CUREEpub W-29
CUREEpub W-29
CUREEpub W-29
Design Documentation of
Woodframe Project Index Buildings
Robert Reitherman
Kelly Cobeen
The information in this publication is presented as a
public service by California Institute of Technology and
the Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake
Engineering. No liability for the accuracy or adequacy of
this information is assumed by them, nor by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency and the California
Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, which provide
funding for this project.
Design Documentation of
Woodframe Project Index Buildings
Robert Reitherman
Kelly Cobeen
Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering
1301 S. 46th Street - Building 420
Richmond, CA 94804-4600
Tel.: 510-665-3529 | Fax 510-665-3622
e-mail: [email protected] website:
ISBN 1-931995-22-2
Published by
Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (CUREE)
CUREE 1301 S. 46th Street - Richmond, CA 94804-4600 (CUREE Worldwide Website)
The CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project originated in the need for a combined research and
implementation project to improve the seismic performance of woodframe buildings, a need which was
brought to light by the January 17, 1994 Northridge, California Earthquake in the Los Angeles metropolitan
region. Damage to woodframe construction predominated in all three basic categories of earthquake loss
in that disaster:
§ Casualties: 24 of the 25 fatalities in the Northridge Earthquake that were caused by building
damage occurred in woodframe buildings (1);
§ Property Loss: Half or more of the $40 billion in property damage was due to damage to woodframe
construction (2);
§ Functionality: 48,000 housing units, almost all of them in woodframe buildings, were rendered
uninhabitable by the earthquake (3).
Woodframe construction represents one of society’s largest investments in the built environment, and the
common woodframe house is usually an individual’s largest single asset. In California, 99% of all
residences are of woodframe construction, and even considering occupancies other than residential, such
as commercial and industrial uses, 96% of all buildings in Los Angeles County are built of wood. In other
regions of the country, woodframe construction is still extremely prevalent, constituting, for example, 89%
of all buildings in Memphis, Tennessee and 87% in Wichita, Kansas, with "the general range of the
fraction of wood structures to total structures...between 80% and 90% in all regions of the US….” (4).
Funding for the Woodframe Project is provided primarily by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) under the Stafford Act (Public Law 93-288). The federal funding comes to the project through a
California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program award to
the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). The Project Manager is Professor John Hall of Caltech.
The Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (CUREE), as subcontractor to
Caltech, with Robert Reitherman as Project Director, manages the subcontracted work to various
universities, along with the work of consulting engineers, government agencies, trade groups, and others.
CUREE is a non-profit corporation devoted to the advancement of earthquake engineering research,
education, and implementation. Cost-sharing contributions to the Project come from a large number of
practicing engineers, universities, companies, local and state agencies, and others.
The project has five main Elements, which together with a management element are designed to make the
engineering of woodframe buildings more scientific and their construction technology more efficient. The
project’s Elements and their managers are:
The type of construction that is the subject of the investigation reported in this document is typical “two-
by-four” frame construction as developed and commonly built in the United States. (Outside the scope of
this Project are the many kinds of construction in which there are one or more timber components, but
which cannot be described as having a timber structural system, e.g., the roof of a typical concrete tilt-up
building). In contrast to steel, masonry, and concrete construction, woodframe construction is much more
commonly built under conventional (i.e., non-engineered) building code provisions. Also notable is the fact
that even in the case of engineered wood buildings, structural engineering analysis and design procedures,
as well as building code requirements, are more based on traditional practice and experience than on
precise methods founded on a well-established engineering rationale. Dangerous damage to US
woodframe construction has been rare, but there is still considerable room for improvement. To increase
the effectiveness of earthquake-resistant design and construction with regard to woodframe construction,
two primary aims of the Project are:
1. Make the design and analysis more scientific, i.e., more directly founded on experimentally and
theoretically validated engineering methods and more precise in the resulting quantitative results.
2. Make the construction more efficient, i.e., reduce construction or other costs where possible,
increasing seismic performance while respecting the practical aspects associated with this type of
construction and its associated decentralized building construction industry.
The initial planning for the Testing and Analysis tasks evolved from a workshop that was primarily devoted
to obtaining input from practitioners (engineers, building code officials, architects, builders) concerning
questions to which they need answers if they are to implement practical ways of reducing earthquake
losses in their work. (Frieder Seible, André Filiatrault, and Chia -Ming Uang, Proceedings of the
Invitational Workshop on Seismic Testing, Analysis and Design of Woodframe Construction,
CUREE Publication No. W-01, 1999.) As the Testing and Analysis tasks reported in this CUREE report
series were undertaken, each was assigned a designated role in providing results that would support the
development of improved codes and standards, engineering procedures, or construction practices, thus
completing the circle back to practitioners. The other elements of the Project essential to that overall
process are briefly described below.
To readers unfamiliar with structural engineering research based on laboratory work, the term “testing”
may have a too narrow a connotation. Only in limited cases did investigations carried out in this Project
“put to the test” a particular code provision or construction feature to see if it “passed the test.” That
narrow usage of “testing” is more applicable to the certification of specific models and brands of products
to declare their acceptability under a particular product standard. In this Project, more commonly the
experimentation produced a range of results that are used to calibrate analytical models, so that relatively
expensive laboratory research can be applicable to a wider array of conditions than the single example that
was subjected to simulated earthquake loading. To a non-engineering bystander, a “failure” or
“unacceptable damage” in a specimen is in fact an instance of successful experimentation if it provides a
valid set of data that builds up the basis for quantitatively predicting how wood components and systems of
a wide variety will perform under real earthquakes. Experimentation has also been conducted to improve
the starting point for this kind of research: To better define what specific kinds of simulation in the
laboratory best represent the real conditions of actual buildings subjected to earthquakes, and to develop
protocols that ensure data are produced that serve the analytical needs of researchers and design
Table of Contents | v
(1) EQE International and the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, The Northridge Earthquake of January 17,
1994: Report of Data Collection and Analysis, Part A, p. 5-18 (Sacramento, CA: Office of Emergency Services,
(2) Charles Kircher, Robert Reitherman, Robert Whitman, and Christopher Arnold, “Estimation of Earthquake Losses
to Buildings,” Earthquake Spectra , Vol. 13, No. 4, November 1997, p. 714, and Robert Reitherman, “Overview of
the Northridge Earthquake,” Proceedings of the NEHRP Conference and Workshop on Research on the
Northridge, California Earthquake of January 17, 1994, Vol. I, p. I-1 (Richmond, CA: California Universities for
Research in Earthquake Engineering, 1998).
(3) Jeanne B. Perkins, John Boatwright, and Ben Chaqui, “Housing Damage and Resulting Shelter Needs: Model
Testing and Refinement Using Northridge Data,” Proceedings of the NEHRP Conference and Workshop on
Research on the Northridge, California Earthquake of January 17, 1994, Vol. IV, p. IV-135 (Richmond, CA:
California Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering, 1998).
(4) Ajay Malik, Estimating Building Stocks for Earthquake Mitigation and Recovery Planning, Cornell Institute
for Social and Economic Research, 1995.
Funding for the research summarized in this report was provided by the Consortium of
Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (CUREE) as part of the CUREE-Caltech
Woodframe Project (“Earthquake Hazard Mitigation of Woodframe Construction), under a grant
administered by the California Office of Emergency Services and funded by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency. Publication preparation and compilation of the accompanying
compact disc was accomplished by Darryl Wong, CUREE Publications Manager.
Acknowledgements | vii
viii | Design Documentation of Woodframe Project Index Buildings
Table of Contents
Preface iii
Acknowledgements vii
Table of Contents viii
1. Summary 1
Table of Contents | ix
Figure 4-7: Details 34
Figure 4-8: Weights of Materials 38
Figure 4-9: Building Weight 39
Figure 4-10: Structural Notes 40
8. References 119
Table of Contents | xi
xii | Design Documentation of Woodframe Project Index Buildings
1. Summary
A useful way to present results from the engineering analysis and experimentation conducted in
the CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project has been to analyze the costs of improved earthquake
performance as compared to the benefits of lower earthquake losses. Woodframe buildings
come in a vast variety of sizes, plan and elevation configurations, and occupancies, and two
seemingly identical buildings can also vary greatly in their construction details and quality. To
apply project research results to specific cases, index buildings were carefully defined. An index
building is a hypothetical but realistic archetypical design, developed almost to the point of
actual working drawings (“blueprints”) that could be used to construct it. From four basic index
buildings, three different levels of quality of construction and maintenance were designated. In
addition, one or more examples of retrofit or alternate construction were developed for most of
the index buildings, creating in total 19 different structural models. Kelly Cobeen, structural
engineer, (Cobeen & Associates, Lafayette, California) led the index building design effort. The
expertise of a cost estimator, Ray Young & Associates of Rancho Mirage, California was
employed to quantify baseline construction costs and the additional costs associated with
enhancements for new buildings or retrofits where an existing building situation was assumed.
Earthquake damage and associated losses were calculated based on two other studies in the
Woodframe Project. The detailed index building designs were converted into analytical
structural models by Isoda, Folz, and Filiatrault (2002), Seismic Modeling of Index Woodframe
Buildings. That modeling work was in turn built upon by another study in the Project, Porter et
al. (2002), Improving Loss Estimation for Woodframe Buildings, in which numerous inelastic
time history analyses of each design, with variants, were conducted to take into account
uncertainties in ground motions and construction properties.
Four index buildings were defined and are presented in this report:
Small house: One-story, two bedrooms, one bathroom, approximately 1200 square feet
in floor area, prescriptive (conventional) design basis, built circa 1950;
Large house: Two-story, three bedrooms, three bathrooms, approximately 2400 square
feet in floor area not counting a two-car garage, engineered construction design basis, built circa
1980s -1990s;
Small Townhouse: Two-story, each dwelling unit having three bedrooms and two and a
half bathrooms, approximately 1,800 square feet in floor area not counting a two-car garage,
engineered construction design basis, built in the 1990s;
Apartment Building: Three-story (ground story tuck-under parking and two stories of
apartments), approximately 9,000 square feet in floor area not counting the parking level; each
apartment having approximately 870 square feet of floor area, two bedrooms, one bath; partially
engineered design basis, built in the 1960s.
In the Porter et al. (2002) study, 19 variants were studied: Each of the four basic index buildings
generated a set of a few cases to account for three levels of quality and sometimes one or more
Summary | 1
with-and-without retrofit or enhancement cases. Each of these variants required its own
structural model, and each of these structural models was constructed with 20 variables
accounting for variability in the mass, damping, and stiffness of an actual building built to the
given design. Each of those models was then subjected to 20 different ground motions, for a
total of 400 inelastic time history analyses times 19 cases = 7,600 analyses, from which
statistically based performance estimates could be obtained.
The use of index buildings in the Woodframe Project is a significant starting point for others for
further evaluation and extension of the approach. This report provides the equivalent of open-
source software so that there are no “black box” limitations on the use of the Woodframe Project
research by others. Toward that end this report provides full access to the documentation of the
design of each of these index buildings. The accompanying compact disc (CD) contains
illustration files of 3D views of the index buildings; animation files, such as exploded views,
rotating station point views, or fly-by views; the AutoCad drafting files for the designs, including
structural details and notes; and the cost estimation files. The index buildings developed in this
Project, as well as extension of the concept to similarly well-defined baseline buildings of other
types, are recommended for use by others for the following purposes:
The overall mission of the CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project has been to “make the
engineering more scientific and the construction more efficient” with respect to light-frame
(“two by four”) wood construction. A variety of experimental and analytical studies in the
Project (see Preface) produced results that have been applied to the project’s goal in a number of
ways. One of the most focused ways to derive the practical aspects of the research has been to
define index buildings and subject them to analyses to test the costs and benefits of suggested
retrofit measures (where an existing building is assumed) or enhancements (where a new
building project is assumed). This report and the accompanying compact disc (CD) provide
complete documentation of the design of the Woodframe Project index buildings. In general, the
explanatory material in this report is presented in a manner that does not require an advanced
engineering background.
An index building is an archetype that is designed in detail as if it were to be built, but whose
characteristics are chosen to represent a segment of the inventory of actual buildings of interest.
The reader should note that the designs of these index buildings are detailed and realistic, but
they are not intended to be used for the construction of actual buildings, and in some cases they
incorporate known seismic vulnerabilities by intent. In the Woodframe Project, the index
buildings developed were limited to one construction class—light-frame wood buildings
(typically Western or platform framed with two-by-four stud wall framing) and to one
occupancy, residential. The purpose was to analyze the earthquake performance of the indices
with respect to costs of earthquake damage and costs of improving that performance.
The definition of an index building distinguishes it from the related concept of what is termed a
model building or construction class. The concept of model buildings in the earthquake
engineering field can be traced to earthquake insurance applications, where the basic task is to
categorize a wide variety of construction into a few classes, with all of the buildings in a class
assumed to be similar enough in their earthquake resistance, on average, to have the same
insurance premium and coverage requirements. John Freeman, in his classic Earthquake
Damage (Freeman, 1932, p. 627) defined eleven construction classes. In a later classic,
Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis, (Steinbrugge, 1982, chapter 5, pp. 89-117), another
engineer with expertise in the earthquake insurance field, Karl Steinbrugge, described the use of
construction classes in earthquake insurance rating methods, which typically use about ten basic
classes. That basic classification scheme is the same as was used in the first regional-scale
earthquake loss estimation studies in the United States, such as that by Algermissen et al. (1972)
This and other methods of classifying building inventories for earthquake loss estimation
purposes is discussed by the National Research Council Panel on Earthquake Loss Estimation
Methodology (1989). A later comprehensive survey of loss estimation methods and model
building type classification schemes is provided by RMS (1993). For purposes of defining
response modification factors for new building design, the NEHRP Recommended Provisions
(BSSC, 2000) categorizes 67 combinations of structural material (e.g., reinforced concrete or
steel), type of resistant system (e.g., shear wall or moment-resisting frame), and level of ductile
Model buildings have been used in earthquake engineering projects such as ATC-13 (ATC,
1985) and ATC-14 (ATC, 1987), FEMA 310 (ASCE, 1998), FEMA 273 (ATC, 1997), FEMA
356 (ASCE, 2000), and HAZUS (NIBS, 1999). In the ATC-13 study in which a taxonomy was
developed for classifying buildings and other structures, a dozen basic building types were
defined, which with height and other modifiers resulted in 40 total types. The method applied to
these verbally defined building types was expert opinion. Model building types that are only
verbally defined are inherently impossible to subject to engineering analysis methods such as
linear or nonlinear static or dynamic techniques, because two different analysts could assume
widely differing geometries, materials, connections, and so on. In the ATC-14 study, intended
for use in screening existing buildings so that the more vulnerable ones are subjected to
increasingly detailed engineering evaluation, the authors identified 98 building types in use in the
United States, accounting for combinations of structural materials and systems, from which 15
basic model building types were derived. All of the wood buildings that would commonly be
found in the United States were divided into two model building types: dwellings and light
frames, and commercial or industrial structures. In the application of this method, the
classification scheme directs the engineer to a particular set of checklist calculations to evaluate
the building, whereas the individual building itself is the case that is studied with the method.
In all of the above applications, a model building is verbally defined. Any accompanying
drawings are for the purpose of illustrating some typical characteristics, rather than to imply that
the specific features shown are assumed to be present in every building in the model building
type. The “model building” is thus not a “structural model” for analysis purposes, and to
conduct a structural analysis of a model building, an individual analyst must make further
assumptions about configuration, members and their connections, material properties, and so on.
A reasonably small number of model building types, approximately ten to a dozen, with
subclasses to differentiate ranges of numbers of stories, can in total reasonably well encompass
most of the buildings one finds in the United States for large-scale loss estimation purposes.
Given the great variation among buildings, there is necessarily a great deal of approximation
involved in reducing this variety to a small number of categories, though this is convenient for
the purpose of large-scale loss estimation or building inventory sorting. “Examples of model
building types are light wood frame, mobile home, steel braced frame, concrete frame with
unreinforced masonry infill walls, and unreinforced masonry. Each model building type is
further subdivided according to typical number of stories and apparent earthquake resistance
(based primarily upon the earthquake zone where they are constructed.” (NIBS, 1999, p. 1-6,
describing the HAZUS loss estimation method)
In the HAZUS loss estimation method, 36 model buildings are defined, though when height
ranges are subtracted, the result is the usual ten to a dozen basic types or classes as in the other
methods cited above. The HAZUS method’s structural analysis procedures, devised by Charles
Kircher, take the model building a step closer to the concept of a specifically defined index
building by mimicking the calculations an engineer might perform at the global level in
evaluating an existing building. Although the model building types are for the most part only
verbally defined, there is some additional specificity. For example, a specific height is assigned
A step beyond that level of specificity is the present approach of drawing up the hypothetical
building in detail with what are in effect simulated working drawings. In most construction class
or model building type categorizations, all of the single-family woodframe dwellings presented
in this report, or others that could be added, would be lumped together in the same class or type,
providing no well-defined reference points for testing the performance implications of adding
shear walls beyond code requirements for a new house, retrofitting the unbraced cripple walls on
an older house, and so on. In the debate over analyzing wood diaphragms as either flexible or
rigid and distributing loads accordingly (tributary area method in the former case, according to
relative rigidities in the latter), it proved useful in the Woodframe Project to design one of the
index buildings using one method and then take the identical starting point and design it using
the other method. Both index building variants were then subjected to the same ground motions
to test the implications on resulting building performance.
The index buildings developed in this project allow two engineers to discuss, and apply
quantitative analysis to, a given hypothetical building that is defined in great detail. The
building’s characteristics are held constant: the floor plans, the sections, the materials, the
connection details, the weights of materials, and so on. Holding this aspect of the engineering
conversation fixed avoids the common problem where discussions or analyses end up with
varying answers that may be due to the fact that those engaged in the dialogue were asking
different questions. What is a “typical” single family house to a building official plan checking
current engineered designs may be quite different from what an insurer considers “typical” in its
portfolio of thousands of existing buildings that were built over the past century. What is a
typical apartment building in one community may be quite different than in another, even where
the same vintage of construction applies. One structure with a “typical” torsional irregularity
may be analyzed and found to have a vulnerability so severe as to be a likely cause of collapse
under a given earthquake loading, while another hypothetical or actual case that looks similar
from the street may be found to have a detailed interior wall arrangement that significantly
mitigates the problem.
Because an index building is defined to a much more specific level than is a model building type,
we can apply analytical techniques as if they were being used on a real building. Unlike the
more general model building, a given index building is so specifically designed that it represents
only a narrow slice of the vast inventory of existing buildings or of designs that could be
The word “index” is used here in the same sense as in “Consumer Price Index.” The Consumer
Price Index (CPI) produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the US Department of Labor is
calculated from the prices of a representative but very specific list of consumer items, a basket of
over 200 kinds of goods and services grouped into eight categories. Similarly, an index building
is built up from hundreds of specific construction features—5/8 inch plywood with 10d nails at 4
inches on center on panel edges and 12 inch field nailing on some walls, 1/2 inch gypsum board
with #6 by 1 1/4 inch bugle head drywall screws at 16 inches on center on other specific walls,
and so on. The components that add up to and form an index building may be grouped into
assemblies (a particular wall, a particular window, etc.) and if desired all of the assemblies of a
given type (all the windows) can be aggregated. Once precisely defined, there is no room for
semantic confusion over what is meant when two different people discuss a particular index
A given consumer would only by rare coincidence have a list of consumer expenses over the
course of a year that exactly matched the weighting of items that make up the Consumer Price
Index. The CPI may go up 3.2% in a given year, for example, while a consumer’s actual basket
of expenditures increases perhaps 2.9%, but the CPI nonetheless provides a useful, uniform
measuring stick or baseline, and it also defines a specific point of departure for making other
comparisons. Comparisons can only be made if the index is precisely defined, both in the case
of consumer prices and with buildings. One can extract the automobile-related expenses such as
the “gasoline” and “motor vehicle maintenance and repair” line items from the CPI and calculate
a modified CPI for a consumer who does not have a car. “Urban Wage Earners and Clerical
Workers” may be distinguished from “All Urban Consumers.” The CPI provides adjustments for
twenty-six local areas to show the differences in the price of the same basket of goods and
services from one area of country to the other. In the case of index buildings, variants are
studied, such as unbraced versus braced cripple walls, or code-minimum shearwalls versus
stronger and stiffer walls, and so on. No single index of consumer prices can adequately
For each of the index buildings, there was a lead designer and a committee that provided a
pooling of expertise on what the typical characteristics should be for a given building. Tom
Boyd of the Ray Young & Associates cost estimation team on the project drafted the designs,
and all of the cost estimation work was also accomplished by Young & Associates. Members of
the committee that provided input on the design features and reviewed the drawings as they
progressed through drafts were: Kelly Cobeen, John Coil, Bob Reitherman, Jim Russell, Tom
Tobin, John Hall, Goetz Schierle, Charles Scawthorn, Keith Porter. In some cases, queries were
sent to selected building officials or others with familiarity with a particular era and style of
construction to elicit their opinions. For example, in the design of the 1960s Apartment Building
index building, it was necessary to interpret the provisions of the building code in use at the time
(1964 Uniform Building Code) to allow translation of those literal code requirements into typical
practice. “Engineered” construction today implies that the engineer computes seismic forces and
traces their flow throughout the structure, including an analysis of overturning moments on shear
walls and any associated need for tie-downs. That level of analysis was not commonly included
in the engineering of “engineered” construction of a modest budget apartment building in the
1960s, and thus the index building was designed on the basis of what was more prevalent in that
era, not in terms of best practice. Compromises were made between striving for realism in the
resulting designs, such as complex configurations of floor plans or roof geometries, or sloping
site topography, on the one hand, and the difficulties in reliably modeling those complexities on
the other. The index buildings are in general somewhat simple in layout, as a trade-off to obtain
greater reliability in the analyses. The lead designers were:
Small House: Ray Young, Young & Assoc.; Kelly Cobeen, Cobeen & Assoc.
Large House: Tom Boyd, Young & Assoc., Kelly Cobeen, Cobeen & Assoc.
Small Townhouse: Goetz Schierle, Architect; Tom Boyd, Young & Assoc.; John Coil,
LZA Technology
Apartment Building Tom Boyd, Young & Assoc.; Kelly Cobeen, Cobeen & Assoc.
The Manager of the Economic Aspects Element of the Woodframe Project (“Element 4”) who
oversaw the investigations involving index buildings was Tom Tobin of Tobin Associates, who
also coined the term “index building.” Bob Reitherman, the Project Director of the Woodframe
Project and CUREE’s Executive Director, developed the concept of the index building and its
applications in the Project. Doron Serban of CUREE converted the AutoCad files produced by
Tom Boyd of the Young & Associates team into three-dimensional (3D) modeled, rendered
illustrations for this report, and which in the CD accompanying this report includes animated
The detailed index building designs were converted into analytical structural models by Isoda,
Folz, and Filiatrault (2002), Seismic Modeling of Index Woodframe Buildings. The structural
characteristics of each basic index building type were developed from a combination of
RUAUMOKO, a computer program developed by Professor Athol Carr of the University of
Canterbury, and the CASHEW program, a wood structural panel shear wall program developed
by Woodframe Project researchers (Folz & Filiatrault, 2000) and from available testing results.
In order to develop analysis models for each of the variants, a group of experts convened by
Porter et al. (2002) first developed a verbal description of each level of quality based on their
experience. Then they chose specific changes to the shear wall component strength and stiffness
parameters to reflect varying levels of quality. As an example, in the “poor quality” variant the
exterior walls were assigned 70% of the strength and stiffness values that resulted from
laboratory tests of high-quality specimens. For a given other purpose, an investigator could
select a different set of values, while keeping the rest of the model intact.
The reader should consult the Isoda et al. (2002) report for the details of the material properties,
masses, and modeling of the structure. That modeling work was in turn built upon by another
study in the Project, Porter et al. (2002), Improving Loss Estimation for Woodframe Buildings, in
which 400 inelastic time history analyses of each design, with variants, were conducted to take
into account uncertainties in ground motions and construction properties. That report documents
the categorization of discrete construction assemblies that together make up the index building
along with the cost estimation data.
The Porter et al. (2002) study presented its results in a cost-benefit format to relate the change in
performance for a given enhancement or retrofit, e.g. bracing of cripple walls, with the cost
required to implement that modification. Construction cost estimating was accomplished by Ray
Young & Associates of Rancho Mirage, California. From this baseline, construction costs for
other areas or times can be converted using standard construction cost estimating techniques. A
location in Santa Monica, California, use of non-union labor, and the year 2001 were assumed
for all cost estimates, which provides a baseline relatively representative for California. Santa
Monica was selected simply to use one standard location with its associated construction cost
modifiers for all the index buildings, but the construction characteristics of the index buildings
were developed to be typical of California construction in general, or in some cases either San
Francisco Bay Area or Los Angeles Area where there were significant differences for a given
vintage and construction class. Many buildings very similar to these “California” cases have
been constructed in other states, but the specific design basis and other features of the index
buildings were tied to the Project’s best estimate of California conditions.
In the following chapters in this report (or on sheet S-1 for each index building design in the
AutoCad files in the accompanying CD) notes are provided that define sheathing and nailing for
each shearwall and that provide similar detailed information for the balance of the construction.
Square footage figures listed in this report are gross floor areas, which include the plan area
taken up by walls or posts. Balconies are included in the floor area figures, while ground level
decks or patios are not.
First, a caveat is necessary: As noted above, the index building design documentation presented
in this report and the accompanying CD is not intended to be used for the construction of a
building but has instead been produced for research purposes.
Recommendations for further use of these and other index buildings are also in order. Index
buildings are very useful and should be integrated into the mainstream of earthquake engineering
research. The following uses are recommended:
• Focusing the efforts of a number of researchers who are at work on a large, coordinated
investigation, so that their individual contributions can be applied to a common case and
provide research value greater than the sum of the individual studies.
• Using a standard index building over time to maintain the viability of research results, as
keeping a given index building design the same while various researchers apply their
analyses to it from their differing perspectives. For example, as a new analysis method is
produced, its performance predictions can be compared with those of another method if
the two approaches are applied to the identical index building. Keeping the index
building the same and applying different ground motions is also instructive.
• Comparing experimental with analytical results, when some or all of an index building is
physically modeled to match the analytical model. Multiple shake table or other tests can
be conducted using the same index building, while varying what are predicted to be
significant features (e.g., simulating a retrofit) to see if the theory matches the
experiment. Parametric studies could be simultaneously performed by different
experimental or analytical researchers if there is agreement in advance on the index
• Testing the implications of proposed building code changes, for example by testing and
analytically studying one or more index buildings while changing a feature to represent
the proposed new code provision.
• Providing a common construction cost estimation library of data that provides
consistency between different investigations in terms of dollar figures for construction
costs or for damage repair costs for well-defined damage levels.
• Evaluating earthquake insurance premium rate structures for different portions of an
insurer’s portfolio and to set incentives (typically premium reductions) for new design
enhancements or for retrofits.
• Visualizing the specific physical case that was simulated via an analytical model to
produce quantitative estimates of seismic performance. These visualizations are effective
ways to communicate to non-engineers as well as engineers the assumptions underlying
It is the use of repetitive light-frame members in the wall construction as well as usually in the
floor and roof framing that distinguishes woodframe construction. The light framing members
spaced closely together form a skeleton over which sheathing materials are applied on both sides
of the wall framing to form finished walls. Woodframe construction is often called “two-by-
four” construction because the wall studs (closely spaced vertical columns) are most often
nominal 2-inch by 4-inch members (actual 1-1/2 inch by 3-1/2 inch, or 38 x 89 mm) in cross
section. Floor and roof framing members are commonly closely spaced members with a nominal
2-inch width, but with a greater depth than for a two by four. Truss framing members can be
built up from multiple nominal 2-inch wide members. See Figure 3-1.
The sheathing or finish materials and their connections to the frame are critical components of
the lateral-force-resisting system. The floor and roof framing and sheathing combine to act as
diaphragms, transmitting lateral forces to the shearwalls. The shearwall sheathing and framing
then transmit lateral forces down to the building foundations. The shearwalls generally see more
demand on a unit length basis than the diaphragms, and as such are more critical to the
performance of a woodframe building. While not specifically designed to resist lateral loads, the
contribution of partition walls to the lateral force resistance and resulting performance can be
significant in woodframe buildings. Finish materials such interior plaster or exterior plaster (the
latter commonly called stucco), or gypsum wallboard, are chosen primarily for their non-seismic
characteristics based on architectural criteria, such as appearance and fire resistance, but they
have significant structural implications on the performance of a woodframe building in an
earthquake both in terms of the earthquake resistance they provide as well as the exposure to
brittle damage they present.
The spacing of the studs is typically 16 inches (406 mm) center-to-center (c-c) (on-center, o-c),
though walls that need not support another story are sometimes framed with studs at 24 inches c-
c. The 16-inch spacing forms a basic construction module: Three 16-inch modules, or two 24-
inch modules, adds up to a four-foot width, which is the width of the typical gypsum board or
other panel, and light fixtures, ducts, batts of insulation, and other nonstructural features are
designed to fit in the inter-stud wall or inter-joist floor or ceiling cavity to efficiently use that
space. See Showalter, (1993) for a discussion of metric units as applied to US wood products.
Stud-framed walls often include some nominal 2-inch diagonal bracing (let-in if notched into the
sides of studs to allow a continuous piece of wood to form the diagonal, cut-in if short segments
of brace are inserted between each stud to line up to form the diagonal). This bracing is hidden
inside the wall by materials such as gypsum board or plaster on interior faces or wood or
composition siding, shingles, or stucco (exterior plaster) on the outside, though often the interior
face of garage walls is left unfinished and these braces may be seen. In areas of high seismic
hazard, the wood braces in stud-framed walls are usually just a construction erection
convenience, so that walls can be built flat (horizontal), kept in a rigid and true geometry while
tilted up and aligned with the designated place on the floor plan where they are connected to the
rest of the structure. If significant sheathing is present, such as plywood or oriented strand board
(OSB), the diagonal bracing’s seismic contribution is usually minor. Metal straps can also be
used for diagonal bracing, and sometimes individual braced frames prefabricated completely
from steel are inserted into an otherwise woodframe structure. When systems and materials are
mixed in the same building, it is largely a matter of estimating what is most predominant to
decide if the term “woodframe” applies. A woodframe house or apartment building with
concrete topping on the wood floors to provide higher quality acoustic performance is still a
woodframe building. The structural behavior of a concrete tilt-up structure that has a wood roof
is so pervasively affected by the fact that is has concrete shear walls that it is not called a
woodframe building.
Today, Western or platform framing is the way almost all woodframe buildings are made, except
for localized balloon framing in portions of a building where two-story-high continuity is needed
in the studs. In platform framing, a two-story building is made by first erecting one story of stud
wall framing and building a platform, the second floor, on top of it. Then the carpenters stand on
that second floor platform, erect one-story-high walls on that level, and then the roof is built to
rest on top of that wall. One of the breakthroughs with platform framing was that it did away
with the requirement to use long pieces of wood for the wall framing. A basic principle of
economy in turning a tree into lumber is that a larger amount of wood of a given quality (say
without large knots) can be produced in short lengths than in long lengths. Also, one carpenter
can more easily carry and install shorter studs than unwieldy ones that are twice as long and
heavy. Another reason has to do with the ease with which carpenters can use the floor they have
just erected as, in effect, their scaffolding to stand on when erecting the next story.
Although not synonymous with woodframe construction, “Type V” (with the V being a Roman
numeral five) is sometimes used to refer to woodframe construction, because a common building
code classification scheme based on fire resistance would typically rate most woodframe
buildings as V. In that building code context, Type I is the most fire resistant and is typically
reinforced concrete, reinforced masonry, or fire-protected steel, with extensive requirements
pertaining to various nonstructural features such as doors and to special fire protection systems
such as sprinklers. Other buildings besides the typical light-framed wood building can fall into
Type V, however, when they can’t meet all the fire requirements of higher types. Type V-one
hour is typically a woodframe building with specified gypsum board sheathing to provide the
first increment of fire resistance (with the scale going up to four hours). Type V-N or Type Non-
rated has no fire resistance requirements, which is the case with most single-family construction
in the United States. “Frame” construction is also sometimes used to refer to woodframe
construction, though the context must be clear to distinguish this wood construction type from
steel frame and concrete frame structures. Variants of the term “woodframe” (“wood frame,”
“wood-frame,” “wooden frame,” “wood-framed,” “woodframed,” “wood light frame,” “wood
light-frame”) can be found in the literature with an abundant inconsistency, a confusion which
use of the single term “woodframe” avoids. This term also conforms to the recommended
practice whereby a compound word gradually loses its hyphen or the space between words if it
becomes commonly used. As Bernstein notes, “One generalization that might be drawn about
hyphens is that compounds tend to solidify as they age. In the interval between Webster II and
Webster III, for example, pin-up has become pinup, nimbo-stratus has become nimbostratus, and
saw-tooth has become sawtooth.” (Bernstein, 1965, p. 368). To cite a ubiquitous example from
recent years: The word “data base” was originally a compound word with “open” format (a
space between the words), but “database” is the standard spelling today.
Heavy Timber
Rather than closely spaced (e.g., 16 to 24 inches center-to-center) wall and floor or roof
members, heavy timber members are spaced farther apart, as well as being larger in cross
section. Vertical loads are carried by beams to posts, and the system relies on these individual
key structural members rather than the spreading of load that inevitably occurs with the repetitive
framing of woodframe construction. Heavy timber buildings have historically been used where
gravity loads are very high, for example in warehouses, barns, or factories, and where increased
fire resistance is needed. The frequency with which this style of construction was used in mills,
especially in New England, led to the name “mill construction.” Any piece of wood can ignite
and burn, but just as thin sticks of kindling catch fire and burn thoroughly much more easily than
large pieces of firewood, so it is that light-frame members are more vulnerable to fire than heavy
timber framing members. Building codes impose a number of detailed requirements on a
building for heavy timber construction to qualify as Type IV in its fire resistance, but typically
all the columns must be at least a nominal 8 by 8 in cross section—much more massive than any
stud or post found in typical woodframe construction where typically an occasional 4-by-4 or 4-
by-6 embedded within the wall cross section is about the largest used. When “heavy timber” is
not used in the specific context of building code fire regulations, the term can be generically
applied to any wood post-and-beam construction with large members, as in the case of a house
that has a living room with some “heavy timber” framing, even though the building might not
meet the building code’s fire-related definition for the term. Rather than use solid walls
(shearwalls) as the means to provide lateral bracing as in the case of woodframe construction,
heavy timber construction usually employs diagonal bracing to create braced frames.
Alternatively, heavy timber framing is often combined with masonry walls in mill or warehouse
occupancies. A braced frame—in simplest form two timber columns anchored to a foundation or
to a floor beam with another beam overhead, with a single or double diagonal of steel or wood—
is a completely different kind of structural system from the shear wall that is the common type of
vertically-oriented element resisting lateral forces in woodframe construction.
Log Buildings
The archaic log cabin has a modern counterpart in some rural areas where mountain resorts or
single family dwellings may be built of log construction, in which dressed tree trunks are laid
horizontally and stacked and interconnected to form walls of solid wood.
Pole Buildings
Pole (as in “telephone pole”) buildings typically rely on log columns, sometimes preservatively
treated so that they extend into the ground like fence posts to form the foundation, in which case
horizontal load resistance can be developed by vertical cantilever action. In woodframe
In some areas of coastal California, redwood planks have been arranged vertically side by side,
sometimes with battens to weather-proof the joint, an archaic style of construction known as
single-wall. The sound insulation, heat insulation, and vertical and lateral load-bearing
capabilities of such a building are limited, as compared to using studs and sheathing them over
inside and out. Some modern prefabricated houses use engineered versions of this single-wall
style of construction to interconnect planks and form solid wall areas.
European Half-Timber
In European countries, especially England and Germany, half-timber construction was formerly
very commonly used, in which large timber members framed the walls, with occasional diagonal
braces inserted in the same plane, and then masonry, mud, or other material was infilled around
that pattern of framing to leave the inside and outside of the timbers exposed. In the United
States, half-timber architecture is almost always fake, the visible wood being merely a thin
veneer applied to the timber surface rather than extending through the wall cross-section.
Two traditional wooden house types have been common in Japan, both of which carry vertical
loads predominantly by a post and beam structural system rather than bearing walls. Walls are
framed with small posts roughly 2 by 4 or 4 by 4 in size to use a US reference point, with the
older Shinkabe type (generally not widely used since World War II) having mud-filled walls
with bamboo latticework, and the newer Okabe type having stucco-on-lath on the exterior.
(EERI, 1995, p. 36) Both typically have heavy clay tile roofing, and older construction uses a
heavy layer of clay underneath the tiles as well. In the attics, the two differ in that the Shinkabe
has posts of varying height, bearing on beams to support the gable roof, whereas the Okabe has
some diagonals and thus some spanning may occur via truss action. (Taniguchi, 1995, p. 63)
The fourth type of wood construction is a modern post-and-beam variation on the traditional
Shinkabe or Okabe styles, but with modern infill materials and sometimes engineered braced
frames. Lastly, the type of construction that has increased in popularity rapidly in recent years is
American-style two by four construction, the first of which began to be built in Japan in 1974
(Yasumura, 1991, p. XVI-1) It may be called “North American Wooden Frame Construction”
because both Canada and the United States export lumber and prefabricated house kits to Japan.
Since 1987, the Japanese Building Law has allowed engineered buildings three stories in height.
(Yasumura et al., 1988, p. 262) Buildings of this type had been built in Kobe by the time of the
1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake, and a large number have been built during the area’s
Woodframe construction is by far the most prevalent way buildings are built in the United States.
The “general range of the fraction of wood structures to total structures seems to be between
80% and 90% in all regions of the US, for example being 89% in Memphis, Tennessee and 87%
in Wichita, Kansas.” (Malik, 1995) While one might tend to assume, since wood buildings are
generally small as compared to very large masonry buildings or high-rise concrete and steel
structures, that their aggregate value is small. However, in Los Angeles County, which has
many large buildings, building stock estimates in the HAZUS earthquake loss estimation
While similarities with construction in other countries can be drawn, woodframe construction as
defined above is an American invention. Its success was based on how much less labor is
required to install a number of light frame members to form a wall or floor than that required to
fit heavy timber columns and beams together, which required mortise and tenon joinery or use of
large iron column-beam connectors and bolts. To inexpensively join large numbers of light
framing members together, inexpensive nails were required, and thus the development of the
mass produced nail was a prerequisite. When nails were hand-made by blacksmiths, they were
so valuable that in the 1600s and 1700s in New England a wealthy family’s front door would
sometimes have a number of nails pounded into it as an luxurious decorative feature. There were
even cases where pioneers burned down their houses to get the nails out of it before moving on
to another settlement site. By the 1830s, machine-made nails started to become common in the
US, thereby making woodframe construction’s advent feasible.
The two most common species of wood used in woodframe construction framing are Douglas fir
and Southern pine, both of which are very strong and, though environmental concerns limit their
logging, relatively plentiful. Redwood was formerly a relatively ordinary and plentiful
construction wood on the West Coast. Logging of redwoods is now greatly restricted and the
material is now scarce, though it is still occasionally used where exposed and thus its appearance
as well as its decay resistance can be used to advantage. Chemically treated Douglas fir (or
Hem-Fir) is more common for sill plates and other uses where rot and termite resistance are
required. Species with similar structural properties are often grouped together. Thus “Hem-Fir”
is not a hybrid kind of tree: lumber graded as such and could be western hemlock or any of five
different fir species.
A wide variety of species, including not only the usual softwood (evergreen) trees like Douglas
fir but hardwoods (deciduous trees) have been evaluated for use in conformance to building
codes and their properties with respect to tension, compression, shear, and so on relative to
orientation to the grain of the wood have been tabulated for use by engineers. The number of
species actually used in the construction industry is much more limited than the dozens of
species whose structural properties are tabulated. For example, although woods such as beech,
cottonwood, or maple are structurally classified in building codes, this does not mean they are
used for framing today or are even stocked in lumberyards in construction dimensions.
Prior to the extensive use of plywood after World War II, diagonal board sheathing was used
when engineers designed seismic bracing schemes for woodframe buildings. Alternately, cut-in
braces, or later on let-in braces, were relied upon. It is also possible to use straight horizontal
applied board sheathing and rely on the resisting moments generated by nail couples, with two
Glued laminated beams (glulams) are now commonly used for large wooden beams to avoid
several drawbacks to the use of large solid sawn sections. First, the large depth of one piece of
timber means a large amount of shrinkage, whereas pre-dried thin (typically two-by) pieces of
lumber can be used to make up the composite cross section of the glulam. Second, to have a
beam with high-strength top and bottom layers (in effect, the top and bottom flanges of a wide-
flange steel beam), where the bending stresses are highest, an expensive and large piece of high
quality wood must be used in the case of the solid sawn case, whereas in the glulam, only the
layers near top and bottom need be high quality while lower strength wood can be used in the
Note also that the layperson’s generalization that the “frame” of a wood house can “flexibly
absorb” earthquake motions and resist side swaying is not quite accurate. The frame itself—the
skeleton composed of the wooden wall studs and the wooden floor or roof joists--provides
negligible resistance to lateral motion until sheathing materials are properly fastened to it.
Woodframe building lateral resistance is provided by the diaphragm action of solidly sheathed
vertical and horizontal components that form a box system. The “frame” in a wood building
must be distinguished from steel frames or concrete frames. In a wood building, the light frame
essentially has pinned connections between the verticals (typically the studs) and horizontals
(typically top and bottom plates), unlike the rather rigid moment-resisting connections between a
steel column welded to a steel beam or a reinforced concrete column poured monolithically with
their beams. In all three kinds of frames—wood, steel, and concrete—a skeleton or matrix is
provided by the frame to which the space-defining elements of walls or cladding are attached to
form an enclosed building, but other than that similarity, they share little in terms of their
structural behavior.
In this example from the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake, the pieces of plywood sheathing were
only lightly tacked to the wall framing of this under-construction building as of the day of the
earthquake. Without the strength of shear walls, the frame by itself was inadequate to resist the
lateral forces, even though the light mass and one-story-height of the structure made the
seismic load relatively low.
Illustration credit: Gregg Brandow
Wood properties are extremely variable as compared to a manufactured material such as steel. In
addition, deterioration over time due to exposure to moisture and ensuing rot, or to insect
damage (chiefly termites), can change the material properties, introducing additional variability.
Design textbooks such as those by Breyer, Cobeen, and Fridley (1999) or National Association
of Home Builders (2000), and the materials property data provided in standards such as the
Standard for Load and Resistance Factor Design (AF & PA, 1995), National Design
Specification (AF & PA, 1997), or the Forest Products Laboratory’s Wood Engineering
Handbook (1990) deal extensively with the unavoidably large amount of material variability in
wood. An entire additional set of variability factors is inevitably introduced by the decentralized
and field-built nature of woodframe construction, even if the wood products delivered to the site
were to be of extremely high quality and uniformity, such as has been pointed out by surveys of
construction quality and workmanship by Schierle (1993).
Spread footings are the most prevalent type of foundations for woodframe buildings. Spread
footings use what are in effect short concrete walls cast into shallow trenches that trace the
perimeter of the building. The cross section is usually an inverted T, with the upstanding vertical
leg called the “stem” or “stem wall.” Additional interior foundation walls or isolated footings
are often required for supporting floors that span longer than about 5 m (16 ft), which begins to
be the point where it is more economical to provide intermediate support and span the rest of the
way with a separate piece of lumber rather than using more expensive large cross-sections
capable of spanning the greater distance. The floor of the first occupied story can either be
concrete cast on top of the grade (slab-on-grade), or constructed of wood. When constructed of
wood it is necessary that the floor framing be high enough above the grade to permit under-floor
access for maintenance, and to reduce likelihood of decay. An 18-inch clear height is the
minimum between the soil and the underside of the floor framing. To support the elevated floor
framing, the foundation can be extended up as a concrete or masonry (reinforced concrete block
in modern construction) stem wall, or a short woodframe stud wall, called a cripple wall can be
provided. Woodframe floor construction is often readily identified by the number of steps
between grade and the entry floor: Only one step or a minimal elevation difference between
grade and top-of-ground-floor indicates a slab-on-grade. A floor-over-crawl space arrangement
sets the top-of-ground-floor at about two feet six inches above grade (to provide the 18” dirt-to-
underside-of-joist clearance and a foot for floor depth, if grade is the same elevation inside and
outside the crawl space). This implies four or five risers to the stairs. With a cripple wall
situation, the elevation of the top of the “ground” floor may be several feet above the ground,
As mentioned earlier, a key issue in the seismic performance of woodframe buildings is the
significant contribution of finish material strength and stiffness, on the one hand, and the
vulnerability of these brittle materials to damage if the deformation is too large, on the other.
The building code imposes drift (lateral deflection) limits for all engineered building systems and
materials. With prescriptive construction, which is common for small woodframe buildings such
as houses, no drift calculations are made. While there are some systems that meet these drift
requirements very easily (e.g. concrete and masonry shear walls), there are a number of other
systems in which either strength or deflection may be critical for design. Woodframe shear wall
buildings often fall in this second category, along with a variety of moment frame and mixed
systems. In woodframe construction, the finish materials have a much greater influence than
with other systems. One reason is the greater amount of finished wall commonly present in
woodframe and particularly woodframe residential buildings. A second reason is that the walls,
whether bearing walls or non-bearing partitions, are generally more integrally connected to the
structure in woodframe buildings. Whether designed to withstand lateral forces or not, there is
little doubt that many dwellings have resisted earthquakes as well as they have partly due to their
interior or exterior plasterwork or their drywall sheathing. In other building systems, such as a
high-rise with a concrete or steel structure, care is often taken to permit relative movement
between the structure and the nonstructural walls. For example, partitions may extend only to
the suspended ceiling level and not be tied to the floor above, or they may be stabilized with a
connection to the floor above that allows them to slide along their length and be isolated from
story drift. In a woodframe building, the typical case is for the walls not designated as structural
walls by the engineer to still be installed in a generally similar manner, nailed top and bottom to
the surrounding structure. “Nonstructural walls” in woodframe construction is a term that is
almost never an accurate description of the way these non-seismically-designed walls are forced
to interact with the rest of the structure during an earthquake.
In the Woodframe Project, finish materials were observed to add significant strength and
stiffness to the designated structure, which is generally a favorable attribute, while they also
present high vulnerability to cracking and other damage at low drift levels. Variability in field
conditions, for example deterioration of exterior plaster over time or lack of proper initial
installation practice to connect the stucco layer to the wood structure layer beneath, is a
complicating factor in the design approach of integrating the nonstructural materials into the
design of the lateral-force-resisting system.
Building codes allow most small-to-average size single-family dwellings to be designed without
the services of an engineer or architect. These non-engineered buildings (conventional
Engineered structures are, as the term implies, designed by an engineer, who calculates loads for
gravity, wind, and seismic, and then designs components that have adequate strength and
stiffness to resist the loads. As a practical matter, the “components” are the walls and
floors/roofs of the building, and they are usually already determined by the architectural design,
with the result that the engineer in some cases has a difficult time packing enough structural
capacity into the allotted space. Even with an engineered building, the structural drawings will
typically include a tabulation of conventional construction details, for example the nailing to be
used where the top of a stud holds up a plate, or the toe-nailing of the joist above that bears on
that plate. A variety of seismic detailing examples with notes of the type that appear on the
Structural sheets in a set of blueprints are provided by SEAOC (1996).
This index building was developed to exemplify post-World War II affordable housing that was
constructed in large quantities, either in tracts or one-by-one by small contractors or owner-
builders. This was the kind of building that was originally intended for the application of the
building code’s (Uniform Building Code’s) prescriptive construction provisions.
One retrofit of the Small House was modeled in the Woodframe Project (Retrofit Measure #1):
the bracing of the cripple walls with OSB (oriented strand board) in accordance with the
provisions of the Uniform Code for Building Conservation (UCBC).
The construction cost breakdown in Table 4-3 is the simplified overall profile of construction
cost components. Considerably more detail is provided in Appendix A with respect to cost of
construction, as well as cost of repair of damage for particular construction assemblies (e.g., a
window assembly, a door assembly) and several well-defined damage states.
The small house is a hypothetical one story single family dwelling of 1200 square feet. It is intended to be
representative of homes built as a housing development "production house" in the early 1950's, located in
either Northern or Southern California. The design is based on prescriptive construction. To the extend
possible, characteristic materials and fastening have been identified.
Drawing sheets A1, A2, S1 and S2 contain information describing the small house. Sheets A1 and A2
contain the architectural plans, based on a description developed by the Woodframe Project.
Descriptions of framing have been added to Sheet A1 by Element 3. Sheets S1 and S2 contain notes,
typical details, assembly and weight information provided by Element 3. These drawings are not intended
to be complete construction documents.
Typical species for framing - Douglas-fir.
Foundation sill plates - heart redwood.
Roof sheathing 1x6 straight sheathing boards
2-8d common nails per crossing
8d common dimensions from Bethlehem Steel match ASTM F1667:
Flat head, diamond point, L=2.5", D=.131"
Floor sheathing - same as roof sheathing, applied diagonally. Note that the diagonal application leads to
edge nailing and approximately 3" on center for all edges for the floor diaphragm.
Gypsum wallboard sheathing - ½" sheathing - probably applied vertically (by the late 50's horizontal
placement was being encouraged).
Nail 1 is slightly longer and larger diameter than described for F1667 NLGWS-05. The second nail
matches fairly closely F1667 NLGWM-02.
Bethlehem steel describes a nail to match number 1. It was provided cement coated and was a non-
stock size.
For gypsum board wall sheathing one of these fasteners would have been used at 6-8 inches on center
(say 7) over the height of each stud. We understanding that they would not have been edge-nailed at this
spacing to the top or bottom plates. The spacing at top and bottom plates would likely have been 16
inches on center as part of the vertical line of fasteners at each stud.
Gypsum board ceiling sheathing. The fasteners above would have been spaced at 5 to 7 inches along
the ceiling joists. The perimeter edges parallel to the joists would have been nailed in order to provide
proper vertical support. The edges perpendicular would not have been nailed.
UBC Sec. 4710. 18 ga woven wire, furred out from backing ¼" nailed with galvanized nails, ¾" minimum
penetration, spaced 6" maximum vertically, 16" horizontally.
Anchor bolts - ½ inch diameter at 6'-0" maximum on center.
Framing nailing is thought to have been mostly done with common nails, although box nails were allowed
by code. The following is the schedule of minimum fastening from the 1958 UBC
*Reference c is more specific in showing corner configurations and calls for 16d-16"oc between studs or
3-10d into each spacer block.
Rim joist (called header) to joists - end nails 2-20dRim joist to sill - toe nails 10d - 12"oc
a. Uniform Building Code, 1958 Edition
b. Bethlehem Wire Nails and Other Wire Products, Bethlehem Steel, 1950.
c. Technique of House Nailing, Housing and Home Finance Industry, Washington D. C., November 1947.
d. ASTM F-1667-95 Standard Specification for Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes, Staples
The Large House index building is a two-story single family dwelling of approximately 2400
square feet. This building is assumed to have been built as a housing development “production
house” in either the 1980’s or 1990’s. The exterior walls of the large-house index building are
sheathed with stucco (3-coat 7/8-in thick) and wood structural panel shear walls (7/16 in thick
OSB) on the outside and gypsum wallboards (1/2-in thick) on the inside. One-inch crown staples,
spaced at 6 in on center along the vertical studs, are used to attach the wire mesh of the stucco
finish to the wood framing. Eight-penny common nails spaced at 6, 4 or 3 in along the edges and
12 in on the field are used to attach the OSB panels to the framing. All interior gypsum walls are
sheathed on both sides. Drywall nails (1-5/8 in long) spaced at 7 in on center along the vertical
studs (spaced at 16-in on center) are used to attach all gypsum walls to the framing. The gypsum
walls are assumed to be positioned with long axis vertical. Let-in diagonal braces are also
included at various locations for construction purposes. The floor diaphragm of the large-house
index building is composed of 2x12 joists spaced at 16 in on center and spanning up to 9 feet
along with 3/4 in T&G plywood sheathing. The house is supported on a slab on grade. The roof
diaphragm is built with a concrete tile roof and 15/32 in OSB sheathing. The ceiling is made of
1/2 in thick gypsum wallboard.
This index building was developed to include characteristics such as the higher linear footage of
partition walls in the upper floor in the bedrooms and bathrooms than in the ground story. Also
included is the tendency to have much less shear wall in one portion of the ground floor plan,
typically accommodating the living room and other common areas.
Three retrofits were analyzed in the Woodframe Project for the Large House: addition of
spandrel sheathing above and below openings (Retrofit #2)(termed “waist wall sheathing” in
Porter et. al.); use of shearwalls throughout with thicker OSB, larger nails, and closer nail
spacing (Retrofit #3); use of shearwalls on the ground story that used the same thicker sheathing,
larger nails, and closer nail spacing (Retrofit #4).
The construction cost breakdown in Table 5-3 is the simplified overall profile of construction
cost components. Considerably more detail is provided in Appendix A with respect to cost of
construction, as well as cost of repair of damage for particular construction assemblies (e.g., a
window assembly, a door assembly) and several well-defined damage states.
The large house is a hypothetical two-story single family dwelling of approximately 2400 square feet. It is
intended to be representative of dwellings built as part of a housing development "production house" in
either the 1980's or 1990's, located in either Northern or Southern California. The design is based on
engineered construction. To the extent possible, characteristic materials and fastening have been
Drawing sheets A1-A3 and S1-S3 contain information describing the building. Sheets A1-A3 contains the
architectural plans, based on a description developed by the Woodframe Project. Sheets S1-S3 contain
typical details, notes, assembly and weight information, provided by Element 3. These drawings are not
intended to be complete construction documents.
Typical species for framing - Douglas-fir.
Foundation sill plates - pressure treated Hem-Fir.
Roof trusses - could vary - assume Southern Pine.
Roof sheathing 15/32 OSB
8d common at 6" supported edges, 12" other supports.
8d common dimensions - ASTM F1667:
Flat head, diamond point, L=2.5", D=.131"
For gypsum board wall sheathing one of these fasteners are at 7 inches on center over the height of each
stud. We understanding is that they would not have been edge-nailed at this spacing to the top or bottom
plates. The spacing at top and bottom plates would likely have been 16 inches on center as part of the
vertical line of fasteners at each stud.
Gypsum board ceiling sheathing. The fasteners above are at 7 inches along the ceiling joists. The
perimeter edges parallel to the joists would have been nailed in order to provide proper vertical support.
The edges perpendicular would not have been nailed.
Anchor bolts - per shear wall schedule at noted shear walls, otherwise ½ inch diameter at 6'-0" maximum
on center.
Framing nailing was generally done with coated sinker nails. The following is the schedule of minimum
fastening from the 1988 UBC. It needs to be kept in mind that much of the framing nailing was done with
16d sinker gun nails. Fastening noted as having multiple 8d nails were more likely to have one or two
16d sinker nails.
a. Uniform Building Code, 1988 Edition
b. ASTM F-1667-95 Standard Specification for Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes, Staple
The Small Townhouse index building is a two-story townhouse containing three dwelling units
with an attached two-car garage. This building is assumed to have been built as a housing
development “production house” in either the 1980’s or 1990’s, located in either Northern or
Southern California. The design is based on engineered construction. The exterior walls of the
townhouse index building are sheathed with stucco (UBC Tables 25B & 25C) and wood
structural panel shearwalls (7/16 in thick OSB) on the outside and gypsum wallboards (1/2 in
thick) on the inside. Furring nails (3/8-in head), spaced at 6 in on center along the vertical studs,
are used to attach the wire mesh of the stucco finish to the wood framing. Eight-penny common
nails spaced at 6, 4 or 3 in along the edges and 12 in on the field are used to attach the OSB
panels to the framing. All interior gypsum walls are sheathed on both sides. Drywall nails (1-5/8
in long) spaced at 7 in on center along the vertical studs (spaced at 16-in on center) are used to
attach all gypsum walls to the framing. The gypsum walls are assumed to be positioned with the
long axis vertical. The floor diaphragm of the townhouse index building is composed of 2x12
joists spaced at 16 in on center and 3/4 in tongue-and-groove plywood or OSB sheathing. The
wood superstructure is supported on a slab on grade. The roof diaphragm is built with 2x6 joists
spaced at 24 in on center and 1/2 in plywood or 7/16” OSB sheathing. The ceiling is made of 1/2
in thick gypsum wallboard.
Seismically relevant characteristics that were intentionally included in this townhouse include
the integral garage, which is quite typical, and, for the end units, the imbalance in plan in
stiffness between the solid longitudinal wall with gypsum wallboard at the common wall side
versus the perforated walls with stucco or OSB on the exterior wall side.
One retrofit was applied to the Small Townhouse (Retrofit #5). The ground story shearwalls
were strengthened and additional shearwall lineal footage was added to the ground floor plan.
The construction cost breakdown in Table 6-3 is the simplified overall profile of construction
cost components. Considerably more detail is provided in Appendix A with respect to cost of
construction, as well as cost of repair of damage for particular construction assemblies (e.g., a
window assembly, a door assembly) and several well-defined damage states.
The Townhouse is a hypothetical two story residential unit in a multi-family dwelling. The unit is
approximately 1630 square feet with an attached two car garage. It is intended to be representative of
those buildings built in the early 1990's located in Southern California. The design is based on
engineered construction. To the extend possible, characteristic materials and fastening have been
Drawing sheets A1-A6 and S1-S3 contain information describing the building. Sheets A1-A6 contain the
architectural plans, based on a description developed by the Woodframe Project. Sheets S1-S3 contain
typical details, notes, assembly and weight information provided by Element 3. These drawings are not
intended to be complete construction documents.
Typical species for framing - Douglas-fir.
Foundation sill plates - pressure treated Hem-Fir.
Roof trusses - could vary - assume Douglas-fir.
Roof sheathing 15/32 OSB
8d box at 6" supported edges, 12" other supports.
8d common dimensions - ASTM F1667:
Flat head, diamond point, L=2.5", D=.131" pneumatically installed.
For gypsum board wall sheathing these fasteners are at 7 inches on center over the height of each stud.
We understanding is that they would not have been edge-nailed at this spacing to the top or bottom
plates. The spacing at top and bottom plates would likely have been 16 inches on center as part of the
vertical line of fasteners at each stud.
Gypsum board ceiling sheathing. The fasteners above are at 7 inches along the ceiling joists. The
perimeter edges parallel to the joists would have been nailed in order to provide proper vertical support.
The edges perpendicular would not have been nailed or blocked.
Anchor bolts - per shear wall schedule at noted shear walls, otherwise ½ inch diameter at 6'-0" maximum
on center.
Framing nailing was generally done with coated sinker nails. The following is the schedule of minimum
fastening from the 1988 UBC. It needs to be kept in mind that much of the framing nailing was done with
16d sinker nails. Fastening noted as having multiple 8d nails were more likely to have one or two 16d
sinker nails.
a. Uniform Building Code, 1988 Edition
b. ASTM F-1667-95 Standard Specification for Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes, Staples
The Funding for the Project is provided primarily by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
under the Stafford Act (Public Law 93-288). The federal funding comes to the project through a California
Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program award to the California
Institute of Technology (Caltech). The Project Manager is Professor John Hall of Caltech. Consortium of
Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (CUREE), as subcontractor to Caltech, manages the
subcontracted work to various universities, along with the work of consulting engineers, government
agencies, and others. CUREE is a non-profit corporation devoted to the advancement of earthquake
Items depicted in these documents are based on the experience and judgment of the individuals involved.
No liability for the information included in these documents is assumed by Consortium of Universities for
Research in Earthquake Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, or the individuals involved in
document preparation.
The Apartment Building index building is a three-story multi-family apartment building with
attached (tuck-under) parking stalls on the ground level. It was designed as if it were built in the
1960’s and located in either Northern or Southern California. The design basis is “partially
engineered construction,” which refers to typical practice at the time in which an engineer would
have been employed in the design, but the calculations and detailing were less thorough than in
the case of today’s “engineered” light frame construction. The unit shears in plywood shear
walls have been checked in accordance with the 1964 edition of the Uniform Building Code.
The exterior walls of the apartment index building are sheathed with stucco (UBC Tables 25B
and 25C) and wood structural panel shearwalls (3/8 in thick Structural I Plywood) on the outside
and gypsum wallboard (1/2 in thick) on the inside. Furring nails (3/8-in head), spaced at 6 in on
center along the vertical studs, are used to attach the wire mesh of the stucco finish to the wood
framing. Eight-penny common nails spaced at 6, 4 or 3 in along the edges and 12 in on the field
are used to attach the plywood panels to the framing. All interior gypsum walls are sheathed on
both sides. Drywall nails (1-5/8 in long) spaced at 7 in on center along the vertical studs (spaced
at 16-in on center) are used to attach all gypsum walls to the framing. The gypsum walls are
assumed to be positioned with long axis vertical. The floor diaphragm of the apartment building
is composed of 2x12 joists spaced at 16 in on center and 5/8” tongue-and-groove plywood or
OSB sheathing. The wood superstructure is supported on a slab on grade concrete foundation.
The roof diaphragm is built with 2x6 joists spaced at 24 in on center and 1/2 in plywood. The
ceiling is made of 5/8 in thick gypsum wallboard.
The apartment building exemplifies a building type that experienced significant damage in the
Northridge Earthquake due to the combination of a soft first story and open front at that level,
because of the presence of tuck-under parking. The longitudinal wall at the back of the parking
stalls is not adequately attached for shear transfer at the top or bottom, so it is not contributing to
lateral resistance. This condition is believed to be common in many existing buildings of this
Two different retrofits were applied to this index building. (Note that another retrofit design was
planned but it was concluded its analysis would not be very informative as compared to the other
retrofits and thus there is no Retrofit #6): addition of steel moment-resisting frames at the
ground level (Retrofit #7), and addition of shearwalls at the ground level (Retrofit #8), both
aimed at mitigating the soft story – torsional irregularity.
The construction cost breakdown in Table 7-3 is the simplified overall profile of construction
cost components. Considerably more detail is provided in Appendix A with respect to cost of
construction, as well as cost of repair of damage for particular construction assemblies (e.g., a
window assembly, a door assembly) and several well-defined damage states.
Drawing sheets A1-A3 and S1-S3 contain information describing the building. Sheets A1-A3 contain the
architectural plans, based on a description developed by the Woodframe Project. Sheets S1-S3 contain
typical details, notes, assembly and weight information, provided by Element 3. These drawings are not
intended to be complete construction documents.
Typical species for framing - Douglas-fir.
Foundation sill plates - Foundation grade redwood.
Roof sheathing 1/2" PLWD.
8d common at 6" supported edges, 12" other supports.
8d common dimensions - ASTM F1667:
Flat head, diamond point, L=2.5", D=.131"
For gypsum board wall sheathing one of these fasteners are at 7 inches on center over the height of each
stud. We understand that they would not have been edge-nailed at this spacing to the top or bottom
plates. The spacing at top and bottom plates would likely have been 16 inches on center as part of the
vertical line of fasteners at each stud.
UBC Tables 47G. 18 ga hexagonal woven wire, furred out from backing ¼" nailed with 3/4" min
penetration, spaced 6" maximum vertically, 16" horizontally.
Anchor bolts - per shear wall schedule at noted shear walls, otherwise ½ inch diameter at 6'-0" maximum
on center.
Framing nailing was generally done with coated sinker nails. The following is the schedule of minimum
fastening from the 1964 UBC. It needs to be kept in mind that much of the framing nailing was done with
16d sinker gun nails. Fastening noted as having multiple 8d nails were more likely to have one or two
16d sinker nails.
a. Uniform Building Code, 1961 & 1964 Editions
b. ASTM F-1667-95 Standard Specification for Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes, Staples
AF & PA (American Forest and Paper Association, 1995. Standard for Load and Resistance
Factor Design (LRFD) for Engineered Wood Construction. Reston, VA,: American Society of
Civil Engineers. ASCE Standard 16-95.
AF & PA (American Forest and Paper Association, 1997. National Design Specification for
Wood Construction and Supplement. Washington, DC: AF & PA.
Algermissen, S. T. et al., 1972. A Study of Earthquake Losses in the San Francisco Bay Area:
Data and Analysis. Washington, DC: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Arnold, Christopher and Robert Reitherman, 1982. Building Configuration and Seismic Design.
New York: John Wiley & Sons.
ATC (Applied Technology Council), 1985. Earthquake Damage Evaluation Data for
California. Redwood City, California: Applied Technology Council.
ATC (Applied Technology Council), 1987. Evaluating the Seismic Resistance of Existing
Buildings. Applied Technology Council: Redwood City, CA. Publication ATC-14. Prepared
by Chris Poland and Degenkolb Associates; funded by the National Science Foundation.
ATC (Applied Technology Council), 1997. NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of
Buildings. Washington, DC: Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA Publication
Beck, James, Vanessa Camelo, and John Hall, 2002. Dynamic Characteristics of Woodframe
Structures. Richmond, VA: CUREE.
Bernstein, Theodore M., 1965. The Careful Writer. New York: Atheneum.
Berg, Glen, 1976. “Historical Review of Earthquakes, Damage, and Building Codes,” in
William E. Saul and Alain H. Peyrot, editors, Methods of Structural Analysis: Proceedings of
the National Structural Engineering Conference, vol. I, p. 388. New York: American Society of
Civil Engineers, 1976.
Breyer, Donald, Kenneth Fridley, and Kelly Cobeen, 1999. Design of Wood Structures: ASD.
(New York: McGraw-Hill), Fourth Edition.
References | 119
BSSC (Building Seismic Safety Council), 2001. NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic
Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures. Washington, DC: Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA Publication 368).
Cobeen, Kelly, J. Daniel Dolan, and James Russell, 2003. Recommendations for the
Construction of Woodframe Buildings. Richmond, CA: CUREE.
Deam, Bruce and Andrew King, 1996. “Pseudo-Dynamic Seismic Testing of Structural Timber
Elements,” Proceedings of the International Wood Engineering Conference, vol. 1, pp. 53-59.
EERI (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute), 1995. The Hyogo-Ken Nambu Earthquake.
Oakland, CA: EERI.
FEMA 310, FEMA, 1998. Handbook for the Seismic Evaluation of Buildings—A Prestandard.
Prepared by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
FEMA 356, FEMA, 2000. Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of
Buildings. Prepared by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Fischer, D. A. Filiatrault, B. Folz, C.-M. Uang, and F. Seible, 2001. Shake Table Tests of a Two-
Story Woodframe House. Richmond, CA: CUREE.
Forest Products Laboratory, 1990. Wood Engineering Handbook. Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Freeman, John Ripley, 1932. Earthquake Damage and Earthquake Insurance: Studies of A
Rational Basis for Earthquake Insurance, also Studies of Engineering Data for Earthquake-
Resisting Construction. New York: McGraw Hill.
Gauchat, U.P., and D. L. Schodek, 1984. Patterns of Housing Type and Density: A Basis for
Analysing Earthquake Resistance. Department of Architecture, Harvard University.
Isoda, Hiroshi, Bryan Folz, and André Filiatrault, 2002. Seismic Modeling of Index Woodframe
Buildings. Richmond, CA: Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering
(CUREE). Publication #W-12.
Malik, A. M., 1995. Estimating Building Stocks for Earthquake Mitigation and Recovery
Planning. Institute for Social and Economic Research, Cornell University.
National Association of Home Builders, 2000. Residential Structural Design Guide: 2000
Edition: A State-of-the-Art Review and Application of Engineering Information for Light-Frame
Homes, Apartments, and Townhouses. Developed by the NAHB Research Center for the
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
NIBS (National Institute of Building Sciences), 1999. HAZUS 99. (Technical Manual and
associated software). Washington, DC: Federal Emergency Management Agency.
PCA, 1997. Home Builder Report of 1997. Skokie, IL: Portland Cement Association.
Porter, Keith, 2002-a. Keith Porter, James Beck, Hope Seligson, Charles Scawthorn, Thomas
Tobin, Ray Young, and Tom Boyd. Improving Loss Estimation for Woodframe Buildings.
Richmond, CA: Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering (CUREE).
Publication #W-18.
Porter, Keith, 2002-b. California Institute of Technology, with subcontractors ABS Engineering
and CUREE, is conducting a project for the California Earthquake Authority to evaluate the cost-
effectiveness of retrofit measures for the purpose of determining appropriate premium reduction
RMS (Risk Management Solutions), 1993. Assessment of the State-of-the-Art Earthquake Loss
Estimation Methodologies. Prepared by RMS and California Universities for Research in
Earthquake Engineering for the National Institute of Building Sciences. Washington, DC:
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA Publication 249).
Sakamoto, Isao and Yosimitsu Ohashi, 1988. Seismic Response and Required Lateral Strength
of Wooden Dwellings,” Proceedings of the 1988 International Conference on Timber
Engineering. Seattle, Washington, 1988.
SEAOC (Structural Engineers Association of California), 1996. Seismic Detailing Examples for
Engineered Light-Frame Timber Construction. Sacramento, CA: SEAOC. Compiled by Scott
Stedman et al. of the Structural Engineers Association of San Diego.
Steinbrugge, Karl V., 1982. Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis: An Anatomy of Hazards.
New York: Skandia America Group.
Taniguchi, Hitoshi, 1995. “Building Damages,” in Comprehensive Study of the Great Hanshin
Earthquake. Nagoya, Japan: United Nations Centre for Regional Development.
References | 121
Yasamura, Motoi, Isao Nishiyama, Tatuo Murota, and Nobuyoshi Yamaguchi, 1988.
“Experiments on a Three-Storied Wooden Frame Building Subjected to Horizontal Load,” 1988
International Conference on Timber Engineering, ed. By Rafik Itani. Madison, WI: Forest
Products Research Society.
The data provided here for estimated costs of constructing the index buildings, broken down by
construction assembly, and for repairing various levels of damage, are included in this appendix
and as Excel files on the accompanying CD in the “Cost Data” folder. All of the following
construction cost or repair cost data were generated by Ray Young & Associates.
ASSEMBLY TYPE 1A, Stucco wall, cement stucco, 7/8", no ext sheath, mtl lath, 1/2" gyp int, on stud wall, 2x4,
16"OC, poor quality. Same as (avg quality) and (good quality). See
PM 5 for detail on quality.
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Light: light cracking of stucco, requires patching and touch-up paint. Light damage to wallboard, requires
tape, mud, sanding, touch-up paint.
Remove loose debris on both sides of wall. Deepen cracks with a hand tool in order to receive filler
material. Fill stucco cracks with a combination of bonder material and stucco and texture over the cracked
area to blend in. The drywall cracks will require joint compound and re-texturing to blend in. Paint touch
up will be inadequate so completely painting the interior wall will be required. Matching the stucco color of
this age will be impossible so painting the entire wall will be required.
Cost: Mean: $291 Upper bound: $308 Lower bound: $274
Duration: Mean: 7.5 hours Upper bound: 9 hours Lower bound: 6 hours
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
ASSEMBLY TYPE 1B, Stucco wall, cement stucco, 7/8", no ext sheath, mtl lath, 1/2" gyp int, on stud wall, 2x4,
16"OC, poor quality. Same as (avg quality) and (good quality). See
PM 5 for detail on quality.
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Moderate: heavy cracking of stucco, requires replacement. Moderate damage to wallboard, requires
patching, tape, mud, extensive painting (i.e., a paint crew).
Remove loose debris on both sides of wall. Deepen cracks with a hand tool in order to receive filler
material. Fill stucco cracks with a combination of bonder material and stucco and texture over the cracked
area to blend in. The drywall cracks will require joint compound and re-texturing to blend in. Paint touch
up will be inadequate so completely painting the interior wall will be required. Matching the stucco color of
this age will be impossible so painting the entire wall will be required.
Cost: Mean: $291 Upper bound: $308 Lower bound: $274
Duration: Mean: 7.5 hours Upper bound: 9 hours Lower bound: 6 hours
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
ASSEMBLY TYPE 1C, Stucco wall, cement stucco, 7/8", no ext sheath, mtl lath, 1/2" gyp int, on stud wall, 2x4,
16"OC, poor quality. Same as (avg quality) and (good quality). See
PM 5 for detail on quality.
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Severe: Heavy damage to stucco and wallboard, damage to stud connections; requires demolition and
replacement of wall.
Remove all drywall, stucco, insulation and wall framing and replace with new 2x4 Doug. Fir studs and
plates along with new ½” drywall, tape and texture, R-13 insulation and stucco. Both sides of the entire
wall should be painted, 2 coats at the new drywall and 1 coat on the existing wall areas that tie in.
Cost: Mean: $818.89 Upper bound: $864.14 Lower bound: $773.64
Duration: Mean: 18.5 hours Upper bound: 20 hours Lower bound: 17 hours
Demolition of wall assemblies include: removal of drywall, wood framing, electrical wire as necessary,
protecting adjacent areas and normal clean up. Add $.76 per sq. ft. to haul off debris to dump site within 6
miles of project. (Excludes dump fees)
6.1.510.1201.01, Drywall partition w/o base layer, wood stud framing, 1/2" both sides, 2x4, 16" OC, poor
quality. Same as 6.1.510.1201.02 (avg quality) and 6.1.510.1201.02 (good quality). See PM 5 for detail
on quality.
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Light: Light damage to wallboard, requires tape, mud, sanding, touch-up paint (both sides).
Remove cracked or loose mud, tape and drywall. Install new tape, joint compound and texture affected
area. It is unlikely that touch up paint will be adequate; so painting the entire wall will be required.
Cost: Mean: $338 Upper bound: $359 Lower bound: $317
Duration: Mean: 8 hours Upper bound: 9 hours Lower bound: 7 hours
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
6.1.510.1201.01, Drywall partition w/o base layer, wood stud framing, 1/2" both sides, 2x4, 16" OC, poor
quality. Same as 6.1.510.1201.02 (avg quality) and 6.1.510.1201.02 (good quality). See PM 5 for detail
on quality.
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Moderate: Moderate damage to wallboard, requires patching, tape, mud, sand, and repaint wall (both
Remove cracked or loose mud, tape and drywall. Install new tape, joint compound and texture affected
area. It is unlikely that touch up paint will be adequate; so painting the entire wall will be required.
Cost: Mean: $338 Upper bound: $359 Lower bound: $317
Duration: Mean: 8 hours Upper bound: 9 hours Lower bound: 7 hours
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
6.1.510.1201.01, Drywall partition w/o base layer, wood stud framing, 1/2" both sides, 2x4, 16" OC, poor
quality. Same as 6.1.510.1201.02 (avg quality) and 6.1.510.1201.02 (good quality). See PM 5 for detail
on quality.
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Severe: Heavy damage to wallboard and damage to stud connections; requires demolition and
replacement of wall.
Remove all drywall and wall framing and replace with new 2x4 Doug. Fir studs and plates along
with new ½” drywall, tape and texture. Both sides of the entire wall should be painted, 2 coats at
the new drywall and 1 coat on the existing wall areas that tie in.
Total repair cost, total repair DURATION per assembly (mean, 10th percentile, 90th
Cost: Mean: $687.01 Upper bound: $729.26 Lower bound: $644.76
Duration: Mean: 16 hours Upper bound: 17 hours Lower bound: 15 hours
Demolition of wall assemblies include: removal of drywall, wood framing, electrical wire as necessary,
protecting adjacent areas and normal clean up. Add $.76 per sq. ft. to haul off debris to dump site within 6
miles of project. (excludes dump fees)
Add $45 per each electrical outlet or switch.
All sf unit costs should be used for repair costs not new construction. All costs exclude contractor’s
overhead and profit, which can be calculated by multiplying the total project cost by 15% to 20% as an
average range.
ASSEMBLY TYPE 3, Windows, Wood, double hung, standard glass, 3’-1.5”x4’
Unit: ea
Cracked glass
Remove glazing and glass. Replace with 3/16” standard glass and glazing. Paint glazing as required.
Cost: Mean: $177.50 Upper bound: $190 Lower bound: $165
Duration: Mean: 3 hours Upper bound: 3.5 hours Lower bound: 2.5 hours
Use a minimum fee of $100 for glass and glazing. Use a minimum fee of $85 for painting.
ASSEMBLY TYPE 4A, Drywall ceiling, 5/8" FR drywall, on 2"x6" rafters, 16" OC
Unit: 64 sf
Light: Light damage to wallboard, requires tape, mud, sanding, touch-up paint.
Remove cracked or loose mud, tape and drywall. Install new tape, joint compound and texture affected
area. It is unlikely that touch up paint will be adequate; so painting the entire ceiling will be required.
Cost: Mean: $183 Upper bound: $195 Lower bound: $171
Duration: Mean: 5 hours Upper bound: 6 hours Lower bound: 4 hours
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
ASSEMBLY TYPE 4B, Drywall ceiling, 5/8" FR drywall, on 2"x6" rafters, 16" OC
Unit: 64 sf
Moderate: Moderate damage to wallboard, requires patching, tape, mud, sand, and repaint ceiling.
Remove cracked or loose mud, tape and drywall. Install new tape, joint compound and texture affected
area. It is unlikely that touch up paint will be adequate; so painting the entire ceiling will be required.
Cost: Mean: $183 Upper bound: $195 Lower bound: $171
Duration: Mean: 5 hours Upper bound: 6 hours Lower bound: 4 hours
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
ASSEMBLY TYPE 4C, Drywall ceiling, 5/8" FR drywall, on 2"x6" rafters, 16" OC
Unit: 64 sf
Severe: Heavy damage to wallboard; requires demolition and replacement of ceiling. No damage to
Remove damaged drywall. Replace 5/8” fire resistant drywall, install with screws and tape and texture;
paint with 2 coats of rolled on acrylic latex.
Cost: Mean: $305.04 Upper bound: $324.67 Lower bound: $285.42
Duration: Mean: 7.37 hours Upper bound: 8 hours Lower bound: 6.75 hours
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
Demolition of ceiling assemblies include: removal of drywall, protecting adjacent areas and normal clean
up. Add $.66 per sq. ft. to haul off debris to dump site within 6 miles of project. (excludes dump fees)
All sf unit costs should be used for repair costs not new construction. All costs exclude contractor’s
overhead and profit, which can be calculated by multiplying the total project cost by 15% to 20% as an
average range.
ASSEMBLY TYPE 5, Electric water heater, residential, 100F rise, 50 gal, 9 kW 37 GPH
Unit: ea
Replace water heater with a new 50-gallon electric water heater. Replace 3 copper water fittings and re-
attach vent. (Assuming vent is not damaged) Re-wire electrical.
Cost: Mean: $561 Upper bound: $591 Lower bound: $531
Duration: Mean: 5.25 hours Upper bound: 6 hours Lower bound: 4.5
A more likely minimum fee for a complete replacement would be $600. Add $50 minimum to dump old
water heater. If the existing water heater is salvageable, deduct $266. The new water heater used in this
illustration has a 9 yr warranty, add $58 to use a 12 yr warranty.
ASSEMBLY TYPE 6A, Exterior wall, 3/8 C-D ply, 2x4, 16" OC, 8d@6" edge, 8d@12" int, 1/2" gyp int, insul, 7/8"
stucco ext, 5/8" AB@32" OC, poor qual. Same as (avg quality) and
(good quality). See PM 6 for detail on quality. This cost data sheet will also be used for,
.17. and .18, which are the same except edge nailing is 8d@4”, and through 12, which
are the same with various edge nail spacing of 2” to 6”, and ½” AB at various spacings, from 16” to 48”.
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Light: light cracking of stucco, requires patching and touch-up paint. Light damage to wallboard, requires
mud, sanding, touch-up paint.
Remove loose debris on both sides of wall. Deepen cracks with a hand tool in order to receive filler
material. Fill stucco cracks with a combination of bonder material and stucco and texture over the cracked
area to blend in. The drywall cracks will require joint compound and re-texturing to blend in. Paint touch
up will be inadequate so completely painting the interior wall will be required. Matching the stucco color of
this age will be impossible so painting the entire wall will be required.
Cost: Mean: $331.75 Upper bound: $351.50 Lower bound: $312
Duration: Mean: 9 hours Upper bound: 10.5 hours Lower bound: 7.5 hours
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
One half hour has been added to each applicable trade for additional time incurred on a hillside
application where access may slow down production.
ASSEMBLY TYPE 6B, Exterior wall, 3/8 C-D ply, 2x4, 16" OC, 8d@6" edge, 8d@12" int, 1/2" gyp int, insul, 7/8"
stucco ext, 5/8" AB@32" OC, poor qual. Same as (avg quality) and
(good quality). See PM 6 for detail on quality. This cost data sheet will also be used for,
.17. and .18, which are the same except edge nailing is 8d@4”, and through 12, which
are the same with various edge nail spacing of 2” to 6”, and ½” AB at various spacings, from 16” to 48”.
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Moderate: heavy cracking of stucco, requires replacement. Moderate damage to wallboard, requires
patching, tape, mud, extensive painting (i.e., a paint crew).
Remove loose debris on both sides of wall. Deepen cracks with a hand tool in order to receive filler
material. Fill stucco cracks with a combination of bonder material and stucco and texture over the cracked
area to blend in. The drywall cracks will require joint compound and re-texturing to blend in. Paint touch
up will be inadequate so completely painting the interior wall will be required. Matching the stucco color of
this age will be impossible so painting the entire wall will be required.
Cost: Mean: $331.75 Upper bound: $351.50 Lower bound: $312
Duration: Mean: 9 hours Upper bound: 10.5 hours Lower bound: 7.5 hours
Comments, references
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
One half hour has been added to each applicable trade for additional time incurred on a hillside
application where access may slow down production.
ASSEMBLY TYPE 6C, Exterior wall, 3/8 C-D ply, 2x4, 16" OC, 8d@6" edge, 8d@12" int, 1/2" gyp int, insul, 7/8"
stucco ext, 5/8" AB@32" OC, poor qual. Same as (avg quality) and
(good quality). See PM 6 for detail on quality. This cost data sheet will also be used for,
.17. and .18, which are the same except edge nailing is 8d@4”, and through 12, which
are the same with various edge nail spacing of 2” to 6”, and ½” AB at various spacings, from 16” to 48”.
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Severe: Heavy damage to stucco and wallboard, nails tear though plywood sheathing; requires demolition
and replacement of wall.
Remove all drywall, stucco, insulation, plywood and wall framing and replace with new 2x4 Doug. Fir
studs and plates, new 3/8” cdx plywood along with new ½” drywall, tape and texture, R-13 insulation and
stucco. Both sides of the entire wall should be painted, 2 coats at the new drywall and 1 coat on the
existing wall areas that tie in.
Cost: Mean: $990.45 Upper bound: $1,045.70 Lower bound: $935.20
Duration: Mean: 22.5 hours Upper bound: 24 hours Lower bound: 21 hours
Demolition of wall assemblies include: removal of drywall, plywood, wood framing, insulation, electrical
wire as necessary, protecting adjacent areas and normal clean up. Add $.76 per sq. ft. to haul off debris
to dump site within 6 miles of project. (Excludes dump fees)
ASSEMBLY TYPE 7A, Window, Al frame, sliding, standard glass, 3'x2'
Unit: ea
Cracked glass (one pane)
Remove glazing and glass. Replace with 1/8”” standard glass and glazing.
Cost: Mean: $100 Upper bound: $129 Lower bound: $71
Duration: Mean: 1.5 hours Upper bound: 2 hours Lower bound: 1 hour
Use a minimum fee of $100 for glass and glazing.
ASSEMBLY TYPE 7B, Window, Al frame, sliding, standard glass, 5'x3'
Unit: ea
Cracked glass (one pane)
Remove glazing and glass. Replace with 1/8” standard glass and glazing.
Cost: Mean: $119.50 Upper bound: $150 Lower bound: $89
Duration: Mean: 2 hours Upper bound: 2.5 hours Lower bound: 1.5 hours
Use a minimum fee of $100 for glass and glazing.
ASSEMBLY TYPE 7C, Window, Al frame, sliding, standard glass, 8'x4'
Unit: ea
Cracked glass (one pane)
Remove glazing and glass. Replace with 1/8” standard glass and glazing.
Cost: Mean: $149 Upper bound: $181 Lower bound: $117
Duration: Mean: 2.5 hours Upper bound: 3 hours Lower bound: 2 hours
Use a minimum fee of $100 for glass and glazing.
ASSEMBLY TYPE 7D, Doors, sliding, patio, aluminum, standard, 6'-0"x6'-8", with aluminum frame, tempered
Unit: ea
Cracked glass (one pane)
Remove glazing and glass. Replace with 1/8” standard tempered glass and glazing.
Cost: Mean: $193 Upper bound: $199 Lower bound: $187
Duration: Mean: 2.5 hours Upper bound: 3 hours Lower bound: 2 hours
Use a minimum fee of $150 for glass and glazing.
Add 10% for dual glazing.
6.1.520.1200.13, Interior wall, 3/8 C-D ply, 2x4, 16" OC, 8d@6" edge, 8d@12" int, 1/2" gyp finish ea side,
5/8" AB@32" OC, poor qual. Same as 6.1.520.1200.14 (typical quality) and 6.1.520.1200.15 (superior
quality). See PM 6 for detail on quality. This cost data sheet will also be used for 6.1.520.1200.01
through 12 and 16 through 18, which are the same except for different edge nailing and anchor bolt
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Light: light cracking of wallboard, requires mud, sanding, touch-up paint.
Remove cracked or loose mud, tape and drywall. Install new tape, joint compound and texture affected
area. It is unlikely that touch up paint will be adequate; so painting the entire wall will be required.
Cost: Mean: $338 Upper bound: $359 Lower bound: $317
Duration: Mean: 8 hours Upper bound: 9 hours Lower bound: 7 hours
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
6.1.520.1200.13, Interior wall, 3/8 C-D ply, 2x4, 16" OC, 8d@6" edge, 8d@12" int, 1/2" gyp finish ea side,
5/8" AB@32" OC, poor qual. Same as 6.1.520.1200.14 (typical quality) and 6.1.520.1200.15 (superior
quality). See PM 6 for detail on quality. This cost data sheet will also be used for 6.1.520.1200.01
through 12 and 16 through 18, which are the same except for different edge nailing and anchor bolt
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Moderate damage to wallboard, requires patching, tape, mud, extensive painting (i.e., a paint crew).
Remove cracked or loose mud, tape and drywall. Install new tape, joint compound and texture affected
area. It is unlikely that touch up paint will be adequate; so painting the entire wall will be required.
Cost: Mean: $338 Upper bound: $359 Lower bound: $317
Duration: Mean: 8 hours Upper bound: 9 hours Lower bound: 7 hours
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
6.1.520.1200.13, Interior wall, 3/8 C-D ply, 2x4, 16" OC, 8d@6" edge, 8d@12" int, 1/2" gyp finish ea side,
5/8" AB@32" OC, poor qual. Same as 6.1.520.1200.14 (typical quality) and 6.1.520.1200.15 (superior
quality). See PM 6 for detail on quality. This cost data sheet will also be used for 6.1.520.1200.01
through 12 and 16 through 18, which are the same except for different edge nailing and anchor bolt
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Severe: Heavy damage to wallboard, nails tear though plywood sheathing; requires demolition and
replacement of wall.
Remove all drywall, plywood and wall framing and replace with new 2x4 Doug. Fir studs and plates, new
3/8” cdx plywood along with new ½” drywall, tape and texture. Both sides of the entire wall should be
painted, 2 coats at the new drywall and 1 coat on the existing wall areas that tie in.
Cost: Mean: $826.78 Upper bound: $875.28 Lower bound: $778.28
Duration: Mean: 18.5 hours Upper bound: 19.5 hours Lower bound: 17.5 hours
Demolition of wall assemblies include: removal of drywall, plywood, wood framing, electrical wire as
necessary, protecting adjacent areas and normal clean up. Add $.76 per sq. ft. to haul off debris to dump
site within 6 miles of project. (excludes dump fees)
Add $45 per each electrical outlet or switch.
6.1.500.1250.01, Party wall, 1/2" gyp one side, insul, on stud wall, 2x4, 16"OC, poor quality. Same as
6.1.510.1250.02 (avg quality) and 6.1.510.1250.02 (good quality). See PM 7 for detail on quality.
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Light: Light damage to wallboard, mud, sanding, touch-up paint (one side).
Remove cracked or loose mud, tape and drywall. Install new tape, joint compound and texture affected
area. It is unlikely that touch up paint will be adequate; so painting the entire wall will be required.
Cost: Mean: $181 Upper bound: $193 Lower bound: $169
Duration: Mean: 4.75 hours Upper bound: 5.5 hours Lower bound: 4 hours
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
6.1.500.1250.01, Party wall, 1/2" gyp one side, insul, on stud wall, 2x4, 16"OC, poor quality. Same as
6.1.510.1250.02 (avg quality) and 6.1.510.1250.02 (good quality). See PM 7 for detail on quality.
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Moderate: Moderate damage to wallboard, requires patching, tape, mud, sand, and repaint entire wall
(one side).
Remove cracked or loose mud, tape and drywall. Install new tape, joint compound and texture affected
area. It is unlikely that touch up paint will be adequate; so painting the entire wall will be required.
Cost: Mean: $181 Upper bound: $193 Lower bound: $169
Duration: Mean: 4.75 hours Upper bound: 5.5 hours Lower bound: 4 hours
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
6.1.500.1250.01, Party wall, 1/2" gyp one side, insul, on stud wall, 2x4, 16"OC, poor quality. Same as
6.1.510.1250.02 (avg quality) and 6.1.510.1250.02 (good quality). See PM 7 for detail on quality.
Unit: 64 sf (8 lf of 8’ high wall)
Severe: Heavy damage to wallboard and damage to stud connections; requires demolition and
replacement of wall.
Remove all drywall, insulation and wall framing and replace with new 2x4 Doug. Fir studs and plates
along with new ½” drywall, tape and texture. The entire wall should be painted, 2 coats at the new drywall
and 1 coat on the existing wall areas that tie in.
Cost: Mean: $525.89 Upper bound: $556.14 Lower bound: $495.64
Duration: Mean: 12 hours Upper bound: 13 hours Lower bound: 11 hours
Demolition of wall assemblies include: removal of drywall, insulation, wood framing, electrical wire as
necessary, protecting adjacent areas and normal clean up. Add $.76 per sq. ft. to haul off debris to dump
site within 6 miles of project. (excludes dump fees)
Add $45 per each electrical outlet or switch.
Light: Light damage to wallboard, mud, sanding, touch-up paint (one side).
Remove cracked or loose mud, tape and drywall. Install new tape, joint compound and texture affected
area. It is unlikely that touch up paint will be adequate; so painting the entire wall will be required.
Cost: Mean: $181 Upper bound: $193 Lower bound: $169
Duration: Mean: 4.75 hours Upper bound: 5.5 hours Lower bound: 4 hours
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
Moderate: Moderate damage to wallboard, requires patching, tape, mud, sand, and repaint entire wall
(one side).
Remove cracked or loose mud, tape and drywall. Install new tape, joint compound and texture affected
area. It is unlikely that touch up paint will be adequate; so painting the entire wall will be required.
Cost: Mean: $181 Upper bound: $193 Lower bound: $169
Duration: Mean: 4.75 hours Upper bound: 5.5 hours Lower bound: 4 hours
A handyman would perform a repair job of this size; there would typically be a minimum fee of $300 per
Remove all drywall, insulation, plywood and wall framing and replace with new 2x4 Doug. Fir studs and
plates, new 3/8” cdx plywood along with new ½” drywall, tape and texture. The entire wall should be
painted, 2 coats at the new drywall and 1 coat on the existing wall areas that tie in.
Cost: Mean: $635.70 Upper bound: $672.20 Lower bound: $599.20
Duration: Mean: 14.5 hours Upper bound: 15.5 hours Lower bound: 13.5 hours
Demolition of wall assemblies include: removal of drywall, insulation, plywood, wood framing, electrical
wire as necessary, protecting adjacent areas and normal clean up. Add $.76 per sq. ft. to haul off debris
to dump site within 6 miles of project. (excludes dump fees)
Add $45 per each electrical outlet or switch.
All sf unit costs should be used for repair costs not new construction. All costs exclude contractor’s
overhead and profit, which can be calculated by multiplying the total project cost by 15% to 20% as an
average range.
Add new expansion anchors, replace existing anchor bolt washers with new 2”x2”x3/16” sq. washers,
install new 2x4 blocking on top of existing sill plate as shear panel backing, install new 15/32” 5-ply
plywood shear panel and nail as specified.
Cost: Mean: $735 Upper bound: $870 Lower bound: $600
Duration: Mean: 15 man hours Upper bound: 18 man hours Lower bound: 12 man hours
Labor costs are for 16 total man hours @ $40 per hour for a non-union carpenter using nail guns and
electric impact wrenches.
Overhead and profit are excluded.
Large House Exploded Picture 2 Large House Exploded Picture With Structural Walls 1
Th-A6.dwg (AutoCad)
-6-10.jpg (Section)
-6-8.jpg (Roof Plan)
Apartment Complex 1 Floor Detail Animation Apartment Complex Rotation Animation (mac) (mac)
apartment_complex_exploding_divx.avi (PC) apartment_complex_rotation_divx.avi (PC)