example indeed
could hardly have failed to produce a most pernicious effect, if the
good sense and moral feelings of the great majority of the students
had not induced them, from the very first term of his residence to
shun his society. (Malthus, 1817: Section VII: 85)
Miles’ use of language here is revealing; he cites ‘duty’ as his reason for
spending time in the ‘worst, the very worst streets’ and stresses the need
to become ‘thoroughly acquainted’ with the ‘habits and manners’ of the
inhabitants. Given that what he was undertaking was particularly unusual
for a gentleman at that time, it is clear that he felt the need to ensure that
his motives were seen to be those of someone undertaking public service
in order to provide new information for the benefit of those entrusted
with reform and with the establishment of new institutions and practices
to deal with the mounting problems. It is thus not surprising that Miles,
besides his own intense fascination with the lives of slum dwellers, spent
a lot of time in close observation of their daily lives producing accounts
which are ethnographic in scope in that he observes, documents, inter-
views and produces impressive reports which include statistical analyses
Security, Population and the New Management 79
And my conclusions are, first, that the source of crime is early con-
tamination and vicious education from parents; secondly, that labour
and safe custody will not deter or reform offenders; thirdly, that the
discipline should be rendered so irksome that the self-convenience
and interest of an idle man or thief would make him prefer a work-
house to a goal; to effect which I should suggest that no prison
dietery should exceed those of workhouses; that the periods of sleep
should not exceed four hours; and as mental ideleness is greater
80 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
The timing of his interventions was critical because the post 1834 Poor
Law Amendment Act period was one in which the poor were particu-
larly denigrated, especially at the level of policy, and viewed as parasites
feeding off the nation and therefore undeserving of consideration, sym-
pathy or support. Miles, in a letter to Chadwick in October 1836, talks
about ‘the twaddling voice of a pseudo-philanthropy’ as he presents a
case for controlling beggars and trampers and suggests that:
The views that Miles expresses in his writings and witness evidence were
consistent with prevailing attitudes to the poor and to crime that basi-
cally attributed crime to poor parenting and bad influences; reform and
a ‘softly, softly’ approach does not work; and deterrence is the effective
approach. These views continue to find support amongst a substantial
section of policy-makers, the right-wing media and politicians up to the
present. The same attitudes underlie policy regarding persistent disrup-
tive behaviour in schools today.
His suggestions or recommendations were certainly taken seriously
enough for some of his recommendations to be embedded in reforms.
Indeed, it is clear that he was building on Chadwick’s idea of ‘less eli-
gibility’ by proposing a system so harsh that potential criminals would
prefer to seek out the workhouse rather than commit crime. From the
1830s a massive prison-building scheme was underway, and some of his
proposals were incorporated, for instance, separate cells for prisoners to
stop free association as well as providing a means to enforce the ‘silent
system’. Although not all of his recommendations were implemented, it
is clear that he had some impact on the development of harsher punish-
ment regimes as well as making a significant contribution to the ongo-
ing debate about juvenile crime. As such he can be seen to have laid
Security, Population and the New Management 81
the foundations (along with others) for the shift in attitudes, in which
juvenile crime becomes linked to the idea of a criminal ‘type’.
Miles had undertaken a lot of research in his endeavour to secure a gov-
ernment position; as well as the research that he did in the Metropolis,
he conducted hundreds of interviews with boys awaiting transportation
on the hulk Euryalis; he visited gaols, bridewells and prisons collecting
statistical information as well as documenting the views of prisoners
and warders. He travelled extensively throughout England and provided
accounts of vagrancy, wrecking, poaching, gambling and the effective-
ness of the police, as well as developing his own theories regarding the
causes of juvenile crime. However, some of his recommendations were
considered too extreme. Lord Russell, the Home Secretary, remarked that
‘his remedies are absurd’ and declined to appoint Miles to one of the
new posts as Prison Inspector. Chadwick however requested that Miles
be appointed as one of the commissioners on his Constabulary Force
Commission in 1836, which looked into the viability of establishing a
national police force. Chadwick had recognised in Miles a kindred spirit
and was keen to be able to use his research to support his own views of
the poor. In his request to Russell he remarked that Miles had ‘displayed
much tact in the examination of vagrants and culprits and the investiga-
tion of the penetralia of crime. His continued researches I think would
be extremely useful’ (cited in Philips, 2000: 80). Indeed, Chadwick used
Miles’ research to inform a number of significant reports.
However, Miles’ book Poverty, Mendicity and Crime did not receive
critical acclaim when it was published in 1839. A review in The Times in
July 1840 which considered Miles’ book alongside four others, including
the Constabulary Force Report of 1839 and the 1840 Report of the Poor
Law Commissioners on the Continuance of the Poor Law Commission,
severely criticised the view of the poor which was constructed through
these accounts. In particular there was concern that these works were
designed to deter acts of philanthropy and charity which were seen as in
decline as the country moved to what was described as an anti-Christian
been raised in favour of the character of the lower orders of late years,
or even of free and liberal almsgiving. (The Times, 9th July 1840)
Miles’ book was singled out as ‘… exceed(ing) the two former in the
strength and virulence of its charges and it exceeds them in the unfaith-
fulness of the picture which it presents’ (The Times, 9th July 1840).
Nevertheless, The Times review indirectly admits that the views,
attitudes and values displayed by Miles appear to be consistent with
prevailing and widespread public opinion. It is such views that are
reflected in legislation and policy about prison and education. These
constitute a population of the poor in terms that legitimated a regime
of punishment and discipline which pathologised their conduct and
ensured their exclusion.
It is also clear from the arguments in The Times review that other less-
punishing and exclusionary views, and less determined by Utilitarian
thinking, were present and affected both discourse and policy. Whilst
not establishing a counter-discourse, this evidence of challenges to
the ‘common sense’ of the time opens the way for a more systematic
account of an alternative approach to the question of poverty and the
education of poor children, as we examine in chapter six.
Miles’ intervention illustrates the extent to which his own life experi-
ences and disposition enabled him to occupy a key role in amplifying
the existing discourse linking the poor to criminality and in providing
the evidence to translate attitudes into mechanisms for punishing and
bending delinquents to the prison regimes being considered at the time.
Biography here feeds into genealogy because English society in a period
of transition and turbulence allowed spaces for public figures such as
Miles to have a degree of agency they would not otherwise have had.
Nevertheless, the net result has been to throw light on the conditions
which shaped the exclusion of pauper or street children as an integral
aspect of liberal governmentality.
As a coda, one could note that Miles ended up as Police Commissioner
in Sydney, Australia, a post to which Russell appointed him in 1841. He
was dismissed in July 1848 following allegations of fraud and drunken-
ness. Although the charges were unsubstantiated his unpopularity and
lack of support led to his dismissal. In 1848 he took up a position as a
Police Magistrate. He died on 24th April 1851 and Philips (2000: 182)
notes that his gravestone bore this ironic inscription: William Augustus
Miles – Police Magistrate and late Commissioner of Police whose
parentage was derived from Royalty. Died 24th April 1858 Aged 53 years –
Neglected and in Poverty.
Disciplining and Punishment:
The New Exclusionary Regime
In some goals you see (and who can see it without pain?)
boys of twelve or fourteen eagerly listening to the stories told
by practices and experienced criminals, of their adventures,
successes, strategies and escapes. (Howard, 1777: 15)
had first been documented by John Howard in the late 18th century.
A plethora of reports from both the State and charitable bodies began
to identify a significant relationship between the two issues which
became an ‘explanation’ for youth recidivism, particularly the lack of
any separation between adults and juveniles held in prison, especially
in the critical period before sentencing. Thus, juveniles were seen to be
at risk of becoming hardened criminals if this practice wasn’t curtailed.
One solution which started to be explored was that of building a prison
specifically for boys. At the same time, there was increased preoccupa-
tion about the need to rehabilitate prisoners, to lead them into repent-
ance and a better life.
Numerous commissions were established to explore such diverse
concerns as the conditions in goals, the effectiveness of punishments,
transportation and the workings of the metropolitan police. For exam-
ple, as early as 1816, a report from the Committee on the State of the
Police in the Metropolis questioned all the witnesses about the ‘alarm-
ing’ increase in crime committed by juveniles.
The evidence from the magistrates highlights factors picked out in
other enquiries, as noted in Chapters 2 and 3, namely, children who
have been orphaned or abandoned by parents who cannot care for them
because they are too poor, or drunkards, or criminals. Other witness
statements confirmed the view that the increase in crimes committed
by juveniles was due to a combination of destitute or incapable parents
abandoning their children, the lack of means other than begging and
theft to support a livelihood and a precarious existence on the streets of
London and other cities. Yet, the report exposed an acceptance of the
conditions which produced criminality, whilst the preoccupation was
on how to provide effective punishment.
In contrast, and at the same time, charitable, philanthropic organisa-
tions had emerged with the aim of trying to explain the underlying
reasons for the increase in crime and ‘mendicity’. The Committee
for Investigating the Causes for the Alarming Increase in Juvenile
Delinquency in the Metropolis is interesting in that it was set up to iden-
tify causes and propose solutions for the increase. It was established in
1815 by a group of eminent Quakers and Philanthropists, including fig-
ures such as David Ricardo, whilst joint Secretary was William Crawford
who would go on to have a very successful career in government as an
expert in ‘crime’, becoming one of the first Inspectors of Prisons in 1835.
An army of volunteer investigators were sent out to visit gaols to
interview and gather ‘evidence’ from the young inmates, the aim being
that ‘the youths in confinement be separately examined and privately
Disciplining and Punishment 85
the boys were doomed to mix with characters the most atrocious; in
a society, where the first risings of penitence would be repelled by
mockery, and the name of religion treated as a jest. (Report, 1816: 9)
Yet, whilst the Committee had considered that a separate prison should
be built for juvenile offenders, it would be some 20 years or so before
the recommendation would be acted upon. What was becoming clear,
however, through the gathering of evidence for the numerous com-
missions, was that imprisonment and other forms of punishment
such as transportation and flogging did not appear to result in change
or deter juvenile delinquents. For example, transportation of young
offenders between the ages of seven and fourteen increased threefold
during the years 1816–1820. Whilst the offences were relatively trivial,
stealing of coats, handkerchiefs and so on, the sentence would usually
be seven years of transportation. Indeed there was growing belief that
young criminals found prison and the threat of transportation to be an
attractive alternative to the daily struggle for survival on the streets. In
1831 the Governor of the Coldbath Fields house of correction informed
the Select Committee on Secondary Punishments that ‘the punishment
of prison is no punishment to them; I do not mean that they would not
rather be out of the prison than in it, but they are so well able to bear
the punishment, and the prison allowance of food is so good, and their
spirits so buoyant, that the consequences are most deplorable’ (HCPP:
Select Committee, 1831: 3).
This comment was representative of views which called for much
stricter regimes to be developed and implemented so that prison would
become a more effective deterrent. What was absent from all the
debates was any attempt to address the underlying causes. Instead, what
emerged from the intense scrutiny of juvenile crime was a reconceptu-
alisation of the character of the offender that in effect naturalised crime.
As Shore has pointed out:
However, Shore does not explain why this great shift should have occurred
at that particular moment, though the acute economic problems of the
Disciplining and Punishment 87
The early 19th century was a period when there was intense interest
in England in providing new and better facilities in which to house
prisoners. This was largely informed by the appalling conditions which
prevailed in prisons at that time and which had been described by John
Howard in his 1777 report The State of Prisons.
The new penitentiary was the perfect expression of these beliefs and its
radical design by the English architect John Haviland ensured that pris-
oners, housed in single cells and subjected to the silent system, would
have ample time to reflect and repent and thus emerge as reformed
individuals. The word ‘penitentiary’ originates from the Pennsylvania
Quakers and their belief in penitence and self-examination as a means to
salvation. It is worth noting that Haviland’s design for the Eastern State
Penitentiary was incredibly influential: in the century following its con-
struction more than 300 prisons worldwide were built based on his plan.
In his comments on the penitential system, Foucault has argued that:
respect for the law or fear of punishment alone that will act upon the
convict but the workings of the conscience itself. A profound submis-
sion, rather than a superficial training; a change of ‘morality’, rather
than of attitude. In the Pennsylvanian prison, the only operations
of correction were the conscience and the silent architecture that
confronted it. (Foucault, 1979a: 238–239)
the silent system. His report and the subsequent evidence he gave to
the 1835 Select Committee of the House of Lords on Gaols and Houses
of Correction in England and Wales, when he stated that ‘there is noth-
ing so terrible and so effectual in the tendency to deter as solitude’
(1835: 10) were influential in the adoption of the techniques associated
with the Eastern State Penitentiary; these were most fully realised in
Pentonville Prison which was opened in 1842. However there was a
degree of selection at play in terms of how far to replicate the American
system; for instance, Crawford was sceptical of some elements such as
the more generous diets provided and the lack of emphasis on religious
‘training’; he was also very critical of the lack of resident chaplains in
the penitentiaries that he visited.
In 1835, the First Report of the Select Committee (of the House of
Lords on Gaols and Houses of Correction in England and Wales) pro-
posed the adoption of the techniques associated with the American
system, particularly the establishment of one uniform system of disci-
pline across every goal in England and Wales, the method of complete
separation of prisoners to prevent ‘contamination’, and the enforce-
ment of the silent system (HCPP: Select Committee, 1835a: iv). But
what was lacking was any understanding of the underlying ethos which
had informed the techniques. The whole point of the new methods for
the Quakers was to lead offenders into a new and better life and to offer
prisoners the possibility of redemption which was absent in the old
system based on brutal and humiliating punishments. However the new
techniques were implemented in England in addition to the existing
punishment regimes. Thus the new regime combined disciplining and
punishment to the new process of normalisation. The governmentalisa-
tion of poverty and security and the production of useful labour thereby
acquired the basic techniques which have continued to be deployed
into the present, if in more subtle and sophisticated way. The first insti-
tution which applied the new principles was Parkhurst Prison for boys
which opened in 1838.
for the Parkhurst regime. In addition escape from the prison was both
difficult and dangerous, whilst there were frequent attempts made to
escape none were successful. There were 49 boys admitted when the
prison opened under the management of the first governor, Robert
Woollcombe. A total of 157 were admitted during the first year, the
majority from backgrounds which were described as ‘destitute’ and
where they had been neglected. Indeed, looking at the descriptions of
the backgrounds is heartbreaking and suggests that these young people
were struggling to survive: for example, prisoner no. 79 is described
as being 13 years old and was convicted of receiving stolen goods.
Sentenced to seven years he is described as ‘a poor destitute boy from
Newcastle, turned out by his parents to obtain a living by begging or
stealing’; or prisoner no 67 who at eight years old was convicted of lar-
ceny and sentenced to seven years of imprisonment, described as having
been in custody four times before and ‘utterly neglected’ (HCPP: Reports
relating to Parkhurst Prison, 1839a: 30).
The first report made by the Inspectors of Prisons – which included
William Crawford – appeared in July 1839. The Inspectors set out their
views on the ethos of the prison:
The techniques of silence and solitude were applied to each new prisoner
and operated alongside corporal punishment such as whipping. Thus
from the beginning Parkhurst adopted a brutal regime, aimed at both
punishing the offenders and supposedly acting as a deterrent. However,
and bearing in mind the earlier descriptions of the backgrounds of the
offenders, the numbers sent to Parkhurst increased year on year. More
than 4000 boys passed through Parkhurst during the 26 years that it
operated. Almost 1500 were transported between 1842 and 1852.
Disciplining and Punishment 93
they have 40 solitary cells and every child who is sent to Parkhurst
is locked up in one of those cells for four months – there for the
whole twenty four hours with the exception of when he is at chapel
and two hours when he is at school where he is in such a pen that
he can see nobody but the minister. His sole employment is knitting
and reading good books. No good conduct can make him there less
than four months and if his conduct is not good he is there until his
conduct is good. At this time there are several boys who have been
in these cells from six to twelve months. It seems to me it can only
make them sullen. (HCPP: Select Committee 1847b: 15)
many offences for which a lad is now sent to gaol were formerly
disregarded, or not considered of so serious a character as to demand
imprisonment. By the Vagrant Act alone, hundreds who were for-
merly permitted to remain at large, are committed not for the com-
mission of a specific offence, but as ‘idle and disorderly’, or ‘reputed
thieves’. The Malicious Trespass Act and other laws particularly
applying to the offences of youth, have also materially contributed
to the increase of juvenile prisoners. (HCPP: Report, 1836: 81)
Thus on the one hand there was what amounted to a ‘moral panic’
regarding juvenile crime, whilst on the other it was clear from the
Report that children and young people were being brought into the
justice system on the most spurious of charges:
However, such dissent did not sit comfortably in a period where ‘experts’
such as Miles, with his notion of ‘sui generis’, were constructing a debate
in which crime was believed to be the result of choice rather than cir-
cumstance. In the 1839 Royal Commission on establishing Efficient
Constabulary Force in the Counties of England and Wales (chaired by
Edwin Chadwick), it was stated firmly that ‘the notion that any consid-
erable proportion of the crimes against property are caused by blameless
poverty or destitution we find disproved at every step’ (HCPP: Royal
Commission, 1839b: 67).
What chance then for explanations which had related the increase in
juvenile crime to lack of education or parental neglect? By the time that
Parkhurst was established, the consensus was that juvenile criminals
needed to be confined, constrained, severely punished and eventually
Disciplining and Punishment 95
Letter: Sir, what would have become of us, long ere this, if these
lads had not been sent out here? Why every sheep farmer in the
colony would have been ruined … It is very well for persons living
in towns, who have never experienced the difficulty of procuring a
shepherd at even extravagant wages, and the still greater difficulty
of making something from their flocks to pay those wages, to rail
at these lads and call them a nuisance and a pest; but if they had
once experienced the real nuisances I have just mentioned, they
would be very glad to take any Parkhurst lad they could get. We,
as individuals, do not hesitate to admit that we have derived very
great benefit indeed from the employment of Parkhurst lads, and
therefore is it not a natural inference to draw that others have
been equally benefitted? At present we have two of them, both out
of their apprenticeship, living with us as shepherds; one of them
had served his time to us, and now received £20 a year and board;
the other gets £24; and they are as good shepherds, and give us as
much satisfaction, as men we had paid £40 a year to. You advanced
an opinion that these lads, in consequence of their early bad hab-
its, can never become steady assistants to the colonists. If you had
made any inquiries in the sheep districts, you would have seen
the injustice of this opinion, as all the flocks in this part of the
district, with the exception of one, are in the charge of young men
(now free) who had been sent out here from Parkhurst, and their
Disciplining and Punishment 97
In the ten years between 1842 and 1852 just under 1499 boys aged from
12 to 18 were transported to Western Australia and New Zealand from
Parkhurst Prison. Parkhurst Prison closed in 1864 with the few remain-
ing boys being sent to Dartmoor Prison to serve out their sentences:
The boys hitherto sent to Parkhurst are to be for the future kept
at Dartmoor, where the isolation of the locality and the severity
of the climate and work will, under the control of the Governor
Mr. Moorish, whose management of this isolated prison meets
our approbation, we hope be beneficial to them. Parkhurst will be
retained for the present as a female prison only. (HCPP: 1864: 11)
Parkhurst Prison for boys may have closed and children are no longer
sent to serve out their sentences in adult prisons; however, the ethos
which informed Parkhurst still underpins current attitudes and prac-
tices in relation to child and youth offending. Single separation is
still in use in institutions which house young offenders and a recent
report from the Inspectorate for Prisons noted that ‘at Feltham, young
people could spend as much as 22 hours a day locked up (of those on
the lowest level of rewards and sanctions)’ (H.M Prisons Annual Report
2011–2012: 76).
Furthermore, and echoing the extent to which children and young
people had been drawn into the criminal justice system in the 19th
century through the creation of new offences, the charity ‘Action for
Children’ recently pointed out how:
between May 1997 and May 2007, the Labour Government created
almost one new offence every day, and enacted legislation that drew
ever greater number of young people into the youth justice system.
Between 1992–2002 the number of under 15s held in custody
increased by 800%. This was despite overwhelming evidence that the
‘custody bonanza’ simply fast-tracked minor offenders into major
ones. (Action for Children, 2008: 8)
England and Wales now spend 11 times more on this kind of severe
exclusion than on preventing youth crime. It costs about £215,000 a
year to keep one child in one of the UK’s ten secure units.
98 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
force but as the road that promised both economic and spiritual salva-
tion. The intention was to rescue the destitute and excluded children
for more fulfilling lives that involved principles of caring, social justice
and respect for the intrinsic worth of human life.
We have chosen to focus on the work of Mary Carpenter for many
reasons. Her experimental schools and approach introduced peda-
gogical methods that recognised child-centeredness and a focus on
the whole child as more appropriate when dealing with children trau-
matised by a whole range of deprivations due to poverty. Carpenter
besides was a key activist amongst the network of Dissenters, radical
reformers and early social scientists whose interventions and writings,
highlighted in our Introduction, established alternatives to Utilitarian
and Malthusian worldviews. Their work can be seen as evidence of
counter-discourse, even if their oppositional stance belonged to a
broad liberalism that was far from revolutionary. Nevertheless, their
activities opened up spaces for dissidence and encouraged movements
such as the demand for the extension of suffrage and greater equality
for women that fed into the growth of radicalism generally, challeng-
ing the privilege of political economy in the formulation of educa-
tional and social policy.
As in previous chapters, we provide sufficient biographical details in
order to give historical depth to the activities and events and to dem-
onstrate the centrality of particular networks and agents in the complex
process by which the institutions we are examining came into being.
It allows us also to present background evidence for disagreeing with
Foucault’s account of the school at Mettray and thus draw more positive
lessons for alternatives to the practices of exclusion.
Mary Carpenter was born in Exeter on 3rd April 1807, daughter of the
Unitarian minister and educator, Dr. Lant Carpenter. The eldest of six
children, Mary had a privileged upbringing within a family described
by her biographer as ‘belonging to the aristocracy of English Puritanism’
(Manton, 1976: 18). Her father was renowned as both a minister and
intellectual and was considered an effective educator and the most pro-
gressive of dissenting schoolmasters, running schools first in Exeter and
subsequently in Bristol where the family moved in 1817. The Bristol
school was seen to be an outstanding academy and, with fees at a
Ragged Schools 101
hundred guineas a year, it was among the most expensive schools in the
country. Manton describes how:
For Lant Carpenter the purpose of education was ‘to lay the intellectual
foundations of Unitarian belief’ which he achieved through a curricu-
lum which included:
In addition the Unitarian belief system, which held that ‘even the worst
character could be improved by the right conditions’, rested on the
belief that ‘one of the chief duties of a Christian, was ‘social justice, the
regulation of our conduct by a steady regard for the rights of others’
(Manton, 1976: 27).
Mary and her sister were both educated alongside the boys in the
school, receiving an excellent education at a time when it was unusual
for girls to benefit from such a rich curriculum. In addition, their father
ensured that the family were familiar with the public events of the time:
The whole household used to read the newspapers aloud, adults and
children together, sitting round the dining-room table, and discussing
each item in turn. This was Mary Carpenter’s earliest education for
public life. She had been born during the Napoleonic wars, and was
102 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
8 years old at the time of Waterloo and the passing of the Corn Laws.
She learnt, in these family readings, of the radical movement and
its repression, of the hunger and distress of the working classes, of
machine-breaking and rick-burning. She was 12 years old when her
father read aloud to school and family the account of Peterloo, ‘the
Manchester massacre, kindling his generous indignation as he drew
on constitutional history to defend the right of popular petition’.
(Manton, 1976: 27)
These events and her father’s emphasis on both a practical and intel-
lectual response provided the underpinning for Mary Carpenter’s future
work. A particularly strong bond had been formed in infancy, between
Mary and her father who was writing a book on the principles of educa-
tion and used Mary as the testing ground for his theories; she was very
close to her father, assisting him with his work as she grew older and
shouldering responsibilities when he became increasingly ill and unable
to combine preaching and running the school. However, it was another
Unitarian minister who would introduce her to the possibilities of work-
ing for the poor.
Ragged Schools 103
in his view, the urban migrant lost contact with the cohesive com-
munity characteristic of the rural environment. The vast, impersonal
city sharpened class divisions, worsened the experience of poverty,
and loosened communal checks on immoral behaviour. The positive
work of the ‘moral policeman’ was to restore social cohesion through
forming sympathetic human relationships with the downtrodden.
The task bore little connection to the abstracted and mechanical
analyses of politicians and political economists, whom he accused
of regarding the working classes as ‘machinery, in relation alone to
their productiveness of wealth’. Instead, his mission comprised ‘an
infinitely higher charity’ one which ‘has for its object the character,
the mind, the soul’. No mere alms-giver, the moral policeman had
the far weightier responsibility of reconnecting broken social bonds.
It took formidable resources, among them a rich intellectual inherit-
ance, to rehabilitate characters, minds, and souls. (Wach, 1993: 542)
He described the farm for outdoor work in summer, and the work-
shops where during the long New England winter the boys could
learn a variety of crafts. He described the special help for slow or
backward children, and the sympathetic counselling for disturbed
boys. Above all, he dwelt on the philosophy of child reclamation.
‘The school presents no vindictive or reproachful aspects. It threat-
ens no humiliating recollections of the past. It holds no degrading
denunciations for the future. It is to be regarded, not as a prison but
as a school.’ (Carpenter, M, 1849: 81)
moved to Bristol and had already established a school for vagrant boys
in Ealing Grove. She was to become instrumental in enabling Mary
Carpenter to establish Industrial and Reformatory Schools by provid-
ing financial support. ‘Meditations’ was very successful in Britain and
America and provided her with the confidence to complete a memoir
of Dr. Tuckerman which was published in 1848, again to great acclaim
in both Britain and America.
It is perhaps indicative of Mary Carpenter’s inner strength that she
was able to recover by continuing her work both in the school and
amongst the poor in Bristol. A Domestic Mission had been set up in the
early 1840s, based on the Tuckerman model, that she chose to locate in
the savage and desolate area stretching between Lewin’s Mead meeting
house and the docks.
Her biographer has noted how difficult it was for Mary Carpenter to
cope with the demands required to work in such a deprived area: ‘again
and again, she had to force herself to take the walk down the hill, which
led into another world’ (Manton, 1976: 73), but she was full of deter-
mination, believing that ‘we should suffer sympathetic pain to teach us
to make efforts for our fellow creatures’ (Manton, 1976: 73). Her reward
lay in the developing relationships that she was able to make with those
she visited and which increased her confidence. Lewin’s Mead was also
the site where she opened her first school, in August 1846, having been
influenced by the work of the Unitarian shoemaker John Pounds who
had established the first experiment in working with ‘wild boys and girls’
in Portsmouth that initiated the Ragged School movement. Manton has
noted that ‘the schools were located in barns, old warehouses, under
railway arches; the children were those too noisy, dirty and wild to be
acceptable in National or British Schools even in the unlikely event of
their parents being able to pay fees’ (Manton, 1976: 82).
This first school which eventually moved to St. James Beck was in
operation for more than 25 years. Her mother recorded, on its opening,
how it was ‘literally a Ragged School; none have shoes or stockings,
some have no shirt, and no home, sleeping in casks on the quay, or
on steps, and living, I suppose by petty depredations’ (Carpenter, J.E.,
1888: 82).
By 1848 more than 500 children had attended, daily attendance was
never less than one hundred and sixty. The school was inspected by
HMI Joseph Fletcher who declared that: ‘He did not know of any other
ragged school where there was so large an amount of intellect and well-
directed effort exerted to raise the school, to train up self-acting beings
(Carpenter, J.E., 1888: 88).
Ragged Schools 107
Whilst the Ragged School, with its impressive curriculum, was suc-
cessful in drawing in the children of the streets or of the ‘lowly’ poor,
Carpenter became increasingly aware that there were children who
required more specialist intervention. She recorded how:
of the very first scholars whom I remember in our school at its com-
mencement six years ago, almost all have been since in prison, one
has been transported; the instruction given to them during a few
hours in the day could not counteract the hourly influences to evil
under which they had been brought up. (Carpenter, 1853: 338)
This was the recognition that something more was needed, namely,
intervention at the level of society as a whole to tackle the causes of
poverty and delinquency. Her involvement with the work of the Social
Science Association is central here, for that work, as we explained in the
Introduction, had as objectives the better understanding of social pro-
cesses and the lives of the poor in order to develop positive programmes
and policies that would change conduct and lives by changing the
social, political and economic framework within which people acted.
The 1850s marked the beginning of a new phase in terms of the juvenile
delinquency discourse. The 1850s to 1870s was also a period of industrial
progress and relative optimism that favoured reform (Goldman, 2002).
Yet, fear regarding the continued threat posed by the poor remained in
the forefront of policy-making. This was exacerbated by the ending of
transportation which resulted in the need for increased domestic provi-
sion, particularly for juveniles and children, and stimulated an increased
focus on what type of provision would best contain these offenders.
A difficulty for radical reformers is that they had to struggle against the
prevailing opinion that required retribution before reformation, and that
sheltered behind the belief that social inequality was natural or even
the will of God. It was in this context that Mary Carpenter emerged as a
formidable campaigner who faced constant opposition and frustration.
Mary Carpenter’s career spanned almost three decades during which time
she wrote numerous books and pamphlets, presented evidence to Select
Committees, convened the first conference on Preventive and Reformatory
Schools in 1851 and presented papers to every annual conference of the
National Association for the Promotion of Social Science between 1857 and
1876. In addition to these activities she continued to run the St. James Back
108 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
to raise them; – these form the perishing classes: – and of those who
have already received the prison brand, or, if the mark has not been
yet visibly set upon them, are notoriously living by plunder, – who
unblushingly acknowledge that they can gain more for the support
of themselves and their parents by stealing than by working, – whose
hand is against every man, for they know not that any man is their
brother; – these form the dangerous classes. (Carpenter, M, 1852: 2)
Whilst there had been awareness earlier in the century of the ways in
which external factors relating to the environment and family func-
tioned as crucial conditions, these had largely been ignored in recent
years. Increasingly, the views of those such as William Miles, who
had identified the existence of a refractory ‘criminal class’, had been
embraced and informed policy. Whilst her description of the ‘dangerous
classes’ accommodated the prevalent fear of crime, she also argued that
the approach based on punishment alone further alienated them from
society. Furthermore, she drew attention to the inequalities of a system
which dealt very differently with ‘crimes’ according to the status of the
offender rather than the nature of the offence when she pointed out
that justice was weighted against those of the lower classes:
Such severity does not, indeed, affect the children of the higher and
more favoured classes of the community. Robbing orchards or hen-
roosts is regarded only as a clever feat in the gentleman’s son at a
public school; and while the boy who steals lead from the top of a
house is threatened with transportation on the next conviction,
stealing knockers from the door by a young student is considered
a spirited feat, to be punished, if at all, only by a fine and a repri-
mand. (Carpenter, M, 1852: 289)
She would return to this theme in her 1853 book Juvenile Delinquents,
Their Condition and Treatment, where she provided a more detailed
account of how such differences worked both in terms of justice and
provision and, importantly, public opinion which she saw as always
weighted against those whom she sought to represent.
In the Introduction to Juvenile Delinquents she provided an eloquent
account of the ways in which laws and justice were weighted against
those of the lower classes:
When do we hear of a child being brought to trial for his offences from
the higher classes of society? When do we see the children of parents
of respectable character appear before the magistrates? When do we
find fathers who live honestly bringing their sons up for punishment
110 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
Behold them when the hand of wisdom and of love has shown them
a better way, and purified and softened their outward demeanour
and their inner spirit, in Schools well adapted to themselves, and
you hardly believe them to be separated by any distinct boundary
from the children who frequent the National and British Schools. Yet
there is, and will long be, a very strongly defined line of separation
between them, which must and ought to separate them, and which
requires perfectly distinct machinery and modes of operation in deal-
ing with them. (Carpenter, M, 1851: 3)
It is worth pointing out that her methods worked; Manton (1976: 94)
describes how Joseph Fletcher, an experienced HMI and Editor of The
Statistical Journal who had inspected the school in 1849, was ‘bowled
over’ by Carpenter’s achievements. He considered she had made ‘out of
the dregs of a large city a school as good as any paying day school’.
He singled out the ‘trained teachers, the good order, pleasing manners
and gentle tone of the school and the trusting friendliness of the children
which only wise and good treatment created’ (cited in Manton, 1976: 94).
Ragged Schools 111
At the same time, and perhaps surprisingly, she was careful to retain the
distinction between the types of children she has described and the chil-
dren of the ‘respectable’ working class, those who were fortunate enough
to be able to attend the schools then available which required financial
contributions from their parents. The ‘street arabs’ might benefit from
education, but it needed to be separate, differently organised and with
the boundaries between classes maintained. The three types of education
that she proposed were designed to cater for the specific needs of each
‘class’ of child that she had identified. There would be free day schools
for those children ‘as cannot attend other schools, from the poverty of
their parents, or from their own want of character or necessary clothing’
(Carpenter, M, 1851: 38). Industrial schools, with food given were for
‘those children, who, through extreme poverty or vice, subject themselves
to the interference of the police, for their vagrant and pilfering habits;
the attendance at these should be compulsory on all who will not attend
the Free School. These, as they are to deliver the public from a serious
nuisance, should be supported by a municipal or parochial rate’ (Carpenter,
M, 1851: 38); and finally, for those children who have already committed
crimes and been confined to prison, Reformatory Schools.
In arguing the case for the latter, she was careful in addressing the
economic arguments that would be brought to bear against her propos-
als and she sets out an impressive cost/benefit analysis to demonstrate
that her recommendations would ultimately result in savings, both in
the short term and in the longer term, and benefit society by producing
useful citizens. As she explains:
The Edinburgh Review called it the first book to treat the sub-
ject adequately. The Athenaeum said, ‘In seven brief but terrible
chapters she discusses some of the darkest problems that perplex
112 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
revealed a huge gulf between what Carpenter envisaged and what the
majority of participants believed was required:
And of course the problem was that the gulf represented the huge differ-
ence that existed between Unitarians such as Carpenter and Anglicans
such as Sydney Turner who was the Chaplain at the Philanthropic Societies
reformatory, Redhill, and who would become the first Government
Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools in 1857. Turner proposed:
And the Rev. John Clay, a Prison Chaplain who was widely acknowl-
edged as an authority on crime and punishment, believed that:
they still believed firmly that punishment should remain central to any
new provision. Thus whilst there was agreement that prison was not a
suitable environment for young offenders, it was clear that the reforma-
tory model that the majority of participants at the conference had in
mind was more akin to Parkhurst (a place that Carpenter detested) than
to Mettray which more enlightened campaigners wished to adopt. She
had written to Mr. Thomson of Banchory making the point that if the
committee were to succeed then it would lead to ‘a multiplication of
Parkhursts, instead of Mettrais and Red Hills’ (cited in Manton, 1976:
106). It is important to underline that the divisions amongst reformers
reflect another crucial split we discussed in our Introduction, namely,
that between the ‘radical liberals’ and socialists who prioritised ethical
principles, and more classical liberals who prioritised the free market
and the law when deciding on which programmes to support; this split
has lasted into present times.
However, Carpenter was undeterred by the divisions and when she
was summoned to give evidence to the Select Committee on Criminal
and Destitute Children in 1852 and asked how a school should treat
children convicted of serious offences, she replied:
I would enlist the will of the child in the work, and without this
I do not think that any true reformation can be effected. I would
next consider the nature of the child, as a child. I think that there
should be a degree of confidence shown to the children, which will
make them feel that they are workers together with their teachers.
(HCPP: Select Committee on Criminal and Destitute Children,
1852: VII 1ff: 515)
but we ought in the first place to consider the position of these chil-
dren in regard to society. I consider society owes retribution to them,
just as much as they owe it to society or in fact more. If society leaves
them knowingly in the state of utter degradation in which they
are, I think it absolutely owes them reparation, far more than they
can be said to owe reparation to it. (HCPP: Select Committee, 1852:
VII 1ff: 516)
These statements illustrate the extent to which her views were revo-
lutionary at a time when the children she was representing were
Ragged Schools 115
considered little more than vermin; indeed she would point out in
Juvenile Delinquents (1853) that:
the mass of society are better acquainted with the actual condition
of remote savage nations, than with the real life and the springs of
action of these children, whose true nature is less visible to the public
eye when collected in a Ragged School, or swarming in by-streets,
than is the state of little heathen children as exhibited in the Reports
of Missionaries. (Carpenter, M, 1853: xxxix)
Her evidence to the committee was consistent with her strong beliefs
and demonstrate the extent to which she always considered a child,
especially a ‘criminal’ child, as being in need of treatment based on her
‘first principles’ which insisted that:
Within the space of a few years Carpenter had made a significant con-
tribution to the reformatory movement; she continued to campaign
on behalf of poor children through her writings, her contributions to
parliamentary committees and in extending her work to India. And
some of her initiatives, for example, her pioneering girls’ reformatory
survived until 1917. However, whilst she and people like Demetz and
Tuckerman had always stressed education as the single most important
element in any programme for rescuing delinquent children, particu-
larly an education that valued each child as a unique individual, this
vital element was lost in state reformatories. The latter developed as
institutions which provided for the separation of juveniles from adult
prisoners but retained much of the ethos of punishment and retribution,
with education playing a minor role. This strategy of constituting differ-
ent populations of children for education is consistent with techniques
of normalisation through different disciplinary regimes, as Foucault
has explained (2007, 1981b). It could be argued that the difference in
approach between Carpenter and the Reformatory Schools movement
rests on the different interest which they promote: Carpenter had the
interest of the most disadvantaged and excluded children foremost in
her projects, whilst for the state reformers it was the interest of the good
order of society, security, particularly of property, the management of
Ragged Schools 117
labour and respect for the law. So, on the one hand, a governmental-
ity framed by political economy, and, on the other hand, an ethics of
responsibility for the other that, whilst tempered by realism, put into
practice a quite different view of human beings and society.
We know that the radical departures we have described were increas-
ingly marginalised as new explanations, this time drawing from Social
Darwinism and the new sciences of biology and genetics in the latter
decades of the 19th century, heralded a return to the ‘sui generis’ type of
explanations promoted by W. Miles and others. As Manton (1976: 245)
noted, ‘The average member of the public, somewhat in awe of modern
science, reluctantly accepted that deviant or anti-social behaviour was
biologically caused, and ceased to believe in Mary Carpenter’s theories
of social handicap’.
The genealogy of exclusion we have constructed, by uncovering the
submerged ‘knowledges from below’, reveals the underlying struggles
going on that themselves functioned as an important element amongst
the conditions of possibility for the kinds of institutions and specific
practices which emerged and have become institutionalised and nor-
malised. It throws light on current issues and debates about exclusion
by revealing the stakes in the formative period of governmentality,
stakes which relate to the effects of inequality and poverty, and to alter-
native pedagogical and ethical principles.
This chapter shows that at a crucial point in England there emerged
new techniques for dealing with ‘delinquent’ and troubled children,
developing equally in parts of the USA and Europe, which were more
explicitly committed to genuine inclusion. These techniques involved
the recognition of the class basis for inequalities and poverty and its
psychological and emotional consequences, whilst liberal governmen-
tality chose to foreground individual responsibility, innate defects and
inadequate or criminal environment. This basic division has remained
over the years, although ‘progressivism’ and its inclusionary goals
seemed to prevail during the period of the Welfare State until the era of
neo-liberalism in the UK has gradually returned to the cold and abstract
values of the market and accounting practice.
Mettray: Normalisation or Rescue?
our aim was to rescue young offenders from the influence of a prison
life, and to replace the walls with which they had been surrounded
by liberty and labour in the open air. We proposed by persuasive
influence, by justice and kindness accompanied by strict discipline,
to reclaim lads who, from their infancy upward had never received
any moral training, and had been subjected to no other restraint
than that of brute force; we proposed in short, to turn ignorant and
dangerous vagrant lads into good, industrious and useful member of
society. (cited in Barnard, H: Reformatory Education: 1857: 168)
What Demetz identified here, much as Carpenter had done, was the
extent to which external conditions contributed to the downfall of the
‘dangerous and vagrant lads’. He rejected the belief in a ‘criminal class’
which had dominated debates in England and ensured that a retribu-
tive disciplinary approach determined provision. Demetz demonstrated
a belief in the possibility of change through ‘justice and kindness’ and,
whilst he mentions also the need for ‘strict discipline’, this was always
seen as a last resort. He examined the conditions which produced
unwanted and criminal behaviour and then planned provision which
would compensate for what was absent. A central feature of this pro-
ject was the idea of reproducing family life as a form of healing rather
than the confinement and punishment experienced in prison. He was
influenced by existing organisations such as the Orphan House of
Pestalozzi which opened in Switzerland in 1775 and the Raugh Hause
which had opened in Germany in 1833. Also, he had been sent by the
French government to inspect agricultural colonies already established
in Belgium, Holland and Germany. He was most impressed by what he
saw at the Raugh Hause which operated a family system. Indeed, he
was quite explicit in placing responsibility for the situation in society
itself which ‘is answerable for its neglect of these young persons. They
122 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
his limited means; the Rural School for indigent children, established
be Fellenberg in 1805 … the Agricultural Normal School of Vehrl, at
Krutzlingen. … The Reform School of Kuralti at Bachtelen, near Bere,
for vicious and offending boys. (Barnard, 1857: 15)
Life in the fields supplies a remedy for all the evils we have speci-
fied. Vigorous exercise in the open air strengthens the body; and
the spectacle of the beauties of nature excites in the human heart a
profound sentiment of admiration and gratitude toward the Creator.
(Demetz, 1855, cited in Barnard, 1857: 148)
And here Demetz identifies one of the key features of the alternative
reformatory movement, namely, the importance given to the healing
and beneficial effects of nature. Thus the ‘agricultural colony’ (Mettray);
‘farm schools’ and others identified above shared a common vision. It
is a vision which was a central defining feature of the Mettray project.
Indeed, the emphasis on rural settings, work with animals and activities
involving making things and cultivation are today advocated by some
people dealing with troubled or disadvantaged children as effective
forms of rehabilitation and learning.
The eventual design reproduced that of a small, self-contained village:
a series of houses each of which would contain 40 ‘colons’ or settlers
and their teacher, a chapel, an infirmary, a training school for teachers
and a director’s house where Demetz lived until his death. Barnard, who
visited it, described it as consisting ‘of a series of houses, each of a par-
ticular construction, and each adapted to a family of forty persons. Each
family has its own yard, fruit trees and kitchen garden. The whole is not
enclosed by brick walls, or high palisades, but by low, green hedges, over
which any person could climb, and through which a boy, so disposed
could easily creep without drawing attention’ (Barnard, 1857: 21).
However, why would a boy wish to escape from this environment? For
many this was their first experience of living in an environment which
was designed to meet their needs, provide shelter, warmth, food as well
as the opportunity to become part of a community, to be educated not
just in terms of skills but in taking responsibility for themselves and oth-
ers. The family system operated through trust and the implementation
124 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
Demetz demonstrated that the young people who entered the colony
were capable of positive change when placed in the right environment,
thus challenging the belief that criminality was inherent. In responding
to criticism that the discipline of Mettray destroyed family feeling, he
responded by pointing out that:
Mettray does not receive children from their homes, but from pris-
ons in which place the life they pursue is very different from that of
a domestic hearth; and further, that almost all these poor children
have been led to evil precisely because they have no families or only
such as do them harm. From its foundation to the 1st January 1856
the colony of Mettray has received 1,984 juvenile offenders. Of this
number there are: 346 illegitimate children, 376 children who have
lost father or mother or both, 116 foundling, 304 children who have
a stepfather or stepmother, 117 children whose parents live in con-
cubinage, 408 children whose parents have been convicted. What
does Mettray do for them? The very first principle called into action
at the colony is the esprit de famille. It therefore does not destroy
but restores this feeling in our young delinquents. (cited in Barnard,
1857: 213)
Demetz also extended the idea of family beyond the time that a young
person was resident in the colony. From their reception into Mettray
when the Directors (Demetz and Vicomte de Brétiginerès de Courteilles)
would accompany them from the prison, seeing the journey as a valua-
ble opportunity to spend time with the young person, learn about their
character and history and thus decide which of the ‘families’ would
best suit their needs. Contact was maintained throughout their period
at Mettray and after they left. For example, if they were situated locally
they were able to spend Sundays back with their family. ‘The same place
Mettray: Normalisation or Rescue? 125
is laid for them at the family table which they had used to occupy; they
kneel at the same altar with their former school fellows; they dine with
them, and join them in their sports’ (Barnard, 1857: 715).
Any period of unemployment or sickness was similarly catered for ‘…
we claim the privilege of alleviating his sufferings and sorrow, as a father
does of his children … If he loses his employment, is overwhelmed with
difficulties, or falls sick, the colony is always open to him; it is a home for
him’ (Barnard, 1857: 715). In these key areas, the after care, the real sense
of responsibility and obligation of the ‘father’ to the ‘child’, Demetz’
Mettray went far beyond any other similar institution at the time.
However, for Foucault all the elements which marked Mettray out as
‘different’ are made to serve as further evidence of its location within
the ‘carceral archipelago’:
the accommodation, dress, food etc. of all the inmates, officers as well
as boys, are of the plainest description. M. Demetz lays it down as a
principle that self-denial in yourself is the essential condition of useful-
ness to others, and he teaches this in his own example, living himself
in all respects as he requires the officers and boys to do … Nothing
is merely routine, merely mechanical, all is pervaded and animated
with the real earnest character of the resident director. … The boy
feels that his master is not a mere officer to watch him and enforce
discipline, or a mere instructor to teach him, but is a relation, – a friend –
to sympathize with him and assist him. (Carpenter, 1851: 327)
However, at the time, Demetz had recognised that the success or failure
of Mettray depended on the skills and qualities of those employed to
work alongside him. Carpenter described how:
a great portion of the singular success which has attended the efforts
of the directors is attributable to the attention paid to the education
130 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
one of the chief difficulties with which the founders of such insti-
tutions have now to contend is that of finding proper persons to
manage them. Mr. Jelinger Symons says truly that ‘there is perhaps
no vocation which requires a more particular set of qualifications,
both natural and acquired, than that of the head of a successful
Reformatory’. It will take two years to train full even a well-disposed
man; and yet, he adds, with a natural misgiving, ‘reformatories are
being established as if masters for them could be raised like mush-
rooms’. (Symons, 1855: 41)
of the 1854 Reformatory Schools Act and the 1857 Industrial Schools
Bill was both critical in terms of developing provision which began to
recognise that vulnerable young people required something more than
incarceration or exclusion. Yet, in much the same way that Parkhurst
Prison had transmitted the techniques of the penitentiary without the
underlying ethos, so the legislation and eventual provision required that
the framework of Mettray was adopted but only on the understanding
that the underlying ethos remained tied to a disciplinary model.
In conclusion we would like to stress that in analysing differently the
history of exclusion, we think it is important not to lose sight of the
place of Mettray in a different genealogy, which is more concerned with
the narrative of alternatives to prison for children driven to crime, or
abandoned to a life of destitution and ignorance. Such alternatives not
only existed but were successful. The ideas and ideals which motivated
these educationalists were not only at odds with state policy regarding
the treatment of delinquents and children of the very poor; they belong
to a different set of values and objectives that, whilst they rescued and re-
integrated such children into society, were far from normalisation within
the scope of govermentality. It could indeed be argued that if every kind
of ‘socialisation’ or education is normalisation, then nothing escapes the
‘system’ and there can be no room for resistance and counter-practices.
Foucault’s critique of Mettray misses out the theme of resistance and
counter-discourse which is so important in constructing a history of the
present, and in seeking practical alternatives. By contrast, our account
makes visible these alternatives and shows them to be part of a counter-
history that informs critique generally, including the critique of present
policy about exclusion. Our relocation of Mettray within a genealogy
of exclusion shows the importance of re-examining the archive to con-
struct a history which reveals lessons for fresh approaches to education
and exclusion today, particularly regarding the focus on the whole
child, the importance of attending to the emotional and psychological
needs of disturbed or troubled children, and the importance of envi-
ronments conducive for rebuilding trust, confidence, self-esteem and
enduring social bonds. What is clear in our narrative is the extent to
which the disciplinary and normalising regimes appearing around the
middle of the 19th century to deal with pauper or delinquent children
were becoming more sophisticated and systematised apparatuses of the
state. We have shown also that attitudes and policy, in England at least,
were hardening on the side of a regime of disciplining and of punish-
ment; these approaches have shaped exclusion to this day. The next
chapter provides further support for this line of analysis.
The Institutionalisation of
Exclusion within Education
we have shown, have not been able to dislodge the dominant policies
that, far from intervening to change the conditions that produced pau-
perisation and inequality, have instead succeeded in institutionalising
exclusion in the education system. How this has been achieved, and the
consequences for the present, is what we address in this chapter.
Many of the key figures involved in the developments we go on to
analyse, like Kay and Tufnell, appear committed to education as an
important part of the means for rescuing destitute and disadvantaged
children from a life of crime or dependency. We argue that the apparent
contradictions between the intentions of the reformers and the reality of
what happened on the ground reflect the tensions within liberalism that
we highlighted in the Introduction, split as it was between the prioritisa-
tion of a moral economy motivated by religious convictions and the pur-
suit of the general interest, and a utilitarian framework for social policy
grounded in political economy. The situation is complicated by the fact
that many policy-makers and activists at the time were confusedly pulled
by both tendencies. One finds a degree of this confusion even amongst
the most radical reformers such as Mary Carpenter. It could be argued
that the absence of a critique of capitalism, as a zero-sum economic game
that necessarily pauperises, accounts for the persistence of the confusion.
In the light of this absence, arguments that naturalised the existence of a
criminal class, and presented inequality as an inevitable fact of life, held
an appeal for both the defenders of the status quo and those who rec-
ognised the injustice of the situation but wanted to find pragmatic ways
of limiting the damage to individuals and society as a whole. A role for
state-sponsored reform thereby emerged and became institutionalised.
The process as we noted in previous chapters began with the identi-
fication of a population of poor children who were living either on the
streets or in the workhouses. Whilst the former were seen to be always
at risk of falling into the criminal class, the latter were seen to carry the
hereditary stain of the pauper. In both cases they were seen to pose a
threat to the stability of society as well as being financial burdens. The
search for effective methods to control or contain these children, which
unfold in the long list of parliamentary reports and select committees,
illustrate more than anything else an unwillingness to confront fun-
damental issues about the causes of poverty and destitution. What is
revealed is a constant tension between, on the one hand, those who use
their official capacity to depict the conditions of the poor and propose
remedies, and on the other hand, the way in which the daily reality
for the objects of their attention, in this case, children on the margins
of society, remains largely unchanged in spite of the programmes of
134 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
At the heart of the 1834 Poor Law was a re-definition of the poor which
generated a new system of classification for poverty/paupers that reshaped
the landscape of the poor, reflecting the way that industrialisation was
beginning to re-shape the actual landscape. Whereas previously the poor
had been tolerated and supported at local levels with provision for out-
door relief within small, parish-administered Poor houses, the new law
overturned such community-based provision. As Driver has pointed out:
those incarcerated in the ‘Union’ were cut off from the rhythms
of everyday life beyond the walls of a distinctive and imposing
institution. The transition from parish to Union thus signalled
a transformation in the scale and character of workhouse life.
(Driver, 2004: 66)
Clearly, the new regime ensured that the ‘rhythms of everyday life’ were
such as to discourage all but the really desperate and destitute from
seeking assistance. The implementation of national law, rules and regu-
lations ensured that administering the poor became depersonalised and
uniform, as Driver has suggested ‘the spatial separation of workhouse
populations was intended to function in at least three ways: as a basis
for appropriate treatment; as a deterrent to pauperism; and as a barrier
against contagion, moral as well as physical’ (Driver, 2004: 65).
The new regime deliberately sited the new workhouses and allocated
the inmates to ensure they were no longer known to the people manag-
ing them or in charge of the workhouse, thus ensuring detachment in
implementing the regime. This also marks the shift from the local to
more centralised provisions, from rural to urban, from church to state.
Furthermore, it implemented the project of a barrier against contagion
that shaped the emerging discourse around the pauper children of the
workhouses. Many of the features central to the governmentalisation of
poverty which we encounter today appear in these shifts
The desire to protect society from the threat posed by the ‘criminal
class’ enshrined in the 1834 Poor Law Act was the driving force for the
separation and education of pauper children with the aim of eradicating
pauperism as part of the wider objective of governmentality to reduce
crime, especially against property. The idea was to ensure that the
potential for ‘contamination’ would be reduced in line with the model
which constructed pauperism as both a ‘disease’ passed on from one
generation to the next and the result of individual choice and respon-
sibility. The theme of separation to avoid contamination was repeated
across many arenas such as gaols, transportation and workhouses
where the custom had been for all individuals to share the same space.
Contagion was a powerful metaphor and concept in the 19th century,
affecting the understanding of disease, racial strength, poverty and
morality; thus, the paradigm of hygiene could be applied to the regula-
tion or control of all of these phenomena.
The Institutionalisation of Exclusion 137
Kay saw himself as rescuing the paupers of Suffolk, and later Norfolk
as well, from self-destructive dependence. He implemented the new
poor law rigorously, and in his own mind fairly, though to the pau-
pers he cross-questioned and forced into the workhouses he appeared
an unfeeling zealot. He pressed individual parishes into the unions
the poor law required, and when violence erupted he quelled it.
(Selleck, 2004: 169)
Religion and industry in the 19th century context meant moral educa-
tion and good working habits and attitudes, respectively. Clearly, Kay is
not suggesting that pauper children should be ‘educated’ in the broad
sense but rather that they should be trained to become the ‘independ-
ent labourer’, the figure which was central to Poor Law Reform. By first
of all identifying a remedy for pauperism, he sets out the perils which
would occur if this were to be ignored:
So, what he had in mind as the destiny of the ‘educated’ pauper child
was that they would be sailors, labourers and domestic servants trained
to ‘serve’ and contribute to the smooth running of society. However
there was still the problem of overcoming the resistance and reluctance
of the state to be seen to be unfairly intervening at the expense of the
hard-working and deserving poor. At this point Kay makes an important
observation when he argues that:
restated the claim he had originally made in 1838 that ‘A child cannot
be a pauper in the sense in which that term is commonly understood’.
Another report in the same year on Workhouse Schools illustrated just
how little had changed. Inspectors visited workhouse schools through-
out the country sending back reports which highlighted deficiencies
such as those at Alcaster Union where ‘the children are taught by a
schoolmistress (the wife of the porter) and cannot, I should think
be properly taught; they are all, almost without exception, exceed-
ingly backward in reading, writing and arithmetic’ (HCPP: Workhouse
Schools, 1847b: 6). Similarly at Winchcomb Union the report stated
that ‘some of the grown boys are taught to read by a pauper. The girls
and the little boys are under the care of a schoolmistress and know very
little; they are for the most part very young; I recommend the establish-
ment of a proper school, by the appointment of an efficient teacher’
(HCPP: Workhouse Schools, 1847b: 6).
The situation at Evesham Union was particularly bleak:
Thus, despite the extensive reports that had been submitted by Kay and
Tufnell, workhouse schools continued to operate very much as they
had done previously. As the bureaucracy associated with administering
workhouse schools expanded (the annual reports contained hundreds
of pages devoted to inspections, reports and recommendations), the
actual conditions for the children remained unchanged. The education
they received was so inadequate; one could say it was another form
of exclusion, in spite of the efforts of Kay, Tufnell and inspectors of
Workhouse Schools like Jellinger Symons who had visited Mettray.
It was clear that the Commission had not taken any steps to ensure
that the recommendations originally made in the Amendment to the
Poor Law in 1834 were carried out; indeed by the time of the 1849
report little progress had been made regarding the establishment of
District Schools, separate from workhouses. This was because ‘this plan
has hitherto been rendered inoperative by two restrictive clauses. The
first of these clauses was intended to continue the formation of districts
of unions for pauper schools to towns or very populous localities. The
142 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
the system, in the first place that has been the cause of this sad
tragedy … We would wish the public seriously to consider what it
is they do when they sanction the continuance of such a system. If
we leave out of the question anything like matters of humanity and
feeling, and take the subject up merely as an economic one, what a
waste of money is here! … The case may be put even more strongly.
Two shillings and threepence, or even four shillings and sixpence a
week, appears but a small sum, although to a labouring man it is very
considerable indeed. But give him nine shillings a week in addition
The Institutionalisation of Exclusion 143
to his wages, and you will hear little more of the difficulty of bring-
ing up a family … We mention this point as one of direct economy,
but Mr. Wakley, and with great justice, pushes the case still further.
“The object,” said he, “of the plan might be economy, but when the
jury considered how much disease was engendered by the system –
disease of the lungs, of the mesenteric glands, of the joints, when
they considered that it created a rickety and scrofulous population,
where was the economy”. Something, of course, might be added of
the inhumanity and cruelty of separating children from their parents
at so early an age! (The Times, 25th January 1849)
The writer no doubt recognised that the earlier arguments for money to
be given directly to parents to enable them to care for their own children
were perhaps too radical. The suggestion that Unions should manage
their own facilities provided powerful support for the campaign that had
been waged by Kay and Tufnell for District Schools. Indeed, Tufnell’s
report on the Schools of Parochial Unions in the following year makes a
point of describing how ‘the death of two hundred children by cholera,
in one establishment, so aroused public feeling that the authorities were
enabled to apply the appropriate remedy by establishing district schools,
and four have accordingly been founded in the metropolitan division’
(HCPP: Minutes of the Committee of Council on Education. Schools of
parochial unions: 1850a: 9). It had taken 18 years from the time of Kay’s
first report on Pauper Education for the first district school to be built,
and despite Tufnell’s optimism very few district schools were actually
built. The belief that the poor were architects of their condition put the
focus on the individual child as the point of intervention. As Johnson has
pointed out, ‘As moralists, educationalists were enabled to transfer cause
and guilt away from a system of social and economic organisation which
they more or less endorsed, on to the people’ ( Johnson, 1970: 116).
However, whilst these views had been dominant during the decades
since the introduction of the Poor Law Amendment Act (1834), chal-
lenges were beginning to emerge, notably from within the reformatory
144 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
movement. Driver (2004: 99) has suggested that ‘debates over reforma-
tories spilled over into the domain of Poor Law policy and vice versa’.
This was not really surprising given the widely held beliefs that tied
poverty to criminality. What was significant at this point, however, was
that the Reformatory Movement in seeking new approaches to juvenile
criminality had begun to challenge existing practices such as transpor-
tation and incarceration, arguing instead for new approaches which
would educate rather than simply punish. Additionally, the reformers
were deeply critical of large barrack-style institutions, arguing instead
for family style provision based on the Mettray model. It was at this
point that the separate discourses began to merge.
streets seemed to occupy a space which placed them beneath the pauper
and always one step away from the criminal. When a select commit-
tee on Criminal and Destitute Children was convened in 1852 under
the remit of the Prisons Authority, the main focus of the resolutions
presented to Parliament in 1853 was on provision for criminal children
with an emphasis on ‘correction’. Despite a wealth of evidence from
those who supported the development of a system based on Mettray, the
committee recommended Penal Reformatory Establishments for those
who committed ‘serious offences’ and Reformatory Schools for those con-
victed of ‘minor offences’. Provision for destitute children was limited to
a resolution that Poor Law Unions be encouraged to develop more district
schools with an emphasis on industrial training. The fact that the report
was drafted from within the framework of the Prisons Authority already
prejudiced the conclusions about appropriate provisions. Indeed, the
1866 Consolidating Act specified that the offender must serve not less
than ten days of imprisonment before being admitted to a reformatory;
this was not rescinded until the 1899 Reformatory schools amendment
bill which made preliminary imprisonment no longer obligatory. The
contradictions were clear.
Matters were not improved with the introduction of an Industrial
Schools Act in 1857 which ensured that the destitute and neglected
child was tied to a punitive framework. Industrial Schools had been
operating for some time as part of the philanthropic aim to rescue
and reclaim destitute children, but the reliance on charitable funding
meant that their future was always precarious. The introduction of
legislation guaranteed that there would be state funding for Industrial
schools which achieved certification, although the ‘cost’ was state con-
trol through regulations and inspections. The aspect we want to high-
light is that the Act resulted in the criminalising of destitute children
through the specification of the classes of children to be admitted and
detained in these schools. The 1866 Industrial School Consolidating Bill
identified the ‘classes of children to be detained in Certified Industrial
Schools’ as ‘any child apparently under the age of fourteen years’:
Furthermore, it was specified that ‘any person may bring before two
justices or a magistrate’ any of the children who came within the above
descriptions. Significantly, the pauper child was included if the Guardians
of the Poor identified:
It is clear that the class of children identified included all those whom
Mary Carpenter had described as ‘perishing’, the children who were in
need of care and protection so that they would not become part of the
dangerous, criminal class. The Act gave sweeping powers to the authori-
ties and ‘persons’ to remove and detain children in institutions far
removed from the ideal which had been represented through Mettray in
terms of both design and function. Today the category ‘at risk’ extends
this line of reasoning, whilst the inclusion of ‘refractory’ amongst the
categories recall today’s ‘disruptive’ label.
Within four years the distinction between Reformatory and Industrial
Schools had been gradually eroded. In 1870, Sydney Turner, who had
been appointed as Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools,
observed in his annual report that:
David Barry, aged 9 – stole a gold watch and a silver watch. Sentenced
to two-week imprisonment and at the expiration of that time to be
confined in a certified reformatory for five years.
Frederick Westcott, aged 12 – re-examined on the charge of stealing a
coco-nut from Mr. Milton, grocer and chemist, and was sent to the
Boys Industrial School for three years.
Emma Clapp, a girl, was re-examined on the charge of stealing a pair
of child’s boots from her mother and was sent to prison for fourteen
days and at the expiration of that time to a reformatory for two years.
150 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
George Brown, a lad 9 years was charged with stealing a brass candle-
stick from the Berkeley Arms beerhouse. The lad was sent to the
Reformatory School for five years, the father to contribute a weekly
sum for his support.
George Parker, a boy, was committed to Clifton Wood Industrial School
for five years for stealing £1.3shillings.
John Huggins, a boy of 10, was charged with stealing fivepence in coppers
from the house of his master, a baker, of Castle Mill Street. The mag-
istrates sent prisoner to the House of Correction for fourteen days
and to the Reformatory for five years.
Charles Fisk, 11, charged with stealing seven shillings from his parents.
Sentenced to one month’s imprisonment and five years in a reformatory.
(Taken from court proceedings in Trewman’s Exeter Flying post: 10th
February 1869; Bristol Mercury; 6th February 1869)
homes, boarding out and emigration. The latter option was seen to be
the most effective and economical solution to the problem of parental
contamination and flourished. The 1896 Report into Poor Law Schools
recorded that:
the evidence which we have received upon the subject of the emi-
gration of children appears to show that this method of providing
for the children of the pauper class can be largely extended, to the
advantage of the children and of the ratepayers alike. One of the
chief difficulties which boards of guardians experience in success-
fully starting the children in life is the pernicious interference of the
children’s relations; and it has often been represented to us that the
only way to save the children is to remove them from their pauper
surroundings. Emigration effects this purpose … (HCPP: Poor Law
Schools Committee, 1896a: 131)
large pauper schools are detrimental to the health of the children and
create disabilities of three kinds – physical, mental and moral. Under
the head of physical disabilities the diseases which I would enumerate
as being created or fostered by the large school system are opthalmia,
diphtheria – which of course is not created but is fostered – fevers of
certain kinds, skin affections, and diseases of degeneration. The men-
tal disabilities and disadvantages which the schools produce I would
describe especially first a defective training of the children; second
that the schools produce feeble minded children, and third that they
result in turning out children with intensification of certain bad hab-
its. Then under the head of moral disadvantages of this way of treat-
ing pauper school children I think that many of those are especially
The Institutionalisation of Exclusion 153
the result of the system by which they are deprived of individual care
and training. (HCPP: Poor Law Schools Committee, 1896a: 9)
What was shocking was that there had been abundant evidence avail-
able to support the development of alternative provision such as the
Mettray model which promoted family-style provision, thus avoiding
the effects such as those identified by Hart. The main reason for the
rejection of this option had always been financial: the dozens of reports
and enquiries into types of provision had been driven by the insistence
of policy-makers on the lowest cost possible in terms of buildings, food,
clothing, training and education. The evidence of our historical study
of attitudes to children’s education and welfare is that these cost-driven
measures have been a permanent feature of policy towards children in
difficulty through no fault of their own for a considerable time, surviv-
ing into the present. The large, impersonal, brutal, barrack-style institu-
tions provided the most economically efficient means of incarcerating
destitute and criminal children. Emigration was similarly embraced as a
financially sound solution giving the most effective means of disposing
of pauperised children and ensuring that they would never return as
adult paupers or criminals.
In terms of a genealogy of the present, we would highlight the follow-
ing points of comparison: first, a tension between advocates of educa-
tion and those of punishment often blurred at the level of policy which
combine punishment and education. Education, however, has been and
remains limited in scope, not just because of cost-driven provisions,
but because the inadequate training of those in charge, given the range
of emotional, cognitive and environmental problems which afflict
the poorest children and insufficient concern for the wellbeing of the
child. Second, the prioritisation of the cost factor in calculations of the
mechanisms for dealing with pauper, delinquent or refractory children.
Although the apparent savings result in much larger long-term costs.
Radical reformists, as we noted, regularly criticised inadequate provision
and training of staff well over a century ago. Third, none of the official
documents and discourses dealt with the causes of inequality, even
in Kay’s criticisms. This is not surprising since it implies dismantling
capitalism or at least instituting massive redistribution of wealth. It is
significant that the redistributive measures implemented by the Welfare
State resulted in a significant reduction in the gap between rich and
poor, a degree of security for the poorest section of the population and
an improvement in the educational achievement of children from the
poorer sector of society.
154 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
Previous chapters have explored how poor children and young people
in the 19th century became the target for intervention. We traced how
the need for intervention was formed within a discourse which emerged
in response to several concerns about issues of security, the protection
of property and the formation of useful labour. Except amongst a net-
work of radical reformers, concern did not extend to a genuine interest
in improving the conditions of the working class. The dominant view
understood poverty as an inherited ‘condition’ which if unmanaged
would threaten the social and moral fabric of society and the economy as
a whole. These views, consistent with liberal political economy, informed
the development of measures which aimed to governmentalise poverty
and criminality through institutions such as the workhouse and the
Industrial and Reformatory schools. Our argument is that the establish-
ment of the latter system as a means of removing and containing specific
categories of children seen as a source of danger in the 19th century,
whilst educating them to a suitable standard for their allotted station
in life, has provided the conceptual framework which has continued to
inform policy and practice in spite of oppositional voices and initiatives.
The dominant element of the discourses which emerged from the
time of the Poor Law reforms constituted the children of the poor as
always potentially criminal; thus, the issues of security and prevention
were uppermost in the minds of policy-makers. Exclusion in one form
or another, from transportation, ‘export’ and transplantation to the
156 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
The connection which linked children who were excluded from school
to increased crime started to be made explicit in the wake of an offi-
cial report, Misspent Youth (1996), which was produced by the Audit
Commission. It is worth noting that there are interesting connections
to the Poor Laws of the 19th century through the Audit Commission, a
government body which had been established in 1983 and which situ-
ates its origins as follows:
that school exclusion was by far and away the principal reason for the
upsurge in youth crime’ (Hodgson and Webb, 2005: 13).
The assumption that children out of school for whatever reason
were responsible for increased crime totally ignored the complexity
of the issues which contribute to exclusion and youth crime. There
are numerous other explanations in respect of school exclusion which
were absent in the narrow focus on exclusion and crime that began to
emerge in the aftermath of the Misspent Youth report. One effect of
this was that children became criminalised through their visibility, a
presence which became increasingly tied to their potential wrongdoing
and which produced an array of new ‘offences’ and disciplinary meas-
ures designed to eliminate them from public spaces: curfews, anti-social
behaviour orders, and so on were the official response in much the
same way that similar concerns about ‘visibility’ in the 19th century
had resulted in new offences being introduced in the Industrial Schools
Act. In addition, the uncritical acceptance of Misspent Youth confirmed
the emerging ‘fear of youth’ discourse and marginalised critiques, for
example, of an education system which was being increasingly tied to
the marketplace, and promoted an agenda which pursued inclusion at
the expense of meeting children’s special needs, and which placed chil-
dren with emotional and behavioural disorders in settings where they
were unsupported, a measure which contributed to their subsequent
exclusion from education.
Thus, the belief that school exclusion contributed to or was the
principal reason for an ‘upsurge in crime’ was both contradictory and
misleading. On the one hand, Home Office statistics at that time sug-
gested that crime by children and young people was actually falling
whilst, on the other hand, the report ignored the actions of schools
which were responsible for a sharp rise in the number of children being
permanently excluded.
The Audit Commission’s ‘mission’ is to ensure that budgets are man-
aged effectively and thus their research findings for Misspent Youth
were consistent with an approach which focussed on crime reduction
and the proposed strategies to achieve this. One of the effects of this
approach was that it produced an account in which the lived experi-
ence of children and young people was largely absent. Furthermore,
as Jones (2001: 378) pointed out, ‘there is an undercurrent of objecti-
fication and dehumanizing of young people’. We would suggest that
this was consistent with a fixation on how much money was being
wasted in the then youth justice system. Indeed, the term ‘Misspent
Youth’ managed to address concerns about both improper spending by
‘No More Excuses’ 159
they are regularly cited, but are rarely criticised or evaluated. Their
findings are often taken as the final word on the topic. It is as if the
critical faculties of youth justice academics and the practitioners are
suspended when confronted with financial costings, statistics, or ‘evi-
dence’ when it is gathered by accountants, auditors or economists.
( Jones, 2001: 363)
We would suggest the impact of this ‘audit culture’ approach was that
it produced a significant shift from seeing a child in trouble as in need
of care and protection to one which prioritised the ‘management’ of
the ‘problem’. It was a shift driven by an actuarial approach principally
concerned with counting, measuring, the management of resources and
minimising costs.
The effects of Misspent Youth went beyond the initial focus which
was the youth justice system. In particular, the connection between
youth offending, exclusion and truancy was asserted in all major
policy documents and proposals. In each case, the connection to crime
was expressed explicitly and uncritically in official documents such
as the 1997 Department of Education and Employment White Paper,
Excellence in Schools, which pointed out that:
most excluded pupils are white, male young teenagers, but a number
of groups are disproportionately likely to be excluded –
Children with special needs are six times more likely than others to
be excluded
Afro-Caribbean children are six times more likely than others to be
Children in care are ten times more likely than others to be excluded.
83 per cent of excluded pupils are boys. 80 per cent are between the
ages of 12 and 15.
Exclusion rates vary greatly from school to school but tend to be
higher in areas of social deprivation. (Social Exclusion Unit 1998,
Truancy and school exclusion: xx)
adults. A recent report from HMI Prisons records that young offenders
in Ashfield Young Offender Institution were ‘exposed to unacceptable
levels of violence’ (HMIP, 2013: 10). Thus the emphasis would seem to
have turned back towards regimes founded in punishment and disci-
pline with little space available to address the underlying conditions
which contribute to the continuation of factors long associated with
inequality and poverty, as we discussed in the Introduction by reference
to the work of Wilkinson and Pickett (2010) and Stiglitz (2013). There is
once more a utilitarian, cost-driven, doctrine-shaping policy although
this is incoherent, given the cost of incarceration: it can cost as much as
£200,000 to accommodate one child in custody for a year.
The belief that crime is increasing produces alarm and fear that then
authorises increasingly repressive measures; the United Nations report
noted that ‘the English and Welsh approach is more repressive than
that of most other European countries’ (2008: 35). Indeed, such a
strong consensus has been established regarding the need for young
offenders to be severely dealt with that criticisms from organisations
such as the United Nations are regularly ignored. Furthermore, research
164 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
• just under half (49 per cent) of people agree that children are increas-
ingly a danger to each other and adults,
• 43 per cent agree something has to be done to protect us from
• more than a third (35 per cent) of people agree that nowadays it feels
like the streets are infested with children,
• 45 per cent of public agree that people refer to children as feral because
they behave this way,
• nearly half of people (49 per cent) disagree with the statement that
children who get into trouble are often misunderstood and in need
of professional help. (Barnardo’s, 2008: 1)
These findings illustrate the way that perceptions of children and young
people have been increasingly shaped by a ‘fear of crime’ discourse
which, as the international report pointed out, is largely unfounded. It
is unsurprising, then, that the United Nations reported that in England
and Wales ‘although recorded offending by children has been in decline,
between 1994 and 2004, the number of children sentenced to custody
increased by 90 per cent’ (Detrick, S et al., 2008: 35). This incongruity
has been examined in a report by Barnardo’s which analysed the cases
of a sample of children aged 12–14 who were sentenced to custody in
2007–2008. Key findings were:
would have been illegal to send a child of this age to custody unless
they had committed one of the so called ‘grave offences’. Now we
do this, every year, to more than 400 children aged 12, 13 and 14.
What are we thinking of? This is a tragedy for the young people
themselves, it’s a shocking waste of money and, in terms of reducing
their offending and doing anything to protect victims it is almost
invariably ineffective. (Barnardo’s, 2009: 1)
What is significant from the point of view of exclusion is that the fac-
tors identified as contributing to delinquency, namely, poverty, special
educational needs, unstable or insecure home background, living in
care homes, fit precisely the profile of children who get into trouble at
school and are therefore brought within the exclusionary procedure in
place. A revolving door connects school exclusion with juvenile deten-
tion and training institutions. The system now in place and the ethos of
punishment underlying it are avoiding addressing failings in education
and care and support services for young people in need by transforming
them into criminals.
We recall too that individuals such as Carpenter and James Phillips
Kay had argued that retribution should be balanced with a need to
reclaim pauper children through education, whilst the influence of
Mettray had shifted the focus to the need to develop a different type
of institutional provision. However, we have also pointed out that the
successful campaigns by individuals such as Sydney Turner and John
Clay, who argued for an approach founded in harsh discipline, ensured
that provision developed differently in England. A report from the
Howard League puts this policy in context: ‘The majority of European
countries see a child committing crime as a welfare matter, an occa-
sion to energise the various child welfare agencies to examine what is
‘No More Excuses’ 167
No More Excuses
This short statement set the tone for the rest of the report which
provided a new framework within which inequality and deprivation
were constituted as ‘excuses’. Thus, the social context for offending
was to be abolished and replaced by a new emphasis on ‘personal
responsibility’. This is entirely consistent with the neoliberal emphasis
on the individual at the expense of the social coupled to the use of
law as a mechanism to bend individual conduct to the rationality of
‘rational choice’ based on calculation of positive and negative costs. As
Foucault explains ‘good penal policy does not aim at the extinction of
crime, but at a balance between the curves of the supply of crime and
negative demand’ (Foucault, 2008: 256). Furthermore, the individual
is conceptualised as homo oeconomicus, so that ‘an element, dimension,
or level of behaviour can be postulated which can be interpreted as
economic behaviour and controlled as such’ (Foucault, 2008: 259). The
individual delinquent is assumed to be ‘“responsive” to some extent to
possible gains and losses, which means that penal action must act on
‘No More Excuses’ 169
the interplay of gains and losses, or, in other words, on the environ-
ment’ (Foucault, 2008: 259).
The logic of this ‘technology of behaviour’ is that the costs, or punish-
ments, must be high enough to act as deterrent, freeing the state from
the need to help individuals overcome the kind of disadvantages that,
as we have been establishing in the book, have for so long been identi-
fied by a wide range of experts as likely to lead to disruptive, anti-social
or delinquent behaviour. Interestingly, the report confirms this when it
identified what it described as ‘key features’ related to youth criminality
which were listed as:
• being male;
• being brought up by a criminal parent or parents;
• living in a family with multiple problems;
• experiencing poor parenting and lack of supervision;
• poor discipline in the family and at school;
• playing truant or being excluded from school;
• associating with delinquent friends; and
• having siblings who offend. (Home Office, 1997a: 5)
This list points to the profound contradiction at the heart of the new
rhetoric: for, on the one hand, social circumstances were deemed unac-
ceptable in terms of understanding why children and young people
might offend; on the other hand, social circumstance is used as a sort
of route map in terms of identifying potential offenders. Furthermore,
the list of key features was not presenting anything that was particularly
new or unknown, including the connection between exclusion from
school and poor discipline at school. Unsurprisingly, the family would
be cited as the main point of intervention with the introduction and
implementation of a range of measures which included parenting orders
and fines alongside the threat of imprisonment for non-compliance. As
Hendrick remarked:
The focus on visibility in a public place once more brands the excluded
child as criminal in potential waiting for the chance to offend.
Furthermore, the profile for excluded pupils would suggest that it is
unlikely that parents would be able to meet these requirements. The
irony is that in attempting to prevent the child or young person from
becoming caught up in criminal activity, there is the real possibility of
criminalising the parents. Thus, it could be argued that ‘responsibility’
has been successfully transferred from institutional or economic failure
onto the individual child or the parent. Krisberg (1998) had pointed to
a shift from an ‘excuse’ culture to a ‘blame’ culture as the underlying
ethos of the discourse which produced ‘No More Excuses’. We would
suggest that neither excuse nor blame is useful in understanding or
addressing the needs of the fragile and vulnerable children and young
people who are positioned as ‘other’. Perhaps the most significant dif-
ference between the 19th century and the present day is in the way
that the former was driven by a belief that both ‘perishing’ and ‘dan-
gerous’ children and young people could be rescued and transformed
into useful citizens through education and a supportive environment
as Carpenter, Demetz and others demonstrated. In contrast, the current
discourse appears to be driven by a more fundamental need to set an
example in the name of protecting the public and making public places
secure: the demands of security trump the needs of children in trouble.
This is particularly evident in the discourse which emerged in the late
1990s following the publication of ‘No More Excuses’, which, whilst
adopting a tough approach to youth crime, seemed unconcerned about
the reality of imprisonment for children and young people.
Another official report, ‘Young Prisoners’, which appeared in 1997
and which was written by the then Chief Inspector of Prisons, Sir David
Ramsbotham, highlights this attitude, remarking ‘it is a great pity that
all too much informed and concerned discussion and recommendation
‘No More Excuses’ 171
about dealing with delinquent young people stops at the prison gates,
ignoring what goes on behind them and the effect of this on those
who emerge through them at the end of their sentence’ (Home Office,
1997b: 7).
It is noteworthy that Ramsbotham’s comments were informed by
his experiences in inspecting the institutions to which children were
sentenced and which led him to recommend that ‘children under 18
should not be held in prison’ (Home Office, 1997b: 7). Interestingly,
Ramsbotham reached this conclusion having started from the same
evidence which had informed the ‘No More Excuses’ report (1997a)
and the Audit Commission’s ‘Misspent Youth’ report (1996). However,
Ramsbotham had identified what he saw as a ‘major deficiency’ of
‘Misspent Youth’, namely, its failure to address:
His conclusion that ‘all the evidence from this review points to the fact
that warehousing children and young offenders in penal institutions,
rather than educating, training and reforming them according to their
individual needs is counterproductive’ (Home Office, 1997b: 25), evokes
those criticisms made by his predecessors in the 19th century such as
James Phillips Kay and Edward Tufnell.
Furthermore, we would also suggest that the institutions that are
described in the ‘Young Prisoners’ report are the contemporary equiva-
lent of Parkhurst Prison for boys which had closed in the 1860s. As we
saw, Parkhurst had closed at a time when Reformatory Schools were
being established and where the emphasis had begun to shift from incar-
ceration and transportation. In contrast, Young Offender Institutions
which were established in the 1990s are managed by the prison service
and have a distinct ethos which suggests that their purpose is primar-
ily one of incarceration rather than education, rehabilitation or care,
a point also made in the previous chapter in relation to the criticism
of the Reformatory and Industrial Schools (Reformatory and industrial
schools committee 1896b). Confining children to these institutions, in
Ramsbotham’s view, provided ‘just one further stage in the exclusion
of a group of children who between them, have already experienced
almost every form of social exclusion on offer’ (Home Office, 1997b: 3).
172 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
we keep children smelly and dirty, idle and frightened, bored with
education and cooped up in modern day dungeons. And we expect
them miraculously to pupate into responsible citizens. In reality,
these young people leave prison more damaged and more danger-
ous than when they first went in. It is frankly shocking that we treat
children in this way in the 21st century. (Howard League, 2009: 1)
This agrees with Crook’s evidence which she presented to the Joint
Committee on Human Rights (2004) when she had pointed out
how ‘they will not know, for example, that at most Young Offender
Institutions, the child in prison never sees daylight – they do not go
outside throughout the whole of their sentence (Joint Committee on
Human Rights, 2004, Volume II: 12). Crook’s evidence would suggest
that there has been deterioration in terms of both the actual conditions
for children who are imprisoned and an abandonment of any claim
to see custody as contributing to reformation of the delinquent child
through education and a rehabilitative programme. This agrees with
the observations on the conditions which children experience whilst
locked up in prison are evocative of conditions that pauper children
endured in the 19th century, whether in Parkhurst Prison for Boys in
the 1830s, the workhouse schools or in the barrack like Industrial and
Reformatory schools.
We would recall too Mary Carpenter in her preface to Juvenile
Delinquents (1853) had pointed out that:
though at present the only one provided by our country; since thou-
sands of young children annually committed to it come forth not to
diminish but to swell the ranks of vice. (Carpenter, 1853: 1)
It is clear therefore that today the concern with reformation has become
increasingly marginalised as the focus shifted to retribution and pun-
ishment as part of neoliberal governance, particularly since the 1990s.
As Crook also points out, the expectation is that young prisoners will
‘miraculously pupate into responsible citizens’. This is the other side
of the ‘responsibilisation’ ethos which we discussed earlier and which
assumes that individuals somehow know how to behave but simply
choose not to conform. This would seem to be the logical progression
from the belief that excluding children from school for bad behaviour
will by itself enable them to return, transformed into model students
with no support or intervention. In both models, that of the Young
Offender Institutions and of the education system, the emphasis is on
the ability of the individual to ‘fix’ themselves. Failure to achieve this
leads, inevitably, to further punishment.
Current practices and institutions seem to have abandoned the ethos
of the reformers in the 19th century. The issue of poverty and its effects,
though discussed, is not tackled in terms of causes of inequality such
as class; instead intervention is limited to constantly reshaping the
framework, introducing new laws, regulations and regulatory bodies,
run according to the rules of an audit culture that requires calculable
‘inputs’ and ‘outcomes’, thus targets, evidence-based decisions, that
is statistics, and management practices that necessarily make caring
secondary to ‘value for money’. The fact that the ‘value for money’
principle is itself incoherent, as we have pointed out about the cost of
excluding troubled children or incarcerating them, points to the basic
irrationality in the system.
The second issue became clear in our analysis of forms and prac-
tices of exclusion in the different chapters, namely, that poverty and
inequality are important not only because of the effects we detailed
but because they are the products of capitalism as an economic system
that, if unchecked, necessarily produces poverty and inequality. In the
19th century radical thinkers recognised this zero-sum game aspect of
capitalism and wanted the state to intervene to try and equalise oppor-
tunities for all. There is more at stake here however, given that the
legitimation of the state in a democracy implicates the idea of a social
contract underlying citizen’s consent to the authority of the state. Such
consent would not be given if citizens (or the people) understood that
existing legal, administrative and institutional arrangements reinforce
existing relations of power and privilege, and that those in power seek
to maintain this situation. It should be remembered here that one of
the outcomes of struggles in the nineteenth century to which we drew
attention is the emergence of radical alternatives, motivated by uni-
versalist values prioritising equity, equality and responsibility for the
welfare of all, both at the level of oppositional discourses and practical
solutions. We argued that these dissenting initiatives and voices belong
to the history of ‘progressivism’ in education, in the UK and elsewhere,
a history which in more recent times one can detect in campaigns for
greater effective inclusion. Indeed, that history has marked shifts in
official discourse and policy that appear to support inclusion for all
categories of children. But, as we examine shortly, there exists a chasm
between the rhetoric of inclusion and the reality of exclusion.
In part this is due to the long history of failure to learn lessons from
approaches that recognise the complex character of the ‘diseases of
poverty’, which refer not just to the obvious disadvantages and their
consequences for learning, for cognitive ability and thus achievement
but about traumas and stresses that are transmitted from generation to
generation unless the cycles are broken for one reason or another. So
we have the continuation of the stigmatisation of poor, troubled or dis-
ruptive children in practices that exclude them by stealth or by default,
echoing the regressive values in the ‘No More Excuses’ document,
values which linger in the underlying attitudes shared by a powerful
section of ‘public opinion’ and the media. Policy often stumbles when
faced with these archaic forces, as Kay and Tufnell discovered long ago.
And good intentions constantly falter because of the countervailing
arguments of economists, today and in the past, as we showed.
But the disconnect between intention and the reality of exclusion
relates not just to resistances to initiatives seeking a fairer deal for the
176 Inequality, Poverty and the Education of Children
poorest citizens as in the 19th century but to the changes in the rules
of the game introduced by neoliberalism. Its marketisation of education
has introduced new principles and frameworks that present obstacles
to effective inclusionary practices which seem almost insurmountable,
especially in the context of the current policy of austerity.
Political economy once more emerges as the determinant parameter
reshaping the domains of educational and social policy, and here the
crucial shift is from a Keynesian and Beveridgian liberalism to the neo-
liberal repositioning of the role of the state. It is easy to forget that the
idea of the Welfare or providential state had been the result of long
struggles against the fixity of social class and the distribution of wealth
and life chances. The settlement of these struggles in modern times has
taken the form of redistributive programmes based on the principle of
universal entitlements and rights. Neoliberalism rejects this politics in
favour of a Hobbesian model of the struggle of each against each and
the ontologisation of self-interest.
As we discussed in our introductory chapter, the defining shift locates
the state as working for the market and according to the rules of the
market. That means prioritising competition, individual choice, an
enterprise culture and the privatisation of the public sector, including
social and educational services, and the assessment of costs and ben-
efits in terms of an audit culture that replicates commercial accounting
practice. Targets that are set for schools and other educational estab-
lishments must conform to this accounting system. Economic or class
disadvantage has been audited out of the equation. Translated into
practice, the neoliberal turn has more recently resulted in the following
kinds of changes in how exclusion is managed. Ironically, the new set-
up is supposed to operate according to a rhetoric of inclusion.
The first thing that practitioners such as educational psychologists
and others working within support teams funded by local authorities
have discovered is that such teams are being broken up, in part because
of new financial constraints imposed on the funding authorities.
Joined-up intervention has thus become more difficult. Additionally,
schools as well as agencies must now compete for diminishing resources.
The granting of power to head teachers to choose alternative provisions
for the excluded has resulted in the uneven allocation of resources and
priorities. The fact that in 2009/10 only 1.4 per cent of children in
Alternative Provision for those permanently excluded achieved five or
more A* to C GCSE grades is a telling context for assessing these changes.
Other consequences are the regional variations, depending on
resources and funding available, and the dispersal of oversight. Matters
‘No More Excuses’ 177
are not helped by the fact that the privatisation of some public sector
providers has meant that corporations with little relevant expertise
now ‘own’ previously public resources or have become monopolistic
providers setting their own operational targets. They often employ less-
qualified staff who cost less; this must add to the deprofessionalisation
of agencies that managerial styles and vocabularies of action copied
from business practice tend to produce. The situation has resulted in
chaotic systems in some regions, leaving room for illegal exclusions
and for deals amongst schools and providers that suit them, but that
are not necessarily for the benefit of children in trouble (Children’s
Commissioner for England Report, 2013). A whole new generation of
poor or troubled children are paying the price.
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192 Index
Graham, John and Bowling, Ben Kay, James Shuttleworth, 132, 143–4,
12, 13 166, 171
Greenberg, Gary, 11 Krisberg, Barry, 170