Ncode 2019.1 Patch 3: HBM Prenscia: Business Document
Ncode 2019.1 Patch 3: HBM Prenscia: Business Document
Ncode 2019.1 Patch 3: HBM Prenscia: Business Document
1 Patch 3
Release Notes
20 September 2019
All of this documentation, and the software it describes, are copyrighted with all rights reserved.
Under copyright laws, neither the documentation or the software may be copied, photocopied,
reproduced in any way, translated, or converted into any machine-readable form or any electronic
medium, in whole or in part, without express written permission from HBMPrenscia United Kingdom
Limited (HBMPrenscia). Failure to obtain such permission may result in prosecution.
The software suite that comprises nCode 2019.1 (including GlyphWorks®, Automation Personal
Edition and DesignLife™) and their component programs and files are the property of HBMPrenscia.
nCode 2019.1 is protected under copyright law and is licensed for use only by a user who has
obtained the necessary license, or in the case of a multi- user license may only be used by up to the
maximum number of users specified in the license agreement. The sale, lease, hire rental, or any
other reassignment of the product to, or by, a third party without the prior written consent of
HBMPrenscia is expressly forbidden. For details on third party software used and respective licenses
and/or copyright notices, please refer to the About screen in the software, and the About folder in
the installation.
© 2019 HBMPrenscia United Kingdom Limited. All worldwide rights reserved. GlyphWorks® is a
registered trademark of HBMPrenscia.
Warranty Notice
While HBMPrenscia makes the product as reliable as is reasonably possible, HBMPrenscia does not
warrant that the product will function properly under all hardware platforms or software
environments. Certain combinations of third party software and/or manufacturers modifications to
hardware and software may impact upon the operation of HBMPrenscia software.
HBMPrenscia has tested the software and reviewed the documentation but HBMPrenscia makes no
warranty, implicit or explicit, with respect to the product, its quality, performance, merchantability,
or fitness for a specific usage. This software and documentation are licensed “as is” and you—the
licensee—assume the entire risk as to their quality and performance when you use the product.
Liability Notice
HBMPrenscia will not be liable for damages arising from the results, direct or indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential, of the licensee's usage or misusage of the product, even if advised of
the possibility of such damages. In particular, and without prejudice to the foregoing, HBMPrenscia
has no liability for any programs or data stored or used with HBMPrenscia software, including the
costs of recovering such programs or data.
This update includes fixes for the following defects (All Platforms):
• DE10814: Traceability data from ETAS .mdf files were not written to
the Extra Details metadata
• DE10815: Software termination when loading some ETAS .mdf files
• DE10783: Speed issue when exporting Time Series data to a Matlab file
• DE10891: WholeLife weld engine gave discontinuous results at zero mean load
when R-Ratio = -1
• DE10899: Too many license units used by DesignLife's Translate In Separate
Process option when the number of translation processes is limited to 1
This update includes nCode 2019.1 Patch 2 which provides fixes for the following
defects (All Platforms):
• DE10834: SIE files with variable bin widths did not index correctly in Aqira
• DE10905: Interrogation of flow file versions both using flowdump and Aqira
were reporting GlyphWorks release 19.2 rather than 19.1.
• DE10892: DesignLife SN analysis with certain settings results in a software
Windows 64 bit:
HBM Prenscia: Business Document
Installation Instructions
Before you start
Before installation it is important that no nCode software is running. If you are a user of
nCode Automation, any Automation related service on Windows must be stopped. Use
the Services panel to stop these services, if they are running:
When the installation of the update is complete, the services that were running can be
Installation procedure
1. Windows
Open the update kit file
Open the update kit file nCode2019_1_Patch3_Build320_lin64.tar.gz
2. Extract and copy the contents of the update kit (including the folder structure) into
the GlyphWorks folder of your nCode installation.
Overwrite any existing files with the same names.