Nursing Care Plan: Provide Rest Periods To Promote Relief, Sleep, and Relaxation

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Assessment Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective Abdominal Short-term Independent Nursing To gain patient’s trust and GOAL MET
Cues: pain Goal: Intervention: have a good nurse-patient
After an 8-hour shift of
related to post nursing intervention, the
operation as patient was able to rest
“Masakit yun After 2 hours Establish rapport.
evidenced by peacefully and pain scale
tahi sa tyan of nursing
facial grimace reduces from 10 to 1.
ko” as intervention,
and pain scale Patients may experience an
verbalized by the patient
of 10/10 exaggeration in pain or
the patient will:
Get rid of additional decreased ability to tolerate
stressors or sources of painful stimuli if
discomfort whenever environmental factors are
Objective - Verbalize
possible further stressing them
Cues: relief pain
from a pain
Patient has
scale of 10
limited range One’s experiences of pain may
to 4.
of motion - Facial become exaggerated as a result
Provide rest periods to of exhaustion. Pain may result
grimace will promote relief, sleep,
be lessen in fatigue, which may result in
and relaxation. exaggerated pain. A peaceful
(+) Facial
Grimace Long-term and quiet environment may
Goal: facilitate rest

Dependent Nursing
Pain Scale: After 8 hours Intervention: Effectiveness of pain
10/10 of continuous medications must be evaluated
nursing carefully because analgesics
interventions, Provide medication as may cause mild to severe side
the client will ordered by the effects
be able to physician. Evaluating
reduce pain the effectiveness and
from a scale of inspecting for any signs Patients who demand pain
10 to 1. and symptoms of medications at more frequent
adverse effect. intervals than prescribed may
actually require higher or more
potent analgesics
Report to the physician
when interventions are
unsuccessful and

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