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Optimal Coordination of Overcurrent Relays in Power Systems For Reliability Assessment Under The Presence of Distributed Generation Using ETAP PDF

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Optimal Coordination of Overcurrent Relays in Power

Systems for Reliability Assessment Under the

Presence of Distributed Generation Using ETAP
Swapnil Kumar Yadav1, Namami Krishna Sharma2, S.C. Choube3, Aishwarya Varma4
Department of Electrical Engineering, University Institute of Technology, RGPV, Bhopal, INDIA
[email protected],[email protected]

Abstract- Ever increasing load demand has questioned power X Line reactance,
system planners and operators all over the globe for its reliable Qj Reactive power at the receiving end
and efficient performance. Recently, integration of Distributed Vi Sending end voltage
Generation (DG) in Distribution system finds higher δ Load angle
penetration levels for catering most of the load demands. The Ti Initial tripping time
impacts of DG units concern for voltage stability, frequency Tf Final tripping time
deviation and relay coordination and must be analysed ETAP Electrical Transient Analyzer Program
effectively. This paper proposes a novel scheme on optimal ANSI American National Standard Institute
relay coordination with reliability assessment under the SAIDI System Average Interruption Duration
presence of Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs). Optimal Index
placement of WTG can be approximated by sensitivity indices CAIDI Customer Average Interruption Duration
(L-index). The coordination is carried out by graphical Index
approach and by physical alteration of pick up value, Plug SAIFI System Average Interruption Frequency
Setting Multiplier (PSM) and Time Dial Setting (TDS) and
ASAI Average System Availability Index
further reliability assessment is carried out. The proposed
EENS Expected Energy Not Supplied Index
scheme is tested on ANSI Model system using ETAP. The
ECOST Expected Interruption Cost Index
results obtained are far more encouraging.
AENS Average Energy Not Supplied
Index Terms- Relay Coordination, WTG, Sensitivity index,
IEAR Interruption Energy Assessment Rate
Ni Number of customers at load point i
Reliability Assessment, ETAP
λi Failure rate
Ui Annual outage time

OCR Overcurrent relays

DF Differential relays
PSM Plug Setting Multiplier This is a universal fact that the faults occurring on the
TDS Time Dial Setting of OCR power system are inevitable. If protective devices installed
TCC Time Current Characteristics are not properly coordinated, then it may last a devastating
CTI Coordination time interval impact on the entire power systems. The cornerstone of
I Fault current observed by relay power system reliability is the reliable protection of energy
Ip Pickup current of OCR systems against faults like short circuits. Faults and
tp Operating time of OCR abnormalities in an interconnected system may frequently
MVAsc Short circuit MVA capacity occur. All this leads to interruption of power supply and
FLA Full load amperes equipment damage. The faulted components should be
WTG Wind Turbine Generator immediately identified and isolated in order to maintain
XFMR 2 winding transformer stability of the system. So this calls for a reliable protection
T 3 winding transformer system. It includes relays, switchgear, circuit breakers and
BD Bus duct fuses. The protective relay should be able to differentiate
Gen Generator between healthy, abnormal and faulty conditions. The relays
Syn Synchronous motor used in power systems are mainly overcurrent relays. The
Mtr Induction machine term relay coordination envelopes the notion of
CAP Capacitor discrimination, selectivity and backup protection. The
VFD Variable frequency drive protective devices must coordinate properly to ensure
PNL Panel minimum power outages and continuity of supply by
Z Line impedance maintaining flat voltage profile.

978-1-5090-4874-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

The main purpose of protective device coordination is to terminals of each load item. 100% of the Top 10 electrical
attain selectivity without distressing sensitivity [6]. The design companies depend on ETAP (ECM Magazine). This
calculations involving selection of time dial setting (TDS), potential makes ETAP appropriate for substantial industrial
plug setting multiplier (PSM) and pickup current is the amenities, including utility systems [3].
underlying concept of coordination problem. When Thus our project includes smart implementation of relay
renewable resources such as wind turbines and PV solar coordination using ETAP and multifunction relays having
arrays are brought into the existing network, they impact the combined definite time and inverse time characteristics.
power system in their own way [9]. When considering WTG,
multistate models are used to simulate the speed of the wind. III. IMPACT OF WTG ON RELAY COORDINATION
The states selected should be minimum so that the accuracy
of models for reliability assessment of power system should The distribution system is equipped with DG units to
be reasonable [10, 11]. To use dispersed wind energy in the supply the load in the neighbourhood of their contact point.
power systems, wind speed models have been scrutinized DGs can cater the load in non-islanding mode as well as
[12, 13]. islanding mode. Normally the current flow is unidirectional
Secondly, for selecting the optimal placement of WTG in the but with the incorporation of DG, it too supplies the fault
system, L-index is calculated; a sensitivity index [8]. L-index current in the event of fault occurrence and hence the
will provide the weakest bus in the system under evaluation. magnitude and direction of current changes. Zones are
The term “weakest” here refers to the bus operating nearer to classified in the power system so that each zone protects
collapse point. The bus is then equipped with WTG of atleast one component in the system and the fault clearing
appropriate rating so that its impact on existing power system time should be as small as possible. The operating time of
model can be observed. The penetration of WTGs may cause OCR is given by [1]
the voltages, frequency and relay coordination. It is generally
noticed that with the advent of DG in the network, losses  
 
occurring in the network are minimised [5].  
The introduction of WTG in the system will pose  3.922  (1)
maloperation of protective devices and coordination tp =  + 0.0982  × TDS
problem. DG units generally installed are of the size of 10    I  2  
   −1
 
MW [1]. On distribution system, the units installed can be no    I p   
longer than 2 or 3 MW. DG brings in the challenges such as   
poor insulation, overcurrent protection, connections of
transformers etc. The DG incorporated in the system must Relay characteristics is studied through TCC curves. TDS
not violate system losses, voltage profile and should not adjusts the minimum and maximum curves of relay. There
conclude in the coordination catastrophe of the prevailing are two protection schemes viz. Primary protection and
system [1, 3]. Backup protection. Backup protection is the second line of
Reliability assessment is performed by evaluation of defence after primary protection. Backup protection should
reliability indices. In our case, it is carried out to analyse the be capable enough to endure fault for larger duration as
validation of relay coordination alongwith with the quality of compared to primary protection [2]. Coordination Time
power being transferred from utility to consumers. Interval (CTI) is the time difference between primary relay
and backup relay tripping time. It’s generally between 0.2 to
II. OVERVIEW OF ETAP 0.5 sec [1].

ETAP stands for “Electrical Transient Analyzer Program”. Relay Coordination is carried out in two steps:
It is a package of fully unified electrical engineering software 1. without WTG
that delivers engineers, operators, and managers a tribune for 2. with WTG
unceasing functionality from modeling to operative action. 1. Without WTG: With the help of “Fault Insertion Tool",
Established in 1986, ETAP is headquartered in Irvine, symmetrical (3-phase) and asymmetrical fault (Single line to
California, USA, with offices round the world. The ground) is given on any one line in our distribution side of
corporation has been empowering triumph for over 30 years the power system model. Then the relay is coordinated as per
by offering the most inclusive and extensive creativity the need.
solution for generation, transmission, distribution, 2. With WTG: When WTG is connected on the optimal
transportation and low voltage applications. location, it is seen that relay coordination is disturbed (which
ETAP executes numerical computations with marvellous can be seen in our case also) since DG too supplies the fault
speed, spontaneously applies industry recognised standards, current and then we’ll adjust the relay settings to rectify the
and offers trouble free output reports. ETAP is competent coordination. This is the major challenge for power system
enough to handle 1000 buses and encompasses a load engineers.
schedule program which tracks up to 10 million load items,
and accounts for voltage and short-circuits current at the

The voltage stability index; L-index is calculated for the
buses operating nearer to collapse point. Assuming ‘i’ as the
sending bus and ‘j’ as the receiving bus, the index Lij is given
as [8]:
4Z 2Q j X
L ij = (2)
V i2 (R sin δ + X cos δ )2

If the line approaches Lij value nearer to unity, it symbolises

that the line reaches its stability limit and may lead to system
violation. The system will be stable if value of Lij is less than
unity. The data in Table 1 represents that WTG should be
placed at Bus 2 by identifying the weakest bus.

Table 1: Calculation of L-Index


Cable 2 Sub 3 Sub 3 Swgr 0.000114
Cable 14 Bus 1 Bus 2 0.0173
Cable 22 Sub 2A Sub 22 0.002059
Cable 23 Sub 2B Sub 23 0.0030653
Line 4 Sub3 Swgr Bus 9 0.0163 Fig. 1: Relay view of ANSI Model system

Now with the help of “Fault Insertion Tool” in “Star

V. METHODOLOGY Protective Device Coordination” view, the 3 phase
symmetrical fault and single L-G fault is created at the
The methodology proposed is classified into three phases: distribution side of the network. Then with the help of TCC
1. Phase I: Selection of candidate buses curve, the settings of relays and circuit breakers are
2. Phase II: Study of Base case coordinated after successful completion of short circuit
3. Phase III: Incorporation of DG with old and new analysis. At the end, reliability assessment is carried out with
relay and CB setting all its parameters intact.
In all these three phases, following work is carried out: Then in Phase II, aforementioned analysis are carried out in
1. Load Flow Analysis base case
2. Short Circuit Analysis In Phase III, the relay and circuit breaker settings are
3. Relay Coordination modified in relation to their previous and updated settings.
4. Reliability Assessment
The Load Flow is carried out with Adaptive Newton
Raphson Method with maximum of 99 iterations to set the
appropriate relay pickup setting. The phase pick up current is
generally taken as 1.25 times the phase full load current [3,4] The numerous reliability indices depicted in this paper is
and ground pickup current is selected as 20 to 80% of rated described underneath [12]:
current. [3,4]. The flow of real and reactive power is
observed and the critical conditions are considered for 1. SAIDI (hr/customer.yr): System Average Interruption
evaluation. The phase pickup current settings are tuned in the Duration Index
range of 1.0 to 2.5 in the step size of 0.1. The ground pickup Sum of customer interrupti on durations
settings are tuned in the range of 0.1 to 1.0 in the step size of SAIDI =
Total no of customer served
0.1. These are being operated at a base kV of 34.5 kV. The
relays and circuit breakers assimilated in the system comes  N iU i
= (3)
from different manufacturers that includes ABB, GE,  Ni
Westinghouse etc. since practically the components used in
the power system don’t always belong to the same 2. CAIDI (hr/customer interruption): Customer Average
manufacturer. The ANSI Model system is shown in Fig 1. Interruption Duration Index

Sum of customer interruptions durations Table 2: Short circuit analysis report without WTG
Total no of customer interruptions BUS kV 3- Phase Fault Single Line to
(kA) ground Fault(kA)
U i Ni Mag Mag
= (4)
 N i λi Bus1 0.48 28.128 29.438
Bus2 0.48 12.639 9.234
3. SAIFI (f/customer.yr): System Average Bus23A 0.48 16.529 16.352
Interruption Frequency Index LV Bus 0.48 15.792 0.010
Total no of customer interrupti ons Main Bus 34.50 27.265 30.118
SAIFI = MCC1 0.48 17.886 17.596
Total no of customer served
Sub2A 13.80 6.549 0.406
Sub2B 13.80 12.662 7.575
 N i λi Sub3 4.16 27.044 27.045
= (5)
 Ni Sub 3 Swgr 4.16 24.929 23.850
Sub22 3.45 10.988 11.623
4. ASAI: Average System Availability Index Sub23 3.45 10.773 11.469
Customer hours of available service
Customer hours demaded
 N i × 8760 −  N i U i
 N i × 8760

where 8760 is the number of hours in 365 days

5. EENS (MWhr/yr): System Expected Energy Not

Supplied Index
EENS = Total energy not supplied by the system
=  EENS i (7)

6. ECOST(k$/yr): System Expected Interruption Cost

ECOST =  ECOST i (8)

7. AENS (MWhr/customer.yr): Average Energy Not

 EENS i Fig. 2: Sequence of operation without WTG
AENS = (9)
 Ni Table 3: Reliability assessment without DG
8. IEAR ($/KW-hr): Interruption Energy Assessment System Reliability Indices
Rate SAIFI 0.1892 failure / customer.yr
SAIDI 21.6564 hr / customer.yr
ECOST (10) CAIDI 114.466 hr / customer interruption
EENS ASAI 0.9975 pu
EENS 148.043 MW hr / yr
ECOST 333,463.60 $ / yr
VII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION AENS 6.7292 MW hr / customer.yr
IEAR 2.252 $ / kW hr

Table 4: Short circuit analysis report with WTG
BUS kV 3- Phase Fault Single Line to
(kA) ground
Mag Mag
Bus1 0.48 36.659 34.975
Bus2 0.48 24.483 12.394
Bus23A 0.48 16.529 16.352
LV Bus 0.48 15.818 0.010
Main Bus 34.50 27.348 30.185
MCC1 0.48 17.917 17.615
Sub2A 13.80 6.550 0.406
Sub2B 13.80 12.666 7.576 Fig. 4: Improved Sequence of operation with WTG
Sub3 4.16 27.802 27.546
Sub3Swgr 4.16 25.557 24.226 Table 5: Reliability assessment with WTG
Sub22 3.45 10.989 11.624 System Reliability Indices
Sub23 3.45 10.774 11.469 SAIFI 0.1492 failure / customer.yr
SAIDI 13.6506 hr / customer.yr
CAIDI 91.477 hr / customer interruption
ASAI 0.9984 pu
EENS 120.172 MW hr / yr
ECOST 333,463.60 $ / yr
AENS 5.4624 MW hr / customer.yr
IEAR 2.775 $ / kW hr

Table 6: Sequence of operation with coordination

Time ID If Ti Tf Condition
(ms) (kA) (ms) (ms)
50.0 CB22 28.178 10.o 50.0 Phase
70.0 CB23 8.721 10.0 70.0 Phase
480 CB31 8.721 15.2 480 Phase
7381 OCR7 3.139 7387 Phase-OC1-51
7464 CB8 83.3 Tripped by
OCR7 Phase-
29376 OCR2 0.359 29376 Phase-OC1-51
29459 CB10 83.3 Tripped by
OCR2 Phase-

Figure 1 depicts the relay view of our ANSI model system.

Table 2 represents the summary report of short circuit
analysis in base case without WTG. The settings can be
Fig. 3: Distorted sequence of operation with WTG
changed by the manual and graphical approach. Figure 2
represents the schematic view of sequence of operation
without WTG. Figure 3 vague operation of relays and CBs.
Bus2 is a sub system of DC system. CB31 operates first
followed by CB23 and CB 22 which is an undesirable action.
Figure 4 shows the improved sequence of operation with
WTG. CB22 operates first followed by CB23 second and
CB31 at last which is our required operating sequence.
Table 3 and 5 demonstrates the reliability indices without
and with WTG respectively. Finally, Table 6 denotes the
required sequence of operation with proper relay
coordination with their tripping times when WTG is
incorporated and Figure 5 represents TCC curve of protected

zone equipments. X-axis (top and bottom) designates current REFERENCES
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