Identities:: Beauty and Health
Identities:: Beauty and Health
Identities:: Beauty and Health
The next time I see advertisements that feature 'beautiful people I will...
The sketches from the forensic artist in the Dove video (Watch and listen
section) made me realise that..
You must choose the type, format and genre of the video that you believe will work
best for the intended audience. It could be a short story, a short film, a piece of news,
a parody, a game, a reflection, a compilation of different videos, a quiz, a poll or
anything else you can think of. You are completely free to choose, bearing in mind
that you will have to justify it later.
The videos must be in English with Spanish subtitles (or Spanish with English
subtitles. You will also have to justify your choice here).
Once all the videos have been uploaded, you could make a quiz on the stories about
the rights you worked with. That’s just a suggestion.