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2003 Midwest Research to Practice Conference in

Adult, Continuing, and Community Education

Calculating, Interpreting, and Reporting

Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient for Likert-Type Scales

Joseph A. Gliem
Rosemary R. Gliem

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to show why single-item questions pertaining to a construct are
not reliable and should not be used in drawing conclusions. By comparing the reliability of a summated,
multi-item scale versus a single-item question, the authors show how unreliable a single item is; and
therefore it is not appropriate to make inferences based upon the analysis of single-item questions which
are used in measuring a construct.


Oftentimes information gathered in the social sciences, marketing, medicine, and

business, relative to attitudes, emotions, opinions, personalities, and description’s of people’s
environment involves the use of Likert-type scales. As individuals attempt to quantify constructs
which are not directly measurable they oftentimes use multiple-item scales and summated ratings
to quantify the construct(s) of interest. The Likert scale’s invention is attributed to Rensis Likert
(1931), who described this technique for the assessment of attitudes.
McIver and Carmines (1981) describe the Likert scale as follows:

A set of items, composed of approximately an equal number of favorable and unfavorable

statements concerning the attitude object, is given to a group of subjects. They are asked
to respond to each statement in terms of their own degree of agreement or disagreement.
Typically, they are instructed to select one of five responses: strongly agree, agree,
undecided, disagree, or strongly disagree. The specific responses to the items are
combined so that individuals with the most favorable attitudes will have the highest
scores while individuals with the least favorable (or unfavorable) attitudes will have the
lowest scores. While not all summated scales are created according to Likert’s specific
procedures, all such scales share the basic logic associated with Likert scaling. (pp. 22-

Spector (1992) identified four characteristics that make a scale a summated rating scale
as follows:

First, a scale must contain multiple items. The use of summated in the name implies that
multiple items will be combined or summed. Second, each individual item must measure
something that has an underlying, quantitative measurement continuum. In other words,
it measures a property of something that can vary quantitatively rather than qualitatively.

Refereed Paper: Gliem & Gliem

An attitude, for example, can vary from being very favorable to being very unfavorable.
Third, each item has no “right” answer, which makes the summated rating scale different
from a multiple-choice test. Thus summated rating scales cannot be used to test for
knowledge or ability. Finally, each item in a scale is a statement, and respondents are
asked to give rating about each statement. This involves asking subjects to indicate
which of several response choices best reflects their response to the item. (pp. 1-2)

Nunnally and Bernstein (1994), McIver and Carmines (1981), and Spector (1992) discuss
the reasons for using multi-item measures instead of a single item for measuring psychological
attributes. They identify the following: First, individual items have considerable random
measurement error, i.e. are unreliable. Nunnally and Bernstein (1994) state, “Measurement error
averages out when individual scores are summed to obtain a total score” (p. 67). Second, an
individual item can only categorize people into a relatively small number of groups. An
individual item cannot discriminate among fine degrees of an attribute. For example, with a
dichotomously scored item one can only distinguish between two levels of the attribute, i.e. they
lack precision. Third, individual items lack scope. McIver and Carmines (1981) say, “It is very
unlikely that a single item can fully represent a complex theoretical concept or any specific
attribute for that matter” (p. 15). They go on to say,

The most fundamental problem with single item measures is not merely that they tend to
be less valid, less accurate, and less reliable than their multiitem equivalents. It is rather,
that the social scientist rarely has sufficient information to estimate their measurement
properties. Thus their degree of validity, accuracy, and reliability is often unknowable.
(p. 15).

Blalock (1970) has observed, “With a single measure of each variable, one can remain blissfully
unaware of the possibility of measurement [error], but in no sense will this make his inferences
more valid” (p. 111).
Given this brief background on the benefits of Likert-type scales with their associated
multi-item scales and summated rating scores, many individuals consistently invalidate research
findings due to improper data analysis. This paper will show how data analysis errors can
adversely affect the inferences one wishes to make.

Data Analysis Errors with Likert Scales

Reporting Errors with Reliability Measures

While most individuals utilizing Likert-type scales will report overall scale and subscale
internal consistency reliability estimates in the analysis of the data, many will analyze individual
scale items. Table 1 shows the results of an analysis done be Warmbrod (2001) of The Journal
of Agricultural Education, 2000 (Volume 41). Volume 41 of the journal contained 44 articles of
which 36 (82%) were quantitative. Of these 36 articles, 29 (66%) used researcher developed
Likert scales for which internal consistency reliability measures need to be reported. The table
shows the reliability coefficients reported and the analysis strategy used with the quantitative
articles contained in the journal. As shown in the table, only two (7%) of the individuals
correctly analyzed the data collected based upon the reliability measures reported. The majority
of individuals correctly reported Cronbach’s alpha as the measure of internal consistency

Refereed Paper: Gliem & Gliem

reliability, but then opted to conduct data analysis using individual items. This is particularly
troubling because single item reliabilities are generally very low, and without reliable items the
validity of the item is poor at best and at worst unknown. This can be illustrated using a simple
data set of actual data collected from a class of graduate students enrolled in a Winter Quarter,
2003, research design course. Cronbach’s alpha is a test reliability technique that requires only a
single test administration to provide a unique estimate of the reliability for a given test.
Cronbach’s alpha is the average value of the reliability coefficients one would obtained for all
possible combinations of items when split into two half-tests.

Table 1: Reliability estimates and analysis strategies: Researcher-developed multiple-item

instruments with Likert-type scaling

Number % Reliability Coefficients Reported Analysis Strategy

3 10.3 None Single item analysis exclusively

14 48.3 Chronbach’s alpha: Total scale
and/or subscales
1 3.4 Chronbach’s alpha: Total scale Single item analysis exclusively
and/or subscales
Test-Retest: selected items
1 3.4 Chronbach’s alpha: Total scale Single item analysis exclusively
and/or subscales Some summated score analysis
4 13.8 Chronbach’s alpha: Total scale Single item analysis and summated
and/or subscales score analysis
4 13.8 Chronbach’s alpha: Total scale Summated score analysis primarily;
and/or subscales some single item analysis
2 7.0 Chronbach’s alpha: Total scale Summated score analysis exclusively
and/or subscales

Calculating Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient for Internal Consistency

A single statement (item) was presented to each student and then this same statement was
presented to the student 3 weeks later. A test-retest reliability coefficient was calculated on this
individual statement (item) since individual items can not have a Cronbach’s alpha internal
consistency reliability calculated. The statement presented to each student was, “I am pleased
with my graduate program at The Ohio State University.” Students were asked to respond to the
statement using a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly
Agree). Figure 1 shows a scatterplot of student response for the first administration of the
statement and for the second administration of the statement 3 weeks later. The test-retest
reliability coefficient for this statement was .11. A multi-item scale was also developed and
given to the same students to measure their attitude towards their graduate program. The multi-
item scale is presented in Table 2.

Refereed Paper: Gliem & Gliem

Second Administration (3 weeks)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6

First Administration

Figure 1: Scatterplot of first administration and second administration; r = .11

Table 2: Multi-item statements to measure students pleasure with their graduate program
at The Ohio State University

Item Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree
1. My advisor is knowledgeable about my program 1 2 3 4 5
2. It is easy to get an appointment with my advisor 1 2 3 4 5
3. My advisor cares about me as a person 1 2 3 4 5
4. My advisor considers me a professional 1 2 3 4 5
5. The course requirement for my major are
appropriate 1 2 3 4 5
6. The course requirements for my major will help
me get a job in my discipline 1 2 3 4 5
7. My graduate program allows me adequate
flexibility 1 2 3 4 5
8. Upon graduation, I anticipate I will not have any
problems finding a position in my discipline 1 2 3 4 5
9. My graduate program needs to be updated 1 2 3 4 5
10. The quality of the courses required in my major is
adequate 1 2 3 4 5

Refereed Paper: Gliem & Gliem

Table 3 shows the item-analysis output from SPSS for the multi-item scale of student
attitude towards their graduate program. A description of the sections and related terms are as
1. Statistics for Scale—These are summary statistics for the 8 items comprising the scale.
The summated scores can range from a low of 8 to a high of 40.
2. Item means—These are summary statistics for the eight individual item means.
3. Item Variances—These are summary statistics for the eight individual item variances.
4. Inter-Item Correlations—This is descriptive information about the correlation of each
item with the sum of all remaining items. In the example in Table 2, there are 8
correlations computed: the correlation between the first item and the sum of the other
seven items, the correlation between the second item and the sum of the other seven
items, and so forth. The first number listed is the mean of these eight correlations (in our
example .3824), the second number is the lowest of the eight (.0415), and so forth. The
mean of the inter-item correlations (.3824) is the r in the _ = rk / [1 + (k -1) r] formula
where k is the number of items considered.
5. Item-total Statistics—This is the section where one needs to direct primary attention. The
items in this section are as follows:
a. Scale Mean if Item Deleted—Excluding the individual item listed, all other scale
items are summed for all individuals (48 in our example) and the mean of the
summated items is given. In Table 2, the mean of the summated scores excluding
item 2 is 25.1.
b. Scale Variance if Item Deleted—Excluding the individual item listed, all other scale
items are summed for all individuals (48 in our example) and the variance of the
summated items is given. In Table 2, the variance of the summated scores excluding
item 2 is 25.04.
c. Corrected Item-Total Correlation—This is the correlation of the item designated with
the summated score for all other items. In Table 2, the correlation between item 2
and the summated score is .60. A rule-of-thumb is that these values should be at least
d. Squared Multiple Correlation—This is the predicted Multiple Correlation Coefficient
squared obtained by regressing the identified individual item on all the remaining
items. In Table 2, the predicted Squared Multiple Regression Correlation is .49 by
regressing item 2 on items 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.
e. Alpha if Item Deleted—This is probably the most important column in the table.
This represents the scale’s Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient for internal
consistency if the individual item is removed from the scale. In Table 2, the scale’s
Cronbach’s alpha would be .7988 if item 2 were removed for the scale. This value is
then compared to the Alpha coefficient value at the bottom of the table to see if one
wants to delete the item. As one might have noted, the present scale has only 8 items
where the original scale had 10 items. Using the above information, removing items
1 and 2 resulted in an increase in Cronbach’s alpha from .7708 to .8240.
f. Alpha—The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of internal consistency. This is the most
frequently used Cronbach’s alpha coefficient.
g. Standardized Item Alpha—The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of internal consistency
when all scale items have been standardized. This coefficient is used only when the
individual scale items are not scaled the same.

Refereed Paper: Gliem & Gliem

Table 3: Item-Analysis From SPSS Output

N Mean Variance SD

Statistics for Scale 8 29.1042 30.8187 5.5515

Mean Minimum Maximum Range Max/Min Variance

Item Means 3.6380 3.3125 3.9792 .6667 1.2013 .0729

Item Variances 1.0750 .7017 1.4109 .7092 2.0107 .0714
Correlations .3824 .0415 .5861 .5446 14.1266 .0191

Scale Mean Scale Variance Corrected Squared Alpha

If Item If Item Item Total Multiple If Item
Item Total Statistics Deleted Deleted Correlation Correlation Deleted

Item 2 25.1250 25.0479 .6046 .4909 .7988

Item 4 25.7917 23.2748 .5351 .3693 .8063
Item 5 25.6667 24.6525 .4260 .4474 .8219
Item 6 25.2500 25.2128 .5134 .4587 .8081
Item 7 25.6250 22.9202 .6578 .5104 .7874
Item 8 25.7083 24.3387 .4473 .3116 .8192
Item 9 25.1250 23.9840 .6134 .5202 .7949
Item 10 25.4375 24.0811 .6432 .4751 .7920

Alpha Standardized Item Alpha

Reliability Coefficients for Item 8 .8240 .8320

Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient normally ranges between 0 and 1. However,

there is actually no lower limit to the coefficient. The closer Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is to
1.0 the greater the internal consistency of the items in the scale. Based upon the formula _ = rk /
[1 + (k -1)r] where k is the number of items considered and r is the mean of the inter-item
correlations the size of alpha is determined by both the number of items in the scale and the
mean inter-item correlations. George and Mallery (2003) provide the following rules of thumb:
“_ > .9 – Excellent, _ > .8 – Good, _ > .7 – Acceptable, _ > .6 – Questionable, _ > .5 – Poor, and
_ < .5 – Unacceptable” (p. 231). While increasing the value of alpha is partially dependent upon
the number of items in the scale, it should be noted that this has diminishing returns. It should
also be noted that an alpha of .8 is probably a reasonable goal. It should also be noted that while
a high value for Cronbach’s alpha indicates good internal consistency of the items in the scale, it
does not mean that the scale is unidimensional. Factor analysis is a method to determine the
dimensionality of a scale but is beyond the scope of this paper.

Refereed Paper: Gliem & Gliem


When using Likert-type scales it is imperative to calculate and report Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient for internal consistency reliability for any scales or subscales one may be using. The
analysis of the data then must use these summated scales or subscales and not individual items.
If one does otherwise, the reliability of the items is at best probably low and at worst unknown.
Cronbach’s alpha does not provide reliability estimates for single items.


Blalock, H. M., Jr. (1970). Estimating measurement error using multiple indicators and several
points in time. American Sociological Review, 35(1), 101-111.
Carmines, E. G., & Zeller, R. A. (1979). Reliability and validity assessment. Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage.
George, D., & Mallery, P. (2003). SPSS for Windows step by step: A simple guide and
reference. 11.0 update (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Likert, R. (1931). A technique for the measurement of attitudes. Archives of Psychology. New
York: Columbia University Press.
McIver, J. P., & Carmines, E. G. (1981). Unidimensional scaling. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Nunnally, J. C., & Bernstein, I. H. (1994). Psychometric theory (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-
Spector, P. (1992). Summated rating scale construction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Warmbrod, J. R. (2001). Conducting, interpreting, and reporting quantitative research.
Research Pre-Session, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Joseph A. Gliem, Associate Professor, Dept. of Human and Community Resource Development,
The Ohio State University, 208 Ag. Admin Bldg., 2120 Fyffe Rd., Columbus, OH
43210; [email protected]
Rosemary R. Gliem, The Ohio State University; [email protected]

Presented at the Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and

Community Education, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, October 8-10, 2003.


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