Cell and Battery
Cell and Battery
Cell and Battery
Primary cell
Primary cells have high density and get discharged slowly. Since there is no fluid inside these cells they are also
known as dry cells. The internal resistance is high and the chemical reaction is irreversible. Its initial cost is cheap
and also primary cells are easy to use.
Secondary cell
Secondary cells have low energy density and are made of molten salts and wet cells. The internal resistance is low
and the chemical reaction is reversible. Its initial cost is high and is a little complicated to use when compared to the
primary cell.
Have high energy density and slow in They are smaller energy density
discharge and easy to use
There are no fluids in the cells hence it is There are made up of wet cells (flooded and liquid cells) and
also called as dry cells molten salt (liquid cells with different composition)
Its design is smaller and lighter Its design is more complex and heavier
Cells generate electricity and also derives chemical reactions. One or more electrochemical cells are batteries. Every cell
has two terminals namely:
1. Anode: Anode is the terminal from where the current flows in from out i.e. it provides an incoming channel for
the current to enter the circuit or the device.
2. Cathode: Cathode is the terminal from where the current flows out i.e. it provides an outgoing current flow from
the circuit or the device.
There are two simplest ways for cell connectivity are as follows:
2. Parallel Connection: Parallel connection is the connectivity of the components alongside to other components
In series, cells are joined end to end so that the same current flows through each cell. In case if the cells are connected
in series the emf of the battery is connected to the sum of the emf of the individual cells. Suppose we have multiple cells
and they are arranged in such a way that the positive terminal of one cell is connected to the negative terminal of the
another and then again the negative terminal is connected to the positive terminal and so on, then we can that the cell
is connected in series.
Unit 15 Cell and Battery 3
If E is the overall emf of the battery combined with n number cells and E1, E2, E3 , En are the emfs of individual cells.
Similarly, if r1, r2, r3, rn are the internal resistances of individual cells, then the internal resistance of the battery will be
equal to the sum of the internal resistance of the individual cells i.e.
Cells are in parallel combination if the current is divided among various cells. In a parallel combination, all the positive
terminal are connected together and all the negative terminal are connected together.
If emf of each cell is identical, then the emf of the battery combined with n numbers of cells connected in parallel is
equal to the emf of each cell. The resultant internal resistance of the combination is,
r = (1r1 + 1r2 + 1r3 +…….. 1rn )-1
Assume the emf of each cell is E and internal resistance of each cell is r. As n numbers of cells are connected in each
series, the emf of each series, as well as the battery, will be nE. The equivalent resistance of the series is nr. As, m the
number of series connected in parallel equivalent internal resistance of that series and parallel battery is nr/m.
When the battery is discharged, it acts as a galvanic cell and the following chemical reaction occurs.
Lead sulfate is formed at both the electrodes. Two electrons are also transferred in the complete reaction. The lead acid
battery is packed in a thick rubber or plastic case to prevent leakage of the corrosive sulfuric acid.
The sulfuric acid existing in the lead discharge battery decomposes and needs to be replaced. Sometimes, the plates
change their structure by themselves. Eventually, the battery becomes less efficient and should be charged or changed.
When car batteries spend considerable durations of time in their discharged states, the lead sulfate buildup may become
extremely difficult to remove. This is the reason why lead-acid batteries must be charged as soon as possible (to prevent
building up of lead sulfate). Charging of the lead batteries is usually done by providing an external current source.
A plug is inserted which is linked to the lead-acid battery and chemical reaction proceeds in the opposite direction. In
cases where the sulfuric acid in the battery (or some other component of the battery) has undergone decomposition,
the charging process may become inefficient. Therefore, it is advisable to check the battery periodically.
The chemical reaction that takes place when the lead-acid battery is recharging can be found below.
Unit 15 Cell and Battery 5
While recharging, the automobile battery functions like an electrolytic cell. The energy required to drive the recharging
comes from an external source, such as an engine of a car. It is also important to note that overcharging of the battery
could result in the formation of byproducts such as hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. These gases tend to escape from the
battery, resulting in the loss of reactants.