Eco V5 N4 007
Eco V5 N4 007
Eco V5 N4 007
Article Particulars
Received: 16.8.2017 Accepted: 30.8.2017 Published: 30.9.2017
Assistant Professor of Economics,
NMSM Govt. College
llege Kalpetta, Wayanad, Kerala.
Research Scholar, Centre for Economic and Social Studies,
Hyderabad, Telangana,, India
Bamboo, often referred to as the wonder wood has attracted the attention of people in different
walks of like including farmers, researchers, policy makers because of its versatile use, income
generating potentiality, and environmental friendliness. India is home for a number of species of
bamboo and it grows across the country. Though farmers face hardship and struggle to find a
consistent source of income, the potentiality of bamboo to provide a sustainable livelihood is still
underutilized. One of the reason
eason for farmers to take up bamboo farming is because they lack sufficient
data to estimate its economic viability. This paper is an attempt to examine the economic viability of
bamboo farming and an attempt to estimate the cost and income generating capa capacity of bamboo
Keywords: Bamboo; geographical distribution of bamboo; bamboo cultivation; env environmental
importance of bamboo.
In the past couple of decades, Bamboo has received increasing attention for its
economic and environmental values, its close association with culture, knowledge and
wide use for housing, forestry and agro forests. It is one of the fastest growing woody
plant on earth which can reach up to 30 CM in diamete
diameters and 40 meters in height with
in a short span of 120 days. The relative abundance of its availability, wide presence
across the globe, the cheap price, its capability of meeting different human needs
which include using its shoot for food has helped it to be widely used by the common
man and has helped it to earn the reputation of "poor man's timber".
Though the farmers have been adopting various measures and resorting to the
method of intensive farming, multi-cropping,
cropping, organic farming, an and various other
Shanlax International Journal of Economics
modern techniques to overcome the hurdles, the success of the methods are short
lived and they continue to fall in debt and financial crisis. India, with its diverse
geographic and climate conditions, is blessed with many natural resources. Bamboo
with its diversity and versatility of uses and benefits can enhance the quality of our lives
especially that of the rural population whose earning and living conditions depend on
natural resources to a large extent. We have failed in effectively utilising its potential
which would otherwise have become a boon to the farmers. Bamboo occupies a
prominent place among the under-utilized natural resource.
Vol. 5 No. 4 September 2017 ISSN: 2319-961X
Bamboo Cultivation
Most farmers, who are accustomed to traditional cultivation, may be reluctant to
shift to the new crops like Bamboo. Many cannot even think of bamboo cultivation as
they have seen it only as a forest product and have never even thought of it as a
cultivable item. Many farmers are unaware of the fact that bamboo with considerably
Shanlax International Journal of Economics
shorter gestation period can be an inducement for the farmers to take up Bamboo
cultivation. The harvesting can be done from the third year onwards and a continued
and sustained harvesting can be undertaken for another 50 to 70 years (depending on
the species under cultivation). Other common plantation crops like teak, rubber,
coconut etc have longer gestation period and shorter cropping duration. The initial
investments, as well as the annual maintenance, are also high for these crops.
Table 1 Assumptions Made for Working out Cost of Cultivation of Bamboo under
Indian Condition
Spacing (Meters) 4.03
No. of Plants/ acre 1000
Mortality Replacement (%) 10
Manure required (Kg per plant per year) 5
Fertiliser required (Kg per plant per year) 7.2
Cost of Manure(Rs / Kg) 5
Cost of Fertilizer (Rs / Kg)** 15
Irrigation Cost/acre (Rs.) 5000
Drip system Cost/acre (Rs.) 30000
No. of Irrigations days/year 210
Plantlet price (Rs. / Seedling) 30
Labour wages (Rs. / manday) 500
No. of harvestable plants/acre (%) 90
Average Weight of each culm (Kg) 8
Sale price per tonne (Rs.) 6000
Vol. 5 No. 4 September 2017 ISSN: 2319-961X
Table no 1 to 4 show the expected cost and income from bamboo cultivation per
acre. The figures are based on the averages if cultivation is undertaken in an area of 10
hectors under a normal condition with drip irrigation. Usually, bamboo harvesting can
be done from the 3rd year onwards and can continue beyond 15 years depending on
the species. But here the estimates are prepared for a 15 year period and assume that
the harvesting will begin in the third year.
Shanlax International Journal of Economics
Compare to other forest products like wood, the vegetative cycle of bamboo is much
short. The bamboo can grow up into grove in 3 to 5 years and can sustain harvest for many
years. Since the grows are self-renewing, there is no need to undertake re-cultivation or
replanting. Thus bamboo has a better chance of generating higher income.
The table shows that bamboo cultivation is highly economical in nature and yield
consistent output thereby ensuring sustained income to the farmers. Since the plant has self
regenerating capacity, they continue to yield output for a long duration of time if the
harvesting is carried out properly. The loss of crop due to heavy rain and drought are very
limited as they can sustain even the extreme climatic condition. They also can act as a
safeguard against land slide, soil erosion and other environmental damages thereby
ensuring protection against natural calamities.
Experts in the bamboo growing field are of the opinion that any size of the plantation,
be it just one hector or a large area of more than a thousand hectors, can be profitable.
The entire process including the area and the selection of the species of bamboo must be
governed by few considerations like (i) the type of market we intent to sell our product—ie
the targeted market. (ii) The end use of the product: ie, whether the farmer aims to sell just
bamboo polls or whether on intent to add value to the product before taking it to the
market plays a crucial role. This also determines the size of cultivation. For example, if the
market is energy or biomass industry, a large-scale cultivation is necessary but if it is for
handicraft or furniture a small to medium scale cultivation is advisable. (iii) geographical
and infrastructure considerations. The farm location, transportation facilities, the
availability of labour force and such factors also need to be studied well before cultivation.
(Stephen, Stephen. 2012. ‘Minimum Acreage for a Profitable Bamboo Plantation’.. )
Soil Conservation
Research has shown that area with bamboo cultivation has less soil erosion and
promotes soil conservation. Studies have shown that the sediment yield is reduced to 1.4
t/ha in a high rainfall year which is about 10 to 20 % less than an untreated watershed
(Kurothe and Nambiar). Bamboo with its huge canopy and dense branches and leaves
intercept the precipitation. This changes the raindrop's descending direction and thus
lessens their descending speed. This helps in reducing the splash erosion of soil (Chaomao,
Weiyi and Yan). The comparative analysis of the soil quality also has shown that farm with
bamboo plantation has higher nitrogen, phosphorous and potash content indicating a
better soil health. (Pande, Kurothe and Ra).
Vol. 5 No. 4 September 2017 ISSN: 2319-961X
Source: Table 1 to 5: items in the tables are based on the report Economics of
Bamboo cultivation, Grow More Bio-Tech Limited, Mysore, Karnataka. Figures are
complied by the author
The soil erosion caused by the deforestation and other activities including farming is
one of the greatest challenges across the world. Bamboo cultivation offers an easy
solution to this. The net-like root system of the bamboo is capable of creating an
effective mechanism for watershed protection. the extensive rhizome system of
bamboo lies primarily in the top layers of soil which can prevent soil erosion and land
slip in fragile areas like river bank, deforested areas, places prone to earthquakes or
mud slip (Bystriakova, Kapos and Stapleton). Studies were done in Kenya and South-
East Asia confirms to the soil protection ability of the bamboo (The Organic Farmer). In
many parts of Japan and in the Hakone Yama Mountains of Japan bamboo planting
has been successfully prevented soil loss. (Ben-zhi, Mao-yi and Jin-Zhong) Since proper
harvesting of bamboo does not kill the plant, the protection offered by it continue
even after harvesting (Environmental Bamboo Foundation).
Water Absorption
The rhizome root structure of the bamboo helps in preserving water resources. The
networking of bamboo roots in addition to holding the soil together, absorb rainwater
and reduce soil erosion. Studies have shown that bamboo has a higher capacity to
preventing soil erosion and water absorption compared to coniferous forests
(Chaomao, Weiyi and Yan).
Further, bamboo is also capable of retaining rainwater to the extent of 80 to 100%.
This will help in vegetation as well as ground water recharge. The present day world
bamboo cultivation can be of great help in solving the acute water crisis problem.
Shanlax International Journal of Economics
Carbon Absorption
Various international conventions including the Stockholm Conference on
Environment in June 1972, the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992 and many
conventions in the recent years have called for a reduction in the emission of carbon
dioxide and to promote ways to increase carbon absorption. Bamboo is known for its
carbon absorption potential. It is estimated that most species of bamboo can absorb
as much as 10 to 20 tonnes of atmospheric carbon dioxide per hector. Scientific
studies in Mexico has shown that Guadua Angustifolia (a bamboo species) has the
capacity of carbon dioxide absorption to an average level of 21.41 tonnes per hector
(Schroder, Environmental Impact of Guadua Bamboo).
In spite of the advantages associated with bamboo, it is doubtful whether India has
paid enough attention to promote the effective use of this resource. The bamboo
sector has been undervalued as a potential sector and we lack adequate knowledge
on the resource status both at the grass root level and at the national level. It is
estimated that the country uses only one-tenth of its bamboo producing potential. Out
of the 130 species available across the country, only 10 are being commercially
exploited (Pande, Kurothe and Ra).
Prevent Pollution
Bamboo also helps in reducing pollution and in purifying the air. Research has
shown that the crop area of about 1 mu can absorb 125 kg of SO2 every moon, 60 t of
dust every year and 67 kg of CO2 every day. In other words, the bamboo stand area of
about 3x104hm2 will absorb 3.86x107t waste air every year (Schroder).
Bamboo is not just a grass. It has the potentiality to provide substantial income to
farmers for a number of years. It has potential to keep the environment safe and clean.
The ability of the bamboo to prevent soil erosion and to enhance the quality of soil is
commentable. In this era of climate change, bamboo is a "wonder plant" with its
immense ability and potentiality. It is the resource with can promote sustainable
farming, protect the environment and provide income to the farmers. Hence there is a
need for better intervention from the policy makers to promote bamboo cultivation
across the country.
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