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weapons.  They  trust  their 

armor. These are the things that see 

them  survive  countless  delves  into 

dungeons  and  lairs  throughout 

their careers. However these things 

have  their  limits—a  sword’s  blade 

can  only  be  used  so  many  times 

before it dulls. A bow’s string frays 

with every arrow until it inevitably 

snaps.  Leather  becomes  worn  and 

falls apart, metal becoming dented 

and  useless.  In  this  optional 

degradation  system  for  Fi h 

Edition, one must keep a close eye 
Erik Evjen
on their gear or they may well find  Rachel Maduro
Mike Myler
themselves  without  their  trusted  Eric Life-Putnam

items in a time of need.

EN World EN
M W T :W C
Common  weapons  and  armor  can  only  last  so  long  Melee Weapons (Simple, Martial)
before the wear of combat renders them useless. It is  1d6 Weapon Condition
advisable that an adventurer keeps an ample stock of  1 Coated. A weapon that has been coated is
replacements readily available to them in the event of  covered in blood, lard, or other such material
such occasions. from being used in combat, making it slippery
and less effective. Attacks made using a coated
Degraded Mundane Weapons weapon have disadvantage.
Weapons  are  built  sturdy  enough  to  withstand  the  2 Dulled. A weapon that is dulled has lost its
rigors  of  repeated  combat  but  even  so  they  all  sharpness and its worn edge is less effective.
ultimately  become  damaged  and  degrade. When  an  When its wielder makes a damage roll for a
attack  roll  results  in  a  natural  ,  if  the  total  of  the  dulled weapon, it rolls twice and takes the lower
attack  roll  is  less  than    the  weapon  used  in  the  result.
attack  degrades,  gaining  a  randomly  determined  3 Chipped. A weapon that is chipped has had a
weapon condition (see Table: Weapon Conditions). piece of it fall off in combat. When its wielder has
Once  a  weapon  has  been  degraded  in  combat  it  disadvantage on an attack roll that results in a
degrades  further  and  may  even  break.  On  each  natural 1, the chipped weapon breaks.
additional natural   result from an attack roll made  4 Cracked. A cracked weapon has spiderline cracks
using the degraded weapon, the range for degrading  within it, making it nearly unusable without
further  is  increased  by    until  it  breaks  completely.  breaking. A cracked weapon with the
For example, a degraded weapon used to attack twice  automatically becomes broken on any attack roll
more  with  natural    results  now  degrades  on  a  with a result of 10 or less.
natural roll of  ,  , or  . 5 Splintered. A splintered weapon’s handle has
When  an  attack  roll  with  a  degraded  weapon  been damaged, subjecting its wielder to potential
results in a natural  , the wielder gains an intuitive  injury. Once per round when its wielder uses a
understanding of how the degradation is affecting it,  splintered weapon to make an attack roll, the
eliminating  one  of  its  weapon  conditions  until  it  is  wielder takes damage if the result is equal to or
damaged again, automatically gaining that condition  greater than their AC. On a hit, the wielder takes
(instead of being randomly determined). piercing damage equal to 1d4 + its Strength
modifier as the slivers of wood bite into their
6 Broken. A weapon that has broken is rendered
near useless in its current function, either
snapping in half, at the handle, and so on. It can
only be used as an improvised weapon until it is
Open Game Content | The game rule information in repaired.
this article is designated Open Game Content. All other
material in this article, including maps and illustrations T :W C ( )
(including illustrations in the public domain), narrative and Ranged Weapons (Bows, Crossbows)
descriptive text (whether in-character or out-of-character), 1d4 Weapon Condition
proper names of characters and/or places, trade dress, 1 String Fray. The bow string of this weapon has
“EN  Publishing,” “EN  World,” “EN ,” frayed, likely to snap with further use. There is a
EN  Publishing product and article titles, 50% chance that a string fray weapon gains the
and EN  World and EN Publishing logos, broken condition immediately a er being used to
are designated Product Identity. make a ranged attack roll.

Weapon Degradation  |  EN World EN
2 String Snap. The bowstring of this weapon has
snapped, unable to be used as a ranged weapon
until it is repaired. A string snap weapon can be
used as a club.
3 Wood Decay. The grain of the weapon has
started decay, making it vulnerable. When its
wielder takes 10 or more acid, cold, fire, force,
lightning, or thunder damage, the wood decay 2 Magic Fade. The magic weapon begins to
weapon becomes broken. temporarily and occasionally lose its magical
4 Broken. A weapon that has broken is rendered properties. Once per round when its wielder uses
near useless in its current function, either a magic fade weapon to make a melee attack, it
snapping in half, at the handle, and so on. It can may lose its enchantment before dealing
only be used as an improvised weapon until it is damage. On an attack roll with an odd result, the
repaired. magic weapon becomes mundane for 1 round,
losing any properties that it held. On an attack
roll with an even result, a mundane magic fade
M W weapon regains its magical properties or a magic
Magic  weapons,  by  their  design  and  enchantments,  fade weapon functions normally.
are far more durable in combat than their mundane  3 Magic Refusal. The magic weapon takes on an
counterparts.  A  +   magic  weapon  does  not  degrade  aura that prevents it from being wielded in
from the first natural   its wielder rolls in a combat, a  combat. Once per round when its wielder uses a
+  magic weapon does not degrade from the first two  magic refusal weapon to make a melee attack, it
natural  s  its  wielder  rolls  in  a  combat,  and  a  +   may refuse to make contact against the target.
magic weapon does not degrade from the first three  On an attack roll with an even result, the magic
natural  s its wielder rolls in a combat. refusal weapon deals no damage. The wielder
can use a bonus action to make a Strength saving
Degraded Magic Weapons throw against a DC equal to the attack roll. On a
A  magical  weapon  that  is  damaged  is  far  more  success, the magic refusal weapon deals damage
dangerous  than  its  mundane  counterpart  as  the  as normal.
enchantments upon it may cause for unintended side  4 Magic Phase. The magic weapon begins to be
effects. When  a  magic  weapon  is  destroyed,  it  loses  drawn to an alternate plane and may even phase
any enchantments and becomes mundane. out of its current dimension. Once per round
when its wielder uses a magic phase weapon to
T :M W C make a melee attack, it may dematerialize in
1d4 Weapon Condition their hands. On an attack roll with an odd result,
1 Magic Leak. The magic weapon leaks its aura the weapon phases out of the plane it is currently
and may directly harm the user. Once per round in to appear in the same location in an alternate
when its wielder uses a magic leak weapon to plane of the GM’s choice. The wielder can use a
make a melee attack, the wielder must make a bonus action to make a Strength saving throw
Strength saving throw against a DC equal to the against a DC equal to the attack roll. On a
result of the attack roll. If used to make a ranged success, they hold onto the magic phase weapon
attack, the wielder makes a Dexterity saving and prevent it from dematerializing. A magic
throw instead. On a failure, the wielder takes an phase weapon that travels to another plane
amount of damage equal to half the damage returns a er 1d4 rounds, appearing the same
dealt by the attack. square it disappeared from.

EN World EN   |  Weapon Degradation
R W T :B P C
While  out  in  the  field  there  are  a  few  ways  that  an  1d6 Result
adventurer  may  be  able  to  make  quick  repairs  to  1 Foot. The blade of the weapon separates at the
damaged weapons. hilt or handle and embeds itself into the ground
Cloth.  Any  simple  piece  of  cloth  can  be  used  as well as your foe. The target must make a
during  a  short  rest  to  sufficiently  clean  and  wipe  a  Dexterity saving throw against a DC equal to 8 +
coated weapon, cleaning it of any filth and removing  your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier
the weapon condition. or is restrained. Removing the weapon requires a
Smith’s  Tools.  Included  in  the  smith’s  tools  are  a  Strength saving throw against the same DC.
number of pieces of extra leather, cloth, metal parts,  2 Leg. The weapon’s blade separates from the hilt
and tools to make quick weapon repairs. Smith’s tools  breaks off in the flesh of your enemy. The target
can  be  used  during  a  long  rest  to  remove  any    must make a Dexterity saving throw against a DC
weapon condition that has been applied to a weapon.  equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Anyone proficient with smith’s tools is able to repair    Strength modifier or be reduced to half Speed
weapon conditions during a long rest. until the damage from the critical hit is healed.
Whetstone. A whetsone can be used during a long  3 Hand. Parts of the weapon’s blade chip off and
rest  to  sharpen  the  edge  of  a  dulled  weapon,  slivers catch into the flesh of your enemy’s hand.
removing the weapon condition. The target drops one item of your choice that it is
When  a  weapon  breaks  in  combat  it  cannot  be  carrying. The item lands at its feet.
repaired  using  cloth,  smith’s  tools,  or  whetstones.  4 Arm. The blade of the weapon separates from
The broken weapon must be taken to a blacksmith in  the hilt and embeds in your enemy’s arm. The
order to be fully repaired, costing half the weapon’s  target must make a Constitution saving throw
normal selling price. against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus
A magic weapon that breaks is beyond the means  + your Strength modifier or take an extra 1d4
of  any  ordinary  blacksmith  to  repair  and  must  be  piercing damage and start bleeding. At the end of
taken  to  an  individual  the  GM  deems  capable  of  each of its turns, the bleeding creature makes a
restoring (such as an enchanter), costing a negotiable  new Constitution saving throw or takes 1d4
price determined by the item’s rarity. piercing damage. The creature stops bleeding
a er two successful saves or when the damage
from the critical hit is healed.
B C H 5 Torso. Your weapon’s blade breaks off as you
There are times when it may be advantageous to let a  plunge it into your opponent’s chest. The target
weapon break if it means the difference between life  must make a Constitution saving throw against a
or death. When you score a critical hit with a weapon  DC equal to the attack roll or take an extra 1d4
attack,  you  may  choose  for  your  weapon  to  piercing damage and start bleeding. At the end of
intentionally  break  on  the  hit  in  order  to  severely  each of its turns, the bleeding creature makes a
wound  your  opponent. When  you  do  so,  roll  on  the  new Constitution saving throw or takes 1d4
following tables depending on what type of damage  piercing damage. The creature stops bleeding
the  weapon  deals.  If  you  are  using  the  Finesse  a er three successful saves or when the damage
property  with  a  weapon,  use  Dexterity  to  calculate  from the critical hit is healed.
the DCs of your broken criticals instead of Strength. 6 Head. With a thrust you slam your blade into
your opponent’s skull, snapping off the hilt when
you jerk the weapon back out. Roll two
additional weapon damage dice. In addition, the

Weapon Degradation  |  EN World EN
T :B S C
target must make a Constitution saving throw 1d6 Result
against a DC equal to the attack roll or be 1 Foot. The blade of the weapon breaks off from
stunned until the end of your next turn. the hilt and into the foot of your enemy. The
target falls prone. In addition, roll a d20. On a 20,
T :B B C the target’s foot is severed and its Speed is
1d6 Result reduced by half.
1 Foot. The weapon’s head flies from the handle as 2 Leg. The weapon’s blade separates from the
the impact cripples your target. The target must handle, slicing into a foe’s leg and sticking. The
make a Dexterity saving throw against a DC equal target is knocked prone. In order to stand up, the
to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength target must succeed on a Constitution saving
modifier or be reduced to half Speed until the throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency
damage from the critical hit is healed. bonus + your Strength modifier or its movement
2 Leg. The head of the weapon separates the is wasted.
handle from the blow. The target must make a 3 Hand. Chunks of the weapon’s blade break off
Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + and slice into your opponent’s hand. The target
your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier drops one item of your choice that it is carrying.
or be pushed back 5 feet and knocked prone The item lands at its feet. In addition, roll a d20.
from the force of the hit. On a 20, the target’s hand is too badly injured for
3 Hand. The weapon’s ha shatters as the blow it to wield or carry anything with it until the
knocks away an item the creature is holding. The damage from the critical hit is healed.
target drops one item of your choice that it is 4 Arm. The blade of the weapon separates from
carrying. The item lands at its feet. the hilt and embeds into your enemy’s arm
4 Arm. The weapon fractures throughout as the making it slick with blood. The target has
force of your blow shakes through it. The target disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls
must make a Constitution saving throw against a using that arm until the damage from the critical
DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your hit is healed.
Strength modifier or that arm becomes unusable 5 Torso. Your weapon snaps in half to impale your
until the damage from the critical hit is healed. At target. Roll one additional weapon damage die.
the end of each of its turns, the target makes a In addition, the target must make a Constitution
new Constitution saving throw to use its arm. saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your
5 Torso. The weapon cracks in half as you forcibly proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. On a
knock the creature down. Roll one additional failure, the target starts bleeding. At the end of
weapon damage die. In addition, the target must each of its turns, the bleeding creature makes a
make a Dexterity saving throw against a DC equal new Constitution saving throw or takes 1d4
to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength slashing damage. The creature stops bleeding
modifier or it is knocked prone. a er three successful saves or when the damage
6 Head. The force of your strike shatters the from the critical hit is healed.
weapon into dozens of pieces. Roll two 6 Head. The blade of the weapon separates from
additional weapon damage dice. In addition, the the hilt and and is buried into your opponent’s
target must make a Constitution saving throw neck. Roll two additional weapon damage twice.
against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus in addition, the target must make a Constitution
+ your Strength modifier or fall unconscious for saving throw against a DC equal to the attack roll
1d4 rounds. or be stunned for 1 minute. e

EN World EN   |  Weapon Degradation

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