Back Analysis

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JULY 2019
Approval of the thesis:



submitted by TUĞÇE AKTAŞ ENGIN in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering Department, Middle East
Technical University by,

Prof. Dr. Halil Kalıpçılar

Dean, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Türer

Head of Department, Civil Engineering

Prof. Dr. Erdal Çokça

Supervisor, Civil Engineering, METU

Examining Committee Members:

Prof. Dr. Tamer Topal

Geological Engineering Dept., METU

Prof. Dr. Erdal Çokça

Civil Engineering, METU

Prof. Dr. Nihat Sinan Işık

Civil Engineering Dept., Gazi University Technology Faculty

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nejan Huvaj Sarıhan

Civil Engineering Dept., METU

Assist. Prof. Dr. Onur Pekcan

Civil Engineering Dept., METU

Date: 10.07.2019
I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and
presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare
that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all
material and results that are not original to this work.

Name, Surname: Tuğçe Aktaş Engin





Aktaş Engin, Tuğçe

Master of Science, Civil Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erdal Çokça

July 2019, 138 pages

The optimum use of safety and economy in deep excavation design is possible with
the selection of the appropriate system, and modelling of the selected system and soil
properties properly. Therefore, soil parameters selection has a crucial effect in deep
excavation analyses. The realistic estimation of the displacements with the finite
element software is only possible by using the realistic deformation modulus values
during analyses. However, in stiff clays for which undisturbed sampling is very
difficult, displacements calculated with laboratory deformation modulus parameters
may be higher than the measured values. Objective of this study is to determine the
constant that shows linear relationship between SPT-N and deformation modulus
parameter of Ankara clay by using three constitutive soil model of Plaxis-2D, namely
Mohr-Coulomb (MC), hardening soil model (HS) and hardening soil model with small
strain stiffness (HSsmall). For this purpose, back analysis of a 25 m deep excavation
was performed by using inclinometer measurement results. To be more precise in
numerical analysis, instead of using the idealized soil profile the soil is divided into
layers according to SPT-N60 measurements. Additionally, each displacement
measured by the inclinometer along the depth is compared with the analysis results to
minimize the error. In case trial-error method is used in the study, time loss and the
possibility of not reaching the correct result were taken into consideration; therefore,

the analysis was done by writing a Python code. As a result of analyses, the soil models
were compared with each other and it is concluded that displacements curves obtained
from the MC model could not converge to the real displacements. HSsmall model
results are closest to the real displacements. Moreover, displacement curves obtained
from HS and HSsmall models are very close to each other, and the linear correlation
formula is determined as E50ref=780xN60 kPa for this excavation of the case study in
Ankara clay.

Keywords: deep excavation, Ankara clay, back analysis, python code, constitutive soil




Aktaş Engin, Tuğçe

Yüksek Lisans, İnşaat Mühendisliği
Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Erdal Çokça

Temmuz 2019, 138 sayfa

İnşaat mühendisliği tasarımının iki ana kuralı olan emniyet ve ekonominin derin kazı
tasarımında optimum seviyede kullanılması; uygun sistem seçimi, seçilen sistemin ve
özellikle zemin koşullarının gerçeğe yakın modellenmesiyle mümkün olmaktadır. Bu
durumda derin kazı analizlerinde zemin parametrelerinin seçimi kritik önem
taşımaktadır. Temeli sonlu elemanlar metoduna dayalı yazılımlarla deplasmanların
gerçeğe yakın tahmini ancak analizlerde gerçekçi deformasyon modülü değerlerinin
kullanılmasıyla mümkündür. Öte yandan örselenmemiş numune alımının oldukça zor
olduğu sert killerde, laboratuvar deneyleriyle belirlenen deformasyon
parametrelerinin kullanılması sonucunda elde edilen deplasmanlar yerinde
gerçekleşen değerlerin üzerinde kalabilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bir sonlu
elemanlar programı Plaxis2D’nin 3 temel modeli olan Mohr-Coulomb (MC), pekleşen
zemin modeli (HS) ve düşük birim deformasyonla pekleşen zemin modelini (HSsmall)
kullanarak, Ankara kilinin SPT-N60 değeriyle deformasyon modülü arasındaki
doğrusal bağıntı sabitini bulmaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, Ankara kilinde 25.0m
derinliğindeki bir kazının inklinometre okuma sonuçlarının geri analizi yapılmıştır.
Analizlerde daha gerçekçi olmak adına genel bir yaklaşım olan idealize zemin profili
kullanmak yerine, SPT-N ölçüm aralıklarına göre zemin, tabakalara ayrılmıştır.
Ayrıca, inklinometre ile derinlik boyunca ölçülen her bir yanal deplasman değeri,

analiz sonuçlarıyla karşılaştırılarak hatanın en aza indirgenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Çalışmanın deneme-yanılma yöntemiyle yapılması durumundaki zaman kaybı ve
doğru sonuca ulaşamama ihtimali göz önünde tutulmuş ve analizlerin Python kodu
yazılarak otomasyonu sağlanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, modeller birbirleri
ile kıyaslanmış ve MC modelden elde edilen deplasman eğrileri gerçek dağılımı
yakalayamamıştır. HSsmall modeli gerçek deplasman dağılımına en yakın sonuçları
veren model olmuştur. HS ve HSsmall modelden elde edilen deplasman eğrileri
birbirlerine çok yakın olmakla birlikte, Ankara kilinde yapılan bu örnek olay
incelemesinde elde edilen doğrusal bağıntı E50ref=780 x N60 kPa olarak belirlenmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: derin kazı, Ankara kili, geri analiz, python kodu, temel zemin

To my husband Zafer Engin


I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Erdal Çokça
for his encouragement, expertise, understanding and support throughout this research.
This thesis would not have been possible without his expertise. It was a pleasure for
me working with him. Also, I would like to give special thanks to Civil Engineering
Department instructors for their valuable teaching.

Additional and greatest thanks go to Dr. Oğuz Çalışan for his guiding, endless support,
finding time to reply my questions and being my idol throughout my life. Even if I put
all elegant words in here, I cannot sufficiently express my gratitude and thanks to him.

I would also like to express my gratitude to my mother Huriye Aktaş, my father Nuri
Aktaş and my dear sister who is also my best friend Ayşe Aktaş. They always
supported me, not only for this thesis but throughout my life. I would like to thank
them for everything. I am very lucky to have a family like you. Finally, I would like
to express my deepest thanks to my life partner, friend and beloved husband Zafer
Engin for his love, patience and support during my studies. Zafer, I love you with all
my heart.


ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................v

ÖZ ........................................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .........................................................................................x

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... xi

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... xiv

LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................xv

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................ xviii

LIST OF SYMBOLS ............................................................................................... xix


1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................1

1.1. Research Objectives ..........................................................................................4

1.2. Outline of the Thesis .........................................................................................4

2. LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................7

2.1. Movements ........................................................................................................8

Stiff Clays .................................................................................................10

Soft and Medium Stiff Clays ....................................................................14

2.2. Studies on Ankara Clay ...................................................................................19

Consistency ...............................................................................................21

Shear Strength ...........................................................................................23

Soil Modulus .............................................................................................27

Compressibility ........................................................................................ 31

Swelling Properties................................................................................... 33

2.3. Back Analysis of Deep Excavations ............................................................... 33

2.4. Material Models .............................................................................................. 40

Mohr-Coulomb Model (MC).................................................................... 40

The Hardening Soil Model ....................................................................... 42

The Hardening Soil Model with Small Strain Stiffness ........................... 47

Comparison of the models: Simple Benchmark Problem ........................ 49

3. GEOLOGICAL ASSESMENT OF THE STUDY AREA ................................. 55

3.1. General Properties of the Back Analyzed Section .......................................... 57

3.2. Soil Properties ................................................................................................. 58

3.3. Instrumentation and Monitoring ..................................................................... 64

4. METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................. 67

4.1. Finite Element Modelling with Plaxis 2D....................................................... 67

Input.......................................................................................................... 69 Geometry ........................................................................................... 69 Material Parameters Used in Plaxis ................................................... 71 Mesh .................................................................................................. 75 Calculations ....................................................................................... 76

Output ....................................................................................................... 77

4.2. Python Scripting of Plaxis............................................................................... 77

Remote Scripting Server .......................................................................... 78

SciTE Editor ............................................................................................. 79

Boilerplate Code ....................................................................................... 79

Start of Iterations ......................................................................................80

Inputs ........................................................................................................81

Storing Inputs ............................................................................................82

Start of the Project ....................................................................................85

Geometry of the Model .............................................................................85

Defining and Assigning Material Properties ............................................88

Mesh of the Model ..................................................................................90

Back Analysis .........................................................................................90

Phase Construction .................................................................................92

Getting Results ........................................................................................95

4.3. Post-processing with Matlab ...........................................................................97

5. RESULTS AND COMPARISON ....................................................................101

5.1. Mohr Coulomb Analysis Results ..................................................................101

5.2. Hardening Soil Model Analysis Results .......................................................107

5.3. Hardening Soil Model with Small Strain Stiffness .......................................112

5.4. Comparison of the Models ............................................................................116

6. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................121

APPENDICES .........................................................................................................129

A. Laboratory Test Results ...................................................................................129

B. Inclinometer Measurements, Estimated Displacements and Errors .................133



Table 2.1. Instrumentation and Monitoring of Deep Excavations (Ergun, 2008) ....... 9
Table 2.2. Shear Strength Parameters Obtained from Triaxial Test Results (Mirata,
1976) .......................................................................................................................... 24
Table 2.3. Shear Strength Parameters Obtained from Direct Shear Test Results
(Mirata, 1976) ............................................................................................................ 24
Table 2.4. Typical Es and cu Correlation (Bowles, 1988) .......................................... 28
Table 2.5. Ranges of Poisson’s Ratio for Different Materials (Bowles, 1988) ......... 30
Table 2.6. Ranges of Poisson’s Ratio (Industrial Floors and Pavements Guidelines,
1999) .......................................................................................................................... 30
Table 2.7. Input Parameters for the MC Model (Hsiung and Dao, 2014) ................. 38
Table 2.8. Input Parameters for the HS Model (Hsiung and Dao, 2014) .................. 38
Table 2.9. Input Parameters for the HSsmall Model (Hsiung and Dao, 2014).......... 38
Table 2.10. Sand Parameters of the Simple Benchmark Problem ............................. 52
Table 2.11. Clay Parameters of the Simple Benchmark Problem ............................. 52
Table 4.1. Plaxis Parameters Used in Parametric Studies ......................................... 73
Table 4.2. Input Data of the Structural Element (Plate Element) .............................. 74
Table 4.3. Specific Characteristic Strengths of 7 Wire Strands (BS8081) ................ 74
Table 5.1. HSsmall Model Obtained γ0.7 Values ..................................................... 112



Figure 1.1. Excavation After Failure Nicoll Highway Singapore on April 2004
( ) ...................................................................................3
Figure 1.2. Deep Excavation Failure in Ankara a). Before the Failure b). After the
Failure (Çalışan, 1994) .................................................................................................3
Figure 2.1. Observed Maximum Lateral Displacements in Stiff Clays, Sands and
Residual Soils (Clough et al. 1990)............................................................................11
Figure 2.2. Observed Maximum Settlements in Stiff Clays, Sands and Residual Soils
(Clough et al. 1990)....................................................................................................11
Figure 2.3. Finite Element Analysis Results to Predict Maximum Lateral Wall
Displacements (Clough et al. 1990) ...........................................................................12
Figure 2.4. Normalized Maximum Horizontal Movement vs. Depth (Long 2001) ...13
Figure 2.5. Normalized Maximum Lateral Movement vs. Clough et al. (1989) System
Stiffness (Long 2001) .................................................................................................14
Figure 2.6. Factor of Safety Against Basal Heave vs. Normalized Maximum Wall
Movement (Mana and Clough, 1981) ........................................................................15
Figure 2.7. Design Curves to Obtain Maximum Horizontal Displacement (Clough et
al. 1990)......................................................................................................................16
Figure 2.8. Normalized Maximum Lateral Movement vs. Clough et al. (1989) System
for Soft Soils with High F.S. against Base Heave and Stiff Soil at the Dredge Level
(Long 2001) ................................................................................................................17
Figure 2.9. Normalized Maximum Lateral Movement vs. Clough et al. (1989) System
for Soft Soils with High FS Against Base Heave and Soft Soils at the Dredge Level
(Long 2001) ................................................................................................................18
Figure 2.10. Maximum Lateral Wall Movements and Vertical Settlements Behind
Walls (Ergun, 2008) ...................................................................................................19

Figure 2.11. Geology Map of Ankara (Cokca, 2000) ................................................ 20
Figure 2.12. Atterberg Limits and Water Content of Ankara Clay (Ordemir et al. 1965)
................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 2.13. Plasticity Chart of Ankara Clay (Ordemir et al. 1965) ......................... 22
Figure 2.14. Variation of f1 Value with PI (%) (Stroud, 1974) ................................. 26
Figure 2.15. Correlation Between ϕ’ and IP for Normally Consolidated Clays ........ 26
Figure 2.16. Undrained Stiffness of Over-Consolidated Clays (after Duncan &
Buchignani, 1976)...................................................................................................... 28
Figure 2.17. Characteristic Strain-Stiffness Behavior in Logarithmic Scale (Atkinson,
1991) .......................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 2.18. Variation of Preloading Pressure with Depth ........................................ 32
Figure 2.19. Picture from the Deep Excavation Site (Çalışan, 2009)........................ 36
Figure 2.20. (a) Mohr-Coulomb Model Soil Behavior (b) Comparison of Mohr-
Coulomb Soil Behavior with Real Soil Behavior, (c) Unrealistic Aspects of Mohr-
Coulomb Model, (d) Mohr-Coulomb Model Yield Surface in Principal Stress Space
................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 2.21. (a) Deviatoric Stress-Axial Strain Graph (b) Axial Stress-Strain Graph of
HS Model ................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 2.22. (a) Cone and Cap Hardening Behavior in HS Model (b) Failure Surfaces
of HS Model in Principle Stress Space ...................................................................... 46
Figure 2.23. Stiffness Parameters of HSsmall Model [PLAXIS] .............................. 48
Figure 2.24. Soil Stiffness Behavior in Cyclic Shear Test (Plaxis, 2017) ................. 49
Figure 2.25. Geometry of the Benchmark Problem ................................................... 50
Figure 3.1. Satellite View of the Study Area ............................................................. 56
Figure 3.2. Cross Sectional View of the Shoring System.......................................... 58
Figure 3.3. Borehole Layout Plan .............................................................................. 59
Figure 3.4. Variation of SPT N Values with Depth ................................................... 61
Figure 3.5. Receiving Undisturbed Sample from the Site for Oedometer Test ......... 62

Figure 3.6. Variation of SPT N, Sand Percent (>#4 (%)), Clay Percent (< #200 (%)),
Water Content (W (%)), Liquid Limit (LL(%)) and Plasticity Index (PI (%)) Values
with Depth ..................................................................................................................63
Figure 3.7. Inclinometer 9 Measurements..................................................................65
Figure 4.1. Geometry of the Model (Scale: 1/750) ....................................................70
Figure 4.2. Applied Mesh to the System (Scale:1/750) .............................................76
Figure 4.3. Configure Remote Scripting Server of Plaxis 2D ...................................78
Figure 4.4. Format of Error Files ...............................................................................99
Figure 5.1. Deformed Mesh of the Final Excavation Stage (Scale: 1/750) .............102
Figure 5.2. Comparison of Horizontal Displacements – Mohr Coulomb Model- ...103
Figure 5.3. Horizontal Displacement of the Pile – Mohr Coulomb Model- ............104
Figure 5.4. Vertical Displacement of the Soil in the Final Excavation Stage – Mohr
Coulomb Model- ......................................................................................................105
Figure 5.5. Bending Moment of the Pile – Mohr Coulomb Model- ........................106
Figure 5.6. Shear Diagram of the Pile – Mohr Coulomb Model- ............................106
Figure 5.7. Comparison of Horizontal Displacements – HS Model - ......................109
Figure 5.8. Horizontal Displacement of the Pile – HS Model - ...............................110
Figure 5.9. Vertical Displacement of the Soil in the Final Excavation Stage – HS
Model - .....................................................................................................................110
Figure 5.10. Bending Moment of the Pile – HS Model - .........................................111
Figure 5.11. Shear Diagram of the Pile – HS Model - .............................................111
Figure 5.12. Comparison of Horizontal Displacements – HSsmall Model – ..........113
Figure 5.13. Horizontal Displacement of the Pile – HSsmall Model - ....................114
Figure 5.14. Vertical Displacement of the Pile – HSsmall Model - ........................114
Figure 5.15. Bending Moment of the Pile – HSsmall Model - ................................115
Figure 5.16. Shear Forces of the Pile – HSsmall Model – .......................................116
Figure 5.17. Comparison of Material Models in terms of Horizontal Displacements
Figure 5.18. Comparison of Material Models in terms of Surface Heave in front of the
Wall ..........................................................................................................................118


FS Factor of safety
LL Liquid limit
LI Liquidity index
MC Mohr-Coulomb
HS Hardening soil
HSsmall Hardening soil with small strain stiffness
PI Plasticity index
PL Plastic limit
OCR Over-consolidation ratio
USCS Unified Soil Classification System


A area
α Internal model parameter
c Cohesion
c’ Effective cohesion
CB Borehole diameter factor
Cc Compression index
CR Sampling method factor
CS Correction factor for rod length
cu Undrained shear strength
D Damping ratio
e Void ratio
E Young’s modulus
E0 Initial slope of the stress strain curve
E’ Young’s modulus (effective)
Confining stress dependent stiffness modulus for primary
Reference stiffness modulus corresponding to the reference
confining pressure, pref
Ei Initial stiffness
Eoed Oedometer modulus
Eoedref The reference Young’s modulus
Eu Young’s modulus (for undrained loading)
Eur Unloading/reloading stiffness modulus
The reference Young’s modulus for unloading and
f Yield function

f1 Variable which relies on the plasticity of the soil
G Shear modulus
G0 The initial or very small-strain shear modulus
G0ref Reference shear modulus at very small strains
Gs Secant shear modulus
Gur Unloading/reloading shear modulus
H Depth of Excavation
I Moment of inertia
K Bulk modulus
K0 Coefficient of lateral earth pressure (initial stress state)
Coefficient of lateral earth pressure for a normally
consolidated stress state
M Modulus multiplier
m Power in stress dependent stiffness relation
mv Coefficient of volume compressibility
n Porosity
SPT N-value; blows of standard hammer to drive the SPT
sampler or cone 300 mm
SPT N-value corrected for rod energy ratio of 60% rod
pref Reference pressure
Rf Failure ratio
γ Unit weight of soil
γ0.7 Threshold shear strain at which Gs=0.722G0
γp Function of plastic strains

γsat Saturated unit weight of soil

γunsat Unsaturated unit weight of soil
δh,m Maximum lateral wall displacement

δv,m Maximum soil settlement
ε1e, ε2e, ε3e Elastic components of the strain
μ, ν Poisson’s ration
νur Unloading/reloading Poisson’s ratio
ϕ Friction angle
ϕ’ Effective friction angle
ψ Dilatancy angle



World population increases day by day. In order to meet this increasing population’s
basic needs such as transportation, sheltering and social activities, the necessity for
underground structures gradually increase while excavations deepen. On the other
hand, the increase of excavation depth brings along some risks both for the excavation
and the surrounding building and utilities. The major risk is the possibility of excessive
horizontal displacements of the deep excavation system, which may cause some
severe damage to adjacent buildings and failure of the system. There are many
examples of deep excavation failures and damage of structures caused by deep
excavations throughout the world. The failure of cut and cover tunnel of Nicoll
Highway in Singapore (Figure 1.1), the collapse of deep excavation in Klang Valley
area in Malaysia, deep excavation failures of soft clay in Taiwan (Do et al., 2013) are
only a few examples of these failures. Although all of these excavations were
performed in different soil types and supported by different retaining systems, the
main reason behind these failures was the misinterpretation of soil properties (Ma’ruf
and Darjanto, 2017). Deep excavation failure during excavation process of the
shopping mall construction in Ankara can be seen in Figure 1.2. The main reason
behind this failure was also related to the misinterpretation of soil properties and it
was resulted in the collapse of the system due to inappropriate design of the project.

There is no “universal” material model for soils. Many researches exist in the literature
that simulates soil behavior with different formulations and although only a part of
them was practiced solving boundary value problems, it is still not easy for one to
decide which soil model should be used for a problem to be handled. Failure of cut
and cover tunnel of Nicoll Highway in Singapore, Figure 1.1, also shows the
importance of the careful selection of constitutive soil model and engineering

parameters of the soil. After this failure, an international committee was set up to
investigate the causes of the failure. Several finite element analyses were performed
by various committee members and they concluded that reasons behind the failure are
poor workmanship and inappropriate simulation of soil with finite element model
(Schweiger et al. [2009]).

Reliable input data to determine stress-strain relationship of soils tend to be very

limited because of the significant expense of soil testing. Several researchers (Charles
et al. [1998], Schanz et al. [1999], Brinkgreve [2005]) stated that in most instances of
daily geotechnical engineering, one may have a good data on strength parameters;
however, there is little or no data on stiffness parameters. Also, determination of soil
deformation modulus with laboratory tests is difficult and often inaccurate because of
the soil disturbance and differences between laboratory and site conditions (size effect,
water condition and nonhomogeneous nature of soils) (Burland [1979], Duncan et al.
[2014]). As a consequence, back analysis is suggested in order to determine
representative soil modulus parameters based on site observations in practice (Peck
[1969]). Then, the parameters obtained from the back analysis can be used in the
subsequent prediction of movements in similar soils. However, there are also other
soil parameters to be selected and some of them may be affected interactively.
Therefore, it is not easy to determine soil modulus parameters by back analysis
method. Modeling soil with a proper material model of the desirable finite element
software is an important aspect of the back-analysis study (Charles et al., 1998).

In this thesis, 25.0m depth of excavation supported by contiguous bored piles and
multilayered anchorages system in an Ankara Clay is back analyzed by automizing
the system using Python programming language interacted with Plaxis finite element
software. The back analyzed section is in Söğütözü district of Ankara, and the
movements of the system were recorded by an inclinometer. This process would help
to improve and refine our understanding about the soil deformation modulus
parameters of Ankara Clay and which soil model would give a more accurate result.

Figure 1.1. Excavation After Failure Nicoll Highway Singapore on April 2004
( )



Figure 1.2. Deep Excavation Failure in Ankara a). Before the Failure b). After the Failure (Çalışan,

1.1. Research Objectives

The objectives of this thesis are given below:

• Determining the linear relationship between SPT N60 value and deformation
modulus parameter of Ankara clay (E’ and E50ref) by writing a Python code in
Plaxis 2D for three constitutive soil models, which are Mohr Coulomb (MC)
model, hardening soil (HS) model and hardening soil model with small strain
stiffness (HSsmall).
• Evaluating the performance of soil models in terms of their ability to estimate
the measured displacement distribution along the depth from the field.
• Comparing the performances of each soil model according to measured and
predicted displacements.

1.2. Outline of the Thesis

This thesis includes six (6) chapters. It starts with the literature review part in Chapter
2. First, movements predicted by several researchers according to field measurements
are given to provide awareness of expected movements of deep excavations in stiff
and soft clays. Then, in order to understand the engineering properties of the Ankara
clay, studies that show index and stiffness properties of Ankara clay are summarized.
Chapter 2 continues with the results of similar back analysis studies carried out in
different soils. In the final part of this chapter, background information about
constitutive soil models used in the back analysis is included.

In Chapter 3, properties of the field for which back analysis study will be performed
are summarized. Details of the shoring and support system are given. Also, the results
of some laboratory and field tests conducted on the site are presented. Finally,
instrumentation of the shoring system is mentioned and the inclinometer measurement
of the back analyzed section is presented.

In Chapter 4, creation of the model geometry and input parameters used in Plaxis 2D
analyses are presented. Also, details about the Python code which provides remote
control of Plaxis is explained in detail.

In Chapter 5, results of the back-analysis studies and discussion of results are given.

In Chapter 6, a summary of the thesis and conclusions are presented, and brief
information about future work is given.



Deep excavations, especially performed in urban areas, may cause excessive ground
displacements that can damage surrounding structures and soils. Therefore, it is
significant to predict these movements to minimize the effect of ground
displacements. Unfortunately, the estimation of these displacements is not easy, since
there are several factors that affect the movements of deep excavations such as type
of retaining wall, soil conditions, dewatering, construction sequences, climate
conditions, time effect, etc. (Wang et al. [2010]). It is difficult to consider all these
factors while evaluating the performance of deep excavations. Therefore, several
researchers (Peck [1969], Goldberg et al. [1976], Clough et al. [1990], Long [2001])
made some predictions, based on site observations, for stiff and soft clays to find the
displacement magnitudes of the surrounding soil. Studies of these researchers are
summarized to better understand the behavior of stiff clays, like Ankara clay which is
presented in Section 2.1.

The uncertainties of the engineering properties of soils (consolidation, stiffness,

strength and flow) result with inaccurate predictions of soil movements. According to
Christian [1989], there are two main reasons of these uncertainties: (1) inadequate
number of laboratory and field tests that show properties of all soil layers; and (2)
approximation of soil behavior utilized in finite element analysis. Therefore, in finite
element analysis, the selection of appropriate engineering parameters of soils and
modeling of soil layers with suitable constitutive soil models are very important to
obtain more realistic movements. Thus, having detailed information about soil
parameters of the site to be studied becomes crucial. Studies of several researchers on
the engineering properties of Ankara clay are investigated and given in section 2.2.
Also, for better predicting the soil parameters, back analysis plays an important role

which is explained in detail with some relevant studies in Section 2.3. Furthermore,
for better understanding the capabilities of commonly used soil models of Plaxis (MC,
HS and HSsmall), theory of each model is explained in Section 2.4.

2.1. Movements

The general behavior of deep excavations can be explained as follows. During

excavation with the removal of soil, weight on the soil below the cut is reduced, as a
result, the soil in the excavation level has a tendency of moving upwards. Moreover,
while soil on the side has a tendency of moving toward excavated area, soil on the
ground surface has a tendency to move down and toward excavation horizontally.
These movements may damage adjacent structures or surface installations; therefore,
estimation of the magnitude and the distribution pattern of these movements have an
utmost importance.

In order to control the behavior of wall and surrounding facilities, instrumentation of

deep excavations is performed before any excavation work starts in the field. There
are many instrumentations and monitoring equipment summarized in Table 2.1.
Inclinometers, piezometers, vertical and horizontal extensometers, EDM are
instruments frequently used in deep excavation projects to measure vertical and
horizontal movements of both wall and adjacent facilities. Also, in deep excavation
projects load cells can be placed on struts or anchor heads to check the project load.

Clough et al. (1990) state that movements of in-situ walls are affected by several
factors. These factors include depth and shape of the excavation, construction
methods of the wall, the groundwater and soil conditions, surcharge loads, stiffness
and type of the wall, and type of wall support. According to Clough et al. (1990), all
possible factors should be considered to estimate wall movements. In this part of the
thesis, these movements and factors mentioned above will be considered for stiff and
soft clays.

Table 2.1. Instrumentation and Monitoring of Deep Excavations (Ergun, 2008)

Measurement Suitable instruments

1. Settlement of ground *Surveying methods and instruments
surface,structures and top of (i.e. transit, level)
supporting wall *Rod settlement gauges
*Surveying methods (transit, tape,
2. Horizontal deformation of ground
surface, structure and exposed part
*Convergence gages
of supporting wall
*Plumb lines
3. Subsurface horizontal *In-place inclinometer
deformation of ground *Fixed borehole extensometers
*Borehole settlement gauges
*Subsurface settlement points
4. Subsurface settlement of ground *Probe extensometers
and utilities *Fixed borehole extensometers
*Borehole settlement gauges
5. Earth pressure acting on walls *Total pressure cells
*Differential strain gages
6. Flexural stresses on walls
*Reinforcing bar gauges
*Surface mounted vibrating wire
strain gauges
*Surface mounted mechanical strain
7. Load in bracing (struts) or
*Calibrated hydraulic jack and load
*Load cells
8. Groundwater pressure *Auto water level recorder
*Electric water level sensors
*Magnet-reed switch gauges
*Mechanical heave gauges
9. Bottom heave
*Fixed borehole extensometer
10. Change in width of cracks in
*Crack gauges
structures and utilities
11. Temperature of strut *Differential thermometer

Stiff Clays

Basal stability is not an important concern in stiff clays, sands and residual soils except
in unusual cases (Clough et al. 1990). According to Peck’s 1969 data, horizontal
movements of excavation support systems in stiff clays were restricted by 1.0%H,
where H is the excavation depth. Later, Goldberg et al. (1976) indicated that the
settlements of the retained soil masses in stiff clays and residual soils, and the
maximum lateral displacements for in-situ walls were usually less than 0.5%H. Then
Clough et al. (1990) prepared a graph that includes Goldberg’s data by adding new
information on conventional walls and including soil nailed wall movements (Figure
2.1 and Figure 2.2). According to these figures, it can be understood that the maximum
lateral displacements tend to average about 0.2H%, while the maximum settlements
tend to average about 0.15%H, although there is some scatter. This means that lateral
displacements are higher than the vertical displacements in stiff clays. Moreover,
lateral and vertical displacements are not significantly dissimilar for different types of

Clough et al. (1990) also emphasize that the data approximately follow a linear
relationship with a depth of excavation around the 0.2H% trend line. Therefore, the
authors performed finite element analyses using elastic soil behavior assumption by
considering several parameters significant to in-situ wall performance, which are
support spacing, wall stiffness, soil stiffness and the coefficient of lateral earth
pressure. The estimated maximum lateral wall displacement (𝛿ℎ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 ) as a function of
depth of excavation (H) can be seen from Figure 2.3. Clough et al. (1990) observed
that the predicted response shown in Figure 2.3 provides consistent results with the
average observed behavior in Figure 2.1. It is also understood that stiffness of the wall
and spacing between struts have a little impact while a coefficient of lateral earth
pressure and soil modulus have a significant influence on displacements of stiff clays.

Figure 2.1. Observed Maximum Lateral Displacements in Stiff Clays, Sands and Residual Soils
(Clough et al. 1990)

Figure 2.2. Observed Maximum Settlements in Stiff Clays, Sands and Residual Soils (Clough et al.

Figure 2.3. Finite Element Analysis Results to Predict Maximum Lateral Wall Displacements
(Clough et al. 1990)

Long (2001) presented a database of 300 case histories related to wall and ground
movements related to deep excavations. Author found out that for top-down, propped
and anchored systems, average values of 𝛿ℎ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 come out to be 0.16%H, 0.17%H and
0.19%H, respectively (Figure 2.4). It is also stated that these values reduce up to
0.16%H, 0.13%H and 0.14%H when cases where > 0.3% (cases involving

particular site related problems) are extracted. These values are much lower than
Clough et al. (1990) findings which is 0.20%H. Figure 2.4 and Figure 2.5 shows that
propped systems and anchored ones have similar 𝛿ℎ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 /𝐻 values; however top-down
systems show surprisingly poorer values than the others. The reason for this difference
is thermal shrinkage of concrete in the supporting slabs.

Long (2001) plotted the 𝛿ℎ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 /𝐻 data with respect to system stiffness in as defined
by Clough et al. (1989) (Figure 2.5) as 𝐸𝐼/𝛾𝑤 𝑠 4 where;

It can be seen from Figure 2.5 that the majority of the data points are below the Clough
and O’Rourke (1990) line and it is seen that movements decrease with increasing

system stiffness. However, as mentioned by Long (2001) for the range of data
available in the study investigated, lateral wall displacement is independent from
system stiffness. Long (2001) presents a much stiffer behaviour of soils than the one
assumed by Clough and O’ Rourke (1990).

Figure 2.4. Normalized Maximum Horizontal Movement vs. Depth (Long 2001)

Figure 2.5. Normalized Maximum Lateral Movement vs. Clough et al. (1989) System Stiffness (Long

Soft and Medium Stiff Clays

As opposed to stiff soils, Clough et al. (1990) states that strut spacing and wall stiffness
can have a significant effect on movements in soft to medium stiff clays especially
when FS is low.

Basal stability is a significant issue in soft and medium stiff clays different from stiff
clays. This situation was emphasized by Mana and Clough (1981) and they showed
the essential role of the factor of safety against basal heave on the lateral deflections
with their study by using both field measurements and finite element analyses. Figure
2.6 shows that displacements show a rapid rise when the factor of safety against basal
heave decreases below 1.5. On the other hand, stability of the base is ensured if the FS
passes over 2.0 and in such a case maximum displacements decrease below 0.5%H,
which is consistent with the stiff clays’ behavior shown in Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2.
However, when the factor of safety approaches to 1.0, more than 2.0%H movement
may occur even for a well-constructed wall.

Mana and Clough (1981) also examined the effect of strut spacing, wall stiffness,
excavation width, preloads, depth to an underlying firm level and the modulus of soil
on the horizontal movements. They concluded that:

• Movements are reduced when bending stiffness of the wall increases or

spacing between struts decreases, or both. This situation is related to factor of
safety against basal heave which is more important at lower FS.
• Movements are raised when depth to an underlying firm layer or excavation
width are increased.
• Movements decrease with increasing preloads in the struts. However, if higher
preloads are used, decrease effect on the movements is decelerated.
• Soil modulus as characterized by the modulus multiplier, M, have a strong
effect on movement levels (E=M x cu).

Figure 2.6. Factor of Safety Against Basal Heave vs. Normalized Maximum Wall Movement (Mana
and Clough, 1981)

Clough et al. (1990) also presents design curves in order to obtain maximum lateral
wall movement for soft to medium stiff clays in their study (Figure 2.7). These design

curves can be used for circumstances where the main reason of movements are
excavation and support process. Figure 2.7 can also be used for predicting maximum
soil settlement, because of the fact that the maximum soil settlement is almost equal
to maximum lateral wall displacement.

Figure 2.7. Design Curves to Obtain Maximum Horizontal Displacement (Clough et al. 1990)

Long (2001) divide soft to medium stiff clay zones’ database into three categories.
The first category includes soft soils with a high FS (FS > 3.0) against base heave,
which contains stiff soil at the dredge level. The second category includes soft soils
with again high FS against base heave, but this time system contains soft soil at the
dredge level. The final category contains stiff soil at the dredge level like in the first
category but in this case, FS is low.

Long (2001) found that lateral displacements of soft clays in the first category are
higher than the displacements obtained from stiff clays. Both the anchored and the
propped systems of the first category yield similar average 𝛿ℎ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 /𝐻 values which are

0.21% when cases where 𝛿ℎ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 /𝐻 > 0.3% (cases involving particular site related
problems) are extracted. The normalized maximum lateral movement vs system
stiffness graph for the first category soft soil can be seen from Figure 2.8. Long (2001)
defined a trend line at FS equals 3.0 for approximately representing the average of the
data using the system stiffness.

Figure 2.8. Normalized Maximum Lateral Movement vs. Clough et al. (1989) System for Soft Soils
with High F.S. against Base Heave and Stiff Soil at the Dredge Level (Long 2001)

Long (2001) found that normalized average lateral movements (𝛿ℎ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 /𝐻) of soft
soils in the second category are 0.84% and 0.91% for the propped and anchored
system, respectively. These lateral movements are considerably higher than the
movements obtained from the first category soft clays. Long (2001) states that the
cause of large movements is apparently the inadequacy of lateral support to the
retaining wall at dredge level as soft soil conditions are presented at this location. In
addition, Long (2001) states that much greater movement values are observed

compared to the ones predicted. For second category soft soils, the normalized
maximum lateral movement vs system stiffness graph is presented in Figure 2.9.

Figure 2.9. Normalized Maximum Lateral Movement vs. Clough et al. (1989) System for Soft Soils
with High FS Against Base Heave and Soft Soils at the Dredge Level (Long 2001)

For the third category Long (2001) found out that movements tend to decrease with
increasing FS. Long (2001) also states that the dependency of movements to factor of
safety decreases for the FS range of 1.0 to 1.5. Furthermore, he claims that for factor
of safeties lower than 0.9, movement values up to 3.2% have been recorded. Based on
the data set Long investigated, he concludes that most of the values lie between the
limits which are suggested by Mana and Clough (1981) even though their study differs
in the way of finding FS. Therefore, Long (2001) proposes the use of Mana and
Clough’s (1981) design charts for preliminary prediction of movements for this third
category. Results obtained by Clough et al. (1990) and Long (2001) are summarized
at Figure 2.10.

Figure 2.10. Maximum Lateral Wall Movements and Vertical Settlements Behind Walls (Ergun,

2.2. Studies on Ankara Clay

Soils in Ankara region can be classified into three main groups. These are residual
soils, recent alluvium deposits, and deposits of Pliocene or Ankara clay. Deposits of
Pliocene or Ankara clay is the formation which has the largest surface area on the
basin. Figure 2.11 shows the geology map of Ankara.

Figure 2.11. Geology Map of Ankara (Cokca, 2000)

Ordemir et al. (1965) and later Birand (1978) described the Ankara clay as reddish-
brown and brown in color, stiff, preconsolidated, inorganic, fissured and highly plastic
clay. Kiper (1983) divided Pliocene/Ankara clay into two categories. Those are yellow
or gray Ankara clay in Etimesgut – Batıkent region and reddish brown Balgat member
which are the dominant ones.

The formation predominantly comprises of clay, there are also gravelly and sandy
levels within the soil (Ergüler and Ulusay, 2003). Moreover, lime levels, slickensides,
and hair cracks network are usually present in the Ankara clay. Ordemir et al. (1965)
stated that obtaining undisturbed samples and preparing them for laboratory testing is
difficult because of the lime and fissures in the soil. The authors also emphasized that
the Ankara clay is a suitable foundation material to support structures safely on
individual or continues footings, and to carry heavy loads without an excessive
settlement. On the other hand, heaving on the base of the excavation after exposure to

atmosphere for a long time, and the swelling and creeping of even quite flat slopes
after excavation can be a problem for this type of soil.

Several researchers have investigated geotechnical properties of Ankara clay in terms

of consistency, shear strength, soil modulus, compressibility and swelling properties
(Ordemir et al. [1965], Uçkan [1966], Günece [1968], Topkara [1974], Mirata [1976],
Ekmekçioğlu [1975], Surgel [1976] and Çokça [1991]). These properties will be
explained in the following sections.


Ordemir et al. (1965) have performed some laboratory tests on the samples taken from
different depths of different locations in Ankara. According to these laboratory test
results, the authors concluded that;

• Ankara clay is an inorganic clay with high plasticity.

• The saturated unit weight of the clay varies within 1.75 t/m3 and 1.95 t/m3.
• The specific gravity of particles is between 2.60 and 2.70.
• The shrinkage limit ranges between 15% and 20%.
• The plastic limit (PL) and the natural water content (w) of the Ankara clay is
in between 20% and 35%, and the liquid limit (LL) vary within 55% and 75%
(Figure 2.12).
• The liquid limit vs. plasticity index graph of the Ankara clay (Figure 2.13) was
drawn. According to this graph, all points have a higher liquid limit than 50%
and lies above A-line. According to USCS classification system, soil is
classified as high plasticity clay (CH).

Figure 2.12. Atterberg Limits and Water Content of Ankara Clay (Ordemir et al. 1965)

Figure 2.13. Plasticity Chart of Ankara Clay (Ordemir et al. 1965)

Surgel (1976) collected data from the researches dating between 1963 and 1975 on
Ankara soils, and he divided the Ankara soils into three categories, namely Alluvial
soils, residual soils and terrace deposits based on Lohnes’s Reconnaissance soils map.
According to these classifications, the author determined the variation interval of bulk
and index properties of the soil. Finally, the author concluded that;

• Plasticity index (PI) of the alluvial soils, residual soils and terrace deposits are
in between 10 and 40%, 21 and 41%, and 20 and 40%, respectively.
• Almost 75% to %85 of the samples of Ankara soils lie above the A-line, which
is classified as CH, according to USCS classification system.
• All of the soils seem to be preconsolidated because of the desiccation.

Shear Strength

Several researchers have conducted a study to determine shear strength parameters of

Ankara clay. Ordemir et al. (1965) determined unconfined compressive strength (qu)
values of the samples taken from Middle East Technical University (METU) campus
as varying between 2.5 and 3.5 kg/cm2. Moreover, they found that the friction angle
of the samples is in between 20° and 25° via consolidated undrained triaxial tests.
Also, they concluded that samples tend to fail along fissures both in the unconfined
compression test and the triaxial test.

Uçkan (1966), Inal (1967), Günece (1968), Topkara (1974), and Ekmekçioğlu (1975)
have carried out some direct shear tests on Ankara clay. Obtained peak strength
parameters are in between 0.35 kg/cm2 and 0.85 kg/cm2 for cohesion and 23° and 34°
for friction angle, respectively. The corresponding values for the residual strength alter
between 0.25 kg/cm2 and 0.45 kg/cm2 and 18° to 24°.

Mirata (1976) has also performed several consolidated undrained (CU) and
unconsolidated undrained (UU) triaxial tests on the samples taken from (METU)
campus. The author carried out the experiments in such a slow rate that a minimum of
95% pore pressure dissipation is acquired. Obtained c’ and ϕ’ values from the CU
triaxial test results can be seen from Table 2.2.

Table 2.2. Shear Strength Parameters Obtained from Triaxial Test Results (Mirata, 1976)

Location c' (kg/cm )

ϕ' (deg)

Metu Public Administration 0.27 27.1

0.13 25

0.071 22.6
Metu Campus Sports Hall 0.033 30.5

0.089 23.1

Metu Campus Math Department 0.218 29.6

A set of direct shear tests carried out on the samples, at natural water content, taken
from different locations of (METU). The obtained peak strength parameters can be
seen in Table 2.3 (Mirata, 1976).

Table 2.3. Shear Strength Parameters Obtained from Direct Shear Test Results (Mirata, 1976)

Location *cs (kg/cm )

*ϕs (deg)

0.748 29.2
Metu Public Administration
1.028 31.8
0.483 29.8

0.137 26

0.429 22.5
Metu Campus Sports Hall
0.558 26.5

0.419 28.1
*cs and ϕs are shear strength parameters where “s” denotes slow shearing at
which the full drainage could not be ensured

The water content has a significant impact on the shear strength of clays. It is
remarkable that overconsolidated clays have a tendency of dilation, particularly after

the peak resistance, during the shearing process. Increase in water content will result
in part of the drop-in shear strength of this soil. Mirata (1976) has performed a direct
shear test on the samples taken from (METU) campus clay and he concluded that an
increase in water content has led to very low shear strength values.

Stroud (1974) constituted a correlation between the standard penetration resistance

(N) and undrained shear strength of cohesive soils. The author used 1200 SPT N
values taken from 42 sites around the U.K. from undrained triaxial tests, and he found
a relation between SPT N and cu value (Equation 2.1);

𝑐𝑢 = 𝑓1 × 𝑁 2.1

where f1 is a variable which relies on the plasticity of the soil. The alteration of f1 value
with plasticity index can be seen in Figure 2.14. The undrained shear strength value
proposed by Stroud (1974) was suggested by CIRIA (1995) for fissured
overconsolidated clays.

According to Figure 2.14, 𝑐𝑢 = 4~5 × 𝑆𝑃𝑇 𝑁 relation can be used for the Ankara
clay by considering the PI % (PI=LL-PL) values determined by various researchers
(Ordemir et al., 1965 and Surgel, 1976) as in the range of 20-40.

Figure 2.14. Variation of f1 Value with PI (%) (Stroud, 1974)

Bowles (1996) prepared a graph (Figure 2.15) that represents correlation between
effective friction angle (ϕ’) and plasticity index (Ip) for normally consolidated clays.
The author took data from the sources of several researchers, Bjerrum and Simons
(1960), Ladd et al. (1977), Kanja and Wolle (1977) and Olsen et al. (1986).

Figure 2.15. Correlation Between ϕ’ and IP for Normally Consolidated Clays

Dilatancy angle proposed by Brinkgreve (2008) for cohesive and cohesionless soils
are given in Equation 2.2.

𝜓 = 𝜙 − 30 2.2

Soil Modulus

There are several estimations to determine deformation modulus of the cohesive soils
(Es) using SPT N and cu values, although the correlation between SPT N and Es are
generally suggested for granular type materials. In order to specify deformation
modulus of Ankara clay with respect to SPT N values below correlations can be used.

Yoshida and Yoshinaka (1972) recommended a simple equation (Equation 2.3) for the
secant modulus (Es) of the cohesive soils with an average error of ±20%. The N value
in Equation 2.3 corresponds to N70 value.

𝐸𝑆 (kPa) = 650 × 𝑁70 2.3

Duncan and Buchignani (1976) back calculated the settlement performance of

foundations at various sites and developed a relationship between PI based on Eu/cu
values and overconsolidation ratio for cohesive soils (Figure 2.16). The correlations
developed by the author are obtained from plate load test results and around 0.1%
strain. Therefore, these elastic modulus values represent the initial tangent modulus
because of the fact that the low strains produced on the soil at depth (Alexandre, 2014).

Figure 2.16. Undrained Stiffness of Over-Consolidated Clays (after Duncan & Buchignani, 1976)

Bowles (1988) proposed a correlation between Es and SPT N55 values for clayey sand
or sandy clay mixtures (Equation 2.4). The author also claimed that deformation
modulus of cohesive soils depends on the plasticity index value. According to this
belief, he found a correlation between Es and cu value (Table 2.4).

ES (kPa) = 320 × [N55 + 15] 2.4

Table 2.4. Typical Es and cu Correlation (Bowles, 1988)

PI > 30 or organic Es = 100 to 500 cu

PI < 30 or stiff Es = 500 to 1500 cu

CIRIA (1995) suggests Butlers’ (1975) correlation (Equation 2.5) for stiff
overconsolidated clays. It also suggests that the deformation modulus should be
increased when horizontal loading or unloading conditions are considered. Equation
2.6 shows the combination of Equation 2.1 (for f1=4~5 x N) and Equation 2.5 for
overconsolidated Ankara clay.

E′ = 130 × cu 2.5

= 0.52 − 0.65 MPa 2.6

Stroud (1987) reworked the Butlers’ (1975) data and found higher E’ values for
overconsolidated clays. The correlation proposed by Stroud (1987) can be seen in
Equation 2.7.

E ′ = (0.7 − 0.9) x N60 MPa (high plastic to less plastic, respectively) 2.7

Clayton (1995) classified the soils whose SPT N60 value is in between 80 and 200 as
weak rocks. Stroud (1989) determined a correlation in a wide range for weak rocks
and it can be seen in Equation 2.8.

E ′ = (0.5 − 2.0) x N60 MPa 2.8

The relation between drained and undrained Young’s modulus of isotropic material
can be related to Poisson’s ratio with an equation of E’/Eu=(1+ʋ)/(1+ ʋu) (CIRIA
1995). Poisson’s ratio values for different soil types can be seen in Table 2.5 (Bowles,
1988) and Table 2.6 (Industrial floors and pavements guidelines, 1999).

Table 2.5. Ranges of Poisson’s Ratio for Different Materials (Bowles, 1988)

Type of soil μ

Clay, saturated 0.4-0.5

Clay, unsaturated 0.1-0.3
Sandy clay 0.2-0.3
Silt 0.3-0.35
Sand, gravelly sand 0.1-1.00
commonly used 0.3-0.4
Rock 0.1-0.4
Loess 0.1-0.3
Ice 0.36
Concrete 0.15
Steel 0.33

Table 2.6. Ranges of Poisson’s Ratio (Industrial Floors and Pavements Guidelines, 1999)

Initial deformation modulus is an important soil parameter while interpretation of field

data and the ground movements. In soil characterization, damping ratio (D) and small
strain shear modulus (Gmax) are important parameters of soil dynamics. A stiffness
degradation curve is generally utilized to explain the shear stiffness for a wide range
of shear strain. Atkinson (1991) categorized the strain levels into three groups. These
are the very small strain levels (γs ≤ 10-6), where the stiffness modulus is constant in
the elastic range, the small strain levels (γs ≤ 10-3), where the stiffness modulus

changes non-linearly with the strain, and the larger strain level, where the soil stiffness
is relatively small and the soil is close to failure. This explanation was explained with
the normalized stiffness degradation curve as it can be seen in Figure 2.17 (Atkinson,

Figure 2.17. Characteristic Strain-Stiffness Behavior in Logarithmic Scale (Atkinson, 1991)


Ordemir et al. (1965) reported that the coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) of
Ankara clay does not change with depth. The authors stated that mv value alters
between 0.005 and 0.010 cm2/kg for the pressure range of 1.0 to 10.0 kg/cm2 according
to laboratory consolidation test results. Arda (1966), Gürkök (1970) and Özdikmen
(1972) determined that the compression index (Cc) of Ankara clay varies between 0.10
and 0.24. On the other hand, Ağaoğlu (1974) reported that the compression index
value of Ankara clay is as high as 0.30 near to the surface.

Ordemir et al. (1965) emphasized that Ankara clay is preconsolidated because of the
closeness of the clay’s plastic limit to natural water content, and geological history of
the clay. In previous studies of several researchers show that preconsolidation pressure
of the samples from the top 4.0m of ground surface changes between 2.5 and 10
kg/cm2. Ağaoğlu (1974) reported that the overconsolidation ratio of the Ankara clay

is approximately 50 at 1.0m depth implying possibly a severe erosionasubsequent to
deposition as well as desiccation, groundwater table lowering and cementation. As
overburden pressureaincreases with depth, OCR decreases to approximately 5 to 10
aroundaa depth of 7.0m. Decrease in overconsolidation ratio after a certain depth
shows that desiccation has possibly an important impact on the preconsolidation
pressure (Kocabayoğlu, 1971).

Birand (1977) specified that the effect of preloading of the soil with a geological load
should be seen throughout the depth. Also, the author prepared a graph (Figure 2.18)
that represents the alteration of preloading pressure with depth and he concluded that
the Ankara clay is normally consolidated after 15.0m depth.

Figure 2.18. Variation of Preloading Pressure with Depth

Means and Parcher (1963) reported that the liquidity index (𝐿𝐼 = (𝑤 − 𝑃𝐿)/𝑃𝐼) value;

• for normally consolidated clays: LI ≈ 1

• for overconsolidated clays: LI ≈ 0
• for heavily overconsolidated clays: LI < 0

According to liquidity index vs depth graph prepared by Surgel (1976), LI value is
around 0 down to 30.0m depth, which means that soil is overconsolidated throughout
this depth.

Swelling Properties

Ankara clay is rich in two chemical compounds that are Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4) and
Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3). From observations of several samples, Ordemir et al.,
(1965) have some arguments about the effects of these compounds on soil properties.
According to the author, with the increasing CaCO3 content, the swelling potential
reduces while the amount of CaSO4 does not alter the swelling potential.

Kaynar (1972) states that there is a relation between plasticity and the ratio of swelling
index to compression index as with the increase of plasticity, this ratio increases.

2.3. Back Analysis of Deep Excavations

Analysis of a deep excavation can be made by using a direct analysis or a back-

analysis method. In direct analysis, soil parameters obtained from soil tests are utilized
in computer program and therefore derived results represent the excavation behavior.
In direct analysis method reasonable and accurate results can be obtained, in case if
the soil parameters and the soil model completely simulate the soil behavior.
According to Ou (2006), behaviors of in-situ soils may not be fully simulated with the
existing testing methods or soil behaviors may not appropriately be simulated with
available material models because the stress-strain behaviors of soils are in nature
anisotropic and influenced by stress paths.

It is possible to obtain more realistic results by using the measurement data obtained
from the site. In other words, the parameters of soil model can be changed until the
analysis results match the site measurements and then the same soil parameters can be
used for the prediction of excavation behavior with similar construction situations,
procedures and geological conditions. This method is called back analysis method and
it gives satisfactory results [Ou, 1954]. The application of back analysis by using the

beam on elastic foundation method is quite simple as the only required parameter is
coefficient of subgrade reaction (kh). However, when performing back analysis using
the finite element method (FEM), there are eight input parameters for each soil layer
(c, φ, E, n, ʋ, Rf, Eur, Δφ), so it is very complicated and time-consuming, especially
for multilayered soils. Therefore, it is suggested by Ou (2006) that required stiffness
parameters which cannot be obtained from soil tests can be derived by back analysis.
For instance, for hyperbolic saturated clay models the required parameters like c, φ
and Δφ can be obtained from soil tests or correlations obtained from the similar
geological areas, while parameters n, Rf and ʋ can be rationally derived separately and
only parameters that is to be back analyzed are E and Eur.

Several researchers made back analysis on different soil types. In the remaining of this
part, two of these studies are summarized.

Çalışan (2009) carried out a back-analysis study to determine the stiffness parameters
of overconsolidated Ankara clay. In this study, for obtaining the modulus of elasticity,
finite element analysis was performed by utilizing different strength and deformation
modulus parameters and results were compared with the displacements obtained by
inclinometers. Inclinometer measurements were taken from the highest section of the
excavation (Figure 2.19). Properties of this excavation is as follows;

• 65 cm diameter reinforced concrete piles with a 1.0m center to center distance

• 20.0 m depth of excavation with a 24.0 m total pile length in an
overconsolidated Ankara clay.
• Multilevel anchorages with 2.0 m horizontal spacing
• 40.0 tons anchorage preloads

According to in-situ and laboratory test results given in the study, there exists a fill
layer with a 3.0 m depth. Beneath this layer, Ankara clay presents down to the end of
the borehole. For economical purposes, construction of the piles was started from
approximately 3.0 m below the ground level and up to this level soil was excavated
with a slope of 45°. Also, the author divided the overconsolidated Ankara clay into

two layers, namely clay-1 and clay-2 according to SPT N values. Çalışan (2009) states
that due to the majority of the pile length (approximately 17.0 m) is located in clay-1,
displacements are most affected from this layer. As a result, back analysis was
performed only for clay-1 layer.

Çalışan (2009) states that modulus of elasticity and strength parameters obtained from
the laboratory test results are not realistic for overconsolidated Ankara clay. Therefore,
the author used existing correlations to determine effective friction angle and
undrained shear strength of the soil. On the other hand, Çalışan (2009) determined
effective cohesion and modulus of elasticity parameters from the back-analysis
method. He performed back analyses using hardening soil model (HS) of the Plaxis
2D software. As for the drainage type, drained soil properties were selected for the
analysis. The parameters used in the analysis and final parameters obtained from the
back-analysis are given below.

The altitude of 863.0m is defined as zero elevation (±0.00) in the project.

Fill layer between +3.5m and 0.0m

o γ= 18.0 kN/ m3

o c’= 3.0 kN/m2

o ϕ’= 25.0°

o E50ref = Eoedref = 12000 kN/m2

o Eurref = 36000 kN/m2

Clay-1 layer between +0.0m and -17.0m

o γ= 20.0 kN/ m3

o SPT Navg= 30

o c’= 20.0 kN/m2

o ϕ’= 25.0°

o E50ref = Eoedref = 55000 kN/m2

o Eurref = 165500 kN/m2

Figure 2.19. Picture from the Deep Excavation Site (Çalışan, 2009)

Based on finite element analyses results and inclinometer measurements, the author
deduced significant results:

• Lateral movements measured by inclinometer were approximately 0.13%H.

This value is within the limits recommended by Long (2001) for the anchored
• According to back analysis results, a good match was obtained for the
measured displacement profile and the maximum displacement value with the
below parameters;

o c’= 20.0 kPa

o E50ref = Eoedref =55000 kPa

o Eurref =165000 kPa

• The ratio of modulus of elasticity to undrained shear strength (Eu/cu) was found
out to be 520 which is in the limits specified by Duncan and Buchignani (1976)
for clay layers whose PI value is between 30 and 50.

Hsiung and Dao (2014) carried out a back-analysis study in order to find out input
parameters that cannot beadirectly obtained from laboratory test results and to assess
the performance of three constitutive soil models of Plaxis 2D, Mohr-Coulomb (MC),
Hardening Soil Model (HS) and Hardening soil model with small strain stiffness
(HSsmall) for the sand layers. The construction site was in the Taiwan and the
properties of the deep excavation was as follows;

• 16.8 m deep excavation for 70.0m in length and 20.0m in width construction
• 0.9m thick diaphragm wall with a height of 32.0m
• Propping by steel struts at four levels with 5.5m average strut spacing
• Monitoring of wall deflections and surface settlement by several inclinometers
• Water level of 2.0m below the ground level

The authors made series of Plaxis analysis for different constitutive soil models and
they performed back analysis by changing only stiffness parameters of the models
namely E’, E50ref and γ0.7 for MC, HS and HSsmall models respectively. Hsiung and
Dao (2014) states that the maximum lateral movement of the wall is approximately
0.39%H, which is consistent with the study of Ou et al. (1993) (range of 0.2%H to
0.5%H); moreover, the maximum surface settlement ratio (δvm/H) is in between 0.12%
and 0.18%. This result supports the findings of Clough and O’Rourke (1990).

Hsiung and Dao (2014) made analysis by lowering groundwater level with 1.0m below
the excavation depth in each stage construction. In authors’ analysis soil is assumed
to be drained. The parameters used in the analysis and final parameters obtained from
the back-analysis (E’, E50ref and γ0.7) are given in Table 2.7, Table 2.8 and Table 2.9,

Table 2.7. Input Parameters for the MC Model (Hsiung and Dao, 2014)

Table 2.8. Input Parameters for the HS Model (Hsiung and Dao, 2014)

Table 2.9. Input Parameters for the HSsmall Model (Hsiung and Dao, 2014)

The author concluded that:

• The E' value was found out to be E' = 2000 x N in MC model; the E50ref was
found out to be E50ref (kPa)= 1200 x N in HS and HSsmall models.
Furthermore, the γ0.7 was taken values of 5x10-5, 10-4 and 5x10-4. These are the
only parameters that are changed during the parametric studies for MC, HS
and HSS models.
• Generally, for obtaining better wall deflection and surface settlement
predictions more advanced soil models are used in analyses. When the three
soil models are compared with each other in terms of their prediction
capabilities, it may be deduced that HSsmall is better than HS while HS is
better than MC model.
• The MC model overpredicted the wall displacements especially at lower
depths. On the other hand, the wall displacements predicted by HS and
HSsmall models were close to displacements obtained from the site
• The input parameters E', E50ref and γ0.7 of the MC, HS and HSsmall models and
their variations have significant influence on the predictions of horizontal and
vertical displacements of the wall.

2.4. Material Models

Selection of the material model and soil parameters will have a significant influence
on the results of numerical analysis. In recent years, many constitutive soil models
have been developed, so there are many options to be used in the simulation of soil
behavior in finite element programs such as Plaxis, Midas GTS and Flac. However,
each constitutive model has different capabilities and limitations. Therefore, this
should be well-known by the user for conducting accurate analysis. In this part of the
thesis, three commonly used material models of Plaxis, which are Mohr-Coulomb
(MC), Hardening Soil (HS) and Hardening Soil with small strain stiffness (HSsmall),
are explained.

Mohr-Coulomb Model (MC)

Mohr-Coulomb (MC) is the simplest model investigated in this study and it is a linear
elastic-perfectly plastic model. Linear elasticity of the model is ensured by Hooke’s
law and the elastic region is assumed to be up to failure. Stress state at failure is
predicted by Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion and a constant stress level is assumed in
the plastic region for which the hardening of soil is ignored. In other words, the non-
linear behavior of the soil is modelled with bilinear lines in MC model (see Figure
2.20a). One may observe the difference between actual soil behavior, which is
obtained from actual tests like consolidation and triaxial, and the stiffness behavior
predicted by MC model in Figure 2.20b. The model requires five input parameters to
express the stress-strain behavior. Two of these parameters which are Young’s
modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio (ʋ) come from Hooke’s law, other two parameters are
related to Coulomb failure criterion and these parameters are friction angle (φ) and
cohesion (c), the final parameter is dilatancy angle (ψ) which is used for modeling the
irreversible change in volume due to shearing.

MC model ensures Coulomb’s friction law by the generation of a failure contour

which is in the shape of a hexagonal cone in principle stress space (see Figure 2.20d).
This failure contour turns out to be quite consistent with true triaxial tests conducted

on real soil samples (Goldscheider, 1984). Although failure contour is well predicted
by MC criterion, stiffness behavior remains unrealistic. This is due to the first order
approximation of the model and use of the same elastic modulus for any type of
loading. The model underestimates the soil behavior below the 50% of the ultimate
stress level; however, it overestimates the soil behavior above the 50% of the ultimate
stress level (see Figure 2.20c). Therefore, according to Brinkgreeve (2005), not more
than 50% accuracy should be expected in MC model.

Stiffness depends on the stress path in real soils, however; in Mohr-Coulomb model,
there is only one stiffness parameter (E) in order to simulate both primary loading and
unloading/reloading behavior of soils. In other words, the model takes the same
stiffness parameter for primary loading and reloading/unloading (E50=Eur). However,
unloading-reloading stiffness modulus (Eur) can be much higher than the loading
stiffness by a factor of 2.0 to 5.0 (Gouw, 2014). This means that the MC model will
generally overpredict the soil heave in excavation problems. In order to overcome this
insufficiency of the model, Gouw (2014) suggests the use of a stiffness parameter (E)
between E50 and Eur.

Figure 2.20. (a) Mohr-Coulomb Model Soil Behavior (b) Comparison of Mohr-Coulomb Soil
Behavior with Real Soil Behavior, (c) Unrealistic Aspects of Mohr-Coulomb Model, (d) Mohr-
Coulomb Model Yield Surface in Principal Stress Space

The Hardening Soil Model

Hardening soil (HS) is a more sophisticated model compared to Mohr-Coulomb in the

way of simulating the soil behavior. Model is developed by Schanz (1998) and Shanz
et al. (1999). The hyperbolic stress-strain relationship of the model is formulated by
Kondner (1963) which is also used in Duncan and Chang model (1970). However, the
main difference of the hardening soil model is the use of plasticity rather than elasticity
and the two types of hardening (isotropic), which are formulated by Vermeer (1978).
The model also includes the unloading/reloading relation, which is controlled by Eur
stiffness parameter and assumes this behavior to be fully elastic.

Hyperbolic part of HS is modelled by using two stiffness parameters, i.e. E50ref and
Eoedref that are stress dependent with a power law formulation. In plastic part, two types
of hardening (Figure 2.22) and yield surface are introduced that may extend up to
failure surfaces which are based on Mohr-Coulomb failure theory. These distinct
hardening types are shear hardening (cone hardening) and compression hardening (cap
hardening) that include the plastic strains developed due to primary deviatoric loading
and primary compression loading (oedometer or isotropic loading) respectively
(Figure 2.22). Shear hardening is controlled by E50 stiffness parameter while
compression hardening is controlled by Eoed stiffness parameter. The model uses ten
(10) input parameters which are;

• Three reference stiffness moduli at reference pressure of 100 kPa;

𝑟𝑒𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑓
𝐸50 , 𝐸𝑢𝑟 and 𝐸𝑜𝑒𝑑
• Power m for formulation of hyperbolic stress-strain relation.
• Poisson’s ratio for unloading/reloading (𝑣𝑢𝑟 ).
• Mohr Coulomb strength parameters; 𝜑, 𝑐 and 𝜓.
• 𝐾0𝑛𝑐 (𝐾0 value for normally consolidation)
• Failure ratio (𝑅𝑓 ).

Stress-strain behavior in primary loading is highly non-linear and it is assumed to be

hyperbolic in HS model. Initial stiffness (𝐸𝑖 ) of the stress-strain graph can be written
in terms of triaxial stiffness (𝐸50 ) and it can be shown as,

2. 𝐸50
𝐸𝑖 = 2.9
2 − 𝑅𝑓

𝑅𝑓 introduced in Equation 2.9 is called the failure ratio which is a ratio of deviatoric
stress at failure (𝑞𝑓 ) to asymptotic deviatoric stress (𝑞𝑎 ). This value is proposed to be
0.9 by PLAXIS (Plaxis, 2019). Deviatoric stress at failure can be calculated as follows,

2. sin(𝜑)
𝑞𝑓 = (𝜎3 + 𝑐. cot(𝜑)) 2.10
1 − sin(𝜑)

Formulations of three stress dependent stiffness moduli that define the soil behavior
are given between equation 2.11 and 2.13.
𝑟𝑒𝑓 𝜎3 + 𝑐. cot(𝜑)
𝐸50 = 𝐸50( ) 2.11
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑓 + 𝑐. cot(𝜑)
𝑟𝑒𝑓 𝜎1 + 𝑐. cot(𝜑)
𝐸𝑜𝑒𝑑 = 𝐸𝑜𝑒𝑑 ( ) 2.12
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑓 + 𝑐. cot(𝜑)
𝑟𝑒𝑓 𝜎3 + 𝑐. cot(𝜑)
𝐸𝑢𝑟 = 𝐸𝑢𝑟 ( ) 2.13
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑓 + 𝑐. cot(𝜑)


• 𝐸50 is the stiffness related with shear deformations

• 𝐸oed is the stiffness related with axial deformations
• 𝐸ur is the unloading-reloading modulus
• 𝜎1 can be expressed as 𝜎3 /𝐾0𝑛𝑐 and 𝐾0𝑛𝑐 = 1 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜑

All stiffness parameters explained above are stress dependent and they are formulated
with a power law which uses m parameter. According to Brinkgreeve (2005), power
m should be taken as 0.5 for sands, and 1.0 for normally consolidated clays and silts.

For the Ankara clay, Karatağ (2012) made consolidation tests and from the obtained
deformation modulus and stress values, author concluded that power m value can be
taken between 0.55 and 0.60.

Hyperbolic soil behavior approximated by HS model is shown in Figure 2.21. In

Figure 2.21a, deviatoric stress is plotted with respect to axial strain in which
unloading/reloading part is also presented. In Figure 2.21b, axial strength, behavior of
which is dominated by 𝐸𝑜𝑒𝑑 stiffness parameter, is plotted with respect to axial strain.

Figure 2.21. (a) Deviatoric Stress-Axial Strain Graph (b) Axial Stress-Strain Graph of HS Model

Strains at unloading/reloading part are assumed to be fully elastic in HS model. Elastic

strains at this region can be calculated by using Hooke’s law and related formulations
for loading/unloading part are given below,

𝐺𝑢𝑟 = 𝐸 2.14
2. (1 + 𝑣𝑢𝑟 ) 𝑢𝑟
𝑞 𝑞
𝜀1𝑒 = ; 𝜀2𝑒 = 𝜀3𝑒 = 𝑣𝑢𝑟 . 2.15
𝐸𝑢𝑟 𝐸𝑢𝑟

Moreover, unloading/reloading behavior of soil is assumed to be non-linear elastic as

the stiffness parameter 𝐸𝑢𝑟 is stress dependent with the power law.

In HS model except for unloading/reloading part, plastic strains develop and as

mentioned above triaxial and oedometer stiffness parameters control the hardening
behavior of soil. Hardening of soil, which are cone and cap hardening, continue until
the yield functions defined for HS model come out to be zero. At this point, yield
surfaces are called Mohr Coulomb cone and cap and soil behaves perfectly plastic
after reaching the stress state at these boundaries. For cone and cap hardening, yield
functions can be seen in Equation 2.16 and 2.17, respectively.

2 − 𝑅𝑓 𝑞 2. 𝑞 2.16
𝑓= .( 𝑞 )− − 𝛾𝑝 = 0
𝐸50 1−𝑞 𝐸𝑢𝑟
𝑞̃ 2 2
𝑓𝑐 = 2 + 𝑝′ − 𝑝𝑝2 = 0 2.17


𝑝′ = (𝜎1′ + 𝜎2′ + 𝜎3′ ) 2.18

𝑞̃ = 𝜎1 + (𝛼 − 1). 𝜎2 − 𝛼. 𝜎3 2.19
3 + sin(𝜑)
𝛼= 2.20
3 − sin(𝜑)

pp is the isotropic pre-consolidation stress

Hardening behavior simulated in HS model is shown in Figure 2.22a for 𝑞 − 𝑝′ plane

and in Figure 2.22b for principal stress space. As shown in figure, both yield surfaces
expand up to Mohr-Coulomb (MC) failure surfaces (cone and cap). Material exhibits
cone hardening in the direction of 𝑞 and cap hardening in the direction of 𝑝′.

Figure 2.22. (a) Cone and Cap Hardening Behavior in HS Model (b) Failure Surfaces of HS Model in
Principle Stress Space

The Hardening Soil Model with Small Strain Stiffness

Stiffness of soils at small shear strains are called small strain stiffness. At this level,
soils exhibit almost fully recoverable behavior and soil stiffness decreases nonlinearly
with increasing strain amplitude (see Figure 2.17). The very small strain stiffness (ε <
10-6) associated with this strain range is believed to be a fundamental property of all
types of geotechnical materials comprising silts, clays, sands, gravels, and rocks under
even different loading and drainage conditions. In order to consider small strain
behavior of soil, an extended version of the hardening soil model is developed by Benz
(2006) and it is called Hardening soil model with small strain stiffness (HSsmall).

Small strain stiffness plays an important role in excavation problems to predict surface
settlement or heave behavior of the soil behind the wall. H.F. Schweiger et al. (2009)
and B.B Hsiung & S. Dao (2014) compare MC, HS and HSsmall models according to
several aspects. Results of both studies show that HSsmall model gives more realistic
surface settlement, while excessive heave is observed in MC model. When results of
HSsmall and HS model are compared, it is observed that both methods yield similar
results. However, HSsmall model which considers small strain stiffness gives more
accurate results.

Compared to the HS model, Matsuoka-Nakai (1982) failure criterion is added to the

HSsmall model to be used optionally. However, this feature has been discarded by
Plaxis in 2017 and now the model uses only Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion like MC
and HS model.

HSsmall model uses 12 input parameters, most of which are the same as HS model
except two additional parameters, which are the reference shear modulus at very small
strains e.g. ε < 10-6 (G0ref) and threshold shear strain (γ0.7) at which the secant shear
modulus Gs is reduced to 70% of G0ref.

Initial shear modulus at very small strains (G0) and very small strain modulus (E0)
formulations are shown in equation 2.21 and 2.22, respectively. Also, soil stiffness

behavior of HSsmall model for triaxial test is presented in Figure 2.23 which also
shows the stiffness moduli (E0, E50, Eur).

𝑟𝑒𝑓 𝜎3 + 𝑐. cot(𝜑)
G0 = G0 . ( ) 2.21
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑓 + 𝑐. cot(𝜑)
𝐸0 = 2. 𝐺0 . (1 + 𝑣𝑢𝑟 ) 2.22

Figure 2.23. Stiffness Parameters of HSsmall Model [PLAXIS]

In addition to initial shear modulus (G0), unloading-reloading shear modulus (Gur) is

also defined for simulating the behaviour of soil in cyclic shear test. This behaviour is
shown in Figure 2.24.

𝐺𝑢𝑟 = 2.23
2. (1 + 𝑣𝑢𝑟 )

Figure 2.24. Soil Stiffness Behavior in Cyclic Shear Test (Plaxis, 2017)

The shear strain γ0.7 can be related to damping: the larger the value of γ0.7, the less
damping. The specific threshold value of 70% percent is selected by Benz (2006)
according to the recommendation of Santos & Correia (2001). According to Seed and
Idris (1970), void ratio, strain amplitude, confining stress, and the amount of in-situ
interparticle bonding turn out to be the most important parameters that affect the
stiffness of soils at small strains.

Comparison of the models: Simple Benchmark Problem

Schweiger et al. (2009) investigated a study to determine the effect of the selection of
the constitutive model for a simple benchmark problem. The authors have worked in
four (homogenous) different types of soil, which are dense sand, a loose to medium
dense sand, an overconsolidated clay and a soft soil, with the purpose of evaluating

the influence of different constitutive models of Plaxis 2D for several ground
conditions. However, only the results obtained from dense sand and soft clay were
mentioned in their study. 6.0m excavation was performed for both dense sand and soft
clay layers by using sheet pile wall and a single row strut (Figure 2.5), but only
drainage conditions and height of the wall were changed according to the type of the

Figure 2.25. Geometry of the Benchmark Problem

In their study, Schweiger (2009) used the soil parameters obtained from laboratory
test results during analyses. Step calculation procedure was performed during analyses
as it is listed below;

Phase 0: Initial phase K0 procedure is used (σv = γ · h; σh = K0 · σv; K0 =1 – sinϕ)

Phase 1: Surcharge load is applied

Phase 2: Wall is activated, and displacements are reset to zero

Phase 3: Excavation to the -2.0m level is modelled

Phase 4: Strut is activated at level -1.5m

Phase 5: Groundwater table is lowered to -6.0m level inside the excavation. (This step
is used for sand layers)

Phase 6: Excavation to the bottom excavation level is performed.

Assumptions made by Schweiger (2009) are listed below.

• Seepage flow was neglected in the sand layer by an assumption of a deep

hydraulic barrier at the bottom excavation level. On the other hand, in the soft
clay layer, the author assumed that groundwater was also taken when the soil
layer were excavated, so groundwater conditions was not modified in the
• The groundwater level was assumed at -3.5m for the sand layer.
• Drained analyses were performed for both soils.
• In sand layer three constitutive soil model of the Plaxis 2D software were used,
Mohr Coulomb (MC), hardening soil model (HS) and hardening soil model
with small strain stiffness (HSsmall). In clay layer in addition to these models
Plaxis soft soil model (SS) was used.
• Strength parameters were taken the same for all the models of the same soil;
however, stiffness parameters were changed. Parameters used in the analyses
are listed for sand and clay layers in Table 2.10 and Table 2.11, respectively.

Table 2.10. Sand Parameters of the Simple Benchmark Problem

Parameter Model Value

γ [kN/m3] MC, HS, HSsmall 18
γsat [kN/m3] MC, HS, HSsmall 20
ϕ' [°] MC, HS, HSsmall 41
c' [kPa] MC, HS, HSsmall 0
Ψ [°] MC, HS, HSsmall 15
ν [-] MC 0.25
E [kPa] MC 60,000
E50ref [kPa] HS, HSsmall 30,000
Eoedref [kPa] HS, HSsmall 30,000
Eurref [kPa] HS, HSsmall 90,000
G0ref [kPa] HSsmall 270,000
γ0.7 [-] HSsmall 0.0002

Table 2.11. Clay Parameters of the Simple Benchmark Problem

Parameter Model Value

γ [kN/m3] MC, HS, HSsmall 15
γsat [kN/m3] MC, HS, HSsmall 16
ϕ' [°] MC, HS, HSsmall 27
c' [kPa] MC, HS, HSsmall 15
Ψ [°] MC, HS, HSsmall 0
ν [-] MC 0.3
E [kPa] MC 9,350
E50ref [kPa] HS, HSsmall 4,300
Eoedref [kPa] HS, HSsmall 1,800
Eurref [kPa] HS, HSsmall 14,400
G0ref [kPa] HSsmall 100,000
γ0.7 [-] HSsmall 0.0003

According to analyses results, the author concluded that;

• In sand layer; above the excavation level horizontal displacements obtained

from the MC model is smaller than the displacements of the HS and HSsmall
model; on the other hand, below the excavation level, displacements of the MC
model are higher than these two models. The reason behind this situation is
related to the constant elastic modulus parameter of the MC model. Horizontal
displacements obtained from HS and HSsmall model analyses are near to each
other, but small strain stiffness reduces the maximum displacement to a certain
extent. The author emphasized that the HSsmall model is quite sensitive to γ0.7
parameter; therefore, appropriate parameter selection is needed.
• In the clay layer; similar results are obtained except from the shape of the
displacements. In MC model, horizontal displacement shape below the
excavation level is almost parallel to the wall, which is different from the HS
and HSsmall models.



A new residence and business center have been built in Çukurambar district of Ankara.
Area of the construction site is approximately 19400 m2 and it is surrounded by roads
and buildings. The topographic view of the construction site is given in Figure 3.1.
The structure consists of 2 blocks namely A and B. Block A is composed of 32 floors
with seven (7) basements and one (1) ground floor, on the other hand, Block B consists
of thirty (30) floors with five (5) basements and one (1) ground floor. For the
construction of basements and a ground floor, an excavation ranging from 20.0m to
32.0m depth was performed on the construction site. The excavation was supported
by bored piles and multilayered anchorages.

In order to define the soil stratigraphy and determine the engineering properties of the
soil, a ground investigation was performed. A total of 20 boreholes, whose plan view
is shown in Figure 3.3, were drilled and some laboratory and field tests were
conducted. According to these test results, there exists a fill layer whose depth ranges
between 0.5m and 8.0m, and just below the fill layer there exists an Ankara clay along
the borehole. Also, some inclinometer and load cell measurements were taken in the
construction site. The construction of the building continues; however, construction
of basements was finished in June 2018.

In this study, back analysis of the deep excavation will be performed according to
inclinometer measurement obtained from Block B excavation. SK-10 is the closest
borehole to the related inclinometer among the boreholes. Therefore, back analysis
study will be performed according to data obtained from this borehole.

Block B
Back Analysed Section

Block A

Figure 3.1. Satellite View of the Study Area

3.1. General Properties of the Back Analyzed Section

Natural ground levels of the site where B block construction would take place are
between 886.0 m and 882.5 m. Bottom excavation level of the project is 861.0 m.
Since the topography of the construction area is inclined, depth of excavations varies
along the shoring line. Excavation system is supported by 80.0 cm diameter piles with
1.0 m center to center distances and a multilayered anchor system. A cross-sectional
view of the deepest excavation from which back analysis is performed is shown in
Figure 3.2. Also, properties of this section are given below:

• There is a six-storey existing building 12 meters away from the shoring system.
• Depth of the excavation is 25.0 m and 12 rows of anchorages are used along
the depth.
• Except for the first row, vertical anchorage distances are 2.0 m.
• Horizontal anchorage distances for the first four rows are 2.0 m while it is
1.0~2.0 m for other rows.
• The concrete and steel class are specified by the design engineer as S420 and
C25, respectively.
• 4 x 0.6 inches temporary anchorages are utilized for the whole shoring system.
First three rows of anchorages were preloaded with 30.0 tons, the next six rows
were preloaded with 40.0 tons and the others were preloaded with 50.0 tons.
• The length of the pile below the bottom excavation level is about 7.0 meters.
• Bond length of the anchorages is 8.0 meters.
• All anchorages are designed to have an angle of 15° with horizontal axis.

Figure 3.2. Cross Sectional View of the Shoring System

3.2. Soil Properties

In order to determine the soil properties and soil parameters, a ground investigation
was performed using 20 boreholes at different locations of the construction site, each
borehole has different depth and their total depth is about 1205.0m. The borehole
layout plan is given in Figure 3.3. In each borehole, standard penetration tests (SPT)
were carried out with 1.5m intervals during drilling. Also, disturbed and undisturbed
samples were taken from the appropriate levels of these boreholes and standard
laboratory tests were performed to determine strength parameters (undrained shear
strength) and index properties (water content, liquid limit, plastic limit, natural water
content, unit weight and grain size distribution) of the soil. The soil samples were
classified according to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).

Scale: 1/2000

Figure 3.3. Borehole Layout Plan

In the ground investigation report, it is emphasized that there was a rubble fill in the
site whose depth ranges from 1.0m to 3.0m and the site was cleared from the rubble
fill before the ground investigation process.

According to the ground investigation report, there exists a fill layer whose depth
ranges from 0.5m to 8.0m in all boreholes. Also, below the fill layer there exists an
Ankara clay along the drilling hole and it is defined as medium to high plasticity clay
in a reddish-brown color. Also, it is stated that Ankara clay in the site contains thin
sandy-gravelly levels which have no continuity in horizontal and vertical directions.
Soil tests were conducted to determine strength parameters and index properties of the
Ankara clay.

In ground investigation report, 30 undrained shear strength (cu) parameters were

obtained from unconsolidated undrained (UU) triaxial test. According to these test
results, cu values are found between 41.0 kPa and 95.0 kPa. However, these values are
so low that it is unrealistic for stiff clays. The reason behind this is based on
sand/gravel bands in the soil and the sample disturbance during transportation and
sample taking process. SPT N test results were also available to correlate strength
parameters of the soil. Graph that shows variation of SPT N values with depth is given
in Figure 3.4. It seems that the N values of the Ankara clay increases with depth and

it ranges from 12 to 100. The corrected SPT N values (N60) are calculated according
to Equation 3.1.

N60 = N x x CB x 𝐶𝑆 x 𝐶𝑅 3.1


N60= SPT N values corrected for 60% energy efficiency and field procedures

ER= Hammer energy ratio (ER=0.45)

CB= borehole diameter factor (CB= 1.05; for 120mm drill diameter)

CS= sampling method factor (CS= 1.0; for standard sampler)

CR= correction factor for rod length (CR=0.75; for 3.0m rod length)

A total of 136 sieve analysis and Atterberg limit test results are available for the
construction site. According to these test results;

• According to USCS soil classification system, soil type is designated as CL in

121 of the 136 laboratory test results and for the remaining test results soil type
is designated as CH.
• PI values of the samples ranges from 18.1 to 35.6%.
• Water content and liquid limit of the samples are in between 16.5% and 49.7%,
and 37% and 61%, respectively.
• Unit weight of the samples ranges from 18 kN/m3 to 21 kN/m3.
• The percentage of soil samples passing through No 200 sieve and remaining
above the No 4 sieve ranges between 67% and 98%, and 0% and 39.4%,
respectively. All laboratory test results are given in Appendix A.

Figure 3.4. Variation of SPT N Values with Depth

Groundwater measurement was performed on all boreholes. In the ground

investigation report, it is stated that there observed a water in the depths between 6.0m
to 12.0m. However, it was reported that these waters are perched water and it came
from thin sandy gravelly levels which have no continuity in horizontal and vertical
directions. Also, field observations support this information.

Among the 20 boreholes, SK-10 is the closest borehole to the section for which back
analysis will be performed. Boring depth of the SK-10 is 65.0 m and boring elevation
is reported as 886.0m. According to this borehole, there exists a fill layer whose depth
is approximately 1.5m and below this layer there exists an Ankara clay along the
borehole. Sieve analyses and Atterberg limit test results are available for the samples
taken from this borehole. Also, an oedometer test was carried out at 3.5m depth below
the natural ground surface near the back analysed section (Figure 3.5), and it was
found out that preconsolidation pressure of the sample is approximately 200.0 kPa.
Considering preconsolidation pressure, overconsolidation ratio was calculated as 3.2
(OCR=200/(3.5x18)) in the soil sample. A diagram that shows variation of SPT N,
sand percent (> #4), clay percent (< #200), plasticity index (PI), liquid limit (LL) and
water content values with depth are given in Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.5. Receiving Undisturbed Sample from the Site for Oedometer Test

Figure 3.6. Variation of SPT N, Sand Percent (>#4 (%)), Clay Percent (< #200 (%)), Water Content
(W (%)), Liquid Limit (LL(%)) and Plasticity Index (PI (%)) Values with Depth

3.3. Instrumentation and Monitoring

The horizontal movements of the soil layers are measured by 12 inclinometers, whose
layout plan are given in Figure 3.3, in the site. 8 of these inclinometers belong to
shoring system where A Block excavation was performed and 3 of them are in the site
where B Block excavation was carried out. Some inclinometer measurement errors
have been detected in measurement results of the A Block; therefore, calibration of
the inclinometer device was ensured before the B Block measurements started. For the
comparison of horizontal displacements with finite element models, data obtained
from the inclinometer 9, which belongs to B Block are used. There are two (2) reasons
for selecting this inclinometer. First of all, some errors are determined for the A Block
inclinometer measurement results (inclinometers between 1 and 8); therefore, A Block
inclinometers are disregarded. Secondly, among the inclinometer measurements
performed on the B Block excavation, inclinometer 9 is the closest inclinometer to a
borehole, which is SK-10. Considering the purpose of the study, this inclinometer
measurements are found to be appropriate for correlating SPT N values with the
deformation modulus parameter (E), which ensures the displacements obtained from
the site measurements. Measurements for inclinometer 9 were taken for 34.0 m depth
starting from the pile top elevation. The measurement results are given in Figure 3.7.

The load cell was also placed to the 4th anchor level (878.98m) of the pile where the
inclinometer 9 was located.

Pile Bottom

Figure 3.7. Inclinometer 9 Measurements



Plaxis 2D is a finite element software which is mainly used to analyze stabilities and
deformations of soils. It gives opportunity to users to model the soil with different soil
models like Mohr-Coulomb model, hardening soil model (HS) and hardening soil
model with small strain stiffness (HSsmall). Assumptions and basic principles of these
models are mentioned in Chapter 2 in detail. For the purpose of the thesis, parametric
back analysis study is performed with a Python code interacted with Plaxis 2D
software. Although by using Plaxis 3D more accurate results would probably be
obtained, Plaxis 2D was preferred for parametric back analysis study since the plain
strain assumption used in Plaxis 2D is an accepted theory for most of the soil problems
and the increase of accuracy of the model may not worth the time cost of 3D analysis
from the point of iterative analysis.

Information about the site for which back analysis study is performed, support system
and field-laboratory test results are given in Chapter 3. In this part of the thesis,
modeling of the back analyzed system will be discussed. First of all, some background
information will be given about the software and modeling principles of Plaxis 2D
will be explained. Secondly, background information about Plaxis remote scripting
with python will be given and Python code details about back analysis study will be

4.1. Finite Element Modelling with Plaxis 2D

Plaxis 2D is mainly composed of two programs which are input and output. Input
program consists of 5 subsections. These are soil, structures, mesh, flow conditions
and staged construction. Type of model (plane strain or axisymmetry), type of
elements (6-noded or 15-noded) and units can be determined from the project

properties section. To model the soil geometry, boreholes can be used or soil layer
boundaries can be imported from the soil subsection, or it can be modelled by creating
soil polygons from the structures part. Model geometry, soil and material parameters
and load properties can be created; in addition, soil and material parameters can be
assigned from the structure subsection of the input program. From the material sets
toolbar; material model, drainage type, soil parameters and groundwater conditions
can be characterized. Before creating a mesh, all geometry must be modelled and
properties of the materials must be assigned, otherwise, computational errors may be
encountered. After creation of the geometry, generation of mesh process starts in order
to perform finite element calculations. In the mesh subsection, the geometry is
separated into finite elements with a desired level of fineness. Five (5) automatic mesh
options are available in the software; also, Plaxis offers users to choose mesh
dimensions and mesh size from the expert settings. Water levels can be added from
the flow conditions subsection. After this part, one may start calculations. According
to the purpose of the study, the model can be divided into calculation steps in stage
construction part. Stage construction starts with the initial phase. Calculation type of
the initial phase can be selected from several options such as K0 procedure, gravity
loading and field stress. Stages after the initial phase can be constituted according to
construction phases on the site. For these stages, one of the calculation methods which
are plastic, consolidation, safety, dynamic and dynamic with consolidation can be
selected. In deep excavation problems, plastic analysis is recommended. The plastic
analysis considers elastoplastic drained and undrained behavior of soils; on the other
hand, consolidation is not considered in this analysis type. After calculations are
completed, analysis results can be obtained from the output program. The main
outputs of this program are the displacements and the stresses. Moreover, if the finite
element program contains structural elements and forces applied to these elements,
additional outputs related to these structural elements like deformations, axial shear
forces, bending moments, etc. may be obtained.

Plaxis is a useful geotechnical tool which provides many options to users for
simulating the soil behavior with its’ advance soil models, stage construction option
and different calculation methods. However, it does not have an option for modeling
actions that have a repetitive nature; therefore, the software gives opportunity to users
having VIP license for the automation of the problem with using Python scripting.
Automation is needed for the following cases;

• Parameter or design optimization

• Running multiple calculations in a short time
• Doing same actions in input program (e.g. calculation, changing parameter)
• Reusing data from databases

In this thesis, parametric study is performed by using Python scripting. Input and
output backgrounds of the code in Plaxis 2D are given in the following sections.


In this part of the thesis, detailed information will be given how the geometry of the
model is created, what parameters of soil and material are taken and how mesh sizes
and calculation stages are created. Geometry

Creating geometry starts with determining the size of the model. Plaxis 2018 fixes the
boundaries of the model in all directions automatically. Boundaries of the model are
selected large enough so that soil zone of interest will not be affected from these
fixities. On the other hand, enlarging the soil boundaries also increases computation
time. Therefore, an optimal boundary size should be determined. After several trials,
half of the width of the site is found to be appropriate for the boundary length of the

Geometry of the deep excavation problem is modelled in the structure subsection of

the input program by using points, lines, plates, node to node anchors, geogrids and

clusters. Bored pile is modelled with plate element in Plaxis 2D analysis. Also, the
interfaces are included to the plate element to simulate the soil structure interaction.
Free length and bond length of the anchors are modelled as node to node anchor and
geogrid, respectively. The parameters assigned to these materials are described in
detail in the next section.

As mentioned in previous section, there is Ankara clay on the construction site. In

order to perform parametric analysis and correlate soil stiffness with SPT N60 values,
soil is divided into layers in accordance with the vertical distances between SPT N
test measurements (1.5m). Soil clusters are used in order to create soil polygons.
Figure 4.1 shows soil layers (20), pile, free length and bond length of anchors, and
road (20 kPa) and building loads (90 kPa).

Figure 4.1. Geometry of the Model (Scale: 1/750)

70 Material Parameters Used in Plaxis

The choice of material properties in finite element analysis is important in order to

reflect the system precisely. In this study, three different constitutive soil models,
namely Mohr Coulomb model, hardening soil model and hardening soil model with
small strain stiffness, are used to simulate the soil behavior. For all these soil models;
drained, undrained and non-porous drainage types are available to represent the pore
pressure behavior of soils in Plaxis 2D. Since long term stability is more critical in
excavations for overconsolidated clays like Ankara clay, it is decided to use drained
parameters in the analysis.

A parametric study is performed for different elastic modulus values of the Ankara
clay whose SPT N values are less than 100. While the deformation modulus of Ankara
clay is changed, other geo-mechanical properties of soil like friction angle, unit
weight, dilatancy angle, cohesion and Poisson’s ratio are kept constant. Among these
parameters; φ’, c’, ψ (strength parameters) take the same values for MC, HS and
HSsmall models because stress state at failure is predicted by Mohr-Coulomb failure
criteria for these models. Furthermore, parameters c’ and φ’ are varied through the
depth of Ankara clay and their values are in the range of 12-17 kPa and 22°-24°
respectively. Ranges of these parameters are determined with respect to the studies of
several researchers (Mirata [1976] and Çalışan [2009]) and optimum values of these
parameters for each Ankara clay layer is obtained by iteratively changing the
parameters in the specified range.

Ankara clay whose SPT N value equals to 100 are considered as weathered claystone
(soft rock) according to classification made by Clayton (1995) and its’ parameters are
determined from the literature research. Since SPT N values are not exactly known
for this layer (measurements are taken until N= 100), correlation of stiffness modulus
with SPT N60 values was not made. Instead, range of the correlation proposed by
Stroud (1989) is used to obtain stiffness modulus parameter. In addition, strength
parameters c’ and ϕ’ are determined with respect to the ranges specified by Hoek et

al. (1981). Iterations are made in such a way that for one selected parameter set (E50ref,
c’ and ϕ’) of weathered claystone (soft rock), displacement curve is compared with
measured displacements and this process is repeated for each parameter set in the
specified ranges up until the set that minimize total error is found. As a result, the
upper bound of the correlation of Stroud (1981) is found to be appropriate for E50ref.
Parameters of the fill layer are obtained from similar sites reported by Çalışan (2009).
Parameters of fill and weathered claystone (soft rock) are given in Table 4.1. During
parametric analysis, stiffness of fill and weathered claystone (soft rock) are also kept
constant for each model. In MC model, deformation modulus parameter (E’) of fill
and weathered claystone (soft rock) are taken as 1.5 times the E50ref value of the
HS/HSsmall model, as suggested by Gouw (2014), because MC model uses only one
deformation modulus parameter to simulate primary loading, reloading and unloading
behavior of soils.

According to the research of Karatağ (2012), power m value is taken as 0.55 for all
layers of Ankara clay. Also, K0 value is taken as the default value (𝐾0 = 1 − sin(𝜑))
since there is no consolidation test result to determine OCR ratio of Ankara clay for
all of its’ soil layers.

The altitude of 886.0m is defined as zero elevation (±0.00) in the project

MC Model HS Model HSsmall Model
Parameters Fill Ankara Clay Claystone Fill Ankara Clay Claystone Fill Ankara Clay Claystone

(0.0 - 1.5m) (1.5 - 28.5m) (>28.5m) (0.0 - 1.5m) (1.5 - 28.5m) (>28.5m) (0.0 - 1.5m) (1.5 - 28.5m) (>28.5m)
γu (kN/m3) 17.0 18.0 22.0 17.0 18.0 22.0 17.0 18.0 22.0
γs (kN/m3) 17.0 18.0 22.0 17.0 18.0 22.0 17.0 18.0 22.0
c' (kPa) 3.0 100.0 3.0 12-17 100.0 3.0 12-17 100.0
φ' (°) 25.0 28.0 25.0 22-24 28.0 25.0 22-24 28.0
Ψ (°) 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0

ν 0.4 0.3 0.25 - - - - - -
E' (kPa) 18000 E' 150000 - - - - - -
ref ref ref
E50 (kPa) - - - 12000 E50 100000 12000 E50 100000
ref ref
Eoedref (kPa) - - - 12000 E50 100000 12000 E50 100000
ref ref ref
Eur (kPa) - - - 36000 3xE50 300000 36000 3xE50 300000
m - - - 0.5 0.55 0.55 0.5 0.55 0.55
Table 4.1. Plaxis Parameters Used in Parametric Studies

γ0.7 - - - - - - 0.001 (Table 5.1) 0.00001

G0 (kPa) - - - - - - 24000 (Table 5.1) 200000

Table 4.1. Plaxis Parameters Used in Parametric Studies

80 cm diameter piles with 1.0m center to center distance are used in the construction
site. Bored piles are modelled with plate element in Plaxis 2D analysis and elastic
material properties are selected. The parameters used for bored piles are shown in Table

E = 285x105 kPa (C25 concrete class)

A = π x d2 ⁄4 = π x 0.82 ⁄4 = 0.5 m2

I = π x d4 ⁄64 = 𝜋 𝑥 0.84⁄64 = 0.02 m4

4 x 0.6 inches temporary anchorages are utilized in the construction site and prestress
anchorages consists of 7-wire strands. Specific characteristic strength of 7 wire strand
is given in Table 4.3. Strands, whose nominal diameter are 15.2 mm, are used for
prestressing anchorages in the construction site.

Table 4.2. Input Data of the Structural Element (Plate Element)

Parameter Symbol Value Unit

Material Type Elastic - -
Axial stiffness EA 14325663 kN/m
Bending stiffness EI 573027 kN.m2/m
Weight w 5 kN/m/m
Poisson's ratio ν 0.2 -

Table 4.3. Specific Characteristic Strengths of 7 Wire Strands (BS8081)

Nominal Characteristic Nominal steel

Type of steel diameter strength area
mm kN mm2
12.9 186 100
7-wire strand 15.2 232 139
15.7 265 150

Anchor parameters defined in Python code for Plaxis analysis are given below;

Eanchor = 195 kN/mm2 (BS8081 Figure 12)

Aanchor = 139 x 4 = 556.0 mm2 (Table 4.3)

EA = 108420.0/2.0 = 54210 kN/m For 2.0m anchor spacing

EA = 108420.0/1.5 = 72280 kN/m For 1.5m anchor spacing

Bond length of the anchorages are modelled as geogrid in Plaxis 2D using Python
code. Geogrids are slender structures having only axial stiffness, no bending stiffness.
The only parameter of geogrid is EA per unit length. Considering 15.0cm bond
diameter of anchorages in the project, axial stiffness values per unit length are
calculated as;

E = 285x105 kPa

A = π x 0.152 ⁄4 = 0.017 m2

EA = 285x105 x 0.017⁄2.0 = 251818.0 For 2.0m anchor spacing

EA = 285x105 x 0.017⁄1.5 = 335758.0 For 1.5m anchor spacing Mesh

The geometry of the excavation is in rectangular shape. Therefore, the plane strain
model is used for the analysis with considering uniform cross section of the
excavation. The plane strain models assume uniform cross section and no deformation
in z direction during analysis. Also, 15 node triangular elements, which is the default
element, are selected for modelling of soil layers and volume clusters.

Mesh size is important in terms of accuracy and calculation time. When the size of the
mesh decreases, complexity of the model and the accuracy of the analysis increases.
However, mesh refinement non-linearly increase the calculation time. Considering

this property of finite elements, regions that require less accuracy are modelled with
coarse mesh. For regions where high accuracy is needed like the surrounding of pile
and anchors are modelled with fine mesh. In order to reduce the mesh size some
geometric alterations are made in those regions. For example, on pile, extra points are
created with 0.5m spacing, which is the spacing between inclinometer measurements,
so that mesh distribution will follow the geometry and decrease the mesh size.

In Plaxis, default mesh size is “Medium”; however, for the analysis “Coarse” mesh
size is selected with g_i.mesh() command as with the default selection mesh
convergence issues are encountered. Applied mesh is given in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2. Applied Mesh to the System (Scale:1/750) Calculations

The full height of the excavation cannot be performed in a single stage; therefore,
stage construction is needed to reflect the real situation. Each analysis of the anchor

supported system consists of 25 consecutive stages. Analysis starts with initial phase.
In this phase, surcharge load of the building and the road are implemented to the finite
element model and K0 procedure is selected for initial stress state. The calculation
procedure is continued with activation of the pile and its interfaces. Furthermore,
excavation is performed up to a level which is 0.5m below the first -row anchor level.
This stage is followed by the activation of the first-row anchor and application of
prestress. Other construction stages continue with the subsequent excavation phase
and anchor activation phase, these come one after another. In excavation stages,
excavation is performed up until 0.5m below the following anchor level and in anchor
stages, anchorage is activated and prestressed. After final anchorage level is activated,
stage construction is finalized with the excavation up to the bottom excavation level.
Each stage construction (except the initial phase) is automized by using Python
scripting and the algorithm is presented in Section 4.2.


Calculation results in the form of plots and tables can be obtained for the full model
or selected structures from the output program. Outputs of the analysis are created and
stored by using Python scripting. Outputs of the study are given in Chapter 5.

4.2. Python Scripting of Plaxis

Plaxis enables user to utilize Python codes to alter the flow of calculations and to make
automation studies. Scripts may be written in any text editor; however, the one
provided by Plaxis is named SciTE. In this part of the thesis, details of the Python
code written for back analysis are explained.

Hashash et al (2006) states that optimization techniques provide a powerful tool for
model calibration using field measurement though they have important limitations:

• The techniques are unable to overcome inherent limitations in the selected

material constitutive model such as the inability to capture small strain

nonlinearity essential to representing the distribution of deformations around
an excavation;
• It is possible that several combinations of material model properties may lead
to similar estimates of deformations, leading to nonconvergence or non-
uniqueness in the solution

Remote Scripting Server

Before running a script in Plaxis, one should activate the Remote Scripting Server
from the Expert menu and also an internet connection is required along with a VIP
license for utilizing Python scripts. Activation of the Remote Scripting Server has the
following steps:

• Starting the Plaxis Input application.

• Starting a new project.
• Going to Expert menu and selecting Configure remote scripting server. Figure 4.3
shows the window that will open.
• Configuring the port which is 10000 as default.
• Defining the password which is provided by Plaxis for VIP license.
• Starting the server.

Figure 4.3. Configure Remote Scripting Server of Plaxis 2D

After following these steps, if the tick mark on the left side of “The server is not
running” activates, then it means server is ready and scripts can be run. This procedure
is demonstrated for Plaxis Input while for Plaxis Output a different port number shall
be used.

SciTE Editor

SciTE Editor unlike other text editors eases the interaction of Python scripts and Plaxis
as SciTE has a direct connection to Plaxis and there is no need to use user interface of
Plaxis anymore after remote scripting server is activated.

For utilizing Python scripts some adjustments should be made in SciTE. First, the
programming language should be selected as “Python” from the Language menu, and
then scripts should be saved with “.py” extension. In order to run the scripts, one shall
only need to press the F5 button.

Boilerplate Code

In any Python code, the first step is to import the libraries and to set up the connection
to Plaxis. This task can be achieved by so called “boilerplate code” and it is as follows:

from math import*

from plxscripting.easy import*


yourpass= “password”

s_i, g_i=new_server(‘localhost,localhostport,password=yourpass)

In this boilerplate code localhostport is defined to be 10000 which is the value entered
in the remote scripting server. Likewise, password (yourpass in the boilerplate code)
should be the same that entered in the remote scripting server.

The variable s_i bounds to objects that represent Plaxis to allow the users to control
project files like opening projects while variable g_i relates to objects that allow the

users to manipulate the current model. It is worth to mention that s_i and g_i are both
related to Plaxis Input objects.

Start of Iterations

Since the purpose of this study is to correlate stiffness of soil layers to SPT N60 values
with a linear formulation, Python code starts with a for loop with respect to correlation
constant of SPT N60. Maximum and minimum values of this constant with
incrementation is defined in the code for the for loop.

For estimating the time required for analysis a time counter is included in the program.
Furthermore, date and time data are used as a prefix in file names for identification of
the files. Following code is utilized for obtaining date and time in desired format:

As seen in above code “time” should be imported first and start of timer is set with
“time.time()” function. Date and time data is stored in the variable Time_Date.
However, default value stored in Time_Date is not in desired format. For example for
a run in Saturday 21 April 2019 at 10:15 Time_Date will give ‘Sat Apr 21 10:15:00
2019’. Therefore, at the rest of the code Time_Date is arranged in order to seperate
the date and time data. Final parameter F_Time_Date will give day, date, month, year
and time in order. For the specified example F_Time_Date will give


Python code requires input values related to the geometry of the shoring system, soil
properties and support system. All inputs are gathered in ‘Inputs’ section of the code
which makes the code more user friendly. Detailed information is given in this section
about these inputs and how they are implemented into the code.

Inputs of the code are as follows:

• Project path
• Material model name (MC, HS or HSsmall)
• Shoring system geometry
• Soil properties
• Support system properties
• Loads (Preloads; road and building loads)

First input to the code is the path to be used for data transfer. Path is defined with a
string in the following format;

Project_path= ‘D:\ProjectPath’

Next, material model name is defined. Model name is used in result files for
identification purposes along with the F_Time_Date parameter. In addition, it is used
to adjust the soil properties.

Code is continued with defining boundaries of the system. Boundary size of the
shoring system is defined in the code according to reasons described in section
After this part, properties of the support system are defined. These include anchor
angles, vertical distance between anchors, anchor lengths, pile location in x-direction
and pile start and end coordinates. Since anchor lengths are not the same, they are
stored in an array. Preload of anchors are stored in an array as well.

Constant soil parameters which will be used in material models are also defined in this
section. As mentioned previously, soil is separated into three regions according to its

properties, namely fill, Ankara clay and claystone. Then soil parameters of each layer
are defined. Definition of soil parameters are made in such a way that parameter names
include soil layer names as prefixes like Fill_nu parameter. Because Ankara Clay is
divided into layers with 1.5m thicknesses, parameters of each layer like friction angle,
cohesion, etc. are defined with arrays.

Soil stiffness parameter is adjusted in the code with if and elif commands using Model
name so that the input stiffness value of HS and HSsmall material models will be Eurref
while it is E’ for MC model. E50ref values of HS and HSsmall models are calculated to
be one-third of Eurref in the same if-elif block.

Finally, lineload values are defined in the code that simulate road and building loads
on the shoring system. Lineloads are used in Plaxis to create uniformly distributed
pressure loadings. Two lineload values with their lengths of impact are utilized in the
Python code as loading magnitude for road and building are assumed to be different.

Storing Inputs

Input parameters which are significant with regards to parametric analysis are stored
in text files. Therefore, user may check parameters of each analysis and decide which
parameter should be modified to obtain the optimal solution. Input file name has the
format of “Inputs_for_ModelName_at_F_Time_Date”. For example, for HS
analysis made in 18.05.2019 20:18 input file name will be
“Inputs_for_HS_at_18_May_2019_20_18”. Input files contain parameters given

• Model Name
• Analysis Name
• Fill Input Parameters
o Fill depth
o Eurref
o E50ref or E’
o γ0.7 and G0ref (for HSsmall)

• Ankara Clay Input Parameters
o SPT N60 constant values
o Cohesion (c’)
o Friction Angle (φ’)
o γ0.7 and G0ref (for HSsmall)
• Claystone Input Parameters
o Eurref
o E50ref or E’
o Cohesion (c’)
o Friction Angle (φ’)
o Dilatancy Angle (ψ)
o γ0.7 and G0ref (for HSsmall)
• Force Input Parameters
o Anchor Preloads
o Lineload-1 and impact length
o Lineload-2 and impact length

In python code, input parameters for fill, Ankara clay, claystone and surcharge load
are stored in lists in the order given above. Moreover, only the required parameters for
the selected model are stored. For example, for fill input parameters following code is
used for this operation:

In above code, first an empty list is created and assigned to Fill_Inputs. Then, first
element of the list is added which is related to fill depth. This process is achieved by
the append command of Python and as can be seen from the code, parameters are

coupled with their definitions as strings in another list and added to the main list
(Fill_Inputs). Thus, one may reach the definition of the first element of Fill_Inputs by
Fill_Inputs [0][0] which will give “fill_depth”. For the value of the first element one
may use Fill_Inputs [0][1] which will give fill_depth. Since each material model uses
different stiffness values, if-elif block is utilized for storing the parameters required
for the analysis. For instance, if the model selected is HSsmall, five parameters will
be stored in the input file.

After these lists are created, input file may be opened with open function of Python.
This function requires the file name with its path and the type of operation that will be
made to the text file. For writing, the operation type is “w” and format of the file path
should be “D:\ProjectPath\FileName”. Here, it is important that FileName should also
contain the suffix “.txt”. After text file is opened, data may be written with the write
command. For writing the data stored in Fill, Ankara Clay, Claystone and Force lists,
for loops are created. In for loop all elements in list are scanned and the parameter
values are written below their definitions. Since some parameters are stored in arrays
(parameters in Ankara Clay), if-elif block is used to identify those elements and to
write those parameter values in desired format. Following code is utilized for Ankara
Clay and shown as an illustration:

In the above code input_file_info is the text file opened with open function. Then, by
using write function a heading is created that named “Input_Parameters_Soil:”. Next,
for loop for Ankara Clay is started and all the elements in list are scanned. Scanning

is done according to the type of parameter which may be integer, double or list. If type
of the parameter is list (array) another for loop activates to write the elements in that

After input parameters are written to the text file, it should be closed. This operation
can be done with close function. For the given example above, input_file_info.close()
will close the text file.

Start of the Project

After inputs are gathered, Python-Plaxis interaction is started by opening a new

project. This operation can be achieved with new function applied on s_i object. For
Plaxis model default values are taken which is plane stress solution with 15-noded
triangular elements. Then, soil contours are created with boundaries defined in inputs
section. For creating soil contours, initializerectangular function is applied to g_i
object. Following code does the operations explained above:

y_bound_min, x_bound_max, y_bound_max)

Geometry of the Model

In this part of the Python code, all geometric elements of the shoring system are
defined to Plaxis. These geometric elements include soil layers, anchors, geogrids and
pile geometry. Moreover, soil to be extracted during phase construction and points
from which displacement data will be taken are identified by geometric modifications
in the model. For all these operations, first thing to do is passing to Structure
subsection which can be performed with the following line:


Modelling of the geometry starts with creating soil boundaries from the top elevation.
Soil layers are created by using polygon function of Plaxis. This function takes four

list inputs which contain x and y coordinates of corners of the polygon. For creating
the fill boundary, following line of the code is utilized:

In this line; x_min, x_max, y_min and y_max defines the boundaries of the system
and fill_depth is the depth of fill which gives the height of the polygon.

Geometry of Ankara clay requires an iterative process as soil will be divided into
layers according to the number of SPT N measurement points. Therefore, a for loop
is written for which again polygon function is used but y coordinate is iteratively
changed. Since the maximum y coordinate will be (y_max - fill_depth) for Ankara
clay this definition is named y_i and it is replaced with y_max in the above code line.
Iteration is made as much as the number of SPT N measurement points and in each
measurement y coordinate is decreased by 1.5m which is the measurement depth of
SPT N values. After Ankara Clay layer is created, weathered claystone (soft rock)
layer whose SPT N values are specified as 100 in borehole logs is formed. The
boundary of the weathered claystone (soft rock) is started from the bottom height of
the Ankara Clay and it continues till the bottom of the soil boundary.

Modelling of the geometry continues with creation of support systems (anchors,

geogrids and pile). Anchors are formed with the function nna which is the acronym of
node-node anchor. This function requires 4 inputs which are x and y coordinates of
the start of anchor, anchor angle and anchor length. Format of function nna is as

g_i.nna (x, y, “angles”, angle, L)

Anchors are formed by using a for loop as vertical distance between anchors are
constant except for the first two anchors which are created manually. This for loop is
based on anchor lengths since anchor lengths are different. Anchor lengths are stored
in a list and in python it is possible to loop over any list. Following lines are used for
creation of anchors other than first two anchors:

In above lines, anchor_length is the list that contains anchor lengths while L is the
value of the list for each iteration. The parameter x_pile is the x coordinate of pile axis
while anchor_start_y is the starting y coordinate of the first anchor in the loop. Another
parameter anchor_ang is the anchor angle which is 15o as mentioned before in section

Geogrids are created in a similar manner like anchors, but the function used is geogrid.
Geogrid function takes the same inputs of nna function. Coordinates of geogrids are
found by using trigonometric equations as starting point of anchors and their angles
are known.

Creation of pile is achieved by plate function of Plaxis and this function only requires
the coordinates of the pile. After pile is formed, interfaces of the pile should be defined
which is ensured by nif and pif functions. Functions nif and pif are the acronyms of
negative and positive interface and their inputs are the same with plate function.
Format of the plate function is as follows:

g_i.plate((x_pile, y_pile_top), (x_pile, y_pile_bottom))

After geometry of the shoring system is created, boundaries of stage constructions

should be introduced to the system. In order to achieve this goal lines are formed
which show the end of each construction. Creation of lines is achieved with line
function (g_i.line()) of Plaxis which takes two list inputs namely starting coordinates
of the line (x_start, y_start) and ending coordinates of the line (x_end, y_end).
Excavations are up to 0.5m below anchor starting depths as mentioned in section Therefore, same number of lines with anchors will be formed as they have
relation with anchors. Thus, similar procedure is performed to form lines while their
y coordinates are stored in a list to be used in identification of polygons which will be
removed during phase construction stages (see Section 4.2.12).

In order to extract displacement data from the pile and to increase the mesh number
along the pile, points are created with 0.5m distance. This process is achieved by using
point function (g_i.point()) of Plaxis and with a for loop.

Finally, loading is applied to the model by using lineload function. This function takes
the coordinates of the line (start and end points) on which loading will be applied and
loading value is assigned to the line with set function. For set function to be used line
number of the line created by lineload function should be known. Following code lines
give an example to the process for line_n on which line load is applied:

In above code, (x_pile + Lineload_d1) and (x_pile + Lineload_d2) are the start and
end coordinates of the Lineload in x direction respectively. LineLoad in second code
line is the value of lineload. This code lines are utilized for the two lineloads defined
in the system, which are surcharge load and load of the existing six storey building.

Defining and Assigning Material Properties

In this part of the Python code, properties of soil layers and support systems are first
specified and then attributed to Plaxis.

In order to ease the assignment of soil properties, properties defined in inputs section
are stored in lists with their definitions. Material model-based properties such as
“SoilModel” and “E50ref” are appended with if-elif blocks. This procedure is
exemplified for the fill layer below:

In above example; after list core_Fill is filled, soil properties can be created by using
soilmat function of Plaxis. Then, this property set can be assigned to soil objects in
Plaxis by equality. Following code shows how this procedure is achieved:

In these three lines, the list core_Fill is assigned to parameter Fill_mp in the first line.
Then, soil property set which is now represented with parameter Fill_mp is used to
create soil material in Plaxis with soilmat function and the created soil material is
assigned to mp_Fill object. It is important to mention that “*” symbol is used for
identifying the set of lists that contain soil properties to Plaxis. Finally, property set is
assigned to Soil_1’s material with the third line. This procedure is performed for other
soil layers also, but for Ankara clay it is done iteratively as this soil layer has several

Similar procedure is applied for anchors, geogrids and pile material property
assignment. Plaxis requires four parameters for anchors which are “MaterialName”,
“Colour”, “Lspacing” and “EAPerLength”. Values of these parameters are stored in
lists with their definitions like in soil properties and creation of the material parameters
is performed by anchormat function of Plaxis. Geogrids require seven parameters
which are “MaterialName”, “Colour”, “Elasticity”, “IsIsotropic”, “EA1”, “EA2” and

“GA”. For geogrids creation of properties is performed with geogridmat function.
Since first four anchor/geogrid has different properties than the rest of anchor/geogrids
two different property sets are created, and they are assigned with a for loop which is
shown below:

Pile requires much more properties compared to anchor and geogrids which are
defined according to the system investigated. After property list is formed, creation of
pile material is performed with platemat function as pile is defined with plate in Plaxis.
Finally, created pile property is assigned to Plaxis plate material object.

Mesh of the Model

After geometry of the system is created and properties are assigned, mesh will be
generated. As explained in section to generate finer mesh in local areas some
geometric alterations are made in the model and to avoid convergence issues coarse
mesh is utilized. Plaxis generates medium size mesh in default. For generating coarse
mesh following code is used:



As seen above, program first passes to Mesh subsection than generation of the mesh
is achieved by using mesh function with a factor defining coarseness of the mesh.

Back Analysis

After mesh is generated, soil properties of Ankara clay and weathered claystone (soft
rock) may be attributed. Different from fill layer, soil stiffness properties of Ankara
clay are related to SPT N values, thus a for loop is written. Weathered claystone (Soft
rock) layer is also assigned according to SPT N values (SPT N= 100 is assumed to be

weathered claystone layer) as mentioned before in this for loop. Moreover, program
is passed to Stage subsection and polygons (soil layers) are activated at the initial
phase so that after property assignment, phase construction will be started. Following
code lines perform this operation:

Before for loop is started Eurref and E50ref values are formed in terms of SPT N60 values.
Since a linear formulation is assumed between stiffness parameter and SPT N60 values,
constant of this formulation is named SPT N60 constant and shown with sptn_c. Code
lines presented below are used for implementing this relationship:

In above lines, sptn is the list that contains SPT N60 values while i and j parameters
refer to each SPT N60 value at a time.

As mentioned in Geometry section (section 4.2.8) soil layers are partitioned according
to SPT N measurement locations and Plaxis names each soil layer after partition
operation (Ex: Soil_1, Soil_2 etc.). In these partitioned regions (soil layers of Ankara
clay) there may be more than one polygon and soils of these polygons are named with
the number of the region plus another following number that shows the arrangement
of the polygons inside (Ex: Soil_1_1, Soil_1_2, …, Soil_1_5). During the for loop
each soil layer will have different material properties which are related to each layers’
corresponding SPT N value. The challenge about this task is that Plaxis does not allow
the assignment of material properties to a soil layer (Ex: Soil_1) with a single line of
code since the object g_i.Soils, which stores information about soil layers, give data
of all individual soils. For example, g_i.Soils[0] will give information about the first
soil that is Soil_1_1 not Soil_1, thus for identification of which soil is related to which
soil layer, several string operations are performed using names of soils. Name of the
soils are obtained by Name function of Plaxis applied to g_i.Soils object. During
iterations, recent and future (value at the next iteration) soil names are obtained and

their base numbers (1 for Soil_1_2, 2 for Soil_2_1) are compared. Therefore, for soils
with the same base number, same material properties will be assigned while if the
recent and future base numbers do not match material properties related to following
SPT N60 values will be assigned to the new soil. In order to ensure which SPT N60
value will be assigned a counter is set which increases by 1 when recent and future
soil name bases do not match. Process of material property assignment is similar to
what have been done in fill layer. For each soil, a list is filled with soil properties (Eref,
Eurref, cref and phi have different values for each soil layer). Again, some additional
parameters are included in these lists according to selection of material models and
with soilmat function soil materials are created. Assignment to related soil is achieved
by setmaterial function of Plaxis. Format of this function is as follows,
g_i.setmaterial(g_i.Soils[n], g_i.InitialPhase, g_i.soilmat(*SoilProp)). In this format,
n identifies the soil (n=0 for the first soil) and SoilProp is the list which contains soil
properties. After counter exceeds the number of SPT N measurement points and SPT
N values equal to 100, remaining soils are assigned with claystone properties. After
soil properties are assigned, lineloads are activated for the initial phase so that phase
construction may start. This operation is performed with the following code:

Phase Construction

Phase construction stage is part of the code in which deep excavation is simulated in
Plaxis iteratively. Before phase construction, polygons and related soils which will be
removed are identified. For this identification two for loops are created which are
named as polygon and soil loops.

During polygon loop, corner coordinates of all polygons are obtained and by using the
right bottom corner coordinates of polygons names of the ones in the construction area
are found and stored in a list. Since some regions have more than one polygon, corner
coordinates of these polygons are compared with the corner coordinates of the related
region. Polygon names are stored until corner coordinates of the polygons are same

with the bounding region’s corner coordinates. Then loop continues with the search
of polygon names in the following region. Resulting list contains list of
polygon names for each soil layer. For attaining polygon corner coordinates,
“BoundingBox” object is used with echo function. Format of this combination is
g_i.Polygons[n].BoundingBox.echo() for which n defines the polygon sorting and the
combination results in the following string; “min: (x; y; z) max: (x; y; z)”. In this string
x, y and z are the coordinate values and x_max and y_min gives the right bottom
corner coordinate which is obtained by several string operations. For attaining polygon
names, “Name” object and “value” attribute are utilized. Format is as follows;

During soil loop, soils which corresponds to polygons in excavation regions are
determined by searching all the soils. While doing so, soil numbers which show the
sorting of soils and soil names are grouped in lists and stored in a main list for further
use. Similar to polygon list, soil name and numbers are grouped according to soil
layers. Finding soils which are related to polygons is achieved by using “Parent”
object of Plaxis. Following code line gives the polygon name of a soil that is utilized
for this task; g_i.Soils[n].Parent.Name.value. For example, if n is zero this line will
give Polygon_1 which is the polygon of Soil_1_1.

After polygon and soil loops, as polygons and soils that will be removed are identified
phase construction may start. There are twenty-five (25) phases in phase construction
and these are iteratively implemented to Plaxis. During odd numbered phases, soil
extraction operation is performed while during even numbered phases, anchors and
geogrids of the related soil layer are activated and preloads are applied. Automation
of the phase construction is based on phase numbers being odd or even. Before any
stage, following code lines should be performed:



Here in above code, stage is the identifier number of phases and it starts with “1”. This
code ensures that Plaxis passes to the current phase. For stage=1, program passes to

Identification of phases (odd or even) is achieved by if-elif block and by checking the
following statement; (stage – 2*int(stage/2)). If this statement is larger than zero it
means that the stage is odd number while stage is even numbered if this statement
turns out be zero.

As mentioned above, during odd numbered phases soil removal is performed. This
operation is accomplished by the following code line:


In above line, n is the number which identifies the soil in excavation region, and which
is stored in a list during soil loop. Again, if region has more than one polygon, above
line is performed for each soil in that region with a for loop.

For the first stage (Stage_1) of odd numbered stages additional operations are required
after passing to the current phase which are activating plate (pile) and interfaces of the
plate. These operations are carried out with following code lines:



In the first line “Plate_1” is used as there is only one plate and it is used for simulating
the pile.

During even numbered stages; anchors, preloads and geogrids are activated in order.
These operations are performed with the following code lines:

NodeToNodeAnchor = g_i.NodeToNodeAnchors[n_anchor]

preload = preloads[n_anchor]


g_i.set(NodeToNodeAnchor.AdjustPrestress, g_i.Phases[stage], True)

g_i.set(NodeToNodeAnchor.PrestressForce, g_i.Phases[stage], preload)


In the first two lines anchors and related preload values are assigned to parameters.
Then, the parameter “NodeToNodeAnchor” parameter is used for activating the
anchors in the third line. Following two lines are utilized for applying the prestress
value to the related anchor by using set function. First, the object AdjustPrestress is
appointed to “True” for Plaxis to allow applying prestress. Second, with the used of
PrestressForce object preload value of the anchor is applied. Geogrids are activated
like anchors as seen from the code lines. An important thing to mention her is that
counters of anchors and geogrids are different (n_anchor and n_geogrid). This is due
to the naming of geogrids which is like soils (Geogrid_1_1, Geogrid_1_2 etc.) and
results from partitioning of the soil layers. Therefore, activation of geogrids is
performed with another for loop.

After phases and operations that will be done during phases are implemented to the
code, Plaxis requires the command g_i.calculate() for performing phase constructions.
After phase constructions are completed, project can be saved into directory specified
with the following command

Getting Results

When phase constructions finish, part of the Python code with Plaxis input module
ends. In order to obtain results, passing to output module of Plaxis is necessary. For
this task, like in input module Plaxis objects (s and g) should be defined. However,
this time hostport will be related to the phase from which results will be extracted (For
input module localhostport is 10000). Since final state of the phase construction is the
main concern, phase will be the last one (Phase_25). Hostport and Plaxis output
objects are defined with the following code lines:


s_o, g_o=new_server(‘localhost’,output_port,password=yourpass)

Similar to input object s_i, output object s_o is used for opening new output projects
from the analysis results. This task is performed with the command;

Again like in Plaxis input, g object (g_o) is related with operations about the model.
Therefore, g_o object is used for data extraction and the function to be utilized is
getresults. For the back analysis, horizontal displacements of pile are retrieved with
labels and y coordinates of the nodes. Following code lines are used for this task:

As seen from the code lines, in order to access information about nodes, elements and
finite element results “ResultTypes” object is used along with the location (may be
plate, soil etc.) from which data will be extracted. Objects “NodeId”, “Y” and “Ux”
are used for getting node numbers, y-coordinates and x-displacements respectively
along with string “node” for stating that data will be received from nodes.

Then, these three data are stored in a list and displacement values which are along
0.5m are selected by using the y-coordinates of the nodes and written to a text file
(results file) along with related node numbers and y-coordinates. Format of the results
files can be seen below:

After data extraction is completed and results are written, iteration ends with closing
the output project with the command s_o.close(). This operation is important as Plaxis
may crash after several iterations without using this command. At the end of iteration,
time data is again taken with time.time() and by taking the difference time passes
during analysis may be found and printed. Following code line is used for this task:


time=end - start

In the above lines, time parameter is in seconds and may be written in terms of hours
and minutes with several math operations.

4.3. Post-processing with Matlab

After solving the system for different material parameters and storing the
displacements, a post-process is required to identify the condition for which the
optimum solution is obtained. For post-processing of Plaxis results, a MATLAB code
is written which reads .txt files. Details of the MATLAB code are explained below.

Since three soil models are analyzed in the thesis result file names contain these
models’ abbreviation and MATLAB code initiates with the call of the model used.
User shall input “MC”, “HS” or “HSsmall”. Then code identifies all the result file
names that contain the specified model name in the current directory. Plaxis result file
names start with “Ux_Result_for” prefix. Identification of result file names is
performed by using the following functions and with the use of this prefix:

Model = ‘HS’;

File_ID = strcat (‘Ux_Result_for*’, Model, ‘*.txt’);

File_Pr = dir (File_ID);

Here File_ID creates a string by strcat that includes model name and the initial words
that each Plaxis output share. For parts in the file names that make file names unique
are completed with “*” symbol as these parts are unknown. Similar file names of the
specified string is obtained by using dir function and stored in the parameter File_Pr.
After storing file names, code calculates the number of files in the directory with
length function.

Then, a for loop starts for storing the data in all the result files. For reading the files,
a function called ‘File_Read’ is called which takes the File_ID as input and gives the
file name, number of columns in the file and the data in the file for the specified order

stored in a cell array. For each file read with this function, data is assigned to string
variables by using eval and strcat functions of MATLAB. A demostration of this
process is explained below for the ith step of the for loop:

[File_Name,column_name,File,~]=File_Read (File_Pr(i).name);

eval(strcat(['File' '_' num2str(i)] , '=', 'File;')));

In the first line of the example, result file name is given as input to the function File
Read and required outputs are taken. The symbol “~” is used for ignoring the
unnecessary outputs which is the file data as strings. In the second line, data in the
result file which is the cell array named “File” is assigned to a string with the current
counter of the for loop. For example, if “i” is 3, than the string variable will be File_3
and it will store the third result files’ data. This method is very usefull for loops and
naming the variables.

After storing the data of all the result files in the directory for loop ends and same
procedure is applied for the inclinometer measurements file which includes the
displacements obtained from the field with related depths and has the same format
with Plaxis result files.

Back analysis is performed by comparing the inclinometer measurements with

displacements obtained from Plaxis and error is calculated for each data. This process
is achieved with another for loop and again by using the eval and strcat functions.
Errors are stored in another cell array for later use. Error is defined as follows:

Error (%) = (Inclonometer_disp – Plaxis_disp)/ Inclonometer_disp*100

For evaluating the performance of each Plaxis run, total error is used as a base of
compasion which is defined as the sum of absolute errors up to the depth of bottom
excavation level (861.72m). Total error of each result file is stored in an array and the
minimum is found with min function in MATLAB.

After error calculations, calculated errors are written in .txt files with file names
initiate with “Error_for_” prefix and followed by the suffix of result files that include
the information about model name used and the date of the analysis. An example error
file name is “Error_for_HS_Sat_6_Apr_2019_13_44”. The format of error files is
consistent with the Plaxis results file and is illustrated in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4. Format of Error Files

Finally, displacements obtained from Plaxis and inclonometer with respect to depth of
soil is plotted for visualisation of the results. Each plot is saved in “-tiff” format with
300dpi resolution by using the print function of MATLAB. Figure names start with
the prefix “Figure_Analysis_” and ends with the information of the model used and
the date of analysis like in the naming of error files. Use of print command is shown

print(gcf, Figure_Name, ‘-dtiff’, ‘-r300’)



In this section of the thesis, the wall deflection, ground surface settlement, moment
and shear values predicted by MC, HS and HSsmall analyses will be given and results
will be compared with each other. Also, inclinometer and load cell measurements
obtained from the site are evaluated.

Inclinometer measurement results shows that the maximum horizontal displacement

is about 3.5cm and it was measured approximately 18.0m below the top elevation of
the pile. This corresponds to 0.13H % horizontal displacement and this value is within
the expected limits for anchor supported shoring systems in stiff clays recommended
by Long (2001) and Clough and O’Rourke (1990). Also load cell which is placed only
to the 4th anchor level (878.98m) of the pile section measurements shows that the load
of the anchorage at this level is approximately 406 kN.

5.1. Mohr Coulomb Analysis Results

As a first approximation to the problem MC model analysis results are presented in

this section. After several trials, the closest estimation to the inclinometer
measurements are obtained. Each trial took approximately 8 minutes and 30 seconds,
which is the minimum time required to solve this problem as this method is the fastest
among the ones investigated. In order to show the soil layers (clarified with three
different colors in the model), retaining system and the final excavation depth,
deformed shape of the model is given in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1. Deformed Mesh of the Final Excavation Stage (Scale: 1/750)

As mentioned in Section 4, parametric analyses are performed by changing

deformation modulus parameter of Ankara clay layer with a python code whose SPT
N value is smaller than 100. Correlation of deformation modulus parameter with SPT
N60 value shows that closest displacement curve to the inclinometer measurements is
obtained as;

E’= 1020 x SPT N60 (kPa) 5.1

Figure 5.2 shows the comparison of Mohr Coulomb model with inclinometer
measurements in A direction in terms of horizontal wall displacements in accordance
with ground elevation. Moreover, Plaxis outputs of horizontal wall deflections,
vertical displacements of the soil at the final excavation stage, moment and shear
diagrams of the pile are given between Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.6, respectively.

Figure 5.2. Comparison of Horizontal Displacements – Mohr Coulomb Model-

According to back analysis results of the MC model, ~3.5cm maximum horizontal

displacement of the pile was obtained at the same max displacement location of
inclinometer measurements with approximately E’≈ 1020 x N60 value (see Figure 5.2
and Figure 5.3). When the measured and predicted lateral wall movements are
compared with each other, it can be understood that MC model overestimated
horizontal wall displacements below the maximum displacement point. The reason
behind this is related with the stiffness parameter of the model. As mentioned in
Section 2.4.1 model uses only one deformation modulus parameter (E’) for loading,
unloading and reloading conditions. Therefore, it is expected that predicted
deformation modulus parameter is in between loading and unloading-reloading
stiffness parameter. Using smaller deformation modulus parameter for unloading-
reloading region results with underestimation of passive resistance. 9.5 cm excessive

heave of the surface settlement in MC model (see Figure 5.4) can be attributed to this
reason. Also, this predicted excessive heave causes overestimation of the lateral wall
movements on the pile below the excavation level. As it can be seen from Figure 5.2,
above the inflection point MC model gives smaller horizontal displacements than the
inclinometer measurements. This is again due to the use of only one stiffness
parameter for loading and unloading/reloading conditions. However, in that case using
average deformation modulus parameter which is higher than the loading deformation
modulus results with the underestimation of the horizontal displacements.

Figure 5.3. Horizontal Displacement of the Pile – Mohr Coulomb Model-

Maximum and minimum bending moment (Figure 5.5) values are obtained as 636.8
kN.m/m and -375.4 kN.m/m at 28.0m and 24.0m below the pile top elevation,
respectively. Also, maximum and minimum shear forces are determined as 412.9
kN/m and -219.9 kN/m at 27.0m and 29.5m below the pile top elevation, respectively.
Moreover, maximum anchor load at the 4th anchorage level is determined as 419.0 kN
in the MC model.

Note that Plaxis uses positive (+) sign convention on tensile stress for plates and

Figure 5.4. Vertical Displacement of the Soil in the Final Excavation Stage – Mohr Coulomb Model-

Figure 5.5. Bending Moment of the Pile – Mohr Coulomb Model-

Figure 5.6. Shear Diagram of the Pile – Mohr Coulomb Model-

5.2. Hardening Soil Model Analysis Results

The E50ref of the Hardening Soil (HS) model is obtained by back analysis. Each HS
model analysis took approximately 10 minutes and 30 seconds. After several trials,
the best fit relation between E50ref and SPT N60 value for Ankara clay is found as;

E50ref = 780 x SPT N60 (kPa) 5.2

Also, Eu/cu ratio is determined as approximately 280.0 according to Equation 5.2 by

using E’/Eu = 0.7 and cu= 4.0 x SPT N60 relations. When Equation 5.2 is compared
with similar studies (see Section 2.1 and Section 2.3), it can be understood that the
correlation is consistent with the work of Stroud (1987) as the correlation constant lies
between E’ = 700-900 x SPT N60 (kPa). If the Eu/cu ratio of this study is compared
with the work of Çalışan (2009) which is again performed in Ankara clay, it is seen
that obtained value is less than the one found in Çalışan (2009). This result is due to
several reasons;

• Çalışan (2009) used idealized soil profile and correlation was formed with an
average SPT N value in his research while in this study stiffness correlation is
achieved by dividing soil into several regions with 1.5m distances and
attributing soil properties to each region with respect to closest borehole SPT
N measurements.
• In study of Çalışan (2009) SPT N values are counted up to 50; however, this
study is performed with SPT N values counted up to 100.

Figure 5.7 shows the comparison of Hardening Soil model with inclinometer
measurements in terms of horizontal wall displacements in accordance with the
ground elevation. Moreover, Plaxis outputs of the horizontal wall deflections, vertical
displacements of the soil at the final excavation stage, moment and shear diagrams of
the pile are given between Figure 5.8 and Figure 5.11, respectively.

When the measured and predicted lateral wall movements are compared with each
other (Figure 5.7), it is determined that maximum error between estimated
displacements and the measured ones is below 10% (max. 6.2%) in each data point
above the bottom excavation level. On the other hand, although analyses were
performed by using 3 stiffness modulus parameters (E50ref, Eoedref, Eurref) to simulate
both loading and unloading-reloading behavior of soils, the predicted displacements
are not close enough to measured ones under the excavation level. Although
unloading-reloading stiffness parameter (Eurref) is included to this model, still higher
displacement values are obtained at the bottom excavation level (see Figure 5.9). This
situation is emphasized by several researchers [Benz (2006), Gouw (2014) and
Schweiger et al. (2009)] and they claim that additional stiffness parameters are also
needed (γ0.7 and G0ref) to predict more realistic surface settlements in front of the wall.
Estimated and measured displacements with calculated errors in each data point of the
pile are given in Appendix B.

Figure 5.7. Comparison of Horizontal Displacements – HS Model -

Maximum and minimum bending moment (Figure 5.10) values are obtained as 384.3
kN.m/m and -369.7 kN.m/m at 28.0m and 24.0m below the pile top elevation,
respectively. Also, maximum and minimum shear forces (Figure 5.11) are determined
as 303.0 kN/m and -199.5 kN/m at 27.0m and 21.0m below the pile top elevation,
respectively. Moreover, maximum anchor load at the 4th anchorage level is determined
as 410.0 kN in the HS model.

Figure 5.8. Horizontal Displacement of the Pile – HS Model -

Figure 5.9. Vertical Displacement of the Soil in the Final Excavation Stage – HS Model -

Figure 5.10. Bending Moment of the Pile – HS Model -

Figure 5.11. Shear Diagram of the Pile – HS Model -

5.3. Hardening Soil Model with Small Strain Stiffness

After the E50ref parameter was obtained from the HS analysis, it is utilized in HSsmall
model and kept constant. In addition, two stiffness parameters are included in this
model namely γ0.7 and G0ref. Due to these additional parameters, calculation time
increases and it took 12 minutes and 30 seconds for one HSsmall analysis. The
parameter G0ref is taken as 2 x E50ref which is the relation proposed by Look (2007).
Values of γ0.7 are iteratively changed between 0.0001 and 0.001, which is the range
proposed by Benz (2006) for each soil layer in order to obtain the optimal solution.
Final parameters are shown in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1. HSsmall Model Obtained γ0.7 Values

γ0.7 G0ref
Clay_1 0.0003 25500
Clay_2 0.0003 30000
Clay_3 0.0003 36000
Clay_4 0.0003 52500
Clay_5 0.0002 58500
Clay_6 0.0002 63000
Clay_7 0.0002 52500
Clay_8 0.0001 66000
Clay_9 0.0001 69000
Clay_10 0.0001 75000
Clay_11 0.0001 76500
Clay_12 0.0001 82500
Clay_13 0.0001 85500
Clay_14 0.0001 90000
Clay_15 0.0001 84000
Clay_16 0.0001 87000
Clay_17 0.0001 90000

Figure 5.12 shows the comparison of HSsmall with inclinometer measurements in

terms of horizontal wall displacements in accordance with the ground elevation.

Moreover, Plaxis outputs of the horizontal wall deflections, vertical displacements of
the soil at the final excavation stage, moment and shear diagrams of the pile are given
between Figure 5.13 and Figure 5.16, respectively.

When the measured and predicted lateral wall movements are compared with each
other (Figure 5.12), it is determined that maximum error between estimated
displacements and the measured ones is below 5.0% (max. 2.9%) in each data point
above the bottom excavation level. Although addition of two more stiffness
parameters increase the accuracy of calculations below the bottom excavation level,
displacement values are still much higher than the measured ones.

Figure 5.12. Comparison of Horizontal Displacements – HSsmall Model –

Figure 5.13. Horizontal Displacement of the Pile – HSsmall Model -

Figure 5.14. Vertical Displacement of the Pile – HSsmall Model -

Maximum and minimum bending moment (Figure 5.15) values are obtained as 389.7
kN.m/m and -365.1 kN.m/m at 28.0m and 24.0m below the pile top elevation,
respectively. Also, maximum and minimum shear forces (Figure 5.16) are determined
as 308.5 kN/m and -199.4 kN/m at 27.0m and 21.0m below the pile top elevation,
respectively. Moreover, maximum anchor load at the 4th anchorage level is determined
as 408.0 kN in the HSsmall model.

Figure 5.15. Bending Moment of the Pile – HSsmall Model -

Figure 5.16. Shear Forces of the Pile – HSsmall Model –

5.4. Comparison of the Models

Maximum horizontal displacement is measured as 3.5cm in the site. This value is in

the expected limits of stiff clays predicted by Clough et al. (1990) and Long (2001).
This maximum displacement is obtained by changing stiffness parameter of Ankara
clay in MC, HS and HSsmall models. The best estimation of each model and
inclinometer measurements are shown in Figure 5.17.

A parametric study of E’, E50ref and γ0.7 are conducted by using MC, HS and HSsmall
models, respectively. As mentioned previously HSsmall model is the extended version
of the HS model with two additional stiffness parameters (G0ref and γ0.7), therefore in
HSsmall analyses deformation modulus parameters (E50ref, Eoedref, Eurref) are kept
constant and γ0.7 parameters are tried to find. Maximum 3.5cm horizontal
displacement is obtained with E’=1020 x SPT N60 value in MC model and E50ref = 780
x SPT N60 in HS and HSsmall models. It is clear that the correlation constant in MC
model is 30% higher when compared to advance soil models (HS and HSsmall). This

outcome seems reasonable since MC model uses single deformation modulus
parameter for all loading types; therefore, it is expected that estimated correlation
constant for E’ in MC model will be higher than the constant for E50ref in advance

When the horizontal displacement curves obtained from MC, HS and HSsmall
analyses are compared with each other and with inclinometer measurements (see
Figure 5.17), it is understood that displacements of the advanced soil models are very
close to the measured displacements while MC model gives close displacement values
only near proximity of the maximum displacement depth.

Bottom Excavation Level

Figure 5.17. Comparison of Material Models in terms of Horizontal Displacements

As shown in Figure 5.18, maximum surface heave in front of the wall is predicted as
9.5cm, 3.5cm and 2.7cm by MC, HS and HSsmall models, respectively. MC model
gives non-realistic surface heave in front of the wall. The reason behind this is related
that model uses only one deformation modulus parameter for loading, unloading and
reloading cases. Also, it neglects hardening of the soils. On the other hand, advanced
soil models (HS and HSsmall) show similar heave results.

Figure 5.18. Comparison of Material Models in terms of Surface Heave in front of the Wall

Horizontal and vertical displacement curves of HS and HSsmall models are very close
to each other and to inclinometer measurements. This is because both models simulate
the soil behavior with a hyperbolic relation for loading and also for
unloading/reloading situations with three stiffness parameters. On the other hand,

since HSsmall model includes the effects of small strain behavior, predictions with
HSsmall are slightly better than HS model.

Figure 5.17 shows that even when advanced soil models are used, it is not likely to
obtain exactly the same displacement curve measured from inclinometers. This is due
to several reasons which are given below:

• Dissimilarity of prestressing from design to practice

• Temperature effect
• Human effect
• Non-homogenous nature of soil

Calculated moment and shear values of HS and HSsmall model are close to each other.
On the other hand, the moment and shear values of the MC model shows differences
due to having different displacement curve.

Anchor forces obtained are 419.0 kN for MC, 410.0 and 408.0 kN for HS and HSsmall
models, respectively. Differences in earth pressureadistributions betweenathe models
are not significant.



Deep excavations gain importance each passing day to meet basic requirements of the
high rising population of the world. This causes rise of underground structures while
excavation depths also increase. However, some risks about the excavation,
surrounding buildings and utilities may emerge due to deepening of excavation depths.
Excessive horizontal displacements in the deep excavation system being the major
risk may lead to severe damage to surrounding structures and failure of the deep
excavation system. There are many examples of deep excavation failures in the world
and if the reasons behind these failures are investigated, it is understood that
uncertainties in soil properties, poor workmanship, inappropriate modelling and
design are the main causes of these failures. Deformation of soils is mainly affected
from stiffness parameters of soils; however, determination of soil modulus with
laboratory test results may not give realistic results because of the soil disturbance and
differences between laboratory and site conditions (size effect, water condition,
nonhomogeneous nature of soils). In addition, there are limited data on stiffness
parameters of soils owing not only to the inaccuracy of laboratory tests but also to
their significant expenses. For obtaining more precise soil stiffness parameters back
analysis method comes into prominence, which utilizes field measurements as
feedbacks for numerical analysis. There are several numerical analysis models to
simulate soil behavior in the literature; however, there is no universal material model.
Therefore, it has been a problem of selecting the appropriate soil model for the
problem to be handled.

The main objective of this study is to linearly correlate stiffness parameters with SPT
N60 values and to obtain correlation constant by using three material models of Plaxis
2D namely Mohr Coulomb (MC) model, Hardening Soil model (HS) and Hardening

Soil model with Small Strain Stiffness (HSsmall) and by using back analysis method.
Other objectives of this study are to evaluate the performance of these material models
with respect to their capability of estimating the measured displacement distribution
along the depth and to compare the models with each other. For these purposes, a back
analysis of a 25.0m depth of excavation which are supported by multilayered
anchorages in an Ankara clay was performed by using Plaxis 2D software. To be more
precise in numerical analysis, instead of using the idealized soil profile the soil is
divided into layers according to SPT-N distances. Additionally, each displacement
measured by the inclinometer along the depth is compared with the analysis results to
minimize the error. When trial-error method is used in the study, considering time loss
and the possibility of not reaching the correct result, the analysis was done by writing
the Python code.

When the back analyses results are compared with each other and with inclinometer
measurements, following conclusions are made:

• Calculation time of the MC model is the shortest among the three models
investigated which is due to the first order approximation of the model. When
HS and HSsmall models are compared, HSsmall model is slower than HS
model as it considers small strain stiffness behavior of soils with two additional
parameters (G0ref and γ0.7).
• Estimated horizontal displacement curve of HSsmall model found out to be
closest to the inclinometer measurements while HS model gives very similar
results being slightly worse than HSsmall model. On the other hand, MC
model gives close results only near the proximity of maximum displacement
depth. HS and HSsmall models resulting in close approximations to the
inclinometer measurements is due to the use of hyperbolic soil behavior with
isotropic hardening formulation and the inclusion of unloading/reloading
stiffness parameters.
• When vertical displacement estimations of the models are compared, it is
understood that MC model analysis gives unrealistic surface heave in front of

the wall while the results of the advance soil models are close to each other
and their predictions are in the expected range proposed in the literature.
• Maximum horizontal displacement is obtained with E’=1020 x SPT N60 value
in MC model and E50ref = 780 x SPT N60 in HS and HSsmall models in the
back analysis of the case study in Ankara clay. It is clear that the correlation
constant in MC model is 30% higher when compared to advance models (HS
and HSsmall). This outcome seems reasonable since MC model uses single
deformation modulus parameter for all loading types.
• When these results are compared with the study of Çalışan, which is focused
on only HS model, it is seen that author has obtained a higher value of Eu/cu
ratio being 520 that corresponds to E50ref = 1450 x SPT N. This consequence
is due to the use of idealized soil profile in his study. Therefore, we may
conclude that the procedure followed in this study results in more conservative
estimations of soil parameters.
• Even if advanced soil models are used, the predicted displacements below the
excavation level does not coincide with the measured displacements. This is
due to the underestimation of passive resistance which causes overestimation
of the lateral movements of the pile below the excavation level.
• It is seen that with advanced soil models predicted displacements are
calculated with an error below 5% percent which is very close to the measured
displacements. This result may be addressed to the use of different soil
parameters along the depth related to SPT N60 values instead of using single
soil parameter obtained from idealized soil profile.

In this thesis, correlation of Ankara clay is determined by using data taken from
one construction site. In the future, back analysis study may be performed for other
construction sites in Ankara clay and according to obtained values the coefficients
may be developed. Also, since the ground is unsaturated, it may be appropriate to
have a future research with a model that takes into account the unsaturated state
(such as the Barcelona basic model).


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A. Laboratory Test Results

Table A.1 Laboratory Test Results

Table A.1 Laboratory Test Results (Continued)

Table A.1 Laboratory Test Results (Continued)

Table A.1 Laboratory Test Results (Continued)

B. Inclinometer Measurements, Estimated Displacements and Errors

Table B.1. MC Model Estimated Displacements and Errors for Each Altitude

Measured Estimated
Altitude Error
Displacement Displacement
(m) (%)
(m) (m)
884.72 -0.014 -0.010 30.5
884.22 -0.015 -0.011 27.5
883.72 -0.017 -0.012 25.5
883.22 -0.018 -0.013 23.1
882.72 -0.019 -0.015 21.7
882.22 -0.020 -0.016 20.5
881.72 -0.021 -0.017 20.1
881.22 -0.022 -0.018 19.9
880.72 -0.023 -0.019 19.2
880.22 -0.024 -0.020 18.6
879.72 -0.025 -0.021 18.2
879.22 -0.026 -0.022 17.7
878.72 -0.027 -0.022 17.2
878.22 -0.028 -0.023 16.3
877.72 -0.028 -0.024 15.3
877.22 -0.029 -0.025 14.3
876.72 -0.030 -0.026 13.1
876.22 -0.030 -0.027 11.9
875.72 -0.031 -0.027 10.5
875.22 -0.031 -0.028 9.4
874.72 -0.031 -0.029 8.3
874.22 -0.032 -0.030 7.2
873.72 -0.032 -0.030 6.4
873.22 -0.033 -0.031 5.9
872.72 -0.033 -0.032 5.1
872.22 -0.034 -0.032 4.4
871.72 -0.034 -0.033 3.9
871.22 -0.035 -0.033 3.2
870.72 -0.035 -0.034 2.2
870.22 -0.035 -0.034 1.5
869.72 -0.035 -0.035 1.0
869.22 -0.035 -0.035 0.6

Measured Estimated
Altitude Error
Displacement Displacement
(m) (%)
(m) (m)
868.72 -0.035 -0.035 0.4
868.22 -0.035 -0.035 0.2
867.72 -0.035 -0.035 0.2
867.22 -0.035 -0.035 0.1
866.72 -0.035 -0.035 0.0
866.22 -0.035 -0.035 -0.2
865.72 -0.034 -0.035 -0.2
865.22 -0.034 -0.034 -0.3
864.72 -0.033 -0.034 -0.8
864.22 -0.032 -0.033 -1.7
863.72 -0.031 -0.032 -2.7
863.22 -0.030 -0.031 -3.9
862.72 -0.029 -0.030 -5.5
862.22 -0.027 -0.029 -7.9
861.72 -0.025 -0.028 -11.1
861.22 -0.022 -0.026 -16.0
860.72 -0.020 -0.024 -23.2
860.22 -0.017 -0.023 -33.9
859.72 -0.014 -0.021 -50.1
859.22 -0.011 -0.019 -73.7
858.72 -0.008 -0.018 -113.3
858.22 -0.006 -0.016 -173.8
857.72 -0.004 -0.015 -266.1
857.22 -0.003 -0.014 -405.4
856.72 -0.002 -0.014 -630.1
856.22 -0.001 -0.013 -1031.2
855.72 -0.001 -0.013 -1801.4
855.22 0.000 -0.013 -3510.0
854.72 0.000 -0.013 -9847.7
854.22 0.000 -0.013 -32137.5

Table B.2. HS Model Estimated Displacements and Errors for Each Altitude

Measured Estimated
Altitude Error
Displacement Displacement
(m) (%)
(m) (m)
884.72 -0.014 -0.015 -2.22
884.22 -0.015 -0.016 -2.54
883.72 -0.017 -0.017 -1.83
883.22 -0.018 -0.018 -1.97
882.72 -0.019 -0.019 -1.24
882.22 -0.020 -0.020 -0.36
881.72 -0.021 -0.021 1.19
881.22 -0.022 -0.022 2.72
880.72 -0.023 -0.022 3.43
880.22 -0.024 -0.023 4.19
879.72 -0.025 -0.024 4.97
879.22 -0.026 -0.025 5.62
878.72 -0.027 -0.025 6.23
878.22 -0.028 -0.026 6.18
877.72 -0.028 -0.027 6.01
877.22 -0.029 -0.027 5.87
876.72 -0.030 -0.028 5.43
876.22 -0.030 -0.029 4.96
875.72 -0.031 -0.029 4.30
875.22 -0.031 -0.030 3.86
874.72 -0.031 -0.030 3.40
874.22 -0.032 -0.031 2.92
873.72 -0.032 -0.032 2.66
873.22 -0.033 -0.032 2.66
872.72 -0.033 -0.033 2.32
872.22 -0.034 -0.033 2.09
871.72 -0.034 -0.034 1.97
871.22 -0.035 -0.034 1.55
870.72 -0.035 -0.034 0.85
870.22 -0.035 -0.035 0.44
869.72 -0.035 -0.035 0.13
869.22 -0.035 -0.035 -0.08
868.72 -0.035 -0.035 -0.10
868.22 -0.035 -0.035 -0.09
867.72 -0.035 -0.035 -0.02
867.22 -0.035 -0.035 -0.02

Measured Estimated
Altitude Error
Displacement Displacement
(m) (%)
(m) (m)
866.72 -0.035 -0.035 0.02
866.22 -0.035 -0.035 -0.05
865.72 -0.034 -0.034 -0.02
865.22 -0.034 -0.034 -0.04
864.72 -0.033 -0.033 -0.53
864.22 -0.032 -0.033 -1.36
863.72 -0.031 -0.032 -2.38
863.22 -0.030 -0.031 -3.69
862.72 -0.029 -0.030 -5.38
862.22 -0.027 -0.029 -7.88
861.72 -0.025 -0.028 -11.20
861.22 -0.022 -0.026 -16.37
860.72 -0.020 -0.025 -23.84
860.22 -0.017 -0.023 -34.71
859.72 -0.014 -0.021 -50.89
859.22 -0.011 -0.019 -74.10
858.72 -0.008 -0.017 -112.04
858.22 -0.006 -0.016 -167.69
857.72 -0.004 -0.014 -248.31
857.22 -0.003 -0.013 -362.58
856.72 -0.002 -0.012 -535.85
856.22 -0.001 -0.011 -827.97
855.72 -0.001 -0.010 -1357.25
855.22 0.000 -0.009 -2466.39
854.72 0.000 -0.008 -6417.69
854.22 0.000 -0.008 -19227.50

Table B.3. HSsmall Model Estimated Displacements and Errors for Each Altitude

Measured Estimated
Altitude Error
Displacement Displacement
(m) (%)
(m) (m)
884.72 -0.014 -0.015 -2.21
884.22 -0.015 -0.016 -2.54
883.72 -0.017 -0.017 -1.82

Measured Estimated
Altitude Error
Displacement Displacement
(m) (%)
(m) (m)
883.22 -0.018 -0.018 -1.95
882.72 -0.019 -0.019 -1.23
882.22 -0.020 -0.020 -0.35
881.72 -0.021 -0.021 1.18
881.22 -0.022 -0.022 2.38
880.72 -0.023 -0.023 2.58
880.22 -0.024 -0.024 2.68
879.72 -0.025 -0.025 2.73
879.22 -0.026 -0.026 2.44
878.72 -0.027 -0.026 2.92
878.22 -0.028 -0.027 2.95
877.72 -0.028 -0.028 2.78
877.22 -0.029 -0.028 2.93
876.72 -0.030 -0.029 2.78
876.22 -0.030 -0.029 2.59
875.72 -0.031 -0.030 2.19
875.22 -0.031 -0.030 2.02
874.72 -0.031 -0.031 1.80
874.22 -0.032 -0.031 1.57
873.72 -0.032 -0.032 1.55
873.22 -0.033 -0.032 1.78
872.72 -0.033 -0.033 1.66
872.22 -0.034 -0.033 1.64
871.72 -0.034 -0.034 1.72
871.22 -0.035 -0.034 1.49
870.72 -0.035 -0.034 0.97
870.22 -0.035 -0.035 0.73
869.72 -0.035 -0.035 0.59
869.22 -0.035 -0.035 0.54
868.72 -0.035 -0.035 0.67
868.22 -0.035 -0.035 0.82
867.72 -0.035 -0.035 1.04
867.22 -0.035 -0.035 1.17
866.72 -0.035 -0.035 1.35
866.22 -0.035 -0.034 1.40
865.72 -0.034 -0.034 1.56
865.22 -0.034 -0.033 1.68
864.72 -0.033 -0.033 1.34

Measured Estimated
Altitude Error
Displacement Displacement
(m) (%)
(m) (m)
864.22 -0.032 -0.032 0.66
863.72 -0.031 -0.031 -0.18
863.22 -0.030 -0.030 -1.29
862.72 -0.029 -0.029 -1.02
862.22 -0.027 -0.027 -0.79
861.72 -0.025 -0.025 -1.54
861.22 -0.022 -0.023 -3.78
860.72 -0.020 -0.022 -9.56
860.22 -0.017 -0.020 -18.00
859.72 -0.014 -0.018 -30.58
859.22 -0.011 -0.016 -48.48
858.72 -0.008 -0.015 -77.71
858.22 -0.006 -0.013 -119.90
857.72 -0.004 -0.012 -179.81
857.22 -0.003 -0.010 -262.61
856.72 -0.002 -0.009 -385.37
856.22 -0.001 -0.008 -588.22
855.72 -0.001 -0.007 -947.25
855.22 0.000 -0.006 -1680.56
854.72 0.000 -0.006 -4241.54
854.22 0.000 -0.005 -12155.00


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