2020-2021 North Myrtle Beach Middle School Grading Guidelines
2020-2021 North Myrtle Beach Middle School Grading Guidelines
2020-2021 North Myrtle Beach Middle School Grading Guidelines
North Myrtle Beach Middle offers a wide variety of courses that enable students to develop academically,
socially, physically, and emotionally. Students are encouraged to work especially hard to achieve since this is
the reason why they are in school.
1. Grading and Reporting: Students will receive two [2] types of reports during each nine-week grading
period, an interim report and a report card.
a. Interim reports are issued at approximately the middle of each of the four nine-week grading
b. Report cards are issued at the end of each nine-week quarter.
c. Students will receive either an A [90-100], B [80-89], C [70-79], D [60-69], or F [59 and below] in
all academic subjects (language arts, math, science, social studies) and on courses receiving
high school credit based on achievement.
d. Students will receive an S, NI, or U on all physical education and exploratory courses, that are
not high school credit courses, based on their performance in class.
2. Weighting: All student work will be entered into each gradebook in one of the following categories.
Please be advised that homework is graded and does count for 20% of our student’s overall grade.
a. Major Assessments 50%
b. Mid-level Assessments 30%
c. Practice 20%
3. Assessment Retakes: Students will have at least one week from the date of the return of any major
assessment to retake the assessment in order to improve his/her final grade. It is the responsibility of
the student to take advantage of the policy by requesting the retake from the teacher and to get a
parent signature on the initial test. Students may retake any of the major assessments given within a
quarter; however, this policy applies to tests only, not projects, essays, etc. The following requirements
must be met prior to a test retake.
a. The student must complete at least one remediation activity and or session with the teacher
prior to taking the retest.
b. The students understand that the two assessments will be averaged together for the final
4. Late work:
Teachers may accept late assignments within three [3] days after the assignment is due. Late
assignments will receive a one-letter grade reduction for each day the assignment is late.