How To Bypass Torrent Blocking by Your ISP - TechWiser
How To Bypass Torrent Blocking by Your ISP - TechWiser
How To Bypass Torrent Blocking by Your ISP - TechWiser
Torrents are often related to piracy, huge bandwidth, and lawsuits. And this is why it’s pretty common to
But what I don’t like is, when the ISPs are banning torrent for home users. This is a violation of net
neutrality. The Internet should be open to everyone. As long as people are not causing any hard, ISP should
have no say on what to see and what not.So, if your ISP is blocking torrent, here are a couple of ways to
bypass it.
So, if your ISP is blocking torrent, here are a couple of ways to bypass it.
FTP ports (port 21) since these ports are used for regular browsing. So, if we can somehow use this
HTTP/FTP port to access torrents, we are good to go.
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How to Bypass Torrent Blocking by your ISP | TechWiser
And websites like zbigz helps us to do exactly that. Simply put, it sits between you and torrent server and
Start by downloading the .torrent file on your computer. If the torrent sites are blocked, you can use a VPN
to unlock it. Upload the .torrent file to zbigz. It’ll fetch the content and store it on their own server and
Next, upload the .torrent file to zbigz. It’ll fetch the content and store it on their own server and finally give
Overall, the service is free and reliable. I have seen it working for past 6 years and never had any problem.
Though sometimes, it may take a while to cache the content, if there is too much load on the server. There
is also a premium plan, for those who use this service frequently, but if you are willing to pay for this
If for some reason, you can not access zbigz, then try Bitport, it’s pretty good as well. Though, the free
version is limited to 1 GB and require you to create an account with your email address.
a different source and once you are successfully connected to peers, switch to your regular office WiFi
connection. The downloading would continue.
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How to Bypass Torrent Blocking by your ISP | TechWiser
For example, start by temporary connecting your computer to your mobile data (or any internet) by
creating a hotspot. Once the torrent is connected to its peers and the download starts, switch to your
The logic behind this is simple, the firewall can only detect the first handshake, if you do that first
handshake from other sources and come back to the old network, the downloading will continue.
#3 VPN
VPN or Virtual private server is the most popular method bypasses any kind of internet blocking. It encrypts
all kind of traffic, so your ISP will not know what you are downloading and from where. Although they can
see huge bandwidth consumption on an encrypted network, so if that’s a concern, temporary change your
MAC address.
Now here is the tricky part, there are many VPN providers in the market. Some are free and some are paid.
But, the most popular VPN like TunnelBear do not support VPN. The only VPN that supports BitTorrent
The free version of HideMe offers only get 2 GB. But that should not a problem. Once your torrents start
downloading, you can simply turn OFF the VPN and the downloading will continue. When you use correctly,
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How to Bypass Torrent Blocking by your ISP | TechWiser
this can give you unlimited torrent download on the restricted network. However, if you are a power user,
#4 Seedbox
Seedbox is generally used to download torrents anonymously. In many countries, the ISP sends a warning
email, if they found you using torrent. And services like seedbox, overcome such problem.
Consider it similar to zbigz i.e. it acts as a middleman. In very simple words, a seedbox is a powerful
computer which is specially designed for downloading torrents at huge speed. So, first, you download
the torrent to your seedbox and then you transfer that to your computer. And since the connection is
encrypted FTP or HTTP, it’ll appear as regular file transfer to the ISP.
Overall, if you are heavy torrent user and want to keep thing anonymous, seed box offers long term
solution. The only issue is the service is mostly paid, ranging from 2$ a month to 20$ a month. Here is the
complete list of popular seedbox service with price and quality comparison.
Wrapping Up
So, these were some ways to download torrents when blocked by your ISP. In most cases, tempory using
your mobile data to connect to peers and then switching back to your regular connection (method 2) should
work. Though, if you are advanced users, you can go with Seedbox as well, though, make sure you do your
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