Arch1102 - 2010 Outline

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UNSW: Faculty of the Built Environment

Bachelor of Architectural Studies

Arch1102: Architectural Design Studio Two session two 2010

Units of Credit: 6UOC

Course Convenor: Maryam Gusheh, room 4005, [email protected]

Studio: Wednesday, 9am – 1pm, fifth and sixth level studios - Red Centre West Wing
Lectures: Monday, 9am – 11am, Webster Theatre A

Studio Tutors: David Astridge; Katherine Burdett; Celia Caroll; Min Dark; Maryam Gusheh; Sofia Husni; David
Ostinga; Andrew Scott; Stephen Sheridan; Michelle Orsazaczky; Shaowen Wang; Belliqis


1. Course details p.2

Course summary + Aims
Learning outcomes
Graduate attributes

2. Rationale for the inclusion of content and teaching approach p. 3

3. Teaching strategies p. 3

4. Assessment p. 3 - 4

5. Schedule p. 4

6. Policies p. 5 - 7

UNSW Arch1102 Architectural Design Studio 2 . Session Two 2010 1

1. Course Summary and Aims

Arch1102 is the second stage of the first year architectural design studio.

In this course two distinct yet interdependent approaches to design thinking are privileged: The framing of architectural design
as the articulation of a relationship between themes: siting, enclosure and materials in relation to the program* and the
interpretive analysis and interpretation of architectural precedents as a significant component of the design process.

The session is structured around three architectural projects, each, four weeks in duration. These involve the design of small-
scale spaces for primarily three activities: drawing/painting, bathing and baking. The generalised nature of these activities is
complemented with a more specific focus or requirement, such as drawing maps and or making bread. Each project will be
designed with reference to a nominated precedent study and will be developed via three design exercises or steps. Prescribed
material, geometric, and representational ‘limits’ (or rules), will focus the field of architectural exploration. The site for all three
projects remains the same; and is located in the inner Sydney suburb of Woolloomooloo.

The program’s engagement with architectural examples or precedents is not conceived as homage to the architect’s genius
nor does it propose a social prescription or a formal, typological or stylistic model to be adopted. Rather, this emphasis has a
two-fold purpose. Firstly it aims to develop skills in the critical interpretation and analysis of canonical architectural works. In
specific terms, the legacy of twentieth century modernism is reconsidered by highlighting several of its key practitioners.
Secondly, it aims to develop skills in formulating design decisions with reference to disciplinary history. This means that
employed design tactics may be aligned with or, alternatively, offer a critique of architectural themes inherent in the nominated
precedents. In framing design as a ‘tracing’ or ‘response’ to an existing set of spatial relations, attention will be drawn to the
shifts in meaning that occur, as architectural strategies are repeated in different contexts; intentionally altered through
adjustments, and distortions; or fully transformed through imaginative misreading and incongruities. In this light, architectural
‘invention’ is framed as a re-interpretation of existing architectural strategies.

*Note: refrence to the themes: ‘siting, enclosure and materials’, has been borrowed from David Leatherbarrow: David Leatherbarrow, The Roots of
Architectural Invention, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993).

Learning outcomes

By the conclusion of this course, the students will be able to:

• Develop implications for design practice based on the analysis and interpretation of canonical precedents.
• Develop architectural proposals for program/site specific, small to medium-scale, briefs and associated prescribed
material and geometric limits, to a moderate level of integration.
• Demonstrate an elementary knowledge of masonry construction.
• Demonstrate improved skills in model making with a focus on balsa + develop drawing skills using CAD.

Graduate Attributes

The students will be encouraged to develop the following graduate attributes by attending the lectures participating in studio
and undertaking the associated studio exercises. The attributes will be assessed within the prescribed assessment tasks. At
the conclusion of this course the students will be able to demonstrate:
• Skills in architectural analysis and interpretation of canonical works.
• Improved skills in the conception and development of program/site specific small to medium-scale spaces and associated
methods of assembly to a moderate level of integration.
• Improved skills in two and three-dimensional techniques of architectural representation.

UNSW Arch1102 Architectural Design Studio 2 . Session Two 2010 2

2. Rationale for the inclusion of content

Projects: The project briefs, as a collective, aim to develop the student’s skills in formulating architectural proposals that
accommodate: diverse patterns of use; general as well as specific activities; private, semi private and to public building types;
varied interior spatial spatial situations; diverse range of relationships between internal and external spaces. For detailed
project briefs refer to ‘Projects’ section of Arch 1102 Black Board site.

Precedents: The choice of the precedents, reflects significant and influential architectural works representative of early, mid
and late twentieth century. In their scale, material resolution and composition they are aligned with the prescribed project
limits. They each embody a distinct approach to the relationship between structure and space and the articulation of spatial
interrelationships. As the session progresses, the precedents will be studied in relation to one another as well as more
contemporary projects. In response to the studio’s objectives students will be encouraged to consider each architect’s
response to the notion of ‘program’ and how in turn each project articulates the relationship between themes: siting, enclosure
and materials.
Site: The site offers the potential for multiple architectural strategies. Specifically it develops the student’s skills in: responding
to a dense inner urban environment; mediating a complex architectural context, diverse in type and scale; responding to a
corner site; responding to distinct and dramatic shifts in level; addressing the relationship between private and public space
and associated themes of privacy and access. For site drawings and details refer to the ‘resources’ section of the Arch1102
Black Board site.

Representational limits: the development of digital drawing and physical modelling skills are emphasised. The prescribed
drawing techniques and format privilege an economical and precise registration of the context and proposed architectural
elements. Students are required to construct their models in balsa wood. The material limit encourages the students to pay
focused attention and explore the representational potential of balsa via its specific material characteristics such as thickness,
grain, colour and malleability.

Material and geometric limits: artificial limits of rules focus the field of architectural exploration and promote the development of
foundational skills.

3. Teaching format

This course consists of a studio-based program and a lecture series. The studio program focuses on four-hour sessions,
where atudents work in close interaction with their peers and design tutor. Students are required to treat the studio space as
place for work. Please come prepared with adequate drawing and model making equipment, or other materials as necessary.
The studio relies on an iterative structure where students employ and improve at a nominated pattern of design production
through repetition. For the sake of consistency and equity across the year, your tutors will be advised to only consult with
those who are up to date and have completed the required tasks.

The lecture series will deliver: Course specific lectures - material specifically related to this course and general concerns that
arise throughout the session - as well as guest lectures. Guest speakers include Sydney based architects. They have been
invited to speak about their own work as well as other architectural projects that have influenced their thinking and approach to
architectural practice. Lecture attendance is compulsory.

4. Assessment

Assessment will take place throughout the session and in relation to all three projects as well as your contribution to the studio
setting. Assessment criteria will generally be directly related to the stated objectives of each project. These criteria will be
strictly adhered to - and students are expected to have understood what each criterion means. If there are any doubts about
their meaning and implication, clarification must be sought with the tutor and course coordinator. It is the responsibility of
individual students to keep up to date of any changes to the assessment criteria, which may be made from time to time via
email, and/or during lectures/workshops. In summary, there are the four major topics, which you are required to address and
resolve in all three projects. As the session progresses you will be expected to develop more developed skills in each area.
While the proportional weighting of each topic may vary, all four will be considered in assessing each project:

UNSW Arch1102 Architectural Design Studio 2 . Session Two 2010 3

• Clarity of architectural strategies, as they have been drawn from precedents and their translations into relevant design
strategies and spatial tactics.
• Clarity of architectural response to program.
• Understanding of methods of assembly and construction.
• Precision and clarity of architectural representation.

If you do not satisfy the required criteria, you may be asked to repeat a given project, rather than progress to the following one.
In this scenario, new assessment requirements will be discussed with each individual student. The assessment breakdown will
be as follows:
Project One – Map Maker’s Studio: 26%
Project Two – Bath House: 32%
Project Three – Bakery: 32%
Participation: 10%

5. Schedule
LECTURES (Monday 9-11) STUDIO (Wednesdays 9-1)

Week 2 July 26 introduction July 28 Submit: introductory exc.

Site Visit

Week 3 Aug 2 Guest: Katrina Simon Aug 4 Submit: site exc.

In studio: complete proj one: task 1

Week 4 Aug 9 Guest: Neil Durbach Aug 11 Submit: project one: task 2
Durbach Block Jaggers Architects In studio: develop task 2

Week 5 Aug 16 Guest: TBA Aug 18 Submit: project one: task 3

In studio: develop task 3

Week 6 Aug 23 Guest: TBA Aug 25 Project one: final sub

Site models: final sub

Week 7 Aug 30 Guest: Tony Chenchow Sept 1 In studio: complete proj two: task 1
Chenchow Little Architects

Mid Session Break

Week 8 Sept 13 Guest: Julie McKenzie Sept 15 Submit: project two: task 2
Tonkin Zulaikha Greer Architects In studio: develop task 2

Week 9 Sept 20 Guest: Brian Bass Sept 22 Submit: project two: task 3
Popov Bass Architects In studio: develop task 3

Week 10 Sept 27 Guest: Janet Laurence Sept 29 Project two: final sub

Week 11 Oct 4 No lecture - Public holiday Oct 6 In studio: complete proj three: task 1

Week 12 Oct 11 VINI team Oct 13 Submit: project three: task 2

In studio: develop task 2

Week 13 Oct 18 Guest: Camilla Block Oct 20 Submit: project three: task
Durbach Block Jaggers Architects In studio: develop task 3

Week 14 Oct 25 No lecture Oct 27 No studio

Week 15 Nov 01 No lecture Nov 03 Final submission

UNSW Arch1102 Architectural Design Studio 2 . Session Two 2010 4

6. Policies

UNSW policies on topics listed below refer to the Arch1102 Black Board Site>Policies.
• Student conduct policy
• Academic misconduct and plagiarism
• Assessment policy
• Special consideration
• Occupational Health and safety
• UNSW policy and Administrative documents

Governance matters specific or particularly relevant to this course:

You are reminded of the University requirement to attend a minimum of 80% of all scheduled classes. The following extract
from the University Calendar indicates the penalty that can be imposed if you do not:
“If students attend less than eighty percent of their possible classes they may be refused final assessment”

Studio commitment and workload

The UNSW Academic Board has determined that the normal workload expectations of a student are 25-30 hours per session
for each unit of credit, including class contact hours, preparation and time spent on all assessable work. This course has a
credit point loading of 6 credit points per week during the session. Expected student workload this session is 180 hours.
Therefore students are expected to undertake at least 15 hours per week including 4 studio contact hours.This will be taken
into account during weekly studio reviews of your work and in the assessment of all projects and exercises. At every stage of
the process your work must demonstrate evidence of this minimum expected workload. If not, you will forfeit your right to tutor
consultation. The expectation is also premised on individual student study patterns being efficient and effective to meet the
academic standard of intellectual and practical work required. We encourage you to examine your study practices so that you
meet the course expectations for academic engagement and success.

Students are strongly advised not to over-commit themselves to paid work or voluntary activities that will impinge on that level
of time commitment to their studies. Such external commitments will not be taken into consideration in relation to matters such
as extensions of time for submission of project work or failure to attend classes.

Late work
Each scheduled assignment task is expected to be completed for the day it is due. In fairness to all students, assessable tasks
that are received without advance agreement by your tutor or Course Convener, will receive a late penalty of 10% per day.
The late penalty will be deducted from your assigned mark.

Mishaps, commitments and obligations can affect your university study. Consequently, at the sole discretion of the course
conveners, late assignment work may be accepted without penalty if prior (24-hours minimum) notification is given to the
Course Conveners for that assignment task. When approval is given for a late submission, students should attach a statement
to the assignment explaining the reasons why the work is late and submit it through the Faculty Student Centre marked to the
attention of the Course Conveners. Late work should not be submitted to your Tutor.

On some occasions sickness, misadventure, or other circumstance beyond your control may prevent you from completing a
course requirement or attending or submitting assessable work for a course. Such assessable requirements may include
formal end of session examination, class test, laboratory test, seminar presentation, etc. It is also possible that such situations
may significantly affect your performance in an assessable task. The University has procedures that allow you to apply for

UNSW Arch1102 Architectural Design Studio 2 . Session Two 2010 5

The following are the grades and corresponding marks that are awarded:
HD (High Distinction) from 85% - 100%
DN (Distinction) from 75% - 84%
CR (Credit) from 65% - 74%
PS (Pass) from 50% - 64%
FL (Fail) from 35% - 49%
LF (Low Fail) from 1% - 34%
NA (Not Acceptable) no mark awarded
UF (Unsatisfactory Fail)

In regards to the grade of UF the UNSW Assessment Policy states the following:
The symbol UF (Unsatisfactory Fail) may also be used with a composite mark in the range 40-100 where a student has not
performed satisfactorily in an essential item of assessment. UF should not be used to indicate that a student has failed to
reach an acceptable standard in a major assessment task such as a final examination unless it is an essential item of
assessment. Normally, the assessment weights or formulas should be adjusted so that failure in a major piece of assessment
is reflected in an overall mark less than 50. UF should also not be used by a Faculty Assessment Review Group to circumvent
the award of a conceded pass.
In order to further distinguish between the differing standards of work within a grade, some staff members will use + or - after
the grade, eg cr+ (mark of 73) or dn- (mark of 75). Please note that the grade of HD is awarded for assignment work of an
exemplary and exceptionally high standard across all assessment criteria. The grade of Fail is given to work of a very poor
and inadequate standard across the assessment criteria. It is a clear statement from your assessors that the submission is of
a poor academic quality.
A variety of tutorial staff have been invited to bring a range of approaches to the studio. This means that each studio group is
likely to have a different perspective on the project, to encourage a different practice, and to produce different outcomes. At
the same time, the quality and quantity of the work produced - irrespective of the approach - is expected to be equivalent
across all studio groups.
Most of the part-time staff are employed on casual basis. They are all involved with architectural practice or other scholarly
endeavours. As such they will not be available for consultation out side the tutorial hours. If you are experiencing any
particular difficulties, please contact one of the course convenors. Meetings with convenors should be arranged through
Alterations to the program
Changes to the program are likely throughout the session. From time to time, project updates may be issued to vary project
briefs, assessment criteria or submission requirements and dates. You are responsible for keeping up to date on changes.
Academic honesty and plagiarism
We remind you to review the UNSW policy on Student Academic Conduct and Misconduct (Arch1102 Black Board
You are particularly reminded of the section 1.3.1 UNSW policy dealing with plagiarism. If in any doubt about the
determination of plagiarism in relation to your design work, you should discuss your concerns with your tutor as early as
possible in the process.
Plagiarism is the presentation of the thoughts or work of another as one’s own.* Examples include:
• direct duplication of the thoughts or work of another, including by copying work, or knowingly permitting it to be copied.
This includes copying material, ideas or concepts from a book, article, report or other written document (whether published
or unpublished), composition, artwork, design, drawing, circuitry, computer program or software, web site, Internet, other
electronic resource, or another person’s assignment without appropriate acknowledgement;
• paraphrasing another person’s work with very minor changes keeping the meaning, form and/or progression of ideas of
the original;
• piecing together sections of the work of others into a new whole;
• presenting an assessment item as independent work when it has been produced in whole or part in collusion with other
people, for example, another student or a tutor; and,
• claiming credit for a proportion a work contributed to a group assessment item that is greater than that actually

UNSW Arch1102 Architectural Design Studio 2 . Session Two 2010 6

Submitting an assessment item that has already been submitted for academic credit elsewhere may also be considered
The inclusion of the thoughts or work of another with attribution appropriate to the academic discipline does not amount to

Students are reminded of their Rights and Responsibilities in respect of plagiarism, as set out in the University Undergraduate
and Postgraduate Handbooks, and are encouraged to seek advice from academic staff whenever necessary to ensure they
avoid plagiarism in all its forms.
The Learning Centre website is the central University online resource for staff and student information on plagiarism and
academic honesty. It has extensive guidance on what constitutes plagiarism and provides examples and guidance on correct
referencing of source material. It can be located at: (

The Learning Centre also provides substantial educational written materials, workshops, and tutorials to aid students, for
example, in:
• correct referencing practices;
• paraphrasing, summarising, essay writing, and time management;
• appropriate use of, and attribution for, a range of materials including text, images, formulae and concepts.
Individual assistance is available on request from The Learning Centre.
Students are also reminded that careful time management is an important part of study and one of the identified causes of
plagiarism is poor time management. Students should allow sufficient time for research, drafting, and the proper referencing of
sources in preparing all assessment items.

Based on that proposed to the University of Newcastle by the St James Ethics Centre. Used with kind permission from the
University of Newcastle

† Adapted with kind permission from the University of Melbourne

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