Journal of Cleaner Production: Marco Formentini, Paolo Taticchi
Journal of Cleaner Production: Marco Formentini, Paolo Taticchi
Journal of Cleaner Production: Marco Formentini, Paolo Taticchi
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The role of governance from a sustainable supply chain management perspective is receiving more
Received 1 May 2014 attention from scholars and practitioners. However, several aspects still remain unclear including how
Received in revised form corporate sustainability approaches are implemented and aligned with governance mechanisms at the
28 September 2014
supply chain level. With the aim of filling this gap in the literature, an empirical investigation is proposed
Accepted 21 December 2014
Available online 26 December 2014
by analysing seven case studies through the lenses of contingency theory, the strategic alignment
perspective and the resource-based view of organisations. Findings include the characterisation of three
sustainability profiles, namely sustainability leaders, sustainability practitioners and traditionalists; a
Corporate sustainability
classification of the governance mechanisms on the basis of their level of collaboration and formal-
Sustainable supply chain management isation; the identification of factors that enable governance mechanisms. The empirical results are useful
Governance mechanisms to practitioners seeking to implement sustainability initiatives at the supply chain level, and to scholars
for further theory development and refinement.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction and report their performance in different ways (Taticchi et al., 2013).
In order to implement and control sustainability strategies and ini-
Many of today's environmental and social issues are rooted in tiatives, with the ultimate goal of improving sustainability perfor-
unsustainable patterns of economic and industrial development. mance, companies establish governance mechanisms and
Consequently, driven by regulation and market factors, and with structures to manage relationships with their supply chain actors
the overall goal of building a competitive advantage, companies are (Gimenez and Tachizawa, 2012). Given its relevance, research in the
developing new diversified corporate sustainability approaches field of sustainable supply chain governance (SSCG) (Vermeulen and
(CSAs) (Hahn and Scheermesser, 2006). Seuring, 2009) has started to investigate the role of governance
In this research, business sustainability (Hassini et al., 2012) is mechanisms in SSCM. Early works published in SSCG literature, have
defined in reference to the triple-bottom-line (TBL) as proposed by highlighted the role of collaborative approaches (Vurro et al., 2009)
Elkington (1997) where the economic, social and environmental and different levels of governance mechanisms formalisation
dimensions of business are simultaneously taken into account. This (Alvarez et al., 2010). However, several aspects of SSCG remain still
calls for completely re-thinking the way business is designed and unclear. For instance, Kova cs (2008) calls for examining environ-
conducted not only at the company level, but also at the supply mental and social responsibility beyond corporate boundaries by
chain level, as notably maintained by sustainable supply chain stressing the need of understanding upstream and downstream
management (SSCM) scholars. implications; Carter and Easton (2011) posit that a better under-
There is evidence from literature that firms embed sustainability standing of how supply chain governance structures are affected by
in their business models in different ways (Bocken et al., 2013) and sustainability-based strategies, with particular emphasis on con-
approach the TBL differently (Hahn and Scheermesser, 2006), tracting issues, is needed. Although the research has provided
develop short and long term initiatives (Epstein, 2008) and measure several frameworks (e.g. Van Bommel, 2011; Vurro et al., 2009) to
investigate the relationship between governance mechanisms,
there is limited empirical evidence of how strategies and business
* Corresponding author. models for sustainability are effectively translated into practice and
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Formentini), p.taticchi@ “aligned” with governance mechanisms. (P. Taticchi).
0959-6526/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Formentini, P. Taticchi / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 1920e1933 1921
To address this gap, in this paper we aim to provide empirical distinct types of approaches to corporate sustainability: sustain-
evidence and develop theory by drawing on multiple case studies ability leaders, environmentalists and traditionalists. However, this
and use contingency theory, the strategic alignment perspective categorisation focuses predominantly on environmental issues,
and the resource-based view of organisations. Our contribution with limited consideration of the social component, and does not
includes the characterisation of three sustainability profiles, address supply chain implications.
namely sustainability leaders, sustainability practitioners and tra- Furthermore, in the domain of SSCM a number of studies have
ditionalists; a classification of the governance mechanisms on the investigated strategic issues. Hall (2000) argues that different ap-
basis of their level of collaboration and formalisation; the identi- proaches to SSCM, and the nature of initiatives implemented are
fication of factors that enable governance mechanisms. The use of dependent on environmental and market pressures, firm resources,
three different theoretical lenses allows to capture the complexity knowledge and channel power of the company in the supply chain.
and the richness of the issues investigated, as well as to facilitate Seuring and Müller (2008) add that SSCM is often triggered and
the development of a clear discussion and the identification of characterised by two distinctive and complementary strategies:
practical implications. “supplier management for risk and performance” and “supply
The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: in the chain management for sustainable products”. The first is driven by
second section we define SSCM and review the literature on sus- the fear of company reputation damage if sustainability related
tainable strategic approaches, governance mechanisms and theo- problems are raised. Hence, additional environmental and social
retical lenses that are used in the paper. In the third section the criteria are added to complement economically based supplier
research methodology is introduced. This is followed by the evaluation. The second strategy is driven instead by the definition
description of the cases in section four. Section five discusses of life-cycle-based standards at the supply chain level for the
findings of the empirical research, that include the characterisation environmental and social performance of products. It is evident
of three sustainability profiles, namely sustainability leaders, sus- that SSCM requires rethinking the management of the firms' eco-
tainability practitioners and traditionalists; a classification of the nomic capital by deploying tangible resources such as investments
governance mechanisms on the basis of their level of collaboration to improve corporate and supply chain processes, and develop
and formalisation; the identification of factors that enable gover- intangible resources such as knowledge and organisational culture
nance mechanisms. Section six concludes the paper and highlights for sustainability (Dyllick and Hockerts, 2002).
the limitations of this research, practical implications and sugges- Since the issues surrounding corporate sustainability are com-
tions for future research. plex and far-reaching, Amini and Bienstock (2014) have explored
the complexity of different corporate sustainability approaches and
2. Literature review provided a useful framework to guide academic research. Among
the variables discussed in this framework, they underline the key
2.1. Definition of sustainability role played by the ‘scope of organisational focus’, namely the
different levels of sophistication in the company's interaction with
Business sustainability is defined as “the ability to conduct other supply chain actors toward sustainability. Overall, given the
business with a long-term goal of maintaining the well-being of the early stage of this body of literature, scholars have claimed the need
economy, environment and society” (Hassini et al., 2012). Several for empirical research for both driving theory development and
definitions of green supply chain management (GSCM) and sus- refinement, and influencing practice (Ashby et al., 2012; Tonelli
tainable supply chain management (SSCM) are available in litera- et al., 2013).
ture. In their literature review, Ahi and Searcy (2013) argue that
SSCM is essentially an extension of GSCM, and that seven charac- 2.3. Sustainable supply chain governance mechanisms
teristics properly describe it: economic focus, environmental focus,
social focus, stakeholder focus, volunteer focus, resilience focus and Monks and Minow (2004) define governance as the structure
long-term focus. In this paper we adopt their definition to describe that ensures that decisions are made to determine long-term,
SSCM as: “The creation of coordinated supply chains through the sustainable value for an organisation. Fawcett et al. (2006) main-
voluntary integration of economic, environmental, and social con- tain that little has been written concerning the commitment levels
siderations with key inter-organisational business systems among supply chain actors and the types of governance structures
designed to efficiently and effectively manage the material, infor- that should be adopted within a given organisation and along the
mation, and capital flows associated with the procurement, pro- supply chain. More recently, Pilbeam et al. (2012) underline a clear
duction, and distribution of products or services in order to meet opportunity for scholars to perform empirical studies to clarify the
stakeholder requirements and improve the profitability, competi- relationships between supply network contexts, outcomes and
tiveness, and resilience of the organisation over the short- and governance instruments.
long-term” (Ahi and Searcy, 2013, p. 339). The need for deepening the knowledge on governance mecha-
nisms from a supply chain perspective is especially critical when
2.2. Strategic approaches to corporate sustainability considering sustainability. According to Vermeulen and Seuring
(2009) new schools of research and knowledge have emerged in
In the literature there is evidence that firms approach business the field of SSCM and SSCG in support of businesses taking up their
sustainability differently. Shrivastava and Hart (1995) identify active role in their supply chains, for instance by communicating
companies approaching sustainability with “band-aid” solutions their environmental and social impacts throughout the supply
not affecting their mission or strategy (e.g. characterised by isolated chain and developing strategies to improve them.
actions for waste reduction, pollution prevention and recycling); Enriching the definition provided by Gimenez and Sierra (2013),
“more serious” companies establishing a lifecycle approach to we define sustainable supply chain governance mechanisms
products and developing sustainable strategies supported by (SSCGMs) as practices, initiatives and processes used by the focal
consistent investments; and companies adopting “deep-change” firm to manage relationships with 1) internal functions and de-
strategies by completely rethinking business models and opera- partments and 2) their supply chain members and stakeholders
tions driven by sustainability. In a more recent work, Hahn and with the aim of successfully implementing their corporate sus-
Scheermesser (2006) distinguish between three significantly tainability approach. In this vein, this paper refers to internal
1922 M. Formentini, P. Taticchi / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 1920e1933
governance mechanisms and external governance mechanisms to SSCM scholars. In fact, Amini and Bienstock (2014) call for systemic
distinguish between actions limited at the corporate boundaries approaches to corporate sustainability and the need of using
and actions extended at the supply chain level. several theoretical perspectives to explore and understand its
The literature highlights two relevant factors that characterise complexity. Similarly, Connelly et al. (2011) argue that building
governance mechanisms, namely collaboration and formalisation. theory for sustainability in business necessitates the use of several
In reference to the first factor, companies can implement their theories. In the same vein, Carter and Easton (2011) recommend the
sustainability strategies by applying their market power in a non- use of multiple theories in corporate sustainability research to
collaborative way, or conversely by adopting a shared, collabora- support in-depth analysis. Based on the above, it is evident that
tive governance style (Brockhaus et al., 2013). In a non- corporate sustainability is a complex problem and the use of
collaborative setting, the focal firm relies on its contractual power different theories is needed to capture this complexity and explore
to define governance parameters and impose decisions to supply links between different dimensions. Lozano et al. (2014) develop a
chain counterparts. While this is a common practice in supply chain macro-theory on corporate sustainability, based on a complex
management (Hingley, 2005), in the context of SSCM there is evi- framework integrating nine theories, by arguing that single the-
dence that collaborative and shared governance approaches ories on their own are limited in addressing corporate sustain-
represent a powerful tool for facilitating sustainability initiatives ability dimensions.
(Vurro et al., 2009; Gimenez and Sierra, 2013). This calls for We select contingency theory, the strategic-alignment
balancing the traditional power-based approach with new collab- perspective and resource-based view of organisations because, all
orative ways of implementing governance. Among collaborative combined, they allow to capture the specific complexity of the
mechanisms, Cousins and Menguc (2006) clarify the role of linkages between CSAs and SSCGMs. The individual contribution of
socialisation that forms bonds and ties that facilitate the exchange each theory is highlighted in the theoretical framework presented
of information and helps to build a culture of mutual commitment. in Fig. 1.
The second factor suggested by the literature to classify SSCGMs Contingency theory (CT) is an approach to organisational analysis
is formalisation. According to Alvarez et al. (2010) and Pilbeam et al. which emphasises that the nature and structure of organisations
(2012) formalisation is defined as the extent to which decision- can take a number of forms and may be related to several contin-
making is regulated by explicit rules and procedures. A common gencies. Organisations adapt their structures in order to maintain
typology of governance mechanisms distinguishes between formal fit with changing contextual factors so as to attain high perfor-
and informal mechanisms of coordination. Formal mechanisms mance (Donaldson, 2001). Sousa and Voss (2008) reviewed four
include control and reporting systems through which organisations broad categories of contingency factors: national context and cul-
structure their interaction in an explicit way and can include ture, firm size, strategic context, and other organisational context
command structures, incentive systems, standard operating pro- variables. As highlighted in Fig. 1, in this paper contingency theory
cedures and documented dispute resolution procedures. Formal is used to understand the relationship between the contingency
mechanisms are usually adopted in dynamic and unstable cir- factors and the development of specific CSAs and governance
cumstances. On the other hand, informal social systems encompass mechanisms. CT has been adopted in several studies investigating
additional coordination mechanisms characterised by relationships SSCM. For instance, Walker and Jones (2012) developed a typology
rather than by bureaucratic structures and tend to be adopted in of approaches to SSCM based on internal and external enablers and
contexts where prior relationships exist between actors. barriers.
The strategic alignment perspective (SAP) of linking operations to
2.4. Theoretical research framing the corporate strategy (Skinner, 1969) has been extended in SCM.
For instance, Kim (2006) and Hofmann (2010) underline the ne-
This paper uses a number of theoretical lenses, introduced in cessity of a strategic orientation and efficient linkages between
this section, to engage with the analysis of the research gaps pre- corporate competitive capability and supply chain operational
viously identified. This is coherent with the indication of several capability to develop coherent and integrated strategies. In this
Table 1
Sample used for data collection.
Companya Industry Sizeb Management structure B2B/B2C Sustainability business Supply chain extension
model archetypec
Upstream Downstream
(sourcing) (distribution)
vein, a better understanding of the interactive relationship be- companies not addressing sustainability either from a strategic
tween these elements is needed especially in the context of SSCM. point of view, or in their operations. Although the traditional
In this work SAP is used therefore to explore the alignment be- approach of convenience sampling is based on selecting cases on
tween functional-level supply chain governance mechanisms and the basis of close geographical proximity and economic constraints
corporate-level mechanisms as reported in Fig. 1. This is coherent of the research (Barratt et al., 2011), we decided not be limited on
with recent research that has already used SAP to analyse a number these restrictions. In fact, cases were selected at the national Italian
of SSCM issues (Wu et al., 2014). level in different regions and our research was performed in 2012
The resource-based view (RBV) of the firm is a theory formalised and 2013 through funding made available by both institutions of
in the field of strategic management by Wernerfelt (1984) that finds the authors. The authors formally approached the initial 30 com-
the drivers of competitive advantage primarily in the application of panies with a letter presenting the goals of the research and
both valuable tangible or intangible resources at the firm's disposal. requesting their interest in participating.
In another seminal contribution Barney (1991) analyses the po- The final set of 7 companies presented in Table 1 expressed
tential of several firm resources for generating sustained compet- clear interest in the research and therefore was included in the
itive advantages. Key resources have been recognised as intangible sample. The sample reflects 4 relevant industry clusters in the
assets (such as client trust and relationships) and capabilities (such Italian economy (i.e. food, fashion, construction and
as skills and knowledge) (Clulow et al., 2007). RBV has positively manufacturing). The multi-industry nature of the data is seen as a
been used in sustainability research (Garriga and Mele , 2004) to strength of this study because it enriches the information of
explain corporate sustainability strategies (Arago n-Correa and contingency aspects. A similar multi-industry approach was also
Sharma, 2003) sustainability competitive advantage (Castelo taken by Ciliberti et al. (2011) in investigating the agency problem
Branco and Lima Rodrigues, 2006) and sustainable supply chain of corporate social responsibility codes implementation along
management (Gold et al., 2010). In this research, RBV acts as a lens supply chains. The main characteristics of the seven firms are
to analyse tangible and intangible assets and capabilities available summarised in Table 1. Although we interacted with 6 large
in the companies studied and explain their capacity to develop companies and 1 small firm, we managed to assure diversity in the
CSAs and governance mechanisms (Fig. 1). wider cluster of large companies both in terms of turnover and
number of employees.1
3. Research methodology We collected data in person from multiple respondents in each
company2 adopting a semi-structured protocol, which we refined
This paper adopts an inductive multiple case study approach to during the development of our research, in line with other studies
investigate how corporate sustainability approaches are imple- (Pagell, 2004). The interview protocol was designed to gain a broad
mented and aligned with governance mechanisms at the supply understanding of the CSA and the related SSCGMs through in-
chain level. We consider a focal company as the unit of analysis as terviews with top executives, sustainability directors (when avail-
well as its supply chain relationships e both upstream and down- able) and managers in different functions (e.g. operations,
stream e that are activated to develop the CSA. We adopt the focal purchasing, logistics, marketing). Then, the interview protocol was
firm's perspective, aiming at analysing both internal and external adapted and refined according to the specific requirements of each
governance mechanisms. case study, aiming also at identifying additional details specific for
We sampled 7 Italian focal companies, in line with the sugges- each case study. In the Appendix we provide in Table A1 the details
tions provided by Eisenhardt (1989) concerning the number of of the positions interviewed at the companies.
cases that are necessary to obtain valid evidence. We used as initial
convenience sample a set of 30 companies that the Authors have
identified in previous research projects focused on sustainability 1
We deliberately avoided disclosing the firms' turnover and number of em-
and where a direct link with the company's management was ployees as explicitly requested by the companies to remain anonymous. Additional
available so as to guarantee access to relevant information. There- details were disclosed with Referees during the review process.
fore, on the basis of our direct experience we did not consider Only in the case of Recycling we had only one respondent.
1924 M. Formentini, P. Taticchi / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 1920e1933
We performed interviews on site and a following round of From a supply chain perspective, the most important mecha-
follow-ups phone calls. Generally, interviews lasted from a mini- nism is represented by an innovative responsible supply chain
mum of 45 min up to a maximum of 2 h, on the basis of in- certification, developed in close collaboration with an independent
terviewees' availability and commitment. It is evident from certification body, which promotes the development of sustainable
Table A1 that in the case of large and structured companies it was sourcing processes, monitoring and traceability, with the goal of
possible to interact with a larger number of respondents, with the constant improvement. The company successfully integrates rela-
opportunity also to perform plant visits to check specific sustain- tional governance mechanisms, such as direct sourcing through
ability initiatives on site. Interviews were taped and transcribed vertical integration and contracts, on the basis of long-term,
along with field notes collected by the Authors; eventually, we collaborative relationships with growers and exporters. The com-
validated the transcripts with the interviewees. As highlighted in pany promotes knowledge transfer to its suppliers and rewards
Table A1, we also triangulated data with internal documents (e.g. them with higher price premiums, bearing also all expenses related
code of ethics, internal presentations, balanced scorecards, samples to the certification and inspections.
of contracts, etc.) and publicly available sources (e.g. sustainability
reports, quality reports, company websites, etc.). 4.1.2. Pasta
Coding was conducted iteratively: each case was individually Pasta is one of the largest food manufacturers, a leader in the
coded, and then the two authors discussed the coding results to international pasta market. The company developed an integrated
assure agreement and consistency in order to identify the nature of strategic approach for sustainability, incorporating its three pillars
activated governance mechanisms in terms of TBL orientation, with a long-term perspective. As a family-managed business, sus-
supply chain extension, collaboration and formalisation. The data tainability is perceived as a core element of the corporate strategy,
were analysed using both within-case and cross-case analyses. We and not as an adjunct component. From field to consumption the
followed Yin's (1994) guidelines to insure construct validity (by company encourages open, transparent partnerships with local
using multiple sources of evidence, establishing chain of evidence communities.
and having key informants reviewed transcripts and drafts), in- A structured organisational model assigns responsibility for the
ternal validity (by performing pattern matching and explanation management of strategic sustainability issues to the corporate top
building), external validity (by using replication logic in multiple- management unit, which is in charge of approving and reviewing
case studies) and reliability (by using a case study protocol and objectives and strategic projects necessary to achieve such objec-
developing a case study database). tives, as well as regularly assessing key indicators of progress.
Additionally, the steering committee, coordinated by the sustain-
ability unit, proposes objectives and projects, and also monitors
4. Description of the case studies
and controls sustainability indicators; and finally, the steering
committee coordinates and leads the activities of the groups at the
4.1. Within-case analysis
operative level.
The firm identifies its stakeholders in relation to criteria of
In this section, cases are qualitatively presented so as to sum-
representativeness and relevance, aiming at establishing trans-
marise the relevant information collected through interviews and
parent communication channels to enhance their suggestions and
additional sources and give the necessary background information
in turn improve the design of programs and initiatives. The com-
for the understanding of the following cross-case analysis. Partic-
pany recognises the crucial role of partnerships with stakeholders
ular attention is given in the case description to the CSAs and the
to achieve objectives that the company could not achieve by
nature of SSCGMs activated by the companies. In describing the
working alone. From a supply chain perspective, these elements are
case studies, we adopt a common structure where information is
clearly reflected in the adopted governance mechanisms: the
presented by capturing elements relevant to the three theoretical
company developed several strategic integrated supply chain pro-
lenses framing this research as depicted in Fig. 1. In the description,
jects to cover all supply chain phases. Strategic projects involve
we limit the details of all SSCGMs activated by the companies, in
suppliers with long-term relationships and are based on a balance
order to list them in Table 2 and thoroughly discuss them in Section
of formal (e.g. durum wheat supply chain contracts) and informal
4.2 and 5 with the support of quotes from the interviews.
mechanisms (supplier and rural development).
Table 2
Cross-case analysis presenting the detail of SSCGMs.
- Sustainability manifesto A A A A
- Code of ethics A A
- Sustainability reporting A A A A A A
- Adhesion to international initiatives e.g. Global Compact A A A A
- Voluntary agreements with international bodies A A A A
- Responsible supply chain certification A A A A A A
- Sustainability committee A A A A
- Strategic plan A A A A
- Supplier development program A A A A A
- Certifications (ISO9001: ISO14001; EMAS2004) A A A
- Vertical integration A A A
- Supply chain contracts with quality reward systems A A A A
- Long term relationships with farmers, distributors and exporters A A A
- Trust and loyalty development initiatives A A A
- Knowledge transfer, training and education A A A A
- Energy reduction initiatives and use of renewable energies A A A A A
- Sharing of family-company values and culture A A A A
- Strategic supply chain projects A A A A A A
- Product and packaging redesign A A A A A
- Knowledge transfer, training and education A A A A
- Consumer education A A A A
- Life Cycle Analysis and Environmental Product Description A A A A
- Supply chain contracts with quality and sustainability reward systems A A A A A
- Use of decision support tools A A A A A A
- Energy reduction initiatives and use of renewable energies A A A A A
- Safety at work initiatives A A A
- Adhesion to international initiatives e.g. Global Compact A A A A
- Sustainability reporting A A A A A A
- Sharing of family-company values and culture A A
- Certifications (ISO9001: ISO14001) A A A
- Code of ethics A A
- Sustainability reporting A A A A
- Certifications (ISO14001) A A
- Contracts where both suppliers and customers agree to the Code of Ethics A A A A
- Knowledge transfer, training and education A A A A
- Use of decision support tools A A A A
- Vertical integration A A A A
- Life Cycle Analysis A A A A
- Local community development A A A
- Supply chain contracts with premium prices A A A A
- Local supply base A A A A
- Supplier development A A A A
- Local community development A A A
- Safety at work initiatives A A
- Product and packaging redesign A A A A
- Sharing of family-company values and culture A A A A
- Sustainability reporting A A A A
- Certifications (ISO14001) A A
- Long-term supply chain contracts for price reduction A A A
- Life Cycle Analysis A A A A
- Product and packaging redesign A A A A A
- Strategic partnerships A A
- Vertical integration A A A
- Local supply base A A A A
- Supplier development A A A A
- Lean manufacturing for waste and energy reduction A A A A A
- Supply chain contracts with quality and sustainability criteria A A A A
- Certifications (ISO14001; ISO18001) A A A
- Supplier quality sustainability audits A A A
- Supplier development A A A A
- Development of international CSR projects A A
Triple Bottom Line dimensions: Env. ¼ Environmental; Soc. ¼ Social; Econ. ¼ Economic.
1926 M. Formentini, P. Taticchi / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 1920e1933
The impact of this journey at the supply chain level is note- dimension has been taken in particular consideration in this new
worthy in terms of governance mechanisms. Initially, the focus on business with the goal of positioning the products on specific
economic and environmental sustainability has pushed supply segments of the market. ISO14001 is under implementation
chain vertical integration of raw material and logistics suppliers together with the preparation of a firm sustainability report, the
and led to cost and carbon emissions reduction. Recently, driven by LCA certification of products and the disclosure of the products'
sustainability goals, the company has introduced new governance carbon footprint.
mechanisms. Formal ones have focused on contracts, quality sys- At the supply chain level, implementing such a sustainability
tems and product-related analyses. Contracts with both suppliers strategy has triggered different mechanisms. The pursuit of eco-
and clients have been updated so as to include formal agreement to nomic and social sustainability, particularly in terms of waste ma-
the principles of the code of ethics. IS014001 has been imple- terial prices, has led to longer-term agreements with small and
mented at various production sites and it is now a preferential medium size suppliers located in the region. Environmental sus-
criterion in supplier selection. The company has engaged in tainability called instead for skills and resources not available in
implementing product life-cycle-assessment (LCA) studies. Instead, house. For this reason, the firm has activated long-term collabo-
informal processes have focused on sustainability training of sup- ration with the local university to study the product carbon foot-
pliers and collaboration with industrial associations to define in- print and obtain the LCA certifications, and hired a consultancy firm
dustry sustainability standards. The firm is seeking a stewardship for the achievement of ISO14001.
role in an industry were sustainability is very hard to implement. The case illustrates the role of extended cross-sector collabo-
For this reason, the company activated mainly formal and non- rative networks in closing material loops and delivering enhanced
collaborative supply chain governance mechanisms to achieve the sustainability solutions; as well as the value of collaboration typical
established goals. of a SME environment.
aeronautics sector, the company has been conceived by the family Sustainability leaders e characterised by a TBL approach to
owners with a strong focus on quality, service delivery and support business which extends to SSCM;
to clients. Zero-defects, on-time delivery and continuous Sustainability practitioners e characterised by a myopic
improvement are the foundation on which the group's success is approach to business sustainability with a limited focus to one
built. or two TBL dimensions, and isolated SSCM initiatives;
Within this context, continual and constant respect for the Traditionalists e characterised by traditional approaches to
environment and the health and safety of employees and sub- business that not necessary include explicit TBL and SSCM ini-
contractors are formal sustainability elements declared in the tiatives, but might present sustainability elements.
company's mission. Practical implementation of this concept is the
integrated quality system developed by the firm in all production This classification is used in the subsequent sections to describe
plants, including ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO18001. Economic sus- the connections between corporate sustainability approaches and
tainability is promoted as well, and it is interesting to note the governance mechanisms, and by reviewing the results through the
company's initiative to share the 5% of the ownership with em- lenses of contingency theory, strategic alignment perspective and
ployees. This leads to increased motivation and long-term the resource-based view of organisations.
commitment to the firm. Lean manufacturing is the approach
used by the company to achieve excellence in quality, as well as
environmental saving on materials and energy. 5.1. Sustainability leaders
At the supply chain level, sustainability is implemented with
governance mechanisms formalised through contracts, where the Coffee and Pasta are identified as Sustainability Leaders given
alignment to ethical and sustainability principles is demanded. their TBL approach with a strong focus on supply chain-oriented
Suppliers are formally requested to guarantee the dignity and initiatives. In fact, as highlighted in Table 2, the majority of initia-
respect of their employees, to pay in line with industry standards tives simultaneously consider the three dimensions of sustain-
and to establish a healthy and safe work environment. The com- ability. In addition, these two companies developed and
pany performs surprise audits to verify that standards above implemented a wide array of mechanisms in comparison to the
mentioned are met. other firms of our sample.
The case illustrates a company where some sustainability is Contingency elements have both enabled and driven such a
intrinsic to the industrial model and enforced by the standards leadership attitude. In fact, both companies are operating interna-
requested by the industry. Such a traditional approach is imple- tionally in the food industry, predominantly based on B2C models
mented in terms of SSCGMs with limited and isolated actions where end-consumers value sustainability efforts and disclosure,
characterised by a formal, non-collaborative approach. retailers increase the pressure for sustainable products with their
private label lines, competitors are developing rapidly sustainabil-
4.2. Cross-case analysis ity initiatives (e.g. green labels, LCA studies, certifications) rein-
forced by aggressive marketing. Industrial business models based
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how corporate sus- on sustainability stewardship characterise the two firms in their
tainability approaches are implemented and aligned with gover- wider strategic context. The uncertainty typical of agrifood supply
nance mechanisms at the supply chain level. For this reason, Table 2 chains (e.g. crops affected by weather conditions and price vola-
presents the detailed list of the SSCGMs activated by the focal tility) has pushed the two firms to develop resilient supply chain
companies at the corporate level and their extension at the supply approaches to guarantee supply continuity (Pagell and Wu, 2009)
chain level with reference to formalisation and collaboration fac- and quality for competitive advantage; this became the heart of
tors as previously defined in the literature review section. For each their proactive sustainability approach where sustainability and
identified mechanism we coded its TBL orientation, to understand quality are indissoluble concepts.
the impact on environmental, social and economic (from the focal
“Quality and sustainability are two inseparable and intertwined
firm's perspective) dimensions of sustainability. While the inves-
elements. The recent evolution in our company is only represented
tigation of collaborative approaches is applicable only at the supply
by increased formalisation and awareness of past experience by the
chain level, the degree of formalisation of mechanisms was inves-
family owners, the company departments and its employees.”
tigated at the corporate level as well so as to highlight the level of
(Corporate Executive, Coffee)
alignment of SSCGMs with a specific CSA. Findings are discussed in
the following section.
In both cases, the family-run management leadership would be
5. Discussion of results considered a contingency factor. The connection between family
values and the sustainability approach was stressed by the in-
Empirical evidence described in Table 2 suggests that the terviewees, who depicted the family business as a cultural envi-
investigated companies present different corporate approaches to ronment that facilitates the commitment towards sustainability
sustainability and in turn a variety of different governance mech- principles.
anisms. Despite the small size of the sample composed by 7 com-
“Sustainability is rooted in our management style and it is a
panies, we argue that three clusters emerge distinctively when
fundamental ethical value, not a fashion. The family owners are
considering the TBL orientation and the extension along the supply
entrepreneurs aiming at serving both the company and consumers
chain of governance mechanism as parameters for the identifica-
by creating value for everybody.” (PR Manager, Coffee)
tion of specific CSAs. In particular, emerging empirical evidence
seems to confirm the findings of Hahn and Scheermesser (2006).
Therefore, the first contribution of this study to the literature is the Sustainability leaders leverage this in their internal mechanisms
identification of sustainability profiles with an understanding of with both formal and informal initiatives and extend it at the supply
supply chain practices that were not previously considered. Hence, chain level (Coffee activated specific mechanisms for value sharing
the following definitions are given to depict the three sustainability with Brazilian coffee growers, such as annual prizes intended as
profiles: trust and loyalty development initiatives) predominantly with
1928 M. Formentini, P. Taticchi / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 1920e1933
informal and collaborative initiatives aiming to long-term trust The story of Fashion presents a case where the family owners have
development of relationships. built a competitive advantage around social sustainability.
From a strategic alignment perspective, both Coffee and Pasta
“Our CEO believes that a new form of human-centred capitalism is
declare a consistent TBL approach to business which finds sub-
emerging where the human-being is central to everything. You
stantial implementation in their operations.
must share the right profit with your employees, give them dignity
“Our company understood that without carefully considering the and listening. Quality of human relationships is key in today
economic dimension, it is impossible to develop social and envi- business environment.” (PA to the CEO, Fashion).
ronmental initiatives. Therefore, in this journey towards sustain-
ability it is crucial to consider not only the company's economic
Despite of this, the luxury industry where Fashion operates does
sustainability, but also economic objectives of farmers and sup-
not call for sustainability, and this explains the limited and isolated
pliers and create a balance. If raw materials were not economically
actions developed by the company. The case of Recycling highlights
sustainable, our overall project would not have sense.” (Purchasing
instead the story of a start-up conceived as a sustainable industrial
Manager, Pasta)
model. Such a strategic relevance of sustainability to the firm has
triggered interesting actions that go beyond the traditional ap-
While at the internal level formal mechanisms prevail, both proaches of SMEs. In the cases of Cement and Fashion, the family-
companies show a consistent set of SSGMs with a balance between run business presented a set of values in this case that favoured a
formal and informal mechanisms, and a preference for collaborative sustainability culture, even if this is found to be more selective of
approaches. In the literature, Alvarez et al. (2010) underlines that certain sustainability components.
informal mechanisms act as moderators in the relationship between
“At Cement the owners have always been oriented towards the use
formal mechanisms and outcomes. This is reflected in the practices of
of the best available technologies to reduce the environmental
the two companies (e.g. both of them activated knowledge sharing
impact of the firm. Today, this is still a core element of our sus-
and transfer actions as part of their suppliers' development schemes
tainability approach.” (PR and Sustainability Manager, Cement).
that resulted in the further collaboration for the definition of formal
supply chain certifications consequently adopted).
Sustainability leaders appear to keep a balance between formal Evidence from the cases suggests that the operating environ-
and informal mechanisms and a collaborative approach that ex- ments of sustainability practitioners do not call for structured TBL
tends both upstream and downstream in the supply chain (e.g. approaches.
Pasta develops educational initiatives, also with retailers, targeting From a strategic alignment perspective, none of the three com-
final consumers). Such balance and extension of governance panies presents a TBL approach to business and therefore achieve-
mechanisms along the entire supply chain has been identified only ments need to be assessed in reference to declared goals. The variety
in the profile of Sustainability Leaders. The high level of social- of sustainability governance mechanisms activated, the impact and
isation is translated in the engagement with a broad network of the coherency appear inferior in comparison with sustainability
actors in the extended business environment. leaders. Formal mechanisms prevail in this category both internally
and externally, and appear to be characterised by a wide collabora-
“In the last five years we embarked on a proactive journey to
tive approach. Evidence in Table 2 suggests that sustainability prac-
involve our strategic suppliers in our sustainability design as actors
titioners have an inferior supply chain approach compared to the
of change.” (Purchasing Manager, Pasta)
“leaders” counterpart, and limit their formal sustainability disclosure
(e.g. manifestos, code of ethics and reporting are less popular).
The nature of mechanisms activated both internally and exter- Resource-based view of organisations helps in understanding the
nally are archetypal of companies with large financial resources, aforementioned elements. Cement is a large firm with good financial
managerial skills and sustainability understanding. In fact, in both capability and solid managerial skills in house. The nature of SSCGMs
cases corporations have invested in the development of skills in activated reflects these resources. Fashion has large cash assets that
house through extensive training initiatives and developed formal could be invested, but the myopic vision of sustainability together
dedicated support structures (e.g. sustainability teams, project with limited sustainability expertise has not triggered structured
committees). Pasta and Coffee present supply chains of interna- SSCGMs. Recycling, on the other hand, is the case of a small company
tional extension but a different portfolio of products (in the case of that in order to build a competitive advantage based on its industrial
Pasta this includes many food categories, while in the case of Coffee sustainability has invested heavily relative to its financial capacity
is substantially only one category). and has solved the issue of managerial and sustainability inexperi-
ence by developing sustainability partners and a network approach
5.2. Sustainability practitioners to business with focused and specialised partners.
“I had the business idea, but did not know how to develop it. The
Cement, Fashion and Recycling are identified as Sustainability partnership with the local University was crucial to develop our
Practitioners. All these companies present industrial business new products/services and the industrial business model we have
models with a clear component of sustainability, embracing mainly in place today.” (CEO, Recycling).
two components of sustainability simultaneously as evidenced in
Table 2; however, journeys and achievements vary considerably.
Contingency elements help understanding these differences. In all cases, the managerial and sustainability inexperience
Cement operates in an industry where environmental regula- combined with limited tangible and intangible resources in com-
tion and pressure from external stakeholders push environmental parison with leaders seem to favour more formal external gover-
commitment. The recent crisis of the construction industry ex- nance mechanisms such as Life Cycle Analyses and certifications
plains also the strong consideration for economic sustainability. and limit the development of informal mechanisms. According to
The family values, also in this case, have promoted a sustainability Pilbeam et al. (2012), informal mechanisms are usually adopted in
journey in an industry where sustainability is hard to implement. contexts where prior relationships exist between supply chain ac-
M. Formentini, P. Taticchi / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 1920e1933 1929
tors. In addition, more limited resources appear to reduce the level sustainability profiles in Table 3. We provide a detailed analysis of
of socialisation and engagement with other actors in the extended these profiles by reviewing them through the three theoretical lenses
business environment. in order to understand the linkages between the elements investi-
gated in our research, as shown in Fig. 1. We encourage research
scholars to use the empirical results reported in Table 3 as a starting
5.3. Traditionalists point to develop further research propositions, investigate and test in
detail the relationships among variables (in our research design we are
Tools and Components embody the Traditionalist profile. In fact, not interested in identifying the nature of these relationships, such as
at the factory level both of them stress economic sustainability of mediation or moderation) so as to develop and refine theory in
the business, and only recently they reconsidered their approach to SSCGMs.
a wider TBL horizon. Indeed, it is interesting to note that even if
sustainability is not part of the language per se, operations and 6. Conclusions
supply chain activities highlight positive elements of both envi-
ronmental and social sustainability. These companies demonstrate 6.1. Academic contributions
not to have a clear understanding of sustainability, even if their
business presents elements of sustainability. Although the literature on sustainable supply chains is flour-
Contingency theory facilitates the analysis of these cases. Both ishing, little attention has been paid to governance mechanisms
firms have invested heavily in developing a manufacturing model activated by companies along supply chains and the linkage with
based on the principles of lean manufacturing. Not surprisingly, this their wider approach to sustainability. This research has proposed
has resulted in a positive environmental and social performance as an empirical investigation of the problem by analysing seven case
in line with the findings of several works (Dües et al., 2013; studies in the light of contingency factors, strategic alignment
Galeazzo et al., 2013). Lean manufacturing in the case of Tools perspective and resource-based view. Specific gaps of the literature
was pushed by an industry calling for efficiency, while in the case of have been addressed, including:
Components was an industry calling for standardisation and safety.
1) Prior studies have attempted to categorise different approaches
“Sustainability is not part of our language, but efficiency and
to sustainability. Limited extant research has focused on the
productivity are. The development of our lean manufacturing
governance issues regarding sustainability a from supply chain
strategy has significantly reduced our impact in terms of energy
dimension (Vermeulen and Seuring, 2009; Alvarez et al., 2010).
and waste. Today we call it sustainability.” (CEO, Tools).
Building on the preliminary findings regarding different sus-
tainability profiles identified by Hahn and Scheermesser (2006),
From the cases a strategic misalignment is noted. This seems to this work has enhanced the characterisation of these profiles by
be caused by the limited interest in sustainability, the gap between describing connections between the CSA and the activated
corporate policies and internal actions, the consequent misalign- SSCGMs, the nature of these mechanisms and their role as
ment between internal and external solutions limited to traditional explained through the three theoretical lenses. Empirical evi-
actions of supplier development. While these companies present dence from the cases shows that the nature of activated gover-
their sustainability achievements, these are result of manufacturing nance mechanisms is dependent on the CSA.
decisions not explicitly linked to sustainability goals (e.g. waste 2) Available SSCG literature shows positive benefits of collabora-
reduction solutions). tion in the development of SSCM initiatives, as well as a diver-
The governance system extends at the supply chain level with sified use of formal and informal mechanisms of governance.
few actions, presenting predominantly formal mechanisms sup- Empirical evidence is claimed in the literature to build theory
ported by both collaborative and non-collaborative approaches. explaining different sustainability approaches (Tonelli et al.,
These non-collaborative approaches, more dominant in this cate- 2013). Our study is a contribution to the fulfilment of this gap.
gory, seem to be driven by contingency factors of the industry (e.g. In fact, a classification based on formal vs. informal and collab-
Components pushes supplier toward selected certifications). orative vs. non collaborative mechanisms is provided in refer-
ence to the sustainability profiles identified.
“The evolution of our industrial model is completely pulled by the
3) Scholars working in the field of SSCM have called for theory
large customers of the aeronautics sector. We are subject to a huge
development and empirical evidence explanation in light of
pressure on quality control, and we reflect this on our suppliers.
established organisation and management theories. We build this
Today, the attention for the environment and labour practices is
research using a solid theoretical framework and identify a num-
receiving more attention and we are requested from our customers
ber of factors were identified as enablers of SSCGMs. In reference to
to take action.” (Owner, Components).
contingency theory, we identified industry, business model,
management structure and firm size. In reference to strategic
Both Tools and Components are large firms characterised by alignment perspective, we noticed how firms approach differently
substantial economic resources and managerial expertise: howev- the TBL and its dimensions, the balance between internal and
er, these resources are mainly allocated to manufacturing excel- external SSCGMs, the equilibrium in the variety of SSCGMs, the
lence, and not dedicated to sustainability. Sustainability knowledge equilibrium between formal and informal SSCGMs, and collabo-
and capabilities need to be developed in order to strengthen the rative and non-collaborative SSCGMs. In reference to the resource-
CSA and related governance mechanisms. Contingency and based view, we identified allocated resources, managerial and
resource-related factors explain the sustainability positioning of sustainability expertise, and organization for sustainability.
these companies. However, if changes in the competitive landscape
would favour the business case for sustainability, we expect the
CSAs and the GMs to change coherently. 6.2. Practical implications
With the purpose of enriching the definitions provided by Hahn
and Scheermesser (2006) with further empirical evidence emerging We argue that the findings of this research can provide valuable
from the cases we summarise the key characteristics of the three insights for the industry and practitioners. Empirical evidence
1930 M. Formentini, P. Taticchi / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 1920e1933
Table 3
Enhanced definition of sustainability profiles through theory.
Leaders Industry calls for TBL approaches CSA is defined with clear strategies, business Resources are dedicated to support the CSA
Understanding of sustainability op- models and practices of disclosure internally and externally
portunities pushed from context A consistent number of GMs of different nature Managerial and sustainability expertise is avail-
uncertainty are implemented especially at the SC level able in-house and object of continuous
Strategies can be proactive, offensive, GMs are structured internally at the corporate development
pioneering level Mechanisms are developed for transferring
Management structure and style GMs extend coherently at SC level both upstream knowledge and resources at the SC level
sponsor sustainability and downstream Tangible and intangible resources lead to the
Formal mechanisms prevail internally, with creation of specific sustainability structures
informal mechanisms activated for support
Formal mechanism are balanced with informal
mechanisms at the SC level
Collaborative approaches dominate mechanisms
at SC level
High level of socialisation and stakeholder
Practitioners Industry calls for sustainability ap- CSA is only partially defined with clear strategies, Limited resources are dedicated to support the
proaches focused on one or two TBL business models and practices of disclosure CSA internally and externally
dimensions A number of GMs of different nature are Managerial and sustainability expertise is not
Understanding of sustainability op- implemented always available in-house and requires
portunities is limited GMs are structured internally at the corporate development
Strategies can be proactive, offensive level Limited mechanisms are developed for trans-
or defensive GMs extend coherently at SC level predominantly ferring knowledge and resources at the SC level
Management structure and style can upstream Specific sustainability structures are missing
favour sustainability Formal mechanisms prevail internally
Formal mechanisms prevail on informal ones at
the SC level
Collaborative approaches dominate mechanisms
at SC level
Moderate level of socialisation and stakeholder
Traditionalists Industry not necessary calls for sus- CSA is not defined with clear strategies, business Resources are not dedicated to support the CSA
tainability approaches models and practices of disclosure internally and externally
Understanding of sustainability op- A limited number of GMs of different nature are Sustainability expertise is not always available in
portunities is limited implemented house and requires development
Implicit sustainability strategies are Limited GMs of ambiguous alignment are struc- Mechanisms for transferring knowledge and re-
driven by operational excellence tured internally at the corporate level sources at the SC level are not implemented
Management structure and style does Limited GMs extend at SC level predominantly Specific sustainability structures are missing
not favour sustainability upstream
Formal mechanisms prevail internally
Formal mechanisms prevail on informal ones at
the SC level
Collaborative mechanisms are mixed with non-
collaborative ones at SC level
Low level of socialisation and stakeholder
emerging from the cases depicts a scenario where management is This research has presented a consistent set of SSCGMs that
challenged by addressing new issues that impact on both business companies can activate to develop SSCM initiatives based on their
strategy and operations. Results suggest that the more ambitious CSA. The relevance of this outcome was confirmed when we
the CSA is, the greater the challenge for management and the po- disseminated the findings of this research to the participating
tential impact on business. Organisations engaging in developing companies. In fact, some of these demonstrated a genuine interest
CSAs need to plan carefully this evolution towards sustainability, in understanding the SSCGMs activated by others, and in some
determine the partners to involve, and establish proper resources cases decided to start planning for the implementation of these
including financial and knowledge capital. new mechanisms. This demonstrated that knowledge barriers exist
Interesting evidence confirmed by our research is that firms in the implementation of SSCM practice. There is a large variety of
engage with sustainability at different levels. During the company SSGMSs that companies can use, and management needs to
interviews, several times we discussed with management the long- develop a critical understanding of these mechanisms so as to be
term sustainability goals of the firms, and found that in most cases able to adopt the ones more aligned with the company's CSA, the
companies identify challenging journeys of improvement not context and the available resources.
necessary aiming to a position of leadership in industry or a TBL Moreover, we make effort to gauge our results with recent
approach. Using the terms of our research, this means that a sus- discussions in industry, and found that our findings are well aligned
tainability traditionalist or practitioner does not necessarily aims to with practice emerging from specialists and professional bodies.
become a leader, but all of them develop strategic approaches and The three types of CSAs and the characterisation we made are well
operations aimed at improvement. We argue that it is an impera- aligned with the 5-stage sustainability journey concept developed
tive for organisations to clarify their CSA and communicate it by Willard (2012) in his popular book. In fact, after the three initial
properly internally and externally. This will facilitate their sus- stages where companies change their strategies and operations
tainability journey and the development of coherent SSCGMs. driven by compliance to elements of the TBL, then only some
M. Formentini, P. Taticchi / Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 1920e1933 1931
develop fully integrated CSAs and only few become recognised ntroduced in our research by the fact that companies deliberately
leaders driven by genuine passion and purpose. Similarly, Deloitte decided to be engaged in our study. However, we believe that this
(2013) identifies four stages of sustainability maturity, namely fol- bias is minimal, as confirmed by the diversity of results obtained,
lower, mature, leader and innovator where the last two categories where three heterogeneous groups clearly emerge, sharing ho-
draw characteristics similar to our sustainability leader category. mogenous behaviours within the group. Our research methodology
We also found an emerging interest in SSCGMs in industry. The also aimed at reducing bias caused by the researchers' interaction
United National Global Compact has launched initiatives to track with companies: mechanisms were checked and validated using
SSCM practices. Similarly, the Chartered Institute of Management additional sources. In order to reduce case selection bias, we aimed
Accountants, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, the at covering several industries, in order to get a broader perspective.
International Federation of Accountants, the Sustainability Accounting Scholars could use our exploratory findings to develop further
Standards Board, the Global Reporting Initiative and the International theory-testing surveys.
Integrated Reporting Council, key players of the sustainability Secondly, in our study we adopted the perspective of the focal
reporting debate, have extended their focus to supply chain activ- company. Future research should investigate multi-tier portions of
ities and governance mechanisms. In our research, we found a the supply chain e in line with the recent study of Mena et al.
number of firms engaged in sustainability reporting. However, we (2013) e and embrace the perspective of additional stakeholders.
did not find structured internal measurement systems for sus- This could also help to improve our investigation regarding the
tainability (only Pasta developed specific balanced scorecards). We development of collaborative governance mechanisms along the
argue that this gap between internal and external reporting needs supply chain and our understanding of how benefits arising from
to be fulfilled by management and we envision that it could be a sustainability initiatives are shared between supply chain partners.
growing topic of interest in academy as confirmed by a recent work Thirdly, the analysis did not involve the longitudinal study of the
of Taticchi et al. (2014). evolution and the dynamics of governance mechanisms over time -
Eventually, during our interviews we often engaged in discus- similarly to Alvarez et al. (2010) e as well as their impact in the long
sion with practitioners regarding the cost of different SSCGMs, term; but we had the perception during the interviews that both the
receiving different opinions. For instance, sustainability leaders CSAs developed and the SSCGMs might follow specific dynamics.
underlined that sustainability initiatives are intrinsic to their This is an interesting area for future research, in line with the study
management style, and consequently they should not be perceived performed by Epstein (2008) and Baumgartner and Ebner (2010).
as a cost; on the other hand, companies with limited resources Eventually, we believe that the research approach and the
faced more difficulties in developing specific mechanisms, espe- structure of the cases carried out give quality and depth to the
cially those implemented at the supply chain level. We recognise analysis presented. Therefore, it is felt that the limitations do not
that cost issues represent an important aspect for the industry, compromise the research value of the work, and the findings will be
although they were not part of the objectives of our research. In expanded and reinforced in the future by other studies.
recognition of the industrial interest on this issue, we encourage
scholars to further investigate this interesting problem in research. Acknowledgements
6.3. Limitations and future research opportunities Dr. Marco Formentini conducted this research during his stay at
Cass Business School, City University London. We also acknowledge
the helpful comments and observations provided by Dr. Sine ad
We conclude our paper highlighting some research limitations
and providing opportunities for future studies. A first limitation is Roden and Dr. Paolo Aversa (Cass Business School, City University
represented by case sampling. Our sample is composed by seven London), Dr. Adrian Haberberg and Dr. Aidan Kelly (Royal Docks
companies, all based in Italy. Since country-specific characteristics Business School, University of East London), and Mr. Stathis Gould
can be identified as contingency factors (Sousa and Voss, 2008), this (International Federation of Accountants). This work was in part
element could limit the generalisability of the findings. However, it supported by the City University London Pump Priming grant
is important to note that we selected cases of firms that have in- “Contextual analysis of supply chain sustainability in the agri-food
ternational supply chains, so as to reduce this limitation and sup- industry e implementation of practices, performance measure-
port the generalisation of findings. We encourage future studies to ment systems and certification”.
explore the country-dimension as a contingency factor in the SSCG
practice. Moreover, we acknowledge that bias could have been Appendix
Table A1
Additional information regarding data collection.
Table A1 (continued )
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