RADIOLOGY 1.6 Introduction To Mammography
RADIOLOGY 1.6 Introduction To Mammography
RADIOLOGY 1.6 Introduction To Mammography
Introduction to Mammography
July 14, 2015
Maria Louven Urbano-Grasparil, MD, FPCR
I. Mammary Glands I. MAMMARY GLANDS
II. Breast Anatomy Exocrine glands: enlarged and developmentally modified sweat
III. The Mammogram glands
A. Craniocaudal (CC) View Functions:
B. Mediolateral (MLO) View o Milk production
IV. Examples of Mammograms
o Pass antibodies to the newborn (passive immunity)
A. Fatty Parenchyma
B. Minimally Scattered Fibroglandular Tissue
C. Heterogenously Dense Fibroglandular Tissue
D. Extremely Dense Fibroglandular Tissue
V. Mammographic Abnormalities
A. Mass
B. Spiculations
C. Calcifications
1. Vascular Calcifications
2. Cluster of Microcalcifications
3. Linear Calcifications
D. Tissue Asymmetry
E. Architectural Distortion
VI. Axillary Lymphadenopathy
VII. Breast Augmentation
A. Silicone Implants
B. Saline Implants
This lecture-based trans is from 3A 2016 transcription and Brant’s Fundamentals of
Diagnostic Radiology 4th ed. Only the first 3 parts were discussed by Dra, so bahala
na kayo kung gusto niyo pang basahin yung mga succeeding parts
o Outer at the top
o Inner at the bottom
o Radiopaque or white
Fibroglandular breast tissue
o Radiolucent
Retromammary fat
Fat at the anterior aspect of the breast (*)
o Nipple is always at the midline ("in profile")
o Normally, a marker (usu. small stainless steel marker or clip) is
placed on the nipple; seen as a white spot
An alternative method of assuring appropriate visualization of
posterior tissues:
- To measure the distance from the nipple to the edge of the film
through the central axis of the breast; this distance should be
within 1 cm of the length of the posterior nipple line as seen on
the MLO view
In mammography, do NOT use the term "nodule" even if it is <3 cm
When describing masses, include:
Masses with lines (spicules) that radiate from the center
Borders are irregular
Highly suspicious for malignancy
Typical of cancers (RED FLAG)
Here, you can notice the presence of multiple nodularities on the Spiculation, compression magnification view.
right breast (yellow arrows) and a possible bilobed mass (red arrow)
which requires further assessment using ultrasound.
o Calcifications assume this pattern if
they originated in the grape-like
structures (alveoli)
Linear or branching
o Calcifications assume this pattern if
they originated in the ducts (may
indicate ductal carcinoma)
PATTERN/ o Diffuse or widely scattered and seen
DISTRIBUTION bilaterally are usually indicative of a
benign process
o Multiple, bilateral clusters of
calcifications that appear
morphologically similar are also
generally benign
o Malignant calcifications usually occur
in groups or clusters within a small
volume of tissue.
Circular and micro
o Usually benign
MORPHOLOGY Irregular and amorphous or
o Usually malignant
Common in the elderly (eg. arteriosclerosis)
Mass with irregular borders and spiculations (red); macrocalcification Runs along the breast tissue
(yellow) that is coarse and benign; vessel (blue). No traction
Benign; become linear and regular
The more ill-defined the border of the mass, the more likely that it is
malignant do biopsy
May be physiologic or pathologic
Calcifications are a frequent finding on mammographic examinations.
In majority of cases, calcifications will be benign and their origin, as
such, will be easily identifiable.
Optimal mammography is important when calcifications are being
studied. The film exposure must be appropriate
o Slight over penetration of film is optimal for detection of
Benign Calcifications
o Calcification with lucent center should
not cause concern
o Calcifications that layer into a curvilinear
or linear shape on 90 degress later films,
yet appear as smudged clusters on CC
views, are also representative of a
benign process.
o Calcify in various patterns.
o Sometimes the calcifications are
indeterminate, but the classic
calcifications associated with an
atrophic fibroadenoma, are large,
FORM coarse and irregular in shape.
Secretory Disease
o Smooth, long, thick linear calcifications
that radiate toward the nipple in a
generally orderly pattern.
o Located in ectatic ducts.
Malignant Calcifications
o Vary in shape and size
o Jagged, irregular and are often
Indeterminate Calcifications
o Account for the majority of
mammographically generated biopsies
of calcifications
o Associated with fibrocystic change.
o >1 mm
o More benign
o <1 mm Clustered, pleomorphic microcalcifications, with or without an
o RED FLAG associated soft tissue mass, are a primary mammographic sign of
Benign Calcifications breast cancer.
SIZE o Often larger This is one finding that we do not want to see
o When benign disease produces ≥5 microcalcifications (<1 mm) in a 1 cm2 area
clusters of calcification, the size of o If 1-4 microcalcifications more benign
these calcification is usually similar. o ≥5 microcalcifications check again
Malignant Calcifications Although we cannot determine the type of carcinoma from this
o Generally less than 0.5 mm in size. abnormality, we can guide the surgeon if the lesion is highly
o Frequently referred to as suggestive of carcinoma (based on grading)
Calcifications associated with malignancy
are generally quite numerous.
NUMBER The greater the number of calcifications,
the more likely they are associated with
malignant disease.
Almost symmetrical calcifications on both breasts: more benign
(e.g. mastitis – diffuse and bilateral)
Intraductal calcifications
Focal, linear, branching calcifications (white arrow) biopsy (might
be ductal carcinoma)
Focal asymmetry. The area in the right upper breast appears denser
than the corresponding area on the left. This could still be a breast
tissue – dense (could be a young patient). Request for ultrasound
(targeted US on the right breast) to confirm,especially if it is a palpable
Global asymmetry. Right and left are markedly unequal with the
lesion entirely on one side. This could either be a mass or just breast
tissue; to confirm, request for ultrasound. There is increased glandular
tissue on the left breast. Parenchyma is minimally scattered.
If the patient has implants, make sure to indicate it in the request so
that the breasts will not be over compressed during mammography
Recent implants
If with infections, do not do mammography or ultrasound as there will
be nothing to see
Implants located anterior to pectoralis muscle and posterior to the
breast tissue
If injectable implants, request for MRI instead as alternative
o Patients with silicone bags can undergo mammogram
Silicone is made up of water; hence the hyperdense appearance
Patients with breast implants can still be evaluated
Silicone is more radiopaque than saline, although neither allows
adequate visualization of immediately surrounding tissue
o Represents layers of collapsed elastomeric shell contained in the
fibrous capsule
o Present in ruptured or collapsed implants
o Hallmark of intracapsular rupture
o If a confirmed saline implant is ruptured, there is no need for any
intervention because the body will simply absorb the saline
Saline implants. Folds (blue arrow) are ruptured implants with leak;
thin breast tissue (yellow arrow).