Lab Results and Drug Study - Feu NRMF (Head Nursing)
Lab Results and Drug Study - Feu NRMF (Head Nursing)
Lab Results and Drug Study - Feu NRMF (Head Nursing)
Pertinent Findings:
An area of restricted diffusion and T2 prolongation is seen in the right corona radiate, likely a recent infarct
There is a T1 hypointense and a T2 hyperintense signal in the left corona radiate, probably a chronic infarct
January 18, 2011
Generic: 2 gms TIV q Other CNS Drugs Cerebrovascular Parasympathetic Stomach pain, Somazine must not be
CITICOLINE 12 hrs & Agents for disorders including hypertonia diarrhea; hypotension, administered along with
ADHD ischemic stroke, tachycardia, medicaments containing
Brand: parkinsonism & head bradycardia meclophenoxate
CHOLINERV To minimize the injury.
attack of sroke Watch out for
hypotensive effects
Citicoline is a
complex organic
molecule that
functions as an
intermediate in
the biosynthesis
of cell membrane
phospholipids. It
is also known as
CDP-choline or
choline (cytidine
). CDP-choline
belongs to the
group of
biomolecules in
living systems
known as
nucleotides that
play important
roles in cellular
Drug Name Dosage Classification/ Indications Contraindications and Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Action Cautions
Generic: 20 mg/tab 1 Antacids, Treatment of Chronic hepatic Headache, abdominal List reasons for therapy,
OMEPRAZOLE tab OD pre Antireflux Agents heartburn & other disease. pain, diarrhea N&V, frequency and
breakfast & Antiulcerants symptoms associated URTI, rash characteristics of S&S
Brand: w/ GERD. Erosive
Omepron Promotion of esophagitis, gastric CNS: anxiety Record abdominal
ulcer healing hypersecretory disorders, vertigo, assessments,
condition, Zollinger- insomnia, nervousness radiographic/endoscopic
Relief of pain Ellison syndrome, findings
systemic HEPATIC: overt liver
Lower gastric acid mastocytosis, disease cholestatic Monitor CBC
production multiple endocrine
adenoma & peptic CV: angina,
ulcer. tachycardia,
Omeprazole bradycardia,
suppresses gastric palpitation, peripheral
acid secretion by edema, elevated BP
specific inhibition
of the enzyme
um adenosine
(H+/K+ ATPase)
present on the
secretory surface
of the gastric
parietal cell.
Drug Name Dosage Classification/ Indications Contraindications and Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Action Cautions
Generic: 80 mg, 1 tab Anticoagulants, Aspilet Suspected Asthma, rhinitis & Fever, hypothermia, For pain, rate and
ASPIRIN OD Antiplatelets & acute MI; Aspilet/EC nasal polyps. History thirst. Dysrythmias, determine the type,
Fibrinolytics Prophylactic of active peptic ulcer hypotension, location, and pattern of
Brand: (Thrombolytics) treatment of disease. tachycardia. Agitation, pain, if unusual, or if
ASPILET thromboembolic Hypersensitivity. cerebral edema, recurring
There will be a disorders, MI, coma, confusion,
relief of transient ischemic dizziness, headache, Determine history of
pain/discomfort attacks & stroke. For subdural or peptic ulcers or bleeding
to the patient the secondary intracranial tedency
prevention of CV hemorrhage, lethargy,
There will be a disease in DM seizures. Dehydration,
decrease fever patients esp those w/ hyperkalemia,
and vascular history of MI, metabolic acidosis,
mortality vascular bypass resp alkalosis,
procedure, stroke or dyspepsia, GI
transient ischemic bleeding, ulceration &
Aspirin is an attack & angina & perforation, nausea,
analgesic, anti- those w/ additional vomiting, transient
inflammatory and risk factors: HTN, hepatic enzyme
antipyretic. It smoking, elevations, hepatitis.
inhibits dyslipidemia & family
cyclooxygenase, history of CV disease.
which is Revascularization
responsible for procedures.
the synthesis of Pregnancy-induced
prostaglandin and HTN.
thromboxane. It
also inhibits
Drug Name Dosage Classification/ Indications Contraindications and Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Action Cautions
Generic: 30 cc OD Laxatives, Constipation Low galactose diet & Abdominal discomfort Do not administer if
Lactulose Purgatives intestinal obstruction associated w/ patient has already pass
flatulence or cramps. out stool especially if
Brand: metabolism of Prolonged use or large stool is liquid
Lilac lactulose by doses may result in
bacteria results in diarrhea w/ excessive
reduced colonic loss of water &
pH which electrolytes
peristalsis and
decreases stool
transit time. In
turn, decreased
reabsorption from
the feces further
facilitates the
passage of soft
stools. And
increased osmotic
pressure of fecal
secondary to an
increase in
colonic organic
acids results in
accumulation of
fluid from
tissues, helping to
soften stool mass.
Drug Name Dosage Classification/ Indications Contraindications and Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Action Cautions
Generic: 40 mg/tab, 1 Dyslipidaemic Adjunct to diet for Hypersensitivity to Headache, flatulence, Assessment
atorvastatin tab OD Agents the reduction of atorvastatin or any diarrhoea, nausea, Prior to administration:
elevated total and component; active vomiting, anorexia, • Obtain complete
Brand: Inhibits HMG-CoA LDL cholesterol, liver disease; xerostomia, health history including
lipitor reductase, the apolipoprotein B, and unexplained angioedema, myalgia, allergies.
enzyme that triglyceride levels in persistent elevations rash/pruritus, • Assess baseline liver
catalyzes the first patients with of serum alopecia, allergy, function tests, lipid
step in the hypercholesterolemi transaminases; infection, chest pain. studies, and pregnancy
cholesterol a (Type IIA, IIB, and pregnancy Potentially Fatal: test in women of
synthesis IIC); adjunctive Thrombocytopenia. child bearing age
pathway, therapy to diet for Rhabdomyolysis with • Assess for history of
resulting in a treatment of acute renal failure. liver disease, muscle
decrease in serum elevated serum disease
cholesterol, triglyceride levels • Obtain patient’s drug
serum LDLs (Type IV); history including
(associated with use of over the counter
increased risk of medications that
CAD), and might effect liver
increase serum function or have
HDLs (associated interactions and assess
with decreased allergies
risk of CAD);
Increases hepatic
LDL recapture
sites, enhances
reuptake and
catabolism of LDL;
triglyceride levels.