8MA0 - 01 Pure Mathematics MSterdhdrhgt

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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2018

Pearson Edexcel GCE AS Mathematics

Pure Mathematics (8MA0/01)

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Summer 2018
Publications Code 8MA0_01_1806_MS
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2018
General Marking Guidance

 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the
last candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the first.

 Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded for

what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions.

 Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their
perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.

 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners
should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the
mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the
candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.

 Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles
by which marks will be awarded and exemplification/indicative content will not
be exhaustive.

 When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to
a candidate’s response, a senior examiner must be consulted before a mark is

 Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced
it with an alternative response.
General Instructions for Marking

1. The total number of marks for the paper is 100

2. These mark schemes use the following types of marks:

 M marks: Method marks are awarded for ‘knowing a method and attempting
to apply it’, unless otherwise indicated.
 A marks: Accuracy marks can only be awarded if the relevant method (M)
marks have been earned.
 B marks are unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M marks)
 Marks should not be subdivided.

3. Abbreviations

These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the mark
 bod – benefit of doubt
 ft – follow through

 the symbol will be used for correct ft

 cao – correct answer only
 cso - correct solution only. There must be no errors in this part of the question
to obtain this mark
 isw – ignore subsequent working
 awrt – answers which round to
 SC: special case
 o.e. – or equivalent (and appropriate)
 d or dep – dependent
 indep – independent
 dp decimal places
 sf significant figures
 The answer is printed on the paper or ag- answer given

4. All M marks are follow through.

A marks are ‘correct answer only’ (cao.), unless shown, for example, as A1 ft to
indicate that previous wrong working is to be followed through. After a misread
however, the subsequent A marks affected are treated as A ft, but answers that don’t
logically make sense e.g. if an answer given for a probability is >1 or <0, should
never be awarded A marks.
5. For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially
simplify it, deduct two from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the question

6. Where a candidate has made multiple responses and indicates which response
they wish to submit, examiners should mark this response.

If there are several attempts at a question which have not been crossed out,
examiners should mark the final answer which is the answer that is the most
General Principles for Core Mathematics Marking
(But note that specific mark schemes may sometimes override these general principles).

Method mark for solving 3 term quadratic:

1. Factorisation
( x 2  bx  c)  ( x  p)( x  q), where pq  c , leading to x = …
(ax 2  bx  c)  (mx  p)(nx  q), where pq  c and mn  a , leading to x = …

2. Formula
Attempt to use correct formula (with values for a, b and c).

3. Completing the square

Solving x  bx  c  0 :
( x  b2 )2  q  c, q  0, leading to x = …

Method marks for differentiation and integration:

1. Differentiation
n 1
Power of at least one term decreased by 1. ( x  x )

2. Integration
n 1
Power of at least one term increased by 1. ( x  x )

Use of a formula
Where a method involves using a formula that has been learnt, the advice given is that the
formula should be quoted first.

Normal marking procedure is then as follows:

Method mark for quoting a correct formula and attempting to use it, even if there are small
mistakes in the substitution of values.
Where the formula is not quoted, the method mark can be gained by implication from correct
working with values, but may be lost if there is any mistake in the working.

Exact answers
Examiners’ reports have emphasised that where, for example, an exact answer is asked for, or
working with surds is clearly required, marks will normally be lost if the candidate resorts to
using rounded decimals.

Answers without working

The rubric says that these may not gain full credit. Individual mark schemes will give details of
what happens in particular cases. General policy is that if it could be done “in your head”,
detailed working would not be required. Most candidates do show working, but there are
occasional awkward cases and if the mark scheme does not cover this, please contact your team
leader for advice.
AS Mathematics
Paper 8MA0 01 June 2018 Mark Scheme

Question Scheme Marks AOs

1 2 3 
 x  6 x  1 dx
3 
Attempts to integrate awarded for any correct power M1 1.1a

2 3  2 x4
 x  6 x  1  dx =   ...  x A1 1.1b
3  3 4
= ...  6  .... A1 1.1b

1 4 3
= x  4x 2  x  c A1 1.1b
(4 marks)
M1: Allow for raising power by one. x n  x n1
Award for any correct power including sight of 1x
A1: Correct two ‘non fractional power’ terms (may be un-simplified at this stage)
A1: Correct ‘fractional power’ term (may be un-simplified at this stage)
A1: Completely correct, simplified and including constant of integration seen on one line.
Simplification is expected for full marks.
Accept correct exact equivalent expressions such as  4 x x  1x1  c
x 4  24 x 2  6 x
Accept c
Remember to isw after a correct answer.
Condone poor notation. Eg answer given as  x 4  4 x 2  x  c

Question Scheme Marks AOs
2(i) x2  8x  17   x  4   16  17
M1 3.1a

  x  4   1 with comment (see notes)

A1 1.1b

As  x  4  0   x  4   1 1 hence x2  8x  17  0 for all x

2 2
A1 2.4
(ii) For an explanation that it may not always be true
M1 2.3
Tests say x  5  5  3  4 whereas  5  25
2 2

States sometimes true and gives reasons

 5  3  64 whereas  5  25 True
2 2
Eg. when x =5 A1 2.4
x  5  5  3  4 whereas  5  25 Not true
2 2
(5 marks)
(i) Method One: Completing the Square
M1: For an attempt to complete the square. Accept  x  4  ...

A1: For  x  4   1 with either

 x  4 0,  x  4  1 1 or min at (4,1). Accept the inequality
2 2 2

statements in words. Condone  x  4   0 or a squared number is always positive for this mark.

A1: A fully written out solution, with correct statements and no incorrect statements. There must
be a valid reason and a conclusion
x  8 x  17
scores M1 A1 A1
  x  4   1 1 as  x  4 
2 2
Hence  x  4   1  0

x  8 x  17  0
scores M1 A1 A1
 x  4
1  0
This is true because  x  4  0 and when you add 1 it is going to be positive

x  8 x  17  0
scores M1 A1 A0
 x  4
1  0
which is true because a squared number is positive incorrect and incomplete
x  8x  17   x  4   1
2 2
scores M1 A1 A0
Minimum is (4,1) so x  8x  17  0 correct but not explained
x  8x  17   x  4   1
2 2
scores M1 A1 A1
Minimum is (4,1) so as 1 > 0  x  8x  17  0 correct and explained
x  8 x  17  0
scores M1 A0 (no explanation) A0
 x  4
1  0
Method Two: Use of a discriminant
M1: Attempts to find the discriminant b  4ac with a correct a, b and c which may be within a
quadratic formula. You may condone missing brackets.
A1: Correct value of b  4ac  4 and states or shows curve is U shaped (or intercept is (0,17))
or equivalent such as  ve x etc
2 2
A1: Explains that as b  4ac  0, there are no roots, and curve is U shaped then x  8x  17  0
Method Three: Differentiation
M1: Attempting to differentiate and finding the turning point. This would involve attempting to
find , then setting it equal to 0 and solving to find the x value and the y value.
A1: For differentiating  2 x  8  (4,1) is the turning point
A1: Shows that (4,1) is the minimum point (second derivative or U shaped), hence
x  8x  17  0
Method 4: Sketch graph using calculator
M1: Attempting to sketch y  x2  8x  17 , U shape with minimum in quadrant one
A1: As above with minimum at (4,1) marked
A1: Required to state that quadratics only have one turning point and as ''1'' is above the x-axis
then x  8x  17  0
Numerical approach
Do not allow any marks if the student just mentions ''positive'' and ''negative'' numbers.
Specific examples should be seen calculated if a numerical approach is chosen.

M1: Attempts a value (where it is not true) and shows/implies that it is not true for that value.
 4  3  (4)2 and indicates not true (states not true, )
For example, for 4 :
or writing  4  3  (4)2 is sufficient to imply that it is not true

A1: Shows/implies that it can be true for a value AND states sometimes true.
 4  3  42 and indicates true 
For example for +4 :
or writing  4  3  42 is sufficient to imply this is true following  4  3  (4)2
2 2

condone incorrect statements following the above such as ‘it is only true for positive numbers’ as
long as they state ''sometimes true'' and show both cases.
Algebraic approach
M1: Sets the problem up algebraically Eg.  x  3  x 2  x  k Any inequality is fine. You may

condone one error for the method mark. Accept  x  3  x2  6 x  9  0 oe


A1: States sometimes true and states/implies true for x   or states/implies not true for
x In both cases you should expect to see the statement ''sometimes true'' to score the A1
Question Scheme Marks AOs
Attempts AB  OB  OA or similar M1 1.1b

AB  9i  3j A1 1.1b
(b) Finds length using 'Pythagoras' AB  (9)  (3)
2 2
M1 1.1b
AB  3 10 A1ft 1.1b
(4 marks)
M1: Attempts subtraction either way around.
This may be implied by one correct component AB  9i  3j
There must be some attempt to write in vector form.
A1: cao (allow column vector notation but not the coordinate)
 9   9i 
Correct notation should be used. Accept 9i  3j or   but not  
 3  3j 

M1: Correct use of Pythagoras theorem or modulus formula using their answer to (a)
Note that AB  (9)2  (3)2 is also correct.
Condone missing brackets in the expression AB  92  (3)2
Also allow a restart usually accompanied by a diagram.
A1ft: AB  3 10 ft from their answer to (a) as long as it has both an i and j component.
It must be simplified, if appropriate. Note that 3 10 would be M1 A0

Note that, in cases where there is no working, the correct answer implies M1A1 in each part of
this question
Question Scheme Marks AOs
States gradient of 4 y  3x  10 is oe
4 B1 1.1b
or rewrites as y  x  ...

Attempts to find gradient of line joining  5, 1 and  1,8 M1 1.1b

1  8 3
  A1 1.1b
5   1 2
States neither with suitable reasons A1 2.4


(4 marks)
3 3
B1: States that the gradient of line l1 is or writes l1 in the form y  x  ...
4 4

y 9
M1: Attempts to find the gradient of line l2 using Condone one sign error Eg allow
x 6
1  8 3 3
A1: For the gradient of l2    or the equation of l2 y   x  ...
5   1 2 2
Allow for any equivalent such as  or 1.5
A1: CSO ( on gradients)
3 3
Explains that they are neither parallel as the gradients not equal nor perpendicular as    1
4 2
Allow a statement in words ''they are not negative reciprocals '' for a reason for not perpendicular
and ''they are not equal'' for a reason for not being parallel
Question Scheme Marks AOs

5 (a) Identifies one of the two errors

''You cannot use the subtraction law without dealing with the 2 first'' B1 2.3
'' They undo the logs incorrectly. It should be x  23  8 ''
Identifies both errors. See above. B1 2.3
(b)  x 
log 2  3 log 2  x   3 M1 1.1b
 x 2
x 2  23 or  23 x  22 M1 1.1b
x 2 
3 3
4 x4 A1 1.1b

(5 marks)
B1: States one of the two errors.
Error One: Either in words states ‘They cannot use the subtraction law without dealing with the 2
 x2 
first’ or writes ' that line 2 should be log 2   ( 3) ' If they rewrite line two it must be
 x
correct. Allow ‘the coefficient of each log term is different so we cannot use the subtraction law’
Allow responses such as ‘it must be logx before subtracting the logs’
Do not accept an incomplete response such as ''the student ignored the 2''. There must be some
reference to the subtraction law as well.
Error Two: Either in words states ‘They undo the log incorrectly' or writes that ‘if log 2 x  3 then
x  23  8 ' If it is rewritten it must be correct. Eg x  log 2 9 is B0
B1: States both of the two errors. (See above)

M1: Uses a correct method of combining the two log terms. Either uses both the power law and the
 x2 
subtraction law to reach a form log 2    3 oe. Or uses both the power law and subtraction to
 x
reach log 2  x   3
M1: Uses correct work to ''undo'' the log. Eg moves from log 2  Axn   b  Axn  2b
This is independent of the previous mark so allow following earlier error.
A1: cso x  4 achieved with at least one intermediate step shown. Extra solutions would be A0
SC: If the ''answer'' rather than the ''solution'' is given score 1,0,0.
Question Scheme Marks AOs
6 (a) Attempts P  100  6.25 15  9 
M1 3.4

 125  not sensible as the company would make a loss A1 2.4

(b) Uses P  80   x  9   3.2 or P  80   x  9   3.2
2 2
M1 3.1b

 9  3.2  x  9  3.2 dM1 1.1b

Minimum Price = £7.22 A1 3.2a

(c) States (i) maximum profit =£ 100 000 B1 3.2a
and (ii) selling price £9 B1 2.2a
(7 marks)
M1: Substitutes x  15 into P  100  6.25  x  9  and attempts to calculate. This is implied by an

answer of 125. Some candidates may have attempted to multiply out the brackets before they
substitute in the x = 15. This is acceptable as long as the function obtained is quadratic. There
must be a calculation seen or implied by the value of 125.
A1: Finds P  125 or states that P  0 and explains that (this is not sensible as) the company
would make a loss.
Condone P  125 followed by an explanation that it is not sensible as the company would make a
loss of £125 rather than £125 000. An explanation that it is not sensible as ''the profit cannot be
negative'' , ''the profit is negative'' or ''the company will not make any money'' , ''they might make
a loss'' is incomplete/incorrect. You may ignore any misconceptions or reference to the price of the
toy being too cheap for this mark.
Alt: M1: Sets P = 0 and finds x  5,13 A1: States 15  13 and states makes a loss
M1: Uses P...80 where ... is any inequality or ''  '' in P  100  6.25  x  9  and proceeds to

 x  9
...k where k >0 and ... is any inequality or ''  ''
Eg. Condone P  80 in P  100  6.25  x  9    x  9   k where k >0 If the candidate
2 2

attempts to multiply out then allow when they achieve a form ax2  bx  c  0
dM1: Award for solving to find the two positive values for x. Allow decimal answers
FYI correct answers are  9  3.2  x  9  3.2 Accept  x  9  3.2
Condone incorrect inequality work 100  6.25  x  9   80   x  9   3.2  x  9  3.2
2 2

Alternatively award if the candidate selects the lower of their two positive values 9  3.2
A1: Deduces that the minimum Price = £7.22 (£7.21 is not acceptable)

(i) B1: Maximum Profit = £ 100 000 with units. Accept 100 thousand pound(s).
(ii) B1: Selling price = £9 with units
SC 1: Missing units in (b) and (c) only penalise once in these parts, withhold the final mark.
SC 2: If the answers to (c) are both correct, but in the wrong order score SC B1 B0
If (i) and (ii) are not written out score in the order given.
Question Scheme Marks AOs
7 (a) 1
Uses 15   5 10  sin  M1 1.1b
sin   oe A1 1.1b
Uses cos2   1  sin 2  M1 2.1
cos    A1 1.1b
(b) 4
Uses BC 2  102  52  2 10  5  '' '' M1 3.1a
BC  205 A1 1.1b
(6 marks)
M1: Uses the formula Area  ab sin C in an attempt to find the value of sin θ or 
A1: sin   oe This may be implied by   awrt 36.9 or awrt 0.644 (radians)
M1: Uses their value of sin  to find two values of cos  This may be scored via the formula
cos2   1  sin 2  or by a triangle method. Also allow the use of a graphical calculator or
candidates may just write down the two values. The values must be symmetrical  k
A1: cos    or  0.8 Condone these values appearing from 0.79....
M1: Uses a suitable method of finding the longest side. For example chooses the negative value
(or the obtuse angle) and proceeds to find BC using the cosine rule. Alternatively works out BC
using both values and chooses the larger value. If stated the cosine rule should be correct (with a
minus sign). Note if the sign is +ve and the acute angle is chosen the correct value will be seen. It
is however M0 A0
A1: BC  205
Question Scheme Marks AOs
8 (a)(i) 1500 2v dC 1500 2 M1 3.1b
C   60   2 
v 11 dv v 11 A1 1.1b
Sets  0  v 2  8250 M1 1.1b
 v  8250  v  90.8 (km h 1 ) A1 1.1b
(ii) 1500 2v
For substituting their v  90.8 in C    60 M1 3.4
v 11
Minimum cost =awrt (£) 93 A1 ft 1.1b
(b) d 2C 3000
Finds 2
  3 at v  90.8 M1 1.1b
dv v
  0.004   0 hence minimum (cost) A1 ft 2.4
dv 2
(c) It would be impossible to drive at this speed over the whole
B1 3.5b
(9 marks)

M1: Attempts to differentiate (deals with the powers of v correctly).
dC A
Look for an expression for in the form 2  B
dv v
 dC  1500 2
A1:    2 
 dv  v 11
A number of students are solving part (a) numerically or graphically. Allow these students to pick
up the M1 A1 here from part (b) when they attempt the second derivative.
 0 (which may be implied) and proceeds to an equation of the type v  k , k  0
M1: Sets
Allow here equations of the type n  k , k  0
A1: v  8250 or 5 330 awrt 90.8 ( km h 1 ) .
As this is a speed withhold this mark for answers such as v   8250

dC dy
* Condone appearing as or perhaps not appearing at all. Just look for the rhs.
dv dx
M1: For a correct method of finding C = from their solution to  0.
Do not accept attempts using negative values of v.
Award if you see v  .., C  ... where the v used is their solution to (a)(i).

A1ft: Minimum cost = awrt (£) 93. Condone the omission of units
Follow through on sensible values of v. 60  v  110

v C
60 95.9
65 94.9
70 94.2
75 93.6
80 93.3
85 93.1
90 93.0
95 93.1
100 93.2
105 93.4
110 93.6

d 2C dC
M1: Finds 2
(following through on their which must be of equivalent difficulty) and
dv dv
attempts to find its value / sign at their v
d 2C
Allow a substitution of their answer to (a) (i) in their
dv 2
d 2C
Allow an explanation into the sign of from its terms (as v > 0)
dv 2
d 2C d 2C 3000
A1ft: 2
 0.004  0 hence minimum (cost). Alternatively 2
  3  0 as v >0
dv dv v
Requires a correct calculation or expression, a correct statement and a correct conclusion.
d 2C
Follow through on their v (v > 0) and their
dv 2
d 2C d2 y
* Condone appearing as 2 or not appearing at all for the M1 but for the A1 the correct
dv 2 dx
notation must be used (accept notation C  ).

B1: Gives a limitation of the given model, for example
 It would be impossible to drive at this speed over the whole journey
 The traffic would mean that you cannot drive at a constant speed
Any statement that implies that the speed could not be constant is acceptable.
Question Scheme Marks AOs
9(a)  g(2)  4  8 12  4 15  2  50 M1 1.1b
g(2)  0   x  2  is a factor A1 2.4

4 x3  12 x 2  15x  50   x  2  4 x 2  20 x  25  M1
M1 1.1b
  x  2  2 x  5
A1 1.1b
M1 1.1b
(c) (i) x 2, x  2.5
A1ft 1.1b
(ii) x  1, x  1.25 B1ft 2.2a
(9 marks)
M1: Attempts g( 2) Some sight of ( 2 ) embedded or calculation is required.
So expect to see 4   2   12   2   15   2   50 embedded
3 2

Or 32  48  30  50 condoning slips for the M1

Any attempt to divide or factorise is M0. (See demand in question)
A1: g(2)  0   x  2  is a factor.
Requires a correct statement and conclusion. Both '' g(2)  0 '' and ''  x  2  is a factor'' must be
seen in the solution. This may be seen in a preamble before finding g(2)  0 but in these cases
there must be a minimal statement ie QED, ''proved'', tick etc.
Also accept, in one coherent line/sentence, explanations such as, ‘as g (x) =0 when x  2 ,  x  2 
is a factor.’
M1: Attempts to divide g( x ) by  x  2  May be seen and awarded from part (a)

If inspection is used expect to see 4 x3  12 x2  15x  50  ( x  2) 4 x 2 ............  25 
If algebraic / long division is used expect to see 4 x 2  20 x
x  2 4 x3  12 x 2  15 x  50

 
A1: Correct quadratic factor is 4 x 2  20 x  25 may be seen and awarded from part (a)

M1: Attempts to factorise their  4 x 2

 20 x  25 usual rule  ax  b  cx  d  , ac  4, bd  25

A1:  x  2  2 x  5 oe seen on a single line.  x  2  2 x  5 is also correct.

2 2

Allow recovery for all marks for g( x)   x  2  x  2.5   x  2  2 x  5

2 2

M1: For identifying that the solution will be where the curve is on or below the axis. Award for
2 or x  2.5 Follow through on their g( x)   x  2  ax  b  only where ab  0 (that
either x
is a positive root). Condone x  2 See SC below for g( x)   x  2  2 x  5
of their g( x)   x  2  ax  b 
A1ft: BOTH x 2 , x  2.5 Follow through on their 
May see  x 2 x  2.5 which is fine.
(c) (ii)
B1ft: For deducing that the solutions of g(2 x)  0 will be where x  1 and x  1.25
Condone the coordinates appearing  1, 0  and 1.25, 0 
Follow through on their 1.25 of their g( x)   x  2  ax  b 

SC: If a candidate reaches g( x)   x  2  2 x  5 , clearly incorrect because of Figure 2, we will

In (i) M1 A0 for x 2 or x  2
In (ii) B1 for x  1 and x  1.25
Alt (b) 4 x3  12 x 2  15 x  50   x  2  ax  b 

 
 a 2 x3  2ba  2a 2 x 2  (b2  4ab) x  2b2

Compares terms to get either a or b M1 1.1b

Either a  2 or b  5 A1 1.1b

 x  2 2 x  5
Multiplies out expression and compares to
4 x3  12 x2 15x  50

All terms must be compared or else expression must be

multiplied out and establishes that A1 1.1b
4 x3  12 x2 15x  50   x  2  2 x  5

Question Scheme Marks AOs
10 ( x  h)3  x 3
Considers B1 2.1
Expands ( x  h)  x  3x h  3xh  h
3 3 2 2 3
M1 1.1b
3x 2 h  3xh2  h3
so gradient (of chord) =  3x 2  3xh  h2 A1 1.1b
States as h  0, 3x  3xh  h  3x2 so derivative  3x2
2 2
* A1* 2.5
(4 marks)
( x  h)3  x 3 ( x   x )3  x 3
B1: Gives the correct fraction for the gradient of the chord either or
h x
( x  h)  x
3 3
It may also be awarded for oe. It may be seen in an expanded form
It does not have to be linked to the gradient of the chord
M1: Attempts to expand ( x  h)3 or ( x   x)3 Look for two correct terms, most likely x  ...  h
3 3

This is independent of the B1

A1: Achieves gradient (of chord) is 3x2  3xh  h2 or exact un simplified equivalent such as
3x2  2 xh  xh  h2 . Again, there is no requirement to state that this expression is the gradient of
the chord
A1*: CSO. Requires correct algebra and making a link between the gradient of the chord and the
gradient of the curve. See below how the link can be made. The words ''gradient of the chord'' do
not need to be mentioned but derivative, f ( x), , y should be. Condone invisible brackets for
the expansion of  x  h  as long as it is only seen at the side as intermediate working.

Requires either
3 3
( x  h)  x
f  x 
2 2 2
  3x  3xh  h  3x
lim h 0 h
 Gradient of chord  3x2  3xh  h2 As h  0 Gradient of chord tends to the gradient of
curve so derivative is 3x 2
f   x   3x  3xh  h  3x
2 2 2

lim h 0
2 2 2
 Gradient of chord = 3x  3xh  h when h  0 gradient of curve  3x
 Do not allow h  0 alone without limit being considered somewhere:
so don’t accept h = 0  f   x   3x  3x  0  0  3x
2 2 2

( x  h) 3   x  h 
6 x 2 h2  2h3
Alternative: B1: Considers M1: As above A1:  3x 2  h 2
2h 2h
Question Scheme Marks AOs
11(a)  x
9 8  x   9 7  x 

 2    2   1  2 .      2  2 .     ...
M1 1.1b
 16     16     16 
 x
 2    512  ... B1 1.1b
 16 
 x
 2    ...  144 x  ... A1 1.1b
 16 
 x
 2    ...  ...  18 x ( ...)
A1 1.1b
 16 
(b) Sets '512' a  128  a  ... M1 1.1b
 a  4 oe A1 ft 1.1b

(c) Sets '512' b  '144' a  36  b  ... M1 2.2a
 b   64 oe A1 1.1b


(8 marks)

 x
9 x
  9   x   9   x 2 
    9
      
      1   32   2   32 
11(a) alt 2 2 1 2 1 ... M1 1.1b
 16   32   
 512  ... B1 1.1b
 ...  144 x  ... A1 1.1b

 ...  ...  18x2 ( ...) A1 1.1b

M1: Attempts the binomial expansion. May be awarded on either term two and/or term three
Scored for a correct binomial coefficient combined with a correct power of 2 and a correct power
 x  9   x2 
of    Condone   27.    for term three.
 16   2   16 
9 9!
Allow any form of the binomial coefficient. Eg    9C2   36
 2 7!2!
In the alternative it is for attempting to take out a factor of 2 (may allow 2n outside bracket) and
 x 
having a correct binomial coefficient combined with a correct power of   
 32 
B1: For 512
A1: For  144x
 x 
A1: For  18x Allow even following   

 16 
Listing is acceptable for all 4 marks
M1: For setting their 512a  128 and proceeding to find a value for a. Alternatively they could
substitute x  0 into both sides of the identity and proceed to find a value for a.
1 128
A1 ft: a  oe Follow through on
4 their 512
M1: Condone 512b  144  a  36 following through on their 512, their 144 and using their value
of ''a'' to find a value for ''b''
A1: b  oe

Question Scheme Marks AOs

12 (a) sin
4cos  1 = 2sin tan  4cos  1 = 2sin  M1 1.2
cos 
 4cos2  cos = 2sin 2 oe A1 1.1b

 4cos2  cos  = 2 1  cos 2   M1 1.1b

6cos2  cos  2 = 0 * A1* 2.1

(b) For attempting to solve given quadratic M1 1.1b
2 1
 cos 3x   3 ,  2 B1 1.1b
1 2 1  1
x  arccos   or arccos    M1 1.1b
3 3 3  2
x  40, 80, awrt 16.1 A1 2.2a
(8 marks)
M1: Recall and use the identity tan   Note that it cannot just be stated.
cos 
A1: 4cos2  cos = 2sin 2 oe.
This is scored for a correct line that does not contain any fractional terms.
It may be awarded later in the solution after the identity 1  cos2   sin 2  has been used Eg for
 
cos   4cos  1 = 2 1  cos 2  or equivalent
M1: Attempts to use the correct identity 1  cos2   sin 2  to form an equation in just cos 
A1*: Proceeds to correct answer through rigorous and clear reasoning. No errors in notation or
bracketing. For example sin 2   sin  2 is an error in notation
M1: For attempting to solve the given quadratic '' 6 y  y  2  0 '' where y could be
cos3x, cos x, or even just y. When factorsing look for  ay  b  cy  d  where ac  6 and
bd  2
 2  1
This may be implied by the correct roots (even award for  y   y   ) , an attempt at
 3  2
factorising, an attempt at the quadratic formula, an attempt at completing the square and even 
the correct roots.
2 1
B1: For the roots ,  oe
3 2
2 1
M1: Finds at least one solution for x from cos3x within the given range for their , 
3 2
A1: x  40,80, awrt 16.1 only Withhold this mark if there are any other values even if they
are outside the range. Condone 40 and 80 appearing as 40.0 and 80.0

Question Scheme Marks AOs

13(a) For a correct equation in p or q p  104.8 or q  100.05 M1 1.1b
For p  awrt 63100 or q  awrt 1.122 A1 1.1b

For correct equations in p and q p  104.8 and q  100.05 dM1 3.1a

For p  awrt 63100 and q  awrt 1.122 A1 1.1b

(b) (i) The value of the painting on 1st January 1980 B1 3.4
(ii) The proportional increase in value each year B1 3.4
(c) Uses V  63100 1.12230 or logV = 0.05  30 + 4.8 leading to V = M1 3.4
 awrt  £  2000000 A1 1.1b
(8 marks)
M1: For a correct equation in p or q This is usually p  104.8 or q  100.05 but may be
logq  0.05 or logp  4.8
A1: For p  awrt 63100 or q  awrt 1.122
M1: For linking the two equations and forming correct equations in p and q. This is usually
p  104.8 and q  100.05 but may be logq  0.05 and logp  4.8
A1: For p  awrt 63100 and q  awrt 1.122 Both these values implies M1 M1
ALT I(a)
M1: Substitutes t  0 and states that log p  4.8
A1: p  awrt 63100
M1: Uses their found value of p and another value of t to find form an equation in q
A1: p  awrt 63100 and q  awrt 1.122
B1: The value of the painting on 1st January 1980 (is £63 100)
Accept the original value/cost of the painting or the initial value/cost of the painting
B1: The proportional increase in value each year. Eg Accept an explanation that explains that the
value of the painting will rise 12.2% a year. (Follow through on their value of q.)
Accept ''the rate'' by which the value is rising/price is changing. ''1.122 is the decimal multiplier
representing the year on year increase in value''
Do not accept ''the amount'' by which it is rising or ''how much'' it is rising by
If they are not labelled (b)(i) and (b)(ii) mark in the order given but accept any way around
as long as clearly labelled '' p is............ '' and ''q is ................''
M1: For substituting t  30 into V  pqt using their values for p and q or substituting t =30 into
log10V = 0.05t + 4.8 and proceeds to V
A1: For awrt either £1.99 million or £2.00 million. Condone the omission of the £ sign.
Remember to isw after a correct answer

Question Scheme Marks AOs

14 (a)
 x  3   y  5 
2 2
Attempts to complete the square  ... M1 1.1b
(i) Centre  3, 5 A1 1.1b

(ii) Radius 5 A1 1.1b

(b) Uses a sketch or otherwise to deduce k  0 is a critical value B1 2.2a
Substitute y  kx in x2  y 2  6 x  10 y  9  0 M1 3.1a
Collects terms to form correct 3TQ 1  k  x
2 2
 10k  6  x  9  0 A1 1.1b
Attempts b2  4ac...0 for their a, b and c leading to values for k
 
'' 10k  6   36 1  k 2 ...0 ''  k  ... , ...
 15 
 0 and 8 
 
M1 1.1b

Uses b2  4ac  0 and chooses the outside region (see note) for their dM1 3.1a
critical values (Both a and b must have been expressions in k)
Deduces k  0, k  oe A1 2.2a
(9 marks)

M1: Attempts  x  3   y  5  ..
2 2

This mark may be implied by candidates writing down a centre of  3, 5 or r 2  25
(i) A1: Centre  3, 5
(ii) A1: Radius 5. Do not accept 25
Answers only (no working) scores all three marks

B1: Uses a sketch or their subsequent quadratic to deduce that k  0 is a critical value.
You may award for the correct k  0 but award if k 0 or even with greater than symbols
M1: Substitutes y  kx in x2  y 2  6 x  10 y  9  0 or their  x  3   y  5  ... to form an
2 2

equation in just x and k . It is possible to substitute x  into their circle equation to form an
equation in just y and k.
 
A1: Correct 3TQ 1  k 2 x2  10k  6  x  9  0 with the terms in x collected. The ''= 0'' can be
implied by subsequent work. This may be awarded from an equation such as
x2  k 2 x2  10k  6  x  9  0 so long as the correct values of a, b and c are used in b  4ac...0 .

   
FYI The equation in y and k is 1  k 2 y 2  10k 2  6k y  9k 2  0 oe
2 2
M1: Attempts to find two critical values for k using b  4ac...0 or b ...4ac where ... could be ''=''
or any inequality.
dM1: Finds the outside region using their critical values. Allow the boundary to be included. It is
dependent upon all previous M marks and both a and b must have been expressions in k.
Note that it is possible that the correct region could be the inside region if the coefficient of k2 in
4ac is larger than the coefficient of k2 in b2 Eg.
2 2
 2

b  4ac   k  6   4  1  k  9  0  35k  12k  0  k  35k  12   0
A1: Deduces k  0, k  . This must be in terms of k.
Allow exact equivalents such as k  0 k  1.875
but not allow 0  k  or the above with AND, & or between the two inequalities

Alternative using a geometric approach with a triangle with vertices at  0, 0  , and  3, 5

 a, ka 

 3, 5

Alt Uses a sketch or otherwise to deduce k  0 is a critical value B1 2.2a

Distance from  a, ka  to  0, 0  is 3  a 2 1  k 2   9 M1 3.1a

Tangent and radius are perpendicular

ka  5
 1  a 1  k 2   3  5k
M1 3.1a
a 3
Solve simultaneously, (dependent upon both M's)
dM1 1.1b
k A1 1.1b
Deduces k  0, k  A1 2.2a

Question Scheme Marks AOs

15. For the complete strategy of finding where the normal cuts the x-
axis. Key points that must be seen are M1 3.1a
 Attempt at differentiation
 Attempt at using a changed gradient to find equation of
 Correct attempt to find where normal cuts the x - axis
32 dy 64 M1 1.1b
y  2  3x  8    3 3
x d x x A1 1.1b
For a correct method of attempting to find

Either the equation of the normal: this requires substituting

dy 64
x  4 in their   3  3   2  , then using the perpendicular
dx x
gradient rule to find the equation of normal y  6  '' ''( x  4)
2 dM1 2.1
Or where the equation of the normal at (4,6) cuts the x - axis. As
above but may not see equation of normal. Eg
0  6  '' ''( x  4)  x  ... or an attempt using just gradients
1 6
'' ''   a  ...
2 a4
Normal cuts the x-axis at x  16 A1 1.1b

For the complete strategy of finding the values of the two key
areas. Points that must be seen are
 There must be an attempt to find the area under the curve
by integrating between 2 and 4 M1 3.1a
 There must be an attempt to find the area of a triangle

1  1 
using   '16' 4   6 or ''   x  8  ''dx
2 4  2 

32 32 3 M1 1.1b
 3x  8 d x    x 2  8 x
x x 2 A1 1.1b
 32 3 
Area under curve =     x 2  8 x    16    26   10  dM1 1.1b
 x 2 2

Total area =10 + 36 =46 * A1* 2.1

(10 marks)
The first 5 marks are for finding the normal to the curve cuts the x - axis
M1: For the complete strategy of finding where the normal cuts the x- axis. See scheme
M1: Differentiates with at least one index reduced by one
dy 64
A1:   3 3
dx x
dM1: Method of finding
either the equation of the normal at (4, 6) .
or where the equation of the normal at (4, 6) cuts the x - axis
See scheme. It is dependent upon having gained the M mark for differentiation.
A1: Normal cuts the x-axis at x  16
The next 5 marks are for finding the area R
M1: For the complete strategy of finding the values of two key areas. See scheme

M1: Integrates  3x  8 dx raising the power of at least one index

32 32 3
A1: 2
 3x  8 d x    x 2  8 x which may be unsimplified
x x 2
 32 3 
dM1: Area     x 2  8 x    16    26   10 
 x 2 2
It is dependent upon having scored the M mark for integration, for substituting in both 4 and 2 and
subtracting either way around. The above line shows the minimum allowed working for a correct
A1*: Shows that the area under curve = 46. No errors or omissions are allowed
A number of candidates are equating the line and the curve (or subtracting the line from the curve)
The last 5 marks are scored as follows.
M1: For the complete strategy of finding the values of the two key areas. Points that must be seen
 There must be an attempt to find the area BETWEEN the line and the curve either way
around by integrating between 2 and 4
1  1 
 There must be an attempt to find the area of a triangle using   '16' 2      2  8  or
2  2 

 1 
via integration  '' 2 x  8''  dx
 

M1: Integrates

one index by one

  1

  32
 x

 '' 2 x  8''    2  3x  8  dx either way around and raises the power of at least

 32 7 
A1:     x 2  16 x  must be correct
 x 4 

 1   32 
dM1: Area =  '' 2 x  8''    2  3x  8  dx = ......either way around
  x 
A1: Area = 49  3  46
NB: Watch for candidates who calculate the area under the curve between 2 and 4 = 10 and
subtract this from the large triangle = 56. They will lose both the strategy mark and the answer
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