Conducting Wet Sand/Rubber Wheel Abrasion Tests: Standard Test Method For
Conducting Wet Sand/Rubber Wheel Abrasion Tests: Standard Test Method For
Conducting Wet Sand/Rubber Wheel Abrasion Tests: Standard Test Method For
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
G105 − 02 (2007)
6. Apparatus5
FIG. 3 Test Apparatus with Slurry Chamber Cover Removed
6.1 Fig. 2 shows a typical design and Figs. 3 and 4 are
photographs of a test apparatus. (See Ref (4).) Several elements
are of critical importance to ensure uniformity in test results loading arm, a variable, undefined, and uncompensated torque about the
among laboratories. These are the type of rubber used on the pivot will be caused by the frictional drag of the wheel against the
wheel, the type of abrasive and its shape, uniformity of the test specimen. Therefore, the true loading of specimen against the wheel
cannot be known.
apparatus, a suitable lever arm system to apply the required
force (see Note 1) and test material uniformity. 6.1.1 Discussion—The location of the pivot point between
the lever arm and the specimen holder must be directly in line
NOTE 1—An apparatus design that is commercially available is depicted with the test specimen surface. Unless the tangent to the wheel
both schematically and in photographs in Figs. 1-4. Although it has been
used by several laboratories (including those running interlaboratory tests) at the center point of the area or line of contact between the
to obtain wear data, it incorporates what may be considered a design flaw. wheel and specimen also passes through the pivot axis of the
The location of the pivot point between the lever arm and the specimen loading arm, a variable, undefined, and uncompensated torque
holder is not directly in line with the test specimen surface. Unless the about the pivot will be caused by the frictional drag of the
tangent to the wheel at the center point of the area or line of contact wheel against the specimen. Therefore, the true loading of
between the wheel and specimen also passes through the pivot axis of the
specimen against the wheel cannot be known.
6.2 Rubber Wheel—Each wheel shall consist of a steel disk
with an outer layer of neoprene rubber molded to its periphery.
Present users of this test method may have constructed their own equipment.
Rubber wheel abrasion testing equipment is commercially available. Rubber wheels The rubber is bonded to the rim and cured in a suitable steel
or remolded rims on wheel hubs can be obtained through the manufacturer(s). mold. Wheels are nominally 178 mm (7 in.) diameter by 13
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mm (1⁄2 in.) wide (see Fig. 2). The rubber will conform to 6.4 Wheel Revolution Counter—The machine shall be
Classification D2000 (SAE J200). equipped with a revolution counter that will monitor the
6.2.1 The 50 Durometer wheel will be in accordance with number of wheel revolutions as specified in the procedure. It is
2BC515K11Z1Z2Z3Z4, where: recommended that the incremental counter have the ability to
Z1—Elastomer—Neoprene GW, shut off the machine after a preselected number of wheel
Z2—Type A Durometer hardness 50 6 2, revolutions or increments up to 5000 revolutions is attained.
Z3—Not less than 50 % rubber hydrocarbon content, and 6.5 Specimen Holder and Lever Arm—The specimen holder
Z4—Medium thermal black reinforcement. is attached to the lever arm to which weights are added so that
6.2.2 The 60 Durometer wheel will be in accordance with a force is applied along the horizontal diametral line of the
2BC615K11Z1Z2Z3Z4, where: wheel. An appropriate weight must be used to apply a force of
Z1, Z3, and Z4 are the same as for 6.2.1, and 222 N (50 lbf) between the test specimen positioned in the
Z2—Type A Durometer hardness 60 6 2. specimen holder and the wheel. The weight has a mass of
6.2.3 The 70 Durometer wheel will be in accordance with approximately 9.5 kg (21 lb) and must be adjusted so that the
2BC715K11Z1Z2Z3Z4, where: force exerted by the rubber wheel on the specimen with the
Z1, Z3, and Z4 are the same as for 6.2.1, and rubber wheel at rest has a value of 222.4 6 3.6 N (50.0 6 0.8
Z2—Type A Durometer hardness 70 6 2. lbf). This force may be determined by calculation of the
6.2.4 The compounds suggested for the 50, 60, and 70 moments acting around the pivot point for the lever arm or by
Durometer rubber wheels are as follows: direct measurement, for example, by noting the load required
Content (pph) to pull the specimen holder away from the wheel, or with a
Ingredient 50 60 70
proving ring.
Neoprene GW 100 100 100 6.6 Analytical Balance—The balance used to measure the
MagnesiaA 2 2 2
Zinc OxideB 10 10 10 loss in mass of the test specimen shall have a sensitivity of
Octamine 2 2 2 0.0001 g. A150 g capacity balance is recommended to accom-
Stearic Acid 0.5 0.5 0.5 modate thicker or high density specimens.
SRF Carbon BlackC 20 37 63
ASTM #3 Oil 14 10 10
7. Reagents and Materials
Maglite D (Merck) 7.1 Abrasive Slurry—The abrasive slurry used in the test
Kadox 15 (New Jersey Zinc)
ASTM Grade N762 shall consist of a mixture of 0.940 kg of deionized water and
1.500 kg of a rounded grain quartz sand as typified by AFS
6.2.5 Wheels are molded under pressure. Cure times of 40 50/70 Test Sand (−50/ +70 mesh, or −230/ +270 µm) furnished
to 60 min at 153°C (307°F) are used to minimize “heat-to- by the qualified source.6
heat’’ variations.
6.3 Motor Drive—The wheel is driven by a 0.75-kw (1-hp)
electric motor and suitable gear box to ensure that full torque The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
is Ottawa Silica Co., P.O. Box 577, Ottawa, IL 61350. If you are aware of alternative
is delivered during the test. The rate of revolution (245 6 5
suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters.
rpm) must remain constant under load. Other drives producing Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
245 rpm under load are suitable. technical committee,1 which you may attend.
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7.2 AFS 50/70 test sand is controlled by the qualified source finished surface should be free of artifacts of specimen heat
to the following size range using U.S. Sieves (Specification treatment or preparation such as unintentional carburization or
E11). decarburization, heat checks, porosity, slag inclusions, gas
U.S. Sieve Size Sieve Opening %Retained on Sieve voids, etc.
40 425 µm (0.0165 in.) None 8.6.1 Thin coatings may be tested in the as-coated condition
50 300 µm (0.0117 in.) 5 max
70 212 µm (0.0083 in.) 95 min
since surface grinding, especially of those less than about 0.3
100 150 µm (0.0059 in.) None Passing mm (0.01 in.) thick, can penetrate the coating or cause it to be
7.2.1 Multiple use of the sand may affect the test compari- so thin that it will not survive that test without penetration. The
sons. finish of the substrate test surface prior to coating should be
such to minimize irregularities in the coated surface. Grinding
8. Sampling, Test Specimen, and Test Units of this surface as directed in 8.6 is suggested for coatings less
than 0.15 mm (0.005 in.) thick.
8.1 Test Unit—Use any metallic material form for abrasion 8.6.2 The type of surface or surface preparation shall be
testing by this method. This includes wrought metals, castings, stated in the data sheet.
forgings, weld overlays, thermal spray deposits, powder met-
als, electroplates, cermets, etc. 9. Procedure
8.2 Test Specimen—The test specimens are rectangular in
9.1 Thoroughly rinse the slurry chamber before the test to
shape, 25.4 6 0.8 mm (1.00 6 0.03 in.) wide by 57.2 6 0.8
eliminate any remnants of slurry from a previous test.
mm (2.256 0.03 in.) long by 6.4 to 15.9 mm (0.25 to 0.625 in.)
thick. The test surface should be flat within 0.125 mm (0.005 9.2 Install the rubber wheel of nominal 50 Durometer and
in.) maximum. measure and record its hardness.
8.2.1 For specimens less than 9.5 mm thick (0.375 in.), use 9.2.1 Take at least four (preferably eight) hardness readings
a shim in the specimen holder to bring the specimen to a height at equally spaced locations around the periphery of the rubber
of 9.5 mm. wheel using a Shore A Durometer tester in accordance with
Test Method D2240. Take gage readings after a dwell time of
8.3 Wrought and Cast Metal—Specimens may be machined
5 s. Report average hardness in the form: A/48.6/5, where A is
to size directly from raw material.
the type of Durometer, 48.6 the average of the readings, and 5
8.4 Weld deposits are applied to one flat surface of the test the time in seconds that the pressure foot of the tester is in firm
piece. Double-weld passes are recommended to prevent weld contact with the rubber rim surface. The 5-s dwell time for the
dilution by the base metal. Note that welder technique, heat pressure foot in contact with the rubber rim should be
input of welds, and the flame adjustment of gas welds will have rigorously adhered to.
an effect on the abrasion resistance of the weld deposit. Weld
deposits should be made on a thick enough substrate, 12.7 mm 9.3 Prior to testing, demagnetize each steel specimen. Then
(0.5 in.) minimum suggested, to prevent distortion. If distortion clean each specimen of all dirt and foreign matter, and degrease
occurs, the specimen may be mechanically straightened or in acetone immediately prior to weighing. Materials with
ground or both. surface porosity (some powder metals or ceramics) must be
8.4.1 In order to develop a suitable wear scar, the surface to dried to remove all traces of the cleaning agents that may have
be abraded must be ground flat to produce a smooth, level been entrapped in the material.
surface. A test surface without square (90°) edges, having a 9.4 Weigh the specimen to the nearest 0.0001 g.
level surface at least 50.8 mm (2.00 in.) long and 19.1 mm
9.5 Set the revolution counter to shut off automatically after
(0.75 in.) wide, is acceptable if it can be positioned to show the
1000 wheel revolutions.
full length and width of the wear scar developed by the test.
9.6 Install the specimen in the specimen holder, using an
8.5 Coatings—This test may be unsuitable for some coat-
appropriate shim if the specimen surface is less than 9.5 mm
ings, depending on their thickness, wear resistance, bond to the
above the holder seat surface; then install the holder in position
substrate, and other factors. The criterion for acceptability is
for testing. Fill the slurry chamber with 1.500 kg of the quartz
the ability of the coating to resist penetration to its substrate
sand and 0.940 kg of deionized water at room temperature, and
during conduct of the test. Modified procedures for coatings
place a cover over the top of the slurry chamber to prevent the
may be developed based on this procedure.
slurry from splashing out.
8.6 Finish—Test specimens should be smooth, flat and free
9.7 Start wheel rotation. The rubber wheels are rotated at
of scale. Surface defects such as porosity and roughness may
245 rpm, or 2.28 m/s (449 ft/min) peripheral surface speed.
bias the test results, and such specimens should be avoided
unless the surface itself is under investigation. Excepting 9.8 Lower the specimen holder carefully against the wheel
coatings, the last 0.3 mm (0.01 in.) of stock on the test surface to prevent bouncing and to apply a force of 222 N (50 lb)
(or surfaces in cases where both major surfaces are to be tested) against the test specimen. A wear scar is run-in for 1000 wheel
should be carefully wet ground to a surface finish of about 0.5 revolutions. Each 1000 revolutions produces 558.6 m (1832.6
to 0.75 µm (20 to 30 µin.) arithmetic average as measured ft) of lineal abrasion assuming a 177.8 m diameter wheel. The
across the direction of grinding. The direction of the grinding run-in removes the surface layer and exposes fresh material
should be parallel to the longest axis of the specimen. The that is not affected by the surface preparation.
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with a freshly dressed grinding wheel such as a Norton
38A60J5VBE, having dimensions of approximately
130 × 13 × 13 mm (5 × 1⁄2 × 1⁄2 in.), rotating at a speed of 3500
rpm, while the rubber wheel rotates at 86 rpm. The rubber
wheel should be cross-fed at 0.43 mm (0.017 in.) per revolu-
tion. After dressing, measure each rubber wheel carefully to
determine the diameter and width of the rubber rim.
9.9 Following the run-in, remove the specimen from the
slurry chamber. Clean, dry, and reweigh the specimen to the 7.000 3 0.500 3 Actual Mass Loss ~ g !
nearest 0.0001 g. Drain the slurry from the chamber and Actual Diameter ~ in.! 3 Actual Width ~ in.!
discard it. 10.2 Plot normalized mass loss values (that is, three values
9.10 The actual abrasion test is conducted on the same wear for each sample material) on a logarithmic scale against the
scar starting with either the same 50 Durometer rubber wheel corresponding rubber wheel hardness plotted on a linear scale.
used for the run-in, or with another 50 Durometer rubber The final test result is obtained by fitting a least square line to
wheel. It is essential to install the specimen in the specimen the three data points and solving the equation of the line for the
holder with the same orientation and position each time. mass loss corresponding to a rubber hardness of exactly 60
Durometer. An example of the procedure is presented in
9.11 Follow the same procedure as used for the run-in,
Appendix X1.
repeating steps 9.1-9.9 with the normally 50, 60, and 70
Durometer rubber wheels, in order of increasing hardness. 10.3 Volume Loss—While 60 Durometer normalized mass
loss results should be reported and may be used internally in
9.12 Preparation and Care of Rubber Wheels—Dress the
test laboratories to compare materials of equivalent or near
periphery of all new rubber wheels and make concentric to the
equivalent densities, it is essential that all users of the test
bore of the steel disk upon which the rubber is mounted. The
procedure report their results uniformly as volume loss in
concentricity of the rim shall be within 0.05 mm (0.002 in.)
reports or publications so that there is no confusion caused by
total indicator reading on the diameter. The intent is to produce
variations in density. Convert mass loss to volume loss as
a uniform surface that will run tangent to the test specimen
without causing vibration or hopping of the lever arm. The
wear scars shall be rectangular in shape and of uniform depth Mass Loss ~ g ! 3 1000
Volume Loss, mm3 5
at any section across the width (Fig. 5). Density ~ g/cm3 !
9.12.1 It is recommended that rubber wheels be dressed
again after accumulating approximately 6000 revolutions dur- 11. Precision and Bias
ing testing. Experience has shown that more than 6000 11.1 The precision and bias of the measurements obtained
revolutions may have an adverse effect on the reproducibility with this test procedure will depend upon strict adherence to
of results. the stated test parameters.
9.12.2 Dress rubber wheels whenever they develop grooves 11.1.1 The coefficient of correlation (r) for the three mass
or striations, or when they wear unevenly so as to develop loss values determined in a test shall be calculated in accor-
trapezoidal or uneven wear scars on the test specimen. dance with Annex A1. The quantity r varies between −1
9.12.3 The rubber wheel may be used until the diameter is and +1. Either value means that the correlation is perfect; r = 0
reduced to 165 mm (6.50 in.). The shelf life of the rubber rim means that there is no correlation. Data giving r values
may not exceed two years. Store wheels so that there is no between 0.95 and −0.95 should be scrutinized for causes of
force on the rubber surface. New rubber rims may be mounted scatter.
on steel disks by the qualified source.6 11.2 The degree of agreement in repeated tests on the same
9.13 Wheel Dressing Procedure—A recommended dressing material will depend upon material homogeneity, machine and
procedure for the periphery of the rubber rim is to mount the material interaction, and close observation of the test by a
wheel on an expandable arbor in a lathe and grind it square competent machine operator.
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11.3 Normal variations in the abrasive material, rubber must not be disregarded except in the case of observed faulty
wheel characteristics, and procedure will tend to reduce the machine operation, or obvious test specimen anomaly.
accuracy of the test method as compared to the accuracy of 11.5 While two or more laboratories may develop test data
such material property tests as hardness or density. Properly that is within the acceptable coefficient of variation for their
conducted tests will, however, maintain a 7 % or less coeffi- own individual test apparatus, their actual averages may be
cient of variation of volume loss values that will characterize relatively far apart. The selection of sample size and the
the abrasion resistance of materials (see Annex A1). method for establishing the significance of the difference in
11.4 Initial Machine Operation and Qualification—The averages shall be agreed upon between laboratories and shall
number of tests required to establish the precision of the be based on established statistical methods Practice E122,
machine for initial machine operation shall be at least five. The Practice E177, and ASTM STP 15D.7
test samples shall be taken from the same homogeneous 11.6 Reference materials should be used for periodic moni-
material. toring of the test apparatus and procedures in individual
11.4.1 The standard deviation from the mean average shall laboratories. (A satisfactory reference material for this test has
be calculated from the accumulated test results and reduced to not yet been established through laboratory testing.)
the coefficient of variation in accordance with Annex A1. The
coefficient of variation shall not exceed 7 % in materials of the 12. Keywords
2 to 60 mm3 volume loss range. If this value is exceeded, the 12.1 abrasive wear test; metallic materials; rubber wheel;
machine operation shall be considered out of control and steps scratching abrasion; wet sand
taken to eliminate erratic results.
11.4.2 In any test series all data must be considered in the 7
Manual on Presentation of Data and Control Chart Analysis, ASTM STP 15D,
calculation, including outliers (data exceeding the obvious ASTM International, 1976 (out of print). (Revised as MNL7A, Manual on
range). For example, an exceedingly high or low volume loss Presentation of Data and Control Chart Analysis, Seventh Edition.)
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Background—The wet sand/rubber wheel abrasion on a given homogeneous material in order to obtain a mean-
test as developed and described by Haworth, Borik, and others ingful average result. While the single test results and simple
(see Refs (1-4), p. 18) has been in various stages of evolution arithmetic averaging may in some few cases be useful in
and use over the last two or more decades. A number of individual laboratories, it is essential that statistical techniques
variations of this test procedure have been used by several and multiple testing of specimens be utilized for the qualifica-
research and industrial laboratories in the United States who tion of each test apparatus, and for the comparison of materials.
were faced with the problem of evaluating hardfacing alloys, Further information on statistical methods may be found in
castings, and wrought products for their resistance to abrasive Practice E122, STP 15D,7 and in the references.
wear. Individual laboratories set their own test parameters with
the goal being the generation of reproducible test data within A1.2 Statistical Formulas—Several formulas for the calcu-
the laboratory. As the need for standardization became appar- lation of optimum sample size, standard deviation, and coeffi-
ent, in 1962 The Society of Automotive Engineers established cient of variation are used in the statistical analysis of data. To
a division (No. 18) of the Iron and Steel Technical Committee ensure uniformity among laboratories using the wet sand/
(ISTC) to achieve this end. This was not accomplished and in rubber wheel test, the standard deviation and coefficient of
variation of results produced from a series of tests shall be
1983, subcommittee G02.30 formed a task group with the
calculated by the following formulas:
objective of producing an ASTM Standard Practice. In previ-
s = standard deviation (small sample size, 2 to 10) = R/d2 (1)
ous round-robins conducted by the SAE group, it has been s = standard deviation (any sample size) (2)
evident that the variability of experimental error inherent in = œo s x2x̄ d 2 / s n21 d
each laboratory is a factor that must be considered. Not only V = % coefficient of variation = (s/x̄) × 100 (3)
n = sample size (95 % confidence level)
must the test method, apparatus, and individual operator = (1.96 V/e)2 (4)
generate correct results (bias) but the test results must be
consistently reproducible (precision) within an acceptable where:
narrow range. Another important consideration in developing s = standard deviation from the mean,
accurate and precise test results is the selection of adequate V = variability of the test procedure, %,
sample size. More specifically this was the need for laborato- x = value of each test result (volume loss in mm3),
ries to agree on the number of times a test should be repeated x̄ = mean of arithmetic average for n tests,
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TABLE A1.1 Minimum Acceptable Sample Size (n) for 95 % TABLE A1.2 Factors for Estimating Standard Deviation from the
Confidence Level Range on the Basis of Sampling Size
Allowable Sampling Error ( %) Sample Size (n) d2 1/d2
Coefficient of Variation (V) 2 1.128 0.8865
n 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 10 % 3 1.693 0.5907
4 2.059 0.4857
1 4 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 2.326 0.4299
2 16 4 2 1 ... ... ... ... ... 6 2.534 0.3946
3 35 9 4 3 2 1 ... ... ... 7 2.704 0.3698
4 62 16 7 4 3 2 2 ... ... 8 2.847 0.3512
5 96 24 11 6 4 3 2 2 1 9 2.970 0.3367
6 ... 35 16 9 6 4 3 2 2 10 3.078 0.3249
7 ... 47 21 12 8 6 4 3 2
8 ... 62 28 16 10 7 5 4 3
9 ... 78 35 20 13 9 7 5 4
10 ... 96 43 24 16 11 8 6 4
attained by dividing the standard deviation by the average test
value x̄ and multiplying by 100. The deviation factor is
obtained from Table A1.2.
^x = sum total of all test values,
A1.4.2 Example 1—This example shows typical analysis for
n = number of tests or observations,
e = allowable sampling error, %, standard deviation and coefficient of variation of actual data
R = difference between the highest and lowest test value, from three abrasion tests made upon a Co-Cr-C hardfacing
and alloy deposit.
d2 = deviation factor, which varies with sample size (Table Number of tests (n) = 3,
Volume loss data (x) = 13.7 mm3, 15.5 mm3, 17.9 mm3,
A1.1) Average of volume loss (x̄) = 15.7 mm3,
Range of test = 4.2 mm3,
A1.3 Use of Statistical Methods—In evaluating the preci- Standard deviation (s) = 4.2
sion and accuracy of any test procedure, new users must deal Coefficient of variation (v)
= (s/x̄) × 100 = (2.36/15.7) × 100 = 15.0 %.
with the concepts of mean averages, standard deviation from
A1.4.2.1 Note that the 15.0 % variation is well above the
the mean, variability of test results, range of results, allowable
acceptable 7 % maximum as indicated in 11.4.1 of the stan-
sampling error, and particularly the effect of sample size. While
dard. It is obvious that either this particular test apparatus or
it is obvious that a large number of tests on the same material
procedure was out of control, or the variability of the hardfac-
is desirable and will yield a high confidence level in evaluating
ing deposit was such to cause this large variation in test results.
test results, many abrasion test evaluations are made on a small
number of samples. This is due to the fact that in much A1.5 Large Sample Size (10 or Over):
abrasion work, large numbers of test specimens are just not
available. In addition to this a new user is concerned with A1.5.1 Example 2—This example shows the analysis for the
evaluating the accuracy of his first few (2 or 3) test results coefficient of variation of ten abrasion tests made upon
during the initial test campaign which certainly should not normalized 1090 steel. The standard deviation was calculated
inspire much confidence because of the small number of tests. from Formula 2 and the test data are set down in the following
However, even with this admittedly small sample size, the user format:
may calculate the variability of results, which may give a Test Number x x − x̄ (x − x̄)2
1 6.02 −0.43 0.1849
general indication of precision of the apparatus and test 2 6.34 −0.31 0.0961
method. As more data are accumulated from the same homo- 3 6.75 0.10 0.0100
geneous material and new data are accumulated from different 4 5.64 1.01 1.0201
5 6.52 −0.13 0.0169
materials, the accumulated variability values may be averaged 6 7.08 .43 0.1849
to provide a better estimate of the precision of the apparatus 7 6.26 −0.39 0.1521
and procedure. 8 6.96 0.31 0.0961
9 6.85 0.20 0.0400
10 6.07 −0.58 0.3364
A1.4 Small Sample Size (2 to 10): x̄ = 6.45 2.1375 = ^(x − x̄)2
A1.4.1 In statistical analysis the estimated standard devia- s = œo s x2x̄ d 2 / s n21 d 5 œ2.1375/95 œ0.237550.4873
tions of large sample sizes (over 10) are derived from the V = (s/x̄) × 100 = (0.4873/6.45) 100 = 7.56 %
square root of the mean square of deviations from the average. A1.5.1.1 In this particular test series the 7.56 % coefficient
A typical user of this test procedure will more likely start out of variation indicated the test procedure was slightly outside of
with less than 10 test results. In these cases the standard satisfactory control.
deviation(s) is more efficiently derived from the range (R) of
the sample observation than from the root mean square. For A1.6 Estimated Sample Size and Allowable Sampling Error:
such samples the standard deviation is obtained by multiplying A1.6.1 As indicated previously the availability of multiple
the range of available observations (the difference between the test specimens in abrasion testing is sometimes limited. When
highest and lowest numerical value) by a deviation factor this occurs the user must have some criterion upon which to
(Formula 1) that varies with the sample size. Once the standard judge the minimum acceptable sample size for meaningful
deviation is obtained, the percent coefficient of variation is results. Practice E122 describes the choice of sample size to
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estimate the average quality of a lot or process. The following TABLE A1.3 Typical Volume Loss RangeA
formula takes into account the allowable sampling error and Material
Volume Loss, Specific
mm3 Gravity
the inherent variability of experimental error of the test method
1. 304 Stainless Steel bar HRB 78 55 ± 14 8.0
(coefficient of variation), 2. T-1 Low Alloy Steel bar HRC 24 20 ± 7 7.86
3. AISI 1090 Steel plate normalized 900°C 6.7 ± 2.0 7.84
n 5 ~ 1.96 v/e ! 2
HRC 30
4. AISI D2 Tool Steel hardened and tempered 1.2 ± 0.2 7.6
A1.6.2 Table A1.1 is based upon this formula. It indicates a HRC 60
5 % probability that the difference between the sample estimate A
Falex Corporation, 1020 Airpark Drive, Sugar Grove, IL (USA).
of the mean value x, and that obtainable from averaging all
values from a very high number of tests, will exceed the
allowable sampling error (e). This corresponds to a 95 % resistant materials will develop the least volume loss. Table
confidence level which is an appropriate criterion for abrasion A1.3 shows typical volume loss ranges that may be expected in
tests. For example, if the coefficient of variation of the test the metals listed. These test data were obtained in the last SAE
apparatus as determined by multiple testing is 7 %, the round-robin and represent a population between different
minimum sample size (n) would be 8 in order to obtain a 5 % laboratories. Within the same laboratory, reproducibility of test
allowable sampling error. Note, however, that if the test results results will be better than the values shown. They are offered as
for the 8 samples does not generate a coefficient of variation of guidelines only and not as purchasing specifications or as
7 % or less, the test is not valid and corrective action must be standard reference specimens. Any material specifications
taken. involving this test method must be by agreement between the
seller and the purchaser. When volume losses are less than 1
A1.7 Typical Volume Loss Values—The wet sand/rubber mm3, greater accuracy in material ranking may require a
wheel test will produce volume losses in metallic materials modified procedure, for example, use of 5000 revolutions per
ranging from about 0.25 to 100 mm3. The more abrasion- rubber wheel.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Given the following: ^X^Y = (50.1 + 59.0 + 66.0)(−0.69680 − 0.28150 + 0.00260)
X (Durometer X1 = 50.1 X2 = 59.0 X3 = 66.0 = 170.84577,
Hardness) ^X2 = (50.1)2 + (59.0)2 + (66.0)2 = 10347.01,
W (Weight W1 = 0.201 W2 = 0.523 W3 = 1.006
Loss, g)
(^X)2 = (50.1 + 59.0 + 66.0)2 = 30660.01, and
Y (Logarithm Y1 = −0.69680 Y2 = −0.28150 Y3 = 0.00260 X̄ = 50.1159.0166.0 558.36667.
of Weight 3
Loss) X1.1.1.2 By Substitution Into (Eq X1.1):
X1.1.1 Least Square Line Equation: 2170.84577
251.34679 2
( XY 2 ( (
X Y 3
Y 5 20.325231
~ X 2 58.36667!
Y 5 Ȳ1 ~ X 2 X̄ !
2 (X1.1) 10347.01 2
~( X!
( X 2 2
N (X1.2)
where: or
Y = logarithm of weight loss = Log W, Y 5 20.3252310.04411 ~ X 2 58.36667!
X = durometer hardness,
Ȳ = average of Y, At X = 60, the logarithm of the normalized weight loss can
X̄ = average of X, be computed from (Eq X1.2):
N = 3 (number of points), and
Y 5 20.3252310.04411~ 60 2 58.36667! (X1.3)
^ = Sum
X1.1.1.1 Determination of Individual Terms in (Eq X1.1): Y 5 20.25319 5 Log W
Ȳ = 20.69680 2 0.2815010.00260
W 5 0.558 grams
5 20.32523,
3 X1.1.2 Coeffıcient of Correlation:
X1.1.2.1 The coefficient of correlation, r, a measure of
^XY = (50.1)(−0.69680) + (59.0)(−0.28150) +
scatter around the least equal line is computed according to the
(66.0)(0.00260) = 51.34679,
following expression:
G105 − 02 (2007)
Y 1est 5 20.3252310.04411~ X 1 2 58.36667!
(1) Avery, H. S., “The Nature of Abrasive Wear,” SAE Preprint 750822, 700690, Society of Automotive Engineers, 1970.
Society of Automotive Engineers, 1975. (6) Saltzman, G. A., “Wet Sand Rubber-Wheel Abrasion Test for Thin
(2) Avery, H. S., “Classification and Precision of Abrasion Tests,” Source Coatings,” Selection and Use of Wear Test for Coatings, ASTM STP
Book on Wear Control Technology, ASM, 1978. 769, R. G. Bayer, Ed., ASTM, 1982, pp. 71–91.
(3) Haworth, R. W., Jr.,“ The Abrasion Resistance of Metals,” Transac- (7) Saltzman, G. A., Merediz, T. O., Subramanyam, D. K., and Avery, H.
tions ASM, Vol 41, 1949, pp. 819–854. S., “Experience with the Wet Sand/Rubber Wheel Abrasion Test,”
(4) Borik, Frank,“ Rubber Wheel Abrasion Test,” SAE Paper 700687, Slurry Erosion: Uses, Applications, and Test Methods, ASTM STP
Society of Automotive Engineers, 1970. 946, J. E. Miller and F. E. Schmidt, Jr, Eds., ASTM 1987, pp.
(5) Stolk, D. A., “Field and Laboratory Tests on Plowshares,” SAE Paper 211–242.
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