Reliability Assessment of Power System With Renewable Source Using ETAP PDF
Reliability Assessment of Power System With Renewable Source Using ETAP PDF
Reliability Assessment of Power System With Renewable Source Using ETAP PDF
2018 International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends, 23rd–24th November, 2018
College of Computing Sciences & Information Technology, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, India
Muhammad Zahid Kamaruzaman1*, Noor Izzri Abdul Wahab1, and Mohamad Nasrun Mohd Nasir1
Centre for Advanced Power and Enery Research (CAPER)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Universiti Putra
Malaysia 43400 UPM Serdang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
E-mail: *[email protected]
Abstract— The reliability assessment of future distribution power in the installation of DG can solve several economic
network is an important subject due to the increasing demand and environmental issues [1]. But the technical problems
for reliable service with the need for a lower frequency and
increase when the new generation is added at an unsuitable
also lower duration interruption. The connection of future
distribution networks may not be simple radial circuits location in the power distribution network [2]. An unsuitable
and analysing the reliability of such a network is usually location with a non-optimal size of DG units may lead to
complicated and time consuming. In this project, the reliability an increase of total power losses in the system can also
in the distribution system by using Photovoltaic (PV) system affect on voltage magnitude. The worse condition on power
as a Distributed Generation (DG) is described. The power flow that caused by lack of voltage magnitude may lead to
flow analysis is also used to determine the optimum location decreasing of reliability assessment in the system.
and size for DG by using PSAT tool in MATLAB software.
However, this research is kept increasing to obtain
The IEEE 14-bus system is used to illustrate the analysis and
calculate reliability indices by using ETAP software. Based the more suitable location of renewable sources for the
on this study, the installation of DG can improve the voltage reliability assessment of power distribution systems. The
profile of buses and reduce power losses. problems make the technology become more advanced and
Keywords: Reliability Assessment of Distribution System, the power system will become more reliable. This study is
Distributed Generation (DG), ETAP Software, IEEE 14 Bus interested in analysing the reliability characteristics of the
System. renewable source that is connected to a distribution system
to obtain the effective and efficient system that continuously
I. INTRODUCTION distributes electricity with minimum interruption.
Research on the reliability assessment of distribution This study is aimed to assess the reliability of the
system with renewable sources is required to minimize distribution system with and without renewable source using
the frequency and duration of interruption in the system reliability indices. This study deals with the analysis of the
and provide continuous electricity to customers. The reliability of distribution system by using ETAP software to
suitable location of renewable source interconnecting calculate reliability indices of the IEEE 14-bus system and
with distribution system is essential to provide maximum compare the reliability indices of the IEEE 14-bus system
reliability and security of the system. There are several with and without DG and analyse location and size of DG in
indices that were used in analysing the reliability assessment IEEE 14-bus system using voltage stability studies.
of distribution system. In this regard, the standard IEEE Reliability can be defined as the probability of a
power system is developed in ETAP software will be component or system will perform its required function for
analysed to assess the reliability in the interconnected a given of time under a steady state condition [3]. Reliability
distribution system using the suitable location of the is also known as the total potential of a system to supply
renewable resource. the energy that customers need. There are two features in
Installation of Distribution Generation (DG) with power system reliability which is system adequacy and
Photovoltaic (PV) as a power source in the distribution system security.
system is one of the best solutions to minimize the The concept of adequacy is basically considered to
frequency and duration of an interruption in the system. be the presence of enough facilities within the system to
With respect to using renewable resource as a source of satisfy the consumer demand. Those necessary to generate
This study has employed two methods, namely power
flow analysis and power system reliability indices to find
optimal location and size of DG. The process of analysing
reliability assessment in the system involves a few important 2). System Average Interruption Duration Index
steps, as outlined in the flowchart in Figure 1. (SAIDI)
A. Power System Reliability
There are three classical concepts has been used to (2)
evaluate the reliability indices such as average failure rate,
average outage duration, and average annual unavailability
or average annual outage time. These indices are also 3). Customer Average Interruption Duration Index
generally known as failure rate, outage duration and annual (CAIDI)
outage time. Additional reliability indices can be evaluated
to reflect the severity or significance of the system outage. CAIDI
The following sections are described the additional indices (3)
with its formula:
4). Customer Average Interruption Frequency Index power at bus k, and Vk is the voltage at bus k. Extending the
(CAIFI) power equation (11) to N-bus system yields:
In this way, the iterative techniques like Newton-
Raphson method are used to solve the relation between P,
5). Average Service Availability Index (ASAI) Q, and V which are nonlinear. The key idea behind Newton-
Raphson is to use sequential linearization [7]
The photovoltaic as DG is implemented in IEEE 14-
bus system as shown in Figure 2 to analyse its reliability
6). Average Service Unavailability Index (ASUI) with the number of DG units are applied in the systems. The
power flow studies also are applied to analyze the location
and size of DG in this test system. The results are discussed
in this section.
8). Average Energy Not Supplied Index (AENS)
bus in the test system, the fault is applied for each bus to 68.388 kV. Besides the improvement voltage profile at bus
get the voltage profile for all buses. Two weak buses are 14 and bus 4, other several buses also increase their voltage
selected to improve their voltage profile by installing the profile such as bus 7, bus 10, bus 11 and also bus 13.
DG units at the identified bus location in the test system. Thus, the best location for DG is located at buses which
From power flow studies, bus 4 and bus 14 are identified supply power to weakest buses and also as main buses in the
as weakest bus based on their voltage profile. Therefore, DG system to deliver the power to other buses. This location
units are applied on the buses which supply the power for can improve more voltage profile in the system and also
these buses such as bus 5 is supplied the power to bus 4 and can improve the weakest buses to stabilize the voltage in
bus 9 is supplied the power to bus 14. Based on the power the system. Therefore, the results show buses 5 and 9 are the
flow and voltage stabilities studies, the voltage profile will best location for DG installation.
increase due to the direction of power DG can deliver to the 2). The optimum size of the DG
weakest bus. The result is illustrated in Figure 3 and Table 1
The size of DG is also important to minimize the power
using power flow calculation to determine after effect when
losses that occur in the system. Due to the reduction of the
the DG is located at these buses in the system.
power losses, the efficiency of the system to delivering the
Table 1: The result of the voltage profile with and without DG power can improve which can increase financial of energy
Without DG Bus 14 & Bus 4 Bus 5 & Bus 9 companies [1]. Therefore, the suitable size of DG is deserved
V(p.u.) V(p.u.) V(p.u.) to ensure the power losses can reduce to a minimum level.
01 1.060 1.060 1.060 Based on the reference [8], the total power losses reduction
02 1.045 1.045 1.045 of the network can be sufficiently enhanced when the range
03 1.010 1.010 1.010 of 10% to 20% of the total load demand is used as the
04 1.003 1.003 1.006
capacity of DG units.
In this study, 7.5%, 15% and 30% of the total load
05 1.007 0.010 1.007
demand are analysed to determine the best size of DG
06 1.070 1.070 1.070
should be used. The power flow and power losses studies
07 1.037 1.035 1.039 are used in this study to get the results from these sizes. The
08 1.090 1.090 1.090 results are shown in Figure 4 and Table 2.
09 1.014 1.008 1.014 4
Without DG
10 1.013 1.008 1.013
DG Size 7.5%
11 1.036 1.034 1.037 3 DG Size 15.0%
DG Size 30.0%
Power Loss [MW]
Figure 4 shows most of the line will be reduced power
Without DG losses when the size of DG has applied 15% from total
DG at Bus 4 & 14
DG at Bus 5 & 9
load especially the highest power losses at line 11, 14 and
1.1 also 16. At these lines, more than half powers losses can be
Voltage [p.u.]
at line 11, 14 and also 16 but the certain lines shown the size, the highest power losses in the system at line 11 which
increment at line 9 and 8. Due to increasing of power losses connected bus 1 and bus 2 can reduce power losses from
at certain lines, the system can be considered not very 3.508MW to 1.429MW. Thus, the power flow study can
effective to deliver the power in the system. The bigger improve voltage stability and also can reduce the losses in
reduction of power losses at almost all the lines in the the system.
system is good for power flow study. B. The reliability assessment of test system
However, the increasing power losses at line 8 and 9
After optimum the location and size of DG by using
which about 7 times from original power losses without DG
power flow analysis studies, the reliability of the test
can cause the lines to operate in higher temperature from
system with DG is simulated by using ETAP software.
the normal temperature. This means that the percentage to
Two different locations of DG units are analysed to ensure
components in these lines get damage is high. Therefore,
the effect location of DG units to reliability assessment by
15% of the total load is better than 30% of the total load
using same indices. Besides, the number of the DG is also
when applied to the size of DG. On the other hand, the
varying to determine the change of duration interruption
size of DG which 7.5% of the total demand is shown less
with the change of the number of DG. The results are shown
reduction in power losses at all lines compared with 15%
in Table 3 with their indices with and without DG units
and 30%.
which located at bus 5 & 9 and at bus 4 & 14.
For the size of DG which 15% from total load demand is From this result, there are three indices which important
shown the almost 50% reduction of power losses at line 11, to analyse in this reliability study area which SAIFI,
14 and 16. Therefore, the system more efficiency compared CAIDI and also CAIDI. For SAIFI index is represented the
without DG and the different sizes which no have major frequency of interruption in one year, CAIDI is represented
increasing of power losses at other lines. Thus, 15% of total the time in an hour of one interruption and SAIDI is the
load demand is the size of DG that used in this system. duration of the interruption in one year which depends on
Table 2: The result of Power loss with and without DG which the SAIDI and the CAIDI. The indices of SAIFI and SAIDI
size is set to 7.5%, 15%b and 30% from total load demand is increased with the number of the DG units are increased
From To Line Without Size DG Size DG Size DG but the CAIDI index is decreased with the number of the
Bus Bus DG 7.5% 15.0% 30.0% DG units are increased.
[MW] [MW] [MW] [MW]
Table 3: The results for reliability assessment with
02 05 1 1.230 0.867 0.586 0.251 and without DG
06 12 2 0.164 0.141 0.125 0.116
Index Without With DG With DG With DG
12 13 3 0.023 0.021 0.030 0.082 DG (Bus 5) (Bus 4 & 14) (Bus 5 & 9)
06 13 4 0.520 0.400 0.338 0.381 AENS 11555.537 1290.866 1426.194 1426.194
06 11 5 0.260 0.263 0.272 0.308 [MW hr /
11 10 6 0.109 0.114 0.124 0.158
ASAI 0.9939 0.9932 0.9925 0.9925
09 10 7 0.008 0.012 0.017 0.032 [p.u.]
09 14 8 0.162 0.028 0.214 1.473 ASUI 0.00611 0.00683 0.00754 0.00754
14 13 9 0.229 0.188 0.367 1.351 [p.u.]
07 09 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 CAIDI 104.977 33.905 21.895 21.895
01 02 11 3.508 2.328 1.429 0.361 [hr / cust
03 02 12 0.826 0.650 0.504 0.292
EENS 13866.45 15490.39 17114.33 17114.33
03 04 13 0.065 0.019 0.014 0.113 [MW hr
01 05 14 2.832 1.932 1.240 0.415 / yr]
05 04 15 0.236 0.123 0.063 0.082 SAIDI 53.538 59.808 66.078 66.078
[hr / cust yr]
02 04 16 1.804 1.213 0.778 0.336
SAIFI 0.510 1.764 3.018 3.018
04 09 17 0.006 0.003 0.002 0.002
[f / cust yr]
05 06 18 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
04 07 19 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 In the real system, the duration of interruption must be
08 07 20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
lowest even the interruption need be increased. The value
of CAIDI as 104.977 hours is very long time for a customer
Also, the power losses studies are implemented in this interruption and can impact severe losses for all factories
study to determine the size of PV in the system. As results, in the interruption area. The integration of DG units can
the best size of PV to reduce the power losses is 15% of reduce the duration of interruption depend on the number
the load demand in the IEEE 14-bus test system. With this of the DG.
customer interuption]
acceptable of SAIFI index when IEEE standard is used for
CAIDI [hour/
using reliability indices was achieved.
80 Several indices of reliability are used in this study to
60 determine the effect of PV units on the reliability of the
system in the distribution system. The IEEE 14-bus test
0 1 2 3 4 5 system, 12 load buses were chosen as a study case to identify
Number of DG possible locations for installation of PV units as DG. To
facilitate the solution, the two buses that always give the
Fig. 6: The relationship between the number of DG
units with SAIDI index lowest voltage profile when the fault applies to each bus are
Based on the result from Figure 7, the reliability selected to improve their voltage profile.
assessment for CAIDI index will be reduced when more of Thus, the general aim and objectives of this research
the number DG is applied to the system. The system without were achieved successfully. The reliability of the power
DG is above from acceptable value for this index, thus system was proven to be better with the installation of PV
the reliability assessment in this time is not good. So, the as DG at the lowest voltage profile bus. The power flow
installation of DG can improve the reliability assessment study is a viable technique to determine the location and
in this index because of duration per one interruption is size of PV, thus improving the voltage profile and reducing
reduced. the power losses.
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